[newbie-it] driver stampante

2002-04-06 Per discussione Simone

Qualcuno sa se è possibile far funzionare
la stampante laser Canon LBP-800 su
mandrake 8.1? Esiste il driver? Se si dove
posso trovarlo?

Avevo provato ad installare Suse, lì il
driver c'era.

ICQ #147054457
Ni hau, Cerchietto

La radice della pazienza è amara, il frutto è dolce

[newbie-it] come visualizzare cdrom e floppy (II Parte)?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Alesk

Ragazzi, scusate se vi annoio ancora con questo problema che non riesco a 
Putroppo non sono esperto...anzi non so quasi niente di linux etc..
Andrea Celli mi ha detto questo:

...apri il file /etc/lilo.conf e dovunque vedi una riga del tipo
append= devfs=auto ... 
modificala in
append= devfs=auto nobiospnp ... 
esci e lancia il comando lilo.
Al prossimo avvio dovrebbe essere tutto ok.

Ora vi incollo il contenuto del file /etc/lilo.conf

append= hdc=ide-scsi devfs=mount  
  cosa dovrei modificare??
Grazie 1 

[newbie-it] installazione di PostgreSQL

2002-04-06 Per discussione Simone

Ho provato ad installare dei pacchetti RPM, ma mi
da il seguente messaggio d'errore, qualcuno sa che
vuol dire?

[root@localhost RPMS]# rpm -i postgre*.rpm

error: failed dependencies:
sfio is needed by postgresql-7.1.2-19mdk

ICQ #147054457
Ni hau, Cerchietto

La radice della pazienza è amara, il frutto è dolce

Re: [newbie-it] come visualizzare cdrom e floppy (II Parte)?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Stefano Sebastiani

Alle 12:18, sabato 6 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 append= devfs=auto ... 
 modificala in
 append= devfs=auto nobiospnp ... 
 esci e lancia il comando lilo.
 Al prossimo avvio dovrebbe essere tutto ok.
VEDI la riga sotto che inizia con append?
 append= hdc=ide-scsi devfs=mount

DEvi modificarla con append= devfs=auto nobiospnp ... 

2 domande
perchè la monti in read only?!
perchè la monti in leggi soltanto?

Re: [newbie-it] driver stampante

2002-04-06 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 11:14, sabato 6 aprile 2002 hai scritto:
 Qualcuno sa se è possibile far funzionare
 la stampante laser Canon LBP-800 su
 mandrake 8.1? Esiste il driver? Se si dove
 posso trovarlo?

 Avevo provato ad installare Suse, lì il
 driver c'era.

Ciao, hai provato a dare un'occhiata nella lista dell'hardware supportato, 
sul sito di Linux Mandrake?


P.S.: la versione corretta della frase che citi («La radice della pazienza è 
amara, il frutto è dolce») è «Le radici dell'educazione sono amare. Ma il 
frutto è dolce.» (Aristotele). ;)

Re: [newbie-it] come visualizzare cdrom e floppy (II Parte)?

2002-04-06 Per discussione tom

Alle 12:18, sabato 6 aprile 2002, Alesk ha scritto:

 ...apri il file /etc/lilo.conf e dovunque vedi una riga del tipo
 append= devfs=auto ... 
 modificala in
 append= devfs=auto nobiospnp ... 
 esci e lancia il comando lilo.
 Al prossimo avvio dovrebbe essere tutto ok.

 Ora vi incollo il contenuto del file /etc/lilo.conf

append= hdc=ide-scsi devfs=mount
   cosa dovrei modificare??
 Grazie 1

La riga da modificare è quella evidenziata con la doppia  
e alla fine ti dovrebbe risulatre cosi
append= hdc=ide-scsi nobiospnp devfs=mount

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] Problemi con Mandrake 8,2 e iptables

2002-04-06 Per discussione Alberto

Salve a tutti.
Ho riscontrato dei gravi problemi con iptables sotto manndrake 8,2 realise.
In sintesi dopo n'istallazione pulita partendo da disco formattato il
servizio iptables non si avvia.
Ho cercato tra i servizi attivi e non ci sta.
Ho provato a farlo partire e non parte.
Ho dato dei comandi per settare il nat alla solita maniera , in 8,1 va da 6
mesi circa, ma nulla!!
Mi dice che devo aggiornare o iptables o il kernel.
Ho anche prvato a disistallare iptabe e a reistallarlo sempre dai cd di
Mandrake 8,2 ma non cambia nulla.
Come posso risolvere? Qualcun'altro ha riscontrato problemi simili?
Anche altri mei amici hanno avuto lo stesso problema.
Io posseggo un Athlon 800 che con Mandrake 8,1 é sempre andato a gonfie

Re: [newbie-it] come visualizzare cdrom e floppy (II Parte)?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Alesk

At 14.05 06/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
DEvi modificarla con append= devfs=auto nobiospnp ... 

2 domande
perchè la monti in read only?!
perchè la monti in leggi soltanto?

bhooo! non so cosa vuol dire..cosi l'ho installato! :-)
Grazie 1000 per le risposte!!

Re: [newbie-it] modem interno.... e altri problemi

2002-04-06 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

At 08.28 05/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Alle 23:58, giovedì 4 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
  Cari amici,
  questo è il mio primo giorno da pinguino, sono molto entusiasta ma
  naturalmente cominciano i problemi per un utente assai inesperto quale sono
  ...dunque il problema è che il sistema non legge il modem interno del mio
  pc che fare??
  il modello del modem è MOD, MDM, DFAX, V90, GVC, DIM trascrivo ciò che
  leggo nella ricevuta inviatami dalla  DELL
  Vi ringrazio di già..

Dovresti darci più indicazioni su marca e modello. Genericamente i modem
interni (chiamati anche winmodem) mancano sostanzialmente di una parte
hardware che viene sostituita dal driver specifico per il modello. I driver,
il più delle volte sono sviluppati solo per l'ambiente windows. Fanno
eccezione alcune marche ed alcuni modelli, quali, ad esempio, Lucent con la
serie LT che è pienamente supportata. Dovresti, inoltre, farti un giro sul
sito www.linmodems.org dove si può accedere alle spiegazioni e al download
dei driver pèer i modelli disponibili.

Dunque... il modello del modem è Conexant HSF V 92 56 K Data Fax PCI 
Modem... sono andato nel sito e ho scaricato il driver che ancora devo 
imparare ad installare

Ma, mentre facevo queste operazioni mi sono accorto che quando tento di 
aprire il floppy c'è questo messaggio di errore:

Impossibile montare il dispositivo, l'errore riportato è

mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /mnt/floppy busy
mount: according to mtab, /dev/fd0 is already mounted on /mnt/floppy

ed ho inoltre notato che dal desktop KDE manca del tutto l'icona del cd-rom
sono andato in Mandrake Control Center per vedere se il sistema aveva visto 
il dvd
e il masterizzatore del mio computer e Hardrake dice sotto cd:

_ NEC CD-RW NR - 7900
_ NEC DV - 5800 A
_ NEC NR - 7900 A

dunque credo abbia ricosciuto il tutto

e allora che fare... che stress!!! Potrò mai utilizzare Linux per benino???

Vi ringrazio per la pazienza verso gli utenti inesperti

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con Mandrake 8,2 e iptables

2002-04-06 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 15:31, sabato 6 aprile 2002, Voi, Notabile 
Alberto, avete dipinto:
 In sintesi dopo n'istallazione pulita partendo da disco formattato il
 servizio iptables non si avvia.
 Ho cercato tra i servizi attivi e non ci sta.
 Ho provato a farlo partire e non parte.

Azz, nella sfera di cristallo non c'e' scritto niente, come faro'? ;
Spiegazioni, prego, con relativi messaggi di errore possibilmente ...
Prova cmq (da root) con 'service iptables restart' oppure 
'/etc/init.d/iptables restart'
I moduli del kernel che servono a iptables sono stati compilati (se per 
caso hai fatto una ricompilazione fai-da-te)? 
Con il comando 'lsmod' ti risultano poi caricati (es. ip_tables e 
C'e' una rara possibilita' che il cd sia danneggiato e/o il pacchetto 
di iptables in tuo possesso sia corrotto, prova casomai a riscaricare 
il pacchetto rpm da 
e rifare un'installazione forzata. 
Bauz, LK

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro

[newbie-it] condividere connessione

2002-04-06 Per discussione Augusto

Quali sono i passi con la 8.0 per utilizzare 
internet non solo da root ma anche come utente normale?

[newbie-it] disinstallare StarOffice 5.2

2002-04-06 Per discussione Max Di Casola

ciao a tutti!
come si intuisce dall'Oggetto, ho installato SOffice 5.2 seguendo la 
procedura di installazione qualche tempo fa ...
ora non essendo soddisfatto della versione 5.2 vorrei provare OpenOffice 
sperando ke sia migliorato ... volevo sapere:
1. OpenOffice è usabile? quindi conviene installarlo?
2. come faccio a disinstallare SOffice? non sembra esistere nessuno script 
predefinito ... questo vuol dire che basta cancellare manualmente la 
directory di installazione?

grazie a tutti!

