Re: [newbie-it] Scheda audio

2002-10-17 Per discussione Andrea Celli

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 20:00:40 +0200

 Ciao a tutti.
 girovagando per il sistema ho fatto la tristissima scoperta che la
 scheda audio non funziona :-[[[  ho lanciato un file *.mp3, mi si è
 aperto un programmino simile a winamp ma dalle casse usciva il nulla.

Prova a mettere tra le opzioni del boot nobiospnp
Puoi farlo da mcc - boot - linux -opzioni
o aprendo il file /etc/lilo.conf (se usi lilo)
e aggiungendo nobiospnp alle righe del tipo
Nel secondo caso,poi devi lanciare il comando lilo.

Altrimenti, devi aprire il BIOS (tieni premuto il tasto
canc durante l'accesione del PC) e disattivare l'opzione
sistemi che supportano pnp.

Al successivo riavvio lanci sndconfig, draksound, mcc, ..
qualsiasi tool che ti permette di configurare la scheda audio.

 guardando in configurazione\hardware\hardrake ho visto che la
 periferica pci che ha rilevato come scheda audio è una Ensoniq ...
 io ho una soundblaster 128.
 potete aiutarmi?

Ensoniq e SoundBlaster sono la stessa cosa, due denominazioni 
industriali/commerciali dello stesso prodotto.
Non ricordo se Ensoniq abbia acquistato SB, o viceversa.
Oppure se SB faccia schede audio con chipset Ensoniq.
Oppure se . qualcosa di simile.
Insomma, è normale che i due nomi vengano scambiati.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Masterizzare dalla Consoll

2002-10-17 Per discussione Luca

Ciao ragazzi.

Innanzitutto vi ringrazio per le innumerevoli risposte...

Dunqueieri sera ho provato a lanciare una masterizzazione dalla 
rica di comando,non avendo nessun programma installato ( nelle 
applicazioni mi manca il pacchetto! non l'ho installato?)

dovevo masterizzare una immagina di un cd in formato *.iso

dopo avere fatto un check bus e avere trovato l'indirizzo del mio 
masterizzatore ( 0,2,0 ) ho scritto una sintassi che mi ha fatto 
partire alla fine mi ha dato un errore  (la 
masterizzazione non è partita) devo forse montare il cd? (se si 
come? mount?
se vado in ambiente grafico in mnt , vedo che sul cd e sul drive a c'e' 
un lucchettocosa significa?
ciao e grazie


la cosa mi sta prendendo veramente bene..

Re: [newbie-it] Scheda audio

2002-10-17 Per discussione sandro

Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:00, mercoledì 16 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.
 girovagando per il sistema ho fatto la tristissima scoperta che la
 scheda audio non funziona :-[[[  ho lanciato un file *.mp3, mi si è
 aperto un programmino simile a winamp ma dalle casse usciva il nulla.
 guardando in configurazione\hardware\hardrake ho visto che la
 periferica pci che ha rilevato come scheda audio è una Ensoniq ...
 io ho una soundblaster 128.

La rilevazione è giusta, il chip della sndb 128 è Ensoniq (è anche la mia 
scheda). Hai provato a vedere sui volumi del mixer come sono messi?
Una domanda: ma non ti eri mai accorto del non funzionamento della scheda, 
da quando hai installato linux?

- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare dalla Consoll

2002-10-17 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 09:48, giovedì 17 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao ragazzi.
 Innanzitutto vi ringrazio per le innumerevoli risposte...
 Dunqueieri sera ho provato a lanciare una masterizzazione dalla 
 rica di comando,non avendo nessun programma installato ( nelle 
 applicazioni mi manca il pacchetto! non l'ho installato?)
EEHH?? Cioè in Applicazioni - Archiviazione -  Masterizzazione CD non c'è 
nulla?? Sarebbe la prima volta che Mdk si permette di fare una cosa del 
 dovevo masterizzare una immagina di un cd in formato *.iso
 dopo avere fatto un check bus e avere trovato l'indirizzo del mio 
 masterizzatore ( 0,2,0 ) ho scritto una sintassi che mi ha fatto 
 partire alla fine mi ha dato un errore  (la 
 masterizzazione non è partita) devo forse montare il cd? (se si 
 come? mount?
 se vado in ambiente grafico in mnt , vedo che sul cd e sul drive a c'e' 
 un lucchettocosa significa?
 ciao e grazie
 la cosa mi sta prendendo veramente bene..
Che errore?
Da riga di comando dovresti avere le informazioni necessarie ad individuare 
il problema...
Il lucchetto significa che il tuo device al momento non è montato; se 
inserisci un CD vedrai che, ritornando in ambiente grafico, il lucchetto sarà 
sparito e potrai accedere al suo contenuto.
Un consiglio: non fare passi più lunghi della gamba; a tua disposizione hai 
una ricca documentazione (i famosi How-To), che può aiutarti a districarti da 
problemi del genere. Per esempio, dvresti avere un CD recording How-To, che 
ti spiega passo-passo tutta la procedura. Leggi prima quelli, poi magari la 
documentazione del programma da te utilizzato (se da riga di comando prova 
con un bel man nomeapplicazione), e solo dopo imbarcati nell'impresa.
A proposito, con il modem come va?
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] firewall firestarter porte e servizi.

2002-10-17 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:07, mercoledì 16 ottobre 2002, paolo brusasco ha scritto:
 ciao a tutti.

 ho installato firestarter (0.8.2) su e da mdk 8.2download.
 uso internet per semplice navigazione e posta domestica, connesso
 via modem. non mi è chiaro quali porte devo lasciare aperte e per

leggi il netfilter howto
spiega come configurare un firewall generico

in generale comunque, non essendo un server, la tua macchina deve chiudre TUTTE le 
porte verso l'esterno, a meno di  avere instaurato LEI una connessione, 
sono 3 linee di iptables...

Administrator@mdk:~$ cat /etc/rc.d/firewall
echo Attivazione Firewall...
chain=DROP  # policy predefinita
DNS=#inserire ip del dns
echo Azzero le chain
iptables -t  filter -F
iptables -t  filter -X
echo Make Policy
iptables -t  filter   -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
iptables -t  filter   -P  INPUT $chain
iptables -t  filter   -A  INPUT -i lo  -j ACCEPT
echo Abilita log..
iptables -t  filter   -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -j LOG
echo Accetto le connessioni aperte dall'interno RELATED/ESTABLISHED ...
iptables -t  filter  -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
echo Accetto  risposte DNS 
iptables -t  filter  -A INPUT -p udp -s $DNS --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t  filter  -A INPUT -p udp -s $DNS --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
echo Accetto ICMP type 0,3,11 ...
iptables -t  filter  -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 0   -j ACCEPT
iptables -t  filter  -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 3   -j ACCEPT
iptables -t  filter  -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 11  -j ACCEPT
iptables -t  filter  -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 15  -j ACCEPT
iptables -t  filter  -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 16  -j ACCEPT
echo Done.


non è che usando 
programmilli semivisuali ti complichi solo la vita?

 in particolare, ricevo continui accessi sulla porta 137 servizio
 netbios-ns, che significa?

hai una lan domestica con macchine win$?

 grazie fin d'ora per le noccioline. ciao. paolo brusasco.


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Modem - Installazione

2002-10-17 Per discussione paolo brusasco

beh do solo risposte grossolane- devi farlo da root- in una 
installazione standard dovrebbe aprirlo ed installarlo. l'ho già fatto 
un paio di volte e va bene. pqcps (per quello che può servire..) ciao

miKe wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Alle 19:54, mercoledì 16 ottobre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
Ciao a tutti.

ho scaricato i driver per il mio modem conexant dopo avere
controllato che fosse un modem HSF e non HCF come mi avevate

io mi trovo un file in formato rpm
se gli clicco sopra mi appare una scheramta apri con...
ho provato a vagabondare per il menu ma senza esito...come
faccio? qualcuno di voi mi ha detto di lanciarlo dalla riga di
comandoma come si fa?
 #rpm -i /path/nomepacchetto.rpm
scusate di nuovo la mia gnoranz!
 leggi gli appunti di informatica libera e tutti i man che puoi!!
 mandrake ha degli ottimi manuali, perlopiù in italiano,
 poi per ogni dubbio, S.Google ..
by grazie Luca
 Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
 R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see

Re: [newbie-it] Scheda audio

2002-10-17 Per discussione Luca
 Hai provato a vedere sui volumi del mixer come sono messi?
 Una domanda: ma non ti eri mai accorto del non funzionamento della s
 da quando hai installato linux?

Ciao Sandro.

sinceramente non mi sono accorto perchè lo installato e non ho acceso 
le casse preamplificate. Mi è venuto il sospetto 2 giorni fa..e 
come volevasi dimostrare
ora provo a tigliere dal bios la configurazione di rilevamento 
automatico PnP...poi vediamo.sinceramente non so che pesce prendere!


Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare dalla Consoll

2002-10-17 Per discussione Luca
a tua disposizione hai 
 una ricca documentazione (i famosi How-
To), che può aiutarti a districarti da 
 problemi del genere. Per esempio, dvresti avere un CD recording How-
To, che 
 ti spiega passo-
passo tutta la procedura. Leggi prima quelli, poi magari la 
 documentazione del programma da te utilizzato (se da riga di comando p
 con un bel man nomeapplicazione), e solo dopo imbarcati nell'impresa.
 A proposito, con il modem come va?

Ciao Fabio.

Grazie per aiutarmi. allora col modem sono ancora ap iedi,...ho 
scaricato i diriver e ho provato ad installarli. stassera provo con i 
consigli che mi avete detto,ieri mi si apriva una finestra  apri 
con e li buonanotte!

per il masterizzatore stassera provo con un bel man cdrecord (è cosi 
ieri mi è partito tutto ma mi ha dato un problema dopo avere scritto 
poche righe.
stassera riprovo e se ricapita vi faccio sapere cosa mi dice!

by e grazie!

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare dalla Consoll

2002-10-17 Per discussione Giorgio Carrara
Ciedo scusa ma non trovo la pagina per Iscrivermi/Cancellarmi dalla mailing
Posso avere un aiuto ?
Grazie in anticipo

- Original Message -
To: newbie-it [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare dalla Consoll

a tua disposizione hai
 una ricca documentazione (i famosi How-
To), che può aiutarti a districarti da
 problemi del genere. Per esempio, dvresti avere un CD recording How-
To, che
 ti spiega passo-
passo tutta la procedura. Leggi prima quelli, poi magari la
 documentazione del programma da te utilizzato (se da riga di comando p
 con un bel man nomeapplicazione), e solo dopo imbarcati nell'impresa.
 A proposito, con il modem come va?

Ciao Fabio.

Grazie per aiutarmi. allora col modem sono ancora ap iedi,...ho
scaricato i diriver e ho provato ad installarli. stassera provo con i
consigli che mi avete detto,ieri mi si apriva una finestra  apri
con e li buonanotte!

per il masterizzatore stassera provo con un bel man cdrecord (è cosi
ieri mi è partito tutto ma mi ha dato un problema dopo avere scritto
poche righe.
stassera riprovo e se ricapita vi faccio sapere cosa mi dice!

by e grazie!

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare dalla Consoll

2002-10-17 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 14:34:44 +0200
Giorgio Carrara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ciedo scusa ma non trovo la pagina per Iscrivermi/Cancellarmi dalla mailing
 Posso avere un aiuto ?
 Grazie in anticipo

Guarda gli headers/intestazioni complete di un qualsiasi messaggio della lista.
Oppure vai a --- mailing lists

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] Connessione

2002-10-17 Per discussione Luca
ciao a tutti

dimenticavo di chiedervi una cosa di rilevante importanza...
ammesso che riesca a installare il modem (altrimenti saro sempre qui ma 
ce la dobbiamo fare) dove trovo da fare la connessione ?
cioè dove imposti numero del provider, tcp/ip,dns.e tutti i 
vari ammenicoli?

speriamo bene!

By Luca

[newbie-it] Kisocd II

2002-10-17 Per discussione Mavricijo Babi
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for Cygwin environment... no
checking for mingw32 environment... no
checking for extra includes... no
checking for extra libs... no
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnuoldld
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnuoldld
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnuoldld
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... no
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking for a C-Compiler...
checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for xlc... no
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH

Re: [newbie-it] firewall firestarter porte e servizi.

