Re: [newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-08-01 Thread Tommaso Leddi

  Comunque credo che sia arrivato il momento di compilarmi per la prima
  volta il kernel.
  Qualcuno che ha più esperienza può darmi qualche consiglio.
  Sinceramente non so da dove partire.

 Posso confermare che nei kernel successivi il 2904 funziona bene (l'ho
 provato su due macchine diverse...).
 Le istruzioni su come compilare il kernel sono un po' lunghe da

Dimmi una cosa sola. Per chi ha la MAndrake 8.0 si tratta di trovare tra i CD 
i sorgenti del vecchio kernel, e poi bisogna scaricare da internet la patch 
della nuova versione?
Ti chiedo questo perchè ho visto dei files da scaricare da 21M, cosa 
abbastanza laboriosa da fare col mio vecchio modem 336.
Esistono versioni RPM?

ciao e grazie,

[newbie-it] Impostare le dimensioni della banda passante

2001-08-01 Thread Luca Minari - STD s.n.c.

Salve a tutta la lista,
vorrei chiedere come fare per impostare le dimensioni della banda passante
ai vari utenti di una LAN sulla connessione Internet.
Ho una connessione ADSL a 640K e vorrei dividerla in base all'effettivo
utilizzo di ogni utente.
Grazie 1000
Luca Minari

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (no attachments)

[newbie-it] Postfix e messaggio di ritorno

2001-08-01 Thread Lux

Ciao a tutti,
Ho installato postfix su un mail server ma ogni giorno mi arriva questa mail:

Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] run-parts /etc/cron.hourly

touch: /var/log/news/nntpsend.log: Permesso negato
chmod: /var/log/news/nntpsend.log: Permesso negato
/usr/bin/nntpsend: /var/log/news/nntpsend.log: Permesso negato

Ora mi chiedo: 
1) devo dare i diritti di scrittura/lettura a queste directory? Se si come 
2) Se gli do i permessi posso compromettere qualcosa in merito a sicurezza 
del sistema?

3) Lascio stare cosi e me ne frego del messaggio.

Grazie anticipatamente,

Re: [newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-08-01 Thread Stefano Salari

 Dimmi una cosa sola. Per chi ha la MAndrake 8.0 si
 tratta di trovare tra i CD 
 i sorgenti del vecchio kernel, e poi bisogna
 scaricare da internet la patch 
 della nuova versione?
 Ti chiedo questo perchè ho visto dei files da
 scaricare da 21M, cosa 
 abbastanza laboriosa da fare col mio vecchio modem
 Esistono versioni RPM?


  Il kernel non e' disponibile (per quanto ne so io)
in formato rpm, ma va compilato dai sorgenti, cosa che
ti conviene fare mer modellarlo sulla tua macchina.
Sul sito del kernel Linux ( puoi
trovare sia i sorgenti completi del kernel (i
bidoncini che dici tu da 20 e piu' mega), oppure le
patch, vale a dire solo le parti che sono state
modificate dall'ultima versione, che sono decisamente
piu' ridotte e veloci da scaricare!! Per farti un
esempio, se io ho i sorgenti del kernel 2.4.3 e voglio
passare al 2.4.4, posso scaricarmi soltanto la patch
2.4.4 e sovrapporla ai sorgenti completi con il
comando patch.
C'e' un fatto pero': la mandrake non utilizza un
kernel standard, ma comprensivo di una serie di
utility e upgrade che vengono integrate assieme ai
sorgenti. Sinceramente non so se il kernel Mandrake si
possa patchare tranquillamente o se dia problemi, e'
una cosa che non ho mai provato a fare.
Se ti puo' interessare, ho visto che su Linux magazine
di questo mese ci sono i sorgenti del kernel 2.4.5
(standard). Puoi anche pensare di comprare la rivista
ed eventualmente di patcharlo fino alla versione 2.4.7
che e' l'ultima uscita.

Ciao. Steo.

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Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con LiViD(playerDVD).

2001-08-01 Thread Stefano Salari


  Anch'io avevo avuto dei problemi con l'installazione
di LiVid ma non mi sono scervellato per risolverli :P
rimandando a quando avrei avuto piu' tempo...
Ho risolto installando Xine (un altro DVD player,
per X), che funziona molto bene!

Se ti interessa lo trovi su

Purtroppo su Livid non ti so aiutare.

Ciao. Steo.

 --- Renato Bucclli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ha scritto: 
 Ho quattro file compressi x installare livid ma dopo
 vari tentativi ho 
 rinunciato in quanto riesco scompattarne solo 2 e di
 questi a cofigurarne 
 nessuno. Qual'è la procedura esatta.(Ho molti DVD e
 sotto Win$$ ???!!?!??)   
 Ho Mandr.8-duron800-128MbRam133-S.M.Via T. 
 U.ATA100-HD 10GbATA100-Dr.DVD 
 Acer1640-Sheda v.TNT2M64.
 Dimenticavo Mandr.8 è grande mi ha riconosciuto il
 modem esterno, configurato 
 la scheda TV, mentre con Win$$  il modem
 funziona male per non 
 parlare della schedaTV.
 Grazie a presto.

Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

[newbie-it] EPSON Stylus Scan 2500 II

2001-08-01 Thread Alberto Zanoni

come mi è stato richiesto, aggiungo volentieri due parole in più su come far 
funzionare la suddetta stampante, premesso che non mi intendo di questioni 
tecniche. Rapidamente:

- servono alcuni programmi (driver, script, chiamateli come volete): in 
particolare vedere il sito di Jean-Jacques Sarton (ci si va dal sito della 
EPSON alla voce driver per Linux, oppure facendo una ricerca: al momento non 
l'ho sottomano).

La mia situazione è la seguente:

1) epsC740.ppd: metterlo in/usr/share/cups/model/Epson e usare kups per 
configurare una (nuova) stampante scegliendo questo driver.

2) enterD4, da mettere dove meglio si crede

3) scanPrint, da mettere in /usr/local/bin

4) xw_print, ibidem

Ad inizio sessione lanciare enterD4 (oppure metterlo tra le applicazioni che 
partono automaticamente).

Stiamo ancora cercando di togliere l'uso di enterD4. Se servissero maggiori 
informazioni, basta chiedere. Ciao,

Re: [newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-08-01 Thread freefred

On Wednesday 01 August 2001 07:44, Stefano Salari wrote:

   Il kernel non e' disponibile (per quanto ne so io)
 in formato rpm, ma va compilato dai sorgenti, 

no esiste anche in rpm.
potresti volendo (anche se fino a poco tempo fa lo sconsigliava
pure la mandrake)
fare addirittura l'aggiornamento col mandrakeupdate.
ti consiglio anch'io comunque i sorgenti.
impari di piu', lo fai come vuoi e leggero quanto vuoi.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
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ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con LiViD(playerDVD).

2001-08-01 Thread Renato BCC

Caro Stefano grazie lo stesso, in quanto mi hai confermato la qualità di Xine.

Ciao e a presto.

l 04:02, mercoledì 01 agosto 2001, hai scritto:

   Anch'io avevo avuto dei problemi con l'installazione
 di LiVid ma non mi sono scervellato per risolverli :P
 rimandando a quando avrei avuto piu' tempo...
 Ho risolto installando Xine (un altro DVD player,
 per X), che funziona molto bene!

 Se ti interessa lo trovi su

 Purtroppo su Livid non ti so aiutare.

 Ciao. Steo.

  --- Renato Bucclli [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  ha scritto:
  Ho quattro file compressi x installare livid ma dopo
  vari tentativi ho
  rinunciato in quanto riesco scompattarne solo 2 e di
  questi a cofigurarne
  nessuno. Qual'è la procedura esatta.(Ho molti DVD e
  sotto Win$$ ???!!?!??)
  Ho Mandr.8-duron800-128MbRam133-S.M.Via T.
  U.ATA100-HD 10GbATA100-Dr.DVD
  Acer1640-Sheda v.TNT2M64.
  Dimenticavo Mandr.8 è grande mi ha riconosciuto il
  modem esterno, configurato
  la scheda TV, mentre con Win$$  il modem
  funziona male per non
  parlare della schedaTV.
  Grazie a presto.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

[newbie-it] PGP???

2001-08-01 Thread Sergio Dogliani

Ci sarebbe qualche anima pia che potrebbe darmi una mano,
per favore? Ho già fatto numerose prove, ma non sono riuscito
a cavare un ragno dal buco!
Grazie 100

Ciao a tutti!
Nei giorni scorsi si è parlato molto di MailReader e di PGP.
Io avrei una domanda in merito da super-newbie di Linux:
come faccio ad installarmi PGP? Mi spiego meglio: ho una
Mandrake 8.0 e mi sono scaricato dal sito
PGP 6.5.8 in due versioni, ossia il file con l'RPM per la Red
Hat ed un altro file generico per Linux. Mi potreste per favore
spiegare come devo fare passo-passo? Vorrei poter usare
le mie chiavi pubbliche e private che già uso con la versione
7.0.3 per Winzoz.
Vi sono molto grato e vi prego di scusarmi per la mia ignoranza,
infatti non è da molto che mi sono installato Linux!


Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzazione non visualizzata

2001-08-01 Thread bellotti

max wrote:
 Secondo le istruzioni dell'articolo di Linux Pratico, ho masterizzato
 alcune cartelle di file del disco rigido su cd, con gcomust e mkisofs.
 Il programma ha eseguito la masterizzazione ed infine espluso il cd,
 ma, sia in ambiente linux, sia in ambiente windows, non riesco a
 visualizzare il risultato. Il cd masterizzato non viene letto, forse
 neppure caricato. Da cosa può dipendere?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

Scusa forse lo hai fatto, ma hai tolto l'opzione test di prova nella
sessione masterizza.
Sicuramente  lo hai fatto però a volte .

Ciao Lele

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2001-08-01 Thread Piton

gradirei essere tolto da questa ML, 
o perlomeno sapere come fare. 


[newbie-it] 8.0 Certificati... un aiutino non guasterebbe...

2001-08-01 Thread Flavio Bosio


Siccome nel tempo libero mi diletto a smanettare..
l'ultima fatica è un sitarello di e-commerce (quasi finito)
avrei bisogno di un certificato per https (non speditemi da VeriSign please..)
il problema è che riesco a generarlo alla perfezione partendo dall' 
openssl.cnf ma a quanto pare dovrei partire da ssleay.cnf o sbaglio?

morale, se sostituisco il file miniserv.pem (utilizzato da Webmin per 
intenderci) con il mio, non funzia..

per la cronaca, io faccio così;

cd /usr/lib/ssl/mod_ssl/

lancio un bel  ./  compilo il tutto..
lancio ./ 
che crea la dir /ca.db.cert
al cui interno c'è un file  01.pem 
sposto e rinomino ma nada..

Qualcuno può aiutarmi?

