Re: params not being cleared?

2001-10-02 Thread Perrin Harkins
there. Of course if someone out there needs it on Win32 and wants to contribute code to make it work, I'll take the patch. - Perrin

[OT] Re: What hourly rate to charge for programming?

2001-10-03 Thread Perrin Harkins
is much less spendable money than $40K as an employee. - Perrin

Re: Using DOM to build your output documents

2001-10-03 Thread Perrin Harkins
/. I prefer a more traditional templating approach, but some people love this stuff. - Perrin

Re: Setting Perl-stuff inside Perl section

2001-10-05 Thread Perrin Harkins
@PerlModule = qw(Blah); # add others to the list Might as well just say use Blah;, I think. - Perrin

Re: multiple rapid refreshes - how to handle them.

2001-10-17 Thread Perrin Harkins
Is there a standard way of dealing with users who are on high bandwidth connections who hit refresh (hold down F5 in IE for example) many times on a page that generates alot of database activity? Try this: - Perrin

Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
and look at the pretty pictures. While we're on the subject, thanks to everyone who contributed to the many open source projects that we used. We couldn't have done it without you. - Perrin

Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
box or two instead. He replied that a Sun box with equivalent power would have cost about 10 times as much as what we paid for our rackmounted Intel machines. After that, I didn't worry about it too much. - Perrin

Re: [OT] Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
with through standard access control stuff, plus the throttling code that was mentioned in the article. The 2000 rush, which we built this new system for, was real customer traffic, although there's always some joker with a bot trying to buy all the PlayStation 2 units. - Perrin

Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-22 Thread Perrin Harkins
orders to a backend system for processing. I believe the last revision of that was largely in PL/SQL. I don't know much about it, since there was an entirely different team working on it. - Perrin

Re: When to use 'use' for accessing modules?

2001-10-23 Thread Perrin Harkins
over the place, as explained in the Guide, but otherwise there is no significant overhead from having use statements all over the place. - Perrin

Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-23 Thread Perrin Harkins
CPAN module for this. Perhaps a port of JMS is in order. - Perrin

Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-23 Thread Perrin Harkins
Matthew Kennedy wrote: On Mon, 2001-10-22 at 21:27, Perrin Harkins wrote: It sounds like the limitation there is that you're interfacing with systems that can't notify you when something new happens. That's not Perl's fault. If you wrote your daemons in Java alpahabet soup, they'd still have

Re: [OT] P2EE Redux was: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-23 Thread Perrin Harkins
(Edition) rather than simply a collection of APIs. Something simple, like Perl Enterprise Project or Perl Enterprise APIs makes more sense to me. - Perrin

Re: When to use 'use' for accessing modules?

2001-10-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
Steve Piner wrote: Perrin Harkins wrote: Chris Allen wrote: [...] Is $ENV{foo}='bar'; in equivalent to PerlSetEnv foo bar in httpd.conf? Yes. Are you sure? I experimented a few months ago, and found that $ENV{foo}='bar'; would only last in each child until

Re: [OT] P2EE Redux was: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm surprised that no one has, jokingly, suggested PEE. Sorry, couldn't resist. :) Neither could these people:

Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
perl. - Perrin

Re: Newbie having problems

2001-10-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
declare package names. Do you pull in a bunch of functions with something like 'use' with no package names declared in There is more discussion about this in the guide. In fact, all of this is in the guide. - Perrin

Re: namespace-troubles

2001-10-24 Thread Perrin Harkins
that answers mod perl questions? There are lots of places that will answer mod_perl questions ( for example), but none as good as this list. - Perrin

Re: namespace-troubles

2001-10-25 Thread Perrin Harkins
to the relevant section. If you read that section and still don't get it, ask more questions. Sending people links to the proper docs in response to questions when possible is a simple matter of efficiency. - Perrin

Re: problem with Apache::SSIChain

2001-10-25 Thread Perrin Harkins
LPorcano wrote: I am trying to set up a Apache::SSIChain to process the output from a cgi running under Apache::Registry I am using the following line in the conf file: PerlHandler Apache::OutputChain Apache::SSI Apache::Registry Shouldn't that be PerlHandler

Re: [OT] excellent modperl/etoys article by Perrin revisited

2001-10-25 Thread Perrin Harkins
Perrin or others involved in the old eToys (or anyone in the new Toys) -- does anyone know if this is the same mod_perl technology you guys wrote? I'm not involved in that anymore, so I don't have first-hand information. However, a brief look at the site makes me think they are not using any

Re: Neo-Classical Transaction Processing (was Re: Excellent article...)

