Re: [newbie-it] problemi con scheda audio

2002-04-22 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 23:54, domenica 21 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
  Questo è strano, sembra che la scheda non sia configurata per niente.
  Fai una cosa, fai il login come root, apri una shell (lo puoi fare dal
  pannello del desktop) e lancia il comando: sndconfig.
  Questo comando ti permette di configurare la scheda audio, segui le
  istruzioni che ti da a video.

 Scusa ma faccio command sndconfig e nulla e sono sicura di essermi connessa
 come root anche ho provaso solo con sndconfig ma nulla. Mi sono accertata
 di avere una finestra di shell.

Dunque, dato che non riuscivo a capire tale comportamento strano ho fatto una 
prova. Ho installato mdk 8.1 sul mio portatile (su cui in precedenza avevo 
installato rh7.2 - senza nessun problema). Ebbene mi succedono le stesse cose 
che succedono a te (mi riferisco alla scheda audio). Questa (anche se è 
diversa dalla tua) viene rinososciuta ma non funziona, se apro il mixer non 
mi da nesun cursore, se lancio sndconfig mi dice, dopo aver riconosciuto il 
chip della scheda che questa non è supportata. Questo è un caso diverso però.
Dato che so per certo che la sndblaster 128 è pienamente supportata

Il procedimento, passo passo, è:
fare il login come root
aprire una shell (fai un clic sull'icona del pannello inferiore (in kde) dove 
è rappresentato il monitor)
dentro digita il comando:  init 3
(ti permette di passare dalla modalità grafica a quella testuale)
una volta che si avvia l'ambiente testuale dovrai di nuovo fare il login come 
root e dare la tua password.
Prima ti chiederà   Login  
poi password

dopo aver fatto il login dai il comando sndconfig

a questo punto o ti da un messaggio di errore, perchè non trova il programma 
sndconfig oppure si apre sndconfig (che funziona in modalità testuale, ti 
ricordo) che ti chiederà:

sndconfig is a configuration tool for sound cards.
A probe will now be performed for any pnp cards.

e quindi i tasti OK e Cancel sotto

Il tasto preimpostato è OK quindi premi il tasto (della tastiera) Invio.
Apetta un po di tempo fino a che non ti da un messaggio e segui le 
istruzioni, dovrebbe farti anche dei test per sentire dei suoni.
Prova e fammi sapere.

Per quanto riguarda il boot loader credo che tu abbia lilo e non grub.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con scheda audio

2002-04-22 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 23:54, domenica 21 aprile 2002, hai scritto:

 Che cosa devo fare per sapere che bootloader ho?

OOPS mi sono scordato di risponderti su questo punto.
Vai nella directory /boot  quindi devi vedere se è presente un file chiamato 
lilo.conf. Se è presente significa che utilizzi lilo e non grub.
In questo caso le modifiche le devi fare a questo file (vedi uno deimiei 
messaggi precedenti).
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] domanda...

2002-04-22 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 12:36, lunedì 22 aprile 2002 hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti,
 ho bisogno di installare la Mandrake Single Network Firewall su una
 macchina piuttosto vecchia.

 Ve la descrivo:

 Pentium 133
 HD 1.5 GB
 Sch. Video: Ati Mach 64
 Sch audio... ???

 Bene. Anzi male.

 Quando arriva al fatidico punto del Second stage install non va oltre.

Domanda stupida: hai verificato che il CD di installazione non sia 
difettoso? La prima volta che provai ad installare la 7.2 si piantava 
esattamente nello stesso punto, e dipendeva da un CD scaricato male...
Altrimenti prova a dare un'occhiata a questo articolo dal sito MandrakeForum:


[newbie-it] manta

2002-04-22 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti,
qualcuno usa il modem speed touch usb?
Mi interesserebbe soprattutto il comtenuto file /etc/ppp/peers/adsl,
per controllare i parametri.
Grazie a tutti

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Clicca qui:  

Re: [newbie-it] domanda...

2002-04-22 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il lun, 2002-04-22 alle 13:52, Daniele Micci ha scritto:

 Domanda stupida: hai verificato che il CD di installazione non sia 
 difettoso? La prima volta che provai ad installare la 7.2 si piantava 
 esattamente nello stesso punto, e dipendeva da un CD scaricato male...
 Altrimenti prova a dare un'occhiata a questo articolo dal sito MandrakeForum:

Pensando proprio a questo ho riscaricato la SNF...
Cmq ora vedo il link.

Grazie e ciao.

[newbie-it] Koffice 1.1.1

2002-04-22 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

Salve ragazzi,

In Koffice 1.1.1 su Mandrake 8.1 quando do il comando anteprima di stampa 
per un documento appare una schermata con tutti i caratteri illeggibili e 
non cambia molto quando si stampa il documento.
Per le immagini invece l'anteprima è ottima.
Qualcuno ha un suggerimento per risolvere il tutto?


[newbie-it] Login come root

2002-04-22 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

Avrei un problemino di login da sottoporre.
Su una macchina con 3-4 utenti non si riesce piu' a loggarsi come root.
Il comando su funziona bene mentre il login diretto no.
Qualcuno sa cosa guardare per capire cosa non va?

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] domanda...

2002-04-22 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il lun, 2002-04-22 alle 14:07, Brunini Alessandro ha scritto:
 Il lun, 2002-04-22 alle 13:52, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
  Domanda stupida: hai verificato che il CD di installazione non sia 
  difettoso? La prima volta che provai ad installare la 7.2 si piantava 
  esattamente nello stesso punto, e dipendeva da un CD scaricato male...
  Altrimenti prova a dare un'occhiata a questo articolo dal sito MandrakeForum:

1) Con il nuovo CD il problema si ripete
2) Con altre modalità di installazione si pianta al solito punto
3) Solo una volta tentando di installare come expert noauto parte
l'installzione grafica ma poi si blocca dopo la scelta della lingua.
Ritentando con il solito modo si pianta a second stage install anche
in questo modo.

4) Non credo che sia un problema di hardware perchè la Mandrake 7.2 si
installa, per di più in modalità grafica...

5) La SNF vuole assolutamante anche una scheda di rete in fase di
installazione o si può installare anche dopo?

Grazie e un saluto.

