[newbie-it] Problemi proxy e modem

2001-07-31 Thread Papa Delia Mihaela

Ciao a tutti!

Ho problemi per collegarmi ad Internet, o piu' precisamente per navigare
usando un proxy e chiedo a voi un suggerimento di cosa devo controllare e
mettere a posto.

Problema nr. 1
Riesco navigare come root, ma non come utente. Io uso un proxy (esterno, 
locazione sconosciuta, ecc.), diciamo proxy.it.xxx.com
Come utente Netscape non mi lascia impostare il proxy (proxy sconosciuto), 
Konqueror mi lascia ma non lo trova quando mi collego.
Il collegamento (tramite kppp) funziona.
Cosa posso fare?

Problema nr. 2
Se faccio boot con il modem spento, il device /dev/modem non e' attivo e il 
collegamento e' impossibile. Cosa si puo' fare per non dover fare reboot?


[newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-07-31 Thread Tommaso Leddi

Salve a tutti,
il kernel fornito dalla Mandrake 8.0 mi da una serie di problemi perchè non 
gestisce bene l'interfaccia SCSI Adaptec 2904CD e l'hardware USB. 
Ho provato a guardare i vari changelog delle nuove versioni del kernel, ma 
non sono riuscito a capire se questi problemi sono stati risolti. Le 
informazioni erano infatti molto generiche. Comunque credo che sia arrivato 
il momento di compilarmi per la prima volta il kernel.
Qualcuno che ha più esperienza può darmi qualche consiglio. Sinceramente non 
so da dove partire.

grazie a tutti,


Re: [newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-07-31 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 17:01, martedì 31 luglio 2001, scrivesti:
 Salve a tutti,
 il kernel fornito dalla Mandrake 8.0 mi da una serie di problemi
 perchè non gestisce bene l'interfaccia SCSI Adaptec 2904CD e
 l'hardware USB. Ho provato a guardare i vari changelog delle nuove
 versioni del kernel, ma non sono riuscito a capire se questi problemi
 sono stati risolti. Le informazioni erano infatti molto generiche.
 Comunque credo che sia arrivato il momento di compilarmi per la prima
 volta il kernel.
 Qualcuno che ha più esperienza può darmi qualche consiglio.
 Sinceramente non so da dove partire.

Posso confermare che nei kernel successivi il 2904 funziona bene (l'ho 
provato su due macchine diverse...).
Le istruzioni su come compilare il kernel sono un po' lunghe da 
scrivere; nel frattempo puoi guardare qui:


E' la versione più aggiornata su come si compila il kernel...
Fabio Coatti   http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova 
Ferrara Linux Users Group   http://ferrara.linux.it
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake sopra a Red-Hat

2001-07-31 Thread freefred

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 06:35, you wrote:
 Ciao a tutti.
 Io ho installato la mandrake 8 SOPRA a red-Hat 5 (grave sbaglio?)


se l'unico problema che hai e' il kudzu all'avvio
puoi disabilitarlo tramite il mandrake control center
alla voce system/services
spunta la checkbox boot al kudzu.

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


Re: [newbie-it] Variabili d'ambiente

2001-07-31 Thread freefred

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 08:01, Eugenio Odorifero wrote:
 Salve a tutti,
 cerco un indicazione su come inserire una variabile d'ambiente su
 Mandrake 8.0 (o anche un How-To dove spiega queste cose...) 

Dipende in realta' da che shell stai usando.
Se non hai cambiato nulla, e quindi usi la bash
ti basta direi

(tipo  export QTDIR=/usr/ecc.)

se la vuoi come immagino definitiva puoi metterla
nel .bash_profile

puoi guardare il man della bash (ma e' piuttosto lungo)
o guardare un po' in appunti linux (cerca per ambiente, bashrc, 


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


Re: [newbie-it] PowerPack

2001-07-31 Thread Flavio Bosio

Il 04:30, lunedì 30 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Qualcuno mi sà dire come posso acquistare Mandrake 8.0 PowerPack senza
 ricorrere alla carta di credito?
 Grazie a tutti..


contrassegno, bonifico bancario, vaglia postale  C.C.


R: [newbie-it] non riesco a leggere i cd

2001-07-31 Thread kokkix

Se hai palle rigirati i flat così ti ritrovi meno problemi in mastering

Ho impostato su secondary master il cdrom e su secondary slave il
masterizzatore (come indica peraltro lo schemino del mast.) ed ora funziona
tutto a meraviglia.

per il tuo problema audio confido nella volontà del pubblico della ML che
solitamente si spacca la testa piuttosto di lasciare un neofita senza

Effettivamente se inserisco un cd audio, e clicco sull'icona, non riesco ad
accedere al cd (come invece capita in windows), ma ho scoperto il
programmino lettore cd che mi permette di ascoltare i cd audio.

ciao a tutti e grazie :-)

[newbie-it] masterizzare

2001-07-31 Thread kokkix

Che programma mi consigliate per 


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi proxy e modem

2001-07-31 Thread Renato Bucclli

per il problema n.2 ti consiglio di riconfigurare Kppp indicando la porta 
seriale  che usa il modem ,  ma il tuo modem è esterno?

Il 03:41, martedì 31 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti!

 Ho problemi per collegarmi ad Internet, o piu' precisamente per navigare
 usando un proxy e chiedo a voi un suggerimento di cosa devo controllare e
 mettere a posto.

 Problema nr. 1
 Riesco navigare come root, ma non come utente. Io uso un proxy (esterno,
 locazione sconosciuta, ecc.), diciamo proxy.it.xxx.com
 Come utente Netscape non mi lascia impostare il proxy (proxy sconosciuto),
 Konqueror mi lascia ma non lo trova quando mi collego.
 Il collegamento (tramite kppp) funziona.
 Cosa posso fare?

 Problema nr. 2
 Se faccio boot con il modem spento, il device /dev/modem non e' attivo e il
 collegamento e' impossibile. Cosa si puo' fare per non dover fare reboot?


Re: [newbie-it] X Font Server guasto

2001-07-31 Thread Mr_Brain

Il 12:48, sabato 28 luglio 2001, hai scritto:

 Quindi, sto da capo a dodici di nuovo.
 Come faccio a vedere perché non riesce ad inizializzare sto
 cavolo de path element unix/:-1?

Non chiedermi perche`... ma avevo lo stesso problema, ho risolto ripulendo la 
/tmp (anche le cartelle nascoste) e avviando Xconfigurator.. 


Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 8 - Perche' non funzioni?

2001-07-31 Thread Mr_Brain

Il 19:52, giovedì 26 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Scusami per non averti ringraziato subito per l'informazione.
 Ero troppo  preso... ;-)))

 Grazie di nuovo

Via, di nulla :))
Siamo qui per questo ;-)


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con LiViD(playerDVD).

2001-07-31 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 17:19:15 -0400
Renato Bucclli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ho quattro file compressi x installare livid ma dopo vari tentativi ho 
 rinunciato in quanto riesco scompattarne solo 2 e di questi a cofigurarne 
 nessuno. Qual'è la procedura esatta.(Ho molti DVD e sotto Win$$ ???!!?!??)   
 Ho Mandr.8-duron800-128MbRam133-S.M.Via T.  U.ATA100-HD 10GbATA100-Dr.DVD 
 Acer1640-Sheda v.TNT2M64.
Lascia perdere Livid e prova Xine: funziona benissimo e devi installare un solo 
pacchetto, o al massimo due.
Il sito ufficiale e' xine.sourceforge.net dove puoi trovare il programma col quale 
pero' potrai fare ben poco senza una patch (a meno che i tuoi dvd siano tutti in 
Qui http://members.nbci.com/captain_css/ puoi trovare questa patch per il Decss, 
prendi la piu' recente (dovrebbe essere xine_dvd_static-0.1.1.tar.gz) e scarica anche 
la relativa versione di Xine dal sito ufficiale, installali entrambi (PRIMA il prog 
POI la patch) e goditi i tuoi dvd :-))
Tip: nella pagina della patch c' e' un link ad un sito portoghese seguendo il quale 
(ammesso che funzioni, ogni tanto non va) troverai un unico rpm che contiene sia il 
prog che la patch, cosa si puo' chiedere di piu'?


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] variabili di ambiente ed ip

2001-07-31 Thread claudio duchi

il problema è questo come faccio a passare il mio indirizzo ip
come parametro per uno script?
mi spiego dopo che sono mi collego al mio isp ho bisogno di
conoscere il mio indirizzo ip e di passarlo ad uno script chiamato
da ip-up
come fare?

Re: [newbie-it] Segnalazione EPSON Stylus Scan 2500

2001-07-31 Thread Mr_Brain

Il 16:36, lunedì 30 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 (Se qualcuno è interessato o conosce qualcun altro che lo possa essere...)

Non possiedo una Stylus Scan, ma ti chiederei un grosso favore, a nome di 
tutti quelli che la possiedono [8-?]: che ne dici di scrivere un 
Epson-Stylus-Scan-2500-HOWTO, ovvero la sequenza di configurazioni che hai 
effettuato per farla funzionare?

Non ti preoccupare se non sai molto e sei agli inizi: negli howto si pensa 
soprattutto alla pratica e a come far funzionare le cose =))


Re: [newbie-it] Mdk 8 - Perche' non funzioni? - Atto finale

2001-07-31 Thread Mr_Brain

Il 19:49, lunedì 30 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.

 Bene finalmente ho ripristinato tutto. Rimarrebbe il floppy... riporta il
 solito errore di impossibilita' di accesso alla directory /mnt/floppy, ma
 non lo uso praticamente mai.

Ehm.. te l'avranno detto in tanti, ma non ho letto *tutto* il thread... hai 
controllato i permessi?? 8-)

 Ho, per l'ennesima volta, reinstallato partendo da una diversa coppia di CD
 (?!?!) e mi sono anche ricordato del consiglio di partizionare in ReiserFs.

