[newbie-it] OT Link alla ml di staroffice openoffice

2002-02-22 Per discussione ku68

Ho ritrovato il link alla Ml
Funziona così: invio/ricezione msg in formato solo testo, non sono ammessi
(per motivi di sicurezza) e in fondo ad ogni msg c'è un piccolo spot dello
sponsor di turno (che
non dà sinceramente molto fastidio). Chi lo desidera può comunque inviare
nel sito i documenti che vuole
e comunicarlo  ai membri  (a loro rischio e pericolo) che a loro volta
possono fare il download.

[newbie-it] configurazione masterizzatore

2002-02-22 Per discussione sedoglia

Ciao a tutta la ml!!!
Scusate se continuo sempre a rompere, ma mi piacerebbe molto risolvere
il mio problema. Il mio masterizzatore viene riconociuto come hdd e si riesce
anche a montare e smontare correttamente. Ora resta il problema di farlo
funzionare da masterizzatore. Un mio amico mi ha mandato il procedimento

Non so con la distribuzione che hai te, ma a me riconosce solo masterizzatori
SCSI e non quelli IDE. E' un problema che si risolve facilmente:
1) apri lilo.conf o usa l'interfaccia (a me si trova nel Control Panel alla
voce LILO)
2) alla sezione
aggiungi alla fine la riga append=hdc=ide-scsi dove hdc è il nome del
3) salva lilo.conf e rendi effettive le nuove impostazioni dando in una
finestra di terminale il comando lilo -v
4) apri il file modules.conf e modificalo aggiungendo
options ide-cd ignore=hdc alla fine del file.
5) salva il file e...non mi ricordo come fare a rendere operative queste
impostazioni...forse digitando kudzu (è quello che riconosce l'hardware
all'avvio del sistema). Per andare sul sicuro, riavvia il sistema.
6) Ora dovrebbe masterizzare. Io però non riesco più a montarlo per fargli
leggere un normale cd...pazienza!

Volevo chiedere: sono giuste? A me vedendole così mi sembra di sì. Volevo
conferma anche da voi.
Poi bisognerebbe anche modificare fstab e creare anche una cartella (ad
es cdrom2)
sotto /mnt, vero? Quali sono le opzioni da dare in fstab?
Ciao e ancora grazie a tutti!!!


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Re: [newbie-it] ku68

2002-02-22 Per discussione ku68

rosanna wrote:

 ogni volta che scarico la posta con outlook e
 il cursore finisce su un tuo messaggio
 explorer mi chiede di scaricare il supporto
 per la visualizzazione delle lingue paneuropee
 per leggere correttamente i caratteri.
 Puoi per favore correggere questa cosa 
 piuttosto fastidiosa
Ehm, scusa, prover ma non so come fare

Da linux uso mozilla e non sono molto pratico

Re: [newbie-it] ku68

2002-02-22 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini

-- Initial Header ---
Cc  : 
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 10:11:49 +0100
Subject : [newbie-it] ku68

 ogni volta che scarico la posta con outlook e
 il cursore finisce su un tuo messaggio
 explorer mi chiede di scaricare il supporto
 per la visualizzazione delle lingue paneuropee
 per leggere correttamente i caratteri.
 Puoi per favore correggere questa cosa 
 piuttosto fastidiosa
Sbaglio, o questa è una mailing list di LINUX MANDRAKE?
Cosa c'entra Outlook ed Explorer con LINUX?

Mario Lodi Rizzini

(o_  Membro del FoLUG
//\  Forlì Linux Users Group 
V_/_ http://folug.linux.it 

Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

R: [newbie-it] ku68

2002-02-22 Per discussione rosanna

non importa
non  poi cos fastidioso

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] ku68

rosanna wrote:

 ogni volta che scarico la posta con outlook e
 il cursore finisce su un tuo messaggio
 explorer mi chiede di scaricare il supporto
 per la visualizzazione delle lingue paneuropee
 per leggere correttamente i caratteri.
 Puoi per favore correggere questa cosa
 piuttosto fastidiosa
Ehm, scusa, prover ma non so come fare

Da linux uso mozilla e non sono molto pratico

Re: [newbie-it] ku68

2002-02-22 Per discussione Germano

Questa è una lista di discussione di Mandrake ma non è scritto da nessuna 
parte che sia necessario usare prodotti Mandrake o Linux in generale per 

Ciao, Germano

Il 12:44, venerdì 22 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:

 Sbaglio, o questa è una mailing list di LINUX MANDRAKE?
 Cosa c'entra Outlook ed Explorer con LINUX?

 Mario Lodi Rizzini

R: [newbie-it] ku68

2002-02-22 Per discussione rosanna

scusa tanto, ma
talvolta per motivi pratici
devo usare windows.
ti pare il caso di
fare simili commenti?

 Sbaglio, o questa è una mailing list di LINUX MANDRAKE?
 Cosa c'entra Outlook ed Explorer con LINUX?

 Mario Lodi Rizzini

 (o_  Membro del FoLUG
 //\  Forlì Linux Users Group
 V_/_ http://folug.linux.it

 Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

Re: [newbie-it] ku68

2002-02-22 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 12:44, venerdì 22 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:

..Pietà e comprensione per i poveri utilizzatori di modem interni..
Anch'essi un giorno vedranno la luce..

 Sbaglio, o questa è una mailing list di LINUX MANDRAKE?
 Cosa c'entra Outlook ed Explorer con LINUX?

 Mario Lodi Rizzini

 (o_  Membro del FoLUG
 //\  Forlì Linux Users Group
 V_/_ http://folug.linux.it

 Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione masterizzatore

2002-02-22 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 11:18, venerdì 22 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
..Boh, boh, da quel che mi ricordo sotto Linux la masterizzazione può 
avvenire solo sotto SCSI, simulato o meno..
Da quello che ho fatto io, va tutto bene per il LILO (per sicurezza prova a 
far ripartire, tipo Windows-style..), dopodichè ho aperto /etc/fstab e ho 
controllato a cosa era collegato mnt/masterizzatore (scd0 nel mio caso), 
quindi spostandomi in /dev, come root ho digitato
#ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom2
Per creare il link (cdrom2 perchè ho anche un lettore normale - cdrom).
Dopodichè tutto funzionava..
Di modifiche a modules.conf non mi ricordo..
Ciao, e in bocca al lupo


- Volevo chiedere: sono giuste? A me vedendole così mi sembra di sì. Volevo
 conferma anche da voi.
 Poi bisognerebbe anche modificare fstab e creare anche una cartella (ad
 es cdrom2)
 sotto /mnt, vero? Quali sono le opzioni da dare in fstab?
 Ciao e ancora grazie a tutti!!!


