Re: CS>Utopia 2020 - YouTube 5 min

2021-05-06 Thread Jason Bourne
The original UK series Utopia came out in 2013, quite interesting

From: Gmail 
Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2021 12:14 PM
To: Robert Dotson ; Kevin Desmond ; ; 
; Melissa Dixon ; ; 
Subject: CS>Utopia 2020 - YouTube 5 min

Must watch. They always warn us.

How many times can you be lied to, if you don’t know the truth? L. Zang

Re: CS>Questions - Can Someone Answer Re Calcium Deposits in Water Distiller

2021-02-23 Thread Jason Bourne
Citric Acid is what comes with most distillers from the factory and it works 
better than Vinegar.
I just bought a 5 pound bag of citric acid from amazon and use that.
You add a couple of tablespoons to the distiller and run it without the top, so 
it boils for an hour or 2 and it gets it looking like new again.

From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Questions - Can Someone Answer Re Calcium Deposits in Water 

Soak distiller parts in white vinegar...rinse with pure water and discard first 
batch out.

On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 1:28 PM jj>> wrote:
There is a lot of conflict here - can we just settle down and get back
to healing? It doesn't matter who is right - we all have opinions - but
it doesn't matter. What matters is how much love we have in our hearts.

1 - What to do with calcium deposits in a water distiller for CS?

2 - Does anyone know anything about making stabilized oxygen?

Thank you,

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour >

Re: CS>SOLUTION to trolls: Join the New Group

2021-02-20 Thread Jason Bourne
Cyndiann is a troll, if there was a ignore button, no one would have to see her 
post again.

From: Nenah Sylver 
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 4:44 PM
Subject: RE: CS>SOLUTION to trolls: Join the New Group

PT wrote: Actually, all Cyndiann is doing is exercising her right to free 
speech.  It is guaranteed by the Constitution!  And you want to throw her out 
just because of that . . . what you describe is the same as a totalitarian 
state... 'Think like we do or we'll throw you out!'  Really? Thank goodness 
there are also saner people on this list!



There's a huge difference between expressing an opinion and denigrating others 
because of *their* opinions.

There's a way to express an opinion with respect without resorting to name 
calling (as when you called me, by inference, "not as sane as other people").

If someone comes into my home and hurls insults and negativity, I ask them to 
leave. It's very simple.

Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition

NEW Etsy Shop: Earth Riches

Handmade, one-of-a-kind jewelry

of semi-precious stones from the Earth

plus rare and unique vintage items

CS>Silver List - Farewell

2017-06-23 Thread Jason Eaton

Greetings, everyone:

With our fearless leader MIA and no clear consensus of what the group 
wants to do, I'm going to bid you all a farewell!  Over the years, this 
has been one of my favorite lists to be a part of.

I am going to be reviving my old silver yahoo list, only because there 
are still about 450 members.  It's been quiet on that list for a long 
time, mainly because most of what needed to be said about silver has 
been said.

However, that is changing.  While the Eskimo silver list has been pretty 
sleepy, researchers out there have continued to pioneer new methods.  
There is also quite a bit of new research in the nano particle world.

If anyone has an interest in more advanced topics and wishes to join, 
you would be welcome.  On this list, however, topics off health and 
silver are not tolerated at all.  A zero tolerance policy means I simply 
remove the member, rather than debate the matter! :)

This newly revised list will be great for people who:

...want to know how to make a product very similar to Mesosilver at home.

want to know how to encapsulate silver ions for transport into the body.

want to know how to make a 100+ PPM particulate silver colloid using 
the chemistry method.

want to know how to make a 50 PPM electrically isolated ionic silver 
solution (the "glass ceiling" of 24-25 PPM of silver ions in solution 
has been broken.  It turns out, that was a false glass ceiling).

...want to study the potential toxic effects of silver.  My list has 
always looked at both sides of all of the story.  A select few warned 
people that EIS CAN cause argyria, even as we were chastised for doing 
so.  We really need to look at the cytotoxicity of silver colloids as 
more and more people on the "cutting edge" are creating higher and 
higher parts per million colloids.

I'm not yet ready to start publishing formulations and methods, but I'm 
getting closer!  As always, the project is about a collaboration between 
like minded individuals, for the benefit of everyone.

I wish you well!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Mike is Well

2017-06-06 Thread Jason Eaton

Greetings, ITguy and all:

I wanted to clarify this, and just got done corresponding with Greg's 
wife just to be sure I was correct.

The rumor about battery acid is just that:  A rumor started by someone 
who wanted to start cloning cansema.

The confusion about Cansema vs. Indian black salve is the addition of 
zinc chloride.  Zinc chloride, when made and used properly in a black 
salve formula, is what makes Cansema work each and every time with 
(almost always) a single application.


On 6/6/2017 7:02 AM, Itguy wrote:
Disinfo agents are very very common. The govt. has thousands of them, 
not including private contractors they hire to do this and other 
things. Anyone remember the skin cancer cure 'Cansema'? The FDA 
planted a mole in the company that made it who poured battery acid 
into a bitch of Cansema the same day the FDA stormed the small shop. 
Of course the FDA seized that batch and tested it and found battery 
acid in it and shut him down. Later, the inventor moved to Ecuador to 
escape tyranny here, and the CIA snatched him up outside of his home 
(Illegally) in Ecuador.

When I discovered a substance that is nearly 100% effective in curing 
PTSD and Anxiety Disorders I tried to tell everyone and was quickly 
suppressed/harassed/targeted. I went on a few anxiety forums/blogs and 
tried to tell people and quickly realized that moles were planted 
around most of the blogs/forums. Later, I found a book written in 1992 
by a doctor that discovered the same mechanism causing PTSD/Anxiety 
Disorders I did, but he didn't discover that the substance I found 
cured it, he used other substances with a similar effect. 
Interestingly, we also discovered the same mechanism for anxiety 
disorders/PTSD is used by some mind control technologies. (PPI 
Inhibition)  By the way, that substance is Emodin, look it up, give it 
to anyone with anxiety in sufficient dose and watch them recover 
almost immediately... The only other person to find the same mechanism 
I did was this doctor;

It's WORSE with IT/Cybersecurity.. Disinfo agents on virtually every 
forum like Wilderssecurity, DSLReports, etc. Any information that is 
actually valuable and valid is quickly suppressed in a storm of 
negative posts or deleted outright by moderators.  Some say the govt 
and industry have 50,000 or more disinformation agents in action on 
any given day, just in the USA!

TLDR: Yes, Disinfo agents are a real problem, almost everywhere. Many 
of us have had experiences with them. I know Marshall has for sure, we 
shared many of these experiences to compare notes in the past.


On Mon, Jun 5, 2017, at 11:56 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
I am in groups on Facebook and the silver groups get people sent in 
by big pharmacy I am sure to discredit colloidal silver...telling 
people they will turn blue and that it is a heavy metal...smh

Even Inside Edition took a nasty jab at colloidal silver not long ago.

On Monday, June 5, 2017 8:30 PM, Sandee George  wrote:

Jason a brilliant idea I endorse it totally, Facebook is a no no for 
me no wish or desire to visit that site one little bit. Agreed that 
this list has wonderful intelligent knowledgable helpful folk and it 
would be a huge loss to shut it down, let us see if Mike will turn it 
over to us, we have to ask before we know what his wishes are !   
 Only problem as I see it is, how to get to talk to him !

Peace, love and hugs
Sandee 🐬
Attitude is everything !!
Producer of Colloidal Silver
Eye drops & Topical Gel <>

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 Rules and Instructions:


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Re: CS>Mike is Well

2017-06-05 Thread Jason

...let's not run into the issue that happened to the old Oxy List.

When the owner died (Jim), he left the group to Saul Pressman. Saul 
tanked the group and then shortly thereafter shut it down, after 
censoring some of the group's most educated and dedicated members.

It was a great list.

We simply have to purchase and set up a domain (I can do that).

Then, we need a small group of people with equal moderator/owner 


On 6/5/2017 1:22 PM, Patricia Cassidy wrote:

Jason volunteered ... Let's let him give it a shot.

On 6/5/2017 3:18 PM, Elizabeth Williams wrote:

I also like this list and will not join facebook because of their 
fake news and trying to marginalize people

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>re: Mike is Well

2017-06-05 Thread Jason

Hi Itguy:

I agree that remaining on a private list server is the best option; here 
at Eskimo or elsewhere.  I wish Mike would turn over control, that would 
make everything simple.

I run several facebook groups, and as a forum, it is really terrible.  
It's very difficult to save/find threads.  It's really set up as a 
social platform, not an informational platform.

I don't like any of the "groups" websites out there for list servers, 
especially since it is so easy to set up a secure and private list 
server on an independent domain.  Their privacy policy is only valid up 
to the next buyout.  Most of these companies exist solely with an exit 
strategy in mind.

Mailman is open source and free to use, and is almost identical to 
Eskimo's system.  It's very efficient and relatively easy to customize 
and set up.


On 6/5/2017 3:02 PM, Itguy wrote:
I agree - it's really not going to work with Mike not coming back. One 
thing I disagreed with Mike about in the past was his publishing of 
the list contents in an open archive. I do not feel that is conducive 
for privacy, security and anonymity for anyone. In this day and age we 
really need to be aware of such things. Especially with a topic where 
people have been suppressed/harassed/stalked about such as alternative 
remedies and such..

Speaking as a Senior IT Security Engineer -

I'd be inclined to agree with Facebook with a major caveat...  There 
could be some concerns with privacy and security on Facebook as it's 
widely known facebook aggregates telemetry with other sources 
including CIA funded WPP and others. Facebook will offer absolutely no 
privacy/security and anonymity for anyone.. So if you go there, 
remember that you'll likely lose people and folks will be less 
inclined to share their thoughts in an open fashion.

Yahoo is definately out of the question as Yahoo themselves built a 
backdoor into their systems for the US Intel cartels and has  a 
history of 'repeated' hacks. Yahoo should never be considered for 
anything, even email. one is probably the best option for now. But I am convinced 
Mike isn't ready to give up control even if he isn't interested in 
moderating or even reading the list.

The most simple solution would be for someone to take over this list.. 
I will assist financially to 'pay the bills' if someone can convince 
Mike to turn over the reigns.. I think he would trust myself or 
Marshall to take over ownership because he knows both of us 
personally. If I took it over I would allocate moderators to assist 
and advise me and just pay the bills.

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017, at 02:44 PM, Steve G wrote:
In that case, since he isn't cooperating, this group should just 
migrate to a new platform as best we can.  Yahoo groups are still out 
there and seem to still thrive. Facebook is another possibility, but 
that forces everyone to  have a Facebook account.

The status quo of having a group that the owner is neglecting just 
doesn't work.



**From:** Jason 
**Sent:** Monday, June 5, 2017 2:31 PM
**Subject:** CS>re: Mike is Well

...Mike should turn over the account to someone willing to manage it.

...or, the list should be transferred to another host before it shuts
off one day.

I don't mind running a list, there are some good free list server
software packages that can be run from any domain.


On 6/5/2017 5:43 AM, Itguy wrote:

> Unfortunately I cannot offer any further assistance.
> Mike doesn't have any willingness to manage the list any longer. After
> I explained to him the concerns from list members and the need for him
> to admin the list he said for now he will keep paying the bills but
> can't many any further promises. I told him I would advise that he
> simply delete his entire inbox at his email address and start anew.
> He's too far behind to even attempt to parse through what may amount
> to multiple thousands of emails after many years of neglect. Then once
> deleted he can 'keep up' by checking his list and inbox a couple of
> times a week...
> It's been nearly 2 weeks since I made my wellness trip to his home and
> he hasn't checked his email to cleaned out the box, it's still filled
> up. I don't think he took my advice. Mike uses Gmail now but didn't
> provide me with that address so I have no way to reach him other than
> his cell phone number. (should he answer) To be honest, I suspect Mike
> isn't even involved with CS any longer.
> All I can say at this point is there isn't anything you can do about
> this list other than to let it deprecate and possibly manually move
> people to a new list. Sorry I cannot be of furthe

CS>re: Mike is Well

2017-06-05 Thread Jason

...Mike should turn over the account to someone willing to manage it.

...or, the list should be transferred to another host before it shuts
off one day.

I don't mind running a list, there are some good free list server
software packages that can be run from any domain.


On 6/5/2017 5:43 AM, Itguy wrote:

Unfortunately I cannot offer any further assistance.

Mike doesn't have any willingness to manage the list any longer. After
I explained to him the concerns from list members and the need for him
to admin the list he said for now he will keep paying the bills but
can't many any further promises. I told him I would advise that he
simply delete his entire inbox at his email address and start anew.
He's too far behind to even attempt to parse through what may amount
to multiple thousands of emails after many years of neglect. Then once
deleted he can 'keep up' by checking his list and inbox a couple of
times a week...

It's been nearly 2 weeks since I made my wellness trip to his home and
he hasn't checked his email to cleaned out the box, it's still filled
up. I don't think he took my advice. Mike uses Gmail now but didn't
provide me with that address so I have no way to reach him other than
his cell phone number. (should he answer) To be honest, I suspect Mike
isn't even involved with CS any longer.

All I can say at this point is there isn't anything you can do about
this list other than to let it deprecate and possibly manually move
people to a new list. Sorry I cannot be of further help.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Mike Devour not answering

2017-05-23 Thread Jason Eaton

Hi Itguy:

That's great to hear, fantastic news.  Thanks for taking the time to go 
over and check on Mike.


On 5/23/2017 11:52 AM, Itguy wrote:

I drove over to Mikes house today during my lunch break.

I'm happy to report Mike is well. In fact, he is better than well. 
He's fully conquered his health issues and really looks like a new 
man. He's trimmed down his weight and seems to have a lot of good 
energy about him. We spoke for about an hour regarding various things 
and catching up on the old times.

Mike told me to tell everyone he's sorry he has neglected the list. 
He's been involved with other projects and has gotten way behind on 
keeping up with the various lists he runs and email correspondence. 
He'll work on getting things in order. He said he didn't recognize 
Nenah's number so he didn't answer the phone thinking it was a call 
spammer or something.

All is well!


On Mon, May 22, 2017, at 05:55 PM, Tony Moody wrote:

Hallo Folks,

Mikes Devour, owner of the silver List, mailbox is full, he hasn't 
answered recent email. Support at  say that his phone 
rings but there is a generic answering machine message. He lives in 
south east Michigan according to his page

Is there anyone in the area who could try to get something more definite?
I can't be of much help because I'm round the other side of the world 
and 9 hours earlier than you in USA.

Tony Moody

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>"Rampant use of nanosilver..."

2017-04-01 Thread Jason

Hi Bob:

This individual was actually referring to BILL's post, not yours! :O)


On 4/1/2017 2:22 PM, bob Larson wrote:

And I don't see the absurdity of its premise at all.  live in today not
the past.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Final choices of units?

2017-04-01 Thread Jason Eaton

Hi Bob:

This is interesting, I'm certainly going to investigate further. I'm 
glad to see someone with a unique viewpoint.

That said, there is a lot of bad science out there masquerading as good 

Do you know what... if any... actual analytical work has been done on 
EIS made with his process?

Time kill studies by chance?


On 4/1/2017 9:38 AM, bob Larson wrote:
Polarity swapping helps a lot but adding a stir is still nice.  If 
you're going to get into reducing stabilizing and Cafe you definitely 
need a stirrer as well as borosilicate beaker and a hot plate.

The Facebook group "colloidal gold and colloidalsilver" is where a 
bunch of us have been learning from a chemist physiologist teacher in 
Sweden named Per Dahlin.  An automated machine making ionic like the 
silver puppy isn't what you want to get into all that AgNP & CGold 
stuff.  You need a current regulated simple power supply that you 
control manually no polarity swap you must torch your oxide back to 
Elemental silver every 15 or 20 minutes.  While the process requires 
involvement and Direct Control it is versatile.  Everything you need 
to know about the basic science and the Brewing processes are in the 
files of that group.  The setup to have would be a silver puppy Plus a 
laboratory bench power supply which is about a hundred bucks. 
 Straight ionic CS is used as a preservative part of a blend that 
keeps lecithin or gelatin from going funky because the Nanna particles 
are all covered up and can't protect each other.  You can make 
beautiful ionic CS with the NP oriented gear ( allowing precisely 
controlled and quick production) but it's best for me to brew ionic on 
a back-Brewer while The AgNP brewer that must be fussed with is in front.
My Facebook friends are running with this commercially and doing 
great.  Ionic and nanoparticle blends are becoming very popular with 
their customers.  Reducing with manuka honey is the latest rage.

On Apr 1, 2017 5:50 AM, Ode Coyote  wrote:

Why no more stirrers:

Everything is made in China now [ie motors]
Quality control has gone out the window and I just can't get
motors that will predictably last even after weeding out 40% of
them as obviously defective.
Even the very expensive custom American made motors were only 80%
I've redesigned for different motors 8 times now and each time the
quality and consistency erodes and a stirrer was only needed
back when generator output was DC.

But it's more personal than that.
It hurts my feelings to sell "junk", especially junk you don't need.

No amount of stirring will touch the Nearnst Diffusion layer at
the electrode surface where things happen on the "Micro" atomic level.
The "Macro" diffusion level is sufficiently handled by natural
convection, Brownian Motion and ion velocity.

The thermal stirrers heat the water when you don't want the heat.
At 20 PPM the solution is in over saturation and ions are more
forced into becoming uncharged molecules of silver oxide and
Sometimes on a cold day the auto off at 20 uS would predominantly
make particles before it reached 20 uS and never shut down.
Heating the water helped on that score by raising the saturation
point of the water but with every 10 degrees of temperature 3 uS
in conductivity is added, so, at 20 uS and 90 deg F water 6 uS was
from heat, not silver.
Hot water makes ions more chemically reactive.
 I had not been able to make EIS at over 120 deg F that didn't
 [Coffee maker hot plates are too hot]

 "Back in the day" conductive ion tracks forming using straight DC
output was a much worse problem.

Now the [Silver 9"] gen shuts down at 10 uS [PPM] where it isn't
in over saturation at room temperature and additional PPM can be
added simply by programming.
With polarity switching, the ions tracks never form to 'be' disrupted.

 Preheat the water to add conductivity without contaminating the
water when conductivity is most needed in the absence of silver.
As silver content adds conductivity, the water cools reducing


On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 9:30 PM, Top Dog>> wrote:

Unless I missed it someplace it doesn't appear to be an item
for sale anymore on the site.


On Mar 31, 2017 9:15 PM, "Victor Cozzetto">>

I strongly recommend the thermal stirrer with the
Silverpuppy. Both items are sold on the site. The thermal
stirrer gives you the addition of some temperature
control, which makes timing more consistent and enable

Re: CS>"Rampant use of nanosilver..."

2017-03-31 Thread Jason Eaton
...I would like to see more details about the referenced study on silver 
resistant bacteria.

The only study that I'm aware of was a study done on silver resistant 
microbes in silver-rich soil.  The researchers found that once the 
bacteria were removed from the silver-rich environment, the resistance 
quickly reversed (within a few generations).  If I remember correctly, 
the reason was: Resistance to silver came at a very high metabolic price 
for the bacteria.


On 3/31/2017 6:06 PM, Bill Kingsbury wrote:

from: -

Rampant use of antibacterial nanosilver is a resistance risk

7:05 March 31, 2017

In summary:

.. Silver nanoparticles are becoming ubiquitous in medical and consumer 
items because of their antibacterial potency in small concentrations and, 
partly, incorrect perceptions about their safety

.. A more judicious approach and targeted surveillance are urgently needed 
to preserve nanosilver's antimicrobial reliability

Researchers at the University of Technology Sydney warn that the broad-spectrum 
antimicrobial effectiveness of silver is being put at risk by the widespread 
and inappropriate expansion of nanosilver use in medical and consumer goods.

As well as their use in medical items such as wound dressings and catheters, silver 
nanoparticles are becoming ubiquitous in everyday items, including toothbrushes and 
toothpaste, baby bottles and teats, bedding, clothing and household appliances, because 
of their antibacterial potency and the incorrect assumption that ordinary items should be 
kept "clean" of microbes.

Nanobiologist Dr Cindy Gunawan, from the ithree institute at UTS and lead researcher on 
the investigation, said alarm bells should be ringing at the commercialisation of 
nanosilver use because of a "real threat" that resistance to nanosilver will 
develop and spread through microorganisms in the human body and the environment.

Dr Gunawan and ithree institute director Professor Liz Harry, in collaboration 
with researchers at UNSW and abroad, investigated more than 140 commercially 
available medical devices, including wound dressings and tracheal and urinary 
catheters, and dietary supplements, which are promoted as immunity boosters and 
consumed by throat or nasal spray.

Their perspective article in the journal ACS Nano concluded that the use of 
nanosilver in these items could lead to prolonged exposure to bioactive silver 
in the human body. Such exposure creates the conditions for microbial 
resistance to develop.

The use of silver as an antimicrobial agent dates back centuries. Its ability to destroy 
pathogens while seemingly having low toxicity on human cells has seen it widely employed, 
in treating burns or purifying water, for example. More recently, ultra-small (less than 
10,000th of a millimetre) silver nanoparticles have been engineered for antimicrobial 
purposes.  Their commercial appeal lies in superior potency at lower concentrations than 
"bulk" silver.

"Nanosilver is a proven antimicrobial agent whose reliability is being jeopardised 
by the commercialisation of people's fear of bacteria," Dr Gunawan said.