2001-10-29 Thread Perrin Harkins
needs with basic Apache/mod_proxy, we didn't bother to look for something more complicated. If I ran into problems with this now, I would probably look at Red Hat's Tux server. - Perrin

Re: Should i lock DB_File for read-only access?

2001-10-30 Thread Perrin Harkins
this is a read-only situation, you can open the dbm once and keep the handle in a global. Then you save time by not needing to open it on each request. - Perrin

Re: Are global variables truly global?

2001-11-04 Thread Perrin Harkins
::Cache or MLDBM::Sync. If you just need an exclusive lock, file locking is the simplest way to go. - Perrin

Re: mod_perl alias directories

2001-11-04 Thread Perrin Harkins
). Look at the FilesMatch directive in the Apache documentation. You might also want Apache::Dispatch. 2- I currently have to restart my HTTP for changes to my mod_perl code take affect. Is there any way so I don't have to do this. Apache::StatINC or Apache::Reload. - Perrin

Re: Perl Script unable to stat

2001-11-06 Thread Perrin Harkins
Hi, ScriptAlias is a CGI thing, not a mod_perl thing. If you're trying to run thing with Apache::Registry, you should use Alias instead. If you're trying to use CGI and need help with that, try posting your question on - Perrin

Re: Prototype Mismatch

2001-11-07 Thread Perrin Harkins
/ line 57. I'm not sure why this is complaining, but one thing you can do is not import this function. You can do a 'use Image::Magick ()' and call it with a full package name instead. - Perrin

Re: Documentation patch for mod_perl?

2001-11-07 Thread Perrin Harkins
. If you're not sure you've got all the facts right, post it to the list and people can check it. - Perrin

Re: [OT] Data store options

2001-11-08 Thread Perrin Harkins
Basically, I'm trying to understand when to use Cache::Cache, vs. Berkeley DB, and locking issues. (Perrin, I've been curious why at etoys you used Berkeley DB over other caching options, such as Cache::Cache). Cache::Cache didn't exist at the time. BerkeleyDB seemed easier than rolling our

Re: cgi-object not cacheable

2001-11-13 Thread Perrin Harkins
database handles yourself? That doesn't make any sense. What are you doing in your caching that's different from what Apache::DBI does? - Perrin

Re: [challenge] new mod_perl site

2001-11-13 Thread Perrin Harkins
. - Perrin

Re: cgi-object not cacheable

2001-11-14 Thread Perrin Harkins
not dead, Perrin

Re: Doing Authorization using mod_perl from a programmers perspective

2001-11-14 Thread Perrin Harkins
)? Impossible to answer. Totally depends on your setup. 6. What is a realistic time to expect all this to happen in? Also impossible to answer, since it depends on your developers and the full requirements. - Perrin

Re: Doing Authorization using mod_perl from a programmers perspective

2001-11-14 Thread Perrin Harkins
faster in mod_perl than with CGI. - Perrin

Re: Cookie authentication

2001-11-15 Thread Perrin Harkins
I seem to recall at least one major Apache module having an option to use URL-based authentication instead of cookie-based... but I can't seem to find that from a cursory perusal of CPAN. Apache::ASP does this. - Perrin

Re: [Maybe OT] Modular design - calling pages like a subroutine with a twist.

2001-11-15 Thread Perrin Harkins
application. There are some CPAN modules that help with this kind of thing, like CGI::EncryptForm. - Perrin

Re: Cookie authentication

2001-11-15 Thread Perrin Harkins
access stuff in the Eagle book. - Perrin

Re: Cookie authentication

2001-11-15 Thread Perrin Harkins
the IP address in the cookie, just generate a unique ID of your own. I suggest using mod_unique_id. - Perrin

Re: Fastcgi on win [Was: Re: Documentation patch for mod_perl?]

2001-11-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
who need better performance on NT than mod_perl can currently give. - Perrin

Re: $r-set_handlers and $R-push_handlers

2001-11-20 Thread Perrin Harkins
How can you specify a Location for these paramters, or can they be used only from within the current section? $r is a request object, so modifications only affect the current request. If you want to affect all requests, you need to do it in the configuration stage. - Perrin

Re: PerlModule not updating %INC

2001-11-21 Thread Perrin Harkins
the double loading of all Perl{Require,Module}s, but i doubt the people suffering from the double load problem are using that feature. so i'll deal with that later. David, are you using Apache::ReadConfig or anything that uses it? - Perrin

Re: PerlModule not updating %INC

2001-11-21 Thread Perrin Harkins
IIRC, I ran a test with only httpd.conf.default with only these additions PerlModule My::Foo then package My::Foo; warn initializing...; in lib/perl and I got 'initializing' on each restart. no Apache::ReadConfig going on here. And no PerlFreshRestart?

