Fwd: [WW] The Bush and Romanov Regimes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-06 Thread Hcottin



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--- Begin Message ---
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the March 13, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Richard Becker

"Is the Russia of the late Romanovs really our model, a selfish, 
superstitious empire thrashing toward self-destruction in the name of a 
doomed status quo?"

That was the astonishingly undiplomatic question posed by career 
diplomat John Brady Kiesling, in his open letter of resignation dated 
Feb. 26.

Kiesling, political affairs officer at the U.S. Embassy in Athens, 
Greece, addres sed the letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell in 
protest of what he termed "our fervent pursuit of war with Iraq."

The Kiesling resignation created an uproar because he spoke not only for 
himself, but for a growing section of the U.S. foreign policy 
establishment. On March 3, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, 
addressing a White House conference, called on the Bush administration 
to hold off on launching a new war.

"The momentum seems to be moving in the direction of war," Albright 
said. "We might get the war over, but we might not get the postwar 

Albright's statement must have shocked the Bush war cabinet, as she 
herself was a fervent pursuer of war against Iraq when serving in the 
Clinton administration.

The opposition to war coming from Kiesling, Albright and numerous other 
diplomatic and national security luminaries has nothing to do with 
humanitarian concerns. It is instead another product of the fierce and 
growing global opposition to a new imperialist war.

This was admitted in effect by Albright in her remarks. Pointing to what 
she termed increased anti-American feelings overseas in response to 
Bush's Iraq policy, Albright asserted that "there must be some way to do 
what we wanted without alienating everybody."

What demonstrated that "alienation," and emboldened many governments to 
speak out against the war, is the millions of people marching in 
hundreds of cities spanning the globe.

It is only the unexpected intervention of the people in the political 
process that has caused a division among the rulers and their well-paid 
officialdom. Their disagreement is not over the goal: the subjugation 
of the Middle East and the repossession of its rich oil resources. On 
that they all agree. Rather, it is on how to proceed in achieving this 
longstanding objective.

While the ruling elites had pretty much closed ranks behind the war 
strategy a few months ago--and may well do so again if and when 
hostilities begin--the unprecedented mass mobilizations of recent weeks 
have engendered fear of unwanted consequences in the event of war.

In that regard, Kiesling's reference to the Romanov dynasty, and its 
suggested comparison to the Bush administration, is most interesting.


Who were the Romanovs? They were the last hereditary monarchy, czars, of 
the Russian Empire. Their rule, contrary to latter-day attempts at 
romanticizing them, was cruel and capricious in the extreme. Imperial 
Russia was a police state, known as the "prison-house of nations," and a 
bastion of reaction in relation to Europe and Asia.

The czars lived in indescribable luxury. In a country where the vast 
majority suffered from poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease, the 
horses in the czar's stables were sheltered from the cold with blankets 
studded with rubies and emeralds.

During World War I, beginning in 1914, the czar's general staff sent 
millions of workers and peasants to their deaths. On the home front, the 
suffering of the population became unbearable.

To this misery, the Romanovs and their royal hangers-on were completely 
oblivious. Oblivious, that is, until the suffering of the people 
exploded in revolution in February 1917. Within days the Roman ovs and 
the whole rotten structure were gone and the royal family was in 
custody. A few months later a second, socialist revolution brought the 
working class to power and changed the world.

It is highly doubtful that Kiesling sees socialist revolution in the 
U.S. on the im med iate horizon, so why the more-than- startling analogy 
between the Bush and Romanov regimes?

What Albright, Kiesling and others fear is that the current lords of the 
empire, in their unrestrained militarism and supreme arrogance, could 
trigger new social explosions. 

Fwd: [WW] Time is Short: Surround White House March 15 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-06 Thread Hcottin



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--- Begin Message ---
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the March 13, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Monica Moorehead

As the Bush administration and the Pentagon move ever closer to a war 
against Iraq, the International ANSWER coalition is mobilizing for a 
March 15 emergency convergence on the White House.

There are now 300,000 U.S. troops massed around the Persian Gulf area. 
An unimaginable Pentagon arsenal of weapons of mass destruction is aimed 
at a largely defenseless country. Anti-war forces are presented with 
their greatest challenge since the war crisis developed last fall.

More than 100 cities in 35 states are organizing buses and other modes 
of transportation to go to Washington, D.C., on March 15 to send a 
resounding message to the warmongers that the vast majority of people do 
not want to see one drop of blood--be it from an Iraqi or a U.S. soldier-
-spilled for oil profits or empire building.

Simultaneous protests are set for San Francisco and Los Angeles. Many 
other countries, including Greece, Japan and Portugal, are holding their 
own protests on March 15.

Anti-war forces in the U.S. and worldwide are also organizing other mass 
protests, work stoppages, direct action, civil disobedience and many 
more actions to stop the criminal U.S. war on Iraq before it starts.

Student walkouts are taking place at hundreds of colleges and high 
schools all over the U.S. as part of a national March 5 moratorium 
against the war. The National Youth and Students Peace Coalition has 
called the walkout actions "Books, Not Bombs," to show how the billions 
of tax dollars being diverted to war are directly linked to devastating 
cutbacks in education.

Both President George W. Bush and Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair 
had hoped to begin a war with Iraq in January. They had to postpone it 
to February. But their diabolical war plans were temporarily dashed 
again when an unprecedented massive outpouring of humanity occurred 
worldwide on the weekend of Feb. 15 and 16--more than 10 million people 
took to the streets in 600 cities around the world to demand "No war on 

Both Bush and Blair are now attempting to push through another pro-war 
resolution in the United Nations Security Council in defiance of world 
public opinion. The U.S. and Britain are finding it more difficult to 
depend on their long-time allies for military support for this war. All 
their attempts at bribery and arm-twisting to impose their imperialist 
will on the oppressed, underdeveloped countries have not produced the 
kinds of results they anticipated.

Most notably, the Turkish parliament voted against the use of its bases 
for U.S. troops to launch an attack on Iraq, despite U.S. efforts to 
bribe Turkey's beholden, reactionary regime with billions of dollars in 
aid and loans. On the same day as the vote, tens of thousands of people 
in Ankara, Turkey, marched to parliament to demand no war.

In Cairo, where many protests are repressed by law, 100,000 people 
jammed a stadium and hundreds of thousands more rallied outside in 
support of Iraq and Palestine on Feb. 27.

Bush has become so defensive and isolated in the world about this war 
that he has admitted publicly what so many already knew--that its real 
aim is to overthrow the Iraqi government and put Iraq under the 
jurisdiction of the U.S. military.

The bottom line is that the real aims of a war against Iraq have nothing 
to do with weapons of mass destruction and everything to do with "regime 
change" in the interests of conquest.


Sarah Friedman, a national outreach coordinator of ANSWER in 
told Workers World, "A movement has to have the ability to switch gears 
in terms of mobilizing efforts, especially when the stakes are so 
extremely high, like doing everything possible to stop a racist war on 
Iraq. We are getting great responses from all over the country--150 
cities are organizing to get to March 15 protests on both coasts, 
including Minnesota, Florida and the Midwest."

At a jam-packed meeting at Community Church in New York City on March 
speakers including former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, ANSWER 
spokesperson Larry Holmes and others spoke about how critical the March 
15 mobilization is. And they stressed that

A washingtonpost.com article from: hcottin@aol.com [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-05 Thread Hcottin

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the Washington 
Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com 
 To view the entire article, go to 
 Organizers of Antiwar Movement Plan to Go Beyond Protests
 By Glenn Frankel
 LONDON, March 2 -- The people who helped organize the largest worldwide peace 
demonstration in history last month  say they are not through yet.
  More than 120 activists from 28 countries emerged from an all-day strategy session 
here this weekend with plans not just to protest a prospective U.S.-led war against 
Iraq but to prevent it from happening. They want to intensify political pressure on 
the Bush administration's closest allies -- the leaders of Britain, Italy and Spain -- 
and force them to withdraw their support, leaving the United States, if it chooses to 
fight, to go it alone. And they intend to further disrupt war plans with acts of civil 
disobedience against U.S. military bases, supply depots and transports throughout 
  Finally, if war breaks out, they say, they will demonstrate in towns and cities 
around the world on the evening of the first day, and hold a worldwide rally on the 
following Saturday that they hope will rival or surpass their efforts of Feb. 15.
  "We still believe we can stop this war before it begins," said Chris Nineham, one of 
the British organizers of this weekend's conference, held at the Stop the War 
Coalition's offices in northeast London. "But if not, we're putting the warmongers on 
notice that there will be massive protests on the day war breaks out and the following 
  In interviews last week, several of the organizers of the Feb. 15 protests traced 
the origins of the antiwar movement, described how they put together that event and 
discussed where they go from here. For the most part, the organizations are tiny, 
shoestring operations -- the London-based coalition operates out of two cubbyhole 
offices with four desktop computers, a handful of phone lines and a half-dozen paid 
staff members. But they use the Internet, cell phones and their connections with trade 
unions and local governments to establish links and coordinate with other 
organizations around the world.
  Their plans might sound grandiose. But these are the same activists who pulled off 
the stunning success of two weeks ago, when between 6 million and 12 million 
protesters gathered in about 75 countries to oppose military action.
  "We've never really seen a movement like this before -- it's unpredictable because 
it's so unprecedented," said Paul Rogers, professor of peace studies at Bradford 
University in Britain. "But it does seem that a large proportion of the people who 
participated two weeks ago are becoming quite politicized just by going on the 
demonstration. If war begins, and it doesn't have U.N. approval, we could see mass 
demonstrations again."
  The huge turnouts that day in cities including Rome, London, Madrid, Berlin, Paris 
and New York reflected popular disaffection with U.S. military power and the prospect 
of war among a broad swath of the public -- from political radicals to church groups, 
trade unions and ordinary citizens. But it was organized for the most part by a small 
network of activists from the ideological left, the anti-globalization movement and 
peace groups. For years these activists have stood on picket lines and organized 
demonstrations seeking ways to ignite mass popular support, with mixed results at 
best. But the increasing likelihood of war has given them an issue that resonates with 
public opinion throughout the world.
  Many of the organizers confess that they were stunned by the size and scope of the 
demonstrations two weeks ago. "A big part of our meeting was about digesting the shock 
of the earthquake that was February 15," said Larry Holmes, an organizer in New York 
for International ANSWER, one of the U.S. groups organizing the rallies. "We were just 
as surprised as everyone else. But you're seeing a new sense of confidence among 
organizations. People don't want this war, and they're giving us a mandate to do 
whatever it takes to stop it."
  The organizers say the February rallies were first agreed upon at a small strategy 
session in Florence in November. But their roots go back to the days just after Sept. 
11, 2001, when activists say they began meeting to map out opposition to what they 
anticipated would be the U.S. military response to the terrorist attacks on New York 
and the Pentagon.
  In Britain, according to organizer John Rees, several hundred activists first got 
together the weekend after Sept. 11. Most were from the hard core of the British left 
-- the Socialist Workers Party, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the 
anti-capitalist organization Globalized Resistance, along with Labor Party legislato

Re: Arch-capitalist Soros slams Bush's 'imperialist vision' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2003-03-02 Thread Hcottin


Nancy, read the Covert Action Quarterly, number 74 fori my major breakdown on many of his nefarious activities. Scum is too good for him, It's an insult to paramecia. 

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Fwd: [WW] U.S. Pours on Threats to Get War Votes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-02-27 Thread Hcottin



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--- Begin Message ---
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the March 6, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Fred Goldstein

The political effects of the massive worldwide ant-war demonstrations 
are being felt with a vengeance in Washing ton, in the United Nations 
Security Council and in capitals around the globe. The anti-war 
resistance has forced the Bush administration, against its will, to 
introduce a new resolution in a last-ditch attempt to get Security 
Council approval for its unprovoked war of aggression against Iraq.

Despite this accomplishment, the danger of war looms larger as the Bush 
administration is preparing to defy the world. Nevertheless, the lesson 
of recent events is that a further escalation of the anti-war struggle 
is the only answer to Washington's intransigence.

When the Bush administration went to the Security Council last November 
with Resolution 1441--which allowed the U.S. to proceed with its war 
plans against Iraq--the vote for it was 15 to 0. Washing ton then firmly 
rebutted the French government's argument that a second follow-up 
resolution would be required for any authorization to go to war.

To get the unanimous vote, however, the U.S. grudgingly agreed to 
language in the resolution to the effect that, after the inspectors came 
back with their report, there would be "further consultation" with the 
Security Council.

Since then, the anti-war movement has exploded around the globe. On Jan. 
18, hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in Washington and San 
Francisco, as well as hundreds of thousands more in Europe. This was 
followed by Feb. 15, when more than 10 million demonstrated around the 
globe, including nearly 2 million in London.


These demonstrations shook the foundations under Washington's main ally 
in Europe, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, as well as Bush's two 
other imperialist supporters there, Jose Maria Aznar of Spain and Silvio 
Berlusconi of Italy. And it was precisely these three countries that saw 
the largest anti-war demonstrations in the world.

"As recently as last month," wrote Patrick E. Tyler in the New York 
Times of Feb. 25, "the White House acted as if it would not return to 
the Security Council for a second resolution. But Mr. Blair, stung by 
criticism at home, urged the administration to reconsider. ...

"Late last week," continued the Times, "it was not clear whether Mr. 
Bush would gamble on the prospect of a highly visible loss in the 
Security Council after the ebullient highs of last November, when the 
Council voted 15 to 0 to affirm the administration muscular stand...

"But suddenly on Saturday morning, Mr. Bush's spokesman, Ari Fleischer, 
reported a conference call involving the president, the Spanish prime 
minister, Jose Maria Aznar, Mr. Blair, and Prime Minister Silvio 
Berlusconi of Italy to map out the steps at the United Nations that 
would pave the way to war.

"That conference call set off a cascade of diplomatic lobbying on four 
continents that is continuing," wrote the Times.

The lobbying is aimed at overcoming the French, German and Russian 
position. They are circulating a memorandum calling for more protracted 
and intensified inspections and opposing immediate war. Washington needs 
nine of the council's 15 votes and no veto by France, Russia, or China 
in order to pass its war resolution.


According to an Associated Press dispatch of Feb. 24, "Senior U.S. 
officials have been quietly dispatched in recent days to the capitals of 
key Security Council countries where they are warning leaders to vote 
with the United States on Iraq or risk 'paying a heavy price.'"

Washington is zeroing in on the African countries of Angola, Guinea and 
Cameroon and the Latin American countries of Mexico and Chile.

The article quoted an unnamed U.S. diplomat as saying: "The order from 
the White House was to use 'all diplomatic means necessary.' And that 
really means everything."

Continued the article, "The wording of the order is a twist on 'all 
means necessary'-the diplomatic terminology that authorizes going to 

A Mexican diplomat told the AP: "They actually told us: 'any country 
that doesn't go along with us will be paying a very heavy price.'"

The visits from U.S. diplomats 

Fwd: [WW] Iraqi People Prepare for U.S. Invasion [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-02-27 Thread Hcottin



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--- Begin Message ---
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the March 6, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Sara Flounders
Baghdad, Iraq

A delegation led by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark arrived in 
Baghdad Feb. 22 after a 14-hour drive from Amman, Jordan, across the 
open desert. A waning moon lit the nearly empty six-lane highway. We 
couldn't help wondering if the Pentagon will launch the war when the 
moon disappears from the sky. Or will the surging world movement against 
this war be powerful enough to stop the attack?

The delegation's purpose, as in previous trips, was to assess the impact 
of the 1991 war and 12 years of sanctions, especially on health care.

Dr. Zuhair Abdul Al-Azawi, senior deputy minister of health, told the 
delegation on Feb. 24 that after 11 years of constantly worsening 
conditions, this year the situation had finally stabilized and even 
slightly improved. Conditions are of course still horrendous compared to 
the excellent health care available to Iraqis before the 1991 U.S. war, 
when hospitals were targeted by bombs and missiles. Sanctions since then 
have kept out even standard medicines and medical equipment. They've 
also diminished the capacity of water purification plants, the food 
processing industry and the electric power grid.

After years of deprivation, there are no surpluses to cope with an 
emergency. Every effort is being made to distribute generators, drugs, 
antiseptics and all other available material to different parts of the 

"This time," said Clark, "our greatest concern is the state of 
preparedness of the health services in the face of war. In 1991 when the 
hospitals and pharmacies were fully equipped, doctors ran out of 
everything in the first weeks of the war.

"When we visited hospitals in February 1991 there were no antiseptics, 
no gauze, no gloves, no antibiotics and no anesthesia. Thousands died 
because there were no materials to save them. But again, the bad water 
will be the greatest crisis.

"The world must be told of the impending crisis," Clark added. "And 
there must be every form of emergency medical assistance now."


On the surface Baghdad, a city of 5 million people, is calm. Schools, 
workplaces, offices and shops are open. Traffic is heavy.

There are photo exhibits and sports events, even weddings. Movie houses 
are open. But every small merchant says that people buy only what they 
absolutely need. People expect a horrendous war, with the civilian 
population a Pentagon target.

"My family has a plan when the missiles start to hit," Ali told us. "We 
are all going to stay in the same room. Whatever happens, it will happen 
to all of us together."

For decades, Ali and his two brothers have run a small fish store in a 
poor market neighborhood of Baghdad. Their shop had the misfortune of 
being near one of Baghdad's larger bridges. In the 1991 war, bombs 
destroyed the bridge and much of the community--and one wiped out their 

The brothers worked hard and rebuilt their shop. But now people are too 
poor to afford to buy fish.

We spoke to Ali on Feb. 22, just a week after the massive worldwide 
demonstrations against a war. Protesters are trying to stop the 
Pentagon's "Shock and Awe" plan, which the media say will deliver as 
much destructive power in two days with "conventional" weapons as the 
atomic bomb that hit Hiroshima in 1945.

Ali remembered how hard it was to
get drinking water after U.S. firepower destroyed the water and sewage 
systems in 1991. "We drank whatever we could get," he said. "Lots of 
people got sick. Many died, especially the children."

In 1991, the Pentagon had a strategy of purposely targeting anything 
that people need for health and life. This included water and food 
supplies, the electrical grid necessary in an urban society, hospitals 
and schools.

Thomas Nagy, professor of expert systems at George Washington 
University, has drawn public attention to declassified Defense 
Intelligence Agency documents showing that the Pentagon knew what havoc 
the destruction of Iraq's civilian infrastructure would cause. It was 
part of the plan.

Nagy's findings appeared in the Sunday Herald of Sept. 17, 2000, and the 
September 2001 issue of The Progressive magazine.

The latest figures show that the 1991 war a

Re: NATO's Nostradamus Predicts: More Crises, More Missions Further Abroad, M...

2002-10-15 Thread Hcottin


In a message dated 10/15/02 2:02:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From Keynote Speech by NATO Secretary General, Lord
Robertson at the Defence Industry Conference, London 
October 14, 2002: 

"The Caucasus, Central Asia, Northern Africa and
the Middle East all offer a rich menu of instability."

(US corporations and military industry are just salivating over the thought of this gourmet smorgasbord of resources and workers.)

 He writes,  "The U.S. will provide the indispensable core around which most military coalitions will be built," 

 (Everyone else will be sous-chefs. The US will make and eat this meal.The U.S. is hungry. Overweight people get desperate for food. This is a recipe for mass murder and plunder. No wonder Hollywood promotes the Hannibal Lecter story to titilate the public appetite for cannibalistic horror. Robertson is a totally unconsious monster,  an imperialist vampire.) 

This has the makings of a viscous cartoon. Who will draw it?


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Fwd: [WW] Bush Builds a War on Lies [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-09 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 17, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Fred Goldstein

President George W. Bush's speech in Cincinnati on Oct. 7 
was designed to build momentum for Washington's planned war 
of aggression against Iraq. The speech contained an almost 
uninterrupted stream of lies, vilification and appeals to 
fear and threats, all couched as "arguments" to answer his 
so-called critics.

Bush repeated his insinuation, made over and over again in 
other speeches, that the Iraqi government was somehow tied 
to the Sept. 11 attack. These insinuations were made without 
one iota of evidence.

Bush reiterated the charge, denied by the Iraqi government, 
that Baghdad was producing biological and chemical weapons- 
again without any evidence. He repeated the charge that Iraq 
was on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon with which 
to threaten the United States. No evidence supplied.

Bush again implied that Iraq had expelled weapons 
inspectors, when in fact it was the U.S. that had the 
weapons inspectors withdrawn in 1998, prior to the bombing 
of Iraq in operation Desert Fox. Iraq refused later to 
readmit the inspectors because the inspection team was being 
directed by Washington to violate the terms of the 
inspection regime by probing for military information that 
could be used by the Pentagon in an attack.


Bush completely left out of his talk the monumental fact 
that Iraq has made the major concession of agreeing to 
unfettered weapons inspections of the country by the UN. Not 
only did Iraq announce this concession, it followed it up by 
working out a detailed agreement with Hans Blix, head of the 
UN weapons inspection team, including arrangements to 
inspect government buildings like the headquarters of the 
Republican Guard and the Defense Ministry building, among 

This agreement was torn up by U.S. Secretary of State Colin 
Powell on the grounds that it was based on a 1998 UN 
resolution specifying that the inspection of presidential 
sites had to be announced in advance and accompanied by an 
Iraqi official. The Iraqi government then stated it would 
allow unannounced inspection of presidential sites.

