Re: [mb-style] Chinese releases

2013-02-26 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Rafa.Ctt wrote:
 Rachel Dwight wrote
 Nikki brought this thread to my attention, so here's my two cents. is mostly written
 by me, and my intention was that words should be grouped without
 spaces, as in yīnyuè. The example Bā dù kōngjiān and the link to points in this

 However, I don't believe it was ever discussed at the time. While it
 is the correct way, there are indeed cases where it's tricky to judge
 what is a word. Since I don't use transliterated releases myself, I
 don't have a strong opinion on what the guideline says on this point.

 Philip Jägenstedt

 I'm relatively new to the Chinese language, so my two cents may not be
 worth much, but I'd normally group hanzi together as long as they
 collectively form a single word; otherwise they ought to be separate to
 prevent confusion. Consider the case with Japanese romaji; we don't place
 each individual character (kana, kanji or otherwise) separately because
 there would be a whole world of confusion. I do agree it can be difficult
 for those who don't know the language very well, so we'd have to keep a
 list of resources in the guideline page.

 Thank Philip and Rachel for your comments. About Japanese romanization, I'm
 not a Japanese speaker, so I don't have an opinion about that. But I do know
 that Chinese and Japanese, although they share script, are completely
 different linguistacally, so I don't know how clear are the criteria for
 wording in Japanese. But anyway, I don't think a comparison between Chinese
 and Japanese is helpful, precisely because they are not related languages,
 and grammar and syntax work in different ways. For example, I know that some
 Japanese kanjis are used for polysyllabic words, what already points out
 that this set of syllables forms an unity, a word. That's not the case in
 Chinese, where every character is used for a single syllable (there is a
 couple of extremely rare exceptions for technical language). And
 furthermore, the features of Chinese language makes the wording criteria
 really loose, basically, and this is my opinion, because Chinese grammar
 doesn't need the concept of word, as we know it in English, but semantic
 unities, which are much more flexible than words.

 Anyway, Philip, thank you very much for your link, I didn't know this
 website. I acknowledge that for acadmic publications or punctual quotations
 in English (or latin script) texts the separation of the sentence into
 individual syllables wouldn't be acceptable. However, the purpose of having
 a transliterated pseudo-release in MusicBrainz is, in our opinion, to make
 Chinese releases easily searchable for either non Chinese readers or Chinese
 readers who can't type Chinese for any reason. So, the goal is to have a a
 priori criterion so that a query of a Chinese release or track would be
 succesful. We are uploading in CompMusic a collection of Beijing opera to
 MusicBrainz. At the beginning I discussed with my Chinese colleague how
 could be that criterion, but almost for every example (Beijing opera arias,
 not written in contemporary standard Chinese) we found disagreements. So we
 came to the conclusion that the easiest way, and the one that would get more
 successful results, would be to separate each syllable. Only for CD titles
 and tracks, and with the goal of making the search successful.

 I've already uploaded some pseudo-releases according to this proposal:
 Please, give it a look and chek how it looks. I'll talk with my colleague
 again about that website. And I'll love to hear your comments.

I haven't entered very many transliterated releases myself, but am not
surprised that trying to group by word results in disagreements and
would thus cause plenty of extra work. I had a look at
and think it looks good and I would certainly vote yes to these

If anyone has the energy, it wouldn't hurt to update to be explicit
about what kind of spacing is acceptable, if we can all agree.

Thanks for your hard work!

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Chinese releases

2013-02-18 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 6:00 PM, CARO REPETTO, RAFAEL wrote:

 2. For the transliteration of titles and tracks, and since there is no
 official consensus about it, we are planning to transliterate every single
 hanzi separately: 音乐 = yīn yuè, and not yīnyuè. As for capitals in titles
 and tracks, we think that only first syllables in the phrase, and those for
 proper names for people and places should be in capitals.

Nikki brought this thread to my attention, so here's my two cents. is mostly written
by me, and my intention was that words should be grouped without
spaces, as in yīnyuè. The example Bā dù kōngjiān and the link to points in this

However, I don't believe it was ever discussed at the time. While it
is the correct way, there are indeed cases where it's tricky to judge
what is a word. Since I don't use transliterated releases myself, I
don't have a strong opinion on what the guideline says on this point.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC STYLE-97: Move medley to an attribute of recording of v2

2012-08-01 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 4:56 AM, Calvin Walton 
 On Mon, 2012-07-30 at 21:52 +0200, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 I used the definition from the previous thread. The link phrases would
 just have medley added, e.g. live cover medley recording of.

 I like the idea, but on a technical note:

 Do you have any plans for how the data will be migrated from the old AR
 to the new one? There's a couple of options here, maybe:

  A. Have a developer write a script to do all the conversions
 automatically, server-side after the AR is created.
  B. Have a developer write a report showing things using the 'old'
 medley AR; it will only be deleted once the report is empty.

 Either one would be fine, but you'll have to find a developer to sponsor
 your request :)

 We have around 2500, so that's a pain, but I'd go with C) convince a
 bot owner to run a bot for this for a couple days.

 My thinking was to deprecate the existing AR so that new ones can't be
 added, like the earliest release AR. Is that easy enough to do? Then
 the ARs can be converted slowly with the help of reports and/or bots.

 That's trivial, yeah.

Great, is there anything else (other than a +1) I need before RFV,
i.e. do I need to update the existing medley AR to say it's

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC STYLE-97: Move medley to an attribute of recording of v2

2012-07-31 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 4:56 AM, Calvin Walton 
 On Mon, 2012-07-30 at 21:52 +0200, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 I used the definition from the previous thread. The link phrases would
 just have medley added, e.g. live cover medley recording of.

 I like the idea, but on a technical note:

 Do you have any plans for how the data will be migrated from the old AR
 to the new one? There's a couple of options here, maybe:

  A. Have a developer write a script to do all the conversions
 automatically, server-side after the AR is created.
  B. Have a developer write a report showing things using the 'old'
 medley AR; it will only be deleted once the report is empty.

 Either one would be fine, but you'll have to find a developer to sponsor
 your request :)

 We have around 2500, so that's a pain, but I'd go with C) convince a
 bot owner to run a bot for this for a couple days.

My thinking was to deprecate the existing AR so that new ones can't be
added, like the earliest release AR. Is that easy enough to do? Then
the ARs can be converted slowly with the help of reports and/or bots.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC STYLE-97: Move medley to an attribute of performance of

2012-07-30 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 6:41 AM, practik wrote:
 OK, here's a second attempt:

 On release and recording pages, the base phrase (medley of:) would be
 modified by adding any or all of the following:
   including covers 
   of parts 

 So if you selected all four attributes, the join phrase would be:
   live instrumental medley including covers of parts of:

 On work pages, the base phrase (included in medleys:) would be modified by
 adding any or all of the following:

 So if you selected all four attributes, the join phrase would be:
   covers partially included in live instrumental medleys:

 Does that seem workable?

 It also occurs to me that the wiki page for this RFC should be updated to
 reflect the current wording of

I've been annoyed by the inability to set live and cover attributes
for medley many times recently and was going to suggest exactly what
Alex has suggested. Alex, have you given up on this, or are you still
waiting for feedback from the developers?

As for the proposal above, is it still intended as an extra attribute
on the recoding-work recording of AR? If so, shouldn't we just add
an attribute to is a {partial} {live} {instrumental} {cover}
recording of to arrive at is a {partial} {live} {instrumental}
{cover} {medley} recording of?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] RFC STYLE-97: Move medley to an attribute of recording of v2

2012-07-30 Thread Philip Jägenstedt

I used the definition from the previous thread. The link phrases would
just have medley added, e.g. live cover medley recording of.

I wanted to add an example, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find a
single English-language recording with medley ARs starting from, please let me
know if you have an example. If all else fails, I'll just use an Eason
Chan medley as the example:

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC STYLE-97: Move medley to an attribute of recording of v2

2012-07-30 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 10:08 PM, Alex Mauer wrote:
 On 07/30/2012 02:52 PM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 I used the definition from the previous thread. The link phrases would
 just have medley added, e.g. live cover medley recording of.

 I wanted to add an example, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find a
 single English-language recording with medley ARs starting from, please let me
 know if you have an example. If all else fails, I'll just use an Eason
 Chan medley as the example:

 This might be a good example:

That has a live recording of AR in addition to the medley ARs, is
that wrong or is it really a full performance of Can you hear me?
followed by a medley? I figured out how to search for medley edits and
added a simpler example with Madonna to the wiki page, please

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFCish: Abandon Latin script sort names for Chinese artists

2012-07-25 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 10:08 AM, jesus2099 
 +1 no sort-names for Chinese artists
 +1 KATAKANA sort-names for Japanese artists at the same time

 Sortnames are also what we use to show latin names for artists in the
 inline search - changing that to work in some other way would be a
 pain (mostly because I can't see other way working well right now).

Would it be hard to use the best Latin alias, preferring English but
falling back to any available Latin-script sort name? The way I see is
this happening is a human-supervised bot to reset the sort names of
all Chinese artists while at the same time adding Latin-script

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFCish: Abandon Latin script sort names for Chinese artists

2012-07-23 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 4:23 AM, Calvin Walton wrote:
 On Sat, 2012-07-21 at 09:07 +0200, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Calvin Walton 
  On Fri, 2012-07-20 at 15:07 +0200, Philip Jägenstedt wrote: says:
  All artist sort names should be in Latin script. If the artist's name
  is normally written using a non-Latin script, use the Latin script
  translated or transliterated name by which the artist is most commonly
  For Chinese artists, this is problematic in several ways:
  TL;DR: Leave the artist Sort Name as Latin (if possible), and add an
  alias marked as Primary with the locale set to Chinese that has the
  correct Chinese name and an appropriate Sort Name.

 What is an appropriate sort name? If it is in Latin script, problems
 1-3 would remain.

 No, the sort name for a locale alias should be in whatever script
 someone in that locale would expect to use when sorting.

 In the Japanese locale the artist name might be in either Latin or
 Chinese characters (Kanji), but in either case the sort name would be in
 Kana (Hiragana or Katakana).

 For example, the top two Primary aliases shown on 
 demonstrate this.

Yeah, that looks good to me, assuming that Japanese is conventionally
sorted by kana and that's what people want to see in their music
libraries. It will cause a Japanese artist and a Chinese artist by the
same name to be sorted differently, but that is not a big problem to
me at least.

  Many of these same issues apply to Japanese artists as well, and we've
  been dealing with it. Instead of answering your RFC directly, I'm going
  to give you a vision of what I'm hoping will come about. (I'm still
  working out the details, but I hope to submit a proposal for an upcoming
  schema change release regarding the changes.)
  For legacy reasons, we really can't just redefine the artist sort name
  field at this point.

 What legacy reasons are those, that make it impossible to redefine to
 redefine the artist sort name but possible to remove it completely?

 For backwards compatibility, it would probably be necessary for the sort
 name field in the webservice API to return a Latin sort name even if we
 have something better - the real sort names will be in the alias section
 of the response.
 This will likely be done by making the top-level sort name field in the
 API use the sort name from a prioritized list of locales that use latin
 script. (e.g. use the English sort name if there is one, otherwise use
 French, ...)

 This might end up not being the case - I'd love it if a Musicbrainz
 developer would hop in with an opinion about whether we can change
 that :)

Clients that actually use the sort name for sorting would seem well
served by getting strings useful for sorting. I guess we're worried
about clients that use the sort name to get an English name? Would
it be a problem if they notice that it's not working very well and
that there's a new and better way to do the same thing?

My motivation for all of this is being able to remove my Picard hack
$set(artistsort,%artist%), so if the web service stays the same then
there's no point, for me.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFCish: Abandon Latin script sort names for Chinese artists

2012-07-21 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Calvin Walton wrote:
 On Fri, 2012-07-20 at 15:07 +0200, Philip Jägenstedt wrote: says:

 All artist sort names should be in Latin script. If the artist's name
 is normally written using a non-Latin script, use the Latin script
 translated or transliterated name by which the artist is most commonly

 For Chinese artists, this is problematic in several ways:

 TL;DR: Leave the artist Sort Name as Latin (if possible), and add an
 alias marked as Primary with the locale set to Chinese that has the
 correct Chinese name and an appropriate Sort Name.

What is an appropriate sort name? If it is in Latin script, problems
1-3 would remain.

 Many of these same issues apply to Japanese artists as well, and we've
 been dealing with it. Instead of answering your RFC directly, I'm going
 to give you a vision of what I'm hoping will come about. (I'm still
 working out the details, but I hope to submit a proposal for an upcoming
 schema change release regarding the changes.)

 For legacy reasons, we really can't just redefine the artist sort name
 field at this point.

What legacy reasons are those, that make it impossible to redefine to
redefine the artist sort name but possible to remove it completely?

 My proposal is to simply completely remove the artist name and sort-name
 field completely, and only use aliases. This is quite feasible now that
 the aliases support having the locale marked, and that we can set a
 Primary alias for a locale. That alias will have the appropriate
 locale-specific sort name attached.

 One additional mark will be added to aliases, to allow specifying a
 particular alias as being the artist's native name.

 Then, a preference will be added to the website to allow specifying
 whether you prefer to have artist names shown in your preferred locale
 (in which case it picks the alias marked as Primary for your locale),
 or whether you would like to see artist names shown in their own native
 languages (in which case it picks the Native locale alias).

 Picard could receive a similar option to allow picking which locale to
 grab the sort name from when tagging files.

This might be a good idea, but it seems that in practice the only
difference is that it allows us to assign a locale to the main artist
name. Whatever we want to with sort names surely isn't affected by

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] RFCish: Abandon Latin script sort names for Chinese artists

2012-07-20 Thread Philip Jägenstedt says:

All artist sort names should be in Latin script. If the artist's name
is normally written using a non-Latin script, use the Latin script
translated or transliterated name by which the artist is most commonly

For Chinese artists, this is problematic in several ways:

1. Not all artists are known under a Latin script name at all, in
which case one must be fabricated.
2. There are many romanization systems for Chinese
( and not always
possible to know which is appropriate. For example, for unknown
composers/lyricist on a Hong Kong artist's Mandarin release for the
Taiwan market, one must guess if the person is from Hong Kong, Taiwan
or somewhere else and pick a system based on that.
3. The sort names are useless for actually sorting Chinese artists, in
particular for groups like 黑冥煞 (Inferno Requiem) vs 黑名單工作室 (Black List
Studio) but also for artists like 劉畊宏 (Liu, Will) vs 劉德華 (Liu, Andy).
4. Sort names have traditionally been used to provide a Latin-script
artist name, but that doesn't work for Chinese artists since the
correct order is unknown. Tsai, Chin is customarily Tsai Chin
while Tsai, Jolin is customarily Jolin Tsai.

