RE: [newbie] Hey..IT WORKS...

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Perry

Install the Mozzilla fonts in your Netscape.
Worked for me.
Here is the info from

Larger, Less Ugly Fonts For Netscape 
If you are somewhat shortsighted and too lazy to wear glasses (like me ;-)),
you have every reason to curse at Netscape. The fonts are small. Of course,
you can set a bigger font size via 'Edit' - 'Preferences' - 'Appearance' -
'Fonts'. Which will leave you with bigger but quite ugly fonts (Netscape
doesn't scale fonts right).
Solution? Get the mozilla-fonts package,
unpack the archive, read the included README.
Create a new directory (like mkdir /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/moz). Edit the
included Makefile to include this directory. Run make pcf and then make
install (as root). Edit '/etc/X11/fs/conf' and add the new directory to the
font paths. Run xset fp+ /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/moz/. Restart the browser.
Go to the font choosing menu, select the Mozilla fonts and be amazed (these
fonts are very large, you might want to reduce their size to 12 or even 9).
No more problems with small fonts, I promise! ;-). 


Michael Perry.
RD. Dep. Netafim Magal.
Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack

 -Original Message-
 From: andy barnes [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wed 12 April 2000 23:04
 Subject:  [newbie] Hey..IT WORKS...
 Stephen Bosch..Thank you VERY MUCH :-)))
 As I'm posting this from a Linux session, I am one step closer!!  The
 mistake I was making was where I was putting the DNS settings (DOH!!!).
 I'll get onto the X problem soon...
 But while I'm here..
 The fonts in Netscape are AWFUL, and it only gives you about half a
 dozen choices. In Windows, I use Arial, but I've tried them all and they
 suck!! Can you add fonts there? (Can't ya tell I'm a Billy G boy,
 through and through!!)
 Thanks again..I feel more confident already!!

RE: [newbie] pcmcia modem problem

2000-04-13 Thread Austwick, Mark

It is definatly a pcmcia modem. I have manged to get KPPP to see something
but it is not my modem as when I try and connect it sits there trying to
initialise the modem.
In /etc/pcmcia I tried to serial start Modem and it comes back saying
/dev/modem doesn't exist and removes the link. Any suggestions ?

-Original Message-
From: Stephen F. Bosch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 April 2000 14:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] pcmcia modem problem

"Austwick, Mark" wrote:
 Installed Mandrake 7.0, no problems, sound, network, etc works fine. The
 only problem I have is that my modem is not recognised, Lothar cannot see
 it, neither can the PCMCIA set up in KDE, which can see the network card.
 Can anyone suggest how to get it working ? It's a 3ccm156b in a Dell
 lattitude cpi.

Is that *actually* a PCMCIA modem, or is it simply an internal laptop

If it's the built-in, it's likely a Winmodem (they take up less space =)
) in which case, you might try and see if you can collect the drivers at

Keep your expectations low, though, that way you won't be disappointed.


RE: [newbie] take off your mailing list

2000-04-13 Thread paul haine

Take your what off my mailing list?

 -Original Message-
 From: jose rechany [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 April 2000 01:58
 Subject: [newbie] take off your mailing list
 please take my off your mailing list

Re: [newbie] HELP!

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

Mike Corbeil wrote:

 Mike Corbeil wrote:

 That's --nopgp instead of --nopgpg.  Added the extra g  unintentionally.

 Try without --nopgpg, first.  If it reports that no pgp key file is
 available, then try with --nopgpg.  ALSO, read the available documentation
 on rpm related to pgp  encryption, first, before installing anything with

Sorry about that.  After saying it's not --nopgpg, I go and type it, again,
twice.  Must've been sleepy eyed, or typing too quickly and not reading;
however, I thought to have checked.  Fizzing out, maybe.


Re: [newbie] Problems

2000-04-13 Thread David Hugh-Jones

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Zulfiqar Naushad wrote:

 The culprit is the file.
 It somehow either leaks memory, or mismanages the resources.

Is there a fix?

Re: [newbie] I thought this was supposed to beat Windows hands down on stability!!

2000-04-13 Thread Ed Tharp

check the speeds of your memory if you have more than one mem chip
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2000 12:57 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] I thought this was supposed to beat Windows hands down
on stability!!

 Uh oh, I hope you don't have a trouble with some of
 the hardware in the machine that your using.

 It might or might not be the problem that your experiencing,
 but this was the problem the last 2 times this happened to me.

 I usually recomend an AMD processor to windows users,
 but I'm biased in favour of AMD, but a Pentium does run
 nicely when its running linux instead of windows in my experiences.

 Anyone else have some input?

 On Sun, 09 Apr 2000, paul haine mewed:
   OK..I didn't expect an easy ride..but I thought I'd have enough
   PC savvy to
   get through this..
   Linux is driving me crazy!!
   I want to make it work..but it is becoming a pain in the ass!!
   Sorry, I just had to shout at someone!!
  I understand completely...I've been trying to get various flavours of
  to run on my machine for about half a year now - Redhat 5.2, 6.1, Suse
  6.something, and Mandrake 7 is the first that's actually managed to make
  to the end of the installation. And still, I get freezes, crashes - at
  with Windows you sometimes get a chance to recover, but with Linux it
  stops working, kaput.
  With this plus all the hassle having to configure every little detail
  yourself, I think Linux for me is just going to remain a toy OS for the
  forseeable future...
 My new linux web server with Apache

 Sign up for ClickDough and get paid to surf the web.

Re: [newbie] How to see my Linux PC in a lan.

2000-04-13 Thread Ove Peter

I have installed a mandrake 7.0 with a net card and i know that it works
well because I can ping the rest of the computers (all of them are built in
win NT and win 9X.). But I don´t know how to see them and their shared
folders. I try to open the netscape but it shows me a message that I don´t
understand well. By the other hand when I try to see the linux computer in a
windows one only sometimes I find it making a "find PC" but when I go to
open it I´m asked for a name and password but I´m never recogniced nor root
nor nobody.
I know that all those tthings are made by samba but I can´t find samba in my
Linux... I dont´t know if I have to install it ( in that case plase tell me
how to do) or where find it. I only know that if I type samba in a terminal
I can start the services but I don´t know any more.
Please help me to set up my Linux in a lan to share folders and to see my
Thanks a lot.


the configuration file for samba is "/etc/smb.conf". 
You may edit this by hand or use "swat", it´s a config-tool you access 
through your webbrowser. Do "man swat" for information about this.
To restart the samba services after changes to configuration, do "/etc/rc.d/
init.d/smb restart" as root.
There is a section about samba in the printed manual of the Mandrake 
powerpack. The "SMB-HOWTO" is also very very helpful. You´ll find everything 
explained there. Have a closer look at chapter 6 where the use of passwords 
is explained.


[newbie] coverdisc PCPlusMandrake 7

2000-04-13 Thread OldRowley

Disc failed to boot under MSDos - maybe some error with my Win98 system.
Is it safe to install from DOS - referred to in install instrs. on disc - or 
is this too, subj. to poss. corrupting bugs?
I would like to try out Linux on my old 486 machine(8mb) Win95 before further 
risk. Can you suggest a suitable inexpensive Linux system, and where can I 
get it from?
My home address is UK Peterborough PE14OAU 

Re: [newbie] Hey..IT WORKS...

2000-04-13 Thread andy

- Original Message -
From: Stephen F. Bosch  Savage, indeed.

 It looks like your X server is booting correctly, though... you were
 saying that it would work the first three or four times, but on the next
 start the screen would flash?

 When it does this, can you see glimpses of the above text between

No , just a completely black, blank screen. What did all that stuff tell
you, Stephen?

It hasn't done it since Saturday.. I've just wanged a new 20 gb hard drive
drive in and I'm going sit Linux in a 5 gb partition on that. If I do that,
even though they will be on seperate drives, lilo will still work won't it?

5gb should be big enough for just about anything I can throw at it as far as
Linux is concerned, shouldn't it?



[newbie] HOW DO i Set LS-120 as floppy?

2000-04-13 Thread Gary Allan

Can anyone help me?
I have a LS-120 drive (120M Disks) and can't set it up as the
floppy drive. (Reads 1.44M aswell). It's detected during startup as 
hdd, and works fine under DOS/Win95.
Editing fstab to

/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount user,exec,...,dev=/dev/hdd

just causes KDE/GNOME/... to lock up completely if I try and access
the drive, but manually mounting it as floppy works perfectly ok.
I've read every manual I can find.
Does anyone know how to solve the problem?
Is it a problem with supermount?
The CDROM works perfectly with supermount.

My system is AMD K6-2 450, Voodoo3, Linux/Win95 dual boot.
LS-120, 24x CDROM.



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Re: [newbie] STUPID QUESTION....

2000-04-13 Thread freeman

When you did your install did you happen to mount the HDD's 
in Read mode only?