Perfetto :))

 L'unico inconveniente e' che per poter utilizzare il lettore CD con
 XCDroast ho dovuto farlo credere come uno Scsi e cosi' non lo posso
 utilizzare per la lettura di CD musicali, almeno presumo sia questo

Succede anche a me con il masterizzatore, purtroppo non so come risolverlo... 
sembra che un dispositivo ide con emulazione scsi non riesca a riprodurre i 
cd audio :((

 Si, direi proprio che tutto e' a posto.

Beh, complimenti e.. buon Linux! :-D


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi proxy e modem

2001-07-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ciao a tutti!

 Ho problemi per collegarmi ad Internet, o piu' precisamente per
 usando un proxy e chiedo a voi un suggerimento di cosa devo
controllare e
 mettere a posto.

prova a mettere l'indirizzo ip del proxy invece del nome nella
configurazione di netscape

 Problema nr. 1
 Riesco navigare come root, ma non come utente. Io uso un proxy
 locazione sconosciuta, ecc.), diciamo proxy.it.xxx.com
 Come utente Netscape non mi lascia impostare il proxy (proxy
 Konqueror mi lascia ma non lo trova quando mi collego.
 Il collegamento (tramite kppp) funziona.
 Cosa posso fare?

 Problema nr. 2
 Se faccio boot con il modem spento, il device /dev/modem non e'
attivo e il
 collegamento e' impossibile. Cosa si puo' fare per non dover fare


[newbie-it] PGP???

2001-07-31 Thread Sergio Dogliani

Ciao a tutti!
Nei giorni scorsi si è parlato molto di MailReader e di PGP.
Io avrei una domanda in merito da super-newbie di Linux:
come faccio ad installarmi PGP? Mi spiego meglio: ho una
Mandrake 8.0 e mi sono scaricato dal sito www.pgpi.org
PGP 6.5.8 in due versioni, ossia il file con l'RPM per la Red
Hat ed un altro file generico per Linux. Mi potreste per favore
spiegare come devo fare passo-passo? Vorrei poter usare
le mie chiavi pubbliche e private che già uso con la versione
7.0.3 per Winzoz.
Vi sono molto grato e vi prego di scusarmi per la mia ignoranza,
infatti non è da molto che mi sono installato Linux!


RE: [newbie] Font size in Kwrite?

2001-07-31 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Kwrite fonts are changed by going into the KDE control panel and
modifying the defaults and/or the kongueror settings...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dr. Evil
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 2:03 AM
Subject: [newbie] Font size in Kwrite?

Konqueror is a great web browser, but when I go to view source, it is so
small that I can't read it.  I have to save it to a file, open a
terminal, and look at it with less.  That is not a good way to do web

I read the Kwrite instructions, and it talks about a menu to change font
and size, but that menu does not exist.

Any sugestions?  Is this a compiled-in thing?  If so, I will definitely
need to recompile it because it's basically not usable right now.


Re: [newbie] Fonts for Linux

2001-07-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Adventure is in the fonts-ttf-west_european pacakge.

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 23:39, Terry wrote:
 Hi all,

 Does anyone know where I can download some fonts to add to Linux?  I'm
 particularly looking for a font called Adventure.  For some reason it is
 on my computer at home, but not here on my work computer.


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] RPM, Debian packages

2001-07-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 14:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to get a few things straight.  RPM and Debian packages...how
 do they differ from .tar.gz files?  Obviously, they are easier to install
 and update.  Are they more highly compressed also?  One of the big benefits
 of these also, is that the programmers decide for you where the program is
 to reside.  How's that sound?

Tarball (.tar.gz) files usually contain source code which you can then 
extract and compile. Packages, like RPMs and DEBs, come in two flavours. The 
first contains source code, and are basically tarballs with an added file 
saying _how_ the code should be compiled. The second contains binary 
(pre-compiled) code, with an added file saying where the files go. The added 
file also adds its data to the package manager database, so that the package 
may be able to be removed cleanly later. The file also lists package 
dependencies, and tries to check that the dependencies have been met before 
installing the pacakge.

 And about the Debian thing- I'm looking for a program called Alien that's
 supposed to convert Debian packages to RPMs.  I only ran across one site
 for it, and the link to the Alien program was gone.  Any of you have it,
 available to send to me?

Look for it at http://rpmfind.net.



Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] microsoft gone

2001-07-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 13:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am happy to say that win95 is gone. Now My wife used the computer last
 night. She complained about the fonts in netscape so I will have to fix

Netscape can look great if you use your TrueType fonts from Windows. They can 
be imported via DrakFont, in the Mandrake Control Centre. Alternatively, you 
can always use another browser.

 this. I will also have to find out howto ajust the time as my clock says
 8:22 am and it is 8:22 pm right now. I am useing gnome.

This can be done in the Mandrake Control Centre.

 Is there educational software out there for children?

Sorry, can't help you there.

 Were can I find a good flight sim that will work on mandrake 7.2.


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Printscreen -- How, please?

2001-07-31 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I can't figure out how to create a printscreen. I've been asked by Mozilla to 
send a printscreen of a certain page. I click on the printscreen /SysRq 
button above the Insert button on the keyboard. But nothing seems to happen. 
I don't see a printscreen file in my home directory. Just how do you do this 
and what kind of file are you supposed to see?

Thank you so much.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] Font size in Kwrite?

2001-07-31 Thread Olaf Marzocchi

At 08.35 31/07/01, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 16:02, Dr. Evil wrote:
  Konqueror is a great web browser, but when I go to view source, it is
  so small that I can't read it.  I have to save it to a file, open a
  terminal, and look at it with less.  That is not a good way to do web
  I read the Kwrite instructions, and it talks about a menu to change
  font and size, but that menu does not exist.
  Any sugestions?  Is this a compiled-in thing?  If so, I will
  definitely need to recompile it because it's basically not usable
  right now.

In Kwrite, click on Settings - Configure Editor... - Fonts.

OK, but will it influence the konqueror behavior too?


Configuration: Celeron 333A, 128 MB, 6+3 GB HD, SoundBlaster 128 PCI, 
Realtek Ethernet, i740 video card running at 1024@16bpp, Toshiba CD and LG 
8080B CD-RW
hda1: win 98, hda5 Linux ReiserFS, hda6 swap, hda7 ReiserFS (/home); hdb1: 
FAT32 with datas

Re: [newbie] RPM, Debian packages

2001-07-31 Thread Olaf Marzocchi

At 08.57 31/07/01, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 14:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like to get a few things straight.  RPM and Debian packages...how
  do they differ from .tar.gz files?  Obviously, they are easier to install
  and update.  Are they more highly compressed also?  One of the big benefits
  of these also, is that the programmers decide for you where the program is
  to reside.  How's that sound?

Tarball (.tar.gz) files usually contain source code which you can then
extract and compile. Packages, like RPMs and DEBs, come in two flavours. The
first contains source code, and are basically tarballs with an added file
saying _how_ the code should be compiled. The second contains binary
(pre-compiled) code, with an added file saying where the files go. The added
file also adds its data to the package manager database, so that the package
may be able to be removed cleanly later. The file also lists package
dependencies, and tries to check that the dependencies have been met before
installing the pacakge.

Could you explain hot to use RPMs with source? I mean, simply tell me the 
steps to have it installed.
Please also correct me if necessary: when I have to install a tarball file 
I have to 1) decompress it 2) make configure (if necessary) 3) make 4) make 

Once installed a tarball app following these steps, how to uninstall it? (I 
installed cdda2wav and I want to remove it - I already had it).

Thank you


Configuration: Celeron 333A, 128 MB, 6+3 GB HD, SoundBlaster 128 PCI, 
Realtek Ethernet, i740 video card running at 1024@16bpp, Toshiba CD and LG 
8080B CD-RW
hda1: win 98, hda5 Linux ReiserFS, hda6 swap, hda7 ReiserFS (/home); hdb1: 
FAT32 with datas

[newbie] wallpaper?!?! READ PLZ!

2001-07-31 Thread Dennis Kalpedis

i saw a wallpaper in a screenshot on the mandrake page
it is
and i was wondering whoever has that backround could
you send it to me? i would really appreciate it
  thanx in advance TazgodX (

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

RE: [newbie] Samba Error

2001-07-31 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

The USERNAME and LOGIN that you use when you log in to windows, are
passed as credentials to Samba when you attach.

You are getting the error because Samba does not have that particular
pair in it's password database...

Did you smbadduser and/or smbpasswd?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 8:40 PM
To: Newbie Linux-Mandrake
Subject: [newbie] Samba Error

I can now see all of my smb shares, but when I try to access them, I get

SMB connection failed tree connect failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw. This
like a password error but I can not see what I might be doing wrong.
it be that the user password is the same on both machines? This is
good, like a who done it?.  TIA for any help.
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

[newbie] How to restore LM7.2 desktop?

2001-07-31 Thread Mark Shaw

After a system lockup-and-reset over the weekend, I no longer get
the default LM7.2 login screen and desktop.  I'm talking about the
login screen with the cartoon penguins representing users, and the
ability for an ordinary user to shut the machine down from that

What I *do* get is a KDE login screen, which works, but I'd like to 
get the other one back.  How can I go about this?

Mark Shaw

(I asked this question already the other day, and didn't get any
responses.  Maybe rewording the subject line and condensing the
text will help. :)

Re: [newbie] microsoft gone

2001-07-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Quite true. You can copy the fonts from a Windows computer using floppy 
discs, and import them using DrakFont (in the Mandrake Control Centre). This 
is perfectly legal, since you already own a copy of Windows (assuming your 
copy is legitimate).

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 21:11, etharp wrote:
 this guy just got rid of winder completely so no import the fonts .

 On Tuesday 31 July 2001 02:48, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 13:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am happy to say that win95 is gone. Now My wife used the computer
   last night. She complained about the fonts in netscape so I will have
   to fix
  Netscape can look great if you use your TrueType fonts from Windows. They
  can be imported via DrakFont, in the Mandrake Control Centre.
  Alternatively, you can always use another browser.
   this. I will also have to find out howto ajust the time as my clock
   says 8:22 am and it is 8:22 pm right now. I am useing gnome.
  This can be done in the Mandrake Control Centre.
   Is there educational software out there for children?
  Sorry, can't help you there.
   Were can I find a good flight sim that will work on mandrake 7.2.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] software for cd-writer

2001-07-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

gcombust and xcdroast are probably your best bets. The best place to look for 
them would be http://www.rpmfind.net.

