Re: Implementation.spring Questions

2007-09-03 Thread Mike Edwards


Sorry, I've been a bit slow getting to your questions.

We were looking into using implementation.spring, but had a couple 
of questions. We have a spring context with elements common across

all of our services (aspects, host connection beans, caching, etc.)
so we've been using the singleton version of the application context
in our system. 

How are you using that singleton version of the application context?
Can you describe its configuration and use in some more detail, please.

Is there actually any way with implementation.spring to configure  
which application context Tuscany will use? 

Not with the current implementation - an application context is created 
from the file identified in the implementation.spring.../ element.

Will Tuscany share Spring contexts if they are based on the same file?

Not currently.  But in SCA terms, this is not the way I would look at 
the requirement.  If I understand things properly, it sounds as if you 
want to have a Spring component shared by a bunch of other components - 
and that you want a single copy of the shared component.  In SCA terms 
this smacks of being a composite-scoped component (ie there is a single 
copy of the component instance used for all invocations of services of 
the component).

Or maybe some way to configure the scope? 

Not at the moment - the current Spring implementation does not handle 
Scope - but I'll be happy to work on it with you.  Scope has been 
implemented for SCA Java POJOs and I'm sure that it would not be too big 
a deal to extend that to Spring components.

Also, we haven't fully investigated yet, but it seems like only one 
bean is being properly exposed as a service in a single Spring
component. Is this by design? 

OK, the code is designed to expose as Services as follows:

a) If there are explicit sca:service.../ elements in the application 
context file, those and only those are exposed as services (one for one)

b) If there are NO explicit sca:service.../ elements in the 
application context file, then each bean in the application context is 
made into a service.

If you're only getting one service then this may well be a bug.  Are you 
able to share your application context with me - or provide a simple 
testcase that shows the failure, please?

Any answers would be much appreciated.

Glad to work with you - nice to have some real users   ;-)

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: [NOTICE] Brady Johnson voted as Tuscany committer

2007-08-22 Thread Mike Edwards


A warm welcome...


Pete Robbins wrote:

The Tuscany PPMC and Incubator PMC have voted for Brady to become a
Tuscany committer.

Congratulations and welcome Brady!

I look forward to your continued excellent contributions to Tuscany.


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Re: [jira] Closed: (TUSCANY-1053) Use a Tuscany namespace for all non-spec'd Tuscany extensions

2007-08-22 Thread Mike Edwards


Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Looks like option (B) is the most preferred option with:
- one -1
- five +1
- one more spec compliant

Do we need more technical discussion? or a new [VOTE] thread to close 
this issue?

Thanks for a great summary.

I'm happy with the conclusion.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Spec clarification for conversational/callback semantics: Reply #1

2007-08-20 Thread Mike Edwards


I'm breaking my reply into two parts, each dealing with one of the 
issues you raised originally:

Simon Laws wrote:

1/ Stateful Callbacks - Given the the following scenario where the
ConversationalClient has a reference to a ConversationalService

public interface ConversationalCallback {

public interface ConversationalService {

public class ConversationalClientImpl implements ConversationalClient,
ConversationalCallback {
protected ConversationalService conversationalService;

public class ConversationalServiceImpl implements ConversationalService {
protected ConversationalCallback conversationalCallback;

In the current implementation the specification has been interpreted to mean
that the client component, i.e. the component implementing the callback
interface, must be marked as having conversational scope if it is required
that callback messages return to the same instance of the client component
that originated the conversational call. Is this the correct interpretation
of the specification, in particular Section of the SCA Java
Annotations and APIs V1.0 specification.

Strictly speaking, Conversation SCOPE is independent of the 
@Conversational marking of interface(s) for a service.

To clarify: It is possible to implement Conversational interfaces using 
code that is itself stateless (ie does not matter which implementation 
instance receives a given message), since the code can be written to 
look up the conversation ID and save/retrieve conversation state data 
using some backing store.  For long running conversations, this design 
pattern is usually preferable since the container is not burdened with 
maintaining a lot of quiescent instances and the state data is backed up.

However, Conversation scope is a very useful way of marking 
implementations which have to deal with Conversational interfaces, since 
it removes the need for the programmer to do explicit management of 
state.  Marking an implementation with conversational scope is a request 
that the container of the component performs the state management.

The only way to guarantee that the same client instance and the same 
server instance are involved for every operation of an interface 
involving a callback is to mark both the client implementation and the 
server implementation with Scope CONVERSATION.  This must be in 
addition to both the call interface and the Callback interface being 
marked with @Conversational.  In implementation terms, I then view this as:

a) The @Conversational marking ensures that a unique ID is associated 
with the messages transmitted from Client to Provider and with the 
messages from the Provider to the Client (note in the callback case, the 
callback operations are in principle completely asynchronous in relation 
to the call operations - and the number and type of callback operations 
for a given call operation is completely variable)

b) The @Scope(CONVERSATION) marking on both the client implementation 
and on the provider implementation then flags up to the container(s) 
that the instances on each end have an extended lifecycle associated 
with the conversational interfaces and that the conversation ID should 
be used by the container to select the appropriate instance to receive a 

An errata is in process of being raised against the Java Annotations and 
APIs spec to make a clarification along the lines I've written here - 
I'd appreciate feedback on whether my words here are clear and would 
improve the spec if added there.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Spec clarification for conversational/callback semantics: Reply #2

2007-08-20 Thread Mike Edwards


OK, Part 2 of my reply

Simon Laws wrote:

2/ The specifications describe the freeing of state associated with a
conversation when Conversation.end() is called on a conversation object .
See section 1.6.5 of the SCA Java Annotations and APIs V1.0 specification.

Assuming that the Conversation object is available from a service reference
within the client of the conversation then, in the current implementation,
the state associated with the conversation held by the service will not be
freed directly if end() is called.

A separate message exchange would be required between client and service to
carry this end() instruction directly. As it stands the target conversation
will eventually time out.

What is the specification's intention in this case?



I think I'm going to need your help to work out exactly what the problem 
is here.

The specification identifies a number of ways in which a conversation 
may end, in 1.6.5, as you say.

Some of the methods of ending a conversation make it clear that 
communication occurs between client and provider (eg an 
@EndsConversation method is called).  These cases ensure that both sides 
of the conversation can deallocate resources at the same time.

In the other cases, the spec does not make it a requirement that 
communication occurs between client and provider.  However, neither does 
 it forbid it.  What does need to be clear is that the conversation is 
ended and that it cannot be reused - depending on the implementation of 
the comms mechanism between client and provider that MAY require some 
additional communication to travel from the client side to the provider 

A design that uses timeouts on the provider side is OK, as long as the 
requirement that the conversation cannot be (re)used once the end() 
method has been called is satisfied by the runtime/binding implementation.

Have I hit the mark with my response?

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: [Spec Related] 'provides' attribute in PolicySet

2007-08-20 Thread Mike Edwards


I was out on vacation when your original question was posted, so here's 
my contribution.

Venkata Krishnan wrote:

Thanks Raymond.  A few more questions ;-)

- The xsd defines the name attribute for PolicyIntent and PolicySet as
of type NCName.  However we have model these in the model classes
QNames.  I am assuming that the namespace uri for all intents and
policyset defined in a specific definitions.xml is the value of the
'targetNamespace' attribute of the 'definitions' element.  Is this

Typically, all declarations of name elements for elements which live in 
a particular namespace are defined in the XSDs as NCNames (see 
Composite, for example).  It is usual for the targetNamespace to declare 
the namespace into which the elements are being declared.

So, in this case for the intents  policySets, you're right, we'd expect 
the targetNamespace to be used.  Anything else would look distinctly odd.

- Can a qualified intent have its qualifiable parent intent belonging
to a different targetnamespace.  If so how would this be evident from
the name of the qualified intent?  For example if there is an intent
a:intentOne and then there is a qualified intent over this like
intentOne.intentTwo - how is to be inferred that intentOne belongs to
a different namespace

Hmm, we had never intended this. I'd expect the qualified intent and its 
qualifiers to be in the same namespace.  It's not outlawed for them to 
be in different namespaces, but I've no idea how you would express the 
definition to indicate this.


- Venkat

Hope this helps,

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Spec clarification for conversational/callback semantics: Reply #1

2007-08-20 Thread Mike Edwards


Comments  replies inline

Simon Laws wrote:

Thanks for the clarification. I think the separate discussion of
@Conversational and @Scope(CONVERSATION) provides a good basis for
clarification in the specifications. So a further small point of
clarification on this topic.

This is about understanding the behavior of the callback and is regardless
of the @Scope annotations of client and service provider ends of our
callback scenario


Callback is @Conversational / Service Provider is @Conversational

This relates to your point a). The conversation will encompass the client
(in as much that it initiates the conversation and provides a conversation
id), the service provider and any callbacks. The net result is that state
maintained by the client based on the original conversation id is accessible
to the callback based on the conversation id it is provided with. Also the
service provider is able to correlate state across calls to it based on the
same conversation id.

Yup, all that is true.  This one is easier to understand.  Stateful 
service with asynchronous interaction style.  eg

Place an order for these widgets: 1, 2, 3, 4
/ Ack - order # abcd - will give status of widgets when I am able
/ Widget 1 ready for dispatch
/ Widget 2 ready for dispatch
Status of order abcd?
/ Widgets 1  2 dispatched - Widgets 3  4 outanding
/ Widget 4 dispatched
/ Widget 3 unavailable in required timeframe

...where the receiving service provider itself has to depend on other 
asynchronous providers


Callback is @Conversational / Service Provider is not @Conversational

Is this valid/sensible? Is the client able to correlate callbacks with the
original request based on conversation id in this case or must it rely on
callback id, i.e. the conversation id is simply for correlating one callback
with the next?

On the SCA spec mailing lists, we've dubbed these cases mixed 
conversational callbacks.  They are allowed, but you have to question 
the use cases carefully.

This would say that the original client is not concerned to be able to 
tie the callback invocations to the original call - only to be able to 
tie together a series of callbacks (ie the callbacks share state as far 
as the client is concerned).  This might make sense - eg accumulate a 
set of data as the callbacks occur until the conversation ends.  If 
there is an unknown number of callback invocations, this might be 

I think there is a need to construct a convincing example here.  I 
haven't thought of a good one yet.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Spec clarification for conversational/callback semantics: Reply #2

2007-08-20 Thread Mike Edwards


Yes, you've hit one of the parts of the Java spec that makes me least 

The idea of sending around a reference for others to use is not 
something that fills me with joy, when that reference is essentially a 
reference to an instance.  I feel the religious debates about 
WS-Addressing coming on

Once instances can disappear in a puff of smoke, this whole area of 
function gets to be very uncomfortable.  Furthermore, if you did the 
passing around in the case of a callback service, who does the provider 
get to talk with???

Simon Laws wrote:

Yes, I think so. From a specification point of view I was worrying about
the expected timescale of resource removal. Your assertion that it means
that the conversation cannot be reused clarifies this point.

I'm not sure I agree with the MAY in the sentence depending on the
implementation of the comms mechanism between client and provider that MAY
require some
additional communication to travel from the client side to the provider
side.. I can't square this away easily with the requirement of section
1.6.3 of the Java  Annotations and API spec to allow for the passing of
conversational services as parameters where, if I understand it correctly,
a third party could be holding a reference to a conversation for which the
original client now calls Conversation.end(). Here a timeout is not good
enough and the service should be aware that the conversation has ended.

I suppose the MAY clause can be seen as being associated with whether 
any references have been copied or not.  If not, there are no worries. 
At least the sending of a reference can in principle be detected since 
it can't be used unless instantiated by some (SCA) runtime.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: [jira] Closed: (TUSCANY-1053) Use a Tuscany namespace for all non-spec'd Tuscany extensions

2007-08-20 Thread Mike Edwards


In some ways, I'm glad I was on vacation while much of this debate 
raged!!   ;-)

Comments below.

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

[A] What we have right now, standard SCA extensions and tuscany 
extensions sharing the standard SCA namespace
(B) What IMO is a more correct use of XML namespaces, standard SCA 
extensions in the standard SCA namespace, and Tuscany extensions in a 
Tuscany namespace
[C] What an application developer could write if we allowed namespaces 
to be omitted

Now here are a few side effects :)

Option [A]
- I cannot validate this composite against the standard SCA schemas 
(it'll show errors in my XSD aware XML editor) our Tuscany extensions 
violate the standard SCA namespace

- I have one less namespace and prefix declaration to care about

Option [B]
- I can validate this composite against the standard SCA schemas, as the 
Tuscany extensions match the xsd:any namespace=##other extensibility 
points in the SCA schema
- I have one more namespace and prefix declaration to write covering the 
Tuscany extensions

Option [C]
- I don't need to worry about namespaces, which are usually long and 
error prone, writing the composite is simpler
- I cannot validate this composite against the standard SCA schemas as 
it does not declare namespaces

My preference is to do both:
- [B], be correct with respect to our usage of XML schema, to make 
people who care about XML schema validation and use XML schema tools happy

- and [C] allow people who don't like namespaces to not have to write them

Why do I like [C] as well? Here are a few examples:

  Hello! I can write XML without namespaces, isn't that nice?

An axis2.xml configuration file 

An MS WCF configuration

A Tomcat server.xml file

All work without namespaces...

Let me tackle them in reverse order (the more debateable first)

C) Yes, this is indeed simpler.  No namespaces is wonderful.  (PS I will 
 declare here that I am no fan of XML, so less XML always keeps me happy)

The downside of this is that it assumes that you know all the valid 
XML in advance, if any validation is going to be done.  I suppose that 
you have options:

- 1.  Don't worry about validation at all.
- 2.  Do validation and have some non-namespace way of knowing all the 
XSDs that contribute.

The problem really hits when you start to build SCA Assemblies using 
tooling that is not part of Tuscany.  The SOA Tools project at Eclipse 
comes to mind.  We may come up with some approach for Tuscany, but can 
that also be used for the SOA Tools project?

Namespaces may be ugly but at least they represent a standard that all 
can use

B) This is the SCA spec approach.  I'd recommend at least supporting 
this even if other techniques are also allowed.

A) Is really problematic.  It implies hacking the XSDs defined by the 
SCA specs.  How will anyone know when they have violated the spec XSDs 
that form part of the Portability conformance that is part of the value 
of SCA (ie build and run my stuff on Tuscany and the same stuff should 
work on Oracle's runtime, if I stick to the stuff defined in the SCA 

A will also imply the existence of at least 2 sets of SCA XSDs - the 
spec ones and the Tuscany ones.  How will anyone know which one they've 
got in their hands?


A) -1not a good place to be
B) +1its the standard
C) +0.5  I can envisage this as +1 if it is an optional setting that a 
user can knowingly choose to use - as long as it is clear what they lose

Yours,  Mike.

PS The Microsoft WCF config works without a namespace since I think it 
is not extensible, unlike SCA which allows all kinds of extension.

PS 2 If anyone can think of a better way for SCA to handle its 
extensibility, that will allow us to drop namespaces, the spec team will 
be all ears.  The spec group debated the use of namespaces at some 
length before adopting the current spec definition (and I was one of 
those trying to keep namespaces out of it).

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Re: Renaming binding-ajax to binding-dwr?

2007-08-20 Thread Mike Edwards
+1 to the rename.  Best to name the binding by the transport mechanism 
involved, not the implementation used to drive it.

Yours,  Mike.

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

ant elder wrote:

On 8/19/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd like to rename binding-ajax to binding-dwr, as Ajax is a really
generic term, and it will make clear that this binding is actually using
the DWR (Direct Web Remoting) protocol.


Right now that it uses DWR is an implementation detail thats not exposed
anywhere, just as Axis2 is not exposed anywhere in our, so 

we can call it whatever we like.

Axis2 is an implementation detail, and that's the reason why we do not 
say binding.axis2 in SCA.

However, the protocol used to expose a service in an SOA is not an 
implementation detail at all...

Here are three examples: - the SOAP protocol is used to talk to the service
binding.jsonrpc - the JSON-RPC protocol is used to talk to the service
binding.ajax - the Direct Web Remoting protocol is used to talk to the 

Binding.dwr will better indicate than binding.ajax that the service is 
provided through the DWR protocol.

To web clients binding.jsonrpc used to work
acidentically to binding.ajax but the last couple of changes to
binding.jsonrpc mean they've now got out of sync. If renaming 

will help you engage in keeping these both updated to work the same then
Yes!  lets rename it.



OK, I'll rename it then.

If you're talking about the change to how service URIs get determined, 
I'll be happy to help make it work like the other ones, but...

- it didn't seem like it was initially working like the other ones, as 
it hardcoded a single URI and didn't use the binding URI at all, here's 
the code I found:

   public static final String SERVLET_PATH = 
AjaxServlet.AJAX_SERVLET_PATH + /*;


   servlet.addService(binding.getName(), type, proxy);

- answering my question on this subject at [1] would be a good starting 


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Re: Validating PolicySet attachments in SCA Artifacts.

2007-08-20 Thread Mike Edwards


Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

I would be surprised if impl=axis was actually in the SCDL. Instead 
I'd imagine that impl=axis would be a characteristic of a particular 
implementation of, not exposed to app developers but used 
by the policy framework to either select that axis-based implementation 
over another one when it sees that policy, or validate that the implementation in use in your runtime configuration can 
actually apply the requested policy.

