Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-04-05 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

Il 10:57, giovedì 4 aprile 2002, Sebastiano Cordiano scrisse:

  Mi sembrava di aver capito che non bisognava ricompilare il kernel, ma
  forse vuole avere lo stesso i sorgenti o almeno la struttura di
  directory. Ma i moduli dove sono? Sono spaesato, devo procurarmi i
  sorgenti del kernel che sto usando?

 Forse ti mancano gli headers del kernel, controlla con rpm -q
 kernel-headers (e kernel-sources) se non li hai installali dai cd di mdk
 e crea il link linux in /usr/src che punta ai sorgenti. Ciao

ho trovato questi pacchetti installati:

$ rpm -qa | grep kernel

Purtroppo, (confermatemi) i sorgenti non fanno parte dei miei 3 dischi della 
mandrake 8.1
Mi sembra comunque strano che li cerchi alsa-driver.
Ho anche notato che nel pacchetto kernel della mandrake, c'è una 
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/alsa piena di files. Non si potrebbero usare questi?

ciao e grazie,

Re: [newbie-it] ICQ

2002-04-05 Per discussione Sergio

In effetti purtroppo il Licq non funziona piu' bene da quando quelli dell'icq 
originale hanno cambiato le cose. Ora io uso con successo gnomeicq, che 
comunica perfettamente anche con icq2002a.

On Thursday 07 March 2002 11:44, you wrote:
 Ho provato ad aggiornare LICQ alla 1.1 ma dopo aver aggiornato anche le Qt
 mi dice che Licq richiede alcune librerie ( tra cui le mentre
 io ho le, da cui dipendono a loro volta una miriade di
 programmi importanti.
 Ora, premesso che più di tanto non me ne frega di LICQ, cosa dovrei fare:
 forzare l'upgrading oppure farmi gli affaracci miei?

 Ciao, Germano

 Il 21:22, mercoledì 06 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
  Alle 11:31, mercoledì 6 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
   Io ho sia LICQ 1.04 (compilata) che la precedente ( con rpm) e anch'io
   ho alcuni problemi sia quando spedisco messaggi ( non sempre arrivano )
   che ad inviare files ( ma non a riceverli).
   Può darsi che alcuni problemi derivino dal fatto che posso ricevere
   connessioni dirette.
   La cosa strana ( penso ) è che, essendo dietro un firewall, dovrei
   essere io ad avere problemi nel ricevere e non chi riceve i miei files.
   Ciao, Germano
   Il 00:49, mercoledì 06 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
Il mer, 2002-03-06 alle 00:21, Vittorio ha scritto:
 Sisi.. anche su win.. e da lì non è mai un problema (o quasi) (ma
 molto meno spesso)
Bè, a questo punto vorrei sapere se qualcuno ha evidenziato problemi
simili; comunque che versione hai installato?
  Ciao! con licq ci sono dei problemi da quando alla mirabilis hanno deciso
  di cambiare il protocollo (spero di non dire una idiozia). Qualunque sia
  il problema, licq 1.04 non funziona bene. Devi scaricare la versione 1.1.
  io l'ho trovata in rpm (non ricordo se su o su Molte cose non funzionano neanche con quella come
  consentire alla gente di aggiungerti alla contact list ecc... ma almeno
  riesci a comunicare! spero di esserti stato un po' utile!
  Ciao, Beppe

Re: [newbie-it] ICQ

2002-04-05 Per discussione Germano

Che versione hai di GnomeIcu?
Io ho la 0.96.1 e continua a darmi problemi.
Che sia dovuto comunque al Firewall?

Ciao, Germano

Il 10:56, venerdì 05 aprile 2002, Sergio hai scritto:
 In effetti purtroppo il Licq non funziona piu' bene da quando quelli
 dell'icq originale hanno cambiato le cose. Ora io uso con successo
 gnomeicq, che comunica perfettamente anche con icq2002a.

 On Thursday 07 March 2002 11:44, you wrote:
  Ho provato ad aggiornare LICQ alla 1.1 ma dopo aver aggiornato anche le
  Qt mi dice che Licq richiede alcune librerie ( tra cui le
  mentre io ho le, da cui dipendono a loro volta una miriade di
  programmi importanti.
  Ora, premesso che più di tanto non me ne frega di LICQ, cosa dovrei fare:
  forzare l'upgrading oppure farmi gli affaracci miei?
  Ciao, Germano
  Il 21:22, mercoledì 06 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
   Alle 11:31, mercoledì 6 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
Io ho sia LICQ 1.04 (compilata) che la precedente ( con rpm) e
anch'io ho alcuni problemi sia quando spedisco messaggi ( non sempre
arrivano ) che ad inviare files ( ma non a riceverli).
Può darsi che alcuni problemi derivino dal fatto che posso ricevere
connessioni dirette.
La cosa strana ( penso ) è che, essendo dietro un firewall, dovrei
essere io ad avere problemi nel ricevere e non chi riceve i miei
Ciao, Germano
Il 00:49, mercoledì 06 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Il mer, 2002-03-06 alle 00:21, Vittorio ha scritto:
  Sisi.. anche su win.. e da lì non è mai un problema (o quasi) (ma
  molto meno spesso)

 Bè, a questo punto vorrei sapere se qualcuno ha evidenziato
 problemi simili; comunque che versione hai installato?

   Ciao! con licq ci sono dei problemi da quando alla mirabilis hanno
   deciso di cambiare il protocollo (spero di non dire una idiozia).
   Qualunque sia il problema, licq 1.04 non funziona bene. Devi scaricare
   la versione 1.1. io l'ho trovata in rpm (non ricordo se su o su Molte cose non funzionano neanche
   con quella come consentire alla gente di aggiungerti alla contact list
   ecc... ma almeno riesci a comunicare! spero di esserti stato un po'
   Ciao, Beppe

Re: [newbie-it] mp3

2002-04-05 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 qualcuno conosce un buon programma (Frontend) per la conversione da mp3
 a wav?

Ho scaricato adesso l'ultimo eroaster (forse e` anche sui CD di
che scrive i CD convertendo al volo da mp3 a wav.

Era quello che ti serviva?

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Cambiare moduli al volo.

2002-04-05 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

Qualcuno sa come si fa a informare il sistema di un cambiamento nel 
modules.conf senza fare un reboot?

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Grave--Aspetto coferma e/o smentita

2002-04-05 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

On 5 Apr 2002, Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 Ho installato StarOffice 5.2 sulla nuova MDK 8.2
 Ebbene si sta ripresentando il problema che era della MDK 8.0 e che era
 scomparso nella 8.1.
 Di cosa sto parlando?
 Dei caratteri che sembrano mangiati dalle tarme...
 Qualcuno può confermare e/o smentire?
Smentirei le basi: io non ho avuto il problema ne nella 8.0 ne nella 8.1.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-04-05 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 10:28:58 +0200
Tommaso Leddi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ho trovato questi pacchetti installati:
 $ rpm -qa | grep kernel
 Purtroppo, (confermatemi) i sorgenti non fanno parte dei miei 3 dischi
 della mandrake 8.1
 Mi sembra comunque strano che li cerchi alsa-driver.
 Ho anche notato che nel pacchetto kernel della mandrake, c'è una 
 /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/alsa piena di files. Non si potrebbero usare
Mi sembra strano che non ci siano i sorgenti sui cd di mdk, comunque puoi
usare benissimo gli alsa precompilati, lascia perdere tutta la parte della
compilazione e metti solo la configurazione nel modules.conf, oppure
lancia lo script alsaconf (mi pare si chiami cosi') che dovrebbe
generarti tale configurazione. La differenza sta nel fatto che quelli di
mdk sono la serie stabile (0.5.x) e non hanno tutte le features dei
beta, sopratutto se hai una sblive... Ciao



Re: [newbie-it] Grave--Aspetto coferma e/o smentita

2002-04-05 Per discussione Luca

Salve alla lista.

Ho installato StarOffice 5.2 sulla nuova MDK 8.2

Ebbene si sta ripresentando il problema che era della MDK 8.0 e che era
scomparso nella 8.1.

Di cosa sto parlando?

Dei caratteri che sembrano mangiati dalle tarme...

Qualcuno può confermare e/o smentire?


Un saluto.

Smentisco ank'io, l'ho istallato sulla 8.2 e nn mi dà alcun problema.

Re: [newbie-it] Grave--Aspetto coferma e/o smentita

2002-04-05 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il ven, 2002-04-05 alle 15:04, Luigi De Pascale ha scritto:

 Smentirei le basi: io non ho avuto il problema ne nella 8.0 ne nella 8.1.

Bè... ne parlavano anche alla Mandrake ai tempi della 8.0...

Cmq a quanto pare il problema sembra essere mio :((

Qualcunoi sa dirmi come mai, quando apro un documento per scrivere, non
mi compaiono i font installati (es. verdana...).


R: R: [newbie-it] MDK 8.2, dove?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco

   Senti anche il LUG piu` vicino a te.
  Scusa, cos'è un LUG?

 Linux User Group

 vedi il telug(Teramo) anche se e` lontano
 mi sembra si fossero organizzati per spedire CD (?)

Gli darò un'occhiata!


Di Fresco Marco

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R: [newbie-it] [REPOST2] [LUNGA e 1/2 OT] Lettere drive in Win dopo installazione linux

2002-04-05 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco

  Nel pannello di controllo sotto la voce Sistema ho trovato il modo di
  assergnare la lettera ai drive, ma al ravvio non cambiava niente.

 non c'e` anche un'opzione memorizza/rendi permanente/... ?

C'è la voce Applica, ma quando la clicco (cliccavo) mi chiedeva di raviare
il PC, ma non cambiava niente!
A volte mi capitava che si cambiavano le lettere anche quando Win era da
solo (di solito dopo aver formattato il PC e alla re-installazione dei
driver dello ZIP), ma applicando questo metodo funzionava.

Di Fresco Marco

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Re: [newbie-it] Sorgenti Linux

2002-04-05 Per discussione Massimiliano Violante [FREEMAIL]

x Andrea Celli,

grazie del consiglio e della disponibilità..
Vengo spesso a Roma ma non so neanche il CNR dove sia
Aspetterò la versione 8.2..
A proposito... appena sai che è stata allegata a qualche rivista fammelo


 dovrebbero essere in un file kernel-sources-bla.bla.rpm
 che credo sia nel secondo cd. :-(
 puoi controllarlo con il mandrake-software-center

  Non mi consigliate di scaricare il kernel dal web perchè x 20 Mb
  dovrei restare collegato tutta la notte (ricordate che ho un linmodem

 puoi sempre scaricare a rate con wget -c -np
 blocchi quando vuoi e riprendi da dove hai lasciato.
 In pratica lo metti in kppp da lanciare alla connessione.

 Pero` ti consiglio di aspettare che le riviste siano piene di

 ciao, andrea

 PS mi rifiuto categoricamente di andare in posta a fare spedizioni!!!
 ma se stai a Roma e passi dal mio istituto ti posso regalare
 un doppione del secondo (e forse terzo) CD

Re: R: R: [newbie-it] MDK 8.2, dove?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Mauro Scacco

At 20.56 05/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Senti anche il LUG piu` vicino a te.
   Scusa, cos'è un LUG?
  Linux User Group
  vedi il telug(Teramo) anche se e` lontano
  mi sembra si fossero organizzati per spedire CD (?)

Gli darò un'occhiata!


