Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch dropouts

2010-12-17 Thread snarlydwarf

Steinar;595286 Wrote: 
 What else? That's all I can think of right now.

Have you looked at logs on the server?

The Touch and Radio have much larger buffers than the older models,
which means if the server itself vanishes for a while, they can hide
such dropouts longer, though they will eventually show up.  So if you
have a problem with AV software kicking in to scan things, the server
may vanish just as a track plays, and depending no how much is buffered
it may or not be audible.

(Older model players would almost always have audible dropouts at the
start of tracks when this happens since their much smaller buffers left
less room for hiding such things.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox is the NAS

2010-12-17 Thread snarlydwarf

cutandaweb;595293 Wrote: 
 I would like to connect to the machine a portable hard disk and put
 there my music. I wonder if it would be possible to add songs from a
 computer of the local net without having to unplug de hard disk an add
 de songs manually. In other words, do you know if this machine admits
 Samba or FTP?

It runs Samba.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as wireless controller

2010-12-14 Thread snarlydwarf

kewe65;594685 Wrote: 
 Can the touch be used as a wireless controller of an older squeezebox3
 and a duet receiver?

Not totally wireless, no it needs power.

But, yes, a touch can attach to a wireless network, and from there
attach to a SBS and control other players.

So, yes, you can put a touch on an end table to control an SB3 or any
other Squeezebox mounted in your stereo rack.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as wireless controller

2010-12-14 Thread snarlydwarf

kewe65;594694 Wrote: 
 awesome, thanks - and excellent prediction of intent...
 did not know it doesn't have a battery like the duet controller..

That's um, where mine is I like it there.  (The Duet controller
moved to the bedroom...)

Works great.  Just not totally wireless, but the power cable is pretty
thin, so it's not all that obtrusive.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch-fatigue

2010-12-03 Thread snarlydwarf

EricBergan;592580 Wrote: 
 As for why? My network monitoring software reports traffic associated
 by IP address, so it's nice to have them all stay the same. Yes, can do
 it in the router, but why should I have to when the product used to
 support it?

If you're running network monitoring software, you should probably use
a more competent DHCP server than whatever junk was installed on your

Home routers typically fail to implement two important DHCP features:
1) they MUST save their DHCP leases to non-volatile memory so that
reboot the leases are known.  Most home routers do not do this,
means if the router and some other device lose power, when the
device requests DHCP, the router may give it the IP of a device
is already in use.  That is bad.

2) DHCP servers SHOULD do a backup sanity check before issuing an
they should attempt to ping the IP they are about to hand out to
sure there is no such device on the network (in cases where the
file is incomplete... see above...)  Most home routers don't do

If you're running network monitoring software: you have the equipment
to run a DHCP server that can outsmart the cheap belkin/linksys/netgear

Use a package like dns-masq and you can do neat things:

[gimli:~] 2:18:50pm 60 % ping touch.
PING touch ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from touch ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.05 ms

(Ie, dns-masq adds the DHCP hostname to DNS...)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Multiple songs generated in a playlist

2010-11-28 Thread snarlydwarf

tspyder;591541 Wrote: 
 I have just installed a Touch and have the squeezebox server running on
 an HP ex495 server. Therefore i am just experimenting and attempting to
 become familiar with the set up. In general all is working fine except
 for two items.
 1) When the squeezebox software scans my music files it generates what
 appears to be a proper list of albums. Looking at he songs in those
 albums at that point shows one entry for each song on the album, as
 expected. When the album is selected to be played, the playlist now
 shows 3 entries for each song. They all play consecutively when that
 playlist is used. I can delete the extra entries, but that is a
 nuisance. Also, the last song from any given album appears only once.
 What am I doing wrong?

What format of files?  Using CUE sheets?  Have playlists?  

 2) The sound level of the songs are much lower than what is experienced
 when the same cd's are played on a standard cd player. On my amp, a
 level of about 12 would require a setting of 2 to 25 to achieve the
 same volume.

Your cd player most likely does not have a volume control of its own.

The touch does.

To make it act like it does not, set it to 100%.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2010-11-28 Thread snarlydwarf

HectorHughMunro;589562 Wrote: 
 It shouldn't really be this difficult should it?  We're only talking
 about the kind of technology that went to an early Ipod.  Surely the
 Touch is more powerful than that?

I don't recall any early iPods that had hundreds of gigs of music

Actually, I don't know any current iPods that do.

Indexing 4G of files is not that hard, especially when the index is
actually made on a PC and uploaded to the iPod.

Indexing a terabyte of files is another matter entirely, especially
when the indexing must be done on the embedded device itself.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Lost Connection to Server

2010-10-31 Thread snarlydwarf

bjast;586086 Wrote: 
 I am using an Airport Extreame.
 Not sure what you meant above.
 How does one go about fixing this situation?

As I understand it it is a 'feature' of recent Airport routers: has more information about it.

Basically, unless you tell it otherwise, it creates two networks: one
for you and one for guests, so your friend can bring their laptop
over and browse the web, but still not be able to access your file
shares or printer.  Nice idea until you get into the wait, why is my
SB on the 'guest' network?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch playback problem

2010-10-21 Thread snarlydwarf

Bigboris;584283 Wrote: 
 The touch sees the files and scrolls through the albums and artists
 just fine.
 when I select a song to play, the Touch seem to choose a song randomly
 from the album I selected,
 rarely, almost never, the actual song I selected.
 The song playing is the song displayed, (sounds great) but it is not
 the song I selected!
 Anyone have this problem?

You have 'shuffle' on.  Turn it off.

My Touch is at home, but it should be under Settings - Shuffle.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My marvelous SB Touch with a perplexing puzzle

2010-10-21 Thread snarlydwarf

Cholas;584345 Wrote: 
 David Rhodes Bittersweet I'm getting two albums and, oddly under
 the same artist I'm getting Peter Gabriel's So album which is one of
 my own CD rips.

David Rhodes played keyboards on that album.

Sounds like you have extra artists in the tags.  (While it is
technically correct to have that data, you can easily get too much
information in the tags to make things useful.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] sample rate issues

2010-10-05 Thread snarlydwarf

Mnyb;580742 Wrote: 
 But thats not the issue as CD is 16/44.1

Unless, of course, someone has 'helped' and told flac to encode at some
other bit rate... flac will happily convert 16/44.1 to 24/96... which
will do two things: create larger files and corrupt fidelity (ie, it
won't sound better, even though 96 is better than 44.1, the extra
bits are made up from thin air), neither of which is considered

If your source is CD, the sample rate should always be 16/44.1.  It is
not disappointing, it is reality.  If you want a higher sample rate,
you'll need to source something other than CD's on any player.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch ordered, very excited, two questions.

