[newbie-it] Xine and DVD

2002-12-13 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Salve alla ML,

 ho montato un lettore/masterizzatore combo LG, non riesco a fargli leggere i
dvd con xine, ho cambiato nelle impostazioni la directory /dev/dvd con
/mnt/cdrom2 , tra l'altro  in dev non esiste dvd...,  Qualcuno di voi potrebbe
darmi una mano?


Ps.: distro Mandrake 9.0, PIII 866mhz, 128mb Ram

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9 e non ha pi X!!!!!

2002-12-13 Per discussione Stefano Sebastiani
Alle 02:29, venerdì 13 dicembre 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto:
 Alle 17:09, giovedì 12 dicembre 2002, Stefano Sebastiani ha scritto:
  Downloadato xvidtune che però non riesco a configureare


  checking for c++... no
  checking for g++... no

 Ti manca il compilatore c++ (dovresti installarlo, puo' sempre essere
 utile, fa parte dei pacchetti del gruppo gcc*).

 Ma sei sicuro di non avere xvidtune gia' bell'e pronto (AFAIK
 /usr/X11R6/bin/xvidtune)? dovrebbe essere all'interno del pacchetto di
Alt F2
e voilà c'era già!!

Una curiosità:
perchè sul portatile vedo i DVD con Xine e sul PC Home nò (e pensare che le 
due installazioni le ho fatte pressapoco allo stesso modo!)
Quando riuscirò a installare bene Mplayer !!!

Re: [newbie-it] Oh no more Latex!

2002-12-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 21:40:08 +0100
Nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 12 December 2002 19:00, ku68 wrote:
  nicola wrote:
   Se qualcuno ha metodi alternativi per l'effetto che ho in mente, sono
   tutti ben accetti.
  forse non te ne frega nulla ma hai provato ad usare lyx?

 Ti ringrazio per la risposta, non conoscevo lyx,  ma da una rapida occhiata mi 
 pare che tolga alcune potenzialità del latex, 

Direi di valutare anche Texmacs

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Oh no more Latex!

2002-12-13 Per discussione ku68
Nicola wrote:

Ti ringrazio per la risposta, non conoscevo lyx,  ma da una rapida occhiata mi 
pare che tolga alcune potenzialità del latex, facilitando al contempo altre 
Di certo so che è basato su latex, che c'è molta documentazione. Da quel 
che ho capito è un po' come usare latex in modalità grafica (non ho mai 
usato latex e ho solo visto lyx che non userò mai essendomi + che suff. OOo)
Credo che il suo utilizzo sia rivolto a coloro che non pretendono 
il controllo globale del documento,
Non so cosa intendi per controllo globale so solo che ci ha fatto la 
tesi in ingegneria informatica con grande soddisfazione in quanto le 
immagini, le note ecc. una volta impostate e inserite rimanevano al loro 
posto e si adattavano automaticamente ad eventuali variazioni

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con Kppp

2002-12-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 10:02:55 +0100
Tommaso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Salve a tutti,
 ho un problema con kppp. Ieri sera provo a collegarmi al mio solito ISP 
 (Libero) e dopo svariati tentativi di collegamento senza sucesso (il 
 messaggio nel log era BUSY), kppp mi ha marchiato con bel BLACKLISTED. 
 Stamani ho provato a ricollegarmi ma ogni volta che ci provo il modem non 
 tenta neanche la chiamata e kppp continua a ripetere che sono nella lista 
 Ho provato a spulciare nelle varie directory riguardanti il kppp ma non ho 
 trovato nulla; così pure per la documentazione KDE.
 Adesso ho dovuto cambiare ISP per potermi collegare.
 Vorrei sapere dove si trova quella maledetta BLACKLIST per poterla controllare 
 e configurare. Qualcuno può aiutarmi?
 Grazie e ciao.

Rapida ricerca su san Google, mai sufficientemente invocato :

At certain times the Freeserve Anytime system is heavily used and you may notice that 
automatic repeated attempts to dial in are logging BUSY in the log window. Eventually 
the connect limit may be reached and then manual action to reconnect is required. 
If this sequence is repeated several times then you may see BLACKLISTED in the log 
This is an action taken internally by the modem (not Freeserve getting annoyed because 
you are trying too hard to log in!) which will automatically clear after a time period 
- the intention being to limit the load on the telephone network. It may be possible 
to send an AT data sequence to the modem to display and/or clear the blacklist.

Adesso cerca tu di scoprire quale è il comando AT da dare al modem. :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9 e non ha pi X!!!!!

2002-12-13 Per discussione Stefano Sebastiani
Sigh usare xvidtune non è semplice! non hai un riscontro visivo immediato dei 
cambiamenti che apporti, il taasto test sembra non fgunzionare neppure!!!

Re: R: [newbie-it] NEW LINUXER!!

2002-12-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Aggiungo solo che il numero 28 di LinuxC aveva diversi articoli dedicati
a RAID sotto Linux. Era il numero con allegato Mndk-9.0.
Io, ovviamente, non li ho letti :-(

Poi su www.pluto.linux.it/ildp (o indirizzi simili, questo adesso non mi
risponde) c'è sicuramente un howto su raid.

ciao, andrea

R: R: [newbie-it] NEW LINUXER!!

2002-12-13 Per discussione Rocco Geol. Gibilras

no, ho un disco solo.

Ecco perchè non hai avuto nessun problema!!

questo è l'aspetto software del disco.
In Linux/Unix tutto è un file, anche i dischi fissi.
I 4 possibili dispositivi eide (dischi, cdrom, ...) sono visti nei file
Questo, avendo una e finale è considerato diverso.
Di più non so e, da un punto di vista software, adesso lo maltratto come
gli altri :-)
L'unico problema è stato il primo giorno: tentavo disperatamente di montare
una partizione di /dev/hda  :-((

ok grazie per queste prime informazioni, per me preziose, su Linux! E
siccome ho anche io più di una partizione sui dischi andrò a vedere cosa mi

Salve Rocco

R: [newbie-it] NEW LINUXER!!

2002-12-13 Per discussione Rocco Geol. Gibilras

premetto che anche io non ne so un granche ne di hardware,ne di
Se non sbaglio gia da alcune versioni MDK supporta il RAID a livello di
architetture di fs.quindi sicuramente il controller RAID sara' ben
accetto dalla MDK!(questo non lo prendere come verita!)
Ora non vorrei dire una caòç@#,(rinchiudetemi nella torre se sbaglio :) ma
ho capito bene, sia che tu abbia il controller sia che tu non lo
linux puoi emulare il RAID facendo gestire al kernel le diverse
dei dischi con RAID da 0 al quasi scomparso RAID 6.
Comunque il modo migliore per imparare ad usare linux e scoprire se
quello di fare danni sul la propria scatola metallica :-) ..quindi se
gia fatto un backup dei tuoi dati.e ti puoi permettere di poter
qualche giorno senza pc (nella peggiore delle ipotesi).non ti rimane
altro che provare ad installare la MDK :)

Ciao , Tom

Ciao e grazie Tom, soprattutto per l'ultimo consiglio credo proprio, dopo le
info che ho preso qua e là, sono proprio nelle condizioni di vedere se il
mio pc ZUNFIERA' ;-)).
Per il RAID non ci sono dubbi che Linux riconosca una configurazione raid, è
un sistema operativo nato per server!! Il problema è sperare che lui abbia i
driver per il controller che usa la mia Sk madre! Perchè se i driver non
sono i suoi ci sarà poco da fare
Ciao Rocco

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con Kppp

2002-12-13 Per discussione Augusto
Ti posto quello che ho letto in giro per ripulire la black list.
Impartire uno dei seguenti comandi AT a secondo del tipo di chip del modem:
-Rockwell : %TCB
-USR/3COm: S40=2 oppure S40=7
-Lucent : %t21,18,0
Cirrus:  *NC9 
Non assicuro che siano esatti.
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 10:10:51 +0100
Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 10:02:55 +0100
 Tommaso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Salve a tutti,
  ho un problema con kppp. Ieri sera provo a collegarmi al mio solito ISP 
  (Libero) e dopo svariati tentativi di collegamento senza sucesso (il 
  messaggio nel log era BUSY), kppp mi ha marchiato con bel BLACKLISTED. 
  Stamani ho provato a ricollegarmi ma ogni volta che ci provo il modem non 
  tenta neanche la chiamata e kppp continua a ripetere che sono nella lista 
  Ho provato a spulciare nelle varie directory riguardanti il kppp ma non ho 
  trovato nulla; così pure per la documentazione KDE.
  Adesso ho dovuto cambiare ISP per potermi collegare.
  Vorrei sapere dove si trova quella maledetta BLACKLIST per poterla controllare 
  e configurare. Qualcuno può aiutarmi?
  Grazie e ciao.
 Rapida ricerca su san Google, mai sufficientemente invocato :
 At certain times the Freeserve Anytime system is heavily used and you may notice 
 automatic repeated attempts to dial in are logging BUSY in the log window. 
 the connect limit may be reached and then manual action to reconnect is required. 
 If this sequence is repeated several times then you may see BLACKLISTED in the log 
 This is an action taken internally by the modem (not Freeserve getting annoyed 
 you are trying too hard to log in!) which will automatically clear after a time 
 - the intention being to limit the load on the telephone network. It may be possible 
 to send an AT data sequence to the modem to display and/or clear the blacklist.
 Adesso cerca tu di scoprire quale è il comando AT da dare al modem. :-)
 ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Xine and DVD

2002-12-13 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 09:26, venerdì 13 dicembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 Salve alla ML,
  ho montato un lettore/masterizzatore combo LG, non riesco a fargli leggere
 dvd con xine, 

ti spedisco una parte di email di Paolo Brusasco che per me è stata utile per 
far funzionare Xine...