"Our use of it needs to be far more judicious, in the same way we need to 
approach antibiotic usage. Nanosilver is a useful tool but we need to be careful, 
use it wisely and only when the benefit outweighs the risk.

"People need to be made aware of just how widely it is used, but more importantly 
they need to be made aware that the presence of nanosilver has been shown to cause 
antimicrobial resistance."

What is also needed, Dr Gunawan said, is a targeted surveillance strategy to 
monitor for any occurrence of resistance.

Professor Harry said the findings were a significant contribution to addressing 
the global antimicrobial resistance crisis.

"This research emphasises the threat posed to our health and that of the environment 
by the inappropriate use of nanosilver as an antibacterial, particularly in ordinary 
household and consumer items," she said.

The article Widespread and Indiscriminate Nanosilver Use: Genuine Potential for 
Microbial Resistance is published in the journal ACS Nano.

( )


(c) 2016 HEALTHCANAL - Medical News. All Rights Reserved.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Black Salve

2017-03-30 Thread Jason Eaton

Hi PT:

I don't know the exact shelf life, but I've used a 2 year old jar.  I 
always keep it refrigerated, which helps extend the shelf life.

Kind Regards,


On 3/30/2017 7:35 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

Thanks.  Do you know what its shelf life is?
Tel told me many years ago that it didn't have a shelf life and that 
if it dried out it just needed to be rehydrated but that doesn't make 
sense to me as it would seem to me the herbs would weaken over time.


*From:* Jason Eaton 
*Sent:* Thursday, March 30, 2017 9:41 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Black Salve

Hi PT:

I use Cansema (renamed as Amazon Black Topical Salve) from Alpha Omega
Labs.  US and Canada:

Chances are, you don't need the deep tissue version (has ingredients
added like DMSO) unless you have a really troubling skin cancer issue.

Kind Regards,


On 3/30/2017 6:11 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> Where does one purchase a reputable black salve these days?
> Thanks. PT
> ----
> *From:* Jason Eaton <>>

> *To:* <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 30, 2017 6:19 PM
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Black Salve
> Hi Phil:
> most things @ Natural News, this article should have been
> written MUCH better.  It is misleading.
> While Greg has blood root in his black salve, the "secret" that makes it
> better than traditional formulations is the addition of zinc chloride.
> Like mentioned by another on the list, you have to use a traditional
> salve much differently than something like Cansema.
> Here is an interesting "splash" photo journal of black salve, clay and
> silver:
> ...this is a relative of mine, and the individual used it completely
> "wrong" and still got great results. :)
> ~Jason
> On 3/30/2017 3:09 PM, Phil Morrison wrote:
> >
> > Fascinating report on Black Salve.
> >
> > And Greg Caton.
> >
> >
> >

> --
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> >

Re: CS>Black Salve

2017-03-30 Thread Jason Eaton

Hi PT:

I use Cansema (renamed as Amazon Black Topical Salve) from Alpha Omega 
Labs.  US and Canada:

Chances are, you don't need the deep tissue version (has ingredients 
added like DMSO) unless you have a really troubling skin cancer issue.

Kind Regards,


On 3/30/2017 6:11 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

Hi Jason,
Where does one purchase a reputable black salve these days?
Thanks. PT

*From:* Jason Eaton 
*Sent:* Thursday, March 30, 2017 6:19 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Black Salve

Hi Phil: most things @ Natural News, this article should have been
written MUCH better.  It is misleading.

While Greg has blood root in his black salve, the "secret" that makes it
better than traditional formulations is the addition of zinc chloride.

Like mentioned by another on the list, you have to use a traditional
salve much differently than something like Cansema.

Here is an interesting "splash" photo journal of black salve, clay and

...this is a relative of mine, and the individual used it completely
"wrong" and still got great results. :)


On 3/30/2017 3:09 PM, Phil Morrison wrote:
> Fascinating report on Black Salve.
> And Greg Caton.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: 



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List Owner: Mike Devour < 


Re: CS>Black Salve

2017-03-30 Thread Jason Eaton

Hi Phil: most things @ Natural News, this article should have been 
written MUCH better.  It is misleading.

While Greg has blood root in his black salve, the "secret" that makes it 
better than traditional formulations is the addition of zinc chloride.

Like mentioned by another on the list, you have to use a traditional 
salve much differently than something like Cansema.

Here is an interesting "splash" photo journal of black salve, clay and 

...this is a relative of mine, and the individual used it completely 
"wrong" and still got great results. :)


On 3/30/2017 3:09 PM, Phil Morrison wrote:

Fascinating report on Black Salve.

And Greg Caton.

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Re: CS>Black Salve

2017-03-30 Thread Jason Eaton

Hi Diane:

Yes, Greg is free now.  As I understand it, he served out his remaining 
original sentence after they grabbed him and took him back to the U.S. 
Then, after release, he returned to Ecuador.


On 3/30/2017 11:46 AM, Diane Mackey wrote:
Jason, is Greg free now?  I would really love to hear his whole 
story.  I remember when they grabbed him in Ecuador but have not heard 
much since.

On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 2:37 PM, Jason Eaton <>> wrote:

Hi Jean:

I just chatted with Greg Caton online last week.  He is doing
fine, and his business (including black salve) is still run out of

Their USA and Canada store is here: <>

Kind Regards,


On 3/30/2017 11:15 AM, Jean Baugh wrote:


Warning about Alpha Omega Labs!  If you know about Greg Caton,
then you know to avoid his old website because the gov
bankrupted him, imprisoned him, let him out of prison early if
he signed a promise to not sell black salve, he went to
Ecuador and sold it there, then our gov kidnapped him and put
him back in prison.  I don’t know Greg’s current status but
the FDA allowed a scammer to sell fake black salve on his site.

There used to be a lady in CA by the name of Pat Weissleader
of Desert Hot Springs, who sold it but the last time I heard
of her, they were after her big time. She disappeared from the
internet and I have no idea if she is alive or not.  She had a
good heart and cured her cancer and was trying to help others
and even gave the recipe to make your own.  I had the recipe
but lost it in a computer crash.

I’ve bought from Greg’s wife in Ecuador, Pat from CA and one
place in Australia.   Perhaps Greg’s wife is still selling the
black salve in Ecuador.

Debbie recommends a group on Facebook so that would be the
direction I’d go first.

If I suspected cancer, would buy black salve from more than
one place, use one, then use the other if the first one didn’t
work react.


From: Max Perrault> <
Reply-To:> <
Date: Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 11:12 AM
< <>>>
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve
Resent-From:> <
Resent-Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 09:13:05 -0700 (PDT)

alpha omega labs is still selling a powerful black salve. They
have other interesting products.

Some black salves dont have the escharotic character, like
Christophers.  The use would be very different

On 3/30/2017 9:04 AM, Lena Guyot wrote:

Hi Dan,
I've got my black slave from:
Quailwood Herbal
Dewey, AZ 86327 <>

They came well-recommended to me and I was impressed with
their very thorough enclosed instructions.
Be well,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <
List Owner: Mike Devour <

Re: CS>Black Salve

2017-03-30 Thread Jason Eaton

Hi Jean:

I just chatted with Greg Caton online last week.  He is doing fine, and 
his business (including black salve) is still run out of Ecuador.

Their USA and Canada store is here:

Kind Regards,


On 3/30/2017 11:15 AM, Jean Baugh wrote:


Warning about Alpha Omega Labs!  If you know about Greg Caton, then 
you know to avoid his old website because the gov bankrupted him, 
imprisoned him, let him out of prison early if he signed a promise to 
not sell black salve, he went to Ecuador and sold it there, then our 
gov kidnapped him and put him back in prison.  I don’t know Greg’s 
current status but the FDA allowed a scammer to sell fake black salve 
on his site.

There used to be a lady in CA by the name of Pat Weissleader of Desert 
Hot Springs, who sold it but the last time I heard of her, they were 
after her big time.  She disappeared from the internet and I have no 
idea if she is alive or not.  She had a good heart and cured her 
cancer and was trying to help others and even gave the recipe to make 
your own.  I had the recipe but lost it in a computer crash.

I’ve bought from Greg’s wife in Ecuador, Pat from CA and one place in 
Australia.   Perhaps Greg’s wife is still selling the black salve in 

Debbie recommends a group on Facebook so that would be the direction 
I’d go first.

If I suspected cancer, would buy black salve from more than one place, 
use one, then use the other if the first one didn’t work react.


From: Max Perrault>>
Date: Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve
Resent-Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 09:13:05 -0700 (PDT)

alpha omega labs is still selling a powerful black salve. They have 
other interesting products.

Some black salves dont have the escharotic character, like 
Christophers.  The use would be very different

On 3/30/2017 9:04 AM, Lena Guyot wrote:

Hi Dan,
I've got my black slave from:
Quailwood Herbal
Dewey, AZ 86327 <>

They came well-recommended to me and I was impressed with their very 
thorough enclosed instructions.

Be well,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Re: Mike

2017-03-01 Thread Jason

...come to think of it, has anyone heard from Mike D. lately?

I checked the archives, and he hasn't posted for awhile.

I also expected him to jump in a long time ago and chastise us for going 
off topic.

On 3/1/2017 5:01 PM, Roger Barker wrote:

Looks like something from the Confessions of a Plumber :-)

On 2/03/2017, at 1:31 PM, Jason wrote:

just as I initially predicated, Natural News is re-indexed and has its 
rankings back.

Worse conspiracy ever. :)

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Rules and Instructions:


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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

CS>Re: Natural News

2017-03-01 Thread Jason

just as I initially predicated, Natural News is re-indexed and has 
its rankings back.

Worse conspiracy ever. :)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>interesting update on Natural News-Google episode

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

Hi Nenah:

Indeed.  I'll just have to watch and wait.

My re-inclusion took a couple of weeks, if I remember correctly.

It's not a very smart tactic, in my opinion, as it is a penalty that is 
easily fixed and short-lived by G's own policy.  Someone could develop a 
black hat SEO method to target a site with a malicious intentioned 
server-side script that would incur a permanent domain ban.

If they don't do a re-inclusion, it leaves them open to a massive civil 
suit, and they wouldn't really have any grounds to defend themselves.

I personally wish Google would be even more diligent against server-side 
scripting violations.  Sometimes they let certain sites get away with 
this kind of stuff while they try to develop changes to their algorithms 
that can identify them without a person's actual intervention.

That said, I don't think anyone should be singled out for political, 
social, or economic reasons... doesn't matter to me if it is pro or anti 
a certain thing or ideology.


On 2/24/2017 9:50 PM, Nenah Sylver wrote:


Hi Jason.

Thanks for the post. I read that too. And yet, after listening to this
discussion, which contains a lot of sobering food for thought—go to —I’m convinced that Google
looked for an excuse to take out Adams. They found a (legitimate, minor)
violation. The timing simply strikes me as VERY coincidental. Adams has
been publishing some pretty hard-hitting articles on biosludge, the TSA,
medical fraud, and government involvement in the manufacture of illegal
drugs. I guess he’s got some people pretty worried.

But, of course, the only thing to do is to wait and see what happens.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>interesting update on Natural News-Google episode

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

Hi Nenah:

That's interesting, and I'll continue to watch this closely.

That said, a Russian hacker hacked one page on my site a few years ago 
to run a malicious re-direct script to sell fake hand bags, and one of 
domains was dropped without warning.

I found the issue myself, researched the policy (and then understood why 
it had to be a zero tolerance policy).

Having found the issue, I corrected it, went through the re-inclusion 
steps as outlined by Google (which allows you to explain the issue), and 
was re-included.

The policy, as I understand it, is zero tolerance, zero exceptions, zero 
excuses.  As far as I've seen, it has not been abused.

It doesn't matter if the issue is on a subdomain or the main domain, or 
even an old page, or even if another "user" or "ad network" places the 
code.  In my case, the page wasn't even part of my "linked" website.

About Natural News, here is what the Google technician wrote:

"Hi! I work with the Google Search team. We're seeing a bit of confusion 
& incorrect stories circulating about what's happening here, so just to 
be super clear -- Natural News is using a sneaky mobile redirect, which 
is prohibited by our webmaster guidelines (there's a bit about this kind 
of issue at 
). These redirects aren't always easy to reproduce, they're sometimes in 
widgets or served by ad networks, and can target specific devices, 
browsers, or user locations. When we last checked, there was one on 
http://blogs. naturalnews. 
com/bentonite-clay-a-natural-medicine-cabinet-must-have/ . As soon as 
this is cleaned up, the site can submit a reconsideration request 
through Search Console, and once that's reviewed things will return to 
normal. No action has been taken based on the editorial content of this 

On 2/24/2017 8:15 PM, Nenah Sylver wrote:

I said I wasn’t going to discuss this anymore, but after the post I just
sent to this list, I received a newsletter from Jon Rappoport
He quotes a statement received from Mike Adams, in which Adams addressed
the technical violations that Google said Natural News committed.

++beginning of Mike Adams’s statement as reported by Rappoport++

UPDATE: Here is a statement from Mike Adams (2/24):

"This morning, I was contacted by a Google technical person who directly
emailed Natural News. According to the email, a Google techie found an
obscure third party advertising script running on a tiny number of
articles published 3+ years ago under the
subdomain, where content is posted by outside bloggers. (Many websites
host similar blogs, including the NY Times.)..."

"Just to be clear, this script was NOT running on the primary domain, it was not part of any in-house
NaturalNews articles, and it was not even recent. It was from years ago."

"This third party script, identified as invoking '', has
been so far identified on a grand total of 13 blog posts that were
posted from 2013 - 2014 under the subdomain"

"Using this as their excuse, Google blacklisted the entire domain, including all 140,000+ pages of content that
contained no such third party scripts, thereby 'silencing' Natural News
content by invoking an obscure, dated, barely-visible technical issue."

"This is the electronic equivalent of a rogue cop claiming, 'Yer tail
light is busted! Hee-Haw'!"

"In other words, Google scoured the entire Natural News site and all its
subdomains, including blogger articles, in order to find some
'justification' to ban the entire website. Even worse, they did not
issue any warning to Natural News on this 'Manual Action,' they did not
limit the content ban to the subdomain in question (blogs.) and they did
not even tell Natural News which URLs were being flagged by Google,
because that would have made it much quicker for us to identify the
issue they claimed was responsible for the delisting. (They only told us
about one URL today, after days of censorship of the entire website...)"

"But since then, we've discovered that Google's own Blogspot network is
running the same third party code! According to Google's own logic,
Google should have blacklisted the entire domain. But they
haven't. Wonder why?"

++end of Mike Adams’s statement as reported by Rappoport++

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Re: CS>Ode and EIS vs CS

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

Hi Dave:

Did you ever do anything to try to reduce the coloration?

..and, did you find a suitable protocol to help with your Lyme?


On 2/24/2017 11:20 AM, Da Darrin wrote:

I have a better answer to that than most as I actually turned color from
about a quart a day of 20 ppm for ten years. It started a little before
that but It was getting darker by the day so I quit taking it.
Held Lyme at bay for that long, then after I quit the silver it came
back with a vengeance.


On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Lynn Greene>> wrote:

Hi Ode. What is the upper limit of CS that we can drink? I don't
want to turn silver. I saw my first silver person in an airport
restaurant. We have your excellent puppy.
thanks. Lynn

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 3:10 AM, Ode Coyote>> wrote:

What do "Colloidal Silver Generators" really do?

Well, most of what you'll "learn" is sales hype or repeated
ignorance handed down without context...some is even partly true.
"Technically" an ion is a particle because it has mass and takes
up space, but the technicality is often used to mislead.

The silverpups and ALL generators that use electricity and water
make ONLY ions and  silver ions only come in one atom
minus an electron.
Particles form FROM ions later, mostly in the Nernst Diffusion
layer at the electrode surface/ water interface and according to
environmental conditions such as concentration.
If the concentration is higher than the solubility limits of
silver ions in water,the ion is forced to combine with something
to make a particle.
Only those ions that find an electron become "silver" particles.
Electrons can be picked up at the air/electrode interface and
from glass acting as a capacitor/ [very inefficient] solar cell
collecting electro-magnetic radiation. There are no
"free"electrons in a liquid. only electron imbalances as ions
and anions.
Some of the hydroxyl anions OH[-] will combine with  silver ions
to form a silver hydroxide particle or with dissolved oxygen, to
form silver oxideboth, byproducts of electrolysis,
Hydroxyl rich water is also known as "alkaline water"
If the current is kept low, the oxides and most of the
hydroxides form and stay on the electrodes where the SWAP
current reversal phase re-converts most of it back to ionic silver.
The more particles in a given volume, the higher the odds of
them growing bigger and they don't come in one size, but ranges
of sizes with the vast majority of the silver still as ions.
Current control controls current density on the electrodes and
keeps that concentration down in the diffusion layer so fewer
and smaller particles tend to form, but the water itself plays a
role too and water is highly variable.
Particle Size

The machine itself...doesn't make "particles" all.

No generator that uses electricity and water makes "particles"

They make ions and nothing BUT ions and silver ions only come in
one size or they aren't silver.  No "particle" of silver can
possibly be smaller.
A silver ion, by definition: A single atom minus an electron at
0.000252 microns diameter

0.000252 microns = 0.252 nanometers

If anyone answers your question " What size are the particles
this machine makes? " with a number, they are either liars or
suffer from ignorance.
With 85% to 97% of the silver being ionic, smaller than a single
atom by definition and nothing smaller possible, does it really
Particles bigger than around a couple of microns settle out, by
definition, not "colloidal".
Leave those on the bottom.

The formation of particles *out of ions* happens within the
environment which includes many variables.

The variables that the SilverPuppy machines CAN control are
controlled, but there are many it can't.

Further, particles form in size ranges with a distribution of
many sizes, so one figure just isn't going to describe anything

When you hear people say their machine makes any given size of
particle and shows a electron microscope photo of them, it's a
particle that was made *out of an ion* [ie: silver oxide ] while
processing the sample for testing and that particle was never in
the water...nor was it made by the generato

Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

Hi Tricia:

I've been on this list a very, very, very long time.

The only reason I spoke up is that I believe that many of the people on 
this list actually really do care about the truth.

If I'm wrong about that, that's ok, too. :)

I'm NOT the biggest fan of Google, not since their Florida update, which 
was years and years ago.

That said, the truth is that they are still the conglomerate search 
engine, and this will continue as long as the majority of people use Google.

Until this changes, I pay very close attention to what is going on with 
them.  It is called being informed.

On 2/24/2017 6:08 PM, wrote:

Thank goodness Google still has a spokesperson to keep us informed of truth.

-Original Message-
From: Jason 
To: silver-list 
Sent: Fri, Feb 24, 2017 8:05 pm
Subject: Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

...last note:

This from SEO Round Table (a very reputable site in the SEO world):

Google has now publically stated that Natural News was notified of a
violation of using sneaky mobile redirects, and that they had the same
issue going on in 2015.

What Mike is doing is a dishonestly trying to blame Google.


Because lots of smaller independent companies that publish articles on
their websites make a lot of money from incoming traffic from Natural
News. Some may even rely on the traffic.

If these people realize that Natural News has had this issue since 2015,
and continued to practice these "google violations" after being
repeatedly informed/warned, and PURPOSEFULLY continued these tactics,
they are going to be angry.

So let's try to make sure that they are angry at Google instead of
finding out the real issue.

On 2/24/2017 3:46 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Bob:

I agree with you 100%. Natural News has become nothing more than a
grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.

...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true. In
fact, it's laughably ridiculous:

...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of money
with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.

On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:

the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
their demise is no loss at all in my opinion. do they still exist as
before in other sesrch engines?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George 

< <>>> wrote:

Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same deterrent
to save face and create unrest for others. It is everywhere, as we
are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this time
on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as our
direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
perspectives of others to be our guide! This is my answer to
those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually Let me
ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ? This idea, I may add, is not
religion but spirituality !
Peace, love and hugs
An attitude of gratitude is everything!!! <>

< <>>

Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
Topical Gel & Eye Drops

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <


List Owner: Mike Devour <


Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

...last note:

This from SEO Round Table (a very reputable site in the SEO world):

Google has now publically stated that Natural News was notified of a 
violation of using sneaky mobile redirects, and that they had the same 
issue going on in 2015.

What Mike is doing is a dishonestly trying to blame Google.


Because lots of smaller independent companies that publish articles on 
their websites make a lot of money from incoming traffic from Natural 
News.  Some may even rely on the traffic.

If these people realize that Natural News has had this issue since 2015, 
and continued to practice these "google violations" after being 
repeatedly informed/warned, and PURPOSEFULLY continued these tactics, 
they are going to be angry.

So let's try to make sure that they are angry at Google instead of 
finding out the real issue.

On 2/24/2017 3:46 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Bob:

I agree with you 100%.  Natural News has become nothing more than a
grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.

...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true.  In
fact, it's laughably ridiculous:

...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of money
with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.

On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:

the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
their demise is no loss at all in my opinion.  do they still exist as
before in other sesrch engines?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George>> wrote:

Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same deterrent
to save face and create unrest for others.   It is everywhere, as we
are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this time
on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as our
direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
perspectives of others to be our guide! This is my answer to
those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually Let me
ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ?This idea, I may add, is not
religion but spirituality !
Peace, love and hugs
An attitude of gratitude is everything!!! <>
Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
Topical Gel & Eye Drops

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

Hi Ron:

...and I just checked.  Info wars was not delisted.

Now, I've spent way too much of my own personal time on this.

I just ask that individuals do a bit more research from more sources 
before believing what someone says.

It amazes me how much people WANT to believe in the nefarious.

