Re: [newbie-it] postfix e alias

2002-11-26 Per discussione Lux
Maurizio Scaglione wrote:

On Monday 25 November 2002 11:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Salve a tutti,
Ho una casella email con tre alias presso un provider. Con postfix (e
fetchmail) vorrei scaricare  in locale questa casella. Il problema è: come
faccio a dire a postfix di smistare la posta dei tre alias nei tre utenti
locali? Grazie,

Lo fai fare da fetchmail.

Si ma come? E' sufficiente indicare le 3 caselle locali?


Ciao, Lux

Linux User # 266688

It took the computing power of three C-64s to fly to the Moon.
It takes a 486 to run Windows 95. Something is wrong here.

Re: [newbie-it] scelta di avvio del sistema operativo

2002-11-26 Per discussione Ivano
Caricati con il tuo editor preferito il file /etc/lilo.conf.
Finito di aggiungere la riga che ti interessa, salva, esci e lancia il
comando lilo -v.
Il lun, 2002-11-25 alle 11:22, Enrico Teotti ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti,
 ho installato la versione mandrake 8.1 sul mio PC su un harddisk primario. Ho un 
altro HD con installato Windows2000 Professional. Adesso per selezionare quale 
sistema avviare faccio una scomoda attivazione/disattivazione degli HD nel BIOS.
 Sò che LILO è l'applicativo dedicato alla scelta in avvio quando ho installato 
Linux. Qualcuno sapreppe darmi qualche dritta su come modificarlo per far vedere 
anche l'altro sistema operativo e proporlo all'avvio?
 Grazie mille,
 Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

Re: [newbie-it] Help Wine

2002-11-26 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 18:42:47 +0100
Luigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Leggere la documentazione sul sito da cui hai scaricato il
  pacchetto, è tanto difficile?  :-)
 un po' difficile e', visto che di inglese capisco molto poco
 comunque grazie

A te serve la prima frase, al massimo la seconda:

a. Mandrake

You should install a package called X11R6-contrib. You can find that on rpmfind as 

Non serve un corso intensivo di inglese per capirle  :-))

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 20:02, lunedì 25 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
 Alle 13:24, lunedì 25 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
  Ciao a tutti,
  per maggior comodità nelle fasi di masterizzazione, ho messo anche il
  lettore CD in emulazione scsi. Ho fatto le dovute modifiche a LiLo ed al
  file /etc/fstab, e tutto funziona. Però ora XMMS non riesce a vedere i CD
  audio (che sono, invece, regolarmente ascoltabili usando KsCD)... c'è una
  soluzione, o per qualche motivo XMMS non digerisce i lettori finti
  scsi? Al solito, grazie della risposta!

 Credo che Xmms faccia riferimento a /dev/cdrom...
 Prova a modificare, se non lo hai già fatto, il link simbolico /dev/cdrom
 facendolo puntare a /dev/dispositivo cdrom emulato scsi (scd1 forse)...
 Fammi sapere perché non ho avuto ancora il coraggio di fare l'emulazione
 per via di sta storia dei link simbolici e devfs...


Ciao Emiliano,
la modifica che suggerisci funziona in KsCD (con cui, infatti, riesco 
tranquillamente a sentire i CD audio). In XMMS, invece, per sentire un CD 
audio si punta su /mnt/cdrom come fosse una qualsiasi cartella contenente 
file musicali, ed il CD viene eseguito. Almeno, *veniva* eseguito. Ora il 
navigatore dell'XMMS mostra solo una cartella vuota, come se il CD non 
fosse nel lettore...


Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-11-26 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 15:11, martedì 26 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:

 Ciao Emiliano,
 la modifica che suggerisci funziona in KsCD (con cui, infatti, riesco
 tranquillamente a sentire i CD audio). In XMMS, invece, per sentire un CD
 audio si punta su /mnt/cdrom come fosse una qualsiasi cartella contenente
 file musicali, ed il CD viene eseguito. Almeno, *veniva* eseguito. Ora il
 navigatore dell'XMMS mostra solo una cartella vuota, come se il CD non
 fosse nel lettore...
Uhm... Scusa la domanda assolutamente banale... ma /mnt/cdrom fa riferimento 
al dispositivo scsi emulato no? a scd1 per intederci e non più ad hdc...
Perché se è così non saprei davvero cosa fare...  
Forse è un problema di permessi, devi essere root per leggere /mnt/cdrom?? Ma 
ciò sarebbe davvero molto strano
Non resta che sperare nell'aiuto di un professionista di linux...


Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 19:40, martedì 26 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
 Alle 15:11, martedì 26 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
  Ciao Emiliano,
  la modifica che suggerisci funziona in KsCD (con cui, infatti, riesco
  tranquillamente a sentire i CD audio). In XMMS, invece, per sentire un CD
  audio si punta su /mnt/cdrom come fosse una qualsiasi cartella contenente
  file musicali, ed il CD viene eseguito. Almeno, *veniva* eseguito. Ora il
  navigatore dell'XMMS mostra solo una cartella vuota, come se il CD non
  fosse nel lettore...

 Uhm... Scusa la domanda assolutamente banale... ma /mnt/cdrom fa
 riferimento al dispositivo scsi emulato no? a scd1 per intederci e non più
 ad hdc... Perché se è così non saprei davvero cosa fare...
 Forse è un problema di permessi, devi essere root per leggere /mnt/cdrom??
 Ma ciò sarebbe davvero molto strano
 Non resta che sperare nell'aiuto di un professionista di linux...


Sì, certo. Ho modificato /etc/fstab, così ora /dev/scd0 viene montato in 
/mnt/cdrom e /dev/scd1 in /mnt/cdrom2... e infatti lettore e masterizzatore 
funzionano normalmente. Ma XMMS non suona... Non è nemmeno un problema di 
permessi (posso montare ed accedere al CD anche come utente). Quindi 
aspetterò un professionista di passaggio! ;) Grazie per l'aiuto, 
comunque... Ciao!


Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-11-26 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 19:40:24 +0100
From: Emiliano La Licata [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alle 15:11, martedì 26 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
 Ciao Emiliano,
 la modifica che suggerisci funziona in KsCD (con cui, infatti, riesco
 tranquillamente a sentire i CD audio). In XMMS, invece, per sentire un CD
 audio si punta su /mnt/cdrom come fosse una qualsiasi cartella contenente
 file musicali, ed il CD viene eseguito. Almeno, *veniva* eseguito. Ora il
 navigatore dell'XMMS mostra solo una cartella vuota, come se il CD non
 fosse nel lettore...

Scusa se ti utilizzo da cavia da laboratorio ma ormai hai fatto il salto 
dell'emulazione e insomma vediamo che succede; potresti per favore vedere se 
grip funziona bene poiché anche questo fa riferimento a /dev/cdrom e dunque 
in linea teorica da quello che mi dici dovrebbe funzionare... ma sai, non 
dire gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco (Trapattoni) !!

Potevo spedirti l'e-mail personalmente ma credo interessi le persone che 
vogliono emularti... ahahah...

Ciao :)

Re: [newbie-it] Consigliatemi una distro

2002-11-26 Per discussione Paride Desimone
At 18.11 23/11/02 +0100, you wrote:

Mi hanno appena dato/regalato un vecchio pc con processore K6 64Mb di ram 
(non conosco la frequenza del processore)
3Gb di HD e vorrei farlo resuscitare con linux.
Chi mi sa consigliare una distro che giri bene sul suddetto pc senza 
essere impossibile da usare
per chi ne sa abbastanza poco?
Grazie anticipatamente


Un nome su tutti: Debian Woody 3.0 r0

Se decidi di usarla fammelo sapere che posso anche spedirti i 7 cdrom


Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 20:10, martedì 26 novembre 2002, hai scritto:

 Sì, certo. Ho modificato /etc/fstab, così ora /dev/scd0 viene montato in
 /mnt/cdrom e /dev/scd1 in /mnt/cdrom2... e infatti lettore e masterizzatore
 funzionano normalmente. Ma XMMS non suona... Non è nemmeno un problema di
 permessi (posso montare ed accedere al CD anche come utente). Quindi
 aspetterò un professionista di passaggio! ;) Grazie per l'aiuto,
 comunque... Ciao!


OK, mi scuso. Mi sento un po' idiota, ma la soluzione era sotto i miei 
occhi... a mia discolpa posso dire che non avevo avuto troppo tempo per 
verificare e provare a risolvere il problema. Probabilmente, era quel che 
volevi dire tu (ma non ti avevo capito): ho controllato la configurazione del 
plug-in di lettura del CD audio... e ho corretto la periferica di 
destinazione... :)
Ciao, e grazie ancora!


[newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-26 Per discussione tom
Ola lista
Qualcuno sa se il su detto modem adsl abbia una ben che minima speranza di 
funzionare con linux?
Ho fatto una ricerca con santo Google ma non ho trovato nulla!
é il modem che viene dato in dotazione con i nuova abbonamenti di tiscali.
 dimenticavo è ovviamente usb :)
sperando in un miracolo aspetto notizzie.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-11-26 Per discussione tom
Alle 20:10, martedì 26 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
 Alle 19:40, martedì 26 novembre 2002, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
  Alle 15:11, martedì 26 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
   Ciao Emiliano,
   la modifica che suggerisci funziona in KsCD (con cui, infatti, riesco
   tranquillamente a sentire i CD audio). In XMMS, invece, per sentire un
   CD audio si punta su /mnt/cdrom come fosse una qualsiasi cartella
   contenente file musicali, ed il CD viene eseguito. Almeno, *veniva*
   eseguito. Ora il navigatore dell'XMMS mostra solo una cartella vuota,
   come se il CD non fosse nel lettore...
  Uhm... Scusa la domanda assolutamente banale... ma /mnt/cdrom fa
  riferimento al dispositivo scsi emulato no? a scd1 per intederci e non
  più ad hdc... Perché se è così non saprei davvero cosa fare...
  Forse è un problema di permessi, devi essere root per leggere
  /mnt/cdrom?? Ma ciò sarebbe davvero molto strano
  Non resta che sperare nell'aiuto di un professionista di linux...

 Sì, certo. Ho modificato /etc/fstab, così ora /dev/scd0 viene montato in
 /mnt/cdrom e /dev/scd1 in /mnt/cdrom2... e infatti lettore e masterizzatore
 funzionano normalmente. Ma XMMS non suona... Non è nemmeno un problema di
 permessi (posso montare ed accedere al CD anche come utente). Quindi
 aspetterò un professionista di passaggio! ;) Grazie per l'aiuto,
 comunque... Ciao!


Scusate un non ricordo ci fossero stati problemi quando 
avevo emulato in scsi il lettore..
controlla una cosa..apri la playlist e poi clikka su add e seleziona 
dir selezionagli cdrom..e il gioco dovrebbe essere fatto
cmq è normale che il navigatore ti mostri una cartella 
navigatore a quanto ho capito funzia come mozi-konq-galeo...non avendo 
fsistem non viene visto :)
facci sapere.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi

2002-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 23:00, martedì 26 novembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:
 Alle 20:10, martedì 26 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
  Sì, certo. Ho modificato /etc/fstab, così ora /dev/scd0 viene
  montato in /mnt/cdrom e /dev/scd1 in /mnt/cdrom2... e infatti
  lettore e masterizzatore funzionano normalmente. Ma XMMS non
  suona... Non è nemmeno un problema di permessi (posso montare
  ed accedere al CD anche come utente).

 tu monti da user perchè in fstab dichiari il dispositivo,
 altrimenti nisba..

Ciao Mike,
grazie per la tua risposta. Come spiegato nell'altra mia email, problema 


Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 23:43, martedì 26 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
 Ola lista
 Qualcuno sa se il su detto modem adsl abbia una ben che minima speranza di
 funzionare con linux?
 Ho fatto una ricerca con santo Google ma non ho trovato nulla!
 é il modem che viene dato in dotazione con i nuova abbonamenti di tiscali.
  dimenticavo è ovviamente usb :)
 sperando in un miracolo aspetto notizzie.

 Ciao , Tom

Domanda di getto: hai provato a fare questa domanda al servizio di assistenza 
tecnica di Tiscali?


Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-26 Per discussione tom
Alle 00:14, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, Daniele Micci ha scritto:
 Alle 23:43, martedì 26 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
  Ola lista
  Qualcuno sa se il su detto modem adsl abbia una ben che minima speranza
  di funzionare con linux?
  Ho fatto una ricerca con santo Google ma non ho trovato nulla!
  é il modem che viene dato in dotazione con i nuova abbonamenti di
  tiscali.  dimenticavo è ovviamente usb :)
  sperando in un miracolo aspetto notizzie.
  Ciao , Tom

 Domanda di getto: hai provato a fare questa domanda al servizio di
 assistenza tecnica di Tiscali?


