Re: [mb-style] RFC: STYLE-262, Place-URL has OSM at

2013-10-31 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Sheamus Patt wrote:
 On 10/21/2013 10:54 AM, Alastair Porter wrote:
 RFC expires October 28

 Proposing a new URL relationship to link a Place to its details on 
 openstreetmap. Hopefully pretty straightforward.

 If you can locate it on OpenStreetMap, then you know it's GPS co-ordinates 
 which can be put into MB, And, if you have the GPS co-ordinates, you can 
 easily construct the URL. E.g. -79.415448

 (locates Ontario Place, just an arbitrary place).

 So, why go through the trouble of adding URLs to all of the various places 
 with specific locations, when we could just put a (locate this place) button 
 into the UI which will take you there using the GPS co-ordinates?

As Ian pointed out early on this should probably not be used for plain 
coordinate links but for links to entities in OSM, like ways and 
Which I would avoid too since they're not stable enough - OSM entities are 
mostly graphical entities with no proper semantics and it can happen easily 
enough that you edit a way in OSM and it ends up representing something 
entirely different. Or you delete it and replace it with another way.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Locations and the upcoming schema change

2013-03-06 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Ian McEwen wrote:
 Is there a place in the new model (start location, end location, lived/worked 
 ARs) we can move the current artist country field reasonably?

I'd think that in almost all cases migrating the current field to a lived in 
relationship for people would be correct. Whatever country Händel is set to, it 
will always be true that he has lived there for however short a span of time. 
So I would definitely copy the country field values to such relationships in 
either case.
Not sure what the equivalent would be for groups, maybe was based in.
worked in for people wouldn't necessarily be true. There might be *some* 
exceptions where someone lives in one country but works in another and their 
country field has been set to the country they work in, in which case lived 
in would be wrong but that should be a tolerable number.

The question is just if this should be the only place that the data should be 
migrated to. If in most cases for people it has been used as the birth country 
then we'd be losing data if we didn't also migrate the values to a birth area 
How many artists have that field set anyway? Would a report work that suggests 
that people copy this to the birth area field after a quick check?

People move between countries, bands not so often. Unless they're mostly built 
around one person who moves to another country or if they become more 
internationalised. But that should also be a tolerable number of exceptions 
so I'd say for groups the foundation area field could be automatically filled 
from the current country field.

Lastly, a general remark for future development: There are many kinds of events 
we could capture, many date fields and place fields and ARs we could add. But I 
wouldn't want this to turn into BiographyBrainz so we should restrain 
ourselves here. We don't need to capture where and when someone married or was 
baptised or spent their holidays. :-)


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] pre-RFC: new work types

2013-01-26 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Rachel Dwight wrote:
 It irks me to no end to see blank works. I've been cleaning up a lot of 
 Hello! Project songs recently and it angers me that they can all be safely 
 called Songs (as the artists rarely ever venture out of pop music) but other 
 users deliberately chose to leave them blank. It's pure laziness. I /have/ 
 left a few works unmarked, namely because I had no clue what they were.

Why does it have to be laziness? With absolutely no documentation about what 
these work types mean and no guidelines when to use what it might just be 
uncertainty, amongst many other things. After all the field is not mandatory.

I don't set it most of the time because I have absolutely no idea what it's 
supposed to be. Is a 30 minute rock opera a song? Is a 7 minute techno track a 
song? And I certainly have no idea how to classify most of the progressive rock 
I listen to and I wouldn't know where to draw the line for the more song-like 
stuff in that and I hate being inconsistent so I just leave it.
If someone wants to figure it out they can still set it. There's no harm done 
in me leaving it empty. And there's really not much gained in me setting it, 
especially if it turns out to be wrong (by some definition to be decided on).

So please don't go around calling people lazy, that's not very nice.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Chinese releases

2013-01-17 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Welcome to MusicBrainz and glad to hear about your future contributions! :-)

You can propose new instruments on this page:

I suggest that you propose missing ones there and for changes in the names of 
existing ones or the structure of the tree it would probably make sense if 
you'd compile a list of proposed changes and post it here.


 Hello everyone,

 my name is Rafael Caro, and just joined CompMusic ( to work with Chinese traditional music, 
 specially Beijing opera. We are going to upload a huge collection of CDs and 
 VCDs of Beijing opera to MB, and have some questions about the style of 
 Chinese releases, one addressed to everyone, and two mainly for Chinese 

 1. The material we are working with comes from China, so they are released in 
 Chinese. However, we want to have, together with the Chinese original data 
 (in hanzi), the transliterated version of all them in pinyin (not the 
 translated one, since there are no official translations). We've seen that 
 the option now is to relate the release in Chinese to a transliterated 
 pseudo-official release. This method, however, creates to releases stored 
 separately (though liked) with different IDs. Could it be some other method 
 to add transliterations of titles and track lists to a release in Chinese 

 2. For the transliteration of titles and tracks, and since there is no 
 official consensus about it, we are planning to transliterate every single 
 hanzi separately: 音乐 = yīn yuè, and not yīnyuè. As for capitals in titles and 
 tracks, we think that only first syllables in the phrase, and those for 
 proper names for people and places should be in capitals.

 3. There are some Chinese traditional music instruments, basic for Beijing 
 Opera, that doesn't appear in the Instrument Tree, like 板鼓, or that appear 
 with an inconsistent format, like jing hú, èrhú, zhonghu, or Moon 
 lute. We suggest to establish a consistent format for all the Chinese 
 traditional instruments: always in pinyin (avoid translations!), written 
 together, and without tone marks: jinghu, erhu, zhonghu, yueqin. 
 Translations, tone marks and further information can be added in the 
 description of the instrument.

 I hope to read your comments and suggestions.


 Rafael Caro.

 Rafael Caro Repetto
 CompMusic, Music Technology Group
 Universitat Pompeu Fabra

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC STYLE-151: edit of relationship type

2013-01-03 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 I keep finding shortened edits and extracts of classical recordings and I 
 have no way of linking them, so I'm going to send a proposal for this. It's 
 pretty much the same that was discussed (but never specifically RFC'd) a few 
 months ago by Salutaurs, except that I've removed digitalisations from the 
 explicitly covered bits since there's no agreement on whether different 
 transfers should or shouldn't be new recordings and that's part of a much 
 bigger discussion I don't want to enter now :)

 This is on the wiki at and in 
 Jira at

 Expected RFV date is Jan 10.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add inlay to the album art types

2012-06-07 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Maurits Meulenbelt wrote:

 I came across this ( ) ticket by 
 Philip Jägenstedt to add the inlay (the inside of the back image in a jewel 
 case, behind the tray with the cd) to the list of possible cover art types. 
 It's marked as RFC required, but an RFC doesn't seem to be created for it 
 yet. Philip isn't sure about the term inlay, but that's also the name I 
 know it as. The Wikipedia article ( ) doesn't give it a name 
 Though inlays are quite common, they don't often appear as scans on the 
 internet. Still, they do occur (
  ), so it would be nice to have a type for it.
 Any thoughts?


I've added a couple. And I'm sure I've seen them a lot of times on, also under that name.

Don't they also use the term in those programs where you can design and print 
your own cover art for burnt CDs (or downloaded cover art)? Maybe someone has 
something like that installed and can have a look.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC STYLE-121

2012-06-07 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 The guideline may be found here:

Can you describe # with number sign please? Pound sign is ambiguous.
See also

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Work type for movements?

2012-01-24 Thread Simon Reinhardt
pabouk wrote:

 Rupert Swarbrick wrote

  pabouklt;pabouk@gt; writes:
  ... I would like to start the process of adding
  work types for work parts (like movement, overture). As I am very new in
  forum do you think it is appropriate for me to start the process?

  Eugh. In my opinion, something like movement shouldn't be a work
  type. What does movemnt mean? Well, probably something like part of a
  larger work. I think we've already got that covered in our data model!
 I agree that a movement is not a work but in MB
 we store movements into work entities!

Rupert did not say that a movement is not a work, he said it shouldn't be a 
work *type*.
To me a part of a work is still a work so I see nothing wrong with storing 
parts as work entities.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Percussion and string instruments

2011-12-15 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
 Should these terms be used in performance Relationships at all, or should
 they only be labels for a category?  And in fact, how often are they used in
 performance Relationships?

Nikki did some queries for me:
percussion instruments: 13,528 relationships (7th most common instrument), 
string instruments: 5,335 relationships (18th most common)

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] RFC: Percussion and string instruments

2011-12-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

This was discussed ages ago [1] and got some agreement then but was never 
actually put to action so I want to propose it as an RFC:

In the instrument tree I would like some of the generic terms changed to the 
way they are mostly credited on releases:

- percussion instruments - percussion
- string instruments - strings

All other occurences of ... instruments I would leave untouched for now 
because they are just grouping specific things and I don't really see them get 
used in credits but I very often see instrument performance credits for 
percussion or strings and arrangement credits for strings so it would 
just seem more natural to call them that in the tree.

This RFC expires on the 21st of December.



MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Distributors in release labels?

2011-11-27 Thread Simon Reinhardt

There've been several discussions on edits which try to add SPV GmbH as a 
release label to releases, with some edits failing and some being successful 
and also edits which try to remove it again. Since the result is complete 
inconsistency I would like to have a resolution on this. shows 
the list of edits for this label.
It is noteworthy that they appear with this name as a distributor on releases. 
And SPV GmbH indeed appears in the logo then, so it is the imprint for this 
distributor (
They have sub-labels like SPV Recordings or Steamhammer as imprints for the 
actual production.

Up to 2009 they used to distribute the releases of the independent label 
InsideOut Music (not owned by them). Now the thing is that for these releases 
both InsideOut Music and SPV GmbH appear with their imprint logos on the 
releases and both appear with their own catalogue numbers (see for example the 
second picture on - the 
catalogue numbers in this case are IOMCD 074 for InsideOut Music and SPV 
089-41512 DCD for SPV GmbH).

Now I would like to add both labels with their catalogue numbers to the 
release. But Jacob Brett e.g. disagrees saying that distributors should not 
appear in the release labels and should be added with the publisher 
relationship instead. Which seems wrong to me because they've not been 
explicitly credited as a publisher. And I think the catalogue number is 
valuable information that needs to be stored - and in the catalogue number 
field rather than the annoation to make it searchable. And the fact that the 
distributor does appear with an imprint on the release should be reason enough 
to allow for them to be listed.

What do you think?


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] About Do not cluster

2011-10-02 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote: is
 terribly outdated. Some cases just don't apply anymore (individual
 releases in a boxset, various recordings). Others, like the Jackson
 sibling example, are actually clustered (is not clustering siblings
 really a good idea anyway?). This should probably be rewritten or
 removed. I'd just remove it, but I imagine there are fans of the
 guideline around, so maybe one of these fans wants to update it? :)

Looking at it nowadays the problems listed on there don't really seem to be 
problems to me. A lot of moderation work - so what? Everything's a lot of 
work but that shouldn't stop us from striving for correctness. Inconsistencies 
from editing - the fact that, say, Janet is linked as the sibling of Jackie 
but Michael isn't wouldn't make the first relationship wrong or the data 
inconsistent or anything. It's just incomplete in one position but that doesn't 
say anything about other relationships.

