MD: Advertising on MD-L

2000-09-26 Thread Mike Ward

From: "Peter Forest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What do you think of this ?

If this list becomes an advertising venue, I'm outta here, and I'm sure
others feel the same way.

I personally have no problem with you putting your Web site in the .sig
file...but if the .sig file turns into "COME TO OUR SITE AND SEE THE
COUPONS", that's advertising.

I don't care about your coupons.  I'm on this list to get MD related
information, not ads.  If there's an unusual bargain and someone UNRELATED
TO THE COMPANY OR SITE wants to forward it to the list, that's another

Sorry, that's my two cents.  You don't seem to "get it".


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MD: Possibly the BEST reason to read the Digest

2000-09-26 Thread Dan Frakes

Possibly the BEST reason to read the Digest...

It let's you read ALL the messages of the day before you reply ;-)

For example, I had a couple nice, long, well-reasoned replies to some of 
the posts made on this whole topic, trying to be fair and rational. But 
before I sent them I finished reading my wonderful digest, and after 
seeing some of the later messages, I realized that this whole topic was 
becoming rather hilarious in its ridiculousness. So I deleted the 

Gosh, maybe some good things come out of the digest after all vbg
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Re: MD: MD Digest Mode

2000-09-26 Thread Ralph Reijs

Hi everybody..
I am sorry..
I am pretty new on this mailinglist,
and was wondering what this digest mode is..?
What modes are there, and what are the differences..?


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Re: MD: digest mode is annoying (md-l-mimedigest V2 #766)

2000-09-26 Thread Gerry Morgan

Shawn Lin wrote:
Digest Mode is annoying.
At LEAST with commercial SPAM, I know what is in the body of the message
by reading the subject.
With a digest mode reply, I see "md-l-mimedigest V2 #766" as the

Digest subscribers who wish to post to the list should fix the subject so 
that it refers to the post they are replying to. It is simple list 
etiquette, and you are right to complain about it. Other lists that I 
subscribe to block any messages that have the equivalent of 
"md-l-mimedigest V2 #766" as the title.

I routinely delete messages that have "md-l-mimedigest V2 #766" as the 
title, just as I always delete messages that start with "NB: Over 50% of 
this message is QUOTED".

But there are good reasons for some people to prefer digest mode, and 
Michael Stouffs has listed some of them. I'm an immediate-mode subscriber 
to this list, but there are other lists where I choose digest mode. Digest 
mode serves a useful purpose.

I think the best suggestion was to create a second list for advertising, 
and that those who wish to receive advertising subscribe to both lists. It 
is so easy to subscribe to another list and filter it wherever you want to 
that the only possible reason to object to this is if you are an advertiser 
who wants to reach people on *this* list. So why not have two lists, and 
let the advertisers promote the *other* list in their signatures (when they 
post non-commercial messages to this list). That way, new subscribers to 
this list will be made aware of the advertising list, and this list can 
focus on discussing MiniDisc.

I'm giving it till the end of the week for the list to get back on topic. 
If not, I'll unsubscr!be.


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Re: MD: Digest mode vrs individual messages.

2000-09-26 Thread Michael Stouffs

 - I don't want to get 30 different mails at once when I get home at
 I want the few mails of my friends, 1 or 2 MD-L digests and that's it.
 The less separate new mails I get, the happier I am. (Even if they get in
 different folders) My habit.

one digest is about the same as 30 individual emails, so you aren't
saving anything and youare depriving yourself of ways to handle the 30
emails because you can's sort a digest.

What really gets me angry, is that you permit yourself to judge my habits.
I suggest you to send some example of your everyday habits, and let us
judge them,
comment them, say how you can do better because of course WE know better.

When I check my mail usually I see "4 mails left to download" when I
haven't checked
my mail in a whole day, what does it tell me? It tells me that I have a
high probability
that in those 4 mails there is: a high probability of 1-2 MD digest AND a
high probability
that some friend of mine has wrote to me. Conclusion: I know even before it
has finished
downloading, that some friend wrote me. Can't do that when I get "40 mails
left to download". No big deal? Big deal TO ME. My habit. Dont need to have
you commenting on that. 

You probably have it set up incorrectly.  Check the previous post I made
regarding how to do it with Eudora.

Your previous post doesn't say anything about fetching mail that has
already been filtered
by another mailer. And don't bother looking for a solution (if there is
one) to prove your point, I won't change to individual messages.
If the individual MD messages are sorted into an MD folder, you can
delete the entire contents of the md folder the same way you do a
digest.  You can also sort by subject, scan the subjects and delete

No, I have to: go to the MD folder, select the messages I want to delete
and then delete them.
Can't be bothered. No big deal? Big deal to ME blabla

everything you aren't interested in and save the 3 or 4 messages you are
interested in to read later.  You can't do that with a digest.

I do not care about reading later, I want everything deleted. And dont want
to bother taking
the steps to do so.

And if I didn't do that, I'd pretty soon have a huge
 of unread messages, and I don't want that.

