Re: [Vo]:Bismuth telluride as a topological insulator

2011-03-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Thank you Jones, I was actually able to wrap my brain around most of that. I especially like the falsifiable conclusion. The sooner the better. An afterthought: If Rossi (and probably Mills as well) don't currently possess an accurate understanding of what's actually happening on the atomic and

Re: [Vo]:Washington Times comments on Rossi

2011-03-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: This is the first I have seen in a major U.S. mass media general newspaper. QUOTE: Just as Japan’s earthquake raises fears of catastrophe from a nuclear meltdown and Mideast turmoil jeopardizes the

Re: [Vo]:Washington Times comments on Rossi

2011-03-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Harry, I don't wish to sound negative, but that is the Washington Times and not the Washington Post. It is owned by reverend Sun Myung Moon who heads the Unification Church. Sigh... For more info. Excerpt: RECENT CHANGES: In January 2008,

Re: [Vo]:Rossi to answer questions on Ny Teknik

2011-03-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alan, And here are 36 more questions – with Rossi's answers Thanks, Alan, Last QA caught my eye: Q: Karl-Henrik Malmqvist: In the reactor there might be a flow of electrons. Is it possible to directly take care of

Re: [Vo]:Krivit stays on the ball with Rossi Portal

2011-03-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: ... Conventional nuclear power is now a great deal more vulnerable than fossil fuels, because of the crisis in Fukushima. It's recent industrial accidents (as coined by ACC in Profiles of the Future) that can occasionally cause one wonder if Someone Above might be pulling a few

Re: [Vo]:The ZPED theory of quasi-nuclear gain (long post)

2011-03-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: ... 9) The gain per metastable atom is at least ~100,000 times chemical but far less than fission or fusion - and the only ash seen is in a change isotope ratio of the tellurium (or other metastable fuel) with occasionally nuclear transmutations due to the small proportion of

Re: [Vo]:Rossi live tonight

2011-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... I gather he [Icke] also believes that reptilian humanoids are secretly in charge of humanity. Last year on a YAHOO discussion group, DNNY, I participated in a series if stimulating conversations with a lady who believes blue skinned reptilian aliens, whom she calls the Syrians,

Re: [Vo]:Addendum to Student's Guide

2011-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed See: Storms, E., What is now known about cold fusion? (Addendum to Student's Guide). 2011, This was prompted by recent progress in the field, and also, in part, by confusion about the role of helium and the W-L

[Vo]:How cheap must electricity be in order to make desalinization cost effective?

2011-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Here's a question that I hope some resident Vort experts might be able to answer. Assuming, in due course, that Rossi's E-Cat, or some new and improved CF version eventually drops the price of electricity down to just under a penny a KwH... But, then, for the sake of argument, let's assume that

Re: [Vo]:What's New

2011-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: From DALLAS: THE APS MARCH MEETING NEXT WEEK. I'll be there to give an invited talk about what's new in Voodoo Science, Thursday, March 24 at 8:36AM, in C1. Anyone care to guess?  Hmmm? Goodness me! That's today. we speak. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What's New

2011-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: Anyone care to guess? Hmmm? Based on Park's past performance I suspect he would prefer to scrupulously avoid discussing Rossi... unless someone in the audience deliberately confronts him with a pointed question: Dr. Park. What is your opinion on the recent claims made in Bologna,

Re: [Vo]:What's New

2011-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
A hypothetical conversation in room C1: * * * * AUDIENCE PARTICIPANT: Dr. Park, what are your thoughts on Rossi's Cold Fusion device? DR. PARK: There isn't much I can say on the subject. AP: But... but... but why haven't you come out and exposed it for what it is! The device is after all just

Re: [Vo]:What's New

2011-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Another hypothetical conversation in room C1 (This version is probably even less likely, but what the hey! I'm speculate'n here!) * * * * * AUDIENCE PARTICIPANT: Dr. Park, what are your thoughts on Rossi's Cold Fusion device? DR. PARK: There isn't much I can say on the subject AP: But...