Bush had the audacity to accuse the Iraqis of aggression for 
firing back in self-defense at U.S. and British war planes 
that illegally violate its air space every single day. They 
fly in the so-called "no-fly zones" and fire at will on 
Iraqi targets, killing many civilians in the process. These 
"no-fly zones" were simply declared by Washington in 
violation of all international law.

By launching an uninterrupted stream of baseless charges--
while omitting any reference to Iraqi concessions--Bush made 
it clear that there is no condition that the Iraqi 
government can meet, short of resigning and turning over the 
government to a U.S.-puppet regime, that will satisfy the 
White House and prevent the Pentagon from launching an 
unprovoked war of imperialist aggression.

Bush's hypocrisy could not have been clearer. On the same 
day that he was beating the drums of war against Iraq for 
"supporting terrorism" and seeking "weapons of mass 
destruction," U.S. imperialism's client state of Israel--the 
only nuclear power in the Middle East--launched a massive 
invasion upon the densely populated refugee camp of Khan 
Yunis in Gaza, using tanks and helicopters. They fired a 
missile into a crowded street, killing 13 Palestinian 
civilians, including children. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon 
declared the operation to be a "great success."


Bush's immediate political goal was to add momentum to the 
vote for military intervention about to take place in 
Congress. This vote, in turn, is meant to strong-arm the UN 
Security Council and let them know that whatever they do or 
say, Washington is going to invade.

The first victory of the Bush administration in lining up 
the political establishment for the new "unilateralism" of 
the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz grouping came in 
the struggle over a joint congressional resolution on the 

This victory was attained on Oct. 2 when House Minority 
Leader Dick Gephardt, a Democrat from Missouri, stepped 
forward to embrace the Bush resolution. He was photographed 
along with the Republican supporters of Bush announcing the 

Re: [prime] Response to Bush's speech [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-08 Thread Hcottin




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Re: Waist deep in the big muddy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-07 Thread Hcottin


I was just humming "Lyndon Johnson Told the Natiion," the other day by Tom Paxton. Remember?
 "I got a letter from LBJ
He said this is your lucky day,
It's time to put your khaki trousers on
Thought it may seem very clear
So we are sending you to Vietnam."

And that was the 60s, when the economy was humming a hell of a lot better than now. 

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2002-10-07 Thread Hcottin


Maybe STOPNATO organizers  can use these things we wrote up (tentatively) to organize agaisnt the war and bring people out on October 26. To come to the DC or San Fransico massive anti-war marches: call 202 332 5757. Check out the InternationalANSWER.org website to get help organizing buses, and actions in your area!

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Re: NATO To Fashion Global Strike Force Against Non-NATO World [WWW.STOPNATO...

2002-09-25 Thread Hcottin


In a message dated 9/25/02 11:59:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"Opening the meeting, Polish Defence Minister Jerzy
Szmajdzinski acknowledged the aftermath of Sept. 11,
2001, had highlighted NATO "weaknesses and
shortcomings" and shown the need for urgent reform." 

And the military corporations and the admirals generals in Washington and Bonn all smiled, and salivated and licked their chops.


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Re: HEATHER, you got the wrong guy...hate mail [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-22 Thread Hcottin


Oh, I am so sorry! I was surprised that you wrote that! Yay, you're as good as I thought. Please forgive the cybergaffe.
In solidarity,

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2002-09-21 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

(Copyright Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to 
copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but 
changing it is not allowed. For more information contact 
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail: 
   --- The Forwarded Message Follows ---

--- Begin Message ---

Workers World Party statement answering 'National Security 

The arrogant corporate gang now controlling the White 
House has issued a "National Security Statement" that is 
nothing short of a blueprint for Washington and Wall 
Street's domination of the world. It is a declaration of 
war on the world's working class and all oppressed 
peoples. Under cover of empty promises of justice and 
freedom, It is a message to all countries that still 
maintain some independence to submit their population to 
the capitalist market controlled by imperialist 
monopolies. It is a message even to all imperialist 
rivals-Japan and Western Europe-that they must accept U.S. 
hegemony or suffer consequences. It promises that U.S. 
forces will occupy the world and demands all other 
countries contribute their youth for cannon fodder and 
their wealth to pay the costs. 

Not even Hitler Germany could dare to make such a broad 
claim to the wealth, resources and hands-on control of the 
entire world. It even demands that there be no progressive 
income taxes. As the Roman Empire ruled ancient Europe and 
the Mediterranean, the National Security Statement would 
have the U.S. Empire rule the world in the 21st century.

Workers World Party notes that those who drafted this 
statement themselves stole a national election where they 
lost the popular vote and that they consorted with 
corporate heads who are now recognized as some of the 
biggest crooks in the country. Yet they have the gall to 
demand "democracy" and an end to corruption throughout a 
world market they intend to dominate.

But the Bush administration is not simply a gang of 
usurpers. They represent the U.S. imperialist ruling 
class--the bankers, billionaires, financiers, plus the 
generals, CEOs and politicians who serve them. They 
command the Pentagon, that is, the most dangerous 
collection of weapons of mass destruction known to human 
history. They can intimidate presidents and prime 
ministers throughout the world. They appear invincible. 
Except, except for one thing.

There is still one force that can stop them. It can stop 
them if it is conscious of its own interests and it 
organizes on its own behalf. That force is the working 
class and oppressed peoples throughout the world and 
especially the working class in the United States. To 
build the Pentagon's weapons of mass destruction they need 
the submission of the U.S. workers. To command the 
Pentagon they need a willing supply of troops recruited 
from that same class. To impose their will on the world 
they need to stamp out resistance in every country, if 
every country's people are determined to resist.

The Bush gang makes its "National Security Statement" at a 
time when it is robbing the working class here of all its 
security. It is press-ganging government workers into its 
security apparatus to rob them of their unions and their 
rights. It has overseen a massive rise in unemployment as 
the capitalist system enters a crisis of unknown duration. 
It's main "job program" is that of occupation troop-and 
lightning rod for the misery of the world's people.

Workers World Party, on the eve of its Sept. 21-22, 2002, 
emergency national conference, answers the "National 
Security Statement" with our own "International Solidarity 
Statement." We reject completely the concept that the 
United States has any more rights than any other nation in 
the world, and we will fight instead for the concept of 
equality among all nations. We call on all class-conscious 
workers, progressives, anti-racist fighters, those who 
struggle against all forms of bigotry and for the 
liberation of women and of gay, lesbian, bi- and 
transgender people, for the rights of immigrants, to join 
together to struggle against this outrageous blueprint for 
a U.S. Empire. We promise the workers and their 
organizations all over the world that we will pursue this 
struggle and we hope for their solidarity and mutual 
assistance. Only the international solidarity of the 
workers and oppressed peoples can stop the U.S. Empire 
before it seizes the world.

National Committee, Workers World Party

Fwd: [WW] War and the Class Struggle [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-21 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Sept. 26, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


The U.S. capitalist government is planning an immense crime, 
in front of the whole world. It is assembling a huge force 
for mass destruction, armed with the most sophisticated 
weapons created by military science. It has openly announced 
that its goal is to destroy the government of a small but 
potentially prosperous oil-producing nation that has defied 
its dictates.

Bush labels the Iraqi leader "evil" and a "monster." His 
father stages a special interview to say he "hates" Saddam 
Hussein. Cynical and sophisticated liars repeat this 
personalized bashing as though it were the profoundest 
political assessment.

Since Iraq has done absolutely nothing, these epithets are 
supposedly reason enough to launch a war that will surely 
bring horrible consequences for the Iraqi people--and 
unknown risks to U.S. troops.

The financial pages of the capitalist newspapers are already 
leaking inside information on which oil companies from which 
countries will be cut in on the profits to be made from 
Iraqi oil, depending on how much support they give to the 
U.S. war. All this, of course, will automatically be 
ratified by the "free" regime Washington installs.

Not since the days of open imperialist domination, before 
the existence of a socialist bloc and the rise of liberation 
movements in the colonial world forced the lords of 
capitalist finance to conceal their objectives and prettify 
their methods, have the imperialist politicians been so 
crass and blatant about their aims.

On Oct. 26, national anti-war marches on both coasts will 
give voice to the growing movement to roll back the war 
machine. Workers World Party wholeheartedly supports this 
effort and urges the broadest participation of all who want 
to stop the war.

This period is reminiscent of when Mussolini attacked 
Ethiopia in 1935. Ethiopia had done nothing but resist 
becoming a colonial possession--at a time when all the rest 
of Africa had been carved up by the European imperialist 
powers. Hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians with little more 
than horses and light arms fought back against the fascist 
army, which bombed and strafed them with airplanes and 
machine guns.

The League of Nations, established by the victors after 
World War I supposedly to preserve world peace, did not 
really try to stop Italy's invasion. Much of its debate 
focused on how to get Ethiopia to make concessions to Rome. 
All this was a prelude to the inter-imperialist struggle 
that led to the mass murder of World War II.

The Bush administration, which owes its existence to a fixed 
election and the capitulation of the Democrats, has tried to 
significantly override, in the name of "homeland security," 
the bourgeois democratic political traditions until now 
tolerated in most developed capitalist countries. It gives 
the impression that nothing can stop it--neither mass nor 
official resistance in the Third World, not the strains it 
has generated with its imperialist allies/rivals, not the 
anti-war sentiments of the masses at home.

But these arrogant servants of the capitalist oligarchy are 
short sighted. They are undermining the very basis of their 
power. All their vaunted technology is just a pile of junk 
once the fury of the masses is unleashed.

The potential strength of the working class to intervene and 
change history lies not just in its numerical strength--in 
the United States it is the vast majority of the population, 
separated by a growing gap from the tiny class of super-rich 
owners of capital. Even more important is its strategic role 
in production.

There can be no production without the workers--it's as 
simple as that. And a modern economy cannot be run by slave 
labor. It requires the participation of those enslaved not 
by law but by wages and the ideological hold of the ruling 

The war drive of big capital--especially pushed by the oil 
gang so well represented by the Bush administration--shows 
no signs of alleviating the deepening economic hardships of 
the workers here. On the contrary. The offensive abroad is 
matched by an offensive against the workers and their 
organizations at home.

The capitalist economy is doing what capitalism does 
periodically: it is destroying some of its own structures--

Fwd: [WW] Dismissing Iraq Concession, Bush Readies Oil-Grab [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-09-21 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Sept. 26, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Richard Becker

The Bush administration wants a new war against Iraq. And 
Bush and company want the people of the U.S. and the world 
to believe it's because of a "grave threat" posed by Iraq's 
"weapons of mass destruction."

That phony pretext for war went up in smoke on Sept. 17.

On Sept. 16, Iraq's government sent an official letter to 
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan stating that 
Iraq would allow UN weapons inspectors to return without 
conditions, "to prove that Iraq has no weapons of mass 

But Washington won't take "yes" for an answer.

The White House's predictably arrogant response was to 
denounce Iraq's offer for the unconditional return of the 
inspectors. For those who have believed that Iraq's weapons 
were the real issue, this denunciation might have seemed 
somewhat surprising.

What Washington's reaction shows is that Iraq's purported 
weaponry is not the issue at all. If it were, the Bush 
administration would have welcomed Iraq's statement.

Instead, the White House, in its official statement, 
demanded "a new, effective UN Security Council resolution 
that will actually deal with the threat Saddam Hussein poses 
to the Iraqi people, to the region, and to the world. ...

"This is not a matter of inspections," the Sept. 17 White 
House statement continued. "It is about disarmament of 
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and the Iraqi regime's 
compliance with all other Security Council resolution. This 
is a tactical step by Iraq in hopes of avoiding strong UN 
Security Council action. As such, it is a tactic that will 
fail. It is time for the Security Council to act."

The White House statement is just more disinformation and 
propaganda. Iraq, a country severely weakened by 12 years of 
war and blockade, poses no threat to its neighbors, much 
less to the United States. Iraq has nothing to match up with 
the Pentagon's vast array of high-tech and nuclear weaponry.

All of the surrounding governments have spoken out in 
opposition to a new U.S. war--an unlikely position if they 
believed themselves threatened by Iraq.


Its imperial arrogance aside, the only real content of the 
U.S. statement is that it makes clear that Washington is 
vastly expanding its demands on Iraq.

The Bush administration's plan for a new UN Security Council 
resolution would be to impose conditions on Iraq that no 
sovereign state could accept. One much-discussed idea is so-
called "muscular inspection," i.e., sending in up to 50,000 
heavily armed U.S. and British forces to do the 

The objective of such a resolution would not be to resume 
weapons inspections, but instead to start a war.

The Bush plan is to make the conditions so intrusive and 
onerous that Iraq would have only two choices: Surrender its 
sovereignty as an independent state or refuse to accept the 
resolution. Washington would then try to make it appear that 
Iraq itself was responsible for the war.

Such a Security Council resolution would be like the 
Rambouillet accord, the U.S./NATO ultimatum that preceded 
the Yugoslavia war.

In Rambouillet, France, in February 1999, then-Secretary of 
State Madeleine Albright proposed a "peace agreement" to the 
Yugoslav government that called for the U.S. and NATO to 
have free and complete access to all of Yugoslavia. In other 
words, NATO and U.S. troops would have been authorized to 
occupy Yugoslavia immediately.

Albright told Yugoslavia that Rambouillet was a take-it-or-
leave-it deal--"no negotiations." When the Yugoslav federal 
parliament voted to accept all of the Rambouillet accord 
except for the U.S./NATO occupation, the bombing began.

A similar scenario appears to be in the making in relation 
to Iraq. Hours after the release of the White House 
statement, Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill told CNBC: 
"Saddam Hussein has got to go, there's got to be a regime 


The UN weapons inspectors left Iraq on Dec. 15, 1998, at the 
orders of the Clinton administration. The following day, the 
U.S. and Britain began an intensive bombing campaign labeled 
"Operation Desert Fox" against Iraqi cities, towns and 
military sites.

A few weeks later it was revealed that the weapons 

Re: hate mail [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-21 Thread Hcottin


David. Read some books.
1.  Published book of articles by the IAC: "NATO in the Balkans"
2.    "   "    "    " "    "IAC's "Hidden Agenda"
Michael Parenti "To Kill a Nation"
(IAC) Michel Collon, Liar's Poker.
And Actually the "stories" you cite were every oneof them falsified. 
You've joined this list but you need to do your homework.

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Fwd: [IAC] 1000+ ENDORSE Oct. 26 Nat'l March in Washington DC! - Add YOUR end...

2002-09-17 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

1000+ ENDORSE Oct. 26 Nat'l March in Washington DC!

with a joint action in San Francisco

***Add your ENDORSEMENT today***
To ENDORSE, go to 

The Bush administration is rushing towards war. The time 
to act is now. The people of the United States can stop 
this madness.

World public opinion and almost every government opposes 
Bush's planned war of aggression.  But it will take a mass 
peoples' movement--in the streets, workplaces, 
communities, campuses and high schools--to stop the coming 

On Saturday, October 26, 2002 -- the first anniversary of 
the signing of the so-called Patriot Act -- anti-war, 
civil rights, labor, student and other forces are joining 
together to launch a massive international mobilization in 
opposition to a new war against the people of Iraq. Mass 
marches and rallies will be held in Washington DC and San 
Francisco in the U.S., and in many other countries.

As the Bush administration violates international law it 
has been systematically engaged in a campaign of division 
and repression in the United States including a wholesale 
assault on the Bill of Rights, institutionalization of 
racial profiling, and aggregation of near dictatorial 
powers to the Executive branch.

In articulating the so-called doctrine of preemptive war, 
the Bush administration is preparing to violate all 
existing international law and the UN charter which 
forbids countries to carry out war except in the case of 
self-defense. Preemption is merely a slogan to justify a 
foreign policy of armed aggression and military adventure.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and company are planning 
to send tens of thousands of young GIs to kill and be 
killed in another war for Big Oil. Simultaneously, the 
Bush Administration is diverting billions of dollars to 
feed military conquest and away from jobs, education, 
healthcare, childcare and housing.

The so-called debate that is opening now to public view 
from within the political establishment presents a 
necessity for all anti-war forces to become a major factor 
in generating an authentic opposition to U.S. war plans in 
the Middle East. The October 26 National March in 
Washington DC and joint action in San Francisco come just 
one week before midterm Congressional elections. 

There won't be a real national debate on a planned 
invasion of Iraq until the people are in the streets. We 
can't leave it to the military establishment to decide 
when and how they will go to war and to define the debate. 
We must tell Bush and his corporate and Big Oil patrons 
that we will not allow this to happen.

This war can be stopped. Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz 
and company can be stopped.  But the essential element 
must be the mobilization of a massive new anti-war 
movement in the streets. We call for civilians and 
soldiers alike to exercise their political right to speak 
out against an illegal war. On October 26, there will be a 
National March in Washington DC, a West Coast march in San 
Francisco, and protests around the world.


*** To ENDORSE the Call to Action, go to 


- A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
- Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation
- National Lawyers Guild
- Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general
- Dr. Hans Christof von Sponek, former director of the UN 
Oil for Food Program
- Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Auxillary Bishop, Catholic 
Archdiocese of Detroit
- Rev. Graylan Hagler, Senior Minister, Plymouth 
Congregational Church
- Dorothy Day Catholic Worker
- IFCO/Pastors for Peace
- Free Palestine Alliance
- Muslim Student Association
- Partnership for Civil Justice - LDEF
- Mexico Solidarity Network
- Nicaragua Network
- Korea Truth Commission
- International Action Center
- Kensington Welfare Rights Union
- Middle East Children's Alliance
- Bayan USA-International

- San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO) 
- Howard Zinn, Peoples' Historian
- Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM)
- Kathy Kelly, Voices in the Wilderness*
- Black Voices for Peace
- Los Alamos Study Group, Santa Fe, NM
- Center for Constitutional Rights
- Committee in Support of the Iraqi People

Re: "US commandos: 'beat cops'" of the world: Ochs[WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-25 Thread Hcottin


Cops of the World
By Phil Ochs
Come, get out of the way, boys
Quick, get out of the way
You'd better watch what you say, boys
Better watch what you say
We've rammed in your harbor and tied to your port
And our pistols are hungry and our tempers are short
So bring your daughters around to the port

'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

We pick and choose as please, boys
Pick and choose as please
You'd best get down on your knees, boys
Best get down on your knees
We're hairy and horny and ready to shack
We don't care if you're yellow or black
Just take off your clothes and lie down on your back

'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

Our boots are needing a shine, boys
Boots are needing a shine
But our Coca-cola is fine, boys
Coca-cola is fine
We've got to protect all our citizens fair
So we'll send a battalion for everyone there
And maybe we'll leave in a couple of years

'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

Dump the reds in a pile, boys
Dump the reds in a pile 
You'd better wipe of that smile, boys
Better wipe off that smile
We'll spit through the streets of the cities we wreck
We'll find you a leader that you can't elect
Those treaties we sighned were a pain in the neck

'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

Clean the johns with a rag, boys
Clean the johns with a rag
If you like you can use your flag, boys
If you like you can use your flag
We've got too much money we're looking for toys
And guns will be guns and boys will be boys
But we'll gladly pay for all we destroy

'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

Please stay off of the grass, boys
Please stay off of the grass
Here's a kick in the ass, boys
Here's a kick in the ass
We'll smash down your doors, we don't bother to knock
We've done it before, so why all the shock?
We're the biggest and toughest kids on the block
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

When we butchered your son, boys
When we butchered your son
Have a stick of our gum, boys
Have a stick of our bubble-gum
We own half the world, oh say can you see
The name for our profits is democracy
So, like it or not, you will have to be free
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World


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Fwd: [WW] Stocks Yo-you as Markets Reval $ 7 Trillion Loss [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-07-25 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 1, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Deirdre Griswold

The connection of the banking system to the meltdown on Wall 
Street has at last been dragged into the open with the 
revelation that Citigroup and J.P. Morgan Chase made secret 
deals with Enron to help cook its books.

These deals, in which the giant banks helped cover up 
Enron's losses, were not undertaken out of compassion or 
even a buddy-buddy mentality among the CEOs. They are 
evidence that the biggest banks resorted to criminal conduct 
in order to keep investors and the public at large from 
knowing how shaky the entire structure of monopoly 
capitalism was becoming.

Will the disaster now unfolding on Wall Street end in a 
grimly familiar scene: the twin towers of U.S. capitalism, 
the stock markets and the banks, swiftly crumbling right 
before the eyes of a horrified public?


In just 10 trading days in mid-July, beginning with the day 
President George W. Bush went to Wall Street to "calm 
investors' fears," the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 
nearly 1,500 points, or 16 percent. The carnage in New York 
is now dragging down global markets as well.

More than two years of decline in the U.S. stock markets 
have already evaporated $7 TRILLION worth of paper wealth. 
This is nearly a year's worth of goods and services produced 
by the workers of this country.

How could this unimaginable volume of wealth just disappear?

In this chaotic economic system, the stock markets 
anticipate future production.

It is true that they can move upward because of pure 
speculation, producing what is called a bubble. The easy 
credit of the last decade helped inflate stock prices. 
Eventually, prices rise far above the earnings of the 
companies, and the bubble can burst. This happens 

But this is not the decisive factor in the current sell-off, 
which has vaporized so much wealth, including the retirement 
funds of tens of millions of workers. It is a crisis of 

In a general way, it is the expansion of production that 
drives up the price of stocks. Had the capitalist economy 
continued to grow, the future wealth represented by high 
stock prices would have been realized.

