Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 8 - Perche' non funzioni?

2001-07-23 Thread CaMiX

Non offenderti, ma quando accedi a /mnt/cdrom hai inserito qualcosa nel 
lettore? Perché ho notato per caso che dà quell'errore se non vi sono dischi 
presenti... e lo stesso suppongo per le altre periferiche. Non so se è una 
cosa nuova della Mdk 8.0 perché è la prima che utilizzo, ma cmq sono certo di 
Riguardo alla stampante, io ho uan Epson Stylus Phto 870 che stampa bene. Ma 
ho avuto qualche problema anch'io quando ho tentato di bloccare dei job di 
stampa dal Konqueror (andando all'indirizzo localhost:631). Cmq prova a usare 
il programma suddetto (andando a puntare il Konq su localhost:631). Di qui è 
ancghe possibile installare una nuaova stampante. 
Approposito di ciò: non sono ancora riuscito a bloccare in NESSUN modo i jobs 
di stampa, né con lprm né tramite il Konqueror (che mi dà un errore). Come 
posso fare? Non c'è qualcuno che conosca qualche programma specifico. Perché 
ora l'unico modo  che mi rimane per bloccare la stampa è quello di spegnere 
la stampante e di SPEGNERE il sistema, altrimenti se spengo la stampante e la 
riaccendo, lei ricomincia...


Il 12:23, domenica 22 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.

 Sono nuovo della lista e probabilmente i miei problemi saranno gia' stati
 discussi e per questo perdonatemi.

 Ho dovuto reinstallare Mdk 8 e da quel momento ho un sacco di problemi.

 - CD-Rom (da root) :  Impossibile accedere alla directory /mnt/cdrom.
 - Zip 100 scsi e Floppy (da root) :  Impossibile accedere a 
 file:/mnt/zip/. Non hai i diritti di accesso a questo indirizzo.
 - Epson S.C. 740 :  non stampa

 Cosa puo' essere successo? Mi ritrovo con le directori in /mnt tutte con il
 lucchetto??? perche'???

 Qualcuno e' ingrado di aiutarmi?

 Ciao, Franco

Re: [newbie-it] address book

2001-07-23 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 19:00, domenica 22 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 ok...proverò a cercare i file di intanto sapeste
 darmi un suggerimento su dove ne sarei grato...
 grazie mille a tutta la ml e a daniele

Penso vengano creati all'interno della cartella /home/utente/nsmail ...

[newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-23 Thread Daniele Micci

Ciao a tutti,
da un paio di giorni mi capita - sotto KDE - di vedere alcuni caratteri 
visualizzati male, quasi illeggibili. Succede col Konqueror, succede con 
Konsole, ... Credo dipenda da alcune modifiche al server X: qualche giorno fa 
ero entrato nel Mandrake Control Center, nella sezione - appunto - del server 
X. Ho ricontrollato i settaggi, ma sembrerebbe tutto a posto: scheda video 
giusta, monitor anche (credo). I caratteri appaiono quasi illeggibili, poi 
spesso basta scrollare la pagina o cliccare da quelle parti col mouse, o 
selezionare il testo per renderli nuovamente leggibili. E' un problema di X? 
Del font server? Come posso risolverlo? Esiste vita su marte?
Come sempre, grazie a chiunque vorrà rispondermi !


[newbie-it] Scheda video

2001-07-23 Thread Michele Burigo

Ciao, ho cercato per giorni driver per Linux che potessero far vedere al 
PC la scheda video (Hercules 4000XT) ma sembra che non esistano ancora.
La mia domanda è: a chi devo chiedere di svilupparne?
Alla Hercules oppure affidarmi agli sviluppatori privati che incontrato la 
stesso mio problema decidano di programmarne i driver?


[newbie-it] Barra applicazioni

2001-07-23 Thread Michele Burigo

Ciao a tutti.
Ho un problema con la barra delle applicazioni (o meglio panel) del KDE.
Vi spiego; ho installato LM 8 Kernel 2.4 e all'inizio funzionava tutto bene 
fiono a quando un bel giorno, durante il caricamento il KDE arriva fino al 
panello e non lo carica più così mi sono trovato senza barra.
Ho provato a caricarla con il comando panel e funziona, ma non è giusto 
che ogni volta debba stare li a caricarla.
Ho provato a disistallare/reinstallare il KDE, ma il problema continua.
Adesso uso Gnome ma vorrei capire la fonte del problema.

Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 8 - Perche' non funzioni?

2001-07-23 Thread Franco

Il giorno 23-07-2001 1:59, Sandro, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 Il 12:23, domenica 22 luglio 2001, hai scritto:

 Potresti dire come  hai reinstallato la mdk8. Sei partito da zero ho hai
 fatto l'update. Oppure hai reinstallato mdk8 su se stessa?

Ho reinstallato partendo da zero. In precedenza funzionava tutto a
meraviglia, poi una interruzione di corrente mi ha mandato tutto a carte
quarantotto... :-(((

Ho fatto una installazione in modalita' esperto perche' ho avuto prob con
video e mouse. Ho selezionato oltre ai gruppi preselezionati i giochi e la
parte audio.

Del resto come avevo fatto in precedenza.


Re: [newbie-it] Scheda video

2001-07-23 Thread Sandro

Il 11:19, sabato 21 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao, ho cercato per giorni driver per Linux che potessero far vedere al
 PC la scheda video (Hercules 4000XT) ma sembra che non esistano ancora.
 La mia domanda è: a chi devo chiedere di svilupparne?
 Alla Hercules oppure affidarmi agli sviluppatori privati che incontrato la
 stesso mio problema decidano di programmarne i driver?

Purtroppo la Hercules non produce i driver dei suoi dispositivi per Linux. 
Devi riferirti, piuttosto, al tipo di chip grafico che è presente nella tua 
4000XT. Per farti un esempio: io ho una Hercules con chip Nvidia (della serie 
GeoForce II). Installando i driver Nvidia specifici (anche per la 
distribuzione) i tuoi problemi, probabilmente saranno risolti.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux User: 203143
Linux Machine: 103048

Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 8 - Perche' non funzioni?

2001-07-23 Thread Sandro

Il 08:01, lunedì 23 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Il giorno 23-07-2001 1:59, Sandro, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  Il 12:23, domenica 22 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
  Potresti dire come  hai reinstallato la mdk8. Sei partito da zero ho
  hai fatto l'update. Oppure hai reinstallato mdk8 su se stessa?

 Ho reinstallato partendo da zero. In precedenza funzionava tutto a
 meraviglia, poi una interruzione di corrente mi ha mandato tutto a carte
 quarantotto... :-(((

 Ho fatto una installazione in modalita' esperto perche' ho avuto prob con
 video e mouse. Ho selezionato oltre ai gruppi preselezionati i giochi e la
 parte audio.

 Del resto come avevo fatto in precedenza.


Uhm, il contenuto della partizione ext2 della installazione precedente è stato
azzerato (cancellato) oppure hai installato da zero sopra i dati che avevi?

OK, prima di tutto controlla il file fstab nella directory /etc, il mio, per 
esempio, è il seguente:

/dev/hdb6 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 
0 0
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/win_c2 vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 
0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb5 swap swap defaults 0 0

A parte i riferimenti alle eventuali diverse partizioni e all'assenza (nel 
mio caso) dello zip dovresti controllare i parametri per quanto riguarda i 
Inoltre i permessi delle directory all'interno di /mnt devono essere, per le 
- mostra
- scrivi
- entra
(te li riporto, per semplicità, come li mostra in KDE) tutti configurati per 
essere accessibili sia all'utente, che al gruppo che ad altri.

Mandami, comunque, il tuo fstab che gli do un'occhiata.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux User: 203143
Linux Machine: 103048

Re: [newbie-it] Barra applicazioni

2001-07-23 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 13:50, lunedì 23 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.
 Ho un problema con la barra delle applicazioni (o meglio panel) del KDE.
 Vi spiego; ho installato LM 8 Kernel 2.4 e all'inizio funzionava tutto bene
 fiono a quando un bel giorno, durante il caricamento il KDE arriva fino al
 panello e non lo carica più così mi sono trovato senza barra.
 Ho provato a caricarla con il comando panel e funziona, ma non è giusto
 che ogni volta debba stare li a caricarla.
 Ho provato a disistallare/reinstallare il KDE, ma il problema continua.
 Adesso uso Gnome ma vorrei capire la fonte del problema.

Potrebbe esserci un errore nei file di configurazione del KDE. Controlla se 
questo problema ti si verifica solo come utente, o anche come root (o con un 
altro account utente). I file di configurazione del tuo profilo del KDE sono 
nella cartella file:/home/utente/.kde/share/config/


Re: [newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-23 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 20:50, lunedì 23 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Prova ad aprire il COntrol Center, quindi:
 Stile (o style se in inglese)
 qui vedi se l'opzione utilizza l'anti-aliasing per i caratteri e le icone
 è spuntata. altrimenti spuntala e riavvia KDE.
 Se vuoi cambiare font, inoltre e sempre all'interno del Contro Center c'è
 l'opzione Fonts. Ciò ti permette di configurare dei font più leggibili per
 il sistema.

Ciao Sandro,
grazie per la tua risposta. Ma non è questo il problema. I fonts sono 
leggibili, ed uso l'antialiasing senza problemi sin dalla prima installazione 
del Mandrake 8. Solo da alcuni giorni, a volte, risultano illeggibili piccole 
parti del testo: il titolo di un paragrafo, una riga di testo, un 
collegamento ipertestuale, due parole in una frase. Poi, come ti dicevo, 
basta magari selezionare quel testo, o anche solo cliccare nei suoi dintorni, 
per renderlo nuovamente leggibile. Solo che non riesco a capire cosa abbia 
determinato questo nuovo, improvviso, problema. Immagino dipenda da qualche 
modifica a seguito della riconfigurazione dei settaggi nel modulo relativo al 
server X del Mandrake Control Center. Può essere un errato settaggio delle 
frequenze di aggiornamento del video?


Re: [newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-23 Thread Sandro

Il 14:54, lunedì 23 luglio 2001, hai scritto:

 Ciao Sandro,
 grazie per la tua risposta. Ma non è questo il problema. I fonts sono
 leggibili, ed uso l'antialiasing senza problemi sin dalla prima
 installazione del Mandrake 8. Solo da alcuni giorni, a volte, risultano
 illeggibili piccole parti del testo: il titolo di un paragrafo, una riga di
 testo, un
 collegamento ipertestuale, due parole in una frase. Poi, come ti dicevo,
 basta magari selezionare quel testo, o anche solo cliccare nei suoi
 dintorni, per renderlo nuovamente leggibile. Solo che non riesco a capire
 cosa abbia determinato questo nuovo, improvviso, problema. Immagino dipenda
 da qualche modifica a seguito della riconfigurazione dei settaggi nel
 modulo relativo al server X del Mandrake Control Center. Può essere un
 errato settaggio delle frequenze di aggiornamento del video?


