[newbie-it] Re: Scusate... Multiple Network configuration fornotebook

2001-10-04 Thread Leonardo Orazi
Ciao, in teoria dovresti riuscire a gestire tutti i profili che vuoi dal control center sollo la voce rete. Crei un nuovo profilo per ogni insieme di parametri e via. Dico in teoria perche' in pratica io non sono riuscito a farlo funzionare e ogni tanto usando il profilo casa il computer

[newbie-it] Problema localhost...

2001-10-04 Thread Merz Luca
Ciao, il problema è questo; è dalla mdk 8.0 che pur cercando di configurare nel miglior modo possibile LISA per sfogliare la rete, non arrivo mai a capo di nulla. L'unico errore che mi torna konqueror quando tento di sfogliare la rete è: Impossibile trovare localhost La cosa mi appare strana in

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem

2001-10-04 Thread Gino
io ho prelevato i sorgenti del driver su http://www.sfu.ca/~cth/ltmodem/ poi 1. scompattati : tar xvzf noemfile.tar.gz 2. la compilazione è piuttosto veloce (NOTA: deve aver installati gli header del kernel . io metterei anche i sorgenti - che kernel hai?) a) dai: ./build_module - ti costruisce

Re: [newbie-it] emulatori windows + server X 4.0.3 + prg + filtri in Kmail

2001-10-04 Thread max
Il 14:29, mercoledì 03 ottobre 2001, hai scritto: Ciao a tutta la ml! Ho una lista di domande a cui spero mi possiate rispondere --- Vorrei chiedere un consiglio: qual'è il miglior emulatore windows per Linux? Dove posso scaricarlo? Vorrei

[newbie-it] Immagini ISO

2001-10-04 Thread max
salve, esiste un programma per navigare nelle immagini iso? Mi spiego: ho l'immagine iso di trinux80, vorrei apportare delle modifiche ad alcuni file di configurazione e rimasterizzare il tutto. Si può fare? saluti max

[newbie-it] problema di rete

2001-10-04 Thread Brunini Alessandro
Salve alla lista, io ci riprovo, forse non mi avete letto :)) Ho 2 PC che si vedono tranquillamente e si pingano alla perfezione uno con indirizzo, l'altro con IP Al computer che si connette ad internet con ADSL (pppoe) è stata affiancata una seconda scheda di rete che

Re: [newbie-it] problema di rete

2001-10-04 Thread GuilePi
- Original Message - From: Brunini Alessandro [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 12:24 PM Subject: [newbie-it] problema di rete Salve alla lista, io ci riprovo, forse non mi avete letto :)) Ho 2 PC che si vedono tranquillamente e si pingano alla

R: [newbie-it] problema di rete

2001-10-04 Thread the wise man
Ciao io ho installato mandrake 8.0 e ho un modem adsl speedstream 4060 della Efficient (distribuito da Alcatel) fornito da tin.it Il mio problema è che non so come configurarlo per la connessione internet Anche io ho due pc collegati in rete ma non riesco a farli comunicare Puoi gentilmente

R: [newbie-it] problema di rete

2001-10-04 Thread Brunini Alessandro
Ho 2 PC che si vedono tranquillamente e si pingano alla perfezione uno con indirizzo, l'altro con IP Lo stesso? No, mi ero sbagliato. Uno ha il classico Anche sull'altro PC ho una MDK 8.1 che ha come default gateway (indirizzo che tra

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

2001-10-04 Thread Luigi De Pascale
On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Gino wrote: che vuoi dire con non trova nessuna destinazione? che ti dice host sconosciuto o qualcosa del genere? se è così li il prblema non è più il modem, bensì i DNS, che si occupano di convertire i nomi di dominio in indirizzi ip..a seconda di ciò che usi per la

R: [newbie-it] Problema localhost...

2001-10-04 Thread Merz Luca
..nella richiesta di aiuto avevo scritto sbagliato. Il punto però non è questo, è lo sfoglio della rete che non riesco a fare con konqueror perche mi da come errore [Impossibile trovare localhost], qualcuno ci riesce? Luca -Messaggio originale- Da: LukenShiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

[newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread CaMiX
Ciao a tutti. Sto leggendo gli appunti fi Giacomini e sono arrivato alla sezione compilazione kernel. Allora vorrei compilare il kernel (ovviamente ;-)). Ho prelevato il kernel 2.4.9 da ftp//:ftp.kernel.org. Da quanto ho capito, dopo aver scompattato il file è necessario copiare la directory

Re: [newbie-it] problema di rete

2001-10-04 Thread Gino
i dns sono impostati? - Original Message - From: Brunini Alessandro [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 12:24 PM Subject: [newbie-it] problema di rete Salve alla lista, io ci riprovo, forse non mi avete letto :)) Ho 2 PC che si vedono

Re: R: [newbie-it] Problema localhost...