However, the prices have dropped like a stone, especially 
over the last three months. Some $7 trillion in anticipated 
value has disappeared--not only because trend-setting big 
investors now expect production to decline, but also because 
they know that a depression will actually destroy a great 
deal of what value has already been produced.


Depression! Is that an appropriate word to describe the 
current crash and its effects?

Investor's Business Daily seems to think so. On July 3 the 
New York financial newspaper published a graph on its front 
page showing an uncanny resemblance between the movements of 
the Nasdaq high-tech market over the period 1992-2002 and 
the Dow Jones Industrial Average for 1921-32, the years of 
boom and bust that ushered in the Great Depression.

CBS MarketWatch on July 23 also referred to a depression. It 
reported that "Analysts at research and money management 
firm Bridgewater Associates point out that this is the first 
time since 1930 that the stock market has fallen in the face 
of aggressive Fed easing [the lowering of interest rates by 
the Federal Reserve Bank--DG].

" 'In that sense, we are in uncharted waters. Clinically 
speaking, a recession is an economic contraction brought on 
by tightening and ended by easing. A depression is a self-
reinforcing economic contraction, perpetuated by debt 
liquidation in which central bank easing is impotent to 
reverse the contraction. Recent market action is symptomatic 
of depression,' Bridgewater pointed out."

Actually, these turbulent waters are not completely 
uncharted. This country has been in a depression before.


In a depression, factories and offices stand idle, sometimes 
abandoned. The equipment in them grows obsolete or rots 
away. Even brand-new goods, like today's computers and their 
software, sit on the shelves only to finally be thrown away, 
outmoded long before they could have been sold.

In the Great Depression of the 1930s, this destruction of 
goods and the equipment and facilities used to produ

Re: U.S. is from Mars, Europe is from Venus [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-25 Thread Hcottin


In a message dated 7/24/02 7:08:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

' (The Europeans) forgot this
  transformation was made possible only because the U.S. defeated Germany'

So glad they did it without any help from the USSR or anything.

"European Union's highly emotional reaction to American use of force derives in large part, then, from its horror at facing war again in Europe" 

The little wusses!

. "NATO is little more than a shell" 

A shill, he meant, for US dominance in Eurasia. 
Or. A mighty well-armed shell...

Daniel Pipes (www.DanielPipes.org) is director of the Middle East Forum
Daniel Pipes is a disgusting creature and  an anti-Soviet cold warrior of the first water

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Re: No War for Oil! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-23 Thread Hcottin


Silverstein works (ed?) for Newsday and was (is?)there with that creature who started the Yugoslavia demonization campaign,  Roy Gutman. If UNOCAL is that unimportant, how come he doesn't mention Karzai's connection with it, that is that he was thier consultant? 

Does it make a big difference whether a pipeline pipes oil or gas?? There's more natural gas in the former USSR than  anywhere on earth. If they are not up for developing the pipeline these days, that has more to do with the decline in the world economy, which is a great deal more serious than the "crash of 2002," on the stock markets, and has a WHOLE lot more to do with global overcapacity, or "overproduction. " (That's a very cynical word to use when billions of people are starving, homeless, landless  and jobless.)

So Ken Firestone is doing his homework, denouncing "conspiracy theorists" and intimating that the US went to Afganistan to help the poor. 

My take is he's just like his pal Gutman, and working for the disinformation- meisters.

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Re: JANE'S: NATO on track for 'robust' enlargement [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-22 Thread Hcottin


And "robust" enlargement is so good for the robust enlargement of military firms and perhaps to respond to "robust" unemployment statistics. 

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Fwd: [WW] Wall Street reels as WorldCom collapses [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-09 Thread Hcottin




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Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 11, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Milt Neidenberg

The fallout from the financial crisis at WorldCom, the 
second-largest long-distance telephone service provider in 
the country, is incalculable. The corporation, which is on 
the edge of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, controls over 70 
percent of Internet traffic at some point, about 30 percent 
of consumer long-distance phone calls, and 50 percent of all 
corporate communications in the U.S.

Chief Executive Officer John Sidgemore announced that 
another 17,000 workers would be laid off immediately. Of a 
predominately non-union workforce that once totaled 80,000, 
some 6,000 have already been axed. Sidgemore assured the 
government, which relies heavily on WorldCom circuits, that 
there would be no disruptions of vital communications, 
meaning the workloads of the remaining workers will increase 

Sidgemore, who dumped most of his shares in the company 
while management was cooking the books, has stashed away 
close to $90 million. But his take is much higher when 
additional benefits are included. Other insiders, including 
former and current officers and board members, walked away 
with hundreds of millions of dollars.

One long-time WorldCom employee in New Jersey told Workers 
World how the layoffs were carried out: "You could hear a 
pin drop. Those of us who didn't receive a pink slip watched 
as cardboard boxes piled up outside the buildings were 
handed out to our sisters and brothers. Management told them 
to fill up the boxes with the personal belongings they had 
accumulated during years of service. Most controlled their 
emotions. They were followed by guards to make sure the 
company property was secure."


WorldCom's demise, following the boom and bust period 
currently affecting the strategic telecommunications 
industry, has triggered a monumental crisis. There is just 
too much capacity and competition within the industry--too 
many sellers and not enough buyers. It has drawn the 
attention of the Bush administration, the Securities and 
Exchange Commission (SEC), the Federal Communications 
Commission and congressional oversight committees.

All are frantically grasping for Band-Aids to dampen the 
growing anger over this criminal activity--and, most 
importantly, to allay the fears that the fallout will not be 
isolated but will affect the economy as a whole.

The collapse of any individual industrial or financial 
institution, even one as large as WorldCom, might have only 
limited significance for the overall economy. On occasion, 
the financial markets even shrug off these developments and 
play up what is positive to calm the jittery nerves of 
investors. Capitalist propaganda, through the powerful and 
tightly controlled media, can often do this. But this time 
it may prove more difficult, given the crisis.

A Wall Street Journal front-page article on June 27, titled 
"Stock Market Complicates Central Bank's Challenge to Revive 
U.S. Economy," showed concern about accumulating scandals--
Xerox has joined the growing list--and wonders whether the 
gloom and doom on the market will affect economic growth.

"There is a risk that at some point the cumulative impact on 
business, investor and consumer confidence of declining 
stock prices and the drumbeat of news of corporate 
malfeasance takes a toll on growth," warns the Journal 

Federal Reserve Board Chair Alan Greenspan has challenged 
the analysts' concern. He would like the public to believe 
that the economy is improving, and that what goes on in the 
stock market does not affect economic growth.

Tell that to the millions of unemployed. The stock market is 
the heart and nerve center of the capitalist system. Its 
health determines the entire economic and class underpinning 
on which the market rests.

Sam Marcy, the founder of Workers World Party, wrote in 
"Wall Street Crash, What Does It Mean?" in 1988: "The stock 
market should not be understood in the narrow sense. It 
broadly encompasses the heads of the biggest banks (such as 
the Federal Reserve Board), the heads of other exchanges and 
government agencies like the SEC. It is the most prominent 
representative of capitalist production itself."

The hope for a vigoro

Re: Rolf Martens, lika fin som vanligt... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-07 Thread Hcottin


 from Heather

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Re: Cheap whores! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Hcottin


Dear STOPNATO men:
 Of late I see references in the (subject posting box) to someone's "bitch" and now this. These are sexist terms, my brothers, and you need to find some other epithets and metaphors with which to excoriate the enemies of the people. Surely there are more vilifying terms you can find that do not smack of sexism and the degradation of women!
In sisterly solidarity, 

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Fwd: [WW] Anthrax and Mr. Z [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Hcottin




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Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 11, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


A tremendous challenge looms for the postal workers and 
their unions. The government knows who probably sent the 
deadly anthrax letters, but has done nothing about it.

This shocking assertion doesn't come from us. It was first 
made by Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, a prominent expert on 
biological weapons who reported her findings on the American 
Society of Scientists Web site. An article about her views 
appeared in the March 18 New Yorker magazine.

Now the culpability of the government has been suggested by 
an even weightier establishment source: the New York Times. 
In an op-ed piece on July 2, Pulitzer Prize-winning 
columnist Nicholas D. Kristof describes in detail the person 
responsible, identifying him only as "Mr. Z" for obvious 
legal reasons.

He is not somebody from the Middle East, says Kristof, but a 
"true-blue American with close ties to the Defense 
Department, the CIA, and the American biodefense program."

He had access to an isolated residence last fall that could 
be a government "safe house." The FBI "knows that Mr. Z gave 
Cipro to people who visited it," says Kristof. Cipro is the 
antibiotic recommended to counteract anthrax.

While the Bush administration pretends that its 
strengthening of the repressive apparatus here and abroad is 
for "fighting terror" and "homeland security," and has put 
more than a thousand Muslim and Arab people behind bars, it 
has allowed the prime suspect in the domestic anthrax 
attacks to use multiple passports and identities and "travel 
abroad on government assignments, even to Central Asia," 
says Kristof.

His identity appears to be an open secret in Washington. 
Kristof says many experts are "buzzing about Mr. Z behind 
his back."

Kristof notes that the FBI has polygraphed him, searched his 
home twice and interviewed him four times. But the agency 
has not placed Mr. Z under surveillance or asked a 
handwriting expert to analyze any similarities between his 
writing and that on the letters that accompanied the 

The political police also declined to obtain comparison 
anthrax samples from labs until March and allowed the stocks 
of anthrax at Iowa State University to be destroyed before 
they could be tested. Scientists at two likely labs--Fort 
Detrick, Md., and Dugway Proving Ground in Utah--were not 
systematically polygraphed until June.

This person has an extreme racist political pedigree that is 
also known to Washington. Kristof says he has "claimed that 
he participated in the white army's much-feared Selous 
Scouts" in Rhodesia, before it became Zimbabwe. He "also 
claims involvement in the former South African Defense 
Force," which committed horrendous crimes against the 
African majority before apartheid was finally dismantled.

The worst recorded outbreak of anthrax in history occurred 
in Rhodesia from 1978 to 1980, exactly the period when the 
liberation movement was winning the war against the Selous 
Scouts and white minority rule. The disease raged in the 
African-owned Tribal Trust Lands. Some 10,000 Black farmers 
were sickened and 182 died, but the white elite of Rhodesia 
and their cattle were untouched. There was suspicion that 
the disease was spread by aerial spraying.

The FBI and the Bush administration appear totally 
unconcerned that a person with Mr. Z's background has worked 
high up in the biological weapons program of the U.S. and is 
viewed by his colleagues as a prime suspect in the anthrax 

But postal workers, many of whom are African American, must 
look at it differently. There have been nine known deaths 
since the letters started to appear--the majority postal 
workers. All were purposely exposed to anthrax. If that's 
not "terrorism," what is?

Don't they have the right to conduct an independent 
investigation of what is going on? Kristof ascribes a benign 
motive to the killer: he "probably had no intention of 
killing people. ... My guess is that the goal was to help 
America by raising preparedness against biological attacks 
in the future."

But what if the goal of this unregenerate racist was 
something much more sinister? To provide a pretext to 
dismantle civil liberties and strengthen a police state? 
And/or to wage war on countries U.S. imperialism wants to 
conquer, like Iraq? And what i

Fwd: [WW] 'Homeland Security' and capitalist instability [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-01 Thread Hcottin




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Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 4, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Fred Goldstein

The attempted restructuring of the state apparatus under the 
label of "homeland security" and the granting of more 
repressive powers to the FBI once again have to be viewed in 
light of the problems of U.S. imperialism at home and 
abroad. These encompass both the present and the future-
including the long-term outlook for capitalist economic 
instability and crisis.

With the stock market sinking, the so-called economic 
recovery sputtering, and the world capitalist economy 
suffering from global overproduction, it is a natural step 
for the government to open up repression. The movement 
should know that when the Bush administration talks about 
"homeland security," it is aimed against working-class 
resistance to the hardships brought about by an economic 
crisis of the profit system.

The new "homeland security" proposal to bring together 22 
agencies--including the Coast Guard, the Immigration and 
Naturalization Service, the Border Patrol, the Customs 
Service and others--is being hailed as the greatest overhaul 
of the government since President Harry S. Truman created 
the CIA in 1946.

Whether or not the Bush plan is approved in its present form 
or in some modified version--or is defeated by bureaucratic 
opponents--the fact is that this is an attempt by the 
capitalist government to partially reshape its repressive 
apparatus. It is meant to deal with vulnerability in a new 
world situation it has created. This major reshaping of the 
state is in response to the class struggle at home and 

The first dramatic transformation of the imperialist state 
in the 20th century took place when the FBI was empowered to 
open up a wave of repression after World War I.


The FBI had been set up in 1908, but was not a highly 
functional repressive force until the ruling class took 
alarm at the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and the upsurge of 
the class struggle in the post-war period. Major strikes in 
the steel industry, meatpacking, textile and the coal mines, 
plus a general strike in Seattle in 1919, showed a 
radicalization of the working class. It was met with a wave 
of repression.

Attorney General Mitchell Palmer led what became known as 
the Palmer Raids. They were directed at the socialist and 
newly founded communist movements and the rebellious labor 
movement. Thousands were arrested in a series of coordinated 
raids; hundreds were deported. This temporarily set back the 
movement, but it regrouped and reemerged by the end of the 
1920s and was a major force in the anti-racist and class 
struggles of the 1930s.

The FBI took on extraordinary powers during the witch-hunt 
against the Communist Party in the 1950s as part of the Cold 
War. COINTELPRO was set up to cut down the Black, Latino and 
Native liberation, civil rights and anti-war movements of 
the 1960s.

The next major restructuring was based upon the rapid and 
dramatic emergence of U.S. imperialism as a supreme world 
power after World War II. Having taken over the global 
empire of the weakened and exhausted British ruling class, 
as well as many outposts of the French, Dutch, Belgian and 
Japanese imperialists, Washington was now a global power. It 
was locked in struggle--with the Soviet Union, which had 
defeated the Nazis; with the Chinese Revolution, which had 
liberated one fourth of the human race; and with the 
national liberation struggles in Asia, Africa, the Middle 
East and Latin America.

The military-industrial complex, the basis of the Pentagon's 
power, had already taken shape during the war. But in 1946 
Truman converted a wartime spy agency, the Office of 
Strategic Services, into a permanent instrument of counter-
revolution, assassination and subversion: the Central 
Intelligence Agency.

The CIA went right to work in Europe trying to undermine the 
surging influence of communist parties and communist-led 
trade unions. It overthrew the popular nationalist 
government of Muhammed Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 and the 
popular land reform government of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala 
in 1954.

It carried out the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, first 
head of state of the newly independent Congo. It turned over 
Nelson Mandela, l

Re: Is America at war with China? (*Not* with Bushy & Co.?) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG...

2002-07-01 Thread Hcottin


Why did you even bother to post this stuff? Stopnato is more serious than this, and you are being irresponsible to post the ravings of some drug addict-paranoid-LaRouchian nutcase!

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Fwd: [WW] Milosevic cross-examines war criminal [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-29 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 27, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Heather Cottin

The prosecution has brought in its heavy hitters for the 
show trial of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic 
in The Hague.

They trotted out William Walker, the head of a U.S. 
"peacekeeping" mission in Kosovo, on June 12, followed by 
the head of the German army, Gen. Klaus Neumann, the next 

Even with Judge Richard Mays' open displays of hostility, 
Milosevic was not intimidated.

The major NATO powers, notably the United States and 
Germany, created the International Criminal Tribunal for the 
Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in 1993 to criminalize Serb and 
Yugoslav leaders and personnel as part of their plan to 
dismember and re-colonize Yugoslavia.

Milosevic confronted William Walker first. Walker worked for 
the U.S. State Department from 1985-1988 on Central America 
policy. He was U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador during the 
Sumpul River massacre. So he knows about massacres. He knows 
how to cover them up.

Walker was an integral part of the Reagan-Bush war against 
the people of El Salvador that took nearly 100,000 lives.

Walker was directly involved in another campaign of terror 
while in Central America. He supported the anti-Sandinista 
Contra fighters in Nicaragua with proceeds from secret arms 
sales to Iran. The CIA-organized counter-revolutionaries 
killed over 20,000 people in Nicaragua.


It was Walker who first reported the story that the U.S. and 
NATO used to justify the 78-day bombing war against 
Yugoslavia in 1999. As the Associated Press noted in its 
coverage of the testimony, "William Walker, the former U.S. 
head of an OSCE Kosovo peacekeeping mission, claimed he saw 
'piles of bodies at Racak,' a massacre that focused world 
attention on atrocities by Serb forces."

An analysis by Armen Georgian and Arthur Neslen in the April 
5, 2001, edition of the New Statesman showed that the 
January 1999 "Rakac Massacre" came at a convenient time, 
when the Clinton administration was looking for an excuse to 
begin the war against socialist Yugoslavia.

It was, according to the New Statesman article, reminiscent 
of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, "the CIA-manipulated story 
... that escalated the Vietnam War." The report is notable, 
since the New Statesman is not friendly to Milosevic or the 
Yugoslav socialists.

Georgian and Neslen pointed out that on Aug. 12, 1998, the 
U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee had commented: 
"Planning for a U.S.-led NATO intervention in Kosovo is now 
largely in place. The only missing element seems to be an 
event--with suitably vivid media coverage--that could make 
the intervention politically saleable."

The Sunday Times of London reported in 2001 that Walker was 
"inextricably linked with the CIA." In the Times story, 
diplomatic and intelligence sources alleged that the team 
led by Walker which discovered the "Rakac Massacre" was a 
CIA front that also gave logistical and technical support to 
the Kosovo Liberation Army.

Milosevic knew all this. Cross-examining Walker, he charged 
that the CIA had recruited the OSCE team.

"In Kosovo, you supported a different kind of Contras," 
Milosevic charged, "the Contra Kosovo Liberation Army." He 
also suggested Walker was involved in the murder of Jesuit 
priests and nuns in El Salvador.

Clearly flustered on the witness stand, Walker said he had 
only supplied humanitarian aid to El Salvador from the air 
base used by U.S. authorities to provide illicit arms to the 

His credibility was clearly damaged.


The next day, General Neumann gave his testimony to the 
ICTY. His story was even more incredible.

Neumann claimed, on the stand, that Milosevic told him in 
1999 "that Yugoslavia's problems would be solved if ethnic 
Albanians were murdered."

Neumann was the commanding officer of KSK, the elite 
commando unit of the Bundeswehr, or German army. His unit 
trained the KLA in Albania and at NATO bases in Turkey in 

Milosevic's defense of himself and of Yugoslavia during the 
trial has proven that he knew intimately what NATO forces 
were doing to destabilize and destroy Yugoslavia.

Milosevic knew Germany's role in dismembering the socialist 
federation. He knew tha

Fwd: [WW] India, Pakistan anti-imperialist unity [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-29 Thread Hcottin




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Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 27, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Gery Armsby

In response to mounting tensions and the specter of all-out 
war between their two countries, numerous groups and 
thousands of workers in India and Pakistan took to the 
streets June 13 to denounce threats of war by the Vajpayee 
and Musharraf governments.

Left parties, workers' organizations, women's groups and 
anti-globalization forces in Pakistan and India carried out 
a day of joint anti-war demonstrations throughout their 
respective countries.

A protest of more than 1,000 in Lahore, the Kashmiri capital 
within Pakistan's borders, was jointly called by four left 
parties of Pakistan: the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party, 
National Workers Party, Labor Party of Pakistan and the 
Peoples Party (Shaheed Bhutto). Several labor union 
federations, human rights and community organizations, and 
youths also participated.

Despite a heavy police presence, the anti-war activists took 
their demands before the public at the Lahore Press Club, 
chanting, "No to war," and "U.S. imperialism out of South 
Asia." The Lahore demonstration demanded an immediate 
withdrawal of Indian and Pakistani troops from border areas 
and demilitarization of the part of Kashmir known as the 
Line of Control.

Demonstrators also demanded an end to preparations for large-
scale--and potentially nuclear--war being made by both India 
and Pakistan, an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. and other 
imperialist forces from the region, and respect for the 
right to self-determination of the Kashmiri nation.

At a rally before the international press, speakers stressed 
that the policies of the U.S. government were largely to 
blame for the increase in tensions between India and 
Pakistan. They spoke against unprecedented nuclear 
proliferation in the region and demanded cuts in military 

Many speakers expressed deep appreciation for Indian groups 
that showed solidarity by holding similar actions in the 
region and across India that day. They were optimistic that 
further coordinated actions of progressive forces in India 
and Pakistan would occur again in the near future.


After learning of the Pakistani groups' plans for a June 13 
demonstration, a coalition of left groups in India 
coordinated simultaneous anti-war, anti-imperialist protests 
in Delhi, Chennai, Calcutta, Lucknow, Patna, Ranchi, 
Vijaywada and other major cities.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist)-Liberation, 
Socialist Unity Center of India, CPI (ML)-Red Flag, CPI (ML)-
Unity Initiative, CPI (ML)-New Democracy, Communist 
Organization of India (ML) and the Marxist Communist Party 
of India collaborated to bring out their supporters among 
the Indian working class in a show of anti-imperialist 
solidarity against the mounting war crisis.

More than a dozen rallies across India protested the 
warmongering of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party as well as 
the likelihood of increased imperialist intervention in the 
subcontinent as a result of the conflict.

