Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-13 Thread Mark Boon

On 13-aug-08, at 00:18, David Fotland wrote:

I don't know that joseki knowledge mad Many Faces stronger.  Go  
always used to turn off the joseki libraries in tournaments against  
Faces, since it had a better win rate if it avoided joseki moves.   
I suppose

that's some evidence that joseki knowledge helps.

I think that's not exactly right. Joseki's may help. But another  
important feature of joseki is it makes the game a lot shorter. Since  
both sides potentially are going to agree on a long line of play, the  
whole joseki becomes as if it's one choice. If you play a weaker  
opponent, your chances improve as the game becomes longer. If I  
remember well this was exactly the reason Ken Chen sometimes turned  
joseki off, because he thought the contribution of strength of the  
joseki was smaller than the longer game-length against opponents he  
perceived weaker. Against Goliath he turned joseki on, for exactly  
the same reason.

So if anything this is an argument against josekis, apparently it  
doesn't really add much strength. Against people they helped. But  
probably also because it helped make the game shorter against what  
was by then almost by defintition a stronger opponent. And it made  
people think better of the programs if they saw it play well-known  


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-13 Thread Magnus Persson

Here is my take on joseki and fuseki in computer programs.

My older program Viking, had a quite nice patternmatching feature  
which matched the entire board or smaller parts of it towards a  
database of 50k games or so. It makes it play nice but as far as I  
could tell it had no impact on the strength of the program.

With 9x9 I have used many systems learned or handmade, but it all  
boils down to that as been said earlier. It only works for a program  
that does not change, since it overfits its own strengths and  

Magnus Persson
Berlin, Germany
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-13 Thread Don Dailey
On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 14:38 +0200, Magnus Persson wrote:
 Here is my take on joseki and fuseki in computer programs.
 My older program Viking, had a quite nice patternmatching feature  
 which matched the entire board or smaller parts of it towards a  
 database of 50k games or so. It makes it play nice but as far as I  
 could tell it had no impact on the strength of the program.
 With 9x9 I have used many systems learned or handmade, but it all  
 boils down to that as been said earlier. It only works for a program  
 that does not change, since it overfits its own strengths and  

Yes, even in chess it seems to be best if you match the book to the
program.In go it is perhaps not good to even try with a rapidly
changing program.

- Don

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-13 Thread terry mcintyre
From: Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 14:38 +0200, Magnus Persson wrote:
 Here is my take on joseki and fuseki in computer programs.
 My older program Viking, had a quite nice patternmatching feature  
 which matched the entire board or smaller parts of it towards a  
 database of 50k games or so. It makes it play nice but as far as I  
 could tell it had no impact on the strength of the program.
 With 9x9 I have used many systems learned or handmade, but it all  
 boils down to that as been said earlier. It only works for a program  
 that does not change, since it overfits its own strengths and  

Yes, even in chess it seems to be best if you match the book to the program. 
In go it is perhaps not good to even try with a rapidly changing program.

So far, all experience with programs and joseki on 19x19 boards has been with 
kyu-level programs, since heretofore there have been no dan-level programs on 
the 19x19 board. The proverb learn joseki, lose three stones may apply to 
programs, for much the same reason - the program does not know how to exploit 
bad moves, nor how to preserve the advantages of playing good moves. 

An approach used for beginners is to learn simpler joseki which are easier to 
get right, and learn how to deal with common overplays. A common strategy by 
stronger players is to throw in an overplay which will baffle the beginner, 
causing him to make an inferior move. These overplays won't ever appear in 
professional game records, nor in most joseki books; they seem to be passed 
along by a secret fraternity.

Many joseki depend upon an exact calculation of liberties and tesuji; in the 
recent demo game between Mogo and Myungwan Kim, Mogo won a capturing race by 
exactly one liberty. Any deviation from correct play would have cost Mogo a 
considerable number of points. It's hard to be sure with so few sample games, 
but I guess that Mogo with a ten-minute clock would have failed to find the 
correct line of play. Hence, any experiments with smaller resources available 
might have found knowledge of that joseki to be of little or negative value.

With the current scarcity of supercomputers devoted to playing Go, it may be 
impossible to take proper advantage of a pro-level opening book - now. The 
takeaway for humans and computers seems to be to learn those joseki which you 
can understand and use well at your current level of skill. Can playouts as 
presently implemented efficiently exploit joseki knowledge? Can they be 
designed to do so?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

terry mcintyre wrote:

Thank you! At present, computer go programs may be strong relative to
each other, and they may actually beat some humans of moderate
ability, especially at timescales too quick for amateur humans, but
most programs also have high-kyu-sized gaps in their knowledge,
including seki and nakade concepts.

We won't see programs regularly beating pros until those gaps are

Maybe, but maybe it's not even needed.

Each time Leela gets online after absence on KGS, it gets flooded with 
players who have observed the games and who think like you, i.e. the 
computer is only rated 2k because some amateur fools made huge mistakes 
in quick games, so let me use the fact that it's horribly overrated to 
improve my own rating.

The net result is usually that Leela rating goes up more because those 
players end up face down in the mud. It's only when players who have 
played it before face it, that the correction sets in.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: it is perfectly possible to 
have huge knowledge and ability gaps and still be an extremely strong 
player. There are ample examples. Computer chess programs still suck 
horribly in some blocked positions.

Substituting billions of playouts for a life-or-death or seki
analysis which 10 kyu players can manage in seconds is inefficient;
computers could be doing something more effective with that time.

Due to the nature of the problem no reasonable amount of playouts helps 
Leela, so I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean.

I understood for example MoGo is now better at this and still uses Monte 

So I think the jury is not out yet whether this really needs another 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread Darren Cook
 With MCTS algorithms the error margin is high at the start of the game,
 and low in the endgame. In a handicap game against a stronger opponent...
 I did a bunch of experiments and ALWAYS got a reduced wins when I faked
 the komi.   But there are a million ways to do this and I may not have
 stumbled on the right way.

Hi Don,
I thought about this some more and I assume you only tested against
other programs that also had high error margin at the start of the game,
and low error margin in the endgame (i.e. other MCTS programs)?

A human player's errors are perhaps more consistent: stronger in the
opening due to learnt positions, stronger in the middle game due to
pattern and shape knowledge, but the endgame is weaker.

So, if you fiddle with komi against that sort of opponent what would
happen I wonder? Unfortunately that is a much harder experiment to perform.


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer (English-Japanese-German-Chinese-Arabic
open source dictionary/semantic network) (About me and my work) (blog on php, flash, i18n, linux, ...)
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

 My first impression of watching the game was that Leela was handicapped
 by having a handicap. By that I mean it would have seen itself so far
 ahead for the first few moves that is was playing arbitrarily.

In fact, Leela thought itself ahead at 80% for most of the game. It's only
in the last 15 moves or so that the score started dropping. In the ending
position it starts out at 40% and drops to 30% eventually.

 surely you need an opening book to allow for the fact that evaluations
 are going to have a high error margin in the early game?

I don't like opening books. They are a liability when the rest of the
program is still improving so quickly.

