[Puppet Users] Re: Nodes graphs

2011-04-03 Thread donavan
On Apr 3, 10:10 am, Jean Baptiste FAVRE jean.baptiste.fa...@gmail.com wrote: But I would like to highlight nodes dependenxies as well. Is there any way to get a global node-centric graph ? If yes, how: server-side, client-side, both ? You might want to try this on puppet-dev. As far as I

[Puppet Users] Re: Propagating local config changes from a client to the puppetmaster

2011-03-03 Thread donavan
On Mar 2, 5:52 pm, Patrick Connolly patrick.c.conno...@gmail.com wrote: Any thoughts? I like the Git idea, and might pursue that, but wondering if anyone has input :) If you're on EL you may want to look at cft[1]. I thought I saw mention of work to bring ti to Deb based distros as well. I

[Puppet Users] Re: Test driven manifests?

2011-02-26 Thread donavan
On Feb 25, 4:24 pm, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote: this is what cucumber-puppet does. https://github.com/nistude/cucumber-puppet I'll second cucumber-puppet. Being able to verify catalog compilation is a great step. Beyond that you can test resources for the catalogs as well. -- You

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet 2.6 Environments

2011-02-24 Thread donavan
I suspect you're hitting #3910, or a variant. It's possible for the master and client to disagree on the clients environment. The client will always request file paths based on it's concept of environment, regardless of what the master/catalog/external node classifier defines. Remove

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppetmaster/Amazon EC2/DNS

2011-02-23 Thread donavan
I actually made a type and provider for managing Route 53 entries a while back[1]. I was putting off publishing it until I could rewrite it based on Brices network device framework. If other people people could find something like this useful I can clean it up to work with the current 2.6/2.5 and

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppetmaster/Amazon EC2/DNS

2011-02-23 Thread donavan
On Feb 23, 1:25 pm, Brice Figureau brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com wrote: I unfortunately didn't had time to work on my network device framework for more than a month. I expect to resume this work soon :) I know what that's like. That aws code has been sitting since the beginning of January.

[Puppet Users] Re: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not intern from yaml: can't convert Symbol into String

2011-02-22 Thread donavan
On Feb 15, 5:21 pm, Patrick kc7...@gmail.com wrote: Does anyone have a guess if this bug is in the client, the master, or dashboard?  My report value is reports = http, store.    If the error was originally from dashboard, would the master have failed to save the file because the order

[Puppet Users] Re: reduced verbose output

2011-02-16 Thread donavan
On Feb 15, 1:27 pm, David Bishop tean...@gmail.com wrote: In a perfect world, we could have three possible verbosity levels: 1) Only show errors (failures to compile the catalog, fails, etc) 2) #1 + all changes (Anything notice, in a normal --test run), but without the diffs that you would

[Puppet Users] Re: Trigger an event after a puppet run

2011-02-16 Thread donavan
On Feb 16, 3:38 am, Derek J. Balling dr...@megacity.org wrote:        size = self.logs.size        if size == 0 then            system /usr/lib/nagios/eventhandlers/submit_puppet_result + ip + puppet-report 0 \There has been no change\        else            system

[Puppet Users] Re: Keeping a directory clean at top level

2011-02-15 Thread donavan
On Feb 15, 10:04 am, Rich Rauenzahn rraue...@gmail.com wrote: Say we have a directory called /FOO-- we want to only have in it what puppet puts into it. ... puppet resource file /tmp/empty_me ensure=directory purge=true source=/tmp/empty recurse=true recurselimit=1 force=true I use this

[Puppet Users] Re: reduced verbose output

2011-02-15 Thread donavan
On Feb 15, 1:27 pm, David Bishop tean...@gmail.com wrote: Does this sound reasonable?  Is it currently possible (and if so, pointers are welcome!)?  If I could make my trained developer monkey do the actual work, would patches implementing this be accepted? You may also be interested in the

[Puppet Users] Re: convert yum repos into manifest

2011-02-09 Thread donavan
On Feb 8, 4:30 pm, Michael Knox michael.knox...@gmail.com wrote: Try ralsh yumrepo Just discovered that ralsh can even use custom types out of my modules ... cool Yup. You can do some really cool things with custom types and providers: tmp donavanm$ sudo puppet resource route53 route53 {

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet delegation / teams

2011-02-01 Thread donavan
On Jan 31, 3:05 am, Pieter Baele pieter.ba...@gmail.com wrote: - doing some sort of check if their recipes / templates work. A stronger check than --parseonly is to use a tool like cucumber- puppet. It's very simple to verify that a nodes catalog can actually compile, not just parse.