Re: [Vo]:What's New

2011-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... Ah. So it is pure fantasy after all. Guilty as charged. Either that or your bug picked up the wrong voice. I try to keep the voices in my head from bugging the predilections of others. It's the polite thing to do. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:What's New

2011-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry, ... What!  No CF!?! A smart bully, if he wishes to stay in power, always makes sure he has an escape route planned, a plan that can more-or-less be gracefully executed if warranted. Say what you want about Dr. Park, but I think he is definitely smart. (IOW: I think he's hedging

Re: [Vo]:Upcoming mass spec tests remove all doubts about Rossi's claims

2011-03-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: ... The burst of radiation, witnessed by Celani, could be a clue. The idea that it was cosmic rays is preposterous. Let's assume the worst. Why assume the worst ??? But, yes, agreed. I think the burst of radiation is an essential ingredient. For instance, it could have been a

Re: [Vo]:Upcoming mass spec tests remove all doubts about Rossi's claims

2011-03-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: There was no electromagnetic pulse. Celani had two RF meters as well as two particle detectors. The former detected nothing. And what of the latter? Unfortunately, my careless use of the term EMP was too imprecise an interpretation. Let me rephrase my previous commentary. Correct

Re: [Vo]:Upcoming mass spec tests remove all doubts about Rossi's claims

2011-03-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: ... Heck, Rossi might have been recruited for this ! even planned it out from Day-one with the help of skeptics like Park Co (or more likely the Pentagon or spooks at some 3-letter org) as a sponsor, for all we really know. That would explain Park's unaccustomed silence. Maybe

Re: [Vo]:Upcoming mass spec tests remove all doubts about Rossi's claims

2011-03-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones ... At any rate, I strongly believe that there has been an ongoing 'black' or military project since around 2000, which has been funded under the UAV umbrella, and which could be directly related to this. We know for sure that this program involves hydrogen (not deuterium) as

Re: [Vo]:Upcoming mass spec tests remove all doubts about Rossi's claims

2011-03-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sed: ... ... People kept underestimating him [Edison], and he kept blowing his critics out of the water. He gave his investors nightmares while he struggled to pull off these things. In regards to Rossi, it is a good thing you are only playing the role of honorable scholar and meticulous

Re: [Vo]:Another Asperger's Victim

2011-03-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alexander and Jed I take issue with the diagnosis. One of the primary symptoms of asberger's is an inability to relate and discuss with other people, and he seems to have no issue doing that. I agree. Einstein also had this ability, as I said. Not every genius has Asperger's.

Re: [Vo]:Artificial leaf from MIT uses Ni and Co as catalysts

2011-03-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed, See: It's a cool idea. However, I have no idea how good it really is. (Maybe it's not!) For example, when they say it's 10 times more efficient than

[Vo]:Deep-Ocean Vents: Power 5 Times Greater than Nuclear Power Plants

2011-03-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
At first glance, the engineering would probably be ambitious. However, considering the fact that we have been accumulating lots of experience in off-shore drilling: * The Marshall System claims to be the first and only system to unlock the awesome

Re: [Vo]:Hysterical comment in Wikipedia discussion

2011-03-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: Someone named TenOfAllTrades deleted my remarks, with a comment rv, banned User:JedRothwell That's probably good for me. It will prevent me from wasting any more time posting message there. Someone unknowingly has just paid you a very high complement. You know better than to stick

Re: [Vo]:The Riser

2011-03-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez: One odd design characteristic of the E-Cat is the “Riser” – this is the vertical component giving the device the “reclining L-shape”… What is the purpose of the Riser? Antenna for a directed beam? … homage to Italy? The vortician submitting the best answer … err …

Re: [Vo]:Physics Forums discussion of Rossi with comments by Brian Josephson

2011-03-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: A well-known skeptic shown up in this discussion. See: He is intellectually dishonest. He described experiment 1 as follows: ... He also demands an independent test. That was an independent test. Levi had no connection

Re: [Vo]:Physics Forums discussion of Rossi with comments by Brian Josephson

2011-03-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... Really, there isn't much more we can ask for. Well, I was thinking about that. Maybe when Rossi starts marketing the E-Cat in the United States he should trademark and then rename his energy catalyzer Mr. Fusion (I bet Mr. Spielberg wouldn't mind sharing his trademark one bit!)

