Re: [newbie] back to Windows

2005-04-02 Thread Duncan Anderson
Anne Wilson wrote:
We had a Computer Group in Huddersfield, rather like the LUGs today.  We all 
carted down our heavyweights and plugged them in on trestle tables, with 
adapters on adapters g.  On one occasion I actually had the output of 
another computer on my ZX81 screen!


Wow! That is impressive! I remember we used to connect Tandy 100 
portables to a UNIX box and use them as rudimentary terminals while 
testing some comms software we were writing, but to do it with a ZX81! 
(bows and scrapes in obeisance to true geek divinity)

The Spectrums were much easier to link up. Do you remember ZX-Net? And 
Red Box, where you could use the mains circuit for networking your Speccys?


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Re: [newbie] Using the sources of

2005-04-02 Thread Duncan Anderson
Robert Yu wrote:
Is it possible to save the packages downloaded from this site onto a
cache folder for later use?

You can download the packages using ftp or something similar, and then, 
when they are all sitting in a directory, call up a root shell and go to 
the directory and type the following:

genhdlist --dest `pwd`
If you get errors, then type the following in order to ignore corrupted 

genhdlist --nobadrpm --dest `pwd`
Then, when it has completed, run Mandrake Control Centre and go to media 
manager and set up the directory as a source.

It works for me. I just ignore the whining about checksums and click on 
yes and then the stuff installs straight from rpmdrake.
urpmi should pick it up too, although I usually use the GUII tool for 
this one.


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Re: [newbie] back to Windows

2005-04-01 Thread Duncan Anderson
JoeHill wrote:
On Fri, 1 Apr 2005 07:33:01 -0800
Aron Smith disseminated the following:

Hell if he want's to fight send him to the OT list :-)

If your definition of 'fight' is a bunch of blindfolded monkeys throwing
excrement in all directions...

Ha! Maybe the dubya-fans-us-uber-alles list was over-subscribed and 
Mandrakeot collected the spillage?


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Re: [newbie] xmms and sound

2005-03-29 Thread Duncan Anderson
Paul Kaplan wrote:
Any ideas why I can't get any sound out of xmms but realplayer, totem, and the 
system sounds work fine?


If you right-click on the xmms console, go Options -Preferences and 
then see the first tab, Audio I/O Plugins. At the bottom of the box, 
see Output Plugin. Try changing it.


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Re: [newbie] HD Failure

2005-03-28 Thread Duncan Anderson
SOTL wrote:
Hi All
Over the weekend I lost my 3rd HD using MC under Mandrake 10.1 in 2 different 

In each case MC was being used to search or move a directory that had over 100 
data files with over 2 GB of data.

In the last instance Saturday morning I was transferring a directory with over 
5 GB of data from /home/branch/My_Pictures {Data directory being moved which 
consisted of .jpg files} to /System_Data/My_Picture by the normal method of 
MC file transfer.

In all 3 cases something is wiped out the partition structure. What is unknown 
as at this point the issue is above my knowledge level. 

In the latest incident after discovering that the computer had stall and was 
completely non functional I discovered that the contents of the root  
partition was corrupted. 

At this point it should be noted that there was NO data on this box that was 
not all so on several other boxes so saving HD data was not a consideration.

Attempts to recover and restore the system by installation of Mandrake 10.1 
disk and doing a custom installation where one defined the partition showed 
the existence of all partitions those being

Next stage in set up is to format partitions.
At that point the installation fails with the notice that installation could 
not find the root partation.

Not being content with that I then attempted to reconfigure the partitions to 
one giant HD partition with the intent of reformatting the complete HD and 
then repartitioning the HD.

Results of removing /boot, swap, /home, and /System_Data partations was that 
installation was unable to identify HD giving same error message as 
previously received for root directory.

Two weeks previously I had been using MC to search for a number of test DB 
that I had on the system. These test DB were all of the 1 to 5 line variety 
with names all starting with test-XX where XX was 00 to 20 plus located in 
half a dozen different directories having been written at various times over 
several months. The object was to collect them all into one place. Anyway the 
search criteria was set to start at / and I was searching for test*. Half way 
through one of the directories the computer froze. Closer inspection revealed 
that the root directory was trashed. Attempts to recover showed the same 
conditions as noted above. System configuration unable to find root directory 
and unable to format that directory.

Both of the above incidents occurred in my desktop.
Last October I was attempting to move files using MC in my laptop. Details of 
what I did due to time and conditions are fuzzy so one could say a number of 
things including operator error but then this was followed by two incident 
where more detail observations were made.

Anyway last October the HD showed all the same symptoms as shown above. First 
the root directory departed with installation unable to find the existence of 
that directory and then the rest of the system departed as I attempted to 
recovery from that. At that time I took the HD to a number [if memory serves 
me correct 5 different groups] linux clubs meetings [1 meeting per club]

A number of real Linus and Unix people looked at it with a large variety of 
different tools. The consensus of all was that that HD which did have 
critical non backed up data on it was trashed and beyond salvage.

Thus my conclusion is that if other are having similar experiences that there 
is something that is causing Midnight Commander in Mandrake to do something 
{the details of which are above my knowledge level} that is causing 
partitions to corrupt when MC is placed under heavy search of file transfer 

If others are not having similar experiences then there must be something 
corrupted in my Mandrake 10.1 disks. This also is something that is not 
unheard of as I had that very issue with Mandrake 9.2 CDs in as much as the 
system would install and run but each installation had a different set of 
unexplainable omissions or failures. This after time was finally tracked down 
to a bad set of CD in as much as those CD would install on some systems and 
not on other identical systems.


Omigosh, what a sad story! I use mc all the time and have been doing so 
within Mandrake since version 7.0, and before that on RatHead(oops I 
mean RedHat) and before that on SCO UNIXes and so on.

What exactly were you trying to do with the root file systems in 
question? I don't think mc is the tool to use if you are cloning a root 
filesystem. It works fine for other filesystems and subdirectories, 
etc., but be very careful about overwriting a root filesystem with the 
contents of another.

Were you using more than one mc session at the same time? Are these all 
IDE drives? Is there a USB bus involved?

How long since an fsck was performed on the file systems?
We need more info.

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Re: [newbie] HD Failure

2005-03-28 Thread Duncan Anderson
SOTL wrote:
You missed the point.
I was doing NOTHING with the root file system.
I was simply coping data files [5 gb worth] from one directory to another.

OK. I misunderstood. Were the two directories on the same hard disk or what?

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Re: [newbie] HD Failure

2005-03-28 Thread Duncan Anderson
SOTL wrote:
There were 3 failures each slightly different all occurred while I was using 
MC under very heavy load.

HD Failure # 3
details snipped
At the time of the last failure I had decided to use MC to transfer files as 
previous transfer had been by root so root permission was required to move 
directory structure.
Half way through move of files from /home/branch to /home/branch/System_Data 
computer stopped and refused to continue with HD making strange clicking 

Inspection showed trashed root directory 


Strange clicking sounds - very bad news.
HD Failure # 2
details snipped
Half way through the search the computer stopped with the HD making beating 
clicking sounds. For the search crash I was using MC as a user NOT as root.

Again .
Also the HD was set up with partitions exactly as it would later be and as 
noted above for the third HD failure

HD Failure # 1
The details of the first crash are to foggy to relate exact details of events.

I think you are looking in the wrong direction for your problem.
Midnight commander is not the problem, but the activity that you set 
into motion using it is. This leads me to suggest that you should 
consider looking at your hardware arrangements.
Your drives may be overheating and failing as a result. I have had that 
problem with an external USB2.0 IDE drive. Fortunately the drive was not 
trashed, although I had to perform a full fsck on the file systems on 
the drive. One was trashed to such an extent that I had to salvage what 
I could from lost+found and eventually reformat the file system. It's 
working fine now, ever since I ripped a HUGE heatsink out of an old 
power supply and joined it to the case of the external hd.

The clicking noise normally indicates a serious physical problem with a 
drive. Were these drives totally messed up, or was it just the file 
systems? As a matter of interest, what type of drives are they?

I live in a hot part of the world, and, in the last twenty years or so, 
I have found that the most common cause of PC hardware failure is 
overheating, followed closely by spikes in the mains supply caused by 
lightning or other reasons.

One thing I have learned is that one should never leave the cover off a 
busy system, especially if it is fully populated with drives, etc. The 
cases are designed to channel the flow of air appropriately, and leaving 
the cover off leads certain parts to overheat. (I am not saying that 
this is your problem - It is just something I have learned the hard way.)

I think that you would have experienced the same problems if you had 
been using tools other than Midnight Commander. Most of my drive 
failures have occurred while using MC, but I don't blame MC - It's just 
that I use it all the time.

Good luck

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Re: [newbie] Program to save a selected part of a picture

2005-03-27 Thread Duncan Anderson
Lee Wiggers wrote:
On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 16:08:01 -0800
Erylon Hines [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Friday 25 March 2005 12:09 pm, Paul Smith wrote:
| Dear All
| I am looking for a (simple) program to save a selected part of a
| picture. Any suggestions?
| Thanks in advance,
| Paul
May I suggest ImageMagik?  It is on your disks, has lots of
features (resize, crop, sharpen, color balance, etc) and has a
shallow learning curve.  The only thing I don't like about it is
saving images is somewhat clunky.


Members have been talking about Gwenview.  May be what you need.

I always use xv for this. Available from PLF.

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Re: [newbie] cd into file

2005-03-27 Thread Duncan Anderson
aron smith wrote:
On Sunday 27 March 2005 12:42 pm, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

I am feeling particularly stupid and frustrated just now.  I downloaded
some files in preparation for installing gwenview.  I saved them to
/home/rosemary/Linux Stuff/rpms - now I can't cd into it, tells me no
such file or directory.  Thought I would rename it, but same problem.  I
don't want to have to do the downloads again.  I've not had this problem
before.  I can see the rpms in konqueror and that is the path it gives.
It seems simple but I am stumped.  Wondered if it doesn't like the Linux
Stuff name?

just a thought try renaming from  /home/rosemary/Linux Stuff/rpms 
sometimes linux/unix takes exception to spaces in filenames


Alternatively, use double quotes so that the spaces don't cause a problem.
cd /home/rosemary/Linux Stuff/rpms
should do it.