Di Fresco Marco

Do You Yahoo!?
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Ciao,guarda anche il mio annuncio su it.comp.os.linux.annunci , per 
mandrake e TUTTE le altre distro uscite negli ultimi 5 anni


Re: [newbie-it] MDK 8.2, dove?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Pollo

 Se non hai un buon collegamento e hai fretta di averla, puoi cercare tra
 vecchi messaggi di it.comp.os.linux.annunci. C'e` parecchia gente che 
 spedisce a casa, per un prezzo ragionevole, i cd scaricati delle varie
 distro. Se ne trovi uno della tua citta`, risparmi anche sulle spese

Qualcuno di voi che l'ha già scaricata studia al Politecnico di Milano?

Ciao, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Grave--Aspetto coferma e/o smentita

2002-04-05 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 14:54, venerdì 5 aprile 2002 hai scritto:
 Salve alla lista.

 Ho installato StarOffice 5.2 sulla nuova MDK 8.2

 Ebbene si sta ripresentando il problema che era della MDK 8.0 e che era
 scomparso nella 8.1.

 Di cosa sto parlando?

 Dei caratteri che sembrano mangiati dalle tarme...

 Qualcuno può confermare e/o smentire?


 Un saluto.

mi unisco al coro delle smentite: io ho usato SO sia sulla 8.0 che sulla 8.1 
(che ho ora); e non c'erano caratteri tarmati (che intendi?).
Comunque, puoi aggirare il problema in (almeno) due modi:
1) scaricati l'ultima versione di OpenOffice, ha fatto passi da gigante ed è 
ormai alla vigilia della release 1.0;
2) se proprio ti serve SO, puoi acquistare il package di Mandrake 8.2 (o 
abbonarti al Mandrake Club in versione silver): troverai incluso SO 6 ...


[newbie-it] Variabili di ambiente?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Pollo

Mi piacerebbe sapere come linux gestisce le variabili di ambiente (penso
che si chiamino così, correggetemi se sbaglio) tipo PATH, CLASSPATH ecc.
Ho capito che per aggiungere directory dalla bash devo usare ad esempio
export PATH=/home/pollo/bin, ma come faccio a togliere delle
directory? Inoltre, le directory che aggiungo manualmente devo
riaggiungerle ad ogni riavvio della macchina o vengono salvate da
qualche parte?

Conoscete un link con spiegazioni dettagliate sull'argomento?

Grazie in anticipo, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Variabili di ambiente?

2002-04-05 Per discussione ENx

Ciao Pollo,
tutto ciò che riguarda le variabili d'ambiente è abbastanza lungo da 
spiegare e non credo di esserne all'altezza, ma ti dirò quello che so.
Le variabili di ambiente servono per memorizzare dei valori che potranno 
servire al sistema e ai programmi. Per esempio $PATH contiene tutte le 
directory dove linux cercherà i i programmi eseguibili, la variabile 
LD_LIBRATY_PATH contiene la directory con tutte le librerie. Soprattutto 
quest'ultima è usata dai programmi per reperire le librerie di cui fanno 
Con export PATH=/home/pollo/bin non aggiungi, mi pare, una directory, ma 
sostituisci il valore della variabile con quello che gli dai tu. 
Dovresti scrivere così: export PATH=$PATH:/home/pollo/bin. I : servono 
per dividere le directory. Il comando export significa che 
un'eventuale shell aperta su quella corrente erediterà la variabile PATH 
con quel valore. Se tu non dovessi metterlo all'apertura di una nuova 
shell perderesti la variabile fin quando non chiudi la shell. Questo 
perchè le variabili d'ambiente sono usate dalle shell e ogni shell usa 
le sue opportunamente inizializzate.
se digiti env di appariranno una lista di variabili che memorizzano 
delle info che servono al funzionamento del sistema!
Per attribuire un valore ad una variabile in modo permanente devi fare 
in modo che questo assegnamento avvenga al boot time. Per questo devi 
aprire un file che si chiama .profile o .bashrc che sta nella tua 
home. Lì trovi le variabili e i valori che vengono lo assegnati al boot 

Non so se sono stato esauriente, purtroppo non conosco un link sulla 
Ciao ENx

Pollo wrote:

Mi piacerebbe sapere come linux gestisce le variabili di ambiente (penso
che si chiamino così, correggetemi se sbaglio) tipo PATH, CLASSPATH ecc.
Ho capito che per aggiungere directory dalla bash devo usare ad esempio
export PATH=/home/pollo/bin, ma come faccio a togliere delle
directory? Inoltre, le directory che aggiungo manualmente devo
riaggiungerle ad ogni riavvio della macchina o vengono salvate da
qualche parte?

Conoscete un link con spiegazioni dettagliate sull'argomento?

Grazie in anticipo, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Variabili di ambiente?

2002-04-05 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 23:49, venerdì 5 aprile 2002, Voi, Notabile 
Pollo, avete dipinto:
 Ho capito che per aggiungere directory dalla bash devo usare ad
 esempio export PATH=/home/pollo/bin, ma come faccio a togliere
 delle directory? Inoltre, le directory che aggiungo manualmente devo
 riaggiungerle ad ogni riavvio della macchina o vengono salvate da
 qualche parte?

Aggiungo solo che se vuoi una configurazione particolare per un solo 
utente (usando la bash) la modifica [di qualsiasi variabile di 
ambiente, non solo $PATH] va inserita nel file '$HOME/.bash_profile'.
Se viceversa vuoi una modifica per tutti gli utenti va messa in 
/etc/profile (meglio se in coda).

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro

[newbie] samba

2002-04-05 Per discussione Colin Jenkins

Hi all,
having a small problem with samba.
when trying to access my winxp box from lm8.2 server (using gomba)
I get the following error...
Error returning list: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
this box is the only one that is setup to fully log on to the domain
controller, and is the only one that other boxes can't browse.
the other boxes, w2k, winxp, win98 are all accesable thru samba,
but are not members of the domain (no machine account)
It appears that I have to change permissions somewhere on the winxp
box, but cant figure out where.
any ideas?



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[newbie] KDE 3 test

2002-04-05 Per discussione falcaraz

I followed the civileme way (message in newbie list):

First of all I haven't enought spaces in my /opt directory, so I did: mv
/usr/share/opt and then ln -s /usr/share/opt /opt.

then cd /directory with the kde3 packages, in my case /disk/kde3

urpmi unixODBC (civileme wrotte unixodbc but it doesn't run)

urpmi postgresql

urpmi MySQL (the MySQL-devel package is not in the 8.2 3cds
distribution, I had  to download it from

rpm -ivh *rpm (still some dependences, I installed it and start finally
the kde3  installation)

Messages: warning: group nobody does not exist - using root

After to that I start Xtart and a new 11 elemente (KDE) appeared. If I
kde2 (option 1) not problems. Then out form KDE 2 and again Xtar; 11 and

Sound Server: error while initializing: no kde sounds :-(

2 Trash icons, one could be deleted.

¤ has dessapeared from kde applications :-(

No Spanish language selection possible, menu and messages in English
:-(; not
language possible selection other than English.

After close kde3 if I try to run kde 2 (startkde) it is not possible; a

If I try to run kde2 from Xtart (option 1) after have runed at least 1
kde3, I get a kind of hybrid windows manager, with the kde 3
screen, but icons of kde 2, not kde sound and english menus and messages
:-( Not
more kde2 pure :-(

I decided to install a second 8.2 in my /object directory to test kde3
and I
uninstall all kde3 packages from my main 8.2.

Also this could well for new test, for instance that Civileme ask for
xcdroast because I solved the multiple xcdroast problems in 8.2
downgrading to
8.1 implied packages (cdrecord, cdrecord-dd2wav, mkisofs and xcdroast),
so I
will test the original one in this second package.

IMPRESSION: kde3 looks great, but still some bugs to solve, so more test
needed and perhaps 3.1 could be a good final package; if those or
problems appear in other distribution, they are mad to put it directly,
as Suse

I will send more comments about kde3 after work with it for a while.

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] MP3-ripper (cdparanoia)

2002-04-05 Per discussione Jesper Nyholm Jensen

I haven't installed cdparanoia yet, but just reading about it, it doen't
seem like it encodes the wav-files in the mp3-format, but just outputs the
wav-files? Is this wrong? If not cdparanoia does not live up to my
criteria (input cd, output mp3s), and I would like a reference to an
alternative that does, please.
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Thursday 04 April 2002 21:22, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 Where to get?

Well Jesper, if you are om MDK 8.x, I'm pretty shure you've got most
everything already.

To find things on your HD, an easy way (there are scores, of course) is to
issue the command : locate whatever (without the quotes).

To find things on MDK - CD's : run Software Manager, click installable.

To find things on other CD's : shuffle it into the cupholder, then mount it,
and open a file-manager and use it's find-utility.

To find RPM's on the net : open a browser and point it to

Easy, eh ?

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] MP3-ripper (cdparanoia)

2002-04-05 Per discussione Jesper Nyholm Jensen

I got the answer elsewhere: use cdparanoia to rip the cd, use Lame to
encode. Thanx anyway.
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
I haven't installed cdparanoia yet, but just reading about it, it doen't
seem like it encodes the wav-files in the mp3-format, but just outputs the
wav-files? Is this wrong? If not cdparanoia does not live up to my
criteria (input cd, output mp3s), and I would like a reference to an
alternative that does, please.
Jesper Nyholm Jensen

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Thursday 04 April 2002 21:22, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 Where to get?

Well Jesper, if you are om MDK 8.x, I'm pretty shure you've got most
everything already.

To find things on your HD, an easy way (there are scores, of course) is to
issue the command : locate whatever (without the quotes).

To find things on MDK - CD's : run Software Manager, click installable.

To find things on other CD's : shuffle it into the cupholder, then mount it,
and open a file-manager and use it's find-utility.

To find RPM's on the net : open a browser and point it to

Easy, eh ?

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Dialin in Kppp

2002-04-05 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 09:16:16 +0200
Gerard van Winssen [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled inquisitively:

Next question is; when dialling in, there must be a '0' dialled first to
get on the external phone network followed by the rest of the phonenumber
of the ISP.
How do I configure this in Kppp??
When adding the phone #, just start with a 0 folowed by a ,.  The ,
will create a brief pause, allowing the outside line to be activated. 
then just put the # to be dialed right after the ,. HTH,

The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love...
...and be loved in return.
  --Nature Boy

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[newbie] Unavailable Space on dos-format floppies

2002-04-05 Per discussione Graham Watkins

Hi Y'all

Another dumb newbie question.

I have this here floppy disk formatted for dos, with an entire website 
on it. According to readings under both Windows and Linux it is 41% full.

Anyway in my tireless quest to do all my work in Linux and rid my box of 
   Windoze forever, I did some work on the site using Netscape Composer 
which involved adding a new page and graphics to the site.  So far, so good.

However, when I tried to save work to this disk, or copy files onto it, 
I got messages informing me that the disk was full.

I copied the entire site onto an ext2 formatted disk without any 
problems and carried on working, all worked saved and files copied, no 

But I really wanted to have this stuff on a disk accessible by Windows - 
not for myself so much as for other less enlightened people who need to 
see the work before it goes on the web. So I tried to copy the whole lot 
onto a blank floppy and woe is me, it still would not fit even though df 
  told me that about 40 odd percent of the disk had been used.

Is this usual, or am I doing something wrong?  Maybe something is 
reading these disks as though they were 720k disks, then again maybe not.

Any info gratefully received.

Power to the Penguin!

