Re: [hlcoders] Odd viewing problem.

2005-05-18 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald wrote:
Hello all,
I'm having a problem that seems to be relating to the players viewing
angles; basically I have a square area on a map.
Are you using an FOV of 90?
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Speed hack detection?

2005-05-18 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Jeff Fearn wrote:
Say one put a threshold of 50% or 100% speed up, how would you go
about detecting that in a server plugin?
What I would do is keep a list of players currently on the server (store
their edict as they connect along with their current location).  The
player's location can be obtained from the
ICollideable::GetCollisionOrigin() function.
If your server plugin GetFrame() function keep checking each player's
current location every so often (say every 0.5 seconds).
The current location (in the array of players that you keep in your
plugin) becomes the previous location.  Subtract the player's current
location from the previous location to get a vector.  Determine the
length of that vector (the distance between now and then), and divide
the distance by the time (to get speed, i.e. units/second).  Store the
new current location in the current location field of your array of
If the speed calculated is above the server max, increment a hack
counter.  If the speed is below the server max, decrement the hack
counter (not letting it fall below 0).  When the hack counter reaches
some maximum amount (let's say 6, which would be 3 seconds worth of
compares), warn the player that the server thinks they are speed hacking
and they will be given a 30 second grace period to turn it off or be
banned from the server.
Don't check them again for 30 seconds, then if they continue to reach
the hack count, ban them.
It's not fool proof and can lead to some false positives, but as long as
you allow enough time between comparisons (the 0.5 second window) and as
long as you require consecutive check failures (the counting to 6
thing), you should have less people failing due to high latency network
The only problem is how do you handle falling speeds (if you have a long
drop that can last for 5 or 6 seconds) and how do you handle teleporters
which will look like an intantaneous jump from point A to point B making
a speed that approaches the speed of light!  :)
Again, averaging things out over several seconds should help avoid even
these problems.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Speed hack detection?

2005-05-18 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
r00t 3:16 wrote:
Does anyone know (please do not post it if you do know) how the speed hack
actually works?
It seems they are somehow changing a variable in memory ? Or are they
tricking the server somehow ?
Usually the client's system clock is running faster (slower?) than
normal, I can't remember which way the system clock needs to go to make
the game engine think time is passing more slowly.  Your client machine
is running faster than normal so normal movement speed on your machine
become high movement speed on the server (who's running on a different
clock speed).
If the client's game engine is ticking faster/slower than the server's
game engine, the client will be able to move larger distances over the
same amount of time.  It's sort of like the reverse of Einstein's theory
of relativity.  Distances become smaller for people who are moving
faster in time (or something like that).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Player Leaning

2005-05-17 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Michael Kramer wrote:
I am trying to do player leaning...I have gotten everything except the
command...I am using ViewPunch(); for right now but it doesn't
stay...Does anyone know if there is a way I can rotate the FOV or make
it so that ViewPunch can stay? Thanx :D
Are you just trying to roll the view?  If so, see
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Returned mail: Data format error

2005-05-11 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ .zip of type application/octet-stream deleted ]
The fake alfred is back, posting viruses again!  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] gib?

2005-05-07 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
r00t 3:16 wrote:
Ok maybe im dumb dunno but what does gib mean?
It's the singular form of giblets.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] UTIL_FindEntityBy problems

2005-05-03 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Josh Matthews wrote:
Rightm the UTIL_FindEntityBy* functions have been giving me some
problems with the work I'm doing for HL1.  I'm trying to find all
light entities with a certain property that I've added to group
certain lights together, there's a new variable in the fgd base light
class, and it's in the corresponding CLight class too, I've done the
keyvalues etc.  Anyways, I first tried using UTIL_FindEntityByString,
using the normal loop method:
CBaseEntity *pEnt = NULL;
for(;pEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByString(pEnt,m_iPowerzone,m_iPowerzone;)
  if(!pEnt) break;
This came up with no entities.  I have checked the fgd, the light
class has a member called m_iPowerzone which is a string, it's
recorded in the KeyValues() function for CLight.
m_iPowerzone will only be meaningful in the context of the class this
code is being called in.  UTIL_FindEntityByString() takes the
CBaseEntity pointer and 2 char pointers (the key and the value of that
key for a specific entity).  For example, if you wanted to search for
all entities with the key m_iPowerzone and the value 50, you could
do this...
CBaseEntity *pEnt = NULL;
for(; pEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByString(pEnt,m_iPowerzone,50); )
  if(FNullEnt(pEnt)) break;
Your second example is going to do weird stuff because you are starting
to search for one entity, but constantly changing which type of entity
you are searching for and could potentially skip over entities that you
want to know about.
You should probably break it down into 3 separate loops like so...
CBaseEntity *pEnt = NULL;
for(; pEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(pEnt,light); )
  if(FNullEnt(pEnt)) break;
CBaseEntity *pEnt = NULL;
for(; pEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(pEnt,light_spot); )
  if(FNullEnt(pEnt)) break;
CBaseEntity *pEnt = NULL;
for(; pEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname(pEnt,light_environment); )
  if(FNullEnt(pEnt)) break;
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] UTIL_FindEntityBy problems

2005-05-03 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Josh Matthews wrote:
Two points, one, I don't see how my second method will skip over
entities.  It keeps searching until it doesn't find one class, then
goes on to the next.
Let's say you only have 4 entities in the world, in this order...
worldspawn --- light_spot --- light_environment --- light
Your switch code goes through 3 states (case 0, 1, or 2).  In each
state, it increments the pointer to the next entity in the linked list
that matches what you are searching for in that state (i.e. in state 0,
it searches for a light entity and returns the pointer to it.
So, if you with the entity pointer as NULL, and search for light, the
engine will start at worldspawn, won't find a match in classname, will
bump to the next entity (light_spot), won't find a match in classname,
will bump to the next, and so on until the engine finds the light
entity at the end.  The engine will return the pointer to this entity.
Now your code bumps to state=1, and continues from the light entity
pointer looking for light_spot.  Lo and behold, no light_spot
entities are found, because the engine is already at the end of the list.
Then you bump to state=2 and the same thing happens.  No
light_environment entities because the entity pointer is already at
the end of the list.
You need to search the linked list separately for each class of entity.
 The other, I don't understand what you mean
about m_iPowerzone will only be meaningful in the context of the
class this code is being called in.
What I mean is that if m_iPowerzone is a member variable of
light_spot, and this code is called from within a light_spot class, the
member variable m_iPowerzone will only contain whatever string you have
assigned to it in that specific class instance.
You code appears to want to do this...
for each entity...
   check if the entity contains a key value called m_iPowerzone AND
   check if the entity with the m_iPowerzone key contains a string
that is equal to the string pointed to by the m_iPowerzone member
variable of that entity class instance. (i.e. search through all
entities to find an entity that has a key value that is equal to
whatever value has been assigned to that particular entity).
No such comparison will happen.  You are passing in a static char
pointer (whatever m_iPowerzone happens to point to) when the
UTIL_FindEntityByString() is called.  This comparision string will not
change as each entity in the linked list is evaluated (and perhaps that
was your intent, to compare each entity in the linked list to a specific
non-changing string).
I've added an m_iPowerzone variable to the light base class in the
fgd, and I've also added a handler in the KeyValues function for
CLight.  In addition, I have made a trigger_powerzone entity which has
its own m_iPowerzone variable (and respective KeyValue handler), and
in its Use function it finds all lights with the same powerzone
(UTIL_FindEntityByString(pEnt,m_iPowerzone,m_iPowerzone)) and
switches them off.  Shouldn't this find the light entities, seeing as
the trigger_powerzone class has a powerzone to search for, and all the
lights have powerzone variables as well?
Yes, it wasn't clear that m_iPowerzone was actually coming from some
other entity (in this case, trigger_powerzone).  If you call the
UTIL_FindEntityByString() from within the trigger_powerzone class and
pass in the value of m_iPowerzone contained within this
trigger_powerzone class, it will find all other entities with a
m_iPowerzone key that has a value that matches the value of
m_iPowerzone contained in the trigger_powerzone class.
In this case, it does what you want (compares the key/value of all
entities to a constant string from the trigger_powerzone class instance).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] UTIL_FindEntityBy problems