Per far funzionare xine devi installare alcune librerie per decriptare il dvd;
le librerie le trovi su http://plf.zarb.org/
un howto semplice lo trovi su http://www.trylinuxsd.com/dvd/
premesso che sono grato a chi ha fatto xine, plf e trylinux,
nel mio caso, facendo come dice lì, cioè installando tutto, non funziona.
per farlo funzionare devo installare SOLO
e così posso vedere, per ora, i dvd criptati, aprendoli pigiando NON il
bottone dvd ma il bottone d4d che ti comparirà sul pannello di xine.
xine-dvdnav e lib-dvdnav non funziona ma se ne può fare a meno.
se invece installo altri plugin come xine-d5d va in palla tutto: l'audio
diventa unrumore oscillante e il video si muove a scatti e NON riesco a
ripristinare la situazione precedente nè disinstallando nè reinstallando.

Re: [newbie-it] pranzo ML varie

2002-12-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Sat, 30 Nov 2002 19:53:10 +0100

 salve a tutti
 per il giorno 15 dicembre, con la ML di inter.net (in origine) 
 stiamo organizzando un pranzo, per conoscerci 'fisicamente' dopo 
 anni di convivenza virtuale in lista..
 organizzando si e' spostato, per evitare OT clamorosi su 
 un'altra lista che si chiama 

Ho provato ad iscrivermi questa mattina, ammetto il ritardo notevole,
però non mi è tornata indietro neanche la mia lettera. :-(

È ancora possibile inserirsi?

Sempre più in ritardo.
Per quelli interessati ad un pranzo a Padova, segnalo l'iniziativa
del Pluto:

Il PLUTO Free Software Users Group è stato il primo Linux Users Group
italiano ed è stato fondato a Padova nel 1992 da un gruppo di studenti e
docenti del Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica dell'Università.

Quest'anno, a dieci anni dalla fondazione, vorremmo ricordare l'evento con
una cena, sui colli vicino a Padova, il 14 dicembre 2002. L'invito,
naturalmente, è esteso a tutti i soci e i simpatizzanti del PLUTO e della
Comunità del Software Libero.

Per maggiori dettagli e per futuri aggiornamenti consigliamo di visitare 


Arrivederci a Padova!


ciao, Andrea

R: R: [newbie-it] NEW LINUXER!!

2002-12-13 Per discussione Rocco Geol. Gibilras
Aggiungo solo che il numero 28 di LinuxC aveva diversi articoli dedicati
a RAID sotto Linux. Era il numero con allegato Mndk-9.0.
Io, ovviamente, non li ho letti :-(

Poi su www.pluto.linux.it/ildp (o indirizzi simili, questo adesso non mi
risponde) c'è sicuramente un howto su raid.

ciao, andrea

Grazie Andrea,

cos'è LinuxC?   Deduco una rivista dedicata a linux? Se si di che mese è?!
Ciao Rocco

Re: R: R: [newbie-it] NEW LINUXER!!

2002-12-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 11:58:17 +0100
Rocco Geol. Gibilras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Aggiungo solo che il numero 28 di LinuxC aveva diversi articoli dedicati
 a RAID sotto Linux. Era il numero con allegato Mndk-9.0.
 Io, ovviamente, non li ho letti :-(
 Poi su www.pluto.linux.it/ildp (o indirizzi simili, questo adesso non mi
 risponde) c'è sicuramente un howto su raid.
 ciao, andrea
 Grazie Andrea,
 cos'è LinuxC?   Deduco una rivista dedicata a linux? 


 Se si di che mese è?!

dovrebbe essere l'ultimo numero, anche se temo che sia esaurito.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] man-it

2002-12-13 Per discussione Gaetano Del Vecchio
Thursday, December 12, 2002 5:45 PM
Andrea Celli scrive:

 Dovrebbe andare bene l'RPM di una qualsiasi release successiva,
 che scarichi da un qualunque mirror, ad es.:


 poi lo installi col clessico rpm -i man-pages-it-0.3.0-18mdk.noarch.rpm.

 ciao, Andrea

ho fatto esattamente come hai detto ma dopo aver lanciato:
rpm -i man-pages-it-0.3.0-18mdk.noarch.rpm
ricevo un:
man=1.5j-8mdk is nedded by man-pages-it-0.3.0-18mdk
in inglese l'ho pure capito cosa dice ma praticamente no,
sono ancora un neofita di linux, che devo fare?

ciao e grazie ancora

R: [newbie-it] pranzo ML varie

2002-12-13 Per discussione Rocco Geol. Gibilras
Il PLUTO Free Software Users Group è stato il primo Linux Users Group
italiano ed è stato fondato a Padova nel 1992 da un gruppo di studenti e
docenti del Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica dell'Università.

Quest'anno, a dieci anni dalla fondazione, vorremmo ricordare l'evento con
una cena, sui colli vicino a Padova, il 14 dicembre 2002. L'invito,
naturalmente, è esteso a tutti i soci e i simpatizzanti del PLUTO e della
Comunità del Software Libero.

Per maggiori dettagli e per futuri aggiornamenti consigliamo di visitare


Ciao Andrea,

vivo in Sicilia e non ti nascondo che mi farebbe un immenso piacere
partecipare ad un meeting di appassionati di linux a Padova, soprattutto
dopo aver letto che quello è stato il primo LUG italiano. Forse in piccolo
farò qualcosa con il neo nato LUG RAGUSA!
Devi però aituarmi a capire perchè non riesco ad entrare le sito da te
suggerito: PLUTO?
E' forse sbagliato l'indirizzo?

Re: [newbie-it] man-it

2002-12-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 14:35:08 +0100
Gaetano Del Vecchio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ho fatto esattamente come hai detto ma dopo aver lanciato:
 rpm -i man-pages-it-0.3.0-18mdk.noarch.rpm
 ricevo un:
 man=1.5j-8mdk is nedded by man-pages-it-0.3.0-18mdk
 in inglese l'ho pure capito cosa dice ma praticamente no,
 sono ancora un neofita di linux, che devo fare?
 ciao e grazie ancora

Azz.. ci vuole una versione più aggiornata del programma man.

Puoi provare a prendere dallo stesso sito anche l'rpm di man.
Quasi sicuramente  ti chiederà anche l'aggiornamento di 
groff e groff-for-man (il programma che visualizza le pagine man), 
Se si ferma lì va bene.  
Se vuol farti aggiornare tutta la distro, vedi tu.

Altrimenti, non hai più i CD della tua versione?
Se li hai, installa l'analogo pacchetto vecchio. 
Poi, con mc o ark apri il nuovo rpm e ne estrai le nuove man in una directory,
rispettando la struttura di suddivisione in sottodirectory.

Poi, fai un diff tra la directory /usr/man e quella nuova.
A questo punto, metti al loro posto i manuali nuovi o aggiornati.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] nuovo utente

2002-12-13 Per discussione tom
Salve lista,
un quesito semplice semplice.
voglio creare un nuovo utente per un altra distro,e mettergli in comune la 
mia home,ma qualcuno mi aveva anticipato che gli avrei dovuto indicare anche 
l' ID...perfetto!!! ma come si fa?
questo è il modo per creare un utente normalmente con ID assegnato dal' OS,
e per decidere io l' ID?

