Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread tamanaco

SilverRS8;259321 Wrote: 
> Just posted ( the RC2a version with
> the following changes:
> FIXEDProblem with script running slow message of RC2 and screen
> updates
> FIXEDWhen selected startingfolder or compilation folder
> containing a ' character the script stopped
> ADDEDStore all settings. Also Radiobuttons.
> It has already been tested by Schatzy so this one should resolve the
> previous problems. SecretSquirrel, can you test and confirm the correct
> working of ACC with Firefox?
> Frank

Installed RC2a and the script ran without a hitch. All the album covers
were found and displayed. The main problem that remains, in my case, is
that not all the tracks are sorted correctly for all the albums. I'm
trying to find out what's common with those albums whose tracks are out
of order, but I can not find anything. The Web interface of SC7 displays
all the albums with all the tracks in the correct order. 

The other issue is "cosmetic" and does not need to be prioritize. I can
live with it. I rather have more sorting options implemented. But just
in case, I'm attaching two images. The one on the left is what I get
when I start the ACC. The one on the right is what I get after I resize
the ACC window. Btw, I did not have this issue with the first two beta

|Filename: ACCScreens.jpg   |


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread schatzy


The issue with the resizing the windows of ACC is due to your font size
selection in Windows.

I have been able to recreate this on my computer and would like you to
check something.

1.right click anywhere on your desktop where there is not an icon

2. Click properties

3. Click the settings tab

4. Click the advanced button

5. Click the General tab if it is not showing

Under DPI setting what is the setting
Normal (96dpi), Large (120dpi) or Custom.

I believe that you will find that it is set to Large or Custom. Setting
mine to large causes the same problem. 

IF that is the case and you need it set to large or custom for some
reason then let me know and i will make you a special background and
then have you change the window size in the ACC.hta file to accommodate
this font size setting.

If this is not the case then i will have to look into it further.But
from the pictures you posted i think this will be the situation.



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread Secret Squirrel

schatzy;259350 Wrote: 
> Secret Squirrel
> I found i had to change the file association for .htm and .html to
> force it to use FireFox.
> This worked for me, but let me know how it goes after you have tried
> it.
> Schatzy

I just download RC2a. Before running it I checked by file associations
like Schatzy recommended and they were set for Firefox. I still got the
Zone Alarm message about IE(no big deal), but everything ran fine as

It just gets better!

Cheers guys!


Secret Squirrel

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread schatzy

Secret Squirrel,

So what you are saying is that it actually opened in FireFox but you
still got a Zone Alarm message for IE.

This is probably caused by the fact that ACC uses a function of
IE/Outlook/Office that is designed for saving web pages and then
viewing them off line. 

If this is the case can you live with the Zone alarm message be cause
we will not be able to stop it happening without a change in Zone



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread Secret Squirrel

schatzy;259582 Wrote: 
> Secret Squirrel,
> So what you are saying is that it actually opened in FireFox but you
> still got a Zone Alarm message for IE.
> This is probably caused by the fact that ACC uses a function of
> IE/Outlook/Office that is designed for saving web pages and then
> viewing them off line. 
> If this is the case can you live with the Zone alarm message be cause
> we will not be able to stop it happening without a change in Zone
> Alarm
> Schatzy

No, it still opens the output list in IE. I have NO PROBLEM with the ZA
message and can ignore it anyway(as you probably know). Please don't put
any work in that direction!

It does "weird" me out a bit that it still open in IE even though I
checked the file associations. Will check more later but the better
half requires my attention.

Cheers guys!


Secret Squirrel

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread schatzy

Secret Squirrel,

Can you check something.

1. Open you ACC folder
2. Open the AlbumCatalog folder
Question - the htm or html files in that folder do they have an IE icon
or a Firefox icon.

Which icon is shown?



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread Secret Squirrel

schatzy;259589 Wrote: 
> Secret Squirrel,
> Can you check something.
> 1. Open you ACC folder
> 2. Open the AlbumCatalog folder
> Question - the htm or html files in that folder do they have an IE icon
> or a Firefox icon.
> Which icon is shown?
> Schatzy


I checked as you requested. All the files except the MHTML have the
Firefox icon. The MHTML have an icon I don't recognize. (Whew, I
thought I was checking the associations correctly ;) )



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread SilverRS8

Secret Squirrel;259607 Wrote: 
> Schatzy,
> I checked as you requested. All the files except the MHTML have the
> Firefox icon. The MHTML have an icon I don't recognize. (Whew, I
> thought I was checking the associations correctly ;) )
> HTH,
> SS

Hi Secret Squirrel,

First of all thx for your positive feedback in previous posts and i'm
glad it works in firefox, although it opens in IE.

The opening of the file in IE is actually hardcoded for two reasons;
1. everybody has IE installed and not everybody has firefox. This
script ofcourse could check on this but I don't know if its fair to say
that, if firefox is installed, then open in firefox?
2. The .MHT file creation is only supported by IE.
I used the .MHT file in the past to open it in Word and do some
additional markup stuff but now ACC is working a lot better I don't use
it anymore to be honest. I think i'll make it an option to generate it
as it slows down the finishing of the script.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread Diana Artemis
SilverRS8 wrote:
> The opening of the file in IE is actually hardcoded for two reasons;
> 1. everybody has IE installed

I wouldn't say that in the company of people using free software (e.g. 
the GNU/Linux OS)!


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread SilverRS8

tamanaco;259573 Wrote: 
> Installed RC2a and the script ran without a hitch. All the album covers
> were found and displayed. The main problem that remains, in my case, is
> that not all the tracks are sorted correctly for all the albums. I'm
> trying to find out what's common with those albums whose tracks are out
> of order, but I can not find anything. The Web interface of SC7 displays
> all the albums with all the tracks in the correct order. 
> The other issue is "cosmetic" and does not need to be prioritize. I can
> live with it. I rather have more sorting options implemented. But just
> in case, I'm attaching two images. The one on the left is what I get
> when I start the ACC. The one on the right is what I get after I resize
> the ACC window. Btw, I did not have this issue with the first two beta
> release.

Thx, Tamanaco for your feedback that it now works for you. You were
still my list because you still had some issues.

The font size thing is indeed what Schatzy described. Actually
applications can't handle the larger font size very well. They are all
designed for the smaller one. Often you will see text missplacements
and text not fitting into fixed size places like the statusbar. Please
try to change the font size to something smaller and see what happens.
It should look like the screenshot on the forum thread first post.

As for the sorting order; I'm aware of it and it can be related to
tracks where other (guest) artists are singing along. This is currently
being worked on...
I'll let you know if there is some progress here.

BTW; do you still have the acc.cfg (configuration file problem). that
is; it is not created?




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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread SilverRS8

Diana Artemis;259640 Wrote: 
> SilverRS8 wrote:
> > The opening of the file in IE is actually hardcoded for two reasons;
> > 1. everybody has IE installed
> I wouldn't say that in the company of people using free software (e.g.
> the GNU/Linux OS)!
> ;-)

True. But (maybe sadly) ACC is writtin in VBScript and hence only runs
on Windows -> everybody has IE installed ;-). I know this is not pretty
and do I agree with you but my Perl skills are just at zero level I'm

Do I hear someone offering to port it to Perl so ACC runs on any
platform?  :-)



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread MuckleEck

schatzy;259347 Wrote: 
> MuckleEck,
> Please try and select just one of the album folders in your that has
> less than 50 tracks (if you have one) 
> I.E. y:\music\v\various artists\
> And try to run  ACC again, then run it on a folder that has more than
> 150 tracks and report back if either of those work.
> I have tested this here on my system and do not find a problem, but i
> do not have any folder that has more than 56 tracks.
> Thanks 
> Schatzy


I ran various scenarios last night as follows:-

1. Reverted to another machine and installed Slimserver from the
website, asked it to scan just one directory of tracks (mixture of MP3
and FLAC) with no album with more than 20 songs, then ran ACC no
issues! :-) This directory was on my C drive not the NAS
2. Added an album into this directory that has 201 tracks, again no
issues! :-)
3. Then asked slimserver to rescan the entire directory including all
the various atrists folders (this took a couple of hours) then ran
accno joy, kept coming up with the slow script error, I kept
pressing no, thinking that it may eventually get there...but once the
log file was 20M and had 441,000 entries of various artists I gave up.
4. Ran acc but this time did not specify a compilation directory...runs
but doesn't show up any album art and obviously every compilation is
split into the separate areists, I have the same issue with Secret
Squirrel in that it opens the resulting file in IE even though Firefox
is set as my main browser. When I open the files in Firefox they look
the same as IE (i.e. no album covers) The album covers are all either
cover or folder.jpg and various sizes all covers in the folder of the
album. All covers visible in Album View of Slimserver.

Sorry for being a pest!...but this will be great for me thanks.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread SilverRS8

MuckleEck;259647 Wrote: 
> Schatzy,
> I ran various scenarios last night as follows:-
> 1. Reverted to another machine and installed Slimserver from the
> website, asked it to scan just one directory of tracks (mixture of MP3
> and FLAC) with no album with more than 20 songs, then ran ACC no
> issues! :-) This directory was on my C drive not the NAS
> 2. Added an album into this directory that has 201 tracks, again no
> issues! :-)
> 3. Then asked slimserver to rescan the entire directory including all
> the various atrists folders (this took a couple of hours) then ran
> accno joy, kept coming up with the slow script error, I kept
> pressing no, thinking that it may eventually get there...but once the
> log file was 20M and had 441,000 entries of various artists I gave up.
> 4. Ran acc but this time did not specify a compilation directory...runs
> but doesn't show up any album art and obviously every compilation is
> split into the separate areists, I have the same issue with Secret
> Squirrel in that it opens the resulting file in IE even though Firefox
> is set as my main browser. When I open the files in Firefox they look
> the same as IE (i.e. no album covers) The album covers are all either
> cover or folder.jpg and various sizes all covers in the folder of the
> album. All covers visible in Album View of Slimserver.
> Sorry for being a pest!...but this will be great for me thanks.

Problems are there to be solved so we'll do our very best. Am I right
that it only goes wrong when letting ACC run on the complete Various
Artist folder when the actual data is on the NAS? In that case the
following questions;
1. Is SS or SC running on the NAS or on your computer?