Six of the Indian groups issued a joint statement calling 
for unity "against imperialist globalization, 
communalization and Gujarat genocide, war jingoism and 
subservience to imperialism, particularly U.S. imperialism." 
Gujarat is the scene of a vicious police campaign against 
minority groups and the poor. More than 2,000 Gujarat 
Muslims have been killed since late February.

The joint statement, announcing a June 19-27 campaign of 
people's actions throughout India, warns, "Though the war 
threat has receded apparently under imperialist maneuvers, 
[U.S. and other imperialist powers] continue to flood the 
subcontinent with arms and ruin the economy of both India 
and Pakistan further.

"The danger of U.S.-UK military presence in Kashmir has 
increased. With the military bases of the U.S. and its 
allies already in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the war moves on 
the border have provided opportunity for the aggravation of 
imperialist intervention in the region as part of the global 
policing by the U.S."

The current phase of the conflict over Kashmir--which has 
its historical roots in the colonization of the region by 
the British--was ostensibly sparked by a May 14 attack 
against an Indian army base in Jammu that l

Fwd: [WW] What's behind worldwide hunger crisis? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-29 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 27, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Monica Moorehead

In mid-June the United Nations hosted a food summit in Rome 
that focused attention on the rise of hunger worldwide. The 
conference brought together over 6,600 participants 
representing 181 countries and 1,000 organizations. Seventy-
five government leaders were also present.

High-level representatives of many of the major imperialist 
countries--including the United States, Britain, Germany, 
Canada, France and others--boycotted the conference.

The notable absence of these leaders infuriated many 
conference participants, most of whom represent the poorest 
developing countries that are dealing with hunger and 
malnutrition on a massive scale. Many of these countries are 
located on the continents of Africa, Asia and Latin America 
and in the formerly socialist region of Eastern Europe.

In southern Africa alone, an estimated 13 million people go 
to bed hungry each night. The African continent is bracing 
itself for another major drought. On top of this, Africa is 
losing a whole generation of young people, numbering in the 
millions, to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The four-day food summit was called to develop a program of 
action to try to alleviate hunger, which affects 800 million 
of the 1.2 billion people who are officially impoverished by 
UN standards. This means that they subsist on $1 a day or 

An estimated 24,000 people die needlessly from hunger every 

The vast majority of those living in poverty are women and 
children trying to survive in semi-feudal conditions.

One goal the conference agreed on was to develop projects to 
cut the number of hungry people in half by 2015. This was 
the same goal set at the 1996 summit on world hunger.

Last September, former Pakistani Agriculture Minister Sartaj 
Aziz spoke on a panel on hunger in Bonn. He put forth some 
startling statistics: within the 48 least developed 
countries (LDCs), the number of malnourished people doubled 
between 1980 and 1998, to 40 percent of their total 
population or 240 million people.

Aziz said the dependence of the developing countries on 
importing food rather producing food for their own 
consumption has increased dramatically over the past 26 

The opposite is true for the industrialized countries that 
are able to export food because of a surplus. This surplus 
does not negate the reality that millions of people in the 
industrialized countries suffer from hunger and are 

The LDCs are enslaved to the International Monetary Fund and 
World Bank, institutions controlled by U.S. and European 
banking conglomerates, with unrealistic debt payments. This 
neocolonial relationship has played an integral role in 
exacerbating the poverty and hunger crisis for the poorest 


But these statistics alone don't tell the whole story.

According to Saskatchewan Interactive, worldwide food 
production is greater than the needs of the total global 
population. There is enough food to supply 2,700 calories a 
day per person to everyone in the world.

Only 20 percent of the world's food production actually 
reaches people. Some of this food goes to livestock, while 
much is destroyed because it cannot be sold at a profit.

The root cause of all the hunger, poverty and disease is the 
worldwide system of capitalism and imperialism--a cold-
hearted economic system that treats every developing country 
as a potential market on which to dump its cheap goods, 
while at the same time destroying any semblance of 
independent social development for the well-being of the 

Imperialism destroys the livelihoods of farmers throughout 
the developing world. Local farmers' products can't compete 
after the industrialized countries flood the world market 
with cheaper goods.

And who understands this social phenomenon better than the 
imperialists themselves? This is one of the reasons they did 
not take the Rome conference on hunger seriously and 
boycotted it. They knew that many delegates would rightly 
point the finger of blame for so much poverty and suffering 
at them.


During the 1970s and 1980s, the southern African nation of 
Zimbabwe produced enough food to feed its population. Today 
Zimbabwe is forced to import food, which


2002-06-28 Thread Hcottin




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June 29: What YOU need to KNOW

gather at 12 noon
on Pennsylvania Ave. between 9th and 10th St. NW
For DETAILS, see 

- Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general
- Mahdi Bray, Executive Director, Freedom Foundation of 
Muslim American Society
- Rev. Graylan Hagler, Senior Minister, Plymouth 
Congregational Church
- Mara Verheyden-Hilliard & Carl Messenio, Partnership for 
Civil Justice
- Jennifer Harbury, counsel to Leonard Peltier
- Ken Lerch, President, National Association of Letter 
Carriers (NALC) local 39521
- Joe Leonard, Rainbow/PUSH Washington DC Bureau
- Lynn Stewart, attorney under federal indictment for 
representing Sheik Abdel Rahman
- Hanna Hanania, Free Palestine Alliance
- Muslim Students Association of the U.S. and Canada
- Kathy Hoyt, National Co-Coordinator, Nicaragua Network
- Macrina Cardenas, Mexico Solidarity Network
- Larry Holmes & Brian Becker, Co-Directors, International 
Action Center
- Bayan USA
- Yoomi Jeong, Korea Truth Commission
- Amer Jubran, Jaoudat Abouazza Defense Committee
- Marcus Jean, Union activist threatened by Patriot Act
- Rev. Phil Wheaton, Committee for Indigenous Solidarity
- Constantine Kokkoris, New York City attorney
- National Committee to Free the Five Cuban Political 
Prisoners Held in the U.S.
- Peta Lindsay, A.N.S.W.E.R. student and youth coordinator
- Harold Nelson, Torture Abolition and Survivors Support 
Committee (TASSC)

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*are driving
*are coming from DC

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Article from NEWSDAY on June 29 protest:

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Fwd: [IAC] NY Buses to 6/29 March on FBI [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-27 Thread Hcottin




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NYC Buses to June 29 Civil Rights March in DC

All progressive New Yorkers are urged to get on the buses 
to Washington, DC, this Saturday, June 29, for a major 
demonstration in defense of civil rights.

New York A.N.S.W.E.R. has chartered buses to take 
demonstrators to the Washington march, which will demand 
an end to the FBI and Justice Department's attacks on 
civil rights, especially the targeting of the Arab 
American, Muslim and South Asian communities.

The demonstration will be held in front of the FBI and the 
Justice Department starting at 12 noon on Pennsylvania 
Ave. between 9th and 10th Sts. NW. After rallying at the 
FBI and DOJ, the demonstrators will march past the White 
House to Farragut Square, just two blocks from the White 
House, where there will be a concluding rally.

Buses will depart at 6:30 am on Sat., June 29, from West 
14 Street between 5th and 6th Avenues in Manhattan. They 
will return that evening about 10:30 pm.

To ride on a chartered bus, you need to purchase your bus 
ticket in advance. Round-trip tickets are $30 ($25 for 
students and low income).

Tickets can be purchased at the International A.N.S.W.E.R. 
office until Friday evening, June 28, unless the buses 
sell out beforehand. We strongly advise that you purchase 
your ticket by Thursday evening.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Office hours are Monday - Friday 10 am-8 pm; 
Saturday 11 am-5 pm. The office address is: 39 West 14 
Street #206 (between 5th and 6th Avenues), NY, NY 10011. 
Phone: 212-633-6646.

Please consider supporting this action by sending a 
donation to help subsidize transportation for low-income 
participants. Checks can be made out to the A.N.S.W.E.R. 
Coalition and sent to the above address. You can also 
donate on-line at: 

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Fwd: [WW] What's behind worldwide hunger crisis? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-26 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---


--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 27, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Monica Moorehead

In mid-June the United Nations hosted a food summit in Rome 
that focused attention on the rise of hunger worldwide. The 
conference brought together over 6,600 participants 
representing 181 countries and 1,000 organizations. Seventy-
five government leaders were also present.

High-level representatives of many of the major imperialist 
countries--including the United States, Britain, Germany, 
Canada, France and others--boycotted the conference.

The notable absence of these leaders infuriated many 
conference participants, most of whom represent the poorest 
developing countries that are dealing with hunger and 
malnutrition on a massive scale. Many of these countries are 
located on the continents of Africa, Asia and Latin America 
and in the formerly socialist region of Eastern Europe.

In southern Africa alone, an estimated 13 million people go 
to bed hungry each night. The African continent is bracing 
itself for another major drought. On top of this, Africa is 
losing a whole generation of young people, numbering in the 
millions, to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The four-day food summit was called to develop a program of 
action to try to alleviate hunger, which affects 800 million 
of the 1.2 billion people who are officially impoverished by 
UN standards. This means that they subsist on $1 a day or 

An estimated 24,000 people die needlessly from hunger every 

The vast majority of those living in poverty are women and 
children trying to survive in semi-feudal conditions.

One goal the conference agreed on was to develop projects to 
cut the number of hungry people in half by 2015. This was 
the same goal set at the 1996 summit on world hunger.

Last September, former Pakistani Agriculture Minister Sartaj 
Aziz spoke on a panel on hunger in Bonn. He put forth some 
startling statistics: within the 48 least developed 
countries (LDCs), the number of malnourished people doubled 
between 1980 and 1998, to 40 percent of their total 
population or 240 million people.

Aziz said the dependence of the developing countries on 
importing food rather producing food for their own 
consumption has increased dramatically over the past 26 

The opposite is true for the industrialized countries that 
are able to export food because of a surplus. This surplus 
does not negate the reality that millions of people in the 
industrialized countries suffer from hunger and are 

The LDCs are enslaved to the International Monetary Fund and 
World Bank, institutions controlled by U.S. and European 
banking conglomerates, with unrealistic debt payments. This 
neocolonial relationship has played an integral role in 
exacerbating the poverty and hunger crisis for the poorest 


But these statistics alone don't tell the whole story.

According to Saskatchewan Interactive, worldwide food 
production is greater than the needs of the total global 
population. There is enough food to supply 2,700 calories a 
day per person to everyone in the world.

Only 20 percent of the world's food production actually 
reaches people. Some of this food goes to livestock, while 
much is destroyed because it cannot be sold at a profit.

The root cause of all the hunger, poverty and disease is the 
worldwide system of capitalism and imperialism--a cold-
hearted economic system that treats every developing country 
as a potential market on which to dump its cheap goods, 
while at the same time destroying any semblance of 
independent social development for the well-being of the 

Imperialism destroys the livelihoods of farmers throughout 
the developing world. Local farmers' products can't compete 
after the industrialized countries flood the world market 
with cheaper goods.

And who understands this social phenomenon better than the 
imperialists themselves? This is one of the reasons they did 
not take the Rome conference on hunger seriously and 
boycotted it. They knew that many delegates would rightly 
point the finger of blame for so much poverty and suffering 
at them.


During the 1970s and 1980s, the southern African nation of 
Zimbabwe produced enough food to feed its population. Today 
Zimbabwe is fo

Fwd: Fears over natural resources shortfall [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-26 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---
"The team then calculated what would be needed
sustainably to meet human demand for these various
activities. They wrote: "Our accounts indicate that
human demand may well have exceeded the biosphere's
regenerative capacity since the Eighties."
-Daily Telegraph
June 25, 2002 :Fears over natural resources shortfall 
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor


Capitalism  produces human wants, but it does not answer human needs. To the capitalists there is a  "natural resources shortfall." But it is merely because of the wastrel mentality of the capitalists that this is so. Public transportation, renewable energy like solar, wind, or wave energy, recyling and ending  the flagrant overproduction of goods that are not at all necessary for people will immediatetly rectiify this false "scarcity" scare.

Economists who repeat the capitalist mantras and promulgate capitalist dogma claim that the basis of the economic system is scarcity. But what is scarcity but a reliance on a ridiculous staus quo that focuses on profits and production of increasing numbers of useless commodities.

In the United States, which uses 40% of the world's resources, and in the other industrial capitalist countries, people have been programmed to buy billions of useless objects. They work to spend; they do not work to live. People's culture, their enjoyment of nature or creativity or reading or a myriad of free activities has been manipulated so that even walking has been commoditized. There are special shoes, clothing,, magazines, treadmills.  Life has degenerated into acquisition of goods and watching television which tells you life is about the acquisition of goods. Endless mindlessness. .  .

Meanwhile billions are unemployed or working as sweated labor so that this lonely,  pointless and irrational system  can continue. People starve while others spend money to diet.

We could all be healthier and eat less meat, which would save tons of grain.  The multinationals have bought up farmland to grow roses and special coffee beans and gourmet fruits, where people once grew food for their villages. Get rid of the multinationals amd the World Bank and the IMF and the people could grow food on the land.

Marx spoke of the cash nexus, and this world now spins upon it. The emiseration of the people of the Third World and Eastern Europe is now joined by the growing poverty in the industrialized imperialist nations.  There are plenty of natural resources, enough for all, and the Malthusians who wrote this piece have in their minds that this rapacious, destructive sytem must  go on forever.

They  they fear it has its limits. And it does.

The imperialists are in a race with time. And so are the communists. The awareness of the workers and peasants of the world is rising as the inevitablity of the failure of capitalism is dawning upon us all. The US and the imperialist nations are rapidly militarizing, ready to face the righteous anger of the people of the world who understand this system. 

The regenerative powers of the earth are stressed most of all by the use of fossil fuels. Global warming is actually killing the planet. The wars  in the Middle East, Colombia, Africa and NATO expansion into Eastern Europe and South Asia, as well as imperial threats in Venezuela and other oil producing nations are all about s fossil fuels, most importantly oil and natural gas. 

But these fuels are not necessary to the planet. No one needs an SUV. We don't even need to own cars. We can rent them as needed and create great systems of public transportation. Heat and light and power can in part be created by renewable energy sources. The sun shines for free. The waves roll for free. The air blows free.  

As for all the clothes and toys and gadgets: we can learn to live without buying them to feed that insatiable appetite for things That  appetite has been created, manipulated and propaganzied into an obsession by the capitalists. That appetite  is a substitute for the human drive to live  good and creative lives.

Those pundits who fear a shortfall of the earth's natural resources are terrified that this obsession for things could disappear as people realize the danger and absurdity of this capitalist system. 

"Let the ruling classes tremble." 
"Tis the final conflict." 

--- End Message ---

Milosevic, Walker and Neumann [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-26 Thread Hcottin



Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 27, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Heather Cottin

The prosecution has brought in its heavy hitters for the 
show trial of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic 
in The Hague.

They trotted out William Walker, the head of a U.S. 
"peacekeeping" mission in Kosovo, on June 12, followed by 
the head of the German army, Gen. Klaus Neumann, the next 

Even with Judge Richard Mays' open displays of hostility, 
Milosevic was not intimidated.

The major NATO powers, notably the United States and 
Germany, created the International Criminal Tribunal for the 
Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in 1993 to criminalize Serb and 
Yugoslav leaders and personnel as part of their plan to 
dismember and re-colonize Yugoslavia.

Milosevic confronted William Walker first. Walker worked for 
the U.S. State Department from 1985-1988 on Central America 
policy. He was U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador during the 
Sumpul River massacre. So he knows about massacres. He knows 
how to cover them up.

Walker was an integral part of the Reagan-Bush war against 
the people of El Salvador that took nearly 100,000 lives.

Walker was directly involved in another campaign of terror 
while in Central America. He supported the anti-Sandinista 
Contra fighters in Nicaragua with proceeds from secret arms 
sales to Iran. The CIA-organized counter-revolutionaries 
killed over 20,000 people in Nicaragua.


It was Walker who first reported the story that the U.S. and 
NATO used to justify the 78-day bombing war against 
Yugoslavia in 1999. As the Associated Press noted in its 
coverage of the testimony, "William Walker, the former U.S. 
head of an OSCE Kosovo peacekeeping mission, claimed he saw 
'piles of bodies at Racak,' a massacre that focused world 
attention on atrocities by Serb forces."

An analysis by Armen Georgian and Arthur Neslen in the April 
5, 2001, edition of the New Statesman showed that the 
January 1999 "Rakac Massacre" came at a convenient time, 
when the Clinton administration was looking for an excuse to 
begin the war against socialist Yugoslavia.

It was, according to the New Statesman article, reminiscent 
of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, "the CIA-manipulated story 
... that escalated the Vietnam War." The report is notable, 
since the New Statesman is not friendly to Milosevic or the 
Yugoslav socialists.

Georgian and Neslen pointed out that on Aug. 12, 1998, the 
U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee had commented: 
"Planning for a U.S.-led NATO intervention in Kosovo is now 
largely in place. The only missing element seems to be an 
event--with suitably vivid media coverage--that could make 
the intervention politically saleable."

The Sunday Times of London reported in 2001 that Walker was 
"inextricably linked with the CIA." In the Times story, 
diplomatic and intelligence sources alleged that the team 
led by Walker which discovered the "Rakac Massacre" was a 
CIA front that also gave logistical and technical support to 
the Kosovo Liberation Army.

Milosevic knew all this. Cross-examining Walker, he charged 
that the CIA had recruited the OSCE team.

"In Kosovo, you supported a different kind of Contras," 
Milosevic charged, "the Contra Kosovo Liberation Army." He 
also suggested Walker was involved in the murder of Jesuit 
priests and nuns in El Salvador.

Clearly flustered on the witness stand, Walker said he had 
only supplied humanitarian aid to El Salvador from the air 
base used by U.S. authorities to provide illicit arms to the 

His credibility was clearly damaged.


The next day, General Neumann gave his testimony to the 
ICTY. His story was even more incredible.

Neumann claimed, on the stand, that Milosevic told him in 
1999 "that Yugoslavia's problems would be solved if ethnic 
Albanians were murdered."

Neumann was the commanding officer of KSK, the elite 
commando unit of the Bundeswehr, or German army. His unit 
trained the KLA in Albania and at NATO bases in Turkey in 

Milosevic's defense of himself and of Yugoslavia during the 
trial has proven that he knew intimately what NATO forces 
were doing to destabilize and destroy Yugoslavia.

Milosevic knew Germany's role in dismembering the socialist 
federation. He knew that Klaus Neumann, the most powerful 
military leader in Germany, was the archenemy of the Serbian 
people and a united Yugoslavia. Neumann was part of the 
effort to supply and train the Kosovo Liberation Army, 
NATO's cat's paw in Yugoslavia.

Milosevic could never confide in Neumann. He knew Neumann 
was an implacable enemy of peace in Yugoslavia.

The ongoing trial in The

Fwd: [WW] India, Pakistan anti-imperialist unity [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-26 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---


--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 27, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Gery Armsby

In response to mounting tensions and the specter of all-out 
war between their two countries, numerous groups and 
thousands of workers in India and Pakistan took to the 
streets June 13 to denounce threats of war by the Vajpayee 
and Musharraf governments.

Left parties, workers' organizations, women's groups and 
anti-globalization forces in Pakistan and India carried out 
a day of joint anti-war demonstrations throughout their 
respective countries.

A protest of more than 1,000 in Lahore, the Kashmiri capital 
within Pakistan's borders, was jointly called by four left 
parties of Pakistan: the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party, 
National Workers Party, Labor Party of Pakistan and the 
Peoples Party (Shaheed Bhutto). Several labor union 
federations, human rights and community organizations, and 
youths also participated.

Despite a heavy police presence, the anti-war activists took 
their demands before the public at the Lahore Press Club, 
chanting, "No to war," and "U.S. imperialism out of South 
Asia." The Lahore demonstration demanded an immediate 
withdrawal of Indian and Pakistani troops from border areas 
and demilitarization of the part of Kashmir known as the 
Line of Control.

Demonstrators also demanded an end to preparations for large-
scale--and potentially nuclear--war being made by both India 
and Pakistan, an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. and other 
imperialist forces from the region, and respect for the 
right to self-determination of the Kashmiri nation.

At a rally before the international press, speakers stressed 
that the policies of the U.S. government were largely to 
blame for the increase in tensions between India and 
Pakistan. They spoke against unprecedented nuclear 
proliferation in the region and demanded cuts in military 

Many speakers expressed deep appreciation for Indian groups 
that showed solidarity by holding similar actions in the 
region and across India that day. They were optimistic that 
further coordinated actions of progressive forces in India 
and Pakistan would occur again in the near future.


After learning of the Pakistani groups' plans for a June 13 
demonstration, a coalition of left groups in India 
coordinated simultaneous anti-war, anti-imperialist protests 
in Delhi, Chennai, Calcutta, Lucknow, Patna, Ranchi, 
Vijaywada and other major cities.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist)-Liberation, 
Socialist Unity Center of India, CPI (ML)-Red Flag, CPI (ML)-
Unity Initiative, CPI (ML)-New Democracy, Communist 
Organization of India (ML) and the Marxist Communist Party 
of India collaborated to bring out their supporters among 
the Indian working class in a show of anti-imperialist 
solidarity against the mounting war crisis.

More than a dozen rallies across India protested the 
warmongering of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party as well as 
the likelihood of increased imperialist intervention in the 
subcontinent as a result of the conflict.