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Re: [newbie] Halt/Reboot buttons not available at Login Screen

2005-03-26 Thread Duncan Anderson
Russel Dains wrote:
I have just installed Mandrake 10.1.  I am unable to
reboot or shutdown the system from the login screen. 
The only available option is to type reboot or halt in
a command line.  Any suggestions?  Thanks for your help.

Another solution is to change your display manager. You could use kdm or 
gdm instead of mdkdm. Both of these support shutdown and reboot on the 
login screen. I use gdm, myself.

From the Mandrake Control Centre, you should be able to configure your 
login options to use another display manager. If no options exist, you 
need to install the packages (Gdm or kdm).

good luck

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Re: [newbie] Learning Mandrake in the UK

2005-03-25 Thread Duncan Anderson
On Friday 25 Mar 2005 13:19, DAN WALKER wrote:

there is one where I am - milton keynes. would it


full of bearded men who drive austin allegros? a

I shall indeed try it out. Once won't convert me to
bearded life. All that hinding behind hair!

In my experience you get all sorts. There are bearded ones, indeed, but 
often there are many who are as yet unable to justify buying a razor.

Often the most formidable propellerheads are clean-shaven with short 
neat haircuts.

There are 70 year-olds and 17 year-olds and all ages inbetween.
There are professional support technicians, programmers and rank 
amateurs as well as academics and even farmers.

You won't feel out of place, no matter what you are!

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Re: [newbie] Games recommendation

2005-03-23 Thread Duncan Anderson
Fajar Priyanto wrote:
On Wednesday 23 March 2005 02:11, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Tuesday 22 March 2005 22:59, JR wrote:

On Monday 21 March 2005 10:08 pm, Fajar Priyanto wrote:

Hi folks,


Do you have any recommendation on games that can relieve our stress
level? Thanks :)

I love airstrike. Their still working on it but the version released at
the moment is playable against another player or the computer. It's based
on 'bip' (bi-plane).

Try enigma if you like puzzles.and of course sirtet if you like

Thank you all for all the suggestions. I have fun playing all these new games. 
I especially like alienbuster, however the game ends after killing two 
bosses :( So short. Also airstrike, a bit difficult, but quite fun.
I still have several games to try, alienpool, amphetamine, alephone (notice 
the alphabet 'a'?) Hehe..  So many games to dig out and try.


Try PySol if you want to see the ultimate solitaire game.

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Re: [newbie] Which Kernel For 10.1 ?

2005-03-23 Thread Duncan Anderson
Pete Moscatt wrote:
When I have a look, I see there are a number of available, being ones
like ENTERPRISE, SECURE, SMP and there may even me a few more.
Now which one of these would I typically go for ?   :-)

It depends what your requirements are. If you are running Mandrake at 
home on a desktop PC, then the standard version as loaded by default 
should be fine. However, should you have special requirements such as 
extra security, or optimisation for many users, or if you have a 
multiprocessor machine, then you would have a need for different versions.

SMP = Symmetrical Multi-Processing
Enterprise = Optimised for larger organisations
Secure = should be obvious, for firewall use, etc
Normally the standard port of the kernel as supplied by Mandrake is 
suitable for all of those uses, anyway, but each variant is tweaked 
for more applicability to those areas.

On some motherboards, the smp version works better(even if the mobo is 


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[newbie] Useful URL for newbies

2005-03-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
I found this URL to be useful for beginners who have some knowledge, but 
need a bit of guidance.
The CLI is not something to be feared.

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Re: [newbie] Useful URL for newbies

2005-03-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

The CLI is not something to be feared.

Is that not so ?  I read somewhere about a command that could wipe out 
your whole system if done as root.  Something to do with r and rm and 
-r I think ...

PS Not that I am about to do anything so outrageous :-)
Ha! That reminds me. Once upon a time I used to run a UNIX support 
department for a big distributor, and we had our own public access ftp 
server with patches and drivers on it. Anyway, one fine day, I was 
logged in as root, fiddling around in a subdirectory, and then I typed 
cd, and enter, and then someone must have distracted me, and then I 
typed rm * and pressed enter.

Since this was an old UNIX box, cd on its own takes you to the / 
directory. root does not have its own home as on Linux.

Not only did that UNIX box not have its own /root home directory, but it 
also lacked a separate /boot or /stand directory, so I had just managed 
to remove the kernel /unix and the boot program /boot.

Fortunately, I kept my wits about me, and quickly mounted an 
installation boot floppy from which I copied the /boot program, then I 
relinked the kernel, which produced a new /unix file, while praying 
that we did not have a power failure.

Phew! None of my support technicians noticed a thing! I reckon I would 
have been a bit embarrassed if they had.

Incidentally, the command you were talking about rm -r is absolutely 
lethal when run as root in the root directory.


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Re: [newbie] Useful URL for newbies

2005-03-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
SOTL wrote:
I don't know about a comand to wipe a system but I do know a procedure of how 
I trash a HD. All I did was use MC to search for test and HD went into orbit. 
It is now a good paperweight on my desk. What I was searching for were DBs I 
had created call test1, test2 et. What I got was a trashed HD.


When you mention MC, what do you mean? (Midnight Commander?)

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Re: [newbie] mp3s to wav/cd burning

2005-03-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
I like to make scripts a bit more bullet proof... I would probably 
change it to:

for i in *.mp3 ; do
   name=$(basename $i .mp3)
   mpg123 -s $name.mp3 | sox -f 44100 -w -s -c 2 - $name.wav
This way, it handles files with spaces in the name, and you avoid 
having to use a temp file. The error generated by a file with a space 
in its name would not be a problem by itself, and using a temp file 
would not be a problem by it self. but if you get the wrong name, you 
could delete something other then what you intended to. For example, 
if you had a file called bridge over troubled water.mp3 and you also 
had a file called bridge in the same directory, you script would 
first overwrite, then delete bridge. Using basename in place of 
FILE=`echo $FILE | sed s/.mp3//g` also solves the problem of a file 
with .mp3 in more then one place in the name. It would probably not 
be a problem in any case, but you never know.

You are a scriptmaster of note, Mikkel. My version of the script works 
for me, because I always make sure that there are no spaces in the names 
first. Your refinement allows one to be more lazy!


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Re: [newbie] Useful URL for newbies

2005-03-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
There are some added protections to make doing that even harder now. 
When you type rm from the command line, you are actualy running rm 
-i thanks to a handy alias. So you would be asked to confirm every 
deletion. When you get asked about the first one, hit Ctrl-c, and it 
will abort the command.
Yes, isn't Linux (especially Mandrake) just wonderful?
Not that you want to be logged in as root, unless you realy need to 
for what you are doing. But it is harder to break things then it used 
to be. There are still a lot of things you can do as root that will 
break the system.

It's a bit bit like walking on thin ice, isn't it?
As a general rule, one should su to root only when it is absolutely 
necessary. I am a reformed root user. What I mean by that is that I 
always used to log in as root at home, because I never had to worry 
about permissions on devices, directories, etc. It was a form of 
laziness. I did this for years, but lately I have got into the habit of 
trying to make things work as a normal user.

(I still run xmms and k3b as root, though. Probably laziness.)

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Re: [newbie] Useful URL for newbies

2005-03-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
aron smith wrote:
On Monday 21 March 2005 07:34 am, Duncan Anderson wrote:

When you mention MC, what do you mean? (Midnight Commander?)

MC is a cloneof midnight commander
urpmi  mc

How can something be a clone of itself? :-) Surely you mean mc is a 
clone of Norton Commander. Actually it is more of a case of Norton 
Commander on steroids.

Anyway, I was wondering how mc could trash a hard drive. It sounds a bit 

I always use mc. It worries me that someone can blame it for hard disk 


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Re: [newbie] Auld lang syne.

2005-03-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
James Henry Maiewski wrote:
	In the More proof that I'm not the smartest guy in the world 
department, and in the hope that maybe someone out there is where I 
was a year or so ago, I want to say that Vim rocks!  I had heard it 
many times, but since I couldn't just type 'vim foo' and go, I took 
the path of least resistance and suffered.

	So, if anybody out there besides myself does not know about the 
tutor, try using 'vimtutor.'

	James Henry Maiewski

Glad to hear it! Learning to use vi never killed anybody.
vim is brilliant.

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Re: [newbie] mp3s to wav/cd burning

2005-03-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
lower case names for local varables - so you don't break things if you 
deside to source the code from another script.

Explain this to me, I don't quite follow your rationale here.
I always use upper case for variable names so they can be clearly seen 
as such when one reads the scripts at a later stage.


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Re: [newbie] mp3s to wav/cd burning

2005-03-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
If you are using a varable in a loop, and its value only has meaning 
in that loop, but not in the rest of the script, use a lowercase name. 
For example:

for name in *.txt ; do
 file $name
For small scripts, it is not too important, unless you do something 
like . script name or exec script name from inside another 
script. Then any changes made to a varable in the sourced script 
affect the calling script.

If the name is upper case, then I know it is ether a shell varable, or 
it is set at the start of the script, and has the same value in the 
entire script. For example, I know MAIL is a shell varable pointing to 
the user's mail spool, and EDITOR, if it is set, is the user's 
preferred text editor. And if I see $SED, I know that it is the full 
path to sed, or a program that will act like sed when used in the 
script. If I see $name, I know to look for where it is set in the 
script. It should be fairly close to where it is used. If I see $Name, 
then I know may I have to look farther back in the code to see where 
it get set. I also know that I have to be carefull about how I change it.

OK. I see what your system is. It makes sense, but it may add an element 
of complication where it is not needed. Since there is no practical 
restriction on the length of variable names that I know of, I simply 
make sure that I have no duplicates and that I do not invoke subshells 
which do not initialise their variables correctly.

