Re: [newbie-it] prova per compilare

2002-05-23 Per discussione Nicholas Wieland

Molto più facile di quello che pensi.
Dovrebbe esserci un readme o un INSTALL o cose simili, l'estensione è secondaria. 
Leggilo e segui le istruzioni :)
Molto facilmente sarà qualcosa tipo
e da root
make install
e il gioco è fatto.
Un buon inizio è la documentazione di make, una buona continuazione è l'how-to su gcc 
e se vuoi fare le cose in grande gli onniscenti appunti di informatica libera di 
giacomini che trovi sul web :)

   Perhaps the most important achievement of Unix is to demonstrate that a powerful 
   system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human 
   it can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000, and less than two man-years 
   spent on the main system software. We hope, however, that users find that the most
   important characteristics of the system are its simplicity, elegance, and ease of 
The UNIX Time-sharing System* (1974)
D.M. Ritchie and K. Thompson

Re: [newbie-it] prova per compilare

2002-05-23 Per discussione tom

Alle 13:30, lunedì 13 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 Credo che su e su potrai trovare diversi
 pacchetti compressi utili sia a scopo didattico che da usare.
 Scompattali nella tua $HOME, magari in una subdirectory ad hoc e parti

Salve a tutti
Per motivi di studio e altri impegni avevo abbandonato il tentativo di una 
prima compilazione.
Ora ho scaricato un programmino abbastanza semplice (lettore mp3) e la mia 
intenzione è quella di ri provarci,
ma il mio problema è che non so da dove cominciare!!!
ho dato uno sguardo al makefile ma per me è come se fosse cirillico!
ho riletto per l'ennesima volta il manuale utentee come prima,buio!
C'è qualc'uno che abbia voglia e pazienza per spiegarmi passo passo quello 
che c'è da fare?(magari anche in privato visto che le mie domande saranno 
sicuramente tra le piu banali)
O in alternativa qualcuno mi puo rimandare a documentazioni per 
principianti in italiano?
Grazie gia da ora.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Convertire file in pdf

2002-05-23 Per discussione ku68

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Convertire file in pdf
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 14:41:54 +0200

Ciao miKe alle 19:46, martedì 21 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
Ringrazio tutti delle risposte.
In effetti non capivo perché in openoffice non comparisse la stampante
virtuale come invece avviene con kword ecc.
Comunque con openoffice (penso anche con SO) ho trovato (grazie alle risposte
ricevute) questo sistema: salva su file - premo il tasto accanto  sfoglia -
scrivo il nome del file con il .pdf finale e tipo di file pdf. Ecco che ho il
mio bel pdf salvato. Ho notato che se nel nome del file non inserisco il .pdf
finale e metto comunque il formato di salvataggio pdf il file viene salvato
come ps.
Magari può essere utile a qualcuno.

Re: [newbie-it] HD che frulla!

2002-05-23 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 18:49, mercoledì 22 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 Ho 256M di RAM e una partizione di swap di 500M che praticamente non viene
 mai usata (come si vede anche dall'immagine allegata al precedente msg).

Lo pensavo anch'io, poi ho dato un'occhiata a top e mi sono dovuto 
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] Supporto ACPI

2002-05-23 Per discussione IVO SPADONE

Ho installato usando come utente root Configurazione Kernel Linux il supporto ACPI 
(disattivando ovviamente APM). I moduli selezionati sono:

Power Management Support
ACPI Support
ACPI Debug Statements
ACPI Bus Manager
AC Adapter
Embedded Controller
Control Method Battery

Dopo aver premuto Applica ho eseguito da terminale (sempre come utente root) il 
comando make ... (mi sono dimenticato di appuntare il resto) ma, malgrado non ci sia 
stato alcun messaggio di errore o warning sembra non essere cambiato nulla.

Devo attivare ACPI in qualche altro modo da riga di comando? Va fatto avviare 
automaticamente allo start-up o che altro?

La mia distribuzione Mandrake è la 8.2 (Power Pack Edition)

Grazie in anticipo


Re: [newbie-it] Supporto ACPI

2002-05-23 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 23.05.02 alle 08:09, il notabile IVO SPADONE proferi' codeste parole:

 Ho installato usando come utente root Configurazione Kernel Linux il
 supporto ACPI (disattivando ovviamente APM).
 Dopo aver premuto Applica ho eseguito da terminale (sempre come utente
 root) il comando make ... (mi sono dimenticato di appuntare il resto)
 ma, malgrado non ci sia stato alcun messaggio di errore o warning
 sembra non essere cambiato nulla.

Se hai modificato il file di configurazione giusto e il kernel l'hai
compilato con gli appositi comandi e poi installato, e' corretto.

 Devo attivare ACPI in qualche altro modo da riga di comando? Va fatto
 avviare automaticamente allo start-up o che altro?

Devi avviare il demone acpid ( con drakxservices) e disattivare 
apmd. Installa il pacchetto relativo casomai non lo avessi gia'.

LU #210970 LM #98222 - K 2.4.18-ac3
MDK semi-cooker in attesa di transito alla Slack-current

Re: [newbie-it] mandrake win9x

2002-05-23 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 23:52, martedì 21 maggio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] mandrake
win9x, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Vorrei condividere la connessione...
 ..tra un portatile con Mandrake 8.2
 e un desktop con win XP Pro...

devi solo configurare il portatile affinchè usi il pc con ixxpì
come gateway
non attivare la condivisione sul portatile perchè non serve
quindi supponiamo
IP1 'server'
IP2 client
IP1 sarà il default GW per internet
imposta il client per interrogare il dns del tuo provider,
altrimenti non navighi


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Supporto ACPI

2002-05-23 Per discussione IVO SPADONE

Fatta come operazione, non da drakxservices perché sembra non esserci; ho usato 
LinuxConf, ho settato acpid in modo che si avvi automaticamente, spento il portatile 
e riavviato... non funge, in fase di start-up fra le tante graziose scritte OK in 
verde compare un not found relativo ad una misteriosa directori /acpi... eccetera. I 
messaggi, tanto per facilitare le cose, scorrono tanto velocemente da non permettermi 
di copiare per intero il messaggio di errore.

Non credo di aver ricompilato il Kernel, è una delle nozioni che ancora mi manca (sono 
newbie). Ho solo eseguito il comando suggerito.

Altri suggerimenti, a parte rivolgermi a qualche GURU disponibile a mettere le mani su 

Ciao Ivo

On Thursday, May 23, 2002, at 04:11PM, LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Il 23.05.02 alle 08:09, il notabile IVO SPADONE proferi' codeste parole:

 Ho installato usando come utente root Configurazione Kernel Linux il
 supporto ACPI (disattivando ovviamente APM).
 Dopo aver premuto Applica ho eseguito da terminale (sempre come utente
 root) il comando make ... (mi sono dimenticato di appuntare il resto)
 ma, malgrado non ci sia stato alcun messaggio di errore o warning
 sembra non essere cambiato nulla.

Se hai modificato il file di configurazione giusto e il kernel l'hai
compilato con gli appositi comandi e poi installato, e' corretto.

 Devo attivare ACPI in qualche altro modo da riga di comando? Va fatto
 avviare automaticamente allo start-up o che altro?

Devi avviare il demone acpid ( con drakxservices) e disattivare 
apmd. Installa il pacchetto relativo casomai non lo avessi gia'.

[newbie-it] Mandrake 8.2 e KDE 3

2002-05-23 Per discussione e/io

Ho alcuni problemi con KDE 3 installato su Mandrake 8.2

Applet- Con Mozilla vanno perfettamente, con Konqueror vanno poche volte e 
sono lentissime.

Plugin- Con Mozilla funzionano con Konqueror no.

Antialiasing- Con Mozilla non funziona

Wizard di configurazione continua sempre ad apparire.

Chi mi da una mano?

Re: [newbie-it] Supporto ACPI

2002-05-23 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 23.05.02 alle 09:54, il notabile IVO SPADONE proferi' codeste parole:
 Fatta come operazione, non da drakxservices perché sembra non

Perche' ci sia devi aver installato il pacchetto drakxtools-newt

 I messaggi, tanto per facilitare le cose, scorrono tanto velocemente
 da non permettermi di copiare per intero il messaggio di errore.

Ritrovi i messaggi in /var/log/messages
 Non credo di aver ricompilato il Kernel, è una delle nozioni che
 ancora mi manca (sono newbie). Ho solo eseguito il comando suggerito.

Urgh ... se non ri-compili il kernel stai tranquillo che non cambi 
nulla. Una domanda: ma quei 'make' che hai dato che cos'erano? :OO

 Altri suggerimenti, a parte rivolgermi a qualche GURU disponibile a
 mettere le mani su Mandrake?
Non so che dirti, se vuoi acpi [e non so se ne valga poi la pena, dato
che il supporto dello stesso e' ancora abbastanza sperimentale] _devi_
per forza darti alla compilazione :)
In un messaggio precedente ho scritto quali sono i passaggi principali. 
Poi cmq basta tenere buono il .config originale per tutto il resto.

LU #210970 LM #98222 - K 2.4.18-ac3
MDK semi-cooker in attesa di transito alla Slack-current

Re: [newbie-it] mandrake win9x

2002-05-23 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 21.05.02 alle 23:52, il notabile [EMAIL PROTECTED] proferi' codeste parole:
 Vorrei condividere la connessione(cioè navigare contemporaneamente su
 internet)tra un portatile con Mandrake 8.2 e un desktop con win XP
 Pro-il primo dovrebbe fare da client e il secondo da server.
Dato che il pc che fungera' da gateway verso internet e' quello 
con winfindus, devi configurare da li' la condivisione, non da Mandrake.
Per il come ti invito a rivolgerti in una lista/ng windows, o forse 
ancora meglio a guardare le faq del ng it.tlc.telefonia.adsl (a partire 
da e

Se hai fatto tutto il necessario, per la parte linux AFAIK dovrebbe
ridursi ad impostare l'instradamento [routing] verso il gateway windows.
Per chiarimenti fai riferimento al Net-HowTo.

LU #210970 LM #98222 - K 2.4.18-ac3
MDK semi-cooker in attesa di transito alla Slack-current

Re: [newbie-it] 8.2 e xine e dvd del commercio

2002-05-23 Per discussione paolo brusasco

beh in effetti non c'e'un'entrata  in fstab(attached) per /dev/dvd
però se chiedo
mount /dev/hdb
e dopo lancio xine
quando pigio il bottone dvd e poi play mi dice il solito there is no 
aval plugin to play //video_ts.vob
la console da cui ho lanciato xine dice
input_dvd: sorry, xine doesn't play encrypred dvd -legal staus of css etc
ci vorrà il plugin css che ho disinstallato?
p.s. perdona la polemica ma per cosa pensano che si usi un dvd player, 
per vedere 100 volte il filmino fatto in casa dell'ottantasimo 
compleanno della zia Cesira?
ciao a tutti.