If running on the NAS, what is the path to the compilation folder from
the NAS point of view? ACC will use this path to check if there are
album covers. But this exact same path probably isn't available on your
computer where ACC runs hence it can't find them. This however should
not result in the ACC hanging.
If this is indeed the scenario you're using check out the posts from
phil. The trick here would be to subsitute the paths stored in the
database to a path that can be resolved from the computer running ACC.
You probably have a mapped drive to the NAS.

Let me know if this scenario is the case.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread MuckleEck


SS is on a laptop (for testing) SC on a desktop (primary) all music
stored on a NAS

On the desktop with SC running the URL in the MySQL database looks


This is from an excel query of the database.




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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread SilverRS8

MuckleEck;259647 Wrote: 
> Schatzy,
> I ran various scenarios last night as follows:-
> 1. Reverted to another machine and installed Slimserver from the
> website, asked it to scan just one directory of tracks (mixture of MP3
> and FLAC) with no album with more than 20 songs, then ran ACC no
> issues! :-) This directory was on my C drive not the NAS
> 2. Added an album into this directory that has 201 tracks, again no
> issues! :-)
> 3. Then asked slimserver to rescan the entire directory including all
> the various atrists folders (this took a couple of hours) then ran
> accno joy, kept coming up with the slow script error, I kept
> pressing no, thinking that it may eventually get there...but once the
> log file was 20M and had 441,000 entries of various artists I gave up.
> 4. Ran acc but this time did not specify a compilation directory...runs
> but doesn't show up any album art and obviously every compilation is
> split into the separate areists, I have the same issue with Secret
> Squirrel in that it opens the resulting file in IE even though Firefox
> is set as my main browser. When I open the files in Firefox they look
> the same as IE (i.e. no album covers) The album covers are all either
> cover or folder.jpg and various sizes all covers in the folder of the
> album. All covers visible in Album View of Slimserver.
> Sorry for being a pest!...but this will be great for me thanks.

Just had a look into the problem;
1 - How large is your total music catalog?
2 - Try specifying a starting folder

My folder structure is something like:

\Music\seperate tracks\rock
\Music\seperate tracks\club
\Music\seperate tracks\Jazz
\Music\Full albums\\
\Music\Full albums\Various Artist\

When I only specify the compilation folder (no starting folder) then I
have 1250 + albums because first three listed path are considered full
albums but because the only contain seperate tracks almost each track
is considered an album.

When I specify the starting folder to point to the full albumsfolder
the output is ok.

Try to play with the starting folder to see if this has an effect.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread SilverRS8

MuckleEck;259658 Wrote: 
> Frank,
> SS is on a laptop (for testing) SC on a desktop (primary) all music
> stored on a NAS
> On the desktop with SC running the URL in the MySQL database looks
> like
> file:n2100/itunes/Music/B/Bach/Bach-%20Organ%20Works%20-%20Michael%20Murray/04%20%20-%20Toccata,%20Adagio%20and%20Fugue,%20for%20organ%20in%20C%20major,%20BWV%20564%20(BC%20J36).flac
> This is from an excel query of the database.
> Thanks

Ah I see. Then the workaround as posted by Phil is applicable. When you
have i.e. drive X mapped on your windows computer to
\\n2100\itunes\music all ACC needs to do is replace
\\n2100\itunes\music by X:\ when looking for album covers and it should
Please view the post from Phil first (he also attached his version of
the script (beware; based on a previous release)) as I'm currently at
work and can't get into code specifics right now.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread schatzy

Diana Artemis;259640 Wrote: 
> SilverRS8 wrote:
> > The opening of the file in IE is actually hardcoded for two reasons;
> > 1. everybody has IE installed
> I wouldn't say that in the company of people using free software (e.g.
> the GNU/Linux OS)!
> ;-)


Maybe you should have read through the thread before posting.

As Frank said anyone that uses this WILL have IE installed. Because it
will not work if it is not.


Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread SilverRS8

Just to clearify things up because I think there is a miss understanding
here. ACC does not have a external browser requirement. It generates
plain text files which happen to have the .html extension. It can be
opened with IE or Firefox (as this was fixed in the last version).

It also creates a .MHT file which is a archive file of IE only for
usefullness but not required since the .HTML files have the same
content (but can't be distributed).

It just opens IE, for the user convinience, to display the generated
output file and because IE is installed default on Windows this was



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread tamanaco

SilverRS8;259631 Wrote: 
> Thx, Tamanaco for your feedback that it now works for you. You were
> still my list because you still had some issues.
> The font size thing is indeed what Schatzy described. Actually
> applications can't handle the larger font size very well. They are all
> designed for the smaller one. Often you will see text missplacements
> and text not fitting into fixed size places like the statusbar. Please
> try to change the font size to something smaller and see what happens.
> It should look like the screenshot on the forum thread first post.
> As for the sorting order; I'm aware of it and it can be related to
> tracks where other (guest) artists are singing along. This is currently
> being worked on...
> I'll let you know if there is some progress here.
> BTW; do you still have the acc.cfg (configuration file problem). that
> is; it is not created?
> Frank
> Frank

No problem, I'm glad to be of any help. 

I use Remote Desktop from a laptop running Vista to manage my SC 7
Server remotely. The Advanced button under Desktop Properties is greyed
out in RD, but changing the font size via IE from Large to Medium fixed
the problem. My thanks to Schatzy.

Hmmm, I thought you were using the [track] tag to generate the sorting
order. I will patiently wait for your fix.

No problems with acc.cfg RC2a creates it.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread schatzy

to: tamanaco,

Glad to be of assistance. 

To: MuckleEck

I will be borrowing a NAS with music on it this weekend to do some
other testing for SilverRS8. 

If you are still having problems after going through Phil's posts let
me know and I will try to figure out a senario for you that will work
to your and others benefit.



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread MuckleEck


Now that I have it working I have a request.

I use a customDB setting in my tags that allows me to sort the music by
who owns it in the family (me, wife, kids etc)

How easy would it be to add an extra sort criteria that can be

The heading in the MySQL database is value although I am unsure of what
context that is in. I think it may be one of tme comments fields. in
MP3Tag it is shown as COMMENT SONGS-DB_CUSTOM1 as one of the Extended

Many thanks



3 SB3s - AudioEngine 2 - Cambridge Audio 640R -  Mordaunt Short

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread SilverRS8

MuckleEck;259791 Wrote: 
> Frank,
> Now that I have it working I have a request.
> I use a customDB setting in my tags that allows me to sort the music by
> who owns it in the family (me, wife, kids etc)
> How easy would it be to add an extra sort criteria that can be
> customised?
> The heading in the MySQL database is value although I am unsure of what
> context that is in. I think it may be one of tme comments fields. in
> MP3Tag it is shown as COMMENT SONGS-DB_CUSTOM1 as one of the Extended
> Tags.
> Many thanks

Good to hear the positive results. Good work. With a small change you
can leave all data on the NAS. Just map a drive to the NAS and add a
replace() function command somewhere to replace the NAS path notation
to the mapped drive location. This way you can leave SS, its database
and file storage untouched and just use ACC like it should be.
If you want to try this let me know. I'll show you the code for the
replace command.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread MuckleEck

Schatzy & Frank,

I have played around with things and found the following:-

1. I change the SS to log on as user and then use x:\music as the
folder, SS still stored everything in the database as
\\n2100\itunes\ no joy there
2. I copied all my music onto an external USB drive. Attached this to
the pc and asked SS to rescan...except that it still looked at the
NAS...I then disconnected the PC from the network and
3. Ran ACC and it worked...still a few missing pictures but can sort
that out separately.
4. Ran ACC with the various artists folder specified, worjed exactly as


a) ACC doesn't seem to like the references to external drives and the
speed of the drive may be an issue.
b) Pop the music onto an external USB drive and do a run...excellent

If I can do any more testing just give me a shout many thanks for a
great program



3 SB3s - AudioEngine 2 - Cambridge Audio 640R -  Mordaunt Short

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread schatzy

MuckleEck;259791 Wrote: 
> Frank,
> Now that I have it working I have a request.
> I use a customDB setting in my tags that allows me to sort the music by
> who owns it in the family (me, wife, kids etc)
> How easy would it be to add an extra sort criteria that can be
> customised?
> The heading in the MySQL database is value although I am unsure of what
> context that is in. I think it may be one of tme comments fields. in
> MP3Tag it is shown as COMMENT SONGS-DB_CUSTOM1 as one of the Extended
> Tags.
> Many thanks


When you say you have it working, do you mean off the USB drive or the

> Conclusions:-
> a) ACC doesn't seem to like the references to external drives and the
> speed of the drive may be an issue.

When you say the speed of the drive do you mean the spinning speed or
the time to access the drive through the network?



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread MuckleEck


I shall have a play with the replace() caommand tomorrow


It worked through the USB only.

I suspect that there may be an issue wither with the drive mapping (as
discussed with Frank above) or the speed at which the data can be
recovered from the NAS, not sure. My network is all 100M so quick
enough although using a USB2 HD was significantly faster for a scan by





3 SB3s - AudioEngine 2 - Cambridge Audio 640R -  Mordaunt Short

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-18 Thread SilverRS8

To solve the track sorting problem with tracks with other artists
featuring, I have to change quiet a lot of the query code. Actually I
have to split the query into returning all the results as it does now,
the process them and determine if it is to be marked as Various album
or not. I will also use the followong algorithm;
If an artist performed more than half of the songs and also features in
the other songs (with other artist featuring) that that artist is marked
as Album Artist. Finally when all this is done the total recordset will
have a trustfull Album Artist column which can be sorted on.

I think this will work quiet well and even eliminate the use for
specifying the compilation folder. But this will cost some time though
to implement and test so bare with me on that one please.

I would also like to ask which new features you would like to see
implemented? I'll collect them all and see which are implemented in the
next version.

Anyway, thx guys(/girls?) for your support of ACC so far...



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-18 Thread schatzy

MuckleEck;259785 Wrote: 
> Schatzy & Frank,
> I have played around with things and found the following:-
> 1. I change the SS to log on as user and then use x:\music as the
> folder, SS still stored everything in the database as
> \\n2100\itunes\ no joy there 

What brand of NAS do you have? Also does it have its own software to
set up the network drive letter.