* * *
Fratelli, perchè c'è bisogno del leone nello spirito?
Perchè non basta la bestia da soma che rinuncia e venera?
Creare nuovi valori - ciò non può fare ancora
neanche il leone: ma crearsi libertà per un nuovo creare - ciò
può la potenza del leone.
(F. Nietzsche da Così parlò Zarathustra)

Massimo Di Casola

Re: [newbie-it] condividere connessione

2002-04-06 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 19:45, sabato 6 aprile 2002, Voi, Notabile 
Augusto, avete dipinto:
 Quali sono i passi con la 8.0 per utilizzare internet non solo da 
root ma anche come utente normale?

Sia nel PPP-HowTo (che con tutta probabilita' hai gia' installato sotto 
/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/HTML/it) che nell'archivio della lista 
(http://www.mail-archive.com/newbie-it@linux-mandrake.com/) e' 
illustrato. In aggiunta anche qui 
Per puro scrupolo, per comprendere il senso di quello che stai facendo 
(della serie: non fare mai niente senza aver controllato che cosa 
significano le informazioni ricevute e qual e' il loro scopo), 
SaluT, Lk

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro

Re: [newbie-it] modem interno.... e altri problemi

2002-04-06 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 17:25, sabato 6 aprile 2002, hai scritto:

 Dunque... il modello del modem è Conexant HSF V 92 56 K Data Fax PCI
 Modem... sono andato nel sito e ho scaricato il driver che ancora devo
 imparare ad installare

 Ma, mentre facevo queste operazioni mi sono accorto che quando tento di
 aprire il floppy c'è questo messaggio di errore:

 Impossibile montare il dispositivo, l'errore riportato è

 mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /mnt/floppy busy
 mount: according to mtab, /dev/fd0 is already mounted on /mnt/floppy

 ed ho inoltre notato che dal desktop KDE manca del tutto l'icona del
 cd-rom sono andato in Mandrake Control Center per vedere se il sistema
 aveva visto il dvd
 e il masterizzatore del mio computer e Hardrake dice sotto cd:

 _ NEC CD-RW NR - 7900
 _ NEC DV - 5800 A
 _ NEC NR - 7900 A

 dunque credo abbia ricosciuto il tutto

 e allora che fare... che stress!!! Potrò mai utilizzare Linux per benino???

 Vi ringrazio per la pazienza verso gli utenti inesperti

Allora, iniziamo dalla fine:
Le icone del cd-rom fattele tu: tasto destro sul desktop, crea nuovo -- 
dispositivo cd-rom, e riempi tutti i campi tenendo conto del tuo /etc/fstab.
Floppy: sempre in /etc/fstab, vedi un po' come il sistema vede il tuo 
floppy; controlla che ci sia l'opzione noauto; in caso contrario 
Modem: per installarlo dovranno essere presenti sul tuo sistema i sorgenti 
del kernel; se non mi sbaglio sono sul secondo cd della distribuzione 
(kernel-source qualcosa..) come pacchetto RPM; una volta installato troverai 
i files in /usr/src/ ; potranno servirti in futuro quando ti diletterai a 
ricompilare il kernel ;-).
Coraggio, la strada è lunga e le soddisfazioni poche, ma il divertimento è 
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] Epson Stylus Scan 2000

2002-04-06 Per discussione Massimiliano Violante

Domandona da un milione di euro!!!
Ho installato Linux (Mandrake 8.1) sul mio computer 
al quale ho collegata una Epson Stylus Scan 2000.
Orbene non sono riuscito a stampare nemmeno una 
Non so se è colpa della stampante oppure il sistema 
non "vede" in modo appropriato le porte.
Sul computer ho due parallele (una integrata sulla 
matherboard e l'altra in uno slot PCI).
Windows me le vede come LPT1 (interrupt 7 
0378-037F) e LPT2 (0278-027A) e la stampante nonchè scanner funge benissimo in 
entrambe le modalità!
Come posso verificare che le porte siano state 
installate bene e siano perfettamente funzionanti??? (diritti e proprietari 
Devo dire che il Printing How-TO non sia molto 
esaustivo sull'argomento!
Vorrei capire quali sono i files e le righe in 
quelli di configurazione che dovrei trovare sulla mia partizione 

e.. speriamo di stampare prima o 

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con Mandrake 8,2 e iptables

2002-04-06 Per discussione Alberto

Il giorno 6-04-2002 19:37, LukenShiro, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 Spiegazioni, prego, con relativi messaggi di errore possibilmente ...
 Prova cmq (da root) con 'service iptables restart' oppure
 '/etc/init.d/iptables restart

al momento non lo ho + si dusco, ho dovuto mettere 8,1 per necessita', e non
so dire di preciso.comunque al ìpsto di partire dice che devo cambare o
iptables o il kernel ed aggirornarli

 I moduli del kernel che servono a iptables sono stati compilati (se per
 caso hai fatto una ricompilazione fai-da-te)?

no ho usato l'rpm della mandrake

 Con il comando 'lsmod' ti risultano poi caricati (es. ip_tables e

non ho potuto controllore

 C'e' una rara possibilita' che il cd sia danneggiato e/o il pacchetto
 di iptables in tuo possesso sia corrotto, prova casomai a riscaricare
 il pacchetto rpm da
 e rifare un'installazione forzata.

Fatto anche questo ma nulla
Mi hanno detto che non istallando completamente ipchain tutto si sirsolva

che ne pensate?

[newbie-it] scheda audio yanaha opl3-sax sound MDK8.2

2002-04-06 Per discussione tom

[Ri posto la mail per la quinta volta tutte le altre volte a me non arriva! 
scusate se ci saranno doppioni pare che questa mail non debba arrivare alla 
lista (le mail a cui rispondo arrivano regolarmente questa non ho capito che 
ha..a voi è capitato?)]

Salve lista
Ho terminato poco fa l'installazione della 8.2(cancellando totalmente la 8.1)
e dopo aver rimediato agli stessi problemi che avevo trovato con la 8.1
sono arrivato alla scheda audio (yamaha opl3-sax sound sistem)
che come previsto non fugeva.(è sempre riconosciuta dal os. ma non funzia)
Quindi ho inserito alcune stringhe in modules.conf 
e se l'altra volta era andata a buon fine.questa volta nisba!!
con lsmod ho notato che non sono stati caricati i moduli nel kernel.

questi sono i moduli che credo abbiamo a che fare con il suono.

ad1848 21408   0  (unused)
sound  57292   0  [ad1848]
soundcore   4068   2  [sound]

Che ne dite?

Utilizzando sndconfig mi da questo errore:
si è verificatoun errore accedendo a /dev/audio

Come posso recuperare informazioni dal sistema per sapere cosa non va?

Grazie degli eventuali consigli.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie] questions

2002-04-06 Per discussione Oder

On Saturday 06 April 2002 04:16 am, you wrote:
 Robin wrote:
 On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 11:07, Oder wrote:
 I have recently installed MDK 8.2 on my toshiba satellite 1800-s208 -
  intel celeron 1.1GHz with DVD-ROM/CD-RW. Installation went smoothly but
  I still have some problems:
 when I run xine, it appears for a second and then vanishes;
 try run it from a terminal, it will say something there if there was an
 in the desktop I have 2 icons of floppy - Floppy and Floppy2 - why
  Floppy2? in the boot session I have winxp, linux and linux-nonfb - what
  is it linux-nonfb?
 I believe nonfb means no frame buffer, with frame buffer you can run
 text console with different resolution. Not all video card supports it.
 what program do I need for DVD and CD-RW?
 Thank you for any help you may be able to provide. Oder
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In a terminal xine showed:

This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.9.8 
(c) 2000, 2001 by G. Bartsch and the xine project team. 
Built with xine library 0.9.8 [Die 22 Jan 2002 06:30:08]-[gcc version 2.96 
2731 (Mandrake Linux 8.2 2.96-0.71mdk)]-[Linux 2.4.16-6mdksmp i686]. 
Found xine library version: 0.9.8 (0.9.8). 
Display is not using Xinerama. 
main: probing SyncFB video output plugin 
video_out_syncfb: aborting. (unable to open device /dev/syncfb) 
load_plugins: video output plugin 
/usr/lib/xine/plugins/xineplug_vo_out_syncfb.so: init_video_out_plugin 
main: probing Xv video output plugin 
video_out_xv: using Xv port 51 from adaptor Trident Backend Scaler for 
hardware colorspace conversion and scaling. 
video_out_xv: port attribute XV_COLORKEY value is 2110 
video_out_xv: port attribute XV_SATURATION value is 80 
video_out_xv: port attribute XV_BRIGHTNESS value is 45 
video_out_xv: port attribute XV_HUE value is 0 
video_out_xv: port attribute XV_CONTRAST value is 4 
video_out_xv: this adaptor supports the yv12 format. 
video_out_xv: this adaptor supports the yuy2 format. 
load_plugins: video output plugin Xv successfully loaded. 
main: probing audio drivers... 
main: trying to autoload 'oss' audio driver: audio_oss_out: Opening audio 
audio_oss_out: using device /dev/dsp 
audio_oss_out: using SNDCTL_DSP_GETODELAY 
Segmentation fault


 Well, I am getting a DVD/CDRW to play with, so we will see.  _Some_ IDE
 DVDs will not function properly under ide-scsi, a methos that makes an
 ide device emulate SCSI (which is necessary to make cdrecord work, a
 program that is behind all the Graphical frontends in linux for CD burning)

 It is likely that you can make a dual-boot situation for the SAME
 system, one in which hdc=ide-scsi is in the LILO append line for making
 CD-Rs or CDRWs and another in which the Append line has hdc=ide-cd for
 viewing DVDs...