Re: [newbie-it] masterizzare

2001-08-01 Thread Mr_Brain

Il 15:23, martedì 31 luglio 2001, hai scritto:
 Che programma mi consigliate per masterizzare?


man cdrecord per maggiori informazioni.


[newbie-it] Konqueror e plugin flash

2001-08-01 Thread Marco Forti

Ho installato Mandrake 8.0 e, al primo accesso ad internet, ho constatato che 
non vengono installati i plugin flash per nessun browser.
Per Netscape e Mozilla ho risolto scaricando il plugin e copiandolo nelle 
directory /lib/netscape/plugins e /lib/mozilla/plugins ... per konqueror come 
posso fare (ho abilitato i plugins in configurazione ma ... niente da fare!)

Qualche idea??



La mente è una cosa meravigliosa, 
tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

KMail powered by Linux Mandrake 8.0


Re: [newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-08-01 Thread claudio duchi

trova i sorgenti di un kernel recente sul di una rivista qualsiasi
ritrova il bootdisk (non si sa mai se le cose vanno storte)
copialo in /usr/src/
da il comando tar xvfz nome_kernel

make menuconfig
make dep
make bzImage (non usare make install le prime volta che fai
make modules
make modules_install
le istruzioni le trovi nei doc allegati
per aggiornarlo
vai su
e scarica tutte le patch che ti servono per arrivare alla 2.4.7 che al
momento è la più recente
copiale in /usr/src/linux/scripts
li vi è uno script fatto per gestire le patch del kernel
kernel-patch mi pare
buon divertimento
On 1 Aug 2001, at 9:12, Tommaso Leddi wrote:

   Comunque credo che sia arrivato il momento di compilarmi per la prima
   volta il kernel.
   Qualcuno che ha più esperienza può darmi qualche consiglio.
   Sinceramente non so da dove partire.
  Posso confermare che nei kernel successivi il 2904 funziona bene (l'ho
  provato su due macchine diverse...).
  Le istruzioni su come compilare il kernel sono un po' lunghe da

 Dimmi una cosa sola. Per chi ha la MAndrake 8.0 si tratta di trovare tra i CD
 i sorgenti del vecchio kernel, e poi bisogna scaricare da internet la patch
 della nuova versione?
 Ti chiedo questo perchè ho visto dei files da scaricare da 21M, cosa
 abbastanza laboriosa da fare col mio vecchio modem 336.
 Esistono versioni RPM?

 ciao e grazie,

[newbie] Dailer for isdn

2001-08-01 Thread Oren Gozlan

Does anyone know about dailer for isdn ?

Oren Gozlan
Mobixell Networks Inc.
p: +972 9 776 0121
f: + 972 9 740 7373
c: +972 54 536 047

Re: [newbie] Dailer for isdn

2001-08-01 Thread Paul

 Does anyone know about dailer for isdn ?

KIsdn is a good one, it seems.
At home I use a dial-up script which I can send you if you want. You can
also look that up at, which has a lot of info on ISDN.

Re: [newbie] Mkisofs

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

I suspect that this bad superblock error is a deliberate attempt at copy 
protection by manufacturers. I doubt that mkisofs would be able to circumvent 
this. After all, it was not designed to infringe copyright. There _are_ 
methods to circumvent this copyright, but I don't know them. I'm sure there 
is a solution out there for you on the web, but please note that this may be 
illegal (even if the copy is for yourself).

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 00:28, h3rb wrote:
 How do I make an iso image of a windows based cd through using mkisofs?  I
 run gaming servers...and the only way I can install Unreal Tournament is if
 I am infront of the machine with the CD.  Or If i make an iso image of the
 cd and mount it..then do the install.  I tried making an iso on a windows
 machine with EZcd but when I mount says it's got a bad superblock.
 Any   information would be nice.  Thanks,


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

RE: [newbie] httpd-perl and httpd

2001-08-01 Thread Adams, Jamie

Hiya, this also happened to me.. thanks for the info :)
   -- Jamie

Sent:  31 July 2001 20:49
Subject:   Re: [newbie] httpd-perl and httpd

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 01:58 pm, you wrote:
 These fail at startup with no error messages.
 When I type httpd start at the prompt, I get a core dump.
 Any ideas?


 Leonard W. Miller, CCNA
 United Defense, L.P.

Yes I do, had the same problem. First find out what your computer name 
is(host Name). You can find it on the login screen or you can find it on the 
Control Center. Then open /etc/hosts in your favorit editor. It will look 
something like this:  localhost.localdomain localhost 

Just add your hostname/computer name after localhost, like this:  localhost.localdomain localhost linuxgeek

That worked for me! Hope it works for you!

Make sure your firewall allows connections to port 80, not sure if this will 
cause and error mesage if its not, but it will make it hard for people to 
connect to you.

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

[newbie] Port forwarding

2001-08-01 Thread Lanman

Can anyone shed a little light on how to configure port-forwarding or port 
redirection from a Mandrake 7.2 SNF firewall to a mandrake 8.0 web-server? I 
realize that SNF has it's own web-server built-in, but this is for a special 
configuration. Examples would be very helpful. Mostly, I can't figure out 
which package/utility to use.


Re: [newbie] Port forwarding

2001-08-01 Thread Paul

 Can anyone shed a little light on how to configure port-forwarding or port 
 redirection from a Mandrake 7.2 SNF firewall to a mandrake 8.0 web-server? I 
 realize that SNF has it's own web-server built-in, but this is for a special 
 configuration. Examples would be very helpful. Mostly, I can't figure out 
 which package/utility to use.

You have to use ipchains for that, afaik.
You can find more on

[newbie] wierd login prob

2001-08-01 Thread Robert MacLean


I have my machine startup to Xwindows, and I get that login screen. I
have user setup and there is also the root user. I can log in fine
with both of them in XWindows. If I log in as the user and in the
console type su, and the root password it logins in fine.
The problem is when i shutdown xwindows to console, I get the console
login. I can log in fine with my username and password, by the root
username and password won't let me login.
Security is set to medium. This is on LM8.

Thank you.
Robert MacLean

Re: [newbie] Port forwarding

2001-08-01 Thread quaylar

At 09:39 01.08.2001 +, you wrote:
  Can anyone shed a little light on how to configure port-forwarding or port
  redirection from a Mandrake 7.2 SNF firewall to a mandrake 8.0 
 web-server? I
  realize that SNF has it's own web-server built-in, but this is for a 
  configuration. Examples would be very helpful. Mostly, I can't figure out
  which package/utility to use.

You have to use ipchains for that, afaik.
You can find more on

ipportfwd is the magic word.

there is a single section in the ip-masq howto that explains portforwarding.
it also specifies a source  where to download the portfwd utility.
check this out...:



Re: [newbie] Kernel panic: Reiser FS

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Have you tried booting with the default 2.4.3 Mandrake kernel? I was using 
the Freq kernel for a while, but I found it too buggy and went back to the 
default one.

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 07:02, Terry Smith wrote:
 Hi gang,

 I've got a fairly serious problem with my linux box (dual boot with

 I left my machine at work running overnight. When I came in this morning
 it had died and when I attempted to reboot I've got a 'kernel panic'
 message driven by an inability to mount the root fs (reiser). This means
 I can't use 'failsafe' or anything else in lilo.

 Here's the particulars:

 LM 8.0 June Freq Update: includes kernel 2.4.5, gnome 1.4, kde 2.2alpha,
 etc. Been working fine (for a week or so).

 Machine: Micron w/PII @ 480 mhz, 64 mg RAM, 10 gig drive, etc.

 Filesystem: Reiser FS on all partitions except Swap. I've been using
 Reiser on everything but swap for the last 6 months. No problems.

 I don't have a boot floppy (coulnd't make one on this installation. do
 have a boot floppy at home but my drives at home are partitioned
 slightly differently [windoze has drives c and d so linux starts at
 hda3; here they start with hda2]).

 My 'official' LM CDs with the update are at home as well.

 I can drag these things in tomorrow.

 In checking the Reiser website I see that there is a Reiser analog to
 fsck - reiserfsck - I'm assuming it's installed but how do I use it if I
 can't access the drive???

 Clearly I can reinstall and reformat the partitions but I'll lose
 everything. I could reformat only / and hopefully recover /home (which
 is Reiser) where all the 'good stuff' is.

 But is there some way to run 'reiserfsck' if I can boot from a floppy?

 Anybody have some clever idea(s)?


 Terry Smith
 Woods Hole, MA

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Problems typing special characters

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

In the Mandrake Control Centre (assuming you have LM 8.0), set your keyboard 
to US International.

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 03:37, Steven Watt wrote:
 Since I installed new versions of three font RPMs (don?t ask why...), I?ve
 been having problems getting accents and special charaters. For example,
 when I try and type èêöç I get the following:

 -in most applications (including gedit and galeon): eeoc (no accents at
 all) -in Star Office: ?e^e¨o¸c (accents preceed letter)
 -in Abiword: èêöç (no problems, seems to be the only application working

 When I noticed the problem, I uninstalled the RPMs and reinstalled the
 earlier versions (assuming that?s what was causing the problem). But the
 problem is still there. The RPMs I installed (and then later removed) were
 fonts-ttf-big5-1.0-12mdk (replaced 1.0-9_ ,
 fonts-ttf-west_european-1.3-9mdk (replaced 1.3-8), and
 fonts-ttf-decorative-1.3-9mdk (1.3-8).

 Steve Watt

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Re: UTC Time Standards

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 12:34, SoloCDM wrote:
 Sridhar Dhanapalan stated the following:
  I've noticed this as well. I have configured cron to periodically use
  ntpdate to update my system time from an NTP server. This sets my clock
  to UTC, which is supposed to be translated by the time zone settings so
  that the display is correct. However, I have found that this is not the
  case. I have managed to get the time translated correctly in BASH and in
  X (using environment variables), but cron is still on UTC. I have tried
  placing my time zone environment variable in /etc/profile, but this does

 Then you'll find the following very useful!

 I later discovered that some program didn't create /etc/localtime;
 instead, it copied the entire /usr/share/zoneinfo directory and
 sub-directories to /etc and renamed zoneinfo to localtime.

 After removing /etc/localtime (zoneinfo) and copying (not linking) the
 correct zone to /etc/localtime -- everything worked correctly.

THANK YOU!!! That fixed everything! I'm just wondering why we had the problem 
in the first place. Could it be a bug in the Mandrake install?

 Where did you find the NTP servers?

I personally use my university's (The University of Sydney) NTP servers. 
There's a whole list of other servers available at

  On Sat, 28 Jul 2001 00:10, SoloCDM wrote:
   I don't know why my system continues to display UTC time standards.
   My /etc/sysconfig/clock has the following settings:
   What am I missing?  It's as if /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit is not making
   the right conversions!

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Where is the proper place the edit the path?

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 08:15, Kevin Fonner wrote:
 Where is the proper place the edit the path?

 I notice .bashrc referred to /etc/bashrc and then that reffered to the
 profile file.  Is this file I am supposed to edit or is their a better
 way to do this?