2005-05-03 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Josh Matthews wrote:
Actually, I'm still confused about how the classname method won't
work.  When it reaches the light entity, it'll trigger correctly and
do its thing.  Then it moves on, can't find any more entities so it
skips to searching for light_spot.  In this case, pEnt will be NULL so
it'll be starting from the beginning all over again, isn't it?
Ah, okay.  I didn't notice that you aren't switching states after each
match, but only after you get a NULL for the match.
Yes, that should do essentially the same as 3 separate searches since
you are looping through all entities to the end (and setting the pEnt
pointer to NULL) for each state.
So, it appears that both of your examples should return entities.
You may just want to forgo the UTIL code and loop through them yourself...
edict_t *pEdict = g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex( 1 );
CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
for ( int i = 1; i  gpGlobals-maxEntities; i++, pEdict++ )
   if ( pEdict-free )   // skip if not in use
   pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(pEdict);
   if ( !pEntity )
  continue;  // skip if NULL entity
   if ((FStrEq(pEntity-classname, light) ||
   (FStrEq(pEntity-classname, light_spot) ||
   (FStrEq(pEntity-classname, light_environment))
  // do light stuff here
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Vtex.exe source?

2005-04-30 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Vyacheslav Dzhura wrote:
So erm. Can anyone send this or this doesn't exists? Thank you very
very very much! :)
It doesn't exist.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Resetting touch() on an objective

2005-04-27 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
British_Bomber wrote:
I have an objective, much like a flag in CTF, that the player can pick
up and take back to his assigned capture point.  I use a VERY simple
model entity for this, it simply has Spawn, precache, touch and drop
functions. Couldn't be much simpiler.
They all work fine, the Touch sees if the toucher is a player then
attaches the model to the player.  When the player dies, or captures
the object it is dropped.  That all works fine and dandy, however when
someone else goes to pick it up after it has been dropped, or even the
same player comes back to grab their beloved suitcase, it will no
longer attach itself to them.  It's as though the touch function only
wants to work once, or has to be stopped.  I added an EndTouch, or
whatever the exact name is, to the end of my touch function but to no
avail.  Am I making some kind of fundamental flaw on how the touch
function works?
Are you setting the Owner variable on the carried object to the player
that carries it?  If so, make sure the owner is set back to NULL when
dropped otherwise the same player can't touch it again (you don't touch
things that you are the Owner for).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Problems w/ Latest Steam Update

2005-04-26 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Ben Everett wrote:
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Attached are some screenshots of the issue. Also of note, all modifications
are having this problem (Garry's Mod, PoA, Forsaken) and other testers ARE
encountering this problem. On my end I have re-installed steam and attempted
to use an older version of Forsaken with no luck, still the same issue. Any
help would be greatly appreciated.
Attachments aren't allowed (they get stripped out).
Post your pictures in a private folder on a website somewhere and then
post the URL to those images.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Multiplayer NPCs

2005-04-22 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
SB Childe Roland wrote:
Does anybody know where I can get more information about transfering
existing code to be client side??
Probably just by looking at the sdk source code to see what stuff is
handled in cl_dll (client side) verses dlls (server side) and, of
course, game_shared (for things that run on both the client and the server).
Looking at the source code is the best way to understand how things
should be done.
Use the source Luke. - Obi-wan
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Shared-Jeep-Code Thread

2005-04-22 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
 inherits from.  There's also a...
...macro that doesn't have this BaseClass::m_PredMap reference.  Hm,
looks like that allows us to create prediction data that doesn't include
any prediction data for a base class(es).
So you're going to need each of these in order to replicate an entity
properly with prediction.  Again, looking at how an existing entity is
coded will give you a better idea of how your code should look.
P.S. The BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE() macro also has a
BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE_NOBASE() version that behaves similar to the
prediction stuff (so that you can define replicated properties for an
entity without including the replicated properties of the base classes).
And again, I haven't actually played with any of this code, but I'll bet
you a beer that the stuff I described here is pretty close to how things
work.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Level for mod causing assert

2005-04-13 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
r00t 3:16 wrote:
Anyone else run into this problem?
Yes, Imperio59 did, just 3 posts above yours.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Getting an effect to punch through a wall.

2005-04-11 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Michael Kramer wrote:
Ok, here is my problem, I have a beam that I want to be able to shoot
through a wall, and it doesn't work. There is no collisions or
anything. I am wondering how to get it to continue on after it gets to
tr.endposanyone know?
Are you using tr.endpos as the end position of your beam?
Why not just normalize the vector between tr.endpos and start, then
scale that vector up by a BIG number, then add that to the start
position to get the end position of the beam?
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Getting an effect to punch through a wall.

2005-04-11 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Michael Kramer wrote:
Can you explain how to do that? I do not know how to normalize a vector.
Divide each of the components of the vector by the length of the vector
(assuming the length is NOT zero :)), or just use...
VectorNormalize(vec); it would look something like this...
Vector v_beam = tr.endpos - start_position;
v_beam = v_beam * 100;  // scale the vector up by large amount
Vector beam_end = start_position + v_beam;
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Getting an effect to punch through a wall.

2005-04-11 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Michael Kramer wrote:
Now instead of continuing the beam, it creats two beams, and one just
shoots off in random directions
HA!  That'll teach you to listen to me!  :)
Just kidding.  I have no idea why you're getting 2 beams (unless you're
creating it twice somehow).
Make a simple test map with a couple of walls in it.  Create a beam that
goes from (0,0,0) to some fixed point in the world.  Substitute those 2
coordinates (0,0,0 and fixed point) in your calculations and see if the
beam gets drawn to the proper places.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] First warning for VS .Net! Yay!

2005-04-07 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Tan Theodore wrote:
warning C4183: 'HasWeapon': missing return type; assumed to be a member
function returning 'int'
This thing pops up when I compiled the unedited version of the HL SDK
2.3. I
haven't change anything to the MVS .Net.
Anyone encountered this?
Better, yet anyone sloved this?
Yes.  It's a warning.  You can fix it (by adding the proper return type
to that function) or you can ignore it.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] adding unused weapons

2005-04-06 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Paul Vinten wrote:
I right click on the file and there is no option for exclude or include or
anything resembling it... there is a property called content, but guns that
I know are in are all set to false anyway...
Click Properties, then select General, change Exclude from Build
to No
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Re: FireGameEvent, kickid, ServerExecute, crash

2005-03-27 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Alfred Reynolds wrote:
Looks like a null pointer is trying to be de-referenced. Have you
stepped the code and verified that this is not the problem?
If it's 0x40, it's not NULL, but it's still borked up!  ;)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Resource File Bug?

2005-03-21 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Ratman2000 wrote:
But when i than look in my Sounds folder is see, that all File Names are all
small type
Are you running a Linux dedicated server or Win32 server?
Linux servers preserve the case of filenames, Win32 servers do not.
On Linux Sack.mp3 and sack.mp3 are 2 different files.  On Win32 they
are the same file.
You should have the .res file entries match whatever the filename is on
your server and shouldn't have to worry about the name on the client
(since the client's will be Win32 anyway).
If it really bothers, you, you can rename the server version of the file
to all lowercase, then it will be the same regardless of whether the
server is Linux or Win32.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Linux server crash when changing level

2005-03-21 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Jonathan Dance wrote:
After long last we've gotten the Windows server stable. However the
linux crash problem remains nearly exactly the same (everything else is
OK now though). When it tries to destruct the SDKGameRules object it
crashes. It tries to do this when we change level where at least 1
person has been in the game. GDB output follows.
Any thoughts? I'm not very good with GDB so working with this crash is
becoming a nightmare.
The windows runtime DLLs are very forgiving about trying to free memory
that has already been freed.  Linux is not.  Make sure you aren't trying
to free some memory more than once (or calling a destructor on something
that has already been destroyed).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] game_SDK.sln in Modify HL2 Multiplayer

2005-03-16 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
David Kiger wrote:
Hrm.  I wish I could elaborate, but that's the exact message Visual
Studio is giving me.  I'll give it another shot tonight and see if I
can find out what the deal is.  Like I said, it worked for every build
except Modifiy HL2 Multiplayer, and the everything_SDK.sln file
worked on all of them.  I tried it twice, just in case it got hosed
during the copying, and had the exact same results.
Are you using the latest and greatest SDK (March 9th, 2005) or some
earlier SDK release?
Are you using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 or some previous Visual
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Question about Precaching in Source.

