Re: [TruthTalk] Jenna- entering the fray

2004-08-09 Thread Arsene Lupin
While she will be in your prayers I will keep the child in my thoughts. 
Though a heathen, I send my weirding and my most sincere and heartfelt 
wishes for a speedy recovery.

I also give this. A little bit of my own knowledge of herbal lore to give 
the parents a boost.

I have no doubt they are stressing and worrying like no tomorrow. I 
recommend teas made from catnip (Nepeta cataria), hops (Humulus lupulus) or 
my own favorite, this little recipe of mine.

To fight off stress, revitalize my strenght and keep my head up when facing 
a tough task, after meditating I make this;

Take a tea bag of green O-Cha (Japanese green tea) and brew it for ten 
minutes starting with ice cold water that is brought to a boil. Then in a 
cup, fill the bottom with the honey of wild flowers or clover. Then add just 
a touch of cayenne pepper (It's known to help with bloodflow and enhances 
the effect of many herbs).

That's my Get ready to battle on juice. Helps me gather my marbles before 
facing the day.

Now you are wondering Why would the heathen bother to speak up now?The 
parents of Jenna and I share something. I have lost family and a friend to 
diasease and I know the trials only too well.  I know that a strong parent 
will aid the recovery of that child.

This is all I can give. It's not much but hey, every bit helps.
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RE: [TruthTalk] Interesting questions, Izzy.

2004-05-12 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: I still can't comprehend someone believing the way you do.  It is as 
foreign to me as a man from Mars.  All of my life I've heard of many 
different religions, but always thought that true paganism died out with the 
dinosaurs, so to speak.  What is it that you like about this religion of
yours? What does it do for you? Are you really convinced it is the truth?

TPW: Oh no, it didn't die out dear...Like I mentioned, it survived. And like 
David Miller pointed out, you should preach in public (David, is that a 
polite way of saying She needs to go out more?). You would get the more 
impatient of our faith on your case faster you could say Thor's hammer.

And when I say impatient...LOL boy do I mean impatient! If they knew how to 
control their anger, they would find the human being behind the preaching 
and merely smile.

What Asatru ways have done for me? It gave a link to my past, enabled me to 
cultivate my inner talents in the present and gave me hope towards the 
future. When life's difficulties came after me, I was able to stand strong. 
It gave me a will for self-reliance and independance.

In other words, it just gave me a focal point for what I already had...

As for it being truth. Again, that Truth angle is again a tenement of 
judeo-christian ideology. We do not see it as truth but as a form of 
discipline of the mind. A method given to us by the Gods and those who came 
before us.


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RE: [TruthTalk] Interesting questions, Izzy.

2004-05-12 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: TPW, Do you ever meet with others of your persuasion, like Believers 
meet at church? Or do you just learn on your own, perhaps via the internet 
discussing what you think with others?

TPW: Some will congregate and do what we call a Kin which can be imediate 
family and extended family. These are chosen with GREAT care. When I call 
someone a friend, it's because I truly believe it.

I will also meet others at different festivals, mostly at the harvest 
festival. Some of us will meet on a regular basis, but since we are an 
earth-based faith, it can be anywhere since there is no set place for the 
gods to congregate.

Izzy:  It seems strange to me that your beliefs are not concerned with 
truth or sin. Is it all just about me being a self-reliant person, 
strong in myself?

TPW: Of course there is more to it. But you see, to us spiritual matters and 
prenatural matters are not discussed with strangers. When someone asks us 
about our individual experiences, it has the same effect as if I would have 
asked you in public how much you weigh.
In other words...not likely for me to tell you.

Izzy: You are so young and strong at this moment.  But life has a way of 
teaching us how incredibly fragile...*SNIP*

TPW: Sorry to cut it short but such introspections are a bore. I heard that 
speech before and to tell you the truth, I am not in the least swayed by it. 
Why? 1) I knew you'd say something to that effect. You can't help it, it's 
part of how your doctrine works, and so I forgive you for it. 2) I doubt my 
life will be that harsh and even if it were, I hardly see it as an excuse to 
blame your god for all of it, nor a reason to bow down to your doctrine. To 
do so would not only demean me, you and christianity at large.


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RE: [TruthTalk] Interesting questions, Izzy.

2004-05-11 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: guess I’m confusing what you believe with the sort of thing that Paul 
about when he taught at the statue to the Unknown God. Didn’t the Romans
have multiple gods when Jesus walked on the earth?

TPW: The Romans had their gods, the Celts, the Teutons, the Egyptians, the 
Gauls, and pretty much everyone else had their own tribal gods. Really, when 
God Incarnate walked the earth, Other people had their own faith and their 
own ways.

Izzy: So you believe in some multiple gods that are still living? Where are 
Does your religion have any solution for the evil in people, or does it 
(As you know that is the main issue with Christianity-a solution for sin.)

TPW: Well, to those believing, they are in what's known as Asgard. Which 
would be our version of heaven.But also in the hearts and wills of the 
practionner who seeks to emulate their attributes. I mean while your God is 
in heaven, don't he also reside in your heart?

As for sin, we don't have that concept since it's an exclusive to the 
judeo-christian faiths.However we know that all things that a man does, 
whether good or bad will come back to aid him or harm him.

Izzy: What did/do your parents think of this? Aren’t they RCC? (So were 

TPW: Living in Quebec, most people lived under the RCC rule and influence, 
but with time that withered to nothing as people smelled the bull coming out 
of them (this was known as the quiet revolution) My parents were baptized 
as children as they did with me when I was but a mere infant.

My father is agnostic. My mother came back to her roots a while later 
although for many years she was a regular church-goer, she also partook in 
much of the church activities, but also remembered the old ways.

Both are supportive of my ways. And with my father's help and my diligent 
research were were able to shed light on another branch of our family 
history (father is a genealogy buff).

Izzy: No problem. Obviously there ARE rebukers on TT. I hope not to be one 
of them.

TPW: So far you haven't done a thing that remotely ressembles their 
behaviour. I will even say that you are civil and show true curiosity about 
who we are while still disagreeing with our ways.
That is most commendable.


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RE: [TruthTalk] Interesting questions, Izzy.

2004-05-10 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: In ADDITION to wishing you would become a Believer in Jesus (which I 
gladly ADMIT right off), I just really NEVER dreamed there were people who 
believed like you seem to since the time of Jesus.

TPW: Since the time of Jesus? Try long before his time (give or take a 
thousand years). But truth being told you shouldn't be surprised that it 
survived. If you look at history, you will note that certain cultures that 
were under the boot of the priesthood learned to go underground. Only the 
lesser successful and loud individuals were caught, judged and burned at the 
stake, branded heretics and so on and so forth.

And in many regions of Europe, it survived also into the form of folk-tales 
and the oral tradition. In remote areas, the priesthood couldn't be 
everywhere and so there was always a pocket of us that kept certain 
traditions alive. The Roman Catholic church is full of such that survive as 

Izzy: I'm trying to figure out if you really believe that these gods are 
real or ever were. OR are they just exercises in modeling behavior based 
upon the attributes that those mythical creatures supposedly had?

TPW: A little bit of both. I believe that there are the elder gods, the 
Aesir and the Vanir. That there are Gods and Goddesses. I also believe that 
from the lessons given by the tales of these gods that they reflect the good 
and the evil in all men and women.

Izzy: And at what age did you discover and adopt these beliefs? Are there 
many like you?

TPW: You could say I had adopted the old ways into the fullest in my early 
teens, like most young people whatever faith they chose, they chose it 
around that age. As for how many we are, it's safe to say there is a fair 
number, but we are obviously not the majority.

Izzy:You sound like you have your mind made up to me. (But one can always 
hope against hope, anyway--right? )

TPW: I must apologize for my knee-jerk reaction, most Christians of the 
evangelical persuasion ask usually about my beliefs only to ridicule them or 
rebuke them. Hence, after such arrogant behaviour, you can't expect us to 
be happy to see people coming to speak of the good news without feeling a 
bit defensive or be reluctant at all if not evasive.


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RE: [TruthTalk] Interesting questions, Izzy.

2004-05-09 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: However, I hope you won't be too insulted if I tell you that I am just 
a puzzled by believing in a religion that is obviously mythology (to me!) 
Perhaps you can explain to me what I am not understanding about why you take 
Asatru seriously?

TPW: Insulted? Why? Just because your have a different opinion on a 
spiritual matter doesn't mean I will be offended.

As to answer your question, while Christianity is dependant on the belief of 
the ressurection and a relationship with the creator, Asatru doesn't 
really believe in worshipping their Gods but more on an emulation of their 

We strongly encourage on taking human heroes as examples, not on placing 
them on pedestals but focus on what characteristics they have and what made 
them into what they are.

The problem with Astaru, Pagan and modern neo-pagan beliefs at large is that 
people still cling to the holywood depictions seen in movies and the rants 
made by the odd so-called experts on the occult (Jack T. Chick is a prime 
example). There is much more to what is believed.

Most people think this mental image when they hear the word Pagan, black 
robes, lunatics screaming to the sky under the moonlight and even (that one 
makes me laugh all the time) animal sacrifices and right about anything else 
that comes out of a chick tract or the Malleus Malefecorum.
No the truth being told, like many other people we are sensitive, caring and 
intelligent human beings.

In my case as an Asatru, I focus on alot on self-discipline and on working 
on my inner strenghts. in fact the whole point of the Eddas (Tales and 
odysses) work in some respects almost on how your parables work. They teach 
a valuable lesson. Our Havamal (the sayings of Har, you can read them at is much similar also in how your book of 
proverbs works.

Izzy: I must say that on TT, at least, you seem to behave much more like a 
gentleman than some do, for sure. Do you think this speaks to your better 
upbringing, or to your beliefs?

TPW: Good question. I would have to say that I was brought up to be galant 
and that Asatru ways compounded this galant behaviour. It puzzles me at 
times that some men who are told in their own bible that they are to care 
and cherish women as themselves that they would be intimidated in having 
women hold positions equal to their own to the point of trying to intimidate 
women with reckless behaviour and behaviour unbecoming a gentleman and even 
less a Christian.


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RE: [TruthTalk] Interesting questions, Izzy.

2004-05-09 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: I am Serious!  Can you please tell me? Do you think I have a clue how
someone like you believes?  :-)
TPW: Why does it matter so much to you? A heathen here, a heathen there, we 
are all the same to you anyways!! Just not saved and bound for hell. So why 
does it matter to you what we believe?

Aren't we just to be conquered and brought into the kingdom, kicking and 
screaming if we must?

Or do you seek answers truthfully? So answer this question, why do you seek 
to know what makes me tick?


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RE: [TruthTalk] Interesting questions, Izzy.

2004-05-09 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: Where did you come up with these Asatru beliefs?  Sometimes I think 
are putting us on, and sometimes I think you are really serious.

TPW: I didn't come up with them. And I am not putting anyone on. My roots 
lie in France, but mostly Normandie and Gascon, hence I do have a bit of 
Scandinavian blood and beliefs in me. These beliefs have been part of my 
family's background.

With time I felt to be more in touch with my roots by researching these 
beliefs. You may find this hard to believe, but think for a second that I 
have a hard time thinking that alot of people who have no roots in Israel 
and surrounding countries would adhere to a faith that sprang from there.

However, I can understand adopting a philosophy, a religion even. But some 
of the claims that many make to justify it can be downright outlandish or 
worse yet, go as far as to become caricatures of the people who actually are 
Jewish or just from these lands.

I may be Asatru, A Pagan if you will, But you won't see me going around like 
I was an extra from LOTR or better yet a member of the Adams family. I am 
still a sensible and sane Human being. In fact, I would be working alongside 
you for years and you wouldn't even know it!!

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Re: [TruthTalk] Received another interesting 'True Story' in my e-mail

2004-05-09 Thread Arsene Lupin
Phahahahaha!! You can take that story, and place it between two slices 
of bread and have yourself a baloney sandwich.

