Re: [newbie-it] mp3 editor

2003-07-02 Thread artasersec
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 20:50:48 +0200, alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Salve a tutti!
ci riprovo:
sapreste cortesemente indicarmi se per linux mandrake 9.0 esiste un 
programma di editor mp3?
in pratica mi ritrovo un file mp3 molto voluminoso che vorrei dividere in 
n files mp3.
grazie in anticipo.

Prova con Audacity:
L'ho usato con windows ed era ottimo, con linux non riesco a farlo 
funzionare, magari tu sei pi bravo o fortunato ;)
Ciao ^_^

Se vi ritrovate con un cadavere tra le braccia, mettiamo vostro marito che 
giace al primo piano, e non sapete proprio come uscirvene, la prima cosa da 
fare  prepararvi una tazza di t ben forte.

Anthony Burgess, One hand clapping

RE: [newbie-it] 2 harddisk 2 linux 2 orari

2003-07-02 Thread mirko . cap
cari tutti
qlke giorno va postavo una domanda su come sincronizzare 2 orari in 2 distro
mdk (9.0 e 9.1) su 2 hd distinti.
ebbene dopo aver provato con date -u e date il responso è il seguente:
appena cambio orario in una distro l'ora cambia anche nell'altra quindi
RIMANE SEMPRE il divario di 2 ore.
se ci sono idee a riguardo...
un saluto mirko

Il Numero di Accesso ad Internet sta cambiando!
Modifica subito il tuo numero di accesso con Tiscali: il nuovo
numero e' 7023456789 oppure vai alla pagina
e scarica il file di configurazione automatica.

Re: [newbie-it] find

2003-07-02 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 20:48, martedì 1 luglio 2003, Germano ha scritto:
 il Tuesday 01 July 2003 14:02, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] find


 Scusate se insisto nuovamente ma riguardo al modo migliore il comando da
 usare è rgrep.
 Non lo dico io ma lo dice lo stesso man di rgrep.

Adesso non ho rgrep sul mio sistema, quindi non posso verificare.
Però, immagino che non sia molto diverso da grep -R ossia che faccia
una ricerca in modo rapido ed efficiente anche nelle sotto-directory.
L'uso combinato di find+grep,invece permette di stabilire una serie di altre
condizioni. Ad es. restringere la ricerca a file creati entro certe date, 
includere o meno i link simbolici o directory montate in NFS/samba,
escludere gli eseguibili, ... il man di find è immenso ;-)

Probabilmente, rgrep è più rapido su ricerche standard e find+grep 
più configurabile.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] 2 harddisk 2 linux 2 orari

2003-07-02 Thread zafran
Ma rispetto al GMT sono settate uguali?

Può darsi che tu passi un valore calcolato sulla base del Unixtime che
ognuna delle due distro rielabora in base a cosa hai impostato durante

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 9:42 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie-it] 2 harddisk 2 linux 2 orari

cari tutti
qlke giorno va postavo una domanda su come sincronizzare 2 orari in 2 distro
mdk (9.0 e 9.1) su 2 hd distinti.
ebbene dopo aver provato con date -u e date il responso è il seguente:
appena cambio orario in una distro l'ora cambia anche nell'altra quindi
RIMANE SEMPRE il divario di 2 ore.
se ci sono idee a riguardo...
un saluto mirko

Il Numero di Accesso ad Internet sta cambiando!
Modifica subito il tuo numero di accesso con Tiscali: il nuovo
numero e' 7023456789 oppure vai alla pagina
e scarica il file di configurazione automatica.

Re: [newbie-it] Ho perso tutti i miei file?!?!?

2003-07-02 Thread Eraser Head
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Pollo wrote:

 Non ho fatto proprio niente. Ti spiego l'evoluzione dei fatti: ho creato
 una partizione con diskdrake nello spazio vuoto di hda. Poi ho copiato
 circa 3GB di dati dall'harddisk hdb. Fino a qui tutto funzionava bene.
 Riuscivo a creare cartelle, muovere file, tutto. Ho spento il computer e
 ho tolto l'harddisk hdb (era di un amica...), impostato il bios e
 riavviato. Ma al riavvio mi è comparso il messaggio di errore che ho
 riportato prima...
 Non ho idea di cosa possa essere successo.
 Ho provato a dare il comando badblocks /dev/hda8 ma come output non mi
 da niente, quindi immagino che non ci siano blocchi danneggiati.

Di queste cose purtroppo non me ne intendo proprio per niente, quindi non 
credo di poterti essere d'aiuto.
Tutto quello che posso dirti è che se hai installato anche windows sulla 
stessa macchina esiste un programma che ti consente di vedere il 
filesistem di windows (tale explore2fs).
Una volta che non mi si avviava più linux (falliva il check del filesystem 
al boot) tramite questo programma sono riuscita a salvare tutti i miei 
Spero che in caso di bisogno possa esserti d'aiuto.

In bocca al lupo! =)



E perche' dovrei provare vergogna nel terribile istante 
nel quale tutto il mio essere trema fra l'essere e il 
non essere, mentre il passato splende come un baleno 
sull'abisso cupo dell'avvenire e qui, intorno a me, 
tutto sprofonda e finisce con me?


Re: [newbie-it] wget e problemino della settimana - file .swf

2003-07-02 Thread bombadur
Arwan wrote:

Aggiungo un quesito (sono ferma al passaggio precedente): ma se wget
non scarica tutto? Ho provato, e sono certa che si e' dimenticato di
scaricare di file. Che se fa?

Strano: prima di postare avevo provato, e mi con wget -r [url] avevo scaricato bene 
tutto un sito. Non so cosa dirti. Prova magari con l'opzione 
-cr (con la c riprendi il download da dove lo avevi lasciato, e se manca qualcosa 
dobrebbe accorgersi).
Se continuasse a darti problemi, guarda sul man (lungo) di wget: ora non ho un Linux a 
disposizione, ma è probabile che ci sia un'opzione per scaricare il database dei files 
del sito che ti interessa. Così ti scarichi solo quelli che ti servono, e risparmi i 
soldini per Appignà ;-))

Per la stampa, poi, ho provato mentre ero online: al primo giro col
terzo tasto del mouse e' comparsa anche l'ozione stampa, ma poi non
mi da' la possibilita' di scegliere alcuna stampante, e nemmeno
stampa su pdf (uso Mozilla). Al secondo giro per sbolccare il cp ho
dovuto staccare la spina del telefono, aprire un'altro terminale (era
tutto inchiodato, anche la console di kdee il mouse) loggarmi come
root e fare reboot. Eviterei altre esperienze del genere...

Boh ?!? Ogni tanto Mozilla si blocca anche a me, ma non in modo così tristo..
Prova Konqueror.

Burp! ;-)



--, the professional e-mail, gratis per te:

Digitalpix: Stampe digitali su vera carta fotografica
direttamente a casa tua a partire da € 0,18.
Clicca qui:

Re: [newbie-it] problemino della settimana - file .swf

2003-07-02 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 23:53, lunedì 30 giugno 2003,  in merito a Re:  [newbie-it] 
problemino della settimana - file .swf,  Arwan -   ha scritto:

 e se l'opzione stampa non fosse attiva?

usi kprinter


- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] procmailrc

2003-07-02 Thread Eraser Head
Ciao a tutti!

Avrei bisogno di aiuto per configurare procmail in modo da cancellarmi 
certe mail: sugli account di posta di libero arriva settimanalmente la 
newsletter, che ha come mittente [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Come faccio a dirgli a procmail di buttarmela via?

Ho provato aggiungendo in .procmailrc:

:0 c
:0 A:

(Per le prove volevo fargliele spostare in una cartella diversa).

Ho quindi provato a scrivere una mail fingendomi [EMAIL PROTECTED], ma 
così facendo la mail mi viene recapitata senza problemi.

Qualcuno sa dirmi dove ho sbagliato?




Can you live your life in a day
Putting every moment in play
Never hear a word that they say
As you watch the wheels go around


Re: [newbie-it] Insufficient memory

2003-07-02 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 09:42, mercoledì 2 luglio 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] 
Insufficient memory,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ha scritto:
 Non riesco a avere una risoluzione maggiore di 640x480 mentre windows
 gestisce benissimo i 1024x768 e il risultato a video è decisamente
 più lento che in windows.
 La scheda è un'integrata Trident con 2 Mb (mi pare) la RAM è 256

 Nel X86 fa una lista di risoluzioni e refresh e per tutte le 800x600
 e 1024x768 dice 'Insufficient memory'.

non ha riconosciuto il tuo sottosistema video
devi forzare la quantità di memoria,
(usa comunque profondità di colore basse)

aggiungi in /etc/X11/XF86Config (-4) 
nella :
 Section Device

la riga :

VideoRam  2048

da man XF86Config:
VideoRam  mem
  This optional entry specifies the amount of video ram that 
is installed on the graphics board.  This  ismeasured  in  kBytes.  
In most cases this is not required because the X server probes the 
graphics board   to determine this quantity.  The driver-specific 
documentation should indicate when it might be  needed.

- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] procmailrc

2003-07-02 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Eraser Head ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti!
 Avrei bisogno di aiuto per configurare procmail in modo da cancellarmi 
 certe mail: sugli account di posta di libero arriva settimanalmente la 
 newsletter, che ha come mittente [EMAIL PROTECTED].
 Come faccio a dirgli a procmail di buttarmela via?

Anche io ho avuto questo problema e l'ho risolto cosi:


Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9 (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] sendmail

2003-07-02 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Luigi Pinna ha scritto: 
 No, il problema è che voglio che consegni i contenuti dei vari server 
 pop in cartelle diverse dello spool!
 Da lì processerò i messaggi quando aprirò Kmail, ma prima voglio che 
 siano separati (ho necessità di sapere da quali pop ricevo mail), il 
 problema che riesco a far andare tutta la mail solo in ferris ...

Personalmente non ho mai usato sottodirectory nello spool di posta
dell'utente locale come ulteriori inbox per sendmail oltre a quella 
predefinita e generata all'atto della creazione di un nuovo utente, nel
tuo caso /var/spool/mail/ferris/..., e questa prova mi mancava ma, debbo 
dire che non l'ho mai trovata specificata da nessuna parte come esempio.
Personalmente proverei a specificare in .fetchmailrc la path 
delle tue mailbox interfree e lycos secondo le regole d'impostazione di 
Se fetchmail non trova specificato un MDA nel suo file di configurazione 
usa per default sendmail per la consegna locale, comunque meglio metterlo
non si sa mai.