2002-10-17 Per discussione paolo brusasco
grazie a tutti, mike e freefed.
non penso di avere attive condivisioni di rete locale win o samba, o 
almeno la scelta services di menudrake control center non le evidenzia. 
è attivo solo il servizio internet. il pc è standalone.
le richieste su 137 arrivano da una vasta gamma di indirizzi.
vorrei solo capire se i dati dalla navigazione standard arrivano su una 
porta fissa da un idirizzo fisso o meno.

per il resto, e questa non è una critica, veramente,
si, mi complico la vita con robe semigrafiche.
si, penso o spero che questa roba che uso possa essere o diventare
semplice da usare.
si, se deve essere o diventare semplice da usare deve essere grafica.
si, anzi, spero che possa diventare presto a comando vocale.
si, anzi, dovrebbe diventare a prova di idiota.
si, io sono e voglio essere per scelta l'utente idiota.
idiota dal punto di vista tecnico, spero non dal punto di vista concettuale.
per me e per quello che ho capito il valore aggiunto di questo sistema 
non sta nel controllo o nelle conoscenze che IO ho sul sistema. sta nel 
controllo COLLETTIVO sul sistema. ovvero, suppongo che se migliaia di 
persone capiscono i sorgenti, se ci fosse qualcosa che non va si 
leverebbe almeno UNA voce ed IO potrei intercettarla. ho installato 8.1 
power e sopra 8.2download. senza installare tutto, mi sembra allocare 
90.000 files solo in root. secondo me nessun utente domestico può tenere 
il controllo personale su un simile sistema. non penso neanche che un 
utente professionale possa farlo senza fare atti di fede o compromessi o 
delegare o fare perte di un team di decine di persone. non raccontiamoci 
per questo cerco soluzioni grafiche interattive e banali. non sono il 
solo. vedo altri messaggi che cercano soluzioni banali. c'è un pubblico 
attuale ed un pubblico potenziale per simili argomenti.
grazie a chi ha esperienza e allo stesso tempo pazienza per seguire 
anche queste richieste.
perdonatemi l'ennesimo sfogo, con affetto a tutti, ciao, paolo brusasco.

[newbie-it] NON MI SEMBRA VERO!

2002-10-17 Per discussione Luca
Ciao a tutti! 
innanzitutto un grandissimo ringraziamento a tutti voi 
che mi avete supportato e siamo solo algi albori! 
sto scrivendo da quidal mio nuovo sistema operativoho 
installato l'audio.ho masterizzato e il modem ...voilà! 
sembra un è lui! LINUX! 
be a questo punto. 
ciao a tutti e grazie! 
scusate ma sono felice come una pasqua! 

Re: [newbie-it] Modem

2002-10-17 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 01:51, giovedì 17 ottobre 2002, francesco.melo ha scritto:

 apri una shell e controlla il contenuto di /etc/fstab
 se hai delle linee tipo:
 Administratormdk:~$ cat /etc/fstab | grep vfat
 /dev/hda5 /mnt/fat_c vfat defaults,auto,users,showexec,umask=000 0
 Administratormdk:~$ cat /etc/fstab | grep ntfs
 /dev/hda2 /mnt/ntfs ntfs noauto,users,umask=000   0   0
 hai già tutto a posto
 (il mountpoint in genere, per mandrake, è una cosa tipo
  /mnt/windows. ...)
 per raggiungere la partizione windows è molto più semplice:
 ci si mette sul desktop
 si cliccka col tasto destro e si sceglie crea nuovo / disco
 rigido si da il nome all'icona  ( io l'ho chiamata win_C )

con kde
sai che esistono altri n gestori di finestre o desktop environment...
già con gnome le cose sono un pelino diverse

 si sceglie il dispositivo che normalmente è hda1 o 2 cmq i numeri
 più bassi che ci sono
 ed il gioco è fatto
 abbiamo a nostra partizione  montabil econ un semplice click :)))

bella filosofia...

 non vuole essere polemica la mia  ma le interfacce grafiche, le
 finestre serviranno a qualcosa?

ad interfacciare, appunto... se sotto non hai il sistema configurato, non vanno..

io ho spiegato come capire se il problema dipendesse dalla mancanza di una icona 
 o dalla mancanza del mountpoint !!! o dalla mancata configurazione di fstab 
!! o peggio dalla mancanza dei moduli del kernel !.

(i punti ! indicano quante volte si sbatte la testa al muro dopo che qualcuno ti ha 
detto ma  non ci avevi pensato?)


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] (O.T.)Problemi Anti-Virus

2002-10-17 Per discussione Giorgio Griffon
   Mi sento talmente frustrato ed insicuro con Linux che non ci faccio
 ancora niente.
   Non so quando arriverò a decidermi a migrare completamente l'attività
 internet su Linux. Un giorno lo farò, ma è storia futura.

Mi permetto di rispondere con un incoraggiamento anch'io: la mia 
testimonianza è valida proprio in quanto sono uno degli ultimi arrivati. E' 
normale trovarsi un po' spiazzati quando si ha a che fare con un sistema 
nuovo; ma tieni conto di quello che linux offre: le poche volte che il 
sistema si pianta riesce a risistemarsi da solo, mentre con uindous non si è 
mai sicuri di poterlo usare ancora senza reinstallarlo. Non si è più schiavi 
di virus e di antivirus. I programmi non costano niente e non ci sono 
problemi di diritti, pirataggi e altro. Io quando vado in rete smonto le 
partizioni con i miei dati e navigo col puro sistema operativo: anche se 
qualche bastardo entra nel computer non trova proprio niente da vedere, per 
cui ho smesso di usare i firewall e farmi un mucchio di paranoie. Infine 
(ciliegina) openoffice, quando si pianta (raramente), prima di chiudersi 
salva i documenti: meglio non fare paragoni con l'altro.
E poi, dopo un po' si comincia a prendere la mano e non si è più così 
spaesati (è successo perfino a me!)
Insomma, provaci...

[newbie-it] Passaggio a Linux [Ex (O.T.)Problemi Anti-Virus]

2002-10-17 Per discussione Francesco Vinci

- Original Message -
From: Piero Piutti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] (O.T.)Problemi Anti-Virus

   Mi sento talmente frustrato ed insicuro con Linux che non ci faccio
 ancora niente.
   Non so quando arriverò a decidermi a migrare completamente l'attività
 internet su Linux. Un giorno lo farò, ma è storia futura.

Ti senti frustrato perchè non ci hai ancora provato seriamente.
Saluti, e facci sapere!

Ho perso il conto di quante distro ridotte, prese da LC, o da qualche altra
parte, ho installato con successo sul mio PC, salvo avere dei problemi di
funzionamento proprio con qualche Mandrake. L'ultima che ho installato, per
la cronaca è la RH7.3.
Non sono mai riuscito ad installare in Linux un soft preso da Internet o
da un CD di rivista. Ci ho riprovato più volte, ho provato a chiedere aiuto.
L'ultima volta è stato per MPlayer e MEncoder, a forza di e-mail di aiuto,
ci sono arrivato vicino, ma non sono riuscito a vedere questi due programmi
in azione. Tutta questa storia è servita a caricarmi di frustrazione ed a

Ultima speranza:
Mi è giunta una soffiata circa un corso che un professore di una scuola
pubblica della mia città (Taranto) vuole tenere l'anno prossimo proprio su
Chissà che non sarà la volta buona.

Re: [newbie-it] Kisocd II

2002-10-17 Per discussione freefred
On Thursday 17 October 2002 5:09 pm, Mavricijo Babi wrote about S%:
 loading cache ./config.cache
 checking for Cygwin environment... no
 checking for mingw32 environment... no

mah qua sembra che ti cerchi il cygwin
che serve per lanciare programmi unix
sotto windows (e' piu' complesso, lo ammetto)

 checking for a C-Compiler...
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for cc... no
 checking for xlc... no
 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH

qua fondamentalmente non ti trova il compilatore, ovvero
il gcc che ti serve per compilare i programmi in sorgenti.

che programma stai installando?
che distribuzione usi?

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] NON MI SEMBRA VERO!

2002-10-17 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:56, giovedì 17 ottobre 2002, Luca ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti! 
 innanzitutto un grandissimo ringraziamento a tutti voi 
 che mi avete supportato e siamo solo algi
 sto scrivendo da quidal mio nuovo sistema operativoho 
 installato l'audio.ho masterizzato e il modem ...voilà! 
 sembra un è lui! LINUX! 

a questo punto spiega passo passo il come



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] firewall firestarter porte e servizi.

2002-10-17 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:07, giovedì 17 ottobre 2002, paolo brusasco ha scritto:
 grazie a tutti, mike e freefed.
 non penso di avere attive condivisioni di rete locale win o samba,
 o almeno la scelta services di menudrake control center non le

ti ho chiesto se avevi una lan, proprio per capire se le richieste sulla 137 TCP 
provenissero da un tuo pc o da fuori

 le richieste su 137 arrivano da una vasta gamma di indirizzi.

installa iptraf
ti permette di loggare le richieste di connessione e di analizzarle con calma

 vorrei solo capire se i dati dalla navigazione standard arrivano su
 una porta fissa da un idirizzo fisso o meno.


 per il resto, e questa non è una critica, veramente,
 si, mi complico la vita con robe semigrafiche.
non ti criticavo mica...
solo che è _veramente_ più semplice, veloce e immediato, 
prendere uno script pronto (tipo  quello che ti ho allegato, non a caso, che uso sul 
e usarlo, per poi capire bene cosa dica
il programma che volevi usare, in realtà, non era così semplice da usare, se ti ha 
creato problemi mentre
lo script dovevi solo lanciarlo, e faceva tutto da solo.

 ho installato 8.1 power e sopra 8.2download. senza
 installare tutto, mi sembra allocare 90.000 files solo in root.

 secondo me nessun utente domestico può tenere il controllo
 personale su un simile sistema. non penso neanche che un utente
 professionale possa farlo senza fare atti di fede o compromessi o
 delegare o fare perte di un team di decine di persone. non
 raccontiamoci frottole.

per fortuna i file di configurazione sono infinitamente meno..

 per questo cerco soluzioni grafiche interattive e banali. non sono
 il solo. vedo altri messaggi che cercano soluzioni banali. c'è un
 pubblico attuale ed un pubblico potenziale per simili argomenti.

mandrake ha avuto, ed ha tuttora il pregio di aver ideato delle utilità che rendono il 
sistema più facile da configurare,
è vero e occorre prenderne atto.
Ma se per fare una cosa è sufficiente scrivere due righe o lanciare un comando,
perchè inventare un'interfaccia pesante e magari pure complicata ?

io sono per il metodo più semplice
se questo è grafico, bene
se non lo è, idem

 con affetto a tutti, ciao, paolo

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] Differenza tra cc gcc

2002-10-17 Per discussione Benedetto Santarella
Qual'e' la differenza di questi due compilatori

\ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella
 Home Page == 
 Email :  ( Per scrivermi togli -NOSPAM- )

Re: [newbie-it] NON MI SEMBRA VERO!

2002-10-17 Per discussione francesco.melo
Luca wrote:

Ciao a tutti! 

innanzitutto un grandissimo ringraziamento a tutti voi 

che mi avete supportato e siamo solo algi albori! 

sto scrivendo da quidal mio nuovo sistema operativoho 
installato l'audio.ho masterizzato e il modem ...voilà! 
sembra un è lui! LINUX! 

be a questo punto. 


ciao a tutti e grazie! 

scusate ma sono felice come una pasqua! 



clap clap clap


Re: [newbie] Evolution -spell checker

2002-10-17 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 15:23, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
 Does anyones Evolution 'spell checker' work. All I get is:-
 'No misspelled word found'.
 That is in spite of glaring mistakes!
 Malcolm Candlish.

There's a problem with the Mandrake installation process regarding
Evolution and I don't think I've ever seen it discussed anywhere.  But
it looks like you've run into the same problem that I have.

The anomaly is that if Evolution is installed with the initial Mandrake
installation process, the spellchecker never works.  If, on the other
hand, you omit Evolution from the Mandrake installer and complete the
installation, THEN install evolution as a separate package afterwards,
the spellchecker works.

Rpmdrake installs the dependencies correctly (including the spellchecker
package) whereas the Mandrake installer does not seem to.  I have fixed
this in the past by using Rpmdrake to uninstall Evolution and then
reinstall it.  Normally I just omit Evolution from the LM9 install
process and then install it separately afterwards.

Now that we've talked about it and got the problem out in the open, it
can be fixed.  I probably would have posted this to the cooker list
sooner, if I were able to join.

Good luck,


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Anyone got Supermount to work correctly in MDK 9?

2002-10-17 Per discussione robin

G_REEPER wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Just a question, 
 I have had a lot of trouble getting supermount to work correctly. Mainly when 
 installing rpms off of cds other than the mdk disk. Like the sims cd. 
 Just to give you a blow by blow.
   I place the cd in and open it with the removable media link.
 It opens it fine and displays the contents of the cd.
 When I launch a shell to install the rpms I issue the urpmi *.rpms and I get 
 no rpms found. I get the same if I just try to click the rpms.
 I have copied the entire cd to a drive via  winblows and can install it from 
 the shell with no problems.
 It doesn't seam to be limited to this single cd. As I have yet to get mkiso to 
 make a iso file of any cd.
 Yet Mandrake's add software works fine for installing rpms on their cds.
 Any clues??

Check /etc/fstab.  A common glitch is to have user enabled in a 
supermount device. The user option is for manually mounted media (itr 
allows a normal ser to mount the device). Supermount allows user access 
by default, and adding the user option seems to make it go loopy.