The reason I ask is that I have a Buffalo Link Station here this
weekend and it has it's own software that it uses to set it up and set
the drive letter it uses. 

I find that it does exactly as you stated above it drops teh mapped

I forced a mapping through windows and it worked correctly and showed
the drive letter in the path. As seen below

|Filename: zdrive-1.jpg |


Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-18 Thread Richard Scales
I would love to see it optionally seek out any missing album artwork.

Thank for all the hard work.

Richard Scales

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of SilverRS8
Sent: 18 January 2008 22:31
Subject: Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

To solve the track sorting problem with tracks with other artists
featuring, I have to change quiet a lot of the query code. Actually I
have to split the query into returning all the results as it does now,
the process them and determine if it is to be marked as Various album
or not. I will also use the followong algorithm;
If an artist performed more than half of the songs and also features in
the other songs (with other artist featuring) that that artist is marked
as Album Artist. Finally when all this is done the total recordset will
have a trustfull Album Artist column which can be sorted on.

I think this will work quiet well and even eliminate the use for
specifying the compilation folder. But this will cost some time though
to implement and test so bare with me on that one please.

I would also like to ask which new features you would like to see
implemented? I'll collect them all and see which are implemented in the
next version.

Anyway, thx guys(/girls?) for your support of ACC so far...



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-18 Thread SilverRS8

Just to let you know; i'm looking into the possibility to add NAS
support to ACC by adding the option to enter the path to the NAS and
the drive letter used in windows so ACC can do the substitution
automatically and find the albumcovers like it is supposted to.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-19 Thread SilverRS8

'Ur[s Wrote: 
> uS;260443']it looks pretty and does a job i've been interested in having
> done for some time
> well done to all and to SilverRS8, of course, in particular
> thank you

Always good to hear positive feedback. Keeps me focused on improving
it. It is actually quiet easy to change ACC to access the NAS through
the mapped drive letter and scan for album covers. It should only be
one simple Replace command added to the code. I'm going to create some
GUI options to facilitate NAS users. I'm interested in the changes you
or other NAS users might have made to get ACC working with a NAS. I can
then code this into a next version. So if you have some examples, please
post it here or send me the code by PM.

'Ur[s Wrote: 
> uS;260443']some comments that might be helpful:
> - suggest extended default covers to include "front.jpg"

You can change line 72 in the script 'sCoverFilename=
"cover.jpg,folder.jpg"' and add your cover file name to the comma
seperated list.

'Ur[s Wrote: 
> uS;260443']- it is possible for *.png files to work too?  (i've changed
> all mine to cover/folder.jpg, so not needed for me, but maybe others
> not so diligent)

Yes, just add the .PNG file to line 72. As long as the browser supports
it, it should work (I believe older IE version do not support PNG).

Just a tip; The multi rename tool of Total commander can be used to
rename all .jpg files to i.e. cover.jpg. Just takes a few
seconds to process hundreds of folders.

'Ur[s Wrote: 
> uS;260443']- extend the characters to include "Dvořák" (the "r" in
> Dvorak the composer)

Noted and added to my fix list.

'Ur[s Wrote: 
> uS;260443']- i'm not sure genre exclusion works - i'd expect to be able
> to type "Classical" and expect all my Bach Cantatas to be omitted -
> this did not happen (my workaround was to move all classical artists to
> new folder and move all other music to folder on same level - that way i
> can limit the script to the folder without classical music)

Haven't used it lately but I will take a look at it.

'Ur[s Wrote: 
> uS;260443']- i choose sort by artist, which is what i want
> but it then sub-sorts the albums by year in reverse chronological order
> (i'm sure you intend other options in due course, but i wonder whether
> the default should be alphabetical or years chronologically)

That is actually my personal preference. Will be made an option in a
next version but if you like to change it, change line 477:
sQOrderBy = "order by artist,year DESC,lcase(convert(albums.titlesort
using utf8)),tracks.disc,tracks.tracknum;"
sQOrderBy = "order by artist,year ASC,lcase(convert(albums.titlesort
using utf8)),tracks.disc,tracks.tracknum;"

'Ur[s Wrote: 
> uS;260443']thanks again to SilverRS8 - the script works a treat (after a
> few  long hours getting - what would probably be simple things for other
> people - to work )

You very welcome and I think you did a pretty good job yourself getting
it to work.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-20 Thread MuckleEck


It seems that the drive mapping works if squeezecenter/slimserver is
run at login and makes use of a users account information to colelct
the mapping info...I run SC as a service and it doesn't see the

I am using a thexus 2100 NAS



3 SB3s - AudioEngine 2 - Cambridge Audio 640R -  Mordaunt Short

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-20 Thread terry

I'm perplexed since the ODBC System DSN tests OK (via the ODBC Data
Source Administrator) and the entire SQL command string (copied from
the ACC.log) succeeds with the MySQL Query Browser but the ACC script
itself fails with an error 0.

My system config:
Windows XP x64 SP2 (O/S on C:, Slimserver on D:, music on E:) 
mysql ODBC connector for XP x64 v3.51.23
mysql gui tools v5.0-r12-win32
SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 12047 - Windows Server 2003 - EN -
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt


SF|E:\Archived Music
CF|E:\Archived Music\Various Artists


STATUS  : fnReadSettings():ENTER:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():LEAVE:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():ENTER:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():LEAVE:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():ENTER:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():LEAVE:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():ENTER:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():LEAVE:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():ENTER:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():LEAVE:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():ENTER:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():LEAVE:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():ENTER:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():LEAVE:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():ENTER:4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : fnReadSettings():LEAVE:4:12:17 PM
ACC Version : 1.0 Release Candidate 2a
STARTED : 1/20/2008 --- 4:12:17 PM
STATUS  : Window created
STATUS  : fnStart():ENTER:4:12:20 PM
OPTION SELEC: Display Tracks = False
OPTION SELEC: Cover art size = True
OPTION SELEC: Display Genre = True
OPTION SELEC: Sort by = Artist
OPTION SELEC: AutoPrintPageSep = True
OPTION SELEC: Filter: Starting folder = E:\Archived Music
OPTION SELEC: Filter: Compilation folder = E:\Archived Music\Various
OPTION SELEC: Filter: Genres to exclude = 
STATUS  : fnStoreSettings():ENTER:4:12:20 PM
STATUS  : fnStoreSettings():LEAVE:4:12:20 PM
STATUS  : fnStart():LEAVE:4:12:20 PM
STATUS  : fnStart2():ENTER:4:12:20 PM
STATUS  : fnQueryLogic():ENTER:4:12:20 PM
STATUS  : fnCreateSQLQuery(1):ENTER:4:12:22 PM
STATUS  : fnCreateSQLQuery(1):
STATUS  :select CONVERT( USING utf8) as
artist,CONVERT(albums.title USING utf8) as album,albums.year AS year,
tracks.url AS filepath, tracks.tracknum AS tracknumber, 
CONVERT(tracks.title USING UTF8) as
tracktitle,CONVERT(SEC_TO_TIME(tracks.secs),CHAR) as duration,
genres.namesort AS 'genre' from tracks join albums on AND albums.titlesort!='SINGLE TRACK' AND
albums.titlesort!='NO ALBUM' left join contributor_track on and (contributor_track.role in (1) or
contributor_track.role in (5))left join contributors on left join genre_track on left join genres on 
'FILE:///E:/Archived%20Music') AND !INSTR(UCASE(tracks.url),
STATUS  :group by,lcase(convert(albums.title using
STATUS  :order by artist,year
DESC,lcase(convert(albums.titlesort using
STATUS  : fnCreateSQLQuery(1):LEAVE:4:12:22 PM
STATUS  : fnPerformQuery(1):ENTER:4:12:22 PM
STATUS  : fnPerformQuery():Recordset opened:4:12:22 PM
ERROR   : fnPerformQuery():An error occured while connection to the
database. Error number: 0 -- Error description: 

I agree that this should be basic included functionality with the
Slimserver and would love to get this working.  Does anyone have any
ideas what could be wrong?  Thanks in advance.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-20 Thread schatzy

MuckleEck;260808 Wrote: 
> Shatzy,
> It seems that the drive mapping works if squeezecenter/slimserver is
> run at login and makes use of a users account information to colelct
> the mapping info...I run SC as a service and it doesn't see the
> mapping.
> I am using a thexus 2100 NAS


I also run SC7 as a service and i had to map a drive through windows in
the following manner. Putting what i did here not know what your
experience is, and for those who are not so technically inclinde

1. Right click on "My Computer"

2. Click on "Map Network Drive..."

3. Pick drive letter that you want to use.

4. Browse (using browse button) to the folder on your network attached
storage that has your music on it. You can not select the root folder
as this will not create a proper mapping.

5. Click finish.

Test your mapping by opening my computer and clicking on the drive
letter you selected it should bring up a the "contents" of the folder
that you mapped to.

I did this with two different NAS boxes One Link Station and one 
Infrant. Both worked properly if the mapping was done as stated above.

If yo let the NAS Software select the drive letter or how it is to
connect to your computer it WILL NOT work.

Phil had a work around that i tried and it worked as well but was much
more work to get it working.



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
Main Stereo - SB3 - Nikko Beta 30 Preamp - Nikko Alpha 230 Amplifier -
Genesis VI Speakers

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-20 Thread SilverRS8

terry;260819 Wrote: 
> Hello,
> I'm perplexed since the ODBC System DSN tests OK (via the ODBC Data
> Source Administrator) and the entire SQL command string (copied from
> the ACC.log) succeeds with the MySQL Query Browser but the ACC script
> itself fails with an error 0.

The error 0 reporting is actually a bug. I've a new version ready with
proper error messaging. I'll post it in a few days (after it has been

terry;260819 Wrote: 
> I agree that this should be basic included functionality with the
> Slimserver and would love to get this working.  Does anyone have any
> ideas what could be wrong?  Thanks in advance.
> Terry

Please wait a few days and I'll help you get it to work.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-20 Thread SilverRS8

MuckleEck;260808 Wrote: 
> Shatzy,
> It seems that the drive mapping works if squeezecenter/slimserver is
> run at login and makes use of a users account information to colelct
> the mapping info...I run SC as a service and it doesn't see the
> mapping.
> I am using a thexus 2100 NAS

The service is probable not running in the same user context as your
logon account but as a system account. A system account does not have
access to some resources where a normal user account has proviledges

If you change the Service login setting (service control panel) to use
the same user credentials as the account you normally work on it should
also work when running SC as a service. I does so on my computer.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-21 Thread MuckleEck

Frank and Schatzy,

I have changed the login for squeezecenter to use a login that has the
drives mappedall working now...many thanks



3 SB3s - AudioEngine 2 - Cambridge Audio 640R -  Mordaunt Short

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-26 Thread SilverRS8

Hi all,

I have attached the RC3 version of ACC. I couldn't post if to my
website as I have no FTP support from my long weekend off location. 

