Re: [geo] Climate change uncertainty to increase?

2012-06-19 Thread David Lewis
Kevin Trenberth predicted "the uncertainty in AR5's climate predictions and projections will be much greater than in previous IPCC reports" in a January 2010 Commentary published in Nature Climate Change available here He note

Re: [geo] Climate vs sea level rise mitigation

2012-07-09 Thread David Lewis
Tad Pfeffer, in his Nye Lecture at last year's AGU, explained that no one knows how to model ice sheet dynamics in a convincing way, at the moment. The AGU video is here . They hand out an award to someone else at the beginning of the vi

[geo] Re: Offtopic - meticulous dissection of Nature's (alleged) shaky climate reporting

2012-07-23 Thread David Lewis
Nielsen-Gammon should change his "blame attribution" statement, i.e. "the blame lies in NOAA's press release and whoever approved it". He should name names. NOAA scientists clearly approve of it. Eg: NOAA scientist Tom Petersen is billed on NOAA slides accompanying the release of the repo

[geo] Re: MCB paper

2012-08-11 Thread David Lewis
The "Marine Cloud Brightening" paper, if that's what you're talking about, is freely available at the Royal Society site, at least for now. Here is the link. All the other papers in that issue are also freely availab

[geo] Re: CarnegieGlobEcology just uploaded a video

2012-08-15 Thread David Lewis
Caldeira states he was asked by SciAm editors "what would happen if... we burned ALL the fossil fuels available and dumped that CO2 into the atmosphere", and he claims he took some pains with his answer so it would stand up to the scrutiny of his scientific colleagues. At minute 2:00 he then

[geo] Re: Which papers got press?

2012-09-05 Thread David Lewis
Is the source for the assessment that these two papers attracted a lot of attention outside the specialist scientific community you, or someone other than you? > > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "geoengineering" group. To view this discussion on

Re: [geo] Tyndall center presentation on 4C future

2012-09-17 Thread David Lewis
Anderson's latest paper was published online in the September 2012 issue of Nature Climate Change available behind a paywall here. The Editors of Nature Climate Change describe Anderson's views, a bit, in their freely availa

Re: [geo] Tyndall center presentation on 4C future

2012-09-18 Thread David Lewis
Hansen, in Earth's Energy Imbalance and Implicationsput the "inferred planetary energy imbalance" at "0.58 +/- 0.15 W/m2", which because the largest term is the measured heat content increase in the oceans calculated by von Schuckman wh

[geo] Re: Surprise: Revenge of Gaia's specific predictions have thus far actually been too conservative, not "alarmist"

2012-09-21 Thread David Lewis
Lovelock was interviewed for The Guardian and provided this description of Garth Paltridge, one of the two people who most influenced him as he changed his mind about climate science: "There is one sceptic that everyone sho

[geo] Re: Geo-engineering and Arctic mentioned here.

2012-09-22 Thread David Lewis
Hansen has a page up entitled Sea Ice Area including charts that in addition to showing the trends over three decades in arctic sea ice maximum and minimum, also shows the trends of sea ice area at the time of maximum and minimum insolation. (The pa

Re: [geo] Re: Pacific iron fertilisation is 'blatant violation' of international regulations

2012-10-21 Thread David Lewis
The ETC group is "blatantly violating" an international convention The ETC group,";>as their website says, consists of "nine staff members and nine board members scattered over five continents". Many wonder when these 18 people will finally confess what their

Re: [geo] Re: Pacific iron fertilisation is 'blatant violation' of international regulations

2012-10-22 Thread David Lewis
> moderation rule on this list about 'no ad hominem attacks'??? Andrew: what > happened to that? > > Best > Jim Thomas > ETC Group. > > > On Oct 21, 2012, at 5:36 PM, David Lewis wrote: > > The ETC group is "blatantly violating" an inte

[geo] Dalai Lama says: "It is our responsibility to look" [at geoengineering]

2012-10-25 Thread David Lewis
See this MIT News report. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "geoengineering" group. To view this discussion on the web visit

[geo] Re: Dalai Lama says: "It is our responsibility to look" [at geoengineering]

2012-10-25 Thread David Lewis
o make material sacrifices to reduce the serious risk of climate change?", the Dalai Lama responded with: "For some people, the message from religious leaders can be more effective" "Maybe you and I should have a road show", Emanuel is said to have joked. On Thu