2010-09-13 Thread snarlydwarf

Soulkeeper;576218 Wrote: 
 If you want to connect your Touch to two wireless routers without
 entering SSID/password, the router's IP is irrelevant AFAIK. As long as
 the SSID and the password (and possibly also the other encryption
 settings) are the same, the Touch should be able to connect
 automagically to both.

I don't believe that is actually true.

Example case: my icky old router was finally annoying me enough it was
time to swap it out for one I had lying around.  I didn't feel like
changing SSID's, so the new router took on the SSID of the old.

my Linux netbook noticed me unplug things and install the new router,
but was happily online.

my ip3k devices (SB2/SBReceiver) did the same thing.

my phone actually worked (it didn't like the WPA/AES combo I had on
the old router which doesn't do WPA2, but lets me use the
non-standard-but-secure AES).

The SBController and Touch, however would NOT reassociate.

See, in addition to the SSID, many clients keep track of the router mac
ID's to make sure there is no spoofing going on.  This annoyed the SBC
and Touch -- they saw the same SSID but different MAC and refused to

So, no, I wouldn't expect use the same SSID to work.

(The encryption settings did change -- from WPA/AES to WPA2/AES, but
months ago when I forced it to be WPA/AES the Touch/SBC didn't have too
much of an issue with it.)

The good news: the Radio certainly remembers networks it has been on. 
I would assume the Touch/SBC do as well.  If I take my Radio to the
inlaws, it remembers the network it was on before and connects right


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I'm beginning to this product is pants

2010-08-31 Thread snarlydwarf

NPendrigh;573510 Wrote: 
 I would expect a Touch in stand-alone mode to work like an FM Radio

I wouldn't...  one of the most crucial things about serving local music
is tagging and organizing -- not needed on an FM radio.  (Note the op'S
complaint is about attached drives... which is needed for local music,
not radio.. use mysb for that if that's all you want).

Add in that USB drives themselves are far from 'standard' -- they do
annoying things like spin down (yeah, nice for power savings, bad for
waking up and not having the OS decide 'what the heck, this drive is
gone now') and violate specs on power draw because they don't want to
include a $5 wall wart...

As for flash cards.. you have to be very careful buying them -- a
frightening number are fake: take a 64M card, write the correct values
in the format and the OS will report it is a 32G card... until you put
data on it and it fails.  And for reasons I've never understood (isn't
SD a standard?) timing on SD cards is almost like the olden days of 1M
30-pin simms... oh, you need the 100ns ones, the 70ns ones don't work
on that motherboard...   You see this all the time with digital

It sucks: but then, that's hardly Logitech's fault: the same problems
occur on all sorts of other products. 

The Touch (or any NMP) is far more complicated than an FM radio.  It
also does a lot more.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2nd Touch Question

2010-08-30 Thread snarlydwarf

souwalker;573311 Wrote: 
 1. we should be able to have 2 SB Touchs, both pointing to the same
 music folder in my NAS? I don't expect to use the 2 Touch at the same

Welcome to the breeding... 

Yes, you can have more than one.  You could also toss in a Radio or
Boom if the builtin speakers are more fitting for your usage.

 2. I plan to use Wireless for the 2nd Touch. 1st one downstairs is via
 ethernet. Where I intend to place the 2nd Touch is just 2 meters or so
 away from my router. Will this be an issue with dropouts with FLAC? If
 it will, no problem. I have a very good friend who is an electrician
 and he can setup another CAT5 wall-plate just behindd the cabinets. He
 was the one who CAT5 my whole house before I moved in.

That should be fine unless you have something odd in your walls.

 3. When I setup the touch for the first time, I had to log into Can I have 2 SB Touchs and use the same account?

Yes, and that's the best way to do it.

 Maybe to prevent any streaming issues  via wifi, I might just bite the
 bullet and get the CAT5 setup.

You could but 2M isn't that far for wifi in most cases.  There are
certainly extremes (like a big steel woodburning stove would be
problematic) but thats still a pretty short distance.

Again: Squeezeboxes breed.  Don't you need something for the bedroom so
you can go to sleep and wake up to music?

That is the sheer evilness of the design -- it encourages breeding.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon drops SB Touch -- why?

2010-08-25 Thread snarlydwarf

MickeyG;572070 Wrote: 
 Many companies today are trying to find the best way to market and sell
 products on the internet today. The old ways of advertising don't work
 very well anymore. Logitech wants to find the best ways too. The guys
 who run are using Squeezebox Touch as part of this

In other words, marketing thought it was a good idea, but no one can
explain why they think that...

That said, there are two sides of every coin, and though it seems odd
to me it isn't totally insane -- cutting out the middle layer can keep
prices down and/or profits up (no more 40% discount to retailers) and
it isn't that hard to buy from Logitech directly.  Amazon is just so

But the Logitech website still sucks.

That scroll box thing needs to be sized better -- overflowing the
container looks sloppy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] WiFiRemote possible with Touch+USBdisk

2010-08-22 Thread snarlydwarf

Konzales;571217 Wrote: 
 Is their any possibility to control the Touch via a normal WinXP?
 My separate server consumes to much power, so I would like to change to
 Touch internal server, but I am used to control the music from my

using SqueezePlay on the Windows machine. yes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] operating question about power-off

2010-08-05 Thread snarlydwarf

Siegfried Löffler;566999 Wrote: 
 Actually the reason why I first chose ext2 was because I thought it
 reduce read/write (so for USB FLASH drives it would have been a better
 choice to reduce the wear) - but I had not thought about the advantage
 journalling for protecting the file system. I must admit I dont really
 how ext3 works -- Is  the whole journalling and restoring is automatic
 or if
 you need tools to restore?

You need tools, but I can't imagine a system not supplying them as
mandatory these days... ext3 isn't all that new.

(ie, there is a special version of fsck for ext3 (called, appropriately
enough, fsck.ext3 -- this is part of the debian e2fsprogs these days, so
should be included already .. an option in mke2fs sets the journal on,
so unless you have an ancient mke2fs, it should be ready to go...)

ext3 will save you if your computer crashes or dies.  You can be
assured that inconsistent state (saved inode but not data, etc) is

It still won't save you when the power to the drive cuts when you're in
the middle of the write.  The drive will start spinning down, the heads
will not be writing or may be writing garbage as the drive electronics
lose power, etc.