As of late, I've been giving up on setting sort names when I run into
point 2, but there are many artists with bogus romanizations in the
system added over the years. Point 4 hints at the solution -- aliases.

Suggestion: For Chinese artists, simply use the name as the sort name
and use aliases for tagging and tooltips on the web site where needed.

Thoughts? Are there changes to Picard and/or the website that would be
needed before making this change? Are there other locales with the
same problems where it would also be beneficial to abandon Latin
script sort names?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Sampling at the composition/work level

2012-07-02 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 9:16 AM, practik wrote:

 Philip Jägenstedt wrote

 On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:56 PM, monxton wrote:
 In any case, a work-work relationship gives more information, because it
 tells you which of Beethoven's works is quoted. This is much more useful
 than just setting Beethoven as the composer.

 If we can agree on the work-work AR perhaps the rest will fall into
 place, but how broad should it be. The wording I used in the
 annotations was includes elements of and incorporates part of. I
 suppose that the AR we invent should also be used for Beethoven's
 variations of Mozart compositions, how would someone with a clue about
 classical phrase the relationship between two such works?

 I've had the idea of such a work-work relationship on my AR wish list for a
 while now.  A pretty common term I've seen in the classical context is
 quotation,* but I personally would prefer to see us use a broader term lke
 adaptation.  To me, quotation implies a straight reproduction of a
 section of the original work, without changing it, but I feel like lyricists
 and composers often rework the original material, at least in the pop

 An example:  The line And everything depends upon how near you sleep to
 me, from Leonard Cohen's song Take This Longing, is quoted in Hand in
 Glove by The Smiths, except the word sleep is replaced by stand.  It's
 not quotation in the strictest sense of the word, but it's still clearly a
 reference to Cohen.  Semantically, adaptation would encompass this sort of
 thing nicely.

 And in fact, we have a suggested phrasing for such a relationship, courtesy
 of caller#6: [work] includes [lyrics|music] adapted from [work].**

 As for how broad to make it, I'd suggest using it only for works that
 incorporate parts of other works, and not for works that are themselves
 adaptations of other works, since we can use the version of relationship
 for that.  And I'd say we shouldn't use it for medleys, although it would
 technically apply to them, since we have the work-work medley relationship
 for those.


 ** See for context.

[work] includes [lyrics|music] adapted from [work] sounds good to
me, at least it would work in the cases that I have encountered. Are
you interested in pursuing an RFC/RFV for this?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Sampling at the composition/work level

2012-07-01 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:56 PM, monxton wrote:
 On 30/06/2012 19:39, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 9:35 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren  wrote:

 I don't really see a big issue with listing Beethoven as composer,
 although I know monxton and I won't agree on this one.

 As I said in the edit, there are at least two reasons why I don't like
 it. First, because Beethoven obviously did not compose this this work.
 But even if it was closer to Beethoven's work than it is, I dislike to
 see these mashups among the list of works that Beethoven composed - it
 just seems wrong, and I think it discredits the database.

 In any case, a work-work relationship gives more information, because it
 tells you which of Beethoven's works is quoted. This is much more useful
 than just setting Beethoven as the composer.

Note that Beethoven is listed as a composer on the same level as 陳輝陽
in the music video ( which
says 作曲: 陳輝陽/貝多芬. I don't know what the booklet says, but it would be
a bit weird if the two composers couldn't be deduced without ambiguity
from the data we have.

If we can agree on the work-work AR perhaps the rest will fall into
place, but how broad should it be. The wording I used in the
annotations was includes elements of and incorporates part of. I
suppose that the AR we invent should also be used for Beethoven's
variations of Mozart compositions, how would someone with a clue about
classical phrase the relationship between two such works?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Series support discussion

2012-07-01 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 Hi! Sending this here mainly because it has more active users than
 mb-users anyway...

 So, in October we'll have the next schema change release, and I would
 like to get series support into it (or, failing that, into next May's
 release). For that, we'd need a new entity (which devs seem happy
 with) and an interface, and to decide exactly what we want our series
 support to be. So, let's discuss that!

 My current idea is a pretty simple thing: a series has an MBID, a
 name, and a list of things (releases or recordings [1]) in an order.
 Is there anything else they need?

 UI issues are:

 How to display them?
 My current answer is just a list, with all the stuff for editing
 shown only when in the /edit URL like for other entities

 How to edit a series?
 My current answer is making the edit series page a series of search
 fields, where you can both search for the stuff inline or (probably
 easier) just paste the URLs in

 How to add new stuff to a series?
 The main options are Add at the bottom (like for tracklists) or
 Insert button after every line. The former is cleaner, the latter
 might be more useful - but is it worth it? Or will we be adding stuff
 in order anyway in most cases?

 How to change the order?
 Drag and drop is hard, but arrows can be a pain if you can only add
 stuff in the end to begin with. Of course, it would be less of an
 issue if we decide to allow to add stuff at every position. Starting
 with arrows is probably simpler, with other options added
 post-schema-change if needed.

 How to remove stuff from a series?
 A simple X button should do, like in tracklists, I'd say.

 So, what have I forgotten, what sounds wrong, etc? :)

 [1]  for video series, like and
 standalone-recording podcast series.

What's the use case? Do series correspond to some real-world concept
with official standing, or is it for users to make lists of favorite
songs? Can one make lists of any entity, or just recordings and

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Sampling at the composition/work level

2012-06-30 Thread Philip Jägenstedt

In short, I know of at least 3 works where a well-known piece of music
was sampled in a new work:

The version of work-work AR seems inappropriate, so what to do?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] What to do with High Quality?

2012-06-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 3:59 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 So, I think everyone agrees that the current High Quality option sucks
 horribly, is only good to annoy editors and should be avoided like the
 plague. Our whole quality system needs a re-think, really, but until
 that is done, I can see three main options for HQ:

 1) keep as it is but rename to Protected, so it will only be used in
 the cases where there's any use in making editing a specific release
 difficult (because it's being vandalised or whatever)

 2) remove the restrictions - make HQ be just an indication of the data quality

 3) remove HQ altogether

 What sounds better?

I've been using HQ for releases where every single credit that can be
added from the booklet has been added and the titles are exactly as
they should. That being said, I could just as well have used tags to
keep track of that, since making it harder to edit was never my main
objective. I would be fine with 3.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Work type documentation

2012-06-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 4:51 AM, Stephen wrote:

 On Jun 21, 2012, at 4:25 PM, practik wrote:

 I'm kind of in favor of 3, actually.  Now that I think about it, song
 seems so broad as to be meaningless, so why keep it?

 Song does apply to some cases in non-popular music, and should be retained 
 for those. Otherwise, I agree. I think that work type is a classification 
 that doesn't apply to popular music, and I'd support a proposal to simply not 
 use the field in that case.

Are you interested in putting that up for RFC? Right now things are in
limbo, which is very unsatisfactory.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Work type documentation

2012-06-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 6:30 PM, Stephen wrote:

 Instead of inviting confusion by insisting on a dichotomy between 'song' and 
 'instrumental', why not call for a way to specify 'does not have lyrics' or 
 'does not have vocals' on a work? That seems very reasonable. But I don't 
 think that information really fits in work type.

I think a [No lyrics] options is a good idea, I've filed to request that.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Style/Language/Swedish

2012-06-19 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 1:48 PM, symphonick wrote:
 2012/6/10 Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren

 On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Philip Jägenstedt
  On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
  On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Philip Jägenstedt
  On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 11:35 AM, symphonick
  Updated the proposal. Thanks for all suggestions.
  The English version doesn't say the same thing as the Swedish one now.
  Simple fix that doesn't go into crazy detail:
  Capitalize the first word of a sentence and names of e.g. people or
  I don't really think they *need* to say exactly the same (or rather,
  to explain it in the same detail), since I expect a Swedish editor to
  know what qualifies as a proper noun in Swedish... (unless the day
  names etc count too).
  Sure, but names of people or places is wrong by being too specific,
  I'd be fine with something more vague like names or proper nouns
  and trusting Swedish editors to know what that means, or having as a reference.

 Is this ready for RFV? :)

 Missing a +1.

 Philip, Per: could you either +1 this or provide an alternative
 wording? :) proper nouns would probably make sense in Swedish while
 in English it probably should be explained more explicitly, but of
 course I don't know Swedish so I can't help too much there...

I suggest the vaguer Capitalize the first word of a sentence and
names. and would happily +1 that.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Style/Language/Swedish

2012-06-02 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 11:22 PM, Lauri Watts wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 9:40 PM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:10 PM, symphonick wrote:

 The first part of the Swedish section can be simplified to:

 Använd versaler i början av en mening och egennamn.

 A matching English section could be:

 Capitalize the first word of a sentence and proper nouns.

 That's a little misleading for native english speakers, where proper nouns 
 are capitalised includes things like days of the week and months of the year,
 as well as (some) pronouns and various other things that aren't in
 most languages.

 A little precision is easier in the long term:
 Perhaps Capitalize the first word of a sentence and the names of
 people or places.

That excludes the names of companies, pets, brand names and probably
more. Perhaps it would be better to name the notable differences from

Capitalize the first word of a sentence and proper nouns. Do not
capitalize weekdays and months. could be used as a source.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Style/Language/Swedish

2012-06-02 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 11:35 AM, symphonick wrote:

 Updated the proposal. Thanks for all suggestions.

The English version doesn't say the same thing as the Swedish one now.
Simple fix that doesn't go into crazy detail:

Capitalize the first word of a sentence and names of e.g. people or places.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Style/Language/Swedish

2012-06-02 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 11:35 AM, symphonick wrote:

 Updated the proposal. Thanks for all suggestions.

 The English version doesn't say the same thing as the Swedish one now.
 Simple fix that doesn't go into crazy detail:

 Capitalize the first word of a sentence and names of e.g. people or places.

 I don't really think they *need* to say exactly the same (or rather,
 to explain it in the same detail), since I expect a Swedish editor to
 know what qualifies as a proper noun in Swedish... (unless the day
 names etc count too).

Sure, but names of people or places is wrong by being too specific,
I'd be fine with something more vague like names or proper nouns
and trusting Swedish editors to know what that means, or having as a reference.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Style/Language/Swedish

2012-06-01 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:10 PM, symphonick wrote:

The first part of the Swedish section can be simplified to:

Använd versaler i början av en mening och egennamn.

A matching English section could be:

Capitalize the first word of a sentence and proper nouns.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Merging Eurovision Song Contest: Baku 2012 (again)

2012-05-28 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 6:22 PM, Per Starbäck wrote:

 I noticed that at the official
 EuroVisionShop at
 where it says that

   All customers which already bought the CD will get the new version
 with the correct recording
   of the Norwegian contender, Stay by Tooij.

 I wonder if the (good) release we have in MBz is the old or the new one.
 If you buy it from that webshop, do you get a Tuvalu release (.tv)? :-)

The filename of Tooji's Stay bought from is 32
Stay (Eurovision 2012 - Norway) **.mp3 No other song has ** in the
filename so my guess is that I have the updated version. For research
purposes I found an early FLAC rip of the release and compared the
tracks in Audacity: As you can see, the
MP3 is louder. After normalizing the levels I can still hear a
difference, but it could just be due to more dynamic compression on
the MP3. If someone has copy bought from
after the note about this track was added I could compare.

If the DiscID is different I suppose a separate release and recording
should be added, but assuming it still has the same packaging I don't
know how to determine a release date. If two pressings can be
confirmed, I obviously don't think we should have two releases for
each country, that would be twice as annoying...

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Merging Eurovision Song Contest: Baku 2012 (again)

2012-05-27 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
Andii disagreed, so I'd like to have a proper vote in

The issue as I see it is whether or not we should have separate
MusicBrainz releases for the same physical release sold in most of or
all of Europe, where it may have been available at different dates in
different countries. (Should it turn out that the release differs
physically between countries then the issue is moot.)

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Merging Eurovision Song Contest: Baku 2012 (again)

2012-05-27 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Andii Hughes wrote:
 On 27 May 2012 19:55, Andii Hughes wrote:
 On 27 May 2012 19:12, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 Andii disagreed, so I'd like to have a proper vote in

 The issue as I see it is whether or not we should have separate
 MusicBrainz releases for the same physical release sold in most of or
 all of Europe, where it may have been available at different dates in
 different countries. (Should it turn out that the release differs
 physically between countries then the issue is moot.)

 The concept of a release in MusicBrainz includes the release date.  Hence,
 a release with a different date is a different MusicBrainz release, though 
 may share the same tracklisting.

 I've created

 for what I believe is the underlying issue here; that there is no easy
 way to make
 edits to a tracklist shared by multiple releases (to my knowledge).

That is not the issue, the issue is that these are (AFAIK) the same
physical release. Splitting it into one release per country has

 * We'll need one release per European country where this is available for sale.
 * ARs and cover art for that physical release will have to be
duplicated once per release.
 * Given the physical album, there's no way to tell which MusicBrainz
release it corresponds to without also knowing where it was purchased.

If there is a schema change solution to the problem, it would be to
allow multiple pairs of release dates and countries per release. In
the absence of that, I think the better trade-off is to have a single
release and possibly add annotations for any interesting per-country
delays of the release.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Merging Eurovision Song Contest: Baku 2012 (again)

2012-05-27 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 10:14 PM, Andii Hughes wrote:
 On 27 May 2012 20:27, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Andii Hughes 
 On 27 May 2012 19:55, Andii Hughes wrote:
 On 27 May 2012 19:12, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 Andii disagreed, so I'd like to have a proper vote in

 The issue as I see it is whether or not we should have separate
 MusicBrainz releases for the same physical release sold in most of or
 all of Europe, where it may have been available at different dates in
 different countries. (Should it turn out that the release differs
 physically between countries then the issue is moot.)