So basically, an SCDL-only based approach may not work, and I'd suggest 
to seek clarification from the SCA spec workgroup before going down that 

Nope, the spec intention is only to validate against the SCDL - 
nothing else is involved.

Really validation isn't what's going on here.  Those @appliesTo 
attributes are used to say what kind of element the PolicySet is 
designed for.  It is really simply a way of rejecting PolicySets not 
designed for the element you're processing.

The example involving @impl=axis is actually a poor one.  It assumes 
that is extended with an attribute @impl, which then 
has some range of values which reflect the available implementations of  - axis being one of them.   But this attribute would have 
to be in the SCDL, for sure.

What you do have to know is that when you are processing some element 
that can have intents / policySets applied, then both those on the 
element AND those in ancestor elements form a set which you have to scan 
in order to pick out the right one(s).  So, you look upwards from the 
current place and pick out those that apply.  XPath is used since not 
only the element itself can control whether to use the PolicySet, but 
also its attributes.

The process is not so simple, I would certainly agree, but validation is 
not the issue - it's a simple case of selection that is going on here.

Now, if I can help with more specific points of the algorithm, I'm happy 
to try to deal with them in other emails

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: I think Tuscany needs a graph generator for composite layouts

2007-08-13 Thread Mike Edwards


The Eclipse SOA Tools Project is building a graphical editor for SCA 
composites.  You can find the project here:

In addition to the graphical composition editor, there is a range of SCA 
and SOA related tooling available in this tools project.

Of course, there are also commercial tools produced by some vendors, of 
which the IBM WebSphere Integration Developer (WID) tool is an example:

...the commercial tools are big on graphical editors, but as you might 
expect for such productive tools, they come at a significant price!

Yours,  Mike.

shaoguang geng wrote:

as the title, when composite contents comes more and more complicated, a layout 
graph generator would do greate help to developers.

Or did some one see commercial providers of such a grapher?

Good day.

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Re: [jira] Closed: (TUSCANY-1053) Use a Tuscany namespace for all non-spec'd Tuscany extensions

2007-08-02 Thread Mike Edwards


I agree with Simon's comment - this resolution violates the SCA spec. 
You are not supposed to go adding stuff to the SCA namespace that is not 
approved by the SCA spec process.  In particular, no additions to the 
sca.xsd or sca-core.xsd are allowed.

Yours,  Mike.

ant elder (JIRA) wrote:


ant elder closed TUSCANY-1053.

Resolution: Fixed

Closing as it looks like we've standardized on using the SCA namespace

Use a Tuscany namespace for all non-spec'd Tuscany extensions

Key: TUSCANY-1053
Project: Tuscany
 Issue Type: Improvement
 Components: Java SCA Assembly Model
   Affects Versions: Java-SCA-Next
   Reporter: ant elder
   Assignee: ant elder
Fix For: Java-SCA-Next

Currently Tsucany extensions use SCDL elements is varrious different 
namespaces. There should be a single Tuscany namespace that extensions not 
defined by SCA spec's should use. See[EMAIL 

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Re: Unable to create new Jira Issues - get a null pointer

2007-07-28 Thread Mike Edwards

Mark Combellack wrote:

Mark Combellack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mike Edwards mike.edwards.inglenook at ... writes:

Mark Combellack wrote:

Is anyone else having problems creating new Tuscany Jira bug reports?

I am logged into Tuscany Jira at:

I've tried creating a new Tuscany issue of type bug and I get the following

System Error

I've just tried creating a Jira issue from home and it works. 

Looks like it is a proxy issue from work :-( Time for me to contact our IT



Ugh, sorry to hear that.  Hope that you get it fixed soon.

Homeworking has its upsides  ;-)

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: [XmlSchema] Pluggability for XSD import/include resolvers?

2007-07-27 Thread Mike Edwards

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Huang Kai wrote:

Hi, Raymond,
We encountered the same problem when implementing SDO's XSDHelper. 
Where we used EMF's xsd tool package for resolve xsd. Wherein we just 
implemented our own XSDSchemaLocator and added it to the resource's 
adapters, then we can do everything in locating the import/include 
xsd. It works fine.

I don't know if XmlSchema have any thing alike.

Good point, and if we're going to tweak the resolution mechanism for 
XSDs with some specific SCA resolution rules, then we need to make sure 
that it's done in a consistent way:

- at runtime, under XmlSchema library
- at runtime, in the XSDHelper
- at codegen time (XSD generation and WSDL2Java)
- at codegen time under the JAX-WS / JAXB generators
- in my XSD editor
- in my XSD validator
- in my WSDL editor
- in my WSDL based Web Services test tool
- and in all the other Web Services implementations out there if we want 
them to support these WSDLs and XSDs.


Does this still sound like a good idea?
... I'm not sure.

If we don't cover all these aspects, is this custom resolution going to 
help the app developer? or get in his way?

... I'm positive that it'll get in his way :)

So I'm sure that we should use the SCA resolution within SCA artifacts. 
Using it to resolve references between XSDs sounds either very 
ambitious, or pretty dangerous to me...


Well, maybe we SCA spec guys are more than a little crazy  ;-)

We had envisaged that for SCA, the Domain is built up from contributions 
- and that the contributions form a way of sharing artifacts, if 
required.  This is deliberately intended to cover XML artifacts which 
not only include SCA things like Composites, but also XSD and WSDL.

The idea is in principle a simple one - avoid using a plethora of 
separate mechanisms, which force the developer to supply a lot of 
detailed information.  Instead have one simple overarching scheme that 
can be used for all artifacts.

Maybe we had too much of the fruits of the vine when we devised this, 
but it is in many ways a kind of extension of the ideas of OSGi bundles, 
applied to the non-Java code artifacts that abound in these systems.

Regarding use cases like XSD editing and WSDL editing, I would tend to 
agree that it would be best to do this in a situation where all 
referenced artifacts are in simple places (I recall the recent 
discussion between us about loading the XSDs into the Eclipse 
configuration location rather than relying on the location parameters in 
 include elements).  So perhaps only some of these scenarios need 
dealing with in the SCA way - and that these should focus on the 

However I can envisage that Eclipse STP may like to take on the 
challenge of creating SCA contributions with SCA resolution of artifacts 
from other contributions.  Perhaps it isn't so crazy - it just needs a 
divide and conquer approach.

Yours,  Mike.

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[jira] Created: (TUSCANY-1486) Support Stateful Spring Beans and Conversational interactions

2007-07-27 Thread Mike Edwards (JIRA)
Support Stateful Spring Beans and Conversational interactions

 Key: TUSCANY-1486
 Project: Tuscany
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Java SCA Spring Implementation Extension
Affects Versions: Java-SCA-Next
Reporter: Mike Edwards
Assignee: Mike Edwards
Priority: Minor
 Fix For: Java-SCA-Next

Provide stateful support for Spring Beans, including Scope support and 
Conversational interaction support,

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

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Re: Unable to create new Jira Issues - get a null pointer

2007-07-27 Thread Mike Edwards

Mark Combellack wrote:

Is anyone else having problems creating new Tuscany Jira bug reports?

I am logged into Tuscany Jira at:

I've tried creating a new Tuscany issue of type bug and I get the following

System Error


It is working for me right now - I just created a new Jira report.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: SCA Contribution provisioning and updates

2007-07-27 Thread Mike Edwards

Simon Laws wrote:

In the distributed domain contributions and any updates have to be
provisioned to each node. There are many ways of doing this, ftp, http,
shred file system , etc. to the extent that Tuscany shouldn't really care
too much about how it is achieved. I would expect that at any give time a
domain at a node can be notified of its configuration given the URL(s) of
where to find its up to date contributions. For example, in the stand alone
case this could just resolve to the contributions in file:///path to
sca-cntributions dir.

However I'm a little unclear how to deal with configuration updates. There
have been a number of posts recently about incremental updates to domains
[1] and [2]. I can see that contributions can be added and removed but the
implication of the discussion in [1] and the assembly  spec (
implies that contributions can also be updated. Is there code to support
this in place already? I'm assuming the current approach is to drop the
current contribution and load the updated version rather  than deal with




I think it will pay to do a bit more thinking about all this.  There are 
going to be a range of different configurations to support, and so 
thinking through the structure of the runtime nodes and how they 
interact with the contributions in the Domain will pay off over time.

I think there is going to be too much to contain in one email, but I'll 
start here.  I think capturing the concepts on Wiki pages will pay off 
in the long run, since I think that sorting through a load of emails to 
find them will get hard.

So, if you are all seated comfortably, let us begin
(Brits of a certain age will understand where that phrase comes from...)

We have the SCA Domain.  This contains the configuration data, held as a 
series of one or more contributions.  On a single node runtime, the way 
in which the Domain is held can be very simple indeed.  Files on disk in 
one or more directories will do fine.

Once we get a distributed runtime, things rapidly get more complex.  The 
one obvious thing is that it is almost inevitable that each runtime node 
will need access to parts of the SCA Domain configuration that they 
don't own - eg to make a wire from a component that one node runs to a 
component running on another node.

How the SCA Domain is done for a distributed runtime is also variable - 
it could be done in a number of ways.  The trick is to provide 
interfaces between the runtime node code and the repository that allow 
for alternative implementations.  This must include both the initial 
configuration when the runtime node(s) start up and also what happens 
when the Domain configuration changes.

I think that we must design interfaces that separate the organization of 
the SCA Domain repository from the runtime code.  These interfaces are 
going to have to be two-way, in the sense that there is going to be both 
pull and push aspects to them.  ie A node can go pull configuration 
information from the Domain, or it can have configuration thrown at it - 
either as updates or by some provisioning manager that is tossing out 
work to do.

Service interfaces seem like the right kind of things to do under the 
covers inside the implementation of the Domain repository.  Nodes in 
principle need to talk with each other.  We need to think through which 
interfaces are needed first and then decide how they are dealt with in 
terms of concrete service interfaces.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Resolving WSDL/XSD import/include for SCA contributions

2007-07-26 Thread Mike Edwards


A few thoughts

 We have two options here:

 a) Plugin a tuscany-specific resolver for WSDL4J
 (javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLLocator) and XmlSchema

 This option can handle location case 1, 2 and 3. For 2, we probably 

 some context from the contribution service.

 The difficulty is that both resolvers expect to take an InputSource. 

 location case 4 (empty or not present), we don't have a corresponding

 I was going to respond with a long list of pros-cons for both options,
 then deleted all my comments to ask a simple question :). Why can't we
 return an InputSource for the contents of the imported document?

 Well, for the import/include that can be resolved to a document, we
 return the InputSource. I have said that it works for location case 
1,  2 and 3. But if the import/include only doesn't have the

 schemaLocation attribute, what InputSource should we return?

Well, it seems valid to me to go use the SCA resolution mechanism - it 
is simple enough to say, either use the WSDL or XML approach (and 
require a location) but if there is no location, then this isn't going 
to work and SCA takes over.  I note that if the location is left out in 
the case of the included/imported file being in the same contribution as 
the source file, then things are simple and the SCA rules will find it.

If it is elsewhere, then SCA at least defines an algorithm to follow to 
attempt to find the referenced file.

 A related question, for an artifact processer that loads multiple
 artifacts following the import/include directives, how can we avoid
 the duplicate loading? For example, we have a.wsdl imports b.wsdl,
 both a.wsdl and b.wsdl are in the same contribution and they are
 processed by the WSDL artifact processor. We probably don't want to
 load b.wsdl twice in this case.

Why actually load anything before it is clearly required?  But once it 
is loaded, keep it around. This should be true for all artifacts.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Why SCA10 specify

2007-07-25 Thread Mike Edwards

Hi Shaoguang,

shaoguang geng wrote:

In SCA java component implementation 1.0, most of the spec was telling the story about 
interface=[interface name]. But in fact class=[class 
name]/ has done every thing.

Dose osoa mean: using the interface MAY NOT BE an interface of 
the implementation class?

SCA follows the principle of Service Oriented Architecture in separating 
the interface of a service from its implementation.

So, where you have a service component implemented by a Java class, it 
is expected that there will be an interface definition for the service 
offered by the component.  This service interface must be one of the 
interfaces implemented by the Java class.

So, let us say that we have a service which is defined by the Java 

And that we have an implementation of the service provided by a class

The ServiceImpl class is going to look something like this:


public class ServiceImpl implements ServiceA {

public String someOperation( String bar ) {


Note that the class implements the interface - if there 
is only one interface implemented by the class, this will be assumed to 
be the service interface provided by the class.  If there are multiple 
interfaces implemented by the class, the SCA @Service annotation can be 
used to indicate which service each interface belongs to.

In a composite file which holds the service component, the declarations 
could look something like this:

composite xmlns=;

component name=ServiceAComponent /
service name=ServiceName



So, this says that the component named ServiceAComponent is implemented 
by the class  That component has a service with the 
name ServiceName which has an interface described by the Java interface

Strictly speaking, writing out the service.../ element in full like 
this is not necessary in the composite file - the information can be 
introspected from the Java class - but it is valid to do this.

Note that while the Java interface may be used to define the service in 
the Java class, it is possible to use a different interface language 
like WSDL in the composite file, as long as the WSDL definition and the 
Java definition of the interface match each other.

I hope that this helps explain things.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: [XmlSchema] Pluggability for XSD import/include resolvers?

2007-07-25 Thread Mike Edwards


How does this relate to the contribution resolution mechanism described 
by the SCA specifications?

Yours,  Mike.

Raymond Feng wrote:


We currently use XmlSchema to load XSDs. To resolve the import/include 
directives using our schemes, we provide an implementation of and set it to It works well if the 
schemaLocation attribute for the xsd:import or xsd:include is set.

Now we would like to handle the cases where the schemaLocation attribute 
is not present. For example, xsd:import namespace=http://ns1/. 
Without the schemaLocation, we resolve the import/include by namespace. 
In this case, we already have a map keyed by namespace for a list of 
XmlSchema objects loaded from a catalog or other files and we want to 
reuse them. Would it be possible to open the 
XmlSchemaCollection.getSchema(SchemaKey) method so that we can 
override/customize the behavior to associate existing XmlSchema 
instances to a SchemaKey? BTW, using a singleton of XmlSchemaCollection 
to keep the schema map is not always feasible.

Another observation is that a NPE will be thrown if the 
URIResolver.resolveEntity() returns null. Is there any way to disable 
the aggressive resolving/loading of import/include?

Raymond Feng
Apache Tuscany

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Re: Synapse using SCA assembly model for configuration

2007-07-25 Thread Mike Edwards


Great to hear from you!  Some thoughts inline.

Paul Fremantle wrote:

I recently read Dan's blog entry on the SCA assembly model:

That and some other discussions I've had made me think about maybe
offering the SCA assembly model to configure Synapse. So it seems to
me that you can draw a direct correlation between:

Synapse Proxy and SCA Service
Synapse Endpoint and SCA reference
Synapse Mediator - a specific type of SCA Component
Synapse Property - SCA Property

It certainly looks like a reasonable mapping.

If we were to make the XMLConfigurationBuilder pluggable then we could
just use this as an alternative configuration language. We did talk
about this in the beginning of Synapse [we discussed having a LEX/YACC
style config language - which I would still LOVE if someone wants to
do that - it would make a great Computer Science project]

Anyway back to SCA, it seems to me that this would be a pretty nice
alternative config model, using an independent third party language.
I'm guessing that there is plenty of Tuscany code could help us
implement this. Maybe we might do it jointly?

So I'm imagining the existing runtime being *exactly* the same as
today, but being able to use a subset of the SCA Assembly model to
configure it. Maybe some of the SCA wizards on tusc-dev can jump in
and let me know if this is feasible?

SCA makes no assumption about the runtime at all - and the spec teams 
have always viewed the SCA model as being mappable to a whole range of 
runtimes, so this way of thinking about things is fine.  Indeed, some of 
the work in the Eclipse tools project is done this way, where an SCA 
model is used to describe the solution in the tools and is then mapped 
to the configuration file format of a particular runtime.  The runtime 
never sees the SCA metadata directly.

Your idea is to do this mapping at runtime - I happen to prefer that way 
of doing things.

One BIG question to ask is whether you want to support implementation 
artifacts with SCA annotations.  SCA supports, for example, Java classes 
with annotations which configure them with a range of features - this is 
an alternative to providing the information in the SCA XML format. 
Doing this requires appropriate introspector code in the runtime.  This 
can certainly come from Tuscany.


PS If someone is looking at and wondering where this
is coming from I offer a few thoughts. Firstly, I'm always open to
being proved wrong! Secondly, this would not be adding any layers of
indirection... I'm mapping directly from SCA concepts into the Synapse
runtime with this idea. Finally, I see nothing wrong with holding
several inconsistent viewpoints at the same time :)

This direct mapping of SCA metadata into runtime entities is behind my 
contention that SCA does not add any layering.  SCA is not about 
indirection, rather it is about having a consistent way of describing 
SOA configuration, which is mapped to the specifics of given component 
and runtime technologies.  Only where it is the intention to extend the 
runtime(s) involved (eg with support for new bindings) would there need 
to be any consideration of layering - but then it is a question of how 
the runtime itself is written - the ideal is no layering, but a simple 
addition of function.

