[TMIC] hey birthday folks look at this website FREE FOOD! on your birthday! http://www.mrcheapstuff.com/deals/2006/10/huge-list-of-restaurants-that-give-you-free-birthday-meals/

2012-09-09 Thread randy rankin

That is the first in the list of dozens - so take the time to google or bing it 
and get some nice meal, desert ect 

Re: [TMIC] February Birthdays!

2012-02-01 Thread Randy
Happy Birthday everyone!!!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

Pat Cooley patticoole...@gmail.com wrote:



[TMIC] is there a connection between low potassium and TM?

2012-01-14 Thread randy rankin
Mary is not talking  or communicating and is able to get to the bathroom with 
assistance but that side of the family is still clueless.  I talked to them 
about TM, MS, and mylopothy and I might as well been talking about a new island 
off the coast of Java --- They are mentally fixed on the low potassium 
situation and not the fact she can't talk and she can't walk. But I did promise 
that I would ask the group to see if any of you were aware of any connections 
between low K and the neurological conditions that impacted you - 
experiencially or diagnostically 

[TMIC] we have a female child family member with TM symptoms

2012-01-11 Thread randy rankin
Mary woke up yesterday morning and could not raise up (sit up) or walk. She is 
at children's hospital.  The onset sounds like TM. Mary is my mom's great niece 
and my 3rd cousin. I have not been able to talk with family members and found 
out through word of mouth.  Mary's uncle, my 2nd cousin, was struck with 
similar event about the same time that I was hit with TM.  But Adam was 
diagnosed with Gillian B. (can't spell that word and won't try).  
So we are concerned about the issue but I am concerned about the doctor's 
getting it right. 

[TMIC] new member

2011-11-17 Thread randy rankin
Hello tmi group 
I was in the library working on my dissertation and overheard a lady discussing 
ordeals about her mother. The problems related to m.s. not t.m.; however, she 
mentioned her mom's doctor talk about mylopothy, multiple mylopothy, ect. but 
didn't understand the terminology or issues.  Her mom is going through foot 
drop, pain, has lessions on brain and along spinal chord.
I might have been a 'busy body' but I had to talk with her about the issues.
I told her about this support group and how it could help her understand what 
is going on with her mom as well as help her get directions and assistance.
I don't know what the lady does for a living, and I didn't get her name, but I 
see her assisting individuals with writing projects, school work, ect.   
I hope it is ok that I gave her our email address and maybe some of you can 
help her out.  

[TMIC] tornado concern

2011-05-03 Thread randy rankin
This isn't a TM item but I've gotten connected to many of you.
LOT'S of people and communities where serious hurt, killed, and damaged.  Many 
many people lost everything.  

In Alabama, we had more tornados that i can count. 3 where F4s at times, and 
made it to F5.
1 mile from my brother's home near Hunstville, 6 where killed. In Rainsville 
close to 40 (39 I think) and people are still missing.
Near my homeplace many lost everything. It was 1/2 to a mile wide and at times 
There is still no power or water in many areas.  Entire forests are gone - it 
often took the trees. In some places it pulled the grass out of the ground and 
removed the top soil and left a wide long brown barren trail. 

The REASON for this email is twofold.

My cousin Kathy Studdard would NOT leave her cats and go to the shelter.  She 
lost most of her cats anyway.  Her house was swept - and I DO mean swept away - 
like a big brown.  The blocks on the foundation were gone and it even removed 
the porch entirely.  She was taken to Atlanta with internal injuries and now we 
are getting news that is not good and we are afraid that we are going to loose 
her.  I'm not going to say 'prayer' ect and have a few send me multiple emails 
about what site is for ect. Just send warm thoughts or whatever you feel like 
doing.  Our family is just crushing under this situation. Even if she survives, 
this gorgeous lady with such awonderful husband and children and solid career 
never going to be the same.  The power of this torando was so great that it 
removed a large oak tree with a plus 3 foot wide base and dropped it in a 
field.  It didn't 'knock it over'.  It took the ENTIRE tree and set it back 
on the other side of the road - ROOTS and all.
I got another family that is also in serious need and I will send that in the 
next email if you are gracious enough to read.

Re: [TMIC] be careful ABOUT STUPID SPAM! and not the stuff you cook on a stove

2010-09-07 Thread randy rankin
sorry but that story is only a myth - urban legion, its a big fat lie and very 
poorly constructed 'science' tell.  The stuff would blow up long before 
picked it up.  The system does NOT depend on anyone touching it and it is NOT a 

Not to poke fun of anyone on here but the notion of disturbing it or moving it 
... Oh and it takes 30 seconds! OMG for REAL Wow, like to see the 
statistical probability outcomes for that consistency. BIG F for paying 
attention in chemistry class!!! Few chemical reactions have ANYTHING to do with 
someone disturbing it.  

I've been a chemistry teacher for 15 years! We've done this kind of stuff all 
the time. It is NOT a bomb but a simple high school chemical experiment.   

Look, funny as they may be, whenever you get this spam junk, before passing it 
on, just type a few lines or copy/paste a few lines into google and you'll see 
that 100% of this junk is made up. 

I did and here, IN ORDER, is what you'll find on google - actually, go to 
scholar, better yet search REAL periodicals, books and peer reviewed journals 
the subject. Then, you will see how that this information does NOT add up to 

Pardon the pun, but 'it don't take no rocket scientists' to find out when 
something is spam.


the second link is this ass clowns warning - probably a teenager or college 
kid spun this one for people who believe everything and research nothing. 

Third link

Next links are a repeat of the hoax - MORONS!  Poor little fingers get blown 
- GOOD GRIEF! You deserve to be made fun of if you believe that line!

And these guys went all out to make a VIDEO.  I broke into tears with humor 
seeing the cut footage of a firetruck and cops coming out to blow up the 
little bombs.

Aluminum CAN be used to make deadly bombs.  ACIDS are used.  However, the 
ingredents and descriptions in these stories don't match up.  Hey, I've DONE 
this enough times myself and have never see a violent explosion.  You can get a 
LOT more damage by using acid and potassium or red phosphorous.  Heck, you just 
need a little WATER with those two.  

From: john snodgrass jcs...@yahoo.com
To: Mindy King we4king...@verizon.net
Cc: transverse myelitis tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 4:34:48 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] be careful

lol,,,I think what Dad used was Lie and aluminum foil for the baloons.

From: Mindy King we4king...@verizon.net
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Cc: Mindy King we4king...@verizon.net
Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 2:44:10 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] be careful

Mentos in diet cola is much safer and you can still drink the soda after the 

Mindy King

On Sep 6, 2010, at 11:59 PM, Dalton Garis wrote:

Drain-O and aluminum foil!


From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 22:00:35 -0500
To: john snodgrass jcs...@yahoo.com, transverse myelitis 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] be careful
Resent-From: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Resent-Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 20:00:30 -0700

John, what the heck did you put in those bottles!!!

From: john snodgrass jcs...@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 5:44 PM
To: transverse myelitis tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] be careful

 this may not have anything to do with TM but has everything to do with

 when i was a kid,we used to take a coke bottle and put this stuff in it 
 and put
 a baloon over it. the chemical reaction would blow up the baloon .we would 
 tie off the baloon and it would float up in the sky.

 didnt know what we were doing for fun could be used to make a bomb!


  the link to snopes is an actual link and not an advert.looked at it 
 occured in April i think.



 Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 1:22 PM


Pass this on to everybody you know.  Anybody that sees a plastic bottle in 
yard would think nothing of picking it up to throw it away.

Looks like these things are starting to pop up around the U.S.   Check the
Snopes web site below, it's pretty scary.

Important warning!  NOT A JOKE!  Pay attention to this.

1.  A plastic bottle with a cap (Like a normal water bottle).
2.  A little Drano.
3.  A little water.
4.  A small piece of foil.
5.  Disturb it by moving it; and BOOM (Less than 30 seconds)!!
6.  No fingers left and other serious effects to your face, eyes, etc.

People are finding these bombs in mailboxes and in their yards, just 
waiting for
someone to pick it up intending to put it in the trash.

It takes about 30 

Re: [TMIC] be careful ABOUT STUPID SPAM! and not the stuff you cook on a stove

2010-09-07 Thread randy rankin
no soapbox - just humor - besides, why is spam being pushed on here 
and your quick www reference has NO validity. It has to be something more than 
just going to the Internet. Go buy the supplies and try it yourself and you 
SEE that it does not make a bottle bomb that will blow off your fingers. You 
might burn your eyes and skin but a bomb that goes off after you touch it? 
That's none sense. And you can cite a 1000 more snopes crime warnings and it 
STILL will NOT make it true.  

From: Laura Beaudin laura.beau...@gmail.com
To: randy rankin rj_ran...@yahoo.com
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 9:33:27 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] be careful ABOUT STUPID SPAM! and not the stuff you cook on 
a stove

Dude! Get off your soapbox! 


www.laurabeaudin.com --NOT just another blog!


