Re: [slim] Forum problems?

2010-01-08 Thread audiomuze

Have had to restart browser after every post for last 2 days.  Good to
know it's not something on this end.


*If you want continued support for Customscan and Custombrowse plugins,
vote for 'Bug #6023 -  New plugin hooks to implement scanning functions'
( and let Plugin
developers do what Logitech won't.*

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Re: [slim] Rhapsody shuffle actually does work, sort of.....

2010-01-08 Thread Michael Herger
Please update that bug report (if you haven't already). Thanks!


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Re: [slim] Forum problems?

2010-01-08 Thread JJZolx

Hmmm, you may be right about the browser.  I just had a long lockup,
where I couldn't load anything from the forums in Firefox.  But I had
opened both Opera and Chrome and the forums loaded instantly in both
browsers while the spinnies kept spinning in Firefox.  Odd...



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[slim] Squeezebox out of sync

2010-01-08 Thread Peoke

I have 4 Squeezeboxes, but one of them doesn't sync with the others.
It's always a little bit behind, which is very annoying listening to.
The other 3, always sync perfectly!

The funny thing is that it is the Squeezebox which is closest to my
router that wont sync properly. Its 1,5 meters from my router

I have tried resetting the squeezebox, squeezebox server, my router, my
modem and my computer several times. I have also tried to switch 2 of my
squeezeboxes to see if the squeezebox was broken. Last I've tried to
connect the squeezebox with an ethernet cable, but it is still the same

I had a similar problem 1 or 2 years ago, but the problem solved itself
after a Squeezebox server update, so I just assumed they've fixed the

I have spent hours trying to figure out how to fix the problem. I
haven't changed anything in my setup, so im really clueless where the
problem is!

This is my setup:

- Squeezebox Receiver Livingroom - WiFi/ethernet (The one the wont
- Squeezebox Receiver Bedroom - Ethernet (OK)
- Squeezebox Classic Kitchen - WiFi (OK)
- Squeezebox Boom Bathroom - WiFi (OK)

- Mac Mini running Snow Leopard - Connected to my router with ethernet
- Apple Airport Extreme router

Everything is running the latest software version. No Anti Virus

Can somebody help?


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Re: [slim] Forum problems?

2010-01-08 Thread Pat Farrell
JJZolx wrote:
> I think there are just intermittent problems.  

There are clearly problems. I agree that they seem intermittent.
Chrome vs FF seems to make no difference to my usage, its just flakey.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Forum problems?

2010-01-08 Thread erland

JJZolx;504467 Wrote: 
> I think there are just intermittent problems.  I don't restart the
> browser and it clears itself up after a minute.  It's only been doing
> this for a couple of days, so I suspect a problem with the web server or
> their network.
Could be a bad cluster node or something similar. So it works as long
as your request goes to one of the working nodes but when it goes to the
bad node it takes time.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] Forum problems?

2010-01-08 Thread JJZolx

erland;504465 Wrote: 
> Someone said it works better in Google Chrome. For me, who is using
> Firefox, it seems to work if I restart the web browser, really
> strange...
> It works for a few minutes, then I have to restart the web browser to
> get it to work again.

I think there are just intermittent problems.  I don't restart the
browser and it clears itself up after a minute.  It's only been doing
this for a couple of days, so I suspect a problem with the web server or
their network.



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Re: [slim] Forum problems?

2010-01-08 Thread erland

Someone said it works better in Google Chrome. For me, who is using
Firefox, it seems to work if I restart the web browser, really
It works for a few minutes, then I have to restart the web browser to
get it to work again.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread mark-e-mark

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

Anybody at Logitech paying attention to the whole Google/OpenSource
thing going on?  

The development community for Slimware or Squeezeware (yes, I made
those up) should not be taken for granted. This is a real resource for
design, development, and testing.  The question is for Logitech Product
Management: what is the roadmap for the Squeezebox products, and how can
Logitech leverage this community in the design and development of these

My suspicion is that there is tremendous concern around confidentiality
when considering opening product development to the community.  The
question I would pose to the community is how can we assist?  Are there
devices or methodologies that would allow for a community to participate
in design and development while maintaining confidentiality?


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[slim] New SB Radio extremely bassy

2010-01-08 Thread Julian Hirsch

I just purchased a new SB Radio at Best Buy.  This is just an amazing
piece of functional technology except for the extreme boomyness
(excessive bass). This is most evident during male talk show radio shows
and for me a good reason to return the radio.

Is is true that there is now and never will be any functional tone
controls on the SB radio?  If not what a shame.  Thank you.

Julian Hirsch

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread kdf

On 2010-01-08, at 4:27 PM, snarlydwarf wrote:
> Don't some non-Logitech people have SVN commit access?

There are (myself and triode, for example), but it's not complete freedom to 
just dump anything we feel like into the core code.  Access is given due to a 
level of trust.  The management of non-logitech commits isn't done in the same 
way as it was in the past, but when deadlines approached, all third party (and 
employees) were asked to have everything reviewed by key stakeholders before 
committing. I'm happy to commit patches by proxy (and have done so frequently) 
but only at times when it's open to do so.  7.5.0 is not in that state.  Maybe 
for 7.4.2 since there is no pending release, and if there was a patch to fix 
something known to be broken in 7.4.1.  

> That would get around the submit-patches-hope-they-get-taken in
> problem.
patches still need to be reviewed.  I committed something today, but it was a 
note in a readme.  I'll also fix typos or even add debug lines if it helps look 
over a problem mentioned in a thread.   I've got a fair number of patches 
sitting attached to bugs that I won't even think about committing until Touch 
is out or someone more directly on the hook for supporting the code says it's 
ok :)

Yes, I'm upset about the changes in communication too, simply opening up svn 
isn't the solution.  Perhaps when dust settles, we could pitch for a branch to 
be created for "third party experiments" that could take in unsupported patches 
(via logitech or trusted committers) and be built internally by the same 
processes as the trunk.  This would allow for wider testing of some changes and 
to put money where my mouth is, I can certainly volunteer to merge and commit 
patches on something like that.  I don't post often nowadays but I'm still 
reading most posts, and I would be prepared to respond to patches under this 
system without much delay (within reasonable limits so that we aren't loading 
up too many wacky experiments in one day).

> The SBS API seems to have a lot of cruft especially since there are
> some major design changes between the SB1/2-3/Duet/SqueezePlay devices. 
> Then you have the whole json stuff and cli stuff (which to use when?)...
Yes, it does.  This is sometimes the drawback of third party contribution.  
It's a temptation to accept a patch, but then it can turn out later that it 
gets in the way of something else.  There is always a risk that the patch 
provider won't be around later in order to support it.  I'm certainly not 
completely innocent here either.  I still kick myself when I look at some of 
the home menu code for the older players.  Sure, it allowed for customising the 
home menu (and in fact, also manipulating any level), but it hasn't kept up 
with how newer features and hardware interact with the UI.  It's a huge task to 
make what appear to be simple requests work without ripping apart large 
sections and starting from scratch.

> And god forbid removing any of it.  (I could easily see a case for
> yanking the CLI access and focusing on json/http functionality.. but too
> much stuff depends on CLI, and can't break that, even if there is a ton
> of duplication...)

exactly.  I've seen many attempts to remove some really painful code problems.  
Some have been met with rather strong protest when the change takes away 
something that has been used.  A case in point was some problematic and error 
prone http headers no longer being used by anything in the core and were more 
completely handled by the CLI.  However, these headers were in use by a third 
party application so they went back in.  I think that bit of code is mostly 
gone now, but at the time, it did limit what could be done to fix some other 
known issues of the day.

In this thread, we've seen recognition that larger companies are slower.  Very 
true.  Also, more cautious.  This is why startups have room to come in a blow 
people away with new ideas.  Clearly in this new climate, we can be upset about 
changes for third party developers as there are very definite changes going on 
for plugin authors and for third party core coders (and, for that matter paid 
Logitech employees).  However, try turning that around and consider how we can 
convince "the powers that be" that there are ways that could be found to allow 
"us" to better support ourselves.  Surely it's simpler to accept a patch that 
gives the core a new API hook for a desired plugin feature than to campaign for 
time-limited employees to be given high level support to allocate time to write 
that code internally? I started my journey into SS by sending patches to Dean 
in order to make my own skin (and it wasn't even a public skin at that point).  

At some point in open source, there is always the talk of forking.  Maybe what 
I'm talking about here is more or less forking, but in a way that still allows 
for new features to merge back into the core.  


[slim] Getting Squeezebox to work with Max WiFi

2010-01-08 Thread rjjk91

I am trying to get my Internet Radio Player to pick up wifi from my
macbook, but it is not working. I did System Preferences > Sharing >
Internet Sharing > Share your connection from: "Ethernet" / To computers
using: "AirPort" And my i touch works with this network. The Internet
Radio Player picks up the network i created but when i try to connect i
get an error that says DHCP address could not be found. what do i do?


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread gariboldi

There must be some sort of telepathy because I just logged
on/re-registered after a long absence to start a thread.

I wouldn't know where to start myself -but are there any plug-in
developers out there  who would be wiling to pick this up.


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[slim] Rhapsody shuffle actually does work, sort of.....

2010-01-08 Thread rgro


I posted this in the developers forum as a reply but I figured that
this might also be of general interest, so my apologies for the

It DOES work.sort of--on Rhapsody, at least.

I, too, had this same issue...runnng Duet/7.4.1 and ran up against the
dead-end/bug report.  But, after fiddling with it a bit I found that
shuffle does work, just not the way it should.  