No one  does want that.

Well I WILL get such a stack, because I'm lazy person and it definitely
will happen that I won't
go in days to the MD folder.

With individual messages, the mail program becomes your index.

Again, I want to delete the thing with a touch of the Del key, no more steps.

Oh and I know all of your arguments, yet I don't want to change. Other
people have wrote that they subscribe to several mailing lists and use for
each a different fetching mode, that obviously means that depending on the
list, on the wish of the subscriber, one mode or the other is the one that
suits their need.

Are you that bright, that you can imagine ALL situations involving a digest?

I play halflife, it happens often that I forget to close Eudora: with
digest mode, there
is little chance I start downloading one digest right when I'm playing
since I only get 1 or 2 digest in 24 hours. With un-digested mode, there is
GREAT chance that my mailer will start downloading 4 or 5 MD mails while I
play, hence killing my ping and me by the same way.

Please, STOP commenting our habits, you are *offending*.

You look like my 14 yr old cousin who *absolutely* has to be right and
*absolutely* won't admit he's wrong/partially wrong/a tad wrong/just a
little bit wrong no matter what.

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Re: MD: MD Digest Mode

2000-09-26 Thread J. Coon

Ralph Reijs wrote:
 Hi everybody..
 I am sorry..
 I am pretty new on this mailinglist,
 and was wondering what this digest mode is..?
 What modes are there, and what are the differences..?

With digest mode, you get one, or more emails a day with an index of
subject lines with all the messages sent during the day, or the period
of time the digest covers.  You then have to read all the messages.  If
there is excessive quoting, a lot of messages that are not interesting
to you, you still have to read them or at least scan through them to
find the stuff you are interested in.

With individual messages, the mail comes in to your mailbox as it
arrives.  You can set up folders in your eamiler program and filters
that automatically move the MD mail to the MD folder when it comes in so
it isn't with everything else in you inbox.  When youwant to read the
mail, you click on the md folder and the new messages are marked, as are
any unread messages.  You click on the subject bar in the mailer program
and they are sorted according to the subject. click on Next and it will
go to the first unread message. You read it and if it isn't of interest
you can delete all the messages with that same subject line without
reading  them.  You click on Next again to go to the next unread

THere should be a web page set up with the informationa on how to set
the different emailer pragrams to do this, but there isn't one that I
know of.  I sent some information on how to do it, I can send it again
if need be. 

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: digest mode is annoying (md-l-mimedigest V2 #766)

2000-09-26 Thread J. Coon

Shawn Lin wrote:
 I have to agree with Jim.
 Digest Mode is annoying.
 At LEAST with commercial SPAM, I know what is in the body of the message
 by reading the subject.
 With a digest mode reply, I see "md-l-mimedigest V2 #766" 

This is a real problem with digest mode. I delete a lot of email that
the sender hasn't bothered to change the  subject line to something

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: Digest mode vrs individual messages.

2000-09-26 Thread J. Coon

Michael Stouffs wrote:
 Please, STOP commenting our habits, you are *offending*.
 You look like my 14 yr old cousin who *absolutely* has to be right and
 *absolutely* won't admit he's wrong/partially wrong/a tad wrong/just a
 little bit wrong no matter what.

You have never met me, how would you know what I look like? At least I
don't stoop to personal attacks.  I took the time to inform people how
to use individual email to their advantage.  Like the old saying goes,
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.  

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: Advertising on MD-L

2000-09-26 Thread Mike Burger

I would agree, if he was constantly putting out messages with specific 
items for sale, or constant messages with things like "we've got the 
lowest prices around on x!".

Simply pointing out where you can find coupons to get lower prices (and 
the gist of that seemed, to me, to be that the coupons were good on any 
items) doesn't seem as bad.

This guy keeps scouring the area for ways to get discounts on things.  It 
would seem to me that that's a bit of a good thing.

I will agree that the coupon notes have been a bit on the voluminous 
side, lately, but like I said, at least the messages aren't hawking 
specific items for sale. 

 I personally have no problem with you putting your Web site in the .sig
 file...but if the .sig file turns into "COME TO OUR SITE AND SEE THE
 COUPONS", that's advertising.
 I don't care about your coupons.  I'm on this list to get MD related
 information, not ads.  If there's an unusual bargain and someone UNRELATED
 TO THE COMPANY OR SITE wants to forward it to the list, that's another
 Sorry, that's my two cents.  You don't seem to "get it".
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Re: MD: Digest mode vrs individual messages.

2000-09-26 Thread J. van de Griek

J. Coon wrote:

 Michael Stouffs wrote:
  Please, STOP commenting our habits, you are *offending*.
  You look like my 14 yr old cousin who *absolutely* has to be right and
  *absolutely* won't admit he's wrong/partially wrong/a tad wrong/just a
  little bit wrong no matter what.