LukenShiro wrote:
On Sat, 18 May 2002, paolo brusasco wrote:
messaggio unable to open dvd drive /dev/dvd: no medium found (provato 
avederlo in win e funziona)

Mi sa tanto che il problema e' esterno a xine e riguarda il montaggio 
dei dispositivi:
- prova a riportare il contenuto di /etc/fstab;
- usi l'emulazione scsi per dvd (e per l'eventuale masterizzatore)?
- mount _nome-device-a-cui-hai-collegato-/dev/dvd_ funziona? e in 
caso negativo, che cosa ti riporta?

Re: [newbie-it] Ancora su xine

2002-05-23 Per discussione paolo brusasco

ho visitato il sito grazie
questo potrebbe anche non essere il posto giusto per chiedere questo..
però quando clicco il link alle librerie da scaricare ne esce una valanga
non ho capito se devo scaricare solo libdvdcssetc o qualche altra libreria
poi quando installo libdvdcss mi dice è richiesto da libdvdcss
forza od esci
io esco...
se me lo dici tu forzo...
ciao a tutti i pazienti.

Brunini Alessandro wrote:

Salve alla lista,
ho notato che ci sono stati dei problemi su xine.

Non ho seguito un granchè il tutto.
Volevo però informarvi che ho aperto un sito sul quale il mio primo articolo 
riguarda proprio come installare e configurare xine per vedere i DVD.

Sarebbe bello leggere anche le esperienze altrui con Linux, così avremo un 
nostro database completo di esperienze sulla Mandrake.

Il sito è:

Un saluto a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] Map-Installer

2002-05-23 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi

  LukenShiro wrote:


Ho bisogno di una conferma per una teoria che avrei: da root avvia
fdisk /dev/hdb, poi dai p per visualizzare la tabella delle
partizioni. Controlla in corrispondenza di /dev/hdb2: c'e' scritto
(tra l'altro) 'nascosto' o 'hidden' ?

Se e' cosi', e' uno scherzetto che purtroppo lilo combina in presenza di
una seconda partizione windows [...]  Bisogna quindi
cambiare l'identificativo della partizione, da nascosta [sara' forse 1b
o 1c] a non nascosta [b o c]...  


Eseguita la correzione dell' id della partizione, come tue istruzioni, e 
verificato al reboot di Linux l'avvenuta correzione, dopo numerose  
prove ho potuto verificare che XP ritorna a vedere  la directory 
xptrans  ossia hdb2 ma, solo se si effettua l'avvio senza usare Lilo. 
Appena avvio XP da Lilo (basta una sola volta) il problema della 
partizione ritorna e quando rileggo la tabella delle partizioni di hdb 
con fdisk ricompare l'identificativo 1c ossia sistema nascosto. Sembra 
che Lilo abbia preso gusto a modificare le cose per conto suo. Forse 
questo comportamento anomalo centra con il fatto che hdb1 è formattato 
con NTFS e che l'hard disk per la FAT32 è da 60GB ? Tra l'altro per 
verifica, la partizione hdb2 con FAT32 è stata anche ridotta a meno di 
10GB  nelle varie prove.
Annaspando successivamente qua e là ho pensato anche che forse il file 
fdisk in dotazione a Linux non supportasse il DOS ver. 6.x. Ho 
riformattato quindi la partizione hdb2 con FAT32 con il gestore disco 
degli strumenti di amministrazione di XP che, prima di effettuare questa 
operazione, mi indicava che la partizione hdb2 era presente  ma 
sconosciuta. Tuttavia anche questo non è servito a niente...  All'avvio 
di XP con Lilo, hdb2  ritorna dinuovo nascosta.   
Ti ringrazio LukenShiro per le informazioni che mi hai passato,  attendo 
le tue considerazioni finali dopodichè prenderò una decisione.
Ciao da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie-it] Map-Installer

2002-05-23 Per discussione LukenShiro

Il 23.05.02 alle 23:32, il notabile Giuseppe Ferruzzi proferi' codeste parole:
 questo comportamento anomalo centra con il fatto che hdb1 è formattato 
 con NTFS e che l'hard disk per la FAT32 è da 60GB ?

Hmm, no, nel primo caso perche' non avrebbe senso, nel secondo perche' 
nell'ipotesi piu' disperata (problemi di riconoscimento da parte 
del BIOS) non sarebbe proprio visto l'intero disco ...

 Tuttavia anche questo non è servito a niente...  All'avvio 
 di XP con Lilo, hdb2  ritorna dinuovo nascosta.   

A questo punto ti consiglierei di installare e attivare grub. Non e'
difficile, non da' questi problemi e non deve essere reinstallato nel
MBR se cambi il file di configurazione relativo. Ha un consistente
manualetto di istruzioni (con 'info grub')

LU #210970 LM #98222 - K 2.4.18-ac3
MDK semi-cooker in attesa di transito alla Slack-current

[newbie-it] Problemi (grossi) con X

2002-05-23 Per discussione pdv

Salve a tutta la ML,
sono un seguace della lista da parecchio tempo e la trovo utile per un bel 
po' di cosette ma stavolta proprio non so dove sbattere la testa.
Ho una motherboard Abit Bp6 2 celeron 450Mhz con 512 Mb di RAM sulla quale 
ho montato una Radeon 7500 (lo ammetto non è una ATI ma un misero clone) che 
Mandrake 8.2 riconsoce in fase di installazione. Solo che al momento di 
provare la configurazione (le ho provate un po' tutte dagli 800x600 a 256 
colori in su) si spegne il monitor e buonanotte, non posso fare altro che 
riavviare brutalmente, non c'è alt+F7 che tenga... in modalità testo 
funziona tutto benissimo ma se dò un incauto startx salta tutto. Purtroppo 
ho guardato anche le liste in inglese ma non ho trovato nulla. C'è qualcuno 
che abbia delle dritte? Grazie in anticipo

P.S. Purtroppo sotto l'orribile vindos tutto marcia... 

Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-23 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 09:58 pm, you wrote:
 I just got a copy of mandrake 8.2 and it says my modem is a winmodem (PCTel
 HSP56 Micromodem) and will not install it. I have the linux driver for my
 modem but I don't know how to install it. I'm very new to linux cans omeone
 please help me out?


Can you be more specific about your problem? Is it related to the specific 
driver that you have downloaded, or do you need help in the general area of 
installing programs in Linux? Don't be bashful about it -- at one time or 
another, every one of us has asked ourselves, OK, now what the hell am I 
supposed to do? It would also be useful to know (1) the exact model number 
of either your modem or the modem chipset -- PCTel makes a lot of chips that 
are used by a lot of modem manufacturers, and (2) details about the driver 
that you have.
Here are some good starting points:
(1) For general information about winmodems in general, a number of very 
useful links, and a very detailed list of various modems (winmodems, 
linmodems and real modems):
(2) For a current how-to on PCTel-based winmodems:
(3) For an excellent discussion on linmodems and some good links:
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-23 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

Go to
Then go to Jan's PCTEL Resource link (
From Jan's site, download the pctel-0.9.2.tar.gz (I actually am using the 
pctel-0.8.6.tar.gz and the directions I gave are for it, but the newer version should 
be similar).

Since it is a tar.gz file, you will need to extract it by typing tar zxf 
pctel-0.9.2.tar.gz  and it will create a directory called pctel-0.9.2  (if you use the 
0.8.6 driver then the directory will be pctel-0.8.6).


On Wed, 22 May 2002 23:35:56 EDT

 Maybe I am missing some of the files i gotit off a bobo(lol) site where did 
 you get yours?

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Re: [newbie] KDE loses sound...

2002-05-23 Per discussione Damian G

On Wed, 22 May 2002 12:07:00 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 21 May 2002 04:04, you wrote:
  Anyone else notice that from the Control Center - Look n Feel -
  System notifications, that if you preview an AU sound file that it
  not only doesn't play, but you lose sound until the next time KDE
  is restarted. Is this a known bug or just something about my setup?
  Thanks! ;-)
 I read with interest and have used myself many of the anachronisms 
 mentioned, but quite honestly I do not understand what the 
 relationships are with one another. For instance Alsa, OSS, aRts, etc 
 etc. I wonder whether someone could write a short potted 
 history/technical explanation of what they actually do and how they 

well i'm much f a newbie about this too, but i'll try to say that i *guess*
they are, and then some willing soul with better understanding than me will
correct me.

ok. OSS ( Open Sound System ) and ALSA ( Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ) are, 
sets of drivers. they are both what CUPS is to printing. packages that contain drivers
for as much devices as possible. some cards are supported by OSS, some other by ALSA 
a lot of them are supported by both.

you should have noticed a recent post from civileme, stating that it's a very common 
that some people can't get their sound to work right because they have both alsa and 
enabled. this is, having two active drivers, trying to drive the same device.
( i had this problem in 8.1 too )

as for aRTs.. uhmm as far as i can tell, it's a sound server that provides realtime 
to enable several sound-related programs to work at once ( kinda like having two 
of xmms playing songs simultaneously, compared to getting a 'soundcard busy' when you 
the second xmms )

my guess is that aRTs connects directly to the sound driver. and opens up a server port
to let any program wanting to play sound to connect to that server and play it there.
aRTs will receive sounds from all applications, mix them up and play them thru the 
so you can hear the stuff simultaneously...

DISCLAIMER: all of this stuff COULD and PROBABLY IS dead wrong ;o)

anyway, i hope it helps to clear you out a bit ..


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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-23 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Thu, 23 May 2002 13:09, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Wednesday 22 May 2002 06:47 pm, you wrote:
  On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 17:25, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
   According to my notes, it's nspluginscan, not nsplugin. Then you'll
   have to close and reopen KDE. If all has gone well, the Netscape
   Plugins option will show up in the Konqueror configuration menu.
   However, I've found that those damn popups still appear on some sites.
   I'm not sure why, but I'm inclined to blame it on the HTML at the other
   end. Of course, I could be wrong on that.
  AFAIK, it's bad javascript.  I wrote to the webmaster of a site that
  filled my desktop with twelve macromedia popups, and he fixed it the
  same day.
  Sir Robin

 Sir Robin:
 Thanks. As I said, I wasn't too sure if it was me or them. In cases like
 that, I usually take the easy way out, and blame it on them.
 Your comment about writing to the webmaster is interesting. When I first
 started using the Net (six years ago), almost every site had a link to the
 webmaster; failing that, there would be something like Mail us,
 Comments, etc. Have you noticed that those links have pretty much
 vanished -- particularly on major commercial sites? Not a good trend.
 -- cmg

Carroll, many of the e-mail systems now have a catch all basket. It doesn't 
matter if you write to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or [EMAIL PROTECTED] They get filtered to someones inbox. Of course 
d*[EMAIL PROTECTED] is likely to get biffed unopened.

