Re: [opensuse-factory] AVM/SUSE/Novell long-term relationship endangered

2006-02-16 Thread Martin Schlander
I'd recommend reading this. It describes some of risks associated with having 
the closed, binary modules in the kernel.

I was skeptical about Novell's approach before reading it - but now I agree 
with it more.

Martin Schlander / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Re: [opensuse-announce] SUSE Linux 10.1 Beta4 seeks adventurous experts and their *test* systems

2006-02-18 Thread Martin Schlander
> I'm relatively new to torrents, I used torrent for the first time with Beta
> 3... If I download the iso images from FTP, can I pause the torrent and
> overwrite the files, thus providing more for the scavengers to pick from?
> My understanding is the iso's from FTP and torrent must be identical...

I tried this - apparently it works.

I use Azureus as bt-client - and did the following:

Stop the download > copy the ftp/http downloaded iso to bt-download folder > 
right click the download in Azureus > Select "check" (I guess, kontrol in 
Danish), Azureus will control the data > Start the download again.

Azureus in my case now showed 20% finished and cd3 which I had put in was 
shown as complete. Only in the downloaded column it still only said 15 megs.. 
but that's not important..

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Re: [opensuse-announce] WARNING about FACTORY ftp installations

2006-02-19 Thread Martin Schlander
On Sunday 19 February 2006 21:23, Peter Czanik wrote:
> 10.1 promises to be the best SUSE release ever 

It really looks nice.. I would like to note the following:

- Installation with Danish language only needs cd1-3. (Earlier betas needed cd 
5 also, is the cd-layout changed so that standard gnome/kde installation in 
all languages can be done from cd1-3? A lot of people ask about this in 

- Konversation (IRC-client) is installed by default with KDE-installation, a 
small thing - but real nice nonetheless (though I wonder why it's 0.18 and 
not 0.19)

- I also really like that you can specify URLs for installation sources in the 
GUI - in stead of having to enter protocol, server name, directory - this 
makes life a lot easier both for users - and for those of us who take the 
time to help noobs.

- I liked that you're offered to enter hostname during installation

- I'm looking forward to learning more about Rug - and generally for the 
package manager to be more usable.. 

Plus I also like a lot of the things that appeared in earlier betas - 
beagle/kerry, possibility to test screen-settings with sax2 during the 
installation, networkmanager..

This truly does look promising. My thanks and appreciation to everybody at 
SuSE working on 10.1 - and everybody who's posted bugs or wishes/feature 

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Re: [opensuse-announce] WARNING about FACTORY ftp installations

2006-02-19 Thread Martin Schlander
On Sunday 19 February 2006 22:16, houghi wrote:
> The CD-rom is unaccesible under at least KDE, even if it is the same I
> installed with. I go "My Computer" and then CD-Rom. When I go to /media it
> is seen as xmms_audio_cd. This is the change from subfs.

Just noticed - no cd-rom icon in "my computer" with me at all.. there is a 
floppy icon however - but there's no /dev/fd-anything..

> Also I do not like the fact that half of my [CTRL][ALT][F1] is unused. I
> do like the look, just not the fact that it takes so much place.

Try ctrl+alt+f2 .. with me the terminal there is "fullscreen"

Seems we can't rest on our laurels.. back to testing and reporting.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Desktop Icons for KDE

2006-02-22 Thread Martin Schlander
On Wednesday 22 February 2006 11:48, Marcel Hilzinger wrote:
> Who likes them, who does not? Is there any technical problem doing so?

I like to keep the removable media in "My computer". Not as messy I think.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Software Remover

2006-02-22 Thread Martin Schlander
On Wednesday 22 February 2006 13:56, Marcel Hilzinger wrote:
> Bugzilla or wait for next beta?

Probably wait for next beta.. the message said: "Only report packagemanager 
bugs if they're related to the resolver"


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Software Remover

2006-02-22 Thread Martin Schlander
On Wednesday 22 February 2006 14:22, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> Bugzilla, please.

Probably Andy Jaeger knows what he's talking about, more than me.. ;)


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Re: [opensuse-factory] SUSE Linux Beta5 is delayed

2006-02-23 Thread Martin Schlander
On Thursday 23 February 2006 14:13, Kevin R. Garand wrote:
> I am wondering how updates are being done now.  Do we still set an 
> installation source (repository) and update 

There are two kinds of updates on SuSE.

1) Security updates, handled with YOU 

2) Updating to unsupported ("unstable") or 3. party packages from various 
installation sources, handled with Software management.

This basically hasn't and won't change. But..

SuSEwatcher/YOU will be/has been replaced - with something that none of us has 
really been able to test yet.

"Software management" is also undergoing some major changes - and specifically 
in beta4 it has very little functionality - among other things with respect 
to installation sources and updating. So what you want to do - especially 
being new to this - is relax for now and check out beta5 which is expected to 
be released tomorrow..

Hopefully with a package manager ready for some heavy duty bug testing ;)


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Re: [opensuse-factory] SUSE Linux Beta5 is delayed

2006-02-23 Thread Martin Schlander
On Thursday 23 February 2006 14:43, Kevin R. Garand wrote:
> I went and added the ftp respositories to installation source, and it
> verified and said it was okay, but the second I chose okay and it
> closed, I would immediately go back in, and it had disappeared. 

This is a (known) bug - not a change.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] GNOME in 10.1

2006-02-28 Thread Martin Schlander
On Tuesday 28 February 2006 13:55, houghi wrote:
> At a certain moment there is a version freeze. 

Perhaps this date should reevalutated for 10.1. 

I don't suspect that the current delays due to the packagemanager issues were 
anticipated at that point. Not only Gnome 2.14 but also KDE 3.5.2 will likely 
be released before 10.1 the way things are looking.

In my opinion it would be worth it, delaying final release a week or two in 
order to include these. Of course I have very little knowledge of the work 
that goes into this and organizational problems it might cause. Probably 
Gnome 2.14 is more of a problem than KDE 3.5.2 since this is only a 

SuSE 10.1 could end up appearing "dated" compared to for example Ubuntu 6.04 
and FC5.


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[opensuse-factory] Minimal graphical installation - a couple of weird experiences

2006-03-08 Thread Martin Schlander
Just out of curiousity I thought I'd check out a minimal graphical 
installation. I came across a couple of surprises.

It has been communicated that minimal graphical installation only requires 
cd1. At the desktop chooser screen I clicked other > then minimal graphical 

To my surprise I could see at the package installation screen that cd2 is 
needed. I figured this might be because I chose Danish language.

After installing from cd1 the machine reboots and then asks for cd2 - about 18 
megs of packages are installed - none of them having to do with Danish 
localization - instead the packages installed are among others windowmaker, 
glibc, rsync, xmset, lsb. 

I assume this is a bug - but since I've never done a minimal graphical install 
before I thought it might be me who messed up or misunderstood something. 
Shall I report it?

The other thing that really caught me by surprise was that the installation 
correctly identified my Phillip 17" tft, 1280x1024.

When I installed beta6 on the exact same hardware the other day (KDE standard 
installation) it threw a 15" no name monitor 1024x768 at me - beta4 and 10.0 
do the same thing - but somehow minimal graphical installation of beta6 gets 
it right.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] NetworkManager?

2006-03-08 Thread Martin Schlander
On Tuesday 07 March 2006 19:07, Frank-Michael Fischer wrote:
> It's part of the factory tree already and therefore part of the distro

In my opinion it should be on the cds to be considered part of the distro. 
Ndiswrapper *and* kmp's (at least ndiswrapper-kmp-default) are crucial to 
many people. 

Will everything that's in factory now be on 10.1-final inst-sources?

James Ogley wrote:
> NetworkManager supports whatever network devices the kernel does, so
> all you need to do is setup the NDIS driver in ndiswrapper and you're
> away.

I believe this to be true, but I can't get my Linksys (bcm4306 chipset, using 
ndiswrapper) to connect using (k)networkmanager - if I choose traditional 
method via ifup in yast nic module it connects fine (For testing purposes I'm 
using no encryption and dhcp - should be simple enough).

Whether this problem is networkmanager<>ndiswrapper, networkmanager or 
knetworkmanager I don't have the slightest idea - but something isn't working 
right. I suspect some of the other people in this thread have had similar 


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Re: [opensuse-factory] zen-updater

2006-03-17 Thread Martin Schlander
On Friday 17 March 2006 18:14, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> So, with zen-updater (which should be configured out of the box
> correctly - and that's a bug already), go to configure and add
> e.g. factory as YUM repository,

When adding installation sources in the yast module are they supposed to be 
added automatically with Zen and Rug also? Or do you have to add them to all 
three frontends seperately?

And by the way, let me say that I'm very positive about 10.1 again, after 
briefly testing beta8 - for the first time I see real progress with the 
package manager, though I've already encountered a couple of bugs that I'll 
be reporting if no one beats me to it. 

Even though things are looking a lot better perhaps it's a bit optimistic that 
one more development release will be sufficiant - but we'll see, for now I'm 
thrilled that b8 is near usable ;)


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Factory Media Exception Error

2006-03-18 Thread Martin Schlander
On Saturday 18 March 2006 10:45, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> with Beta 8, I can't add the factory repository. I've tried rug and YaST
> This is not yet a known bug - file it with component "libzypp",
> Andreas

I've added Factory ( to yast installation sources seemed to 
work fine - installed a couple of packages from it with YaST sw. Though I was 
having problems installing with rug but I'll look into that a bit further 
before deeming it a bug.

Perhaps this is not the place to make wishes/feature requests - but I was 
wondering if it were possible to have a popup message box - perhaps even with 
a progress bar - when downloading repodata.. 

In my experience noobs dont understand that package info for thousands of 
packages is not downloaded in a split second on a 128 kbit connection ;) 

A lot of times people simply think that YaST has frozen - when it is actually 
downloading or refreshing repodata.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Conflicts only resolvable one by one?

2006-03-21 Thread Martin Schlander
On Tuesday 21 March 2006 09:48, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> Andreas Vetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I just tried to install as many packages as possible and found something
> > very annoying: Conflicts are only shown one at a time. You can not solve
> > several conflicts at a time like before.
> >
> > Should I file a bug or is this intended behaviour?
> Please file a bug,
> Andreas

I have a similar question. 

I chose to install xmms with yast sw (beta8) - apparently xmms depends on 
xmms-lib which is also installed. This is all very nice - except in earlier 
versions of SL you would be informed of dependencies before they're installed 
- enabling you to change your mind - or at least know what's going on before 
it's too late. 