[Puppet Users] Re: accessing puppet config variables inside a manifest

2011-02-01 Thread donavan
On Jan 31, 10:09 am, Nan Liu n...@puppetlabs.com wrote: On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Gabriel Filion lelu...@gmail.com wrote: Yeah, that would make manifests a lot more flexible. Here's a function that should work for this purpose and potentially other puppet configuration variables as

[Puppet Users] Re: Provider requires package to work

2011-01-26 Thread donavan
On Jan 26, 1:58 am, Jakub Pastuszek jpastus...@newbay.com wrote: Is it possible to tell Puppet to ensure a package is installed before using a custom provider that needs it for operation? Or I need to make sure that base OS contains all the commands that any provider may ever need? I seem to

[Puppet Users] Re: Provider requires package to work

2011-01-26 Thread donavan
On Jan 26, 9:20 pm, donavan dona...@desinc.net wrote: A common pattern to work around this is to use a 'boot strap' when provisioning a node. This boot strap only contains enough resources to get the machine, and puppet, to a workable state. After that a second 'full' run is done which applies

[Puppet Users] Re: Tell puppetmaster to restart

2011-01-26 Thread donavan
On Jan 26, 4:16 am, JupiterMoonBeam jupitermoonb...@googlemail.com wrote: However, there's a delay of one run between changes (as the repo gets updated but the current run is still under the old config).  Is there anyway of getting puppet to rerun with the new config when the repo changes? As

[Puppet Users] Re: Check version of installed RPM

2011-01-24 Thread donavan
On Jan 24, 5:07 am, Jonathan Gazeley jonathan.gaze...@bristol.ac.uk wrote: Hi all, Is there a way to use the Package type to find the version number of an installed RPM? Have you seen 'ralsh', or 'puppet resource'[1]? You can use these interactively to interrogate the state of a system,

[Puppet Users] Re: Multiple Case statements

2011-01-22 Thread donavan
On Jan 21, 1:55 pm, Felix Frank felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de wrote: On 01/21/2011 07:31 PM, Jockster wrote: I am writing my first module for ntp, I have a few different versions of Linux and also releases. The code worked when I only had one flavor of Linux but now I have four and

[Puppet Users] Re: Testing custom types

2011-01-22 Thread donavan
On Jan 21, 1:17 pm, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace li...@truthisfreedom.org.uk wrote: Is there a way to test custom types/providers without deploying them to a node? I'm thinking of something along the lines of puppet --parseonly or similar. How do others test what they've written, or do you

[Puppet Users] Re: help writing types/provider

2011-01-22 Thread donavan
On Jan 21, 11:13 am, Dick Davies rasput...@hellooperator.net wrote: ensurable do    defaultto 'present' end I've always specified the methods: ensurable do newvalue(:present) do provider.create end newvalue(:absent) do provider.destroy

[Puppet Users] Re: Schedules. Who uses them and why?

2011-01-19 Thread donavan
On Jan 17, 6:38 pm, Nigel Kersten ni...@puppetlabs.com wrote: I'm trying to get a feel for the actual use cases for the Schedule type in Puppet. Anyone care to help me out with some real world examples? Schedules go great with exported resources. My use case is getting applied changes on

[Puppet Users] Re: Multiple packages installation in one yum call

2011-01-13 Thread donavan
On Jan 12, 1:45 pm, Stephane sros...@gmail.com wrote: You could do something like following: $wantedpackages  = [ perl-DBI, perl-DBD-MySQL ] package { $wantedpackages: ensure = installed } In one call, we install 2 packages. Stephane, the problem is with requirements inside the rpms. If

[Puppet Users] Re: Considerations for puppet/cluster to manage 6000 hosts.

2011-01-11 Thread donavan
On Jan 11, 1:05 am, Carles Amigó fr...@fr3nd.net wrote: What data is exactly discarded with thin storeconfigs? Effectively only facts and exported resources are stored for each node[1]. This is opposed to storing the complete set of resources (and other stuff?) for each node. For normal puppet

[Puppet Users] Re: Considerations for puppet/cluster to manage 6000 hosts.