 The concept of a release in MusicBrainz includes the release date.  Hence,
 a release with a different date is a different MusicBrainz release, though 
 may share the same tracklisting.

 I've created

 for what I believe is the underlying issue here; that there is no easy
 way to make
 edits to a tracklist shared by multiple releases (to my knowledge).

 That is not the issue, the issue is that these are (AFAIK) the same
 physical release.

 Releases in MB don't represent just a physical release, they represent
 an event.  See:

 which explains why this was changed from listing just event data on a
 single release (Amazon links, etc.)

We no longer have the concept of release events, just release groups
and releases. doesn't clearly
say what a release represents.

 Splitting it into one release per country has

  * We'll need one release per European country where this is available for 

 So?  That's the purpose of having releases easily created with the
 same tracklist.  Also how do you know
 that the countries where this is on sale meet this ambiguous Europe
 setting?  How do you know that some
 of them haven't been translated into the native language of the
 country, necessitating a different tracklist?

 You just seem to want to make a sweeping generalisation about all
 releases that may or may not exist for
 no good reason as far as I can tell.  The reason we have releases and
 release groups is so we can have more
 than one release under the same title.

If any country has a physically different release, that should of
course be a different release in MusicBrainz. The whole premise is
that the releases are in fact the same, as at least the Swedish, UK
and German ones appear to be. I could be wrong, but I'd be really
surprised if there are several variants of this release already.

  * ARs and cover art for that physical release will have to be
 duplicated once per release.

 Cover art may be different.  As I say, you haven't seen all these
 releases.  I agree we do need a way of sharing
 cover art.  I've already raised this, but then the feature is fairly new.

 Most ARs should be either on recordings or specific to the event (e.g.
 Amazon links).  I agree there are some
 that may be apply to the whole group.  I raised this here:

That wouldn't work since release groups can contain releases that are
actually different, as in having different cover art, labels, masters,
etc. We have no way to express that two releases are physically the

It looks like is the
best solution to avoid duplicate ARs and cover art, the question is
just what to do until that's been implemented.

  * Given the physical album, there's no way to tell which MusicBrainz
 release it corresponds to without also knowing where it was purchased.

 The person who bought it usually knows.  And given the tracklists are
 shared, it doesn't seem like a huge issue to me.  They are pretty
 interchangeable - isn't that your whole point to start with?

My point is that it's weird if a single pressing of a release end up
as multiple releases in MusicBrainz and that which release a copy
belongs to depends on where it was shipped and sold.

 If there is a schema change solution to the problem, it would be to
 allow multiple pairs of release dates and countries per release.

 Which we had before NGS.  It's too restrictive on those where more
 does differ between releases.

Nobody has suggested merging releases which can be physically
distinguished or going back to anything like we had before NGS.

 the absence of that, I think the better trade-off is to have a single
 release and possibly add annotations for any interesting per-country
 delays of the release.

 Sorry but no.  Moving all the release data to an annotation is not
 acceptable when there is a perfectly acceptable way of adding the data
 properly in a machine-readable

Re: [mb-style] RFV-346. Style/Language/Vietnamese : Punctuation change

2012-05-17 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 3:44 PM, jesus2099 
 Here is my re-phrase as now RFV-333 can be bypassed (according to Réo) :

 I speak of this RFV-346 compromise. :)
 Which is a compromise between my always space and your never space.

 The problem with your more recent version is that it’s less of a compromise
 as it systematically chooses the never space on a big amount of entities
 (never space on recordings, release-groups and works), letting the as is
 style on tracklists only.

 This is why I prefer the compromise version (RFV-346).
 Or, to the limit, your new version with the following change could be
 reasonably acceptable too :
 « Never space on recordings, release-groups and works. »
 « Never space on recordings, release-groups and works IF AND ONLY WHEN

 This sounds reasonable to me, and easy to apply too (follow cover
 unless covers disagree).

I could live with that as well.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-346. Style/Language/Vietnamese : Punctuation change

2012-05-17 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 3:44 PM, jesus2099 
 Here is my re-phrase as now RFV-333 can be bypassed (according to Réo) :

 I speak of this RFV-346 compromise. :)
 Which is a compromise between my always space and your never space.

 The problem with your more recent version is that it’s less of a compromise
 as it systematically chooses the never space on a big amount of entities
 (never space on recordings, release-groups and works), letting the as 
 style on tracklists only.

 This is why I prefer the compromise version (RFV-346).
 Or, to the limit, your new version with the following change could be
 reasonably acceptable too :
 « Never space on recordings, release-groups and works. »
 « Never space on recordings, release-groups and works IF AND ONLY WHEN

 This sounds reasonable to me, and easy to apply too (follow cover
 unless covers disagree).

 I could live with that as well.

 \o/ Does this mean we have an agreement? \o/

Let's see. I've updated
to say:

If the cover includes space before punctuation (like in French) this
should be preserved. If the punctuation style is inconsistent between
releases, do not include space before punctuation in recording,
release group or work titles.

Tristan, is that phrasing acceptable to you?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-346. Style/Language/Vietnamese : Punctuation change

2012-05-14 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:58 AM, jesus2099 wrote:

 So, Nikki, Nicolás, could this RFV be settled down and pass so we can
 eventually apply this compromise ? (3)

Which compromise is it you want to apply? You didn't approve of the
one I suggested and I'm not aware of any other.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] pre-RFC2-320: Revised Sort Name Style - identifying the problems that need fixing

2012-05-13 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 7:28 PM, caller#6 wrote:
 Hi all,

 as discussed recently[1], there are a few problems with the logic of
 sort names.

 I'd like to identify them before starting in on a guideline revision.

I haven't read all of the previous thread(s) on this topic so I'm not
sure what kind of solution you're consider, but if you're looking for
problems, Chinese artists have them. For Chinese, the sort name is in
fact Latin-script name with added commas and is not at all useful
for sorting. I have to set up Picard to use the artist name as the
sort name, since Unicode order at least keeps similarly named artists
together. Examples:

These 3 artists with the same family name (周) end up in 3 different
places because of the different romanization systems used on the
mainland, in Taiwan and in Hong Kong:

周杰倫 Chou, Jay
周潤發 Chow, Yun-Fat
周迅 Zhou, Xun

Here's a sample of groups with random sort order:

水木年华 Age of Water and Wood
壞女兒 Bad Daughter
黑名單工作室 Black List Studio
董事長樂團 Chairman
冷血动物 Cold Blooded Animal
冷酷仙境 Cold Fairyland
可米小子 Comic Boyz
深白色2人組 Deep White
飛輪海 Fahrenheit
鐵竹堂 Iron Bamboo
五月天 Mayday
南拳媽媽 Nan Quan Mama
自然捲 Natural Q
新裤子 New Pants
團契遊樂園 Playground
動力火車 Power Station
果味VC Super VC
超级市场 Supermarket
女子十二乐坊 Twelve Girls Band

I image that any non-Latin script would have the same problems, at
least those with multiple romanization systems or where the
romanization does not produce the correct order anyway.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] pre-RFC2-320: Revised Sort Name Style - identifying the problems that need fixing

2012-05-13 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 7:28 PM, caller#6 wrote:
 Hi all,

 as discussed recently[1], there are a few problems with the logic of
 sort names.

 I'd like to identify them before starting in on a guideline revision.

 I haven't read all of the previous thread(s) on this topic so I'm not
 sure what kind of solution you're consider, but if you're looking for
 problems, Chinese artists have them. For Chinese, the sort name is in
 fact Latin-script name with added commas and is not at all useful
 for sorting. I have to set up Picard to use the artist name as the
 sort name, since Unicode order at least keeps similarly named artists
 together. Examples:

 These 3 artists with the same family name (周) end up in 3 different
 places because of the different romanization systems used on the
 mainland, in Taiwan and in Hong Kong:

 周杰倫 Chou, Jay
 周潤發 Chow, Yun-Fat
 周迅 Zhou, Xun

 Here's a sample of groups with random sort order:

 水木年华 Age of Water and Wood
 壞女兒 Bad Daughter
 黑名單工作室 Black List Studio
 董事長樂團 Chairman
 冷血动物 Cold Blooded Animal
 冷酷仙境 Cold Fairyland
 可米小子 Comic Boyz
 深白色2人組 Deep White
 飛輪海 Fahrenheit
 鐵竹堂 Iron Bamboo
 五月天 Mayday
 南拳媽媽 Nan Quan Mama
 自然捲 Natural Q
 新裤子 New Pants
 團契遊樂園 Playground
 動力火車 Power Station
 果味VC Super VC
 超级市场 Supermarket
 女子十二乐坊 Twelve Girls Band

 I image that any non-Latin script would have the same problems, at
 least those with multiple romanization systems or where the
 romanization does not produce the correct order anyway.

 Philip: Language-based sorting should be possible once we release the
 schema change on Tuesday that will allow to set sortnames to aliases.
 Of course, Picard will need to be taught to use them, and they will
 need to be added manually, but it's a step in the right direction. (I
 mentioned it before but admittedly the thread is quite long now :) )

OK, I'll have to try that after the release and see if it helps. I
wanted to test it on but bumped into

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] pre-RFC2-320: Revised Sort Name Style - identifying the problems that need fixing

2012-05-13 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Nikki wrote:
 I was wondering about that actually. How do Chinese speakers normally
 sort Chinese names?

In the record stores in Beijing I've been I haven't been able to
discern any particular order at all, things have instead been grouped
by popularity, genre, record label and things like that. In HMV
Singapore I remember that artists were sorted by their Hanyu Pinyin
name, but still with Chinese artists separate from the non-Chinese. I
don't remember what HMV in Hong Kong was like, but I was able to find
things to buy!

More generally, sorting in Chinese seems to be either by radical and
stroke count (a traditional Chinese dictionary from Taiwan that I
have) or by Hanyu Pinyin (my mainland simplified Chinese dictionary).
However, both of these systems are only for sorting individual
characters, sorting whole names using either system would still give
the wrong result for characters that have the same romanization or
same radical and stroke count.

How about Japanese, are the sort names we have for those artists useful?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] pre-RFC2-320: Revised Sort Name Style - identifying the problems that need fixing

2012-05-13 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Nikki wrote:
 Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Nikki wrote:
 In the record stores in Beijing I've been I haven't been able to
 discern any particular order at all, things have instead been grouped
 by popularity, genre, record label and things like that. In HMV
 Singapore I remember that artists were sorted by their Hanyu Pinyin
 name, but still with Chinese artists separate from the non-Chinese. I
 don't remember what HMV in Hong Kong was like, but I was able to find
 things to buy!

 More generally, sorting in Chinese seems to be either by radical and
 stroke count (a traditional Chinese dictionary from Taiwan that I
 have) or by Hanyu Pinyin (my mainland simplified Chinese dictionary).
 However, both of these systems are only for sorting individual
 characters, sorting whole names using either system would still give
 the wrong result for characters that have the same romanization or
 same radical and stroke count.

 Ah, interesting (and complicated!). What about on label sites? Japanese
 labels at least tend to have a sorted list of artists.

Here are artist/music pages of some Taiwanese labels:

AFAICT, artists simply aren't sorted by name at all, and I can't
recall ever seeing a Chinese music site that uses sorting as a way of
organizing things. As for music players, I suppose that people have
learned to live with the Unicode sort order, at least I have by now...

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Allowing use of other databases

2012-05-11 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 +1 from me as well.

 (I can't think of any external applications possibly using the
 ibdb/iobdb ARs, so it should be fine to merge them IMO.


 So, people are OK with a whitelist? Then, let's see if we can agree on
 a first batch of pages to add to it. Let's add all the ones we think
 would be useful during the next two days or so to the preliminary list

 After a couple days, I'll freeze the list and RFC for allowing the use
 of other databases - then if someone disagrees with a specific page I
 will drop it from the list (and it can be proposed separately in more
 detail and with better arguments later).

 Go add some! :)

+1, and I added a link to which I use all
the time when editing Taiwan releases.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-346. Style/Language/Vietnamese : Punctuation change

2012-04-29 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 02:00, jesus2099 wrote:

 So, Nikki, Nicolás, could this RFV be settled down and pass so we can
 eventually apply this compromise ? (2)

If both of us find
acceptable, can't we simply skip directly to RFC/RFV of that proposal?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] RFC: Capitalization Standard Vietnamese (track/release titles)

2012-04-29 Thread Philip Jägenstedt

I believe this would be the first guideline applying different rules
to track and recording titles since RFC-333: Unify track/recording

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Should radio edit and similar go in recording title or annotation?

2012-04-02 Thread Philip Jägenstedt reminded me of this issue, which
I haven't understood since the introduction of NGS.

One the one hand, disambiguation comments aren't used for tagging
(right?) so moving information there would produce some broken tags
for people who use normalized tagging in Picard. On the other hand,
disambiguation comments are shown in parenthesis after the titles
everywhere on the website, which really invites moving some things in
(parenthesis) to the disambiguation comments to make things look nice
and tidy. doesn't really provide any
explicit guidance, only a broken link to Into the Blue (Beatmasters
mix) ...

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Should radio edit and similar go in recording title or annotation?

2012-04-02 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 22:58, lorenz pressler wrote:
 Am 02.04.2012, 22:36 Uhr, schrieb Philip Jägenstedt reminded me of this issue, which
 I haven't understood since the introduction of NGS.

 One the one hand, disambiguation comments aren't used for tagging
 (right?) so moving information there would produce some broken tags
 for people who use normalized tagging in Picard. On the other hand,
 disambiguation comments are shown in parenthesis after the titles
 everywhere on the website, which really invites moving some things in
 (parenthesis) to the disambiguation comments to make things look nice
 and tidy.

 recording - disamig. comment only
 tracklist - if its on the tracklist then it should be included in the

Is this documented anywhere, and is it how everyone is actually
editing? Is no one using the recording-level data for tagging, or are
you including disambiguation comments in all files to, well,

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC STYLE-102: Change Performance Relationship Type to Recording Relationship Type

2012-03-28 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 00:22, Nikki wrote:
 Note that we're not allowed to rename relationships, so the actual name
 of the relationship type will need to remain as performance. The link
 phrases can be updated of course.