Re: [Vo]:PESN reports zirconium cold fusion in Poland

2011-03-31 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter, I have also found this, have not the slightest idea if hydrogen is present or not. I will try to find out the documents in the original languages-  I have a long experience in collaboration with Russian and Ukrainian inventors- YUSMAR, INTERENERGORESURS etc. If there is hydrogen

Re: [Vo]:Independent test of Rossi E-Cat

2011-04-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: ... If he can secure intellectual property with a patent, he is worth every euro of the money Defkalion plans to pay him. I assume the investors at Defkalion know a thing or two about patents, and they have reason to believe he can get one. ...which brings up the question

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:How can 30% of nickel in Rossi’s reactor be transmuted into copper?

2011-04-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Harry How can 30% of nickel in Rossi’s reactor be transmuted into copper? The Lone Proton...masked marvel. Hi Ho! Hydrino! (Sorry, Silver. You're still my favorite horse.) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:So close, so far away

2011-04-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Interesting speculation, Jones. I never read Stolper's book. Nevertheless, I remember his scrappy posts from the old Yahoo Hydrino group, particularly as he incessantly went after Zimmerman. Does Stolper's book reveal any kind of useful detail as to what kind of additional catalysts might have

Re: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:Swedish physicists on the E-cat: It's a nuclear reaction / The used powder contains ten percent copper

2011-04-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: The mundane reason for the appearance of iron an[d] copper is electromigration. Seems like a reasonable conclusion to draw. I must apologize for not being sufficiently clear as to what I was really questioning: What is generating the massive amount of heat? I gather the

Re: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:Swedish physicists on the E-cat: It's a nuclear reaction / The used powder contains ten percent copper

2011-04-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Stephen ... It's more likely that Levi is in on the gag than that transmutation from nickel to copper produced natural isotope ratios in the ash. The former merely requires the assumption that a few humans are acting unusually stupid (which happens frequently). The latter requires

Re: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:Swedish physicists on the E-cat: It's a nuclear reaction / The used powder contains ten percent copper

2011-04-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Stephen, Urgent Addendum: Just to be clear on this point, my speculation was pertaining to whether you were now suspicious of the HEAT measurements. In truth I must admit the fact that you seem to be questioning the isotopic shifts, not the actual HEAT measurements. My apologies if I have

Re: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:Swedish physicists on the E-cat: It's a nuclear reaction / The used powder contains ten percent copper

2011-04-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones From: Terry Blanton If the reactor vessel is stainless steel, is the Cu migrating through the walls of the vessel to contaminate the Ni? That is probably net necessary. It looks to me like a copper pipe, for heat transfer, may go into the reactor itself. Plus, if I am not

Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi interviewed (not yet in english!)

2011-04-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Akira, ... - Focardi doesn't know the exact composition of the catalyser used in the reactor (in addition to nickel powder) or what it does exactly but he suspects that it's a chemical compound promoting nickel's adsorption of hydrogen in atomic form rather than molecular. Maybe

Re: [Vo]:Sergio Focardi interviewed (not yet in english!)

2011-04-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Akira On 2011-04-06 18:58, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote: I'm quite sure Focardi told that he doesn't know the composition (nor he wants to know - he added). By catalyzer I mean the unknown compound which enhances the nickel-hydrogen reaction. Really! Does he say why he doesn't

Re: [Vo]:Swedish physicists on the E-cat: It's a nuclear reaction / The used powder contains ten percent copper

2011-04-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez: ... Wow, gotta luv that the Rossi apparatus does work - apparently - but doesn't it just scream cheap? Off the rack at K-Mart cheap... Heh! It will probably result in an extra month of delays over at DoE getting their s**t in gear... particularly if they deem to look at the

Re: [Vo]:Are you falling for it?

2011-04-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Regarding Terry recent breakthrough... OMG! The resemblance is uncanny! This Island Earth was a great SF flick for its time.

[Vo]:physics engines for dummies

2011-04-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson Good primer. Reveals computer algorithms used. Have fun messing around with interactive animated white balls! The interactive chaotic pendulum engine near the end of the article is my favorite. Teaches you a'lot about

Re: [Vo]:Are you falling for it?