2011-01-11 Thread donavan
On Jan 11, 2:45 pm, DaveQB david.w...@drdstudios.com wrote: We had trouble scaling with 400+ nodes. Puppet server is a VM on an ESX cluster with 3.5GB of ram and 1.5GB of swap but would regularly kick in OOM which would kill off most if not all of the 10 puppetmaster instances. This is very

[Puppet Users] Re: Multiple packages installation in one yum call

2011-01-11 Thread donavan
On Jan 11, 3:09 am, Adriana adriana.tele...@gmail.com wrote: Hello, does anyone know if featurehttp://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2198 had been implemented and how it is possible to use it? I don't think it's made it into the puppet codebase yet. It should be pretty simple to run the

[Puppet Users] Re: Considerations for puppet/cluster to manage 6000 hosts.

2011-01-10 Thread donavan
On Jan 8, 1:02 pm, trey85stang trey85st...@gmail.com wrote: I'm trying to get an idea of what kind of backend setup I would need to run puppet to manage roughly 6000 hosts. No one else has asked, but what's the geographic/network distribution look like? I see puppet by iteself is limited to

[Puppet Users] Re: run without puppet master

2010-12-21 Thread donavan
On Dec 20, 6:51 am, aaron prayther prayt...@gmail.com wrote: does anyone have any examples of a disconnected configuration, not using a puppet master? Aaron, I know Jordan Sissel[1] runs his deployment very muhc like this. There's no central puppet master, but packages that install/enforce

[Puppet Users] Re: Exit gracefully

2010-12-21 Thread donavan
On Dec 21, 4:38 pm, Douglas Garstang doug.garst...@gmail.com wrote: I'd like to be able to put specific modules into 'maintenance' mode if a variable has been set. I can check the variable, but the only way I can see to have puppet skip processing is to use the fail() function, which stops

[Puppet Users] Re: Separating puppetmaster file serving and catalogs

2010-12-16 Thread donavan
On Dec 16, 1:23 pm, Patrick kc7...@gmail.com wrote: If such an approach is at all possible, the complete implementation would include giving the proxy the means to recognize valid client certificates. The proxy can and is recognizing valid certificates.  The problem is passing that

[Puppet Users] Re: function_file error

2010-12-16 Thread donavan
On Dec 16, 10:48 am, boddiesdrinker martin.s...@gmail.com wrote: The template file has this code: relay = scope.function_file([/etc/puppet/secrets/smtp/ + name + / relay]).chomp Could it be the form of the file function which has changed? According to the docs[1][2] it looks the same. The

[Puppet Users] Re: function_file error

2010-12-16 Thread donavan
On Dec 16, 10:48 am, boddiesdrinker martin.s...@gmail.com wrote: The template file has this code: relay = scope.function_file([/etc/puppet/secrets/smtp/ + name + / relay]).chomp Could it be the form of the file function which has changed? I've just opened an issue that you may be hitting in

[Puppet Users] Re: Template Samples

2010-12-16 Thread donavan
On Dec 16, 10:51 am, boddiesdrinker martin.s...@gmail.com wrote: where can i get some template samples that use the function_ references? Many Thanks Martin I replied in the other thread. I think you're hitting a bug. But this is a working template that calls a core function: % value =

[Puppet Users] Re: storeconfig / mysql

2010-12-14 Thread donavan
On Dec 12, 11:17 pm, walexey wale...@gmail.com wrote: Puppet (err): Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away how can i fix it? wbr, alw Would you happen to be running the puppet master(s) in mongrel? Yes, it

[Puppet Users] Re: Problem with syntax checking

2010-12-11 Thread donavan
On Dec 10, 7:15 am, a.gorodin...@mail.ru a.gorodin...@mail.ru wrote: Hello! I'm trying to use pre-commit SVN hook for checking puppet syntax. For it I try to use some scripts from this thread:http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/browse_thread/thread/50ff... But when I try some of

[Puppet Users] Re: Hudson, manitest and the hostname fact

2010-12-08 Thread donavan
On Nov 22, 3:06 am, Ramon van Alteren ra...@hyves.nl wrote: Hi All, We're trying to get a hudson build working for our puppet modules by using manitest. So far we've had good progress but right now we're stumped. We have a set of manifest/template combinations where the manifest code uses