Alla luce di quanto hai riportato credo che si tratti di qualcosa inerente 
alla scheda grafica o all'impostazione di X. Riguarda, infatti, il refresh 
dello schermo. Non ti ricordi quali nuovi settaggi hai fatto a X? Se puoi 
cerca di riportare X alle condizioni in cui era prima o, in alternativa, 
cerca di diminuire la frequenza  di refresh del monitor.
Fammi sapere,

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux User: 203143
Linux Machine: 103048

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-23 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 03:16, martedì 24 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Alla luce di quanto hai riportato credo che si tratti di qualcosa inerente
 alla scheda grafica o all'impostazione di X. Riguarda, infatti, il refresh
 dello schermo. Non ti ricordi quali nuovi settaggi hai fatto a X? Se puoi
 cerca di riportare X alle condizioni in cui era prima o, in alternativa,
 cerca di diminuire la frequenza  di refresh del monitor.
 Fammi sapere,

Era quel che pensavo. In realtà non ho fatto modifiche all'impostazione del 
server X. Ero entrato nel MCCenter per verificare i passi della 
configurazione per rispondere ad una email di qualcuno in difficoltà proprio 
con il risettaggio di X. L'unica ipotesi è che il MCC, per qualche motivo, 
abbia modificato i valori precedentemente identificati per il refresh del 
monitor. Proverò a modificare manualmente il file di configurazione. Ma prima 
devo scoprire quale siano le frequenze giuste del mio monitor...
Grazie ancora dell'aiuto!


Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 8 - Perche' non funzioni?

2001-07-23 Thread Franco

Il giorno 23-07-2001 20:44, Sandro, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Uhm, il contenuto della partizione ext2 della installazione precedente è stato
 azzerato (cancellato) oppure hai installato da zero sopra i dati che avevi?

Azzerato e rifatto partizioni.

 OK, prima di tutto controlla il file fstab nella directory /etc, il mio, per

Eccoti il mio. Sembra tutto a posto.

/dev/hdb5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hdb7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
#/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/scd1 0 0

# Ho modificato in /dev/scd1 per usarlo con XCDroast

/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/sda 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1
0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1
0 0
/mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb9 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb10 /usr/local ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb8 /usr/src ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb6 /var ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

E' una cosa assai strana perche' ho provato diverse distro e non mi e' mai
successo nulla di tutto questo.

Per quanto riguarda la stampante ho provato ad aggiungere alias
parport_lowlevel parpotr_pc in /etc/modules.conf ma niente! Quando provo a
stampare con Kword appare la finesta Imposta la stampa vedo come stampante
lp e come Host connesso localmete e all'Ok ... nessun risultato!

A titolo di completezza ti diro' che non ho mai cancellato l'MBR.


PS - In questo momento cdrom da root e da utente funziona '/mnt/cdrom non
ha piu' il lucchetto!?!? Incredibile... Perche', perche'... sigh!

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-23 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 22:55, lunedì 23 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Era quel che pensavo. In realtà non ho fatto modifiche all'impostazione del
 server X. Ero entrato nel MCCenter per verificare i passi della
 configurazione per rispondere ad una email di qualcuno in difficoltà
 proprio con il risettaggio di X. L'unica ipotesi è che il MCC, per qualche
 motivo, abbia modificato i valori precedentemente identificati per il
 refresh del monitor. Proverò a modificare manualmente il file di
 configurazione. Ma prima devo scoprire quale siano le frequenze giuste del
 mio monitor...
 Grazie ancora dell'aiuto!


Come non detto: ho controllato le frequenze di refresh orizzontale e 
verticale settate nel file XF86config-4: sono *esattamente* quelle del mio 
monitor (sia nei valori massimi che in quelli minimi)...


Re: [newbie-it] Cd rom SCSI e setup di mdk 8.0

2001-07-23 Thread Tommaso Leddi

   21:38, mercoledì 13 giugno 2001, Marco:

ho appena scoperto il perche', se si installa mdk 8.0 da cd rom scsi,
il setup puo' durare circa 2 ore (come nel mio caso :) ), pare che ci
sia un baco nel kernelquesto problema si manifesta solo in fase
di installazione (e menomale!!!) qualcuno sa dirmi dove posso (se
esiste) un fix per questo problemino??? grazie mille e a presto!!!

   anch'io ho lo stesso problema. credo sia legato al Kernel
   2.4 che non gestisce bene alcune intefacce SCSI della adaptec.
   Sei riuscito a risolvere il problema?
   Oggi pensavo di provare a installare la RedHat 7.1 uscita oggi su Linux
C. ma leggendo le note ho trovato che in quella versione non hanno
   risolto ancora il problema.
   Sono stato sfortunato con la Mandrake 8.0: non funziona bene il CDRom e
   mi vengono sempre fuori messaggi di errore per il mio hardware USB.
   Ritornerei alla Mandrake 7.2 ma forse il kernel 2.2 non gestiva l'USB?

 In effetti è un problema che è capitato anche a me. Una volta installato
 il tutto ho compilato un kernel più recente ed è andato senza problemi.
 Magari facendo l'installazione con da un'immagine non standard si
 risolve tutto.

ciao Fabio, ti riferisci al problema SCSI o USB? Credo SCSI, comunque
credo che sia arrivato il momento di compilare il mo primo kernel 8-)
Non so però da dove partire. Hai qualche consiglio e/o documento per
un principiante? Ci avevo già provato nel tentativo di aggiornare i drivers 
Nvidia. Ho trovato anche un documento che spiega tutto passo per passo. 
Quasi subito però non ho trovato dei files (credo i sorgenti) dove dovevano 
essere e così ho rimandato.

ciao e grazie,

Re: [newbie-it] visualizzazione caratteri

2001-07-23 Thread Sandro

Il 05:27, lunedì 23 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 da un paio di giorni mi capita - sotto KDE - di vedere alcuni caratteri
 visualizzati male, quasi illeggibili. Succede col Konqueror, succede con
 Konsole, ... Credo dipenda da alcune modifiche al server X: qualche giorno
 fa ero entrato nel Mandrake Control Center, nella sezione - appunto - del
 server X. Ho ricontrollato i settaggi, ma sembrerebbe tutto a posto: scheda
 video giusta, monitor anche (credo). I caratteri appaiono quasi
 illeggibili, poi spesso basta scrollare la pagina o cliccare da quelle
 parti col mouse, o selezionare il testo per renderli nuovamente leggibili.
 E' un problema di X? Del font server? Come posso risolverlo? Esiste vita su
 Come sempre, grazie a chiunque vorrà rispondermi !


Prova ad aprire il COntrol Center, quindi:
Stile (o style se in inglese)
qui vedi se l'opzione utilizza l'anti-aliasing per i caratteri e le icone è 
spuntata. altrimenti spuntala e riavvia KDE.
Se vuoi cambiare font, inoltre e sempre all'interno del Contro Center c'è 
l'opzione Fonts. Ciò ti permette di configurare dei font più leggibili per il 

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux User: 203143
Linux Machine: 103048

[newbie] Ishmail

2001-07-23 Thread ivan miranda

Hi all,
Is there any one using ishmail for e-mails?...if so pls give me a quick
lesson on how to set it up

Ivan Miranda
General Instrument Engineer/IT support
Po Box 8746,Doha,Qatar

Re: [newbie] stylesheet and pages

2001-07-23 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 16:03, John Rigby wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 13:39, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  You probably just need to change the font settings (font selection
   size) in Netscape and Konqueror. All the browsers should
  implement the HTML properly (except maybe IE), but some browsers
  will render the page on a smaller scale than others.
  On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:08, L.V.Gandhi wrote:

 ** Yes, but using fancy fonts you are assuming that the
 Client machine has the same fonts available, aren't you?
 My trick was always to create a gif if it simply HAD to that
 different, to g'tee a display.

I would not recommend using fancy fonts for any web page, for the reason 
you have mentioned above. What I meant was that one should change the fonts 
and/or font sizes that are in use in the browser to something else that is 
also widely available (or a close substitute exists). For example, one could 
change from 72dpi Helvetica to 100dpi Helvetica or TTF Arial (which is 
96dpi). Similarly, one could switch from Times to Times New Roman, or from 
Courier to Courier New. Also, font sizes (in points) can be adjusted to be as 
large as in other browsers. Despite all this, however, a page should still 
look the same in Konqueror and Netscape as it does in Mozilla, assuming the 
HTML coding is done well. The only difference will be that Konqueror and 
Netscape use smaller fonts; the contents and the content layout should be the 

If formatting is a priority, and if one has reason to worry that their 
information won't be rendered well in all browsers, PDF could be the answer. 
Adobe's Portable Document Format, being PostScript-based, is designed to look 
exactly the same wherever it is viewed, no matter what the platform is. In 
Windos, the only way (AFAIK) to create a PDF document is to pay Adobe 
hundreds of dollars for Adobe Acrobat (the creator, not just the reader). 
GNU/Linux has some useful open-source command-line tools (part of the 
ghostscript package) to quickly and easily create PDF files. Of these, my 
favourite would be ps2pdf. Since just about all GNU/Linux software that can 
print to a printer will also allow you to print to a PostScript (.ps) file 
(since printing in GNU/Linux is usually done in PostScript), all you need to 
do is print to a .ps file and then use ps2pdf to convert it to a PDF. More 
information can be found at the command-line by typing man ps2pdf.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] NOW: AND Appreciation

2001-07-23 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Citizens of the Mandrake Newbie List!

Please... We don't need a argument on who contributed more than everyone 
else. While I truly appreciate John's very kind words (thank you!), it must 
also be remembered that this is a _community_ list. We are all equals here, 
and we should all help each other out. The co-operation of many people have 
made the list what it is today: an enjoyable and informative place. Many of 
us have similar motivations, but not all of us have the time to answer as 
many questions as others (even if they want to). For example, I have been on 
university holidays for the past five weeks (it ended today), so I had a lot 
of time to answer many questions. Now, with my new semester commencing, I 
don't think my input will be quite as high (although I'll certainly try my 
best to answer questions).

My gratitude goes out to all list members who have actively participated in 
helping users (not just me) with their problems. If there were more of you, 
the world would be a much better place to live in :-)

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:53, John Rigby wrote:
 Hi Michael and folks,

 Oh - this wasn't meant to be a List Of  Appreciation,  I simply
 used these two people as examples.
 Of course there is yourself and many others - I didn't mention -even
 Roman who is enthusiastically helping in this small but ambitious

 In the preface to the Esacape Book I am writing a piece very
 pointedly to the effect that without the thousands of good neighbours
 out there, the Geeks who patiently helped the non-Geeks through such
 simple things as the TCP/IP MANUAL SETUP processes etc.,  the PC
 would still be in Uni's.