So I think the advice given on the page is actually harmful. And anyway, 
siblings were always a bad example because you have half-siblings and all that.

I'd say remove it or move it to some historic section / archive if anything 
like that exists.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] With in artist credits

2011-07-12 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Ryan Torchia wrote:
 The capitalization standard for English requires the word with be 
 capitalized since it's more than three letters.  There are a lot of 
 corrections where with is being used in lowercase as a connector in artist 
 credits.  Should we have a policy one way or the other for this?

Shouldn't artist credits completely follow the release, including 
capitalisation, just like track titles?

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] With in artist credits

2011-07-12 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:46 PM, Simon Reinhardt  wrote:
  Ryan Torchia wrote:
  The capitalization standard for English requires the word with be 
 capitalized since it's more than three letters.  There are a lot of 
 corrections where with is being used in lowercase as a connector in 
 artist credits.  Should we have a policy one way or the other for this?

  Shouldn't artist credits completely follow the release, including 
 capitalisation, just like track titles?

 Should track titles completely follow the release, even When It's All
 Like This In Spanish Or German? I don't think many people will be
 convinced by that even if that's what the guideline implies, tbh.

I know I'm not convinced by it. :-)
But it's what the guideline says and I think it should at least be consistent.

 Anyway, that would still leave this issue for recordings…


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Multiple packaging

2011-07-05 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 On 7/4/2011 5:52 PM, Nikki wrote:
  What do people think about allowing multiple packagings to be selected?
  I don't mean anything particularly fancy, just like we have at the
  moment except you could select multiple things.

  I spoke to Ollie about it earlier and he said it wouldn't be hard to do,
  but doesn't want to do it unless that's what we actually want, so that's
  why I'm asking.

 I think it would be useful, but perhaps not as useful as per-medium

Well, I don't think per-medium packaging is actually the correct way to model 
it because several discs can be contained in the same case.

But I also don't think the perfect data model is always the best model for 
MusicBrainz because sometimes it just makes editing too hard / tiresome, even 
with the best interface, so the data quality will inevitably suffer from a 
really complex model.
Therefore I think I'd actually prefer just being able to select multiple 
packaging types.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] second RFC: add “slipcase” to packaging types

2011-07-05 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 This is a second RFC for adding the “Slipcase” to the list of packaging

 Slipcases are commonly used to package several mediums together, as well
 as occasionally for just a single medium (cassette singles are the most
 common use of this)

 I propose also adding a section[1] to the style guide within
 Style/Release. This should cover the objections raised in the previous RFC:

 When a release is contained within multiple packaging types, the
 packaging type should be set to the innermost type which includes all
 mediums within the release.
 For example, a 2-disc set of two jewel cases within a slipcase should be
 entered as “slipcase”, while a 2-disc set where both discs are in one
 jewel case should be entered as “jewel case”.

 —Alex Mauer “hawke”


I still don't agree with this rule and I think it's a bit arbitrary and 
complicated to follow.

You have shown examples of cassettes which only come wrapped in paper/cardboard 
but I'm not convinced that paper sleeve or cardboard sleeve wouldn't cover this 
case.  How are slipcases different?

If you can come up with a definition that clearly shows the difference and if 
we have the ability to select multiple packaging types (instead of your 
proposed rule) I would agree. Until then it's still a no from me for this 
proposal. :-/


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] second RFC: add “slipcase” to packaging types

2011-07-05 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 What guideline would you suggest?  Given that we can only have one kind
 of packaging currently, it seems that there is little choice but to have
 some kind of guideline for which to use when there are several.

Use Other.

 Sleeves are essentially two-dimensional with just a fold at the edges,
 while slipcases have distinct sides (four or five).

But for cassettes you can't really have flat sleeves. It seems like a necessity 
/ logic conclusion to use something with more sides for them.

Until we have a clear set of criteria for how to decide cases like these I 
prefer not to add any more types.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] second RFC: add “slipcase” to packaging types

2011-07-05 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 On 07/05/2011 02:44 PM, Simon Reinhardt wrote:
  Alex Mauer wrote:
  What guideline would you suggest?  Given that we can only have one
  kind of packaging currently, it seems that there is little choice
  but to have some kind of guideline for which to use when there are

  Use Other.

 So if a release has two different packaging types, it should be placed
 in neither of them?  That doesn’t make much sense to me.

*shrug* Neither does this innermost rule to me. :-)

  Until we have a clear set of criteria for how to decide cases like
  these I prefer not to add any more types.

 I gave a clear set of criteria: Use the innermost packaging type.

No, I meant criteria for adding new types of packaging.

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-322: Partial Attribute for Performed Relationship Type

2011-06-27 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Two points though (which are not meant to stop this from being implemented as 
is right now):

1) Would you consider a case where the whole work had been *performed* but only 
part of it been *recorded* (or only part of it released) a partial 
performance as well? If yes, then maybe the guidelines section should mention 
And what about radio edits for example, which are shorter than the album 
versions? Are they partial performances of the work that has been created for 
the album version? And what if an extended version gets released later on? Is 
that a different work then?

2) When this gets implemented, can link 
back to it?
I would put Use the 'partial' attribute of the Performed Relationship Type for 
that. after This relationship should only be used for works where the 
composer split a work into multiple parts, not where a performer merely 
performed part of a work, (often described as an excerpt, intro, or 


Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
 As the original RFCr has apparently disappeared from the face of Earth
 (or at least from the part of it which has internet) I'm sending this
 RFV myself.

 There was recently discussion[1,2] over the merging of works where one
 or more work represented excerpts of the others, with associated
 concerns that relating a recording of an excerpt to a complete work
 would lead to loss of information.  As a solution to this, it was
 proposed that the performance relationship be extended with an
 attribute indicating that this was a partial performance.

 Accordingly, RFC-322 [3] was created.  The RFV period will end on 2011-06-29.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add Digibook to release packaging list

2011-06-22 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 On 06/21/2011 03:28 PM, Simon Reinhardt wrote:
  So going by that logic the 8cm CD snap pack thingy would be a digipak as 
 well, yet you agreed that it could be added?

 I don’t believe I expressed an opinion on the snap pack thing

That's how I understood the following bit:

Alex Mauer wrote:
  Box Digibook 8cm Snap-Pack in lack of a better name:

 That one does seem obvious to me as well, but the naming is less so.

 but it
 does seem to have some features to distinguish it from a digipack,
 namely the smaller size (was there ever a 8cm digipak?) and the fact
 that “they could be 'snapped' and folded into a small square rather than
 being the original 6×3-inch (15×8cm) length type of packaging”

A cassette case also has a completely different than a Jewel Case. Why is that 
not different enough?


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add Digibook to release packaging list

2011-06-21 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 On 06/20/2011 04:04 PM, Simon Reinhardt wrote:
  I think book would probably describe a different kind of packaging.

 Can you describe how one would determine if a given package is a “Digibook”?

 To me your first example looks like a book with a paper sleeve glued in,
 and nothing more.  Am I missing something there?

Digibooks have a very distinguished look to me. They fold open like a book, the 
booklet is glued into them like the pages of a book and they normally have a 
very thick cardboard cover and grooves towards the spine where they bend when 
you fold them open.

And it's a term used by the industry in advertising releases and by collectors 
for describing them:

 If the second example is clearly also a “digibook”, what are the
 features of it that distinguish it from a digipack?  To me the important
 features of a digipack are the plastic trays glued to a cardboard cover,
 which that certainly has.  (In this case, it has a booklet attacked to
 the fold in the cover, but that’s not a huge difference to me.

So going by that logic the 8cm CD snap pack thingy would be a digipak as well, 
yet you agreed that it could be added?


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add Keep case to release packaging list

2011-06-20 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Michael Wiencek wrote:
 On Jun 19, 2011, at 8:11 PM, Calvin Walton wrote:
  I’m just wondering if there might be a better name for them, or possibly
  a way to add a comment to describe them. Until I saw this proposal I
  didn’t have any idea that these cases (which I’ve always known as just
  “DVD cases”) even had a name at all!

  That doesn’t mean I have any objection to adding the packaging type
  itself, you have my +1 for that.

 I've always called them DVD cases too, so +1 to your suggestion.

 Does anyone have any suggestion of what the name should be?

 We could use Keep case, or DVD case by itself, or order a comment
 in any number of ways:

 Keep case (DVD case)
 Keep case (DVDs)
 DVD case (Keep case)

I like Keep Case (DVDs) but I'm wondering if there are any releases with CDs 
in Keep Cases.

Otherwise +1 on Keep Case.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add Keep case to release packaging list

2011-06-20 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 On 06/20/2011 12:26 PM, Simon Reinhardt wrote:
  I'd like to see a couple of them added and there's also a general problem 
 that many things can't be represented (e.g. a cardboard box containing a 
 Digipak with two CDs in it and a Slim Jewel Case with a DVD in it).
  But I'm happy with doing them individually so that they don't depend on one 
 another for the style process.

 I’d think we should probably divide them into a few RFCs so we don’t end
 up with 30 different RFCs each for one item.

 In particular, I think the following are obvious “Yes”s and could
 probably be RFCed together:

 * Slipcase
 * Box
 * None
 * Keep case

Not so obviously yes to me. Box is too general for me and Slipcase is usually 
something around a Jewel Case or Digipak so to me it's one of those problematic 
cases that I'd rather not touch without further thought into how we could 
represent this schema-wise (and if we want to at all).

Btw: Nikki compiled a page about packaging as well:

Obvious yess for me would be:

J-card Case
Cardboard Sleeve
Plastic Sleeve
Keep Case
Super Jewel Box
8cm Snap-Pack in lack of a better name:

Don't know much about vinyl but there might be obvious ones there as well.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add “Slipcase” to release packaging list

2011-06-20 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Similarly to box I'm against this because it often contains other things in 
it. For example when there's a Jewel Case with one CD in it and it has a 
cardboard slipcase around it I would just set it to Jewel Case. But if there 
are several different things inside the slipcase I'd use other rather than 
the outermost packaging.


Alex Mauer wrote:
 As NGS now lists releases instead of individual discs, and as slipcases
 are commonly used to bind an entire release of several discs (in
 separate jewel cases) together, it seems appropriate that the slipcase
 should be added as a package type for releases.

 This RFC will expire on 2011-07-27.

 —Alex Mauer “hawke”

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add “None” to release packaging list

2011-06-20 Thread Simon Reinhardt
+1 on this.


Alex Mauer wrote:
 With digital downloads growing over physical media, it seems like “None”
 is a pretty common packaging type, and will only become more so…

 This RFC will expire on 2011-7-27.

 —Alex Mauer “hawke”

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add “Box” to release packaging list

2011-06-20 Thread Simon Reinhardt
I'm against this as it's too general. Is it a wooden box? A carboard box? What 
dimensions does it have and what does it contain?
Also it's often used to contain other packaging types - in those cases I'd 
rather use Other or the most specific standardised packaging that applies to 
all contained discs.