[Puppet Users] Re: Number of procs, redux

2010-12-07 Thread donavan
On Dec 1, 9:40 am, maillis...@gmail.com wrote: We upgraded to 2.6.3 and we've suddenly noticed two and sometimes three puppet processes frequently running on the clients. Is this normal? Is it new to this version or are we just noticing it for the first time? Any input is appreciated. This is

[Puppet Users] Re: storeconfig / mysql

2010-12-07 Thread donavan
On Dec 5, 10:17 pm, walexey wale...@gmail.com wrote: hello! centos 5.5, puppet 2.6.4, storeconfig, mysql, about150 clients. time to time i recive following error: Puppet (err): Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away how

[Puppet Users] Re: how can i configure expiration time of mysql storeconfig?

2010-12-03 Thread donavan
On Dec 1, 2:15 am, walexey wale...@gmail.com wrote: Hello everybody! I use puppet storeconfig for configuring server side of bacula. But when i remove one of client node, its information keeps in storeconfig db. How can i expire it? wbr, alw In the meantime theres a contrib script which

[Puppet Users] Re: Thoughts on dropping 0.24.x client support in Puppet 2.7?

2010-11-25 Thread donavan
On Nov 24, 3:50 pm, Nigel Kersten ni...@puppetlabs.com wrote: I mentioned this in an earlier thread, but here's a dedicated one. We made a big change between 0.24.x and 0.25.x where we moved from XMLRPC to REST. How do people feel about us dropping all XMLRPC support from 2.7.x, such that

[Puppet Users] Re: a dummy question - Could I use regular expression in Package ?

2010-11-23 Thread donavan
On Nov 21, 6:12 pm, 張旭 zx1...@gmail.com wrote: I'm a newbie in Puppet. I had googled for a while, I just wonder if those work ? (syntax below) There are a couple of points here. If you want to set a default paramters for a resource[1]: Package{ provider = yum } I think 'allowcdrom' parameter

[Puppet Users] Re: best way to test snippets of puppet config

2010-11-23 Thread donavan
On Nov 22, 3:21 pm, russell.fulton russell.ful...@gmail.com wrote: Over the last few weeks I have several times felt the need to test out some small snippets of puppet code without having to have them in my live system. At the moment I am doing all my testing by fiddling with file on the

[Puppet Users] Re: facter fact catalog?

2010-11-21 Thread donavan
On Nov 21, 7:55 am, Nick oinksoc...@letterboxes.org wrote: A problem I've run into during my first attempts at writing manifests, is knowing what possible facts are available, and for a given fact, what values my manifest might encounter. I use 'default' matches liberally. For required

[Puppet Users] Re: Multiple CA / Puppet master environment

2010-11-17 Thread donavan
On Nov 17, 6:57 am, CraftyTech hmmed...@gmail.com wrote: Would there be any issues with stored configs? should I either a) Point both masters to the same PuppetDB server (MySql), or b) Setup a two way replication between the masters, and connect them individually to their respective

[Puppet Users] Re: proper way to purge DB data for retired hosts

2010-11-15 Thread donavan
On Nov 15, 7:09 am, Christopher McCrory chris...@gmail.com wrote: Hello...  I've been testing some new servers.  I'm using exported resources for several configs (see other email on ssh_known_hosts), including the nagios tyoes (very cool!).  Now I need to retire several test servers. How do

[Puppet Users] Re: puppet +with build support

2010-11-15 Thread donavan
On Nov 15, 11:11 am, sanjiv.singh sanjiv.si...@impetus.co.in wrote: 1) Is there any machnism in which we can select  puppet modules according to build number..? Look at the support for modulepath with multiple environments[1]. You can set the environment value to any string. So you can use

[Puppet Users] Re: Disabling Certificates

2010-11-11 Thread donavan
On Nov 10, 7:42 pm, Derek J. Balling dr...@megacity.org wrote: Has anyone had any luck in actually disabling certificates entirely. Just trust the hostname you get from DNS and treat that info as authoritative. I'm in the Puppet BoF @ LISA, and (essentially) was told that's never going to

[Puppet Users] Re: syntax for class names

2010-11-11 Thread donavan
On Nov 11, 2:21 pm, Bruce Richardson itsbr...@workshy.org wrote: (I wish Luke had chosen a name other than class for Puppet's classes; it only confuses people). Wondering off topic, but my favorite alternate term so far is containers. Doesn't confuse people with programming backgrounds as