RCS contains the following changes;
CHANGED  Automatic Various Artist detection. No need for the
compilation folder specification ! It has been removed
CHANGED  Updated core database algorithm now using multiple queries
to improve performance
CHANGED  Names of output files
FIXEDNo strange sorting problems. Sorting is consistent now.
FIXEDError handling. No more error 0 messages
ADDEDWill create a temporary database called ACC, Process all
Various Artist albums as classified by SC and determine if this is
really the case. If not, the Album artist is changed to 
reflect the correct Album Artist. When all changes are applied, the
ACC table contains all correct information. This table is then used by
the fnWriteOutput function to create the output.
ADDEDWhen a track has a featuring artist specified in the
Artist field tag, it is displayed in the tracklisting. Previously this
was not shown for the Artist field tag (only for the track title tag).
ADDEDWhen an album contains multiple CD's and the Dics field tag is
used, it will display CDx in the tracklisting field
ADDEDOption added for Genre includes and excludes
ADDEDOption added for sorting Album Year ascending or
ADDEDOption to distinguish album by either path or internal
database ID. By path gives better result since even a case change in an
album title will result in SC assinging a new album id resulting in
sorting problems.
ADDEDSelected sorting option displayed in the Title page

So the biggest change is probably there is no need to specify a
compilation folder anymore. You also have to be aware of deselecting
the 'Use folder structure to distinguish albums' option your album name
tagging must be consistent for each album or otherwise ACC will show
this as multiple albums because SC has used multiple album ids.

Schatzy has done a lot of testing for which i would like to thank him.
Please let me know how RC3 performs. Native support for NAS devices is
yet to be added.


|Filename:   |


Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-26 Thread tamanaco

Frank, I think there is something wrong with the .zip file you attached.
After I decompress it I endup with file called acc-v1-RC3. I click on it
and nothing happens.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-27 Thread terry

Looks like it's an archive within an archive; just add a zip
extension to open the embedded archive.

With RC3 I'm now getting a non-zero error message; hope it means
more to you!


ACC Version : 1.0 Release Candidate 3
STARTED : 1/27/2008 --- 9:57:07 AM
STATUS  : fnStart():ENTER:9:57:29 AM
OPTION SELEC: Display Tracks = False
OPTION SELEC: Cover art size = True
OPTION SELEC: Display Genre = True
OPTION SELEC: Sort by = Artist
OPTION SELEC: GenreIncludeExclude = Include
OPTION SELEC: Sort Year Descending = True
OPTION SELEC: AutoPrintPageSep = True
OPTION SELEC: Filter: Starting folder = E:\Archived Music
OPTION SELEC: Filter: Genres entered = 
STATUS  : fnStart():LEAVE:9:57:29 AM
STATUS  : fnStart2():ENTER:9:57:29 AM
STATUS  : fnQueryLogic():ENTER:9:57:29 AM
STATUS  : fnPreProcessing():ENTER:9:57:30 AM
STATUS  : fnPreProcessing():sql(1):Create table ACC SELECT
'AlbumArtist',CONVERT(albums.title USING UTF8) AS 'AlbumName',
AS 'AlbumID',CONVERT(tracks.title USING UTF8) AS
'Title',CONVERT(tracks.disc USING UTF8) AS
'Disc',CONVERT(SEC_TO_TIME(tracks.secs),CHAR) as 'Duration',albums.year
AS 'AlbumYear',tracks.url AS 'path',tracks.tracknum AS
'TrackNum',genres.namesort AS 'Genre',CONVERT( USING
UTF8) AS 'TrackArtist' FROM albums join contributors AS album_artist on left join tracks on left join genre_track on left join genres on join contributor_track ON =
contributor_track.track  and (contributor_track.role in (1) or
contributor_track.role in (5)) join contributors AS track_artist on
contributor_track.contributor = WHERE
INSTR(UCASE(tracks.url), 'FILE:///E:/Archived%20Music') ORDER BY
album_artist.namesort, albums.titlesort, tracks.disc, tracks.tracknum,, tracks.url;
STATUS  : fnPreProcessing():LEAVE:9:57:30 AM
STATUS  : fnCreateSQLQuery(0):ENTER:9:57:30 AM
STATUS  : fnCreateSQLQuery(0):SELECT * FROM acc a Where AlbumArtist
!= 'Various Artists' order by AlbumArtist,AlbumYear
STATUS  : fnCreateSQLQuery(0):LEAVE:9:57:30 AM
STATUS  : fnPerformQuery(0):ENTER:9:57:30 AM
ERROR   : fnPerformQuery():An error occured while connection to the
database. Error number: 3709 -- Error description: The connection cannot
be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in
this context.
STATUS  : fnPerformQuery(0):Recordset opened:9:57:30 AM


SF|E:\Archived Music


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-27 Thread tamanaco

terry;262996 Wrote: 
> Tamanaco,
> Looks like it's an archive within an archive; just add a zip
> extension to open the embedded archive.

Thanks Terry, that worked.

Frank, nice update the album tracks are now sorted correctly. One small
"cosmetic" improvement could be to line up the least significant digit
of the track names.

_9 - trackname ("_" = space)
10 - trackname

Instead of 

9 - trackname
10 - trackname

What "free" utility are you guys using to generate .pdf file? I'm using
PDF Creator 0.95. The page display beautifully within the IE7, but the
resulting .pdf file ends up with some blank pages and page breaks in
the wrong places. This is visible in the print preview and in the
resulting .pdf file. I use the option to print to the pseudo PDFCreator
printer to create the .pdf file. I tried it running ACC with the page
break option checked and unchecked, but got the same result. Any



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-27 Thread Kyle

SilverRS8;262805 Wrote: 
> CHANGED  Automatic Various Artist detection. No need for the
> compilation folder specification ! It has been removed
> Frank

WHOA!!!  You mean now that I've changed my entire file system, you went
and eliminated the need?  ;-)


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-27 Thread ModelCitizen

Kyle;263071 Wrote: 
> WHOA!!!  You mean now that I've changed my entire file system, you went
> and eliminated the need?  ;-)
Yup, that's how I felt too...  :-)


Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

Transporter > Bryston 4B ST > PMC OB1s
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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-27 Thread SilverRS8

Kyle;263071 Wrote: 
> WHOA!!!  You mean now that I've changed my entire file system, you went
> and eliminated the need?  ;-)

*BLUSHING* Uhmm I think so :-) 

Point is; I managed to create a query in which SC returns all albums
including the Various artist albums. I have a few albums on which one
performing guest artist makes SC clasiffy the album as Various Artist
album. Not feeling entire comfortable to live with that I thought of an
'algoritm' to determine for each Various Artist album if it is really a
various artist album. 

What the script technically does is; Sort the various artist by Artist.
The shortest artist name is the Album Artist, If this album artist
performs more then half of the song, the Various Artist is changed into
the Album Artist. After all various artist albums are processed the
actual output is created.

So, the big question here is; Does it do the job well? We did a lot of
testing and it seems to do it ok but please let me know if this really
is the case.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-27 Thread SilverRS8

ModelCitizen;263074 Wrote: 
> Yup, that's how I felt too...  :-)
> MC

Sorry for all harm caused :-) Uhm can I still hide behind; 'but it is
still a beta' please?

Let me know how it works for you



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-27 Thread SilverRS8

tamanaco;263026 Wrote: 
> Thanks Terry, that worked.
> Frank, nice update the album tracks are now sorted correctly. One small
> "cosmetic" improvement could be to line up the least significant digit
> of the track names.
> _9 - trackname ("_" = space)
> 10 - trackname
> Instead of 
> 9 - trackname
> 10 - trackname
> What "free" utility are you guys using to generate .pdf file? I'm using
> PDF Creator 0.95. The page display beautifully within the IE7, but the
> resulting .pdf file ends up with some blank pages and page breaks in
> the wrong places. This is visible in the print preview and in the
> resulting .pdf file. I use the option to print to the pseudo PDFCreator
> printer to create the .pdf file. I tried it running ACC with the page
> break option checked and unchecked, but got the same result. Any
> suggestions?
> Thanks...
> Edit: One more thing. The track count is right, but the album count
> that is displayed after ACC runs is way off.

Thx for the feedback. Good tip on addind a space char. Will add it in
the next update.

The problem with blank pages is related to the ACC printseperator
function. Based on a number of criteria (like maximum tracks on a page
and maximum albums on a page etc) it determines whether to insert a
print page seperator. This is not visible in the browser but only in
the print preview (or PDF). In the help screen there are some tips on
how to improve the seperation; lessen the page margins will probably do
the trick here. Can you test this? If it does not work, can you send me
two example pdf pages? I can then 'tune' the print seperation function
with that.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-27 Thread SilverRS8

terry;262996 Wrote: 
> Tamanaco,
> Looks like it's an archive within an archive; just add a zip
> extension to open the embedded archive.
> Frank,
> With RC3 I'm now getting a non-zero error message; hope it means
> more to you!

Hi Terry,

Can you disable line 489 in the AlbumCatalogCreator-V1.hta file and
test if this makes a difference?