2005-02-28 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Lance Vorgin wrote:
Hook the filesystem's read funcs, look for it reading a .res file, and
fake append your files to be sent to it. Muh :/
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] New Mod Directory on Visual C++ 2003 .NET

2005-02-25 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Andre Bandarra wrote:
No luck on these ones. Every modification is made on the existing
files on the existing directories. O want to create a new directory.
There is no existing files.  You create your mod (MYMOD) using the
Steam Create a Mod button...
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Trying to display MOTD message

2005-02-24 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Josh Matthews wrote:
I'll explain my situation.  I've just begun modding HL1, I own a copy
of VC++.NET but can't install it due to space requirements, so I'm
using Dev-C++/MinGW.  I am working off of botman's modified SDK 2.2
source, which for one thing means that there's no VGUI included.  By
following tutorials I've implemented a team selection menu which works
great.  I have had less success with trying to get the MOTD to show
up, though.  Here's the problem, I've added the CHudMOTD class back
in, done a DECLARE_MESSAGE(), hooked the message, copied the drawing
and message function from the earlier SDK, all of that.  I have also
got the message sending code in the game dll working, I have console
prints telling me that the MOTD is sent just fine.  But the
MsgFunc_MOTD() function is never reached, and neither is the Draw()
function.  I'm at my wits end because I've gone over every messaging
tutorial I can find, looked through the source, and everything looks
correct.  Any suggestions for me?  I've tried not having the team menu
show up on spawning, but that doesn't make any difference either.
Does your CHudMOTD::Init() function get called?
You probably have m_MOTD as the CHud member variable for your MOTD
window, so in CHud::Init() you should have...
m_MOTD.Init(); the same general area as all the other .Init()'s.  I assume you
are hooking your message in CHudMOTD::Init()...
int CHudMOTD::Init(void)
   return 1;
...and make SURE that you've registered the message on the server side...
...and check that REG_USER_MSG returned a valid positive integer for
gmsgMOTD and not 0.  Also, IIRC, the network messages are
case-sensitive, so make sure you don't have motd on the client (in the
DECLARE_MESSAGE() and MOTD on the server (in the REG_USER_MSG), or
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM Mod Bot

2005-02-24 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Andre Bandarra wrote:
I´m making a mod using HL2DM.
I wanted to setup a simple bot to use for testing the MOD. Does
anybody have any idea of the best way of doing it? Should i try to
copy the Bot interface on the SDK or user the serverplugin_bot??
It will be MUCH easier to incorporate the bot code directly into the MOD
than to make a plugin for the MOD and have to go through all kinds of
crazy machinations to retrieve information about players, weapons and
other things created on the server.  Getting that information from
within the MOD code is trivial compared to getting that information
through a plugin.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Getting a trace to hit off a non solid entity

2005-02-24 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Knifa wrote:
I've made a new brush entity called func_fortsite, when a player from
the other team of who's fort site this is tries to fire a weapon
(weapon_freezer) while in this brush, it should stop.
Right now, I have it using flags and it works all well while the Solid
Type is SOLID_BSP, but I want it so that you can still move
objects/players in this
When it's at SOLID_NONE, the trace doesn't hit it, so it doesn't work.
Does anyone know what I could do, or if there's another way I could do it?
HL1 or HL2?  TraceLine or TraceHull?
IIRC, using TraceLine in HL1 won't hit non-solid objects (like
func_ladder), but using TraceHull will allow you to hit those objects.
Try using TraceHull instead of TraceLine.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] SDK Code update.

2005-02-18 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Xas wrote:
Will we have a continous updated SDK, forever ?
I dislike this method, and prefer to know now, in place to work on this
Why would it matter if Valve released an SDK update every week?
The only thing that you have to worry about is...
1) Does the SDK update provide a bug fix to a bug that currently exists
in your MOD?  If so, just merge the bug fix code into your MOD (and
nothing more).
2) Does this SDK/engine update break compatibility with your existing
MOD?  Valve wants each SDK/engine update to be backward compatible so
that any MOD created with ANY version of the SDK will still work with
the latest engine update.  If there is some significant change to the
engine that requires you to update SOME (not all) SDK code, hopefully
Valve will tell people this as part of the Update News with the SDK release.
3) Is there some new SDK/engine feature that will cause people to not
play your MOD if that feature isn't available (i.e. the new order a
pizza to be delivered to me from within the game feature)?
Just because a new SDK is released that might have a new feature that
wasn't in a previous SDK does NOT mean that you have to integrate that
code into your MOD (especially if you have no plan of ever using those
features in your MOD).  Just because it's available doesn't mean you
have to use it.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-14 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Beppo wrote:
Changing features of a mod is actually illegal due to copyright laws and
someone would even be able to sue you if they have the time and money to do
Not necessarily.  See the recent Techmo vs. lawsuit...
...many legal analysts say the lawsuit is baseless...
Jason Schultz, an attorney with the non-profit Electronic Frontier
Foundation, couldn't disagree more. This complaint is absurd, said
Schultz. The law allows for fair use of other people's copyrighted
works without any permission needed, and one of the key things that
you're allowed to do is make copies in order to reverse engineer and
understand how they work.
But enough of this chit-chat... you have your opinion and I have mine...
just remember that there are several different things that automatically
have a copyright just by creating it (even your plug-in or add-on will have
...and just remember that you also have Fair Use Rights on any
Copyrighted works...
...which basically means you can use copyrighted material for non-profit
educational use.  How you define educational is not obvious.
In general, making claims about this is illegal or that is illegal
is usually not an absolute.  Different laws apply to different countries
and those laws are usually un-enforceable outside the country where the
law was created.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-14 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Beppo wrote:
But if a mod states in its licensee agreement that you are not allowed to
change it in any way (agree to perform no after market modifications in
termy to be allowed to use it) then the whole thing will be copyrighted.
Either install it by agreeing or do not install it... your choice.
You do realize that by saying this you're just BEGGING people to make
all kinds of crazy plugins to screw up the gameplay in your MOD, right?  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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[hlcoders] Bug in Mailman...

2005-02-10 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
The archives (Mailman) is sick...
Bug in Mailman version 2.0.11
We're sorry, we hit a bug!
Please inform the webmaster for this site of this problem. Printing of
traceback and other system information has been explicitly inhibited,
but the webmaster can find this information in the Mailman error logs.
So I'm following the instructions and informing the webmaster.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-09 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
British_Bomber wrote:
real quick though, does anyone know who Douglas Adams is?
This is a joke, right?
If not...
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] determing where bullet hit?

2005-02-06 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Freecode wrote:
Little offtopic here but can u find out before the bullet is hit?
(without any TraceLine() hacks)??
Impossible.  Traceline is required to determine whether anything
collides with that line.  Once you've determined that you've hit a
player, you can check which hitbox the line hit.  You can then vary the
amount of damage done (or do no damage at all) based on what hitbox was
hit by the traceline.
Since there aren't any real bullets in the game, you don't actually
hit a player with a bullet.  You hit a player with a traceline, then
deal out damage based on what the line hit.  Bullets don't exist.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Ported AI server recreation crash? cleanups?