On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:10 AM, randy rankin rj_ran...@yahoo.com wrote:

sorry but that story is only a myth - urban legion, its a big fat lie and very 
poorly constructed 'science' tell.  The stuff would blow up long before 
picked it up.  The system does NOT depend on anyone touching it and it is NOT a 

Not to poke fun of anyone on here but the notion of disturbing it or moving 
... Oh and it takes 30 seconds! OMG for REAL Wow, like to see the 
statistical probability outcomes for that consistency. BIG F for paying 
attention in chemistry class!!! Few chemical reactions have ANYTHING to do 
someone disturbing it.  

I've been a chemistry teacher for 15 years! We've done this kind of stuff all 
the time. It is NOT a bomb but a simple high school chemical experiment.   

Look, funny as they may be, whenever you get this spam junk, before passing it 
on, just type a few lines or copy/paste a few lines into google and you'll see 
that 100% of this junk is made up. 

I did and here, IN ORDER, is what you'll find on google - actually, go to 
scholar, better yet search REAL periodicals, books and peer reviewed journals 
the subject. Then, you will see how that this information does NOT add up to 

Pardon the pun, but 'it don't take no rocket scientists' to find out when 
something is spam.


the second link is this ass clowns warning - probably a teenager or college 
kid spun this one for people who believe everything and research nothing. 

Third link

Next links are a repeat of the hoax - MORONS!  Poor little fingers get blown 
- GOOD GRIEF! You deserve to be made fun of if you believe that line!

And these guys went all out to make a VIDEO.  I broke into tears with humor 
seeing the cut footage of a firetruck and cops coming out to blow up the 
little bombs.

Aluminum CAN be used to make deadly bombs.  ACIDS are used.  However, the 
ingredents and descriptions in these stories don't match up.  Hey, I've DONE 
this enough times myself and have never see a violent explosion.  You can get 
LOT more damage by using acid and potassium or red phosphorous.  Heck, you 
need a little WATER with those two.  

From: john snodgrass jcs...@yahoo.com
To: Mindy King we4king...@verizon.net
Cc: transverse myelitis tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 4:34:48 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] be careful

lol,,,I think what Dad used was Lie and aluminum foil for the baloons.

From: Mindy King we4king...@verizon.net
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Cc: Mindy King we4king...@verizon.net
Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 2:44:10 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] be careful

Mentos in diet cola is much safer and you can still drink the soda after the 

Mindy King

On Sep 6, 2010, at 11:59 PM, Dalton Garis wrote:

Drain-O and aluminum foil!


From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 22:00:35 -0500
To: john snodgrass jcs...@yahoo.com, transverse myelitis 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] be careful
Resent-From: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Resent-Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 20:00:30 -0700

John, what the heck did you put in those bottles!!!

From: john snodgrass jcs...@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 5:44 PM
To: transverse myelitis tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] be careful

 this may not have anything to do with TM but has everything to do with

 when i was a kid,we used to take a coke bottle and put this stuff in it 
 and put
 a baloon over it. the chemical reaction would blow up the baloon .we would 
 tie off the baloon and it would float up in the sky.

 didnt know what we were doing for fun could be used to make a bomb!


  the link to snopes is an actual link

Re: [TMIC] be careful ABOUT STUPID SPAM! and not the stuff you cook on a stove

2010-09-07 Thread randy rankin
There is  a video in one of the links and it is really quite funny. If you 
know about the lab experiment then it probably doesn't mean much. However, if 
you've actually done the experiment and then watched the video it is quite 
ingeniously funny. Its worth the minute or so to watch it.  Some college kids 
maybe even some high school guys put this together.  I mean, they have COPS 
walking around. They are all serious. Then the FIRE DEPARTMENT shows - now that 
is really quite funny. Then they have a BOMB squad. Seriously! - that's too 
funny. Then they actually detonate it. That's some crazy stuff. Not realistic 
but still funny. I had to watch it a couple of times. That's one for the Tosh 
2.0 show for sure. 

From: j ra rumc...@hotmail.com
To: rj_ran...@yahoo.com
Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 3:34:47 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] be careful ABOUT STUPID SPAM! and not the stuff you cook on 
a stove

I too was shocked by the simply ridiculous claims made in the email. Really? A 
bomb? A little rapid effervesence and perhaps an slightly audibly sizzle? I 
won't waste good drano on thatAnyway, people believe anything these days!

Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 08:54:31 -0700
From: rj_ran...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] be careful ABOUT STUPID SPAM! and not the stuff you cook on 
a stove
To: laura.beau...@gmail.com
CC: tmic-list@eskimo.com

no soapbox - just humor - besides, why is spam being pushed on here 
and your quick www reference has NO validity. It has to be something more than 
just going to the Internet. Go buy the supplies and try it yourself and you 
SEE that it does not make a bottle bomb that will blow off your fingers. You 
might burn your eyes and skin but a bomb that goes off after you touch it? 
That's none sense. And you can cite a 1000 more snopes crime warnings and it 
STILL will NOT make it true.  

From: Laura Beaudin laura.beau...@gmail.com
To: randy rankin rj_ran...@yahoo.com
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 9:33:27 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] be careful ABOUT STUPID SPAM! and not the stuff you cook on 
a stove

Dude! Get off your soapbox! 


www.laurabeaudin.com --NOT just another blog!


On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 5:10 AM, randy rankin rj_ran...@yahoo.com wrote:

sorry but that story is only a myth - urban legion, its a big fat lie and very 
poorly constructed 'science' tell.  The stuff would blow up long before 
picked it up.  The system does NOT depend on anyone touching it and it is NOT a 

Not to poke fun of anyone on here but the notion of disturbing it or moving 
... Oh and it takes 30 seconds! OMG for REAL Wow, like to see the 
statistical probability outcomes for that consistency. BIG F for paying 
attention in chemistry class!!! Few chemical reactions have ANYTHING to do 
someone disturbing it.  

I've been a chemistry teacher for 15 years! We've done this kind of stuff all 
the time. It is NOT a bomb but a simple high school chemical experiment.   

Look, funny as they may be, whenever you get this spam junk, before passing it 
on, just type a few lines or copy/paste a few lines into google and you'll see 
that 100% of this junk is made up. 

I did and here, IN ORDER, is what you'll find on google - actually, go to 
scholar, better yet search REAL periodicals, books and peer reviewed journals 
the subject. Then, you will see how that this information does NOT add up to 

Pardon the pun, but 'it don't take no rocket scientists' to find out when 
something is spam.


the second link is this ass clowns warning - probably a teenager or college 
kid spun this one for people who believe everything and research nothing. 

Third link

Next links are a repeat of the hoax - MORONS!  Poor little fingers get blown 
- GOOD GRIEF! You deserve to be made fun of if you believe that line!

And these guys went all out to make a VIDEO.  I broke into tears with humor 
seeing the cut footage of a firetruck and cops coming out to blow up the 
little bombs.

Aluminum CAN be used to make deadly bombs.  ACIDS are used.  However, the 
ingredents and descriptions in these stories don't match up.  Hey, I've DONE 
this enough times myself and have never see a violent explosion.  You can get 
LOT more damage by using acid and potassium or red phosphorous.  Heck, you 
need a little WATER with those two.  

From: john snodgrass jcs...@yahoo.com
To: Mindy King we4king...@verizon.net
Cc: transverse myelitis tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 4:34:48 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] be careful

lol,,,I think what Dad used was Lie

Re: [TMIC] MS drugs for TM

2010-08-19 Thread randy rankin
Hi Kelley,
I was hit with TM in 2005 and went through paralysis from the right leg down, 
horrific pain in gluts and around waist and had coordination issues. Less than 
year later, just as the neuro predicted, I had bladder problems which put me in 
the hospital. That was no laughing matter.  

I too was treated as if it were early MS, even though it was not. I was but on 
beta but not copaxion. There was brief discussion of that possibility in the 
future but that never materialized. 

I am GLAD that the doc treated me so seriously because NOW I AM WALKING 
Walking is a BIG BIG DEAL! LISTEN to the doctor, don't listen to common folks. 
You can go for second opinions if you like. A bird in hand is better than two 
in flight, so the saying goes. 

I battled with this condition for years!!! 

My neuro did NOT recommend PT but I went for a second opinion, which was hard 
find someone to give me one, and it was actually hard for me to find someone 
was willing to send me to a good PT.

Before the PT, I could NOT cross my legs. Actually, I could barely drag my foot 
over the other. 

The PT was one of the BEST events. I learned how to stretch my leg and other 
muscles on my own. Eventually, I was able to walk a tread mill without falling 
off (sideways lol). One good summer on the tread mill for about 2 hours a day 
got me to where I could jog again but not run. That was in 2007.

Another doc, that I went to for a second opinion, gave me bachlofen (sp.) and 
made a HUGE different in pain management, sleep, and recovery.

Another doc put me on neurotin (gabepiten) and tegretal and both made the pain 
go away so I could at least sleep!! and have a life.