In my opinion, perhaps people should WANT to be absolutely meticulous in 
personally investigating what the truth is... or is not...WANT... to 
take the time if something matters enough for them that they repeat it 
to others.

On 2/24/2017 5:21 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Ron:

Not intolerant at all!

I understand anyone getting upset when they lose their rankings, when
their income depends on Google serving them traffic.

There is some good content on Natural News.

We always have to be diligent about our freedom of speech issues, no doubt!

Old Timers will remember that I successfully defended a small colloidal
silver company that was attacked by BYU in the early 2000's, when they
tried to force companies to take down a real news article publication
documenting the antimicrobial effects of silver.

I'm sure it is STILL an embarrassment to BYU, because anyone searching
for the issue will still come across the truth of their attempted cover-up.

When the FDA took down Greg Caton's alt cancer website (the creator of
Cansema) as a part of their sting operation, I had a mirror up within
four hours.  I kept a mirrored copy of the website live while he was
powerless sitting in a jail cell, until his staff could recover.

At the same time, I also can't stand people being manipulated with

On 2/24/2017 5:00 PM, Ron wrote:

Very interesting Jason,

Yes the link does clear it and you don't sound so much like an
intolerant xxx!! 

He has another pub
Article there about Google thing.

On 2/24/2017 4:32 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Ron:

It's not a free speech issue.  It's a policy and guidelines issue (if
you read the news article I linked to, you would see).

Natural News was penalized for violating Google's published guidelines.

It has happened to me before on many occasions.  I didn't cry wolf, I
kept searching until I found out what I did to violate their policies,
and then correct my errors.  Once this is accomplished, I regained my
rankings (as long as they were actually deserved).

Believe me:  You have no idea unless you've worked in the business.  I
used to work for a company that had an SEO department (and I worked in
the dept.).

A company will do ANYTHING they can to try to get websites delisted,
penalized, or rankings reduced.

Google, so far, has been absolutely amazing at retaining integrity,
even when they mess up with their algorithm changes.

In the market I worked in (local Google market), companies would spend
collectively hundreds of thousands of dollars a month competing for

Black Hat SEO is even worse.

Sometimes, people TRY to make a non-issue an issue.  This just
demonstrates how unreliable Mike has become as far as ethically
representing what is actually true, and what is not.

I would never think of taking away anyone's right to speech... but
right to Google Rankings?  That's another story.  If you don't play by
the rules, you get penalized.

On 2/24/2017 4:19 PM, Ron wrote:

Yesterday free speech. Today censorship - tomorrow 

On 2/24/2017 3:46 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Bob:

I agree with you 100%.  Natural News has become nothing more than a
grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.

...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true.  In
fact, it's laughably ridiculous:

...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of
money with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.

On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:

the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
their demise is no loss at all in my opinion.  do they still exist as
before in other sesrch engines?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George>> wrote:

Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same
to save face and create unrest for others.   It is everywhere, as we
are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this
on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as
direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
perspectives of others to be our guide! This is my answer to
those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually
Let me
ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ?This idea, I may add, is 

Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

Hi Ron:

I wasn't believing what Google says.  The article I linked to was by a 
Search Engine Watch Group.

I strongly distrust what Mike says when his motivation is completely 

Like I said, you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes in the 
world's financial war against the search engines.

The search engines and media giants are trying right now to properly 
develop an algo for what is real news and what is not real news.  How 
they will DEFINE that, if anyone CAN actually define it, I have no idea.

There have been no algo roll-outs yet.  Google still differentiates 
"news" rankings from its "PageRank" search engine rankings as far as I 
can tell, based on its own trust filters...  which means the general 
search results are not yet filtered any differently than before; it's 
trust filter appears to be the same, as does how it calculates Authority 

"News" always gets a bump according to the date stamp, and then drops 
(or holds) according to the PR algo.

On 2/24/2017 5:11 PM, Ron wrote:

Mike does write a lot of truth in the realm of what the uninformed and
unaware call conspiracy.
It is interesting that Mike's and Alex Jones were simultaneously knocked
out by Google but I (as you apparently do) believe everything Google says.
And furthermore I am capable of separating wheat from chaff most of the

On 2/24/2017 4:37 PM, Jason wrote:

...and furthermore, if we don't each take the time to research and
understand what is going on, then we are only being manipulated to
serve someone else's agenda.

On 2/24/2017 4:19 PM, Ron wrote:

Yesterday free speech. Today censorship - tomorrow 

On 2/24/2017 3:46 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Bob:

I agree with you 100%.  Natural News has become nothing more than a
grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.

...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true.  In
fact, it's laughably ridiculous:

...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of
money with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.

On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:

the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
their demise is no loss at all in my opinion.  do they still exist as
before in other sesrch engines?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George>> wrote:

Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same
to save face and create unrest for others.   It is everywhere, as we
are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this
on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as our
direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
perspectives of others to be our guide! This is my answer to
those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually
Let me
ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ?This idea, I may add, is not
religion but spirituality !
Peace, love and hugs
An attitude of gratitude is everything!!! <>
Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
Topical Gel & Eye Drops

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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

Hi Ron:

Not intolerant at all!

I understand anyone getting upset when they lose their rankings, when 
their income depends on Google serving them traffic.

There is some good content on Natural News.

We always have to be diligent about our freedom of speech issues, no doubt!

Old Timers will remember that I successfully defended a small colloidal 
silver company that was attacked by BYU in the early 2000's, when they 
tried to force companies to take down a real news article publication 
documenting the antimicrobial effects of silver.

I'm sure it is STILL an embarrassment to BYU, because anyone searching 
for the issue will still come across the truth of their attempted cover-up.

When the FDA took down Greg Caton's alt cancer website (the creator of 
Cansema) as a part of their sting operation, I had a mirror up within 
four hours.  I kept a mirrored copy of the website live while he was 
powerless sitting in a jail cell, until his staff could recover.

At the same time, I also can't stand people being manipulated with 

On 2/24/2017 5:00 PM, Ron wrote:

Very interesting Jason,

Yes the link does clear it and you don't sound so much like an
intolerant xxx!! 

He has another pub
Article there about Google thing.

On 2/24/2017 4:32 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Ron:

It's not a free speech issue.  It's a policy and guidelines issue (if
you read the news article I linked to, you would see).

Natural News was penalized for violating Google's published guidelines.

It has happened to me before on many occasions.  I didn't cry wolf, I
kept searching until I found out what I did to violate their policies,
and then correct my errors.  Once this is accomplished, I regained my
rankings (as long as they were actually deserved).

Believe me:  You have no idea unless you've worked in the business.  I
used to work for a company that had an SEO department (and I worked in
the dept.).

A company will do ANYTHING they can to try to get websites delisted,
penalized, or rankings reduced.

Google, so far, has been absolutely amazing at retaining integrity,
even when they mess up with their algorithm changes.

In the market I worked in (local Google market), companies would spend
collectively hundreds of thousands of dollars a month competing for

Black Hat SEO is even worse.

Sometimes, people TRY to make a non-issue an issue.  This just
demonstrates how unreliable Mike has become as far as ethically
representing what is actually true, and what is not.

I would never think of taking away anyone's right to speech... but
right to Google Rankings?  That's another story.  If you don't play by
the rules, you get penalized.

On 2/24/2017 4:19 PM, Ron wrote:

Yesterday free speech. Today censorship - tomorrow 

On 2/24/2017 3:46 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Bob:

I agree with you 100%.  Natural News has become nothing more than a
grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.

...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true.  In
fact, it's laughably ridiculous:

...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of
money with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.

On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:

the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
their demise is no loss at all in my opinion.  do they still exist as
before in other sesrch engines?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George>> wrote:

Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same
to save face and create unrest for others.   It is everywhere, as we
are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this
on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as our
direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
perspectives of others to be our guide! This is my answer to
those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually
Let me
ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ?This idea, I may add, is not
religion but spirituality !
Peace, love and hugs
An attitude of gratitude is everything!!! <>
Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
Topical Gel & Eye Drops

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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

Hi Lola:

Anyone can do what the search engine watch companies are doing (have 
aready done), and study how a website renders under different platforms.

The website wasn't touched, they only lost their search engine rankings, 
so anyone is free to investigate.

Some people pay a few hundred dollars a month just for automated tools 
that tear apart how a website renders, and how a website is viewed 
through "search engine eyes".

It's a big no no in the Big G handbook to redirect content based on 
device, which is what it looks like they were doing.

It could be innocent, it could be a webmaster mistake, or it could be 
trying to cheat the system.

Either way, this method of serving content CANNOT be allowed at all, 
because it gives black hat SEO's an instant way to cheat the search 
engine rankings.

That's why the methodology is not judged on a "case by case" or "merit" 
method, and why there is no "pre-warning" system.  The black hat SEO's 
would just keep pushing the system until they figure out how to bypass 
G's detection algos, then bank hundreds of thousands of dollars before 
the search engine can make a correction.

It HAS to be a zero tolerance policy.

On 2/24/2017 4:53 PM, wrote:

But now that Google has removed the entity in question, there is nothing to
research or discern?  Whose agenda does that serve?  By the way, I agree with
- Original Message -
From: Jason 
Sent: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 19:37:27 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

...and furthermore, if we don't each take the time to research and
understand what is going on, then we are only being manipulated to serve
someone else's agenda.

On 2/24/2017 4:19 PM, Ron wrote:

Yesterday free speech. Today censorship - tomorrow 

On 2/24/2017 3:46 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Bob:

I agree with you 100%.  Natural News has become nothing more than a
grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.

...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true.  In
fact, it's laughably ridiculous:

...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of
money with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.

On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:

the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
their demise is no loss at all in my opinion.  do they still exist as
before in other sesrch engines?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George>> wrote:

Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same deterrent
to save face and create unrest for others.   It is everywhere, as we
are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this time
on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as our
direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
perspectives of others to be our guide! This is my answer to
those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually Let me
ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ?This idea, I may add, is not
religion but spirituality !
Peace, love and hugs
An attitude of gratitude is everything!!! <>
Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
Topical Gel & Eye Drops

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

...and furthermore, if we don't each take the time to research and 
understand what is going on, then we are only being manipulated to serve 
someone else's agenda.

On 2/24/2017 4:19 PM, Ron wrote:

Yesterday free speech. Today censorship - tomorrow 

On 2/24/2017 3:46 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Bob:

I agree with you 100%.  Natural News has become nothing more than a
grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.

...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true.  In
fact, it's laughably ridiculous:

...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of
money with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.

On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:

the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
their demise is no loss at all in my opinion.  do they still exist as
before in other sesrch engines?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George>> wrote:

Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same deterrent
to save face and create unrest for others.   It is everywhere, as we
are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this time
on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as our
direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
perspectives of others to be our guide! This is my answer to
those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually Let me
ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ?This idea, I may add, is not
religion but spirituality !
Peace, love and hugs
An attitude of gratitude is everything!!! <>
Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
Topical Gel & Eye Drops

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

Hi Ron:

It's not a free speech issue.  It's a policy and guidelines issue (if 
you read the news article I linked to, you would see).

Natural News was penalized for violating Google's published guidelines.

It has happened to me before on many occasions.  I didn't cry wolf, I 
kept searching until I found out what I did to violate their policies, 
and then correct my errors.  Once this is accomplished, I regained my 
rankings (as long as they were actually deserved).

Believe me:  You have no idea unless you've worked in the business.  I 
used to work for a company that had an SEO department (and I worked in 
the dept.).

A company will do ANYTHING they can to try to get websites delisted, 
penalized, or rankings reduced.

Google, so far, has been absolutely amazing at retaining integrity, even 
when they mess up with their algorithm changes.

In the market I worked in (local Google market), companies would spend 
collectively hundreds of thousands of dollars a month competing for 

Black Hat SEO is even worse.

Sometimes, people TRY to make a non-issue an issue.  This just 
demonstrates how unreliable Mike has become as far as ethically 
representing what is actually true, and what is not.

I would never think of taking away anyone's right to speech... but right 
to Google Rankings?  That's another story.  If you don't play by the 
rules, you get penalized.

On 2/24/2017 4:19 PM, Ron wrote:

Yesterday free speech. Today censorship - tomorrow ????

On 2/24/2017 3:46 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Bob:

I agree with you 100%.  Natural News has become nothing more than a
grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.

...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true.  In
fact, it's laughably ridiculous:

...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of
money with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.

On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:

the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
their demise is no loss at all in my opinion.  do they still exist as
before in other sesrch engines?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George>> wrote:

Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same deterrent
to save face and create unrest for others.   It is everywhere, as we
are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this time
on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as our
direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
perspectives of others to be our guide! This is my answer to
those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually Let me
ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ?This idea, I may add, is not
religion but spirituality !
Peace, love and hugs
An attitude of gratitude is everything!!! <>
Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
Topical Gel & Eye Drops

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Natural News under attack--who's next?

2017-02-24 Thread Jason

Hi Bob:

I agree with you 100%.  Natural News has become nothing more than a 
grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.

...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true.  In 
fact, it's laughably ridiculous:

...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of money 
with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.

On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:

the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
their demise is no loss at all in my opinion.  do they still exist as
before in other sesrch engines?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George>> wrote:

Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same deterrent
to save face and create unrest for others.   It is everywhere, as we
are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this time
on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as our
direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
perspectives of others to be our guide! This is my answer to
those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually Let me
ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ?This idea, I may add, is not
religion but spirituality !
Peace, love and hugs
An attitude of gratitude is everything!!! 
Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products
Topical Gel & Eye Drops

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: Re: CS>

2015-06-26 Thread jason
***Please note*** that this email address is no longer active.  All 
correspondence should be sent to:

Thank You!

Kind Regards,


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Re: Re: CS>CS and pneumonia

2015-06-24 Thread jason
***Please note*** that this email address is no longer active.  All 
correspondence should be sent to:

Thank You!

Kind Regards,


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Re: CS>Tetrasil - vs - CS

2015-05-03 Thread Jason

Hi Phil:

I don't think that EIS and the original tetrasil have the same efficacy 
rate in the body, and I don't see anything on the page to indicate a 
comparison study (did I miss it?)

I've been experimenting with "exotic" silver+oxygen delivery systems for 
the last few months, so I'm interested in viewing the comparison if 
there actually is one.

I don't consider the oil/salve tetrasil as the same product.

Kind Regards,


On 5/3/2015 7:03 PM, Phil Morrison wrote:

Results of Tetrasilver Tetraoxide and CS against pathogens is, for all
practicable purposes, identical.

For particulars see tan panel bottom of web page.

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2015-03-03 Thread Jason

Re: CS>Salts and silver compounds.

2015-02-22 Thread Jason

Hi Sol:

I'd be interested in looking into that perspective.  I've never heard of 
citric acids being toxic.  For example, many people take products like 
magnesium citrate for increased adsorption of magnesium.

Citric acid is also one of the primary components of things like lemons 
which aids in digestion and helps liver cleansing.

Here is some interesting information about using citric acid with silver:

...time kill studies not revealing though, because the testing was done 
over a 24 hour period... still a very interesting technical article.

...while I doubt I'll personally ever have a need to use it internally, 
it is a very interesting silver compound.

Kind Regards,


On 2/22/2015 8:52 AM, sol wrote:

Jason said ...
"I personally have no interest in silver compounds outside of EIS, but
if I were going to take mega doses of concentrated silver, it wouldn't
be unknown compounds with limited effectiveness made from tap water,
it would most certainly be silver citrate. "

I've been told citrate and citric acid are extremely toxic.

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Re: CS>This forum - and Highly ionic CS.

2015-02-21 Thread Jason

Hi David:

On 2/20/2015 7:24 PM, Debra & David wrote:

Silvernitrate in trace quantities is no problem. Even in strong doses it has 
been used in medicine.
Look up silvernitrate on Wikipedia. Anyway, my lack of concern was with 
compounds likely to be formed in filtered
 domestic tap water. (People have already been doing that for decades 
by the way, with no problems, argyria aside).

You also mentioned that silver compounds are still effective.  While 
this is true, many of them have toxicity indices.  However, there is one 
silver compound that does not have the same toxicity levels, and is far 
more effective than MSP, silver nitrate or silver chloride:  silver 
citrate, which is very easy to make.

Regarding using salts:  When you add salt to the water, the reason the 
solution can hold more silver is that salt changes the solubility. 
Seawater has about 35,000 PPM of salts, so you can easily (for example) 
create a silver solution in the hundreds.

I personally have no interest in silver compounds outside of EIS, but if 
I were going to take mega doses of concentrated silver, it wouldn't be 
unknown compounds with limited effectiveness made from tap water, it 
would most certainly be silver citrate.


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Re: CS> pH>Was electrode cleaning

2015-02-21 Thread Jason

Hi Neville:

...Even is it was a 1:1 ratio of hydrogen and oxygen lost there would still
be less hydrogen than oxygen due to being 2 hydrogen to begin with...Yes/No?..., yes and no!  The thing that you are not accounting for is that 
any hydrogen and/or oxygen released would be in gaseous form.  The 
oxygen either outgasses or forms oxides of silver (unless high voltage 
is used pulling nitrogen into the distilled water from air).  All excess 
hydrogen would outgas, even if in hydroxyl ion form ( OH-).  No 
reactions specified as of yet have an actual pH effect in solution.

This is one reason why testing the pH has a measure of usefulness; 
avoiding creating unknown compounds from contaminants in the water.

With EIS, the only thing I want in the water:  silver, oxygen and water.


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Re: CS>Electrode cleaning?

2015-02-20 Thread Jason

Hi Reece:

It has a lot to do with it, because making EIS should have no impact on pH.

I test the pH of the distilled water to gauge its quality.  Pure water 
is pH neutral (7.0).

I test the pH after brewing, and there should not be a significant change.

If I start with a Ph of 7.0, and up with a pH of 5.5, then there is a 
contamination issue with the process.

It's just an added extra control to verify quality.


On 2/19/2015 1:33 PM, Reece Maxey wrote:

I'm treading water as fast as I can, but it is getting too deep for me.
What does pH have to do with the EIS process?

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 19, 2015, at 1:59 PM, Sandra George  wrote:

Hi Neville I have never experienced your situation with the ph meter - 
immediately thought of the calibration liquid as the possible culprit, however 
you rinsed well so cannot make any comments - I use either the TDS meter or the 
PH meter however I never put what I have tested back into anything this goes 
down the drain - so maybe there is some
chemical reaction with some deposit of some sort which was not apparent at the 
Agreed with your statement about what you produce, I feel the same way about 
Take good care
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

On 18 Feb 2015, at 21:54, Neville  wrote:

SOLVED...LOL.  Well I believe I've solved it anyway, and I only solved it this 
morning Dee.

Due to recent comments here regarding pH I thought I'd play around and test 
again with another batch, and within minutes the water turned milky...WHAT 
THE...???  I knew what was coming next, that dark spot in the centre of the 
bottom of the vessel the next day.

I dug deep into my memory bank and remembered I used a pH meter previously, but 
like an idiot I returned the test sample back into my brew water prior to 
starting the brew process - BIG mistake seemingly.

On contemplating events I came to the conclusion pH meters somehow contaminate 
water.  I dumped that entire batch down the sink, only about 1200ml, cleaned 
the vessel out with paper towel and started again using DW straight out of the 
bottle - perfect, clear and as it should be both during and upon cessation of 
the brew process.

I did however test the pH of the DW out of the bottle, and of course tipped 
that sample down the sink rather than returning it to the DW I intended to 
brew, I also tested pH in a batch of EIS that's been in storage for a while.  I 
did calibrate the El Cheapo EBay pH meter according to instructions initially, 
and then rinsed it several times with DW hoping everything was 'good to go'.

Now, I had some samples tested several years ago at an Industrial Complex 
laboratory, those EIS samples returned readings between 7.4 and 7.8, besides 
other results I wanted, in a clear, a yellow and an amber or tea coloured 

I had this mornings batch tested, and an older sample, plus the DW I used for 
this mornings batch.  They used some computer program and ancillary equipment 
for testing purposes.  I labelled them 'A' and 'B', 'B' being this mornings 
fresh batch, and just took the bottle of DW to them.

My DW test out of the bottle with meter for sample 'B', this mornings sample = 
6.7   Their test on same DW using their equipment = 6.7, all seems well.

I didn't test or document pH of DW in sample 'A' which was an old batch of EIS, 
but their test on that sample returned 6.8

Sample 'B', this mornings fresh batch returned 7.0, what it will be in a few 
weeks time I have no idea?

I realised this morning that the measuring cup, and the syringe, and the little circular 
thingy they inserted into the machine they used could have had *anything* in them prior 
to my tests being performed?  I also understood DW would/could vary in quality from batch 
to batch.  This can/could also affect pH readings.  Unless one is looking over 
"someones?" shoulder and ensuring everything is as clean and contaminant free 
as is possible there is not much point in testing for anything, anywhere?  All these 
facilities and the people working in them have no understanding our product, hence they 
would not be as pedantic and methodical with things as we would like them to be.

So, I'm back to square one in not trusting anything or anyone other than my own 
visual observations of my product, and my own determinations on same.  I have 
not been disappointed yet, and am satisfied with the quality of my product.

I think people can trip up with all the, let's say, "pedantics" of this stuff.  I'm 
not a happy chappy anyway, I'll just stick to what I've been doing for years and leave the rest 
of it for someone else.  If it looks like a quality product, behaves like a quality product, 
remains visually like a quality product and is seemingly as 

Re: CS>Highly ionic CS.