Re: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum

2001-11-21 Thread Perrin Harkins
should be passing the user name and password. - Perrin

Re: Linux Hello World Benchmarks - 11/19/2001

2001-11-19 Thread Perrin Harkins
on 11/19/01 8:05 PM, Joshua Chamas at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It has been a while, but here's a new set of Hello World benchmarks! There was a recent announcement of HTML::Template::JIT, and Template Toolkit has an XS option now. Any chance you could put those into the next round? - Perrin

Re: [Maybe OT] Modular design - calling pages like a subroutine with a twist.

2001-11-15 Thread Perrin Harkins
were careful about it. - Perrin

Re: Restricting cpu time for mod_perl scripts? AND Reevaluating perl scripts under mod_perl.

2001-09-27 Thread Perrin Harkins
it (see Apache::PerlRun for an exmaple), but why do you want to do this? If you're just trying to save RAM, load the script at startup. If it's huge and you don't usually need it, tell the current process to exit when it's finished with this request. - Perrin

Re: [OT]

2001-11-27 Thread Perrin Harkins
There's a simple solution:

Re: array's first element is empty

2001-11-27 Thread Perrin Harkins
seen this before and what could cause this? Unless you see different behavior when running under CGI, this is not a mod_perl question. I suggest you ask it on and post a code sample with your question. - Perrin

Re: Class data preloading modules

2001-11-27 Thread Perrin Harkins
this shouldn't be a problem. - Perrin

Re: location directive

2001-11-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
if this post solves your problem: [EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Perrin

RE: Apache::Session Problem -- Addendum

2001-11-28 Thread Perrin Harkins
::MySQL. It says to pass in connection info for a lock connection. - Perrin

Re: how to catch a killed task?

2001-10-07 Thread Perrin Harkins
has ended as it shoulds or if it was killed by BSD::resource ? Put your cleanup code in a PerlChildExitHandler. Apache::SizeLimit will allow this to be called, since it uses the $r-child_terminate() call. BSD::Resource just does a harsh kill. - Perrin

Re: POST and GET and getting multiple unsynced requests

2001-10-08 Thread Perrin Harkins
it. PATH_INFO was a good suggestion. I'd go with that if it can't be added to the POST data. - Perrin

Re: how to catch a killed task?

2001-10-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
Perrin Harkins wrote: I believe the limiting done by BSD::Resource is pretty harsh and may actually be at the kernel level. I don't think you can catch the signal and deal with it yourself. What you should do is use Apache::SizeLimit to handle your size constraints, and just use BSD

Re: Galleries/ModPerl/Images

2001-10-10 Thread Perrin Harkins
seems to work better. - Perrin

Re: ANN/RFC: Apache::Session::Generate variants

2001-10-10 Thread Perrin Harkins
. This is great! Good work. One less piece to write when getting a new project started... - Perrin

Re: Problem with Apache-request

2001-10-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
Try doing my $r=Apache::Request-new($r); You're confusing Apache::Request with Apache-request(), which is easy to do. Apache::Request is a different class, which is part of the libapreq distribution. Apache-request() returns the current request object (commonly called $r). - Perrin

Re: Off-topic - Apache Config - Load crises

2001-10-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
are you running? Are the problems with applications or static pages? Are you running mod_perl at all? How much memory is free? Are you swapping? How are you checking? What platform is this? Have you turned Off the top of my head, your MaxClients is set way too high for a mod_perl box. - Perrin

Re: PerlModule not updating %INC

2001-10-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
We are using perl 5.6.0 for Apache 1.3/20, with mod_perl 1.26. Are you sure? There was a problem with %INC and PerlModule, but I thought it was fixed in 1.26. - Perrin

Re: PerlModule not updating %INC

2001-10-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
At 18.07 -0400 10/11/2001, Perrin Harkins wrote: We are using perl 5.6.0 for Apache 1.3/20, with mod_perl 1.26. Are you sure? There was a problem with %INC and PerlModule, but I thought it was fixed in 1.26. - Perrin Indeed, like I said, I tested it by dumping %INC myself

Re: [OT] Off Topic?