[Puppet Users] Re: Problem with modules

2010-11-11 Thread donavan
On Nov 11, 2:15 am, Daniel Pittman dan...@rimspace.net wrote: Leonko the.leo...@gmail.com writes: I think it is mentioned obliquely a few times, but there certainly isn't anywhere super-obvious that explains this feature of manifest auto-loading. Yes, +1 to an issue for documenting it. That

[Puppet Users] Re: Query facter 'facts' from webapp

2010-11-10 Thread donavan
On Nov 9, 6:06 am, Pieter Baele pieter.ba...@gmail.com wrote: Hi, I would like to query the puppetmaster (or the puppet nodes...) for some facts and display/use these in an external web application (written django) using the certificates from Puppet. What's the correct (nice) way to do

[Puppet Users] Re: Patch Management

2010-11-05 Thread donavan
On Nov 2, 7:26 am, Joel Merrick joel.merr...@gmail.com wrote: Hi Puppeteers! I've just been speaking to Ohad on #theforeman about package management, specifically about generating lists of packages : version numbers across the estate for things like patch management. Hi Joel, It's not

[Puppet Users] Re: Templates VS static files

2010-10-25 Thread donavan
On Oct 25, 11:13 am, R.I.Pienaar r...@devco.net wrote: In this scenario puppetd will use the old catalog BUT it will still fetch files with source from the master. This is also possible during your VCSs 'update' if /etc/puppet is a workdir. This came up at puppet camp, and I think two groups

[Puppet Users] Re: Templates VS static files

2010-10-25 Thread donavan
On Oct 25, 8:12 am, Alaric paxindust...@gmail.com wrote:  Are there any pro/cons to using templates exclusively? Besides the already mentioned there are some security issues with using the file server from puppet. Richard Crowley covered this a bit in his puppetcamp talk[1]. He also

[Puppet Users] Re: serialized or limited parallelism

2010-10-12 Thread donavan
On Oct 11, 2:09 pm, Philip Brown phil.googlen...@bolthole.com wrote: Is there any pre-existing functionality in puppet, to allow limiting parallelism? There's nothing inherent in puppet, besides the 'splay' options. The other common solution is to use the $rand_from_fqdn custom Fact pattern.

[Puppet Users] Re: Using puppet to update itself

2010-10-10 Thread donavan
On Oct 8, 1:18 pm, Disconnect dc.disconn...@gmail.com wrote: We just use packages:  package { puppet: ensure = latest } Seconded, mostly. We target specific versions, and test in a lab first, but self upgrades work. We've gone through up, and down, grades of multiple versions of .24, .25, and

[Puppet Users] Re: ERB / Tagging...

2010-08-07 Thread donavan
On Aug 6, 8:50 am, CraftyTech hmmed...@gmail.com wrote:  So, should the exporting of the necessary values be done in the same class as the collection, or should I just outline it on my default node definition.  Here's what I have so far (and it's not working): Your example is pretty close. I

[Puppet Users] Re: Test if stored config is enabled?

2010-08-05 Thread donavan
On Aug 4, 2:33 am, dom domiji...@googlemail.com wrote: anyone?  anyone?  (bueller?  bueller?) are there internal puppet variables or some such that show puppet state/config that can be interrogated in a manifest?  any other way of telling if storedconfig is enabled? I've never tried, so I

[Puppet Users] Re: strange string in /etc/shadow

2010-06-16 Thread donavan
On Jun 15, 8:24 pm, Gus F. gus.fer...@gmail.com wrote: It is happening on 0.25.5-1 server, but so far I have only seen the problem on 0.24.X clients.  I don't have an 0.25.4 master to test against, but at any rate I am unable to reproduce the problem.  The problem seems to have occurred in a

[Puppet Users] Re: Nagios hostgroups

2010-06-15 Thread donavan
On Jun 14, 11:07 pm, Gabriel Filion lelu...@gmail.com wrote: bug or missing feature.. I haven't tried it with 0.25.5, though. I'm on Debian unstable, using the puppet/puppetmaster packages, so the version is 0.25.4 should I open a bug report about this? Take a look on puppet-dev group and