So if i find a broken link or whatever and there is no contact page i just 
fire the e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Usually somebody gets it and 
fixes it. 90% or more of the time they send back a thankyou.

After all if there is no such e-mail address the mail bounces and you get to 
know it.


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[newbie] Ogle Problems

2002-05-23 Per discussione bkoppe

I'm helping a friend with his Linux installation and he's trying to get
Ogle set upand running into some issues.  I'm not sure what his errors mean so I've
includedthem below in case any of you has any insight.  Thanks!

[paul@st04_057 paul]$ ogle
Note[ogle_ctrl]: ogle 0.8.2
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_gui with pid 5445
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_nav with pid 5446
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_mpeg_ps with pid 5447
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_vout with pid 5448
libdvdread: Can't stat /dev/dvd
No such file or directory
vm: faild to open/read the DVD
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5446 exited with 1
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5446 exited with status: 1
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5448 killed
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5448 terminated on signal: 2
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5447 killed
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5447 terminated on signal: 2
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5445 killed
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5445 terminated on signal: 2
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: removing shmid: 63635461
Note[ogle_ctrl]: exiting

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Re: [newbie] java runtime environment

2002-05-23 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi

That is strange, I am using currently using mozilla  0.99 with JRE 1.4 
without problems.
Did you link the correct files (i.e. those under jdk1.x.x\jre\plugin, if 
memory serves)? From mozilla, if you click on help-about plugins, do 
the plugins appear correctly instaled?


 Allright.  After copying the file into the mozilla plugins directory, both 
 mozilla and galeon completely crash and exit whenever I try opening a page 
 with java.  I've also tried symlinking to the files, and they don't crash 
 but want me to install it.

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[newbie] att cable

2002-05-23 Per discussione jbarron201

I,m new to linux and have 
been trying to connect ATTBI without much luck internet shows UP the IP 
address isright got it off my MS windows system ,gateway not sure about the host 
we don,t have one in MS but do have service name but have tryed everthing and no 
connection,if you call ATT they just give you the non support thing and 
thats all.Can anyone HELP?

Re: OT: signatures WAS: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

2002-05-23 Per discussione Damian G

On Thu, 23 May 2002 01:48:10 -0400
David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Damian G said onto me:  
  |this 'resistance' that a given material offers when you try to make an electric 
  |run thru it depends on the length of the path that the electrons should take 
  |p.s. i had a little trouble with my english this time so forgive any inaccuracies
  | that you may find. ;o)
 I'd like to say that your explanation is one of the best explanations that I have 
heard.  Right on the money, and very easy to understand.  

thanks very much.. ;o)

 But I wanna add something.  
 The strength of the bond between the electrons and the atom (IIRC, proportional to 
the number of free electrons) is also a direct factor in determining resistance.  
 e.g.  1 foot of rubber has exponentially more resistance than 1 foot of gold  

yep that's what i meant when y said

and the place lacking electrons, and thus charged positively ) represents the 'medium' 
in which the current will travel. it can be air, wood, metal, water, or even void. 

but some materials are more resistent to this phenomena. that is, electrons need to be 
by a greater force ( voltage ) to be able to run thru that medium. eventually, with 
voltage, electricity can run thru everything.

i just didn't want to make it all too complex. ;o)

also, i should add that resistance also depends on the width of that piece of material.
for example, a wire with 0.2mm diameter  and 1 inch long offers more resistance that a
1mm diameter, 1 inch long wire.

this is because all the electrons, having the same negative charge, tend to be as far
away from each others as possible. thus, an electric current traveling thru a wire only
use the outer part of the conducting material. no electrons travel thru the center of 
and when the wire is thick, electrons don't repel themselves as much since the bigger
section of the wire makes more space for electrons to get through.

this is why a very thin wire causes electrons to 'crash' too often against the atoms
of the wire, causing further resistance, increase in temperature and therefore sweat,
meltdown, fire, explosions, fireworks, and eventually a new computer... you get the 
better yet if you overclock your computer, this is what may be happening now inside 
your proc ;oP

.. uhmm ok ok i'm drifting off, i better cut it off here. 

apologize to the people that may be thinking this is not the place to talk about this.


and remember: 2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2.


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[newbie] audio program.

2002-05-23 Per discussione chuck

Can anyone point me to an audio looping program like acid for windows?



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Re: [newbie] DivX Player - Solution found

2002-05-23 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Monday 20 May 2002 21:42, you wrote:
 Sorry for all the e-mails guys, but I found the solution to the

 remove the ~/.divxPlayer/DivXPlayer.dbf file

 restart divxPlayer

 right click on the screen, and go to options.

 click on the general tab and uncheck Check for new  and
 Display splash screen...

 Close off divxPlayer .. and bob's your uncle, it should work now.
 At least it does here.

 I thin that the startup search for a new version is buggering up
 the whole program.


I have my version on now.

So what's the advantage then.
Doesn't seem to play commercial DVD's.
I guess you have to have these high compression mp3,sort of video 
files that the website speakes of. So where do you get them then.

Is this a player for home camcorder type movies ?

Someone fill me in please.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-23 Per discussione Xecut1on
I finally got it installed. Thanks so much for your guys help i appriciate it alot.


Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-23 Per discussione Brian Parish

On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 11:44, Dick Mazierski wrote:
 What I can't understand is, with all the complaints about Star Office 
 6.0, why Sun Microsystems or Mandrake have not stepped in and offered a 
 solution to the problem. This attitude will be the downfall of Linux!!!
I can only agree Dick.  It's like the missing RPMs on the powerpack
thing (dare I bring it up again?).  Totally OK for the problem to exist,
but the silence is unforgivable.


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Re: [newbie] audio program.

2002-05-23 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On 22 May 2002 23:08:52 -0600
chuck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anyone point me to an audio looping program like acid for windows?

Well, I can't :( But this link should be interesting: . The Linux Audio Users mailing list (link at
the bottom of the first URL) would be the best forum for this kind of
question. AFAIK they have a searchable archive. HTH,


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Re: [newbie] Ogle Problems

2002-05-23 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 02:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm helping a friend with his Linux installation and he's trying to get
 Ogle set upand running into some issues.  I'm not sure what his errors mean so I've
 includedthem below in case any of you has any insight.  Thanks!
 [paul@st04_057 paul]$ ogle
 Note[ogle_ctrl]: ogle 0.8.2
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_gui with pid 5445
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_nav with pid 5446
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_mpeg_ps with pid 5447
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_vout with pid 5448
 libdvdread: Can't stat /dev/dvd
 No such file or directory
 vm: faild to open/read the DVD
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5446 exited with 1
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5446 exited with status: 1
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5448 killed
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5448 terminated on signal: 2
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5447 killed
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5447 terminated on signal: 2
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5445 killed
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5445 terminated on signal: 2
 Debug[ogle_ctrl]: removing shmid: 63635461
 Note[ogle_ctrl]: exiting

When I started using Ogle I noticed that it was difficult to get it to
play a device.  On the other hand if you mount the dvd and tell it to
play a file, it will do that with no problem.

Mount the dvd and send Ogle to the video_ts directory on the dvd.  Ogle
should pick up and run from there.


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-23 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

Open Konqueror. Select Settings and then Configure Konqueror. There should be 
a Netscape Plugins icon in the left hand column. Open it; there will be a 
sheet with two tabs. On the Scan tab, click Scan for Nsplugins. Then, 
under the Plugin tab, there will be a list -- mine shows that the Shockwave 
Flash and FutureSplash Player have been installed.
-- cmg

On Thursday 23 May 2002 09:11 am, you wrote:
 Hmmm.  OK I ran nspluginscan - tried it both as root and as me.  Gave
 some warnings about unresolved symbols that may or may not be
 significant.  Logout and restart X.  Konq  Settings  Configure Konq 
 Konq Browser  Plugins

 All I see is a box saying Enable plugins globally (it's ticked).
 Methinks I was supposed to see something more?


 On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 00:25, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  According to my notes, it's nspluginscan, not nsplugin. Then you'll have
  to close and reopen KDE. If all has gone well, the Netscape Plugins
  option will show up in the Konqueror configuration menu. However, I've
  found that those damn popups still appear on some sites. I'm not sure
  why, but I'm inclined to blame it on the HTML at the other end. Of
  course, I could be wrong on that.
  The original thread was on this list as LM 8.2, Konqueror and Flash;
  there was a later thread Flash in Konqueror.
  -- cmg
  On Wednesday 22 May 2002 04:06 am, Jason wrote:
   Hi Brian,
   try nsplugin at the command line
   I think that is what i did but it was a while ago
   good luck
   On Wednesday 22 May 2002 17:02, Brian wrote:
Maybe it's because I have a lousy cold and a foggy brain (please
insert sympathy here), but shouldn't installing kdebase-nsplugins
result in Konqueror finding a flash player?  There must be a really
obvious step that I missed.
I know there was a thread on the list (or was it expert?) recently,
but I'm damned if I can find it in the archives.  Probably the topic
was It doesn't work or something equally useful for searching.
Anyway, could one of you kind people save me from the Macromedia
popup curse?  I don't much want flash, but I want multiple download
windows even less.
   Content-Type: text/plain; name=message.footer
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
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[newbie] My mouse is pointing to the wrong place.

2002-05-23 Per discussione Ricardo Marques
 Hi, I'm having a very strange problem. This problem is occurring in all my computers. I turn on my machine and after a while the focus of pointer is shifted to right.  When I want to click in a button, I have to look for a position (move to right side) to click. Sometimes I have to click outside of button. It depends on of size of the button. It's occurring with tree different kinds of machines. They have different processors, motherboards, BIOS, video cards, etc. I'm working with Mandrake 8.2 and KDE. Thanks in advance for any help.  Ricardo Marques  Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-23 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Thursday 23 May 2002 09:46 am, you wrote:
 On Thursday 23 May 2002 09:11 am, Brian Parish wrote:
  Hmmm.  OK I ran nspluginscan - tried it both as root and as me.

 Excuse me, where did you find nspluginscan?

It's in /usr/bin. Or it will be after you install 
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] java runtime environment

2002-05-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 23 May 2002 08:51 am, Michael Kovary wrote:
 Would I have to pay to join mandrake club?  If so, is there
 anywhere else I can get it?  Or maybe you can upload it to server
 for downloading if that's possible.

Well, it's not real possible.  First there's good reason that 
Mandrake made it available to Club members, and I wouldn't want to 
infringe on them.  Second it's proprietary, so Sun wouldn't likely 
appreciate it either.  Third, I've only got a 33,6 connection and the 
rpm is 20 MB.  Sorry, I just thought I'd make y'all aware that j2re's 
installation can be quick and simple.  In any event I believe my 
Konqueror advice will work no matter where you get j2re.