 (And for both the entry in /etc/fstab for /mnt/cdrom has the stanza
 dev=/dev/hdc in the options)

 I hope to find a way of integrating this, but right now it seems to be a
 serious deficiency in some DVD players that they will not function
 properly under SCSI emulation (Several DVD players do well in SCSI
 emulation mode).


I am really new to linux and I have no idea how to solve this problem but, my 
/etc/fstab is:  
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0 
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0 
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
/mnt/floppy2 supermount 

and the /etc/lilo.conf:

append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi
append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi

Thanks a lot to Robin and to Civileme, Oder.

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Re: [newbie] ipchains and Mandrake

2002-04-06 Per discussione Payal Rathod

the problem was that Mandrake did not install ipchains
during its installation during expert mode, select
individual packages and medium security. It didn't
have any check box for ipchains at all. ipchains did
nt figure in list of packages. I had to install it
thru' rpm on CD and then when I ran ipchains -A
forward -j MASQ it said protocol: protocol not found.
I am sure ipchains was not in the list for packages
during install, as me and a friend were on lookout for
thanks and bye.
--- Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Saturday 06 April 2002 01:34 am, Payal Rathod
  Thanks for the mails. But I can use ipchains
  with Mandrake 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2 without any
  kernel recompiling, then why not with 8.0?
  has anybody faced such a  problem with 8.0?
  Thanks and bye.
 Please restate the problem, and yes you should be
 able to
 use ipchains on 8.X, although it is recommended to
 iptables on 2.4x kernels
 Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
 Front Street Networks LLC - ph. 203.785.0699
 229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, United
 States of America
 4:46am up 15 days, 13:11, 3 users, load average:
 0.83, 1.00, 1.19
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[newbie] abiword not in 8.2?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Why was Abiword not included as part of 8.2?

- Paul R

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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-06 Per discussione RichardA


The short answer is I don't know. SetUID lets a program run as a user other 
than the person launching it, but I've just looked at 'info ls' and I can't 
tell what 'ls -l' would show for something with the SetUID bit set.
You'll have to hope someone with a clue picks up on this, or just paste 
commands from a text file onto the command line when you want to use them. 
Sorry, I was only 2.5 minutes ahead of you, and now you've called my bluff :-)

I'd like to live inside a lead-lined room

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione shane

On Saturday 06 April 2002 08:17 pm, Tom opened a hailing frequency and 

 On Saturday 06 April 2002 12:46 am, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  Somehow, it looks like that there may have been more issues than
  there was with LM 8.0 or 8.1.

 Very true, but keep in mind most problems are user, then hardware.
 'Least ways I've found that the interface between the keyboard, mouse
 and chair accounts for ~85% of my difficulties, 'bout 10% hardware.
 When I keep this in mind, problems seem easier to resolve.  Approaching
 from the opposite direction and assuming the OS or software involved is
 the culprit, makes problems damn near, if not impossible to fix.

too true!

i must be special, i have had less trouble with every install.  8.1 was 
nearly perfect, and 8.2 has _one_single_problem_ so far as i can tell.

well 2 if i count that scanner i have that has no linux driver yet, but 
since it is plugged into my daughters toy machine i don't mind it much

'Tis some script kidd3z, I muttered, tapping at my server port-  Only 
this, and nothing more.  - Edgar root Poe.

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Re: [newbie] abiword not in 8.2?

2002-04-06 Per discussione shane

On Saturday 06 April 2002 11:06 pm, Paul Rodríguez opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 Why was Abiword not included as part of 8.2?

if i remember correctly this was asked, and the general feel seemed to be 
cause they haven't changed the package in so long it is damn near useless 

personally i use it somewhere between rarely and never, but it does install 
on 8.2 very easily.  did it from the 8.1 CD's.

Friends help you move.  Real friends help you move bodies.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] abiword not in 8.2?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer

shane wrote:
 On Saturday 06 April 2002 11:06 pm, Paul Rodríguez opened a hailing
 frequency and transmitted:
  Why was Abiword not included as part of 8.2?
 if i remember correctly this was asked, and the general feel seemed to be
 cause they haven't changed the package in so long it is damn near useless

It's too bad people perceive it that way.  AbiWord seems to be a fairly
active development project especially considering the small number of
developers and time available for each.   They are currently
concentrating on several bugfix releases prior to releasing 1.0, which
will *not* have tables and some other features people desire.

After releasing 1.0 they intend to embark on some extensive changes
which may mean that post 1.0 releases are in a state of disarray for
some time.

However, I think the changes will be worth it -- they include tables,
(IIUC) replacing the rendering engine, and incorporating something
like Pango to better support things like Unicode and

Some of the fairly recent changes which are in AbiWord now include
styles (and templates) including a wide selection of bulleted and
numbered list styles.  Also, as you may know, AbiWord is crossplatform,
working on Linux and Windows (and other systems), and using the same
file format on each platform (XML).  Also, it is international
available in and handling many other languages and things like
bidirectional text.

Randy Kramer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Removing/neutralising URW fonts

2002-04-06 Per discussione Robin Turner

Is there any way to remove the URW fonts set without breaking Ghostscript and 
Image Magick?  Like the abisource fonts (which I just removed), I find they 
don't seem to play nicely with some applications.  Alternatively, is there 
any way I can tell Mandrake to only use these fonts as a last resource (e.g. 
so that any time a document specificies times it will use Adobe Times, not 

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] abiword not in 8.2?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Lee

I prefer AbiWord because it seems to accept other format documents with the 
fewest errors.  Not perfectly, but very often acceptable.  I haven't had good 
luck with KWord or other provided WP programs.

On Saturday 06 April 2002 11:05 am, Randy Kramer wrote:
 shane wrote:
  On Saturday 06 April 2002 11:06 pm, Paul Rodríguez opened a hailing
  frequency and transmitted:
   Why was Abiword not included as part of 8.2?
  if i remember correctly this was asked, and the general feel seemed to be
  cause they haven't changed the package in so long it is damn near
  useless now

 It's too bad people perceive it that way.  AbiWord seems to be a fairly
 active development project especially considering the small number of
 developers and time available for each.   They are currently
 concentrating on several bugfix releases prior to releasing 1.0, which
 will *not* have tables and some other features people desire.

 After releasing 1.0 they intend to embark on some extensive changes
 which may mean that post 1.0 releases are in a state of disarray for
 some time.

 However, I think the changes will be worth it -- they include tables,
 (IIUC) replacing the rendering engine, and incorporating something
 like Pango to better support things like Unicode and

 Some of the fairly recent changes which are in AbiWord now include
 styles (and templates) including a wide selection of bulleted and
 numbered list styles.  Also, as you may know, AbiWord is crossplatform,
 working on Linux and Windows (and other systems), and using the same
 file format on each platform (XML).  Also, it is international
 available in and handling many other languages and things like
 bidirectional text.

 Randy Kramer

Registered Linux abuser #223705

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with 

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Saturday 06 April 2002 5:59 am, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:

 Is there a chance that there may be an LM 8.2.x bug fix version.released?


Why bother? The neat new feature that invites  installers to download the 
errata at the end of the install process in an ideal way to cut out a large 
proportion of the difficulties newbies suffer. I lost count of how many posts 
there were about things like my floppy does not work, or my computer hangs 
in shutdown after closing the usb ports we had with 8.1 because users did 
not think of checking the errata pages. Some errata have appeared already. 
Some of the problems fixed have already been aired in this list.