Questo potrebbe essere un file .fetchmailrc di esempio:

poll 'tuopopinterfree'
proto pop3
user 'nomeutenteinterfree'
there with password 'segretainterfree' 
-r '/var/spool/mail/ferris/interfree'
--mda /usr/sbin/sendmail

poll 'tuopoplycos'
proto pop3
user 'nomeutentelycos'
there with password 'segretalycos'
-r '/var/spool/mail/ferris/lycos'
--mda /usr/sbin/sendmail

N.B. Dovrai crearti a mano le rispettive sottodirectory prima
di fare le prove.
Questa è solo una indicazione che potrebbe anche non funzionare ;)
Comunque vedi eventualmente di perfezionare.

Fammi sapere dei risultati.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9 (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] Insufficient memory

2003-07-02 Thread zafran
Stupendo, funzia !  A 16 bit invece che a 24 ma funziona.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Insufficient memory

Hash: SHA1

Alle 09:42, mercoledì 2 luglio 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it]
Insufficient memory,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ha scritto:
 Non riesco a avere una risoluzione maggiore di 640x480 mentre windows
 gestisce benissimo i 1024x768 e il risultato a video è decisamente
 più lento che in windows.
 La scheda è un'integrata Trident con 2 Mb (mi pare) la RAM è 256

 Nel X86 fa una lista di risoluzioni e refresh e per tutte le 800x600
 e 1024x768 dice 'Insufficient memory'.

non ha riconosciuto il tuo sottosistema video
devi forzare la quantità di memoria,
(usa comunque profondità di colore basse)

aggiungi in /etc/X11/XF86Config (-4)
nella :
 Section Device

la riga :

VideoRam  2048

da man XF86Config:
VideoRam  mem
  This optional entry specifies the amount of video ram that
is installed on the graphics board.  This  ismeasured  in  kBytes.
In most cases this is not required because the X server probes the
graphics board   to determine this quantity.  The driver-specific
documentation should indicate when it might be  needed.

- --


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] sendmail

2003-07-02 Thread Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:47, mercoledì 2 luglio 2003, Giuseppe Ferruzzi ha scritto:
 N.B. Dovrai crearti a mano le rispettive sottodirectory prima
 di fare le prove.
 Questa è solo una indicazione che potrebbe anche non funzionare ;)
 Comunque vedi eventualmente di perfezionare.

 Fammi sapere dei risultati.

 Ciao, Giuseppe.

Fatto, ma il risultato che mi da è per me aramaico (il turco è più 
semplice fidati...), ed è questo:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] lavoro]$ fetchmail --auth password
Option --remote is not supported with POP3
fetchmail: Query status=5 (SYNTAX)
fetchmail: Query status=5 (SYNTAX)
che significa?
- -- 
Morire, v.:
Quello che alla fine qualche paziente fa, giusto per umiliare il
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] sendmail

2003-07-02 Thread syd
* Luigi Pinna wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] lavoro]$ fetchmail --auth password
 Option --remote is not supported with POP3
 fetchmail: Query status=5 (SYNTAX)
 fetchmail: Query status=5 (SYNTAX)

$ man fetchmail
To  facilitate  the  use  of  fetchmail in shell scripts, an exit
code is returned to give an indication of what occurred during  a
given  connection.
5  There was a syntax error in the arguments to fetchmail.

Ti dice che c'e' un errore di sintassi. In particolare pare faccia
riferimento all'opzione --remote.

1) Posta il tuo/tuoi .fetchmailrc
2) Posta il tuo/tuoi .procmailrc


1) devi gestire piu' account per lo stesso utente oppure
2) piu' account distribuiti tra utenti diversi??

Se vale la seconda, a meno di non essere root, ogni utente ha accesso
solo ai file che lo riguardano.. ma questo lo sai.. pero' pensaci
perche' ho l'impressione che ti stia complicando un po' la vita :))

Se vale la prima allora credo che procmail non sia ben figurato e in
ogni caso ti consiglio di non gestire la posta in /var/spool/mail
creando dir e sottodir; devi infatti saper giocare un pochino con i 
permessi (la cosa e' comunque fattibile).  

Considera che procmail prende in consegna le mail scaricate da
fetchmail e le smista _ovunque_ tu desideri in base alle regole che
tu gli passi nei suoi file di configurazione.

Pero' Luigi.. se non ti leggi un po' di doc diventa un po' complesso
aiutarti e, quel che e' peggio per te, rischi di perdere un sacco di
tempo. I link che gia' ti ho passato parlano pure l'italiano.
Ma son sicuro che la doc la stai gia sbirciando.. :))

Slackware 9.0 * K 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] Ho perso tutti i miei file?!?!?

2003-07-02 Thread Giovanni Mazzamati
Il 07:39, mercoledì 02 luglio 2003 alle 07:39, mercoledì 02 luglio 2003, Pollo 
su Re: [newbie-it] Ho perso tutti i miei file?!?!? - ha sfarfugliato:
 Non ho fatto proprio niente. Ti spiego l'evoluzione dei fatti: ho creato
 una partizione con diskdrake nello spazio vuoto di hda. Poi ho copiato
 circa 3GB di dati dall'harddisk hdb. Fino a qui tutto funzionava bene.
 Riuscivo a creare cartelle, muovere file, tutto. Ho spento il computer e
 ho tolto l'harddisk hdb (era di un amica...), impostato il bios e
 riavviato. Ma al riavvio mi è comparso il messaggio di errore che ho
 riportato prima...

 Non ho idea di cosa possa essere successo.

 Ho provato a dare il comando badblocks /dev/hda8 ma come output non mi
 da niente, quindi immagino che non ci siano blocchi danneggiati.

Cosa ti da:
fdisk -l /dev/hda

119 / 219
Legge di Murphy: Se qualcosa puo' andar male, lo fara'

Giovanni Mazzamati
| Linux Slackware 9.0 - KDE 3.1.2 user|
| Registered User #183142 |
| La conoscenza è nulla senza condivisione. |
| Paolo Caldana aka verbal  |

Re: [newbie-it] gif_wizard

2003-07-02 Thread Giorgio Griffon
Alle 19:32, lunedì 30 giugno 2003, piter ha scritto:
 Ciao ML,
 volevo sapere se cè qualcuno che conosce un programma per rimpicciolire
 le immagini, praticamente quelli usati per creare delle immagini in
 mignatura da usare per farne link alle foto vere e proprie (clicca per
 ingrandire l'immagine).
Scusa il ritardo nella risposta. Nel numero di giugno di linux magazine c'è un 
articolo dedicato a programmi per fare gallerie di immagini; ti riporto un 
po' di nomi:
bbGallery -
Gimp-gallery (plugin per gimp) - http;//
iGal -
Kalbum -
Swigs -
Zgal -

Aggiungo che si può usare anche l'ottimo gqview, impostando dimensione e 
qualità delle anteprime, e poi facendogliele salvare nella sua cartella 
.thumbnails (vedi menu modifica - opzioni).

Re: [newbie-it] sendmail

2003-07-02 Thread Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:39, mercoledì 2 luglio 2003, syd ha scritto:

 1) Posta il tuo/tuoi .fetchmailrc
 2) Posta il tuo/tuoi .procmailrc

Li mando come allegati, però .fetchmailrc è ridotto da 5 account a 2


 1) devi gestire piu' account per lo stesso utente oppure
 2) piu' account distribuiti tra utenti diversi??

Voglio semplicemente fare in modo che il contenuto questi server pop 
venga scaricato così come in cartelle diverse, in modo che vengano 
processate con calma dal programma di posta.
Infatti per me è importante sapere prima quante mail ho da leggere per 
account e dopo prima di leggerle processarle in base alle regole.

 Se vale la prima allora credo che procmail non sia ben figurato e in
 ogni caso ti consiglio di non gestire la posta in /var/spool/mail
 creando dir e sottodir; devi infatti saper giocare un pochino con i
 permessi (la cosa e' comunque fattibile).

Preferei usare lo spool perché le voglio ordinare dopo (gkrellm mi può 
dire quante mail ho non lette nello spool senza bisogno di interrogare 
un client come fa a quanto pare se legge nella home)

 Considera che procmail prende in consegna le mail scaricate da
 fetchmail e le smista _ovunque_ tu desideri in base alle regole che
 tu gli passi nei suoi file di configurazione.

L'unica cosa che non riesco a trovare una regola che permetta di 
smistare tutta la posta di un account (purtroppo dagli Header ho visto 
che l'unica cosa costante in tutte le mail è quella che cerco di 
passare come regola nel file .procmail)

 Pero' Luigi.. se non ti leggi un po' di doc diventa un po' complesso
 aiutarti e, quel che e' peggio per te, rischi di perdere un sacco di
 tempo. I link che gia' ti ho passato parlano pure l'italiano.
 Ma son sicuro che la doc la stai gia sbirciando.. :))

Li ho letti!!! È per quello che sto impazzendo! Sembra che nessuno si 
sia mai preoccupato di fare questa distinzione alla base, a tutti basta 
smistare solo i messaggi che rispondono a determinate regole; io voglio 
che quelli che non rispondono a determinate regole finiscano in una 
directory diversa per ogni account (se una persona mi scrive dalla 
facoltà voglio che sappia subito con che identità rispondere).
Intanto grazie del tempo dedicatomi!