Certo! ecco ke mi hanno detto.
Buon Giorno,
attualmente la Nortek che è la casa produttrice del modem in questione,non ha 
fornito driver
per far funzionare questo modem su Linux.

In attesa di un suo riscontro ,

Cordiali Saluti
Stefano Cossu

quell in attesa di un suo riscontro mi suona tanto come un : se lo trovi 
fammelo sapere che mi stanno facendo una capa tanta anche gli altri!
Poi ho scritto 2 volte anche all sig. Nortek in personoa ma ancora non si è 
deganto di rispondernima stiamo a vedere!

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Modem adsl Nortek

2002-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 00:44, mercoledì 27 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:

 Certo! ecco ke mi hanno detto.
-- Buon Giorno,
 attualmente la Nortek che è la casa produttrice del modem in questione,non
 ha fornito driver
 per far funzionare questo modem su Linux.

 In attesa di un suo riscontro ,

 Cordiali Saluti
 Stefano Cossu
- quell in attesa di un
 suo riscontro mi suona tanto come un : se lo trovi fammelo sapere che mi
 stanno facendo una capa tanta anche gli altri! Poi ho scritto 2 volte anche
 all sig. Nortek in personoa ma ancora non si è deganto di
 rispondernima stiamo a vedere!

 Ciao , Tom

Beh, dovresti scoprire almeno su che chipset è basato.
Altrimenti, rivolgiti ad un altro ISP... (ma prima scriviglielo chiaro)


Re: [newbie] OT avi to mpeg?

2002-11-26 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 10:07:35PM -0800, Ibly Piblo wrote:
 Sorry if this is OT.
 Is there an avi to mpeg converter
 for linux that is easy?
 Already tried a few which were useless,
 mjpegtools proved to be trash, as it just
 spit out useless errors instead of actually
 converting the file.
 lav2wav Wallace_and_Gromit.The_Wrong_Trousers.en.avi
 ++ WARN: Input file
 Wallace_and_Gromit.The_Wrong_Trousers.en.avi is not in
  JPEG 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 format
 **ERROR: File
 Wallace_and_Gromit.The_Wrong_Trousers.en.avi has
 23.976000 frames/sec, choose norm with +[np] param
 This tells me nothing, and it did not convert
 the file.
 I hope that there are some better ones
 out there.

Hmm, this is a bit like calling your toaster trash because it won't
make coffee! lav2wav is for extracting/splitting sound from a video.


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[newbie] rsh not working...

2002-11-26 Per discussione Wim De Hul
Hi All!

I have installed rsh on my Mandrake 9.0, but it isn't working: i get
permission denied on the command rsh -l wim

My setup:

both hosts have the same users (wim).
My /etc/hosts.equiv contains

wim +

File permissions:

-rw-r--r--1 root root6 Nov 26 13:36 /etc/hosts.equiv

What am I doing wrong?



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Re: [newbie] oops .. forgot the attachment

2002-11-26 Per discussione Sasongko Pribadi Djoko
Dear Anne, Friends,

Thanks for your mail regarding this.

How can I check whether I did install the cdread ?
Where did you get the cdread you mention below ?


From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] oops .. forgot the attachment
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:46:53 +

On Monday 25 Nov 2002 12:14 pm, Sasongko Pribadi Djoko wrote:
 Dear Stephen, Friends,

 I can hear MP3 from XMMS without any problem.
 I did as well try to set the volume level in KMIX.

 Maybe it is because I use DVD pioneer as a player/drive instead of CD ?

I haven't been following this thread, but I use my cd/dvd player with xmms 
can play both mp3s and cds.  However, I did have to install cdread to do 


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[newbie] Can't connect to Texstar

2002-11-26 Per discussione Keith Powell
I have been trying to enhance the Mandrake9 fonts using the Getting libqt3 
compiled with Xft-2 instructions on Derek's site, but can't connect to the 
Texstar site to download the necessary packages.

I get an error message with each package:-

FTP user password incorrect.

I have no problems connecting to other sites and have connected to Texstar a 
few days ago. 

Wanting a password is a new one on me. 

How do I get the correct password, and where do I install it, please?

I can really recommend Derek's site: it contains some very useful information.

Thanks Derek!

Many thanks for any help, as always.


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Re: [newbie] supermount

2002-11-26 Per discussione Technoslick
From: Anne Wilson

No, but I wanted the convenience of being able to read from the dvd and
to the cd-rw, but XCDroast couldn't see it.  I understand k3b (I think it's
called) could do it anyway, so I'll look at that when I've a moment.

I haven't tried burning 'on-the-fly' with Linux, as yet. I can tell you it
didn't work for me under Windows 98 SE. Then again, it's not like I have a
lot of horsepower here. The pair of AMD K6-2/500's I have, have long since
lost their prime in running modern tech stuff. :-(

I haven't tried K3b yet. It sounds like a good alternative to eroast. I have
never been able to get XCDroast to work for me.

I am content to create image files of my CDs, then burn a CD-R from those
image files. I am not extracting content from a CD very often.

I was under the impression, too, that it would not work for dvd film (as
distinct from data) if it was not scsi emulated.  Is this not so?

I am not sure that I know what you are implying, but if it is about
extracting material from a DVD to go out onto a CD-R, I can tell you a
little of what I learned. Some of this is very OT and controversial, so you
can take that up with me off the listserv, if you want.

You can extract DVD movies and place them onto a CD-R, becoming VCD's in the
process. This means 'ripping' the content, decoding it, and then copying the
extract to a CD-R. You lose some quality, but the outcome is superior to
VHS. The contraversiality is obvious: in whether it is something you should
do. This can be done 'on-the-fly' under the Windows environment, but I have
not been able to do so, probably due to a lack of horsepower. I have never
tried ripping a DVD in Linux. I doubt that I could do it on-the-fly. A
multi-stage process is the only way it will work for me.

The other use is pulling program data, like the contents of an MDK 9.0
distro. I believe (I REALLY am guessing, as I have yet to acquire any DVDs
that have programs on them for the purpose of installing or providing
computer data) that you should be able to read that data as you would any
off a CD-ROM. Maybe those here that have installed from a DVD can tell you
for sure what to expect. It would seem that the only thing proprietary about
the contents of a DVD is in regards to movie format, not the filesystem, or
format of the volume. My take, as uninformed as I am.

Keep in mind that in a perfect answer, it is not best to put two devices
such as these on the same IDE channel. Some here have said they do it all
the time and never have problems. It could be because they are running very
fast systems that can accept the data flow without interruption. The
hardware is part of it, too. Some ROM drives go into sleep mode too early
for the likes of a reading CD-RW trying to write on-the-fly. The slower the
write speed, the greater the chance you will have the data ROM drive sleep
and neglect that CD-RW's data buffer. Using DMA on both drives probably
helps a lot here. There are some variables that go into what units work best
with others, and so forth. I wouldn't say that anything can be said for
certain for all cases without someone coming back with having made it work

BTW - is your Liteon drive coupled with a cd-rw?  I'm curious after my
supplier talked of some incompatibilities.

Yes, I do run my Liteon on the same IDE channel as another ROM device. The
Liteon is master, the Phillips CD-RW is slave. As far as I can tell, they
both work as expected. The results I get in using both drives in MDK 9.0 is
pretty much the same as in Windows XP Pro. The only noticeable difference is
with the DVD in playing DVD movies. I found that WinDVD in XP outperforms
anything I have used in Linux so far. Less choppy and more stable.


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Re: [newbie] CD Read errors

2002-11-26 Per discussione Technoslick
I, for one, have no need for anything that fast. If I was using the drive to
house a massive data store, and needed to access that from a program in a
timely manner, I could see the benefit. Still, I think that such a need is a
very small percentage of users. This is where marketing hype gets in the way
of what consumers really want and need. Most of us just want a reliable,
'quiet' running drive that reads fast enough for installations to be quick
and multi-media to run smoothly. Is a 52X CD-ROM needed? Is faster always
better? Not if speed has gone up and the mechanics have stayed the same.

Try buying a 32X CD-ROM drive at your local department store or computer
shop. The manufacturers keep hyping the need for speed to make CD-ROM drives
comparable to hard drives, as well as other removable media options. I'm
sure that there are surpluses on the Web for slower drives, but you will pay
nearly as much as for them as you would for a 52X. What would be nice it to
have software controls on how fast the drive spins. Then you could dial-in
your max, and save wear and tear on the drive, your computer (from the
vibration) and on your nerves!


- Original Message -
From: JoeD

In some cases the problem may be the cd label but a recent article
that I had read (don't remeber where) had put the blame on the way
that the newer faster drivers clamp and hold the cd's by putting the blame
on poor mechanical design.

The comment was to use a better quality lower speed drive.

CD's have been found to shatter in the new 52X supersonic drives
due to being off balance and or manufacturing defects with the cd
and also due to the inability to clamp down the cd properly.

32X is fast enough for me and I don't have to listen to 747's
taking off.


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Re: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-26 Per discussione seanygoh
   I tried doing what  u said, doing a clean installation of mandrake, but it still 
gave me the exact same error. Firstly, i used fdisk to delete all my partitions. I 
then tried to install m8.2. Can't. Then i thought maybe i should format the 
partitions, so i did using format from a bootable dos disk. Loaded in m8.2 setup and 
gave me the same error. I couldn't use auto allocate or wizard coz it doesn't solve it 

This is what i got just before i clicked no to enter into the place where i could 
create, resize, mount partitions.Choosing yes was not an option coz it gave me the 
same message so i had to choose no.

i can't read the partition table, it's too complicated fr me
i can try to go on blanking bad partitions (all data will be lost)
The other solution is to disallow DrakX to modify the partition table.(the error is 
ask_before_blanking:unknown partition table format.)

Do you agree to loose all the partitions?
 From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue 26/11/2002 8:2 PM GMT+08:00
 Subject: Re: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP
 OK - we are into trial and error territory!  I've had some success with
 this approach when all else fails:
 - boot the mandrake install CD
 - take it as far as the partitioning
 - tell diskdrake to delete all partitions
 - create some FAT32 partitions for later use with XP plus the required
 linux paritions
 - either complete the linux install, then install XP, then boot the
 install CD again and rewrite the boot loader, or exit the install, do XP
 and come back to mandrake later.
 XP will install on partitions created by diskdrake (reformat them during
 the XP install though).  This may work around your problem, but I don't
 pretend to understand what's going on.
 On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 21:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Brian,
 I partitioned into 2 partitions using XP for XP and left the 3rd partition 
unnamed.(which is for mandrake). I tried formatting the first 2 partitions with NTFS 
and FAT32. Still got the same problem when Mandrake setup couldn't seem to detect it 
properly and gave me those error messages.
  That's all i guess.
   The replies I've seen to this so far seem to have ignored the unknown partition
   table format message.  This would be a cause of concern to me.  Sean, can you
   tell us how you did the original partitioning?  Did you start with a raw disk and
   use XP to partition during the install, or did you use another tool, like
   Partition Magic?
   If you don't mind reinstalling your XP system, I would suggest the following:
   - boot the XP install disk
   - use the XP installer to delete all partitions
   - create your 1st partition on which XP is to be installed using either
 FAT32 or NTFS (I would choose FAT32 unless you feel the need for the
 extra security
   - create your 2nd partition as FAT32 so you can share data with linux
   - leave the rest of the disk unpartitioned and do the XP install
   - then install Mandrake, letting it handle it's partitioning
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Re: [newbie] Can't connect to Texstar

2002-11-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 2:30 pm, Keith Powell wrote:
 I have been trying to enhance the Mandrake9 fonts using the Getting libqt3
 compiled with Xft-2 instructions on Derek's site, but can't connect to the
 Texstar site to download the necessary packages.

 I get an error message with each package:-

 FTP user password incorrect.

 I have no problems connecting to other sites and have connected to Texstar
 a few days ago.

 Wanting a password is a new one on me.

 How do I get the correct password, and where do I install it, please?

 I can really recommend Derek's site: it contains some very useful

 Thanks Derek!

 Many thanks for any help, as always.


You will make me blush.

As for Texstars download site.
It does that every now and again. Just try again later and it will be OK. 

(In fact it is working now - but a bit slow)


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[newbie] Install from XP over network?