 From another angle: if a UCT computer program is being given a handicap
 against a stronger player it should lie to itself about the komi at the
 start. It could then gradually adjust komi so it is at the correct value
 by the early middle game (e.g. move 6 in 9x9 go, move 30 in 19x19 go).
 Or it could keep adjusting komi (until it reaches the actual komi) so
 that it thinks it is only just winning.

There have been previous discussions about this. It may or may not work -
I haven't tested it because there are annoying implementation

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

 Mr. Okasaki, a strong amatur, tested MoGo with a 9 stones handicap
 game at winning rate around 50% by adjusting komi on each move and
 reported it played clearly stronger than others, say, on KGS and the
 cluster version at Paris.

Unfortunately it sounds rather like a subjective measurement.

This is tricky because moves which optimize the winning percentage can
look like blunders to humans, even though they clearly are not.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread Magnus Persson
I think most programs developed by people who did not write old scool  
programs has serious problems with seki. Valkyria detects some basic  
seki shapes, but has problems with nakade/seki.


Quoting Erik van der Werf [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

You're right, my reply was sloppy (it seems I'm too much used to
Japanese rules). Also I should have read GCP's email more carefully; I
did not realize that his program, even with a large tree, would not be
able to recognize the seki.  I knew of course that the original Mogo
playouts had this problem, but I thought all strong programs had
solved it by now...

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread Don Dailey
On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 08:43 +0200, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
 I don't like opening books. They are a liability when the rest of the
 program is still improving so quickly.

I had one that worked effectively, but had to be redone if the program
improved substantially, so it was a program.  I essentially deep-search
each new position encountered.  So each game played presented a new book
position to learn which I did off-line.  It even had variety - I didn't
want it too predictable so I deep searched N times, and used the moves
in the same ratio they were chosen.  Usually only 1 or 2 moves get

I stopped searching N times when the probability of an opponent being
able to get you to some position on purpose went below 1%.   Then I
still deep searched but only 1 time. 

That worked quite well.   It doesn't always play great moves, but it is
like increasing the level substantially for a few moves and saving a lot
of time.  I'm not sure which helped the most. 

It's an unsatisfying way to build a book and so I agree with you.  It is
tied to the power of the computer you are running on (if you upgrade
your computer the benefit of the book is reduced) and if you upgrade
your program you must recompute the book.

- Don

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread Ian Osgood

On Aug 12, 2008, at 5:25 AM, Don Dailey wrote:

On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 08:43 +0200, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

I don't like opening books. They are a liability when the rest of the
program is still improving so quickly.

I had one that worked effectively, but had to be redone if the program
improved substantially, so it was a program.  I essentially deep- 
each new position encountered.  So each game played presented a new  
position to learn which I did off-line.  It even had variety - I  

want it too predictable so I deep searched N times, and used the moves
in the same ratio they were chosen.  Usually only 1 or 2 moves get

This is a different kind of opening book than I'm thinking of. You  
are both talking about cached computation, whereas I consider an  
opening book as codified theory and wisdom gained over the entire  
history of the game (semeais and joseki).  How could adding  
established semeai and joseki patterns (probably for early move  
selection and bias) to a program make it weaker?  If anything, the  
global view of full-board MCTS has the potential to make better use  
of semeai and joseki patterns than the classical shallow-search  

Self-learned books were also abandoned in chess. Hand tuned books are  
labor intensive, often requiring a separate team member to create  
them, but the best chess programs all have them.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread steve uurtamo
what happens when the opponent deviates from joseki?

knowing how to punish joseki mistakes can be very,
very tricky.

also knowing which joseki to use where is very, very
sophisticated.  the wrong joseki can be worse globally
than a non-joseki move.


On 8/12/08, Ian Osgood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Aug 12, 2008, at 5:25 AM, Don Dailey wrote:

  On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 08:43 +0200, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
   I don't like opening books. They are a liability when the rest of the
   program is still improving so quickly.
  I had one that worked effectively, but had to be redone if the program
  improved substantially, so it was a program.  I essentially deep-search
  each new position encountered.  So each game played presented a new book
  position to learn which I did off-line.  It even had variety - I didn't
  want it too predictable so I deep searched N times, and used the moves
  in the same ratio they were chosen.  Usually only 1 or 2 moves get

  This is a different kind of opening book than I'm thinking of. You are both
 talking about cached computation, whereas I consider an opening book as
 codified theory and wisdom gained over the entire history of the game
 (semeais and joseki).  How could adding established semeai and joseki
 patterns (probably for early move selection and bias) to a program make it
 weaker?  If anything, the global view of full-board MCTS has the potential
 to make better use of semeai and joseki patterns than the classical
 shallow-search programs.

  Self-learned books were also abandoned in chess. Hand tuned books are labor
 intensive, often requiring a separate team member to create them, but the
 best chess programs all have them.


  computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread Ian Osgood

On Aug 12, 2008, at 11:18 AM, steve uurtamo wrote:

On 8/12/08, Ian Osgood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 12, 2008, at 5:25 AM, Don Dailey wrote:

On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 08:43 +0200, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

I don't like opening books. They are a liability when the rest  
of the

program is still improving so quickly.

I had one that worked effectively, but had to be redone if the  
improved substantially, so it was a program.  I essentially deep- 
each new position encountered.  So each game played presented a  
new book
position to learn which I did off-line.  It even had variety - I  
want it too predictable so I deep searched N times, and used the  

in the same ratio they were chosen.  Usually only 1 or 2 moves get

 This is a different kind of opening book than I'm thinking of.  
You are both
talking about cached computation, whereas I consider an opening  
book as

codified theory and wisdom gained over the entire history of the game
(semeais and joseki).  How could adding established semeai and joseki
patterns (probably for early move selection and bias) to a program  
make it
weaker?  If anything, the global view of full-board MCTS has the  

to make better use of semeai and joseki patterns than the classical
shallow-search programs.

 Self-learned books were also abandoned in chess. Hand tuned books  
are labor
intensive, often requiring a separate team member to create them,  
but the

best chess programs all have them.


what happens when the opponent deviates from joseki?

knowing how to punish joseki mistakes can be very,
very tricky.

also knowing which joseki to use where is very, very
sophisticated.  the wrong joseki can be worse globally
than a non-joseki move.


The punishing moves, if tricky, would naturally be added to the  
library. I was hoping that the global search would take care of  
choosing the appropriate semeais/josekis for the overall board  
situation. I realize that this is not as easy to implement as the  
canned opening moves of a chess program, but the value of the system  
is the same: better opening play and more thinking time for the  
remaining moves.

I hope that David Fotland can chime in here on value of joseki  
libraries on program strength.

Also, which existing classical program is considered the best semeai  


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread terry mcintyre
From: steve uurtamo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 what happens when the opponent deviates from joseki?
 knowing how to punish joseki mistakes can be very, very tricky.

From my observations at the mogo-vs-pro game, given lots of time and CPU 
cores, Mogo is able to discover how to punish such deviations. In any case, it 
is possible to add such punishing moves to the joseki database -- joseki 
databases such as Kogo often include refutations of bad plays. It is also 
possible to pre-compute possible refutations. Joseki plays, properly used, 
lead to an even result; non-joseki, properly refuted, quickly lead to a 
disparity in the likely score, and hence to the predicted winrate. 

 also knowing which joseki to use where is very, very sophisticated.  the 
 wrong joseki can be worse globally than a non-joseki move.