 Robin wrote:
  Brand new first time install.  I was diong some HTML in won't let me
  save.  Does not seem to matter where.  It says "a document with this name
  already exists"  no matter what the name.  Then it says " an error occured".
  What is up? This happens in any text editor I have.  They will let me open an
  existing file and modify it??  Any ideas???  Robin.
 T'does not seem like a stupid question to me.
 H.  Interesting problem, but don't know the answer.
 Happens in any text editor, eh?
 Which text editors have you tried?
 Did you try gvim, vim, vi, emacs?  These typically wouldn't be used for creating
 html files, however they could be used and emacs does support html links, if I
 remember some recent reading, correctly.  Nonetheless, if you haven't tried these
 text editors, then give these a try, to see if the problem repeats itself with
 It doesn't sound like a permissions problem; however, check your directory
 permissions anyway.  It would be goofy if this was the problem, but it doesn't
 hurt to verify the permissions for writing or creating new files.
 The error message(s) you're getting, though, would be screwed up or wrong, if it's
 a directory file write or create permissions problem.  If this is the case, then
 the editors are buggy, for reporting erroneous or invalid error messages.
 I'm not 100% certain, however I think that it may be possible to modify files
 without being able to create new files, but I don't presently have the time to
 verify this.
 If gvim, vim, or emacs work, then use one of these editors, instead of kedit, for
 writing.  Being accustomed to vi, I much prefer gvim and vim for writing, because
 it's easier to move around, as well as easier for basically any editing task.  The
 kedit I have (from a download a couple of months ago) doesn't have nice keystrokes
 for moving around, copy+pasting, etcetera, which means needing to use the mouse
 much more, which in turn is a pain in the neck, requiring constant or frequent
 switching between kb and mouse.
 If you don't know vi or vim, then the control keys can be a little deterrance from
 learning these editors, but it's a worthwhile learning curve.  vim may seem
 primitive, but it's a powerful text editor, and learning the control keys doesn't
 take long.  emacs is more powerful and requires a slightly (?) longer learning
 curve, if you want to get into deep emacs modifications, which is not necessary;
 however, the power and or flexibility makes it a very worthwhile editing tool.
 So far, I only use kedit for viewing the contents of files, and new (tools) aren't
 always better than older (ones).
 If the problem doesn't occur with these text editors, then try Netscape Composer,
 if you have Netscape Communicator installed, that is, if you haven't already tried
 with this tool.  I don't know how it ranks among html editors, but it worked for
 the trivial html changes I needed to make to some html files.
 Also, try using a different user account.
 If none of this works and you want to create a new html file, or any new file,
 then try the following.
 a) Bring up the little KDE command dialogue box and specify kedit along with the
 name for the file you want to create, add some text and then try to save, that is,
 assuming you still want to use kedit.
 b) If 'a' doesn't work, or you choose to leave kedit only for viewing purposes,
 then create the file using echo and then edit this file.  Because this file would
 already exist, and you say making changes to existing files works, then this
 approach should work.
 In a terminal window do
 % echo ""  {filename}.html
 Then, use kedit, if that's the tool you wish to use to edit the file, to
 edit the file; or
 gvim, or vim (vi), or emacs, or netscape composer to edit the file.
 However, this would only get you around the problem, instead of solving it, which
 you would still need to do.  Until the problem is solved, though, you'ld have a

Get your own free email account from

[newbie] drive access

2000-04-13 Thread ktk

/mnt/hda1 fat 32 windows 98 

/mnt/hda2 fat 32 windows 98
/mnt/hdb* linux

problem only root can write to hda*
all users can read,
i had it set once so the users could writeto 
them but it didnt survive a reboot.
how do i set this so all users can write to it and 
make it perminent?
thank you

[newbie] Off Topic but good

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Perry


 Release ISRAEL
 ISRAEL running in slave mode, cannot release
 Set ISRAEL;mode=master
 Pharaoh already running in master mode, cannot change ISRAEL
 Set Pharaoh;mode=slave
 Command ignored
 Load Moses
 Deactivate Pharaoh
 Pharaoh account hard locked;cannot be deactivated
 For i=1 to 10 do plagues
 Are you sure? Y
 Release ISRAEL
 error: ISRAEL uninitialized
 Set ISRAEL = 600,000
 Release ISRAEL
 ISRAEL released
 Declare Matza;array(width  ,length  ,height=0)
 Move ISRAEL to Sinai
 Specify save device
 Save ISRAEL with miracle
 Move ISRAEL to Sinai
 For I=1 to 10 do commandments
 Allocation conflict:Commandments cannot be operated with active
 calf routine
 Destroy calf
 For I=1 to 10 do commandments
 Done; commandments stored on hard rock device
 Move ISRAEL to desert
 Warning! Command could lead to infinite loop
 Move ISRAEL to desert;limit@years(40)
 Warning: operand terms must be unique
 Overload: cannot move all of ISRAEL to CANAAN
 set ISRAEL = ISRAEL - (SPIES * 10)

Michael Perry.
RD. Dep. Netafim Magal.
Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack

[newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread mungal . dhanda

I'm newcomer to Linux/PC.

I tried to install Mandrake Linux V7.0 on my PC. I used the latest
cdrom.img file from the web as the one on the CD-ROM is thought to be 

I used the recommended settings.

Although linux is installed correctly, I can't boot in Windows.

Can anyone help.



[newbie] Fine tuning my PPP?

2000-04-13 Thread vern

Hello All!
On modifying my options on the
PPP service to work with my raggedy
old 24K intermittent phone lines.
I've set my MTU, and MRU to 296
to minimize the packet fragmentation.
(I hope) I ran across the "noipx" command
an wondered what "IPX" stood for, do I
need it? And why should I care??   Every
single packet is precious and I need every
clock cycle I can latch on to!
Thanks for any help!

[newbie] My floppy went away!

2000-04-13 Thread vern

This is spooky!  I no longer have the ability
to read my floppy.  It worked for almost 2 days
after installing Mdk 7.0-2.  I tried to mount the
/dev/fd0 and got the reading not found in my
fstab or mtab (see attached) looks like they are
there to me. Any ideas?  I've also tried supermount
enable and  disable no change.
Thanks for reading this!
PS.  The IDE CDROM works after I told it that it
was a scis (scuzzy)!  :-)

Vernon Stilwell[EMAIL PROTECTED]
RR#3 Box 168   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Hardinsburg, KY 40143  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wanna race? My penguin can do 466.94 BogoMIPS 

/dev/hda1 /mnt/DOS_hda1 vfat user,exec,conv=binary 0 0
/dev/hda6 /mnt/DOS_hda6 vfat user,exec,conv=binary 0 0
/dev/hda2 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=auto,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0

/dev/hda2 / ext2 rw 0 0
none /proc proc rw 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/DOS_hda1 vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,conv=binary 0 0
/dev/hda6 /mnt/DOS_hda6 vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,conv=binary 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount rw,fs=auto,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount rw,fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0

RE: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread Stephen Slack

I found that typing windows at the LILO loader also failed. Try typing DOS
instead. It worked for me.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 3:03 PM
 Subject:  [newbie] Help with Mandrake install 
 I'm newcomer to Linux/PC.
 I tried to install Mandrake Linux V7.0 on my PC. I used the latest
 cdrom.img file from the web as the one on the CD-ROM is thought to be 
 I used the recommended settings.
 Although linux is installed correctly, I can't boot in Windows.
 Can anyone help.

[newbie] Changing resolution from 640x480 to 1024x768

2000-04-13 Thread Jack Lamers

Hi all,

I just installed Linux on my Asus notebook which has a silicon motion graphics
All works fine but the resolution can't be set to 1024x768 (tried to change the
vga=785 to vga=791 or 792 in lilo.conf but no result)

TIA jack

Re: [newbie] Fine tuning my PPP?

2000-04-13 Thread Jack Lamers

You don't need IPX when you just connect to LINUX, Windows NT or Internet sites,
IPX is a protocol used by Novell and unless you need to connect to a Novell
server, you don't need it.

Jack (new-bie since .5 hour)

[newbie] dhcp server

2000-04-13 Thread freeman

I already have a tcp network with fixed Ip's using samba
to network my linux server with 3 windows boxes.  I was 
going to redo my box from scratch and put mandrake 7.0-2
on.  When I do I want to set it up to be a dhcp server this
time.  What is the easist way to do this.  Keep in mind 
that I am very new to this so would appreciate a simplistic
walk threw or maybe a "Idiot proof" howto.


Get your own free email account from

RE: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread Pittman, Merle

Why can't you boot in Windows???  Is the option not there at the lilo
prompt?  Are you even getting the Lilo prompt??

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 11:33 AM
 Subject:  [newbie] Help with Mandrake install 
 I'm newcomer to Linux/PC.
 I tried to install Mandrake Linux V7.0 on my PC. I used the latest
 cdrom.img file from the web as the one on the CD-ROM is thought to be 
 I used the recommended settings.
 Although linux is installed correctly, I can't boot in Windows.
 Can anyone help.

[newbie] No system sounds

2000-04-13 Thread randyf

I have just setup mandrake 7.0 and have a SBLive sound card installed.
After reading some different webpages I got the SB Live to play sounds
using the media player (playing wav files) but can't get the system sounds
to play.

What would cause this? I have enabled the system sound but it won't play
any sound when testing.

RE: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread randyf

you should be able to hit TAB at the prompt and get a list of OS to load.

At 03:16 PM 4/13/00 +0100, you wrote:
I found that typing windows at the LILO loader also failed. Try typing DOS
instead. It worked for me.

 -Original Message-
 Sent:Thursday, April 13, 2000 3:03 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install 
 I'm newcomer to Linux/PC.
 I tried to install Mandrake Linux V7.0 on my PC. I used the latest
 cdrom.img file from the web as the one on the CD-ROM is thought to be 
 I used the recommended settings.
 Although linux is installed correctly, I can't boot in Windows.
 Can anyone help.

Re: [newbie] No system sounds

2000-04-13 Thread Grendel

 I have just setup mandrake 7.0 and have a SBLive sound card installed.
 After reading some different webpages I got the SB Live to play sounds
 using the media player (playing wav files) but can't get the system sounds
 to play.