2002-11-26 Per discussione Todd Slater
A friend from work would like to try Mandrake at home. The computer he
wants to put it on doesn't have a CD drive, but it is currently on his
home network (Windows XP). Is there any way he can install it over the
network, using the cd from another computer?


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Re: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-26 Per discussione Charlie
On November 26, 2002 03:40 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Brian,
I partitioned into 2 partitions using XP for XP and left the 3rd
 partition unnamed.(which is for mandrake). I tried formatting the first 2
 partitions with NTFS and FAT32. Still got the same problem when Mandrake
 setup couldn't seem to detect it properly and gave me those error messages.
 That's all i guess.


Hi Sean;

I'm not quite certain what's causing the aggravating or why, but I spent an 
unproductive hour (or four) on the phone with a friend last week trying to 
solve it. Then I got cranky and gave him different instructions and it 
worked. The instructions were (condensed) as follows:

Fresh install, wiping all _OS_ partitions; but keeping any personal data 
(pictures, music, movies, etc) on a 'shared' FAT32 partition previously 
available. This is easier for totally fresh installs but the steps are the 

First; boot to Mandrake install disk 1,

choose install, expert,

any partitions visible in the diskdrake screen except the one that contains
the data desired for 'save' are _individually_ deleted,

use the desired partition sizes already determined for XP and make those
partitions as FAT32 (you'll format these later during XP install anyway, and 
you wanted to convert one to NTFS but this will be easiest for now),

make the desired Linux partitions in whatever file system format you've
chosen. ext3, Reiser, XFS, JFS, whatever you desire. If you want a seperate 
/boot be sure it's ext2 or ext3 since you'll only get grief at the make boot 
disk stage later and you don't want to skip that do you? :-)

format **only** the Linux partitions and allow diskdrake to write the
partition table to disk,

exit the install since you'll have to boot from the Mandrake install disk 
later anyway and it's a waste of time for now otherwise. XP (like all things 
Microsoft) doesn't play nice with others in other words,

boot from the XP install disk and work only with the FAT32 section of the 
drive that you allocated for XP install. (2 partitions I believe you said?) 
Don't allow Windows to touch the rest of the disk except for recognition of 
any pre-existing shared data FAT 32 partitions. Be careful it doesn't try 
to format that or you'll hate it later almost as much as I do now. ;)

Once finished with that expert install Mandrake as usual, avoiding the XP 
partitions except for providing mount point information; then install 
packages as desired.

In my friend's situation he wanted XP to be default so that his wife and kids 
wouldn't freak when exposed to Mandrake. I walked him through editing lilo 
during a later call.

I hope this is of some use.

Registered user 244963 at
God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
- Voltaire

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Re: [newbie] supermount

2002-11-26 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 2:33 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 From: Anne Wilson

 No, but I wanted the convenience of being able to read from the dvd and
 to the cd-rw, but XCDroast couldn't see it.  I understand k3b (I think
  it's called) could do it anyway, so I'll look at that when I've a moment.

 I haven't tried burning 'on-the-fly' with Linux, as yet. I can tell you it
 didn't work for me under Windows 98 SE. Then again, it's not like I have a
 lot of horsepower here. The pair of AMD K6-2/500's I have, have long since
 lost their prime in running modern tech stuff. :-(

I used to do it regularly on Nero.  I've had a couple of cds ruined by playing 
them in the car, so I don't risk it any more.  I make a copy for car use.

 I haven't tried K3b yet. It sounds like a good alternative to eroast. I
 have never been able to get XCDroast to work for me.

I find it OK for data, but not for music.

 I was under the impression, too, that it would not work for dvd film (as
 distinct from data) if it was not scsi emulated.  Is this not so?

 I am not sure that I know what you are implying, 

Nothing complicated - just playing dvd movies.

 Keep in mind that in a perfect answer, it is not best to put two devices
 such as these on the same IDE channel. 

Since I have 4 ide connectors (two normal and two udma) I have plenty of 
space.  I don't need to put them together.

 Some here have said they do it all
 the time and never have problems. It could be because they are running very
 fast systems that can accept the data flow without interruption. 

XCDroast has a message that seems to me to imply that burn-free, or whatever 
it calls it, is switched on.  I wonder if that means the same as it would in 

 BTW - is your Liteon drive coupled with a cd-rw?  I'm curious after my
 supplier talked of some incompatibilities.

 Yes, I do run my Liteon on the same IDE channel as another ROM device. The
 Liteon is master, the Phillips CD-RW is slave. As far as I can tell, they
 both work as expected. 

I don't know which brands they were talking about, apart from Afreey, but I do 
know that if they are asked to supply one they now ask what it will be teamed 
with.  As I said, they were not rubbishing the drive, just being cautious 
about compatibility.


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Re: [newbie] oops .. forgot the attachment

2002-11-26 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 2:11 pm, Sasongko Pribadi Djoko wrote:
 Dear Anne, Friends,

 Thanks for your mail regarding this.

 How can I check whether I did install the cdread ?

Open up xmms.  Click on the top left hand corner to get a menu and select 
options  Preferences.  The first tab is Audio I/O Plugins.  The default 
installation puts CD Audio Player in.  If you have AudioCD Reader installed 
it will show there.

 Where did you get the cdread you mention below ?

If it doesn't show, use your installer to get xmms-cdread from your Mandrake 

When it is installed, go back the plugins in xmms as above, click on CD Audio 
Player, then uncheck the 'enable plugin'.  Click on AudioCD Reader and enable 



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Re: [newbie] urpmi setup

2002-11-26 Per discussione Robert
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 10:11:43 -0600
Carl J. Bauman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Try changing the directory
 urpmi.addmedia Distro_9.0 with

Usually the or is located in
/base, so you use ../base/ to go up a level and into /base and
then to get the file

 with ./
 (This command on one line)
 Or some other mirror if you prefer.
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Re: [newbie] supermount

2002-11-26 Per discussione Technoslick
From: Anne Wilson

I used to do it regularly on Nero.  I've had a couple of cds ruined by
them in the car, so I don't risk it any more.  I make a copy for car use.

Yeah, I have done it for those reasons, too. I refuse to bring originals
into the car. I am a real fuss about this, as well as their care and

I find it OK for data, but not for music.

After I couldn't get it to work, I tried 'eroast', and that has worked
flawlessly for me. I guess once something works for me, I tend to stay with

Since I have 4 ide connectors (two normal and two udma) I have plenty of
space.  I don't need to put them together.

Keep them separate, then.

XCDroast has a message that seems to me to imply that burn-free, or
it calls it, is switched on.  I wonder if that means the same as it would

Yes, the same in all programs that mention this technology. Basically, it is
the use of a special buffer made up in your system's RAM to make sure that
the itsy-bitsy hardware buffer in your CD-RW never runs dry while burning.
You can still make coasters by having stuff running in the background, or
some foolishness, but it's a lot harder to do now.

I don't know which brands they were talking about, apart from Afreey, but I
know that if they are asked to supply one they now ask what it will be
with.  As I said, they were not rubbishing the drive, just being cautious
about compatibility.

Probably so. However, if you ever speak with those people again, and you
think about it, ask them if the Phillips drives are a problem. Thanks.


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Re: [newbie] oops .. forgot the attachment

2002-11-26 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 4:38 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 2:11 pm, Sasongko Pribadi Djoko wrote:


By the way - there is a good bit of useful information about this on Derek's 
linux pages

It was Derek who first got me up and running


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Re: [newbie] supermount

2002-11-26 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 4:47 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 From: Anne Wilson
 After I couldn't get it to work, I tried 'eroast', and that has worked
 flawlessly for me. I guess once something works for me, I tend to stay with

I looked at that under 8.2, but couldn't get any sense out of it.  It looked 
as though it should have been better, but for some reason I couldn't make it 
work.  There's sometimes a problem when a very capable program has little or 
no help available - what's intuitive for one user is not for others.

 XCDroast has a message that seems to me to imply that burn-free, or
 whatever it calls it, is switched on.  I wonder if that means the same as 
 it would in Nero?

 Yes, the same in all programs that mention this technology. Basically, it
 is the use of a special buffer made up in your system's RAM to make sure
 that the itsy-bitsy hardware buffer in your CD-RW never runs dry while

XCDroast looks such a simple basic program that you don't expect luxuries like 
this g

 I don't know which brands they were talking about, apart from Afreey, but
  I do 
 know that if they are asked to supply one they now ask what it will be 
 teamed with.  As I said, they were not rubbishing the drive, just being 
 cautious about compatibility.

 Probably so. However, if you ever speak with those people again, and you
 think about it, ask them if the Phillips drives are a problem. Thanks.

Don't see the tech support people often - only if a component appears to be 
faulty - but I'll bear that in mind.


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Re: [newbie] Problems w/ Mandrake Update

2002-11-26 Per discussione Robert
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 10:28:42 -0600
Ryan Moe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any time I try and connect to Mandrake Update it tells me
 There was an error adding the medium to urpmi. or some such
 thing.  It won't work regardless of which mirror I pick.  I've
 tried looking on the Mandrake site but couldn't really find

Go to mandrake control center /software management/software
sources manager.  When your in there you will see one that says
update_source . This is where you get your updates from. if you
select it and hit edit mine looks like this: URL:
Relative path to synthesis/hdlist:   ../base/

Hope that helps,


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Re: [newbie] Postfix Config

2002-11-26 Per discussione Jordan Elver
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 7:03 pm, Franki wrote:
 configure /etc/postfix/

 pay attention to the following:


 go to dyndns and get yourself a domain name you can use.. its free, or
 donation based.

Please excuse my ignorance, but is it nessaccery to have a domain name?

 make sure /var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf and hosts match those in /etc
 so your mail server can resolve address's.

They do match. All of the files in each.

 reload postfix: service postfix reload

 see how that goes.

Thanks for the help. The thing is, when I had sendmail installed ages ago, 
that worked fine. But, sendmail is not working either and the configuration 
files look very scary :-/




 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jordan Elver
 Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2002 2:37 AM
 To: Mandrake Newbie List
 Subject: [newbie] Postfix Config

 I'm setting up Apache (with PHP), MySQL etc and want to be able to send
 mail from PHP. I've installed postfix and it's running. When I send mail
 from PHP,
 it sends and is added to the /var/spool/mail/postfix file. Inside the file
 are messages which say something along the lines of:

   450 Sender address rejected: Domain not found

 This box is not a production machine (thank goodness ;-)) but for local
 development. I do, however need to send external email. I know this is a
 postfix config error. The machine does not have a domain hosted here, just
 a fqdn I made up for my LAN.

 How can I fix it?


Jordan Elver
My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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[newbie] KMail filters

2002-11-26 Per discussione Anne Wilson
I would like to completely block certain spam addresses, but KMail does not 
seem to allow you to simply delete the outcome of a filter.  For the moment I 
have set it to 'move to trash', but would rather completely delete it.  I 
don't want to use 'bounce' as it gives them the satisfaction of knowing it 


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RE: [newbie] Postfix Config

2002-11-26 Per discussione Franki
Stick with postfix, its far easier them m4's and the like...

you might find postfix easier if you use webmin..

generially yes, postfix should have a domain name..

you may be able to get it sort of functioning without it.. but its a good

do you have a static IP address??? if so, try doing a lookup on it, my ISP
gives all its Ip's numeric subdomains.. and they are find for a mail

when you send mail, (or try to) what is showing up in
/var/log/mail/warnings? or info, or errors

that info will help us determine whats wrong..

Also, postfix in mdk9 sometimes installs wrong.. so if you don't have a head
of symlinks and lib files in
/var/spool/postfix/lib then uninstall and reinstall postfix..

I had that problem twice and both times manually reinstalling postfix fixed
(and strangely enough, postfix gave no real outward sign that there was a
problem, it just wouldn't work properly.)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jordan Elver
Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2002 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Postfix Config

On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 7:03 pm, Franki wrote:
 configure /etc/postfix/

 pay attention to the following:


 go to dyndns and get yourself a domain name you can use.. its free, or
 donation based.

Please excuse my ignorance, but is it nessaccery to have a domain name?

 make sure /var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf and hosts match those in /etc
 so your mail server can resolve address's.

They do match. All of the files in each.

 reload postfix: service postfix reload

 see how that goes.