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up 
to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254

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Re: [newbie] Java in Mandrake 8.1

2002-04-05 Per discussione Walter Logeman


 On Sat, 06 Apr 2002 00:31, in Re: [newbie] Java in Mandrake 8.1, 
you wrote: 

 before installing sun's jdk, you might want to uninstall kaffe
 via mandrake's software installer.  you might have to tell
 konqueror and some other programs where sun' jdk is though after
 installing it...

Oops - too late.  I have just installed 
j2sdk-1_4_0-linux-i386-rpm.bin - and it is working - tried a demo 
that came with it - looks Great!

I wonder if it is still worth un-installing 

I have yet to configure browsers etc.


Walter Logeman

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Re: [newbie] GPRS on linux

2002-04-05 Per discussione Gerard van Winssen

Op woensdag 3 april 2002 01:14, schreef u:

 I am trying to do this on a timeport 250
 You need to use the infra red link in my case to my laptop running 8.1
 Try infra red howto and

 I havent cracked it yet.

 But once you have the ir link working the kppp part should be

 Let us know how you do and I will let you know if I have success.

I don't have infrared, I use the serial cable.
Using Kppp wasn't straightforward. ;-(
I replaced the ATX init string with the 'APN' string, this is before the 
That returned with a OK.
Then dial: *99#
After this nothing happens anymore.

Gerard van Winssen

Keyboard not connected
Hit any key to continue

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RE: [newbie] Dialin in Kppp

2002-04-05 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Dialin in Kppp

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerard van Winssen
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 1:16 AM
To: Mandrake-Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Dialin in Kppp


I installed MDK 8.2 on a compter of a bussiness partner of me who wanted to 
get rid of virusses yesterday. (Yeah, anonther one!! hèhè ;-))
They have an isdn terminal adapter Elsa tango 1000, wich is an external, 
serial device.
As far as I understand this TA should be configured as a normal analog modem 
in for instance Kppp, am I right? 

Next question is; when dialling in, there must be a '0' dialled first to get 
on the external phone network followed by the rest of the phonenumber of the 
How do I configure this in Kppp??


Gerard van Winssen

Keyboard not connected
Hit any key to continue

As per previous answer if one , (without the quotes) doesn't give enough pause for the connection to come up, you can do two or three, each , is a fixed amount of time (can't remember if it is .5 seconds or what) so just make a string of them long enough to get the dial tone and then your dial-in number. HTH Dennis M.

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-05 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Thursday 04 April 2002 19:23, you wrote:

 Google says  This permission warning and the following set-uid bit
 warnings can be safely ignored, if you want to run X-CD-Roast as root
 only. ...and...
 So do as root something like that: (and read the Manual)
 chown root:cdwrite /usr/lib/xcdroast-0.98/bin/xcdrwrap;
 chmod 2755 /usr/lib/xcdroast-0.98/bin/xcdrwrap

 And google is never wrong.

Thank you again Richard,
Sorry if I am being a little slow on the uptake but I am not a little 

[root@localhost root]# ls -l /usr/bin/xcdroast
-rwxrwxrwx1 root root   526008 Feb 27 13:30 /usr/bin/xcdroast*
[root@localhost root]# ls -l /usr/bin/mkisofs
-rwxr-xr-x2 root cdwriter   371640 Feb 28 15:30 /usr/bin/mkisofs*
[root@localhost root]# ls -l /usr/bin/readcd
-rwxr-s---1 root cdwriter   106776 Feb 28 15:30 /usr/bin/readcd*
[root@localhost root]# ls -l /usr/bin/cdda2wav
-rwxr-xr-x1 root cdwriter   189176 Feb 28 15:30 /usr/bin/cdda2wav*

Which suggests that all four files are owned by root, with root as the group 
user of xcdroast, but that mkisofs,readcd, cdda2wav all have group user as 
cdwriter.  Now I would of thought since they are ancilliary programmes to
xcdroast , this seems OK to me.

but ,

[root@localhost root]# xcdroast -d /usr/bin/xcdroast
** WARNING **: Installation problem? No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/mkisofs
** WARNING **: Installation problem? No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/readcd
** WARNING **: Installation problem? No set-uid bit on /usr/bin/cdda2wav

So, then there is something wrong with the uid of group user of the three 
files ?
If I understand this correctly uid means user identity. 
Is the problem then to correctly define uid of cdwriter ?
so does chmod command change uid of group owner cdwriter,
but O'Rilley implies chmod changes the attributes of users. I
am utterly confused right now.I don't know what I   need to
do, and why, let alone understand the commands you so
kindly exampled.

but the fact is that xcdroast is failing to cashe audio files.Whoever
the owner is,and whether the group user of these files is root or something 
else.  All this is terribly confusing.

I need this taking one step at a time. 

Ideally Xcdroast ought to be owned by root, with named group users and
named individual users. I thougfht that the last section in settings of 
xcdroast was about helping do that.

All the ancilliary programmes like mkisofs,readcd,cdda2wav and many more,
ought to be owned by root, and have group users which includes cdwriter.and
named users ?
All I want to do is be able to cashe and write audio files in xcdroast.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Removal from Mandrake Mail List

2002-04-05 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Skhumbuzo Mhlongo wrote:

 Hi All
 I need to be deleted from mandrake list please HELP

Have you tried throwing away your PC? 

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registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] divx again ...

2002-04-05 Per discussione Roger Sherman

Have you tried Xine?

On 4 Apr 2002, - addy [ISO-8859-1] däudsch - wrote:

 good eve to all of you
 a divx content question again
 i have mplayer , correctly installed . i can play mpeg 1/2 and normal
 avis w/o probs ... everything is working
 but i can't play divx ... i downloaded divx4linux50-20020304 from the site and installed it with root looked ok 
 but if i play divx avi in mplayer onley the sound works
 :) help me ! ...




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] Unavailable Space on dos-format floppies

2002-04-05 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 05 Apr 2002 13:20:33 +0100, Graham Watkins
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Y'all
 Another dumb newbie question.
 I have this here floppy disk formatted for dos, with an entire website 
 on it. According to readings under both Windows and Linux it is 41% full.
 Anyway in my tireless quest to do all my work in Linux and rid my box of 
Windoze forever, I did some work on the site using Netscape Composer 
 which involved adding a new page and graphics to the site.  So far, so good.
 However, when I tried to save work to this disk, or copy files onto it, 
 I got messages informing me that the disk was full.
 I copied the entire site onto an ext2 formatted disk without any 
 problems and carried on working, all worked saved and files copied, no 
 But I really wanted to have this stuff on a disk accessible by Windows - 
 not for myself so much as for other less enlightened people who need to 
 see the work before it goes on the web. So I tried to copy the whole lot 
 onto a blank floppy and woe is me, it still would not fit even though df 
   told me that about 40 odd percent of the disk had been used.
 Is this usual, or am I doing something wrong?  Maybe something is 
 reading these disks as though they were 720k disks, then again maybe not.
 Any info gratefully received.
 Power to the Penguin!

Did you try to store all the files in the root directory of the disc? FAT
filesystems have a limit on the number of files that can be stored in the root
directory. Try storing things in a subdirectory.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The idea that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armour to lead
all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that
it was he who, by peddling second-rate technology, led them into it in the first
place. -- Douglas Adams

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-05 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:

 *laughs* Damian flaked on me, so Civilme to the Bat-Rescue!  Into the
 KDE-Mobile my linux comrades!

Now thats *got* to be a major blow to the ego, eh, Damian? ;-)




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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[newbie] I just found the strangest thing...

2002-04-05 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

I loaded gdict (I would assume that this would work with kdict as well), which
is set to use the server on port 2628. I then entered the word
defenestration (without the quotes). Here's what I got:

defenestration n.   mythically from a traditional Czech
assasination method, via SF fandom 1. Proper karmic retribution
for an incorrigible punster.  Oh, ghod, that was _awful_!  Quick!
Defenestrate him!  2. The act of exiting a window system in order to
get better response time from a full-screen program.  This comes from
the dictionary meaning of `defenestrate', which is to throw something out
a window.  3. The act of discarding something under the assumption that
it will improve matters.  I don't have any disk space left.  Well,
why don't you defenestrate that 100 megs worth of old core dumps?
4. Under a GUI, the act of dragging something out of a window (onto
the screen). Next, defenestrate the MugWump icon.  5. The act of
completely removing Micro$oft Windows from a PC in favor of a better OS
(typically Linux).

Can anyone verify this?

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Jennifer Lopez = JLo (pron: Jay-Low).
Bill Gates = BGa (pron: Be-Gay).

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Re: [newbie] MP3-ripper

2002-04-05 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:

 What's a good MP3-ripper? One that just takes a cd as input and
 outputs the MP3s.
 Jesper Nyholm Jensen

My personal favorite is a command line ripper that will rip the CD, query 
CDDB, do all the name change, etc, and convert it to either .mp3 or .ogg. 
It's called Rip, and you can get it from 




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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RE: [newbie] I just found the strangest thing...

2002-04-05 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

I can comment on Defenestrate, and that is correct to throw something
out of a window, as for the other, looks like artistic license.


-Original Message-
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 April 2002 14:17
Subject: [newbie] I just found the strangest thing...

I loaded gdict (I would assume that this would work with kdict as well),
is set to use the server on port 2628. I then entered the word
defenestration (without the quotes). Here's what I got:

defenestration n.   mythically from a traditional Czech
assasination method, via SF fandom 1. Proper karmic retribution
for an incorrigible punster.  Oh, ghod, that was _awful_!  Quick!
Defenestrate him!  2. The act of exiting a window system in order to
get better response time from a full-screen program.  This comes from
the dictionary meaning of `defenestrate', which is to throw something
a window.  3. The act of discarding something under the assumption that
it will improve matters.  I don't have any disk space left.  Well,
why don't you defenestrate that 100 megs worth of old core dumps?
4. Under a GUI, the act of dragging something out of a window (onto
the screen). Next, defenestrate the MugWump icon.  5. The act of
completely removing Micro$oft Windows from a PC in favor of a better OS
(typically Linux).

Can anyone verify this?

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Jennifer Lopez = JLo (pron: Jay-Low).
Bill Gates = BGa (pron: Be-Gay).
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Re: [newbie] I just found the strangest thing...

2002-04-05 Per discussione Roman Korcek

Hi Sridhar,

 I loaded gdict (I would assume that this would work with kdict as well), which
 is set to use the server on port 2628. I then entered the word
 defenestration (without the quotes). Here's what I got:

 defenestration n.   mythically from a traditional Czech
 assasination method, via SF fandom 1. Proper karmic retribution
 for an incorrigible punster.  Oh, ghod, that was _awful_!  Quick!
 Defenestrate him!  2. The act of exiting a window system in order to
 get better response time from a full-screen program.  This comes from
 the dictionary meaning of `defenestrate', which is to throw something out
 a window.  3. The act of discarding something under the assumption that
 it will improve matters.  I don't have any disk space left.  Well,
 why don't you defenestrate that 100 megs worth of old core dumps?
 4. Under a GUI, the act of dragging something out of a window (onto
 the screen). Next, defenestrate the MugWump icon.  5. The act of
 completely removing Micro$oft Windows from a PC in favor of a better OS
 (typically Linux).

 Can anyone verify this?

Which part would you want to be verified? The Czech assasination
method, that's true, however I wouldn't use the word assasination.
Defenestration was an act in which angry citizens threw the lords or
aldermen (can't think of a better translation) out of the windows of
the town hall. As this act has proved effective it has been practised
a few more times.
The term itself is probably derived from the German word Fenster
Actually, the text you posted is an exact copy of what is found in the
Jargon File, .