You can either remove it or put an ' character in front of the line to
disable it.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-27 Thread terry

Just to be sure, the line I commented out was the rs.close as shown
in the following code fragment:

' Execute query and fill Album array
Function fnPerformQuery(iType)
oLogfile.writeline "STATUS  : fnPerformQuery(" & iType &
"):ENTER:" & Time()
On Error Resume Next
rs.Open sql

Unfortunately, the resultant error appears the same:

ACC Version : 1.0 Release Candidate 3
STARTED : 1/27/2008 --- 5:14:24 PM
STATUS  : fnStart():ENTER:5:14:27 PM
OPTION SELEC: Display Tracks = False
OPTION SELEC: Cover art size = True
OPTION SELEC: Display Genre = True
OPTION SELEC: Sort by = Artist
OPTION SELEC: GenreIncludeExclude = Include
OPTION SELEC: Sort Year Descending = True
OPTION SELEC: AutoPrintPageSep = True
OPTION SELEC: Filter: Starting folder = E:\Archived Music
OPTION SELEC: Filter: Genres entered = 
STATUS  : fnStart():LEAVE:5:14:27 PM
STATUS  : fnStart2():ENTER:5:14:27 PM
STATUS  : fnQueryLogic():ENTER:5:14:27 PM
STATUS  : fnPreProcessing():ENTER:5:14:29 PM
STATUS  : fnPreProcessing():sql(1):Create table ACC SELECT
'AlbumArtist',CONVERT(albums.title USING UTF8) AS 'AlbumName',
AS 'AlbumID',CONVERT(tracks.title USING UTF8) AS
'Title',CONVERT(tracks.disc USING UTF8) AS
'Disc',CONVERT(SEC_TO_TIME(tracks.secs),CHAR) as 'Duration',albums.year
AS 'AlbumYear',tracks.url AS 'path',tracks.tracknum AS
'TrackNum',genres.namesort AS 'Genre',CONVERT( USING
UTF8) AS 'TrackArtist' FROM albums join contributors AS album_artist on left join tracks on left join genre_track on left join genres on join contributor_track ON =
contributor_track.track  and (contributor_track.role in (1) or
contributor_track.role in (5)) join contributors AS track_artist on
contributor_track.contributor = WHERE
INSTR(UCASE(tracks.url), 'FILE:///E:/Archived%20Music') ORDER BY
album_artist.namesort, albums.titlesort, tracks.disc, tracks.tracknum,, tracks.url;
STATUS  : fnPreProcessing():LEAVE:5:14:29 PM
STATUS  : fnCreateSQLQuery(0):ENTER:5:14:29 PM
STATUS  : fnCreateSQLQuery(0):SELECT * FROM acc a Where AlbumArtist
!= 'Various Artists' order by AlbumArtist,AlbumYear
STATUS  : fnCreateSQLQuery(0):LEAVE:5:14:29 PM
STATUS  : fnPerformQuery(0):ENTER:5:14:29 PM
ERROR   : fnPerformQuery():An error occured while connection to the
database. Error number: 3709 -- Error description: The connection cannot
be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in
this context.
STATUS  : fnPerformQuery(0):Recordset opened:5:14:29 PM


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-28 Thread SilverRS8

terry;263136 Wrote: 
> Frank,
> Just to be sure, the line I commented out was the rs.close as shown
> in the following code fragment:
> ==
> ' Execute query and fill Album array
> '
> ==
> Function fnPerformQuery(iType)
> oLogfile.writeline "STATUS  : fnPerformQuery(" & iType &
> "):ENTER:" & Time()
> On Error Resume Next
> 'rs.close
> err.clear
> rs.Open sql
> Unfortunately, the resultant error appears the same:

Strange. I can only relate this to mySQL and an open recordset that
should be closed but others have reported no problem whatsoever. I
tried several thing but they all result in non functioning ACC for
other users.

I see in your system specs from your previous post you use the 64 bit
version of XP? I'm afraid that I am unable to test and debug for that
Windows version. Are you able to test ACC on the 32 bit version of
Windows or maybe more easy on the server running SC? I think there will
be no problem running ACC than...



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread SilverRS8

Hi all,

My website is working again and I posted the RC3a version on . 

There was a problem with the various artist albums when the option 'use
folder structure to distinguish albums' option was selected which is
fixed in this version.

Let me know if the automatic detection of verious artists albums works
for you. Especially try to test ACC with the 'use folder structure to
distinguish albums' option deselected.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread SilverRS8

MuckleEck;263512 Wrote: 
> Frank,
> Great work once again, I had to make a modification as shown below to
> the replace filepath line but after that it picked up all the
> covers...
> sFilepath = Replace( rs("path"), "file:n2100/itunes" ,"y:")
> 'Strip file:/// prefix
> The only problem now is the "various Artists" albums that I have the
> album cover shows up for every different instance of Artist within the
> album, so for an album with 50 tracks by 50 different artists I have 50
> covers.can this be sorted, am happy to send you the log file if
> required.
> Many thanks

Hi Muckleeck,

Thx for the feedback! The file:/// was added to make album covers work
in Firefox. The file:/// prefix is actually a standard but IE isn't
into compliance with standards that much. Which version of IE do you

Regarding the Various artist issue:
1. The RC3 version with the option 'Use folder structure...' deselected
should create good results for the various artists
2. The RC3a release (just posted, see previous post) fixes the various
artist issue as described in 1 so you can use the 'Use folder
structure...' option again for various artist albums
3. For multi CD albums either the Disc tag must be used or the album
name should contain the disc number (a fair requirement I think;-) to
prevent every artist getting its own album. 



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread MuckleEck


Great work once again, I had to make a modification as shown below to
the replace filepath line but after that it picked up all the

sFilepath = Replace( rs("path"), "file:n2100/itunes" ,"y:")
'Strip file:/// prefix

The only problem now is the "various Artists" albums that I have the
album cover shows up for every different instance of Artist within the
album, so for an album with 50 tracks by 50 different artists I have 50
covers.can this be sorted, am happy to send you the log file if

Many thanks



3 SB3s - AudioEngine 2 - Cambridge Audio 640R -  Mordaunt Short

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread SilverRS8

MuckleEck;263532 Wrote: 
> Frank, The folder.jpg is in there for that album but maybe can't be read
> because of the Œ.

Your absolutely right. I'll see if I can fix this...  



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread MuckleEck


As far as the unknown images are concerned they work in firefox but not

I have re-saved as foilder.jpg and they are ok in IE now

Kind Regards




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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread SilverRS8

MuckleEck;263536 Wrote: 
> Frank,
> As far as the unknown images are concerned they work in firefox but not
> IE...
> I have re-saved as foilder.jpg and they are ok in IE now
> Kind Regards
> Alasdair

Sounds like the .png issue which Firefox is known to support better.
Thx for the feedback.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread MuckleEck


I think the character is an Πas in

Joseph Bonnet:  Œuvres Complètes, Vol. 1

The folder.jpg is in there for that album but maybe can't be read
because of the Œ.

Image of album attached.



|Filename: folder.jpg   |



3 SB3s - AudioEngine 2 - Cambridge Audio 640R -  Mordaunt Short

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread MuckleEck


A sample entry from the dB (imported into excel) as below


The path that I use from windows is


Tried rc3a...various artists works great, the log file is now only 85k
instead of 600k.

I am happy to help with UNC path testing if you need it.

Finally some of the covers are coming up with the small red cross  as
shown in the attached pdf...the file exists any reason why it can't be
displayed is there some size limits (small or large)?

Many thanks

|Filename: C__Program Files_album art_AlbumCatalogs_AlbumCatalog - .pdf|



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread SilverRS8

Hi MuckleEck,

Thx for the info regarding the paths. I'll use these as input for the
changes to be made and send you the version for testing.

I had this once myself and it appeared to be a cover.jpg file which was
actually a .png format. Can you check this? Irfanview reports such
things on opening the file (I believe
Very small but nice utility.

What character should be next to Josseph bonnet? I think I missed the
conversion of that character.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread SilverRS8

B.T.W. If you select 'Print background colors and images' from the
Internet explorer Tools -> Extra -> Advanced options, the gradient
background in the headers will also be printed to PDF (or printer).



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread tamanaco

Frank, albums that contain "double quotes" within their name in the tags
are converted to 'single quotes' when the folder are created based on
these tags. This 'placeyourquotehere' are interpreted by ACC as:


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread jordi . c

Hi Frank,

thanks for making this wondefull add-on :)

I have some question concerning If i can use it.

-SlimServer (6.5.4) is running on a NAS where Linux is installed on.

-The work PC's OS is Windows Vista.

Is it possible for me to get this working?

thanks in advance.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-29 Thread SilverRS8

jordi.c;263806 Wrote: 
> Hi Frank,
> thanks for making this wondefull add-on :)
> I have some question concerning If i can use it.
> -SlimServer (6.5.4) is running on a NAS where Linux is installed on.
> -The work PC's OS is Windows Vista.
> Is it possible for me to get this working?
> thanks in advance.
> Jordi

Yes, it should be no problem. As you might have read in this thread I
will add some GUI options in a next version to make it easy for NAS
users to configure ACC to work with a NAS. 

There are a couple of things you need to do:
- Install the mySQL ODBC driver on your Vista machine
- Change the ODBC connector string
Your database is on the linux server so the connection string on line
48 should look like:
Const ConnectString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=;Port=9092;Database=slimserver;UID=slimserver;Password=;Option=3"

Replace  withyour NAS ip number

- Map a drive from the windows machine you're running ACC from to the
NAS music share

- Edit line 530
ACC will take the path to the track stored in the DB to look for cover
files. When running ACC from a windows machine SS is also running from
this is no problem. The path stored on your linux NAS however looks
something like;
MV%20582.flac (thx to MuckleEck for the example)
ACC can't use this path but needs a drive letter. So if you mapped
drive y: to the path \\n2100\itunes, then you should change line 530 to
look like:
sFilepath = Replace( rs("path"), "file:n2100/itunes" ,"y:") 

Hope this helps?



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-31 Thread cnsmipe

I'm a bit confused here!!! What ID tags are You reading???
I've tagged all my music according to the instructions in the WiKi
so I do only have ID3v2 tags No APE or anything else...
But still i do get two different problems running your nice

First off:
AC/DC the tag is as that but still I get 2 different Artists ACDC and

Then the other:
Some albums are showing up as 1 Album/song so an album with 12 songs
will show up as 12 albums



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-31 Thread schatzy

cnsmipe;264469 Wrote: 
> Hi 
> Then the other:
> Some albums are showing up as 1 Album/song so an album with 12 songs
> will show up as 12 albums
> BR
> Mike


When this happens does SC7 or SS6.5.x show one album or multiple albums
as well. 

Check the track tags. If the tracks list as 1 then 2 then 3/12 then 4
then 5/12 then this can cause this to happen.