Now, I am pain free, can RUN, and only occasionally have pain and tightness in 
specific spots in my right leg, right glut and lower back - usually about 5 am 
or so.

I was persistent because I did NOT want to continue life that way. I chose to 
mentally reject the notion that I would never walk again although THREE 
different doctors from two facilities told me that the best shot I had was to 
save my left leg and my bladder before it was too late.

Now, I don't believe that one can simply not believe something and that 
changes things. I do have faith, believe in prayer, believe that faith makes a 
difference, and also believe that our mind can impact our bodies. However, that 
doesn't just simply mean we can wish something away. i know this isn't a 
philosophy or religious site; however, many of us have experienced miracles and 
my not so religious neuro said that I was a walking miracle.

Interestingly, aside from the TM, I had non TM related neurological issues. My 
fatigue level was through the roof, or rather, in the basement. For quite some 
time, I was not able to get myself up in the morning and within 15 minutes my 
energy level would crash. I felt like I was in constant jet lag.  I also had 
memory problems, esp with names. Concentration was a huge issue and I grew 
heavily depressed. THEN the walking suddenly came to a stop and along came the 
TM related pain and funny feelings.

During that time, I really felt ostracized by most of the doctors that I went 
to; however, I was relentless and determined to get a treament that worked for 
me.  The doctors were a pain in the butt - I don't know if doctors realize just 
how they come across to us sometimes. Seeing different people allowed 
different ideas and perspectives and a piece of the puzzle to come together 
each new practitioner. 

Hope this helps. 

From: Kelly Jean Craig n2resea...@yahoo.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, August 19, 2010 1:37:29 PM
Subject: [TMIC] MS drugs for TM

Hi Everyone,

I was Dx with TM in May and have recovered quite well after being temporarily 
paralyzed. However, I still suffer from the sensory, coordination, bladder and 
sexual problems. I have just been prescribed gabapentin for my neuropathy.

After meeting with four different neurologists, one is of the opinion that I 
should take MS therapies to prevent future relapses. Even though he says I do 
not have MS, he calls it a clinically isolated syndrome. Since my brain MRI is 
abnormal, he suggests that my risk of really having MS is extremely high. 

I just wanted to ask if your neurologists recommended taking interferon beta or 
copaxone therapies? The side effects are pretty horrendous and I am really 
concerned about quality of life, but at the same time, I don't want to have 
another episode and be paralyzed permanently. I would greatly appreciate any 
feedback on experiences, side effects, etc.

Kelly Jean


Re: [TMIC] arghhh!!!!!!!

2010-08-11 Thread randy rankin
Baclofen was a big turning point for me - didn't know about MgCitrate - got to 
check that out 

From: Janet Dunn j.d...@shaw.ca
To: randy rankin rj_ran...@yahoo.com; john snodgrass jcs...@yahoo.com; 
transverse myelitis tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, August 11, 2010 2:44:06 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] arghhh!!!

Hey John, Randy, 
I’ve been there too.  Besides Percodan and Baclofen, I also use a good healthy 
dose of Magnesium Citrate.  About 400 – 500 mgs – it is a natural muscle 
relaxant.  And it helps with the sleep issue.
Gotta love TM.  Gotta.  NOT!
From:randy rankin [mailto:rj_ran...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: August 10, 2010 9:48 PM
To: john snodgrass; transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] arghhh!!!
Hey John, been there - understand what you're going through. I'm not sure what 
will work for you. mix of meds and p.t. (eventhough my first neuro said p.t. 
wouldn't do any good) made a big difference but it took several years of 
constant determination. 


From:john snodgrass jcs...@yahoo.com
To: transverse myelitis tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, August 10, 2010 11:13:59 PM
Subject: [TMIC] arghhh!!!
bed at 8 up at 10 spasm city!

more pain meds.

now just burning legs.

gotta be up at 4.

slept 2.5 hours last night.

whats this?

getting sleepy.



Re: [TMIC] arghhh!!!!!!!

2010-08-10 Thread randy rankin
Hey John, been there - understand what you're going through. I'm not sure what 
will work for you. mix of meds and p.t. (eventhough my first neuro said p.t. 
wouldn't do any good) made a big difference but it took several years of 
constant determination. 

From: john snodgrass jcs...@yahoo.com
To: transverse myelitis tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, August 10, 2010 11:13:59 PM
Subject: [TMIC] arghhh!!!

bed at 8 up at 10 spasm city!

more pain meds.

now just burning legs.

gotta be up at 4.

slept 2.5 hours last night.

whats this?

getting sleepy.



[TMIC] how many of you had a pathogen cause TM?

2010-01-14 Thread randy rankin

More specifically, have any of you been diagnosed with an aspirgillus fungus 
infection/attack in your history?


Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-09 Thread randy rankin
I don't if this questions was directed at me or Barbara or both. I would be, 
interested barbara, in knowing your area of attack.
As for me, Dr. H. was more concerned with getting me walking again than giving 
me answers to a lot of questions. He is a GOOD man. He stayed at the hosiptal 
throughout the night monitoring my progress (and others under his care of 
course).  I do believe that I am walking because of him.
Nevertheless, I have either never thought to ask or he hasn't told me.
he said at first m.s. then said that the test ruled it out and said multiple 
myelopothy. Another doc said that multiple myelopothy and m.s. were the same 
thing - just the m.s. had legions and myelopothy didn't (that was my 
non-medical comprehension of all the jargon.)
My neurologist finally concluded it was multiple myelopothy with transverse 
mylities because the symptoms and test results lead to that conclusion and also 
because he predicted that i would start having bladder problems with six to 
nine months.  In Feb the next year I did indeed stop peeing and had problems.  
He speculated strong that it was TM.
Last fall, I suddenly had vertigo, balance problems, heavy fatigue, tingling in 
face and pain in face.  The MRI (2 separate ones from 2 places) showed 
increased signature (whatever that means) in two facial nerves coming from the 
brain stem.  I was told it was trigeninal neurologia.  Pain meds didn't touch 
it but neurotin and tegretal helped. I had wierdness from October 08 until 
about mid Feb 09 and then everything was gone. I grew better and like a brand 
new person until the first 3 days of June when the facial pain came back with 
an alarming strength and after taking the meds for 3 days it finally went 
away.  I could not function mentally those 3 days - I stayed on the couch.  
NO one has really given me direct answers to anything except that I have 
textbook m.s. symptoms but no supporting test results except for the TM and 
the TN. 
I do not know where the damaged area was at.  I don't know if it was right on 
the spine or on the transverse nerves coming off the spine.  I've read a lot in 
the literature on the subject and seem confussed with the definition of TM.  
Most conclude that TM HAS to be directly on the cord itself.  Some suggest that 
the tranverse nerves coming off the spine can be damaged and TM can be 
diagnosed.  I wonder if that is just for the anatomical terminology - 
transverse - for the direction and mylitise (myelopothy) for the action that 
The doc says that my present symtoms are coming from my neck and even though 
he did acknowledge that a damaged disk could cause it, my examing primary care 
doc said 'no', he said that the fact that I am having this shocks without 
touching an item and then simply touching an item sounded troublesome.  
So far, the only symptom that I am having is that my right hand hurts deeply - 
it is not like extremly painful but there is a deep brusing feeling. There is 
also one around c6 and in my right shoulder blade - just one spot.  I'm not in 
extreem pain at all.  It only hurts when i bend my neck down and I get 
this funny bone feeling in my elbows and my right arm starts feeling like 
I've been working on - also my right shoulder and right flank beneath my arm - 
ONLY when I put my head to my chest. The main pain is in my right elbow and 
muscles in my arm.  

The only other thing is that 2 days before the shocks, all my muscles, except 
my left chest, back and gut, seemed to be tightening all at once.  Even in my 
arms back, stomack and ESPECIALLY the back of my legs and even in my feet.  
I woke Thursday and all my muscles were pulled together.  I was in such pain. I 
wanted to jump up like I had had a charlie horse and pull those d*() muscles 
back in shape! But i could NOT jump up. I had to roll off the bed.  Then for a 
good while I could not get my arms to do what I wanted them to do and I was 
like frankenstein's monster - stiff as a plank in my legs and my arms seem to 
do the opposite to what I wanted them to do.
Afterwards I was sore as if I'd been in the gym for the past three days. 
I'm trying to think that it is because I've been sitting way to much because 
all I ever do is work on this dissertation paper - write and research write and 
write - and sit sit sit.  I am hoping that sitting too much is the cause 
because then I can just get off my fat butt and walk lol. 
--- On Sat, 1/9/10, Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net wrote:

From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question
To: Barbara H. barbara...@gmail.com, randy rankin rj_ran...@yahoo.com
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010, 11:31 AM

How high up did you all get hit by TM? Give me the part of the body, not 
the #.    Thanks, Janice

From: Barbara H. 
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:40 AM
To: randy rankin 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com

Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-09 Thread randy rankin
ok - reread the question - 2005 I lost the use of my right leg.  The right toe 
went first, then foot (couldn't put socks on), then couldn't cross leg, then 
could not sit or stand, then could not walk.  My butt hurt like I had slipt on 
ice. My leg hurt like I'd been ice skating for 3 days. 