#useradd nuovoutente
#passwd nuovoutente  (per creare la password)
#chown nuovoutente /home/nuovoutente  (gli assegno la directory)

a naso avrei scritto:

#useradd nuovoutente: 501

mi date qualche dritta?

altra domanda..le pass par gli utenti delle due distro devono essere 

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] nuovo utente

2002-12-13 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 16:59:05 +0100
tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 questo è il modo per creare un utente normalmente con ID assegnato dal' OS,
 e per decidere io l' ID?
 #useradd nuovoutente
 #passwd nuovoutente  (per creare la password)
 #chown nuovoutente /home/nuovoutente  (gli assegno la directory)
 a naso avrei scritto:
 #useradd nuovoutente: 501
 mi date qualche dritta?

man useradd   ovvio :-)

   useradd [-c comment] [-d home_dir]
   [-e expire_date] [-f inactive_time]
   [-g initial_group] [-G group[,...]]
   [-m [-k skeleton_dir] | -M] [-p passwd]
   [-s shell] [-u uid [ -o]] [-n] [-r] login

Oppure, brutalmente, lo crei e poi vai a cambiare il numerello
in /etc/passwd. Almeno, un tempo bastava fare così.
Adesso, con la sicurezza aumentata, non sono sicuro.

 altra domanda..le pass par gli utenti delle due distro devono essere 


ciao, Andrea


2002-12-13 Per discussione Rocco Geol. Gibilras

Saluti a tutta la ML,

dopo aver letto nella guida in rete di MANDRAKE al 
Capitolo 1. Installazione con DRAKX, la 

Classe di Installazione dice che: 
Installazione Cancella completamente il vecchio 
sistema. A seconda di come  strutturato il sistema preesistente, 
tuttavia,  possibile mantenere inalterate alcune delle vecchie 
partizioni (Linux e altre)., invece 

Aggiornamento dice che: 
Questo tipo di installazione vi permette di effettuare un semplice aggiornamento 
dei pacchetti installati sul vostro sistema Mandrake 
Linux. Conserva tutte le partizioni attuali del disco rigido, come 
pure le configurazioni individuali degli utenti. Tutti gli altri passi relativi 
alla configurazione restano disponibili, come per una installazione da 

A questo punto io che dovr installare 
Mandrake 9.0 su un disco con tre partizioni, dove nella prima c' il 
win2k (FAT NTFS), la seconda  dedicata ai dati (FAT 32) e la terza 
 destinata a linux, corro il rischio di veder cancellato tutte le 
partizioni, nel caso scegliessi la prima classe di installazione?
Ringrazio in anticipo chiunque avesse la 
bont di rispondere!

Sk madre: 
Hard disk: maxtor diamond 40 Gb


2002-12-13 Per discussione francesco.melo
Rocco Geol. Gibilras wrote:

Saluti a tutta la ML,
dopo aver letto nella guida in rete di MANDRAKE al Capitolo 1. 
Installazione con DRAKX, la
*Classe di Installazione *dice che: Installazione Cancella 
completamente il vecchio sistema. A seconda di come e` strutturato il 
sistema preesistente, tuttavia, e` possibile mantenere inalterate 
alcune delle vecchie partizioni (Linux e altre)., invece
*Aggiornamento* dice che: Aggiornamento Questo tipo di installazione 
vi permette di effettuare un semplice aggiornamento dei pacchetti 
installati sul vostro sistema /Mandrake Linux/. Conserva tutte le 
partizioni attuali del disco rigido, come pure le configurazioni 
individuali degli utenti. Tutti gli altri passi relativi alla 
configurazione restano disponibili, come per una installazione da zero.
A questo punto io che dovro` installare Mandrake 9.0 su un disco con 
tre partizioni, dove nella prima c'e` il win2k (FAT NTFS), la seconda 
e` dedicata ai dati (FAT 32) e la terza e` destinata a linux, corro il 
rischio di veder cancellato tutte le partizioni, nel caso scegliessi 
la prima classe di installazione?
Ringrazio in anticipo chiunque avesse la bonta` di rispondere!
Sk madre: *gigabyte*
CPU: *AMD* *2000*+
Hard disk: maxtor diamond 40 Gb

no vai tranquillo
linux ha rispetto delle partizioni win...
peccato non avvenga il contrario


Re: [newbie-it] nuovo utente

2002-12-13 Per discussione Germano
Il 16:59, venerdì 13 dicembre 2002, tom hai scritto:
 Salve lista,
 un quesito semplice semplice.
 voglio creare un nuovo utente per un altra distro,e mettergli in comune
 la mia home,ma qualcuno mi aveva anticipato che gli avrei dovuto indicare
 anche l' ID...perfetto!!! ma come si fa?
 questo è il modo per creare un utente normalmente con ID assegnato dal' OS,
 e per decidere io l' ID?

 #useradd nuovoutente
 #passwd nuovoutente  (per creare la password)
 #chown nuovoutente /home/nuovoutente  (gli assegno la directory)

 a naso avrei scritto:

 #useradd nuovoutente: 501

 mi date qualche dritta?

useradd -u ID  (comunque sempre man comando da usare

 altra domanda..le pass par gli utenti delle due distro devono essere

Non capisco che vuoi dire con creare un nuovo utente per un altra distro, 
potresti essere un pò più preciso?

 Ciao , Tom

Ciao, Germano


2002-12-13 Per discussione Germano
Il 17:05, venerdì 13 dicembre 2002, Rocco Geol. Gibilras hai scritto:
 Saluti a tutta la ML,

 dopo aver letto nella guida in rete di MANDRAKE al Capitolo 1.
 Installazione con DRAKX, la

 Classe di Installazione dice che: Installazione Cancella completamente il
 vecchio sistema. A seconda di come è strutturato il sistema preesistente,
 tuttavia, è possibile mantenere inalterate alcune delle vecchie partizioni
 (Linux e altre)., invece

 Aggiornamento dice che: Aggiornamento Questo tipo di installazione vi
 permette di effettuare un semplice aggiornamento dei pacchetti installati
 sul vostro sistema Mandrake Linux. Conserva tutte le partizioni attuali del
 disco rigido, come pure le configurazioni individuali degli utenti. Tutti
 gli altri passi relativi alla configurazione restano disponibili, come per
 una installazione da zero.

 A questo punto io che dovrò installare Mandrake 9.0 su un disco con tre
 partizioni, dove nella prima c'è il win2k (FAT NTFS), la seconda è dedicata
 ai dati (FAT 32) e la terza è destinata a linux, corro il rischio di veder
 cancellato tutte le partizioni, nel caso scegliessi la prima classe di
 installazione? Ringrazio in anticipo chiunque avesse la bontà di

Dipende solo da dove tu gli dici di andarsi ad installare.


Re: [newbie-it] pranzo ML varie

2002-12-13 Per discussione syd
* Andrea Celli wrote:
 On Sat, 30 Nov 2002 19:53:10 +0100
 miKe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  salve a tutti
  per il giorno 15 dicembre, con la ML di inter.net (in origine) 
  stiamo organizzando un pranzo, per conoscerci 'fisicamente' dopo 
  anni di convivenza virtuale in lista..
  organizzando si e' spostato, per evitare OT clamorosi su 
  un'altra lista che si chiama 
 Ho provato ad iscrivermi questa mattina, ammetto il ritardo notevole,
 però non mi è tornata indietro neanche la mia lettera. :-(
 È ancora possibile inserirsi?

Io e' da 10 giorni che ci provo e nel subject, dopo i primi tentativi
canonici, ci ho messo di tutto. Mi sono arreso e per domenica ho preso un
altro appuntamento.. vabbe' pace, sara' per la prossima. 

syd - LU 285930 * LM 167646

Description: PGP signature

[newbie-it] /etc/modules

2002-12-13 Per discussione tom
Ave lista,
volevo chiedervi.il file modules è comune a tutte le distro?
modules viene richiamato da /etc/rc.d/rc.modules in fase di avvio,
e qui (in modules)dovrei inserirci i moduli da far caricareora,in 
questa nuova distro che sto cercando di far funzionare,non lo trovo!
e se lo agiungessi a manina? funzierebbe?
grazie gia da ora per le risposte.

Ciao , Tom

[newbie] Network Printer

2002-12-13 Per discussione Gil Katz
I got WinXP with HP815C that I shared
In the network I have mandrake 9.0.
How can I print from the Linux through the net sharing.