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con scheda audio

2002-04-22 Per discussione Martina

Dunque, dato che non riuscivo a capire tale comportamento strano ho fatto una
prova. Ho installato mdk 8.1 sul mio portatile (su cui in precedenza avevo
installato rh7.2 - senza nessun problema). Ebbene mi succedono le stesse cose
che succedono a te (mi riferisco alla scheda audio). Questa (anche se è
diversa dalla tua) viene rinososciuta ma non funziona, se apro il mixer non
mi da nesun cursore, se lancio sndconfig mi dice, dopo aver riconosciuto il
chip della scheda che questa non è supportata. Questo è un caso diverso però.
Dato che so per certo che la sndblaster 128 è pienamente supportata
Il procedimento, passo passo, è:
fare il login come root
aprire una shell (fai un clic sull'icona del pannello inferiore (in kde) dove
è rappresentato il monitor)
dentro digita il comando: init 3
 ( ti permette di passare dalla modalità grafica a quella testuale)
 una volta che si avvia l'ambiente testuale dovrai di nuovo fare il login 
 root e dare la tua password.
 Prima ti chiederà Login
 poi password
 dopo aver fatto il login dai il comando sndconfig
 a questo punto o ti da un messaggio di errore, perchè non trova il programma
 sndconfig oppure si apre sndconfig (che funziona in modalità testuale, ti
 ricordo) che ti chiederà:
 sndconfig is a configuration tool for sound cards.
 A probe will now be performed for any pnp cards.
 e quindi i tasti OK e Cancel sotto
 Il tasto preimpostato è OK quindi premi il tasto (della tastiera) Invio.
 Apetta un po di tempo fino a che non ti da un messaggio e segui le
 istruzioni, dovrebbe farti anche dei test per sentire dei suoni.
 Prova e fammi sapere.
 Per quanto riguarda il boot loader credo che tu abbia lilo e non grub.

Ti devo dare una bella notizia NON FUNZIONA nemmeno sto sistema sto sndconfig 
nn eSISTE mah meglio che ci rinuncio!
No, continuerò fino a quando il mio caro pc nn deciderà di esalare l'ultimo 
respiro stanco di nn funzionare (lo so è tutta questione di abilità mah!)
Ciao e Scusatemi Martina 

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con scheda audio

2002-04-22 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 01:21, martedì 23 aprile 2002, hai scritto:

 Ti devo dare una bella notizia NON FUNZIONA nemmeno sto sistema sto
 sndconfig nn eSISTE mah meglio che ci rinuncio!
 No, continuerò fino a quando il mio caro pc nn deciderà di esalare l'ultimo
 respiro stanco di nn funzionare (lo so è tutta questione di abilità mah!)
 Ciao e Scusatemi Martina

Dai, non ti perdere d'animo.
Probabilmente sndconfig non è installato. Basta prendere il primo cd di mdk8, 
metterlo nel lettore poi avviare il Software Manager di mandrake.
Qui fai una ricerca con la stringa sndconfig e quando lo trova gli dici di 
installarlo. Se non sta sul primo cd ti chiede di mettere quello giusto.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

[newbie-it] linux win98

2002-04-22 Per discussione Pollo

Vorrei dedicare il mio primo disco (primary master) di 40GB a linux, ed
installare win98 sul secondo da 6GB.
Come faccio a far capire a win98 che deve installarsi sul secondo
hard-disk? Lo capisce da solo? (Non penso!)

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] linux win98

2002-04-22 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 21:14, lunedì 22 aprile 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] linux  
win98, Pollo ha scritto:
 Vorrei dedicare il mio primo disco (primary master) di 40GB a
 linux, ed installare win98 sul secondo da 6GB.
 Come faccio a far capire a win98 che deve installarsi sul secondo
 hard-disk? Lo capisce da solo? (Non penso!)

non lo capisce ma si adegua...
se sul primo disco non trova partizioni vfat 
usa il secondo (che per lui è C e basta..)

 Grazie, Pollo.


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Re: [newbie-it] linux win98

2002-04-22 Per discussione Corrado

Il lun, 2002-04-22 alle 21:36, miKe ha scritto:

 non lo capisce ma si adegua...

Scusate se invio una mail per non dire nulla di concreto, ma...
miKe, questa battuta è DA INCORNICIARE!


Re: [newbie-it] [Forse OT] PHP Nuke

2002-04-22 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il sab, 2002-04-20 alle 10:15, Giovanni Mazzamati ha scritto:
 Alle 04:22, venerdì 19 aprile 2002, Brunini Alessandro ha scritto:
  E' propio necessario abilitare il virtual hosting? In fondo è solo una
  prova qui sulla mia macchina.
 Non è asolutamnte necessario, ma così impari più cose, altrimenti dovevi 
 crearti una subdir e mettere tutto li, del tipo
  La cosa che non ho ASSOLUTAMENTE chiara è phpMyAdmin: cosa è e a che
  serve (e quindi cosa ci devo fare e come lo devo fare).
 E' un'interfaccia in PHP verso MySql, quindi vale lo stesso discorso che è 
 stato fatto per PHP Nuke. Io non ho, per ora, installata la MDK 8.2 e non so 
 se è previsto un pacchetto che gestisca phpmyadmin.
  Per ora ho seguito le guide di spaghettibrain.
  Qualcosa ho ottenuto.
  alla pagina http:localhost/admin.php mi parte uno pseudo portale con
  numerosi messaggi di errore tutti che indirizzano ad un file solo:
  Inoltre al primo accesso non dovrei avere la richiesta di userID
  epassword dell'amministratore (che la prima volta dovrebbero essere
  God e Password)?
  Mi sono scordato di postare il messaggio di errore:
  Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in
 Questo accade perchè non riesce a connettersi a MySql.
 Una cosa che devi fare è creare l'utente MySql e poi il DataBase
 Di seguito inserisco il suggerimento datomi da Pieruigi Fiorini tempo fa
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
 [se non è avviato mysql al boot]
 mysqladmin -u root password 'password_di_root'
 mysql_setpermission -u root
 [ti chiede la password di root]
 [scegli 2 dalla lista e crea un utente, un database, dagli una password
 all'utente e scegli localhost come server, dopo esci con 0 se non erro]
 edita /etc/my.cnf scrivendo
 Come si aggiungono altri utenti non l'ho ancora provato...
 Ora devi creare il db per Nuke. Ti consiglio di usare phpmyadmin (che 
 ovviamente deve essere configurato attraverso il suo
 $cfgServers[1]['host']  = 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname
 $cfgServers[1]['port']  = '';  // MySQL port - leave blank 
 for default port
 $cfgServers[1]['socket']= '';  // Path to the socket - leave 
 blank for default socket
 $cfgServers[1]['connect_type']  = 'tcp';   // How to connect to MySQL 
 server ('tcp' or 'socket')
 $cfgServers[1]['stduser']   = '';  // MySQL standard user 
 settings (this user must have read-only
 $cfgServers[1]['stdpass']   = '';  //   access to the 
 mysql/user and mysql/db tables)
 $cfgServers[1]['auth_type'] = 'config'; // Authentication method 
 (config, http or cookie based)?
 $cfgServers[1]['user']  = 'root';  // MySQL user
 $cfgServers[1]['password']  = 'password';  // MySQL password 
 (only needed with 'config' auth)
 $cfgServers[1]['only_db']   = '';  // If set to a db-name, only
 this db is displayed at left frame
 Cosi non ti verrà chiesta la password all'avvio di phpmyadmin.
 Ho volutamente omesso altre informazioni che reputo secondarie, ma ho notato 
 che lo spirito di asplorazione non ti manca, quindi fammi sapere se avrai 
 bisogno di ulteriori notizie.
 Comunque sia fammi sapere...

dunque: per non creare casini mi sono installato in una partizione
apposita una Mandrake in uno spazio partizionato creato per queste

Ho installato Nuke, php e phpMyAdmin, oltre che SQL.