2001-10-04 Thread LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 15:31, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Merz Luca, avete scritto: Il punto però non è questo, è lo sfoglio della rete che non riesco a fare con konqueror perche mi da come errore [Impossibile trovare localhost], A me da' impossibile collegarsi all'host localhost, ma

R: R: [newbie-it] Problema localhost...

2001-10-04 Thread Merz Luca
si, ma il mio problema è circoscritto allo sfoglio della rete tramite konqueror, come browser funziona benissimo e in qualsiasi altro caso localhost è pienamente attivo e risponde sempre, tranne che lì Luca -Messaggio originale- Da: LukenShiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Inviato:

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

2001-10-04 Thread LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 14:53, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Luigi De Pascale, avete scritto: Il punto e' che non dispongo di questi dati in quanto sono assegnati in modo dinamico dal provider. (Ciaoweb) Allora ti conviene inserire l'opzione usepeerdns nel file /etc/options, dovrebbe

[newbie-it] Re: kernel

2001-10-04 Thread Gino
Se il kernel che devi installare è diverso da quello precedente (cioè si trova dentro un dir diversa, ma gari dentro /usr/src hai linux-2.4.5 e 2.4.9) non credo sia necessario fare mrproper... Inoltre ti consiglio di rinominare la dir linux che ora contiene il kernel 2.4.9 e poi creare un link

[newbie-it] Fwd: Kernel.

2001-10-04 Thread viger71
-- Messaggio inoltrato -- Subject: Kernel. Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 17:44:13 -0400 From: Renato [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: .:enn [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: LinuxC. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Per compilare i kernel di servono i seguenti file: Kernel-doc*.rpm/tar.. Kernel-headers*. .

[newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1 e floppy

2001-10-04 Thread WhiteBase
Non riesco a far vedere il floppy alla mandrake 8.1 e ho qualche problema di riconoscimento dello zip 100 usb (mobo Asus Cusl2 intel 815e). Continua a ripetere che la periferica non esiste (il floppi sotto win e durante l'installazione funziona perfettamente). Per comodità vi riporto il link a un

Re: [newbie-it] Precisazione per KDE e MDK 8.1

2001-10-04 Thread Germano
kcpuload è il più discreto dal punto di vista visivo, si mette nella tool bar e neanche te ne accorgi. Ciao, Germano Il 12:39, mercoledì 03 ottobre 2001, hai scritto: On Monday 01 October 2001 21:58, Marco wrote: PS qualcuno conosce un prg che mi dica quanto la cpu stia frigendo? thx :P

Re: [newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread viger71
No, i386 non è ottimizzato per i 386 ma è quello che puoi ricompilare, mentre i kernel targati i586 i686 sono quelli PREcompilati per i processori più comuni ma non per il tuo Duron piuttosto che K6. Viger71. +++

[newbie-it] cambio display manager

2001-10-04 Thread Guido Masciello
Qualcuna sa indicarmi come cambiare display manager ( da kdm a gdm ) ? Grazie, Guido

Re: [newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 00:23, venerdì 05 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer CaMiX, avete scritto: [cut] A me pero' sembra abbastanza strano, io ho sempre scaricato dal mirror italiano di ftp.kernel.org il file linux- x.x.x.tar.bz2 ed ho compilato piu' volte il 2.4.5, 2.4.7, 2.4.9 e ora ho il 2.4.10 ma

Re: [newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread freefred
On Friday 05 October 2001 00:23, CaMiX wrote: Ora sto scaricando l'rpm kernel-2.4.10-1mdk.src.rpm. Provo a vedere cosa riesco a combinare. Cmq non è giusto scaricare l'src invece dell'i386? no, temo di no. non vorrei dire assurdita', ma nel tuo caso l'src non sta per i sorgenti del kernel