-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] ku68

2002-02-22 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 12:29, venerd 22 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:

 Ehm, scusa, prover ma non so come fare

 Da linux uso mozilla e non sono molto pratico
Da Mozilla
Modifica -- Preferenze -- Posta -- Composizione
..ma io uso Kmail, per cui non ho la verifica pratica..
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] ku68

2002-02-22 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Germano wrote:
 Questa è una lista di discussione di Mandrake ma non è scritto da nessuna
 parte che sia necessario usare prodotti Mandrake o Linux in generale per

A rigore un eventuale OT sarebbe nel fatto che si mette in lista
una comunicazione personale: tizio dice a caio che lui ha dei problemi
con suoi messaggi.

Come regola generale, non andrebbe fatto e tizio avrebbe dovuto scrivere
direttamente a caio a proposito del problema.

In pratica, il problema avrebbe anche potuto interessare altri.
Quindi non mi sembra sia il caso di fare troppo i pignoli.

Ovviamente, non bisogna arrivare agli eccessi di


ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] ku68

2002-02-22 Per discussione Andrea Celli

ku68 wrote:
 Kmail però non è multi account.
 Il problema è il tipo di lingua. C'è western, central europe, unicode,
 japan, turca
 per la lettura uso south europe.
 Boh farò un po' di tentativi ;-)
 Tra l'altro non riesco a inviare il simbolo â,¬   :-(

questo messaggio sembra in utf-8.
E` il nuovo standard internazionale di codifica che tutti,
prima o poi, dovrebbero adottare.
La codifica piu` abituale per programmi datati, come il 
netscape che sto usando adesso, e` latin-1
(ascii + accentate) che recentemente e` stato modificato
in latin-15 (latin-1 piu` euro).

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] OpenOffice

2002-02-22 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 08:42, venerdì 22 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
 Sulla ML dedicata a staroffice e openoffice Gianluca Turconi che fa
 parte del progetto OO ha sconsigliato di scaricare la vers. 641c per
 linux in quanto è stata creata con. (boh!) un codice per win e sotto
 linux dà parecchi problemi. Ti consiglio d'iscriverti alla mailing list
 dedicata non ricordo l'esatto link (anche se l'ho creata io :-)  ) prova
 a mandare un msg a [EMAIL PROTECTED] e segui le
 istruzioni che ti arriveranno. In questo momento sono sotto linux e non
 so come leggere le mail che ho in win altrimenti sarei stato + preciso.
 Anch'io aspetto di trovare un cd da poter provare OO altri che lo stanno
 usando ne parlano molto bene soprattutto perché viene aggiornato ogni
 6/7 settimane e cosa non trascurabile è gratis.
 Se non ricordo male Gianluca ha consigliato di scaricare la vers. 641 in
 italiano. Se vuoi scrivimi in pvt che ti copio e incollo (in win) i msg
 di Turconi. Con mozilla non ci riesco. altra novità!

Ciao, grazie per le informazioni.
Nel frattempo, avevo scaricato la versione incriminata, ed ho verificato 
che - in effetti - dà diversi problemi, già in fase di installazione (in una 
delle prove mi ha saturato lo spazio libero della partizione di Linux!).
Aspetterò la prossima build... Ciao!


P.S.: dovresti modificare il char-set usato per la codifica delle tue email; 
stai usando il set ISO-8859-3 (Europa centrale), invece dell'ISO-8859-1 
(Europa occidentale) o ISO-8859-15 (Euro)... il risultato è che le tue email 
sono visualizzate in formati e tipi di carattere un po' strani! :)

[newbie-it] cheops e rete locale

2002-02-22 Per discussione vaiconlinux

Qualcuno ha esperienza di cheops ? Com'è che non prende la rete ?

secondo quesito (forse collegato al primo): da konqueror vado su rete
locale e mi dice impossibile collegarsi all'host localhost . Idem per
gli altri 2 indirizzi (ho due pc in rete).
Ping e telnet funzionano.
Qualcuno può aiutarmi ? Grazie e salutoni Fer

[newbie-it] ATTENTI A NINO!!

2002-02-22 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Messaggio a tutta lista e specialmente a syd che ha ricevuto una mail 
(scommetto al tuo indirizzo e non a quello della lista), da nino.
Secondo me è un virus: da kmail mi sono ritrovato una mail identica a quella 
ricevuta pronta alla partenza, con il testo HTML.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] OS....come scegliere

2002-02-22 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Salve a tutti
Volevo chiedervi una cosa..come posso scegliere l'OS da utilizzare
avvio senza dover ri installare tutto da winz?
Tanto per iniziare ho 2 HD : 1°HD (configurato come primario) ho winz
(secondario) ho linux.
Ora vi spiego dove sta il mio problema, quando avevo fatto
l'installazione di
linux l'avevo fatta con il 1°HD scollegato fisicamente , tutto questo
evitare di combinare casini anche sotto winz.
Quindi ora all avvio quando voglio usare linux (cioe sempre) , mi devo
affrettare a pigiare canc per entrare nel bios e disabilitare il

Secondo voi , adesso , sono ancora in tempo a porre rimedio?

Grazie , Tom

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Per informazioni
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Re[4]: [newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-22 Per discussione Arwan

Scrive Marco:

(Thursday, February 21, 2002, ore 8:26:26 AM, a proposito di [newbie-it] installazioni 

MF Così ad occhio, sono in ufficio e qui ho solo Window$, direi che non 
MF trova l'header ncurses ... forse non hai installato le librerie ncurses 
MF o qualcosa legato a ncurses ... dovresti trovare (mi pare) sul secondo 
MF CD di installazione di Mdk 8.1 il file libncurses5-devel-5.2-
MF 16mdk.i586.rpm che puoi installare con il comando: 
MF rpm -Uvh libncurses5-devel-5.2-16mdk.i586.rpm 
MF controlla poi se c'è qualche altro file legato a ncurses e 
MF installalo ... credo che il problema dovrebbe risolversi così ...