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 20:57, etharp wrote:
 GOD AM I TEMPTED.. ok I give in.. here goes.
 the MANDRAKE disks have the software for a cd writer (yuk yuk yuk SLAP)
 I am not all that fimialar with red hat as I use linux, but you might try
 to see if mkisofs is installed on your system (it is a command line to make
 an ISO file system). then you might try Gcombust, or xcdroast. (search

 On Monday 30 July 2001 23:47, Tuan Duc Tran wrote:
  Does anyone know where do I can get software for my cd-writer working on
  Linux RedHat 7.1 (server version)/br
  Thank you/br

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson


2001-07-31 Thread Seeun William Umboh

I have got LM8.0 and Logitech Mouse Wheel Optical. Everything is working 
great but the wheel isn't working. How do I get it to work? Browsing without 
the wheel is really troublesome.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

Re: [newbie] Aussie charity still doesn't get it

2001-07-31 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan


Just a couple of simple requests to preserve sanity on the list:

1. Don't post e-mail attachments. They can bog-down the mail server and make 
mail downloads unnecessarily lengthy for users.

2. The last time I checked, Microsoft had not released a version of MS Word 
for GNU/Linux. Can you please post in plain text, or link to a site?

With that said and done, here's my commentary.

These charity people are just plain imbeciles. Though I greatly respect their 
work, I can't figure out why they still bitch and moan even after things like 
this (http://www.linuxworld.com.au/news.php3?nid=861tid=4) occur.

Thanks for the info, but please try in the future to be a bit more careful 
with your choice of distribution media :-)

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 22:19, Charlie Oriez wrote:
 yet another press release from the Aussie charity moaning about the evil
 Microsoft putting them out of business because they can't use M$ on their
 machines.  No mention in the press release that he can but won't use linux.
 A radio interviewer asked, and he dodged.

 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: Re: query about Microsoft
 Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 22:00:09 +1000
 From: Pc's for Kids Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Charlie Oriez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 press attached

 Microsoft is a cross between the Borg and the Ferengi.  Unfortunately,
 they use Borg to do their marketing and Ferengi to do their programming.
   -- Simon Slavin in asr

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] microsoft gone

2001-07-31 Thread Michael D. Viron

 Is there educational software out there for children?

Sorry, can't help you there.

Try looking at http://www.seul.org/edu, the Education subgroup of Simple
End User Linux (http://www.seul.org).  They list quite a few pieces of


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Sr Systems  Administration Consultant, Web Spinners, University of West
Sr Member, Simple End User Linux

Re: [newbie] Aussie charity still doesn't get it

2001-07-31 Thread Charlie Oriez

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 07:56, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

 Just a couple of simple requests to preserve sanity on the list:

 1. Don't post e-mail attachments. They can bog-down the mail server and
 make mail downloads unnecessarily lengthy for users.

My bad.  I apologize for that. it was early in the morning here and I wasn't 
thinking yet. I should have known better, since that's a standard rule.

 2. The last time I checked, Microsoft had not released a version of MS Word
 for GNU/Linux. Can you please post in plain text, or link to a site?

I read it with Star Office which came with 8.0. 

Checking their home page, they don't have it posted.  I put a text copy 
inline at the bottom of this with the fancy letterhead stripped.  

 With that said and done, here's my commentary.

 These charity people are just plain imbeciles. Though I greatly respect
 their work, I can't figure out why they still bitch and moan even after
 things like this (http://www.linuxworld.com.au/news.php3?nid=861tid=4)

I read it.  Perhaps I should send a note to them with the link expressing 
happiness that the problem has been resolved.  :-)

I don't think they are imbeciles.  I suspect something else that I run across 
every now and then.  I'm starting to sense that this guy is a professional 
victim.  That is, being a victim is more important than solving the problem, 
and he will avoid easy solutions because then the problems, and the attention 
that comes with being a victim, will go away.

In the US at least, directors of charitable organizations are required to act 
in the best interests of the organization and their intended beneficiaries.  
If he shuts down to preserve his victim status rather than switch to linux, I 
have to wonder if he might be running afoul of similar australian 

begin press release

Tuesday, 31 July 2001


The Pc's for Kids project of assisting less fortunate children with donated 
computers is facing their toughest battle to date and the outlook looks bleak 
following a decision by Microsoft Australia today.

The US software giant will not grant any copyright exemptions that would 
allow Pc's for Kids to continue providing refurbished computers to needy kids.

We simply do not have the funds to purchase the old software needed for the 
refurbished machines, Pc's for Kids President and founder Mr. Colin Bayes 

In a letter sent to Mr. Bayes today, Microsoft has said it will provide 
assistance to the Geelong YMCA and will provide 150 packs of Windows-95 to be 
sent to East Timor via the Rotary International scheme (DIK)

If Pc's for kid's folds, who are going to build these systems, I am sure no 
Rotarian will accommodate Microsoft. The other issue is more like, Microsoft 
Snubs Aussie Kids Bayes states.

However, this kind offer does not address the copyright issue which leaves 
us with countless of children on our waiting list and the many who will need 
systems in the future.

Our project is a grass roots community driven project. We have achieved 
miracles with little support.

We at Pc's for Kids have one question for the well-known philanthropist Mr. 
William Gates.

Why should less fortunate kids be made to pay again for software already 
donated by our community?

As the founder of Pc's for Kids I am deeply ashamed at this halfhearted 
offer by Microsoft and urge all our supporters to call Microsoft and voice 
your concern at their lack of compassion.

Press Release Issued By: Tuesday, 31 July 2001
Colin Bayes President / Founder (0402) 149719 24 Hours Contact
Pc's for Kids Inc Ph: (03) 52444146 Fax: (03) 52436026


Microsoft is a cross between the Borg and the Ferengi.  Unfortunately,
they use Borg to do their marketing and Ferengi to do their programming.
  -- Simon Slavin in asr

Re: [newbie]

2001-07-31 Thread Robert MacLean

I have the genius 3 button optical and a genius 5 button optical. to
get the wheels to work i had to set them to use the std ps/2 wheel
mouse to get the wheels to work, the genius driver didn't work well.
but on the 5 button, the side btns still don't work :(

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
From: Seeun William Umboh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 2:56 PM
Subject: [newbie]

 I have got LM8.0 and Logitech Mouse Wheel Optical. Everything is
 great but the wheel isn't working. How do I get it to work? Browsing
 the wheel is really troublesome.

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[newbie] dependencies locator?

2001-07-31 Thread Andrei Raevsky

I am getting this when I try to install a small rpm package:

error: failed dependencies:
/usr/bin/frm is needed by bsd-games-2.12-2
libtinfo.so.5 is needed by bsd-games-2.12-2

could anyone help me locate these dependencies or, better, give me the basic 
principles in locating (more or less exotic) missing dependencies?

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

[newbie] DHCP Server

2001-07-31 Thread Errant

Hi all =)

Can anyone help me to learn how to setup a DHCP server under Mandrake 8?

Thanx a bunch,


[newbie] portmap services \Kmail

2001-07-31 Thread jennifer


I am frequently reinstalling Lm8 for various reasons,
but I have noticed that on 2 occasions my system
hangs while halting the portmap services on every
shutdown. On both of these occasions I chose to use
Kmail as opposed to Netscape mail.  

In short, my question is this...could someone give me
a base understanding of portmap services and whether
it is reasonable for me to blame kmail for these
portmap shutdown errors? Is there a portmap or
shutdown log somewhere that might also assit me in
fixing/avoiding this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Registered Linux User #221463 
Yahoo IM: jlynn2k

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: [newbie] Integrating Linux and NT network

2001-07-31 Thread Jeff Reed

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 10:17, Marchetti, Peter wrote:
 I know I sound like a moron...but I'm having trouble
 finding the info I need.  If anyone knows a doc or a
 website that will help me, let me know.

 I'm setting up a server to be a web/e-commerce server. 
 Right now I just want it to work on the local network. 
 All the other machines are W2K or WinNT4.  I need to be
 able to talk to them and transfer files.  Is the simplest
 way to transfer the files just to FTP them over?  (Note:
 I can ping everybody from both sides.)  The info I have
 read on sharing drives and such in Linux have confused
 me.  (I think it's just a vocabulary issue.)

 I don't want to flaunt my ignorance here...but I need
 some help.  ANyone no a really good source for Sys Admins
 from the M$ world moving to *nix?

 Thanks in advance...





p.s. your only a moron if you don't do some research.

good luck!

//- Jeff Reed
//- One of those Linux People
//- Metro West Boston Linux User Group
//- (508)792-6070

//- http://www.linuxbusca.com
//- http://www.blu.org
//- http://www.wlug.org

[newbie] isdn auto dailer

2001-07-31 Thread Oren Gozlan

does anyone know about dailer that can detect disconection and then dail
again ???
with isdn


Oren Gozlan
Mobixell Networks Inc.
p: +972 9 776 0121
f: + 972 9 740 7373
c: +972 54 536 047

[newbie] Problems typing special characters

2001-07-31 Thread Steven Watt

Since I installed new versions of three font RPMs (don?t ask why...), I?ve been having 
problems getting accents and special charaters. For example, when I try and type èêöç 
I get the following:

-in most applications (including gedit and galeon): eeoc (no accents at all)
-in Star Office: ?e^e¨o¸c (accents preceed letter)
-in Abiword: èêöç (no problems, seems to be the only application working ok)

When I noticed the problem, I uninstalled the RPMs and reinstalled the earlier 
versions (assuming that?s what was causing the problem). But the problem is still 
there. The RPMs I installed (and then later removed) were fonts-ttf-big5-1.0-12mdk 
(replaced 1.0-9_ , fonts-ttf-west_european-1.3-9mdk (replaced 1.3-8), and 
fonts-ttf-decorative-1.3-9mdk (1.3-8).

Steve Watt

[newbie] httpd-perl and httpd

2001-07-31 Thread Leonard Miller

These fail at startup with no error messages.
When I type httpd start at the prompt, I get a core dump.
Any ideas?