2001-10-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
. Also, there are a whole bunch of people at who are positively chafing at the bit to answer tricky Perl questions for you. - Perrin

Re: apache::dbi vs mysql relay

2001-10-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
multiple replicated databases. With Apache::DBI, you would need to configure your mod_perl servers to point to specific databases. If you try this thing out, please report back to the list on how it works for you. I think a lot of people here might be interested. - Perrin

Re: Variant of Monday-morning bug with Apache::DBI + DBD::Oracle

2001-10-12 Thread Perrin Harkins
-connecting. Another solution is to have the child process exit if the ping fails. You get one failed request, but you clear out the messed up processes quickly and replace them with new ones that can connect safely. - Perrin

Re: search engine module?

2001-10-12 Thread Perrin Harkins
Glimpse and Swish which interface to C-based engines. - Perrin

Re: Problem with Apache-request

2001-10-12 Thread Perrin Harkins
doing something that drastic, you could try some of the suggestions in the guide for verifying that you have a working mod_perl install. - Perrin

Re: Variant of Monday-morning bug with Apache::DBI + DBD::Oracle

2001-10-12 Thread Perrin Harkins
(for that is what was for) gets so few hits, they'll all be getting failed if we do that ; Okay, try never letting the connections go idle. Set up a cron to send in a request every minute or so, or whatever it takes to keep your Oracle connections active. - Perrin

Re: search engine module?

2001-10-16 Thread Perrin Harkins
page and they all failed in various interesting ways. The amazingly fast ht://Dig ( engine can do phrase searching, but I'm not certain how well it does with punctuation. - Perrin

Re: cgi to mod_perl question

2001-10-16 Thread Perrin Harkins
/3B30E553.AD3A7DB8@chamas. com In the message, Joshua suggests a workaround of running mod_perl single-threaded (which shouldn't make any difference, since mod_perl on Win32 is already single-threaded). - Perrin

Re: IPC::Shareable

2001-10-16 Thread Perrin Harkins
denied Does any one know what's up? In the time it takes you to debug it, you could switch your code to MLDBM::Sync and forget about all these annoying shared memory issues. It would probably be faster too. - Perrin

Re: IPC::Shareable

2001-10-16 Thread Perrin Harkins
is there a delete method/operation any where? Could not find anything in the perldoc docs indicating a method like that! It supports the same interface as normal hashes, so you can delete keys in the same way. You may also want to read the MLDBM documentation if you haven't already. - Perrin

Re: cgi to mod_perl question

2001-10-16 Thread Perrin Harkins
Win2K box w/ Apache to run the Perl scripts right ... You would certainly get better performance on Linux or BSD. If you have to use Win32 and need better performance, you may have to look at other options like ActiveState's PerlEx. - Perrin

Re: cgi to mod_perl question

2001-10-17 Thread Perrin Harkins
pass-thru for mod_perl requests. It seems to be working out fairly well. Ah, that makes sense. Good idea. People have reported that even with its limitations on NT, mod_perl is still a lot faster than CGI or ASP with PerlScript. - Perrin

Re: apache::dbi vs mysql relay

2001-10-17 Thread Perrin Harkins
and database connection daemons if you always need one of each to do anything. In theory, using this thing could result in fewer database connections although it would impact performance at least a little. - Perrin

Re: Help with converting from plain CGI to mod_perl

2001-10-17 Thread Perrin Harkins
the scope of the length of processing the request and then should become undef. The best way to do this under mod_perl is to store it in $r-pnotes(). It's documented in perldoc Apache, as well as the guide and the eagle book. - Perrin

[OT] Re: Vhosts + mod_perl

2001-11-30 Thread Perrin Harkins
There are also tutorials on this subject linked from here: - Perrin

Re: how to make mod_perl actually run fast

2001-12-05 Thread Perrin Harkins
It uses wildcard DNS and some other goodies to extend the mod_perl-server-via-proxy-from-static-server setup Why not just use name-based virtual hosts for the backend and avoid all the monkeying with DNS? - Perrin

Re: [RFC] Apache::CacheContent - Caching PerlFixupHandler

2001-12-06 Thread Perrin Harkins
feel pressured to address this stuff now. I think the current module looks more than good enough for an initial CPAN release. - Perrin

Re: User customisable website application?