Avevo installato libncurses (che e' sul primo CD) ma non
libncurses-devel, che non so su che CD sia (ho solo il primo) ma l'ho
scaricato dalla rete
ed installato... ed ora... gramofile ancora non va! L'installazione
termina raccomandandomi di leggere il file Readme (il che parrebbe di
buon auspicio) ma tra le righe scorgo:

errorwindow.c: In function `error_window_display':
errorwindow.c:33: warning: implicit declaration of function `strlen'
gcc -Wall -O2 -DTURBO_MEDIAN -DTURBO_BUFFER   -c -o gramofile.o gramofile.c
gramofile.c: In function `finishmenu':
gramofile.c:42: warning: implicit declaration of function `exit'
gramofile.c: At top level:
gramofile.c:47: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
stringinput.c: In function `stringinput_stdkeys':
stringinput.c:82: warning: implicit declaration of function `strcpy'
bplay.c:95: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
bplay.c: In function `main':
bplay.c:114: warning: implicit declaration of function `basename'



There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

[newbie-it] Dramma

2002-02-22 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Salve alla lista.

Uso MDK 8.1 e ho da qualche tempo installato Ximian Gnome, che consiglio

Da un po' però non riesco più a stampare dalle applicazioni Gnome
(Evolution e AbiWord, per esempio), mentre da quelle KDE sì.

Il messaggio che ricevo è : Cannot allocate default font for printing.

Qualcuno ha idea di che cosa posso aver combinato?

Il problema è che uso Evolution come programma di posta, e non posso più
stampare le mie mail.

Un saluto.

Re: [newbie-it] OS....come scegliere

2002-02-22 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 20:12, venerdì 22 febbraio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] 
OScome scegliere, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti
 Volevo chiedervi una cosa..come posso scegliere l'OS da
 utilizzare all
 avvio senza dover ri installare tutto da winz?
 Tanto per iniziare ho 2 HD : 1°HD (configurato come primario) ho
 winz ,2°HD
 (secondario) ho linux.
 Ora vi spiego dove sta il mio problema, quando avevo fatto
 l'installazione di
 linux l'avevo fatta con il 1°HD scollegato fisicamente , tutto
 questo per
 evitare di combinare casini anche sotto winz.

avvia (col sistem solito del bios) in GNU/Linux e
crea un floppy di boot, per ogni evenienza..

indipendentemente dal bios,
il kernel vede i tuoi  dischi come dispositivi fisicamente collegati 
ai due canali del controller
hai quindi un hda
ed un hdc

installa lilo nel MBR del primo disco (hda)

ti basta controllare che abbia le chiamate ai due sistemi, ad esempio:
boot = /dev/hda

 [indica dove andrà ad installarsi la prima parte del loader]

other = /dev/hda1
  label = DOS
  table = /dev/hda

 [per avviare la partizione contenente win$]

image = /vmlinuz
  root = /dev/hdc1
  label = Linux

 [per avviare il secondo disco, col pinguino]



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Re: Re[4]: [newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-22 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- Arwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Avevo installato libncurses (che e' sul primo CD) ma
 libncurses-devel, che non so su che CD sia (ho solo
 il primo) ma l'ho
 scaricato dalla rete
 ed installato... ed ora... gramofile ancora non va!
 termina raccomandandomi di leggere il file Readme
 (il che parrebbe di
 buon auspicio) ma tra le righe scorgo:
 errorwindow.c: In function `error_window_display':
 errorwindow.c:33: warning: implicit declaration of
 function `strlen'
 gcc -Wall -O2 -DTURBO_MEDIAN -DTURBO_BUFFER   -c -o
 gramofile.o gramofile.c
 gramofile.c: In function `finishmenu':
 gramofile.c:42: warning: implicit declaration of
 function `exit'
 gramofile.c: At top level:
 gramofile.c:47: warning: return type of `main' is
 not `int'
 stringinput.c: In function `stringinput_stdkeys':
 stringinput.c:82: warning: implicit declaration of
 function `strcpy'
 bplay.c:95: warning: return type of `main' is not
 bplay.c: In function `main':
 bplay.c:114: warning: implicit declaration of
 function `basename'

  Beh, questi messaggi sono solo dei warning; se la
compilazione e' terminata senza error, allora ce
l'hai fatta! Probabilmente devi ancora fare un make
install (prova a controllare cosa dice il README) per
installare gli eseguibili che hai compilato,
dopodiche' eseguire il programma.

  Ciao! Steo.


Guarda il nuovo video di Kylie Minogue!

[newbie-it] prova

2002-02-22 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Solo una prova, scusate..
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] Finestre nere

2002-02-22 Per discussione e/tacc

Un programma che utilizzavo con Suse non mi funziona più con Mandrake,
il programma parte ma il contenuto delle finestre è nero.
Dove debbo intervenire?

[newbie-it] ATTENTI A NINO!!

2002-02-22 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Messaggio a tutta lista e specialmente a syd che ha ricevuto una mail
(scommetto al tuo indirizzo e non a quello della lista), da nino.
Secondo me è un virus: da kmail mi sono ritrovato una mail identica a quella
ricevuta pronta alla partenza, con il testo HTML.

-- Fabio Manunza --
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] Problemi con Lilo

2002-02-22 Per discussione Ferruccio Marello

Un cordiale saluto a tutta la lista.
Vi espongo il mio problema linuxiano, verificatosi 
dopo aver fatto un'installazione di prova di Mandrake 8.0, durante la quale il 
programma iniziale d'installazione aveva ridotto la partizione Windows e aveva 
automaticamente partizionato il resto del disco per l'utilizzo con 
Al momento di disinstallare il tutto e di 
riformattare il disco per l'utilizzo con Windows, mi è rimasto Lilo, che, in un 
primo momento,
partiva regolarmente al boot (obbligandomi pero' a 
selezionare Windows, per evitare un kernel panic ovviamente dovuto all'assenza 
di Linux), mentre, in un secondo tempo, ha smesso di funzionare bloccando 
regolarmente la macchina senza consentire avviamenti di qualunque 
Domanda: come è possibile rimuovere manualmente 
Lilo (se è possibile) dal boot della macchina?
Grazie a tutti per le risposte e la 


Re: [newbie-it] ATTENTI A NINO!!

2002-02-22 Per discussione syd

Fabio Manunza wrote:
 Messaggio a tutta lista e specialmente a syd che ha ricevuto una mail
 (scommetto al tuo indirizzo e non a quello della lista), da nino.
 Secondo me è un virus: da kmail mi sono ritrovato una mail identica a
 quella ricevuta pronta alla partenza, con il testo HTML.
 SE RICEVETE UNA MAIL DA NINO, ELIMINATELA (specialmente quelli con OE).