For your user, the settings are in /home/username/.bashrc
For everyone, the settings are in /etc/bashrc

This, of course, is for BASH. Other shells have their own files.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:47, Judith Miner wrote:
 Alan wrote:
  just read about the SirCam virus - do I panic slowly? 

 You don't panic at all. In order to get infected, you have to open the
 attachment that contains the virus. I assume you don't open attachments
 you weren't expecting to get and that you check ALL attachments,
 regardless of file type or who sent them, with at least one up-to-date
 antivirus program before you open them. SirCam comes with an odd e-mail
 message--something like hi  I'd like your advice about this (I don't
 remember the exact wording).

 I've gotten messages with SirCam attachments, AnnaK, ILoveYou, and
 everything else that's made the news, but have never opened a single one
 and have never had a virus in 14 years of using computers.
  --Judy Miner

The answer is simple: if you don't use Outlook/Outlook Express (in Windows, 
of course), you are 100% safe from these. So in other words, you are safe in 

I got three SirCam messages from the same person (I have no idea who it was) 
just yesterday. I was laughing my head off :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] WAP browser for Linux?

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 11:52, Dr. Evil wrote:
 Does anyone know if there is a WAP browser for Linux?  I'm trying to
 develop a WAP site, and instead of running up huge charges on my
 mobile phone, I would like to be able to view the site directly from
 Linux.  Also, I guess I need to figure out how to get Apache to serve
 WAP.  I assume I do this with XML.  And then I need to get PHP to work
 with all of this...


I know that there _is_ a WAP browser for GNU/Linux (I've been to its web 
site), but its name escapes my mind. Perhaps a search of Freshmeat and 
SourceForge may help.

Sorry I couldn't help more :-(

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Recognizing SCSI?

2001-08-01 Thread Jeanette Russo

Are you sure those are not IDE connectors for a CD-ROM.  Most of the old
16's had this

- Original Message -
To: Newbie Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:41 PM
Subject: [newbie] Recognizing SCSI?


 I installed the Mandrake 8.0.

 I have a SoundBlaster 16 SCSI.
 It is a SB card with SCSI card on it.
 My problem is that the Mandrake 8.0 can't recognize the SCSI interface
 and the SB card.

 Until now ( from 1991 to 2 years ago. ) I configured it when I compile
 the kernel. But doing so with the easy-to-setup Mandrake is somewhat
 meaningless. So.. is there any easier way to make my SB/SCSI card work
 with the Mandrake 8.0?

 Thanks in advance.

RE: [newbie] Recognizing SCSI?

2001-08-01 Thread Jose M. Sanchez
Title: Message

the sound card, make sure that ALL kernel sound modules have been removed from 
memory then try running sndconfig from the console (make sure X-windows or a 
display manager is not running!!)

If it 
configures proceed...

believe the SB16 used the Adaptec chipset.

You could try "modprobe " using the Adaptec entries in 

"modprobe aic7xxx"
Once you get a "hit"... I.E. the 
modprobe does not return an error...
and make sure the module you loaded has BOTH an IRQ and I/O Port range 
associated with it..
Then modify your /etc/modules.conf 
alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx alias block-major-11 scsi_hostadapter
Finally you should "mkinitrd" for the kernel you have 
to preload the driver...
BTW: Your sound card might not be working because 8.0 
now deals with PNP  PCI in a very different 
Try disabling/enabling PNP/OS in the BIOS and RESETTING 
the BIOS's PNP/PCI configuration...

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of JongAmSent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 7:10 
  AMTo: Jeanette Russo; Newbie MandrakeSubject: Re: 
  [newbie] Recognizing SCSI?
  Well, thank you for your reply. But I've used that 
  for aoubt 10 years. (Canyou believe it? 
  Its connector is one for "internal 
- Original Message - 
To: JongAm ; Newbie Mandrake 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 7:48 
Subject: Re: [newbie] Recognizing 
Are you sure those are not IDE connectors for a CD-ROM. 
Most of the old16's had thisJeanette- Original Message 
-From: "JongAm" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: "Newbie 
Mandrake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 
Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:41 PMSubject: [newbie] Recognizing 
SCSI? Hello. I installed the Mandrake 
8.0. I have a SoundBlaster 16 SCSI. It is a SB card 
with SCSI card on it. My problem is that the Mandrake 8.0 can't 
recognize the SCSI interface and the SB card. Until 
now ( from 1991 to 2 years ago. ) I configured it when I compile the 
kernel. But doing so with the easy-to-setup Mandrake is somewhat 
meaningless. So.. is there any easier way to make my SB/SCSI card 
work with the Mandrake 8.0? Thanks in 

Re: [newbie] Konqueror Problem

2001-08-01 Thread John Rigby

Hi there,

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 09:29, you manipulated electrons to produce:

 Konqueror as of time being is not a full fledged browser. It
 doesn't support XML and other thingies. Probably the offending
 sites use these thingies. I think Nautilus has the same problems.
 You should use Netscape/Mozilla as your primary browser.

  --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
  Linux registered user #221896

I have tried both on my system and cannot access any of my bank 
details via the net including the Netscape default.
Switch to Doze and I.E. 5 and no problems.

I am trying out Gnome but think this may be part of the problem as it 
is very slow in Net responses compared to KDE 5 minutes later.



Re: [newbie] Apache Question

2001-08-01 Thread John Rigby

Ha folks,
Yahoo! The expression not bizness.  Something on MY setup is 
working!!  :-)
I can see it! I can see it! 

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 00:31, Jan manipulated electrons to produce:

 If you installed Apache when you installed Mandrake 8 (you didn't
 mention OS distros or versions) it should have created the file
 index.html in the document root /var/www/html/

 You should be able to view this by typing:



Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

Maybe I am under-paranoid or under-informed or something, but all this talk of
viruses is getting to me as well.  I see the time spent worrying about viruses
as being better spent backing up data or playing with kids or something.  People
spend more time and money (not as accurate in the linux world) on viruses than
they would ever spend fixing a virus problem.  I've been doing this computer
stuff for about 5 years now and have never had an anti-virus program or a virus. 

Just a thought
Quoting alan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi All
 All this talk of viruses is getting to me.
 Which virus programme do I need, if any at all. Here is my system:
 My machine - stand alone mdk8.0, at home, dialup isp. Using kmail with direct
 pop connection to isp to retreive mail and direct smtp connection, in this 
 case to to send mail. The same system is used if I use
 Netscape. No virus programme is used. M$Win98 on hda, mdk8.0 on hdb.
 # The anti virus programmes, it seems to me, are used in conjuction with 
 fetchmail/postfix/sendmail/qmail/procmail/etc where the mail is intercepted
 before being received or sent. Am I right in this assumption?
 # If I am wrong then what is the most efficient way to set up kmail or 
 netscape direct dial system to incorporate virus protection for my linux sys
 and as a secondary consideration, my M$Win98 sys 
 I do have Win98 on my first hd that I occasionally access via linux to 
 retrieve files or archive mdk files. Sometimes I use Win98 directly. I do not
 access the internet form my M$Win98 drive (at the present). 
 # Is it possible for a Win virus to migrate to the win98 hda when accessing
 it using a file manager assuming that I do not directly copy an email or 
 attachment to the Win98 hd? 
 # If I did want to copy the contents of an email to the M$win hd would it be
 okay if the contents where copied to a text file and the text file copied 
 across for use in say Corel WP8, I do not use M$ Office at all, at all!
 # Recently however I archived my kmail and netscape 'mail box' on the win98
 hda whilst I changed the file sys over to reisersFS - could a problem arise
 in a case like this?
 Sorry for the verbosity but I sometimes think that I have all straightened up
 in my mind when one of the mails on the list says, /var/spool/mail/ . . . ,
 then I know that the list is talking about something else and not a direct 
 connection to the Internet from the mail programme.
 Thanks and regards
 Alan Smith
 PS just read about the SirCam virus - do I panic slowly?

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

If you've already got linux installed, and windows is in the mnt directory,
right-click on it and say 'delete'(you might have to click it, too).  If linux
isn't installed, I'd do a low-level format and get everything off and then
install linux.  

If linux is installed and windows isn't in the mnt directory, use linuxconf to
access a local drive and find it--and delete it.

If windows is a boot option, you can go into Mandrake Control Center(if it's
mandrake) and then pick boot--once you are in your boot options, click advanced.
 Here, you will see windows.  click it, modify it, and remove it.

That's how I'd do it, but I'm pretty new at this.

 I re-installed my computer and decided that I didn't want win95 any more. I
 was wondering how can I make sure windows is totally gone?
 Any idea's would be helpful.
 Get your own FREE E-mail address at
 Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] microsoft gone

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

Children's software is a good reason to leave w95 on your box.

 I am happy to say that win95 is gone. Now My wife used the computer last
 night. She complained about the fonts in netscape so I will have to fix this.
 I will also have to find out howto ajust the time as my clock says 8:22 am
 and it is 8:22 pm right now. I am useing gnome.
 Is there educational software out there for children?
 Were can I find a good flight sim that will work on mandrake 7.2.
 My computer is a 6x86 cyrix p200
 harddrive 1 gig
 harddrive 6 gig
 40 megs ram
 4mb video
 32X cd
 supra express 33.6k modem
 Any idea's on software for children espcially would be helpful.
 Get your own FREE E-mail address at
 Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

Quoting Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But how
 do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory 
 /var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error 
 message when i click on the link, my link is:
 http://ip number/var/www/media/ is this because of directory 

Isn't your index.html filein /var/www/html/?

If so, your file should be in /var/www/html/
Then, it should work just like your index file.

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie]

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

My logitech optical wheel mice work fine.  I had them on on install, but I think
using harddrake they are easily configurable.
Quoting Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Seeun William Umboh wrote:
  I have got LM8.0 and Logitech Mouse Wheel Optical. Everything is working
  great but the wheel isn't working. How do I get it to work? Browsing
  the wheel is really troublesome.
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
 There is an 'imwheel' rpm on your install
 CD's for the MS Intelli Mouse.  It may also
 work for the Logitech.  I haven't tried it
 myself because I have a 3 button mouse.  
 Can someone correct me if I'm wrong?

[newbie] Linux Virus

2001-08-01 Thread Daryl Johnson

You have just received a virus which only runs under linux.

You are honour bound to delete twenty or thirty files at random from your 
hard drive and then pass this e-mail along to everyone on your e-mail list..



Once he had one leg in the White House and the nation trembled under his 
roars.  Now he is a tinpot pope in the Coca-Cola belt and a brother to the
forlorn pastors who belabor halfwits in galvanized iron tabernacles behind
the railroad yards.
- H. L. Mencken, writing of William Jennings Bryan, counsel for the supporters
  of Tennessee's anti-evolution law at the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925.