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Re: [newbie] Gnome menu's gone West... help:-( SOLVED

2002-12-13 Per discussione Morgan Read
Thanks for everbodies help - the only solution was to use GnoRPM to first
verify all gnome graphical desktop packages and then re-install all that
had errors by upgrading with the allow replacement of packages option
enabled in the preferences.  This process seemed possible only with GnoRPM
and not Mandrake software manager rpmdrake.
Thanks and by,

You might be able to undisable them with menudrake  (either as root to
configure system menu, or as a user to configure your individual menu)

Do you have the problem in all users?  If not you can simply create a new
account for yourself.


On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 23:35:12 +1200
Morgan Read [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for your help, but Civileme's script seems to report every menu

 ...has been disabled
 check your menus

 any ideas about undiableing them?


 If you are lucky simply running
 might fix it for you. (try it as a user, then as root)
 Also try removing that .desktop icon you tried inserting in the menu. I do
 know about Gnome, but I know that with KDE a corrupted menu entry will
 the entire menu to crap out.
 If you search through the archives
 (http://www.mail-archive.com/newbie@linux-mandrake.com/  ) Civileme once
 wrote a script to check menus for corrupted entries.
 On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 6:44 am, Morgan Read wrote:
  I installed a programme recently, and noticed that the GnoRPM tool
  me where to put a .desktop icon that turned out to put an icon in the
  main menu.
  Frustrated at the clumsyness of the menu editors and intrigued that their
  might be a process as straight forward as (and similar in simplicity to)
  the mac's apple menu buried somewhere in the system, I went to
  So, I logged in as root and went sniffing around in
  usr/share/gnome/distribution-menus and usr/share/gnome/programs...
  And, now the main menu has disappeared!
  No surprise to some I guess?  The only thing I changed was the Gnome
  Selector that I opened in gedit: changed the comment [en_GB] and
  [en_GB] to Gnome Colour Selector (fair enough, I thought...).  I
  some other files with gedit just for a look, but closed them without
  First, as I was browsing with nautilus in the Programs directory
(I may
  also have been browsing with gedit's file open dialogue) I noticed
that all
  the Mandrake menu's had gone (yup, I looked in
  usr/share/gnome/distribution-menus before I looked in
  usr/share/gnome/programs).  Then, after I closed nautilus and gedit
  and logged out of root and back into my account - holding my breath the
  whole time - I found the whole main menu had gone.  I got an error
  message that the main menu couldn't be found...
  Any help with my investigation and putting the main menu back
would be
  really appreciated.
 Morgan Read

Morgan Read

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Re: [newbie] noarc scr mdk rpms

2002-12-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings
If you want to compile your own applications, rebuilding a .src.rpm is the 
safest way to do it. The packager will have selected the optimal compilation 
options, and you will get menu entries etc. Even more importantly, it is 
easier to *uninstall* an application you compiled from a .src.rpm than it is 
to uninstall one compiled by hand.
To compile a src RPM
rpm --rebuild rpm_name.src.rpm
Note : you will need all the compilation tools and libraries the application 
needs or else the rebuild will fail. When it is finished you will find it has 
built an RPM file located in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586  You then install this 
RPM in the normal way.

A .noarch.rpm is simply one which is not compiled code. It is either text 
files, or else it is perl scripts or something similar. It can be installed 
in the normal way.

A word of caution about RPMS you find on RPMfind.net.  
You will find RPMs there which come either from the Mandrake CD's, or from the 
'Contribs' folder on Mandrake mirrors, or from 'Mandrake Cooker'
Be VERY cautious about attempting to install 'Cooker' RPMs.  These are from 
the development thread of Mandrake. Not only is there the risk they may be 
buggy, but installing one could require a LOT of dependencies. Installing 
Cooker RPMs is a good way to get to 'dependency hell'  For a similar reason 
RedHat RPMs should only be used with caution.

BTW: There is nothing you will find on rpmfind.net you could not get through 
urpmi.  By simply setting up a few data sources you could get anything on 
rpmfind plus more. You would search using Mandrake Software Manager or the 
urpmi command line. The big advantage is that all your dependency issues will 
be sorted out for you. 



On Friday 13 Dec 2002 2:45 am, Andrei Raevsky wrote:

 On the website rpmfind.net there are RPMs which are *.noarc.mdk or
 *src.mdk. How are these different from other mandrake RPMs?

 And also - can I install Red Hat RPMs (non mdk.rpms) safely or not?



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RE: [newbie] just a comment

2002-12-13 Per discussione Richard Urwin
There is nothing unique about this community. Just about any special
interest group acts the same way. If I join an owners club for my car,
install some customisation and take it to rallys, I would find exactly
the same sort of community.

But if I break down one day and expect someone to help me just because
they have the same model of car, it just isn't going to happen. The
person I stop isn't a member of my community just because they have the
same sort of car. Community membership involves a willingness to learn
and put the work in.

I suppose it feels good to help someone improve themselves, so people
will do it. It feels crap to slave away for someone who doesn't know
what you are doing and cares less, so people will not do it.

Also, in a community like this, you can assume that the person asking
for the help today is willing to be giving it tomorrow. There is a
totally different feel in an interchange of information that grows the
community, from a tech-support situation that leaches off it.

Other similar communities I have known:
Amateur Radio
Computer clubs in the early 80's

OTThere are many models of how this works. Universal egosim is one of
them, probably not a very useful one. But this is not the place to
discuss it. Feel free to mail me directly./OT
Richard Urwin, Private
Confirmed as a crazy system administrator (NAG p348)

This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
around the clock, around the globe, visit http://www.messagelabs.com

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Re: [newbie] syslogd

2002-12-13 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 10:07, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 07:28, George Baker wrote:
  Last night a process called syslogd -m started and my hard drive went
  mad for over 7 hours until I killed the process. What is it doing and how
  often - will it always carry on for so long or was it just a once off due
  to me moving MDK to a new drive??
  Please advise

 That almost sounds as though a syslog ain't been run on yer system
 before - ya oughta let it run once - at least...

Open a terminal window and type man syslogd. You need it.

I suspect it was 4 in the morning when it started churning away?


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Re: [newbie] rm and the -i option

2002-12-13 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 11:33, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 16:47, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  I think all you need to do is rm -f filename. Be carefull though -
  that warning is there for a reason - its very easy to rm something you
  really don't want removed...
  BTW, you can make this permanent by editing .bashrc or .bashprofile in
  your /home/user directory BUT I don't recommend it.
Dark Lord

 Ron is right.  rm is a very deadly command and needs to be treated with
 kid gloves, like a 45 calibre handgun that's been chambered.  If you do
 make changes to the -i qualifier in the profiles, I suggest you make it
 temporary; better yet, just kill the aliases for that particular shell
 session and don't bother the profiles.

 It is easy to wipe an entire filesystem with an accidental rm -rf.



These are preset for you in a script file somewhere by the helpful Mandrake 
people (the default is to have the -i flag disabled), but for the life of me 
i cant remember which script file. You could find / grep on alias rm. I am 
assuming you are used to the normal default behaviour of the command. It is 
not just rm, several have it turned on.


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RE: [riu] Re: [newbie] just a comment [WAY OT now]

2002-12-13 Per discussione Richard Urwin

A somewhat topical quote of a misquote:
  Do not meddle in the affairs of primates; for they are subtle and
quick to anger.

Richard Urwin, Private
Confirmed as a crazy system administrator (NAG p348)

This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
around the clock, around the globe, visit http://www.messagelabs.com

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Re: [newbie] noarc scr mdk rpms

2002-12-13 Per discussione Michel Clasquin
On Friday 13 December 2002 04:45, Andrei Raevsky wrote:

 On the website rpmfind.net there are RPMs which are *.noarc.mdk or
 *src.mdk. How are these different from other mandrake RPMs?

noarch means that the package contains no binaries and will therefore 
be equally useful on an x86 machine, a ppc (apple) box, a SUN 
computer etc etc. It is normally used to package help files, graphics 
and so on.

src means source. Strictly for experts

 And also - can I install Red Hat RPMs (non mdk.rpms) safely or not?

Often. But not always. I've found that most simple end-user apps can 
be installed, if you use rpm with the --test option first. Don't do 
this for libraries or anything fundamental. In fact, as a general 
rule, keep non-Mandrake rpms as far from your kernel as possible and 
you should be ok. If you try to install Redhat's version of X11, for 
example, you're on your own. g

Thing is, redhat and other non-mdk rpms will sometimes install into 
/opt or /usr/local rather than /usr. Then, when you find a proper mdk 
upgrade rpm later on, it won't overwrite the old one and you end up 
with two versions floating around, symlinks pointing the wrong way 
... it can get messsy. Try a little harder to find mdk rpms before 
you introduce these aliens. rpmfind.net is your friend, so is google.