Thanks for all your, as usual, enlightening comments. I think this 
thread is going too far away from newbie interest, though.


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Re: [newbie] Auld lang syne.

2005-03-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
Greg Meyer wrote:
On Monday 21 March 2005 12:41 pm, Duncan Anderson wrote:

Glad to hear it! Learning to use vi never killed anybody.
vim is brilliant.

But what about emacs? :p

I don't think anyone has actually died from using emacs. However, I'm 
not too sure what the statistics are regarding people who have died of 
old age waiting for it to compile.


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Re: [newbie] mp3s to wav/cd burning

2005-03-20 Thread Duncan Anderson
JoeHill wrote:
On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 14:37:18 +1100
[EMAIL PROTECTED] disseminated the following:

What do people use for making music cds from mp3s?

Check out ROXDAO. The site is offline right now, but check it out later, 
nice GUI for burning audio CD's, you can see a shot of it on my site.

I am having problems accessing that URL.
Anyway, for the newbie, k3b works pretty well. If you have lame 
installed, k3b allows you to create audio cds from mp3 files by simply 
dragging and dropping.

Otherwise, you can use various methods via the shell. One that I always 
used to use was this:

for FILE in *.mp3
  FILE=`echo $FILE | sed s/.mp3//g`
  mpg123 -s $FILE.mp3  $FILE.raw
  sox -r 44100 -w -s -c 2 $FILE.raw $FILE.wav
  rm -f $FILE.raw
This would convert all the mp3 files in a directory to .wav files.
cdrecord -scanbus -dev=0,0,0
cdrecord -v speed=2 -dev=0,0,0 -audio -pad *.wav
Substitute the 0,0,0 for the relevant device setting for your system. 
This setup is for an external USB2.0 cdwriter configured as /dev/sr0.

Then, after all that, remove the .wav files.

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Re: [newbie] mp3s to wav/cd burning

2005-03-20 Thread Duncan Anderson
Duncan Anderson wrote:
JoeHill wrote:
Check out ROXDAO. The site is offline right now, but check it out 
later, very
nice GUI for burning audio CD's, you can see a shot of it on my site.

I am having problems accessing that URL.
The site is offline right now,
Duh! I missed that. Too early in the morning, or too much blood in my 
caffeine. :-)


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Re: [newbie] Possible alternative format for forum

2005-03-17 Thread Duncan Anderson
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 19:50, Fajar Priyanto wrote:

On Friday 18 March 2005 02:46 am, Fajar Priyanto wrote:

Anyway, at least you've got flat rate. It my country, using phone line for
internet will seriously blow one's wallet as the bill is charged based on
minutes :(

That's true in many countries, including England.

In South Africa, there is a service whereby you pay an extra fee every 
month which limits the charge of any phone call between 19h00 and 07h00 
to approx. 0.9 euro (7 Rands). This means you can stay logged on from 7 
in the evening to seven in the morning and pay a flat fee. The real fun 
is on the weekend, when the deal extends from 19h00 Friday to 07h00 Monday.


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Re: [newbie] Possible alternative format for forum

2005-03-16 Thread Duncan Anderson
Greg Meyer wrote:
IMO, a ML with a good set of 
filters and a mail client that does proper message threading can't be beat 
and I will very rarely visit a web forum.

Just my 2 cents.

I agree with Greg. In a low bandwidth situation such as mine, a mailing 
list works much better. Website based forums are a major pain in the 
behind if you have a slow third-world type dialup connection, whereas 
you can always go and make yourself a cup of tea or something while the 
mail is downloading. With a forum, you have to watch the screen so that 
you can click where appropriate, etc.


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Re: [newbie] re: SSHD

2005-03-15 Thread Duncan Anderson
Mrexecutive wrote:
Hello Duncan,
I tried doing:
chkconfig --add sshd
but its telling me No such file or directory any idea what im  doing wrong?
I am logged in as su also :(

Try specifying the full path:
/sbin/chkconfig -- add sshd
or else, when you use su, do it like this:
su -
The minus sign means that it will set up root's environment correctly,
so that /sbin and /usr/sbin are in the path.

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Re: [newbie] re: SSHD

2005-03-14 Thread Duncan Anderson
Mrexecutive wrote:
Hello Guys,

I installed SSHD but forgot how to start it or can someone show me how 
to put it in the autoexec file for linux so it does it upon start up?


Sorry im a newbie!





Go into the Mandrake Control Centre (Configure Your Computer) and go 
into the System section, then go into Services - Look for sshd and 
enable it.

Otherwise, from a root command prompt, type
chkconfig --add sshd

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Re: [newbie] Canon Powershot A85

2005-03-11 Thread Duncan Anderson
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Friday 11 Mar 2005 15:59, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

I guess it is possible that you have to turn the camera on, but I do not
think so. (Unless you had to do that for it to be detected in Windows.)

Mine is not detected until I switch it on - and it must be in Play mode.

For what it's worth, my Samsung needs to be switched on, and the same 
applies to many other cameras, although some do activate automatically 
as soon as they are connected to the USB bus.


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Re: [newbie] file size limit

2005-03-09 Thread Duncan Anderson
Trygve Seljeflot wrote:
Can anybody tell me how to increase the file size limit in MDK 10.1 ?
When copying an dvd.iso image from one machine to another, it stops at 2.0 GB, 

If you type ulimit -f at the command line, what does it say? If it 
says UNLIMITED, then your system file size limit should be limited 
only by the file system.

I am running 10.1 and I created a file of 3GB as a test and there was no 

The problem must have to do with the program used to perform the copy or 
something like that.

Can you give us some more details?

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Re: [newbie] file size limit

2005-03-09 Thread Duncan Anderson
Trygve Seljeflot wrote:
On Wednesday 09 March 2005 19:23, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

How are you doing the copy? If you are copying to a Samba share, I think
there is something you have to set in Samba for files larger the 2G. (I
remember reading something about it the other day, but I can not
remember the details.)

By fish, from home/user on PC1 to home/user PC2, both runnimg MDK 10.1

Maybe you should try using rcp or scp and see if that works, or even ftp.

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Re: [newbie] file size limit

2005-03-09 Thread Duncan Anderson
Trygve Seljeflot wrote:
I'm usin fish in Konqueror, smaller files is no problem.

OK, well I think that uses scp. Try using the command line. At a bash 
prompt, try setting the ulimit:

ulimit -f unlimited
Then use scp, or run konqueror from the shell prompt.
I think that should work. (I stand to be corrected, though.)
I wonder if KDE imposes some limits?
I don't use it. I use WindowMaker.

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Re: [newbie] Microsoft overrules EU Council

2005-03-07 Thread Duncan Anderson
Stephen Kühn wrote:
On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 23:13, Kaj Haulrich wrote:

Here's to democracy, EU-style :
In short : The Microsoft puppet-state Luxembourg denied council 
members from Poland, Portugal and Denmark their request to change 
the Directive on Software Patent from an A-item to a B-item.

So friends, that was it :  forget about software development in 

Kaj Haulrich.

That is completely ridiculous.
Hell is going to break loose and there are going to be heaps of very mad
I don't think they'll get away with it.

Huh, this is the kind of dictatorial fascism that Europe is so good at. 
They have proved it over and over again in the past, so why should this 
be any different? Greed rather than justice, for ever!

Bunch of Nazis!

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Re: [newbie] workgroup

2005-03-06 Thread Duncan Anderson
Greg Meyer wrote:
On Sunday 06 March 2005 03:11 pm, Michel Leunen wrote:

Rob Blomquist wrote:

You don't Linux does not use workgroups. I assume that you are running
Samba somehow, as Samba uses workgroup names to meet Windows networking

The default samba workgroup is 'mdkgroup',that's what I wanna change.

Edit that in /etc/samba/smb.conf and restart samba

The other newbie way is to install the drakwizard package and then 
use the Configure Samba wizard from MCC.


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Re: [newbie] any question (about GPRS software, etc)

2005-03-03 Thread Duncan Anderson
I see that there is a huge selection of software for talking to your 
GPRS phone, but what I need to know (related question) is:

What hardware do I need on the PC side in order to communicate with the 
cellphone? If I have an oldish Thinkpad with IrDA, will that do? 
Alternatively, can I use wlan cards for Bluetooth?

(Argh, these new-fangled telephonic devices befuddle my dinosaur brain 
... what happened to acoustic-coupler modems?)

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Re: [newbie] vim error

2005-03-03 Thread Duncan Anderson
Dave Williams wrote:
E575: viminfo: Illegal starting char in line: ^V4516^@
Hit ENTER or type command to continue

 I get the same message when I use shift-ZZ to exit.
 This happens in a konsole in KDE, and it also happens if I use 
ctrl-alt-F1 and log into a pty session.  vi seems to *work* okay, it 
just gives me this odd message.
That is wierd, Dave. I have been using 10.1 for a while now, and I have 
never seen a message like that, and I use vim/vi all the time.

I have used vi under KDE in both konsoles and xterms and I have not seen 
such messages. Does this message appear when you specify a file as an 
argument to the editor?  Does it appear when you run vi on its own?

It sounds to me that the editor is complaining about '^V' which has a 
significance similar to \ in the shell. It would be odd to begin a 
line with it. What happens when you specify the -b option to vi?


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Re: [newbie] Setting up an extra hard disk

2005-03-02 Thread Duncan Anderson
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
The only reasion I remember is because I had to go through it not too 
long ago. I also learned that with udev, it gets interesting moving a 
working system to a new drive. udev mounts over the /dev directory, so 
you can not access the entries under it. Without the default entries, 
you can run lilo. So the rescue mode can not install the boot loader. 
So you have to use something like a live CD or a partition copy 
utility to move things. (Or do a bunch of extra work.) I now have a 
handy .tar file of the default /dev directory...