--- On Sat, 1/9/10, pjv1...@chartermi.net pjv1...@chartermi.net wrote:

From: pjv1...@chartermi.net pjv1...@chartermi.net
Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question
To: randy rankin rj_ran...@yahoo.com, Barbara H. barbara...@gmail.com, 
Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010, 12:20 PM

 Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net wrote: 
 How high up did you all get hit by TM?     Give me the part of the body, not 
 the #.        Thanks, Janice
 From: Barbara H. 
 Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:40 AM
 To: randy rankin 
 Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question
 Yes, I have experienced electric shock symptoms in different places. It was 
 most disturbing on the back of my head -- I really thought something was 
 going wrong inside. But it was just a nerve in the muscles misfiring and 
 setting off that jolt.
 Barbara H.
 On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:39 PM, randy rankin rj_ran...@yahoo.com wrote:
            I would like to know if any of you have had the following 
           I try to read everything people write and this might have already 
been addressed 
           Yesterday, I had a power electric shock to my entire right arm to 
the tip of my fingers.  It wasn't a moving sensation.  The entire arm just 
felt like I just grabed an electric wire. 
           The only motion that I made before it happened was to raise my 
RIGHT arm up to write on a board. I think I raised my head upwards to look at 
the board.
           less than two hours later the same even happened to my RIGHT arm 
except I looked down, from a seated position, and reach to get my cell phone.  
The second that I touched the phone and just started to curl my fingers around 
it a more powerful electrical shock hit my entire right arm. It hurt and 
frightened me. 
           Has anyone exprienced this?
           The back of my neck has been hurting.  It does NOT hurt to move my 
neck except to look down.  I can't stand that.   


[TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-08 Thread randy rankin

 I would like to know if any of you have had the following symptom(s)
I try to read everything people write and this might have already been 
Yesterday, I had a power electric shock to my entire right arm to the tip of my 
fingers.  It wasn't a moving sensation.  The entire arm just felt like I just 
grabed an electric wire. 
The only motion that I made before it happened was to raise my RIGHT arm up to 
write on a board. I think I raised my head upwards to look at the board.
less than two hours later the same even happened to my RIGHT arm except I 
looked down, from a seated position, and reach to get my cell phone.  The 
second that I touched the phone and just started to curl my fingers around it a 
more powerful electrical shock hit my entire right arm. It hurt and frightened 
Has anyone exprienced this?
The back of my neck has been hurting.  It does NOT hurt to move my neck except 
to look down.  I can't stand that.  


[TMIC] odd question about twitching

2009-05-05 Thread randy rankin
About two months ago my left pinky started twitching about every minute and a 
half to 15 seconds. It did for about 2 weeks and quick. It drove me crazy but 
it went away. A week or so later it came back. Somethings I'd wake up in the 
night but I don't know if the thumping finger woke me or I just noticed it when 
I woke up. It stayed for a week or so and quite. 
Last week, my left eye lid or eye or something started twitching for a short 
time and would stop. For the past day or so it twitches nonstop rapidly. 
I don't know if it is just stress, tiredness or what but it's bugging me and I 
wondered if any one else in the list has had the experience. I really don't 
think it has anything to do with MS or TM but I thought I might ask if anyone 
had had similiar experiences. 

--- On Mon, 5/4/09, Janice jan...@centurytel.net wrote:

From: Janice jan...@centurytel.net
Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy
To: Patricia Cooley patticoo...@wi.rr.com, 'Akua' a...@artfarm.com, 
Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 10:47 PM

I hate going to something like Depends when most nites I only need an 
incontinent pad, but may have to.   I am so good during
the day.  Doc's say it isn't unusual for all people to make more urine 
during the nite.   If you can't feel the little tickle, you wet.
I bet the guys are really appreciating these conversations!!  Janice

- Original Message - 
From: Patricia Cooley patticoo...@wi.rr.com
To: 'Janice' jan...@centurytel.net;
'Akua' a...@artfarm.com; 
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 12:29 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy



 -Original Message-
 From: Janice [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net]
 Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 12:11 PM
 To: Patricia Cooley; 'Akua'; tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy

 Are you all using the incontinent pads?They help me a lot.   I only 

 them at nite - use a smaller pad during the day.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Patricia Cooley patticoo...@wi.rr.com
 To: 'Akua' a...@artfarm.com;
 Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 3:15 PM
 Subject: RE: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy



 -Original Message-
 From: Akua [mailto:a...@artfarm.com]
 Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 1:59 PM
 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy

 Tho I think there was article that some incontinence drugs cause

 Yes! I stopped taking oxybutinin and do more laundry g. I now
save the
 for special events,  or visits, when i know i won't get to cath 
 frequently and don't want to be a wet mess.




2009-01-10 Thread randy rankin
Sorry to see you leave

--- On Fri, 1/9/09, wim from holland wim_from_holl...@hotmail.com wrote:

From: wim from holland wim_from_holl...@hotmail.com
To: david-gib...@uiowa.edu, TMIC tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 5:42 PM

#yiv471008193 .hmmessage P
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 Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 16:20:33 -0500
 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
 From: david-gib...@uiowa.edu

Twee keer zo leuk. Deel foto's terwijl je chat met de nieuwe Messenger 



2009-01-10 Thread randy rankin

What can be done about some of the unnecessary discussions that have been 
occurring on this site in the past 8 or so months. They have been many people 
who have left this group and I believe it might be because of the bantering 
back and forth. 
Is it possibly that the ones doing the bantering can be removed off the list or 
blocked instead?
The type of discussions in the past weeks have bothered me just a touch.
I joined the group because I lost the use of my leg, followed by my bladder and 
recently had an attack on my brain stem that resulted in trigeminal neuralgia.
I joined the group for help and because I was out there in the world without 
answers and in fear and desperation.
I can handle a lot of the stuff that is said but I have noticed that when I 
read this bantering back and forth that it creates a negative focus in my mind 
and clogs up my email.
I have thought that I might just get a new email account just for this TM group 
or just talk to friendly members using another Internet service so that I don't 
have to read the drama. I get enough of the drama from high school students 
where I work. 


[TMIC] neuro report - went to my primary neuro - back in hospital - questions

2008-11-10 Thread randy rankin
Hormes says that my brain stem was demylenating and I'm back in the hospital. 
Tomorrow they will do a lumbar puncture and several specific test and start me 
on steriods and other stuf. Hormes is the guy that got me back on my feet when 
I lost my right leg in 2006 so he believes that he can stop this problem and 
get it all fixed. If it keeps going, I 'm at great risk of loosing more than 
hearing in my right ear and terrible facial pain - there are already electric 
shocks going down my leg and making my feet feel like i'm standing on an 
electric grid but those are rare. The gabapentin really made a BIG difference 
with the pain but i still keep getting facial funny feelings and in my hands 
ect - and the vertigo is still horrible enough to cause me to loose my balance. 
I think after the hospital I should be ok --- surely surely this will be fixed 
and go away and I can get back to life ??? what do you all think?/??  


[TMIC] thanks for your input - tell me more about meiners

2008-11-09 Thread randy rankin
tx - i'm kinda wondering what exactly is going on. someone told me that they 
had a relative with meniers and that my symptoms were similiar.
- first was a pain in my ear like a piece of glass and someone pushing on the 
- next dizziness followed by vertigo which has persisted - this is the one 
symptom that has NEVER left
- next pain in front of the ear on the face on the C5 nerve
- next numbness across the face and upper lips which still comes and goes often
- next pain in the next followed by along the jaw line
- next pain in cheeks and next to nose soon followed by above the eye
- i went to ER they gave me gabepentin which solved the pain
- but i still get a different pain - my face and neck feels like i had been 
stung by bees 
- burning sensations in my head 
- numbness in my hands 
- pain in my right hand like i wasp sting
- and since yesterday, pain in my lower back/gluts but i have those a lot 


[TMIC] i think i'm starting to get answers to the TM and the present problem ... stress/virus ... feedback???

