Re: [TMIC] question

2008-02-21 Thread JHarper33
That happens to me occasionally. I'm just assuming it is an occasional glitch in the system. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 2/21/2008 4:11:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Don't know why but I was

[TMIC] Politics

2008-02-20 Thread JHarper33
It's been requested several times that we refrain from politics here. Can we not do so for the good of the group? There is no way to make a strong statement for or against one candidate or party without offending someone on the other side of the issue, and we have people from all walks of

Re: [TMIC] photo's

2008-01-31 Thread JHarper33
Wow, Jenna, I am flattered -- and I am wondering if you're looking at the right picture. LOL! I haven't been called cute in a long time. I don't think about going and looking at the pictures very often, but I enjoy it when I do. It's nice to be able to put a face with a name. I just

[TMIC] February birthdays

2008-01-31 Thread JHarper33
Happy Birthday to the February kids!! (Please send any corrections or additions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( .) 2-1 Jeanne Rushton ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 2/2 Ursula ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 2/2 Lisa in TN ([EMAIL

[TMIC] Tetanus shots?

2008-01-24 Thread JHarper33
Hi gang, I was at my doctor's yesterday, a new dr. who I have just been seeing the last several months. I was in just to be checked to get refills for a couple of medications and also to ask about getting the tetanus booster, because it's been over ten years since I had one. She said

Re: [TMIC] am I online

2008-01-08 Thread JHarper33
Yes, you are coming through. Another way to check to se if you are is to check the archives at _ ( Your messages are showing up there, too. Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Ringing in ears

2008-01-04 Thread JHarper33
I have never heard of this but I would be interested to know of it works. My ears have been ringing for years. They started when I started taking Baclofen, but that's not listed as one of it's side effects. It didn't stop when I stopped the Baclofen. It may have just been coincidence.

Re: [TMIC] Jude

2008-01-04 Thread JHarper33
When you can, let her know we are thinking about her and praying for her. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 1/3/2008 12:55:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi Everyone, I just spoke with Jude and she

[TMIC] January birthdays

2008-01-04 Thread JHarper33
It looks like everyone wants to continue with the birthday lists! I did remove the year from the dates of those who had them on the advice of someone who was on the list and was a police officer just for safety's sake. Happy birthday to the first-of-the-year kids! Please let us know if

[TMIC] A question about the birthday lists

2008-01-03 Thread JHarper33
Would everyone like the monthly birthday lists to continue? I am happy to keep sending them if there is interest. I was concerned about sending the e-mail addresses since these posts go in the archives, but I just checked, and the e-mails are replaced with [email protected], so no one

Re: [TMIC] Living with TM videos on YouTube

2007-12-31 Thread JHarper33
Amazing, Jim!! Thanks so much. It's neat to see people I only know online. I put a link to these on my blog. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 12/31/2007 1:23:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I started

Re: [TMIC] Cody report

2007-12-30 Thread JHarper33
I am so very glad to hear he's doing so much better! Will keep praying. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 12/30/2007 9:56:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Cody's kidney function was back to normal today.

Re: [TMIC] Prayers for Cody

2007-12-28 Thread JHarper33
I've been praying off and on since receiving this and will continue to. Let us know how things are going when you get a chance. My heart goes out to your family. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 12/28/2007 12:14:29 AM

Re: [TMIC] Merry Christmas?

2007-12-27 Thread JHarper33
Frank, you can keep up with Christmas by checking periodically with this site: _ ( :-) It did say Yes on Christmas Day. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 12/27/2007

Re: [TMIC] Merry Christmas!

2007-12-24 Thread JHarper33
Me, too! I wish you all a very special Christmas. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 12/24/2007 6:25:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you and the ones you love!

[TMIC] December birthdays

2007-12-01 Thread JHarper33
Happy Birthday to the December kids! Please send any additions or corrections to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( . 12-2 Meghan ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 12/2 Ashlee Black ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 12-3 Wim from Holland ([EMAIL

Re: [TMIC] Atlanta GA area TM meeting Saturday

2007-11-29 Thread JHarper33
Wow -- Douglasville was where I was living when I got TM! Wish I had known you all then! Have a good time together. Barbara H. _http://barbarah.wordpress.com_ ( In a message dated 11/29/2007 7:11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: We

[TMIC] Happy Thanksgiving!