2015-02-20 Thread Jason

Hi David:

For the most part, my main interest in EIS production is limiting all 
possible variables.

There are a number of strange things that could be going on.  The 
reaction in-water could be causing some compound to coat the anode, for 
example (Ole Bob used to prevent sparklies by covering the anode with 
cotton or a paper towel in some of his experiments).

If you able to isolate what mineral/chemical in the water was 
responsible for whatever is causing the "Case of the Missing Ions", then 
we could get somewhere with understanding what's going on.

Some water in Australia, for example, contains Magnesium Bicarbonate.

Kind Regards,


On 2/19/2015 10:36 PM, Debra & David wrote:

Hello Jason

I understand your comment but my main interest is how and why I'm
getting this result. (I'm not actually recommending that people
regularly drink highly ionic or colloidal silver.) But I am intrigued
that I can dissolve 200 ppm of silver into this water and still have no TE.

As you know the search for highly ionic, measurable, CS has been a
passion for some people. But the quest has always been founded on using
pure water.  But trying to dissolve CS into pure water to achieve a
measure higher than 20 to 30 uS is very difficult. I'd suggest its
almost like trying to defy gravity. Ionic silver has a saturation point
of about 24 uS (24ppm) in pure water and theres no way around that.

For some reason the silver stays 'ionic' in this water that I am using.
I can even measure a uS increase corresponding to the predicted silver
content. Does it have something to do with the high salt content or is
it something else? Or am I just misreading the signs? I am trying to
find out.

David (In Australia)

20/02/2015 12:45 PM

Hi David:

Interesting.  However, I won't even bathe in tap water around here, and
wouldn't drink the water even if it were basically filtered. For that
reason, I'm out! :o)  The water I use is always 50 uS or below.

Best of luck, though!


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Re: CS>question for Jason

2015-02-20 Thread Jason

Hi Sol:

Yes, I always clean the container with hydrogen peroxide, then rinse 
with distilled water.

Yes, your EIS will be completely fine.

You don't have to go crazy to get a good end product, especially with 
the Silverpuppy or Silvergen.  :o)


On 2/20/2015 6:47 AM, sol wrote:

I have cleaned my SG-6  brew jar (gallon) and installed brand new
I don't remember you mentioning if cleaning with peroxide is ok? Well
rinsed afterward with DW, wiped dry with clean paper towelling.
Electrodes wiped with paper towelling wetted with DW.

The DW reads 1.7 uS on my PWT.  Not 0.3 unfortunately, but the best I
have at the moment.

I have set the generator to the lowest setting, and plan to check tyndal
when it shuts off.
 From there I will decide whether to stop at that point and check uS or
raise the setting a bit and check again and so on to see how the tyndal
changes, and whether I have sparklies at any point.

I don't expect to get  a 10 uS product with no or faint tyndal and no
sparklies but I should get a much better product, right?

I no longer have a distiller, so 0.3uS distilled water isn't going to be
available, and to be honest, I don't see me ever getting another
distiller and double or triple distilling to get the water down to that
level. Just can't manage it anymore.

what do you think?

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Re: CS>Highly ionic CS.

2015-02-19 Thread Jason

Hi David:

Interesting.  However, I won't even bathe in tap water around here, and 
wouldn't drink the water even if it were basically filtered.  For that 
reason, I'm out! :o)  The water I use is always 50 uS or below.

Best of luck, though!


On 2/19/2015 4:37 PM, Debra & David wrote:

Jason and Tony.

I'm reluctant to mention the medium because it will sound completely
crazy and I wanted to experiment for a bit longer but here goes... Its
my ordinary tap water.

Its ordinary fluorided, chlorinated, filtered mains water of about 440uS
or 250 ppm. It varies in quality from day to day but the important thing
to note is that it has been filtered to remove all particles. It has no TE.

I've made a number of very high ppm batches in this stuff. Various sizes
from 250 mls to 2 litres. My (Faraday) calculated ppm is usually at
least 200 ppm (sometimes much higher) but the water remains crystal
clear, does not go yellow, grey or black even sunlight.  I NEVER GET A
significant T.E. and and the uS has increased by up to 100 uS.

I understand this is counter-intuitive. Impure water has been a no no
for a long time. The usual expected result is that the silver ions will
rapidly combine with the dissolved salt to create silver chloride
particles and a white mess. And yes that is what happens if you use too
much current, such as 3 batteries or a 12v wall wart.  But I'm using a
constant 1mA or less (thats very important)  and for some reason the Ag+
is not combining with with the Cl-.

I believe that for some reason the saturation point of Silver in this
medium is far higher than in distilled water.  I dont know if its unique
to my water its or its a common phenomenon.  I'm now experimenting using
distilled water with various levels of salt added.

Please try the experiment yourself in your own filtered town water (or
any non distilled water) if you have a constant VERY LOW current
generator. I'd be very interested to hear your results.


Right, I'll bite!

For a start :

  * What size rods are you using?
  * and what volume of water?

  * What is the water quality?


On 20 Feb 2015 at 0:17, Debra & David wrote:

Hi David:
Did you run the batch with a  meter in-line to verify the stability of
the current? ~Jason

I'm using a  Silverpuppy/Silverwell. Current controlled to 1mA, give or
take a few microamps. (I have a  meter running in line with a batch
right now. Says .969 mA. Close  enough I'd say.


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Re: CS>Electrode cleaning?

2015-02-19 Thread Jason

Hi Neville:

On 2/18/2015 5:54 PM, Neville wrote:

On contemplating events I came to the conclusion pH meters somehow
contaminate water.  I dumped that entire batch down the sink, only about
1200ml, cleaned the vessel out with paper towel and started again using
DW straight out of the bottle - perfect, clear and as it should be both
during and upon cessation of the brew process.

..interesting, my Hanna Multi-meter doesn't contaminate the water, but I 
do rinse it with distilled water and wipe it down before use.


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Re: CS>Highly ionic CS.

2015-02-19 Thread Jason

Hi David:

If I remember correctly from a previous post, you said you were using a 
"common ingredient" in the distilled water.  I mentioned that citric 
acid would work (ultimately making a silver citrate silver solution), etc.

Care to share what you're using in the water?

Kind Regards,


On 2/19/2015 5:47 AM, Debra & David wrote:

Hi David:
Did you run the batch with a meter in-line to verify the stability of
the current?

I'm using a Silverpuppy/Silverwell. Current controlled to 1mA, give or
take a few microamps. (I have a meter running in line with a batch right
now. Says .969 mA. Close enough I'd say.


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CS>Follow-up: Mess-O-Silver

2015-02-18 Thread Jason

Hi all:

I thought some might get a kick out of my 16 hour brew of very low 
quality, higher PPM Mess-O-Silver that I use with complex 
alumino-silicate crystals (clays):

Conductivity was about 27 uS just after brewing; a golden hue was 
present like the silver of the "olden days".  After decanting and 
topping the container off with some good quality EIS, I added the H2O2.

Voila:  Mess-O-Silver.


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Re: CS>Electrode cleaning?

2015-02-18 Thread Jason

Hi Sandra:

That's great; my only point was to be absolutely certain that the 
electrodes remain pristine, because it will effect the quality of the 
end product.

My flat electrodes erode far less than the rounded ones I use with other 
EIS making devices.


On 2/18/2015 9:13 AM, Sandra George wrote:

Jason - I have been using flat electrodes for twelve plus years, and have not a 
problem with them, they clean easily with paper towel and sometimes soap and 
water depending upon the buildup - I use distilled water to rinse them prior to 
use.   Wrap them in felt to cutdown on air assault from polution and the sea.   
 If they have become pitted over the years then I cannot see any sign of this 
with a magnifying glass, they are perfect as the day I started using them 
Hope this goes towards reducing your concerns.
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

On 18 Feb 2015, at 11:42, wrote:

I just received a new Silver gen, my old one was 18 yrs old and worked 
perfectly, but my kids decided I needed a new one, so the new Silver gen has 
flat electrodes is this good? It was hard to talk to the maker of the product 
as he does not like to talk much so I know nothing about these flat electrodes.
Any information would be helpful.
Thank You
On Tue, 2/17/15, Neville  wrote:

Subject: RE: CS>Electrode cleaning?
To: "" 
Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 6:46 PM

#yiv0707868960 --
.yiv0707868960hmmessage P
#yiv0707868960 body.yiv0707868960hmmessage
#yiv0707868960 Sorry
Jason, don't know anything about flat electrodes.
  Praps I shouldn't have said anything.  You know the
old saying, "Rather not say anything and let people
think you're an idiot, than open your mouth and remove
all doubt"...LOL.
Thanks for your insight regarding
Well here's
one hypothesis, the suspected poor quality DW used on that
occasion, in combination with the stir bar spinning action,
may have developed a situation whereby whilst in storage
some silver was pulled to the centre where the stir bar
spun?  Cross contamination?  I know silver is not
magnetic, but who knows if other unknown contaminants in the
DW may have combined to encourage that end result?  I
don't know, perhaps a magnetic field was created, again
with the combination of impurities in that particular batch
of DW, created an opening/situation for some
"reaction?" or agglomeration or
"something?" to take place, and to take place
*only* where the stir bar was situated?
What confounded me was the fact that
it not only occurred once, it occurred twice after filtering
and cleaning that storage vessel out?
Another of life's mysteries I

Date: Tue, 17 Feb

2015 17:50:02 -0800



Subject: Re:

CS>Electrode cleaning?

Hi Neville:

I remember reading your initial post and

being puzzled by it, but not


anything of value to contribute.

As far as scrub pads contaminating pure

silver, since silver is way


than steel, risk fo contamination is low unless you think

cleaning the silver is a sanding


You make

my point.  I myself use a plastic scrubber for my

straight/rounded electrodes, and have no

problem.  The point of using an

abrasive is to eliminate or reduce the electrode
degradation, which is a


issue in my opinion, as far as it effects the brewing

process.  You might be able to get away

with using a paper towel to


electrodes, but you also might be surprised at the amount of

jagged edges are actually created on

the silver electrode in the


"home brew" setup, over time.

Cleaning my Silvergen SG7 electrodes

is much more involved.  Luckily,


degradation of the electrodes is very minimal due to the

polarity used and the rapid

water circulation.  I have to use makeup

removers, which are made from a dense

cotton, similar in shape to Q-Tips.

Since these are flat electrodes, ***the

silver oxide particles that do


up*** on the electrodes provides enough abrasion to
reproduce a

completely smooth surface

on the electrodes, thanks to the perfect

design of the electrode configuration.


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Re: CS>Highly ionic CS.

2015-02-18 Thread Jason

Hi David:

Did you run the batch with a meter in-line to verify the stability of 
the current?


On 2/18/2015 2:07 AM, Debra & David wrote:


To put it simply, there's 214 ppm of silver in this 750 ml jar of
crystal clear solution but it has absolutely no TE. Where's it gone?
Seems to me its gotta be totally ionic or the particles are too small to
'see' (checked with 3 lasers), and that would make the particles even
smaller than Mesosilver).

By the way the Faraday calc is this ... It ran for a total of 40 hours
at a constant 1mA. In 750 ml this adds 5.37 ppm per hour. Total is 214.8
ppm. (Faraday's law is supposed to be absolutely reliable).

And another interesting point. A batch of this has been sitting on the
window ledge in bright sun for 2 days and its still totally colorless.

I think the key is the very low current.  If I tried this with a '3
nines' or some other uncontrolled power source it would be white and
cloudy almost instantly.


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Re: CS>Electrode cleaning?

2015-02-17 Thread Jason

Hi Neville:

Nah, it's always good to discuss things.  I've been an idiot more times 
than I can count. :o) fact, I'm making my own "mess-o-silver" tonight for an experiment 
I'm doing; first time I've used rounded electrodes in quite awhile, and 
after six hours of brewing I'm cringing at the state of the anode. 
Removed them both, wiped them down, cringed again at the silver flake 
deposits left on top of the water...  I'm pushing for as close to 24 PPM 
ionic silver as I can get (agglomeration will start quickly after 
finishing); the end product will be deeply golden with a lot of sparklies.

I'll decant the EIS leaving the top and bottom 1/4 or so alone, and then 
I'll add just a touch of 35% H2O2, shake well and set for about ten 
minutes, then take what will most likely be a grey/black mess-o-silver 
and mix it 2:1 silver to clay to make a clay gel.  I'll let oxidation 
set in, and let the clay set and reduce down just a touch via evaporation...

...then I'll drink 1 tbs of sodium bicarbonate water on an empty stomach 
(neutralize any stomach acid), and take a 1 tbs scoop of the clay gel 
and wash it down while still in gel state.  The alkaline clay should, 
theoretically, be at least partially bile resistant; end result is the 
possibility of carrying "more" bioactive EIS directly into the upper and 
lower digestive tract.

Afterwards, I'll most likely shrug to myself and say "well, that was 

...and I'll end up with about two gallons of this clay gel, which I'll 
label, seal up in a glass container, and store away in the event I ever 
run across a serious infection in the mid to lower digestive tract, or 
even an external infection.

I might even try a similar experiment with micronized zeolite, who knows.


On 2/17/2015 6:46 PM, Neville wrote:

Sorry Jason, don't know anything about flat electrodes.  Praps I
shouldn't have said anything.  You know the old saying, "Rather not say
anything and let people think you're an idiot, than open your mouth and
remove all doubt"...LOL.

Thanks for your insight regarding pads.

Well here's one hypothesis, the suspected poor quality DW used on that
occasion, in combination with the stir bar spinning action, may have
developed a situation whereby whilst in storage some silver was pulled
to the centre where the stir bar spun?  Cross contamination?  I know
silver is not magnetic, but who knows if other unknown contaminants in
the DW may have combined to encourage that end result?  I don't know,
perhaps a magnetic field was created, again with the combination of
impurities in that particular batch of DW, created an opening/situation
for some "reaction?" or agglomeration or "something?" to take place, and
to take place *only* where the stir bar was situated?

What confounded me was the fact that it not only occurred once, it
occurred twice after filtering and cleaning that storage vessel out?

Another of life's mysteries I guess.



 > Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 17:50:02 -0800
 > From:
 > To:
 > Subject: Re: CS>Electrode cleaning?
 > Hi Neville:
 > I remember reading your initial post and being puzzled by it, but not
 > having anything of value to contribute.
 > As far as scrub pads contaminating pure silver, since silver is way
 > softer than steel, risk fo contamination is low unless you think
 > cleaning the silver is a sanding project.
 > You make my point. I myself use a plastic scrubber for my
 > straight/rounded electrodes, and have no problem. The point of using an
 > abrasive is to eliminate or reduce the electrode degradation, which is a
 > significant issue in my opinion, as far as it effects the brewing
 > process. You might be able to get away with using a paper towel to
 > clean electrodes, but you also might be surprised at the amount of
 > jagged edges are actually created on the silver electrode in the
 > standard "home brew" setup, over time.
 > Cleaning my Silvergen SG7 electrodes is much more involved. Luckily,
 > the degradation of the electrodes is very minimal due to the reverse
 > polarity used and the rapid water circulation. I have to use makeup
 > removers, which are made from a dense cotton, similar in shape to Q-Tips.
 > Since these are flat electrodes, ***the silver oxide particles that do
 > build up*** on the electrodes provides enough abrasion to reproduce a
 > completely smooth surface on the electrodes, thanks to the perfect
 > design of the electrode configuration.
 > ~Jason

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 Rules and Instructions:


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Re: CS>Electrode cleaning?

2015-02-17 Thread Jason

Hi Neville:

I remember reading your initial post and being puzzled by it, but not 
having anything of value to contribute.

As far as scrub pads contaminating pure silver, since silver is way 
softer than steel, risk fo contamination is low unless you think 
cleaning the silver is a sanding project.

You make my point.  I myself use a plastic scrubber for my 
straight/rounded electrodes, and have no problem.  The point of using an 
abrasive is to eliminate or reduce the electrode degradation, which is a 
significant issue in my opinion, as far as it effects the brewing 
process.  You might be able to get away with using a paper towel to 
clean electrodes, but you also might be surprised at the amount of 
jagged edges are actually created on the silver electrode in the 
standard "home brew" setup, over time.

Cleaning my Silvergen SG7 electrodes is much more involved.  Luckily, 
the degradation of the electrodes is very minimal due to the reverse 
polarity used and the rapid water circulation.  I have to use makeup 
removers, which are made from a dense cotton, similar in shape to Q-Tips.

Since these are flat electrodes, ***the silver oxide particles that do 
build up*** on the electrodes provides enough abrasion to reproduce a 
completely smooth surface on the electrodes, thanks to the perfect 
design of the electrode configuration.


On 2/17/2015 5:21 PM, Neville wrote:

It would seem everything old becomes new again, trying to re-invent the
wheel.  Scrub pads vs paper towel vs whatever else one may choose in
cleaning their electrodes, I know my preference, and it isn't steel or
plastic scrub pads, not that it really matters a hoot in the grand
scheme of things on the home front, it's a kitchen they are producing
this stuff in, not a sterile climate controlled laboratory environment.

OK, paper towel may have some salt residue or whatever else as a result
of the manufacturing process, but then scrub pads, and I'll assume
stainless steel pads for one example, contains any number of things,
chromium, nickel etc etc.  There is no way I will accept that in the
electrode scrubbing process there will not be some contaminants ground
into the silver electrode, besides the excessive abrasive effect on that
electrode from scrubbing.  Similarly with the "plastic?" scrub pads,
what contaminants are being ground into the electrodes from the plastic
during that scrubbing process, besides the added surface imperfections
created on those electrodes from scrubbing?  And I don't believe any of
that can be eliminated simply by washing electrodes in DW?  Electrodes
should be kept as smooth and imperfection free as possible I would have
thought.  Even after probably the first batch produced using brand new
electrodes those electrodes will not be smooth anymore, why would anyone
want to compound that?

Where, and for what purpose are most producing their EIS?  I thought it
was predominantly the home kitchen LVDC production method used by most
here, and for general use by all and sundry for all and sundry health
purposes?  If not, then there's one reason new folk don't join or stick
around long maybe, it goes over their heads as simple home producers?  I
don't have a need to know the complexities in the chemistry involved,
all I want/need to know is the basics and I can take it from there by
research to my satisfaction.

As for Jasons comment about nobody responding or stagnation or new ideas
or whatever, I posted something several months ago about fall out.  I
filtered that batch and within days more fall out was observed, I
filtered it a second time and again *still* got some plating or fall out
on the bottom of my storage vessel a day or three later...???  And I
think the "fall out" or plate out was in the *centre* of the vessel.  No
answers were forthcoming from memory, but my memory isn't what it once
was either so I guess someone will put me right on that.  I put it down
to a bad batch of DW, among other "unknowns?" and NO, I don't bother
testing the DW prior to production any more, did plenty of that over a
time before and don't see a need to do it for an eternity for my
purposes.  As well as it perhaps being a bad batch of DW from
manufacture I reckon the stir bar action had something to do with it,
{strange forces in nature or physics of which I fail to comprehend}
mainly because the fallout from memory was only in the *centre* of the
vessel as opposed to a general spread?  Strange goings on indeed?

So there's something new of which I have never heard of or observed
before?  This had never happened before in over 10 years of my
involvement with this stuff, and has not been repeated since?  I'm
curious to know what was going on at *that* time?

Perhaps you could help me out here with this one Jason?

Back to the pads, perhaps someone can tell me then why scrubbing pads
would/should be consid

Re: CS>Jasons comments (and high ppm silver).

2015-02-17 Thread Jason

Hi David:

Yes, I remember Mike's obsession very well. :o)

There are many ways to accomplish this, including using something like 
citric acid (acid) or something like baking soda (base).

Silver citrate is ionic, and it is fully dissolved in the water.

As far as the case of the missing 100 uS silver, that's interesting. 
You may have to use another method for determining the total PPM in 
solution to see if the silver is actually there; TEM would work ok... 
you can also compare the Faraday equation results to determine if any of 
the silver is plating out.

As far as colloidal particles too small for visibility using a laser, 
I'd be interested in thinking about that.  I'm not sure there are 
colloidal particles small enough to not scatter laser light, at least, 
not in the "normal state" sense.  If you get into the shadow realm of 
ORMES who knows.

A Malvern Nano Zetasizer would no doubt pick up on those particles if 
they do exist.


On 2/17/2015 4:59 PM, Debra & David wrote:

Hi Jason.

I'm aware of the pH issue but I'm using low voltage and low current. (1mA)

To make highly ionic CS the emphasis in the past has always been to use
pure distilled water. (Mike Monnet was almost obsessed by it and
believed the problem could be solved by ensuring everything was ultra,
ultra clean. He never succeeded as far as I know).

The problem is that CS in pure water has a saturation point of about 24
ppm. Try as we might, nothing is going to change that. Its a
chemical/physical barrier thats impossible to breach. The quest to make
highly ionic CS in pure water is probably a waste of time.

I believe the answer is to find a conductive liquid medium that
facilitates the electrical dissolution of silver but has a much higher
saturation point so it does not force the silver ions to combine into

I'm experimenting with something at the moment. Dissolving 100 ppm of
silver into this common liquid raised the conductivity 100uS (exactly as
predicted by a Faraday calc). Dissolving a further 100 ppm into the
batch did not raise the uS by another 100 but it still didnt create a TE
either. So where did the silver go?

100ppm raised the uS by 100 as predicted. (My assumption is that its 100
ppm of ionic CS). The other 100ppm 'dissappeared'. One thought I have is
that it made particles so small they do not show in the frequency of a
red laser.

Comments welcome.