Io la mail di Nino l'ho eliminata subito.
In quanto alla circostanza che fosse inviata direttamente a me, si è vero!
Comunque non è la prima volta che mail della ML mi arrivano direttamente con 
il mio indirizzo come destinatario. 
A voi è mai successo?


Re: [newbie-it] OS....come scegliere

2002-02-22 Per discussione syd

miKe wrote:


 image = /vmlinuz
   root = /dev/hdc1
   label = Linux

  [per avviare il secondo disco, col pinguino]

che naturalmente diventa 
nel caso usi una mdk piuttosto che una slack!!!

[newbie] can't load x after reboot

2002-02-22 Per discussione Paul

I'm receiving this error after rebooting and typing startx

xauth: error in locking authority file /root/.xauthority
xauth: error in locking authority file /root/.xauthority
xauth: error in locking authority file /root/.xauthority

fatal server error:
can't read lock file /tmp/.xo-lock

x loaded automatically and without problems till this happened.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

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[newbie] Where's my LILO?

2002-02-22 Per discussione Tonton

My hard disk is partition into four, here it as follows: C, D, Linux Ext2, and Linux 
swap space.  In my drive C, Windows 98SE is installed, in my drive D, Windows NT 
installed and Linux Ext2 Linux Mandrake 8.0 is installed.  In my past days, after I 
installed Linux, I have always encounter difficulty in loading windows like it didn't 
load my windows or windows98 asked me to go in safe mode, this happens when I use 
Linux then transfer back to windows and vice versa, yesterday (Feb 21,2002), I'm using 
Windows 98. Whenever I'm online, I always keep updating my norton anti-virus, after 
downloading the virus definition in my norton anti-virus, we know that everytime it 
finished download the update, it always asking to reboot your system, so I did reboot 
my system. Here's the disastrous happen in my computer,  I really don't what happen 
because everyday I always update my anti-virus but I think I'm not lucky yesterday 
because when I restart my computer, it didn't reload my windows!
, so I press the restart button but it didn't work, I think I did this 5 times, but 
its not working.  I re-install my windows98 but it didn't finished re-installing coz 
when windows update the configuration settings, it hanged, I press again the restart 
button, again, its not working.  I'm get irritated so I decide to format drive C, I 
install windows98, and now its OK.

My question is, after I format drive C, my LILO didn't show up anymore, what should I 
do?  How do I return my LILO?  How do I get-in back to Linux? Is there any solution to 
my problem? 


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[newbie] Linux machine in an NT environment

2002-02-22 Per discussione george Pitcher

Hi all,

I have setup a laptop in an NT environment and I would like to be able
to swap files directly, just as I can with my last remaining Mac.

I haven't a clue where to start.

I have an NT Worgroup with 4NT clients (all running NTServer4) one
Win2K laptop and a Mac with MacOS9.

Any pointers?

If it helps, I can use SMB to connect to a network printer within the


George in Edinburgh

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Linux machine in an NT environment

2002-02-22 Per discussione george Pitcher

Hi all,

I have setup a laptop in an NT environment and I would like to be able
to swap files directly, just as I can with my last remaining Mac.

I haven't a clue where to start.

I have an NT Worgroup with 4NT clients (all running NTServer4) one
Win2K laptop and a Mac with MacOS9.

Any pointers?

If it helps, I can use SMB to connect to a network printer within the


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] LCD Display and NVidia Drivers

2002-02-22 Per discussione Helio S. Junior


I am trying to configure a SONY PCVA-15XA3 LCD Monitor
with a GeForce2 MX 16MB Video Card but no luck so far.

Does anybody now the steps to get this monitor 
properly configured under X?

Thanks in Advance,


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Re: [newbie] Linux machine in an NT environment

2002-02-22 Per discussione Mark Lucas

You need to set up SAMBA, your Linux box will then appear on your NT network
as an NT4 box. You can even setup samba to make the Linux box your PDC. It's
really quite straight forward and pretty cool when you get it all going.

Check out www.samba.org


- Original Message -
From: george Pitcher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 9:13 AM
Subject: [newbie] Linux machine in an NT environment

 Hi all,

 I have setup a laptop in an NT environment and I would like to be able
 to swap files directly, just as I can with my last remaining Mac.

 I haven't a clue where to start.

 I have an NT Worgroup with 4NT clients (all running NTServer4) one
 Win2K laptop and a Mac with MacOS9.

 Any pointers?

 If it helps, I can use SMB to connect to a network printer within the


 George in Edinburgh

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[newbie] Where's my LILO? (edited)

2002-02-22 Per discussione Tonton

My question is, after I format drive C, my LILO didn't show up anymore, what should I 
do?  How do I return my LILO?  How do I get-in back to Linux? Is there any solution to 
my problem? 


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Re: [newbie] Where's my LILO? (edited)

2002-02-22 Per discussione bascule

if you installed win9x after formatting c: then that explains why lilo is 
gone, it was overwritten by the win install, you will need the boot disk you 
made when you installed linux boot with that and run 'lilo' as root, failing 
that you could 'reinstall' linux but do an 'upgrade' choose no packages and 
let lilo get reinstalled for you


On Saturday 23 February 2002 3:57 am, you wrote:
 My question is, after I format drive C, my LILO didn't show up anymore,
 what should I do?  How do I return my LILO?  How do I get-in back to Linux?
 Is there any solution to my problem?

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[newbie] Kernel Upgrade Problem

2002-02-22 Per discussione Lúcio Costa de Almeida

Hi all,  
After the kernel upgrading using kernel-2.4.34.mdk.rpm
file, I can't  start the system.  
I initialized the computer with a boot disk.  
I looked in the directory /boot and I didn't find any
file vmlinuz.  
How can I correct this problem?  
Thank you,  
Lúcio Costa

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Re: [newbie] tv card problems

2002-02-22 Per discussione Paul

 On Thursday 21 February 2002 17:28, Paul wrote:

  I have a AverMedia TV-Studio TV card and the video worked fine under
  8.1 and 8.2 Beta but the only problem is there is no sound!  I use
  the card in windows so I know that the cables are hooked up corectly
  and I can get sound when playing MP3's under Linux.  So I was
  wondering if there was something that I needed to do or if this card
  isn't compatible with the brooktree driver and if I would be better
  off with a card from Hauppage.  Thank you for your time. -Paul

 Did you make sure the line-in is turned up in the mixer?

 Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
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 Bryan S. Tyson
 Yes even if I turn all the mixer controls up all the way I cannot get any
soud from XawTV.  As far as I could see there were no volume controls with
Xaw so I pumped the voume up all the way with various mixers.