Is this behaviour a bug or is it intended? - that dependencies are installed 
automatically without "consulting" the user beforehand. 

I prefer the old way. Though I'm aware that some users panic when yast asks 
them any questions whatsoever.

Of course in the xmms case it's not important - but if I (or some other user) 
were to by accident install some GNOME-package and thus installaing 100s of 
megs of dependencies without warning it would be a problem.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Conflicts only resolvable one by one?

2006-03-22 Thread Martin Schlander
On Thursday 23 March 2006 00:36, Azerion wrote:
> I hope SUSE won't have the same.
> "Something tells me Fedora could have gone through a longer test cycle to
> iron out these quirks,"

Well, most of the problems with 10.1 seem to be related to the packagemanager.

The upside of the packagemanager issues is that we've had - and have - a lot 
of time to test other things extra thouroughly. Gotta try to look at the 
bright side of things.

At least in beta8 the packagemanager is greatly improved over earlier betas. I 
personally won't panic until I see rc1.. and I trust the good people at SUSE 
will do the right thing in terms of re-evaluating the release schedule if 
it's necessary at that time. 


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Re: [opensuse-factory] State of 10.1 (Was: Re: [opensuse-factory] Conflicts only resolvable one by one?)

2006-03-24 Thread Martin Schlander
On Thursday 23 March 2006 21:46, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> I'm currently trying to get an overview of where we are with SUSE
> Linux 10.1.  If you have issues that you consider real showstoppers,
> please tell them here publically - with bugzilla numbers if possible.

- Networkmanager unable to connect to unencrypted networks:

- Ressource consumption of the package manager:

I'd like to add to this that I just tried to add factory to rug:

rug sa --type=yum 

The progress bar stopped at 33% - but my harddisk, cpu and ram (512 megs) 
consumption ran amok - using at a time all my 500 megs of swap - I powered 
off after 20 minutes as I couldn't get it to stop - not even 
ctrl+alt+backspace would do it. 

Am I the only one to experience something like this?

Generally it seems to me that the packagemanager - whether using rug or yast 
is considerably slower and more ressource demanding than before - and it's 
not like it was blazingly fast then.

Another thing is that I had already added factory as a yast installation 
source - but it does not show up in "rug service-list" as I believe it 

The urls for yast and rug seem to be different as rug needs the last /suse - I 
wonder if this has any relevance.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] State of 10.1 (Was: Re: [opensuse-factory] Conflicts only resolvable one by one?)

2006-03-24 Thread Martin Schlander
On Friday 24 March 2006 18:42, Azerion wrote:
> Lot of work to go but I see that the last 3 days some things are going a
> lot faster then before...

Ok, maybe I should've mentioned that I'm still on beta8.. only updated the 
kernel - which was updated without warning as a dependency I assume - when I 
installed ndiswrapper-kmp ;)

I'm sensitive to the logistic and financial issues Andreas mentioned in 
another thread. This is a very difficult situation.

If 10.1 is shipped with a bunch of more or less troublesome bugs how many of 
these can be expected to be patched via updates?

If a lot of these issues are expected to be patched up within the first couple 
of weeks after release this would relax me a lot.

Maybe also the new release cycle should be reconsidered. If 10.1 is shipped in 
a rather buggy state - then 8 months is a long wait - maybe it should be 
considered going back to 6 months for 10.2 if 10.1 is not really up to par.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] zen-updater

2006-03-28 Thread Martin Schlander
On Tuesday 28 March 2006 12:24, Simon Crute wrote:
> On Friday 17 March 2006 20:13, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> > The yast installation-source module is currently enhanced so that
> > everything added there is seen by rug/zen as well, the other way might
> > not work :-(
> I don't see that on a default install. When you do a network install, your
> network installation source isn't there in the rug service list. Are you
> saying it should be? I've tried removing and adding back in the network  
>installation source, and that isn't added into rug as a service either. 

This doesn't work for me either - adding factory and extra to yast 
installation sources didn't make them appear as rug services. Using the  

I then tried adding the yum-URLs to YaST installation sources module (same 
URLs + /suse). This way the installation sources didn't work with neither 
YaST nor rug. YaST never gave an error message - but no packages were 
available - except the ones al ready installed - and it started *really* 
fast ;)

Should this be bugreported? 

Sorry for asking - but I'm a bit uncomfortable reporting bugs for things when 
I don't have the faintest idea how they're supposed to work.

This is all on beta8 - haven't updated from factory since beta8 cd install.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] opensuse-commit up & running

2006-03-29 Thread Martin Schlander
On Wednesday 29 March 2006 13:20, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> And yes, this week we'll have Beta9, I've took the comments received
> on the list into account. 

Don't know whether this is good or bad news - I was hoping for a miraculously 
stable rc1 at the end of the week ;)

But guess an extra beta is for the best.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Beta9 Minimal Install

2006-03-31 Thread Martin Schlander
On Friday 31 March 2006 16:50, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> Chad Groneman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> The distribution comes with 5 CDs.  You need:
> >> * CD1 only for a minimal text installation (English)
> >> * CDs 1-3 for a default KDE or GNOME installation in German or English
> >> * All CDs for other selections
> >
> > I just did an i386 minimal text install, it took approx 450 MB from CD1,
> > but also required about 3 packages from CD2. Should I file a bug report?
> Yes, please do - and name the 3 packages (check the end of
> /var/log/YaST/y2logRPM).  Assign it to me, I'll take care of that,

How about the minimal graphical install? It's not mentioned in the above 
layout. How many cds should be needed?

Someone told me cd1 should be enough - but I tried to do it on an earlier beta 
and it also needed a few packages from cd2 - among others windowmaker, 
glibc, rsync, xmset, lsb - a total of 18 megs (harddisk space I believe). It 
would be nice if all the packages for minimal graphical install could also be 
fitted on cd1.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Beta9 Minimal Install

2006-03-31 Thread Martin Schlander
On Friday 31 March 2006 17:55, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> > It would be nice if all the packages for minimal
> > graphical install could also be fitted on cd1.
> We cannot make everybody happy - there are too many different
> constraints.

No problem, just liked to know if it was intended. As long as I have KDE 
you're making *me* very happy - so don't worry about that.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Package Sugestions and Driver request for SUSE 10.1

2006-04-01 Thread Martin Schlander
On Saturday 01 April 2006 02:32, Nathaniel Dube wrote:
> First off

Use for bugreports.

Bugreports for 10.0 are not high priority any more - mainly security fixes are 

10.1 is late in development process - except for the package manager. You 
should try that out and report the problems you might have with that - if any 
- that would be a lot more helpful:

How to use Ndiswrapper:

MythTV on SUSE:


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Re: [opensuse-factory] KMyMoney & OFX/Online Banking

2006-04-01 Thread Martin Schlander
On Saturday 01 April 2006 12:30, Nathaniel Dube wrote:
> My question is, will I see this newer version in the up coming SUSE 10.1?

No. 10.1 is late in development. Feature freeze was almost 2 months ago. No 
newer software will be included - and thus "supported". 

However I guess you can expect future kmymoney-releases to turn up on the 
supplementary kde-update repository - and perhaps also on 3. party packager's 
repositories (Oc2pus currently has kmymoney 0.8.3).


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Re: [opensuse-factory] SUSEPlugger or KDEPlugger?

2006-04-01 Thread Martin Schlander
On Saturday 01 April 2006 13:07, Nathaniel Dube wrote:
> If SUSE 10.1 is coming with the newer KDE how is SUSE going to deal with two
> technologies that does the same thing?

10.1 comes with KDE 3.5.1. Only the KDE technology for handling removable 
media is used by default. 

Since you have obviously updated 10.0 to an "unsupported" KDE version you can 
easily disable the SuSEplugger or wichever you prefer.

Since you seem to have a lot of questions and ideas for 10.1 I'd suggest 
making a 4-8 gb partition and trying out the beta for yourself. Package 
manager aside it's very nice.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] add-on ISO for beta 9

2006-04-01 Thread Martin Schlander
On Saturday 01 April 2006 17:33, Glenn Holmer wrote:
> I just did an install of beta 9, and I was able to get the installer to
> recognize the add-on CD (...Addon-BiArch.iso) at the beginning, but he
> made me swap numerous times between CD 1 and the add-on CD during
> install.  This won't happen in the final version, will it?

It's mentioned under most annoying (known) bugs.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Installation source operations take a lot of time

2006-04-14 Thread Martin Schlander
On Thursday 13 April 2006 20:42, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> Please open a bugreport and CC me on it.  Yes, there should be some
> message.

That would be a duplicate of a report I filed earlier - though i filed it as 
an enhancement - not a bug.


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[opensuse-factory] texteditor and beagleindexer

2006-04-17 Thread Martin Schlander
A couple of quick questions about 10.1rc1 w/ KDE:

After Pico was moved to non-oss section, I'd expect Nano to be installed by 
default instead - but it isn't. This means there's no console text editor 
installed by default - at least when installing from 5 cds. I think this is 
almost a bug - or am I missing something?

Also on my 10.1rc1 I notice that the beaglein-process is running amok on my 
hard drive - even though I haven't activated the beagle indexing daemon with 
Kerry. I don't remember this behaviour on earlier betas - it's rather 
annoying on slow and noisy hard drives - like on my laptop. Anyone else got 
this problem? Bug or intended?


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Whilst I'm looking forward to RC2 ...

2006-04-20 Thread Martin Schlander
On Thursday 20 April 2006 22:10, Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:
> > Perhaps I'm just whining or venting some steam, but the aggressive
> > release-schedule isn't doing me much good.
> I too am very concerned about this and agree 1000%.  I wonder the same
> thing.  I do not want to complain but I have real concerns.

It's not long ago we went from weekly to bi-weekly releases ;)

I think that was a correct decision though.

However I don't think there are many lessons that can be learned from the 10.1 
development process. Other than too much new immature stuff has been put in, 
if SUSE Linux is supposed to be a nice stable distro in it's own right - and 
not just a SLED test platform. However I trust that the problems we're 
experiencing now won't happen again next time around - 10.1 is an 
extraordinary release. I expect 10.2 won't be nearly as hard on testers and 
devs as 10.1 has been/is. 