I've only verified that this works with my own Rhapsody playlists, not
any of the "pre-packaged" ones and I don't use Napster, so can't vouch
for that one.  After a number of experiments, here's how to do's
a bit of a workaround, but not bad:

Leave the shuffle function OFF and start playing the first song on your
playlist.  Once your first song is playing, go back to your menu and
then select shuffle>song.  The little shuffle icon then appears at the
bottom (of my Duet screen, in this case).  Then you can go back to the
"Now Playing" screen, if you want.  In my experience, it'll shuffle from
that point on (it's actually shuffling my Rhapsody "oldies" playlist as
I write).

You have to perform this little ritual each time you want to shuffle a
playlist as it doesn't seem to hold once you go to another playlist.

Hope this helps and let me know if it works for any of you...



System information

Running Squeeze Server 7.4.1 r28947 on Windows 7 64 bit/ HP Pavillion
w/Intel i7 processor.

1 Duet Controller running 7.4.1 r7915,  and 1 receiver running firmware
V 65.

Controller and receiver configured in all-wireless set-up using Netgear
WNDR 3700.

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread kdf

On 2010-01-08, at 4:40 PM, Phil Meyer wrote:
> Maybe there's been more activity in the embedded branch for TinySC 
> development?
Lots in the embedded branch.  Clearly also a good amount in the squeezeplay 
side as well, but those don't go to any mailing list.  It's only visible 
through svn log or jsut the update revision numbers showing up on the Touch.

> Seeing that the devs have said that they're too busy getting Touch delivery 
> sorted out, I'm suprised that there's not the usual level of activity in SVN 
> on trunk.

Looking at a lot of the bug reports, many high priority ones are something that 
I can recognise as complicated.  When I was more heavily involved, part of why 
I was so active was that I looked through bugzilla and took care of the 
low-hanging fruit.  As a third party, with my own full-time job to worry about, 
I could only give up small blocks of time.  I chose issues that could be 
started and done is a few blocks as possible and avoided anything that might 
end up on hold for longer periods while I was busy with other things.  I had to 
backtrack too much to get anything useful done if it was left too long 
(including the wait for reviews on patches).

Most bugs now aren't as simple.  They are deeper and more involved.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread andyg

robchel;504438 Wrote: 
> Andy I'm way out of my depth here - but the Audible web site allows
> members to "stream" content directly from their web page library - no
> downloads invovled. Might this offer a way to access content that's not
> in the ACC format?
> rc

Yeah they do have this feature but it's still AAC.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread robchel

Andy I'm way out of my depth here - but the Audible web site allows
members to "stream" content directly from their web page library - no
downloads invovled. Might this offer a way to access content that's not
in the ACC format?


andyg;504299 Wrote: 
> FYI Audible is AAC content so yes, it would only be possible on
> Radio/Touch/future stuff.


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread mbonsack

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

erland;504424 Wrote: 
> For me it seems to help to restart the web browser.

Chrome fixes (or bypasses) this problem 100% for me; Firefox on Linux
has been having the stated issues for the last day or two.


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread Phil Meyer
>I think Andy's up to his eyeballs with
>TinySC at the moment, and no clue what Michael is working on (I don't
>look at SVN logs... :)
There's been very little changes checked in to 7.5.0 trunk branch recently.
Since the start of the year, only Michael Herger has checked in changes, and 
not much that looks extensive or all that important.  eg. a few string 
translation changes, silencing some warnings, some new Flicr screensaver mode, 
update build documentation...

Maybe there's been more activity in the embedded branch for TinySC development?

Seeing that the devs have said that they're too busy getting Touch delivery 
sorted out, I'm suprised that there's not the usual level of activity in SVN on 

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Re: [slim] - passwird issue, cant use iPeng now

2010-01-08 Thread mnichollsuk

toby10;504399 Wrote: 
> Again, which player do you have?
> Have you tried actually navigating the player itself (not from your
> computer) to MySB?

I am running 7.4
2 x Duet's (both new)
The players have never been registered to other accounts

Both players now showing for the first time, but both showing not

(though locally in the home they are connected and running fine)



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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread erland

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

snarlydwarf;504422 Wrote: 
> (And here I go trying to submit this... am I the only one having some
> odd issue with this forum and timeouts?  It refuses to load "sometimes"
> from both home and work.)
No, I'm also seeing this, it's has been this way at least the last
12-24 hours.
For me it seems to help to restart the web browser.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread snarlydwarf

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

erland;504407 Wrote: 
> Yes, that thread in the developers forum is an example of something that
> I'd like to see more of. A lot of credit to Ben for listening and
> working together with third party developers with that issue.

Yes, classic Ben.  Why I'd treat him to a beer if he dropped off in
Oregon some year.

It's interesting to watch the personalities: Ben seems completely
oblivious to politics.  He just does his thing and ignores it all. 
Michael and Andy seem more stressed.  Michael seems to want to jump in
and say something but doesn't want to cross some mysterious line.  ("Yes
we are reading this", but he won't go beyond that...)

> The full discussion can be found in the link to a thread to the
> Developers forum in the initial post of this thread.

I read that this morning... the time issue is I think temporary, at
least with Andy and Michael.  I think Andy's up to his eyeballs with
TinySC at the moment, and no clue what Michael is working on (I don't
look at SVN logs... :)

Don't some non-Logitech people have SVN commit access?  I would think
you would be able to get that for your commits if anyone does.  (Hah! 
Then you could just commit your plugins and make everyone else maintain

That would get around the submit-patches-hope-they-get-taken in

API changes do suck... My day job is dealing with some Drupal servers
and the way Drupal changes API's at every version is... annoying.   It
makes upgrading a pain in the butt between versions, since many 3rd
party plugins break sound familiar?  At least there is a ton of
documentation on most of the API, but I'm not sure there is a good
changelist for API changes with Drupal either.

It's not an easy problem to solve, though it should be less of a
problem with SBS since it isn't as bloated with 3rd party stuff.  But,
Drupal I think has a better designed and documented API to begin with,
so cheating to get things not provided by the API (or not allowing theme
overridden) doesn't happen all that often in 'major' plugins.

The SBS API seems to have a lot of cruft especially since there are
some major design changes between the SB1/2-3/Duet/SqueezePlay devices. 
Then you have the whole json stuff and cli stuff (which to use when?)...

And god forbid removing any of it.  (I could easily see a case for
yanking the CLI access and focusing on json/http functionality.. but too
much stuff depends on CLI, and can't break that, even if there is a ton
of duplication...)

> In my opinion it's about getting the third party contributors feeling
> that they are important and that they get to participate in the
> development. I think the keyword here is "communication" which requires
> man hours.

Which are sadly short.  (Well, and officially everyone was gone for at
least a week, though Andy and Michael were workaholics and checking

(And here I go trying to submit this... am I the only one having some
odd issue with this forum and timeouts?  It refuses to load "sometimes"
from both home and work.)


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Re: [slim] Forum problems?

2010-01-08 Thread DaveWr



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Re: [slim] Forum problems?

2010-01-08 Thread toby10

JJZolx;504404 Wrote: 
> What's going on with the forums?  They just 'go away' for 15-30 seconds
> at a time.  Been happening for the last two days or so.  Are you guys in
> the middle of moving the servers from the old offices?

Maybe they are moving the Forums to the EU MySB server?



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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread DaveWr

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

The developers might be real committed guys.  But somewhere in the chain
above them is the owner of what programs to do and when.  Hopefully
somebody interested in definition, design and verification techniques. 
This has not been that formally controlled in the past (Dean & Sean ??).
Where it sits now post business re-organisation is anybodies guess.

The Controller (Jive Squeeze OS) wasn't very smooth from an external
The Radio, well alarms and mySB
Touch - No SB3 Stock, No new product.

I can see Logitech senior management screaming.  They may be naive
about what they bought, but they need (probably already have) to decide
what they want.  

They also need to understand the fragility around their current
methods.  Unless you can allow significant time to interchange with the
third party developers, or stop the changes that every release causes to
interfaces, then there will be no external applications.


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread erland

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

snarlydwarf;504401 Wrote: 
> 3rd party fixes (someone is actually working on fixes to the Radio's
> alarm code) are also essential.
Yes, that thread in the developers forum is an example of something
that I'd like to see more of. A lot of credit to Ben for listening and
working together with third party developers with that issue.

snarlydwarf;504401 Wrote: 
> What support is it that you need, that you feel is lacking?
I summarized my view in this post earlier in this thread:

The full discussion can be found in the link to a thread to the
Developers forum in the initial post of this thread.

In my opinion it's about getting the third party contributors feeling
that they are important and that they get to participate in the
development. I think the keyword here is "communication" which requires
man hours.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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[slim] Forum problems?

2010-01-08 Thread JJZolx

What's going on with the forums?  They just 'go away' for 15-30 seconds
at a time.  Been happening for the last two days or so.  Are you guys in
the middle of moving the servers from the old offices?



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Re: [slim] Network configuration question

2010-01-08 Thread pski

Just showing the NAS to the internet won't do anything for

The scrobbling will take place between the SBS and



real stereo doesn't wake neighbors (it enrages them)

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread snarlydwarf

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

ModelCitizen;504389 Wrote: 
> Mr SnarlyDwarf.
> What a very great post. I wish I'd written it myself. However, if
> Logitech do intend to support third party plugin writers after the Touch
> is released I think it would be wise of them to let "the community"
> (sic) know sooner rather than later. Otherwise there won't be any third
> party left and they'll be left flogging cheap short-term Facebook crap.