Thanks for the help. The thing is, when I had sendmail installed ages ago,
that worked fine. But, sendmail is not working either and the configuration
files look very scary :-/




 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jordan Elver
 Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2002 2:37 AM
 To: Mandrake Newbie List
 Subject: [newbie] Postfix Config

 I'm setting up Apache (with PHP), MySQL etc and want to be able to send
 mail from PHP. I've installed postfix and it's running. When I send mail
 from PHP,
 it sends and is added to the /var/spool/mail/postfix file. Inside the file
 are messages which say something along the lines of:

   450 Sender address rejected: Domain not found

 This box is not a production machine (thank goodness ;-)) but for local
 development. I do, however need to send external email. I know this is a
 postfix config error. The machine does not have a domain hosted here, just
 a fqdn I made up for my LAN.

 How can I fix it?


Jordan Elver
My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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Re: [newbie] compiling qt program -- where is

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 05:28, Marty McFly wrote:
 hey, I was wondering if anybody has come across this problem.  I am trying 
 to compile a program using qt.  I'm getting this error:
 ld: cannot find -lqt
 so I looked in the /usr/lib/qt3/lib directory and there is no file. 
   There is a and compiling using that works fine, with adding 
 the thread option at compiling.
 Does anybody know where the file is?

You will find that particular libfile at:


Check your /etc/ file - you can add the path
/usr/lib/qt-3.0.5/lib to it and re-run ldconfig - then try to complile
yer proggie again.

Wed Nov 27 06:40:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

I'm thinking about DIGITAL READ-OUT systems and computer-generated

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Re: [newbie] Harddisk bad block checking tool

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 04:16, Wei Wang wrote:
 Hi, all,
 It seems that my harddisk is experiencing some kind of bad block
 problem. Sometimes the reboot would halt at a point, seems to be
 checking the harddisk. Is there a hard disk scan program that scans
 and quarantines bad blocks just like what scandisk in windows does? 
 Many thanks,

Have you resolved the issue with lack of space on /dev/hda1 yet? That
could be the starting point to more than just a bad block problem...

Wed Nov 27 06:45:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Power company testing new voltage spike (creation) equipment

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Re: [newbie] FB logo

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 04:11, Damian Gatabria wrote:
 hi! wassup.
 I've got a question about frambuffer.
 I've recently found a howto which explains how to
 make framebuffer devices, and since i like the 
 way the consoles look in FB mode, i went for it.
 So far, so good. however this howto does not
 cover one question.
 how do i enable the logo on top of the screen?
 i mean, now that i've enabled FB, while the kernel
 is booting up i see Mandrake's golden star at the top
 of the screen, but once i finish booting, the consoles
 don't have it!
 what do i need to do to make it appear?
 thanks much.
That's an interesting thought...hmmmwell, when we find out, I'll
have to give that a go myself!

Wed Nov 27 06:45:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Power company testing new voltage spike (creation) equipment

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Re: [newbie] TV Out X Window Problem

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 02:50, Andrew Mann wrote:
 I have just managed to get the tv out working on my NV card (does not
 support twinview). I altered my XF86Config-4 file and then typed in
 the command 
 startx -- :1 -screen screen_TVout600
 screen-TVout600 is what i called the screen in XF86Config-4 file
 this worked and gave me a linux desktop , but it is black and white
 and not colour
 How do you alter the settings so the desktop is colour , like it is on
 the monitor ?

An nVidia card that DOESN'T support twin-view? Are you sure? Have you
checked the documentation? I know that my nVidia GeForce does - as well
as cursor shadow/alpha blending...supports the TV-out AND twinview - but
according to the docs, you DO have to make some mods to the XF86Config-4
file to get it working properly...

Wed Nov 27 06:50:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Q:  Why was Stonehenge abandoned?
A:  It wasn't IBM compatible.

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Re: [newbie] rsh not working...

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 00:13, Wim De Hul wrote:
 Hi All!
 I have installed rsh on my Mandrake 9.0, but it isn't working: i get
 permission denied on the command rsh -l wim
 My setup:
 both hosts have the same users (wim).
 My /etc/hosts.equiv contains
 wim +
 File permissions:
 -rw-r--r--1 root root6 Nov 26 13:36 /etc/hosts.equiv

 What am I doing wrong?


Do you have rsh running as a service?
Generally, rexec, rlogin and rsh aren't setup to run - you have to
configure them to run at boot (or with cron - to start and stop them at
particular times)

(in a term windows type: service rsh --full-restart ...and try again!)

Wed Nov 27 07:00:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Don't some of these fortunes just drive you nuts?!
Wouldn't you like to see some of them deleted from the system?
You can!  Just mail to `fortune' with the fortune you hate most,
and we'll make sure it gets expunged.

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Re: [newbie] KMail filters

2002-11-26 Per discussione Michel Clasquin
On Tuesday 26 November 2002 21:27, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I would like to completely block certain spam addresses, but KMail
 does not seem to allow you to simply delete the outcome of a
 filter.  For the moment I have set it to 'move to trash', but would
 rather completely delete it.  

Have you considered using 

Settings | Configure pop filters

There is an option there to delete the mail from the server before it 
even reaches you. Of course, that assumes that you are contacting a 
pop3 server directly, not going via fetchmail.

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Re: [newbie] No serial ports

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 07:51, Anders Lind wrote:
 Hello friends,
 I have encountered a strange problem on my
 homebox with mandrake 9.0 and any other
 Linux distribution. It seems that it doesn't
 detect my serial ports within Linux. In Windows
 there are no problems. statserial doesn't give me
 much, but looking under /dev there are no 
 /dev/modem nor /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1. When 
 I look into harddrake there aren't any serial ports
 nor any modems and insmod of serial.o fails.
 Anybody can give me any pointers what I should do?

Have you checked your BIOS settings? Sometimes it's worth changing the
settings to NO for a PnP-OS...Windows virtualizes everything...linux
doesn't...I'd suggest to change the BIOS settings to reflect a non-PNP
OS and then do a COLD HARD BOOT and see what linux says after that
mate...can't hurt at this point, ya reckon?

Wed Nov 27 07:10:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

America was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci and was named after him, until
people got tired of living in a place called Vespuccia and changed its
name to America.
-- Mike Harding, The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac

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Re: [newbie] KMail filters

2002-11-26 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 8:11 pm, Michel Clasquin wrote:
 On Tuesday 26 November 2002 21:27, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I would like to completely block certain spam addresses, but KMail
  does not seem to allow you to simply delete the outcome of a
  filter.  For the moment I have set it to 'move to trash', but would
  rather completely delete it.

 Have you considered using

 Settings | Configure pop filters

 There is an option there to delete the mail from the server before it
 even reaches you. Of course, that assumes that you are contacting a
 pop3 server directly, not going via fetchmail.

Doh!  I simply hadn't registered that there are two levels of filtering - one 
before downloading and one after.  That's great, thanks


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Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 02:08, Sean Goh wrote:
 Hi there,
I'm having problems installing M8.2 over WinXP. I have a 20GB 
 harddisk and i partitioned it into 3. C: takes 5GB and D: takes 7GB. The 
 rest i left it for Mandrake. After installing WinXP using NTFS 
 filesystem, i booted M8.2 and ran the setup program. The problem came in 
 when it couldn't detect the partitions or something.
 An error occured. Ask_before_blanking: unknown partition table format.
 Anyone knows how to solve this problem?
 I'm installing on a laptop 900MHZ with 384 MB RAM and GeForce2. Should 
 have met all the requirements of M8.2

Having to deal with dual-boot systems for clients all the time, I've
stuck to a scheme I've used since the days of OS/2 - I create (at least)
two partitions. First partition is left blank and unformatted. Second
partition gets formatted with DOS (or whatever) and Windows is
installed. After Windows is installed, then OS/2 (or linux) is installed
on the first partition (of course, it's re-partitioned so that you have
a /boot, an / and a swap partition) and lilo is setup to recognize both
OS's - and used as the primary boot menu.

Being that linux lives below the 1024th cylinder, it generally is a
happy camper (and gets the faster parts of the disk). Winblows, er,
Windows gets the rest as it ain't quite as picky...

Wed Nov 27 07:15:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.

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Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 05:50, FemmeFatale wrote:
 Should you fail to delete your partitions successfully re-reply to the list 
  I'm sure Stephen will help you (he's the most prolific poster today so 
 I'm picking on him).

Is prolific a bad word? (grin)
Oh, wait - I thought that was prophylactic...
Wed Nov 27 07:15:01 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.

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Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 12:11, Sean Goh wrote:
 Just to clarify, i want to install a dual boot system consisting of 
 WinXP and M8.2. I've already installed WinXP but i have trouble 
 installing M8.2 because of the problem stated earlier. Thanks for replying.

Ok - so then the question is this - as this will be the most important
factor in this whole exercise:

Is the partition for *nix BEFORE or AFTER the NTFS partition? If it is
AFTER the NTFS partition, you need to move the NTFS partition to the end
of the HD so that the partition for *nix is BEFORE the NTFS partition
(or before the 1024th cylinder).

If you can accomplish this task, then you should be able to install *nix
on the blank partition you already set aside for it without any further

Wed Nov 27 07:20:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your time.

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Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 04:51, Barry Premeaux wrote:

 MD8.2 (nor any other Linux distrobution I am aware of) does not read NTFS.  
 I'm not an XP expert, but I believe you can force it to install on a FAT32 
 partition.  If you only need to see personal files on the XP side, then 
 create a FAT32 partition to save them there.  MD8.2 will be able to see it.  
 You may want to consider the first option if you want to take advantage of 
 the ttfs fonts that are in MS.
You can modify the kernel to READ NTFS partitions (experimental write,
but it's dangerous) - so most linux distros - OUT OF THE BOX cannot read
NTFS - but if you recompile the kernel (2.4+) and make sure that you add
NTFS under FILESYSTEMS, you are then able to read NTFS partitions.

Wed Nov 27 07:25:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
-- W.C. Fields

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Re: [newbie] OT: Hardware boot problems

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 05:52, FemmeFatale wrote:
 Duct tape.  It solves everything.  Or so says my friend Red Green *Smiles 

Even dating problems?

Wed Nov 27 07:30:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

By golly, I'm beginning to think Linux really *is* the best thing since
sliced bread.
(By Vance Petree, Virginia Power)

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Re: [newbie] rpm dependencies

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 23:36, Michel Clasquin wrote:
 On Monday 25 November 2002 02:06, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  3.) Run the proggie and see what happens...core files are easily
 Aha, a fellow graduate of the Crash 'n Burn School of Software 

If it doesn't fit - force it. If it breaks, it was faulty

Wed Nov 27 07:30:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

By golly, I'm beginning to think Linux really *is* the best thing since
sliced bread.
(By Vance Petree, Virginia Power)

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Re: [newbie] shutdown: difference between stopping and shuttingdown

2002-11-26 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 05:38, FemmeFatale wrote:
 At 05:33 PM 11/25/2002 +1100, you wrote:
   Mine never say Stopping or Killing !
   (Actually, I've changed all my messages to say things like squashing,
   stomping, sniping, assassinating - the list goes on...
 This just proves that you are a sick man with too much time on his
 hands. ;-)
 SIck but hilarious!  Please enlighten us as to exactly HOW you did 
 this!?  Oh  Forward to me pvtly if you do too pls, as I'm going off the 
 list for a week again *sigh*
 I leave town this week so... I don't need 590977888283 messages from 
 you bunch of monkeys on keyboards :P

I like to poke around in the /etc/rc.d directories - along with the
other holy directories (/etc/sysconfig and the likes) - it's easily
done to grep any (or all) of the init scripts and make mods to
them...just have to pay attention to the detail as you're poking through
quite a bit of code...

Mostly runlevel 3 and runlevel 5 are the ones most humans use - runlevel
1 is for standalone no networking - which is cool for high-powered
gaming, but not for doing normal stuff. Runlevel 6 is reboot
(hehehhe...great to play a joke on a sysadmin - set the runlevel to 6
and the machine just consistently reboots - drives 'em crazy)

Wed Nov 27 07:35:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.
-- Alan Watts

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[newbie] mount problem

2002-11-26 Per discussione Wei Wang

I know this is too naive. But I got confused of different 
helps I found on the internet. 

I get error message when I do mount /dev/cdrom
mount: can't find /dev/cdrom in /etc/fstab or 

mount /mnt/cdrom gives out: 
/dev/hdc: Input/output error
mount: I could not determine the filesystem type and non was 

/etc/fstab read:
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

/var/log/messages reads:
hdc: DV22E, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive

One of the helps I found on the internet told me to delete 
/dev/cdrom and do ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom
But I kept rm /dev/cdrom and it doesn't go away. It cannot be 
deleted. What should I do?

The other help told me to mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom 
I don't know what that means but it gives an error 
mount point /cdrom does not exist. 