I hope I'm not kidding myself ;)


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Re: [opensuse-announce] SUSE Linux 10.1 RC2 Release

2006-04-22 Thread Martin Schlander
   On Saturday 22 April 2006 12:33, houghi wrote:
> Is there some way of checking if the iso's I made are correct in size and
> so on before I start and try to install them? e.g. CD2 is 377M in size.

At the end applydeltaiso outputs the md5sum of the new iso. You can compare 
that md5sum with these:

My new cd2 (i386) is 634 megs however.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Re: [opensuse-announce] SUSE Linux 10.1 RC2 Release

2006-04-22 Thread Martin Schlander
On Saturday 22 April 2006 12:58, houghi wrote:
> I don't see a `last line` as it is in a "for I in ..." :-/

It should look something like this (cd5)

xfntjp.noarch (bzip): applying delta
xml-commons-apis.noarch (bzip): applying delta
xml-commons-resolver.noarch (bzip): applying delta
xml-commons.noarch (bzip): applying delta
iso sucessfully re-created, md5sum: 19285e1d6ba62e50e89093660275fcc0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/download>


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Re: [opensuse-factory] 10.1 box artwork

2006-04-23 Thread Martin Schlander
On Sunday 23 April 2006 17:09, jdd wrote:
> Do we have a copy of the 10.1 box artwork? I would really
> like to have it on the main page when final is out, very
> soon :-)

I've been looking for a picture of the 10.1 boxset too - for my danish SUSE 
Linux beginner's guide.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] 10.1 box artwork

2006-04-23 Thread Martin Schlander
On Sunday 23 April 2006 18:13, Thomas Leineweber wrote:
> but: I found an online-version:
> or

Thanks. Looks exactly like 10.0... :)


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Cannot see my WLAN cards in YAST2

2006-04-23 Thread Martin Schlander
On Sunday 23 April 2006 20:13, Thomas Astleitner wrote:
> I've installed 10.1 RC1 of OpenSuSE and just wanted to configure my WLAN
> network cards, one manufactured by D-Link, one by Netgear. But both of them
> don't appear in the network card configuration applet of YAST2.

Not sure if it's the YaST2 module that you refer to as applet or not - or do 
you refer to the NetworkManager applet running in systray (which is not 
yast-related directly)?

However the important thing is not the manufacturer of the cards, but the 
chipset on them (check that with # lspci or # lsusb).

But I have the problem too. My Linksys card (Broadcom chipset) using 
ndiswrapper for driver does not appear in the YaST nic module. This is a 
problem as NetworkManager doesn't work very well for me either. I've been 
hesitant to reporting this as a bug because I'm using ndiswrapper - though my 
wlan nic works fine with yast2 on 10.0. 

But since other people seems to be having the same problem maybe.. 

I haven't tested this with rc2 though - since I chose to install that on my 
desktop this time around.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Cannot see my WLAN cards in YAST2

2006-04-23 Thread Martin Schlander
On Sunday 23 April 2006 22:35, Thomas Astleitner wrote:
> So do you agree with me that this may be a YaST problem?

Could be. Sorry about not reading your first mail thouroghly enough ;)

Your problem is not the same as mine then, but you've given me an idea.

My bcm4306 pcmcia wireless using ndiswrapper, appears in ifconfig and is 
detected by networkmanager. But is nowhere to be found in YaST2 NIC-module. I 
would like to use ifup, as NetworkManager will not connect using 

Should I report this as a bug? Or is this a well deserved penalty for owning a 
crappy Broadcom card that only "works" with ndiswrapper?

In 10.0 using the same card + ndiswrapper/windowsdriver it works well with the 
YaST NIC-module (except for the occassional freeze - but that is definitely a 
ndiswrapper issue)


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Cannot see my WLAN cards in YAST2

2006-04-24 Thread Martin Schlander
On Monday 24 April 2006 14:28, Mauricio Teixeira (netmask) wrote:
> I have one Linksys WPC54G, but my network is WEP, so I can't say
> anything about WPA, but I can tell you that if you want to use your card
> with ifup, you can manually add it on YaST, and associate with
> ndiswrapper module, because YaST can't see it automatically.

Very nice. That wasn't hard at all. After adding my pcmcia wlan manually to 
YaST I can connect with wpa using ifup-method without any problems.

Once you get around those rough edges 10.1 is starting to look pretty good ;)

Thanks for the help, one less thing to worry about. I still wonder if this is 
somehow a bug though - as I don't have to add my wlan nic to YaST manually in 


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Cannot see my WLAN cards in YAST2

2006-04-24 Thread Martin Schlander
On Monday 24 April 2006 19:03, Thomas Astleitner wrote:
> So would you be so kind to post a bug report?
> I'd appreciate if you would keep me up to date what the programmers say
> about that or if at less you can send me a link to the bug thread once you
> have posted.
> To chipsets: I don't think that those network cards are very exclusive.
> Exactly for this reason I bought me cards from known manufactures as
> Netgear and D-Link. But for your bug report you can use the informations I
> gave you in my first eMail.
> If you have further questions for your report, please feel free to involve.

I've reported my problem. If you believe that our problems are related you can 
add your information as a comment - I'm not sure this is the case however.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Information on securing installation sources

2006-04-25 Thread Martin Schlander
On Tuesday 25 April 2006 22:06, Joachim Werner wrote:
> as promised some time ago, I have updated with information on
> how we are securing installation sources from SUSE Linux 10.1 on.
> There are some additions on
> and a new page at
> These pages will be updated as soon as I have more details on how you can
> generate your own secure sources.

I was wondering, is rug/zen supposed to support "real" YaST sources?

Is this repodevelopment related to this bug?


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Why I'm confused :-).

2006-04-26 Thread Martin Schlander
On Wednesday 26 April 2006 19:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The little updater icon turned orange with an !, so I figure that means
> there are updates. If I click on the icon, it does say there are updates,
> but if I goto yast's online update it says there aren't any.
> Also if I goto software management to install some things from online
> factory that aren't on the CDs, the things I'm looking for don't show up
> until I once again manually configure a factory installation source.

I've been wondering about this too. On my rc2 I have different sources for 
update in yast installation sources and zen respectively - one austrian the 
other hungarian. The one in yast installation sources is disabled by default 
it appears (though I'm not 100% sure I didn't disable it by mistake myself).

Another thing - It seems everytime I boot my rc Zen-updater starts off by 
downloading 80 megs of data. I have added factory to it, but I've removed the 
check in "catalogs" - but this doesn't seem to change the behaviour. 

Is it possible to have different repos added to zen-updater and zen-installer 
resepectively? For instance I might like to install packages from factory 
with the installer - but I might not want to have the updater download 80 
megs after every boot.

Generally Zen and zmd have me confused. Guess it'll be easier to get the hang 
of it once it works.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Why I'm confused :-).

2006-04-27 Thread Martin Schlander
On Thursday 27 April 2006 09:24, you wrote:
> On 26 Apr 2006 at 20:17, Martin Schlander wrote:
> > Another thing - It seems everytime I boot my rc Zen-updater starts off by
> > downloading 80 megs of data. I have added factory to it, but I've removed
> > the check in "catalogs" - but this doesn't seem to change the behaviour.

Ulrich Windl wrote:
> If this is true, it would be an absolute blocker for any modem user. That
> would be roughly 5 hours for my Modem to download these 80MB (protocol
> overhead not considered).

Well, I monitor my network connection with knemo - and on every boot of rc2 80 
megs are downloaded - I'm pretty sure zmd or zen-updater is behind this. I 
have Factory, Extra, Update, Guru and Packman added as sources (I added the 
to yast). In Zen  I have removed the checks for all other catalogs than the 
update one. After downloading all this data it also says "no updates 
available". Whereas before I "deactivated" the catalogs it suggested to 
update to some packman packages.

I have no idea what's going on - but it raises some questions.

Should Zen-updater download repodata for services that are added - but not 
subscribed to (unchecked under "catalogs") when checking for available 

How often does Zen check for updates? Daily? on every boot? Can this be 
configured somewhere? I don't boot my rc2 that often so I can't be sure how 
often it does it.

Does this problem only exist because factory is changing. That is, if I had 
added a stable frozen factory inst source, would Zen know that and not 
download all the repodata all the time to check for updates?

Another question - how is the clueless home user supposed to know the 
difference between important official security updates and bleeding edge 
third party packages - like Guru's Amarok betas (no pun intended Pascal, I 
love that you're building those betas) - when updating with Zen? 

Will there be some kind of colour code or something helping the user 
understand which updates are important - and which are less important and 
perhaps even risky (once the clueless user has added all kinds of repos 
thinking they're all idiot proof).


PS. Ulrich Windl mailed me directly - I assume by mistake. Also by mistake I 
mailed him back with the post above. Damn modern technology ;) .. omg.. Now I 
mailed houghi directly.. sorry guys. 

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Bug 177758

2006-05-23 Thread Martin Schlander
tirsdag 23 maj 2006 12:33 skrev Pascal Bleser:
> jdd wrote:
> > can't you beleive most users have _not_ the problem you have?
> Can't *you* believe *many* users do have that problem ?
> Again, come hang around on IRC and witness the havoc.

I experience the same thing as Frank - on my 900mhz/512 mb laptop - I added 
inst-source, non-oss, packman, guru and kde-update to yast installation 
sources module. After every boot the processes "parse-metadata" and 
"update-status" use up a lot cpu for *at least* half an hour. Same thing 
happens if I should want to run the Zen Software Installer.

On my AMD64 3000+/1 gig ram work station things weren't nearly as bad - but 
still very slow.

Of course I quickly solved this by removing all repos from zen/rug - that way 
there is not much update status to check and no metadata for it to parse. And 
then installing Smart in stead. The only reason I didn't remove rug/zen 
entirely is that I want to be able to test it some more and give feedback.

Good to hear AJ's interest in our feedback. I've been meaning to do a list 
that describes everything about Zen/rug/Yast/zmd/libzypp that I don't like. 
Since AJ suggested a discussions about this next week I'll start preparing :)

Actually I generally like the "setup" - with the three frontends. Rug for cli, 
Zen for the random quick install and Joe sixpack users - and YaST if you 
want/need a lot of options and information. If only it would work - and 
preferably pretty fast at that - it would be nice.

However I can't help but wonder how things would look if the ressources that 
were put into the whole libzypp-, rug-, zenworks-thing had been invested in 
developing Smart instead.. I've only used Smart for about a week and 
primarily the gui - but I'm absolutely blown away - to have YaST-qt as a 
frontend for that would rock the world I think. I also tend to think that 
maybe it would be smarter (get it?) to ditch Zen and go with Smart - given 
the amount of work Zen still needs.