While it is doubtless true that some users will find 8.2 has a problem not 
present in 8.1 I am sure that for the bulk of users 8.2 will be a delight.
My personal experience is that 8.2 is a lot faster- My laptop can now run KDE 
whereas before I had to use a light window manager, and all the Mandrake 
tools are a lot slicker and execute a lot faster. For example in 8.1 software 
manager would take an eternity to fill its lists and synchronise to an ftp 
server. In 8.2 it comes up in a few seconds.

Of course there are still issues with 8.2. Two items I have found which have 
not been mentioned yet on the list AFAIK are:-

The checkinstall rpm seems to be broken.-  The rpm on the checkinstall site 
however works perfectly.

The kreatecd rpm has been compiled badly so some features will not work.
Compiling from source from the kreatecd site is necessary.


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Re: [newbie] MP3-ripper--Install error

2002-04-06 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 14:42:13 +0200
Frans Ketelaars [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 18:36:55 -0500
 Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I get this error when trying to install:
  Error: Unable to locate installed Perl libraries or Perl source code.
 [frans@amd frans]$ rpm -qf /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h
 [frans@amd frans]$
 This is in Mandrake 8.2 but I think also in 8.1 you can just install the
 perl-devel .rpm package. HTH,

That did it! Thanks, Frans!

Todd Slater
11:35am up 10 days, 13:02, 2 users, load average: 1.44, 0.66, 0.36
School days, I believe, are the unhappiest in the whole span of human
existence. They are full of dull, unintelligible tasks, new and unpleasant
ordinances, and brutal violations of common sense and common decency.
(H.L. Mencken)

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-06 Per discussione Tom

On Friday 05 April 2002 06:53 pm, Roger Sherman wrote:
 On 4 Apr 2002, tester wrote:
  Now do these
  urpmi unixodbc
  (and from the reply install every match with urpmi

 Let me make sure I understand...I type the above, and it shows me

 The following packages contain unixodbc: libunixODBC2-devel
 unixODBC-gui-qu unixODBC unixODBC-gui-gtk libunixODBC2.

 So I install those
 packages before all the rest? Won't that create a ton of dependancy
 problems, installing just those few before everything else? Why is
 this method preferable to just doing rpm -ivh *?

I've done dozens of KDE upgrades, mostly with Texstar's Mandrake 
rpms (http://www.pclinuxonline.com/).  With all updates I regularly d/l 
them to a directory by themselves (eg, /stor/kde3/)  and in that dir as 
root, with X/Kde runnin, I rpm -Uvh * (-ivh * would work just as well).  
If any deps are encountered, rpm will list 'em, nothin will be done.  
IIRC i needed a few, including libunixODBC2-devel-2.2.0-1mdk and a few 
others that Software Manger took quick care of.  A re-run of rpm -Uvh * 
merrily installed kde3. Then, as with all major installs, I immediately 
followed with 'rpm --rebuild db', 'updatedb', 
'ldconfig -v', and 'update-menus -v'.
That followed by a few login/outs to KDE3 before things sort'a kind'a 
settle down. (sort'a kin'da is an understatement ;)  KDE3 is now an 
option in KDM.  Once chosen KDM will remember to go to KDE3 on future 
logins for that user (me ;).  Oh, I almost forgot, I changed (disabled) 
autologin before I installed kde3.

   As with previous tries at kde3 (beta's), I found most kde2 settings 
were imported, some (actually a lot) I had to re-do.  I haven't tried 
going back to kde2.2.2, but with past kde3 trials, going back (kde3 and 
2.2.2 are both installed, kde3's in /opt) will necessitate re-doing 
some configuration all over again.  I should mention that many seem to 
advocate installin kde3 from outside of X/KDE, and renaming /.kde to 
.kde-old beforehand.  I don't bother with both those notions.  YMMV

  Liquid is not ready or KDE3 is not ready for liquid at this time. 
  Some beautiful theming from Mosfet will just have to wait a little

Texstar's  mosfet-liquid-0.9.2-2mdk works fine with at least his 
KDE3 rpms. Add in the 'Slick' icons and it's even prettier. I share 
your thought tho, I suspect KDE3 is what's not quite ready for prime 
time.  Mandrake did well to not include it with ML8.2.   If I didn't 
relish a challenge, I'd go back to my good 'ol solid KDE2.2.2  Still 
might.  I d/l'd some more kde3 updates last night, but I can't figure 
out yet what, if anything, they fixed ;)
Tom brinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem

On Saturday 06 April 2002 01:02 am, you wrote:
 Damian wrote:
 El sáb, 06-04-2002 a las 03:46, Seedkum Aladeem escribió:
 Somehow, it looks like that there may have been more issues than there
  was with LM 8.0 or 8.1. It might be a good idea to have a bug fix
  release before the boxed version comes out. If only to blunt possible
  smear campains that may come from Redmond. And besides, many complain
  that Linux requires users to be more computer savvy than for the Redmond
  OS. Making possible converts go through rpm updates may not help dispel
  the perception that Linux is for geeks. Many may return to Redmond never
  come back again. Just read the Rigby FUD. Personally, I would not mind
  a delay in the release of the boxed version if need be.
 i agree that 8.2 seems to be a little more problematic, ( judging only
 by amount of posts. personally i had about 0 problems )
 but, including a post from civileme stating that an installation
 using only Download disc 1 leaves you with a broken KDE...
 however i assume that the greater amount of glitches is due to the
 introduction of new features. it's only natural. next release
 will probably be less innovative but will work better...
 anyway i guess Mandrake is better off ( and probably already )
 working on 9.0 ( or will they release 8.3? )
 in any case, i wouln't make a new release of the distro just to
 avoid FUD.. if the guys at MDK feel they need to fix stuff, they will.
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 Sorry, the broken KDE and GNOME from a single disk install will stand.
  Itis not an error.  You really need at least two CDs and preferably
 three to make this work with such things as openoffice and java and
 KDE3.  RH has a beta out with three CDs and it will NOT stop install
 with only one or two.  In fact, CD3 contains the kernel, so installing
 it with less than 3 is impossible.

 WinXP installs from one CD, but you will have notepad and solitaire for
 apps.  With a linux distro, you get quite a few apps.  Peanut linux is
 still one CD, bt it has exactly two WMs and lacks many applications.

 Most of what I have seen in the way of difficulties fall into three

 1.  Incomplete installs, often from the fact that getting a CD or DVD
 drive to read what a CDRW hath written is problematic, and may have VERY
 HIGH failure rates, especially for older drives reading 700Mb CDs and
 for ultra-fast drives which should never have been manufactured (They
 aren't ultra-fast, just ultra-high spin and do a lot of retries).

 2.  Lack of knowledge about msec and what it does and why.  This is
 particularly acute right now because we scrubbed some useless firewall
 configurations to revamp the tools so they teach better and offer more
 options to people in an understandable way and people are turning to
 msec which is essentially a static security setup, not as well
 documented as most experts would prefer, and a mix of bash and Python
 scripts.  Anyway, some things work fine at msec level 2 but not at all
 on msec level 4, and cannot be made to work at msec level 5 which is for
 the people who want to run something like BIND safely.

 3.  Genuine bugs--there are always a few.  Three seem to be frequently
 reported, and a fourth is under crashtester investigation.

 4.  Supercessions and regressions--Something working in 8.1 isn't in 8.2
 because the new kernel was improved for faster virtual memory and not
 all the drivers have been looked at.  This means that folks with SiS630
 chipsets cannot easily get sound, and it means that there are NVidia
 cards that are ahead of even our bleeding-edge curve that folks can buy
 which simply aren't well supported yet, and it means that folks who
 can't get SB Audigy cards to run well under Windows are complaining here
 because they don't run well under linux either.  And it means that the
 drivers Promise sent out for their ATA/133 cards which don't work are to
 be replaced by Promise's updated drivers in the first kernel update.

 But we aren't talking about a sufficient number of genuine bugs to
 warrant a bugfix release.


The answer to item (1) above is probably the following:

A- Make the install utility do the md5sum tests automatically before the 
install is done.
B- Make the installer utility do the memory test (and any other inportant 
test that may be neseccary) before the install is done. Heck do them also 
after the install is complete too.


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Re: [newbie] Internet Time Limit

2002-04-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Well not sure your pity is what we need. I would rather you gave me a SCSI 
controller  ;-)

As for your problem You do not say what release of Mandrake you are using, 
nor how you are connecting to the internet. But reading between the lines it 
sounds like you are on cable or DSL, and your ISP is assigning an IP address 
under Windows, and when you start using  Linux you are keeping the same IP 
address but it is not being renewed. You should therefore check that DHCP is 
enabled using Mandrake Control CentreNetworking, and that you have defined a 
DNS server address.

One possible cause of your difficulty is that your ISP may be one which 
checks the MAC address/hostname of the device attached and refuses to allow a 
change within a certain time period. NTL in the UK is an example. In the case 
of NTL you have to leave the cable modem powered off for 4 hours before it 
will allow a different MAC address to connect. (There are workarounds to make 
the computer appear identical in linux as it does in windows)

You will get the fastest resolution if you provide as much information as you 



On Saturday 06 April 2002 3:03 am, John Lynch wrote:

 my exams have finished so I am now messing around with Linux.