I wouldn't hold any credibility to what these guys say.
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RE: [TruthTalk] The Passion Test: Interesting question

2004-05-08 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: In other words, non-essentials don’t really matter in the light of 
eternity? What do you consider essentials to be?

TPW: An interesting question. Let me add to it by giving you my perception 
upon the matter.

In the matters of eternity, from a heathen stand-point, more importantly, my 
stand-point I consider theses to be the essentials.

1) To have learned from the past without clinging to it's mistakes.

2) To make peace with your own inner struggles in the present, to let go of 
the chains that we bind ourselves with and to focus on what is within 
yourself and bring it outward. Never to allow yourself to stagnate.

3) From the present, focus on the future, keep your eyes on the horizon, 
though you may die, the sun will still rise tommorow. Where one stands, many 
have stood, and many will stand.


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Re: [TruthTalk] The Passion Test: Interesting question

2004-05-08 Thread Arsene Lupin
Laura: Exactly why we have to keep short accounts!  We have to be ready 
today for we
don't have the promise of tomorrow.  Are you ready to die?

TPW: Dear, I do not fear death at all. She has been a constant companion 
during my life. No hatred or love for her, but acknowledgement that she is 


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[TruthTalk] Interesting questions, Izzy.

2004-05-08 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: Those are very thoughtful beliefs that everyone should consider. Some 
things are true, no matter what our religious beliefs. I especially like 
your #1. I wonder, how do you think adhering to them affects your eternity? 
Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, could you describe it?

TPW:  Oh...well, in my case as an Asatru, after a long life I will die, go 
into the afterlife, back with my ancestors. It's the most common one. If I 
died in battle (not likely, but you never know), then it's to Valhalla (The 
halls of the valorous where I am to be with others who have died similar 
deaths.) If I die a dishonorable death, then it's to Niefelheim, similar to 
your concept of sheol or Gehena, but instead of heat, it's eternal ice and 

How these beliefs affect me? In some respects, the essence of it is all that 
you do, will come back to haunt you. No matter what. Good or bad, things 
will come back to you. And what you have done in life, will reflect on you 
in death. My actions and my decisions are my only judges. I am responsible 
for them.

To help you understand, let me relate this story to you...
A young man came to see the shaman, to inquire about a dream In this dream 
there are two wolves fighting. One is just, honorable, and takes care of his 
pack. The other is the exact opposite. He is vicious, angry, and murderous.

The shaman smiled, What you have seen happens in all of us. This struggle 
lies within all men and women. The young man then asked But which one of 
these wolves shall win this battle?
The shaman smiled again, looked unto the horizon and said The one that 
wins, is the one you feed.

Izzy: Why has death been a constant companion during your life?
TPW: Oh that? Well I would have to say no more than any other being I 
suppose. I have buried many of my folks and friends over my relatively short 
life span. That and as a hunter I have caused death (Mind you these were 
just deer and other game, but none of the less death anyways).

So just as there is night, there will be the day, where there is life, there 
will be death. The two are just there, completing each other. So when I say 
death has been a companion, I don't mean this in bitterness, She is a part 
of nature after all, would you be bitter at a rock or a tree? No, I don't 
think so.

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[TruthTalk] shutting up ElsmanlAW IN ONE CLEAN SHOT

2004-05-04 Thread Arsene Lupin
I mean, it's self-imposed ignorance of the facts caused by a chauvinistic 
bias. A simple search on google debunks him easily.

Here's what I got returned to me after I ran a search...
National Women hall of fame
Women's History (Debunks alot of claims there just by looking at different 
WOMEN RULERS (women make great leaders)
Oh just for good mesure...hahahaha
Famous and Fascinating Women in History
THE BOTTOM LINE? Kindly learn to know what you are talking about. It is 
obvious now that you do not.

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[TruthTalk] Pagan's are brethren? How amusing!!

2004-05-03 Thread Arsene Lupin
David Miller: Pagan Wolf, what do you think about Christians who consider 
you their
brother?  Is this offensive to you, or do you like it, or just consider
it uninformed??

TPW: None of the above. How can I be offended? Aren't we all human? How can 
I like it? It's not really much of an issue.

From a theological standpoint however it is indeed uninformed. A 
polytheistic faith like mine and a monotheistic faith like yours works too 
differently to be called Brothers.

But it's not to say we can't get along ^_^
No in conclusion, I dare say that it is an irrelevance. Since I know what I 
am and how I fit in, I know where others stand and what they truly are.

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[TruthTalk] Covering of women's heads? Ridiculous.

2004-05-02 Thread Arsene Lupin
Absolutely ridiculous.
There is no point in any way shape or form other than practical use to have 
women cover their heads.

Save perhaps for a few men who fear rightly so that women might have been 
able to speak up and show the male-dominated priesthood wrong.

Oooh perish the thought. Having a priesthood humble themselves, that is 
unheard of!!

Such vile hatred towards women. Asking them to cover their't you guys already naked before your lord? What's the 

Oooh wait. The upholding of an Anachronism in order to have some semblance 
of a dominion...that's what...

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Re: [TruthTalk] Covering of women's heads? Ridiculous.

2004-05-02 Thread Arsene Lupin
Lance: Amen sister! Everyone on TT continues to demonstrate the POWER OF 
TRADITION to inform thinking and, by extension communication.

TPW: Erhm...I am a man. But yes...The power of a man-made tradition is the 
problem with many of the variants of Christianity I have encountered in my 

It stems on the individual's perception. God lives outside of scripture. 
He's not bound to it, since he created it. But many do that mistake of 
taking the bible and make it into a golden calf.

That in itself speaks bundles when your christ did warn you about false 
prophets. Think about it, the worse kind of lie is the one that even the one 
who started it believes is a truth.

The biggest problem I do have with modern christianity, is that especially 
in the more charismatic types, some confuse faith with blind obedience. I 
never saw anywhere in the bible any refferences to Thou shall not use the 
wits that your creator gave you at birth.

I mean jeez that gray matter is not just there for you to poke with a 

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[TruthTalk] Izzy: It cannot be helped.

2004-05-02 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: No wonder you are called the Pagan WOLF.  :-)
TPW: I can't help it...It's that accursed French accent of mine...I could be 
reading the ingredients off a can of beans and American women just melt...

I guess the preacher who named me so the first time had perhaps more insight 
than he probably thought...

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RE: [TruthTalk] Izzy: It cannot be helped.

2004-05-02 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: Anyone so interested in love can't help but eventually melt into love 
with Jesus. I also find it interesting that you, an outsider can so 
clearly point out the hypocrisy of those on TT who claim to represent the 

TPW: It's easy, after so many years you notice that some fall in predictable 
patterns. After that it's a simple matter to sniff them out.

Izzy: Of course, even a blind man could do that, but you at least know many 
of the scriptures that they choose to ignore.

TPW: Ironic isn't it? it amuses me in many respects. You see them claiming 
to be holy men, and yet fail to uphold the word. And me? I will not claim to 
be one, and yet show that very standard they seek to achieve thru my 

Izzy: You always liven things up a bit. (Although I hope there are no 
twenty-ish, lovely, vulnerable, unattached females around!) :-)

TPW: *sigh* I am not that bad. And I can assure you that while I enjoy 
seeing a woman blush at the sound of my voice, I play by what some would 
call a conservative set of rules. I still believe in a form of courting. I 
am of a dying breed of old fashioned lovers and the fact I seem a bit 
forbidden adds flavour to the mix I am told.

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RE: [TruthTalk] No limits on TT

2004-05-02 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: TPW, Well I sure appreciate that you came to my rescue in a way, 
unlike our Moderator who seems to have no limits to the way the women here 
are being abused and the vile language allowed on this site. (Perhaps he 
prefers that the ladies to leave? How long should we tolerate this?) I'd 
rather be rescued by a French-speaking Pagan Wolf than not be rescued at 
all. :-)

TPW: Don't mention it. I am sure the moderator also doesn't indeed intend 
also that a Pagan looks better than the good christian fellows usually on 
here. I am sure it's very unintentional indeed.

And what can I say, I can't stand mysogenic knuckle-draggers. They are a 
disgrace to men. And so, it's my pleasure to bring them back to order.

And the funniest part is, they are the ones calling me a defiler of women 
based on my flirting. For shame!! Maybe they are jealous of the attention I 
get because my mother had the good sense of raising me a gentleman?

A thought...
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Re: [TruthTalk] Daniel Has Support----from another MCP!!

2004-05-02 Thread Arsene Lupin
Elsman the MCP: *content snipped due to the repetitive nature of his diarhea 
of the keyboard*

Elsman, trying to counteract the effete men on this Forum, the same type of  
effete men that rule our mainline churches and allow the gay  feminist 
culture to infiltrate, ever so subtly and slowly.

TPW: Oh yeah, this comes from a guy who longs for an age where 
knuckle-draggers like you were considered men only because apes were 

So showing manner and courtesy towards women is effiminated? LOL I thought 
it was the hallmark of the gentleman and scholar to be able to show a lady 
proper respect!!

But of course, before spewing that venom on-line, you must have had to take 
a break to spit that skoal in that folgers tin can you keep right next to 
the computer I am sure.

But enough with stereotypes!!
Even your bible condemns your own vile nature. I strongly suggest you stop. 
You are not making friends here, only strangers out of believers.

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[TruthTalk] Why women are excellent teachers.

2004-05-01 Thread Arsene Lupin
I have been lurking still in the background and now cannot help it but see 
that some are intimidated by the female gender being teachers when it comes 
to spiritual matters.

And of course I will speak my piece upon the matter.
Out of respect I will forgo the Pagan argument that divinity is apparent in 
both genders as it does come in conflict in the Judeo-christian patheon who 
have genderless (Angels)  to male (God).

Women in any culture have demonstrated a strong affinity for spiritual 
matters, including Christianity. From the various examples in the OT, right 
down to the NT and many others in history, ranging from nuns, to the odd 
wild talent that have stigmata.

Women are natural teachers due to the maternal instinct. More so than the 
male in respects that they through the course of history have been called 
upon to rear the young, while the men either hunted, made war or made merry 
with the guys down at the sports bar.

But I digress...
No, The one point I wish to make about why I think women make excellent 
teachers is that the feminine intuition paired with the natural tendency to 
mature faster after carrying a child. The maternal instinct shapes and 
pushes the mother to mature in ways that remove foolish distractions, that 
bring a type of realistic outlook upon all matters, including the spirit.

Unlike men, who even at the age of 99 years of age would still act at times 
like a naughty schoolboy as sad and as charming as it may sound.

No women, mistress of the hearth and home have no time for pointless 
pursuits. Why waste time on fruitless endeavours when they must tend to more 
pressing and fundemental matters. They also Understand selflessness since 
they are often asked to do it and know the needs of every member of their 
household, not because they want to either. In many cases they have no other 

I ask of those who want no part of women teaching them to please 
reconsider. Your own mothers (You all came from a human woman. You were not 
hatched.) taught you as you were young. They taught you to the best of their 
ability, and must be saddened when they hear you spew such mysogenic venom 
against the female gender.

Don't forget your own god's words...
Proverbs 5:18-19
Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.
Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee 
at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

But is this debate about whom is better than whom? I think not...
1 Corinthians 7:3
Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the 
wife unto the husband.

And for good measure...
Ephesians 5:33
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as 
himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Just a thought. I know a wife is a partner in life. And if you can't learn 
from that special person...then why are you with them in the first place?

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RE: [TruthTalk] Why women are excellent teachers.

2004-05-01 Thread Arsene Lupin
Izzy: TPW, You are my most favorite Pagan. It was nice talking to you when 
David had the chatline.  Although, true to your gender, all you seemed to 
tune in for was hitting on the chicks that came by. :-)

TPW: what can I say, I am a hopeless romantic...
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RE: [TruthTalk] Putting My Enemies to Shame -- *Laughs*

2004-05-01 Thread Arsene Lupin
Daniel bellowed:
Look at what the whore izzy  is  doing now.   My,  my.  She  is actually 
up to a professing YHVH hater and a pagan.  Wow.  Then she makes light of 
lustful attitude.