As for holding multiple inconsistent viewpoints at once - politicians 
seem to manage that as a way of life  ;-)

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Release process guide checklist, was Fwd: [VOTE] Release SDO Java 1.0-incubating

2007-07-24 Thread Mike Edwards

Luciano Resende wrote:

Should we start thinking on a formal release guide, merging together
couple documents we already have as of today, and also creating a
checklist as it looks like couple release candidates are having the
same issues ?

+1 - yes, most definitely.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: SOAP over JMS?

2007-07-24 Thread Mike Edwards

Simon Laws wrote:

Has anyone in Tuscany made a binding that ships SOAP messages over JMS
instead of HTTP? Looking at the current code base and at the old code in 

sandbox I don't see anything.



Shouldn't this be a simple extension of the Web services binding?

The interesting question is how to indicate that a JMS transport should 
be used instead of HTTP.  The spec only allows for this to be done via 
WSDL at the moment - not so good if you didn't want to create the WSDL 

How about the idea of adding an intent for the Web services binding 
which can be used to indicate the transport??


transport.http = use the HTTP transport (default)
transport.jms  = use the JMS transport  = use the foo transport

The Web services binding can indicate which of these intents it supports 
 - since that depends on the support being available in the Web 
services stack that you are using.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: SOAP over JMS?

2007-07-24 Thread Mike Edwards

ant elder wrote:

Couldn't this just use the existing Axis2 facilities, the soap/jms uri
format and be done with the scdl binding uri attribute, eg:





Simple that ain't  ;-)

Agreed that if you get into requiring all those details, that is one way 
to supply them.  As Simon notes elsewhere, the JMS binding provides a 
more structured way of providing all that gorp.

I was hoping for something simple, but perhaps I'm being too simplistic.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: SOAP over JMS?

2007-07-24 Thread Mike Edwards

Simon Laws wrote:

On 7/24/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Simon Laws wrote:
 Has anyone in Tuscany made a binding that ships SOAP messages over JMS
 instead of HTTP? Looking at the current code base and at the old 
code in

 sandbox I don't see anything.



Shouldn't this be a simple extension of the Web services binding?

The interesting question is how to indicate that a JMS transport should
be used instead of HTTP.  The spec only allows for this to be done via
WSDL at the moment - not so good if you didn't want to create the WSDL

How about the idea of adding an intent for the Web services binding
which can be used to indicate the transport??


transport.http = use the HTTP transport (default)
transport.jms  = use the JMS transport  = use the foo transport

The Web services binding can indicate which of these intents it supports
  - since that depends on the support being available in the Web
services stack that you are using.

Yours,  Mike.

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So you would end up with
  some transport config

Is that right?

Nope.  That's not what I mean.  Sorry but I assumed too much knowledge 
of the SCA Policy spec...

What you would get is this: requires=transport.jms/

or requires=transport.http/

If you require specific configuration details for the given transport, 
then this would have to be supplied by additional attributes or by
additional child elements.  The URI attribute is one possible approach, 
but it can get to look very messy very quickly.

Whether you need a load of configuration really depends on whether you 
are going external to the SCA Domain.  If you are going external, then 
detailed config is probably necessary.  However, some good sensible 
defaulting can probably give a usable service with minimal information. 
 References are a different matter since the target endpoint is what it is.

Using SOAP over HTTP should in principle simplify things to some extent 
since the message format is known and hence there is less 
configuration required.

Hope this helps,

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: SOAP over JMS?

2007-07-24 Thread Mike Edwards

Simon Laws wrote:

Ah, thanks Mike. I didn't latch onto the implication of the word intent.
The choice we are talking about here seems more like a concrete decision
than an intent. Does this match well with the, erm, intention of intents?


It is one use of intents - and, in my opinion, it is a reasonable match. 
  It tells the binding to apply a particular policy - the policy of 
using a specific transport.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: XSDDocumentProcessor visibility

2007-07-23 Thread Mike Edwards


Yes, make it more widely available.

Yours,  Mike.

Luciano Resende wrote:

Looks like XSDDocumentProcessor is not being registered with the
proper artifact extension point, and it's being only available
internally to the WSDLDocumentProcessor. Should we register it with
the extension point to make it more widely available ?

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[jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-1389) published DTD for composite XML Schema needed/useful

2007-07-23 Thread Mike Edwards (JIRA)


Mike Edwards commented on TUSCANY-1389:

I'm OK with Jean-Sebastien's proposal.  It would be useful to update the 
website/Wiki documentation to describe this approach.

 published DTD for composite XML Schema needed/useful

 Key: TUSCANY-1389
 Project: Tuscany
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Java SCA BigBank Sample, Java SCA Core Runtime, Java SCA 
Affects Versions: Java-SCA-0.90
 Environment: java
Reporter: James Tomkinson
Priority: Minor
 Attachments: addattributes_knownfromDTD.jpg, 
 addchild_knownfromDTD.jpg, openwithxmleditor.jpg

 Samples should supply a DOCTYPE in *.composite xml files, that points to a 
 stored DTD, so that XML editing tools can be used to create/edit/validate XML 
 schema.   This will enhance productivity/accuracy.
 Example for Hibernate:
 !DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
   -//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN;

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Re: Question on callback bindings

2007-07-20 Thread Mike Edwards

Simon Nash wrote:

I am implementing approach 1).  The code is turning out to be
straightforward and this approach fully supports the SCA callback
spec AIUI.

The Axis2 callback MEP isn't the same as an SCA callback, and it's
confusing that these have the same name.  With the Axis2 callback
MEP, the forward call is sent asynchronously, and the callback
message carries the result from the forward call.  In SCA, the
callback is a normal call made in the reverse direction, and the
signature of the callback is unrelated to the signature of the
forward call.



This is the correct interpretation.

SCA callback is very general and make no assumption about the nature of 
the transport used between the reference and the service.

The call interface has each method able to be a full request/response, 
if that is what is required.  They can of course have a void return or 
be a OneWay invocation.

The callback interface equally allows each method to be a full 
request/response or a OneWay.

There is no assumption made about the number or the timing of the 
invocations on the callback interface related to a given invocation on 
the call interface.  Indeed, SCA today has no metadata that captures 
these relationships (it has been suggested quite seriously that it might 
be possible to capture this metadata as an abstract BPEL process, but 
this has not been progressed as a formal addition to the Assembly 

So, the correct behaviour is for the call to be treated as a regular 
SOAP/HTTP interaction, completely independent from any callback interaction.

A given call may result in 0, 1 or many callback invocations.  A simple 
example might be a service for placing an order.  The place order 
operation may be request/response with the response acting as a ack 
that the order was received.  However, the place order may then be 
followed by callbacks like the following:

- order accepted - once credit checking and item availability checks 
are done
- order dispatched - once the order items have been packaged and 
dispatched to the shipper

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: svn commit: r557494 - in /incubator/tuscany/java/sca/samples: calculator-rmi-reference/src/main/resources/ calculator-rmi-service/src/main/resources/ calculator-script/src/main/resources/ calculat

2007-07-20 Thread Mike Edwards

Luciano Resende wrote:

The targetNameSpace were only added on the Calculator and Chat
samples, as suggested on the JIRA 1330. The other changes were merely
cosmetic (such as alignments) or adding missing headers on some
composite files.

What's the suggestion here ? To remove the targetNamespace from the
Calculator samples ?

Umm, sheepish grin.

This has revealed an erratum in the spec.  The Assembly spec contradicts 
itself by saying that the targetNamespace attribute on a composite is 
optional (line 1033) but in the XSD and in the pseudo-schema, it says 
that it is required.

Oh well, I'll raise this with the spec group and get a resolution

My own opinion is that targetNamespace is essential only if there is a 
desire to share the composite between contributions, since then there 
must be a means to find the composite from a remote place.  However, 
other spec team members may prefer the required approach to avoid 

I certainly was arguing to remove the targetNamespace from the samples, 
since it had no use (didn't show anything useful in terms of those samples).

On 7/19/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I tend to agree with Ant.  The namespace gets necessary once we get into
  inter-contribution sharing of artifacts and then the namespace is
essential, but I dont think it is necessary or useful in the simpler

I DO think we need to add the XSD location for the SCA namespace,
however - this is useful for tooling using the composite files, for
example.  This is covered by JIRA 1443.

Yours,  Mike.

ant elder wrote:
 Do we really need these, line 1033 of the assembly spec says the
 targetNamespace is optional, and the samples don't use the sample
 namespace?  As they're samples isn't it good to keep the XML as bare 

 simple as possible?


Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Conversational - spec question

2007-07-20 Thread Mike Edwards


It is clear from reading other sections of the specification that it is 
intended that @ConversationID is used in implementation classes other 
than those of CONVERSATION scope.

Further down in 1.2.51 of the JavaComponentImplementation spec, it says 
the following:

1.	The implementation can be built as a stateless piece of code 
(essentially, the code expects a new instance of the code to be used for 
each method invocation).  The code must then be responsible for 
accessing the conversationID of the conversation, which is maintained by 
the SCA runtime code.  The implementation is then responsible for 
persisting any necessary state data during the processing of a method 
and for accessing the persisted state data when required, all using the 
conversationID as a key.

This is clear that stateless (ie NOT CONVERSATION scope) implementations 
can use the conversationID.

So I think that @ConversationID is always actioned - the only difference 
is how often it gets actioned (a CONVERSATION scoped implementation gets 
it just the once, while every invocation of a stateless will require 

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: svn commit: r557494 - in /incubator/tuscany/java/sca/samples: calculator-rmi-reference/src/main/resources/ calculator-rmi-service/src/main/resources/ calculator-script/src/main/resources/ calculat

2007-07-19 Thread Mike Edwards


I tend to agree with Ant.  The namespace gets necessary once we get into 
 inter-contribution sharing of artifacts and then the namespace is 
essential, but I dont think it is necessary or useful in the simpler 

I DO think we need to add the XSD location for the SCA namespace, 
however - this is useful for tooling using the composite files, for 
example.  This is covered by JIRA 1443.

Yours,  Mike.

ant elder wrote:

Do we really need these, line 1033 of the assembly spec says the
targetNamespace is optional, and the samples don't use the sample
namespace?  As they're samples isn't it good to keep the XML as bare and
simple as possible?



Author: lresende
Date: Wed Jul 18 22:33:05 2007
New Revision: 557494

TUSCANY-1330 - Adding targetNameSpace to sample composites





















Wed Jul 18 22:33:05 2007
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
  * under the License.
composite xmlns=;
+   targetNamespace=http://sample;
+   xmlns:sample=http://sample;

 component name=CalculatorServiceComponent






Wed Jul 18 22:33:05 2007
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
  * under the License.
composite xmlns=;
+   targetNamespace=http://sample;
+   xmlns:sample=http://sample;

 component name=CalculatorServiceComponent






Wed Jul 18 22:33:05 2007
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
  * under the License.
composite xmlns=;
+   targetNamespace=http://sample;
+   xmlns:sample=http://sample;

[jira] Assigned: (TUSCANY-1443) sample composite files are invalid instance documents against SCA schema types

2007-07-19 Thread Mike Edwards (JIRA)


Mike Edwards reassigned TUSCANY-1443:

Assignee: Mike Edwards

 sample composite files are invalid instance documents against SCA schema types

 Key: TUSCANY-1443
 Project: Tuscany
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: C++ SCA
 Environment: all
Reporter: Michael Yoder
Assignee: Mike Edwards

 The SCA samples composite files are invalid against the SCA schemas. In a 
 component element, the property element has content. e.g. (from CppBigBank)
 component name=AccountServiceComponent
   property name=currencyEURO/property
 When the XML Schema type does not allow mixed or simple content:
 complexType name=PropertyType
 extension base=anyType
 attribute name=name type=NCName use=required /
 attribute name=type type=QName use=required /
 attribute name=many type=boolean default=false 
 use=optional /
 attribute name=override type=sca:OverrideOptions 
 default=may use=optional /
 anyAttribute namespace=##any processContents=lax /
 The type is open to additional attributes, so the instance documents can be 
 made valid with simple changes like this:
 component name=AccountServiceComponent
   property name=currency value=EURO/

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Re: An idea for WS Reference

2007-07-19 Thread Mike Edwards


The SCA specifications allow for the WSDL file to be referenced from a 
single location, which can include a remote location, via mechanisms 
such as wsdl:location or via the SCA artifact resolution mechanism (see 
SCA Assembly spec at  So copying the WSDL file is not


However, for a Java developer, there is usually the need to derive a 
Java interface from the WSDL in order to write the Java code for that 
interface.  It is always possible then, that the Java interface gets out 
of sync with the WSDL file.  There is no easy way around this, but the 
SCA runtime can at least check for compatibility and raise a fault if 
they do not match.

Yours, Mike.

shaoguang geng wrote:
WS consumer will have to put a wsdl file in it class root, the SCADomain load it automaticly. But this brings a problem if the provider's wsdl changed. So first I think if the consumer could load the wsdl from http://[host]:[port]/[servicename]?wsdl,. 
  There by, when debug the wsdl, the developer will have to edit on the two side.
  Would anyone think this a better idea?

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Re: Click to confirm your Google Alert

2007-07-17 Thread Mike Edwards

Simon Laws wrote:

On 7/17/07, ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Fyi, I've taken the liberty of setting up Google blog alerts to send us
when sca or tuscany are found to be mentioned on someones blog, hope no
minds. Can switch them off if it gets annoying but I've been using this
a while and find it really useful to see what people are saying.


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This is sort of related. I just made a page on the wiki where I've started
putting links to articles that people have written about Tuscany/SCA/SDO
etc. I was just moving this info to a new machine and thought it better to
store is somewhere more accessible. Feel free to edit. 


You can also include pointers to the materials about SCA  SDO on

Yours,  Mike.

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[jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-1443) sample composite files are invalid instance documents against SCA schema types

2007-07-17 Thread Mike Edwards (JIRA)


Mike Edwards commented on TUSCANY-1443:

Umm, which SCA XSDs are you referencing here?

The correct ones are in the SCA Assembly spec document here:

and they are also available directly on the web at their indicated locations, 

In those, the definition of SCA Property type goes like this:

complexType name=SCAPropertyBase mixed=true
!-- mixed=true to handle simple type --
any namespace=##any processContents=lax minOccurs=0
maxOccurs=1 /
!-- NOT an extension point; This xsd:any exists to accept
 the element-based or complex type property
 i.e. no element-based extension point under 
sca:property --

!-- complex type for sca:property declaration -- 
complexType name=Property mixed=true
   extension base=sca:SCAPropertyBase  
  !-- extension defines the place to hold default value -- 
  attribute name=name type=NCName use=required/
  attribute name=type type=QName use=optional/ 
  attribute name=element type=QName use=optional/
  attribute name=many type=boolean default=false 
  attribute name=mustSupply type=boolean default=false 
  anyAttribute namespace=##any processContents=lax/
  !-- an extension point ; attribute-based only -- 

...which I believe covers the usage described for the property in the composite 
document which you reference.

Now, there is a problem with the XSDs within the cpp Project, but it isn't the 
one you've raised.  Actually, the ones in the cpp project look to be out of 
date and need to be replaced wholesale with the ones from

Yours,  Mike.

 sample composite files are invalid instance documents against SCA schema types

 Key: TUSCANY-1443
 Project: Tuscany
  Issue Type: Bug
 Environment: all
Reporter: Michael Yoder

 The SCA samples composite files are invalid against the SCA schemas. In a 
 component element, the property element has content. e.g. (from CppBigBank)
 component name=AccountServiceComponent
   property name=currencyEURO/property
 When the XML Schema type does not allow mixed or simple content:
 complexType name=PropertyType
 extension base=anyType
 attribute name=name type=NCName use=required /
 attribute name=type type=QName use=required /
 attribute name=many type=boolean default=false 
 use=optional /
 attribute name=override type=sca:OverrideOptions 
 default=may use=optional /
 anyAttribute namespace=##any processContents=lax /
 The type is open to additional attributes, so the instance documents can be 
 made valid with simple changes like this:
 component name=AccountServiceComponent
   property name=currency value=EURO/

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Re: [jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-1443) sample composite files are invalid instance documents against SCA schema types

2007-07-17 Thread Mike Edwards


Well if the SCA CPP samples are using 0.96 they should not refer to the 
1.0 XSDs - implied in the samples composite files.  Or have I missed 


Brady Johnson wrote:


TuscanySCA Native is using the SCA Assembly Model, version 0.96, and
you're referencing version 1.0.

Brady Johnson
Lead Software Developer - HydraSCA
Rogue Wave Software - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Michael Yoder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:52 AM

To: Mike Edwards (JIRA)
Subject: RE: [jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-1443) sample composite files are
invalid instance documents against SCA schema types

Thanks Mike! Yes, I was looking at the schemas in Tuscany source
control. It looks like updating the schemas in Tuscany should address
this issue (will make the instance docs valid).

Michael Yoder
Rogue Wave Software - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Software Developer - HydraSDO

-Original Message-
From: Mike Edwards (JIRA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:41 AM
To: Michael Yoder
Subject: [jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-1443) sample composite files are
invalid instance documents against SCA schema types

ra.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_12513257 ] 

Mike Edwards commented on TUSCANY-1443:

Umm, which SCA XSDs are you referencing here?