Do you mean that the names in the XML Web service mustn't change, or
even what the dropdown box in our UI says? If only a part of what is
visible to users is changed I think that the inconsistency is worse
than the problem it fixes.

 I really don't see the point in changing the class, but since I think we
 should get rid of the whole class concept (whatever it even is) anyway,
 I don't care enough to argue against it.

Can you elaborate on this? Is it recordings we shouldn't have, or a
separation between different kinds of recordings?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC STYLE-102: Change Performance Relationship Type to Recording Relationship Type

2012-03-28 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 08:47, Nikki wrote:
 Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 00:22, Nikki wrote:
 Note that we're not allowed to rename relationships, so the actual name
 of the relationship type will need to remain as performance. The link
 phrases can be updated of course.

 Do you mean that the names in the XML Web service mustn't change, or
 even what the dropdown box in our UI says? If only a part of what is
 visible to users is changed I think that the inconsistency is worse
 than the problem it fixes.

 The former (the dropdowns use the link phrases, hence all the curly
 brackets). The name is shown on however.

OK. I'm not sure I think changing the name partially is worth it, but
I also don't care enough to argue about it.

 I really don't see the point in changing the class, but since I think we
 should get rid of the whole class concept (whatever it even is) anyway,
 I don't care enough to argue against it.

 Can you elaborate on this? Is it recordings we shouldn't have, or a
 separation between different kinds of recordings?

 Hmm? The class is just a category in the wiki with a special name.

Oh, I thought you were talking about something about the schema.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Mixing simplified and traditional Chinese

2012-03-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
If there are any editors familiar with Chinese on this list, please
comment on and vote on

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Featured artists: tracklists vs recordings

2012-03-05 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
I was looking at
and thought I'd fix a few of the Chinese cases, at the very end of the
list. However, it turns out I really don't understand and how to
apply it to tracklists and recordings.

as an example, you can see the cover at The relevant
track are listed on the cover as:

Machi vs. 麻吉
Let it go vs. 蕭亞軒
分開旅行 vs. 劉若英

At the tracklist level, am I correct to assume that e.g. the 2nd of
these should be normalized to have the title Let It Go and the
artist 黃立行 vs. 蕭亞軒?

At the recording level, do we normalize to use  feat.  as the join
phrase there, or do we change it only if two releases disagree?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Featured artists: tracklists vs recordings

2012-03-05 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
2012/3/5 Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren

 Most people I know only normalise ft., featuring and the like to
 feat. - keeping with or vs. or any other credit like that

OK, also at the recording level? I've done that to
with recordings now, but looking at
I'm not sure I'd be impressed if the artist credits were a wild mix,
but I guess I'll come back to that when it happens...

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-346. Style/Language/Vietnamese : Punctuation change

2012-02-29 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 15:35, Rupert Swarbrick wrote:
 jesus2099  Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 ... lots.

 Guys, you have been discussing this for quite some time, frantically
 scoring points against each other and arguing that the other is not
 following a reputed source. You then both agreed that you should get
 input from a style leader.

 Nikki basically pointed out that this really doesn't matter to
 MusicBrainz: there are very few releases where the question makes any
 difference, and these have been de facto standardised.

 As such, your continuing discussion in this forum is off topic, as well
 as bitter and unpleasant. Maybe it's time to agree to disagree?

Thank you for interrupting us. While this is the appropriate forum for
RFC/RFV of style guidelines, I do apologize for the state of
discourse. I have tried very hard to stay on topic and not do
point-by-point replies for every detail I disagree with, but have not
always succeeded.

I believe that the references and studies I have documented will
stand up to scrutiny by third parties and that the conclusion is
clear. The RFV has gotten its V, so I will not reply further unless
explicitly asked to do so by one of our style leaders.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-346. Style/Language/Vietnamese : Punctuation change

2012-02-28 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 18:06, Nikki wrote:
 Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 If deemed necessary, I can ask my wife (currently in Hanoi) to contact
 the ministry of education and ask what style is considered correct in
 higher education. It's possible that they don't know or care, of
 course. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to check what style
 they use on their website

 Although I suspect the answer is that they don't know or care, I would
 certainly be interested in knowing what they have to say about it, if
 she'd be willing to ask.

Thanks for your feedback, Nikki,

I've asked my wife to help me research this matter again. She does not
think that the Ministry of Education would be able to help us
determine offical-ness, since their mission is to teach Vietnamese,
not regulate it. It is also not their mission to answer random
questions from the public (my bad), so they're unlikely to escalate
the issue to the required level to get a stamped official answer.
However, she was able to find no less than 3 different style guides
for Vietnamese, all explicitly requiring the no-spaces style:


This is from the Hanoi GNU/Linux Users Group. Judging by the
references at the bottom, it is very well researched and trustworthy.


When I last looked I couldn't find any official style of the
Vietnamese Wikipedia, but here it is. That the many editors of the
Vietnamese Wikipedia have collectively agreed on the issue is IMHO
strong support for our current guideline.


This is from marketing training material. I think that it doesn't have
the weight of the two above sources, but it does show that marketing
people (not only geeks) have also thought about the issue and come to
the same conclusion.

( was also
mentioned in the original RFC/RFV cycle, but it merely notes that the
case without a space before punctuation is dominant.)

 There are not enough people who care to come to a majority decision
 about which way to standardise it.

We have actually already standardized it, but you are correct that we
cannot re-decide the issue by voting when only I and Tristan really

 There are not enough people who care about the issue to maintain the
 data according to such a guideline anyway.

Given the small amount of data it only really takes one person. I have
a script that I wrote after the guideline was originally accepted that
finds instances in need of attention.

 There is not enough data affected to make standardisation particularly
 useful right now.

The data we have is already in line with the guideline we have, with
only 1 exception found by my script:

 Therefore I think the best choice right now is a compromise, i.e. to
 allow both forms, which is effectively what this proposal is. If the
 authorities in Vietnam ever publish an official style (something which
 explicitly talks about how to write punctuation) or if we ever have a
 community of Vietnamese editors who care about which style should be
 used, then that would be a better time to revisit it.

Given that our guideline is supported by ample evidence and now 3
actual Vietnamese style guides, I don't think that we should weaken
it. Should we eventually decide more generally to retain variations in
capitalization, typos and punctuation in tracklists then things may be
different, but for standardized titles the guideline we have is as
correct as it will ever be on this issue, IMHO.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-346. Style/Language/Vietnamese : Punctuation change

2012-02-26 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 19:47, jesus2099 wrote:

 Philip Jägenstedt wrote
 To clarify for everyone who wasn't around, you did not participate in
 the original RFC/RFV cycle, but did object after the fact

 I note that you are quite blatant not fair play here pretending I did not
 participate as you recognized I was the only one to have done so!

The history of the issue is available for everyone to inspect, so this
accusation carries little weight. There has been no foul play, so
let's just focus on the actual issue.

 Philip Jägenstedt wrote
 I don't understand what much more official means
 More official means more official. My pics are from schoolbooks and from
 governamental propaganda.
 Here is a new one if you want from this month in south

There are plenty of schoolbook examples in

If I were still in Hanoi I could go out and find more examples of the
no-spaces style in printed government materials, but I doubt that
would convince you. No one is disputing that the French style can
still be found, I'm just disputing that it's any more official.

 Philip Jägenstedt wrote
 every single item with print (mostly food) that I have brought back uses
 English style punctuation.
 If you want food, here you go (coffee, from my crappy phone camera)

Here are the 10 food items I found in my bag:
As with the other 3 random-ish samples that I have taken, the no-space
style comes out on top, this time by a very large margin.

 Philip Jägenstedt wrote
 the evidence collected in clearly show
 that both styles have been used in teaching materials, by the same
 publisher even. I suspect (but cannot prove) that spaces are used more
 often in materials for younger students for clarity.

 The only such picture (B2) is unfortunately missing. :p

No, there are plenty of pictures of teaching materials at the given
link, some of them from the publisher in question.

 Philip Jägenstedt wrote
 Consistency is, IMHO, one of the most valuable aspects of the MB
 Absolutely no need to be zealous for just a handful of tracks.
 Are the english used in Japanese releases consistent ? no ? does anyone die
 from that ?

If you think arguing by analogy of
is useful, why aren't you suggesting that the capitalization of
Vietnamese releases be preserved as well?

 Philip Jägenstedt wrote
 Practically, if you and I look at the same cover scan and have
 different preferences, in 20% of the cases we will disagree if there
 is a space there or not.

 Is it so difficult to see a space ? or a no space ? be serious, please.
 Just forget of anything like narrow space etc. It’s just a matter of
 If you input SPACE I don’t care it’s not another sort of space. It’s what’s
 already done in french.

I don't know why you think I'm not being serious. How should edit
conflicts be resolved when one editor sees a half-width space and the
other just sees glyph kerning? This *will* happen if the Vietnamese
artists get enough attention from editors with opposite preferences.


Being abusive does not help your case.

 This is an english style no-spaces country → we see less than 5% of spaces
 before punctuation (not the case here).
 We see many spaces (more than half, and majority in official stuff) and many
 no-spaces (I say some) → this is not an english style no-spaces country

In any random sample I have taken the results have been clear:
no-spaces is the dominant style.

 If a style leader could now confirm or infirm this, thanks.

I am also looking forward to hearing from our style leader, and
suggest that we stop this thread until that time.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC-346. Style/Language/Vietnamese : Punctuation change

2012-02-21 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 20:38, jesus2099 wrote:
 (sorry for my possibly awful English below)

 I’d like to refine last change for the Vietnamese guideline page,
 specifically the punctuation part of it.

I object to this. From the last time this was discussed, it was fairly
obvious (to me) that the English style is by a large margin the
biggest both in print and online. See

Having just come back from vacation in Hanoi (thus the slow reply) I
can say (anecdotally) that every single item with print (mostly food)
that I have brought back uses English style punctuation.

I don't think it's feasible to defer to the cover for something that
is so hard to judge: how much space before the punctuation is enough
to justify a half-width space? The result will simply be inconsistent,
with most track lists not being vetted against a cover and editors
just picking the style they prefer.

There is a very simple solution to this, similar to the capitalization
problem: Use a Picard plugin to convert to the style you prefer while
leaving the database internally consistent and consistent with common

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Arrange on works

2011-08-30 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 18:22, jesus2099 wrote:
 So, in decreasing order :

    1. It seems several people agree on dangers of putting arrange links on
    2. It seems some people would like something more complex than either
 work or recording links.
    3. It seems a few remaining people agree on linking arrange to works.

 What do you think of a RFC for 1. that could be quickly applied to prevent
 any more damage then letting 2.’s people discuss of a better (?) or more
 detailed (complex?) solution.

 We could also make a RFC asking for orchestration on recordings, for the
 same reasons.

 * To sum up the “dangers” : A referenced artist-recording arrange link will
 always be correct while a, once referenced, artist-work arrange link will
 become incorrect on later added recordings (other versions, covers, lives,

I would support an RFC to remove the arrangement AR for works, as it
seems very prone to incorrect use.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Arrange on works

2011-08-30 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 22:45, Rupert Swarbrick wrote:
 Philip Jägenstedt
 I would support an RFC to remove the arrangement AR for works, as it
 seems very prone to incorrect use.

 Ok, but do you have a candidate for how to express This version of
 Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition is the one arranged by Ravel?
 Surely this is the basic and simple case we still would like to be able
 to express.

 Otherwise we have the ugly situation where a work like Bach's Air from
 his suite in G (IIRC) is performed by everyone from Barenboim to Procol

I'd suggest handling it the same way as one would any pair of works
that have the same title, composer and lyricist but still are
distinctive enough to be separate works -- using disambiguation
comments and annotations.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Arrange on works

2011-08-30 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 23:15, SwissChris wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 10:45 PM, Rupert Swarbrick

 Philip Jägenstedt
  On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 18:22, jesus2099 wrote:
  So, in decreasing order :
     1. It seems several people agree on dangers of putting arrange links
     2. It seems some people would like something more complex than
  work or recording links.
     3. It seems a few remaining people agree on linking arrange to
  What do you think of a RFC for 1. that could be quickly applied to
  any more damage then letting 2.’s people discuss of a better (?) or
  detailed (complex?) solution.
  We could also make a RFC asking for orchestration on recordings, for
  same reasons.
  * To sum up the “dangers” : A referenced artist-recording arrange link
  always be correct while a, once referenced, artist-work arrange link
  become incorrect on later added recordings (other versions, covers,
  I would support an RFC to remove the arrangement AR for works, as it
  seems very prone to incorrect use.

 Ok, but do you have a candidate for how to express This version of
 Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition is the one arranged by Ravel?
 Surely this is the basic and simple case we still would like to be able
 to express.

 Otherwise we have the ugly situation where a work like Bach's Air from
 his suite in G (IIRC) is performed by everyone from Barenboim to Procol

 As said before the easiest solution would be to keep the Arrange Relation on
 works (it is really needed for some classical arrangements like the above –
 and maybe for a few in other genres), but to allow it only when you can
 prove that the same specific arrangement is used by at least two different
 recordings (by different performers). All other arrangements should be kept
 at recoding level. And the orchestration links should probably be treated
 the same way. This would at least prevent wrong work level relationships
 until we eventually come up with a better solution.

Would changing the voting requirement to be similar to changing the
quality level (failing by default) be an acceptable compromise?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] I think Arrange on works were allowed too quickly without proper thinking

2011-08-19 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 01:24, jesus2099 wrote:
 I think Arrange on works were allowed too quickly without proper thinking

Without having read the threads that led up to that change, I have to
agree. What is the use case for arrangement ARs on the work level?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-333: Unify track/recording guidelines

2011-08-06 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
2011/8/6 Lukáš Lalinský
 It's been more than a week since the RFC and to my surprise there has
 been only one negative feedback, which I don't think is justifiable,
 because it ignores the basic problems that motivated me to propose
 these changes, which I mentioned in the initial email. All MB editors
 I know, except for jesus2099, agree with these changes. So,
 considering the +1s I got on the ML, here is the RFV.

 You can read the original threads here: (my
 random thoughts) (RFC)

 To summarize the changes, the style guidelines that we now have for
 recording and release group titles will apply also to track and
 release titles.