 I pity you all.

 When I boot up Mandrake, the internet works fine for a set time, at which
 point it stops working completely.

 However this imposed time limit ONLY exists if I have booted up Windows XP
 than Linux, otherwise the internet doesn't work at all.

 WHY does this happen?
 and how can I fix it?

 The errors I get alternate between Timed out and couldn't find server

 Thankyou very much for all your help.


 MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

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Re: [newbie] ipchains and Mandrake

2002-04-06 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Saturday 06 April 2002 09:48 am, Payal Rathod wrote:
 the problem was that Mandrake did not install ipchains
 during its installation during expert mode, select
 individual packages and medium security. It didn't
 have any check box for ipchains at all. ipchains did
 nt figure in list of packages. I had to install it
 thru' rpm on CD and then when I ran ipchains -A
 forward -j MASQ it said protocol: protocol not found.
 I am sure ipchains was not in the list for packages
 during install, as me and a friend were on lookout for

## Masquerading

## Modules to help certain services

/sbin/depmod -a  /dev/null 21
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp  /dev/null 21
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio  /dev/null 21
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_irc  /dev/null 21
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_icq  /dev/null 21
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_quake  /dev/null 21
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_user   /dev/null 21
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_vdolive  /dev/null 21

## Masquerading firewall timeouts: tcp conns 8hrs, tcp after fin pkt 60s, udp 
$IPCHAINS -M -S 14400 60 600

## Set up kernel to enable IP masquerading
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_always_defrag

## Set up kernel to handle dynamic IP masquerading 
#echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
Front Street Networks LLC - ph. 203.785.0699
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, United States of America
11:55am up 15 days, 20:20, 3 users, load average: 0.77, 0.93, 1.08

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Re: [newbie] abiword not in 8.2?

2002-04-06 Per discussione shane

On Sunday 07 April 2002 12:05 am, Randy Kramer opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 shane wrote:
  On Saturday 06 April 2002 11:06 pm, Paul Rodríguez opened a hailing
  frequency and transmitted:
   Why was Abiword not included as part of 8.2?
  if i remember correctly this was asked, and the general feel seemed to
  be cause they haven't changed the package in so long it is damn near
  useless now

 It's too bad people perceive it that way.  AbiWord seems to be a fairly
 active development project especially considering the small number of
 developers and time available for each.   They are currently
 concentrating on several bugfix releases prior to releasing 1.0, which
 will *not* have tables and some other features people desire.

i agree, and if nothing else it provides one more office app choice.  more 
choice is always good.  i am only pointing out what i recall a few posters 
saying.  it may have even been another list.

if only kword and staroffice could better open some of my older files, as 
well as share files better.

Windows: Where do you want to go today? MacOS: Where do you want to be 
tomorrow? Linux: Are you coming or what?

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem

On Saturday 06 April 2002 04:17 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 06 April 2002 12:46 am, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  Somehow, it looks like that there may have been more issues than
  there was with LM 8.0 or 8.1.

 Very true, but keep in mind most problems are user, then hardware.
 'Least ways I've found that the interface between the keyboard, mouse
 and chair accounts for ~85% of my difficulties, 'bout 10% hardware.
 When I keep this in mind, problems seem easier to resolve.  Approaching
 from the opposite direction and assuming the OS or software involved is
 the culprit, makes problems damn near, if not impossible to fix.

It gets old. When 7.2 was released, many were sayin 7.0 was fine,
 installed great, but 7.2 won't, I'm waitin for 7.+  Update a year or
 so and replace 7 with 8 in the above.  Next year use 9.  SOS-DD
 Mandrake's got it goin on in that they are free. Proof's in the puddin,
 new releases are made available (along with source), before the boxed
 sets even get to the stores. I'd feel guilty as heck if it weren't for
 the Mandrake Club.

If you wanna run the best posible Linux currently available, you
 might wanna update your chair or hardware. Micro$oft has a better idea
 in this respect. They make their OS and software so that it's even
 worse than the K/M/C interface and/or sloppy hardware.  Works OK for
 ~90% desktop users and Dell, who have low expectations to begin with.
 I've yet to find but a few situations that weren't solved by upgrading
 the chair or changin frequencies (yep, your computer is just a
 different kind'a radio set). With Linux you can change channels at


This only confirms that most of the users are fools like me, and that Linux 
needs to be fool proof. There is nothing wrong with Linux. The fools are the 
problem. Rigby FUD says Linux is the problem. Fools will fall in love with 
Linux if it becomes fool proof. Linux could do with an injection of hormones.


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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 A- Make the install utility do the md5sum tests automatically before the
 install is done.
 B- Make the installer utility do the memory test (and any other inportant
 test that may be neseccary) before the install is done. Heck do them also
 after the install is complete too.

I like the idea of including these on the install, but making them

Point A raises a point -- AFAICT, the md5sum on a burned CDROM is
different than the md5sum of the downloaded ISO (I've pretty well
convinced myself of this).  Even worse, the md5sum *may*  differ
depending on which software you use to burn it, and which options you

I have a page on WikiLearn dedicated to learning more about these


Look it over, and if you can contribute any data points or
understanding, please feel free to do it yourself as it is a wiki, or
write to the list or me and I will edit the page.  

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] KDE3 sound server problem

2002-04-06 Per discussione Tom

On Friday 05 April 2002 04:39 pm, Linux Maniac wrote:

 I installed kde3 from rpm. When it boots, it says that it can't start
 the sound server (I guess arts). I think oss works fine as mplayer
 and xmms works fine. What can be done?



   didn't fix it for me tho, 'cause sound was fine before (onboard 
AC97).  Well sort'a, usin xmms to play music now works better now usin 
the aRts driver. OSS is/was the problem. hehehe 'bout the only thing 
kde3 seems to have right ;)

   I'd recommend stayin tuned into Texstar, and his kde3 'fixes'. MOF, I 
recomend visitin his site regularly.  Good ol' Houston hand, and one of 
the best Mandrake/Linux advocates goin. One of these days I'm gonna 
look'm up and hand him some beer $$ ;)
Tom brinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-06 Per discussione John Richard Smith


If you go to the properties of mkisofs,cdda2wav,and readcd,in 
/usr/bin/ and click on permissions, and place a X in set UID 
and Set GID,then,

[root@localhost root]# xcdroast -d /dev/scd0

no ** WARNINGS ** at all,


X-CD-Roast dialog window shows
error reading audio track 1/20

0%Fatal error:  did not drop group privilege.
2%child reader sem request failed

W Child exited with 1

and so while this seems to cure the setuid warnings,
it does not enable an audio cd write in xcdroast,
that must be a seperate problem here .


On Saturday 06 April 2002 16:19, you wrote:

 The short answer is I don't know. SetUID lets a program run as a user other
 than the person launching it, but I've just looked at 'info ls' and I can't
 tell what 'ls -l' would show for something with the SetUID bit set.
 You'll have to hope someone with a clue picks up on this, or just paste
 commands from a text file onto the command line when you want to use them.
 Sorry, I was only 2.5 minutes ahead of you, and now you've called my bluff


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] abiword not in 8.2?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Saturday 06 April 2002 10:06, Paul wrote:

 Why was Abiword not included as part of 8.2?

How about the 8.2 Power Pack, is it in there?

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
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Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem

On Saturday 06 April 2002 09:00 am, you wrote:
 Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  A- Make the install utility do the md5sum tests automatically before the
  install is done.
  B- Make the installer utility do the memory test (and any other inportant
  test that may be neseccary) before the install is done. Heck do them also
  after the install is complete too.

 I like the idea of including these on the install, but making them

 Point A raises a point -- AFAICT, the md5sum on a burned CDROM is
 different than the md5sum of the downloaded ISO (I've pretty well
 convinced myself of this).  Even worse, the md5sum *may*  differ
 depending on which software you use to burn it, and which options you

 I have a page on WikiLearn dedicated to learning more about these


 Look it over, and if you can contribute any data points or
 understanding, please feel free to do it yourself as it is a wiki, or
 write to the list or me and I will edit the page.

 Randy Kramer

I am not familiar with the ISO format, but if the ordering of the information 
inside the ISO is not standardized, then even without any padding bytes 
mentioned in the WEB page you refer to, the check sum would not be 
reproducible. As I said, I am not familiar with the ISO format but I am 
making this inference using my early background in encryption, data 
compression and error correction. The md5sum would be much more useful if the 
information ordering inside the ISO is standardized (e.g. alphabetical 
ordering of files and directories etc.). By the way, I am not familiar with 
the md5sum either. I never looked inside it I just used it.


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[newbie] Errata List for 8.1 ??