Ho creato l'utente root con il comando
mysqladmin -u root password.ecc

in pratica ho fatto tutto fino a quando mi dici:

Edita /etc/my.cnf

Non c'è quel file :

Lo devo creare io?


Se apro un browser a http://localhost/phpMyAdmin
ottengo numerosi errori che rimandano alla riga 255 del file

Ho modificato tale riga aggiungendo l'utente root e la sua pswd.

Con phpMyAdmin non riesco ad aggiungere il file config.php...
mi dà errore.

Plz help me.

Un saluto e grazie.

Re: [newbie] dual boot with XP

2002-04-22 Per discussione Brian Parish


You don't need to edit boot.ini  LILO will boot XP for you.  Did you
install XP first or second?  If Linux went in last, your boot loader
install should have given you a lilo entry for both XP and Linux.  If
this isn't the case (sounds like it), then you can either add whatever
lilo entries are not there manually and then run lilo as root, or you
can boot off the install cd again, select expert and upgrade, and let
the installer fix it for you.

Here is my /etc/lilo.conf in case you want to do it the first way:

append= hdc=ide-scsi devfs=nomount quiet

This is for 8.1, so devfs is switched off.  You will probably want to
leave it on with 8.2

All you need is two entries like those above pointing as the right
partitions and you will be in business.


On Sun, 2002-04-21 at 17:48, Norman Zhang wrote:
 I am trying to dual boot Linux Mandrake 8.2 with XP. XP runs on the primary
 disk, and LM 8.2 runs on the secondary disk. They are both on the IDE slot
 1. I put LILO on hdb. Would someone please tell me how I can edit boot.ini
 to make it boot for both OS?

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Re: [newbie] apm mand. 8.1 misworks

2002-04-22 Per discussione Brian Parish

OK, if all is well APMwise under W$, then don't touch the BIOS.  Any
Gnome users out there who can field this one?


On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 09:50, Paul Larkin wrote:
 Thanks, Brian.  Your reply goes with something I also
 read recently somewhere.  I don't like dinkin' w/BIOS,
 since this is a dual HD (1 linux, 1 Win98)  the win
 APM is set by the OS  works fine.  But if I have
 And I'm using Gnome, and there seems no evident power
 control center in the Gnome or Mandrake Control
 centers such as you have in KDE.  
 --- Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You may like to check out your BIOS settings.  I
  have found that the
  power saving features there are more likely to
  cause these sort of
  problems than the OS.
  You may also like to visit the KDE control center
  assuming you are using
  KDE.  There's a power control section in there.  Try
  turning it all off
  On Sun, 2002-04-21 at 23:04, Paul Larkin wrote:
   Hi, how can I get my mandrake 8.1 setup to restore
   properly, after APM kicks in?  
   -What actually happens:  if nothing is input to
  the PC
   (let's say I leave the room for dinner for 20 min.
   so, so there's no mouse or keyboard input), there
   3 beeps heard, the screen goes blank.  When I come
   back and hit a key or move the mouse -- nothing! 
   screen does not restore to where it was, there's
   restore at all.  I have to press reset button,
   fsck has to do its thing on reboot.  
 --How do I access APM (if that's the issue)? 
   There's files for apm, apmd, and hddparm that I've
   briefly looked over the man pages for.  Are any of
   these relevant, providing the info to make the
   Thank you.
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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-22 Per discussione Michael

Randy Kramer wrote:
 Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  There's something else I just noticed, too:  Richard Stallman's group
  must feel like we do, because The GNU C Library Reference Manual
  volumes 1 and 2 were done with the proper 2 space sentence separation.
  I've got them right here on the desk.
 Randy Kramer (vowing not to post anymore to this thread ;-)

So having read the graffiti on both sides of the fence, i guess i'll just
sit on it and say i'm 40'ish and we can all follow our own personal
preferences. Mine is for ease of typing and simplicity as shown.

LOL, fortune tossed in it's vote below! It's completely random, honest.


I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas.  I'm frightened
of the old ones.
-- John Cage

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[newbie] abiword in MDK8.2

2002-04-22 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi

I can't seem to find abiword in MDK8.2. Was it left out on purpose?

If so, anyone can suggest a lightweight MSWord reader (I use OpenOffice 
for the full feature set)?



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Re: [newbie] ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chip configuration

2002-04-22 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Sunday 21 April 2002 19:40, you wrote:
 It seems you succesfully loaded the ALSA driver modules for your
 sound(card), including the OSS emulation modules snd-pcm-oss and
 snd-mixer-oss :)

 Can you use K - multimedia - sound - Sound Mixer? Can you hear an audio
 CD with the KDE CD player afterwards? What happens when you try XMMS?


The mixer modules are there to be used,depending upon which Alias in 
modules.conf one enabled. In the examples given previously the OSS driver 
install that DrakX created for you the mixers come up set midway on the
volume contoll sliders.

The manually enabled alsa driver produces a mixer control whose setting come 
up initially as nil volume, I manually reset them and have the new volume 
levels set as default.
However should the wrong aliases be enabled in modules.conf there is no mixer 
utility at all, it is greyed over. See examples listed previously for details 
of the settings employed that work.

In the DrakX OSS install I have sound from Kstart-Multimedia-Sound-CD Player 
only , no sound on any other device whatsoever. The devices themselves
do seem to be playing,there is the usual number counter clocking up it's 
numbers as the tune is played in those devices that display as such, and 
those with the Horizontal slider bars invariably slide.They look as though 
they are outputting something , but  sound is not heard. That includes Xmms.

Both drivers do not create any KDE sound jingles.There is nothing to indicate 
the system 's  own OS sounds are configured at all.



In the manually configured alsa install Nothing at all works.