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Re: [newbie] divx again ...

2002-04-05 Per discussione - addy däudsch -

still doesn't work , did as i am told

cvs the libavcodec ...
configure mplayer, and the configure file said that libavcodec is
enabled now ...

make and make install but still doesn't work ... some avi's goes even
some divx but most of them make mplayer crash an my console freeze ...

Xine can't handle my divx either

Am Fre, 2002-04-05 um 16.05 schrieb Roger Sherman:
 Have you tried Xine?
 On 4 Apr 2002, - addy [ISO-8859-1] däudsch - wrote:
  good eve to all of you
  a divx content question again
  i have mplayer , correctly installed . i can play mpeg 1/2 and normal
  avis w/o probs ... everything is working
  but i can't play divx ... i downloaded divx4linux50-20020304 from the site and installed it with root looked ok 
  but if i play divx avi in mplayer onley the sound works
  :) help me ! ...
 registered linux user #190719
 ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] MP3-ripper (cdparanoia)

2002-04-05 Per discussione Tom

On Friday 05 April 2002 05:24 am, Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 I got the answer elsewhere: use cdparanoia to rip the cd, use Lame to
 encode. Thanx anyway.

it's called 'notlame' for quasi legal reasons.  There's notlame for 
ML 8.1 at this site too.  Actually there's many files at the PLF that 
can't be included with Mandrake for one reason or another, mostly legal 
B$.   Main site is
Tom brinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] I just found the strangest thing...

2002-04-05 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 16:30:50 +0200, Roman Korcek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Sridhar,
  I loaded gdict (I would assume that this would work with kdict as well),
  which is set to use the server on port 2628. I then entered the
  worddefenestration (without the quotes). Here's what I got:
  defenestration n.   mythically from a traditional Czech
  assasination method, via SF fandom 1. Proper karmic retribution
  for an incorrigible punster.  Oh, ghod, that was _awful_!  Quick!
  Defenestrate him!  2. The act of exiting a window system in order to
  get better response time from a full-screen program.  This comes from
  the dictionary meaning of `defenestrate', which is to throw something out
  a window.  3. The act of discarding something under the assumption that
  it will improve matters.  I don't have any disk space left.  Well,
  why don't you defenestrate that 100 megs worth of old core dumps?
  4. Under a GUI, the act of dragging something out of a window (onto
  the screen). Next, defenestrate the MugWump icon.  5. The act of
  completely removing Micro$oft Windows from a PC in favor of a better OS
  (typically Linux).
  Can anyone verify this?
 Which part would you want to be verified? The Czech assasination
 method, that's true, however I wouldn't use the word assasination.
 Defenestration was an act in which angry citizens threw the lords or
 aldermen (can't think of a better translation) out of the windows of
 the town hall. As this act has proved effective it has been practised
 a few more times.
 The term itself is probably derived from the German word Fenster
 Actually, the text you posted is an exact copy of what is found in the
 Jargon File, .

By verify I was simply asking if anyone could reproduce my odd results. I know
what the word really means (as you have explained above), but I was quite amused
to see this definition on the main dict protocol server. I thought this might
be some kind of joke on the part of the developers.

I've worked it out now. I had gdict set to search a variety of databases, which
includes both The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing and The Jargon File. The
definition I received was derived from those.

So I guess the joke's on me then ;)

Sridhar Dhanapalan

   It's not a bug, it's tradition!

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Re: [newbie] ICQ linux

2002-04-05 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 17:07:06 +0200, Baka Attila Tamás [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!
 I had a problem with all icq clients eversince I used Linux. They seem to
 work, BUT most of the messeges do not arrive to me and most of what I send
 do not arrive to the recipents. I have no firewall and when I had WiDows,
 icq worked. ICQ lite works, but I don't like it.

Have you tried GnomeICU? That works fine for me for everything except file

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Nine out of ten voices in my head can't be wrong, can they?

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Re: [newbie] ICQ linux

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 12:25, Sridhar Dhanapalan escribió:
 On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 17:07:06 +0200, Baka Attila Tamás [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all!
  I had a problem with all icq clients eversince I used Linux. They seem to
  work, BUT most of the messeges do not arrive to me and most of what I send
  do not arrive to the recipents. I have no firewall and when I had WiDows,
  icq worked. ICQ lite works, but I don't like it.
 Have you tried GnomeICU? That works fine for me for everything except file

all new win icq clients ( 2000a + ) have an option that comes enabled by
default, to not accept connections from older clients. kinda forcing
people to keep upgrading. if Licq or GnomeICU are not working for you,
you can try telling your whole contact list to turn the feature off,
( it's in ICQ menu, security and privacy ) or you can use Gaim.

Gaim works perfet for messages, but it has little or no extra functions.
( no chat function, etc... )
if you configure it using Oscar protocol, using your ICQ UIN as your
screenname, and set the login server to on port 4000, 
you will have no probems at all with sending and receiving messages.



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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 11:11, Roger Sherman escribió:
 On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:
  *laughs* Damian flaked on me, so Civilme to the Bat-Rescue!  Into the
  KDE-Mobile my linux comrades!
 Now thats *got* to be a major blow to the ego, eh, Damian? ;-)


anyway it wasn't my fault, i had to go to jail yesterday afternoon,
that's why i didn't reply. however i did reply when i escaped, later

( btw by jail i mean the university ;o)

See ya.


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[newbie] 8.2 auto-login

2002-04-05 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

How do I configure my box to auto-login in 8.2?

Right now it auto-logs-in to generic X, I want it t
o get into Gnome.

- Paul R

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Re: [newbie] Removal from Mandrake Mail List

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 11:03, Roger Sherman escribió:
 On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Skhumbuzo Mhlongo wrote:
  Hi All
  I need to be deleted from mandrake list please HELP
 Have you tried throwing away your PC? 
..or changing your email adress! ;o)

.. or even RTFM'ing? 

post an empty message with the word REMOVE as subject.


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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 14:08, Damian escribió:
 El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 11:11, Roger Sherman escribió:
  On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, FemmeFatale wrote:
   *laughs* Damian flaked on me, so Civilme to the Bat-Rescue!  Into the
   KDE-Mobile my linux comrades!
  Now thats *got* to be a major blow to the ego, eh, Damian? ;-)
 anyway it wasn't my fault, i had to go to jail yesterday afternoon,
 that's why i didn't reply. however i did reply when i escaped, later
 ( btw by jail i mean the university ;o)
 See ya.

oh and i'm going to jail today, too, so you will have some more
flaking from me! ;oP

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[newbie] USB TV BOX (MPEG USB TV Station).

2002-04-05 Per discussione Tomek Nowinski


Just wanted to 
ask if somebody has a KWORLD MPEG USB TV Station. Does it work in 
Linux?How can I configure it??

Thanks for 



Tego nie znajdziesz w zadnym sklepie!
[ ]

Re: [newbie] Sound problems with Dell OptiPlex GX1

2002-04-05 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On 03 Apr 2002 13:40:03 -0800
James A. Peltier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just installed Mandrake 8.2 yesterday hoping that it would properly
 detect and configure my CS4232 based sound card.  When this didn't
 happen my heart sank and I began to cry Why GOD!!!? Why doesn't it
 After my brief escape from reality I attempted to configure it using
 harddrake and kudzu.  harddrake sees the sound card but has problems
 with the MPU stating it can't find isa-pnp module.  Ok maybe this
 wouldn't work and I thought I should try running sndconfig.  When I run
 sndconfig it properly detects it as a CS423x based card and then does
 the wave test where linus speaks.  I can here this but when it tries
 midi it bombs out and asks me to manually configure it.  I've tried all
 combinations I can think of and it doesn't work.
 I can't for the life of me get this working.  I'm sure it's simple and
 I'll prolly wanna shoot myself in the head because of it.
 _ALL_ help is very much appreciated.
 BTW: I'm not running windows so I can't get any settings that way as per
 some GOOGLE searches recommend. Any chance that this card will be
 detected properly in future releases.
 Below is the output of a pnpdump
 # $Id: pnpdump_main.c,v 1.27 2001/04/30 21:54:53 fox Exp $
 # Release isapnptools-1.26
 # This is free software, see the sources for details.
 # This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
 # For details of the output file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
 # For latest information and FAQ on isapnp and pnpdump see:
 # Trying port address 0273
 # Board 1 has serial identifier b6 ff ff ff ff 35 68 63 0e
 # (DEBUG)
 (READPORT 0x0273)
 # Card 1: (serial identifier b6 ff ff ff ff 35 68 63 0e)
 # Vendor Id CSC6835, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0xB6.
 # Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.1
 # ANSI string --CS4236B--


FYI: ALSA (in LM 8.2) has a snd-card-cs4232 and a snd-card-cs4236 driver.

But let's first try OSS: what happens if, as root, you 'modprobe cs4232'?
Do you get sound working after that? HTH,


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Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-05 Per discussione john rigby

Hello Ed,
Thanks for the response, but afraid I can't follow it.
- Original Message -
From: ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

  I have now even bought a Jetway moboard as I was told it was lux
  SIS 630T chipset
  It has O/b video AGP4x shared mem amount immaterial as I've seen so far.

 WRONG... THIS is your problem, you need to specify the ram being used
 as subtracted from the overall ram,ie linux mem=118 (this being a
 w/128 ram chip, and 8 meg for video ram and a little extra to be safe.
 Specified where? I don't recall it coming up in the install
The system at last fallover had 384 Megs RAM.

What I meant by immaterial was that any change in the allocated Video RAM
under Doze made no difference in anything noticeable, so I left it at the
default 8.



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Re: [newbie] Re: Michaels Minutes (WAY OT)

2002-04-05 Per discussione john rigby

Ha folks,
Well, the awful truth is that if it simply plugs in and
Years ago my own Technicians used to go into major installations and avoid
the what's the password routine by looking on the side of the monitor or
the deskpad, first. Amazing how many times it was there.

Shane is correct even in jest - I STILL haven't had the chance to even see
if I could install the RPM - never had a working User System.  AND unless it
does simply Pn'P, it is a dud.

Constantly read of semi-Geeks (at least) saying how a simple
install/upgrade broke their previously working system, on this very list.

Remember, this is a marketing exercise, not a hobby one for Michael.
 Although I seriously doubt from what I've seen so far that he really gets
it, either)



- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: Michaels Minutes (WAY OT)

 On Thursday 04 April 2002 03:45 pm, Sridhar Dhanapalan opened a hailing
 frequency and transmitted:

  Does anybody seriously think this will be a good thing for Linux and
  software? I most certainly don't. Why pay US$99 when you can get
  CodeWeavers CrossOver Office for $54.95, which you can install on

 mostly because the average person won't be able to install an RPM of
 codeweavers.  just ask john.  ;-)

  root password. All we need are a few easily-written exploit scripts for
  this poor excuse of an OS and open source as a whole (not just Lindows)
  will be given a bad name. GNU/Linux virii will become a widespread
  reality (on Lindows, that is), fueling opposition to open source.

All *MY* communications are certified virus-free. Why not yours?
Ask here for full info - *and* get it free. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.344 / Virus Database: 191 - Release Date: 2/04/02

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Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-05 Per discussione john rigby

Hi Civileme,
Thanks for the info.
However, you didn't answer some of the points such as re getting FROM text
to GUI via the command line. Is there a way?
Couple of others I've prefaced with  if you wouldn't mind.

