Re: [osol-discuss] fork1() fails with ENOMEM

2011-02-04 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 02/04/11 11:33, Bill Shannon wrote:

This isn't really specific to OpenSolaris since it also happens on
Solaris 10, but maybe someone here can give me some ideas?

I have a java program that is failing because it does something that calls
fork1(), which fails with ENOMEM (confirmed using truss):

27010/2: fork1() Err#12 ENOMEM

I've used both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the JVM. Using the 64-bit
version, I see the heap expand to just over 4GB before it forks:

27010/30: brk(0x107DE3D90) = 0

I have almost 160 GB of swap space:

$ swap -s
total: 806336k bytes allocated + 167872k reserved = 974208k used,
159746184k available

It doesn't seem like it can possibly be running out of swap space.

What other reasons would cause fork1() to fail with ENOMEM?

The vm system is rather fond of using ENOMEM as a generic error bucket.
If you have a way of reproducing the problem, a bit of DTrace will 
quickly turn up the reason.  I assume it's only the 32 bit version

that is failing to fork, right?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with Mercurial than with Thunderbird.
Civilization advances by extending the number of important
 operations which we can perform without thinking about them.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Changing Memory Placement Policies through a C program

2010-09-21 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 09/21/10 09:12, Kishore Kumar Pusukuri wrote:

I know how to change memory placement policies using mdb.
For example, the following is the usage to apply Round Robin policy instead of 
the default First-Touch policy:
$ pfexec mdb -kw

lgrp_mem_default_policy/W 5


However, could you tell me how to do the same through a C program, please?

Thank you

I strongly recommend NOT doing this; instead, alter this behavior
on a per-program basis w/ pmadvise or /usr/lib/

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Measuring cost of TLB misses

2010-08-23 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 08/20/10 21:21, Kishore Kumar Pusukuri wrote:

I am able to measure TLB miss-rate of a multi-threaded application
running on my multi-core AMD Opteron machine by reading performance
monitoring event counters using cpustat utility. However, I would like
to measure the amount of time spent on TLB misses? Specifically, I am
looking a way like the utility trapstat functions. Please share your ideas.

TLB miss costs (e.g. page table walk) costs can be estimated by writing
code that misses in both cache and tlb, and comparing steady state 
performance to that of otherwise similar code that misses only in cache.

Keep in mind that different size pages may take different amounts of 
time, and that modern processors do an amazing job of predicting

access patterns - so attempts to miss in cache will prob. need some
random component.

You may find
to be interesting reading...

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro

2010-07-22 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 07/21/10 15:25, Ian Collins wrote:


If Solaris Next is to be IPS based, I really really hope we will see a
viable upgrade path.  The lack of one is the biggest hurdle to IPS adoption.

In general, upgrading from UFS root w/ svr4 packages to ZFS root w/ IPS 
is a very difficult problem.  While we can imagine cases in which we

could be successful, there are a host of situations which are not
readily addressable.  Add to this the fact that most of Sun
^H^H^HOracle's Solaris customers generally do NOT upgrade from one
release to the next, because of the reproducibility problem - production
machine configurations need to be readily reproducible, and upgrading
an existing S10 patched OS is not the best way of doing this.

We anticipate developing and sharing migration strategies and tools,
but a traditional upgrade in place DVD approach is not likely to occur.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Getting current kernel thread or CPU Id in a driver

2010-07-16 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 07/16/10 08:38, Shank wrote:

   Can the function threadp() be used in a kernel driver to get the current 
kernel thread and the associated CPU Id?


Yes, threadp returns a pointer to the current thread
remember that threads migrate between CPUs w/o warning; any
references through t_cpu _must_ be done with calling thread's
preemption disabled via kpreempt_disable() (a very fast macro);
this will allow your code to safely examine the details of it's
current CPU.  Otherwise your code _will_ panic when doing
dynamic reconfiguration...

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Top Solaris developer flees Oracle- from the reg

2010-07-15 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 07/15/10 02:27, Sean . wrote:

Was just reading this on the Register myself. This is not good news
for the future of Solaris at all never mind OpenSolaris.

Many of us very much like Greg... he was a VP here, not a developer,
and he has a great opportunity that he wanted to pursue. We wish
him luck in his new role @Cisco, and we'll continue building a better
Solaris under different (but also familiar) management.

Nothing to see here folks; just business in the valley.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] whoo whoo - Oracle's net jumps 25 pct in first full Sun qtr

2010-06-24 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 06/24/10 16:09, Gary wrote:

Well, you don't make money my shoveling millions into a non-revenue
producing product (aka OpenSolaris).

But w/o Solaris, a SPARC server is an expensive means of
converting electricity to hot air.  As many of us have
stated, the next release of Solaris will be based on the
work done in OpenSolaris.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Slooooowwwww ISCSI copy speeds.

2010-04-09 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 04/09/10 12:40, Ron Mexico wrote:

I'm running a storage server on sv_134. ISCSI targets were configured with 
COMSTAR and are initiated on a Sun V480 running Solaris 10. Connection is 
gigabit ethernet with a crossover cable.

Everything is working as it should, but copy speed is slow, around 15-20MB/s.

What can I do to speed things up?

What filesystem on V480?
How is storage configued on your server?

How fast can you talk to the storage locally from the server?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [basic] cmds to discover/report hardware

2010-04-02 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 04/01/10 14:17, Harry Putnam wrote:

Marion  writes: said:

Have you checked the output of prtdiag and prtconf -v ?

Also smbios, and scanpci (in /usr/bin/X11/ on Solaris-10).


I think most or maybe all that same info is available buy running the
program `Device Driver Utility'. However see below for what happens

Does anyone know the keyboard command to run the:

Device Driver Utility

Either in the Application/System menu or in some install media there
is an icon left for `Device Driver Utility' left on the desktop.

When I try to run it from Applications/System menu I get an icon in
the taskbar saying `Device Driver Utility' is starting, but then it
never appears, and after 30 seconds or so the icon in taskbar
disappears but still never see the interface.

So how can I start it from the cmdline?

ddu as root...

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Any news about 2010.3?

2010-04-01 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 03/31/10 14:05, Karel Gardas wrote:

ZFS data corruption test by researchers:

Interesting paper. The only problem with it is that ZFS is filesystem and not 
memory-protection vehicle. If you need memory protection use ECC or more 
advanced ECC.


I find their implicit assumption that filesystem code should
expect memory to be flaky to be quite dubious.  I am tempted
to point out that ZFS doesn't also protect against CPU induced
errors or coding errors on the part of the application developer.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] How to get GUI from servers without video card

2010-03-22 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 03/22/10 11:16, Tom Chen wrote:


I have some Sun servers without video card. Is there any way to get GUI?
I am using Solaris Express nv133.


ssh in w/ -X from a workstation running X and run clients; they will
display on your workstation.  Alternatively, enable gdm in remote
mode and connect in at login on your workstation.


Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] packages required by some extras softwaree not renamed

2010-03-08 Thread Bart Smaalders

On 03/08/10 08:30, Bruno Damour wrote:

OK I understand, I cannot remove them !
Sorry for the noise
Still it would have been nicer to get SunStudioi, Openoffice, etc... depend on 
the new pkgs, guess time will come soon ;-)


Right now these packages cannot depend on the new names because the 
folks running release would be unable to install them.

Once everyone is running the SAT solver (post build 128), this sort of 
thing is much easier as the correct unbundled version would be 
automatically selected; until then we cannot make the latest version

of these unbundleds incompatible w/ older releases w/o causing

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-17 Thread Bart Smaalders

Shawn Walker wrote:

Craig S. Bell wrote:
Let me play devil's advocate: If people have the option to continue 
using the old package system (with it's action scripting 
capabilities), then could that slow adoption of the new pkg format?  
Or is that just the cost of providing compatibility?

I think those users will slowly want to move to the newer package 
system.  IPS provides a lot of additional functionality not found in 
SVR4 (to my knowledge):

 long list elided

Not to mention:

* Automated install of transitive closure of dependency graph.

* Automated detection of package dependencies part of publication
  tool chain.

* Manifest signing support that allows cryptographic verification
  of all package contents, and supports addition of signatures
  to indicate approval for installation in various contexts.

* Faceted packages allow package publishers to provide various
  locales, documentation, developer support as part of single package.
  Also allows alternate platform support to be elided for
  minimization purposes; elided portions of packages are easily

* Fast enough at generation of packages and update to allow developers
  to use native packaging rather than workarounds (bfu  Install);
  this should significantly improve packaging quality and reduce

* Elimination of alternative patching mechanism means no going back
  to repatch systems after installation of new packages; added packages
  are always correct for current revision level of system.

* Reduction of change stream development costs (no patch scripts to
  write!) offers easier opportunity to deliver tailored change streams
  to Sun customers.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Cannot load driver

2009-09-17 Thread Bart Smaalders

Joerg Schilling wrote: (Joerg Schilling) wrote: (Joerg Schilling) wrote:

After a long time, I tried again to load/run an own Solaris driver and
failed with the following messages:

Sep 17 15:24:44 opt genunix: [ID 286029 kern.notice] relocation error: R_AMD64_32: 
Sep 17 15:24:44 opt genunix: [ID 720415 kern.notice] file /kernel/drv/amd64/scg: 
Sep 17 15:24:44 opt genunix: [ID 370954 kern.notice] symbol : 

I found the solution. It works after adding -fPIC. But why is there no problem
with the solaris drivers?

Mmm this still was not the right solution as the kernel linker now linked the
variable scsi_options which is physically in genunix at 0xfbc8a1f0
to address 0xf3b2733b inside my driver. As mentioned, the real location of 
scsi_options is 0xfbc8a1f0

I I checked correctly, this seems to be nowhere in the kernel mappings:

fe00 fe01180011800 kpmseg
ff00 ff0007a0  7a0 kvalloc
ff0007a0 ff0087a0 8000 kpseg
ff0087a0 ff018720 ff80 kzioseg
ff01c720 ff01cb20  400 kmapseg
ff01cb20 c000   fdf4e0 kvseg
c000 fb7fb000 3b7fb000 kvseg_core
fb80 fbd31000   531000 ktextseg
ff80 ffc0   40 kdebugseg


Are you compiling w/  -xmodel=kernel ?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Cannot load driver

2009-09-17 Thread Bart Smaalders

Joerg Schilling wrote:

Bart Smaalders wrote:

Mmm this still was not the right solution as the kernel linker now linked the
variable scsi_options which is physically in genunix at 0xfbc8a1f0
to address 0xf3b2733b inside my driver. As mentioned, the real location of 
scsi_options is 0xfbc8a1f0

I I checked correctly, this seems to be nowhere in the kernel mappings:

fe00 fe01180011800 kpmseg
ff00 ff0007a0  7a0 kvalloc
ff0007a0 ff0087a0 8000 kpseg
ff0087a0 ff018720 ff80 kzioseg
ff01c720 ff01cb20  400 kmapseg
ff01cb20 c000   fdf4e0 kvseg
c000 fb7fb000 3b7fb000 kvseg_core
fb80 fbd31000   531000 ktextseg
ff80 ffc0   40 kdebugseg

Thank you for yout hint.