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

2001-10-04 Thread Luigi De Pascale
On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, brain wrote: Gino ha scritto: C'è un parametro, che messo in /etc/ppp/options, svolge la funzione di farti assegnare dinamicamente i dns..no me lo ricordo, però forse adddefaultroute...ma mi sa che dico una str...ata. usepeerdns Ok, allora direi che quello e' il

Re: [newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 19:25, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer LukenShiro, avete scritto: [...] Mi scuso della risposta parziale; se vuoi installare i sorgenti in formato rpm e non scaricare i tar.gz/tar.bz2, dovresti scaricare ed installare i pacchetti kernel-headers-2.4.x- e

[newbie-it] modem hamlet

2001-10-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Caro esimio listùn, abbiate pietà di un povero utentewindowspentito che non riesce a far riconoscere il suo Hamlet Silver Surfer 56k-V90 USB a Mandrake 8.0 appena uscito dal guscio. Il pinguino magico mi dice che il dispositivo è occupato... Che devo fare? (comprare un modem più serio a parte!)

[newbie-it] adsl

2001-10-04 Thread the wise man
Ciao a tutti Io ho due pc e una connessione adsl tin.it con modem SpeedStream 4060 della Efficient (fornito da Alcatel) Il mio problema è che non riesco a configurare la connessione sotto mandrake 8.0 Qualcuno gentilmente può dirmi i passi per configurare la connessione e far dialogare

Re: [newbie-it] Problema localhost...

2001-10-04 Thread LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 08:42, giovedì 04 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Merz Luca, avete scritto: L'unico errore che mi torna konqueror quando tento di sfogliare la rete è: Impossibile trovare localhost [...] contattati tramite http:\\localhost:n°porta. Non so se puo' servire (magari non c'entra),

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

2001-10-04 Thread Gino
C'è un parametro, che messo in /etc/ppp/options, svolge la funzione di farti assegnare dinamicamente i dns..no me lo ricordo, però forse adddefaultroute...ma mi sa che dico una str...ata. In ogni caso, basta che metti i dns di un qualsiasi provider, la ricerca forse risulterà leggermente piu

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake+LTmodem 2

2001-10-04 Thread Gino
che vuoi dire con non trova nessuna destinazione? che ti dice host sconosciuto o qualcosa del genere? se è così li il prblema non è più il modem, bensì i DNS, che si occupano di convertire i nomi di dominio in indirizzi ip..a seconda di ciò che usi per la connessione devi impostarli con quelli

Re: [newbie-it] Kernel

2001-10-04 Thread CaMiX
Innanzittutto grazie delle risposte. Allora, ho fatto quanto hai detto, ma il risultato è il seguente: [root@localhost linux-2.4.9]# make xconfig Makefile:233: arch/i386/Makefile: File o directory inesistente make: *** No rule to make target `arch/i386/Makefile'. Stop. Il fatto è che io,

[newbie] Faxing form staroffice

2001-10-04 Thread belcoop
How do I fax from staroffice or from Koffice? Geert Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread development
Is staroffice 6.0 any good/still a load of bugs? Geert Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Two Questions

2001-10-04 Thread PENA FAMILY
I won't have access to my Linux box for a week more but this is a question I have if anyone can shed some light. 1.) I have a Sansdisk USB flash card reader, how do I get Linux to see it and access the .jpg photos I have on them? 2.) I have an HP external CDwriter hooked up by parallel port. It

[newbie] Sorry, this is a test

2001-10-04 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker
I sent a message over 12 hours ago, and it hasn't appeared. Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run Web mail server?

2001-10-04 Thread Franki
hell yes, I did that on a Pentium Pro 200 with 48 mb of ram, it ran without a reboot for 3 months.. and it hosted 50+ mb of html pages and images, it handled several shopping carts, it hosted 7 domains, and handled 3000+ emails a day, (also setup to scan emails for virus's to protect the

[newbie] A Zip drive Icon problem

2001-10-04 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker
In 8.0 I have an icon for zip drive on each desktop. When I click the icon, I cannot access the zip drive, and I get an error message that says cannot mount - unrecognised device. If I right click on the icon and choose the device (?) tab, there are two lines - the first says device: /mnt/zip,

Re: [newbie] Swap Mempry

2001-10-04 Thread Robert MacLean
I don't agree about the 2x problem. I have 384Megs of Ram and a 128Meg swap file running M8 and it runs fine. I also had at one stage 384Megs of Ram and 64Meg swap file and it ran fine as well. IMHO the total about of ram (actual ram and swap file combined) varies between machines and what that