Re: [geo] Re: NYT: Geoengineering: Testing the Waters- Naomi Klein

2012-10-29 Thread David Lewis
Naomi has invented her own distorted version of an idea Bill McKibben first advanced in the late 1980s in his book "The End of Nature". McKibben wrote at that time that he felt differently about being in what he formerly regarded as the pristine wilderness now that he realized that human activ

[geo] Re: Scientists Eat Crow on Geoengineering Test. Me, Too | Climate Central

2012-10-31 Thread David Lewis
Lemonick, author of "Scientists Eat Crow on Geoengineering Test. Me, Too" willfully distorts the scale. Goldfinger was plotting to undermine the global financial system, i.e. have a planet wide effect. The Haida scheme is more on the scale of a "goofy Trailer Park Boys scenario

Re: [geo] Mooney, Pat; et al. (2012): Darken the sky and whiten the earth

2012-11-18 Thread David Lewis
A few more "revealing" "nuggets": ETC says it wants all reference to climate taken out of definitions of geoengineering, i.e. ""the laudable goal of combating climate change *has no place* in the definition of geoengineering, as it suggests that geoengineering technologies do, in fact, combat c

[geo] Re: Can We Stop Modern-Day Mad Scientists? Popular Mechanics

2012-11-29 Thread David Lewis
Can We Stop Modern-Day Yellow Journalism? "Media coverage such as yours distorted what went on until a casual observer wouldn't have a clue as to what the facts are. Is that your job? Do you lie awake at night worried that you will fail the next day in your effort to distort and confuse?" I se

[geo] "Professor Sir" Bob Watson, in his 2012 AGU "Union Lecture" opines on geoengineering: "we need to do the research".

2012-12-07 Thread David Lewis
The 2012 AGU in San Francisco makes many of its presentations available as streaming video on this webpage. "Professor Sir Bob"discussed many aspects of climate change. Specifically, at minute 48:50 or

[geo] At his AGU Tyndall Lecture: Raymond Pierrehumbert calls SRM geoengineering ideas "crazy", and "barking mad"

2012-12-08 Thread David Lewis
AND, he added: "the modelling technology is not even up to doing this adequately *despite what some aggressive proponents of geoengineering say* ". Raymond made his comments on geoengineering during the Q&A after his talk. The full text of his geoengineering remarks, which occur starting arou

[geo] Re: Geoengineering | Giving What We Can

2012-12-12 Thread David Lewis
the site in question ("Giving What We Can") has a Climate Change page which refers its visitors to Bjorn Lomborg's "Copenhagen Consensus 2012" websitewhen expl

[geo] Re: Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided?

2013-01-11 Thread David Lewis
In contrast to Paul and Anne Ehrlich's view: Ken Caldeira, in the Q&A after his talk on ocean acidification at this year's AGU, expressed his belief, or perhaps it is his faith, that very large changes to the earth system far greater than what he had just discussed could take place (i.e. "if yo

Re: [geo] Some refreshers to remind us why we need geoengineering...

2013-01-16 Thread David Lewis
a version of the Hansen paper in question is available here It contains the quotes Staniford is using verbatim. On Wednesday, January 16, 2013 12:58:19 AM UTC-8, andrewjlockley wrote: > > To place Veli's post in context,

[geo] Re: fun fact: area of USA (or Europe) is about 2% of planetary area

2013-01-17 Thread David Lewis
re: Ken's statement on Keystone XL. The idea that the US can stop or even slow the development of the tar sand deposit by Obama refusing to grant Keystone XL a permit is questionable. Canadian national policy is to develop the tar sands. Several pipeline projects are in the works that will

[geo] Re: Why Greenland’s melting could be the biggest climate disaster of all

2013-01-28 Thread David Lewis
Richard Alley discussed the potential Greenland and Antarctic contribution to sea level rise in a talk at Stanford in late October 2012 which is available on Youtube On Monday, January 28, 2013 2:45:00 AM UTC-8, Ol

[geo] Re: Why Greenland’s melting could be the biggest climate disaster of all

2013-01-29 Thread David Lewis
Hansen directly addressed the ideas of Richard Alley and Tad Pfeffer in the*Appendix * of his 2012 communication "Update of Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss: Exponential?" which is an excert from Hansen and Sato 201