Michel Clasquin
When all is One, all violence is masochism.

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Re: [newbie] XCDroast primary read device.

2002-12-13 Per discussione John Richard Smith
g wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:


append=quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi  is just fine

maybe, or almost,

as to argument,
 append=quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi

should it not read,
 append= quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi
should a  ^ 'space' not be present to make 'append=' pass
an argument to 'label=Mandrake'.

would not a 'no space' pass a label of 'Mandrakequiet'
with a argument of 'devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi'

wereas, a space passes a label of 'Mandrake'
with an argument of 'quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi'

[unless there has been a rewrite of lilo]

peace out.


think green...
   save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
 send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.


I stand corrected, well spotted.
Though this is good proctice , and I for one recommend it,
for some reason, it does not always apply, do not know
why. But yes the spaces are important and ought to be

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] XCDroast primary read device.

2002-12-13 Per discussione John Richard Smith
g wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:


append=quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi  is just fine

maybe, or almost,

as to argument,
 append=quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi

should it not read,
 append= quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi
should a  ^ 'space' not be present to make 'append=' pass
an argument to 'label=Mandrake'.

would not a 'no space' pass a label of 'Mandrakequiet'
with a argument of 'devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi'

wereas, a space passes a label of 'Mandrake'
with an argument of 'quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi'

[unless there has been a rewrite of lilo]

peace out.


think green...
   save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
 send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.


I stand corrected, well spotted.
Though this is good proctice , and I for one recommend it,
for some reason, it does not always apply, do not know
why. But yes the spaces are important and ought to be

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Write to windows partition?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Dec 2002 4:49 am, Michael Adams wrote:
 On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 14:21, Erik Farnsworth wrote:
  Thanks!  Unless I totally hose my mdk system, I probably won't need this
  program because I boot XP only to use PageMaker (until I learn to use
  Lyx better) and to update the anti-virus .dat files.  [I did d/l
  explore2fs, just in case :) ]  However, I have a friend who could
  probably use it...so I'm passing on the info.
  On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 18:41, Spencer wrote:
   On December 8, 2002 04:24 pm, Erik Farnsworth wrote:
   If you have a need to read or write data from Winduz, there is a
   program called - explore2fs - that I use successfully on my W2K Pro
   install. I don't know if it can be used with a NTFS partition but it
   works well from FAT32.

 Most recent Linux versions would default partition using one of the more
 modern Journaling File Systems. In this case anything 2fs may not work. On
 the other hand if the journaling system is 3fs? (is that the right
 abbreviation) it may work.

As I understand it, ext3 is simply ext2 + a journal, so I would think that 
would work.


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Re: [newbie] Right's problem - second try

2002-12-13 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 11 Dec 2002 2:08 pm, Roland Hughes wrote:
 Yes, I gave it a root password and can log in as root with red screen
 and all. What I can not do is install packages and change config files
 without getting a message to the effect that I do not have the rights to
 do it.

OK - totally dumb suggestion.  From time to time I run into this problem, when 
normally everything's OK.  Logging out and back in seems to sort it.  I guess 
something's getting its knickers in a twist.  It may have no connection with 
your problem, but heck it can't hurt to try it g


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[newbie] mplayer and software manager

2002-12-13 Per discussione David Robertson
I used the script in the club pages to set up urpmi for updates,
commercial apps, contributions and PLF files.I now want to install
mplayer and when using the software manager it tells me that everything
is already installed - it certainly isn't, I've checked thoroughly. So,
I tried text mode in a terminal - urpmi mplayer and I get a list of
files to be installed, is that OK? I hit Y and the installation
aborts, saying that a number of files aren't found. I'm also getting an
error saying unable to take medium 'Update for Mandrake Linux 9.0
(ftpiu)' into account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Updates for
Mandrake Linux 9.0 (ftpiu)]exists.

This is a reinstall of LM 9.0 and I didn't have these problems before -
I can't think that I've done anything different, so any suggestions
would be gratefully received!


The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's
territory. (Paul Fix)

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Re: [newbie] Write to windows partition?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Spencer Anderson
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 11:08:15 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 09 Dec 2002 4:49 am, Michael Adams wrote:
  On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 14:21, Erik Farnsworth wrote:
   Thanks!  Unless I totally hose my mdk system, I probably won't need this
   program because I boot XP only to use PageMaker (until I learn to use
   Lyx better) and to update the anti-virus .dat files.  [I did d/l
   explore2fs, just in case :) ]  However, I have a friend who could
   probably use it...so I'm passing on the info.
   On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 18:41, Spencer wrote:
On December 8, 2002 04:24 pm, Erik Farnsworth wrote:
If you have a need to read or write data from Winduz, there is a
program called - explore2fs - that I use successfully on my W2K Pro
install. I don't know if it can be used with a NTFS partition but it
works well from FAT32.
  Most recent Linux versions would default partition using one of the more
  modern Journaling File Systems. In this case anything 2fs may not work. On
  the other hand if the journaling system is 3fs? (is that the right
  abbreviation) it may work.
 As I understand it, ext3 is simply ext2 + a journal, so I would think that 
 would work.
It works very well with ext3


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[newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation hangs

2002-12-13 Per discussione Marc
I have a set of 9.0 CDs that I am shure are good because 
I have used them to install 9.0 on 2 other machines. Last 
night I went to install mandrake on a friends machine , 
things seemed to be going well  for the first minite or 2 and 
then it hung while on hard drive detection part of the 
   I tried to repeat the installation several times useing  the 
reccomended and then the expert mode. I even tried to use 
Partition Magic to repartiton the hard drive first still no luck.
   This machine allready has windoze 98se installed on a 60 
GB western digital hard drive, Athlon 1.7XP processor and 
256 MB ram  I was useing a cd drive installed on IDE 
channel 2 and operating as a slave.
   Could this be the problem ?
I have never tried to install off a cd that was a slave before 
however it seems to me that It should be ok.
  Any one have any Ideas where this installation is going 

Thanks in advance

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[newbie] Re: Simple (???) email question

2002-12-13 Per discussione cervixcouch
Stephen Kuhn writes: 

On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 09:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have two linux boxes connected to an Ethernet hub.  In the /etc/hosts file 
on each computer I have the IP address, fully qualified name (for the local 
domain) and alias of the other machine.  I can ping and FTP the other box 
without a problem.  

But if I try to email the other box, the email sits in the queue and 
eventually I get an error message saying the domain couldn't be found and 
the message is undeliverable.  

I thought that by having an entry in /etc/hosts the mail program would query 
the other computer to see if there was an account on that host to receive 
the email.  

Do I really need to set up one of the computers as the server on such a 
simple network? 

You have to make sure that POP3 is running as a service. 


my understanding of pop3 was that the emails were held on a remote server 
until you retrieved them. 

I wanted to send an email directly from box A to box B.  I didn't want 
client B to have to retrieve email being held on server A. 

As well, you're
going to have to double check your POSTFIX configurations as well. 

I actually left the postfix configurations at the default, since the 
comments within the config file said it would get my hostname and domain 
through system variables ($HOSTNAME and $HOSTDOMAIN or something like that) 

I guess I could fiddle with the postfix settings too...

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Re: [newbie] Right's problem - second try

2002-12-13 Per discussione Roland Hughes
Thanks for the reply Anne. I have logged in and out, re-booted and
everything else I can think of. I am beginning to come to the conclusion
that I am dealing with a hardware problem and will need to try to
resolve that.
Thanks again.
On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 04:41, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 11 Dec 2002 2:08 pm, Roland Hughes wrote:
  Yes, I gave it a root password and can log in as root with red screen
  and all. What I can not do is install packages and change config files
  without getting a message to the effect that I do not have the rights to
  do it.
 OK - totally dumb suggestion.  From time to time I run into this problem, when 
 normally everything's OK.  Logging out and back in seems to sort it.  I guess 
 something's getting its knickers in a twist.  It may have no connection with 
 your problem, but heck it can't hurt to try it g

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The box said to install windows 2000 or better!
So I installed Linux!!

Linux Counter #241069

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Re: [newbie] Have you got your LM90 preorders?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 13 December 2002 01:38 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 Is there anybody on this list that has NOT recieved their LM90
 preorders?  Besides me?
 I ordered three sets of technical manuals in October and I have not seen
 them yet.  Anybody else going thru this?