 I personally go back so far in time that I was one of the earliest
 international FIDO Hosts. ( I wasn't a Geek - I supplied the machine,
 the phone line and the money to a Geek who used to work all day in my
 business and then work all night trying to keep FIDO up. )
  It stopped me becoming a manic-depressive cynic as I learned the
 ropes of the business world.  :-)


 On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:30, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  But we really need both the pros like Civileme and Sridhar who
  volunteer their help and the super-users like you.
  You are leaving off quite a few people here...I mean there are
  people other than civilme and sridhar that do contribute time to
  the list.  For example, I know I haven't posted as often as those
  two, but I've still posted to the list 133 times--not bad
  considering some days I get 100-200 e-mails to go through to this
  account, let alone my own personal accounts.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Those little things......... REAL Beginner stuff

2001-07-23 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Good on you!

It's great to see newbies from the Windos world experiment with the new OS 
instead of just sticking with the defaults. Don't get me wrong, KDE is a very 
nice environment, but it is a little too Windos-like for me. I think a major 
reason why GNOME doesn't have more users is that it is not as Windos-like as 
KDE, and so has a steeper learning-curve for those switching over from The 
Dark Side. GNOME, in combination with a good WM like Sawfish (Enlightenment, 
IceWM, XFce and WindowMaker are also good candidates), can be very powerful 
and configurable. Of course, this configurability is a major reason for the 
steep learning-curve. This is slowly being addressed, and GNOME is catching 
up to KDE in user-friendliness.

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 12:14, John Rigby wrote:
 Hi Sridhar,
 You are beginning to convert me to Gnome!   :-)



 On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:02, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  ctrl-alt-backspace is supposed to be an emergency measure only, to
  be used when there is no other alternative. It will kill your
  entire X-server, which is often unnecessary. If you have GNOME
  loaded, you can log out by using the menus obtained by either
  clicking the footprint or by right-clicking an empty area of the
  panel. If a single app has gone rogue, you can kill it using xkill
  (if you want an entirely graphical solution), or (better) by using
  commands/apps like kill, killall and top at the console.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Mandrake going public......... not really off topic :-)

2001-07-23 Thread John Rigby

Hi folks,
The need for caution is great when a company moves away from dockside 
into the deep sea. It is full of sharks who make their living 
precisely from the salmon-run as the rushes of companies to float 
happens every Spring.  :-)

A mandatory tale to research is that of a nice fellow and near genius 
in his own field, who started a very strange free-world org called 
ARSGRATIA  - a lovely thing.

One of the things that Newbies in the international world of Big 
Money never learn, is that the Sharks ONLY make their money when they 
take over control of the company through their sucker bait. 

In Big Business it is not like the real world where the nice folk 
massively do outnumber the baddies, in Big Biz it is precisely the 

( Said the old, and out-of-it ex-servant of the powerful... 
and fell back into a Doze..  :-)  )


Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Configure, make and make install MPlayer problems

2001-07-23 Thread Dan Ray


 Well, I can't for life of me figure out why the MPlayer tar ball is not
 configuring. Has any one else been succesful in configuring, make and
 make install MPlayer in LM8?

I had a couple of problems, which I fixed, and then it configured and 
installed great.

Say more about is not configuring. The more descriptive you can be about 
your problem, the better a solution people can offer (and if your initial 
email is descriptive enough, we can usually skip this whole it worked for me 
say more about email entirely).

Two unusual things I had to do:

./configure --no-gcc-checking (I think! Read './configure --help' and see 
what it says about gcc version checking!)
install nasm from RPM (at rpmfind or, I'm told, on the CDs)

So I'm guessing you haven't done one or the other of those things.


[newbie] Konqueror

2001-07-23 Thread Adams, Jamie

Hiya, this is a little OT, sorry in advance.

I like to do a little webdesign in my spare time (though i havnt done
any in a while due to my phone line being cut g). The last time i did
any was in Windows, using IE to check out how the pages looked.

Netscape always had a problem in that pages didnt always look the same
as in IE, tables out of place, font sizes differ etc.

Getting to the point, my question is how does Konqueror render pages in
comparison with IE? I do not have any windows boxes anymore (yeehaa!),
are the font sizes similar? etc?


This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again)

2001-07-23 Thread Kernell32

Here is a snip of the nvidias own readme that you find from the same section 
of nvidias homepage there where you can download the tars.
This snip concerns the tar install prozess . I repeat: Use the tars not the 
rpms and follow the instructions from THIS readme DONT use the instructions 
that you find inside the tars!!! They are wrong.


Installing/Upgrading by Tar file

Instructions for the Impatient:

$ tar xvzf NVIDIA_kernel.tar.gz
$ tar xvzf NVIDIA_GLX.tar.gz
$ cd NVIDIA_kernel
$ make install
$ cd ../NVIDIA_GLX
$ make install

To install from tar file, unpack each file:
$ tar xzf NVIDIA_kernel.tar.gz
$ tar xzf NVIDIA_GLX.tar.gz
cd into the NVIDIA_kernel directory.  Type 'make install'.  This will
compile the kernel interface to the NVdriver, link the NVdriver, copy
the NVdriver into place, and attempt to insert the NVdriver into the
running kernel:
$ cd NVIDIA_kernel
$ make install
Next, move into the NVIDIA_GLX directory.  Type 'make install' -- this
will copy the files into place:
$ cd ../NVIDIA_GLX
$ make install
Note that the make install for each package will remove any previously
installed NVIDIA drivers.
When XFree86 4.0 was released, it used a slightly different XF86Config
file syntax than the 3.x series did, and so to allow both 3.x and 4.x
versions of XFree86 to co-exist on the same system, it was decided that
XFree86 4.x was to use the configuration file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
if it existed, and only if that file did not exist would the file
/etc/X11/XF86Config be used (actually, that is an over-simplification of
the search criteria; please see the XF86Config manpage for a complete
description of the search path).  Please make sure you know what
configuration file XFree86 is using.  If you are in doubt, look for a
line beginning with (==) Using config file: in the your XFree86 log
file (/var/log/XFree86.0.log).  This README will use XF68Config
to refer to your configuration file, whatever it is named.
If you do not have a working XF86Config file, there are several ways
to start: there is a sample config file that comes with XFree86, and
there is a sample config file included with the NVIDIA_GLX package
(it gets installed in the /usr/share/doc tree).  You could also use a
program like 'xf86config'; some distributions provide their own tool
for generating an XF86Config file.  For more on XF86Config file syntax,
please refer to the manpage.
If you already have an XF86Config file working with a different driver
(such as the 'nv' driver), then all you need to do is find the relevant
Device section and replace the line:
Driver nv 
Driver nvidia  
In the Module section, make sure you have:
Load   glx
You should also remove the following lines:
Load  dri
Load  GLcore
if they exist.  There are also numerous options that can be added to
the XF86Config file to fine-tune the NVIDIA XFree86 driver.  Please see
Appendix D for a complete list of these options.
Once you have configured your XF86Config file, you are ready to restart
X and begin using the accelerated OpenGL libraries.  After you restart X,
you should be able to run any OpenGL application and it will automatically
use the new NVIDIA libraries.  If you encounter any problems, please
see the troubleshooting section below...


Details on

On Monday 23 July 2001 19:09, Terry C wrote:
 I am wondering if I may be able to resolve the
 segmentation fault errors I am getting trying to run
 Chromium, or Tuxracer by changing to the nVidia 769
 drivers instead of using the 1251 drivers. Has anyone
 tried this to resolve the seg. fault problems?
 I have already made sure that I am not using KDM, I
 have tried booting into run level 3 and using startx,
  I have tried using gdm. The black screen and seg.
 fault errors started after I tried to run BZflag and
 it locked up. No GL games have worked since.
 Also, what exactly is a segmentation fault?


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: [newbie] Maximum Linux

2001-07-23 Thread John M Catral

What happened to the magazine anyway?  I was out of the country for a
vacation and when I come back this is what happened? Doh!  Anyway, kind
enough to give me a brief explanation of what happened?

--- Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  last i heard, they we going to change the subscription to another mag.
 but i
  never got anything, and last time i tried, the website is down. so we
  even ask. if ya ask me, i think we won't see anything done with our
 Well as another poster mentioned the contact the publisher, they do a
 whole series of Maximum mags.
 The website was up for several weeks after the news. Most of the staff
 stuck around for a bit to answer messages, but FWIU, they all received

John M Catral
System Specialist
ABC Television Inc.
New York, New York

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again)

2001-07-23 Thread james

i used to get segmentation errors when using OpenGL - it was because i hadnt
installed the kernel properly - there is a shell script called nv check
which checks if everything is installed ok
get it at :

just cd to the dir and type :
$ sh

oh year - with rpms you may want to type :
$ rpm -i NV_GLX.blahblah.rpm --nodeps --force

this will force the install of rpms even if your system says it is already

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 5:09 PM
Subject: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again)

 I am wondering if I may be able to resolve the
 segmentation fault errors I am getting trying to run
 Chromium, or Tuxracer by changing to the nVidia 769
 drivers instead of using the 1251 drivers. Has anyone
 tried this to resolve the seg. fault problems?
 I have already made sure that I am not using KDM, I
 have tried booting into run level 3 and using startx,
  I have tried using gdm. The black screen and seg.
 fault errors started after I tried to run BZflag and
 it locked up. No GL games have worked since.
 Also, what exactly is a segmentation fault?


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again)

2001-07-23 Thread Terry C

Thanks. I already used the script and it
said that everything was OK. Based on the information
I have been seeing I am thinking that I need to try
installing the 1251 drivers from the tarball instead
of the rpm. Should I uninstall the drivers I installed
from the rpm first and then install the tar files?


--- james [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i used to get segmentation errors when using OpenGL
 - it was because i hadnt
 installed the kernel properly - there is a shell
 script called nv check
 which checks if everything is installed ok
 get it at :
 just cd to the dir and type :
 $ sh
 oh year - with rpms you may want to type :
 $ rpm -i NV_GLX.blahblah.rpm --nodeps --force
 this will force the install of rpms even if your
 system says it is already
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 5:09 PM
 Subject: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again)
  I am wondering if I may be able to resolve the
  segmentation fault errors I am getting trying to
  Chromium, or Tuxracer by changing to the nVidia
  drivers instead of using the 1251 drivers. Has
  tried this to resolve the seg. fault problems?
  I have already made sure that I am not using KDM,
  have tried booting into run level 3 and using
   I have tried using gdm. The black screen and
  fault errors started after I tried to run BZflag
  it locked up. No GL games have worked since.
  Also, what exactly is a segmentation fault?
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute
 with Yahoo! Messenger

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

[newbie] Russian(KOI8) in Mandrake 8.0

2001-07-23 Thread Alexander A. Aksyutik

Hello All,

   I`ve installed Mandrake with Russian(KOI8) language. But in KDE there are
strange characters, not russian. I`ve heard that there is some error in
Mandrake, how to fix this problem?   