Alex Mauer wrote:
 The box is a pretty standard package for piano rolls.

 In addition, as NGS stores releases instead of individual discs, it is
 not uncommon for all vinyl discs or all CDs to be in a box, even if an
 individual disc is packaged in a sleeve or a jewel case.

 This RFC will expire on 2011-7-27.

 —Alex Mauer “hawke”

 MusicBrainz-style mailing list

MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] RFC: Add Digibook to release packaging list

2011-06-20 Thread Simon Reinhardt
I'm not sure how standardised these really are. Digibooks look a bit like 
digipaks but they always fold open like a book, see e.g.

I usually know them in Keep Case size, e.g.

This RFC will expire on 27th June.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add “Slipcase” to release packaging list

2011-06-20 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 My reasoning:
 * In contrast to slipcases, no release is packaged *only* in an obi; an
 obi is an accessory item to the packaging.  Slipcases are sometimes used
 as the only packaging: [1,2]
 * I may be wrong here, but I think obis don’t cover several mediums
 without additional packaging to actually hold the mediums together, such
 as a multiple-disc jewel case, or a slipcase, or a box.


I don't really see a slipcase being used as the only packaging on those 

To me a slipcase is an accessory item as well. To some collectors the plastic 
packaging with the sticker on it might me an accessory item (which is why they 
never open their releases).
And I've seen releases which were sometimes sold with the slipcase around the 
jewel case and sometimes without.

So to me it's not really part of the defined packaging of a release but more 
like decoration (in most cases but maybe not in all!).


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Packaging types

2011-06-20 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
  J-card Case

 I think that’s just a jewel case for cassettes.  Certainly the hinge
 design, ribbed edges, etc., are essentially the same but resized
 appropriate to the medium.

  Super Jewel

 I see that as just a variant on a jewel case, much as some have a
 transparent tray or ribbed edges (or not)

A Slim Jewel Box is a variant of a Jewel Case and yet we have it in the list. 
To me it's not really a variant of it but a new product, just like the Keep 
Case is a different product, and it just happens to be made of the same stuff.

The cassette one is not a jewel case at all - it's also just made of the same 
stuff (most times).

Jewel Case is a specific term for a product invented at Philips if you believe

I'm not trying to cover products of certain companies here but terms as they're 
actually used in the industry.  

I can't quite follow your reasoning. Do you aim to only make a difference 
between materials? Probably not as you don't want differentiate between paper 
and cardboard sleeve. Different styles of packaging? How specific though? Or 
just broad generic terms? How generic?
Would you rather remove Slim Jewel Case from the list and just have terms like 
sleeve, box, case?
I just can't quite see where you're going. :-)

  Cardboard Sleeve
  Plastic Sleeve

 I don’t know that there’s much difference between paper and cardboard in
 this context (I always understood “paper sleeve” to refer to any paper
 sleeve, regardless of thickness of the paper).

 And I think we’re getting into too much detail with paper, plastic,
 cardboard, etc. sleeves as separate items.

Hm, paper and cardboard are not the same to me so I wouldn't want to reuse 
paper for cardboard ones.
So either we rename paper sleeve to something more generic or we do go into 
more detail.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add Digibook to release packaging list

2011-06-20 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 I think this would be better as “book” so it would cover a wider variety
 of situations, and without having to be concerned over whether it’s a
 Genuine [Company] Digibook™®.

I think book would probably describe a different kind of packaging.

And afaik digibook is not a trademarked term. Digipak used to be but has now 
apparently become a genericised trademark:


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Add Super Jewel Box to release packaging list

2011-06-20 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 As I see it it’s just a variant form of jewel case, of which there have
 been dozens over the years.

 We don’t need to add a new packaging type every time some company adds
 their own Special Sauce and adds a ™ or an ® on the end.

It's quite different to a Jewel Case though. And I think it's being used often 
enough to justify being recognised as more than just a random product by some 
random company.


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] SoundCloud URL relationships

2011-06-13 Thread Simon Reinhardt

I was wondering which relationship types to use for relating artists and 
recordings to SoundCloud URLs (
Nikki was so kind to query the existing usage of types for these URLs for me. 

  biography |  1
  discography   | 11
  download for free | 63
  fanpage   |  4
  myspace   |  1
  official homepage | 15
  online community  | 47
  purchase for download |  3
  social network| 43
  streaming music   | 72

  creative commons licensed download |  3
  download for free  | 37
  streaming music| 46

As you can see it's rather messy for artists at the moment and I think it needs 
some form of standardising or at least cleaning up.

A bit about the site:
In their own words SoundCloud is a platform that puts your sound at the heart 
of communities, websites and even apps. Watch conversations, connections and 
social experiences happen, with your sound as the spark.
Artists can create profiles where they can upload tracks. Apparently you can 
offer tracks only for streaming or also for downloading, and you can CC-licence 
them. It also has social network / online community aspects (followers, groups, 
comments (even within tracks), favourites, sending messages etc.).

So for artist-URL relationships all three of social networking, download 
music for free and stream for free seem suitable (but I'd rather not see the 
class types get the music and online communities be used). Since the site 
is mainly about getting the music I would lean towards relationships from that 
class but on the other hand: an artist can offer all of their tracks for 
streaming only, all of them for downloading as well or some for streaming only 
and some for downloading as well. And we can't deny the social/community aspect.
For those reasons, do you think SoundCloud deserves an artist-URL relationship 
type of its own? And if so, which class would you put it under?

On to recordings:
All tracks that have been uploaded will always be available for streaming so as 
a general type that will always work. But if something's also available for 
download I'd rather want to see that used because being able to download music 
is better than just being able to stream it. And if something's offered under a 
CC licence I'd use the CC relationship type.
In my eyes it's quite clear what to use for recordings and we don't need a new 
type. What do you think?

Oh and: You can also create sets of tracks and I have seen them used as folders 
for albums - so maybe we'd want to relate set URLs to release groups in some 


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] SoundCloud URL relationships

2011-06-13 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
  On to recordings:
  All tracks that have been uploaded will always be available for streaming 
 so as a general type that will always work. But if something's also 
 available for download I'd rather want to see that used because being able 
 to download music is better than just being able to stream it. And if 
 something's offered under a CC licence I'd use the CC relationship type.
  In my eyes it's quite clear what to use for recordings and we don't need a 
 new type. What do you think?

 I can agree with this. Although it's possible (and kinda common) to
 limit the number of downloads (for example, 100 free downloads) and
 leave it as just a streaming afterwards…

Ah, I didn't know that. Is that N free downloads overall (first come, first 
served) or per user?

  Oh and: You can also create sets of tracks and I have seen them used as 
 folders for albums - so maybe we'd want to relate set URLs to release groups 
 in some cases?

 I would link them to releases, not release groups. Although we maybe
 could use the same stuff as for recordings there.

Why releases rather than release groups? I think that with releases being as 
specific as they are now a set in SoundCloud would apply to many different 
releases. Not all of them maybe though...


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-321: Work parts relationship

2011-06-10 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Lemire, Sebastien wrote:
 There might not be numbers, but they were definitely composed with an
 order in mind.
 I absolutely don't want MB to add 1. 2. 3. in front of movements, but
 somehow it would be best for the order to preserved

I liked what Christopher Key proposed: Having a sort name field on works that 
will be used for ordering relationships.
I meant to say that before but for some reason I sent my reply only to him and 
not the list. :-)


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV-321: Work parts relationship

2011-06-08 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Alex Mauer wrote:
 The RFC period has ended for this proposal[1], with no major objections.
 I have updated the proposal with some more guidelines for its use based
 on the list response, and so bring this to RFV status.



MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC-321: Work parts relationship

2011-06-07 Thread Simon Reinhardt
symphonick wrote:
 And, as Rob suggested, not having to repeat the main work title for all
 the subparts.

Hmm, good point. This sounds like something that should be covered by the 
guidelines for the relationship as well: Should the part works contain the 
title of the overall work?


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Concept of works group

2011-06-07 Thread Simon Reinhardt

If there really was a separate entity for work groups, then how would you deal 
with the case of several hierarchical levels?

Using an example that was posted earlier:

Il dissoluto punito, ossia il Don Giovanni
Ouverture. Andante - allegro molto
Act I
Scene I.
No. 1 Introduzione Notte e giorno faticar (Leporello)
Scene II.
Recitativo Leporello, ove sei? (Don Giovanni, 
Recitativo Ah del padre in periglio (Donna Anna, Don 

Would only the leave nodes in the tree be work entites and all the others would 
be work groups? In that case work groups would have to be able to contain work 
groups as well as works.
Or should we not have several levels at all?


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC-322: Performed relationship type attributes

2011-06-07 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Christopher Key wrote:
 There was recently discussion[1,2] over the merging of works where one
 or more work represented excerpts of the others, with associated
 concerns that relating a recording of an excerpt to a complete work
 would lead to loss of information.  As a solution to this, it was
 proposed that the performance relationship be extended with an attribute
 indicating that this was a partial performance.

 Accordingly, RFC-322 [3] was created.  The RFC period will end on



MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Concept of works group

2011-06-07 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
 Yes, I forgot about this, but I feel this is a good argument against 
 implementing Work groups in a separate table. One day, a Work group (can 
 someone think of a better name?) may be recorded as a whole (some conductor 
 may decide to play all movements of a symphony without stopping, for 
 example), so that the Work group would be a Work too. Now that I think of it, 
 it has already happened. There is a release of Prokofiev's 3rd piano concerto 
 where the variations are split in several tracks, so that we'd need to say 
 that this movement is a Work group in order to group the variations into one 
 movement, which itself would of course be a Work since it has also been 
 released as a whole.

It happens for Progressive Rock all the time. See e.g. which was 
first recorded and released as a whole track with the parts mentioned in the 
booklet and then later some of the parts were performed individually live:

Having a separate entity for a group would mean all relationship types that can 
apply to works would potentially have to apply to work groups as well.

I much prefer having just one entity type (and we've already got a type 
attribute on it to specify groupy things) and linking with relationships to 
having a group entity and a schema link.

I still don't understand why a large number of sub-parts would mean we should 
have a work group entity. If it's just the amount of work of adding all the 
relationships then an interface tweak should be able to help (just like relate 
to all recordings there could be a relate to all sub-works; even if in the 
former case it relies on a hard-coded database link and in the latter the 
interface code would rely on the existance of a relationship type).

Sorry, went a bit off on a tangent there. :-)


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC-321: Work parts relationship

2011-06-06 Thread Simon Reinhardt

caramel wrote:
 This AR could be useful but mostly when there are only few works related 
 together. I would prefer the concept of Work group instead with the 
 possibility for the works to inherit the ARs at the work group level.
 For CSG, the number of sub-works can be several tens.

I'd prefer relationships to a grouping type. What's the problem with having 
loads of sub-works?


MusicBrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC-321: Work parts relationship

2011-06-04 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been signed up here. :-)

+1 on this proposal, it is much needed for progressive rock, some metal etc.

Reading the guidelines section I think later on we might also need an
attribute for the recording performance of work relationship so that we
can have recording _partial_ performance of work (this also happens in
progressive rock).
And there are some other cases which I think might need coverage in the
guidelines section:

- Releases where one track corresponds to the whole composition and you
create sub-works anyway because they are listed in the booklet, even if
they don't have recordings attached to them. I've seen releases like that
where different people are credited for the lyrics or composition of the
individual parts and so far you couldn't credit them properly because it was
all one big track. This would be possible now using this relationship.

- Releases where one track corresponds to one part of the composition. It's
nice creating an overall work linked to the parts even if the overall work
won't be linked to a recording itself. There might be releases like that
where the composer/lyricist are only listed for the overall work and not for
the individual tracks (e.g. when they're only credited for the whole
release). Should there be a guideline where to attach the artists then?

- Releases where the whole album (or just one disc of the release)
represents a work and the tracks are the parts. It's not always going to be
clear-cut when that's the case. Sometimes the artists make it very obvious
that they want the whole thing to be seen as one composition because they
title the tracks as parts. But many concept albums where the track titles
don't have that could be seen as one composition as well, e.g. because they
tracks all tell parts of a story and/or there are no gaps between the

- Releases where one track corresponds to several parts at once but not all
of them. I'm not sure what to do in that case. Should there be a work for
this collection of parts that is linked with this proposed relationship to
the overall work? Or should the recording be linked as a performance to all
the part works it contains?

An annoying album sort of falling into that last category is Pink Floyd's
Wish You Were Here where the song Shine On You Crazy Diamond first
appears at the beginning of the LP with parts 1-5 and then at the end with
parts 6-9. But in later re-releases they called the first track Part One
and the last one Part Two.
And often artists will go for one option on one release and then for another
option on another, for example performing a whole work on one track on a
studio album and then only parts of it on a concert which ends up on a live
release. And if they're really evil they put it into a medley with other
stuff. :-/

One last point: What are we going to do about ordering of the parts? You
can't do it with the relationship so should the titles of the part works
have numbers in them?


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Re: [mb-style] RFC: New instrument: Guitar synthesizer

2008-03-11 Thread Simon Reinhardt
Chad Wilson wrote:
 Tracked at I copy and paste the 
 text from there for discussion (apologies if instrument requests don't 
 require RFC, but thought it may be useful for discussion anyway and 
 other instrument requests seem stuck in no man's land).

Yeah, for instruments it's a bit easier. :)
You can add your proposal to

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] General overview of all ARs: Results and suggested changes

2007-08-15 Thread Simon Reinhardt
 3) We have a release is a live performance of release AR, but not a
 is a live performance of track.  This falls into the same situation as #2
 above.  I can think of very few situations where release X is a complete
 live performance of release Y - and ONLY of release Y.  I can, however,
 think of tens of thousands of examples where track A is a live performance
 of track B.  Yet we have this AR only at the track level, and not the
 release level.

This was dodgyly added, that is without much discussion and therefore without 
much thought about the consequences. Actually a live performance (and I know of 
several such cases, even live covers of albums) is a special case of another 
recording of an album and therefore should use the OtherVersionRelationshipType 
like tracks do. I had proposed adding attributes to it in the past, like 
live, acoustic, studio (a song might have been first played live only), 
Also I still think that OtherVersionRelationshipType should be renamed, see the 
discussion section on its wiki page. :)

 Proposed: add a track-track is a live performance of AR, Remove the
 release-release version of the AR (converting any such existing ARs to the
 track-track ARs)

Disagree for the reasons above.

Simon (Shepard)
Pt! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
Der kanns mit allen:

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: New Release Status: Upcoming

2007-04-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Aaron Cooper wrote:

Thanks to the internet, information about soon-to-be released albums
is available well before the official release date.  I think we should
have a Upcoming or similar ReleaseStatus for albums which are added
to the database before the official retail release date.

This would allow us to add information which people find useful (with
proof, of course) before the release is available for public
consumption.  We could maintain a query of the Upcoming releases
(possibly sorted by expected release dates) which would make it easy
for us to review and confirm details on or after the official release
date.  The release status could then be changed appropriately.


On one hand, the info would be redundant because a release date already expresses that something is 
upcoming. On the other hand it's not really. For example if a band publishes a tracklisting for one 
of their albums and says we'll be releasing this in the summer this year then you can 
only set the release date to 2007 and it wouldn't be known if this is still an upcoming date or 
already over. Also you already may have exact information for an album before it is released, 
through a promo copy for example. Then the release date would be in the future but the data would 
be confirmed already. Perhaps unconfirmed is a better term for such a release type, 
less ambiguous and redundant.

I've been thinking about a way to keep track of news for my favourite bands. I 
want to get informed about:
1. regular news about a band (line-up changes, sideprojects, etc.)
2. concert dates near me
3. upcoming releases (different phases like composing, recording, mixing; when 
a title, a tracklisting, release dates and cover art get available)

1. is something for which I, unfortunately, still have to scan band websites. 
This is because most of them missed the Web2.0 trend and never heard about RSS 
(not to speak of working websites).
2. is something sites like , and 
lately do (more or less good).
3. is something MB could well do - I'm not sure though which of the different 
phases of an upcoming release it could cover. Ideally I would be able to query 
for upcoming releases for my subscribed artists (or even a separate list of 
artists because my subscriptions cover my editing preferences, not my musical 
preferences), whether there are titles available already or not. Those 
unconfirmed releases could also be listed separately from the regular 

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: New Release Status: Upcoming

2007-04-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Aaron Cooper wrote:

I should clarify that the status Upcoming is just my recommendation.
We can decide on what the status should be called, but I think for
now we should just discuss the merit of having a release status for
this purpose.

Well with that I was pointing out that your proposal includes two separate 
purposes: getting lists of upcoming releases and marking a release as 
unconfirmed. Which of those did you mainly want to discuss? Because the former 
is covered by release dates already with the exception of the first case I 
described. The latter would be useful for editing but would exclude upcoming 
releases with confirmed data (so if you want to get a list by this release type 
for keeping up with your bands you'd be missing some of the releases).

Of course the release type could be introduced with a less strict definition 
and we could just watch what the editors make of it.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: New Release Status: Upcoming

2007-04-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt


On Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 10:37:10PM +0200, Simon Reinhardt wrote:
Well with that I was pointing out that your proposal includes two separate 
purposes: getting lists of upcoming releases and marking a release as 
unconfirmed. Which of those did you mainly want to discuss? Because the 
former is covered by release dates already with the exception of the first 
case I described. The latter would be useful for editing but would exclude 
upcoming releases with confirmed data (so if you want to get a list by this 
release type for keeping up with your bands you'd be missing some of the 

I think i wouldn't consider anything 'confirmed' until the album was
actually released.  (and even then,.. occasionally misprints happen
and get recalled ;) 

What do you want the release type for then? If the date is in the future then 
people have to have a certain scepticism as to the correctness of the data. And 
if they don't notice the date, they wouldn't notice the release type either.

We had discussions about adding releases before the release date. My position 
(and that of some others) was that you can get crappy / erroneous information 
about releases even after release dates and therefore we could as well add them 
before the release date. Just because the date is over doesn't necessarily make 
information better. I would - however - still wait until enough information is 
available before adding a release (complete tracklist with times, release title 
and exact release date). So an additional release type could just work as a 
flag for incomplete data to tell people that the presented data doesn't follow 
the typical MB quality standards yet.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Should we keep the spaces before punctuation in french?

2007-01-07 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Olivier wrote:

2007/1/7, Simon Reinhardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I think the cases where the colon is not used for sub title style are 
rare. Or do you have examples for uses of colon and comma where you 
think French spacing should apply?

Here is one:

To me this is a typical example for sub title style. :)

though I certainly agree this is more rare than musicbrainz
artificial subtitle style, or that the possible examples are all
somewhat natural examples of subtitle/part style.

I guess so.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] ARs for labels

2006-11-03 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Lukáš Lalinský wrote:


 * parent label
   * labelA is a parent label of labelB
   * labelB is a sublabel of of labelA

I think usually they call this a division.

Any ideas for more?

Do we want to collect information about one label buying up another and stuff 
like that or is this too vast?

Another thing I can think of right now is labels which are usually the 
distributors for other labels, for examples SPV always distributes the releases 
of InsideOut Music.

Then artists being signed to labels.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: new AR 'Artist X wrote the liner notes for release Y'

2006-09-08 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Mangled wrote:

To be consistent with the other stuff on this page, it would go like:

* artist or URL provided liner notes on release or track
* release or track has liner notes by artist or URL

Oh I wasn't implying to be consistent with them, I also think that looks ugly. 
Just that we put it in that section.

Now, personnaly, I would simply strip it off to the following:

* artist wrote liner notes on release
* release has liner notes by artist or URL

I liked for more, and you surely forgot to strip off the URL here. ;)

(a) because Liner notes provided by an URL are no longer Liner
notes, but are a Third party review IMO (except possibly in the
case of net releases?)

Yeah, URLs make no sense here.

(b) because I can't imagine liner notes per-track (hence I think this
AR only apply to releases, not to tracks)...

I have at least one album where the members of the band talk about every track 
in detail.

(c) because I feel provided is ambigous, and wrote looks better...


And well, we may have additional for this AR.
It can be usefull when a reissue provides the original Liner notes and
also new additional liner notes.

Or when one person wrote the main blurb and another one wrote a smaller one.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Cover style

2006-09-07 Thread Simon Reinhardt

azertus wrote:

Sami Sundell schreef:

To make things clearer, I think it would be better if the covers AR
would only be added from the earliest version of the covered song to the
earliest version of that particular cover version. That way under P.J.
Proby's track there would be a more manageable list of different artists
covering that particular track. What do you think? 

Of course! I've always read the guidelines as implying just that. This
is, IMO, a general AR principle that should be honoured.

I collected this and some other general linking issues on so the discussion is 
documented. :)
If you know of any other unsolved issues with AR, please add them there.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Cover style

2006-09-06 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Sami Sundell wrote:

On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 10:44:05AM -0700, Kerensky97 wrote:

It's a good point some of the songs in the database will be swamped
with cover links, so I prefer variant 1.  I'm not sure how it will
affect NGS or whatever when it gets implemented but it still makes
sense to me.

Yeah, some songs will have at least tens of cover versions, probably
released hundreds of times.

I guess we're making the earliest releases sort of song objects, even
though that's not part of the NGS.

There are different possibilities here:

We could say that all released tracks of a song and all released tracks of a cover 
of it should share the same composition object. That would give immediate access to 
composer  lyrics writer ARs and would completely drop the 
CoverRelationshipType once the data is converted to that.