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Re: [newbie] boot.img to floppy?

2002-02-22 Per discussione Michael Viron

depends on if you are using a windows or linux system.

If it's windows, try rawritewin under dosutils.

If it's linux, cd to that directory and type 'dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0' .

At 09:11 PM 02/21/2002 -0500, you wrote:
How would copy a boot.img file to a floppy? Not just copy, but so it would
work to boot my PC.

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[newbie] LILO substitute?

2002-02-22 Per discussione Tonton

Is there any way or substitute to load Linux instead of using LILO?  because I'm 
afraid that I will have trouble again in using Windows when I put back LILO in my 

If there is no other way to substitute LILO, please give me a safe, detailed and 
simple instructions on how to put back LILO in my system. 



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Re: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-22 Per discussione Kenn Yahoo

forgive me if this question is silly, but should he 
be able to ping even without samba installed?

if i remember correctly, that was MY experience 

so i'm thinking the problem may be somewhere else 
(but BELIEVE ME, i'm the greenest of the newbies, so i could certainly be wrong) 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 1:51 
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux and Win 
  have XPprofessional and Mandrake 8.1 networked and working fine. Do you 
  have Samba setup yet and if so do you have a user (with the same name) on each 
  computer with the same password (same on each computer)?
-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
February 21, 2002 6:05 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux and Win 
XPIn a message 
dated 2/21/2002 8:57:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
i have heard that XP is crippled in the networking area if you 
  run the home edition. do you have home or pro?

 Any luck networking Linux and Win XP? I cant get the Linux box 
to log on on dhcp. It will make a static connection at 
but Win XP can not see it. Neither machine can ping each other. 
Neither machine is running a 

Re: [newbie] Where's my LILO? (edited)

2002-02-22 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Tonton wrote:
 My question is, after I format drive C, my LILO didn't show up anymore, what should 
I do?  How do I return my LILO?  How do I get-in back to Linux? Is there any solution 
to my problem?


Just wanted to write to thank you for editing your post -- it's much
easier to read now!  (In the future, just breaking large paragraphs into
smaller paragraphs would help, and maybe label the not completely
relevant paragraphs with something like Background: .

I don't know the exact details of how to solve your problem, but I think
you want to do something like this (hopefully someone else will correct
me if this is misleading):

   * Use your boot floppy (or rescue disk) to boot into Linux
   * Run lilo

I've never done this, but I've seen the instructions on the list, this
is the best I can remember.  I'm uncertain as to whether you have to run
a specific copy of lilo -- if no one gives you better advice I think I'd
run lilo in *my* /boot/lilo.  If you start Linux from a rescue disk, I
think you will have to mount your filesystem somewhere.

If you start Linux from your boot floppy, your filesystem should be the
one you're running from, so just running /boot/lilo is what I would try.

Since I can't be more positive, you may want to wait for another
response or search the archives.

Good luck!
Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-22 Per discussione Kenn Yahoo

sorry ... not enough coffee yet ... what i meant to 
ask was, "shouldn't he be able to ping even without samba installed?" ... with 
apache on my linux box, i could use a browser to reach the linux box with no 
problems ...

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 7:55 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux and Win 
  forgive me if this question is silly, but should 
  he be able to ping even without samba installed?
  if i remember correctly, that was MY experience 
  so i'm thinking the problem may be somewhere else 
  (but BELIEVE ME, i'm the greenest of the newbies, so i could certainly be 
  wrong) ...
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 1:51 
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux and Win 

have XPprofessional and Mandrake 8.1 networked and working fine. Do 
you have Samba setup yet and if so do you have a user (with the same name) 
on each computer with the same password (same on each 

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 
  February 21, 2002 6:05 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux and Win 
  XPIn a 
  message dated 2/21/2002 8:57:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  i have heard that XP is crippled in the networking area if 
you run the home edition. do you have home or pro?
   Any luck networking Linux and Win XP? I cant get the Linux 
  box to log on on dhcp. It will make a static connection at but Win XP can not see it. Neither machine can ping 
  each other. Neither machine is running a 

Re: [newbie] Adding a partition

2002-02-22 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,
 I meant to setup my partitions differently when I installed LM8.1. I ended up
 just mounting one small partition  and now I would like to add or mount a
 partition to give my LM and vmware more room. I have about 8 GB's of disk
 space covering a masterIDE drive and slave IDE drive. I for some strange
 reason only mounted my /dev/hda1 partition which is a little over 2 GB's. I
 have a small swap partition then a /dev/hda6 partition that is over 4 Gb's
 formatted as linux native, then a slave drive /dev/hdb which is about 2 Gb's
 formatted as linux native. Neither of those partitions are mounted. I would
 like to mount and use /dev/hda6 but being the newbie I am I do not know the
 best way to do this without corrupting anything.  What are the steps to take?
 Do I do this in DiskDrake, Linuxconf, or another way? I do not want to lose
 any data on the partitions. Any help here will be greatly appreciated. Thank
 you very much.
 Marcia Waller

Marcia, if you run KDE, here's a newbie-way : Right-click an empty
spot on your desktop, then select run command. This opens a box, whre
you can type : kdf. Now, click run. You'll now see all your
partitions, provided they are mentioned in /etc/fstab. Simply select a
unmounted partition, rigt-click it and select the option : mount
device. You can even open it in a file-manager right away.

Here's the pro way : from a terminal, type : man mount and read
carefully, taking notes ! Then, set aside ten minutes for drills, and
you at least one inch taller !

If still unsuccesful, post your /etc/fstab file to the list.


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Kernel Upgrade Problem

2002-02-22 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Friday 22 February 2002 07:55 am, Lúcio Costa de Almeida wrote:
 Hi all,

 After the kernel upgrading using kernel-2.4.34.mdk.rpm

If you did upgrade, that's probly most of the problem. Kernels 
should always be installed, eg,  'rpm -ivh kernel--rpm'  This 
installs the new kernel alongside your existing kernel, places the 
proper files in /boot, makes the necessary links, and edits lilo (or 
grub) and runs 'lilo' to write the changes.  You should then have both 
the new kernel and your old one(s) as choices when you boot.

 file, I can't  start the system.
 I initialized the computer with a boot disk.
 I looked in the directory /boot and I didn't find any
 file vmlinuz.