- -- 
Quello che ad un autore piace scrivere di piu' e' la sua firma sul retro
degli assegni.
-- Brendan Francis
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)

# Please check if all the paths in PATH are reachable, remove the ones that
# are not.

MAILDIR=/var/spool/mail/ferris/ # You'd better make sure it exists

* ^Received by with

* ^Received for [EMAIL PROTECTED];

* ^Received for [EMAIL PROTECTED];

* Received^ by 

* ^Received with

# Anything that has not been delivered by now will go to $DEFAULT
# Configuration created Fri Jun 27 20:01:43 2003 by fetchmailconf
set postmaster ferris
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties 
poll with proto POP3 timeout 60
   user 'sailorferris' there with password 'xxx' is 'ferris' here folder 
/var/spool/mail/ferris/ferris --mda /usr/sbin/sendmail options keep

poll with proto POP3 timeout 60
   user 'mpp412' there with password 'xxx' is 'ferris' here folder 
'/var/spool/mail/ferris/rrze' --mda /usr/sbin/sendmail options keep

Re: [newbie-it] sendmail

2003-07-02 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Luigi Pinna ha scritto: 
 Fatto, ma il risultato che mi da è per me aramaico (il turco è più 
 semplice fidati...), ed è questo:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] lavoro]$ fetchmail --auth password
 Option --remote is not supported with POP3
 fetchmail: Query status=5 (SYNTAX)
 fetchmail: Query status=5 (SYNTAX)
 che significa?
 - -- 

Me l'aspettavo e la colpa è la mia, non avevo letto tutto il man fino 
alla fine, non bisognerebbe mai fare le cose di fretta,
l'opzione -r non è l'opzione giusta e non è supportata con pop 3, mi 
Il problema è che non è fetchmail che consegna la posta, il 
comando is ferris here è l'indicazione a sendmail di effettuare la 
consegna nello spool di ferris che sendmail conosce perchè creato dal 
sistema di gestione della posta locale.
Questo spool credo sia generato automaticamente dal sistema MTA di default 
che gestisce la posta locale (sendmail normalmente) se si
sceglie però di installare il sistema di gestione locale della posta quando
si installa linux,
altrimenti il /var/spool/mail/utente nemmeno verrebbe creato cioè lo spool
risulterebbe vuoto.
Ora mi viene il dubbio che con la creazione manuale di una sottodirectory 
come tu hai in mente di fare a questo spool d'utente, un semplice richiamo 
in fetchmailrc non sia sufficiente a sendmail se questo nuovo utente non è 
contemplato nei file di configurazione di sendmail.  Arwan che ha seguito
fedelmente tutti i discorsi fatti ultimamente e si è convertita a mutt, che 
mi pento personalmente di aver un po maltrattato, anche a causa della mia 
conoscenza empirica, ha perso spesso il controllo della situazione durante 
le prove  all'inizio, proprio per questo motivo ( perchè aveva vuoto lo spool 
utente)  difatti non avendo installato un sistema di rete locale, anche se 
creato a mano successivamente il sistema sendmail non lo riconosceva. 
Però a suo dire dopo aver reinstallato il tutto il problema è stato risolto.
Quindi penso questo per deduzione non per una conoscenza tecnica diretta del 
problema in se. 
Per chi decidesse comunque di installare il pacchetto sendmail, una prova 
fondamentale prima fra tutte è quello di appurare se all'atto della creazione 
di un nuovo utente viene aggiunto il relativo spool d'utente 
Se questo avviene allora si può procedere con il resto.
Luigi quello che posso dirti ora è che molto probabilmente il
/var/spool/mail/ferris/lycos che vuoi creare non potrà funzionare
perchè lo spool è associato all'utente ossia l'utente è associato al sistema 
della posta e allora sicuramente ci sarà da configurare sendmail, ma potrei 
anche sbagliarmi non conoscendo bene come si configura il file .fetchmailrc 
Puoi provare per il momento a specioficare la path a is ferris/lycos here
per esempio ma sono solo prove, divertiti così per ora, tanto si impara 
sempre anche in questo modo, almeno conosci quali sono i comandi che non 
funzionano ;)
e imparerai ad apprezzare quelli che invece funzionano.

Vedi comunque di pensare a spostare le tue mailbox interfree e lycos dallo spool 
e metterle nella tua home, con procmail ti troverai bene e potrai sempre smistarle
poi come ti pare.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9 (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

[newbie-it] Mutt-1.5.4 ricompilato

2003-07-02 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi
Syd ho dovuto rimettere la versione 1.4.1 perchè quel source RPM
che ho scaricato sebbene avesse risolto il problema dell'header
X-Mailer nell'uso mi sono accorto di alcune irregolarità di funzionamento, 
alcuni comandi sebbene configurati per default non funzionavano, per di più 
ora ho problemi di rumori sulla linea telecom esterna e riesco a malapena a 
scaricare la posta e a inviarla, non ne parliamo di navigare in internet.
Ho fatto reclami ma qui con la privatizzazione telecom e i nuovi contratti
di lavoro tutti i dipendendi sembrano diventati isterici e io ancora sto aspettado 
una riparazione, alla fine se non si fa vedere nessuno deciderò di ripararmela 
da me (è una linea rurale su pali di legno lunga 1,5 km circa) una volta l'ho 
fatto, erano semplici giunti scoppiati a causa di forti gradienti di corrente 
indotta per fulminazione indiretta o perchè vi è entrata l'acqua e ossidati, questi 
fili hanno un'anima di acciaio rivestito di rame, se entra l'acqua nel giunto si 
verifica un effetto galvanico tra i due metalli che provoca una veloce corrosione 
dell'anima di acciaio e poi la sottile copertura di rame cede.
Scusami per la divagazione, potresti passarmi qualche indirizzo dove poter scaricare 
gli srpm di mutt vers. 1.5.4 per redhat così da provarne di altri autori ?
Tanto la procedura di ricompilare con srpm è veloce me ne puoi mandare più di uno 
che li provo tutti sperando che ci sia uno che sia preciso come l'1.4.1 ma che 
abbia risolto con X-Mailer.
Ti ringrazio. Nel frattempo voglio rispolverare quel sistema che dicesti ad arwan
postponendo il messaggio solo testo e richiamarlo con gli headers rigenerati.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9 (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] Ho perso tutti i miei file?!?!?

2003-07-02 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 07:39, mercoledì 2 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Ho 
perso tutti i miei file?!?!?,  Pollo   ha scritto:

  che è successo al disco?
  ci hai lavorato, hai usato qualche tool per partizionare, è andata
  ia la luce...

 Non ho fatto proprio niente. Ti spiego l'evoluzione dei fatti: ho
 creato una partizione con diskdrake nello spazio vuoto di hda. Poi ho
 copiato circa 3GB di dati dall'harddisk hdb. Fino a qui tutto
 funzionava bene. Riuscivo a creare cartelle, muovere file, tutto. Ho
 spento il computer e ho tolto l'harddisk hdb (era di un amica...),
 impostato il bios e riavviato. Ma al riavvio mi è comparso il
 messaggio di errore che ho riportato prima...

per fortuna che non hai fatto niente!

hai solo partizionato il disco senza spegnere e riaccendere il pc...
la  tabella delle partizioni viene letta all'avvio
se la modifichi questa viene scritta su disco,
al riavvio il sistema legge la nuova tabella quindi si riesce a 
formattare scrivere e fare i consueti danni..

andare a formattare un disco appena creato, o meglio, che usa una 
tabella appena creata, è rischioso,
l'esperienza insegna che è meglio un riavvio in questi casi..

ora il tuo caso è di una tabella diversa dallo stato dei dischi
devi ricordarti la dimensione della nuova partizione,
quindi con fdisk o diskdrake, ricrea la partizione IDENTICA a quella che 
sembra essere sparita
avrai la riscrittura del superblock e *dovresti* rileggere tutti i dati

chiaro che se sbagli dimensione puoi non leggere più nulla...

 Ciao, Pollo.

- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Insufficient memory

2003-07-02 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:18, mercoledì 2 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
Insufficient memory,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ha scritto:

 Stupendo, funzia !  A 16 bit invece che a 24 ma funziona.

anche perchè a naso, a 24 bit, per quella risoluzione servono 2.4 mega 
di ram video



- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Rimuovere Mandake 8.2 per tutti i Guru

2003-07-02 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 09:17, giovedì 26 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] Rimuovere 
Mandake 8.2 per tutti i Guru,  Luciano   ha scritto:
 A tutti i Guru

visto che i guru sono impegnati ti rispondo io, ok?

 Allora, tempo fà avevo una mandrake 7.1 installata su un PC P200 Mhz
 128 Mb di Ram.

 poi con il tempo si era scassato l'hard disk sono riuscito a ghostare
 il tutto e salvare
 tutti i dati che avevo dentro.

 Il problema è che il disco non faceva + il boot, pensando che era
 ancora incasinato
 ho fatto l'upgrade alla Mandrake 8.2 ed ora la macchina mi chiede di
 partire con
 Linux oppure Old_Linux e funziona tutto bene.

old linux è il vecchio kernel, suppongo

hai installato sopra alla vecchia distribuzione, vero?

 E' possibile ritornare indietro rimuovere tutta la versione 8.2 ?
 senza scancellare la 7.1?

solo se hai installato su una partiizione distinta..
altrimenti hai sovrascritto tutto...

se hai l'immagine fatta con ghost puoi sempre ripristinarla 
avviare quindi con un cd o un floppy,
montare la partizione root 
fare chroot (in questo modo ti troverai dentro il sistema, esattamente 
come se avessi avviato con lui)
e lanciare lilo

questo (se non hai modificato la posizione del disco) sarà sufficiente a 
far ripartire il sistema

ghost (mi pare) non ripristini il mbr ..


- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] controllo filesystem fallito?!

2003-07-02 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:22, mercoledì 2 luglio 2003,  in merito a Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] 
controllo filesystem fallito?!,  AF   ha scritto:

 Uso ext3, il disco finora non ha dato alcun problema, credo sia sano,
 il problema dovrebbe derivare solo dall'improvviso blocco del pc e
 quindi dalle eventuali incongruenze.

uso da sempre reiser, quindi la mia conoscenza di ext3 è quella che 
avevo di ext2 più poche cose che ho letto (non lo reputo un gran 
sistema, a meno di non avere una macchina in funzione, quindi 
impossibilità a formattare e necessità di retrocompatibilità, ma è una 
mia idea..)

vediamo un pò come funziona ext3

Allo Spegnimento GNU/ Linux sincronizza sul disco tutti i dati contenuti 
incache quindi  i filesystem vengono smontati.
 al boot  viene eseguito fsck che fa un controllo di tutti i filesystem 
trovati in  /etc/fstab; affinchè  tutti i meta-dati  siano integri e 
 In caso di spegnimento sporco peròè  probabile che i meta-dati non 
siano utilizzabili  ; per correggere il problema, fsck inizia una 
scansione   tentando di  correggere i vari errori (in definitiva 
cercando di riportare in stato consistente i metadati, anche al rischio 
di perdita delle ultime modifiche)
Questo metodo è sicuro, ma  lentissimo, dovendo controllare tutto il 
disco; quindi  per superarlo sono stati realizzati sistemi  
journalling, che   aggiungono una sorta di diario;
 cioè prima di modificare  i meta-dati, il driver di gestione dei fs 
scrive nel   journal cosa sta per fare.
Quando il fs viene montato, se non  è  integro, grazie al   journal, (un 
log cronologico delle ultime modifiche ai meta-dati) potrà tornare   
indietro in stato di consistenza in pochi  secondi.