Best regards,
 Alexander  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-23 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Civilme,
Thank you for the information. I have the Award Bios. How exactly do I do
a low-level format? Thanks for the help.
Sincerely, Marcia

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 20:07:25 + civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Monday 23 July 2001 19:30, Marcia L Waller wrote:
  Dear ALL,
  Thank you for the advice. I wonder about the possibility of 
  this hard drive problem. Oddly I can get my Northon Utilities 5.00 
 CD up
  and I am viewing things but I do not how to use Disk Editor. I am
  browsing with it but there do not seem to be extensive directions 
 on how
  to use it. Is there anyway that I can reformat my disk either with 
  or using the HDD low level format in the BIOS? I have a feeling 
 this hard
  drive is not dead but could have been hit with a virus? Strange
  characters show up with the boot up messages for hdb drive. I do 
 not care
  about saving files at this point. I just want to be able to use my
  computer again and do a fresh install of LM8 again. Any advice 
 will be
  greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Marcia
 Low-level format will either fix the drive or break it totally.  But 
 if you 
 have no retrievable data on it, it might extend the life of the 
 drive by a 
 little whiile while you start saving for a new drive.

Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-23 Thread tazmun

 Is there anyway that I can reformat my disk either with Norton
 or using the HDD low level format in the BIOS? I have a feeling this hard
 drive is not dead but could have been hit with a virus? Strange
 characters show up with the boot up messages for hdb drive. I do not care
 about saving files at this point. I just want to be able to use my
 computer again and do a fresh install of LM8 again. Any advice will be
 greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Marcia

I suspect that Civileme and the others are correct and this drive is
toasted, but a couple of thoughts come to me to check possibly.  Regarding a
possible virus, it's possible if it was dual booting windoze, but unlikely
if running only MD 8.0.  I find that to cause failure to the point your
describing even in windoze it would be unlikely.  I have however saw the
bios spit out some weird machine language before when running systems that
are overclocked too far.  Are you sure your bios is set right for the
processor your running etc.  If the onboard clock has not been keeping time
correctly this is a hint towards a failing battery.  If your battery died or
is weak on the motherboard your bios would lose all the settings upon
shutdown and a normal boot after would not be likely.  The latter was
probably a long shot though. The low format utilities are not found in your
bios, or at least I've never seen such a thing.   I would suggest
downloading the utilities offered by the hard drive manufacturer on line.
The ones I've used are quite helpful and offer the proper low level format
for your drive if necessary.  They normally offer to help you make a
bootable disk to boot on your floppy drive.  The low level format is
sometimes called the write test(specifically maxtor), but remember this
wipes your drive completely clean and requires a fdisk and normal format
afterwards.  Sorry I don't know the Linux equivalents.  I have had drives
testing bad after a low level format test out ok.  Depending on why the
drive got messed up it might be actually damaged and even though temporarily
running right will not last for long.  If this happened because of a local
power outtage though I'd say the odds are in your favor of a complete
permanent recovery.  But worst case hard drives are a better,
cheaper buy then I've ever seen before!


Re: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again)

2001-07-23 Thread Kernell32

On Monday 23 July 2001 21:18, Terry C wrote:
 Thanks. I already used the script and it
 said that everything was OK. Based on the information
 I have been seeing I am thinking that I need to try
 installing the 1251 drivers from the tarball instead
 of the rpm. Should I uninstall the drivers I installed
 from the rpm first and then install the tar files?

Its worth a try i would say and i would also say NOT to use force and nodeps 
it naturally wakes up some bad feelings in me and i know its not necessary. 
Sooner or later something gets messed up if you use the --force option.
especially if its about system stuff like drivers etc.


 --- james [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i used to get segmentation errors when using OpenGL
  - it was because i hadnt
  installed the kernel properly - there is a shell
  script called nv check
  which checks if everything is installed ok
  get it at :

  just cd to the dir and type :
  $ sh
  oh year - with rpms you may want to type :
  $ rpm -i NV_GLX.blahblah.rpm --nodeps --force
  this will force the install of rpms even if your
  system says it is already
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 5:09 PM
  Subject: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again)
   I am wondering if I may be able to resolve the
   segmentation fault errors I am getting trying to
   Chromium, or Tuxracer by changing to the nVidia
   drivers instead of using the 1251 drivers. Has
   tried this to resolve the seg. fault problems?
   I have already made sure that I am not using KDM,
   have tried booting into run level 3 and using
I have tried using gdm. The black screen and
   fault errors started after I tried to run BZflag
   it locked up. No GL games have worked since.
   Also, what exactly is a segmentation fault?
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute
  with Yahoo! Messenger

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

[newbie] USB modem

2001-07-23 Thread Alexander A. Aksyutik

Hello All,

I have USB modem. How I can use it with Linux?

Best regards,
 Alexander  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] stylesheet and pages

2001-07-23 Thread Alan Shoemaker

civileme wrote:
 software, I decided I would use .png and .mng in place of
 .gif.  There is even a little program called gif2png you
 can search for on the web.  I really don't want to support
 what amounts to a legalized protection racket, run by


Çivilemegif2png-2.4.0-1mdk.i586.rpm is in cooker. :)

Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-23 Thread Marcia L Waller

Thank you for your reply. I will try to find how to do the low-level
format. If I do need a new hard drive what would be a good and
inexpensive one  that will handle Linux just fine? Thanks. 

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 13:48:48 -0500 tazmun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Is there anyway that I can reformat my disk either with Norton
  or using the HDD low level format in the BIOS? I have a feeling 
 this hard
  drive is not dead but could have been hit with a virus? Strange
  characters show up with the boot up messages for hdb drive. I do 
 not care
  about saving files at this point. I just want to be able to use my
  computer again and do a fresh install of LM8 again. Any advice 
 will be
  greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Marcia
 I suspect that Civileme and the others are correct and this drive is
 toasted, but a couple of thoughts come to me to check possibly.  
 Regarding a
 possible virus, it's possible if it was dual booting windoze, but 
 if running only MD 8.0.  I find that to cause failure to the point 
 describing even in windoze it would be unlikely.  I have however saw 
 bios spit out some weird machine language before when running 
 systems that
 are overclocked too far.  Are you sure your bios is set right for 
 processor your running etc.  If the onboard clock has not been 
 keeping time
 correctly this is a hint towards a failing battery.  If your battery 
 died or
 is weak on the motherboard your bios would lose all the settings 
 shutdown and a normal boot after would not be likely.  The latter 
 probably a long shot though. The low format utilities are not found 
 in your
 bios, or at least I've never seen such a thing.   I would suggest
 downloading the utilities offered by the hard drive manufacturer on 
 The ones I've used are quite helpful and offer the proper low level 
 for your drive if necessary.  They normally offer to help you make a
 bootable disk to boot on your floppy drive.  The low level format is
 sometimes called the write test(specifically maxtor), but remember 
 wipes your drive completely clean and requires a fdisk and normal 
 afterwards.  Sorry I don't know the Linux equivalents.  I have had 
 testing bad after a low level format test out ok.  Depending on why 
 drive got messed up it might be actually damaged and even though 
 running right will not last for long.  If this happened because of a 
 power outtage though I'd say the odds are in your favor of a 
 permanent recovery.  But worst case hard drives are a 
 cheaper buy then I've ever seen before!

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8 and digital camera miniDV ?

2001-07-23 Thread Kernell32

Hi i have a firewire card and a sony cam now sony cams are a little more 
complicated cause they use different encoding (i think) but i got them 
working now you need to install libraw and i recommend gscanbus to have an 
eye on your firewire filesystems etc libraw is available from the rpms dir on 
the mandrake ftp servers.
But i have to say that they didnt really work for me rather install from tar !

here are some links :

if you hav ethe tars of libraw they will compile into /usr/local you might 
get some problems with your paths (root doesnt have /usr/local in the path 
for some reason)

here are quick instrucktions how to get libraw and your raw device working if 
youre impatient but i recommend reading through the links that i gave you 
cause you have to be prepared for some manuall changes and hacks.
gscanbus is a really nice 
prog where you can control the devices on your firewire ports install that 
one from tar it will also compile into /usr/local so it will work fine 
together with the libraw tar.

here quick instructions for libraw without this nothing will work

Compile libraw1394:
cd /where/you/downloaded/libraw1394
 tar xvfz libraw1394_0.9.0.tar.gz
 cd libraw1394-0.9.0
make install 
Create the raw device (/dev/raw1394):
make dev 
shutdown -r now 
After the system reboots, logon and load the modules:
modprobe ohci1394
modprobe raw1394

 Module dependencies should ensure that the ieee1394 subsytem module installs 
automatically. If you receive errors about unresolved symbols, then try the 
 insmod ieee1394
insmod ohci1394M
insmod raw1394

if it works nicely you can add 
modprobe ohci1394
modprobe raw1394
to your /etc/rc.local file so they will load at each boot

If you decide to use the rpms from mandrake and if you have success with that 
tell me how you did it =) with me the rpm version didnt make the device if i 
remember right and the modules should be loaded manually the rpm installed 
but didnt create the device and didnt load the modules i dont know why so i 
gave up and installed the tar (or did i install the tar first and create the 
device manually ? i dont remember =))
Anyway happy hacking and dont forget to tell about your sucess this is a 
rather new unwritten chapter of mandrake hacking =) .

On Saturday 21 July 2001 20:30, =/\\= Majki =/\\= wrote:
 I have miniDV digital camera Panasonic NV-DS15. I'd like to download film
 or photos to computer. Camera has i-link FireWire connector, and I have
 FireWire controller. In Windows Me I can just plug cable to controller,
 switch on camera, and Windows automatically shows camera in My Computer and
 I can take photo from camera. I have also program to editing films
 downloaded from camera, this program were included in FireWire Controller.
 Is it possible to do the same in Linux ?


RE: [newbie] Proxy and NAT

2001-07-23 Thread TinyHoffman

I like the discussion, but here's one question that's baffled me:

How does the NAT distinguish between sessions with clients who
whish to talk to the same port on the same IP ?