Hey Lyvim! Don't feel bad - I've not gotten mine either. The check has been 
cashed for quite some time though. I ordered the DVD with manuals, and the 
sad thing is that I don't know if its even gonna do me any good or not. V9.0 
has been very problematic here. It installed perfectly on my sons 3 year old 
machine. It installed perfectly on my main computer - then absolutely refused 
to boot up. Dennis suggested passing the linux noapic line to it, and that 
seemed to work - I can boot up now - and can't shutdown at all. I've tried 
various combinations of halt, powerdown, and shutdown with -h now etc, 
etc,... but nothing works. It starts shutting down, gets to:

sending all processes the term signal OK
sending all processes the kill signalOK

and thats it. Nothing more, to paraphrase a certain raven from a classic Edgar 
Allen Poe poem... grin

and it won't even reboot as well. It stops at the same place.

Needless to say, after having to use a hardware reset or poweroff, its not too 
happy when it restarts. :-(

I'm hoping for an answer on this list...

See ya!


   Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 installation hangs

2002-12-13 Per discussione wouter pos

I had have the same problem HELP US

greetings wouter pos

--- Marc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a set of 9.0 CDs that I am shure are good
 I have used them to install 9.0 on 2 other machines.
 night I went to install mandrake on a friends
 machine , 
 things seemed to be going well  for the first minite
 or 2 and 
 then it hung while on hard drive detection part of
I tried to repeat the installation several times
 useing  the 
 reccomended and then the expert mode. I even tried
 to use 
 Partition Magic to repartiton the hard drive first
 still no luck.
This machine allready has windoze 98se installed
 on a 60 
 GB western digital hard drive, Athlon 1.7XP
 processor and 
 256 MB ram  I was useing a cd drive installed on IDE
 channel 2 and operating as a slave.
Could this be the problem ?
 I have never tried to install off a cd that was a
 slave before 
 however it seems to me that It should be ok.
   Any one have any Ideas where this installation is
 Thanks in advance
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
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Visit http://www.xs4all.nl/~wpos

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[newbie] Mandrake - request for support! (v9.0)

2002-12-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Hardware - Shuttle motherboard
   384 megs ram
   AMD Athlon 900 cpu
   Nvidia Geforce 2/64 megs ram
   SoundBlaster Xgamer Live sound card
   Adaptec 2930 SCSI card
   WinTV tuner card
   Linksys network card
  Toshiba DVD (scsi)
  Plextor CDRW (scsi)
  Iomega Zip internal/IDE

This hardware configuration ran very well (small issues - easily resolved) 
with versions 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2 of Mandrake

Version 9.0 - installed cleanly (apparently) then refused to bootup, always 
hanging at checking module dependencies.

Dennis suggested passing linux noapic - did that - apparently worked - was 
finally able to get to a desktop. Added noapic to /etc/lilo.conf. Ran 
/sbin/lilo. Rebooted - worked -next reboot did not work - finally worked by 
picking the non-fb option. 

I say rebooted. When I say rebooted, I mean manually reaching over and 
pressing the reset button or power switch because it will not shutdown or 
reboot otherwise. As root or normal user, if I try any combination of:

shutdown -r now
shutdown -h now
halt ditto
powerdown ditto

It starts to shutdown, gets as far as:

sending all processes the TERM signal OK
sending all processes the KILL signal...

Never get an okay there, and thats where it hangs. Forever. Needless to say, 
when I manually restart - the OS is not happy.

Please offer suggestions - v8.2 worked great here - didn't have near this much 
trouble. I'm using the 3 CD download set, purchased from LinuxCentral. I 
don't believe its the disks - same disks installled fautlessly on my sons 
computer which is 3 years old (mine is only about a year - go figure!).

Thanks in advance.


   Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake - request for support! (v9.0)

2002-12-13 Per discussione Gary Montalbine
I have the same problem using 8.2. I asked a similar question a few weeks back 
and the consensus seems to be a motherboard issue. I am using the Tyan S1598 
Trinity MB. Fortunately mine will reboot. So I reboot into Win98 and shutdown 
that way. M9.0 will not load.


On Friday 13 December 2002 10:49 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Hardware - Shuttle motherboard
384 megs ram
AMD Athlon 900 cpu
Nvidia Geforce 2/64 megs ram
SoundBlaster Xgamer Live sound card
Adaptec 2930 SCSI card
WinTV tuner card
Linksys network card
   Toshiba DVD (scsi)
   Plextor CDRW (scsi)
   Iomega Zip internal/IDE
 This hardware configuration ran very well (small issues - easily resolved) 
 with versions 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2 of Mandrake
 Version 9.0 - installed cleanly (apparently) then refused to bootup, always 
 hanging at checking module dependencies.
 Dennis suggested passing linux noapic - did that - apparently worked - was 
 finally able to get to a desktop. Added noapic to /etc/lilo.conf. Ran 
 /sbin/lilo. Rebooted - worked -next reboot did not work - finally worked by 
 picking the non-fb option. 
 I say rebooted. When I say rebooted, I mean manually reaching over and 
 pressing the reset button or power switch because it will not shutdown or 
 reboot otherwise. As root or normal user, if I try any combination of:
 shutdown -r now
 shutdown -h now
 halt ditto
 powerdown ditto
 It starts to shutdown, gets as far as:
 sending all processes the TERM signal OK
 sending all processes the KILL signal...
 Never get an okay there, and thats where it hangs. Forever. Needless to say, 
 when I manually restart - the OS is not happy.
 Please offer suggestions - v8.2 worked great here - didn't have near this 
 trouble. I'm using the 3 CD download set, purchased from LinuxCentral. I 
 don't believe its the disks - same disks installled fautlessly on my sons 
 computer which is 3 years old (mine is only about a year - go figure!).
 Thanks in advance.
Dark Lord

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Have you got your LM90 preorders?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Dale Huckeby
On 13 Dec 2002, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Is there anybody on this list that has NOT recieved their LM90
 preorders?  Besides me?
 I ordered three sets of technical manuals in October and I have not seen
 them yet.  Anybody else going thru this?

  I got an email a few days ago saying my order was being shipped.  Haven't 
yet received it.  They gave me a URL and a tracking number.  However, when
I clicked on the URL the site I reached was all in French, so I haven't been
able to track it.

Dale Huckeby

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Have you got your LM90 preorders?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Kenn Murrah

i dutifully paid my money for 8.1 and 8.2 and was
considering doing so for 9.0 ...

but is it just me, or does Mandrake WANT me to change
to a different distro?  some of the user-hostile
things they've done lately makes me wonder 

my two cents,


--- Dale Huckeby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 13 Dec 2002, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  Is there anybody on this list that has NOT
 recieved their LM90
  preorders?  Besides me?
  I ordered three sets of technical manuals in
 October and I have not seen
  them yet.  Anybody else going thru this?
   I got an email a few days ago saying my order was
 being shipped.  Haven't 
 yet received it.  They gave me a URL and a tracking
 number.  However, when
 I clicked on the URL the site I reached was all in
 French, so I haven't been
 able to track it.
 Dale Huckeby
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] OT: Free-Form Linux Database

2002-12-13 Per discussione Technoslick
I would like some feedback from anyone who has found and is using any
free-form database program in Linux. Something similar in nature to askSam.
I wish to migrate all of thousands (literally) emails, tech notes and other
minutia to an easily accessible and usable program that allows advanced
search, sorting, formatting and printing capabilitities (not command line).
Free-form, not structures, is the key! My search on the Web has given me
only two possibilities so far: 1) Use command lines Linux utilities (like
'grep', etc.) and text files; or 2) A program like TreePad, which is
available for both Windows and Linux platforms. Importing capabilities are
crucial. I also do not want to tie this database to any email program.

Anyone tried/using TreePad? How is it from a data managability standpoint?
Does it seem to work well in Mandrake Linux?

Any other possibilities?



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] ver. 9 virus protection

2002-12-13 Per discussione Owen Berio
I have bumbled my way through installation. Now I'm concerned about virus 
protection and a firewall.  Any help or suggestions for a fellow with a very 
log fog index would be appreciated.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] ver. 9 virus protection

2002-12-13 Per discussione Anthony Abby
On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 04:02, Owen Berio wrote:
 I have bumbled my way through installation. Now I'm concerned about virus 
 protection and a firewall.  Any help or suggestions for a fellow with a very 
 log fog index would be appreciated.

For a quick, yet powerful firewall, I'd suggest Firestarter. 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Mandrake - request for support! (v9.0)

2002-12-13 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 11:28, Gary Montalbine wrote:
 I have the same problem using 8.2. I asked a similar question a few weeks back 
 and the consensus seems to be a motherboard issue. I am using the Tyan S1598 
 Trinity MB. Fortunately mine will reboot. So I reboot into Win98 and shutdown 
 that way. M9.0 will not load.