 On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 00:16:12 +0100

 John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Friday 19 April 2002 18:53, you wrote:
   On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 23:38:10 +0100
   John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thursday 18 April 2002 20:47, you wrote:
   big snip
I have a MSI K7T266 Pro2 Mobo which has via 8233 AC97 soundchip built
into the board.
Upon install LM8.2 seems to configure an OSS driver which works,but
only with one item, namely the CD player. Nothing else seems
connected to the system. There is no Mandrake sound  for the OS, no
Xcdroast , no midi player, you name it it doesn't work. It does not
seem to be anything to do with unmuting.
So what am I to do, several suggestions later someone said configure
the alsa sound driver, instead of the OSS driver,which I think I have
achieved. Certainly kernel configure and KDE sound believe it is
running. It makes no difference whether ARTS is enabled or disabled.
There does not seem to be any sndconfig command line facility.
The website mentioned previously says add
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-via8233
post-install snd-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss to modules.conf,
but although this does help to bring alsa to live as a driver
It appears in the boot script now,
Nothing including the CD player works.
I don't actually have any sound at all.
However I think it should work, something is amiss,
but I am fast running out of ideas.
Installing the latest alsa driver was just one idea.
Reconfigure the modules.conf file to include lines about
amixer set Master 22 unmute
amixer set Master Mono 22 unmute
amixer set Input Gain 22 unmute
amixer set Aux 22 unmute
amixer set Line 22 unmute
amixer set PCM 22 unmute   was another,
but when I do this I get lots of failed script at boot time,
with comments about line this and that being unrecognised.
The only clue I can find is in configure KDE-info-sound,
two lines, synth dev:not enabled in config
   midi dev : not enabled in config
possibly modules.conf needs additional lines to achieve this ?
I suspect the alsa sound driver is there and running but no sound
device is connecting with it.
Is it anything to do with AC97 ?
I don't know ?
   Uhm, what modules are loaded (check with '/sbin/lsmod')? And what's in
   /etc/modules.conf? Can you use K - multimedia - sound - Sound Mixer?
   Good luck getting this to work!
  Thanks Frans,
  At the risk of being over informative I list everything I can think
  of,except file permissions.:-
  This gives a Working CD player, nothing else
  [root@localhost root]# /sbin/lsmod
  Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
  via82cxxx_audio18144   1
  uart401 6336   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
  ac97_codec  9568   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
  sound  57292   0  [via82cxxx_audio uart401]
  soundcore   4068   4  [via82cxxx_audio sound]
  parport_pc 22088   1  (autoclean)
  lp  6464   1  (autoclean)
  parport23968   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
  af_packet  12488   0  (autoclean)

Re: [newbie] abiword in MDK8.2

2002-04-22 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 17:15, Raffaele Belardi wrote:

 I can't seem to find abiword in MDK8.2. 

You can find and download it in a minute from the Abiword web site

 If so, anyone can suggest a lightweight MSWord reader (I use OpenOffice 
 for the full feature set)?

I have found that KWord does everything that AbiWord does, especially in
the handling of M$Word docs. That should be included in your basic LM
8.2 installation.



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Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] abiword in MDK8.2

2002-04-22 Per discussione poogle

It's also on, I downloaded it ,installed it and found it messed 
up my fonts, there is a section in help that tells you how to resolve this 
but as I don't use a word processor very often I uninstalled and will stay 
with Kword until I have time to sort out the fonts issue.

On  Monday 22 April 2002 10:27 am, Charles Muller,wrote :
 On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 17:15, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
  I can't seem to find abiword in MDK8.2.

 You can find and download it in a minute from the Abiword web site

  If so, anyone can suggest a lightweight MSWord reader (I use OpenOffice
  for the full feature set)?

 I have found that KWord does everything that AbiWord does, especially in
 the handling of M$Word docs. That should be included in your basic LM
 8.2 installation.



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Poogle. Derby,England  Linux MDK 8.2 with
kernel 2.4.18-6 mdk using Kmail 1.3.2

 12:47pm  up 16 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.31, 0.27

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Re: [newbie] Dual Monitor

2002-04-22 Per discussione Tim Holmes

It depends on your video card configuration.

If you have a card with dualhead built in, then it's usually just proper
drivers from the manufacturer.

It seems that 8.2 automatically installs and recognizes dualhead on a
video card.

I'm running the Matrox G400 MAX.  My business partner's running the G550
I believe.  He installed 8.2 on that machine recently and it saw in the
install that he had dual display support, installed the driver.  All he
had to do was install Matrox's software to configure the dual display.

If you're going to use two video cards, things can be much different and
at times more difficult.  But it's possible.  I've toyed with the idea
of putting a second video card in my workstation to stretch my display
total to 3, but not sure it's worth it.

It is very do-able.  It's been possible for a while now as I understand
it.  Just depends on how you go about implimenting it.

 T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
| How do I go about configuring Dual Montiors. It's now the only thing keeping 
| me from going full linux and throwing my windows copy in the garbage. Anyone 
| know how I go about settting up dual monitors.. Please help
| Jesse Angell
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| Go to

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Re: [newbie] abiword in MDK8.2

2002-04-22 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 20:49, poogle wrote:

 It's also on, I downloaded it ,installed it and found it messed 
 up my fonts.

Yes, I also have this problem with AbiWord, and couldn't understand the
instructions on how to fix it. I also have another problem with it,
where after saving a file in .abw, .htm, .doc, or any kind of format,
half the time when I go to reopen the same file, AbiWord tells me that
it's an invalid document. Although it converts Word documents nicely, it
sure seems buggy.



   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to
 Poogle. Derby,England  Linux MDK 8.2 with
 kernel 2.4.18-6 mdk using Kmail 1.3.2
  12:47pm  up 16 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.31, 0.27

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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RE: [newbie] dual boot with XP

2002-04-22 Per discussione Michael . Hughes

you have to put /boot on /dev/hda, I put my in the first 150mb of my hard
disk and then I created a Partition for Windows XP about 5gb and then the
rest is for Linux 


etc...  and then I use LILO as my boot manager.  Also make sure you use
FDISK to make the 150mb partition active or else LILO won't load.  At least
this is what I had to do.  

As for editing the boot.ini

As 'root', edit '/etc/lilo.conf': the first line of lilo.conf reads
boot=hda, change the 'hda' to where ever the '/boot' partition is located
(find out with mount).

Run lilo

Make a copy of the new boot sector with
dd if=/dev/hda[x] bs=512 count=1 of=linux.lnx
Note: 'hda[x]' is whatever the '/boot' partition is.

Copy linux.lnx to the windows 'C: drive'
cp linux.lnx /mnt/windows_c

Modify the 'boot.ini' on the 'C: drive' by appending a line for Mandrake
pointing to the location of the copied LILO boot sector:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT=Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro
C:\= Microsoft Windows 98se
C:\Linux.lnx=Mandrake 8.0


Login to Win98SE. Open a command line window and run:
fdisk /mbr
to restore the Windows boot sector.

-Original Message-
From: Norman Zhang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 3:48 AM
Subject: [newbie] dual boot with XP


I am trying to dual boot Linux Mandrake 8.2 with XP. XP runs on the primary
disk, and LM 8.2 runs on the secondary disk. They are both on the IDE slot
1. I put LILO on hdb. Would someone please tell me how I can edit boot.ini
to make it boot for both OS?


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Re: [newbie] abiword in MDK8.2

2002-04-22 Per discussione John Richard Smith

I would go for Kword, it does most things competantly.
I miss is not being able to add images .

On Monday 22 April 2002 09:15, you wrote:
 I can't seem to find abiword in MDK8.2. Was it left out on purpose?

 If so, anyone can suggest a lightweight MSWord reader (I use OpenOffice
 for the full feature set)?



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] (in desperation, I repost) 52MB limit

2002-04-22 Per discussione Eileen Lopp


 I'd like to do a network install. I can mount the CD in another box and
 a network connection to it but I get an error message stating that 52MB
 is needed.

