[jQuery] jMaps: Unable to continue, in need of new maintainer.

2009-02-06 Thread Tane Piper

Hi folks,

Unfortunately this has been on the cards for a while now.

Due to an increase in my work schedule, and major move into Android
application development I simply cannot afford the time to maintain
this library any more.

However I don't want to see the project die and I am looking for a
maintainer or maintainers to take over the project and continue to
improve it and fix any bugs.  The maintainer would take control of
this group and the google code repository.

If you think you are up to the task, please email me off the list.


Tane Piper

[jQuery] Re: jMaps Updates

2008-11-09 Thread Tane Piper

Hi Folks,

The documentation is now available at http://map.ifies.org

These documents cover the underlying API as well as several examples,
these include:

* Address searching + Reverse Geocoding
* Directions Search
* Adding a GeoXML Feed
* Adding a Ground Overlay
* Adding and Removing markers
* Adding and Removing Polylines + Polygons
* Adding and Removing Street Views
* Adding and removing Traffic Info

These don't cover all the API (for example Screen Overlay and Ads
Manager) but give a quick overview of what can be done.

The API documents show the underlying code that makes jMaps work.
Here you can see all the methods that are directly callable via
the .jmaps function, plus the options that can be passed and what is
returned in the callback.

All Releases in the future will be marked by their revision number in
the SVN.  At the moment, its r59 and you can download it from

If you would like to see any more example uses, please get in touch
and please remember to use the issue tracker to mark any bugs.


On Nov 8, 10:26 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hey folks,

 I have found some time this weekend to finish off some improvements to
 the jMaps plugin for jQuery.

 First off, after jumping about a few repos - I've settled back on
 Google Code for this project, mainly because most people are familiar
 with it.

 The URL for the repo ishttp://code.google.com/p/jmaps/

 In there, the latest revision is now available to download for
 testing.  This version fixes a few bugs as well as adding support for
 Google's new reverse geocoding feature.

 Of course, this version uses the updated cleaner API which I am now
 getting round to documenting.  If you check out the trunk you'll be
 able to see the API docs plus 3 small demos showing Address searching
 + reverse geocoding, directions searching and adding a GeoXML feed.
 I'm hoping to complete this tomorrow (but documentation is so

 At the moment the docs are being autogenerated from the source, so you
 can look into it if your 

 Please feel free to leave any issues on the tracker, or if you have
 any questions please get in touch.


 Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.me.uk

 email/gtalk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 skype: digitalspaghetti
 mobile: +447815 101802

[jQuery] Re: jMaps Updates

2008-11-09 Thread Tane Piper

Hey Mike,

No thats an absolutly fair point and if you can suggest anything?

I don't want to have them as plugin functions, unlike getCenter and
getBounds as these are specific to the map.  The functions you are
talking about are helper functions to be used anywhere within the
application, so:

var valid = SearchCode(result.code)

looks nicer than:

var valid = Mapifies.SearchCode(result.code) or var valid =
jQuery('#map').jmaps('SearchCode', result.code);

But I suppose the second version would make sense in the new API.  If
you have any thoughts on it, please let me know.

On Nov 9, 1:45 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  All Releases in the future will be marked by their revision number in
  the SVN.  At the moment, its r59 and you can download it 

 Hi Tane,

 That's some great coverage of functionality that you have there!  But
 why are you defining your helper functions to be global?  Why not tuck
 all the functionality into the Mapifies namespace?  I know that Google
 totally pollutes the global namespace, but I don't think it's a good
 idea to follow their lead.  Just my .02.  :-)



[jQuery] Re: jMaps Updates

2008-11-09 Thread Tane Piper

Another fair point.

I've pushed r61 which contains these changes and updated

On Nov 9, 4:20 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  var valid = SearchCode(result.code)

  looks nicer than:

  var valid = Mapifies.SearchCode(result.code) or var valid =
  jQuery('#map').jmaps('SearchCode', result.code);

 Not if you've clobbered someone else's SearchCode function.  Or
 createIcon, getCenter, getBounds, etc.  You're making an assumption
 about the environment that you have no control over.

[jQuery] New jMaps Release

2008-10-14 Thread Tane Piper

Hi folks,

I'm pleased to announce a new release of jMaps.  It's been a while
since it has been updated, but I found out it recently features in a
chapter in O'Reilly's JavaScript: The Missing Manual so I decided it
was probably time to fix it up!

The new release has a few major changes which I'll come onto later,
but none should affect your existing code too much (just method names,
as explained later)

This is a branch version with the new Mapifies namespace.  The new
release is available at:


Eventually, this will be merged back into the trunk version, however
the reason for the new code structure is as follows.

If you can't compile with ant, there is a pre-built version here:


Within the source folder, you will see the new Google API stuff in
files like:


The application is now split up into separate files for different
functions, to allow more modular code, and it's a hell of a lot easier
to read.  If you don't need a function in the code (say for example
traffic then just don't include it in the build!)  The new ant script
builds the output file, currently only building google, but eventually
it should support other map type too.

The API is mostly the same for function, the only exception being
functions are now capitalized.  So for example seachDirections becomes
SearchDirections and addMarker becomes AddMarker.

Some options may have changed, check the functions defaults() method,
each main function has one of these and contains the default options
to be merged with what your passing.

The library is missing some of the features in the current release,
like streetview.  However these were not finished in release, and I
need to review them.

One of the things to come out the API too is improved callbacks and
chainibility.  Almost every function has a callback which allows you
to access the object you have created.  This does put the onus on you
as the develop to handle events and errors.  Here are a couple of

* Create a map and marker manager and add a marker and control
visibility with a toggle control.

}, function(marker) {
  }, function(){


* Add a feed to the map and control it's visiblity

  }, function(feed){
}, function(){


Here is an example of better error handling via callbacks, in this
example between addresses:
  }, function(directions) {
if (!directions.getStatus().code == 200) {
  jQuery('#directions').html('strongDirections cannot be found/
  return false;
return true;


Anyway, feel free to poke and prod at the code and feel free to
feedback any issues.  There is a public tracker on the repo above that
you can raise tickets to as well.


Tane Piper
twitter: http://twitter.com/tanepiper

[jQuery] Re: New jMaps Release

2008-10-14 Thread Tane Piper

As I said, I'd work on the streetview module and here it is!  You can
grab the latest source, or grab the build from here:


To see the streetview in action, here is a snippet to use:

$('#map1').jmap('init', {mapCenter:
'latlng': [40.75271883902363,
}, function(view) {
}, function(){


This will let you see the streetview in another port from the map, and
with toggle and remove buttons to show you how easy it is all in one
chained function!

On Oct 14, 10:35 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi folks,

 I'm pleased to announce a new release of jMaps.  It's been a while
 since it has been updated, but I found out it recently features in a
 chapter in O'Reilly's JavaScript: The Missing Manual so I decided it
 was probably time to fix it up!

 The new release has a few major changes which I'll come onto later,
 but none should affect your existing code too much (just method names,
 as explained later)

 This is a branch version with the new Mapifies namespace.  The new
 release is available at:


 Eventually, this will be merged back into the trunk version, however
 the reason for the new code structure is as follows.

 If you can't compile with ant, there is a pre-built version here:


 Within the source folder, you will see the new Google API stuff in
 files like:


 The application is now split up into separate files for different
 functions, to allow more modular code, and it's a hell of a lot easier
 to read.  If you don't need a function in the code (say for example
 traffic then just don't include it in the build!)  The new ant script
 builds the output file, currently only building google, but eventually
 it should support other map type too.

 The API is mostly the same for function, the only exception being
 functions are now capitalized.  So for example seachDirections becomes
 SearchDirections and addMarker becomes AddMarker.

 Some options may have changed, check the functions defaults() method,
 each main function has one of these and contains the default options
 to be merged with what your passing.

 The library is missing some of the features in the current release,
 like streetview.  However these were not finished in release, and I
 need to review them.

 One of the things to come out the API too is improved callbacks and
 chainibility.  Almost every function has a callback which allows you
 to access the object you have created.  This does put the onus on you
 as the develop to handle events and errors.  Here are a couple of

 * Create a map and marker manager and add a marker and control
 visibility with a toggle control.

     }, function(marker) {
       }, function(){


 * Add a feed to the map and control it's visiblity

   }, function(feed){
     }, function(){


 Here is an example of better error handling via callbacks, in this
 example between addresses:
   }, function(directions) {
     if (!directions.getStatus().code == 200) {
       jQuery('#directions').html('strongDirections cannot be found/
       return false;
     return true;


 Anyway, feel free to poke and prod at the code and feel free to
 feedback any issues.  There is a public tracker on the repo above that
 you can raise tickets to as well.


 Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.me.uk

[jQuery] [Announce] Password Strength Meter 2 release

2008-05-17 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

Just a quick update to let you all know that I've released a new version
of my password strength meter plugin:


This version has a lot of improvements over the last few versions, and
now includes a method within the name space to add your own custom
validation methods, like so:

digitalspaghetti.password.addRule('twelvechar', function (word, score) {
return word.length = 12  score;
}, 3, true);

This would return true once the word is = 12 chars, and returns a score
of 3.  The final true makes sure the validation method is added to the
list.  You can write any type of validation rule here you like, and even
override existing ones.  This was inspired by Jorn's validation plugin,
and the whole re-write was inspired by Doug Crockford's videos on YUI -
I suggest anyone serious about JavaScript development to check them out.

Any comments and feedback are welcome.

Tane Piper
Freelance Developer

[jQuery] Re: Concat

2008-05-17 Thread Tane Piper

var imagename = $('a').attr('href');
var newname = 'M' + imagename;
$('a').attr('href', newname);

eppytx wrote:
 I have the following jquery in an gallery page:

   $(#thumbnail a).click(function(){
   $(#picture a).attr({href: $(this).attr(href)});
   $(#picture img).attr({src: $(this).attr(href), title: 
 img, this).attr(title)});
   $(#picture h2).html($( img, this).attr(title));
   return false;

 The page has a list of thumbnails going down the right side, and when
 clicking on the tn, this jquery will put the larger image in the
 middle of the page (id=picture).  Currently it will put the href from
 the tn into the (#picture a).attr above, a href=image.jpg, but I
 want to be able to slightly change the href by adding a M to the
 front, a href=Mimage.jpg.

 So the question is how can I concatenate a letter to the front of the
 href attribute?

 I am new to query  jquery, I can read it enough to somewhat tell what
 it is doing, but don't know enough to do much changing.

 I appreciate any help any one can offer.


[jQuery] getJSON Callback not firing

2008-05-09 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

I'm trying to work on some cross-site stuff, and I'm using JSON between
the domains to transfer the data.

In my below code, the code fires the .getJSON, and I can see the JSON in
my firebug scripts tag, but the callback is not getting fired:

LoadContent = $.klass({
initialize: function(options){
  $loadingarea = this.element;
$.getJSON(options.url,{q:'nfp/front'}, function(data){


$('#loading-area-container').attach(LoadContent, {url:

At the moment, here is the data I am trying to load:

Entry,type:story},{nid:2,title:Test 2,type:story})

It was contained in square brackets before like [{...}], but I changed
it to () based on previous entries on the group, however it still will
not go into the callback function.  Does anyone have any idea what's
going wrong here??


Tane Piper

[jQuery] Re: getJSON Callback not firing

2008-05-09 Thread Tane Piper

Never mind, worked it out in the end.

On 9 May, 13:45, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey folks,

 I'm trying to work on some cross-site stuff, and I'm using JSON between
 the domains to transfer the data.

 In my below code, the code fires the .getJSON, and I can see the JSON in
 my firebug scripts tag, but the callback is not getting fired:

 LoadContent = $.klass({
 initialize: function(options){
   $loadingarea = this.element;
 $.getJSON(options.url,{q:'nfp/front'}, function(data){



 $('#loading-area-container').attach(LoadContent, {url:


 At the moment, here is the data I am trying to load:

 Entry,type:story},{nid:2,title:Test 2,type:story})

 It was contained in square brackets before like [{...}], but I changed
 it to () based on previous entries on the group, however it still will
 not go into the callback function.  Does anyone have any idea what's
 going wrong here??


 Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.me.uk

[jQuery] Re: jMaps3 RC1 Released

2008-04-22 Thread Tane Piper

HI there,

I've just added a removeMarker function to the codebase last night and
is in the tip version:


It's a bit of a quick fix, so might change - I'm thinking adding
support for multiple markers instead of just one.  I also need to work
on the marker store, where you can place markers in the DOM to be
easily accessed later.

Hopefully this can get you started though.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 2:13 AM, Ken Gregg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The page mentions adding and removing markers. I see addMarker is
  documented is there a removeMarker?

  On Apr 20, 7:29 am, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hey folks,
   Today I am happy to announce that jMaps version 3 has been released
   today.  This version is classed as a release candidate as I have not
   confirmed all bugs have been fixed, and some internals might still
   change slightly, however the API itself has stabilised.
   The plugin now has a proper page with API documentation and demos, and
   is available athttp://jmaps.digitalspaghetti.me.uk/

   The plugin also now more modular, so you can write your own macros
   under the $.jmap namespace and call them using the $.jmap() function.
   I'll hopefully get some documentation on this written soon too.
   Id also like to get more feedback from users on where the plugin works
   well and not so well, and improve this for version 3.1.  I'd also
   appreciate feedback on the documentation if its not very clear.
   Tane Piper
   Blog -http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
   Skype: digitalspaghetti
   This email is: [ x ] blogable [ ] ask first [ ] private

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
Skype: digitalspaghetti

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] [Announce] jMaps3 RC1 Released

2008-04-20 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

Today I am happy to announce that jMaps version 3 has been released
today.  This version is classed as a release candidate as I have not
confirmed all bugs have been fixed, and some internals might still
change slightly, however the API itself has stabilised.