Oh, I'm sure they do.  (Though probably not many on TinySC... the
CPU/RAM could be a real issue for complex plugins.)

'tis why I wish that Andy or Mickey or Michael or Ben or Caleb or,
actually, any of the SB team could give 3rd party developers and aside
that they really do understand.  (Actually, Michael has been pretty good
on that, but I get a feel that he's feeling 'leashed' about what he can
and cannot say.)

> Erland and a lot of other 3rd party developers provide essential
> functionality without which Logitech could not sell SBs. There's lots of
> 3rd party code even in the core product.
> And most of those contributors are in a less favorable situation than I
> am because I can at least make some money with iPeng which helps around
> some frustrations.

Oh, I get that completely.  Hence my comment about the irony of using
MusicInfoSCR on the Boom packaging and probably elsewhere.  3rd party
plugins are so essential that the marketing people use them without even
knowing it.

3rd party fixes (someone is actually working on fixes to the Radio's
alarm code) are also essential.

Other than 'stop changing the API every two weeks' (it seems that 7.5
hasn't made serious changes to the API at least), I don't know what the
solution is here...

Is it more "we need to actually come up with a proper API, and allow
more places for plugins to hook themselves in" or something else?

'FIX IT' is all well and good, but... fix what?  How?

What support is it that you need, that you feel is lacking?

Is it because people have no time as they bury themselves in code
trying to figure out what makes the WMA decoder barf?  Or is it
something else?


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Re: [slim] FATAL: There is already another copy of the SqueezeboxServerrunning on this machine

2010-01-08 Thread Tom Hutcheson

Hey man -

You spent almost as much time on my problem as I did. Thanks so much.
I'd like to send you a couple of beers. What's the best way to do that -
can I email you off list?

You taught me a few things to boot.


bpa;504394 Wrote: 
> I've had that sort of Windows fault before - where after years of
> operation, the accumulated crud of multiple installs, uninstall and
> updates seems to end up with a mixed up systems - this is verified by a
> clean install.  
> I think you have characterised the problem - it was some sort of
> Windows problem which is probably unreproducible. 
> However I will file a bug report to get the SBS code changed to fix the
> "unknown error" bug and produce a proper error message.

Tom Hutcheson

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Re: [slim] - passwird issue, cant use iPeng now

2010-01-08 Thread toby10

Again, which player do you have?
Have you tried actually navigating the player itself (not from your
computer) to MySB?


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread erland

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

snarlydwarf;504372 Wrote: 
> Well, officially Erland isn't supporting it on SB3 either...
Correct, an API change somewhere and they will stop working on all
devices. Hopefully there won't be any last minute change like this in
the 7.5 release, if there is, I currently have no plans to fix it.

snarlydwarf;504372 Wrote: 
> No doubt that people like Andy, Michael and Ben (is Fletch still
> around?), are very much supportive of "we need 3rd party plugins"...
> Michael and Ben were (are?) 3rd party plugin authors long before they
> got hired and I'm sure they know exactly the frustration that Erland
> has.  (And I'm sure Erland knows this...)
Believe me, they know and I know. 
As I tried to say initially, the developers are the good guys, this
thread is more directed towards the management that direct the
developers regarding what they should prioritize.
I won't quote your whole post but I suspect your description of the
current situation in many ways are pretty close to the reality.

snarlydwarf;504372 Wrote: 
> But there's something about the tone of things around here: I like
> Andy, and Michael and Ben and the rest of the developers, too.  I don't
> want to see them getting prematurely bald or grey, or just pissed off
> and frustrated as they try to put out multiple fires, especially since
> this one isn't their doing.  (It's one thing to have to fix your own
> buggy software, it's another to have political nonsense holding you back
> from saying your mind, or doing what you want... most of us have
> experienced such nonsense at work, and I for one don't want to add to
> their headache.)
I understand what you are saying but I think it's also important that
Logitech realize that the third party contributors are here because it's
fun or interesting, they aren't here because they are payed for it. As
soon as it isn't fun anymore, third party contributors will leave. There
are people that have been very active before but now isn't because it no
longer feels like they are part of the development. After a third party
developer has decided to leave, it's not easy to convince him/her to
start working for free for Logitech again.

I also have to say that I'm not just talking about the last six months,
the situation has been gradually worse during the last two years or so.
The licensing issue is important to get an indication in what direction
Logitech is heading but it's about a lot more than that. I think
pfarrell said it quite nicely, it's all about dedicating man hours to
support third party development. Without these hours, the third party
contributions will slowly disappear and with them I'm pretty sure this
community will soon be transformed into a discussion forum with mostly
beginners and a lot less experienced users.

snarlydwarf;504372 Wrote: 
> IMHO, it would be nice if Andy or Mickey could give Erland, Pippin, and
> other major contributors at least a side-chat. "Look, I know it sucks
> for you right now, and it sucks for us, too.. we're on your side, and
> we're going to keep fighting, but for the moment we have Touch to deal
> with as well, so it may take a bit."
I'm sorry to say that it doesn't help me to hear this from the
developers, I need to hear it from someone that I trust have the power
to make sure something really happens after the Touch release.

I've personally decided to stay around until the Touch has been
released and probably a few months after that, but unless something
changes I suspect I'll either stop participating in this community
and/or change to some other products or find some other more effective
way to make sure the existing Squeezebox products is able to do what I
need them to do.

I think we also have to realize that there is always going to be a new
product soon to be released, after the Touch Logitech is going to start
working on either next bug fix release or next new product. Believe me,
the history will continue unless the prioritization changes, first I
heard that getting the Radio out is top priority we will get more time
after that, then the same history was repeated for the Touch immediately
after the Radio release a

Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread pichonCalavera

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

I think third party support is very important, since they extend the
functionality and make it a better experience in many cases. 

I myself only use IRBlaster and the Ipeng App from 3rd parties right
now, but those 2 are critical for my enjoyment of the Squeezebox and my
music, and right now I'm interested in the SB Touch, but first I'll wait
and see how the 3rd party support works by the time is released.


*rip* (eac) > *convert* (flac) > *tag* (musicbrainz/mp3tag) >
*normalize* (replaygain/foobar2000) > *albumart* (www/firefox) >
*transport* (winscp) > *store* (debian) > *manage* (squeezecenter) >
*control* (ipodtouch/ipeng-app) >  *play* (squeezebox) > *preamplify*
(zpre2) > *amplify* (zampv3) > *listen* (axiomm2/sennheiser-hd595) >
*scrooble* ( > *enjoy* (me :)

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Re: [slim] FATAL: There is already another copy of the SqueezeboxServerrunning on this machine

2010-01-08 Thread bpa

I've had that sort of Windows fault before - where after years of
operation, the accumulated crud of multiple installs, uninstall and
updates seems to end up with a mixed up systems - this is verified by a
clean install.  

I think you have characterised the problem - it was some sort of
Windows problem which is probably unreproducible. 

However I will file a bug report to get the SBS code changed to fix the
"unknown error" bug and produce a proper error message.


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Re: [slim] - passwird issue, cant use iPeng now

2010-01-08 Thread mnichollsuk


It must have been random as its now logging me in :)

Although iPeng still wont see my squeezebox's so i logged onto and both are showing on there for the first time but
are both showing offline?  It seems odd as both are on the network

Any ideas?



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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread ModelCitizen

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

Mr SnarlyDwarf.
What a very great post. I wish I'd written it myself. However, if
Logitech do intend to support third party plugin writers after the Touch
is released I think it would be wise of them to let "the community"
(sic) know sooner rather than later. Otherwise there won't be any third
party left and they'll be left flogging cheap short-term Facebook crap.



Think the third party Squeeze plugins and applets are important?
Then 'vote for bug 14194'
( so more can be

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread pippin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases


They've done so. Repeatedly. Here on this site.
This is not about the developers, I think all of them understand how
important 3rd party contributions are.
I believe this is not even to critzize Logitech. To be honest, in their
situation, I, too, would focus on Touch first.

This is to make a point about just how important this is for Logitech
sales as I am very convinced it is, and I believe Erland is seeing it
the same way.

Erland and a lot of other 3rd party developers provide essential
functionality without which Logitech could not sell SBs. There's lots of
3rd party code even in the core product.
And most of those contributors are in a less favorable situation than I
am because I can at least make some money with iPeng which helps around
some frustrations.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread aeo12

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

I have a very large music collection and couldn't get by without the
functionality of Erland's Custom Browse and Custom Scan.  I use several
other 3rd party plug-ins, but would characterize them as "very nice to
have", rather than essential.  Custom Browse and Custom Scan are


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread snarlydwarf

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

DaveWr;504359 Wrote: 
> Yes it does, but the author is not supporting it.
> a matter of time with the way the developers change features

Well, officially Erland isn't supporting it on SB3 either...

Yes, I know Erland is frustrated, but there is also a lot of
over-reaction around

No doubt that people like Andy, Michael and Ben (is Fletch still
around?), are very much supportive of "we need 3rd party plugins"...
Michael and Ben were (are?) 3rd party plugin authors long before they
got hired and I'm sure they know exactly the frustration that Erland
has.  (And I'm sure Erland knows this...)

The catch is most likely something they have hinted at.  Well, two
things most likely:

1) Touch is late.  They are under a ton of pressure to get TinySC,
the UI tweaks, buggy WMA codecs, etc fixed... now.  I am sure this makes
them grumpy when pressured... they don't have TIME to deal with anything
else, and are feeling a lot of pressure.  This also affects the API:
"clean up, document, and enhance the API" is much lower on the priority
list than "get the Touch shipping".