Using Smart the last week or so actually gives food to the idea that "Not 
invented here" is playing a part in what's going on. Maybe it's true that 
Novell wants to reinvent everything in Mono.

PS. Someone said, you lose the systray update notifier if you move to Smart. 
Not necessarily so - on the guru source there's a package called Ksmarttray - 
that does just that.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Bug 177758

2006-05-23 Thread Martin Schlander
tirsdag 23 maj 2006 14:11 skrev Henne Vogelsang:
> Everything else is working pretty flawlesly. Can we agree on that?
> This is bad but not unfixable.

Flawlessly? I'm sorry but we can't agree on that. Those are easily the most 
serious bugs - but there are a lot of smaller irritations - and though I'm 
not a developer or a genius I'm a pretty experienced SUSE user I think - 
what's irritating to me will be completely unacceptable and incomprehensible 
to most noobs. 

Here's a quick list of issues that bother me - some of which have already been 
fed to bugzilla in beta-state.

* there are serious problems with: right click on rpm > Open with Software 
Installer / actions > Install package with YaST

* you can't add a simple directory containing rpms as a source to yast - which 
was never a problem before

* YaST gives no information when it's downloading or refreshing repodata 
making inexperienced users think it's frozen. For inspiration on how to 
handle this I would look at the smart -gui which tells you what's downloaded, 
how much, from where, at what speed etc.

* The issue with repos not being digitally signed. The warning message keeps 
popping up - no matter how many times you tell it "don't show this message 

* Maybe this one is me being stupid - but if you have services added, but not 
subscribed to - it seems to me that zen/rug still parses metadata for those. 
And I've even had rug ask me for a cd when the cd catalog was unsubscribed 
and factory added and subscribed to (it was during betas, but it's not fixed 
yet). I thought that added / subscribed-unsubscribed were the equivalents to 
added/activated-deactivated in yast - but that's not the case apparently.

* Also you can't seem to have more instances of packagemanagement running - 
don't know if this is intentional, and has to be this way. But it certainly 
was no problem to have "installation souces" and "software management" open 
at the same time in earlier releases, for example.

* If you add sources to yast they're automatically added to zen/rug - but this 
doesn't work the other way around.

I don't know what the long term strategy is - but if yast sw and zen are 
supposed to coexist in the long run I'd like some kind of central 
repo-management module in which you could add, remove, deactivate, refresh 
etc. all the repos, with selections for all frontends.

I'll probably think of more as soon as I click send - but these are issues I 
could currently think of.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Bug 177758

2006-05-23 Thread Martin Schlander
tirsdag 23 maj 2006 14:47 skrev Martin Schlander:
> I'll probably think of more as soon as I click send - but these are issues
> I could currently think of.

As expected I thought of some more pretty big issuses, imho at least, shortly 
after sending the last mail. So I'll do some more "crying" as Henne calls 
it :)  - I think it's constructive input for making it better though.

* YaST2 now installs dependencies without consulting/warning the user first - 
it can be a bit surprising sometimes to see all kinds of packages being 
installed that you never selected.

* Conflicts/deps need to be taken care of one by one, unlike before. Often you 
get a lot of problems with the same reason - which could be easily resolved 
in one or two clean swoops "in the good old days" of <=10.0.

* When you add sources to yast they are always called "YUM", in ZMD they're 
given numbers for a name - the date + some random numbers I guess. Once 
you've added maybe 6 or 7 sources it gets pretty hard to keep track of which 
is which - and there's generally not room for the entire url. Maybe there's a 
way to edit the names that I'm not aware of.

After writing down these issues and the ones before it's becoming apparent to 
me that almost all of these issues are with YaST2. Maybe things actually work 
pretty well with rug/zen - apart from the parse-metadata and update-status 

I'll add the above issues to the page Henne set up on the wiki.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Bug 177758

2006-05-23 Thread Martin Schlander
tirsdag 23 maj 2006 18:20 skrev Pascal Bleser:
> The yast2 format is possibly more efficient wrt memory and CPU.
> Maybe worth investigating whether the memory+CPU problems happen with
> RPM-MD repos but not with yast2 repos... ?

I definitely used the rpm-md's. I thought those were "recommended" now - of 
course I have no knowledge of the technicalities involved in it.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Bug 177758

2006-05-24 Thread Martin Schlander
onsdag 24 maj 2006 17:22 skrev Marcus Meissner:
> Use
> rug sa --type=zypp
> update-test

I've replaced Yum with Zypp in the examples on this page.

It seems that using zypp is generally the best approach.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Bug 177758

2006-05-26 Thread Martin Schlander
tirsdag 23 maj 2006 18:56 skrev Graham Anderson:
> I've seen this requested many times on IRC and the mailing lists
> but im not sure if anyone has made a feature request in bugzilla.

I made an enhancement to bugzilla for this for one of the 10.1 betas myself:

AJ made half a promise it would be there in 10.2 :)

Martin / cb400f

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[opensuse-factory] Feedback for test-update

2006-05-27 Thread Martin Schlander
I assume the point of releasing the updates for testing was to get feedback - 
so here goes..

I haven't done heavy testing - but I've had Zen updater running for a few days 
- added some repos with rug, zen and YaST etc.

I must say that I don't feel much of a difference. Performance wise it still 
takes a lot of time to "parse metadata" and "update-status" on my amd64 3000+ 
with inst-source, non-oss, kde-update, guru, packman. And it often ends up 
using about 150-250 megs of swap - I have 1 gig of ram, and normally don't 
swap at all. But I guess no promises were made in this department. 

I was under the impression that the "unsigned repo warning"-issue would be 
fixed by these updates - but I still get those.

But I definitely haven't noticed any new bugs or worsening in any area - so 
for all I can say the updates are ready to go. I Think some people will be 
dissapointed though - when they see the updates they're probably going to 
think all the issues will be fixed.

Btw., to finish up on a positive note, I had a look at the changelog for the 
packages, using the new changelog-feature in YaST - I really love how YaST SW 
gives me huge amounts of information and control. Also gives insight to the 
huge amount of work that's being done on the packagemanagement stuff.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Package Management Design and Experience

2006-05-29 Thread Martin Schlander
mandag 29 maj 2006 15:42 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> One question we have is how the new tools rug, zen-updater and zmd
> compare to what we had before with YaST Online Update and
> suseWatcher. We are interested in every feedback ranging from
> architecture, design or used standards and their enhancements.

Some enhancements that I'd like in addition to fixing the well known issues of 
performance and bugs.

Like I've mentioned before I think it's good to have Rug for Cli, Zen for Joe 
Six Pack and YaST for more advanced in depth packagemanagement. I won't 
comment on the backend setup - libzypp, zmd etc.

- Update in YaST is a mess. We have Online Update, Online Update 
configuration/Novell Customer Center configuration, Online Update Setup and 
System Update. Have this gone through usability tests? These items need to be 
reconsidered - and perhaps given more precise names . Especially Online 
Update Setup and System Update I think confuse people - and their names 
overlab with the other modules.

- It bothers me about Zen Updater that you can't seem to taboo/lock/de-select 
updates. That means if updates are available that you don't want, and you 
don't install, Zen will keep bugging you about them - thus making the 
notification of new updates available useless. (Maybe I just missed 
something, like it was mentioned before a lot of us haven't really been using 
the new stuff much.)

- Another thing that I believe can cause problems about Zen Updater is that 
it's not obvious which updates are unsupported 3rd party or supplementary 
updates - and which are important security updates. I believe this 
information is only available by clicking the "details"-button - and even 
there it's not really "in your face". Would be good to have a different 
colour or something for official supported patches - or maybe supported 
patches and unsupported updating of packages should just be kept completely 
seperated like before 10.1. Otherwise I fear we're going to see people having 
problems because of updates they thought were officially supported - It's 
already hard to explain to people that the updates available through 
supplementary are not supported - seems it's hard for people to understand 
that someone would actually give them the option to install something that's 
not idiot proof. 

- And.. an old bug in YaST - I'd really like to see that it stopped locking 
packages, (apparently) for no reason. It's annoying to experienced users and 
confusing to noobs. It also causes problems when updating and fixing 
dependency-issues, because you have to unlock packages first.

- I've noticed that if you have x amount of rpms in a folder you can select 
them > right click > open with Software Installer - and this seems to work. 
Would be nice if YaST had the same capability - now it doesn't work at all - 
but in 10.0 and earlier versions YaST would start up x amount of instances 
and try to install each rpm individually - and you would have to work around 
this by adding the directory to yast before installing.

That's what I can come up with for now.

Martin Schlander

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Re: [opensuse-factory] bugs or not bugs

2006-05-30 Thread Martin Schlander
tirsdag 30 maj 2006 17:04 skrev jdd:
> I'm sorry if i was perturbating this other thread with my
> bugs remarks, but I'm very confused on this subject, and
> -visibly- I'm not alone, so this must be addressed soon.
> In short, what is really buggy in the update SUSE 10.1 sytem
> and what is not?
> reading opensuse list and suse-linux-e list, it seems that
> nothing works on many hardware. The "I hate SUSE" game is
> full of players.

There are lots of interesting pages about the new package management already.

What is what?

What are the problems? (If you know of more issues, add them)

What is Libzypp all about?

How does one use Rug?

The one thing we might still need on the wiki is a page on howto work around 
the problems by using alternative stuff: y2pmsh, Smart, Apt. 

But there is some usable stuff here: (for Scandinavians).

I know there are different opinions on moving people to Smart - but I have to 
say I agree that the standard stuff is simply not usable - not with a few 
additional repos and middle- to low-end hardware at least. To me it's a 
matter of either moving people to Smart packagemanagement - or moving them to 
another distro.

"Luckily" I'm not on suse-linux-e - but I imagine it's pretty much like #suse. 
However apart from package management - and maybe beagle running by default - 
and of course the issues with rt2500 and Atheros wlan - 10.1 is absolutely 
great. And these issues can all be remedied pretty easily - unless you're a 
complete newb. Saying "I hate 10.1" is silly - tell these people to find out 
what it is that they hate about it - and fix these specific issues.