2011-04-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Harry: How does it [This Island Earth] compare to Forbidden Planet? Similar caliber. However, FP is a notch better, IMHO! Monsters from the ID! Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Rossi's eCat is Steam Punk

2011-04-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Culturally speaking, Rossi's eCat (eKittin) technology reminds me of a very popular science fiction genre known as Steam Punk. Steam Punk has its origins that can be traced back many decades. Curiously, within recent history, the genre has become a thriving sub-culture within the science fiction

[Vo]:A right wing conservative publication takes notice of Rossi

2011-04-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Looks like a super conservative xenophobic anti communist right-wing tea party web site has taken notice of Rossi's work - briefly that is. Scroll down to the eleventh paragraph: Seems to me that if such groups are at least aware of the event, and

Re: Fwd: [Vo]:Rossi E-Cat CATALYST Speculation Thread

2011-04-12 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter Gluck: ... I don't uinderstend exactly your idea with the prper pressure- they add hydrogen, this is adsorbed in part, you cannot add exactly a dosis of hydrogen- but surely there is a best practices type protocol here. My apologies, Peter. Let me try to clarify my previous

Re: [Vo]:Musical Electric Chairs ? CORRECTION

2011-04-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez: ... In effect, he [Rossi] has trumped Mills at his own game. Agreed, except for the caveat that if Mills' can get his CIHT process off the ground BLP might still have a fighting chance. It might eventually turn into a practical evaluation of determining whether in Rossi's low-tech

[Vo]:Is it nuclear, or is it Memorex?

2011-04-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Some of us may still remember that classic video add where Ella Fitzgerald sings a hearty tune. It's a spontaneous ditty which ends with the shattering of a crystal glass as Ella belts out a final high note. The commercial subsequently proceeds to play back a Memorex tape recording of Fitzgerald's

Re: [Vo]:Tarallo Water Diversion Fake

2011-04-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Stephen: ... Great stuff! Rossi should get a 4 kW steam engine for his next demo. Hey, if he does that, he can close the loop, and get rid of the external power supply for the heater! ... Oh, the irony of it all! Granted, to prove that OU

Re: [Vo]:What Rossi Says list... add emissions seen in the 100keV-300keV range

2011-04-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mark: Rossi: No radioactivity has been found in the residual metals, it is true, but the day after the stop of the operation. In any case you are right, if 59-Cu is formed from 58-Ni we should have the couples of 511 keV at 180° and we never found them, while we found keV in the range of

Re: [Vo]:Is it nuclear, or is it Memorex?

2011-04-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Robin, Harry, Just to clarify some of my ramblings... My use of the term alchemy was an oversimplified reference to the desire to transmute common elements into valuable elements... i.e. the desire to transmute lead into gold. The point I was trying to imply is that the old-world alchemical

Re: [Vo]:Quality control in cold fusion.

2011-04-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Horace sez: ... As to Rossi, his quality control rested with the only person with the skills to produce his nickel catalyst mix,  an old man in his 80's working away on an old machine.  My imagination sees this happening in a poorly lit room somewhere in a decaying rustic European building.  

Re: [Vo]:Deflated P-e-P

2011-04-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: ... 3) However, it is occasionally possible to shoot protons at each other with the right speed and quark positions so that they latch on to each other - held in place by the Strong Force. Without one of the protons converting into a neutron? I thought that was impossible.

Re: [Vo]:Heat transfer in a water heater and nuclear plant

2011-04-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez: ... Wow - I realize that this Rossi device could be the most important development in Energy for some extended time ... hmmm, the Neolithic age comes to mind, according to Randy :) ... but this  may be the first time in Vortician-land for having a play-by-play and ongoing

Re: [Vo]:Heat transfer in a water heater and nuclear plant

2011-04-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
On a more serious note, someone who may have achieved some street creed with Rossi might want to pop this interesting heat transfer question to Ross at his blog. It might be interesting to see how Rossi responds. Could be highly revealing. Peter Gluck, comes to mind as the volunteer for his

Re: [Vo]:Fuel rod surface area versus 1 liter bottle

2011-04-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones, From Rothwell: I don't bet. I debate technical issues based on experimental evidence, not crackpot theories that predict water heaters don't work. If you will not give us a plausible reason why this calorimetry might be wrong by a factor of 1000 then you lose this debate. This

Re: [Vo]:RE: Rothwell goes into brain freeze

2011-04-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: ... ... I believe the reaction works best at around 600°C and it conks out above that. Can someone clarify the following: What is the internal temperature the reactor cell has to reach in order to initiate the Rossi reaction? I thought the reaction takes over when the

Re: [Vo]:A wiki for compiling Rossi's hints

2011-04-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson's_Hints To everyone who worked on creating this Wiki Rossi Hints directory. THANKS A BUNCH! I would think it should be fairly easy to update it. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]: shrinking felines