The correct ones are in the SCA Assembly spec document here:

and they are also available directly on the web at their indicated
locations, eg:

In those, the definition of SCA Property type goes like this:

complexType name=SCAPropertyBase mixed=true
!-- mixed=true to handle simple type --
any namespace=##any processContents=lax
maxOccurs=1 /
!-- NOT an extension point; This xsd:any exists to
 the element-based or complex type property
 i.e. no element-based extension point under
sca:property --

!-- complex type for sca:property declaration -- 
complexType name=Property mixed=true

	   extension base=sca:SCAPropertyBase  
	  !-- extension defines the place to hold default value
	  attribute name=name type=NCName use=required/
	  attribute name=type type=QName use=optional/ 
	  attribute name=element type=QName

	  attribute name=many type=boolean default=false 

  attribute name=mustSupply type=boolean

  anyAttribute namespace=##any
	  !-- an extension point ; attribute-based only -- 

...which I believe covers the usage described for the property in the
composite document which you reference.

Now, there is a problem with the XSDs within the cpp Project, but it
isn't the one you've raised.  Actually, the ones in the cpp project look
to be out of date and need to be replaced wholesale with the ones from

Yours,  Mike.

sample composite files are invalid instance documents against SCA 
schema types


Key: TUSCANY-1443

Project: Tuscany
 Issue Type: Bug
Environment: all
   Reporter: Michael Yoder

The SCA samples composite files are invalid against the SCA schemas. 
In a component element, the property element has content. e.g. (from

CppBigBank) component name=AccountServiceComponent
  property name=currencyEURO/property /component When the XML 
Schema type does not allow mixed or simple content:

complexType name=PropertyType
extension base=anyType
attribute name=name type=NCName use=required /
attribute name=type type=QName use=required /
attribute name=many type=boolean default=false

use=optional /

attribute name=override type=sca:OverrideOptions

default=may use=optional /

anyAttribute namespace=##any processContents=lax


The type is open to additional attributes, so the instance documents

can be made valid with simple changes like this:

component name=AccountServiceComponent
  property name=currency value=EURO/ /component

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online

Re: Getting developer jira access to Amita Vadhavkar

2007-07-15 Thread Mike Edwards

+1 from me

Yours, Mike.

Luciano Resende wrote:

Amita Vadhavkar  has been helping DAS for couple months and recently
also started to help on SDO and had contributed many patches. I'd like
to give her developer access to JIRA so she can manage JIRAs with more
flexibility, etc.

Thoughts ?

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Re: Website ACL

2007-07-15 Thread Mike Edwards


I think that we should consider the idea of Website Wiki committership 
separately from Code committership.

I don't think that it should be necessary for someone to have Code 
committership in order to be granted update access to the Website/Wiki.

I do agree that it needs to be controlled, but that we should draw up a 
wider list of folk who are allowed to edit material on the Website.  As 
has been pointed out, updates to the website have slowed down since we 
restricted write access.  This is not good.  Our website needs plenty of


Yours,  Mike.

Luciano Resende wrote:

My only concern is that, after we restricted access to our wiki, and
started using the process of JIRA or updates on the other wiki space,
the website contributions basically stopped. I think we had only one
JIRA created on this space.

On 7/13/07, ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 7/13/07, Luciano Resende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was referring to the following paragraph...

 a CLA is required for cover substantial contributions for source.
 wiki karma must only be granted those with a CLA.

Yes but that doesn't mean that the converse is also true, ie just 
having a

CLA doesn't give the right to be granted wiki karma.


 Robert also says later on :

 a committer is essentially a developer with a CLA 

and also that provenance needs to be established and oversight 

 If we have control to who gets access, and we are covered, on the
 legal aspects, by having the CLA in place, we should be Ok.  What are
 your concerns here ?

As with the code, it requires more than just having a CLA to be granted
commit access to our SVN.

 The other two alternatives I see are :

- Make wiki patches, or copies from ocpy of the website wiki
- Make all website contributors a Tuscany committer

+1, both of these seem appropriate to me. People can raise JIRAs and do
proposed updates on the TUSCANYWIKI space, once they've proven 
themselves we
can vote them in as a website committer just like from code 


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Re: [Result] was Re: [VOTE] Fuhwei Lwo for Tuscany Committer

2007-07-12 Thread Mike Edwards

Welcome Fuhwei !

Yours,  Mike.

kelvin goodson wrote:
We now have sufficient IPMC votes (there were cast on the general list 

notification of this vote was posted, see [1]) to close this vote and
welcome Fuhwei as a Tuscany committer.


[1][EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg14517.html

On 28/06/07, Ignacio Silva-Lepe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

+1 from me, welcome Fuhwei.

On 6/26/07, kelvin goodson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to propose Fuhwei Lwo as a Tuscany Committer.

 According to my gmail archive he has, since mid of 2006, posted 114
 tusany-dev, 79 of those times resulting from interactions with JIRA

 He has raised 34 JIRAs (see [1])

 The gmail search  -- from:fuhwei [jira] Attachment: shows
 Fuhwei has attached around 27 patches to JIRAs.

 The JIRAs he raises, the comments he makes and the solutions he 

 demonstrate in depth knowledge of SDO and clearly he will be a strong
 for the community.

 Please vote to give Fuhwei this well deserved status

 Regards, Kelvin.


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Re: StackOverflowException when mutual reference exist

2007-07-10 Thread Mike Edwards


Huang Kai wrote:

I mean that composite A has a component which uses composite B as
an implementation and that composite B has a component which uses
 composite A as an implementation .
I think this use case is fairly common, eg. [Employee] has a property refer to 
[Company] and [Company] has a property refer to it's [Employee]s. And when 
these two java components are in different composites, I'll have to define 
mutual referenced composite files above.

Aaargh - this is the case that I was worrying about.

OK - what you need to understand here is that using a composite to 
implement a component within a higher level composite is *NOT* a 
reference property.

Using something as an implementation is a STRUCTURAL relationship.  It 
means that the implementation is part of the containing composite. 
Now if you view it that way, then it does *NOT* make sense for a Company 
to be built from employees and then for the employees to be built 
from a company.  That is what your use case is like.

It's OK for a Company component to have a reference to an Employee 
component - but a reference is not the implementation of a component - 
it is a dependency that one component has on another.

Does that make sense?

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: StackOverflowException when mutual reference exist

2007-07-09 Thread Mike Edwards


Can you clarify what you mean please?

What configuration of composites are you using?

Yours,  Mike.

Huang Kai wrote:
I'm in the case 2. 

It's error-prone

- Original Message - 
From: Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: StackOverflowException when mutual reference exist

On 7/6/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I assume that by reference here, you mean a service reference?  If
that is so, it should work.

If you mean that composite A has a component which uses composite B as
an implementation and that composite B has a component which uses
composite A as an implementation - then this IS an illegal cyclical
usage and should generate an error.

Yours,  Mike.

Huang Kai wrote:

When CompositeA has reference to CompositeB while CompositeB also has

reference back to CompositeA, seems
went into endless loop.

I'm not very sure whether it's a bug or this kind of reference is


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For clarification. In the first case is the assumption that the application
will ensure that messages do not pass round the loop forever.


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Re: Need spec defined Databindings? Was: (TUSCANY-824) DataBinding: Is it a concern of Programming Model vs. Assembly?

2007-07-09 Thread Mike Edwards


I think you ask a fair question here, which is definitely a question for 
the Assembly spec working group to consider and answer.

Making it as succinct as I can, I think the issue is this:

For the interfaces at each end of a wire, when they are specified using 
the same interface definition language, do they have to be identical, or 
is it sufficient that they both map to the same WSDL?

It is clear in the case where the interface definition languages are 
different, that the rule is to map to WSDL and then compare the WSDLs. 
This is not stated for the case where the two ends of the wire use the 
same interface definition language.

I can also see two cases to consider:

a) Where the interface is local
b) Where the interface is remotable

I believe that for local interfaces, only by using the same interface 
definition language is it possible to have a local interface.  In this 
case, the rules are going to REQUIRE that the interfaces are identical. 
 Local in principle implies handing over of native data objects 
between client and provider - ie Java objects in the case of Java 
interface definitions.  This can't be done if the object types don't 
match exactly.

For remotable interfaces, they MUST be mappable to WSDL.  So in the case 
of wires connecting remotable interfaces, the rule is to map both ends 
to WSDL and then do the comparison.  Hence I think that in this case, 
the Java form of the two interfaces does not have to match at all - as 
long as the databinding takes care of mapping the Java interfaces to the 
same WSDL, then we are good to go.

This is my interpretation - let's see what the other spec team people 
think about it

Yours,  Mike.

Scott Kurz wrote:


I'd been steering the discussion towards how to avoid annotations since I
haven't been interested in the mixed cases (since I'm not sure who would
want to do that) and the last points we've been discussing relate to how to
do the Tuscany-specific introspection and DB setup properly.

So I personally don't see a need to input to the spec.


I'd like to use this opportunity to ask about a different point (but 

to the subject heading of the JIRA).
(This is long because I fleshed out some examples)

I would be interested to hear your and others' opinions on the question:
how does the choice of intf at Assembly impact the PM?
(I think this question was touched on in the original exchange btw. Raymond
and Jim Marino but I'm not sure how it was resolved.)

To illustrate, suppose I have a WSDL which defines operation 'm1'

In MyIntf.wsdl:

wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=;
 xmlns:tns=; ...
!-- Defined in 'somens' --
xs:complexType name=MyType
!-- wrapper elem for operation 'm1' --
xs:element name=m1
   xs:element name=param type=somens:MyType/

wsdl:portType name=MyIntf
 wsdl:operation name=m1

I'm planning to use this MyIntf portType on an interface.wsdl to type an
SCA service intf

But first, say I have a Java impl of this service intf:
  class MyImpl implements some.pkg.MyIntf {
  void m1(my.pkg1.MyType) {
// .. impl ..

Suppose some.pkg.MyIntf is generated from WSDL per-JAXWS.  Suppose that the
Java type
my.pkg1.MyType is mappable to the somens:MyType schema type.

Having set this up, I don't think there's any question that the the
some.pkg.MyIntf is wire-compatible
with WSDL interface:  tns:MyIntf

Now, the question of whether this will work in Tuscany or not will 
depend on

more info introspected
from the impl.  For example if the impl uses a generated SDO of type
my.pkg1.MyType or a JAXB type
annotated to match somens:MyType, then this will be able to make it through
the Tuscany DB framework.
If my.pkg1.MyType matches a POJO or some other type, then whether it will
work depends on whether we
can construct the appropriate transformer chain or not.

If the component-service is configured in SCDL with:
 interface.wsdl interface=

then there's no question the Java impl's Java service intf is compatible
with this WSDL intf.  (My Java
interface's package doesn't matter since the SCA assembly spec clearly says
that mappability can be satisfied
in the interfaces have the same operations with the same types.

Now.. one way to phrase the core of the question I've been building up to
would be:  are interfaces compatible merely by having mappable types
or do they have to be the same?

Sec. 1.6.4 of the Assembly spec seems to say both in a short span.

So, some examples:

With the same annotated above with service intf:

would the following Java interfaces be considered mappable if they were
placed on the component-level service in SCDL
via the 

Re: Make sca-api.jar an OSGi bundle

2007-07-06 Thread Mike Edwards


I'm in favour of adding OSGi metadata to relevant jars to enable them to 
act as OSGi bundles.  I think that OSGi is in a different space than 
other runtimes and that supporting it is a good idea.

Other comments inline...

Yours,  Mike

Venkata Krishnan wrote:


This seems ok since you say it does not have side effects for other
consumers.  However, I wonder if we can keep doing this for accomodating
other runtimes as well - am not sure what the others might want or if 
need something not as simple as this - just postulating here ;-). 

OSGi is less another runtime and more a whole class of runtimes, so 
in that sense it is special.  OSGi is a framework for organizing 
runtimes into logical chunks.  Many runtimes use OSGi - the most famous 
being Eclipse.  I think that we should make it easy for Tuscany SCA (and 
SDO for that matter) to fit into a runtime that is using OSGi.  To do 
that ideally requires us to add some OSGi metadata to relevant jar files.

seeing it from the other side I wonder if it would be ok to consider
specific inclusions in OSGi bundles to facilitate their handling in a SCA

This is looking at it the other way around.  I believe that this is the 
work that Rajini and others are already doing in building an 
implementation.osgi .../ for Tuscany, to allow stuff built using OSGi 
to work cleanly within Tuscany.

So, from what I am able to comprehend, I'd prefer to avoid this tie in.
Maybe we should also hear what others have to say.

It is no tie-in.  Adding OSGi metadata does not make any of our JARs 
unusable by anyone else and it does not force the use of OSGi - and the 
handling of the OSGi metadata in the build process can be pretty simple, 
I believe.

There is a whole separate question about whether we should consider 
building the whole Tuscany SCA runtime using OSGi.  There are merits to 
that, but also potential downsides - however, we can have a completely 
separate debate about that some other time, since it has nothing to do 
with Rajini's current proposal.


- Venkat

On 7/6/07, Rajini Sivaram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Could we convert sca-api.jar to an OSGi bundle so that bundles used by 

OSGi implementation type can import SCA annotations and interfaces? This
be already being addressed in the other OSGi related work, but the change
simple and will enable the support for SCA annotations in OSGi bundles to

Converting sca-api.jar to an OSGi bundle would just need the addition 
of a

few entries in the manifest file for the jar, and will not affect any
modules using the jar file as a regular jar.

Thank you...



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Need spec defined Databindings? Was: (TUSCANY-824) DataBinding: Is it a concern of Programming Model vs. Assembly?

2007-07-06 Thread Mike Edwards


OK, finally, I bite  ;-)

The question for me is whether we need the SCA (Java) spec to define 
some standard metadata (typically annotations) for databindings of 
services  references.

I make the assumption that for much of the time, it is possible to work 
out the required databinding simply by inspection of the types of the 
parameters involved.  If you find an SDO object, if you find a JAXB 
object, etc.

So is the real issue the case where mixed types of data objects turn up? 
 Or are there ambiguous cases where you can't tell what the kind of 
object is?

I suppose that we can take two views of cases like these:

a) Don't go there, it's not valid.

b) OK, annotate your code enough to tell us exactly what you expect to 

If we want to go down the second path, then I'm happy to carry back 
requirements to the SCA Java WG, but I'd really like an appreciation of 
just how common this case is likely to be.

Views please

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: StackOverflowException when mutual reference exist

2007-07-06 Thread Mike Edwards


I assume that by reference here, you mean a service reference?  If 
that is so, it should work.

If you mean that composite A has a component which uses composite B as 
an implementation and that composite B has a component which uses 
composite A as an implementation - then this IS an illegal cyclical 
usage and should generate an error.

Yours,  Mike.

Huang Kai wrote:

When CompositeA has reference to CompositeB while CompositeB also has reference 
back to CompositeA, seems went into 
endless loop.
I'm not very sure whether it's a bug or this kind of reference is illegal?

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Re: Pruning committers and pmc members

2007-07-06 Thread Mike Edwards


Davanum Srinivas wrote:


Believe it or not! we have 230 people who have karma to our svn:

Out of these only about 74 people have made commits in the last 1
year. You can get this info by using the svn log:
svn log -v --revision 2006-07-05:HEAD

I'd like to start a process of pruning both the committer list and the
pmc members list. As am sure some of the pmc members have not been
active recently either as i alluded to you in the prev email about the
board report.

Here's something i came up with. Basically i will add a text file in which will have the
names of all the committers and an option right next to their name
with Y/N and question being would you like to keep your commit rights.

dims  [Y/N]

I can pre-fill this to Y for everyone who have made commits in the
last 1 year to reduce work for already active people. At the end of
say 2 weeks from kicking off the process, we will collect the final
tally and prune the svn karma to those who chose to edit the file. If
someone missed the deadline or want to get back karma say in a couple
of months, they can send a quick email to the pmc (private AT and one of us can add it right back.

How about we use the same process for PMC members too? I can add
another file for pmc members and here i will not prefill anyones
option. All PMC members have to edit the file and modify the option
next to their name. At the end, same 2 weeks, we can declare those who
did not choose to be active as Emeritus. For PMC members, there is a
higher threshold, if one of the Emeritus members want to get back into
the game, they will have to drop an email and we will hold a vote.
This is because, we need to notify the board for *every* pmc member
change and there are legal implications and a higher threshold.

Sounds good? comments?


Sounds fine to me.  I don't see the file you point to in

...did I miss something or is it simply not ready yet?

Yours,  Mike

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Re: BPEL implementation: WSDL and BPEL resolving - FOUND YOUR PROBLEM

2007-07-06 Thread Mike Edwards


Comments inline

Matthieu Riou wrote:

Hi guys,

I've done a few additional stuff on the BPEL implementation allowing a BPEL
file to be compiled by ODE upon deployment. The implementation is therefore
created and initialized with most of what would be needed by the runtime.
However there's still a couple of problems with resolution and finding my
way inside Tuscany code isn't that easy.

To resolve the WSDL implemented by the process I've been trying to go
through the resolution mechanism and declare the implementation I return in
the read() method of the processor as unresolved. 