Re: [newbie] httpd-perl and httpd

2001-08-01 Thread LEONARD_MILLER

  Date:  08/01/2001  08:19 am  (Wednesday)
  From:  Leonard Miller
   Subject:  Re: [newbie] httpd-perl and httpd

That didn't work at first.   So I changed it to the FQDN and it worked

 Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] at INTERNET 07/31/01 03:49PM 
On Tuesday 31 July 2001 01:58 pm, you wrote:
 These fail at startup with no error messages.
 When I type httpd start at the prompt, I get a core dump.  Any ideas?


 Leonard W. Miller, CCNA
 United Defense, L.P.

Yes I do, had the same problem. First find out what your computer name
is(host Name). You can find it on the login screen or you can find it on
the  Control Center. Then open /etc/hosts in your favorit editor. It will
look  something like this:   localhost.localdomain localhost

Just add your hostname/computer name after localhost, like this:   localhost.localdomain localhost linuxgeek
That worked for me! Hope it works for you!

Make sure your firewall allows connections to port 80, not sure if this
will  cause and error mesage if its not, but it will make it hard for
people to  connect to you.

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Thread James S Bear

Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice about
this come with a file attached in *.pif format?  If so, I think I got it.  Maybe
I have had viruses and just didn't know it.  What does this virus do?
Quoting Judith Miner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Alan wrote:
  just read about the SirCam virus - do I panic slowly? 
 You don't panic at all. In order to get infected, you have to open the
 attachment that contains the virus. I assume you don't open attachments
 you weren't expecting to get and that you check ALL attachments,
 regardless of file type or who sent them, with at least one up-to-date
 antivirus program before you open them. SirCam comes with an odd e-mail
 message--something like hi  I'd like your advice about this (I don't
 remember the exact wording).
 I've gotten messages with SirCam attachments, AnnaK, ILoveYou, and
 everything else that's made the news, but have never opened a single one
 and have never had a virus in 14 years of using computers.
  --Judy Miner

Ignorance is underrated

Re: [newbie] wierd login prob

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Are you saying that you can't log in as root from a console (i.e. not just a 
X terminal window)? This is a setting that is designed to enhance security. A 
cracker can do the most damage to a system if they gain root access. This 
setup forces the cracker to first gain access to a user account and then try 
to su to root. In other words, the cracker has to break through two 
login/password combinations before they have root access.

The Medium security setting in Mandrake does not have this feature, however. 
Have you run any kind of distro hardening routine on your system, like 
InteractiveBastille? I know that InteractiveBastille does this by default.

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 19:47, Robert MacLean wrote:

 I have my machine startup to Xwindows, and I get that login screen. I
 have user setup and there is also the root user. I can log in fine
 with both of them in XWindows. If I log in as the user and in the
 console type su, and the root password it logins in fine.
 The problem is when i shutdown xwindows to console, I get the console
 login. I can log in fine with my username and password, by the root
 username and password won't let me login.
 Security is set to medium. This is on LM8.

 Thank you.
 Robert MacLean

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

RE: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Thread Adams, Jamie

Sorry to butt in here... are we all sure about this low-level format
thing? im sure i heard civileme say that it can do more damage than good
in certain circumstances.

If you are going to stick with Linux and get rid of Windows im sure that
the standard format in the Mandrake install process will do the job just

Just a thought, correct me if im wrong..
   -- Jamie

Sent:  01 August 2001 02:46
Subject:   Re: [newbie] win95 gone

If you've already got linux installed, and windows is in the mnt directory,
right-click on it and say 'delete'(you might have to click it, too).  If
isn't installed, I'd do a low-level format and get everything off and then
install linux.  

If linux is installed and windows isn't in the mnt directory, use linuxconf
access a local drive and find it--and delete it.

If windows is a boot option, you can go into Mandrake Control Center(if it's
mandrake) and then pick boot--once you are in your boot options, click
 Here, you will see windows.  click it, modify it, and remove it.

That's how I'd do it, but I'm pretty new at this.

 I re-installed my computer and decided that I didn't want win95 any more. I
 was wondering how can I make sure windows is totally gone?
 Any idea's would be helpful.
 Get your own FREE E-mail address at
 Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!

Ignorance is underrated

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Thread Paul

 Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice about
 this come with a file attached in *.pif format?  If so, I think I got it.  Maybe
 I have had viruses and just didn't know it.  What does this virus do?

That;s the one. You recognise it because it has 2 extensions. Like 
book1.xls.pif, or resume.doc.pif. (Got these several times last week).
Pif is Program Information File in windows. Many new win-users don't even
know about these, but that is an executable extension in winders. So you got
your first virus in! Congratulations! hahaha!!

The virus seems to destroy harddisk information. Not sure how and what, but
it is a nasty.


RE: [newbie] Apache help

2001-08-01 Thread Adams, Jamie

And i think you link should be:

http://ipnumber/media/; as when you type in your ip number it
starts in the document root (/var/www) and not standard root, if you get
what i mean..
   -- Jamie

Sent:  01 August 2001 03:10
To:Jon Doe
Subject:   Re: [newbie] Apache help

Quoting Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But
 do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory 
 /var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error 
 message when i click on the link, my link is:
 http://ip number/var/www/media/ is this because of directory 

Isn't your index.html filein /var/www/html/?

If so, your file should be in /var/www/html/
Then, it should work just like your index file.

Ignorance is underrated

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
information visit or alternatively call
Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

[newbie] InteractiveBastille

2001-08-01 Thread Terry

I would like to run Bastille to help keep outsiders out of my computer here 
at work, but every time I try to run InteractiveBastille to set up the 
firewall, I get this:

Using Tk user interface module.
Only displaying questions relevant to the current configuration.
This distribution version is not yet supported!
Compilation failed in require at /usr/sbin/InteractiveBastille line 250.

If I open up InteractiveBastille in Midnight Commander, I see that line 250 

require Bastille::API;

I'm not a programmer, and have no idea what the problem could be?  Can anyone 

Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User # 218330

Re: [newbie] drive thrashing

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 20:44, Colin Jenkins wrote:
 two main problems I'm having with LM8 at the moment.
 1. when I search for a file in Konqueror the drive thrashes away
 constantly, and eventually,( after at least 10 min)I have to press
 reset. (ctrl/alt/bs does not work)
 this problem has only started this week.

The 'find' command (as used in Konqueror) is a very disc-intensive and 
lengthy process, particularly on large drives. I suggest that you go to a 
console and use the 'locate' command instead. For more information, type 'man 

 2. I'm using ez-ipupdate which works ok except it posts my remote
 address instead of the local address.
 the lines below are the conf file for ez-ipupdate


 any ideas or alternative programes ?

Sorry, I'm not familiar with this app. Can anyone out there help out?

 Colin Jenkins
 ICQ: 650611  Voice: +61 97351410 Mob: 0409196144
 There's nothing wrong with growing older, but where does it lead?

A word of caution: I would advise against posting your phone numbers so 
openly over the Internet. You'll never know what kind of sick weirdos there 
are out there. Besides, your voice number doesn't have an area code (only a 
country code) :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Time (fwd)

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Can you please post to the list and not to me directly? I don't know 
everything, and when you post to the list you have a much greater chance of 
having your question answered, since there are so many others to read your 
message. Also, there may be others who may benefit from the discussion.

For example, I do not know anything about using timed, since I use ntpdate 
(via cron jobs) to synchronise my computer with a NTP server. I'm posting 
this message to the list so that others may be able to help you.

Is there anything out there who may know the answer?

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 20:59, Hitesh Gulati wrote:
 Hi Sridhar
 How can I use NTP[Network time Protocol] server and clients for my
 problem. Rightnow I am using timed for time synchronization.
 I have installed timed daemon on my all linux machine for time

 On one server machine timed daemon is running in master
 mode with following command.

 /usr/sbin/timed -M -F client1 client2

 On all client machines the timed is running as slave mode with following

 Everything works smoothly if the server is up and then clients get

 After power failure or some other problem if server is down or
 in case all clients get booted and server is not up then as server starts
 booting,  the clocks of all clients goes reset upto a random value it may
 be 30-40 years past or in future.

 How can I come up with this strange behaviour of timed.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Thread Randy Kramer

Re Low Level Formatting

Maybe somebody can clarify my recollection.  Once upon a time, low level
formatting was a well known and recommended procedure.  (I'm bad with
time -- maybe in the time period 10 to 15 years ago.)  

Then there came a time when the wisdom was that you should not low level
format a disk, that the drive did not have the necessary hardware to
allow a real low level format, and the low level format would destroy
the disk (by doing something like erasing or messing up the timing
marks on the disk.   (Maybe this refers to a certain type of disk --
maybe this was early IDE drives??)

Now, it appears that low level formatting is again allowed /
recommended.  Is this because:

1. There never was a real problem with low level formatting any disk?

2. Disks have changed again, and low level formatting is now supported?

3. Low level formatting has changed -- the procedure / software to do
low level formatting is not the same as the low level formatting that
was described as capable of destroying a disk several years ago.

If there truly is a type of disk that should not be low level formatted,
even if an older type, maybe we need to be careful about stating that.

Randy Kramer

James S Bear wrote:
 Civileme said a low-level format might do more harm than good if it was a
 potentially bad drive.  However, this is the best way to return the drive to
 factory status.  If it's a good drive, it does much good and is quite often the
 only way to restore a drive.
 If a person formats using fat or ntfs or ext2 over and over again, eventually
 your drive will come up as being non-existent.  I've done this several times and
 the only way to restore it is doing a low-level format.  Sometimes, as well, a
 Linux distro will not recognize a FAT partition if it is slightly corrupt or
 vice versa and the only way I have found to do get rid of it is to do a
 low-level format.
 I have found that doing a low-level format always ensures that the operating
 system will operate smoothly.  I have never had it damage anything.
 I am only talking from experience, but I am quite certain that's the best education.
 It's a public list, there's no butting in involved.
 Quoting Adams, Jamie [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Sorry to butt in here... are we all sure about this low-level format
  thing? im sure i heard civileme say that it can do more damage than good
  in certain circumstances.
  If you are going to stick with Linux and get rid of Windows im sure that
  the standard format in the Mandrake install process will do the job just
  Just a thought, correct me if im wrong..
 -- Jamie
  Sent:01 August 2001 02:46
  Subject: Re: [newbie] win95 gone
  If you've already got linux installed, and windows is in the mnt
  right-click on it and say 'delete'(you might have to click it, too).  If
  isn't installed, I'd do a low-level format and get everything off and then
  install linux.
  If linux is installed and windows isn't in the mnt directory, use
  access a local drive and find it--and delete it.
  If windows is a boot option, you can go into Mandrake Control Center(if
  mandrake) and then pick boot--once you are in your boot options, click
   Here, you will see windows.  click it, modify it, and remove it.
  That's how I'd do it, but I'm pretty new at this.
   I re-installed my computer and decided that I didn't want win95 any more.
   was wondering how can I make sure windows is totally gone?
   Any idea's would be helpful.
   Get your own FREE E-mail address at
   Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!
  Ignorance is underrated
  This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
  delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
  information visit or alternatively call
  Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.
  This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
  delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
  information visit or alternatively call
  Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie] Uninstall Mandrake 8

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 22:19, John Rigby wrote:
 On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 04:51, you manipulated electrons to produce:
  On Monday 30 July 2001 19:59, Caruso Aldo wrote:
  1. Boot from windows boot floppy
  (make one at a friend's PC if you don't have one)
  2. at DOS prompt, type FDISK /mbr
  Really folks , this one comes up so often we should put it in the
  URL or something :-)

 *** DONE! It's in the Escape Book  :-)

This doesn't uninstall Mandrake at all. All it does is cut off access to the 
GNU/Linux partition. To properly uninstall GNU/Linux (any flavour), you 
should delete the GNU/Linux partitions (including swap partitions) and create 
new ones using Windos filesystems. Otherwise, GNU/Linux will still be there, 
and you won't be able to access those partitions from Windows. That's just 
space wasted.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Non gui isdn dailing script for isdn

2001-08-01 Thread Oren Gozlan

does someone have somthing to help ?