Riallacciandoci al tuo errore quindi, se al boot non hai avuto una 
risposta positiva, è probabile che ci siano corruzioni che vanno oltre 
le semplici inconsistenze dovute allo spagnimento sporco, 
l'unico modo per capirlo è analizzare i log e vedere bene quale sia 
l'errore che fsck ti ha dato al riavvio,
quindi se necessario verificare lo stato del disco

(rimuovi il reply-to settato sul tuo nome, altrimenti le risposte ai 
tuoi post non andranno in lista)

- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie] acroread won't print

2003-07-02 Thread Eric Huff
Anyone know why i wouldn't be able to get acroread to print?

Other programs print the same files with the same command. /usr/bin/lp, lpr, etc.

The only reason i wanna print from acroread is i have a screwed up pdf that only it 
and xpdf can see.  It's screwed up enough, though, that xpdf won't print it.  (and 
oddly, the acrobat for winblows won't open it either.)

Acroread acts like it is printing it, but no jobs show up, and nothing happens.  I did 
try a known good pdf with acroread, but still no pronting.  So i have hopes that if i 
can get it to pring at all, it will print my borked file.

Acroread's printing to ps is screwed, too...   (pdf2ps doesn't do it either.)

I know it's a long shot...


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Re: [newbie] Weirdness - playing a video

2003-07-02 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons

Dennis Myers wrote:

  On Tuesday 01 July 2003 09:08 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 09:04, Dennis Myers wrote:

  Did you get this fixed? Which player are you using. I have the same
troubles with mplayer but aviplayer works fine. You can even sync to
video and sound in configuration file, if you need to . HTH

Nah - still ain't got it straight yet. Every video player - xine,
aviplay, mplayer - they all have a wonderful bit of garbage running down
the right-hand .5 cm of the video window. I'm still doing some mucking
around with YANC - but ain't looking good. I guess I should have stuck
to the old NVidia kernel drivers...

Well, YMMV applies again. I have no problems using a Nvidia Gforce 2 DDR  64MB 
card and the new .run drivers from their web site. Except that I get a very 
checkerboard colorfull screen when I try to play a .avi file in mplayer. I am 
guessing configuration or a file I may be missing. None the less it appears 
that the NVidia drivers will function with .avi files. Continue the hunt?

That's weird.

I'm using an NVidia GeForce 2 32MB card with the 4363 drivers from
NVidia without any trouble. I built them against

.avi files play fine in mplayer. Do you have the most recent version
of mplayer and all it's associated codecs?

Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Re: [newbie] acroread won't print

2003-07-02 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 15:52, Eric Huff wrote:
 Anyone know why i wouldn't be able to get acroread to print?
 Other programs print the same files with the same command. /usr/bin/lp, lpr, etc.
 The only reason i wanna print from acroread is i have a screwed up pdf that only it 
 and xpdf can see.  It's screwed up enough, though, that xpdf won't print it.  (and 
 oddly, the acrobat for winblows won't open it either.)
 Acroread acts like it is printing it, but no jobs show up, and nothing happens.  I 
 did try a known good pdf with acroread, but still no pronting.  So i have hopes that 
 if i can get it to pring at all, it will print my borked file.
 Acroread's printing to ps is screwed, too...   (pdf2ps doesn't do it either.)
 I know it's a long shot...

So you don't have CUPS setup and running?

Wed Jul  2 17:30:00 EST 2003
 17:30:00 up  6:50,  2 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.12, 0.05

|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Version: 3.12
GIT d-- s:- a+ C UL P+ L+++ E W++ N++ o-- K--- w---
O++ M+ V PS+++ PE Y++ PGP- t+++ 5+++ X+++ R+ tv b+++ DI+++ D++
G++ e+ h r+++ y+++
I know things about TROY DONAHUE that can't even be PRINTED!!

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[newbie] Configuring SENDMAIL

2003-07-02 Thread Stephen Kuhn
Does anyone have a clue as to how to get ClamAV's milter to append a
message to each outbound email to state it's been scanned? (Egads...that
means my sig would be even bigger!)(g)

Wed Jul  2 17:40:20 EST 2003
 17:40:20 up  7:01,  2 users,  load average: 3.52, 0.93, 0.34

|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Version: 3.12
GIT d-- s:- a+ C UL P+ L+++ E W++ N++ o-- K--- w---
O++ M+ V PS+++ PE Y++ PGP- t+++ 5+++ X+++ R+ tv b+++ DI+++ D++
G++ e+ h r+++ y+++
Needs are a function of what other people have.

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Re: [newbie] acroread won't print

2003-07-02 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 6:52 am, Eric Huff wrote:
 Anyone know why i wouldn't be able to get acroread to print?

 Other programs print the same files with the same command. /usr/bin/lp,
 lpr, etc.

 The only reason i wanna print from acroread is i have a screwed up pdf that
 only it and xpdf can see.  It's screwed up enough, though, that xpdf won't
 print it.  (and oddly, the acrobat for winblows won't open it either.)

 Acroread acts like it is printing it, but no jobs show up, and nothing
 happens.  I did try a known good pdf with acroread, but still no pronting. 
 So i have hopes that if i can get it to pring at all, it will print my
 borked file.

 Acroread's printing to ps is screwed, too...   (pdf2ps doesn't do it

 I know it's a long shot...


Try setting your print command to 'qtcups --stdin'



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[newbie] ARTICLE: Update about MandrakeSoft status 2003-07-01

2003-07-02 Thread Stephen Kuhn if we didn't already know that the Mandrake world is looking
brighter every day!
Wed Jul  2 18:40:00 EST 2003
 18:40:00 up  8:00,  3 users,  load average: 0.53, 0.77, 0.69

|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Version: 3.12
GIT d-- s:- a+ C UL P+ L+++ E W++ N++ o-- K--- w---
O++ M+ V PS+++ PE Y++ PGP- t+++ 5+++ X+++ R+ tv b+++ DI+++ D++
G++ e+ h r+++ y+++
I poured spot remover on my dog.  Now he's gone.
-- Steven Wright

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Re: [newbie] Preventing Popups

2003-07-02 Thread Derek Jennings
If you install privoxy  (In contrib I think) and then set up your browsers to 
use a proxy server on port 8118, then not only will you not get pop ups, you 
will also not get adverts.
This also applies to any Windows computers running Internet Explorer in your 
local network.


On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 2:54 am, Miark wrote:

 1) Edit  Preferences, then
 2) Privacy  Security  Popup Windows
 3) Click Suppress popups then OK.

 1) Settings  Configure Konqueror...
 2) Java  Javascript, then JavaScript tab
 3) Click Ask, Deny, on Smart at the bottom, the then OK.
   (Experimentation recommended, here.)


 On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:23:20 -0500 , Burrows, Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  How do u prevent the porno popups with Linux?
  Wife loves it because THERE AIN'T NO MORE PORNO POP-UPS when she's
  seriously surfing...
   Scott Burrows
   GSBE/EDIView/BSBE OSM Support
   Office:   407 804-3208
   Pager:   407-400-0197


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Re: [newbie] Weirdness - playing a video

2003-07-02 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 17:05, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 That's weird.
 I'm using an NVidia GeForce 2 32MB card with the 4363 drivers from
 NVidia without any trouble.  I built them against
 .avi files play fine in mplayer.  Do you have the most recent version
 of mplayer and all it's associated codecs?

Yep - on all accounts.

Wed Jul  2 18:10:00 EST 2003
 18:10:00 up  7:30,  3 users,  load average: 0.42, 0.40, 0.34

|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Version: 3.12
GIT d-- s:- a+ C UL P+ L+++ E W++ N++ o-- K--- w---
O++ M+ V PS+++ PE Y++ PGP- t+++ 5+++ X+++ R+ tv b+++ DI+++ D++
G++ e+ h r+++ y+++
Do you think there's a God?
Well, SOMEbody's out to get me!
-- Calvin and Hobbs

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Re: [newbie] 'Uninstalling' Wine

2003-07-02 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 4:42 am, Troy Davidson wrote:
 Ok, I built wine 20030408 from a tar ball file.  I have to do all the
 'make' and 'make install' stuff.

 Now, I have to uninstall wine.  How would I go about uninstalling this


 Troy Davidson
 Linux User #311107

 ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

make uninstall


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[newbie] Reporting Missing rpm Dependencies for kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-07-02 Thread Huw Blackwell

Had an earlier posting on this list with a problem compiling
kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm targetting athlon architecture. After some
trouble I traced the faults (with the help of some other linux users,
including Stephen Kuhn - thanks!) to two missing package dependencies
NOT asked for when rebuilt. They are


In the interests of the linux community (and other peoples sanity) I
would like to report these so it is not a problem in the future.

How do I do that?

As far as I understand, the cooker mailing list and bugzilla are for
cooker only, not the current release.

So what do I do?


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Re: [newbie] Reporting Missing rpm Dependencies for kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-07-02 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 10:03 am, Huw Blackwell wrote:

 Had an earlier posting on this list with a problem compiling
 kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm targetting athlon architecture. After some
 trouble I traced the faults (with the help of some other linux users,
 including Stephen Kuhn - thanks!) to two missing package dependencies
 NOT asked for when rebuilt. They are


 In the interests of the linux community (and other peoples sanity) I
 would like to report these so it is not a problem in the future.

 How do I do that?

 As far as I understand, the cooker mailing list and bugzilla are for
 cooker only, not the current release.

 So what do I do?


Actually I do not think there is anything wrong that needs reporting.
The spec file contained within an RPM contains the list of dependent packages 
for the *binary* RPM not the packages needed to compile from src.  If you 
were to add those two '-devel' packages to the spec file then they would be 
necessary to install the binary RPM.