   I'd encourage you to join the Club. ;)  You can almost recoup the 
membership cost the first time you d/l Mandrake, or get it from 
Cheapbytes, and Mandrake benefits much more than when you buy the 
Power Pack.   Plus you get the other benefits the Club offers.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

 From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: [newbie] java runtime environment
 Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 08:05:40 -0500
 On Wednesday 22 May 2002 10:24 pm, Michael Kovary wrote:
   Allright.  After copying the file into the mozilla plugins
   directory, both mozilla and galeon completely crash and exit
   whenever I try opening a page with java.  I've also tried
   symlinking to the files, and they don't crash but want me to
   install it.
   Open mozilla and typeabout:plugins   in the location bar
 you should see somethin like,
 Java(TM) Plug-in 1.4.0-b92
  File name:
 Java(TM) Plug-in1.4.0
 Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
 application/x-java-vm Java(tm) Plug-in Yes
 snipped a bunch of other java plugins 
 application/x-java-bean;jpi-version=1.4 Java(tm) Plug-in Yes
   IIRC, all I did was install  j2re-1.4.0-1mdk.i586.rpm  and
  did nothin to configure java for mozilla, other than to check
  'about:plugins'.  For Konqueror I went into the Netscape plugins
  configuration, clicked on 'New' and added
$HOME/.mozilla/plugins  (rather than $HOME/.netscape/plugins,
  since nutscrape isn't installed) and made sure it was at the top.
   Then clicking on 'Scan for new plugins'  added jre-1.4 and any
  other stuff installed for mozilla (eg, flash) to Konqeror.   No
  moving, copying, or linking files needed.
   Not sure but I believe I got j2re-1.4.0-1mdk.i586.rpm  from
  the Mandrake Club downloads.
  Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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RE: [newbie] java runtime environment

2002-05-23 Per discussione Franki

you can also download the JRE as a bin file, (self executable bzip file) 
from the site..

I just did it myself..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Brinkman
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2002 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] java runtime environment

On Thursday 23 May 2002 08:51 am, Michael Kovary wrote:
 Would I have to pay to join mandrake club?  If so, is there
 anywhere else I can get it?  Or maybe you can upload it to server
 for downloading if that's possible.

Well, it's not real possible.  First there's good reason that 
Mandrake made it available to Club members, and I wouldn't want to 
infringe on them.  Second it's proprietary, so Sun wouldn't likely 
appreciate it either.  Third, I've only got a 33,6 connection and the 
rpm is 20 MB.  Sorry, I just thought I'd make y'all aware that j2re's 
installation can be quick and simple.  In any event I believe my 
Konqueror advice will work no matter where you get j2re.

   I'd encourage you to join the Club. ;)  You can almost recoup the 
membership cost the first time you d/l Mandrake, or get it from 
Cheapbytes, and Mandrake benefits much more than when you buy the 
Power Pack.   Plus you get the other benefits the Club offers.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

 From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: [newbie] java runtime environment
 Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 08:05:40 -0500
 On Wednesday 22 May 2002 10:24 pm, Michael Kovary wrote:
   Allright.  After copying the file into the mozilla plugins
   directory, both mozilla and galeon completely crash and exit
   whenever I try opening a page with java.  I've also tried
   symlinking to the files, and they don't crash but want me to
   install it.
   Open mozilla and typeabout:plugins   in the location bar
 you should see somethin like,
 Java(TM) Plug-in 1.4.0-b92
  File name:
 Java(TM) Plug-in1.4.0
 Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
 application/x-java-vm Java(tm) Plug-in Yes
 snipped a bunch of other java plugins 
 application/x-java-bean;jpi-version=1.4 Java(tm) Plug-in Yes
   IIRC, all I did was install  j2re-1.4.0-1mdk.i586.rpm  and
  did nothin to configure java for mozilla, other than to check
  'about:plugins'.  For Konqueror I went into the Netscape plugins
  configuration, clicked on 'New' and added
$HOME/.mozilla/plugins  (rather than $HOME/.netscape/plugins,
  since nutscrape isn't installed) and made sure it was at the top.
   Then clicking on 'Scan for new plugins'  added jre-1.4 and any
  other stuff installed for mozilla (eg, flash) to Konqeror.   No
  moving, copying, or linking files needed.
   Not sure but I believe I got j2re-1.4.0-1mdk.i586.rpm  from
  the Mandrake Club downloads.
  Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] java runtime environment

2002-05-23 Per discussione Bill Davidson

On Thu, 23 May 2002 07:51:42 -0600
Michael Kovary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Would I have to pay to join mandrake club?  If so, is there anywhere
 else I can get it?  Or maybe you can upload it to server for
 downloading if that's possible.

Go here:

Pick the Red Hat rpm shell script. When you download it, chmod u+x
j2re...rpm.bin. Then run it: ./j2re...rpm.bin and agree to their
licence. It will extract into an rpm file which you can then install.


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Re: [newbie] Ogle Problems

2002-05-23 Per discussione Miark

Do you have a sym link for /dev/dvd ? Ogle normally 
looks for that. You can specify a different path if 
you don't, though. (I've never had to point ogle to
any specific file.)


 On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 02:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm helping a friend with his Linux installation and he's trying to get
  Ogle set upand running into some issues.  I'm not sure what his errors mean so I've
  includedthem below in case any of you has any insight.  Thanks!

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Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-23 Per discussione Miark


KOrganizer tells me that today is Corpus Christi day. 
You didn't sneak into my computer and put it there,
did you?!  ;-)


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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-23 Per discussione Miark

Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 As an aside, a spreadsheet is not usually the best choice for dealing
 with really large amounts of data -- you may want to begin to think
 about a migration to a database, like MySQL, Postgres, Access, Microsoft
 SQL, or whatever.

You seem to forget, Randy, that Access and Microsoft SQL themselves fall 
under the category of voice style=whiny teenager whatever voice. 


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Re: [newbie] java runtime environment

2002-05-23 Per discussione Charlie

May 23, 2002 07:53 am,Michael Kovary wrote:
 They appear installed when I have the files copied to the plugins folder,
 but not with links.
You may want to read the last part of this link:

Mozilla/Netscape and probably Galeon as a nutscrape based browser will not 
work just by copying the plug-ins to the relevant directory. You have to use 
a symlink apparently. It worked for me any way.

Registered user 244963 at
Mac Beer: At first, came only a 16-oz. can, but now comes in a 32-oz. 
can. Considered by many to be a light beer. All the cans look 
identical. When you take one from the fridge, it opens itself. The 
ingredients list is not on the can. If you call to ask about the 
ingredients, you are told that you don't need to know. A notice on the 
side reminds you to drag your empties to the trashcan.

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[newbie] Postfix POP

2002-05-23 Per discussione Tuan tran

I'm trying  to setup my own mail server by using
Postfix and have few questions need to ask. 

1. By using Postfix I can send and receive email via
my mail server machine, isn't it?
2. I have setup a MX record (
at the place which I choose to pack my domain name; do
I need to write any line at file?
3. In able to send  receive email via other client
mail program (ie. Outlook) I must enable Xinet,
POP3. isn't it?
4.I setup Postfix  pop3 at my server computer and
know they are running; Can I TELNET from other
computer to check to make sure they work properly?
5.If I also turn on IMAP will it cause POP3 works
incorrectlly? And I've heard that IMAP can be use to
set up Web Mail, isn't it?

Thank you

Do You Yahoo!?
LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience

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[newbie] Kernel 2.4.0 help.

2002-05-23 Per discussione Xecut1on
I'm having some trouble. Does mandrake 8.2 come with the 2.4.0 kernel? If so where should I look for it and how do I install it?


Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.4.0 help.

2002-05-23 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 23 May 2002 10:50 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 I'm having some trouble. Does mandrake 8.2 come with the 2.4.0 kernel? If
 so where should I look for it and how do I install it?

well mine came with 2.4.18-6mdk, but i know several others are on the second 
cd.  you might look there.  if installing i think you can even boot from it 
to install other kernels.  they maybe 2.2 kernels though.

what is the actual problem?

How dare the government intervene to stifle innovation in the computer 
industry! That's Microsoft's job, dammit!

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606 @

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Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.4.0 help.

2002-05-23 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Thursday 23 May 2002 01:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having some trouble. Does mandrake 8.2 come with the 2.4.0 kernel? If
 so where should I look for it and how do I install it?

In a shell enter
$ uname -r
this will print out the kernal version

Gerald Waugh :: Phone. [011] 203.785.0699
Front Street Networks LLC | SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, 06513-3203 United States

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[newbie] OT: News article, Washington Post...

2002-05-23 Per discussione Charlie

Microsoft must be utterly terrified. At least it reads that way from their 
published reaction to this and other articles.

Or are they just as dumb as they often appear? People are starting to learn 
what FUD means through mainstream media sources now. This can't bode well 
for the future of proprietary/closed source software; can it?

Disclaimer: I actually do consider the Washington Post mainstream media. ;-)
Registered user 244963 at
Don't abandon hope: your Tom Mix decoder ring arrives tomorrow.

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Re: [newbie] Postfix POP

2002-05-23 Per discussione Miark

Tuan tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 1. By using Postfix I can send and receive email via
 my mail server machine, isn't it?


 2. I have setup a MX record (
 at the place which I choose to pack my domain name; do
 I need to write any line at file?

Yes. Go to the postfix site, and check the following

* myhostname (the name of your box, e.g.
* mydomain  (the name of your domain, e.g.
* myorigin (which is normally set to $mydomain)
* mydestination (which is a bunch of names to which 
  Postfix will respond)

 3. In able to send  receive email via other client
 mail program (ie. Outlook) I must enable Xinet,
 POP3. isn't it?

That's correct. Postfix does not include a POP daemon.

 4.I setup Postfix  pop3 at my server computer and
 know they are running; Can I TELNET from other
 computer to check to make sure they work properly?

Yes. Telnet to port 110 to check the POP server, and
to 25 for SMTP.

 5.If I also turn on IMAP will it cause POP3 works
 incorrectlly? And I've heard that IMAP can be use to
 set up Web Mail, isn't it?

I don't know squat about IMAP--sorry.

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Re: [newbie] OT: News article, Washington Post...

2002-05-23 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 23 May 2002 11:55 am, Charlie opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 Or are they just as dumb as they often appear? People are starting to
 learn what FUD means through mainstream media sources now. This can't
 bode well for the future of proprietary/closed source software; can it?

i think we all look at recent events.  in the last little while, MS has been 
found guilty of abuse of a monopoly, is in court again with taiwan, and the 
EU, and has been convicted of piracy.  they lost their lindows suit, and 
their most secure OS ever has proven easy to hack.  they threatened 
audits for schools in oregon and iowa, and not only did the oregon schools 
stand firm till MS backed down, but according to one report (haven't 
confirmed this) 16 of the school districts in iowa dumped windows for a 
linux network.  peru, germany, china, and other countries are suddenly 
pushing _any_ OSS solution.  now the pentegon?

it has been a rough year for MS.  i feel bad.  i might remove my anti-MS sig 

and i might start using XP too.  if they hold a gun to my head.