Or we could say: There should be one composition object for the original song 
which groups all released tracks of that, then a composition object for each 
cover version of that song which groups all released tracks for that covered 
version and then cover relationships from the composition object of the 
original song to the composition objects of the coverd versions. For border 
cases, like when a member of that band that did the original version starts a 
solo career and plays this song or goes to another band and they play it, we 
can then decide if we create a new composition object or not.

Of course there are also other AR's
that could be related only to one version of a track (guest performances

I think the original idea was only to link performers and the like to the 
earliest version of a treack/album. That was part of a thread where I asked 
about different AR linking philosophies, I think most people nowadays add ARs 
to the releases they own / they can find infos about.

By the way, I took a look at the ObjectModel/NGS/whatever pages. Is it
just me, or are those pages missing lyrics? No, not part of this mailing
list, just came to my mind when I tried to look for the proper object in
here 8)

Lyrics are included in the composition object as of now. That could lead to 
problems with songs that use lyrics from one song but have a different 
composition and stuff like that. So an option would be to introduce a separate 
object for lyrics - then the hierarchy wouldn't be a simple top-down approach 
any more though, the linking between those could get quite complicated. Also: 
what about arrangements then? Do they deserve their own object too? IMHO it 
would be simplier to cover all this with one object.

Stefan Kestenholz wrote:
Lyrics=not possible due to copyright issues. (see all those lyrics sites 
which are taken down by the industry as we speak)

I don't think he meant actually storing lyrics or linking to them but just 
having an object which represents the lyrics like the composition object.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Transliterations/translations, again! (now on test.m

2006-08-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Brian G wrote:

again i point out that we need to call things what they are or else we will
continue to create confusing BadTermonology which creates communication
issues in the long run.
call things what they are rather than coming up with some new meaning for an
incorrect term.

This is intended to be a release _status_ if I understood it correctly. So yes, the 
release may be a transliteration/translation mainly. But the release _status_ is not. 
There it just doesn't fit. In my eyes virtual would be the best description 
for a status. But I'm fine with other things, just your argument that it's a translation 
doesn't work any more then, so you can't put a preference on this.

translation -- i don't see how it can become any more concise without
losing meaning of what's actually going on. and that can include
transliterations because transliteration is a translation that is literal.

I'm quite sure this is wrong but I let the linguists elaborate on this.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Transliterations/translations, again! (now on test.m

2006-08-11 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Kerensky97 wrote:

And I agree with Gecks that that disclamier might be a little more than is
needed; hopefully people realize that as a transl(iter)ation it should be
identical to the other release just with different words in the tracks and

I don't think that's what Gecks meant. He said it should not only be allowed 
for identical tracklistings (apart from transl(iter)ation), but also for 
tracklistings with bonus tracks or another track order.
Here we have to be careful. How will NGS use this relationship and how will it 
use remaster relationships? Well, when we run the initial conversion to a new 
schema, it will observe relationships such as remaster and automatically create 
a release group in which it puts both. Apart from that, the relationships and 
releases stay untouched.
When it encounters a transl-AR, it should check the release status: if both are official, 
put them in one release group and leave them as they are. If one is virtual/alternate/... 
and the other official, and the relationship points in the right direction (else someone 
made a mistake :)), then merge the virtual one into the official one and append the 
tracklisting as alternate titles. So if we allow this AR to be used for tracklistings 
which are different in the track order or have bonus tracks, then only for linking two 
official releases. A virtual release which is not about the exact same tracks 
should never be linked to an official release, because that can create wrong merging 
results when transforming the data to NGS!
You might say, why should someone create a virtual release with a different 
track order? Well that perhaps not but consider this case:
There's album A with 10 tracks and there's album B with 13 tracks which is just another 
edition of A with bonus tracks. Now you can have a transliteration A* of A and a 
transliteration B* of B. Imagine we just have A and B* in the database (because noone 
could find the original tracklisting of B yet but only a transliteration). Someone might 
think: oh, it's surely ok to create a relationship A is the original 
language/script track listing of B*, one is official, one is virtual, they are 
almost about the same tracks, can't be bad. But that would be a big mistake.
So I think a disclaimer for that case is needed.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Re: RFC: Transliterations/translations, again

2006-08-10 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Nathan Noble wrote:

I have a tricky case for you: in my shelf there's a
classical CD which I didn't dare adding to MB yet.
Reason: it has both German and English titles in the

This is common in classical.  I've always added these
in whatever language appears first, though I've come
across releases where the tracklisting and liner notes
are not in the same language order.  In that case
ethnocentricity is my tie-breaker and I enter english
(assuming that was one of the options, and it always
has been).  Not sure if that's acceptable or helpful.

I'd bet $50 the cd on your bookshelf is released by
Deutsche Grammophon...

How do you plan to transfer it? It's ZYX Classic. :P


Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Transliterations/translations, again!

2006-08-09 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Stefan Kestenholz wrote:

unless i'm mistaken, this is relationship is not for actual
translations of the tracks/releases themselves, but the track/release
*tracklistings* only.

Please answer me this: What is the legimation of a user translated entries
in the database, if it wasn't released in this form? I have seen no
objections against the ideas of creating translations in the database, I
think this should be adressed first.

Listen to Don: rules follow practice. With tons and tons of translations and 
transliterations already being in the database you cannot just go and make a 
guideline not to allow that. It's unrealistic.

So instead of discussing this question *again* I think Nikki would be pleased 
if you all stay on topic and discuss the proposed relationship types and the 
release attribute.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Transliterations/translations, again!

2006-08-09 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

On 09/08/06, Stefan Kestenholz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 unless i'm mistaken, this is relationship is not for actual
 translations of the tracks/releases themselves, but the track/release
 *tracklistings* only.

Please answer me this: What is the legimation of a user translated 

in the database, if it wasn't released in this form? I have seen no
objections against the ideas of creating translations in the database, I
think this should be adressed first.

IMO this AR is needed regardless. there are plenty of albums that have
one tracklisting in one country, and another in another - note I am
talking about the *text* on the tracklisitng, nothing else.

Thanks for being realistic. :)
Although you seem to be for merging them, you understand that, since we have 
them and they won't just go away, we need to handle them somehow. And to 
everyone: when discussing relationship types, please always keep in mind that 
they are essential for NGS. The AR data will be used excessively to do the 
initial data transformation to the next schema [1].

what i was saying is I don't think it's intended for actual
translations of the *songs* themselves (eg a band doing a song in
their native german, and then releasing an version with re-recorded
english lyrics).

Which is exactly what Nikki's initial mail said. :)

Simon (Shepard)

[1] for details see

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Re: RFC: Transliterations/translations, again

2006-08-09 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Alexander Dupuy wrote:
Deciding which are the original titles when there are simultaneous 
official releases with titles in different languages will be tricky, but 
I guess that's what we have editors and voting for.  Chris B's 
suggestion to use the actual language of the songs is a reasonable 
guideline for songs, although it doesn't help for musical works without 
words (instrumentals).  There are also probably some cases where there 
are multiple different translations entered in the DB, but the originals 
have not actually been entered (e.g. a release with Amharic (Ethiopian) 
and (translated) English titles on the cover, where only the English has 
been entered, the English titles are not really the original for a 
French translation).  [Note for Nikki - do we actually have any Amharic 
script entries?]  The song language guideline doesn't help settle the 
originality of different script versions for the same  language (e.g. a 
Serbian album with Cyrillic and Latin script versions).  However, 
regardless of what obscure corner cases I can come up with, I am 
convinced that having an original directionality is, on balance, the 
better solution (especially since it makes it explicit how one should 
avoid relationship clusters).

I have a tricky case for you: in my shelf there's a classical CD which I didn't 
dare adding to MB yet. Reason: it has both German and English titles in the 

Anyways, an important example for when we have transl(iter)ations but not the 
original titles in the db: Since CDs are expensive in Japan, western artists 
often produce special releases for it with bonus tracks on them. I don't own 
such a Japanese edition but I'm pretty sure the titles are not in latin on the 
covers most of the time. Yet, I haven't come across editors from Japan for the 
rock bands I edit. And apart from, where I wouldn't copy 
tracklists from, I don't know where I could find reliable resources for 
tracklists how they are printed on the covers of such Japanese editions. But 
what I can find out is how the tracks are called in English/Latin. I have the 
tracklisting for the European/US release and the artist websites often list the 
titles of the bonus tracks for Japan. So what can I do much but enter the 
Japanese edition in English/Latin? And I can't even find out, if the Japanese 
release really has the titles in latin or not, so probably I'm enterin
g the official release, probably the virtual release. God knows, but you 
can't blame me for it, it's common practice. ;) There are lots and lots of those just in 
the metal section. I haven't seen anyone complaining about them yet.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] New to this list

2006-07-26 Thread Simon Reinhardt

mll wrote:

Hello there,

As a recent suscriber, this is just a quick mail to introduce myself.

I suscribed upon dmppanda's request for a very precise reason he and azertus
know, yet I'll be lurking for a while before to learn how this list lives.

This is the first MB ML I suscribed too, if it's useful to suscribe to
another one to complete the Style ML experience, just let me know.

Hey and welcome! :)
You could definitely subscribe to mb-users which is a bit broader. On the style 
mailing list we discuss style issues relevant for the database in general (or 
for bigger parts of it) while on mb-users we discuss single cases and 
everything around the community.

 Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] SeriesNumberStyle - useage for more than one named part/volume in the same track/release

2006-07-12 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

haha, well lets forget about it for now then, it's definitely not
important at this point :)

Thanks! That's kind of you. We'll figure it out at a later point.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: New Artist Type: Project

2006-07-02 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Stefan Kestenholz wrote:

I've added [1] the new artist type, and it is ready on test to play around
with. I agree with robert that this has minimal impact, since it doesn't
influence ReleaseArtistStyle IMO, but helps to achieve a finer granulation
how we can represent an Artist (a project is very often clearly perceived as
that in a non-database view of the music world).

regards, Stefan


The relationships are also live on test now, feel free to play around with them:

And tell me if you want changes in the phrases. :)

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] New AR links for Broadway Productions and ClassicalMusic

2006-07-01 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Beth wrote:

In light of this incredible amount of information, I don't feel I am as
capable of doing the wiki, perhaps if I had more free time, at the moment
though... my time is a lot more hampered than it use to be. Sorry.

No problem. :)
I don't want to bring it through since that'd mean I really want it and have to 
support it. But I think with a bit more input from the original requester we 
can work this out. Then we are able to write wiki pages and do an RFV.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] New AR links for Broadway Productions and ClassicalMusic

2006-07-01 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Wendell Hicken wrote:
What sort of input would you like?  Do you want me to try to contact the 
admins for these sites and clarify the link

persistence issue?

You could do that for one, it would surely help a bit.
And since it's your proposal you could also sum up and decide for link formats 
and for phrases for the ARs. I will help with the wiki pages.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] (album version) - Form of this change

2006-06-25 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Lukáš Lalinský wrote:

Robert Kaye wrote:

Agreed 100%. If anyone needs any _more_ reason than that, I can put my
evil overlord hat on. Between TaggerScript becoming a reality and this
reasoning, there is no logical way to support the removal of (Album
version). Period.