Any hint what I should do? Many 

SV: [newbie] No serial ports

2002-11-26 Per discussione Anders Lind
Thanks, Stephen, that solved the problem...


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Re: [newbie] Harddisk bad block checking tool

2002-11-26 Per discussione Miark
On Tuesday November 26 2002 11:16 am, Wei Wang wrote:
  Hi, all,
  It seems that my harddisk is experiencing some kind of bad block
  problem. Sometimes the reboot would halt at a point, seems to be
  checking the harddisk. Is there a hard disk scan program that scans
  and quarantines bad blocks just like what scandisk in windows does?

Install and run badblocks.


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[newbie] Problems

2002-11-26 Per discussione Gilligan
Help, Please

   I have a Abit IT7 motherboard and Linux cannot see my hard drives.
(WinXP requires my HPT 374 Raid driver disk to see the hard drives). Am
I outta luck using this MB with Linux? I looked on Abit's web site but
didn't find any drivers for Linux.


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Re: [newbie] mount problem

2002-11-26 Per discussione villoing
Maybe the problem comes from the fact you have to be root to do
mount -t your_file_type -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom after having create a 
cdrom /mnt/directory and not beind in when you write your command


Wei Wang wrote:
I know this is too naive. But I got confused of different helps I found on the internet. 

I get error message when I do mount /dev/cdrom
mount: can't find /dev/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

mount /mnt/cdrom gives out: 
/dev/hdc: Input/output error
mount: I could not determine the filesystem type and non was specified

/etc/fstab read:
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

/var/log/messages reads:
hdc: DV22E, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive

One of the helps I found on the internet told me to delete /dev/cdrom and do ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom
But I kept rm /dev/cdrom and it doesn't go away. It cannot be deleted. What should I do?

The other help told me to mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /cdrom
I don't know what that means but it gives an error saying:
mount point /cdrom does not exist. 

Any hint what I should do? Many thanks.

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Re: [newbie] Problems

2002-11-26 Per discussione Jack and Melissa McSwain
On Tuesday 26 November 2002 03:09 pm, Gilligan wrote:
 Help, Please

I have a Abit IT7 motherboard and Linux cannot see my hard drives.
 (WinXP requires my HPT 374 Raid driver disk to see the hard drives). Am
 I outta luck using this MB with Linux? I looked on Abit's web site but
 didn't find any drivers for Linux.


Look at for propriatary drivers, and the kernel has 
support options for Highpoint 372/374 controllers and software raid.  Only 
bad thing is, you cant boot off a raid0 array. I suggest using the highpoint 
driver to make the partitions, Every time I tried ataraid and hptraid to 
install (fdisk or even formatting screwed up the master boot record) , it 
hosed the raid array.  There is an ATARAID mailing list at 


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[newbie] Mouse problems at boot

2002-11-26 Per discussione Gordon Bradbury
G'day all,

 I've just got a new P4 box at home, and successfully loaded xp and mandrake 9 onto 
it. I'm a long-time windows user, but this is my first exposure to linux/mandrake.

I have a 2-button ps-2 mouse installed. The machine is developing the habit of 
sometimes not recognising the mouse when I boot up. This can happen either when I boot 
into xp or into Mandrake. The mouse just won't work. As I say, it's an intermittent 
problem. Doesn't happen all the time. I'm pretty confident that the mouse is OK, but 
will test it anyway.

What other possible causes might there be??


Hoabrt Tasmania

PS. I changed the lilo.conf so that it boots into xp by default now. A liittle help ( 
and better understanding) goes a long way! Thanks.

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[newbie] kcpuload

2002-11-26 Per discussione Miark
Hi all,

I've installed kcpuload twice--once from CD, once from a download
site. Whenever I run it, the computer bogs down, kcpuload does NOT
appear on my screen. If I run top, kcpuload is listed there and
typically running at 30%.

kcpuload is supposed to monitor the load, not add to it. Anybody
else encountered this?


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Re: [newbie] KMail filters

2002-11-26 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 26 November 2002 02:27 pm, you wrote:
 I would like to completely block certain spam addresses, but KMail does not
 seem to allow you to simply delete the outcome of a filter.  For the moment
 I have set it to 'move to trash', but would rather completely delete it.  I
 don't want to use 'bounce' as it gives them the satisfaction of knowing it


Anne, using pipes, I think you can send unwanted mail to /dev/null (the void 

pipe thru /dev/null

However, you might want to use the option (if you are sure) that deletes mail 
from the server before it gets d/l'ed to you.

HTHs! :-)

 Dark  Lord

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[newbie] SWAT - Can't connect

2002-11-26 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne
Hi all,

I'm having trouble connecting to SWAT (http://localhost:901). From Mozilla 
it actually tries to connect to and times out and from 
Konqueror I get the following error message:

An error occured while loading http://localhost:901/:

Connection to host localhost is broken

Now I know this is used to work before since I used SWAT to configure my 
samba network. But I can't remember when I last used it nor what I have 
done since that could have messed it up. Also, I am sure it has nothing to 
do with a firewall or something like that.

If anyone can shed some light I would be very grateful.


Guilherme Cirne

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Re: [newbie] Postfix Config

2002-11-26 Per discussione Jordan Elver
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 7:36 pm, Franki wrote:
 Stick with postfix, its far easier them m4's and the like...

 you might find postfix easier if you use webmin..

 generially yes, postfix should have a domain name..

 you may be able to get it sort of functioning without it.. but its a good

 do you have a static IP address??? if so, try doing a lookup on it, my ISP
 gives all its Ip's numeric subdomains.. and they are find for a mail

 when you send mail, (or try to) what is showing up in
 /var/log/mail/warnings? or info, or errors

 that info will help us determine whats wrong..

 Also, postfix in mdk9 sometimes installs wrong.. so if you don't have a
 head of symlinks and lib files in
 /var/spool/postfix/lib then uninstall and reinstall postfix..

 I had that problem twice and both times manually reinstalling postfix fixed
 (and strangely enough, postfix gave no real outward sign that there was a
 problem, it just wouldn't work properly.)

Thanks Frank. I already had a free sub domain from As soon as I 
chaged the hostname etc for that. it worked fine :-)

There is something I don't understand though. How does my ISPs receiving mail 
server know that the domain I supplied is legit? Could I in theory add any 
domain that is online? 

Thanks very much for your help,

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Re: [newbie] SWAT - Can't connect

2002-11-26 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker
Guilherme Cirne wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm having trouble connecting to SWAT
 (http://localhost:901). From Mozilla it actually tries to
 connect to and times out and from
 Konqueror I get the following error message:

 An error occured while loading http://localhost:901/:

 Connection to host localhost is broken

 Now I know this is used to work before since I used SWAT to
 configure my samba network. But I can't remember when I
 last used it nor what I have done since that could have
 messed it up. Also, I am sure it has nothing to do with a
 firewall or something like that.

 If anyone can shed some light I would be very grateful.


if this is 9.0 and you updated swat from one of the update 
sites then update it again, there was a bug in the updated 
swat and it was replaced today (along with a whole bunch of 
other samba rpms) with a new one.

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[newbie] cgi help

2002-11-26 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi
When I call the cgi file given below, I don't get the effects of stylesheet 
mentioned in the header and also the picture. both the files are in the same 
folder as that of the cgi file.

print End;
Content-Type: text/html\n\n 
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=teststyle.css /
img src=gandhi.jpg alt=My picture  height=153 width=131 align=left  
 I called the script with test .html given below.
a href=cgi-bin/test1.plcsstestabr
 What should be done to get the desired effect. 
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] TV Out X Window Problem

2002-11-26 Per discussione Mark
Andrew Mann wrote:

I have just managed to get the tv out working on my NV card (does not 
support twinview). I altered my XF86Config-4 file and then typed in 
the command
startx -- :1 -screen screen_TVout600
screen-TVout600 is what i called the screen in XF86Config-4 file
this worked and gave me a linux desktop , but it is black and white 
and not colour

It may be the cable you are using it may be too long or faulty. Try 
another cable this worked for me.

How do you alter the settings so the desktop is colour , like it is on 
the monitor ?

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Re: [newbie] SWAT - Can't connect

2002-11-26 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne
On Tuesday 26 November 2002 21:39, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Guilherme Cirne wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm having trouble connecting to SWAT
  (http://localhost:901). From Mozilla it actually tries to
  connect to and times out and from
  Konqueror I get the following error message:
  An error occured while loading http://localhost:901/:
  Connection to host localhost is broken
  Now I know this is used to work before since I used SWAT to
  configure my samba network. But I can't remember when I
  last used it nor what I have done since that could have
  messed it up. Also, I am sure it has nothing to do with a
  firewall or something like that.
  If anyone can shed some light I would be very grateful.

 if this is 9.0 and you updated swat from one of the update
 sites then update it again, there was a bug in the updated
 swat and it was replaced today (along with a whole bunch of
 other samba rpms) with a new one.

That did it! Thanks!

Guilherme Cirne

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[newbie] libalsa2 circular dependency and confusions

2002-11-26 Per discussione Wei Wang

I am trying to install libalsa2-0.9.0 from binary 
rpm. Dependency fail reads:error: failed dependencies:libalsa-data is 
needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by 
libSDL1.2-1.2.2-1mdk(and 13 other similar dependency fails for is needed by ...)RESULT=1libalsa-data-0.9.0 rpm 
install gives dependency fail like this:error: failed 
dependencies:libalsa2 = 0.9.0 is needed by 
libalsa-data-0.9.0-0.10rc6mdkRESULT=1As far as the circular 
dependency between libalsa2 and libalsa-data, maybe I could solve it by install 
the two rpm together? Like "rpm -i libalsa2 libalsa-data"? Haven't tried that 
coz I think the dependency problem would still jump out. What 
confused me here is that I have in usr/lib/ provided by 
alsa-lib0.5.10-2mdk.rpm. And also the libarts2, kdelibs, kdelibs-sound, 
libSDL1.2 etc are alreay installed in my system. Why does the system report is needed by these already installed packages? 
ps. the other libalsa2 dependency fail is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by 

Re: [newbie] kcpuload

2002-11-26 Per discussione Angus Auld

- Original Message -
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 16:49:47 -0500
Subject: [newbie] kcpuload

 Hi all,
 I've installed kcpuload twice--once from CD, once from a download
 site. Whenever I run it, the computer bogs down, kcpuload does NOT
 appear on my screen. If I run top, kcpuload is listed there and
 typically running at 30%.
 kcpuload is supposed to monitor the load, not add to it. Anybody
 else encountered this?
I have kcpuload-1.9.1-1.i586.rpm installed on Mdk 9.0 and I'm not experiencing any 
problems. I did have to add an icon to my menu when I installed, but other than that 
it seems to work OK.

When you open the prog initially it appears as an applet on your task bar which you 
left click on to display a box on your screen. Right click opens config menu.

I see Tex has a newer version than 1.9.1-1, here:

Maybe you could try it, if you haven't already.



Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

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2002-11-26 Per discussione Louis Dallara

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[newbie] Prolink PixelView linux compatibility

2002-11-26 Per discussione Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas

I've found this tv board: Prolink PixelView (PV-BT878+w/fm) a real bargain!

THE question is is it supported on MDK9 ?

I was just browsing on google and so far nothing was said about being 
compatible or not!

Does anyone know about this?




Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
==  Get Counted!

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[newbie] A general question about dependency

2002-11-26 Per discussione Wei Wang

I am a total newbie to Unix/Linux world. Using the rpms 
recently, I get
lost in the way packages are installed. Sometimes when I try 
to install
a certain package on my system via an binary rpm, I get lots 
of unsatisfied
dependencies. For example, a recent attempt to install 
kdelibs-3.1.rpm on my
Mandrake 8.1 gives out around more than 
100 failed dependencies involving 
around 30 files needed. Do I have to install all these 
required packages manually,
one by one, which is what I've been doing? 
Is there an automatic tool that installs all the required 
packages and
thus automatically resolve all the failed dependencies? 

I understand that it's been more than a year between the 
kdelibs-3.1 and the
libraries in Mandrake 8.1. In that case, do I have to keep 
very closely up-to-date with the 
new version of packages? Otherwise I would end up facing lots 
of failed dependencies
due to the rapic software/package development? 
This may sound like a very naive and primitive question. But I 
have been exhausted
by manually iron out the sometimes chains of failed 
dependencies one by one. Please
give a newbie some hint on this. Bunch of thanks.

Re: That solve faxing!!! Re: [newbie] OO.o Printers?