-- Mr. Gates, in short, the reason I am not using your software is that I 
have upped my standards.  So up yours.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] My mouse is pointing to the wrong place.

2002-05-23 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Thursday 23 May 2002 05:05 pm, Ricardo Marques wrote:
 I'm having a very strange problem. This problem is occurring in all my
 computers. I turn on my machine and after a while the focus of pointer is
 shifted to right. When I want to click in a button, I have to look for a
 position (move to right side) to click. Sometimes I have to click outside
 of button. It depends on of size of the button. It's occurring with tree
 different kinds of machines. They have different processors, motherboards,
 BIOS, video cards, etc. I'm working with Mandrake 8.2 and KDE. Thanks in
 advance for any help.

 Ricardo Marques Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

Ricardo, maybe you have different processors etc. etc., but I'll bet you have 
Trident graphics ! - This phenomenon is well known. The solution is simple :

You'll have to edit the file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 as root. In this file, 
there is a section called Graphics device section. Find it and then remove 
the hash-mark (#) in front of Option  sw_cursor. (Which means to 
uncomment this option, thus enabling the software-cursor). Save the file 
and restart X. That's all.

For a more in-depth explanation, search the list-archive for something like 
Trident Cyberblade.

If still in trouble, feel free to mail me privately, I'll work you through. 
But please have some patience, 'cause I'm only on-line a few minutes each 
evening, CET.

BTW  - I find that sig of yours (not your name, of course) disgusting - ;-)

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] kde3 taskbar wont work

2002-05-23 Per discussione poogle

On Thursday 23 May 2002 14:45 pm, Joseph Braddock wrote:
  I don't know if this will help, I found a similar problem although I am
  using 8.2 and kooka works with my scanner.
  I found that if I opened konsole from the toolbar and then with that
  konsole still open I tried to access other icons nothing happened with
  those other icons.
  If I opened say konqueror and kmail and home all was o.k, but if at any
  point konsole was open from the taskbar all other icons were inactive.
  When I closed konsole I got the message KDEinit could not launch
  'konsole--noxft' so I deleted the --noxft switch. Now with konsole open
  the taskbar icons behave properly.
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 This is a known bug and is well documented on Mandrake's web page.  The
 quick fix is to delete the konsole icon from the task bar.  Next create
 a new one on the desktop.  You can then drag and drop it onto the task
 bar and all will be well.


I wasn't aware that it is known bug (writes note: must check Mandrakes web page more 
Your solution is almost the same as mine but I dragged from the menu to the desktop 
edited the new desktop icon and then dragged it to the taskbar, I like to be different 
However, (and again this might be known, I haven't checked) I have found that when I 
did an install without Kde 2.2.2 and then installed Kde 3.0 afterwards taskbar icons 
worked properly and no --noxft errror, so it appears to be an issue between 2.2.2  

Poogle. Derby,England  Linux MDK 8.2 with
kernel 2.4.18-6 mdk using Kmail 1.4

  6:56pm  up 54 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.04, 0.12, 0.15

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[newbie] OT, was: My mouse is pointing to the wrong place.

2002-05-23 Per discussione shane  :)

On Thursday 23 May 2002 12:38 pm, Kaj Haulrich opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

  Ricardo Marques Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

 BTW  - I find that sig of yours (not your name, of course) disgusting -

Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Bugs, Lacking Features, IRQ Conflicts, 
System Crashes, Non-Functional Multitasking, The Y2K Problem and The Blue 
Screen of Death (BSOD) are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., 
Redmond, Washington, USA.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Ogle Problems

2002-05-23 Per discussione civileme


I'm helping a friend with his Linux installation and he's trying to get
Ogle set upand running into some issues.  I'm not sure what his errors mean so I've
includedthem below in case any of you has any insight.  Thanks!

[paul@st04_057 paul]$ ogle
Note[ogle_ctrl]: ogle 0.8.2
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_gui with pid 5445
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_nav with pid 5446
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_mpeg_ps with pid 5447
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/lib/ogle/ogle_vout with pid 5448
libdvdread: Can't stat /dev/dvd
No such file or directory
vm: faild to open/read the DVD
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5446 exited with 1
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5446 exited with status: 1
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5448 killed
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5448 terminated on signal: 2
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5447 killed
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5447 terminated on signal: 2
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: child: 5445 killed
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: pid: 5445 terminated on signal: 2
Debug[ogle_ctrl]: removing shmid: 63635461
Note[ogle_ctrl]: exiting

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you don't have /dev/dvd defined

find out which one it is

hda is primary master
hdb is primary slave
hdc is secondary master

and so on

watch the BIOS screen at boot-up or go to the BIOS to find where the DVD 
drive is.

Then... (example given for hdc)

OPen terminal window

$ su
password(give the root password)
# ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/dvd

Then it will work


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Re: [newbie] OT: News article, Washington Post...

2002-05-23 Per discussione Charlie

May 23, 2002 01:35 pm,shane wrote:

 i think we all look at recent events.  in the last little while, MS has
 been found guilty of abuse of a monopoly, is in court again with taiwan,
 and the EU, and has been convicted of piracy.  they lost their lindows
 suit, and their most secure OS ever has proven easy to hack.  they
 threatened audits for schools in oregon and iowa, and not only did the
 oregon schools stand firm till MS backed down, but according to one report
 (haven't confirmed this) 16 of the school districts in iowa dumped windows
 for a linux network.  peru, germany, china, and other countries are
 suddenly pushing _any_ OSS solution.  now the pentegon?

 it has been a rough year for MS.  i feel bad.  i might remove my anti-MS
 sig files...

 and i might start using XP too.  if they hold a gun to my head.
-- Mr. Gates, in short, the reason I am not using your software is that I 
have upped my standards.  So up yours.
That has to be one of the funniest signature tags yet Shane. You are a total 
bad influence, incorrigible, irrepressible and relentless with your cheap 
shots at poor innocent billyg/microsoft!

You're also now officially one of my heroes. :-)

BTW; don't read anything into the sig tag below, it's a proven fact that this 
machine is haunted (or at least Fortune must be) and the phantom it contains 
has an even more twisted sense of humor than mine. large evil grin
Registered user 244963 at
I'd love to go out with you, but I'm staying home to work on my
cottage cheese sculpture.

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Re: [newbie] OT: News article, Washington Post...

2002-05-23 Per discussione Miark

shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 it has been a rough year for MS.  i feel bad.  i might remove my anti-MS sig 
 and i might start using XP too.  if they hold a gun to my head.
 -- Mr. Gates, in short, the reason I am not using your software is that I 
 have upped my standards.  So up yours.

Shane--QUIT THAT--you got me laughing so hard I'm aching!


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Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.4.0 help.

2002-05-23 Per discussione civileme


 I'm having some trouble. Does mandrake 8.2 come with the 2.4.0 kernel? 
 If so where should I look for it and how do I install it?


No it comes with 2.4.18 which finally offers a good virtual memory 
manager unlike its predecessors.  It installs by default though you can 
call in kernel22 in individual package installabtion.

To see which kernel you are running, open a terminal window and

uame -a


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[newbie] lan browsing /samba

2002-05-23 Per discussione LtCdData

Ive set up Samba on here (MD8.2) on KDE to (2k) pc. Access from windo$e to 
Linux is fine, however getting lan browsing the other way is being a pain to 
get working, are there any good HowTo for the LISa ResLISa config. as all i 
seem to get is could not connect to host localhost 


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[newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-23 Per discussione Stephen Kitchener


I have downloaded the new KDE3.0.1 and going on the instructions on 
Mankdrake's site for 8.2 written for KDE3.0.0 (as the instructions haven't 
been changed yet) I thought that I would upgrade by issuing the command urpmi 
* in the directory where I had all the downloade files.

All looks ok and when the system askes for Disk 1 from the Pro package, I put 
it into the CD drive, press return, expecting for it to proceed, but all it 
does is to ask for the disk again and again and... well you get the idea. 

The CD isn't even being accessed, it just gets ejected straight away :-(

Has anyone else seen this ? - is there a fix ? - is it a known problem ?

Any help appriciated

Stephen Kitchener

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Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Did you do the urpmi.addmedia command?

Also note that version of 3.01 will REPLACE your KDE2.2.2 If you do not want 
to lose your old KDE then wait a few days and a new version will be posted 
that installs into /opt instead of /usr
See for a discussion on this.


On Thursday 23 May 2002 9:20 pm, Stephen Kitchener wrote:

 I have downloaded the new KDE3.0.1 and going on the instructions on
 Mankdrake's site for 8.2 written for KDE3.0.0 (as the instructions haven't
 been changed yet) I thought that I would upgrade by issuing the command
 urpmi * in the directory where I had all the downloade files.

 All looks ok and when the system askes for Disk 1 from the Pro package, I
 put it into the CD drive, press return, expecting for it to proceed, but
 all it does is to ask for the disk again and again and... well you get
 the idea.

 The CD isn't even being accessed, it just gets ejected straight away :-(

 Has anyone else seen this ? - is there a fix ? - is it a known problem ?

 Any help appriciated

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Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.4.0 help.

2002-05-23 Per discussione mycal62

civileme wrote:
  I'm having some trouble. Does mandrake 8.2 come with the 2.4.0 kernel?
  If so where should I look for it and how do I install it?
 No it comes with 2.4.18 which finally offers a good virtual memory
 manager unlike its predecessors.  It installs by default though you can
 call in kernel22 in individual package installabtion.
 To see which kernel you are running, open a terminal window and
 uame -a

You mean uname -a


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Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.4.0 help.

2002-05-23 Per discussione Xecut1on
The modem driver im installing says i need 2.4.0 and it wont install with any other kernels or at least not 2.4.18-6mdk =\

Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.4.0 help.

2002-05-23 Per discussione Robin

On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 23:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The modem driver im installing says i need 2.4.0 and it wont install with any 
 other kernels or at least not 2.4.18-6mdk =\

This is probably related to the problem I had with X freezing whenever I
did something online. Install an earlier kernel and you should be OK. 
You'll probably need to reconfigure lilo (use the Mandrake control
Centre) so that you get a boot-up entry for the installed kernel.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-23 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 23 May 2002 01:20 pm, Stephen Kitchener opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 I have downloaded the new KDE3.0.1 and going on the instructions on
 Mankdrake's site for 8.2 written for KDE3.0.0 (as the instructions
 haven't been changed yet) I thought that I would upgrade by issuing the
 command urpmi * in the directory where I had all the downloade files.