Can I take as a final decision and update the wiki pages?

Apart from what I think about album version information, I really don't like 
the form of how this went.
The discussion was open for three days, then a veto was requested inside a mail.
Then the decision was made within 34 hours.
Then the change was announced on a wiki page only that only a few people 
following the most recent discussions on this mailing list even noticed so far.

This is all very suboptimal in my eyes. I didn't plan to step into this 
discussion but other people perhaps did. Given that there was much traffic on 
the mailing list at that time (because of the net releases for one), there was 
rather a lot to read so I think people needed some more time to get into it. 
But three days from the first mail to the veto isn't enough.
The new form of requesting vetos Don suggested and used here isn't obvious enough I 
think. I'd still like to have topic changes (RFV: (album version)) for that.
And just the mention of ruaok to use his position as evil overlord to decide 
on this should be no reason to shorten the veto period drastically.
Finally this is a change with a rather big impact on the data and therefore 
needs to be announced on the mailing list. The new wiki page is nice as a log 
of changes but it doesn't catch everyone's attention - especially since it's a 
very new page.

As a side note this is the second time I notice a decision many people are 
interested in to be made so fast. I think only because many people consider 
this to be important and want this to be changed as soon as possible, we should 
not forget about our formalities.

Thanks for listening,

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Adding some AR attributes

2006-06-17 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Simon Reinhardt wrote:
I propose adding CoRelationshipAttribute to EngineerRelationshipType 
(the main type, not all sub types) and within that to the sub type for 
mixers, and adding ExecutiveRelationshipAttribute to 
EngineerRelationshipType (again the main type only) as proposed by Schika.
For this I let the veto phase open for another 48 hours. If someone 
thinks we need to clarify those two sub roles first (that is to write 
the wiki pages for those attributes to exactly describe them), feel free 
to veto.

For the records: no vetoes, so applied.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Dealing with translations and transliterations

2006-06-16 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Nikki wrote:

Basically, yes. The overall thread so far has been that:

Some points to add:
Dustin exhaustively tried to state why we *should* allow virtual duplicates - 
which I think was unnecessary because everyone who still wants to argue against 
that is a bit out of reality. ;)
Also it was said that we might want to make use of this relationship for 
displaying duplicate releases together with the official ones (?) and let all 
changes to one of the releases (except the titles) reflect on the other ones 
automatically. I'd like to see more concrete plans for that.

* We can avoid the majority of relationship clusters by linking to the
  official release in the artist's native language (presumably in their
  usual country of release).

This point is a bit hazy to me. What about cases where the official release of a Japanese band is 
in English/Latin and someone creates a virtual Japanese/Kana duplicate? Artist's native 
language is problematic in my eyes. Of course you could say the English/Latin one is the 
official release and therefore everything links there. But what if there are several official ones 
of which none can be seen as most native?
This might sound theoretically but I think identifying the main release can 
be problematic.

Expanding on the last point, there will still be some cases where clusters
would be possible, but focusing on those is silly. We currently have
thousands of transliterations which are lacking a relationship because a
handful of examples (which, in some cases, are just theoretical) are tricky
to handle.

I would like to hear more about those tricky examples. :)
I guess they have been discussed to death before... sorry, didn't read the 
other threads.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Adding some AR attributes

2006-06-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Hi again,

to sum it up so far: there have been no vetoes but some discussion that put 
parts of this back to the RFC stage, so I'll split it as follows...

I propose adding CoRelationshipAttribute to EngineerRelationshipType (the main 
type, not all sub types) and within that to the sub type for mixers, and adding 
ExecutiveRelationshipAttribute to EngineerRelationshipType (again the main type 
only) as proposed by Schika.
For this I let the veto phase open for another 48 hours. If someone thinks we 
need to clarify those two sub roles first (that is to write the wiki pages for 
those attributes to exactly describe them), feel free to veto.

Note that the following discussion arose from this: Schika had examples of liner notes which 
differentiate between a mixer and a mix engineer. Do we need that separated? Also he stated a 
difference between recorded by and recording engineered by again. I think 
all this needs a new thread so feel free to start one. ;)

For the proposed changes of adding GuestRelationshipAttribute to 
OrchestraRelationshipType and ConductorRelationshipType I feel there definitely 
is need for more discussion to clarify what this attribute is about in general 
(wiki page needs to be written) so I abandon the request for those changes.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type is the predecessor of

2006-06-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

On 14/06/06, derGraph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For cases where an artist only changed it's name we might use a more
general renamed to/was previously known as AR.

i'm not so sure such cases would be indexed as seperate artists
anyway. see 

and related discussion

Ok, stepping in a bit late again, sorry. I would prefer a general type which can mean both simple 
name changes and name changes combined with line-up / style changes (I don't like that 
style thing though since it is subjective, so I don't think it should go into the style 
description for that type). And right as Don said it, we don't need any rules then which cases this 
is allowed for and which not but simply delegate this problem to the question Are those 
different band names allowed to have separate entries or not?. If they are, we use this 
relationship, if they are not then they are to be merged - you see, the problem is solved very 
simply by moving the discussion to another place. ;)

Then my reasoning for why I think we need one type only: One reason is that I think the 
types get too diverse and complex - we would expect too much from the users. And for 
those who're going to say that's a lame reason, here's the other one: I'm not 
sure if you can clearly separate those two types in every case, I think they overlap too 
much. Some bands changed their name several times before they became popular under a 
certain name and often you don't have enough info about style changes / line-up changes. 
I know several cases offhand where the bands released demos or even official albums under 
their older names and *I'd* prefer having those as separate artist entries to be more 
accurate (not only for tagging) - even if the line-up stayed the same.

Btw: and interesting case is Dream Theater who released older demos *after* they 
changed their name from Majesty to Dream Theater and thus the demos contain both 
band names: -

I'll stop before I'm going too off-topic. ;)
Oh and: I'll not veto, see this as a too late answer to the discussion phase.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Freetext crediting (Was: RFV: Adding some AR attributes)

2006-06-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

On 14/06/06, Simon Reinhardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Of course since we don't have freetext crediting like Discogs we can 
only render liner notes to a certain extent and I'd normally say try 
to find those types which are nearest to what they really did - but 
since in most of the cases we can't know what they really did, we can 
only go with the liner notes for those smaller roles and therefore I 
also prefer to see it as close to the liner notes as possible. That 
does not apply for all AR types though - in some cases you *can* know 
what the credited persons really did. For example liner notes for rock 
albums mostly say guitars by ..., bass by ... where they mean 
electric guitar and electric bass guitar. Of course it's not wrong to 
let it as guitars as those are generalisations.

i agree. i'd still like to have free-text qualifiers (pipe dream...),
for the occasions when a new AR isn't appropriate, but it's still nice
to show the written credit as well as the actual role - eg (look at some of those
convoluted track credits!)

Ok, I decided to open a new thread since this is interesting but off-topic from 
the RFV. :)
The big advantage of AR compared to freetext crediting is that we can clearly 
define the semantics of every type. The disadvantage is that we cannot cover 
every possible case. Perhaps a combined solution would make sense: selecting a 
general AR type and having a free text field for the details (*). I often state 
the exact details of the credit in the moderation note or use the album 
annotation for cases we can't cover exactly yet.
I also use the annotation for things we can't describe at all with AR - for example drums recorded at 
studio XY by YZ from T to S or engineer for studio A: X, engineer for studio B: Y or 
choir/strings/orchestra arranged by ..., conducted by  Some of them need additional types / 
type extensions, some would need three-directional AR types, some are just strange. :)

(*) would make that possible.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Adding some AR attributes

2006-06-11 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Don Redman wrote:

On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 22:50:21 +0200, Simon Reinhardt wrote:

However, is that an addition, an agreement or a veto? ;)

Was there
I don't know because I must admit, that I have really lost track of the 
latest discussions on mb-style.

If there has not been such a discussion, then a requesto for veto might 
be a bit too early. It might be better to ask for comments first, and 
then, when either the discussion has stalled, or drifted off into the 
fundaments of MB, which you do not want to tackle with this proposal, to 
propose the changes a second time (maybe altered) and request a veto.

However, if there was a discussion and I have just missed it, then 
please link to it.

There has been no discussion but please note that those are simple separate 
questions for small additions to AR types.
Schika's additional comments can be seen as separate new questions.

Those kind of changes even have been decided on IRC before, some AR editors don't use the 
mailing list way or other communication channels at all... - as you can see I don't. But 
I'm not pressing this thread into a certain form by calling it RFV instead of RFC because 
I think we are all disciplined enough to work on this in an open form. I'm open to 
additions and I'm open to counter positions (called veto here). I just called 
it RFV because it does not ask for a bigger change nor touch more general issues. There 
have been threads labelled with RFV which did that - perhaps you want to step on their 
toes too.

I hope we can stay on topic now and not let this drift into a 
Sommerloch-discussion about form questions.

Thanks, Simon

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Adding some AR attributes

2006-06-11 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

more of a general comment, but are you implying that 'guest' means any
performer who isn't a member of the group in question? only i've
always thought of 'guest' only being appropriate when it's written as
such in the liner. eg a studio guitarist isn't a 'guest', but some
famous guitar player probably would be.

and 'guest orchestra' seems unlikely in liners, unless they normally
have a different orchestra as part of the band :)

Right from the description of the attribute:

This attribute indicates a 'guest' performance where the performer is not 
usually part of the band.

I think this is quite clear. ;) says:

While guest designates performers who are not usual members of the group that 
performed, say, the whole album, but only appear on one track.

There's still no distinct definition for it though, not even a wiki page. But 
that would be talk about the meaning of the attribute itself then.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] RFV: Adding some AR attributes

2006-06-10 Thread Simon Reinhardt


I would like to add some attributes to some AR types and therefore request 
ok/veto for each of them:

1. could need
 - {orchestra} orchestra {additionally} performed becomes {orchestra} orchestra 
{additionally} {guest} performed

2. could need
 - {additionally} conducted becomes {additionally} {guest} conducted

Rationale for those two: well I have seen lots of guest orchestras being 
credited in the liner notes of my albums. :)

3. could need (page does not yet exist)
 - {additionally} engineered becomes {additionally} {co-}engineered

4. Same for the mix engineer (same wiki page):
 - {additionally} mixed becomes {additionally} {co-}mixed

5. probably the other engineer types too

Rationale: we added the co attribute to - 
now I found someone credited as co-engineer and co-mixer in liner notes. I had added him with the attribute 
additional but since we have the co attribute I think we could use it here too.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Adding some AR attributes

2006-06-10 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Schika wrote:
I have some releases where is also mentioned executive engineer, 
recording engineer, mix engineer, remix engineer.

executive engineer would be no problem to add too, since we also introduced 
that attribute for the producer type.
Though recording engineered and mix engineered was just changed to recorded by and 
mixed by and the majority agreed it means the same... please not that discussion again. :)
remix engineer - isn't that a remixer?