Izzy  is  definetley a whore in  every sense of the scriptural word.  Wow.  
discernment is  sharp  as a tack,  as usual.

TPW: Still picking on women Danny boy? What is it with you and your hatred 
of women? Didn't your mother love you enough as a child in order to turn 
into such hatred? Or is it that no girl wanted you as a prom date?

Were you ridiculed by the young women? Did they see you naked and found your 
genitalia about as small as your respect for others? Did they laugh you away 
because no girl wanted to dance with you?

Did a woman break your heart and you decided like a vengeful toddler to make 
the rest pay?

Sometimes I wonder, are you jealous on how I seem to have people just like 
me regardless of faith?

It brings one to wonder if under all that holy man facade really lies a 
broken-hearted man-boy who just wanted to be the most popular boy in school 
and only ended up as the school scapegoat for anything that didn't quite fit 

I mean really...
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[TruthTalk] Ok I am on Paltalk...where are you guys?

2004-04-01 Thread Arsene Lupin
I am sweetly navigating around the Christianity Section of Paltalk. Sweet 
mother of Thor...What a disaster area. But enough of them, WHERE ARE YOU 



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RE: [TruthTalk] pagan Ruben/judy

2003-12-31 Thread Arsene Lupin
TPW: No offense Judy, but the only thing that does prevent me from harming 
you is my own code of ethics. I had many preachers say the very same as you 
and if you pardon the pun, found themselves in my jaws.

Judy: I could care less who he is - I'm just shocked that someone who is out 
there claiming to serve the Living God must have the devil watching his 
back. If you really loved TPW Ruben you would cast that unbelieving devil 
out of him rather than use him under the delusion that God can't take care 
of His own?

TPW: EXCUSE ME?! Who is to say he hasn't tried? But unlike some of you Ruben 
knows from his own field work that certain approaches leave us cold. 
Futhermore, I decided to back Ruben OF MY OWN FREE WILL. You got that? Ruben 
didn't ask for my help, I and I alone decided to lend a hand.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!!


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RE: [TruthTalk] pagan Ruben/judy

2003-12-31 Thread Arsene Lupin
Judy: What you had from birth are generational family or 'familiar' spirits.

TPW: Non-sense. There is no such thing and quite frankly for someone who 
upholds truth you are sure making something up to prove your point. Would 
you be so kind as to show us the refference from which you obtained such 
information, I do believe this could prove to be interesting.

I am sure under close scrutiny, it will be revealed as false!! And while we 
are here, concerning your comment upon the way I earn a living...

Judy: So is our son but he makes money at it up front and out in the open.

TPW: And point is what? That money made in the open is honest? I am sure in 
your son's case it is, but so is mine and I work in the shadows. I work 
better from word to mouth and it's clean money.


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RE: [TruthTalk] pagan Ruben -Here's the deal.

2003-12-30 Thread Arsene Lupin
Ruben: If you do not wish to see me working in public, then you will not 
lay in wait for more.

TPW: Ruben, sweet mother of Thor, am I that bad? LOL Well I can be at times.

Ruben: He and I agree on much and disagree on everything, but I respect him 
and believe it or not, he does keep an eye out for my safety when I out 
doing what he might detest.

TPW: And respect him too. Oh FYI, I don't hate yah you big lug! The way you 
an I work is like two duelists of equal skill but of two different styles 
step on the field. Neither gains a foothold on the other and yet admire the 
skill of the other.

So I have come to respect Ruben. Because for what he does, he does it with 
style. And he does it with a sense of humor. Anyone that goes preaching in a 
cow suit HAS to have a sense of humor. As for watching his back, that's 
right, but I will explain a bit later WHY.

Ruben: He and I both dislike religion, for the way the rape their followers 
of money and life, filled with hypocrites and those that lack something. I 
have stood outside of Churches that allow sodomites to teach from the 
pulpits and I have preached at Christian events, concerts and as you all 
know conventions to get back into the God of the Bible.

TPW: Save for that homosexual part (I honestly could care less what they do, 
just keep me out of it!) That's something Ruben and I actually fight on same 
side. He does it with the bible, I do it using my means and methods. I have 
torn apart churches that abused their followers and drove some reverends 
absolutely bananas with some of my tricks. But like Ruben says, too many 

Ruben: What seemed to be a surprise was when we went to the execution of 
Paul Hill and preached against abortion and for the death penalty, he seemed 
a bit shocked that we would do that.

TPW: You are darn tootin' right I was shocked. But I was happy that you did! 
you see for many years you sit back and wonder when some of these Christians 
will start speaking out against those terrorists for Jee-zus and other 
grandstanding psychos with bibles. And here it is,  down in Florida, Paul 

What's a man to do? You back him up, that's what you do!! Especially when 
you know that he will inspire alot of people. So I talked to some friends of 
mine and told them to keep an (electronic) eye on him and if anything 
happened to him to get the footage to not only law enforcement agents but to 
the media as well. And I have been keeping an eye out for him ever since. 
Why? Cause now he's stepping to the plate and if you forgive the expression, 
it's pissing in alot of the extreme-right hate groups coffee!! I am not 
talking just about some Paul hill butt-kissers, I am talking about the kind 
of group that like to wear swastikas and white sheets.

Right now, I know they are laying low, nobody takes them seriously anyways. 
The cops and the FBI know who they are, but you are never too careful. And 
so I lend a hand. I got the skill, I got the hardware and the know-how. I 
love being a hacktivist!!

I hope that explains alot of my motives and reasons why me and Ruben seem to 
get along.


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RE: [TruthTalk] .Air Support Needed

2003-12-30 Thread Arsene Lupin
Dean: TPW if you do find a web cam would you please send me the link- I made 
this event last year but my job prevents me from going this year. Thanks.

TPW: Yeah sure. The minute I find something I will tell you.

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Re: [TruthTalk] Pagan Wolf

2003-12-25 Thread Arsene Lupin
Ruben: Hey pagan, I thought that was you..and it is you.  Hope you have a 
very merry Happy Jesus Birthday.  On a side note TPW, we have two Mormons on 
this site, that were upset with us waving around their underwear.  They 
would like us to stop waving it and leave then alone, as a pagan what should 
we do?

TPW: Thanks Ruben, Merry Chrismas!

Now Two mormons that wish that you'd stop waving their sacred long-johns 
around huh?


Well you don't have to wave it. You could use them as a hat, place it on top 
of your sings as a flag. You could make it stand by just sticking a piece of 
wire in it.

And you could also add alot of strings and draw a face on it. Instant 
marrionette! That is definitly a crowd pleaser (Or teaser as case may be).

And what about a salute to maddona by wearing it over your clothes?

Or even you could show off a new line of that underwear that has pockets for 
cellphone, PDA, or even a wallet?

Know an airbrush artist? You could have a life-like represenation of a naked 
body, but for amusement factor, have an airbrush fig-leaf where the privates 
are at.

The possibilities are endless!!


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Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon protest. Ideas and suggestions

2003-12-25 Thread Arsene Lupin
I was going to do the flag thing (use those under garments as a flag on top 
of my banner) with it, this past October and I think I might do it in April. 
The hat trick might do, but these Mormons wear Temple hats and have the hand 
shank with odd symbols all over the temple, but I like the piece of wire in 
it.  Like those matadors use, when the bull is charging them because I 
believe these people do have horns on their head too.

TPW: Hmmm. Amazing how their sense of humor seems to be at an all time low, 
but then take it from a guy who had to deal with them a few times before 
they practically black-balled my entire apartement complex for the major 
fact I lived there. Humor is a potent weapon.

And so here are some more suggestions that might help...

- Take two of your signs and hang a clothes-line between them with the 
sacred underwear (use several) on it. Complete it with another sign that 
says Airing out the LDS' dirty laundry!!

Add some signs also that may ask...

- how do you know that the sacred symbols on it are not the instructions 
for the laundromats?

- Translation of the sacred symbols really mean that you should use fabric 

- Diapers are for infants. Real men wear *insert favorite brand of 

The problem I have with that is, because this is a cult and with many cults 
they is some type of odd sex thing.  Their founding fathers were perverts, 
even married young girls and guess that is why his name is BRING EM YOUNG? 
They believe that the Holy Spirit had sex and of course sex in heaven, 
what's a cult with sex in heaven.  We even had a young girl come to us last 
year and thank us for being out there rebuking that church.  She said that 
she was raped in the temple, she stood on the sidewalk crying, while these 
Mormons mocked her. Now your modern day Mormon will say we don't believe 
that.but their leaders sure did.  The possibilities are endless and we 
don't mind giving up our good name to expose the idiotic by being idiotic.

TPW: That's why I enjoy making myself a mega-pain in the butt in alot of 
these cults who harm the innocent. That they believe in so-and-so is not my 
buisness. That they start plundering the innocent, those who are vunerable 
and abuse their flock.

Then I get a little mean. But it's all for a good cause. And it tends to 
incorporate other hobbies of mine like electronics and computer sciences 
(Yep I earn a living of my hobbies. weird huh?)that enable me to make it 
so that guys like that never hurt anyone again.

As for your venture in the turf of these gentlemen, I dunno what kind of 
budget you are on, but I know some hardware might come handy, wireless 
cameras for instance clipped on clothes or hidden in the signs.

Just a thought...


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[TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email

2003-12-21 Thread Arsene Lupin

The best argument I've heard yet for Believers to NOT have a Christmas 
TPW, did you ever actually answer David Miller's question directly when he
asked if you were the one who sent the lewd and threatening email regarding
his daughter? Until you actually deny this I will not talk to you. You have
only insinuated that you did not, to my observance. Izzy
Izzy: I got waay too much class to be lewd!! AND NO I DIDN'T SEND THAT 

On that note, Happy Holidays!!


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RE: [TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email

2003-12-21 Thread Arsene Lupin
CPL: AP, TPW, why do you not reveal your real name as most of the TT'rs 
have. Is there something you're afraid of, or are you hiding from someone or 

TPW: Not fearful, I am in a line of work that requires me to. It's nothing 
personal and furthermore, what would my true identity bring you anyways? 
what possible use could you have for it?

Besides PPL know me as THE PAGAN WOLF anyways. That user name has 
practically an Identity of it's own.


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AP, TPW, why do you not reveal your real name as most of the TT'rs have. Is there something you're afraid of, or are you hiding from someone or something?
From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email 
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 14:42:30 + 
The best argument I've heard yet for Believers to NOT have a 
Christmas tree. 
TPW, did you ever actually answer David Miller's question directly 
when he 
asked if you were the one who sent the lewd and threatening email 
his daughter? Until you actually deny this I will not talk to you. 
You have 
only insinuated that you did not, to my observance. Izzy 
Izzy: I got waay too much class to be lewd!! AND NO I DIDN'T SEND 
On that note, Happy Holidays!! 
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---End Message---

[TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-20 Thread Arsene Lupin
Just zipping by to say happy Holidays and share a bit of my faith to you 
guys. I wish you the best in the new year that comes!!


YULE (O.N. Jól)
The Reason for the Season!
Yule begins on Mother Night, (about Dec. 20) the night before the shortest 
day and the longest night (winter solstices). We honor the beginning of the 
Sun's return and the breaking of Winter, (which is most noticeable in five 
days) and is celebrated over a twelve day period. We know there will be no 
Fimbulwinter which proceeds Ragnarok.

It is a time of the year when our deceased Ancestors are closest to us; this 
is when the dead (draugar) are more active than any other time. Yule is when 
Jólnir another name for Odinn leads the procession of the Wild Hunt through 
the sky's with sprits of humans, horses and dogs. This procession occurs 
during all twelve days of Yule.

It is a time for great feasting, honoring Thorr for driving back the frost 
jotuns, Frey to give us prosperity in the coming year, Odinn as leader of 
the Wild Hunt, and of course our Ancestors. Jólablót, have a Yule party with 
family and kindred. Decorate a tree with sunwheels and light a Yule Log.