2005-02-06 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Maurino Berry wrote:
Anyway, the AI works flawlessly ingame, however if I spawn an NPC and then
close the server, and try to recreate it I end up with a client crash right
before i'm put into the game and I can't figure out why for the life of me.
Run in the debugger?  It will tell you where it's crashing.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Checking to see if it's a multiplayer game

2005-02-05 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Knifa wrote:
How would I check if the player is in an SP game or an MP game?
maxClients is 1 in single player, = 2 in multiplayer.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Weapon ballastics

2005-02-02 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
r00t 3:16 wrote:
Also forgot to ask in the last post.
What determines the bullet velocity ?
I have been looking through the code and was quite sure, of what causes the
bullet velocity to take place.
The crossbow bolt has a velocity (just like all entities have a
velocity).  There is no bullet velocity in Half-Life2 because bullets
aren't entities (they are just hitscans).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Making Usable Ladders

2005-02-01 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Josh Ferguson wrote:
Does anyone know how this works? The glass texture is
does it apply these properties in-game?
My guess is this in gamemovement.cpp...
// Purpose: Determine whether or not the player is on a ladder (physprop
or world).
inline bool CGameMovement::OnLadder( trace_t trace )
   if ( trace.contents  CONTENTS_LADDER )
  return true;

Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Steam: Technology failure

2005-01-31 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Vyacheslav Djura wrote:
Let us end when we'll hear some reply from Valve. Why do they ignore
us? Why do their support doesn't work?
I usually try to avoid responding to threads in a holy war (vi vs.
emacs, windows vs linux, etc).  *Must resist urge to reply*, *Urge too
stong, can't resist urge to respond*...
So anyway, if you don't like the policies or products that a company
creates, then the best way you can show your disgust is BY NOT BUYING
THE PRODUCT.  If you buy a product and then soon after decide that you
don't like it, RETURN IT and get your money back (most places have
consumer protection laws where you are legally allowed to return
something if you discover that it doesn't work as advertised).
Don't buy something, and then use it for several months and then whine
and bitch and moan about how bad it is (especially if you keep using it
after that).  If you want to start a campain to get other people to stop
using some product, that's fine (people do that all the time) but don't
harass other people that are perfectly happy with the product.
If you don't like Steam, go post your complaints on
or some other anti-Steam website and leave the rest of us alone, in
peace, so that we can concentrate on what this list was set up for,
creating code for Half-Life.
I'm out.  No more replies from me in this thread.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Commercially released mods??

2005-01-25 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Please keep it on-topic guys..
Please trim unnecessary text from your replies.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] strength of weapons

2005-01-25 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
David Nelson wrote:
I've been looking everywhere trying to find out how to make the pistol as
strong as the 357.  I've modified the ammo, added the CVars, and searched
the solution and scripts many times over to figure out the difference
between the 357 and pistol code wise.  I can't seem to find what makes the
357's bullet make the barrels fly around while the pistol just barely moves
them?  How do you decide this?
My guess (out of the wild blue) would be...
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] vtf files

2005-01-22 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
David Nelson wrote:
hey, how can we view sprites in the vtf format?
vtf2tga.cpp in the utils\vtf2tga directory.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] message of bogus type

2005-01-19 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Draco wrote:
For 2 days I've been playing around with a message system to replace
the death message and gun/ammo pickup messages in my mod. I think I
got it set up, with messages queuing to be displayed and such, but one
problem has arisen...
The game crashes when I make a message for it. I mean the
server-client messages.
I have dealt with this system twice before for radar and a timer but
this one defies me.
I have the message registered
gmsgPerfectDarkMessage = REG_USER_MSG(PerfectDarkMessage, -1);
If I remember correctly, REG_USER_MSG messages can only be 12 characters
long.  Change this...
REG_USER_MSG(PerfectDarkMessage, -1); this...
...and it will probably work fine (don't forget to change the client to
match, and they ARE case-sensitive).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] SDK bullet tracer fix?

2005-01-19 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Crusty Jacks wrote:
-- [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Does anyone have
a fix for tracers in the scratch base SDK?
The SDK's FX_FireBullets() function seems to call
CSDKPlayer::Firebullet() which does not create tracers. Some coders
have recommend calling CBaseEntity::Firebullet() after FX_FireBullet
to get the tracer effect, but in my experience this fires an extra
bullet off.
Valve, will the next SDK release add tracers to
CSDKPlayer::Firebullet()? or does somebody have a work around?
What's so hard about copying...
if ( ( info.m_iTracerFreq != 0 )  ( tracerCount++ % info.m_iTracerFreq
) == 0  ( bHitGlass == false ) )
   Vector vecTracerSrc = vec3_origin;
   ComputeTracerStartPosition( info.m_vecSrc, vecTracerSrc );
   trace_t Tracer;
   Tracer = tr;
   Tracer.endpos = vecTracerDest;
   MakeTracer( vecTracerSrc, Tracer,
pAmmoDef-TracerType(info.m_iAmmoType) );
...from CBaseEntity::FireBullets() and adding it into
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] SDK update

2005-01-19 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Alfred Reynolds wrote:
We have released an update to the SDK, restart Steam to pick it up. This
update adds a couple new features and provides some basic sample bots,
more details can be found here:
And here:
(we are still working on updating the SDK site, should be done soon).
From the Steam News...
Friday, January 19th 2005
Wow!  What kind of CRAZY calendar does Valve use?  No wonder the updates
are never when they say they will be!  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] SDK update

2005-01-19 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Ben Davison wrote:
I've run a diff on the old code and the new code, and for some reason
it's coming up with no changes to the code.
Did it say Copying Files.  Please wait... for about 2 or 3 minutes
right after you clicked on Play Games-Source SDK?
I also did a Refresh SDK Content, just for fun.
I got differences all over the place (first 2 files in
cl_dll\game_control, NavProgress.cpp and NavProgress.h are new).
There's LOTS of changes in sdk\nav_*.*
Are you doing a Single Player MOD or Multiplayer MOD?
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM SDK in January or February?

2005-01-18 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Mike Blowers wrote:
Wow... Steam must have downloaded the wrong SDK for me then !
How about these issues then (just to start with)
Go Thirdperson The player has 4 arms.
The Physics is nothing like HL2DMHow many times have you been
across a level just because you happened to walk on a slope in HL2DM ?)
Exit the Jeep and the weapon comes off the jeep then flies back on again.
Exit the Jeep whilst it's leaning against a wall, and those angles are
forced on the player.
After throwing a grenade it's auto switches to another weapon, no matter
many grenades you have left.
How many of these issues have you posted on VERC?
As for Physics, Jay Stelly responded to a post on VERC about maxspeed
being handled improperly...,1104816723,4893id=768355b=4991v=flatold
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM SDK in January or February?

2005-01-18 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
S. Hendriks wrote:
I heard, but did not test this yet, that the current  'bot plugins' do
not work with the CSS release. (Botman, could you confirm?) Any info on
I would assume this has to do with CS:S now officially supporting bots
(internally).  Bots created through plugins may (will?) confuse the CS:S
code that internally handles fake clients.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM SDK in January or February?

2005-01-18 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Alfred Reynolds wrote:
CS:S will work with 3rd party bots (implementing the bot API was a good
test of this). I suspect that current bot plugins don't work because
they have to use assorted hacks to work (and the release probably
invalidated some of those hacks).
WHAT!?!?!?!?  Plugins using HACKS!!!  WHAT YOU SAY???
All your base are belong to us!
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] bug on laptops

2005-01-17 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Christensen, Grant wrote:
So, if I actually press the numeric 3 key instead of the duck key, it
closes the menu, whereas pressing duck does nothing.
So, duck opens it but does not close it, and numeric keypad 3 closes it
but does not open it.  For some reason having the bottom menu open
causes the duck key to return something different.  I am using
gameuifuncs-GetVGUI2KeyCodeforBind(duck); to get the code.
Can someone else with a laptop try this for me to see if it is just my
It sounds as if something on your laptop is going into numeric input
mode and mapping the Z,X,C, A,S,D, Q,W,E keys as numeric key pad keys
1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9.  Does your laptop have a function key that converts
the leftmost 9 keyboard keys to numeric keypad emulation?  Perhaps when
the observer panel is opening something is causing the emulation mode to
be entered.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Debugging a Linux server?

2005-01-15 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
DOOManiac wrote:
I addedgdb --args ./srcds_i486 -game modname -norestartto my
srcds_run (actually, I copied that as srcds_run_debug and edited the
copy). I run the command and it leaves me at a gdb prompt, but from
there I have no idea what to do.
The gbx command 'r' will run the executable.  When it crashes enter the
command 'where' to get a stack traceback.  I hope you compiled with
debug symbols enabled.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Debugging a Linux server?