My Theory: The NAT or the Foreign IP server will issue a unique port number
for each session, and the NAT will then reverse-translate the unique
ports to the port that the client expects...

Just another shot in the wind...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
 Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 10:52
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Proxy and NAT

 Jose (and everyone),

 Thanks for the response!  I may need to digest it a little more, but my
 first take on the difference is that I need more software on my host
 (the workstation) to work with a proxy server, and it has to go through
 the extra step of logging on to my Internet gateway (which, in this
 case, I guess, would be my proxy server).

 Are there any practical (i.e., user visible) advantages or disadvantages
 of a proxy server vs. NAT?  Any reason I should consider switching?

 Maybe one thing comes to mind -- I guess Squid (if I have the right name
 -- that thing that can cache Internet pages on my local LAN) is a proxy
 server (or a variation or enhancement of a proxy server), and, I
 suspect, no one has ever built a NAT gateway with similar caching

 Not that I'd ever try to build one, but if both proxy servers and NAT
 gateways had caching capabilities, would one be a better choice than the
 other?  Why?

 Randy Kramer

 Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
  For all intents and purposes, MAC addresses have no bearing on NAT or


  You are reasonably close but the devil is in the details...

 I'm sure -- I was trying to keep it simple for myself.

  Now my question:
  Can somebody tell me what is different about a proxy server?  (In some
  similar oversimplified but reasonably correct and adequate form)
  A NAT server repackages the protected outbound packets and sends them
  out to the internet as if originating from the NAT host machine.
  Proxy on the other hand does NOT requires packets to be repackaged
  rather the HOST acts as an agent or proxy (hence the term) on your

  With a proxy server the addresses used on the protected net are almost
  The client logs in (passive proxies and login-less proxies confuse
  things a bit) to the proxy on your behalf and submits the request, etc.
  With NAT the client software can safely assume that your client machine
  is on the internet. As a result there need be no special PROXY code
  included in the client. Client software believes the machine to be
  directly connected to the net with the NAT host as the gateway.
  With proxy the client software can effectively only contact the internet
  via the proxy.
  Seemingly a small difference, but in fact it's a huge difference.

Re: [newbie] A job using linux?

2001-07-23 Thread Jim Dawson

The idea that someone with a minimal amount of Linux 
knowledge can easily get a job in the IS industry is 
generally a myth, sort of like being able to go from a job 
working in a gas station to earning $70K a year just for 
attending an MCSE boot camp. (Perhaps before the .com bubble 
burst it was a possibility, if you didn't mind a 80+ hour a 
week job in a Silicon Valey startup with $2000/mo rent for a 
tiny 1 bedroom apartment over an hour commute from work. 
That is assuming the IPO went well and you cashed in your 
stock options before the crash...)

There are jobs for people with Linux experience, but you 
will have to know your stuff and be able to prove it. Even 
so, I haven't seen too many jobs advertised specifically for 
Linux. However Linux experience can be useful when applying 
for a Solaris/HPUX/AIX/SCO/etc. position.
 Ok, so I know linux people (I usually refer to myself as a 
linux geek...)
 are supposed to be in incredible demand, and all I hear is 
that people are
 just throwing money at people who can install, configure, 
run etc on the OS.
 But every time I get into this discussion with someone, I 
don't have even
 anectdotal evidence with which to debate them.  I mean, I 
know apache is the
 most widely used server on the net, but what else (as if 
that weren't
 So, what's the deal?  I know more than a few people on the 
list are employed
 for use of their vast knowledge of the OS.  what do ya 
say?  how do the
 linux people work in the biz?  what do they do?  where do 
they do it?  (and
 with all respect intended) how much do they make???

Re: [newbie] Proxy and NAT

2001-07-23 Thread Chris Slater-Walker

The Cisco PIX firewall does it like this:


What I'm trying to say here is that, where there are a limited number of
valid Internet addresses available to the outside (Internet) interface of
the NAT, then it sends data to the Internet server as if that data was
coming from the same IP address but different ports. This is known as Port
Address Translation in the Cisco world. So basically the NAT translates two
different internal addresses ( into the same external address but
with different ports. The difference between this and your suggestion is
that it is the NAT box which provides the different port numbers.

The Cisco PIX firewall is basically a NAT box with added security features,
and this method of doing things does not necessarily apply elsewhere. This
scheme cannot be used with streaming protocols, according to Cisco; I've
never tried.

Chris Slater-Walker BA(Hons) CCNA CCDA MCSE
Cisco, Windows NT, Linux, Samba, DNS

French  German Spoken
- Original Message -
From: Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Proxy and NAT

 TinyHoffman wrote:
  How does the NAT distinguish between sessions with clients who
  whish to talk to the same port on the same IP ?
  My Theory: The NAT or the Foreign IP server will issue a unique port
  for each session, and the NAT will then reverse-translate the unique
  ports to the port that the client expects...

 I don't know -- suspect it is one of those details that the devil is in

 It does seem to work properly -- I've browsed the same sites from
 adjacent machines, and never seemed to have a problem that I could
 attribute to the data coming to the (my) wrong client machine.

 Maybe somebody else can answer your question.

 Randy Kramer

RE: [newbie] Sound Card and Printers

2001-07-23 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Alwan Sadagopan
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 9:19 AM
Subject: [newbie] Sound Card and Printers


A couple of clarifications:

1. Sound Card - When i configure my sound card using sndconfig my sound 
card gets detected by the utility. It then displays a message that it 
plays a 8 bit sound for test purposes. The problem occured here - the 
voice kept on repeating and the system hung with keyboard and mouse both

not responding.


Classic IRQ problem.

You could try modifying the PNP settings as suggested, but I'll bet that
the IRQ is being shared with other PCI devices because it's hard wired
on the motherboard to other PCI slots... (as all motherboards do to an
extent folks...).

You should first try moving the sound card to another slot and see if
this helps.


2. Printer - How do i configure printers? All the printers in my office 
are a part of a domain in a Win NT network. How do i configure for these



You'll need to set up SAMBA on your computer and configure your machine
to part of the same Domain. Once you can get SMBCLIENT to browse the
shares, you will be able to attach to the printers as remote devices.

When configuring Samba, remember to point it to the PDC for the browse
lists, password controller, etc. 

You should then make sure that you have an account on the domain with
the same username and password as that you use in Linux so that
credentials may be exchanged.


Re: [newbie] Linksys Cable/DSL Router

2001-07-23 Thread Van Winssen Ramaakers

For those with DNS problems:
Try the following DNS adresses in this particular order:

Put it in /etc/resolv.conf and/or in KPPP's DNS setup.
I've put it in both.

Then try this adress:  or http://www.atlantic.ocean

Go to http://www.youcann.orgopposite of the ICANN.


Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-23 Thread skinky

Hi Marcia

I agree with Tazmun, you need to go the the drive manufacturers website and
download the utility made specifically for your drive to do the low-level
format.  However, I would also search the manufacturer's site for a
drive-testing utility and run the diagnostics test first.  The test should
tell you whether or not the drive is kaput and if so, as a last resort
perfom the low-level format.  As Civileme pointed out, low-level formats can
totally finish off the drive.

Good luck

- Original Message -
From: tazmun [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 probably a long shot though. The low format utilities are not found in
 bios, or at least I've never seen such a thing.   I would suggest
 downloading the utilities offered by the hard drive manufacturer on line.
 The ones I've used are quite helpful and offer the proper low level format
 for your drive if necessary.  They normally offer to help you make a
 bootable disk to boot on your floppy drive.  The low level format is
 sometimes called the write test(specifically maxtor), but remember this
 wipes your drive completely clean and requires a fdisk and normal format
 afterwards.  Sorry I don't know the Linux equivalents.  I have had drives
 testing bad after a low level format test out ok.  Depending on why the


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8 and digital camera miniDV ?

2001-07-23 Thread Kernell32

btw. if you want to download an avistream from your cam use dvgrab its a 
comandline tool you use it like : dvgrab test.avi
and it will save the actual playing stream into the file test.avi nice tool 
but you dont see whats comming you can only whatch the resulting file with an 
apropriate movie player.
The problem is actually not the support of the dv or firewire hardware (like 
in windows lol it took me ages to get firewire working with my sonycam under 
windows win98 doesnt work at all win2k works sluggish with almmost allthetime 
hardware related crashes etc. finally win98SE worked )
no the problem with linux and firewire is the lack of good capturing and 
editing software sad to say. But many devellopers work a lot on those pieces 
of software and we can hope for the near future that good and capable 
software comes out into public.

On Monday 23 July 2001 22:19, Kernell32 wrote:
 Hi i have a firewire card and a sony cam now sony cams are a little more
 complicated cause they use different encoding (i think) but i got them
 working now you need to install libraw and i recommend gscanbus to have an
 eye on your firewire filesystems etc libraw is available from the rpms dir
 on the mandrake ftp servers.
 But i have to say that they didnt really work for me rather install from
 tar !

 here are some links :

 if you hav ethe tars of libraw they will compile into /usr/local you might
 get some problems with your paths (root doesnt have /usr/local in the path
 for some reason)

 here are quick instrucktions how to get libraw and your raw device working
 if youre impatient but i recommend reading through the links that i gave
 you cause you have to be prepared for some manuall changes and hacks.
 gscanbus is a really nice
 prog where you can control the devices on your firewire ports install that
 one from tar it will also compile into /usr/local so it will work fine
 together with the libraw tar.

 here quick instructions for libraw without this nothing will work

 Compile libraw1394:
 cd /where/you/downloaded/libraw1394
  tar xvfz libraw1394_0.9.0.tar.gz
  cd libraw1394-0.9.0
 make install
 Create the raw device (/dev/raw1394):
 make dev
 shutdown -r now
 After the system reboots, logon and load the modules:
 modprobe ohci1394
 modprobe raw1394

  Module dependencies should ensure that the ieee1394 subsytem module
 installs automatically. If you receive errors about unresolved symbols,
 then try the following:
  insmod ieee1394
 insmod ohci1394M
 insmod raw1394

 if it works nicely you can add
 modprobe ohci1394
 modprobe raw1394
 to your /etc/rc.local file so they will load at each boot

 If you decide to use the rpms from mandrake and if you have success with
 that tell me how you did it =) with me the rpm version didnt make the
 device if i remember right and the modules should be loaded manually the
 rpm installed but didnt create the device and didnt load the modules i dont
 know why so i gave up and installed the tar (or did i install the tar first
 and create the device manually ? i dont remember =))
 Anyway happy hacking and dont forget to tell about your sucess this is a
 rather new unwritten chapter of mandrake hacking =) .