 You have never met me, how would you know what I look like? At least I
 don't stoop to personal attacks.  I took the time to inform people how
 to use individual email to their advantage.  Like the old saying goes,
 "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

No, you don't stoop to personal attacks, you rather attack whole groups of
people at once. Your courage is commendable. Your behavior is not, however.

Several people took the time to explain to you that what works best for you,
might not be the best solution for everyone. Yet you insist on shoving your
viewpoint down other peoples' throats over and over again. Many have
indicated that they do not wish to receive SPAM through the mailing list.
Yet because *you* like receiving these messages, they are supposed to go out
of their way to suit you.

Lastly, you *again* insult the intelligence of a person who pointed out why
(s)he prefers getting the digest by stating that (s)he must be doing
something wrong if (s)he can't filter the messages in Eudora.

Don't bother replying, you've been plonked.

Joost van de Griek
Applications Developer
Yacht ICT

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Re: MD: Digest mode vrs individual messages.

2000-09-26 Thread Michael Stouffs

 Please, STOP commenting our habits, you are *offending*.
 You look like my 14 yr old cousin who *absolutely* has to be right and
 *absolutely* won't admit he's wrong/partially wrong/a tad wrong/just a
 little bit wrong no matter what.

You have never met me, how would you know what I look like? At least I
don't stoop to personal attacks.  I took the time to inform people how
to use individual email to their advantage.  Like the old saying goes,
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.  

Ok I promise this is my last mail about this, we're starting to both spam
and probably annoy people with our little "flames".

Answer this question you still haven't answered to:

Other people have wrote that they subscribe to several mailing lists and
use for each a different fetching mode, that obviously means that depending
on the list, on the wish of the subscriber, one mode or the other is the
one that suits better a particular list.

2 possibilities:

1) they're stupid and they don't know how to set up individual mails
fetching mode for all their mailing list.

2) depending on the amount of interest they have on the subject of the
list, the amount of messages the list generates, the amount of their
participation to the list, they prefer to have "digest mode" or "individual
messages mode", both fitting different needs.

So far, you're implying 1) that's why, oh surprise, you're getting personal
attacks, because you're insulting our intelligence, and are
"exasperatingaly" continuing to do so, hence me calling you a stubborn

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Re: MD: Ban ???

2000-09-26 Thread Albert Tanone

At 19:39 09/25/2000, you wrote:
I don't really understand why...

Really Peter, stop it with this innocent playacting.

1- We still have this mailing list... I don't want to force people to
subscribe to another one...

2- Kheops Minidisc has its own mailing list too, a lot of subscriber but
reasons cut short

Peter, which word are you having problems with? NONE OF THE ABOVE ARE FOR 

few from me and a lot about THESE FAMOUS COUPONS !!!  Half positive, Half
negative... So, I consider that 50% of member appreciate the coupons...

I don't know how you're getting 50/50.. I doubt anyone ELSE sees a 50/50 ratio.

What do you think about this ???

BAD idea. Someone else even already went so far as to set up another 
mailing list for your deals already.

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Re: MD: Ban ???

2000-09-26 Thread brd

On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 07:39:53PM -0400, Peter Forest wrote:
 I just read all the previous message since the last few days... There was a
 few from me and a lot about THESE FAMOUS COUPONS !!!  Half positive, Half
 negative... So, I consider that 50% of member appreciate the coupons...

I'd be curious to know how many people have unsubscribed in the past
week, versus the average for past weeks.

 There was a great idea : write a small subject in the header : MD Sale
 USA... A lot of people told it was a good idea... Also, most of the time, I
 will only let a small note a the end of my message.
 What do you think about this ???

I hate it.  I don't want to receive any commercial mailings on a list.
If I want to buy something, I'll do a web search or look on
for vendors.  The list is not here to provide a captive audience for

I'm puzzled as to why it is that you have your own mailing list off your
site, but you don't think people who want to buy from you would sign up
for it?

I've been silently deleting anything with Kheops in it for weeks now.
It gets old!

The 21st century begins on January 1, 2001.
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Re: MD: No more mailing list ! Keep it simple please...

2000-09-26 Thread Dan Frakes

"Peter Forest" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't want and need another mailing list only for coupons...

Understood -- you already have one on your web site. Someone else thought 
you were saying you didn't want to use a mailing list besides MD-L, but 
you meant you already had one of your own on your web site and didn't 
need the one they had set up. I understood.

Also, I don't think that MD user of this list will want to subscribe to
another list...

But according to Jim, filtering message is incredibly easy. In fact, I 
think Jim posted instructions for several email clients. I wouldn't worry 
about inconveniencing people. If you are worrying about that... oh, never 
mind ;-)

I will do the advertisement like everyone told me to do it... With a short
title and a brief message with the coupons or discounts informations...