 Try to 'rpm -ivh' the kernel rpm in again.  You'll likely need to 
use 'rpm -ivh --force' since you'll probly get an already installed 
error.  If that doesn't fix it, the easiest thing to do would be to 
boot the install CD and choose 'upgrade'. Unselect any new packages, 
and you can skip thru most stuff that's already setup like X, internet 
connection, and partitions, etc. Should only take a few minutes.

 You might also want to take a look at
for a better understanding of what you did wrong. I suggest you read 
'em all, but particularly 'Page Four (Troubleshooting)'
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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[newbie] Firewall and win

2002-02-22 Per discussione Stojs

I have a lan connection to the internet and would like to have one
smoothwall linux firewall computer connected to the internet. This
smoothwall would be connected to a mandrake linux computer wich would be
connected to a win2000 machine.

Is it possible to have the windows computer totally shut off from the
internet exept for one program (direct connect)?

If it ispossible, is it a good choice? Would it be better to have
mandrake run a firewall, and skip the smoothwall machine? Or should I
have a firewall in the windows machine instead?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] rules for evolution - OK

2002-02-22 Per discussione Damian G

  does anyone know how/if i can set up rules for evolution so it shows 
  from different senders in different directories?

I don't know which version you're using, but in v1.02 you can set up new
folders in File - Folders.  You can set up filters to put certain mail
in the new folders in Tools - filters.


oops, i guess it was a dumb question, huh? didn't see that one. sorry.
thanks to all who replied!


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Re: [newbie] Linux machine in an NT environment

2002-02-22 Per discussione Rick

Let me ask...

Using Samba, is it possible to have a Linux box, dial into, and logon
to, an NT domain? And, once having logged on, is it then possible to
browse the NT network?

How is this done?


Rick Friedman
(212) 894-3753 x1212 - voicemail/fax

He's dead, Jim. You get his wallet. I'll get his tricorder.

 Mark Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You need to set up SAMBA, your Linux box will then appear on your NT
 as an NT4 box. You can even setup samba to make the Linux box your
 PDC. It's
 really quite straight forward and pretty cool when you get it all going.
 Check out www.samba.org
 - Original Message -
 From: george Pitcher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 9:13 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Linux machine in an NT environment
  Hi all,
  I have setup a laptop in an NT environment and I would like to be
  to swap files directly, just as I can with my last remaining Mac.
  I haven't a clue where to start.
  I have an NT Worgroup with 4NT clients (all running NTServer4) one
  Win2K laptop and a Mac with MacOS9.
  Any pointers?
  If it helps, I can use SMB to connect to a network printer within
  George in Edinburgh
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RE: [newbie] Proview LCD Monitors - Feedback?

2002-02-22 Per discussione Johnson, David

I don't have any information on this brand specifically, but I can give you
some things to look for in an LCD monitor if you need help there:

There are 3 things that one should look for in a desktop LCD monitor:

1)  Contrast ratio - Should be at least 350:1.  400:1 or better is
2)  Brightness - Don't go below 250 nits.  300 or better is preferable
3)  Response time - This is especially important if you're going to be
gaming or watching movies.  Should be around 25ms or so.

This is information I've gathered recently as I've been trying to find a
decent, cheap (relatively speaking) 17+ monitor to replace the 15 LCD
panel I have now.  I saw a Sylvania at Costco the other day that was
inexpensive and had 400:1 contrast ratio with 350 nits brightness, but a
slow 45ms response time.  It would have been miserable for gaming.

If I'm off base here, someone please correct me as I'm not the ultimate
knowledge source on LCD screens...:-)


-Original Message-
From: Sevatio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 5:35 PM
Subject: [newbie] Proview LCD Monitors - Feedback?

I'm thinking about buying an LCD Monitor made by Proview.  Have any of you 
used this brand and would you recommend it?


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Re: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-22 Per discussione shane

yes, he should.

what are the addresses and gateways on the respective machines?  is there a 
gateway disagreement?

On Friday 22 February 2002 06:10, Kenn Yahoo opened a hailing frequency and 

 sorry ... not enough coffee yet ... what i meant to ask was, shouldn't
 he be able to ping even without samba installed? ... with apache on my
 linux box, i could use a browser to reach the linux box with no problems

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Re: [newbie] MandrakeUpdate

2002-02-22 Per discussione Michel Clasquin

On Friday 22 February 2002 09:59, Mithrilhall2000 wrote:
 Every time I try to use the MandrakeUpdate I get errors saying it wasn't
 able to install anything.

You may be trying to download too much. Occasionally MUpd finds that 
fubar-1.2-3 is available, but by the time it gets around to doing that, 
after downloading everything else, dubar -1.2-4 has taken its place 
already. This can then upset the whole lot of downloads and installs. It 
shouldn't, but sometimes it does. Before you click Cancel on MUpd, have a 
look in /var/cache/grpmi and see if (some of ) your packages are actually 
there, and install them by hand. I do this every time MUpd gets a 
bellyache and it has saved me a lot of re-downloads.

Otherwise, just keep trying different mirrors. For cooker purposes, 
ftp.ciril.fr is pretty good at the moment, but last year I had more joy 
with ftp.sunet.se

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

... Linux users and the women who chase them - next Oprah!

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Re: [newbie] Where's my LILO? (edited)

2002-02-22 Per discussione Ñà§áräj.ß

crude method of booting linux.


 My question is, after I format drive C, my LILO didn't show up anymore,
what should I do?  How do I return my LILO?  How do I get-in back to Linux?
Is there any solution to my problem?

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Re: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-22 Per discussione shane

i agree, it is way too early, i meant subnet.  what netmask have you got?

i am going back to leep.

On Friday 22 February 2002 08:53, shane opened a hailing frequency and 

 yes, he should.

 what are the addresses and gateways on the respective machines?  is there
 a gateway disagreement?

...in a world without walls or fences, we wouldn't need windows or 

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Re: [newbie] Proview LCD Monitors - Feedback?

2002-02-22 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Johnson, David wrote:
 There are 3 things that one should look for in a desktop LCD monitor:
 1)  Contrast ratio - Should be at least 350:1.  400:1 or better is
 2)  Brightness - Don't go below 250 nits.  300 or better is preferable
 3)  Response time - This is especially important if you're going to be
 gaming or watching movies.  Should be around 25ms or so.

Those sound like good things to check.

I'd add a forth (being ignorant of LCD monitors) -- what is the nominal
screen resolution (800x600, 1024x768, etc.) and what does the screen
look like if you try to run it at a different resolution.  I understand
this is (was?) a problem with LCD and TFT flat panel displays.