But perhaps we should set up a page on the wiki about "10.1 Issues" and how to 
solve them. Not a bad idea I think - but maybe marketing department would be 
mad at us - but I think we'd be doing Novell a favour in the long run.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] bugs or not bugs

2006-05-30 Thread Martin Schlander
> tirsdag 30 maj 2006 17:04 skrev jdd:
> > In short, what is really buggy in the update SUSE 10.1 sytem
> > and what is not?

I've put up a page on the wiki with the intention of preparing people for the 
challenges of 10.1 - and equipping them to overcome those same challenges - 
like I also mentioned at the status meeting. The point is to avoid people 
jumping ship and switching to some inferior distro - perhaps one coming out 
later this week :)

Check it out here:

I, or rather the wiki page, needs some information on the best way to disable 
the beagle indexing stuff. And I also need some input on howto best recompile 
the kernel module in case of kernel update when installing nvidia driver with 
tiny-nvidia-installer. I think perhaps a paragraph on Updating 
(configuration, ~suse/update/10.1, zen updater, YOU etc.) in 10.1 could be a 
good idea.

I've taken the liberty of linking to the new page from the download page.

Martin Schlander

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Re: [opensuse-factory] bugs or not bugs

2006-05-30 Thread Martin Schlander
tirsdag 30 maj 2006 22:15 skrev Danilo Jonas:
> So I guess people are supposed to dig their way through before
> they install SuSE (or SUSE or whatsoever)? C'mon...please.

Please don't top post.

Like I said there's a link to the page from - they don't 
have to dig anywhere - just read what's on the download-page.

Of course you're free to post the link in forums and anywhere else you might 
like - might be a useful reference for those playing the "I hate 10.1" game 
on suse-linux-e and #suse too.

I'm not saying this little page will solve everything or reach everybody, and 
if you have better ideas for handling the issues at hand - or maybe a time 
machine - please enlighten us! If not lay off your negative vibrations.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] High Utilization with zen components

2006-06-02 Thread Martin Schlander
Fredag 02 juni 2006 18:24 skrev Chad Groneman:
> I don't know if it's a bug or not, but it bothers me a great deal.  I
> don't like my system to have to crank up the fans to do something as
> simple as check to see if there are updates available, or install an
> RPM.

It's well known that the new package management has severe performance issues. 
To a degree where one might categorize it as a bug. Work is being done on 


And keep in mind this list is for community/development talk. Technical 
problems with released versions should be discussed on suse-linux-e.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] SUSE 10.1 sources DVD

2006-06-08 Thread Martin Schlander
Torsdag 08 juni 2006 22:11 skrev Volker Kuhlmann:
> Any chances for an ETA? Or are there political reasons why you don't
> just plonk it into the iso directory (with md5 of the full iso image)?

You're aware that all the src-rpms are available?

Martin / cb400f

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[opensuse-factory] New package manager bug?

2006-06-11 Thread Martin Schlander
I've installed the new official package manager updates, and subsequently 
wanted to play around with it a little to check up on it.

It seems a lot nicer. And also the Danish localization is greatly improved. I 
was considering looking into joining the YaST-translation-team - but maybe 
now there's no need to :)

I added some repos to YaST and everything worked fine with kde, kde-backports, 
guru. But with Packman I got the "synchronization with zmd failed" error. I 
then tried to add Packman to rug and got the following error. 

super64:/home/cb400f # rug sa --type=zypp Packman

Adding zypp service...


ERROR: Could not add '': Failed to 
parse XML metadata: Unsigned file '/repodata/repomd.xml 

Could this be a new bug having to do with the unsigned repo fixes?

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] New package manager bug?

2006-06-11 Thread Martin Schlander
Søndag 11 juni 2006 14:30 skrev Martin Schlander:
> I added some repos to YaST and everything worked fine with kde,
> kde-backports, guru. But with Packman I got the "synchronization with zmd
> failed" error. I then tried to add Packman to rug and got the following
> error.
> super64:/home/cb400f # rug sa --type=zypp
> Packman
> Adding zypp service...
> 0%
> ERROR: Could not add '': Failed
> to parse XML metadata: Unsigned file '/repodata/repomd.xml
> ('

I forgot to mention that the repo is added nicely to YaST and that I can 
install packages from there. So apart from not being signed the repo appears 
fine to me. 

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Call for testing: upcoming smart 0.42

2006-06-15 Thread Martin Schlander
Torsdag 15 juni 2006 08:59 skrev Pascal Bleser:
> > * I can see no way to tell it to only install X, and Y of the currently
> > available updates, but not the other 20. I prefer to be in control when
> > I want to.
> smart upgrade foo
> And for the GUI, I don't see what you mean...
> View -> Hide non-upgrades
> View -> Hide installed
> and you get a list of upgrade candidates.
> There, as with YaST2, you can right click a package and select "Install"
> (or just double-click the package).
> Could you give some more details here ?

As Pascal suggets you can install updates individually. A likely scenario 
however is that you'd want to install maybe 9/10 updates. In that case just 
right click on the one you don't want > lock this version. And then hit 
the "upgrade all packages"-button. Very easy, and you're very much in control 
at the same time.

Don't know if this feedback will somehow find it's way to the devs, but the 
only things that bother me are:

- As with Volker the nasty gtk gui. Works nicely but certainly not pretty - 
not even for gtk standards. Has almost all the functionality that one would 
need - only I'd like more search options, particularly with regards to 
provides/requires issues.

- All packages are downloaded before installation - if a download or a package 
fails everything stops - you can't just skip that one - but have to sort out 
the issue before you can continue.

- Ksmarttray doesn't update the repos I think - I don't seem to get notice of 
any updates unless I manually update the channels - and that makes ksmarttray 
pretty useless I think. Don't know if ksmarttray is officially a part of 
Smart. Would be nice if you could tell it to update certain channels at 
certain intervals.

All of the above is based on 0.41 - will install 0.42 in a few minutes. 

Nice job maintaining that package Christoph - the devs should be happy to have 
such a diligent maintainer at a major vendor. 

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Call for testing: upcoming smart 0.42

2006-06-16 Thread Martin Schlander
Fredag 16 juni 2006 09:23 skrev Christoph Thiel:
> You should use "--stepped -y" to prevent smart from downloading all
> packages prior to installing them (this is what ZYPP does). There are pros
> and cons for both methods -- stepped vs. one big transaction.

Nice. Doesn't seem to be implemented in the gui though.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Testing different Smart packages [was] Call for testing: upcoming smart 0.42

2006-06-19 Thread Martin Schlander
Torsdag 15 juni 2006 13:47 skrev Christoph Thiel:
> On Thu, 15 Jun 2006, Pascal Bleser wrote:

Maybe the two of you should cooporate instead of "competing"? :)

Just read that Pascal calls for testing of his patched Smart packages on 64bit 

I'm already testing Christoph's packages here on my 64bit system. Not a glitch 
so far btw.

I'm a bit confused with Pascals patches though - will those have any affect 
for gui users?

I have 32bit Mplayer installed though 64bit is available - but it seems to 
have problems with certain codecs. So I mostly use 64bit Kaffeine/Xine and 
supplement with 32bit Mplayer when needed. Will Pascals patches cause 
problems with this?

Anyway, it's great that development is being done on Smart - and that we get a 
chance to try things out early with easy installation of packages from repos. 
But it's getting a bit confusing for us users (or at least me) which version 
has which patches etc. Any chance you could coordinate? Or is Pascal working 
on a fork? :)

Is a changelog for 0.42 available (yet)?

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Testing different Smart packages [was] Call for testing: upcoming smart 0.42

2006-06-19 Thread Martin Schlander
Mandag 19 juni 2006 14:27 skrev Christoph Thiel:
> We are not really competing -- we are booth driving smart adoption. The
> biggest challenge in collaboration is the fact that Pascal offers some
> .channel files, that we at Novell can't ship for different reasons.

Ok, thanks for the answer - here's what I'll do. I'll run your packages on my 
laptop and Pascals on my desktop-machine. That'll give Pascal a lot more 
testing than you though =)

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Call for testing: upcoming smart 0.42

2006-06-22 Thread Martin Schlander
Onsdag 14 juni 2006 16:57 skrev Christoph Thiel:
> Feedback on this will be very much appreciated -- bugs should be filled
> either at or directly at

I had a problem with installing packages from Packman for days - got the 
following message for any package: public key not available

Packages from any other repo installed fine. 

I'm not 100% sure if the problem occured with the 0.42 "betas" - but I think 

I tried downgrading to Pascals 0.41-28 packages but that didn't help - until I 
deleted /var/lib/smart-contents - and started adding repos etc. from scratch. 
After that stuff seems to work.

Is there some kind of security feature in 0.42 with regards to signing of 
repos? Or any other explanation? Pebkac?

Anyway - just wanted to give this feedback.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] second-libzypp-update-test

2006-07-11 Thread Martin Schlander
Tirsdag 04 juli 2006 10:45 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> I will move them to the old place once I'm happy with them - those are
> the packages from last week.

I'm testing the packages dated July 7th. Seems to work nicely.

I believe performance would be the focal point of these patches, correct?

Only tested on my 900 mhz/512 mb ram laptop thus far - but it still seems 
rather slow - at resolving, installing, running suseconfig etc. - slower than 
10.0-yast and a lot slower than Smart. Though there seems to pe significant 
improvement in the parse-metadata department - only tested it briefly thus 

I'm wondering how much more potential is there for improvement? Is this 
considered satisfactory? How much work will be put into it after this round 
of updates is put out? Is this the level of performance we can expect, say, 
when 10.2 rolls around?

One of the reasons I'm asking is that it was communicated earlier that the 
packagemanagement issues would be fixed in two rounds of patching.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] second-libzypp-update-test

2006-07-11 Thread Martin Schlander
Tirsdag 11 juli 2006 13:40 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> No - correctness.  We're still fixing bugs :-(

> We continue working on performance and that needs some major
> refactoring, so it will need extensive testing.

> It will be more I fear :-(

Well, what's with the sad smileys? That was just what I wanted to hear! 

But of course it means a lot of work still left for you guys.  :)

It gets a better each time - I'm actually starting to believe it'll end up 
being really good and nice. Must admit I've had doubts before...


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Re: [opensuse-announce] SUSE Linux 10.2 Alpha2 Release - and distribution rename

2006-07-13 Thread Martin Schlander
Torsdag 13 juli 2006 13:49 skrev houghi:
> Great news. Not so much the name, but taking away the confusion.

You think this will end confusion?

- Many of us have been trying to explain to people that the distro is SUSE 
Linux for the last 10 months. These people are going to be confused.