I think it is expected that people building RPMs from source should know how 
to resolve the compiling dependencies themselves.


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Re: [newbie] GNOME-Iconedit M9.1

2003-07-02 Thread John Richard Smith
Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:


I'm stuck with an application of gnome-iconedit on desktop every time
I boot up.
I tried deleting home/.gnome/iconedit,   but the darn thing keeps on
putting it back.
How can I repar the situation ?

What window manager are you using?


I'm in KDE under X11


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Hostnames

2003-07-02 Thread tsyko
Does anybody know why when I assign a host name other than localhost to my
machine, X gets incredibly slow, there is also some error that flashes up
before X starts that says unkown host name?


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Re: [newbie] GNOME-Iconedit M9.1

2003-07-02 Thread John Richard Smith
Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:


I'm stuck with an application of gnome-iconedit on desktop every time I
boot up.
I tried deleting home/.gnome/iconedit,   but the darn thing keeps on
putting it back.
How can I repar the situation ?

What programme is responsible for initiating apps on arrival on desktop ?


Which Window Manager are you using?


I'min KDE under X11.


John Richard Smith

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-07-02 Thread Todd Slater
On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 09:54:59PM -0700, dfox wrote:
 Somebody scribbled about Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?
 I checked out glimpse. It is a text indexer, and can do some
 sophisticated searches. It requires a plugin to handle Word  Excel
 I see. I haven't explored this. If you look for 'indexing' on there are a couple of hits. docsearcher seems to be able 
 to look inside non-text files (excel,word, etc.) but it's in java and 
 personally java to me means slow and bloated :). 
 Compilation is not all that difficult. speaking from experience, keeping 
 track of non-rpm sources and integrating them into mandrake-friendly 
 installs is a little more tricky. of course, you can do the compile and 
 install in /usr/local/bin.

Late in the thread, but . . .

I'm using Namazu to index Mailman/Pipermail archives. Out of the box
this will index many types of files, and if you look around you can
sometimes find a filter for other file types.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] filter]$ pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] filter]$ l

(The Pipermail filter is not included in the package; somebody wrote it
and passed it along to me.)

Nice thing about it, you can run searches from the commandline, or use a web


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Re: [newbie] hey?

2003-07-02 Thread erikvhe
I read this

ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 2003-06-29 at 22:22, Damian Gatabria wrote:
 Can anyone read this? If so, please
 respond privately, i've not received any mail
 from the lists since friday night...
gotten any reply yet?

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Re: [newbie] Backups

2003-07-02 Thread Chris
On Tuesday 01 July 2003 11:07 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
  this is on a seperate drive in itself (my /var partition).  In a terminal
  and in the /var directory with ls -lr I get the correct size as reported
  in konqueror.  So, have I got fubar'd backups?

 What is the reported size of the backup using the terminal?

 Is it over 2GB?

As a matter of fact yes.  The base backup is 13491338168 bytes while the first 
inc backup is 6613066036 bytes. 

  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774
  6:21am  up 10 days, 12:33,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Free of OE! - with IMAP

2003-07-02 Thread Frank Bax
At 07:37 PM 6/30/03, Miark wrote:
I've used Sylpheed forever for personal and list mail, but I've
been somewhat stuck to Outlook Express for all my business e-mail
because I could never find an easy _and_ effective way to convert.
(KMail's import utility, for example, is easy, but doesn't work
for crap.)
But (!) today I found DBXConv which is free program for Winsux that
converts dbx mail to mbox. It works perfectly and it's plumb easy.
So if anybody out there is stuck with OE against their will, give
this program a try:

There exists a rather simple method to convert between *any* two email 
clients that support IMAP.  Simply setup an IMAP server, move all your mail 
folders to the server using your old client program, then copy them all 
back with the new client.


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Re: [newbie] Hostnames

2003-07-02 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 20:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anybody know why when I assign a host name other than localhost to my
 machine, X gets incredibly slow, there is also some error that flashes up
 before X starts that says unkown host name?

You may have set the system to use DHCP for resolution of not just the
IP address, but the hostname as well - you might want to go through all
your networking configurations and reset the hostname so that it's
static - as well, it's always a good thing.

Wed Jul  2 22:20:00 EST 2003
 22:20:00 up 11:40,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.04, 0.04

|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Version: 3.12
GIT d-- s:- a+ C UL P+ L+++ E W++ N++ o-- K--- w---
O++ M+ V PS+++ PE Y++ PGP- t+++ 5+++ X+++ R+ tv b+++ DI+++ D++
G++ e+ h r+++ y+++
All generalizations are false, including this one.
-- Mark Twain

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[newbie] OT Advocacy - free as good as commercial

2003-07-02 Thread Todd Slater
OK, *we* already know this, but to respond to FUD:

Open Source, Proprietary Code Quality Comparable
By Clint Boulton

Commercial vendors sometimes take pot-shots at open-source software
projects because they think the code is weaker, or hasn't been validated
by professional testers. But a new study by an inspection firm has found
that the latest version of Apache Web server is comparable in quality to
its commercial brethren.


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Re: [newbie] Free of OE! - with IMAP

2003-07-02 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 21:21, Frank Bax wrote:

 There exists a rather simple method to convert between *any* two email 
 clients that support IMAP.  Simply setup an IMAP server, move all your mail 
 folders to the server using your old client program, then copy them all 
 back with the new client.

That is definitely one of the best ways of preserving email format and
data - provided, of course, that you have an IMAP server, or the ability
to set one up.

In the past, when I've had customers that have had damaged OE or Outlook
mail boxes that contain viruses/bugs and it hoses up their entire
system, I've copied the data to the IMAP server, deleted the problematic
email(s) and/or bugs, uninstalled their old email client, deleted the
stored mail, reinstalled their email client software, then copied all
their data back down into their client. Magic!

One customer had taken their box to three different shops around town
and everyone said Has to be completely blown out and you'll loose all
your email - and this person had some sensitive stuff to their research
(they're a writer) - I was the last stop. Took 45 minutes, saved every
damn piece of mail and got rid of the nasties.

...sorry, I was rambling...
Wed Jul  2 22:50:00 EST 2003
 22:50:00 up 12:10,  2 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.33, 0.23

|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Version: 3.12
GIT d-- s:- a+ C UL P+ L+++ E W++ N++ o-- K--- w---
O++ M+ V PS+++ PE Y++ PGP- t+++ 5+++ X+++ R+ tv b+++ DI+++ D++
G++ e+ h r+++ y+++
Yo-yo operating system = WinNT: it goes up..., it goes down..., it goes...

   -- From a post

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Re: [newbie] neat trick: man completion

2003-07-02 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday July 1 2003 11:19 pm, Eric Huff wrote:
   Tab doesn't work when the app follows man. Try  'man
   cdrecTab' and nuthin' will happen.
  H it does here. Maybe because I'm runnin 9.2

 Cool.  You're using bash, right?

   Yep, but I think the Esc twice is probly a good idea. I've 
since tested Tab on other apps besides 'cdrec' and it doesn't 
always work.  So I guess I've learned somethin new ;) 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Re: [Derek] Is MDK 9.0 Updates prepared to Intel P4 2.8?

2003-07-02 Thread Lucio_Costa
Greetings All,

Thanks Derik for your time and help; I'm newbie...
I'll do this steps below. 


 --- Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
On Tuesday 01 Jul 2003 3:59 pm, Lucio_Costa wrote:
  Greetings All.
  Can anyone help me?
  I received 4 Dell Opt1plex 260GX box, P4 2.8Ghz,
  Ram,  and I tried to install MDK 9.0 on it. I
  have problem in installation process, but I
  update It; I received information about processor
  Do You have any information about it?
  Thanks in Advance.
  Lucio Costa
 Mandrake 9.0 is perfectly compatible with your
 processor. It may be the update 
 download source you selected is not a good one.
 If you go here and follow
 instructions you can pick a new source. You need to
 enter the instruction it 
 gives you in a root terminal. (Open a terminal
 window then 'su' to become 
 root user.) ( To Copy and paste in Linux highlight
 with mouse then press 
 wheel/centre button to paste)
 (Apologies if you already know this, but this is a
 newbie list :-)
 Do not forget to select 9.0 as a 9.1 source will not
 be compatible.
 You will also need to delete your current source.
 You can do that from the 
 software sources GUI in Mandrake
 There are a *lot* of updates for 9.0, so I hope you
 have a fast internet 
 connection ;-)
 If you still have problems tell us what the error
 messages are.
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Lucio Costa

Linux user #204519
We do what we can, we give what we have
   Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.

Yahoo! Mail
Mais espaço, mais segurança e gratuito: caixa postal de 6MB, antivírus, proteção 
contra spam.

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Re: [newbie] 'Uninstalling' Wine

2003-07-02 Thread Troy Davidson
Thanks for the answer.  I knew it had to be simple.

But, I have deleted the directory that I did the make's from.  Do I need to 
reinstall Wine so that I can then do the 'make uninstall'?

Troy Davidson 
Linux User #311107

** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Quoting Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 4:42 am, Troy Davidson wrote:
  Ok, I built wine 20030408 from a tar ball file.  I have to do all the
  'make' and 'make install' stuff.
  Now, I have to uninstall wine.  How would I go about uninstalling this
  Troy Davidson
  Linux User #311107
  ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **
 make uninstall

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Re: [newbie] lost login configuration

2003-07-02 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday July 1 2003 09:36 pm, Bill Winegarden wrote:
 On Tuesday 01 July 2003 07:56 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
   I managed to login as root, start kde and setup my user
   to automatically login to kde so I know it is still
   functional but I can't find the configuration utility to
   clean up the login process. I don't like the auto login
   Where in the config area can I find what I need?
 There's a good chance /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc got
  truncated or corrupted, a long with many other possibilities. 
  For now, use mcc | system | choose the display manager, and
  switch to GDM. It'll probly work, when mdkkdm or kdm fail.

 Thanks for the heads up. I tried your suggestion and when I get
 into MCC / System there is no display manager. These are the
 components available. Menu == Services==Fonts==Date and
 Time==Logs==Console==Users==Programs scheduling==Backups

 Is there another place where it may be found?