Actually, only two people suggested that way, and it was only one of 
several alternative that were proposed. Many more people have said not to 
do it at all. If you want to post your ads, that is entirely your right, 
but if you're truly trying to listen to what people are saying, the 
majority of those who have voiced an opinion on the list are against 
posting the advertisements at all (and yes, it is the majority -- I 
counted grin)

Another thing you should consider is the type of impression you are 
giving potential customers -- based on the feedback on the list, you're 
alienating a large number of people who might have otherwise purchased 
from you, simply because of your large number of commercial posts and 
your apparent unwillingness to use your own mailing list, that you have 
already set up, to post them. I have suggested a fair proposal, that 
would help everyone and inconvenience no one, several times. What is it 
that you don't like about that idea? (Honest question).
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MD: R900 Sound Quality

2000-09-26 Thread Ed Heckman

Last night I spent a couple of hours checking out the sound quality on my 
R900 and comparing it to my R50. To do this, I recorded "The throne room 
and end title" from the Star Wars suite digitally to a disc on the R50, 
then moved the disc to the R900 and recorded it again using standard 
stereo and LP2 modes. Then I listened to all 4 recordings through the 
R900 using my Sony NC10 earbuds. (The CD was played through the R900 with 
the R900 paused in record mode.)

On a scale of 1-10 with the CD being placed at 10, this is how I would 
rank the sound quality of the various recordings:

Recorded on R50:  9.5
R900 stereo:  9.8
R900 LP2: 9.2

I didn't specifically test the LP4 mode in this manner, but I have used 
it. I would probably rate it somewhere around 7.6.

I should note that it took very, very careful listening with my eyes 
closed and as little outside noise as possible for me to be able to hear 
the differences between the 4 versions. I would say that under normal 
listening conditions there would be no detectable differences between the 

So does anybody know when Kenwood will be coming out with a car stereo 
that supports the LP modes?

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that|
| which he exercises over himself. |
|-- Elie Wiesel|
|   Memoirs: All Rivers Run to the Sea |
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Re: MD: R900 Sound Quality

2000-09-26 Thread Shawn Lin

Ed Heckman wrote:
 So does anybody know when Kenwood will be coming out with a car stereo
 that supports the LP modes?

I wonder whether they will be coming out with another MD car stereo
Guess I'm just getting discouraged because I noticed JVC dropped MD. 
Other companies like Clarion just carry over last year's MD players.
You might have to import one from Japan to get a car deck that supports
LP modes.

Shawn - Free the Web
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MD: Digest version

2000-09-26 Thread Joost de Meij

Ok I'll post some of the reasons why I want the digest mode since you seem
to have trouble accepting people might have different needs than yours:

I've you are a webbased mail user, you don't have to stay online. That's the 
only reason i use the digest version...

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Re: MD: Sony MDX-C7900 death or common cold?

2000-09-26 Thread Ralph Smeets


 My wife has a Sony MDX-C7900 in-dash MiniDisc player in her car.
 We've not had any problems with it for the last couple of years, but
 lately, when we insert a disc, at least half of the time the player
 will audible try to read the disc for about ten seconds, then spit it
 out with "BLANK" in the display.  On good discs, the player still
 reads for around seven seconds before playing sometimes.

 The problem is more or less random; I know it's not the MDs themselves
 (though some do seem to have a higher success rate that others).  Is
 this indicative of something serious, or is it simple like needed the
 lens cleaned?

 I appreciate any help you can provide.


Is it still under warenty? If so, bring it in for repair.

I've had the same problem after one year of 'heavy' usage (say 30 000km). It
stopped working
a few weeks ago and I've brought it in for repairs. My best bet is that the
laser is getting weak and
goes eventually dead.


Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
  "For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then
   something happened which unleashed the powers of our imagination:
   We learned to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --

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Re: MD: No more mailing list ! Keep it simple please...

2000-09-26 Thread Ralph Reijs

Dan Frakes wrote:
 Another thing you should consider is the type of impression you are 
 giving potential customers -- based on the feedback on the list, 
 you're alienating a large number of people who might have otherwise 
 purchased from you, simply because of your large number of 
 commercial posts and your apparent unwillingness to use your own 
 mailing list, that you have already set up, to post them. 

I think Dan is right, Peter..
I understand you would rather use your own mailinglist than the one I set up for you. 
All I did was try to help you, to prevent this from happening. Because when you look 
back on the discussion from the past week, I think you annoyed a lot of people that 
might have subscribed to your coupon list, and are now annoyed by the fact that you 
are trying to push it down their throats, and just want to ignore all this, and get 
back on topic.

Some people gave you some ideas you could use, to keep every on your side. Please 
accept that some people just want to keep this list to what it was meant to be for 
when it wsa set up. Which is to provide a discussion forum on MiniDisc, and for 
newbies on MD (like myself..) to get some general information, and ask their 

Still Spam=Spam, and there are plenty of websites where you can subscribe yourself to 
commercially interesting mailinglist.
I have not (yet) seen any list that provides information on coupons,
and bargains etc.. So it would be a very good idea to start one,
and once in a while advertise it here by putting it in your signature or something.