2005-01-15 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
DOOManiac wrote:
Still can't get it working :(
[EMAIL PROTECTED] steam]$ gdb srcds_i486
GNU gdb Red Hat Linux (6.1post-1.20040607.43rh)
This GDB was configured as i386-redhat-linux-gnu...Using host
libthread_db library /lib/tls/
(gdb) set args -console -game espionage -IP -port 27017
+map esp_test +maxplayers 10
(gdb) r
Starting program: /usr/steam/hlds_l/srcds_i486 -console -game espionage
-IP -port 27017 +map esp_test +maxplayers 10
warning: Child process unexpectedly missing: No child processes
Here's a tip...
ANYTIME you see an error message that you don't know what it means, go
to this website...
...then enter in the error message inside double quotes...
Child process unexpectedly missing
You will find that the first link that it comes up with, someone has
asked that question and the third reply (from Andrew Cagney) has an answer.
This link also has some info...
Use google my friend.  It's the quickest way to find answers to all your
questions.  For example, what's the meaning of life has about 7,700
answers.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Player Position

2005-01-14 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Fods wrote:
Does this mean, you would need to arrange the bouncd box lower?
Yes.  The crouched bounding box is lower than the standing bounding box.
 The prone bounding box should be lower than the crouched bounding box
(after all, a prone player should be able to crawl under things that a
crouched player could not)...
| |
| |
| |   +-+
| |   | |
| |   | |+-+
+-+   +-++-+
standing  crouchedprone
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Player Position

2005-01-13 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
r00t 3:16 wrote:
I have been playing around with the player position for my prone.
I believe that collision boxes (used around players) are axis aligned in
Half-Life2 (as they were in Half-Life1).  The collision box DOES NOT
rotate as the player rotates.  If you made this be the player collision
box when the player was prone (head facing North, feet facing South)...
   | o |
   | | |
   |/ \|
   +---+ is what you would see when the player turn 90 degrees to the left...
   |/  |/
   |\  |\
   |   |
...notice the bounding box DOES NOT rotate along with the player.
If you are going to do a prone position you would make a bounding box
that looks like this...
   |   /|\   |
   |   / \   |
...which means you can't have the left or right side of your body be
right up against colliding geometry in the level (axis aligned bounding
boxes are a pain, aren't they?).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Player Position

2005-01-13 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
r00t 3:16 wrote:
I think I understand what your saying.
What if the movement left / right was limited to like 5 degrees? If they
moved 5 degrees right or left the entire body would move?
(sorry i just don't understand the axis aligned boxes yet )
Axis aligned means that the edges of the box ALWAYS line up with the X 
Y axis in the map (the box doesn't rotate when the player rotates).  For
example, you can't have the collision box around  a player look like
this (top down view)...
/ /^
   / / |
  / /  |
 / /   |
/_/| x-axis   y-axis 
...since the sloped side doesn't lie along the X axis (even if the
player was rotated 15 degrees clockwise).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Player Position

2005-01-13 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
r00t 3:16 wrote:
Actually cause things brings up another point, now that you show me this.
I am going to be making a lean  left / right also.
This would basically the same case when leaning and the bounding box would
need to be big enough to to the side the lean on.
In most games, leaning is accomplished by sliding the camera out to the
right (when leaning right) or the left (when leaning left) and having an
animation that tilts the player's body to the right (or left).
Your animator would have to make sure that the player's hit boxes don't
extend outside the player's collision box when this lean animation is
taking place (assuming the Half-Life2 still uses collision box detection
first before trying to check for hit box collisions).
If the animation leans outside of the collision box, the hit boxes will
follow the bone positions in the skeletalmesh and people will shoot at
those bones (head, right arm, etc), but since the bones are outside
the collsion box, the player won't be hit (you have to hit the big
player collision box first, before it checks to see which hit box you
have hit).
As long as the width of your player collision box is wide enough so that
none of the animations will extend outside the collision box when those
animations are played, players should be able to be hit when they are
leaning left or right.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Player Position

2005-01-13 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Ian Tyrrell wrote:
Hehehe, Bortman!
Yah!  Bort! Bort! Bort!
(hey, I can't type for shit.  i've been at work 65 hours this week
already and it's not even Friday yet).  Crunch time sucks!  Mind
thinking not clearly.  Sleep imminent.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] This should not be possible, yet it works!?

2005-01-12 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Lance Vorgin wrote:
Us plugin authors should be able to do anything we want with _our_
entities, as well.
Hey Lance, I saw your stuff on
...slightly scary (as far as platform specific and prone to crash with
updates), but still pretty cool.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Problem...constantly getting Disconnected from Steam servers

2005-01-10 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Mike Michaels wrote:
Whenever I try to play HL2 Multiplayer online, I find that I am
constantly getting disconnected from every server I log into.  I get
disconnected on average of about once every 5-10 minutes.  Upon
disconnection, I always receive one of the two following error
Disconnected Error Message:
My guess is a crappy (or improperly configured) network connection.
If you are using Routers/Switches/Gateways, try removing them and
connect directly to your service provider and see if the problem goes
away.  If so, you know the Router/Switch/Gateway is not configured
properly, not compatible with HL2, and/or just plain broken.
If there is no change (connection still drops without R/S/G), try
contacting your ISP and ask them to run a loop back diagnostic on your
internet connection (they may has something misconfigured in your
neighborhood NID or bridge).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] This should not be possible, yet it works!?

2005-01-09 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
S. Hendriks wrote:
This question is for Valve guys actually;
...but others can answer it also.
My concern is, how does Valve think about this, and , will this cause
trouble later on the road? I can see problems arise when a mod update
has some updates in the cBaseEntity and cBasePlayer classes, and we are
basicly messed up?
This only works because you have a definition of the CBaseEntity and
CBasePlayer class.  As long as MOD teams don't change these, things will
probably work fine.  As soon as someone adds or removes member variables
and/or functions to these classes, your plugin's version of these
classes will differ from the MOD's version of these classes.
If it was a perfect world, there would be some way to freeze these
classes in the SDK so that MOD authors would not touch them.  Since you
can't do that, you can't guarantee that things won't crash when you
start accessing variables or functions within a class that you don't
have a proper class definition for.
There has been some speculation that MOD's COULDN'T change CBaseEntity
even if they wanted to because the engine depended on this class (i.e.
was also compiled with this class definition).  If a MOD team changed
CBaseEntity, the engine's definition would differ from the MOD's
definition and the game would crash.  No proof of this theory was
presented and I have not been able to find any engine interface that
relied on the CBaseEntity class definition as it exists in the SDK
source code (but I haven't spent a lot of time looking so perhaps the
engine does have a dependency on CBaseEntity).
Also, with the VAC going to hit the scene again, this might get caught
as 'a cheating program'? Obviously this is not the intention!
No.  VAC checks for modified code on the clients.  VAC doesn't check for
hacks on the server (there really isn't a good way to do this).  Server
operators are completely free to install their own plugins that give
them special abilities that aren't available to other clients.  For
example, I could create a plugin that constantly refreshes my health
when it gets low.  This plugin would allow me to cheat, but would only
allow me to cheat on my own server.  Anybody that had installed
Admin-MOD for Half-Life knows what types of things are possible through
plugins, but these aren't caught by VAC.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Dismemberment

2005-01-08 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Fods wrote:
Dismemberment -
Problem: is there a better way of multiple dismemberment of a model.
Something that you could do for dismembering a model at different
joints is to have boolean flags at the bone joint that indicates whether
the rest of the bone heirachy should be rendered or not (basically
turning off rendering of the child bones beyond a specific joint).  You
render from the base (root) bone outwards until you hit a joint that has
this flag set and then you skip all the child bones from that joint on down.
This allows you to dismember bodies at the neck, shoulder, elbow, knee,
ankle, waist, etc without having to create N different versions of the
skeletal model.  The limbs are still there, you just don't render them.
Alternately you can take the opposite approach and weld body parts
onto a stub model (fully dismembered representation that has the same
skeleton as a full body, same bones and controllers, but is only skinned
up to specific joints), then attach the limbs that can be dismembered
at the time you do the bone calculations for the trunk of the body.
Either approach can be complicated (the first doesn't look as good
visually at the points where limbs have been disconnected and the second
can be more CPU intensive).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Player command - Health control? Damage?