Re: [newbie] 8.1 install problem

2001-10-04 Thread shipahoy
Yep, i hink you are right, it's a kernel, becouse, when i tried the MDK 8.1 Beta 1 , the 3dfx of mine worked perfect, and it was a different kernel (i think)... Its XFree 4.10. I installed a barebones Mandrake 8.0 and upgraded to 8.1 but kept XFree 4.03. The 2.4.8 kernel accepted the KM133

[newbie] 3D is so slow with LM8.1

2001-10-04 Thread Rod . Walsh
Just installed LM8.1 on my PC with (AGP) ATI Radeon AIW 32MB. Normal applications seem fine but 3D app.s (i.e. games) are incredably slow (P100 kind of slow). The 3D tron-clone is achieving 1 frame/second and TuxRacer is also unplayable. I selected X 4.1.0 with 3D acceleration at installation

Re:[newbie] Gnome 1.4 and icons

2001-10-04 Thread ArekG
[OT] This is my first letter to this list, so I'd like to write 'Hello' to all list subscribers. [OT] Hello David, on Thursday, October 04, 2001 at 9:46:19 AM, you wrote in subject of [newbie] Gnome 1.4 and icons: DR Anyway, my problem is desktop icons in Gnome: after installation, they were

Re: [newbie] I need the libwrap.a file.

2001-10-04 Thread Mohammed Arafa
give rpmfind.net the first go u might also give mandrake.com a look maybe even under the cooker if it has the version u want - Original Message - From: Peter Marchetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 9:59 PM Subject: [newbie] I need the libwrap.a

[newbie] Monitors and video cards

2001-10-04 Thread John Simmons
Is it possible to set a specific scan freq for a given resolution? The Control Center/Display doesn't allow this that I've seen. /*===*/ There are three types of lies... lies (You'll never need more than 64K), damn lies (Windows is more

Re: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run Web mail server?

2001-10-04 Thread etharp
and may I ask, how (who) does the dns for those domains, and what is the expense?? On Wednesday 03 October 2001 22:51, you had thoughts to the concept of: I run 3 domains/internal file server/mail server/sql server...all from a dual PIII 500 with 512meg of ram. And it barely stress's this

[newbie] KDE is hiding in LM8.1?

2001-10-04 Thread Rod . Walsh
I just installed LM8.1 with many windows managers including KDE. However, when I boot up KDE is not an option. Is KDE hiding there? Or do I have to reinstall that part? What steps do I need to follow? Thanks, Rod. Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] MODEMS vs Winmodems

2001-10-04 Thread etharp
so, Joe, can we count on you to be the resident win-modem in Mandrake at newbie helper? what we REALLY need is someone to help out all the winmodem owner/newbies when they write. Can I give them your e-mail address should they not receive a positive responce within say 48 hours? bigga snip

Re: [newbie] Hello Everyone!!

2001-10-04 Thread etharp
ahhh... (humped back old crone, rubbing hands together stirring bubbling cauldren) another tasty newbie morsal, you'll never getaway now newbie.yuk, yuk, yuk, On Wednesday 03 October 2001 08:02 pm, Mark Wilson wrote: Hello List.. I am a new to Mandrake.. My name is Mark, and I

RE: [newbie] Download accelerators for Linux?

2001-10-04 Thread FLYNN, Steve
Although this isn't for Linux, I'd heartily recommend GetRight. It allows you to remove the spyware, which is only there for the unregistered version, and even so, a carefully crafted HOSTS file prevents it from talking back to the spyware collector. In fact, I use quite a bit of spyware and

Re: [newbie] Monitors and video cards

2001-10-04 Thread Paul
In reply to John's words, written Thu, 04 Oct 2001 05:51:46 -0500 Is it possible to set a specific scan freq for a given resolution? The Control Center/Display doesn't allow this that I've seen. You could try xvidtune. Paul -- NEVER, BUT NEVER question the ENGINEERS judgement

Re: [newbie] Gnome 1.4 and icons

2001-10-04 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 08:46:19 +0100 David Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi everyone I've just installed LM 8.1 and all was well for 24 hours apart from what I consider to be the usual Mandrake network setup nightmare! (Much better in 8.1 - at least it is no longer assumed that if you're

Re: [newbie] Install from ISOs

2001-10-04 Thread bascule
if you have the space you could always mount the isos, copy the files to a directory on a partition that you don't need to mount during the install, use the paths on each of the cd's i.e. create RPMS and RPMS2 etc under .../Mandrake and put the appropriate files there, if that doesn't work you

Re: [newbie] su not found?