Randy Kramer

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other OS apps and competition was: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-22 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 21 February 2002 23:52, Franki opened a hailing frequency and 

 Although the OS is free, alot of the tools are not yet up to the standard
 of comparitive windows apps..

though i hear this a lot from bith linux and windows supporters, i often 
woder about it.  office is a good example, it looks much nicer than open 
office or thinkfree or the like, and it seems to have many more tools.  but 
in 6 years supporting 4 different OS and 5 different suites, 90% of the 
extra tools are never used, and over 90% of my support for win/office is 
it keeps crashing, and won't restart where even with the worst crash for 
any office client on linux, it does restart.  and they _very_ rarely crash 
in the first place.

which costs more to support?

 So the total cost is this.. either pay for alot of training for staff to
 learn new apps that are linux generic.. or stick with windows until linux
 version come out...

and like many companies are finding, training for the average linux app 
isn't all that hard.  supporting a bunch of windows crash boxes, and 
patching daily is full time work.

after all those years of support work i know windows better than linux.  
cause i had to.  i never had to worry about linux once it was setup 
correctly.  windows i had to reinstall regularly and troubleshot non-stop

 so getting MS apps workin is a fast track to getting on alot of
 workstations fast.

on a weekly basis there are new articles about companies/governments who 
are changing from msoffice to star office or any ms, to anything else.  the 
ms days are numbered

i am not disagreeing with what you say.  it is very true.  i am just 
pointing out that it won't take long.

 I take my hats off to the programers that do this.. its almost harder
 then writing the apps was in the first place.

now i disagree.  almost?  it seems it would be _much_ harder.  but then i 
know 0 programing.

 So while it is better to have native linux apps, we don't have access to
 the companies that write the most well known windows apps, and everyone
 knows that its the apps available that make an OS useful, (thats why osX
 for mac wasn't the default os till now.)  So untill all the developers
 start making linux versions, the quickest way to make linux a favorable
 workstation OS is to make windows apps run on it.

perhaps we also need to standup and be counted so to speak.  as long as 
ms claims a 95% desktop share and no one gives hard facts otherwise, they 
have a stranglehold.  sadly, linux users by nature reject a centralized 
system, so there will never be an acurate count.

Linux, cause i reboot less often than windows users reinstall.

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
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Re: [newbie] thin clients with linux as terminal server

2002-02-22 Per discussione Jan Wilson

* Rick Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020222 18:32]:
 Is it possible to set up linux to as a terminal server for the thin clients?

Linux works exceedingly well with thin clients.


Has lots of information.  We use Mandrake 8.1 with LTSP here using
various legacy PCs and etherboot floppies.

If you have a specific dedicated thin client in mind, well, maybe.

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'  corozal.com corozal.bz
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'  chetumal.com  linux.bz
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, SQL, Perl, HTML

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[newbie] Xfce and the xscreensaver daemon

2002-02-22 Per discussione Terry Smith

This should be a simple one. 

I, along with many others on the list, have settled in on Xfce as my
desktop manager of choice. One neat thing about Xfce is the Xscreensaver
pgm that runs with it (although you can run it with other desktops, wms,

From xfce you configure with xscreensaver-demo. When I do that it tells
me that the xscreensaver daemon is not running. I can execute it at that

What I'd like to do is have the daemon run on xsession initialization. I
thought I could add a line like 


to the user's ~/.xsession file (as implied by the manual) but it doesn't
seem to work.

So how do I automatically invoke the xscreensaver on a user's xsession


Terry Smith

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[newbie] Single Network Firewall

2002-02-22 Per discussione Fred Fraley

Anyone here using it?  I'm thinking about it for a 4 desktop home network 
with a cable connection.  I have a 166mmx w/32 megs and a 3 gig HD laying 
around I can use.  (laying around!  and it was only last spring I was still 
getting by with a 486/25, 8 meg, 540 HD.  Sheesh!!)
Wide open to other suggestions.

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Re: [newbie] Digest?

2002-02-22 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 06:51:23 -0500
Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words
to ponder:

 On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Paul Kraus wrote:
  %_What does a list digest do? is it like an archive?
  On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 13:40, Matt Chinn wrote:
   Is there a digest for this list?..I usually like to be on
 It's a once a day posting of all the days messages in one email
 Gerald Waugh

Good Gawd! that thing'll be HUGE if you're getting the newbie list in digest

Registered Linux User 182496
 10:05pm  up 2 days, 14:41,  3 users,  load average: 0.62, 0.53, 0.50

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[newbie] Test. My messages have not been appearing

2002-02-22 Per discussione Nexist Xenda'ths


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Re: [newbie] ncpfs installation

2002-02-22 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 04:22:36 
Hakan Duran [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to

 Hi everyone,
 I am attached to a novell network at my workplace.  My computer (P133-128 
 RAM) runs Mandrake 8.1.  By prior communication with this list, I had the 
 information that a program called ncpfs is used to access a novell sever. 
 I downloaded the latest version from ftp.gwdg.de unzipped it and typed
 make.   BTW, before typing make, I enabled IPX as suggested, however,
 I started getting an error message of:
 IPX:Network number collision 11
 eth0 Ether II and eth0802.2
 Then the make gave an output like attached file.  It seems to me that 
 there are a couple of implicit decleration of functions.
 Does anyone have an idea?
 Thanks in advance..


What you should do is get the ncpfs and ipx-utils from your installation
Cd's and install these two packages. once you've got them installed give me
a holler and i we can go from there.

since you're running 8.1 the rest is going to be easy. you will want to set
the IPX networking settings in linuxconf to:

x = selected

Enable  x  IPX networking
Autoconfigure x primary
Autoconfigure x interface frame types

Hit the Accept button, and then quit and then activate changes. When you're
done with this part you will want to open a terminal window and issue this

service network restart

Next you should creat at least one dir under /mnt where you'll mount the
Netware volumes. 


Chmod it 777 and then chown /mnt/nwserver to be owned by the user that is
going to be accessing the servers from this workstation. Probably you...

Now, you'll have to chmod ncpmount and ncpumount 4755:

chmod 4755 /usr/bin/ncpmount
chmod 4755 /usr/bin/ncpumount

Then, to connect to the servers you will have to issue this command:

ncpmount -S servername /mnt/nwserver -U username -P

If all is well you'll be prompted for your password. type your password on
the command line, hit enter and if you're dropped back to an empty command
line you're done. you're now free to browse the network. If not,
meticulously document all the error message that you're getting and get
back to me. I've done this quite a few times and I think I could do it in my

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Re: [newbie] Digest?