 All looks ok and when the system askes for Disk 1 from the Pro package, I
 put it into the CD drive, press return, expecting for it to proceed, but
 all it does is to ask for the disk again and again and... well you
 get the idea.

the current 3.0.1 requires that you remove kde 2 first.  this may break a 
few things compiled to run with 2.  all it broke in my case was tux racer 
and another game (forget what) and 3.0.1 is very nice, however if you don't 
like the risk, wait a bit, they will likely compile a version to go in 
opt the way they did 3.0.

Computers are like air conditioners they stop working properly if you open 

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] lan browsing /samba

2002-05-23 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 23 May 2002 01:22 pm, LtCdData opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Ive set up Samba on here (MD8.2) on KDE to (2k) pc. Access from windo$e
 to Linux is fine, however getting lan browsing the other way is being a
 pain to get working, are there any good HowTo for the LISa ResLISa
 config. as all i seem to get is could not connect to host localhost

personally i find lisa to be a pain.  you might try komba2.  it should be on 
your cd's if not installed already.

At first they burn books, eventually they burn people.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] MDK8.2: compile hello.cpp: cannot exec 'cpp0': No such...

2002-05-23 Per discussione Steven Boothe

Hello everyone:

I seem to have a problem compiling a simple hello.cpp program:

#include iostream.h
int main()
  cout  Hello, world.  endl;
  return 0;

The error I get is:

[sboothe@poretz sboothe]$ gcc hello.cpp
gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cpp0': No such file or directory
[sboothe@poretz sboothe]

For the record here is the output of some hopefully meaningful commands:

[steven]$ rpm -qa | grep gcc  rpm -qa | grep gcc  rpm -qa | grep libstd

Thanks to anyone who read this message.



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Re: [newbie] lan browsing /samba

2002-05-23 Per discussione LtCdData

On Thursday 23 May 2002 10:13 pm, you wrote:
 On Thursday 23 May 2002 01:22 pm, LtCdData opened a general hailing

 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  Ive set up Samba on here (MD8.2) on KDE to (2k) pc. Access from windo$e
  to Linux is fine, however getting lan browsing the other way is being a
  pain to get working, are there any good HowTo for the LISa ResLISa
  config. as all i seem to get is could not connect to host localhost

 personally i find lisa to be a pain.  you might try komba2.  it should be
 on your cd's if not installed already.
cheerz  komba2 works well..took 2 mins to get access set up :-

 -- magnet  use above -- Lt

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Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-23 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 09:21 pm, shane wrote:
 On Wednesday 22 May 2002 06:44 pm, Dick Mazierski opened a general

 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  What I can't understand is, with all the complaints about Star
  Office 6.0, why Sun Microsystems or Mandrake have not stepped in
  and offered a solution to the problem. This attitude will be the
  downfall of Linux!!!

 they did, it is called openoffice, and is on your 8.2 cds :)

Or you can get a newer 8.2 version here
   while you're there, get the   freetype2-2.0.9-3plf   rpm also.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-23 Per discussione Stephen Kitchener

On Thursday 23 May 2002 21:38, Derek Jennings wrote:

Hi Derek,

Thanks for the info - I wasn't aware that it replaced 2.2.2.

 Did you do the urpmi.addmedia command?

no I didn't, but then I didn't when I installed the first KDE3 packages onto 
this machine.

 Also note that version of 3.01 will REPLACE your KDE2.2.2 If you do not
 want to lose your old KDE then wait a few days and a new version will be
 posted that installs into /opt instead of /usr
 See for a discussion on this.

rr - will do


 On Thursday 23 May 2002 9:20 pm, Stephen Kitchener wrote:
  I have downloaded the new KDE3.0.1 and going on the instructions on
  Mankdrake's site for 8.2 written for KDE3.0.0 (as the instructions
  haven't been changed yet) I thought that I would upgrade by issuing the
  command urpmi * in the directory where I had all the downloade files.
  All looks ok and when the system askes for Disk 1 from the Pro package, I
  put it into the CD drive, press return, expecting for it to proceed, but
  all it does is to ask for the disk again and again and... well you
  get the idea.
  The CD isn't even being accessed, it just gets ejected straight away :-(
  Has anyone else seen this ? - is there a fix ? - is it a known problem ?
  Any help appriciated

Stephen Kitchener

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Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-23 Per discussione Stephen Kitchener

On Thursday 23 May 2002 22:12, shane wrote:
 On Thursday 23 May 2002 01:20 pm, Stephen Kitchener opened a general

 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  I have downloaded the new KDE3.0.1 and going on the instructions on
  Mankdrake's site for 8.2 written for KDE3.0.0 (as the instructions
  haven't been changed yet) I thought that I would upgrade by issuing the
  command urpmi * in the directory where I had all the downloade files.
  All looks ok and when the system askes for Disk 1 from the Pro package, I
  put it into the CD drive, press return, expecting for it to proceed, but
  all it does is to ask for the disk again and again and... well you
  get the idea.

 the current 3.0.1 requires that you remove kde 2 first.  this may break a
 few things compiled to run with 2.  all it broke in my case was tux racer
 and another game (forget what) and 3.0.1 is very nice, however if you don't
 like the risk, wait a bit, they will likely compile a version to go in
 opt the way they did 3.0.

Ok thanks for the info. I wasn't aware that 2.2.2 would be replaced.

Stephen Kitchener

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Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-23 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 23 May 2002 05:41 am, Tom Brinkman opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Or you can get a newer 8.2 version here
586.rpm while you're there, get the   freetype2-2.0.9-3plf   rpm also.

the full 1.0 for mandrake?  as good as installed!  thanks!

It is increasingly obvious that our techknowledgy is outpacing our 
humanity. -Einstein

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] OT: News article, Washington Post...

2002-05-23 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 23 May 2002 01:15 pm, Charlie opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 That has to be one of the funniest signature tags yet Shane. You are a
 total bad influence, incorrigible, irrepressible and relentless with your
 cheap shots at poor innocent billyg/microsoft!

lets see, bad influence, check, incorrigible, check, check, check...

 You're also now officially one of my heroes. :-)

nope, not that one.

and won't go out with me.

well my wife agrees on five outta six.  :)

May the forces of evil (or Microsoft, whatever) become confused on their way 
to your house.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] assign alias ip

2002-05-23 Per discussione Norman Zhang


I can't seem to be able to add additional ip alias to my eth0. Would someone
please give me the right command for it? I tried,

ifconfig eth0 add x.x.x.x netmask y.y.y.y

but after /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart nothing happens.


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Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-23 Per discussione Warren Post

See the PCTel HSP howto at:

The process is a little involved, but take it step by step and you'll be fine.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Wed, 22 May 2002 21:58:07 EDT

 I just got a copy of mandrake 8.2 and it says my modem is a winmodem (PCTel 
 HSP56 Micromodem) and will not install it. I have the linux driver for my 
 modem but I don't know how to install it. I'm very new to linux cans omeone 
 please help me out?

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Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-23 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

running ./configure will create/edit the makefile for you.  You could use vi to edit 
the makefile, but you probably want to read up on it first, because it's not very 
intuitive (although very good once you get used to it).

On Wed, 22 May 2002 23:33:28 EDT

 Its in .c format so i did a make and itsaidihave to edit the makefile and I 
 have no idea what to edit in it.

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[newbie] DHCP, DNS, Dialing out

2002-05-23 Per discussione F. McKenna

Hi All,

Sorry for the somewhat long post.

I have recently installed 8.1 on an AMD K6 2 450 w/256 MB RAM and an Eight
GB HDD  The BIOS actaully shows the CPU as a K6 3D 400.  I believe that I
have set the jumpers on the board correctly so I don't really understand

Anyway,  I want to set up the server to be both the DHCP and DNS servers.  I
am going about this the wrong way?  Do I have to have each server on a
different machine?  At present I would like to connect a Windows 98 and a
200 Pro box to the LAN that I am trying to create and then maybe attach a
Sun Solaris 8 box later.

Also, I can dial out but I cannot browse the internet using Konq.

I apreciate any comments,


Frank McKenna

You don't have to like it you just have to do it but it is sure fun to win

True Strength lies in Gentleness

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Re: [newbie] kde3 taskbar wont work

2002-05-23 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

That would be correct, the problem is some conflict between KDE 2.2.2 and KDE 3.0. I 
don't recall the specifics, but deleting the konsole icon and recreating will fix it.  
If you don't have 2.2.2 installed, then you won't have the problem.  Check Mandrake's 
web site for more info.


 I wasn't aware that it is known bug (writes note: must check Mandrakes web page 
more often)
 Your solution is almost the same as mine but I dragged from the menu to the desktop 
edited the new desktop icon and then dragged it to the taskbar, I like to be 
different :-)
 However, (and again this might be known, I haven't checked) I have found that when I 
did an install without Kde 2.2.2 and then installed Kde 3.0 afterwards taskbar icons 
worked properly and no --noxft errror, so it appears to be an issue between 2.2.2  
 Poogle. Derby,England  Linux MDK 8.2 with
 kernel 2.4.18-6 mdk using Kmail 1.4
   6:56pm  up 54 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.04, 0.12, 0.15

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Re: [newbie] OT: News article, Washington Post...

2002-05-23 Per discussione FemmeFatale

shane wrote:
 On Thursday 23 May 2002 11:55 am, Charlie opened a general hailing frequency
 and transmitted to all open stations:
  Or are they just as dumb as they often appear? People are starting to
  learn what FUD means through mainstream media sources now. This can't
  bode well for the future of proprietary/closed source software; can it?
 i think we all look at recent events.  in the last little while, MS has been
 found guilty of abuse of a monopoly, is in court again with taiwan, and the
 EU, and has been convicted of piracy.  they lost their lindows suit, and
 their most secure OS ever has proven easy to hack.  they threatened
 audits for schools in oregon and iowa, and not only did the oregon schools
 stand firm till MS backed down, but according to one report (haven't
 confirmed this) 16 of the school districts in iowa dumped windows for a
 linux network.  peru, germany, china, and other countries are suddenly
 pushing _any_ OSS solution.  now the pentegon?
 it has been a rough year for MS.  i feel bad.  i might remove my anti-MS sig
 and i might start using XP too.  if they hold a gun to my head.
 -- Mr. Gates, in short, the reason I am not using your software is that I
 have upped my standards.  So up yours.

Sweety, check /. *Slashdot*.  Your ...16 of the school districts in
iowa dumped windows for a
 linux network. Comment is absolutely confirmed


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] Fussy Panel...

2002-05-23 Per discussione Brian Koppe

I'm trying to set my panel up with a background image, but for some 
reason the background doesn't show up and instead I can't get the color 
to go away.  It is the same color setting I have for push buttons, but 
for some reason I can't get it to be the color for puch buttons and not 
the panel.  Any ideas?