2002-04-06 Per discussione Bob Read

Is there an errata list for 8.1 available?  All I can find
is for 8.2.

Thanks, Bob

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Re: [newbie] Errata List for 8.1 ??

2002-04-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Saturday 06 April 2002 7:59 pm, Bob Read wrote:
 Is there an errata list for 8.1 available?  All I can find
 is for 8.2.

 Thanks, Bob

Well its harder to find now, but can still be found in Mandrake Forum


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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-06 Per discussione James Thomas

The SetUID bit appears as an 's' where the executable permissions are, as 


ps. Is there any reason sometimes the reply-to address goes to the sender of 
the mail rather than the list?

The short answer is I don't know. SetUID lets a program run as a user other
than the person launching it, but I've just looked at 'info ls' and I can't
tell what 'ls -l' would show for something with the SetUID bit set.
You'll have to hope someone with a clue picks up on this, or just paste
commands from a text file onto the command line when you want to use them.
Sorry, I was only 2.5 minutes ahead of you, and now you've called my bluff 

I'd like to live inside a lead-lined room

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[newbie] dhcpd.conf

2002-04-06 Per discussione Gilis, Alexandre


I have successfully set my M Linux as a DHCP server,
however my dhcpd.conf file is still very basic (just one subnet and that's

I seem to have trouble to find a detailed guide on the net, could someone
please give me a good link/document/whatever?



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[newbie] SM56 in Mandrake 8.2

2002-04-06 Per discussione Carlos Alberto Lima dos Santos

  I have a modem SM56, and until the version 8.0, this modem functioned
without problems, I Istalled the driver gotten directly of motorola.


  I reinstalled de Mandrake Linux 8.2 and now the modem not is located.

  In the win2000 the modem is found in COM3 / IRQ9 (D700 - D7FF).
The LinuxConf dont't obtain to find the correct pattern. The HardDark to
recognize the sm56 modem, but I don't obtain to use the modem.
  For more information under this modem I visited this site:




Carlos Alberto L. dos Santos (TOCA)
Eng. de Computação - Puc-Campinas(SP) - Brasil

Yahoo! Empregos
O trabalho dos seus sonhos pode estar aqui. Cadastre-se hoje mesmo no Yahoo! Empregos 
e tenha acesso a milhares de vagas abertas!

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[newbie] ext3 + kernel22

2002-04-06 Per discussione Iuri Fiedoruk

Hi, I had a problem with kernel 2.4 disliking any cdrom I attach do my ide 
interface, so I'm using LM 8.2 with kernel22.
The question I have is about using kernel22 with ext3 filesystem.
I have two partitions, / and /home, both ext3.
My mount log:

[bart@spiff bart]$ mount
/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/hda5 on /home type ext2 (rw)
none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,mode=0620)

My /etc/fstab:
/dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda5 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat 
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

It looks like partition / is on ext3, but during boot I get some errors saying 
that kernel dosen't have module tmpfs and that tmpfs isn't a valid file 
system, so it looks like kernel22 dosen't support ext3 right?
If so, is there a kernel 2.2 that runs well on mandrake 8.2 that supports 

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Re: [newbie] WordPerfect

2002-04-06 Per discussione shane

On Sunday 07 April 2002 03:38 am, Lee opened a hailing frequency and 

 Today I installed WordPerfect in only 10 hours, to find I paid 10.00 for
 a 90 day demo.

maybe i don't understand, but are you talking abou the problem with the 
filters?  if so, wp8filtrixfix.tar.gz will fix that.

what WP version do you have, and is it the full suite?  i was not aware 
they had a timed version

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tell you they possess the *only* truth, run for your life.

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[newbie] install for a laptop

2002-04-06 Per discussione Maureen L. Thomas

I have just recently purchased a laptop.  It is a Gateway Solo1200.  It
came with an integrated winmodem so I was able to pick up a Pcmcia modem
card.  I have tried to recompile the kernel with no luck.  Keep getting
errors.  I have been reading up on pcmcia cards and there seems to be a
way to install Mandrake with a parameter to use the pcmcia kernel.  This
would allow me to not have to rebuild a kernel to get the modem to work.
(hopefully :)).  Can someone help this newbie, I am at a complete loss. 
I am currently using Mandrake 8.1 but I have pre-ordered 8.2.  the Solo
has a ten gig hd, no dual boot, on board sound AC97, S3 video, and a
Rhino etho 10/100 card built in.  I eventually want to network it with
my desktop, also running Mandrake 8.1.  Any help is greatly
appreciated.  Thanks, Maureen

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Re: [newbie] WordPerfect

2002-04-06 Per discussione Lee

On Saturday 06 April 2002 01:23 am, shane wrote:
 On Sunday 07 April 2002 03:38 am, Lee opened a hailing frequency and

  Today I installed WordPerfect in only 10 hours, to find I paid 10.00 for
  a 90 day demo.

 maybe i don't understand, but are you talking abou the problem with the
 filters?  if so, wp8filtrixfix.tar.gz will fix that.

 what WP version do you have, and is it the full suite?  i was not aware
 they had a timed version

It's Release 8.0.0073 from 6/23/98.  Was quite the exercise to make it work 
on lm8.2.  Especially at my level of newbiedom.

After I got it working, I followed links in its' Help and found that Corel 
has turned it over to another outfit who is about to release a later version.

Maybe that'll happen before my 90 days expires.  Never a dull moment, but one 
step closer to defenestrating.


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Re: [newbie] install for a laptop

2002-04-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings

The standard Mandrake kernel can handle pcmcia cards without any compilation. 
If Kde Control CentreInformationpcmcia is not showing your pcmcia cards try 
checking the file
/etc/sysconfig/pcmcia In 8.1 it should read

in 8.2 pcmcia card support changes and the second line should read

I have just inserted a pcmcia modem card in my Sony VAIO laptop and 8.2 has 
picked it up on boot. I can see it in kde control centre and the Internet 
dialler  kppp has found it when I selected 'Query Modem' although it is NOT 
listed in harddrake.

If pcmcia is not working in your laptop it may be a manufacturer specific 
problem in which case checking out the pcmcia HOWTO and the forums at 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcmcia-cs/  is a good move.



On Saturday 06 April 2002 11:42 pm, Maureen L. Thomas wrote:
 I have just recently purchased a laptop.  It is a Gateway Solo1200.  It
 came with an integrated winmodem so I was able to pick up a Pcmcia modem
 card.  I have tried to recompile the kernel with no luck.  Keep getting
 errors.  I have been reading up on pcmcia cards and there seems to be a
 way to install Mandrake with a parameter to use the pcmcia kernel.  This
 would allow me to not have to rebuild a kernel to get the modem to work.
 (hopefully :)).  Can someone help this newbie, I am at a complete loss.
 I am currently using Mandrake 8.1 but I have pre-ordered 8.2.  the Solo
 has a ten gig hd, no dual boot, on board sound AC97, S3 video, and a
 Rhino etho 10/100 card built in.  I eventually want to network it with
 my desktop, also running Mandrake 8.1.  Any help is greatly
 appreciated.  Thanks, Maureen

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[newbie] DrakGW only on restart

2002-04-06 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

I saw this question recently, but couldn't find the message.  

When I set up my gateway using drakgw, it works fine untill I reboot. 
After restarting my computer I need to run drakgw again.

How can I solve this?

- Paul

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Randy Kramer wrote:
 Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  A- Make the install utility do the md5sum tests automatically before the
  install is done.
 Point A raises a point -- AFAICT, the md5sum on a burned CDROM is
 different than the md5sum of the downloaded ISO (I've pretty well
 convinced myself of this).  Even worse, the md5sum *may*  differ
 depending on which software you use to burn it, and which options you
 I have a page on WikiLearn dedicated to learning more about these
 Look it over, and if you can contribute any data points or
 understanding, please feel free to do it yourself as it is a wiki, or
 write to the list or me and I will edit the page.
 Randy Kramer

I found the most common md5 sum program for windows sucks.

For me, MD5Summer * I kid not, thats its name* Just rocks ;p

Newbie-stupid  works fast.  It will even generate sums, b/c i cannot
figure out how to use the sums LM provides properly...and when I've
tried it fails.

Shrugs.  YMMV

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] New USR External modem

2002-04-06 Per discussione Ed Tharp

I have been trying to get my brand new external USER modem working, it dials
up but (in Mandrake 8.1) waits at expecting ogin as part of my connect
script. it connects fine in M$win. I am guessing that I have some init (AT)
or modem commands wrong, since it connects for years with a few different
internal modems. if anyone knows the correct init string (or where to find
the M$ string) I would appreciate at.

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Re: [newbie] Where are the old versions?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Bruce Zink

--- civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bruce Zink wrote:
 I'm having trouble getting 8.2 to install on my
 machine.  I'd like to try 8.0 or 8.1, but the
 download site only points to 8.2, 7.1, and 8.0 for
 PPC.  Where do I find the others?