Oren Gozlan
Mobixell Networks Inc.
p: +972 9 776 0121
f: + 972 9 740 7373
c: +972 54 536 047

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 22:49, Paul wrote:
  Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice
  about this come with a file attached in *.pif format?  If so, I think I
  got it.  Maybe I have had viruses and just didn't know it.  What does
  this virus do? jim

 That;s the one. You recognise it because it has 2 extensions. Like
 book1.xls.pif, or resume.doc.pif. (Got these several times last week).
 Pif is Program Information File in windows. Many new win-users don't even
 know about these, but that is an executable extension in winders. So you
 got your first virus in! Congratulations! hahaha!!

 The virus seems to destroy harddisk information. Not sure how and what, but
 it is a nasty.


The SirCam virus/worm selects a file at random from the victim's hard drive 
to send. This file can be of any format or type.

Of course, if you use GNU/Linux you have nothing to be afraid of. You can 
just laugh as I did :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] missing smbadduser

2001-08-01 Thread Franki

Hi all,

What is the name of the file that you use to add samba users??

I thought it was smbadduser  but a seach doesn't turn it up (I do have
smbpasswd in /usr/bin)

Also, my linux server reports this info to a windows 98 client when it asks
for info . (ie right clicking on it in network neighbourhood and selecting

The server //Zues does not accept remote requests.

anyone know what that means and how do I add users if I don't have

many thanks and kindest regards

Samba newbie 101.

Re: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 22:50, Adams, Jamie wrote:
 Sorry to butt in here... are we all sure about this low-level format
 thing? im sure i heard civileme say that it can do more damage than good
 in certain circumstances.

 If you are going to stick with Linux and get rid of Windows im sure that
 the standard format in the Mandrake install process will do the job just

 Just a thought, correct me if im wrong..
-- Jamie

You are absolutely correct. The basic rule of thumb is to NEVER do a 
low-level format. The factory default low-level format is often optimised for 
that particular kind of drive. If you do a low-level format from your BIOS 
(as they usually are done) you can destroy this optimisation. There is also a 
chance of damaging your drive with a low-level format. A low-level format 
should only be done in extreme circumstances, like if your HDD is on its 
deathbed and you are willing to take a risk to place it on life-support for a 
little while.

The best way to remove Windos 100% is to use a tool like diskdrake to delete 
the Windos partition. You can then make a new partition in that space and 
format it with a GNU/Linux filesystem, like Ext2 or ReiserFS.



 Sent:01 August 2001 02:46
 Subject: Re: [newbie] win95 gone
 If you've already got linux installed, and windows is in the mnt
  directory, right-click on it and say 'delete'(you might have to click it,
  too).  If linux
 isn't installed, I'd do a low-level format and get everything off and then
 install linux.
 If linux is installed and windows isn't in the mnt directory, use
  linuxconf to
 access a local drive and find it--and delete it.
 If windows is a boot option, you can go into Mandrake Control Center(if
  it's mandrake) and then pick boot--once you are in your boot options,
  click advanced.
  Here, you will see windows.  click it, modify it, and remove it.
 That's how I'd do it, but I'm pretty new at this.
  I re-installed my computer and decided that I didn't want win95 any
  more. I was wondering how can I make sure windows is totally gone?
  Any idea's would be helpful.
  Get your own FREE E-mail address at
  Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!
 Ignorance is underrated
 This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
 delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
 information visit or alternatively call
 Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

 This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
 delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
 information visit or alternatively call
 Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Find out what sound card/chip was detected?

2001-08-01 Thread Keith Christian

I've run 'sndconfig' on a Compaq Deskpro (no other model info was
found) and the default choice offered was Soundblaster Pro.  I chose
it, now the sound works.

Where else besides the 'dmesg' report could I look to see exactly how
the system (Mandrake 8.0) detected and configured the sound hardware?

For Video information, the SuperProbe command is available which tells
quite a bit about the video hardware detected, I'm wondering about an
equivalent program or method for sound hardware.


Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

[newbie] Screenshot of Desktop.

2001-08-01 Thread h3rb

How do I take a screen shot of my desktop?  Is there a certain application 
that is needed?  Or is it something built into X?  Any info would be nice.  


[newbie] Iomega ZIPCD 650 USB CDRW

2001-08-01 Thread Keith Christian

Has anyone gotten this CD burner to work with Mandrake 8.0?

If so, how did you do it?  I am running the 8.0 version downloaded from
the web, not the store-bought version.

I have not tried to configure this CDRW drive yet on Mandrake, and want
to know what to check or do before I try, or if it even works.



Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Thread Randy Kramer

James S Bear wrote:
 Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice about
 this come with a file attached in *.pif format?  If so, I think I got it.  Maybe
 I have had viruses and just didn't know it.  What does this virus do?


Basically, it:

-is called SirCam.

-works only on Windows, and only if you use Outlook or Outlook express
as your email client.

-infects your computer only if you open the attachment (and you use
Windows, Outlook, etc.).

-installs itself on your computer, then sends copies of itself to other
computers via email messages or over a LAN by looking for Windows

-when it sends copies of itself, it picks random files from your disk to
send to others, so, it may be distributing your confidential

-on a random basis, it may either erase the hard drive (partition)
containing Windows, or fill it up with garbage.

Randy Kramer

Re: [newbie] 2 questions about web server

2001-08-01 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 10:45 PM 07/31/2001 -0400, Jon Doe wrote:
1. How do I get password protected site going? I know I need htaccess and 
htpasswd files? How do I make them and where do I put them?
You need three files...

These are .htaccess (in the directory you wish to protect, which also
protects all subdirectories off of that directory), htpasswd and htgroup
(which should be in /var/www).

They should look like:

deny from all
AuthName WhateverYouWant
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/www/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /var/www/htgroup
require group groupname
require user username1, username2, etc
satisfy any

groupname: username1, username2, etc

The htpasswd file is generated by /usr/bin/htpasswd.

To create it, do 'htpasswd -c htpasswd username1' (from /var/www, and
without the quotes).  This will create the file, and add username1 to it.

2. I would like people to be able to upload files to my computer. How do I
about that?

This depends on whether you want an ftp upload, or a web upload.  If you
want an ftp upload, you can setup an anonymous ftp server with an incoming
directory.  For a web upload, you'll have to do a search somewhere like to see if any web upload software is available (either perl
or php).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] Screenshot of Desktop.

2001-08-01 Thread h3rb

Thanks.  That worked, helps if I browse around a bit huh.  =)


On Wednesday 01 August 2001 09:09, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Wednesday 01 August 2001 09:58, h3rb wrote:
  How do I take a screen shot of my desktop?  Is there a certain
  application that is needed?  Or is it something built into X?  Any info
  would be nice. Thanks,

 Which desktop? I know that in KDE the popup panel has screen capture in
 the multimediagraphicsscreen capture selection.  Hope this helps

RE: [newbie] Port forwarding

2001-08-01 Thread Franki

I don't know about SNF,, but I use IPMASQADM, on my 7.2 box's and it works
just fine...

I got the latest src rpm that I could find on and rebuilt it for
our boxes (it wasn't a mandrake rpm)

it has been working flawlessly ever since...

give it a shot..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2001 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Port forwarding

 Can anyone shed a little light on how to configure port-forwarding or port
 redirection from a Mandrake 7.2 SNF firewall to a mandrake 8.0 web-server?
 realize that SNF has it's own web-server built-in, but this is for a
 configuration. Examples would be very helpful. Mostly, I can't figure out
 which package/utility to use.

You have to use ipchains for that, afaik.
You can find more on

[newbie] still having PGP / KMAIL problems

2001-08-01 Thread Charlie Oriez

Hash: SHA1

I now have message signing working with PGP and KMAIL.  When I had 'auto 
detect' selected kmail wasn't finding my 6.5.8 pgp (is gnuGP installed as a 
default in 8.0?), but when I told it specifically to look for a 6.x version, 
signing works.

However, encryption of messages still fails.  The error box says that a pgp 
error has occured, and to check my pgp setup and key rings.  My test was to 
send a message to myself, since I have my public and private keys in my key 

I am able to encrypt and decrypt successfully in console mode using the 
appropriate line commands.

I downloaded and am using pgp 6.5.8 from the MIT server and installed via 
rpm.  I imported my keyrings from pgp 6.5.1 on the M$ 98 side of my box.

- --
Microsoft is a cross between the Borg and the Ferengi.  Unfortunately,
they use Borg to do their marketing and Ferengi to do their programming.
  -- Simon Slavin in asr

Version: PGP 6.5.8


Re: [newbie] UnrealTournament

2001-08-01 Thread s

No, nothing special.  Just ran the installer and used a windows cd.  Maybe 
delete the folder and try again.  You might try downloading the 
installer/binaries from another source.  Maybe your copy is corrupted. 

On Wednesday 01 August 2001 10:16 am, you wrote:

 Ive tried to install UT on my LM8 box and it appears if the BotPack.U
 file gets corrupted.
 If anyone has installed it off the original CD, using the 436
 installer can you tell me if you did anything special?

 Robert MacLean

Re: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Thread Paul

It was Wed, 01 Aug 2001 11:56:53 -0400 when Randy Kramer wrote:

Thanks for the response!  Ahh, yes, IIRC, MFM was the second type of
hard disk available for the PC / hobbiest.  (MFM had something to do
with Manchester encoding, IIRC.)   IIRC, RLL was another type of early
hard disk (or was it just an encoding type). 

In fact it was RLE. Runtime Length Encoding. These disks would use tracks less
than the usual width to get more on them and somewhat faster access.

Sharing what you have is more important than what you have.
-Albert M. Wells, Jr. - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Kernel panic: Reiser FS

2001-08-01 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 01 August 2001 12:00 pm, Terry Smith wrote:

 By way of a post-mortem, the failure may have been from the Reiser
 filesystem or perhaps the kernel. Has anyone had difficulties like fs
 crashes with Reiser or 2.4.5, or both in combination?