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Re: [newbie] java runtime environment

2002-05-23 Per discussione Michael Kovary

Sure, I didn't mean to upload if it WAS something I'd have to pay for
noramally.  I'll consider joining if it's worth it.
- Original Message -
From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] java runtime environment

 On Thursday 23 May 2002 08:51 am, Michael Kovary wrote:
  Would I have to pay to join mandrake club?  If so, is there
  anywhere else I can get it?  Or maybe you can upload it to server
  for downloading if that's possible.

 Well, it's not real possible.  First there's good reason that
 Mandrake made it available to Club members, and I wouldn't want to
 infringe on them.  Second it's proprietary, so Sun wouldn't likely
 appreciate it either.  Third, I've only got a 33,6 connection and the
 rpm is 20 MB.  Sorry, I just thought I'd make y'all aware that j2re's
 installation can be quick and simple.  In any event I believe my
 Konqueror advice will work no matter where you get j2re.

I'd encourage you to join the Club. ;)  You can almost recoup the
 membership cost the first time you d/l Mandrake, or get it from
 Cheapbytes, and Mandrake benefits much more than when you buy the
 Power Pack.   Plus you get the other benefits the Club offers.
 Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas
  From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] java runtime environment
  Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 08:05:40 -0500
  On Wednesday 22 May 2002 10:24 pm, Michael Kovary wrote:
Allright.  After copying the file into the mozilla plugins
directory, both mozilla and galeon completely crash and exit
whenever I try opening a page with java.  I've also tried
symlinking to the files, and they don't crash but want me to
install it.
Open mozilla and typeabout:plugins   in the location bar
  you should see somethin like,
  Java(TM) Plug-in 1.4.0-b92
   File name:
  Java(TM) Plug-in1.4.0
  Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
  application/x-java-vm Java(tm) Plug-in Yes
  snipped a bunch of other java plugins 
  application/x-java-bean;jpi-version=1.4 Java(tm) Plug-in Yes
IIRC, all I did was install  j2re-1.4.0-1mdk.i586.rpm  and
   did nothin to configure java for mozilla, other than to check
   'about:plugins'.  For Konqueror I went into the Netscape plugins
   configuration, clicked on 'New' and added
 $HOME/.mozilla/plugins  (rather than $HOME/.netscape/plugins,
   since nutscrape isn't installed) and made sure it was at the top.
Then clicking on 'Scan for new plugins'  added jre-1.4 and any
   other stuff installed for mozilla (eg, flash) to Konqeror.   No
   moving, copying, or linking files needed.
Not sure but I believe I got j2re-1.4.0-1mdk.i586.rpm  from
   the Mandrake Club downloads.
   Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Postfix POP

2002-05-23 Per discussione Jay

I have IMAP and Postfix running for my webmail. Works like a charm...
There are many webmail clients out there. I recommend squirrelmail
( it it full of functionality (filters, calendar,
weather, etc)  ...dozens of plugins, and is easy to install. Of course
you will have to have Apache running with ssl support if you want secure
login.  (YOU want secure login... plugin for it on the squirrelmail
With webmail you only need your SMTP port open (port 25) you don't need
any extra ports open... less chance for an attack. You only need to open
the IMAP port (port 143) or POP port (port 110) if you plan on using a
mail client like (outlook, evolution, balsa, kmail, etc.)

If I remember correctly, the only modifications I needed to make where in
at the end I have

mydestination =
mynetworks =
myorigin =

(Replace with your domain)


P.S. I haven't gotten around to setting up SMTP authentication yet.. so I
can't help ya there.

Tuan tran said:
 I'm trying  to setup my own mail server by using
 Postfix and have few questions need to ask.

 1. By using Postfix I can send and receive email via
 my mail server machine, isn't it?
 2. I have setup a MX record (
 at the place which I choose to pack my domain name; do
 I need to write any line at file?
 3. In able to send  receive email via other client
 mail program (ie. Outlook) I must enable Xinet,
 POP3. isn't it?
 4.I setup Postfix  pop3 at my server computer and
 know they are running; Can I TELNET from other
 computer to check to make sure they work properly?
 5.If I also turn on IMAP will it cause POP3 works
 incorrectlly? And I've heard that IMAP can be use to
 set up Web Mail, isn't it?

 Thank you

 Do You Yahoo!?
 LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience

Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it. -
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-23 Per discussione Jay

I would refrain from Microsoft SQL
( or any
Microsoft products for that matter

A senior Microsoft Corp. executive told a federal court last week that
sharing information with competitors could damage national security and
even threaten the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan
He later acknowledged that some Microsoft code was so flawed it could
not be safely disclosed

Randy Kramer said:
 John Richard Smith wrote:
 I use Kspread to calculate daily moving averages and when I load the
 relevant file it takes 21 seconds to load all the existing data, and
 there are ,in addition to the current days input, 5 moving averages to
 calculate for each index. Currently I have 280 days of data and

 I have 250Mb of SDRAM on this particular machine and ample swap
 partition. The processor is an Int3 500Mhz.

 I am beginning to get cursor lock. Is this likely due to lack of
 memory. It nearly always occurs during the calculation of a cell sum.
 I am no longer able to sweep down a whole line of cell blocks like I
 used to be able to do.It just refuses to.

 I suspect memory,and have an alternative much powerful machine ready
 to take over, but would appreciate the benefit of your vastly greater
 experience, before I do so.

 It is reasonable to suspect memory -- I guess the 21 seconds to load
 the existing data (and 280 days) gives us a hint that there is a large
 amount of data involved, but it's only a hint -- I think we need to
 know a little more:

 How big is your spreadsheet, in rows and columns, and or in daily data
 points and different subjects.  (Are you calculating moving averages
 for stocks, for example?  If so, how many stocks are on this
 spreadsheet?  How far apart are the data points -- one every second,
 one every 15 minutes, ...?  Is data collected 24 hours a day, 8 hours a
 day, or ...?  Etc.  Or, how much total data is stored for a day?)

 Until we hear back from you, I wonder if you ever tried another spread
 sheet, any of, for example Gnumeric for Linux, or Excel, Lotus, or
 whatever on Windows?  Problems with those also?

 As an aside, a spreadsheet is not usually the best choice for dealing
 with really large amounts of data -- you may want to begin to think
 about a migration to a database, like MySQL, Postgres, Access,
 Microsoft SQL, or whatever.

 Randy Kramer

Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it. -
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-23 Per discussione Xecut1on
i got the modem driver pctel-0.9.2 and i followed the steps but after i type make it says to give a hal so i gave it i810 and then it goes on and stops at "linux kernel:too many arguments" and then says i must install kernel version 2.4.0 so i downloaded 2.4.0 and its like 23.3mb and i cant fit it on a floppy cause of the size and i cant burn cd's cause i cant find the driver for my cd writer and i dont know how else i can get it from windows2k to linux(I'm dual booting) and i also tried downloading the version of the pctel driver 0.8.6 and when i format a floppy to put it on the floppy only has 1.38mb space(odd cause its a 1.44mb floppy..go figure) and that wont work cause the floppy needs to be at least 1.42mb so im like going nuts here tryin to figure out ways to get the kernel or driver over to linux from win2k and nothing im doin is working =\ guess linux wasnt for me...

Re: [newbie] java runtime environment

2002-05-23 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 23 May 2002 05:09 pm, Michael Kovary opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Sure, I didn't mean to upload if it WAS something I'd have to pay for
 noramally.  I'll consider joining if it's worth it.

well it is worth it in my opinion, but in my opinion the worth is to help 
insure there is a mandrakesoft to make my prefered OS.  there are some fair 
benifits though, like cheap help from mandrake expert, star office for the 
silver lvl, etc.  but do it to support them, not to get benifits.

Windows: Where do you want to go today? MacOS: Where do you want to be 
tomorrow? Linux: Are you coming or what?

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Konqueror rolling up its windows?

2002-05-23 Per discussione David Reynolds

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 12:59 pm, shane proclaimed:
  the title bar. Fiddling with their sizes did nothing but aggrevate the
  problem, and now the Toolbar has completely disappeared and the Address
  bar is only 3/5 visible so I can barely see what site I am at. I am told
  by a friend that this is a confirmed problem with Mandrake and KDE 3 but
  cannot find any verification of this online.

 wow, i have been using 8.2 and kde3 and browse only in konq and have never
 seen or heard of this one.  your friend is very well informed.  :)

Yeah, he's not the most reliable source in the world, which is why I was 
getting a second opinion.

 i assume you have tried moving the variousbars about a bit with the small
 tab to the left of each bar.  also try turning off/back on each bar with
 the settings section?

That's the strange part. The tab on the left edge where you can usually move 
them about with was gone. No way to move them. Turning them off and on has 
had no effect, with the exception that toggling the 'Flat' property AND 
changing the Orientation on a whim brought them back into line. Now 
everything is working once more.

Thanks for your help. I'll certainly be on the lookout for that eventual 
rollup of the entire desktop - it'll save me getting a new monitor!

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Re: [newbie] Flash plugin in Konq again

2002-05-23 Per discussione Brian Parish

Sorry to have appeared dim here, but after another careful look I think
maybe it's not me - something is screwy.  I have visited the path you
describe before (also available from the KDE config menu).

After clicking on the Scan for nsplugins button I see under the plugins

Mozilla's real audio plugin
Mozilla's pdf plugin
Netscape's real audio plugin
Netscape's pdf plugin

No flash or whatever.  For the record, when I run nspluginscan, I get:

kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/
undefined symbol: NP_GetValue
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING:
/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/ invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/
undefined symbol: NP_GetValue
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING:
file=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/lib1:
shared object not open
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/
undefined symbol: NP_GetValue
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING:
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/
undefined symbol: NP_GetValue

A look at the rpm shows that the plugin files end up in /usr/lib. 
Presumably they are linked to other locations, but just for fun I added
/usr/lib to the paths in the nsplugins window and clicked the scan
button again.  Took a long time, but eventually it finished and made no
difference at all.  Still the same four listed in the plugins windows. 
Still no flash.

Any more ideas anyone?  Can anyone shed some light on whether the
warnings from nspluginscan are normal or fatal?


On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 01:04, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 Open Konqueror. Select Settings and then Configure Konqueror. There should be 
 a Netscape Plugins icon in the left hand column. Open it; there will be a 
 sheet with two tabs. On the Scan tab, click Scan for Nsplugins. Then, 
 under the Plugin tab, there will be a list -- mine shows that the Shockwave 
 Flash and FutureSplash Player have been installed.
 -- cmg

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[newbie] Installing 7.2 (!) - X window system does not load

2002-05-23 Per discussione Mike Ewer

It took us a year to get around to it (partially due
to not having a 2nd machine to put it on) but we
installed Mandrake 7.2 today. We bought it last year
and just sat on it until now ;o)
We put it on a box that really has no other uses in
life - a 100mhz Pentium with a recently upgraded 64MB
SDRAM (MemTest runs fine), a Rage II+ video card, an
old CTX monitor (1451ES), and a 3Com NIC card. No
sound card (yet). That's about the sum of the
components... a really dismal machine but without
WinBloat loaded it should run fine, right?
Maybe not.
We have attempted installation a few different times,
trying out a few different options, with the same
result. The X Window System does not load. We just get
the text screen and the login allows directory
browsing and all that fun Unix stuff, but no GUI!!! We
tried booting using the KDE and GNOME, neither worked.
We tried using different monitors in the setup. Same
result. Just as the text login prompt appears, the
screen will go black for a second and then return to
the text display. 
Although I have some Unix experience via Telnet/SSH, I
am completely new to Linux on my own machine, and need
some help here.
The only obvious one I have thought of is the video
card being on the fritz, but it displayed the
installation GUI ok, and displays the bootup sequence
in GUI format with no problems.