2005-01-08 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Frank Weima wrote:
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
While playing Counter-Strike 1.6 in a server with adminmod you've got the 
ADMIN_SLAP command.
Also you had a command to give a player 200HP or change it to 1HP.
Does anyone knows a code/command to this for CS-Source?
I think this stuff does the admin_slap type feature...
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] desktop shortcuts and steam update

2005-01-07 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Draco wrote:
after the steam update my desktop sortcuts don't work properly. I have
one set up for my HL1 MOD with the -dev param on it, but now it just
launches normal Half-Life. I then made a new shortcut through steam,
didn't work either. Has anyone noticed this bug? I know it's no big
deal but it could get annoying :( If anyone knows a work around to
this I would be grateful, right now I'm training myself to use the
steam menu again lol
From the hlds email list...
The Steam launcher now quotes each parameter (i.e +connect +ip:port
) which the HL1 engine does not correctly parse (this fixes game
launching problems when you have spaces in the path name). Adding those
extra quotes is a good work around (for all the arguments after the
applaunch parameter), we will work on a fix that doesn't need this extra
quoting. - Alfred
You might want to try -game MyMod
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] desktop shortcuts and steam update

2005-01-07 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Jeffrey botman Broome wrote:
 From the hlds email list...
The Steam launcher now quotes each parameter (i.e +connect +ip:port
) which the HL1 engine does not correctly parse (this fixes game
launching problems when you have spaces in the path name). Adding those
extra quotes is a good work around (for all the arguments after the
applaunch parameter), we will work on a fix that doesn't need this extra
quoting. - Alfred
Dh!  I should have read the next message from Alfred first...
We have released a fix for this, restart steam to pick it up.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Difference between loading the third party game via steam first and running run_mod.bat

2005-01-07 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Gregg Reno wrote:
I ran into the same issue. I think you just need to have Steam running
before launching the .bat file.
Yes, you have to have Steam running for everything, but you will still
get an error if you create a brand new MOD and attempt to start it the
first time using run_mod.bat (and not running it from the Steam Play
Games dialog.  Try it yourself.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Difference between loading the third party game via steam first and running run_mod.bat

2005-01-06 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Mark Ingram wrote:
After speaking on wavelength someone told me to load it first from the steam
menu, i tried that, it crashed out saying that i was running a debug build,
then gave me an unhandled exception. After that i ran the mod via
run_bat.bat again and it worked fine! Loaded up first time and went into the
sdk_vehicles test map.
So what happens after you load it via the steam menu for the first time?
You can probably find out yourself pretty easily by doing...
Create brand new MOD, change to SourceMods folder, then do...
dir/s before.txt
Run brand new MOD from Play Games dialog, then do...
dir/s after.txt
Then do a 'diff' on before.txt and after.txt and see what changed.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Difference between loading the third party game via steam first and running run_mod.bat

2005-01-06 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
DOOManiac wrote:
The batch file has -allowdebug in the command line, which (as you may
have guess) allows debug dll's to be ran. This command line parameter
isn't there when you double click from the 3rd party games list.
True, but the main problem is that if you Create a brand new MOD, and
don't do ANYTHING run the MyMod\run_mod.bat file, you will get an error
and the game will not run.
Then if you simply double-click on your MOD name in the THIRD PARTY
GAMES, the MOD will magically run.  You can exit the game and then run
the run_mod.bat file and the MOD will magically run.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Struggling with pointers

2005-01-05 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Crusty Jacks wrote:
-- [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I've got a pretty
decent programming background, but my math skills are lacking.  This
has not really been a problem for me until digging into the 3d math
used by hl2. I'm having trouble with the vectors, matrixes, Qangles,
etc.  Can anyone suggest some resources to brush up on these topics?
Would some of these algorithms be covered in a College Algebra
course?  Or are they more of a trig topic?
On a side note, when it comes down to planning out some logical steps
such as vector math, transforming local to world space coordinates
should one map it out on paper first?  Would a graphing calculator
such as the TI-83 help with planning out these steps.  Once you've
got the math worked out on paper you'd then translate it to C++.  Is
this the recommended method? has some wonderful articles on 3d mathematics...
Like this one on Vectors and Matrices...
And this one on 3D rotations...
Once you get those down, jump into Quaternions (used quite a bit in
skeletal animation)...
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Shaders...

2005-01-05 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
would you mind taking me off your  list.thankyou
Read the bottom line of every email sent from this list...
v-- That stuff down there ---v
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^--- That stuff up there ^
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Problems for a first timer, please read

2005-01-05 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Jeffrey Moss wrote:
When the actual mod is compiling, what seems to be the very last
step, I get this final error (scroll down to the bottom):
I don't know if this is any help, but...
All of these failed with the same error message about unresolved symbols
in std::[EMAIL PROTECTED] After some searching and a discussion
with rac on irc i found that i had no anywhere and no* in /usr/lib/gcc-lib/ only /usr/lib/gcc-lib/libstdc++.a
and and /usr/lib/* Remerging gcc with
USE=-static generated the proper libraries and fixed the other ebuilds
that were failing. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.
USE=static emerge gcc 2. emerge fam-oss or other packages that depend
from here...
(found using and searching for time_put_w)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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[hlcoders] First-chance exception spam in Visual Studio Output window...

2005-01-03 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
I was creating some Wiki documentation over the weekend and I wanted to
start building a MOD from scratch so that I would have exact wording on
Dialog boxes and whatnots.  So, anywho, after deleting MyMod directory
and deleting SteamApps\SourceMods\botman folder, and using Reset Game
Configurations to flush everything from Steam.  I Create a Mod in the
C:\MyMod directory and name the mod botman.
I open up Game_SDK.sln in Visual Studio .NET 2003, change to the
Release SDK, build the solution, it copies the client.dll and
server.dll to the Mods bin directory.  I start things up from the
Steam Play games dialog by double-clicking on my MOD name.  Everything
runs fine, I start the vehicles map, shoot my gun a few times, then quit.
Then I switch to the Debug SDK solution, delete the client.dll and
server.dll files from my Mod's bin directory, build the solution and
the debug .dll files show up fine.  I set the Debugger properties on the
hl project to:
Command: c:\program
Command Arguments: -dev -game c:\program
files\valve\steam\steamapps\SourceMods\botman -allowdebug
...right click on hl in the Solution Explorer and do Debug-Start new
instance.  Everything starts up fine, but I get (literally) thousands
of exception messages...
Microsoft C++ exception: common::CErrorCodeException
It's been a few weeks since I ran a Mod in the debugger, but I don't
seem to remember getting all that before, but I did remember somebody
posting a message to this list about a month ago saying they were
getting LOTS of exception messages, and I replied that you can turn
off some of the exceptions using Debug-Exceptions in Visual Studio
.NET 200, but you can only turn off stuff that Visual Studio recognizes
(like stack overflow, illegal instruction, or array bounds exceeded,
etc).  common::CErrorCodeException is something being raised by the
engine and isn't something I can turn off.
I did notice that if I create a server plugin for a Valve game (like
CS:S or HL2DM), I get a few common:CErrorCodeException messages when
starting up, but I don't get the 1000's of message that I get when I
start my own MOD.
So, to make a long post even longer, does everybody get 1000's of these
execption messages in the Visual Studio Output window when running their
MOD in the debugger, or do I just have something not set up right?
P.S. I did try adding -steam to the Command Arguments before
starting the debugger, but that doesn't seem to make a difference, I
still get the same behavior.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Objects, Physics, and Gravity Concepts