[Puppet Users] Re: strange string in /etc/shadow

2010-06-15 Thread donavan
On Jun 15, 2:39 pm, Gus F. gus.fer...@gmail.com wrote: I am using puppet (version 0.25.5-1.e15 for redhat) for password management for non-system users. This morning,  users on some of my puppet clients had their encrypted password strings in /etc/shadow replaced with the following string:

[Puppet Users] Re: Overriding user attributes

2010-06-14 Thread donavan
On Jun 14, 1:14 pm, Brian Gallew g...@gallew.org wrote: class jboss {   include users   User[java]{home = /home/app1   realize(User[java])} where java is declared in class users {   @user{java: uid=500, gid=501} } Brian, I'm still in .24.8 land, so some of this is WAG. For your stated

[Puppet Users] Re: Nagios hostgroups

2010-06-14 Thread donavan
On Jun 12, 1:09 pm, Gabriel Filion lelu...@gmail.com wrote: I tested giving a list of strings to the hostgroups attribute to the nagios_host resource but it only considers the first element of the list. Something like this?: nagios_host { $fqdn: address = $ipaddress, hostgroups = [group1,

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet AIX contributions and small AIX nfs mountpoint snippet

2010-06-08 Thread donavan
On Jun 8, 2:39 am, Héctor Rivas key...@gmail.com wrote: Is there anybody working extending puppet for AIX? How is the best way to share our improvements and colaborate? Hector, I believe Andrew Forgue did a lot (all?) of the existing AIX work. You can see an example here

[Puppet Users] Re: puppetqd and remote mysql server

2010-06-08 Thread donavan
On Jun 7, 1:00 pm, Christopher Johnston chjoh...@gmail.com wrote: Think I found the issue from an strace, the rubygems-sqlit3 rpm was missing.. still curious on where the logs end up for it though.  The fact that its using sqllite also doesn't help as I think I am running into locking issues

[Puppet Users] Re: FYI: Mac Configuration Management at the Los Alamos National Laboratory white paper

2010-06-08 Thread donavan
On Jun 5, 2:31 pm, Chuck cssc...@gmail.com wrote: I am currently using passenger and puppet 0.25.5 on RHEL 5.4 I am looking to support 3000 - 4000 nodes in the up coming years.   2000 nodes in one data center   500 nodes in each of three more data centers (1500 nodes) I am currently worried

[Puppet Users] Re: Multiple Puppet Servers

2010-05-14 Thread donavan
On May 13, 10:53 pm, Abhishek abhishek.r...@gmail.com wrote: Hi, Is there any way to define multiple puppet servers in client configuration so that if my one puppet server is down then my production config changes can be applied from other puppet server. I am using apache and Mongrel for

[Puppet Users] Re: multiple OS support conventions?

2010-05-14 Thread donavan
On May 12, 1:03 am, Rohan McGovern rohan.mcgov...@nokia.com wrote: I've been doing it like this, for an example module named baselayout:  modules/baselayout/manifests/init.pp:     import *     class baselayout {       case $operatingsystem {         Darwin:   { include baselayout::mac }  

[Puppet Users] Re: Multiple Puppet Servers

2010-05-14 Thread donavan
On May 14, 1:39 pm, Ken k...@bob.sh wrote: Also I just realised - if the client does it using SRV with weights and priorities - you get global server load balancing built in. Cool bananas. ken. That exact functionality is actually a big benefit to me. As an example we have multiple geo

[Puppet Users] Re: ldap node attributes containing dash ( - )

2010-05-07 Thread donavan
On May 6, 5:46 pm, Trevor Vaughan tvaug...@onyxpoint.com wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 I don't think that ruby itself allows variables with dashes in the name since it will probably interpret them as minus signs and try to interpret the variables around the symbol.