2) Big Companies are Painfully Slow.  There has been an open bug
about the licensing issues on Squeezeplay for, what, 2 years?  This is
all out of the hands of the folks who post here... they need someone in
the corporate legal department to sign off on a better license.  
Getting some PR-shill to announce a 'Rededication to an Open API' etc
takes forever.  PR people are almost as slow as lawyers in writing their

Now, don't get me wrong: I like Erland, he seems to be genuinely nice,
and I rely on his plugins.  I even contributed to his beer fund.

But there's something about the tone of things around here: I like
Andy, and Michael and Ben and the rest of the developers, too.  I don't
want to see them getting prematurely bald or grey, or just pissed off
and frustrated as they try to put out multiple fires, especially since
this one isn't their doing.  (It's one thing to have to fix your own
buggy software, it's another to have political nonsense holding you back
from saying your mind, or doing what you want... most of us have
experienced such nonsense at work, and I for one don't want to add to
their headache.)

That said, any ammo I can give them to complain to corporate about "we
need to do something here, could you please get your ass in gear and fix
the licensing concerns about SqueezePlay..." would be good.

IMHO, it would be nice if Andy or Mickey could give Erland, Pippin, and
other major contributors at least a side-chat.  "Look, I know it sucks
for you right now, and it sucks for us, too.. we're on your side, and
we're going to keep fighting, but for the moment we have Touch to deal
with as well, so it may take a bit."

Not Official Corporate Crap.  But human to human.  I think that would
do wonders.

However it is trivial for me to say that: Big Corporations usually have
no clue about communications, and the value of honestly talking to their
customers without the PR shills in the middle.  For some reason
corporations LIKE that crap, even though most customers would rather
have real contact.  And, sadly, they often forbid such stuff because
they like their own spin on things more than honesty.

So Andy and the rest probably can't actually say the above to anyone,
even though my guess is they would want to.  (Again, Michael and Ben
contributed a ton of code long before they were hired: they know how 3rd
party developers feel.)

Gotta remember who the 'enemy' is. 

Ancient Document that someone at logitech corporate should actually

As I've said before: third party plugins are so essential to Logitech
that they used MusicInfoSCR in their product photos.  Whether corporate
recognizes that is another matter.


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread pfarrell

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

mherger;504112 Wrote: 
> Please note that there's no such thing as a Logitech decision to ban 3rd
> party development or similar, thus no decision to change. 

Sorry Michael, but there has been a management decision to not allocate
any time for the Logitech developers to help the third party folks or to
stabilize the API, etc. So perhaps you are technically correct and will
be shown right in a court of law, but in practice, when there is no
support for openness, and that means specifically allocating some small
amount of engineering resources to helping the third party developers by
documenting and stabilizing the API, then in fact, the support is gone
and the efforts of the third party developers end.

No need to split verbal hairs here. If third party apps/plugins are
important to Logitech, they have to pony up some hours for it.

How many hours, that is a management decision. But zero hours is
effectively a ban.

Also a ban is "allowing Logitech employees to contribute to the effort
in their free time" as I've never seen a good software engineer who had
any free time. There are always either features to add, bugs to fix, or
vacations to take to recharge the mental batteries.



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Re: [slim] FATAL: There is already another copy of the SqueezeboxServerrunning on this machine

2010-01-08 Thread Tom Hutcheson

Backslapping and beerdrinking - drinks around for everyone in the

Got a late start today but reformatted the drive, installed XPPro, took
all the Windows updates, installed Revo Uninstaller, then SlimServer

Installed like in my dreams (as I expected when the saga began). I do
regret that after all that time that ultimately there is no root cause
but my friend was starting to miss her computer.

I'll raise a glass tonight to Sean and Dean, their corporate
descendents, the loyal community, and especially bpa (man - can't thank
you enough - you went above and beyond the call).

Yeah, yeah, yeah (that's the music playing)

Tom Hutcheson

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread DaveWr

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

Yes it does, but the author is not supporting it.

a matter of time with the way the developers change features


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread snarlydwarf

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

SilverRS8;504345 Wrote: 
> Erland, do you support Custom Browse on the Touch? If not I cancel my
> reservation. 

CustomBrowse works fine on the Radio and Touch.

(And SBC... all three are using 'mostly' the same code.)


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v2

2010-01-08 Thread SilverRS8

eyeball;501573 Wrote: 
> WOW, I didn't expect a 2.0 version that soon :) Works fine for me.
> Thanks very much.
> Well, I just discovered an issue with sorting. If I select "TPE2 tag is
> AlbumArtist instead of band" and "Sort artist by ARTISTSORT tag", the
> albums that have an ALBUMARTIST set will be sorted by the ALBUMARTIST
> and not the ARTISTSORT tag. Example, 3 albums:
> 1.) ARTIST: Robert Plant, ARTISTSORT: Plant, Robert
> 2.) ARTIST: Robert Plant; Alison Krauss, ARTISTSORT: Plant, Robert;
> Krauss, Alison, ALBUMARTIST: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
> 3.) ARTIST: Portishead
> Now I would expect the sorting order to be as listed above, 1-2-3. But
> ACC sorts the albums in the order 1-3-2, because the ALBUMARTIST of the
> second album starts with "R".
> Do you have a solution for this?

For test purposes I have added multiple artists to the ARTISTSORT tag
however when I look in the database the second artist is not included.
For AlbumArtist and Artist however this works as it should. So this
leaves me unable to test your issue.

Two questions:
1. Can you answer the questions in
2. Can you mail me an example file with the tagging you used?



Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' ( for
SqueezeCenter '_' ( SlimServer.
2xSB3, 1xDuet, 1xRadio, 1xiPhone iPeng, Ubuntu NAS + SC, Denon
PMA-1500AE + DacMagic + Monitor Audio Silver RS8 = :-)

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Re: [slim] Love My Squeezebox! What's The Equivalent For Video?

2010-01-08 Thread exile

I currently use Boxee on a mac mini and it's quite a brilliant interface
so the dedicated box should be quite slick as well.


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Re: [slim] Love My Squeezebox! What's The Equivalent For Video?

2010-01-08 Thread signor_rossi

Stumbled upon an interesting device that D-link will bring to market
this year, the Boxee Box, rumors say for less than 200$. It is based on
the Nvidia Tegra2 platform and will do 1080p and Flash. The interesting
thing is that it should be able to run a full browser and that the UI
should be much, much better than what other NMT offer atm. Expandability
should also be very good.


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread SilverRS8

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

My music collection consists of many single tracks and many full albums.
Now without Custom Browse I would not be able to browse just the full

With the default Logitech browsing solution the list provided is

Erland, do you support Custom Browse on the Touch? If not I cancel my

Although it would be very sad when this is the case I seriously think
this would be a back against the wall move for Logitech. Custom Browse
and iPeng are simply the most used plugins the majority of users is



Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' ( for
SqueezeCenter '_' ( SlimServer.
2xSB3, 1xDuet, 1xRadio, 1xiPhone iPeng, Ubuntu NAS + SC, Denon
PMA-1500AE + DacMagic + Monitor Audio Silver RS8 = :-)

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Re: [slim] Android part of future squeezebox products?

2010-01-08 Thread peterw

maggior;503000 Wrote: 
> There is some buzz going on the 'net about this job posting for a "super
> star" android engineer:
> I can't imagine Logitech changing direction and moving toward using
> this platform for the squeezebox with SqueezeOS starting to stabilize.

Hmm, if only I'd seen that 'before asking about Android recently'

Android is just a Linux-based OS with a UI library and some apps
included. I expect Logitech could run SqueezePlay on top of Android
(instead of their Linux-based SqueezeOS) if they wanted, and I think
that would be a good, smart interim step. 3rd-party development on
SqueezePlay (the "jive" UI) has been limited compared to 3rd-party
Perl/Squeezebox Server development, and SqueezeOS development has been
very, very scarce. If Logitech merely moved the SqueezePlay UI to
Android (and designed it to run well in the background, etc.) then
customers would instantly gain access to many existing Android apps.
Instead of writing a cool new app themselves or trying to encourage
someone else to write one just for Squeezebox, Logitech could rely on
the greater Android development community. They'd spend less, and
customers would gain more -- especially since Android Market encompasses
both free and paid apps (Logitech has not shown any interest in building
an "app store" for Squeezebox, and even the "app gallery" for
highlighting free apps seems to be losing momentum. As little interest
as folks seem to have in developing "applets" for the new Squeezeboxes,
I think it would be good to at least give 3rd party developers some hope
that they could sell apps. Switching to Android would give developers
that option, at least for apps not strongly tied to the SqueezePlay

A lot of us talk about the value that 3rd-party code has always added
to Squeezebox, and it's still true that 3rd-party work makes Squeezebox
much more powerful than Sonos' black boxes. But 3rd-party Squeezebox
work has always paled terribly compared with 3rd-party options for
Logitech's other big digital media competitor, Apple's iPod Touch (and
iPhone). When Sonos and Slim Devices launched, most people were happy to
buy nice phones that were only good at making phone calls, but Apple has
raised the bar for phones, and portable media players. Why shouldn't
users now expect more of media players with power cords like SB Touch?

Long-term, it might make sense to rewrite the SqueezePlay app as a
native Android app -- Tom, Ben, Erland, and others have spent a fair bit
of time chasing down UI bugs & weaknesses in Jive and SDL; maybe it
would be better to let Google maintain the UI library.