  Make sure you have a 'gdm...rpm' installed.
  'rpm -qa | grep -i gdm'if that doesn't return a gdm rpm, then 
there's one on your CD's.

  Then, as root, edit  /etc/sysconfig/desktop   and add a line,
(for some versions it might be   =GNOME   ,try GDM first) 

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re:[newbie] IRC Server

2003-07-02 Thread Kasper Thunø
Why not just use the best one there is ;) Ultimate IRCd -- I seem to remember having some problems 
compiling it on mandrake, but as far as I remember it was easily 
fixed too. You should definitely check it out.



At 01-07-2003 21:24:13, you wrote:

On June 30, 2003 10:55 pm, Frankie wrote:
 I am running my own irc server using the mandrake contrib ircd 

 actually, I downloaded the src rpm and recompiled it with a few 
 allowing me to use /kill and enabling services (though I have not 
found any
 services available for that version of ircd, so that was kinda 
  /kill is cool.)

 If you want to run  your own leaf.. then you would probably be 
better off
  grabbing a
 newer more maintained ircd.. the one mandrake offer is not really 
  as far as I can tell..

 As an alternative, there is a perl ircd daemon available somewhere 
  freshmeat or
 sourceforge that seems pretty cool. and have a perl 
bott as

  just FYI.



You can also download bauhmut () the ircd that DAL uses from 
thier web
site.  Nice touch there on the FAQ about there never will be a 
version. :-)

All previous warnings about running an IRC server without your ISP's
permission apply unless, of course, you are an ISP.  In that case be 
prepared to shape and restrict traffic to that IP.



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Re: [newbie] Hostnames

2003-07-02 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 02 July 2003 06:31 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anybody know why when I assign a host name other than localhost to
 my machine, X gets incredibly slow, there is also some error that flashes
 up before X starts that says unkown host name?


Sounds like you don't have hostname changed in all the files it appears in.

Here, I always check the following files:


I used to always check these when I was using a direct dial-up. Now that I'm 
using a cable-modem service, I don't have to have hostname in all these 
places. You might want to check them. :-)


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Re: [newbie] acroread won't print

2003-07-02 Thread Eric Huff
  Anyone know why i wouldn't be able to get acroread to print?
  Other programs print the same files with the same command. /usr/bin/lp, lpr, etc.
  The only reason i wanna print from acroread is i have a screwed up pdf that only 
  it and xpdf can see.  It's screwed up enough, though, that xpdf won't print it.  
  (and oddly, the acrobat for winblows won't open it either.)
  Acroread acts like it is printing it, but no jobs show up, and nothing happens.  I 
  did try a known good pdf with acroread, but still no pronting.  So i have hopes 
  that if i can get it to pring at all, it will print my borked file.
  Acroread's printing to ps is screwed, too...   (pdf2ps doesn't do it either.)

 So you don't have CUPS setup and running?

Yeah, it's setup and running.  Other progs use lp as the command, and they still show 
up in the CUPS job list.
I tried lpr-cups, too.  Why do you ask?  


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Re: [newbie] acroread won't print

2003-07-02 Thread Eric Huff
  Anyone know why i wouldn't be able to get acroread to print?
  Other programs print the same files with the same command. /usr/bin/lp,
  lpr, etc.
  The only reason i wanna print from acroread is i have a screwed up pdf that
  only it and xpdf can see.  It's screwed up enough, though, that xpdf won't
  print it.  (and oddly, the acrobat for winblows won't open it either.)
  Acroread acts like it is printing it, but no jobs show up, and nothing
  happens.  I did try a known good pdf with acroread, but still no pronting. 
  So i have hopes that if i can get it to pring at all, it will print my
  borked file.
  Acroread's printing to ps is screwed, too...   (pdf2ps doesn't do it
  I know it's a long shot...
 Try setting your print command to 'qtcups --stdin'

I get this error when i print that way:

kbuildsycoca running...
Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy

However, i think this qtcups command may solve other problems. There are other 
programs that require a command for printing, and i wondered how to get them to print 
to pdf...

There are a lot of lp based commands, that have always confused me.  I guess it's 
time to read the ptinting howto's!

Thanks for the lead,

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Re: [newbie] neat trick: man completion

2003-07-02 Thread Eric Huff
  Cool.  You're using bash, right?
Yep, but I think the Esc twice is probly a good idea. I've 
 since tested Tab on other apps besides 'cdrec' and it doesn't 
 always work.  So I guess I've learned somethin new ;) 

Funny, because Esc twice doesn't work here!  I gotta Esc !

What a strange feature...

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Update about MandrakeSoft status 2003-07-01

2003-07-02 Thread Miark
They believe they can get out of the hole before year-end. That's excellent!


On 02 Jul 2003 18:41:39 +1000, Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: if we didn't already know that the Mandrake world is looking
 brighter every day!

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[newbie] Package errors during install

2003-07-02 Thread Tobias Mueller

I'm trying to install Mandrake 9.1 at one of our servers. Unfortunataly when
it comes to the install of the packages, I get a whole lot of package error
and the installation hangs completely. The CDs I used worked on my home
machine, I even redownloaded CD1 and burned it with 4x, but it didn't

Is this a question of hardware (cdrom especially)? Did anyone have the same
problems, if yes, is there a solution?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] 'Uninstalling' Wine

2003-07-02 Thread Derek Jennings

Yep. That is what I expected you to say.
You had better read this


On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 3:36 pm, Troy Davidson wrote:
 Thanks for the answer.  I knew it had to be simple.

 But, I have deleted the directory that I did the make's from.  Do I need to
 reinstall Wine so that I can then do the 'make uninstall'?

 Troy Davidson
 Linux User #311107

 ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

 Quoting Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 4:42 am, Troy Davidson wrote:
   Ok, I built wine 20030408 from a tar ball file.  I have to do all the
   'make' and 'make install' stuff.
   Now, I have to uninstall wine.  How would I go about uninstalling this
   Troy Davidson
   Linux User #311107
   ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **
  make uninstall


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Re: [newbie] neat trick: man completion

2003-07-02 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday July 2 2003 10:11 am, Eric Huff wrote:
   Cool.  You're using bash, right?
 Yep, but I think the Esc twice is probly a good idea. I've
  since tested Tab on other apps besides 'cdrec' and it doesn't
  always work.  So I guess I've learned somethin new ;)

 Funny, because Esc twice doesn't work here!  I gotta Esc !

 What a strange feature...

No you're right, I screwed up. Don't know why I wrote 'Esc 
twice', it's  Esc! that works.  Guess I've still got some 
learnin to do ;)

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Backups

2003-07-02 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons

Chris wrote:

  On Tuesday 01 July 2003 11:07 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

  this is on a seperate drive in itself (my /var partition).  In a terminal
and in the /var directory with ls -lr I get the correct size as reported
in konqueror.  So, have I got fubar'd backups?

What is the reported size of the backup using the terminal?

Is it over 2GB?

As a matter of fact yes.  The base backup is 13491338168 bytes while the first 
inc backup is 6613066036 bytes. 

I'm not sure if Konqueror is capable of dealing with files that big. I
believe I had the same problem in the past when I tried to backup a

I also believe that tar has a file size limit of 2 GB.

Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Re: [newbie] Weirdness - playing a video

2003-07-02 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

  On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 17:05, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
That's weird.

I'm using an NVidia GeForce 2 32MB card with the 4363 drivers from
NVidia without any trouble.  I built them against

.avi files play fine in mplayer.  Do you have the most recent version
of mplayer and all it's associated codecs?

Yep - on all accounts.


Have you tried any of the other video renderers in the mplayer

Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

[newbie] Interview: Gaël Duval on finances

2003-07-02 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
Source URL:

Mandrake's Good Financial News

After MandrakeSoft filed the equivalent of a U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy,
it set about a restructuring designed to make MandrakeSoft a financially
viable operation. We asked Gaël Duval about that in our e-mail
discussions about the MandrakeClustering announcement.

MozillaQuest Magazine: How are you coming along with finances and the

Gaël Duval: No big news, but we have nearly finished our internal
restructuring, with a strong commitment to doing business.

Gaël Duval: We should be out of the chapter-11 protection in about 8
months (it takes time!).

MozillaQuest Magazine: I think lots of people will be glad to hear that
you are coming along with the finances and bankruptcy.

Gaël Duval: The situation is really better than before for two reasons:

1) MandrakeSoft reorganization is nearly finished and 2) we have focused
much on the business side.

MozillaQuest Magazine: This is good to hear also.

MozillaQuest Magazine: By the business side, is that the Mandrake
Corporate server and now the MandrakeClustering?

Gaël Duval: They are part of our plans to extend the business!

MozillaQuest Magazine: Is the book (The Definitive Guide to Using
Mandrake Linux) part of that too?

Gaël Duval: It's part of the current plan as well. The good thing is that
at the same time, it answers a strong demand from Mandrake users.

MozillaQuest Magazine: Anything else within that which you call the
business side?

Gaël Duval: Improving the Club, improving MandrakeStore: these things
also help us to make more business everyday.


Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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[newbie] Re: Kde-Kate, selector - big icons

2003-07-02 Thread Björn Lundin
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 03:05, Björn Lundin wrote:
 Every time I start Kate, the docked selector (which shows the open files)
 is displayed with big icons. I right-click and choose View | small icons.
 OK, but how do I get Kate to remember this setting at next startup?
 I'm getting a bit anoyyed by it now, since I change it everytime I start
 After you've made your changes, click SETTINGS, then CONFIGURE KATE, and
 in the first dialogue that comes up, you'll see a checkbox to check for
 restoring the view when you restart KATE.

I tried that, but no luck :-( 

Kate 2.1 using KDE 3.1.2

I can't find anything apropiate in ~./kde/share/config/kate*rc either.


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Re: [newbie] GNOME-Iconedit M9.1

2003-07-02 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
John Richard Smith wrote:

 Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

 John Richard Smith wrote:


 I'm stuck with an application of gnome-iconedit on desktop every time I
 boot up.

 I tried deleting home/.gnome/iconedit,   but the darn thing keeps on
 putting it back.
 How can I repar the situation ?



 What programme is responsible for initiating apps on arrival on
 desktop ?


 Which Window Manager are you using?


 I'min KDE under X11.


Go to /home/your_home_directory/.kde/Autostart and make sure
gnome-iconedit is not in there.