Hi David:

That is interesting.  One thing to check:  pH.

I spoke with an associate who claimed to be making high PPM silver
solutions, but I strongly suspect that it was silver nitrate produced
from using HVAC, pulling nitrogen from the air into the distilled water.

If you can start with a neutral pH distilled water, and end with close
to a neutral distilled water, that would be very fascinating to me.

Interesting stuff!


On 2/16/2015 7:31 PM, Debra & David wrote:
Jason said  "I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on
the silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last
before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks
Bradley. ...  I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious
about how I personally tested this theory or how they can test to see
the difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
need to clean the electrodes. "

Hello Jason

I now how you feel but I'm guilty of not responding myself. Its too hard
and I wonder anyone will read it anyway.

By the way, I've recently been making high ppm CS.  The total ppm is 200
as calculated by (Herx's) Faraday equation. The ionic strength is 100
(measurable with a uS meter) and the other 100 ppm is colloidal but the
particles are so small they do not show in a red laser beam. Its crystal
clear and very interesting! I'm laughing to myself that this is Frank
Key's Mesosilver and Mike Monnet's high ppm ionic CS all in one! Older
members would laugh of the irony of that.


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Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-17 Thread Jason

Hi Sol:

On 2/17/2015 6:24 AM, sol wrote:

I may have to start cleaning my electrodes, but so far as I'm aware my
CS product works just fine. But I do confess maybe I would not be aware
if it were less effective than it could be. I use my CS a lot for
various purposes, but no longer use it in my body much because I have
"blue moons" and at one point began developing some grey under my eyes
and around my chin. (this was apparently due to spraying CS over a vit C
face product).

You make my point for me.  One "sparklie" in the solution represents 
what should be hundreds to thousands (who knows?) of of properly sized 
silver particles.  If you have hundreds of sparklies in a bad brew, you 
are upping your silver metal burden unnecessarily.  If you take silver 
on a daily basis, this is going to add up.

I know that people like to believe that particulate silver cannot cause 
argyria, but this is blatantly not true.

I even directly challenged Frank Key on this issue with historic 
records; silver smiths getting argyria from inhalation of silver 
particles, but as usual, he just deflected, and nobody else seemed that 

The whole point being that you can brew silver the right way, with the 
right controls, and get a superior product, and this can be done without 
that much extra trouble.

For my brews, I even get upset at the quality of distilled water 
available.  I like my distilled water to be nuetral pH with a 
conductivity measurement of 0.3 uS.

I measure the water directly from the bottle, I measure it once I put it 
in the brewing vessel, and I measure it afterwards.

With EIS, you want LESS silver, and a quality brew, over a MORE silver 
low quality brew.  If you want MORE silver, then it's better to try to 
use a product like silver citrate.

(Except, of course, those experimenting with higher PPM isolated silver 
products for the sake of experimentation).

I do make high PPM silver stronger on the colloidal side for external 
uses for use with clay, for example, by using heated distilled water.

Do you mean his regular U shape electrodes, or something different? (I
may have skipped over some posts about this).

Yes...  Ken's U shape electrodes for the Silver Puppy.


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Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-17 Thread Jason

Hi Mary:

There is really no need to do anything but rinse whatever scrub pad you 
are using with distilled water.

Kind Regards,


On 2/17/2015 6:53 AM, wrote:

Jason I have always wondered about cleaning the electrodes I thought
that you could clean with paper towels but I wondered about residue.
So how do you go about cleaning them with steel wool??? Do you pull
off part of the steel wool and discard or just use the whole piece?
How do you clean the steel wool?
Mary On Mon, 2/16/15,
Jason  wrote:

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Re: CS>Jasons comments

2015-02-16 Thread Jason

Hi David:

That is interesting.  One thing to check:  pH.

I spoke with an associate who claimed to be making high PPM silver 
solutions, but I strongly suspect that it was silver nitrate produced 
from using HVAC, pulling nitrogen from the air into the distilled water.

If you can start with a neutral pH distilled water, and end with close 
to a neutral distilled water, that would be very fascinating to me.

Interesting stuff!


On 2/16/2015 7:31 PM, Debra & David wrote:

Jason said  "I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on
the silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last
before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks
Bradley. ...  I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious
about how I personally tested this theory or how they can test to see
the difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
need to clean the electrodes. "

Hello Jason

I now how you feel but I'm guilty of not responding myself. Its too hard
and I wonder anyone will read it anyway.

By the way, I've recently been making high ppm CS.  The total ppm is 200
as calculated by (Herx's) Faraday equation. The ionic strength is 100
(measurable with a uS meter) and the other 100 ppm is colloidal but the
particles are so small they do not show in a red laser beam. Its crystal
clear and very interesting! I'm laughing to myself that this is Frank
Key's Mesosilver and Mike Monnet's high ppm ionic CS all in one! Older
members would laugh of the irony of that.


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Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Jason

Hi Dan:

It's not that it is a big deal (or desireable even) it's about the 
creativity and exploration.

The idea of a slow burn is a favorite amongst some of the old timers (no 
longer part of the list, I believe)... brewing silver according to moon 
cycles, and other more "ancient" patient practices.

What was noticed was that via this slow burn, the silver ions or 
particles deeply penetrated the glass container forming complex crystals 
in the glass itselfway to deep into the glass to even sand away.

I would greatly like to see a TEM of what the silver particles look like 
via this process, but I no longer have access to this equipment.

We know that the FAST burn method (HVAC) creates larger, very jagged 
crystalline silver particles via the work of Ole Bob Berger.

I'm wondering if the slow burn process creates much more refined and 
non-chaotically organized colloidal crystalline particles.


On 2/16/2015 10:56 AM, Dan Nave wrote:


Time for your yearly post on cleaning electrodes.  Frankly, I seem to
have missed it...

I would also be interested in hearing about the "crystallization
effects" of the slow brew process.


On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Jason>> wrote:

Hi Gail/David:

Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.

The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control
freaks that thrive in such a setting.

I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very
dynamic exchanges of ideas.

I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo
means stagnation.

I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last
before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks

I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle
of a current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing
crystallization effects.

Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone
largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of
cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.

I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I
personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the
difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
need to clean the electrodes.

I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.

...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent,
and I think it only works so well because he uses both polarity
reversal and water-pump driven water circulation.


On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM,
<> wrote:

Hi David,

Do u think a new forum will really help?

Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People
be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost
as I'm busy with other things.

This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
would go on as usual.

Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.

I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to
say and
some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.

Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <
List Owner: Mike Devour <

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Jason

Hi Gail:

Back in 2002, I did some neat experiments using home-made laser arrays 
and video photography.

I did comparisons between very clean electrodes (steel wool is fine) and 
electrodes that had been used four or five times without cleaning.

By using red lasers in a dark room shown through the glass production 
container, aimed between the two electrodes, and filming the process, 
then speeding it up about six times and watching the brew process in 
fast motion, you can really see the effect on the particle sizing.

You start to get lots and lots of "sparklies" with the "bad" electrodes, 
some heavy enough that you can watch them fall downwards, dropping out 
of suspension, and some larger than I'd like that are still small enough 
to stay in suspension.

It has to do with normal electrode wear, and oxidation as well.  I 
always clean my electrodes well right before brewing, and have done so 
since that time.

PS:  I thought you might be very interested in THIS article:


On 2/16/2015 10:00 AM, wrote:

Hi Jason,

I don't do Facebook.  I just thought its so popular most must have gone to it.  
Personally I think some things should be more private then what Facebook is.   
Seems like, from what I hear,there's nothing private.

Well I see my post went through so How do u clean ur electrodes and test to 
know its a better quality?   I clean mine with a simple steel pad.  Don't know 
if the quality is any better as I've always cleaned them.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Jason

Hi Ron:

You'll have to ask Ode about the looped electrodes:

...with this configuration, you have no jagged edges of silver in the water.


On 2/16/2015 10:17 AM, Ron wrote:

Yes. And how do you loop electrodes and Trem's electrode configuration?
All sounds interesting.
Hard to believe that 3 people on this list think it unnecessary to clean
electrodes and didn't get a lot of static for it.

On 2/16/2015 10:00 AM, wrote:

Hi Jason,

I don't do Facebook.  I just thought its so popular most must have
gone to it.  Personally I think some things should be more private
then what Facebook is.   Seems like, from what I hear,there's nothing

Well I see my post went through so How do u clean ur electrodes
and test to know its a better quality?   I clean mine with a simple
steel pad.  Don't know if the quality is any better as I've always
cleaned them.


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 16, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Jason  wrote:

Hi Gail/David:

Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.

The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control
freaks that thrive in such a setting.

I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very
dynamic exchanges of ideas.

I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo
means stagnation.

I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last before
that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks Bradley.

I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle
of a current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing
crystallization effects.

Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone
largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of
cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.

I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I
personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the
difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
need to clean the electrodes.

I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.

...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent, and
I think it only works so well because he uses both polarity reversal
and water-pump driven water circulation.


On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:
Hi David,

Do u think a new forum will really help?

Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must
be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest
as I'm busy with other things.

This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
would go on as usual.

Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.

I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and
some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.

Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Jason

Hi Gail/David:

Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.

The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control 
freaks that thrive in such a setting.

I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very 
dynamic exchanges of ideas.

I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo 
means stagnation.

I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the 
silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last before 
that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks Bradley.

I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great 
discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle of 
a current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing 
crystallization effects.

Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone 
largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of 
cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.

I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I 
personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the difference 
in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no need to clean 
the electrodes.

I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped 
electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.

...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent, and I 
think it only works so well because he uses both polarity reversal and 
water-pump driven water circulation.


On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:

Hi David,

Do u think a new forum will really help?

Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must
be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest
as I'm busy with other things.

This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
would go on as usual.

Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.

I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and
some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.

Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Jason
...actually, this list is set up so that the sender of the message to 
the list also gets a copy of the email sent; at least, it works that way 
sometimes.  :o)


On 2/15/2015 10:22 AM, Ron wrote:

Interesting idea but don't let's do this all at once. Ha.

On 2/15/2015 10:19 AM, John Popelish wrote:

On 02/15/2015 12:56 PM, Ron wrote:

A dratted inconvenience. All of my replies go into my Sent
folder so I have to check Archives each time.

You could subscribe with a second email address, that would get your
replies, if they went out, successfully.  That would be less trouble
than checking the archives.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Jason

Hi Mike:

I like both formats.

For the most part, I've stopped posting to the silver list because about 
70% of my emails don't make it.  Furthermore, they don't actually 
bounce, so the only way I know that they don't make it is by checking 
the archives.

Since they don't actually bounce, this indicates that the eskimo server 
software is no longer very reliable.

You can run your own email list server, complete with your own public 
archives, from your own domain if you ever desire to do so.  One 
reliable open source platform is Mailman GNU.  It is written in Python.

There are different types of people that use mail lists and forums. 
Forums are a more affective tool because there is a built in 
accountability.  Someone can post a thread with an opinion, and someone 
else can post conflicting information.  Both perspectives are always 
very visible, allowing visitors to draw their own conclusions based on 
the information presented.  Thread topics can be hashed over until beat 
dead, and then the thread locked and pinned with a fair representation 
of each unique perspective.

Once a specific issue has been locked and pinned, you can always 
reference it with a simple html link, saving time... so you can run an 
email list and a forum, and they can work well together.

I had to shut down one forum because spammers couldn't post their spam, 
but they started to flood my server with registrations.  I believe 
VBulletin does a better job with all of this than the free software I 
was using.

Most spammers are deterred when first posts require moderation, and when 
one must be a member with a post history before allowing html outbound 


On 2/15/2015 7:55 AM, Rowena wrote:

I like the individual emails. One can move the especially useful ones to

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>jason ? Fwd: bacteria in my daughters lungs and heart

2014-12-27 Thread Jason

Hi Tre:

On one point, I didn't quite make myself clear:

Ignore every practitioner who hasn't actually cured themselves of Lyme,
and seek out those who have and understand how they did it.

Some people I've known have used a massive amount of reckless creativity
to recover.

I know one guy who used to drink DMSO like a soft drink (not recommended).

I know another who did ozone colonics to the degree it could have been
life threatening.


On 12/27/2014 1:43 AM, Tre wrote:

Hi Jason. How do you make a poultice with silver and clay. ?  I had a
medical person put a thermometer on my mouth without the shield.
Three days later the corners of my mouth cracked and bleed and got to
be bright red patches that would not go away. It's been three months
of non stop herpes looking outbreaks. Lysine is not working   I think
I was contaminated with something. I  am using a topical abx per dr
prescription but its not healing it. If I try to not put on the
topical abx it shows a return within hours. My ears also need the
poultice   Some guff inside my ears remains in healed after 8 months
of deafness from infection. I feel attacked. My outer ears can not
take the infection and drainage any longer and are infected and the
same topical only is keeping my infection from showing on my outer
eat and lobes. Pretty bad infection. 17 dr 6 Naturepaths 3 herbalists
and one Ent specialist and not beating this.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>jason ? Fwd: bacteria in my daughters lungs and heart

2014-12-27 Thread Jason

Hi Tre:

On 12/27/2014 1:43 AM, Tre wrote:

Hi Jason. How do you make a poultice with silver and clay. ?  I had a
medical person put a thermometer on my mouth without the shield...

It's fairly simple.  Acquire a high quality therapeutic grade clay, and 
mix the clay with EIS to make a gel/paste.  Apply to the treatment area 
at LEAST 1/4 inch thick.  Not all clays work equally for infections, but 
most traditional-use clays share similar properties.

Three days later the corners of my mouth cracked and bleed and got to
be bright red patches that would not go away. It's been three months
of non stop herpes looking outbreaks. Lysine is not working   I think
I was contaminated with something. I  am using a topical abx per dr
prescription but its not healing it. If I try to not put on the
topical abx it shows a return within hours. My ears also need the
poultice   Some guff inside my ears remains in healed after 8 months
of deafness from infection. I feel attacked. My outer ears can not
take the infection and drainage any longer and are infected and the
same topical only is keeping my infection from showing on my outer
eat and lobes. Pretty bad infection. 17 dr 6 Naturepaths 3 herbalists
and one Ent specialist and not beating this.

With conditions like this, you need to hammer it from all directions. 
If spirochetes are involved (Lyme), it is very difficult to drive them 
out of tissues.  You need a whole comprehensive program.

At the minimum, you should be doing teasel root tincture three times 
daily, repetitive 10 day rounds (with 3-5 days off) of 500 mg oregano 
caps taken orally with food three times daily (can be a digestive system 
irritant), as much olive leaf extract as your body can well tolerate, 
etc. etc.  You need to find a practitioner that specializes in complex 
infections and immune system modulation to help design an effective 
custom protocol.

 I need help. How much

can I drink in a day. ? I have a brand new generator and silver wire.
How do I make this.  ? How do I make a poultice ?  Does not the
silver lose its effectiveness in the clay with the clay bonding to
the silver? I'm open. I'm listening. Pls instruct

The silver partially loses its effectiveness when combined with clay. 
However, for external use (and to actually CARRY silver into the colon), 
the trade off is well worthwhile, as silver used topically does not 
penetrate, and clay has no such restrictions.

Here is one example of what clay can do when used properly:

This example was supported by my non-profit public service division of 
Eytons' Earth:

You can drink EIS liberally, but I would suggest nebulizing it to get it 
into the blood stream.

For complex Lyme, it can be very expensive to even try to really 
address.  If you have resources available, you could use Perry Fields 
guide as a starting point (The Tick Slayer):

..or you could purchase her recovery plan, and then find your own ways 
to accomplish the same thing.  With Lyme, any recovery must be entirely 
individualized because it expresses differently in different people.

Kind Regards,


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Fwd: bacteria in my daughters lungs and heart

2014-12-27 Thread Jason

Hi Teri:

We separated eight years later (my son stayed with me).

The doctors blew out her entire metabolism; she entered the hospital 
healthy, and left with severe Type II diabetes, which she neglected to 
choose to address.

She passed away a few years thereafter from neglect to address the 
complications associated with diabetes.

There is a picture of the basic generator I used on the article page, 
plus a link to the original Lindemman article I used as a basis for the 

You can't get too much simpler than hooking up three to four nine volt 
batteries in series, and using a pair of cheap plastic chopsticks to 
hold up two silver electrodes suspended in distilled water attached to 
two alligator clips!  CERTAINLY not a high quality end product, but 
there were still plenty of silver ions and silver particles :o).


On 12/26/2014 7:14 PM, Jasmine Mykal wrote:

Wow Jason, remarkable story! I hope your wife and son are well?

Which instructions did you follow to make the generator?

Teri and the Happy Hooligans

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Fwd: bacteria in my daughters lungs and heart

2014-12-26 Thread Jason

Hi Michael:

I'm sorry for the position that you are daughter are in.  I'd have a ton 
of suggestions, but, sadly, none that the hospital would directly allow.

If you are interested in reading about my first experience with EIS 
(silver) in a hospital environment, please read:

...I didn't even mention silver to the medical staff, I just came into 
the hospital during the time the lazy night shift crew was working.


On 12/26/2014 4:55 PM, Michael Mckenna wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Michael Mckenna 
To: mdevour 
Sent: Fri, Dec 26, 2014 2:02 pm
Subject: bacteria in my daughters lungs and heart

I am writing to you because I am desperate on what I can do to save her.
She has been in intensive in the CCU at Albany medical center for 1 week
now and is getting worse. I have asked every doctor about using CS to
kill the bacteria to no avail since it is not an FDA approved medicine.
They have even gone as far to say that it might kill her. If you have
any suggestions please let me know thanks - Michael Mckenna

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Oxidative Silver (EIS)

2014-11-18 Thread Jason

Hi Jason,

Do you mean that EIS can't deliver (due to its limited direct contact
effect) even if we use it with nebulizer and MSM?


Hi Melly:

Not at all.  I'm only stating that EIS/CS doesn't have a significant 
oxidizing effect in the human body.  Someone stated that EIS/CS was the 
most powerful oxidizing substance known to man, and I wanted to clarify 
that the statement was not factual.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>CS & Ozone

2014-11-15 Thread Jason

Hi Joe:

The 'visible' reaction via the tyndall effect only occurs when H2O2 
reacts with silver particles.

If your brew doesn't have a strong tyndall effect to begin with, then 
you won't be able to visually see the effect with a laser.


On 11/15/2014 12:31 PM, Joe Huard wrote:

Hi Jason,
I did that today for the first time, and there was no reaction with a
red laser shining through a glass of EIS made with my Colloid Master. Is
that good or not so good?
On 2014-11-15 1:00 PM, Jason wrote:

Hi Lola:

To get the reaction, you only need very little H2O2. One drop of 3%
H2O2 to four ounces of EIS is more than plenty to enduce the reaction.

The more H2O2 you use, the more you approach doing H2O2 oral therapy.

I myself would add 3-4 drops of 35% H2O2; however, this would make
some people ill and isn't necessary (see the pro and con research on
oral hydrogen peroxide therapy).


On 11/15/2014 9:39 AM, phoenix23002 wrote:

Jason.. how much HP do you add to how much CS?  Thanks.. Lola H.
On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Jason>> wrote:

Hi Gail:

for the best effect, add it about three minutes before drinking.

If you are interested to "see" the reaction, just get a red laser
pointer, and you can watch the reaction.


On 11/15/2014 8:39 AM, Gail Naranjo wrote:

Hi Jason,

So do you add a drop to every time you take the CS or just a
drop of it
to the whole batch?  I make it a quart at a time and only take a
swig of
it daily.   To make it more effective how much would I add to
the daily

This is very interesting.


    On Saturday, November 15, 2014 9:17 AM, Jason>> wrote:

Hi Rick:

You can get a very similar effect by combing just a bit of
H2O2 to
colloidal silver just prior to consuming it. Since the H2O2 is
quite a
bit less reactive than ozone, the oxidation effect can last
quite a bit

Remember, you can power a race car by oxidizing silver particles

The ozone/h2o2 atomizes some silver particles, while oxidizing
(the oxidized particles eventually drop out of suspension).  You
get a
very wide range of interesting "silver/oxygen" species.

Using "too much" reactive oxygen will eventually result in the
elimination of all silver particles in solution.

When you add a drop of H2O2 and your home brew EIS turns brown,
it means
you have a very poor end product (relatively speaking)
too many
"sparklies" or large particles.  I check every batch of EIS I
make with

Usually, a bad batch means I didn't clean the electrodes well
before brewing, or the container/distilled water wasn't as pure
as I'd like.


On 11/15/2014 7:59 AM, Rick wrote:
  > Been watching the list for a while, thought I comment about
  > of CS & Ozone.
  > Several years ago, I believe I contracted Giardia from
eating mint
  > planted outside that the rodents played in. I had intestinal
issues for
  > months which happened cyclically, every 2 weeks. I tried all
sorts of
  > things on it: Colloidal Silver, zapper, secnars, etc and
nothing worked.
  > One morning I had an epiphany, and decided to ozonate my
  > silver. Literally, as I was drinking it, I could tell it was
  > them and never had a problem since.
  > I have done a bunch of research and really haven't found
much research
  > about ozonated colloidal silver. Anyone have any experience?
  > --
  > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
Colloidal Silver.
  >  Rules and Instructions:
  > Unsubscribe:
  >  <
  > Archives:
  > Off-Topic discussions:

Re: CS>CS & Ozone

2014-11-15 Thread Jason

Hi Lola:

To get the reaction, you only need very little H2O2. One drop of 3% H2O2 
to four ounces of EIS is more than plenty to enduce the reaction.