2007-11-22 Thread JHarper33
Hope you all have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours is usually pretty laid back since we're all so busy and scattered before and after. I'm more stuffed than my Thanksgiving turkey. I wanted to let you all know that you are among the many things I am thankful for! Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Sicko

2007-11-19 Thread JHarper33
I haven't seen the film, but from what I have heard about national socialized medicine, I'm not for that, either. Someone just posted a few weeks ago some facts about Canadian health care with its waits and all. I know one local family from Canada who had a family member there die while

Re: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2007 #310

2007-11-08 Thread JHarper33
Congratulations! That's great! I enjoyed looking around your blog. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 11/7/2007 5:40:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hello all, I do not post often to this email group

[TMIC] News from Netta

2007-11-08 Thread JHarper33
Many of you remember Netta Ganor, a young woman artist from Israel with TM. I sent her a birthday message a few days ago and got this response, with some exciting news, that she asked me to share with you all: Thanks for the birthday wishes, Barbara! You never forget my birthday and

[TMIC] November birthdays

2007-11-01 Thread JHarper33
Happy Birthday to the November kids! Please let me know of any additions or corrections. There are a couple of e-mail addresses below that I think are wrong, but I am not sure of the new ones. 11-01 Ella ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 11-2 Jeff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]


2007-11-01 Thread JHarper33
Thanks for the reminders, Jim and Debbie. I first found the TMIC more than 10 years ago when an Internet search (my first ever!) turned up a few messages from the list. I've received e-mails from TMers or their relatives when their search has turned up a particular symptom or something that

Re: [TMIC] Flu Shot

2007-10-05 Thread JHarper33
I've never gotten a flu shot in my life, even pre-TM. I haven't had the flu since TM that I can remember and I don't think I've had it all that often through the years even before. I've always been a little afraid of the flu shot since some on the list got TM after having it, but since

[TMIC] October Birthdays

2007-10-01 Thread JHarper33
Happy birthday to the first-signs-of-fall gang! If you have any corrections or additions, please send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( . 10-3 Lauren Graham ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 10/4 Neil McNeil ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) )

[TMIC] OT: Spiritual perspective on disabilities

2007-09-22 Thread JHarper33
I receive a daily e-mail devotional made up of the writings of Elisabeth Elliot (they are posted daily at _ ( ). The one this morning, dealing with disabilities, was one I thought many TMers


2007-09-21 Thread JHarper33
Hi Rob, I just turned 50 last month and then had my 12th TM anniversary Sept. 1. For several years I have not looked forward to Sept. 1, but then I'd forget about it (one of the benefits of being middle-aged :-) ) and remember a few days later that I've passed another milestone with TM.

Re: [TMIC] OT - looking for

2007-09-15 Thread JHarper33
Errol IS the one with TM, not Mavis. :-) I heard from him recently when I sent him and then later Mavis birthday greetings and he responded each time. He said he had had a hernia operation in April and they are in the process of moving his mother to their town. His grandson is 14 months

[TMIC] September birthdays

2007-08-31 Thread JHarper33
Try to remember that day in September... Oops -- showing my age with that one. I can't believe it is coming up on September already! Happy birthday to all of you celebrating this month. Please send any additions or corrections to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( 9/3/

Re: [TMIC] The truth about constipation....and.......Folate

2007-08-28 Thread JHarper33
It's not the thought that I haven't gone as often as I think I should have or that I think I am going to explode if I don't have a daily bowel movement that bothers me. To me that's a mental thing and not true constipation. What bothers me is when my abdomen feels miserable and I very much

Re: [TMIC] OT/Daughter going to be all right.

2007-08-23 Thread JHarper33
Oh, my, Grace -- just amazing that the injuries weren't worse. Praise the Lord!! Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 8/23/2007 9:51:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: They ended up having to life flight

Re: [TMIC] OT/Daughter hurt in serious accident.

2007-08-22 Thread JHarper33
Grace, I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for all of you. Let us know how things are going when you can. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 8/22/2007 4:10:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: My

Re: [TMIC] SUBSCRIBE (see below)

2007-08-21 Thread JHarper33
That happens to me occasionally -- I don't know why. I just resubscribe. One of the mysteries of cuber-space, I guess. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 8/21/2007 4:58:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Re: [TMIC] Surgery on Monday

2007-08-18 Thread JHarper33
Natalie, I am so sorry you have to face another surgery. But I hope it will be a bog help to you, and I pray everything goes well and you have a quick and uneventful recovery. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 8/18/2007

Re: [TMIC] OT--Email test.