 What sort of machine?
 Did you try booting from CD2 and selecting an
 alternate install image?
 8.2 is far better than the other two, and most
 problems we have seen is 
 that a machine will not read well what another
 burned (wither media or 
 the devices preparing or reading it).
 You can find older ones at a limited selection of
 sites like ftp.proxad.net

I'm working with and IBM Aptiva, AMD K-6 350 MHz,
192MB RAM.

I've tried installing 8.2 and 8.1 now (thanks for the
help, guys) and will soon try 8.0.

Both 8.2 and 8.1 boot, ask if I want to install, and
then tell me they are Unable to uncompress 2nd stage
RAMdisk because of some sort of hardware error.

7.1 installed without any problem.

Yes, I did burn the CDs on another computer.  Anywork
around there that you can think of?

I don't understand what you mean by booting from CD2
and selecting an alternate CD image.  Where can I
read about that?

No, I'm a good man.  I'm just not a very good wizard.

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Re: [newbie] New USR External modem

2002-04-06 Per discussione Larry Varney

Ed Tharp wrote:

 I have been trying to get my brand new external USER modem working, it dials
 up but (in Mandrake 8.1) waits at expecting ogin as part of my connect
 script. it connects fine in M$win. I am guessing that I have some init (AT)
 or modem commands wrong, since it connects for years with a few different
 internal modems. if anyone knows the correct init string (or where to find
 the M$ string) I would appreciate at.
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   It couldn't be so easy that it's really expecting login instead, 
could it?

Larry Varney
Cold Spring, KY

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-06 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, James Thomas wrote:

 I actually just downloaded and installed KDE 3.0 and have been playing with 
 it for a bit.
 Anyway, all I did was download all of the KDE 3.0 files for Mandrake 8.2 
 (there's a link from kde's main site). Then I (as root) cd'ed into the 
 appropriate directory and just did: urpmi *.rpm and it fixed all the 
 dependencies I didn't have installed for me - all I had to do was insert 
 Disk 1 when it asked for it.

OK...that sounds easy enough, I'll go with that. Thanks, James!

 From: Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE3.0
 Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 19:53:23 -0500 (EST)
 On 4 Apr 2002, tester wrote:
   Now do these
   urpmi unixodbc
   (and from the reply install every match with urpmi
 Let me make sure I understand...I type the above, and it shows me this:
 The following packages contain unixodbc: libunixODBC2-devel
 unixODBC-gui-qu unixODBC unixODBC-gui-gtk libunixODBC2.
 So I install those
 packages before all the rest? Won't that create a ton of dependancy
 problems, installing just those few before everything else? Why is this
 method preferable to just doing rpm -ivh *?
   urpmi postgresql
   (same activity again, and include all the -devels)
   urpmi MYSQL
   (go at it again, installing everything)
   rpm -ivh *rpm
   Take notes, you will get some instructions.
   The procedure will hang on a warning message, refusing to tell you it is
   completed.  Hit the Enter key once for the system prompt.
   That's it...  It will show up as KDE3 on the kdm login screen and it
   will show up as
   11 KDE
   on the choices Xtart presents from a console.
   Unles you save the session, it will ask for styles EVERY time you login
   which can be a pain.
   The soundserver is, to say the least, flaky.  Programs like xmms will
   continue to work but don't bother reporting known bugs about KDE sound.
   Some of the login messages and panels may crash with a crash message if
   your security is High or Higher.  KDE3 is making too many assumptions
   about permissions and open sockets.
   About par for the course for a .0 type release from KDE.  Some things
   will improve with 3.1, but the new KDE is for the most part, smooth and
   Liquid is not ready or KDE3 is not ready for liquid at this time.  Some
   beautiful theming from Mosfet will just have to wait a little longer.
 registered linux user #190719
 ICQ #56469198
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registered linux user #190719
ICQ #56469198

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 06 April 2002 05:16 pm, you wrote:
 Randy Kramer wrote:
  Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
   A- Make the install utility do the md5sum tests automatically before
   the install is done.
  Point A raises a point -- AFAICT, the md5sum on a burned CDROM is
  different than the md5sum of the downloaded ISO (I've pretty well
  convinced myself of this).  Even worse, the md5sum *may*  differ
  depending on which software you use to burn it, and which options you
  I have a page on WikiLearn dedicated to learning more about these
  Look it over, and if you can contribute any data points or
  understanding, please feel free to do it yourself as it is a wiki, or
  write to the list or me and I will edit the page.
  Randy Kramer

 I found the most common md5 sum program for windows sucks.

 For me, MD5Summer * I kid not, thats its name* Just rocks ;p

 Newbie-stupid  works fast.  It will even generate sums, b/c i cannot
 figure out how to use the sums LM provides properly...and when I've
 tried it fails.

 Shrugs.  YMMV

Femme, for MD5SUM this is how I have used it for the .iso files and it should 
work for any type file this way: 
in a console :   cd to the directory the files are in such as on a cdrom disk
cd /mnt/cdrom then at the prompt type: md5sum  nameoffile.i586.iso   or 
whatever it could be  nameoffile.1mdk.i586.rpm  in any case once the file 
name is typed then hit enter and it will chug away for a while and then spit 
out the alpha numeric string  32 bit I believe that you can compare to what 
was shown on the download site .  It has worked for me every time.  HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Thanks for the response!

Randy Kramer

Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 I am not familiar with the ISO format, but if the ordering of the information
 inside the ISO is not standardized, then even without any padding bytes
 mentioned in the WEB page you refer to, the check sum would not be
 reproducible. As I said, I am not familiar with the ISO format but I am
 making this inference using my early background in encryption, data
 compression and error correction. The md5sum would be much more useful if the
 information ordering inside the ISO is standardized (e.g. alphabetical
 ordering of files and directories etc.). By the way, I am not familiar with
 the md5sum either. I never looked inside it I just used it.

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione Randy Kramer


Thanks for the response.  The common programs in Windows work Ok for me,
but I haven't found a way to get the md5sum of a cdrom (in Windows).

Randy Kramer

FemmeFatale wrote:
 I found the most common md5 sum program for windows sucks.
 For me, MD5Summer * I kid not, thats its name* Just rocks ;p
 Newbie-stupid  works fast.  It will even generate sums, b/c i cannot
 figure out how to use the sums LM provides properly...and when I've
 tried it fails.

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione Femme

On Saturday 06 April 2002 05:47 pm, you wrote:
Well I do my major d/ls  stuff in windows still.

However I hadn't realized the ISO is what you had to check!  DUUH

K I will go get a dunce cap now. *sigh*

I kept checking the actual MD5Sum file.


Can we say NOOB?  I knew you could boys  girls ;p


 Femme, for MD5SUM this is how I have used it for the .iso files and it
 should work for any type file this way:
 in a console :   cd to the directory the files are in such as on a cdrom
 disk cd /mnt/cdrom then at the prompt type: md5sum  nameoffile.i586.iso
   or whatever it could be  nameoffile.1mdk.i586.rpm  in any case once the
 file name is typed then hit enter and it will chug away for a while and
 then spit out the alpha numeric string  32 bit I believe that you can
 compare to what was shown on the download site .  It has worked for me
 every time.  HTH

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Re: [newbie] Bug fix release.

2002-04-06 Per discussione Femme

On Saturday 06 April 2002 06:10 pm, you wrote:

 Thanks for the response.  The common programs in Windows work Ok for me,
 but I haven't found a way to get the md5sum of a cdrom (in Windows).

 Randy Kramer

 FemmeFatale wrote:
  I found the most common md5 sum program for windows sucks.
  For me, MD5Summer * I kid not, thats its name* Just rocks ;p
  Newbie-stupid  works fast.  It will even generate sums, b/c i cannot
  figure out how to use the sums LM provides properly...and when I've
  tried it fails.

Well that program I mention does generate them for a CDRom ISO, 
image/whatever you need it for.

Thats why I use it.  I don't do alot of MD5Sum stuff in linux yet.

So I searched that out.


Icq me if you wish to get the little program and don't want to search.  Email 
me for my #.


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Re: [newbie] New USR External modem

2002-04-06 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Saturday 06 April 2002 18:32, Larry wrote:

  I have been trying to get my brand new external USER modem working,
  it dials up but (in Mandrake 8.1) waits at expecting ogin as part
  of my connect script. 
It couldn't be so easy that it's really expecting login instead,
 could it?

Looking for ogin is customary so that it won't matter whether the ISP 
is sending a capital L or lower case l.

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Bryan S. Tyson

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[newbie] Boat Anchor???