I'd say to ban you from this list is a bit extreme, since you have the right to be on 
it as well. But this with the condition that you behave, not be rude, and very 
important; that you do not use this list for any other purpose than to discuss 
MiniDisc topics with other subscribers, and NOT to advertise for free in a big 

IMHO this is where the border needs to be drawn, and if you live b these rules, no one 
will complain if they see an advertisement for your site or mailinglist once in a 




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2000-09-26 Thread Chris

Everyone who is sending lots of posts to the list moaning about the
advertising e-mails we keep getting ar being hypocrites (sp?) Can you please
stop, and ony send MD related messages. I think you have got your point
across that you don't want Peter Forest to send these messages. It has been
said, and I think he has taken note. Now can we end tis pointless topic of
conversation and start talking about Minidisc again??

That is all I am saying on this matter, as it is all I think needs to be
said. If certain people still insist on posting lots of messages about the
whole Kheops advertising, I may have to start ignoring their messages as

Thank you


P.S -  Some have said what Peter is sending is spam. It is not. Spam is
unsolicited e-mail, the simple fact that you subscribed to this list means
that it is not unsolicited, so don;t call it spam. The only reason I am
saying this is to clear up a misunderstanding a lot of people have.

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Re: MD: Digest mode vrs individual messages.

2000-09-26 Thread Dan Frakes

I'm sending a couple "technical" responses, since the topical responses 
seem to be irrelevant:

one digest is about the same as 30 individual emails

Not even close. Especially with short messages, thirty individual 
messages can be 20-25 times bigger in terms of message size than a single 
digest. Thirty messages take substantial more time to download, 
regardless of message size, than a single digest. And for those who pay 
their ISP per message (common in non-U.S. countries), thirty individual 
messages costs 30x more.

- I sometimes check my mail with Pine when I'm at school, I don't 
want to have the messages I really care about (read: not-MD related) 
to be flooded in the MD messages. (set up filters? Eudora (at home) 
won't fetch the messages filtered by Pine in the Pine MD folder, I 
just checked that)

You probably have it set up incorrectly. Check the previous post I 
made regarding how to do it with Eudora.

*SIGH* He doesn't have it set up incorrectly. Pine is a terminal-based 
email program, but one that is estimated to be used by more people in the 
world than Eudora, since most academic and research institutions still 
allow every user to check their email using Pine. When you view messages 
in Pine, and file messages in Pine, they stay on the server -- they are 
not downloaded to a local machine. When you *file* messages in Pine to a 
Pine-based folder, they cannot be downloaded by ANY email client, because 
they are no longer in the POP queue. This is not a problem with Pine -- 
it is a *feature* designed to allow people to use Pine filters to 
pre-sort mail so that only certain messages are downloaded by their POP 
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MD: Lawyers, Discs and Money

2000-09-26 Thread Dale Greer

Hi all,

Some of you may know that I have a web site which shows folks how to dub
MP3s from their Macintosh computers to MiniDisc.

I've been getting a lot of e-mails from people who don't understand why they
can't simply copy the MP3s to MD faster than real time, so I've put together
a rather lengthy explanation.

This "FAQ," which I've called "Lawyers, Discs and Money," goes into the
historical, political and legal reasons why MD works the way it does.

Anyway, I would appreciate it if you could look this over and offer
comments, corrections or clarifications.

Thanks much!

The FAQ's URL:


Dale Greer
Bored? Visit my web site and be bored some more.

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Re: MD: R900 Sound Quality

2000-09-26 Thread Leon

Thanks for the report Ed! I'm planning on using LP2 extensively when I
receive my R900, so it's good to hear your take on it.

Kenwood, of course, already has a micro system with LP. I vaguely remember
that they update their car stereo range annually, so many the first quarter
of next year.  Or maybe watch the Japanese audio expo near year-end for

I'm watching Kenwood very closely myself, but for a different reason. I
think they're going separate ways with Sharp.  Their home decks have often
had Sony ATRAC. In general, the 'corporate' (signature?) sound of Kenwood is
like a boomy (often better IMHO) version of Sony, rather than the sweeping,
treble-strong sound of Sharps.  Last year's DMC-L3/L5 had a chassis that
looked identical to a Matsushita one (namely the Panasonic SJ-MJ75). And
this year they have a MDLP product ready before Sharp.  ...Just speculating.


 Recorded on R50:  9.5
 R900 stereo:  9.8
 R900 LP2: 9.2
 I didn't specifically test the LP4 mode in this manner, but I have used
 it. I would probably rate it somewhere around 7.6.
 I should note that it took very, very careful listening with my eyes
 closed and as little outside noise as possible for me to be able to hear
 the differences between the 4 versions. I would say that under normal
 listening conditions there would be no detectable differences between the
 So does anybody know when Kenwood will be coming out with a car stereo
 that supports the LP modes?

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MD: ADMIN: Discussion of coupons, etc

2000-09-26 Thread Nick Perry

Dear all

As has happened in the past, the amount of traffic on this list
discussing the merits of a certain type of posting has exceeded the
volume of the original posting which caused such discussion.