 On Saturday 21 July 2001 20:30, =/\\= Majki =/\\= wrote:
  I have miniDV digital camera Panasonic NV-DS15. I'd like to download film
  or photos to computer. Camera has i-link FireWire connector, and I have
  FireWire controller. In Windows Me I can just plug cable to controller,
  switch on camera, and Windows automatically shows camera in My Computer
  and I can take photo from camera. I have also program to editing films
  downloaded from camera, this program were included in FireWire
  Controller. Is it possible to do the same in Linux ?

[newbie] How do I create a new user without logging in?

2001-07-23 Thread Eric

Help, I have forgoten my old password 
for my linux mandrake 7.1 and I can't log on. Is there anyway to make a 
new user without logging in. I have used partition magic to partition my 
harddrive. Can I create a new user from windows? I have checked all 
my manuals and the internet and I can not figure this out.



[newbie] MPlayer install: NCurses problem

2001-07-23 Thread Juan Carlos Conde

I am trying install mplayer-0.17-1.20010501.i686.rpm.
It needs some files because dependencies, one of them (

#rpm -i mplayer-0.17-1.20010501.i686.rpm
error: failed dependencies:   is needed by mplayer-0.17-1.20010501

I could find it into ncurses-5.2-4.i686.rpm in
But when I try to install it says that is installed a newer version 

#rpm -i ncurses-5.2-4.i686.rpm
package ncurses-5.2-12mdk (which is newer than ncurses-5.2-4) is already 
file /lib/ from install of ncurses-5.2-4 conflicts with 
file from package libncurses5-5.2-12mdk
file /usr/bin/clear from install of ncurses-5.2-4 conflicts with file from 
package ncurses-5.2-12mdk
--here will continue the long list of conflicts--

I can't erase newer version and install old one because dependencies.

#rpm -e ncurses
error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
ncurses is needed by libncurses5-5.2-12mdk
ncurses is needed by perl-Curses-1.05-2mdk

Any ideas to get mplayer installed successfully?
Juan Carlos Conde  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Valladolid (Spain)Running Linux Mandrake 8.0  
Linux Registered User: 219425 -

mensaje enviado desde
emails (pop)-paginas web (espacio illimitado)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-foros

Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-23 Thread skinky

- Original Message -

 hours at least usually.  I had one maxtor drive that I tried to convert
 to fat after running ext2 filesystem and it just wouldn't properly run
 format, fdisk until after I did the low levelthat was a couple of
 ago and the drive is still in service and nevered erred since.

 Best of luck

Tazmun, I recently had the same problem.Dos kept reporting bad sectors
and eventually said it couldn't read from the disk.  Just thought others
might be interested to know that a boot/partition manager that I was using
at the time (BootIt Next Generation), easily recognised the ext2 filesystem
and just as easily converted it to FAT32.  I *was* about to do a low-level
format g.

Also, some might be interested to know that BootIt NG can copy entire
partitions/drives to CD-RW (or other partition/drive) as an image file which
can be restored any time.  Although I must say, that I haven't tried it with
Linux YET (it works with Win98).  It handled resizing ext2 and swap
partitions without any problems and supports Reiser.

Just some useless information (as if you don't have enough email to read)


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RE: [newbie] Proxy and NAT

2001-07-23 Thread TinyHoffman

 The Cisco PIX firewall does it like this:


Gotcha, the NAT is responcible for port allocation...

 scheme cannot be used with streaming protocols, according to Cisco; I've
 never tried.

Hmm... I'll have to see if I can get the NAT/PAT on my LAN to ship streaming
audio... that's a good question. As UDPs cary Port numbers, just as TCPs, I
don't know why not... though I am certain someone will edumacate me...

Thanks for your time...

 Chris Slater-Walker BA(Hons) CCNA CCDA MCSE
 Cisco, Windows NT, Linux, Samba, DNS

- Chris

   TinyHoffman wrote:
   How does the NAT distinguish between sessions with clients who
   whish to talk to the same port on the same IP ?
   My Theory: The NAT or the Foreign IP server will issue a unique port
   for each session, and the NAT will then reverse-translate the unique
   ports to the port that the client expects...
  I don't know -- suspect it is one of those details that the devil is in
  It does seem to work properly -- I've browsed the same sites from
  adjacent machines, and never seemed to have a problem that I could
  attribute to the data coming to the (my) wrong client machine.
  Maybe somebody else can answer your question.
  Randy Kramer

[newbie] X won't start default font fixed

2001-07-23 Thread Scott Wagner

I got home from work today and turned my computer on, and was confronted by
the error message
could not open default font path unix/:1
Fatal server error:
could not open default font fixed
and X would not start.  I have been told that one way to fix this problem,
at least temporarily, is to comment out the FontPath unix/:-1 line in
/etc/X11/Xf86Config.  However I have not been able to access the file from
the command line.  Pico is not not installed.  I think I have opened vim
from the command line but have no idea how to use it. Is there anothe editor
I could use that doesn't run on X that is likely to be installed on my
Does anyone know of any other solutions?  Is this something that could be
fixed from the failsafe option from Lilo?  I have never used that either.

[newbie] Sony vaio F701/X problems/go to NT?

2001-07-23 Thread Ben Edwards

Send below message a few days ago but have had no response.  Just sending 
it again because if I cant get X working on my computer I am going to have 
to go for NT instead (I even tried Redhat 7 but no luck).

I am trying to get a sony vaio f701 working with X.  I have tried using 
Xconfigurator but using the NeoMagic drivers the best I can get is a 
corrupted screen at 640*480 using 8 bit.

Anyone got this laptop working?

* Ben Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]+44 (0)7970 269 522 *
* Campaign Against proper English, Dyslexia division *
* Homepage *
* i-Contact Progressive Video *
* Smashing the Corporate image *
* Bristol's radical news *
* Open Directory Project *

Re: [newbie] Configure, make and make install MPlayer problems

2001-07-23 Thread Romanator

s wrote:
 I been using if for months.  The lastest vs. (.17) was so easy too. I've been
 reading about others having trouble, but it was da...da... da: movies for me.
 I've run out of ideas to assist these individuals with their problems, they
 seemed to have done what they were supposed to do
 So basically, yes, it's possible - even easy.  I have a basic 8.0 developer's
 install (I haven't upgraded/updated anything), using whatever compiler the
 installer put on there (gcc-2.96-0.48mdk, that has begun to be doubted on the
 ng).  People have been making things worse for themselves trying to upgrade
 that to 3.0.  I don't know, there are so many variables in computer systems.
 It's always hard (in varying degrees) to figure out why something works for
 one but not another.
 On Sunday 22 July 2001 05:17 pm, you wrote:
  Hi all,
  Well, I can't for life of me figure out why the MPlayer tar ball is not
  configuring. Has any one else been succesful in configuring, make and
  make install MPlayer in LM8?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Can you point me to the download that you were using. I might have
better luck than the laatest version I've been trying to configure.


Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

[newbie] New user

2001-07-23 Thread Eric

Thanks for your help Alan. One problem though. 
I can't figure it out.This is it from the start.I boot/restart 
my machine.It logs into DOS and I have a couple options: Linux, 
Windows, and others.I hit enter on Linux and then it starts scrolling 
telling me what things arebeing started up, at the end of each line an 
[ ok ] is placed so I knowthat it booted up ok.Like 
OK ]then it loads onto the logon screen that isn't 
graphical.I havelogon:password:but it only gives me 
like 2 seconds before it goes to the graphical menu.I tried hitting 
escape on the logon: password: area but it gives me some ^]or something like 
that. and nothing happens.I tried hitting escape in the graphical 
menu but nothing worked. I alsotried inputing that text into the 
graphical display boxes as well.I really am sort of screwed over here, 
and I really don't want to reinstallLinux. Is there any more help you 
can offer?Eric- Original Message -From: "Alan Shoemaker" 
Monday, July 23, 2001 5:27 PMSubject: Re: [newbie] How do I create a new 
user without logging in? Eric wrote:  Help, I have 
forgoten my old password for my linux mandrake  7.1 and I can't log 
on. Is there anyway to make a new user  without logging 
in. I have used partition magic to  partition my 
harddrive. Can I create a new user from  windows? I have 
checked all my manuals and the internet  and I can not figure this 
out.   Thanks.   
Eric Ericwhen the boot screen (lilo) comes up press the 
esc key and at the prompt type: linux 
single You will boot into level 1 and have root privleges. 
Now type: passwd and you'll be prompted for a 
new password and then asked to type it again. Log out 
and reboot. When the boot screen (lilo) comes up press the esc key 
and at the prompt type: linux init 3 You'll boot 
into the regular console mode where you need to login as root. 
Then type: passwd your login name and 
you'll be prompted for a new password foruser our login name and 
then asked to type it again. Log out and reboot. Your system will 
boot normally and your login name (you) and root will have the 
new passwords. :) -- Alan

Re: [newbie] Configure, make and make install MPlayer problems

2001-07-23 Thread Romanator

Dan Ray wrote:
  Well, I can't for life of me figure out why the MPlayer tar ball is not
  configuring. Has any one else been succesful in configuring, make and
  make install MPlayer in LM8?
 I had a couple of problems, which I fixed, and then it configured and
 installed great.
 Say more about is not configuring. The more descriptive you can be about
 your problem, the better a solution people can offer (and if your initial
 email is descriptive enough, we can usually skip this whole it worked for me
 say more about email entirely).
 Two unusual things I had to do:
 ./configure --no-gcc-checking (I think! Read './configure --help' and see
 what it says about gcc version checking!)
 install nasm from RPM (at rpmfind or, I'm told, on the CDs)
 So I'm guessing you haven't done one or the other of those things.

I think I missed ./configure --no-gcc-checking and nasm. I'll get back
with additional information about my status.

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie] NOW: philosophy of the Newby book

2001-07-23 Thread Romanator

John Rigby wrote:
 Have you looked at TWIKI?
 I am trying to find time to do it, but I actually have to make a
 living unlike all you rich guys who have all day to play with exotic
 programs :-)
 It looks like a great collaboration solution and I am planning to get
 it up on the fablor Site a.s.a.p.
 Many hands make heavy work light
 On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 10:27, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  Hi John,
  No problem. The K.I.S.S approach is the best. I have a pleasant
  feeling this will turn into fine book for first time users of
  Mandrake only distros. We should find additional people that would
  like to contribute and divide up the work.
  What are your thoughts?
 Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??
 (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Rich guys? I wish. Hey, I have to put in 12 -14 hours a day. Is there a
download for the program? BTW I'm checking out TWIKI.

Registered Linux User #179293
su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey

Re: [newbie] New user

2001-07-23 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 07:17 PM 07/23/2001 -0600, Eric wrote: 

Thanks for your help Alan.  One problem though.   I can't figure it out.

This is it from the start.

I boot/restart  my machine.