 What would cause this? I have enabled the system sound but it won't play
 any sound when testing.

My AWE 64 plays the test sounds but the events don't trigger the systems
sounds either. I don't know why this is happening. If you find out, let me

[newbie] KDE Problem

2000-04-13 Thread Fabio

Hello to all,
I've setup differnt users on my mandrake 7.0.
In one user when I right click the mouse I can only create a new folder.

With the other users I've the full menu,  I can create a new desktop
link etc.
How can I fix this situation ???
Thanks in advance

[newbie] Ftp Problem

2000-04-13 Thread Fabio

Hello to all,
I've made a simple home network between my Linux system and a laptop
running win95.
On the laptop I run the chamaleont ftp server.
When I ftp the laptop using the gFTP or IglooFTP I'm not able to see the
files that are on the laptop disk.
If I run ftp the laptop from the xterm I can see all the files on the
Somebody out there has an explanation.
Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] Changing resolution from 640x480 to 1024x768

2000-04-13 Thread Steven Cheong

hi jack,
My name is steven. how r u doing ? i wonder ur linux boot up to GUI SCREEN I
have just finish install linux ,i try to config my video card and try to get
it to boot up to GUI SCREEN. i do have a problem to do so. could possible
advice me. thank you. :-))
- Original Message -
From: Jack Lamers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 11:24 AM
Subject: [newbie] Changing resolution from 640x480 to 1024x768

 Hi all,

 I just installed Linux on my Asus notebook which has a silicon motion
 All works fine but the resolution can't be set to 1024x768 (tried to
change the
 vga=785 to vga=791 or 792 in lilo.conf but no result)

 TIA jack

RE: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread mungal . dhanda

The only options I get are:
linux   floppy



 you should be able to hit TAB at the prompt and get a list of OS to
 At 03:16 PM 4/13/00 +0100, you wrote:
 I found that typing windows at the LILO loader also failed. Try typing
 instead. It worked for me.
  -Original Message-
  Sent:  Thursday, April 13, 2000 3:03 PM
  Subject:   [newbie] Help with Mandrake install 
  I'm newcomer to Linux/PC.
  I tried to install Mandrake Linux V7.0 on my PC. I used the latest
  cdrom.img file from the web as the one on the CD-ROM is thought to
  I used the recommended settings.
  Although linux is installed correctly, I can't boot in Windows.
  Can anyone help.

RE: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread Oliver Stieber

try pressing tab quickley when lilo loads it will give you a list of boot
and typr in windows,dos or the most apropriate thing from the list
is windows,dos etc.. arn't on the list you can configure lilo(darkconfig is
probably the easiest place to do this)
otherwise try /boot/lolo.conf ? (maby /etc/lilo.conf)
 -Original Message-
 From: Pittman, Merle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 April 2000 15:31
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install 
 Why can't you boot in Windows???  Is the option not there at the lilo
 prompt?  Are you even getting the Lilo prompt??
  -Original Message-
  Sent:   Thursday, April 13, 2000 11:33 AM
  Subject:[newbie] Help with Mandrake install 
  I'm newcomer to Linux/PC.
  I tried to install Mandrake Linux V7.0 on my PC. I used the latest
  cdrom.img file from the web as the one on the CD-ROM is 
 thought to be 
  I used the recommended settings.
  Although linux is installed correctly, I can't boot in Windows.
  Can anyone help.

RE: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread Alvarez, Angel

It seems that you will not boot windows
Please, check where your windows patitions is (hda,hdb hdc, etc)
then read the lilo-HOWTO and follow the intructions on hot to add an image (
it's easy)
run lilo and the screen displays something like
Added linux*
added flopy
added your_image_name (could be win, windows win9x, or whatelse)

  Angel Claudio Alvarez

-Mensaje original-
Enviado el: Jueves 13 de Abril de 2000 13:01
Asunto: RE: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install 

The only options I get are:
linux   floppy



 you should be able to hit TAB at the prompt and get a list of OS to
 At 03:16 PM 4/13/00 +0100, you wrote:
 I found that typing windows at the LILO loader also failed. Try typing
 instead. It worked for me.
  -Original Message-
  Sent:  Thursday, April 13, 2000 3:03 PM
  Subject:   [newbie] Help with Mandrake install 
  I'm newcomer to Linux/PC.
  I tried to install Mandrake Linux V7.0 on my PC. I used the latest
  cdrom.img file from the web as the one on the CD-ROM is thought to
  I used the recommended settings.
  Although linux is installed correctly, I can't boot in Windows.
  Can anyone help.

[newbie] [Fwd: Maximal Mount Count]

2000-04-13 Thread Eunice Thompson

 I booted into mandrake and got an error message that:
"hda3 and hda6 (linux partitions) had reached the maximal mount count,
checked forced ."
I assume this has something to do with /var/log/bootlog
I think I read somewhere that there is a way to automatically remove old
bootlogs and only keep the last (x) number of entries.
In other words is there a way to automatically reset after 30 days, and
move the old logs to another file to be put on a floppy?


[newbie] Executing a command in AUTOSTART

2000-04-13 Thread Josep Molero i Puig

I'm very young in Linux World (2 or 3 days old) and I'm just trying to learn
a lot on few days, I think.

Now I know the right syntaxis of a command (smbmount command to mount a NT
I'd like it to execute whe I begin a new session in my Linux... I think
using the AUTOSTART program is a good idea ... but ... really don't know.

How can I do it ??


Josep Molero i Puig

Departament d'Informàtica
- Domingo Pascual Carbó, S.A. -

RE: [newbie] take off your mailing list

2000-04-13 Thread vern

Only if you take it off my mailing list,
will I allow you to take it on the mailing
list, whether you go to the mailing list or
not!  Oh Yeah!  Let's see you say that
in Perl!!
Is it true that real programers write their
email in octal??
Vern (still on the mailing list) :-)

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, you wrote:
 Take your what off my mailing list?
  -Original Message-
  From: jose rechany [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 13 April 2000 01:58
  Subject: [newbie] take off your mailing list
  please take my off your mailing list

Vernon Stilwell[EMAIL PROTECTED]
RR#3 Box 168   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Hardinsburg, KY 40143  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wanna race? My penguin can do 466.94 BogoMIPS 

Re: [newbie] I thought this was supposed to beat Windows hands down on stability!!

2000-04-13 Thread kstewart

Sad to hear you're getting sucked into the MS vortex. Yes, learning to
configure Linux is painful. I'm at that stage and the learning curve seems
to be vertical but I did manage to get a basic configuration of Mandrake 6
running and it is solid as a rock. I initially had it running on 16mb or
ram. Try doing that with a MS product.
Although the curve is steep I like the idea of having a choice on how I
configure my box and what get's loaded and what doesn't. A windoze box
without alteration, stuck onto the internet is not a verysecure device.
From what I can see, if I don't load the ftpd,telnetd or other server
daemons, Linux is a fairly secure desktop.

Kevin Stewart
Technical Analyst
School District No. 57

check the speeds of your memory if you have more than one mem chip
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2000 12:57 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] I thought this was supposed to beat Windows hands down
on stability!!

 Uh oh, I hope you don't have a trouble with some of
 the hardware in the machine that your using.

 It might or might not be the problem that your experiencing,
 but this was the problem the last 2 times this happened to me.

 I usually recomend an AMD processor to windows users,
 but I'm biased in favour of AMD, but a Pentium does run
 nicely when its running linux instead of windows in my experiences.

 Anyone else have some input?

 On Sun, 09 Apr 2000, paul haine mewed:
   OK..I didn't expect an easy ride..but I thought I'd have enough
   PC savvy to
   get through this..
   Linux is driving me crazy!!
   I want to make it work..but it is becoming a pain in the ass!!
   Sorry, I just had to shout at someone!!
  I understand completely...I've been trying to get various flavours of
  to run on my machine for about half a year now - Redhat 5.2, 6.1, Suse
  6.something, and Mandrake 7 is the first that's actually managed to make
  to the end of the installation. And still, I get freezes, crashes - at
  with Windows you sometimes get a chance to recover, but with Linux it
  stops working, kaput.
  With this plus all the hassle having to configure every little detail
  yourself, I think Linux for me is just going to remain a toy OS for the
  forseeable future...
 My new linux web server with Apache

 Sign up for ClickDough and get paid to surf the web.

Re: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread J.Carson

when in linux, login in as root at the prompt type lilo, and it should
automatically detect windows, and leave that as an option, thats what
happened to me

Jason Carson
ICQ: 35152653
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 12:00 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install 

 The only options I get are:
 linux   floppy



  you should be able to hit TAB at the prompt and get a list of OS to
  At 03:16 PM 4/13/00 +0100, you wrote:
  I found that typing windows at the LILO loader also failed. Try typing
  instead. It worked for me.
   -Original Message-
   Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 3:03 PM
   Subject: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install 
   I'm newcomer to Linux/PC.
   I tried to install Mandrake Linux V7.0 on my PC. I used the latest
   cdrom.img file from the web as the one on the CD-ROM is thought to
   I used the recommended settings.
   Although linux is installed correctly, I can't boot in Windows.
   Can anyone help.

[newbie] Archiving using tar to floppy

2000-04-13 Thread michael coady

In retrieving directories and their files back from the floppy,  the tar method
creates parallel directories to their originals.  So that what was once
/home/mrc/c  becomes /home.mrc/home/mrc/c 
Is there some way one can archive to floppy so that the retrieval places the
files back in their original directories?