I've done the Spring implementation type which has some characteristics 
similar to that of your BPEL implementation type.

Take a look at the implementation-spring module in Tuscany SCA.  The 
relevant file is SpringArtifactProcessor...

There read() is called and a SpringImplementation returned which is 
unresolved (see line 139) and then resolve() is called later, resulting 
in the Spring application context getting loaded and the Spring runtime 

PS You might like to rename BPELImplementationProcessor to 
BPELArtifactProcessor to make it clearer what that class does - it 
processes an implementation.bpel.../ element in the composite file (we 
refer to that as the artifact, rather than the implementation.

However the resolve()
method is never called afterward and this results in a NullPointerException
in Tuscany as the InterfaceContract is never set. From what I could make 

of the code, it seems that the resolution mechanism happens for Interface
processors but not of implementations, but I could be wrong.

Well, it definitely works for the Spring implementation, for sure.  If 
resolve is not being called, then there must be something odd about the 
implementation object that you return.

AHA - yes there is something odd!! Go look at these lines in 

public boolean isUnresolved() {
// The sample BPEL implementation is always resolved
return false;

...notice that is always returns false  !!

So your implementation type always says that it is resolved.  No wonder 
resolve() does not get called.  Change the code here to return the value 
of some boolean field which gets set by setUnresolved() - 
setUnresolved() also does nothing at the moment

I've created a patch that adds the BPEL compilation and demonstrates the
problem using the test case. Please have a look at
BPELImplementationProcessor, you'll see how the implementation is built.
You'll also see that the BPEL file from now is directly loaded using an
additional file attribute. Ideally that should go as well to use the same
type of resolving as for the WSDL (when it will work).

Some help regarding this would be definitely welcome...


Yours,  Mike.

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Re: The complete patch for TUSCANY-1341 is available

2007-07-02 Thread Mike Edwards


I tend to favour this more conservative approach.  There may be a 
problem longer term in explaining the interfaces to writers of new 
binding types and implementation types, but the mess caused to existing 
implementation types and existing binding types by breaking changes in 
the SPI is not worth it, based on my experiences.

My 2 cents,


ant elder wrote:

On 7/2/07, Simon Nash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


1. Not including the change to remove the redundant isCallback parameter

from ReferenceBindingProvider.createInvoker() doesn't cause any
significant problems in the core.  The core can always pass the
meaningless extra parameter, and the providers can always ignore it.
This does incur the collateral rework costs that I mentioned above
for when we get around to cleaning this one up.

+1, this sounds a good approach to me

2. Not including the supportsAsyncOneWayInvocation() methods on

ReferenceBindingProvider and ServiceBindingProvider presents a bit
more of a challenge.  One possibility is to create a new marker
interface that can be implemented by providers that support
asynchronous one-way invocation.  The core could test for this marker
interface and omit the thread switch if the provider implements it.
I'm not really convinced that this is cleaner (it's probably a bit
more tricky to explain than just having methods for this as we do
everywhere else in the SPI), but it would get around the need for a
breaking SPI change now.  What do people think about this approach?

+1, I like it a lot

3. Not including the createCallbackInvoker() method on

seems at first sight to make it impossible for callbacks to work.
But there is (as always with software) another way.  We could
a new interface ServiceBindingCallbackProvider that extends
ServiceBindingProvider and adds the createCallbackInvoker() method.
Providers that support callbacks would implement this interface,
and providers that don't support callbacks could continue to
implement ServiceBindingProvider.  Again, this seems slightly tricky
but it would work and it wouldn't need a breaking SPI change.

+1 again

Now I'll circle back to 1 again.  The proposal for 3 has inspired me

to imagine a new interface that just contains the new method signature
for createInvoker().  New providers can implement this interface and
the new signature, and old providers can continue with the old signature,
with the core being smart enough to understand both forms and call the
signature that is available.

Another +1


My opinion is that the long term solution is likely

to be the one I have currently implemented, so the work to change other
affected code will need to be done anyway at some point.

I also agree the end result is likely to be similar but IMHO the 
benefits of

keeping things separate and stable for the time being far out way the extra
work of at some point cleaning up all the SPIs (which we're going to 
have to

do anyway).


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test - please ignore

2007-07-01 Thread Mike Edwards


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Re: How are we going to use the Tuscany Wiki space?

2007-07-01 Thread Mike Edwards


How does this compare with the existing structure?  This seems to 
approach things from a Java perspective rather than an SCA / SDO 
perspective - is that right?

It might be useful to create an example of what you mean in the 
TuscanyWiki psace...

Yours,  Mike.

Luciano Resende wrote:

I'd like to propose using a structure similar to the one described
below to group documents together and make it easier to find related
information. It's probably good not to have very deep hierarchy, and
maybe start grouping things on a specific level via page name (e.g
distribution-import-export, distribution-model, etc)

  SCA Java Project
 |--- SCA related Documents

  SDO Java Project
 |--- SDO related Documents

  DAS Java Project
 |--- DAS related Documents

 |--- Infra related Documents such as builds, sync, etc

 |--- Website related documents and old website copy

Thoughts ?

On 6/30/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/15/07, Simon Nash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to retain the copied pages from the Tuscany web site.  As 

 said, this makes it easy for non-committers to develop and preview
 updates to the Web site.  I agree that it would be good to create a new
 front page for the Wiki, with the copied Web site home page
 linked from the TUSCANYWIKI front page.


 Simon Laws wrote:

  I agree. Looking at it now it is confusing with the complete copy 
of the

  site material presented on the front page. It's not clear where the
  definitive source of this material is.
  +1 to the proposal for changing the front page of TUSCANYWIKI. I 

  thought we can just start with a subpage of TUSCANYWIKI for main 

  in preparation. Everthing else is wiki content with an 
organization of


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I've had a go at reorganizing the front page of the wiki. But it's a 
wiki so

if you don't like it


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[jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-1389) published DTD for composite XML Schema needed/useful

2007-07-01 Thread Mike Edwards (JIRA)


Mike Edwards commented on TUSCANY-1389:

I think that the right approach here is to use the XSDs for SCA.

Eclipse XML tooling is certainly capable of using XSDs as well as DTDs to 
describe to structure of XML documents.  The SCA XSDs are freely available at:

I propose one additional step which will help in handling the SCA samples - 
that each composite file in the samples has an xsi:location attribute added to 
it as follows:


This should allow any context aware XML editor to find the SCA XSDs and use 
them for validation and editing assist.

Anyone who wants to workffline will need to install local copies of the XSDs on 
their machine and adjust the xsi:location target value.

 published DTD for composite XML Schema needed/useful

 Key: TUSCANY-1389
 Project: Tuscany
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Java SCA BigBank Sample, Java SCA Core Runtime, Java SCA 
Affects Versions: Java-SCA-0.90
 Environment: java
Reporter: James Tomkinson
Priority: Minor
 Attachments: addattributes_knownfromDTD.jpg, 
 addchild_knownfromDTD.jpg, openwithxmleditor.jpg

 Samples should supply a DOCTYPE in *.composite xml files, that points to a 
 stored DTD, so that XML editing tools can be used to create/edit/validate XML 
 schema.   This will enhance productivity/accuracy.
 Example for Hibernate:
 !DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
   -//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN;

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Re: binding element cardinality - SCA 1.0 spec typo?

2007-06-29 Thread Mike Edwards


It's fine to post stuff about the SCA and SDO specifications here on the 
Tuscany mailing list.  There is also a feedback page on www, 
(the site for the specifications themselves) here:

Regarding your comment here - yes, this is a bug in the spec.  I will 
add it to the Errata list for the Assembly spec here:

The SCA XSDs (lines 3107 onwards) are correct - they show that zero or 
more bindings are allowed.  The spec text and the associated XSD snippet 
are incorrect.

Yours,  Mike.

Jacek Laskowski wrote:


(I hope it's allowed to post emails about sca spec here and it won't
be considered as spam)

While reading the SCA spec I came across the following sentences - page 13:

180 A service element has one or more binding elements as children. If
no bindings are specified,
181 then the bindings specified for the service by the implementation
are in effect.

Is that a mistake where it's written that a service element has one or
more binding elements as opposed to the following sentence that starts
with If no bindings...? Where should I report it?


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Re: [jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-1389) published DTD for composite XML Schema needed/useful - SUGGESTION

2007-06-28 Thread Mike Edwards


I'm not sure which XML tools that you are using, but I'll give you my 
experiences and make a suggestion.

I use Eclipse and for XML and XSD editing I've installed the Eclipse Web 
Tools Project, which you can find here:

The XML editor in WTP supports creation and editing of XML files with 
assist and validation based either on the use of DTD or on the use of 
XSD files to define the structure of the XML documents.

Here is a quick and incomplete sample of an SCA composite file which I 
built using the editor:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
sca:composite name=NCName

sca:component name=test1
sca:service name=service1

This had validation and assist working for me.

Note the schemaLocation attribute in the composite element - this points 
at the xsds for SCA.  In my case I had a local copy in my project, hence 
the ../xsds/... location value.  The XSDs are actually also available 
online in the place implied by their namespace:

So, I hope that by providing a correct schemaLocation attribute in your 
composite files you should be able to get the behaviour you're after.

Now, I suppose the next thought is to ensure a valid schemaLocation 
attribute in our sample files


will do the trick I think.

What do other folks think?

Yours, Mike.

James wrote:
thanks for your reply.  i adding information about Eclipse use of DTD.  
if similar for XSD then that's fine (i'm not an expert on this).  see 
screenshots added to this issue.

At 09:26 AM 6/27/2007, you wrote:


Mike Edwards commented on TUSCANY-1389:


Does it have to be a DTD - or will an XSD be sufficient to meet your 

I have a particular dislike of DTDs born of having to deal with them 
in relation to SGML documents back in the old days.

There are plenty of tools that can work with XSDs and use them for 

 published DTD for composite XML Schema needed/useful

 Key: TUSCANY-1389
 Project: Tuscany
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Java SCA BigBank Sample, Java SCA Core Runtime, 
Java SCA Samples

Affects Versions: Java-SCA-0.90
 Environment: java
Reporter: James Tomkinson
Priority: Minor

 Samples should supply a DOCTYPE in *.composite xml files, that 
points to a stored DTD, so that XML editing tools can be used to 
create/edit/validate XML schema.   This will enhance 

 Example for Hibernate:
 !DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
   -//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN;

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Re: Finding the .componentType file

2007-06-27 Thread Mike Edwards

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Nobody picked up my earlier post to this thread, I thought that my 
concrete examples were interesting though :) so I'll repeat a concrete 
example again here: class=calculator.CalculatorImpl

componentType file: calculator/CalculatorImpl.componentType

- The relationship is obvious to a human
- There is no SCDL attribute pointing to the componentType
- The relationship class name - .componentType file location is 
specific to the Java implementation type.

IMHO you need implementation specific code to derive the .componentType 
file location from the attributes of the implementation.

I think that I'm agreeing with you very strongly - I just said it a 
different way.

The C++ example I gave was a more stark example of the problem of why 
there is no direct relationship between component and componentType file 
independent from the implementation type itself.

You are right - the SCDL does not point to the componentType file.  If 
we had called componentType files implementationInfo files instead, 
this would perhaps have made the situation clearer - that componentType 
side files are there to provide extra information about an 
implementation for those situations where you can't get the information 
directly from the implementation (ie via introspection).

Yours,  Mike.

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[jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-1377) Conversational PM- HTTP Session persistence

2007-06-27 Thread Mike Edwards (JIRA)


Mike Edwards commented on TUSCANY-1377:

There is a mixture of 2 things here, as described in Sebastien's last comment:

1) Handling of Scope for components (he mentions, which is 

2) Dealing with conversational sessions on the HTTP binding

These two are NOT directly related.  You can do one without the other.  I'd 
suggest sorting out the HTTP binding first - only once there is a conversation 
going on between 2 components over the wire does it become useful to implement 
the Scope attribute on a component.

 Conversational PM- HTTP Session persistence

 Key: TUSCANY-1377
 Project: Tuscany
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Java SCA Core Runtime
Affects Versions: Java-SCA-Next
Reporter: ant elder
 Fix For: Java-SCA-Next

 Implement conversational PM- HTTP Session persistence

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[jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-1389) published DTD for composite XML Schema needed/useful

2007-06-27 Thread Mike Edwards (JIRA)


Mike Edwards commented on TUSCANY-1389:


Does it have to be a DTD - or will an XSD be sufficient to meet your 

I have a particular dislike of DTDs born of having to deal with them in 
relation to SGML documents back in the old days.

There are plenty of tools that can work with XSDs and use them for validation.

 published DTD for composite XML Schema needed/useful

 Key: TUSCANY-1389
 Project: Tuscany
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Java SCA BigBank Sample, Java SCA Core Runtime, Java SCA 
Affects Versions: Java-SCA-0.90
 Environment: java
Reporter: James Tomkinson
Priority: Minor

 Samples should supply a DOCTYPE in *.composite xml files, that points to a 
 stored DTD, so that XML editing tools can be used to create/edit/validate XML 
 schema.   This will enhance productivity/accuracy.
 Example for Hibernate:
 !DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
   -//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN;

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Re: Bigger fonts on Tuscany web site? - not so easy

2007-06-27 Thread Mike Edwards


This turns out to be surprisingly difficult to do - Confluence Wiki has 
no easy way to change the font size either of the whole site or of one 
space.  It can't be done at all just for one page... There is some 
grousing about this on the Confluence forum at Atlassian (who write 

The best that can be done is to mess about with css stylesheets for the 
Tuscany spaces.  Before we go down that gruesome road, I'd like to see 
if people think this is really worthwhile.

Yours,  Mike.

Simon Nash wrote:

The current fonts look good on my screen.  Would it be possible to put
a demo page up on TUSCANYWIKI showing how a larger font would look?


Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Is it just my eyes or the fonts on my Linux system? but I find the 
fonts on our Web site really small. What do people think about using 
bigger fonts?

By the way could we change the colors in our template to be a little 
greener? just kidding :) but I'm serious about the fonts...

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Re: [VOTE] Fuhwei Lwo for Tuscany Committer

2007-06-26 Thread Mike Edwards

+1 from me

Yours, Mike.

kelvin goodson wrote:

I'd like to propose Fuhwei Lwo as a Tuscany Committer.

According to my gmail archive he has, since mid of 2006, posted 114 
times to

tusany-dev, 79 of those times resulting from interactions with JIRA issue

He has raised 34 JIRAs (see [1])

The gmail search  -- from:fuhwei [jira] Attachment: shows 

Fuhwei has attached around 27 patches to JIRAs.

The JIRAs he raises, the comments he makes and the solutions he provides
demonstrate in depth knowledge of SDO and clearly he will be a strong asset
for the community.

Please vote to give Fuhwei this well deserved status

Regards, Kelvin.


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Re: C++ SDO spec compliance/portability: SDORuntimeException

2007-06-22 Thread Mike Edwards


My 10 cents is that it is not right to add methods to the spec API classes.

My view would be that compliance would require spec-defined classes to 
provide the spec, the whole spec and nothing but the spec.  This is 
certainly the approach to compliance taken for most Java APIs.  It's OK 
to have officially defined extension points - the classic one is the 
interface / implementation split - but in general, if some object is 
supposed to be an implementation of the spec, then that is all it should 
be and implementation details should not affect using applications.

Compliance is still much of a blank sheet for both SDO and SCA - but I 
will certainly argue along these lines when compliance becomes a 
significant matter in the OASIS TCs that are about to form

Yours,  Mike.

Pete Robbins wrote:


An interesting set of questions! I'm not convinced that adding methods to
the spec api classes is a compliance issue (in fact it may be impossible to
implement without modifying the spec apis ... constructors etc.) but it
could be a portability issue if it is not clear that the methods are
implementation specific.


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Re: Wiki problem

2007-06-22 Thread Mike Edwards


I'm puzzled by the URL that you are using here.

When editing the Wiki, I'd expect you to be somewhere like

When viewing the Tuscany website I'd expect you to be somewhere like here:

What did you expect to find at the URL below.

Yours,  Mike.

Adriano Crestani wrote:

I'm not being able to access the image when I'm
logged out, only when I'm logged in. Does anybody know why?

Adriano Crestani

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Re: C++ SDO spec compliance/portability: SDORuntimeException

2007-06-22 Thread Mike Edwards


Cattle-prod of high voltage required for the spec team then.


Yours,  Mike.

Pete Robbins wrote:

I agree Mike but the SDO spec does not currently define a set of headers
that are compilable so adding in things like constructors/destructors is
necessary. When we have a set of headers from the spec group we should use
those to replace the current Tuscany headers. Until then we should aim to
get them as close as possible.


On 22/06/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


My 10 cents is that it is not right to add methods to the spec API

My view would be that compliance would require spec-defined classes to
provide the spec, the whole spec and nothing but the spec.  This is
certainly the approach to compliance taken for most Java APIs.  It's OK
to have officially defined extension points - the classic one is the
interface / implementation split - but in general, if some object is
supposed to be an implementation of the spec, then that is all it should
be and implementation details should not affect using applications.