2007-08-05 Thread JHarper33
Pam said a few e-mails ago that Jude was ill and hadn't been able to be online. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 8/5/2007 4:13:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I need to check this web mail to make

[TMIC] August Birthdays

2007-08-01 Thread JHarper33
Happy Birthday to the many August babies!! As always, please send any additions or corrections to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( . 8/1 Peachi ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 8/1 Cindy McLeroy ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 8- 1-74 Stacy

Re: [TMIC] OT: Dear Group

2007-07-15 Thread JHarper33
Ever read the first couple of chapters of Job? :-) There is a book by Elisabeth Elliot called A PathThrough Suffering that I highly recommend. In the back she has an appendix of several reasons in Scripture why suffering is allowed. I've been wanting to do a post on this on my blog

Re: [TMIC] Emai test.

2007-07-14 Thread JHarper33
Got it. :-) Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 7/14/2007 9:40:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I'm not sure that my mails are getting through to the list. Some personal ones that I have written are now

[TMIC] July Birthdays

2007-06-30 Thread JHarper33
Happy Birthday to the July babies! May you have lots of fireworks, picnics without ants, and a general good time! (Please send any additions or corrections to the list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( . There are a couple of addresses here I think might have changed.)

Re: [TMIC] improvement

2007-06-29 Thread JHarper33
I think I probably had the biggest or most dramatic improvements within the first six months, but there has been slow and steady improvement ever since (11 1/2 years later). Just recently I was in charge of a ladies' luncheon at church that, in previous years, knocked me out for the rest of

Re: [TMIC] Hospital Stay

2007-06-22 Thread JHarper33
I'm so sorry, Natalie!!! Keep us posted and let us know how you're doing when you can. I'll be praying for you and hope you get some relief. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 6/22/2007 9:14:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Re: [TMIC] doctors/meds/appointments

2007-06-20 Thread JHarper33
That's so true, Bernie -- sometimes the doctors don't know how their staff is acting. It should certainly be mentioned to them. My family dr. quit the practice he was in to start his own, partly because of how the staff acted. There were multiple doctors and it was under the hospital


2007-06-20 Thread JHarper33
Rich -- five messages have come through from you about the Montel show on marijuana. I just wanted to let you know in case it wasn't coming through on your end and that's why you were resending. They are coming through -- they may take a while to get back to you, though. Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] OT: Doctor won't refill medications.

2007-06-15 Thread JHarper33
Yes, I've had that experience with a doctor who wouldn't refill prescriptions without an appointment, even though I have been taking the same medicine at the same dosage for years. I figure it is a way of covering their bases legally. What really burned me once was that when my doctor

Re: [TMIC] pain or no pain

2007-06-12 Thread JHarper33
Jude, it has helped me to think of it something like electrical wires. If something happens between the source of power and the outlet I am trying to use, there may be no power -- or, if the damage is not complete, the power may be dimmer or faulty somehow. It may even cause sparks to

Re: [TMIC] grocery delivery

2007-06-12 Thread JHarper33
My husband was just telling me that he saw where people could order nonperishable food online, but I can't remember where. I'll have to ask him. One other thought -- this comes to mind because we have a lot of college students in our church who need jobs that can work around their class

[TMIC] Testing

2007-06-10 Thread JHarper33
I just realized that I hadn't been getting mail from the list. Sometimes we go through quiet spells, so I don't always think anything if there is no mail for a day or two. But I realized it had been longer, and looked on the archives -- and I have been missing it! So this is a test -- if it

Re: [TMIC] Testing

2007-06-10 Thread JHarper33
Looks like it did go through. I did go ahead and resubscribe in the interim, so I don't know if I was accidentally unsubscribed or just wasn't getting mail -- probably the former. Anyway -- I'm back! I need to catch up on the mail at the archives. Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] OT: an anniversary of the good kind

2007-06-02 Thread JHarper33
Happy anniversary! What a sweet sentiment. :) Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 6/2/2007 2:02:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I'll have my TM tenth anniversary next July, but yesterday Betty I had

Re: [TMIC] OT OT: Parking Update

2007-06-01 Thread JHarper33
How about a letter to the editor of your local newspaper? Most of them have a site online with a way to send a letter in via e-mail. They will usually require your name and phone number and will call you to verify that you're the one who sent a letter in, but they won't publish your phone

[TMIC] June birthdays

2007-06-01 Thread JHarper33
Happy Birthday to the first-of-summer kids! (If you would like to add your birthday to the list or make a correction, please send that information to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( .) 6-2 Crystal ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 6-5 Tobe Kanon ([EMAIL

[TMIC] June birthdays, corrected

2007-06-01 Thread JHarper33
(Cheryl's address has been corrected, and Dennis Galvin's name has been removed. I apologize -- I forgot he had passed away last year. I remembered he had been ill. Tom Carr was another from the June list who has passed on. I still keep their names there -- I like to pause to remember them

Re: [TMIC] OT OT: Parking Update

2007-05-30 Thread JHarper33
I know it is wearying, but keep after it. You'll be winning a victory not only for yourself but for others in your town who may be going through the same thing. Keep us posted! Hoping victory is sooner rather than later, Barbara H. _

Re: [TMIC] double vision and dancing eyes...