2011-04-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From gotjosh: Its really entertaining and all, but do you two really have to pollute every single thread with this stuff? are you twin brothers from a former life who just bicker constantly as a way of showing love? Adding to Terry's Kommentary Jones and Rothwell have been known to spar with

Re: [Vo]:RE: Rothwell goes into brain freeze

2011-04-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez ... ...all of this nonsense is explained by Rothwell picking out an irrelevant detail in a long thread, and ignoring everything else - in order to cover his trail in case the Swedish testing does conform to my prediction. Defense Team: Your honor, I object! The prosecution is

Re: [Vo]:Flow calorimetry cannot detect the power of the cooling water circulation pump

2011-04-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: ... We cannot assume honesty from a man like Rossi who is seldom honest. Not to mention – this demo was Rossi’s tribute event to Focardi – maybe a kind of pre-eulogy. Rossi had every incentive to fudge the results, to make it look better than it was, or in case something went

Re: [Vo]:New from Larsen

2011-04-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: Impressive presentation! But is it built on a foundation of sand? Boy, these guys must have a high quality PR firm, staffed with multi-media whizzes at work 24/7… but are they trying

Re: [Vo]:New from Larsen

2011-04-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Albedo: Finally, spectral data to look at!  I can show this to some of the ten-pound heads I work with - one of whom is well-recognized in the neutron detection field...if I can get him to take this seriously.  If I could get the actual data, I have several state of the art tools I can

Re: [Vo]:Strange position of heater in mini-Rossi device

2011-04-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
The configuration might not be strange at all. One possible explanation: My take is that Rossi's e-kitten reactor cell might NOTbe positioned within the center of the copper pipe. The reactor cell might actually have been engineered in the shape of cylinder, or a ring that fits snugly adjacent

Re: [Vo]:Strange position of heater in mini-Rossi device

2011-04-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: You mean, the cell is a torus? With the cooling water flowing through the middle? Yes. I believe that is what Ed Storms may have concluded. (I don't speak for him.) I thought there might be a problem getting the powder into a torus, because you can't access the bottom, but

Re: [Vo]:Strange position of heater in mini-Rossi device

2011-04-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: You mean, the cell is a torus? With the cooling water flowing through the middle? The problem with that would be: Why bother putting the copper shell around the steel cell? If it is a torus, you can dispense with the copper shell, and put the heater directly on the outside of the

Re: [Vo]:Strange position of heater in mini-Rossi device

2011-04-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Akira From Steven V Johnson: The exterior copper pipe lining/jacket which encases the external reactor torus wall might assist in the transfer of reactor heat to the adjacent flowing water. If the reactor torus had been built entirely outside of the copper tubing holding the flowing

[Vo]:Another contenda? - Cold fusion: Is Burnaby lab on brink of clean nuclear energy?

2011-04-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson Excerpts: When I phoned the company to request an interview, Michael Delage, their vice-president of business development, politely declined, offering the apologetic:

Re: [Vo]:Kudos all around

2011-04-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
My Gmail reader didn't notice any odd visual spacing problems with Beene's text. Nor does my MS Outlook 2007 reader. But yes, Alan's site is a valuable contribution to the cause. Thanks, Alan! Re gar ds Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Kudos all around

2011-04-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Regarding Alan's site: I noticed the Printable PDF version link appears to be broken. Any chance of fixing that? Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Another contenda? - Cold fusion: Is Burnaby lab on brink of clean nuclear energy?

2011-04-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
My own personal assessment: CF? HF? Something else??? Who knows. After reading the article several times I still don't know WTF they are talking about. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Home Insurance for Those Living 'Off The Grid'

2011-04-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Potential sign of the times? In their article I think foxbusiness is completely missing the real ramifications of what is coming down the pipeline. Nevertheless, and IMHO, home insurance with off the grid coverage

Re: [Vo]:Mills takes the fifth

2011-04-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Ron Wormus: ... If I read Mill's 5th force experiment correctly he is stating that he has shown that gravitational mass inertial mass are not equivalent which supports Brightsen. ...and there goes Einstein's Theory of Relativity - melting into a puddle of goo. Oh, what a world!