One hopes that the global search capability of UCT programs will discover which 
joseki lead to higher winrates. The proper refutation of a bad choice of joseki 
will lead to a lower predicted score and should therefore dominate the winrate. 
Joseki should not be treated as mandatory, but as higher-probability branches 
of the tree, as a form of move ordering to increase the effectiveness of the 
search. When pros play, they are likely to consider joseki first in their much 
more selective search trees, and will select something off the beaten path 
when surrounding circumstances differ. Joseki often provide three or four valid 
continuations, each of which is likely to lead to a different direction of play.

Many joseki texts include such circumstances. Play A works only if the ladder 
favors Black; play B involves a ko; play C may be chosen if there is a stone 
along the side; the pincer at D emphasizes outside influence. These could 
provide hints to a smart global search.

Fuseki databases help decide which joseki are most appropriate. I recommend 
Kiseido's A Dictionary of Modern Fuseki / The Korean Style, which seems to be 
very thorough and accessible to a kyu-level player such as myself. For non Go 
players, Fuseki are tested whole-board opening sequences; Joseki are local 
sequences, usually played out the corners - but some, such as the avalanche 
joseki, can quickly cover a large section of the board; and some have 
dependencies on distant parts of the board, such as ladder-breakers and stones 
near one side or the other.

There's a subtle point in handicap joseki -- if you want to win against an 
inferior opponent who has a large handicap, you must make deliberate overplays 
which would be non-optimal against a strong player.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread Don Dailey
On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 10:41 -0700, Ian Osgood wrote:
 On Aug 12, 2008, at 5:25 AM, Don Dailey wrote:
  On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 08:43 +0200, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
  I don't like opening books. They are a liability when the rest of the
  program is still improving so quickly.
  I had one that worked effectively, but had to be redone if the program
  improved substantially, so it was a program.  I essentially deep- 
  each new position encountered.  So each game played presented a new  
  position to learn which I did off-line.  It even had variety - I  
  want it too predictable so I deep searched N times, and used the moves
  in the same ratio they were chosen.  Usually only 1 or 2 moves get
 This is a different kind of opening book than I'm thinking of. You  
 are both talking about cached computation, whereas I consider an  
 opening book as codified theory and wisdom gained over the entire  
 history of the game (semeais and joseki).  

Yes, my implementation is nothing like established theory, but I'm such
a weak go player that I have no other way.  This was used on 9x9, I
don't think it would be very useful on the big board.  

Some day, in the distant future, we will be very careful about using
compiled human knowledge.  As in chess, it is important to double check
the analysis, a lot of move played by humans in the opening have been
busted or show weak.   Chess programs are now active participants in
creating opening theory.

- Don

 How could adding  
 established semeai and joseki patterns (probably for early move  
 selection and bias) to a program make it weaker?  If anything, the  
 global view of full-board MCTS has the potential to make better use  
 of semeai and joseki patterns than the classical shallow-search  
 Self-learned books were also abandoned in chess. Hand tuned books are  
 labor intensive, often requiring a separate team member to create  
 them, but the best chess programs all have them.
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread David Fotland

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:computer-go-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian Osgood
 This is a different kind of opening book than I'm thinking of. You
 are both talking about cached computation, whereas I consider an
 opening book as codified theory and wisdom gained over the entire
 history of the game (semeais and joseki).  How could adding
 established semeai and joseki patterns (probably for early move
 selection and bias) to a program make it weaker?  If anything, the
 global view of full-board MCTS has the potential to make better use
 of semeai and joseki patterns than the classical shallow-search

Many Faces has a large opening book, and the UCT version uses all of Many
Faces' knowledge.  It has a full board book built from about 50K
professional and another 50K strong amateur games.  It has a joseki book
built from every move in every book of joseki published in English before
2002, and a few joseki from a huge Japanese language joseki dictionary.

For 9x9 it has a fuseki book from pro and CGOS strong program games.

I think the books help, but I didn't test it yet.


computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-12 Thread David Fotland
 I hope that David Fotland can chime in here on value of joseki
 libraries on program strength.
 Also, which existing classical program is considered the best semeai

I don't know that joseki knowledge mad Many Faces stronger.  Go Intellect
always used to turn off the joseki libraries in tournaments against Many
Faces, since it had a better win rate if it avoided joseki moves.  I suppose
that's some evidence that joseki knowledge helps.  I added joseki primarily
so the program would play better openings against people.

For a long time Many Faces was the strongest tactical and semeai program.  I
had fewer patterns than other strong programs and depended more on catching
groups to win.  I'm not sure if that is still true.  Gnugo has gotten much
stronger tactically in the last few years.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

 Xiao Ai Lin, 1p vs LeelaBot

 This game did happen. It was not meant as a challenge, but as a
 friendly game to get an idea of what can be done to develop the
 leading programs on 9x9. It was relayed to the cinema-screen as a
 warm-up before MoGo's game.

 I will be back with the review as an SGF-file, that is what I managed
 to note from her review.

Thanks. I tried to analyze with Leela, but it thinks for a long time black
still has chances and only starts dropping a bit after a long think. It
would not have resigned in this position. Looking at the SGF I see white
was about to lose on time.

I have the nagging feeling Leela's operator resigned on behalf of the
program to prevent the computer from winning on time in what was probably
an objectively a lost position.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Nick Wedd
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes

Xiao Ai Lin, 1p vs LeelaBot

This game did happen. It was not meant as a challenge, but as a
friendly game to get an idea of what can be done to develop the
leading programs on 9x9. It was relayed to the cinema-screen as a
warm-up before MoGo's game.

I will be back with the review as an SGF-file, that is what I managed
to note from her review.

Thanks. I tried to analyze with Leela, but it thinks for a long time black
still has chances and only starts dropping a bit after a long think. It
would not have resigned in this position. Looking at the SGF I see white
was about to lose on time.

I have the nagging feeling Leela's operator resigned on behalf of the
program to prevent the computer from winning on time in what was probably
an objectively a lost position.

When I look at the game record, I see that at the end, the pro has 7:59 
left, Leela 4:25.  And Black is totally lost:  White will capture the d4 
group which only has two liberties, connecting her three groups which 
already have at least four liberties each, and leaving Black's b2 and b7 
groups dead.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED],

 When I look at the game record, I see that at the end, the pro has 7:59
 left, Leela 4:25.  And Black is totally lost:  White will capture the d4
 group which only has two liberties, connecting her three groups which
 already have at least four liberties each, and leaving Black's b2 and b7
 groups dead.


this is another game!

The game you posted and the one on KGS are totally different. In the one
on KGS, black played with reduced komi and (as far as I can tell) held out
a long time until white was about to forfeit on time.

In the one you posted, the opponent doesn't appear to be a pro (sestir
2d instead of egc1p), no handicap/modified komi was used, and black lost

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Nick Wedd
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes


When I look at the game record, I see that at the end, the pro has 7:59
left, Leela 4:25.  And Black is totally lost:  White will capture the d4
group which only has two liberties, connecting her three groups which
already have at least four liberties each, and leaving Black's b2 and b7
groups dead.


this is another game!