2007-05-27 Thread JHarper33
I am wondering if what you are experiencing is nystagmus. There is more info. on it here: _ ( I have had kind of a bouncing vision occasionally, more so towards the beginning of TM onset, not so much recently.

Re: [TMIC] Getting Humble...

2007-05-26 Thread JHarper33
I think most of us who have been with the TMIC for a long time -- at least those who have participated -- I know there are many who just read and don't write in -- have laid it all out there about our particular symptoms and issues at some time or another, but don't necessarily bring it up

Re: [TMIC] what's this?

2007-05-24 Thread JHarper33
It may be that you hit Reply all to someone's else's message, and they had this address in the message they sent, but it didn't go through for you in your reply because you're not a memeber of that Yahoo group. Does that make sense? Barbara H. _

Re: [TMIC] Reason for TM

2007-05-21 Thread JHarper33
No. One doctor I saw at Emory said that even if they could have analyzed everything I came into contact with on the day I was hit with TM, there was no way to know what set it off. I know of some who got TM directly after an inoculation or an illness, but I think most of us don't know.

Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

2007-05-15 Thread JHarper33
No, I don't see any picture of you or even a header in e-mails. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 5/14/2007 9:28:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I would love to see pictures of everyone [with the

Re: [TMIC] TM photo gallery

2007-05-15 Thread JHarper33
You're welcome. :) Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 5/14/2007 9:21:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I did not know about the Member;s Activity, Recreation, Travel section. Thank you, Barbara.

Re: [TMIC] TM photo gallery -- how to upload

2007-05-15 Thread JHarper33
If you go to the photo gallery page at _ ( up at the top it says Register or Log in. If you've never used the page before to send photos, you have to register with a user name and password.

Re: [TMIC] allodynia - Lynn

2007-05-15 Thread JHarper33
There's an article on candida here: _ ( I would think the ankle would be an unlikely place to get it because you usually get it in moist

Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

2007-05-15 Thread JHarper33
I was told there was a 20% chance me TM could turn into MS. After 11 years I would guess that is not likely to happen -- I hope, anyway! But the number of TMers here who have gone on the MS have reassured me that it is handle-able, so that has taken a lot of the scariness away for me. My

Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?/ Photos

2007-05-14 Thread JHarper33
There are some photos at _ ( I urge you all to put your photos up if you haven't yet. :) And put your name with them -- not everyone has done that. It is nice to put faces to names. Barbara

Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

2007-05-13 Thread JHarper33
I agree, Jan. There are many similarities between TM and MS, so much of the info. would apply to either one. A lot of definitions that were helpful to me in explaining TM symptoms I found in an MS book. There are several MSers among the TMers here, and they're more than welcome.

[TMIC] (OT) Happy Mother's Day! (OT)

2007-05-13 Thread JHarper33
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms! I'm missing my mom a lot. Here's a poem for you: Mother's Love Her love is like an island In life's ocean, vast and wide, A peaceful, quite shelter From the wind, and rain, and tide. 'Tis bound on the north by Hope, By Patience on the west, By tender

Re: [TMIC] TM and Chemical Sensitivity

2007-05-13 Thread JHarper33
I've had trouble with perfume smells since college days (pre-TM) -- not all of them, but some gave me an instant headache. But in recent years I have gotten to where I can't deal with even candles or heavily scented air fresheners. Plus if I am at a restaurant and the guy cleaning off

Re: [TMIC] allodynia - Lynn

2007-05-12 Thread JHarper33
I wonder if it is that the TM makes things worse (my understanding is that it's a one-time thing with residual symptoms rather than a progressive illness), or that normal aging feels worse because of TM -- all the aches, pains, etc., are magnified because of our sensations. Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Another Symptom

2007-05-10 Thread JHarper33
I saw a neurologist regularly for about the first year -- he kept track of my progress and answered hundreds of questions for me. But after we moved away from the area I didn't seek out a new one because there was really no need for me to -- though still having problems I was on a stable