Re: [Vo]:Comic gets it right

2011-04-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez: ... OTOH - we keep getting back to the problem of NRC approval, or even UL approval. With proved particle detection and real fusion, then we are back to being years away from having the device approved in the USA. Adding more to the goose chase, let us not forget the fact that


2011-04-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alan, I'll fix it on Monday ... UNLESS, of course, there's a new report to evaluate! Updated -- with PDF file.  (why would anyone want to print out the 60+ pages ???) Works! Thanks! Sometimes a PDF format

Re: [Vo]:Comic gets it right

2011-04-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mark: ... ... and one can start by simply scanning all the comment sections of websites where a CF story ran, and summarize each skeptic's question or statement, and counter it with the facts.  Keep it short and sweet, with links to references... the list of Rossi's

[Vo]:Mother Jones: The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science

2011-04-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Pretty decent article: Excerpt: In other words, when we think we're reasoning, we may instead be rationalizing. Or to use an analogy offered by University of Virginia psychologist Jonathan Haidt: We may think we're being

Re: [Vo]:Another interview to Focardi

2011-04-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry Focardi: The gamma rays were not there because we were able to eliminate them by putting the lead. In the experiments we carried out with the engineer Rossi gamma were always there, but they were so little intense than the natural radioactivity, which with small thicknesses of

Re: [Vo]:Colin Powell's WMD speech and other colossal technical mistakes

2011-04-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: Anonymous Iraqi General:  We need to make the Americans think we have WMD so they will come over and get rid of Sodamninsane. Heh... there might be some truth to that premise. ;-) Actually, the most intelligent conclusion I heard about that whole fiasco was that Saddam

Re: [Vo]:97 E-CATS in Operation at 4 sites

2011-04-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Your typical locomotive engine is around 1 MW. It might be wise to skip the generation of electricity in the first wave of Rossi e-cat sales. Focus on the KISS principal. Simply focus on the economic advantages of cheap heat! Rossi-powered 1 MW furnaces might do very well if the goal is to show

Re: [Vo]:97 E-CATS in Operation at 4 sites

2011-04-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Robin: (Water parks - turn them into establishments that are open all year!), roads sidewalks, Please don't advocate stupid wastes of energy. Current known World Nickel reserves (140 million tons) are only going to last us 100 years *at our current rate of use*. If we start wasting

Re: [Vo]:Let us exercise some common sense in terms of dimensional analysis.

2011-05-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Axil, I like your systematic break down of the process. I sure don't know WTF is going on! ;-) I luv a good mystery. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Let us exercise some common sense in terms of dimensional analysis.

2011-05-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Correct me if I have misunderstood the most important relevant facts being debated here, but I believe Jones is making a strong claim that the percentages of isotopes allegedly found distributed throughout the copper found within one of Rossi's used e-cats clearly indicates that the Rossi-effect

Re: [Vo]:Let us exercise some common sense in terms of dimensional analysis.

2011-05-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:47 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote: Why not? You probably recall a test that was done on implants and some material which fell through the roof in Ufology.  That test was an isotope ratio test.  The claim

Re: [Vo]:Let us exercise some common sense in terms of dimensional analysis.

2011-05-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hi Jones, Yeah, yeah, we know what the nuclear fizicists will say on the matter. What do they know. ;-) Well that's it, isn't it ... what do the experts know? Of course, one can throw all of nuclear physics out the door, but why? I'm certainly not arguing that we throw present knowledge

Re: [Vo]:Let us exercise some common sense in terms of dimensional analysis.

2011-05-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez: ... My working hypothesis as of May 3, is that spillover hydrogen is formed catalytically, at a threshold temperature and collects in Nickel nanopores, gaining thermal energy from an unknown source at very close to the Curie point of the nickel. It is that simple. The reaction is

Re: [Vo]:Let us exercise some common sense in terms of dimensional analysis.

2011-05-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Regarding the latest on-going spat between Jed Jones ... Jed recently sed: ... I suggest you [Jones] treat this more like a scientific discussion and less like a legal proceedings, what with the best available evidence ... It's my understanding that Mr. Beene was at one time a lawyer.