I regret having to do this, but I am going to filter postings related
to this topic until things die down a bit.

For what it's worth (and returning to the original objection), I believe
advertising postings are acceptable on the proviso that they are not
generally intrusive and sensitive the main purpose of the list. I would
happily consider regulating all advertising if I felt the bounds were
being over-stepped by one or two commercial subscribers.

So please, can everyone get back to the sort of discussions that
normally prevail and the commercial organizations that provoked the
debate might like to consider the reaction so far and reflect on their
future use of what, by and large, is a useful resource.



(List Admin)

Nick Perry | LONDON N1, UK   | MiniDisc Community Pages
   | |
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Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD

2000-09-26 Thread las

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Nate, now I'm not sure who you are saying is not correct?? Me (Larry??) or Len?

I don't see how you can say that I am not correct, because I am agreeing with
what you just stated.  Copies made on a computer do not have SCMS and you can
make a copy of a copy of a copy.  These are not really "copies" but "clones".

If you copy a CD using a stand alone music only CD recorder, it is going to add
SCMS to the copy so you can not make a copy from the copy.  But when you make a
"copy" from a computer CD writer, it is a "true copy" or clone in that it is
exactly the same as the original with no SCMS.


Nathan White wrote:

 Hi, not correct. Computer CD recorders don't use SCMS, or it is turned off,
 or you can turn it off, not sure which. But that is because they are meant
 for Data. So the SCMS is set to unlimited copies. Kudos,

 Nathan White

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 3:47 PM
 Subject: Re: MD: Problem with recording from CD

  Len Moskowitz wrote:

  In general commercial CDs *are* SCMS encoded, but the way SCMS works is
  that you can make as many copies of the master as you like -- you can't
  make copies of copies.  The original poster didn't say, but if he was
  trying to copy a CD that was itself a copy (say, a CD-R copy of a
  commercial CD), then SCMS would get in the way of further copies.

 It take it that this would not apply to copies of CDs made using a computer,
 ROM drive and CD writer?  Is that correct?


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MD: No more advertising... EVER !!!

2000-09-26 Thread Peter Forest

I'm tired of all these messages so, YOU WIN !

You are right, there was too much message, too many people bored and tired
of all these messages concerning coupons and deals ! So, it's over, I will
not advertise for COUPONS here EVER ! I will not send either any DISCOUNTS

For those who want to received these promotion, simply subscribe to my OWN
MAILING LIST at (see in the middle of the first

In the future, I will only give information about new products related to
minidiscs. What I will do, is like in the past I will take several pictures
and put a good description of each product on my website and from time to
time, I will let you know a link to know more about some of our products.
It will be only information page, only to let you see exactly what each
product looks like before you buy it...

I don't want that all of you here hate me and I want to provide a good
service and bring pertinent information about all products we have in stock.

Thanks a lot for all your messages, suggestions and support. I appology for
all the trouble I made (consciously or not...) and I will be better; again
sorry for all this !

Best Regards,

Peter (is this signature below annoy you or it's ok ???)
For discounts, deals and coupons join our Mailing list (USA only)

 Some have said what Peter is sending is spam. It is not. Spam is
unsolicited e-mail, the simple fact that you subscribed to this list means
that it is not unsolicited, so don;t call it spam. The only reason I am
saying this is to clear up a misunderstanding a lot of people have. 

Thanks Chris !
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Re: MD: monauralizing algorithms

2000-09-26 Thread David W. Tamkin

Timothy Stockman wrote,

| L+R/2 is almost universally used.  FM broadcast is trasmitted this way for
| compatibility with monaural receivers.  The "mono" switch on preamplifiers
| does this.  However, this simple, almost universally used transformation
| does not provide a perfect mono version of a stereo source.

If that is not "perfect," then there must be some definition of perfection

| The reason is that stereo channels add by *power* acoustically, ...

Oh, that's the perfection we're seeking: averaging the power, ...

| ... whereas the electrical sum L+R/2 adds by *voltage*.

... rather than the voltage.

The sample amplitudes are voltages, right?  And power is proportional to the
square of the voltage, and volume proportional to the log of the power, right?

| Therefore, when recordings mixed with prominent
| material in the center of the sound image, such as vocals, bass, etc.  are
| electrically mixed to mono (L+R/2), the sounds in the center of the stereo
| will be 3dB higher in the resultant mono mix compared with those at the left
| or right edge (known in the recording industry as the "3dB center buildup").

3 dB more volume means twice the power ... OK.

| How to solve this?  sqrt(L^2+R^2) is one method.  This method would be
| particluarly good for a DSP implementation.

Where L=R, that will result in a 41% increase (as perhaps it should: it
should seem louder to hear the same volume from both channels than to hear
it from only one); yet I've been finding a decrease, which (L+R)/2 doesn't
explain either.