Sir Robin

The other major kind of computer is the Apple, which
I do not recommend, because it is a wuss-o-rama New-Age
computer that you basically just plug in and use.
  -Dave Barry

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi

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Re: [newbie] Perl modules

2002-10-17 Per discussione robin

Gary Armstrong wrote:
 Disclaimer = Brand new to linux
 I was looking to do some CGI work. Perl's CGI module doesn't appear to
 be resident(MD9). I'm a little confused because I thought CGI::* and were part of Perl's base release since 5.6 and this is 5.8.
 Anyway, I was wondering if:
 1) I'm missing something?
 2) Are things like Perl's modules likely to be part of some rpm or do I
 go through CPAN?
 If it's an rpm, could you point me at the appropriate doc?

There are a lot of perl packages on the installation disks - use 
Software Manager to browse them (or do a find by filename search).  A 
Perl monk with modest needs should find most of the necessary modules 
there; for the rest, there's CPAN.

Sir Robin

The other major kind of computer is the Apple, which
I do not recommend, because it is a wuss-o-rama New-Age
computer that you basically just plug in and use.
  -Dave Barry

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi

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[newbie] CUPS and 9.0 - no remote access

2002-10-17 Per discussione Brian Parish

Installed 9.0 on my server last night.  It has a local printer attached
which I configured without problems using printerdrake.  I can print to
it locally but no other machines on the LAN can now access it. 
Printerdrake on the client machines assures me that there is nothing to
configure and remote CUPS printers on the same LAN will magically

They don't.

I guess this is the usual problem with GUI's - what to do when they
don't work.  Has anyone met this?  Even better fixed it?

The setup on the client machines has not been changed, so I guess it's
the server which has stopped talking rather than clients not listening.

Tried dropping the firewall in case that was interfering, but no change.


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[newbie] Desktop Shortcut

2002-10-17 Per discussione Trevor Rhodes

I'm trying to put a link on the desktop in KDE.  I've managed to get it 
there.  I've even managed to get it to run in a terminal. But how do I get 
the terminal window to stay open long enough to read the output?


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[newbie] isntalling M9 after M8.2

2002-10-17 Per discussione Joe Harkins
I have ordered a set of distro disks for M9 and expect it to arrive in a 
day or so. My box already has M8.2 installed.

What is the procedure to install M9 without losing my existing data and 

Does M9 play well with others and share toys?

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Re: [newbie] Let there be sound please?!?

2002-10-17 Per discussione John Richard Smith
ET wrote:

On Thursday 17 October 2002 05:13 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

Marcia wrote:

Dear All,

I have setup my /etc/modules.conf as suggested for via onboard 8233
sound and still no sound for mp3, midi, most system sounds. Is there
anything else I could check or do? Would I be better off to get the
latest alsa source and compile myself? I do not want to go that far if
it will not make a difference. I know this can work. I do not give up
easily. It certainly worked in 8.2 except I had to do some interesting
adjustments to make it work. This time those adjustments do not work
in LM9. If I could get this sound to work it would not be a bad
distro. I am having alot less problems with it than LM8.2 except for
sound and usb.:( Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you for all of your suggestions everyone. They did
not work yet, and I do appreciate your help.



I don't know why it does not work for you, my via 8233 chip works fine
for me
on my msi mobo, on both LM8.2 and LM9.0 beta2.
I'm not sure from the above if you are saying it does not work at all or
some eliments of the sound systems.If later , did you enable aRts , because
you will not get multichannel sound streams  without it, on the otherhand I
do not have any mp3 files to play, and so cannot vouch for mp3 use.
On the otherhand Mplayer encodes in mp3 and that works fine Does
your via8233 chip come with AC97 codec as well. I don't exactly know what
AC97 codec is supposed to do, I think it is some additional eliment of the
via 8233 sound chip and is also there to aid multichannel sound streams.

So currently what is your modules.conf entries like,
and do you have aRts enabled ?


and lets see the output of cat /proc/interrupts as root


OK, here it is,

[root@localhost root]# cat /proc/interrupts
 0: 629782  XT-PIC  timer
 1:   2173  XT-PIC  keyboard
 2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
 4:  21373  XT-PIC  serial
 5: 31  XT-PIC  usb-ohci, usb-uhci, usb-uhci, usb-uhci
 6: 95  XT-PIC  floppy
 8:   3893  XT-PIC  rtc
10:960  XT-PIC  VIA 8233 Audio
11:  0  XT-PIC  usb-ohci
12: 216470  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
14:  36365  XT-PIC  ide0
15: 26  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
LOC:  0
ERR:  0
MIS:  0
[root@localhost root]#

Looks ok to me , what do you think ?

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Setting up USB

2002-10-17 Per discussione David
Hi y'all...I need to setup USB on my laptop as I have a few USB devices
(External CD-RW, Palm Pilot, etc).  When I setup the Operating System
the other night (Mandrake-Linux 8.0) it detected my USB wheel-mouse and
that tested successfully.  When I tried to run X-windows last night, it
wouldn't work, but some of the many wonderful subscribers to this list
assisted me with mousedrake so that I could get a PS/2 mouse running -
Big Thanks guys! - but now I'm wondering how to get into the USB config
side of things.. Would usbdrake work?  TIA, DaveA

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Re: [newbie] Desktop Shortcut

2002-10-17 Per discussione Trevor Rhodes

 Trevor; If you're trying to read the output of the command, open a
 console (shell/terminal) , and run the command manually. The output
 should be the same whether it's in a terminal or not.

 If you're not seeing any output in the terminal, then the command is
 completing normally, and is not supposed to generate output.

I've run it manually, but would like the ease of having the link on the 
desktop.  Could I have a terminal link on the desktop with the command as the 


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Re: [newbie] Desktop Shortcut

2002-10-17 Per discussione Lanman
That can sometimes depend on the command, but, yeah, it should work.

How's the weather down under today?


On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 07:48, Trevor Rhodes wrote:
  Trevor; If you're trying to read the output of the command, open a
  console (shell/terminal) , and run the command manually. The output
  should be the same whether it's in a terminal or not.
  If you're not seeing any output in the terminal, then the command is
  completing normally, and is not supposed to generate output.
 I've run it manually, but would like the ease of having the link on the 
 desktop.  Could I have a terminal link on the desktop with the command as the 

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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-17 Per discussione Sharrea
On Tuesday 23 Jul 2002 12:53 pm, Leonard W. Miller wrote:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Richard Holt
 Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 7:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

 On Monday, 22 July 2002 03:41 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Even though you created the mount point, did you mount it?
  In KDE there should be a icon on the desktop for the zip.
  mount /mnt/zip
  I think that is what it is

 Thanks, yes, I tried it. I get a dialog:

 X Error
   Could not mount device.
   the reported error was:

   mount: special device /dev/sda4 does not exist.

 Apparently something isn't right in the line in fstab, but I've not
 found a better example.


I know this is 3 months late but I just found the instructions on how to 
install a parallel zip drive after installing your system.  In the past I 
couldn't do it and had to reinstall the system to get my zip drive working 
as I read somewhere that you had to use mknod to create the device and I 
couldn't figure how from the man page (don't understand the minor/major 

Anyway simple instructions are here:

I was surprised at just how simple it is!  Took all of 2 minutes!

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[newbie] KDE 3.1/Mandrake 9?

2002-10-17 Per discussione Anthony Abby
Will the Mandrake 8.2 rpm's for KDE 3.1 work without problem on Mandrake 9?  Just 
loaded up Mandrake 9 on a test system yesterday and upgraded to KDE 3.0.4, but I want 
to take a look see at KDE 3.1.


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Re: [newbie] Setting up USB

2002-10-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 17 Oct 2002 12:43 pm, David wrote:
 Hi y'all...I need to setup USB on my laptop as I have a few USB devices
 (External CD-RW, Palm Pilot, etc).  When I setup the Operating System
 the other night (Mandrake-Linux 8.0) it detected my USB wheel-mouse and
 that tested successfully.  When I tried to run X-windows last night, it
 wouldn't work, but some of the many wonderful subscribers to this list
 assisted me with mousedrake so that I could get a PS/2 mouse running -
 Big Thanks guys! - but now I'm wondering how to get into the USB config
 side of things.. Would usbdrake work?  TIA, DaveA


To use the Microsoft Intellimouse with usb you have to edit the file 
/etc/modules and put 


at the bottom of the file. As described here

This file is a system file, so you need root permissions to edit it:-

give root password, navigate to the file you want to edit, rightclick, 

Then run mousedrake again to select a usb mouse.

This is why I suggested just leaving it as PS/2. It will work just as well, 
you just do not have the hassle of editing files :)

All your other USB devices will work without any editing. Mandrake uses 
'devfs' which means as soon as you plug a device in it will be detected and 
configured. (Although I am not at all sure that Linux supports USB attached 
CD writers?)

If you have a usb scanner just plug it in and run 'scannerdrake' to set up 
your particular device (not all scanners are supported though)

For a usb printer, just plug it in and run 'printerdrake'
(BTW: all these mandrake tools can be found in the Mandrake Control Centre 
GUI, there is no need to exit to the console like I described yesterday. You 
only had to do that because you had no mouse :-)



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2002-10-17 Per discussione Roland Hughes

We where replacing them while still in warranty.
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 07:00:02 -0400

 On Wednesday 16 October 2002 09:42 pm, Roland Hughes wrote:
  The Quantum fireball disk drives have a very high failure rate. At
  work we have replaced every one of them. Roly
 not really fair to blame quantum, since almost every 10 gig hard drive
 is about due to fail, however, he should try to auto detect it in
 bios, and see what happens.
  On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 19:55:45 -0700
  Dimitris Adamopoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Need some help here!
   Yesterday I installed mandrake 8.2 on my oldie. P133 with 72mb RAM
   and a 10gb quantum fireball.
   When I finished the installation everything seemed to be right.
   The system was stable. Only when I had the kde up was a bit slow,
   something expected of cource.
   After about an hour the system went on stand by mode and the
   monitor turned off.
   When I moved the mouse to wake up the system the monitor turned on
   but the only think I saw was a stucked screenshot!
   My system was crashed.
   I did my best to recover it but the only way to move on was to
   push the power off button.
   When I tried to reboot I saw this f.. message:
   Due to my old BIOS the primary disk it seems to be only 8gb aprox.
   but during the 8.2 installation progress the disk was seemed to be
   10gb(actual size)
   What happened?
   I am a new linux user and I would really like to know what went
   wrong. Thanks .. Until my next crash!

The directions said to install Windows 98/2000 or better!
 So I installed Linux!

Linux Counter: 241069

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Re: [newbie] Desktop Shortcut

2002-10-17 Per discussione Trevor Rhodes
 That can sometimes depend on the command, but, yeah, it should work.

Tried it but got an error.  I wish knew how to do this stuff.  :^)

 How's the weather down under today?

Absolutely bloody beautiful me 'ol china!!!  Shame I spent it all at the 
doctors or in front of my pooter.  But I do love my pooter.

Does anyone know when 9.0 is going to ship? Not USA, but Australia?


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Re: [newbie] Setting up USB

2002-10-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings

I did not notice in your earlier post that you were using 8.0.  The fix for 
the intellimouse should still work, but do not count on your palm pilot 
working with 8.0


On Thursday 17 Oct 2002 1:11 pm, David Alford wrote:
 Hi ET,

 Yeah, guess I might have to... Apart from that problem it
 seems to be going like a dream, but still early days, huh?

 :)  Will probably order the Boxed Set of 9.0 (is that the

 correct terminology?) pretty soon.  I can synch the Palm
 with my Windoze box at present, so its not crucial right
 at the moment... Hey, thanks for the advice though! ...

 On Thursday 17 October 2002 07:43 am, David wrote:
  Hi y'all...I need to setup USB on my laptop as I have a
 few USB devices
  (External CD-RW, Palm Pilot, etc).  When I setup the
 Operating System
  the other night (Mandrake-Linux 8.0) it detected my USB
 wheel-mouse and
  that tested successfully.  When I tried to run X-windows
 last night, it
  wouldn't work, but some of the many wonderful subscribers
 to this list
  assisted me with mousedrake so that I could get a PS/2
 mouse running -
  Big Thanks guys! - but now I'm wondering how to get into
 the USB config
  side of things.. Would usbdrake work?  TIA, DaveA

 8.0 is not the best idea for USB, unless you have a much
 more current kernel.
 when 8.0 was new, so was kernel support for USB. it has
 gotten MUCH better.
 can you upgrade to a newer version?