Re: [geo] Congress seeks GHG solutions

2013-02-02 Thread David Lewis
On the Waxman-Whitehouse initiative, and Keystone XL: If the "movement" succeeds in persuading Obama he needs to spend some of his limited political capital by refusing to approve Keystone XL, there will be less political capital available to accomplish whatever comes of this Waxman-Whitehouse

[geo] Re: Nickel nanoparticles catalyse reversible hydration of carbon dioxide for mineralization carbon capture and storage - Catalysis Science & Technology (RSC Publishing)

2013-02-06 Thread David Lewis
BBC News quotes co-author Lidija Siller: "You bubble CO2 through the water in which you have nickel nanoparticles and you are trapping much more carbon than you would normally - and then you can easily turn it into calcium carbonate. It

[geo] Geoengineering and the Oreskes and Conway book

2014-08-02 Thread David Lewis
Geoengineering plays a pivotal role in the new book, “The Collapse of Western Civilization

[geo] Re: 2. What are some potentially false 'memes' related to solar geoengineering?

2014-08-07 Thread David Lewis
Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway*, in "The Collapse of Western Civilization*" write that you can heat a planet by starting and stopping SRM. I've never heard this "meme" before, i.e. that merely starting and stopping SRM heats the planet to a higher temperature than it would have reached had SRM n

Re: [geo] Re: 2. What are some potentially false 'memes' related to solar geoengineering?

2014-08-07 Thread David Lewis
- re Andrew's: who cares? It's the rate that does you in (largely)? Oreskes and Conway present their scenario in a time period, i.e. they are talking about rates that do you in. They're saying a high rate of warming caused by stopping SRM persists long enough to drive the

Re: [geo] Re: 2. What are some potentially false 'memes' related to solar geoengineering?

2014-08-08 Thread David Lewis
Everyone and everything is roasted. Eg: "The human populations of Australia and Africa, of course, were wiped out". After temperature increases by a total of 11 degrees C since industrial civilization began, a new Black Death is said to kill half of the people in "some parts of Europe", but

[geo] Re: Thermostats and dials

2014-09-09 Thread David Lewis
The Verge has an image of Earth inside a dial thermostat with a hand outside turning the temperature up here

[geo] Re: Democracy now, Naomi Klein interview (CE extract)

2014-09-19 Thread David Lewis
At least Klein understands that types like Caldeira and Keith are clear when they explain that geoengineering is not an alternative to emission reduction. Her reasoning now seems a step ahead of where she was when she argued that the ocean she looks at from the window of her Pacific Northwest

Re: [geo] Re: Democracy now, Naomi Klein interview (CE extract)

2014-09-19 Thread David Lewis
; and both AG and NK are doing more to make that clear than most in their > spheres of influence. > > Ron > > > On Sep 19, 2014, at 8:51 AM, David Lewis > wrote: > > At least Klein understands that types like Caldeira and Keith are clear > when they explain that

Re: [geo] Re: Democracy now, Naomi Klein interview (CE extract)

2014-09-21 Thread David Lewis
Klein's antipathy toward all Green NGOs, which came out in her Amy Goodman interview in discussion about one Wildlife Conservation Society project which Klein says was one of the "most disturbing" things she discovered in the whole seven years of research and writing for her book, extends to all

[geo] Re: Dr Evil

2014-09-28 Thread David Lewis
Goldblatt said in 2013: "our estimate is that it would take 30,000 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere to make it warm enough to trigger this runaway greenhouse", i.e. boil the oceans away. He said this was a finding in the Goldblatt Low simulated radiation limit for runaway greenhouse climates

Re: [geo] 'Clean Coal' With Carbon Capture Debuts in North America (Not in U.S.) - NBC

2014-10-06 Thread David Lewis
I wonder what "we" know. American Electric Power CEO Mike Morris said his company could prove that CCS fitted to a full scale coal fired plant will be "clearly cheaper than new nuclear, clearly cheaper than sun and wind". He was speaking to Public Radio International's Living on Earth radio

Re: [geo] GEOENGINEERING: Are record salmon runs in the Northwest the result of a controversial CO2 reduction scheme?

2014-11-17 Thread David Lewis
Just because a snake oil salesman happened to find out along with the rest of us that there are interesting indications that, for once, his bottles may actually have contained something efficacious doesn't mean his critics on this OIF project were "persecuting" him. Eg: This is the same Russ

Re: [geo] GEOENGINEERING: Are record salmon runs in the Northwest the result of a controversial CO2 reduction scheme?