The plugin now has a proper page with API documentation and demos, and
is available at http://jmaps.digitalspaghetti.me.uk/

The plugin also now more modular, so you can write your own macros
under the $.jmap namespace and call them using the $.jmap() function.
I'll hopefully get some documentation on this written soon too.

Id also like to get more feedback from users on where the plugin works
well and not so well, and improve this for version 3.1.  I'd also
appreciate feedback on the documentation if its not very clear.

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
Skype: digitalspaghetti

This email is: [ x ] blogable [ ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] [ANNOUNCE] Release of jMaps 2.1 RC1

2008-03-04 Thread Tane Piper

Hi folks,

Today I am releasing the first release candidate of jMaps 2.1

jMaps is a jQuery plugin that provide several useful functions that
make working with Google maps easier.  I had been neglecting it
recently, however after several request for documenation I finally got
my finger out and fixed a few bugs and added some missing features.

The latest version is available on my mercurial repository, you can
grab from http://hg.digitalspaghetti.me.uk/jmaps/

hg clone http://hg.digitalspaghetti.me.uk/jmaps/

Or you can download the zip file directory:

You can see the API documentation here:
The formatting on the API docs is not completed, for example only the
main options have been included so far, however all the current
functions are documented with basic examples.

I'd appreciate any feedback and bug testing - I am currently setting
up a public issue tracker, but in the meantime you can email me
directly, especially any patches are apprciated.

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
Skype: digitalspaghetti
Wii: 4734 3486 7149 1830

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[jQuery] Re: Geocoding with Google Maps while a page is loading

2007-12-03 Thread Tane Piper
You might be interested in my plugin, jMap2 - http://hg.pastemonkey.org/jmaps

On Dec 1, 2007 9:26 PM, Mazso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For several hours I tried to get the Google Map GeoCoding Script of
 Blackpool Community Church Javascript Team working with jQuery but I
 failed. Loading the script from an external file is no problem. But I
 can´t get the  function showAddress() starting when the page is
 loaded. I tried $(window).load(function(showAddress), $
 (document).ready(function() - no one worked. The address is stored in
 a paragraph with the id address which one I can manipulate. When I
 put the JavaScript-Code inside the XHTML-Code an call showAdress with
 body onload=showAddress() everthing is working fine. But really -
 I don't like JavaScript and XHTML mixed up.

 So anyone has an advice for me?

 Thank you


 $(document).ready(function() {

 if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {

   var map = new GMap($(#map)[0]);
   map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
   map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
   map.setCenter(new GLatLng(20,0),2);

   // == Create a Client Geocoder ==
   var geo = new GClientGeocoder();

   // == Array for decoding the failure codes ==
   var reasons=[];
   reasons[G_GEO_SUCCESS]= Success;
   reasons[G_GEO_MISSING_ADDRESS]= Missing Address: The
 address was either missing or had no value.;
   reasons[G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS]= Unknown Address:  No
 corresponding geographic location could be found for the specified
   reasons[G_GEO_UNAVAILABLE_ADDRESS]= Unavailable Address:  The
 geocode for the given address cannot be returned due to legal or
 contractual reasons.;
   reasons[G_GEO_BAD_KEY]= Bad Key: The API key is
 either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given;
   reasons[G_GEO_TOO_MANY_QUERIES]   = Too Many Queries: The
 daily geocoding quota for this site has been exceeded.;
   reasons[G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR]   = Server error: The
 geocoding request could not be successfully processed.;

   // == Geocoding ==
   function showAddress() {
  var search = $(#address).text();
 //var search = document.getElementById(search).value;
 // == Perform the Geocoding ==
 geo.getLocations(search, function (result)
 // If that was successful
 if (result.Status.code == G_GEO_SUCCESS) {
   // How many resuts were found
   document.getElementById(message).innerHTML = Found 
 +result.Placemark.length + results;
   // Loop through the results, placing markers
   for (var i=0; iresult.Placemark.length; i++) {
 var p = result.Placemark[i].Point.coordinates;
 var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(p[1],p[0]));
 document.getElementById(message).innerHTML +=
 br+(i+1)+: + result.Placemark[i].address + marker.getPoint();
   // centre the map on the first result
   var p = result.Placemark[0].Point.coordinates;
   map.setCenter(new GLatLng(p[1],p[0]),14);
 // == Decode the error status ==
 else {
   var reason=Code +result.Status.code;
   if (reasons[result.Status.code]) {
 reason = reasons[result.Status.code]
   alert('Could not find '+search+ ' ' + reason);

 // display a warning if the browser was not compatible
 else {
   alert(Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this


Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] [Announce] Release of jMap2 API

2007-11-17 Thread Tane Piper

Recently I have been so busy that I’ve been neglecting some of my code -
however this weekend I decided to make some amends for that.  The most
requested piece of code I have released has been the jMaps plugin for

The last version I worked on, I tried to combine a single API for Google
Maps and Yahoo Maps.  With this new release, I am focusing on Google
Maps only.

This is a re-write from scratch, hence the new version is jMap2.  First
of all, you need to grab the code - I’m now hosting it in my local
repository, and I’ll work on removing the Google Code page.


You can either download the release directly - jMap2 Alpha 1:


Or you can grab the file from the mercurial repository:

hg clone http://hg.pastemonkey.org/jmaps jmap2

Below is a basic introduction to jMap2 - one thing I have been lacking
has been documentation, and I’d like to amend this at a later date, but
for now hopefully below will be enough to get you started.


 $('#div').jmap(options, callback);

This is the initial function to use with jMap2.  This will initialise a
GMap2 object and attach it to the selected DIV element.  The map has
some default options that you can override:

$.jmap.defaults = {
// Initial type of map to display
// Options: map, sat, hybrid
mapType: map,
// Initial map center
mapCenter: [55.958858,-3.162302],
// Initial map size
mapDimensions: [400, 400],
// Initial zoom level
mapZoom: 12,
// Initial map control size
// Options: large, small, none
mapControlSize: small,
// Initialise type of map control
mapShowType: true,
// Initialise small map overview
mapShowOverview: true,
// Enable map dragging when left button held down
mapEnableDragging: true,
// Enable zooming with scroll wheel
mapEnableScrollZoom: false,
// Enable smooth zoom
mapSmoothZoom: true,
// Enable Google Bar
mapEnableGoogleBar: false

For example, to overide the map type, you simply pass:

$('#map').jmap({mapType: hybrid});


The markerManager function creates a Google marker manager object, if
you create this all your markers will be added to it, otherwise they can
be directly rendered.

$('#map').addMarker(options, callback);

This allows you to add a marker to the map.  It is called from other
functions such as searchAddress().  To add a point, you pass in
paramters to the function:

$('#map').addMarker({pointlat: 53, pointlng: -3});

There are other options to pass in, check the code to see them.


This function creates a Geocoder Cache.


Creates a GeoCoder object.  The cache is optional.

$('#map').searchAddress(options, pass, callback);

Allows you to pass in an address and get a returned Geocode object.  You
can optionally pass to addMarker() to add to the map as a marker:

$('#map').seachAddress({address: Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh,
addMarker: true, {isdraggable: true});

The above for example will search for Edinburgh Castle, add a tmarker
and allow it to be draggable (via the addMarker options).

This is all I’ve got so far, but I feel it is a good start towards a
new, more stable API.

Feel free to leave comments, I’d love to hear your opinions - especially
on what features to concentrate on and any optimization of code.  Have fun!

[[[ Tane Piper ]]]
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk

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[jQuery] Re: Universal Programming Language concept...

2007-11-08 Thread Tane Piper

So is it like the Esperanto of the programming world?

On 08/11/2007, phobis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry, the link is:


 On Nov 7, 10:15 pm, phobis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Not to spam but if anyone is interested in a Universal Programming
  Language concept please visit the URL below. I respect the people of
  this group, so I wanted to spread the word.

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: How do you do Client/Server interaction? (CakePHP/JSON/jQuery)

2007-11-02 Thread Tane Piper

Just to let you all know, I've put up a tutorial explaining it a bit more here:

Please feel free to comment as it probably could be improved upon.

On 02/11/2007, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, what would you know!  Having written out what I wanted to get,
 and by simply applying a little brainpower, I came up with the
 solution.  What I did was write a CakePHP component and helper.  First
 off, here is the component:

 class JsonComponent extends Component {
 var $json_for_layout = array();
 function addToJSON($add = array()){
 $this-json_for_layout = array_merge($this-json_for_layout, 
 function getJSON() {
 return $this-json_for_layout;

 What this component does is allows me to pass in arrays to a global
 array in the controller, json_for_layout.  Every time I call this from
 a controller, it add's to the array.  The next step is in my
 beforeRender() function in my AppController, I do this:

 $this-set('json_for_layout', $this-Json-getJSON());

 This sets my view variable.  I then need to actually generate the JSON
 and output it to a var:

 class JsonHelper extends JavascriptHelper {
 function renderJSON($data, $varname = 'Pastemonkey'){
 $json = json_encode($data);
 $output = $this-codeBlock('var ' . $varname . ' = ' . $json 
 . ';');
 return $output;

 Now, what I do is inside my header, I echo this out to the view:

 ?php e($json-renderJSON($json_for_layout));?

 And thats it!  Check your DOM tab in firebug to see the global object
 now available.

 For example, if I pass in my sitename, I can simply call it with:


 Hope this helps out a few people, and I intend to write a more
 thorough blog about it tomorrow.

 On 01/11/2007, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Apologies for the cross posting here, but I myself am at a bit of a
  crossroads in my applications development, and I'd like to take the
  time to put out this email in the hopes that it generates some good
  discussion, and can maybe teach me a few things.
  A little background first to my issues.  I am developing my
  application at the moment (pastemonkey.org) and it's being built on
  CakePHP and jQuery.  At the moment, I'm using a lot of CakePHP's built
  in stuff to generate my HTML, and I'm using jQuery to do some simple
  Ajax stuff and some DOM manipulation.
  Where I am at a crossroads is how to do my client/server interaction
  with JSON.  For example, I have the facility in place for inline
  comments.  When you see a paste, you can double click on each line to
  create and view the comments.  When you create one, there is code that
  generates the comment and enters the line number and paste ID.
  To display this, what I do is create an array of the line numbers, and
  generate JSON using PHP's inbuilt functions.  So an array like this
  ('1', '2', '10', '15') becomes [1, 2, 10, 15].  What I then do
  is pass this to the view, and do this:
  ?php e($javascript-codeBlock('var lines = eval(' . $comment_lines . 
  So what this does is it outputs
  var lines = eval( [1, 2, 10, 15]);
  I then have this function in my core javascript file:
  $('.geshi-output-view ol li').each(function(i){
  $(this).attr('id', i);
  if ($.inArray(i, lines) != -1) {
  What I am doing here is expecting there to already be a variable set
  called lines, and I check each line's ID (based on offset + 1) to see
  if it's in the JSON array, and if it does apply the class.
  It presents two issues - first it's ugly.  It means I always have to
  have the javascript helper line above in any view I want to use it in,
  and I also expect the variable to be there (in the case of the view it
  always should be).  I'm wondering if anyone know a much nicer, more
  global way to handle this?
  For example, Is there any way in PHP to generate a global object?  For
  example a Pastemonkey object that I can attach to.  e.g:
  I'm basically looking for the cleanest way to handle persistent data
  from my server side that I can use client side with jQuery.
  Tane Piper
  Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
  AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org
  This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

 Tane Piper
 Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
 AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

 This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: Guess who is using jquery, too?

2007-11-02 Thread Tane Piper

Not only that, but this:


And we're pleased to use jQuery, the wonderful open source JavaScript
library (not ours, we're just fans), to help power each page.

On 02/11/2007, dfd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Take a look at the source from http://code.google.com

 Regards, frank

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: LiveQuery (Discuss Please)

2007-11-01 Thread Tane Piper

Here's my 2p

I've recently been using livequery a lot on my pastebin app - however
I've been taking it out again, and I really wonder if it should be

Don't get me wrong, it is a great plugin - however I think it breeds
bad (lazy) design in Ajax apps as it lacks

and I wonder if it's really that fast?  Since taking a lot of
livequery out I've noticed speed improvments in my app.

On 01/11/2007, Yehuda Katz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to see livequery in the core, but John believes that its rate
 of adoption is too slow to justify getting it in the core. If that's the
 case, I want to know why, since it fundamentally improves on core jQuery
 concepts in (like I said above), what I believe to be the most innovative
 improvement to the jQuery paradigm since its inception.
 If you use it, please speak up! If not, why not?

 -- Yehuda

 On 10/31/07, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What makes you think the adoption rate is slow?  I get the feeling
  that a good number of people are using it.
   So as far as I'm concerned, livequery is the biggest advance in jQuery
   its inception (no, I am not its author). I'm trying to understand why
   having such a slow rate of adoption.