Jon -- you'll need to use NFS rather than FTP to do a network install on
that machine.  There's a good how-to at which can walk you
through setting it up.

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Re: [newbie] apm mand. 8.1 misworks

2002-04-22 Per discussione Bob Read

Hi, how can I get my mandrake 8.1 setup to restore
properly, after APM kicks in?
-What actually happens:  if nothing is input to
   the PC
(let's say I leave the room for dinner for 20 min.
so, so there's no mouse or keyboard input), there
3 beeps heard, the screen goes blank.  When I come
back and hit a key or move the mouse -- nothing!
screen does not restore to where it was, there's
restore at all.  I have to press reset button,
fsck has to do its thing on reboot.

Seems to me I ran into this once in Gnome, and got out
of it by entering my password  with the screen blank,
and it was restored.



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[newbie] Changing Window Managers

2002-04-22 Per discussione Kirtis Bakalarczyk

First off i'm using Mandrake 8.1 Standard

KDE is pretty sluggish so i decided to change to a more light weight window 
manager.  So i downloaded and installed FVWM (on a side note, if someone 
could recommend a better one that would be helpful.)

Anyway FVWM installed fine so i restarted X and tried to log in with the WM 
set to FVWM but it just starts up KDE like every other time.

A little help?

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Re: [newbie] Changing Window Managers

2002-04-22 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 13:06:48 -0400 Kirtis wrote:

KDE is pretty sluggish so i decided to change to a more light weight window
manager.  So i downloaded and installed FVWM (on a side note, if someone 
could recommend a better one that would be helpful.)

Anyway FVWM installed fine so i restarted X and tried to log in with the WM
set to FVWM but it just starts up KDE like every other time.

How did you 'set' the WM to FVWM? Did you set that up in ~/.xinitrc?
If you want a light WM that has lots of features, you could look into
BlackBox, or XFCE (which is what I am running, see )

And if you are interested in a translation of the text on the screen, let me
know  *grin*

My .xinitrc:

### Added by xfce_upgrade version 3.8.12 ###
# Set up additionnal fonts that ship with Xfce (Change id38121117)
xset fp+ /usr/local/share/xfce/fonts
### End of changes version 3.8.12 ###
# xinitrc file for XFce 3 startxfce script

# Some distro needs to allow even localhost to use the display
# Uncomment this if you experience Can't open display when running 
# programs from xfce. BEWARE this is considered as a vulnerability !
# xhost +$HOSTNAME
xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name watch

# Start-up stuff from ~/Desktop/Autostart directory, if it exists
# (as it seems to be the new standard)
if [ -d $HOME/Desktop/Autostart ]; then
  for i in `ls -1 ${HOME}/Desktop/Autostart/ 2/dev/null`; do
if [ -x $HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i ]; then

# Launch xscreensaver (if available)
#  xscreensaver -no-splash -lock-mode 

# start Autolock
# xautolock -time 10 -locker xlock -mode blank 

#Xmodmap for Euro's etc
xmodmap .xmodmaprc

# Finally, launch window manager
#exec startkde
#exec enlightenment
exec xfwm

# end of .xinitrc


To err is human. To forgive is against company policy. - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.5

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[newbie] Taskbar plots too slow

2002-04-22 Per discussione Marc Audard


I successefully upgraded from LM8.0 to LM 8.2 by making a clean
install (without the /home partition being reformatted). I noticed
one problem that I would like to share:

when launching an X application, e.g. gnome shell, the Ktaskbar
correctly plots this application, but also plots another one as
if the system was launching the former application (hourglass moving).
However, the application is clearly there and working. Only after
a certain amount of time does the second entry in the Ktaskbar 
disappear.  Any idea?


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[newbie] LimeWire

2002-04-22 Per discussione Miark

Hi all,

I can't seem to get LimeWire installed. When I run the bin file 
as root, it displays the following error. I have j2re installed
(1.4.0--the new one), as well as Kaffe (1.0.6). So java is up-
to-date as far as I can tell, but these LimeWire errors are all 
Java-related. What am I doing wrong?


Error: Unrecognized JVM specific option `-Xmx50331648'.
Error: Unrecognized JVM specific option `-Xms16777216'.
Invocation of this Java Application has caused an InvocationTargetException. 
This application will now exit. (LAX)

Stack Trace:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ZeroGcf
at ZeroGcj.init(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x86d5d74)
at ZeroGb3.a(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x86cf54b)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.a(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x8662cf1)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.b(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x86471c1)
at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.main(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x85b2281)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x82ac9d6)
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x825cbcb)

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Re: [newbie] Changing Window Managers

2002-04-22 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Monday 22 April 2002 01:06 pm, Kirtis Bakalarczyk wrote:
 First off i'm using Mandrake 8.1 Standard

 KDE is pretty sluggish so i decided to change to a more light weight window
 manager.  So i downloaded and installed FVWM (on a side note, if someone
 could recommend a better one that would be helpful.)

 Anyway FVWM installed fine so i restarted X and tried to log in with the WM
 set to FVWM but it just starts up KDE like every other time.

 A little help?

XFCE and Blackbox are strongly recommended. If you've got the CD's, they are 
there. If not, try  :


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] LimeWire

2002-04-22 Per discussione --hybrid

j2re 1.4 is ok ! but uninstall kaffe !!!

btw : look at the help forum they got a thread about
that whole java thingy wich helped me too ...

btw : limewire ist fucking resource eating ...

Am Mon, 2002-04-22 um 19.53 schrieb Sevatio:
 I wonder if that j2re is too new.  Try one of the 1.3.x.
 Miark wrote:
  Hi all,
  I can't seem to get LimeWire installed. When I run the bin file 
  as root, it displays the following error. I have j2re installed
  (1.4.0--the new one), as well as Kaffe (1.0.6). So java is up-
  to-date as far as I can tell, but these LimeWire errors are all 
  Java-related. What am I doing wrong?
  Error: Unrecognized JVM specific option `-Xmx50331648'.
  Error: Unrecognized JVM specific option `-Xms16777216'.
  Invocation of this Java Application has caused an InvocationTargetException. 
  This application will now exit. (LAX)
  Stack Trace:
  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ZeroGcf
  at ZeroGcj.init(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x86d5d74)
  at ZeroGb3.a(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x86cf54b)
  at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.a(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 
  at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.b(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 
  at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.main(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x82ac9d6)
  at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x825cbcb)
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Re: [newbie] bios setting

2002-04-22 Per discussione Warren Post

Sounds like your computer requires a different keystroke to enter the BIOS at power 
up. The del key is the most common and usually works for clones, but name brand 
computers like yours often require you to press a different key to get into the BIOS. 
Take a good look at the boot message upon power on; most manufacturers tell you there 
what key to press to get into the BIOS. Failing that check your Compaq manual or check 
Compaq's web site.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002 11:21:55 -0400
Ron Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 on page 5 of the mandrake  guide it tells me to set my bios  for the pnp, it tell me 
to hold down the delete key at power up to change the setting. i am running a compaq 
7470 windows 98se. when i do this nothing different happens windows still loads,i 
have tried both ways reboot,power off and then power it back ty Ron

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Re: [newbie] Animated gifs from hell

2002-04-22 Per discussione shane

On Monday 22 April 2002 11:18, Miark opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

 Some of the sites that I visit with Konqueror have animated
 icons that drive my CPC through the roof, which I monitor
 using kcpuload. In fact there's one at Mandrake Club that
 causes this to happen. When I right-click the offending gif
 and choose stop animations, then all is fine again.