2002-04-06 Per discussione Linus Drouhard

Hi all,
I have following this list for some 8 or 9 months now and have obtained a 
lot of useful advice and tips.  I'm now operating what is close to becoming a 
boat anchor.  I have an AMD K6-2 running at 420 MHz in an ASUS P5A 
motherboard.  Most everything else is standard, SB16, Nvidia TNT2, 160MB Ram, 
two 20 Gig Maxtor drives, Ricoh CD-RW and generic CD-reader.  I have been 
fighting a weird problem the last couple of weeks.  I loaded MD 8.2 and 
really liked it, but could not get a printer installed.  Whenever I ran 
PrinterDrake, it asked me for Disc 1 and tried to install something.  My 
computer would freeze solid during install, responding only to the reset 
button.  I tried a fresh reinstall of MD 8.2.  Same.  Tried a fresh install 
of 8.1.  Froze during the install.  Civileme suggested a bad CD.  I burned a 
new one.  Same.  I tried installing from a different CD-drive.  Same.  I 
pulled my soundcard and every other non-essential card and disk drive.  I 
was able to reinstall MD 8.2.  I ran PrinterDrake.  It wanted to install some 
package again (CUPS and Foomatic, I believe).  Out of frustration, I just hit 
cancel and you guessed it, it worked!  I now have a printer.  I thought I 
was home free.  Remember the soundcard I pulled?  I reinstalled the card and 
tried to run soundcfg.  Not there.  I ran software manager.  Froze.  Solid. 

At this point, I'm at a loss, other than tying it to a boat.  Any 
suggestions?  Has anyone had good experiences with an ECS K7S5A motherboard?

Thanks for bearing with my rantings and ramblings.  Even if I don't figure it 
out... I feel better.


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Re: [newbie] SM56 in Mandrake 8.2

2002-04-06 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

Look at /proc/interrupts and see what IRQ Linux is finding it at or if something else 
is using IRQ9.  Then, maybe you can change the settings on the modem or whatever is 
using the interrupt.


On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 18:02:07 -0300 (ART)
Carlos Alberto Lima dos Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have a modem SM56, and until the version 8.0, this modem functioned
 without problems, I Istalled the driver gotten directly of motorola.
   I reinstalled de Mandrake Linux 8.2 and now the modem not is located.
   In the win2000 the modem is found in COM3 / IRQ9 (D700 - D7FF).
 The LinuxConf dont't obtain to find the correct pattern. The HardDark to
 recognize the sm56 modem, but I don't obtain to use the modem.
   For more information under this modem I visited this site:
 Carlos Alberto L. dos Santos (TOCA)
 Eng. de Computação - Puc-Campinas(SP) - Brasil
 Yahoo! Empregos
 O trabalho dos seus sonhos pode estar aqui. Cadastre-se hoje mesmo no Yahoo! 
Empregos e tenha acesso a milhares de vagas abertas!

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[newbie] bash script to enter su password?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Jon Doe

I am looking to make a script that can be run as a normal user in su mode with out 
having to enter su password.
Basically I want to be able to mount my usb digital camera without having to log in as 
root. Any suggestions?

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Re: [newbie] bash script to enter su password?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Paul

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 23:58:51 -0500 Jon wrote:

I am looking to make a script that can be run as a normal user in su mode
with out having to enter su password. Basically I want to be able to mount
my usb digital camera without having to log in as root. Any suggestions?

It would be much easier to add your login name to the group that is assigned
to the digital-camera group...


A closed mouth gathers no feet.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.4

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Re: [newbie] bash script to enter su password?

2002-04-06 Per discussione s

On Saturday 06 April 2002 10:58 pm, Jon Doe wrote:
 I am looking to make a script that can be run as a normal user in su mode
 with out having to enter su password. Basically I want to be able to mount
 my usb digital camera without having to log in as root. Any suggestions?


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Re: [newbie] Boat Anchor???

2002-04-06 Per discussione shane

On Sunday 07 April 2002 11:29 am, Linus Drouhard opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 MD 8.2 and really liked it, but could not get a printer installed. 
 Whenever I ran PrinterDrake, it asked me for Disc 1 and tried to install
 something.  My computer would freeze solid during install, responding
 only to the reset button.  I tried a fresh reinstall of MD 8.2.  Same. 

there is a bug fix for printerdrak, but i think it only applies to HP's.

 Tried a fresh install of 8.1.  Froze during the install.  Civileme
 suggested a bad CD.  I burned a new one.  Same.  I tried installing from
 a different CD-drive.  Same.  I pulled my soundcard and every other
 non-essential card and disk drive.  I was able to reinstall MD 8.2.  I
 ran PrinterDrake.  It wanted to install some package again (CUPS and
 Foomatic, I believe).  Out of frustration, I just hit cancel and you
 guessed it, it worked!  I now have a printer.  I thought I was home free.
  Remember the soundcard I pulled?  I reinstalled the card and tried to
 run soundcfg.  Not there.  I ran software manager.  Froze.  Solid.

just curious, but what type of conection is the printer?  could your bios 
be attempting to use an IRQ for the soundcard that the printer is using on 
an lpt port?  that is just shooting in the dark though as software manager 
would not freeze for that, rather you would think you simply would not get 
sound or not print.

you say you burned a new cd, was it from the same download?  did you 
checksum it?

last but not least, if it is the software manager, have you tried 
installing the needed packages from the commandline?

not much help really, but a place to start.

Microsoft: The company that made web browsing dangerous.

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[newbie] ATI Radeon, XFree 4.2 and Mandrake 8.2: Are they getting along?

2002-04-06 Per discussione Serge


With Mandrake 8.1 [and XFree86-4.1] all the 3D games or programs worked
After installing Mandrake 8.2, some of these applications do not work,
some of these games make my system freeze completely.
I have an ATI Radeon 68 DDR card.
By the way if i want to watch dvd, i have now to disable Xv when
compiling vlc , if not the movies go very slowly. [I cannot watch dvd
with the Mandrake xine packages].
Thank for help!

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Re: [newbie] Removing/neutralising URW fonts

2002-04-06 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 20:35:55 +0300, Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any way to remove the URW fonts set without breaking Ghostscript and 
 Image Magick?  Like the abisource fonts (which I just removed), I find they 
 don't seem to play nicely with some applications.  Alternatively, is there 
 any way I can tell Mandrake to only use these fonts as a last resource (e.g. 
 so that any time a document specificies times it will use Adobe Times, not 
 Sir Robin

I am assuming that you use xfs to manage your fonts, as most people do (I don't,

First, open the file /etc/X11/fs/config in an editor. In the catalogue
section, you will see a bunch of font paths (one per line). These are ordered
from the most preferred font path (top) to the least preferred path (bottom).
All you need to do is rearrange the order of the paths, ensuring there is a
comma at the end of every path except the last. You can also add, remove, or
disable (comment out) font paths.

Save the file, then run 'service xfs restart' as root.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

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[newbie] Compaq Laptop (Presario 1925) with NM256AV..no sound at all :-(

2002-04-06 Per discussione azesati


Since last october, when I installed LMDK 8.1, no sound has came out of my laptop. I 
know that the sound card NeoMagic NM256AV has been a headhache for some newbies like 
me. I already used pnptools, sndconfig, alsa..you name it! and no positive results, 
yet. Some CD music but no MP3s. Anyway, I would be very thankful for a good advice.

My detect:

CPU:GenuineIntel:Celeron (Mendocino):398:[HAS_FPU:HAS_MMX]:794.62:(none)
BRIDGE:PCI:Intel Corporation:440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge:ignore
BRIDGE:PCI:Intel Corporation:440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX AGP bridge:ignore
BRIDGE:PCI:Intel Corporation:82371AB PIIX4 ISA:unknown
BRIDGE:PCI:Texas Instruments:PCI1225:i82365
BRIDGE:PCI:Texas Instruments:PCI1225:i82365
IDE:PCI:Intel Corporation:82371AB PIIX4 IDE:unknown
USB:PCI:Intel Corporation:82371AB PIIX4 USB:usb-uhci
USB:PCI:NEC Corporation:USB:usb-ohci
USB:PCI:NEC Corporation:USB:usb-ohci
DISK:ATAPI/IDE:Unknown:TOSHIBA MK2016GAP:/dev/hda:39070080:240:63:2584
FLOPPY:Floppy Drive Controller:Unknown:1.44MB 3.5:/dev/fd0
VIDEO:PCI:Neomagic Corporation:(laptop/notebook)[MagicMedia 
SOUND:PCI:Neomagic Corporation:[MagicMedia 256AV Audio]:[]:nm256
MODEM:PCI:Lucent Microelectronics:56k WinModem:Not Available:-1:unknown
PRINTER:USB:Unknown:Unknown:Not Available
OTHER:80867113:PCI:Intel Corporation:82371AB PIIX4 ACPI:ignore
OTHER:103300e0:PCI:NEC Corporation:Unknown:Unknown
OTHER:04511446:USB:Texas Instruments:TUSB2040 Hub:unknown

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