Compliance is still much of a blank sheet for both SDO and SCA - but I
will certainly argue along these lines when compliance becomes a
significant matter in the OASIS TCs that are about to form

Yours,  Mike.

Pete Robbins wrote:

 An interesting set of questions! I'm not convinced that adding methods
 the spec api classes is a compliance issue (in fact it may be 

 implement without modifying the spec apis ... constructors etc.) but it
 could be a portability issue if it is not clear that the methods are
 implementation specific.


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Re: Wiki problem

2007-06-22 Thread Mike Edwards


You need to answer my question about why you expect to see *ANYTHING* at 
the URL you are using, whether you are logged in or not.

The URLs in my note are the places I'd expect anyone to look for Tuscany 

Yours,  Mike.

Adriano Crestani wrote:

But Luciano, I'm not being able even to read the image when I'm logged out,
the image is just not displayed. As far as I know the wiki contents should
be seen for anyone, shouldn't it?

Adriano Crestani

On 6/22/07, Luciano Resende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If I understood your question right... the TUSCANY wiki store our
website contents, and is only editable by Tuscany committers. When you
are logged out, you won't be recognized as one, and therefore won't
be able to edit any contents.

As for the URL you showed as an example, I have similar question as Mike

Also, as for contents, we should maintain the website structure and
add things in the DAS section of the website.

On 6/22/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm puzzled by the URL that you are using here.

 When editing the Wiki, I'd expect you to be somewhere like

 When viewing the Tuscany website I'd expect you to be somewhere like

 What did you expect to find at the URL below.

 Yours,  Mike.

 Adriano Crestani wrote:
  I'm not being able to access the image when
  logged out, only when I'm logged in. Does anybody know why?
  Adriano Crestani

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Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

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Re: Old tuscany website

2007-06-22 Thread Mike Edwards


There is something I dont get here.

When I point my browser at the URL you give here, I get a fine Tuscany 
home-page based on the Tuscany Wiki material.  So in what way is it not 

Just to be sure you're seeing what I'm seeing, I've attached an image of 
what I get in my browser for that URL...

Yours,  Mike.

Adriano Crestani wrote:

Should old tuscany website url be activated?

Adriano Crestani

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Re: Finding the .componentType file

2007-06-20 Thread Mike Edwards


In general, I would agree that there should be a simple and obvious 
relationship between implementation artifact and componentType file.

However, consider the case of languages like C or C++ where multiple 
implementations are bundled into a DLL.  The runtime file is the DLL, 
but there must be multiple componentType files.  So now, what is the 
relationship between them

In these more complex cases, the implementation type defines the 

Yours,  Mike.

ant elder wrote:

On 6/18/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


How does that fit with the spec saying - A component type file has the
 same name as the implementation file but has the extension
 ? I'm looking for a way to make the default case easy, it doesn't have
 deal with every edge case.

Unfortunately, this is no edge case.  There is no reason to expect the
component name to be even close to the implementation name.

AFAICT, unless there's an attribute in the SCDL to explicitly point to it
there has to be a way to find these things programatically, and for humans
to understand whats going on in a contribution it must be reasonably 

which .componentType side file is associated with which implementation just
by eyeballing the files. Otherwise, what does this line in the spec mean:

'A component type file has the same name as the implementation file but has
the extension .componentType'


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Re: Finding the .componentType file

2007-06-18 Thread Mike Edwards


Yes, sometimes the terminology can get confusing.


The component name may be nothing like the implementation name

How does that fit with the spec saying - A component type file has the
same name as the implementation file but has the extension 

? I'm looking for a way to make the default case easy, it doesn't have to
deal with every edge case.


Unfortunately, this is no edge case.  There is no reason to expect the 
component name to be even close to the implementation name.

The componentType file is really to be thought of as an extension of the

implementation for those (hopefully few) cases where introspection of
the implementation cannot provide the required information.

Maybe implementationType would have been be a better name :-)

One name that we dearly wanted for componentType was 
implementationInfo.  We tried hard to get that name but failed.  That 
alternative makes it clearer that the file contains metadata about the 

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Finding the .componentType file

2007-06-17 Thread Mike Edwards


The idea of using the component name is completely wrong and 
unacceptable, I'm afraid.

The component name may be nothing like the implementation name - and an 
implementation can be used multiple times by different components.  The 
componentType file is really to be thought of as an extension of the 
implementation for those (hopefully few) cases where introspection of 
the implementation cannot provide the required information.

My suggestion is that the SPI should put the burden on the 
implementation module - for example a special method on the 
xxxImplementation class with a name like locateComponentTypeFile.
Actual loading of the componenttype file can be generic, but finding the 
file is definitely a job for the implementation-handling code.

PS I suspect that it may be wise to allow the implementation to hook out 
the loading of the componentType file.  With extensibility allowed, the 
componentType file might conceivably contain extra information in the 
case of some implementation types

Yours,  Mike.

ant elder wrote:
I'm struggling with how to define and locate the .componentType side 
file in

the implementation SPI. The assembly spec says:

A component type file has the same name as the implementation file but has
the extension .componentType...The location of the component type file
depends on the type of the component implementation... (page 13 line 445).

The problem is the implementation file is not specific enough and there
isn't a standard way for the runtime to know which implementation attribute
is the implementation file. Eg, for its the 'class'
attribute, for implentation.script its the 'script' attribute, for
implementation.das its the 'config' attribute etc.

Any one have any ideas on how to do this? Would it be be terribly
non-compliant if the default used by the runtime was A component type file
has the same name as the _component_ with the extension .componentType?


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How are we going to use the Tuscany Wiki space?

2007-06-15 Thread Mike Edwards


I'm a bit confused (nothing out of the ordinary there then!) about how 
we intend to use the new Tuscany Wiki space.

So, the Apache Tuscany space is the material which makes up the external 
Tuscany website.  I understand our desire to control the update of 
material there - hence there is a restricted list of people who can edit 
pages there.

So, I thought, perhaps wrongly, that the Tuscany Wiki space was created 
to be a space open to all where any kind of material can be placed by 
anyone.  This includes different sorts of stuff, I think:

a) Material that is being prepared for the Tuscany website, so that it 
can be checked out before it goes live.

b) Discussion and similar material that is useful to help the work 
within the Tuscany community, but which may never reach the public 
website, such as design ideas related to discussions in the mailing list 
(good example is the stuff Simon Laws has created relating to 
distributed runtime).

Currently, the material in the Tuscany Wiki space is simply a mirror of 
the Apache Tuscany space.  I don't think that this is right.  First, 
simply repeating everything that is in the main space is confusing at 
best.  Worse, there needs to be some explanation of the use of the space 
and some specific navigation available, such as where to create new 
material and, for material intended for the main Tuscany website, some 
explanation of the process.

I'd like folks views on this.  If you agree with me, then I suggest that 
we should:

a) Rewrite the front page of the Tuscany Wiki to explain its purpose
b) Remove the Tuscany Wiki pages that are mere copies of pages on the 
main Wiki and adjust the navigation to separate out discussion pages 
from pages being prepared for the main site
c) Provide an explanation of how to write pages intended for the main 
Tuscany website and the process for getting them there...


Yours,  Mike.

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[jira] Commented: (TUSCANY-1152) Support Spring beans as eager-init singletons with references to SCA composite references

2007-06-15 Thread Mike Edwards (JIRA)


Mike Edwards commented on TUSCANY-1152:

The only information about this issue is the title, which is a bit thin!

Having implemented the Spring Implementation support for the new core runtime, 
I'm having trouble understanding why this is required:

1) Why Spring beans need to be eager-init.  In fact, in the current 
implementation, lazy initialization is almost forced due to timing issues 
relating to the instantiation of Spring Beans vs the existence of the wire 
configuration for references that they make.

2) Why singletons?  This I really don't understand.  Seems counter-intuitive to 

3) References to SCA Composite references.  Already supported as standard in 
the current implementation.

So, unless someone can come up with a detailed explanation of the requirements 
behind this Issue, I propose to close it as won't fix since none of the items 
seem to make sense to me.  Have I missed something here?

 Support Spring beans as eager-init singletons with references to SCA 
 composite references

 Key: TUSCANY-1152
 Project: Tuscany
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Java SCA Spring Implementation Extension
Affects Versions: Java-SCA-Next
Reporter: Jim Marino
Assignee: Mike Edwards
 Fix For: Java-SCA-Next

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Re: IDE-specific files in svn

2007-06-14 Thread Mike Edwards


I'm of the opinion that anything that makes it easier for developers to 
get to grips with our stuff, the better.  Personally, having to to 
create all the Eclipse stuff has been a pain, so doing this would save 
me time and effort.

I agree with your sentiment that if others want to add features for 
other IDE's then that should be OK too.

Yours,  Mike.

Frank Budinsky wrote:


I remember about a year ago discussing whether or not it is 
acceptable/appropriate to check-in IDE specific files (e.g., Eclipse 
.project files) into svn, and we decided to not do it. Does anyone 
remember if this was really an Apache policy, or just a decision we made 
for Tuscany? If the latter, I wonder if we should reconsider. Personally, 
I think it would be very convenient if we had the Eclipse .project and 
.classfile in the projects, so that people could just check out Tuscany 
projects directly into Eclipse. For people not using Eclipse, having these 
superfluous files around really doesn't seem like a big deal. I also 
wouldn't mind if someone wants to check-in other IDE (e.g. IDEA) files 
that Eclipse users (like me) would just ignore.

What do others think about this?


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Re: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-14 Thread Mike Edwards


Many thanks,


Venkata Krishnan wrote:

Hi Mike, I have added your id in as 'confluence-administrators'.

- Venkat

On 6/13/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Only just spotted your request in the emails

My user ID is edwardsmj

Do I need to send this directly to infra, or will you handle it?

Yours,  Mike.

Luciano Resende wrote:
 Venkat, Mike, infra is asking for your confluence user ids, could you
 please provide this info.

 On 6/8/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Conversation seems to have stopped so, from the previous comments...

 * Confluence admins:

 Venkat, Luciano, Mike Edwards [1] have been proposed to cover the
 we operate in. Venkat are you progressing this?

 * space access:

 As this is now feeding our main (
 website we have been advised to restrict access to committers to
 prevent our
 shop front acquiring dubious content. I have removed create access
 confluence users as I think we have been sailing close to the wind on
 and it would be a shame to have our web site messed up, 
particularly as
 we've recently put out releases and we hope people are looking at 

 There are alternative approaches to this blanket change, for example,
 we may
 be able to mark all of the web site pages in the /TUSCANY spaces as
 restricted but this would take some effort and complicate the
 task We could also stop the automatic generation of the site and do it
 demand manually but the idea of linking up the wiki to generate the
 web site
 was to avoid this.

 The main option that is on the table is to go with the committer only
 to the TUSCANY space and create other spaces for whatever else we
 need, for
 example, a generally accessible wiki. Luciano has started a
 about this [2] but I don't see much feedback. If you feel strongly can
 go and comment so that we can move this forward quickly now we are
 restricting create access to /TUSCANY

 * Contributions to the web site

 We need to describe a mechanism where non-committers can contribute
 to the web site. Looking at the comments here it seems that this will
 to be through attaching text, cwiki markup or whatever other resources
 required (png, jpg etc) to JIRA so that a committer can update the
 Logically this is no different from the situation we had when the site
 maintained out of svn except of course that we could use diffs then.




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Re: Wiki Access issues ? **HELP**

2007-06-14 Thread Mike Edwards


Yes, it works just fine.  Time to start helping...!


Venkata Krishnan wrote:

HI Mike,

I have already added you id as 'confluence administrator' which I've
mentioned on another thread on the ML.  Could you please try and let me 

if it works.  Thanks.

- Venkat

On 6/13/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


So what's with the Edit access to the Tuscany Wiki??

I don't seem to have edit access at the moment, despite being a
committer.  Who has admin rights for the Wiki?  Can one of the admins
please grant me edit access, please?

Also, I know that there was a discussion about broadening the admin
access for the Wiki.  Has anything been done about that?  My offer to
play admin for the Tuscany Wiki remains open - I have plenty of
experience based on my ownership of the Wiki, which is also
based on Confluence.

Yours,  Mike.

Simon Laws wrote:
 So I expect this is just the product of edit access being restricted to
 committers. Please comment on Luciano's post here [1] so that  a new
 can be provisioned (assuming that this is what is agreed) ASAP.



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Re: Tuscany wiki strategy, was :Re: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-13 Thread Mike Edwards


+1 from me.

How to migrate content?  I assume that you mean how do we control the 
process?  The steps in actually moving content are reasonably 
straightforward - but the process for deciding to do it must mirror that 
for placing code into trunk, as mentioned on some other emails...

Yours,  Mike.

Venkata Krishnan wrote:
Hi, I have the admin access now.  I am able to see the 'Create Space' 

on the dashboard now.  Before I go ahead let me conform the following

- We are going to create a space named 'Tuscany Wiki' with key 

- All contents of the present wiki space 'TUSCANY' will be copied over to
this new space
- We will disable the html autoexport for TUSCANYWIKI as we really don't
need this.
- TUSCANYWIKI will be open to all confluence users.

Please let me know if any of you have concerns about all of this.  Also, 

we clear about how we are going to migrate content submitted on TUSCANYWIKI
over to TUSCANY?


- Venkat

On 6/12/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok, thanks Venkat for looking into this.


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Re: Wiki Access issues ? **HELP**

2007-06-13 Thread Mike Edwards


So what's with the Edit access to the Tuscany Wiki??

I don't seem to have edit access at the moment, despite being a 
committer.  Who has admin rights for the Wiki?  Can one of the admins 
please grant me edit access, please?

Also, I know that there was a discussion about broadening the admin 
access for the Wiki.  Has anything been done about that?  My offer to 
play admin for the Tuscany Wiki remains open - I have plenty of 
experience based on my ownership of the Wiki, which is also 
based on Confluence.

Yours,  Mike.

Simon Laws wrote:

So I expect this is just the product of edit access being restricted to
committers. Please comment on Luciano's post here [1] so that  a new space
can be provisioned (assuming that this is what is agreed) ASAP.



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Spring Implementation - ready for primetime....

2007-06-12 Thread Mike Edwards


I think that the Spring Implementation is now in reasonable shape and is 
capable of being added to the main trunk build.  The basic function is 
there, supporting Services, References and Properties.  Advanced stuff 
like scoped behaviour of components will need extra work.  More test 
cases would be a good idea too.

Yours, Mike.

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Re: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-08 Thread Mike Edwards


That's exactly what happens.

If fact, it is far, far worse than that - it searches for ALL resources, 
not just composites.  In the case of Spring, I have sets of 
application-context.xml files in there - and it creates pointers to all 
of them.

Whether resolution occurs for all the resources simply depends on 
whether there are resolvers for each type of resource.

In a distributed environment, this is going to be nightmarish.  It has 
to be changed, in my opinion.

Yours,  Mike.

Simon Laws wrote:

I just tried this with the JMS test, i.e. added a second composite, and it
does feel a little odd. In the case where there is no
sca-contribution.xmlthe logc seems to look for the directory that
holds the composite file you
specify and load all the composites there rather that just the one you ask
for. Is that right?


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Re: Lazy loading and resolution of SCA composites, was: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-08 Thread Mike Edwards


Comments inline...

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:


Good timing, as I am actually starting to work on some lazy + 
incremental loading and resolution of SCA assemblies. I had the 
following in mind:

step 1:
- change the CompositeProcessor to not resolve its references to others 
until it's actually referenced by another composite (through an 
include or an implementation.composite) or included in the domain as 
a deployable.

Yes, this is an essential first step. Resolution should cascade down 
from composites that are actually deployed.  Mere presence in a 
contribution should have no significance in this process.

step 2:
- extend that logic to other implementation types as well


step 3:
- not even read the entire composite until it's needed, just register 
its name in the ArtifactResolver and stop there (we just need the top 
level element to know its name), then actually read and process its 
contents later in the resolution phase

It may not ultimately gain us much in performance, but it will make 
testing a damned sight easier.  Testing can probe small pieces of a 
larger configuration - the last thing you want is some error in one part 
of a contribution screwing up tests running against some other part.

I have started to experiment with step 1. I'm not sure yet about step 3 
as I'll have to run concrete tests to evaluate what we actual gain by 
doing it.

That covers the lazy loading part.

Another aspect I'm starting to look into is incremental changes to an 
SCA domain, as we add/remove contributions, add/remove composites 
to/from an SCA domain in memory model, we need to configure/unconfigure 
bindings, wire/unwire references, break/fix pieces of the assembly 
model, incrementally. I'll post more ideas later on the subject, in a 
different thread.

This calls for another thread of discussion.  This is required.  Part of 
the thinking here is that there may be different kinds of repository for 

contribution material - some passive like a file system, some active 
like a formal repository.  Operations of adding/updating/removing 
elements in the repository should generate events that signal changes to 
the runtime, which the runtime must then act on.

Another part of the thinking here is that in a distributed runtime, 
different parts of the Domain configuration will be targeted at 
different runtime nodes.  There is a question about how it is decided 
that a given part of the domain ends up on a given node.

Makes sense?

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Re: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-08 Thread Mike Edwards


I've replied separately to your referenced note.