Re: [TMIC] Another Symptom

2007-05-08 Thread JHarper33
I believe spasticity involves rigidity rather than flopping or jerking movements. From the National Institute of Neurological Disorders: 'Spasticity is a condition in which certain muscles are continuously contracted. This contraction causes stiffness or tightness of the muscles and may

Re: [TMIC] Re: pain

2007-05-07 Thread JHarper33
Heather, I haven't had the particular type of pain mentioned (allodynia, where something not usually painful, like clothes, causes pain). I have had sensitivity in certain spots (middle of my back, top of my head, and my knees), but it is more a I am going to jump out of my skin if you

Re: [TMIC] Worried and asking for everyone's prayers

2007-05-04 Thread JHarper33
Hi Ann, At first I thought it sounded like epsiodes I have called supraventricular tachycardia, where my heart rate will suddenly jump up to 180-200+ beats a minute and I usually have to go to the ER to get it back down. It's an electrical problem, they tell me (more info. on it is here:

[TMIC] May Birthdays

2007-05-01 Thread JHarper33
Happy Birthday to the May babies!! If any of the information below is not accurate, please send a correction to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( . If you don't see your birthday here and would like to have it added, please send the information to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [TMIC] OT OT OT - my daughters surgery, and need of hopes and prayers

2007-05-01 Thread JHarper33
Will be praying, Bernie, for her and for you -- I know it is harder to have your children go through these things than to go through them ourselves. Keep us posted. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 5/1/2007 5:30:03 AM

Re: [TMIC] Reminder - A few web sites to help

2007-04-30 Thread JHarper33
Don't forget _www.igive.com_ ( for online shopping. Choose the TMA as your charity there and anything bought through the site will have a percentage go to the TMA. They have many mainstream online stores that work through igive. Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] Cold Spots

2007-04-21 Thread JHarper33
My left hand (which is where my TM symptoms first started) used to get extremely cold -- I can remember some time after I was able to drive again driving with one hand and having my left hand tucked under my right arm to try to get it warm. It's better than it used to be, but a lot of

[TMIC] Greeting from Kris

2007-04-15 Thread JHarper33
For those who remember Kris (Rizadough @ who used to be in the TMIC, I sent her a happy birthday wish a few days ago, and she asked me to tell you all hello and I hope everyone is doing well. Barbara H. _http://barbarah.wordpress.com_ (

[TMIC] April Birthdays

2007-03-31 Thread JHarper33
Happy birthday to the April kids. :) (If yours is not on here, it doesn't mean I have forgotten you. It means either I never had your birthdate in the first place, or else a brithday greeting sent to you before bounced back as undelievrable. If there are any corrections that need to be

Re: [TMIC] just fyi

2007-03-31 Thread JHarper33
Hi Wendy, We're glad to collect anyone's who wants to share it. :) I'll add your to the May list. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 3/31/2007 10:37:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I’m not sure if

Re: [TMIC] Pain vs No pain

2007-03-13 Thread JHarper33
Hi Ken, My left hand and right calf and ankle (which were the limbs worst affected by TM) have been a little swollen ever since onset -- no idea why. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 3/13/2007 1:01:50 AM Eastern Daylight

Re: [TMIC] New Address...please add to your address book

2007-03-10 Thread JHarper33
Hi, Mark, Some years ago there was an informal study done of people in the Transverse Myelitis Association, and about 1/3 of the respondents had no visible lesion on the spine. I was one of those. I believe my spinal fluid came back clear as well. My dr. said I was diagnosed based on my

Re: [TMIC] Pain vs No pain

2007-03-09 Thread JHarper33
I guess it depends on which nerves were affected. Just like some have paralysis and others don't, some have the burning/freezing feeling and some don't. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 3/9/2007 11:35:26 AM Eastern Standard

Re: [TMIC] Urodynamics test

2007-03-07 Thread JHarper33
When I had mine, first they had me go to the bathroom and empty my bladder as much as I could. Then they cathed me to see if there was any urine left, to see if I was retaining any. Then they put sensors all over my nether regions so they could see which muscles were working, filled my

Re: [TMIC] Fw: Looking for someone

2007-03-07 Thread JHarper33
I am so sorry to hear this. It seems like the last I remember hearing from Dennis on the list, he was about to go to the hospital for some procdeure, but I don't remember what it was. He was always a friendly voice here on the list. We will miss him. Barbara H.