 Anyone else experience this? Any comments? (Other than switch
 browsers :-)

actually that is one of the reasons i prefer konq, i can tell it to stop 
animations.  it would be nice if you could set the default to animate once 
only or something

perhaps submit the idea to KDE?

It is increasingly obvious that our techknowledgy is outpacing our 
humanity. -Einstein

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
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Re: [newbie] strange printing problem with LM8.2

2002-04-22 Per discussione Andy Liaw

I guess I can answer this one myself:  I'm an idiot. 
I have an Epson Stylus 600, not 660.  After setting
the driver to the right one, it works fine now.

Sorry for wasting bandwidth...


--- Andy Liaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm having a strange problem printing to my Epson
 Stylus 660 connected to local parallel port.  This
 to work w/o problem when I was using LM8.0.
 The problem is that on top of every page, two lines
 are *always* printed:
 then it runs out of room at the bottom of the page
 prints the last half inch to the next sheet.  I've
 tried changing the drivers (there are 5~6 listed for
 this printer), all gave the same thing.
 Can anyone please help?  This is really getting to
 Andy Liaw
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more
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Andy Liaw

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[newbie] SAMBA

2002-04-22 Per discussione Brian York

Is thier a way to have Samba read the smb.conf file without restarting SMBD?


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[newbie] mdk8.2 smp on intel or840 mboard

2002-04-22 Per discussione Nick Baker

Anyone have any Intel or840 smp mobo experience? 

I have dual- p3-800, 1gig mem, sca=50gig, Adaptec SCSI board, Radeon 7500.
Install hangs no matter how simple I make it, generally in the vicinity of 
the X config.

Any Ideas?

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Re: [newbie] LimeWire - FIXED

2002-04-22 Per discussione Miark

Thanks to Derek, Mark, and everybody who responded. Kaffe 
was the culprit, and making Derek's symlink fixed everything.


On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 19:32:29 +0100
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You should uninstall kaffe  remove the link /usr/bin/java  and make a new link
 ln -s /usr/lib/jre-1.4.0/bin/java  /usr/bin/java(or wherever java is 
 installed in your system)
 On Monday 22 April 2002 6:31 pm, Miark wrote:
  Hi all,
  I can't seem to get LimeWire installed. When I run the bin file
  as root, it displays the following error. I have j2re installed
  (1.4.0--the new one), as well as Kaffe (1.0.6). So java is up-
  to-date as far as I can tell, but these LimeWire errors are all
  Java-related. What am I doing wrong?
  Error: Unrecognized JVM specific option `-Xmx50331648'.
  Error: Unrecognized JVM specific option `-Xms16777216'.
  Invocation of this Java Application has caused an
  InvocationTargetException. This application will now exit. (LAX)
  Stack Trace:
  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ZeroGcf
  at ZeroGcj.init(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x86d5d74)
  at ZeroGb3.a(source file unknown:line unknown, pc 0x86cf54b)
  at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.a(source file unknown:line unknown, pc
  0x8662cf1) at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.b(source file unknown:line
  unknown, pc 0x86471c1) at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.main(source file
  unknown:line unknown, pc 0x85b2281) at
  at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(source file unknown:line unknown, pc
  0x82ac9d6) at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(source file unknown:line unknown, pc

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Re: [newbie] SAMBA

2002-04-22 Per discussione Miark

service smb reload

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 16:16:53 -0400
Brian York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is thier a way to have Samba read the smb.conf file without restarting SMBD?

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Re: [newbie] [2] Installing mosfet-liquid theme - the sequal

2002-04-22 Per discussione Marco Verheul


I tried once again to install the mosfet-liquid theme on Mandrake 8.1
and it seems for this package to install you also need to install
libpng3-1.2.1-6mdk. No here's where things go wrong because this package
seems to conflict with a dozen other packages.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? I there anybody out there who
succeeded in running this theme on 8.1?  I also tried the hard way to
install from source, but gcc won't cooperate (see my other message
Running gcc...).


On Wed, 2002-04-17 at 01:35, Joan Tur wrote:
 Es Dimarts 16 Abril 2002 23:26, en Miark va escriure:
  Forget the tarball. Use the RPM:
 Er... i've installed the rpm but kicker shuts itself down when I move the 
 cursor on the left side icons.  Does it work for you?  8-?
 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] Changing Window Managers

2002-04-22 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 13:06:48 -0400
Kirtis Bakalarczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First off i'm using Mandrake 8.1 Standard
 KDE is pretty sluggish so i decided to change to a more light weight
 window manager.  So i downloaded and installed FVWM (on a side note, if
 someone could recommend a better one that would be helpful.)
 Anyway FVWM installed fine so i restarted X and tried to log in with the
 WM set to FVWM but it just starts up KDE like every other time.
 A little help?

After seeing a reference to Fluxbox on this list, I'm using it now. It's
about like Blackbox, but iconified apps get put into something of a
taskbar (the toolbar). Also, Fluxbox uses tabs on its windows, so you
can middle/3rd button-click on a tab, drag it to another window, and then
you can switch back and forth by clicking on the tabs. Easily themes and
customized like Blackbox. I've got a screenshot in my gallery (the first
one in Linux screenshots): (BTW, I no longer use
the rox filer panel, I just added entries to the Fluxbox menu.)

To log in using Fluxbox, I edited ~/.xinitrc and told it to start fluxbox.
At the graphical login menu, I select Default, which must read the
.xinitrc file, because I didn't go through the trouble of adding Fluxbox
to the login menu.

I know what you mean about KDE being sluggish. On my AMD K62 @ 500mhz and
384MB RAM, it took about 20 seconds for KDE to start. Blackbox and Fluxbox
take about 3 seconds. And, using ROX filer for when I prefer a gui for
file operations is sooo much faster than konqueror.