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-31 Thread cnsmipe

schatzy;264486 Wrote: 
> Mike,
> When this happens does SC7 or SS6.5.x show one album or multiple albums
> as well. 
> Check the track tags. If the tracks list as 1 then 2 then 3/12 then 4
> then 5/12 then this can cause this to happen.
> Schatzy
Server 6.5.X
This appears  on more the one album...
My structure are as follows 
Directory named: "Artist", subdirectory: "album" 
files "1 - Title"

Track tag is 01 02 and so on



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-31 Thread SilverRS8

cnsmipe;264469 Wrote: 
> Hi 
> I'm a bit confused here!!! What ID tags are You reading???
> I've tagged all my music according to the instructions in the WiKi
> so I do only have ID3v2 tags No APE or anything else...
> But still i do get two different problems running your nice
> application/script.
> First off:
> AC/DC the tag is as that but still I get 2 different Artists ACDC and
> AC DC.
> Then the other:
> Some albums are showing up as 1 Album/song so an album with 12 songs
> will show up as 12 albums
> BR
> Mike

I'll do some checks on the AC/DC problem which can either be two
things: 1. The way it is stored in the DB or 2. The '/' is causing
problems. I'll get back on this one.

For the second problem; This can have the following reasons:
1. The albumname tag is different among the album tracks (a difference
in case is enough to have SC/SS it stored as different albums
2. On an album with multiple track the albumnames are identical for
every cd (so no CD number in albumname) AND the Disc tag is not used

So most often this is a tagging issue. Can you confirm this?



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-31 Thread cnsmipe

SilverRS8;264554 Wrote: 
> I'll do some checks on the AC/DC problem which can either be two things:
> 1. The way it is stored in the DB or 2. The '/' is causing problems.
> I'll get back on this one.
> For the second problem; This can have the following reasons:
> 1. The albumname tag is different among the album tracks (a difference
> in case is enough to have SC/SS it stored as different albums
> 2. On an album with multiple track the albumnames are identical for
> every cd (so no CD number in albumname) AND the Disc tag is not used
> either. 
> So most often this is a tagging issue. Can you confirm this?
> Frank
Ok I suspect tagging aswell but I'm trying to understand whats
happening :).
No the albumname are identical, and as far as SS it's okey just one
album, some of the albums have diffrent disc number.

I've been using TAG&rename and the option F10 get tags from Amazon



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-01 Thread SilverRS8

cnsmipe;264494 Wrote: 
> Server 6.5.X
> This appears  on more the one album...
> My structure are as follows 
> Directory named: "Artist", subdirectory: "album" 
> files "1 - Title"
> Track tag is 01 02 and so on
> Mike

Do you use the ACC RC3a release? RC3 had an issue regarding albums
appearing multiple times.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-01 Thread cnsmipe

SilverRS8;264601 Wrote: 
> Do you use the ACC RC3a release? RC3 had an issue regarding albums
> appearing multiple times.
> Frank
Yes I do use RC3a release, is there a later version?

And regarding the AC/DC and the / issue I'v tried to retag all to ACDC
and AC DC but still I get the same result.

I reinstalled the mySQL ODCB  after retagging but before running Your



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-01 Thread schatzy

cnsmipe;264608 Wrote: 
> Yes I do use RC3a release, is there a later version?
> And regarding the AC/DC and the / issue I'v tried to retag all to ACDC
> and AC DC but still I get the same result.
> I reinstalled the mySQL ODCB  after retagging but before running Your
> script
> Mike

I did some extensive testing last night by setting up a few albums for
AC/DC, AC\DC, for the ACDC, AC DC problem you are having.

What I found was that no matter what I did it would always Come out as
AC/DC. It did not matter which way the /\ went or if it had a space
before or after it always got changed to "/". 

So this morning I powered up a system from at work that runs a Spanish
(sold in Spain) version of Windows XP Pro SP2 and made up some albums
and then transfered them to a English (Sold in the US) version of
Windows XP Pro SP2 and ran some tests. What i got was very
inconsistent. Most of the time it would come out as ACDC but
occasionaly it would come out as AC DC. It seems to me to be a
difference in the language settings for characters.  

You had stated that you downloaded some of the tagging from Amazon.
Could it be that some of the AC/DC tags came from Amazon.

I would suggest opening each album with your tagging software. Bulk
remove or change the artist tag to something completely different. Save
this Close the tagging software. Reopen the tagging software and that
album and and bulk change the artist tag to AC/DC. Remember that you
will have to do a complete clear and rescan with SC/SS and the rerun

If this does not fix the problem then PM me and we can work off line of
the forum to get this sorted out for you.



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
Main Stereo - SB3 - Nikko Beta 30 Preamp - Nikko Alpha 230 Amplifier -
Genesis VI Speakers

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-01 Thread cnsmipe

I'll try that as soon as I get back home, i'm at my parents house for
the weekend.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-02 Thread terry

SilverRS8;263505 Wrote: 
> Strange. I can only relate this to mySQL and an open recordset that
> should be closed but others have reported no problem whatsoever. I
> tried several thing but they all result in non functioning ACC for
> other users.
> I see in your system specs from your previous post you use the 64 bit
> version of XP? I'm afraid that I am unable to test and debug for that
> Windows version. Are you able to test ACC on the 32 bit version of
> Windows or maybe more easy on the server running SC? I think there will
> be no problem running ACC than...
> Frank

Since I am running XP x64 on the server, I needed to pursue this
further.  Like other aspects of X64 there are 32 and 64 bit
I had been trying to get the native 64 bit MySQL code to work but
ran into other issues where the drivers and code failed to communicate.
Finally, I dropped back and installed the 32 bit MySQL connector code
instead and finally got ACC to run!
In case anyone else is interested, the default ODBC administrator in
x64 is 64-bit only.  Therefore, you'll probably want to add
%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe to your Administrative Tools
shortcuts for 32-bit DSN setup.

P.S.  Nice app Frank!!!


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-02 Thread venus light


Thanks so much for all your hard work with this - it's exactly what
I've been looking for.

I've got a couple of questions...

1) How is it supposed to handle Various Artists?  I've tagged all my VA
albums as:
Artist - Various Artists
Title - Artist / Song title
I've found it easiest for organization.  Yet, ACC gives each track in
each of the albums it's own album entry.  Therefore, if I've got a VA
album with 20 tracks, then I get 20 different albums with 1 track each
in ACC.  

2) Along the same lines as #1, I've got 2 albums in a collection of 551
that is split up in my ACC report as 10 different albums - each with 1
or 2 tracks in it.  I can't seem to find anything in the tags that is
causing this - SS treats it as a single album.

3) Artists with "The" at the beginning get alphabetized as such.  Is
there a way to make ACC ignore the leading "The"?

4) And finally, there are a couple of instances where the printout is
cutting off an album listing in the middle of a list of songs.  Is
there anyway to fix this?

I apologize if any of these issues have already been covered in this
thread - I didn't see any when I searched for them.

Thanks again for all your hard work!

venus light

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-02 Thread SilverRS8

venus light;265120 Wrote: 
> Frank,
> Thanks so much for all your hard work with this - it's exactly what
> I've been looking for.
> I've got a couple of questions...
> 1) How is it supposed to handle Various Artists?  I've tagged all my VA
> albums as:
> Artist - Various Artists
> Title - Artist / Song title
> I've found it easiest for organization.  Yet, ACC gives each track in
> each of the albums it's own album entry.  Therefore, if I've got a VA
> album with 20 tracks, then I get 20 different albums with 1 track each
> in ACC.  
> 2) Along the same lines as #1, I've got 2 albums in a collection of 551
> that is split up in my ACC report as 10 different albums - each with 1
> or 2 tracks in it.  I can't seem to find anything in the tags that is
> causing this - SS treats it as a single album.
> 3) Artists with "The" at the beginning get alphabetized as such.  Is
> there a way to make ACC ignore the leading "The"?
> 4) And finally, there are a couple of instances where the printout is
> cutting off an album listing in the middle of a list of songs.  Is
> there anyway to fix this?
> I apologize if any of these issues have already been covered in this
> thread - I didn't see any when I searched for them.
> Thanks again for all your hard work!

Hi Venus Light,

Thanks for using ACC and your feedback on it. I hope I can answer your
questions. I assume that you are using the RC3a version on this.

1. How ACC treats VA albums; It performs a general DB query and then
processes all VA albums and test if these are really true VA albums.
SS/SC also tag an album as VA if one other artist is featuring or
performing on the album. These cases are changed to the correct album
artist by ACC.
Every track appearing as a single album can have the following causes;
- Not all album tags are exactly identical. Even a difference in
character case somewhere causes SS/SC to assign a new album ID
- Multiple CDs must be distinguished either by using the Disc tag or by
album name (put cd number in album name)

2. I think the same causes as described in (1)

3. This request has been made before and there even is a solution with
code in this thread on it from Phil if i'm correct.
It is a personal preference I think but its on my future version option
list. So yes, it is possible.

4. ACC has a printseperator function (can be disabled in the GUI) which
inserts CSS code only used for printing so has no effect in Firefox or
IE but you can see its effect in the print preview.
The function uses a number of criteria; maximum number of tracks that
can be displayed on a page using the current Tracklisting font. Another
criteria is the maximum of rows that can be displayed. In the ACC help
screen there is some info about it and how you can solve issues with it
which is mostly by using smaller page margins to be set from firefox or
IE. There is also some info about getting rid of the ugly header/footer
and how to place decend page numbers on the pages.

Please let me know if any of my answers are indeed true and helpfull.
If not, maybe I can fix things with your feedback. Maybe you can send
me (or post) a screenprint of the tags from the albums causing trouble
from i.e. Tag&Rename/MP3Tag. 



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-04 Thread venus light


Thanks for your response.  I'll try and sort out the tagging issue on
my own - if I can't figure it out, I'll post a screenshot of the tags.

I was indeed running RC3 instead of RC3a - after upgrading, it fixed
the Various Artists issue.

I changed the code to sort by AlbumTitle, thanks for providing that.