 1) Style guidelines discussing track and release titles will be

 2) Style guidelines discussing recording and release group titles will
 be changed to just titles as they refer to all titles we have in the
 database. I'd prefer to rename the wiki page to Style/Titles.

+1 for giving up on the exactly as on cover approach. I haven't read
all of the original thread, so apologies if these questions have been

1. Will this RFV also add guidelines for what ETI should be included
in track titles but not in release titles?

2. Do you intend to submit a feature request for applying edits to
both track and recording simultaneously, in the rather common case of
fixing a typo or capitalization that applies to both?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-333: Unify track/recording guidelines

2011-08-06 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 11:39, Andii Hughes wrote:
 On 6 August 2011 10:09, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 1. Will this RFV also add guidelines for what ETI should be included
 in track titles but not in release titles?

 Can you give an example of this?

As Lukáš pointed out, I meant recording titles, not release titles.

An example I edited yesterday is

On track 5, the cover says (translated) theme song of 2003 Solar
Project. Other typical examples would be commercial for X or from
film X. These kinds of things can make sense in context for
compilations of commercial tunes or songs from films, but are not part
of the proper title.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC-326: Add Artist Type Other

2011-07-11 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 22:02, Johannes Weißl wrote:
 Hello list,

 I propose to add Other to the list of artist types [1]. Many artists
 don't fit into the Group/Person scheme, e.g.:

 1. Some fictional characters (animals, mythical creatures, ...)
 2. Some fictional artists that are purely created to keep a series
 3. Companies that were created to credit them in a relationship, but
   that are not labels

 There are probably more categories. Because all of them are pretty
 rare compared to Person/Group and are not really in the focus of this
 database, I suggest a catch-all type Other for them. Using Unknown
 is not a really good alternative, because

 1. Searching for Unknown artists should only show artists where
   further research will eventually result in another type
 2. Unknown artists can be changed to any type as auto-edit, so if
   someone wants to leave an artist Unknown on purpose, anybody can
   change the type without vote

 Wiki page:
 Expiration date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 20:00 UTC

 This RFC is inspired by all the recent RFCs (empty barcode, empty
 Cat.Nr.), that allow us to differentiate between unknown/blank and


Sounds good, I guess we'd make most special purpose artists into other.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Use of recording comment

2011-07-07 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 07:49, Aurélien Mino wrote:
 On 07/07/2011 01:36 AM, Alex Mauer wrote:
 I for one would move the following to the comment, or in some cases
 possibly to the work. It’s a pretty big list…

 * [Language] version
 * [instrument] version
 * [performing cast] version
 * alternate version (many need further disambiguation as well)
 * alternative version
 * demo version
 * Orchestral version
 * instrumental version
 * [format] version (12-inch/LP/gramophone version, etc.)
 * [adjective] take (alternate, early, out, etc.)
 * [adjective] mix (not referring to a remix but to an alternative audio
 mixing arrangement)
 * version [number]

 This is exactly how I'm editing since NGS release.

Would anyone editing along these lines we willing to try writing it up
in a guideline? IMO, this list is big enough that people, by looking
at the data, will conclude that effectively anything in brackets
should be moved to the comment.

Because comments can contain basically anything, I certainly don't
consider it part of a normalized title, just like for artists. I'll be
voting no on edits like this where I come across them until there's a
style guideline in place.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Use of recording comment

2011-07-07 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 16:20, Alex Mauer wrote:
 On 7/7/2011 3:47 AM, Andii Hughes wrote:
 If it was decided that the comment was to *only* be used for ETI data,
 I could live with it.  Though it means a large number of users will
 have to move this data back into the title for tagging, it solves the
 parsing problem of distinguishing ETI from the main title.  But that
 only works if the comment is just for that or a new ETI field is
 introduced.  If the comment remains an undefined freeform field for
 any text, it shouldn't be used for ETI data as it presents a nightmare
 for those of us who want to keep this useful title information
 distinct from random comments.

 Is there some misunderstanding as to the purpose of the comment field?

 It's not a place to put random information like 'this is the best track
 on the album' or something.

The problem is when it's used for disambiguating recordings which
didn't have any ETI on the cover. A common case is where one release
is missing the intro. It's not at all helpful to see (with intro) or
(without intro) in your tags. The same goes for remasters, you
certainly don't want (2004 remaster) on every single track of a

So, while not exactly being random information, the comments will
contain information which doesn't belong in tags, normalized or

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Use of recording comment

2011-07-07 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 19:19, Alex Mauer wrote:
 On 2011-07-07 1:27, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 Would anyone editing along these lines we willing to try writing it up
 in a guideline? IMO, this list is big enough that people, by looking
 at the data, will conclude that effectively anything in brackets
 should be moved to the comment.

 I'll give it a shot:
 No artist's Recordings tab should list the same title twice with no
 disambiguation comment. If an artist has multiple recordings with the
 same title, and any release on which one of them appears lists the title
 with no Extra Title Information, the disambiguation comment should use
 the most prevalent Extra Title Information. If no ETI is prevalent, pick
 one.  If no ETI is available, use the best information you have to

This doesn't sound all too crazy. By this standard, I think that is correct but I'm not sure about and

Is it your intention that if a recording has been released on a crappy
compilation with ETI omitted which are on all releases closer to the
artist, that ETI still be left out of the recording title? How about a
compilation released by the artists own label? Making this kind of
distinction kind of tricky.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Use of recording comment

2011-07-07 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 00:33, Alex Mauer wrote:
 On 2011-07-07 16:17, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 19:19, Alex  wrote:
 I'll give it a shot:
 No artist's Recordings tab should list the same title twice with no
 disambiguation comment. If an artist has multiple recordings with the
 same title, and any release on which one of them appears lists the title
 with no Extra Title Information, the disambiguation comment should use
 the most prevalent Extra Title Information. If no ETI is prevalent, pick
 one.  If no ETI is available, use the best information you have to

 This doesn't sound all too crazy. By this standard, I think that is correct but I'm not sure about and

 Agreed.  I've cancelled the latter two.

 Is it your intention that if a recording has been released on a crappy
 compilation with ETI omitted which are on all releases closer to the
 artist, that ETI still be left out of the recording title? How about a
 compilation released by the artists own label? Making this kind of
 distinction kind of tricky.

 Well, without concrete examples based on artists whose recordings have
 been fully cleaned up and merged it's a little hard to say for sure.
 The only artist I'm that confident of is Jonathan Coulton, and he
 doesn't have any weird compilations like you mention, so that doesn't
 help.  Also, I think the use cases for tagging from various combinations
 of (tracklist/recording/recording comment/work/work comment) are yet to
 be developed and we may need to wait for that before it can be said for
 sure whether this guideline works perfectly or needs some tweaking.


These are just cross-faded slightly different. crickets and dogs is
something I made up, since on the compilation cover there was no
indication that it is different. (I think it may even have the same

A similar situation, I had to make something up (“醬油又沒啦”版) just for

Again, shorter cut was something I had to pull out of my hat.

More of the same.

These are examples from a single artist that I spent time listening to
while cleaning up. This kind of situation is probably more common than
one would think.

I don't have examples of crappy compilations, but assume there are
plenty of them.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Use of recording comment

2011-07-06 Thread Philip Jägenstedt

Right after NGS went live went live I made a few edits like this
myself, but soon stopped because it seems to be destroying information
for tagging. In the case where you have multiple recordings of the
same song that were never decorated with (new version) or similar on
the cover, we're going to have to make something up as a
disambiguation comment. In such a case, I certainly would not want to
see that comment in my normalized tag.

How are others using the recording comment? I consider it just like
the artist and release comments, i.e. something not covered by strict
guidelines for disambiguation purposes only, not for tagging. does not provide any guidance.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Adding pirated download links to releases as can be downloaded for free from... relationships

2011-07-05 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 05:35, Magda Stremeski wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm having a debate right now about how appropriate it is to add links to
 releases that tell a user where the release can be downloaded from.
 Edits in question:
 and a few others that have to do with the soundtracks of LucasArts computer
 The games never had an official soundtrack release. Some people created high
 quality rips of the soundtrack direct from the game and uploaded the
 bootleg. So, without a doubt, these are unofficial releases - bootlegs. This
 is not being contested. I'm OK with these releases being on MB (although
 there are other outstanding questions like, what is the real song title? But
 that aside...) It's more to do with the URLs being attached to the releases.
 MusicBrainz clearly states on its About page:

 Copyright infringement
 MusicBrainz provides data about recordings, not the music itself.
 MusicBrainz does not condone copyright infringement and will not help you
 find a place to illegally download copyrighted works.

 Regarding copyright infringement, I've heard (could be wrong) that the only
 way someone could get away with bootlegging content is as a protest because
 that content was not available legally. So it's possible that these bootlegs
 could be considered as protests.
 However, given that LucasArts has asked this bootlegger to takedown all the
 Star Wars and Indiana Jones soundtrack content, then maybe this is just out
 and out copyright infringement after all (forum link here this is discussed
 in edit).
 The bootlegger claims (although hasn't offered any evidence) that LucasArts
 was okay with him distributing these soundtrack files, so long as it wasn't
 Star Wars or Indiana Jones content. I think that makes it clear then that
 this *is* copyright infringing material but FOR NOW, LucasArts have chosen
 not to fight it.
 I voted to have these links removed. The editor in question has suggested
 that because LucasArts hasn't taken it down, then these links are okay. I'm
 not convinced, especially since games like Sam  Max and Monkey Island are
 now being remade by another company - Telltale Games, who ARE actually
 releasing official soundtracks for their games. These soundtracks obviously
 have some of the same songs (the theme songs in particular). While LucasArts
 may have been okay about the distribution in the past, we don't know that
 Telltale will be, or that LucasArts won't change their mind.
 I think that MusicBrainz risks legal action for providing links to
 bootlegged material (isn't this partly why we are against copyright
 infringement in the About page?). I don't think this risk is worth it, just
 for having complete metadata about a release. I think this risk is still
 there, even if LucasArts has not actively pursued the original bootlegger.
 I'd like some comments from the community - do you agree with what I said in
 the last paragraph? Would content like this still count as copyright
 infringing material and if so, does MusicBrainz's rule about never condoning
 or helping find such material still apply?
 The editor seems quite keen to have me change my vote to No or Abstain. The
 edit is valid for another week. I'm hesitant to let this edit pass so can we
 discuss this soon please?

If it were a link to a crappy torrent site that is going to be dead in
just a few months I'd agree that such links are not appropriate.
However, in this case it appears to be fan sites, and I don't think
MusicBrainz needs to worry about the legality of the things it links
to, only that which it hosts.

If someone complains it's easy to remove the links again. so I'm
voting yes to these edits.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Use of ‘fancy’ punctuation characters

2011-06-16 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 12:53, Piotr Szotkowski wrote:
 Yeah, me again. Still most grateful fot MusicBrainz. :)

 While I was on a recent Picard-powered metadata-cleanup spree on my
 music I noticed saying
 that ‘typographically-correct punctuation is preferred’, so I started
 updating MB with my local fixes to punctuation (such as replacing

 Is this welcome or just a noise to the MB database?

 If it’s welcome, how far should it be taken? Replacing U+0027
 with U+2019 (where appropriate) seems to fit the spirit of
 the guide, but what about replacing U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS with
 U+2010 HYPHEN, such as in renaming Ska-P to Ska‐P and New
 York Ska-Jazzi Ensemble to New York Ska‐Jazz Ensemble?

Personally, I don't think there's any utility in replacing characters
which could be done with a script. Only if there's some kind of
judgement call involved does it really make any sense. Cleaning up
only some releases will just leave things in a seemingly inconsistent
state, so I'd really prefer if any changes of this nature were made
database-wide if they're going to be made at all.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: volume numbers normalization only for release groups

2011-06-12 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
All the discussion happened in another thread and was all over the place.

We seem to have very divergent ideas about what kind of normalization
we're going to have in NGS. I could go ahead and push in the direction
I think we should be going, but I fear the end result will be horribly
inconsistent as some ideas go through and some do not.

I think what we really need to make any sense of NGS is a rough
consensus on the overall normalization scheme, and have that first
codified in or some other
central place.


On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 06:11, Nikki wrote:
 It's been more than a week, you can send an RFV now.


 Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 See the editing history for a clear diff. The essence of the change is
 to not normalize the release titles at all, only the release group
 titles. This is a similar split to track/recording.

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Normalization of release-level data NGS

2011-06-12 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
After loads of editing and discussion on this list since NGS started I
still can't see any clear direction. People have very divergent ideas
about what we should make of NGS, and the style guidelines aren't
providing much guidance.

Before diving into improving small parts of the puzzle I think we
really need to reach some kind of conclusion about what level of
normalization we want and where. Points to consider:

 * difficulty of entering new releases in line with the guidelines

 * for a huge portion of our data, we will never have the chance to
see the cover again, so it will remain as it is now (normalized)

 * usefulness of the data for tagging

The point where people seem to disagree most is the release-level
data: release titles, track titles and track artists. For the purposes
of discussion, I'll make an initial no normalization suggestion to
work from:

Release-level data should be entered as close as possible to what is
on the release. All captialization should be preserved. All typos
should be preserved. Anything written in proximity to the track title
should be entered, no matter how long-winded or irrelevant. Track
artists should only diverge from the release artist if there is a
clear split between titles and artists on the cover and the way the
artist is credited can be recreated exactly with an artist credit.
Otherwise, the artist should be part of the track title. needs to be rewritten for
NGS, since there can't possibly be artist intent for both the release
level and the recording/work levels. I'm suggesting (in a devil's
advocate kind of way) that it updated to define release-level data and
say that No normalization whatsoever should be applied to
release-level data.

Now, please disagree, and tell me what we should do instead.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] feat. style and track/recording artist

2011-06-09 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:10, Kuno Woudt wrote:

 On 05/06/11 21:06, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 2011/6/5 Nicolás Tamargo de

 The problem is in interpreting the cover. What is the distinction
 between an artist being mentioned in a comment on the sleeve and being
 credited as an artist. Consider these (fictional) examples:

   * Song A (feat. Artist Y)
   * Song A (Artist X + Artist Y)
   * Song A (rap by Artist X)
   * Song A (Artist X on keyboard)
   * Song A (Artist X合唱)

 How is one supposed to create a combined artist credit in the last 3
 cases? There needn't be much difference between the nature of the
 collaborations in these examples, just a difference in how it's
 presented on the cover.