 Yehuda Katz
 Web Developer | Procore Technologies
 (ph)  718.877.1325

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

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[jQuery] Re: LiveQuery (Discuss Please)

2007-11-01 Thread Tane Piper

Bahh, I accidently hit the send button as I was typing this out

What I was trying to say was livequery is missing one major component
that breeds bad design - an ajax history manager.  I've tried using
jquery ajax history plugins, and even tried developing my own hijax,
but just couldn't get it to play nice when livequery was involved.

This has led me to take out a lot of my ajax navigation and livequery
is now only used for the messaging system in the app.

Also, as I was also saying I wonder if it needs more speed testing and
optimisation, as I've noticed an increase in speed in my app since I
removed a lot of livequery.

On 01/11/2007, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's my 2p

 I've recently been using livequery a lot on my pastebin app - however
 I've been taking it out again, and I really wonder if it should be

 Don't get me wrong, it is a great plugin - however I think it breeds
 bad (lazy) design in Ajax apps as it lacks

 and I wonder if it's really that fast?  Since taking a lot of
 livequery out I've noticed speed improvments in my app.

 On 01/11/2007, Yehuda Katz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like to see livequery in the core, but John believes that its rate
  of adoption is too slow to justify getting it in the core. If that's the
  case, I want to know why, since it fundamentally improves on core jQuery
  concepts in (like I said above), what I believe to be the most innovative
  improvement to the jQuery paradigm since its inception.
  If you use it, please speak up! If not, why not?
  -- Yehuda
  On 10/31/07, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What makes you think the adoption rate is slow?  I get the feeling
   that a good number of people are using it.
So as far as I'm concerned, livequery is the biggest advance in jQuery
its inception (no, I am not its author). I'm trying to understand why
having such a slow rate of adoption.
  Yehuda Katz
  Web Developer | Procore Technologies
  (ph)  718.877.1325

 Tane Piper
 Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
 AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

 This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] How do you do Client/Server interaction? (CakePHP/JSON/jQuery)

2007-11-01 Thread Tane Piper

Apologies for the cross posting here, but I myself am at a bit of a
crossroads in my applications development, and I'd like to take the
time to put out this email in the hopes that it generates some good
discussion, and can maybe teach me a few things.

A little background first to my issues.  I am developing my
application at the moment (pastemonkey.org) and it's being built on
CakePHP and jQuery.  At the moment, I'm using a lot of CakePHP's built
in stuff to generate my HTML, and I'm using jQuery to do some simple
Ajax stuff and some DOM manipulation.

Where I am at a crossroads is how to do my client/server interaction
with JSON.  For example, I have the facility in place for inline
comments.  When you see a paste, you can double click on each line to
create and view the comments.  When you create one, there is code that
generates the comment and enters the line number and paste ID.

To display this, what I do is create an array of the line numbers, and
generate JSON using PHP's inbuilt functions.  So an array like this
('1', '2', '10', '15') becomes [1, 2, 10, 15].  What I then do
is pass this to the view, and do this:

?php e($javascript-codeBlock('var lines = eval(' . $comment_lines . ')'));?

So what this does is it outputs

var lines = eval( [1, 2, 10, 15]);

I then have this function in my core javascript file:

$('.geshi-output-view ol li').each(function(i){
$(this).attr('id', i);
if ($.inArray(i, lines) != -1) {

What I am doing here is expecting there to already be a variable set
called lines, and I check each line's ID (based on offset + 1) to see
if it's in the JSON array, and if it does apply the class.

It presents two issues - first it's ugly.  It means I always have to
have the javascript helper line above in any view I want to use it in,
and I also expect the variable to be there (in the case of the view it
always should be).  I'm wondering if anyone know a much nicer, more
global way to handle this?

For example, Is there any way in PHP to generate a global object?  For
example a Pastemonkey object that I can attach to.  e.g:


I'm basically looking for the cleanest way to handle persistent data
from my server side that I can use client side with jQuery.


Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: How do you do Client/Server interaction? (CakePHP/JSON/jQuery)

2007-11-01 Thread Tane Piper

Well, what would you know!  Having written out what I wanted to get,
and by simply applying a little brainpower, I came up with the
solution.  What I did was write a CakePHP component and helper.  First
off, here is the component:

class JsonComponent extends Component {
var $json_for_layout = array();
function addToJSON($add = array()){
$this-json_for_layout = array_merge($this-json_for_layout, 
function getJSON() {
return $this-json_for_layout;

What this component does is allows me to pass in arrays to a global
array in the controller, json_for_layout.  Every time I call this from
a controller, it add's to the array.  The next step is in my
beforeRender() function in my AppController, I do this:

$this-set('json_for_layout', $this-Json-getJSON());

This sets my view variable.  I then need to actually generate the JSON
and output it to a var:

class JsonHelper extends JavascriptHelper {
function renderJSON($data, $varname = 'Pastemonkey'){
$json = json_encode($data);
$output = $this-codeBlock('var ' . $varname . ' = ' . $json . 
return $output;

Now, what I do is inside my header, I echo this out to the view:

?php e($json-renderJSON($json_for_layout));?

And thats it!  Check your DOM tab in firebug to see the global object
now available.

For example, if I pass in my sitename, I can simply call it with:


Hope this helps out a few people, and I intend to write a more
thorough blog about it tomorrow.

On 01/11/2007, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Apologies for the cross posting here, but I myself am at a bit of a
 crossroads in my applications development, and I'd like to take the
 time to put out this email in the hopes that it generates some good
 discussion, and can maybe teach me a few things.

 A little background first to my issues.  I am developing my
 application at the moment (pastemonkey.org) and it's being built on
 CakePHP and jQuery.  At the moment, I'm using a lot of CakePHP's built
 in stuff to generate my HTML, and I'm using jQuery to do some simple
 Ajax stuff and some DOM manipulation.

 Where I am at a crossroads is how to do my client/server interaction
 with JSON.  For example, I have the facility in place for inline
 comments.  When you see a paste, you can double click on each line to
 create and view the comments.  When you create one, there is code that
 generates the comment and enters the line number and paste ID.

 To display this, what I do is create an array of the line numbers, and
 generate JSON using PHP's inbuilt functions.  So an array like this
 ('1', '2', '10', '15') becomes [1, 2, 10, 15].  What I then do
 is pass this to the view, and do this:

 ?php e($javascript-codeBlock('var lines = eval(' . $comment_lines . ')'));?

 So what this does is it outputs

 var lines = eval( [1, 2, 10, 15]);

 I then have this function in my core javascript file:

 $('.geshi-output-view ol li').each(function(i){
 $(this).attr('id', i);
 if ($.inArray(i, lines) != -1) {

 What I am doing here is expecting there to already be a variable set
 called lines, and I check each line's ID (based on offset + 1) to see
 if it's in the JSON array, and if it does apply the class.

 It presents two issues - first it's ugly.  It means I always have to
 have the javascript helper line above in any view I want to use it in,
 and I also expect the variable to be there (in the case of the view it
 always should be).  I'm wondering if anyone know a much nicer, more
 global way to handle this?

 For example, Is there any way in PHP to generate a global object?  For
 example a Pastemonkey object that I can attach to.  e.g:


 I'm basically looking for the cleanest way to handle persistent data
 from my server side that I can use client side with jQuery.


 Tane Piper
 Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
 AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

 This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] [INTERESTING PLUGIN] Wait plugin

2007-10-30 Thread Tane Piper

I came across an interesting plugin today on my travels around the web:


It's interesting, because it's a setTimeout plugin but is coded so it
can be chained along my event queue.  For example, in my code before I

$(self).animate({top: -90, opacity: 0.9}, 2000);
setTimeout(function() {
   $(self).animate({ top: -150, opacity: 0 }, 1000);
}, 5000);

But using this plugin, I can now do:

$(self).animate({top: -90, opacity: 0.9}, 2000).wait(5).then.animate({
top: -150, opacity: 0 }, 1000);

To me, this makes a lot of sense, and also looks more jQuery-like.
Kudos for the developer for making this one.

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

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[jQuery] Re: [INTERESTING PLUGIN] Wait plugin

2007-10-30 Thread Tane Piper

I dunno, I'm one of these people starting to really see the benefits
of keeping as much out the core as possible, as jQuery's plugin
architecture doesn't add any overhead, although I'm starting to link
along the lines of jQuery.core.js and jQuery.utilities.js, where
functions like this come as part of a core package, but are not
required by the core.

On 30/10/2007, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think that something like this is a good candidate for the core. There's
 so many requests and things for how can I pause my code, etc.

 I can't see this being all that large in size.

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Tane Piper
 Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 12:32 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] [INTERESTING PLUGIN] Wait plugin

 I came across an interesting plugin today on my travels around the web:


 It's interesting, because it's a setTimeout plugin but is coded so it can be
 chained along my event queue.  For example, in my code before I

 $(self).animate({top: -90, opacity: 0.9}, 2000);
 setTimeout(function() {
$(self).animate({ top: -150, opacity: 0 }, 1000); },

 But using this plugin, I can now do:

 $(self).animate({top: -90, opacity: 0.9}, 2000).wait(5).then.animate({
 top: -150, opacity: 0 }, 1000);

 To me, this makes a lot of sense, and also looks more jQuery-like.
 Kudos for the developer for making this one.

 Tane Piper
 Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
 AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

 This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: Jquery 1.2 API

2007-10-26 Thread Tane Piper

The docs have been moved to the Wiki:


On 26/10/2007, Josh Ain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 I've been using http://jquery.com/api/ extensively as a reference for
 developing with jquery 1.1.2. Is there a comparable gui available for
 browsing the jquery 1.2 api?


 Josh Ain
 ITA Software

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

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[jQuery] Re: Jquery 1.2 API

2007-10-26 Thread Tane Piper

AFAIK, someone is looking into using a plugin that allows the Wiki to
be converted to XML so it can be used at sites like Jorn's API Browser
and visualjquery.com

On 26/10/2007, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It would be really useful to have the XML version.  Is that in the works?

  On 10/26/07, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The docs have been moved to the Wiki:
  On 26/10/2007, Josh Ain [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   Hello all,
   I've been using http://jquery.com/api/ extensively as a reference for
   developing with jquery 1.1.2. Is there a comparable gui available for
   browsing the jquery 1.2 api?
   Josh Ain
   ITA Software
  Tane Piper
  Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
  AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org
  This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: pulling my hair out with validation plugin and radio/checkboxes

2007-10-25 Thread Tane Piper

Hey, don't worry I think we all do it from time to time, I know I have
:) at least your not the kind that fires off an email, resolves it and
then never replies to say you have, wasting someone elses time!

On 25/10/2007, Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C]

  I'm using Jorn's validate plugin and have everything working great
  except for the 'required' error messages for radio and
  checkboxes.  I've
  dug through the comments, API and examples but am stuck...

 Arg - nevermind!!

 I'm going to develop a mailing list that simply goes to /dev/null
 because it seems like everytime I have an issue I resolve it immediately
 AFTER posting to a mailing list...  I won't figure it out though until I
 hit 'send'. Just typing it up is not enough! :)

 I realized Jorn was included an additional label for the radio buttons
 and it is used for displaying errors...


Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

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[jQuery] Live Query + History Remote plugin issues

2007-10-23 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

I've hit a snag in developing my application, and I'm hoping someone
out there can help.

I have been using Live Query on my app now for a few weeks and
everything has been working great so far.

At the weekend, I decided to introduce the History remote plugin into
my app, so the back button can be used - but this has introduced an
annoying bug.  To try explain:

When the page at http://dev.pastemonkey.org loads, I click View All
Pastes, and it loads fine.  The URL loads into my #content div, and
the window.location update.
Now, when I click any other link (for example New Paste), and I
watch firebug what loads is the New Paste page View All Pastes
page again, then below it the New Paste page again, however what
loads in the #content area depends on what is the last thing loaded,
and in the case of the New Paste form, it's always View All Pastes
because that takes longer to load.

My code is quite simple:

return false;

However, I think the problem lies in the History plugin, as inside the
.remote() function, there is a click bind within the function.
However any attempts to debug it have failed.  Can anyone help out
with this?

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

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[jQuery] Re: Plug-in Developers...

2007-10-01 Thread Tane Piper
One massive tip for developing plugins, is to make them futureproof
and compatible with the jQuery.noConflict() is to develop your plugin
inside a closure:




This means you can use. $ inside your plugin and never worry about it
not working with jQuery.  Since I use .noConflict() in my app, I've
seen problems with many plugins that are not developed this way.

On 01/10/2007, Benjamin Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree with you and as far as my plugins and myself are concerned, it is a
 learning experience for me also.  Almost all my code prior to coming upon
 jQuery has been for my eyes only and never thought twice about someone
 else needing to understand what I heck I am trying to do.  But since
 developing my first plugin jqShuffle, my commenting and instructions have
 improved, eg. jqGalView, but that is only because of the questions that were
 asked.  The questions asked help me understand where I needed to improve in
 my instructions and wording.

 My point is, and I am assuming it is the same for all new plugin developers
 who never had to make their code usable of others, that it is a learning
 experience and can only get better with constructive tips.