  2. As I paid for the presentation of 1000's of programs with the retail
  Powerpak, is there a chance that I could use say a 2 disk minimalist set
  8.1 ( or 2) to get a start and then install the programs I want from the
 Would this be safe?

  3. What is the vote nowadays - my figures show 50/50 for 8.1 and 8.2 re
  install/working satisfaction.
*** Re above question - and should I go for 8.1?

  4. If Mandrake can't for some reason detect a graphics card, should it
  say so? Or will it simply default to a Terminal/text install?
 As this has happened before, I would like to know this info.

 I have a Jetway 630TCF with the SiS 630 chipset.  Install comes up
 Graphic without any effort on my part since the video supports
 Framebuffer.  With the 530 and 8.0 there are some problems on some
 implementations usually solved by setting options in
 You said problems with 530. Did you mean 530 or slip from 630?

 It makes no sense for the install to come up text without any graphics.
 But if the install does, then your CDs are seriously damaged (at least
 one run of the pressed CDs had trouble with a RAMDisk).  It might try to
 come up text if you have less than 64M RAM since the 630 shares 8M of
 main memory with video memory which makes a 32M setup really offer only
 24M to the system.  In that case you would be fortunate to install at
* Well, I had 512 on the last system and 384 on this one, so RAm
wasn't a problem.
There may be a disk problem - although there was no failure evident -
everything else went according to schedule except it won't run as GUI.



All *MY* communications are certified virus-free. Why not yours?
Ask here for full info - *and* get it free. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Version: 6.0.344 / Virus Database: 191 - Release Date: 2/04/02

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[newbie] questions

2002-04-05 Per discussione Oder

I have recently installed MDK 8.2 on my toshiba satellite 1800-s208 - intel 
celeron 1.1GHz with DVD-ROM/CD-RW. Installation went smoothly but I still 
have some problems: 
when I run xine, it appears for a second and then vanishes; 
in the desktop I have 2 icons of floppy - Floppy and Floppy2 - why Floppy2?
in the boot session I have winxp, linux and linux-nonfb - what is it 
what program do I need for DVD and CD-RW?
Thank you for any help you may be able to provide. Oder

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Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Bob Read

PMFJI late, but have you tried typing 


from the command line?

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[newbie] Likely dumb questions...but

2002-04-05 Per discussione Charlie


I now have MD 8.2 (single boot, no other OS) on this old clunker and it seems 
everything works... 
well mostly..

sort of.

ABit BX6 Rev.2
PIII 500 MHz
Riva TNT 16 MB
Soundblaster Live! Value Digital
(2) Maxtor HDD 13 GB (original) and 60 GB
Liteon 40X CD-ROM
Mitsumi CD-R/RW
Internet connection via cable modem  NIC (10/100)
No LAN (stand alone machine.)
Partitioned thus:
/boot (ext2) (500 MB, too big probably but I ain't short on drive space ;-))
/, swap, /usr, /var, on 13 GB drive,
 /home and /store (MP3s, pictures, other personal junk) on 60 GB using Reiser 
FS (all but swap of course)

The network configured at install, sound works, XFree 4.2 did what it was 
supposed to do. E-mail and the rest of the trivial crap installed and 
configured as it should, but...

I remembered reading that 8.2 doesn't include Tiny Firewall as previous 
versions did so, I requested Guarddog while picking packages. It's there 
but how the devil do I configure it? I've been here: and the first thing I see 
says that there should be access through Configuration/Networking/Guarddog 
which is supposed to be there and isn't. I'll read some more to find why it 
isn't where it's supposed to be but even from a terminal (superuser mode), or 
the console as root I can't access the program. Just get error messages. 
re: An error occurred while reading the protocol database.
Details: XML Parse error:
Line: 674, Column: 52 , , tag mismatch
Line: 674, Column: 52 , , error while parsing element
Line: 674, Column: 52 , , error while parsing content
3 repetitions of this (4 total) then:
Line: 674, column: 52 , , error while parsing main element

Second silliness that I'm sure is something simple:
I can read and write to preformatted floppies but can't get a CD to open in 
either drive. Even as 'su' You do not have enough permissions to...

What have I messed up?

Hints would be greatly appreciated.


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[newbie] courier-imap pop3d says AUTHFAILURE

2002-04-05 Per discussione Robin

Every time I try to start courier-imap's pop3, I get a message
AUTHFAILURE, and that was all. I did a search on their FAQ, I can only
come up with it's a authentication problem. Can anyone give a me clue?



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[newbie] Where are the old versions?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Bruce Zink


I'm having trouble getting 8.2 to install on my
machine.  I'd like to try 8.0 or 8.1, but the Mandrake
download site only points to 8.2, 7.1, and 8.0 for
PPC.  Where do I find the others?

No, I'm a good man.  I'm just not a very good wizard.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

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[newbie] very scary stuff. Your rights ARE vanishing - being assasinated...

2002-04-05 Per discussione john rigby

Hello folks,

This is not off-topic! This is a probable reason that we are all having more
and more email problems.

One of my fears about the development of the fabulous tool we call the
Internet is the prediction made by Kilneth nearly a decade ago:  Without
positive loop feedback it can rapidly become a Cyberbog.  It is going that
please read this a.s.a.p.
Everything needs a  positive feedback loop, from teaching children good
behaviour, to the Sydney Opera House - a project which had no control by
It was projected to cost $1-1.5 Million Dollars.
Now we all know that such things will over-run. but it finished up
costing the community $105 MILLION a HUNDRED times as much!
Because there was no feedback control - it had no limits. It was funded by a
Lottery!  Thus, there was no upper limit on what could be spent. It was
insane - worse, it finished up being project-managed by a committee and it
ended up useless as a true Opera House.



All *MY* communications are certified virus-free. Why not yours?
Ask here for full info - *and* get it free. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.344 / Virus Database: 191 - Release Date: 2/04/02

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[newbie] Clearly missing something

2002-04-05 Per discussione Bruce Zink

   I recently acquired the source code for an Intel
NIC card driver (from an Intel web site).  The
documentation tells me to use make install to
compile/install the driver.
   Unfortunately, that command gives me the message
bash: make not found or something like that. 
Likewise, man make produces No manual for make or
whatever.  You get the picture.

   I gather I am lacking some fairly basic program. 
What does it seem to be and how do I get it?  Any
hints would be much appreciated.

No, I'm a good man.  I'm just not a very good wizard.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

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Re: [newbie] Where are the old versions?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Charlie

Bruce Zink's message on Friday 05 April 2002 02:15 pm, stated:

 I'm having trouble getting 8.2 to install on my
 machine.  I'd like to try 8.0 or 8.1, but the Mandrake
 download site only points to 8.2, 7.1, and 8.0 for
 PPC.  Where do I find the others?

 No, I'm a good man.  I'm just not a very good wizard.

 You can always try here:


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Re: [newbie] Lost messages on VC12 - RESOLVED

2002-04-05 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Michael wrote:
 Thanks Jim, i wanted to know how that worked. Thanks for the update. Paying
 attention Femme?
 Jim Fazio wrote:
  Just in case anyone else is interested.  My problem stemmed from the
  fact that I must have chosen LOW as my security level, instead of
  MEDIUM.  On msec level 3 or greater the syslog messages are written to
  /dev/tty12 by default.  So to solve my problem of the missing messages,
  I just ran `msec 3` in a console as root.
  Afterward I was able then to figure out that the real fix was adding
  the line `*.* /dev/tty12` to the end of my /etc/syslog.conf file.  This
  is what redirects all *.* syslog messages to /dev/tty12.

er um... *puts the comix away* ;)

Yes... I was interested in that...but deleted it by accident.  :P  

Thx, I get it now.  


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] Video editing using Linux

2002-04-05 Per discussione Jim Dawson

I want to do some video editing, e.g. record the hour long home videos onto hard drive 
and cut the 58 or so minutes of boring footage out, then recording it back to 

I don't need anything too fancy, just basic edits and perhaps some simple character 
generator capability.

I assume I can do this with the appropriate software if I add a video capture card to 
my Linux box. (I have a 1GHz Athlon, currently at 256MB but it will probabaly be 
upgraded to 512MB by the time I aquire the necessary hardware and software.)

Does anyone have any experience doing this under Linux? If so, what software/hardware 
should I use? Or would I be better off dual-booting into (gasp!) Windows for video 

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] Instant monitor stanby button

2002-04-05 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Baka Attila Tamás wrote:
 I'd like to make an instant monitor standby button for my (KDE) desktop. I
 know that there is lock, but I'd like to use some buttons like 'b' for
 changing music in xmms.
 Baka Attila Tamás

This is what I found in a small web surf on Mandrakes site itself:


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] KDE3 sound server problem

2002-04-05 Per discussione Linux Maniac

I installed kde3 from rpm. When it boots, it says that it can't start the sound 
server (I guess arts). I think oss works fine as mplayer and xmms works fine. 
What can be done? 

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Re: [newbie] Likely dumb questions...but

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

 Second silliness that I'm sure is something simple:
 I can read and write to preformatted floppies but can't get a CD to open in 
 either drive. Even as 'su' You do not have enough permissions to...
 What have I messed up?
 Hints would be greatly appreciated.

no idea about your firewall, but this may be caused by supermount 
not mounting your cd's.. 
try inserting a cd in your drive and, in a terminal, type:

mount /mnt/cdrom

and see if you can check it then.



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[OT] Re: [newbie] I just found the strangest thing...

2002-04-05 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Friday 05 April 2002 17:30, Roman Korcek wrote:

 a few more times.
 The term itself is probably derived from the German word Fenster

Probably from Latin fenestra - same idea.

I vaguely remember the Defenestration of Prague, when the Czechs applied 
their traditional vote of no confidence to some Austrian (?) officials, as 
one of the events causing the Thirty Years War.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Where are the old versions?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Saturday 06 April 2002 00:15, Bruce Zink wrote:

 I'm having trouble getting 8.2 to install on my
 machine.  I'd like to try 8.0 or 8.1, but the Mandrake
 download site only points to 8.2, 7.1, and 8.0 for
 PPC.  Where do I find the others?

Check out the mirror sites.  Our local one ( ) has 
versions 7.0 onwards.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] MP3-ripper--Install error

2002-04-05 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Fri, 05 Apr 2002 09:19:11 -0500 (EST)
Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My personal favorite is a command line ripper that will rip the CD,
 query CDDB, do all the name change, etc, and convert it to either .mp3
 or .ogg. It's called Rip, and you can get it from

I get this error when trying to install:

Error: Unable to locate installed Perl libraries or Perl source code.

It is recommended that you install perl in a standard location before
building extensions. Some precompiled versions of perl do not contain
these header files, so you cannot build extensions. In such a case,
please build and install your perl from a fresh perl distribution. It
usually solves this kind of problem.

(You get this message, because MakeMaker could not find

Is building and installing perl difficult or tricky? Will I have to worry
about it conflicting with anything else on 8.1?


Todd Slater
5:59pm up 9 days, 19:27, 2 users, load average: 0.19, 0.11, 0.11
Our schools have been scientifically designed to prevent over-education
from happening...The average American [should be] content with their
humble role in life, because they're not tempted to think about any other
role. (William Harris, U.S. Commissioner of Education, 1889)

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Re: [newbie] KDE3 sound server problem

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 19:39, Linux Maniac escribió:
 I installed kde3 from rpm. When it boots, it says that it can't start the sound 
 server (I guess arts). I think oss works fine as mplayer and xmms works fine. 
 What can be done? 
just try disabling aRts, you probably just don't need it,
and it comes enabled by default..