2001-10-04 Thread Christian Dysthe
On Wednesday 03 October 2001 11:50 pm, you wrote: | Try going to a terminal and typing su. If the command is found, you | should get prompted for a root password. If not, something sinister is | afoot. I do have su. I use it all the time. It seems like KDE can't find it, and I am wondering

Re: [newbie] chromium

2001-10-04 Thread Ronald J. Hall
michael wrote: does anyone have any cheat codes for chromium??? what is the highest score you have gotten? -- ^-m-^ Haven't you heard? Chromium's design philosophy is that few survive beyond the first 5 mins! grin Don't remember my score, but 3rd level is about as far as I get. (hate

RE: [newbie] 8.1 ~ Floppy not working

2001-10-04 Thread FLYNN, Steve
Well, what does 'ls -al /dev/fd*' show? What appears in /var/log/messages when you mount the drive? -Original Message- From: Ralph Slooten [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 9:04 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:

Re: [newbie] Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05

2001-10-04 Thread AOL Systems
try to change your Mandrake CD try buying agai.that is the good part of Linux it is very cheap.heheheheeheeh!When it not works e-mail me.TY! Respectfully AOL www.aolsystems.com Stephen Liu wrote: Hi, Thanks for your further advice. Unfortunately I still encountered the same problem after

[newbie] ICQ Java

2001-10-04 Thread Valerie Cheng
Hi, I succesfully installed ICQ Java. However, when I run it, it gives me exception in main thread. Does anyone know why this is happening and how can I fix it? Thank you. Valerie Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Sorry, this is a test

2001-10-04 Thread David Robertson
On Thu, 04 Oct 2001 09:23:45 +0100 Gordon Burgess-Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I sent a message over 12 hours ago, and it hasn't appeared. It has now...:) Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] chromium

2001-10-04 Thread Carl Lafferty
does anyone have any cheat codes for chromium??? what is the highest score you have gotten? -- ^-m-^ Haven't you heard? Chromium's design philosophy is that few survive beyond the first 5 mins! grin Don't remember my score, but 3rd level is about as far as I get. (hate those

RE: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run Web mail server?

2001-10-04 Thread Franki
Dunno about the gentleman to who you fired that question at, I run a dns server at another location and whenever I see a host that the box connects to alot, I add it to /etc/hosts and it seems to run perfectly well for me... later on, when I get djbdns sussed, I will be putting a dnscache on

Re: [newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 08:52:14 +0200, development [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is staroffice 6.0 any good/still a load of bugs? Geert It isn't bad, but IMHO not quite ready for production use (it's a beta, after all). Bloat-wise (installation/memory footprint, speed, etc.), it's only a little

Re: [newbie] All your numbers are belong to us

2001-10-04 Thread Matt Greer
on 10/4/01 12:59 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well, it DOES offer us a great example of the dangers of overzealous patent and copyright protection, which directly relates to the open source/proprietary software debates. Hmmm, their number check page doesn't appear to

Re: [newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread Lanman
On the other hand, OpenOffice (http://www.openoffice.org) which is a scaled-down version of StarOffice works quite nicely on Windows (Yuck! Ptewey!) AND Linux. They've removed the email client, the web-browser and desktop (?) environment, cutting the size to about 40 Mb (for the download), so

Re: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run Web mail server?

2001-10-04 Thread Lanman
A friend of mine runs 8 web-sites from a dual PIII-600 system as well as email and DNS with no hickups at all. Yours should be fine, but keep in mind that it will also depend on how many hits you get on your web-site and how large the files are, ie; if your users are moving large graphic files

[newbie] m8.1 iso URLs

2001-10-04 Thread Robert MacLean
Hi I'm having a problem getting the URL's for the M8.1 ISO files. The reason is that the FTP servers are very busy during the day, and this is the only time I have to go and get the urls. What I want to do is get the urls, and place them in my download manager and schedule them to download at

Re: [newbie] Swap Memory

2001-10-04 Thread michael
On Thursday 04 October 2001 01:51 am, you wrote: ... IMHO for most workstations I say get about 512megs of total ram (preferbily all ram, but if not make the remainder up from swap). The general rule-of-thumb is to have a swap size of 2x RAM. Fry's has 512 megs for 39.95 US.