Six of the Indian groups issued a joint statement calling 
for unity "against imperialist globalization, 
communalization and Gujarat genocide, war jingoism and 
subservience to imperialism, particularly U.S. imperialism." 
Gujarat is the scene of a vicious police campaign against 
minority groups and the poor. More than 2,000 Gujarat 
Muslims have been killed since late February.

The joint statement, announcing a June 19-27 campaign of 
people's actions throughout India, warns, "Though the war 
threat has receded apparently under imperialist maneuvers, 
[U.S. and other imperialist powers] continue to flood the 
subcontinent with arms and ruin the economy of both India 
and Pakistan further.

"The danger of U.S.-UK military presence in Kashmir has 
increased. With the military bases of the U.S. and its 
allies already in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the war moves on 
the border have provided opportunity for the aggravation of 
imperialist intervention in the region as part of the global 
policing by the U.S."

The current phase of the conflict over Kashmir--which has 
its historical roots in the colonization of the region by 
the British--was ostensibly sparked by a May 14 attack 
against an Indian

Re: Fears over natural resources shortfall [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-26 Thread Hcottin


"The team then calculated what would be needed
sustainably to meet human demand for these various
activities. They wrote: "Our accounts indicate that
human demand may well have exceeded the biosphere's
regenerative capacity since the Eighties."
-Daily Telegraph
June 25, 2002 :Fears over natural resources shortfall 
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor


Capitalism  produces human wants, but it does not answer human needs. To the capitalists there is a  "natural resources shortfall." But it is merely because of the wastrel mentality of the capitalists that this is so. Public transportation, renewable energy like solar, wind, or wave energy, recyling and ending  the flagrant overproduction of goods that are not at all necessary for people will immediatetly rectiify this false "scarcity" scare.

Economists who repeat the capitalist mantras and promulgate capitalist dogma claim that the basis of the economic system is scarcity. But what is scarcity but a reliance on a ridiculous staus quo that focuses on profits and production of increasing numbers of useless commodities.

In the United States, which uses 40% of the world's resources, and in the other industrial capitalist countries, people have been programmed to buy billions of useless objects. They work to spend; they do not work to live. People's culture, their enjoyment of nature or creativity or reading or a myriad of free activities has been manipulated so that even walking has been commoditized. There are special shoes, clothing,, magazines, treadmills.  Life has degenerated into acquisition of goods and watching television which tells you life is about the acquisition of goods. Endless mindlessness. .  .

Meanwhile billions are unemployed or working as sweated labor so that this lonely,  pointless and irrational system  can continue. People starve while others spend money to diet.

We could all be healthier and eat less meat, which would save tons of grain.  The multinationals have bought up farmland to grow roses and special coffee beans and gourmet fruits, where people once grew food for their villages. Get rid of the multinationals amd the World Bank and the IMF and the people could grow food on the land.

Marx spoke of the cash nexus, and this world now spins upon it. The emiseration of the people of the Third World and Eastern Europe is now joined by the growing poverty in the industrialized imperialist nations.  There are plenty of natural resources, enough for all, and the Malthusians who wrote this piece have in their minds that this rapacious, destructive sytem must  go on forever.

They  they fear it has its limits. And it does.

The imperialists are in a race with time. And so are the communists. The awareness of the workers and peasants of the world is rising as the inevitablity of the failure of capitalism is dawning upon us all. The US and the imperialist nations are rapidly militarizing, ready to face the righteous anger of the people of the world who understand this system. 

The regenerative powers of the earth are stressed most of all by the use of fossil fuels. Global warming is actually killing the planet. The wars  in the Middle East, Colombia, Africa and NATO expansion into Eastern Europe and South Asia, as well as imperial threats in Venezuela and other oil producing nations are all about s fossil fuels, most importantly oil and natural gas. 

But these fuels are not necessary to the planet. No one needs an SUV. We don't even need to own cars. We can rent them as needed and create great systems of public transportation. Heat and light and power can in part be created by renewable energy sources. The sun shines for free. The waves roll for free. The air blows free.  

As for all the clothes and toys and gadgets: we can learn to live without buying them to feed that insatiable appetite for things That  appetite has been created, manipulated and propaganzied into an obsession by the capitalists. That appetite  is a substitute for the human drive to live  good and creative lives.

Those pundits who fear a shortfall of the earth's natural resources are terrified that this obsession for things could disappear as people realize the danger and absurdity of this capitalist system. 

"Let the ruling classes tremble." 
"Tis the final conflict." 


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Re: Editorial: What does 'no massacre' mean? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-04 Thread Hcottin


Human Rights Watch is the Arm of George Soros and a prppaganda tool of the  CIA. So if they weigh in on the events in Palestine they are doing so for political advantage to the US and client state Israel. :

HRW is wealthy and its tentacles reach out across the globe.  

HRW has opposed the sovereignty of Peoples Republic of China. Roth prosecutes the campaign opposing the right of the Chinese government to rule in Tibet and Xinchiang province. Roth has used the financial resources of Human Rights Watch to develop ongoing media campaigns against the revolution in Colombia. HRW actively opposed the election of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.  

Human Rights Watch Director Ken Roth is a powerful establishment figure. He helped overthrow the government of Slobodan Milosevic.

In an opinion piece in of the Wall Street Journal (3/22) Roth has suggested a new tack on the U.S. war on Iraq, "Indict Saddam Hussein."

 HRW is 100% in support of the ICTY kangaroo court in The Hague. HRW supported the right of NATO and the Security Council to transgress all international law in the creation of such a "tribunal." HRW justified the kidnapping which brought Milosevic to his prison in The Hague last summer.

Swans, an Internet website that posts articles not printed in the popular media recently noted the role of the George Soros' Human Rights watch in verifying US propaganda.  Stephen Gowans on Nov. 12 writes. " Human Rights Watch, presenting itself as an impartial observer, produces lower estimates (of Afghan civilian deaths) than the enemy government does, and thereby underscores Washington's claim that the enemy is exaggerating for propaganda purposes.
HRW is well-funded, and it's well-connected. Its links snake through the foreign policy establishment of the United States, through the State Department, and through the government's propaganda arm, Radio Free Europe."

Heather Cottin


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Fwd: [WW] 100,00 in DC, 35,000 in SF: "Free, Free Palestine" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-04-25 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 2, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper

100,000 IN DC, 35,000 IN SAN FRANCISCO: "FREE, FREE 

By Monica Moorehead
Washington, D.C.

Some 100,000 people made history April 20 by chanting, 
"Free, free Palestine," and, "Stop U.S. aid to Israel," as 
the biggest pro-Palestine rally ever here defiantly 
transformed Washington into liberated territory.

While there were many issues raised at the demonstration--
including opposition to U.S. intervention in Iraq, Colombia, 
the Philippines and elsewhere--the struggle in Palestine 
assumed central importance.

Heroic resistance in the Occupied Territories had spread 
around the world and crossed the Atlantic to the United 

A large majority of the people who descended upon this 
political and military nerve center of U.S. imperialism were 
Palestinians and other Arab and Muslim peoples. Many were 
children and youths, waving the red, black, green and white 
colors of the Palestinian flag and wearing their traditional 
dress including the beautiful kaffiya scarves.

They along with thousands of anti-war and revolutionary 
activists from the Black, Latino, Native, Asian, Jewish, 
lesbian/gay/bi/ trans communities, came to protest the 
brutal Bush/Sharon war against Palestine.

The size and political significance of the protest com 
pelled some of the big-money media, including the Washington 
Post and Los Angeles Times, to report the day's events. In 
addition, C-Span and Al-Jazeera--the world's largest Arab-
based TV network--both showed live coverage of the White 
House rally.

Millions of people worldwide--and especially in the Arab 
world--know what happened here April 20.

Many mosques and Islamic centers as well as other sectors of 
the Arab-American community organized hundreds of buses to 
show support for the current phase of the Palestinian 
Intifada. People in 100 U.S. cities mobilized for the 
actions. They used every form of transportation to get here--
including car caravans, trains, vans and planes.

As speakers and rally literature pointed out, the Bush 
administration had tried to use the attacks last Sept. 11 
not only to push the United States into new war adventures 
from Afghanistan to Iraq, but also as an excuse to 
intimidate and demonize the most vulnerable and marginalized 
sectors of U.S. society--namely Arab, South Asian and Muslim 

The turnout here April 20--and the crowd's mood--showed that 
the heroic Palestinian resistance to U.S./Israeli aggression 
in the occupied territories has helped reverse the 
reactionary tide of intimidation and paralysis that had 
plagued the movement for social justice here and worldwide 
since Sept. 11.

Ever since the U.S.-backed Israeli terrorist killing machine 
elevated its murderous assault on the Palestinians beginning 
on March 29, the whole world has watched in horror as the 
Israeli military destroyed whole neighborhoods in Jenin, 
Jerusalem, Nablus and Ramallah.

Many at the march carried signs showing graphic images of 
those who were either slaughtered or injured at the hand of 
the apartheid-like Israeli regime. An estimated 1,500 
Palestinians have been massacred--500 in Jenin alone--and 
thousands injured.

Besides the Washington, D.C., protest, another 35,000 people 
marched in San Francisco in support of the just cause of the 
Palestinian people. International solidarity protests were 
also called for April 20 in Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; San Salvador, El 
Salvador; Managua, Nicaragua; Basque Country; Madrid, Spain; 
the cities of Tabasco, Oaxaca and Mexico City, Mexico; 
Montreal, Canada; Belgium; Japan; and South Africa.

The International Act Now to Stop War and End Racism 
(ANSWER) coalition issued a call for activists to converge 
on the White House to demand an end to the U.S.-backed 
onslaught by the Israeli military against Palestinian 
civilians, and an immediate end to the 54-year-old illegal 
Israeli occupation of Palestine.

ANSWER leaders said they made the conscious decision to 
build a pro-Palestinian demonstration to illustrate that 
supporting the Palestinian people's right to self-
determination is part and parcel of the overall struggle 
against imperialist war and racist repression.

Before the march began, 50,000-60,000 people gathered at the 
Ellipse, behind the White House. They heard a dive

Re: The International Crisis Group [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread Hcottin


The Imperialists are getting restless.

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2002-04-20 Thread Hcottin


   I just got back from the Answer Rally which met at the Ellipse across from the White House. This rally  focused on the issue of Palestine, and its participants were overwhelmingly Moslem. Hundreds of Palestinian banners fluttered in the breeze, as the crowd took up the chants, "Free, Free Palestine", and "Bush, Sharon, What did you say? How Many Kids Did you Kill today?" "We are all Palestinians, was another cry that thundered across the broad expanse. 
   The demonstration which Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER)  organized specifically targeted Israel's genocidal policy and to point out that Israel would not have any power-or weapons  at all if the United States were not paying for every murder. At one point the rally chanted, "Pull the Plug!" 
   This rally was different from the A-20 rally.
   What they said at the A-20 Rally I don't know, but they weren't linking US imperialism in the Middle east and their signs did not show opposition to the planned war in Iraq, unleess they were carrying ANSWER signs, which many were. . The two rallies  joined in a march up Pennsylvania Ave. At the capital, speakers from the two coalitions joined together. They heard froom Cynthia McKinnon, the Congresswoman who is all alone against US aid to Israel and the whole Bush War Drive, but McKinnon still believes that Congress is where the change needs to take place. 
   Larry Holmes of the IAC spoke later and recognized that the changes were coming from the unity of the forces all over the world, from working people and oppressed people who were fighting back in Palestine and Colombia and Nepal, who were challenging imperialism in Colombia and spectacularly in Venezuela. 

   But the focus on Palestine was overwhelming by this second rally. A remarkable youth , a Palestinian woman who had been the Valedictoian at University of California Berkeley, spoke, urging all speakers to denounce Zionism as genocide. This powerful and dynamic organizer had been forced to talk second at her graduation, in violation of tradition, because the keynote speaker at the ceremony was Madelaine Albright, and our vibrant speaker would have decimated Madame Albright as the imperialsit floozie that she is. 
   But Albright got jeered and hecked loudly and effectively. Amy Goodman, one of the A-20 presenters said. The young graduate of UC Berkeley quoted the Spanish Civil War Communist  Delores Ibarruri, known as La Passionaria,  who said,"It is better to die on our feet than to live on our knees!"
   Between the two rallies there were over 80,000 people who marched. I was doing video for People's Video Network and the rally went by, from the start, with 35 people walking abreast approximately (and often more) for 39 minutes down Pennsylvania Ave.  It moved quickly,and the spirit was strong. 
   A-20 was a more moderate  coalition which had certain Zionist-ic elements, and feared antagonizing Jews who support Israel. But those who joined with ANSWER were moving the political movement in the United States into a very mature position. The support of the Palestinian cause marks a significant change. There is no people on earth who have been so vilified, forced into such appalling and horrendous conditions, grandparents and their grandchildren  have been born in the miserable tents of  the refugee camps. The world turned away from them, and they were deprived of everyhting, their land, their livelihoods, and now- their lives. Their fightback has awakened the world and we felt it in DC this day. 
    When the Berkely Valedictoian said, "YOU MUST SUPPORT THE INTIFADA," a great roar came up from the crowd. The Palestinians and Bush/Sharon's genocidal policies and murderous actions have forced our movement into a radical new phase. They are the poorest, most oppressed people on the planet, and they are fighting back with their very bodies. No one could have heard those speeches and left without a sense of solidarity and respect for the courage of the Palestinians.
 That so many Moslem brothers and sisters joined with Christian, Jews, athiests-whetever in this mulktinational event marked the beginning of a new phase of the struggle.  
   I'm no Bible scholar, but I think Bob Dylan was paraphrasing the Bible when he wrote,
"The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'

Thinking about Bush's  military buildup- a Paper Tiger, as we see  in Jenin and in the streets of Caracas.

In struggle, 


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2002-04-18 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---


--- Begin Message ---

Dear Friends
The following are three articles to be published in 
Workers World tonight and distributed to tens of thousands 
of anti-war demonstrators in Washington and San Francisco 
April 20, included in an extra-large issue of WW. They are 
WW’s lead articles on (1) Venezuela, by Andy 
McInerney, (2) Colombia, by Teresa Gutierrez, and (3) 
Palestine, by Richard Becker, plus (4) an editorial on 
Demonization and War, which focuses on the vilification of 
Arafat, Milosevic and Saddam Hussein. Since these are 
aimed at explaining difficult issues to a somewhat new 
audience, they may be useful to you. If anyone translates 
or uses them in any way, please send me a copy of what is 
done. The full issue of WW will be available on the web 
site www.worker.org by the weekend.

Fraternally, John Catalinotto

Mass uprising defeats U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela

By Andy McInerney

The revolutionary process underway in Venezuela passed a 
decisive test over the weekend of April 13-14. Hundreds of 
thousands of workers and peasants across the country rose 
up to defeat a U.S.-backed coup attempt organized by the 
Venezuelan capitalist class against President Hugo Chávez.

It was a genuine victory of people's power in the first 
open clash of social classes in the oil-rich South 
American country. But the victory also lays bare the 
fundamental question of the Venezuelan revolution: how to 
organize the popular classes-the workers, peasants, 
soldiers and students-to defend the revolution against 
further assaults by the propertied oligarchy and the 
weight of U.S. imperialism.

The Venezuelan Revolution, a process that opened with 
Chávez's election in 1998, is at a decisive crossroads. 
Its progress will require the international solidarity of 
all progressive people, especially in the United States.

Chávez and the "Bolivarian revolution"

Venezuela is a mineral-rich South American country 
bordering the Caribbean Sea. It is the third-largest 
exporter of oil to the United States-down from the largest 
when Chávez was elected in 1998.

But the tremendous wealth that the oil industry generates 
has never impacted the lives of Venezuela's working class. 
More than 80 percent live in poverty. One percent of the 
population owns 60 percent of the arable land.

The tremendous social inequities have caused tremendous 
explosions of popular outrage. In 1989, the ruling class 
unleashed a military assault on tens of thousands of 
people demanding lower food prices; more than 3,000 were 

In 1992, junior military officers led by Lt. Col. Hugo 
Chávez staged a coup attempt in solidarity with huge 
demonstrations against International Monetary 
Fund-dictated austerity measures.

After spending two years in prison, Chávez toured the 
country advocated what he described as a "Bolivarian 
Revolution" against the pro-U.S. Venezuelan oligarchy. 
Named for the great South American independence leader 
Simon Bolivar, Bolivarianism has come to mean using 
Venezuela's wealth for the benefit of the people of Latin 
America, and Latin American unity against U.S. domination.

His 1998 election was the result of an alliance between 
his Fifth Republic Movement, based on progressive junior 
military officers and rank-and-file soldiers, and the 
parties of the working class and left.

His new government began to dismantle the political power 
base of the rich oligarchy. The two main political parties 
of the ruling class--the Democratic Alliance and the 
Social Christian COPEI party--essentially collapsed. A new 
constitution and National Assembly enshrined many of the 
key progressive political features of the new Bolivarian 

In the arena of foreign relations, the Chávez government 
steered clear of the traditional servile position to U.S. 
imperialism. Chávez traveled to visit Iraqi President 
Saddam Hussein. He encouraged an independent OPEC. He 
brokered a deal to provide for Cuba with favorable terms. 
He refused to participate in the Pentagon's military 
campaign against Colombia's Marxist insurgencies.

Beginning in June, the Venezuelan government began to turn 
its attention from the political arena to the economy. In 
November, Chávez signed a package of 49 laws aimed at 
addressing the social disparities in the country. At the 
heart of these laws were a land reform law and legislation 
aimed at restricting the power of the old oligarchy in the 
state industries, especial

Venezuelan Generals are SOA Grads [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-14 Thread Hcottin


Venezuelan Generals Backing Interim President are SOA Grads

Army Commander in Chief Efrain Vasquez and General Ramirez Poveda, two of the major military backers of a transitional government, received training at the notorious US Army School of the Americas (SOA).  Vasquez attended the school from January 23rd to December 2nd, 1988, taking a course called "Command and General Staff Officer Training".  General Ramirez took a course called "Auto Maintenance Officer Training" from May 8th to August 11th, 1972.

With military backing, Pedro Carmona, president of business leaders association Fedecameras, has assumed the position of interim president.

The SOA, renamed in 2001 the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC), is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers, located at Fort Benning, Georgia. SOA graduates are consistently involved in human rights abuses and atrocities throughout Latin America.

SOA Watch is still researching, with concern, the events in Venezuela.  The involvement of SOA trained militaries follows a clear pattern in Latin America.  Former Congressperson Joseph Kennedy, stated "the US Army School of the Americas...is a school that has run more dictators than any other school in the history of the world."  In total, the school has produced at least eleven Latin American dictators.  Its graduates include, among others, Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, Major General Guillermo Rodriguez (who overth! rew Ecuador's elected government and became dictator), Major General Juan Velasco (who did the same in Peru), Lieutenant General Roberto Viola and Lieutenant General Leopoldo Galtieri (responsible for Argentina's "Dirty War"), Bolivian General Hugo Banzer Suarez (who despite murdering labor leaders and opposition politicians and sheltering a Nazi war criminal, was honored as a member of the SOA Hall of Fame in 1988), Major General Guido Vildoso (military dictator of Bolivia), Brigadier General Juan Melgar Castro (military dictator of Honduras), and José Efraín Montt (dictator of Guatemala).

In an attempt to diffuse public criticism and to disassociate the school from its reputation the Pentagon renamed the SOA in 2001 the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.  SOA Watch maintains that the underlying purpose of the school, to control the econom! ic and political systems of Latin America through aiding and influencing Latin American militaries, remains the same.

SOA Watch, founded in 1990, is a national, grassroots conscience-based group committed to human rights and the promotion of democracy.  With offices in Columbus, GA, Washington DC and chapters in communities and on campuses around the country, our goal is to work in solidarity with the people of Latin America and to close the SOA/WHISC.


For background information about the situation in Venezuela visit: 


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2002-04-14 Thread Hcottin


They're Zionists, they are racists, imperialist lackeys. Calling them "Yiddish supremacists" is racist and anti-Semitic in the extreme. Let us stay away from religious mudslinging attacks. The issue isn't religion. Not all Islamic people are progressive (the governments of most Middle eastern nations spring to mind) we don't vilify the US because the majority are Christians. All of this is in thruth about  capitalism, class, imperialism and militarism. 

It is true that the majority of Jews in the nation (US) have been manipulated by their temples  and religious affiliatted groups to support Israel and oppose the Palestinians. But that is also true of all the American people who support US foreign policy, manipulated by the US government and the bourgeois media. 

The manipulated people can be freed of their false consciousness by analysis, organizing and a general feeling of discomfort with the policies of the State(s) they support. But if they are backed into a corner by racist remarks or ethnic slurs, they can't see past their own identities. Such attacks only strengthen imperialist manipulation of nationalist antagonisms. 

Heather Cottin

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Re: Of Robert Mugabe and the cadre [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread Hcottin


   Why are you wasting your time here? You going to "reform" us? You just got appointed commisar of political recitiude? Or are you just an asshole? 
   Whatever. I join my friends in hoping you fade away and soon. You add nothing here but a lot of liberal bullshit. No one is commending you, no one is grateful for your effluvium. 

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Re: The Canadian Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Hcottin


    Why this nasty, ad hominem rejoinder? I have heard this kind of "leftist" attack on leftists before, always the same thing, "you are preaching to the choir." But actually, the choir needs to learn the words, and this LISTSERV functions as the librettist (for me, a writer and activists on these issues. It isn't the all-news AM radio station which occasionally has a gem of truth. It has a more educational purpose.