Re: [Vo]:WAY OFF TOPIC and for Japanese readers only

2011-05-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed, Craig, Terry sez: England also has a wide range of dialects for such a small geographic area. Some areas were remarkably isolated well into the 20th century. A book about dialects that I read years ago said that in 1943, a linguist found an old guy in a village in southern England who

Re: [Vo]:The Modus Operandi List for Radiation Free Energy Gain

2011-05-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Good work-in-progress compilation Jones. Thanks for volunteering. It's astonishing to me to see the number of different theories being explored. Some obviously have at present garnered more respect than others. But who really knows at present what combination of the above (or perhaps none at all)

Re: [Vo]:FAKE or REAL -- April test -- NO Chemical Fakes eliminated

2011-05-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Alan sez: Is it too much to ask for ONE TEST in which EVERYTHING is done correctly: Yes, Get over it. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:FAKE or REAL -- April test -- NO Chemical Fakes eliminated

2011-05-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Alan sez: Is it too much to ask for ONE TEST in which EVERYTHING is done correctly: Yes, snark=ON Sorry, I thought vortex was a scientific list, not a religious one. snark=OFF Hi Alan, Jed has already posted a few suggestions on the matter of getting what you think you deserve in

Re: [Vo]:RaiNews24 (ITA)

2011-05-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From MoB: But, did I hear David from Defkalion say it right, that they are aiming at producing 300.000 units per year? Oeps, that should read 300,000 (three hundred thousand) Not by certain European standards. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:The Modus Operandi List for Radiation Free Energy Gain

2011-05-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: ... ... hey ... come to think of it ... you don't think that the deuterium tank seen at one time in Rossi's setup was indicating that he could be harvesting the ash g ? nah... The excuse given at the time was to quench the reaction, but think about it, do you quench fire with

Re: [Vo]:Focardi achieved considerable success in previous experiments

2011-05-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry, ... I think Rossi has one extra trick up his sleeve.  I could never figure out the electrical wiring for the heaters and why he needed the band heater in addition to the auxiliary heater in the end pipe.  It now occurs to me that he is flowing current between these two heaters

Re: [Vo]:Focardi achieved considerable success in previous experiments

2011-05-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry, Of more concern to me: Wouldn't your speculation possibly result in a very dangerous electrical problem for any human who attempted to handle the e-cats? I'm thinking the electrical flow would would not be insulated. Or have I misunderstood something crucial here. Well, did you

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:cheap ball mill / glove box alternative to Bell jar?

2011-05-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Makes me wunder if applying heat is really all that necessary. ...Or perhaps raw external heat is only necessary at first, as Rossi seems to indicate. The speculated implication is that it's actually the amount of electron packing going on that is a crucial element in sustaining the reaction.

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Can Rossi generate steam hotter than 110 °C ?

2011-05-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Let me add my two cents: If Rossi's e-Cat reactor core can regularly sustain temperatures of 500c or higher, water that is in contact with the reactor core's surface FOR LONG ENOUGH PERIODS will most certainly exceed temperatures 100.1 C, and by quite a large margin. However, the tick would be

Re: [Vo]:Taxing vehicles for road maintenance in the cold fusion era

2011-05-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: 3. Use many more toll roads, with electronic toll collection rather than toll gates, so that traffic does not have to slow down or stop. This has been proposed in Georgia to replace some of the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. They already have set up a lot of fast lane toll

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Can Rossi generate steam hotter than 110 °C ?

2011-05-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Joshua: In other words, you've got nothin' but vague, unsupported insults. In my view, it doesn't matter if my vague unsupported insults (which I freely admit were done at your expense) are correct or not. You seem to believe that you have Rossi's occasionally troubling heat measurements

Re: [Vo]:The waste heat problem

2011-05-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Axil: ... Pumping the waste heat underground may be a solution, but would add substantially to the cost of a Cat-E installation. Speculating a bit more on this topic... It seems to me that waste heat could eventually turn into a global environmental problem. Assuming e-Cat technology

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Can Rossi generate steam hotter than 110 °C ?

2011-05-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Joshua: ... Eventually, in a few years Rossi will simply fade away like Patterson from the 90s, and the CF community will make excuses like his stock of lucky catalyst ran out and he found he was unable to make more, and you will refuse to admit you were wrong. Thank you for sharing

Re: [Vo]:The waste heat problem

2011-05-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... ...In other words, we may need a few hundred thousand reverse oil wells. All the energy we got out of burning oil and coal we may need to put into undoing the results and burying the fuel. Heh! ... which x'plains how the current supply of underground fossil fuels came into

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