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Re: [newbie] Real Newbie security questions

2002-10-17 Per discussione mike
Richard, I don't use a dial up setup but did have fierewall issues 
initally with 9.0. I uninstalled all the stock firewall tools, 
shorewall, and didn't use the control center drake tools either. 
instead, I downloaded firestarter and use it. it is very easy for a 
newbie, and actually works. it even allows NAT connections, so I can 
share my cable modem with my wife's box. ( again I didn't use the 
connection sharing tool or firewall tool in control center as it broke 
my connection to the internet. )

here is the url :

the firestarter there is for LM 9.0

If you have setup any of the built-in firewalling tools, either remove 
all traces of them, ( unless you can still surf and such ) or don't use 
them. before someone flames me, I say this because on the four trys to 
get them to work they kept killing my connection to the internet, or to 
my LAN and I could not undo them no matter how properly I did it, and 
would have to reinstall. they even would change my settings to their 
defaults on reboots. I couldn't find any useful documentation on how I 
must have set it up improperly or how I may have errors in the 
settiongs. so I would humbly recommend taking a simple, though not 
built-in approach. ( my problem maybe hardware or kernel related too )

with firestarter, all my ports show stealthed and unwanted packets are 
rejected, and logged.

I send this because I couldn't find any good help for the drake tools 
and had to figure out myself how to get a running firewall in place.

I must say though, that this is the first actually running and secure 
firewall I've had running since 8.0. In 8.1 and 8.2 I could only get a 
less than perfect firewall running.

anyway again, try it if you dare, it works for me ;-)

Richard Urwin wrote:

OK, I'm a newbie at MDK 9.0 i586 of 5 hours standing.

I installed at the higher security setting.
I enabled the Firewall and depressed all the (other) checkboxes.

I then had two issues:
Users (except root) couldn't read the documentation. ie
start-Documentation-anything failed with access violation. The
documents in question were readable, but the directories in which they
sat did not have execute permission for 'other'.
The firewall did not appear to let through *any* traffic. I checked with
my ISP that I was connected and authorised, and routing was correct, but
at least ping (UDP/echo?) and DNS traffic were blocked.

I have now reverted to standard security and allow everything
firewalling. These issues have gone away.

Mike McNeese
currently triple booting win98lite Mandrake versions 8.0 and 8.2
and testing 9.0 Final - Linux registered user # 248955
If obstacles are all we see, then we've lost sight of our goal!

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[newbie] What's with the CDROM drive?

2002-10-17 Per discussione Flux
REAL newbie question here:

Is there any way to get removable media to work in Linux the way it does in the 
Windows/Mac world?

It kinda bugs me that I have to unmount the cdrom just to eject it.  Case in point, if 
I accidentally hit the eject 
button on my laptop, nothing happens, and the disc is no longer accessable through 
Linux unless I reboot.  WTF? 
Isn't there some automounting feature that will take care of this?  What about 
Supermount?  What IS that, anyway?  

I'm sorry to rant, but I'm just blown away by the fact that some sort of automounting 
isn't already built-in.  If 
anyone knows some options for me, give 'em to me.  I'm eager to learn here...

-Lawrence Winstead

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Re: [newbie] Real Newbie security questions

2002-10-17 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Thursday October 17 2002 03:46 am, Richard Urwin wrote:

 OK, I'm a newbie at MDK 9.0 i586 of 5 hours standing.

 I installed at the higher security setting.

 It's a good idea, specially with a new install (or upgrade) to set 
the minimum security level.  Then move up later if a higher level is 
needed. For most all destop systems the 'standard' level is the correct 
one. Any higher and you only start to lock yourself out of the system. 

 I enabled the Firewall and depressed all the (other) checkboxes.

 I suppose that'd be shorewall. I couldn't get my head around it. No 
matter how much I played with it, I couldn't get mail, connect to news, 
ftp, or surf the web. At least not all at once.  I installed
guarddog-2.0.0-2mdk  and it seems very simple to get a great firewall 
going, and still be able to use the system ;)  All of the scans at   show me locked up jelly tight, don't 
even exist ;)  FWIW, as I normally do I also have  portsentry-1.1-3mdk
(compiled from src.rpm) installed and runnin also.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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RE: [newbie] Real Newbie security questions

2002-10-17 Per discussione Richard Urwin
 Richard, I don't use a dial up setup but did have fierewall issues 
 initally with 9.0. 

Thanks for your reply, when I get back to the machine I'll give your
suggestion a try.

You seem to be on an ethernet feed from a cable modem? I have an
(unconnected) ethernet NIC in the machine. If this was a general problem
I would have expected Mandrake to have recognised it, maybe it has
something to do with having an ethernet port rather than just a PPP

Richard Urwin, Private
No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
around the clock, around the globe, visit

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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-17 Per discussione Richard Holt
Thanks, Sharrea,
Just in time. :-))  After reconfiguring, lost the zip config. 
I'll check it out. It's a pain to reinstall just to get the zip working.


On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 01:13:06 +1300, Sharrea [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Tuesday 23 Jul 2002 12:53 pm, Leonard W. Miller wrote:
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Richard Holt
  Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 7:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell
  On Monday, 22 July 2002 03:41 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Even though you created the mount point, did you mount it?
   In KDE there should be a icon on the desktop for the zip.
   mount /mnt/zip
   I think that is what it is
  Thanks, yes, I tried it. I get a dialog:
  X Error
  Could not mount device.
  the reported error was:
  mount: special device /dev/sda4 does not exist.
  Apparently something isn't right in the line in fstab, but I've not
  found a better example.
 I know this is 3 months late but I just found the instructions on how
 to install a parallel zip drive after installing your system.  In the
 past I couldn't do it and had to reinstall the system to get my zip
 drive working as I read somewhere that you had to use mknod to create
 the device and I couldn't figure how from the man page (don't
 understand the minor/major thing).
 Anyway simple instructions are here:
 I was surprised at just how simple it is!  Took all of 2 minutes!
 Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] Anyone got Supermount to work correctly in MDK 9?

2002-10-17 Per discussione shane
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 October 2002 5:41 am, robin did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 The other major kind of computer is the Apple, which
 I do not recommend, because it is a wuss-o-rama New-Age
 computer that you basically just plug in and use.
   -Dave Barry

that is one of the funniest damn things... they should use that in their 

- -- 
The only people who like Microsoft are those who don't understand.  When 
people understand what Microsoft is up to, they're outraged. - Tim 

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!] {NOT!} {YES!}

2002-10-17 Per discussione shane
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 October 2002 3:10 am, John Richard Smith did speak unto the 
huddled masses, saying:

 My fstab has an entry like this
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 none  /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs  defaults  0 0

 but each time I boot I get an error message,
 mount mount mount  /proc/bus/usb  does not exist

 Clearly, it is wrong because there is a /proc/bus/usb and it contains

 [rootlocalhost root]# cd /proc/bus/usb
 [rootlocalhost usb]# ls
 001/  002/  003/  004/  005/  devices  drivers

 I should imagine the fstab entry needs adjusting, but to what ?
 Anyone got a clue ?

 What do the latest LM9.0 have for fstab entries ?

well, this is not my machine with the printer, i can check that later, but i 
have no entries at all mentioning USB in my fstab and i have a USB memory 
card that works great.  it is listed as a scsi.  

i will look at the machine with the printer and get back to you.

- -- 
A computer without Windows is like a chocolate cake without mustard.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] OT-Gateway snubs Microsoft

2002-10-17 Per discussione Miark
 if 90%plus of all user run windows, and people fear change, and you sell 
 computers, the people who make windows (MS) say you will sell all your 
 machines with windows, or you will not sell any with it.
 ...would you give in?

My question is more on the legal side. How can _any_ company dictate 
what their resellers will sell? And that goes _double_ for a monopoly.
M$ was taken to court, were they not? What did they do there, bake
muffins and played with Barbies in the sandbox? Was anything accomplished
in that lawsuit?

 I believe in life _before_ death.

I don't. Nobody as pale as me could possibly be alive.


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[newbie] bad signature..........tex??

2002-10-17 Per discussione Angus Auld
I just installed the wallpaper-0.1-3tex.i586.rpm from texstar, and when I urpmi'd 
the package, I was told that it had a bad signature, and asked if I wanted to 
continue anyway. Just what does it mean that the signature was bad? Why would a 
package from tex have a bad sig? 

I went ahead and installed anyway, thinking that it would be fine being from tex. The 
wallpapers installed OK, and they are beautiful.

Just wondering about the sig thing. I had it happen once before too, on a different 
package (chkrootkit-0.37-1mdk.i586.rpm I think it was). Is this something to be 
concerned about? I always get my rpm's from what I believe to be reputable sources.

TIA for any thoughts. :-)   


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!] {NOT!} {YES!}

2002-10-17 Per discussione John Richard Smith
shane wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 October 2002 3:10 am, John Richard Smith did speak unto the 
huddled masses, saying:


My fstab has an entry like this
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none  /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs  defaults  0 0

but each time I boot I get an error message,
mount mount mount  /proc/bus/usb  does not exist

Clearly, it is wrong because there is a /proc/bus/usb and it contains

[root@localhost root]# cd /proc/bus/usb
[root@localhost usb]# ls
001/  002/  003/  004/  005/  devices  drivers

I should imagine the fstab entry needs adjusting, but to what ?
Anyone got a clue ?

What do the latest LM9.0 have for fstab entries ?

well, this is not my machine with the printer, i can check that later, but i 
have no entries at all mentioning USB in my fstab and i have a USB memory 
card that works great.  it is listed as a scsi.  

i will look at the machine with the printer and get back to you.


Shane I think you may have something, I hashed the fstab line out like this
#none  /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs  defaults  0 0  in fstab

but leftnone /proc proc defaults 0 0   alone, anyone know what this 
line does ?

I then rebooted to desktop.

usb printer in there in kde-info-usb devices
USB OHCI Root Hub (1)
  |_ Lexmark Z53
USB OHCI Root Hub (2)
USB UHCI Root Hub (3)
USB UHCI Root Hub (4)
USB UHCI Root Hub (5)
and what is more when I plugged my usb camera in in detected it 
USB OHCI Root Hub (2)
  |__!.3 DigitalCAM

It seems like I don't need this  none  /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs  defaults  
0 0  line at
all. Anyway I will try it like that for a while and see what happens.
Just to make sure ,
[root@localhost root]# cd /proc/bus/usb
[root@localhost usb]# ls
001/  002/  003/  004/  005/  devices  drivers
These are the same, and ,

[root@localhost root]# cat /proc/interrupts
 0:  21366  XT-PIC  timer
 1: 26  XT-PIC  keyboard
 2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
 5: 37  XT-PIC  usb-ohci, usb-uhci, usb-uhci, usb-uhci
 8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
10:495  XT-PIC  VIA 8233 Audio
11: 45  XT-PIC  usb-ohci
12:  14302  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
14:   8745  XT-PIC  ide0
15: 10  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
LOC:  0
ERR:  0
MIS:  0
which has changed slightly from before ,as follows,note cpu usage,
[root@localhost root]# cat /proc/interrupts
0: 629782  XT-PIC  timer
1:   2173  XT-PIC  keyboard
2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
4:  21373  XT-PIC  serial   
5: 31  XT-PIC  usb-ohci, usb-uhci, usb-uhci, usb-uhci
6: 95  XT-PIC  floppy
8:   3893  XT-PIC  rtc
10:960  XT-PIC  VIA 8233 Audio
11:  0  XT-PIC  usb-ohci
12: 216470  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
14:  36365  XT-PIC  ide0
15: 26  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
LOC:  0
ERR:  0
MIS:  0

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] What's with the CDROM drive?

2002-10-17 Per discussione Flux
Okay, okay.  We're getting somewhere here.  :)
Thanks for clearing that up for me, Derek.  In the Mount section of the Mandrake 
Control Center, I enabled 
Supermount, and disabled user and noauto.  I rebooted, and now I can just eject 
the disc and it'll auto-
unmount it for me.  Great! 

But here's the next part:  In RedHat, they've got it setup by default to open the 
cdrom mount point when a disc is 
inserted.  Do you know how to set it to do that?  Or will that conflict with 
Supermount in some way?


10/17/2002 10:34:14 AM, Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ermm  Supermount does do what you ask... 

If Supermount is enabled you do not have to mount/unmount removable media
(In fact if you DO try mounting it, it will screw up the supermount operation)

What you are probably experiencing is the issue that if ANY application has a 
file open on a removable media, then you CANNOT unmount it, or remove it.

So if you have konqueror file manager open at /mnt/cdrom, then you have to 
close konqueror before it will respond to the eject button.

You just have to be a little bit disciplined about closing applications before 
removing media.

Sorry but that is just the way it is at the moment. Not everything about Linux 
is better than Windows :(


On Thursday 17 Oct 2002 4:09 pm, Flux wrote:
 REAL newbie question here:

 Is there any way to get removable media to work in Linux the way it does in
 the Windows/Mac world?

 It kinda bugs me that I have to unmount the cdrom just to eject it.  Case
 in point, if I accidentally hit the eject button on my laptop, nothing
 happens, and the disc is no longer accessable through Linux unless I
 reboot.  WTF? Isn't there some automounting feature that will take care of
 this?  What about Supermount?  What IS that, anyway?