Thanks for any help.

Michael Coady

Re: [newbie] Hey..IT WORKS...

2000-04-13 Thread Stephen F. Bosch

andy wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Stephen F. Bosch  Savage, indeed.

  When it does this, can you see glimpses of the above text between
 No , just a completely black, blank screen. What did all that stuff tell
 you, Stephen?

It *looks* like X is starting normally, so yes, I'm a bit perplexed.
 It hasn't done it since Saturday.. I've just wanged a new 20 gb hard drive
 drive in and I'm going sit Linux in a 5 gb partition on that. If I do that,
 even though they will be on seperate drives, lilo will still work won't it?

Intermittent problems are always a bitch to diagnose.

Lilo doesn't really care about where the kernel is, but the kernel does,
sometimes. It depends on your hardware. Kernels like to be within the
first 1024 cylinders of the disk, so you might want to make a /boot
partition that's at the beginning or near the beginning of the disk --
the other partitions can be anywhere you'd like them to be.
 5gb should be big enough for just about anything I can throw at it as far as
 Linux is concerned, shouldn't it?

Sure - I'm surviving just fine on 4 Gb.


[newbie] Fw: Maximal Mount Count

2000-04-13 Thread Eunice Thompson

sorry about the attachment in the original message
- Original Message - 
From: Eunice Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 9:25 AM
Subject: Maximal Mount Count

 I booted into mandrake and got an error message that:
 "hda3 and hda6 (linux partitions) had reached the maximal mount count,
 checked forced ."
 I assume this has something to do with /var/log/bootlog
 I think I read somewhere that there is a way to automatically remove old
 bootlogs and only keep the last (x) number of entries.
 In other words is there a way to automatically reset after 30 days, and
 move the old logs to another file to be put on a floppy?

[newbie] Num Lock

2000-04-13 Thread Sami A. Kutbi

Hi all how can i have the NumLock enable as soon as i log in.

[newbie] Upgrade to 7.0 problems

2000-04-13 Thread Daniel Knapp

Hello all,

I have just upgraded from Mandrake 6.1 to 7.0, and almost everything still
works (some things better than before).  Unfortunately, when I try to run
acrobat reader, or corel wordperfect I get the following error message:

can't load library '' 

I don't get this message when I run staroffice, netscape etc.  
I checked for the above library and it seems to have been installed in the
right places on my hard drive.  

I am mystified.

Please help.


Re: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread nodyak0

Try pressing the TAB key to see exactly how it should be typed in and use

I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
But now I know that what I thought I knew
Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 15:16:30 +0100 Stephen Slack
 I found that typing windows at the LILO loader also failed. Try 
 typing DOS
 instead. It worked for me.
  -Original Message-
  Sent:   Thursday, April 13, 2000 3:03 PM
  Subject:[newbie] Help with Mandrake install 
  I'm newcomer to Linux/PC.
  I tried to install Mandrake Linux V7.0 on my PC. I used the latest
  cdrom.img file from the web as the one on the CD-ROM is thought to 
  I used the recommended settings.
  Although linux is installed correctly, I can't boot in Windows.
  Can anyone help.

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RE: [newbie] Off Topic but good

2000-04-13 Thread Phil Lamey
Title: RE: [newbie] Off Topic but good

Cheers Group,

 Someone sent me this question and it has me clueless. Cna anyone provide any insight on a solution that would work for both Linux and Winblows?


Phil Lamey

Hey Phil. I've got a Perl question for you. Do you know how to send an email, preferably with an attachment in perl. Without having to send an HTTP request to some isp?



[newbie] Strange memory problem!

2000-04-13 Thread Vegas

Hello from Russia! :) Guys i am new to the linux but i am gonna learn
it  as  much  as  i  can.I  alredy have two Mandrake 7 comps and have
solved any troubles that happend to me.But on another one Celeron 450
128  meg  ECC  SDRAM  (one  chip)  Creative  Infra 48X i do have some
strange things.First Mandrake setup is going in the text mode all the
way  till  the  end and i am getting 16MB of ram! Is there any config
files or i have to recompile the kernel? With best wishes,Vegas.

Re: [newbie] Problems

2000-04-13 Thread BILL

"J.Carson" wrote:

 this will happen, it is not very well written(netscape) however when the new
 version comes out it wont happen. If you have a cpu monitor applet on your
 task bar, youll see that when you load netscape it rapes your cpu usage, if
 you have a slow processor then this probably just conributes to you problem

 Jason Carson
 ICQ: 35152653
 - Original Message -
 From: "Valjean" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:46 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Problems

I have a "freshly" installed system, so no extra software has been
  installed except the Mandrake 7.0 install.  When I use Netscape in xwin,
  it will work, then suddenly will stop.  I mean the page will stay on the
  screen but when you click on a link, nothing happens.  It just stays
  there. Shut Netscape down, and then try to bring it back up, and nothing
  happens, it merely "shrugs off" the attempt.
Now, if I bring up a virtual terminal and look in the .netscape
  directory, there is a blinking file called lock.  Delete this and netscape
  loads fine...for a while..  Ideas, thoughts on how to clear this up?
  and why does X freeze all the time?
  it will work fine for a while, then I'll leave for work, with no apps
  running, 8 hours later I'll come back home and low and behold x will have
  frozen, pressing keys on the keyboard don't work, the mouse won't move the
  pointer, nothing.  I have to restart the computer.

Don't know if this will apply or help,but my windows (X) were freezing up on me
in the same manner ,in netscape ,in kfm,and while playing games,I have since
replaced my old graphics blaster cirrus logic card with a ATI XPERT 98 AND HAVE
NOT SEN A FREEZE SINCE.Been  two months now and I'm on all the time after
work.,  Bill

[newbie] shutdown problem

2000-04-13 Thread evan light

Hi there...having a bit of a problem with shutting down 7.0.  When I
issue the "shutdown now" command, everything seems fine and dandy until
it switches into "single-user" mode.  If I try ctl-ald-del at the
single-user prompt, I get the message "no authorized users logged in."
If I try shutdown again, it spins for a bit and goes right back to
single-user mode.  At that point, I couldn't do anything but cringe and
power it off..  Anybody have any ideas?


Re: [newbie] shutdown problem

2000-04-13 Thread mark willenbring

shutdown -h now

--- evan light [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there...having a bit of a problem with shutting
 down 7.0.  When I
 issue the "shutdown now" command, everything seems
 fine and dandy until
 it switches into "single-user" mode.  If I try
 ctl-ald-del at the
 single-user prompt, I get the message "no authorized
 users logged in."
 If I try shutdown again, it spins for a bit and goes
 right back to
 single-user mode.  At that point, I couldn't do
 anything but cringe and
 power it off..  Anybody have any ideas?

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Re: [newbie] Problems

2000-04-13 Thread Zulfiqar Naushad

The problem is with Netscape as opposed to Xwindows.  Somehow netscape 
stalls on a page and the file called (check it out in top) 
takes up all the system resources, and Netscape effectively crashes, pretty 
hard.  The only way to recover is to go into a terminal and issue the 
command kill -9 PID#

That kills Netscape and the errant file.

At 04:02 AM 4/13/00 -0400, you wrote:
"J.Carson" wrote:

  this will happen, it is not very well written(netscape) however when 
 the new
  version comes out it wont happen. If you have a cpu monitor applet on your
  task bar, youll see that when you load netscape it rapes your cpu usage, if
  you have a slow processor then this probably just conributes to you problem
  Jason Carson
  ICQ: 35152653
  - Original Message -
  From: "Valjean" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:46 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Problems
 I have a "freshly" installed system, so no extra software has been
   installed except the Mandrake 7.0 install.  When I use Netscape in xwin,
   it will work, then suddenly will stop.  I mean the page will stay on the
   screen but when you click on a link, nothing happens.  It just stays
   there. Shut Netscape down, and then try to bring it back up, and nothing
   happens, it merely "shrugs off" the attempt.
 Now, if I bring up a virtual terminal and look in the .netscape
   directory, there is a blinking file called lock.  Delete this and 
   loads fine...for a while..  Ideas, thoughts on how to clear this up?
   and why does X freeze all the time?
   it will work fine for a while, then I'll leave for work, with no apps
   running, 8 hours later I'll come back home and low and behold x will have
   frozen, pressing keys on the keyboard don't work, the mouse won't 
 move the
   pointer, nothing.  I have to restart the computer.

Don't know if this will apply or help,but my windows (X) were freezing up 
on me
in the same manner ,in netscape ,in kfm,and while playing games,I have since
replaced my old graphics blaster cirrus logic card with a ATI XPERT 98 AND 
NOT SEN A FREEZE SINCE.Been  two months now and I'm on all the time after
work.,  Bill

Zulfiqar Naushad
ICQ: 6001618

Re: [newbie] shutdown problem

2000-04-13 Thread mark willenbring

shutdown -h now

--- evan light [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there...having a bit of a problem with shutting
 down 7.0.  When I
 issue the "shutdown now" command, everything seems
 fine and dandy until
 it switches into "single-user" mode.  If I try
 ctl-ald-del at the
 single-user prompt, I get the message "no authorized
 users logged in."
 If I try shutdown again, it spins for a bit and goes
 right back to
 single-user mode.  At that point, I couldn't do
 anything but cringe and
 power it off..  Anybody have any ideas?