2014-12-06 Thread David Lewis
the ocean. I think most people who fish the British Columbia coast will be very supportive of further research. On Friday, December 5, 2014 11:59:16 AM UTC-8, Robert Tulip wrote: > > David Lewis commented on November 18 about Russ George and the Haida > Salmon Ocean Iron Fertilizat

Re: [geo] Keystone pipeline veto importance?

2015-01-11 Thread David Lewis
The New Yorker just published a Ryan Lizza piece on Keystone, in which Lizza noted that: "the philosophical gulf between Obama and congressional Republicans is relatively narrow". ' See: "The Keystone XL Test: Can Obama make a deal?

Re: [geo] Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration Workshop | Department of Energy

2015-05-19 Thread David Lewis
Why not ask for an invite and present your views to the conference? The listed email address for a contact person for the conference is on this page . On Monday, May 18, 2015 at 1:12:45 PM UTC-7, Greg

Re: [geo] On why we'll very likely need climate engineering

2015-06-05 Thread David Lewis
The House bill requires all Federal agencies to ignore indications of future accelerated sea level rise. The House wants all new Federal facilities to be built on the assumption that future flood risk will be the same as the flood risk of the last 100 years. Rob Moore, head of the water and c

[geo] Re: Nickel nanoparticles catalyse reversible hydration of carbon dioxide for mineralization carbon capture and storage OR Sea Urchins May Save the World

2013-03-07 Thread David Lewis
I was interested that Siller and Bhaduri, authors of this nickel nanoparticle paper, compared what they think nickel nanoparticles can do * favorably* to what carbonic anhydrase can do. A discussion of the properties and significance of carbonic anhydrase is located on the Stanford website, i.e.

Re: [geo] Re: Nickel nanoparticles catalyse reversible hydration of carbon dioxide for mineralization carbon capture and storage OR Sea Urchins May Save the World

2013-03-12 Thread David Lewis
hydration catalyst helps here, but i should read the paper. > -Greg > -- > *From:* [ > ] on behalf of David Lewis [ > ] > *Sent:* Thursday, March 07, 2013 3:38 PM > *To:* > *

Re: [geo] CDR money in DE-FOA-0000785?

2013-03-21 Thread David Lewis
"My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere, you must run twice as fast as that." - Lewis Carrol,* Alice in Wonderland*. The 18 gigatonnes of CO2 captured at a few very large point sources is to be used to cause 28 gigatonnes of CO2 to

[geo] Re: Holdren et al weigh in

2013-03-23 Thread David Lewis
Submit written comment to PCAST via: Comments submitted* may *be read during PCAST meetings. On Friday, March 22, 2013 9:25:11 PM UTC-7, Greg Rau wrote: > > ... the preceding oversight seems dangerously narrow minded. -Greg > > -- You received this message because you are su

[geo] Re: Climate Change: The Moral Choices | MIT Technology Review

2013-04-12 Thread David Lewis
Rotman discusses the "thinking" of Clive Hamilton in this article. Hamilton recently explained to readers of Nature, in a column "*No, we should not just 'at least do the research*", that he takes this "Just

[geo] For the "why geoengineering could prove to be vital" department...

2013-04-17 Thread David Lewis
Jim Hansen is circulating a notecalling attention to the Hansen, "near final" paper (entitled * Climate Sensitivity, Sea Level, and Atmospheric CO2) * presently available on, i.e. here

[geo] Re: Haida readying for second round of iron dumping in ocean - News - Times Colonist

2013-04-26 Thread David Lewis
ETC isn't the only NGO "green" group paying attention to Russ George and the Haida. "*It was their intention to ram and rip our ship open from stem to stern and sink it along with the 40 scientists aboard*", said Russ George, 29 minutes and 30 seconds into this video

Re: [geo] Re: Haida readying for second round of iron dumping in ocean - News - Times Colonist

2013-04-26 Thread David Lewis On 4/26/2013 10:43 AM, Andrew Lockley wrote: ...However, I suggest that the allegations of a planned attack might not bear close scrutiny. On Apr 26, 2013 6:27 PM, "David Lewis" <ma

Re: [geo] Haida readying for second round of iron dumping in ocean - News - Times Colonist