The game you posted and the one on KGS are totally different. In the one
on KGS, black played with reduced komi and (as far as I can tell) held out
a long time until white was about to forfeit on time.

In the one you posted, the opponent doesn't appear to be a pro (sestir
2d instead of egc1p), no handicap/modified komi was used, and black lost

sestir is Basti Weidemyr, who was in charge of arranging the challenge 
game.  He has just posted to this list, so I hope he will explain what 

Looking at LeelaBot's games on KGS since the tournament, I see only two: 
the one I posted, against sestir, and one against egc1p with 0.5 komi, 
which I cannot open, as it was not finished by the players and KGS is 
treating it as escaped.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Rémi Coulom

Nick Wedd wrote:

Looking at LeelaBot's games on KGS since the tournament, I see only 
two: the one I posted, against sestir, and one against egc1p with 0.5 
komi, which I cannot open, as it was not finished by the players and 
KGS is treating it as escaped.


The link I sent yesterday works for me:


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Don Dailey
On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 12:40 +0200, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
  Xiao Ai Lin, 1p vs LeelaBot
  This game did happen. It was not meant as a challenge, but as a
  friendly game to get an idea of what can be done to develop the
  leading programs on 9x9. It was relayed to the cinema-screen as a
  warm-up before MoGo's game.
  I will be back with the review as an SGF-file, that is what I managed
  to note from her review.
 Thanks. I tried to analyze with Leela, but it thinks for a long time black
 still has chances and only starts dropping a bit after a long think. It
 would not have resigned in this position. Looking at the SGF I see white
 was about to lose on time.
 I have the nagging feeling Leela's operator resigned on behalf of the
 program to prevent the computer from winning on time in what was probably
 an objectively a lost position.

I hope that didn't happen.  Otherwise, should have not played with

- Don

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Don Dailey
On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 14:26 +0100, Nick Wedd wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 this is another game!
 The game you posted and the one on KGS are totally different. In the one
 on KGS, black played with reduced komi and (as far as I can tell) held out
 a long time until white was about to forfeit on time.
 In the one you posted, the opponent doesn't appear to be a pro (sestir
 2d instead of egc1p), no handicap/modified komi was used, and black lost
 In my curiousity to see the right game (which KGS would not let me do 
 because it was treating it as escaped), I have done something foolish. I 
 am admitting this here to get the record straight.
 I logged in to KGS using LeelaBot's account, and opened (and saved) the 
 game.  The game was still running,  so there can have been no 
 resignation.  LeelaBot had over a minute left, I think less than 80 
 seconds but I don't remember exactly.  The pro had three seconds left.
 This was foolish of me because I had resumed the game, and was allowing 
 LeelaBot's time to pass.  I have carelessly destroyed the evidence of 
 LeelaBot's remaining time.  There is now only my word (and perhaps the 
 operator's) for my claim that LeelaBot had more than a minute left.

I think you will be forgiven.   To err is human.  


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED],

 This was foolish of me because I had resumed the game, and was allowing
 LeelaBot's time to pass.  I have carelessly destroyed the evidence of
 LeelaBot's remaining time.  There is now only my word (and perhaps the
 operator's) for my claim that LeelaBot had more than a minute left.

No worries :)

I saved the game earlier today after Remi posted the link and before you
resumed it. It is included in attachement.

Leela scores this at about 30% winning chances for itself after a long
think. I have no idea whether that's a reasonable assesement.

PW[egc1p]PB[LeelaBot]BR[2k]DT[2008-08-07]PC[The KGS Go Server at]C[LeelaBot [2k\]: GTP Engine for LeelaBot (black): Leela 
version 0.3.14
;B[cc]BL[683.916]C[sestir [2d\]: This game is with reduced komi - a handicap to 
the robot.
;W[fe]WL[562.183]C[sestir [2d\]: white: Xiao Ai Lin, 1p
sestir [2d\]: black: Leela - the winner of yesterday's computer-go tournament 
on 9x9
;W[hi]WL[3.82]C[sestir [2d\]: starts review
RemiCoulom [5k\]: Well done, human player !
sestir [2d\]: indeed
sestir [2d\]: review in demo
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Rémi Coulom

Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:



This was foolish of me because I had resumed the game, and was allowing
LeelaBot's time to pass.  I have carelessly destroyed the evidence of
LeelaBot's remaining time.  There is now only my word (and perhaps the
operator's) for my claim that LeelaBot had more than a minute left.

No worries :)

I saved the game earlier today after Remi posted the link and before you
resumed it. It is included in attachement.

Leela scores this at about 30% winning chances for itself after a long
think. I have no idea whether that's a reasonable assesement.

If I am not mistaken, bottom left is seki. This is probably what Leela 
misunderstood. And it may also be what you don't understand. The game 
look like an obvious win for W, starting from move 62. So it looks very 
fair that Leela did not win on time.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Erik van der Werf
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Basti Weidemyr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What would you have done in a case like this? :)

Inspect the log file.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Don Dailey
On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 16:54 +0200, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
 As long as we're not there, these matches are a great promotion for
 game of go. Just watch how much publicity the MoGo match got. And
 still lots of possibilities for the humans to take revenge, and for
 computers to take counter-revenge...

And I think we still have plenty of time before it gets to the point
where computers are so clearly superior that it's pointless to play
them.  And well past that point in time computers can then be the one
giving stones in handicap play.

- Don

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Rémi Coulom

Basti Weidemyr wrote:

What would you have done in a case like this? :) 

You could not declare that game a win for the computer and survive.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Erik van der Werf
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 She was also a bit unlucky in the sense that Leela did not understand it
 was dead lost.

 I use quotes because had it understood better it was losing, it would have
 put up more of a fight :-)

If Basti is correct that Leela resigned that would suggest that 'she'
actually did understand.

For the final position in the game record any strong human player will
tell you that the game is clearly over. No points are left to be
gained and the result is obvious. If Leela had persisted in attempting
to push the opponent through the clock, then I guess any EGC referee
would have considered that 'unsportsmanlike' behavior (but it would of
course be nice to know for sure).

 As time was running out and the robot played obstinate moves, I told
 the operator to kill it. However, it looked to me like he never
 touched the keyboard, so when a dialog appeared, stating that
 LeelaBot had resigned, I asked him if he had killed the robot, and he
 replied he did not.

 The KGS server should have recorded the resignation instantly, but there
 is no sign of it in the game record.

Some time ago I observed that kgsgtp does not tell my program that the
opponent has resigned (which is a bit annoying because it then keeps
pondering when the game is already over). It's a long shot but maybe
this behavior somehow also goes the other way around?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Jason House
On Aug 11, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Erik van der Werf [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Some time ago I observed that kgsgtp does not tell my program that the
opponent has resigned (which is a bit annoying because it then keeps
pondering when the game is already over).

KgsGtp should send kgs-game_over in such cases.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Erik van der Werf
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:17 PM, Jason House
 On Aug 11, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Erik van der Werf [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Some time ago I observed that kgsgtp does not tell my program that the
 opponent has resigned (which is a bit annoying because it then keeps
 pondering when the game is already over).

 KgsGtp should send kgs-game_over in such cases.