Do You Yahoo!?
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[newbie] Mainframe Emulation Program

2000-04-13 Thread joe_reynolds

Does anyone know of a mainframe (3270) emulator for Linux? Nothing special, just
tcp/ip connectivity...

Re: [newbie] shutdown problem

2000-04-13 Thread Stephen F. Bosch

evan light wrote:
 Hi there...having a bit of a problem with shutting down 7.0.  When I
 issue the "shutdown now" command, everything seems fine and dandy until
 it switches into "single-user" mode.

That doesn't at all fine and dandy to me. It shouldn't be going into
single user mode, it should be halting.

Are you getting error messages during the shutdown procedure?


Re: [newbie] Mainframe Emulation Program

2000-04-13 Thread Jim McMaster

 Does anyone know of a mainframe (3270) emulator for Linux? Nothing special, j
 tcp/ip connectivity...
x3270 is around, but I do not know if it has been ported to linux.  There is 
a web page at where you 
can get an email address to ask that author.
Jim McMaster

Re: [newbie] Ftp Problem

2000-04-13 Thread Fabio

Martin Solms wrote:

 On your Win95 system, are you listing the files in Dos mode or Unix style
 (you can check this under the administration of the Personal Web server -
 if you are running the pws).

 That's my guess

 Fabio wrote:

  Hello to all,
  I've made a simple home network between my Linux system and a laptop
  running win95.
  On the laptop I run the chamaleont ftp server.
  When I ftp the laptop using the gFTP or IglooFTP I'm not able to see the
  files that are on the laptop disk.
  If I run ftp the laptop from the xterm I can see all the files on the
  Somebody out there has an explanation.
  Thanks in advance

thanks for the quick answer, but I'm not running the pws.
I know that is something related to the file listing.
At the beginning I had the same problem using win98 to ftp the laptop, and I
solved it when I setup the ftp
program on my PC to use the same protocol (chamaleont) as the ftp server
running on the laptop.
The problem is that I do not know how to do it under Linux, since both gui
ftp program I've used do not
support it ( I mean  I didn't find it in the preference setup ).
Right now I'm using the always working xterm :-)

[newbie] kppp and modem busy message

2000-04-13 Thread Terence J. Golightly


This is a repost of a message to the list that went unreplied to, so
please excuse any faux pauxs that I may have commited. I have a problem
which I hope somebody else has encountered and remedied.  I am presently
using Mandrake 6.0 with kernel 2.2.13. My modem is a U.S. Robotics 56k
Sportser FAXModem. I get an error message that my kernel doesn't have
ppp support built and to contact the system administrator.  I click the
ok button and the "CONNECT" window comes up.  Only when I click connect,
I get a "looking form modem" -- "Sorry modem is busy" messages from
Kppp. I discovered a temporary work around using minicom to reset the
modem and then I am able to use Kppp to dial-in to my isp and
send this mail message.

I compiled the kernel myself and I am not sure if a module was left out
or a service is not started during boot up that kppp needs to reset the
modem.  If more information is needed please let me know.  I would like
to solve this annoying little problem once an for all. 

Thanks In Advance,


Re: [newbie] Mainframe Emulation Program

2000-04-13 Thread Alex V Flinsch

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, you wrote:
 Does anyone know of a mainframe (3270) emulator for Linux? Nothing special, just
 tcp/ip connectivity...

x3270 is a fairly good terminal emulator. It should be on your Mandrake install

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Re: [newbie] No system sounds

2000-04-13 Thread Mark Potochnik


 I have just setup mandrake 7.0 and have a SBLive sound card installed.
 After reading some different webpages I got the SB Live to play sounds
 using the media player (playing wav files) but can't get the system sounds
 to play.

 What would cause this? I have enabled the system sound but it won't play
 any sound when testing.

I think I have the same problem,  however I think I appreciate the silence!

I get sound only when I want it! :-)


Re: [newbie] Problems

2000-04-13 Thread BILL

Zulfiqar Naushad wrote:

 The problem is with Netscape as opposed to Xwindows.  Somehow netscape
 stalls on a page and the file called (check it out in top)
 takes up all the system resources, and Netscape effectively crashes, pretty
 hard.  The only way to recover is to go into a terminal and issue the
 command kill -9 PID#

 That kills Netscape and the errant file.

 At 04:02 AM 4/13/00 -0400, you wrote:
 "J.Carson" wrote:
   this will happen, it is not very well written(netscape) however when
  the new
   version comes out it wont happen. If you have a cpu monitor applet on your
   task bar, youll see that when you load netscape it rapes your cpu usage, if
   you have a slow processor then this probably just conributes to you problem
   Jason Carson
   ICQ: 35152653
   - Original Message -
   From: "Valjean" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:46 AM
   Subject: [newbie] Problems
  I have a "freshly" installed system, so no extra software has been
installed except the Mandrake 7.0 install.  When I use Netscape in xwin,
it will work, then suddenly will stop.  I mean the page will stay on the
screen but when you click on a link, nothing happens.  It just stays
there. Shut Netscape down, and then try to bring it back up, and nothing
happens, it merely "shrugs off" the attempt.
  Now, if I bring up a virtual terminal and look in the .netscape
directory, there is a blinking file called lock.  Delete this and
loads fine...for a while..  Ideas, thoughts on how to clear this up?
and why does X freeze all the time?
it will work fine for a while, then I'll leave for work, with no apps
running, 8 hours later I'll come back home and low and behold x will have
frozen, pressing keys on the keyboard don't work, the mouse won't
  move the
pointer, nothing.  I have to restart the computer.
 Don't know if this will apply or help,but my windows (X) were freezing up
 on me
 in the same manner ,in netscape ,in kfm,and while playing games,I have since
 replaced my old graphics blaster cirrus logic card with a ATI XPERT 98 AND
 NOT SEN A FREEZE SINCE.Been  two months now and I'm on all the time after
 work.,  Bill

 Zulfiqar Naushad
 ICQ: 6001618

Hello all ,
Question,.Why would all my Netscape 6 downloads,completely download,only to
completely disappear once the download is done,they flash the 'save as dialog box
too quickly to read and then their gone.Does anyone  know why this might be
happening ,I don't have any problrems loading anyother downloads.
Waitting for answer or final releaseBill

Re: [newbie] linux 7.0

2000-04-13 Thread yeah right

well if i must then nahh but thanks anyway
- Original Message - 
From: "root" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:10 AM
Subject: [newbie] linux 7.0

 all newbie must get a new e-mail fromhttp://www

* Free Email * Free Support * Software* 
* No Credit Check * Privacy Guaranteed* 

[newbie] other free isp's

2000-04-13 Thread yeah right

are there any other free isp's for linux i know any that you 
don't software for but everyone i have found needs software except for freewwweb 
which doesn't work in my area 

[newbie] How do I do this ???

2000-04-13 Thread Muhammad Hanif Bay

Hi everyone,

I'd like to know, if there are any, ways to convert 
my linux-partitioned hdd(ext2) into fat32 ???
Please, help medanke 

[newbie] display problems

2000-04-13 Thread gene foy

i used linux once before and loved it. i just installed mandrake 7.0 and 
went through the process rather smoothly until i reached configure x.  i 
selected the defaults the first time then when that failed i tried several 
of the other options for resolution and monitor.  wheather i accept the 
change or reject it,  my screen becomes a kalidascope of colorful little 
retangles. nice look but unreadable.  i have a pentiun 233mmx, 64mb ram, 
8.4gb hd, diamond stealth 220turbo video card,  monitor is an nec multisync 
2.  the equipment is not the newest but i think it will work with some more 
attention. thank you i would appreciate any help.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

[newbie] problems with RPM

2000-04-13 Thread Fritz Schaper

Hey Gang,

I'm having a problem getting anythin to install on my system...even using
the RPM comman I keep getting file not found or can not open file errors.

The syntax I am using (inside the desired installation directory where I
have copied the file) is:

rpm -ivh filenamehere

No such luck...any ideas?


Re: [newbie] 7.0-2 version

2000-04-13 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Gregonce installed, the 7.0-2 iso image will also give you a
7.0 (Air) version.  Once installed on a computer the 7.0 iso
image and the 7.0-2 iso image are the same.  The few bugs fixed
in the 7.0-2 iso image have only to do with the installation
process itself and these bugs are avoidable by downloading a
floppy.img file and booting for the install with it rather than
with the cd containing the 7.0 iso image.  All of what I've just
told you is freely available on the Mandrake's web site.  You
shouldn't jump to conclusions without doing some research into
the subject.


Greg Martz wrote:
 I have been hearing about the above version, but saw nothing about it on the web site.  I then checked and checking the
 VERSION file in both current and 7.0 I see that it is indeed marked as
 7.0-2 (Air)
 When I do a Ctrl-Alt-F1, my mandrake install says 7.0 (Air).
 Are these the same versions?  I have looked at the time/date stamps of all
 the files in the base folder for both my copy and the copy on
 and they are the same.  Is there a way I can check to see if I have 7.02
 (Air) before downloading the whole package again?

[newbie] Problems

2000-04-13 Thread Valjean

  I have one 8.5 gig hd and one cdrom.  I want to hook up two more hard
drives, copy some data from them, and then remove them from the system.
How do I get Linux to recognize them so I can copy, then remove them from
the system as easily?