 Thanks for bring this up again Rick, keeping good documentation on the front
 burner is very good for us all.

 On 10/1/07, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Good morning, all…
  After seeing that some who are new to jQuery wrestle
  with trying to get something working, I had the idea that perhaps
  we need a Quick Start Guide for jQuery generally and
  plug-ins specifically.
  What experienced users can grapple with the sometimes overwhelming
  amount of info  involved with jQuery as a whole, newbies get lost quickly,
  especially those who have no previous js experience… and that would be
  a major part of the growing user base, I would think, of jQuery.  I'm one
  of those newbies with little prior js experience.
  However, I've been around jQuery and the community that I kind of
  get the system…
  Once someone is experienced with jQuery, it's easy to look at this
  with new eyes.
  Developers, Team Members, if it's not already there, please consider
  offering a bottom-up, nothing-assumed, Quick Start Guide to
  whatever is being explained.  That's where newbies will almost always
  turn for a quick, gratifying experience.  After success with that, they
  dig deeper as the addiction grows!
  Thanks for listening (or rather, reading)!

 Benjamin Sterling

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Timeout on a .getScript()

2007-10-01 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

In my app, what I have on pageload is a .getScript() that loads in the
Ajax API for recaptcha (as can be seen at

I also use blockUI on this site, and I have hit a snag, in that if the
getScript fails for whatever reason, it doesn't time out and the Ajax
request continues, hence my .ajaxStop that removes the blockUI is
never fired.

I'm wondering, is there a way to timeout the getScript after x seconds
if the request fails, and return the UI to the user?

If not, maybe an idea for additonal functionality?

$.getScript('.', 'timeout', function(){

 ..Code in here for sucess.

}, function() {

.Code in here for fail to get within timeout.


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] [Site Submission] pastemonkey.org now live!

2007-10-01 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

I'm pleased to announce the full service of Paste Monkey is now
running at http://pastemonkey.org.  This is a collaborative pastebin
developed in CakePHP 1.2, and running AJAX with jQuery.

It is still in the beta stage, but very functional, with features such as:

* Use of Live Query and jQuery UI to create a rich interface
* A permalink for both the user
(http://pastemonkey.org/add/yournamehere) and for pastes
* Expiry time for pastes (Day, Week, Month or Never)
* The ability to edit a paste, and download a diff patch file, as well
as download the origional source
* Live Search, where you type in the word you are looking for in the
source, tab off the field and it will be searched and highlighted for
* SPAM CAPTCHA using ReCaptcha (a captcha project with a purpose,
check out http://recaptcha.net)
* You are able to search by tags and by language to find similar posts.

Hopefully you will all find it useful, and I am happy to offer
subdomains to any communities that may want to use the bin (or you can
host your own if you dare!), and please submit any bugs or
enhancements at http://code.google.com/p/pastemonkey/issues/list

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
AJAX Pastebin - http://pastemonkey.org

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[jQuery] Ignoring field within whole DIV

2007-09-30 Thread Tane Piper

Hi there,

I am running into a little problem, I cannot seem to get my code to
work to ignore 1 field inside a DIV.  I have a .ajaxLoad() on the div,
that fires block UI when the content of the DIV changes, however also
inside the DIV I have a field that has a autocomplete attached to it.
When I type in this field, it fires the .ajaxLoad() and the block UI.

My code is below:

$pastemonkey(this).autocomplete('/tags/find/', {multiple: true,
matchContains: true});

$pastemonkey is my own var for $ using .noConflict.  I've tried using
:not but couldn't get it to work.  Can anyone help?

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Paste Monkey Beta Launched

2007-09-29 Thread Tane Piper
Its what's called a colaborative paste bin.  Basically, if you are in
IRC and stuck on some code, rather than flood the channel with your
code you paste it to the web and post the link, anyone can now look
and edit it.  It's also a great place to put snippits of code to share
- especially now my local version has the expiry stuff working and
I'll be uploading it later today.

Afaik, it's the only fully Ajax pastebin out there due to extensive
use or Live Query

On 28/09/2007, Danjojo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could ya'll please enlighten me???

 I been cruisin't the web since the dawn of web time...

 and well... its ugly! Yet cute... kinda like the monkey...

 But what the hell is it???


 On Sep 28, 1:24 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The other valid reason is, switch of JS and view the site - the app is
  100% designed to work with both js on and off, and if I used Chilli,
  then that wouldn't be the case.  If I can get Chilli to support all
  the languages GeSHi supports, I could write in a conditional handler
  to ignore the GeSHi highlighting at render time, and render with
  chilli, but I really don't see the point in that.
  On 28/09/2007, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Joan Piedra schrieb:
Oh that sounds reasonable. Thanks for answering, and good job at paste
Btw, how is your cake_jquery_cms work going? =)
   Well, assuming the speed gains in Chili 1.9 that argument isn't that
   reasonable any more :-)
   -- Jörn
  Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
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Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Paste Monkey Beta Launched

2007-09-28 Thread Tane Piper

The other valid reason is, switch of JS and view the site - the app is
100% designed to work with both js on and off, and if I used Chilli,
then that wouldn't be the case.  If I can get Chilli to support all
the languages GeSHi supports, I could write in a conditional handler
to ignore the GeSHi highlighting at render time, and render with
chilli, but I really don't see the point in that.

On 28/09/2007, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Joan Piedra schrieb:
  Oh that sounds reasonable. Thanks for answering, and good job at paste
  Btw, how is your cake_jquery_cms work going? =)
 Well, assuming the speed gains in Chili 1.9 that argument isn't that
 reasonable any more :-)

 -- Jörn

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Paste Monkey Beta Launched

2007-09-26 Thread Tane Piper

Hi folks,

I'm pleased to announce the public beta of my latest app, Paste Monkey:


At the moment, this is a beta application.  I'm still waiting for the
proper domain name to propagate through, but until then it's sitting
at that URL.

Paste Monkey is Yet Another Pastebin, but hopefully your see by
playing with it, that it's a very nice pastebin :)  It is pretty much
full AJAX, due to the wonderful LiveQuery plugin for jQuery being

It's built with CakePHP 1.2, with jQuery for JavaScript/AJAX and the
GeSHi library for code highlighting.

Some features include:

*The ability to directly input your username via

* Around 50 languages supported

* The ability to download the code in a formatted file

* Create amendments between pastes, and download the Diff file

* A Button to select all text

* You are able to tag pastes, making them easily searchable

Some planned features include:

The ability to attach images to pastes, for example showing a
screenshot of a bug
Captch to reduce spam (because it's eventual)
Add in expiry date code
User accounts to track and delete pastes

The project is also open source, and available at
http://pastemonkey.googlecode.com, where there is also an issue
tracker to submit bugs and comments.

p.s. if you do use it, please remember that this is a beta application
and the data is not safe nor permanent, so please do not use for
anything important.
Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [SITE SUBMISSION] Google Code

2007-09-18 Thread Tane Piper

Aww, that's just brilliant :)



These are just a few that use jQuery

On 9/18/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The next time you hear someone say that jQuery isn't a mature framework,
 be sure to point them to this URL:


 The way I see it is if Google feels confident enough to use jQuery, then
 that speaks volumes and the naysayers can take a hike!


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: idea to track plugin updates: myJquery.com

2007-09-17 Thread Tane Piper
Well I own the URL, getjQuery.org - it's due for renewal in December
and I wasn't going to re-new it, but if you want to go ahead with
this, i'd be happy to donate it.

On 9/17/07, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi all,

 This email presents a suggestion for a community tool, maybe it's already
 under preparation, AFAIK, it is not. (but myjquery.com is already taken so

 Discovering with lust and pleasure the update to 1.2.1 this morning i
 realized the recurring complain about how to keep track of updates of jquery
 and jquery plugins. I personally use about 30 plugins in all varieties
 across my projects
 Yet there is a potential solution that should help and has also a great
 statistical potential (so marketing return for jquery):

 solution name: myJquery.com

 myJquery.com is a splashpage for developers, allowing them to specify which
 plugins they use (and maybe even allowing them to create groups of plugins,
 one group per project they work on).
 It would be interfaced to the plugin repository. this would mean developers
 would login to their area and :

 - create a new project
 - associate the plugins he uses in this project.

 Now, plugin authors can update their plugins in the repository. Therefore,
 it is possible to have a warning: update is available for plugin
 pluginname displayed on the developer area page. He can then see in which
 of his projects he used it, and know where updates need to be done.

 This interface does not need to be clogged of everything jquery, but only
 for tracking updates and personal projects.

 Am i making myself understandable?

 thank you for your attention,


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Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: OT: Hosting Service

2007-09-15 Thread Tane Piper

I just set up my hosting with vpslink.com.  It's a fully managed Linux
hosting, with several different types of OS for you to choose from.
Full root access to install all the apps you need, fast, good uptime,
good price for what you get (Link 3 is the minimum needed for LAMP and
it's $29.95 a month, 300GB Bandwidth, 30GB Space).

On 9/15/07, Benjamin Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been using site5.com for the past two years and all has been good.

 On 9/14/07, DaveG  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've been using asmallorange.com for a few years now, and have had
  nothing but good experience. Very cheap, as many add-ons/parked domains
  as you like. Pretty much the only restriction is bandwidth and disk space.
~ ~ Dave
  Glen Lipka wrote:
   I used to use Powweb, but the site was unbearably slow for me.  Pings
   were 3x slower than anywhere else.
   So I switched to LunarPages.  It has good speed, but the service fails
   every other day.
   (using siteUptime.com to check every 5 minutes)
   For the company site, I switched to MediaTemple.  Good service, has not
   been down, with good speed.  But It's too expensive for me personally
   and the Plesk UI makes me dizzy.
   Does anyone have a strong recommendation for a host?
  1. Wordpress
  2. PHP
  3. Free Parked Domains
  4. Sub Domains
  5. Fast
  6. Reliable
  7. Nice UI
  8. Inexpensive.
   Anyone have experience with bluehost.com http://bluehost.com?

 Benjamin Sterling

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Invitation from Dug Falby ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

2007-09-12 Thread Tane Piper

Wow, I had heard about the Quechup reading your contacts list and
spamming, looks like we've got it here too!

On 12/09/2007, Dug Falby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 has invited you as a friend on Quechup...

   ...the social networking platform sweeping the globe

 Go to: http://quechup.com/join.php/aT0wMDAwMDAwMDEwMTkwMjkzJmM9MTAzMzcz to
 accept Dug's invite

 You can use Quechup to meet new people, catch up with old friends,
 maintain a blog, share videos amp; photos, chat with other members, play
 games, and more.

 It's no wonder Quechup is fast becoming 'The Social Networking site to be

 Join Dug and his friends today:



 You received this because Dug Falby ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) knows and
 agreed to invite you. You will only receive one invitation from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Quechup will not spam or sell your email address,
 see our privacy policy - http://quechup.com/privacy.php

 Go to
 if you do not wish to receive any more emails from Quechup.


 Copyright Quechup.com 2007.


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Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Found a dodgy copy of your book

2007-09-10 Thread Tane Piper

Hey Karl,

I was doing my usual Technorati feed for jQuery stories and saw this:

It looks like someone has put up a PDF version of the book for anyone
to download, thought you might want to inform your publisher.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] Lazy Load Plugin on Ajaxian

2007-09-07 Thread Tane Piper

Also, it looks like the plugin has been popular enough for someone to
convert it to Prototype too:


On 9/7/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mika Tuupola's awesome lazy load plugin got a nice write up over on


 Great work Mika!!


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: jQueryCamp '07 (Boston)

2007-09-07 Thread Tane Piper

Podcasting shouldn't be a challenge though so we can hear the talks.

On 9/7/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hard to say - unless we get some video equipment, it's rather unclear.


 On 9/7/07, YoctoGram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Will you broadcast video of those conferences for us that live far far away?
  - Original Message -
  From: John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 11:10 AM
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQueryCamp '07 (Boston)
   Yikes...you weren't kidding about it not being free. That's quite a steep
   price for only 3 days.
   Actually, they just added a fourth day. Tuesday will be tutorials, Wed
   - Fri will be talks. I'm going to be giving one tutorial (on
   JavaScript Libraries), three talks (The Future of JavaScript,
   Beginning jQuery, and Advanced jQuery), and will be on two panels. A
   very full week :-)

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery Merchandise for Sale. Help Support the Project

2007-09-05 Thread Tane Piper

I doubt they do them - but any chance of a jQuery Bug Squatter :p

On 9/5/07, Benjamin Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not crazy about the oval, but I guess that is how cafepress does their dark
 hats to make things easier.  I am in though!

 On 9/5/07, Joel Birch  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 9/6/07, Rey Bango  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Done. Check the store again:
  Yeah, that's much better. I expected the logo to be fractionally
  larger in that space, but it still looks good.
  Joel Birch.

 Benjamin Sterling

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: New plugin - Lazy Load

2007-09-03 Thread Tane Piper

Very nice plugin - i notice the page starts off at 177kb and up to
909kb once the full page is loaded - very nice savings!!!  Can't wait
to try it out on my already heavily optimised code :)

On 9/3/07, Mika Tuupola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Little something I worked on sunday.


 Plugin which enables deferred loading (lazy loading) of images. In
 other words, images which are below the fold (far down the page not
 visible in browser) are not loaded before user scrolls down. This
 plugin should be useful with long pages which have lot of photo
 content. For example photoblogs.