Leonard W. Miller, CCNA
United Defense, L.P.

This message and any attachments to it is intended only for the individual or 
company to which it is addressed and may contain information which is privileged, 
confidential or prohibited from disclosure or unauthorized use. If the recipient 
of this transmission is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent 
responsible for delivering such materials to the intended recipient, you are 
hereby notified that any use, any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, 
disclosure, modification, distribution and/or publication of this e-mail message 
or its attachments other than by its intended recipient is strictly prohibited .
If you have received it in error, please return it to the sender and destroy
the message and/or copies in your possession.

FN:Miller, Leonard
TEL;WORK:717.225.8000 x2110
ORG:;I.S. Tech Support
TITLE:Network Support Specialist

Re: [newbie] portmap services \Kmail

2001-07-31 Thread Michael D. Viron


I would have to say that Kmail has nothing to do with it, since portmap is
not needed for pop3 / imap / sendmail / postfix.  In fact, you do not need
to run portmap if you are not running nfs / nis AFAIK (nfs is roughly the
unix equivalent to samba, nis is the equivalent to a primary domain
controller for NT--central server for managing user accounts across
multiple machines).  You should be able to turn off portmap entirely
without any ill effects.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 09:51 AM 07/31/2001 -0700, jennifer wrote:

I am frequently reinstalling Lm8 for various reasons,
but I have noticed that on 2 occasions my system
hangs while halting the portmap services on every
shutdown. On both of these occasions I chose to use
Kmail as opposed to Netscape mail.  

In short, my question is this...could someone give me
a base understanding of portmap services and whether
it is reasonable for me to blame kmail for these
portmap shutdown errors? Is there a portmap or
shutdown log somewhere that might also assit me in
fixing/avoiding this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Registered Linux User #221463 
Yahoo IM: jlynn2k

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

[newbie] cups.h and language.h missing?

2001-07-31 Thread Marchetti, Peter

I downloaded Samba, got it to make, and it reported not being able to find
the last 2 files...cups.h and language.h.

I checked, and sure enough, they aren't there.  Where can I find just these
two files?


Re: [newbie] Printscreen -- How, please?

2001-07-31 Thread Len Lawrence

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

 On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 19:23, Benjamin Sher wrote:
  Dear friends:
  I can't figure out how to create a printscreen. I've been asked by Mozilla
  to send a printscreen of a certain page. I click on the printscreen /SysRq
  button above the Insert button on the keyboard. But nothing seems to
  happen. I don't see a printscreen file in my home directory. Just how do
  you do this and what kind of file are you supposed to see?
  Thank you so much.
 You will need a screen capture app. I'm not sure about KDE, but I know that 
 there is a very good GNOME panel applet that can make screenshots. The GIMP 
 can do this as well. KDE 2.2 (due August 6) will make the PrintScreen key 
 work the way that you tried to use it (i.e. pressing it will copy the screen 
 to the clipboard).

You can also use import from the ImageMagick suite - if you want 
JPEG format remember to save the screen or window to a file with the .jpeg

Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

Re: [newbie] SmartMedia adapters

2001-07-31 Thread Paul

It was Tue, 31 Jul 2001 05:03:21 + (GMT) when Len Lawrence wrote:

FlashPath devices can handle SmartMedia cards up to 128 Mb.  Extensive tests
conducted by Linuxcare show that the device operates very effectively on
/dev/fd0 although the transfer rates are very low, apparently.

Will report back if I can get one, and get it working.

Very interesting! I am about to buy a digital camera (Olympus) from a friend,
which has a floppy adapter thing also. Perhaps that would work too then :)


Cats could have ruled the universe, but they couldn't be bothered.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] software for cd-writer

2001-07-31 Thread Paul

It was Mon, 30 Jul 2001 20:47:53 -0700 when Tuan Duc Tran wrote:

Does anyone know where do I can get software for my cd-writer working on
Linux RedHat 7.1 (server version)/br
Thank you/br

Redhat?? This is a mandrake list.
But okay, it's linux.


Find them through www.google.com/linux


Cats could have ruled the universe, but they couldn't be bothered.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] cups.h and language.h missing?

2001-07-31 Thread Michael D. Viron


Verify that you have cups-devel, which is what provides cups.h -- not sure
what provides language.h .


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

cups.h comes from cups-devel
At 02:02 PM 07/31/2001 -0400, Marchetti, Peter wrote:
I downloaded Samba, got it to make, and it reported not being able to find
the last 2 files...cups.h and language.h.

I checked, and sure enough, they aren't there.  Where can I find just these
two files?


[newbie] X server troubles

2001-07-31 Thread Gonzalix le Druide

Hi all !

I have posted some problems here without answer. I know this is a
volonteer work, and may be my questions were too stupids, but I will
appreciate some attention because I'm on stall for many weeks.

I have LM 7.2 on a Pentium II. I've had many problems. Right now is the
X server. As my monitor didn't work with XFree, some guru told me to
install the FBDev server. I succeded once, but after some manipulations
with DrakConf on KDE I had a mess. So I reinstalled. Then I can't make X
work, even with the installation of FBDev.

I'll appreciate any ideas

G le D

Re: [newbie] X server troubles

2001-07-31 Thread Carroll Grigsby

The bright people on this list who may be able to help you will need
some more information about your system, such as:
Video card
A brief description of the problem.

Gonzalix le Druide wrote:
 Hi all !
 I have posted some problems here without answer. I know this is a
 volonteer work, and may be my questions were too stupids, but I will
 appreciate some attention because I'm on stall for many weeks.
 I have LM 7.2 on a Pentium II. I've had many problems. Right now is the
 X server. As my monitor didn't work with XFree, some guru told me to
 install the FBDev server. I succeded once, but after some manipulations
 with DrakConf on KDE I had a mess. So I reinstalled. Then I can't make X
 work, even with the installation of FBDev.
 I'll appreciate any ideas
 G le D

Re: [newbie] httpd-perl and httpd

2001-07-31 Thread Jon Doe

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 01:58 pm, you wrote:
 These fail at startup with no error messages.
 When I type httpd start at the prompt, I get a core dump.
 Any ideas?


 Leonard W. Miller, CCNA
 United Defense, L.P.

Yes I do, had the same problem. First find out what your computer name 
is(host Name). You can find it on the login screen or you can find it on the 
Control Center. Then open /etc/hosts in your favorit editor. It will look 
something like this:   localhost.localdomain localhost 

Just add your hostname/computer name after localhost, like this:   localhost.localdomain localhost linuxgeek

That worked for me! Hope it works for you!

Make sure your firewall allows connections to port 80, not sure if this will 
cause and error mesage if its not, but it will make it hard for people to 
connect to you.

[newbie] voice modem

2001-07-31 Thread Frans Ketelaars


  I'm considering bying an external 'E-TECH Bullet' voice modem with
a Rockwell chipset. The problem is: for legal reasons I want to record
a telephone conversation from my phone rather urgently, without
buying extra hardware (except the modem) :(

  I'm sure it's possible, my question is, since I know zilch about
voice modems, is there a 'quick and easy' solution?

  I have a working soundcard, but an analog phone pickup gave much 


[newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Thread Jon Doe

Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But how 
do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory 
/var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error 
message when i click on the link, my link is:
http://ip number/var/www/media/file.zip is this because of directory 

[newbie] Kernel panic: Reiser FS

2001-07-31 Thread Terry Smith

Hi gang,

I've got a fairly serious problem with my linux box (dual boot with

I left my machine at work running overnight. When I came in this morning
it had died and when I attempted to reboot I've got a 'kernel panic'
message driven by an inability to mount the root fs (reiser). This means
I can't use 'failsafe' or anything else in lilo.

Here's the particulars:

LM 8.0 June Freq Update: includes kernel 2.4.5, gnome 1.4, kde 2.2alpha,
etc. Been working fine (for a week or so).

Machine: Micron w/PII @ 480 mhz, 64 mg RAM, 10 gig drive, etc.

Filesystem: Reiser FS on all partitions except Swap. I've been using
Reiser on everything but swap for the last 6 months. No problems. 

I don't have a boot floppy (coulnd't make one on this installation. do
have a boot floppy at home but my drives at home are partitioned
slightly differently [windoze has drives c and d so linux starts at
hda3; here they start with hda2]).

My 'official' LM CDs with the update are at home as well.

I can drag these things in tomorrow.

In checking the Reiser website I see that there is a Reiser analog to
fsck - reiserfsck - I'm assuming it's installed but how do I use it if I
can't access the drive???

Clearly I can reinstall and reformat the partitions but I'll lose
everything. I could reformat only / and hopefully recover /home (which
is Reiser) where all the 'good stuff' is.

But is there some way to run 'reiserfsck' if I can boot from a floppy?

Anybody have some clever idea(s)?


Terry Smith
Woods Hole, MA

RE: [newbie] cups.h and language.h missing?

2001-07-31 Thread Marchetti, Peter

installing the cup-devel rpm fixed the problem.  Thanks.

-Original Message-
From: Michael D. Viron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:55 AM
To: Marchetti, Peter; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: Re: [newbie] cups.h and language.h missing?


Verify that you have cups-devel, which is what provides cups.h -- not sure
what provides language.h .


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

cups.h comes from cups-devel
At 02:02 PM 07/31/2001 -0400, Marchetti, Peter wrote:
I downloaded Samba, got it to make, and it reported not being able to find
the last 2 files...cups.h and language.h.

I checked, and sure enough, they aren't there.  Where can I find just these
two files?


Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Thread Jon Doe

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 05:05 pm, you wrote:
 what is the exact error message?

Not Found

The requested URL /var/www/media/sbutton.zip was not found on this server.

Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.19 Server at localhost.localdomain Port 80

[newbie] make

2001-07-31 Thread kiran yedavalli


I am a new user of linux mandrake. Installed Linux Mandrake on my pc only 
hours ago. Doesn't Linux-mandrake have make utility. I need this to make 
some files. like make config. If no how can i get.