Hmm, guess I missed that command. I had solved the issue by setting an
upper bound on the ponder time, which also works well for playing

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Erik van der Werf wrote:

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

She was also a bit unlucky in the sense that Leela did not
understand it was dead lost.

I use quotes because had it understood better it was losing, it
would have put up more of a fight :-)

If Basti is correct that Leela resigned that would suggest that 'she'
 actually did understand.

Why you are arguing with me about this?

I am the author, I have the binary. It does not understand the seki at 
any level.

Now, if the Leela binary would somehow have gained a better 
understanding of seki on the trip to Leksand, that would just be _scary_ :)

Some time ago I observed that kgsgtp does not tell my program that
the opponent has resigned (which is a bit annoying because it then
keeps pondering when the game is already over). It's a long shot but
maybe this behavior somehow also goes the other way around?

I hope not. This would mean the opponents in those games would have to 
sit out the remaining time.

It cannot have happened anyway - in your case either Leela or kgsGtp 
would have to have popped up the mysterious window, and neither has that 
ability as far as I know.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Erik van der Werf wrote:
 For the final position in the game record any strong human player will
 tell you that the game is clearly over. No points are left to be
 gained and the result is obvious.

Actually there's one point left to gain in the seki, since the game is
played with Chinese rules. ;-)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Don Dailey
On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 17:26 +0200, Rémi Coulom wrote:
 Basti Weidemyr wrote:
  What would you have done in a case like this? :) 
 You could not declare that game a win for the computer and survive.

Yes, and I really hate this.  You have a situation where the actual
winner has to resign the game in order to not be ridiculed as being

And is the human player supposed to feel good about his victory?  

- Don

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Jason House

On Aug 11, 2008, at 2:06 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 17:26 +0200, Rémi Coulom wrote:

Basti Weidemyr wrote:

What would you have done in a case like this? :)

You could not declare that game a win for the computer and survive.

Yes, and I really hate this.  You have a situation where the actual
winner has to resign the game in order to not be ridiculed as being

I hate absolute time limits for this reason. Even a small byo yomi  
prevents wins for such a stupid reason. Certainly, humans can't have  
10 millisecond response times like a computer.

And is the human player supposed to feel good about his victory?

Nobody should be happy with a game decided by time in late yose.

Of course, rules are rules. I just don't play games with absolute time

- Don

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Don Dailey
On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 18:02 +0200, Erik van der Werf wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  She was also a bit unlucky in the sense that Leela did not understand it
  was dead lost.
  I use quotes because had it understood better it was losing, it would have
  put up more of a fight :-)
 If Basti is correct that Leela resigned that would suggest that 'she'
 actually did understand.
 For the final position in the game record any strong human player will
 tell you that the game is clearly over. No points are left to be
 gained and the result is obvious. If Leela had persisted in attempting
 to push the opponent through the clock, then I guess any EGC referee
 would have considered that 'unsportsmanlike' behavior (but it would of
 course be nice to know for sure).

But is it really?   Now instead of clearly defined rules, you enter the
domain of judgment calls and these should be minimized.   How clear does
it have to be there is a win?  Who decides where the gray area is?   

In chess it's been an important part of the game.  You can get great
positions if you spend a lot of time thinking and it's clear that is
true in GO too.The longer I think, the better on average my position
will be.   But if I am less honest than my opponent about managing my
time,  why should I be given a free pass?  

I think the best thing is to use a Fischer clock with 1 or 2 seconds
added per move and be religiously strict about honoring the rules.  The
rules I'm talking about, by the way, are the rules that you agreed to
play by, before starting the game.   The Fischer clock will protect you
from unexpectedly long end games. 

Maybe it's just me, but I don't want my games judged.  I don't want
anybody saying that you lose even though my opponent used too much
time.  If you want to grant wins to the time loser, then instead of
requiring someone to judge the result spell out the kinds of positions
where the game should be stopped.  If you cannot spell it out, then you
have to judge it.

- Don

  As time was running out and the robot played obstinate moves, I told
  the operator to kill it. However, it looked to me like he never
  touched the keyboard, so when a dialog appeared, stating that
  LeelaBot had resigned, I asked him if he had killed the robot, and he
  replied he did not.
  The KGS server should have recorded the resignation instantly, but there
  is no sign of it in the game record.
 Some time ago I observed that kgsgtp does not tell my program that the
 opponent has resigned (which is a bit annoying because it then keeps
 pondering when the game is already over). It's a long shot but maybe
 this behavior somehow also goes the other way around?
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Don Dailey
I agree with you Jason.   I advocate the more modern Fisher clock, where
some fixed amount of time is added to each move and remains yours to
keep.   Even 1 or 2 seconds per move is enough since you can build up

- Don

On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 14:18 -0400, Jason House wrote:
 On Aug 11, 2008, at 2:06 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 17:26 +0200, Rémi Coulom wrote:
  Basti Weidemyr wrote:
  What would you have done in a case like this? :)
  You could not declare that game a win for the computer and survive.
  Yes, and I really hate this.  You have a situation where the actual
  winner has to resign the game in order to not be ridiculed as being
 I hate absolute time limits for this reason. Even a small byo yomi  
 prevents wins for such a stupid reason. Certainly, humans can't have  
 10 millisecond response times like a computer.
  And is the human player supposed to feel good about his victory?
 Nobody should be happy with a game decided by time in late yose.
 Of course, rules are rules. I just don't play games with absolute time
  - Don
  computer-go mailing list
  computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Nick Wedd
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Don Dailey 

On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 18:02 +0200, Erik van der Werf wrote:

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 She was also a bit unlucky in the sense that Leela did not understand it
 was dead lost.

 I use quotes because had it understood better it was losing, it would have
 put up more of a fight :-)

If Basti is correct that Leela resigned that would suggest that 'she'
actually did understand.

For the final position in the game record any strong human player will
tell you that the game is clearly over. No points are left to be
gained and the result is obvious. If Leela had persisted in attempting
to push the opponent through the clock, then I guess any EGC referee
would have considered that 'unsportsmanlike' behavior (but it would of
course be nice to know for sure).

But is it really?   Now instead of clearly defined rules, you enter the
domain of judgment calls and these should be minimized.   How clear does
it have to be there is a win?  Who decides where the gray area is?

In chess it's been an important part of the game.  You can get great
positions if you spend a lot of time thinking and it's clear that is
true in GO too.The longer I think, the better on average my position
will be.   But if I am less honest than my opponent about managing my
time,  why should I be given a free pass?

I think the best thing is to use a Fischer clock with 1 or 2 seconds
added per move and be religiously strict about honoring the rules.  The
rules I'm talking about, by the way, are the rules that you agreed to
play by, before starting the game.   The Fischer clock will protect you
from unexpectedly long end games.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't want my games judged.

No sane tournament director wants to have to use his judgement (though 
it may be necessary).  I think Fischer time would be an excellent 


I don't want
anybody saying that you lose even though my opponent used too much
time.  If you want to grant wins to the time loser, then instead of
requiring someone to judge the result spell out the kinds of positions
where the game should be stopped.  If you cannot spell it out, then you
have to judge it.