And I found the code that Phil posted with regards to the leading

Frank - cracked the "The " problem...

two blocks of code changes:


sQBase = "select IF ( LEFT(, 4)='The ',
SUBSTRING( FROM 5), AS sort_name, "
"CONVERT( USING utf8) as artist,CONVERT(albums.title
USING utf8) as album,albums.year AS year, tracks.url AS filepath,
tracks.tracknum AS tracknumber, " &_
"CONVERT(tracks.title USING UTF8) as
tracktitle,CONVERT(SEC_TO_TIME(tracks.secs),CHAR) as duration,
genres.namesort AS 'genre' " &_
"from tracks " &_


If iSortby = 1 then
sQOrderBy = "order by sort_name,year,lcase(convert(albums.titlesort
using utf8)),tracks.disc,tracks.tracknum;"
Elseif iSortby = 2 then
sQOrderBy = "order by lcase(convert(albums.titlesort using
sQOrderBy = "order by genre,sort_name,lcase(convert(albums.titlesort
using utf8)),tracks.disc,tracks.tracknum;"
End If 

but I don't know where to insert and or/replace it...

Thanks again!

venus light

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-05 Thread cnsmipe

schatzy;264646 Wrote: 
> I did some extensive testing last night by setting up a few albums for
> AC/DC, AC\DC, for the ACDC, AC DC problem you are having.
> What I found was that no matter what I did it would always Come out as
> AC/DC. It did not matter which way the /\ went or if it had a space
> before or after it always got changed to "/". 
> So this morning I powered up a system from at work that runs a Spanish
> (sold in Spain) version of Windows XP Pro SP2 and made up some albums
> and then transfered them to a English (Sold in the US) version of
> Windows XP Pro SP2 and ran some tests. What i got was very
> inconsistent. Most of the time it would come out as ACDC but
> occasionaly it would come out as AC DC. It seems to me to be a
> difference in the language settings for characters.  
> You had stated that you downloaded some of the tagging from Amazon.
> Could it be that some of the AC/DC tags came from Amazon.
> I would suggest opening each album with your tagging software. Bulk
> remove or change the artist tag to something completely different. Save
> this Close the tagging software. Reopen the tagging software and that
> album and and bulk change the artist tag to AC/DC. Remember that you
> will have to do a complete clear and rescan with SC/SS and the rerun
> ACC.
> If this does not fix the problem then PM me and we can work off line of
> the forum to get this sorted out for you.
> Schatzy

So strange, I tried yesterday, ( i did a system restore due to a
different problem) and had to reinstall both ACC and MYsql ODBC. And
the AC/DC problem was solved!!!
So my question is where does ACC get the Tag info from? Is't from the
SS db or is't from the IDtag within the MP3 file it self? So if it's
the SS db you have to rebuild the db before trying!

Then regarding the Album problem it still remains



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-05 Thread schatzy

cnsmipe;265708 Wrote: 
> So strange, I tried yesterday, ( i did a system restore due to a
> different problem) and had to reinstall both ACC and MYsql ODBC. And
> the AC/DC problem was solved!!!
> So my question is where does ACC get the Tag info from? Is't from the
> SS db or is't from the IDtag within the MP3 file it self? So if it's
> the SS db you have to rebuild the db before trying!
> Then regarding the Album problem it still remains
> Micke

It gets the tag info from the SS database, so exactly why it was doing
what it was with the AC/DC. Well it's Windows.

AS fro your album problem PM me and i will give you my e-mail address
and the you can send me one of your albums and i will check it out with
my system and try to figure out what is wrong.



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-05 Thread Rick B .

Frank, I had an older version of your script and it worked perfectly. I
downloaded your latest version yesterday and for about a half of my 800
albums it doubles all of the song titles - i.e., each song is repeated
twice in a row. The rest look perfect.

I don't think it's my tags as I don't fool around with them very much -
I just rip with EAC to flac and that's it. I'm on Windows XP. I'm also
running Music IP concurrently.

Any ideas what might be happening here? Thanks.

Rick B.

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-05 Thread venus light

Rick B.;265778 Wrote: 
> Frank, I had an older version of your script and it worked perfectly. I
> downloaded your latest version yesterday and for about a half of my 800
> albums it doubles all of the song titles - i.e., each song is repeated
> twice in a row. And, for some Various Artists' albums the songs are
> repeated 3 or 4 times!. The rest look perfect.
> I don't think it's my tags as I don't fool around with them very much -
> I just rip with EAC to flac and that's it. I'm on Windows XP. I'm also
> running Music IP concurrently.
> Any ideas what might be happening here? Thanks.

Frank or one of the other guys might have a better answer, but I would
guess it is Music IP.  

I was running it and if I did anything to my tags or moved files and
rescanned with SlimServer, it always showed multiple instances of songs
and/or albums.  It's something about Music IP that it wants to cache
older versions even if they don't exist.  I would turn off Music IP, do
a clear and rescan with SS and then run ACC and see what happens.

venus light

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-06 Thread Rick B .

Thanks for the suggestion, venus light. In fact, I had just done a
complete re-scan.

I'll report back after I do what you suggest.

Rick B.

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-06 Thread mkgolden1

...this script; it is EXACTLY what I have been hacking around with off
and on, or been lazy and looking for someone to have created a
solution, for years.  Unfortunately for me, I had a drive failure last
night and when the rescan occurred my db was empty, so I am doing a
rebuild of the RAID and a rescan as we speak.  I can hardly wait to run

Again, thanks, a very nice addition and a real need met.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-08 Thread SilverRS8

Rick B.;267009 Wrote: 
> My problem with multiple listings of song titles remains after following
> the suggestions. I get multiple songs with the new version of ACC, but
> everything is correct if I use older version 1 of ACC.

ACC access the DB directly. It determine is a track belongs to a new
album based on albumid or folderstructure. If musicIP inserts its own
data into the DB (don't know if it does), then multiple occurences of
the same track exists but with different albumids or folderreference
and hence albums/tracks appear multiple times.

I suspect MusicIP is causing the problem since others users have not
reported this problem before.

Just as wild guess you can try the following;
- Try different results by enabling/disabling the 'use folder
structure...' option
- by changing the line in the script (just do a search for it):
sql = "Create table ACC " &_

sql = "Create table ACC DISTINCT " &_

Note the space after DISTINCT is mandatory. I can't test this my self
but small change this can resolve the issue.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SqueezeCenter & SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-08 Thread Rick B .

venus light;265913 Wrote: 
> Frank or one of the other guys might have a better answer, but I would
> guess it is Music IP.  
> I was running it and if I did anything to my tags or moved files and
> rescanned with SlimServer, it always showed multiple instances of songs
> and/or albums.  It's something about Music IP that it wants to cache
> older versions even if they don't exist.  I would turn off Music IP, do
> a clear and rescan with SS and then run ACC and see what happens.

My problem with multiple listings of song titles remains after
following the suggestions. I get multiple songs with the new version of
ACC, but everything is correct if I use older version 1 of ACC.

Rick B.

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-11 Thread SilverRS8

Donzi;268279 Wrote: 
> I had the same thing happening with RC3 and noticed the albums that have
> duplicate song lines are albums that I have tagged with multiple genre
> tags. I just tried ACC for the first time today so do not have
> experience with the older versions to know if this is a new issue.
> Are you sure you didn't tag some albums with multiple genres? For
> example I have Rock/Christmas albums that are tagged both as 'Rock' and
> as 'Christmas'. Those albums would have duplicate track listings. When I
> added 'Christmas' to the 'Exclude Genre' box the duplicate tracks
> disappeared.

Thanks Donzi for the hint on duplicate tracks when using multiple genre
tags. I'll try to simulate it and do some troubleshooting.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-11 Thread Donzi

Rick B.;265778 Wrote: 
> Frank, I had an older version of your script and it worked perfectly. I
> downloaded your latest version yesterday and for about a half of my 800
> albums it doubles all of the song titles - i.e., each song is repeated
> twice in a row. And, for some Various Artists' albums the songs are
> repeated 3 or 4 times!. The rest look perfect.
> I don't think it's my tags as I don't fool around with them very much -
> I just rip with EAC to flac and that's it. I'm on Windows XP. I'm also
> running Music IP concurrently.
> Any ideas what might be happening here? Thanks.

I had the same thing happening with RC3 and noticed the albums that
have duplicate song lines are albums that I have tagged with multiple
genre tags. I just tried ACC for the first time today so do not have
experience with the older versions to know if this is a new issue.

Are you sure you didn't tag some albums with multiple genres? For
example I have Rock/Christmas albums that are tagged both as 'Rock' and
as 'Christmas'. Those albums would have duplicate track listings. When I
added 'Christmas' to the 'Exclude Genre' box the duplicate tracks


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-13 Thread venus light

I am getting a red X Album Cover for 2 albums in my collection.  I saw
someone was having that problem because they were actually pngs.  I
checked with irfanview and they are jpgs.  In fact, for one of them, I
have the exact same file as art for another album and it displays fine.
The artwork displays perfectly in SlimServer - both are being viewed in

Any ideas?

I have attached screenshots if you care to see.

|Filename: redx2.jpg|

venus light

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-13 Thread SilverRS8

venus light;269116 Wrote: 
> I am getting a red X Album Cover for 2 albums in my collection.  I saw
> someone was having that problem because they were actually pngs.  I
> checked with irfanview and they are jpgs.  In fact, for one of them, I
> have the exact same file as art for another album and it displays fine.
> The artwork displays perfectly in SlimServer - both are being viewed in
> IE.
> Any ideas?
> I have attached screenshots if you care to see.

Hi Venus light,

I think the first red X may be caused by the '/' in the year field. I
don't see any problem with the other one regarding tags. You tested for
the PNG issue which only leaves a special character in the full path to
the albumcover file. Can you confirm if this is the case?

I haven't had any spare time lately to do some bug fixing but this
weekend I'm planning to solve some posted issues. The '/' in year
problem is easy to fix (just never accounted for a year notation with
month and ay in it).
I'll also try to fix the multiple album issue for every track.

Rick B. Can you maybe send me some files or create a download for it
causing the problem? It could be very helpfull in trying to fix the
issue. I don't have MusicIP though so can't test for the effect of it
which as I read the post from Venus Light can be quiet large. 



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SqueezeCenter & SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-14 Thread venus light

SilverRS8;269199 Wrote: 
> Edit: Just noticed that the '/' in the very last album creates no
> problem so the '/' should not be the issue. I'll create a seperate
> version logging some additional information in an attempt to pinpoint
> the problem.