The more H2O2 you use, the more you approach doing H2O2 oral therapy.

I myself would add 3-4 drops of 35% H2O2; however, this would make some 
people ill and isn't necessary (see the pro and con research on oral 
hydrogen peroxide therapy).


On 11/15/2014 9:39 AM, phoenix23002 wrote:

Jason.. how much HP do you add to how much CS?  Thanks.. Lola H.
On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Jason>> wrote:

Hi Gail:

for the best effect, add it about three minutes before drinking.

If you are interested to "see" the reaction, just get a red laser
pointer, and you can watch the reaction.


On 11/15/2014 8:39 AM, Gail Naranjo wrote:

Hi Jason,

So do you add a drop to every time you take the CS or just a
drop of it
to the whole batch?  I make it a quart at a time and only take a
swig of
it daily.   To make it more effective how much would I add to
the daily

This is very interesting.


On Saturday, November 15, 2014 9:17 AM, Jason>> wrote:

Hi Rick:

You can get a very similar effect by combing just a bit of H2O2 to
colloidal silver just prior to consuming it. Since the H2O2 is
quite a
bit less reactive than ozone, the oxidation effect can last
quite a bit

Remember, you can power a race car by oxidizing silver particles

The ozone/h2o2 atomizes some silver particles, while oxidizing
(the oxidized particles eventually drop out of suspension).  You
get a
very wide range of interesting "silver/oxygen" species.

Using "too much" reactive oxygen will eventually result in the
elimination of all silver particles in solution.

When you add a drop of H2O2 and your home brew EIS turns brown,
it means
you have a very poor end product (relatively speaking) too many
"sparklies" or large particles.  I check every batch of EIS I
make with

Usually, a bad batch means I didn't clean the electrodes well enough
before brewing, or the container/distilled water wasn't as pure
as I'd like.


On 11/15/2014 7:59 AM, Rick wrote:
  > Been watching the list for a while, thought I comment about
  > of CS & Ozone.
  > Several years ago, I believe I contracted Giardia from
eating mint
  > planted outside that the rodents played in. I had intestinal
issues for
  > months which happened cyclically, every 2 weeks. I tried all
sorts of
  > things on it: Colloidal Silver, zapper, secnars, etc and
nothing worked.
  > One morning I had an epiphany, and decided to ozonate my
  > silver. Literally, as I was drinking it, I could tell it was
  > them and never had a problem since.
  > I have done a bunch of research and really haven't found
much research
  > about ozonated colloidal silver. Anyone have any experience?
  > --
  > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
Colloidal Silver.
  >  Rules and Instructions:
  > Unsubscribe:
  >  <
  > Archives:
  > Off-Topic discussions:
  > List Owner: Mike Devour <
< <>>>

Re: CS>CS & Ozone

2014-11-15 Thread Jason

Hi Gail:

for the best effect, add it about three minutes before drinking.

If you are interested to "see" the reaction, just get a red laser 
pointer, and you can watch the reaction.


On 11/15/2014 8:39 AM, Gail Naranjo wrote:

Hi Jason,

So do you add a drop to every time you take the CS or just a drop of it
to the whole batch?  I make it a quart at a time and only take a swig of
it daily.   To make it more effective how much would I add to the daily

This is very interesting.


On Saturday, November 15, 2014 9:17 AM, Jason  wrote:

Hi Rick:

You can get a very similar effect by combing just a bit of H2O2 to
colloidal silver just prior to consuming it. Since the H2O2 is quite a
bit less reactive than ozone, the oxidation effect can last quite a bit

Remember, you can power a race car by oxidizing silver particles with

The ozone/h2o2 atomizes some silver particles, while oxidizing others
(the oxidized particles eventually drop out of suspension).  You get a
very wide range of interesting "silver/oxygen" species.

Using "too much" reactive oxygen will eventually result in the
elimination of all silver particles in solution.

When you add a drop of H2O2 and your home brew EIS turns brown, it means
you have a very poor end product (relatively speaking) too many
"sparklies" or large particles.  I check every batch of EIS I make with

Usually, a bad batch means I didn't clean the electrodes well enough
before brewing, or the container/distilled water wasn't as pure as I'd like.


On 11/15/2014 7:59 AM, Rick wrote:
 > Been watching the list for a while, thought I comment about discussions
 > of CS & Ozone.
 > Several years ago, I believe I contracted Giardia from eating mint
 > planted outside that the rodents played in. I had intestinal issues for
 > months which happened cyclically, every 2 weeks. I tried all sorts of
 > things on it: Colloidal Silver, zapper, secnars, etc and nothing worked.
 > One morning I had an epiphany, and decided to ozonate my colloidal
 > silver. Literally, as I was drinking it, I could tell it was killing
 > them and never had a problem since.
 > I have done a bunch of research and really haven't found much research
 > about ozonated colloidal silver. Anyone have any experience?
 > --
 > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 >  Rules and Instructions:
 > Unsubscribe:
 >  <
 > Archives:
 > Off-Topic discussions: <
 > List Owner: Mike Devour <

Re: CS>CS & Ozone

2014-11-15 Thread Jason

Hi Rick:

You can get a very similar effect by combing just a bit of H2O2 to 
colloidal silver just prior to consuming it. Since the H2O2 is quite a 
bit less reactive than ozone, the oxidation effect can last quite a bit 

Remember, you can power a race car by oxidizing silver particles with 

The ozone/h2o2 atomizes some silver particles, while oxidizing others 
(the oxidized particles eventually drop out of suspension).  You get a 
very wide range of interesting "silver/oxygen" species.

Using "too much" reactive oxygen will eventually result in the 
elimination of all silver particles in solution.

When you add a drop of H2O2 and your home brew EIS turns brown, it means 
you have a very poor end product (relatively speaking) too many 
"sparklies" or large particles.  I check every batch of EIS I make with 

Usually, a bad batch means I didn't clean the electrodes well enough 
before brewing, or the container/distilled water wasn't as pure as I'd like.


On 11/15/2014 7:59 AM, Rick wrote:

Been watching the list for a while, thought I comment about discussions
of CS & Ozone.

Several years ago, I believe I contracted Giardia from eating mint
planted outside that the rodents played in. I had intestinal issues for
months which happened cyclically, every 2 weeks. I tried all sorts of
things on it: Colloidal Silver, zapper, secnars, etc and nothing worked.
One morning I had an epiphany, and decided to ozonate my colloidal
silver. Literally, as I was drinking it, I could tell it was killing
them and never had a problem since.

I have done a bunch of research and really haven't found much research
about ozonated colloidal silver. Anyone have any experience?

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Re: CS>Nice Exposure

2014-11-14 Thread Jason

HI Gail:

Not actually...  Just because EIS/CS has a method of action that 
utilizes oxidation doesn't mean it has value as an oxidation therapy 
(I just got out of a 30 minute steam ozone sauna; that's great oxidation 

Most of us with extensive experience with oxidation therapies and CS/EIS 
would agree that colloidal silver's value as an oxidizing agent is very 
limited to its direct contact effect against certain pathogens.


On 11/14/2014 4:58 PM, Gail Naranjo wrote:

CS is an "oxidative" therapy?  Really? I honestly did not know that.


On Friday, November 14, 2014 5:16 PM, Phil Morrison

Ozone Therapy

Dr. Robert Rowen is a nice, articulate man and much beloved by the
troll community for his less than enthusiastic support for CS.  Anybody
who knocks CS can count on a lot of ink and oxygen these days.

CS is the best oxidative therapy know to man; yet, Dr. Rowen thinks

So, how come Dr. Rowen gets to chair so many key positions in the Oxidative
Research Community?

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Re: CS>MMS and "Church"

2014-11-02 Thread Jason
...I agree Tony.  Jim was dead wrong when he developed his initial 
protocols, and may tried to tell him so.  He not only ignored them, but 
was quite belligerent, and he had absolutely no real training in 
oxidative therapies.

Then, of course, he changed his protocols, which are now much safer.

In my opinion, ozone is more effective and certainly safer because the 
exact concentrations that the body can safely tolerate are well 
established by extensive research.


On 11/2/2014 9:47 AM, Tony Moody wrote:

Hallo AJR,

Umm, Call me what you want. But most of my relevant credentials are alternate or
complementary healing of one sort or another.

I tried MMS at the lowest dose and it made me sick as a dog and it took me at 
least 5 weeks
to get back to my normal self. There was absolutely no help at the time from 
the MMS group.
I was not the only one, there had already been several and there were many 
after me who
complained. We were all shut down and poo-pood and ignored. Then a few 
orientated people chimed in and pointed out what could be happening 
physiologically or
biologically. .. then Jim Humble changed his formulation to a much weaker 
solution or used a
different acid or something. I'd lost interest in the MMS and the deaf bigots 
surrounding the

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Re: CS> Silver Deficiency

2014-03-15 Thread Jason

Hi Phil:

I googled aliens abducted Miley Cirus and got over 100,000 hits, and 
that means nothing.

In order for silver to be effective, it needs to be present in about 3 
PPM or above.

The average person now consumes about 90 micrograms of silver found in 

In good soil, silver exists at about 0.3 PPM.  Supplementation of silver 
to account for poor farming practices would be under five drops of EIS a 

Dr. Becker was strongly against supplementation with colloidal silver, 
or any silver.

Dr. Becker would have had no way to make a correlation between low 
silver levels and sickness.  I understand that he shared this opinion (I 
have all of his books and some of his papers, somewhere).  His research 
populations were not very large, and he didn't have the expertise to 
study mineral deficiencies... not to mention that he started studying 
silver applications fairly late in his career.

Now, if Becker would have published his research on how he determined 
his opinion, that I would love to see.  As far as I know, I'm one of the 
few people who has actually experimented with silver iontophoresis, 
which he literally invented.

My only point is that silver is not an essential mineral, and restoring 
normal silver levels in the body does nothing to combat illness.

I've been making and using silver for many, many years; I'm certainly 
not stating anything against silver.

In fact, most government regulatory agencies are now concerned and 
worried about OVER exposure of the population to various forms of 
silver, due to silver's predominate use in all sorts of industries since 
the industrial age.


On 3/15/2014 11:38 AM, Phil Morrison wrote:

Jason, I googled "sickness silver deficiency" and got 33,000,000 hits.

I chose to reference the site noted in my previous message for the
significant statements of Dr. Robert O. Becker below:

"Dr. Robert O. Becker, author of The Body Electric, recognized a
correlation between low silver levels and sickness. He said silver
deficiency was responsible for the improper functioning of the immune
system. Dr. Becker's experiments conclude that silver works on the full
spectrum of pathogens without any side effects or damage to the body."

"He also states that silver does more than kill disease-causing
organisms. It also causes major growth stimulation of injured tissues.
Burn patients and even elderly patients notice more rapid healing. And
he discovered that all cancer cells could change back to normal cells.
All strains of pathogens resistant to other antibiotics are killed by

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Re: CS> Silver Deficiency

2014-03-15 Thread Jason

...worst article ever on colloidal silver written by Mark Metcalf.

I got into it years ago with Mark Metcalf, because he promoted using a 
salt primer for colloidal silver.

He ended up publicly accusing me of being an FDA plant, which wasn't the 
wisest decision he could of made.

Be careful what information you promote or believe.

There is no such thing as a silver deficiency responsible for disease, 
even though some self-proclaimed experts like to disagree.

You can, however, link reduced health to overall poor soil quality, but 
there is no way to isolate any one particular trace mineral.


On 3/14/2014 10:33 PM, Phil Morrison wrote:

Jim Holmes, just google "sickness silver deficiency" for many references.

The site posted below is one of the more comprehensive references.

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Re: CS>Fw: Chicago Tribune

2014-02-23 Thread Jason


I actually coined the term EIS after extensive study of Dr. George 
Maass, and conversions with Stephen Quinto (founder of Natural 
Immunogenics).  I also wanted to find a term that applied to laser 
produced nano silver.  This was done in 2000-2001.

One of the reasons some of the "classic" researchers left this list is 
demonstrated point and case in conversations like this.  No matter how 
much people like Ivan tried to share their knowledge, ignorance with a 
loud voice always came in to cause chaos.

A whole slew of brilliant people left when Frances Key fooled people 
into believing that silver particles were more effective than silver 
ions, and that silver ions had little value.  Frances did it for 
commercial reasons only, and his mentor did not agree.  Once Frances 
succeeded, he simply left the list, as his motivation was commercial 
from the  onset, and not to be a part of a community actually exploring 
the potentials of both ionic silver and particulate silver.

I rarely post here, and often shake my head at some of the assumptions 
made.  There are lists that are far more civil and more open to actual 
experience and research.  I only stick around in case there are still 
those out there that are interested in what really happened, where these 
terms came from, and how CS production evolved, and, of course, where it 
stands today.

Here is the actual meaning of the term:

It doesn't matter how the silver formulation is produced.  It can be 
done chemically, like Silver Colloids, with lasers, or with LVDC or 
HVAC, although most HVDC silver has too much nitrogen to qualify, unless 
it is made the way Ivan made it.

In particular the term distinguished itself from silver citrates, strong 
silver protein, and mild silver protein.

The term was also designed to separate EIS products from home brews that 
use either baking soda as a catalyst or salt as a catalyst.

Splitting hairs about what qualifies as a colloidal suspension is 
academician snobbery.  If there is particulate silver in suspension with 
a zeta potential, a colloid exists, regardless of the ionic silver 
content present as well, or how low the percentage of particulate PPM.

I had a great phone conversation last year with Peter Lindemann.  Most 
of the early brilliant researchers used, and still use, the low voltage 
method of production, so I don't know where you get your information 
about the "classics" not using LVDC.  Peter experimented with (and still 
does, apparently) incredibly low voltage brews that take extended 
periods of time to finish.

The man who broke the mold was Ole' Bob.  His experimentation with high 
voltage colloidal silver, and his charts and plots and reams of data was 
very interesting.  He didn't know he was creating nano shards of silver 
along with silver nitrate.  The silver particles looked like fused 
fractals.  Last I heard, Ole Bob was going to adopt Ivan's system of 
sealing the production system and flushing the air out with Argon gas, 
but I don't know if he ever got around to doing so.

Luckily, we still have Trem and Ole Coyote units being sold and used 
extensively, as they can make great silver safely, effectively, and with 
very little "know how".

Although I've built many generators myself, I still use a modified 
Silvergen SG7.

Kind Regards,


On 2/23/2014 4:28 AM, wrote:

The term electrically isolated (isolated from what?) silver (EIS) is
vague and ambiguous and really doesn't have a scientific meaning.
It could however have a meaning of one that uses too high of a current
rectifier value and creates particulate size to heavy to stay in
suspension of a fluid with respect to it's surface tension, falls to the
bottom of the vessel, thus "isolated".
The term EIS apparently was coined by companies to make home-brewers
think that their product was inferior to theirs, and fool them into
buying it.
I hate to disappoint you, but if you make nanosize silver particles that
stay in suspension in a fluid such as distilled water, notwithstanding
any ionic content, by all definitions, it is a "Colloidal substance of
To say otherwise would fly in the face of a published article of a
highly respected research journal, from a 100 years ago.


  *Scientific American, Volume 78,Page 2 & 3-1914*

  *Scientific American Supplement No. 2009- *July 4, 1914

  *On Metallic Colloids and Their Bactericidal Properties*

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Re: CS>I vote for email list

2014-02-21 Thread Jason reason both can't be accomplished to good end.

Single discussion topics can be "flushed" out to a forum for a more 
organized discussion and for referencing.


On 2/21/2014 4:41 PM, wrote:

I vote for email ...  I am not the most active person on this list but I
enjoy all the information and knowledge that is sported here... Please
keep e-mail !   TY

I’m old-fashioned.  Like the email also.
Am not always active on the listbut interested!
*From:* Alan Faulkner <>
*Sent:* Friday, February 21, 2014 5:59 PM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: CS>I vote for email list
Just kidding

On 2014-02-21, at 14:55 PM, Dianne France wrote:

I prefer email but will go with whatever works for you Mike.

Subject: Re: CS>I vote for email list <>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 14:22:19 -0800 <>

/We want to change the world. ; )/
On 2014-02-21, at 10:52 AM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
Did I miss something? Is there a change being voted on?
Thanks Debbie

On Friday, February 21, 2014 1:40 PM, PT Ferrance>> wrote:
Hi Mike,
I prefer the list.  Forums sometimes to have time for.
Thanks. PT

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Re: CS>CS & Hydrogen Peroxide = Cloudy?

2013-12-15 Thread Jason

Hi JD:

It means that you have way too many larger silver particles in the CS, 
either due to electrode eroding or perhaps a dirty/plated production 
vessel, or even poor quality distilled water.

I always quality check my batches with a bit of H2O2, even if the batch 
is completely clear (mine are); if it clouds, I either continue adding 
h2o2 until it clears (and then use it for external/cleaning purposes), 
or I simply discard it.


On 12/15/2013 11:32 AM, JD wrote:

I made a batch of CS with my Silver Puppy and it had a slight yellow
tint to it (usually is clear), so I added a little Hydrogen Peroxide to
it and it turned cloudy.What does this mean?  I thought adding a
little H2O2 is suppose to turn yellow to clear.

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Re: CS>Web site question

2013-12-02 Thread Jason
below is a different take on the issue of Argyria than presented by 
Pure Colloids.  The idea that silver nanoparticles cannot cause argyria 
was discredited a long time ago, especially when this condition was more 
prevelant with metal smithing.:

...for a decent introduction to electrically isolated silver, I 
recommend this article:

Kind Regards,


On 12/2/2013 9:27 AM, Joyce Miller wrote:

That guy that turned grey (blue) did not turn grey from anything that we
all take.
That said, I disagree with making our own colloidal silver being
dangerous (the article I have cited says that "true colloidal silver
cannot be made at home. I have to wonder where and how they came up with

My husband has made ours for many many years, way back in the early 90s
or late 80s (not sure exactly when), and we are very healthy for using
it. Our doctor knows we use it and even though he is not a fan of CS, he
has said to keep on doing what we are doing.

Read this and be comforted -- just don't believe that last line: I think
they put it in so as not to upset the pharmaceuticals. To right
yourselves, go to making your own colloidal silver and dozens of other
pages that endorse making your own CS.

Here is the article about the blue man being a farce, and it is
disgusting that the group that posted this had to use it to try to
frighten us from making our own CS.

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Re: CS>Candida

2013-07-18 Thread Jason

Hi Gidon:

Be careful which "healers* you listen to.

If you don't eat low on the glycemic index, you absolutely will not 
restore the natural balance of micro-organisms in your digestive system.

If you don't get the right amount of essential fatty acids, your health 
will continue to decline.

Candida is a symptom of prolonged dietary imbalance.  Don't get caught 
up with the individuals who over-think the issue and create problems 
that don't exist.  A Candida overgrowth is difficult to successfully 
address, and takes very consistent work, due to the way that fungus 
colonizes (as apposed to most bacteria).

Even if you eat an anti-candida diet and use anti-fungal products daily, 
many people still take six months to a year to "heal".


On 7/18/2013 6:15 AM, Gidon Kenar wrote:

Thanks Alan,
I don't get the rationale behind cutting on the fruit and adding the fats?
I know lots of natural healers say that it will starve the fungus (which
likes sugars). But to my logic, since it's a fungus, starving it will only
cause it to spore, in which state it is almost untouchable... am I wrong
Could CS do any good here?


From: Alan Jones []
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Candida

The vegan diet is not for everybody, and if you have Candidiasis, it's
definitely contraindicated.
Still, if you insist on staying with it, you should decrease fruit to almost
zero, and up the healthy fats -- olives, avocado, and especially coconut.

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 5:42 AM, Gidon Kenar  wrote:
Hi All,
I found to have systemic Candida which besides giving ma bad digestion, gas
and sometimes diarrhea, also manifests itself as fungi in my foot and a
ringworm in other parts of my body.
My diet is vegan, based mostly on raw fruits, vegetables and green leaves
with practically no processed foods. I would like to keep this diet as much
as possible while treating this malady, and would appreciate any ideas in
this matter...


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Re: CS>Checking distilled water quality

2013-06-04 Thread Jason

Hi Andreas:

What is the conductance tester you are using?  I only have experience 
with a PWT (which is designed to test pure water).

It really shouldn't be off the chart.  Any PWT or TDS meter should be 
able to read close to 1000 PPM.

FYI:  Rinsing with distilled water won't remove any actual residue in 
the glass container.

To ensure total cleanliness:

1.  Use a bit of 3% H2O2 in teh glass container, and wipe down 
thoroughly with a clean white paper towel.  Leave a tiny amount of H2O2 
in place for a few minutes before drying.

2.  Rinse with distilled water

3.  Dry with a clean white paper towel.

4.  If you're a stickler for details, rinse once more with a tiny amount 
of distilled water (to remove any tiny fibers from the paper towel).

I never use any type of soap product in any container I plan on brewing 
CS in.

There are alot of contaminants that may not affect conductivity. 
However, distilled water is regulated, and while I don't agree with the 
current standards, contamination shouldn't be a great issue.


On 6/4/2013 10:58 AM, Andreas Hahn wrote:

Hi Jason,
Thanks for the fast reply. Since the bottle of store bought stuff says
"not for drinking," are there any unhealthy contaminants that would
still pass the conductivity test?

The brewed CS is too conductive for my conductance tester, using an
ohmmeter produces a resistance of around 40k ohms. I did wash out the
glass in question thoroughly and then rinsed it with distilled water
before brewing, so there's little chance of anything substantial having
stayed behind on the glass.