Also, sqrt(L^2+R^2) loses sign information [and so would my earlier thought
about the geometric mean].  Again, I'm not sure which numbers we're dealing
with there: amplitude? power? volume?  Power would never be negative, so
there is no sign information to worry about.  That brings up another problem
with using the geometric mean: silence in either channel would mute the other
channel.  The harmonic mean is also impossible, as it couldn't be calculated
when one channel is silent.

Maybe ... add the squares, take the square root of the sum, scale down to
70% (2^-.5) of the root, translate back to amplitude and figure out how to
assign the signs ...

but still, that's an ideal, and first I'd like to know what Sony decks cur-
rently do so that we can cope with it.

| Another method is to rotate the phase of the channels with an "all-pass"
| filter so that they are 90 degrees apart and add in quadrature.  This
| method is better for an analog implementation.

Sorry, the engineering concept of the rotation is over my head, and I've no
idea at all of what adding "in quadrature" might mean.

| I'd love to see a deck that implemented the first solution!

The first solution you mentioned [(L+R)/2] or the first one you suggested

Ah well, I'm just plain confused.

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Re: MD: Ok I got another one, but again, MOVE FAST it won't las

2000-09-26 Thread J. Coon

Simon Gardner wrote:
 Then stop being lazy and demanding that a list should change purpose to
 suit _you_. It's significantly easier for you to subscribe to a new list
 than the "digest-regular then filtering" process that you expect all the
 digest readers to go through.

The purpose of this list is to disseminate information about MD.  As
such, notice of sales or savings are part of it.  Newcomers join the
list to find out more about MD, where to buy it, and where to save money
on it.  MD should be promoted on one list, don't force newcomers to
subscribe to this list and the list for each vendor that sells MD

I have run into similar list problems several times before on other
lists.  They are always solved when people are informed on how to reduce
the burden of list traffic using the folders and filters.  Even if you
don't set a filter to remove the "coupon" posts, just having all the MD
stuff in one folder lets you sort according to subject line, by sender
or by date and delete or ignore topics you aren't interested.  

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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2000-09-26 Thread Adam Queripel

At the risk of angering you further, and incurring the wrath of your
ignoring my messages from now on, I for one did not ask to receive these
advertising messages (or, more accurately, I was not aware that this was a
commercial list when I joined).  Therefore I do consider them to be
unsolicited, and as such, spam.

 P.S -  Some have said what Peter is sending is spam. It is not. Spam is
 unsolicited e-mail, the simple fact that you subscribed to this list means
 that it is not unsolicited, so don;t call it spam. The only reason I am
 saying this is to clear up a misunderstanding a lot of people have.

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MD: down?

2000-09-26 Thread J. van de Griek


When did this happen? Everytime I try to access, I get a 404...
Did I miss some announcement, or is this a temporary thing?

Joost van de Griek
Applications Developer
Yacht ICT

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RE: MD: Ok I got another one, but again, MOVE FAST it won't las

2000-09-26 Thread Adam Queripel

Why can you not accept that some people, who are aware of the advantages and
disadvantages of each method, prefer to receive the digest version of the

 Jim Coon wrote:
 I have run into similar list problems several times before on other
 lists.  They are always solved when people are informed on how to reduce
 the burden of list traffic using the folders and filters.

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Re: MD: Sony MDX-C7900 death or common cold?

2000-09-26 Thread Shawn Lin

"J. C. R. Davis" wrote:
 My wife has a Sony MDX-C7900 in-dash MiniDisc player in her car.
 We've not had any problems with it for the last couple of years, but
 lately, when we insert a disc, at least half of the time the player
 will audible try to read the disc for about ten seconds, then spit it
 out with "BLANK" in the display.  On good discs, the player still
 reads for around seven seconds before playing sometimes.

I think Ralph is right on the money.  Your MDX is dying/dead.
I would get it fixed, and then try to dump it on Ebay for more than its
worth, and buy a new one.  Why?  Because after I got my MDX-400 repaired
(optical block replaced), it died TWO MORE TIMES, but repaired under the
30- (or was it 90?) day repair warranty.
I dumped it real quickly.  Funny thing too... the CD changer I had
repaired by Sony is exhibiting the same symptoms again.  I hate to say
it, but Sony repair techs are incompetent.
So, if I were you, I'd get it fixed and then GET RID OF IT!!!

Shawn - Free the Web
   Get your free Internet access at
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Re: MD: Digest mode vrs individual messages.

2000-09-26 Thread J. Coon

"J. van de Griek" wrote:
 No, you don't stoop to personal attacks, you rather attack whole groups of
 people at once. Your courage is commendable. Your behavior is not, however.

I attacked no one. I merrily attempted to explain the virtues of
individual posts, and how to set up filters for anyone that cared to try
it out.  I you don't want to hear about it, just delete the message and
stop trying to convince me that I am wrong.  

I have never been a customer of Kheops but I still think it is important
that some of the  list members are able to save their hard earned cash
and all I have to do is put up with a little irrelevant email.

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: coupons

2000-09-26 Thread las

Shawn, what ever happened to your MD price page??  I know that it was a lot
of hard work, but it was s great!!!