Re: [newbie] MS vs GM (Linux vs GM)

2001-10-04 Thread shane
On Thursday 04 October 2001 01:49, Rick [Kitty5] spoke unto the masses thusly: if GM sold cars like Linux... upgrading the engine might speed up your car and improve your milage, but oddly break your stereo. you would later solve this by adding seemingly unrelated parts, ie the bolts with

[newbie] md5sums

2001-10-04 Thread Robert MacLean
Hi I'm assuming that the md5sum file with the m8.1 iso's is a crc type check thing? if so how do i use it? Thanx Robert Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Gnome 1.4 and icons

2001-10-04 Thread David Robertson
On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 07:38:33 -0400 Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 08:46:19 +0100 David Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi everyone I've just installed LM 8.1 and all was well for 24 hours apart from what I consider to be the usual Mandrake network

Re: [newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread shane
i will second that, open office has been running great for me for some time. go, download, install, rejoyce. On Thursday 04 October 2001 07:50, Lanman spoke unto the masses thusly: On the other hand, OpenOffice (http://www.openoffice.org) which is a scaled-down version of StarOffice works

RE: [newbie] md5sums

2001-10-04 Thread Ingo Bauer
Good afternoon Robert; You can find the list of sites providing 8.1 iso's @ http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/ftp.php3#586 Ingo -Original Message- From: Robert MacLean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 12:35 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [newbie] md5sums

Re: [newbie] All your numbers are belong to us

2001-10-04 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Thu, 04 Oct 2001 09:18:30 -0500, Matt Greer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: on 10/4/01 12:59 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well, it DOES offer us a great example of the dangers of overzealous patent and copyright protection, which directly relates to the open

Re: [newbie] md5sums

2001-10-04 Thread Fred Schroeder
Robert, at the command promt type: md5sum filename where filename is the name of the downloaded file you wish to check. This will spit out a character string, which should match what is in the md5sums file, which is a text file. hope I helped, and didn't confuse! Fred At 05:34 PM

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] shift causes beep?

2001-10-04 Thread Steve Borrett
I don't think that is it, well, didn't, until I tested that theory while I was responding to this post... which crippled my keyboard. Doh. *grin* Any thoughts on how I can un-map shift as a typematic? I do indeed have a strange keyboard though, a micro inovations keyboard with a built in

[newbie] Help

2001-10-04 Thread Ulend
Dear Mr., Could you tell if the OpenGL libraries have been integrated with Mandrake8.1, or I don't download any other thingin order to use OpenGL? Thanks, Ulend

Re: [newbie] md5sums

2001-10-04 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 17:34:53 +0200, Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi I'm assuming that the md5sum file with the m8.1 iso's is a crc type check thing? if so how do i use it? Thanx Robert Yes. It uses checksumming to verify the integrity of your files. Put it in the same

Re: [newbie] Re: 2.4.10 kernel-update

2001-10-04 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday 04 October 2001 10:45 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: I've been using 2.4.10 all day and I can't see any difference from Mandrake 8.1's 2.4.8 kernel. The VM is just as bad as before: $ free -m total used free sharedbuffers cached Mem:

Re: [newbie] Help

2001-10-04 Thread Miark
Hi Ulend, Yes, OpenGL is supported in 8.1 (and 8.0, and 7.2, and 7.0, etc.) by the Mesa library which you'll find on your install CDs. Miark - Original Message - From: Ulend [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 4:29 PM Subject: [newbie] Help Dear

Re: [newbie] Two Questions

2001-10-04 Thread shane
On Thursday 04 October 2001 00:42, PENA FAMILY spoke unto the masses thusly: 1.) I have a Sansdisk USB flash card reader, how do I get Linux to see it and access the .jpg photos I have on them? got one myself, moved it to my 8.1 box to see. the usb sees it, but when i try to mount it as a

[newbie] OpenOffice font display

2001-10-04 Thread Miark
I've got OpenOffice on one machine running 8.0, and on another running 8.1. The fonts look great in 8.1, but in 8.0, it's as bad as StarOffice 5.2. Now why is that? Miark Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Broadcast 2000 performance

2001-10-04 Thread Jeremy D
I'm hoping this isn't too off-topic -- the software is packaged with LM8.0. I'm currently having trouble getting any decent performance out of Broadcast 2000 on my T-bird box. Particularly, I can't seem to get video capture to work without dropping more frames than are captured. I know my

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] shift causes beep?