No problems here. Half of 13.6g hda is formatted with ReiserFS, and 
all of 30g hdb is ReiserFS.  Freq is on hdb.  I've only been using Freq 
and 2.4.5 for a week tho.   ...and on a VIA motherboard too ;

   FWIW, the only problem I've had at all with Freq is that the 
iptables version it shipped with wasn't matched to the 2.4.5 kernel.
Installing the latest cooker src.rpm fixed that, iptables-1.2.2-3mdk
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

[newbie] PMFirewall?

2001-08-01 Thread Errant

Hi all =)

Is there a way to use PMFirewall on an LM8 server? If not, is there 
something similar that I should be using for firewall software?

Thanx a bunch,


Re: [newbie] drive thrashing

2001-08-01 Thread Miark

I would think, though, that

* If your computer isn't on all the time, or
* Not running Linux all the time, or
* If you're looking for a new file

then the locate database may not contain what you're looking
for. And updating the locate database is certainly as
intensive as find.

And find allows you to limit your search to specific

I'm not saying that using locate won't make Colin's drive
happier--only that locate is a convenience that can come at
the expense of accuracy sometimes.


- Original Message -
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Colin Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]; newbie
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] drive thrashing

 On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 20:44, Colin Jenkins wrote:
  two main problems I'm having with LM8 at the moment.
  1. when I search for a file in Konqueror the drive
thrashes away
  constantly, and eventually,( after at least 10 min)I
have to press
  reset. (ctrl/alt/bs does not work)
  this problem has only started this week.

 The 'find' command (as used in Konqueror) is a very
disc-intensive and
 lengthy process, particularly on large drives. I suggest
that you go to a
 console and use the 'locate' command instead. For more
information, type 'man

  2. I'm using ez-ipupdate which works ok except it posts
my remote
  address instead of the local address.
  the lines below are the conf file for ez-ipupdate
  any ideas or alternative programes ?

 Sorry, I'm not familiar with this app. Can anyone out
there help out?


  Colin Jenkins
  ICQ: 650611  Voice: +61 97351410 Mob: 0409196144
  There's nothing wrong with growing older, but where does
it lead?

 A word of caution: I would advise against posting your
phone numbers so
 openly over the Internet. You'll never know what kind of
sick weirdos there
 are out there. Besides, your voice number doesn't have an
area code (only a
 country code) :-)

 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
 LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
 -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] opengl

2001-08-01 Thread Miark

Hi Robert,

The nVidia drivers that come with Mandrake are not 3D
capable. You'll need to go to nVidia's web site to download
the two RPMs and the Installation Guide.


- Original Message -
From: Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 9:14 AM
Subject: [newbie] opengl


 I can't get OpenGL to run on my machine. I have a
Geforce2MX, the
 latest driver installed and working. Is there anything I
need to do
 for OpenGL to work?

 Robert MacLean

[newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-01 Thread Seedkum Aladeem


I installed Mandrake 8.0 using incorrect DNS server dot quad IP
addresses. I used the Linuxconf KDE gui to reconfigure it. It worked
fine until I rebooted the system. On rebooting, the DNS setting reverted
back to the old incorrect setting I gave on initial install. How do I
make the system do permanent changes to DNS configuration?



RE: [newbie] PMFirewall?

2001-08-01 Thread Franki

PMfirewall is being reworked to use iptables,, it is in alpha state I
believe, shouldn't be too much longer...

I use pmfirewall and ipchains as the basis for all my rules, although my
rules files is about 8 times longer then that which pmfirewall install
script creates, I have found it to me a very good platform from which to
impliment rules on..

If I swapped to iptables tomorrow, I'd probably trick pmfirewall into
installing and rewrite all its rules to suit iptables...

the rest of it is fine, so it shouldn't be long until it is converted to



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Errant
Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2001 2:15 AM
Subject: [newbie] PMFirewall?

Hi all =)

Is there a way to use PMFirewall on an LM8 server? If not, is there
something similar that I should be using for firewall software?

Thanx a bunch,


Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-01 Thread Seedkum Aladeem


I tried editing the file /etc/resolv.conf manually but the result was
exactly the same as when Linuxconf did it. What could be the problem?

Michael D. Viron wrote:
 Try editing /etc/resolv.conf directly.
 At 08:16 AM 07/31/2001 -0700, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 I installed Mandrake 8.0 using incorrect DNS server dot quad IP
 addresses. I used the Linuxconf KDE gui to reconfigure it. It worked
 fine until I rebooted the system. On rebooting, the DNS setting reverted
 back to the old incorrect setting I gave on initial install. How do I
 make the system do permanent changes to DNS configuration?

Re: [newbie] PMFirewall?

2001-08-01 Thread s

You might have to redo the kernel and compile in support for ipchains to use 
pmfirewall.  There are similar things out for iptables, but there is an 
easily configurable firewall/ipforwarding in 8.0 that uses iptables.  In the 
Mandrake control center, there is internet connnections sharing and firewall 

On Wednesday 01 August 2001 01:14 pm, you wrote:
 Hi all =)

 Is there a way to use PMFirewall on an LM8 server? If not, is there
 something similar that I should be using for firewall software?

 Thanx a bunch,


RE: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-01 Thread Franki

look in resolve.conf that is in /etc/ppp

that one is what ppp will insert when you start it,, so go with that...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Seedkum Aladeem
Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2001 3:56 AM
To: Michael D. Viron
Cc: Newbie at MDK
Subject: Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.


I tried editing the file /etc/resolv.conf manually but the result was
exactly the same as when Linuxconf did it. What could be the problem?

Michael D. Viron wrote:
 Try editing /etc/resolv.conf directly.
 At 08:16 AM 07/31/2001 -0700, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 I installed Mandrake 8.0 using incorrect DNS server dot quad IP
 addresses. I used the Linuxconf KDE gui to reconfigure it. It worked
 fine until I rebooted the system. On rebooting, the DNS setting reverted
 back to the old incorrect setting I gave on initial install. How do I
 make the system do permanent changes to DNS configuration?

Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-01 Thread Seedkum Aladeem

I did find / -name resolv.conf -print and only /etc/resolv.conf got
printed out!
I have an internet connection through a Linksys switch/router and a
cable modem. During install, Linux detected eth0 automatically and I
selected LAN connection. Later on in the install I gave it incorect DNS



Franki wrote:
 look in resolve.conf that is in /etc/ppp
 that one is what ppp will insert when you start it,, so go with that...
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Seedkum Aladeem
 Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2001 3:56 AM
 To: Michael D. Viron
 Cc: Newbie at MDK
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.
 I tried editing the file /etc/resolv.conf manually but the result was
 exactly the same as when Linuxconf did it. What could be the problem?
 Michael D. Viron wrote:
  Try editing /etc/resolv.conf directly.
  At 08:16 AM 07/31/2001 -0700, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  I installed Mandrake 8.0 using incorrect DNS server dot quad IP
  addresses. I used the Linuxconf KDE gui to reconfigure it. It worked
  fine until I rebooted the system. On rebooting, the DNS setting reverted
  back to the old incorrect setting I gave on initial install. How do I
  make the system do permanent changes to DNS configuration?

Re: [newbie] missing smbadduser

2001-08-01 Thread Daryl Johnson

 What is the name of the file that you use to add samba users??

 I thought it was smbadduser  but a seach doesn't turn it up (I do have
 smbpasswd in /usr/bin)


try smbpasswd -a yourusername



You will hear good news from one you thought unfriendly to you.

[newbie] Supportable by Mandrake?

2001-08-01 Thread Michael Mitchell shows the specs on the Stylistic 1200®
from Fujitsu Personal Systems, Inc. (FPSI.  Can Mandrake handle this item?

Supports TFT, DSTN color; Transmissive and transflective monochrome -- along
with external monitors upto 1024 x 768 (XVGA).

Thanks for any feedback, need a quick answer if at all possible.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

[newbie] Configuration of Realtec rtl8139.

2001-08-01 Thread X - A - W - K


I have LM80 on my laptop, I would like to install a PCMCIA Realtec RTL8139.

By now Linux recognize card bus as realtec rtl8139 but when I try to connect
to internet (I use LAN connection) pops out  a window saying:

modules'ing error in usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 510

I'd like to ask somebody with rtl8139 working to send me line 510 of and I would apreciate any idea to install and make working this
card bus.

Thank you very much for help.



Jest niezly ... i liscik napisze 
OnetKomunikator [ ]

[newbie] HELP! HELP! Restoring LM7.2 desktop

2001-08-01 Thread Mark Shaw

Third try -- maybe *that* subject line will get someone to answer. :)

On Sunday I had a system-lockup event followed by a hard-reset (didn't
know what else to do).

Now my default LM7.2 login screen and desktop is gone, replaced by KDE

IceWM is fine, but I'd like the old stuff with the cartoon penguins
and the rest of it back.  How do I go about doing this?  Do I have to 
reinstall the OS?

Mark Shaw

RE: [newbie] HELP! HELP! Restoring LM7.2 desktop

2001-08-01 Thread Franki

try putting a file called:


in your user directory
in that file put one word and save it...

that word should be:


then try it again...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Shaw
Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2001 5:18 AM
Subject: [newbie] HELP! HELP! Restoring LM7.2 desktop

Third try -- maybe *that* subject line will get someone to answer. :)

On Sunday I had a system-lockup event followed by a hard-reset (didn't
know what else to do).

Now my default LM7.2 login screen and desktop is gone, replaced by KDE

IceWM is fine, but I'd like the old stuff with the cartoon penguins
and the rest of it back.  How do I go about doing this?  Do I have to 
reinstall the OS?

Mark Shaw

Re: [newbie] a big duh

2001-08-01 Thread skinky

Hi all

I had the same problem.  I was also using Gnome apps in KDE and vice versa, but after 
a few days Gnome did the big crash thing which completely locked up my system (had to 
use the dreaded reset button).  Because I'm a sucker for punishment, I went back into 
Gnome a few more times with the same result each time.  I'm not sure what caused it 
because I had also tried out Enlightenment and a few others.  So I've just uninstalled 
and reintalled LM8 and haven't been brave enough to try Gnome again or run the Gnome 
apps in KDE.

Can someone please advise whether or not its OK to use Gnome apps in KDE.


PS.  Sorry if the font is italicised - having just got my new external serial modem 
(YAY!!  No more booting back into Windows every 10 mins  :-))  I'm trying out KMail 
and can't seem to get the font thing sorted for replying/composing.