The line "You take your allies where you can find them." is opportunist, for Margolis is no ally. If a political pundit occasionally contributes to the rectifying of a wrong, it doesn't make him an ally, he has merely served some use in the struggle.
    That's what Rick is upset about, because you appeared to give Margolis too much credit. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but that doesn't mean it is running. 
    If there is a political enemy out there and he or she is correct on the Yugoslavia or NATO story (The Washington Times comes to mind) that is something to be dealt with very carefully.
   There have been cases in the US since the early 1990s of people trying not to appear too left or with the left on these issues. They have formed alliances with right wingers and people like Margolis. They operate individualistically and do not work to form a movement. That's where opportunism can get you. 
    It is really important to know who is a real ally and who isn't. 
    STOPNATO is for cadre. That's OK.


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Re: For those with a strong stomach [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-26 Thread Hcottin


Dear Angela,
    I have no idea why you choose to be on this listserv if you believe the Dutch and British governments are "highly intellectual" and have "have proven themselves over the course of HISTORY to make peaceful sound judgements based on logic."
    Now my brothers on this listserv have little patience with you, and suggest that no one take your comment seriously.
    But for some reason you were added to the list, so before you unsubscribe, I will take a moment to respond to your statement.
    You see, this triumphalism that is inherent in Blair's speech is the sound of the victory (we think it is temporary)of capitalism in its most savage state ever.The French call it "le capitalisme sauvage."
    The idea of having " a strong stomach" for Blair's remarks relates to his assumptions - and your own. 
    See, the new jobs in Europe are mostly McJobs, but even the "good" jobs are the result of the process called "Globalization," which has impoverished the Third World and the former USSR and Eastern Europe. 
    Not to be concerned about the immiseration of the people who have been destroyed by these economic developments marks you as a person who doesn't yet understand what is going on in the world .
    If you genuinely want to be "anti-NATO" you need to see that the growth of NATO, the war on Yugoslavia and now NATO expansion European and overwhelmingly US expansion into the European and Asian continents since the end of the COLDWAR has been aggressive, militaristic, murderous and avaricious. 
    All the wars Tony Blair neglects to mention that have created these new Western European economic developments have robbed someone.
    Even his references to enhanced GDPs for the EU makes no mention of who got what. The working class and farming and service workers have not equally shared in the economic growth. 
    He says that women are now working. Many have to because no longer in Europe can a family subsist on one salary. That's been happening in the US foe a longer time. Women working is not a mark of liberation. It is about wage slavery. Sure, women want to work at intersting and creative jobs, but those kinds of jobs are not commonly found.
    In the US that is painfully clear as the gap between rich and poor has grown massively since the 1980s.
    But European capitalists are also the major beneficiaries of globalization which, Angela, you need to see is imperialism in a monstrous and rapacious incarnation, more horrible for the poor and the workers- and the environment- than any system previously created. 
    They are not making 'peaceful sound judgements,' they are destroying the world. If you don't see it this way, you should unsubscribe. Or you could start reading this stuff and open your heart and your mind and the truth will make you free.

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Re: Cold War Era Campaign Against Moldova [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-25 Thread Hcottin


Hey guys,
    This is all because the whole anti-globalization crew never understood Yugoslavia, US/NATO/Gerrman/UK/ imperialism, they never  understood Milosevic. Really, somehow they get to have a spft spot in their hearts for Castro and Cuba, maybe they were for the FMLN and the sandinistas, or maybe they support revolution in Colombia, but they are mad at Mugabe also and have this Tibet thing going, and worry about the millonaire Fulan Gongs, some of them never really understood that the USSR was actually beneficial for workers and peasants. They were so busy being liberal and into the Cold War ideology that they missed the truth.
    They never got that basic principle: what is good for the working class? Capitalism or socialism. It's not too late.If they remember that the press lies all the time, they might re-evaluatte. 
    This listserv started because some wonderful people understood about NATO in Yugoslavia. In our movements and writing, we can rememeber March 24, the day that both the NAZIS and NATO/US chose to make war on Yugoslavia, and re-dedicate ourselves to telling the truth about that war.

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Re: Hunt The Boeing [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-20 Thread Hcottin


In a message dated 3/20/02 10:55:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


A very strange report on tv last week showed the Pentagon "Bombing" and it said the  Boeing was there, but the thing is, it wasn't!! The picture showed no plane at all. I didn't see it but Dierdre Griswold (editor of Workers World newspaper, and a totally reliable person, who had also received the so-called "Pentagon Plane hoax" e-mail) did see the tv report.
Curiouser and curiouser.


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Re: Hunt The Boeing [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-12 Thread Hcottin


OK, I see no plane-evidence.
What happened to the people who were supposed to have died? There was some wife of a Bush flunky. She called on her cell to talk to her husband. Was much made of her sacrifice in the DC press?? 
Was this made up? Wasn't there a picture of the plane clipping the tops of the street lights which allegedly happened as it flew into the Pentagon? Aren't there eyewitness accounts? 
This is too mad. Were there no photos of this plane coming in? 

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Re: Uzbek Leader Chides West [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-29 Thread Hcottin


What economic "reforms" is this leader refusing to implement? If Human Rights Watch 
doesn't like him, he might be doing something (gasp) socialistic.Remember, beforre 
Sept. 11, they and the other imperialists were about to decend on Lukashenko (for 
similar "problems") in Byolorussia!


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2002-01-27 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---
Feudalism - You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.

Fascism - You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take
care of them, and sells you the milk.

Communism - You have two cows. Your neighbors help take care of them and you
share the milk.

Totalitarianism - You have two cows. The government takes them both and
denies they ever existed and drafts you into the army. Milk is banned.

Capitalism - You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd
multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.

Enron Venture Capitalism - You have two cows. You sell four of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, which is owned by your cousin, a high ranking politician in Washington DC. You then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all eight cows back, with a tax exemption for sixteen cows. The milk rights of the thirty two cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island company secretly owned by a majority shareholder, a Senator, who sells the rights to all forty cows back to your listed company. The annual report says the company owns eighty cows, with an option on forty more. No taxes are due, however, because last year, the majority shareholder Senator sponsored a bill exempting all trading in cows from corporate income tax. The Senator records the sale of two of his cows to a California Congressman, subtracts the expenses of raising all 90 cows (which includes a $1 million contribution to the Cayman Island Dairy Farmers PAC), and declares a loss of $3 million for the year. However, before the tax return is filed, the Senator sells 900,000 of his share options in the Cayman Island company for a profit of $36 million. Meanwhile, the shortage of cows in California has caused the price of milk to go up to $125.00 a gallon and occasionally the shelves are empty causing the store owners to have to close their stores on a rotating schedule. You then resign and retire to your $50 million vacation home in the Cayman Islands.
--- End Message ---

Text: Capitalism, World Economic Felons, and the Waldorf [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-26 Thread Hcottin


Working Class Crashes Bourgeois Party at the Waldorf: 
By Heather Cottin

The arrogance of the ruling class is boundless. While 20% of New York City residents in 2002 have been forced to depend on soup kitchens and food pantries to stay alive, the leaders of the world capitalist system will be meeting and partying at the elegant Waldorf Astoria Hotel. They will be following a long tradition of the bourgeoisie

In the Gilded Age, at the late 19th Century, the Robber Barons, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Belmont, Morgan, and the others attended extravagant balls and parties at the original Waldorf located on Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.  At one party, according to Matthew Josephson in The Robber Barons, the men were given cigarettes wrapped in $100 bills, while the women received 14-karat gold bracelets as favors. 

In the period between 1890 and 1900 there was a terrible depression, and the median amount necessary for a family to live on for one year was about $500, according to the Historical Statistics of the US.  These industrialists and bankers must have sniggered as they cavalierly smoked up what amounted to 1/5 of a family's yearly survival.

 One night in 1897, during the depth of a depression, one of the fabulously wealthy men of the age, Mr. Bradley Martin, had the entire lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria transformed into Hall Of Mirrors from the Palais de Versailles, reflecting the complete disregard that the monarchy had for the poor in the days just before the French Revolution. August Belmont wore a suit of armor marked with gold inlay of ten thousand dollars' value. Women wore beautiful and expensive jewels as if they were corsages (Protestantism in America: A Narrative History by Jerald C. Brauer)

The ruling classes, then as now, were aware of the poverty running rampant through the cities, the poverty that was forcing thousands of farmers off their farms. They were the cause of it. It was they who paid the workers their miserable wages. It was they who sent their thugs and Pinkerton rent-a-cops to kill workers, as Carnegie did in the 1892 Homestead Strike.  It was the industrialists who paid the farmers so little they were forced to sell their farms. 

A Populist Leader, Mary Lease thundered to a crowd in Kansas in 1890:
"Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people  
  and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for Wall Street." 

Mary "Yellin' Lease said, "The great common people in this country are slaves and monopoly is the master ; . . . We will not pay our debts to the loan shark companies until the government pays its debts to us. . . let the bloodhounds of money who have dogged us thus far beware!"

The working classes and the farmers were moving fast in those days. As the economy declined, immigrants and native born people joined together against the banks, the corporations, the system the workers called, "wage slavery."

 Eugene Victor Debs led the railroad workers in a strike that stopped the railroads. It took the army to break it up and Debs went to jail. There he read Marx's Das Kapital, and came out months later a socialist.

 In the South, refusing to be intimidated by the Ku Klux Klan Black and White farmers joined together against the ruling class whites and organized coops. They opposed the dreaded crop lien system, which turned the African American and white farmers into debtors on their own lands. 

And how did the ruling classes respond to these strikes and acts of defiance? They sent in the police and National Guards against strikers. They funded and armed and encouraged the growth of the Klan. They looked the other way when nightriders and vigilantes mowed down poor people, the majority of whom were Black, throughout the South. 

The bourgeoisie showed their sympathy for the plight of the workers by throwing what they called "poverty socials". A western millionaire had the ballroom in his home decorated as a hobo camp and his ruling class guests came in rags and tatters. It cost $14,000 to serve them "hobo stew" on wooden plates. The cost of the party was equal to what it would have cost to have fed, housed, clothed and provided for 2800 families for a year.

 The wives and daughters of the bourgeoisie felt virtuous and noble as they carried baskets of fruit to poor families in the crowded, fetid tenement houses. The bourgeoisie gave occasional charity balls for the poor, just as they do today. As they danced the night away in their satins and diamond tiaras, the men talking business over cigars, their concern for the poor was as cynical as it is today. 

The City of New York paid the Astor family $17 million for the land and on the site of the old hotel constructed the Empire State Building. The "new" Waldorf Astoria was constructed and opened at its present location with much ceremony as a playground for the ruling classes in 1931, in the midst of t

Capitalism, the World Economic Felons and the Waldorf Astoria [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-01-26 Thread Hcottin




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Re: Richard: On Latvia ( or: Why I hate Gorby) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-14 Thread Hcottin


Oh, I really don't know if this is going to do any good. Richard (Knox) and Herb, and I am out of this . Perhaps it's been an edifying experience, but "Asterion" is right, we'd better spend our time on the struggle.  do I see everyone rising to the bait, so I henceforth join Barry in ignoring your taunts and manipulations. .

I do wish you'd stop re-writing history, and get off that knee jerk anti-Sovietism that seems to define your ideologies. Course, Rich you have that personal  experience thing going, so that explains a lot. 

 I am going to ignore your ad hominem insults , Richie.  I am sending you an excellent piece by Dierdre Griswold, editor of Workers World Newspaper, which might clarify things on the Soviets in Afghanistan.  Or not. Some people don't want things clear. 

   And Richard and Herb? There is no "Third Way." It's socialism or barbarism. This isn't a multiple choice world.  Two choices, ond one is bad and the other is better. In the today's ex-USSR and in today's Afghanistan: Barbarism. Brought to you by the Barbarians Inc. Headquartered in Washington D.C. (Branch offices in London and Bonn etc) 

   For your edification: 

The Pentagon puts out what it calls country study books on almost every country in the world. They are updated every few years. These books contain basic information for the use of U.S. personnel traveling or working abroad. There's nothing classified in them. They're available in most libraries. 
"Afghanistan--a Country Study" for 1986 has of course the anti-communist line expected of a Pentagon publication. But it also contains much useful information about the changes instituted by the Afghan Revolution of 1978. 

Freeing women and peasants

Before the revolution, 5 percent of Afghanistan's rural landowners owned more than 45 percent of the arable land. A third of the rural people were landless laborers, sharecroppers or tenants. 
Debts to the landlords and to money lenders "were a regular feature of rural life," says the U.S. Army report. An indebted farmer turned over half his crop each year to the money lender. 
"When the PDPA took power, it quickly moved to remove both landownership inequalities and usury," says the Pentagon report. Decree number six of the revolution canceled mortgage debts of agricultural laborers, tenants and small landowners. 
The revolutionary regime set up extensive literacy programs, especially for women. It printed textbooks in many languages--Dari, Pashtu, Uzbek, Turkic and Baluchi. "The government trained many more teachers, built additional schools and kindergartens, and instituted nurseries for orphans," says the country study. 
Before the revolution, female illiteracy had been 96.3 percent in Afghanistan. Rural illiteracy of both sexes was 90.5 percent. 
By 1985, despite a counter-revolutionary war financed by the CIA, there had been an 80-percent increase in hospital beds. The government initiated mobile medical units and brigades of women and young people to go to the undeveloped countryside and provide medical services to the peasants for the first time. 
Among the very first decrees of the revolutionary regime were to prohibit bride-price and give women freedom of choice in marriage. "Historically," said the U.S. manual, "gender roles and women's status have been tied to property relations. Women and children tend to be assimilated into the concept of property and to belong to a male." 
Also: "A bride who did not exhibit signs of virginity on the wedding night could be murdered by her father and/or brothers." 
The revolution was challenging all this. 
Young women in the cities, where the new government's authority was strong, could tear off the veil, freely go out in public, attend school and get a job. They were organized in the Democratic Women's Organization of Afghanistan, founded in 1965 by Dr. Anahita Ratebzada. 
Ratebzada's companion, Babrak Karmal, was one of the young revolutionaries who had formed the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan in that same year and would later become president of the country. 
Repression and revolution
A revolution was literally thrust upon this young party in 1978. The reactionary government of Mohammad Daoud, which was close to both the shah of Iran and the United States, arrested almost the entire leadership of the PDPA on April 26, 1978. There had been a huge funeral procession just a week earlier for a murdered member of the party, and the progressive masses in Kabul saw the new arrests as an attempt to annihilate the party just as the military junta had done to the workers' parties in Chile in 1973. 
An uprising by the lower ranks of the military freed the popular party leader, Nur Mohammad Taraki--the soldiers actually broke down his prison walls with a tank. Within a day, Daoud was overthrown and a revolutionary government proclaimed, headed by Taraki. 
This uprising of the soldiers and the city masses, many of th

Lies about Iraq and Atta [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-14 Thread Hcottin


By Bill Blum
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--- Begin Message ---

Hello, is there anyone out there who's not yet totally cynical about US 
foreign policy and the propaganda that accompanies it?  For months we've been 
told that Mohamed Atta, the alleged ringleader of the September 11 attacks, 
had met an Iraqi intelligence agent in Prague in April, with all the ominous 
implication of Iraqi involvement in the attack that this story carried, along 
with the implied threat of US retaliation against Iraq.  Well, in case you 
missed it, the NY Times reported on page B6 of its October 20, 2001 issue 
that Czech "officials said they had been asked by Washington to comb their 
records to determine whether Mr. Atta met with an Iraqi diplomat or agent 
here. They said they had told the United States they found no evidence of any 
such meeting. ... Petr Necas, chairman of the parliamentary defense 
committee, said, 'I haven't seen any direct evidence that Mr. Atta met any 
Iraqi agent'."
Well, that would seem to have put an end to that.  All the American 
officials who have been hungering for a chance to further devastate the 
people of Iraq would have to find another pretext.
 Then, on October 27, the Times reported that: "Speaking at a news 
conference in Prague, the Czech interior minister, Stanislav Gross, said that 
Mr. Atta met Mr. Ani, an Iraqi diplomat identified by Czech authorities as an 
intelligence officer, in early April."
What's going on here?
 Said the Times: "Mr. Gross and other Czech officials suggested earlier 
this month that while there was evidence that Mr. Atta had visited Prague, 
there was none he had actually met with Iraqi agents. It was unclear what 
prompted them to revise their conclusions, although it seemed possible that 
American officials, concerned about the political implications of Iraqi 
involvement in terror attacks, had put pressure on the Czechs to keep quiet."
Part of the second sentence indicates that the Times writer was a bit 
confused inasmuch as it's been US officials trumpeting alleged Iraqi 
involvement, but that's neither here nor there.  What's important is the 
claim that the first announcement by the Czech government may have induced US 
officials to put pressure on the Czechs to revise that claim.  If the NY 
Times can express such unusual cynicism about US foreign policy, who are we 
to not have our doubts?

--- End Message ---

Re: Richard: On Latvia ( or: Why I hate Gorby) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-12 Thread Hcottin


In a message dated 1/12/02 11:17:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

. In my experiences schools in the First World are institutions funded by blood money  to indoctrinate children into acceptance of the class system.  

That's true, but most teachers are not very conscious. If they are indoctrinating kids, they are doing it out of an honest, if mistaken idea that what they are doing, the system they are defending is good. They really don't know any better. The money's not too good, but they are workers and they work pretty hard.  

I don't put them in the same catagory as a former Soviet leader who plays footsies with the imperialists. He knows better. But then the money is good.

Needless to say, in my 34 years in the classroom I haven't been engaged in an effort  "to indoctrinate children into acceptance of the class system." 

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Re: Richard: On Latvia ( or: Why I hate Gorby) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-12 Thread Hcottin


In a message dated 1/12/02 10:10:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

a starting point - whether you favor
anyone from the set Stalin-Putin over Gorbachev? 


Im also curious whether you view him as better or worse than Reagan, Bush,
Clinton, Bush, Thatcher, Blair.

He's friends with them now, isn't he? He's perfectly comfy with them. He is now one of them, but without a nation to rule. He gave his country to them. They liked that.  It fit nicely into their plans to own the vast resources of the USSR and to take the Third World without interference from pesky Revolutionaries who could get outside help. 

Nothing wrong with helping a friend in need, is there? Sending tractors to Cuba, training African doctors in Bulgaria, providing military assistance to Vietnamese to help fight agaisnt the the nation that was trying to "bomb them back to the stone age?" That wasn't a good idea? 

What is your vierw
on freedom and dignity during the Stalin - Brezhnev period?

Better than now.

And lastly - was it the obligation of the Russians to continue the struggle
for the rights of the people - when the people of all the wealthy countries
refused to help them?

Now whatever do you mean by this? That the people in the USSR should have refused to help the people in the Third World because  the people in the US etc weren't helping them??? 

The capitalist countries take the taxes of their peole and use them to oppress the people in the Third World. The people here think they are "helping" the people in Afghanistan by bombing them. They were told they were "helping" the Vietnamese, and the US government killed over 3 million people in that land, leaving 1/6 of the land with poisoned craters of the helping bombs. 

People here were told we helped the Koreans, and 5 1/2 millions there were killed.  Anywhere the US bombs or sends in troops is called "helping." Read Felix Green's The Enemy. Read Bill Blum's Rogue State. READ EVERYTHING MICHAEL PARENTI EVER WROTE!!!

From your comments I gather you live in a country where people are allowed
to express negative opinions about their government.

Iam a citizen of the US; I will use my freedom of speech as long as I can. The Bush administration would use its Patriot Act to shut people up. It is important not to be afraid.  The movement is not. Perhaps some people here, or maybe most people here are fearful about using freedom of speech,  but I think that  self-defeating. It won't last. 

I am part of the International Action Center. We have been "out there" expressing freedom of speech and opposing the policies of the state and federal governments for some time. There's something happening, and fearfulness about using one's freedom  is diminishing.

Richard. There is a foreign policy crisis. There is a world economic crisis. (now, heh heh, thanks to Enron, the Carlyle Group and Richard Butlerr and some dandy French writers) there's a Constitutional CrisisThe US is the superpower, but it is not invincible. 

Stop fussing about "Stalin to Breznev." If you are alone, find yourself a movement. If you are really and genuinely held back by the issues you are asking me about, I think you will be stymied. That would be a shame, because everyone has to get a move on. Time's a-wasting.

My personality isn't very easily repressed. I tried. I was a child in the McCarthy era, and kept quiet, and many were silent and fearful. Now I am older and realize that fear and silence only allow the oppressors to triumph.

Your pal,
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Re: Richard: On Latvia ( or: Why I hate Gorby) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-12 Thread Hcottin


The Marxist were imposing western values on the people of Afghanistan? Medical care, food distribution, education and female equality are western values? 

I'm not a cultural relativist, either.

Silly me. I think addressing the economic and social problems which plagued one of the most impoverished nations on earth was a good idea. Go figure. 
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Re: From Lennon to Lenin : on culture in the movement(WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK] [WWW

2002-01-12 Thread Hcottin


I almost deleted this. Then I read it and sent it on to a bunch of folks. Barry, did you write this? It would be nice to have a discussion about culture and the movement. I was a folksinger in the 1960s, and formed some groups in the 1970s, and wrote a lot of songs in the 1980s. (inspired by the Reagan et al. The question of whether the revolution needs music and dancing is not just one for anarchists. (Emma Goldman said, "If I can't dance I don't want to be in your revolution.") 