  The Yule Tree is the symbol of our cosmology; it’s the Great tree 
From the Voluspa;
 Yggdrasil its name.
   With water white is the Great Tree wet;
   Thence come the dews that fall in the dales.
   Green by Urths well does it ever grow.
And so the evergreen tree is the most appropriate, to remind us of the 
eternity of Yggdrasil, as it last through out winters Ever Green.

   The burning of a Yule Log is an ancient ritual; our ancestors 
kindled a huge oak log in honor of Thorr. Today we burn a smaller log during 
the Yule Season. When lighting the new Yule Log it should be with the 
charred remains of the previous year's log, which is, keep to guard the 
house against lightning and fire.

   Twelfth Night (about Jan. 1) culminates the traditional twelve days 
of Yule. Our Ancestors at this time consecrated a boar to Frey, led it out 
so everyone present could lay their hand on the boar and swear a solemn 
Oath. This was to honor Frey for prosperity. Oaths sworn on the Oath-Boar 
are very binding during this time, than any other time of the year. Make a 
New Year's resolution in the old way by swearing your oath on Frey's boar or 
on your hammer.

  The Yule is no exception when it comes to christian plagiarism of 
other cultures Holidays. There is no doubt that the Yule Tree, Yule Log, the 
Singing and exchanging of Gifts are from our Northern Culture.

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RE: [TruthTalk] to dave

2003-11-29 Thread Arsene Lupin
Dean writes:
The reason I suggest the AOG was because after the brethren went to Stark
Florida to his execution-and declared that Paul Hill was not of God and
went to hell (This was due to his unrepenting to the very end)-One brethren
wife received a similar call (similar to the letter David received) and one
of our brother also received a threaten call at work from a AOG member
that- when asked- didn't deny this charge.

Sounds like their usual M.O. If they only knew that their tricks are so 
basic in some people's eyes. A script-kiddie could come up with better.


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RE: [TruthTalk] to dave

2003-11-29 Thread Arsene Lupin
David Miller asks Pagan Wolf: 

Dave Miller: Do you know anything at all about this email?
TPW: No.
Dave Miller: Do you know who sent it to me?

TPW: I can find out if you give me the e-mail.


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Re: [TruthTalk] Pagan Wolf

2003-11-28 Thread Arsene Lupin
Dave Miller: Pagan Wolf, you never answered my question about whether it was 
you who sent that private message.  Is it too personal a question for you to 

TPW: Who what and where? Sounds like I only get half of what's going on!

And no I didn't send you any private messages...


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Re: [TruthTalk] For TPW- And?

2003-11-28 Thread Arsene Lupin
And how is this different from the usual arguments, dismissals and 
condemnations that are usually hurled at my person?

I don't know what you are trying to pull off. But it leaves me indifferent.


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Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day

2003-11-28 Thread Arsene Lupin
JT: Counts for what? What do you mean?

TPW: I dunno, what is it you want to do with your own life?


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RE: [TruthTalk] to dave

2003-11-28 Thread Arsene Lupin

Hi Pagan Wolf.  More than a week ago, I received the following email a
few days after I discussed whether serving homosexuals meant giving
them my virgin daughters when they came to my house looking for flesh.
Do you know anything at all about this email?  Do you know who sent it
to me?
Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
TPW: Give me the guy's email adress and I'll run a trace on it.

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RE: [TruthTalk] to dave

2003-11-28 Thread Arsene Lupin
Dean writes:
I would also like to see the results of this trace-I have inquired of the 
Army of God on this matter and have received only hatred in return-simply 
for asking if they knew of this matter.

TPW: I wouldn't count on them for any form of co-operation. Besides, 
Computer forensics and IT security is not part of their bag of tricks 
anyways. It requires an intelligence above the I.Q. of your average gerbil.

Just give me the E-mail and I will find the source of the email, complete 
with location if possible. But I wouldn't think that it's the AOG. I think 
it's merely a typical script-kiddie who is having a few laughs.


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Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day

2003-11-27 Thread Arsene Lupin
Dean writes: Ob-nox-ious (adj.) unpleasant, offensive. Wouldn't a sinner
find the words of Jesus as obnoxious if they didn't have the ability to
hear those same words.
TPW: It's not Jesus we find obnoxious. It's the clueless git who bothers you 
while you are either at work or with your girlfriend that doesn't seem to 
understand two simple words like NOT INTERESTED.

The bible within itself is rather harmless unless you take it too seriously 
to the point you let go of your own god-given common-sense.


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Re: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day

2003-11-27 Thread Arsene Lupin
Laura: So you believe in God-given common sense?

TPW: I believe that when you are born you have certain talents ingrained in 
you. And one of these talents is the ability to reason. Whatever gods we may 
worship have surely something to do with it in a spiritual sense when it 
comes to spiritual matters.

And so we have a common sense when dealing with matters of the spirit. It's 
a shame though that in life I have noticed many people forgo that common 
sense for the sake of dogma, instead of trusting their instinct!


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Re: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day

2003-11-27 Thread Arsene Lupin
Laura: So how do you believe we were created and how do we get those 
talents or gifts?

TPW: We are the end result of long and tedious process known as evolution.

But to me evolution doesn't disprove the existance of the Gods (nor does it 
prove it either)!

You see, it took eons for man to come about. Whatever or whomever sparked 
the process, it is rather irrelevant. It's what shaped us. It's like the 
tool of a sculptor. Who cares what it was, it's more how it was used that 
would be an issue.

My own view on it is that The Gods may have just shaped the course of man at 
one time to see if they could make beings who could be as they, thinking, 
sentient. Why? Who knows. Doesn't matter.

We are here and that's what counts.

As for what kind of talents you ask, well, don't you know the talents a 
human being has? Look around you dear and you will see.


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RE: [TruthTalk] Re-unite with adulterous spouse?

2003-11-27 Thread Arsene Lupin
I have a cousin who is running around, very blatantly and unrepentantly, on 
her husband. (This was discovered a few weeks ago when her teen-aged son and 
his best friend found the love letters she has written to his friend's 
father!)  Her husband has called us for moral support, as they have both now 
filed for divorce.  We are praying with him and encouraging him as much as 
possible. Of course it is hard because they have 3 children, and have been 
married about 15 years. But he sounds a lot like he would take her back if 
she would just come home.  Even if she does grow tired of her boyfriend and 
drag tail back home, do you think he should take her back-under any 

TPW: My view on this is that he shouldn't. Once a cheater always a cheater. 
Your support should probably better focused on giving him a hand with 
obtaining custody of the kids and emotional support that a victim (Yes I 
believe that is the proper term here) needs.

One thing Christian values and Asatru Values have is a strong family code of 
ethics and a desire for spousal fidelity. Infidelity is both an insult to 
the spouse and an act of betrayal towards the family.

It cannot be forgiven so easily.

Luckily the son is a teen-ager so it's not so bad. But he will have to be 
nurtured in being reminded that not all women are as treacherous. Such 
situations do leave a lingering thought in one's mind.

I am sorry if I sound callous, but sometimes one must cut the Gordian knot!


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Re: [TruthTalk] about being a Pagan...

2003-11-26 Thread Arsene Lupin
JT: What's wrong with tracts TPW?

TPW: What's wrong with chick tracts she says! Besides being the most 
paranoid form of Christian tract ever invented, (Example: The Last 
Generation, Mark of the Beast) they have been also a trojan horse for 
hate and misinformation about other faiths.

Lately he has even started to pummel the heck out of Islam, in the SAME 
FASHION as he has done so back in the 80's and 90's about Paganism. His 
stance is far from loving, in fact he does the exact opposite. I find his 
credibility to be NIL

JT: Hey, so far as I know we still live in a free country. I would just walk 
away and let them talk into the air if I didn't want to hear it. I don't 
attend homosexual rallies or pagan meetings either.

TPW: But the problem is your street-preachers have this filthy habit of 
going where they are not wanted. Freedom of speech or not, I find in many 
occasions they have just plain bad taste. And the fact that many go out of 
their way to anger and insult the unbelievers speaks TONS of what they truly 

JT: I don't doubt that you probably have some preternatural strength as 
Pharoahs wizards did everything Moses did until it came to the gnats but 
ultimately Pharoahs armies were drowned and God's people triumphed. It may 
be the rejection, possibly some of them are dealing with their own issues 
but God will cause them to overcome.

TPW: prenatural strenght? there you are giving me powers I don't have. 
Lemme point out I don't shape-shift, I don't control the elements and I 
certainly don't do blood-sacrifices (Unlike what Jack Chick claims),   What 
I was reffering to was my own confidence in my own ways and the fact I 
believe in myself and understand who I am.

JT: I find the above to be a very arrogant statement, delusional in fact. 
What makes you think you have the last say in the natural life of a believer 
or their spiritual life? The Lord Jesus Christ knows those who are His and 
you are no match for Him. In that day the god you serve will cringe - he 
will run and hide and you will be left naked  powerless at the mercy of the 
one you have scorned.

TPW: Delusional? Far from it. I know with the strenght and knowledge that I 
possess about human nature, it comes with responsibility. With time I have 
learned to guage people and I can safely boast about being a fairly good 
judge of character.

If I know the person really is getting arrogant, Then I will humble them by 
showing them their weaknesses. Especially if they are the type who would 
harm others rather than help. But if that person only witnesses and gives me 
a tract, and I can easily tell that I would be the one harming them if I 
shatter that person's faith, well it wouldn't right.

You ask me what makes me think that I have the last word? When they 
practically relinquish it to me. Has that ever happened to you Judy? You 
have someone come up to you and give you practically their lives in your 
hands? You know the type Judy, you must have seen them in your church or at 
other rallies, or even at work. They are emotionally dependant on being 
reassured all the time that they are doing something right. Strip them away 
from their belief and they become emotional wrecks, some even become 

Of course my reaction to them is to try and boost their own self-confidence. 
How can they believe in any higher power, when they can't even believe in 

As for you own supernatural threat, let me show you one thing about me that 
might send a shiver down your spine. Another aspect of Paganism is the 
cultivation of your own inner strenghts and gifts that were relinquished to 
you at birth. You say that my Diety would run away from yours. I find that 
funny, because it sounded like I bet my dad could beat up your dad. But 
here's the truth. I don't intend to rely on any diety when it comes to my 
own life. I thank them for the gifts they have given me, but I will do the 
rest of my own accord.

I fight my own battles, and will not have that freedom taken away from be by 
giving up all responsability to others.

JT: This is true for us as well, surely you don't think we let it ALL hang 
out do you?

TPW: Judy, there are days when I encounter them, I do ask myself if your 
bethren don't do exactly that. I will say that you are quite good at bearing 
your witness and keeping your own core unexposed. A remarkable show of 

JT: You can thank the street preachers for warning you - so that when it 
does happen the next time you will be without excuse. Your condition before 
the God of the Universe will be your own choice.

TPW: The only thing I am grateful of from dealing with street-preachers is 
the fact I took the time to devellop enough patience and humor to not become 
the grim, bitter individuals that I have seen over the years.


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Re: [TruthTalk] Adding my buck and a quarter

2003-11-25 Thread Arsene Lupin
Laura: Thanks, TPW  for answering all the questions!  I wondered what you do 
on Thanksgiving?  Do you have any traditions?  I guess you can't thank God 
if you don't believe in Him so maybe you can enlighten us.

TPW: The closest thing we have to thanksgiving is the Harvest festival that 
many know as Samhain. It's really  not the Halloween you have. It's more 
like a combination of Thanksgiving, The day of the dead (Mexican) and your 
average hoedown.

In other words we already celebrated it. We offer our thanks to the Gods 
(Don't mind me, I do like to use the plural form) and do have a feast. Then 
we remember those who have come to pass and say farewell to them.

Then We rejoice and feast on and dance like there was no tommorow!!

I hope that helps...


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Re: [TruthTalk] Adding my buck and a quarter

2003-11-24 Thread Arsene Lupin
Laura: So what are your beliefs concerning forgiveness?

TPW: That we will only forgive when it will be worth it to forget it after.