It logs into DOS and I have a couple options:  Linux,  Windows, and others.

Ok...are you using lnx4win, or an actual full linux install?  If you are
using lnx4win -- I've not used it, so I can't help with your problem.  On
the other hand, if you are booting into linux (as opposed to into windows,
and then running linux from within windows), here are the steps to fix your

1.  At the LILO prompt type in 'linux single' and press enter.
2.  This will boot you into linux single user mode.  You will be logged in
as root (without giving the root password).
3.  Type 'passwd', then type in your new password twice.
4.  Type 'shutdown -r now'.
5.  After it reboots, log in as root, and do an 'rpm -q sudo' from the
command line (either from an xterm, or via TTY1-6 (CTRL-ALT-[F1 - F6]).
6.  If it is installed, type visudo from the command line (or edit the
/etc/sudoers file).
7.  Add your user name (if you have a user other than root), so that if you
forget the root password again, you can do 'sudo su -' and type in your
user's password)

Also, please try not to post 'HTMLized' e-mail to the list -- many e-mail
clients display all kinds of extra html tags, make the font grayish
(instead of black), or make it smaller (making it that much more difficult
to read).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-23 Thread etharp

yep absolutly correct and the bad battery will cause the bios to lose it's 
settings as to what and where the hard drive is

On Monday 23 July 2001 17:15, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
 This message is -NOT- caused by a virus!

 It is caused by the drive's own seek mechanism being unable to
 recalibrate and locate the first track and sector at a low level.

 This is not the same as corrupted a boot sector which a virus can cause.
 You can have a corrupt boot sector  track yet the drive will not issue
 the hard disk fail error message. Rather the system will hang or fail to

 Low level formatting (which it is NOT!) merely re-initializes the data
 in the sectors on an ide drive while checking for bad spots. Unlike
 older MFM drives, this is performed at a much higher level than IDE. For
 the most part, unless you have a special hardware device which can lay
 down the timing marks, you cannot really low level format an IDE
 drive, even via the bios.

 One thing though. If something screwed up the settings on your BIOS, you
 may get this error, even though the drive is fine. This is because the
 BIOS is being told to look for the first track somewhere it's not. Check
 that the settings are set to how they used to be, or for AUTO detection
 of the drive and AUTO for block mode.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Marcia L Waller
 Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 3:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

 Dear ALL,
 Thank you for the advice. I wonder about the possibility of correcting
 this hard drive problem. Oddly I can get my Northon Utilities 5.00 CD up
 and I am viewing things but I do not how to use Disk Editor. I am
 browsing with it but there do not seem to be extensive directions on how
 to use it. Is there anyway that I can reformat my disk either with
 Norton or using the HDD low level format in the BIOS? I have a feeling
 this hard drive is not dead but could have been hit with a virus?
 Strange characters show up with the boot up messages for hdb drive. I do
 not care about saving files at this point. I just want to be able to use
 my computer again and do a fresh install of LM8 again. Any advice will
 be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] Maximum Linux

2001-07-23 Thread mark

I got this response a while ago, maybe May or so.  I still haven't seen 

Mr. ,
Maximum Linux did cease publication with the April issue.  We will be 
offering a replacement magazine and will have the details finalized soon 
and inform our subscribers.  It is taking longer than anticipated, we 
closed 6 titles at the same time. If you would prefer a refund now, please 
call us toll free at 1-877-995-4689.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kathleen Gifford)

On Sun, 22 Jul 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 last i heard, they we going to change the subscription to another mag. but i 
 never got anything, and last time i tried, the website is down. so we can't 
 even ask. if ya ask me, i think we won't see anything done with our 

Content-Type: text/html; name=unnamed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

fairlane at voyager dot net

Re: [newbie] Configure, make and make install MPlayer problems

2001-07-23 Thread s

On Monday 23 July 2001 08:16 pm, you wrote:
 s wrote:
  I been using if for months.  The lastest vs. (.17) was so easy too. I've
  been reading about others having trouble, but it was da...da... da:
  movies for me. I've run out of ideas to assist these individuals with
  their problems, they seemed to have done what they were supposed to
  So basically, yes, it's possible - even easy.  I have a basic 8.0
  developer's install (I haven't upgraded/updated anything), using whatever
  compiler the installer put on there (gcc-2.96-0.48mdk, that has begun to
  be doubted on the ng).  People have been making things worse for
  themselves trying to upgrade that to 3.0.  I don't know, there are so
  many variables in computer systems. It's always hard (in varying degrees)
  to figure out why something works for one but not another.
  On Sunday 22 July 2001 05:17 pm, you wrote:
   Hi all,
   Well, I can't for life of me figure out why the MPlayer tar ball is not
   configuring. Has any one else been succesful in configuring, make and
   make install MPlayer in LM8?
   Registered Linux User #179293
   This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

 Can you point me to the download that you were using. I might have
 better luck than the laatest version I've been trying to configure.


 Registered Linux User #179293
 su is not the root of your problem
 but the start of a new journey

Well, last reinstall, I apparently didn't save download from the first 
version I had been using, so this last time I used 
MPlayer-0.17a_IdegCounter.tar.bz2 from

And it was so much easier.  I can't remember many of the details, but it was 
quite a pain (alot of configuring, and editing scripts, cp, ln, and such) to 
get the older version to work.  
This version just unzip win32codec, ./configure, make, make install.  cp 
MPlayer-0.17a_IdegCounter/DOCS/codecs.conf ~/.mplayer/  and that was it.


[newbie] Mdk8 and PATH environment variable problems !

2001-07-23 Thread Marcos Nobre

Hi folks.

First of all,
excuse me for my poor English.

I have 2 mdk-8 linuxes box : 1 on my notebook and 2 on a desktop pc.

I have had serious problems to define an alteration on a PATH variable 
to my desktop box.

On my notebook all works fine. I had altered the /etc/rc.local file to 
accomodate a PATH=$PATH:/newdir and export PATH new commands and 
some services and shells (terminals) works fine.

Acting by analogy, I do the same alteration on the desktop box and 
I did not have same success.

In which file can I put a new PATH definition in manner that I have
the new value of it in a global view ?

I have to advise you that the only difference on those instalations are :
notebook = home/office
desktop = server

I have experienced others things too. Alter the /etc/profile, 
/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc.sysinit and /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions with the same

I used a mechanism of tracing the value of the PATH, placing
echo $PATH  /opt/foo_file_N in the beginning and end of each script file
and perceived that my update was persisted thru the rc.local and the
profile but some another script file had modified the PATH for a value 
that did not contain what I wanted. I saw that some scripts call the 
functions one and in that I saw a PATH definition PATH=... command
line. By this I put my modification in it, but gain another failure.
(after each script modification I reboot the box)

Anybody has any clue ?
The server instalation is so diffent from home one ?

Thanks in advance,

Marcos Nobre

[newbie] Help me with Software Manager

2001-07-23 Thread Marcos Nobre

I have faced some problems with this feature (software).

First of all it seems that I don't know how to use it.
When I tried to update some packages I did :
  1-Define Sources
1.1.1-Type of source = security updates
1.1.2-New source's name = XYZ
1.1.3-Select mirror (but before I update the mirror list)
1.1.4-Pressed OK
   1.2-Pressed OK (to confirm the new source selected)
  2-Reload Lists (*)

(*) At this point my troubles began

Tracking the troubles .

Into the Define Sources windows already exists 2 entries :
  CD-1 Instalation. and
  CD-2 bla-foo-bla.
Both of them were already marked. After adding the new source (mirror)
it becames marked too.

When I call Reload Lists function the application only re-reads the CDs
It never reads from the URL (new added source - mirror) that I have
By this reason I delete both CD's entries and the feature worked fine.
  Where  the CD1 and CD2 lists were persisted in the HD ?
  How can I rebuild the Source Lists using CD1 and CD2 lists ?

  What can I do to keep a multi-list (CD1 + CD2 + URL1 +URL2...) filled
and persisted ?
  I only need to choose one of them to Reload a List of Packages to
update. I believe
  it is enough. The software manager don't runs like this.


Marcos Nobre.

Re: [newbie] RPMS - tarballs --- Can it be done ?

2001-07-23 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

IIRC (haven't tried it in a while), if you try to install a .src.rpm file as 
if it were a binary .rpm (rpm -ivh file.rpm), it will extract to the 
directories under /usr/src/RPM.

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 18:18, Michel Clasquin wrote:
  Is it possible to somehow strip an RPM of the deps info etc and make a
  tarball from it?
  I have no immediate need to do this but it might be handy to know how to
  do it should the need arise.

 I'm sure someone will come up with a better idea, but Midnight Commander
 (just type mc in a console) will dig into rpm files as if they were
 directories. You could use it to copy the contents elsewhere, then make the
 tarball from there.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Can't Print Anymore???

2001-07-23 Thread Curtis Matthiesen

Hi there,

Well I had my Lexmark 3200 working for a day but now today I tried to print 
out something and now it won't work at all, even if I'm logged under root or 
any of my other users:

The URL that I followed the instructions on how to get it working are here:

I followed up to step 4 and then it worked, but today it doesn't, I tried up 
to step 6 to get it working to no avail.

FYI I made the PPD file named:  Lexmark-3200-lxm3200.ppd and it is located 
in my /usr/lib/cups/filter/ folder, as well, I made the file cupsomatic and 
put it in this folder:


Lastly, I even tried deleting the printer and reinstalling it and it still 
did not work, I tried both as root and as a other users.

Any help is appreciated.



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Re: [newbie] Boot managers

2001-07-23 Thread John Rigby

Hello Steve,
You must be new here!
Have a read of the archives - esp anything with my name in 

On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 01:47, you manipulated electrons to produce:

 Um are you allowed to use this list for reference material for what
 I assume is a commerical book?



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

[newbie] and dsl lan setup question

2001-07-23 Thread Dave

Hi all,

I am so happy--- just configured my very first network! (Other 
than AS400 stuff) I am definatley a newbie when it comes to networks so 
please forgive me if this seems like a silly question..

I have just connected to the internet using my linux mandrake 7.2 box.. 
and set it up to share the connection made with the internal us robotics 56k 
modem it has in it.  I successfully connected with my box to the 3 
com hub with my 3 com ethernet card..

I also connected to my hub with a laptop running win98 with a pcmcia ethernet 
cardand i can connect thru the Mandrake box.and surf the net. 
with the laptop and the linux is so 
cool(If you can't tell I am having a lot of fun right now!  :)

ANYWAYhere is my question...(finally--sorry for the long 
story.. but I was just really happy!) 