My suggestion is that resolution should be split from loading. 
Resolution should take place in a cascade from the composites which are 
at domain level, in response to explicit references discovered there. 
Only entities in the actually deployed hierarchy will get resolved. 
Mere presence of some entity in a contribution should be of no 
significance for resolution.  The problem today is that discovery and 
resolution are tied together in the code.

This needs to look ahead to the point where specific entities in the 
hierarchy of composition are not destined for the runtime node that is 
performing the resolution.

Yours,  Mike.

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Mike Edwards wrote:

Whether resolution occurs for all the resources simply depends on 
whether there are resolvers for each type of resource.

+1 for improving this, did you see what I proposed in [1], and does it 
make sense to you? Do you have any suggestions on how to implement this 
lazy loading + resolution?



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Re: Automated nightly builds

2007-06-07 Thread Mike Edwards

+1 from me

Yours,  Mike.

ant elder wrote:

On 6/7/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Luciano Resende wrote:
 Wouldn't that fail if you start from a clean repo ? It expects the
 other modules to be built or available as deployed snapshots no ?

 On 6/5/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Luciano Resende wrote:
  I'm looking for a distribution that I could use directly, as the
  individual JARs are not so useful. Is there a way to get the
  distribution built as part of the automated build?
  For DAS, I have a distribution profile that generate javadoc,
  distributions, etc
  Maybe we could do same for SCA (and SDO) , and I could use this
  profile on the automated builds.
  Thougths ?

 or maybe even simpler than a profile, is it possible to just add the
 distribution Maven module to the confluence build config?


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I was thinking about building adding the distribution build after the
sca build in the same confluence build config, but it doesn't look like
it's possible, so I guess a build profile, as you suggested is the best

Another thought, how about adding a link to the nightly builds to the
Tuscany SCA Java download page? What do people think?

Yes thant would be good.


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Re: Steps to update the Web site, was: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-07 Thread Mike Edwards


I'd just like to say that if you need Confluence help, that I have some 
expertise in this area since I manage the site, which is 
also based on Confluence.

Yours,  Mike.

ant elder wrote:

On 6/7/07, Luciano Resende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you have Confluence Admin rights ? We are trying to get couple of
people with Admin rights in order to be able to resolve this infra
issues. Otherwise we are dependent on the existent confluence admins,
and Herman is one of the guys that are helping us.

If we're going to need to be doing a manual export as a matter of course
when certain pages are updated then could it be all committers that get
admin rights?


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Re: CompositeBuilderImpl.createSelfReferences creates a $self$ reference using the service binding

2007-06-07 Thread Mike Edwards


Comments inline...

Raymond Feng wrote:


Let's look at a use case:

Assuming we have a deployable composite as follows.

composite ...
   component name=MyComponent
   service name=MyService .../

When this composite is deployed to the SCA domain, then MyService 
should be available over the Web Service binding. Let's assume that the 
deployed URI is http://localhost:8080/MyComponent/MyService.

Now it becomes interesting: Is MyService available for 
SCADomain.getService(MyService.class, MyComponent/MyService)? If so, 
which binding should be used?

Yes, the intention is that it is available.  The binding that should be 
used is (one of) the bindings expressed by the service - in this case 
it's the web service binding.  The binding should be compatible with the 
binding on the reference that wants to use it

If the answer is yes, I think by the SCA spec, only Web Service binding 
is available to access MyService. Then the service proxy returned from 
SCADomain.getService(...) will be a self reference with a Web Service 
binding and the binding URI should be the SAME as the calculated service 
binding URI, i.e.,  http://localhost:8080/MyComponent/MyService. (I 
think the binding URI for the self reference is not correctly filled 
today and that's why the $self$ comes into the binding providers' faces).

This is correct according to the SCA spec.

The other option is that if the service doesn't have a SCA binding, 
SCADomain.getService(...) will throw ServiceUnavailableException.

Nope, this should not happen unless the reference demands some different 
binding (eg JMS).  Even then the exception looks wrong 
IncompatibleServiceException would be nearer the mark. 
Incompatibility could occur for a variety of reasons, incluing interface 
mismatch or Intent/Policy incompatibility.


- Original Message - From: Matthew Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: CompositeBuilderImpl.createSelfReferences creates a $self$ 
reference using the service binding

I'm actually bumping up against one of the problems that ant has 
described - the creation of $self$ reference URIs.

I don't believe a binding implementation should have to expect to deal 
with odd URI's that were generated by the runtime and I'm curious how 
bindings are supposed to know what to do with each of forms that are 

In the case of the binding implementation I'm working with, the 
reference binding uses the uri to determine the target service.  When 
the URI is changed it is no longer valid as no service exists with at 
the modified URI.

Any ideas on how this could be implemented without forcing the 
bindings to understand $self$ references?


ant elder wrote:

I think its actually a bug in the jsonrpc binding that its using the
component self reference, but that aside, this still seems odd to me. 
because a particular binding is on a service how can it be sure that 

same binding will work as a reference?  Some  binding's don't support
references, some have different attributes for services or 
references, on
some binding's the URI may include the reference name so this would 
end up

including $self$ in the URI.


On 5/18/07, Raymond Feng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The self references are created to support the
ComponentContext.createSelfReference() in a consistent way as regular

In your case, if the binding.jsonrpc is declared under the 
component, then

the component can only be assessed over jsonrpc binding (not even SCA
binding). And the component will be exposed as a json-rpc service. So
invoking the json-rpc reference handler is the correct behavior from 

client side.


Matthew Sykes

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An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-07 Thread Mike Edwards


I made an observation while debugging my composite loading code in the 
Spring implementation that gave me pause for thought - and I'd like to 
see if the code that handles contributions is behaving the way people 

I found that in my test case, I am pointing explicitly at a particular 
composite that I want to use with the test case.  However, the 
contribution root is much higher up in the file system than the 
composite file (org.apache.tuscany. etc).

The contribution root is taken from the top of the directory tree and 
the contribution handling code loads up everything it finds in the 
(sub)tree.  It then resolves all of the artifacts it finds.  This is 
done irrespective of whether the artifacts are going to be used.  In 
particular, it resolves ALL composites found in the subtree - even if 
they are not in practice going to get used.

Is this the desired behaviour?

Certainly, it implies a lot more work than necessary (it's equivalent to 
eager loading of everything).  In a test situation it can be very 
frustrating, since if anything in the contribution is in error in some 
way, the error gets hit even if the test you're running has nothing to 
do with it

Comments, anyone?

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-07 Thread Mike Edwards


My test case uses:

domain = SCADomain.newInstance(getCompositeName());

...where the composite name returned is related to the name of the 
testcase that I'm running.

I had assumed, perhaps wrongly, that this composite was the deployable 
entity in this case - since I don't have an explicit sca-contribution.xml.

Yours,  Mike.

Simon Laws wrote:


By I am pointing explicitly at a particular composite that I want to use
with the test case are you saying this behaviour is evident if your
composite of interest is marked as deployable (in sca-contribution.xml )
when the others that are loaded are not?



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Re: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-06 Thread Mike Edwards


I think that the idea is to split the material between official 
Website pages and general Wiki pages.  The official website pages would 
be restricted to editing by committers.  The rest of the Wiki can be 
open to editing by all.

The simplest way for a non-committer to create something that is 
intended for the main website is to create the page in the Wiki area and 
then submit an email to the list with a URL to the page.  Any committer 
can simply copy the page into the Confluence space for the offical 

At least, that's my interpretation  ;-)


Simon Nash wrote:

With this new approach, how can a non-committer make a change?
Will there be a mirror of the web site in the separate space
with committer+CLA access where I can do this?  Or will I need
to create diff patches and attach them to a JIRA?


ant elder wrote:

+1, it would be unfortunate to have the home paged covered in unsavory 

by some spammer just as 0.90 has been announced.


On 6/6/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok Hernan, thanks for your advice on this, I guess we can go with just
having committers access on the space used to generate the website and
move everything else to a separate space with committers and cla access.
do we ask for a new space? [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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Re: Reactivating the implementation.spring extension, ready to go with the latest commits to sandbox

2007-06-05 Thread Mike Edwards


OK, with the latest commit to the sandbox, there is a working version of 
the Spring implementation.  It has the fixes you need, plus a set of 
other changes which have got the basic version working.

I'll hold off on further updates until it's in trunk.

The next step is to get References working from the Spring 
implementation to some external SCA components.

Yours,  Mike.

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
I reviewed the update of the Spring extension that Mike has put in the 
sandbox and it looks like a good step to get the Spring extension going 

I just had to adjust a few lines to use the 0.90  release SPIs to get it 
building with the level of code in trunk. I'll commit these fixes later 

Then I'd like to replace the old modules/spring-implementation in trunk 
(which is broken) by this update. If there's no objection I'll do that 
sometime tomorrow.

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Re: using service name to call a service

2007-06-05 Thread Mike Edwards


I dont understand what you are saying here.

Surely, the actual service has a specific interface - it isn't simply 
anything, so you can only cast to the actual business interface it 
actually implements.

Or did you envisage your client code introspecting the returned service 
proxy and dealing with whatever it found?  The latter case is possible 
but it is not a pattern I would encourage people to use - the code is 
likely to get very complex.  I can see a possible use for it in writing 
test clients, where the parameters are actually presented in a GUI for a 
user to fill dynamically.  However, this is not typical of real business 

Yours,  Mike.

muhwas wrote:

by the way i used this

CompositeContext compositeContext =
// get service reference using service component name
in client side default.scdl

and then i casted it to what ever interface type i
want to. so i think passing in interface doesn't

--- scabooz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Re: Tuscany Logo..

2007-05-18 Thread Mike Edwards


I've added a bell tower on the Logo page


haleh mahbod wrote:

It would be good to have an icon to associate the Tuscany project with.  If
you look at Cayanne[1], they have the pepper. For Geronimo [2] it is is the
letter G, for lucene[3] it is the name itself.

I am gathering that noone likes logo2 (which includes an icon) ? Is it the
color? Or the whole thing?
Any other ideas?



On 5/18/07, Luciano Resende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/18/07, Raymond Feng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can we just remove the left side from Logo 1? My first false
 was they are for two logos.



 - Original Message -
 From: Kevin Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:55 AM
 Subject: Re: Tuscany Logo..

  Logo 1 is still best.  We just need a better image for the left side.
  On 5/18/07, Venkata Krishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi, like the others I like Logo 1 but find the picture on the 
left to

  of place - does not gel well with the rest of the image.  Also if
  in 'Apache Tuscany' could be right aligned it would look a little
  - Venkat
  On 5/18/07, haleh mahbod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   posted a new  logo. You'll find Logo1, Logo2, Logo 3
   On 5/17/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
As others have said, the right hand side is superb - keep it.
The cypress image is a good idea, but the particular one that 

doesn't look effective when it is Icon sized - it's too detailed
fussy.  Better to have a simpler image with fewer, bolder trees.
have a hunt to see if I can find one.
Whoever put that image up of Van Gogh's painting will get us 

copyright trouble - I suggest removing it ASAP !!
The other image characteristic of Tuscany are bell towers, like
in Siena and Florence
Yours, Mike.
haleh mahbod wrote:
 Here is another try. I moved the logos to this link:

 On 5/17/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   If yes, I'll go ahead and add it to the website ( I'll 

  doing this correctly please ).

 If you want to put a logo up on the site in place of the
 (the man type thing with a C wrapped round him) then there is
 under space admin to set the space logo.


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Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

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Problem I had with SCA Itests - Need to update the POM for the Itests?

2007-05-17 Thread Mike Edwards


I ran into a problem building and running the Itests for SCA.

I was unable to get the jaxws-maven-plugin resolved and the whole thing 
failed - this was despite there being a copy of the plugin in my local 
repository - it just turned out to be unacceptably old for some reason 
best known to maven.

The POM for the Itests has an entry for the Maven 1.x 
repository, which I think is the expected place for resolution of the

jaxws plugin:

/snapshots Maven 1.x Repository/name

However, the jaxws-maven-plugin project has moved on.  The plugin isn't 
in that repository any longer.  Instead it is in the Maven 2 repository 

/snapshots Maven 2 Repository/name

Adding this second plugin repository to the POM and cleaning out my 
local repository enabled things to work correctly.

Unless folk object, I propose to commit an update to the POM for the 
itests with this extra plugin repository declaration - it is definitely 
the right location for the most up to date version of this plugin.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: Tuscany Logo..

2007-05-17 Thread Mike Edwards


As others have said, the right hand side is superb - keep it.

The cypress image is a good idea, but the particular one that you have 
doesn't look effective when it is Icon sized - it's too detailed and 
fussy.  Better to have a simpler image with fewer, bolder trees.  I'll 
have a hunt to see if I can find one.

Whoever put that image up of Van Gogh's painting will get us into 
copyright trouble - I suggest removing it ASAP !!

The other image characteristic of Tuscany are bell towers, like the ones 
in Siena and Florence

Yours, Mike.

haleh mahbod wrote:

Here is another try. I moved the logos to this link:

On 5/17/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  If yes, I'll go ahead and add it to the website ( I'll need help for
 doing this correctly please ).

If you want to put a logo up on the site in place of the confluence logo
(the man type thing with a C wrapped round him) then there is an option
under space admin to set the space logo.


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Re: How to get to the interferface defined on a reference from the binding?

2007-05-13 Thread Mike Edwards

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Raymond Feng wrote:

ComponentReference.getReference() should give you the reference on 
the component type.


ComponentReference.getReference() will give you the reference from the 
ComponentType. I think that Ant is looking for the CompositeReference 
promoting the ComponentReference, and the interface that it declares. 
I think this issue is only on the reference side, on the service side 
we create a ComponentService with the characteristics of each 
CompositeService. We may have to follow the same pattern as for  
ComponentReferences and CompositeReferences. I'll dig into this a 
little more and should come back with a proposal to address this later 

- Original Message - From: ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: How to get to the interferface defined on a 
reference from the binding?

I didn't think so as the RuntimeComponentReference instance passed 
in to the

createReferenceBindingProvider method has the InterfaceContract of the
component's reference not the interface inside the reference. 
Maybe thats

just a bug?

You can see this if you change sample-helloworld-ws-reference
helloworldwsclient.composite to use the interface.wsdl from the 

email and then with a break point at
Axis2BindingProviderFactory.createReferenceBindingProvider (or 
anywhere else
in the Axis2 binding code), I couldn't find anything pointing to the 



On 5/11/07, Raymond Feng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Do the following methods give you enough information?

component, RuntimeComponentReference reference, M binding);

component, RuntimeComponentService service, M binding);

The binding class should be able to take the interface contracts 
from the

service/reference when the binding providers are created.


- Original Message -
From: ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:28 AM
Subject: How to get to the interferface defined on a reference 


 I'm trying to get to work without specifying all the 

 for example like this:

reference name=HelloWorldService
interface.wsdl interface=
 http://helloworld#wsdl.interface(HelloWorld) /  


 but i can't find any way to get to the whats defined in the 
 element of the reference. None of the runtime objects seem to 
have  any

 link back to the references InterfaceContract.

 Should this be possible?


After investigating this issue a bit more. Here's some thoughts and a 

- We currently push the bindings specified on composite references down 
to the component reference that they promote. We should push the 
interface contract defined on the composite reference as well, as it 
defines the actual contract that needs to be used on the wire to a 
target component.

- Code that injects references into a component implementation should be 
changed to use the interface of the reference declare in the component 
type instead  of the component reference, as the object injected into 
the implementation really needs to comply with that interface, and not 
any other matching interface declared on the component reference or any 
of the composite references that promote it.

With these two changes, in your particular scenario:
- componentReference.getInterfaceContract() will return the WSDL 
interface. This is what you want to use to talk on the wire.
- componentReference.getReference().getInterfaceContract() returns the 
interface contract expected by the component implementation. Component 
reference injection needs to use this one (we'll have to adjust the Java 
and Script implementations to do that), this will ensure that the 
component implementation gets exactly what it said it required.

Makes sense?

+1 - both for services and for references, there is a separation between 
the interface that the component implementation uses (which is the one 
that turns up the component type) and the interface which applies to the 

For a service, the wire interface contract can be narrower than the 
component service (ie only a subset of the supplied service is used), 
while for a reference, the wire interface can be wider than the 
component reference (ie more capability is available than is used).  It 
makes a practical difference for references in that multiple component 
references can be promoted by a single composite reference.  For 
services, this isn't the case.

Yours,  Mike.

Re: Scheme validation

2007-05-13 Thread Mike Edwards

ant elder wrote:

On 5/4/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nicholas Williams wrote:
 My understanding is that Tuscany does not currently validate SCDL
against the schemas. Assuming that this is correct, when do you think 

functionality will be introduced?


 Nick Williams

Good idea. We should validate
.composite/.componentType/.constrainingType files when we initially load
them and report any XML schema validation problems then, and this will
greatly improve our error reporting story.

These files are loaded by
Composite/ComponentType/ConstrainingTypeDocumentProcessor (in module
tuscany-assembly-xml). It should be easy to add the validation there.

To do this we'll need the schemas in our distribution. The SCA 1.0
schemas and license.txt are there:
However, before we include them I think we need to review their license.
Since it's not an Apache License, we need to get an approval covering
this 3rd party license. We'll probably have to adjust our NOTICE file to
list that 3rd party license as well.