No amount of software will save you from that unless you have prior
notice that the power is about to go out and to stop issuing commands
to the drive other than 'spin down'.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] operating question about power-off

2010-08-03 Thread snarlydwarf

Siegfried Löffler;566244 Wrote: 
  No.  It has nothing at all to do with Linux.
  1) If you turn off a device with a remote, and it is -really- off:
  will you turn it back on?  It's off: it has no IR sensor waiting for
 By pressing a physical button. Not with a remote control. Honestly, I
 live with that. And I would prefer it.

A power strip costs $5 and gives you a switch.

There you go, your problem is solved.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBS stops from time to time

2010-08-03 Thread snarlydwarf

albertbope;566279 Wrote: 
 Thanks Mike but I would like to keep embedded images in my mp3 files
 cause I like to have album art in my ipod or whatever. To create my mp3
 tags I use Tagrename, and I can't do what you say in Mp3tag, which I
 guess is not a free program. I don t want to be stubborn but I don't
 know why I think there must be a way to solve this issue 

mp3tag is free.  The good one anyway.

It's donationware.  Donate 'something' via paypal if you want to buy
the author a beer.

There is another program with the same name, but it isn't the one you


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] operating question about power-off

2010-08-03 Thread snarlydwarf

Siegfried Löffler;566396 Wrote: 
 Yeah - but then you radically would switch off a Linux system without
 properly shutting down the file systems etc. - it would only be a
 of time and you would end up with corrupted file systems. That's
 what I mean: No easy solution with Linux based architecture to
 Don't get me wrong - I still like the Linux based architecture very
 much. I
 just don't think that in terms of green it is the best solution
 will ever find...

Linux has nothing to do with it.

Yanking power from ANY drive that is potentially being written to is

What happens when you're mid-write and the drive loses power for any
reason?  Do you think the drive has some reserve power backup to ensure
the write is completed before spinning down?  What happens when the
drive is only able to write half a sector before the power is gone?

This has nothing to do with the OS: it is the nature of mechanical
media (especially, though an SSD would have a similar problem if power
is removed at the wrong time -- it just has a smaller window since it
is faster writing).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] operating question about power-off

2010-08-02 Thread snarlydwarf

Siegfried Löffler;566193 Wrote: 
 The SB Touch is running an embedded Linux on ARM processor.
 The clean way of switching off a Linux system is to do a complete
 shutdown, which however takes time, and takes even more time to wake
 system up (reboot) afterwards. You can btw observe this on many BluRay
 players who take ages to boot.

No.  It has nothing at all to do with Linux.

1) If you turn off a device with a remote, and it is -really- off: how
will you turn it back on?  It's off: it has no IR sensor waiting for
input, no RF sensor waiting for input, no ethernet waiting for 'wake on
lan'... it's OFF.  You can NOT turn it back on unless you flip a
physical switch.  There is no way around this.

2) A SB Touch can serve multiple players: if you turn 'off' the Touch
in the living room, you won't be able to play music it was serving to
the Radio in the Kitchen.  It's off.  It doesn't do anything when off. 
People would be very annoyed.

 Yet - if all people on earth who have HiFi chains today buy SBTouches
 leave them switched on day and night - can you imagine what the
 power consumption would be?!?
 So - it's not responsible behaviour to leave it switched on - but its
 well designed for being switched off.
 Seems there is no easy solution?

You do know that is true for your TV, your Microwave, your PC... unless
you PHYSICALLY flip a switch or unplug them, they are on.

(The switch on the FRONT of your PC does not turn it off.  You have to
use the one on the back.)

Again: if you turn something fully off, you can NOT turn it back on
without a physical switch.  Period.  IR sensors require electricity, as
does RF and Wifi and even the touch sensitive panel on the front of your

It has nothing to do with Linux: I dare you to just use the big switch
on the back of your Windows machine to turn it off at night.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] operating question about power-off

2010-08-01 Thread snarlydwarf

Mchl;565938 Wrote: 
 Man, americans! I simply cannot believe that a big company like Logitech
 can produce a device that can't be powered off. This is 2010. But wait
 and see, in five years you will find this absurd too (I hope) :-)
 Btw. it can be powered off, of course, but clearly it's intended to be
 left on. Globally, this is obviously an enormous waste of energy.

Right and the same could be said of Samsung, Hitachi, LG, RCA, Sony,
Onkyo, Toshiba, etc.

if it has a remote, it doesn't really turn off or you could not turn it
on with the remote.

As for the americans! comment: are you always so bigoted?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] WLAN max. throughput ?

2010-07-26 Thread snarlydwarf

streumix;564398 Wrote: 
 while playing with the samba USB HDD sharing options, I've experienced 
 pretty slow data rates. Therefore, I did measure the WLAN data
 throughput based on scp, too. (scp a 4MB into the ramdisk - scp
 4MBdummy.bin r...@squeezeboxtouch/tmp)

That's not measuring the transfer rate: it's also measuring the
performance of scp and smb, as well as the file system and the external

ie, you're adding encryption overhead as well as disk io overhead and
lumping it in as network performance.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Remote w/ Touch?

2010-07-22 Thread snarlydwarf

ChrisL01;563590 Wrote: 
 Nearly all locations on the web shipping to the US show the Duet package
 out of stock.  No stores in the Houston area have it in stock (even
 electronic distributors).   If you know of a location that has the Duet
 Package in stock that ships in the US I'd love to know (or even the
 Receiver standalone).



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Will this setup work?

2010-07-19 Thread snarlydwarf

crimscrem;562781 Wrote: 
 Connect my hard drive to my old desktop (bought in 2003).  Run the
 Squeezebox Server off of my desktop.  I'm confident that my Touch will
 work well.  But here's the thing I want to be able to do.  I want to be
 able to control the Touch remotely using my laptop (and Squeezeplay). 
 Will that work?  
 I'm wondering if Squeezeplay only works on a computer that is also
 running the Squeezebox server.  Thank you.

You can do that: Squeezeplay will connect to servers other than
localhost.  Remember SqueezePlay is the same software as is on the
Touch/Radio/Controller with some platform tweaks. 

If you use a 'real' server (ie, not the touch) you also get the webui
which is even more accessible.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tracks Played in Wrong Order

2010-07-10 Thread snarlydwarf

ntom;560993 Wrote: 
 Everything is tagged OK AFAIK.  Been using SB2  SB3 for ages  not been
 a problem before.
 Bit stumped at mo!