Thank You

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

RE: [newbie] make

2001-07-31 Thread Franki

It doesn't have it till you install it,,

use package manager in drakconf and enter make without the  then click
search and it will find and load the package for you.

piece of cake..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of kiran yedavalli
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2001 5:19 AM
Subject: [newbie] make


I am a new user of linux mandrake. Installed Linux Mandrake on my pc only
hours ago. Doesn't Linux-mandrake have make utility. I need this to make
some files. like make config. If no how can i get.

Thank You

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

[newbie] X server and specs. Help please!

2001-07-31 Thread Gonzalix le Druide

Thank you, Carrroll. Voilà:
Trident 975 4Mb Video Card, Soyo SY-6BB Motherboard, Monitor ViewSonic
E40, 64 Mb RAM, CPU Pentium II MMX at 350 Mhz.

The problem: since the beginning, X didn't work even all my specs are
actually on the install list. So, I made a few installations believing I
was doing something wrong. Right now, I have an installation
recommended type. I was told by a local guru that I needed to change
the X server for FBDev server. I
did, and it worked. It recognizad my monitor as 1072 x 728 at 72 Mhz.
After that I made some attempts to make the printer and the mouse works
on KDE as root with DrakConf. Then it was the mess. The system stalled.
Short story: I had to install again, but this time X doesn't works.
There are more things,
but I'll wait for the good questions.

G le D

[newbie] Where is the proper place the edit the path?

2001-07-31 Thread Kevin Fonner

Where is the proper place the edit the path?

I notice .bashrc referred to /etc/bashrc and then that reffered to the 
profile file.  Is this file I am supposed to edit or is their a better 
way to do this? 

Re: [newbie] HTML differences in Konqueror, Mozilla, Nautilus, Netscape, etc

2001-07-31 Thread Jeferson Lopes Zacco

thanks for the links Sridhar.
I have developed an strategy: I look for a page that has a design similar to
mine and looks well in all browsers. If you have a spare time, take a look
it has a design similar to mine. It looks the same in all Linux browsers
except Mozilla- this leaves the right-most link at the title bar out of the
page. :-(

-Mensagem Original-
De: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Jeferson Lopes Zacco [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2001 00:49
Assunto: Re: [newbie] HTML differences in Konqueror, Mozilla, Nautilus,
Netscape, etc

 On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 08:21, Jeferson Lopes Zacco wrote:
  Hi all,
  I was making a webpage to tell all rea newwwbies (TM) like me
  to get sound going on with Quake3 ( should someone be interested- I
  it- mail me) when I went to check how did the page looked when viewed
  Linux browsers (I'll explain: even though I managed to configure my
  winmodem under LM8 it looks like my ISP won't support Linux boxes
  connecting to it. Sad. So I'm stuck with window$ and exploder for
  internet.). I usually write HTML with a text-editor, so I'm sure there's
  fancy Exploder only code in my pages.
  Oddly enough, all browsers managed to make my page look somewhat
  different. Even Mozilla and Netscape, which I though were close
  behave totally different about tables, width and bgcolor (in a
  tag.). Konqueror was the most annoying, it made two of my tables
  Is there a way to make sure my page looks good across all browsers?
  other than making it a PDF file? As I said I don't use any particular
  /tag, all I use is pretty standart ( or so I hope), but if a browser
  handle things such a s a bgcolor for a table then it might rend my page
   --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky

 Try these:


 The best way to ensure compatibility, IMHO, is to make your page 100%
 standards-compliant. The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) offer a HTML
 Validation Service (http://validator.w3.org/) and a CSS Validation Service
 (http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/). I often make pages using an editor
 like Quanta+ (or even StarOffice). I then open the page in Amaya
 (http://www.w3.org/Amaya/) and make sure that it is standards-compliant
 before saving it. Amaya, being a W3C project, is designed to output 100%
 standards-compliant code. If the page looks fine in Amaya, then it should
 pass the W3C Validation Service tests.

 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
 LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
 -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Thread Jon Doe

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 05:36 pm, you wrote:

 There's a few things wrong here:

 #1.  In order to give access to /var/www/media (which isn't under the
 default document root of /var/www/html), you need to either alias it in the
 httpd.conf Alias /media /var/www/media/ (without the quotes), or move it
 under /var/www/html.

 #2.  The link that you are using is incorrect.  Since apache is using
 /var/www/html as the document root, all documents (excluding aliased
 directories) are fetched relative to /var/www/html.  This means the link
 http://ip_number/var/www/media/file.zip, is in fact attempting to find the
 file /var/www/html/var/www/media/file.zip (which isn't there).

 The correct link (once you've either aliased or moved the directory as in
 #1), would be http://ip_number/media/file.zip

 The answer to the question Is this because of directory permissions?
 would be no, at this point.


Thanks for your help! Got it working! Apache is up and running and serving 
webpages...lol Isn't linux great?
Thanks to all who have helped me get Apache up and running.

RE: [newbie] X server troubles

2001-07-31 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

You might want to get yourself a new video card.

FB support is -SLOW-, and your video adaptor does not have enough RAM
for most video modes...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Gonzalix le Druide
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 3:04 PM
Subject: [newbie] X server troubles

Hi all !

I have posted some problems here without answer. I know this is a
volonteer work, and may be my questions were too stupids, but I will
appreciate some attention because I'm on stall for many weeks.

I have LM 7.2 on a Pentium II. I've had many problems. Right now is the
X server. As my monitor didn't work with XFree, some guru told me to
install the FBDev server. I succeded once, but after some manipulations
with DrakConf on KDE I had a mess. So I reinstalled. Then I can't make X
work, even with the installation of FBDev.

I'll appreciate any ideas

G le D

RE: [newbie] Integrating Linux and NT network

2001-07-31 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

You probably want to set up and install Samba on your Linux box.

Samba permits Linux to participate in MS Winblows networking.

The NT/Win2k boxes will be able to interact with Linux like another
Winblows machine.

Setting up Samba is far less complicated than it looks. Often merely
editing the included sample configuration file is enough to get it
running properly... Then making/adding user accounts (smbadduser 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Marchetti, Peter
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 10:18 AM
Subject: [newbie] Integrating Linux and NT network

I know I sound like a moron...but I'm having trouble finding the info I
need.  If anyone knows a doc or a website that will help me, let me

I'm setting up a server to be a web/e-commerce server.  Right now I just
want it to work on the local network.  All the other machines are W2K or
WinNT4.  I need to be able to talk to them and transfer files.  Is the
simplest way to transfer the files just to FTP them over?  (Note: I can
ping everybody from both sides.)  The info I have read on sharing drives
and such in Linux have confused me.  (I think it's just a vocabulary

I don't want to flaunt my ignorance here...but I need some help.  ANyone
no a really good source for Sys Admins from the M$ world moving to *nix?

Thanks in advance...


[newbie] Quake 2

2001-07-31 Thread Jeferson Lopes Zacco

start q2 with command line
# ./quake2 +set s_initsound 0

this will bypass sound initialization and so you can see if all the other
million things are configured right. It depends mainly on your video card-
see the quake howto, included in LM8. As for the sound problem, I suggest
you try to install ALSA drivers for your soundcard.

 --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
 Linux registered user #221896
 Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist if computers
weren't invented in the first place.

From: CastleKidd
Subject: [newbie] Quake 2
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 22:25:56 -0700

OK, I installed Quake 2 on my new system and I can not get it to work. This
is what it
does, I run ./quake2 and I get this:

-sound init-
sound sampleing rate: 11025
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

the sound card makes a quick little blurp of a noise.
What can I do?

Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] ppp panic

2001-07-31 Thread etharp

when your system hangs do you have no mouse and keyboard? can you start 
netscape, type ifconfig and see a ppp entry? or ping something? you may have 
PPP up and running as a forground job. just leave it and open a different 
term to type ifconfig 

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 18:35, Jeferson Lopes Zacco wrote:
 Hi all,

 In my endless quest to have Internet supporrt under LM, I've been
 trying to configure pppd and my (win)modem to acesss my ISP and I ran into
 some trouble.
 When I tried kppp the program would just hang -sometimes it informed me
 that ppp was run without the debug option and that I should turn that on. I
 couldn't hung up the modem afterwards- perhaps because I don''t know how.

 Then , following the ppp-HOWTO, I tried to connect with minicom.
 Everything goes fine till I try to start ppp from a shell prompt- then the
 system freezes completely. While I figure that even a Linux sys can be
 frozen by a non-working modem, since it handles IRQs and such, I was not
 really expecting it.

 For info, I'm starting minicom, dialing into my ISP with ATDT, and
 then, after the connect statement, I press ENTER and when the garbage (that
 accordingly to ppp HOWTO means the remote sys is starting a PAP ppp) comes
 I quit minicom without reseting the modem and start ppd with

 # pppd -d -detach /dev/modem 38400 

 The system always hangs afterwards.

 I have two main doubts: can these freezes be caused by a misconfiguration,
 i.e, the modem init string, some option in ppp or minicom, etc, or is it a
 telltale sign that my winmodem module is not working as expected?

 And second, the ppp-HOWTO tells me that I MUST obtain the adress of 2 DNS
 from my ISP. But in ppp manpage I found reference to an option -usepeersdns
 that seems to allow obtaining these on the run, as window$ do. Is that  so?

 As always, any help will be appreciated. :^)

  --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
  Linux registered user #221896
  Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist if computers
 weren't invented in the first place.

Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Thread etharp

did I tell you it would be easy and t cl

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 18:48, Jon Doe wrote:
 On Tuesday 31 July 2001 05:36 pm, you wrote:
  There's a few things wrong here:
  #1.  In order to give access to /var/www/media (which isn't under the
  default document root of /var/www/html), you need to either alias it in
  the httpd.conf Alias /media /var/www/media/ (without the quotes), or
  move it under /var/www/html.
  #2.  The link that you are using is incorrect.  Since apache is using
  /var/www/html as the document root, all documents (excluding aliased
  directories) are fetched relative to /var/www/html.  This means the link
  http://ip_number/var/www/media/file.zip, is in fact attempting to find
  the file /var/www/html/var/www/media/file.zip (which isn't there).
  The correct link (once you've either aliased or moved the directory as in
  #1), would be http://ip_number/media/file.zip
  The answer to the question Is this because of directory permissions?
  would be no, at this point.