It is a question for Leninists too. Maybe not proper for STOPNATO, but with demonstrations coming fast and furious these days, songs and music can really liven up the crowds.

The most exciting part of the Washington Demo on Sept. 29 was the moment in the march when the masses turned and saw thousands coming up the hill behind us and a chant leader called out a very  complicated,dancy sort of chant:

Black, Latino, Arab Asian and White
No racist wars Home or abroad
Defend our civil rights.

We learned it and shouted it out and danced to it. It was  one of the most powerful moment sI have experienced in years of demonstrating. 

And years before, in a NYC Mumia march, me and the strangers near me took up a musical version we invented on the spot from the chant, 
"Brick by Brick, Wall by Wall, Wr're gonna free Mumia Abu Jamal." We harmonized and played the soda cans we found with pens and sticks; we played on street signs as we passed them, and it carried us along. 

The French sing, the Latin Americans sing, the Africans sing. The uptight attitude about music has to break here, and more musicians need to make up crowd songs, easily sung, exciting songs. (NOT "All we are saying, is give peace a chance," though in September after the 11th, that was radical since to sing that was daring in NYC.)

Youth is listening to music constantly, it is in their ears, on their radios, blasting out of their windows. 

But that is just passive. 

There needs to be a new effort to get music out; it isn't counterrevolutionary to bring music back into the movement. It was intrinsic to every struggle before now. It was the LISTENING passively, it was the bourgeoisification, the taking of the music BUSINESS by capitalism that was destructive. The people can take it back if the musicians will become part the people, not stars participating in the commodification of culture. 

Heather Cottin

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Re: Richard: On Latvia ( or: Why I hate Gorby) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Hcottin


They (before-Gorbachev leaders in the USSR)  were for socialism. Can you imagine them all taking money today from the bourgeiosie and saying nothing about the death of socialism in the USSR? I guess I can't. 

I am passionately on the side of the working class around the world. Those who oppose it or who lend themselves to defending capitalism are the enemies of the children of the world, they are the enemies of freedom and dignity. 

I cannot imagine anyone who I respect working consciously for the foundations and think tanks taking blood money to live and "work," as Michial Gorbachev does. He is a class enemy. If he were not, he'd be criticising everything; poverty, the wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, the World Bank, the IMF, WTO. 

He's be organizing Russians to take back their nation by force of arms from the felons who are destroying it. He's be in the streets of Moscow and (I hate this name) St. Petersberg (Leningrad, for goodness sake, LENINGRAD!!), with the workers, on strike, looting the food stores, defying authorities. Organizing, fighting, agitating. 

He'd be telling the world that the USSR came to the aid of the Marxist government in Afghanistan because the US and Pakistan was supporting the feudal brutal Mujahadeen. He'd be saying that that government gave women freedom, educated the children, was trying to bring Afghanistan out of the 7th century. And the US, in its most expensive CIA contra war EVER destroyed it.supporting the Taliban and the Northern alliance and the heroin trade. Gorbachev would talk truth. Silence. he is silent. 

I don't know who you are, Richard, but you must remember the part in John Reed's Ten Days that Shook the World in which a revolutionary soldier stopped a bourgeois group from promenading across a bridge and walking past the building that housed the Bolshevik government. When they asked to pass, he refused them, saying that either you were with the proleatiat or the bourgeoisie, and the only people who could pass were with the proletariat. 

Or do you know the US labor song, Which Side Are you On? 

That is what this is about. This isn't about whether you think it was nice to have Glastnost or Peristroika, it is about how these policies helped lead to the destruction of the USSR and led to the wholesale death of the Soviet people. And the end of revoulionary movements everywhere. 

This temporary cessation of the foward movement of the working class will have cost several hundred million lives around the globe by the time the workers of the world finally organize revolution.

Under socialism ,one can't afford to have well-intentioned policies. One must fight agaisnt bourgeois tendencies and resist the imperialists who are always going to try to annihilate socialism. 

That cretin Fukayama talked about an end to histroy. The Enlightenment was stopped. Capitalism won, all was ducky for the rich. It was not; but in the 1980s and 1990s capitalism spread around the world like a terrible scourge and the revolutionary immune system that was found WHILE THE USSR WAS STILL EXTANT was destroyed. 

Now that the capitalist system is globally tanking, now that the overproduction in every nation is choking the economies, now that the only real profits can be found in war, now the working class will be waking up. In Argentina, the left has put aside their differences and is talking and working together. In the US, young people are joining together to fight for civil liberties and agaisnt war. These are small, but indicative developments. 

Are you  familiar with the Turner Thesis? This is the final appication of it. The US has rub out of frontiers, the capitalists can't invest many more places, the system has really outlived its usefulness, and   Gorbachev isn't on the same page as those who know this. He worries about pollution. That's nice.  So does the Sierra Club and the Boyscouts, but they aren't on the side of the working class, and neither does that "great leader" you admire.

I will stop. 

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Re: Richard: On Latvia ( or: Why I hate Gorby) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-10 Thread Hcottin


I am in the middle of grading 104 term papers so I can't answer all your questions, but I wanted to explain why Gorbachev is so odious to me. As for Yeltsin and Putin, they were not the heads of the Soviet Union. (As for Yeltsin. I'd dance on his grave. And Putin let Yugoslavia die whle Russia disintegrated.) 
They were capitalist stooges of Russia.  They are beneath contempt. But a man who still has support from the Left, Gorbachev needs to be seen in this context: 

In October of 1996, Tom Brokaw said on MSNBC:

"The former President of the Soviet Union of course was a courageous, far-seeing prophet whose reforms set in motion the collapse of the Soviet dictatorship and the end of the Cold War." 

And what is he (now) doing? He heads up a think tank, the  Gorbachev Foundation, which  moved to Northeastern University in Massachusetts after leaving its headquarters at the Presidio ( A Former Military Base ) in San Francisco.  Who's funding him? Who is providing the limos and money and stuff?

And how much do you hear from your hero about the anguish of Russia and the immiseration of the people of the republics of the former Soviet Union? Any words of support for the hungry, homeless, jobless, and sickly people whose economic system has been destroyed by capitalism? If he is a communist or a socialist? has Had Gorbachev a heart or courage or outrage, he might be saying something about the destruction of the medical, educational, housing, cultural, industrial, and agricultural systems of his homeland. But no. 

Heard any of that from him since 1990? Is he publicly wringing his hands as infant and maternal mortality rates soar, women and girls  are forced to sell their bodies, residents of the world's second greatest spource of petroleum and natural gas, and THE major coal producer of Europe shiver and freeze to death in their homes? 

No, he would not bite the hand of the international bourgeiosie who feeds and clothes him in 1000 dollar suits and pays him thousands to deliver speeches on world federalism or some such policy-wonkish nonsense. 

"How do you rate him vs Stalin, Khruschev, Brezhnev, Andropov, the other old guy, "

You redbating me? I never was anti -Soviet, it's a trap and ultimately leads to opposition to socialism.  I always knew that socialism was better for the people of those republics and the world than capitalism. Now the whole world can know it too. Liberals choose not to. Conservatives are laughing all the way to the bank.  

The death of  the USSR has spelled  death to millions not only in the former USSR but in the Third World.. No revoultionary struggle can find succor from the powerful nation which provided support, however paltry, for their movements of national liberation. That Gorbachev chooses not to make any reference to this in his speeches or statements is significant too. 

"To me - saying that the US helped destroy the USSR is like saying that Hitler helped contribe to poor mortality statistics for Jews Russians Gypsies and Communists."

But this is a more significant point than you indicate.

I suggest you read Sean Gervasi's seminal article on the destabilization of the USSR in  the winter 1991-2 issue of Covert Action Magazine. And the Right Wing here is now gloating about US efforts to overthrow the USSR; so now they are admittting their role; read Peter Schweizer's Victory. 

See, the thing is, the myth that socialism didn't work was the way that the ideological spinmeisters manipulated millions to believe that socialism is passé. (They use the anti- Stalinism stuff to "prove" this as well) But the fact that the USSR was destabilized is not generally known.

Hence my intense hatred of Gorbachev. He participated in his nation's demise and then left with some cushy capitalist backing. If he is back in Moscow, he is living well and feeling no pain, remorse, or responsibility. Sitting pretty, one might say.

Was he an agent of the US? I don't know, but Gorbachev's function was to prepare the final solution to the Soviet problem for the USA and imperialist nations. It doesn't matter if he was a plant, he did the job. And he placed himself clearly on the side of the capitalists henceforth. And there he remains. 


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Re: Richard: On Latvia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-08 Thread Hcottin


On Gorbachev. I see him as the man who sold out the USSR. The tool. He's collecting big bucks now in some US think tank , living a bourgeois life and and feeling no pain. But  his countrymen and women are dying of hunger, cold and hardship. 

Yes, the US helped destroy the USSR, but Gorbachev was part of the problem, not part of the solution. He may even have been someting else. . . 
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1993 LATimes on oil in Somalia and US oil corps [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-08 Thread Hcottin


Copyright 1993 The Times Mirror Company 
Los Angeles Times

January 18, 1993 




Far beneath the surface of the tragic drama of Somalia, four major U.S. oil companies 
are quietly sitting on a prospective fortune in exclusive concessions to explore and 
exploit tens of millions of acres of the Somali countryside.

That land, in the opinion of geologists and industry sources, could yield significant 
amounts of oil and natural gas if the U.S.-led military mission can restore peace to 
the impoverished East African nation.

According to documents obtained by The Times, nearly two-thirds of Somalia was 
allocated to the American oil giants Conoco, Amoco, Chevron and Phillips in the final 
years before Somalia's pro-U.S. President Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown and the 
nation plunged into chaos in January, 1991. Industry sources said the companies 
holding the rights to the most promising concessions are hoping that the Bush 
Administration's decision to send U.S. troops to safeguard aid shipments to Somalia 
will also help protect their multimillion-dollar investments there.

Officially, the Administration and the State Department insist that the U.S. military 
mission in Somalia is strictly humanitarian. Oil industry spokesmen dismissed as 
"absurd" and "nonsense" allegations by aid experts, veteran East Africa analysts and 
several prominent Somalis that President Bush, a former Texas oilman, was moved to act 
in Somalia, at least in part, by the U.S. corporate oil stake. 

But corporate and scientific documents disclosed that the American companies are well 
positioned to pursue Somalia's most promising potential oil reserves the moment the 
nation is pacified. And the State Department and U.S. military officials acknowledge 
that one of those oil companies has done more than simply sit back and hope for pece.

Conoco Inc., the only major multinational corporation to mantain a functioning office 
in Mogadishu throughout the past two years of nationwide anarchy, has been directly 
involved in the U.S. government's role in the U.N.-sponsored humanitarian military 

Conoco, whose tireless exploration efforts in north-central Somalia reportedly had 
yielded the most encouraging prospects just before Siad Barre's fall, permitted its 
Mogadishu corporate compound to be transformed into a de facto American embassy a few 
days before the U.S. Marines landed in the capital, with Bush's special envoy using it 
as his temporary headquarters. In addition, the president of the company's subsidiary 
in Somalia won high official praise for serving as the government's volunteer 
"facilitator" during the months before and during the U.S. intervention.

Describing the arrangement as "a business relationship," an official spokesman for the 
Houston-based parent corporation of Conoco Somalia Ltd. said the U.S. government was 
paying rental for its use of the compound, and he insisted that Conoco was proud of 
resident general manager Raymond Marchand's contribution to the U.S.-led humanitarian 

John Geybauer, spokesman for Conoco Oil in Houston, said the company was acting as "a 
good corporate citizen and neighbor" in granting the U.S. government's request to be 
allowed to rent the compound. The U.S. Embassy and most other buildings and 
residential compounds here in the capital were rendered unusable by vandalism and 
fierce artillery duels during the clan wars that have consumed Somalia and starved its 

In its in-house magazine last month, Conoco reprinted excerpts from a letter of 
commendation for Marchand written by U.S. Marine Brig. Gen. Frank Libutti, who has 
been acting as military aide to U.S. envoy Robert B. Oakley. In the letter, Libutti 
praised the oil official for his role in the initial operation to land Marines on 
Mogadishu's beaches in December, and the general concluded, "Without Raymond's 
courageous contributions and selfless service, the operation would have failed."

But the close relationship between Conoco and the U.S. intervention force has left 
many Somalis and foreign development experts deeply troubled by the blurry line 
between the U.S. government and the large oil company, leading many to liken the 
Somalia operation to a miniature version of Operation Desert Storm, the U.S.-led 
military effort in January, 1991, to drive Iraq from Kuwait and, more broadly, 
safeguard the world's largest oil reserves.

"They sent all the wrong signals when Oakley moved into the Conoco compound," said one 
expert on Somalia who worked with one of the four major companies as they intensified 
their exploration efforts in the country in the late 1980s.

"It's left everyone thinking the big question h


2001-12-20 Thread Hcottin


It is not a defeat. It is a victory that was partial but only possible BECAUSE  there is a world-wide movement to free Mumia Abu Jamal. In Europe, comrades are celebrating this as a significant response to the racist death penalty and the prison industrial complex. 

Two weeks ago the Philadelphia police attacked a demonstration of 1000 supporters of Mumia, beating and dragging and arresting the demonstrators. This did not, said Pam Africa of the MOVE organization, ever happen before in the 20 years of protesting Mumia's incarceration on death row. 

Following the determination by Judge Yohn, the Arnold Beverly confesson appeared on NBC television. AND MUMIA'S NAME WAS IN THE NEWS, in a ll the capitaliist media. Larry Murdoch's fascist tv stsation and the New York Post used the expression, "Fry Mumia." They revealed themselves to be the Klansmen lynch mobs. 

They were echoing the sentiments just revealed by the Court Stenographer who was a young woman in 1981 and who heard Judge Szabo say, in the middle of the trial, "I have to help fry the nr." I interviewed this woman in Philadelphia for People's Video Network and she tells the whole story on videotape. (She is one brave woman, not a leftist, but a person who had  to tell the truth because she knew that justice had not been done.)

No this is not freedom for Mumia, and the ruling class may yet want to kill him or to just jail him for life, but these 180 days are an opening for the movement to demand a new hearing and freedom for  Mumia. 

This decision did not come because the judge worked over the legal aspects of the sentencing part of the trial for the last 2 years. It came because of the movement to free Mumia Abu Jamal, and we must see it as a result of all that has been done to expose the truth to the world. 

So the Philadelphia police had a police riot and brutally attacked peaceful protesters and the court stenographer got her story out to the world, and NBC put the Beverly confession on national tv. 

The right wing is panicking and the movement has been effective. Let us see this in perspective.We've won something on this one, and it is significant, giving an opening for real justice for Mumia.
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Fwd: This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Hcottin



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--- Begin Message ---

International Action Center
39 W. 14 Street, #206
New York, NY 10011
(212) 633-6646


Dear Friend,

 We need your help.  The outrageous demonization that the wars of the
past decade in the Balkans are the fault of the Serbian people and their
leaders must be answered.

Our second book on the decade of wars that dismembered Yugoslavia is
ready to go to the printers.  This well-researched and documented book,
'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation,' has involved hundreds of hours of
work by a dedicated staff of volunteers.

Now we are depending on your support.

Four years ago the International Action Center published 'NATO in the
Balkans.'  That book proved to be a powerful tool for informing the public
about US war plans in the Balkans.  It went into three printings, was
translated into Serbian and Greek, and sections of it appeared in
publications in Italian, Spanish, Dutch, French, German and Russian.

Our new book, 'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation,' fills a great
void.  There is no truthful record published in the US of NATO war crimes in
the bombing of Yugoslavia.  No one has exposed the illegal kidnapping and
detention of President Slobodan Milosevic by the US-sponsored International
Criminal Tribunal on Yugoslavia or the crime of NATO occupation of the
entire region.

The truth needs to be told.  The US/NATO attack on Yugoslavia was truly
the "foot in the door," as the late Sean Gervasi pointed out in 'NATO in the
Balkans.'  It has led to yet another US war, this time in Afghanistan.  As
the United States military moves deeper into Central Asia, once again
keeping the truth about this new war from the people of the United States,
we must not forget the lies and aggression in Yugoslavia.

Over 30 of the most courageous and articulate voices opposing US/NATO
war crimes during and after the bombing of Yugoslavia have contributed to
'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation.'  This 360-page book details the
media campaign that hid the brutal destruction of Yugoslavia in the 79-day
NATO war.  The 20-page photo section clearly shows the civilian targets.
The historical record of the People's Tribunals held in the United States
and Europe charging NATO with war crimes are included in this volume along
with the US funding and control of the International Criminal Tribunal based
at The Hague.

 You know how important it is that there be an accurate record of these
crimes.  You know how difficult it is to live knowing the truth, but unable
to get it out.  'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation' will enable
activists and scholars here and abroad to understand what is at stake.  NATO
occupation is no solution for any of the peoples in the region.  The
prospect for a common struggle against outside domination and the thugs who
have sold out to the multi-national corporations will be aided by the
knowledge this book has to offer.

You can do something important.  You can help the International Action
Center publish 'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation.'  Please help to
sponsor the printing and distribution of this vital work, which will be
available both in English and in Greek by February 2002.  The Serbian
edition will be available soon after.  The budget for this book is modest
because our labor is voluntary, but we need to raise $25,000 to do a first
press run.

You can have your name listed as one of the people who made this book
possible.  Donors of $1,000 will be featured in the book as sponsors.
Contributors of $100 or more will be thanked in print as well.  You will
also receive two copies of the book that can be given to a library, school,
journalist, elected official or whoever you choose.  In order to have your
name listed in the acknowledgements we must hear from you by December 31.
You can make a tax-deductible donation by writing your check to People's
Rights Fund/NATO Book II.

Your help has been decisive in the past.  Please ensure that the truth
about Yugoslavia is documented for the 21st century and for future
generations.  Your contribution will enable this to happen.

   With enduring appreciation for your generosity and commitment,
Brian BeckerHeather CottinSara Flounders
Gloria La Riva  Milos RaickovichNadja Tesich

This is Peace?  NATO's Balkan Occupation

The war in Yugoslavia signalled the start of US strategy to move into
Eastern Europe and beyond

Fwd: Secret US Plan for Iraq War [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-02 Thread Hcottin



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--- Begin Message ---

The Observer
Deember 2, 2001


Bush orders backing for rebels to topple Saddam

Peter Beaumont, Ed Vulliamy and Paul Beaver

America intends to depose Saddam Hussein by giving armed support to Iraqi
opposition forces across the country, The Observer has learnt.
President George W. Bush has ordered the CIA and his senior military
commanders to draw up detailed plans for a military operation that could
begin within months.

The plan, opposed by Tony Blair and other European Union leaders, threatens
to blow apart the increasingly shaky international consensus behind the
US-led 'war on terrorism'.

It envisages a combined operation with US bombers targeting key military
installations while US forces assist opposition groups in the North and
South of the country in a stage-managed uprising. One version of the plan
would have US forces fighting on the ground.

Despite US suspicions of Iraqi involvement in the 11 September attacks, the
trigger for any attack, sources say, would be the anticipated refusal of
Iraq to resubmit to inspections for weapons of mass destruction under the
United Nations sanctions imposed after the Gulf war.

According to the sources, the planning is being undertaken under the
auspices of a the US Central Command at McDill air force base in Tampa,
Florida, commanded by General Tommy Franks, who is leading the war against

Another key player is understood to be former CIA director James Woolsey.
Sources say Woolsey was sent to London by the hawkish Deputy Defence
Secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, soon after 11 September to ask Iraqi opposition
groups if they would participate in an uprising if there was US military

The New York Times yesterday quoted a senior administration official who
admitted that Bush's aides were looking at options that involved
strengthening groups that opposed Saddam. Richard Armitage, the Deputy
Secretary of State, said that action against Iraq was not imminent, but
would come at a 'place and time of our choosing'.

Washington has been told by its allies that evidence it has presented of an
Iraqi link to 11 September is at best circumstantial. However, US proponents
of extending the war believe they can make the case for hitting Saddam's
regime over its plan to produce weapons of mass destruction.

A European diplomat said last week: 'In the past week the Americans have
shut up about Iraqi links to 11 September and have been talking a lot more
about their weapons programme.'

The US is believed to be planning to exploit existing UN resolutions on
Iraqi weapons programmes to set the action off.

Under the pre-existing 'red lines' for military action against Iraq - set
down by Washington and London after the Gulf War - evidence of any credible
threat from weapons of mass destruction would be regarded as sufficient to
launch military strikes along the lines of Operation Desert Fox in 1998,
when allied planes made large-scale strikes against suspected Iraqi weapons

Opposition by Blair and French President Jacques Chirac may not be enough to
dissuade the Americans. One European military source who recently returned
from General Franks's headquarters in Florida said: 'The Americans are
walking on water. They think they can do anything at the moment and there is
bloody nothing Tony [Blair] can do about it.'

Bush is said to have issued instructions about the proposals, which are now
at a detailed stage, to his Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, three weeks
ago. But Pentagon sources say that a plan for attacking Iraq was developed
by the time Bush's order was sent to the Pentagon, drawn up by Rumsfeld,
Paul Wolfowitz, chairman of the joint chiefs General Richard Myers, and

The plan is to work with a combination of three political forces: Kurdish
rebels in the north of Iraq, radical Sunni Muslim groups in and around
Baghdad, and, most controversially, the Shia opposition in the south.