-Open the KDE Control Center and go to Components == Session Manager.
-Under On Login make sure that Restore previous session is checked.
-Close any apps you don't want starting on the next login and log out.

The next time you login the desktop will be as it was when you logged out.

Brant Fitzsimmons

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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[newbie] GFX Card problem

2003-07-02 Thread Cody Harris
Hello, i have a 2.13 GHZ 512 MB Compaq Computer wirh a pro savage DRR (32) 
video card trying to install Mandrake 9.1. I tried configuring X-Windows 
but each the all i get is vertical bars. What can i do?

-Cody Harris

 | This Signature is best in plain text!  |
| Linux Rox My Sox!  |
| Check out HCHS!|
|  |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server.  |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598  |
| Registered Linux Computer #200951  |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

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[newbie] Canon Cameras. . .

2003-07-02 Thread Frank Roberts - SOTL
Hi All 

I noticed Greg and Stephen posting concerning Canon Cameras so I accelerated 
my setup of my Canon S200 on my Thinkpad on the Mandrake 9.1 side.

I connected the camera, turned it one, and started searching for how to 
download the pictures.

First I noticed that Hard Drake found that there was a Canon camera connected 
to the USB port but I did not recognize the model.

Following this I was unable to find any program among my list of 28 Multimedia 
Graphics programs I have installed. 
I have a few more installed than in a standard installation.  

Thus I would appreciate if someone could be a bit more explicit in what is 
required for download camera images.

One additional item XSane is installed but not configured yet. Is this 


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[newbie] par archives

2003-07-02 Thread Tom Brinkman

Does anybody know how to extract the file contained in pars?
(ie, .p01, .p02, .p03,). This is gettin to be very popular on 
USEnet for uploading large binaries in parts. I got the  
par-v1.1.tar.gz an compiled the binary, then put it in /usr/bin , 
but 'par -h' doesn't help much, and Google can't find any docs or 
much of anything for that matter. There's a mailing list, but it 
only has two mesgs on it, and no archive.

 I tried both 'par c(check)' and 'par m (Try to restore from all 
parity files at once), eg 'par m filename.p01', but both tell me 
that all the .po's are OK, but all the rar's are missing. I've 
inferred that par files were supposed to contain the whole archived 
original file, save d/l'g by not needing all the rar parts, no?
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] test only

2003-07-02 Thread LtCdData

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Re: [newbie] Canon Cameras. . .

2003-07-02 Thread Greg Meyer
On Wednesday 02 July 2003 01:52 pm, Frank Roberts - SOTL wrote:

 Thus I would appreciate if someone could be a bit more explicit in what is
 required for download camera images.

A usb card reader makes it real easy, then use something like Pixie Plus to 
manage the images.  flphoto and gtkam are two different digital camera 
interfaces that both use the gphoto2 library.  There is also a Digital Camera 
applet in teh KDE Control Center that I believe is nested in the Peripherals 

 One additional item XSane is installed but not configured yet. Is this
If one of the camera apps needs it, it will tell you when you try to install 


Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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[newbie] Problem accessing floppy

2003-07-02 Thread Johan Scheepers
After making a bootdisk with GRUB per instructions- (the bootdisk works
fine)-  I am not able to access the disk after reboot if mounted like :
It seems to mount but if you say like ls then after a lot of activity you
get i/o error.
Eventually after a lot of grief I tried to mount like :
 mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
Now you may access.
For info  : the first of the instructions to make this bootdisk is : mke2fs
Question why - other times you stick in
a floppy mount and access.
Is it the file system that now forces you to mount the floppy like a
Please any ideas.

May this be a good day for learning

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Re: [newbie] Preventing Popups

2003-07-02 Thread Björn Olsson
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003 Derek Jennings wrote:

 If you install privoxy  (In contrib I think) and then set up your
 browsers to use a proxy server on port 8118, then not only will you
 not get pop ups, you will also not get adverts.
 This also applies to any Windows computers running Internet Explorer
 in your local network.

One drawback is that some pages won't load properly when their Java
scripts, pop-ups, cookies etc are filtered. You can configure this
behaviour per site in/etc/privoxy/user.action, though. Look for info and
examples i default.action.

Björn Olsson

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Re: [newbie] 'Uninstalling' Wine

2003-07-02 Thread Troy Davidson

Thanks for the answer.  I have seen that checkinstall mentioned before but 
wasn't sure what it was for.  I will take care of this when I get home 
today and let you know how it went.

Again, thanks for the answer.

Troy Davidson 
Linux User #311107

** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Quoting Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Yep. That is what I expected you to say.
 You had better read this
 On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 3:36 pm, Troy Davidson wrote:
  Thanks for the answer.  I knew it had to be simple.
  But, I have deleted the directory that I did the make's from.  Do I
 need to
  reinstall Wine so that I can then do the 'make uninstall'?
  Troy Davidson
  Linux User #311107
  ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **
  Quoting Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 4:42 am, Troy Davidson wrote:
Ok, I built wine 20030408 from a tar ball file.  I have to do all
'make' and 'make install' stuff.
Now, I have to uninstall wine.  How would I go about uninstalling
Troy Davidson
Linux User #311107
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **
   make uninstall

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[newbie] Sympa

2003-07-02 Thread Lee Wiggers
I received the following after getting downright rude with Mandrake about not being 
able to subscribe here or with the expert list with my everyday email address.

Thought those of you with similar problems would get a chuckle.

Dear Mr ,

I'm sorry if I didn't find a solution for your mail adress to be on our lists. 
I asked the appropriate service but I think they didn't find a solution.

Sorry for the inconvenience, 

Stéphane Gustin

How can the distro be so good and the business end be so lame?  Don't they know that 
for many, the list is the reason the distro works?

Without you all I would have been off in another direction years ago.

Lee Wiggers

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Re: [newbie] Printing man pages

2003-07-02 Thread Johan Scheepers
Thanks Guys,
This is new ground to me - I will be trying your suggestions
- Original Message - 
From: Richard Urwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Printing man pages

 On Tuesday 01 Jul 2003 10:38 am, Robin Turner wrote:
  Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 06:43, Johan Scheepers wrote:
  At the moment I use this command to print man pages...
  man lilo | col -b | lpr
  This is fine if it is only one or two pages.
  I do not seem to be able to redirect it to ordinary file
  Why - then I may be able to use a editor and be able to print first
  odd -reverse -then even - this will then use both sides  of paper
   - save a lot off paper and also make my paper files smaller.
   Do it like this:
   man lilo | col -b
   Then, you can open a nice postscript viewer/editor and make it all
   pretty and then print it at leisure! (or save it to view as you
   desire, or change it into an HTML file for indexing on your system)
  or try piping it through a2ps, which will format it nicely for you
  (check out man a2ps - there are tons of formatting options).

 man has an option to output postscript.

 man -t lilo

 (man -t complains about a couple of fonts, but it works OK.)
 That gives you all the nice bold/italic highlighting etc. that you lose
 with col.

 Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] par archives

2003-07-02 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

--- FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 01:27 PM 7/2/2003 -0500, you wrote:
  Does anybody know how to extract the file contained in pars?
 (ie, .p01, .p02, .p03,). This is gettin to be very popular on
 USEnet for uploading large binaries in parts. I got the
 par-v1.1.tar.gz an compiled the binary, then put it in /usr/bin ,
 but 'par -h' doesn't help much, and Google can't find any docs or
 much of anything for that matter. There's a mailing list, but it
 only has two mesgs on it, and no archive.
   I tried both 'par c(check)' and 'par m (Try to restore from all
 parity files at once), eg 'par m filename.p01', but both tell me
 that all the .po's are OK, but all the rar's are missing. I've
 inferred that par files were supposed to contain the whole archived
 original file, save d/l'g by not needing all the rar parts, no?
  Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas
 Yer gonna hate my answer..
 Par works with WinRar AFAIK only.  its a way of making sure redundancy
 built in so that if you miss one RAR archive the PAR's can be used to
 a coherent set of archives anyway.
 FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

And it does that extremely well.  Rar is the bomb.  I use it for
archiving to cdrom, for that very reason; if an archive segment gets
blown out by a bad sector on a cd, then I can reconstruct the archive
array using the recovery information.

If you need Rar, Vincent Danen maintains an mdk rpm on his site,  Bless him...


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Re: [newbie] GNOME-Iconedit M9.1

2003-07-02 Thread John Richard Smith
Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:


Don't see anything I can recognise as genome-iconedit though ?

Been to kde CC - Components == Session Manager

and it is already | X | Restore previous session

and all apps are closed.

PS. I also get Kppp on desktop as well as gnome-Iconeditor
on arrival.
Some of the above code font may not transpose as I believe there is a
fonts problem.


Just for kicks I opened gnome-iconedit and closed it to see if it died
properly, and guess what...
Issue this command in a terminal to kill it:

killall -9 gnome-iconedit

Then log out and back in again.  See if that helps.


killall -9 gnome-iconedit,works !
tried it 3 times with and without to make sure.
Does that mean then that something is amiss with either the logout script or login script ?

and what can I do to square the situation ?


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Re: Canon Cameras. . .

2003-07-02 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 03:52, Frank Roberts - SOTL wrote:

 Following this I was unable to find any program among my list of 28 Multimedia 
 Graphics programs I have installed. 
 I have a few more installed than in a standard installation.  

You really don't need anything more than to mount the camera - just as
if it were a hard drive. You should be able to run kdf and in the list
of mountable devices, the camera should show up; right-click on it and
you should be able to mount it. Once you've mounted it, you can copy the
images where you so desire; then you can delete the images, or use the
camera to format the memory again. Simple as that.

Thu Jul  3 09:20:00 EST 2003
 09:20:00 up 22:40,  2 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.10, 0.03

|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Version: 3.12
GIT d-- s:- a+ C UL P+ L+++ E W++ N++ o-- K--- w---
O++ M+ V PS+++ PE Y++ PGP- t+++ 5+++ X+++ R+ tv b+++ DI+++ D++
G++ e+ h r+++ y+++
The Item of equipment that usually wont start or jams when you need it the most is the 
-- Murphy's Bush Fire Brigade Laws n21

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Re: [newbie] acroread won't print

2003-07-02 Thread Sharrea
On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 17:52, Eric Huff wrote:
 Anyone know why i wouldn't be able to get acroread to print?