I don't know if Android is a viable option for Radio or Touch, though.
Both have relatively small amounts of RAM (64 MB and 128 MB
respectively, if I recall correctly). I say small because Android
smartphone adopters complained that T-Mobile's first Android phones had
"only" 192 MB, and the new Nexus One has 512 MB of RAM. Radio and Touch
may be stuck with SqueezeOS, for better or worse. But I'd love to see an
upgraded Touch running Android.

If Logitech doesn't make an Android-based Squeezebox, I can easily
imagine some other big company making an Android-based touchscreen
"picture frame" with decent audio outputs, and somebody else porting
squeezeslave to it. Soundbridge v2, with Picasa, Twitter, Facebook, and
YouTube built in. Sound good?

Final thought: Google seems an interesting choice for a partnership
with Logitech. On the one hand, Slim Devices and SMBU always competed
with Apple, so Google would seem a natural ally. On the other hand, some
former SMBU staff have been reassigned to the Logitech division
responsible for products with iPod dock connectors...

Free plugins:  'AllQuiet'
( 'Auto Dim/AutoDisplay'
( 'BlankSaver'
( 'ContextMenu'
( 'DenonSerial'
'FuzzyTime' ( 'KidsPlay'
( 'KitchenTimer'
( 'PlayLog'
( 'SaverSwitcher'
( 'SleepFade'
( 'StatusFirst'
( 'SyncOptions'
( 'VolumeLock'


Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread leng

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

I'm completely dependent on several plugins to make my library system
usable.  Without them I cannot realise the benefits of the Duet
controller or keep my mixed pop/classical/spoken-word collection under

Logitech can only go a certain amount on their own.  The open nature of
squeezecenter and the many plug-ins are what takes this product to a
level above its competitors.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v2

2010-01-08 Thread SilverRS8

I made some changes which require some testing before release and hope
some of you can do some tests? Therefor this beta is only posted on the

What to test?
1. Various artist albums should be sorted by Album name
2. Artist names starting with ¡ or ¿ should be sorted by the first char
of the name, not by ¡ or ¿ (Tamanaco ?)

Thx in advance...



Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' ( for
SqueezeCenter '_' ( SlimServer.
2xSB3, 1xDuet, 1xRadio, 1xiPhone iPeng, Ubuntu NAS + SC, Denon
PMA-1500AE + DacMagic + Monitor Audio Silver RS8 = :-)

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Re: [slim] Net::UDAP - SqueezeBox Receiver configuration tool

2010-01-08 Thread bebop

Made it possible for me to set a static IP on my Duet Player.
A word of caution though ! do not set the SBC Controller to static ip
before you have made the initial setup of the SBC Player, otherwise it
will not find it.



SC 7.3.x on Ubuntu 8.02(on old Dell D600 laptop), Duet SBC&SBR + Boom1
+ Boom2

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Re: [slim] SB2 Blank Display

2010-01-08 Thread Guy

It works perfectly when it is switched on so I think you're right and
it's not going to be a hardware fault.

It connects to both my local SqueezeCenter server and

I've attached a screenshot of the display settings from

|Filename: sb2_display.jpg  |


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread toby10

Moozh;504298 Wrote: 
> Audible is now owned by Amazon so going out of business I suspect is not
> on the near horizon and with my own level of customer satisfaction I
> suspect their customer base has grown since its early days so as of now
> is a healthy viable business, but 15-years from now..who knows

Absolutely agree and very unlikely.
But then, I'm sure the many people buying from Yahoo Music thought the
same thing about the "safety" of buying from Yahoo, a multi-billion
dollar operation still in business and still growing.   ;)

The point is, if it's DRM'd then you are just renting it.  For how
long?  Who knows.  2 years?  10 years?  50 years?  The length of time
you are allowed to use it is up to the actual owner (not you).

The content owner only needs to decide to get out of *that* business,
not necessarily go *out* of business.


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread wnshall

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

The open-source nature of the squeezebox as well as the extensive
3rd-party plugins available was a major reason I originally bought a
squeezebox.  My thoughts, which were verified by my subsequent
experience, was that active 3rd party development meant a more
responsive device.  Users would write plugins to do all sorts of useful
and cool things and this would get done more quickly than if left up to
the main developers.  

Today, certain plugins -- primarily erland's suite -- are critical to
using my squeezebox.  I'm already frustrated at how poorly they appear
to be accepted by the main developers of SqueezeCenter (or whatever it's
called these days.)  For example, it's simply incomprehensible to me
that some sort of "smart list" creation tool hasn't been built-in to the
main server.  This is a basic feature of most every other music player
available, and is going to be a feature that new users look for.  Of
course, playlist generation in general is painful, another missed
opportunity in my opinion.

I can't understand why Logitech would want to stand in the way of 3rd
party development.  Firstly, as others have pointed out, they get a lot
of free help from 3rd party developers.  Secondly, it seems to be the
paradigm of the future; see the iPhone and the iStore.  Thirdly, they
might do well to consider the economic of the Long Tail.  Some attribute
the success of to capturing the Long Tail.  Here it means
that 3rd party developers can create tools that only a few customers
want, but those customers *really* want them and they'll only be
customers if those tools are available.  Might not make sense for the
mothership engineers to do the development for a handful of customers,
but if a 3rd party does it for free, then Logitech just captures some
more customers.  Multiply that by many similar "niche" markets and you
have a sizable effect.

Well, anyway, they know all that.  Not clear what our effect our
comments will have ...


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Re: [slim] SB2 Blank Display

2010-01-08 Thread aubuti

You mention specifically that the display is blank when it is on
standby. Does that mean that it does display information when playing?
Or is it always blank? If it displays when playing then I strongly doubt
it's a hardware fault. 

Is it connected to your local SBS, or to


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[slim] SB2 Blank Display

2010-01-08 Thread Guy

I have an SB2 that I have been using with no problems at all for a few
years (since they were first released!).  Now when the device is on
standby the screen is completely blank instead of displaying the date
and time.

I have checked the screensaver settings, I have checked the brightness
settings, I have pressed the brightness button on the remote (I know the
button works because the firmware reload worked fine), I have reloaded
the firmware, I have reset the player preferences and I have done a
xilinx reset and still the same problem :(.  My other two devices, an
SB1 and an SB3, are working just fine.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem may be or is it likely to be
a hardware fault?



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread andyg

FYI Audible is AAC content so yes, it would only be possible on
Radio/Touch/future stuff.


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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread Moozh

Audible is now owned by Amazon so going out of business I suspect is not
on the near horizon and with my own level of customer satisfaction I
suspect their customer base has grown since its early days so as of now
is a healthy viable business, but 15-years from now..who knows.

Just for clarity: on the sonos, somewhat like on the squeezebox with
all the apps you simply fill in the account username and password
section of the simple dialog, much like you do for your slacker, sirius,
pandora, napster, etc account on ''. In action it really
is quite simple and wilth the numerous device able to play audible
content (I even play it on my Garmin GPS on road trips)I suspect that it
really isnt so cumbersome to get the squeezebox/server as one additional
device that can play the files. All you do is furnish user account
authentication to verify that they are being used by the account holder.
No wait, no delay, they start playing immediately.
I'm a somewhat regular fellow so cant speak to the complexity under the
surface if any, I would expect the squeezebox will need to be approved
by audible as they have the devices that work with their files listed on
their site so a hack-app that didnt go thru the appropriate process
seems likely to be trouble legally but from the perspective of a user it
was as simple as any other squeezebox 'app' to set up.

Remember, if I were so inclined I can still go thru the tedium of
converting all my content into cd-audio (burning them to CD)

Frankly, just like buying a VolksWagen, I'm not so concerned about the
company going belly up leaving me with a product that I can no longer
get spare parts or/and service for. I just dont have that concern and my
desire to listen to my DRM audible files on a squeezebox NOW are a
higher on my list that affirming that I can still listen to my files
generally in 2034 A.D.


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Re: [slim] My Week with a Squeezebox Radio (a reivew)