2002-11-26 Per discussione Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
Em Seg 25 Nov 2002 13:21, Derek Jennings escreveu:
 Glad it helped Ricardo . If you are using StarOffice 5.2 I guess you are
 using Mandrake 8.2 or earlier.
 There is a little trick to making fax work in pre 9.0 versions of Mandrake
 Edit the file /etc/fax.config

Hi Derek!

I'm still using StarOffice5.2  both on mdk8.2 and 9! The question was about 

It was not necessary to use your suggestion, (yet)
I found a 'no lock' options on /etc/fax.config and just commented it out!

Tks for your help!

How about receiving?
It modem does answer but, there no agreement with a plain fax machine and my 
modem! (US ROBOTICS ISA w/jumpers!!!)



 find the 'LOCK' parameter and set it to
 LOCK='-x /tmp/LCK..$DEV'
 then efax will work correctly.
 On Monday 25 Nov 2002 2:30 pm, Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas wrote:
  Em Seg 25 Nov 2002 10:30, Derek Jennings escreveu:
  TKX! Derek that was not for me but I got my Fax working under
  And NOW I can see all the pseudo/virtual printers installed!
  Thanks also for all those who have helped us! The faxing people ! ;-)


Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
==  Get Counted!

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Re: [newbie] A general question about dependency

2002-11-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 1:47 am, Wei Wang wrote:
 I am a total newbie to Unix/Linux world. Using the rpms recently, I get
 lost in the way packages are installed. Sometimes when I try to install
 a certain package on my system via an binary rpm, I get lots of unsatisfied
 dependencies. For example, a recent attempt to install kdelibs-3.1.rpm on
 my Mandrake 8.1 gives out around more than 100 failed dependencies
 involving around 30 files needed. Do I have to install all these required
 packages manually, one by one, which is what I've been doing?
 Is there an automatic tool that installs all the required packages and
 thus automatically resolve all the failed dependencies?
 I understand that it's been more than a year between the kdelibs-3.1 and
 the libraries in Mandrake 8.1. In that case, do I have to keep very closely
 up-to-date with the new version of packages? Otherwise I would end up
 facing lots of failed dependencies due to the rapic software/package
 This may sound like a very naive and primitive question. But I have been
 exhausted by manually iron out the sometimes chains of failed dependencies
 one by one. Please give a newbie some hint on this. Bunch of thanks.

You need to learn about urpmi


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Re: [newbie] libalsa2 circular dependency and confusions

2002-11-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Looks like you are trying to install a Cooker package.

Cooker is the *development* thread of the Mandrake distro. It can vary 
considerably from the released distro. Installing Cooker packages will very 
quickly lead you into dependency hell and can easily break your system.

Newbies should keep away from them.


On Wednesday 27 Nov 2002 1:10 am, Wei Wang wrote:
 I am trying to install libalsa2-0.9.0 from binary rpm. Dependency fail
 reads: error: failed dependencies:
 libalsa-data is needed by libalsa2-0.9.0-0.8rc2mdk   is needed by libarts2-2.2.1-5mdk   is needed by kdelibs-2.2.1-5mdk   is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.2.1-5mdk   is needed by libSDL1.2-1.2.2-1mdk
 (and 13 other similar dependency fails for is needed by ...)

 libalsa-data-0.9.0 rpm install gives dependency fail like this:
 error: failed dependencies:
 libalsa2 = 0.9.0 is needed by libalsa-data-0.9.0-0.10rc6mdk

 As far as the circular dependency between libalsa2 and libalsa-data, maybe
 I could solve it by install the two rpm together? Like rpm -i libalsa2
 libalsa-data? Haven't tried that coz I think the dependency
 problem would still jump out. What confused me here is that I have in usr/lib/ provided by alsa-lib0.5.10-2mdk.rpm. And also
 the libarts2, kdelibs, kdelibs-sound, libSDL1.2 etc are alreay installed in
 my system. Why does the system report is needed by these
 already installed packages?

 ps. the other libalsa2 dependency fail includes:   is needed by kdebase-2.2.1-7mdk   is needed by libsmpeg0.4-0.4.4-3mdk   is needed by libSDL_image1.2-1.2.0-2mdk   is needed by libao2-0.8.0-3mdk   is needed by arts-2.2.1-5mdk   is needed by kdemultimedia-2.2.1-2mdk   is needed by libSDL_mixer1.2-1.2.0-3mdk   is needed by libSDL_net1.2-1.2.2-1mdk   is needed by mures-0.4-2mdk   is needed by xmms-smpeg-0.3.4-4mdk   is needed by nethack_falconseye-3.3.1_jtp_1.9-3mdk   is needed by rocksndiamonds-2.0.0-4mdk   is needed by xmms-more-vis-plugins-1.4.0-3mdk

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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA revisited

2002-11-26 Per discussione John Drouhard
On Monday 25 November 2002 08:55 pm, Pilagá wrote:

   (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVdriver kernel module!
   (EE) NVIDIA(0):  *** Aborting ***
   (II) UnloadModule: nvidia
   (II) UnloadModule: vgahw
   (II) Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvgahw.a
   (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.
   Fatal server error:
   no screens found
  Do you have kernel-source-2.4.*** installed?  this is not always an
  automatic install and Nvidia needs it for some reason. HTH

   Yes, Dennis, 'kernel-source-2.4.19-16mdk' and
 'kernel-headers-2.4.18-41mdk' are installed.

Add this line to /etc/modules:


if u have an agp card, make sure you have this in XF86config-4:

Driver nvidia

Option DPMS On
Option NvAGP 1  --- add this line.

then, before starting X, su to root and type:

modprobe NVdriver.

John Drouhard

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Re: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-26 Per discussione seanygoh
Hi Charlie,
   Thanks for your help. I followed your instructions. Unfortunately i got stuck after 
choosing Expert installation where after which it couldn't read my partitions 
properly. u might want to refer to my mail t stephen for a full explanation.


 Hi Sean;
 I'm not quite certain what's causing the aggravating or why, but I spent an 
 unproductive hour (or four) on the phone with a friend last week trying to 
 solve it. Then I got cranky and gave him different instructions and it 
 worked. The instructions were (condensed) as follows:
 Fresh install, wiping all _OS_ partitions; but keeping any personal data 
 (pictures, music, movies, etc) on a 'shared' FAT32 partition previously 
 available. This is easier for totally fresh installs but the steps are the 
 First; boot to Mandrake install disk 1,
 choose install, expert,
 any partitions visible in the diskdrake screen except the one that contains
 the data desired for 'save' are _individually_ deleted,
 use the desired partition sizes already determined for XP and make those
 partitions as FAT32 (you'll format these later during XP install anyway, and 
 you wanted to convert one to NTFS but this will be easiest for now),
 make the desired Linux partitions in whatever file system format you've
 chosen. ext3, Reiser, XFS, JFS, whatever you desire. If you want a seperate 
 /boot be sure it's ext2 or ext3 since you'll only get grief at the make boot 
 disk stage later and you don't want to skip that do you? :-)
 format **only** the Linux partitions and allow diskdrake to write the
 partition table to disk,
 exit the install since you'll have to boot from the Mandrake install disk 
 later anyway and it's a waste of time for now otherwise. XP (like all things 
 Microsoft) doesn't play nice with others in other words,
 boot from the XP install disk and work only with the FAT32 section of the 
 drive that you allocated for XP install. (2 partitions I believe you said?) 
 Don't allow Windows to touch the rest of the disk except for recognition of 
 any pre-existing shared data FAT 32 partitions. Be careful it doesn't try 
 to format that or you'll hate it later almost as much as I do now. ;)
 Once finished with that expert install Mandrake as usual, avoiding the XP 
 partitions except for providing mount point information; then install 
 packages as desired.
 In my friend's situation he wanted XP to be default so that his wife and kids 
 wouldn't freak when exposed to Mandrake. I walked him through editing lilo 
 during a later call.
 I hope this is of some use.
 Registered user 244963 at
 God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
 - Voltaire
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[newbie] Linux and pre-schoolers

2002-11-26 Per discussione Todd Slater
I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter who likes to type in OpenOffice, play
with Tuxpaint and Stickers, and listen to some .wav's I captured from one
of her favorite cartoons. I created an account for her, but never found a
desktop/window manager I was happy with and that I was willing to turn
her loose in.

I wanted something minimal but that would still support desktop icons. I
didn't want a panel. I wanted a very fast window manager and file manager.
And I wanted to make it as kidproof as possible.

Aren't you just dying to know what I've got her using?

I'm using ROX as her session manager and desktop. I run it using the
pinboard (for desktop icons) but not the panel. I put icons to her
favorite apps on the desktop. The file manager is obviously ROX--super
fast. And the window manager is Oroborus
( lightweight and easy to
configure. The main reason I chose Oroborus was because it doesn't have
any root menu, so clicking on the desktop does not bring up a menu of apps
and options that I'd have to edit out by hand. Instead, clicking on the
desktop gives a harmless ROX dialog.

You can see a screenshot here: . It
shows the icons and a ROX-Filer inside the Oroborus window manager.

I can still do admin stuff if need be by opening her home directory in
ROX; from there I can launch xterm. I'm pretty confident that she will not
be able to mess anything up, but I'll let you know once we do some more


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Re: [newbie] cgi help

2002-11-26 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 04:27, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 When I call the cgi file given below, I don't get the effects of stylesheet
 mentioned in the header and also the picture. both the files are in the
 same folder as that of the cgi file.

 print End;
 Content-Type: text/html\n\n
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=teststyle.css /
 img src=gandhi.jpg alt=My picture  height=153 width=131
 align=left /body
  I called the script with test .html given below.
 a href=cgi-bin/test1.plcsstestabr
  What should be done to get the desired effect.

May be you have already checked but it is a candidate for the error. Check 
for uppercase in the filenames. Cheers

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Re: [newbie] supermount

2002-11-26 Per discussione Michael Adams
T, i was under the impression that a DVD was only a CD-ROM in linux until it 
was scsi emulated i.e. won't even read a DVD.

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 01:26, Technoslick wrote:
 Hi, Anne,

 I never noticed your interest in having your DVD set-up with SCSI emulation
 until now. I am a bit baffled. I have a Liteon DVD-ROM player in my
 multi-boot XP Pro/Mandrake 9.0 box, so I looked at my fstab to see how mine
 is set. The Liteon drive is set as /dev/hdc, not /dev/sd0. It works fine,
 as well as a DVD drive 'can' work in an underpowered box. Can I ask why you
 want SCSI emulation on the drive? Is it also a burner? I would like to know
 what you want this set-up.



 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 2:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] supermount

 On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 5:54 am, Michael Adams wrote:
  Anne i have a similar setup (on 8.2) in as far as i have
  hdd ACER 4X4X32 CD-RW
  They both work well on supermount although i am carefull with konq when
  in /mnt , if i try to eject konq closes the tray again. I back out to /


  changing media.

 Hi Michael -

 I have no problems with supermount, but for some reason it seems to be
 impossible to get the dvd set as scsi-emulated.  I had thought that perhaps
 it was because it was fairly elderly, and maybe didn't identify itself in
 correct way, but now I'm wondering if the fact that it is on the udma
 connections makes it harder to deal with.  I have room on the normal ide
 connections, so next time I pull the box out I'm going to try moving it.



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Re: [newbie] CD Read errors

2002-11-26 Per discussione Michael Adams
Whoa - We are dealing with a brand new machine put together commercially for 
linux. If we can't get this working on the list, then the box goes back to 
the store for them to replace the CD-ROM.

Meanwhile i am checking for suggestions. The suggestion about checking if it 
will read other disks was valid and proved that it wasn't a balance problem. 
Turning DMA on has also been suggested but the recent thread on this resulted 
in a hmm... last resort scenario, it may cause as much as it cures, 
especially with my know-how level. I am prepared to get them to put it on a 
separate IDE lead, and if that works i will advise the companies support crew.

Is it not possible to govern CD drives top speeds with jumpers or software?

Personally i believe any company willing to market preinstalled Linux boxes 
should be encouraged and coaxed in the right direction. I don't want to slag 
them for what doesn't work else they may just fold up this avenue of sales. 
Second as they are loading Mandrake i am keen to see it work and work as well 
as possible.