On Wednesday 01 August 2001 22:05, you wrote:
 On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 15:19, Charles A. Punch wrote:
  nkey wrote:
   im just now beginning to run GNOME (was using KDE) and id like to
   change the color of my fonts on my desktop but cannot find an
   option anywhere to let me change this!
   is it possible to do so?
   im using Sawfish and also letting Nautilus draw my desktop. so im
   not sure whats up. if i turn off that nautilus feature, my text
   goes from white ot black, but i cant seem to get any other text
   colors on my desktop.
  I have been using mainly KDE, but every once in a while I try
  GNOME. It seems that I always get a kind of bleed through effect.
  Sometimes when I am in KDE the desktop icons from GNOME will bleed
  through and vice versa. I do use GNOME programs in KDE and vice
  versa. I am wondering if this has anything to do with it. It
  doesn't seem to crash anything but is mostly annoying. The really
  strange thing is that I don't use any desktop icons except Trash.
  The first thing I do after an install is get rid of them. I have
  had these kind of problems in several versions of Mandrake and I
  always wind up going back to KDE, because the problems seem to go
  away  after awhile,. if I just use KDE. If I continue to use GNOME,
  it seems that it gets worse . I can't seem to get the settings in
  GNOME to stay where I set them. They keep changing back to the
  defaults.  Last week I ran Netscape in GNOME and it changed (spell
  checked perhaps?) my address in my mail settings and changed the
  number (0) to the letter (o). as a result anyone who replied to my
  mail would get a return. It also sent some of my mail with blank
  body text. (the subject line was all that was readable). I think
  GNOME has possibilities and it seems to be less and less buggy with
  each new release, but I have to go with KDE for now. Sorry I don't
  have any answers, but sometimes listing the problems helps in
  running down the solution.

 That's really odd. I've been using GNOME as my primary desktop for
 almost two years, and I've never had any problems like these. For
 your desktop icon problems, what apps cause this? I know that if you
 run Nautilus without the --no-desktop tag, or GMC without the
 --nodesktop tag, they will try to manage your desktop.

[newbie] Microsoft Latin America and Linux.

2001-08-01 Thread X - A - W - K


I just wanted to send this link to all of you who speak or understand

In this page you will find a comparation of Linux vs Windows made by people
form Microsoft... just one thing more I would suggest to send comments about
this page directly to the mail you can find on the page...

Se van a reir un montón, en mi vida había visto tanta tontería en un sitio.
El tipo que lo escribió debe ser más que bruto (con todo el respeto para su

Y por fin, ¿piensan que se puede hacer algo al respeto? Si alguien tiene
conocidos en periodicos o revistas a lo mejor podría convencer a alguien a
escribir una nota sobre esto.

De verdad, es escandalozo!!!



Jest niezly ... i liscik napisze 
OnetKomunikator [ ]

Re: [newbie] a big duh

2001-08-01 Thread skinky

Hi all

I had the same problem.  I was also using Gnome apps in KDE and vice 
versa, but after a few days Gnome did the big crash thing which 
completely locked up my system (had to use the dreaded reset button).  
Because I'm a sucker for punishment, I went back into Gnome a few more 
times with the same result each time.  I'm not sure what caused it 
because I had also tried out Enlightenment and a few others.  So I've 
just uninstalled and reintalled LM8 and haven't been brave enough to 
try Gnome again or run the Gnome apps in KDE.

Can someone please advise whether or not its OK to use Gnome apps in 


PS.  Sorry if the font is italicised - having just got my new external 
serial modem (YAY!!  No more booting back into Windows every 10 mins  
:-))  I'm trying out KMail and can't seem to get the font thing sorted 
for replying/composing.

On Wednesday 01 August 2001 22:05, you wrote:
 On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 15:19, Charles A. Punch wrote:
  nkey wrote:
   im just now beginning to run GNOME (was using KDE) and id like to
   change the color of my fonts on my desktop but cannot find an
   option anywhere to let me change this!
   is it possible to do so?
   im using Sawfish and also letting Nautilus draw my desktop. so im
   not sure whats up. if i turn off that nautilus feature, my text
   goes from white ot black, but i cant seem to get any other text
   colors on my desktop.
  I have been using mainly KDE, but every once in a while I try
  GNOME. It seems that I always get a kind of bleed through effect.
  Sometimes when I am in KDE the desktop icons from GNOME will bleed
  through and vice versa. I do use GNOME programs in KDE and vice
  versa. I am wondering if this has anything to do with it. It
  doesn't seem to crash anything but is mostly annoying. The really
  strange thing is that I don't use any desktop icons except Trash.
  The first thing I do after an install is get rid of them. I have
  had these kind of problems in several versions of Mandrake and I
  always wind up going back to KDE, because the problems seem to go
  away  after awhile,. if I just use KDE. If I continue to use GNOME,
  it seems that it gets worse . I can't seem to get the settings in
  GNOME to stay where I set them. They keep changing back to the
  defaults.  Last week I ran Netscape in GNOME and it changed (spell
  checked perhaps?) my address in my mail settings and changed the
  number (0) to the letter (o). as a result anyone who replied to my
  mail would get a return. It also sent some of my mail with blank
  body text. (the subject line was all that was readable). I think
  GNOME has possibilities and it seems to be less and less buggy with
  each new release, but I have to go with KDE for now. Sorry I don't
  have any answers, but sometimes listing the problems helps in
  running down the solution.

 That's really odd. I've been using GNOME as my primary desktop for
 almost two years, and I've never had any problems like these. For
 your desktop icon problems, what apps cause this? I know that if you
 run Nautilus without the --no-desktop tag, or GMC without the
 --nodesktop tag, they will try to manage your desktop.

RE: [newbie] Cups problem with FS800

2001-08-01 Thread Franki

Hi peoples...

In another first for me, (this is my firt week in experiments with smb and
windows networking in linux) I decided to setup smb file and printer sharing
with linux to the windows clients.

First step being to get the printer setup locally, ,its a Kyocera FS800
(which has a cups driver..)

I used Kups to set it up, it said everything was just fine, so I tried a
test page,...

here is the result...

  %%BeginFeature: PageSize Letter

Thats all there was, nothing else... that looks like it printed a config

anyone know why I didn't get a test page?

[newbie] sorry for the multiple posts

2001-08-01 Thread skinky

I apologise for posting my last message three times.


Re: [newbie] ppp panic

2001-08-01 Thread Jeferson Lopes Zacco

When I say it hangs I mean it hangs. :-(  No mouse, keyboard, CRTL-ALT-DEL,
CRTL-ALT-BKSP, nothing.
Sometimes it won't hang long enough to type ifconfig.

-Mensagem Original-
Para: Jeferson Lopes Zacco [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Enviada em: terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2001 20:27
Assunto: Re: [newbie] ppp panic

 when your system hangs do you have no mouse and keyboard? can you start
 netscape, type ifconfig and see a ppp entry? or ping something? you may
 PPP up and running as a forground job. just leave it and open a different
 term to type ifconfig

 On Tuesday 31 July 2001 18:35, Jeferson Lopes Zacco wrote:
  Hi all,
  In my endless quest to have Internet supporrt under LM, I've been
  trying to configure pppd and my (win)modem to acesss my ISP and I ran
  some trouble.
  When I tried kppp the program would just hang -sometimes it informed me
  that ppp was run without the debug option and that I should turn that
on. I
  couldn't hung up the modem afterwards- perhaps because I don''t know
  Then , following the ppp-HOWTO, I tried to connect with minicom.
  Everything goes fine till I try to start ppp from a shell prompt- then
  system freezes completely. While I figure that even a Linux sys can be
  frozen by a non-working modem, since it handles IRQs and such, I was not
  really expecting it.
  For info, I'm starting minicom, dialing into my ISP with ATDT, and
  then, after the connect statement, I press ENTER and when the garbage
  accordingly to ppp HOWTO means the remote sys is starting a PAP ppp)
  I quit minicom without reseting the modem and start ppd with
  # pppd -d -detach /dev/modem 38400 
  The system always hangs afterwards.
  I have two main doubts: can these freezes be caused by a
  i.e, the modem init string, some option in ppp or minicom, etc, or is it
  telltale sign that my winmodem module is not working as expected?
  And second, the ppp-HOWTO tells me that I MUST obtain the adress of 2
  from my ISP. But in ppp manpage I found reference to an
option -usepeersdns
  that seems to allow obtaining these on the run, as window$ do. Is that
  As always, any help will be appreciated. :^)
   --Jeferson L. Zacco aka Wooky
   Linux registered user #221896
   Computers are used to solve problems that wouldn't exist if computers
  weren't invented in the first place.

Re: [newbie] a big duh

2001-08-01 Thread Charles A. Punch

I think it is Nautilus that causes the problem, not GNOME, or at least 
not running GNOME progs in KDE. I have been using gnome cal and gnumeric 
with no problems (from KDE). I still haven't resolved the problems in 
GNOME itself, but I don't think it is running GNOME progs in KDE that 
causes the problems.


Registered Linux user # 217118
skinky wrote:

 Hi all
 I had the same problem.  I was also using Gnome apps in KDE and vice versa, but 
after a few days Gnome did the big crash thing which completely locked up my system 
(had to use the dreaded reset button).  Because I'm a sucker for punishment, I went 
back into Gnome a few more times with the same result each time.  I'm not sure what 
caused it because I had also tried out Enlightenment and a few others.  So I've just 
uninstalled and reintalled LM8 and haven't been brave enough to try Gnome again or 
run the Gnome apps in KDE.
 Can someone please advise whether or not its OK to use Gnome apps in KDE.
 PS.  Sorry if the font is italicised - having just got my new external serial modem 
(YAY!!  No more booting back into Windows every 10 mins  :-))  I'm trying out KMail 
and can't seem to get the font thing sorted for replying/composing.
 On Wednesday 01 August 2001 22:05, you wrote:
 On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 15:19, Charles A. Punch wrote:
 nkey wrote:
 im just now beginning to run GNOME (was using KDE) and id like to
 change the color of my fonts on my desktop but cannot find an
 option anywhere to let me change this!
 is it possible to do so?
 im using Sawfish and also letting Nautilus draw my desktop. so im
 not sure whats up. if i turn off that nautilus feature, my text
 goes from white ot black, but i cant seem to get any other text
 colors on my desktop.
 I have been using mainly KDE, but every once in a while I try
 GNOME. It seems that I always get a kind of bleed through effect.
 Sometimes when I am in KDE the desktop icons from GNOME will bleed
 through and vice versa. I do use GNOME programs in KDE and vice
 versa. I am wondering if this has anything to do with it. It
 doesn't seem to crash anything but is mostly annoying. The really
 strange thing is that I don't use any desktop icons except Trash.
 The first thing I do after an install is get rid of them. I have
 had these kind of problems in several versions of Mandrake and I
 always wind up going back to KDE, because the problems seem to go
 away  after awhile,. if I just use KDE. If I continue to use GNOME,
 it seems that it gets worse . I can't seem to get the settings in
 GNOME to stay where I set them. They keep changing back to the
 defaults.  Last week I ran Netscape in GNOME and it changed (spell
 checked perhaps?) my address in my mail settings and changed the
 number (0) to the letter (o). as a result anyone who replied to my
 mail would get a return. It also sent some of my mail with blank
 body text. (the subject line was all that was readable). I think
 GNOME has possibilities and it seems to be less and less buggy with
 each new release, but I have to go with KDE for now. Sorry I don't
 have any answers, but sometimes listing the problems helps in
 running down the solution.
 That's really odd. I've been using GNOME as my primary desktop for
 almost two years, and I've never had any problems like these. For
 your desktop icon problems, what apps cause this? I know that if you
 run Nautilus without the --no-desktop tag, or GMC without the
 --nodesktop tag, they will try to manage your desktop.