 Demo pages is available. You might want to use Firebug or liveHTTP
 headers to better see what is happening.


 Mika Tuupola

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: $ in jQuery, Prototype and Mochikit

2007-09-03 Thread Tane Piper

And I already left a comment there already today explaining this.  I
think what he may be worried about is plugins that break jQuery
noConflict, which is a plugin is developed correctly using closures,
should not be a problem

On 9/3/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 jQuery already has a .noConflict() method that completely removes any
 conflict with $.

 You can find out more information here:

 and here:


 On 9/3/07, jack.tang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi, all
  I blogged one case in my blog (http://jack.lifegoo.com/?p=163) which
  described the complaint of $ in jQuery, Prototype and Mochikit,
  could you please take it consider and reduce the conflicts?

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] [ANNOUNCE] New Simple Array manager plugin

2007-08-31 Thread Tane Piper

Today, I've released a small bit of code that I have been working
with.  I needed an easy way to track my arrays, and be able to pop and
push data in to them, so i created the jQuery simple array manager:


To use the manager, you first need to create your 2D array:

var myArray = $().arrayMan({width: 6, height: 6});

You can then pop data into any x/y position within the array:

$().arrayPush(myArray, 'This is the data I want to insert', {x:0, y6});

To display this data, I can then easily assign it to a variable for example:

var mydata = $().arrayPop(myArray, {x:0, y:6});

The plugin should be easily expendable to support more dimensions in
arrays, but for my needs I only needed a 2D array.  Hope someone finds
this code useful.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [OT] NEWS: AjaxRain Updates

2007-08-29 Thread Tane Piper

And out of those 600 submissions, the highest percentage of
submissions are for jQuery with well over 100 plugins and scripts
available - beating the nearest library by miles :)

On 29/08/2007, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey everyone,

 Looks like ajaxrain.com has gone through some changes, with a bunch
 of new features:

  * Storing favorites
  * Comments
  * Voting on entries
  * Date that a submission was posted
  * Enhanced search
  * Expansion into posting RIA components based on SilverLight  Flex

 And they're still churning out the entries, with over 600 submissions.

 See the announcement over at Ajaxian:

 Karl Swedberg

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [OT] NEWS: AjaxRain Updates

2007-08-29 Thread Tane Piper

I'd like to think that is just shows how big and creative the jQuery
community is :)

On 8/29/07, Benjamin Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmmm... bias maybe? :)

 On 8/29/07, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And, as has been noted here before, ajaxrain.com itself is powered by
  On Aug 29, 2007, at 2:49 PM, Tane Piper wrote:
  And out of those 600 submissions, the highest percentage of
  submissions are for jQuery with well over 100 plugins and scripts
  available - beating the nearest library by miles :)
  On 29/08/2007, Karl Swedberg  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey everyone,
  Looks like ajaxrain.com has gone through some changes, with a bunch
  of new features:
   * Storing favorites
   * Comments
   * Voting on entries
   * Date that a submission was posted
   * Enhanced search
   * Expansion into posting RIA components based on SilverLight  Flex
  And they're still churning out the entries, with over 600 submissions.
  See the announcement over at Ajaxian:
  Karl Swedberg
  Tane Piper
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 Benjamin Sterling

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] [NEWS] YUI Compressor 2 out now - Now with CSS Compression

2007-08-28 Thread Tane Piper


Version 2.0 of the YUI Compressor is out, fixing several bugs and
implementing a few enhancements suggested by the community, including
integrating Isaac Schlueter's regular expression based CSS minifier.
Therefore, the YUI Compressor is now able to compress both JavaScript
and CSS files.

Just keeps getting better and better!

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Blueprint and jQuery

2007-08-24 Thread Tane Piper

Very nice actually, I noticed that when I resize my browser, it keeps
the site layout clean on FF on Ubuntu :)

On 8/24/07, george.gsgd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Building on the work done by matz in auto generating grids (http://
 kematzy.com/blueprint-generator/). I've been working on a javascripty
 dynamicly resizing grid using jQuery. Have a look at the demo here:


 Feedback much appreciated. Is it worth making available as a download?
 Worth a proper write up?

 I've not tested on Safari/Opera/Konqueror yet.


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] [NEWS] Comparison of different compressed jQuery Versions with GZip

2007-08-23 Thread Tane Piper

Julien Lecomte has just released 1.1 of his YUI Compressor.  As a
test, he decided to use jQuery with GZip and came up with some
interesting results compared to packer!


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] Comparison of different compressed jQuery Versions with GZip

2007-08-23 Thread Tane Piper

I've just tried it with the latest nightly:

jQuery 1.4(a2) Uncompressed: 4 bytes
jQuery 1.4(a2) Minified: 37709 bytes
jQuery 1.4(a2) Min + GZip: 11989 bytes

On 8/23/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Simply amazing! 10k gzipped!

 Tane Piper wrote:
  Julien Lecomte has just released 1.1 of his YUI Compressor.  As a
  test, he decided to use jQuery with GZip and came up with some
  interesting results compared to packer!

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] LavaLamp for jQuery lovers released!

2007-08-23 Thread Tane Piper


On 8/23/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi friends,

 Thank you! both for all your patience and valuable feedback. This sure
 helped shaped this plugin into whatever it is today.

 LavaLamp is a very simple menu plugin for jQuery. As many of you already
 know, fancy hover effects is what gives it character.
 It was originally written by Guillermo Rauch for the mootools library.
 I just ported it for the benefit of jQuery lovers.

 You can get a complete overview and how to implement it in your site here -

 Special thanks to Stephan Beal who gave it its name and to Glen Lipka who
 generously chipped in and helped with image sprites.

 If you like it, don't resist the urge to digg it at
 http://digg.com/design/Lava_Lamp_for_jQuery_lovers. I would
 be really glad if more people came to know about it.
 I would be happy to answer any questions, comments or suggestions you may

 Thanks again,

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery Babelfish Plugin

2007-08-22 Thread Tane Piper

Hey Xavier,

Thanks for pointing that out - I was looking to do something like that
originally, but couldn't get it to work with Google that way.  I'll
have a look at the altavista service and see what i can do to maybe
make it more friendly.

On 8/22/07, xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This isn't done as a plugin, but that's a similar idea:
 (buttons automatic translation)

 On Aug 21, 2:33 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hey folks,
  Time for another plugin 
  This is my jQuery Babelfish plugin.  It provides a very easy way for
  you to add translation services via Google Translate on your site.
  The default setting is from English to French, but it can be
  overridden to input and output any language that Google supports.
  Using the plugin, you can pass in text from any element, including the
  You can see the demo on the page above to see how this can be achieved.
  Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
  This email is: [ x ] blogable [ ] ask first [ ] private

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery Babelfish Plugin

2007-08-22 Thread Tane Piper


Already working on it and I have working demo, although it's a little
buggy.  You can try it out here:

I'm trying to get my head around Prototyping so I can easily provide
both functions to translate the contents of an element, and a whole
page via location.href.  I'll let you know how I get on.

On 8/22/07, weepy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 would it be possible to convert inline ?

 On Aug 22, 11:00 am, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hey Xavier,
  Thanks for pointing that out - I was looking to do something like that
  originally, but couldn't get it to work with Google that way.  I'll
  have a look at the altavista service and see what i can do to maybe
  make it more friendly.
  On 8/22/07, xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This isn't done as a plugin, but that's a similar idea:
   (buttons automatic translation)
   On Aug 21, 2:33 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hey folks,
Time for another plugin 
This is my jQuery Babelfish plugin.  It provides a very easy way for
you to add translation services via Google Translate on your site.
The default setting is from English to French, but it can be
overridden to input and output any language that Google supports.
Using the plugin, you can pass in text from any element, including the
You can see the demo on the page above to see how this can be achieved.
Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
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  Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
  This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] [Plugin] jQuery Babelfish Plugin

2007-08-21 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

Time for another plugin -
This is my jQuery Babelfish plugin.  It provides a very easy way for
you to add translation services via Google Translate on your site.

The default setting is from English to French, but it can be
overridden to input and output any language that Google supports.
Using the plugin, you can pass in text from any element, including the

You can see the demo on the page above to see how this can be achieved.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] [Plugin] Password Strength Meter

2007-08-20 Thread Tane Piper

Hi Folks,

Please find another one of my plugins here:

This is a simple plugin that allows you to attach a client side
password strength meter to any form element.  You can check out a demo
and documentation here:

The password at the moment is quite simple in it's input and output,
but I'll be improving it.  At the moment, the algorithm for
calculating password strength can be a litte flaky.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: What is wrong with this code?

2007-08-15 Thread Tane Piper

Yes, it's current planned in 1.2 which should be out in less than a
month.  Ganesh has also working on his LavaLamp plugin that provides
an animation stop to the menu.

To be honest it's one of these things that probably should have been
in before now, but people are only starting to see that's it's needed
now as we enter the age of rich-internet clients.

On 14/08/07, Eridius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are there any current projects or planned projects to have animation stop
 go back to how they were when another one is started, almost like group
 certain effect together and one one can be active at a time.  I think this
 is the only spot were mootools is much better than jQuery, which is

 Karl Swedberg-2 wrote:
  On Aug 13, 2007, at 8:40 PM, Joel Birch wrote:
  On 8/14/07, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 8/14/07, Eridius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That help quite a bit but still not the effect i am looking for.  I
  know this
  is ironic but i am looking for the effect on this home page on the
  hand side:
  The thing that that effect has and this one does not is the is
  stops the
  effect once the mouse leaves if i move over a link real fast and
  then leave
  it.  in my code it perform the full effect even if my mouse is over
  it right
  away.  is there a way to stop the effect from fully complete if the
  mouse is
  move in and then out real fast?
  Would you like to take this one Karl ;)
  Seriously though, I think you will find that jQuery can not
  currently stop animations mid-way through. If it begins, it will
  animate fully and then remember to do the closing animation if you
  moused out in the meantime. I think the ability to stop animations
  mid-way is planned for a future release of jQuery.
  In the meantime I highly recommend looking at Brian Cherne's
  hoverIntent plugin as it will definitely help cut down on
  triggering unwanted animations for menus like this.
  haha, very funny, Joel. :-)
  I hope Ganeshji Marwaha doesn't mind my pasting a previous email of
  his that answers the same question:
  1. There is a plugin called hover intent. The primary purpose of
  this plugin is to stop these kind of actions on unintentional hovers.
  So, you can allow the user to move the mouse over ur link, and when
  it is clear that the users intention is to actually use the link,
  the hover event is fired. This can solve your problem although,
  this might not be what you are looking for.
  2. You can unbind the mouseover event when the animation starts and
  in the animation end callback you can bind the handler again. Same
  can be done for mouse out as well. This way if the user mouseovers
  the link, the unbind event happens and the animation starts. During
  this time if the user hovers over it again and again, your handler
  wont be called because you have unbound it already. Once the
  animation is done, attach the handler again.
  And you can see an implementation of suggestion #2 in Ganeshji's
  jQuerified version of another Mootools accordion thingie:
  Just have a look at the source js. That should get you going in the
  right direction.
  This questions has been asked a lot lately. Anyone up for adding it
  to the frequently asked questions list? :)
  Karl Swedberg

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery for JavaScript programmers

2007-08-15 Thread Tane Piper

Very clear and concise article - it should get linked to on the
documention page as a good beginners tutorial.

On 15/08/07, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's a really nice jQuery introduction that starts at the beginning and
 goes all the way through plugin development. It looks pretty thorough:



Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery for JavaScript programmers

2007-08-15 Thread Tane Piper


On 8/15/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 +1 - to linking this from the jquery site...


 On 8/15/07, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Very clear and concise article - it should get linked to on the
  documention page as a good beginners tutorial.
  On 15/08/07, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Here's a really nice jQuery introduction that starts at the beginning
   goes all the way through plugin development. It looks pretty thorough:
  Tane Piper
  This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Updated Plugin: jQuery Timers. jQuery-oriented setTimeout/setInterval

2007-08-15 Thread Tane Piper

I moved my code over to this licence recently but I'm hosted on google code.

Google take the *very* strong view of licence prolifiration and warned
me that if I didn't change back to one of the 8 licences that they
have listed my project would be thrown off their site.  So just a
warning to anyone who would like to use this licence, google code
won't host you.

On 15/08/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have to say this was the best part of your plugin's docs:

 This plugin is licenced with the WTFPL. In short, do whatever the f**k
 you want with it.

 I laughed my butt off on that one. ;)


 Blair Mitchelmore wrote:
  I released this a couple days ago but as was discussed on a previous
  thread http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/
  ea0e4f59bb87cf6e there were some method naming issues and I also
  wanted to add a feature that another setInterval wrapper had. Lucky I
  did, because I discovered a preexisting bug which had gone unnoticed
  and fixed in the new release. The plugin has been renamed along with
  the methods it defines. The url for the source file has been changed
  as well to mirror the naming changes. I talked up some of the features
  of the plugin in the earlier thread and I've now rewritten the demo
  page to explain some of that better so hopefully you enjoy.
  Demo page: http://jquery.offput.ca/every
  Source file: http://jquery.offput.ca/js/jquery.timers.js

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: About the author of the recent jQuery article - Please Read

2007-08-15 Thread Tane Piper

I noticed his site has a LOT of articles going back to 2002 (infact
while looking at the article, I found one about OpenID that really
helped me out).