However, is that an addition, an agreement or a veto? ;)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Altering (especially translating) lyricist

2006-06-01 Thread Simon Reinhardt

I guess noone cares? :/

Simon Reinhardt wrote:


Bogdan earlier hinted at the many versions of songs in other languages 
[1]. Whether one wants to link those to the original versions or not is 
one question (thinking in NGS I wouldn't use the 
OtherVersionRelationshipType because it's not only a different recording 
but also has altered lyrics - and my request for renaming this AR type 
is still open anyways ;) [2]).

What I would like to have though is a way to link the translator of 
lyrics. Apart from the examples Bogdan pointed out, I have 4 such cases 
in my collection and they all credit it like that:
Music by: [original composer], lyrics by: [original lyricist], 
translated by: [translator].
For now I just linked the original composer and lyricist as usual and 
linked the translator with additionally wrote the lyrics for.

My questions: Does it make sense to have an AR type for this? Or can it 
be included as an attribute in the LyricistRelationshipType? Or should 
we think more general and try to find something that also includes other 
forms of altering lyrics (parody, translation+parody, ...)?

By the way: I don't think any of those types should have a language 
attribute. This is actually an attribute of the track and not the AR - 
similar as described in [3].




Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Altering (especially translating) lyricist

2006-05-30 Thread Simon Reinhardt


Bogdan earlier hinted at the many versions of songs in other languages [1]. 
Whether one wants to link those to the original versions or not is one question 
(thinking in NGS I wouldn't use the OtherVersionRelationshipType because it's 
not only a different recording but also has altered lyrics - and my request for 
renaming this AR type is still open anyways ;) [2]).

What I would like to have though is a way to link the translator of lyrics. 
Apart from the examples Bogdan pointed out, I have 4 such cases in my 
collection and they all credit it like that:
Music by: [original composer], lyrics by: [original lyricist], translated by: 
For now I just linked the original composer and lyricist as usual and linked the 
translator with additionally wrote the lyrics for.

My questions: Does it make sense to have an AR type for this? Or can it be 
included as an attribute in the LyricistRelationshipType? Or should we think 
more general and try to find something that also includes other forms of 
altering lyrics (parody, translation+parody, ...)?

By the way: I don't think any of those types should have a language attribute. 
This is actually an attribute of the track and not the AR - similar as 
described in [3].



Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: new AR type is the predecessor of

2006-05-29 Thread Simon Reinhardt

derGraph wrote:
Does anyone have any objections on creating such an AR? Which wording 
should we use? (I'd prefer the predecessor / successor combination.) 
Is there something we should think about?

Does this only apply to groups? If so the phrase should reflect this. If not 
then what does it mean for persons? Legal name changes? I prefer handling this 
with a separate AR type. This has cluster problems when combining it with 
performance names though.

How restricted should this type be? If there is a major line-up change 
involved, perhaps also a contract change with the label, then is this different 
from a simple name change (for example for legal reasons) or when a group just 
starts printing a different name on their releases (alias?)?

Of course on such an AR only the begin date applies. An end date would 
imply that the band renamed back to the original name.

This can only be restricted by guidelines+voting unfortunately. All ARs have a 
begin+end date.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: new AR type is the predecessor of

2006-05-29 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Aaron Cooper wrote:

I think this would be a step in the right direction.

I look forward to the day when we can see a band's entire discography
on one page, despite name changes :)

This is a good example for evaluating relationship data (one of derGraph's 
favourite topics ;)). And also a typical case for my Clouds proposal but well, 
people misunderstood this as tags and forgot it. :P
No, but seriously, evaluating relationships will become more and more important 
in the future I think.


Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Localisation of SubTitleStyle: space before colon

2006-05-28 Thread Simon Reinhardt


I came across this tracklisting which has both grouping titles and named parts:
Tracks with grouping titles use SubTitleStyle and thus (excluding the named parts) you 
get Triae Ademptionis Pilae: Crux Via for track 2 for example. Though this is 
French and in French there has to be a space before the colon. So I did it like that: (btw: please check French 
capitalisation ;).
The same applies for release titles of course, I had seen a French release with a sub 
title which was written with  :  too.

So my questions: Do you agree applying French language rules here? Should mention this?


Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Localisation of SubTitleStyle: space before colon

2006-05-28 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:

2006/5/28, Simon Reinhardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I came across this tracklisting which has both grouping titles and 
named parts:
Tracks with grouping titles use SubTitleStyle and thus (excluding the 
named parts) you get Triae Ademptionis Pilae: Crux Via for track 2 
for example. Though this is French and in French there has to be a 
space before the colon. So I did it like that: (btw: please 
check French capitalisation ;).

Well, actually, this would be Latin.

*sigh* Ok! But there are French titles like this. Please think abstract, this 
was just to show what I mean. ;)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] song / [untitled] vs. non-album tracks

2006-05-16 Thread Simon Reinhardt


I noticed a little contradiction on the wiki.

On it says:

Tracks hidden in other tracks:
* Another kind of HiddenTracks are those where a single (very long) track has 
music, then a long silence (or noise), followed by one or more (different) 
pieces of music. Since there is no support for TrackSections, these can be 
entered as non-album tracks, although there is not complete consensus on this.

Though says:

[...] When they appear on a track that also has a listed song, this rule has to 
be used in combination with MultipleTitleStyle, e.g. track 13 

So do we both title the track on the album song / [untitled] _and_ add the untitled 
part as a non-album track? IMHO this case needs to be removed from NonAlbumTrack. Perhaps there is 
no real support for TrackSections but MultipleTitleStyle is a good workaround.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] song / [untitled] vs. non-album tracks

2006-05-16 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

however i must say i hate the mutilation of track titles for hidden
tracks - song / [untitled] looks horrific IMO. they should be just
left as they are - [untitled] should only be used when the entirity of
the track is untitled (ie, use [untitled] rather than no title at all)

So do I. You can never clearly say if a piece still belongs to the current song or if 
it's something new. This is not bullet proof enough in my eyes. But we have 
been voted down on this. :(

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] song / [untitled] vs. non-album tracks

2006-05-16 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Ok, following the consensus I edited:

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Are major performers still required in the album titles of classical music?

2006-05-05 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Maurits Meulenbelt wrote:
I believe that that styleguide indeed precedes AR, but for the moment I 
would prefer keeping that info in the album title, at least until the 
Tagger tags AR info, because I like to have that information on my 
computer. When the tagger is more mature I agree that it would be neat 
to have that info in AR only, and show the info (maybe when you hover 
your mouse over the album title in the list) in the album list.

The problem I can see with this: the webinterface can't differentiate between 
classical albums and pop albums for example. So if you hover over a pop album 
then should it also show the line-up? all of it? Band and guest artists? I 
don't know if we want that.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Are major performers still required in the album titles of classical music?

2006-05-05 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Age Bosma wrote:

Simon Reinhardt wrote:

Maurits Meulenbelt wrote:
I believe that that styleguide indeed precedes AR, but for the moment 
I would prefer keeping that info in the album title, at least until 
the Tagger tags AR info, because I like to have that information on 
my computer. When the tagger is more mature I agree that it would be 
neat to have that info in AR only, and show the info (maybe when you 
hover your mouse over the album title in the list) in the album list.

The problem I can see with this: the webinterface can't differentiate 
between classical albums and pop albums for example. So if you hover 
over a pop album then should it also show the line-up? all of it? Band 
and guest artists? I don't know if we want that.

What about displaying only (if available) 'conductor' and 'orchestra'? 
With maybe one additional important field as well. This would basically 
rule out most, if not all, non-classical releases and only the most 
important info required for distinction will be displayed instead of all.

Yeah and then you have the Metallica album which they performed together with 
an orchestra. And a piano player interpreting classical music. ;)
I don't think you could follow simple rules for such a feature, there's a big 
grey area.

- release artist = main performer (stone him! ;) )
- an attribute in the ARs signifying whatever you want it to signify (similar to the conflict that 
 (feat. ...) does not always require a performance AR and a performance AR does not 
always require  (feat. ...)).

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Update of ProducerRelationshipType

2006-05-04 Thread Simon Reinhardt


I just updated to include 
attributes for describing roles of co-producers, executive producers and 
co-executive producers as per common consensus.
This closes ticket

Have fun editing. ;)

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] WriterRelationshipType

2006-05-02 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

New AR time!

artist {additionally} {guest} wrote {lyrics:lyrics for}OR{music:
music for} album or track

To me the writer of the music was always the composer.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] AR philosophy

2006-05-02 Thread Simon Reinhardt


I have some questions about linking philosophy which I think need to be 
generally clearified because if every moderator follows their own concepts then 
we don't have consistent data.

1. Link performers to releases:
a) always, including members of bands
b) only if they are guest performers / are the line-up for a project or 
solo-album of an artist.

2. Link artists to releases when they performed on / wrote / engineered / 
otherwise worked on:
a) all tracks / the whole release
b) the majority of tracks
c) one track and more.

3. For different releases of one album, link all artists to:
a) all of them
b) the original releases only (including special editions being released at the 
same time as regular editions)
c) the regular original release only.
  - How do we link special editions to regular editions if they were released 
on the same day?

4. Link artists to tracks they worked on:
a) always
b) only if there isn't a relationship of the same type between artist and 
release already.

Spoiler warning! ;)

My own approach at the moment is:
1. b)
2. a)
3. d) := the release I own ;)
4. b)
but I am unsure and tend to other approaches from time to time.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Co-ProducerRelationshipType

2006-05-02 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

On 28/04/06, Simon Reinhardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

derGraph wrote:
 I would still favour
 artist {additionally} {co-}{executive }produced album or track,
 but I'm not sure whether the space after executive is valid, or if it
 can be replaced with {executive:executive }.

Yes, with {executive:executive } it is possible. Additional 
co-executive producer, hehe. Whoever finds that in some liner notes 
will receive 5 bars of finest chocolate from me!

I think now we outlined nearly every possible solution. Could everyone 
please tell what they prefer? I want to see this closed...

i prefer artist {additionally} {co-}{executive:executive }produced
album or track but like i said, i'm not particularly bothered about
their being a potential impossible combination (additional
co-executive producer), and i think it's better to have that 'risk'
and keep all attribs in the same place.

Ok, I can agree here. We can always regulate combinations by style guidelines 
on the relationship type page.

Request for veto!

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] AR philosophy

2006-05-02 Thread Simon Reinhardt

mud crow wrote:
2. Link artists to releases when they performed on / wrote / 
engineered / otherwise worked on:

a) all tracks / the whole release
b) the majority of tracks
c) one track and more.

d) only the tracks they are credited as having worked on. Which can be 
very time consuming and tedious adding track level ARs, but I think it's 
incorrect to credit an artist as working on a whole release if they 
didnt actually work on every single track.