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Re: [TruthTalk] Adding my buck and a quarter

2003-11-24 Thread Arsene Lupin
Laura: We are forgiven through the shed blood of Christ on the cross.  I 
think you have it backwards.  We forgive and then forget.  If you have been 
wronged and refuse to forgive because you don't think you can forget, how do 
you find any peace in your life.  You must live in constant turmoil.

TPW: Nope. However I live in constant vigilance. Furthermore, why forgive 
when the offense may be repeated? Sorry, when we know that ammends will have 
been made, when we know that it will not be repeated again, then we may 
allow it to be water under the bridge.

Just saying I am sorry is not good enough. It doesn't give back what was 


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Re: [TruthTalk] Adding my buck and a quarter

2003-11-24 Thread Arsene Lupin
Laura: WOW   I hope I never offend you!

TPW: It's ok m'am. I would never harm a lady. We do have manners...


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Re: [TruthTalk] Adding my buck and a quarter

2003-11-24 Thread Arsene Lupin
JT: My, my, how things have changed TPW - At first you appeared to be not 
entirely humble but at least respectful and willing to dialogue because as 
you've been telling us heathens do not proselytize. But we've progressed 
from that to taking up an offense over the arrogance of the street 
evangelists along with a list of complaints and some advice on 'how to do it 

TPW: Are you insinuating that you are incapable of taking in some 
constructive criticism?

JT: The methods of the street evangelists may not be perfect but they are 
out there with the desire to represent the one they serve. You don't have to 
worry about being stabbed in the back or shot by any of them (if you're not 
an abortion doctor which is sad) and they will not harm your family.

TPW: Agreed. Not all of them are like Fred Phelps (thank goodness). But 
still, I must protect my kin and kindred by using a veil over my identity 
and actions, just call me cautious.

JT: So what's the beef? If you don't want to get saved, noone is going to 
force it on you, God won't and neither will his people.

TPW: Then explain spiritual warfare. Explain the need for the use of 
propraganda and the need for open-air ministries? And why has nothing been 
done about the misinformation campaigns (which do bare a false witness)?

JT: To me it is ironic that you think youself qualified to instruct God's 
people how to do their job.

TPW: *tsk tsk tsk* who better to give you feed-back then the one who stands 
on the receiving end of your methods and schemes?


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Re: [TruthTalk] Adding my buck and a quarter

2003-11-24 Thread Arsene Lupin
Laura: The point is that I wouldn't want to offend you and then find out you 
refused to forgive me even though I'd be doing the right thing by asking.

TPW: It would depend on the offense of course. If it's mere words, then I 
let it slide. If it was however an attack on my kin and blood was drawn, I 
would have to expect some justice and compensation before allowing 
forgiveness. Surely you can understand that.

To us, talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.


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RE: [TruthTalk] Adding my buck and a quarter

2003-11-23 Thread Arsene Lupin
TPW: Carroll's Statement is a classic example of arrogance, Us or them 
mentality and use of CFGI

Attend as I analyse the statements...

 Self centered people always assume Christians have some hidden motive 
behind their actions even to the point of making their prayers as evil-when 
the truth is that these lost self centered people-whom have heard and reject 
the Gospel are God haters and also hate his children- so no matter what they 
say there is fault...

Analysis: The first opening statement can easily be translated as 
Non-believers cannot see the truth as they are not of God and hence our 
inferiors/enemies. This is a fine example of US OR THEM type of attitude.

How dare Christians speak of their God in public-How dare they puck brands 
from the burning to come-How dare they even pray.

Analysis: CFGI being used, trying to make the opposition feel guilty about 
criticizing the methods or activities.

Fact: The first amendement grants you the right to speak in public, to have 
your religious services and to even promote it. No one is stopping you from 
doing so. There are no black helicopters flying over your home, there are no 
FBI agents digging in your trash, none of your conspiracy theories ever 
prove themselves to be valid.

This is Satan using the weak narrow minded people of the world to attempt 
to hinder the gospel-because he fears those that convert to Jesus 
Christ-because sooner or later someone will realize the power they hold over 
his kingdom. The weak are easy to recognize they speak of self alot-bragging 
on their own power-Yet those of God brag on His power. How can a blind man 
see light if he refuses to look. The prophecies alone prove God is-but a 
foolish man refuses to even examine those truths.

Analysis: This is a fine example of arrogance. We are the holy ones. Look 
at us, we are trying to save you from eternal damnation. Interesting how 
you display vanity, disdain, envy and demonize your opposition all at once.

Of course you need to see your own inadequacies pertaining to the matter, 
you are letting your own selfish pride guide you. And get off your 
high-horse, you are human too. I am not in the least impressed nor moved by 
your threats of hellfire nor inclined to even consider your viewpoint 

Perhaps when you are more calm we can discuss this further.


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Re: [TruthTalk] Adding my buck and a quarter

2003-11-23 Thread Arsene Lupin
Laura: So does this mean you acknowledge the effectiveness of prayer? Prayer 
to God? Or are you saying that it is the attitude in which they approach 

TPW: I was reffering to the attitude, not whether the effectiveness exist or 
not, which is a different matter entirely.

Laura: Christians are not supposed to argue. Disagree - sure but I have 
never retorted like that! I usually go the forgiveness route? Is that a 
concept that is familiar to you? Do you practice forgiveness?

TPW: I am glad that you do not do this sort of thing Laura. And yes I am 
familiar with the concept of forgiveness. We have similar concepts although 
we do make the transgressor aware not to cross us again.

The Pagan Wolf

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Re: [TruthTalk] PAGAN WOLF FAQ

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
JT: Mesopotamia is the cradle of Civilization, at least that's what they 
taught me in Western Civilization and the way I understand it the Celts in 
England were originally pagan but it sounds like you are into some kind of 
Norse mythology.

TPW: You must not forget that at one point the Anglo met the Saxons...and 
that the Norse had a profound influence on the British Isles...

JT: BTW are you involved in fantasy role playing games?

TPW: I fail to see the reasons behind the question. And no. I am not big on 
RPG's. I am more a RTS (Real time Strategy) type. I also prefer puzzles.

JT: How do you plan to get it stopped? The RCC is still playing games with 
morality. You see the pederasty was not dealt with and it is not talked 
about much anymore, will be the same as Michael Jackson who didn't deal with 
it 10yrs ago and now here we go again. God says that what is done in secret 
will be shouted from the housetops.

TPW: How do I plan to have it stopped? Simple I will start within my own and 
vow never to repeat the past. I will focus within and erase my own hatreds 
first. I think it's a good place to start as any. I know this may sound 
ridiculous to some, but I believe one day there will be some peace between 
Pagans and Christians.

I know, that sounds impossible to some. But stranger things have happened.


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Re: [TruthTalk] PAGAN WOLF FAQ

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
Marlin: What emerged as Christianity is actually paganism.  Most of the 
holidays and many beliefs and observances of modern day Christians are 
Pagan, and promoted by hierarchical groups.  The name of Jesus has been 
appropriated by paganism.

What we have are some Pagans, calling themselves Christians who have 
persecuted other Pagans, who have not converted to the paganism masquerading 
as Christianity.

TPW: I heard that song and dance before. Those were not TRUE Christians. 
And we didn't appropriate Jesus' name. In fact history reveals that many 
missionaries merely sought to divert the followers and say this is whom you 
worship now.

Futhermore, you cannot wash your hands clean when the reputation of the 
church has been sullied and stained with the blood of innocents. It would be 
just as if I would say that all the raids and pilliaging done by Vikings 
were not done by REAL vikings. See my point?

I dare say, I apologize for that. Some of them may be my ancestors. Whatever 
reasons behind this was the past, and we paid dearly for it. The conqueror's 
mentality is to destroy, and it was wrong to take innocent lives.

Am I ashamed of my Ancestry? No, of course not, but I vowed never to allow 
this to happen again.


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Re: [TruthTalk] Poteet Park Pagans

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
Bro. Gary Here is the article that was suppose to go with the picture I sent 
:-) We wear shirts under our sandwich signs as a back up in case the police 
makes us get rid of the sign- I first sent this artical to get Wolves 
reaction to it.

TPW's reaction: *Yawn*. Just yet another clash between our faiths. Tedious 
isn't it? I swear if my fellow Pagans wouldn't over-react, you'd would lose 
your impact by half. LOL


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Re: [TruthTalk] PAGAN WOLF FAQ

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
JT: But TPW they don't pass the fruit test. Didn't Jesus Himself say You 
will know them by their fruit? and the fruit in a persons life reflects the 
root working in their heart. If murder is the fruit of their lives - they 
were definitely NOT yoked with Jesus - He was not the root in their hearts.

TPW: Aaah here's the million dollar question, if they are not yoked with 
Jesus, why are there not more Christians speaking out and saying THIS IS 
NOT WHAT GOD TOLD US TO DO?.  You see inaction is like approving the act. 
In the past I understand. I studied with great care that time-period.

But today, we have a rather effiecient weapon against such ugly beast, and 
that weapon would make Gutenberg green with envy should he have been with us 
today. The internet. Nothing can truly be hidden now (I am well placed to 
know, I work in that field). Already many are speaking out, and I rejoice, 
and so, in that respect that's why I like to give a hand with groups that 
truly reflect the selflessness of Christ.

Having read that bible, I know for a fact that alot of things being done in 
the name in the cross is really something that the big J would have spat on. 
In many respects, when I look at some groups I keep hearing two words 
Golden Calf.

JT: Historically mankind has all done the same thing, all that changes is 
the name. This is why Jesus went to the cross, to save us from destruction, 
in this life and the life to come.

TPW: Sometimes I just wonder if he just bought Christians some time so we 
could make up your own minds...

JT: Oh, so you are from Viking ancestry? The reason I asked about FRP is 
that at one time our son was involved with them and I recognize some of the 
same heroes. Your intent is honorable TPW but where will you get the power 
to live it in your own life or enforce it in the life of other pagans?

TPW: Ah. Of course. As for the power I will need. I have all the tools I 
need for that endeavour. You see this is where our respective faiths are at 
conflict. You require an outside source (God) in order to be able to reach 
outward. We, learn to cultivate our own inner strenght. Focus within, reach 
outward. It's not easy, in fact, I wouldn't reccommend it to anyone. It 
takes a certain mental strenght and will to do so.

How will I reach my kindred? The only way I know. You cannot force them, nor 
you can berate them. This is more than likely why many of your preachers are 
in reality a failure, no one will budge to a loud-mouth. No, You can only 
lead by example and when they ask where you get such strenght, to show them 
the direction they should take.

I know for a fact I will never see the end result, but then we have a saying 
The one who plants a acorn will never see it become an oak.


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RE: [TruthTalk] Did Lot preach to Sodom?

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
Dave Miller: The Pagan Wolf is drawing you into his circle. This is the 
standard tactic of the enemy. He first gets you to side with him against 
those who proclaim Christ on the streets. He causes you to believe that 
public preaching is for the most part a flesh ministry. He causes you to 
believe that he is a victim of circumstance, that he was born into a pagan 
family, so that is what he is. You think that if only he saw the peace and 
love in Christ he would come over, but the truth is that his sin is what 
separates him from God. The church is not some club that everyone is invited 
to join. The church is made up of holy ones, and only those who are willing 
to lose their lives are able to join. Most people won't make the cut, and 
Pagan Wolf is one of them, UNLESS, he repudiates his sinful and occult 
practices and repents of his sin. He can't do that until he first 
acknowledges them to be evil. Right now, he sees his vile ways as good.

TPW: Dave, again you give me way too much credit. I already told you that 
such remarks towards my person were unbecoming of you and I will say it 
again. Unless you come to truly know my heart, then do yourself a favor and 
keep your own counsel on what I am and not capable of.

Before you declare me the Lucifer's own, look at yourself and ask if you are 
any better with putting me on a pedestal of onyx, and declaring anyone who 
remotely agrees with me my bondsman. You really need to look within and see 
your own ego at work, or as some of you call it The old man, the flesh. I 
don't need to be your enemy. You are your own worse enemy.