I used to know how to make Windows boot from the second drive, but I 
would have to find my notes on it now. I think you have to use the 
map or drive options of lilo to remap the BIOS mapping of the 
drives, because the Windows boot loader used the BIOS mapping to load 
things. XP may be different, but all the versions I have used have 
used the first BIOS hard drive, and I don't know how to tell it to use 
a different drive. So I have had lilo change the drive mapping so that 
the first BIOS drive is the drive I want to boot from, instead of the 
real first drive. (It helps to have played with a mix of SCSI and 
IDE drives in the same machine...)

Recent versions of lilo offer you the following syntax:
This is an example of specifying a windows boot partition on the second 
ide drive. The 0x80 is used to fool windows into thinking it is 
booting from the primary master or drive C:' in DOS-speak. This is not 
the easiest method, but you can use  the master-boot parameter in your 
/etc/lilo.conf, as an alternative:

Yet another way is to use the old method, like we did in days of yore:
This would swap the BIOS labels for the first and second drives, thus 
fooling any operating system.

I should like to say that Mikkel's notes in a previous posting in the 
thread are spot on. I use the method he describes to clone Mandrake 
drives for one of the computer dealers in our area.
I partition the second drive from the first one, copy the OS and so on 
over to the various relevant partitions on the second one, then before I 
swap the drives around, I edit /etc/lilo.conf and /etc/fstab as he 
described, and then use CD1 - F2 - rescue - restore boot loader and 


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Re: [newbie] Setting up an extra hard disk

2005-03-01 Thread Duncan Anderson
Eric Huff wrote:
Paul Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have just bought an extra hard disk of 80GB for my computer.
Could someone here please tell me how to make it my master disk (I
still have the old one of 20GB), without loosing the information
on my old disk?

I used this:
Not necessarily the easiest, but it worked.  You might want to print
it out unless you have another computer running.

I have done this many times, and I would say that the safest method of 
all is to disable/disconnect the old drive, install Mandrake on the new 
drive, reconnect the old drive as a slave, use drakconf(MCC) - 
mountpoints - partitions (diskdrake) to edit your old partitions and 
add mountpoints,etc.

You can do it from the command line using fdisk/cfdisk and editing the 
/etc/fstab file, but perhaps the method I have described above is more 
suitable for a newbie.

Good luck

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Re: [newbie] various issues

2005-03-01 Thread Duncan Anderson
Martell, Larry wrote:
On Monday 28 February 2005 09:26 pm, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

Julie Sloan wrote:

Was it harder adapting to XP, or Linux?

It's worse coming the other way. I started on BSD unix version III running on
a DEC PDP-7  in the late 70's. For the next 26 years I worked exclusively on
various unix's systems - ATT SVR4, HPUX, AUX, Solaris, etc. For family use we have
always had Mac's. I managed to never once use a windows machine or intel
hardware. Well that all changed last November. I was forced (because I like to eat)
to take job where I am now working in the wintel environment. This has been the most
frustrating 3 months of my life. A large part of it is my mental block against this
environment, but it's also because windows seems to be random while unix is
orthogonal and deterministic. I swear I think there a random number generator in
windows and when you boot it that determines how it will function that day ;-)
But I learn so much new stuff every day ... and I have managed to bring in 2 linux boxes here 
(and I've only been here 3 months!) I just wish there was a list like this for windows!


I have to concur with Larry. Windows is a nightmare of frustration for 
me. I have been involved in UNIX support for nearly twenty years and 
Linux for about nine. I have managed not to use Windows except very 
superficially in passing until very recently when my wife bought an 
Apple iPod which seems impervious to my efforts to get it mounted on my 
Linux box. My only choice at the moment is to run Windows on my laptop 
using Samba to allow iTunes to access a directory containing MP3 files 
on the Linux server. What a pain! Editing text files is particularly 
irritating because my fingers operate in vi mode reflexively.

I also find myself cursing over Windows' apparent lack of consistency in 
terms of where it decides to save things. I could go on...

Fortunately I found something called Cygwin which renders certain 
aspects of my Windows partition more congenial.

My main impression of Windows is that it makes a lot of things 
unnecessarily difficult!


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Re: [newbie] various issues

2005-03-01 Thread Duncan Anderson
Russ Kepler wrote:
On Tuesday 01 March 2005 01:17 pm, Duncan Anderson wrote:

 What a pain! Editing text files is particularly
irritating because my fingers operate in vi mode reflexively.

Get vim for Windows.  A decent vi emulator, heck, I use it under Mandrake and 
on Sun instead of vi.

I used to use the MKS toolkit version of vi on DOS as well as the Korn 
shell and awk, grep, sed, et al. It was one of the reasons I never 
learned DOS properly! vim is cool, though.


I also find myself cursing over Windows' apparent lack of consistency in
terms of where it decides to save things. I could go on...

There is a decent shell toolkit for Windows, the name escapes me at the moment 
but it has ksh and most of the simple command line stuff.  MKS Toolkit, 

Yes. Mortice Kern Associates from Canada, I think.

My main impression of Windows is that it makes a lot of things
unnecessarily difficult!

Some, certainly, other outright dangerous (registry editing, anyone?).  If you 
ever have to write stuff at the system level it's downright schizophrenic 
with something like 3 sets of system calls for file I/O (as compared to the 
UNIX norm of 1 set).  True pain on Windows is writing something that's to run 
like a cron job on UNIX.  On UNIX you make it work then toss it into cron, on 
Windows you basically have to write a service around it, a completely 
different run environment, and it's impossible to test.  Bah!

Eek! (He makes the sign to ward off demons!)

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Re: [newbie] various issues

2005-03-01 Thread Duncan Anderson
Russ Kepler wrote:
I don't think there's a 'proper' way to learn MS-DOS.  My first conputer was 
an IBM 360/65 running a timeshare simulator called RAX, heck, the first 
programming test I ever took was to see if I could hold a 1401 punchboard at 
arms length, so I'm a proper dinosaur.  

My first programming job was on a Wang 2200 running WANGBASIC 2. 
(cringe) It had 22KB of RAM per user, and a 20MB removable Winchester 
which was the size of a rubbish bin lid. The drive mechanism was the 
size of an industrial washing machine.

Fortunately the company wanted to use the new technology, so they had 
a 2200 emulator running on top of Xenix on a Wang APC (non-IBM 
compatible 286) as a platform for their package. This was my escape 
route into the UNIX world.

(Now I think we have deviated completely from newbie to dinosaur - 
perhaps we should start a new saurian mailing list.)


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Re: [newbie] 10.1 Community on laptop

2005-02-27 Thread Duncan Anderson
Lee Wiggers wrote:
Laptop now boots with numlock on.  Also sets it on with startx. 
Annoying with the laptop because the keypad is embedded.

How do I change this?

To change it permanently, remove the numlock package using the package 
manager. To keep the package on the system but disabled, go to Mandrake 
Control Centre (Configure Your Computer) - System - Services, scroll 
down until you find numlock and remove the cross from the on boot box, 
and press the stop button. Click on OK and numlock is disabled.

If your GUI is broken for any reason, or if you prefer the command line, 
su to root and type chkconfig --del numlock which will disable the 
service(or disservice).

I had to do this because I have a Thinkpad, and I was going nuts because 
it was telling me that my password was invalid all the time, until it 
dawned on me that this silly service was running.

(It must have been designed for people who are in too much of a hurry to 
press the numlock key.)


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Re: [newbie] Quick question

2005-02-26 Thread Duncan Anderson
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
nonfb translates into booting without using the frame buffer. Basicly, 
writing to the screen like DOS does, instead of directly into video 
memory. (Simplifed explination.) This does not affect the GUI mode, 
only the command line mode. Using the frame buffer, you can do 
interesting things like have a background image with your CLI. 
(Distracting when running VMS-Empire!)
I have just installed 10.1 on a client's Celeron with P4 motherboard 
machine and the installation automatically installed the frame buffer 
inclusive kernel as a default (linux). I found that I could not get a 
higher graphical resolution than 800x600 at 16 bits. When I changed the 
default kernel to linux-nonfb, I found that I could see the graphics 
card properly and was able to set the screen resolution to 1024x768 at 
32 bits. (I can't remember what graphics chip it was using, off hand). I 
also had to specify noapic as a boot parameter.

On my own server, when it was still running Mandrake 9.1, I used to have 
to use the non-fb option for it to work properly. Now I am using the 
default fb 2.6.10 (cooker) kernel on a fairly standard 10.1 installation 
and I can use the frame-buffer.

All I can say is that the frame-buffer version is not always the best 


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Re: [newbie] linux books

2005-02-24 Thread Duncan Anderson
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.  Will try get one or two from 
library first, then buy one.
That is very wise, Rosemary.  Not wanting to dampen anyone's enthusiasm, 
but all Computer books are out of date by the time they are published. 
The best up-to-date information is freely available on the Net.

Having said that, even old computer books can be useful in terms of 
learning the concepts and methods involved. They are not always good at 
the finer details of the newer releases of various Linux distributions.

Linux for Dummies isn't bad.

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Re: [newbie] logging off

2005-02-23 Thread Duncan Anderson
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Is it good for the computer to leave it on all the time?
I always leave my UNIX and Linux boxes on all the time (between power 
outages), and they love it!

It's OK to switch the display off, if it doesn't do so automatically.
If you prefer downing the box at the end of the day, that's also fine. :-)
If you use modem communications and you live in an area where lightning 
storms are common, it's a good idea to disconnect the phone jack from 
your modem when you are not using it, but it's not really necessary to 
shut down the machine.


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Re: [newbie] startx options

2005-02-20 Thread Duncan Anderson
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
One point that probably should be cleared up - it doesn't matter where 
X is started from. You could have started the first X secession from 
tty5, and start the second one from tty1, or the first one could be 
started by booting into run level 5. You can even start one using 
startx -- :1 before starting a second one using startx. (startx 
defaults to :0 unless you tell it different.) The first one started 
will use the first free Vertual Console. This is tty7 with the default 
setup. The second one will use the next free VC, and so forth. You are 
not limmited to just 2.
This is slightly off on a tangent, but it may be illuminating.
If you have a root prompt, you can start X servers by hand without using 
startx, even. For example, you can type:

xinit -- /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 (or :2 or :3 or :4) for local sessions,
or you can start a session on a remote machine by specifying the display 
as foo:0 where foo is the hostname of the remote machine.