 I'm sorry to rant, but I'm just blown away by the fact that some sort of
 automounting isn't already built-in.  If anyone knows some options for me,
 give 'em to me.  I'm eager to learn here...

 -Lawrence Winstead

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Re: [newbie] bad signature..........tex??

2002-10-17 Per discussione shane
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 October 2002 9:20 am, Angus Auld did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 I just installed the wallpaper-0.1-3tex.i586.rpm from texstar, and when
 I urpmi'd the package, I was told that it had a bad signature, and
 asked if I wanted to continue anyway. Just what does it mean that the
 signature was bad? Why would a package from tex have a bad sig?

the sotware manager now allows you to  check the gpg sig to make sure your 
packages are from whom the y claim to be.  it is an extra security measure, 
but you don't need it.

you have to add the creators of your packages to your roots key ring for it 
to work.  if you haven't done this, packages not from mandrake will give 
this error, but should work fine.

if you are interested in PGP and GPG security though, it is a useful tool 
for the paranoid (he says as he signs his message.  ;-)

- -- 
If someone tells you they possess the truth, listen carefully.  If they tell 
you they possess the *only* truth, run for your life.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] OT-Gateway snubs Microsoft

2002-10-17 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Miark wrote:

if 90%plus of all user run windows, and people fear change, and you sell 
computers, the people who make windows (MS) say you will sell all your 
machines with windows, or you will not sell any with it.

...would you give in?

My question is more on the legal side. How can _any_ company dictate 
what their resellers will sell? And that goes _double_ for a monopoly.
M$ was taken to court, were they not? What did they do there, bake
muffins and played with Barbies in the sandbox? Was anything accomplished
in that lawsuit?


Here in the UK such a position is illegal, but that doesn't always mean 
can be done about it, it usually means someone rich enough to pay the legal
costs has got to take them on in court and win to get their money back, 
and few
people want to try that with M$ ,the UK Government could try such a 
thing , and they have a body called the MMC , Mergers and Monopolies 
Commission , and usually they do try, but M$ are so large and UK 
governemnt is relatively weak in relation to M$, but
The European Commission is not weak and it has it's teeth right into M$ 
but just like the wheels of Justice it grinds ever so slowly but ever so 
My guess, and that is all it is, M$ is even more worried about the European
Commission's machinations than it was about the US governments efforts, for
one thing the European Commission is less easily bought, no insult intended,
in regard to US institiutions, and I think any final settlement will be 
harder on M$
than the US governemnt has been. Time will tell.Also Europe is a common 
of 470 million now and growing , when the next 11 countries join it will 
be over
500million, and no company no matter how rich and resourceful can ignore the
commercial consequencies of it's monoplistic policies will have on 
resulting sales,
especially now that alternatives are a reallity. many of those newer EEC 
joinee's will
be relatively less committed to M$ than current M$ customers, plus in my 
M$ have made a fatal marketing error with XP by making the licensce 
terms even
more userous than before. The one thing that puzzles me though is why 
more smaller
firms, the private owner retail computer outfits don't put nice litle 
linux boxes
together and demonstrate them to joe public . I would of though here was 
a definate
commercial advantage for them. They have the technical nouse to perfect an
installation and they can get the equipement relatively  easy as I can, 
but they
don't. I suppose it's a combination of customer lethargy and commercial 
Someday someone with drive and commercial acumen will do it.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OT-Gateway snubs Microsoft

2002-10-17 Per discussione shane
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 October 2002 8:51 am, Miark did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 My question is more on the legal side. How can _any_ company dictate
 what their resellers will sell? And that goes _double_ for a monopoly.
 M$ was taken to court, were they not? What did they do there, bake
 muffins and played with Barbies in the sandbox? Was anything accomplished
 in that lawsuit?

you didn't read up on the trial?  after bush put ashcroft in charge, the DOJ 
decided to purse a harsh penelty.  MS is no longer allowed to break the 
law, for 3 years, and if they do they can't do it again for 2 more.

what if they still do?  why we will send them back to court.  harsh, huh?

did MS buy off bush?  nah.

lets recall they have now been fond guilty 3 times.  most importantly they 
are guilty of not living up to the terms of the first settlement several 
years ago.  for this, the punishment is to spend money for yeas in court 
dragging the case out till an administration you bought gets in.

the good news is that the market is doing what the government won't.  4 
major computer companies are shipping machines bundled with corel rather 
than msworks.  linux growth continues.  apple (one more *nix) is now as 
open source friendly as they dare, and mac sales seem to be growing.  
governments and companies alike are dropping, or considering dropping MS.

more important, the mindshare has changed.

MS was once seen by CEO types (and some techs) as a provider of cheap good 
enough software.  more and more they are seen as a tyrant. has some good examples.

  I believe in life _before_ death.

 I don't. Nobody as pale as me could possibly be alive.

computer tan?  :-)

- -- 
It is increasingly obvious that our techknowledgy is outpacing our 
humanity. -Einstein

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] OT-Gateway snubs Microsoft

2002-10-17 Per discussione shane
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 October 2002 10:01 am, John Richard Smith did speak unto the 
huddled masses, saying:

 Here in the UK such a position is illegal, but that doesn't always mean
 The European Commission is not weak and it has it's teeth right into M$

 My guess, and that is all it is, M$ is even more worried about the
 European Commission's machinations than it was about the US governments
 efforts, for one thing the European Commission is less easily bought, no
 insult intended, in regard to US institiutions, and I think any final

here in the US one good thing happened.

 Someday someone with drive and commercial acumen will do it.

a few stores here in the bay area have boxes for demo, but i have yet to see 
a choice of distros.  each store picks one, and that is all they offer 

- -- 
To live is to war with trolls -Isben

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] bad signature..........tex??

2002-10-17 Per discussione Angus Auld

 On Thursday 17 October 2002 9:20 am, Angus Auld did speak unto the huddled 
 masses, saying:
  I just installed the wallpaper-0.1-3tex.i586.rpm from texstar, and when
  I urpmi'd the package, I was told that it had a bad signature, and
  asked if I wanted to continue anyway. Just what does it mean that the
  signature was bad? Why would a package from tex have a bad sig?
 the sotware manager now allows you to  check the gpg sig to make sure your 
 packages are from whom the y claim to be.  it is an extra security measure, 
 but you don't need it.
 you have to add the creators of your packages to your roots key ring for it 
 to work.  if you haven't done this, packages not from mandrake will give 
 this error, but should work fine.
 if you are interested in PGP and GPG security though, it is a useful tool 
 for the paranoid (he says as he signs his message.  ;-)
 - -- 
 If someone tells you they possess the truth, listen carefully.  If they tell 
 you they possess the *only* truth, run for your life.
 Profile at:
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member
 Registered linux user #101606
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Thanks for clearing that up Shane. That explains it, except that some of the packages 
from tex don't bring the same warning :-/ Maybe they had no gpg sig?

 I'm not paranoid, but after using a MS OS for a while, you can start to think that 
everyone is out to get you. ;-)

All the best.



Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0 

PS. Your sig about truth contains a profound truth. Well said ;-).
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[newbie] MS BS {John Richard Smith}

2002-10-17 Per discussione windwalker
On Thursday 17 October 2002 13:30, you wrote:
 On Thursday 17 October 2002 10:01, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Miark wrote:
  if 90%plus of all user run windows, and people fear change, and you
   sell computers, the people who make windows (MS) say you will sell
   all your machines with windows, or you will not sell any with it.
  ...would you give in?
  M$ have made a fatal marketing error with XP by making the licensce
  terms even
  more userous than before. The one thing that puzzles me though is why
  more smaller
  firms, the private owner retail computer outfits don't put nice litle
  linux boxes
  together and demonstrate them to joe public . I would of though here was
  a definate
  commercial advantage for them. They have the technical nouse to perfect
  an installation and they can get the equipement relatively  easy as I
  can, but they
  don't. I suppose it's a combination of customer lethargy and commercial
  Someday someone with drive and commercial acumen will do it.

 Sir John
 I growed so tired of MS crap... Smalled shops i this area done even have a
 clue what Linux is, let alone sell it... I went no less than 15 places..
 all smaller family types places to query of linux. No one would help
 me... We are a Microsoft certified repair shop, I was told..
 Here is what happeded to me And All true
 My windows 98 crashed.. I went to do a re-install from CD.. NOW I find my
 CD badly scratched and unable to do a full install. I have documents
 ect on hard drive I NEED. So  I called MS... and asked of cost of a
 replacement  OS Disk. Oh Sir you will have to buy a NWE OEM for $149 !!
 We offer no support for Win 98 or ME !!..
 Now I say screw that... and chck local shops to see if they would
 re-install Win 98 from one of theor disks NO WAY unless you pay for
 FULL OS  Being on real tight budget.. I started looking about for
 Linux, that could access Windows documents stored on Hard disk
 I found SuSe. I installed and it worked.. I cant boot win 98, but I can
 sure access all my pictures/docs old email ect ect...
 I will not suport MS on any product anymore period
 Bad thing only sore in town had SuSe and nothing else. they knew
 nothing about program ect... I did alone Had to get rid of winmodemand
 buy a surplus hayes hard modem.

 99% of  small stores here wont do Linux... as the techs claim they are
 Microsoft this and that...
 One tech told me MS is trying to get certain browsers only to work on a
 Windos system...and certain programs
 I made the choice to say screw you Bill Gates. and did
 But I know nothing about Linux except how to boot up for internet and send
 I will be durn if anyplace gets my business that dont have a choice on OS
 systems and carry products on ALL
 And the sales people better know something about Linux.. or i wont shop
 there. Even when I called Best Buy, a lady manager  took my call I was
 asking about what Linux will do. she said hold on I will go read
 package... I told her up front if you know nothing about it I dont want
 it Now if i could just get down loaded  programs to work.

 I started on a Vic 20 eons ago, and was swept up into a MS operator
 Aint going to happen no more...
 in farm town U.S.A

LinuX Power
LinuX Power

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[newbie] OT meeting

2002-10-17 Per discussione windwalker
Early evening last night, i drove the 2 hours for the monthly
Computer users Club  meeting.  almost all are Windows
usersSeveral asked.. Hey mike what system you running
Telling them no.. i was running Linux got me shunned for the rest of
the night {grin}...
Even people I have known in club for years now have no common bond with me.
Questions Like is Linux like windows 3.1  were common and such things as
you cant even play games on that !!
And can you get on internet with Linux.
So when the evening talk came up from Guest speaker on how to do things in
XP.. I stood up to leave and did. the bar was two doors away..
Oh well.
LinuX Power

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Re: [newbie] MS BS {John Richard Smith}

2002-10-17 Per discussione shane
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 October 2002 1:35 pm, windwalker did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

  My windows 98 crashed.. I went to do a re-install from CD.. NOW I find
  my CD badly scratched and unable to do a full install. I have
  documents ect on hard drive I NEED. So  I called MS... and asked of
  I found SuSe. I installed and it worked.. I cant boot win 98, but I
  can sure access all my pictures/docs old email ect ect...
  I will not suport MS on any product anymore period

there is a linux distro that only runs from cd used specifically as a rescue 
disk to handle problems like that.  fits on a credit card sized 50 meg cd.  
i used to carry one when i was system admin at a school district.  people 
where always impressed i could boot from a tiny card and save their 
documents to the network before i formatted their drive.  i always pointed 
out it was not MS that allowed it, but their competition.

- -- 
Everyone seems so impatient and angry these days. I think it's because so 
many people use Windows at work. Do you think you'd be Mr. Politeness Man 
after working on Windows 8 hrs. or more?

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] konsole environment vs. desktop environment

2002-10-17 Per discussione Bruno Maggi
Hi all,

Questions are numbered 1 2 and 3.

I want to configure $PATH and other environment
variables and I find that in /etc/profile I have:


And when I open a terminal I have (doing $ set RET):

However nothing in .bashrc changes the value of these
variables, and in .bash_profile I have
PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin which makes sense because I set
at the end of PATH, but why has /usr/X11R6/bin
After browsing the web i think the answer is because I
don't 'source' /etc/profile in .bashrc
yes, did it and now /usr/X11R6/bin is in the path.

and what about HISTSIZE? 

the following looks into /etc and subdirectories
(including init.d)

[rootbrunos etc]# grep -r HISTSIZE *
grep: aliases: No such file or directory
grep: gtk/ No such file or directory
grep: sgml/ No such file or directory
zshrc:export HISTSIZE=1000
[rootbrunos etc]#

and at home

[brbrunos br]$ grep HISTSIZE *
[brbrunos br]$

1-any hint about other configuration files I should
check in order to find where HISTSIZE is set to 500?

2-do have programs executed from the desktop have a
different environment from those executed in the

3-if answer is yes, how can I see what the environment
for the desktop is?

hope i was clear enough. any help is welcome


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[newbie] X, nVidia problems ...