2005-01-03 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
HoundDawg wrote:
With the introduction of the physics engine in HL2, I'm curious if there is
someway to have gravity affect physics?  In HL2 SP, I noticed it really
doesn't.  How?  Well, you could pull out a pistol and still snipe with it...
there is no gravity play on it (no arc).  But, then again, tossing other
objects (cans or boxes), it does.
Bullet weapons in Half-Life2 are instant hit (no gravity/physics
applied).  Weapons like hand grenades have gravity applied to them.
So, the point to the question, is if a sports MOD (e.g. football style)
could be made to where the ball is thrown like an object or bullet from a
gun and have gravity affect it's physics?  Then, take the same thing, and
adjust the gravity setting to a more low-gravity setting, would the gravity
and physics change (e.g. football in space)?
If a sports MOD (US football style) created an entity with the same
physics as a hand grenade, it would also be effected by gravity.
Reducing the gravity in a level would reduce the rate at which the
entity would fall toward the ground (so it would tend to stay in the air
Also, is there a way to specify the center of gravity with possibly an
entity for mappers to place in a map?  For example, having an asteroid with
gravity in it's center allowing you to walk around it and still be on the
ground, rather than having a world is flat type of feeling.
Gravity normally moves in the -Z direction (down) in the world.  There
shouldn't be any reason that a level designer couldn't specify multiply
points of gravity and have each of those points effect entities that
were near them (the entity would be attracted to the gravity location
instead of being attracted in the -Z direction).  This would allow you
to create multiple planets that somebody could walk around.  If you
make the pull of the gravity point negative, you could create empty
spherical rooms and be able to walk around on the inside of the sphere
(ala Serious Sam levels).  You are basically creating a black hole
gravity point that sucks things in, or pushes things away.
Not sure if anyone has been testing things like this, if so, some input on
your findings would be nice to hear.  Thanks.
This sounds like something like Spirit Of Half-Life2 could use (assuming
anybody ever creates it).  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Objects, Physics, and Gravity Concepts

2005-01-03 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
r00t 3:16 wrote:
But suppose you wanted it so players who shoot weapons had to
compensate for distance, aiming a little ahead of a running player
Is the source engine able to do this?
I think it probably depends on how fast you want the bullets to move
through the air.
If you make bullets a true entity (with gravity and collisions, etc),
then you have to update their location as they move through the world
(applying gravity, checking for collisions, etc.).
Calculating the height change due to gravity over a given period of time
is pretty straight forward high school physics (use if you
want the math).
The real issue is that things that move VERY fast through the world
don't get their position updated often enough to follow the path of a
true parabola.  You get something like this (excuse the ASCII graphics)...
Game Ticks (StartFrame) at the 'v's
 v   v  v   v
   /  \
 /  \
   /  \
 x  x
The 'x' object follows the path of a parabola but because you are not
ticking the engine at 1000's of times per second, you wind up with
discrete locations along the curve (at the points in time where you can
calculate where the entity will be at that time).  If you are only
checking for collisions at these points in time (or doing line/hull
checks from the previous point in time to the current point in time),
you will miss hitting entities that don't lie along your discrete path
(like at the top of the arch in this case).
You can modify the calculations so that you do your own stepping
between discrete points in time to create a true parabolic curve and do
your own collision checking to see if an entity was collided with, but
this can be somewhat time/CPU consuming.
There's a pretty good O'Reilly book called Physics for Game Developers...
...if you are really serious about creating realistic physics in games,
you should definitely get that book (I hope your math skills are REALLY
strong).  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Source Engine Curios

2005-01-01 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
I have noticed that there's a lot less evil in the Source SDK than in the

Although this one does include some bullshit, and stuff that sucks.

But the best comments are the descriptions of the npc_ entities...

// Purpose: Dr. Kleiner, a suave ladies man leading the fight against the
//   combine while constantly having to help his idiot assistant Gordon

// Purpose: Implements d0g, the loving and caring head crushing Alyx

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Re: [hlcoders] map command(HL1 question)

2004-12-31 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Draco wrote:
I have a slight problem with my MOD(for HL1), the map command is
broken by some buggy code for a radar and some other tidbits I have in
the code. What I need to do is find a way to shut these things off
when the map command is called, but I can't find where exactly it is
called. Could someone please point out where it is? thanks
The map command is handled by the engine.  The MOD DLL code never sees
any of this.
You can use ServerActivate() and ServerDeactivate() in client.cpp to
know a map has been loaded and when a map is being unloaded (respectively).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] mailinglist archives?

2004-12-27 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Beppo wrote:
Before I ask questions discussed here a thousand times already...
Normally it is mentioned in the sub, but, well, it only shows the
unsubscribe information and nothing more.
So, does this list has an archive somewhere?
Look at the VERY last line of every email sent to this email list.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2dm SDK

2004-12-27 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Teddy wrote:
Do you mean we as in the royal we? Or have you been working on hl2dm
all this time?
I thought you were the guy from shadowphoenix ben, now i'm all confused
I think the important part of that email is...
From Adrian Finol
(Adrian works for Valve, ben was just forwarding Adrian's response.)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] CS:S as SDK mod base

2004-12-27 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Knifa wrote:
PS: Can anyone tell me how to make a new thread for mailing lists? I'm
sort of new to these things.
Send a new message (not a reply) to:
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Updated SDK source code? - Incl list of files changed

2004-12-23 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Chris Adams wrote:
Does anyone have any suggestions for putting these new changes into our
own code?
If you have the money to buy Araxis Merge, it does a REALLY good job of
helping you merge 2 (or 3) source code directory trees together.
Beyond Compare also does a pretty good job of merging 2 source code
trees together.
Simply extract the new SDK source code out to a temporary directory, and
run the merge between your code and the latest code, pick and choose the
things you want to merge in, and merge them.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Updated SDK source code?

2004-12-21 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Nicholas Rhead wrote:
It would be extremely helpful to have a rather more
detailed changelog.
Beyond Compare ( does a REALLY good job
of comparing one source directory tree to another source directory tree.
Simply save off your current source code to a backup directory, create a
MOD using the latest SDK, run Beyond Compare on the two main directories
and it will show you what has changed.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Netcode and Vehicles

2004-12-14 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Teddy wrote:
Someone's gonna hafta try to cut down the netcode of the vehicles alot
before we can feasibly use them in multiplayer
Knowing what I know about other physics engines (not knowing all that
much about Havok), flying vehicles usually require less bandwidth to
keep the client and server in sync with each other because they have
simpler physics properties.  Wheeled vehicles tend to have more contacts
with the ground and have things like complex suspension/steering which
all need to be replicated between the server and all clients.
If you are making a futuristic MOD (like UT2004), make all of your
vehicles flying vehicles (or very low hovering vehicles).
If you're doing a Road Rally kind of MOD, or a Demolition Derby kind of
MOD, best of luck to you.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Netcode and Vehicles

2004-12-14 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
ChessMess wrote:
What about a Racing boat mod?
Are they flying boats?  ;)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Netcode and Vehicles

2004-12-14 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
ChessMess wrote:
So basically what your saying is Vehicle based mods are a no go for
the source engine?
A few ground based vehicles should be fine, I would imagine.  Water
based vehicles are probably less complex physics-wise than wheeled
vehicles.  Flying vehicles would be the least complex.
I don't think you could create a multiplayer MOD with 32 boats in it or
32 dune buggies and be able to run on anything but a LAN (no matter
who's engine and physics tech you're using).
Valve is the only one that can give you details about how much bandwidth
a particular vehicle uses (other than you measuring the network
utilization yourself).
Remember that the more clients you have the more replication that has to
occur for each vehicle (i.e. 1 vehicle x 1 client = 1x usage, 1 vehicle
x 2 clients = 2x usage, 2 vehicles x 2 clients = 4x usage, 32 vehicles x
32 clients = 1024x usage).  This is an oversimplication, of course, but
you get the general idea.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Netcode and Vehicles

2004-12-14 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
ChessMess wrote:
I find this incredibly troubling considering that a main focal point
of our mod is vehicular in nature (Hydroplane Racing). Can someone
from Valve comment on this situation and what if any steps they are
taking to help address this problem?
Just out of curiosity, how many clients does HydroRacers support on the
BF1942 engine?
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Netcode and Vehicles