2013-04-26 Thread David Lewis
UTC-7, Ken Caldeira wrote: > > Does it matter to ETC or Paul Watson whether the intent is to increase > fishery yields versus reduce the magnitude of climate change? > > Would the action be 'geoengineering' in the latter case but not the > former? > > > On Friday

Re: [geo] Haida readying for second round of iron dumping in ocean - News - Times Colonist

2013-04-27 Thread David Lewis
A scientific expedition aiming to do ocean fertilization or geoengineering research would be playing into the hands of types like Paul Watson if they decided that having weapons on board was a defense. Watson is looking for an image the media he is playing to can use - "armed rogue geoengineers

Re: [geo] Haida readying for second round of iron dumping in ocean - News - Times Colonist

2013-04-28 Thread David Lewis
less productive strategy. > > > > Robert Socolow > > > > *From:* [mailto: > ] *On Behalf Of *Josh Horton > *Sent:* Sunday, April 28, 2013 10:12 AM > *To:* > *Cc:* geoengin...@

Re: [geo] SECURITY UPDATE : Chemtrails/conspiracy rally planned for 'Hack the Sky' Caldeira talk.

2013-05-11 Thread David Lewis
In his 2010 book* Requiem For a Species *Clive accepts and cites the Alice Bows/Kevin Anderson view that civilization as we know it is almost certainly committed as of now to an unstable 4 degree warming this century, and that change of that magnitude threatens its existence. (Anderson explain

[geo] Re: Ken and Clive show on KALW radio 91.7 FM today 10 AM Pacific coast US, 1 PM East coast US, 6 PM London, 7 PM Berlin

2013-05-12 Thread David Lewis
A direct link to the .mp3 recording of this show is *here*. The show featured A. Random Caller, i.e. Alan Robock. Alan and Ken demonstrated why they are held in such high regard by their peers. It's not clear that Ken succeeded in helpin

[geo] Re: The age of climate engineering is upon us (3) : Doug Craig's blog

2013-05-25 Thread David Lewis
Clive is certainly getting his views heard, and not just on geoengineering Scientific American, yesterday, publishedquotes from Clive citing him as an authority on how serious climate change is (it w

[geo] Re: Haida Salmon Restoration Corp. | Haida announce termination of Russ George

2013-05-25 Thread David Lewis
Russ George maintains a website where among other things he hosts a video of John Disney, who is now President and CEO of the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation, at some time prior to John forcing Russ off the ship, telling the world what a great guy Russ George is. The best material

[geo] Re: Transcript of Keith, Shiva, Hamilton, Goodman interview

2013-05-27 Thread David Lewis
The root of Clive Hamilton's "thought" on geoengineering appeared more clearly in this interview. When discussing the fact that The Heartland Institute and the American Enterprise Institute have endorsed geoengineering as a solution for the problem they have denied exists more emphatically t

[geo] Re: Transcript of Keith, Shiva, Hamilton, Goodman interview

2013-05-29 Thread David Lewis
ions. > > I'm NOT saying this is his view, merely that as I read his published work > and interviews, it's one possible interpretation. And given his fairly > high and (seemingly) rising profile, it seems like a good idea to find out > how he views this incredibl


2013-05-31 Thread David Lewis
According to the University of Waterloo News: "The peer reviewed paper published this week not only provides fundamental understanding of the ozone hole and global climate change but has *superior predictive capabilities *compared with the conventional sunlight driven ozone depleting and CO2 w

[geo] The Caldeira "If you Sterilize the Ocean We'd Still Have Chicken McNuggets Hypothesis" questioned by Ocean expert

2013-06-07 Thread David Lewis
During the Q&A after his 2012 AGU talk entitled "*Ocean Acidification: Adaptive Challenge or Extinction Threat?*", Ken Caldeira said: "I actually think* if you sterilize the ocean*, yes vulnerable people would be hurt, poor people would be hurt, but that* we'd still have Chicken McNuggets and

Re: [geo] The Caldeira "If you Sterilize the Ocean We'd Still Have Chicken McNuggets Hypothesis" questioned by Ocean expert

2013-06-08 Thread David Lewis
tters on the web > think that you can't discuss anything unless you are advocating actually > doing it.) > > Best, > > Ken > > On Saturday, June 8, 2013, David Lewis wrote: > >> During the Q&A after his 2012 AGU talk entitled "*Ocean Acidification: >