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Re: [newbie] 8.2 auto-login

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 13:11, Paul Rodríguez escribió:
 How do I configure my box to auto-login in 8.2?
 Right now it auto-logs-in to generic X, I want it t
 o get into Gnome.
 - Paul R

well, if you log out, it gets to the graphical login manager, right?

if so, you can select Gnome from the drop-down menu, and from
that moment on, your default session will be gnome.



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Re: [newbie] How do I install the Sources?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 12:20, Alejandro Fernandez escribió:
 I don't know why, but the kernel sources are not installed in my
 machine. I installed everyhing from scratch selecting developent
 instalation but the sources are not there. Which package includes the
 sources? Can I install them from the Software MAnager?

the package name is kernel-source, just do a  urpmi kernel-source .



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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-05 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On 4 Apr 2002, tester wrote:

 Now do these
 urpmi unixodbc
 (and from the reply install every match with urpmi

Let me make sure I understand...I type the above, and it shows me this:

The following packages contain unixodbc: libunixODBC2-devel 
unixODBC-gui-qu unixODBC unixODBC-gui-gtk libunixODBC2. 

So I install those 
packages before all the rest? Won't that create a ton of dependancy 
problems, installing just those few before everything else? Why is this 
method preferable to just doing rpm -ivh *?

 urpmi postgresql
 (same activity again, and include all the -devels)
 urpmi MYSQL
 (go at it again, installing everything)
 rpm -ivh *rpm
 Take notes, you will get some instructions.
 The procedure will hang on a warning message, refusing to tell you it is
 completed.  Hit the Enter key once for the system prompt.
 That's it...  It will show up as KDE3 on the kdm login screen and it
 will show up as
 11 KDE
 on the choices Xtart presents from a console.
 Unles you save the session, it will ask for styles EVERY time you login
 which can be a pain.
 The soundserver is, to say the least, flaky.  Programs like xmms will
 continue to work but don't bother reporting known bugs about KDE sound.
 Some of the login messages and panels may crash with a crash message if
 your security is High or Higher.  KDE3 is making too many assumptions
 about permissions and open sockets.
 About par for the course for a .0 type release from KDE.  Some things
 will improve with 3.1, but the new KDE is for the most part, smooth and
 Liquid is not ready or KDE3 is not ready for liquid at this time.  Some
 beautiful theming from Mosfet will just have to wait a little longer.




registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

2002-04-05 Per discussione Blood Slap

I didn't see that v42 there, but here's my config files are attached.

- Original Message -
From: Blood Slap [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

 It is not mobility or pro, it's just an ATI Expert 2000 Rage 128, but I
 check the config file.
 - Original Message -
 From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 11:36 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] problems with 8.2

  On Thu, 04 Apr 2002 09:57:44 -0700
  Michael Kovary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have now done a clean install of 8.2, and most of the problems from
 before are gone, but while running KDE and Gnome (might in other window
 managers but not so far) the entire machine will freeze except for my
 mouse and sound if music was playing at the time.  And I'm forced to use
 the reset button.  Is this just a bug in 8.2 that can be fixed?  Will I
 have to update something?
  Is yours a straight Rage128 card?
  Not a mobility or Pro or some other variation.
  It should not be there but just in case check your /etc/X11/X86Config-4.
  In the module section if there is an entry for v41, either # it out or
 remove it.
  Restart X and your problem will be gone.
  If the above was not the cause of your problem please post your


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# File generated by XFdrake.

# ** # Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of
# this file. # **

Section Files

RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together) # By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of # the X server to render fonts.

FontPath unix/:-1


# **
# Server flags section. # **

Section ServerFlags

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is # received. This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may # provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging #NoTrapSignals

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltBS server abort sequence # This allows clients to receive this key event. #DontZap

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltKP_+/KP_- mode switching # sequences. This allows clients to receive these key events. #DontZoom

# This allows the server to start up even if the # mouse device cant be opened/initialised. AllowMouseOpenFail


# **
# Input devices # **

# **
# Keyboard section # **

Section InputDevice

Identifier Keyboard1
Driver Keyboard
Option AutoRepeat 250 30

Option XkbRules xfree86
Option XkbModel pc105
Option XkbLayout us


# **
# Pointer section # **

Section InputDevice

Identifier Mouse1
Driver mouse
Option Protocol IMPS/2
Option Device /dev/psaux
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5
# Option Emulate3Buttons
# Option Emulate3Timeout 50

# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice

# Option ChordMiddle


Section Module

# This loads the DBE extension module.
Load dbe

Load glx
Load dri

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables # initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.

SubSection extmod
#Option omit xfree86-dga

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules

Load type1
Load freetype

Section DRI
Mode 0666

# **
# Monitor section # **

# Any number of monitor sections may be present

Section Monitor
Identifier NEC MultiSync XV15+
VendorName NEC
ModelName Unknown

# HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified. # HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a # comma separated list of ranges of values. # NOTE: THE VALUES HERE ARE EXAMPLES ONLY. REFER TO YOUR MONITORS

Re: [newbie] questions

2002-04-05 Per discussione Robin

On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 11:07, Oder wrote:
 I have recently installed MDK 8.2 on my toshiba satellite 1800-s208 - intel 
 celeron 1.1GHz with DVD-ROM/CD-RW. Installation went smoothly but I still 
 have some problems: 
 when I run xine, it appears for a second and then vanishes; 

try run it from a terminal, it will say something there if there was an

 in the desktop I have 2 icons of floppy - Floppy and Floppy2 - why Floppy2?
 in the boot session I have winxp, linux and linux-nonfb - what is it 

I believe nonfb means no frame buffer, with frame buffer you can run
text console with different resolution. Not all video card supports it.

 what program do I need for DVD and CD-RW?
 Thank you for any help you may be able to provide. Oder

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Re: [newbie] Clearly missing something

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 18:21, Bruce Zink escribió:
I recently acquired the source code for an Intel
 NIC card driver (from an Intel web site).  The
 documentation tells me to use make install to
 compile/install the driver.
Unfortunately, that command gives me the message
 bash: make not found or something like that. 
 Likewise, man make produces No manual for make or
 whatever.  You get the picture.
I gather I am lacking some fairly basic program. 
 What does it seem to be and how do I get it?  Any
 hints would be much appreciated.

if you were trying to make install as a normal user, it's a
possibility that you don't have /usr/bin in your PATH, 
so /usr/bin/make wasn't found.
try  /usr/bin/make install 
or make install logged in as root.

if this doesn't do it, ...

open a terminal window. su to root. 
that is, enter the  su  command. it will ask for your root password,
enter it, then you will become root. ( anyway forget about this if you
are already logged in as root )

type  urpmi make 

it will ask for your mandrake cd's so keep 'em handy.

see if that helps.


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Re: [newbie] questions

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 16:07, Oder escribió:
 I have recently installed MDK 8.2 on my toshiba satellite 1800-s208 - intel 
 celeron 1.1GHz with DVD-ROM/CD-RW. Installation went smoothly but I still 
 have some problems: 
 when I run xine, it appears for a second and then vanishes; 
 in the desktop I have 2 icons of floppy - Floppy and Floppy2 - why Floppy2?
 in the boot session I have winxp, linux and linux-nonfb - what is it 
 what program do I need for DVD and CD-RW?
 Thank you for any help you may be able to provide. Oder

i suggest you run xine from a konsole so when it hangs you will be able 
to read what the error was, and post it here. this way the list will
be more helpful.

about floppy2, looks like the installation detecting two floppy drives.
if you don't need floppy2, just delete it.

linux-nonfb is, i think, no frame-buffer. a different video mode.



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Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-05 Per discussione john rigby

Hi Bob,
No! I assumed there *was* a way - but no amount of playing with Help
possibilities came up with *that* destruction!
Will go try on the other machine when I get a second.



- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 5:32 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

 PMFJI late, but have you tried typing


 from the command line?

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All *MY* communications are certified virus-free. Why not yours?
Ask here for full info - *and* get it free. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.344 / Virus Database: 191 - Release Date: 2/04/02

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Re: [newbie] Likely dumb questions...but

2002-04-05 Per discussione Charlie

Damian's message on Friday 05 April 2002 04:24 pm, stated:

 no idea about your firewall, but this may be caused by supermount
 not mounting your cd's..
 try inserting a cd in your drive and, in a terminal, type:

 mount /mnt/cdrom

 and see if you can check it then.



Thanks Damian. I get the message; mount: can't find /mnt/cd-rom in 
/etc/fstab or /etc/mtab. 

That doesn quite seem right though since the fstab shows; 

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
Probably on the right track though, since I don't think that's the way it 
should read. Or is it? Permissions problem, right? What should I edit please?

Thanks in advance;

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[OT] Re: [newbie] very scary stuff. Your rights ARE vanishing - being assasinated...

2002-04-05 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Saturday 06 April 2002 00:22, john rigby wrote:
 Hello folks,

 This is not off-topic! This is a probable reason that we are all having
 more and more email problems.

Well strictly speaking it _is_ off topic. Off topic doesn't mean useless or 
completely irrelevant (obviously that shouldn't be posted at all); it means 
anything which the poster thinks will be of interest to at least some 
members, but is unrelated, or only tenously related to the topic of the list.

AFAIK, the email problems we've been having are not related to filters (I've 
had some, and I'm not with a commercial ISP or free webmail service).

And now for my own off-topic comment ...
 One of my fears about the development of the fabulous tool we call the
 Internet is the prediction made by Kilneth nearly a decade ago:  Without
 positive loop feedback it can rapidly become a Cyberbog.  It is going that
 please read this a.s.a.p.
 Everything needs a  positive feedback loop, from teaching children good
 behaviour, to the Sydney Opera House - a project which had no control by

Call me a pedant, but what you seem to advocating is not a positive feedback 
loop, but a negative one.  Positive feedback is what happens when part of the 
output is fed back as input, so the signal, motion or behaviour increases.  
Unless you're a rock guitarist, it's generally a bad thing.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Go back to 8.1???

2002-04-05 Per discussione Linus Drouhard

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 12:58 pm, you wrote:
 Tim Cruikshank wrote:
 On Tuesday 02 April 2002 23:17, you wrote:
 Hi all,
 I recently installed MD 8.2 on my computer.  Many things went well, but
  I cannot run PrinterDrake or any followon installation from the CD's. 
  Locks up everytime.  I checked the installation logs and had a LOT of
  errors during installation.  I'm surprised the computer runs as well as
  it does.
 Anyway, I'd like to go back to MD 8.1 (which worked well on my
  computer). My only hesitation is in some of the packages that come with
  8.2.  GnuCash worked out of the box in 8.2.  It took me *days* to
  satisfy all the dependencies for GnuCash in 8.1 via many downloads.  Is
  there a way to use MD 8.1 and the rpms from 8.2 discs?  or save the
  installed packages when I go back?  Thanks
 Rather than going through a complete reinstall , why don't you post the
  error messsages here, and I'm sure someone should be able to help you
  sraighten things out.
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  From what you described it appears your burn does not read on the CD
 drive that well.  I would suggest trying different media or a different
 CD drive before retreating.

 I had a similar problem here with a DVD reader on one machine.  Turned
 out that CDs I burned at 1x, 2x, 8x and 12x would all fail, but if I
 burned at 4x they would read.  The DVD rreader, brand new, had its own
 problems--like refusing to recognize CD2 and CD3 during install though
 it did so post-install.