2008-11-07 Thread randy rankin
I went to my chiro doc today and he has hired a lady who works on trigger 
points and muscles.
She found that my neck(front/back) muscles were very tight and worked on them. 
she found trigger points all over the place and after she finished working on 
them i was so much better - the face was soft and I could open/close my mouth 
without problem; therefore, it CAN'T be a TMJ problem.
BUT the pain in/near my ear never stopped. I am under the gabapentin so it 
keeps it all calm; however, when I got home, the electric shock feeling back 
(in/near) my ear but this time it also shot down my face/neck and into my 
She thinks, and I do too, that this is the shingle virus attack my nerves. 
Dr.Hormes, the first neuro that I ever worked with, said that he felt that my 
TM was caused by a virus. I mentioned this to the new neuro and he also agreed. 
I see/hear/read that the shingles virus is often associated with TM.
THe fact that shingles can also attack the inner ear and the fact that the 
neuro SAW somethings in my ear very clearly makes me believe that the cause of 
all my problems is the virus that causes shingles.
Each time that i have a MAJOR stress in my life, I get hit with something big 
like this.
1993 - I graduated from school and was jobless -I was having to work crazy jobs 
with convicts and rough type people - it was a scary experience and I was just 
a kid.
2005 - I worked for a bitch from hell who makes the devil look like a good guy. 
she treated me like  fill in the blank and i got hit with TM the same 
year that i worked for here
2006 - my house was demolished by a tornado - less than a week later my bladder 
stopped working and the dr. said it was TM related
Recently, I got audited by the IRS and had to pay 4500. I'm working on my 
doctorate and i have one class with another bitch from hell as an instructor. 
during our Saturday classes she sits up behind her desk and asks us 
condescending questions. as soon as we try to answer, she cuts us off and 
embarrasses us in front of the class (except for her favorite students) - she 
obviously doesn't like me. others in the class notice the same thing. i have 
had to restart my stupid project times because she didn't like it - the class 
cost 2500 and you have to have a 85 to pass the class. not long after i started 
this class my first recent symptoms appeared. 
So i am now more than ever thinking that this might by a virus that's being 
triggered by stress. 
what do you all think??


[TMIC] tnx jeanne

2008-11-07 Thread randy rankin
im really starting to believe the viral theory more and more - not for everyone 
of course - but for a lot of us. yea i stay away from the crazies as much as 
possible but this past month i've seen an ENT 4 times, three PC docs, two ER 
docs, a neuro doc and now i'm going to see another neuro monday, a jaw doc 
tuesday, back to the ENT doc wed and there is still one other that i've been 
ask to go see.  after ALL These people, i stayed in PAIN PAIN PAIN - and 
only had drugs that wierded me out! and usually didn't help. BUT this crazy 
woman worked on trigger points for 2 hours and this is the FIRST time since 
sept 28 that i feel wonderful sure, she knows that it doesn't FIX the 
problem but hell never do the damn meds BUT whatever she did got rid of the 
pain. and i didn't have to pay her a co-pay and got 2 hours of work without 
charge because i prepaid for a year of chiro work and these folks had enough 
compassion to actually do something
 besides watch me suffer and ask a bunch of dumb questions. 
but you are right about staying away from the crazies - i know that there are a 
lot of them with a lot of wierd ideas. thanks for your concern - nice to be 
thought of


[TMIC] neuro report

2008-11-05 Thread randy rankin
I wasn't fond of the neuro. I should have tried to get back into with Hormez. I 
don't think I'll ever go back to Piedmont for anything. I was an awefull, 
awefull expereince. 
The good news was that the MRI showed nothing wrong with my brain.
The not good news was that my trigimnal nerve was inflamed but i couldn't 
understand if the neuro was saying that this WAS trigiminal neurolgia or not??? 
- He said both?? - what does that mean? It either is or it isn't.
He said that trigeminal neurolgia was a symptom of a problem and that it could 
not be treated but only the pain could be managed. He said that the gabapentin 
would help but in time, it will not work and I willl just have to increase the 
He said that I had to find the CAUSE of the problem. 
He believed that the cause had something to do with my ear but that he was not 
an ear specialist. But the ear specialist SENT me.
He also said that it could be TMJ but I don't know what that has to do with an 
inflamed nerve in my brain and face.
So, here I am, still in pain with no answers.
The vertigo is still there - worse than ever. He said that that had to be an 
inner ear problem.
So now, I am trying to find a denist/oral surgeon/TMJ specialist AND back to my 
ear doctor?? 
I feel so lost. 


[TMIC] face/hand numbness if you know or have experience - I need some feedback

2008-10-26 Thread randy rankin
This is new. It started yesterday and I have it now. My face, starting around 
the temporal region extending to around the zygomatic area on both 
sides,followed by my forehead and lips, then down to my chin down the front 
neck, followed by the pariatal region of my head started feeling numb 
superficially. I could touch any part with my fingers and felt everything but I 
still had this strange numb like feeling. I could actually feel and follow the 
numbing pattern moving from one area to the next. I was in school, doctorate 
class as this began happening and I commented to three of my class mates. They 
just looked at me funny and went back to their school work and never mentioned 
it again. 
Next my fingers started feeling numb. But they were still working and I could 
touch them and feel both my touching and being touch but this odd numbing 
feeling was there. Then my forearm started doing the same thing and that was 
it. Nothing else anywhere.
This last for hours and then just went away.
My vertigo was back and more apparent than ever. This time, if I sat down, even 
slowly, I got incredibly wozzy or a hard rush. As I walked, I felt like I was 
walking across one of those bouncy bridges at an amusement part. I just could 
figure out what to do to make it just disappear. I also, for the first time 
started moving towards the right and crashing into things and people. It was if 
a pull was taking off to the right when I tried to walk.
It is kinda like being tippsy without the benifits. 
The vergito isn't as bad as a few weeks ago and so far, until yesterday, I was 
attributing the oddness to an ear infection because I could not find any 
information anywhere that related it to a neurological problem and I really 
only got responses from a few people and only one really seem to maybe suggest 
that this is neurological so I thought probably this is just my imagination. 
I've already been told that I demonstrate hypodchodria by my psyc specialist.
This was DIFFERENT from like when your feet go to sleep. It didn't hurt and 
it was not painful. It FELT LIKE I had taken a bunch of Niacin but I had taken 
nothing or that I had been to the denist and the shot was just starting to take 
This morning, it was back. My forehead, lips and cheeks have a numbing and an 
odd COLD/HOT sensation. I preceive a warmingness but at the same time it feels 
like a cold. It is like holding a ice cube to my cheeks and forehead for too 
I am going to the neuro for sure this week. I would have gone sooner but my 
insurance company sent a letter saying that my insurance was cancil but in 
fact, they just switch providers. I went out and bought my own insurance - now 
I have two insurance companies. Those crazy people could have messed me up!
I need some feed back. This is totally freaking me out. I need to know if 
others have experience anything like this before. I have heard about numb 
butts and a few other things but I don't recall anyone having these kinds of 
symptoms so I am wondering what is causing it and why it came for a long time, 
went away and now it is back again. If it is a neurological problem, shouldn't 
it just stay rather than go away and come back?


[TMIC] is this an M.S. problem?

2008-10-14 Thread randy rankin
I have had some ear problems for the past few weeks. I went from hearing well 
to sudden hearing problems, vertigo and blurriness with my vision. When I talk, 
I hear the sounds of my voice muffled up inside of my head and not like the 
usually normal hearing. The ear doctor cleaned up my ear and it took 3 trips. 
My hearing seemed improved but a lot of the wierdness kept going on - and I am 
hoping that it will just clear up. 
But the reason that I am writing is because the ear doctor said that a lot of 
my problems seemed to have a neurological basis. I have had vertigo, dizziness 
and things just seem wierd. My vision has been off in a very odd way especially 
when I either try to focus or if I move my head or something moves by me. 
He brought this up without prior knowledge of my history with TM and the other 
oddities that I had had and wanted me to have an MRI to check to see if my odd 
auditory and vision issues were being caused from something in my brain. He 
asked me specifically if I had ever had problems with tingling, numbness or 
other M.S. type symptoms and thinks that my neuro should check it out.
I'm very skeptical about his ideas yet also a little nervous about doubting his 
Those of you who have MS, have you ever heard/experienced odd things like 
sudden vertigo, dizziness, vision and auditory changes ect.? I'm very nervous 
about this. I have already gone through two foot drops, loss of my right leg, 
loss of bladder function and the pain and miserable mobility issues that come 
with TM, the physical thearpy and finally I am for the first time walking and 
getting around without spasms or pain. I am not ready for a new bout with a new 
problem . 