2002-10-17 Per discussione Rainer

tried to install some new nvid drivers for man 8.2, went to nvidia, matched
the kernel and glx (3XXX) versions. the kernel installed fine, but the glx
didn't want to. used the '-e' option outlined in the nvid read me and it
installed but now X won't start at boot up! since i'm no expert on the
console, i'm in trouble deep. any way to get myself out of this mess that
isn't too complicated? any help would be appreciated. thanks

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Re: [newbie] X, nVidia problems ...

2002-10-17 Per discussione bascule
is this the first time for installing nvidia drivers?
if so then you need to edit /etc/X11/XF86config-4
and find nv in the driver section and change it to nvidia
also make sure 
load glx
is added after the freetype reference in the modules section

if not then you know this:-)

On Thursday 17 Oct 2002 7:01 pm, Rainer wrote:

 tried to install some new nvid drivers for man 8.2, went to nvidia, matched
 the kernel and glx (3XXX) versions. the kernel installed fine, but the glx
 didn't want to. used the '-e' option outlined in the nvid read me and it
 installed but now X won't start at boot up! since i'm no expert on the
 console, i'm in trouble deep. any way to get myself out of this mess that
 isn't too complicated? any help would be appreciated. thanks

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Re: [newbie] What's with the CDROM drive?

2002-10-17 Per discussione Robin Turner
Flux wrote:

REAL newbie question here:

Is there any way to get removable media to work in Linux the way it does in the Windows/Mac world?

It kinda bugs me that I have to unmount the cdrom just to eject it.  Case in point, if I accidentally hit the eject 
button on my laptop, nothing happens, and the disc is no longer accessable through Linux unless I reboot.  WTF? 
Isn't there some automounting feature that will take care of this?  What about Supermount?  What IS that, anyway?  

I'm sorry to rant, but I'm just blown away by the fact that some sort of automounting isn't already built-in.  If 
anyone knows some options for me, give 'em to me.  I'm eager to learn here...

It seems posts on mounting fall into two categories: How can I get my 
drives to mount automatically? and I hate supermount, how do I get rid 
of it?!

The easy way to get your removable media to work automatically is to go 
to the Control Center then click Mount Points and the medium you want 
(floppy or CD drive). Click Options then check the Supermount mox and 
uncheck the User box.

If that doesn't work (and it usually does) you need to edit your 
/etc/fstab file - see recent postings on this.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] CUPS and 9.0 - no remote access

2002-10-17 Per discussione Steven Spears
I had same situation you did and here is how I fixed it. 
When I open up the MCC to share my net connection with the computers on my 
lan, the file /etc/cups/cupsd.conf is rewritten so that no one has access to 
the printer.. not even the root user! So I rewrite it this way: 

Location / 
AuthType None 
Order Deny,Allow 
Allow From All 

Location /admin 
AuthType None 
Allow From 
#Allow From All 
Deny From All 
Order Deny,Allow 

So now only the root user can modify the printer config but everyone can see 
the config ( and access the printer. 

I didn't figure this out all by myself.. the linuxprinting website help a LOT! 
..So I recommand everyone having ANY problem with printing to search there. 
Here is the forum link: 

This is where it came from.

On Thursday 17 October 2002 09:03 am, Brian Parish wrote:
 Installed 9.0 on my server last night.  It has a local printer attached
 which I configured without problems using printerdrake.  I can print to
 it locally but no other machines on the LAN can now access it.
 Printerdrake on the client machines assures me that there is nothing to
 configure and remote CUPS printers on the same LAN will magically

 They don't.

 I guess this is the usual problem with GUI's - what to do when they
 don't work.  Has anyone met this?  Even better fixed it?

 The setup on the client machines has not been changed, so I guess it's
 the server which has stopped talking rather than clients not listening.

 Tried dropping the firewall in case that was interfering, but no change.


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[newbie] 9.0 DVD contents

2002-10-17 Per discussione Miark
Anybody have a clue what's on this CD? Mandrakestore 
doesn't say anything about it.


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Re: [newbie] X, nVidia problems ...

2002-10-17 Per discussione Bart Salien
Op Thursday 17 October 2002 20:01, schreef u:

Mine worked after first erasing the old GLX files and afterwards installing 
the new nvidia GLX rpm .
Also don't forget to change some setting in your XF86Config-4 (see nvidia 


 tried to install some new nvid drivers for man 8.2, went to nvidia, matched
 the kernel and glx (3XXX) versions. the kernel installed fine, but the glx
 didn't want to. used the '-e' option outlined in the nvid read me and it
 installed but now X won't start at boot up! since i'm no expert on the
 console, i'm in trouble deep. any way to get myself out of this mess that
 isn't too complicated? any help would be appreciated. thanks

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Re: [newbie] 9.0 DVD contents

2002-10-17 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 17 October 2002 02:49 pm, you wrote:
 Anybody have a clue what's on this CD? Mandrakestore
 doesn't say anything about it.


I sent an E-mail to Mandrake about it (you are talking about what they call 
the workstation DVD, right?). They told me it was basically the 7 CD 
Powerpack with no manuals. So...if you order it, and the separate manual 
package ($19), you would wind up with the 7 CD Powerpack on DVD.

Thats the way I'm ordering. :-)

  Dark Lord

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RE: [newbie] 9.0 DVD contents

2002-10-17 Per discussione Franki
I was going to buy mdk 9 on DVD, (last one I got was the 8.1 powerpack)
decided to pay for 9.1 when it comes out instead..

I like nine, but there are some things that could be better...

still, I will support mandrake for trying..



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:darklord;]On Behalf Of
Ronald J. Hall
Sent: Friday, 18 October 2002 3:01 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.0 DVD contents

On Thursday 17 October 2002 02:49 pm, you wrote:
 Anybody have a clue what's on this CD? Mandrakestore
 doesn't say anything about it.


I sent an E-mail to Mandrake about it (you are talking about what they call
the workstation DVD, right?). They told me it was basically the 7 CD
Powerpack with no manuals. So...if you order it, and the separate manual
package ($19), you would wind up with the 7 CD Powerpack on DVD.

Thats the way I'm ordering. :-)


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Re: [newbie] CUPS and 9.0 - no remote access

2002-10-17 Per discussione Sharrea
On Friday 18 Oct 2002 3:03 am, Brian Parish wrote:
 Installed 9.0 on my server last night.  It has a local printer attached
 which I configured without problems using printerdrake.  I can print to
 it locally but no other machines on the LAN can now access it.
 Printerdrake on the client machines assures me that there is nothing to
 configure and remote CUPS printers on the same LAN will magically

 They don't.

 I guess this is the usual problem with GUI's - what to do when they
 don't work.  Has anyone met this?  Even better fixed it?

 The setup on the client machines has not been changed, so I guess it's
 the server which has stopped talking rather than clients not listening.

 Tried dropping the firewall in case that was interfering, but no change.

Got the exact same problem here.  I also tried disabling portsentry and the 
firewall but no go.  Hope someone knows a fix for this, I've wasted many 
hours playing around with this.  Will have another look and the cups config 

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Re: [newbie] Mencoder results and questions

2002-10-17 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 17 October 2002 11:08 am, you wrote:

 This is a very low bitrate for a video. I have used this only with a 2-Pass
 encode, as this bitrate with a 1-Pass encode doesn't give me satisfactory

Yes, I upped it to 900 and was still able to fit it onto a single CD. Video 
was much improved.

 I'm not familiar with this Ronion Warriors, or just how long the movie
 is. I'm presuming you want it to fit on 1 CD? If this is the case, you can
 download the program I created (DivXCalc) and use it to work out the
 bitrate needed to achieve a certain filesize. You can find it on

I d/l'ed it, thanks!

 Yes, the lower the bitrate the more noise / artifacting. As I have said,
 use a higher bitrate, or a 2-Pass encode. I wrote up a tutorial on how to
 do this on which will hopefully give
 you lots of pointers.


Ralph, thats a great tutorial. I copied it into a text file for future 
reference. (hope you don't mind?).

One thing. I have never changed my gcc version. Its the stock 2.96 that comes 
with Mandrake 8.2 - but I've not experienced any problems yet that I know of.

I compiled MPlayer with this:

./configure --disable-gcc-checking 

(one line, of course)

and added all the files (dependencies) that Mencoder needed from the RPMs at 
the Penguin Lib. Front web site.

Thanks for all your help! :-)

  Dark Lord

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[newbie] Lockup on SCSI detection during installation

2002-10-17 Per discussione Barry Michels
I'm trying to install 9.0 on our old server at work.  It's got an Adaptec 
AHA-2940UW PCI SCSI adaptor with a SCSI hard drive and an OnStream SC-50 tape 
drive.  There's also a 40GB IDE drive.  Right after selecting 'Expert' and 
Install, a window pops up that says:
Installing driver for disk/scsi|hardware_raid card Adaptec|AIC-7881U
Then it locks up hard.

Is there any way to block the SCSI detection or force it to recognize the 
correct device?

Barry Michels

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Thursday 17 Oct 2002 7:55 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
 Piero Piutti wrote:
  On Monday 14 October 2002 21:08, Eric S. Dye wrote:
 another good firewall program
 that i use is the black ice program and of course norton sells a good one
 as well. i wouldn't worry about broadcasting your I P address, but if you
 do a lot of surfing, you should consider a firewall. i think Linux has a
 built in firwall, doesn't it.
  if you still think that Black Ice Defender is a good firewall have a look
  at this website and see what results it had when
  having BID installed on your windowz machine can be even worse that
  having no firewall at all (i.e. false sense of security). when you need a
  firewall, ZoneAlarm is the choice.

 I must heartliy disagree here. If you're going to be connected via DSL
 or Cable connection the only prudent thing to do is errect a real
 firewall. With the price of New PC's being in the moderate price range
 of 500 - 700 dollars for a fair system, there are literally thousands of
 old P1-90Mhz machines out there for the asking. Get hold of one and
 make a real firewall. You can get a Gateway/firewall setup and
 functioning well on a weekend and then not have to worry about whether
 or not you're protected. You'll know! And for two real good reasons.

   1) if you're intelligent enough to install and setup Linux,
  you're more then able to setup an iptables firewall. To
  the nicest iptables firewall I've seen is the one that
  comes with Mandrake 9.0. Shorewall. Using this firewall
  works best if your gateway/firewall machine is setup
  with two nic cards.
   2) once you've got things setup and running you'll quickly
  begin to see how things work and you'll appreciate
  the total hands-on control this kind of setup affords
  you, the user.


If you have a *really* old spare computer, I recommend the LEAF-Bering 
It just about fits on 1 floppy and will run on a 386 with 8MB of memory. No 
hard drive is needed so it is virtually silent. It comes with shorewall 
firewall just like Mandrake 9.0 Sit it in the corner and forget about it.


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[newbie] Can't put my AMR V.90 modem to work

2002-10-17 Per discussione Pablo Gallo
I have a Duron 1200 XP, with a PCCHIPS 810 motherboard (with almost
everything on-board) and an AMR V.90 win modem. I know that in general Linux
systems don't support this kind of modems, but I'd like to find a driver to
avoid buying a new modem, as this computer is new.

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-17 Per discussione Miark
The description at leaf says, it's primarily used as a gateway/
router/firewall for Internet leaf sites. What's a leaf site?


Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 On Thursday 17 Oct 2002 7:55 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
 If you have a *really* old spare computer, I recommend the LEAF-Bering 
 It just about fits on 1 floppy and will run on a 386 with 8MB of memory. No 
 hard drive is needed so it is virtually silent. It comes with shorewall 
 firewall just like Mandrake 9.0 Sit it in the corner and forget about it.

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-17 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 02:55 PM 10/17/2002 -0400, you wrote:

I must heartliy disagree here. If you're going to be connected via DSL or 
Cable connection the only prudent thing to do is errect a real firewall. 
With the price of New PC's being in the moderate price range of 500 - 700 
dollars for a fair system, there are literally thousands of old P1-90Mhz 
machines out there for the asking. Get hold of one and make a real 
firewall. You can get a Gateway/firewall setup and functioning well on a 
weekend and then not have to worry about whether or not you're protected. 
You'll know! And for two real good reasons.

1) if you're intelligent enough to install and setup Linux,
   you're more then able to setup an iptables firewall. To
   the nicest iptables firewall I've seen is the one that
   comes with Mandrake 9.0. Shorewall. Using this firewall
   works best if your gateway/firewall machine is setup
   with two nic cards.
2) once you've got things setup and running you'll quickly
   begin to see how things work and you'll appreciate
   the total hands-on control this kind of setup affords
   you, the user.


I'm smart enough to setup this thing you call a firewall (not yet...still 
hammeringa way at the silly thing with my li

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-17 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 02:55 PM 10/17/2002 -0400, you wrote:

I must heartliy disagree here. If you're going to be connected via DSL or 
Cable connection the only prudent thing to do is errect a real firewall. 
With the price of New PC's being in the moderate price range of 500 - 700 
dollars for a fair system, there are literally thousands of old P1-90Mhz 
machines out there for the asking. Get hold of one and make a real 
firewall. You can get a Gateway/firewall setup and functioning well on a 
weekend and then not have to worry about whether or not you're protected. 
You'll know! And for two real good reasons.