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 03:43, Technoslick wrote:
 I, for one, have no need for anything that fast. If I was using the drive
 to house a massive data store, and needed to access that from a program in
 a timely manner, I could see the benefit. Still, I think that such a need
 is a very small percentage of users. This is where marketing hype gets in
 the way of what consumers really want and need. Most of us just want a
 reliable, 'quiet' running drive that reads fast enough for installations to
 be quick and multi-media to run smoothly. Is a 52X CD-ROM needed? Is faster
 always better? Not if speed has gone up and the mechanics have stayed the

 Try buying a 32X CD-ROM drive at your local department store or computer
 shop. The manufacturers keep hyping the need for speed to make CD-ROM
 drives comparable to hard drives, as well as other removable media options.
 I'm sure that there are surpluses on the Web for slower drives, but you
 will pay nearly as much as for them as you would for a 52X. What would be
 nice it to have software controls on how fast the drive spins. Then you
 could dial-in your max, and save wear and tear on the drive, your computer
 (from the vibration) and on your nerves!


 - Original Message -
 From: JoeD

 In some cases the problem may be the cd label but a recent article
 that I had read (don't remeber where) had put the blame on the way
 that the newer faster drivers clamp and hold the cd's by putting the blame
 on poor mechanical design.

 The comment was to use a better quality lower speed drive.

 CD's have been found to shatter in the new 52X supersonic drives
 due to being off balance and or manufacturing defects with the cd
 and also due to the inability to clamp down the cd properly.

 32X is fast enough for me and I don't have to listen to 747's
 taking off.



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RE: [linux] [newbie] Shorewall - Grrrrrr!!!

2002-11-26 Per discussione Richard Urwin
Pinging uses the ICMP protocol. Make sure you have that enabled if you
want to ping. IIRC Firewalls often disable it due to Denial of Service

I tried Shorewall on my standalone system with an unused ethernet card.
It closed down everything. No need to reinstall though, Control Centre:
Allow Everything switches it off.

On my second attempt I listed the iptables generated by the Allow
Nothing setting. Nothing should be that complex - especially when it
seems to decode as Nothing In - Nothing Out.

As soon as I move house and get more time on the system I'm going to be
coding the iptables by hand from scratch. The Network Administrator's
Guide has a useful chapter on it.

Richard Urwin, Private
No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of magnet
Sent: 26 November 2002 06:15
Subject: [linux] [newbie] Shorewall - Grr!!!

Hi all,
After many installs and messing about regaining some usability of this
and network, I used Control Center to install and activate the Internet 
Sharing across the network. As before, it installed Shorewall, which has
the #1 culprit in causing all these reinstalls as it just shuts the
down re: internet usage. So I'm turning to the wisdom of the list once
for some serious help in getting this horrible piece of protection to 
actually work for me and not against me. I've googled the problem
looking for 
advice but so far am just coming up with results about it being a new
(M$ jargon for software that doesn't work?) of Mandrake 9.0, and very
on deep explaination of configuring it using vi to allow all 6 machines
access the internet via main gateway machine. I am using the standard IP

range 192.168.0.XXX format for all machines here: linux1  mdk 9.0 (gateway modem) linux2  mdk 8.2 linux3  mdk 8.2 linux4  mdk 8.2 linux5  mdk 8.2 linux6  mdk 8.2   laptop  Windblows ME

As soon as I installed it, local machines went off-line and samba was
blocked across the network. I have followed the recent posting Ports to
open for samba? and have edited the shorewall rules file to match for
now. I 
still have internet access/browsing/email from the fw machine but local 
network is still offline.
I went to the laptop and tried pinging the other machines, all responded

except the fw machine. I have tried pinging from fw machine to the
others but 
it just times out.

Any help will be appreciated on how to get this firewall working


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Re: [newbie] MySQL

2002-11-26 Per discussione Frank Mertens
On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 21:23, Jordan Elver wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how to remove the MySQL rpms without KDE disapearing with 
 it? When trying to remove, it also wants to remove the various KDE rpms?
 Jordan Elver
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rpm -e --nodeps pkg
But only, if you really want to do this!

MfG Frank

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Re: [newbie] Shorewall - Grrrrrr!!!

2002-11-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 6:15 am, magnet wrote:
 Hi all,
 After many installs and messing about regaining some usability of this
 system and network, I used Control Center to install and activate the
 Internet Sharing across the network. As before, it installed Shorewall,
 which has been the #1 culprit in causing all these reinstalls as it just
 shuts the machine down re: internet usage. So I'm turning to the wisdom of
 the list once more for some serious help in getting this horrible piece of
 protection to actually work for me and not against me. I've googled the
 problem looking for advice but so far am just coming up with results about
 it being a new feature (M$ jargon for software that doesn't work?) of
 Mandrake 9.0, and very little on deep explaination of configuring it using
 vi to allow all 6 machines to access the internet via main gateway machine.
 I am using the standard IP range 192.168.0.XXX format for all machines
 here:   linux1  mdk 9.0 (gateway modem)   linux2  mdk 8.2   linux3  mdk 8.2   linux4  mdk 8.2   linux5  mdk 8.2   linux6  mdk 8.2 laptop  Windblows ME

 As soon as I installed it, local machines went off-line and samba was also
 blocked across the network. I have followed the recent posting Ports to
 keep open for samba? and have edited the shorewall rules file to match for
 now. I still have internet access/browsing/email from the fw machine but
 local network is still offline.
 I went to the laptop and tried pinging the other machines, all responded
 except the fw machine. I have tried pinging from fw machine to the others
 but it just times out.

 Any help will be appreciated on how to get this firewall working correctly.


The problem is not really to do with shorewall, which is in fact a very 
effective and highly regarded firewall, but is more to do with the Mandrake 
Firewall GUI which sets shorewall up in a very simplistic manner. I would 
advise using the GUI to set up Internet sharing, but to then go to editing 
the shorewall files directly for everything else. If you *open the 
Mandrake GUI it will alter your files when you exit it*  so once you have 
configured shorewall do not enter the GUI again

To learn about shorewall visit  You will find some very good 
example configurations there.

Basically shorewall is very simple to configure for a simple firewall. The 
file /etc/shorewall/interfaces gives your interfaces a name.  net for the 
Internet connection, masq for your local network with Connection sharing, and 
fw for the firewall itself.

Next the file /etc/shorewall/policy gives the general policy. Here we see 
these entries (in my network)
masqnet ACCEPT   # allows internet traffic from my local network to the 

fw  net ACCEPT   # allows traffic from my firewall to the internet

net all DROPinfo  # Silently Drop all frames from the internet to ANY 
interface, and log all frames in syslog

all all REJECT  info  #  Reject all frames not defined in an earlier rule and 
log all frames.

This basic policy will allow anything out to the internet, but NOTHING in, and 
NOTHING is allowed to connect from my local network and the firewall. So on 
its own this configuration would not allow the local network to communicate 
with a samba or web server running on my firewall.

So to expand the applications allowed we use the file /etc/shorewall/rules  
which allows  us to define exceptions to the general policy. Here I have
ACCEPT  net fw  tcp 80,25   -# This allows http (port 80) and smtp email 
to connect to my firewall from the Internet using TCP protocol

ACCEPT  masqfw  tcp 
#This allows the following services to connect from local network to the 
firewall  8118 (privoxy proxy server), ssh (secure shell), domain(53, DNS 
name server)-, http and https web traffic, 137/138/139 Samba, 631 CUPS, imap 
email, pop3 email, smtp email, nntp news, ntp time protocol, and 1 webmin

ACCEPT  masqfw  udp 
#similarly for udp protocol

ACCEPT  fw  masqtcp ssh,631,137,138,139 -
ACCEPT  fw  masqudp ssh,631,137,138,139  # these lines allow the firewall 
make connections out to the local networkfor 631 CUPS traffic, and Samba 

If you do not what services the port numbers correspond to, there is a list in 

Naturally an entry should only be present if the service is actually running.
If you simply wanted to open the firewall machine up to the local network, 
while keeping traffic to the internet restricted, the easiest way is to put 
two lines in the policies file
masqfw  ACCEPT
fw  masqACCEPT

After making any change 

[newbie] CDROM not found error in installation

2002-11-26 Per discussione Nikunj Bansal
Hello all,

I am a longtime Mandrake user (~3 years) and I am
getting stuck at the first 
step in installation. I have a Plextor 12/10/32A
CDROM/CD Writer. I have 
been succesfully using it for about 10 months now
under Mandrake 8.1/8.2. 
In fact, I have done OS installs on this machine using
this as a CDROM 

However, I got my PC's motherboard and CPU changed
yesterday (old: P-II 350 
MHz Tyan motherboard, new: Celeron 1.8GHz, ABIT BD-711
motherboard). And I 
was not able to boot into Mandrake 8.2. So I decided
to reinstall the OS. I 
have tried Mandrake 8.1, 8.2 and 9.0 Install CDs. All
of them boot the 
machine fine and ask to press Enter to install. When I
do that... it starts 
reading from the CD just fine, but then after a few
seconds it displays the 
following error message in a box:

No CDROM device found

I may be off on the wording of the above error message
as it is from memory.

When I choose Ok on this, it asks to choose a SCSI
driver. I tried all of 
them and none worked, as expected. I have never
experienced the no cdrom 
error message before, so I dont know what to do...

What could be wrong here?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-26 Per discussione Brian Parish
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 12:11, Sean Goh wrote:
 Just to clarify, i want to install a dual boot system consisting of 
 WinXP and M8.2. I've already installed WinXP but i have trouble 
 installing M8.2 because of the problem stated earlier. Thanks for replying.
 FemmeFatale wrote:
  At 11:08 PM 11/25/2002 +0800, you wrote:
  Hi there,
I'm having problems installing M8.2 over WinXP. I have a 20GB 
  harddisk and i partitioned it into 3. C: takes 5GB and D: takes 7GB. 
  The rest i left it for Mandrake. After installing WinXP using NTFS 
  filesystem, i booted M8.2 and ran the setup program. The problem came 
  in when it couldn't detect the partitions or something.
  An error occured. Ask_before_blanking: unknown partition table format.
  Anyone knows how to solve this problem?
The replies I've seen to this so far seem to have ignored the unknown partition
table format message.  This would be a cause of concern to me.  Sean, can you
tell us how you did the original partitioning?  Did you start with a raw disk and
use XP to partition during the install, or did you use another tool, like
Partition Magic?

If you don't mind reinstalling your XP system, I would suggest the following:

- boot the XP install disk
- use the XP installer to delete all partitions
- create your 1st partition on which XP is to be installed using either
  FAT32 or NTFS (I would choose FAT32 unless you feel the need for the
  extra security
- create your 2nd partition as FAT32 so you can share data with linux
- leave the rest of the disk unpartitioned and do the XP install
- then install Mandrake, letting it handle it's partitioning


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Re: [newbie] OT avi to mpeg?

2002-11-26 Per discussione Peter Watson
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 06:07, Ibly Piblo wrote:
 Sorry if this is OT.

 Is there an avi to mpeg converter
 for linux that is easy?

 Already tried a few which were useless,
 mjpegtools proved to be trash, as it just
 spit out useless errors instead of actually
 converting the file.

 lav2wav Wallace_and_Gromit.The_Wrong_Trousers.en.avi
 ++ WARN: Input file
 Wallace_and_Gromit.The_Wrong_Trousers.en.avi is not in
  JPEG 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 format
 **ERROR: File
 Wallace_and_Gromit.The_Wrong_Trousers.en.avi has
 23.976000 frames/sec, choose norm with +[np] param

 This tells me nothing, and it did not convert
 the file.

 I hope that there are some better ones
 out there.



Both mencoder and transcode will do this, but neither is easy.
You will probably benefitf rom reading Ralph's DVD ripping tutorial at

which gives a good starter as to how mencoder works.



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Re: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-26 Per discussione seanygoh
Hi Brian,
   I partitioned into 2 partitions using XP for XP and left the 3rd partition 
unnamed.(which is for mandrake). I tried formatting the first 2 partitions with NTFS 
and FAT32. Still got the same problem when Mandrake setup couldn't seem to detect it 
properly and gave me those error messages.
That's all i guess.


 The replies I've seen to this so far seem to have ignored the unknown partition
 table format message.  This would be a cause of concern to me.  Sean, can you
 tell us how you did the original partitioning?  Did you start with a raw disk and
 use XP to partition during the install, or did you use another tool, like
 Partition Magic?
 If you don't mind reinstalling your XP system, I would suggest the following:
 - boot the XP install disk
 - use the XP installer to delete all partitions
 - create your 1st partition on which XP is to be installed using either
   FAT32 or NTFS (I would choose FAT32 unless you feel the need for the
   extra security
 - create your 2nd partition as FAT32 so you can share data with linux
 - leave the rest of the disk unpartitioned and do the XP install
 - then install Mandrake, letting it handle it's partitioning
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Re: [newbie] Shorewall - Grrrrrr!!!