And furthermore, Judy is an adult, not a child. She is a devoted Christian 
and a strong one. I seriously doubt she accepts my Pagan ways nor I ask her 
to accept them. I merely asked something from her and she gave it in spades. 
She respected me as a Human being. Shame you couldn't see it that way. But 
then from what I saw written by you so far, you need to be reminded of 
Proverbs 26:26 Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be 
shewed before the whole congregation

I warn you Dave, I don't you by my standard. I am seeing however you have 
problems with your own.

Judy wrote: Hey there is no future tense about it. By his own  testimony TPW 
is already there and his evaluation isn't far off.

Dave Miller: Is this true, Pagan Wolf? Are you convinced that you stand lost 
and condemned before God Almighty? Do you desire Jesus Christ to save you 
from your sins?

TPW: No David I do not. For you see if that were to occur, The fruit I would 
become would be a rotten one. Under your rule, I couldn't be nothing more 
than that.  As for feeling lost. I don't think I could ever feel lost. The 
thing is I have been blessed with a strong sense of self-identity. I know 
who stares back at me when I see my own reflection.

More importantly, I focus on my own strenghts alot. So technically no matter 
where I am, I know I can call upon my own ressources. Can you say the same? 
Are you confidant enough to say, no matter how much the world throws at me, 
I will make the most of what I find.

We were all born with a handfull of cards, so few actually bother to take 
the time to see what we were dealt and learn to play with them...


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Re: [TruthTalk] PAGAN WOLF FAQ

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
JT: Who could make up our minds?  Paganism?  I don't think so.  Jesus went 
to the cross for you and I to give us a choice. He said that if we have seen 
Him we have seen the Father, IOW the Father is just like Him and yes, we do 
have a measure of time right now to get things right. However, the Day of 
the Lord is coming and it will be a day of darkness rather than light.  This 
is when He will literally put all enemies under his feet and I would not 
care to be on the wrong side in that day. This is when men will cry out for 
the mountains and rocks to fall on them as in Revelation 6:15-17.

TPW: I am sorry if I made it sound like I was suggesting that Pagan ways 
would be the way for you. Such is not my intent. Just as I despise to be 
told what to believe, I wouldn't dare think about undoing your beliefs and 
replace them with my own. Besides a Pagan evangelist that's unheard of!

But I must disagree, On that day, should it ever occur, I will not hide. I 
will say that no matter how much fear or even awe (Who knows for sure how 
will one react to such kind of events?), I would stand, and even dare to 
lock my gaze with his. If I am to be judged, let me face my judge as I must, 
showing him the same courtesy as I would any opponent.

Not out of pride, but of respect. Only a coward hides. My stance at that 
point? This is who I am, this is how I chose to live my life, I have no 
regrets, do what you must!!

JT: I like the lead by example analogy.  We have a saying I like also and 
that is  He that goes forth weeping bearing precious seed shall doubtless 
come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him

TPW: Interesting, what verse is that?


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Re: [TruthTalk] PAGAN WOLF FAQ/Lauren

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
Dean writes: Laura I recognize this teaching from reading comic books as a 
kid-The Pagan Wolf ( or as some call him -Pagan wimp- as I am told) didn't 
seem to out grow his comic book characters. Pagan have you tried to twirl a 
hammer around-sling it and hang on for a ride in to the sky? I tried this 
once as a child-but it didn't work. I never left the ground but shore hurt 
my arm. The point is it's time to grow up and leave Thor behind or you will 
be hurt by my God who allows you to have the very breath from one moment to 
the next..

TPW: *snicker* I think you confuse one aspect of the Asatru faith with the 
Marvel Comic's Hero based on that very god. But I forgive you, even thought 
you meant to be sarcastic.

And quite frankly, Am I supposed to be impressed by your supernatural 
threat? I thought Christians Prayed and didn't curse? Oh well, no matter.

As for the Pagan Wimp comment I recongnize that from a certain group of 
gentlemen (I am saying gentlemen only to be polite) whom I had the 
pleasure of taking part of showing them for what they are, the insecure 
blowhards who indeed feel mighty intimidating those with poor ego-strenght, 
but feel angered at the sight of one man who isn't and even in some cases 
had law enforcement agents at the right spot on  a few occasions.

*Smiles brightly* that being said, what else is new with you guys, I hear 
you suffered a few losses of late...I hope the families don't suffer too 


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Re: [TruthTalk] Poteet Park Pagans Wimps

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
Dean writes: You fail to recognize God's part in our impact to the 
public-Because of that frailier to recognize God doesn't mean he isn't 
there-He recognizes you and even knows you. So my stance and it's impact 
isn't really up to the reaction of any certain group. Do you like the name 
Wolf because they traditionally eat sheep-as Christians are called. The 
Pagans in Asheville call me by the Name Christian Warrior I have 
considered using that name but have been reluctant due to the character of 
those that gave it to me and because I wanted to leave the reputation of 
being a Jeet-con-do kick boxer instructor and bare knuckle boxer behind.But 
now I believe I will use it-in leu of facing a Wolf (or is it a wimp as 
Chuck said).

TPW: Aah So it's confirmed, we are dealing with Chuck-a-walla and 
friends. Is that all they call you? I can understand your need. And no I 
adopted the name from the rants of a Christian preacher and the fact that 
wolves are a noble animal.

That and I did volunteer in a preserve at one point raising them.

Oh and chuck still seems sore about me making a mockery of his message board 
(not to mention that joke that he calls a book Jesus Christ Warrior King 
what a farce that thing was!). Though I fear of late you seem to have 
aroused the ire of other people as well. I guess when his messageboard is 
transformed into just a spam account, It's understandable.

How long will it be shut down? Who knows. Any news on Jordi? Is he enjoying 
the restful aspects of a prison cot and the tastes of the fodder they call 
food? Send my regards to his family. I send them the love of the Odin and 
Freya in their struggle ahead.

Needless to say. I bid you welcome to the discussions.

*smiles his wolfish grin*


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Re: [TruthTalk] PAGAN WOLF FAQ

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin

Laura: Who is the conqueror?  Do you believe in Satan?

TPW: I was reffering to any conquering force, it could be anybody. I was 
making a refference to  the mentality behind and the aftermath.

As for Satan, since I explained that I wasn't a Christian, therefore no I 
don't believe in your accuser. However, In our system we do have a concept 
of evil/good./neutral (Humanity being an example of neutral since we are 
both capable of the two.)


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Re: [TruthTalk] PAGAN WOLF FAQ

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin

JT:  H!! Fanciful thinking TPW.  So far as He is concerned the gods of 
the nations are as nothing. We can be sure that the day WILL occur because 
so far Bible prophecy has never failed.  We are told how men who have not 
acted upon God's mercy WILL react in that day.  John the beloved disciple 
(the one who at the last supper layed his head on Jesus breast) falls at His 
feet as one dead - So what makes you think you will be able to stand and 
lock eyes with such a One with hair white as snow, eyes a flame of fire, and 
a two edged sword coming from His mouth. It will be reckoning time - too 
late for I apologize or I am sorry.

TPW: What makes me think I couldn't? If you knew someone was comming and was 
planning to hurt your family, your friends and all those you care about, one 
who would destroy all these things on the basis that I didn't bow down or 
they were not of the same faith, would you not stand up and fight?

I wouldn't bow down. I would shout a warcry, a human warcy and run that 
tyrant through. Better dead fighting for your kin's freedom than an eternity 
of slavery. That is something not even your god could take that away from 

I didn't start the fight, but I would try to end it. In the end, it's god 
who would lose. He destroys me, It's one less servant he doesn't have for 
eternity. He destroys me, I won't know what happened. I won't be around to 
have remorse.

My apologies if that sounded grim. But who knows what will truly happen...


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Re: [TruthTalk] unChristian warrior

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
Carroll: Must someone else fight your fights for you?I thought Thorites were 
suppose to be tough-and when the chips are down the martial artist of the 
wolf style calls the cops for help-where is your faith in your great god?

TPW: *Smiles* We are tough, we are also intelligent. Why pursue an act of 
vigilantism when you can have lawful methods used that reduce both bloodshed 
and pointless effort?

I mean really. And furthermore, As a Thorite I am called on obeying the law. 
And warning authorities on illegal activity is lawful, it's called civic 

Besides, if you are arrested by the police, you have the right to a fair 
trial. If I took the law in my own hands, I not only make myself a criminal, 
but also you would find yourselves without any of the rights granted to you 
by the constitution.

I mean you do want a fair trial right? Judged by your peers and even have a 
chance to avoid jail time/execution and other nasty things? I hope so.


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Re: [TruthTalk] Poteet Park Pagans Wimps

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
Carrol: Do you take joy from the suffering of another/ does the innocent 
family members not concern you? If you are going to act as defender of the 
innocent shouldn't you send help to those innocent that are hurt by you? Why 
not send some money to Jordi's family? Anonymous of course.

TPW: Unlike some people I do not rejoice in the suffering of the innocents 
who just unfortunatly through a twist of fate, found themselve related to 
what I see as scum.

As for help, well who is to say I didn't already. But I never send money. 
You see, money has a filthy habit of getting transformed into the wrong 
thing in the hands of groups involved in crime. But you never know. A 
stranger suddenly shows out of nowhere and gives food and walks away 
silently, could be me.

All of a sudden a sudden show of support from a church you'd heard before 
but didn't care for. Not because they agree with the violent platform, but 
cared more for those family members forced to live with such madness. Who 
could have sparked that? Could be a guy like me.

Even in one case I recall someone (I am not alone) sending a bug-out bag 
to a lady who was not only in an abusive situation but in the cross-fire of 
a criminal keep. A change of clothes, some instructions and a bus ticket to 
a woman's shelther and voila.

Amazing what can be done if one is wise enough to observe.


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Re: [TruthTalk] unChristian warrior

2003-11-22 Thread Arsene Lupin
Carroll: Why did you change the title to unChristian warrior?

TPW: Because I felt like it.

Carroll:  You do realize that the laws you value/enjoy are Bible based as 
The God of Israel saw fit to impose.

TPW: ROTFLHAO!! You believe that load of clap-trap? Good one. Next you are 
going to tell me the earth is only 6000 years old and the moon is made of 

Carroll:  As a Christian I am required to obey the Laws of the land unless 
of course they conflict with the laws of God-then I am to follow the laws of 
God but nowhere am I told to police the land-merely to warn the world of the 
coming judgement and the way to escape this judgement. It's very simple if 
you have ever told a lie-then you are a liar-and all liar are rejected by 
God due to his intolerance for sin. In fact God hates sin so much that there 
is nothing one can trade to undo one sin-God's price for sin was so high 
that only something equally as precious in his sight could cancel out that 
sin-but the problem is that this precious thing that God valued so 
highly-man didn't have-so God sent it to us-but due to our evil heart we 
destroyed his gift-and God in his wisdom made that destruction the very 
thing that would cover our sins. God valued the Blood of innocence-it is 
precious in his sight ,and there was only one sinless man-Jesus Christ. But 
be aware that too reject Gods gift is an offence to God and your sins 
remain. What more could one do for an enemy?

TPW: *Yawn* That's nice. Am I supposed to be impressed?

Carroll: The same is true with God-by sin your have disallowed any rights 
granted to a righteous man and God who will judge fairly will/must punish 
the offender for his crimes just as any earthly judge must do to a
criminal.Even when this judge gave free grace to all offences towards him if 
you would stop this sin (called repenting) you continue on. Now you claim 
that you will look this judge square in the eye and say I live as I wanted 
too not as you wanted me too,but you won't destroy me because you need 
servants (which by his word he would call us sons not servants) this while 
standing amidst all the millions of angles gathered around him to be his 

TPW: Lemme ask you something, do you sincerely expect me to care what you 
think? Lemme spell it out to you, I honestly don't care how you resolve your 
issues with your god, it's your personal life, I honestly could care less 
what you do on your own time. I will deal with my own spirituality on my 
own, as I see fit, so sorry hunny, but buzz off. You are not happy, too bad 
so sad.