If you're using Browse Music Folder, that, by design, does NOT use
tags, rather it uses filenames.  (Using tags would be inconsistent:
when the user asks to browse by structure of the file system, that's
what they get.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie question about the Touch

2010-06-30 Thread snarlydwarf

Press-n-hold the name of the song and it will pop up a list of things to
do with it.  You can 'add to playlist' or 'play next' to put it at the
end of the playlist or, well, next in the playlist.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Now Playing/Artwork lags behind

2010-06-26 Thread snarlydwarf

I see it occasionally on my Radio, but not clear on how to duplicate

It -seems- to be related to pausing, but I may be imagining that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My Brand New Touch Does Not Seem To Work

2010-06-20 Thread snarlydwarf

Amazon has always been a pleasure to deal with regarding returns.

A couple years ago, I ordered a 6' power strip (with outlets every 6)
from Amazon.  When it arrived, the UPS driver suggested I open it
first, since it was clearly damaged packaging: sure enough, it was
bent.  The UPS driver marked it as damaged and took it back to his

I went to the Amazon page, clicked the 'my product was damaged' page,
but it wanted to issue me an RMA: which I didn't need since it was
returned as 'damaged in transit' ... no need to repack or fill out a
shipping label, so I clicked the 'call me' box and an Amazon rep was on
the phone within a few seconds.  He pulled up the records, saw that it
was already in the UPS system as damaged, and issued a re-order.

I think the UPS guy was shocked when he had another delivery for me the
next day (and one that was intact).  Amazon overnighted the replacement.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] not showing on my SBT!?

2010-06-12 Thread snarlydwarf

MCG555;554456 Wrote: 
 Well, then I am at least not the only one...
 What to do?

Change your account settings to say that you're in the UK.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 7.6 release major feature of TinySC moved to SbS

2010-05-26 Thread snarlydwarf

Tony T;550676 Wrote: 
 Will this have any effect on users who only use the Touch's TinySC as
 the server?

No, because your citation says it is a feature being migrated to SBS
which doesn't mean it's being removed from TinySC.

If you're not running SBS, it won't affect you at all.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 7.6 release major feature of TinySC moved to SbS

2010-05-26 Thread snarlydwarf

Tony T;550708 Wrote: 
 Yes, sorry, its obvious now -- I should have my coffee before posting ;)

I know that feeling all too well, alas.

(I don't think I'm allowed to give blood any more... there has to be
some measurable caffeine in my blood that would not do a heart patient
well... or heck, maybe it would.  Here, have some of this caffeine
enriched blood and it'll start your heart back up!)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Review At Computer Audiophile

2010-05-25 Thread snarlydwarf

mherger;550612 Wrote: 
  computeraudiophile is just another crap review site.
 But it's a fun conclusion to read:
 For less than the sales tax on some audio cables the Squeezebox Touch
 offers wireless, high resolution, bit transparency, touchscreen, very
 functional remote, and very good sound quality.

Maybe it's because I live in a no-sales-tax state...

But, has sales tax gotten that high?

Or is someone just plain bonkers?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can the Touch replace a server?

2010-05-18 Thread snarlydwarf

TheLastMan;548649 Wrote: 
 I like building pooters so that would be a fun project when funds
 Unfortunately I don't have any old PCs small and quiet enough to go
 where I need it.  

Remember that one of the advantages of the SBS design is that the
server can be anywhere on your network.

Mine is in a cabinet under the bar.

It could just as well be out in the utility room.

The real trick is efficient use of electricity to be green enough to
suit your values.  But that gets to be complicated when you factor in
the environmental cost of building a new machine.  Reuse may be much
better for the environment, even if it has higher electricity costs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can I hookup alt qKarnal hard drive directly to the Touch?

2010-05-18 Thread snarlydwarf

thunder3dan;548761 Wrote: 
 I would like to hook my external hard drive directly to the touch, is
 this possible or does it only accept USB flash drives?

It accepts hard drives as well.  Make sure the drive has sufficient
power: some drives demand more than the USB specs allow them to do, so
if it takes external power it would be best to use it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 7.6 experiences

2010-05-14 Thread snarlydwarf

You do realize that 7.6 is a nightly beta snapshot, right?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cover art problem since update to 7.5.0

2010-05-12 Thread snarlydwarf

This, however, will result in a larger footprint for the album art db
and slower scans for those who embed the exact same album art in each
tag.  (Which many do for compatibility with other devices or just
because they believe all metadata should be in the track, not an
external file.)

Ie, if you have 10 tracks on an album, they will each need to be
resized and cached.

An MD5 or some other hash would have to be used to get back to the
caching-only-the-first and that would add to scanning overhead...
(though probably less than resizing and caching extra images, but
doubling the cost and then declaring a 30% off sale doesn't make for a
cost reduction..)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Is Touch even available in Canada?

2010-05-06 Thread snarlydwarf

funkstar;544111 Wrote: 
 So it's not just Logitech that has messed up international sites :)
 Duet, Controller, Receiver and Boom are available from Dell UK.

But no Touch.

Canadians Only for Dell it seems...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB HD plus internet radio?

2010-04-28 Thread snarlydwarf

dnighorn;541332 Wrote: 
 Are these two things compatible?  I want to get a Touch for my daughter
 with the goal of giving her access to all of the age-appropriate music
 that we have.  Since I travel frequently, I won't be home to do 24-7
 technical support.  Thus, the goal is to avoid using the server
 architecture of the normal SB.
 So the question:  If I go this route, does it preclude access to
 internet radio?  We have a wireless network in the house.  Can the
 Touch connect to the network to get access to the internet for radio
 but use the USB HD for music.

Yes, it's still able to connect to radio stations.

 Finally, does the USB port carry power for some of the portable HDs?

Depends.  It provides the power that the USB spec requires, but some
external drives want more and just hope a USB port will give it all the
power it wants.

(Some do horrible things like running two USB plugs, one for power and
data, one for just power...)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I Just Ordered A Touch...So There!

2010-04-27 Thread snarlydwarf

CharlieG;541131 Wrote: 
 Wait a minute...what just happened here?