- Don

 As time was running out and the robot played obstinate moves, I told
 the operator to kill it. However, it looked to me like he never
 touched the keyboard, so when a dialog appeared, stating that
 LeelaBot had resigned, I asked him if he had killed the robot, and he
 replied he did not.

 The KGS server should have recorded the resignation instantly, but there
 is no sign of it in the game record.

Some time ago I observed that kgsgtp does not tell my program that the
opponent has resigned (which is a bit annoying because it then keeps
pondering when the game is already over). It's a long shot but maybe
this behavior somehow also goes the other way around?

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Mark Boon

On 11-aug-08, at 15:23, Don Dailey wrote:

But is it really?   Now instead of clearly defined rules, you enter  

domain of judgment calls and these should be minimized.

I don't agree with such an unforgiving attitude at all. It works for  
tournaments but not for demonstration games. You don't want to give  
fuel to those who argue yeah, but the computer can respond in a  
millisecond where the human has a physical response time of at least  
half a second.

In demonstration games what is important is the spirit. And it  
doesn't do the computer-Go community any good for a program to  
persist in an absolutely lost position, play one for a hundred more  
moves that the human is physically unable to play in time.

It will have to give one way or another. I also don't like the fixed  
time-limit very much because Go has such an unpredictable game- 
length. So Fisher time could be a solution. On the other hand, once  
the level of the programs becomes well established, programmers could  
also make it resign a lot sooner. In a 1,000 ELO game a 99% win-rate  
might occasionally still turn around. But they'll probably find out  
that as the level gets higher, say 3,000 ELO, you end up never  
turning around a 90% win-rate. Or maybe even 80%. If programmers want  
humans to play their software then they have to be also a little  
accomodating in that respect, even if that means giving up a game  
where you might still win once in a thousand times.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Don Dailey
On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 16:16 -0300, Mark Boon wrote:
 On 11-aug-08, at 15:23, Don Dailey wrote:
  But is it really?   Now instead of clearly defined rules, you enter
  domain of judgment calls and these should be minimized. 
 I don't agree with such an unforgiving attitude at all. It works for
 tournaments but not for demonstration games. You don't want to give
 fuel to those who argue yeah, but the computer can respond in a
 millisecond where the human has a physical response time of at least
 half a second.

This is not an unforgiving attitude as you cast it.  It is just the
opposite.  How is it you view taking a game away from the rightful
winner as being forgiving? It shows no respect for the human being
behind the program.   It's real easy when you don't see anything but an
unfeeling robot,  but if it had been another person sitting behind that
chair he would likely feel that someone had been heavy handed.   It's
easy to be gracious when you are not the victim.

I would be angry if I worked hard to control my time usage, only for my
opponent to be forgiven at my expense, despite the rules.  

And if this really is just a fun little demonstration game, then do not
use clocks,  that was certainly not in the spirit of things. 

- Don

 In demonstration games what is important is the spirit. And it doesn't
 do the computer-Go community any good for a program to persist in an
 absolutely lost position, play one for a hundred more moves that the
 human is physically unable to play in time.
 It will have to give one way or another. I also don't like the fixed
 time-limit very much because Go has such an unpredictable game-length.
 So Fisher time could be a solution. On the other hand, once the level
 of the programs becomes well established, programmers could also make
 it resign a lot sooner. In a 1,000 ELO game a 99% win-rate might
 occasionally still turn around. But they'll probably find out that as
 the level gets higher, say 3,000 ELO, you end up never turning around
 a 90% win-rate. Or maybe even 80%. If programmers want humans to play
 their software then they have to be also a little accomodating in that
 respect, even if that means giving up a game where you might still win
 once in a thousand times.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Jason House

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 11, 2008, at 4:00 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would be angry if I worked hard to control my time usage, only for  

opponent to be forgiven at my expense, despite the rules.

Hmmm... This sounds very familiar...

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Christoph Birk

On Mon, 11 Aug 2008, Don Dailey wrote:

But let's not exaggerate.   This was not just a simple matter of filling
empty points.

It was.

It was obviously unclear enough to some of us that it required some
analysis.   Even the strong Leela did not see this as merely filling in
the empty points.

That's because it involves a Seki that Leela does not handle properly,
but any 10 kyu should recognize.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Jason House wrote:

On Aug 11, 2008, at 4:00 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would be angry if I worked hard to control my time usage, only for my
opponent to be forgiven at my expense, despite the rules.

Hmmm... This sounds very familiar...

Yes. Notice how there is a clear discrimination on this list in favor of 
19-year old females. This is an unexplicable attitude for a group of 16 
to 70 year old male computer freaks.

Leela now plays faster in some situations as a result of the loss on 
time against HouseBot. It might have been a factor in this game.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Erik van der Werf
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 7:58 PM, Gunnar Farnebäck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Erik van der Werf wrote:
 For the final position in the game record any strong human player will
 tell you that the game is clearly over. No points are left to be
 gained and the result is obvious.

 Actually there's one point left to gain in the seki, since the game is
 played with Chinese rules. ;-)

You're right, my reply was sloppy (it seems I'm too much used to
Japanese rules). Also I should have read GCP's email more carefully; I
did not realize that his program, even with a large tree, would not be
able to recognize the seki.  I knew of course that the original Mogo
playouts had this problem, but I thought all strong programs had
solved it by now...

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread terry mcintyre

- Original Message 
From: Christoph Birk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Mon, 11 Aug 2008, Don Dailey wrote:

 It was obviously unclear enough to some of us that it required some
 analysis.   Even the strong Leela did not see this as merely filling in
 the empty points.

 That's because it involves a Seki that Leela does not handle properly, but 
 any 10 kyu should recognize.

Thank you! At present, computer go programs may be strong relative to each 
other, and they may actually beat some humans of moderate ability, especially 
at timescales too quick for amateur humans, but most programs also have 
high-kyu-sized gaps in their knowledge, including seki and nakade concepts.

We won't see programs regularly beating pros until those gaps are filled. 
Substituting billions of playouts for a life-or-death or seki analysis which 10 
kyu players can manage in seconds is inefficient; computers could be doing 
something more effective with that time.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Darren Cook
 [The pro] was also a bit unlucky in the sense that Leela did not understand 
 was dead lost.
 I use quotes because had it understood better it was losing, it would have
 put up more of a fight :-)

My first impression of watching the game was that Leela was handicapped
by having a handicap. By that I mean it would have seen itself so far
ahead for the first few moves that is was playing arbitrarily.

This is a direct consequence of the UCT algorithm playing for the win,
instead of trying to maximize the score. I'm fine with that (please see
the archives for numerous passionate discussion on the subject), but
surely you need an opening book to allow for the fact that evaluations
are going to have a high error margin in the early game?

(I'll go out on a limb and say black 3 was a mistake; I'm sure it is a
win at 0.5pt komi, but I strongly suspect it is dubious at 5.5pt komi or

From another angle: if a UCT computer program is being given a handicap
against a stronger player it should lie to itself about the komi at the
start. It could then gradually adjust komi so it is at the correct value
by the early middle game (e.g. move 6 in 9x9 go, move 30 in 19x19 go).
Or it could keep adjusting komi (until it reaches the actual komi) so
that it thinks it is only just winning.