Carroll: That's what I am trying to saying-Do you PW want to be released 
from your execution that God has promised in the Holy Bible to carry out. 
Death abides upon you man-God promised that he will crush you and grind you 
to power. Every promise he has ever made in the Bible has come true-even 
100's of them-so will this one least you stop this foolishness and receive 
Jesus Christ as your redeemer. Consider Israel-God said that Israel would 
cease to exist for 2000 yrs and become a nation again in the last days. And 
it happened. Never before has any nation vanished for 2000 yrs and returned 
but just as God said-it happened. That is just one prophecy out of hundreds 
to come true. He also said he would revive the Roman Empire in the last day 
and recently the  European Common Market came into existence-it's happening 
PW. Better wake up friend.

TPW: Better wake up she says, look, in order to read what you say, I had 
to make a fresh pot of coffee. You are not saying anything important, just 
belly-aching and whining. And what the rest is just garbage that you'd find 
in supermarket tabloids. I suppose you also believe that there is such thing 
as the Illuminati or that the loch ness monster is real too right?

I mean really, there are  many kinds of idiots  on this planet. Which one do 
you take me for? Life is not a chick tract!!

Carroll: By the way both David Miller and I are on the Army of God list for 
destruction with Abortion Doctors-I love Chuck and am trying to get him to 
come out of this group. Please excuse my game I meant no offence-kinda fun 
though :-)

TPW: What He is in essence is a dullard and a dangerous one. Don't be 
surprised if the moron ends up killing someone or himself by doing something 

You really want to help him? Get him to some anger management classes, or 
even a psychiatrist. You know, professional help. That's what he needs.


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Re: [TruthTalk] PAGAN WOLF FAQ

2003-11-21 Thread Arsene Lupin
JT: You say that paganism is so old, even older than Christianity and then 
refer to pagans being harrassed, tortured and killed by institutionalized 
religion Christianity included. Christianity wasn't institutionalized until 
345 AD under Constantine. What was institutionalized in Europe before that? 
(you did say your religion was European didn't you?). A true believer does 
not flaunt themselves because love does not make a show but Christians want 
to give and share because this is the essence of our faith. Our God is love. 
ATST love isn't God.

TPW: Before Christianity under Constatine we had our problems with Rome (But 
then who the heck didn't during that time period?). But the even the Romans 
were kinder in some respects as opposed to the rule that Constatine's 
endeavours brought.

As for Christianity being younger than the original Paganism, depends how 
you see it. If you refer to the new testament then I have to say yes. If you 
refer to the OT, then I would have to say that we were there in Europe while 
other empires were being raised and we were there up north, way up there 
while your biblicals heroes were doing their thing way down south!!

JT: I don't know about all that TPW, I've seen a lot; but I don't believe a 
true follower of God, even an immature one rejoices when even those he 
believes to be evil fall. Not if he has any fear of God at all in his heart 
because our scriptures say that God is not pleased with that. I haven't a 
clue who Torquemada is - why would anyone envy him?

TPW: *Sigh* if only more Christians were like you, I wouldn't have to do 
HALF of the things I had to do.
As for Torquemada, I am surprised you never heard of him. Still for your 
intellectual appetite I submit this bit of information, concerning this 
sinister character who makes both Paul Hill, Fred Phelps and even Pat 
Robertson look like kittens.

Tomas de Torquemada, 1420–98, Spanish churchman and inquisitor. A Dominican, 
he became confessor to Ferdinand II and Isabella I and in 1483 was appointed 
inquisitor general of Castile and Aragón, charged with the centralization of 
the Spanish. He was largely instrumental in bringing about the expulsion of 
the Jews in 1492. His great authority was contested by colleagues and was 
diminished in some measure by the pope, but he remained preeminent until his 
death. Torquemada owes his reputation for cruelty to the harsh rules of 
procedure that he devised for the Inquisition and to the rigor with which he 
had them enforced

I would also submit more on the Inquisition, but I have learned in the past 
that sometimes many modern christians have felt weak in the knees and were 
tremendously shaken to the point of being unable to pursue the discussion. I 
therefore will spare you. You may however want to research on it on your own 
time and see what it is precisely that I take part in avoiding.

JT: TPW are you saying that the pagans are strong, well adjusted, and full 
of valour while those serving the God of the Universe are sociopaths?

TPW: What I am saying is we don't sweep our sociopaths under the rug and 
pretend they never were there. Paganism has blood on it's hands and we vow 
never to allow this sort of thing to happen again. We know that our 
ancestors have done some horrible things (The vikings were not angels, raids 
and plundering are not nice things to do)

What makes me shudder alot is many professing Christians know little or 
nothing about their church's history and even it's mistakes. Remember, the 
Church may be the bride of God, but it's not God now is it? Many pastors 
would avoid serious mistakes if they knew how the church grew and what NOT 
to do should they face a situation that they once faced in the past.

The Pagan Wolf

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2003-11-21 Thread Arsene Lupin
ShieldsFamily uttered: Milktoast Christianity thinks such things, Judy. But 
our scriptures say:

TPW: Translation: Our spin on the bible which convieniently covers our 
inadequacies say...

Psalm 58:10

The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; He will wash his feet 
in the blood of the wicked.

TPW:  COUNTER: Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth 
all sins.

Proverbs 11:10 When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and 
when the wicked perish, there is joyful shouting.

TPW: Counter: Proverbs 10:2 The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: 
but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.

Hahahhahaha Didn't think I'd fight back with your own bible huh? Remember 
folks, I am well learned. But just for the record Izzy I think you should 
re-read Proverbs 17:28

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that 
shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

And for good mesure, I also reccomend that you re-read Matthew 5:22!!

Whosoever shall say, thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

Just a few thoughts...TPW

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2003-11-20 Thread Arsene Lupin
Dave Miller: This fits very well with my experience with pagans. The truth 
is, I have not met any pagan that created any kind of significant statue the 
way that Hindus do.

TPW: No we just have Stonehedge and other Stone alignments known either as 
Cromlech or Dolmens. We opt for the natural temple. In fact the entire world 
is one when you think about it.

Dave Miller: What exactly goes on in your mind when you pray to a god like 
Thor? Is he the one you normally pray to, or do you pray to others?

TPW: That is a private matter. You see unlike you Christians we do not feel 
the need to share our personnal lives with every Tom, Dick and Harry. We do 
not do testimonies. In fact our spiritual lives are so private that what 
you do when asking us is the spiritual equivalent of asking a woman what her 
bra size is or what color are her undergarments. I refuse flat out to share 
that in a public forum thank you very much!

Dave Miller: I'm just trying to understand what your day to day life is 
TPW: It sounds more like you seek to know how the Heathen mind operates. My 
Day to day life is no different than joe down the street. We put our pants 
on one leg at the time.

Dave Miller: Another popular name I have had pagans bring up to me is Odin. 
Does Odin have any particular significance with you or with the other pagans 
with whom you associate?

TPW: I already gave you a site that would have helped you explain, and I 
already explained to you that these things are private matters. Sorry Dave, 
Access denied.

Dave Miller: By the way, do you get together with pagans for any kind of 
religious purpose, worship, prayer, or whatever? Are there any days that you 
hold to be particularly special and religiously observe with other pagans?

TPW: Why would you need to know with whom I associate and when? What good 
will it do to you, since you do not believe in our ways? I will sound a mite 
paranoid, but is it only to find out where we would be celebrating and for 
you the crash the party? I think not. I prefer to remain silent on that 
matter and refuse flat out to reveal any information that would probably 
endanger my fellow heathens.

The Pagan Wolf

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Re: [TruthTalk] PAGAN WOLF FAQ/Lauren

2003-11-20 Thread Arsene Lupin

Lauren: Yikes How do we get to this V(alhalla) place?

TPW: Since Valhalla means the Halls of the Valor I think you now have an 
idea what I must do.

Lauren: Good grief Are we reading a fiction book? Is this SciFi?

TPW: No, It's just what people believed long before Christianity came to 
Europe. Mind you, I follow a revised and I will admit, less bloody tenement 
of the Asatru faith

Lauren: This makes no sense to me at all! How did you get into this stuff?

TPW: I was born into it. As for not making sense, well, it's ok, I still 
respect you even if you do not understand. I am not asking you to 
understand, just to accept the fact that you are not alone on this planet.

The Pagan Wolf

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Re: [TruthTalk] Oblivious Christians

2003-11-19 Thread Arsene Lupin
Judy: Good that there is respect in your family - most families with such a 
mixture would be totally dysfunctional.  What kind of Christian is the other 

TPW: Well for the most part Roman Catholic, But we have also Protestant, 
Anglican and Evangelicals among us.

The Pagan Wolf

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2003-11-19 Thread Arsene Lupin
David Miller: Hi Pagan Wolf. I appreciate you taking time to talk about your 
religion. I often encounter pagans when preaching, but I don't often find 
any willing to talk too much about their religion. It is as if they just 
want to say that they are pagan for the shock value.

They will readily talk with me about many matters, but when I begin asking 
specific questions, they get uncomfortable and don't really provide answers 
in such a way that I can see they follow a different religion than the rest 
of society. Maybe you can answer some of my questions.

TPW: And I must apologize for such behaviour. You see you may encounter some 
who will just say they worship some heathen god, in the hopes of aggravating 
the preacher. But you will find that if you take an actual curiousity in 
their faith, many Pagans will actually open up and be more than willing to 
tell you about their reasons.

However you have to bare in mind that over the years there have been many 
preachers who have been aggressive towards us and even some organizations 
(Such a Chick publishing ) who have been in heavy misinformation campaigns 
and spreading ludicrous facts about us. Hence, when questionned we feel our 
first line of defense is secrecy. After seeing many members of our 
communities being harrased, we decided that rather to turn to violence, we 
chose to remain hidden when facing those who wouldn't listen to us to begin 

Only to open up to the curious. And even then, unlike Christians, we don't 
believe in recruiting. It's not our way, besides, being a Pagan is not for 

Dave Miller: In my preaching activities, I have heard many pagans who seem 
to mention Thor as their god before all others. Why is that? Do you guys 
have some kind of organization or book or set of books that bring you all 
together on this? Can you name the different gods of your pantheon and 
explain why you believe in them? Can you expound upon Thor and your 
relationship with him?

TPW: Gladly. I strongly recommend that site, It 
will satiate alot the scholarly aspects of your curiousity. But I will focus 
on what you perceive as a relationship with Thor. That is a mistake on 
your part, but it understandable, since you have a relationship with your 

No, Thor in some respect is a God of the people. But in the Asatru 
fashion, we seek to emulate the qualities of said patron god and avoid their 
weaknesses. Thor tends to be the protector of the people, the hero. I, as 
an Asatru, I seek to uphold the nine virtues and and be of service by 
keeping those in the community strong and when seing an injustice to look at 
a practical solution to aid them.

Do I use statues or other impelments? You will be shocked to know that it's 
to the user's taste. But Most Asatru, and other types of Pagans are a 
practical folk. No point in building images. The Gods have really no use for 
them nor do they ask them!! And in this day and age, we feel especially in 
the workplace that we shouldn't be intimidating with our ways, so a small 
pendant or some small paperweight with a rune, and voila. A silent prayer to 
our Gods, we don't see the point in bothering anyone.

Many of us pratice herbal lore, the artform of healing with herbs, but we 
are practical and many like myself have replaced it with a first aid course 
(With some minor enhancements here and there).
We strive to be self-reliant and surpass ourselves. We know were are only 
human, but that's no reason to be a stick in the mud.

Another aspect why I align myself with Thor, is his hammer. Think about it. 
A hammer is a tool.  chiefly used for construction, not destruction. But it 
can still be used to defend your kin...very nice.
And so I emulate that attribute. By seeking to empower others and not harm 

Well I hope this helps. Do keep asking questions. And remember, there are no 
stupid questions, only REALLY DUMB ANSWERS!!

The Pagan Wolf

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Re: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-19 Thread Arsene Lupin
I have a couple of questions for our pagan friend?

Q:  Why on earth would you want to discuss things with our group?

A: Because I am in essence a curious man about curious things. A real 
knowledge-grabber so to speak.

Q:  Are you trying to validate your stupidity or actually learn something?