Re: [newbie] Quake 2

2001-08-01 Thread CastleKidd

In a message dated 07/31/2001 6:57:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 start q2 with command line
  # ./quake2 +set s_initsound 0
When I did this, the game launched. So I can play, just without sound. What 
can I do about that. You said something about ALSA. How would I go about 
adding that to my system?

Thanks a lot

[newbie] ICQ in a Shell Environment?

2001-08-01 Thread Leif Madsen

Just got thinking about this the other day.  Is there an ICQ client which
will run in the background of bash?  I am in the process of trying to do
everything I need in bash and not using Xwindows (mmm.. good ol' days of DOS
almost! :)), but I do a fair amount of communicating through ICQ.  A cool
little program that basically just allows me to keep a list of names, and
send messages back and forth would be great!  A cool feature would be to
have a little flag pop up on your bash prompt to let you know you have a
message.. such as this maybe?

leif@walio leif §$

or something like that (with § being the new message flag)

Ideas?  Would be cool none the less I think.. :)

Leif Madsen

Registered Linux User #219104
There are two possibilities, either we are
alone, or we are not.  Both are equally

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Randy Kramer wrote:
 James S Bear wrote:
  Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice about
  this come with a file attached in *.pif format?  If so, I think I got it.  Maybe
  I have had viruses and just didn't know it.  What does this virus do?
 Basically, it:
 -is called SirCam.
 -works only on Windows, and only if you use Outlook or Outlook express
 as your email client.
 -infects your computer only if you open the attachment (and you use
 Windows, Outlook, etc.).
 -installs itself on your computer, then sends copies of itself to other
 computers via email messages or over a LAN by looking for Windows
 -when it sends copies of itself, it picks random files from your disk to
 send to others, so, it may be distributing your confidential
 -on a random basis, it may either erase the hard drive (partition)
 containing Windows, or fill it up with garbage.
 Randy Kramer

Isn't it redundant to fill a Windows partition with garbage?

Re: [newbie] Iomega ZIPCD 650 USB CDRW

2001-08-01 Thread etharp

Keith, I have a USB cdrw(hp 8210e) that was installed when I installed MDK8.0 
and was setup and recognized by the system right out of the box, as far as 
Gcombust was concerned. have you tried to burn using gcombust?  

On Wednesday 01 August 2001 10:05, Keith Christian wrote:
 Has anyone gotten this CD burner to work with Mandrake 8.0?

 If so, how did you do it?  I am running the 8.0 version downloaded from
 the web, not the store-bought version.

 I have not tried to configure this CDRW drive yet on Mandrake, and want
 to know what to check or do before I try, or if it even works.



 Do You Yahoo!?
 Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

[newbie] ATI Rage Fury Pro

2001-08-01 Thread CastleKidd

How can I get my ATI Rage Fury Pro to use 3d acceleration. With Mandrakes 
install it works, but locks up a whole lot, so much that any game using it is 
impossible. I tried nvidia, but I couldnt get it to install right. Maybe 
someone else had this problem? Im so confused, can someone help me? Thanks!


Re: [newbie] Linux Virus

2001-08-01 Thread etharp

may I also insist that this file be copied to your sig.txt file, so that 
others may enjoy it via e-mail also?

On Wednesday 01 August 2001 12:05, Michel Clasquin wrote:
 On Wednesday 01 August 2001 19:16, Daryl Johnson wrote:
  You have just received a virus which only runs under linux.
  You are honour bound to delete twenty or thirty files at random from your
  hard drive and then pass this e-mail along to everyone on your e-mail

 Please rewrite your virus to include a random number generator program,
 otherwise I cannot be sure that the files I delete are truly random. This
 program should of course be available in rpm, deb and tgz format and be
 checked against an atomic-decay random number generator.

 Oh yes, a statically-compiled version for those with oddball C libraries
 would be nice ...

[newbie] Test

2001-08-01 Thread markrussell

I can't seem to send to this list.  Bu I sure can receive.  Mark

[newbie] Re: newbie (a big duh)

2001-08-01 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 10:10:38 +1200
skinky [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

 Hi all
 I had the same problem.  I was also using Gnome apps in KDE and vice
 versa, but after a few days Gnome did the big crash thing which
 completely locked up my system (had to use the dreaded reset button). 
 Because I'm a sucker for punishment, I went back into Gnome a few more
 times with the same result each time.  I'm not sure what caused it
 because I had also tried out Enlightenment and a few others.  So I've
 just uninstalled and reintalled LM8 and haven't been brave enough to try
 Gnome again or run the Gnome apps in KDE.
 Can someone please advise whether or not its OK to use Gnome apps in
I run both KDE and Gnome apps in Blackbox (home) and Windowmaker (at
work).  I've never had a problem.  while there may be some exceptions (I'm
sure there must be ;-) )I am not familiar with, you shouldn't have a
problem running most Gnome apps in KDE.

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it
helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,
but at the very least you need a beer.
- Frank Zappa

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] Test

2001-08-01 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Wed, 01 Aug 2001 20:55:03 -0400
markrussell [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted:

 I can't seem to send to this list.  Bu I sure can receive.  Mark

This one got through!!

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it
helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,
but at the very least you need a beer.
- Frank Zappa

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

[newbie] Dynamic IP?

2001-08-01 Thread Jon Doe

If it wasn't for bad luck, well you know the rest. For 4 months now (the 
entire time I have had roadrunner) I have had the exact same IP number. Now 
RoadRunner decided they wanted to change it I guess. So now my .html files 
all have the wrong links on them. Am I gonna have to edit my html files (for 
apache) everytime they change my IP or is there a way around this?

Re: [newbie] drive thrashing

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 04:53, Miark wrote:
 I would think, though, that

 * If your computer isn't on all the time, or
 * Not running Linux all the time, or

If you have anacron running (I think it is enabled by default), your system 
should run cron jobs that could not be called before for some reason or other 
(e.g. your system was off).

 * If you're looking for a new file

 then the locate database may not contain what you're looking
 for. And updating the locate database is certainly as
 intensive as find.

Yes, but you only need to update (updatedb) it once. Then you can do as many 
locates as you want.

 And find allows you to limit your search to specific

This can be done in combination with tools like grep.

 I'm not saying that using locate won't make Colin's drive
 happier--only that locate is a convenience that can come at
 the expense of accuracy sometimes.


 - Original Message -
 From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Colin Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]; newbie
 Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 6:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] drive thrashing

  On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 20:44, Colin Jenkins wrote:
   two main problems I'm having with LM8 at the moment.
   1. when I search for a file in Konqueror the drive

 thrashes away

   constantly, and eventually,( after at least 10 min)I

 have to press

   reset. (ctrl/alt/bs does not work)
   this problem has only started this week.
  The 'find' command (as used in Konqueror) is a very

 disc-intensive and

  lengthy process, particularly on large drives. I suggest

 that you go to a

  console and use the 'locate' command instead. For more

 information, type 'man

   2. I'm using ez-ipupdate which works ok except it posts

 my remote

   address instead of the local address.
   the lines below are the conf file for ez-ipupdate
   any ideas or alternative programes ?
  Sorry, I'm not familiar with this app. Can anyone out

 there help out?


   Colin Jenkins
   ICQ: 650611  Voice: +61 97351410 Mob: 0409196144
   There's nothing wrong with growing older, but where does

 it lead?


  A word of caution: I would advise against posting your

 phone numbers so

  openly over the Internet. You'll never know what kind of

 sick weirdos there

  are out there. Besides, your voice number doesn't have an

 area code (only a

  country code) :-)
  Sridhar Dhanapalan.
  There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
  LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
  -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Kernel panic: Reiser FS

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 03:00, Terry Smith wrote:
 Thanks Allen, worked like a charm! In my panic I had forgotten the
 'rescue' option on the CD.

 BTW, after using reiserfsck to rebuild my superblocks and to clean up
 the reiser partitions the system seems much snappier.


 Those of us using Resierfs need to remember to run reiserfsck
 occasionally, I guess.

 Sridhar, in responding to my note, indicated that he had been having
 some difficulty with a buggy 2.4.5 kernel from the June Freq update.

My problems were a little different. One involved the kernel using swap even 
when there was plenty of free RAM available. This bug has apparently been 
fixed in subsequent kernel releases. Another was a poor supermount 
implementation. For the moment, at least, I will be sticking with 2.4.3 (if 
it ain't broke don't fix it).

 By way of a post-mortem, the failure may have been from the Reiser
 filesystem or perhaps the kernel. Has anyone had difficulties like fs
 crashes with Reiser or 2.4.5, or both in combination?


 Terry Smith
 Woods Hole, MA

 A V Flinsch wrote:
  On Tuesday 31 July 2001 17:02, you wrote:
   But is there some way to run 'reiserfsck' if I can boot from a floppy?
   Anybody have some clever idea(s)?
  boot from the install cd (hint there is a rescue mode) modprobe reiserfs,
  then run reiserfsck
  Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] activate wheel mouse in XF86Config

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Run mousedrake from a root terminal. Afterwards, you should uninstall 
imwheel, because it messes up the native mouse support in toolkits like GTK+ 
and QT.

On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 02:04, Seeun William Umboh wrote:
 I heard that there is a way to get the wheel working by adding
 ZAxisMapping 4 5
 to XF86Config. However, I am still without success. I have also tried
 imwheel to no avail. An observation I made is that without extra
 configuration, Red Hat 7.1 was able to detect my mouse and the wheel works
 in Mozilla and Terminal.
Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Iomega ZIPCD 650 USB CDRW

2001-08-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 10:35, etharp wrote:
 Keith, I have a USB cdrw(hp 8210e) that was installed when I installed
 MDK8.0 and was setup and recognized by the system right out of the box, as
 far as Gcombust was concerned. have you tried to burn using gcombust?

 On Wednesday 01 August 2001 10:05, Keith Christian wrote:
  Has anyone gotten this CD burner to work with Mandrake 8.0?
  If so, how did you do it?  I am running the 8.0 version downloaded from
  the web, not the store-bought version.
  I have not tried to configure this CDRW drive yet on Mandrake, and want
  to know what to check or do before I try, or if it even works.

I also have a ZipCD 650. It has been working beautifully since I bought it 
(almost a year ago). I also have the download version of Mandrake 8.0. It 
detected and set the burner up during the install with no trouble at all. I 
was using this burner with Mandrake 7.2 before 8.0 ws released, and I had no 
problems there, either.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

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