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Re: [newbie] Maintenance, what if any?

2005-02-20 Thread Duncan Anderson
Tim wrote:
mdkkdm.log: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 
mdkkdm.log:Feb 19 19:21:28 mdkkdm_config[4693] error: Invalid option 
value 'All' at /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc:292
mdkkdm.log: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 
mdkkdm.log:Feb 19 20:37:01 mdkkdm_config[4705] error: Invalid option 
value 'All' at /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc:292
mdkkdm.log: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 
mdkkdm.log:Feb 20 12:47:26 mdkkdm_config[4582] error: Invalid option 
value 'All' at /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc:292
mdkkdm.log: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 
mdkkdm.log:Feb 21 01:05:13 mdkkdm_config[4702] error: Invalid option 
value 'All' at /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc:292
mdkkdm.log: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 

Probably nothing to worry about if your graphical login is working OK.
messages:Feb 20 13:01:03 localhost msec: changed mode of 
/var/log/kernel/errors.1.gz from 644 to 640
messages:Feb 20 13:01:03 localhost msec: changed mode of 
/var/log/mail/errors.1.gz from 644 to 640
messages:Feb 20 13:01:03 localhost msec: changed mode of 
/var/log/cups/error_log from 644 to 640
messages:Feb 20 13:01:03 localhost msec: changed mode of 
/var/log/daemons/errors.1.gz from 644 to 640
messages:Feb 20 13:01:03 localhost msec: changed mode of 
/var/log/lpr/errors.1.gz from 644 to 640
messages:Feb 20 13:01:03 localhost msec: changed mode of 
/var/log/cron/errors.1.gz from 644 to 640

Ignore these.
messages:Feb 21 01:05:02 localhost shorewall:  reports 
complaining about errors that it didn't catch
messages:Feb 21 01:05:03 localhost shorewall:  reports 
complaining about errors that it didn't catch

If you are using shorewall, then maybe these are worth investigating, 
else turn it off.

messages:Feb 21 01:05:55 localhost kernel: hdd: drive_cmd: 
status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
messages:Feb 21 01:05:55 localhost kernel: hdd: drive_cmd: 
error=0x04Aborted Command

Did you disconnect an external USB drive or memory stick? If not, then 
you may have problems if /dev/hdd is internal.

nvidia-installer.log:   -Wpointer-arith -Wno-multichar -Werror -O 
-fno-common -MD -Wno-cast-qual -Wn
nvidia-installer.log:   o-error -D_LOOSE_KERNEL_NAMES -D__KERNEL__ 
nvidia-installer.log:   ith -Wno-multichar -Werror -O -fno-common -MD 
-Wno-cast-qual -Wno-error -D_L
nvidia-installer.log:   eses -Wpointer-arith -Wno-multichar -Werror 
-O -fno-common -MD -Wno-cast-qua
nvidia-installer.log:   l -Wno-error -D_LOOSE_KERNEL_NAMES 
nvidia-installer.log:   arentheses -Wpointer-arith -Wno-multichar 
-Werror -O -fno-common -MD -Wno-ca
nvidia-installer.log:   st-qual -Wno-error -D_LOOSE_KERNEL_NAMES 
nvidia-installer.log:   es -Wpointer-arith -Wno-multichar -Werror -O 
-fno-common -MD -Wno-cast-qual
nvidia-installer.log:   -Wno-error -D_LOOSE_KERNEL_NAMES -D__KERNEL__ 

None of these are actually errors, they just happen to contain the 
string error.

syslog:Feb 21 01:05:02 localhost shorewall:  reports 
complaining about errors that it didn't catch
syslog:Feb 21 01:05:03 localhost shorewall:  reports 
complaining about errors that it didn't catch
syslog:Feb 21 01:05:55 localhost kernel: hdd: drive_cmd:

See above.
status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
syslog:Feb 21 01:05:55 localhost kernel: hdd: drive_cmd: 
error=0x04Aborted Command

See above.
Xorg.0.log: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 
Xorg.0.log.old: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 
Xorg.1.log: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 
Xorg.1.log.old: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 
Xorg.9.log: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 

If your GUI is working, then ignore these.
mdkkdm.log:Feb 19 19:05:29 mdkkdm_config[4705] error: Invalid option 
value 'All' at /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc:292

is this good or bad?
Probably nothing to worry about, except the one about the hd seek error, 
but only if it is an internal hd.

I hope this gives you some idea of the kind of thing to look for.
You need to practise determining what are real errors and what are bogus 


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Re: [newbie] tar'ing dot files

2005-02-19 Thread Duncan Anderson
JIE mail-list wrote:
I want to create a gzip'ed tar archive of all my dot files for backup
purposes but I can't figure out how to select only the dot files
without also getting everything else in the folder.
$ tar -cvf backup.tar.gz .*   
This seems to get everything in the folder; not good.

Try this:
$ tar cvf backup.tar .[a-z,A-Z,0-9]*
If a file name starts with a dot it behaves slightly differently to 
other files when you use wildcards.


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Re: [newbie] Maintenance, what if any?

2005-02-17 Thread Duncan Anderson
Tim wrote:
I noticed a few days ago somebody mentioned deleting log files  tmp 
files, is this necessary?  If so what else should i be doing?

If i don't will it have an adverse affect on my system?
The reason i ask is i,ve noticed Firefox  Thunderbird are taking 
longer to load, only a few seconds longer but it's noticeable.  I,ve 
spent an hour or so searching the official doc's on ML, It doesn't 
seem to imply its needed.

Running 10.1 with all the updates.
Hi Tim
All operating systems require regular housekeeping.
On Mandrake, you need to do less housekeeping than on some systems I 
have known, but the general principles are the same.

Always check your /var/log directory for signs of problems. If your log 
files are getting too large, then you need to view them to see if there 
are any problems.  A useful check is:

(From the root prompt:)
cd /var/log
grep -y error * | less
This will give you an idea very quickly if there are problems on the system.
If there are no errors, then you can empty out individual log files in 
the following way:

: logfilename
(eg. : messages)
: simply emptys a file, or, if you like, fills it with emptiness.
Do this to all your log files every so often.
You can also delete everything in your /tmp directory before you 
shutdown the system. Sometimes there is a lot of rubbish in there which 
lurks around taking up space.
For example, if you use audacity to record music, you might end up with 
Gigabytes of rubbish in /tmp.

I hope this gives you some ideas.

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Re: [newbie] modem problem (still!)

2005-02-15 Thread Duncan Anderson
Bryan Phinney wrote:
On Tuesday 15 February 2005 10:48, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

While I agree that an external serial modem is the best solution for a
desktop, I'm not sure that it is a realistic solution for a laptop.

I differ.  A lot of people carry around a bag for a laptop, especially since 
most power supplies for laptops require something other than just the laptop.  
When you figure that an external serial modem is about the same size as a 
plug-in floppy (which I have for my laptop) and about the same weight, adding 
an external serial modem to your bag is really not that big a deal.  

And, that is only if you know that you are going to need to dial in somewhere.

I agree with Bryan. However, with laptops there is a better solution, if 
you can find it. I use a Xircom 56K PCMCIA modem with my Thinkpad. It is 
a proper (not win-) modem. I am sure that there are other similar 
products out there.

Don't waste your time with winmodems.

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Re: [newbie] keyboard problem

2005-02-15 Thread Duncan Anderson
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
Hello listers,
Sorry to have so many questions.  I noticed that keys aren't producing the 
letters/symbols that I am used to.  e.g. @ is not in it's usual place as 
indicated on the keyboard, seems to have swapped with  .  There are others 
also.  I think I must have selected UK keyboard instead of US.  Is there a 
way for me to remedy this?  
Thanks in advance


You can change your keyboard layout settings by using the Mandrake 
Control Centre - Hardware - Keyboard option.


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Re: [newbie] modem problem (still!)

2005-02-14 Thread Duncan Anderson
Hi Rosemary
Various people have mad useful suggestions to you regarding your modem 

The way I normally set up an external serial modem is the following:
Use Mandrake Control Centre to add a network connection. Ignore the 
error about no internet connection.
Run kppp and go into the configuration section.
Add a dialup account with your login id and the ISP phone number, etc.
Go into the device section, and select a device (ttyS0, ttyS1, etc).
Go into the modem section, and run query modem. If you get any 
response, then you have selected the right serial port.
Once you have found the right serial port, switch on the modem sound.
Go back to the main kppp window and try to connect.
If you have set up the modem right, you will hear the sound of the 
connection being made.

Another useful tool for debugging modems is minicom. Use minicom -s 
to set it up.

When you have it running on a particular serial port, type AT and 
press enter. If it says OK then you are talking to your modem directly.

You can also use wvdial to connect to the internet using a dialup modem, 
but this is more difficult to set up than kppp.

good luck

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Re: [newbie] supposed thunderbird download

2005-02-14 Thread Duncan Anderson
Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 16:27, mike wrote:

Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

I downloaded thunderbird - I thought.  It downloaded to home/rosemary/tmp
but when I went to tmp something called orbit was there.  Download
manager says thunderbird was downloaed.  What has happened?

Which download manager did you use?

The one in mozilla

Rosemary, perhaps it is time you learned the find command.
Open a command line window (konsole or Eterm or xterm or rxvt or gnuterm 
or whatever), and type the following:

find /home/rosemary -name \*thunderbird\* -print
This will show you the location of anything containing the string 
thunderbird within your home directory and all its subdirectories.

I'm sure there are people who would invoke this command slightly 
differently, but I'm set in my ways - I started using find on UNIX, so 
my usage is perhaps archaic. It works, though.


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Re: [newbie] How to downgrade gcc version?