 The 'rap by' and 'on keyboard' examples are basically relationships.

 The track title retains how they are credited on the cover, for
 recording I think those should not appear on either the recording
 title or the artist credit, they should just be relationships.

 Alternatively, add the relationships but still credit those artists
 in the artist credits, example:

 on cover:  Song A (Artist X on keyboard) - Artist Y

 recording title:  Song A
 artist credit:    Artist Y, Artist X
 relationship:     Artist X performs keyboard on Song A

 Again, I see no need to retain the 'rap by' or 'on keyboard' in
 either recording title or artist credit when we have a good
 relationships for that information.

 The other examples seem quite suitable for artist credits already.

Normalizing on the recording level sounds perfectly reasonable, no
argument there. It also sounds like you're agreeing (in this case at
least) that the parts in parenthesis should be left in the track
titles. I guess you'd want to normalize capitalization as well, I'm
really not sure about that bit...

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] feat. style and track/recording artist

2011-06-09 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 20:07, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 I guess you'd want to normalize capitalization as well, I'm
 really not sure about that bit...

Disregard that bit, I think it's luks that's been arguing for that :)

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Artist sort name for a fairly special case

2011-06-09 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 20:47, Nikki wrote:
 Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 IMO, the sortname is useless for non-Latin scripts, or at least for
 Chinese. In order to get anything like a sane sorting you'd have to
 use the same transliteration system (say Hanyu Pinyin) for all
 artists, but that makes no sense for Hong Kong artists whose native
 names are in Cantonese, not Mandarin. Even if you did consistently
 apply Hanyu Pinyin, you'd still get the surnames 张 and 章 mixed

 I completely agree, which is why I opened some time ago. By the
 way, how are Chinese names normally sorted?

There appears to be several methods. At the HMV in Singapore the
records were sorted alphabetically by their pinyin transliterations.
In record stores I've been to in Beijing there's no obvious order at
all, but I could be mistaken. There are a few different ways to order
Chinese dictionaries as well (e.g. by radical/stroke count) so I
assume one could use that also.

I just use the Unicode order, which is completely random but still
possible to memorize where some common characters tend to end up...

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] VolumeNumberStyle in NGS?

2011-06-08 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 01:56, StoneyBoh wrote:

 Release groups are a little less clear on their benefits.  They are
 basically containers, which are required to organize the data, but don't
 normally provide too much additional information in and of themselves.
 That is why it seems strange to me that we would split the normalization
 rules to apply to release groups but not releases.  That seems like a
 very arbitrary distinction to me.  In that instance, I would think
 whatever we decide on normalization, it should apply to releases and
 release groups - just my opinion.  Of course, that leaves the
 possibility that different releases within a group will have different
 what's on the covers, and thus make it difficult to determine what to
 call the release group.  That's another reason why my preference would
 be to maintain the normalization across the board...

If you look at it's quite clear that the
plan for Picard is to offer As on cover or Normalized for both
tracks, artists and the release. For the artist and tracks, it's quite
clear where this data should come from. However, for the releases, the
only place this distinction should come from is between release groups
and releases.

As with most things, my motivation for wanting this is Chinese and
Swedish releases. When they use something like Release VOL. 2 on the
cover, it's very unnatural (IMO) to expand that to Release, Volume 2
as the English looks foreign and weird in this context.

It is of course a problem with any change to stop normalizing on a
certain level that the vast majority of our data will remain as it is
essentially forever, making it just seem inconsistent when some
releases are normalized and others are not. I'm not sure how to weigh
this against the hypothetical I want it exactly as on the cover

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Artist sort name for a fairly special case

2011-06-08 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
2011/6/8 Yin Izanami
 The artist AAA is literally and physically sorted as TORIPURU-EE /
 Triple A in Japan.  You can see this in Japanese bookstores and on
 avexnet's listing of all its artists - it is sorted under the TO
 character, not A or E or the like.

 I realize artist sort name is not supposed to be used for pronunciation, and
 AAA is also already in Latin script.  However, this would not be the first
 time that the artist name and sort name don't actually say the same thing -
 for example,
 蔡宜翎 (Tsai Yi Ling) is sorted as Tsai, Jolin
 周杰倫 (Chou Jie Lin) is sorted as simply Chou, Jay, with no indication of
 the 3rd character.

 If you agree / disagree with this sortname doesn't match Latin-for-Latin to
 the artist name, then I'd like to hear what others think about it. is the edit to vote on, everyone.

Quoting from

All artist sort names should be in Latin script. If the artist's name
is normally written using a non-Latin script, use the Latin script
translated or transliterated name by which the artist is most commonly

This is why many Chinese artists have sortnames that aren't
transcriptions. Both Jolin Tsai and Jay Chou are the names used by the
artists themselves in some contexts.

IMO, the sortname is useless for non-Latin scripts, or at least for
Chinese. In order to get anything like a sane sorting you'd have to
use the same transliteration system (say Hanyu Pinyin) for all
artists, but that makes no sense for Hong Kong artists whose native
names are in Cantonese, not Mandarin. Even if you did consistently
apply Hanyu Pinyin, you'd still get the surnames 张 and 章 mixed

I assume that the sortname is equally useless for sorting Japanese
artists (who must also have same-sounding but different surnames), so
it's not really worthwhile trying to get canonical Japanese sorting
using MusicBrainz.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] feat. style and track/recording artist

2011-06-07 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
2011/6/6 Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
 On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 12:24 AM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 2011/6/6 Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
 On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Philip Jägenstedt 
 On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 22:45, Simon Austin wrote:
 Contraiwise NGS also added a split between recording and track title,
 with the ability to standardise the recording title and make the track
 title more like the cover. The cover for Basement Jaxx's Kish Kash is
 practically a blueprint for the old Track (feat. Person) style but recent edits have
 made all the track and recording titles into Track by Basement Jaxx
 feat. Person.

 Huh. I haven't seen the cover of that release, but I'm fairly certain
 I wouldn't want it that way. Moving the feat. phrasing to the artist
 field only works in extremely simple cases, I can't see how one would
 move it to the track artist in a situation like this while still
 staying true to the cover:

 1. Song A (Featuring Dudeson)
 2. Song E (rap by Tyra)
 3. Bla bla (Artist A + Artist B)

 You wouldn't, not in the tracks (except maybe for 3). You would if the
 cover said Artist A feat. B - Song A, which is pretty common.

 Moving the artist of only track 3 would certainly look inconsistent in
 a case like this. Would the criteria be that the release artist is
 mentioned again at the track list? It's rather random if Artist A is
 mentioned again or not at the track level on a release by Artist A. (I
 assume it's rather uncommon, because it's redundant.)

 It might be uncommon (on one artist releases, it is quite common on
 compilations) but I've seen it several times in electronic music and
 hip hop.

Sure, every possible mutation appears in the wild somewhere :) Do you
have an example of such a cover that we could look at? Perhaps the
result wouldn't be the weird inconsistent mess that I expect. Or
perhaps you could weight in on this release I added yesterday:

The tracklist is now exactly as it appears on the cover/disc. Clearly
a distinction has been made between featuring and duet with. Do
you think that any of these should be moved to the artist credit on
the track level? How would you format the artist credit on the
recording level? (I've already done something here, please consider
the question without looking at what I've done.)

 Whatever rules we come up with for the track level, they must be
 simple enough that most editors would get it right by guessing,
 because it's impossible to verify it without the physical release or a
 cover scan.

 It's good that we might be getting cover scans soon, then. But I'd say
 follow the cover is the simplest rule ever: if the cover says A + B,
 A feat. B, whatever, then use that. If it says Track (with B), Track
 (feat. B), then use that. I'm sure it could go wrong, but it seems
 quite simple…

Are we getting a cover scan feature? Do you have more information
about this? That would be extremely helpful for proof-reading edits.

In the area that I edit the most (Chinese) the main artist mentioned
again rule doesn't really seem very simple. Often you'll see things
in parenthesis like hot new duet between Main Artist and Featured
Artist. That seems impossible to convert to a artist credit. I guess
what I'm leaning towards is that unless the cover is clearly and
consistently split between artist names and track title, then the
artist should be the release artist and everything else should go into
the track title.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] feat. style and track/recording artist

2011-06-07 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 15:12, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:
 On 7 June 2011 08:04, lorenz pressler wrote:
 i think in your edit-discussion you came to an agreeable solution for a
 future guideline.

 - on recording lvl: move all (feat. X) to artist credits
 - on release lvl: as close to cover/sleeve as possible (feat. X in
 tracktitel included)

 imho it's a pity not to use these new artists credit possibilities on
 tracklvl (since i think the feat. is only appended to the trackname on
 covers since there is normally no artist column; it is written in smaller
 letters though most of the time to indicate its separation from the
 tracktitel) but i guess the above would make most people happy?

 No, the final decision was to have:

Where have decisions been made? If there are already answers for these
issues, please point to them!

 On recording: The featured artist properly credited as an artist
 credit with the feat. join string.
 So X (feat.Y) by Z becomes X by Z feat. Y
 On tracklistings: Retain the previous feat. style for now to retain
 backwards compatibility. ws/1 (the old web service layer from pre-NGS
 still used by most clients) exposes the artist name at track level,
 not recording level.  So recording level changes won't affect ws/1 but
 track level changes will, and use of feat. artist credits there would
 cause the creation of new pseudo-feat. artists for external data
 users, exactly what feat. artist style tried to avoid.

 The intention is to eventually follow the cover at tracklist level and
 have artist credits where appropriate, but at present this would mess
 up ws/1 users who haven't yet adapted to NGS, a change which is still
 under a month old.

Is this your personal opinion, or have is there actually a policy or
style guideline to back this up?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Tagger Script documentation

2011-06-06 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
Google first brought me to

I fixed to redirect where I
actually wanted to go, but who has the power to update the If It makes things simpler, I volunteer to be a
transclusion editor.

As a side note, I wonder if we actually need to take static copies of
the wiki any longer. Wouldn't it be simpler to just not change the
stable guidelines in the wiki and just use those?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] feat. style and track/recording artist

2011-06-06 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 22:45, Simon Austin wrote:
 Contraiwise NGS also added a split between recording and track title,
 with the ability to standardise the recording title and make the track
 title more like the cover. The cover for Basement Jaxx's Kish Kash is
 practically a blueprint for the old Track (feat. Person) style but recent edits have
 made all the track and recording titles into Track by Basement Jaxx
 feat. Person.

Huh. I haven't seen the cover of that release, but I'm fairly certain
I wouldn't want it that way. Moving the feat. phrasing to the artist
field only works in extremely simple cases, I can't see how one would
move it to the track artist in a situation like this while still
staying true to the cover:

1. Song A (Featuring Dudeson)
2. Song E (rap by Tyra)
3. Bla bla (Artist A + Artist B)

(Still waiting for a hint from the NGS masterminds about what they had
in mind, if anything.)

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] feat. style and track/recording artist

2011-06-06 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
2011/6/6 Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
 On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 22:45, Simon Austin wrote:
 Contraiwise NGS also added a split between recording and track title,
 with the ability to standardise the recording title and make the track
 title more like the cover. The cover for Basement Jaxx's Kish Kash is
 practically a blueprint for the old Track (feat. Person) style but recent edits have
 made all the track and recording titles into Track by Basement Jaxx
 feat. Person.

 Huh. I haven't seen the cover of that release, but I'm fairly certain
 I wouldn't want it that way. Moving the feat. phrasing to the artist
 field only works in extremely simple cases, I can't see how one would
 move it to the track artist in a situation like this while still
 staying true to the cover:

 1. Song A (Featuring Dudeson)
 2. Song E (rap by Tyra)
 3. Bla bla (Artist A + Artist B)

 You wouldn't, not in the tracks (except maybe for 3). You would if the
 cover said Artist A feat. B - Song A, which is pretty common.

Moving the artist of only track 3 would certainly look inconsistent in
a case like this. Would the criteria be that the release artist is
mentioned again at the track list? It's rather random if Artist A is
mentioned again or not at the track level on a release by Artist A. (I
assume it's rather uncommon, because it's redundant.)

Whatever rules we come up with for the track level, they must be
simple enough that most editors would get it right by guessing,
because it's impossible to verify it without the physical release or a
cover scan.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] feat. style and track/recording artist

2011-06-05 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
2011/6/5 Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
 On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 Since NGS I'm often finding myself trying to decide what to do with
 tracks/recordings performed by multiple artists. As an example see
 track 1-11 of

 It clearly needs a guideline change.

 On the cover this says Light Of My Life (與Lara Fabian合唱), where
 (與Lara Fabian合唱) means (sung with Lara Fabian).

 For the track level, there are 2 options:

 1. Artist 王力宏 (Wang Leehom) and title Light Of My Life (與Lara Fabian合唱)

 This. As on cover for track level. (In both ways: if the artist was X
 feat. Y, I'd add it as X feat. Y, not move it to the title).

I agree, at least for this example.

 2. Artist 王力宏  Lara Fabian and title Light Of My Life

 For the recording level, there are 2 options:

 1. Artist 王力宏 (Wang Leehom) and title Light of My Life (feat. Lara 

 2. Artist 王力宏  Lara Fabian and title Light of My Life

 This (although I would probably use / instead of  unless the album
 says , but that might be just me). This might appear in a Lara Fabian
 album as Light of My Life (feat. Wang Leehom), and it would be really
 random to have it go to the recording Light of My Life (feat. Lara
 Fabian). For consistency (and to make feat. recordings appear in the
 recordings for the featured artist), I would say this should be
 applied like that at recording level regardless of whether it has been
 credited to the two artists as main artists at some point or not
 (after all, we can use feat. as the link phrase if we want to.

Crediting the release to both artists works for collaborations that
are equal and where both artists have released the recording on
their own albums, but for cases where one artist is clearly a guest
performer, it would be weird to normalize the recording artists like
this, IMO.

 Now, repeat these questions for all kinds of variations in how things
 are presented on the cover. A few issues:

  * Should feat. be part of the normalized title, or put in the
 disambiguation comment?

 When you say normalized you mean recording? I'd always move it to
 the artist field.