2010-01-08 Thread socistep

mrkerr;503876 Wrote: 
> I've had the roku setup on my system for the past three years or so and
> haven't had any major problems with it.  Unfortunately, its an abandoned
> piece of hardware so I've been looking at replacing it with a squeezebox
> of late; when the Radio was announced I figured it would be good gifts
> for my teenage daughters and a chance for me to test the squeezebox
> waters.  What follows is my overall impressions.
> I like the looks of the radio; I bought the red version.  I like the
> screen (nice to have the graphics over roku's rather limited text
> screen) and the sound is fine for what it is.
> I like the Pandora and internet radio features (Pandora is what the
> girls use most on the radio) and it works great and reliably so far. 
> The roku could handle internet radio as well but again, the interface on
> the radio makes things a bit simpler.
> The menu tree on the radio took some getting use to but the girls and I
> have gotten better at it with time.  I had some difficulties in the
> beginning finding some of the stuff buried in the menus; a menu tree in
> the user guide or on-line would have been helpful.
> Initial start-up documentation was adequate.  Setting up the radio,
> accessing the wireless network, and doing Pandora and internet radio was
> very easy and worked great.
> And then i installed Squeezebox Server...
> The next step was to get the radios to access the girls music
> libraries.  In the roku, its pretty simple.  iTunes has to be running on
> the computer with the music you want, and the roku then "sees" the
> library and can access the music.  if you want to switch to another
> computer's music and its running iTunes, then its just a click to change
> to that library.  Very simple.
> SBS seems to be over complicated.  Granted, the plug-ins and stuff give
> it some nice options but overall, it just seems for the most part,
> unnecessary.  Using iTunes was much easier; not having to worry about
> what directories store what or having the SBS rescan libraries.  I have
> the music on a network drive and my PS3 can access the music directly
> without any extra software as can the roku; not sure why we have to have
> the SBS running all the time.
> Granted, it wouldn't be a big deal to run SBS if it was just a better
> piece of software.  In just the week I've been running it I've had
> problems with it just quitting on its own, disconnecting from the radios
> at random times, music scans dieing mid-way.  I've spent several hours
> on the forums searching for similar problems and finding that I'm not
> alone...seems to be several out there that have had similar issues. 
> I've tried many of the fixes with mixed results; I've fixed the scan
> problem by killing my anti-virus (the excluding file types didn't work)
> and turning my firewall off completely (none of the recommended firewall
> settings seem to fix anything).  
> It also runs slow and just getting to the control panel or web
> interface takes forever.  Frankly, the whole thing seems like a beta
> version...I could be a bit more forgiving if the squeezboxes were brand
> new products but the server should be more mature than this by now.
> It's also klunky...many of the settings and options aren't readily
> apparent what they require or even do (it took a while for me to figure
> out what "use iTunes" did and I still can't get any applets to show up
> on the radios) and again, the scanning thing seems to be unnecessary. 
> Why can't it just "look" at the music directly without scanning like all
> of the other media servers do?  I'm also having pretty much hit or miss
> luck with getting album artwork to show up.
> It would also help if there was better documentation available for SBS;
> the manual barely addresses it and the wiki isn't very helpful either. 
> So far the forums are the only avenue to really try and get your hands
> around the thing which is a shame.
> So, overall, I'd give the internet radio and Pandora and Facebook
> aspects of the radio and the hardware itself an "A"...but the my music
> feature gets pulled down to a "C-" with the klunky and unreliable SBS. 
> The girls are happy with the non-my music features and simply use their
> ipods to plug into the radio when "my music" is misbehaving...I'll hold
> off on buying a Duet until SBS gets better..and just use the PS3 and
> roku to stream music in the mean time.

Hi There

I agree that SBS doesn't look that great and the functionality needs
improvement, however I've never personally had any performance issues
with it, both from a Dell laptop and a low powered atom based server -
what kit are you running the SBS on ? Are your performance problems
related to accessing the web interface or in the server application
streaming music and being slow to stream ?


ps I have the radio as well in the Kitchen and am a big fan


Re: [slim] An Android-based Squeezebox?

2010-01-08 Thread Paul Webster

If you search the forum for "Android" you will find this recent thread
on the same topic

Paul Webster

Paul Webster

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Re: [slim] An Android-based Squeezebox?

2010-01-08 Thread DaveWr



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[slim] An Android-based Squeezebox?

2010-01-08 Thread Nostromo

Don't know if there's a thread on this yet. 

"While we're all sitting around waiting on the Squeezebox Touch to
break into the world of the officially released, it's nice to take a
little time to ponder what the next round of media products from
Logitech might look like. A clue (and a pretty big one) has been found
in a job posting for an "Android Applications Developer" on a contract
basis, looking for a "a super-star engineer" who has written
"world-class Android applications" to work on "a ground-breaking new
product that will give users access a to broader range of media than
ever before." It could be anything, but given the extremely limited
selection of apps we've seen implemented for the Radio we wouldn't be
surprised if Logitech weren't going open source for its next offering in
the segment -- but we certainly wouldn't turn down an Android-packing
Harmony, either."


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v2

2010-01-08 Thread SilverRS8

lcjohnson;504271 Wrote: 
> Again my system is configured as:
> - Windows XP SP 3 w/ IE8. I have a simple shared network.
> - Music folders are on a newly installed NetGear ReadyNAS Duo net
> attached server.
> - Running Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 at (fixed IP
> addr)
> - I have done the mod on the file on the server and rebooted the
> server.
> - I have installed mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.6-win32.msi
> - The media share on the server is mapped as drive M:
> - Full remote path to music share is M:\Music
> nas-D3-2B-F8:/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/MySQL/
> # $Id$
> #
> # Squeezebox Server specific MySQL Server config.
> [mysqld]
> innodb
> skip-locking
> # If you want to have user permissions - you need to setup a valid
> user, and
> # remove this line below.
> skip-grant-tables
> basedir   = [% basedir %]
> datadir   = [% datadir %]
> tmpdir= [% datadir %]
> language  = [% language %]
> port  = [% port %]
> socket= [% socket %]
> pid-file  = [% pidFile %]
> log-error = [% errorLog %]
> innodb_fast_shutdown  = 1
> max_connections   = 4
> thread_concurrency= 4
> log-warnings  = 0
> #bind-address  = [% bindAddress %]
> default-character-set = utf8
> default-collation = utf8_general_ci
> key_buffer= 2M
> max_allowed_packet= 1M
> table_cache   = 64
> sort_buffer_size  = 512K
> net_buffer_length = 8K
> read_buffer_size  = 256K
> read_rnd_buffer_size  = 512K
> [client]
> socket= [% socket %]
> I re-booted the NAS after modifying
> I'm getting the MySQL refusal error that I posted in my last message
> when I press the test button.

That certainly looks good. If you have used the IP number as listed
above in the remote server option screen everything is ok as it is. So,
I can only imagine that there is something on the network level is
blocking the traffic. Do you possibly have a firewall configured? Either
on the PC or on the NAS?


Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' ( for
SqueezeCenter '_' ( SlimServer.
2xSB3, 1xDuet, 1xRadio, 1xiPhone iPeng, Ubuntu NAS + SC, Denon
PMA-1500AE + DacMagic + Monitor Audio Silver RS8 = :-)

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread kphinney

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

When I bought my SB2 I didn't think twice, or was even aware that it was
an open architecture.  After finding how much more useful the device
could become with plugins I was pleasantly surprised.  

Then I bought a SB3, then a Transporter, then another SB3.  

A month ago I bought a SB Radio as a gift for my Mom knowing full well
that if I installed the right plugins she would use it.  So far it's
been running daily since Christmas and I owe the developers my thanks --
and Logitech does as well as the purchase would not have happened
without them.


-I like it, you may not.  I understand and respect that.-

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread MessierObject

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

The title says it all. Imagine searching through a large collection for
'Symphony No. 3'!


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread kakklank

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

ModelCitizen;504263 Wrote: 
> It must be time for an official Logitech statement about this matter.I'll 
> preempt: ..."You're a legacy customer, your revenue potential is
limited...we don't give a hoot about your wants and needs, get it!"


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v2

2010-01-08 Thread lcjohnson

Again my system is configured as:

- Windows XP SP 3 w/ IE8. I have a simple shared network.
- Music folders are on a newly installed NetGear ReadyNAS Duo net
attached server.
- Running Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 at (fixed IP
- I have done the mod on the file on the server and rebooted the
- I have installed mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.6-win32.msi
- The media share on the server is mapped as drive M:
- Full remote path to music share is M:\Music


# $Id$
# Squeezebox Server specific MySQL Server config.


# If you want to have user permissions - you need to setup a valid
user, and
# remove this line below.

basedir   = [% basedir %]
datadir   = [% datadir %]
tmpdir= [% datadir %]
language  = [% language %]
port  = [% port %]
socket= [% socket %]
pid-file  = [% pidFile %]
log-error = [% errorLog %]
innodb_fast_shutdown  = 1
max_connections   = 4
thread_concurrency= 4
log-warnings  = 0
#bind-address  = [% bindAddress %]
default-character-set = utf8
default-collation = utf8_general_ci
key_buffer= 2M
max_allowed_packet= 1M
table_cache   = 64
sort_buffer_size  = 512K
net_buffer_length = 8K
read_buffer_size  = 256K
read_rnd_buffer_size  = 512K

socket= [% socket %]

I re-booted the NAS after modifying
I'm getting the MySQL refusal error that I posted in my last message
when I press the test button.


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Re: [slim] Revisiting iTunes alternatives for the Mac

2010-01-08 Thread kphinney

whitman;504252 Wrote: 
> That was my point - I'm not denying that's how Apple see it, but that's
> no reason for us to get involved with that. It does not impinge on using
> iTunes.

If you don't want to be involved you don't have to post or read the
posts.  iTunes does not work for me any longer by way of corrupting my
files and mangling the tags used by SServer.  Therefore "using iTunes"
is not an option and I'm researching alternatives wit the help of the
Squeezebox community, of whom a portion use Macs and are having iTunes

Is there a particular facet of the posts in this thread that upset you,
or are you not understanding that because you haven't experienced
headache inducing problems caused by iTunes (yet) that many other are
and do on a regular basis?  Telling me that I'm not having issues with
iTunes is akin to the band playing as the Titanic went down.


-I like it, you may not.  I understand and respect that.-

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread ModelCitizen

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

It must be time for an official Logitech statement about this matter. If
they don't do it they'll lose what remains of the third party developers
anyway so they've got nothing to loose.

BTW. Did Dean's basement collapse on him?



Think the third party Squeeze plugins and applets are important?
Then 'vote for bug 14194'
( so more can be

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread Pat Farrell
Michael Herger wrote:
>> I really hope that Logitech won't kill the Squeezebox platform by going
>> in the direction of not letting the community contribute.
> Please see my previous posting. There are no such plans that I'm aware of.