2001-10-04 Thread Manuel Drake
On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Steve Borrett wrote: I don't think that is it, well, didn't, until I tested that theory while I was responding to this post... which crippled my keyboard. Doh. *grin* Yea, shift, as you said, is not supposed to be typematic! Any thoughts on how I can un-map shift

Re: [newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread Arthur H. Johnson II
I downloaded StarOffice 6.0Beta, saw how well it worked, and decided to go for OpenOffice since the source project typically works better than the commercial offshoot, ie Mozilla. I was right. OpenOffice is better. Get OpenOffice. On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, shane wrote: i will second that, open

[newbie] turning off hard disk optimisation... (in mdk7.2)

2001-10-04 Thread Franki
Hi all, I have (you would all know this by now :-) a 60 gig hard disk in my main web/mail server, it is running postfix on a reiserfs partition (all partitions except /boot are reiserfs) and I have been getting annoying messages about the mail server being unable to write to open files...

Re: [newbie] Does computer with dual PIII 700MHz good enough to run Web mail server?

2001-10-04 Thread Ric
FWIW I'm running this on a Dual PII 266, and it never breaks a sweat. Also add to that, printer server, smb, firewall, and DNS. The CPUs are idle most of the time. Ric Tuan Tran wrote: Can any one tell me if I can use dual PIII 700MHz to run web, mail intranet file server? How fast is

Re: [newbie] did anybody test staroffice 6.0 beta?

2001-10-04 Thread shane
On Thursday 04 October 2001 13:10, Dave Sherman spoke unto the masses thusly: How are the MS Word/Excel filters? Can OpenOffice save files to those formats? I was under the impression that OpenOffice could not use i have not had much experience opening files from open office into ms, but

Re: [newbie] soundrecording

2001-10-04 Thread Marcia
Dear Frans, I installed the libqt2-devel and it has made no difference. I, also, need the qt libraries for another program. I thought I had them all downloaded and installed but I continue to get the same error message which is: checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt = 1.42 (headers and

Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers and LM8.1

2001-10-04 Thread Derek Jennings
That happened to me as well. When I ran Control centre and went into the advanced Hardware/Display settings it told me I was running XFree ver 3 even though I had expressly selected 4.10 in the install. After selecting XFree4.10 it all worked OK. I am beginning to think 8.1 could have done

Re: [newbie] chromium

2001-10-04 Thread Ronald J. Hall
Carl Lafferty wrote: Nice looking/sounding game though. I love putting some Metallica or early Def Lepard in the CD and using it for the soundtrack! ;-) enya is also a good choice!! Relaxing so you are not jerking around :) (humming sail away, sail away...something Orinoco Flow)

[newbie] Bastille adventure

2001-10-04 Thread Admin
Hello: Setting up the bastille firewall is turning into an adventure. Although I pretty much having it do what I want, there are some nagging issues I am hoping somebody can assist me. 1. Background info: Running LM8.0 in a dell 4100 series pc using an 800 mhz pIII processor with 384meg

Re: [newbie] Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05 problem

2001-10-04 Thread Stephen Liu
Hi Sridhar Lot of thanks for your response and time spent. Both /boot and /root are in Ext2. I also tried with only /root partition in Ext2 and the result was the same. Still I could not understand what mistake I have committed. Linux-Mandrake 7.2 runs great in the same PC and Hard

Re: [newbie] Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05

2001-10-04 Thread Stephen Liu
Hi Lot of thanks for your response and time spent. Still I could not understand what mistake I have committed. Linux-Mandrake 7.2 runs great in the same PC and Hard disc. I was a little bid tire of trying Linux-Mandrake 8.0 continuously without any result. Then I turned to Linux-Mandrake

[newbie] terminal games?

2001-10-04 Thread Matt Greer
Does anyone know of any action games that are done in the console (probably using ncurses)? I mean games that use text characters to produce all the graphics, you could run the game without X installed at all. I keep downloading games that claim to be console games, compiling them, then