[TMIC] March birthdays

2007-03-01 Thread JHarper33
Happy birthday to the looking-forward-to-the-first-day-of-spring March babies. :-) (Please send any additions or corrections to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( ) 3-3 Marsha Scholes ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 03.05 Bettie Imus ([EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [TMIC] Change of Email Address

2007-02-15 Thread JHarper33
Do you mean the e-mail address you subscribe to the list with? You just unsubscribe the old e-mail address and resubscribe with the new one. The instructions are at ( , but to unsubscribe one you send an e-mail with it to [EMAIL

Re: [TMIC] return member

2007-02-06 Thread JHarper33
I don't have an answer for you but just wanted to say it's so good to see you, Judi! Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 2/6/2007 7:39:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi everyone, I don't know how


2007-02-02 Thread JHarper33
Do you mean the year of birth or the whole date? Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 2/2/2007 2:33:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: PLEASE DO NOT PUT DATE OF BIRTHS ON BIRTHDAYS. AS A RETIRED LAW

[TMIC] February Birthdays

2007-02-01 Thread JHarper33
Happy birthday to all of you! Please send any additions or corrections to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( . 2/2/63 Ursula ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 2/2 Lisa in TN ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 2-5 Tita in Delaware ([EMAIL PROTECTED]


2007-02-01 Thread JHarper33
Wow, John, I bet you came to dread Fridays. I've only had one spinal tap and myelogram (they had MRIs but it was Labor Day weekend and no one was there to run the machine) and I hope to never have either one again. Thanks for sharing your story. You've had quite a lot on your plate. You

Re: [TMIC] fine print and old eyes

2007-01-26 Thread JHarper33
In a message dated 1/26/2007 1:56:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, JHarper33 writes: I have no idea what mine is set to, but I still see yours as large and Alton's print as small. And that's fine for me as I don't have a problem seeing the 10 or 11 pt. fonts. But I was trying to express

Re: [TMIC] Mom

2007-01-22 Thread JHarper33
I'm so sorry, Gunny. I just lost my mom a little over a year ago and still ache over missing her. We knew her health wasn't good, but thought we had several more years -- but she went very suddenly. I know she was would have been glad not to endure any more hospitalizations. She hated

Re: [TMIC] TM question from Sally!

2007-01-22 Thread JHarper33
Hi Sally, I have read mixed reviews on flu and pneumonia shots. As your husband experienced, some on the list got TM after having one of them, so I would never have them unless my health were such that I would be in grave danger without them. On the other hand, many on the list have

Re: [TMIC] slow

2007-01-14 Thread JHarper33
Wow, you've really been through the mill! There's been an awful stomach virus going around here, but it missed our house this time, thankfully -- I don't know if it's the same as yours. Yours sounds worse!! So glad to read from the other e-mails today that you're doing better. Barbara

Re: [TMIC] slow

2007-01-13 Thread JHarper33
Plus there is a TM message board or bulletin board now, too, and I think perhaps a lot of people prefer that format -- they can go to the category they have specific questions about. Barbara H. _ (

Re: [TMIC] Stem cells

2007-01-12 Thread JHarper33
In a message dated 1/12/2007 1:29:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: In my not so humble opinion re this stem cell controversy, the only problem comes from those whose religious beliefs prevent them from looking at medical advances right in the eye and taking advantage

Re: [TMIC] re: Stem Cells

2007-01-12 Thread JHarper33
I so appreciate your insights and comments on thse issues, Jim. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 1/12/2007 7:07:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: At 01:50 PM 1/12/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am

Re: [TMIC] Stem cells

2007-01-11 Thread JHarper33
I heard that on the news the other day. I haven't read up on all the particulars, but was glad to hear there was a way to gain them without the ethical problems of embryonic use. Barbara H. _ ( In a message dated 1/11/2007

[TMIC] January birthdays

2007-01-01 Thread JHarper33
Happy birthday to all the New Year's babies!! (Please send any additions or corrections to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( .) 1- 7-77 Lauren ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 1/8/51 Nancy Williams ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ) 1-8-51 Sandi

Re: [TMIC] Where is everyone?

2006-12-22 Thread JHarper33
Shopping, wrapping, baking, decorating, writing and sending cards, blogging, sleeping. :-) I'm so thankful for online shopping. Mall shopping wears me out, even with avoiding the most crowded times. Barbara H. _ ( In a

[TMIC] December birthdays

2006-12-02 Thread JHarper33
I can't believe we're just about into December already! Where did November go?? Happy Birthday to all the December babies! (Please send any additions or corrections to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( .) 12-2-74 Meghan ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) )

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