A: I am here to show you we are not the bad guys as you were led to think 
by some people. And to dispel many myths and misconceptions. In some 
respects I do help as I would aid in some circumstances in helping you not 
to bare false witness.

Q:  Are we supposed to look at your responses with humor or should be just 
feel sorry for you that you are lost and on your way to hell?

A: Am I suppose to answer that question with candor? Or should I be full of 
the same venom? Let me lead by example and say, it's up to you. I don't mean 
malice, but I do believe alot of misconceptions and old hatreds need to be 
put to rest. So I just do my part.


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RE: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola/TPW

2003-11-19 Thread Arsene Lupin
Judy: I'm reading TPW and am truly dismayed because you a professing pagan, 
appear to understand scripture better than those who profess to follow their 
author. I believe God has you here for a reason.

TPW: Jesus did say that his word could be understood even by the simple. 
Considering I am a fairly intelligent fellah, I do believe I can make two 
and two together on many aspects.

Judy: This is why our God has written MY people PERISH for lack of 
knowledge You are right that anger in the heart is a spirit of murder and 
spirits of accusation are also from the evil one.

TPW: In our Ideology, Anger is also seen as some kind of spiritual 
transgression, or more precisely, the lack of control over one's emotions in 
the respects of being able to feel it, without allowing them to overwhelm 
you. Also, We never accuse without evidence. And it is our duty to apologize 
should we be proven wrong. I had to admit defeat on several occasions. But 
in many instances, I didn't mind one bloody bit!

Some would say I have a huge ego, but I am man enough to trample it to 
remind that thing who's really boss!!

Judy: Our God does not give His people a spirit of fear but of power, love, 
and a sound mind, we do not fear evil.  The fear of God is to hate evil (and 
it is God who determines what dirt is, not us).  IMO the t-shirts are 
partial truth because the everlasting gospel is Fear God and give Him 
glory, until one has understanding enough to give Him glory it is a gospel 
of Fear rather than faith.  Also the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts of 
sin, righteousness, and the judgment to come as men are
faithful to speak the truth IN LOVE.

TPW: Indeed. The TRUE Christian is really not a creature of ego or 
bloodshed. In fact in many cases I dare say I have seen devils being cast 
out and those devils had names like Doubt, ingratitude, hostility, 
suspicion and foolishness.

True Christians, if you forgive the upcoming imagery, do not loose bladder 
control at the sight of me. Why? They are not insecure in their faith. They 
don't feel intimidated by a different view, they simply don't indulge in it. 
He/she could be the only Christian in a town of Heathens, but no one would 
dare or even raise a hand against that person. Reason; Because no one would 
want to! Not because of a pre-natural fear of some angry God, not because of 
fear of retribution, but because that person would have been so helpful and 
kind to others that even the shadiest of character wouldn't have one ill 
word to say on their behalf!!

I am blessed in many respects to have met such individual. He was a holy 
fool, and he and I saw each other every day, not once he dared to try and 
save my soul, but I saw christ RADIATE thru him.

Think hard about it. Can you say that about others, that even the most 
fierce predator wouldn't harm you? I will be honest and say I wouldn't dare 
try my luck!!


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Re: [TruthTalk] Oblivious Christians

2003-11-18 Thread Arsene Lupin
Judy: Oh alright, would you rather be called TPW or Pagan Wolf?

TPW: TPW will do. It's only three letters long and it saves alot of space.

Judy: I went and had a look (At the sites) - it is heathenism, do you mind 
if I ask what caused you to make this choice for your life?

TPW: That? Believe it or not, I was born into it. Technically speaking, in 
my family, we have both Christian and Heathen. An unlikely duality of 
systems but what's interesting is there isn't a halfling among us, Either 
you are full Heathen, or full Christian. But we respect each other's views 
and choices.

The Pagan Wolf

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2003-11-18 Thread Arsene Lupin
Allrighty...since you guys are asking, I think it's time for a Mini-FAQ so 
questions can be answered.

Q: Are you really a Pagan?

A: Yep. I am a Neo-Asatru. One who has his beliefs set in the Scandinavian 
Patheon. More precisely I am a Thorite (one who affiliates his will) with 
Thor. I follow the nine virtues of the thorth (Courage, Truth, Honor, 
Fidelity, Discipline, Industriousness, Self-Reliance, Perseverance).

Q: Where did you get the moniker The Pagan Wolf?

A: Believe it or not, A Christian gave it to me! Bit of a story behind this. 
There was this one preacher whom I  heckled some odd years ago who shouted 
back at me Here you are in prescence of a Christian Lamb and you act like a 
Pagan Wolf!!. The name stuck and I liked it, since I simply adore the wolf. 
It's a noble creature to me.

Q: What are you standing up against? Christians? The Church? What?

A: I stand against religious fundementalists, more precisely, the fringe 
lunatics that use a platform of violence and political intrigue to get their 
merry little way. I dub them Fundies. I also fight against Crooked 
Tele-evangelists, abusive priests and neo-nazi hoodlums whenever.

Q: Are you an enemy of God then?

A: Hardly. To use your own terminology, I relegate the matters of God onto 
God and Relegate the matters of Cesear unto Cesear. Hence, it's not against 
your God I got a problem with, it's more some of his renegade followers.

Q: Why all the secrecy? Why won't you reveal your true name?

A: To protect some people of which are dear to me, including myself. Having 
been a regular thorn in many group's side, I learned the value of being a 
question mark. Many of the more lunatic of the bunch have expressed ill 
intent in the past, and seeing this I felt a need to use a stealthier 
approach. With time I develloped it in a way that I can sit comfortably in a 
diner right next to my mark and they wouldn't even know who I really was.

Q: What's the worse you have done to them?

A: Merely made it so that the police was there at the right time and the 
right place. *grins* as for the rest, well, the right kind of information 
given unto the right organization can go a long way...

Q: What do you mean by that?

A: That information is ammunition. Knowing the who, the what and the where 
can be far more potent than some picketting or some brainless belly-aching. 
Most interests groups I see nowadays are just so much hot-air, poor informed 
and not making really any smart use of their ressources.

Well if you have other questions, feel free to ask.


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Re: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-18 Thread Arsene Lupin
Terry: I consider the Gospel of Jesus to be the pearls.  Nothing is of more 
value. When people are concerned only with gratifying the flesh, they are no 
different than an animal (hog or dog).  Jesus taught to those who had ears 
to hear.  Those who did not want to hear were left in the dust .  You don't 
give something Holy to those who would trample it, mock it, or sneer at it. 
If God has given them over to a reprobate mind, all your efforts are not 
only wasted, they are not in God's will.

TPW: You see That's exactly the kind of attitude that gets you in hot water 
half the time, this I am Christian and I am better than you 
holier-than-thou stance that is an insult to anyone's intelligence. Get off 
your high-horse buddy, you are human too.

Besides, each time I hear a jesus loves you followed by a But you are a 
sinner and condemned to HEELL statement, the first thought in my 
mind is of course If this is what the alleged creator of the universe sends 
me to speak about him, why would I want to join? Doesn't seem serious about 
his offer

Who really wants to be associated with people who are arrogant, ignorant and 
quite frankly hateful? It's not much of a sales pitch. What's worse is 
sometimes one of us (unbelievers) is being witnessed (Can you really call 
it that?) and then questions are asked many of those preachers I have seen 
either resort to dismissals or just outright accusations.

Such behaviour is unacceptable. Would you do this to your own mother? If you 
do, I fear that your devotion is not true, but a fanaticism that is 
self-defeating. In fact, you are showing a form or pride. look at me I am 
pious and devoted.

But are you really walking the same path as Christ? If I rely on your bible, 
I doubt it. Remember, you are a Christian and in some respects you are an 
embassador for the kingdom of your God. You don't make a good representation 
of him if you go about looking down on us non-christians and try to make us 
feel like idiots.

You reap what you sow, and since We shall know you by their fruits, don't 
let your ego rot them on the stalk!!

The bottom line? Just because you are saved doesn't give you a liscence to 
be a horse's petoot with three quarters of the population. It's a 


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Re: [TruthTalk] Oblivious Christians

2003-11-17 Thread Arsene Lupin
It seems you guys have gone underground now. How sad. Unlike some, I am not 
afraid to  listen to what others have to say. And judging be the way Izzy 
makes it hard on Judy, I'd say some agree with me on many points.

And for the record, aren't you guys going on your high-horses concerning my 
prescence? I mean sheesh, some of you react like the generic cartoon 
characters on Harvey's Casper the friendly ghost.
I-i-i-i-it's a PAAAGAAAN!!
I mean really. Calm the heck down already. I have been lurking for the past 
five months or so without saying a bloody word!! I only have to speak out 
and make a statement and you are practically climbing up the walls.
And for the record, they are protesting evil which is the agenda of the 
far right. Many Christians I have noticed are sick and tired of having 
loud-mouthed individuals who respect not even the word of their own gods . 
And I whole-heartedly support it and nurture the fact that they are fighting 
back people of which even your own saviour WARNS US ABOUT.

However I will agree with you on one point. Yes your forefathers did fight 
for freedom. And hence I do fight for my own future by taking on those who 
would harm me, my kindred, my family and even those of the same faith that 
seems to have spawned them.

If you read that site carefully, you'd know I am not going to back down from 
anything or anyone!! Don't you dare forget that!!

And my weapon is one that must not turn me into a worse creature than these 
radicals can be. And so I chose a path that is non-violent and lawful. If I 
am a wolf in sheep's clothing (Don't you wear wool in the winter to keep 
warm?) then what of the rabid dogs of the AOG?

And rabid is the word I chose, as their hatred are to me a diasease!!


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Re: [TruthTalk] Oblivious Christians

2003-11-17 Thread Arsene Lupin
Judy: Hi Arsene and welcome to Truth Talk, it is good to have you here 
because I'm sure you have some interesting input. You did say you were going 
back into lurk mode, this is why I didn't respond to you the first time.

TPW: Hello Judy and don't use Arsene. Reason for that is that it's another 
moniker. If you research carefully you will find it's the name of a fictious 
character, A gentleman thief, forgot the author's name though.

Judy: I know I agree with some points you've made on certain ministry issues 
which shows me there is nothing wrong with your powers of observation.

TPW: Quite right! I do try to pay attention. And it helps.

Judy: Not all, maybe some Arsene. Do you think we have something to fear 
from you?

TPW: No. But I do get annoyed at times at the way some tend to give me 
attributes that I simply do not possess. But sometimes reputation can be a 
valuable tool.

Judy: It is written in our scriptures to try the spirits and see if they 
are of God I don't believe persons who in your words need to hear the word 
and to make peace with his own inner rage and his Adrenaline addiction (I 
think he actually gets cheap thrills out of being what he perceives himself 
as), but he needs to realise that ending up in prison, seen by the world as 
another insane man who is a criminal, is no way to end. are going out in 
the right Spirit.

TPW: *Snicker* they more seem to have indulged in another kind fo spirit to 
me. Say, like a Gin-y in a bottle?

Judy: Would you put the Church in this category Arsene - or just people like 
Chuck Spingola who would be categorized as far right How do you believe 
you would be harmed by them? Just curious.

TPW: Me personally, I couldn't be harmed. But there are those who could be 
extremely harmed by this. The poor, the gullible, those who's emotions can 
be easily controled. As what I categorize as extreme-right are groups that 
are the fringe lunatics, the Paul Hills, the Fred Phelps, the Pat 
Robertsons, the Jerry Falwells. The Tele-evangelists, the so-called Faith 
healers and other assorted nuts.

Do I place Christians and what I call Fundies in the same bucket. I do my 
best not to! And there are days I do kick myself in the rear for doing so. 
What can I say, I am human.

Judy: Which site are you referring to?

TPW: This one; and for good measure, this one as 

Judy: I don't call you a wolf in sheep's clothing. One thing you are not is 
a hypocrite and I can really appreciate that.

TPW: I never said you did! But I do enjoy keeping some on their 
toes...*wolfish grin*

And many thanks on welcoming me...


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