Is this something we'd like to do as part of the upcoming release? This
is just a few lines of code, the benefit is much better error reporting,
and it's probably the right time to look at this license issue now as we
are going to have to review all our other NOTICE and license files 

What do people think?

It does sound like it would be good to do validation.

We need to clarify the OSOA license anyway as the Tuscany SDO distribution
is already distributing things covered by it. The OSOA license was asked
about on the legal-discus list a couple of months ago [1] and no answers
were given other than being asked why OSOA couldn't just use a standard
license (which seems like a very good question to me).

Two issues are, the one already mentioned on legal-discuss about being a
compliant implementation, and another is it says we can redistribute the
INTERFACE DEFINITION FILES but the SDO API also contains some
implementation classes so its not clear if we have a license to use those.

Given there wasn't any clear answer last time it was asked about on
legal-discuss its likely we can't get this clarified in time for the
upcoming release. But, I'm pretty sure its OSOAs intention that we should
have rights to use the files, and as we've already done a couple of SDO
releases which have cleared all the reviews how about we just go ahead and
use them for now as we're still incubating but just make sure its sorted 

by the time we graduate?




What makes me smile about this legal point is that nowhere does OSOA 
ever define what is meant by a compliant implementation.

The lawyers drafted the terms of the license - the reason for not using
some standard license like Apache is that it was intended that the 
files should not be modified - they are meant to represent the content 
of the specification.

However, the current OSOA specs don't have conformance statements in any 
 recognised form.  Neither is there a compliance test suite to validate 
compliance to such conformance statements.  So I would argue that using 
the phrase compliant implementation is meaningless for the OSOA specs. 
 How could anyone argue whether a particular implementation is 
compliant or not?

However, I'm no lawyer.  No doubt law-folk will take a different view.

Yours, Mike.

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Re: JavaOne Demo

2007-05-12 Thread Mike Edwards


+1 for sca/demos/bigbank

I'd like to show it at IMPACT 2007 in Orlando week after next - I may 
ask for some help next week as I prepare  ;-)

Thanks for preparing it - it helped to give the JavaOne BOF some much 
needed reality !

Yours,  Mike.

Raymond Feng wrote:


It's a very nice demo. I prefer to have it under sca/demos/bigbank.


- Original Message - From: Jean-Sebastien Delfino 

Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 10:29 AM
Subject: JavaOne Demo

Hi all,

I would like to commit the three modules that I have put together for 
demos of Tuscany/SCA at JavaOne.

The demo is a variation of the BigBank scenario that we've been using 
in Tuscany and some of the SCA documents to illustrate the SCA 
programming model.

This is a sample banking application that takes your customer id and 
first gets information on your checking, savings, and stock account, 
gets stock prices from a stockquote service, converts it to a 
configured currency using a bunch of calculator components and returns 
the total balance of all your accounts.

The application is implemented as a set of SCA composites and 
components wired together and running on different JVMs:

- A StockQuote Java component (returning random stock prices) 
providing a StockQuote service with a Web Service binding.

- A Calculator composite containing a fancy Calculator assembled with 
4 components written in different scripting languages (Ruby, Groovy, 
Python and Javascript) implementing the 4 basic operations of a 
calculator, providin a Calculator service with an RMI binding.

- An AccountData composite containing an AccountData Java component 
returning account information, used as a nested composite with an SCA 
default binding in the BigBank composite.

- A BigBank composite, containing an Account Java component wired to 
the above components, implementing the logic to retrieve account data, 
the stock quote info, perform a currency conversion and sum the 
balances of your three accounts. The Account service is provided with 
both a Web Service binding and a JSON-RPC binding.

- A simple J2SE client program for the Account service as well as a 
Web 2.0 client user interface using DOJO and JSON-RPC to call the 
Account JSON_RPC service directly from your Web browser.

The demo can run from a command line with the J2SE client, or you can 
deploy it to Tomcat and then run it from your Web browser.

I posted a diagram showing the SCA assembly for the demo on our Wiki 

This demo shows many aspects of SCA:
- Recursive SCA assembly using the SCA specification 1.0 syntax.
- Assembly of Java components and components written in 4 other 

- SCA Java annotations.
- Web Service, RMI and JSON-RPC bindings (plus the SCA default binding 
used inside the composites).

- SCA components running on different servers in an SCA domain.
- An SCA client programming model to invoke services in the SCA domain.

Where do people think it should go? samples? demo? demo-javaone?


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Re: [SCA] WSDL2Java seems not generating SDO code

2007-03-12 Thread Mike Edwards

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Yang ZHONG wrote:

WSDL has schemas and portTypes.
WSDL2Java uses SDO CodeGen to compute classes names for schemas and
generates classes for portTypes.
SDO code seem not actually generated.
Is that desired?

If not, I can look into how to fix.

If yes, are users supposed to use SDO CodeGen themselves?
If so, what if users specify options causing different code from what
WSDL2Java expects?
How do we enable users to reflect the customization to WSDL2Java?


If I remember correctly, the current WSDL2Java tool does not 
automatically run XSD2Java for all the inline XSDs or all the XSDs 
referenced from the WSDL. Application developers are responsible to 
run the WSDL2Java tool or XSD2Java tool on each individual WSDL or XSD 

On one hand, it would be nice to support a top-down generation from a 
WSDL including the closure of all the referenced XSDs. On the other 
hand if multiple WSDLs  reference common XSDs you probably don't want 
to regenerate code for these XSDs multiple times. Also if an 
application developer starts to work on an XSD he'll probably want to 
generate SDOs from it even before writing a WSDL, then later when he 
generates a Java interface from that WSDL, the interface will have to 
point to these SDOs... As you noted things will break if incompatible 
codegen options are used in XSD2Java and WSDL2Java.

These issues are actually not specific to WSDL, you can run into 
similar issues with a graph of XSDs...

We should start a discussion to find the best strategy for this codegen:
a) Handle generation on an SCA contribution basis (basically you don't 
gen from individual files but you handle in a single pass ALL relevant 
files in the contribution, with consistent codegen options and 
avoiding duplicate gen).
b) Or continue with the current approach where the app developer 
specifies which files to gen from (including support for *.wsdl or 
c) Or add support for top-down generation of a closure from a WSDL or 
an XSD.

d) Or any other scheme...

My preference would be for keeping option (b) and build option (a) on 
top of it, but I think it'll help to look at how existing similar 
tools are handling this:
How does the current XSD2Java tool handle this? What does it do when 
you give it an a.xsd containing an import/ of another b.xsd? Does it 
generate code only for a.xsd? or for both a.xsd and b.xsd?

What about the JAXWS tools?


One more thought, for option (a) we should be able to reuse the SCA 
Contribution service to find all the WSDLs and XSDs used in an SCA 
contribution (as well as the namespaces imported from other SCA 
contributions) to automate the calls to the WSDL2Java and XSD2Java 
codegen and generate everything the SCA contribution needs.

It seems to me that different usecases apply.  It should be possible 
just to point the tool at some remote WSDL / XSD and generate the 
required Java files locally, without needing to download the WSDL and 
XSDs.  One of the points of convenience here is that the Java programmer 
wants as little to do with the WSDL and XSDs as possible - what they are 
really after are the Java interface files and the SDOs - those are what 
they will work with.  Ideally they DONT want the WSDL and XSDs in their 

So an option (at least) should allow the user to request that the tool 
follows all links and generates all the target entities.  Another option 
should allow for bulk creation - ie a run against not just a single 
file but a whole series of them - and that the tool should only gen each 
target once for the whole run (ie spot when the same WSDL or XSD is 
processed more than once).

It seems reasonable to allow just a single file to be processed, but I 
doubt whether that is what I would want as a default.

Yours,  Mike.

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Re: [Specs Related] Queries on References

2007-03-12 Thread Mike Edwards


Responses inline

Yours,  Mike.

Venkata Krishnan wrote:


I am trying to bring the SPI model and the Loaders in sync with the current
level of the specs as available on OSOA site.  I am currently looking at
'references' - as and how they are defined in ComponentType,
ComponentDefinition and Composite and have the following questions:  -

With respect to references defined in ComponentDefitions and the 'target'
attribute therein
- the specs says that whatever is mentioned in the target overrides that
which is mentioned in the implementation.  Now, my understanding is that a
target is used to wire a reference to another Component's service.  Given
this, I thought defining a target makes sense only within a composite.  So
what does it mean by an implementation specifying a target for a reference?

Part of the recent work on the Assembly spec allows for fully 
configured implementations.  In effect this means that an 
implementation can contain full SCA metadata and that the implementation 
can be deployed without the need for any further configuration metadata.
An example might be a Java class bristling with annotations, which could 
include annotations for references that would include target 
information.  The targets would be meaningful in terms of an SCA domain 
into which the implementations are deployed eg fooComponent/barService 
as a target spec, where fooComponent is known to be another component 
deployed to the Domain.

Under these circumstances, if there is a need to reuse such a fully 
configured implementation, then the composite (re)using the 
implementation must have the means to override the metadata in the 

- next, the 'target' attribute for a reference in a component definition is
'optional'.  Assuming there are no targets defined in the implementation 

no targets are defined in the component definition that uses this
implementation (as this is only optional), then what happens to these
references.  Is this something that should not be permitted unless
autowire=true for the reference defn.

Remember that a wire can EITHER be specified using the target attribute 
of a reference OR using a standalone wire element.  Forgetting about 
autowire and promotion and wiredByImpl, it IS a requirement that a (1..1 
or 1..n) reference is not left dangling.  It is an error if there is no 
wire under these circumstances.  Clearly for (0..1 and 0..n) 
multiplicity, a reference can validly be left unwired.

The use of standalone wire elements is of particular use at the Domain 
level, where wiring can be deployed separately from the components, 
allowing separation of responsibilities.

Could somebody familiar with the specs kindly help me with understand?

- Venkat

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Re: Confluence Wiki questions

2007-03-07 Thread Mike Edwards


Removing a page is dreadfully simple - be cautious about its use.  Go 
into Edit mode on the page you want to delete.  On the top right of the 
editing pane, you will find a trash can icon with a link labelled 
Remove Page.  Click on either the trash can or the text and that will 
delete the page.

Reparenting a page is also fairly straightforward.  Again in Edit mode, 
you will see the name of the page at the top.  Immediately below the 
name is a string saying something like:

Location: Apache Tuscany  Home  Foo EDIT

The string following Location: is the path from the root of the space to 
the page you are editing, apart from the EDIT which is a button which 
you press to change the parentage of the page.  If you press that link, 
you are presented with Space and Parent Page fields.  To change the 
parent page, select the search icon to the right of the field - 
selecting Search with a * wildcard will get you a list of all pages 
in the Apache Tuscany space - you can select which one you want as parent.


If you're wondering how I know this - it's because is based 
on the Confluence wiki software as well  I know, I need to get a life...

Yours,  Mike.

Luciano Resende wrote:

I'd like move more contents from DAS website and old wiki to our current
confluence wiki. I'll probably need to delete some pages, or a way to
refactor/reparent pages in order to proper organize the contents.

Is there a way to reparent pages ? Otherwise, wow can one get access to
remove pages in our new confluence Wiki ?

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Re: Tuscany java SCA M2 issues, was: Lingering questions

2007-03-02 Thread Mike Edwards


Yes, I hit this problem with Woden.  The fix you outline below does not 
work.  It looks as if maven is not using that version of the POM for the 
samples from my local disk.  So editing that version has zero effect  :-(.

This maven build process is nothing less than a nightmare.  When things 
go wrong, they screw up in ways that mere mortals cannot fathom.

Yours, very frustrated,  Mike.

ant elder wrote:

Another problem is that Woden has been moved so now i think is not in the
maven repositories searched by the samples, and this could cause the 
of the axis2 extension. So if its not in your local repo you need to add 

following to the repositories in the pom.xml in the top level directory
where the samples are unzipped.

   nameApache WebServices Repository/name

Even after this and all the other changes suggested bigbank fails for me
when i run it with:


Has anyone else actually tried and got working the M2 samples recently from
an empty local maven repo?


On 2/27/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thanks for your reply.

I had seen your previous note and I tried applying the lines:


into the web.xml file within the deployed Tomcat webapp.

Unfortunately, it makes no difference.  The axis2 jar is still not
found with exactly the same error as before.

Can you explain how it is that this jar is actually packaged with the
webapp and is there in the deployed directory structure, but is not
found?  What was the purpose of it being packaged that way if the
runtime code does not look for it there?  Clearly, maven running on
my system was able to find that jar at build time - but it can't be
found at runtime?!?

Are there any further system variables of any kind that I need to
apply anywhere?

Yours, Mike.

Raymond Feng wrote:
 Hi, Mike.

 It seems that you're seeing similar issues with M2. Please see my
 comments below and they might help.


 - Original Message - From: Raymond Feng [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 3:17 PM
 Subject: Re: Lingering questions

 Hi, David.

 Thank you for trying Tuscany and posting questions.

 Please see my comments below.


 - Original Message - From: David Woolley 
 Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 10:08 AM
 Subject: Lingering questions

 I've been using Apache Tuscany for a few weeks now.

 Here are some lingering questions based on my experiences with m2.

 Maven dependencies.

 I have used the samples and created my own prototypes. The maven
 dependencies within Tuscany is still somewhat mystifying for me and I
 see errors about being unable to connect to external repositories
 even when
 I've packaged my own war file. And firewalls can also cause issues
 for me.

 It's a bit unfortunate. :-(

 I'm not sure if the following post will help:

 My last error for example is

 Unable to resolve artifact:

 Which oddly enough worked on the weekend but now doesn't.I assume a
 issue or repository being down.or something..because the jar file is
 in the
 extensions directory within the tuscany.folder within WEB-INF

 There are various mentions of using offline for building the war
 file but
 quite simply I'd just like to do something with the war file I have
 myself to turn this behaviour off. Is there such a thing? Is it this
 Property (offline=true) or some other variant? Can it be passed to
 Tuscany servlet or can I simply move some libraries around?

 System property offline is used for standalone runtime. For web
 applications, you can set an init-parameter named to
 false by adding the following to the web.xml:



 I'd like to see some examples of the use of logging within components
 (@Monitor etc). I've read the sample in the wiki of how to replace 
 default logger but as far I can see the samples don't use whatever 

 default is out of the box.

 Jim, can you give David a pointer?

 Passing Context

 Is there anyway to pass some context between components that have
 been wired

 I'll leave it to Jeremy. IIRC, we had similar discussions before.


Re: Tuscany java SCA M2 issues, was: Lingering questions

2007-03-02 Thread Mike Edwards


Thanks for all your help.  I've got the build and deploy to work with 
everything packaged inline, following your advice.

However, the samples still dont actually work - I get a 404 when I point 
my browser at http://localhost:8080/sample-bigbank-webclient

or at http://localhost:8080/sample-bigbank-account

Any ideas about that?

This is one of the poorest user experiences I've had in a long time.

Yours,  Mike.

ant elder wrote:

Did you try another mvn install -N in the top level directory after you
updated the top level pom.xml, otherwise the samples will still be using 

old pom.xml in your local maven repo.

I agree its not easy, which is why I've always argued a pre-built distro
complete with everything in a single download zip makes for a much easier
first time experience.


On 3/2/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Yes, I hit this problem with Woden.  The fix you outline below does not
work.  It looks as if maven is not using that version of the POM for the
samples from my local disk.  So editing that version has zero effect  

This maven build process is nothing less than a nightmare.  When things
go wrong, they screw up in ways that mere mortals cannot fathom.

Yours, very frustrated,  Mike.

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Re: Spec schemata, was: Review of spec classes wanted

2007-02-28 Thread Mike Edwards


1) I am arranging to publish all of the SCA spec schemas on the site - we've completed a site upgrade that now allows us to 
publish random files outside the Wiki.

So, expect to see the 1.0 SCA XSDs on

by the end of today.

Please note that these versions will be the ones input to the spec 
publication process and that at least one error has been identified that 
is likely to cause a change to the files before final publication.

2) The license applying to the files allows for repackaging as part of 
an implementation so I think you are OK to include them - and the Java 
API files.

Yours,  Mike.

Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Jeremy Boynes wrote:

The sca-api module contains old versions of the schemas from 0.9 days.

I think we should remove these from the jar as they are orthogonal
from the Java APIs. We could package them separately, on our website,
or just leave them to the spec to publish (as the URIs point back to
their website).


I think that they should be published on the web site and also packaged 
in Tuscany distributions. Does anybody know if there will be any license 
issue if we want to package them in Tuscany?

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Re: Spec schemata

2007-02-28 Thread Mike Edwards


I can confirm that the current 1.0 spec schemas are available on

Yours,  Mike.

Jeremy Boynes wrote:

The sca-api module contains old versions of the schemas from 0.9 days.

I think we should remove these from the jar as they are orthogonal
from the Java APIs. We could package them separately, on our website,
or just leave them to the spec to publish (as the URIs point back to
their website).


On 2/25/07, Jeremy Boynes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've been through the sca-api-r1.0 classes and tried to bring them in
line with the specification, including applicable errata :-) Apart
from one issue with @Property I think they are now in alignment.

It would be good if a couple of other people could review these so we
can release them.
Any volunteers?


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