- Many people have been running SUSE Linux for years, but don't follow the 
news - they're going to be confused when they go to the store and the retail 
box says "openSUSE".

- I already anticipate a lot of people being confused about non-oss being 
available on the openSUSE dvd (assuming that'll still be the case on 10.2). 
And we'll still have to do a lot of explaining. Most people will expect 
that "open" means pure open source.

- There's a huge infrastructure of forums, websites, irc-channels etc. that 
will be obsoleted and have to change their names. Probably some of those 
won't change their domain name - that will cause confusion too.

- On the short term any name change will cause confusion - after all most 
people know that SUSE Linux is the correct name.

Besides this namechange makes me feel like SLED/S is the "real" SUSE - and 
SL/openSUSE is lowest priority (kind of the same feeling I had when the 
package management changes were forced through after feature freeze), I 
expect a lot of other people will also see this as a sign of SL getting lower 
priority - which can harm the distro. 

Also hereby a lot of the history that SUSE name had is lost. The name is also 
too long. In other words - I don't like it.  

Furthermore the namechange will steal attention from the community project. 
People will think openSUSE is just the name of the distro - and noone will 
know or care about the project.

ALL the people I know who actually use SUSE would have preferred to keep that 
name. All the people I know who likes openSUSE don't know what it's about - 
and don't use SUSE Linux.

All in all I think this decision is made 100% for the benefit of SLED/S - with 
little or no consideration for the many, many loyal and active SUSE Linux 

Current mood: Don't know whether to cry or break something.

To be fair I do see some benefits:
- Maybe now we can have everything on one server - unlike both and

- A lot of people seem to like the name - hence it's been so damn hard trying 
to explain to these goofballs it's not the name of the distro. However I 
believe most of these people liked the name because they thought that 
openSUSE was non-Novell and 100% non-oss - and something different than SUSE 
Linux - and for some reason they liked that idea.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Packagage Groupings - From Selections in 10.1 to Patterns in 10.2

2006-07-15 Thread Martin Schlander
Fredag 14 juli 2006 19:50 skrev Boyd Lynn Gerber:
> Saving and retreiving selections is close to the top of my list of things
> missing. 

Since we're on the subject - and there appears to be a lot of development on 
YaST going on. 

I've been meaning to file a bugzilla-enhancement about adding an "update" 
filter. Simply a filter that shows only packages where a newer version is 
available - meaning all the "blue" packages. 

One of the critiques I often hear about YaST is that updating is too much of a 

This way you could just select "update filter" > right click in list > update 
all in this list - if that's what you want - but you can also easily select 
the updates that you do and don't want.

Just an idea. I'll probably get around to filing this and a few other 
enhancement suggestions shortly.

Martin / cb400f

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Can not unsubcribe

2006-08-14 Thread Martin Schlander
Mandag 14 august 2006 03:50 skrev The Nice Spider:
> how do i unsubcribe from this list?

We're in the midst of some changes, but I believe the following is the way 

Send an empty mail, using the subscribed mailadress, to 

Good luck :)
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Re: [opensuse-factory] Excess bloat must be removed!

2006-08-23 Thread Martin Schlander
Onsdag 23 august 2006 00:43 skrev Steve Barnhart:
> First of all having what seems to be so many different ways to manage
> packages is becomming ridiculous and I'm hoping something's going to
> be done to standardize on one. Syncronizing all of them has to be
> crazy. 

I won't comment on the backend integration stuff - but as a user you have 
three interfaces: YaST-qt (advanced), zen (simple) and rug (cli). Ubuntu has 
more or less the same - apt-get (cli), synaptic (adavanced) and 
their "add/remove software"-thingy (simple).

> and Finally, and this is my big peeve. FIX THE FREAKIN MENUS! The
> organization takes WAY too much time and maybe it won't matter if slab
> is integrated but we do not need categories and then ANOTHER category

Having two levels of categories is a must. I have ~20 Internet-apps - if they 
weren't put into subcategories it would be a complete mess like most Windows 
menus are. Besides if you stayed current with SUSE news you'd know that 
Novell have developed the SLED gnome-main-menu thingy for people like 
yourself - and the good people at SUSE are working on a similiar menu for KDE 
based on usability testing and what not.

> I know 10.1 was a bad apple, but hopefully this stuff is vastly cleared up.

To my recollection the menus and amount of apps on 10.1 was exactly the same 
on previous releases. None of your criticism except the package management 
frontends are 10.1 specific.

Except for two webbrowsers, I don't have more than one app that does the same 
thing on a standard install. And seamonkey is not installed by default.

I'd hate to see SUSE turn into Ubuntu. If Ubuntu with SUSE polish is what you 
want I think you should join the Ubuntu mailinglists and suggest to them that 
they polish their distro more. 

I like about SUSE that functionality is a higher priority than not confusing 
already confused people - which I consider an impossible task anyway.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] openSUSE 10.2 Features and Roadmap

2006-08-25 Thread Martin Schlander
Fredag 25 august 2006 13:36 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> The upcoming openSUSE 10.2 will basically have similar content like
> its predecessor but comes of course with latest and stable Open Source
> packages available at that time.  We went through Bugzilla, the
> feature list and package wishlist and try to accomodate your wishes
> and suggestions.
> Note that the list below is neither complete - it's just some of the
> highlights - nor a commitment.

Sounds great to me. Looks like all significant issues are being adressed, this 
could turn out to be a distro so great that it'll more than compensate for 
the horrors we've been going through with 10.1  ;)

Just a couple of quick questions..

KDE 3.5.5 (October 10th, 2006: Expected release date of KDE 3.5.5)?
Narayans KDE zmd-updater applet?

Now, if only we could somehow have KMPs for ATi and Nvidia available, we 
needn't worry about Vista at all..

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Workrave

2006-08-30 Thread Martin Schlander
Onsdag 30 august 2006 11:47 skrev Michael Riess:
> what do you think about this little tool:
> i think a tool like this should be in OpenSUSE
> it would not even be a benefit in working with
> but also a great argument towards using OpenSUSE in offices

RSIbreak is available in the kde-backports repo. But of course that's not the 
same as included.

Not sure how managers will respond to the idea, but some of them probably will 
care about the health and well-being of their employees. And issues with RSI 
are growing. I think you make a good point.

This way open source software can be good for body _and_ soul.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Package Manager Update 3: Call for Testing

2006-09-05 Thread Martin Schlander
It has been said that Narayans KDE updater applet requires 10.2 factory zmd.

Can anyone tell me if the KDE updater applet should work with AJs PM update 3 

I installed the update 3 packages on my 900 mhz laptop and added inst-source. 
Parse-metadata is a lot less "evil" than it was at 10.1 release-time. 

Zen-installer froze on me once. Not sure what happened there and if it's 

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Games on openSUSE 10.2

2006-09-06 Thread Martin Schlander
Onsdag 06 september 2006 10:56 skrev richard:
> Silviu Marin-Caea wrote:
> > On Wednesday 06 September 2006 11:23, Stefan Dirsch wrote:
> >> Hi
> >>
> >> On SUSE Linux 10.1 we had about 5 small game packages in our default
> >> installation + an additional Games selection used for all game
> >> packages. Should we do it similar for openSUSE 10.2? Any other
> >> proposals?
> >>
> >> The 5 game packages on SUSE Linux 10.1 were:
> >> - enigma
> >> - freeciv
> >> - frozen-bubble
> >> - supertux
> >> - xmoto (also often used as 3D test application)

I agree with Richard and Silviu. We need games, no question. Both installed by 
default - and more on the discs and on ftp.

Freeciv, Frozen-Bubble and Supertux are untouchable I think.

In addition I think we should have kmines, some card game(s), a chess game, 
lbreakout2 and Metal Blob Solid - Blob Wars (it's a very nice shoot'em up, 
arcade style game, Ksudoku 
might also be a good idea - I don't know about the rest of the world - but 
sudoku has been very big in Denmark the last year or so.

However including all Kgames in standard installation would be overdoing it I 

I very much like the feature of a 3D game installed by default, for testing 
purposes etc. Xmoto is fine I guess, and so was gl-117 - but Racer (Racing 
simulator,, Glest (RTS, 
or Cube (FPS, would be a lot more impressive and 
they'd prove a point about Linux gaming. But of course they'd also take up 
more space.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Games on openSUSE 10.2

2006-09-06 Thread Martin Schlander
Onsdag 06 september 2006 12:22 skrev Stefan Dirsch:
> Any proposal for such a best action game?

Blob Wars site is up again.

It's the best action game I know of. Not sure if it'll have the same legal 
implícations as an FPS. It's pretty bloody - but it's little yellow blobs 
shooting aliens in a 2D platform style - not humans.

Another idea could be to include Scorched3D as our 3D game - It's more of a 
turn based strategy game but it has some action too.

Currently packages are supplied by Pascal.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Games on openSUSE 10.2

2006-09-06 Thread Martin Schlander
Onsdag 06 september 2006 15:24 skrev Stefan Dirsch:
> > > Any proposal for such a best action game?
> >
> > Blob Wars site is up again.
> >
> Could you create a package for openSUSE buildservice?

Well, don't even have an account there, and only built one very simple RPM 
yet - and didn't do a particularly good job.. damn spec file macros ;) 

The RPM supplied from the site built on Mandrake 10.0 works nicely on 10.1.

> > Another idea could be to include Scorched3D as our 3D game - It's more of
> > a turn based strategy game but it has some action too.
> >
> >
> > Currently packages are supplied by Pascal.
> Are these in openSUSE buildservice?

Nope. But after I wrote it I realized that the RPM alone is 45 megs, guess 
that's too much.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Summary: Games on openSUSE 10.2

2006-09-07 Thread Martin Schlander
Onsdag 06 september 2006 18:16 skrev Stefan Dirsch:
> Games for default Installation:
> ---
> GNOME:gnome-games
> KDE:kdegames (kmines,kpat)
> KDE:knights
> KDE:ksudoku
> chromium
> frozen-bubble
> freeciv
> lbreakout
> supertux
> xmoto

Great default selection I think. 

How can lbreakout popularity surprise you? .. 95% of people between 25 and 55 
has a latent addiction of breakout games ;-)

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Discussion about starting BETA process earlier - by end of sep 2006

2006-09-08 Thread Martin Schlander
Fredag 08 september 2006 18:38 skrev Kenneth Schneider:
> And what is your _rush_ to get 10.2 released earlier? IIANM the schedule
> for a new release is now 9 months, instead of the 6 months that was in
> places for prior versions, so that more testing and bug fixing can take
> place (which is a good thing).