1) if you're intelligent enough to install and setup Linux,
   you're more then able to setup an iptables firewall. To
   the nicest iptables firewall I've seen is the one that
   comes with Mandrake 9.0. Shorewall. Using this firewall
   works best if your gateway/firewall machine is setup
   with two nic cards.
2) once you've got things setup and running you'll quickly
   begin to see how things work and you'll appreciate
   the total hands-on control this kind of setup affords
   you, the user.


Hell i hope that last one didn't send...

I meant to say only that i can't get SNF setup so far.  Simple? Hm not as 
simple as a straight linux install so far :)

heh And i'm not stupid.  But my (un)related question is: How do you 
determine if you need a gateway? Or a comp that acts as one as well as a 
firewall.  I was reading MDKs site for docs  it says (in my case from 
what i got) I don't need one.  Someone care to enumerate clearer  more 
concise guidelines? Ty


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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-17 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 01:13 AM 10/18/2002 +1300, you wrote:

I know this is 3 months late but I just found the instructions on how to
install a parallel zip drive after installing your system.  In the past I
couldn't do it and had to reinstall the system to get my zip drive working
as I read somewhere that you had to use mknod to create the device and I
couldn't figure how from the man page (don't understand the minor/major

Anyway simple instructions are here:

I was surprised at just how simple it is!  Took all of 2 minutes!


Thx Sharrea!  I was about to ask how to do this or hunt the web... 
whichever came first.  My question is related tho... I've ripped out hte 
floppy on my desktop machine (don't ask why ... long story).  So now when i 
install MDK It asks do i want to add packages selection to a floppy 
drive.  Well YES I BLOODY WELL DO!  But I have no floppy... so will a zip 
drive work in this situation?!

I don't think it will but maybe someone can point me to how to do this? or 
if its been done before?

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[newbie] Vaio GRX560

2002-10-17 Per discussione Scott
Has anyone on the list installed Mandrake on the Vaio GRX560/570?  I found 
a site on the net for instructions on installing Red Hat 7.3, you have to 
build a new kernel with some additional packages.  Tried this practice 
with Mdk 9, but it failed.  The patches were designed for kernel 2.4.18 
and 9.0 has 2.4.19.  Anyway, the issues are the sound card, audio is 
horrible, can't access the memory card slot, etc.

Any ideas, let me know.  Thank you!  I would be happy to install 8.2 if 
that works.


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Re: [newbie] Supermount to work correctly in MDK 9? [Replied]

2002-10-17 Per discussione G_REEPER
Hash: SHA1

Pardon me while I catch up with the responses.

1. Yes oddly enough the urpmi *.rpm command does indeed work.

2. While flattered, I hadn't been considered a newbie since slackware 1.0 or 
so but thanks for making me feel young again.  While moving software manager 
up on the list is a nice tip I still see no reason to use it while I can type 
in a shell. I Mean talk about overkill. ;-)

3. Francisco Alcaraz disabling does indeed allow access to the files on the 
drive again, although I was fishing for a way around that. Thanks a lot for 
the reply. At least those with this problem have a fallback that does work.

4. Sir Robin user isn't enabled. I checked  but, this is a vanilla install of  
MDK 9 without any or at least not too much. Yet.
Once again thanks for the response.

Thanks for all the responses

Registered Linux user #157565

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to 
discover them.
-- Galileo Galilei

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-17 Per discussione Barry Rountree
On Thursday 17 October 2002 05:32 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
 At 02:55 PM 10/17/2002 -0400, you wrote:
 I must heartliy disagree here. If you're going to be connected via DSL or
 Cable connection the only prudent thing to do is errect a real firewall.



 heh And i'm not stupid.  But my (un)related question is: How do you
 determine if you need a gateway? Or a comp that acts as one as well as a
 firewall.  I was reading MDKs site for docs  it says (in my case from
 what i got) I don't need one.  Someone care to enumerate clearer  more
 concise guidelines? Ty

You need a firewall.  Think of it as being a good neighbor.

Granted, you may have nothing you consider of interest on your hard drive.  
Granted, linux is not the target of choice amongst the s'kiddies.  There is a 
(very small) danger is that someone who has a clue will crack your box and 
use it to crack others.  At that point, there's an (even smaller) chance that 
you'll get to explain your approach to security to the FBI or local 

So, do a cost/benefit analysis -- a small amount of exposure vs an old Pentium 
firewall (with attendent bother of setting it up) or a $51 Linksys 4-Port 
Cable/DSL Router (price after rebates on Amazon, may be other cheaper 
products, the 1-port is only $47).



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[newbie] Denied Access

2002-10-17 Per discussione Shannon Doyle
Hi People,

I have 2 servers running mandrake 8.2 and am experiencing the following

My ip address that I am coming from is a static ip froma different range
of that the server is on. Whenever I try to connect to the server via
any method I cannont get access to it. 

However if I connect to the server from an ip address within the same
range as the server I get access.

I have checked through my hosts.deny - nothing in there.
All the log files seem to show no reason for this.
The border router is allowing the traffic through to the server, so its
not the firewall on that.
I don't have a firewall running on the server in question.

What could be the cause of this and how can I correct it so I can get
access to the server from this other ip range again?



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Re: [newbie] [OT] Digital Choice and Freedom Act

2002-10-17 Per discussione Roland Hughes

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 22:02:39 +
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is great, Todd, thanks. My wife sent a letter to our
 representative asking him to support the act. If anybody out there
 want to write their representative but doesn't know how, do this:
 1) Connect to
 2) Enter your state and zip code to determine your representative.
 3) Enter your address info (so they know you're a real voter. ;-)
 4) Write your letter and click Send your message.
 P.S. In case you're interested, here's a copy of what we sent:
 My husband and I own a growing collection of DVDs. Our main family
 computer is more than capable of playing DVDs, but we have been unable
 to view them because we use the Linux operating system which, for
 licensing reasons, cannot include DVD-decryption code. What is one to
 do? There are two alternatives. 
 The first is to spend $100 or more on a different operating system,
 then another x dollars on DVD software that can decrypt and display
 DVDs legally. This is a gross injustice because it forces my family to
 waste much money for nothing more than the legal right to watch what
 we've already paid for and legally own. 
 The other solution for Linux users is to use DVD software that
 illegally incorporates DVD decryption code. While both easy to do, and
 free, it's also illegal, and therefore unacceptable. 
 We're stuck between a rock and a hard place, but that could change.
 U.S. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren of 16th Congressional District,
 California is promoting the Digital Choice and Freedom Act of 2002
 to re-introduce the concept of fair use as it concerns commercial
 digital content. This legislation would effectively eliminate my
 dilemma, so I urge you--as strongly as possible--to do anything you
 can to support and promote this act.
 Sherry Clark
 Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
  If you're a US citizen, I urge you to write your representative to
  voice your support for this anti-DMCA bill.
  The story:,3973,587514,00.asp
  Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren's press release:
  The bill:

The directions said to install Windows 98/2000 or better!
 So I installed Linux!

Linux Counter: 241069

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Re: [newbie] Can't put my AMR V.90 modem to work

2002-10-17 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Thursday 17 October 2002 05:39 pm, Charlie wrote:
 On Thursday 17 October 2002 02:41 pm, Pablo Gallo wrote:
  I have a Duron 1200 XP, with a PCCHIPS 810 motherboard (with almost
  everything on-board) and an AMR V.90 win modem. I know that in general
  Linux systems don't support this kind of modems, but I'd like to find a
  driver to avoid buying a new modem, as this computer is new.

 Howdy Pablo;

 Ever hear of Google? ;-)

 If you can't find what you need at this link you probably won't find it.

 Scroll down about 2/3 of the way to see driver links. There are probably
 how to links from there too, just check it out. Once you confuse yourself
 thoroughly someone will probably take pity and tell you (how) if it's

Charlie's link looks promising, but here's two other sites to further confuse 

Good luck.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] MS BS {John Richard Smith}

2002-10-17 Per discussione Erylon Hines
On Thursday 17 October 2002 02:33 pm, you wrote:
 shane wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Thursday 17 October 2002 1:35 pm, windwalker did speak unto the
  masses, saying:
 My windows 98 crashed.. I went to do a re-install from CD.. NOW I find
 my CD badly scratched and unable to do a full install. I have
 documents ect on hard drive I NEED. So  I called MS... and asked of
 I found SuSe. I installed and it worked.. I cant boot win 98, but I
 can sure access all my pictures/docs old email ect ect...
 I will not suport MS on any product anymore period
  there is a linux distro that only runs from cd used specifically as a
  rescue disk to handle problems like that.  fits on a credit card sized 50
  meg cd. i used to carry one when i was system admin at a school district.
   people where always impressed i could boot from a tiny card and save
  their documents to the network before i formatted their drive.  i always
  pointed out it was not MS that allowed it, but their competition.

I found that Knoppix also does the same thing, but with a full sized distro 
from a full-sized CD.  It is also excellent at picking up hardware and 
automagically setting up networks, printers, etc.  If Windows pukes, or a 
machine is virus infected, there is no substitute for a Linux distro that 
will boot and run from cd-rom. 

Now, how do they do that  BG.


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Re: [newbie] X, nVidia problems ...

2002-10-17 Per discussione Robert Beach
On Thursday 17 October 2002 03:03 pm, Bart Salien wrote:
 Op Thursday 17 October 2002 20:01, schreef u:
Not Quite on the subject but pretty close.  I have 9.0 installed and my GForce 
4 is using the generic Nvidia driver right now.  All I found at the nvidia 
site was for 8.2.  I'm probably guessing right, but I'm not able to use those 
drivers. Correct?
I've downloaded them but haven't done anything yet until I get a yes or a no 
on this.  
Any info would be greatly appreciated.  Thank You.

 Mine worked after first erasing the old GLX files and afterwards installing
 the new nvidia GLX rpm .
 Also don't forget to change some setting in your XF86Config-4 (see nvidia

  tried to install some new nvid drivers for man 8.2, went to nvidia,
  matched the kernel and glx (3XXX) versions. the kernel installed fine,
  but the glx didn't want to. used the '-e' option outlined in the nvid
  read me and it installed but now X won't start at boot up! since i'm no
  expert on the console, i'm in trouble deep. any way to get myself out of
  this mess that isn't too complicated? any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Anyone got Supermount to work correctly in MDK 9?

2002-10-17 Per discussione Sharrea
 G_REEPER wrote:
  Just to give you a blow by blow.
  I place the cd in and open it with the removable media link.
  It opens it fine and displays the contents of the cd.
  When I launch a shell to install the rpms I issue the urpmi *.rpms and
  I get no rpms found. I get the same if I just try to click the rpms.
  I have copied the entire cd to a drive via  winblows and can install it
  from the shell with no problems.
  It doesn't seam to be limited to this single cd. As I have yet to get
  mkiso to make a iso file of any cd.
  Yet Mandrake's add software works fine for installing rpms on their

I found that sometimes supermount caused problems if you cd into the 
CD-ROM/CD-RW directory but issuing commands from any other directory giving 
the CD-ROM/CD-RW path worked fine.

And since I like supermount I decided to just get used to it and I have.  
Haven't had a problem since.

What is your fstab entry for the device?

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Re: [newbie] Let there be sound please?!?

2002-10-17 Per discussione Marcia
Thank you  for your help. I changed my /etc/modules.conf to what was 
suggested by someone on this list to:

alias sound-slot-0 snd-via8233
above snd-via8233 snd-pcm-oss

and I turned off the soundserver where arts was enabled. After that now 
I have the startup system sound and probably I will have other system 
sounds when I apply them. However,  there is no sound for my mp3's yet 
and no midi. I checked my sound driver in control center and this is 
what I got:

Sound Driver:3.8.1a-980706 (ALSA v0.9.9rc2 emulation code)
Kernel: Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2.4.19-16mdk#1 Fre Sep 20 
18:15:05: CEST 2002 i686

Config options:0

Installed drivers:
Type 10:ALSA emulation

Card config:
VIA 8233 at 0xdc00, irq 9

Audio devices:
0:VIA 8233(DUPLEX)



7:system timer
0: mixer00

How would I enable the synth devices and midi? What else can be done to 
enable my mp3 players, etc?

Thanks for any help here.



John Richard Smith wrote:

ET wrote:

On Thursday 17 October 2002 05:13 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

Marcia wrote:

Dear All,

I have setup my /etc/modules.conf as suggested for via onboard 8233
sound and still no sound for mp3, midi, most system sounds. Is there
anything else I could check or do? Would I be better off to get the
latest alsa source and compile myself? I do not want to go that far if
it will not make a difference. I know this can work. I do not give up
easily. It certainly worked in 8.2 except I had to do some interesting
adjustments to make it work. This time those adjustments do not work
in LM9. If I could get this sound to work it would not be a bad
distro. I am having alot less problems with it than LM8.2 except for
sound and usb.:( Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you for all of your suggestions everyone. They did
not work yet, and I do appreciate your help.