Todd Slater
5:38pm up 2 days, 5:01, 2 users, load average: 0.13, 0.10, 0.05
Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.
(Bertrand Russell)

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Re: [newbie] SAMBA

2002-04-22 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Monday 22 April 2002 04:16 pm, Brian York wrote:
 Is thier a way to have Samba read the smb.conf file without restarting

Read the docs, there is some command that will read and check the file

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
Front Street Networks LLC - ph. 203.785.0699
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, United States of America
6:30pm up 32 days, 1:56, 3 users, load average: 2.21, 2.11, 2.26

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Re: [newbie] Animated gifs from hell

2002-04-22 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 12:54:14 -0700, shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 22 April 2002 11:18, Miark opened a general hailing frequency and 
 transmitted to all open stations:
  Some of the sites that I visit with Konqueror have animated
  icons that drive my CPC through the roof, which I monitor
  using kcpuload. In fact there's one at Mandrake Club that
  causes this to happen. When I right-click the offending gif
  and choose stop animations, then all is fine again.
  Anyone else experience this? Any comments? (Other than switch
  browsers :-)
 actually that is one of the reasons i prefer konq, i can tell it to stop 
 animations.  it would be nice if you could set the default to animate once 
 only or something

Netscape 4 can also stop animations (but who wants to use that nowadays?).
Mozilla and Galeon have an option of animating GIFs only once (or not at all).

You can also try a filter proxy like Webwasher or Privoxy. They can (inter alia)
make GIFs animate only once.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Because I'm a bastard, and proud of it! -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] dual boot with XP

2002-04-22 Per discussione civileme

Norman Zhang wrote:


I am trying to dual boot Linux Mandrake 8.2 with XP. XP runs on the primary
disk, and LM 8.2 runs on the secondary disk. They are both on the IDE slot
1. I put LILO on hdb. Would someone please tell me how I can edit boot.ini
to make it boot for both OS?


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Put the boot record on the MBR.  Easiest way is to use one CD to run 
Update, and cancel everything but bootloader then let it put the boot 
record where it belongs. It works fine dual-booting from there without 
disturbing the other OS.  Of course if you reinstall the other OS you 
will need to use CD1 as a rescue to get back into linuc and re-run 


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Re: [newbie] apm mand. 8.1 misworks

2002-04-22 Per discussione civileme

Paul Larkin wrote:

Hi, how can I get my mandrake 8.1 setup to restore
properly, after APM kicks in?  
-What actually happens:  if nothing is input to the PC
(let's say I leave the room for dinner for 20 min. or
so, so there's no mouse or keyboard input), there are
3 beeps heard, the screen goes blank.  When I come
back and hit a key or move the mouse -- nothing!  The
screen does not restore to where it was, there's no
restore at all.  I have to press reset button, and
fsck has to do its thing on reboot.  
  --How do I access APM (if that's the issue)? 
There's files for apm, apmd, and hddparm that I've
briefly looked over the man pages for.  Are any of
these relevant, providing the info to make the fix? 
Thank you.


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Well, disable ACPI in the BIOS and things should work OK.  ACPI is a 
standard imposed by Intel and has never been accepted for the linux 


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Re: [newbie] Which new IDE cd-burners supported by 8.1 ?

2002-04-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale

db wrote:
 Where do I find a compatability list for new acceptable IDE CDRWs?  I need
 to buy one.
 And where can I find out more about the particulars of setting one up: ide
 bu and editing the /etc/lilo.conf  etc.?

try that for the first Question.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Sony 24x CDRW #CRX175A1 8.1 ?

2002-04-22 Per discussione FemmeFatale

db wrote:
 Does anyone know if the Sony 24x CDRW #CRX175A1 cdburner will work for sure
 with Mandrake 8.1?

go there  check
Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] abiword in MDK8.2

2002-04-22 Per discussione civileme

Charles Muller wrote:

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 20:49, poogle wrote:

It's also on, I downloaded it ,installed it and found it messed 
up my fonts.

Yes, I also have this problem with AbiWord, and couldn't understand the
instructions on how to fix it. I also have another problem with it,
where after saving a file in .abw, .htm, .doc, or any kind of format,
half the time when I go to reopen the same file, AbiWord tells me that
it's an invalid document. Although it converts Word documents nicely, it
sure seems buggy.





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Poogle. Derby,England  Linux MDK 8.2 with
kernel 2.4.18-6 mdk using Kmail 1.3.2

 12:47pm  up 16 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.31, 0.27

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And now you know why it is in /contrib instead of on the CD set.


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Re: [newbie] Changing Window Managers

2002-04-22 Per discussione civileme

Kaj Haulrich wrote:

On Monday 22 April 2002 01:06 pm, Kirtis Bakalarczyk wrote:

First off i'm using Mandrake 8.1 Standard

KDE is pretty sluggish so i decided to change to a more light weight window
manager.  So i downloaded and installed FVWM (on a side note, if someone
could recommend a better one that would be helpful.)

Anyway FVWM installed fine so i restarted X and tried to log in with the WM
set to FVWM but it just starts up KDE like every other time.

A little help?

XFCE and Blackbox are strongly recommended. If you've got the CD's, they are 
there. If not, try  :


Kaj Haulrich

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In addition, on the CDs are fvwm, fvwm2, AfterStep, WindowMaker and 
Enlightenment.--Our WMs are tweaked on the rpm to make a file for the 
directory /etc/X11/wmsession.d   Look at the files there and you can add 
your downloaded WM with a similar file, or you can download off the CD 
in the first place.

And on the CDs is also Xtart.  A more recent rpm is at ...  If you start up in runlevel 3 (console 
mode) Xtart will give you a menu of available WMs and allow you to 
choose any one of them.  It was designed for people who like to 
experiment with WMs and need a fast switch mechanism.  There is also one 
that does not require leaving X, at least for some WMs, but it can leave 
odd artifacts of the previous WM besides the open windows.


But if you login at

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Re: [newbie] bios setting

2002-04-22 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Monday 22 April 2002 02:42 pm, Warren Post wrote:
 Sounds like your computer requires a different keystroke to enter the BIOS
 at power up. The del key is the most common and usually works for clones,
 but name brand computers like yours often require you to press a different
 key to get into the BIOS. Take a good look at the boot message upon power
 on; most manufacturers tell you there what key to press to get into the
 BIOS. Failing that check your Compaq manual or check Compaq's web site.

Try F10 -- IIRC, you have to be pretty aggressive about it.
-- cmg

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[newbie] Triple booting - success and a question

2002-04-22 Per discussione Terry Smith

Thanks to Civileme's recent note (and some old ones as well) I finally
have my triple boot (RH 7.1/Mandrake 8.2/Win98) system set up. Pretty
straightforward really once the wisdom from the list has a chance to
ferment a bit!

I do have one problem, however. When I installed Mdk 8.2 I used a XFS
filesystem for the / partition. RH can't see it. I know that I can find
a module for the RH kernel and add it (although I don't know how to do

I could also backup the Mandrake partition, which is on hda to hdb, and
reformat the hda partition. I tried doing that by invoking another clean
install (leaving /home intact). I ran DiskDrake (well it was invoked
during the installation), selected the ext3 filetype and told it to
reformat. Everthing looked fine but when I rebooted after the
installation I got a kernel panic and frozen machine.

I couldn't figure a way around it so reinstalled by reformatting the
partition XFS.

Is there some residual config file, pointer or kernel configuration
that's telling the system that I have an XFS partition even after
reformatting it ext3?