2005-02-02 Thread Duncan Anderson
Derek Jennings wrote:
On Wednesday 02 February 2005 10:33, Derek Jennings wrote:

On Wednesday 02 February 2005 06:32, Vathsala Devi wrote:

Dear All Mandrake Users,
I am using Mandrake Linux 9.1 to do my Master degree research project
with University of Malaya, Malaysia...
My problem is, I have to install a network simulator called NS2 version
ns-2.1b9 on my Linux platform but the Linux gcc 3.2.2 would support my
ns-2.1b9...The problem is because of the gcc version and my supervisor
advised me to downgrade the gcc version to any lower version...
Can someone kindly tell me how to do this downgrading?...I am very-very
new to Linux environment and afraid of touching any sensitive areas in
Please help...I really would appreciate your help...
Thank you...
Vathsala Devi

Using your software Install/Uninstall GUIs uninstall the package gcc and
install the package gcc2.06
Thats it!
Have fun

One day I'll learn to type :-(
That should be 
install gcc2.96


You don´t even have to do that. You can simply install both compilers 
and add the following to your Makefiles:

List the /usr/bin/gcc* files to see whether I typed it wrong.
I have to use both compilers at different times, so this is very convenient.

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Re: [newbie] Playing god with friends new laptop (Moral question)

2005-01-22 Thread Duncan Anderson
There should be no problem. The lady in question is a computer newbie. 
She will most likely want to use email and word-processing initially, so 
there should be absolutely no issue, since all such programs are 
standard on Mandrake at no extra charge.

Most importantly, she will not have to bother with the time-wasting and 
expensive activities which surround Windows in its capacity of virus 
magnet. How any newbie copes with the whole vicious circle of infection, 
re-installation, protection, updates, etc., defeats me. 

I have installed Mandrake on several senior citizens' computers and 
generally a bit of help is required every now and then, but it is 
normally sorted out over the phone, or for a few minutes, accompanied by 
a cup of tea and a chat.

There is also no problem getting Mandrake to see wireless networks. We 
don't have such luxuries where I live, but when I was in Europe on 
holiday, I had no trouble connecting to the hotels' access points with 
Mandrake 10.1beta2 (at the time, August last year). I was using an 
Orinoco PCMCIA card. Unfortunately the ADSL infrastructure does not 
exist yet in our beautiful seaside village. I believe it is due in 2006.

(from the South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal)
August last year). I was using an
Orinoco PCMCIA card. Unfortunately the ADSL infrastructure does not
exist yet in our beautiful seaside village. I believe it is due in
2006. br
cheers br
(from the South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal)br

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Re: [newbie] Just built a Mandrake 10.1 system for the 1st time. I am getting the error kernel BUG at mm/rmap.c:407!

2004-12-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
Hi Randy
What version of the kernel are you running?
Randy Paries wrote:
I just finished building a new Box and have been letting it just run 
to burn in.
After running 5 days it crashed, and this was in the error log::
Dec 19 04:02:01 millhouse kernel: kernel BUG at mm/rmap.c:407!
Dec 19 04:02:01 millhouse kernel: invalid operand:  [#1]
Dec 19 04:02:01 millhouse kernel: SMP
I have done the
urpmi and got all the updates
BTW the hardware is 2GB Ram and Two Intel Pentium4 Xeon 2.4GHz
Thanks for any help

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Re: [newbie] Just built a Mandrake 10.1 system for the 1st time. I am getting the error kernel BUG at mm/rmap.c:407!

2004-12-21 Thread Duncan Anderson
Randy Paries wrote:

For what it's worth, the bug error was generated by a failure of the
page_remove_rmap function call. This function attempts to remove a 
page of memory's pte mapping. What caused it is whatever caused the 
value of page to be invalid. What caused this to happen is another 
matter. Perhaps the dimensions of the page map were exceeded, I'm not 
sure. Some further investigation is necessary. Were there any other 
error messages?


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Re: [newbie] How to call Firefox from command-line (after installing)

2004-12-18 Thread Duncan Anderson
Edward Wijaya wrote:
I've tried this command:
export PATH:$PATH:/usr/share/firefox
but won't work (gives not valid identifier error).
How can I enable it?
Thanks so much beforehand.
Hello Edward
You need to type the following:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/firefox
You had a colon(:) instead of an equals(=) sign.

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[newbie] usb modems

2004-12-10 Thread Duncan Anderson
I have been trying to attach a usb modem to a Thinkpad T22. The modem is 
a Microcom USB 56K Travel/S. I have looked in the Twiki and found 
nothing. usbview shows an unknown device.

I am very familiar with serial modems, but as far as these new-fangled 
usb beasties are concerned, I am a complete newbie.

I am running 10.1CE. MCC(drakconf) does not seem to work, and using the 
kppp configuration does not work either. I see various USB related tty 
devices listed, but when I query modem, nothing is picked up.

Does anyone have any experience of these things? Am I wasting my time?

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Re: [newbie] usb modems

2004-12-10 Thread Duncan Anderson
Thanks Paul
I have downloaded the driver. It compiled cleanly and everything looks 
great. As soon as some other downloads are completed I shall unplug my 
Xircom PCMCIA modem and try the Microport. The URL you provided was spot on.

paul wrote:
The linux USB site says it works, see:
there's also a link to a howto at the bottom of the page.
have fun  8-)

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 10.1

2004-12-08 Thread Duncan Anderson
Danesh Daroui wrote:
I tried to install it on a PIII 933 MHz with 192 MB RAM and 30 GB 
harddisk. This is not a our server and it is just an old system to test. 
I wouldn't give up so soon. I run 10.1CE on a P3 500MHz machine with 
256Mb of RAM, and on a P3 900Mhz machine with 128Mb RAM with no 
problems. If your graphics card is giving you trouble, then install the 
system in text mode. You can always fiddle around with the X settings 


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Re: [newbie] Download the rpm directly instead of urpmi

2004-12-08 Thread Duncan Anderson
Fajar Priyanto wrote:
Thanks folks,
I've just got wake up (4.00 am now), and ready to install the bunch of RPMs 
that I've downloaded last night.

About the gftp.. I didn't know that it has comparison ability. It's cool. I 
think I'll use it.

Have fun. I do that sort of thing all the time. We don't have enough 
bandwidth for online updates to be anything but a pain, so we tend to 
download rpms at night and then install them during the day. One day, 
maybe, we will have fast internet access(when an iso takes less than 
three days to download :-)) This is the price we have to pay for living 
in a tropical paradise.


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Re: [newbie] Groups

2004-12-07 Thread Duncan Anderson
Keith Powell wrote:
A very basic question, please.
How do I find out which groups I am in and, if necessary, create and 
add myself to another group.

You can look at /etc/group to see which groups you belong to.
Sorry, I just can't find how to do it in Mandrake. MCC-System-Users 
and groups doesn't appear do it.

You can edit /etc/group (as root) and manually create a new group and 
add yourself to it. (Make sure you assign a unique group id number if 
you create a new group.)

Having said that, are you sure MCC doesn't allow you to add groups?

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 10.1

2004-12-07 Thread Duncan Anderson
Danesh Daroui wrote:
I am migrating from Fedora Core 3 to Mandrake 10.1, but I was jut 
dissapointed !!! What a garbage is this Mandrake 10.1 !!! It always 
crashes and it is absolutely unstable. Did you have same problem ? Is 
version 10 more stable ?
I have had no problems with Mandrake 10.1. What hardware are you using?

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Re: [newbie] OT Recovering Data

2004-12-05 Thread Duncan Anderson
Graham Watkins wrote:
Hi Guys,
First off, apologies for posting from a Windows box. I'm slowly 
rebuilding a system after a major hardware catastrophe (see earlier 

After looking at a few options for data recovery from a linux system, 
I finally opted for the System Rescue CDROM at

Installed the hard disk as a slave and booted up from the CD.It worked 
a treat when I finally figured out how to mount the partitions. Got 
everything I couldn't do without and then some.

It may be a while before I get a new linux box up and running as I'm 
pretty busy just now. But when I do, I shall be moving up from 9.2 to 
10.1 Community.

I'm looking forward to it.
When you do get around to it, have fun!

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Re: [newbie] Changing hostname

2004-12-02 Thread Duncan Anderson
Is there a way to restart the network without rebooting?

Try service network restart from a root prompt.

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Re: [newbie] DVD Burners

2004-12-01 Thread Duncan Anderson
Hi everyone
On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 01:48:58PM -0500, BJ Tracy wrote:

I'm looking to do the same thing. Newegg has Liteon's for between $60
and $70 and I've heard that these are good (recommended by a few folks
at work) but I don't see any info when I search the hardware
compatibility on the Mandrake site.

I have been using a Liteon DVD-RW/CDRW on Mandrakes 10.0, 10.1beta2 and 
10.1 Community with no problems whatsover. I would recommend these 
drives to anyone.


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Re: [newbie] Manuals?

2004-11-28 Thread Duncan Anderson
Why has nobody mentioned man. The full manual set for the operating 
system can be accessed by using man. The only exceptions are KDE type 
programs which use the KDE help system, etc.


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Re: [newbie] OT Recovering Data

2004-11-27 Thread Duncan Anderson
Hello Graham
Anyhow, what I want to know is what is the best way to recover data from a hard 
drive that is about to fail, but contains part of my Mandrake installation (usr 
 home) when I get a new box up and running.  Can I install it as a slave disk 
an access it through a new Mandrake installation or perhaps a live CD distribution? 
Or are there other ways?
I realise this isn't exactly a Mandrake specific topic but there is more concentrated computer wisdom here than any other place I know so I hope you can steer me right.

The method that you mention is perhaps the safest, ie. install it as a 
slave disk, etc. I have done that sort of thing many times. As long as 
you are methodical and logical, you should be OK. I have done this with 
Redhat 5.2, SCO OpenServer, SCO UNIX 4.2, MS-Dog, and various versions 
of Mandrake from version 7.1 up. Most recently I did it with Mandrake 
10.1beta2. It is a good way of upgrading your system as well as a way of 
recovering data from an ailing drive.

Once you have installed your new drive, simply run drakconf (diskdrake) 
and set up the mount points and off you go!