 Sorry the hardware story on CDs is so crappy, but then they are
 seriously driven too fast in rate of spin for no valid engineering
 reason.  At least we don't have 70X CD readers out there any longer and
 the worst of the manufacturers seem to have died off.


I don't think that's it.  I don't have any trouble with any other CD's.  I 
have an old Ricoh 4X burner that has a max read speed of 20X.  It's worked 
perfectly with everything else.  I believe that I have bad hardware, or just 
a combination of stuff that doesn't work.  I'll try 8.1 again.  If that 
fails, I'll probably be looking at a new motherboard.  Thanks for all of your 
help.  I skim through many of the posts, but I always read the ones from 
Civileme.  Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.


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Re: [newbie] I just found the strangest thing...

2002-04-05 Per discussione Charlie

Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas's message on Friday 05 April 2002 03:41 pm, 
 On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

 Yep! I got the very same answer on kdict!
 For those like me to that use regurlaly dictionaries

Just for a slightly different take on it. A bookmark that I use frequently 
and  the official definition from there;


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Re: [newbie] Where are the old versions?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Friday 05 April 2002 07:47 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
 On Saturday 06 April 2002 00:15, Bruce Zink wrote:
  I'm having trouble getting 8.2 to install on my
  machine.  I'd like to try 8.0 or 8.1, but the Mandrake
  download site only points to 8.2, 7.1, and 8.0 for
  PPC.  Where do I find the others?

 Check out the mirror sites.  Our local one ( )
 has versions 7.0 onwards.

redhat 6.2 was a good OLD version of Linux

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
Front Street Networks LLC - ph. 203.785.0699
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, United States of America
7:15pm up 15 days, 3:40, 3 users, load average: 1.58, 1.32, 1.43

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Re: [OT] Re: [newbie] I just found the strangest thing...

2002-04-05 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Friday 05 April 2002 05:10 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
 On Friday 05 April 2002 17:30, Roman Korcek wrote:
  a few more times.
  The term itself is probably derived from the German word Fenster

 Probably from Latin fenestra - same idea.

 I vaguely remember the Defenestration of Prague, when the Czechs applied
 their traditional vote of no confidence to some Austrian (?) officials, as
 one of the events causing the Thirty Years War.

 Sir Robin

Considering that it happened in the early 17th century, you're entitled to be 
a little vague on the subject. ;^)
-- cmg

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[newbie] Internet Time Limit

2002-04-05 Per discussione John Lynch


my exams have finished so I am now messing around with Linux.

I pity you all.

When I boot up Mandrake, the internet works fine for a set time, at which 
point it stops working completely.

However this imposed time limit ONLY exists if I have booted up Windows XP 
than Linux, otherwise the internet doesn't work at all.

WHY does this happen?
and how can I fix it?

The errors I get alternate between Timed out and couldn't find server

Thankyou very much for all your help.


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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-05 Per discussione James Thomas

I actually just downloaded and installed KDE 3.0 and have been playing with 
it for a bit.

Anyway, all I did was download all of the KDE 3.0 files for Mandrake 8.2 
(there's a link from kde's main site). Then I (as root) cd'ed into the 
appropriate directory and just did: urpmi *.rpm and it fixed all the 
dependencies I didn't have installed for me - all I had to do was insert 
Disk 1 when it asked for it.


From: Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE3.0
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 19:53:23 -0500 (EST)

On 4 Apr 2002, tester wrote:

  Now do these
  urpmi unixodbc
  (and from the reply install every match with urpmi

Let me make sure I understand...I type the above, and it shows me this:

The following packages contain unixodbc: libunixODBC2-devel
unixODBC-gui-qu unixODBC unixODBC-gui-gtk libunixODBC2.

So I install those
packages before all the rest? Won't that create a ton of dependancy
problems, installing just those few before everything else? Why is this
method preferable to just doing rpm -ivh *?

  urpmi postgresql
  (same activity again, and include all the -devels)
  urpmi MYSQL
  (go at it again, installing everything)
  rpm -ivh *rpm
  Take notes, you will get some instructions.
  The procedure will hang on a warning message, refusing to tell you it is
  completed.  Hit the Enter key once for the system prompt.
  That's it...  It will show up as KDE3 on the kdm login screen and it
  will show up as
  11 KDE
  on the choices Xtart presents from a console.
  Unles you save the session, it will ask for styles EVERY time you login
  which can be a pain.
  The soundserver is, to say the least, flaky.  Programs like xmms will
  continue to work but don't bother reporting known bugs about KDE sound.
  Some of the login messages and panels may crash with a crash message if
  your security is High or Higher.  KDE3 is making too many assumptions
  about permissions and open sockets.
  About par for the course for a .0 type release from KDE.  Some things
  will improve with 3.1, but the new KDE is for the most part, smooth and
  Liquid is not ready or KDE3 is not ready for liquid at this time.  Some
  beautiful theming from Mosfet will just have to wait a little longer.




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[newbie] ipchains and Mandrake

2002-04-05 Per discussione Payal Rathod

Hello all,
Me and my friend have installed Mnadrake 8.0 3 times
and all the times we found out that
ipchains was not getting installed at all. 2nd and 3rd
time anticipating this problem we were
on lookout for ipchains package to be ticked. We
install in expert mode with security level
to medium and option select individual packages ON.
We had to install it from source and then we found
that the kernel did not have
masquerading support build in cos' when we gave
ipchains -A forward -j MASQ we had an error
Protocol: no such protocol
Is this a known problem with Mandrake 8.0?
Thanks and bye.

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Re: [newbie] FIDO - The grandaddy of the Movement.......

2002-04-05 Per discussione dfox

 A number of people expressed interest in the early days of Pre-net when
 FIDO happened. A wonderful example of what people can do together.  Here is

I didn't interact much with FIDO, but I remember that I almost was going
to be a fido node once. I had gotten the software and was printing out
the manual - that alone took many hours on my 9 pin dot matrix printer,
ca. 1985 or so :).

I was involved more with PC Board, Uninet (kinda similar, but independent
and even was a moderator for one or two 'conferences' - which were kind
of like Usenet newsgroups) back in about 1988 or so, before I even knew
that the Internet or Usenet existed.

Interestingly enough, I first heard about Linux while lurking around 
in PC Board and RIME Unix conferences. Eventually I was trying to do
a mini-newsfeed on my old 386 clunker of RIME/PCBoard stuff, and I started
getting more and more interested in Linux because DOS was just not up
to that task. One thing that got me hooked on Linux early was the disk
access speed - file manipulation and such.

 Of course, FIDO is rather horse-n-buggy today, but it was and is a miracle
 for the poor.

It's still much like Usenet / UUCP store and forward mechanisms, which I 
used up until about 1995. (I basically converted my old 386 clunker that
was spending over an hour just thrashing the disk to an infinitely more
flexible *small* usenet host running Cnews/UUCP, in fact).


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Re: [newbie] ipchains and Mandrake

2002-04-05 Per discussione Brian Parish

ipchains is the old stuff - iptables is used now.


On Sat, 2002-04-06 at 12:45, Payal Rathod wrote:
 Hello all,
 Me and my friend have installed Mnadrake 8.0 3 times
 and all the times we found out that
 ipchains was not getting installed at all. 2nd and 3rd
 time anticipating this problem we were
 on lookout for ipchains package to be ticked. We
 install in expert mode with security level
 to medium and option select individual packages ON.
 We had to install it from source and then we found
 that the kernel did not have
 masquerading support build in cos' when we gave
 ipchains -A forward -j MASQ we had an error
 Protocol: no such protocol
 Is this a known problem with Mandrake 8.0?
 Thanks and bye.
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Re: [newbie] Video editing using Linux

2002-04-05 Per discussione Carlos Arigos

El Vie 05 Abr 2002 19:30, escribió:
 I want to do some video editing, e.g. record the hour long home videos onto
 hard drive and cut the 58 or so minutes of boring footage out, then
 recording it back to videotape.

 I don't need anything too fancy, just basic edits and perhaps some simple
 character generator capability.

 I assume I can do this with the appropriate software if I add a video
 capture card to my Linux box. (I have a 1GHz Athlon, currently at 256MB but
 it will probabaly be upgraded to 512MB by the time I aquire the necessary
 hardware and software.)

 Does anyone have any experience doing this under Linux? If so, what
 software/hardware should I use? Or would I be better off dual-booting into
 (gasp!) Windows for video editing?

 Thanks in advance.

Bcast2000 (disc 2, MDK 8.2). Supported hardware
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Re: [newbie] ipchains and Mandrake

2002-04-05 Per discussione jeff

unless i'm wrong, the new kernels don't have 'built-in'
support for ipchains. which isn't to say you can't use
ipchains with the new 2.4 kernels...but you'll probably
need to build a new kernel with ipchains support or try
loading ipchains as a module.

and, i would recommend that you get acquainted with
netfilter...which uses iptables.

shane chen has some decent (slightly outdated) stuff at: - he wrote some nice how-to's on
building iptables firewalls. it's a good start.

good luck and if you want to try, load ipchains as a
module and see what you get - i'm not sure what will
happen since i'm a big debian user.

as root, modprobe ipchains ; insmod ipchains


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Re: [newbie] Unavailable Space on dos-format floppies

2002-04-05 Per discussione dfox

 I have this here floppy disk formatted for dos, with an entire website 
 on it. According to readings under both Windows and Linux it is 41% full.

Hmm. The way you describe it there's probably two places where you're
losing space:

1) ext2fs needs somewhat more overhead than FAT does
2) ext2fs is reserving areas for root, typically 5%, although that
is configurable.

If you're intending the disk to be a one-shot (you're not going to
be adding files once you've put the contents there) you can get away
with setting the reserved percentage to zero. But you still have the
extra overhead that maybe getting in the way, and for a low-use 
diskette ext2fs is probably overkill, although you still have the
permissions, which is probably a good thing.

You might as well go back to using FAT for floppies - it's not at all
good for hard disks, but OK for floppies if you don't think the 
permissions are necessary. Minix is possible, but I'm not sure most
Mandrake kernels ship with minix enabled -- probabbly most people 
don't use it that often.

Another option is that you can tar your archive directly to the
diskette, bypassing any file system at all. Tar would basically
treat your diskette media as a (smallish) tape. Then to get at
your files, you simply untar from the diskette like you would a
tape drive. This is a good move when you have a set of data that
is close to a diskette's worth of capacity (if less, you lose
space) and in situations when you are just planning on taking the data off
the diskette. I don't think Windows is going to like either of these

 Graham Watkins

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Re: [newbie] ipchains and Mandrake

2002-04-05 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Friday 05 April 2002 09:57 pm, Brian Parish wrote:
 ipchains is the old stuff - iptables is used now.

does 8.0 have a 2.4 kernel, if not than ipchains is what he needs!

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
Front Street Networks LLC - ph. 203.785.0699
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, United States of America
10:16pm up 15 days, 6:41, 3 users, load average: 1.29, 1.24, 1.39

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Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-05 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 21:39:03 +1000, john rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Ed,
 Thanks for the response, but afraid I can't follow it.
 - Original Message -
 From: ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 9:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?
   I have now even bought a Jetway moboard as I was told it was lux
   SIS 630T chipset
   It has O/b video AGP4x shared mem amount immaterial as I've seen so far.
  WRONG... THIS is your problem, you need to specify the ram being used
  as subtracted from the overall ram,ie linux mem=118 (this being a
  w/128 ram chip, and 8 meg for video ram and a little extra to be safe.
  Specified where? I don't recall it coming up in the install
 The system at last fallover had 384 Megs RAM.
 What I meant by immaterial was that any change in the allocated Video RAM
 under Doze made no difference in anything noticeable, so I left it at the
 default 8.