Frank, yeah I was going to say I've got lots of live recordings that
have '/' in the album title and there's no problem with missing

Let me know if I can do any debugging for you.

venus light

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-14 Thread tamanaco

SilverRS8;269420 Wrote: 
> I fixed the double qoute issue (to be incorporated in next release). 
> The 'greates album' problem I can't reproduce. I myself also have
> multiple 'greatest albums' which, when 'use folder structure...' is
> selected sort fine. 
> When this option is selected the albums are distinguished based on the
> full folder path to the album. Can you confirm that the albums giving
> problems all reside in the same folder?
> If this is the case then it is not a bug of acc. The 'use folder
> structure...' option requires every album to reside in its own
> directory.
> Frank

Hi Frank... thanks for fixing the "quotes" problem. In regards to my
folder structure... all my albums are in separated folders. Including
my "Various" artists compilations. I think this  happened when I sorted
either by artist or by album name... It's been some time, so I don't
remember exactly.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-14 Thread SilverRS8

tamanaco;263579 Wrote: 
> Frank, albums that contain "double quotes" within their name in the tags
> are converted to 'single quotes' when the folder are created based on
> these tags. This 'placeyourquotehere' are interpreted by ACC as:
> "placeyourquotehere"
> EDIT: Also, when using the folder structure albums with the same name
> are merged by ACC. I renamed a few of my albums to resolved this issue.
> I had five albums under different artists named "Greatest Hits".

I fixed the double qoute issue (to be incorporated in next release). 

The 'greates album' problem I can't reproduce. I myself also have
multiple 'greatest albums' which, when 'use folder structure...' is
selected sort fine. 
When this option is selected the albums are distinguished based on the
full folder path to the album. Can you confirm that the albums giving
problems all reside in the same folder?
If this is the case then it is not a bug of acc. The 'use folder
structure...' option requires every album to reside in its own



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SqueezeCenter & SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-14 Thread SilverRS8

venus light;269293 Wrote: 
> Frank, yeah I was going to say I've got lots of live recordings that
> have '/' in the album title and there's no problem with missing
> artwork.
> Let me know if I can do any debugging for you.

Hi Venus light,

Can you download the debug version I created on ?

and post or PM the line(s) in the acc.log for the troublesome
albumcovers and the corresponding line for the album(s) in the
generated .html file?

The log line should look something like:
STATUS  : 20:32:22 D:/_Music/_Full Albums/30 & Seconds To Mars/A
seconde & mars;A "Beautiful" Lie;ROCK;2005

This should provide enough information to determine the real problem.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SqueezeCenter & SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-15 Thread SilverRS8

Rick B.;267009 Wrote: 
> My problem with multiple listings of song titles remains after following
> the suggestions. I get multiple songs with the new version of ACC, but
> everything is correct if I use older version 1 of ACC.

Do you use multiple tags alot? i.e. multiple genre tags seperated by a
';' (or other character)?

I can confirm this is currently an issue with ACC causing every track
to appear multiple times. I'm working on resolving it but this may take
a bit longer...


Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SqueezeCenter & SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-17 Thread SilverRS8

I just posted RC4 on

Changes for this release:
- FIXED: Double quotes in album name resulted in " in generated
- ADDED(or fixed if you like): Support for multiple genre tags. In
previous ACC versions the use of multiple genre tags resulted in the
track appearing multiple times in the album and the incorrect display
of all genres in the album title. This has been corrected now.

To support the multiple genre tags is was necessary to perform a
seperate query for every album is needed. This will result in a
performance degrade when comparing to previous releases. But since a
catalogue isn't created every day or so I think performance is less of
an issue.

For very large collections, windows may report that ACC is not
responding. This however is not true. It is just too busy generating
the catalog not updating windows status info frequently enough to
prevent this message.

If you have any issues, please reply on this thread...



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SqueezeCenter & SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-17 Thread Secret Squirrel


I just downloaded and ran RC4a. The run time wasn't much longer, but
the results were a little disappointing. I still get the same results
of multiple listings for some albums. As an example, Alanis
Morrisette's "Jagged Little Pill". I get four listings: the first with
one track (track one) and album art, the second with just track two &
"No Cover Available", the third with tracks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, & 12 with art, the fourth with just track 13 no art, and the fourth
with just track 13 with art.

I checked the tags in MP3Tag. There is only one genre per track. The
album name has no special characters.

I'm stumped. RC2a worked the best for me so far.

Sorry for my bad results!


PS I'm willing to attach any files you would like to see.

Secret Squirrel

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-17 Thread SilverRS8

Secret Squirrel;270388 Wrote: 
> Frank,
> I just downloaded and ran RC4a. The run time wasn't much longer, but
> the results were a little disappointing. I still get the same results
> of multiple listings for some albums. As an example, Alanis
> Morrisette's "Jagged Little Pill". I get four listings: the first with
> one track (track one) and album art, the second with just track two &
> "No Cover Available", the third with tracks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
> 11, & 12 with art, the fourth with just track 13 no art, and the fourth
> with just track 13 with art.
> I checked the tags in MP3Tag. There is only one genre per track. The
> album name has no special characters.
> I'm stumped. RC2a worked the best for me so far.
> Sorry for my bad results!
> SS
> PS I'm willing to attach any files you would like to see.

I'm very interested in the files of Alanis so I can use it as test set.
They are probaly to large to send by mail. Is it possible for me to
download them somehow?

Can you also send me the log file of the RC3b debug version (see my
request to venus light at top of page)? That would really be helpfull
because it includes the path as stored in the DB. 

Thx in advance !!



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SqueezeCenter & SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-17 Thread Rick B .

SilverRS8;269769 Wrote: 
> Do you use multiple tags alot? i.e. multiple genre tags seperated by a
> ';' (or other character)?
> I can confirm this is currently an issue with ACC causing every track
> to appear multiple times. I'm working on resolving it but this may take
> a bit longer...
> EDIT: Question; When multiple genres are used for an album (or all
> albums), how would sorting on genre need to work?

Hi, Frank. Yes, I do have fair number of albums with multiple tags. I
can't think of how to sort on genres in any way other than alpha.
Please note: I only get multiple songs with your newest version -
version V1-b5 works correctly. Thanks.

Rick B.

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-17 Thread tamanaco

SilverRS8;270284 Wrote: 
> I just posted RC4
> Changes for this release:
> - FIXED: Double quotes in album name resulted in " in generated
> catalog.
> - ADDED(or fixed if you like): Support for multiple genre tags. In
> previous ACC versions the use of multiple genre tags resulted in the
> track appearing multiple times in the album and the incorrect display
> of all genres in the album title. This has been corrected now
> Frank

Frank, as advertized the double quotes issue is fixed, but  there still
remain a couple "cosmetic" enhancements that I'd like to see. 
1. As I mentioned before, the tracks' least significant digit is left
justified. 2. The albums' CD header should go before the Track header.

CD 1
1. Track Name

Instead of 

1. Track Name

Btw, I think the issue I had with albums with the same name being
merged happened when I selected "Use folder structure to distinguish
If you have any issues, please reply on this thread... 

The tool is getting better and better every week.

Thanks again...


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-18 Thread SilverRS8

tamanaco;270498 Wrote: 
> Frank, as advertized the double quotes issue is fixed, but  there still
> remain a couple "cosmetic" enhancements that I'd like to see. 
> 1. As I mentioned before, the tracks' least significant digit is left
> justified. 

Thx again for your feedback! I forgot to mention that I already did
some experimenting on this but the font used is proportional which
results in a misalignment when all single digit tracknumber are
indended by a space. They will align properly with the two digit ones.
One space is a little too short and two is a bit too far. So I didn't
implement it yet because I though the current version is preferred over
a misaligned one.
There is a solution though and that is that the tracklisting should be
placed in a table allowing to align by column. 
I have to experiment with that but i think it will serious degrade
performance of the HTML page in the browser for huge collections
because the table structure and nesting tend to have this effect.

tamanaco;270498 Wrote: 
> 2. The albums' CD header should go before the Track header. e.g.
> CD 1
> Tracks 
> 1. Track Name
> .
> .
> .
> Instead of 
> Tracks
> CD1
> 1. Track Name
> .
> .
> .

Good suggestion. First guess is that this would be fairly easy to 
implement. I'll take it into account for the next version.

tamanaco;270498 Wrote: 
> Btw, I think the issue I had with albums with the same name being merged
> happened when I selected "Use folder structure to distinguish albums". 
> If you have any issues, please reply on this thread... 
> The tool is getting better and better every week.
> Thanks again...

I'll take a look if I can reproduce it and thanks again for your
regular feedback. Hope to make this a one -works-for-all tool.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SqueezeCenter & SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-18 Thread tamanaco

SilverRS8;270561 Wrote: 
> Thx again for your feedback! I forgot to mention that I already did some
> experimenting on this but the font used is proportional which results in
> a misalignment when all single digit tracknumber are indended by a
> space. They will align properly with the two digit ones. One space is a
> little too short and two is a bit too far. So I didn't implement it yet
> because I though the current version is preferred over a misaligned
> one.
> There is a solution though and that is that the tracklisting should be
> placed in a table allowing to align by column. 
> I have to experiment with that but i think it will serious degrade
> performance of the HTML page in the browser for huge collections
> because the table structure and nesting tend to have this effect.
> Frank

Frank, what about an "option" for inserting a leading "0" Zero for the
first nine digits? Would this be easier to implement? I doubth that
many folks have albums with more than 99 tracks.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-18 Thread Phil Leigh

tamanaco;270603 Wrote: 
> Frank, what about an "option" for inserting a leading "0" Zero for the
> first nine digits? Would this be easier to implement? I doubth that
> many folks have albums with more than 99 tracks.

Just make the insert conditional on the string initial length (ie only
pad with zero if len=1)

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-02-18 Thread MuckleEck

tamanaco;270603 Wrote: 
> Frank, what about an "option" for inserting a leading "0" Zero for the
> first nine digits? Would this be easier to implement? I doubth that
> many folks have albums with more than 99 tracks.

UNfortunately I have a number of 100+ track compilations...however I
have already numbered them with the leading zeroes.



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