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Re: MD: coupons

2000-09-26 Thread J. Coon

las wrote:
 Shawn, what ever happened to your MD price page??  I know that it was a lot
 of hard work, but it was s great!!!

It was the greatest thing since toast

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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Re: MD: coupons

2000-09-26 Thread Shawn Lin

las wrote:
 Shawn, what ever happened to your MD price page??  I know that it was a lot
 of hard work, but it was s great!!!

It was too much work!  My #1 interest has always been automobiles, so
I've been spending a lot of time on my car pages and automotive message
boards.  As a result, I haven't had time to update the MD page.  I hate
to admit it, but my interest in MD has also waned a little since there
hasn't been anything new and exciting in the world of MD car audio
(which was my primary interest).
In fact, the world of MD car audio is kind of disappointing lately.

If I knew anything about programming, I'd love to write an auto updating
Price Watch page.  Vendors enter their info and their lowest price, and
the page automatically generates an HTML table with all the vendors and
their prices allowing sort options like "Sort by Price".

Shawn - Free the Web
   Get your free Internet access at
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MD: MZ-R90 Charging Weirdness

2000-09-26 Thread Nathan White


When I try to charge the battery (the supplied NH-14WM) the display flashes,
"CHARGING" but stops after 5-10 min. and goes blank.  Is it still charging?
I suspect not, but maybe I'm confused.  And no, the battery is not fully
charged . . . when I insert a disc and fire it up, the battery indicator is
very low.

This is the black Japan model.  The AC adaptor is 100V I think, I am in
Canada, where the outlet is rated at 120V. This could be a problem?

This is happening at home and at work.  Help!


Nathan White

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MD: Those MD boomboxes - why isn't anyone bothering to release them to Australia?

2000-09-26 Thread Simon Mackay

Hi everyone, especially those who live in Australia!

One issue that I find very perplexing regarding the MiniDisc format in
Australia is why aren't manufacturers releasing MD boomboxes into the
Australian market? The only MD boombox released in Australia so far has been
the JVC "bazooka-style" CD-MD-radio unit -- a very large unit for that
market segment.

Manufacturers could give the same old excuses like the weakening Australian
dollar or the market's too small; but why can't they try to release some of
these units into our market just to see if it is really worth it.

The boombox is still considered a very important product segment in the
Australian market because of its outdoor lifestyle. These units don't even
have to be battery-operated just to prove their worth in the Australian
outdoor culture. All that is required of them is to be a single-box unit
that is carried out to the backyard, plugged into the mains (whether into
the nearest power outlet or via an extension cord) and used to play music or
sports broadcasts as part of hte backyard activities like a barbecue;
outdoor playtime or even "handyman" work in the backyard. In some cases, I
have seen boomboxes and transistor radios perched on windowsills; with the
speakers facing the backyard (where the action is); and if the window is an
awning or casement type, the window leaf is closed just enough to stop the
boombox or radio falling out. Judging from a barbecue that I attended last
Saturday where a CD boombox was set up on a laundry windowsill with the
speakers facing the backyard, this unit's deep design made it very stable in
this situation.

It may be also true of the US, where there is still an outdoor culture, but
few MD boomboxes exist in that country.

I hope manufacturers and equipment retailers wake up and realise that they
still need to keep interest in that product segment in those countries where
the outdoor lifestyle matters.

With regards,

Simon Mackay

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MD: sharp mz 60=radio is BAD

2000-09-26 Thread susan

hi--I do a lot of radio listening and the sharp mz 60 (large MD CD TAPE
radio boombox) has an odd little wire antenna like thing for FM which keeps
cutting in and out. Most boomboxes are equipped wtih an antenna which can be
raised or rotated. Am I missing something?
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MD: md/puter

2000-09-26 Thread Matthew Wall

 === The original message was multipart MIME===
 === All non-text parts (attachments) have been removed ===

Hey all, this is on topic with md's and sound cards so hopefully this =
will be a welcome topic.  anyway i recently decided i had to upgrade my =
computer so i was looking at mb ideas, i ran across gigabyte's GA-6VXD7, =
a dual socket 370 mb, well anyway when ordered it, they didn't say =
anything about audio coming on board, so when i got it and saw that it =
was there i was more than a little disappointed that it was there i =
would rather use my own sound card.  anyway i started reading the =
manual(which is normally a mistake but in this case turned out to be =
good) anyway when i got to the audio portion i was very very very happy =
to learn that it has a MD optical out on it very similar to that of MD =
portables.  anyway i set it up and it worked great and i saved a pci =
slot.  anyway if anyone is looking to upgrade thier computer and is =
looking for a nice MB upgrade with optical out, i found it to be =
affordable, stable so far and working pretty well, btw fast too with =
dual cpu's.  anyway i just thought that someone might wanna know about =
this option for recording to MD's from thier computer and are looking to =
upgrade here too.

 === MIME part removed : text/html; ===

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