[TMIC] Re: River raft trip

2008-08-26 Thread randy rankin
I'm sorry that your feet burn - that's gotta be aweful. This is very sudden and 
new! I've not had this problem before - ever -- this does NOT feel the same as 
if you were on your feet all day - it really felt like a hot cigar being stuck 
to my foot - but I couldn't take it off. It is gone now. hope it doesn't come 

--- On Tue, 8/26/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: River raft trip
To: Jenna Stentz [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martha Fleming [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 8:04 PM

Hey all see Randy's email below.. my two cents...
Randy, I can tell you my feet burn all the time feel like there on fire,  as 
for the spasams, I have never had them but maybe one of the girls can assist 
-- Original message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]: -- 

Wow really kewl! Hey I have a ? For the group but I'm on blackberry and can't. 
 Can u forward this to TM group? 
 I started having amuscle spasm in my rght leg above my knee yestrday. I'm not 
 doing any out of the ordiany. Did not think of any thing until today it 
 continues but now it is also in my left calf thigh back left. And in my rght 
 forarm. What the heck!? This has never happened like this that I remeber. Is 
 this a normal thing or something not good. I am also having burning in feet 
 like hott coals. Frst was rght now both. Really feels like a hot pocker. It 
 hurts - 
 not like when u stood a long time - something different 
 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry 
 -Original Message- 
 Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 23:39:57 
 Subject: River raft trip 
 Well as you can see had a GREAT time white water rafting with the folks from 
 Shepherd Center this weekend. We were on the Nanathala River near Bryson 
 North Carolina. This picture was taken at the end of the 8 mile trip. It’s a 
 œclass 3 rapid” and as you can see we were ready for some fun. 
 They let us get out about half way down and swim if we wanted to so I did, 
 a little push from Brian) let me tell you nothing will make you move fast 
 50 degree water!!! Was exhausted the next day but would do it again in a 
 heartbeat! I was the only female from Shepherd Center that was on the trip 
 have a lot of respect for the folks that had to drag our wheel chairs thru 
 gravel, dirt and water to get us in and out of the river.! 
 So waiting to see where these pictures end up next year! He he! 
 Can wait to do this 



2008-07-26 Thread randy rankin
TINS, TEMS, whatever you call it, really did wonders for me after an auto 
accident in 01 but when I tried it with the TM I was in intense pain for 2 or 3 
days afterwards. I tried it one more time and it was just so painful afterwards 
that I didn't want to do it again. I tried it near the TM area and also on my 
legs. It felt good on my legs but it never made any improvements. I just spent 
a lot of money. I'd try it again if I thought that it might make a difference. 
I'm glad that it worked/works for some. 


[TMIC] facebook - and TM MS adv.

2008-06-12 Thread randy rankin
I just started a facebook - it is cool - i like this one . If anyone wants to 
join it or learn about how to make one please feel free - also - if you have 
facebook and no how to add an ad I want to put one up for the Cure and some 
other stuff if you would like to help me :


[TMIC] med question - meloxicam and baclofen

2008-04-03 Thread randy rankin
Ok - what's the scoop on these drugs. Have any of you all taken them? 
  Did they help?
  Where there any significant side effects?
  I was sent to a bone doc. to have a look. 
  He wants me to try baclofen for spasms, (i didn't know that I was having them 
- everyone else says that I'm not have spasms - I'm so confussed on the term 
spasms. - first neuro talked about my legs being spastic because they wouldn't 
move - he pick them up and the right leg would stick in mid area lol - he'd 
have to push it back down. When I mentioned spasm later, everyone would look 
at me oddly and say that I wasn't having spasms. Now this guy is giving me meds 
for spasms and says that my right leg shows signs of spasticity)
  He said my vert was great - mild degeneration in mid T and at L-5 S-1 - which 
I already knew about. The 'arthritis' is genetic/ getting older he said - but 
it is unusual for my age. He said my 2001 car accident didn't have anything to 
do with it - but my chiro told me in 01 that it would come in time because it 
almost always shows up in a few years after a major collision. Anyway - what's 
the scoop on all these meds. before I decide to go ahead and take them I just 
wanted find out if it is worth the time. 

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

[TMIC] A month before TM -

2008-03-25 Thread randy rankin
I have asked this question myself but not as well-worded.
  I have often asked myself this question. I had been in an auto accident 3-4 
years prior that caused damage to my C-6 and C-7 and mid t range. However, the 
accident has been ruled out as a significant factor. I am going to bone doctor 
next week because I have now developed athritis throughout my spine. My x-rays 
and MRI's after the accident showed NO bone problems other than two broken 
bones in the neck and a lot of tissue damage.
  Three weeks before the TM - i was in the National Forest and got eaten up by 
mosqitoes. I counted about 19 bites on my right pinky alone. Three days later, 
I got a flu-like illness and put me in bed for three days. I basically SLEPT 
three days of my life away and woke only briefly during that time to a volume 
of sweat. I had a fever, cold chills, and no energy. I was also in such a fog 
that I bearly remember those days. I was so sick at school that i could not see 
to walk and I had horrible blurred vision. 
  My first neurologist believes my TM was caused from a virus that attacked at 
the lowest areas of my spine. Later, the damage showed up on future MRI proving 
him right about the damaged area.
  My first neuro believed that I had/have early MS and that the lumbar puncture 
didn't reveal this factor because it was taken at a higher area than were the 
problem might be. He also suggested that the three lesions in the left side of 
my brain were indicators to early MS and he believed that I was experiencing 
multiple mylopothy / demylination but that it didn't show on the MRI film and 
that the treatments stopped it from continuing. The MS dianosis was dropped 
after future MRI's showed that the lesions were gone and had not left scar 
tissue in my brain but the TM stuck because the increased signals and 
evidence of nervous tissue imflamation was still appareant along with the 
symptoms- eventhough I am improving.
  Other than this, I had foot drop in 1993, 12 years prior to my presenation of 
  This was A BRIGHT idea!! 
  THis is how we should be using this email communication. 
  Good research. 

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[TMIC] I forgot to mention the STRESS!!!

2008-03-25 Thread randy rankin
I had the GReATEST stress of my life!! before TM. My boss was persecuting the 
hell out of me and making my life incredibly misserable!! I ACTUALLY WAS 
WRITTEN UP for failure to follow the proceedures when I left the school to 
get checked out. The neuro. said one more hour and you'd never used either leg 
or your bladder again. So that bitch (sorry for those of you that don't like 
bad words) that bitch put me through hell and then punished me even after I 
lost my ability to walk!!! She said that I had to be able to perform my duties 
and responsibilities as a teacher - which included - WALKING and PEEING! What 
a bitch. I'll say again - 
Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[TMIC] Now this is truly funny! If you need a good chuckle then take a look.

2008-03-11 Thread randy rankin
  A teacher from school sent this to me. This is one of the funniest things 
I've seen. I've watched several times and still get a great laugh! Regardless 
of where you stand on the politics of the day, I think that you'll find this 
incredibly funny!

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[TMIC] Rita - Another unidentified becomes identified!

2008-03-09 Thread randy rankin
Welcome to the group.  I have often wanted to ask everyone in here how they got 
TM - kind of a survey. My first neuro also believes that I had a virus 
infection because I had gotten suddenly sick about 3 weeks prior and the clinic 
said I had a mild virus. Whatever happened, my vision was so doubled I had a 
hard time turning the curves on roads. I also struggled to walk down the 
hallway and had to lean against the walls.
  2.5 weeks later pain and discomfort started in my low back. I couldn't sit, 
stand up, sit down, or find any comfortable position to lay, stand or sit. then 
i lost the use of my toes, foot, knee to my feet, leg, thigh and then it move 
into my other side. 
  I don't get tired as easily as I used to and the fatigue isn't a problem any 
more. I STILL get stiff legged sometimes -- don't understand why. But phy. 
thearpy got me walking without problems - sometimes, i have trouble crossing my 

  My name is Rita. I am in snowy Cleveland, OH. I was diagnosed with TM 
Memorial Day weekend 2007 at the C-4/C-5 region, apparently from a virus I had 
3 weeks prior. With some people introducing themselves I thought it was time I 
did to. I have read your emails and received a lot of helpful information. So, 
hello to all of you, some I feel as if I know, and Thank You for the help you 
have given me over the past 10 months.

My onset of TM seemed sudden. The Friday of Memorial Day weekend I was cutting 
a friends hair. I began having a sharp pain in my upper back. Thought it was 
just a kink and tried to work it out. I them began to have numbness in my left 
arm and them into my right. After dropping my comb a couple time and when I 
could barely open and close the scissors I told my friend something was wrong. 
Thank goodness I got the last snip in on her hair. She took me to the hospital 
and by the that time I was having a hard time opening my hands and was getting 
leg weakness. After 2 days in the hospital and several x-rays and cat scans a 
neurologist order a MRI. By Sunday he had diagnosed me with TM, checked my 
spinal fluids, which were fine and I was sent home on Monday Memorial Day. Not 
quite sure what the heck TM was and feeling week, I thought I would be better 
by weeks end and out shopping for flowers for the yard. Needless to say but my 
yard did not get any new plants last summer. On
 Tuesday the kids got picked up for school as I could not drive. My symptoms 
began to worsen. I began to feel that sharp pain in my neck and back. As I 
tried to reach in a cupboard for a cup my right arm fell and hit me in the face 
and the pain worsened. I started to panic when I tried to call my sister and my 
fingers couldn't push the buttons. after numerous tries I got a hold of her. 
She came and called the neurologist and he ordered steroids. I was very week. I 
remained out of work until mid August. 
My symptoms have improved greatly since and I am thankful for that. However, my 
body just doesn't feel right. I still do have numbness on the right side of 
abdomen, My right arm tricep still isn't doing good and I have a stim unit here 
to help it from deteriorating any further. I still get pain in my neck and back 
and in October I began experiencing Lhermittes sign, and I do get so tired 
still. I get a cold burning feeling in my arms and hands and they aren't cold 
to the touch. If something cold touches my fore arms it feels like it burns. 