I mean in the recording, yes. How would you normalize Stan (feat.
Dido) by Eminem

I certainly would ever want to see the track artist as Eminem feat.
Dido here, but have problems seeing what I *would* want too.

  * Should we always just write what's on the cover and credit the
 track to the release artist, even if the cover says Song Foo - Artist
 Bar + Artist Baz? What about VA releases?

 As cover. If the cover says X + Y, X + Y it should be.

The problem is in interpreting the cover. What is the distinction
between an artist being mentioned in a comment on the sleeve and being
credited as an artist. Consider these (fictional) examples:

 * Song A (feat. Artist Y)
 * Song A (Artist X + Artist Y)
 * Song A (rap by Artist X)
 * Song A (Artist X on keyboard)
 * Song A (Artist X合唱)

How is one supposed to create a combined artist credit in the last 3
cases? There needn't be much difference between the nature of the
collaborations in these examples, just a difference in how it's
presented on the cover.

  * What is the recording artist supposed to represent? The main
 performer? Even if they weren't credited as such on any cover?

 I would say so. But please give an example of the they weren't
 credited as such on any cover thingy.

Duets between two famous artists which are not credited as such on the
cover. The most blatant example I know of is
where 費玉清's appearance is quite a big deal, yet it isn't credited on
the cover. If we create artist credits with both artists even in cases
like this, what kind of criteria should we have for recording artist?

So, to summarize, there are mainly 2 issues that I can see:

1. What kind of phrasing on cover merits a joined artist credit on
track and/or release level?

2. On the release level, what are the criteria for which artists go
into the artist credit?

This seems set up for an inconsistent mess, so I'm perhaps leaning
towards *not* moving featured artists to the artist credit on the
recording level. It would be interesting to hear the NGS masterminds'
thinking about this issue.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] VolumeNumberStyle in NGS?

2011-06-04 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
Is volume number style still relevant with NGS? Based on what I've
seen from the NGS-enabled Picard it seems like going forward we will
start treating the release group titles as the normalized titles, and
then let the release titles reflect the cover. Is this correct? Is it
OK to start changing release titles to things like Beloved Music Box
Vol.5 right now?

IMO, this would make perfect sense, but does of course need some
getting used to.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] RFC: volume numbers normalization only for release groups

2011-06-04 Thread Philip Jägenstedt

See the editing history for a clear diff. The essence of the change is
to not normalize the release titles at all, only the release group
titles. This is a similar split to track/recording.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] VolumeNumberStyle in NGS?

2011-06-04 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 21:41, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
 2011/6/4 Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren

 On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Philip Jägenstedt
  Is volume number style still relevant with NGS? Based on what I've
  seen from the NGS-enabled Picard it seems like going forward we will
  start treating the release group titles as the normalized titles, and
  then let the release titles reflect the cover. Is this correct? Is it
  OK to start changing release titles to things like Beloved Music Box
  Vol.5 right now?
  IMO, this would make perfect sense, but does of course need some
  getting used to.

 I would fully support this.

 Normalization would still apply to the RGs, wouldn't it?

Yes, please see the RFC I sent out and see if that is clear enough on
this point (and otherwise reasonable).

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Release Country: What's preferred, Europe or all countries we can find even small evidence for?

2011-05-30 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 07:37, jacobbrett wrote:

 Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 22:02, Simon Austin
 In this edit, some want to move an
 existing German release event to Europe, and keep only one Europe
 release. I would disagree, but more eyes on it the better.

 I encounter the same problem when editing Chinese releases. Some
 albums have been released in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore with the
 same label and barcode. Sometimes they're printed in different places,
 but are otherwise identical. Having separate releases for these is way
 overkill IMO, as sometimes you'll have no way of telling from the
 physical release which MusicBrainz release it matches.

 As a general guideline, I'd want releases that have the same barcode,
 catalog number and track listing to only have one release in
 MusicBrainz. If it was released in multiple countries/regions, this
 should be represented in some other way than duplicating the whole

 I think that if they are distinguishable, for example, by being
 printed/manufactured in different locations for those different release
 countries, then they may be worth adding as separate releases.

I disagree. I've seen releases which have the exact same packaging,
barcode, catalog number and content but say Manufactured and printed
in Taiwan vs Singapore or Hong Kong. Then there are some that are
printed in Taiwan but have stickers that say only for sale in Hong
Kong or Malaysia.

While I wouldn't mind keeping track of the fact that something was
released in several regions, duplicating releases in this situation
seems way overkill to me. For now, I'm putting additional regions in
annotations, and have even entered edits to merge releases like this:

IMO, the strongest reason for this is that any change to one release
would have be duplicated on the other, since the tracklisting, booklet
and everything is identical. The only way to distinguish them is to
buy one copy from each region and look at the fine print.

 Though, if it's the exact same pressing released in several neighbouring
 countries, then I consider that one release area and would recommend
 simply adding (in order):
 *    Europe (if applicable to most of Europe),
 *    the artist's country (if it is one of the countries that printing is
 released in),
 *    the largest market/country of distribution (if released on the same
 date), or
 *    the country of earliest release.

I agree, and since there's no region for Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and
Singapore, I usually just use the artists region of origin. I think
the correct fix here is to allow for several countries per release,
but that annotations is perfectly acceptable.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Release Country: What's preferred, Europe or all countries we can find even small evidence for?

2011-05-30 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 14:24, Simon Austin wrote:
 On 30/05/2011 07:38, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 While I wouldn't mind keeping track of the fact that something was
 released in several regions, duplicating releases in this situation
 seems way overkill to me. For now, I'm putting additional regions in
 annotations, and have even entered edits to merge releases like this:

 IMO, the strongest reason for this is that any change to one release
 would have be duplicated on the other, since the tracklisting, booklet
 and everything is identical. The only way to distinguish them is to
 buy one copy from each region and look at the fine print.

 We're not duplicating releases though - at least no more than before.
 None of the edits I've seen have been rejecting new release events, just
 removing old ones. Perhaps the cause is because the release event is now
 higher in the chain... previously they were after the tracklist; now
 they're before - but in a list with all other tracklists for that
 release. To me what this boils down to is that you're deleting
 information because you don't like how it's displayed. And I don't think
 that should be the first option here, especially not so soon after NGS
 has been released.

This is not really new for NGS, but it is true that it was cheaper
to have multiple release events before NGS, so there was less
motivation to clean up incorrect or redundant release events.

In my vocabulary, there really is just 1 release when two copies are
identical in all respects (content, packaging, barcode, label, catalog
number) except for where it was printed and sold. This is really
different pressings/printings of the same release, not separate

I think the correct fix is to allow multiple countries on a single
release, and have filed a feature request for that:

Until we have that, I think it is better, on balance, to keep this
information in annotations. You're of course free to vote no to if you disagree.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Release Country: What's preferred, Europe or all countries we can find even small evidence for?

2011-05-28 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 22:02, Simon Austin wrote:
 In this edit, some want to move an
 existing German release event to Europe, and keep only one Europe
 release. I would disagree, but more eyes on it the better.

I encounter the same problem when editing Chinese releases. Some
albums have been released in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore with the
same label and barcode. Sometimes they're printed in different places,
but are otherwise identical. Having separate releases for these is way
overkill IMO, as sometimes you'll have no way of telling from the
physical release which MusicBrainz release it matches.

As a general guideline, I'd want releases that have the same barcode,
catalog number and track listing to only have one release in
MusicBrainz. If it was released in multiple countries/regions, this
should be represented in some other way than duplicating the whole

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Merging multi-language releases?

2011-05-24 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 22:53, Kuno Woudt wrote:

 On 22/05/11 15:53, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 Before NGS I added some releases where both English and Chinese titles
 appear on the cover. I created one release for each language.
 is one such pair.

 With NGS it feels unclear to have multiple releases where there is
 only one physical release, so I've tried to merge these in and

 Is this an approach that people agree with? The languages are joined
 in a very peculiar manner here, with _. What should one do when two
 languages appear on the cover in a more independent fashion, as in (I only added the Chinese variants
 for this, see cover at

 In that cover image one of the languages is clearly the main tracklist,
 with the other just supplemental.  IF you were to merge those my
 suggestion would be to use this format:

 1. Primary Language (Secondary Language)

 That seems the most common format used elsewhere.

 It seems sane tagging will be made harder by merging these, because
 almost no one will want both languages, I'm guessing. Should we
 perhaps just use pseudo-releases for tracklists on a usable form and
 leave the official releases in their original true-to-the-cover form?

 I wouldn't strongly object to combining both languages in a single
 release, but I would prefer not to start doing that just yet.

 I think we should just keep doing what we've been doing before NGS,
 so two releases in our database - link them with translation
 relationships and mark both official.  And formulate how we think
 translations _should_ work, then I can start coding that feature
 and we can have this sorted properly soonish :D

Since I wasn't very happy with the result, I reverted the change in

Going forward, I think that it would be nice if perhaps recordings
could have aliases by language. Perhaps there should be some attribute
for official translations, if there is such a thing. With such a
scheme, we could get rid of lots of pseudo-releases and wouldn't have
to duplicate release events or any AR:s on those. Or should
translations be on the tracklist level perhaps?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Separate works for instrumental version?

2011-05-24 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 20:45, Nikki wrote:
 Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 That sounds pretty good, but it wouldn't really be accurate for
 karaoke tracks where the background singers are usually left in and
 only the lead singer is left out. Perhaps a karaoke attribute would
 work, but I'm not sure if it's going to be possible to draw a line
 between the two in general.

 By the way, we have a recording-recording relationship for linking
 karaoke tracks to the corresponding vocal track, so we do already have a
 way to identify those.

Thanks, I didn't know that! I've started using that now.

 I like the idea of an instrumental attribute for the performance
 relationship for things which aren't karaoke versions. It's one of the
 things I was already thinking would be nice to have.

 I don't really know what to do about proper instrumental performances,
 karaoke versions without backing vocals and karaoke versions with
 backing vocals though... It seems difficult to make a distinction
 without confusing people.

Indeed, the distinction between karaoke is not clear at all, in many
cases the distinction would seem to be only what it's *for* rather
than what it *is*, and I'm not sure how those debates could be

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Capitalization in NGS

2011-05-24 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 01:52, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:
 On 23 May 2011 07:21, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
 2011/5/22 Dr Andrew John Hughes

 I really don't see why we want to retain all covers verbatim; I
 thought MusicBrainz was a database, not a cover archive.

 Maybe because the MB database could store what IS as well as what users
 would want to be? Or because what you want is not necessarily what other
 users want. And because NGS is able to store both the standardized and the
 printed titles. So that tracks would capture as much information as possible
 from the physical release (no, no color info :-) ) while the recording and
 the release would contain a standardized title. Also, sticking to the cover
 has the advantage that it minimizes the amount of knowledge needed to enter
 new releases in MB. And if you want to speak technically of databases,
 wouldn't normalizing track titles make them identical to recording titles,
 which would be data redundancy, one of the bad things database designers are
 advised to avoid as much as possible?

 Just because it can doesn't mean it should.  I really don't see a
 great value in keeping lots of data about covers.  I get that
 apparently some 'other users' want this, but I haven't seen a
 convincing argument from them yet.
 Users have always managed to enter releases without following
 guidelines, and more experienced users have just ended up cleaning
 them up, so I don't see how this would suddenly make things easier for
 the novices.
 The extra recording layer makes things more complicated, and they are
 still going to enter the titles there in a non-standard way.

Write what's on the cover is quite obviously easier than read these
guidelines about capitalization, feat. style, extra title information,
etc. People who care can then standardize the recordings, not the

 Usually, a database is created to not only store information, but to
 allow it to be used for some purpose.  It makes it very hard to get
 useful information from MusicBrainz if titles are varying based on
 what someone chose to do on the cover.

Wait until the next Picard release and then you can (allegedly) chose
if you want normalized titles or not. How does MusicBrainz become less
useful by storing both standardized titles and the as-on-cover titles?

It does become harder to verify that the titles are correct if you
don't have the physical release, but if you worry about that you can
just use the (normalized) recording titles.

 Yes, track titles are superfluous if they are standardised to be the
 same as recording titles.  This is why I would just use the recording
 titles in tracklists and not have separate track titles.
 All I'm seeing so far is a lot of additional work being created by
 these track titles (every title change now needs two edits and the new
 interface isn't very speedy) and no advantages.

If you think that we just shouldn't have the separation between
tracklist titles and recording titles, will you file a bug to remove
the feature from MusicBrainz? If they should really be the same, then
having the separation is actively harmful and a waste of time.

IMO, we should put tracklists to good use by storing as-on-cover
titles in them. While variations in capitalization usually isn't
interesting, there are cases where it is and it is simpler to say
write what's on the cover than write what's on the cover but
normalize capitalization taking artist intent and consistent original
data into consideration.

To give an example where merging track and recording names would be
harmful is the Hong Kong group my little airport:

This group consistently uses lower case letters in their name and
release/track titles, both on the physical releases and their website.
This is reflected in the official releases already. However, on the
compilation/VA releases from outside Hong Kong that capitalization has
not been followed. Someone who only has the compilation will almost
certainly not want the capitalization to be lowercased just because
that's the way they are on the original releases. Likewise, people who
only have the original release will want that capitalization, not the
bastardized capitalization from a foreign compilation. The only way to
allow this while still merging recordings is of course to have
separate titles in the tracks and recordings. (It's almost as if NGS
was designed specifically to solve this problem...)

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Merging multi-language releases?

2011-05-24 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 09:48, Kuno Woudt wrote:

 On 24/05/11 09:28, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 Going forward, I think that it would be nice if perhaps recordings
 could have aliases by language. Perhaps there should be some attribute
 for official translations, if there is such a thing. With such a
 scheme, we could get rid of lots of pseudo-releases and wouldn't have
 to duplicate release events or any AR:s on those. Or should
 translations be on the tracklist level perhaps?

 Translations at the tracklist level sounds sensible.  I think it's OK
 to keep a single canonical name at the recording level.

I guess that one downside of tracklist level translations is that you
don't get translations of the same recordings if they appear on
multiple releases for free.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] NGS guidelines

2011-05-24 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 14:34, Brian Schweitzer wrote:
 For a few reasons, I've been silent here for the past while.  However, I
 feel I have to at least comment on the change in guidelines that has taken
 place.  I may not be commenting on the list, but I do still at least skim
 the style list to see what's happening.  Thus, when I saw an edit note
 citing something in an entirely rewritten guideline, I was rather surprised.