2001-12-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
I think the OpenInteract sample apps might do what you want. By the way, please put the text of your message in the body of the mail rather than as an attachment. - Perrin

Re: perl with java

2001-12-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
worlds and complicate maintenance and development. I'd advise against trying to mix the two in a single request. If you really have to use both, try to find a way to get the validation work done in the perl program and then redirect to the servlet. - Perrin

Re: Oddity with redirects

2001-12-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
book. - Perrin

Re: Apache::Session using Frames

2001-12-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
hash interface on top of that. - Perrin

Re: submit-data and chained handlers

2001-12-10 Thread Perrin Harkins
e.g. $r-read($in,$r-header_in('Content-length')); or $in=$r-content(); give's my handler the data, but unfotunately exclusive - so the data don't reaches Apache::Registry and the cgi-script. Any suggests? Apache::RequestNotes. - Perrin

Re: HTML forms and piplining templating systems

2001-12-10 Thread Perrin Harkins
can do that with Embperl too if you can be disciplined about keeping separate components for application logic vs. display. - Perrin

Re: Perl-status shows 1 Mb for File::Find!

2001-12-10 Thread Perrin Harkins
what takes up so much space: It could be internal structures holding the state. Are you pre-loading this module? It probably doesn't really use 1MB in each process. - Perrin

Re: Perl-status shows 1 Mb for File::Find!

2001-12-10 Thread Perrin Harkins
real + shared and virtual. There's info on this in the guide, and you can use modules like GTop or the size subs from Apache::SizeLimit to help figure it out. - Perrin

Re: Defeating mod_perl Persistence

2001-12-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
the persistence on the socket while running my script under mod_perl, or do such scripts always need to be mod_cgi? You're probably storing it in a global so it never gets cleaned up. Don't do that. - Perrin

Re: Apache::SizeLimit Exit is Delayed

2001-12-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
keep-alive? - Perrin

Re: Case of the Vanishing Symbol Tables

2001-12-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
Apache recognizes the directives. You should be able to replace a PerlModule call with Perluse MyModule;/Perl in the same place in httpd.conf. Does that work for you? The Eagle book says to do that with earlier versions. - Perrin

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
(though it doesn't serialize complex data by itself), and MySQL with standard tables. Of course I could just do them myself, since you were kind enough to provide code. - Perrin

Re: Re(2): Apache::SizeLimit Exit is Delayed

2001-12-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
-child_terminate() to Apache::exit(). If this seems to work better for you, let me know and I'll consider changing this in a future release of Apache::SizeLimit. - Perrin

Re: Re(2): Apache::SizeLimit Exit is Delayed

2001-12-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
-child_terminate() to Apache::exit(). If this seems to work better for you, let me know and I'll consider changing this in a future release of Apache::SizeLimit. - Perrin

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-11 Thread Perrin Harkins
the whole thing. - Perrin

Re: Case of the Vanishing Symbol Tables

2001-12-12 Thread Perrin Harkins
Are you using PerlFreshRestart? Same behavior, on or off. That's strange. With PerlFreshRestart on, it is supposed to clear things out when restarting, which seems consistent with what you're seeing. Are you sure there is no difference in that trace at all when you turn it on or off?

Re: Apache::SizeLimit Exit is Delayed

2001-12-12 Thread Perrin Harkins
what about $r-headers_out-add(Connection = 'close'); Good idea! I'll put that into a future release. - Perrin

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-12 Thread Perrin Harkins
be that the performance characteristics of these table types are well known already and I just don't follow the MySQL scene well enough to know. I thought maybe the default tables type (MyISAM?) which doesn't support transactions would have better speed for dirt simple storage like this. - Perrin

Re: Any good WebMail programs?

2001-12-12 Thread Perrin Harkins
I can use a primer on researching WebMail programs

Re: Apache::SizeLimit Exit is Delayed

2001-12-13 Thread Perrin Harkins
to prevent runaway processes from eating up all your RAM. Apache::Resource will kill your process even if it's in the middle of a response, so you don't want to use it for normal size control. - Perrin

Re: Apache::SizeLimit Exit is Delayed

2001-12-13 Thread Perrin Harkins
Perrin Harkins wrote: Try changing the call $r-child_terminate() to Apache::exit(). If this seems to work better for you, let me know and I'll consider changing this in a future release of Apache::SizeLimit. Geoff wrote: what about $r-headers_out-add(Connection = 'close'); I tried

Re: Apache::SizeLimit Exit is Delayed

2001-12-13 Thread Perrin Harkins
to change this. It's BSD specific module. It allow to set login class for process to limit memory or time usage. How about sending Stas a patch for the guide with information on this? It might be useful to other BSD'ers. - Perrin

Re: load balancing on apache

2001-12-14 Thread Perrin Harkins
-balancing hardware like Big/IP or Cisco LocalDirector. - Perrin

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