 Thanks for your help! Got it working! Apache is up and running and serving
 webpages...lol Isn't linux great?
 Thanks to all who have helped me get Apache up and running.

RE: [newbie] Integrating Linux and NT network

2001-07-31 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Maybe for some people, but don't be lulled into a false sense of
I'm about to tear out all my hair trying to get samba to work. 


Ok I'll bite.

Samba is simplicity itself to set up.

What problem are you having that makes it seem difficult?

I find that the documentation goes into way too much detail for Newbies
who simply want to get it running, especially since they often have
little understanding of MS Networking...


Re: [newbie] Creative SB PCI128 installation problems

2001-07-31 Thread Geof Steichen

I have the same card but it is recognized and uses the es1371 driver.  I am 
running mdk 8.0.

On Monday 30 July 2001 12:59 am, Denis wrote:
 Hello Newbies,

 I can't install my Creative SoundBlaster PCI128 based on CT5880 chip.
 I can't find this chip in the list of Mandrake supported hardware.
 Any SB drivers that seem suitable don't suit.

 My system is: Linux Mandrake 7.0, kernel 2.2.14

 Even new kernel does't have this chip in the list of supported

 Can anyone help?


Re: [newbie] LILO and 1024 sector. Is it possible?

2001-07-31 Thread Geof Steichen

You will want to use grub.   I am sure there must be an rpm for it.  It comes 
with mdk 8.0 and maybe previous versions.  You might find it at rpmfind.net or
see this link.

On Monday 30 July 2001 06:59 pm, Denis wrote:
 Hello newbies,

 I have a problem of a big hard drive :)
 O.K. Seriously
 I have a 20Gb hard drive.
 I have 2 systems installed: Windows98 on first partition and
 Linux Mandrake 7.0 on second. Linux partition is too far from the
 begining of the disk, so lilo can't be installed.

 I want to use some boot manager in mbr (lilo is not the one of them).
 Is it possible? Or is there any other comfortable way to boot Linux?
 (Currently I use floppy)

 Thank you


Re: [newbie] Quake 2

2001-07-31 Thread mandrake


On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, s wrote:

 I tried to play quake2, and it wouldn't use my video card.  The howto spoke
 only of voodoos.  It looked like really bad software rendering.  What kind of
 video card are you guys using?  And if other than voodoo, how did you get it
 to use it?

 On Tuesday 31 July 2001 06:01 pm, you wrote:
  start q2 with command line
  # ./quake2 +set s_initsound 0
  this will bypass sound initialization and so you can see if all the other
  million things are configured right. It depends mainly on your video card-
  see the quake howto, included in LM8. As for the sound problem, I suggest
  you try to install ALSA drivers for your soundcard.
   --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
   Linux registered user #221896
   Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist if computers
  weren't invented in the first place.
  From: CastleKidd
  Subject: [newbie] Quake 2
  Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 22:25:56 -0700
  OK, I installed Quake 2 on my new system and I can not get it to work. This
  is what it
  does, I run ./quake2 and I get this:
  -sound init-
  sound sampleing rate: 11025
  Segmentation fault (core dumped)
  the sound card makes a quick little blurp of a noise.
  What can I do?
  Thanks in advance

[newbie] WAP browser for Linux?

2001-07-31 Thread Dr. Evil

Does anyone know if there is a WAP browser for Linux?  I'm trying to
develop a WAP site, and instead of running up huge charges on my
mobile phone, I would like to be able to view the site directly from
Linux.  Also, I guess I need to figure out how to get Apache to serve
WAP.  I assume I do this with XML.  And then I need to get PHP to work
with all of this...


Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-07-31 Thread Judith Miner

Alan wrote:
 just read about the SirCam virus - do I panic slowly? 

You don't panic at all. In order to get infected, you have to open the
attachment that contains the virus. I assume you don't open attachments
you weren't expecting to get and that you check ALL attachments,
regardless of file type or who sent them, with at least one up-to-date
antivirus program before you open them. SirCam comes with an odd e-mail
message--something like hi  I'd like your advice about this (I don't
remember the exact wording).

I've gotten messages with SirCam attachments, AnnaK, ILoveYou, and
everything else that's made the news, but have never opened a single one
and have never had a virus in 14 years of using computers.
 --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] WAP browser for Linux?

2001-07-31 Thread etharp

I don't have much exerence with wap, but in webmin there is (under servers) a 
wap gateway config  

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 21:52, Dr. Evil wrote:
 Does anyone know if there is a WAP browser for Linux?  I'm trying to
 develop a WAP site, and instead of running up huge charges on my
 mobile phone, I would like to be able to view the site directly from
 Linux.  Also, I guess I need to figure out how to get Apache to serve
 WAP.  I assume I do this with XML.  And then I need to get PHP to work
 with all of this...


[newbie] Monitor LG Studiworks 441

2001-07-31 Thread Aldo Caruso


  I've just installed Mandrake 8 and I've a monitor LG Studioworks 441. 
Mandrake correctly detects the card (Intel 810), but when it attemps to enter 
X Windows the screen gets black. If I set, using, XConfigurator in console 
mode, 640 x 480 video mode, then I can enter XWindows mode with no problem.

  I think something is wrong with the frequency of the monitor. Is there a 
way of setting it ? Does somebody know which are the correct horizontal and 
vertical frequency for this kind of monitor in order to put it in 800 x 600 
or 1024 x 720 mode ?

Thanks in advance,

[newbie] Re: UTC Time Standards

2001-07-31 Thread SoloCDM

Sridhar Dhanapalan stated the following:
 I've noticed this as well. I have configured cron to periodically use ntpdate
 to update my system time from an NTP server. This sets my clock to UTC, which
 is supposed to be translated by the time zone settings so that the display is
 correct. However, I have found that this is not the case. I have managed to
 get the time translated correctly in BASH and in X (using environment
 variables), but cron is still on UTC. I have tried placing my time zone
 environment variable in /etc/profile, but this does nothing.

Then you'll find the following very useful!

I later discovered that some program didn't create /etc/localtime;
instead, it copied the entire /usr/share/zoneinfo directory and
sub-directories to /etc and renamed zoneinfo to localtime.

After removing /etc/localtime (zoneinfo) and copying (not linking) the
correct zone to /etc/localtime -- everything worked correctly.

Where did you find the NTP servers?

 On Sat, 28 Jul 2001 00:10, SoloCDM wrote:
  I don't know why my system continues to display UTC time standards.
  My /etc/sysconfig/clock has the following settings:
  What am I missing?  It's as if /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit is not making
  the right conversions!

Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
  list/newsgroup address and my email address in To:.


[newbie] Mixed Marriage - Making it work, together: CL vs GUI To Help A Newby

2001-07-31 Thread John Rigby

Hi Judith,

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001 08:48, you manipulated electrons to produce:
 Sridhar wrote:
  You mean it isn't intuitive for a Windos user? Then you are

 correct. For people who have been using *nix for a while this can
 be very intuitive. 

 Whoa! Intuitive has nothing to do with what OS someone knows how
 to use. Intuitive means known or perceived through intuition.

*** Aha! A born debater!  :-)

Most of my working life was spent trying to introduce Western 
Technology in Asia - at the USER level.  The greatest problem in 
presenting alternative - not even better - solutions to tasks is the 
cultural problem. *My* way has to be better, or this means I am 
To readily understand this point is simple: consider Religion!  :-)

However, INDUCEMENT to change is the highest requirement for rapidly 
overcoming the inbuilt habit/prejudice/bias of the student.  

In the case of Windows vs Linux, to really appreciate the differences 
requires comparing apples with apples (not Apples) and here we need 
to separate the application intention of the user:
1. Geek.
2. Tool user. 
In (1) there is utterly no question. Linux wins.  The Internet runs 
on the stuff - despite Big Bill's massive efforts to sell the MS 
Server solutions. It is simply so superior that any true geek would 
become aware of it in a week or less - as happens. 

In (2) Mandrake is almost there!  It is a problem of residual 
intention confusion that is the main outstanding difficulty.  
Pavarotti in an interview once said that he admired the dedication 
of all those other Opera Singers who can practise so hard, hour after 
hour, day after day. When reminded of how much time he spent working 
on his music he said,  but I just sing!  

We are getting there very quickly. It is astounding that it *IS* 
happening so quickly and efficiently. People tend to forget that the 
vast bulk of great work done on this System is done by individuals 
and small groups who somehow find the time and energy to get it all 
together and create a cohesion that we still have yet to see come out 
of Redmond. ( Mind you, there is a different intention inside 

Even more amazing is the fact that the people being called on to make 
the System User Friendly, are not by instinct of the same 
As I keep saying - this exercise is massively cross-cultural.  At one 
extreme are the Civilemes and Sridhars who actually LIKE the 
complexity and challenges, but they were born to it. 

At the other extreme is YHC, your humble correspondent, who an 
hundred years ago thought automatic gearboxes on autos was a 
blasphemy, but who sure learned to appreciate them in stop-start 
traffic jams, which were invented at the time, to sell automatic 

Now that I have a complex life out in the Cyberbog, the last thing I 
need to do is go catch a goose, yank out a tail feather and sharpen 
it and make some ink to create my daily bread. That ain't fun to me. 
Only the writing -as some of you have noticed - is, I looove the 

HOWEVER, to make this thing work is not that difficult if approached 
a little differently. It is only in the separation of the cultures 
and understanding of the requirements - or goals of the other, that 
it does simplify.  
Natural Mechanics.
The money is with the Drivers. We outnumber the mechanics by the same 
ratio of auto mechanics to drivers. The whole computer system is just 
a tool, nothing more. It is useful only to contact Grandma cheaply, 
SPAM each other and write the great novel of  the century. We just 
want to use it to go from A to B. 
The requirement is simple:  AUTOMATE IT.  Give us this day our daily 
GUI and deliver us from the Command Line. 

Four-wheel Drive and double-reduction 6-speed gearboxes are great - 
on an Army vehicle, they are useless to a normal user as the Urban 
equivalent.  Dangerous in an accident, extremely expensive to 
maintain, uncomfortable and no longer impress anyone - they all have 
one too.