Has anyone onset been from a virus? Another thing I experience that my 
neurologist thinks is something other than TM is if I am out in and it is windy 
or cold and tense up almost as if to shiver, my legs stiffen up and I have a 
hard time walking. Has anyone experienced that? 

There, I did it, I am now identified! 

Rita (Snowing BIG TIME in Cleveland)

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Re: [TMIC] continue acceptance is tough

2008-03-05 Thread randy rankin
Galyon - I understand the frustration. I've been through this too. People look 
at you and just expect you to just - stop doing something - as if it is a 
behavioral issue. You should try to be a teacher and have rediculous county 
officials (most are not that intelligent or have a strong educational 
background - you should see what types of degrees many of them have - P.E. and 
health ect) chalk you up as defiant or violate rules and proceedures and 
conduct codes because you pee too much at the wrong - unscheduled times - 
that you walk with a limp or you don't jump up and run to the door when the 
bell rings because you CAN'T and then they document you as insubordinate. I 
understand what you mean when someone invites you to church and you sit in the 
back because you know that you'll have to go to the bathroom 5 times during 
service - and when you legs twitches people stare at you for inturpting their 
little spiritual moments. Trust me - it gets frustrating. I hate, after all
 that, to go to a doctor because you are in pain - and they say 'well, that's 
just part of the problem or you spine MRI shows normal range readings - 
except for a few minor signals in your spinal nerves ect. Well those minor 
readings hurt like hell, keep you up at night, make you drive to work scary, 
and never let you rest for a few moments. 
  Always feel free to share your feelings. It helps get stuff out but it also 
helps others as well. 

Now I have always been the type person that won't go to the doctor when 
I should and still had the same attitude even at this time, cause the pain 
would change from un bearable to just as soon as the pain would start to let 
up, I would think alright, I'm gonna be ok. Finally my wife convinced me to go 
to the mountain hospital to let them look at me own our way back home. 
If any of you have ever been to a small town hospital you can imagine how 
different the experience can be. The doctor had them to do a cat scan on me and 
she thought I was in pain from my spinal stenosis that she diagnosed me with.
Of course now I'm riding back home with my leg jumping around and would not 
stop moving and my wife was thinking can't you stop that? I said no my legs are 
jumping all on their own. After 1 hour 45 min. we arrived at our main home 
(where all the flat landers live). That night I was hit again with the same 
symptoms as before. And went to a more modern day hospital. I had to use a 
wheelchair and was in tears from the pain.
Now with more doctors looking at me they decided to take me to have an MRI 
cause at this point they thought I had something wrong with my spine and was 
gonna need immediate surgery for what ever they find. I was  put on IV steroids 
 and glad of it and of course pain meds to try and calm me down. Then the 
doctors came in and said,
  ( will continue later)

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Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject! for all

2008-03-04 Thread randy rankin
I also have this electric pain and I have had it long before my dx of TM. I 
tell doctors about this and they just look at me like I am an idiot. I've not 
hear of other TM'rs talk about this type of pain before. It is my single most 
disturbing aspect of the condition. This week, while I was working with 
students (I teach) I had an intense shock hit me in my lower back and across my 
gluts left and right from my spine - it hit so hard that I yelled out - which 
shocked everyone - I was about to explain when it hit again - and again and 
agian - all i could do was sit down and griemence. I usually get these in my 
chest and I've had them since about 19years of age. my neuro psyc says that I 
am a hypercondriac. - well, call me whatever - just get rid of the d*( pain! 
  Have you learned WHY the electric pain - obviously no one has told you how to 
get rid of it - but i sure would like to find that out too
  thanks for sharing

Lawrence King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Steven,
It's the one year anniversary of my TM attack and I was affected at 
C4-C5. I guess it would qualify as a semi acute attack as my symptoms 
developed slowly and I never lost mobility or even urinary/bowel 
control though it does take more effort these days, what I did develop 
was neuropathic pain from the chest down: feels like I'm being 
electrocuted 24/7. My pain has never improved and is not likely to and 
my balance is poor.

To avoid burning sensation I have given up all soda and limit juice to 
a small cup a day. I find I can handle coffee if I drink a lot of 
water. I also take vitamin C at night to acidify the urine and reduce 
my chances of developing an infection. Hope this helps..
Mindy the Artist

On Mar 2, 2008, at 9:31 PM, Larry Throne wrote:

 Welcome to the family Steven! You'll find a lot of love and 
 understanding here. Where are you from? Maryland?


 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com

 Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 00:06:18 +

 Subject: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

 My name is Steven Jabs I am 34 years old.  I have TM since 2003 I was 
 affected from the chest down and lost my breathing.  I was treated at 
 John Hopkins by Dr. Kerr.  I currently walk with a cane.  I have 
 bladder problems and allot of burning. I would like to talk to people 
 who also have TM.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mindy King
(740) 662-2001

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[TMIC] How to call the cops ... short, funny, and true

2008-01-08 Thread randy rankin


George Phillips of Gold Coast, Australia was going up to bed when his wife told 
him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from 
the bedroom window. ( Boy does this sound familiar! ) 
 George opened the back door to go turn off the light but saw that there were 
people in the shed stealing things. 
 He phoned the police, who asked Is someone in your house? and he said no. 
Then they said that all patrols were busy, and that he should simply lock his 
door and an officer would be along when available. George said, Okay, hung 
up, counted to 30, and phoned the police again. 
 Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing 
things from my shed. Well, you don't have to worry about them now because I've 
just shot them. Then he hung up. 

 Within five minutes three police cars, an Armed Response Unit, and an 
ambulance showed up at the Phillips' residence and caught the burglars 

 One of the Policemen said to George: I thought you said that you'd shot 
 George said, I thought you said there was nobody available! 
 (True Story) I LOVE IT - Don't mess with old people!!

Note: forwarded message attached.
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.---BeginMessage---


George Phillips of Gold Coast, Australia was going up to bed when his wife told 
him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from 
the bedroom window. ( Boy does this sound familiar! ) 
 George opened the back door to go turn off the light but saw that there were 
people in the shed stealing things. 
 He phoned the police, who asked Is someone in your house? and he said no. 
Then they said that all patrols were busy, and that he should simply lock his 
door and an officer would be along when available. George said, Okay, hung 
up, counted to 30, and phoned the police again. 
 Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing 
things from my shed. Well, you don't have to worry about them now because I've 
just shot them. Then he hung up. 

 Within five minutes three police cars, an Armed Response Unit, and an 
ambulance showed up at the Phillips' residence and caught the burglars 

 One of the Policemen said to George: I thought you said that you'd shot 
 George said, I thought you said there was nobody available! 
 (True Story) I LOVE IT - Don't mess with old people!!


---End Message---

[TMIC] This is got to be the coolest story!!!

2007-12-22 Thread randy rankin
Pastor's Challenge Shocks Congregation
Posted: 2007-12-22 07:00:06
CHAGRIN FALLS, Ohio (Dec. 20) - The Rev. Hamilton Coe Throckmorton shivered 
with anticipation as he gazed at the loot - wads of $50 bills piled high beside 
boxes of crayons in a Sunday school classroom.

Cautiously, he locked the door. Then he started counting.

Photo Gallery: What Happened to the Money?
 Amy Sancetta, AP 
Reverend Hamilton Throckmorton, right, surprised his congregation in Chagrin 
Falls, Ohio, when he followed up a sermon by handing out $40,000 in cash.
1 of 9 
It was a balmy Friday evening in September. From several floors below faint 
melodies drifted up - the choir practicing for Sunday service.

Throckmorton was oblivious. For hours, perched awkwardly on child-sized wooden 
stools surrounded by biblical murals and children's drawings, the pastor and a 
handful of coconspirators concentrated on the count.

Forty-thousand dollars. Throckmorton smiled in satisfaction as he stashed the 
money in a safe.

That Sunday, the 52-year-old minister donned his creamy white robes, swept to 
the pulpit and delivered one of the most extraordinary sermons of his life.

First he read from the Gospel of Matthew.

And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to 
every man according to his ability.

Then he explained the parable of the talents, which tells of the rich master 
who entrusts three servants with a sum of money - talents - and instructs 
them to go forth and do good. The master lavishes praise on the two servants 
who double their money. But he casts into the wilderness the one so afraid to 
take a risk that he buries his share.

Throckmorton spends up to 20 hours working on his weekly homily, and his clear 
diction, contemplative message and ringing voice command the church. Gazing 
down from the pulpit that Sunday, Throckmorton dropped his bombshell.

Like the master, he would entrust each adult with a sum of money - in this 
case, $50. Church members had seven weeks to find ways to double their money, 
the proceeds to go toward church missions.

Live the parable of the talents! Throckmorton exhorted, as assistants handed 
out hundreds of red envelops stuffed with crisp $50 bills and stunned church 
members did quick mental calculations, wondering where all the money had come 
from. There are about 1,700 in the congregation, though not everyone attends 
each week.