Michael, While you are legally correct, practically, without some of the
developers time, to do things like create and document APIs, enhance the
APIs used by third parties, etc. they are de-facto closing the product.

Lets make sure everyone understands: the iPhone and other smart phone
control applications are third party. Logitech (and no other company)
has the talent and budget of the combined community.

If you hinder the third party community, you kill it. They are here by
choice, there are other fish to catch in the universe.

Ford, the car maker, is open sourcing their Sync application that lets
you control the user experience, music and other media in their car.
They are doing this for a reason.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Revisiting iTunes alternatives for the Mac

2010-01-08 Thread whitman

That was my point - I'm not denying that's how Apple see it, but that's
no reason for us to get involved with that. It does not impinge on using


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v2

2010-01-08 Thread Rick B .

SilverRS8;504201 Wrote: 
> Did you unzip the contents of the include folder in the zip file (is
> there a JS folder within the Include folder)? 
> Frank

That did it! Works now. Many thanks, from a dumb user.

Rick B.

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread Bert57

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

Did some research before buying a duet and it was third party plugins
that swayed me.  They offer so much more flexibility to the product and
allow me to do what I want.
Have recommended the product to many others who eventually bought.  I
help them with their setup and integrating the product to suite their
needs.  The plugins are always a priority.


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread DaveWr

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

I don't think there is any priority to backward compatibility.  Lot's of
user features have changed, for the worse in my opinion, just to suit
the new squeeze OS, touch screen, MySB approach.

I am not expecting great futures for my SB3s and Boom.

It would not surprise me that existing plugins fall into the same
category - don't fir the TinySC mould.



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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread pippin

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

mherger;504112 Wrote: 
> It's rather a matter of fact that we (the Logitech developers) lack the
> time and resources to better support 3rd parties (by providing
> documentation or stabilizing APIs etc. - see that other thread).

Well, not changing APIs so that existing plugins work in the future as
well would be a start, wouldn't it?

It's more than "no time", it's also "no priority".

And THAT is a decision, the decision about how to prioritize things.
"No time" then follows suite.

The priorities are something like (I'm guessing and doing examples, I
don't know about the real priorities)
1 Get Touch done
2 Fix Radio's Alarm
3 Get services intensive bugs out
4 do some other strategically important things (after all, the
ressources that got moved off the project must have been moved off for a
5 maintain 3rd-party functionality

Given the fact that indeed some pretty important - even for new and
not-so-experienced customers - features of the Squeezebox are provided
by 3rd parties this is a decision that very much has a short-term
As long as it only stays for the short term (e.g. until 1+2 are done)
that may be fine, if it continues after that, I'd expect it to
eventually impact sales of existing products.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread Paul Webster

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

I did my research before buying my first Squeezebox - and the open
nature was a clincher.
However, the core out-of-the-box offering has much more functionality
than when I started - and I could imagine that if I was researching
afresh now (without my current knowledge but scanning the main site)
then I would still have bought and then later discovered that despite
the BBC logo I still needed a free 3es-party plug-in to get the Listen
Again content. At that point I would have breathed a sigh of relief.

Knowing what I know now ... I would want to see continued support for
plug-ins/add-ons before buying another and that is how I voted.

Paul Webster

Paul Webster

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread traut

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

Dropping support for 3rd party development of plug-ins would result in
me not purchasing any more Squeezebox products, and never again
upgrading Squeezecenter if it did not support what I consider critical
plug-ins.  I currently own one Classic, two Booms, and was planning on
purchasing a duet and an additional receiver soon.  Also, I had plans of
a Transporter purchase in the future, once the rest of my main system is
up to par.  I've also purchased several other Logitech peripherals, but
if they decide to kill support for something that has revolutionized the
way so many of us listen to music, I would probably decide to boycott
their products from henceforth.



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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread mstokoe

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

In our house, we've gone completely digital and have over 4000 tracks
cataloged our on SBS. The availability of plugins was the only way that
I was able to address each family member's set of preferences on using
the system (i.e. multi-library, access via smart phone over wi-fi, NPR,
updating cover art from the SBC, playing audiobooks w/o needing to first
rip them)


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v2

2010-01-08 Thread fphredd

SilverRS8;503882 Wrote: 
> If you don't have the remote server settings configured, ACC will use
> the local installation of SBS. Now SBS may not be running but maybe
> MySQL is. ACC will then retrieve the data from the local MySQL database
> instead of the remote. Considering the huge differences in both album
> and track count this seems very likely. 
> An easy solution maybe to enable SBS on the local machine, configure it
> to scan drive M: and then run ACC against the local DB (ofcourse don't
> configure the remote server settings). As a new scan will get the DB up
> to date with the readynas DB I don't think you will see any differences
> between ACC en SBS on the readynas anymore.
> regards,
> Frank

Hi Frank,

Went to the easy solution first, figuring if it works I'm good, no need
for investigation.

New results.

SBS running on local XP accessing ReadyNAS Pro via mapped drive:
Total Tracks: 32,943
Total Albums: 2,592

ACC on same machine accessing mapped drive:
Total albums: 3194Total tracks: 32005

SBS on ReadyNAS Pro:
2553 albums with 32899 songs by 490 artists

The album total issue is not as big to me as I'm sure it has to do with
the tags on some multiple disc concerts...shouldn't matter on the track
count though so I find it interesting that the two SBS scan figures are
different; subject for another post.  Just for S&G's, going to run a
scan with MediaMonkey , see what that one comes up with...


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v2

2010-01-08 Thread fphredd

SilverRS8;503882 Wrote: 
> If you don't have the remote server settings configured, ACC will use
> the local installation of SBS. Now SBS may not be running but maybe
> MySQL is. ACC will then retrieve the data from the local MySQL database
> instead of the remote. Considering the huge differences in both album
> and track count this seems very likely. 
> An easy solution maybe to enable SBS on the local machine, configure it
> to scan drive M: and then run ACC against the local DB (ofcourse don't
> configure the remote server settings). As a new scan will get the DB up
> to date with the readynas DB I don't think you will see any differences
> between ACC en SBS on the readynas anymore.
> regards,
> Frank

Hi Frank,

Went to the easy solution first, figuring if it works I'm good, no need
for investigation.

New results.

SBS running on local XP accessing ReadyNAS Pro via mapped drive:
Total Tracks: 32,943
Total Albums: 2,592

ACC on same machine accessing mapped drive:
Total albums: 3194Total tracks: 32005

SBS on ReadyNAS Pro:
2553 albums with 32899 songs by 490 artists

The album total issue is not as big to me as I'm sure it has to do with
the tags on some multiple disc concerts...shouldn't matter on the track
count though so I find it interesting that the two SBS scan figures are
different; subject for another post.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v2

2010-01-08 Thread SilverRS8

Rick B.;504194 Wrote: 
> The "balloon is undefined" error I get refers to line 23 of the app,
> which is:
> var balloon= new Balloon
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,

Not really yet as you are the only one reporting this issue so there
must be something unique to your configuration. I'll put it on my bug
list to investigate.

Can you list again:
1. OS version and SP
2. OS language settings
3. Internet Explorer version
4. Installed browser plugins to control scripts (focus is IE, not
5. AntiVirus/AntiSpam product used?
6. Did you lock down (configure/tighten security) your computer in any
means (like security levels or advanced security settings in IE)?

Did you unzip the contents of the include folder in the zip file (is
there a JS folder within the Include folder)? 



Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' ( for
SqueezeCenter '_' ( SlimServer.
2xSB3, 1xDuet, 1xRadio, 1xiPhone iPeng, Ubuntu NAS + SC, Denon
PMA-1500AE + DacMagic + Monitor Audio Silver RS8 = :-)

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread Danny8

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

You don't have to go to the ends of the Earth to help. 3rd-party devs.
just don't screw 'em over. That's all we're asking!

If third-party plugins were dropped, I would cease to install future
server upgrades.


I believe Logitech makes high-quality keyboards and mouses, but
Logitech-supplied drivers for these devices are disappointing--to say
the least.

If I had to buy a new keyboard or mouse, I'd look for a MS model that
wasn't overly obnoxious or too complicated.


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Re: [slim] Revisiting iTunes alternatives for the Mac

2010-01-08 Thread kphinney

whitman;504165 Wrote: 
> ...When kphinney goes on about Apple using iTunes as a money-grabbing
> tool, I'm mystified. ...

Sorry, I'd like to address this directly.  Or rather, I'll let Apple
address it.  Please take a look at the new features list and you will
see that almost 50% of the new iTunes features are based on selling
Apps, renting movies, and buying low quality music and audiobooks.


-I like it, you may not.  I understand and respect that.-

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread david_f1976

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

Like many others the 3rd party plugins have become near-vital to my
squeezeboxes. AlienBBC/BBC iPlayer allowed me to get rid of my tuner for
a start.

What differentiates the Squeezeboxes from Sonos is price, infrared
control and 3rd party plugins. I now have iPeng and have noticed the
Sonos street price lower than the Squeezebox Touch's RRP - that mainly
leaves 3rd party plugins as the differentiator. As I've not yet
completed my audio player purchasing, if the Sonos is as easy to use and
maintain as everybody says the loss of 3rd party support could trigger a
push to jump ship.


Living Room: SB3 -> Musical Fidelity X-DAC V3 -> Marantz PM-66SE -->
Tannoy Profile 631SE
Bedroom: Boom


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread fphredd

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

Started with iPeng and as I discover more plugins, I use more

In this 'era' of embracing open source for third party development,
wouldn't this be backward progress?


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator v2

2010-01-08 Thread Rick B .