Are you compiling w/  -xmodel=kernel ?

I compile with  -Wu,-xmodel=kernel
is there a difference to using -xmodel=kernel directly?


Well, they seem to produce the same disassembler output but
different section headers.

Try it and see.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] How to move the os to anther disk (no mirroring)

2009-06-05 Thread Bart Smaalders

stephen bond wrote:

I partitioned as Harry described and still get the overlap error.
I have:

zpool will complain, because the backup partition overlaps all the
others. Use -f.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Performance issues

2009-03-30 Thread Bart Smaalders

Paul Nichols wrote:

The latest stable release is much improved from a GUI perspective.
However, this version is really slow.

Even with no GUI, the performance has really taken a hit! Any ideas
on how to speed up the latest release to acceptable performance
levels? The OS is about 2 times slower than RedHat OS now.

You're going to need to give us a hint as to what you're running on
and what you feel is slow.

This could be anything; in particular some ATI chipsets have suffered
from poor performance OOTB, but it could almost be anything given no
other data point than slow.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Performance issues

2009-03-30 Thread Bart Smaalders

Paul Nichols wrote:

Ok here are the hardware specs

I can put the info on the message, but basically it should fly!!


Processor: AMD Athlon x264 5400+
RAM: 8 GIG DDR2 PC6400
Graphics (although this is a server): 128meg NVidia GeForce 4
Microstar MB
Intel Eth0, eth1 100 Pro Server
(1) WD 7200 RPM, 500 GB
(2) WB 7200 RPM, 500 GB

Should be noted RedHat EA 5 FLIES on this machine.

OK, that's the machine specs, and indeed, it should be fast
on everything except running graphics; I think your video
card is only supported on down rev versions of the nvidia

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Performance issues

2009-03-30 Thread Bart Smaalders

Paul Nichols wrote:

Really do not care about the grapihics performance. This is a server.

However, what I do care about is performance. The earlier version of
Open Solaris for X64, was quite a bit faster on the same hardware. My
point was, yes the graphics and GUI look more polished in this
release, but the kernel has changed enough to cause the overall
performance has taken a serious hit. I wondered why?

I still have no idea what performance problems you're having.
Did you measure completion time of some benchmark?  Or is this
perception of time needed to complete a command?  Or what?

How do you know this is the kernel?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop-discuss] Poor interactive performance under heavy system load

2009-02-27 Thread Bart Smaalders

Alan Coopersmith wrote:

Joerg Schilling wrote:
Another issue: Xsun did use mmap() to allocate bigger parts of memory in the 
X server. If big memory leaking program like netscape died in former times,

Xsun did shrink. Today, we have firefox that itself allocates less memory than
before but rather forxes X to allocate more memory and Xorg is malloc() based
and this does not shrink when fireforx dies...

We had to turn down Xsun's use of mmap() because it caused performance problems
when programs like Netscape or the GNOME desktop had allocated hundreds of
pixmaps per session, and you had dozens of sessions running on a Sun Ray server
leading to TLB thrashing for all those new page mapping entries, especially on
the UltraSPARC CPU's with small TLBs.   There were also performance issues with
pixmap allocation  deallocation becoming much more expensive, since
mmap/mmunmap are far more expensive calls than malloc/free.   (See for instance,
the GNOME stock ticker issue described in the original DTrace Usenix paper,
and )

Even so, we've looked at porting those changes to Xorg before, and I released
the Xsun code to Roland at one point when he volunteered to port it, but have
never gotten it done.

What is needed is allocation technology that doesn't muck w/ the process
address space because that's expensive for long-running processes that
have migrated to every cpu on the box; you end up cross-calling lots of
other cpus, and if your clients do stupid allocation behaviors the
cross call rate goes through the roof.  On the other hand, if the pages
are no longer interesting, writing them out to swap and paging them back
in isn't very interesting either.

What may be a useful experiment is using

madvise(caddr_t addr, size_t len, MADV_FREE)

on large deallocated pixmaps:

 MADV_FREE  Tell the kernel that contents in  the
specified address range are no longer
important  and  the  range  will   be
overwritten. When there is demand for
memory, the system  will  free  pages
associated with the specified address
range. In  this  instance,  the  next
time  a  page in the address range is
referenced,  it  will   contain   all
zeroes.   Otherwise,  it will contain
the data that was there prior to  the
MADV_FREE  call.  References  made to
the address range will not  make  the
system  read from backing store (swap
space) until  the  page  is  modified
- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop-discuss] Poor interactive performance under heavy system load

2009-02-25 Thread Bart Smaalders

Marion Hakanson wrote: said:

When the system is largly idle the gnome desktop feels fast and snappy, and
interaction is very immediate. However, when I start a heavy background
process (for instance a maven build of a large Java application), CPU
utilization shoots to 100% on both CPU cores (which is good!), but my whole
desktop becomes sluggish, even mouse movement becomes erratic. 

It's not necessarily CPU contention that's making things slow.  My systems
behave this way when RAM is short;  Xorg or window-manager get paged out,
and things get jerky/erratic.

Our original prototype for the IA class back in the early 90s (!) did
influence memory allocation, but this wasn't really tenable in a 
scheduling class.  It did work very well, however.

True control of RAM given to various processes awaits the VM2.0 project,
which is currently underway.  Attempts to correctly schedule memory use
w/ the current VM system have been unsuccessful despite rather valiant

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop-discuss] Poor interactive performance under heavy system load

2009-02-25 Thread Bart Smaalders

Ignacio Marambio Catán wrote:

VM2.0? it's not the first time i've heard something like that, is
there any information about it?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Phoronix Linux vs OpenSolaris benchmark

2009-02-17 Thread Bart Smaalders

The default compilation mode of gcc and cc in OpenSolaris is
still 32 bit; since Opensolaris combines both 32 and 64 bit
architectures it was decided (during S10 development in
2004) to ship the compilers producing binaries that would
run anywhere.  For OpenSolaris, choosing 64 bit binaries
by default is equivalent to choosing to use machine-specific
code generation options by default that would confine the
use of the generated binaries to the same machine type  as
the build machine - nice for benchmarking, a little surprising
if you're building applications for others to use.

Several individuals have discussed this with the Phoronix folks,
from what I understand; apparently they feel this is a valid way
to benchmark operating systems. Were this to become commonplace,
I would expect the need for benchmark supremacy to lead to the
selection by default of every available non-portable optimization - not
very useful for anyone developing or sharing binaries rather than
shipping source. One has only to look at the introduction
(incorrectly, initially) of a cached version of getpid() in some
distros in order to beat the well-known system call overhead
measurements in LMbench a few years ago; this optimization has
no practical purpose as most binaries make very few calls to getpid(),
but was nonetheless shipped in several distros as benchmarketing

Opensolaris treats 32 and 64 bit x86 machines as being the same
architecture, Linux does not but provides some optional compatibility
components to permit running some 32bit binaries on 64 bit machines.

So, if the goal of the exercise is to determine on which platform
a naive compilation approach provides better performance, then
this benchmark is correctly coded.  If that was not the goal, then
the benchmark is badly designed, because that is what it is measuring.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [indiana-discuss] [perf-discuss] Memory leak somewhere, maybe in libc ( / SXCE b105 x64) ?

2009-02-11 Thread Bart Smaalders

Martin Bochnig wrote:

Both my version of wget shall have a bug and my version of top?
Seriously, how likely is this?
Isn't it more likely that there is a problem in a shared library that
both happen to use?

If this is reproducible, could you employ libumem to get an idea of
where the leaks are occuring?

% export UMEM_DEBUG=default
% wget  .

after a while, use gcore $WGETPID to generate a core from another
window.  Attach mdb and run ::findleaks:

: ba...@cyber[9]; mdb /usr/bin/wget core.19356
Loading modules: [ ]
080b1510   6 080f1218 checking_malloc+0x11
080a9290   1 080c6930`strdup+0x26
080a9290   1 080c69a8`strdup+0x26

   Total   8 buffers, 3872 bytes

If no leaks are found, allocated memory is still reachable
so use ::umausers to find out the pigs:

101520 bytes for 1269 allocations with data size 80:`umem_cache_alloc_debug+0x144`umem_cache_alloc+0x19a`umem_alloc+0xcd`malloc+0x2a`strdup+0x26
100880 bytes for 1261 allocations with data size 80:`umem_cache_alloc_debug+0x144`umem_cache_alloc+0x19a`umem_alloc+0xcd`malloc+0x2a`strdup+0x26


- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] isaexec?

2009-02-09 Thread Bart Smaalders

 I would say there are many systems 32-bit only (and there is some
 probability even 32-bit SPARC kernel will return). 

This is absolutely not the case.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [indiana-discuss] why gnu chmod in os2008.11?

2009-01-16 Thread Bart Smaalders
Nicolas Williams wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 03:26:20PM -0600, Shawn Walker wrote:
 tcsh is not a core Solaris package and media is not of an infinite size. 
   Software has to be selected to fit on the core media based on certain 
 goals.  Everyone has their own favourite software that probably isn't 
 installed by default.  I don't understand why pfexec pkg install 
 SUNWtcsh isn't sufficient.
 Can't it be in entire?

It is.

Entire is not a set of require dependencies, it is a set of
incorporate dependencies - they are optional, but if present
the specified version is required.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [indiana-discuss] why gnu chmod in os2008.11?

2009-01-16 Thread Bart Smaalders
Nicolas Williams wrote:

 If the upstream community won't take patches to make ls(1) and chmod(1)
 support ZFS/NFSv4 ACLs then we can always:
  - re-implement GNU options into /bin/ls and /bin/chmod
 - for chmod this is probably easy since the options that GNU chmod
   has that Solaris chmod doesn't are few and simple:

Everyone who is contributing to this email thread is encouraged to
make their opinions known via putbacks/pushes rather than email.

If the Solaris commands become a superset of the Gnu ones, then that
position becomes a fait accompli.

-= Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [indiana-discuss] why gnu chmod in os2008.11?

2009-01-16 Thread Bart Smaalders
Mike Meyer wrote:
 On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 17:42:00 -0500 (EST) Dennis Clarke wrote:
 If the Solaris commands become a superset of the Gnu ones, then that
 position becomes a fait accompli.
 Thus avoiding the entire question of whether or not that's the best -
 or even a desirable - goal.