I am in the process of getting dsland was wondering if the 
mandrake box could work the same way it is now with the 56k modem? I am sure 
that the modem I will get from qwest will be a pci type... (will it 
work?)  or do I have to get an external dsl modem for this?  
Mandrake was definately easy to set up for internet sharing.. I just 
hope it is as easy to use dsl as it was the 56k modem.

This is going to end up as a basic 4 computer home network sharing 1 dsl line 
through a 3com hub(If that makes more sense)

Any ideas / suggestion / comments / internet links / recommended 
reading... will be read with great appreciation!  

Registered LInux User #204085

M$ is not the answer. M$ is the question.
The answer is Linux !

[newbie] Getting the basics going

2001-07-23 Thread John Rigby

Hi folks,
I went and put my 2 cents worth on the Forum: How to move mandrake 
along.. hot subject, eh? 

In catching up with the support pleas here, I've noticed a distinct 
non-recognition by people of their own status! 
Some of the self-proclaimed Newbies only talk in acronyms and I 
can't even read their question, much less see an answer!  :-)

Please REAL Newbies, pass on to me the gotchas that baffled you 
when you tried to start up - no matter how simple they seem when 
looking back!  How did you fix it?

I hope to get a subsidiary Site up soon with a collaboration program 
to make it easy.  

So here I am back in Nursery Class:

1. I get pointed to all sorts of things, but the destructions might 
just as well be in Yuvan ( obscure Central Asian Dialect) . 

2. I want to use the GUI wherever possible - especially as I expect 
to have to teach a lot of  TOTALLY NEW (Nursery-level) people how to 
drive Mandrake, through another project I'm on. 
Growth will not be possible in any meaningful way while Mandrake 
tries to be all things to all people in one Distro family.   Just 
like on this list.  We go from Newbies,  only trying to install a 
complex network to run an international Bank/Gambling centre - to me. 
Just trying to get on the Net, write a letter, dictate a 
memo/karioke(?) back up a dir, play with some html design.
We really do need a Nursery Distro:
VERY limited in options, designed only to include proven programs to:
1. Hit the Net
2. Write a Letter.
3. Play some music
4. Do the Home Accounts
5. Auto upgrade/official install program
( A big thing is a current list of known compatible bits/drivers) 

Thank heavens we have so many people on here from the experts who 
talk in code to the fellow starters who willingly put in their 
personal experiences. 

By the time *I* get my Mandrake up and going, we should have a nice 
little E-book ready for the next lot.  Just in time to become 
irrelevant due to *all* the fixes in the next one..  :-} 


1. Cannot get my ALS4000 Sound Card to go. ( M8 Even identified it)  
No help on the Avance Site.

2. Cannot get my new Linux Ready Lexmark Z32 Printer to work 
properly  with Star. Cannot get it to accept new drivers./new printer.

3. Cannot figure out how to operate CDRW Writer! ( M8 knows it's 
there, but I'm only allowed one CD - I have 2, both identified)

4. Star Office - seems potentially great. Lousy basic fonts, won't 
upgrade/use my Windows ones.  ( Did get complex info on converting 
them - but would be way beyond a normal nursery level user)

5. Scanner. Canoscan N340P.  Even have a the info from the Net on a 
fix. Have no idea what the destructions really mean. 

6.  Frustrating Utilities. Like KDE Search weirdo. Docs not 
outsider friendly.
7. Crashing of supplied programs like SCREEM - makes a real mess. 

1. Much faster Modemming.
2. No Dozing off (BSOD)
3. Dead simple install - EXCEPT default is for Server too..
4. Gnome put all the Windoze Drives on the Desktop - complete with 
5. Terrific friendly support. No flaming by smartass 



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Getting the basics going

2001-07-23 Thread Paul

 3. Cannot figure out how to operate CDRW Writer! ( M8 knows it's 
 there, but I'm only allowed one CD - I have 2, both identified)

Hi John,

Linux treats CD-writers as SCSI devices. Since most modern CD-RW's are IDE,
there's some work to be done. (MDK 8 did it all by itself for me though.)

This is a multi-stage rocket, but simple steps they are.
First identify the device that the CDRW is on. /dev/hdb, /dev/hdc etc.
hdb: slave on first IDE controller, hdc: master on second IDE.

Then there is hdX=scsi-ide.

in Lilo (if you use that) you put that in the append line:
Run lilo -v and reboot.

The X stands for the proper letter of the drive.

In Grub (/boot/grub/menu.lst) you have to add that to each kernel-line.
Save the file and reboot.
If you have no other SCSI devices, you should now be able to do
ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/scd0
which links the cdrom to the first SCSI device. (Unix starts counting at 0.)

Now, when you type

cdrecord --scanbus

cdrecord should show your cd-rw as scsi-device.
And this means you can go and burn!
Good luck!

[newbie] Alternatives help like Win4Lin?

2001-07-23 Thread John Rigby

Hi folks,
This may seem like blasphemy, but might also be a sane solution for 
those who try it and it just won't go...

It appears I can either:
1. Spend untold time hoping for a fix ( a week spent looking so far!)
2. Buy a lot of new stuff ( what do I do with the old?) 
3. Quit and go back ( not an option!! :-)  )
4. Compromise... Win4Lin or VM or WINE or XP86 whatever it is.

The most logical move financially and timewise seems  Win4Lin or 
Anyone with handson experience of any of the above I would appreciate 
your help.

WINE is free. Can't get any sense out of it as far as applications 
etc go - except I just found that it is what runs Websphere on 
Linux!!   ( I have it)   Have no idea how to test it or run progs 
under it. 

XP86/BOSH . Not able to comprehend it either, Civileme says it has 
promise, but I could not find out anything usable about it on its 
Site.  Also Free.  No idea how to run/test it either

VM is dearest by miles.  Not sure of this one - seems to be similar 
in CPU demand to Windoze . 

Win4Lin  is around $80.  Seems to be a simple gui install.Claims to 
do everything one could need  - IF stuck with Windows apps.  

I apparently am. 
I NEED Voice Dictation.  Am going nutz fighting M8 without it now.  
M8 wont talk to my Sound.
I NEED either FrontPage 2000 or the Windoze version of Websphere at 
least. - the Linux/wine version is too cut down and painfully 
slow.  The GNU ones are too stripped down no extras.
I NEED decent onscreen fonts - I work loong hours on the screen.
I NEED GOOD printer output. 
I NEED a Scanner 



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Konqueror

2001-07-23 Thread Randy Kramer


Take a look at -- it
won't answer all your questions, it might not even answer any of the
questions you've asked so far, but it may provide some useful

Randy Kramer

Adams, Jamie wrote:
 Getting to the point, my question is how does Konqueror render pages in
 comparison with IE? I do not have any windows boxes anymore (yeehaa!),
 are the font sizes similar? etc?

Re: [newbie] New column

2001-07-23 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Monday 23 July 2001 00:18, Randy Donohoe wrote:
 I'm writing to ask your help in evaluating a column I'm considering
 submitting to some sites and newspapers. The column is called The
 Curve, and is basically a tutorial on Linux for the raw beginner.

Randy, meet John Rigby. John, meet Randy. You two have a lot to talk about.

 There's help for the beginner out there now, but it's so fragmented
 it's frustrating at best. 

But how does producing yet another resource reduce fragmentation? Not meant 
as a flame, really, but I see that as a contradiction. If fragmentation is 
your primary concern why not rather pick an existing resource and throw your 
weight behind it?

If you don't live near a college that teaches
 Linux, have friends running it, or have a LUG in your area the learning
 curve is a nasty one. I picked these lists because I've belonged to
 all of them in my whole eight months of Linux usage, consider them
 fair, and are a more serious forum than the chat rooms. 


I know some of
 you could care less if the community attracts the mainstream, but due
 to attrition and stagnation it's a necessity, and besides, maybe other
 people like me, who live in the middle of nowhere, would like some
 fellow users to commiserate with.

So what's the idea with this? You want a quick lit-crit on it? Can do, but 
don't take it as a flame, OK?

   The Curve
  by Randy Donohoe

 A Beginner's Guide To Linux  Proficiency

 The Curve is a roadmap for learning the Linux operating system by
 use of the information superhighway. 

Brrr - I thought that horrible cliche had died already.

If you've wanted to try Linux ,
 but don't have a college or university nearby, a friend using it, or a
 local Linux users' group, here's your reasonably assured of success
 chance. The column will be,for the most part, lineal, although I
 reserve the right to digress at times. I will try to keep it a little
 on the light side, with some humor thrown in like a grenade here and
 there, so it won't be like eating cotton balls. The writing will be as
 non-technical as possible with respect to a computer operating system,
 and where technical I'll explain profoundly. Each week will deal with
 the next progressive step(IMHO) and I will assume you'll deal with each
 in the correct order. Everything necessary to learn and use Linux is on
 the internet, although not in a cohesive unit. My experience is very
 limited but by using the internet I've went from Windows to being able
 to setup, run, maintain, compile kernels(the Holy Grail), switch
 hardware, and perform most everyday tasks with Linux. If, through
 inexperience, I drag you through gravel, mud, and broken glass, I'm
 counting on the gurus out there to get us back on the paved road and
 tell me what other professions I also wouldn't be suitable for. 

Copy-editing? Actually it isn't that bad, but try to use shorter paragraphs. 
This one could easily have been split up at Each week

 first installment will consist mostly of background you'll need to get
 started. If you're of reasonable intelligence, aren't terrified of your
 computer, and want to give Linux a try, let's go.
 I won't bore you with the history of Linux as I'll assume most
 people have some knowledge of it if they're interested enough to try
 it, but it's a pretty good story of a young, unintentional dragonslayer
 if you get a chance to read about it. What I will bore you with is a
 little of the politics of the movement. Microsoft is considered to be
 the antithesis of the Linux movement by a great majority of that

I would love to see someone sing the praises of Linux while ignoring the Evil 
Empire completely. For long enough have we defined ourselves as the 
non-Microsoft. The time has come to pretend that MS doesn't exist, to simply 
ignore it to death.

I know it seems incredible to us, but most people out there *admire* Bill 
Gates and can't see what Microsoft has done wrong to be broken up by the 
government. If you are simply going to blast Microsoft, half your audience 
will turn the page or click away from your article. Remember, you're not 
preaching for the converted now!

Linux and it's applications are generally free, although a
 lot of the users believe in buying the CD's from the companies to help
 with development costs and a lot don't mind buying applications if they
 fill a niche. You can download most distibutions for free over the
 internet if you have a big enough pipeline

You said that you are going to submit this to both sites and newspapers. How 
raw are your newbies, then? Ex-windows or first-ever computer? The latter 
group (and even some of the former) might not understand that a big 
pipeline is a metaphorical expression. Make that a fast connection instead.

First rule of creative writing: define your audience!

But: keep pushing free beer as much as possible.

 and whether you