[newbie] Problems

2000-04-13 Thread Valjean

 Some networking problems:
I am hooked to my campus ethernet network.
While running windows, I get tremendous throughput loading pages, doing
ftp, in netscape in linux, I am getting throughput no higher than
3.5k/sec and then it starts dropping, and stalls out..goes back up to
3.5/3.6 and drops slowly to 3.0, 2.9,2.8..etc then stalls out..
any ideas?  I am using an AMD K6-II 350 overclocked to 400, 128 megs
SDRAM, an SMC EtherEZ 8416 NIC, mandrake 7.0
. Also, I had the same problem as I thought the others did...I try to
telnet to my machine from somewhere else, and it says connected...I wait
for the login prompt, it hesitates and then the connection is dropped.
I know I should edit my /etc/inetd file..what should I make sure it has to
be able to telnet in?
I just want to be able to telnet and ftp into my machine, s'all.

Thanks Valjean


2000-04-13 Thread Inkubus


Taken down by the hand of fate;
to a place unknown
Where I found my face
in a crystal maze
beyond the moon
behind the stars
In a land of dreams
In a web of screams.

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Send online invitations with Yahoo! Invites.

[newbie] qt 2.1.0

2000-04-13 Thread Inkubus

Any advice on installing/compiling qt.2.1.0 or
qt.2.0.2...any advice or links would be appriciated...John

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Re: [newbie] Mainframe Emulation Program

2000-04-13 Thread Richard T. Waters

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, you wrote:
 Does anyone know of a mainframe (3270) emulator for Linux? Nothing special, just
 tcp/ip connectivity...

Try X3270 - the home page is:

Re: [[newbie] shutdown problem]

2000-04-13 Thread Michael Scottaline

evan light [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there...having a bit of a problem with shutting down 7.0.  When I
 issue the "shutdown now" command, everything seems fine and dandy until
 it switches into "single-user" mode.  If I try ctl-ald-del at the
 single-user prompt, I get the message "no authorized users logged in."
 If I try shutdown again, it spins for a bit and goes right back to
 single-user mode.  At that point, I couldn't do anything but cringe and
 power it off..  Anybody have any ideas?
Try "shutdown -h now" w/o quotes.
If that doesn't work, try the same command after su-ing to root.

"What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?"
--W. C. Fields

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[newbie] mdk 6.0 boot disc question

2000-04-13 Thread Russell Simmons

I neglected to take out my boot disc when I was making a floppy, and
overwrote it.  I am dual booting, and use a boot disc to get to linux.
I need to make a new bootdisc and am unsure how to.  Here's what I
tried:  I loaded tomsrtbt into my box, and mounted my linux partition,
and gave the command "mkbootdisc", which I thought was all I had to do.
This didn't work.  I then tried looking around for my boot image to
copy, but I'm not sure where it is, or if that's all I would need.  In
/boot  there are two vmlinuz images, but i'm not sure how to copy them
and if they are what I need.  I tried to, just to experiment but it
didn't work.  Heres what I did:
dd if=vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0.  I know this is real newbie stuff, but any
help will be much appreciated.

Re: [newbie] Problems

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

Valjean wrote:

   I have one 8.5 gig hd and one cdrom.  I want to hook up two more hard
 drives, copy some data from them, and then remove them from the system.
 How do I get Linux to recognize them so I can copy, then remove them from
 the system as easily?

 What type of HDDs do you have, IDE or SCSI?  This is a piece of information
you could have included.

Assuming IDE, max two internal HDDs and not having a means of connecting the
two HDDs externally, the following is one way to do what you want to do.
From this you should be able to infer what to do under difference

- Install one of the HDDs as the second HDD, which will be seen by Linux as
/dev/hdb (for IDE)

NOTE:  Refer to your PC system manual for how to install and change
HDDs for
electrical protection and proper jumper settings.

- Boot up your Linux configuration.

- Mount the hdb filesystem you'll be copying the data from (mount command,
if doing this from the command line).

- Copy the data from the hdb fs to where ever you want it on your hda Linux

- Unmount hdb (umount command, if doing this from the command line).

- Shutdown your Linux configuration and power off the PC.

- Remove hdd

NOTE:  Follow your PC manual for electrical safety, and reset
jumper settings to
the original settings.

- Repeat for the second HDD you want to copy data from.

This is a grosso-modo guideline.  Make sure to follow your PC  manual for
installing and removing HDDs.  You want to follow this manual to also know
how to install the HDDs as secondary drives.

One way to mount hdb is as follows:

- Create the directory hdb in /mnt, that is, /mnt/hdb.

- Run the mount command to mount the filesystem on hdb.

How to run the mount command:

% mount -vt {fs-type} /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb

This will allow you to access the fs on hdb.  However, this is also assuming
that hdb has  one, single, filesystem on it, or that the filesystem on hdb
you wish to access is hdb1.

If hdb1 is not correct, then you'll need to determine which /dev/hdb{n}
block device file to use, and this can be done using fdisk, running fdisk
with /dev/hdb as an argument:

% fdisk /dev/hdb

Once in fdisk, type p and press Enter.  This will display the filesystems on
hdb, which shows the associated /dev/hdb{n} files the filesystems are mapped

{fs-type} for the mount command's -t option depends on the type of
filesystem you'll be copying the data from.  If it's a Linux filesystem,
then the value for -t is likely


If the filesystem is a MSDOS filesystem, then the -t argument is likely


You may want to specify another mount option, to mount read-only; however,
if memory is accurate, then this is the default, that is, filesystems being
mounted read-only (not whether or not my accurate memory should be
read-only, definitely doesn't sound like a good idea, unless born with all
of the knowledge one will ever need - lousy  option for teachers).

You may need to be root to mount the hdb filesystem, depending on the
privileges assigned to the user account you'ld otherwise be using.  If
you're doing this as a user other than root and the mount fails because the
user doesn't have the permissions to mount hdb, then simply switch (su) to
root and then run the mount command.

If you're using SCSI HDDs, instead of IDE, then the /dev file to use is not
/dev/hdb{n}, but instead /dev/sdb{n}.  This should also be shown by fdisk,
and when you'ld run fdisk, the argument for fdisk would be /dev/sdb, instead
of /dev/hdb.

For more information, you can check the man pages for mount and fdisk.

% man mount
% man fdisk

Also, if you're running as root and using kde, then I believe that there's a
kde tool or utility for working with filesystems (mounting, unmounting,
adding, removing); however, I'm not sure which tool this is.  I use mount
and umount.

In kde, you can create a destop icon for filesystem device and define it for
mounting and unmounting filesystems.  However, this only mounts and
unmounts; although, might automatically bring up the tool for viewing, etc.

I'm not promoting kde over gnome.  Haven't been using gnome, but definitely
plan to add it and begin using it soon, at least to check out both
environments.  Until, then, though, I'll probably often refer to kde.

The command line umount command works as follows:

% umount /mnt/hdb

If you wish to take the time to modify the /etc/fstab file, then you could
add the mount information for hdb or sdb, depending on the type of hdd
you're using.  This would permit running mount without needing to specify
the -vt option and argument as well as /dev/[hs]db{n}, as follows:

for IDE

% mount /mnt/hdb

for SCSI

% mount /mnt/sdb

This would then be all you'ld need to type when ever wanting to mount an hdb
or sdb (depending on whether you're using ide or scsi) filesystem mapped to
the same 

Re: [newbie] No system sounds

2000-04-13 Thread Richard Bonebrake

 I have just setup mandrake 7.0 and have a SBLive sound card installed.
 After reading some different webpages I got the SB Live to play sounds
 using the media player (playing wav files) but can't get the system sounds
 to play.
 What would cause this? I have enabled the system sound but it won't play
 any sound when testing.

I had the same thing. I installed and tested my SB AWE32 with sndconfig
All worked well but no system sounds. I checked the setup several times
and didn't notice that it had been save as SB. I had no wave sounds. I
did the setup with sndconfig again and made sure it saved the setting as
sb awe32/64 and now the wave files work.

[newbie] Maximal Mount Count

2000-04-13 Thread Eunice Thompson

sorry about the attachment in the original 
message- Original Message - From: Eunice Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 
Thursday, April 13, 2000 9:25 AMSubject: Maximal Mount Count 
I booted into mandrake and got an error message that: "hda3 and hda6 
(linux partitions) had reached the maximal mount count, checked forced 
." I assume this has something to do with /var/log/bootlog I 
think I read somewhere that there is a way to automatically remove old 
bootlogs and only keep the last (x) number of entries. In other words is 
there a way to automatically reset after 30 days, and move the old logs 
to another file to be put on a floppy?  Thanks 

Re: [newbie] Hey..IT WORKS...

2000-04-13 Thread Dan Ferris

Mike Perry wrote:
 Install the Mozzilla fonts in your Netscape.

YES!! Thanks for pointing that out.  Easy to install, and the
fonts are really nice.


[newbie] Linksys/Network Everywhere NC100 NIC w/tulip driver

2000-04-13 Thread philomena

Hi all,

In case anyone else has the same problem I was having, I wanted to post how
I got it to work.

My problem:
After installing this NIC, mandrake 6.1 didn't recognize it - during linux
install, the tulip driver and other suggested drivers would not initialize
the card. I tried several suggestions I found in the mail archives and from
other lists but nothing worked. Even tried another distribution - same
problem. I read books, man pages, how-tos, you name it.