We only need a system that works as far as possible on MINIMUM 
CHOICES.  3 Automatic gears are fine!  We only need to do repetitive 
and simple things. 
Mandrake only has to focus on on one simple zone to really fill a 
giant vacuum:
EVERYTHING on the Desktop.
No Server option on install.

No Multi-desktops - Gnome *or* KDE whichever is windowiest.
An Email program - as close to O.E as possible.
A REALLY good Wordprocessor - Doze-like interface 
(Star Office seems pretty close to workable now - except for font 
THEN for later on, the AUTOMATIC updater/installer option - ON the 

A DEFAULT install Trial Win4Lin. 

Mandrake is still a long way from an easy transition - transitions 
are NEVER easy, as whole habit  patterns have to be burned out and 
Then there is the problem of expectation!  Remember, that's how Bill 
became a Billionaire! 
Mandrake is about the level of W95 in 

Re: [newbie] The differences in people and systems

2001-07-31 Thread John Rigby

Hi Judith  folks,

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 03:58, you manipulated electrons to produce:
 I don't want to protract what is essentially an off-topic
 discussion for this list, so this will be it from me.

 Actually, this is right on topic for this list.  It in fact, 
is allowing for some bridges to be built  :-)

 I don't know what would give someone the impression that I was
 saying Windows is intuitive and Linux is not. I explicitly stated
 to the contrary. Also, it is ridiculous to dump on everything
 Windows does just because someone likes or prefers Linux. The Mac
 and Windows got some things right. No sense reinventing the wheel.

 Some years ago, in a consulting capacity to a strange 
Govenment Dept., I had a chance to test the Mac 4 people idea in 
the real world over several months.
The Mac lost completely on three points:
1. It is not Sysadmin friendly. VERY difficult to do anything to make 
things easier for basic users. Hopeless at W.A.N.
2. Horrifically expensive comparatively.
3. Much longer learning curve than a Doze system properly setup! 

MOST fascinating of all was that those who knew about the friendly 
Mac had far less trouble learning to use it than those who were the 
true control group - knew nothing about computers at all. 
Thus proving dear old Dr Max Maltz's hypothesis that the expectation 
is the critical thing. 
AND the power of Advertising. After seeing an Apple Ad - I often want 
to rush out and buy one.. and I KNOW the things.  :-)

 I've been an activist in various causes for well over 40 years, and
 I can tell you that they've been bought off is the stock answer
 when mainstream media do not adopt the same line as the members of
 the cause.  I think it's quite
 insulting to assume everyone who doesn't agree with you has been
 bought off somehow or just doesn't know any better.
  --Judy Miner
** Ahhh, the only problem here, Judy, is that *most* of 
the time it is true.  :-)
The way the System works is simple:
1. Our Owners are on top and intend to stay there. Less change is 
therefore better. 
2. Money is the grease of all commerce. Not innovation, not style, 
just money. 
3. It is entirely illogical to expect the Tobacco Companies to give 
up their income. It is only logical to offer them a better deal.
Even licensing say, Marijuana/Heroin to them and giving them a 
partial monopoly on its distribution would be one way  
except then you upset the current drug cartels.  It is a bit 
4.  Try writing an article that could even be conceived to possibly 
upset the main advertisers.. 
5.  Bought off?  Sugar industry. Vaccinations. Fluoridation. 
Alternative fuels. Various War-things. Politics. M--osoft? 
(The reason a lot of people use code descriptions is because THAT 
company uses extensive datamining technology to keep the peasants in 
line. They are often just cautious people - or have a sense of 
humour. :-)   

http://counter.li.org GO HERE IF YOU SUPPORT LINUX! 

Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie]

2001-07-31 Thread Barry Premeaux

Seeun William Umboh wrote:
 I have got LM8.0 and Logitech Mouse Wheel Optical. Everything is working
 great but the wheel isn't working. How do I get it to work? Browsing without
 the wheel is really troublesome.
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

There is an 'imwheel' rpm on your install
CD's for the MS Intelli Mouse.  It may also
work for the Logitech.  I haven't tried it
myself because I have a 3 button mouse.  

Can someone correct me if I'm wrong?


[newbie] Bastille-firewall hangs on startup

2001-07-31 Thread Steve and Jennifer Lewis

I installed Mandrake 8.0 about a week ago and a 
couple of days ago after a system crash it started showing problems when the 
system starts up. I get all the way through the boot and the initial 
startup to the point where the default console mode login displays; then the 
system tries to start Bastille-firewall and hangs at that point. Any 

Steve Lewis

Re: [newbie] X server and specs. Help please!

2001-07-31 Thread erylon hines

I believe the solution may be to install the Xfree 3.x server instead of 4.0. 
 I ran into a similar problem with Mach64 2meg cards--they work fine at 
1024x768 and 16 bit color with 3.x, but I can't get more than 256 color (8 
bit) with 4.x.  The default install puts in the 4.x Xserver.

good luck


On Tuesday 31 July 2001 15:15, Gonzalix le Druide wrote:
 Thank you, Carrroll. Voilà:
 Trident 975 4Mb Video Card, Soyo SY-6BB Motherboard, Monitor ViewSonic
 E40, 64 Mb RAM, CPU Pentium II MMX at 350 Mhz.

Re: [newbie] Monitor LG Studiworks 441

2001-07-31 Thread John Rye

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 23:22:17 -0400
Aldo Caruso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


There you'll find specs for most monitors


   I've just installed Mandrake 8 and I've a monitor LG Studioworks 441. 
 Mandrake correctly detects the card (Intel 810), but when it attemps to
 X Windows the screen gets black. If I set, using, XConfigurator in
 mode, 640 x 480 video mode, then I can enter XWindows mode with no
   I think something is wrong with the frequency of the monitor. Is there
 way of setting it ? Does somebody know which are the correct horizontal
 vertical frequency for this kind of monitor in order to put it in 800 x
 or 1024 x 720 mode ?
 Thanks in advance,

The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected
   (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)
 Registered Linux User: 102826

RE: [newbie] Integrating Linux and NT network

2001-07-31 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

LinNeighborhood problems are not what we were discussing as this is
really a completely separate issue and program.

LinNeighborhood and KDE (Lisa/ReLisa) support are completely different

One requires the other, but the latter two have their own quirks. 


BTW: The SMBMNT message is correct, as a USER you don't have rights to
mount volumes explicitly unless you SU before running

You should edit the entry for LinNeighborhood so it SU's for you...

Or better yet, see the closing below...


First you have to start by getting Samba up and running correctly.

As I've mentioned this is relatively easy to do. And extensively covered
in many detailed FAQ's  DOCS...

Here is a quick Howto... As root do the following...

1) Make sure that your Winblows machines can ping the Linux host
2) Make sure that your Winblows machines can ping the Linux host
computer by FQN...


ping linuxbox.mydomain.com

Should work.

If not you'll need to deal with DNS which is a different kettle of fish
and entirely up to you.

You could set up your Linux box to resolve DNS queries for your

You could edit c:\windows\hosts to include the name of your Linux box
and shortname...
Etc... It's up to you. 

But the Windows boxes need to know what the HOSTNAME  DOMAIN NAME your
Linux box is or you'll get nowhere.

3) Decide on a workgroup name for ALL machines on your private network.
You must use the same workgroup name for both Linux and Winblows.

4) Make sure that your Windows boxes have their networking settings set
up properly

5) Make up your mind as to if you want Server/user style Networking or
Domain Networking which NT prefers. Again your choice.

6) If the latter, do you have a PDC on your network? Don't know what
that is?
Then you probably don't. Decide if you want Linux to act as a PDC. The
choice is yours.

PDC's simplify logins and NT services, but take a little more effort on
your part.

Notice that thus far this is all Winblows stuff, not Linux!

7) Make sure that Linux can ping your Winboxes by short and long


ping mybox1.mydomain.com 

ping mybox1

ping localhost

Should all work. Again if this fails fix your networking and DNS...

If you feel lazy... Just use /etc/hosts entries...

8) Locate your SMB.CONF file...

It will either be in /etc or /etc/samba NOT BOTH!

9) Edit your SMB.CONF file

Here we go:

Make sure these entries exist ONCE in your configuration file...
Change as needed..


# The following is the name of the Winblows Workgroup/domain
workgroup = MYWORKGROUP

# How Netbios knows it's name as, this should be the SAME as your
# for your Linux box, and known by your Windows boxes for ease, as I've
# before...
# I.E. ping mybox from Winblows should work...
netbios name = MYBOX

# The next line is not needed, but can be used to resolve problems with
netbios aliases = LinuxBox

# The following line controls what shows up in the Windows details
when you browse 
# the network in explorer... I.E. the comment field.
server string = Samba Server on Linux Bluebox

# While you don't have to set the following it's a great idea to do so.
# The line below says that this machine will participate on the Windows
# via the local (ethernet) interface with an IP of The /8
tells Samba
# only to respond to hosts with 8 significant lower bits... Or 255
# This in spite of the fact that a LAN is a CLASS A protected
# (Usually you use when talking about this lan...)
# The permits Samba to talk to itself so you can test
things locally...
interfaces =

# The next line determines the type of security you are going to use...
# If you want Samba to act as a PDC/Login server or participate in a
# with an existing PDC... The next line would need to read domain
security = USER

# Should be set to YES for later versions of Samba
encrypt passwords = Yes

# I've commented out these two to prohibit ANYONE from getting access to

# some samba resources without first logging in.
# Don't expect that by merely uncommenting them, that you'll get samba
# as more is required...
#   map to guest = Bad Password

#   null passwords = Yes

# Leave the following uncommented in the smb.conf file
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u

passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n
*ReType*new*UNIX*password* %n\n *

password level = 8

username level = 8

unix password sync = Yes

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

add user script = /usr/sbin/adduser -s /bin/fals

delete user script = /usr/sbin/deluser %u

logon script = netlogon.bat

# Since 

Re: [newbie] RPM, Debian packages

2001-07-31 Thread Paul

It was Tue, 31 Jul 2001 00:07:50 EDT when [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to get a few things straight.  RPM and Debian packages...how do
they differ from .tar.gz files?  Obviously, they are easier to install and
update.  Are they more highly compressed also?  One of the big benefits of
these also, is that the programmers decide for you where the program is to
reside.  How's that sound?