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Re: [newbie] How to switch from one linux partition to another?

2004-11-27 Thread Duncan Anderson
All you need is to create an entry in /etc/fstab. Give it a different 
mount point. Copy the entry for /home and change it so that the device 
entry is correct and the mount point is different. Make sure that you 
create the directory to use as a mount point.

The easier way is to run drakconf and set up the mount point and it will 
save the changes to /etc/fstab for you!

I you want to have 9.1 as a boot option, you have to fiddle a bit. If 
you are using lilo as your boot loader, then you need to add an entry 
for your 9.1 setup. Copy the 9.1 kernel into /boot and run lilo. If you 
get no errors, then it should work. Make sure that your lilo entry 
contains the full name of the kernel file, not the shortened link name.


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[newbie] 8.1 program install=kernel panic

2002-01-08 Thread duncan

I have a problem with 8.1 can anyone help please?

I have PII233 128Mb ram and ATI rage turbo agp graphics card,NE2000
compatible network card and generic scsi isa card for blackwidow

I am flummoxed, every time I try to boot from cdrom to install 8.1
the install locks up (during expert) or reboots on other install

The error at lockup is always

RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block0
Uncompressing 0 CPU 0 :Machine Check Exception:1604

Bank 0:b2800800 

Bank 3:b2080a01

Kernel panic:CPU context corrupt

This happens with 8.0 and 7.2 and suse7.3.

It did not happen with redhat 6.1 or mandrake 6.0.

I have PII233 128Mb ram and ATI rage turbo agp graphics card,NE2000
compatible network card and generic scsi isa card for blackwidow

I have changed the bios in loads of combinations but nothing works.

I would love to get 8.1 working so that once tested I can install it on
my main workday computer and perhaps laptop.

I have been using mandrake since 6.0 but have never come across this

Regards Duncan Bayne

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[newbie] CUPS problem

2001-06-24 Thread duncan

Hi Ken

I have just had this problem

lots about it on the search thru the mail list and what worked for me
was to reboot with the mandrake install disc select upgrade workstation
or whatever you used and then make sure you select add printer. i t will
probably need the 2nd disk i think.

It all worked fine after this.

Let us know how you get on

Regards Duncan

[newbie] XCDROAST

2001-05-18 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

HI there all

I'v installed Xcdroast and all the libs that must go with it.
First of all I got the message that I needed GTK+ so I installed that too
now I get this message. 
What do I have to do to creat a helper program in order to get it to run.
  Iv checked out the site indicated but that didn't seem to help.

This is the message that now appears when I try to run Xcdroast.

Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid.
This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper
program instead. For further details, see:

Refusing to initialize GTK+.

Anybody got any ideas.

[newbie] Microsoft for Linux

2001-05-11 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Hi there all 

I think this must be the hoax of the year.
Microsoft has come out with its own Linux version. I have to see this to
believe it though.

Check out there site

[newbie] smartmedia

2001-05-10 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Hi there all

I have a digital camera FUJI MX700 with one of those smartmedia cards.
The card goes into one of these floppy like drives and I insert that into
the floppy disk drive to read the media.
Anybody know how to get this working on Linux Mandrake 8.0?


[newbie] Logitech webcam Pro

2001-05-09 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Hi there

Anybody know how to get a Logitech Webcam Pro USB working on Mandrake 8.0
What is the program that does the same as Net Meeting.

[newbie] Compiling the Kernel

2001-04-23 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Hi all.

I think I'm confused.
In /usr/src I have Linux and Linux-2.4.2. Which one is the good one or the
running kernel.
which one do I rename? I did a mv Linux Linux.old  or should I do
Do I place myself into the Linux or Linux-2.4.2 before I run make menuconfig
or xconfig to recompile.
If I type ctrl-x ctrl-v to see the version I get linux-2.4.2mdk15 or
somehink like that. (Sorry for any mistakes I'm at work and not in front of
my box)
anyway I configure what has to be configured . I save. 
I run a make dep  make clean  make bzImage  make modules  make
modules_install. (Tell me if I'm wrong)
I get no errors which for me is already a good thing.

This is where I get confused because in some HOWTO's they say run a make
install. and in others they say do a 
cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-kernel.version.number

So which one do I do?
I then do a vi/etc/lilo.conf
after that I run lilo
I cross my fingers and pray I didn't do anything stupid and do a reboot
selecting my ne

How can I be sure that all is well. ( besides 
For extra info could someone give us help or even the procedure for a


[newbie] Telnet

2001-04-19 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

HI there

Iv got Linux running on a HP Vectrea VL5 It works just fine 
I am currently accessing this box via telnet. However the screensize of
telnet is limited and I'm looking for someother kind of
tools that lets me work from a windows machine.
Something like PCanywhere. 
I dont want to use X as I'm a newbie and want to practice the command in
Anybody got any ideas?

[newbie] Telnet

2001-04-19 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

HI there
Iv got Linux running on a HP Vectrea VL5 It works just fine 
I am currently accessing this box via telnet. However the screensize
telnet is limited and I'm looking for someother kind of
tools that lets me work from a windows machine.
Something like PCanywhere. 
I dont want to use X as I'm a newbie and want to practice the command
Anybody got any ideas?

RE: [newbie] boot error

2001-04-13 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Have you tried at boot up to run linux single?. That should get you started.

 -Message d'origine-
 Date: vendredi 13 avril 2001 07:08
 Objet:[newbie] boot error
 Well, I blew it. I installed Cygnus GnuPro Dev Kit on my system, and now
 won't boot! Here's the actual situation: After installation of the 
 software, I had to modify a couple of environment variables. I added an 
 entry to the /etc/ file (I had  to create the file first),
 unfortunately, I must have mistyped the path to the file, because now I
 an error that lists the path to the file, and then says "No such file 
 exists". This is during boot-up, and then the system hangs!
 I tried to boot from the emergency diskette, but it still hung at the same
 Can anyone tell me how to get my system to do some sort of minimal boot so
 as to avoid this error, and allow me to fix my mistake?
 "...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
 foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
 and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."
 (1 Cor 1:23-24)

[newbie] reading CDRW cd's

2001-04-11 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Hi there anybody know how to read a CDRW under Linux
I know Windoze uses UDF reader does the same apply to Linux?

RE: [newbie] Upgrade from 7.2 to traktopel

2001-04-10 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Very easy if you have both CD's
I think there is a bug when it comes to choosing what type of network do you
wanna use.
I chose modem tty1 and all went well until I had to validate my setting. It
didn't want to go to the next stage.
Anyway everything works just fine know.
Good luck

 -Message d'origine-
 De:   Mattias Segerdahl [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Date: mardi 10 avril 2001 08:21
 Objet:[newbie] Upgrade from 7.2 to traktopel
 Is this easily done?

[newbie] Intel inside Idiot outside

2001-04-10 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

hi there

Im looking for documentation for linux for an idiot. Iv checked a bunch of
sites but they all seem to be different.
How to configure the kernel A to Z.
In that matter everything from A-Z
Iv been to
Iv been everywhere.
If anybody knows where I can download a book or something like that please
help out.

RE: [newbie] Intel inside Idiot outside

2001-04-10 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Thanks todd.
Yeah I'v been through all that.
I'm looking for something like support books or docs online. Something like
the study guides for WINDOZE MCSE.


 -Message d'origine-
 Date: mardi 10 avril 2001 16:31
 Objet:Re: [newbie] Intel inside Idiot outside
 "Mcintosh, Duncan" wrote:
  Im looking for documentation for linux for an idiot. Iv checked a bunch
  sites but they all seem to be different.
  How to configure the kernel A to Z.
 There is a help key in many of the screens when you do "make
 menuconfig".  Do you need more information than what's provided?  Are
 you looking for theory?  I don't know that there is one concise document
 or series of documents that go into that detail.
 Blue skies... Todd
 | Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
 |  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
 |  | --unknown origin   |

RE: [newbie] file server

2001-04-10 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Yeah I agree with you Matties 
Gee at the moment I'm getting more than 50 or so mail a day and I'v been
reading most of them but to me it sound like a place for the experts and not
the idiots.
For those who do read this no harm as I'm sure when I begin to understand
more linux it will all make sense.

 -Message d'origine-
 De:   Mattias Segerdahl [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Date: mardi 10 avril 2001 15:46
 Objet:Re: [newbie] file server
 English might not be my native language, though, I don't see what it has
 to do with this. I thought this list was called Linux Mandrake Newbie,
 iow, a list for people that arn't that good at linux. When talking to
 people that are new to linux, it's easier to use "microsoft" terms for
 them to understand.
 // Mattias
 - Original Message - 
 From: "Daryl Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 3:12 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] file server
  If you meant the one after the 'let' then I did but I made allowances
  English is probably not your first language.  If I have completely
  misinterpreted your post then I apologise.
  Daryl Johnson
  Proplan Associates
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mattias Segerdahl
   Sent: 10 April 2001 12:53
   Subject: Re: [newbie] file server
   Did you notice the "'s ?
   - Original Message -
   From: "Daryl Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 1:33 PM
   Subject: RE: [newbie] file server
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mattias
 Sent: 10 April 2001 09:56
 Subject: Re: [newbie] file server


 For a fileserver you don't need that much cpu or ram, but
 ofcourse hard drives... You would probably be best of reading
 about samba in this case, samba is a "netbui" fileserver which
U beg pardon?  Netbeui? Well, makes a change from TCP/IP  ;o)
Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates

RE: [newbie] Intel inside Idiot outside

2001-04-10 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Thanks Daryl
Thats what I'm doing at the moment. Lots of howto, mini howto's, and
scratching head.
Yes and I'm lucky as a friend who is a UNIX engineer introduced me to the
real world of computing. However there is no challenge if he show me how
everything works.
Know of any good books for newbies?