I finally went back to the obvious - the driver diskette that came with the
card. Lo and behold it had a linux subdir with a readme. Readme said to
download latest tulip.c and a supporting header file from:
FTP://   and

The readme's compile instruction didn't work, but the tulip file had a
compile instruction commented in the bottom of the file. That compile
command was successful. Next step was a "depmod -a" . Then check options in
conf.modules and set accordingly. I tried a "modprobe tulip" (after copying
new tulip.o file to proper directory - also spelled out in readme) and it
worked !!  I had to tweak one or 2 things in the network setup from what I
originally had and then all was fine. Also, I did make sure from first
Mandrake install that PnP was turned off in the BIOS.

I noticed also that in the Mandrake update section of their webpage there is
some type of update for the tulip driver, so possibly that will take care of
this as well. This is a very inexpensive card ($15 !) and now works like a
charm - fine for simple home networking.

So there you have it..

Re: [newbie] Problems

2000-04-13 Thread Valjean

   Thanks for the info..I know all about removing and reinstalled hdds,
they're ide sorry. I know about the hard drive stuff, I just needed to
know how to setup Linux to recognize and mount them.  
The two extra drives are actually at the moment in another machine, which
does have a NIC and runs Windows 95.  I do have some crossover
could I software-wise set up the linux and windows machine to interface
and be able to share files?

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Mike Corbeil wrote:

 Valjean wrote:
I have one 8.5 gig hd and one cdrom.  I want to hook up two more hard
  drives, copy some data from them, and then remove them from the system.
  How do I get Linux to recognize them so I can copy, then remove them from
  the system as easily?
  What type of HDDs do you have, IDE or SCSI?  This is a piece of information
 you could have included.
 Assuming IDE, max two internal HDDs and not having a means of connecting the
 two HDDs externally, the following is one way to do what you want to do.
 From this you should be able to infer what to do under difference
 - Install one of the HDDs as the second HDD, which will be seen by Linux as
 /dev/hdb (for IDE)
 NOTE:  Refer to your PC system manual for how to install and change
 HDDs for
 electrical protection and proper jumper settings.
 - Boot up your Linux configuration.
 - Mount the hdb filesystem you'll be copying the data from (mount command,
 if doing this from the command line).
 - Copy the data from the hdb fs to where ever you want it on your hda Linux
 - Unmount hdb (umount command, if doing this from the command line).
 - Shutdown your Linux configuration and power off the PC.
 - Remove hdd
 NOTE:  Follow your PC manual for electrical safety, and reset
 jumper settings to
 the original settings.
 - Repeat for the second HDD you want to copy data from.
 This is a grosso-modo guideline.  Make sure to follow your PC  manual for
 installing and removing HDDs.  You want to follow this manual to also know
 how to install the HDDs as secondary drives.
 One way to mount hdb is as follows:
 - Create the directory hdb in /mnt, that is, /mnt/hdb.
 - Run the mount command to mount the filesystem on hdb.
 How to run the mount command:
 % mount -vt {fs-type} /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb
 This will allow you to access the fs on hdb.  However, this is also assuming
 that hdb has  one, single, filesystem on it, or that the filesystem on hdb
 you wish to access is hdb1.
 If hdb1 is not correct, then you'll need to determine which /dev/hdb{n}
 block device file to use, and this can be done using fdisk, running fdisk
 with /dev/hdb as an argument:
 % fdisk /dev/hdb
 Once in fdisk, type p and press Enter.  This will display the filesystems on
 hdb, which shows the associated /dev/hdb{n} files the filesystems are mapped
 {fs-type} for the mount command's -t option depends on the type of
 filesystem you'll be copying the data from.  If it's a Linux filesystem,
 then the value for -t is likely
 If the filesystem is a MSDOS filesystem, then the -t argument is likely
 You may want to specify another mount option, to mount read-only; however,
 if memory is accurate, then this is the default, that is, filesystems being
 mounted read-only (not whether or not my accurate memory should be
 read-only, definitely doesn't sound like a good idea, unless born with all
 of the knowledge one will ever need - lousy  option for teachers).
 You may need to be root to mount the hdb filesystem, depending on the
 privileges assigned to the user account you'ld otherwise be using.  If
 you're doing this as a user other than root and the mount fails because the
 user doesn't have the permissions to mount hdb, then simply switch (su) to
 root and then run the mount command.
 If you're using SCSI HDDs, instead of IDE, then the /dev file to use is not
 /dev/hdb{n}, but instead /dev/sdb{n}.  This should also be shown by fdisk,
 and when you'ld run fdisk, the argument for fdisk would be /dev/sdb, instead
 of /dev/hdb.
 For more information, you can check the man pages for mount and fdisk.
 % man mount
 % man fdisk
 Also, if you're running as root and using kde, then I believe that there's a
 kde tool or utility for working with filesystems (mounting, unmounting,
 adding, removing); however, I'm not sure which tool this is.  I use mount
 and umount.
 In kde, you can create a destop icon for filesystem device and define it for
 mounting and unmounting filesystems.  However, this only mounts and
 unmounts; although, might automatically bring up the tool for viewing, etc.
 I'm not promoting kde over gnome.  Haven't been using gnome, but definitely
 plan to add it and begin using it soon, at least to check out both
 environments.  Until, then, though, I'll probably often 

Re: [newbie] shutdown problem

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

For problems of this sort, try reading the man page for the program or
utility you're trying to use and don't seem to be able to get to work as
you want.


% man shutdown

-h now is correct, but it's also important for newbies to be aware of
the man pages and knowing this can sometimes provide quicker answers
than asking in a mailing list.  Reading the man page on shutdown would
have given you the answer as quickly as it took for the initial question
to be written, let alone waiting for the reply.


mark willenbring wrote:

 shutdown -h now

 --- evan light [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi there...having a bit of a problem with shutting
  down 7.0.  When I
  issue the "shutdown now" command, everything seems
  fine and dandy until
  it switches into "single-user" mode.  If I try
  ctl-ald-del at the
  single-user prompt, I get the message "no authorized
  users logged in."
  If I try shutdown again, it spins for a bit and goes
  right back to
  single-user mode.  At that point, I couldn't do
  anything but cringe and
  power it off..  Anybody have any ideas?

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Re: [newbie] How do I do this ???

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

Muhammad Hanif Bay wrote:

everyone,I'd like
to know, if there are any, ways to convert my linux-partitioned hdd(ext2)
into fat32 ???Please, help
medanke sehr.

Sure there's a way, and a few ways to boot.

Do you want to reformat the entire hdd, which hdd do you wish to format
(hda, hdb?), and if not the entire hdd, then what's the /dev/hd[ab]{n}
device file?

Also, do you have partition magic? Nifty tool for partition work
and certainly a worthwhile purchase, if you plan on needing to do this
kind of work a fair number of times over the next year or two or
three or more. I haven't regretted purchasing PM 3.x (3.0 I
think), and it's up to 5.x or higher now. One very nice feature of
this tool is that it allows you to resize partitions without destroying
the contents (I don't know of any other tool which has this capability).
You might find it sold at various prices; therefore, a little shopping
around might help to save as much as $20US.


Re: [newbie] 7.0-2 version

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil


% uname -a

If this doesn't work, then check the versions of the kernel images and other
boot files in the /boot directory.

If neither of these work, then I'm not sure how else to check this.  There may
be a configuration file somewhere, which might contain this information;
however, if neither of the above methods provides the information you want,
then they should and you might want to report this in the Mandrake bug reports.


Greg Martz wrote:

 I have been hearing about the above version, but saw nothing about it on the web site.  I then checked and checking the
 VERSION file in both current and 7.0 I see that it is indeed marked as

 7.0-2 (Air)

 When I do a Ctrl-Alt-F1, my mandrake install says 7.0 (Air).

 Are these the same versions?  I have looked at the time/date stamps of all
 the files in the base folder for both my copy and the copy on
 and they are the same.  Is there a way I can check to see if I have 7.02
 (Air) before downloading the whole package again?


Re: [newbie] help

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

Steven Cheong wrote:

there ! i hope someones can help me. I just finished install linux 6.0
to my pc and I attempt to install my video card driver which is sis 6215,
but it doesn't be appeared in the database, so which driver should I use.

Check with the video card vendor to see what other cards it's compatible
with. If you have a manual for your video card, then you might find
this information in the manual, which you should check before contacting
the vendor.

Perhaps someone here will know the answer to your question, however
you might find better luck asking in the expert mailing list, because this
isn't really a newbie kind of knowledge you're looking for. Subscribe
to both lists, if you haven't.


[newbie] installation problem

2000-04-13 Thread stephen sherry

Hi, I am a complete Linux newbie and not a whole lot farther along w/ 
computers as a whole.  I have repartitioned my hd using partition magic and 
tried to install a copy of mandrake 6.1(helios).  Both disk druid and fdisk 
off the mandrake cd fail to see the swap and ext2 files that I see in 
windows and msdos fdisk. How can i get around this problem and get linux to 

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Re: [newbie] Upgrade to 7.0 problems

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

Daniel Knapp wrote:

 Hello all,

 I have just upgraded from Mandrake 6.1 to 7.0, and almost everything still
 works (some things better than before).  Unfortunately, when I try to run
 acrobat reader, or corel wordperfect I get the following error message:

 can't load library ''

 I don't get this message when I run staroffice, netscape etc.
 I checked for the above library and it seems to have been installed in the
 right places on my hard drive.

 I am mystified.

 Please help.


If you don't get an answer, here, then check Corel's web site.  I've never
run into this kind of problem and therefore don't  know the solution.

Meanwhile, if you need to view .pdf files and you don't know of another tool,
then try ghostview.  I don't know how the display compares to adobe acrobat,
but ghostview can be used to display, and I believe create, .pdf files.