 Other programs print the same files with the same command. /usr/bin/lp,
 lpr, etc.

If you use KDE and can print without any problems from kprinter, you can 
change the print command in acroread to kprinter (without the quotes of 
course) and see if it will print from there.  Also, if you're printing from 
a machine on a lan, when the kprinter dialog box opens make sure it is 
connected to the server where it says Connected to:

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Update about MandrakeSoft status 2003-07-01

2003-07-02 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 00:50, Miark wrote:
 They believe they can get out of the hole before year-end. That's excellent!

(..and to think that all my life I've been trying to get INTO a hole...)

Thu Jul  3 10:05:00 EST 2003
 10:05:00 up 23:25,  2 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.11, 0.08

|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Version: 3.12
GIT d-- s:- a+ C UL P+ L+++ E W++ N++ o-- K--- w---
O++ M+ V PS+++ PE Y++ PGP- t+++ 5+++ X+++ R+ tv b+++ DI+++ D++
G++ e+ h r+++ y+++
The Magic of Windows: Turns a 486 back into a PC/XT. 

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Re: [newbie] Install results vary

2003-07-02 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 25 June 2003 06:38 pm, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 24 June 2003 11:22 pm, Roland Hughes wrote:
  I have done 3-4 install's and everyone was different. I think mandrake
  is becoming like windows ( I am joking!).
Anyone know why the install is different each time?  How can I get
WindowMaker onto my friend's computer?  Why would IceWM run slower
than Win98?  (Sorry for so many questions, but I felt they're all
related somewhat.)
   I often wonder the same thing. I just had to do a minor reinstall on
   the machine that would not play xmms. Guess what, it now plays. I
   choose all the same packages and input the answers on the setup and yet
   now it works when before it didn't.  Oh, well. Mysteries are for
 Ya know, it occurred to me that there was a difference this time. I did not
 install alsa and the alsamixer-gui. My CDROM works with xmms now. I had
 those loaded before and also had the alsa plugin installed for xmms but it
 wouldn't play using the alsa sound or OSS sound. Now it works with OSS just

So, I must say that the seat socket can come unplugged. I found that my sound 
problems revolve around the fact that I have a sblive! card and had only one 
set of speakers plugged into the  socket next to  the serial connector. i.e. 
the plugin for the back speakers. I put the plug in the next socket over and 
I had sound in the xmms and games. My only excuse is that in the wrong socket 
I still had system sounds and couldn't figure out why I had no cdplayer 
sounds. Yes I do forget to watch what I am doing or need new glasses. Hope 
this helps someone having sound problems.

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] par archives

2003-07-02 Thread julian
On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 7:27 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 Does anybody know how to extract the file contained in pars?
 (ie, .p01, .p02, .p03,). This is gettin to be very popular on
 USEnet for uploading large binaries in parts. I got the
 par-v1.1.tar.gz an compiled the binary, then put it in /usr/bin ,
 but 'par -h' doesn't help much, and Google can't find any docs or
 much of anything for that matter. There's a mailing list, but it
 only has two mesgs on it, and no archive.

  I tried both 'par c(check)' and 'par m (Try to restore from all
 parity files at once), eg 'par m filename.p01', but both tell me
 that all the .po's are OK, but all the rar's are missing. I've
 inferred that par files were supposed to contain the whole archived
 original file, save d/l'g by not needing all the rar parts, no?

Par files are not like zips or other compressed files and you cant extract 
from them directly. They are of use when you are unable to get all the files 
in a large group of files, typically rars. More about how it works here: 

par is quitting on you as you have no rars, and therefore it doesn't have 
enough information to rebuild anything from the pars - it rebuilds all or 

(You can make pars for files other than rars. If you wanted you could make 
pars for a mixed group of file-types all of different sizes. The pars you 
made would all be the size of the largest member of that group.)

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[newbie] I'm being DoSed!

2003-07-02 Thread Cody Harris
I want to deny from being connected to my, how do i do it!? 
I'm being Dosed! 100 or more connecvtions at once! HELP!

-Cody Harris

 | This Signature is best in plain text!  |
| Linux Rox My Sox!  |
| Check out HCHS!|
|  |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server.  |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598  |
| Registered Linux Computer #200951  |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

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Re: [newbie] I'm being DoSed!

2003-07-02 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 10:20, Cody Harris wrote:
 I want to deny from being connected to my, how do i do it!? 
 I'm being Dosed! 100 or more connecvtions at once! HELP!
 -Cody Harris

Use Ethereal to find out what ports it's trying to flood out, then close
the ports. So I take it you haven't installed portsentry and all that
jazz yet?

(If you can't find portsentry on the web, I have it stashed at:

...just in case, mate...)

Thu Jul  3 12:40:00 EST 2003
 12:40:00 up 1 day,  2:00,  2 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.11, 0.09

|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Version: 3.12
GIT d-- s:- a+ C UL P+ L+++ E W++ N++ o-- K--- w---
O++ M+ V PS+++ PE Y++ PGP- t+++ 5+++ X+++ R+ tv b+++ DI+++ D++
G++ e+ h r+++ y+++
The justifications for drug testing are part of the presently fashionable
debate concerning restoring America's competitiveness. Drugs, it has been
revealed, are responsible for rampant absenteeism, reduced output, and poor
quality work.  But is drug testing in fact rationally related to the
resurrection of competitiveness?  Will charging the atmosphere of the
workplace with the fear of excretory betrayal honestly spur productivity?
Much noise has been made about rehabilitating the worker using drugs, but
to date the vast majority of programs end with the simple firing or the not
hiring of the abuser.  This practice may exacerbate, not alleviate, the
nation's productivity problem.  If economic rehabilitation is the ultimate
goal of drug testing, then criteria abandoning the rehabilitation of the
drug-using worker is the purest of hypocrisy and the worst of rationalization.
-- The concluding paragraph of Constitutional Law: The
   Fourth Amendment and Drug Testing in the Workplace,
   Tim Moore, Harvard Journal of Law  Public Policy, vol.
   10, No. 3 (Summer 1987), pp. 762-768.

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Re: [newbie] Interview: Gaël Duval on finances

2003-07-02 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Wednesday 02 July 2003 01:00 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 Source URL:



When I read the original article, the cynic in me kept whispering in my ear, 
What do you expect him to say? -- We're in deep do do, and we'll be lucky 
if we survive until mid-August, or Look, I've got some heavy bread stashed 
away just over the border in Switzerland, so next week I'm off to Martinique 
with all those sweet babes. It's every man for himself time, and there's only 
one lifeboat. Nahhh -- CEO's have to put a positive spin on events -- it's 
in their job descriptions. Hell, Ken Lay never let on that Enron was in 
Really Deep Stuff, did he? Of course not.

But then tonight I found this very encouraging story today at the Mandrake 
home page:

Synopsis: HP will be selling one of their _desktop_ lines with an option of XP 
Pro, XP Home, or (drum roll, please) MANDRAKE 9.1! We ain't talking servers 
here, folks, we're talking desktops! And we ain't talking Red Hat, Suse or 
Lindows, we're talking Mandrake! Wow! HP not only thinks that Mandrake can 
survive, but that Mandrake is the best solution to putting Linux on desktops. 
Looks good to me.

(There's also a current thread on Slashdot about this. It's the usual /. 

-- cmg (who will be renewing his Club membership)

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Re: [newbie] I'm being DoSed!

2003-07-02 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 02 July 2003 07:20 pm, Cody Harris wrote:
 I want to deny from being connected to my, how do i do it!?
 I'm being Dosed! 100 or more connecvtions at once! HELP!

 -Cody Harris


   | This Signature is best in plain text!  |


 | Linux Rox My Sox!  |
 | Check out HCHS!|
 |  |


 | Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server.  |
 | Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |


 | Registered Linux user #315598  |
 | Registered Linux Computer #200951  |
 | Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

Do you have a firewall up?  And which one is it?
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Dual Booting the same OS

2003-07-02 Thread g

John Richard Smith wrote:

My wife suggested that , but I told her I couldn't find the cable and 
the scissors wont cut.
you can sharpen your scissors by closing then on a nail.

peace out.


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  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email:  text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments.
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] I'm being DoSed!

2003-07-02 Thread Kenneth E. Spress
Domain Name: UDEL.EDU

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Newark, DE 19716


Administrative Contact:
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Kenneth E. Spress
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RE: [newbie] neat trick: man completion

2003-07-02 Thread Kaminsky Moshe


At least in zsh, completion is programmable: there is a context
sensitive completion that you can define for any command, and it is all
done with the same key (tab for me, but you can change that). And zsh
comes with completion already programed for almost anything I use (eg
make targets after 'make', perl modules with 'perldoc' and with the -M
switch, and, of course, man topics after 'man'). I don't know if bash
has this as well


 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Huff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2003 6:58 PM
 Subject: [newbie] neat trick: man completion
 Haven't seen it before, but very useful:
 To use word completion with man, hit ESC !.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] huff]$ man pk   here i hit ESC !
 pk2bm   pkg-config  pkill   pktogf  pktopbm pktype
 and it gave all the solutions.
 This is straight out of the ML 9.0 Command line manual (p19).
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that any use, disclosure, distribution and/or copying of this communication is 
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If you receive this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and 
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This message is processed by the PrivaWall Email Security Server. 

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Re: [newbie] Problem accessing floppy

2003-07-02 Thread Johan Scheepers
See my posting to make your own tests

- Original Message - 
From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Problem accessing floppy

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[newbie] ftp question

2003-07-02 Thread Josenildo Marques
Hash: SHA1

I'm trying to upload a site with Gftp, but there's something worng. I'm sure 
all the parametres (host, port, user, password) are correct. Here is the log.

220 Bem vindo ao servidor de ftp do hpG..
USER cyberhades 
331 Password required for cyberhades.
230 User cyberhades logged in.
200 Type set to I.
257 / is current directory.
227 Entering Passive Mode (200,226,139,85,228,96).
Cannot create a data connection: Connection timed out

Do I need a special privilege to do it ? I have checked the KDE control center 
and it says SMB and NFS servers are not installed. Do I really need one the 
them ? (I'm just a desktop user, so I think there's no need to install them.)

Thanks for any tip.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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