 Based on nikki's announcement
 ( ),
 it looked like a rewrite in progress, not a RFC, let alone a RFC that
 changed every single style guideline.  I looked at the time with the
 understanding that this was a work in progress, not something just days away
 from being official.  Yet the change to the pages from being available for
 review at User:kuno/Style to those same pages suddenly being the official
 guidelines took place only 6 days later and with no RFC/RFV/etc, only .
 So how did such a major and complete rewrite skip RFC/RFV, and become
 official within 6 days of being announced (if you count nikki's May 10 email
 as being the RFC, though not mentioned in the email's subject).
 I won't email again, but this is important enough that I couldn't not say
 something.  Every single style guideline has been changed, and there's more
 than a few of the new guidelines which have dropped important items and/or
 changed things counter to how they were decided back during RFCs for the
 individual guidelines.

I'll let nikki and kuno speak for themselves, but just wanted to note
that I support the complete overhaul and that the normal process has
been circumvented. Most of the old guidelines don't make sense with
NGS, and doing such a big change by RFC/RFV would have been extremely
painful. I think we're much better off taking the rewrite and working
from there.

Getting people in sync with the changes is another matter, but I
expect we'll sort it out.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Bonus discs?

2011-05-24 Thread Philip Jägenstedt

azertus is asking if we should have a way to record the fact that a
disc is considered bonus. It does seem that this ability was lost in
the move to NGS, but I'm not sure I think it's important. Thoughts?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Capitalization in NGS

2011-05-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt

This documentation isn't terribly clear, it doesn't say if the normal
case is to use the capitalization on the release, only Follow the
appropriate Capitalization Standard when the track listing on the
release does not distinguish between upper and lower case. Is the
intention that the original capitalization should be used except if it
is in all uppercase? Do we assume that all lowercase is intentional
while all uppercase is just a matter of style?

Further, the examples table is not at all clear about this example:

All Is Full Of Love and all is full of love = All is Full of Love

Does this mean that if *both* of these capitalizations are used on a
release, then it should be normalized? Or does it mean that if the
release says only All Is Full Of Love (very common) it should still
be normalized?

What I'm hoping the general idea is that we should follow the original
capitalization, except where that would be ridiculous, e.g. if it was
all uppercase. Even though I don't like the style, I hope we should
preserve something like All Is Full Of Love.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Merging multi-language releases?

2011-05-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
Before NGS I added some releases where both English and Chinese titles
appear on the cover. I created one release for each language.
is one such pair.

With NGS it feels unclear to have multiple releases where there is
only one physical release, so I've tried to merge these in and

Is this an approach that people agree with? The languages are joined
in a very peculiar manner here, with _. What should one do when two
languages appear on the cover in a more independent fashion, as in (I only added the Chinese variants
for this, see cover at

It seems sane tagging will be made harder by merging these, because
almost no one will want both languages, I'm guessing. Should we
perhaps just use pseudo-releases for tracklists on a usable form and
leave the official releases in their original true-to-the-cover form?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Merging multi-language releases?

2011-05-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 15:53, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 Is this an approach that people agree with?

To get an idea of the alternative, have a look at this release group
that I split before NGS:

The official releases here aren't very useful at all, their only
redeeming value is that they reflect the truth.

Is the correct solution here to have multiple recording titles
annotated with language+script, so that taggers can set a preference?
What are the general plans for providing clean tags using the
recording and work titles? I've already started making my tags
inconsistent in style after changing some titles to reflect the actual
covers, and I'm not sure I'd want me entire collection to be like

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Separate works for instrumental version?

2011-05-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
How should we handle recordings that differ from the original only in
that some or all of the vocals have been removed? This would be the
case for both instrumental versions and for karaoke tracks.

It seems rather silly to have separate works, but it also seems silly
that the instrumental versions should get a lyricist relationship if
they are linked to the single work. Ideas?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Capitalization in NGS

2011-05-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
Hmm, so why do we have the separation between tracklist and recordings
at all in NGS? If we want to always use the canonical name, then we
can just have tracks, like pre-NGS. Wasn't part of the idea here to
resolve the tension between what it says and what it is?

It's clear that there are different interpretations here and that the
documentation needs to be updated so that it leaves little or no room
for interpretation.


On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 16:39, SwissChris wrote:
 I don't think this is a good approach. All Is Full Of Love  and all is
 full of love both are IMHO ridiculous. We had this discussion before:
 cover graphics (including Capitalization) are graphic designers intent,
 not artist intent. We don't store the size nor he color of the letters, we
 don't store information like italic or bold characters either, so why would
 we want to keep absurd capitalizations. To see how a cover really looks we
 always can report to a cover-AR-pic…

 On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 3:28 PM, Philip Jägenstedt

 This documentation isn't terribly clear, it doesn't say if the normal
 case is to use the capitalization on the release, only Follow the
 appropriate Capitalization Standard when the track listing on the
 release does not distinguish between upper and lower case. Is the
 intention that the original capitalization should be used except if it
 is in all uppercase? Do we assume that all lowercase is intentional
 while all uppercase is just a matter of style?

 Further, the examples table is not at all clear about this example:

 All Is Full Of Love and all is full of love = All is Full of Love

 Does this mean that if *both* of these capitalizations are used on a
 release, then it should be normalized? Or does it mean that if the
 release says only All Is Full Of Love (very common) it should still
 be normalized?

 What I'm hoping the general idea is that we should follow the original
 capitalization, except where that would be ridiculous, e.g. if it was
 all uppercase. Even though I don't like the style, I hope we should
 preserve something like All Is Full Of Love.

 Philip Jägenstedt

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Separate works for instrumental version?

2011-05-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 18:37, Aurélien Mino wrote:
 On 05/22/2011 04:41 PM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 It seems rather silly to have separate works, but it also seems silly
 that the instrumental versions should get a lyricist relationship if
 they are linked to the single work. Ideas?

 What about an instrumental attribute to the performance AR?
 Recording is an instrumental performance of Work

That sounds pretty good, but it wouldn't really be accurate for
karaoke tracks where the background singers are usually left in and
only the lead singer is left out. Perhaps a karaoke attribute would
work, but I'm not sure if it's going to be possible to draw a line
between the two in general.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Capitalization in NGS

2011-05-22 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 19:07, Aurélien Mino wrote:
 On 05/22/2011 06:51 PM, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:
 On 22 May 2011 15:39,  wrote:
 I don't think this is a good approach. All Is Full Of Love  and all is
 full of love both are IMHO ridiculous. We had this discussion before:
 cover graphics (including Capitalization) are graphic designers intent,
 not artist intent. We don't store the size nor he color of the letters, we
 don't store information like italic or bold characters either, so why would
 we want to keep absurd capitalizations. To see how a cover really looks we
 always can report to a cover-AR-pic…

 I agree with this, and I don't remember any discussion about relaxing
 the title requirements.
 Exactly my thought.

So I ask again, if we are still normalizing the titles, what is the
purpose of separating tracklists from recordings?

If you read
it's quite obvious that it's implied that there are some cases where
the original capitalization is followed. The requirements have already
changed from pre-NGS, the question is only what the new guideline is
supposed to mean. It seems to have been written by kuno, so perhaps he
would like to chime in?

It would be a pity if with NGS we *still* can't satisfy both people
who want the titles from the cover and those who want only normalized
titles, no?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Artist country

2011-05-18 Thread Philip Jägenstedt says:

For people, use the country where they were born and raised.

I've already encountered two artists where I'm not sure how to interpret this: (Laleh)
(Cornelis Vreeswijk)

Both of these artists were born in another but moved to Sweden during
their childhoold, at age 1 and 12 respectively. Should the country be
the country of birth or Sweden?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Capitalization Standard For Transliterations

2010-06-25 Thread Philip Jägenstedt

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 23:25, Brian Schweitzer wrote:
 Only difficulty I see is that there wasn't (as far as I can see) an official
 RFV; perhaps one ought to occur before this is declared passed?
 Sorry to be out of touch to the list of late; my net has been out for the
 past week, and for the next few weeks I'll be travelling, and frequently
 without net access.  I'll be back on the 16th of July however; in the
 meantime, if proposers could just make sure to also update the Proposals
 page themselves.  :)

 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Philip Jägenstedt

 On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 17:18, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
  This changed a bit during RFC, so please read it again if you haven't
  already done so. Note specifically that the scope is limited to
  pseudo-releases, for reasons outlined in the previous thread:

 Over two weeks have passed and I'm declaring this passed. There were
 some comments which were addressed with minor changes and the
 conclusion by Frederic Da Vitoria that this needs to be revisited
 after NGS, which I agree with.

 Philip Jägenstedt

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] NGS: purpose of length on recording?

2010-06-23 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
I see that in NGS beta 2 recordings can have a length set in the edit
UI. However, this doesn't seem to be related to the track length in
release listings. What's the purpose of the field?

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Capitalization Standard For Transliterations

2010-06-21 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 17:18, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 This changed a bit during RFC, so please read it again if you haven't
 already done so. Note specifically that the scope is limited to
 pseudo-releases, for reasons outlined in the previous thread:

Over two weeks have passed and I'm declaring this passed. There were
some comments which were addressed with minor changes and the
conclusion by Frederic Da Vitoria that this needs to be revisited
after NGS, which I agree with.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] A proposal has passed (was RFV: Capitalization Standard Chinese)

2010-06-10 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
Done. It wasn't under Proposal: to begin with, so that wasn't a problem.


On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 15:38, Brian Schweitzer wrote:
 The RFV period having expired with no vetos having been heard, this proposal
 has passed.  Thanks all!

 Philip, do you mind making the needed changes (removing the proposal header,
 adding the caps standard header, etc) to the proposal page?  Navap can help
 you with renaming the page away from the Proposal: namespace.  :)


 On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

 Oh right, I changed this from RFC to RFV before sending but forgot to
 update the text. So RFV it is.

 As for Transliterations, people actually have comments on that, so
 let's leave that alone.


 On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 09:52, Brian Schweitzer wrote:
  Done; technically this has already been in RFC since 2010-04-07, so I
  we can move it to RFV, with the RFV earliest close/passage date being
  2010-06-07 (or, since today's almost over, let's make it 2010-06-08).
  you want to do the same with RFC-286: Capitalization Standard
  Transliterations?  It too has been in that same RFC state since
  On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Philip Jägenstedt
  This ought to be fairly uncontroversial, assuming no issues it will
  move to RFV and be accepted without further ado. Brian, can you fill
  in the dates?
  Philip Jägenstedt
  MusicBrainz-style mailing list
  MusicBrainz-style mailing list

 Philip Jägenstedt

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Capitalization Standard For Transliterations

2010-06-09 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 19:07, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:

 2010/6/7, Frederic Da Vitoria

 2010/6/7, Philip Jägenstedt

 On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 10:26, Frederic Da Vitoria
  2010/6/7, Frederic Da Vitoria
  2010/6/7, Frederic Da Vitoria
  2010/6/7, Philip Jägenstedt
  On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 22:57, Frederic Da Vitoria
   2010/6/6 Philip Jägenstedt
   On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 20:59, Frederic Da Vitoria
2010/6/5 Philip Jägenstedt
This changed a bit during RFC, so please read it again if you
already done so. Note specifically that the scope is limited
pseudo-releases, for reasons outlined in the previous thread:
Transliterated pseudo-releases should conform to the rules of
transliteration system used. I suggest using something like
pseudo-releases should conform to the rules of the
   I don't think this is good because it is in fact the rules of the
   transliteration system and not the language which is to be used.
   example, when transliterating to the Chinese language using Hanyu
   Pinyin, it is the rules of Hanyu Pinyin that are relevant, not
   of Chinese.
   I see. Thanks or the explanation.
I suggest also inserting an explanation of why this is
limitated to
   The reason is that NGS is soon here, and we don't want people
   around applying this guideline to official releases which happen
   transliterations, making them much different from what's on the
   For example, the title of
   is now Shuang Jie Kun (Nun-Chuks) but would be Shuāngjiégùn
   (Nun-Chuks) if normalized as per Capitalization Standard
   Chinese. I
   doubt anyone who actually has the release would see that as an
   I'm not sure how to put this into the guideline in a sane way,
   concrete suggestion?
   At the time this StyleGuide is being adopted, NGS is getting
   In NGS,
   official releases should not be Capitalized. This StyleGuide is
   limited to
   pseudo-releases in order to avoid destructive capitalization.
   I hope I haven't misunderstood the NGS restriction!
  Now added in a note.
  I still have a problem understanding the RFC:
  Some languages
  (sorry, wrong button :-P )
  1 - Conform
  (sorry, wrong button again !!! GMail is definitely not meant for
  I was writing that I still have a problem understanding the RFC:
  1- conform to transliteration system
  2- some languages have specific guidelines
  3- for any other script that has a transliteration system... here I am
  other than what? Other than 2- or other than 1- and 2-? I exclusively
  latin script (because I don't know enough of any other), where do I
  fit? Not
  2-, obviously...

 The general rule is to follow whatever rules the transliteration
 system has, the rest is just some guidance for how to do that.

 The RFC's rule 1 (your 2) is just a few instances where those rules
 are actually documented in a MusicBrainz guide line, for reference.

 The RFC's rule 2 (your 3) is the fallback, working on the assumption
 that sentence caps will work for all cases not already covered.

 If you are transliterating e.g. Chinese into Latin, that would fall
 under rule 1. If you are transliterating Hindi to Latin, that would
 fall under rule 2 as we don't have any specific rules for it.

 I was hoping you would answer this. I already agree with the current
 formulation, but I'd be even happier if you'd replace


 - For any other transliterations to scripts that have a capitalization
 - For transliteration to scripts that have a capitalization concept but
 don't fall under the two situations above


But it's not two situations mentioned above, it's a general guideline
with some specifics for certain languages. If one must apply some
structure here, both Some languages and For any other
transliterations are both a subset of the general rule.

If the objective is just to avoid the phrase have a capitalization
concept I would agree with that, but don't know how to change it to
anything that makes sense.

Philip Jägenstedt

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

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