He doesn't want to release earlier, he just wants complete feature freeze to 
be now instead of 1½ month from now. 

I'm however also in favour of sticking with the current roadmap. 

There's no need to worry so much. I'm sure AJ will let us have an extra beta 
or RC if it's needed at the time. And I expect 10.2 to be plenty stable if 
the current roadmap is followed and current feature freeze is respected. SUSE 
is supposed to be stable and well tested, yes, but it's not supposed to be 
Debian Stable.


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Re: [opensuse-factory] Games on openSUSE 10.2

2006-09-08 Thread Martin Schlander
Fredag 08 september 2006 21:37 skrev Stefan Dirsch:
> That's great. A current proposal is
> games:
> adventure:
> action:
> strategy:
>   turn-based:
>   realtime:
> puzzle:
> roleplay:
> toys:

Board: (?)

Or where would card games, chess, backgammon etc. go?
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Re: [opensuse-factory] Monitor frequences during installation

2006-09-09 Thread Martin Schlander
Lørdag 09 september 2006 00:32 skrev Eberhard Moenkeberg:
> Please, please someone with the same experience may call "me too" here
> now, before I loose my patience in the well-known way...

I know my father had a similar (possibly the same) problem with 10.0. Unless 
he manually changes the default resolution at beginning of installation the 
screen will black out. He's using some cheap 17" TFT monitor with vga. He 
hasn't built up the guts to upgrade his desktop machine to 10.1 so I can't 
say if the problem persists there.

I also have a very strange problem with monitor during install - but not the 
same. On my Compaq Armada E500 laptop - SUSE installation defaults to 
800x600. I'll have a very strange problem _after_ installation, where the 
picture is not in the center of the screen, that means the top maybe 200 
pixels are at the bottom of the screen physically - so I get kind of a split 
screen. I can't seem to fix this - I've tried inserting a working xorg.conf 
from an other installation - and I've tried changing the position of the 
picture with sax2. No difference.

However if I manually change the resolution to 1024x768 (the max. for the 
monitor), at the beginning of installation there's no problem at all. That's 
how I get an xorg.conf that I know work. This problem is the same on 9.3, 
10.0 and 10.1.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Yast Package Patterns / Categories Discussion

2006-09-10 Thread Martin Schlander
Søndag 10 september 2006 10:23 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> > 3. Also, I believe that network admins deserve a section dedicated for
> > them, starting with several tools such as: Wireshark, Quagga, Nmap and
> > please add Webmin too. (currently Webmin is not part of SUSE at
> Do you have a complete list?

I like the idea. Don't have a complete list - but arpwatch should be there 
too. Perhaps also knmap.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] 10.2 A4 report

2006-09-11 Thread Martin Schlander
Søndag 10 september 2006 10:19 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> > 3. The Linksys wireless card is now recognised even though I needed to
> > download a firware package from Ubuntu as one was not available from
> > openSUSE that I could find.
> Mmh - could y ou file a bug for this so that we can investigate and
> possibly ship the firmware as well?

I too am an unfortunate bcm wlan owner hoping that 10.2 will help me get rid 
of the nasty destabilizing Ndiswrapper without buying a new card.

My card doesn't work out of the box on alpha4 - it's recognized correctly by 
yast, NM doesn't see it. Haven't tried the firmware yet.

Here are some links

Driver site:

Ubuntu doc on howto obtain firmware:

Don't know the licensing issues for it - but seems Ubuntu can host a firmware 
package on their Universe repo.. 

Will be great if we can get this sorted out.

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[opensuse-factory] opensuse-updater how-to

2006-09-11 Thread Martin Schlander
One of the many features I'm greatly looking forward to in 10.2 is the 
opensuse-updater (zen-updater replacement for KDE users).

See more here:

It's not yet in factory but it's possible to test it in alpha4 nevertheless, 
here's how.

1) Install it
You can install an rpm supplied by Duncan Mac-Vivar:

The rpm is for 10.1 but works just fine on alpha4.

Or you can install from the tarball provided if you feel like it:

2) Tweak some settings
Before you can test it you need to change a few things.

Give the user superuser privileges:
# rug ua 



Then  to exit

3) Start the applet
Currently starts with the command (using the RPM): SUSEUpdater

4) Enable tcp
Click the systray icon -> click Add/remove servers -> click Advanced 
options -> set TCP "on" -> close the options window and reopen it

Now you should be ready to update your alpha using this nice updater.

Here's a screenshot of it running on my alpha4 install:

So far there's only a zmd backend - but backends for zypp and smart are 

I'm sure Narayan will welcome any feedback and (coding) contributions he can 
get. I only wish I could do more to support this project.

Write to:
narayannewton [at]
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Re: [opensuse-factory] opensuse-updater how-to

2006-09-11 Thread Martin Schlander
Mandag 11 september 2006 13:16 skrev Andreas Hanke:
> Do you really need "superuser" privileges to use it?
> This would be a problem IMHO because "superuser" means that the user can
> do pretty much anything, including adding services.
> It should work with lower privileges (zen-updater is satisfied with
> "upgrade, refresh, view" privileges).

Actually you only need superuser privileges to enable tcp. It's a temporary 
situation having to do with Zmd sockets. 

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Re: [opensuse-factory] 10.2 A4 report

2006-09-11 Thread Martin Schlander
Mandag 11 september 2006 14:28 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> So, could either of you file a bugreport, please?
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Re: [opensuse-factory] Dist Meeting 2006-09-14: Proposed Agenda

2006-09-13 Thread Martin Schlander
Onsdag 13 september 2006 15:52 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> Here're the current agenda items.  Any comments?  Anything you like us
> to look at?
> * Java for Distribution building
>   We're currently building java-1_4_2-sun and the suggestion was to
>   switch to java-1_5_0-sun.

Hmmm.. I run 64bit. And my homebanking doesn't work with Java 1.5.0 (i586) and 
Firefox (also 32bit). Works fine with java-i586-1.4.2 though. On 32bit SUSE 
the homebanking works fine with java 1.5.0. Always been a mystery to me. 

But if no java 1.4.2 is supplied I'd have to run 32bit again or get Java 1.4.2 
from SUN and install it manually. Just something to think about - in general 
I have little idea how much requires java 1.5.0 and how much stuff will only 
work with 1.4.2.

Another thing I'm interested in is the rt2500 driver issue. On your list of 
features for 10.2 you mentioned fixing that. From what I hear that driver is 
still very buggy and little or no development is going on upstream. On top of 
that I hear the driver won't run at all on smp-kernel. Fortunately I don't 
have that chipset - I have have bcm4306 which has it's own issues - just 
interested in the topic since very many people seem to have that chipset. 
Don't know if that topic is big enough for the meeting.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] kernel-update

2006-09-15 Thread Martin Schlander
Fredag 15 september 2006 10:27 skrev Marcel Hilzinger:
> My 10.1 showed me a kernel-update today. Katalog is 20060802-132038
> What's this? Is this a patch from august? Why is it installed only now
> then?

10.1 issues do not belong on the factory list. This list discusses factory - 
the current development version. 

Support questions for released versions should be asked on or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Katalog 20060802-xx is probably a repository you added to the package 
manager on that date. Not unlikely it's an unofficial, 3rd party kernel 
build.. I haven't heard of any new kernel patch for 10.1 lately. Latest 
official supported kernel for 10.1 is:

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Re: [opensuse-factory] XGL with KDE (was: Musings on the New SUSE Menu System)

2006-09-21 Thread Martin Schlander
Torsdag 21 september 2006 10:08 skrev Jordi Massaguer i Pla:
> Will we be able to use the 3D effects (Xgl) with Kde?
> We were considering to move from kde to gnome because we wanted to use the
> new menu and 3D effects we saw on SLD10.0. However, if Kde will have a new
> menu and Xgl supported, we may not.

KDE _will_ have the Kickoff menu on 10.2.. no "if"

Lot's of people have used Xgl with KDE. Whether or not it's supported is a 
matter of definition.

Xgl is not only in SLED but also in SUSE Linux 10.1 btw.

A couple of projects that might interest you:

A rephrasing of the question might be, how close do SUSE devs follow these 
projects? And if they're usable by end of October will they be included? 
so we can maybe have eyecandy _and_ functionality at the same 
time, without major nuissances.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Musings on the New SUSE Menu System

2006-09-21 Thread Martin Schlander
Torsdag 21 september 2006 04:01 skrev Jim Pye:
> This is cool however to make it UberCool... :-)

I'd suggest kcontrol (or "personal settings") moved to "my computer"-tab.

Also "vote" for launch on hover to be configurable.

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[opensuse-factory] opensuse-updater .po-file

2006-09-21 Thread Martin Schlander
I'm now maintainer and coordinator of Danish localization.

I miss a po-file for opensuse-updater in svn.

Are the translations hidden in some other po-file? Some other reason I can't 
find it? Should I file a bugzilla? 

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[opensuse-factory] SPAM: cd/dvd-layout for 10.2

2006-10-10 Thread Martin Schlander
I just installed alpha5, and was a bit surprised to be told that for complete 
Danish language an addon cd is needed. I understand that some languages will 
be placed on an addon cd (cd7).

.. it's a bit sad, being the coordinator of Danish translations, to find out 
that Danish users will have to jump through hoops to use the translations we 
make. Which wasn't necessary in the past.. And this time around 100% will be 
translated, and at a decent quality - I guarantee it.

Which languages will be put on the addon cd?
How are these selected?
Who will need the addon cd. DVD5 users? DVD9 users? CD1-5 users?

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Re: [opensuse-factory] YAST new icons

2006-10-17 Thread Martin Schlander
I've backed up my 10.1 icons and will use the 10.1 theme on 10.2 for sure. 

Should one or two icons for new modules look out of place I'd prefer that over 
_all_ the icons being badly out of place.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] YAST new icons

2006-10-17 Thread Martin Schlander
Tirsdag 17 oktober 2006 14:09 skrev Marcel Hilzinger:
> Many of us know, that Novell will drop KDE as soon as it can without
> loosing face. 

I think many of them _would_, cuz they are either deeply involved with GNOME 
or are shortsighted suits who only understand costs and don't understand the 
value of diversity for the Linux platform - which should be viewed as a 
definite competive edge over Windows..