Anyone got any ideas? 

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Re: [newbie] OT: News article, Washington Post...

2002-05-23 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Charlie wrote:
 Microsoft must be utterly terrified. At least it reads that way from their
 published reaction to this and other articles.
 Or are they just as dumb as they often appear? People are starting to learn
 what FUD means through mainstream media sources now. This can't bode well
 for the future of proprietary/closed source software; can it?
 Disclaimer: I actually do consider the Washington Post mainstream media. ;-)

*rofling* Ty Charlie... I loved it ;)  Very good article  I thought it
was quite entertaining.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] My mouse is pointing to the wrong place.

2002-05-23 Per discussione Brian Parish

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 05:38, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Thursday 23 May 2002 05:05 pm, Ricardo Marques wrote:
  I'm having a very strange problem. This problem is occurring in all my
  computers. I turn on my machine and after a while the focus of pointer is
  shifted to right. When I want to click in a button, I have to look for a
  position (move to right side) to click. Sometimes I have to click outside
  of button. It depends on of size of the button. It's occurring with tree
  different kinds of machines. They have different processors, motherboards,
  BIOS, video cards, etc. I'm working with Mandrake 8.2 and KDE. Thanks in
  advance for any help.
  Ricardo Marques Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :
 Ricardo, maybe you have different processors etc. etc., but I'll bet you have 
 Trident graphics ! - This phenomenon is well known. The solution is simple :
 You'll have to edit the file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 as root. In this file, 
 there is a section called Graphics device section. Find it and then remove 
 the hash-mark (#) in front of Option  sw_cursor. (Which means to 
 uncomment this option, thus enabling the software-cursor). Save the file 
 and restart X. That's all.
 For a more in-depth explanation, search the list-archive for something like 
 Trident Cyberblade.
 If still in trouble, feel free to mail me privately, I'll work you through. 
 But please have some patience, 'cause I'm only on-line a few minutes each 
 evening, CET.
 BTW  - I find that sig of yours (not your name, of course) disgusting - ;-)
 Kaj Haulrich
I find this happens on my wife's laptop (running LM8.2), but only after
the kids have grabbed it to access neopets.  Once it starts, it seems
the only way to get back is to shutdown and cold boot.  This is a USB
mouse, so maybe that complicates the situation.  Am I right in thinking
that if it works most of the time without any issues, then the sw_cursor
thing is not a useful option?

BTW, in case it's relevant, the mouse does get the wanders now and
then.  Mind of its own I guess.  Branded Microsoft, so it probably
thinks it knows where we want to go today ;-)


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Re: [newbie] OT, for those using/wanting to use my ftp

2002-05-23 Per discussione FemmeFatale

with luck over the next few days I will be putting up a PPP/DSL/Internet
guide on how to install  configure internet access.

I see a lot of posts on this, and hope I may be able to alleviate some
problems...I know I found How-tos  MAN pages difficult to understand.

I hope the information I will put up will help.  The file will be called
internet for those who wish it in the future.

Check back by weekends end for it, along with *possibly* some other

And to those who've had a use for my ftp so far, my thanks.  I wasn't
sure if it would be well received or not.

it is still up too.

and anyone who wants to point me to a newb How-to on setting up a
linux ftp, please email me offlist or on list for those who may also be

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Postfix POP

2002-05-23 Per discussione Tuan tran

Thanks all for the input. My next question is how can
I test port 25. I can use Telnet from other computer
to check port 110 but can't check port25. 

how can I check to make sure port25 on my computer
server (linux) is working?



--- Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tuan tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
  1. By using Postfix I can send and receive email
  my mail server machine, isn't it?
  2. I have setup a MX record
  at the place which I choose to pack my domain
 name; do
  I need to write any line at file?
 Yes. Go to the postfix site, and check the following
 * myhostname (the name of your box, e.g.
 * mydomain  (the name of your domain, e.g.
 * myorigin (which is normally set to $mydomain)
 * mydestination (which is a bunch of names to which 
   Postfix will respond)
  3. In able to send  receive email via other
  mail program (ie. Outlook) I must enable
  POP3. isn't it?
 That's correct. Postfix does not include a POP
  4.I setup Postfix  pop3 at my server computer and
  know they are running; Can I TELNET from other
  computer to check to make sure they work properly?
 Yes. Telnet to port 110 to check the POP server, and
 to 25 for SMTP.
  5.If I also turn on IMAP will it cause POP3 works
  incorrectlly? And I've heard that IMAP can be use
  set up Web Mail, isn't it?
 I don't know squat about IMAP--sorry.
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Re: [newbie] Installing 7.2 (!) - X window system does not load

2002-05-23 Per discussione Mike Ewer

Thanks to everyone for the ideas so far. We're trying
the 8.2 download now, not sure if IE6's FTP is
downloading this thing in binary format, at 2hrs+ it
had better be!

Tried the XFdrake, messed with the settings a bit and
that did not work.

Was not aware of the 640x480 problem, I am going to
try that now. We only have the one power cable for
both machines at the moment so this is a long process
of shutting down and starting up alternately... 

I remembered a key to using any Unix system if
something goes wrong: 
Rule 1) Check the logs
Rule 2) Always do rule 1 first

I looked at install.log and it reported the following
close to the end of the setup:
The graphic card does not like X in framebuffer

That does not look good. I don't want to have to buy
another graphic card after forking out for some more
RAM for this old crate! It was meant to be free! ;oP

Thinking of the card, it did have some issues on
Windows until I wiped both (!) installed drivers and
loaded the latest from ATI, then it worked OK. Any
idea how I would go about a similar procedure (if
possible) in Mandrake?

Thanks again for any input you can offer!


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Re: [newbie] Installing 7.2 (!) - X window system does not load

2002-05-23 Per discussione Damian G

 The only obvious one I have thought of is the video
 card being on the fritz, but it displayed the
 installation GUI ok, and displays the bootup sequence
 in GUI format with no problems.
 Anyone got any ideas? 

how was the installation? was your installation process GUI?
if so, did the XFree test work for you during install?
did you see the test screen and click OK in it?

we would appreciate a bit more info here, since X related 
problems may have very different causes.

see ya.


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Re: [newbie] Postfix POP

2002-05-23 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Tuan tran wrote:
 Thanks all for the input. My next question is how can
 I test port 25. I can use Telnet from other computer
 to check port 110 but can't check port25.
 how can I check to make sure port25 on my computer
 server (linux) is working?
 --- Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Tuan tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
   1. By using Postfix I can send and receive email
   my mail server machine, isn't it?
   2. I have setup a MX record
   at the place which I choose to pack my domain
  name; do
   I need to write any line at file?
  Yes. Go to the postfix site, and check the following
  * myhostname (the name of your box, e.g.
  * mydomain  (the name of your domain, e.g.
  * myorigin (which is normally set to $mydomain)
  * mydestination (which is a bunch of names to which
Postfix will respond)
   3. In able to send  receive email via other
   mail program (ie. Outlook) I must enable
   POP3. isn't it?
  That's correct. Postfix does not include a POP
   4.I setup Postfix  pop3 at my server computer and
   know they are running; Can I TELNET from other
   computer to check to make sure they work properly?
  Yes. Telnet to port 110 to check the POP server, and
  to 25 for SMTP.
   5.If I also turn on IMAP will it cause POP3 works
   incorrectlly? And I've heard that IMAP can be use
   set up Web Mail, isn't it?
  I don't know squat about IMAP--sorry.

dunno why you want telnet, use SSH2 instead :)

However you can from any other box:

telnet port

or... visit a site that tests your'll tell ya if its
receiving acks/syns on telnet25


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] Console Emulators

2002-05-23 Per discussione Chris Ames

Is there any way I can find gaming console emulators for Linux? I found a 
couple for Game Boy on but I don't have any ROMs for it. I have 
some for NES, SNES, and Genesis. If anyone can tell me where I can find a 
console emulator for Linux, I'd be more than happy to share the few ROMS that 
I have.


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Re: [newbie]OT for ftp users on my machine

2002-05-23 Per discussione Femme

For those using the ftp, it will be down for a few days I think. :(

Someone has been trying to rootkit me/hackme for the last 3 days now.

*sigh*  It knocks me offline  if it continues I can't keep the ftp up. 
Sorry but for now, until this is resolved or I find its my ISP, i will
have to leave it off.

If you don't care about this issue, sorry for wasting your bandwidth.

Oh and I know ppl hate crossposts but this came up on the Expert list
first ergo I shall post there as well for those NOT on the newby list. 
My apologies to all for this however its only fair to all to post on
both.  Ty for your patience.


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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-23 Per discussione Brian Koppe

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:


Ummm, Miark, in august 1999, cryptonym corporation was examining a 
Service pack release of NT4 from which microsoft had inadvertantly 
forgotten to strip the data tags.


Since the NSA is able to spy on citizens by virtue of the NSA backdoor
so thoughtfully provided by M$, would this not be an excellent reason
for the government to maintain an ongoing business relationship with M$?



Do either of you have sources to back this up?


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Re: Re: [newbie] Can't save StarOffice Files

2002-05-23 Per discussione Brian Parish

As there seem to be a lot of people interested in this issue and there
has been another thread running on expert which is relevant, here is the
info posted there.  I have tried it this way and it seems to work!

Sorry for the duplication for those who lurk on both lists.


 1. Uninstall SO6
 2. Look for two files named .sversionrc and .user60.rdb (note the 
 leading dots!) and delete them if you find them (I found them in my
 3. In an xterm window, log in as root (su)
 4. Locate the setup file (in my 8.2 installation, this was located in 
 5. type ./setup to start the setup script
 6. select the local (200MB) installation. Change the path for this 
 installation to /usr/local/staroffice6.0
 7. complete the installation (btw, if you don't have a Java runtime 
 environment installed, you can do so by clicking the INSTALL button on
 the JRE screen)
 8. exit su mode
 9. execute the setup script again as a local user, and this time
 network installation.
 10. I noted in my installation that I had to browse to find the JRE
 had just been installed; other than that there were no more problems.
 Good luck!

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