Re: [newbie] Office

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

Huelskamp, VT wrote:

 During installation I noticed that one of the packages was "office"  is this star 
office?  how do you access the program?  or do I need to download star office?

 VT Huelskamp

Could even be office for kde, which I think is called koffice or k office with a space.

To see what this is (might want to start with the last method mentioned and then begin
at the top, here):

a) If office is installed and it's installed from an rpm, then run

rpm -qi office

 You may need to give more information, depending on the name of this package.

b) If office is an rpm package and it's not installed, then go to the directory where 
rpm file is located and install the package by running

  rpm -vv -ivh  --test {package-name}.rpm

{package-name} can be just office*, but use the fullest unique portion of the 
 if there are other, completely different packages beginning with office.

  If this test works, then rerun the command without the --test option.

  Then, run

  rpm -qi {package-name}

   This will tell you what the package is.

Afterwards, if you just installed the package to query what it is, then remove 
it if
you don't want it installed, using

  rpm -e {package-name}

c) If it's installed and not from a rpm package, or not one by the same name, then 
you'll want to do an rpm query to find out if it belongs to a package and which
one.  See the rpm
man page for the various query options (I believe there's one for this).  If you don't 
know how to display man pages, then it's

man {command}

For rpm {command would be replaced with} "rpm".

d) If all of the above fail, or you just want a shortcut to your answer, and office is 
installed, then simply run it.  If it installed from the Mandrake cdrom,
then there should no danger in running this application.  If it did not come with the 
Mandrake cdrom, which means you downloaded the application, then start with
step 'a', but run rpm to check the
signature and validity of the rpm package, first, that is, if it's not installed yet.  
This is done by running rpm with the -K option, and if this reports an
error, then  run rpm with the -K and --nopgp options, before trying to install.

Check the rpm man page to learn how rpm can be used.  Very important read.


Re: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

J.Carson wrote:

 when in linux, login in as root at the prompt type lilo, and it should
 automatically detect windows, and leave that as an option, thats what
 happened to me

If that fails, then login the same way again and this time run linuxconf.
This is a fairly straigtforward gui tool for various configuration purposes,
lilo being one of them.


Re: [newbie] Executing a command in AUTOSTART

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

You might want to ask the question in the expert mailing list, or get a good
book on running Linux.  O'Reilly's Running Linux is supposedly a very good


Josep Molero i Puig wrote:

 I'm very young in Linux World (2 or 3 days old) and I'm just trying to learn
 a lot on few days, I think.

 Now I know the right syntaxis of a command (smbmount command to mount a NT
 I'd like it to execute whe I begin a new session in my Linux... I think
 using the AUTOSTART program is a good idea ... but ... really don't know.

 How can I do it ??


 Josep Molero i Puig

 Departament d'Informàtica
 - Domingo Pascual Carbó, S.A. -

Re: [newbie] Help with Mandrake install ....

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

This is redundant of me, however linuxconf, a configuration tool a la gui, will
make your life easy.


Alvarez, Angel wrote:

 It seems that you will not boot windows
 Please, check where your windows patitions is (hda,hdb hdc, etc)
 then read the lilo-HOWTO and follow the intructions on hot to add an image (
 it's easy)
 run lilo and the screen displays something like
 Added linux*
 added flopy
 added your_image_name (could be win, windows win9x, or whatelse)

   Angel Claudio Alvarez

[newbie] X server Issue

2000-04-13 Thread Kevin Rafferty

HI all

I've started to get problems with Xserver. When I use the scroll bars on
Netscape, Xterm, etc the image 'moves diagonally across thge screen with
vertical lines piling up at the side of the window. I have to refresh the
desktop to read anything. I have changed the screen resolution and color
depth but to no avail. 

Any suggestions

Thank you in advance

Re: [newbie] Off Topic but good

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

Try the Perl mailing lists and newsgroups, if you don't find an answer
here. One location which supports several mailing lists is at

That isn't Perl for Unix or Linux, and instead for win32, but
you might get an answer there. Otherwise, you'll need to search
the internet for mailing lists or newsgroups.


Phil Lamey wrote:

Cheers Group,

 Someone sent
me this question and it has me clueless. Cna anyone provide
any insight on a solution that would work for both Linux and Winblows?


Phil Lamey

Hey Phil. I've got a Perl question for you. Do you know
how to send an email, preferably with an attachment in perl. Without having
to send an HTTP request to some isp?



Re: [newbie] Problems

2000-04-13 Thread Mike Corbeil

I'ld suggest two things to start with:

1) check out samba and maybe (?) smb; and

2) you should ask this question in the expert mailing list, perhaps after step 1.

You will probably need to install samba to get the documentation, or you could
look through the LDP on the web.  That's the Linux Documentation Project and
Mandrake should have a link to it through the documentation page.  If not, then
you can find the link through Red Hat's web site, through their documentation

Through the LDP you'ld find documentation on networking and samba may be
incorporated or separate.

I thought you planned on installing the other hard drives in your Linux machine.
Seemed like something someone might possibly want or need to do.  This'll teach
me to ask the questions, first, before going on at length.


Valjean wrote:

Thanks for the info..I know all about removing and reinstalled hdds,
 they're ide sorry. I know about the hard drive stuff, I just needed to
 know how to setup Linux to recognize and mount them.
 The two extra drives are actually at the moment in another machine, which
 does have a NIC and runs Windows 95.  I do have some crossover
 could I software-wise set up the linux and windows machine to interface
 and be able to share files?

 On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Mike Corbeil wrote:

  Valjean wrote:
 I have one 8.5 gig hd and one cdrom.  I want to hook up two more hard
   drives, copy some data from them, and then remove them from the system.
   How do I get Linux to recognize them so I can copy, then remove them from
   the system as easily?
   What type of HDDs do you have, IDE or SCSI?  This is a piece of information
  you could have included.
  Assuming IDE, max two internal HDDs and not having a means of connecting the
  two HDDs externally, the following is one way to do what you want to do.
  From this you should be able to infer what to do under difference
  - Install one of the HDDs as the second HDD, which will be seen by Linux as
  /dev/hdb (for IDE)
  NOTE:  Refer to your PC system manual for how to install and change
  HDDs for
  electrical protection and proper jumper settings.
  - Boot up your Linux configuration.
  - Mount the hdb filesystem you'll be copying the data from (mount command,
  if doing this from the command line).
  - Copy the data from the hdb fs to where ever you want it on your hda Linux
  - Unmount hdb (umount command, if doing this from the command line).
  - Shutdown your Linux configuration and power off the PC.
  - Remove hdd
  NOTE:  Follow your PC manual for electrical safety, and reset
  jumper settings to
  the original settings.
  - Repeat for the second HDD you want to copy data from.
  This is a grosso-modo guideline.  Make sure to follow your PC  manual for
  installing and removing HDDs.  You want to follow this manual to also know
  how to install the HDDs as secondary drives.
  One way to mount hdb is as follows:
  - Create the directory hdb in /mnt, that is, /mnt/hdb.
  - Run the mount command to mount the filesystem on hdb.
  How to run the mount command:
  % mount -vt {fs-type} /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb
  This will allow you to access the fs on hdb.  However, this is also assuming
  that hdb has  one, single, filesystem on it, or that the filesystem on hdb
  you wish to access is hdb1.
  If hdb1 is not correct, then you'll need to determine which /dev/hdb{n}
  block device file to use, and this can be done using fdisk, running fdisk
  with /dev/hdb as an argument:
  % fdisk /dev/hdb
  Once in fdisk, type p and press Enter.  This will display the filesystems on
  hdb, which shows the associated /dev/hdb{n} files the filesystems are mapped
  {fs-type} for the mount command's -t option depends on the type of
  filesystem you'll be copying the data from.  If it's a Linux filesystem,
  then the value for -t is likely
  If the filesystem is a MSDOS filesystem, then the -t argument is likely
  You may want to specify another mount option, to mount read-only; however,
  if memory is accurate, then this is the default, that is, filesystems being
  mounted read-only (not whether or not my accurate memory should be
  read-only, definitely doesn't sound like a good idea, unless born with all
  of the knowledge one will ever need - lousy  option for teachers).
  You may need to be root to mount the hdb filesystem, depending on the
  privileges assigned to the user account you'ld otherwise be using.  If
  you're doing this as a user other than root and the mount fails because the
  user doesn't have the permissions to mount hdb, then simply switch (su) to
  root and then run the mount command.
  If you're using SCSI HDDs, instead of IDE, then the /dev file to use is not
  /dev/hdb{n}, but instead /dev/sdb{n}.  This should also be 

[newbie] Promise Ultra 66 Card

2000-04-13 Thread Dan Carey

Hi all,

I'm new to linux, but I've been studying it for awhile.  I had redhat
6.1 and 6.2 installed for a short time, but nothing has installed and
run as well as Mandrake 7 so far; Ive got everything detected except my
Promise card and the ide zip and third hard drive attached to it.  (I
love the way it instantly detected my new balless usb intellimouse.)

I tried applying the patch for redhat 6.1 from the promise website, but
it said it was compiled for a less recent kernel and would not install
(I have never had a successfully tarball installed tho, only used rpm
packages). I read somewhere that the kernel in mandrake 7 has native
support for the card, but I can't find anywhere how to activate it
(shudder I hope I dont have to mess with the kernel configuration or
something).  I have made a sincere attempt to locate info on this, but
cant find anything recent enough to be of use.

Anybody seen this problem or know how I can get the card up?