There are lots of proposals for someone else to do work, but few
volunteers stepping up to the plate.  I'm suggesting that those who
argue in favor of extensive changes to the existing Solaris commands
can demonstrate their commitment and interest by helping out. It's not
like we have a large team here at Sun tasked w/ this (or many other)

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] How Best to Handle

2008-07-30 Thread Bart Smaalders
Ali Bahrami wrote:
 Daniel Templeton wrote:
 2) Offer a single package that includes all the tuned libraries under a 
 sub-directory and provide a way to switch among them, such as the 
 modules command (which is on our list of things to port).

 This sounds like a pretty good match for hardware capabilities.
 You can produce multiple versions of your libraries, each tagged with
 their specific hardware requirements, and then produce a shared
 object filter on top of them. The runtime linker will select the
 best library to actually load at runtime, based on your end user's
 Here's a blog that Rod wrote about the subject of object filters:
 and the Solaris Linker and Libraries guide has some information
 on the subject also:
 This will work, as long as the options you want to use
 correspond to the defined hardware capability bits.

This is the right way to proceed if you can avoid generating libraries
tuned for cache sizes, pipeline peculiarities, etc.  If you must do the
latter, you'll need to invent your own mechanisms, but keep in mind
that new CPUs are added all the time so any CPU-specific tunings have
a very limited shelf-life.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] How Best to Handle

2008-07-30 Thread Bart Smaalders
UNIX admin wrote:
 The question on the table is how we should go about
 providing optimized 
 libraries for all reasonable chip sets.
 Have you looked into isaexec(3C) (/usr/lib/isaexec)?

The applicability of isaexec to libraries is limited.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] poweroff high CPU burn?

2008-02-25 Thread Bart Smaalders
Rocky wrote:
 Unfortunately the power-off command (init 5) only works in about
 50% of cases on my snv_82 machine.  I found that some of the
 power-saving features (HDD spin-down) cause some conflicts.
 Unfortunately in some cases when init 5 has succeeded in taking the
 ^ did you leave out not

 computers power off, the system is left in a maximum burn condition;
 i.e. all disks running and CPU running flat-out; this hits maximum
 heat generation in my system.
 Any chance the CPU could be halted after the failed power-off?
 Ideally the power-off would work though.

It would be possible to make more progress with this problem
if you would tell everyone:

1) what sort of system you're running
2) where the shutdown is hanging, preferably w/ a stack trace.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
You will contribute more with mercurial than with thunderbird.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] how to disable sun cc optimization partly in program?

2007-10-30 Thread Bart Smaalders
?? TaoJie wrote:
 Dear all:
 My platform is:
 Intel Pentium 4 CPU
 OpenSolaris B74, built by myself
 Sun Studio 11
 In my program, I use asm(rdtsc) to measure the time cost between two rdtsc.
 for example:
 int some_func(...)
 long long time1, time2;
 int i = 3198, j = 324;
 asm volatile(rdtsc : =A (time1));
 i = i + j * i / j;
 asm volatile(rdtsc : =A (time2))
 return i;
 int main(...)
 When I compile this program using cc example.c and disasmble a.out
 by dis, the program logic is ok. The output is
 main+0x36:  0f 31  rdtsc
 main+0x38:  89 45 f4   movl   %eax,-0xc(%ebp)
 main+0x3b:  89 55 f8   movl   %edx,-0x8(%ebp)
 main+0x3e:  8b 45 e8   movl   -0x18(%ebp),%eax
 main+0x41:  03 45 e4   addl   -0x1c(%ebp),%eax
 main+0x44:  89 45 e8   movl   %eax,-0x18(%ebp)
 main+0x47:  8b 45 e8   movl   -0x18(%ebp),%eax
 main+0x4a:  0f af 45 e4imull  -0x1c(%ebp),%eax
 main+0x4e:  89 45 e8   movl   %eax,-0x18(%ebp)
 main+0x51:  8b 45 e8   movl   -0x18(%ebp),%eax
 main+0x54:  99 cltd
 main+0x55:  f7 7d e4   idivl  -0x1c(%ebp)
 main+0x58:  8b d0  movl   %eax,%edx
 main+0x5a:  89 55 e8   movl   %edx,-0x18(%ebp)
 main+0x5d:  0f 31  rdtsc
 main+0x5f:  89 45 ec   movl   %eax,-0x14(%ebp)
 main+0x62:  89 55 f0   movl   %edx,-0x10(%ebp)
 When I compile this program using cc -xO5, the dis output is
 main+0x7:   0f 31  rdtsc
 main+0x9:   89 45 e8   movl   %eax,-0x18(%ebp)
 main+0xc:   89 55 ec   movl   %edx,-0x14(%ebp)
 main+0xf:   0f 31  rdtsc
 main+0x11:  89 45 f0   movl   %eax,-0x10(%ebp)
 main+0x14:  89 55 f4   movl   %edx,-0xc(%ebp)
 main+0x17:  8b 5d f0   movl   -0x10(%ebp),%ebx
 main+0x1a:  8b 45 f4   movl   -0xc(%ebp),%eax
 main+0x1d:  8b 4d e8   movl   -0x18(%ebp),%ecx
 main+0x20:  8b 55 ec   movl   -0x14(%ebp),%edx
 main+0x23:  2b d9  subl   %ecx,%ebx
 main+0x25:  1b c2  sbbl   %edx,%eax
 main+0x27:  89 5d e0   movl   %ebx,-0x20(%ebp)
 main+0x2a:  89 45 e4   movl   %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)
 Now the program logic is wrong! sun cc thinks rdtscs are irrelative
 with the other parts in some_func, and then it advances the second
 In this case, I can't measure the time cost.
 Then how can I stop sun cc optimization partly between these two asm
 statements when using -xO5 optimization to the whole program?
 I mean the second rdtsc should be put after the statement  i = i + j *
 i / j strictly. (though I know the instructions will be executed in
 x86 cpu out-of-order, and the result may not be very precise, but it
 still works)
 Any good ideas?
 opensolaris-discuss mailing list

You're going to be very frustrated with this approach because:

1) rdtsc is not a synchronizing instruction; the cpu may perform
the load earlier than you think it does.
2) you'll need to bind your program to a cpu as tsc counters are not
the same at boot.

My suggestion is to repeat the activity a sufficient number of times
such that you can afford to use gethrtime() to measure the time
interval.  This is the approach we took w/ libmicro (see performance
community) and has worked reasonably well.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] So... when is Sun going to start offering SXCE/SXDE support contracts?

2007-08-02 Thread Bart Smaalders
Glen Wiley wrote:
 You or Tim had mentioned the idea of being able to support 
 checkpoints of some kind which would let more rigid environments
 take advantage of some of the more useful features with reduced risk.
 Do you see motion in that direction?

With the new packaging/software repository, we'll be able to update the
software on a machine by downloading the difference between where the
target machine and the desired end state.  Using ZFS root, this will be
completely reversible.  Once the new packaging system is part of
our mainline development environment, it would be possible to offer
a release train containing periodic large scale change, interspersed
with small scale critical fixes.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] So... when is Sun going to start offering SXCE/SXDE support contracts?

2007-08-02 Thread Bart Smaalders
glen wiley wrote:
 Thanks - that sounds perfect.  Do I understand then that Sun would offer 
 a structured (whatever that means) support mechanism for specific 
 stops on the release train?

I would expect Sun to do that.  What actually ends up happening is of
course to be seen :-).

We are building the technology to make this possible.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] So... when is Sun going to start offering SXCE/SXDE support contracts?

2007-08-02 Thread Bart Smaalders
Alan DuBoff wrote:
 On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Bart Smaalders wrote:
 With the new packaging/software repository, we'll be able to update the
 software on a machine by downloading the difference between where the
 target machine and the desired end state.  Using ZFS root, this will be
 completely reversible.  Once the new packaging system is part of
 our mainline development environment, it would be possible to offer
 a release train containing periodic large scale change, interspersed
 with small scale critical fixes.
 Would that be file based? Or would that use the internal checksums on 
 the blocks? Just curious.

The likely outcome is that the change is file based, with file 
equivalence determined by a file-type specific comparison/hash.
This allows us to handle cases where the file is alway different,
but semantically the same.  Jar archives are a typical example here.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] So... when is Sun going to start offering SXCE/SXDE support contracts?

2007-08-02 Thread Bart Smaalders
Alan DuBoff wrote:
 On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Bart Smaalders wrote:
 The likely outcome is that the change is file based, with file
 equivalence determined by a file-type specific comparison/hash.
 This allows us to handle cases where the file is alway different,
 but semantically the same.  Jar archives are a typical example here.
 You know, I was thinking about this after I sent the message, and 
 *think* that snapshots would use the checksums under the covers, so it 
 might be possible to incorporate snapshots to do a very similar thing as 
 at the block level.
 I was curious as I was talking last week with Olaf Manczak, and he had 
 been tossing around the idea of using the checksums to accomplish a 
 similar thing.
 So, in the above scenario with Jar files, are you saying that they have 
 more than one file with the same name that would get installed depending 
 on the system? If so, is that done for optimization?
 Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group

two jars that have the same content may have been created at
different times; from a functionality standpoint they are the same
but they have an internal timestamp that is different.


Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] So... when is Sun going to start offering SXCE/SXDE support contracts?

2007-08-01 Thread Bart Smaalders
Ian Collins wrote:
 Brian Gupta wrote:
 It would make it easier for some of us to deploy OpenSolaris.
 How can Sun support something that changes every couple of weeks and
 doesn't support patching?
 I suppose they could provide a help line with a recorded message please
 upgrade the the latest release :)

Well, let's see what we can do w/ a new packaging system that lets us
upgrade Solaris easily  see my latest blog entry on dim sum patching.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Rationale for 64K mmap alignment?

2007-07-30 Thread Bart Smaalders
David McDaniel wrote:
 Wondering if anyone knows the reason mmap always returns space 64K aligned on 
 32 bit sparc apps. 
 If many small files are mmap'd, lots of address space gets eaten up.
 Also, can it be changed via a knob anywhere?

The ELF alignment requirement for 32bit executables is 64k.  Since there
was no MAP_ALIGN flag for mmap, the default alignment returned from
mmap was made to be the same as the ABI-required executable requirement.

Have  you tried passing a 8K alignment requirement to mmap?  I believe
it defaults to 64k I'm not sure will do what you want, but there's
a good chance.

- Bart
Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] is audiocs being power managed?

2007-07-05 Thread Bart Smaalders
Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
 I've been hearing static-like sounds from my speakers every so often when the 
 audio should
 have been inactive; I'm thinking that it's being power-managed somehow. (sun 
 blade 2000,
 audiocs device, build 66)
 I just added the line
 device-thresholds   /[EMAIL PROTECTED],70/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL 
 PROTECTED],20 always-on
 to /etc/power.conf and ran pmconfig; there was a bit of static when I did 
 that, but so far,
 none since (although it hasn't been very long yet).
 The prtconf -v output for that device includes
 Driver properties:
 name='pm-components' type=string items=3 dev=none
 value='NAME=audiocs audio device' + '0=off' + '1=on'
 leading me to think that if nothing else, it's turned off and on.
 Having an inactive audio device power off may save me a few cents a year,
 but the unexpected noises are annoying.
 Am I on the right track?
 This message posted from
 opensolaris-discuss mailing list

If you're running a debug kernel, the audio driver will get unloaded if
no process has it open. This can happen if you're using CDE...