I don't know why it does not work for you, my via 8233 chip works fine
for me
on my msi mobo, on both LM8.2 and LM9.0 beta2.
I'm not sure from the above if you are saying it does not work at all or
some eliments of the sound systems.If later , did you enable aRts , 
you will not get multichannel sound streams  without it, on the 
otherhand I
do not have any mp3 files to play, and so cannot vouch for mp3 use.
On the otherhand Mplayer encodes in mp3 and that works fine Does
your via8233 chip come with AC97 codec as well. I don't exactly know 
AC97 codec is supposed to do, I think it is some additional eliment 
of the
via 8233 sound chip and is also there to aid multichannel sound streams.

So currently what is your modules.conf entries like,
and do you have aRts enabled ?


and lets see the output of cat /proc/interrupts as root


OK, here it is,

[root@localhost root]# cat /proc/interrupts
 0: 629782  XT-PIC  timer
 1:   2173  XT-PIC  keyboard
 2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
 4:  21373  XT-PIC  serial
 5: 31  XT-PIC  usb-ohci, usb-uhci, usb-uhci, usb-uhci
 6: 95  XT-PIC  floppy
 8:   3893  XT-PIC  rtc
10:960  XT-PIC  VIA 8233 Audio
11:  0  XT-PIC  usb-ohci
12: 216470  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
14:  36365  XT-PIC  ide0
15: 26  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
LOC:  0
ERR:  0
MIS:  0
[root@localhost root]#

Looks ok to me , what do you think ?

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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-10-17 Per discussione Sharrea
On Friday 18 Oct 2002 1:15 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
At 01:13 AM 10/18/2002 +1300, Sharrea wrote:
 Anyway simple instructions are here:
 I was surprised at just how simple it is!  Took all of 2 minutes!

 Thx Sharrea!  I was about to ask how to do this or hunt the web...
 whichever came first.  My question is related tho... I've ripped out hte
 floppy on my desktop machine (don't ask why ... long story).  So now when
 i install MDK It asks do i want to add packages selection to a floppy
 drive.  Well YES I BLOODY WELL DO!  But I have no floppy... so will a zip
 drive work in this situation?!

 I don't think it will but maybe someone can point me to how to do this?
 or if its been done before?

I have done that in the past but not by choice.  The sh*tty IBM Deskstar hd 
I had at the time was causing all sorts of hw conflicts and when installing 
MDK (8.0 I think), the install process didn't recognise my floppy drive and 
kept writing my boot disk, etc, to the zip drive instead.  The strange 
thing was that after the initial reboot the floppy drive did indeed show up 
every time!  (had that happen 3-4 times)

I don't know how you would actually _tell_ the installation to use your zip 
drive, but perhaps with no floppy drive present, it will just do it 
automatically anyway(?)

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Re: [newbie] PPC

2002-10-17 Per discussione Erik
Not currentlyhowever, did install mdk 8.2 on iMac (first DVD/CDROM
model) and it installed like a dream ... provided I added video=riva
(for Nvidia card) on the install line and I set up the /boot partition
between the basic MacOS and mdk.

Now that Jaguar is out (10.2),OS X is MUCH more friendly and usable.

Overall, I still prefer mdk.  Currently run mdk8.2 on a pc and OS X on
an ibook.


On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 05:44, shane wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 ok, i have seen a few posts about PPC mandrake, but they are seldom answered 
 and few.  i am considering getting a notebook computer, and i would rather 
 get a mac and dual boot Mandrake/OSX than get a windows machine.  the 
 question i guess is is anyone out there successfully running Mandrake 
 PPC? and how does she run?
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[newbie] ident server

2002-10-17 Per discussione William Chan
Can anyone help me out with setting up an ident server
on Mandrake 9.0?  I found a HOWTO on it, except that
it says to configure /etc/inetd.conf which I do not
have ( got xinetd )


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Re: [newbie] MS BS {John Richard Smith}

2002-10-17 Per discussione Miark
Funny you should mention it; I just finished downloading Knoppix myself.

I really want to download Virtual Linux because it's based on Mandrake,
but releases have stopped in anticipation of MDK 9.0. I guess they're 
working on that now. That'll be cool if it works well.


Erylon Hines [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 On Thursday 17 October 2002 02:33 pm, you wrote:
  shane wrote:
   Hash: SHA1
   On Thursday 17 October 2002 1:35 pm, windwalker did speak unto the
   masses, saying:
  My windows 98 crashed.. I went to do a re-install from CD.. NOW I find
  my CD badly scratched and unable to do a full install. I have
  documents ect on hard drive I NEED. So  I called MS... and asked of
  I found SuSe. I installed and it worked.. I cant boot win 98, but I
  can sure access all my pictures/docs old email ect ect...
  I will not suport MS on any product anymore period
   there is a linux distro that only runs from cd used specifically as a
   rescue disk to handle problems like that.  fits on a credit card sized 50
   meg cd. i used to carry one when i was system admin at a school district.
people where always impressed i could boot from a tiny card and save
   their documents to the network before i formatted their drive.  i always
   pointed out it was not MS that allowed it, but their competition.
 I found that Knoppix also does the same thing, but with a full sized distro 
 from a full-sized CD.  It is also excellent at picking up hardware and 
 automagically setting up networks, printers, etc.  If Windows pukes, or a 
 machine is virus infected, there is no substitute for a Linux distro that 
 will boot and run from cd-rom. 
 Now, how do they do that  BG.

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-17 Per discussione shane
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 October 2002 11:55 am, Mark Weaver did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 old P1-90Mhz machines out there for the asking. Get hold of one and
 make a real firewall. You can get a Gateway/firewall setup and
 functioning well on a weekend and then not have to worry about whether
 or not you're protected. You'll know! And for two real good reasons.

mandrakes Single Network Firewall runs on a p90 with 500 hdd and runs well 

- -- 
If the human brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so 
simple that we couldn't.

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[newbie] How to make a clicked link open in a tabbed Netscape window

2002-10-17 Per discussione Chris Edwards
How does one make a clicked url link open in a new tabbed window in 
Netscape. I already have html text files associated to open in Netscape 
but each time a link is clicked in the KNewsTicker, KDE wants to open an 
entirely new session/profile of Netscape rather than just simply loading 
the link into a new tabbed window in the background.

i586 based PC
Mandrake 9.0
KNewsTicker v0.2
Netscape 7.0

Chris Edwards

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-17 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 09:22 AM 10/17/2002 -0700, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 October 2002 11:55 am, Mark Weaver did speak unto the huddled
masses, saying:

 old P1-90Mhz machines out there for the asking. Get hold of one and
 make a real firewall. You can get a Gateway/firewall setup and
 functioning well on a weekend and then not have to worry about whether
 or not you're protected. You'll know! And for two real good reasons.

mandrakes Single Network Firewall runs on a p90 with 500 hdd and runs well

- --
If the human brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so
simple that we couldn't.


besides the downloadable manual for SNF in PDF format I haven't been able 
to find much information on it. Is there something else I missed after 
perusing the Mandrake Website?

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Re: [newbie] X Problem on Compaq Presario 2710US

2002-10-17 Per discussione Anthony Abby
I forgot to mention the video card is an ATI Radeon Mobility LY (AGP).  I've tried the 
generic Radeon driver, the Radeon Mobility driver, and the Radeon Mobility 
what_ever_it_is driver.

I've run a search in google for Mandrake and radeon mobility ly and came up with 
only one hit that was close to my problem, but it was in regards to Mandrake 8.2 with 
an older kernel.  There suggestion was to upgrade the kernel, well this is a newer 
kernel, similiar problem.  I wish there was a search engine on the list archives but I 
have been looking through the past few months of posts... I just don't see anything 
else close to my problem.

Hope someone out there can point me in the right direction.


-- Original Message --
From: Anthony Abby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Thu, 17 Oct 2002 18:32:13 -0400

I'm having a problem getting X to start up properly on my Compaq Presario 2710US 
laptop.  X actually starts but the colors are all off.  If I log in as root the 
background is a hideous shade of light blue.  The colors are almost washed out.  The 
KDE splash screen is actually gold!

I've run XFdrake several times and tried different combinations... such as generic 
flatscreen - 1024 x 768 and also generic 1024 x 768 screen.  I have color depth set 
to 24-bit but also tried 16-bit.  Both result in the same color depth problem.  In 
either case though, if I TEST the settings before restarting X, the color bars look 
just fine.  It's only when I 'startx' that this color problem occurs.

Has anyone heard of this problem or know what I might do to fix it?  I already 
checked out

Thanks for any help.

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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-17 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Piero Piutti wrote:

On Monday 14 October 2002 21:08, Eric S. Dye wrote:

another good firewall program
that i use is the black ice program and of course norton sells a good one
as well. i wouldn't worry about broadcasting your I P address, but if you
do a lot of surfing, you should consider a firewall. i think Linux has a
built in firwall, doesn't it.

if you still think that Black Ice Defender is a good firewall have a look at 
this website and see what results it had when tested.

having BID installed on your windowz machine can be even worse that having no 
firewall at all (i.e. false sense of security). when you need a firewall, 
ZoneAlarm is the choice.

I must heartliy disagree here. If you're going to be connected via DSL 
or Cable connection the only prudent thing to do is errect a real 
firewall. With the price of New PC's being in the moderate price range 
of 500 - 700 dollars for a fair system, there are literally thousands of 
old P1-90Mhz machines out there for the asking. Get hold of one and 
make a real firewall. You can get a Gateway/firewall setup and 
functioning well on a weekend and then not have to worry about whether 
or not you're protected. You'll know! And for two real good reasons.

	1) if you're intelligent enough to install and setup Linux,
	   you're more then able to setup an iptables firewall. To
	   the nicest iptables firewall I've seen is the one that
	   comes with Mandrake 9.0. Shorewall. Using this firewall
 	   works best if your gateway/firewall machine is setup
	   with two nic cards.	
	2) once you've got things setup and running you'll quickly
	   begin to see how things work and you'll appreciate
	   the total hands-on control this kind of setup affords
	   you, the user.


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Re: [newbie] Security alert

2002-10-17 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Michael Adams wrote:

Hands up all those that have had major isues trying to uninstall Bonzai 
Buddy from computers when it had been inadvertently downloaded. This would 
be a lot less of a problem in Linux even if the buddy came in an RPM.

heh! :) could always convert the source code and port it to 
Linux. NOT!!!

sorry...couldn't resist.


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Re: [newbie] damn mandrake apache.!!! nothing in logs to tell mewhat the problem is.

2002-10-17 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Sharrea wrote:

On Wednesday 16 Oct 2002 1:42 am, Franki wrote:

anway, the source of my problem is that apache is giving me no feedback
on why it won't start.

apachecrl configtest

passses both and httpd-perl.conf

I have looked in /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages and

nothing in any of them to even indicate it tried to start.

when I try, I get this:

service httpd start
Starting httpd:[PASSED]

nothing shows up in the logs, hell, nothing shows up anywhere..

surely there must be some way of getting a verbose start log.. anyone??

I have uninstalled rpmdrakes php rpms, and put the old ones back, and I
did likewise with the conf files..

still gives me [PASSED] mesages and no feedback at all as to why.

Please, Does anyone have any idea how to get this thing working again?
I'm in the shitter if I don't get it sorted before its needed tomorrow..

Incidently, I am doing this remotely over ssh with X forwarding.. not
that that should make any difference.

don't know if this makes a difference (probably not, but woth a try):

#  apachectl start			or

#  apachectl graceful			to restart


You may also want to try this:

		service httpd status


		service httpd extendedstatus  (for more verbose info)


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Re: [newbie] New HD

2002-10-17 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Tony S. Sykes wrote:

Hi all,

I have installed a new HD as a pri mast on my pc and moved the old pri
mast to sec slave. It was a dual boot mdk9 and w2k. I have created the
same on my new disk, but I cant get it to boot from the new mbr without
the boot disk. It tries to load from the old mbr. How do I get rid of
the old mbr on the sec slave and use the mbr on the pri master? I am
wanting to keep the old one in the machine for a few weeks for moving
stuff across.



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You're going to have to make the old primary drive the master again and 
this time before moving back to being a slave you will have to wipe the 
mbr with this command after booting from a windows floppy boot disk:

	fdisk /mbr

Replace the new primary master drive and move the other drive back to 
being the primary slave and you should be set.


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Re: [newbie] test

2002-10-17 Per discussione Mark Weaver
ivette brusselmans wrote:

Ah! failed the test.

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Re: [newbie] OT-Gateway snubs Microsoft

2002-10-17 Per discussione Mark Weaver
Todd Slater wrote:

In another blow to Microsoft, a fourth computer maker plans to bundle Corel's 
WordPerfect Office with its low-end consumer machines.

Now if some of the biggies would just sell some puters without an OS!



You can order them from Dell that way.


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