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer (English-Japanese-German-Chinese-Arabic
open source dictionary/semantic network) (About me and my work) (blog on php, flash, i18n, linux, ...)
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Darren Cook
 For the final position in the game record any strong human player will
 tell you that the game is clearly over. No points are left to be
 gained and the result is obvious.
 Actually there's one point left to gain in the seki, since the game is
 played with Chinese rules. ;-)
 You're right, my reply was sloppy (it seems I'm too much used to
 Japanese rules). Also I should have read GCP's email more carefully; I
 did not realize that his program, even with a large tree, would not be
 able to recognize the seki.  I knew of course that the original Mogo
 playouts had this problem, but I thought all strong programs had
 solved it by now...

Can someone confirm this one way or the other? Has Mogo started
explicitly recognizing seki, and if so which release version did that
start at? More generally, has anyone seen increases/decreases in overall
strength from explicitly checking for seki at leaf nodes?

I remember reading that when nakade support was adding to Mogo it made
it slightly stronger at 9x9, but weaker at 19x19. Was this version
released, and can nakade support be switched on and off at the commandline?


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer (English-Japanese-German-Chinese-Arabic
open source dictionary/semantic network) (About me and my work) (blog on php, flash, i18n, linux, ...)
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Don Dailey
On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 09:55 +0900, Darren Cook wrote:
  [The pro] was also a bit unlucky in the sense that Leela did not 
  understand it
  was dead lost.
  I use quotes because had it understood better it was losing, it would have
  put up more of a fight :-)
 My first impression of watching the game was that Leela was handicapped
 by having a handicap. By that I mean it would have seen itself so far
 ahead for the first few moves that is was playing arbitrarily.

I was blasted for making that observation many months ago concerning the
possibility of handicap matches on CGOS.   I thought it not a good idea
for Monte Carlo players because each player starting with a dead won or
dead lost game.   The response was that it didn't matter, the programs
would still fight.  

So I yielded to the opinion of others since I am not a go player.  I now
think they were probably right.   MCTS still tries to maximize the
chances of winning.  If you are up 8 or 9 stones, that is STILL the
right strategy isn't it?  

Also, if you are down 8 or 9 stones, maximizing your winning chances is
still the right strategy, right?   

I'm trying to come up with some kind of analogy to real life.  How about
investing your money?   Let's say you play a game where the goal is to
turn 500 thousand into 1 million dollars in 10 years.  Double your money
in 10 years is not particularly difficult so if the only thing that
matters is winning this game then you would use very conservative
investments.  This is like being up 9 stones because in theory you have
a relatively simple task to perform, just double your money.   

The temptation is to be foolish by thinking if you are a lot more
aggressive, you can get ahead of the game and get there faster.  Surely,
if you have a good year or two, you can coast the rest of the way!  Have
you ever been with someone who is about to run out of gas?  They want to
drive FASTER thinking that if they get there faster, they will use less
fuel.  Or maybe they just get anxious which causes you to drive a little

 This is a direct consequence of the UCT algorithm playing for the win,
 instead of trying to maximize the score. I'm fine with that (please see
 the archives for numerous passionate discussion on the subject), but
 surely you need an opening book to allow for the fact that evaluations
 are going to have a high error margin in the early game?
 (I'll go out on a limb and say black 3 was a mistake; I'm sure it is a
 win at 0.5pt komi, but I strongly suspect it is dubious at 5.5pt komi or
 From another angle: if a UCT computer program is being given a handicap
 against a stronger player it should lie to itself about the komi at the
 start. It could then gradually adjust komi so it is at the correct value
 by the early middle game (e.g. move 6 in 9x9 go, move 30 in 19x19 go).
 Or it could keep adjusting komi (until it reaches the actual komi) so
 that it thinks it is only just winning.

It could turn out that the best strategy is simply to let the opponent
play desperately and not over-react, because to have any chance when
giving 9 stones you must in some sense over-play it.  

- Don


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Hideki Kato

On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 09:55 +0900, Darren Cook wrote:
  [The pro] was also a bit unlucky in the sense that Leela did not 
  understand it
  was dead lost.
  I use quotes because had it understood better it was losing, it would have
  put up more of a fight :-)
 My first impression of watching the game was that Leela was handicapped
 by having a handicap. By that I mean it would have seen itself so far
 ahead for the first few moves that is was playing arbitrarily.

I was blasted for making that observation many months ago concerning the
possibility of handicap matches on CGOS.   I thought it not a good idea
for Monte Carlo players because each player starting with a dead won or
dead lost game.   The response was that it didn't matter, the programs
would still fight.  

So I yielded to the opinion of others since I am not a go player.  I now
think they were probably right.   MCTS still tries to maximize the
chances of winning.  If you are up 8 or 9 stones, that is STILL the
right strategy isn't it?  

Also, if you are down 8 or 9 stones, maximizing your winning chances is
still the right strategy, right?   

I think NO because of the model of the opponent.   MCTS uses itself 
for the model but it's obvously not correct in hadicapped games.


I'm trying to come up with some kind of analogy to real life.  How about
investing your money?   Let's say you play a game where the goal is to
turn 500 thousand into 1 million dollars in 10 years.  Double your money
in 10 years is not particularly difficult so if the only thing that
matters is winning this game then you would use very conservative
investments.  This is like being up 9 stones because in theory you have
a relatively simple task to perform, just double your money.   

The temptation is to be foolish by thinking if you are a lot more
aggressive, you can get ahead of the game and get there faster.  Surely,
if you have a good year or two, you can coast the rest of the way!  Have
you ever been with someone who is about to run out of gas?  They want to
drive FASTER thinking that if they get there faster, they will use less
fuel.  Or maybe they just get anxious which causes you to drive a little

 This is a direct consequence of the UCT algorithm playing for the win,
 instead of trying to maximize the score. I'm fine with that (please see
 the archives for numerous passionate discussion on the subject), but
 surely you need an opening book to allow for the fact that evaluations
 are going to have a high error margin in the early game?
 (I'll go out on a limb and say black 3 was a mistake; I'm sure it is a
 win at 0.5pt komi, but I strongly suspect it is dubious at 5.5pt komi or
 From another angle: if a UCT computer program is being given a handicap
 against a stronger player it should lie to itself about the komi at the
 start. It could then gradually adjust komi so it is at the correct value
 by the early middle game (e.g. move 6 in 9x9 go, move 30 in 19x19 go).
 Or it could keep adjusting komi (until it reaches the actual komi) so
 that it thinks it is only just winning.

It could turn out that the best strategy is simply to let the opponent
play desperately and not over-react, because to have any chance when
giving 9 stones you must in some sense over-play it.  

- Don


computer-go mailing list
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread David Doshay

On 11, Aug 2008, at 7:23 PM, Don Dailey wrote:

On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 09:55 +0900, Darren Cook wrote:
My first impression of watching the game was that Leela was  

by having a handicap. By that I mean it would have seen itself so far
ahead for the first few moves that is was playing arbitrarily.

I was blasted for making that observation many months ago concerning  
possibility of handicap matches on CGOS.   I thought it not a good  
for Monte Carlo players because each player starting with a dead won  

dead lost game.   The response was that it didn't matter, the programs
would still fight.