You are an addict.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch keeps doing different things

2010-04-23 Thread snarlydwarf

Dave (Northumberland);539382 Wrote: 
 My Touch seems to be behaving differently each time I use it. I updated
 the firmware initially but am now using it 'offline' just plugging a
 external HDD into it and playing FLACs direct from there with no
 Ethernet or wifi.
 1# It won't turn off! It won't power down at all no matter what I do. I
 turn the HDD off when I am finished using it and then have to pull the
 power cable out the back of the Touch, there is no other way. I have
 found the small power button above the power socket on the back which
 turns it off but it just powers itself up again after 4 seconds (even
 when the HDD isn't plugged in) and it wont even go onto standby, has
 anyone else encountered this issue?

That's not a power switch, it's a reset button.

To turn it off, at the top left corner of the main menu screen there is
a power icon (a circle with a stick in it... I dunno why this is the
universal power icon...).

Note that it won't ever (unless you unplug it) actually turn OFF.  This
is normal on SB products: if it was really off, alarms wouldn't work,
nor would you be able to use the remote to turn it back on, and you
couldn't control it from the WebUI)  The only exception is the
radio which has a hold-to-really-power-off button.

Why do you need to keep powering it off?  Standby (which is what that
power button the main menu does) uses hardly any electricity at all.

Do you unplug your tv, cable box, microwave, etc?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch keeps doing different things

2010-04-23 Thread snarlydwarf

Dave (Northumberland);539454 Wrote: 
 Im not running Squeezeserver on my PC and dont really want to install it
 on my PC. I have a lot of pro audio recording stuff on my PC and i find
 that things like Squeezeserver can often mess with my PC audio
 settings. I have just tried doing a factory re-set and plugging the
 Ethenet in to re-set the clock. I will see if this fixes the problem
 (for now).

SBS doesn't alter your PC audio settings...

It doesn't use your sound card at all.

(It's more akin to a web server with a somewhat specialized CMS than an
audio player as far as the server side goes.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch is linux?

2010-04-21 Thread snarlydwarf

erland;538547 Wrote: 
 Do you think there was a reason why Logitech selected to use BSD for the
 player software instead of the GPL license as they've always used on the
 server ?

No clue: for the owner, I think GPL is better (it means no one can take
the code, make it work on their own hardware and run off, giving nothing
in return).  My guess is actually that they're being more generous for
whatever reason.

 I'm not really against GPL but I can understand why some
 people/companies tries to avoid it and I've also seen people that use
 GPL because they think it's more free than any other open source

I think the license doesn't really matter to the owner of the code:
Logitech can take their code and fork off a closed version.  (Perhaps
somewhat tricky due to some major 3rd party contributors like kdf's
code that's in the core server... don't know if they require ownership
assignment or not.)

So from a corporate point of view, the choice between GPL and BSD
really does favor GPL... it makes it in some sense less free in that
-others- can't fork off a server and make it proprietary.  (Stallman
would argue that it makes it more free because it guarantees that
derivatives would be free as well...  and there is a point there.)

Now, there may be some concern over the linking: we would LOVE to use
this library for our stuff, but we can't link it to our product.  Ie,
they would choose BSD over GPL not to protect their own code, but to
allow linking to non-BSD/GPL libraries.  (As I recall, it's okay to
have GPL link to BSD, or have BSD link to proprietary... but GPL can't
link to proprietary.)

But, I'm not a lawyer and it all starts hurting my brain since 'intent'
doesn't really matter in law at all the intent of even the original
Jive license stuff wasn't to make it impossible to look at without
tainting any trivial modifications... but that was the end result and
hence a big push for the license changes.

(Oh, you looked at our screensaver to write your own?  Well now you
can't distribute your own!)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] And Now The Touch?

2010-04-21 Thread snarlydwarf

maggior;538596 Wrote: 
 Fast foward to today and the Duet is a much better and stable product. 
 In my mind, part of the success of the Touch is due the stability and
 maturity that the Duet has attained.  Am I out in left field again?

Not really.

And you left out the Radio, which also uses much of the same code.

'SqueezeOS' is maturing.

(Of course, it helps that the operating model of the Radio and Touch
are also simpler: there isn't a headless device they need to talk to...
there is no doubt some confusion when setting up SBR's whether you're
talking to the SBC or the SBR...  The Touch and Radio don't have that
layer of confusion to them.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A WIFI Question - SSID

2010-04-20 Thread snarlydwarf

You do know that turning off SSID broadcasting gives you exactly as much
security as removing the house numbers from your house protects you from
burglars, right?

(Ie, your SSID is sent, in the clear, in every packet anyway)

Turning it off just makes it more annoying to find networks, just as
removing your house numbers only makes it hard for friends or emergency
vehicles  to find your house.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A WIFI Question - SSID

2010-04-20 Thread snarlydwarf

perose;538258 Wrote: 
 OK WIFI pretty much sucks for security but your analogy is a bit flawed.
 If I have a friend or need an emergence vehicle to find me I'm happy to
 share the info. And if the SSID is sent in the clear in every packet
 why won't the Touch find it? Just wondering

The analogy isn't flawed: would you go out and rehang the house numbers
for those friends?

That's what you're doing with SSIDs.

As for why the Touch doesn't always see the SSID is because it's only
sent when something is broadcast.  No network activity, no SSID unless
you broadcast it.  Any network activity and the SSID is all over the

install a wireless sniffer on a laptop, and ye shall see.

Hiding your SSID doesn't do a thing for security.  Removing your house
number doesn't make your house invisible.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A WIFI Question - SSID

2010-04-20 Thread snarlydwarf

m1abrams;538273 Wrote: 
 Not broadcasting the SSID does absolutely nothing to protect your
 network.  NOTHING.
 It does break many devices and software and just makes your wifi
 network that much more of a PITA.  However it does NOTHING to hide or
 protect your wifi network.  If you do not believe us download and try it out on your hidden wifi
 Enable SSID broadcast and forget about it.
says that disabling broadcast is a violaton of 802.11i (WPA).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] If touch is gnu

2010-04-16 Thread snarlydwarf

pski;536392 Wrote: 
 Where do I go for the goodies?
 sandbox's are fun


The goodies?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Sales or discounts?

2010-04-14 Thread snarlydwarf

erland;534846 Wrote: 
 I do agree that it's painfully obvious that the Logitech organization
 isn't used to launching popular products which people is willing to
 pre-order before they have reached the market. It's also painfully
 obvious that they aren't used to handle release delays, which are quite
 common in software focused projects but a bit less common in hardware
 focused projects as most other Logitech products. Logitech is probably
 more used to releasing products which you decide to buy when you see
 them in the store

Agreed, and with much of the Logitech product line it's not a big deal
if the -exact- item you want is out of stock.  Buy a different
keyboard, mouse, or speakers...  