More generally, what's the best way of dealing with this? I'm afraid if
I do a tar of the all the directories in / I may have a problem with the
/proc or /dev directories when I restore. I don't think DD would work as
a backup mechanism in this instance as (I think) it will do a binary
copy and just copy the old journaling system (XFS) back onto the new one

Thus, I'm left with reinstalling Mandrake but we've got this residual
XFS hangup.

Any thoughts guys and gals?

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

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Re: [newbie] Changing Window Managers

2002-04-22 Per discussione Terry Smith


I use the XFCE window/desktop manager ( It's on the 8.1
PowerSuite. I'm not sure that it came with 8.2 (still exploring) but you
can always download it from the xfce site.

BTW, there was a bug with the Xscreensaver package in the Mandrake
distributionprevents the screensaver daemon from loading

If you do go to XFCE and run into this, drop me a note. I have an old
email around here somewhere with the bug fix.

Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 13:06, Kirtis Bakalarczyk wrote:
 First off i'm using Mandrake 8.1 Standard
 KDE is pretty sluggish so i decided to change to a more light weight window 
 manager.  So i downloaded and installed FVWM (on a side note, if someone 
 could recommend a better one that would be helpful.)
 Anyway FVWM installed fine so i restarted X and tried to log in with the WM 
 set to FVWM but it just starts up KDE like every other time.
 A little help?

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[newbie] Epson Stylus C60 print problems with LM 8.2 download edition

2002-04-22 Per discussione Jules Verne

  I had been using an Epson Stylus C60 inkjet printer with LM 8.1 with no 
problems. Connection is via the parallel port on my PC (ECS K7S5A 
motherboard, Athlon 1600+ CPU).

  Yesterday I did a fresh install of LM 8.2 (download edition) and now I 
cannot get my printer to work correctly. The test page prints, but there is 
no blue and no black in the output, so the color wheel test page comes out 
in various shades of red and pink! I am using CUPS and GimpPrint (tried the 
other available choice with no luck there, either). I tried both 3 color 
composite and 4 color choices in printer options, neither works properly.

I set up the printer with the Mandrake tool both as an Epson Stylus C60, and 
as an Epson Stylus Photo 1200P, which used to work with LM 8.1, but in both 
cases I only get red/pink output. The printer works normally under Windows, 
so it's not a hardware problem or missing ink.

Anyone else have an Epson Stylus C60 working properly with LM 8.2? Can you 
tell me how it is set up, or how to fix my problem?



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Re: [newbie] Changing Window Managers

2002-04-22 Per discussione Kirtis Bakalarczyk

I downloaded the source and did the old ./configure make make install... And 
since the option was available at the login manager i assumed it was all 
hunky dory.  Apparently not...

I checked and i actually don't have an .xinitrc.  So is there a really 
specific format or can i just use the exec fvwm part?

On Monday 22 April 2002 01:19 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 13:06:48 -0400 Kirtis wrote:
 KDE is pretty sluggish so i decided to change to a more light weight
  window manager.  So i downloaded and installed FVWM (on a side note, if
  someone could recommend a better one that would be helpful.)
 Anyway FVWM installed fine so i restarted X and tried to log in with the
  WM set to FVWM but it just starts up KDE like every other time.

 How did you 'set' the WM to FVWM? Did you set that up in ~/.xinitrc?
 If you want a light WM that has lots of features, you could look into
 BlackBox, or XFCE (which is what I am running, see )

 And if you are interested in a translation of the text on the screen, let
 me know  *grin*

 My .xinitrc:

 ### Added by xfce_upgrade version 3.8.12 ###
 # Set up additionnal fonts that ship with Xfce (Change id38121117)
 xset fp+ /usr/local/share/xfce/fonts
 ### End of changes version 3.8.12 ###
 # xinitrc file for XFce 3 startxfce script

 # Some distro needs to allow even localhost to use the display
 # Uncomment this if you experience Can't open display when running
 # programs from xfce. BEWARE this is considered as a vulnerability !
 # xhost +$HOSTNAME
 xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name watch

 # Start-up stuff from ~/Desktop/Autostart directory, if it exists
 # (as it seems to be the new standard)
 if [ -d $HOME/Desktop/Autostart ]; then
   for i in `ls -1 ${HOME}/Desktop/Autostart/ 2/dev/null`; do
 if [ -x $HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i ]; then

 # Launch xscreensaver (if available)
 #  xscreensaver -no-splash -lock-mode 

 # start Autolock
 # xautolock -time 10 -locker xlock -mode blank 

 #Xmodmap for Euro's etc
 xmodmap .xmodmaprc

 # Finally, launch window manager
 #exec startkde
 #exec enlightenment
 exec xfwm

 # end of .xinitrc


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[newbie] pine problem?

2002-04-22 Per discussione Payal

I have installed Mandrake 8.2 and was just wondering how to use the
default Pine
[4.44] work for Maildirs. I have qmail installed and all my mails are
to ~/Maildir/new.
How can I get Pine to read them?
Thanks a lot and bye.

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Re: [newbie] [2] Installing mosfet-liquid theme - the sequal

2002-04-22 Per discussione Damian G

On 22 Apr 2002 23:27:27 +0200
Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried once again to install the mosfet-liquid theme on Mandrake 8.1
 and it seems for this package to install you also need to install
 libpng3-1.2.1-6mdk. No here's where things go wrong because this package
 seems to conflict with a dozen other packages.
 Does this sound familiar to anyone? I there anybody out there who
 succeeded in running this theme on 8.1?  I also tried the hard way to
 install from source, but gcc won't cooperate (see my other message
 Running gcc...).

you probably tried to install the rpm built for kde 3.0 and are using 2.2.2?
check .. the liquid RPM they have there is for 3.0.



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Re: [newbie] Changing Window Managers

2002-04-22 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 23:28:02 -0400 Kirtis wrote:

If you have 'exec xfwm' in it at the end, that should get you into XFCE.
That is, if you run startx after logging in with runlevel 3 (text login).

Again, you can use the .xinitrc I put in below (without the  of course)
and see what that gives you.
Good luck!


I downloaded the source and did the old ./configure make make install...
And since the option was available at the login manager i assumed it was
all hunky dory.  Apparently not...

I checked and i actually don't have an .xinitrc.  So is there a really 
specific format or can i just use the exec fvwm part?

 # xinitrc file for XFce 3 startxfce script

 # Some distro needs to allow even localhost to use the display
 # Uncomment this if you experience Can't open display when running
 # programs from xfce. BEWARE this is considered as a vulnerability !
 # xhost +$HOSTNAME
 xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name watch

 # Start-up stuff from ~/Desktop/Autostart directory, if it exists
 # (as it seems to be the new standard)
 if [ -d $HOME/Desktop/Autostart ]; then
   for i in `ls -1 ${HOME}/Desktop/Autostart/ 2/dev/null`; do
 if [ -x $HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i ]; then

 # Finally, launch window manager
 exec xfwm

 # end of .xinitrc

He is the best physician
who is the most ingenious inspirer of hope.
-Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.5

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