The most adventurous ingredient in the anti-Iraqi proposal is the use of US
ground troops, Pentagon sources say. 'Significant numbers' of ground troops
could also be called on in the early stages of any rebellion to guard oil
fields around the Shia port of Basra in southern Iraq.

--- End Message ---

Fwd: Rebuilding Afghanistan? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-11-29 Thread Hcottin


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--- Begin Message ---

   Rebuilding Afghanistan?
 by William Blum

"U.S. Meeting Envisions Rebuilding Afghanistan" read the headline in the 
Washington Post of November 21.  After a one-day meeting in Washington of 
leaders from two dozen nations and international organizations, US and 
Japanese officials said they had developed an "action program" for the 
long-term rebuilding of the war-ravaged country.  
This should throw another log on the feel-good-about-America fire that's 
been warming the frazzled citizenry since September 11.  But like much of 
that fuel, there's likely a lot more propaganda here than substance.
It's a remarkable pattern.  The United States has a long record of 
bombing nations, reducing entire neighborhoods, and much of cities, to 
rubble, wrecking the infrastructure, ruining the lives of those the bombs 
didn't kill.  And afterward doing nothing to repair the damage.
 On January 27, 1973, in Paris, the United States signed the "Agreement 
on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam".  Among the principles to 
which the United States agreed was the one stated in Article 21: "In 
pursuance of its traditional policy [sic], the United States will contribute 
to healing the wounds of war and to postwar reconstruction of the Democratic 
Republic of Vietnam [North Vietnam] and throughout Indochina."
Five days later, President Nixon sent a message to the Prime Minister of 
North Vietnam in which he stipulated the following:
"(1)The Government of the United States of America will contribute to postwar 
reconstruction in North Vietnam without any political conditions. 
(2)Preliminary United States studies indicate that the appropriate programs 
for the United States contribution to postwar reconstruction will fall in the 
range of $3.25 billion of grant aid over 5 years."
Nothing of the promised reconstruction aid was ever paid.  Or ever will 
During the same period, Laos and Cambodia were devastated by US bombing 
as unrelentlessly as was Vietnam.  After the Indochina wars were over, these 
nations, too, qualified to become beneficiaries of the America's "traditional 
policy" of zero reconstruction.
Then came the American bombings of Grenada and Panama in the 1980s.  
There goes our neighborhood.  Hundreds of Panamanians petitioned the 
Washington-controlled Organization of American States as well as American 
courts, all the way up to the US Supreme Court, for "just compensation" for 
the damage caused by Operation Just Cause (this being the not-tongue-in-cheek 
name given to the American invasion and bombing).  They got just nothing, as 
did the people of Grenada.
It was Iraq's turn next, in 1991: 40 days and nights of relentless 
bombing; destruction of power, water and sanitation systems and everything 
else that goes into the making of a modern society.  We all know how much the 
United States has done to help rebuild Iraq.
In 1998, Washington in its grand wisdom fired more than a dozen cruise 
missiles into a building in Sudan which it claimed was producing chemical and 
biological weapons.  The completely destroyed building was actually a 
pharmaceutical plant which was producing about 90 percent of the drugs used 
to treat the most deadly illnesses in this desperately poor country.  The 
United States effectively admitted its mistake by unfreezing the assets of 
the plant's owner it had frozen.  Surely now it was compensation time.  But 
as of October 2001, nothing had been paid to the owner, the government, or 
those injured in the bombing.
The following year we had the case of Yugoslavia; 78 days of 
round-the-clock bombing, transforming an advanced state into virtually a 
pre-industrial one; the reconstruction needs were breathtaking.  Two years 
later, June 2001, after the Serbs had obediently followed Washington's wishes 
to oust Slobodan Milosevic and turn him over to the kangaroo court in the 
Hague that the US had pushed through the Security Council, a "donor's 
conference" was convened by the European Commission and the World Bank, 
supposedly concerned with Yugoslavia's reconstruction.  It turned out to be a 
conference concerned with Yugoslavia's debts more than anything else.
Serbian premier Zoran Djindjic, regarded as highly pro-Western, said, in 
a July interview with the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel, that he felt 
betrayed by the West.
"It would have been better if the donors-conference had not
taken place and inst

Fwd: [WW] A new virus (masquerades as a vote for peace) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-24 Thread Hcottin

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A new virus is spreading by email that masquerades as a
chance to vote for peace. Please do not fall for this virus
and attempt to vote for peace.

(You can vote for peace by attending the rally in D.C. on
the East Coast and San Francisco or Los Angeles on the West
Coast on Sept. 29. See http://www.internationalanswer.org
for details.)

Here's a description of the virus:

"Vote" arrives in an in-box with the subject line "Peace
between America and Islam." The body text of the e-mail
reads "Hi. Is it a war against America or Islam? Let's vote
to live in peace." Included in the e-mail is an attached
document called WTC.exe. When the attachment is
double-clicked, the computer is infected.

Here's a link to a report on the virus:


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Re: Peace Movement Quietly Gaining Momentum/Boston Globe [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Hcottin

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It is notable that the rally in Washington, DC organized by the IAC is pointedly left 
out of this article. The Call (ANSWER) "War is not the Answer" is all over the place, 
handed out nightly at Union Square, but no mention of this group with currently 69 IAC 
Centers around the US and people from all over the world supporting the call. 

The Peace Movement isn't exactly united here, and some are avoiding association with 
the DC march because they are divisive and liberal. Yet, this is the very time for 
such a convergence. Like Vietnam all over again.

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Those 4000 Israelis? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-20 Thread Hcottin

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Still waiting for confirmation or denial of the story. Did they or did they not go to work at the wtc on Sept. 11?
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Re: [Iraq] Fw: [iac-disc.] israeli connection (fwd) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-19 Thread Hcottin

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Please look into this. Is this true? This is too big a thing to have "out there." Too big a post-Sept.11 "hoax," and worse than the Palestinian/Brazilian TV hoax about the people dancing in glee to pass around irresponsibly. 

 Who can reliably check this out? There are other strange things:

1. The passport of one hijacker miraculously made it through the crash, conflagration, and  building collapse to float conveniently down intact to be picked up by a passer-by.

2. One of the bags allegedly not loaded on the Boston plane had a Koran and a fuel calculator and "how to fly" instructions. How convenient. The only piece of baggafe that didn't get loaded was this incriminating evidence pointing to an Islamic  perpetrator. 

The pilots knew very well how to fly. Very well, they were all incredible, especially the one that flew into the Pentagon, clipping the tops of the lightpoles as they flew unerringly toward their target. 


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2001-09-18 Thread Hcottin

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Dear Friend of peace and foe of injustice.

 The International Action Center is putting out this call, and would like all 
people of conscience who agree with it to sign it immediately. Please do so 
if you can. We are calling for an international and overwhelming response as 
an answer to the war frenzy and vicious xenophobia sweeping the U.S. since 
the terrible events of September 11. Please join us.
Thank you,
Heather Cottin (for the IAC)

A Call to Join a New Anti-War Coalition:
International A.N.S.W.E.R.
(Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)

Please join us in signing this call:

Our most heartfelt sympathies and condolences are with all
those whose loved ones were lost or injured on September 11,
2001. At this moment, we would all like to take time to
reflect, to grieve, to extend sympathy and condolences to
all. But we believe that we must do more. We must act now.
We are assembling International A.N.S.W.E.R. to call for
worldwide rallies against war and racism.  On September 29,
there will be a national march and rally at the White House
in Washington DC, as well as marches on the West Coast of
the U.S. and around the world.  We call on all people of
conscience and progressive organizations to take up this
call and organize rallies around the world.
We join with people all over the world who condemn the
horrific killings of thousands of innocent civilians on
Sept. 11th . But unless we stop President Bush and NATO from
carrying out a new, wider war in the Middle East, the number
of innocent victims will grow from the thousands to the tens
of thousands and possibly more. A new, wider U.S. and NATO
war in the Middle East can only lead to an escalating cycle
of violence. War is not the answer.
We must also act against racism. Arab American and Muslim
people in the United States, in Europe and elsewhere, as
well as other communities of color, are facing racist
attacks and harassment in their communities, on their jobs
and at mosques. Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism is a poison
that should be repudiated. 
The U.S. government is attempting to curb civil liberties
and to create a climate in which it is impossible for
progressive people to speak their mind.  The Bush
administration is attempting to take advantage of this
crisis to militarize U.S. society with a vast expansion of
police powers that is intended to severely restrict basic
democratic rights.
On September 29, tens of thousands of people had planned to
demonstrate against the Bush administration's reactionary
foreign and domestic policy and the IMF and World Bank.  In
light of the current crisis, with its tragic consequences
for so many thousands of people, we have refocused the call
for our demonstration to address the immediate danger posed
by increased racism and the grave threat of a new war.  We
call on people to demonstrate around the world on that day.
Now is the time for all people of conscience, all people who
oppose racism and war to come together.  If you believe in
civil liberties and oppose racism and war, demonstrate on
September 29 in front of the White House and around the
world.  October 12-13 will be International Days of Action
Against War and Racism.  We urge all organizations
internationally to join together at this critical time and
take action.

Initial Signers:
Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Auxiliary Bishop, Catholic
Archdiocese of Detroit
Samia Halaby, Al-Awda Palestine Right of Return Coalition
Barbara Lubin, Exec. Director, Middle East Children’s
Rev. Lucius Walker, Pastors for Peace
Teresa Gutierrez, Co-Director, International Action Center
Nania Kaur Dhingra, Sikh Student Organization, George
Washington University
Michele Naar-Obed, Plowshares activist, Jonah House,
Pam Africa, International Family & Friends of Mumia
Nino Pasti Foundation, Rome, Italy
Chuck Kaufman, National Co-Coordinator, Nicaragua Network
Heidi Boghosian, Executive Director, National Lawyers Guild
Tom Hanson, Mexico Solidarity Network
Kriss Worthington, Berkeley City Council
Leonora Foerstal, Women for Mutual Security
Njeri Shakur, Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement
Michel Shehadeh, Los Angeles 8 Case Respondent
Vieques Support Campaign
Ray LeForest, Labor Organizer, 1707 AFSCME
Arab Cause Solidarity Committee, Madrid, Spain
Korea Truth Commission
Congress for Korean Reunification
Michel Collon, Belgium Anti-War Journalist
Elmar Schmaehling, Retired Admiral, German Navy
Struggle Against War Coalition, Italy
Italian Tribunal on NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 

International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End
National Office: 39 W. 14th St., Suite 206, NY, NY 10011
(212) 633-6646
Washington DC Office: 1247 E St. SE,  Washington DC 20003
U.S.A.  (202) 543-2777
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Web: www.iacenter.org

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Re: email address & phone number for Barbara Lee [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-17 Thread Hcottin

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Thank you Kole
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New York Peace Vigil Misrepresented Deliberately by Media [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-15 Thread Hcottin

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Carrying signs that said "Peace Not Vengeance" many thousands of New Yorkers met last night in Union Square park to urge a policy of peace and understanding. They stood against the xenophobia that is sweeping the country, the hatred and war fever cynically manipulated by the government and the press, and they stood with the thousands of people who have been intimidated and harassed because they are Moslem or people of color thought to be Moslem.

Overhead the military jets pierced the skies over the quiet city. The crowd sang, "Give peace a Chance." At another vigil earlier in the afternoon, the crowd sang, "Imagine." In New York the desire is for peace, not war. But NBC, CBS ABC all reported the Union Square Vigil as if it were a rally for the USA, for mourning the victims, but not a call fro peace. This is deliberate distortion, engineered to drum up war fever. The images of people calling for peace with signs and songs was disregard by the press, and the media represented the vigil as a patriotic outpouring of nationalism and Americanism. 
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Peace Rally in New York reported as M [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-15 Thread Hcottin

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Re: War is a Racket! Smedley Butler on interventionism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-10 Thread Hcottin

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Smedley Butler also foiled the fascist conspiracy to take over the US in 
1934. One of the leading conspirators in it was the lawyer who took 
Segregation's side in the Brown v. Bd. of Ed case in 1953-4, John Davis. Wall 
Street was heavily involved, including leading bankers. The ruling class 
tried organizing an  army out of the Veterans of Foreign wars. They thought 
that Butler would support a right wing coup; he had spoken on behalf of trhe 
Bonus Marchers in 1931. They thought he was a dumb populist. 

Butler was disgusted by the idea of a fascist takeover, and  he revealed 
their plot. 
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Re: Open Letter to the GCP [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-10 Thread Hcottin

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Dear Comrades,
 Please explain what this means. I do not understand it the references. 
It seems significnat, but it isn't clear what it is about. Sorry to be so 
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Re: call for D.C. march: 'Global justice' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-06 Thread Hcottin

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Dear Bill,
 One of the implications of your post of the Wheeler article is that the 
IAC is planning "separate" activities, and Wheeler makes that seem somewhat 
The Global Justice Week of Action is one of several protests scheduled
against the World Bank/IMF annual meeting. The Alliance for Global
Justice (AGJ) and the
International Action Center (IAC) are also planning their own week of
separate, though overlapping, activities.>>

 Nothing could be further of the truth, and in fact, IAC put in requests for 
all the anti-IMF/World Bank "Beat back Bush" September demonstration permits 
last year, which is the only way these could have been secured. The many 
organizations participating in these days of protests are working in accord 
with each other, but IAC has been, as the NY Daily News put it, "The center 
of the Revolution."

 It is exciting and proof that the workers are pushing the major labor union 
to the left that the AFL-CIO is participating. But the IAC has been 
organizing all summer, especially in DC, and all over the country in almost 
two dozen centers, many of them newly organized, to gear up for the "Surround 
the White House" protest for September 29th. 

Note that the IAC, since this is going out on the STOPNATO listserv, was for 
the most part the only organization which supported Yugoslavia's right to 
sovereignty, explained how the US was destabilizing the state and attacking 
Yugoslav socialism, and organized the two tribunals held in New York in 1999 
and 2000 about Yugoslavia.

Although the Serb community in the US enabled him to speak at their meetings, 
the only left organization which provided an opportunity for my late husband, 
Sean Gervasi was the International Action Center. They published his work on 
Yugoslavia when other publishers refused.  IAC stood alone as a multi-issue 
national organization that has consistently been against NATO expansion.  
STOPNATO has a special debt to this organization. It is not a divisive group.

(The IAC is about to publish another work on NATO expansion and needs funds 
to do so, and STOPNATO subscribers could help with contributions for this 
endeavor. Go to IACenter.org for further details.)

In solidarity,
Heather Cottin
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Fwd: [WW] Zastava plant: Workers vs. privatization [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-14 Thread Hcottin

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Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 16, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


Thousands of workers at the Zastava plant in Kragujevac, 
Yugoslavia, brought traffic to a halt July 19 when they 
rallied to protest plans to privatize their factory, the 
biggest in Yugoslavia. Tens of thousands face losing their 

Sometimes all the currents of globalism converge on one 
factory, one town, one country. In 1999, when NATO bombed 
Yugoslavia for refusing to give up socialism and knuckle 
under to imperialism's military domination, the huge Zastava 
factory was one NATO target. The auto plant produced the 
Yugo automobile, weapons, and airplanes for the national 
airline, JAT.

When NATO attacked Zastava, the workers in the city of 
Kragujevac went to their factory and protected it with their 
bodies. Many were injured in the NATO bombing.

They considered it their factory--not just a place of work 
but their property.

Under the Socialist Party-led Milosevic government, by law 
workers were allocated 60 percent of the shares in the 
factory. The state controlled the other 40 percent.

When the new government of Vojislav Kostunica and Zoran 
Djinjic took power after the October 2000 coup, the first 
thing it did was privatize state property. Seventy percent 
of the Zastava shares were to be sold to private investors.

Of course, the U.S. government and its representatives knew 
Yugoslavs would resent the privatization schemes because 
they would cost jobs. The AFL-CIO and the National Endowment 
for Democracy helped create Nezavisnost, a labor union 
friendly to an International Monetary Fund "restructuring 

More than one labor union represents the Zastava workers. 
But most of the workers were in the left and socialist Trade 
Union Confederation of Serbia.

"After the DOS-NATO coup, Djindjic promised that no worker 
would be fired; DOS cheated workers and workers now feel 
abused," said Darko Nadic, writing from Yugoslavia. DOS 
refers to Democratic Opposition of Serbia, the public 
relations name created for the right wing.

Downsizing the Zastava factory will hit the left union 
members hardest. The DOS/NATO government is selling off "the 
country's most valuable state-owned assets," according to 
Privatization Minister Alexsandar Vlahovic.

With the cash from these sales, the government will 
compensate the "pre-1945" owners of these properties--which 
would include Nazi collaborators. OPAH, a pro-privatization 
Yugoslav investment consultant firm, acknowledges that 27 
percent of the Yugoslav work force is unemployed because of 
the bombing of Yugoslavia's industry and the privatization 

For Zastava, globalization means NATO bombs, the IMF, 
privatization, downsizing, unemployment, cheap labor, union 
busting and anti-worker governments. Despite attempts by 
company unions to sell out the workers, Zastava now displays 
one more hallmark of globalization: resistance.

- END -

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2001-08-14 Thread Hcottin

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Go to the link. Sadly, it is just a new group of people in the Balkans 
who thought they could be left undisturbed by the rampages of the US 
government and NATO. (good sources there, though, it is well done, the 

As they calmly went about their Macedonian "independent" business for the 
past 10 years or so, many of the people of Macedonia may have thought they 
would be safe from NATO machinations . Now,  they are learning the truth. The 
same forces that broke up Yugoslavia and the liars who talk out of two sides 
of their mouths are coming after them. To paraphrase Niemoeller,
" They came for the Slovenians but I wasn't a Slovenian, so I didn't speak 
out, and they came for the Croatians but I wasn't a Croatian so i didn't 
speak out, and they came for the Bosnians, but I wasn't a Bosnian so i didn't 
speak out, and they came for the Serbs (they ALWAYS came for the Serbs) and I 
didn't speak out., And now when they came for the Macedonians (and make no 
mistake it will be the Greeks, next, in "Chimeria, as the fascists among the 
Albanians call it), there was no one left to speak out. "

So many of the Yugoslav people in the US and Canada are and were 
conservative and anti-socialist, that they never really understood why the 
US/NATO went after their country. It is infuriating, but that is a major part 
of the problem. So many are bewildered and depressed and confused by the 
events of the last 12 years. They see the connection with oil and resources, 
pipelines and  cheap labor of the east, but they don't REALLY  get it, 
because they may not have opposed US policy toward the rest of the world or 
may  have been beneficiaries of the system which exploits others. 
The Anti-Globalist movement needs to take this on. To oppose NATO 
expansion is a priority that has to make the links with anti-imperialist 
struggle and the anti-Militarist struggle. It's coming. Some of the youth see 
it. We are all trying to clarify it.  I am optimistic!

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Re: Another Betrayal: NATO's Danube Bombing Damage Not To Be Cleared Until Ne...

2001-08-09 Thread Hcottin

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Isn't this betrayal to the disadvantage of all the nations along the 
Danube? I notice that the US, which flew, I seem to remember, 90% of the 
bombing missions, and thus caused this horror, isn't on the cleanup 
committee. OK to be on the bombing committee, not to do the clean up? It's 
not the money! The bombs cost lots more than this clean up. They are only 
missing $3 milliion according to Rick's report.  
And Tony's UK isn't on it either, it seems. So is this evidence of the 
US/UK vs EU trade/economic conflict, ye olde inter-imperial rivalry mayhaps? 
 I'm wondering, what is that? Is it that the US 9maybe the UK) wants to 
"bomb" the economies of the nations along the Danube? If the US army corps of 
engineers got into it, it would be fixed, but no word on that. Am I being 
cynical,  or is there some truth to these paranoid musings? 

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Re: Zastava Workers Protest in Kragujevac [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-05 Thread Hcottin

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Dear Rick, Louis, Richard, Francisco, and Kole,
 I hope you don't mind my asking for your help to understand about the 
Zastava workers. I am confused. I thought they were the ones who sat in with 
their plant and when the bombs dropped they were killed and/or injured when 
NATO destroyed their factory, the largest in Yugo. Do I have it wrong?  You 
all  say they are NATO stooges. Please clarify this for me as soon as 
possible. The union became a sellout? Are the workers all scabs? Is globalism 
rebuilding the plant? Are the workers split, or are the leaders of the union 
bought? Is there no genuine struggle against privatization? 
Please explain, because I have been asked to write about this and I am 
seriously muddled. Forgive me.  I see you have all followed this closely, but 
I can't find all the pieces. 
Heather Cottin

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Re: Kyrgyzstan: Calling Human Rights Watch.... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-01 Thread Hcottin

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From: George Soros:
 re: Kyrgyzstan: Recent events:
Message:"Vilify the Kyrgyz police for being fired upon. Send money to the 

The New York Crimes announced today that George Soros Open Society was 
creating a new branch called "Kyrgyzstan Rights Watch" to monitor police 
brutality in Kyrgyzstan. "Police repression of minoritiy rights are becoming 
a problem," Mr. D.U. Plicitis,  Chairman of this newly formed group said 
In other developments, Kyrgyzstan authorities announced that 4 biilion more 
barrels of oil were discovered under the police station. "There is no 
connection between Kyrgystan's oil reserves and Human Rights issues." said 
Mr. Plicitis."We are only concerned about the development of civil society in 

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