2002-11-26 Per discussione magnet
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 9:51 am, Derek Jennings wrote:

 The problem is not really to do with shorewall, which is in fact a very
 effective and highly regarded firewall, but is more to do with the Mandrake
 Firewall GUI which sets shorewall up in a very simplistic manner. I would
 advise using the GUI to set up Internet sharing, but to then go to editing
 the shorewall files directly for everything else. If you *open the
 Mandrake GUI it will alter your files when you exit it*  so once you
 have configured shorewall do not enter the GUI again

I'm not sure what GUI you are refering to here? I used vi to look at the files 
in /etc/shorewall/ and had the shorewall site up in the browser for 

 To learn about shorewall visit  You will find some very
 good example configurations there.

 Basically shorewall is very simple to configure for a simple firewall. The
 file /etc/shorewall/interfaces gives your interfaces a name.  net for the
 Internet connection, masq for your local network with Connection sharing,
 and fw for the firewall itself.

 Next the file /etc/shorewall/policy gives the general policy. Here we see
 these entries (in my network)
 masq  net ACCEPT   # allows internet traffic from my local network to the

 fwnet ACCEPT   # allows traffic from my firewall to the internet

 net   all DROPinfo  # Silently Drop all frames from the internet to ANY
 interface, and log all frames in syslog

 all   all REJECT  info  #  Reject all frames not defined in an earlier rule
 and log all frames.

 This basic policy will allow anything out to the internet, but NOTHING in,
 and NOTHING is allowed to connect from my local network and the firewall.
 So on its own this configuration would not allow the local network to
 communicate with a samba or web server running on my firewall.

 So to expand the applications allowed we use the file /etc/shorewall/rules
 which allows  us to define exceptions to the general policy. Here I have
 ACCEPTnet fw  tcp 80,25   -# This allows http (port 80) and smtp 
 (port25) to connect to my firewall from the Internet using TCP protocol

 ACCEPTmasqfw  tcp
 #This allows the following services to connect from local network to the
 firewall  8118 (privoxy proxy server), ssh (secure shell), domain(53, DNS
 name server)  -, http and https web traffic, 137/138/139 Samba, 631 CUPS,
 imap email, pop3 email, smtp email, nntp news, ntp time protocol, and 1

 ACCEPTmasqfw  udp
 #similarly for udp protocol

 ACCEPTfw  masqtcp ssh,631,137,138,139 -
 ACCEPTfw  masqudp ssh,631,137,138,139  # these lines allow the 
firewall to
 make connections out to the local networkfor 631 CUPS traffic, and Samba

 If you do not what services the port numbers correspond to, there is a list
 in /etc/services

 Naturally an entry should only be present if the service is actually
 running. If you simply wanted to open the firewall machine up to the local
 network, while keeping traffic to the internet restricted, the easiest way
 is to put two lines in the policies file
 masq  fw  ACCEPT

 After making any change restart shorewall with
 service shorewall restart

 Hope that is all understandable - Just remember GUI bad, edits good :-)


I did an iptables -L in su console to check everything is ALLOWed, after 
uninstalling the firewall for now to regain some control, restarted the samba 
server, rebooted the laptop (stupid thing!) and still samba isn't working. I 
also now have no ftp access to this box from any other machine on the LAN.
This is the point I start to lose my temper with linux. You think you have 
uninstalled everything, get a reply that all traffic restrictions have been 
lifted to flow again, even rebooted and still you can't stop something that 
manages to cause failure of previously working functions, and not know what 
is causing it.

I need some light shed on this problem coz I'm close to giving up after 
double-figured re-installs.


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Re: [newbie] Shorewall - Grrrrrr!!!

2002-11-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings


 I did an iptables -L in su console to check everything is ALLOWed, after
 uninstalling the firewall for now to regain some control, restarted the
 samba server, rebooted the laptop (stupid thing!) and still samba isn't
 working. I also now have no ftp access to this box from any other machine
 on the LAN. This is the point I start to lose my temper with linux. You
 think you have uninstalled everything, get a reply that all traffic
 restrictions have been lifted to flow again, even rebooted and still you
 can't stop something that manages to cause failure of previously working
 functions, and not know what is causing it.

 I need some light shed on this problem coz I'm close to giving up after
 double-figured re-installs.


If shorewall is removed completely, then your IP masquerading will not be 
configured and you will not be able to get out from your local network to the 
Internet. (Unless you set it up by hand)

Maybe you would be happier with a GUI based Firewall like firestarter (for 
KDE) or guarddog(for Gnome) (both available in Contrib)) Firestarter is quite 
nice. It is very similar to zonealarm in Windows.

You should also check your security level. If it is too high you will have all 
sorts of difficulty.


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Re: Re: [newbie] M8.2 with WinXP

2002-11-26 Per discussione Brian Parish
OK - we are into trial and error territory!  I've had some success with
this approach when all else fails:

- boot the mandrake install CD
- take it as far as the partitioning
- tell diskdrake to delete all partitions
- create some FAT32 partitions for later use with XP plus the required
linux paritions
- either complete the linux install, then install XP, then boot the
install CD again and rewrite the boot loader, or exit the install, do XP
and come back to mandrake later.

XP will install on partitions created by diskdrake (reformat them during
the XP install though).  This may work around your problem, but I don't
pretend to understand what's going on.


On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 21:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Brian,
I partitioned into 2 partitions using XP for XP and left the 3rd partition 
unnamed.(which is for mandrake). I tried formatting the first 2 partitions with NTFS 
and FAT32. Still got the same problem when Mandrake setup couldn't seem to detect it 
properly and gave me those error messages.
 That's all i guess.
  The replies I've seen to this so far seem to have ignored the unknown partition
  table format message.  This would be a cause of concern to me.  Sean, can you
  tell us how you did the original partitioning?  Did you start with a raw disk and
  use XP to partition during the install, or did you use another tool, like
  Partition Magic?
  If you don't mind reinstalling your XP system, I would suggest the following:
  - boot the XP install disk
  - use the XP installer to delete all partitions
  - create your 1st partition on which XP is to be installed using either
FAT32 or NTFS (I would choose FAT32 unless you feel the need for the
extra security
  - create your 2nd partition as FAT32 so you can share data with linux
  - leave the rest of the disk unpartitioned and do the XP install
  - then install Mandrake, letting it handle it's partitioning
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Re: [newbie] supermount

2002-11-26 Per discussione Technoslick
Hi, Anne,

I never noticed your interest in having your DVD set-up with SCSI emulation
until now. I am a bit baffled. I have a Liteon DVD-ROM player in my
multi-boot XP Pro/Mandrake 9.0 box, so I looked at my fstab to see how mine
is set. The Liteon drive is set as /dev/hdc, not /dev/sd0. It works fine, as
well as a DVD drive 'can' work in an underpowered box. Can I ask why you
want SCSI emulation on the drive? Is it also a burner? I would like to know
what you want this set-up.



- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 2:42 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] supermount

On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 5:54 am, Michael Adams wrote:

 Anne i have a similar setup (on 8.2) in as far as i have
 hdd ACER 4X4X32 CD-RW

 They both work well on supermount although i am carefull with konq when in
 /mnt , if i try to eject konq closes the tray again. I back out to /
 changing media.

Hi Michael -

I have no problems with supermount, but for some reason it seems to be
impossible to get the dvd set as scsi-emulated.  I had thought that perhaps
it was because it was fairly elderly, and maybe didn't identify itself in
correct way, but now I'm wondering if the fact that it is on the udma
connections makes it harder to deal with.  I have room on the normal ide
connections, so next time I pull the box out I'm going to try moving it.


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Re: [newbie] CD Read errors

2002-11-26 Per discussione JoeD

In some cases the problem may be the cd label but a recent article
that I had read (don't remeber where) had put the blame on the way
that the newer faster drivers clamp and hold the cd's by putting the blame on poor 
mechanical design.  

The comment was to use a better quality lower speed drive.

CD's have been found to shatter in the new 52X supersonic drives
due to being off balance and or manufacturing defects with the cd
and also due to the inability to clamp down the cd properly.

32X is fast enough for me and I don't have to listen to 747's
taking off.


On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 18:05:23 +1300
Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Following the First -Suspect Me Thread with interest.
 My Case...
 Brand new store bought V9.0 pre-installed computer.
 It has a 52x CD on hdb (fstab was set up for hdd but i corrected that).
 The supplied disks are recorded download edition 9.0 40x recordable.
 The disks have an envelope address size sticker plastered on them.
 The CD will read any package ok after repeated attempts.
 Which solutions will help reduce read errors the most.
 1. Buy another IDE cable and put the CD on hdc.
 2. Remove the stickers incase they are causing speed wobbles.
 3. A software method of throttling back the top read speed.
   (Does this exist and what is it?)
 4. Other suggestion...?

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Re: [newbie] supermount

2002-11-26 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 12:26 pm, Technoslick wrote:
 Hi, Anne,

 I never noticed your interest in having your DVD set-up with SCSI emulation
 until now. I am a bit baffled. I have a Liteon DVD-ROM player in my
 multi-boot XP Pro/Mandrake 9.0 box, so I looked at my fstab to see how mine
 is set. The Liteon drive is set as /dev/hdc, not /dev/sd0. It works fine,
 as well as a DVD drive 'can' work in an underpowered box. Can I ask why you
 want SCSI emulation on the drive? Is it also a burner? I would like to know
 what you want this set-up.

No, but I wanted the convenience of being able to read from the dvd and write 
to the cd-rw, but XCDroast couldn't see it.  I understand k3b (I think it's 
called) could do it anyway, so I'll look at that when I've a moment.

I was under the impression, too, that it would not work for dvd film (as 
distinct from data) if it was not scsi emulated.  Is this not so?

BTW - is your Liteon drive coupled with a cd-rw?  I'm curious after my parts 
supplier talked of some incompatibilities.


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Re: [newbie] Shorewall - Grrrrrr!!!

2002-11-26 Per discussione magnet
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 12:02 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:

  I did an iptables -L in su console to check everything is ALLOWed,
  after uninstalling the firewall for now to regain some control, restarted
  the samba server, rebooted the laptop (stupid thing!) and still samba
  isn't working. I also now have no ftp access to this box from any other
  machine on the LAN. This is the point I start to lose my temper with
  linux. You think you have uninstalled everything, get a reply that all
  traffic restrictions have been liftedto flow again, even rebooted and
  still you can't stop something that manages to cause failure of
  previously working functions, and not know what is causing it.
  I need some light shed on this problem coz I'm close to giving up after
  double-figured re-installs.

 If shorewall is removed completely, then your IP masquerading will not be
 configured and you will not be able to get out from your local network to
 the Internet. (Unless you set it up by hand)

 Maybe you would be happier with a GUI based Firewall like firestarter (for
 KDE) or guarddog(for Gnome) (both available in Contrib)) Firestarter is
 quite nice. It is very similar to zonealarm in Windows.

 You should also check your security level. If it is too high you will have
 all sorts of difficulty.


Hi Derek,

I dont mind getting dirty in a text editor, usually vi, but it's the 
confusing way these website help pages assume you are rather well versed in 
iptables before you have even started to read their page, therefore defeating 
the objective of what I consider a help page should be. Also, they all seem 
to assume the user has 2 ethernet cards, one for the lan and the other to a 
cable modem, none ever mention using the modem or the local IP range I'm currently trying to make some sense of 
but not getting very far as yet.

I was running this 7 machine home network fine using 8.2 on linux boxs and 
winME on laptop, all set up by hand and functioning. OK, so I may have been 
lucky and didn't get compromised once in all that time, but as soon as I have 
gone near any sort of firewalling for the linux gateway I seem to be hitting 
this brick wall of problems.

Security has always been set at Standard here, apart from at one reinstall, 
but the nvidia drivers gave grief on any other setting so I reverted back to 
using the lowest level offered at install.

Firestarter and guarddog... yeap, been there, tried them, both failed, both 
resulted in re-installs, twice for guarddog and 3 times for firestarter. 
Totally screwed this system over. As a fellow linux user I speak to most 
nights will confirm, this system doesn't seem to like anything that would be 
considered normal installing or run-of-the-mill commands without throwing a 
wobbler and breaking something here. I have yet to work out why though :(

I need to stick with this shorewall for now simply as I have run out of 
options for anything else. At least this time it has installed partially and 
is allowing an internet connection to be used.


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