2002-02-22 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Friday 22 February 2002 10:28 pm, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 06:51:23 -0500
 Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words
  It's a once a day posting of all the days messages in one email
  Gerald Waugh

 Good Gawd! that thing'll be HUGE if you're getting the newbie list in
 digest form.
ROFLOL You have that right, and what's worse is people will reply to a digest 
and send the whole damn thing to everybody again, with their comments

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Test. My messages have not been appearing

2002-02-22 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Friday 22 February 2002 10:36 pm, Nexist Xenda'ths wrote:

Thats OK!
Gerald Waugh

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[newbie] Mounting/Umounting of my /dev/hda1( which my Windows partition) problems

2002-02-22 Per discussione Michael G.

I have installed Mandrake 7.0 dual booting with Windows 98.
Both were fine.
I was even able to drag files from my Windows partition into my Linux 
While using Linux, my computer locked up so I rebooted my computer.
When booting up into Linux everything was being listed as O.K.,O.K.,O.K. 
except for a Failed for the Dos partition, saying things like wrong fs 
type and bad super block ect.
Linux booted O.K and worked fine except I couldn't access any files from the 
Windows partition as I could before.
When I rebooted the computer into DOS, I found DOS worked O.K but when I 
executed Windows it told me it couldn't do it because HIMEM.sys wasn't 
When I did a dir of the windows directory I found that the HIMEM.sys was 
When I went back to Linux I mmount /dev/hda1 then it told me that 
/dev/hda1 was busy.
When I umount /dev/hda1 it told me that /dev/hda1 didn't exist.
What should I do to get my Windows partition back running again?

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RE: other OS apps and competition was: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-22 Per discussione Franki

I agree with all your points,
but I'd like to add one thing.

Perception is everything.. and which OS has millions spend on forming
peoples perceptions every year?

until things get more even keel, the CEO's of the massive companies will
stay where they are.

they don't want to hear There is an office app for linux now they'd rather
hear, hey did you know we can upgrade our wordperfect license from windows
to the latest linux version. or something along those lines.

teaching 4000 employees the ins and outs of completely new Os and
applications would not be cheap, and it wouldnt' be fast either and they
wounldn't be productive in the meantime either.

I want linux on every desktop cept bill gates's. (may he be forever forced
to use windows.)
and I think we are in the right direction  for that, but it will forever be
the techno's OS till we get alot more main stream OS's to give it some
commercial clout.

believe it or not, but CEO's are still of the thinking that if its free it
can't  be any good.

(one of the reasons Staroffice will not be free for much longer. (if it
still is.)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of shane
Sent: Saturday, 23 February 2002 1:10 AM
Subject: other OS apps and competition was: [newbie] Anti-virus

On Thursday 21 February 2002 23:52, Franki opened a hailing frequency and

 Although the OS is free, alot of the tools are not yet up to the standard
 of comparitive windows apps..

though i hear this a lot from bith linux and windows supporters, i often
woder about it.  office is a good example, it looks much nicer than open
office or thinkfree or the like, and it seems to have many more tools.  but
in 6 years supporting 4 different OS and 5 different suites, 90% of the
extra tools are never used, and over 90% of my support for win/office is
it keeps crashing, and won't restart where even with the worst crash for
any office client on linux, it does restart.  and they _very_ rarely crash
in the first place.

which costs more to support?

 So the total cost is this.. either pay for alot of training for staff to
 learn new apps that are linux generic.. or stick with windows until linux
 version come out...

and like many companies are finding, training for the average linux app
isn't all that hard.  supporting a bunch of windows crash boxes, and
patching daily is full time work.

after all those years of support work i know windows better than linux.
cause i had to.  i never had to worry about linux once it was setup
correctly.  windows i had to reinstall regularly and troubleshot non-stop

 so getting MS apps workin is a fast track to getting on alot of
 workstations fast.

on a weekly basis there are new articles about companies/governments who
are changing from msoffice to star office or any ms, to anything else.  the
ms days are numbered

i am not disagreeing with what you say.  it is very true.  i am just
pointing out that it won't take long.

 I take my hats off to the programers that do this.. its almost harder
 then writing the apps was in the first place.

now i disagree.  almost?  it seems it would be _much_ harder.  but then i
know 0 programing.

 So while it is better to have native linux apps, we don't have access to
 the companies that write the most well known windows apps, and everyone
 knows that its the apps available that make an OS useful, (thats why osX
 for mac wasn't the default os till now.)  So untill all the developers
 start making linux versions, the quickest way to make linux a favorable
 workstation OS is to make windows apps run on it.

perhaps we also need to standup and be counted so to speak.  as long as
ms claims a 95% desktop share and no one gives hard facts otherwise, they
have a stranglehold.  sadly, linux users by nature reject a centralized
system, so there will never be an acurate count.

Linux, cause i reboot less often than windows users reinstall.

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
http://dmoz.org/ cause humans do it better!
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html

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Re: [newbie] Xfce and the xscreensaver daemon

2002-02-22 Per discussione Michel Clasquin

On Saturday 23 February 2002 04:49, Terry Smith wrote:

as root, edit the file


find the line that launches xscreensaver and remove the --lock-more 
parameter (or something like that - it's not on my system anymore so I 
can't check exactly).

This parameter is no longer supported by xscreensaver and it causes the 
app to crash on startup.

 This should be a simple one.

 I, along with many others on the list, have settled in on Xfce as my
 desktop manager of choice. One neat thing about Xfce is the Xscreensaver
 pgm that runs with it (although you can run it with other desktops, wms,

 From xfce you configure with xscreensaver-demo. When I do that it tells
 me that the xscreensaver daemon is not running. I can execute it at that

 What I'd like to do is have the daemon run on xsession initialization. I
 thought I could add a line like


 to the user's ~/.xsession file (as implied by the manual) but it doesn't
 seem to work.

 So how do I automatically invoke the xscreensaver on a user's xsession


 Terry Smith

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

... Linux users and the women who chase them - next Oprah!

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[newbie] Trackpoint support on TP600E w/ Mandr. 8?

2002-02-22 Per discussione Zlatko Savic

Hi everyone, 
since the installation with DrakX my trackpoint on my Thinkpad 600E laptop
could not be detected. I tried every possible mouse choice from that
menu and it didn't work. 

Besides Mandrake 8 I have on the same harddrive Mandrake 7.1 and here
the trackpoint is detected always.

What can I do to get the trackpoint working? Do I need a driver for it?

Any help greatly appreciated!
Zlatko Savic

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