The SB line has no real replacement: it's not something you could
easily get for roughly the same price from some other vendor, and a
given SB model may suit your usage far far better than any other Sb
model.  (A Radio or Boom is no replacement for a receiver.. and for
many a Duet is a better match for their needs than a touch.)

That complicates their inventory a bunch since running out of stock of
a given SKU does contribute to lost sales, which the keyboard and mice
people don't have to worry about nearly as much.

And, yeah, few buy a keyboard online.  If your keyboard died, who can
wait for a new one in the mail?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch pointed to network share?

2010-04-08 Thread snarlydwarf

boerner;531793 Wrote: 
 Somewhat reversing the initial question, is it possible to have the
 Touch share the local USB storage (whether it be SD card or USB disk)
 via CIFS? I like the idea of everything being self contained and having
 the ability to update songs via the network.
 Sorry if that has been covered before. I checked the wiki and did not
 see anything that addresses this idea.

Yes, the Touch runs a Samba server when you plug in an external storage

So you don't have to unplug the drive, drag it to another machine, copy
files and drag it back.

Just leave the drive where it is, and drag-and-drop the files.

(No clue what the subtle differences between SMB and CIFS are, but it's
Samba, so it should just work.)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch w/ USB HD questions

2010-03-10 Thread snarlydwarf

sawdin;524051 Wrote: 
 Another pre-purchase newbie question.  What are the advantages and
 disadvantages to using a HDD drive connected to a Touch via USB as
 opposed to using a HDD drive connected to my pc? (My pc will be in a
 different room than the touch and my main audio system)?  I assume that
 in either case, the HDD will be part of my home wireless network.  Is
 that a correct assumption?  Is the only difference one of speed in terms
 of access time, or are there other additional differences in terms of
 software used and ease of use?

The software is mostly the same: the version of SBS for the touch has a
bunch of things disabled for performance, however (like the Web
interface, since it tends to make some complex SQL queries to render
long lists as well as plugins, support for very very old Squeezeboxes,
and transcoding).

Most people won't miss much except the webui and the plugins.

 PS... I have not yet purchased the Touch and thus do not have any
 experience with SB 'server' software (or any server software, for that

I always recommend people grab a copy of SBS and install it and set it
up and get used to it.  There are even software clients that, while not
giving you the exact feel of the hardware do a reasonable job of faking
it.  (Squeezeplay, for example, is the same basic code that runs on the
'new' products like SBC, Radio and Touch... but your PC most likely
doesn't have knobs or a touch screen that Squeezeplay can use, so it
won't be an exact copy... but it should be close enough to get a feel
for things if you squint right.  Just keep in mind it's not a real
player and some things like Pandora may not work.)

That way when you get your first SB product, you're all set and can
just plug it in...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Unofficial official Release Date

2010-03-02 Thread snarlydwarf

andyg;521964 Wrote: 
 They didn't like it very much when I hinted at a release date before, so
 unfortunately we can't tell you.  But yes, there is a release date. :)

Ah, so it's now 3 hours before the kegs get here?

Time to start calling Bay Area beer distributors, Hey, do you have a
bunch of beer ordered for Logitech?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Auto Playlist for the Touch?

2010-03-02 Thread snarlydwarf

erland;522032 Wrote: 
 Regarding the TrackStat, Dynamic Playlist and SQL Playlist plugins
 which are related to this, my current plan is to make them work with the
 embedded branch as long as it can be done with a reasonable effort and
 Logitech doesn't do something that makes me loose the inspiration
 completely. It's not a priority at the moment though,

FWIW, I'm using 7.5-embedded and even switched to SQLite.

I had to change some rand() to random()'s in my own playlists, and now
they work.  I haven't had a chance or the time to bother re-importing my
ratings, and haven't given it a real workout, but my simple this is
okay to play at work playlist and this is suitable for an alarm clock
lists are working fine.

I do see some odd messages about not being able to lock temporary
tables, but it doesn't seem to be serious since my playlists still

(But, again, I haven't dealt with migrating my ratings yet, it may be
more complex then.)

Since the original trackstat was for SQLite (wow, now I feel old..) I
don't think it will be a total nightmare going back.

So I don't think you'll have too much of a nightmare with embedded, but
one never knows what mysterious things will creep in, so I understand
your fear (it took me forever to turn off MySQL on embedded since I was
afraid of losing my Dynamic Playlists).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] FLAC vs Apple Losseless

2010-02-13 Thread snarlydwarf

iwannatouch;516797 Wrote: 
 I'm in the process of archiving my music (both downloads and CDs) and I
 decided to convert everything that wasn't mp3 into m4a files. This
 includes all my wav, aiff, ape, and flac files. My goal is to reduce the
 amount of space needed to store my music on an external hard drive, and
 to simplify the  data I want my Touch to process by having only two
 different file formats (mp3 and m4a). 
 Is there anything wrong with my logic? I read somewhere that m4a might
 be easier for hardware to process than flac. I believe the m4a format
 is native to the Touch, so I won't need additional software to convert
 files when I play them. I should mention that I'm all-Mac at home. Any
 thoughts? Thanks in advance.

It is quite likely that FLAC uses less CPU/RAM than ALAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Store music on touch play without my computer on?

2010-02-05 Thread snarlydwarf

rsteffen;514430 Wrote: 
 Your PC needs 100MB.  Somehow I read this as the Squeezebox providing
 Thanks for replying.

Yeah though if you don't install SBS on your PC, but instead use the
server built into the touch.. you don't need that 100MB on the PC. 
(Though in reality, if you have a machine with only 100MB free, it'll be
barely running at all, SBServer or not...  Most OS's start falling apart
when disk space depletes..)

The Touch supports SMB (windows file sharing) so you can either drag
and drop files from your laptop to a USB HD attached to the touch, or
probably MUCH faster: plug the USB drive into the laptop, copy the
files, then move it to the touch.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch and web-interface

2010-02-02 Thread snarlydwarf

crazyj;513009 Wrote: 
 If the Maemo thing develops, I could probably pick up a couple of N800s
 (hopefully they have better battery life than the N770), rather than
 trying to send something to a digital picture frame.

I dunno how any of those digital frames work...  I've been tempted to
take an old laptop (AMD K6-450!) and rip it apart to make a decent

Shouldn't be too hard to convince it to be a giant picture frame and
can have it fetch images all by itself (current playing album art,
prioritize by player.. ie, show living room unless nothing is playing
there, then grab bedroom, etc... and if no players are on, grab some
other random image..)