 -Message d'origine-
 De:   Daryl Johnson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Date: mardi 10 avril 2001 16:15
 Objet:RE: [newbie] Intel inside Idiot outside
 There are all sorts of manuals and books that will claim to take you to
 state of being a linux guru.  In my experience there is no one source.
 The first purchase I made after going the unix route (NetBSD) was
 System Administration by Aileen Frisch.  It's pretty good.  I also got
 of the BSD 4.4 User's Reference manual and System Administrator's manual.
 The FAQs are also worth reading for linux as well as the packages that you
 may install. (/usr/share/doc  ;o)   ) I found the FAQs that came with
 various Amiga distributions both informative as well as non-machine
 The point is I think you will have to attempt several different sources -
 also, hopefully, have access to someone who knows the subject  sigh
 sounds hard doesn't it?
 It's rewarding though and does start to make sense after a while.
 Good luck
 Daryl Johnson
 Proplan Associates
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mcintosh, Duncan
  Sent: 10 April 2001 14:14
  Subject: [newbie] Intel inside Idiot outside
  hi there
  Im looking for documentation for linux for an idiot. Iv checked a bunch
  sites but they all seem to be different.
  How to configure the kernel A to Z.
  In that matter everything from A-Z
  Iv been to
  Iv been everywhere.
  If anybody knows where I can download a book or something like that
  help out.

RE: [newbie] Can't configure and run xWin

2001-04-10 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Have you tried Mandrake 7.0?
Doesn't autodetect work?

 -Message d'origine-
 Date: mardi 10 avril 2001 16:38
 Objet:[newbie] Can't configure and run xWin
 I recently purchased a copy of Mandrake 7.2 with the intent of installing
 it on my laptop. Unfortunately, as with previous attempts (Mandrake 7.1,
 SUSE, Red Hat), I was unable to do so.
 It would appear that the problem is something to do with my monitor, but
 could be the graphics card.
 I have tried the following two monitor types:-
  Generic LCD 1024*768
  High Resolution SVGA
 Laptop spec:-
  Hewlett Packard Omnibook XE2 DB
  Graphics Card ? Silicon Motion LynxE (2mb RAM)
  Purchased in Oct 99
 After installing Mandrake xWin doesn't start. When I Type 'startx' from
 command promt I get the following error message?.
 (ee) VGA (0) : Given depth (16) is not supported by this driver
 (ee) Screen(s) found but none have a usable configuration
 Fatal Server error no screens found.

RE: [newbie] upgrade RPM 3 to 4 -- Where?

2001-04-09 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

But if you find it please let me know

Have a nice day

 -Message d'origine-
 De:   Benjamin Sher [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Date: lundi 9 avril 2001 07:13
 Objet:[newbie] "upgrade" RPM 3 to 4 -- Where?
 Dear friends:
 I recently heard that Red Hat has produced a special RPM package that will
 allow Red Hat 6 users (who use rpm version 3 to upgrade packages that are 
 built with rpm version 4). If so, does anyone know where I can find this 
 information, and, more importantly, what is the opinion of Mandrake
 on whether such an rpm "upgrade" would work in Mandrake 7.2?
 Thank you so much.
 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

RE: [newbie] Slow hdd access

2001-04-09 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Try Mandrake 8.0

 -Message d'origine-
 De:   Michael Falzon [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Date: lundi 9 avril 2001 16:22
 Objet:[newbie] Slow hdd access
 hi all
 I'm runing mandrake 6.1 with a ata 100 m/b and ata 66 hdd i'm sure
 that the drive is not way running up to speed, how do i set it up to run
 ( i have try to use webadmin it ok till i have to reboot )
 Michael Falzon
 Last Of The BBs Sysop
 Mozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBs
 Registered Linux user #204397

RE: [newbie] compiling kernel

2001-04-09 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

I'm also getting this problem.

When I boot the new kernel I get the follow 

module! module! error net-fr-1
 I imagine that it has something to do with the network.
I'v tried changing all the thing that could be changed with out success.
I'v gone throught the whole complie process.
Checked Lilo and so on but still with no success.
Still drinking Coffee

Cheers Duncan

 -Message d'origine-
 De:   dooshiant % [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Date: lundi 9 avril 2001 16:46
 Objet:[newbie] compiling kernel
 Since a while I've been having problems compiling the 2.4.x kernel on
 and what should I put in the processor type section.
 I am current ly using a Duron 700 and I choose the Athlon/K7 as processor 
 type to be compiled for.
 BTW is there any guide to intalling glibc 2.2 on mandrake.
 here the error msg i always get when compile:
 In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/string.h:21,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/fs.h:23,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/capability.h:17,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/binfmts.h:5,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h:9,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/mm.h:4,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/slab.h:14,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/malloc.h:4,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/proc_fs.h:5,
  from init/main.c:15:
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__constant_memcpy3d':
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:305: `current' undeclared (first use
 this function)
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__memcpy3d':
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:312: `current' undeclared (first use
 this function)
 make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1
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[newbie] why SMTP and POP at the same time

2000-08-09 Thread duncan

Hello all

Not sure what is going on but using MDK7.0 and kppp with PAP am able to
log on to web fine but dont seem to be getting the mail I dont think.

When either in netscape or Kmail I request mail Answer = There Are no
new messages on server. I also get this message from my Isp quite often.

"Demon Internet currently offers two ways of accessing email.

In one, SMTP, the SMTP client running on the mail machines at Demon
sends email to a SMTP server (or "daemon") on your machine and then
deletes it on the Demon machines.

In the other, POP3, the POP3 server offers the client a
list of files; the client then chooses which of these files
to retrive or to download.

When both ways are used simultaneously, it can happen that
a message that was initially found and offered by the POP3
server is then delivered and deleted by the SMTP client; 
when the POP3 client then requests it, it is gone.

That has just happened."

How can I check SMTP on my system or disable it as pop has worked fine
prior to this upgrade.

Any help would be great.

Regards Duncan

The message hasn't been lost; it has merely been delivered
through another channel.  You should find it elsewhere in your

The easiest way to prevent this from occurring in the future
is to not use POP3 and SMTP simultaneously.

If you have any further questions and comments about this,
please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] Upgrading from Workstation to Development

2000-06-21 Thread Duncan McQueen

I need to upgrade a system installed under a
workstation configuration to a development one.  What
rpms do I need?

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Re: [newbie] error in ml 7.1 ftp install

2000-06-20 Thread Duncan McQueen

I didn't find a solution, as it appears to be a
general problem with the FTP install.  I just
installed 7.0 instead and did selective updates with
RPM (kernel, linuxconf, as well as installed

What other packages should I update using RPM (instead
of the regular update procedure)?  Can I do Xfree 4.0
this way with little consequence?


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am also having the same problem trying to install
 Mandrake 7.1  Have you
 found a solution?  Also, how do you post a message
 in the newbie forum.  I'm
 new to all this Linux stuff.  Windows is looking
 that much better lately!

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Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.

[newbie] Error in ML 7.1 FTP install

2000-06-19 Thread Duncan McQueen

I have seen this error quite a bit on the news groups,
with no real answer.  I am attempting to install
Mandrake Linux 7.1 via FTP install.  I am using the mirror to install.  After the
install states it is checking to see which packages
are available, I get this error "depslist.ordered
mismatch against hdlist".  Has anyone seen this, and 
been able to resolve?

Thank you very much for your prompt attention,

Duncan McQueen

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.

[newbie] how to put GLIB in path so it can be found ?

2000-05-04 Thread duncan

I am trying to install sane and after I have ./configure of glib1.2.6 and make
and make install I get difficulties with gtk+1.2.6 not able to find glib 1.2.6.

checking for glib-config... no
checking for GLIB - version = 1.2.4... no
*** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found
*** If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to glib-config.
configure: error:  

How do I indicate where glib has gone or make sure that gtk can find what it

I cant find where GLIB_CONFIG environment variable is or where glib config
script is .

PLease can anyone help .

Duncan Bayne

[newbie] where with sane?

2000-05-02 Thread duncan

Can anyone please help

Have sane installed as far as kpackage is concerned but cannot do
anything with it from there.

Do I need to do something after the src rpm has been rebuilt.It says
inreadme go to top level directory and do ./configure then make and then
make installBut where is the top level directory?

I have also tried downloading the tar.gz versions of sane glib and gtk
but get problems with glib version not in path and so not recognized by
the gtk or sane during their attempted configure and make and make

I m surely missing something fundamental.

PLease help before  I am insane.

Regards duncan Bayne

[newbie] MS Word follow up

2000-04-19 Thread duncan


Theres a program called MSwordview its been installed into my
utilities/text group. Version 0.5.14bw6-1 mdk and it understands office
97 word files fine.

It came with my Mandrake 7.0 disk but should be available over the web
it works a treat.

Hope this helps

Duncan Bayne

[newbie] i cant start up a home network

2000-04-18 Thread duncan

I have a desktop and a laptop which i want to network under linux.
They both connect ok under windows and the network cards are both
recognised and functional according to lothar.

The problem i have is where next,using linux conf i have assigned names
and numbers such as



I am not getting the machines doing anything beyond this.

Have also installed vmware onto desktop machine and tried to host only
network it to linux using samba this too has been unsuccessful but maybe
i should crawl before walking.

It sounds easy if I could get into the part of linuxconf networking for
idiots that is described in the  help section on networking but it
doesnt sem to be there.

I am running mandrake 7.0

Thankyou duncan

[newbie] problems with netscape crashing when address book used

2000-04-07 Thread duncan

Can anyone please help

Every time I use my address book or even try to access it causes
a shut down of communicator which is very annoying .

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the netscape files but
somewhere the system is remembering the address book and i dont
know which file to delete.

I think the problem arose after importing an address book from
windows netscape 4.6 and also a similar one from linux mandrake
6.0 this produced some duplicate entries which was okay at first
but when i tried to delete some of the extra entries they wouldnt
go. or they would only go if the lower of several entries was
deleted and then the next one up. I also could only delete two or
three entries before it stopped deleting and I had to close the
address book before recommencing .

I am happy to ditch this corrupted address book but dont know
wher to go from here .

Thankyou in advance.

Duncan Bayne

Remember if you stab two keys by accident it always registers the
letter you dont require.

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