RPM and DEB are the same as tar.gz files, not more compressed. They have a few
extra files, pointing out to the installer what to look for and how to set
things up.
That's all. But it is very convenient indeed.


Cats could have ruled the universe, but they couldn't be bothered.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

[newbie] 2 questions about web server

2001-07-31 Thread Jon Doe

1. How do I get password protected site going? I know I need htaccess and 
htpasswd files? How do I make them and where do I put them?

2. I would like people to be able to upload files to my computer. How do I go 
about that?

Re: [newbie] make

2001-07-31 Thread Barry Premeaux

kiran yedavalli wrote:
 I am a new user of linux mandrake. Installed Linux Mandrake on my pc only
 hours ago. Doesn't Linux-mandrake have make utility. I need this to make
 some files. like make config. If no how can i get.
 Thank You
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

I don't know which version you have, but I
found that, in 8.0, it wasn't loaded during
the initial installation.  I had to go back
with Software Manager and install it from


Re: [newbie] a big duh

2001-07-31 Thread Charles A. Punch

nkey wrote:

 im just now beginning to run GNOME (was using KDE) and id like to change the 
 color of my fonts on my desktop but cannot find an option anywhere to let me 
 change this!
 is it possible to do so?
 im using Sawfish and also letting Nautilus draw my desktop. so im not sure 
 whats up. if i turn off that nautilus feature, my text goes from white ot 
 black, but i cant seem to get any other text colors on my desktop.

I have been using mainly KDE, but every once in a while I try GNOME. It 
seems that I always get a kind of bleed through effect. Sometimes when I 
am in KDE the desktop icons from GNOME will bleed through and vice 
versa. I do use GNOME programs in KDE and vice versa. I am wondering if 
this has anything to do with it. It doesn't seem to crash anything but 
is mostly annoying. The really strange thing is that I don't use any 
desktop icons except Trash. The first thing I do after an install is 
get rid of them. I have had these kind of problems in several versions 
of Mandrake and I always wind up going back to KDE, because the problems 
seem to go away  after awhile,. if I just use KDE. If I continue to use 
GNOME, it seems that it gets worse . I can't seem to get the settings in 
GNOME to stay where I set them. They keep changing back to the 
defaults.  Last week I ran Netscape in GNOME and it changed (spell 
checked perhaps?) my address in my mail settings and changed the number 
(0) to the letter (o). as a result anyone who replied to my mail would 
get a return. It also sent some of my mail with blank body text. (the 
subject line was all that was readable). I think GNOME has possibilities 
and it seems to be less and less buggy with each new release, but I have 
to go with KDE for now. Sorry I don't have any answers, but sometimes 
listing the problems helps in running down the solution.


Registered Linux user #217118   


Re: [newbie] microsoft gone

2001-07-31 Thread Paul

It was Mon, 30 Jul 2001 20:25:48 -0700 when [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am happy to say that win95 is gone. Now My wife used the computer last
night. She complained about the fonts in netscape so I will have to fix this.

At www.rpmfind.net look for mozil*, download and install the mozilla fonts,
and select these. Then you're fine.

I will also have to find out howto ajust the time as my clock says 8:22 am
and it is 8:22 pm right now. I am useing gnome.

From an xterm you can use timetool for that.

Is there educational software out there for children?
Were can I find a good flight sim that will work on mandrake 7.2.

Take a look at www.linuxapps.com, there should be something good for you there

Btw, I'd add a bit of memory to the system... OS's love memory.

Cats could have ruled the universe, but they couldn't be bothered.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-07-31 Thread Michael D. Viron


There's a few things wrong here:

#1.  In order to give access to /var/www/media (which isn't under the
default document root of /var/www/html), you need to either alias it in the
httpd.conf Alias /media /var/www/media/ (without the quotes), or move it
under /var/www/html.

#2.  The link that you are using is incorrect.  Since apache is using
/var/www/html as the document root, all documents (excluding aliased
directories) are fetched relative to /var/www/html.  This means the link
http://ip_number/var/www/media/file.zip, is in fact attempting to find the
file /var/www/html/var/www/media/file.zip (which isn't there).

The correct link (once you've either aliased or moved the directory as in
#1), would be http://ip_number/media/file.zip

The answer to the question Is this because of directory permissions?
would be no, at this point.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:34 PM 07/31/2001 -0400, Jon Doe wrote:
Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But
do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory 
/var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error 
message when i click on the link, my link is:
http://ip number/var/www/media/file.zip is this because of directory 

Re: [newbie] win4lin

2001-07-31 Thread Paul Cox

On Wednesday, Jul 25, 2001, John Rigby wrote:

 This is not hidden somewhere in Powerpak 8 is it??

Nope, sorry... see www.netraverse.com.

Paul Cox paul at coxcentral dot com
Kernel: 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pcox  -  Uptime: 19 days 22 hours 16 minutes.

Re: [newbie] Services installed by LM8

2001-07-31 Thread Jeferson Lopes Zacco

Hi Frans,
I think you did not understand my problem.
LM installed a sound driver that seemed to work fine with my onboard
audio -via82cxxx. I don't know if this driver is an OSS driver. But some
apps -er games, namely quake2 and 3- wouldn't work with it.
I installed ALSA drivers following the ALSA HOWTO-basically editing
modules.conf since LM seems to provide all drivers already compiled- and I
had to install OSS compatibility drivers also for the games to work.
Apparently quake wants to write to /dev/dsp and it seems that only OSS
drivers habilitate that.

Even though now sound is running well in my box, the ALSA utils can't
detect the ALSA drivers, and it seems that is why the LM script can't load
it at boot time. I'm loading the drivers presently with a modprobe in

 --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
 Linux registered user #221896
 Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist if computers
weren't invented in the first place.

-Mensagem Original-
De: Frans Ketelaars [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What applications do you think will work with ALSA and not OSS/free?
 ALSA provides OSS/free emulation, but at this moment only has
 advantages, AFAIK, when you:

 - have a soundcard only supported by ALSA
 - have a 'advanced' soundcard only fully supported with the ALSA API
 - have an application that _only_ works with ALSA
   (not many _now_, but ALSA is moving from the 0.5 series to 0.9 and
   as the API stabilizes, more applications will natively (only)
   support ALSA.
 - for some reason, in your situation, ALSA sounds better, or has more
 - are looking to the future :)

 Btw: I'm using ALSA 0.5.10b with Mandrake 8.0 ;-)


[newbie] ppp panic

2001-07-31 Thread Jeferson Lopes Zacco

Hi all,

In my endless quest to have Internet supporrt under LM, I've been trying
to configure pppd and my (win)modem to acesss my ISP and I ran into some
When I tried kppp the program would just hang -sometimes it informed me that
ppp was run without the debug option and that I should turn that on. I
couldn't hung up the modem afterwards- perhaps because I don''t know how.

Then , following the ppp-HOWTO, I tried to connect with minicom.
Everything goes fine till I try to start ppp from a shell prompt- then the
system freezes completely. While I figure that even a Linux sys can be
frozen by a non-working modem, since it handles IRQs and such, I was not
really expecting it.

For info, I'm starting minicom, dialing into my ISP with ATDT, and then,
after the connect statement, I press ENTER and when the garbage (that
accordingly to ppp HOWTO means the remote sys is starting a PAP ppp) comes I
quit minicom without reseting the modem and start ppd with

# pppd -d -detach /dev/modem 38400 

The system always hangs afterwards.

I have two main doubts: can these freezes be caused by a misconfiguration,
i.e, the modem init string, some option in ppp or minicom, etc, or is it a
telltale sign that my winmodem module is not working as expected?

And second, the ppp-HOWTO tells me that I MUST obtain the adress of 2 DNS
from my ISP. But in ppp manpage I found reference to an option -usepeersdns
that seems to allow obtaining these on the run, as window$ do. Is that  so?

As always, any help will be appreciated. :^)

 --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
 Linux registered user #221896
 Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist if computers
weren't invented in the first place.

Re: [newbie] Quake 2

2001-07-31 Thread s

I tried to play quake2, and it wouldn't use my video card.  The howto spoke 
only of voodoos.  It looked like really bad software rendering.  What kind of 
video card are you guys using?  And if other than voodoo, how did you get it 
to use it?

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 06:01 pm, you wrote:
 start q2 with command line
 # ./quake2 +set s_initsound 0

 this will bypass sound initialization and so you can see if all the other
 million things are configured right. It depends mainly on your video card-
 see the quake howto, included in LM8. As for the sound problem, I suggest
 you try to install ALSA drivers for your soundcard.

  --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
  Linux registered user #221896
  Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist if computers
 weren't invented in the first place.

 From: CastleKidd
 Subject: [newbie] Quake 2
 Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 22:25:56 -0700


 OK, I installed Quake 2 on my new system and I can not get it to work. This
 is what it
 does, I run ./quake2 and I get this:

 -sound init-
 sound sampleing rate: 11025
 Segmentation fault (core dumped)

 the sound card makes a quick little blurp of a noise.
 What can I do?

 Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] LILO and 1024 sector. Is it possible?

2001-07-31 Thread mandrake


Yes it is. All new versions (I don't remember as of which) support greater
than 1024.


On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Geof Steichen wrote:

 You will want to use grub.   I am sure there must be an rpm for it.  It comes
 with mdk 8.0 and maybe previous versions.  You might find it at rpmfind.net or
 see this link.

 On Monday 30 July 2001 06:59 pm, Denis wrote:
  Hello newbies,
  I have a problem of a big hard drive :)
  O.K. Seriously
  I have a 20Gb hard drive.
  I have 2 systems installed: Windows98 on first partition and
  Linux Mandrake 7.0 on second. Linux partition is too far from the
  begining of the disk, so lilo can't be installed.
  I want to use some boot manager in mbr (lilo is not the one of them).
  Is it possible? Or is there any other comfortable way to boot Linux?
  (Currently I use floppy)
  Thank you