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris Nevada and sparcv8

2007-06-25 Thread Bart Smaalders

Steven Stallion wrote:




Actually, no.

ZFS works best with 64bit CPUs (and I can testify to that with
issues I've had on i386 PCs), so getting it to run on SPARCv8
systems is goint to mean a compromise in performance for
ZFS vs what you'll see with UltraSPARC and amd64.


No disagreement here, however we work with what we have ;) How degraded 
would the performance be using a framework friendly HBA? Essentially, 
anything over 20M/s would be an improvement over the currently installed 

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

The big issue with sparcv8 chips and ZFS would be memory bandwidth I
don't remember the figures off the top of my head, but I do remember 
UltraSPARC I to be a very significant jump in performance when it came

to moving large blocks of data from place to place.  ZFS will touch
every byte in order to do checksums.

A quick dive into google indicates that SparcStation 10s did about 
20MB/sec doing bcopy, and UltraSparc I about 170MB/sec.

Basically, you'll find an SS10 violates the assumptions upon which ZFS
was designed - fast cpus, lots of memory bandwidth.  My guess is that 
you would be quite lucky to get anywhere close to 20MB/sec...

When new CPUs with lower power consumption are 50x faster, it doesn't 
make much sense to stick w/ the old.  Keep in mind that the SS10 was 
introduced in the middle of 1992 - it's 15 years old as of last month.

It was instantly obsolete in 1995, when Sun shipped the UltraSPARC 1.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: valgrind for solaris?

2007-06-12 Thread Bart Smaalders

UNIX admin wrote:

Regarding the former, I see no reason not to include valgrind in
the Solaris multiverse, once the new packaging system kicks in.

Which new packaging system?

Several of us are actively discussing a new packaging system
for Solaris...  we're still figuring out the shape of the
elephant, but it feels like it might have legs.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: valgrind for solaris?

2007-06-12 Thread Bart Smaalders

Ignacio Marambio Catán wrote:

On 6/12/07, Bart Smaalders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

UNIX admin wrote:
 Regarding the former, I see no reason not to include valgrind in
 the Solaris multiverse, once the new packaging system kicks in.

 Which new packaging system?

Several of us are actively discussing a new packaging system
for Solaris...  we're still figuring out the shape of the
elephant, but it feels like it might have legs.

Backwards compatible i assume, is there any pre-pre-pre-draft about it?


Not yet the idea is likely to create a new packaging system
but leave the existing one in place for legacy applications/packages.

We're working on requirements, etc.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: valgrind for solaris?

2007-06-12 Thread Bart Smaalders

Shawn Walker wrote:

On 12/06/07, Bart Smaalders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not yet the idea is likely to create a new packaging system
but leave the existing one in place for legacy applications/packages.

We're working on requirements, etc.

It'd be great to see that discussion happen on the install or other
appropriate mailing list.

That's going to happen; we're trying to understand enough of the
problem space so the discussion can be fact based :-).

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: valgrind for solaris?

2007-06-12 Thread Bart Smaalders

UNIX admin wrote:

Not yet the idea is likely to create a new
packaging system
but leave the existing one in place for legacy

We're working on requirements, etc.

Where do I join? Packaging is something very important and dear to me.

We're going to put a project proposal together.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] What's the best TERM setting when working remotely from a Linux system?

2007-06-05 Thread Bart Smaalders

Alex Bennee wrote:


I've never been able to find the correct TERM magic to fix my remote terminal. My 
principle box is a Linux one with a gnome-terminal with which I ssh over to my Solaris 
box. The default term setting is xterm but this seems to have problems with 
re-drawing long lines when I edit previous commands in bash. I end up having to go to the 
start and use the arrow keys to go over the whole command to see what it displays.

I've experimented with various other settings for TERM but the best I've 
managed is to disable the multi-line display in favour of a scrolling single 
line. Most of these settings tend to cause less to complain about the terminal 
not being fully functional.

Any ideas or suggestions?

The only other magic I can thing may be affecting things is my prompt variable 

This message posted from

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

caveat - I'm no expert at this stuff

Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to ssh -X over and then
to remote display the gnome-terminal.  Remote display in the
manner you describe works fine between two Solaris machines
(of different architectures) running gnome-terminal.

Note that Solaris doesn't use /etc/termcap, it uses terminfo.
If Linux is using /etc/termcap, you may wish to use
captoinfo(1M) to convert the Linux machine's /etc/termcap
entry to a new terminfo entry and use that when logging
in remotely.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] snv_64a says 768MB RAM to play ?

2007-05-30 Thread Bart Smaalders

Dennis Clarke wrote:

I was shocked to see that my old old trusty HP Kayak XU tower was finally
at a point where it can not install Solaris. I have run Solaris 8 and 9
and 10 on it for years and years. It has two DVD burners and three SCSI
controllers, terribly simple graphics and no sound.  It just works.[1]

I burned the snv_64a DVD and discovered that the 512MB of RAM was no
longer reasonable for the installer.

I'm shocked.

Am I to understand that the x86 miniroot on there will fill up all of my
RAM and still need more?  Gee.  Time for a new machine I guess but this
one won't die and it runs Solaris 10 just fine.

So then, whats the minimal system spec that Solaris 11 is shooting for?

I'll guess 1GB RAM, 18GB of disk, 100Mb/sec ethernet and a 1GHz proc.

As has been repeatedly discussed here, the current memory requirements 
of the developer release installer are an artifact of its hurried

implementation (eg 2 jvms).  This will not continue to be the case.

I think you'll find the system to be quite usable w/ 512MB, but
heavy users will want more to prevent paging...

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris 10 error VOLTAGE_SENSOR

2007-05-30 Thread Bart Smaalders

Anne wrote:

Hi All

I received this error:

VOLTAGE_SENSOR at MB/V_+3V3STBY has exceeded low soft shutdown threshold

It immediately shuts down my entire system.

I looked at for answers. Everything they threw at me, hasn't proved

Any ideas on how to fix this error?

Perhaps you could tell us what kind of machine this is and
what version of Solaris you're running?

I found 3 hits on web pages using google

try this link:

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Packaging and package format modernization goals. (Top Priority)

2007-05-17 Thread Bart Smaalders

Brian Gupta wrote:

Going back to my initial motivation to get involved with OpenSolaris,
and trying to find a common thread from conversations both within and
without, it seems that the biggest area that needs
addressing is the lack of a modern comprehensive packaging and
distribution standard for OpenSolaris/Solaris. (This needs to be made
a top priority)

In order to do that we need a set of common goals, defining what we
expect out of our modern packaging standard. I have started with a
list below. Let's work from there and see if we can't all agree on
what is ideal.

* Must support vertical dependency trees (To ease in installation.)

E.g. packaging tools should install transitive closure of
 dependency graph.

* Dependencies must support the concept of X version or above.
* Must support the concepts of bundles and horizontal
 dependencies. This is a concept where a group of packages
 need to be installed together, or not at all.
* Must be as fine grained as possible

  this is irrespective of packaging system, aside from constraints
  engendered by poor technology...

* Must support multiple versions of individual packages

  this would need to be in separate locations, obviously.

* Must support uninstallation that will check and warn about all dependents

* Must support source packages. (With all dependency info,
 allowing an install or upgrade via source).

Why?  Does this make sense for large environments like a kernel?
Wouldn't it make more sense to point someone at an hg server?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Initial Presto prototype bits available.

2007-05-15 Thread Bart Smaalders

Norm Jacobs wrote:
The Solaris Printing team and the Desktop team have been working 
together to improve the printing experience for Solaris users.  One of 
the areas that is being addressed is printing management.  A few months 
ago, the Presto project was initiated on OpenSolaris with the aim of 
easing printing configuration management by either making it completely 
automated or as hands off as possible.

A Flash demo of Presto at work can be found at  You can download 
and install a copy of the prototype bits from

The initial prototype that is *very* rough.  It only includes the very 

 * Local USB printer hotplug support (in Nevada build 53 and later)
 * OSPM Desktop applet and preferences capplet
 * Network print queue discovery and automation

We are moving forward to include more features like...

 * Network printer hotplug support
 * Expanded OSPM capabilities (Queue management, job management, ...)
 * Network print queue advertisement
 * Print service event notification (errors, completion, ...)

For more information you can go to the Presto project page at

As always, comments, question, and participation is not just welcome, 
but encouraged.

Very cool, folks.  I like the automatic config, and I really like
the error messages for disconnected hardware after I got bit by
that late one night.

I'm looking forward to seeing this in OpenSolaris.  I think the
automatic discovery methods (Rendezvous, SLP, SMB printing, etc)
will really make nomadic users a lot happier.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Bittorrent client for Solaris

2007-05-03 Thread Bart Smaalders


Given the difficulties of incorporating the swt libraries needed
to make Azureus work on Solaris, what other BitTorrent client should
Solaris incorporate?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project Proposal: Sensor Abstraction Layer for the Solaris Fault Manager

2007-04-26 Thread Bart Smaalders

cindi wrote:

The Project

This project proposes extensions to the fault management architecture 
(FMA) to support a sensor abstraction layer for the collection and 
analysis of sensor based telemetry that can be used in fault and 
resource management.

The Problem

How do we manage raw telemetry data kept, maintained and exported by 
disparate sources for the purposes of fault, resource management and 
budgeting?  Today, there are a number of sensor collection mechanisms 
exported by the hardware and software.  For the most part, the 
information they export is hap-haphazardly presented and accessed 
according to ad-hoc operating system interfaces, per-platform methods or 
per-subsystem industry standards (SMBus, SMART and IPMI).  Using this 
data for fault or resource management is clumsy and typically requires 
low-level system knowledge baked into higher-level management applications.

Key Objectives

As part of an overall sensor abstraction layer based on our current 
fault management architecture, we can solve the problem described in 
section 1.1 and provide a better understanding of the overall health and 
usage of a system through more sophisticated diagnosis technologies and 
fine-grained observability of sensor data via common access methods. A 
sensor abstraction layer must posses:

1. the ability to alert the administrator to conditions observed by
   platform sensors that may impact the operational state of the

2. the ability to alert the administrator to conditions that resolve
   themselves as observed by platform sensors.

3. the ability to watch one or more sensors and correlate the data for
   predictive fault analysis or resource management.

4. the ability to continuously record sensor data and retrieve it from
   systems for offline analysis, future system design or development of
   more advanced diagnosis algorithms.