That would be a) then. Re-read the phrase. :)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Co-ProducerRelationshipType

2006-04-28 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

i don't really understand what that does but if it works go right ahead :)

On 28/04/06, derGraph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Simon Reinhardt wrote:
 Chris Bransden wrote:
 * New: artist {additionally} {co-}produced album or track

 * artist {co-}executive {co-}produced album or track

 That does not work with AR, it could only produce artist executive
 produced album or track or artist co-executive co-produced album or

I might be wrong, but it should be possible to solve this problem using
 artist {coex:co-}executive {copro:co-}produced album or track

Damn you top-responders. ;)

That *would* be possible but it is way to complicated in my eyes. You had to select the executive producer 
subtype and would then see two checkboxes: coex and copro (well the attribute names could be 
made a bit longer) and wouldn't know what they do until you complete the edit. Also this does not make them exclusive. 
So someone could select both and produce artist co-executive co-produced album or track.

Can we please come up with a _simple_ solution that makes everyone happy?

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] ideas on improving Style Council decissions

2006-04-26 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Don Redman wrote:
IMVHO we need to clarify the current process of solving a style issue, 
and document it so well that *anybody* can follow the process. If we 
develop some tools that help, that's even better.

I invite everybody to mercilessly edit StyleCouncil, 
HowToProposeNewGuidelines, ChecklistForStyleChanges, StyleIssue and 
create additional pages like HowToSolveStyleIssues, 
HowTheStyleCouncilWorks etc. I will join in once I have finished moving.

I tried to write down the current mechanisms introduced by you in a algorithmic 
way. But it's not yet perfect so before I touch the wiki pages I want some 
brainstorming on it:

Style issue resolving:

1. Person P detects an issue and decides it needs to be discussed and solved.
2. Person P creates a new ticket for the issue, formulates a description and 
posts it to mb-style.
  The issue is now in the discussion phase for a period T of time.
  Possible solutions are discussed on the mailing list. P can support the 
discussion process by summing up arguments regulary.
3. a) If a solution is proposed within this period of time (this can also be 
done in the initial phase by person P), it is written down to a wiki page (for 
guidelines and relationship types for example) and eventually implemented on (for relationship types). Go to 4.
  b) If T elapses before a solution is proposed, a reminder is sent (by a 
demon?) and P has to do whatever is to be done to lead discussions in a 
direction of a possible solution (that is sum up arguments, bring discussion 
back to topic or revive discussion if it died). Go to 2. for another period T'.
4. Now begins the test phase. The community tries to check if the proposed 
solution is doing its job for a period S of time.
5. a) If within this period of time there is criticism about the proposed 
solution, the discussion phase may start again for another period T' of time. 
Though the proposal may be adjusted in easy cases and the test phase can start 
again immediatly for another period S' of time.
  b) If S elapses go to 6.
6. Person P does a last request for vetos. This can be for 48h or something.
  Any person X can do a veto but has to bring up good reasons for it. A veto 
can either lead to the discussion phase again or to a call for a decision of 
the evil style overlord. How this is done exactly has to be further clarified.

- An issue may have sub-issues which are to be handled separatly.
- P is considered the owner of the issue. Though others may be seconders of 
it and can help summing up discussions, writing wiki pages, implementing, requesting 
vetos, etc.

A tool may help controlling the different phases and keep discipline.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] new relationship type parody

2006-04-25 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Don Redman wrote:

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 22:28:41 +0200, derGraph wrote:
And now, wait 48 hours? I bet that's enough time for me to forget 
about this thread. ;-)

That's a serious problem. Anyone has an idea how this could be avoided?

And it's a general problem of MB. Problems are either forgotten or discussed to 
death or not discussed at all or discussions go off-topic. We discuss around 
things and don't have formal proceedures on making decisions (like a voting 

Perhaps this deserves a new thread, I don't know, but I think we should collect 
ideas on how we could better the situation. My spontaneous idea is the 

We need more secretaries who are willing to do some work. When a new problem 
arises on the style mailing list, one of the secretaries goes to add a ticket 
to the style issues section on trac and either sets the owner to her-/himself 
or to CC. Then they are responsible for keeping discussions about this issue 
alive until it is solved. During discussions they also have the job of summing 
up arguments, seeing if consensus is reached and if no consensus is in sight, 
report it to Robert.
Does that sound doable?

Simon (Shepard)
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Changing OtherVersionRelationshipType to OtherRecordingRelationshipType

2006-04-25 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Adam Golding wrote:
i was discussing this in one of the classical threads--i repaste my 
suggestion here:

I must say, I'm a bit confused by your proposal and don't understand all of it, 
probably because it's very classical-related.
Again I'm pointing to the plans for the NextGenerationSchema (I wish more 
people would read it so we would have a better basis for discussing): and especially the older page probably help you in realising what 
should belong where.

Though what I'm trying to put through here is just a change of terms in 
OtherVersionRelationshipType (and to extend it to releases). No change in the 
meaning, because it already *is* about re-recordings (at least that's what the 
wiki page and the AR description say).

Simon (Shepard)
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Changing OtherVersionRelationshipType to OtherRecordingRelationshipType

2006-04-25 Thread Simon Reinhardt


so to sum it up:

Bogdan said {live} and {acoustic} make not much sense in the relationship since 
they should be track attributes and I agree.

Then I just found an album-album AR type live performance by chance (created because of which is not yet documented on the wiki. I could use this as a base 
for my proposed album-album type release has later recording(s) release, luks just checked it, 
it's only used once. And since albums have a release type live I don't think we need the 
information that something is a _live_ recording of something else here either.

So what I would change is:
- change Track is the earliest version of Track, Track is a later version of 
 to Track has later recording(s) Track, Track is a later recording of Track
- change Release is a live performance of Release, Release was performed live as 
 to Release has later recording(s) Release, Release is a later recording of 
 and update the one case using the live stuff since the direction of the type 
- update accordingly 
and rename it to

There were no objections so far. Are there now? :)

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Changing OtherVersionRelationshipType to OtherRecordingRelationshipType

2006-04-25 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Bogdan Butnaru wrote:

On 4/25/06, Simon Reinhardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- change Release is a live performance of Release, Release was performed live
as Release to Release has later recording(s) Release, Release is a later 
of Release and update the one case using the live stuff since the direction of 
the type

No objections to this. But I remember there is a release is remaster
of release relationship, a release is the earliest release of
release and I'm not sure but I think there's another similar one. It
might be a good idea to write them all together with descriptions and
differences; I'm a bit fuzzy on their precise meanings.

You mean similar to ? 
Yeah that could be useful I guess.

Another thing I realized: the wording of Track is the earliest
version of Track and Track is a later version of Track suggests
that they can be used to link _any_ version of two tracks with the
same name; this would include remixes, alternate versions, etc.

Yes, but reading the description and the wiki page this is not the case. The 
description says it *only* is about re-recordings. And that exactly is the 
reason why I want to change it. :)
I don't know what is another version should mean anyways. Either a song is 
remastered or edited (making it shorter for radio etc.) from the original audio data or 
remixed (mostly taking the end result as a source for the remix I think) or a new 
recording is made. But you're right, I guess we need to collect some border cases to make 
it clearer. Also I think we need to note that CoverRelationshipType overrules 

never occured to me to use it this way, I only used it (at most a
couple of times, actually) for identically-named tracks on re-releases
and such.

For that you should use I 
guess. :)

So, to sum up: a couple of lists of these similarity relationships,
one for tracks and one for releases, with diferences explained and
exemplified, I think would make the issues much more clear (it seems
right to me, but blurry...)

I'm not an expert on sound engineering. Anyone?

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Clarification of instrumental track info

2006-04-19 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Steve Wyles wrote:
However, the guess case function does correct Inst. to instrumental. So, 
although not discussed in the styleguides, I would say there is nothing 
wrong with including that information if it exists.

Of course it handles this. Because we all agree it's absolutly legal and should 
be kept if it is version information. So this is no argument for keeping it in 
every case.

derGraph wrote:
Are we discussing what the current style guide says about 
(instrumental), or are we discussing to change the style guide?

In the first case, the answer is pretty clear: [1] says (on the bottom 
of the page) the following details should be left out: [...] Any other 
information not discussed in the OfficialStyleGuidelines. Instrumental 
tracks are not discussed in any official style guideline.

No, it is not so clear. Appart from my opinion about this line in the 
styleguidelines (stupid) one could argue that, following the style principles 
[2], artist intent overrules this - since it is not even a strong guideline. 
And I'm very much for seeing (instrumental) as artist intent as it can clearify 
the general intended concept of the artists in a tracklisting.

Another nice example: I tried to remove such info myself once, not much 
thinking about it I guess:
And for the sake of completeness, here's the cover:
Oh yes, it is written in a smaller font! We should of course only keep it if 
it's written in the exact same font as the track title. ;)
Seriously, in my opinion this is conceptually intended.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] To the Spanish speakers

2006-04-10 Thread Simon Reinhardt


this is about a style issue but I also want to reach as much people as 
possible, so I'm crossposting to mb-users.
After a long time where we did not have Spanish capitalization standards at 
all, people had finally created It's one of the most 
complex capitalization standards we have and not easily applicable for non 
Spanish speakers. The problem is though that I now get told things like this:

So dear Spanish people, can you in any way confirm that and can you please 
finally come to a decision? :)

Simon (not understanding a word of Spanish)
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] LiveTrackStyle

2006-04-03 Thread Simon Reinhardt


What about implementing annotations on the track level (NATs first, but why
not for other tracks as well)? I think this would be a more elegant solution
to the problem where to put location, dates (or generally: categorization)
of NATs. The downside is, that this information would not be easily
available for tagging.

Yes, please!

Simon (Shepard)
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] LiveTrackStyle

2006-04-03 Thread Simon Reinhardt

derGraph wrote:
I like Chris' idea of copying he annotation data into the comment tag. 
However, this doesn't seem to be possible, since the annotations are 
multi-line text which allow wiki markup. However, we might add a 
single-line text field, some kind of mini-annotation, where only a 
limited set of information should be stored. Of course, we'd need to 
insert another Picard option to replace / append / leave the comment 
fields ('append' might be impossible to implement, though), since some 
users might want to leave their comment tags as they are.

Yet another option? :) No, tagger script should do exactly that. But well, I 
guess development talk about this can wait until we (if ever) actually have 
track annotations.
And when I asked for annotations to be included in the webservice I was told 
they're not useful there...

I like the idea of mini annotations. This would be the perfect place for 
titled parts of songs, because they are often too long to be added to the track title 

Simon (Shepard)
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] change 'Recording Engineer' to 'Recorded By'

2006-03-25 Thread Simon Reinhardt


any objections against ?
I will wait some days and then edit it. :)

Simon (Shepard)
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] change 'Recording Engineer' to 'Recorded By'

2006-03-25 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Steve Wyles wrote:

On Sat, 25 Mar 2006, Simon Reinhardt wrote:


any objections against ?
I will wait some days and then edit it. :)

I think that would cause confusion. Frequently the phrase Recorded By 
is understood to refer to the artist that performed it.

Well, some liner notes say something like additional drums recorded by ABC in XYZ 
studios where ABC is the drum player.
But mostly the guy sitting behind the consoles when the musicians are performing is 
credited with recorded by.
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

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