The cash, Throckmorton explained, was loaned by several anonymous donors.

In her regular pew at the back of the church, where she has listened to sermons 
for 40 years, 73-year-old Barbara Gates gasped. What kind of kooky nonsense is 
this, she thought.

Sheer madness, sniffed retired accountant Wayne Albers, 85, to his wife, 
Marnie, who hushed him as he whispered loudly. Why can't the church just 
collect money the old-fashioned way?

In a center pew, Ann Nagy's eyes moistened as she considered her ailing, 
beloved father, his suffering, and the song she had written to comfort him near 
death. She nudged her husband Scott. Give me your $50, she whispered. Nagy 
knew exactly what she would do.

Throckmorton wrapped up his two morning services by saying that children would 
get $10. And he assured the congregation that anyone who didn't feel 
comfortable could simply return the money. No consignment to outer darkness for 
those who didn't participate.

Throckmorton is warm and engaging and approachable, as comfortable talking 
about the Cleveland Indians baseball team as he is discussing scripture. At the 
Federated Church, he is known simply as Hamilton.

But as church members spilled into the late summer sunshine that morning to 
ponder their skills and their souls, there were many who thought: Hamilton is 
really pushing us this time.

There was definitely this tension, this pressure to live up to something, 
said Hal Maskiell, a 62-year-old retired Navy pilot who spent days trying to 
figure out how to meet the challenge.

Maskiell's passion is flying a four-seater Cessna 172 Skyhawk over the Cuyahoga 
County hills. He decided to use his $50 to rent air time from Portage County 
airport and charge $30 for half-hour rides. Church members eagerly signed up. 
Maskiell was thrilled to get hours of flying time, and he raised $700.

His girlfriend, Kathy Marous, 55, was far less confident. What talents do I 
have, she thought dejectedly. She was tempted to give the money back.

And then Marous found an old family recipe for tomato soup, one she hadn't made 
in 19 years. She remembered how much she had enjoyed the chopping and the 
cooking and the canning and the smells. With Hal's encouragement Marous dug out 
her pots. She bought three pecks of tomatoes. Suddenly she was chopping and 
cooking and canning again. At $5 a jar, she made $180.

I just never imagined people would pay money for the things I made, Marous 

Others felt the same way. Barbara Gates raised $450 crafting pendants from 

[TMIC] stem cell breakthrough

2007-12-16 Thread randy rankin
I got this email from a friend of mine back in Moscow. Galina was a colleague 
of mine when I taught school. 

- Forwarded Message 
To: randy rankin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 8:14:40 AM
Subject: Re:

Hello Randy,
our holidays start in January. It is chilly and sleety here - the weather is 
most unhealthy. I wish you could send us some of your sunshine.
I have some good news for you. There's a man here - a coworker of a student of 
mine - who has recently been cured of MS. As far as I know the doctors who 
treated him used the so-called stem cells. The results are amazing, but the 
fees are outrageous!
All the best,


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[TMIC] thanks for your thoughts

2007-11-15 Thread randy rankin
Like the lady in Wisconsin said, I've been 'chill'n' down here in Ga this past 
week or so - Of course, I'm sure that I'm not chill'n nearly as much as folk in 
Wisconsin are right now - i'm sure it very cold up there brrr - btw  Wisconsin 
is one of my fav states - there is just something really tranq. about Eau 
Claire, and riding a canoe down the Flambau or whatever the heck that river is 
called. Two of my best friends live up there.

Anyway ...

Thank you all for you comments, advice, and personal experiences. I've calmed 
down now and just started focusing on daily life. I don't remember wish one of 
you pointed out that I now have a few doctors who are trying to do the right 
thing and helping me. I suppose all of us get frustrated, angry and depressed. 
I had a touch of depression but got over it quickly. I think sometimes that I 
hope too much and expect too much from that hope. I've made a lot of 
improvements and keep making improvements but sometimes I wish I could rush it 
along because some aspects have never gotten better while others have. But 
thanks again for your thoughtful words and acts of kindness.

In response also to that last email, I've often wondered why that the doctors 
haven't used more than one type of MRI. They keep using the same kinds of MRI's 
and it was only recently that I even got a lumbar MRI where most of pain and 
problems seem to come - even though they found problems in other places.

I still have lots of questions - many have been answered. I think I've realized 
that I'm not going to get many answers in the doctor's offices - only 
hypothesis and shrugs. 

If anyone knows how one might be able to get a insurance plan in Maryland 
(Isn't that where John Hopkin's is at) I would try to take a stab at finding a 
way to do it - maybe I should get a job up there lol


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[TMIC] my first time to vent!

2007-11-08 Thread randy rankin
I guess the old saying is true, There is a first time for everyting.

I've been reading emails and rarely do I write much. So many people on this 
list seem to have much more on their plate to deal with than myself.
This past week, I started getting results back from test. 
I still understand just about as little as I did a few years ago and I have yet 
to find a doctor to pull everything together and explain to me just what the 
hell is going on or was going on or will be going on.
It seems that you are damned for trying to learn or find out information and 
you are damned for doing nothing.
I went back to my primary care phy in August because for almost a year and a 
half I had missed my scheduled doctor appointments. 
I was sent to the hospital in 05 because I could not walk and I was hurting in 
my ass, back and legs so terribly badly.
I was sent to the hospital 6 months later because I stopped peeing and it made 
me really sick with a high fever.
In both situations, the doctors could not find an exact cause to the aliments 
and I was officially diagnosed in May 06 with transverse myelitis. In 05 I had 
been diagnosed with multiple myelopothy and my neurologist believed for a short 
time that it had the early stages of M.S. but he either forgot to tell me that 
he changed his opinion or I just forgot. So from April 2005 til May 06 I 
thought that I had or was developing MS and it scarred the hell out of me. 
In 06 when they explained that it was NOT MS but TM I felt like an idiot and 
decided not to go back to any more doctors.
No one sent me to a physical therapist although I BEGGED to be sent to one. 
I also knew and had been told that I was having some serious memory, 
concentration, retention ect problems and it was significantly impacting my job 
at work at three different schools over a period of several years and it seemed 
to be getting worse.
I also had this INCREDIBLE FATIGUE that I could not figure out what was causing 
it and I experienced NON STOP depression that lasted for THREE YEARS OF MY 
LIFE! and NOTHING I could DO, THINK, MOTIVATE myself do about it would change 
I told NO ONE about this. I just LIVED WITH IT. I only started telling doctors 
about it when it suddenly just WENT AWAY! without any explanation about 3 weeks 
after treatment for my partial paralysis experience in 05. 
So I wanted to know WHY it was there in the first place and WHY it disappeared 
and will it come back and can I do something to keep it from coming back. 
But when I asked my neurologist about it he said that it was the medication 
during the hospital that caused the depression, anxiety, ect and he wrote that 
information down.
But he didn't LISTEN to the comments - 
I decided just to go on with life and forget these intelligent people.
Meanwhile I suffered day after day night after night with pain in my back, ass 
and legs and sometimes my feet. I can't explain what kind of pain it is! It 
never stays the same! Sometimes it feels like electricity and most of the time 
it just feels uncomfortable. It feels like when you are standing on ice and you 
loose your balance and you try not to fall but you are going to fall anyway and 
the longer that you stand the more those muscles inside your legs and butt ect 
start hurting - that's what it feels like all the time - and it also feels like 
when you finally do fall and land on your tail bone and your butt and spine 
ache - but it doesn't feel like that specific moment when you actually fall, it 
feels like the pain one feels in their butt about 3 days later after they fell 
- if that makes any sense.
I also suffered with mobility problems. I could walk! YIPPEE!!!  I wasn't in a 
wheelchair or using a cane. So my neurologist told me that I was a lucky lad 
and a walking miracle.
Because I COULD walk, I didn't feel that I should yack about my problems 
because so many people cannot walk at all. 
I was getting better. 
Nevertheless, I could not run or even jog. I could not work out in the gym 
without experience incredible pain and significant flexibility and mobility 
problems for the next three days after wards. 
People at work noticed that I was slow, that I dragged my right side when I 
walked, that I had to pee about every 15-30 minutes on some days.
And of course many of them asked questions. I of course didn't really want to 
talk about it so I'd just say - well, they think that I might have had MS or 
might be getting it but I'm getting better but it takes time.
It made me uncomfortable.
People would say, You need to go get that checked out!
And I would say, I already have. If I go back, they'll just say that they've 
already diagnosed me and that there isn't anything that can be done and if I 
ask questions, they'll just look at me like I'm crazy again and I'll feel like 
a fool.
People also didn't like the fact that I was going to the bathroom all the time. 
The neuro tried to make me wear a 

[TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2007-10-27 Thread randy rankin
I go for several tests on monday - CT/MRi of lumbar, brain check, lumbar 
pucture - always hate going through all these things but my neuro things i need 
to do it - so keep me in your thoughts/prayers
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