I wonder if this was part of the beginning move selection of Mogo in the
games against Mr Kim. Can anyone on that team check their logs and  

It could turn out that the best strategy is simply to let the opponent
play desperately and not over-react, because to have any chance when
giving 9 stones you must in some sense over-play it.

This exact point was made in the post game analysis by Mr Kim. He  
that he expected about 1 dan replies to his approach in the lower  
right, and
thus played to live in the corner and have an extension across the  
An observer said Oh, so you made an overplay. Mr Kim replied I have  
overplay (against 9 stones). He later showed how he would have played  
it had
he expected mogo to find what he called 4 or 5 dan moves. He also said  
he was impressed with Mogo's ability to avoid overreacting, that it  
could not

be provoked like a human once it was ahead.

Mr Kim also said that from his perspective his opponent in the last 2  
felt completely different than in the first 2 games. The difference,  
of course,
was the additional search time. In the 2nd game mogo played the first  

thinking it had 10 minutes, even though the KGS clock was set to 15, and
mid-game the operator realized the mistake, took it offline and fixed  
clock before reconnecting. But it was too late, so Mr Kim, other than  

confused by the opponent abandoning and reappearing, did not get much
chance to see the difference in play.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Darren Cook
 Also, if you are down 8 or 9 stones, maximizing your winning chances is
 still the right strategy, right?   

With MCTS algorithms the error margin is high at the start of the game,
and low in the endgame. In a handicap game against a stronger opponent
the assumption is that the weaker player will make more mistakes (i.e.
has a higher error margin overall). But MCTS programs don't see it that
way - their opponent model is the same strength as they are. So they
choose a move that gives them 95% (+/- 20%) win (against themselves)
instead of the better move that they only gives them a 90% (+/- 20%) win
(against themselves). (I.e. I'm saying their error margin in the opening
is much greater than the difference in their estimate of move values.)


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer (English-Japanese-German-Chinese-Arabic
open source dictionary/semantic network) (About me and my work) (blog on php, flash, i18n, linux, ...)
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Don Dailey
On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 11:50 +0900, Darren Cook wrote:
  Also, if you are down 8 or 9 stones, maximizing your winning chances is
  still the right strategy, right?   
 With MCTS algorithms the error margin is high at the start of the game,
 and low in the endgame. In a handicap game against a stronger opponent
 the assumption is that the weaker player will make more mistakes (i.e.
 has a higher error margin overall). But MCTS programs don't see it that
 way - their opponent model is the same strength as they are. So they
 choose a move that gives them 95% (+/- 20%) win (against themselves)
 instead of the better move that they only gives them a 90% (+/- 20%) win
 (against themselves). (I.e. I'm saying their error margin in the opening
 is much greater than the difference in their estimate of move values.)

There could be something to that.  

Do you believe that they will play the 90% move if they are told they
are not really down 9 stones? 

I did a bunch of experiments and ALWAYS got a reduced wins when I faked
the komi.   But there are a million ways to do this and I may not have
stumbled on the right way.

- Don


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread dhillismail
 -Original Message-
 From: Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: computer-go
 Sent: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 11:09 pm
 Subject: Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

 On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 11:50 +0900, Darren Cook wrote:
   Also, if you are down 8 or 9 stones, maximizing your winning chances is
   still the right strategy, right?   
  With MCTS algorithms the error margin is high at the start of the game,
  and low in the endgame. In a handicap game against a stronger opponent
  the assumption is that the weaker player will make more mistakes (i.e.
  has a higher error margin overall). But MCTS programs don't see it that
  way - their opponent model is the same strength as they are. So they
  choose a move that gives them 95% (+/- 20%) win (against themselves)
  instead of the better move that they only gives them a 90% (+/- 20%) win
  (against themselves). (I.e. I'm saying their error margin in the opening
  is much greater than the difference in their estimate of move values.)

 There could be something to that.  

 Do you believe that they will play the 90% move if they are told they
 are not really down 9 stones? 

 I did a bunch of experiments and ALWAYS got a reduced wins when I faked
 the komi.   But there are a million ways to do this and I may not have
 stumbled on the right way.

If my engine plays in a high handicap game (and it has to be a pretty high 
for the first moves, it can't see a difference for any moves and plays 
I can fix this by making the playout asymetrical. I make the playout moves for 
lighter (higher probability of being random). With this adjustment, it makes 
looking moves. I haven't tested this extensively because I don't have any need 
for an 
engine that plays better in high handicap games.

- Dave Hillis

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Darren Cook
 Do you believe that they will play the 90% move if they are told they
 are not really down 9 stones? 

I just did a quick test of Mogo in that same position (black E5, white
E3). (After switching off its opening book, which ironically instantly
plays the same black 3 F4 move I just said was bad.)

At komi 7.5 it starts off liking E4 at 100,000 playouts, then switches
to F3 (the keima attach) at 260,000 playouts, and sticks with F3 until
the end (1.3 million playouts) with 49% confidence at the end.

(F3 is a good move.)

At komi 3.5 it starts with F3 this time, then at 190,000 playouts
switches to D3 (the symmetrical move!) and sticks with that (1.4 million
playouts, 55% confidence).

At komi 0.5 it choose C5 (the whole way, except for a period of
preferring G5, the symmetrical move), 60% confidence.

(C5 is also a strong move, but I'd personally prefer F3 or E7.)

So, in that very small experiment, faking komi chooses different moves,
but they are probably equally good.


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer (English-Japanese-German-Chinese-Arabic
open source dictionary/semantic network) (About me and my work) (blog on php, flash, i18n, linux, ...)
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Hideki Kato

On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 11:50 +0900, Darren Cook wrote:
  Also, if you are down 8 or 9 stones, maximizing your winning chances is
  still the right strategy, right?   
 With MCTS algorithms the error margin is high at the start of the game,
 and low in the endgame. In a handicap game against a stronger opponent
 the assumption is that the weaker player will make more mistakes (i.e.
 has a higher error margin overall). But MCTS programs don't see it that
 way - their opponent model is the same strength as they are. So they
 choose a move that gives them 95% (+/- 20%) win (against themselves)
 instead of the better move that they only gives them a 90% (+/- 20%) win
 (against themselves). (I.e. I'm saying their error margin in the opening
 is much greater than the difference in their estimate of move values.)

There could be something to that.  

Do you believe that they will play the 90% move if they are told they
are not really down 9 stones? 

I did a bunch of experiments and ALWAYS got a reduced wins when I faked
the komi.   But there are a million ways to do this and I may not have
stumbled on the right way.

Mr. Okasaki, a strong amatur, tested MoGo with a 9 stones handicap 
game at winning rate around 50% by adjusting komi on each move and 
reported it played clearly stronger than others, say, on KGS and the 
cluster version at Paris.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Erik van der Werf wrote:

You're right, my reply was sloppy (it seems I'm too much used to
Japanese rules). Also I should have read GCP's email more carefully; I
did not realize that his program, even with a large tree, would not be
able to recognize the seki.  I knew of course that the original Mogo
playouts had this problem, but I thought all strong programs had
solved it by now...

No, far from it in fact.

If anyone has found a clean solution that does not make the program 
worse in other LD situations, I'm all ears.

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