But the scenario of dropping KDE without losing face never can nor will 
happen, and they know that too.. and not only losing face, losing most of the 
people who test, promote and do free support for users. Don't think they'd be 
that stupid.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] YOU vs Zen Updater

2006-10-17 Thread Martin Schlander
Onsdag 18 oktober 2006 00:30 skrev Terje J. Hanssen:
> Now I wonder what is the real use difference between YOU and Zen
> Updater? 

The short version is that they're two different frontends to do the same 
thing. No need to get into the backend stuff.

> Is Zen meant to replace YOU? 

Nope, more supplement/offer an alternative for people who are confused and 
scared by YOU.

> How to find out if I've got upgraded to the 10.1 Mastered or not?

10.1 remastered is 10.1 + updates up until October 9th, as AJ's announce 
clearly stated. If you've installed the updates provided by the official 
update repo you'll have '10.1 remastered' + a few updates provided since 
October 9th. Don't worry, you're not missing anything.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Icon Set for YaST

2006-10-18 Thread Martin Schlander
Onsdag 18 oktober 2006 13:54 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> Would this plan be ok?

I posted the below comments on bugzilla, better post em here too:

Sounds like a fully acceptable plan to me.

A few points though.

If 10.3 won't have KDE4, at least KDE4 will definitely be around for 10.3+1
(11.0). Which means we'll have Oxygen icons then. I hear rumours that the main
Oxygen guy is on the Novell payroll (correct?). Maybe we should think even a 
step further ahead than 10.3.

And I guess it's not even entirely impossible that KDE4 can be out in time for
10.3, if we continue the 8 month release cycle.

KDE4 and Oxygen should definitely be taken under consideration with regards to
those plans.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Media for openSUSE 10.2

2006-10-20 Thread Martin Schlander
Fredag 20 oktober 2006 12:56 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> * 1 AddOn CD with only binary packages on it
> * 1 AddOn CD with language packages that are used for our tier 2
>   languages (tier 1 languages are english, french, italian, spanish,
>   german, chinese, japanese and czech - and support for those is on
>   the standard 5 CDs) (the 5 CDs have support for installation in
>   *all* languages, just extra packages are only on this extra media)
> * 1 DVD containing the contents of the above 7 media (the DVD will
>   only come with the final version to save bandwidth and mirror space)
> * a FTP tree with open source packages (only for the final version)
> * a FTP tree with binary packages (only for the final version)

Couple of questions. 

Since you say 'only for the final version' for the ftp trees, and not the 
removable media, can we assume that cds '6' and '7' will be available for 
testing with beta1?

Do you expect the cd layout to be in order by beta1? It's nice to know 
beforehand how many cds are needed, for alpha5 cds 1-3 didn't suffice for 
standard install ;-)

Any reason you don't mention box/dvd9? I hope it isn't dropped.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Media for openSUSE 10.2

2006-10-21 Thread Martin Schlander
Lørdag 21 oktober 2006 04:03 skrev Sid Boyce:
> In my exprince of bittorrent in downloading CD's, it takes days to
> get a set, whereas using ftp it's a matter of hours using a 10M cable
> broadband link. However I have set download/upload weights, it's been
> just too slow. If that is not the common experience, I would like to
> know the proper setup.

It is not a matter of setup (primarily at least), it is not a matter of 
protocols either. 

It's a simple matter of how many people seed, their allowed upload bandwidth 
and their share ratio. If many people seed bittorrent can potentially be a 
lot faster than ftp and with a lot less load on the mirrors.

In the current state of things bittorrent is not the fastest way - but _you_ 
could help change that by not only thinking about your immediate convenience.

I hope Peter Czanik's offer is accepted. And that if it doesn't mean a lot of 
extra work we can have fast bittorrent downloads of dvd isos.

Is Eberhard out there somewhere trying to avoid this issue? Can seed?

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Media for openSUSE 10.2

2006-10-21 Thread Martin Schlander
Lørdag 21 oktober 2006 13:13 skrev Eberhard Moenkeberg:
> But at release time Christoph will prepare a bittorrent seeder again at
> GWDG, in a different server, like he did before.

Great. Between you guys, Peter Czanik and perhaps some of the official servers 
it should be possible to get some momentum going I'd think and more 
bittorrent users would appear. Which would benefit users and mirror admins 
alike. And at the same time it would be possible to provide DVD isos, solving 
many issues with one stroke. Am I not correct?

Maybe Christoph, like Peter, should _only_ seed the DVD isos.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Proposal for new PAckage for 10.2

2006-10-30 Thread Martin Schlander
Mandag 30 oktober 2006 08:12 skrev Marcus Meissner:
> > What do you think? Can we manage to replace FB1 by FB2 until final
> > release of 10.2?
> Ciao, Marcus

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want to make a bad habit of this, especially 
not with the short testing period we have.. but:

It's only a maintenance release.. and very nice new

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Re: [opensuse-factory] DVD

2006-10-30 Thread Martin Schlander
Mandag 30 oktober 2006 23:23 skrev Hugo Costelha:
> Just wanted to thank you guys for providing the DVD for beta1. It is some
> much better to just insert the DVD and go for a coffee while the 15
> installation minutes pass...
> And it took just a day to get the DVD through torrent, the 64-bit one,
> which for sure has less people seeding, and it will probably just get
> better over time.
> I hope that there was no problems with the DVD release, and that the DVD
> keeps being realesed through all the alpha/beta stages.

Yes, good point. Thanks a bunch for providing this service, both to AJ and 
co., and Peter Czanik, Christoph and and to the users seeding. 

While the initial dvd download is pretty big, getting the deltaisos later is 
nice and smooth.

I couldn't wait for the seeders to come online though. So I got the deltaiso 
via ftp, applied it, and seeded both iso and deltaiso at the time of the 

According to Peter Czanik who's admin of a couple of the seeding servers more 
people get 64bit than 32bit, at least via bittorrent. I'm one of them. 

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[opensuse-factory] Package management architecture

2006-10-31 Thread Martin Schlander
Presently discussion is on-going in bugzilla about the architecture of package 
management, mostly wrt. 10.2. I think that we should clarify longer term 
goals. Which imho must be to not have zmd installed by default on openSUSE, 
as it causes problems and unnecessary complexity without adding functionality 
that the openSUSE users need. I'm curious if official people agree with this?

With zypper (cli) and opensuse-updater (updater applet) it is within grasp to 
not have zmd+friends on KDE installations. It's more problematic for GNOME as 
removing zmd would mean no updater applet would be available for them. But 
this should be fixable for 10.3.

Nat Budin did this image to illustrate package management on 10.1:

I've done a quick mock-up of how it could look in the future for comparison - 
maybe already in 10.2 for KDE users:

Whether or not this architecture is feasible for 10.2, depends on the 
stability of zypper and opensuse-updater. Therefore I recommend to test it a 

To be able to test it thouroughly we need updates though. One of the lessons 
learned from the 10.1 debacle was that a lot of the problems didn't become 
apparent until we had multiple repositories and update repos to test with.

This repo exists:

But there are no packages there. Would it be possible to provide some sort of 
dummy updates?

Also some repos exist for Factory on the buildservice with newer packages than 
the ones in factory. Which is useful for testing the package management in 
more of a real life scenario.

Note that at the present zypper is missing from factory, but I assume that'll 
be remedied soon.

At the very least 10.2 users should be able to remove zmd+friends and still 
have cli (zypper) and an updater applet (KDE users only), which in it self is 
one of many improvements in 10.2 over 10.1.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Package management architecture

2006-11-01 Thread Martin Schlander
I received the below message from Duncan. I believe it was sent only to me by 
mistake, therefore I forward it here as I believe it's important.

On Tuesday 31 October 2006 16:17, Martin Schlander wrote:
> Presently discussion is on-going in bugzilla about the architecture of
> package management, mostly wrt. 10.2. I think that we should clarify longer
> term goals. Which imho must be to not have zmd installed by default on
> openSUSE, as it causes problems and unnecessary complexity without adding
> functionality that the openSUSE users need. I'm curious if official people
> agree with this?

Doing an updater applet for Gnome is really easy. But we should see if it is 
possible to extend the zen-updater to make it multi-backend.

Basically a direct-system applet does:

every X time, launches /usr/sbin/zypp-check-patches-wrapper
parses xml output and display it in a fancy mode.
offers a button to launch yast2 inst_source and yast2_onlineupdate

That is. All the logic, caching, etc, is in zypp helper.

Perhaps a nice chance for the communty to contribute some lines of code.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] tiny-nvidia-installer removed from factory

2006-11-02 Thread Martin Schlander
Torsdag 02 november 2006 10:33 skrev Stefan Dirsch:
> On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 08:55:22AM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I suspect it's unlikely packman would want to host these as they're dodgy
> > both legally and morally. Only nvidia should have to take the risk.
> > (Although no-one seems to have sued Debian and canonical yet)
> Hmm. Sure that Debian/Ubuntu provides prebuilt NVIDIA packages?

I'm pretty sure packages exist for Ubuntu, although they might be 3rd party. 
I'm absolutely sure FC have them via the 3rd party ilvna repo:

The idea of Packman hosting the packages was presented before. I believe their 
hesitation was not so much fear of GPL violation. More a matter of (1) 
redistribution rights for Nvidia/ATi and (2) building the packages in the 
first place, iirc.

I think the redistribution rights issue was cleared up, not sure about the 
building issue.

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Package management architecture

2006-11-02 Thread Martin Schlander
Torsdag 02 november 2006 15:25 skrev Klaus Kaempf:
> >From an openSUSE perspective, ZENworks features are not very rewarding.
> The SLE (SuSE Linux Enterprise) perspective however is quite different. The
> integration of ZENworks and YaST is very welcome.
> Going forward, we will work more towards a unified architecture for
> openSUSE and SLE.

Could you elaborate? Does that mean huge rewrites of zmd and rug? .. or does 
it mean more of the stuff we've already gotten used to with the 
synchronization and the helpers?

> > I've done a quick mock-up of how it could look in the future for
> > comparison - maybe already in 10.2 for KDE users:
> >
> That should match 10.2Beta1 ;-)

No, on 10.2b1 you would have to add zmd+helpers and rug, and on GNOME also an 
updater applet using Zmd. At least until the user manually cleans it up. On 
10.2b1 the package management stack is even more complex than on 10.1, with 
zypper and opensuse-updater added and nothing cleaned up.

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