In the example Ed has given, you need to type linux mem=118 instead of just
linux at the LILO boot prompt. You have shared system and video RAM, so you
need to substract your video RAM from your total RAM to calculate your system

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I don't use Windows. I don't need that rubbish ;-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Oh definitely -- Bill Gates, when asked does your computer ever crash?

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Re: [newbie] ipchains and Mandrake

2002-04-05 Per discussione Payal Rathod

Thanks for the mails. But I can use ipchains properly
with Mandrake 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2 without any
kernel recompiling, then why not with 8.0?
has anybody faced such a  problem with 8.0?
Thanks and bye.
--- Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Friday 05 April 2002 09:57 pm, Brian Parish
  ipchains is the old stuff - iptables is used now.
 does 8.0 have a 2.4 kernel, if not than ipchains is
 what he needs!
 Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
 Front Street Networks LLC - ph. 203.785.0699
 229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, United
 States of America
 10:16pm up 15 days, 6:41, 3 users, load average:
 1.29, 1.24, 1.39
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Re: [newbie] Not why only graphical - Why no graphical?

2002-04-05 Per discussione civileme

john rigby wrote:

Hi Civileme,
Thanks for the info.
However, you didn't answer some of the points such as re getting FROM text
to GUI via the command line. Is there a way?
Couple of others I've prefaced with  if you wouldn't mind.

2. As I paid for the presentation of 1000's of programs with the retail
Powerpak, is there a chance that I could use say a 2 disk minimalist set


8.1 ( or 2) to get a start and then install the programs I want from the



 Would this be safe?

It would be safe as long as you don't use --force in the install 
options.  OTOH, it may or may not work.  ViaVoice will _not_ work.

3. What is the vote nowadays - my figures show 50/50 for 8.1 and 8.2 re


install/working satisfaction.

*** Re above question - and should I go for 8.1?

No, 8.1 has several bugs in the supermount and in a couple of the 
install scripts and is generally more of a pain to install than 8.2. 
 8.2 is much faster, due to an improved virtual memory algorithm, and 
many of the complaints for 8.2 can be attributed to bad burns for 
downloadable CDs or trying to install from CD1 only, which will not 
work.  One integrated Chipset (with a ProSavage inside) is having video 
problems during disk access (real bug) and Samba will not unmount if you 
encode the mount filenames in a 16-bit or higher character encoding 
scheme (works fine if filenames are in iso 8859-1).

4. If Mandrake can't for some reason detect a graphics card, should it


say so? Or will it simply default to a Terminal/text install?

 As this has happened before, I would like to know this info.

First Mandrake tries to estabvlish a Framebuffer driver.  The 
Framebuffer device is a virtual device providing up to 1024x768 graphics 
with 16-bit(65535-color) color which works off of most modern video 
cards.  If that is unsuccessful, the first fall-back is a VGA 640x480 
16-color graphical install, and only then is the retreat to text employed.

This is why it is weird, because the 630/540/730 SiS chipsets ALL 
support framebuffer.  May I ask if this Mainboard has been otherwise 
tested?  You may have a serious problem with it in a hardware sense. 
 Frankly I would suspect the CDs first because you have reported 
problems that looked like incomplete installs on other machines with 
those CDs.

I have a Jetway 630TCF with the SiS 630 chipset.  Install comes up
Graphic without any effort on my part since the video supports
Framebuffer.  With the 530 and 8.0 there are some problems on some
implementations usually solved by setting options in

 You said problems with 530. Did you mean 530 or slip from 630?  

There is a series for Pentium II and III called the 620  which has a super socket 7 
counterpart tagged the 530 in the same way that the much more modern 630(for PII PIII 
Celeron and Via C3) has a super socket 7 equivalent called the 540.  I definitely 
meant 530, which is also an integrated chipset but with earlier and less 
sophisticated capabilities though still 3D acceleration capable.

It makes no sense for the install to come up text without any graphics.
But if the install does, then your CDs are seriously damaged (at least
one run of the pressed CDs had trouble with a RAMDisk).  It might try to
come up text if you have less than 64M RAM since the 630 shares 8M of
main memory with video memory which makes a 32M setup really offer only
24M to the system.  In that case you would be fortunate to install at

* Well, I had 512 on the last system and 384 on this one, so RAm
wasn't a problem.
There may be a disk problem - although there was no failure evident -
everything else went according to schedule except it won't run as GUI.

It could also be a hardware problem.  Does this show graphics on ANY 
system?  8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 show OK on my 630TCF, and on a laptop based on 
the 630 handled by one of the crashtesters.

The sound portion is something requiring special tweaks in 8.2 though it 
runs out of the box on 8.1 and as I recall, does not run on 8.0.




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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-05 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem

Somehow, it looks like that there may have been more issues than there was 
with LM 8.0 or 8.1. It might be a good idea to have a bug fix release before 
the boxed version comes out. If only to blunt possible smear campains that 
may come from Redmond. And besides, many complain that Linux requires users 
to be more computer savvy than for the Redmond OS. Making possible converts 
go through rpm updates may not help dispel the perception that Linux is for 
geeks. Many may return to Redmond never come back again. Just read the Rigby 
FUD. Personally, I would not mind a delay in the release of the boxed 
version if need be. 


On Friday 05 April 2002 09:53 pm, Damian wrote:
 El sáb, 06-04-2002 a las 01:59, Seedkum Aladeem escribió:
  Is there a chance that there may be an LM 8.2.x bug fix version.released?

 ... you think we may need one?


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Re: [newbie] no subject

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El jue, 04-04-2002 a las 19:43, Alberto escribió:
 Salve a tutti.
 Ho riscontrato dei gravi problemi con iptables sotto manndrake 8,2 realise.
 In sintesi dopo n'istallazione pulita partendo da disco formattato il
 servizio iptables non si avvia.
 Ho cercato tra i servizi attivi e non ci sta.
 Ho provato a farlo partire e non parte.
 Ho dato dei comandi per settare il nat alla solita maniera , in 8,1 va da 6
 mesi circa, ma nulla!!
 Mi dice che devo aggiornare o iptables o il kernel.
 Ho anche prvato a disistallare iptabe e a reistallarlo sempre dai cd di
 Mandrake 8,2 ma non cambia nulla.
 Come posso risolvere? Qualcun'altro ha riscontrato problemi simili?
 Anche altri mei amici hanno avuto lo stesso problema.
 Io posseggo un Athlon 800 che con Mandrake 8,1 é sempre andato a gonfie

uhm.. have you upgraded your kernel? looks like your kernel and iptables
versions are mismatch.. 

has your friend installed Mandrake 8.2
from the same cd's? maybe it's a faulty CD.

pretty much everyone here has at least tried iptables, and this is
the first time i read of a problem like this.


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Re: [newbie] Where are the old versions?

2002-04-05 Per discussione civileme

Bruce Zink wrote:


I'm having trouble getting 8.2 to install on my
machine.  I'd like to try 8.0 or 8.1, but the Mandrake
download site only points to 8.2, 7.1, and 8.0 for
PPC.  Where do I find the others?

No, I'm a good man.  I'm just not a very good wizard.

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What sort of machine?

Did you try booting from CD2 and selecting an alternate install image?

8.2 is far better than the other two, and most problems we have seen is 
that a machine will not read well what another burned (wither media or 
the devices preparing or reading it).

You can find older ones at a limited selection of sites like


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Re: [newbie] ftp problems in 8.2

2002-04-05 Per discussione Paul

On Fri, 05 Apr 2002 16:07:30 +0100 Jamie wrote:

I found that i had to change the ftpd.conf file and change it to inetd 
instead of standalone mode.(one of the directives is set to 'standalone' 
change it to read 'inetd').

Also i found the proftpd and wuftpd don't like to live on the same machine.

i think the xinetd processes need restarting after the conf file changes. 
(it was a few weeks ago when i changed it, i've slept since ;)

I have tried to get ProFTPD running also, with the options you mentioned
here. But alas, to no avail. When I switch from 'standalone' to 'inetd' and
restart things, ProFTPD complains that there is a socket problem:

Starting proftpd: tbird.merlijn - Fatal: Socket operation on non-socket
tbird.merlijn - (Running from command line? Use `ServerType standalone' in
config file!)

Any clues? It would be nice to have FTP running again.

It does not always pay to have a golden tongue
unless one has the ability to hold it.
-Paul Johnson - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.4

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-05 Per discussione Damian

El sáb, 06-04-2002 a las 03:46, Seedkum Aladeem escribió:
 Somehow, it looks like that there may have been more issues than there was 
 with LM 8.0 or 8.1. It might be a good idea to have a bug fix release before 
 the boxed version comes out. If only to blunt possible smear campains that 
 may come from Redmond. And besides, many complain that Linux requires users 
 to be more computer savvy than for the Redmond OS. Making possible converts 
 go through rpm updates may not help dispel the perception that Linux is for 
 geeks. Many may return to Redmond never come back again. Just read the Rigby 
 FUD. Personally, I would not mind a delay in the release of the boxed 
 version if need be. 

i agree that 8.2 seems to be a little more problematic, ( judging only
by amount of posts. personally i had about 0 problems )
but, including a post from civileme stating that an installation
using only Download disc 1 leaves you with a broken KDE...

however i assume that the greater amount of glitches is due to the
introduction of new features. it's only natural. next release
will probably be less innovative but will work better...

anyway i guess Mandrake is better off ( and probably already )
working on 9.0 ( or will they release 8.3? ) 

in any case, i wouln't make a new release of the distro just to
avoid FUD.. if the guys at MDK feel they need to fix stuff, they will.


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Re: [newbie] questions

2002-04-05 Per discussione civileme

Robin wrote:

On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 11:07, Oder wrote:

I have recently installed MDK 8.2 on my toshiba satellite 1800-s208 - intel 
celeron 1.1GHz with DVD-ROM/CD-RW. Installation went smoothly but I still 
have some problems: 
when I run xine, it appears for a second and then vanishes; 

try run it from a terminal, it will say something there if there was an

in the desktop I have 2 icons of floppy - Floppy and Floppy2 - why Floppy2?
in the boot session I have winxp, linux and linux-nonfb - what is it 

I believe nonfb means no frame buffer, with frame buffer you can run
text console with different resolution. Not all video card supports it.

what program do I need for DVD and CD-RW?
Thank you for any help you may be able to provide. Oder

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Well, I am getting a DVD/CDRW to play with, so we will see.  _Some_ IDE 
DVDs will not function properly under ide-scsi, a methos that makes an 
ide device emulate SCSI (which is necessary to make cdrecord work, a 
program that is behind all the Graphical frontends in linux for CD burning)

It is likely that you can make a dual-boot situation for the SAME 
system, one in which hdc=ide-scsi is in the LILO append line for making 
CD-Rs or CDRWs and another in which the Append line has hdc=ide-cd for 
viewing DVDs...

(And for both the entry in /etc/fstab for /mnt/cdrom has the stanza 
dev=/dev/hdc in the options)

I hope to find a way of integrating this, but right now it seems to be a 
serious deficiency in some DVD players that they will not function 
properly under SCSI emulation (Several DVD players do well in SCSI 
emulation mode).


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