Rick B.;503814 Wrote: 
> Hi, Frank. I definitely have not made any javascript changes - wouldn't
> know how even if I wanted to.
> I got the same "balloon" error with Windows Vista and IE7 and now with
> Windows 7 and IE8. Any ideas on what I could check re: java settings?
> Thanks,

The "balloon" error I get refers to line 23 of the app, which is:

var balloon= new Balloon

Any ideas?


Rick B.

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Re: [slim] Revisiting iTunes alternatives for the Mac

2010-01-08 Thread kphinney

I'm sure I can quote my own 10+ posts in this thread and others where
I've said the same as you.  I could also look up a half dozen others
where I not only defend the use of iTune but also point out great new
add-ons and helper programs that allow it to become more useful to the
audiophile community.

Instead, I will only remind us that not everyone shares my opinion or

I'm at a point where the system resources, time, and helper programs I
have to devote to iTunes make it worse than useless. Worse because, as
mentioned in other threads, iTunes does not maintain the integrity of
the files in your library; it changes the tags and bytes themselves
without prompting.

Again, I've been a proponent of iTunes for years and I am currently
still using it -- to add files to my iPod (at least for today - I've
found some great alternatives).   But it's not coming near my main

Thanks for the recording program.  I was hoping to keep the list to
Players, Rippers, and Encoders, but we can add a column.  It'll be a big
list -- there seem to be a LOT of recording programs for the Mac.


-I like it, you may not.  I understand and respect that.-

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Re: [slim] Recommendation for Free Remote Desktop

2010-01-08 Thread KMorgan


quite a few votes for LogMeIn, so I'll give that a whirl.  Thanks for
the help.



Sorry, can't spare enough hours today for that 5 min job on the

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread NPendrigh

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

It is pretty obvious and well accepted that the IBM PC became so
successful because it had an open architecture that anyone could write
to or add hardware to - that is why most people are using Windows on
Intel chips now and almost all of the other architectures disappeared:
Amiga, Commodore Pet, BBC, etc. even if they were / are technically

It was the same for AutoCAD - it was the plug-ins and extensions that
made it so successful

It is the same as saying there is no I in Team

The point is this:

Lose control a little bit to get a much greater reward because you
increase the size of the game that you can play and win in :-)


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Re: [slim] Announce: New Squeezeslave 0.9 Release available on sourceforge

2010-01-08 Thread ralphy

indifference_engine;503996 Wrote: 
> I get the same problem but it's not just limited to internet streams...
> After playing an internet radio stream (eg BBC 6Music from the iPlayer
> plugin) I cannot play anything else be it local or internet.  Restarting
> Squeezeslave gets things working again.  It works fine though if only
> playing local files and the internet streams play so long as I haven't
> played one previously.  I think it's this problem that I'm suffering
> from rather than the incompatible format issue discussed in post #99.
> IIRC in previous versions of ss I got the chipmunks if I changed
> streams.

Thanks for the clarification.  Sounds like you're both running into the
bug in the buffering code that I've yet to track down and fix, but I can
always just click stop in the web gui and start another stream without
the need to restart SS.  The buffering code is very fragile and I really
need to rewrite it but since I only hit the bug maybe once every other
month.  I haven't made it a priority.


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Re: [slim] Recommendation for Free Remote Desktop

2010-01-08 Thread gorman

KMorgan;504155 Wrote: 
> Didn't know about that, I'll have a look.  Thanks.
> Starting from scratch, not a techie, but usually manage OK once pointed
> in the right direction.
> Keep it coming please
> Keith
> Oops, found this with regard to Vista inbuilt RDC, "You cannot use
> Remote Desktop Connection to connect to computers running Windows XP
> Home Edition". That's what the other computer is running so it looks
> like a 3rd party solution will be required.  Oh, and yes both computers
> will be on the same wired home network.LogMeIn works well and has the added 
> advantage of allowing you to
control the machine from pretty much anywhere in the world. There's a
FireFox plugin to streamline its use.


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Re: [slim] Recommendation for Free Remote Desktop

2010-01-08 Thread Aurumer

Windows Remote Desktop is the easiest way. But I think it is not
included in Vista home but only in the Business/Professional versions.


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Re: [slim] - passwird issue, cant use iPeng now

2010-01-08 Thread pippin

mnichollsuk;503910 Wrote: 
> Hey
> I just bought iPeng, and in order for it to work my Squeezebox needs to
> be logged onto, however, when i enter the login details
> on squeezecentre, it keeps telling me the password or username is
> invalid
> I cant use iPeng until this works - any ideas?
> Thanks

A few things.
1. You only need the MySB login whenever you connect iPeng directly to
MySB. It should work fine with your local server no matter what issues
you have with the MySB account.
What are the issues you are having?

2. You Squeezebox (used with iPeng or not) will not work with internet
radio or "Apps" if you can't log into the MySB account. Is this what you
are seeing?

3. I remember there was some issue with 7.4.something with registering
the MySB account, maybe you want to try the 7.4.2 beta:

4. If you have changed accounts and iPeng (the device you run iPeng on,
to be exact) has already been used with the old one, you need to remove
your iPhone or iPod from the old account. You can't do that yourself,
please contact me if this is the issue.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [slim] Recommendation for Free Remote Desktop

2010-01-08 Thread fphredd

Siduhe;504093 Wrote: 
> LogmeIn free works well on Windows.

+1. Installed this for someone not tech savvy enough to post to this
forum, and she has no problem with using LogMeIn...


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Re: [slim] Revisiting iTunes alternatives for the Mac

2010-01-08 Thread whitman

I must say I'm still in the 'nothing much wrong with iTunes' camp. It
works. It's reliable. The interface is intuitive and friendly. What's
not to like?

When kphinney goes on about Apple using iTunes as a money-grabbing
tool, I'm mystified. So ... ignore that. I use iTunes all the time, and
I don't think I've ever bought one thing with it. Because that stuff
never comes up. Just use the program.

I like Frank Sinatra. I never think about the mafia.

And on the subject of Mac recording programs, as we seem to be
list-compiling here, I use and like Wiretap Studio.


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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread autopilot

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

It's critical to me. Other than VFM, plugins are what made me get into
Squeezebox over Sonos etc. BBC iPlayer is about 50% of our usage.
Plugins are what make these products so special and not just another
streamer. I put up with the bugs for the trade off of having access to
to services and being able to customise. Im not sure i could if plugins
for BBC iplayer did not exist.


Cheers, auto.

*lounge:* squeezebox 3, squeezebox controller, cambridge audio 640a,
mission 701's *kitchen:* squeezebox touch, trends ta-10.1, kef cresta
1's. *bedroom:* squeezebox boom *bathroom/garden:* squeezebox radio
*car:* ipod classic 80gb *portable:* iphone 3gs 32gb (+ipeng)

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Re: [slim] Recommendation for Free Remote Desktop

2010-01-08 Thread KMorgan

dave77;504139 Wrote: 
> Can't you just use RDC (Remote Desktop Connection), it comes with Vista.
> All you should need to do is enable the XP box to allow RDC connections

Didn't know about that, I'll have a look.  Thanks.

Starting from scratch, not a techie, but usually manage OK once pointed
in the right direction.

Keep it coming please



Sorry, can't spare enough hours today for that 5 min job on the

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Re: [slim] Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox purchases ?

2010-01-08 Thread rectorydp

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?

- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

Integration with my Home automation has always been critical to me and
was the main reason for buying the SBs. I have always liked the
open-source approach and it is one of the key USPs for SB, IMHO.
Originally I did the integration using the CLI but now I use the xAP
plugin. I also value the ability to access the code for some limited
customizations, eg IR from the controller. Without these sorts of
abilities, SB will start to lose my interest. That would be very sad
after 6 years of constant use. I hope we can see some official comment
from Logitech and appropriate action.


1xSB, 1xSB2, 1xSB3, 2xDuet, 1xBoom, 1xRadio
iPeng (on Touch), SB Server 7.4.2 on WHS

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Re: [slim] Announce: New Squeezeslave 0.9 Release available on sourceforge

2010-01-08 Thread ralphy

indifference_engine;503996 Wrote: 
> I get the same problem but it's not just limited to internet streams...
> After playing an internet radio stream (eg BBC 6Music from the iPlayer
> plugin) I cannot play anything else be it local or internet.  Restarting
> Squeezeslave gets things working again.  It works fine though if only
> playing local files and the internet streams play so long as I haven't
> played one previously.  I think it's this problem that I'm suffering
> from rather than the incompatible format issue discussed in post #99.
> IIRC in previous versions of ss I got the chipmunks if I changed
> streams.

Thanks for the clarification.  Sounds like you're both running into the
bug in the buffering code that I've yet to track down and fix, but I can
always just click stop in the web gui and start another stream without
the need to restart SS.  The buffering code is very fragile and I really
need to rewrite it but since I only hit the bug maybe once every other
month.  I haven't made it a priority.


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Re: [slim] Recommendation for Free Remote Desktop

2010-01-08 Thread Siduhe

carp;504122 Wrote: 
> Are both computers on the same network (i.e. your LAN at home)? Then
> LogmeIn and Teamviewer both seem oversized to me as their main purpose
> is to remote administer computers over the internet.

VNC will certainly do the job very well, but LogMeIn is a bit more
straightforward to set up and work with if you're not that techy, IMHO. 
Also, the ability to log in over the internet can come in very handy if
you ever receive a phone call from home saying "the bl***y Squeezebox
isn't working" whilst at work ;-)


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