5. the ability for administrators and service personnel to manually
   inspect sensor values without having to understand the exact
   implementation (e.g. IPMI or SMBus).

6. the ability to connect sensor data to higher-level diagnosis (e.g.
   SMART disk data to SCSI and ZFS diagnosis engines)

7. the ability to understand and observe performance and power budgets
   based on raw sensor data.



Can we add the concept of software sensors to this?  Eg could a
web server offer #requests satisfied, for example?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris Express on the new Mx000 series

2007-04-20 Thread Bart Smaalders

Chris Steinke wrote:
Anyone here from Sun have Solaris Express working on the new Mx000 series systems yet? 

Yes.  Putbacks go into Solaris Nevada first; support for these machines
started being added around build 38, about this time last year.

I'd be curious to hear about experiences with it. Mainly because I've heard that Fujitsu 
systems had some compatibility issues with Solaris Express and you needed to use 
Fujitsu's version of Solaris. 

This may have been true (I don't know) with previous Fujitsu gear; it's
certainly not the case for these machines.

The new Mx000 series appear to be using the Fujitsu M64 processors. 

The M series I'm logged into right now reports
Sun Microsystems  sun4u Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000 Server
and is running nightly as of a few days ago... it looks like
every other big fast box, although chip speeds are a little
higher than I've seen on SPARC before:

% psrinfo -vp
The physical processor has 2 cores and 4 virtual processors (0-3)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (0 1)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (2 3)
SPARC64-VI (portid 1024 impl 0x6 ver 0x92 clock 2400 MHz)
The physical processor has 2 cores and 4 virtual processors (8-11)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (8 9)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (10 11)
SPARC64-VI (portid 1032 impl 0x6 ver 0x92 clock 2400 MHz)
The physical processor has 2 cores and 4 virtual processors (16-19)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (16 17)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (18 19)
SPARC64-VI (portid 1040 impl 0x6 ver 0x92 clock 2400 MHz)
The physical processor has 2 cores and 4 virtual processors (24-27)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (24 25)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (26 27)
SPARC64-VI (portid 1048 impl 0x6 ver 0x92 clock 2400 MHz)
The physical processor has 2 cores and 4 virtual processors (32-35)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (32 33)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (34 35)
SPARC64-VI (portid 1056 impl 0x6 ver 0x92 clock 2400 MHz)
The physical processor has 2 cores and 4 virtual processors (40-43)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (40 41)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (42 43)
SPARC64-VI (portid 1064 impl 0x6 ver 0x92 clock 2400 MHz)
The physical processor has 2 cores and 4 virtual processors (48-51)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (48 49)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (50 51)
SPARC64-VI (portid 1072 impl 0x6 ver 0x92 clock 2400 MHz)
The physical processor has 2 cores and 4 virtual processors (56-59)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (56 57)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (58 59)
SPARC64-VI (portid 1080 impl 0x6 ver 0x92 clock 2400 MHz)

Now to scam some disk space; I think I've found my private
SPARC build machine :-).

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: Packaging issues - was Re: [osol-discuss] xpg/bin/tr unexpect output on Sparc?

2007-04-16 Thread Bart Smaalders

Peter Tribble wrote:

On 4/11/07, John Plocher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Or, looking at it the other way, packages map to the
output of an independent, distributed development
team.  They are the ultimate consolidation
boundary - everything within a package is delivered
together as a unit and the package is expected to
always be self-consistent.

So what you're saying - explicitly - is that packages are only a
meaningful abstraction for the development process and aren't
designed to deliver useful units of functionality for customers?

And yet it's us administrators who have to deal with the
packaging system, while the development process is based
around features and code. I'm arguing that packaging should
be based on the functional needs of users/customers
rather than being an artifact of the development process.

Packages should represent a minimization boundary; e.g. they
are either installed or not installed depending on the
proposed use of the system.

Solaris has areas where packages are too fine-grained,
it also has areas where the packages are much too large
to be useful in this fashion.

Package refactorization is a significant amount of work,
and would be greatly aided by better tools.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: Packaging issues - was Re: [osol-discuss] xpg/bin/tr unexpect output on Sparc?

2007-04-16 Thread Bart Smaalders

Darren J Moffat wrote:

Bart Smaalders wrote:

Packages should represent a minimization boundary; e.g. they
are either installed or not installed depending on the
proposed use of the system.

Solaris has areas where packages are too fine-grained,
it also has areas where the packages are much too large
to be useful in this fashion.

and also has multiple packages for somethings where the minimization 
boundary would dictate only one due to how diskless clients and sparse 
root zones do sharing of /usr and how the installers provide for that.

That's a broken artifact of the current implementation :-(.
Note that zones directory sharing breaks packaging in new
and wonderful ways.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] xpg/bin/tr unexpect output on Sparc?

2007-04-12 Thread Bart Smaalders

I. Szczesniak wrote:

Ask yourself: What will happen if a system script encounters a file
name with multibyte characters.

Well, mostly they just work.  Sometimes there are bugs,
just as there are bugs when filenames have spaces in them.

Do you have a specific example of a problem?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] xpg/bin/tr unexpect output on Sparc?

2007-04-11 Thread Bart Smaalders

Peter Tribble wrote:

On 4/11/07, James Carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We could make the system less configurable by forcing SUNWxcu4 into
SUNWCmreq or by just removing SUNWxcu4 and putting the binaries into
SUNWcsu.  Would that help?

I like the second idea - remove the package entirely and make sure
the files are always available under any conditions.

(One could also ask why SUNWesu is a separate package.)

I was under the impression that many people found our package
breakdown already too coarse.  Is this not the case?

Perhaps Irek's concerns might be better met with a simpler
method of adding elided Solaris packages during install of
his product...

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Can not create /home/foo

2007-04-10 Thread Bart Smaalders

Darren J Moffat wrote:

Manoj Joseph wrote:


On a box where Solaris has been freshly installed, one sees this 

-bash-3.00# useradd manoj

-bash-3.00# tail -1 /etc/passwd

-bash-3.00# mkdir /home/manoj
mkdir: Failed to make directory /home/manoj; Operation not applicable

-bash-3.00# df -h /home
Filesystem size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
auto_home0K 0K 0K 0%/home

While I realize why the mkdir failed, it is confusing for a new user 
who just did a useradd to create a new user account and needs to make 
the home directory.

This morning, I saw an instance where a Linux user trying Solaris for 
the first time, found this very confusing. I am not offering 
solutions. But defaults that don't confuse a new user would be nice.

Yep we know and there is a bug logged for it.  Fancy fixing it so that 
useradd becomes aware of the automounter and just does the correct thing 
when useradd creates the home dir ?   I'll sponsor the integration of 
the fix for you if you like.

How about just fixing it so that the automounter finds any home 
directories in /etc/passwd and mounts those on demand?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Can not create /home/foo

2007-04-10 Thread Bart Smaalders

Doug Scott wrote:

Bart Smaalders wrote:

Darren J Moffat wrote:

Manoj Joseph wrote:


On a box where Solaris has been freshly installed, one sees this 

-bash-3.00# useradd manoj

-bash-3.00# tail -1 /etc/passwd

-bash-3.00# mkdir /home/manoj
mkdir: Failed to make directory /home/manoj; Operation not applicable

-bash-3.00# df -h /home
Filesystem size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
auto_home0K 0K 0K 0%/home

While I realize why the mkdir failed, it is confusing for a new user 
who just did a useradd to create a new user account and needs to 
make the home directory.

This morning, I saw an instance where a Linux user trying Solaris 
for the first time, found this very confusing. I am not offering 
solutions. But defaults that don't confuse a new user would be nice.

Yep we know and there is a bug logged for it.  Fancy fixing it so 
that useradd becomes aware of the automounter and just does the 
correct thing when useradd creates the home dir ?   I'll sponsor the 
integration of the fix for you if you like.

How about just fixing it so that the automounter finds any home 
directories in /etc/passwd and mounts those on demand?

I like it but shouldn't that be anything in getpwent(3C) rather than 

Sorry, I was not speaking clearly...

We really want our home directories today to always be /home/user
in /etc/passwd; that way things Just Work (TM) when we move from
host to host.  This does mean that we need another map to convert
from /home/barts to wherever my home directory actually is... OR we
need to change the semantics of /etc/passwd's home directory
entry to point to the user's actual home directory and use that
to drive the automounter to always force home directories to be
mounted under /home/ via either NFS or a local loop-back mount.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Can not create /home/foo

2007-04-10 Thread Bart Smaalders

Manoj Joseph wrote:

Bart Smaalders wrote:

We really want our home directories today to always be /home/user
in /etc/passwd; that way things Just Work (TM) when we move from
host to host.

I agree that it makes a lot of sense to be consistent.

But hey, the installer, by default creates the filesystem '/export/home' 
and the name seems to suggest that that is the place to house home 

Is that not the intent of that filesystem? Am I just confused? ;)


Solaris encourages users to have a single home directory across multiple
machines; I can log into any machine at Sun and my home directory is
always the same.

In order to do this, we need to use part of the namespace in the 
filesystem in a location transparent fashion; the /home automounter

map does this.  If I log into my desktop cyber (which contains my home
directory and exports it via nfs), cyber's automounter loopback
mounts /export/home/cyber/barts onto /home/barts; if I log
into jurassic the automounter there mounts 
cyber:/export/home/cyber/barts onto /home/barts and my files are

where they belong.  Thus my nis passwd entry's home directory
entry of /home/barts always works

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Fresh Install Problems

2007-04-09 Thread Bart Smaalders

I have seen a problem where a newer NVidia graphics card
would hard-hang with the nv driver (used during install
on older builds). This was with an 7900GT; the exact same
problem was also seen with Ubuntu.  Works fine w/ the
Nvidia driver...

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] xpg/bin/tr unexpect output on Sparc?

2007-04-06 Thread Bart Smaalders

Shawn Walker wrote:

On 06/04/07, I. Szczesniak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 4/3/07, Steven Xie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is this mean We should use Solaris original utilities under
 instead of posix ones under /usr/xpg/bin.
 It's really surprising. Well, we can live with it.

We can barely live with it. Solaris is a very delicate platform when
you try to rely on standards in your products. Many details which are
standard on other operating systems are optional (especially POSIX and
multibyte locale support) which makes it difficult to maintain a
Solaris port.

What other platforms are you speaking of? Linux isn't POSIX compliant,
and most of the BSDs aren't. So which ones?

And in addition, which ones don't support minimization
to the point where multibyte locales are always present?

-= Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: [laptop-discuss] PROJECT PROPOSAL - Tadpole platform support

2007-04-05 Thread Bart Smaalders

Garrett D'Amore wrote:
I would like to propose the creation of a project to incorporate various 
platform specific support for Tadpole platforms into OpenSolaris.   This 
would include core platform modules (for which I've already gotten an 
approved PSARC case), as well as power management, synaptics and PS/2 
customizations, wlan support, and other features such as ebuttons and 
other features unique to the platform.