[Puppet Users] Re: ldap node attributes containing dash ( - )

2010-05-07 Thread donavan
On May 6, 4:31 pm, donavan dona...@desinc.net wrote: Am I missing some clever way to use variables containing a dash in the name? We're using LDAP nodes I may have a node like this example: .. And I'd like to access 'console-port' as a variable in a manifest. Reading over I realize this may

[Puppet Users] Re: ldap node attributes containing dash ( - )

2010-05-07 Thread donavan
On May 7, 1:16 pm, Jesús M. Navarro jesus.nava...@andago.com wrote: Won't use the ${variable-name} version do the trick? Cheers. I tried that initially, but it wouldn't pass --parseonly (.24.8) so I didn't commit it. Let me check manually.. Yeah, parseonly and actual catalog compilation both

[Puppet Users] Re: mcollective scalability

2010-05-06 Thread donavan
2000 nodes certainly is within my goals with the design, that said there has not been such a big deploy. We've got 500+ nodes on mcollective currently. Nothing special as far as setup, a few of the contrib agents and few more in house agents. Nodes are primarily split between two buildings

[Puppet Users] Re: Managing producton backup datacenter

2010-05-06 Thread donavan
But for more sophisticated puppet setups - what are your ways to determine which environment you are in. I wrote a custom fact, location, that embeds all the logic in a tiny bit of custom Ruby.  (In fact, it just grabs the hostname, domain, and IP address, then uses a tiny bit of logic to

[Puppet Users] Re: Managing producton backup datacenter

2010-05-06 Thread donavan
Can you please explain this method a bit more, for the unexperienced like me? Showing the actual code would be great, if it's possible. Sure, I assume you mean the exported resource part. Using storeconfigs[1] it's possible to exchange information between nodes. Brice has some great

[Puppet Users] ldap node attributes containing dash ( - )

2010-05-06 Thread donavan
Am I missing some clever way to use variables containing a dash in the name? We're using LDAP nodes I may have a node like this example: dn: cn=ns01.domain.com,cn=machines,o=domain cn: ns01.domain.com objectClass: top objectClass: puppetClient ipHostNumber: parentnode:

[Puppet Users] Re: Default Gateway facter problems

2010-04-20 Thread donavan
On Apr 19, 10:09 pm, Daniel Pittman dan...@rimspace.net wrote: So, a simple gateway fact is essentially meaningless for our network; this is probably true of at-least-some machines on at-least-some large networks. (So, while your fact is meaningful, it isn't a generic gateway fact :) snip

[Puppet Users] Re: File Size

2010-04-07 Thread donavan
On Apr 7, 8:56 am, Seeker cecil.hypol...@gmail.com wrote: Hi all, Just wondering, is there a limit on the file size that you can transfer with PUPPET. Thank you all As others have mentioned Puppet is pretty inefficient with file transfers currently. Our rule of thumb limit File resources to

[Puppet Users] Better exported key value system?

2010-04-03 Thread donavan
Let's start with two example problems: 1) Select the first available value in an address space. For example openldap syncrepl rid, ID uniquely identifying the replica .. an integer which has no more than three decimal digits[1]. 2) Selecting a sticky random value from an array of values. In this

[Puppet Users] Re: facter or ifconfig to find hosts with ip on certain subnet

2010-03-29 Thread donavan
On Mar 28, 8:47 pm, deet somew...@gmail.com wrote:   I like the idea of accessing this information through facter instead of needlessly running ifconfig again. Indeed. Take a look at the facter libraries, they're quite readable overall. Plenty of good bits in 'facter/util' that you can use

[Puppet Users] Re: facter or ifconfig to find hosts with ip on certain subnet

2010-03-26 Thread donavan
   And I want to say something like (pseudo code)   if network_* =   then   static route magic here From this example you're trying to detect it any interface is on the network, correct? Are you also trying to match a set of networks (,, etc) with

[Puppet Users] Re: facter or ifconfig to find hosts with ip on certain subnet

2010-03-26 Thread donavan
host has one).  I've not ventured down the custom fact road before so this should be an little adventure. Your version certainly will work. I think this is how I might take a stab at it though: require 'facter' require 'ipaddr' require 'yaml' Facter.add(nsd_gateway) do setcode do

[Puppet Users] Re: Package Providers for OD X Server

2010-03-21 Thread donavan
Sorry for the late reply. I hadn't noticed your response. How are you running the puppetmasters Donovan? Passenger? I'd like us to have a nice simple install for people wanting to run the server on OS X. I have a script around somewhere that will create a Passenger pkg from the source

[Puppet Users] Re: Package Providers for OD X Server

2010-03-17 Thread donavan
At work we have three puppetmasters running on OSX 10.5. I hate to say it, but it came down to custom packages. We're using encap to deploy across 3 different OSs for all the site common bits. Other than the packaging the other bits of apple sauce to tackle were service management bizzaro