In Ron's case it is not a motherboard issue.  He's a veteran Mandrake
enthusiast and has run versions 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2 on the hardware in
question with no major difficulties.

If Ron is sending a support request, that throws up flags.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Network Printer

2002-12-13 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 19:17, Gil Katz wrote:
 I got WinXP with HP815C that I shared
 In the network I have mandrake 9.0.
 How can I print from the Linux through the net sharing.

You should be able to run kaddprinterwizard and just follow through
the steps to setup a Windows Network printer - rather easily...

Fri Dec 13 20:34:59 EST 2002
  8:35pm  up 2 days, 12:57,  6 users,  load average: 0.51, 0.46, 0.34

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

character density, n.:
The number of very weird people in the office.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Three random GNOME questions

2002-12-13 Per discussione Noah A Hicks
I have three unrelated GNOME questions.
1.  How do I enable/disable the AA fonts?  When I boot up, I get logged
into GNOME with AA off.  If I logout and log back on, AA is on.
2. Why do applications like Galeon and Gnumeric use different font sizes
than those set in the GNOME desktop and how can I change this?  I have all
my fonts set at the 10 size in the GNOME but Galeon and Gnumeric and
anything that's not an intergral part of GNOME seems to use the 12 size
3.  I would like to use the GDM as my logon program.  Right now the KDE
logon manager is what I see when I logout of GNOME and I would like it to
be the GDM.

Thanks alot

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Have you got your LM90 preorders?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 13 December 2002 11:51 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 D@mn, Ron...you are really worrying me now.  I guess I need to look at
 examining this distro really close before I migrate.  What in the heck
 is going on?

 Where's Civileme when you need him?  :)



grin Well, Todd has been awful supportive so I'm hoping he'll jump in here 
adn be able to give me a fix. I checked the errata page as well as searching 
the list, but nothing has helped so far...

See ya!

PS I'm just waiting for some cough person to tell me that the answer is 
simple - just don't ever turn it off, Linux was meant to run 24/7 anyways!



   Dark Lord

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Freeze after install

2002-12-13 Per discussione Erik Miranda
 Hi,I just install Mandrake 9.0 in a toshiba satellite 1110/1115 with celeron processor and 256 in RAM. When the system comes up I got the following message,PCI: Device 00:1f.1 not available bacause of resource of collisionsAfter this messages it starts to boot, but hangs up in the following lineStarting pcmcia: [OK]And nothing happends after that.Someone have any idea about it ?Thank in advanceErik Miranda,Join Excite! - http://www.excite.comThe most personalized portal on the Web!

Re: [newbie] ver. 9 virus protection

2002-12-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 09:02:45 +
User-Agent: KMail/1.4.3

On Friday 13 Dec 2002 9:02 am, Owen Berio wrote:
 I have bumbled my way through installation. Now I'm concerned about virus
 protection and a firewall.  Any help or suggestions for a fellow with a
 very log fog index would be appreciated.

You already have the best  defence against viruses.
You are not using Outlook Express :)

Seriously. You would have to try very hard to catch a Linux virus. The Linux 
anti virus products you see are to detect *Windows* viruses to avoid passing 
them on in a mail server.

As for firewall.  Just press the firewall button in Mandrake Control 

Then go to http://scan.sygatetech.com/ and test it.


PS: Could you blank out the Reply to  field in your K Mail settings please. 
It is not necessary, and in a list like this replies end up going to you 
alone and not the list.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] noarc scr mdk rpms

2002-12-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings
Yes and no
The commands
urpmi.update -a
urpmi --auto-select

Would update your entire system with the latest and greatest of every package 
installed on your system from every source defined.

urpmi.update -a
urpmi --update --autoselect
would update only from the Mandrake updates server

urpmi package_name
will install the latest version of that package.

(The urpmi.update -a command simply makes the list of available packages up to 
date. You do not need it if updating from 'fixed' sources)

If you look at the mail I referenced, only one of those sources is restricted 
to Mandrake Club members. These are the commercial packages off the powerpack 
CDs. RPMS made by club members are in the 'unsupported folder' on the mirrors 
and are available by urpmi by anyone. None of those packages would be found 
on rpnfind.net


On Friday 13 Dec 2002 6:33 pm, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
 Hi Derek,

 Thanks for the info.  I was under the impression that urpmi would update my
 ENTIRE system, and not let me pick and choose which package I want to
 get/update, is this wrong?

 And also - is the number of packages available to non-mandrake-club-members
 (such as, alas, myself, I am living on a hyper-tight budget right now, with
 not ONE extra penny left) smaller than what one can find on rpmfind.net?

 Kind regards,


 BTW: There is nothing you will find on rpmfind.net you could not get
 urpmi.  By simply setting up a few data sources you could get anything on
 rpmfind plus more. You would search using Mandrake Software Manager or the
 urpmi command line. The big advantage is that all your dependency issues
 be sorted out for you.

 MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live 5.1

2002-12-13 Per discussione David Williams
Thanks to Stephen Kuhn and Bryan Tyson. The EMUL10K1 driver was already loaded 
and the hint from Stephen and Bryan Tyson on checking the mixers fixed the 
problem. Once I knew what I was looking for, I found the back ground speakers 
were turned completely down.  -- Everything works fine now. Thanks again

On Thursday 12 December 2002 11:26 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 13:54, David Williams wrote:
  I noticed that my sound card  (Sound Blaster Live 5.1) wasn't playing
  background to the back speakers and sub-woofer when I installed Mandrake
  As near as I can figure, I need to install the EMUL10K1 driver.  However,
  it appears that I need to recompile, etc. etc. etc.  Before I did all of
  this, I wanted to see ifanyone knew if I was doing the right thing or if
  I was hunting through the weeds in the wrong direction.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] just a comment [WAY OT now]

2002-12-13 Per discussione Meliton
On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 19:13, Vasiliy Boulytchev wrote:
 how bored are we...  im loving this though, keep going.

Since you insist... :)

Isn't it funny the amount of attention OT gets? I don't know about
others, but I know why I reply to this. I'm such a total ignoramus of
all things Linux, but hooked to the list and learning, that when I see a
theme I actually have an opinion on, I go for it.

Someone asked what makes this sort of list tick, and even I can have an
opinion on such matters. This being also the first mailing list I've
ever been on, and from not very long at that, I had no previous
experience of what they meant by flame. Holy shit.

So after reading some replies directed at me, and then re-reading the
pretty innocent (honestly) posts that triggered them, I have decided to
never again post OT, ever (this is an exeption, hehe, never believe my
hyperboles). I take a hint, and if I feel philosophical I'll just go
to an appropriate place, or shut up.

Just one concrete answer to one concrete question: no, english is not my
mother tongue. You can tell by the tortured syntax, I guess, though it
disappoints me that it should be so apparent. Oh well.


P.S. Has anybody heard of Godwin's Law?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] just a comment [WAY OT now]

2002-12-13 Per discussione Robin Turner
Meliton wrote:

Someone asked what makes this sort of list tick, and even I can have an
opinion on such matters. This being also the first mailing list I've
ever been on, and from not very long at that, I had no previous
experience of what they meant by flame. Holy shit.

As flames go, the stuff you see on this list is nothing - this is 
actually a pretty friendly and polite list, which is one reason I'm 
still subscribed to it.  Real classic flaming is stuff like

BWAHAHAHAHAHAH U sux donkey balls  U use winbloze so u 
obvouisly don't kno shit.  GET OFFF THIS LIST YOU MORON!!

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] just a comment [WAY OT now]

2002-12-13 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 07:40, Robin Turner wrote:

 As flames go, the stuff you see on this list is nothing - this is 
 actually a pretty friendly and polite list, which is one reason I'm 
 still subscribed to it.  Real classic flaming is stuff like
 BWAHAHAHAHAHAH U sux donkey balls  U use winbloze so u 
 obvouisly don't kno shit.  GET OFFF THIS LIST YOU MORON!!
 Sir Robin

I dunno mate...that's subtle flaming...REAL flaming comes with tact,
intellect, witty yet patronizing barbs - as well as outside
attacks...not that I pursue such, but it does come into play when
politics and religion are concerned...especially with my overly
defensive culturally myopic ex-countrymen...