I now have a recent code drop in my hands, which was graciously supplied 
to me courtesy of Tadpole (some of which I actually wrote while I was 
still employed at Tadpole), consisting of various kernel bits needed by 
these platforms, with a written understanding that I'm permitted to use 
this code for inclusion in OpenSolaris under the CDDL.  (And Tadpole has 
signed an SCA.)

Note also that one of these platforms, the SPARCLE, was also resold for 
a time by Sun as the Ultra 3.  (The 15 models.  The 17 models were 
from a Tadpole competitor.)

Also, a lot of these improvements may benefit other platforms.  For 
example, the synaptics trackpad support is likely to be useful on PC 
laptops, and the wlan support I have should make it possible to greatly 
improve the robustness and utility of the pcwl and pcan drivers.

Having an umbrella project will help folks who are most interested in 
these platforms participate in a more focussed way.

   -- Garrett D'Amore
laptop-discuss mailing list

I'll second this; this seems like a fine idea.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: blastwave package handling [was Re: Re: joining Sun]

2007-04-02 Thread Bart Smaalders

UNIX admin wrote:

Patches are not allowed to deliver upgrades or otherwise upgrade software on 
Patches are explicitly not allowed to deliver new functionality.

Upgrades do that.

Patches are supposed to amend existing packages in a hopefully coherent
fashion.  Whether that amendment implements a new feature, fixes a bug
or whatever is a function of the intent of the patch developer, not
any intrinsic attribute of the patch or rule at Sun.  Unfortunately,
we don't rev package version numbers when we patch them; our packaging
system is unaware of patches.

We need to make the distinction between patching and upgrading
go away; package versioning needs to be implemented.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Heads-up: ZFS Boot support for the x86 platform bld 62

2007-04-02 Thread Bart Smaalders

John Brewer wrote:

Is this URL availble  
http://fs.central/projects/zfsboot/how_to_netinstall_zfsboot out side on 
OpenSolaris site?
This message posted from

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Take a look at:

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] xpg/bin/tr unexpect output on Sparc?

2007-03-29 Thread Bart Smaalders

I. Szczesniak wrote:

/usr/bin/tr is one of the big problems in Solaris - the behaviour is
nonstandard and Sun declared long ago that fixes to support multibyte
locales are off limits because they would break backwards

So use the one in /usr/xpg4/bin.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Is the cplus_demangle call mt-safe or async-signal-safe

2007-03-19 Thread Bart Smaalders

Steve Clamage wrote:

The cplus_demangle call is mt-safe, guarded by a mutex at the outer level.
There is no external state, so I don't see how asynchronous signals could cause 
a problem.
This message posted from

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Since the code uses a mutex, it cannot be async signal safe.

A program that calls cplus_demangle in both normal and
signal context can deadlock if a thread calling cplus_demangle
receives a signal (either sync or async) and then attempts
to call cplus_demangle from the signal handler; the mutex
is already held by the locking thread.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] mq_open fails with errno EEXIST(17)

2007-03-15 Thread Bart Smaalders

Kushal Pal Singh wrote:

Hi All,
I dont know if this is the right place to post this query.

I am having problem with mq_open. I have code like below:

const int MQ_OPEN_FLAGS = O_RDWR;
mQueueId = ::mq_open (pName,MQ_OPEN_FLAGS);

In this case, mq_open is returning errno 17.

I cant understnd the reason of this error as we are tryng to open an exisiting 
mq. In what situation errno 17 can be returned if called this way(to open 
existing MQ)? I know that file already exists thats why I called the mq_open 
with O_RDWR option. In what conditions errno 17 can be returned by mq_open.

Thanks in advance
This message posted from

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

This might be better discussed on osol-code, but:

1) what version of opensolaris are you running?
2) have you written a simple test case?
3) what does truss of the test case report?
4) have you followed the code:

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: opensolaris 10 express community support Sata drive?

2007-03-15 Thread Bart Smaalders

UNIX admin wrote:

As subject content, I would like to know opensolaris
10 express community support Sata drive?
I just want to make sure whether it support SATA or
BEcause my PC only have 2 SATA drives.
Tnx in advanced.

There is no opensolaris 10 express community distro.

Solaris 10 supports SATA in PATA emulation mode (and it's pretty fast, too).

OpenSolaris and Nevada derived from it (future Solaris 11) supported SATA in 
PATA mode up until Nevada build 56 (snv_56 / b56).

From snv_56 and on, SATA should be natively supported with the AHCI framework, 
according to this document:

You can check which changes have been introduced into Nevada builds by going looking at 
flag day notices here:
This message posted from

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Whether or not your SATA drives work depends on the chipset,
and whether or not that chipset also works in compatibility mode.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] smc hangs nevada 59

2007-03-09 Thread Bart Smaalders

Patrick P Korsnick wrote:

i've launched smc under cde and gnome on a fresh nevada 59 install and it hard 
locks the machine all 3 times i tried it.  has anyone else experienced this?  
i'm gonna check and file a report if i don't see one 
This message posted from

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Are these 32 bit x86?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: RAID-Z: Just how big a performance hit does 32-bit give me?

2007-02-22 Thread Bart Smaalders

Austin wrote:
I'm currently getting !41 MB/s from /dev/zero writing to 
the filesystem, and ~50 MB/s from the filesystem to /dev/null.
It's an array of 4 IDE 7200RPM drives running at ATA100, so 
theoretically, I should be able to get up to 100 MB/sec per drive, 

Your disk performance is limited by rotational speed, not interconnect
factors.  The best you're going to see is on the order of
50MB/sec per drive.  As James Dickens noted, you may be limited
by the manner in which your drives are connected as well.  Try
dd'ing from each drive to /dev/null at the same time; this will
quickly tell you if your configuration has issues here.

I'm also wondering if the speed should be able to go 
over the maximum drive speed since I technically am writing to 
more then one drive.  I'll probably be benchmarking it later on 
my desktop by importing and exporting (3800X2, 1 GB RAM), but 
more then 64 bit will be making a difference there.

I would expect 4 drives that are capable of sustained 50 MB/sec
at the same time to yield ~120MB/sec in raidz (3+1) and
160MB/sec in straight stripping mode, based on previous experiences
and assuming adequate CPU.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: RAID-Z: Just how big a performance hit does 32-bit give me?

2007-02-22 Thread Bart Smaalders

Austin wrote:

I guess I'll just have to do a bit of experimentation.  Logically though if the 
7200RPM drives have a typical output of 50 MB/sec, an ATA100 controller should 
be able to accomidate writing to both drives on the same channel at full speed 
though I would think.  I should be able to throw a spare RAID card into my 
desktop when I test that out.  Anyone have any experience with exporting your 
pool, rearranging what channels/adapters the drives are hooked up to, and 
importing it?  Will it be that easy, or will I have to do a little bit more 
work to test things out?  I've heard many horror stories about traditional 
RAID-5 systems being destroyed when reconnected wrong.

ZFS takes care of this for you.  In fact, it will happily
cope with a drive appearing first on USB, then on FireWire
and then via IDE or SATA.

Just export the pool, and connect the drives to the new
system. Import the pool by name on the new system and ZFS
will find the drives and assemble your data for you.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] /usr/gnu project?

2007-02-22 Thread Bart Smaalders

Laszlo (Laca) Peter wrote:

Hi all,

So the /usr/gnu proposal[1] was approved by PSARC. 

And there was much rejoicing!

Obviously, the
reason for defining /usr/gnu wasn't theoretical -- it allows moving
GNU packages from /usr/sfw to /usr or /usr/gnu and it helps us
integrating more GNU packages into Solaris.  We have already seen
the first few putbacks (m4, bison).

Specifically, it proposed the creation of /usr/gnu to accept those
portions of FSF/UNESCO software that have conflicting names with
already existing binaries.  Software that doesn't conflict is
targeted at /usr/bin.  Note that there is little OSS software out
there that conflicts w/ Solaris names that is not FSF/UNESCO.

The JDS team (well, Dermot ;) is working on adding more packages
(mostly the tools required for building JDS).  Obviously, it's easier
for us to deliver these through the JDS consolidation.  However, they
really don't belong there.  Neither do some of the packages we already
deliver into Solaris, like Python, libpng, libogg, etc.

Well, consolidations are useful for software that has the same build
procedures.  In other words, unless there's a workload issue, I don't
see anything wrong w/ the JDS team delivering Python, libpng, libogg,

I think the GNU Solaris community would be a perfect place for these,
if it wasn't a community but a project (or a consolidation?).
I propose that we launch a project that aims for creating a repository
of spec files that follow the /usr/gnu rules.  Sun could pick the
packages that we want to integrate into Solaris and support, other
packages could be available from with community support

I agree that a pkg-build based open source build consolidation is
a great idea.  I see no reason to limit it to stuff from GNU, though.

How does this relate to:

SFW: If proven successful, it would gradually phase out SFW.  The idea
 is that this repository would be more inclusive (i.e. not only
 supported Solaris packages) and easier to contribute to than SFW.

We'd have to make sure things were tagged correctly so we didn't deliver
mplayer to Solaris Nevada by mistake ;-).

CCD: Again, if proven successful, supersedes it.  One big difference is
 that the CCD installs to /opt, while this repository would install
 to /usr.

/usr belongs to the OpenSolaris name space right now.  How would this 
work wrt ARC, etc?

JDS: Co-exist.  Non-desktop related tools and libs could be moved to
 this new repository.

SFE: We have 200+ spec files written by various Sun and non-Sun opensolaris
 community members here:
 Those that satisfy the /usr/gnu criterion of being listed in
 the FSF/UNESCO free software directory can be moved into the
 new repository (after some clean-up and testing).

We don't need to limit ourselves to FSF/UNESCO software

Blastwave: This project would not support older releases of Solaris,
 not even S10.  It would install to /usr and would not duplicate
 anything that is already in Solaris (especially since some of
 those parts of Solaris would be build from this repo).



So a qualified +1 :-).

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] RAID-Z: Just how big a performance hit does 32-bit give me?

2007-02-21 Thread Bart Smaalders

Austin wrote:

I installed Solaris on a computer with a RAID-Z array.  Athlon XP 2500+, 512MB 
of RAM (which I'm going to double), 4 fast (by IDE standards) hard drives for 
the array.  The speed was not anywhere near as fast in comparison to the Intel 
Marix Raid-5 on a friends WinXP system.  Would upgrading to a 64-bit system of 
comparible speed really make that much of a difference?  People have said so, 
but I haven't seen very many benchmarks to really convince me that this is that 

You didn't say how fast it goes... are those 4 separate IDE channels, or
are you using both master and slave on two?  If so, you're not going to
be happy with the performance

My 2.6 GHz dual core amd64 processor with 4 SATA drives in
raid-Z config will sustain 120 MB/sec reading running build 55.