Fantastic to know we have friends in high places :)

On 15/08/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A couple of people have posted about the recent jQuery writeup by Simon


 Just to let everyone know, Simon Willison is a BIG WIG in the JavaScript
 community. He's been a long long time JS coder - blogging and releasing
 stuff back before it was cool - he helped to co-create Django, worked at
 Yahoo, and now does freelance work (doing work for Wordpress, Mozilla,
 and others). As John said, he's got huge cred in the JS community.

 As of today his article is the #1 link on del.icio.us:


 So if he like jQuery, it really is a GOOD thing.


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Tane Piper

Unfortunately, that's Windows only (blrgh).  At least with this being
Java and using Rhino it's cross-platform.

On 8/14/07, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 14, 3:45 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Today I came across this article via DZone:
  The YUI Compressor is a new JavaScript minifier.

   FWIW, I still think, ESC http://www.saltstorm.net/depo/esc/ is

   ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
 Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Tane Piper

Absolutly, that worried me at first about rhino, but It's great to see
its already included.  If anyone can work out how to included this in
eclipse as a runnable program to compress the code, please share it -
I tried myself, but I'm not familiar with its environment variables

On 14/08/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 14, 7:02 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The idea behind compression tools that use Rhino is they actually have the
  ability to parse the JS and really understand how the variables
  allows for things such as more accurate variable replacement.

 While YUImin uses Rhino, it may be interesting to note that the .jar
 file has Rhino built in, so you don't need to set your CLASSPATH or
 write a wrapper script to launch it. This makes it an ideal candidate
 for inclusion in the jQuery tree, IMO.

 i just finished updating all of my plugin pages to include YUImin'd
 copies and they are, without exception, smaller than the MIN'd and
 PACK'd versions. e.g.


 This has just become my packer of choice.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Tane Piper

Oh man - I saw this effect a couple of months ago and loved it, but as
you said the author had made a bit of a hash of it with all those gifs
and importants, and my jQuery wasn't that hot so I never reversed
engineered it.

Thank you so much for bringing this plugin to jQuery!  I might even go
back to the origional design idea I had that used it for one of our
upcoming sites.

P.s I love the name Lava Lamp :)

On 14/08/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sure, i will try that... I sincerely hope that solves the unresponsiveness


 On 8/14/07, Brian Cherne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You may be able to tweak hoverIntent's default settings to make it react
  more quickly. Maybe something more like:
 sensitivity: 2,
 interval: 50,
 over: function(){ move(this); },
 out: noop
  On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
   Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?
   I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
   right-side of the button showed up.
   One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body as
   part of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.
   Nice work!
   On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting for
work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise...
Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...
@Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question is,
why i have commented that out, then, it is because, the original
author chose to use images as menu items instead of text for some
Since he used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions of the
So, he had the !important hacks in place. But, since i figured it is
and easier to use text rather than images there, i didnt need those
so i just commented them out. ;-)
Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out of
the target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, and
looks cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first
because that is the same as
what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples to
 compare and comment.
@Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing
@Mike - Thanks
@Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably causing
the delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i directly
hover, then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move your
all the way across from the first menu item to the last menu item and
back, you will notice a long animation that slowly passes over one
 menu item
after another although your intent was not to hover over the interim
items. This can at present be solved with interface's animation
 library. I
will try that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2 comes out, i
wont need interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a method to
animations for jquery 1.2
@Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation when
this little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an eye for
documentation. Take a look at my
 jCarouselLitehttp://gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/index.phpand u will
 know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...
@Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should address
your concern.
Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is worth
making this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...
On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You
 can take a
  look at ithttp://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html

 Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe lava
 lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?

 Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and then

 back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when
 happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item. Have
 you tried it without the bounce?

 And a CSS question for you:

 i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them.
 does that mean in CSS?


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin update

2007-08-13 Thread Tane Piper

Very nice - I like the fact you haven't limited to only some
transition types, but allow for custom types too.  I'll be having a
look at this one more in-depth.

On 8/13/07, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've just uploaded a new version of the Cycle Plugin:


 This new version adds some new transition effects, the ability to
 create custom transitions, and the ability to transition on a click
 event rather than a timeout.  But the biggest change is an overhaul to
 how transitions are defined.  Transitions are now defined using a
 plugin scheme.  This means you can create your own transition
 definitions, plug them in to the Cycle Plugin, and then use them by
 name.  This provides a lot of flexibility, and together with the
 custom transition support lets you create some pretty wacky stuff.

 The documentation provides lots of examples.



Tane Piper

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[jQuery] jQuery-fy Ellipsis code

2007-08-13 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

I took up the challenge of Steffen Rusitschka to convert his Ellipsis
code from Prototype to jQuery.  Unfortunately I decided to do this at
the end of my work day as a little aside, and haven't managed to crack
it yet - so I'm posting what I have so far to see if anyone can fix it
- My demo is here: http://dev.digitalspaghetti.me.uk/ellipsis/

His original code is here:

And here is what I have so far (please note it uses the Dimensions plugin):

$.fn.ellipsis = function(){
$(this).css({marginRight: '-1px'});
var w = $(this).width() - 1;
var t = $(this).html();
$(this).html('span'+ $(this).html() +'/span');
while (t.length 0  $(this).children().width()= w) {
t = t.substr(0, t.length - 1);
$(this).children().html(t + ...);

I did a console.log on 't' inside the while, and it does remove the
characters one by one, but doesn't seem to stop.  If anyone can figure
it out (probably easy but I've had a long day), you get the cookie.
It's also very slow, so if you can figure out a way to speed it up,
that would be handy too.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Checking for popup blocker when using click()

2007-08-13 Thread Tane Piper

Hi Geoff,

I think the point of popup blockers is that they should be
non-detectable, otherwise every spam site would just disable it and it
would be useless.

Instead of a popup, why not use something like a modal element, which
allows you to have popup/alert like functionality by appending a div
to the current window, and making that the focus object - the user
then needs to click a button to close it.

There are a few modal plugins out there, check the plugin repository
at http://jquery.com/plugins

On 13/08/07, Geoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm callling the $(this).click() when this is a input submit element.
 This should open a popup because the form has its target attribute set
 to another window, but if there is a popup blocker (for example
 firefox's) nothing will happen. I'd like to detect this.

 When you use window.open, you can check for it returning null, but I
 can't find a way of checking if the click() method worked. No
 exception and it returns the element.

 Anyone know how I can check for a popup blocker?



Tane Piper

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[jQuery] [Plugin] Wordstat Plugin

2007-08-11 Thread Tane Piper

This isn't my plugin, but I came across this today, and found it handy:


From the site itself:

The jQuery wordStats plugin tries to determine what a page is about by
computing the density of its keywords.
It uses a simple algorithm which adds a variable weight for each
keyword occurrence, depending on its 'position' in the document.
Although this computation model is quite simple, I get good results
with all sorts of documents.
There's of course a system to exclude 'stop words' (frequent pronouns,
prepositions, adverbs and so on).

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] [Plugin] DynaCloud Plugin

2007-08-11 Thread Tane Piper

Another plugin that's not mine, but very handy:


DynaCloud is a jQuery plugin that generates tag or keyword clouds from
text on web pages and highlights matching parts once a keyword is

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: SITE SUBMISSIONS: doublerebel.com, villaappiaapts.com

2007-08-10 Thread Tane Piper

Very Slick!!!

On 8/9/07, polyrhythmic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is my honor to announce the launch of Double Rebel (http://
 www.doublerebel.com), my personal design studio.  jQuery has allowed
 me to design my cross-browser web presence in record time.  It is
 still a bit light on detail but my perfectionism will be constantly
 improving and expanding the site.

 Hand-coded in Komodo Edit with the jQuery extension,
 [ DoubleRebel.com Features: ]

 AJAX with simple backend PHP degradation (my design)
 JSLint validated JavaScript
 Validated XHTML transitional code
 Validated CSS
 Minified JS  CSS for speedy load times
(Minify for PHP4, thanks to vulgarisoverip:

 [ Plugins: ]
 Upcoming Caption! Plugin, ver 0.2g
 Thickbox 3

 [ Known issues: ]
 Custom mouse cursor not used by Opera
 Animation Callback after jQuery(element).load does not fire in Wii
 Caption plugin needs to readjust for window.onresize
   (see post 
 No location.hash tracking (yet) for forward  back buttons
 Corner flicker when reattaching events after About page ajax load


 Also, see jQuery in heavy action at one of my clients' sites:


 [ Featuring: ]
 jQuery powered custom Google Maps (written before Maps plugin)
 Thickbox 3

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [Slight OT] Quick straw pole about maps

2007-08-09 Thread Tane Piper

I looked at ms live maps, but no matter what I tried, I just kept
getting exception errors.

Thanks, hope it can be of some use

Thanks, there are a couple of JS frameworks out there to look at, but
as you say none are jQuery based.

On 08/08/07, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Google maps all the way. I really wish there was a jquery equivalent
 of gmapez (http://n01se.net/chouser/gmapez/). While very easy to use,
 it can be slow at time.

 On Aug 8, 12:02 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hey folks,
  I wanted to ask the list a quick straw poll. A bit OT but the subject
  is one of my plugins.
  I've just released version 1.4 of my plugin without much fanfair
  (http://code.google.com/p/jmaps) and I'm starting to think about the
  next version.  I wanted to get an idea of what other people want, not
  just me.
  So a quick question is, especially to anyone using it is:  What
  mapping service do you prefer?  Google? or Yahoo?
  The reason I ask, is I can either keep the plugin on its current
  course of supporting both map services as equally as possible, or I
  can scale down or abandon the Yahoo support in going down the route of
  much more customisation for Google maps.  For example, using jQuery
  syntax to make things such as custom icons, buttons and layouts more
  simple, as well as their services (geocoding, traffic info, map ads,
  If you prefer Yahoo, let me know why.
  Thanks folks!
  Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.tooum.net
  This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Quick straw pole about maps

2007-08-09 Thread Tane Piper

Should be back up now, was getting some work done on the server

On 8/9/07, Ty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Tane,
Hey a heads up, I didn't know much about the pluging clicked the
 demo link at the Google link you provided above.
 So on the Google page clicking this:
 give me Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

 I use Google maps and mapQuest maps almost exclusively just for
 personal use fwiw.

 On Aug 8, 3:02 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hey folks,
  I wanted to ask the list a quick straw poll. A bit OT but the subject
  is one of my plugins.
  I've just released version 1.4 of my plugin without much fanfair
  (http://code.google.com/p/jmaps) and I'm starting to think about the
  next version.  I wanted to get an idea of what other people want, not
  just me.
  So a quick question is, especially to anyone using it is:  What
  mapping service do you prefer?  Google? or Yahoo?
  The reason I ask, is I can either keep the plugin on its current
  course of supporting both map services as equally as possible, or I
  can scale down or abandon the Yahoo support in going down the route of
  much more customisation for Google maps.  For example, using jQuery
  syntax to make things such as custom icons, buttons and layouts more
  simple, as well as their services (geocoding, traffic info, map ads,
  If you prefer Yahoo, let me know why.
  Thanks folks!
  Tane Piperhttp://digitalspaghetti.tooum.net
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Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: SITE SUBMISSION: http://www.wcmp.org/

2007-08-09 Thread Tane Piper


One thing - I'm on FF on Kubuntu:

When I view this page, the side superfish menu appears over the
dropdown menu for About Us

On 8/9/07, Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

 Just finished and went live with this site http://www.wcmp.org/

 Its a full cemetery of 18,000 dead people brought online, each deceased
 was given their own special page where loved ones can post
 comments,photos,videos, socially work on family trees, buy flowers and
 get them sent to the grave and grieve with each other in the community
 forums. It uses Lots of jquery all over the place, animations,
 superfish, thickbox, input watermark,Pquery, form plugin, lots of ajax
 in the user control panel.as well as the slide show and family tree

 -Anthony LeBoeuf

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: scollovers animation

2007-08-09 Thread Tane Piper


I totally agree - it reminds me of Web 1.0 and using the blink tag,
the page was just missing a few animated gifs and an under
construction gif to top it off.

I do see other more fun uses for it though:  how about a quiz where
you see the question, and hover over to get this effect to show the

In terms of UI though, it's not that great.

On 09/08/07, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Nice effect!
 But hey, creating a new domain and on top calling it A new way of
 linking is a little over the top I think ;-)
 If all the links on a page would constantly behave like that I'd go
 crazy - man, that would be annoying...

 When I first saw that page a couple of days ago, the first thought I had is:
 Ok, so what UI benefit does this offer the user?

 While eye candy can be nice, I don't really see any benefit to the user. I'm
 very much a form over factor guy, so I want to make sure if I'm introducing
 new behaviors that they're benefiting the user (at least I try to make that
 happen--some times a client demands something that is purely for eye candy.)


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Documention Group

2007-08-03 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

Hope you don't mind, but with the recent dicussion of documentation
for jQuery I've created a seperate group for it:


If you are serious about helping the efforts of improving the jQuery
documentation, then please join the group and we can get the dicussion
going.  This should allow us to keep it off the main list, and keep it
in an organised place.