But that's been on my list of projects for ages.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Preorder cancelled

2010-01-13 Thread snarlydwarf

Really?  Because someone should tell Andy and Michael and Felix and
everyone else checking in code that they're wasting their time...

Or it could be your guess is wrong and the Touch is very much in active
development trying to get everything happy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Potential Vortex Box + SB Touch Setups

2010-01-12 Thread snarlydwarf

Since the Touch and the Vortexbox would be in the same room...

I would get a cheap hub and connect them to each other.

Then do a homeplug to get back upstairs, depending on how well wireless

But connecting a Touch and Vortexbox is easy.. the 'hard' part is
getting the two of them back to the 'net' for Radio and CD lookups when
ripping.  The good news is that if you're not using net radio streams,
the CDDB type lookups are TINY, taking virtually no bandwidth at all...
so perhaps even a cruddy wireless connection will suffice.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Potential Vortex Box + SB Touch Setups

2010-01-12 Thread snarlydwarf

BrianB;505817 Wrote: 
 This is kind of interesting. Is there anything that would equate to a
 wireless hub? That is, something that would connect the Touch and
 VortexBox -and- serve as a wireless connection back to my router and,
 subsequently, the internet?

They do make such things: a wireless bridge.  They tend to be spendy

 Outside of that, are you saying a simple hub would connect the Touch
 and the Vortex Box, creating their own network, just without internet
 access or access back to my current network...?

yes, they both have ethernet.

And if you want Internet, you could take another hub port and attach a
powerline adaptor to that and put one upstairs with the router.

If the Vortex/Touch are in the same room, wiring those two is easy.

No reason to make two 'runs' back to the router, especially not
wireless: sending a packet from downstairs (VortexBox) - upstairs
(router) - downstairs (Touch) would be icky.  If it's a problematic
path, that would very likely push it over the edge.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Using the Touch with an external hard drive

2010-01-10 Thread snarlydwarf

timhulio;505198 Wrote: 
 Is this possible? I know you'll be able to plug in a USB memory stick
 with songs on and the Touch will find them and index/start playing them.
 However, will you be able to attach an external hard drive via USB and
 the same thing happen?


And the USB drive is shared on the network, so you don't need to unplug
it to move it around and load files...just copy across the network.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] *** Squeeze box touch Help ***

2009-12-28 Thread snarlydwarf

gaving;499770 Wrote: 
 Hi All I need some help. I am considering a purchase of a SB touch and
 SB reciever. the reason is i need music from my wifi or cable network to
 play in two rooms at the same time. is this possible? the volume control
 and all the amplifiers and stuff i can sort out its not clear on the
 logitech site if this is possible, also can this be controlled by a
 iphone app? or will main control come from the touch. I am not even sure
 if i have got the right combination of products to make this happen any
 help would be great 

Yes, it's possible.  Setting up an SBReceiver without a controller (ie,
the SBController that comes with the Duet package) is officially
unsupported, but doable.  Search the forum for 'UDAP' and you'll find

You can control both units with a touch... or with an iPhone... or with
the web interface (assuming you are using a PC for a server and not the
touch itself).

You may or may not have the right units for your needs... Hard to say. 
The Radio and Boom are also very nice products, so if you need/want
integrated speakers those work well in many situations.

The product line is very much 'mix and match'... the only gotcha I can
think of is the SBR's need (officially) to have an SBC to configure it,
but you can get around that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch without computer or disk station?

2009-12-22 Thread snarlydwarf

Polar;498177 Wrote: 
 Besides listening to my favorite internet radiostations (presently
 stored under favorites)I play - as said - only my own music collection.
 Does the Touch also provide a menu (like the Duet) where you can:
 1)select your stored favorites  
 2)select random play of the own music collection (stored on a connected
 USB stick) and does it also display the corresponding artwork on the
 WITHOUT having to install software on a computer or disk station (or
 better: without the need of a computer or disk station)?


You can plug a USB hard drive into the Touch.

Doing so will start up Tiny SBS.  (It even did so when I plugged in
my cell phone to charge the other day...)

That 'Tiny SBS' is mostly the same as 'real' SBS, major points missing:
web UI and transcoding.

It will gladly act as a server for other Squeezebox type devices (ie,
SB2/3/Class/Receiver/Controller/Transporter/Boom/Radio and other

So, yes, you can turn off your PC and still have access to any music
that is plugged into the Touch.  You'd still need a computer at some
point to rip or download new files (which you can drag to the Touch), or
to make backups (you don't want to redo everything when your HD dies)
but day to day operation doesn't need a PC.

Again, yes, a Touch can act as a server for a Duet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread snarlydwarf

DaveKen;496179 Wrote: 
 It IS a matter of a business treating it's customers with the respect
 that they deserve. Forget about me and my problems, get back on topic
 and comment on the lack of an OFFICIAL release date for the Touch. If
 you have no comments to make on THAT subject then say nothing.

And you posting over and over about how unfair life is because you can
not get the release date is helpful how.

Life is not fair.

WHY does Logitech have to give you an official release date?  Should I
demand movie companies tell me the release dates of movies in final

Would you rather have a release date and forced deadline where a
product ships that isn't ready?  Or would you want a release date of
when we feel it is stable enough?

Seems to me that the -second- shows more respect to the customer, more
of an attempt to meet the customers needs.

If I worked for Logitech, I would tell you the release date of the
touch is December 19th, 2230, although that may be pushed up if it was
ready sooner.

It would give the the date you think is meaningful, though for some
reason I don't think you'd be satisified.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread snarlydwarf

alfista;496190 Wrote: 
 I'd like to turn things around, rather than complaining about the delay
 it seems like the actual fault may have been to make it available for
 pre-order. I do agree that those who have ordered and paid should be
 notified about any changes in deliver plans that occur after placing the

If anyone has actually been charged and not received product they
should talk to their bank.

(Pre-auth/reversed charges don't count.  Even gas stations often probe
your account with a preauth charge, banks should drop those quickly,
though some like leaving them sitting around for 2 days, but that's the
bank sucking..)

As for the Logitech Store site... well, that needs serious work in
general.  Missing products, broken links, broken HTML, REPLACE THIS
IMAGE images, etc  Alas, no one reading this forum can do much
about that except complain to corporate.  It's broken beyond
pre-ordering.  (Heck, they may not have even intended to make it
pre-orderable... as I recalls someone here got an apology almost
immediately after attempting to preorder that they had made a mistake
and didn't mean that.)