Run 4 dd commands from the raw disk devices to /dev/null at the
same time.  This will let you know how fast the hardware will go.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Installing packages on the wrong arch (i386 v

2007-02-20 Thread Bart Smaalders

UNIX admin wrote:

On a personal workstation, you would expect
stall things in (say) /usr/bin where you can use them
directly in your PATH.

This will work for Sun and Sun packages, but will actually break for any third 
party packages, for example when trying to install them in a sparse zone.

Besides, the System V spec mandates that no 3rd party should ever write to the 
/usr, the UNIX system resources directory.

That directory is for the vendor and vendor alone to use, and must be off 
limits to everyone else, PATH convenience or no. PATH issues can be solved in 
other ways, whereas using /usr is just about one of the biggest faux-pas a 3rd 
party can make in a UNIX environment.

One of the things I'd like to suggest is that we consider
means for applications to appear in the default path more
easily than requiring users to edit their .*rc files.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Installing packages on the wrong arch (i386 v SPARC)

2007-02-16 Thread Bart Smaalders

Andrew Pattison wrote:

I stupidly spent ages this evening wondering why my newly downloaded Firefox wouldn't work, when all along I had dumped the i386 version on my Ultra 
10 - doh! pkgadd happily added it to the system without any complaints - is 
this a general feature of the way Solaris packages work, or is the package 
missing something that marks it as being for one arch or the other, or arch 

Since one architecture can serve as an nfs server for another
architecture, the packaging commands don't really question
installing different architecture packages

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Fw: An opensource Sparc system...

2007-01-30 Thread Bart Smaalders

Octave Orgeron wrote:


purple/blue led's, lit sun logo, etc. It should be extremely quiet and

The lit Sun logo is one of the coolest things I like about the SB1000. :-)

It's the feature I love the most about my SB2k:)

 That would be the glogo.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: GPLv3?

2007-01-30 Thread Bart Smaalders

Shawn Walker wrote:

I think we know that. The SUN engineers are great people to work with. The 
whole closed bins issue though is a real dog.

Yes, it's a PITA.  However, anyone wishing to code replacements
for such bins is _welcome_ to start a project to do this.  This
would be a great contribution to the community.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Samba license

2007-01-25 Thread Bart Smaalders

Alex N wrote:

Thanks for your response.

So I guess that means there is no linking into the Samba code, as that would 
GPL all of OpenSolaris in my understanding?

We build Samba on top of OpenSolaris and ship the resulting binaries.

This also means that someone can develop proprietary non-open-source extensions 
of OpenSolaris that link with OpenSolaris code, as long as any mods of 
OpenSolaris files are open-sourced, but this would not be possible with the 
Samba code.

yes, if by OpenSolaris code you mean that code that is licensed
under CDDL.

So these license distinctions are by source file I guess?

Yes.  There is code under many different licenses in OpenSolaris,
including CDDL (duh), GPL, LGPL, Apache, BSD, Mozilla, ...

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Porting Virtualbox to Opensolaris X86

2007-01-17 Thread Bart Smaalders

UNIX admin wrote:

QEMU - on the other hand - is happy with gcc and
binutils alone, which
are widely available for almost any platform.

Except that GCC generates slow, crappy code. It's a big slap in GCC team's face that Sun 
comes to i86pc as a latecomer with their compiler and trods them into the ground on their 
own home turf.

How many years has GCC been evolving on the i86pc platform ag

This sort of polarizing remark isn't exactly useful.  Gcc often
generates good code, sometimes better that the Studio compilers,
sometimes worse.  On SPARC its track record is more mixed, but
that's really more of a code generation issue.  There are many
very useful features in gcc; the support for inline assembler is
much better in gcc than in Studio, for example.  On the other hand,
most floating point code (esp. hpc) yields significantly better
results with Studio.

There are no bug free compilers.

{Open}Solaris will compile with either one, and I for one will
argue to keep it that way.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Porting Virtualbox to Opensolaris X86

2007-01-17 Thread Bart Smaalders

UNIX admin wrote:
Perhaps engineering resources that went into making 
OpenSolaris GCC-friendly would have been better spent
porting SS10 to other platforms? Were I the manager 
that had the power to decide, I would have certainly 
pushed in that direction, not the other way around.

Both the original SPARC 64 bit port and the amd64 bit port
were started with gcc.  Solaris 10's x64 binaries are
all compiled with the bundled gcc, as the Studio compilers
weren't product quality soon enough during development.

Being able to compile with gcc means that someone can
much more readily port to another architectures, such as PPC
or strongarm or ...

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] How to find the number of cores on T1 processor

2007-01-08 Thread Bart Smaalders

Nikolay Piskun wrote:

I think this is more general for all processors, but I am mostly interested in 
T1 which is 8 core 32 virtual processors. The question is, is there any 
function call, that returns the number of cores instead of the number of 
virtual processors.

Why do you care?  How will your code cope with more sophisticated
processors a year from now?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project Proposal: PRESTO - Automatic Printing Configuration

2007-01-08 Thread Bart Smaalders

Norm Jacobs wrote:


To improve Solaris approachability, specifically the print service, by
automatically (or as automatically as possible) discovering and
configuring access to directly attached, network attached, and remotely
served printers.


If we can automatically discover broadcasting MAC and Windows network
hosted printers and make them useable, and automatically/easily
setup print queues  and advertise them to Macs and Windows clients,
it would truly be a huge step forward.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Migrating User From Solaris 2.6 to 9

2006-12-06 Thread Bart Smaalders

Andrew Pattison wrote:

Sorry - I worded that badly. We're actually moving over to a completely new 
machine. Also, our existing system doesn't use shadow passwords - the passwords 
are stored directly in /etc/passwd. Can I simply copy the relevant lines from 
/etc/passwd to the new machine then?


See the pwconv(1M) command; it does exactly what you want,
I think.

-= Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] swap space allocation

2006-10-27 Thread Bart Smaalders

Gary wrote:

Is there a rule of thumb for allocating swap space on a larger machine? For example, a V1280, 12 CPU's and 48Gb of memory. 


This is a hard question; it depends entirely on your
workload.  If you don't give it much swap, any files
you put in /tmp are effectively locked in memory.  Same
with each processes heap, stack, etc.  So if your entire
workload doesn't really need the 48G, running w/ minimal swap
is fine.

On the other hand, if you have processes creating multi-GB files
in /tmp, or long running C++ parallel compiles w/ 100MB working
set per CC instance, you're going to be happier w/ swap.  Desktops
often have large working sets with some apps that don't run for
days - in this case, configuring swap really helps cut down on
memory demands w/o affecting performance very much.

Personally, I see allocating 20G of swap space in this situation
as akin to a safety valve - you may never need it, but should
things get tricky, you'll be glad you have it.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: x86 vs SPARC

2006-10-26 Thread Bart Smaalders

Gino Ruopolo wrote:

Also other sysadmin I know found the same when

switched from Sparc to Opteron...

Then you know the wrong sysadmins.


Simple test: Compile some files in parallel (dmake -j
X) on a 2 cpu box:

(1) dmake -j 2
real 1:18.18
user 1:37.05
 Load average: 1.32
dmake -j 8
real 1:12.24
user 1:37.65
 Load average: 4.32
dmake -j 64
real 1:14.06
user 1:37.90
 Load average: 11.86
me system time
. only a slight increase in user time from -j 8 to -j
I'm not talking about 32-64 copy of the same process.

100 process is nothing!
I was referring about having 10.000 - 40.000 process runnning
for a total of 60-90 GB RAM

My ---initial testing--- between a 4x880 Opteron and SF4800 12x USIII 
1200 Mhz are showing lower load on the SF4800 when more than 10.000 process running.

Anyway doing benchmark is not easy :)

Load average isn't interesting.  What is interesting is throughput...

Now, I can well believe that 12 CPUs w/ 8M caches handle
10K processes more gracefully than 4 CPUS w/ 1M caches...

What were you expecting to happen?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SIlly Question about exceptions

2006-10-26 Thread Bart Smaalders

Eric Enright wrote:

On 10/26/06, Robert Lunnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can anyone give me an explanation of what exactly would cause a signal 

Segmentation Violation - Page - Fault to be returned. The Memory region
accessed was previously accessed successfully then suddenly causes a page
fault. Is there a way to look at the page attributes of a memory 
region in

mdb or gdb ?

If it was accessed successfully and then not, there was probably a
free(3C) somewhere in between.. pmap(1) will print attributes for you.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ (1) pmap $$
6298:   /usr/bin/tcsh
08038000  64K rw---[ stack ]
0805 288K r-x--  /usr/bin/tcsh
080A7000  28K rwx--  /usr/bin/tcsh
080AE000 476K rwx--[ heap ]
D0D7  20K r-x--  


(can also operate on a core)

Note that a free using the normal libc malloc will not
cause the page to be unmapped, which is required to get
a segv.

If you mmap a file MAP_SHARED and someone ftruncates the
file, this can happen.  It can also happen if your process
simply unmaps the space itself.

Pmap should indeed show the missing mapping.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: kstat information

2006-10-04 Thread Bart Smaalders

Louwtjie Burger wrote:


Yep, I've completed my program to the point that I can sample cpu, io, memory 
and some other odd bits from kstat... using perl of course.

I'm having a problem getting some usefull swap information however... from c 
there seems to be no problem ... just the kstat version isn't that usefull.

So, I'm forced to use swap -s to sample the info into perl ... but it's not a 
nice solution.

I'm using Solaris Performance and Tools, together with a healthy dose of the 
sourcecode browser ;)
This message posted from

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

You can get useful data from the kstats. Given
two times T1 and T2 (in seconds):

(data[T2] - data[T1])/(T2 - T1) will yield the
average values of data over the interval T1 - T2.

Note that the summation interval is 1 second (internal
impl. detail).

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] kstat information

2006-10-03 Thread Bart Smaalders

I set reply-to to opensolaris-code

Louwtjie Burger wrote:

bash-3.00$ kstat -m unix -n vminfo
module: unixinstance: 0
name:   vminfo  class:vm
crtime  47.129589548
freemem 232290532919
swap_alloc  45084054035
swap_avail  952763588224
swap_free   957527836045
swap_resv   49848301856

According to the 
numbers are 'pages'.

If I use pagesize and the 'pages' to calculate, I cannot get close to swap -s 

See swapctl(2) for a simpler interface.

Note that the kstats increase forever they're added to
once a second.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory distribution?

2006-09-18 Thread Bart Smaalders

Nergal Dimitri wrote:

Is there a way to explicitly limit the amount of memory a thread may use? I 
know that I can set this for a specific process, but can it be set for a 
specific thread that this process forks?