Discussions should be along the lines of what we can do to improve the
documentation, how we should show demo's of plugins, and how to
display the official API.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Do you think jQuery's documentation is enought?

2007-08-02 Thread Tane Piper

maybe you missed this:


Needs to be updated to 1.1.3 (might be worth holding on to the
soon-to-be-released 1.1.4)

On 8/2/07, fatihturan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What do you think about this question? Do you think jQuery's
 documentation is enought? Personally i think jQuery's documentation
 isn't enought.

 So i'm looking to a href=http://docs.mootools.net/;MooTools
 documentation/a and a href=http://demos.mootools.net/;demos/a
 then i'm looking to a href=http://docs.jquery.com/;jQuery's
 documentation/a  (dude where is demos? xD)  comparing both
 documentations and thinking jQuery's documentation isn't enought.

 However, i want to know what do you think about this situation...

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Check this, if you've got the time

2007-08-02 Thread Tane Piper

My question is, when are they doing to release a linux version of the
dev kit and runtime?  Its looks very interesting but I have yet been
able to try it out :(

On 02/08/07, Christopher Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Check out my blog post about AIR. It's **WAY** more than just WebKit (though
 it does indeed incorproate the WebKit HTML engine).


 In short, AIR is the Adobe Integrated Runtime. It allows you to use HTML,
 JavaScript, ActionScript3, Flex, FlexBuilder3, Flash or any combination of
 the above to create connected desktop applications (sorta like the JVM gives
 Java developers the ability to write programs for the desktop). See my blog
 post for more detail.


 On 8/2/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Whats the big deal about AIR? I went to the labs to study it and its so
  overwhelming (does anything) that I kind of missed the whole point. From
  what I gathered its like an entire operating system.
  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Tobias Parent
  Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 7:41 AM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Check this, if you've got the time
  Hey, all -
  Just finished my first jQuery/AIR app, and it works... mostly. I
  haven't figured how to make my title draggable yet, and it's not the
  most impressive game, but it's working. If you'd like to offer feedback,
  it's up as an HTML file at: http://tobias.parentleafarm.com/rebound.html
  or as an AIR file (unverified) at
  Todo on it: make the window draggable by the title bar, make a more
  playable (game-worthy) interface, and start building a jQuery-based game


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Do you think jQuery's documentation is enought?

2007-08-02 Thread Tane Piper

I'm in the process of setting up my new site, and I'm building it upon
drupal - which I've found supports the use of script tags, and
embedding JS within nodes - maybe the plugin repository can be
expanded to support demo pages for each plugin, that way its easily
available for any plugin in the repository.  Of course there would
have to be some kind of moderation to stop any malicious code!

I'll show my example off once my site is ready to go live.

On 02/08/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi list,

 I have been thinking about a how-to/demo/interesting-use-cases kinda site
 for jquery lately.

 But, it is not a trivial effort if we want to get it to a state where it
 will be something jquery community can be proud of. So, i guess it should be
 more of a community effort with a group of people leading the pack.

 So, if someone, like one of the leading plugin authors start such an effort
 i will be more than willing to spend my nights and weekends on such an


 On 8/2/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The documentation is excellent and one major reason I am here.
  As a publisher and writer of computer books, I think I know exactly what
  best next step would be for improving the docs.
  Before I sold Waite Group Press to Simon and Schuster we had two very
  successful lines of language books
  Bibles (ergo reference guides)
  How To's (e.g. How Do I..Call a Javascript Function from jQuery)
  We let IDG (now Wiley) and others do the dummies books because that area
  the market was a gold mine if you hit it first. I am hoping we will see a
  Head First jQuery from O'Rielly and a jQuery Visual QuickStart from
  We know Karl has a reference book coming out from Packit (you should all
  preorder it to support our local authors)
  I think jQuery could benefit greatly from a simple How To
  document/book/website addition/etc. If we followed my model the pages
  be a collection of How Do I...(do something in jQ) in a standard format.
  would need a super table of contents and be set up for searching concepts.
  The key is picking a range of really really good How To's. If any of you
  have our old Visual Basic How To that sucker really sold well because we
  worked very hard picking good examples.
  I've been thinking about what these might be and have a lot of other
  In our books we would start with the most basic uses of jQuery and move up
  in difficulty and level towards later chapters.  We would aim to have How
  Tos that actually did things that are useful but we would try and keep
  short as possible.
  I have started a How To list because as a novice I am very aware of the
  simple assumptions the docs make and the very important things you need to
  know early about syntax and basic concepts.
  If anyone is interested in working with me on such a project, let me know
  offline and I will report back here if I spark any interest.
  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Terry B
  Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 7:18 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Do you think jQuery's documentation is enought?
  I like http://www.visualjquery.com  for my jquery documentation...
  yes there is lots of room for improvements but it's a working and
  living project which is constantly changing and I think the project
  managers are doing a great job to date...  and demos?  look at the
  plugin pages for demos...  imho the core documentation should only be
  techinical with little to no examples...  like the link above, they
  give a two liner example with before and after expectations  that
  is more then a programmer deserves and is just icing on the cake...
  asking for demos of the core is like asking the creators for included
  libraries in any language (like c, c++, etc) to provide demos of the
  library functions when the coder only needs to know the name, input
  parameters and the expected output...

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Draw line or polygon like Google Map?

2007-08-02 Thread Tane Piper

UML-like flow diagrams embedded into pages?

I'm sure the canvas tag could be used to make something like this
relativly easy?

On 02/08/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 good idea? I am trying to think of use-cases for it... do u have any real
 world use case for it off-hand other than maps.


 On 8/2/07, howa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Did you played with Google Map?
  Google Map allow you to draw lines or polygon by providing points
  So wouldn't it be great if we have plugin using jQuery to do the same
  thing, but no need to related to map, just a general drawing library?

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: question for klaus

2007-08-02 Thread Tane Piper


If I may interject here - tabs would be a useful widget within the UI
project.  Check out http://docs.jquery.com/UI to see what were doing.

On 02/08/07, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ganeshji Marwaha wrote:
  I am a happy user of your tabs plugin... who isn't?
  But in my case, i had to have a feature where i can create new tabs on
  the fly and close open tabs as well.
  I managed to achieve this functionality (limited though) by tweaking and
  adding code to the right callbacks.
  Thanks for making it so flexible.
  I am aware that you are planning Tabs 3 in near future...
  But, i was wondering what features can i expect from that version ( a
  feature roadmap if u have one ) , and any dates that i can look upon.
  Thanks in advance,

 Ganeshji, I won't promise any dates any longer as I'm not sure if I can
 hold what I promise (as seen with Thickbox Reloaded).

 All the frequently requested things will go into Tabs 3:

 * mixed inline/Ajax tabs with automatic type detection
 * caching option for Ajax tabs
 * adding/removing tabs on the fly
 * much more flexible HTML, e.g. move away from the need for a container
 and simply use ul as starting point
 * allow all closed tabs
 * option for creating mouseover tabs (instead of having to click)

 not necessarily for 3.0, but later:
 * support ARIA (to improve Accessibility)
 * find a solution for tabs exceeding the available space (little left,
 right arrows maybe)

 Do you have something in mind?


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] jQuery-Powered AjaxRain.com Writeup on Mashable

2007-08-01 Thread Tane Piper

Its a fantastic site, and according to my Analytics account, the
biggest driver of traffic to my plugins (nearly 500 impressions since

Also jQuery beats hands down any other type of JS lib out there for
the sheer number of plugins (94+ to Prototypes 17 for example).

On 31/07/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 jQuery-Powered AjaxRain.com, which has to have the most comprehensive
 listing of Ajax/JS/DOM controls on the Internet, got a nice writeup on


 Congrats Archana!!


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery Maps 1.3 released with Yahoo! Maps Support

2007-08-01 Thread Tane Piper

Yep, that's the idea.  When you set up the map, there are lots of
options that allows you to add and remove controls from the page, as
well as disabling map dragging and enabling mouse zoom.

In regards to adding pins, at the moment the plugin allows just
standard red google markers and orange yahoo markers, the next release
I intend to allow custom icon support, similar to how the polylines
are at the moment (you build the icon in your own code and pass it to
the addPoint method)

At the moment when adding a point, it is usually done by searching for
an address, I should actually add the functionality to just be able to
click a point onto the map too.  You can then save this in your db, as
the map returns the lat/lon data by returning the data to a form.

I then show this saved data on the map by outputing a mix of js and php:

$('#mymap').addPoint(?php e($lat);?,?php e($lon);?,?php
e($html);?, false, false);

Now when the point shows on the map, you click it and whatever
contents were passed into $html will show in the infowindow.

Hope this helps.

On 01/08/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 NP on the hosting, I am surprised it got by my blocker. On the maps plug-in,
 this puts the map in a div and sets up the controls for using it right?

 I've seen these cool sites that use yahoo or Google maps and let you put
 your bird observations on them with pins. But I have never understood how
 they did that. Can you point me in a direction that would shed some light on

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Tane Piper
 Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 2:55 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Maps 1.3 released with Yahoo! Maps Support


 Yea - sorry about that - sucky free hosting.  I keep promising myself
 I'll get some decent hosting set up.

 Are you talking about the Yahoo! Maps?  The data on the maps should be
 no more recent than Google or Yahoo! provides.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Two words for Jquery

2007-08-01 Thread Tane Piper

Bloody Brilliant!

(I wonder how many other 2 word ways there are to describe jQuery)

On 8/1/07, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here here.

 - Richard

 On 8/1/07, kiwwwi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  jQuery Rocks!!
  oh... possibly will add two more words;
  Thank you :)
  I'm not the best scripter and jquery has simply allowed me to
  accomplish with my own personal site so much more than I would
  have otherwise attempted.  You people behind jquery are genious and
  your work is great, thanks.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: What library to use for drag and drop?

2007-07-31 Thread Tane Piper

For my 2 pence - I agree with John.  I've been working with what's
been released so far, and I can say, despite a few bugs that are
expected at this stage, its a very nice set of components - makes
drag/drop functionality really simple, moreso than Interface.

I can't wait for the full functionality!

On 30/07/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You guys think that a final version of the jquery ui will be available end
  of August/ beginning of Semptember, or should we stick to the interface

 If you're open to waiting until then, then yes, I'd recommend it. The
 result is going to be very good.

 If you're interested in giving it a try now, there's a bunch more
 information here:


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Layout Panels?

2007-07-31 Thread Tane Piper

AFAIK, this is being worked into the jQuery UI project as Dynamic Panes?

On 31/07/07, Brian Cherne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmmm... I seemed to have editorialized my response more than I realized. :)

 I just meant to clarify EXT's free is not like jQuery's free
 (for-all-uses)... but free as in $250+ for commercial/non-LGPL use.

 ...trying to avoid someone reading free and not checking the fine print
 before it's too late. In the scheme of things, I suppose it's a good price
 considering the time I'd spend writing my own code to achieve the same


 P.S. Is this where someone from the jQuery Development Team steps in and
 politely encourages/reminds us to donate to jQuery? http://jquery.com/ :)

 On 7/31/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Brian,
  Ext has both an open source (LGPL) and commercial license. This seems to
  handle the licensing spectrum well. Where are you seeing a breakdown
  here? I'd like to understand this more.
  Brian Cherne wrote:
   That depends on what you mean by free ...
   I personally hate getting lawyers involved in any project more than
   necessary. EXT, unfortunately, is definitely one where your client and
   their lawyers need to make the decision. I've worked with a few that
   have a strict no GPL rule... and a commercial license did not make sense
   for those projects.
   After looking at some of their code, my feeling is that EXT is not a
   great solution for general public web sites. I could see myself using it
   where file size and SEO aren't factors... for closed-web or AIR
   On 7/30/07, *Mitchell Waite* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   That ext is pretty cool, what is it exactly? Free?
   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com mailto:jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   [mailto: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   mailto:jquery-en@googlegroups.com] On
   Behalf Of voltron
   Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 3:16 PM
   To: jQuery (English)
   Subject: [jQuery] Layout Panels?
   Are there any layout panels for Jquery? Examples are(

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] jQuery Maps 1.3 released with Yahoo! Maps Support

2007-07-31 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

I'm happy to announce today that I have released version 1.3 of the
jQuery Maps Plugin (http://code.google.com/p/jmaps/).  This includes
some cleanup of code regarding the Google Maps API, and add's several
new features.


* Added support for creating Yahoo! Maps, can create Map,
Satallite or Hybrid. Check out available options below
* Added support for creating points on Yahoo! maps.
* Added support for creating Polylines on Yahoo! maps.
* Added support for GeoRSS files on both Yahoo! and Google maps,
as well as existing KML support for Google, method
* name was changed from .addKml to .addRss
* Moved directions search out of main namespace, now function that
is called from within plugin by providing fields
* Added Yahoo! Geocoding support

1.3 Known Issues

* Event.MouseDoubleClick? does not work on Yahoo maps within
.addPoint method

Version 1.4 is currently being planned with the following ideas:

*  Add in custom icon support for points.
* Add support for Google Points Manager
* Add support for overlays

I'm also going to look at adding Microsoft Live maps as well, but this
isn't guaranteed for the next release.