2004-12-14 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Tony omega Sergi wrote:
Cc renegade. Heh
I've been in 64 player games, and the whole thing is about vehicles, and I
get 20 latency or so.
Course, it's a totally different engine, and a lot older now.. but ;)
Yeah.  I'm thinking more along the lines of Havok, Karma, etc. physics
engine type vehicles which are usually more complex in terms of joints,
constraints, contacts, replusors, etc.
UT2004 does a pretty good job of getting multiple Karma vehicles going
in a multiplayer level at once, but their physics properties are
fairly simple.  And the game has been tuned pretty well to pass the
minimal amount of entity physics data over the network to keep the
clients and servers relatively in sync with each other.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HUD, fonts, and everything else not showing up

2004-12-13 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Or maybe we want to see how people who developed the game would write
multiplayer code? No, that can't be it. It must be because we're lazy
Not having an example means you learn more (you learn more from failures
than you do by copying what someone else has done).  Also, not having
something you can copy-and-paste from encourages everyone to create
their own unique interface rather than having 100 MODs all using exactly
the same layout and button arrangement (see Counter-Strike clone for
examples).  :)
But, yeah, basically coders are lazy and will happily copy what someone
else has done rather than trying to invent the wheel themselves (even if
they could invent a much better wheel with a little bit of extra work).
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] GameFrame

2004-12-13 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Just use a thread.
Eek!  Are the engine functions in the listen server and dedicated
server thread safe?
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] True-Type Font Resources

2004-12-11 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Tony omega Sergi wrote:
It's quite nifty this time around that we can load and render true-type
fonts, however I noticed that TTF creation packages are not free.  I was
wondering the name of the application Valve used internally to create their
TTF font resources, and if they know of any good, free tools.  I'd hate to
see such a great feature go to waste because it cost money to create the

Indeed - repost.
Your google-fu skill leaves much to be desired, grasshopper.  :)
The first hit has links to
...and this...
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using c_baseplayer in a server plugin

2004-12-10 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Nicholas Rhead wrote:
But shouldn't the mod authors be extended those
classes rather than modifying them directly? And if
they do that will just mean we would have to recode
our server plugins.
If you expose code to MOD authors, you can bet that some of them will
change it.
Gooseman should have used the entvars_t 'team' variable for teams in
Counter-Strike, but he didn't do this.  Instead he decided to add the
team to the CBasePlayer class (I presume), making it inaccessible to
metamod plugin authors.
Just because coders should do something a certain way, doesn't mean
they are going to.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] would like to post on this list

2004-12-10 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Igor Murashkin wrote:
Hi, I'd like to post on this list, my email is
Um, okay.  You just did!  YAY!!!  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using c_baseplayer in a server plugin

2004-12-09 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Josh wrote:
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Has anyone been able to do this?  Is this even possible?  There are a LOT of
functions that I would like to have access to, and it was possible to use
similar functions in HL1.
If I am not mistaken, the C_Whatever classes are client-side versions of
the CWhatever classes on the server.  Member variables that need to be
replicated between CWhatever on the server and C_Whatever on the client
are indicated by CNetworkVar, so that this replication happens
You shouldn't be trying to access anything from C_Whatever in a server
plugin (since the server plugin is running on the server).  You should
be trying to access the CWhatever server-side version of these classes.
 But you shouldn't actually be accessing these at all since MOD authors
can change the CBaseEntity, CBasePlayer, etc. classes and add/remove
member variables or functions without your knowledge.  You will assume
you know what is contained within these classes when in fact, you do
not.  This is what Alfred mentioned just a few posts ago about making
your server plugin fragile.  You are tring to do something which you
should not be doing.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using c_baseplayer in a server plugin

2004-12-09 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
These are bad news :\
So, how can I change the velocity of a player without
class access?
You can't.  This isn't the Half-Life engine!  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using c_baseplayer in a server plugin

2004-12-09 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Jay Stelly wrote:
You should let us know what data you are trying to access in your
plugins so we can add it to an interface and implement it in HL2DM 
That's easy.  EVERYTHING!  Every member variable of every class should
have an interface function to Get and Set it!  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using c_baseplayer in a server plugin

2004-12-09 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Jeffrey botman Broome wrote:
Jay Stelly wrote:
You should let us know what data you are trying to access in your
plugins so we can add it to an interface and implement it in HL2DM 

That's easy.  EVERYTHING!  Every member variable of every class should
have an interface function to Get and Set it!  :)
No, seriously, stuff from the old entvars_t structure would be nice...
vec3_t  origin;
vec3_t  velocity;
vec3_t  angles; // Model angles
vec3_t  avelocity;  // angle velocity (degrees per second)
vec3_t  punchangle; // auto-decaying view angle adjustment
vec3_t  v_angle;// Viewing angle (player only)
int fixangle;   // 0:nothing, 1:force view angles, 2:add 
int modelindex;
int viewmodel;  // player's viewmodel
int weaponmodel;// what other players see
vec3_t  absmin; // BB max translated to world coord
vec3_t  absmax; // BB max translated to world coord
vec3_t  mins;   // local BB min
vec3_t  maxs;   // local BB max
vec3_t  size;   // maxs - mins
int movetype;
int solid;
int skin;
int body;   // sub-model selection for studiomodels
float   gravity;// % of normal gravity
float   friction;   // inverse elasticity of MOVETYPE_BOUNCE
// animation stuff (optional?)
int sequence;   // animation sequence
int gaitsequence;   // movement animation sequence for 
player (0 for none)
float   frame;  // % playback position in animation 
sequences (0..255)
float   animtime;   // world time when frame was set
float   framerate;  // animation playback rate (-8x to 8x)
bytecontroller[4];  // bone controller setting (0..255)
byteblending[2];// blending amount between sub-sequences 
// render effects (would be nice to do glowshell on people! he-he)
int rendermode;
float   renderamt;
vec3_t  rendercolor;
int renderfx;
float   health;
float   frags;
int weapons;  // bit mask for available weapons
float   takedamage;
int deadflag;
vec3_t  view_ofs;   // eye position
int spawnflags;
int flags;
float   max_health;
float   armortype;
float   armorvalue;
int waterlevel;
int watertype;
float   maxspeed;
float   fov;
int oldbuttons;
Some of these are already implemented via interfaces, but I didn't want
to take the time to go through and weed out the ones that were already
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Plugin supported Interface Factories...

2004-12-07 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Did you tried IServerGameClients::GetPlayerState()?
There are some angles too... I dont know, maybe
it helps you.
Using IServerGameClients didn't help either.
It looks like the only way to get the 'origin' and 'angles' of players
via a plugin is to access the GetAbsOrigin() and GetAbsAngles() from the
CBaseEntity class.  Resolving the member variables and functions with
CBaseEntity class at compile time in a plugin also seems to be a small
pain right now.  :)
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using UTIL_ and te_ functions

2004-12-07 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Vector direction = origin + Vector(0, 0, 100);
The server shows some warnings, it tells me, x and y are out of range,
but the effect is shown. Wierd :\
I would have thought the direction would be a normalized vector (i.e.
length = 1.0).  Maybe you should normalize the 'direction' vector before
creating the effect and see if that helps make things better.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] loading times

2004-12-07 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Christopher McArthur wrote:
So If I start the game with the debugger, on game launch and level launch I
am greeted with tens of thousands of First-chance exception spamming my
output-debug window and making the game take up to 5 minutes to load
It sounds like you have some exceptions enabled that you should not...
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Plugin supported Interface Factories...

2004-12-07 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Hmm, I get valid results (non zero) for CPlayerState::v_angle.
You can get the origin from ICollideable::GetCollisionOrigin().
Ah!  Okay, I was grepping for angles not angle.  I notice that
'kills' and 'deaths' is in there too!
Jeffrey botman Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Plugin supported Interface Factories...

2004-12-06 Thread Jeffrey \botman\ Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Try to load the nonworking interfaces with gameServerFactory
instead of interfaceFactory. Especially IServerGameDLL needs
Ah, cool.  I didn't even think about that.  Muchas gracias.
Jeffrey botman Broome
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