On Tue, 4 Jun 2013, Jason wrote:

Hi Andreas:

A PWT reading of 0.5 uS is great...  perfect for making CS.

You can also check the pH (although I'm usually dissapointed with
store bought water pH) if you're worried about the quality.

The distilled water that I make at home is 0.3 uS, pH ~7.0.

I think that most of the commercial steam distillers must leave their
production vessels open to air, as it usually tests acidic.  However,
CO2 doesn't seem to really affect the production process, unless high
voltage is used (which pulls nitrogen from the air into the water,
also making the end product acidic).

Most home brew production setups result in some oxidized silver
residue settling on the bottom of the container.

Test the conductivity of your final brew to be certain that your
container didn't have some residue, and then use a laser light to look
for particulate silver (and see how many, if any, large particles of
silver are in the brew).

It's not a perfect science, but with practice you'll be able to tell a
fantastic batch of CS in comparison to a mediocre (or bad) batch.

Kind Regards,


On 6/4/2013 10:23 AM, Andreas Hahn wrote:

I would like to use store-bought distilled water for making CS. Testing
with a conductance meter reveals very low conductance (0.5
microsiemens). Is there any other thing to check?

I made about 200ml CS in a glass with it and it produced a brownish
particulate residue that settled to the bottom. I'm not experienced with
making CS, so I don't know whether this is normal or indicative of bad

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Re: CS>Checking distilled water quality

2013-06-04 Thread Jason

Hi Andreas:

A PWT reading of 0.5 uS is great...  perfect for making CS.

You can also check the pH (although I'm usually dissapointed with store 
bought water pH) if you're worried about the quality.

The distilled water that I make at home is 0.3 uS, pH ~7.0.

I think that most of the commercial steam distillers must leave their 
production vessels open to air, as it usually tests acidic.  However, 
CO2 doesn't seem to really affect the production process, unless high 
voltage is used (which pulls nitrogen from the air into the water, also 
making the end product acidic).

Most home brew production setups result in some oxidized silver residue 
settling on the bottom of the container.

Test the conductivity of your final brew to be certain that your 
container didn't have some residue, and then use a laser light to look 
for particulate silver (and see how many, if any, large particles of 
silver are in the brew).

It's not a perfect science, but with practice you'll be able to tell a 
fantastic batch of CS in comparison to a mediocre (or bad) batch.

Kind Regards,


On 6/4/2013 10:23 AM, Andreas Hahn wrote:

I would like to use store-bought distilled water for making CS. Testing
with a conductance meter reveals very low conductance (0.5
microsiemens). Is there any other thing to check?

I made about 200ml CS in a glass with it and it produced a brownish
particulate residue that settled to the bottom. I'm not experienced with
making CS, so I don't know whether this is normal or indicative of bad

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Re: CS>Renee~

2013-04-22 Thread Jason Vale
get her on the apricot seeds

> From: sol 
>Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:46 AM
>Subject: Re: CS>Renee~
>If it isn't too upsetting to anyone, I'd like to know what kind of 
>cancer she had. I probably knew at one time, but can't remember.
>Joe Huard wrote:
>> I would just like to ask if anyone knows how old Renée was? Was her 
>> passing a surprise due to being exceptionally young. My mother died at 
>> 61, and I thought that was young, but she had 8 kids.
>> IMHO, we will all die and we will all come back here again many times.
>> Renée was on most of the groups that I was on, and we communicated a 
>> few times. I'll miss her, too.
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Re: CS>Juice fasts...

2013-02-12 Thread Jason

Hi Dan:

Good point!

Some clarifications, also:

We all know that the only way to reduce weight is to restrict 
carbs/calories and/or increase physical activity, so I'm not suggesting 
that using lipid replacement therapy alone is the single simple solution.

However, individuals who, through lifestyle decisions, gained those 
extra pounds will nearly always have very imbalanced lipid profiles.

Using lipid replacement therapy along with a cleansing diet, etc., may 
help reduce carb cravings due to the cleansing process which this 
therapy induces.

A basic intro article on lipids:

Understanding how proper lipids may impact brain/neurological health:

Understanding vital fats:

Toxicity can be a huge part of weight retention:,_fats_and_essential_fatty_acids

...and finally, weight loss through lipid replacement:

when the body no longer craves carbs and sugar, then managing one's 
BMI becomes much, much easier.


On 2/12/2013 9:42 AM, Dan Nave wrote:


You suggested researching the issue of lipid replacement therapy (in
regard to loosing weight etc, as you have written below).  As there is
quite a lot of info on this subject which comes up when one does a
Google search on Lipid Replacement Therapy, perhaps you would be
willing to give us a few leads to relevant articles which you may have
come across.  Otherwise, it seems a bit like finding a needle in a



On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 8:59 PM, Jason  wrote:

Hi Mike:

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Re: CS>Juice fasts...

2013-02-05 Thread Jason

Hi Mike:

I agree with Bob, here.  I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from doing 
a cleansing diet who could benefit from such a regime.

There is a problem for some eating foods that are too cooling; this 
probably isn't you, however.

Rather than just approach the issue with fruits/veggies, I do recommend 
a balanced meal, though... which isn't as difficult as it may seem.

Adding undenatured whey protein rather than eggs is a good idea, for 
example.  Also, rather than adding fish, consider balancing your fats.

I've seen unbelievable results with lipid replacement therapy.  Lipid 
replacement therapy will also take care of your willpower problems, as 
the body works to get over carb addiction.  Drinking copious amounts of 
lemon water will also knock sugar cravings down, and make life a bit 
more comfortable handling detox reactions... the lemon is a blood and 
liver cleanser, as well as an alkalizing agent.

Lipid replacement therapy results in a vast reduction in appetite.  As 
the body literally ejects "bad fats" in favor of high quality fats, 
toxins are also removed (stored in fat).  The body's cleansing processes 
become a priority, reducing appetite, almost like a herx reaction.  The 
reaction can be managed simply by adjusting the amount lipids taken (for 
thiry days, I took lipids 3X daily... lost too much weight, had to 
normalize intake).

Individuals who do things like 1+ tablespoonfuls of coconut oil are 
doing lipid replacement therapy.  Spend some time researching this issue 
and I think you'll find it fascinating.

I started studying it because I was running into some neurological 
problems. 30 days of lipid balancing and all of the problems were gone. 
 Fatty acid and amino acid based therapies can be amazing.

For my morning smoothy I use undenatured whey protein, almond milk, 1 
tbs 4:1 ratio of organic sunflower oil and flax seed oil, and then my 
choice of antioxidants (a bit of fruit).

You can easily adopt the above ideology to a veggie/fruit drink, keeping 
in mind that it is a very good idea to get enough dietary protein and 
fat in the morning...  It takes fat to burn fat.

In my opinion, it might be a better strategy to develop a 
health-supporting breakfast, a cleansing lunch (your veggie/fruit 
cleansing drink), and a light dinner as a regular lifestyle, once your 
done "fasting".  Too many people yo-yo.  The trick is to break the 
body's addiction, and allow it to pass.


On 2/5/2013 6:25 PM, Bob Banever wrote:


Juice fasts can be very beneficial for those who are overheating or
have too much fire or yang. Many people are like that which is why juice
fasting can be so beneficial.  I would agree that cold, and empty  yin
conditions would not benefit or might get worse.  Certainly eating cold
food such as ice cream, smoothies, etc are never beneficial except in
those people who might temporarily benefit from eating cold and/or raw
food.  Generally, eating a balance of raw/cooked food is good for
everyone.  It is always important to chew your food well and eat
organically raised food as much as possible. Chewing “cooks” the food
before it goes down and enzymes in the food and saliva break it down
further.  Where did you get your acupuncture training?  I taught for 6
years at The New England School of Acupuncture.


*From:*PT Ferrance []
*Sent:* Tuesday, February 05, 2013 3:57 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Juice fasts...

Hi Mike,
I don't do juice fasts because when I was in Acupuncture school we saw
too many long term vegetarians and raw foodists with severe health
issues whose systems had to be trained to digest other foods again.
Digestion is basically a fermentation process.  That means that when we
eat our bodies must bring the temperature (physical and thermodynamic)
of the food to the temperature of the body in order to ferment/digest
it.  If the food is physically or thermodynamically cold it must be
warmed and that takes energy.  Over time the digestive system becomes
impacted and functions less efficiently and health issues ensue.
Very simplified to be sure but still true.

*From:*M.G. Devour 
*To:* silver-list 
*Sent:* Tue, February 5, 2013 4:37:20 PM
*Subject:* CS>Juice fasts...

Hi folks,

Seeing as how quiet things have been for several days, I'd like to toss
a subject into the ring...

Anybody got experience or observed others doing juice fasts or other
variants on a mostly to all raw veggie, nut, fruit diet, with perhaps
just a little dairy/eggs/fish thrown in? I'm talking on the order of 80%
raw or more?

What's the longest pure juice fast you've done or seen?

Areas I'm most interested in are how they handled willpower issues,


2012-12-08 Thread Jason Yahoo.cmm
Simple blood teSt

On Dec 8, 2012, at 3:21 PM, Alex Flex  wrote:

> GUys How does one measure his own levels of Vitamin D? What exam woudl 
> this be?
> Thanks
> Alex
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Rules and Instructions:
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> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>help

2012-11-28 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Jaxi:

You're right; that describes the Silvergen SG7 to a T.

The Colloid Master doesn't look bad, but I don't like flat plate electrodes 
without both reverse polarity AND rigorous stirring.

I have owned one of each of most EIS makers (at least ones with at least one 
unique feature), and I've been using the SG7 successfully since 2002 or 2003; 
it's by far my favorite unit.  I also have a few Silver Puppies; for smaller 
amounts of EIS, it's also one of my favorites.


  - Original Message - 
  From: jaxi 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 17:49
  Subject: Re: CS>help

  I disagree that those are the "best" or only ones to buy but that point aside 
the description Joe sent sounds like a silvergen to me.  I personally have a 
silver puppy and just LOVE it.  I was trying to answer the person's question 
and direct them to the EIS maker it sounded like he was describing ... I did 
not try to tell him which one he should buy or which one I think is best.



  On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Tel Tofflemire  wrote:

No not even close to a Colloidal Master, but do what you want !

Tel Tofflemire

From: jaxi 
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: CS>help

Sounds like Silvergen to me


  From: Joe Crook 
  Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 1:59 PM
  Subject: CS>help

  I am a big advocate of cs. I have been taking it for several yrs with 
much success. while at my uncles house last week he showed me a generator he 
found through this discussion. It was a 5 gal plastic tub with a spout. The 
generator was fixed to the top with plates I presume, they were not consumable 
rods ( which I liked this feature very much ) . He has been making 10 ppm - 20 
ppm for several yrs now. He has not been sick in over 7 yrs. Could someone 
possible point me in the right direction to find this generator. Thank you. 
Many blessings.


2012-11-21 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Gary:

It depends upon the clay and the individual.

The three clay blend that was mentioned earlier is a bit more pallatable than 
some clays.  We actually pioneered a method of dry ozonating edible clay to 
improve the taste a bit.

You can view certificate of analysis and clay minerology report on several 
clays we use and study above; usage information is also available.

Clay is actually much more pallatable than MSM (I take about 1/2 cup of MSM 

Keep in mind that clay is not dirt or mud; when "pure" clay is mixed with 
water, it creates a colloid comprised of minute and highly organized crystals.  
Different clays have different particle characteristics, mineral combinations, 
and particle sizes.  For IBS, the larger smectite particles are ideal, because 
they are not adsorbed into the system, but pass through the stomach and small 
intestine into the large intestine.

Kind Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Gary Hilt 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 17:25
  Subject: Re: CS>MSM

  Thanks for your response im not familiar with find any folks of this healing 
  i would like to get this resolved. What makes this clay more palatable. Or 
does it matter? 

  On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Craig Chamberlin 

Yes, if one did not know the person who made the recommendation, but Del is 
well known here and highly respected.  If he made an error in his 
recommendation, there would have been many responses pointing that out FOR you. 
 Its the way it works here.


Gary Hilt wrote: 
  AHHH my bad 
  i appreciate the info but it would help me as i am a bit curious as to the
  substantiations of anything anyone would offer. i mean just because some 
one said they take a certain thing without at least some documentation would be 
 less than responsible. Do you not agree?


  Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord 
Jesus Christ. 
  Gary & Lennie


2012-11-21 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Gary:

There is quite a bit of authentic research material available.  Feel free to 
browse some of it here:

There is plenty of great material on our informational website.

I wrote a book about the use of therapeutic clays, which includes the 
publication of several clinical studies which have been done in the past.  

In my experience, all IBS can be managed with informed use of therapeutic clay, 
allowing an individual the chance to actually heal the digestive system... all 
but one (and I have about two decades of research experience with clays).  In 
some very, very rare cases, IBS can be caused by a central nervous system 
disorder that is nuerological in origin.  Other treatment options would have to 
be considered in such a case, as ingesting therapeutic clay would not have the 
desired effect.

Kind Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Gary Hilt 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 15:53
  Subject: Re: CS>MSM

  AHHH my bad
  i appreciate the info but it would help me as i am a bit curious as to the
  substantiations of anything anyone would offer. i mean just because some one 
said they take a certain thing without at least some documentation would be  
less than responsible. Do you not agree?

  On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Craig Chamberlin 

With all due respect Gary, you came asking for help and you are being 
provided with help.  Discounting something that others know about and have used 
may result in folks just not helping.

FWIW, These clays are NOT dirt. Read more about it here:


Gary Hilt wrote: 
  Well thats not good news about the MSM but i have to tell ya ingesting 
  i just dont see that happening :O) 

  On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 5:09 PM, sol  wrote:

Del wrote:

  MSM is not a solution for IBS In fact, it may aggravate it.

It certainly aggravated my IBS-D. There was practically no dose no 
matter how small that didn't set off a big attack of diarrhea. I persisted at 
one point, but never could raise it and it never didn't cause diarrhea even 
after faithful daily use.

My experience with kefir was the same.

  The solution, based on my experience, is three-fold:
  1. Clay – get a high quality clay from this website: Start with a teaspoon 
of clay in four ounces of filtered or purified water twice a day, and increase 
to as much as a tablespoon in 8oz twice a day. Stir the clay into the water and 
let it sit for half an hour before drinking.
  2. Colon Care – Some people get constipated from clay. Colon Care 
from Yerba Prima is very gentle, is excellent for the colon in general, 
prevents constipation, and provides great fiber for colon health.
  3. Live Kefir probiotic – make your own kefir and drink it every 
day, at least 8 ounces a day. I drink mine in the evening and let it work while 
I am asleep. You can order kefir grains from Amazon, I did and they work very 
well. Use organic milk, raw milk if you can get it. We also tried water kefir 
and Kombucha, but neither of those were near as effective as the kefir.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>


  Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the 
Lord Jesus Christ. 
  Gary & Lennie


  Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord 
Jesus Christ. 
  Gary & Lennie

Re: CS>Making silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium citrate

2012-10-17 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi David:

Are you using a biofilm protocol along with silver?  I would use EIS to help 
cut down populations of microbes (just because you don't experience a herx 
reaction, doesn't mean an antimicrobial substance isn't doing some work), and 
use enzymes and di-sodium EDTA to help address microbes that are protected from 
most anti-microbial substances.

Something like this:

...cimbined, perhaps, with additional systemic enzymes.

...also, combining MSM with Vitamin C in increasingly large amounts (to 

Anyone with Lyme or lyme-like pathogenic conditions should be researching more 
comprehensive protocols to address this.


- Original Message - 
  From: David AuBuchon 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 15:07
  Subject: CS>Making silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium citrate

  The reason I am trying to try things like this is because my bugs are not 
dying.  If I take a swig of 1000PPM silver citrate, I get a herx, but I am not 
ready to do that regularly as I am afraid of argyria.  I have also taken a few 
drops of 15,000PPM silver citrate with barely noticeable response.   Other 
things I have thought of doing are drops of super concentrated silver nitrate, 
but there are warnings that it may not be safe to contact tissues at higher 
PPMs, so I am shy about that.  And then also that may turn me blue eventually.  
Silver nitrate can supposedly reach like 2 million PPM at saturation.

  Well, then I suppose another approach is trying super concentrated silver 
colloids.  I feel a little better about that since I have not heard of anyone 
getting argyria from silver colloids, but tell me if I am wrong. Also no one 
has complained about toxicity of lower PPM silver colloid suspensions.  One 
claimed method is using the "reducing agent" from silverlungs:
  They only recently started selling it separately.  Though I would need a high 
PPM ionic solution in order to convert to colloids in the first place.  I 
suppose I could just see what happens if I mixed it with silver citrate or 
silver nitrate solutions in that case.

  And then there is this method:
  Apparently, you can mix silver nitrate and trisodium citrate to make 
colloidal silver.  The method described in the paper would yield approximately 
100PPM colloidal silver assuming it all gets converted.  This begs the question 
if the same process would work for much higher concentrations, perhaps making 
say 1000PPM silver colloids?  

  And also, I was reading some other forum where people were mentioning using 
cinnamon extract to make silver colloids.  Anyone know anything about that? 


  Trisodium citrate supplier:
  Silver nitrate facts and supplier:


Re: CS>Beck blood purifier

2012-10-10 Thread Jason R Eaton
... I second that, Marshall... hundreds of gallons of EIS using reverse 
polarity, producing nothing but a high quality product.


- Original Message - 
  From: Marshall 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 15:44
  Subject: Re: CS>Beck blood purifier

  Reversing polarity of the electrodes while making CS is an effective and 
widely used method of decreasing buildup of silver and oxides of silver on the 
electrodes.  I have made thousands of gallons of CS, and I reverse every 
minute, on a two minute cycle.  Reversing eliminates the dark oxides because 
the electrode which forms the oxide is exposed to monoatomic hydrogen during 
the next half cycle, and the hydrogen immediately reacts with the oxide 
reducing the silver oxide to silver.  Also any silver powder that accumulates 
on an electrode, either by reduction of silver oxide, or by deposition of 
silver from the solution, goes back out on the next half cycle as well.  The 
result is electrodes which stay amazingly clean and never need to be cleaned.  
I can typically make several thousand gallons of CS on a set of electrodes and 
have never ever had to clean them.

  Also I have never witnessed any silver oxide coming loose due to polarity 
switching.  If any were to come loose it would be from the stirring of the 
water, not a polarity switch.


  On 10/10/2012 6:31 PM, D B wrote: 
The idea of reversing polarity during the manufacturing process is a very 
bad idea and obvious design flaw. Far better to select one electrode, and make 
a mark at the top with a pair of pliers, then simply connect it to positive one 
run , then negative the next, keeping note of dates you use the marked 
electrode with neg or pos current.  

The reason for this is that you will accrue a large amount of dark oxides 
which should not be disturbed during manufacturing. If they get into the sol 
(colloid) then the ions coming of the electrode will then stick to those chunks 
and your sol will bottom out much quicker, the particles also being less 
therapeutically beneficial as they will be getting so large to the point where 
they will just not be able to pass inside cell tissue and kill pathogens, also 
creating more possibility of argyria skin discolouration, though that can be 
lessened or even removed with selenium supplementation to chelate it from the 
skin I read. The regular changing of polarity will just push a load of muck 
into the distilled water and act as a magnet for the smaller groups of ions to 
stick to. 

With best wishes, Dave

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 1:32 AM, HARSHA GODAVARI  wrote:

  I am considering using this to make colloidal silver. I like the idea of 
reversing polarity because it will slow down a build_up of CS near one 
electrode and both electrodes (hopefully) wear evenly. Also I have one of these 
around and it will save a bit for the time being :-)

  Are there any "cons (& pros)" to this notion. I would appreciate your 
thoughts on this. Thank you.


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Re: CS> Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade

2012-06-26 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Bob:

As I said previously, you can either substitute with D-Ribose (for energy 
production), or simply omit.


- Original Message - 
  From: Bob Banever 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 19:57
  Subject: RE: CS> Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade

  I like all of the ingredients except stevia.  Is there a substitute for that? 
 Coconut sugar perhaps?   Thanks.





  From: david moskovits [] 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 1:48 PM
  Subject: RE: CS> Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade



  1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice: (4 -6 lemons)
  4-6 cups of clean water (to taste) 
  1 tsp of ground turmeric
  1 tsp of cinnamon
  Pinch of Himalayan salt
  pinch of cayenne pepper

  pinch of ginger 

  pinch of basil 
  1/2 tsp of liquid stevia (or to taste)



  Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 20:12:24 -0600
  Subject: Re: CS> Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade

  For internal?  How much? 



  On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Harold  wrote:

  My understanding about Citrus fruits acidity is; it is converted in the body 
to an Alkaline ash and should have no effect on leaching Calcium and Magnesium.

  Am enclosing  an important recipe for treating inflammation which is very 
prevalent in most diseases.








  Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade:
  1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice:
  (4 -6 lemons)

  4-6 cups of clean water (to taste)
  1 tsp of ground turmeric
  1 tsp of cinnamon
  Pinch of Himalayan salt

  1/2 tsp of liquid stevia (or to taste)
  Optional: 1 tsp ground/fresh ginger


Re: CS>prostate infection

2012-06-24 Thread Jason Yahoo.cmm
P I would definitely use that method as well and drinking the colloidal silver


On Jun 20, 2012, at 8:01 PM, HARSHA GODAVARI  wrote:

> I would think topical application of a mixture of CS + DMSO would be more 
> effective than drinking the stuff. "Its a long way to Tipperary."
> regards
> hg
> - Original Message -
> From: David AuBuchon 
> Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 6:36 pm
> Subject: CS>prostate infection
> To:
> > Elderly ailing man with recurrent infection believed to be in
> > prostate, maybe in UTI.  He is nebulized CS for lung 
> > cancer, but that
> > is not gonna help the prostate.
> > 
> > Any suggestions?  I am thinkinh about:
> > 
> > vitamin C, flower pollen, oral CS, brooks' CS/DMSO method of
> > administering through the urethra, D-mannose, etc.
> > 
> > Is oral CS good with UTI or prostate?
> > 
> > David
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >   Rules and Instructions:
> > 
> > Unsubscribe:
> >   <>
> > Archives: 
> >
> >
> > Off-Topic discussions: <>
> > List Owner: Mike Devour <>
> > 
> > 
> >

Re: CS> Anti-inflammatory Lemonde

2012-05-29 Thread Jason R Eaton

Also, d-ribose can be substituted for Stevia; while not anti-inflammatory, it 
does help the ATP energy conversion process.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Tel Tofflemire 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 16:54
  Subject: Re: CS> Anti-inflammatory Lemonde

  Sounds like what I make, only better?  Lemon juice by the teaspoon, a day can 
prevent cancer, and kill cancer cells as well.

  Tel Tofflemire

  From: Guyot Léna 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:51 PM
  Subject: Re: CS> Anti-inflammatory Lemonde

  Hi Harold,
  This sounds great! Would xylitol work (for those who hate stevia)?

  Be well,

  On May 29, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Harold wrote:

  Easy to make and good to take.

  Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade:
  1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice:
  (4 -6 lemons)

  4-6 cups of clean water (to taste)
  1 tsp of ground turmeric
  1 tsp of cinnamon
  Pinch of Himalayan salt

  1/2 tsp of liquid stevia (or to taste)
  Optional: 1 tsp ground/fresh ginger


Re: CS>Making 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-04 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi Ken:

Beware of individuals claiming false expertise.

First off, "zappers" were firsted tested by individuals such as Royal Rife 
and Nikola Tesla.  These ideas were then eventually borrowed, with an 
attempt at a refinement, by individuals such as Bob Beck and Hulda Clark.

Second, my experience is that the hulda clark type zapper is only marginally 
effective.  However, for many individuals, "marginally" is enough to give 
the immune system enough support to recover.

One of the problems with Hulda Clark type zappers is the actual waveform. 
Just like Royal Rife was working with very ineffective technology, most of 
the Hulda Clark zappers don't produce a true square wave form, which 
inhibits any potential effectiveness.  A device such as the "Godzilla" is 
far more effective to treat localized conditions.

When using one of the more technically correct and properly engineered 
zappers, the effectiveness is increased.  However, as the saying goes, the 
pathogen is nothing and the bioterrain is everything.  For severe chronic 
systemic infections, the best one can hope for using anti-pathogenic devices 
and substances is to help keep the bloodstream clean and support the immune 
system, and thus improve the body's own ability to address infections.

As far as electrodes, use an extremely clean cloth moistened with a high 
grade sea salt solution.  Being concerned about the adsorption of metals 
through such a cloth into the body is like worrying about a neighbor's 
candle when your house is burning down.  I would be far more concerned about 
toxicity from the average air sample in metropolitan areas.

BTW:  One of the simpler ways to test the effectiveness of zappers is by 
contrasting before and after live blood analysis studies.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Monett" 

To: "SilverList" 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 19:05
Subject: Re: CS>Making 100% colloidal EIS

 > Hi Mike, Regarding "Zappers", it sounds like you are talking about
 > the devices that Hulda Clark popularized over the past 20 years or
 > so (I first read her books in 1994 or so). Is that the case? I use
 > a zapper  occasionally  if I get a bad cold  or  upper respiratory
 > infection. But I have never heard of what you mentioned  about the
 > copper hand holds depositing copper ions into the skin  (I covered
 > them with 2 layers of paper towel), or other materials, depositing
 > who knows  what into the skin. Do you have a  recommendation  on a
 > material that  is  safe  to use with a Zapper?  I  have  found the
 > zapper to  be  extremely  useful at times  of  viral  or bacterial
 > infection -  it doesn't seem to cure the problem outright,  but it
 > definitely seems  to have a positive effect (in my  case,  pain or
 > congestion in  the sinuses or throat is usually  alleviated  for a
 > few hours after a zapping session). -Ken


 Zappers were  proposed by Bob Beck and Hulda Clark. Beck  claimed to
 be a  physicist, and would have known that electrons cannot  flow in
 an electrolyte.  However, he claimed his Zapper could  do  just that
 and that it would cure all diseases.

 Here is  a  1998  talk where Beck claims his  Zapper  will  kill ALL
 pathogens and  parasites,   including   HIV.   He  claims  the blood
 circulates in the body in 9 or 10 seconds (5:00). This is  false. It
 takes a minute or so.

 Note also that he uses stainless steel electrodes. Please  see below
 for more information.

 Clearly the device does not do what he claims. If it did,  HIV would
 not exist,  and  we would not need antibiotics.  Every  hospital and
 clinic would be using them instead. That is obviously not true.

 Hulda Clark has a slightly different version and made much  the same
 claims. However,  she  also  claimed to  have  the  ability  to cure
 cancer. However, Hulda Clark died of cancer in 2009.

 From Wikipedia:

 Clark's claims  and  devices   have  been  dismissed  by authorities
 ranging from  the  US  Federal Trade Commission  and  Food  and Drug
 Administration to  alternative medicine figures such as  Andrew Weil
 asscientifically   unfounded,   "bizarre",[3]   and  potentially
 fraudulent.[2] Clark  died 3 September 2009 of  multiple  myeloma (a
 blood and bone cancer).[4][5][6]

 Hulda's Zapper  supposedly  worked by shaking  or  vibrating  a germ
 until it  falls  apart,  like  the  famous  Memorex  commercial that
 shatters a wine glass.

 However, bacteria are not brittle like crystal, and there is  no way
 any energy from a Zapper could reach them. The first problem is skin
 effect that  causes high frequencies to travel on the  outside  of a
 body and not penetrate very deeply. The second problem is the energy
 in the  harmonics  fal

Re: CS>Alkalizing-Cleansing

2012-04-22 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Paul:

Don't get me wrong:  I use Himalayan salt as well, especially for a great sea 
mineral bath.

Wright salt doesn't taste very salty; it doesn't work very well as a culinary 
salt, although it is a great therapeutic salt.  Real Salt by Redmond Trading 
Company is a very clean award winning culinary salt that is excellent for 
cooking and as a therapeutic salt.

Bamboo salt (9X roasted) is the best; it is very potent and powerful.  When 
used in cooking, it is excellent.  However, when used in water it is very 
sulphorous, and smells like rotten eggs (when used in soups and as a seasoning 
with food, one doesn't notice it).  If used alone as for therapeutic purposes, 
it's best to place it directly on the tongue, and then chase it with a glass of 
lemon water.  Used in 1/4 teaspoon doses, it is a good supplement; used in 1/2 
- 1 tsp. doses it can cause major detox reactions.

In 1/4 tsp doses, it usually causes a 1/2 - 1  log increase in Ph within ten 
minutes, followed by a drop by 1.5x.  Therefore, it is similiar to how baking 
soda works in the body, although the pH spikes with baking soda tend to be more 
severe.  The increase in Ph is indicative of the alkalzing power of the salt, 
and the excess drop in pH is indicative of its cleansing power in 
stripping/eliminating acids.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Paul Steel 
  Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 08:17
  Subject: Re: CS>Alkalizing-Cleansing

  Jason this is very interesting ad I am interested in changing my table salt 
from Himalayan to one of these salts.

  In your opinion what is the best of these salts??

  Thanks Jason

  Paul Steel
  h 508.520.6905
  c 508.922.0519
  The harder you work the luckier you get!

  From: Jason R Eaton 
  Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 10:13 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Alkalizing-Cleansing

  Hi Melly:

  Humic/fulvic acid is a great combination, but alone is not usually enough to 
correct a moderate to serious imbalance in the body; not alone.

  I should note that I'm personally not the biggest fan of homeopathic 
formulations such as cell salts; I've simply never been able to get them to 
work.  I prefer a more direct approach, as there are ways to actually measure 
the effects.  

  Some of the finest salt-based therapies can get very expensive.  Standard sea 
salts are great, but subnstances such as Quinton Sea Plasma, high quality 
bamboo salt, and Wright Salt.

  For example, bamboo salt that has been roasted nine times is likely one of 
the purest and most potent salts on the planet.  Not only are all of the 
necessary minerals present, but the salt has a negative ORP of between -300 and 
-500.  This is an extraordinary amount of antioxidant power.

  However, it's my opinion that these higher quality salt therapies should be a 
third step in the process, in order to reduce the detox effect and get the most 
benefit of salt therapy, at a cellular level, or else they'll simply be used up 
nuetralizing acidic waste in the body.  Adding green leafy nutrient-rich plants 
in-diet (at at least two cups per day), and balancing the body's electrolytes 
should ideally be done first, and this can be done far more affordably.

  Kind Regards,


  - Original Message - 
From: Melly Bag 
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 22:52
Subject: CS>Alkalizing-Cleansing


  Thank you so much for taking the time to write a nice outline and 
good info on what i should do to help my body get balanced.

  I will study the link you gave.  

  I am not familiar with cell salt so i will have to research it too.  
I take  humic-fulvic acid, can  that take the place of sea minerals?  I do take 
seaweeds once in a while and use sea  salt.

  Again thanks.


Re: CS>Alkalizing-Cleansing

2012-04-22 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Melly:

Humic/fulvic acid is a great combination, but alone is not usually enough to 
correct a moderate to serious imbalance in the body; not alone.

I should note that I'm personally not the biggest fan of homeopathic 
formulations such as cell salts; I've simply never been able to get them to 
work.  I prefer a more direct approach, as there are ways to actually measure 
the effects.  

Some of the finest salt-based therapies can get very expensive.  Standard sea 
salts are great, but subnstances such as Quinton Sea Plasma, high quality 
bamboo salt, and Wright Salt.

For example, bamboo salt that has been roasted nine times is likely one of the 
purest and most potent salts on the planet.  Not only are all of the necessary 
minerals present, but the salt has a negative ORP of between -300 and -500.  
This is an extraordinary amount of antioxidant power.

However, it's my opinion that these higher quality salt therapies should be a 
third step in the process, in order to reduce the detox effect and get the most 
benefit of salt therapy, at a cellular level, or else they'll simply be used up 
nuetralizing acidic waste in the body.  Adding green leafy nutrient-rich plants 
in-diet (at at least two cups per day), and balancing the body's electrolytes 
should ideally be done first, and this can be done far more affordably.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Melly Bag 
  Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 22:52
  Subject: CS>Alkalizing-Cleansing


Thank you so much for taking the time to write a nice outline and good 
info on what i should do to help my body get balanced.

I will study the link you gave.  

I am not familiar with cell salt so i will have to research it too.  I 
take  humic-fulvic acid, can  that take the place of sea minerals?  I do take 
seaweeds once in a while and use sea  salt.

Again thanks.


Re: CS>Lemon for Alkalizing

2012-04-19 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Melly:

First and foremost, the soft tissues of the body cannot be acidic.  The 
alkaline minerals needed to balance biochemistry, in acidic tissue 
environments, are used up nuetralizing acidic waste.  This greatly impacts the 
body's ability to adsorb nutrients at a cellular level.

Since I spent so much money for testing, I obstained from mineral 
supplementation.  I was testing the biochemical effects of excessive sulphur 
supplementation (MSM) and studying the effect of ozone therapy on my 

There are many factors that can influence the pH of soft tissues in the body.  

I list a few below:

1.  Digestive failure - undigested foods, lack of HCL production in the 
stomach, lack of digestive enzymes, poor diet - Using a good quality edible 
clay and high quality natural probiotics to repair digestion greatly assists.

2.  Free radical damage - Low cellular levels of antioxidants...  Particularly, 
lack of production of glutathione at a cellular level, and fatty acid 
imbalance.  Poor diet can be a big contributory factor.  Supplementation with 
superfoods and the "master" antioxidants can greatly help, as well as making 
sure you get a balanced ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3's in-body (a ratio of 

3.  Systemic infections, including but not limited to Lyme Disease and Candida 
overgrowth (or any yeast/fungal infection).  Many pathogenic organisms thrive 
in acidic environments, and in turn, produce even more acidic waste.

4.  Toxicity - Severe toxicity can impair mitochondrial function, severly 
inhibiting the ATP production cycle.  Mitochondrial failure can result in 
metabolic failure, where the muscles in the body have severe disfunction in 
energy conversion.  The result can be a switch from aerobic to anaerobic 
metabolism, which results in the production of more lactic acid waste.

Here's a basic introduction to soft tissue pH balancing:

..however, it is really one article in a series of articles, some of which 
haven't been written yet!

The general basic idea is to first flush all of the acids out of the body that 
are in the circulatory system and lymphatic system.  High quality water, and 
alkalizing whole foods, while starting to tackle the fundamental cause of 
imbalance (such as working on digestive system repair).

Once this is done, the next step is to flush acidic waste from generally stored 
in-body and in-tissue (but generally speaking, extracellular).  One can simply 
eat a great diet with plenty of great water, and let the body slowly cleanse, 
or one can use a substance such as MSM, which starts to flush acidic waste.

The last step is intracellular work.  One of the best ways is to use cell salt 
therapy, or any high quality sea mineral treatment.  Again, not doing things in 
the proper order will result in only partial success, and often times, a whole 
world of herxing.  Cell salt or sea mineral therapy is only cellularly 
effective when the soft tissue pH is very close to neutral, otherwise the 
alkaline minerals are spent nuetralizing the acidity.

Other great ideas include things like systemic enzyme therapy.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Melly Bag 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 19:51
  Subject: CS>Lemon for Alkalizing


Thank you very much for disspelling the info about lemon leaching 
minerals.  This makes me happy as i stay away from lemon juice out of fear of 
losing my minerals,  Citrus and pineapple juice also lowers blood pressure,

How do you keep your minerals balanced?


Re: CS>Drinking lemon juice to alkalize

2012-04-18 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Bob:

Yes, usually I do use edible clay; I consider it a part of a reasonably healthy 
diet. :0)

For my testing, however, I obstained from taking clay minerals for four to six 

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Bob Banever 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12:53
  Subject: RE: CS>Drinking lemon juice to alkalize



If you are testing well for mineral and electrolyte balance then you 
must be consuming edible clay.  J



  From: Jason R Eaton [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12:25 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Drinking lemon juice to alkalize


  Hi Melly:


  While taking adequate minerals is a very important part of health, I strongly 
disagree with that blanket statement, which is backed by opinion and not real 
science.  In fact, the truth is that the alkalzing minerals IN lemon are 
primarily calcium, magnesium, and potassium.  It actually stimulates the 
production of calcium carbonate in the body.  I'm aware that some people out 
there are trying to teach this "leaching" idea, but it is not backed in common 
sense or science, and is obviously being taught by individuals with very little 
background in the scientific approach to biochemistry.


  For example, I actually have cellular and metabolic work done to monitor my 
electrolyte and mineral balance.  I'm one of the few people who test at near 
perfect mineral balance levels.  No mineral supplementation needed; only a 
reasonably healthy diet is required.



  Kind Regards,






  - Original Message - 

From: Melly Bag 


Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 11:50

Subject: CS>Drinking lemon juice to alkalize


  For those drinking lemon juice to alkalize i hope you realize that 
for lemon to convert your ph, it leaches on your minerals like calcium and 
magnesium, so it would be best to take mineral supplement too.




Re: CS>Drinking lemon juice to alkalize

2012-04-18 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Melly:

While taking adequate minerals is a very important part of health, I strongly 
disagree with that blanket statement, which is backed by opinion and not real 
science.  In fact, the truth is that the alkalzing minerals IN lemon are 
primarily calcium, magnesium, and potassium.  It actually stimulates the 
production of calcium carbonate in the body.  I'm aware that some people out 
there are trying to teach this "leaching" idea, but it is not backed in common 
sense or science, and is obviously being taught by individuals with very little 
background in the scientific approach to biochemistry.

For example, I actually have cellular and metabolic work done to monitor my 
electrolyte and mineral balance.  I'm one of the few people who test at near 
perfect mineral balance levels.  No mineral supplementation needed; only a 
reasonably healthy diet is required.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: Melly Bag 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 11:50
  Subject: CS>Drinking lemon juice to alkalize

For those drinking lemon juice to alkalize i hope you realize that for 
lemon to convert your ph, it leaches on your minerals like calcium and 
magnesium, so it would be best to take mineral supplement too.


Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Enema?

2012-01-17 Thread Jason R Eaton
Hi Art:

You are correct.  Since few people take the time to understand exactly how 
oxidative therapies work in-body, they often neglect the counterbalancing agent.

I have done pretty extensive research in this area, as those who need oxidation 
therapy the most often cannot tolerate it.  When dealing with activated oxygen 
(in forms O3 / O1), the best results are achieved when healthy cells have full 
antioxidant capabilities intact, with elimination channles clear, and 
electrolyes in-body properly balanced.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message - 
  From: art rambo 
  Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 20:47
  Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Silver Enema?

   What most people never discuss with o2 therapies is, that you can tip the 
oxidative balance by overdoing o2, so you need to focus on much antioxidants to 
counter the extra o2. 
   You can do like Bill Munro, and then also dose each hour with h202, and get 
positive results I think. 
   CS would be a bonus. 

Re: CS>brain a barrier?

2012-01-04 Thread Jason R Eaton


According to Becker's work contrasted with Bart Flick's work contrasted with 
Steven Quinto's work, the following statement can be made:

With the right amount of current (extremely small amount), silver ions 
delivered by this current can cause cancer cells to dedifferentiate, and 
thus return to a pre-cancerous state.  However, Becker refuted this claim; 
based on his work, it is clear that the RIGHT amount of current must be 

Stephen Quinto followed up and studied the effect that silver ions had on 
human cancer cells, and found that the silver ion has the capability to 
destroy cancer cells.  His lab studies were never published, but they were 
very interesting.

However, I do not view silver as a primary treatment modality for cancer, as 
the silver ion must reach the cancer, and with cancer/tumors in the body, if 
you're not a surgeon, getting that task done "guaranteed" is not easy.


Cc: "mgperrault" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 16:04
Subject: Re: CS>brain a barrier?

What is uncontrolled de-differentiation?  Perhaps almost a cancer, 
perhaps a scar tissue, but

anyway, not good I can imagine.

So those who nebulize CS are increasing their chances of lung cancer?


 mgperrault  wrote:

Is there information on silver crossing the blood brain barrier?
Informed person says it does.   I witnessed someone putting a poultice
of c silver on the arm and this seemed to cause a slightly raised, de
pigmented scar tissue like area.

If I can vaguely remember, Becker said that silver can de differentiate
cells and that skin mediated voltage fields can sustain a re
differentiation and thus some regeneration of limb and bone, even
cancerous.  I may not have it right, but I dont have the book anymore.
Another part of the conundrum is that when the silver forms brown stains
on the colloidal making apparatus, this is very difficult to clean.  So
I imagine the silver staining the brain and causing dedifferentiation
and this seems totally frightening.  What is uncontrolled
de-differentiation?  Perhaps almost a cancer, perhaps a scar tissue, but
anyway, not good I can imagine.   Sorry if this has been covered, I
looked at the archives but didnt find anything



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Re: CS>Re: argyria.

2011-12-02 Thread Jason R Eaton

Hi David:

Agreed.  It's really sad to see people even attempting such a thing as 
purposefully trying to enduce "harm" for the sake of a lawsuit, but with 
information such as is presenting on the nutrasilver website, it is nearly 
an invitation for trouble.

I actually get about two requests a year to testify against silver companies 
(they are always companies mis-representing highly concentrated silver 
products) from lawyer firms.  I never know what happens with potential 
cases, because I have no interest in involving myself in civil cases, and 
although I doubt there are many individuals out there that know more about 
argyria, I don't consider myself a "qualified" expert at any rate.


- Original Message - 
From: "Alchemysa" 

Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 19:06
Subject: CS>Re: argyria.

"At 3,600 PPM, NutraSilver® is unlike store-bought or home-made
colloidal silver."

First thing to know is, has she actually got argyria?

And if its as you described wouldn't that just get thrown out of
court? Its clearly a case of deliberate self harm. Like jumping in
front of a car to claim the insurance, although, its probably stupid
to say this on his website...

"Impossible to get argyria (turning blue)"

and this

"An Estimated 10 Million Americans Consume Colloidal Silver Daily"

Sounds like he's a bit loose with his facts to me.


From: Marshall 
Date: 3 December 2011 9:11:48 AM
Subject: CS>Argyria

I just had a call from Russell, who owns Neutrasilver.  He has some  lady 
who apparently painted her body with silver and exposed  herself to the 
sun on purpose to try and get argyria, telling one  of her doctors that 
she is going to be a millionaire after the  lawsuit.  He is looking for 
someone who knows what the heck they  are talking about, and will not 
prostitute themselves out to the  FDA or anyone else for money who can 
testify in his behalf.

Anyway, if anyone on this list has the credentials to testify, or  knows 
someone who does, that is willing to tell the truth, let me  know.  I was 
thinking of maybe Brooks Bradley, but don't know how  to locate him.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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