As usual, comments and suggestions welcome.  If you have any bugs or
feature requests, you can add them to the tracker here:

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery Maps 1.3 released with Yahoo! Maps Support

2007-07-31 Thread Tane Piper


Yea - sorry about that - sucky free hosting.  I keep promising myself
I'll get some decent hosting set up.

Are you talking about the Yahoo! Maps?  The data on the maps should be
no more recent than Google or Yahoo! provides.

I've had a few hundred downloads so far, so hopefully we'll some some
usage soon on sites using jQuery that need map functionality.

On 7/31/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I first went to the link for the examples to this plug in an awful popup 
 appeared along with a long audio speech from some guy telling me I could win 
 a plasma TV.

 But the map works very well. In fact when I check my house they had a much 
 more recent photo than Google has, one that showed the grass I added a few 
 years back.

 Is anyone using this plug in?


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: WYSIWYG Editing with Form Plugin

2007-07-30 Thread Tane Piper


You could also try out the jQuery based WYMeditor at www.wymeditor.com
- I've used it sucessfully with the form plugin.  Its currently not as
feature-rich as those other editors, but it plays very nicely with
what your trying to do.

On 27/07/07, Shaun Kester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm having a heck of a time getting either tinymce or fckeditor to
 load via ajax and then be submitted with mikes awesome form plugin.
 Anybody got these to successfully work? Here my code that loads and
 binds the textarea and form.

 function LoadFunctions() {
 +'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
 Date().getTime(), function(data){
 $.cookie('scpc')+'NoCache='+new Date().getTime(), function(data){
   //Start the editor

   //Bind form
   type: 'post',
   dataType: 'script'



Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] 5 JavaScript Tricks Made Easy with jQuery on DZone.com

2007-07-30 Thread Tane Piper

Amen to that, my plugin that Rey also posted here today also made it
to the front page of DZone, and I am a regular visitor there - I
second encouraging everyone to vote up jQuery and JavaScript related

On 30/07/07, Giant Jam Sandwich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rey,

 Thanks so much for posting this. Not only did it get onto the front
 page of DZone, but it made it into the popular list of URLs on
 del.icio.us this afternoon.

 For anyone who does not use DZone, I definately encourage you to check
 out this community. As of recent, I think it is the only voting
 community that has such a wide range of development topics that are of
 interest to programmers and designers. The topics have helped me to
 broaden my awareness on several issues relevant to our field that do
 not make it to the forefront on other social bookmarking and decision
 making sites.


 On Jul 29, 9:04 pm, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Continuing on the DZone path, community member Brian Reindel has an
  entry on the site about his 5 JavaScript Tricks Made Easy with jQuery.
  Some of you may have seen his email about this just the other day but
  its truly important to support our community by voting his post up. Keep
  in mind that some folks don't participate on the mailing list but may
  see Brian's entry on DZone. Lets make sure he gets support for his great
  blog posting!

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Ken Burns effects using jQuery?

2007-07-27 Thread Tane Piper

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but does the upcoming jQuery UI
library not have a zoom effect planned?

On 26/07/07, Nicolas Hoizey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  How about this one:

 It is nice, but there is no move and no zoom, which are the effects
 made popular by Ken Burns I would like to have...


 Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
 Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
 Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
 Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: jQuery capture images from webcam

2007-07-25 Thread Tane Piper

There is no way AFAIK for JavaScript to capture a webcam stream, like
Flash can capture the stream.  But JavaScript can capture the image
from an HTTP stream.  I got this code from

newImage = new Image();

function LoadNewImage() {
   var unique = new Date();
   document.images.webcam.src = newImage.src;
   newImage.src = http://path/to/webcam.jpeg?time=; + unique.getTime();

If the users webcam is being served by an application that can serve
the image via HTTP, then you could capture an image from their stream
using this and then manipulate it.

On 7/25/07, Web Specialist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

jQuery haves plugins available for web images capture? I'm developing a
ColdFusion application to store visitors personal data including your photo.
What I'm looking for:

- webcam captures visitor photo via iframe(or another solution) in our form
- users(application) can cut that photo via jQuery;
- after all that image is saved in our server;

Is it a dream? ;-)


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: What are most commonly-used menu plugins?

2007-07-23 Thread Tane Piper

Personally, I like jdMenu:  http://jdsharp.us/jQuery/plugins/jdMenu/

On 7/23/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jul 23, 1:41 am, Rhapidophyllum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm simply looking for a stable menu plugin.  Of the various menu
 plugins available, which are most commonly used/most stable?

There are unfortunately no real metrics for this, so i'm GUESSING here
based on how many posts i see on this list. In no particular order:

- blockUI
- tabs
- autocompleter
- Interface (mostly drag/drop)
- forms

i think those are the top 5 (again, not in order), based on my
impression (not a mathematical fact!) of the number of posts people
make here. That is admittedly a questionable metric because some
plugins are inherently so small/easy-to-use that people don't need to
ask questions about them very often.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Building up DOM tree using .append()

2007-07-23 Thread Tane Piper

Hey folks,

I'm optimizing one of my plugins, and I'm looking to move from
creating HTML within a var and using .html() to add it to the element,
to creating the elements on the fly.

I've tried the below, with no luck because .append() does not accept a
callback, but hopefully someone will understand what I'm trying to do:

jQuery(controlbox).append('span class=hide^/span');
class=aheader' +
settings.header + '/span');
class=ability/div', function(){
if (settings.textsizer == true) {
if (curtextsize) { 
jQuery('body').removeClass().addClass(curtextsize); }
class=fontsize/ul', function(){
for (var i=0, len 
= settings.textsizeclasses.length; i  len; i++) {
href=# class=btn-' +
settings.textsizeclasses[i] + ' rel=' + settings.textsizeclasses[i]
+ '' + settings.textsizeclasses[i].toUpperCase() + '/a/li');

Basically, the code gets as far as div class=ability / in Firebug
- so what i want to happen next is within this DIV, the ul
class=fontsize / is appended, and then each LI element is added.

ANY help is much appreciated.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [OT] Massive List of User Agents

2007-07-20 Thread Tane Piper

If you want to play about with user agents, this plugin for FF does the trick


It allows you to change the user agent as reported OS on the fly.

Stehphan - I'm not sure if it would work - but try out the Firebug
mini-debug server.  It was designed for debugging the iPhone remotley,
you might be able to get the PSP to work.

On 7/20/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jul 20, 5:31 am, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not associated with the site in anyway. I just thought that it would
 be a good resource for your guys.

Somewhat related, but even more off-topic: i got a Sony PSP yesterday.
The built-in web browser is fantastic when it comes to rendering CSS-
styled pages, and it claims to have JS support, but it the browser
hangs when i load any of my jQuery-powered pages. Not at all certain
why, and of course there's no browser debugging plugin for it (like


Tane Piper

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[jQuery] [ANNOUNCE] jQuery Accessibility Plugin

2007-07-20 Thread Tane Piper

Hi Folks,

Today I am happy to release my second plugin for jQuery - the jQuery
Accessibility Plugin.

Code: http://code.google.com/p/ability/
Demo: http://webrocket.ulmb.com/ability/

This plugin takes a div that you pass in, and adds the additional HTML
required for the buttons:


This plugin provides text resizing, allowing you to pass in as many
classes as you would like to attach to the accessibility plugin.  Same
with the theme switching.  And there is a reset button too.  I have
also provided 2 basic CSS files to use.

The only requirement is the Cookie plugin from the jQuery plugin
repository, as this saves the text size and theme over the users

As usual, feedback, comments and suggestions are welcome.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] jQuery Accessibility Plugin

2007-07-20 Thread Tane Piper

Hmm, I tested it on IE 7 and it worked fine, are you getting any errors?

On 7/20/07, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Tane,

It's a great idea !

I tested it on windows XP SP2 and FF works fine!

But with internet explorer 7, it does not work: the div does not appear.

Hope this helps,


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tane 
Sent: vendredi 20 juillet 2007 13:45
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] [ANNOUNCE] jQuery Accessibility Plugin

Hi Folks,

Today I am happy to release my second plugin for jQuery - the jQuery 
Accessibility Plugin.

Code: http://code.google.com/p/ability/
Demo: http://webrocket.ulmb.com/ability/

This plugin takes a div that you pass in, and adds the additional HTML required 
for the buttons:


This plugin provides text resizing, allowing you to pass in as many classes as 
you would like to attach to the accessibility plugin.  Same with the theme 
switching.  And there is a reset button too.  I have also provided 2 basic CSS 
files to use.

The only requirement is the Cookie plugin from the jQuery plugin repository, as 
this saves the text size and theme over the users session.

As usual, feedback, comments and suggestions are welcome.

Tane Piper

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Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
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Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Removing table rows on delete not working correctly

2007-07-20 Thread Tane Piper

Hmm, probably very ugly hackish but I found a solution (i always tend
to AFTER posting here):

$j('a.delete').bind('click', function(){
var deletelink = this;
var deleteid = $(deletelink).attr('id');
var x=window.confirm(Are you sure you want to delete?)
if(x) {
$j.post(deletelink.href, {id: deleteid}, 

return false;
} else {
return false;

Since my table structure is always the same, I can find the parent TD,
then the parent TR and remove them from the DOM tree.

On 7/20/07, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks,

I've written a small script to deal with deleting content from my
application.  When you view the admin index screen for a content type,
it's displayed as a table of content.  In the last cell there are some
actions such as view, edit and delete.  The script below works for
deleting the post from my system, but when it is sucsessful I also
want to hide the table row.

A typical row looks like this:

tr id=post-8 class=odd
tdTest Post/td
td2007-07-20 17:27:00/td
tdTag 1, tag 2/td
td class=actions
a href=/admin/posts/view/8View/a 
href=/admin/posts/edit/8Edit/a a id=8 
href=/admin/posts/delete/8Delete/a /td

So far the code I have is below:

$j('a.delete').bind('click', function(){
var deletelink = this;
var deleteid = $(deletelink).attr('id');
var x=window.confirm(Are you sure you want to delete?)
if(x) {
$j.post(deletelink.href, {id: deleteid}, 
$j('tr').attr('id', 'post-' + 
return false;
} else {
return false;

When the code executes, it does delete the post from the system, it is
then supposed to find the corresponding row and the slideUp is fired.
But instead of just the row, the whole table disappears!

The code also seems ugly to me, does anyone have a more elegant
solution, maybe finding the parent tr of the link??


Tane Piper

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Tane Piper

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[jQuery] [SITE] Performancing using jQuery

2007-07-20 Thread Tane Piper

Came across this on Technorati:

The new pMetrics Dashboard is designed to quickly and efficiently show
you the traffic data that you care about. It is full of live refresh
fun (many thanks to the jQuery JavaScript library), and includes the
ability to drag and drop the modules to wherever you want on the
screen. They'll stay there forever until you move them again.

The screenshot above shows a number of modules from the Dashboard.
Take the 'Links' one for example. It shows your top 5 incoming links
by default, but also allows you to view outgoing links and top
incoming domains simply by clicking the appropriate link. Only that
module is updated when you click items, making the dashboard very fast
and efficient at getting the data you want.

Trend data from the previous period is shown on the right for each
item, in green if your trend is good, or red if it's bad. If you are
viewing a single day, the previous period is the day before. If you
are viewing a date range, for example the last 14 days, then the
previous period is the 14 days before that.

You can hover your mouse over the trend to see a tooltip that defines
the previous period for you and gives you the value. Clicking on the
trend is where things get a lot more interesting, though. The module
will instantly refresh and show you trend data for just that one item,
either from the last 14 days if you are viewing single days, or the
last 10 periods if you are viewing a date range. Screenshot

In development is the ability to pick and choose only the modules you
want, and choose how much data is shown within each individual module.
We'll also be adding a Google Maps module. However, these features
will be for premium accounts only! Detailed trend data (when you click
the trend link) will also become premium only, but is available to
everyone right now.

Overall, it's a lot of fun, especially the trend data. Ideas from the
new Dashboard will be implemented into the rest of the site over the
coming weeks, so the whole site will work like this rather than just
the dashboard.

Please help us spread the word by blogging about this! We think the
new interface is really cool and we want everyone to know about it. :)

Have fun!

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Check Out dzone.com for jQuery Articles

2007-07-18 Thread Tane Piper

Another tip for jQuery's avid readers is for Technorati.  If you
search for jQuery in the tags, you can get an many new daily posts
about other peoples experiences with jQuery - including code, plugins,
examples, tests, reviews and editorials:


Now, if you get the RSS feed and put it in your reader - you now get a
daily pipe of all Jquery-related stories on the blogosphere.

To boot, Technorati already uses jQuery on its site :)

On 7/18/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Many of you may not be aware of a news aggregator called dzone.com.
dzone is a jQuery-powered site which offers links to awesome development
postings and stories and allows you to vote for these stories in much
the same fashion as you would on Digg (also jQuery-powered). The big
difference is that Dzone is technology-specific and offers complimentary
options such as the dzone Snippets source code repository, dzone Jobs,
EclipseZone (Eclipse IDE community) and much more.

There's a wealth of information on there and a ton of jQuery-related
material, some of which has not even been discussed on this list. Please
be sure to visit dzone.com and register for an account. There are times
when we post articles on the site and your vote definitely counts in
ensuring exposure.

Go check out the jQuery category here:



Tane Piper

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