That sites so broken, I don't even know where to place the blame
(though, again, no one in Mt View has a thing to do with that mess..)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread snarlydwarf

mlsstl;496216 Wrote: 
 Snarlydwarf wrote:
 Pretty tough to take a middle-ground position around these parts. It
 seems to be either Saint Slim or the devil incarnate. ;-)

I am quite able to say Logitech has made mistakes...  Go back and look.
I think accepting preorders was a mistake, but given the other issues
on their site, I don't think it's a mistake of bad planning but a
totally mismanaged product listing that doesn't have a complete listing
of current products, accessories, etc, and even has broken SQL queries
that return strange errors.  The Logitech Store even renders poorly on
Firefox.  A wholly different level of incompetence at work there.

I'm just disgusted that some people think some magical we design,
build, test, and release is easy to schedule.  It's not.  Shit happens,
code complexities arise, timetables get behind This is nothing new
nor specific to Logitech.  It happens all the time.  Hell, ask Microsoft
about the Vista release timeline... or XP  I wonder what sort of
world these folks live in where things are so easy to predict.

Getting upset about it is pointless.  Complaining that the right
person didn't give the information wanted is pointless.  If you don't
like the ship date of when it is ready, then cancel the preorder. 
It's not like you have to pay a restocking fee for unshipped and
unbilled items.

If it's about I sent $$$ off to someone and don't have my Touch! then
talk to whoever took your money or your bank.  Taking money for items
not yet shipped is almost always against Visa merchant rules.

(There are exceptions for pre-auth charges to verify the card is good,
and probably exceptions for 'custom' items such as shirts with Your Logo
Here... if Visa ever allows such a thing on mass produced items, I would
be surprised.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread snarlydwarf

DaveKen;496238 Wrote: 
 I can't believe that is a serious question. Any producer of any
 product needs to advise it's customer base when the product is going to
 be available.

they do?  how far in advance?  a week? a month? a year?

Some companies (including Slim until recently) do not announce products
until they are ready to ship.  Apple routinely does this (though they
have leaks and rumors, for sure).

 To use your movie analogy, imagine a West End preview being constantly
 put back because the movie isn't yet fit for release, and the press and
 public being repeatedly told that it will be ready when it's ready.
 I can see why you chose your username  -  you seem to make a point of
 misunderstanding the legitimate complaint and getting upset with people
 who hold make such complaint  -  snarlydwarf indeed

Considering I am actually credited in a couple of movies, yes, movies
are routinely delayed.  They have months and sometimes -years- of
delays.  We have one here that has been in post production for months. 
Despite all the planning and location scheduling and shots... the detail
work is very difficult to schedule.  Can you say, ok, this scene needs
better audio, it will be perfect in an hour... or two... or three... 
Setting such numbers is not possible with any sort of reliability.

This is why trailers often do not have anything more than Coming
Summer 2010... because as much as they may want to release it for
Memorial Day weekend, they realize that may not be doable for production
reasons as well as for marketing reasons.  (Movies are often delayed
because we want a good weekend and don't want to compete with certain
other movies for opening weekend..)

There has not been a specific release date of the Touch ever announced.
There was an expected delivery date in December 2009... but, then, lots
of movies (since you like the movie example) have expected release dates
that are not met.  Then they have the Official Release Date that they
-are- expected to live up to.

If Logitech had announced this will ship on December 3rd! you would
have a point... but they didn't.

See if you believe movies are
released on time.

Shit Happens.  Heath Ledger dies.  Things get delayed.  Such is life.

Gotta love the obligatory ad hominem.

And your name is stupid, too!

Wooo that hurts so much, you have such a sharp wit, I am wounded to the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread snarlydwarf

kdf;496046 Wrote: 
 Complaints will always be.  If it's a non-leaked immediate release,
 buyers are livid that they weren't warned.  If there is no talk of
 release, posters start complaining that the product line isn't active
 enough.  If devs are spending their time posting, people complain code
 isn't moving fast enough, etc.  In nearly all cases, there will be one
 two who will take it to extreme hyperbole.

If it comes out late, people complain that development/qa is too slow.

If it comes out early, people complain that not enough development or
qa was done.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-10 Thread snarlydwarf

:: cough :: buy a Radio to stave off your addiction for a few weeks.

(You know you will have to buy one at some point anyway, since SB
players by nature are addictive... so may as well get it now.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch as controller for Duet receiver

2009-11-02 Thread snarlydwarf

radish;480779 Wrote: 
 So put the SBR in the bedroom as an extra zone. FLAC is a pretty
 insignificant amount of traffic for a decent wireless network to carry,
 and the Touch has a pretty big buffer. 

Especially since virtually every SB owner eventually gets.. more.  May
as well do it initially.

 Think of the Touch as a player and controller in one box. Just because
 the controller's doing something doesn't mean the player is - they're
 entirely seperate. So if nothing has told the player to start playing,
 it won't :)

Slight clarification: The Touch is a player, controller and even server
in one box.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with 'WD My Book World Edition' - does it work ??

2009-10-04 Thread snarlydwarf

dean;466774 Wrote: 
 On Oct 4, 2009, at 10:14 AM, MrSinatra wrote:
  bpa;465418 Wrote:
  I think the sheevaplug would meet these requirements - 1.2GHz ARM @ 
  wow, thats a neat device!  now, i'd like a SB client in it too, but
  a SC alone piece of hardware, it looks like it would really be good.
 A while back, Andy was able to get SC running on it by copying over  
 the Touch TinySC binaries and just running them!  And it was pretty  
 darned fast, IIRC.

Though an SB Client would be sort of useless since it has no audio out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech announces Squeezebox Touch

2009-09-11 Thread snarlydwarf

iPhone;457246 Wrote: 
 Now maybe a $20 loyalty coupon and free shipping for anybody that has
 bought a Squeezebox in the last two years.

While your points are totally valid...

The Touch is just damned sexy.  I don't think it really needs a promo.

The Radio in some ways is even sexier... I was thinking of one for the
kitchen but now I'm thinking I need one at work.

I don't see myself madly replacing my existing stuff: they work fine
and do more than they do when I bought them.  But augmenting?  Well,
yeah, that is gonna happen somehow, even if I have to add on to the
house to get it.

(Headline: Housing Remodels on the Upswing, Economy Saved, Logitech

Maybe we can get some ObamaBucks to stimulate the economy.

[It's Friday, I'm sleepy, and don't feel like smiling.  Figure it out


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