This message posted from

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

No.  Memory usage is a property of the address space, not
a thread.  Since all threads share the same address space,
the same limits as to address space growth, etc, apply
equally to all threads.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project Proposal: Packet Event Framework (PEF)

2006-07-28 Thread Bart Smaalders

Yu Xiangning wrote:

Hello OpenSolaris folks,

I would like to open an OpenSolaris project - Packet Event Framework
(PEF), on behalf of the PEF project team.

The Packet Event Framework project is a follow-on to FireEngine, which
will provide a framework for fine-grain modularity of the network stack
based on the execution of a series of event functions as specified by
the IP classifier.

PEF will provide the following benefits:

- Better observability as the framework will support dynamic changes
  to an event vector.

- Improved performance due to:
- Smaller code footprint by executing the code needed based on
  packet classification only.
- Iterative execution of events which leads to smaller stack
- Fewer parses of the packet. Packet parsing is done once at
  classification time.

- Support for multiple vertical perimeters(squeue_t), so a packet
  can traverse from one squeue_t to the next. Currently FireEngine
  supports a single IP squeue_t requiring packet processing to use
  both STREAMS based queuing and FireEngine IP squeue_t queuing. As
  a result, a packet can be processed totally within PEF and does
  not require any STREAMS processing.

- CMT(Chip Multi-Threading) based processors will additionally
  benefit from the multiple squeue_t support through pipe-lined
  processing of a connection. Multiple cores and/or threads of a
  core can process different layers of the stack. Also, packet
  fanout of packets such that multiple packets can be simultaneously

Thanks in advance for your support!

- yxn
opensolaris-discuss mailing list


Sounds like this will improve performance significantly,
esp. as networks increase in performance faster than single
cpu cores

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: integrate GCCfss into SFW

2006-07-20 Thread Bart Smaalders

Alexey Starovoytov wrote:


In some sense this project is a supplement project to support GCCfss and gcc 4 in 
ON project, but can be considered separately.

GCCfss (GCC for SPARC Systems) is a big step forward on sparc comparing to 
Higher performance, higher reliability, internally supported.

GCCfss 4.0.2 was released in March. GCCfss 4.0.3 is about to be released.

The first idea was to propose plain gcc 4 for x86 side, but gcc needs few extra 
features to build ON, so it can't be plain gcc4. Yet another gcc branch with 
Solaris required features may be too costly.
GCCfss contains all these extras already. For sparc and for x86 it can be made 
to be built from the same source tree. It will use Sun Studio backend on sparc 
and plain gcc backend on x86. GCCfss is sort of gcc plugin that allows gcc 
front-end to use Sun Studio backend. If plugin is off, vanilla RTL backend is 
Anyway it doesn't have to be decided right now. If ON community wants plain gcc 
4 for x86 integrated in SFW, we can try to make it happen.

This message posted from

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

It seems to make sense to ship the compiler we use to build
the OS with the OS.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Removing *all* traces of GNOME from one's home dir?

2006-07-19 Thread Bart Smaalders

Rich Teer wrote:

Hi all,

How do remove all traces of GNOME from my home directory?  I'm
trying to play with b42a's GNOME 2.14.1, but from my earlier
(read: months ago) messing about, I seem to have messed up the
task bar at the bottom, such that iconised apps don't go there

I've deleted the following directories from my home directory
when logged in via CDE:

.gnome2, .gnome2_private, .nautilus, and .metacity

But when I log out and start a GNOME session, nothing seems to
have changed.  What am I doing wrong?


While not running gnome, execute /usr/bin/gnome-cleanup.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Cdrecord 2.01.01a11 in the latest snv ?

2006-07-17 Thread Bart Smaalders

Philip Brown wrote:

On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 05:19:08PM -0400, James Carlson wrote:

The original reason for /usr/sfw was to prevent users from wandering
into External (extremely volatile; not necessarily compatible from
patch to patch) software.  But with GNOME integrating into /usr/bin as
External and with the realization that the pain of torquing every
$PATH was much higher than the value (if any) gained from the
segregation, we've decided to drop the idea.

(There are other reasons behind it, but the lack of a firm grounding
for differentiation by stability was the key issue.)

Pffft. How about avoiding the Microsoft Explorer/Media Player factor?
In other words, having Sun recognize (in comparison to what microsoft did)
that yes, their customers may want to run something OTHER than the
sun-shipped browser/media player/GNOME version/

And you can... but making it harder to run the stuff Sun ships
to make it easier for experts to run other code seems like exactly the
wrong set of tradeoffs.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] ZFS Boot and Install Opensolaris Project Proposal

2006-06-28 Thread Bart Smaalders

Tabriz Leman wrote:
The ZFS boot and Install project is responsible for providing install, 
boot, and root support for ZFS filesystems on Solaris.  This project is 
still in the development phase and therefore unavailable to the 
OpenSolaris community.  Without community exposure, we believe that we 
will be missing out on a lot of great feedback and possible code 

To take advantage of all that the OpenSolaris community has to offer, 
the ZFS boot team would like to propose the creation of an OpenSolaris 
project to serve as a forum for topics related to ZFS Boot and Install.  
By doing so, we hope that the community becomes involved in using our 
project and that we can solve/address any issues that the community 
requests before our release.  If we are successful in doing so, we 
believe that we will have a better product upon Solaris integration.

The ZFS Boot Team
Lori Alt, Noel Dellofano, Tabriz Leman, and Lin Ling

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

+1... as a happy ZFS root user.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Why is newfs and ufsdump so much slower in single user mode than in run level 3?

2006-06-16 Thread Bart Smaalders

Steven Sim wrote:


I frequently conduct the following operation;

#ufsdump 0f - unmounted ufs raw device | (cd /mnt; ufsrestore xf -)

I have noticed that the above takes place so much slower in single user 
mode than in multi user mode.

A newfs operation on a local block device is also much slower in single 
user mode than in run level 3.

I'm sure there is a reason for this but it eludes me.

Also, would the mounting /mnt with the ufs forcedirectio option make the 
ufsrestore faster?


#mount -F ufs -o forcedirectio /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s5 /mnt

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

That's a weird one.

Is the /tmp filesystem mounted in single user mode?  Do
these utilities rely on /tmp files?

You might add which version of Solaris and which hardware to
help us guess more accurately :-).

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Lightweight ZFS NAS requirements?

2006-05-31 Thread Bart Smaalders

Philip Brown wrote:

you can also get the in-memory footprint down to about 64megs of RAM.
this should be way under your requirements. It should be trivial to get a
cheap small machine that has a 1ghz cpu with 128megs RAM, and that should
be more than plenty for your needs.

Given the cost of RAM, I don't think attempting to run ZFS in
minimal memory makes sense.  Stick 1 GB of RAM in the machine and
be done w/ it.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Using lofs to overlay single files (like /lib/ ...

2006-05-31 Thread Bart Smaalders

Roland Mainz wrote:


Is there a way to overlay single files using lofs like /lib/
is a lofs-mount to a hardware-optimizsed version version ? I tried the
same using mount but it refuses to operate on single files... ;-(
How does the boot process get this working ?


Take a look at /lib/svc/method/fs-root; that's what does the
mounting for libc.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: GCC Issues, was (Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Adobe Acrobat for Solaris x86)

2006-05-31 Thread Bart Smaalders

David J. Orman wrote:
Unfortunately, I absolutely have to agree here. With a dualcore cpu, 
multiple gigs of ram, and a 7900GT (which Nvidia assured me was 
supported with their binary driver), Solaris was *unusable* for me as a 
desktop due to this lag being described. It's almost like a 
stuttering. I saw it on network activity and hd activity *i think*. It 
was so terrible, I didn't even bother trying to diagnose it. I'm willing 
to give it another shot if somebody wants to help me figure out what the 
issue is. It's occured on lots of different hardware for me though, 
everything from old athlon xp systems to this current beast. All with 
Nvidia video cards, all using the binary nvidia driver. Oh, and intel 
1000g ethernet cards. It's the *only* thing keeping me from deploying 
Solaris on my desktop as my primary development/administration platform. 
Help me!

Weird.  You see this on all sorts of hardware including dual core
machines.  What kind of hardware are you seeing this on now?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] pthread_cancel() does NOT work with several threads

2006-05-30 Thread Bart Smaalders

Luo Kai wrote:

See the following code:

#include sys/types.h
#include unistd.h
#include pthread.h
#include stdio.h
#include sys/resource.h

pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

void *func(void *a)
pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex);
return NULL;
int main()
int ii;
pthread_t tid[3];

for(ii = 0;ii  3;ii++)
pthread_create(tid[ii], NULL, func, NULL);
printf(tid = %d\n, tid[ii]);

for(ii = 0;ii  3;ii++)
printf(cancel = %d\n, pthread_cancel(tid[ii]));

for(ii = 0;ii  3;ii++)
printf(join = %d\n, pthread_join(tid[ii], NULL));

$CC -o test test.c -lpthread
tid = 2
tid = 3
tid = 4
cancel = 0
cancel = 0
cancel = 0
join = 0

main thread is blocked by pthread_join() for the thread with thread id 3.
I am wondering why pthread_cancel() can successfully cancel the thread with 
thread id 2, but it can not cancel the threads with thread id 3 and 4. Threads 
2, 3, 4 all were being blocked on pthread_cond_wait() before being cancelled, 
and pthread_cond_wait() is a cancellation point.

I tested the code on both Sparc/solaris10 and linux and both platforms have the 
same issue.
This message posted from

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

From the pthread_cond_wait man page:

 A condition wait (whether timed or not)  is  a  cancellation
 point.  When  the  cancelability enable state of a thread is
 set to PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, a side effect of acting upon
 a cancellation request while in a condition wait is that the
 mutex is re-acquired before calling the  first  cancellation
 cleanup handler.

 A thread that has been unblocked because it  has  been  can-
 celed  while  blocked  in  a  call to pthread_cond_wait() or
 pthread_cond_timedwait() does not consume any condition sig-
 nal that may be directed concurrently at the condition vari-
 able if there are other threads  blocked  on  the  condition

My guess is (since the stack traces are the same) that this hold
true whatever the type of cancellation is... so a correct program
would have a cancellation handler to release the mutex.  Note that
in real life this would be complicated by the fact that cancellation
could occur before the mutex was grabbed I strongly recommend
not using async cancellation; it's extremely difficult to use

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Sequencers/music editors on Opensolaris

2006-05-22 Thread Bart Smaalders


*) If I understand you you correctly and you like to see a tool that is able to
do this with any unknown random feature. You would always hand code tests for 
some of the OS features.

Well, in some way.  But you could have a library with a lot of common
features and symbols.

People also do not test for all the things they use (which is wrong
but also cumbersome; all you can really rely on, I think, is the ANSI C
library function set.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

So what is needed is a tool that examines a working program
and it's libraries, and produces a configure script. It would
flag functions that have no configure support or that are known
not to be portable.

This would mean that properly written configure macros for
various features would need to be generally available.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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