[geo] Re: James Temple on Caldeira and geoengineering: no longer behind pay wall (SF Chonicle)

2013-06-12 Thread David Lewis
Temple seems to have missed the "Evil Ken" side of Dr. Caldeira's character. Wasn't there a recent *NATURE* | COLUMN: WORLDVIEW piecethat told us all these scientists who study geoengineering are out of touch wi

[geo] Re: Oli Morton with Opinion Article on "Nitrogen Geoengineering"

2013-07-09 Thread David Lewis
If inventing a way to convert nitrogen from air into chemicals qualifies as geoengineering, it isn't even close to being the first example. I.e. when the first hominid moved the first rock out of the way to get into the first cave, according to Morton's reasoning, geoengineering began. See: W

[geo] Re: Oli Morton with Opinion Article on "Nitrogen Geoengineering"

2013-07-10 Thread David Lewis
I wonder why it should matter who identified the problem or who thought of the solution, i.e. a member or members of the scientific elite. Why should it matter whether the perceived problem is obvious to the person on the street? And whether the proposed solution or any solution other than the

Re: [geo] CIA study

2013-07-21 Thread David Lewis
The Seitz "A War Against Fire" article seems to have been written in ignorance of the paleoclimate data that existed. The Seitz argument, that because it was hard to predict what was going to happen convincingly with the knowledge then available fed into the computer models of the time, we did

[geo] Goldblatt finds that theory may not rule out Hansen's concern about a runaway greenhouse if "we" burn it all....

2013-07-31 Thread David Lewis
Nature Geoscience published Goldblatt on July 28 2013, i.e. *Low simulated radiation limit for runaway greenhouse climates * The study finds an uninhabitable planet is a risk, although the last statement in the abstract conta

Re: [geo] RE: Geoengineering carries unknown consequences

2013-08-03 Thread David Lewis
"in the end you just have to make the right call" Kent Peacock, professor of philosophy, was invited to give a presentation at the recent AGU Chapman conference on Communicating Climate Science. Around the 11th minute he discussed engineering and ethics. He touched on what the law requires of

[geo] Re: CIA study

2013-08-08 Thread David Lewis
Actually I did read the Seitz article. I was amazed that Seitz seems proud of it. Seitz characterized the 1990 views of two well known by now climate science deniers, i.e. Roy Spencer and John Christy, as representative of the 1990 views of most relevant scientists. I thought this was so fa

[geo] Re: CIA study

2013-08-09 Thread David Lewis
This is getting pretty far off the wall. By 1990, it was the view of a great many scientists familiar with the evidence then available that it was time for civilization to act to limit emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Canadian scientists such as Dr. Kenneth Hare stated at the 198

Re: [geo] Al Gore on geoengineering

2013-08-25 Thread David Lewis
Gore put his objection to geoengineering in this way when talking recentlyon the Ellen Degeneres show: He set up his point by agreeing that there are "serious scientists" who are working on this. "It really should be yet another wake up call for why

Re: [geo] Naomi Klein: Green groups may be more damaging than climate change deniers -

2013-09-10 Thread David Lewis
Ken Caldeira writes, plausibly, that: "for most, researching 'geoengineering' is an expression of despair at the fact that others are unwilling to do the hard work of reducing emissions". NPR aired an interview with David Keith a month ago: Keith spoke of something else: "* we're* *hiding a

Re: [geo] CO2 mitigation: $$/benefit

2013-09-16 Thread David Lewis
"...the discussion of discounting has been truly awful, and it should not have been". is what Lord Stern said, to summarize his discussion of discount rates, the work of Bill Nordhaus, and the work of most economist impact modellers (including his own work heading the Stern Review), in a major

[geo] Re: [off-topic] Romm post criticizing allowable CO2 emissions budget concept

2013-10-01 Thread David Lewis
"it might be that for the middle classes of the industrial world that climate change is really a secondary issue and they'll still have their TV sets and their McBurgers and McNuggets to eat and life would go on" - thus spake Ken Caldeira, discussing his Sept 2012 Scientific American art

[geo] NPR discusses the Haida/Russ George OIF project, i.e. a possible result

2013-10-27 Thread David Lewis
"I can tell you this year... Alaska had their best fishing year ever. They caught more this year than any other year in southeast Alaska.", says Jason McNamee, Director and Operations Officer, Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation. "The claims of the proponents... ...have no basis" - says Ted

[geo] David Keith and Clive Hamilton debate

2014-01-17 Thread David Lewis
David Keith: " I think one thing that Clive does, and did here, is attempt to say that people advocating research in this technology like me are doing it as a way to avoid the social change we need. And to put it simply, it’s nonsense. So there are a lot of reasons why this might be wrong, wh

Re: [geo] Stratospheric Ozone Response to Sulfate Geoengineering: Results from GeoMIP- Pitari - JGR Atmospheres - Wiley

2014-02-09 Thread David Lewis
Radiation caused skin cancer isn't the only or even the main concern. Skin cancer was the selling point used by environmentalists to get the attention of the public to drive political action to conserve ozone. >From "Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2010": "An important remaining sc

Re: [geo] new article by Clive Hamilton

2014-04-27 Thread David Lewis
On the other hand, Robert Stavins has published his call to the three Co-chairs of the AR5 WGIII ( cc'd to Pachauri) that the IPCC should tell all people interested in this latest IPCC effort that the

[geo] Re: Nuclear Energy Is Not a Solution for Global Warming

2014-05-13 Thread David Lewis
Gwyneth Cravens examines the points you make in your article as well as others in her book "Power to Save the World". Charles Till and Yoon Il Chang explain a modern nuclear reactor design, i.e. the Integral Fast Reactor, in their book "Plentiful Energy". Robert Gale explains what is known ab

[geo] Re: The latest bad news on carbon capture from coal power plants: higher costs

2015-12-08 Thread David Lewis
Mike Morris, the CEO of American Electric Power, in an interview recorded by Public Radio International Living on Earth which aired July 22, 2011, said his company was then operating its $100 million Mountaineer pilot plant

[geo] Re: (must read) Stratospheric ozone changes under solar geoengineering: implications for UV exposure and air quality

2016-07-16 Thread David Lewis
the authors wanted to study what happens to ozone distribution in the atmosphere in the case where SRM is accomplished by space mirrors, i.e. where no known ozone depleting substances are injected into the stratosphere Eg: "our simulations follow the standards set for the G1 experiment [Geo

[geo] Re: Lord Stern: we need negative emissions to avoid 2C warming

2016-11-02 Thread David Lewis
Stern spoke for an hour and half the day before at the London School of Economics. His speech was recorded and is available as audio or audio and video here -- You received this message bec

Re: [geo] Negative Emissions: Arrows in the Quiver, Life Preserver, and/or Moral Hazard?

2016-11-14 Thread David Lewis
Anderson could maintain his stance as a voice for realism while adding his voice to those calling for research into all forms of geoengineering. He could compare the cost of reducing emissions to the current cost of removing them from the atmosphere, call for a vigorous program of further res

Re: [geo] Interview on U.S. National Public Radio show, Big Picture Science

2016-11-26 Thread David Lewis
Stephen Salter wrote: During a quick skim I must have missed the bit about marine cloud brightening. Can you point me to the minutes? - The Robock interview starts around minute 34:45. Cloud seeding with silver iodide is discussed. "Chemtrails" get a mention. Around minute 46 discussion tu

[geo] Re: Support for Global Youth Climate Strike

2019-09-13 Thread David Lewis
Gideon Futerman wrote: > > This is not strictly geoengineering related, but I believe this is > important to send out nonetheless > I've met a few of the youth who are inspired by this young Swedish girl Greta Thunberg at organizing meetings for the September 20 Bellingham, Wa climate strike.

[geo] Re: NOAA goes Plan B

2020-01-24 Thread David Lewis
“… in a sign of how controversial the topic is, Fahey recommended changing the nomenclature from geoengineering to “climate intervention,” which he described as a “more neutral word.” I expect Trump would be looking for a bit more oomph than a "more neutral word": Lets Play Climate Roul

Re: [geo] Some say we can ‘solar-engineer’ ourselves out of the climate crisis. Don’t buy it Ray Pierrehumbert and Michael Mann

2021-04-24 Thread David Lewis
"there is still a safe path forward to addressing the climate crisis" say Pierrehumbert and Mann. They sound so certain. On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 1:15:16 PM UTC-7 David Hawkins wrote: > A provocative, in the good sense, exchange. > > A couple of comments on the pieces by Pierrehumbert an