Sat Dec 14 08:40:00 EST 2002
  8:40am  up 3 days,  1:02,  5 users,  load average: 0.24, 0.12, 0.11

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

A failure will not appear until a unit has passed final inspection.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT: Free-Form Linux Database

2002-12-13 Per discussione Technoslick
Thanks for the referral, Spence.

I took a look at the site. It looks pretty powerful and capable. It also
looks a little initmidating for me a this point. Learning curve is an issue;
I haven't delved in XML as yet. I've bookmarked the site and will seriously
look into it when I get some free time.


- Original Message -
From: Spencer Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT: Free-Form Linux Database

Check out eXist at exist.sourceforge.net. It's supposed to be a free-form
java based database for text documents. I haven't had time to really looked
at it but it may help you. If you get it up and running, let us know on the


On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 11:52:02 -0500
Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like some feedback from anyone who has found and is using any
 free-form database program in Linux. Something similar in nature to
 I wish to migrate all of thousands (literally) emails, tech notes and
 minutia to an easily accessible and usable program that allows advanced
 search, sorting, formatting and printing capabilitities (not command
 Free-form, not structures, is the key! My search on the Web has given me
 only two possibilities so far: 1) Use command lines Linux utilities (like
 'grep', etc.) and text files; or 2) A program like TreePad, which is
 available for both Windows and Linux platforms. Importing capabilities are
 crucial. I also do not want to tie this database to any email program.

 Anyone tried/using TreePad? How is it from a data managability standpoint?
 Does it seem to work well in Mandrake Linux?

 Any other possibilities?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Linux installation Router Advice

2002-12-13 Per discussione FemmeFatale

All I'm asking is there any special things I need to know when installing 
linux behind a router?

I bought one recently, works great with the windows installs... Took some 
fiddling but its all good now.

So any special caveats, instructions, advice? warnings?


Good Decisions You boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Have you got your LM90 preorders?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Bob Read
Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 Is there anybody on this list that has NOT recieved their LM90
 preorders?  Besides me?
Yes.  I received an email from Mandrakestore with apology saying
the batch of mis-directed orders would be shipped starting Monday
December 2.  It has now been more than two weeks since that email.

What really gets me is that they have been on the shelves in the
local Best Buy store for weeks.  I should have waited and bought
it locally.

Bob Read  // Registered Linux user #287118

Soli Deo Gloria-Solus Christus-Sola Gratia-Sola Fide-Sola Scriptura

The Church of The Master [Baptist]
Providence, Rhode Island

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Linux installation Router Advice

2002-12-13 Per discussione Rog
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 15:18:11 -0700, you wrote:

All I'm asking is there any special things I need to know when installing 
linux behind a router?

I bought one recently, works great with the windows installs... Took some 
fiddling but its all good now.

So any special caveats, instructions, advice? warnings?

Mandrake-linux, for me, is actually easier to get going when behind a
router. I don't think you should have any problems.


Good Decisions You boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert



The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion 
we have of ourselves with the appalling things 
that other people think about us. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Have you got your LM90 preorders?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Greg
I got my email saying that also about two weeks ago and I got mine yesterday
Bob Read [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 Is there anybody on this list that has NOT recieved their LM90
 preorders?  Besides me?
Yes.  I received an email from Mandrakestore with apology saying
the batch of mis-directed orders would be shipped starting Monday
December 2.  It has now been more than two weeks since that email.

What really gets me is that they have been on the shelves in the
local Best Buy store for weeks.  I should have waited and bought
it locally.

Bob Read  // Registered Linux user #287118

Soli Deo Gloria-Solus Christus-Sola Gratia-Sola Fide-Sola Scriptura

The Church of The Master [Baptist]
Providence, Rhode Island

Linux   The Number one Os

The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! 

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at http://webmail.netscape.com/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Linux installation Router Advice

2002-12-13 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 09:18, FemmeFatale wrote:
 All I'm asking is there any special things I need to know when installing 
 linux behind a router?
 I bought one recently, works great with the windows installs... Took some 
 fiddling but its all good now.
 So any special caveats, instructions, advice? warnings?

Shouldn't be...unless you're accessing your linbox from the outside

Sat Dec 14 10:15:01 EST 2002
 10:15am  up 3 days,  2:37,  5 users,  load average: 1.79, 0.67, 0.39

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

What happened last night can happen again.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] just a comment [WAY OT now]

2002-12-13 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 10:06 PM 12/13/2002 +0100, you wrote:

On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 19:13, Vasiliy Boulytchev wrote:
 how bored are we...  im loving this though, keep going.

Since you insist... :)

Someone asked what makes this sort of list tick, and even I can have an
opinion on such matters. This being also the first mailing list I've
ever been on, and from not very long at that, I had no previous
experience of what they meant by flame. Holy shit.

If I get flamed for saying this, so be it. I'm used to it.

Meliton, jsut ignore the ppl who flame ya.  They're just ppl who have their 
sphincters in a knot.  Hell with em.  Its a list, yes.  Its public 
yes.  But sometimes we need threads like this just to lighten up a little 
for a while.  And who wants to be bored silly by just tech questions  
answers all the time? *shrugs* not me thats for sure.

Altho I must say too to keep in mind ppl who are metered on their 
service.  Please cut  snip posts to a reasonable size for those 
ppl.  (This last bit is info for those new to the list only, as it has been 
addressed before.)

Good Decisions You boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] PHP Editor

2002-12-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 12 December 2002 10:14 pm, Warren Post wrote:
 El jue, 12-12-2002 a las 04:55, Mr. VLE79E escribió:
  Anyway knows a good PHP Code Editor that support indentation and text

 Bluefish. It's on your installation disks.

Quanta+ is pretty nice, I use it frequently. Straightforward and functional.
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] just a comment [WAY OT now]

2002-12-13 Per discussione German
On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 00:39, FemmeFatale wrote:

 Meliton, jsut ignore the ppl who flame ya.  They're just ppl who have their 
 sphincters in a knot.  Hell with em.  Its a list, yes.  Its public 
 yes.  But sometimes we need threads like this just to lighten up a little 
 for a while.  And who wants to be bored silly by just tech questions  
 answers all the time? *shrugs* not me thats for sure.

Thanks. Yeah, I had a bad moment there when I saw the reactions. It was
totally unexpected, that's all. Feeling more relaxed now.

I know I said I wouldn't do this any more but, to paraphrase Larkin, I
misjudged myself. Or lied.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Re: Simple (???) email question

2002-12-13 Per discussione John McQuillen
On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 01:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Stephen Kuhn writes: 
  On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 09:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have two linux boxes connected to an Ethernet hub.  In the /etc/hosts file 
  on each computer I have the IP address, fully qualified name (for the local 
  domain) and alias of the other machine.  I can ping and FTP the other box 
  without a problem.  
  But if I try to email the other box, the email sits in the queue and 
  eventually I get an error message saying the domain couldn't be found and 
  the message is undeliverable.  
  I thought that by having an entry in /etc/hosts the mail program would query 
  the other computer to see if there was an account on that host to receive 
  the email.  
  Do I really need to set up one of the computers as the server on such a 
  simple network? 
  You have to make sure that POP3 is running as a service. 

 my understanding of pop3 was that the emails were held on a remote server 
 until you retrieved them. 
 I wanted to send an email directly from box A to box B.  I didn't want 
 client B to have to retrieve email being held on server A. 

 As well, you're
  going to have to double check your POSTFIX configurations as well. 
 I actually left the postfix configurations at the default, since the 
 comments within the config file said it would get my hostname and domain 
 through system variables ($HOSTNAME and $HOSTDOMAIN or something like that) 
 I guess I could fiddle with the postfix settings too...

You don't need pop3, this will work between the postfix daemons of the
two boxes... however, for reasons I haven't yet bothered to investigate,
postfix now maintains its own hosts file and resolv.conf. You need to
make sure that your /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf are the same as
/var/spool/postfix/etc/hosts and /var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf.

That should fix it. You should really only have to mail user@alias
(/etc/hosts) to successfully send mail between the boxes. But without a
valid resolv.conf, you won't be able to send mail outside either.

'postfix check' will let you know if these files are out of sync.

Hope that helps,



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Re: [newbie] just a comment [WAY OT now]

2002-12-13 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Friday 13 December 2002 03:40 pm, Robin Turner wrote:

 As flames go, the stuff you see on this list is nothing - this is
 actually a pretty friendly and polite list, which is one reason I'm
 still subscribed to it.  Real classic flaming is stuff like

 BWAHAHAHAHAHAH U sux donkey balls  U use winbloze so u
 obvouisly don't kno shit.  GET OFFF THIS LIST YOU MORON!!

 Sir Robin

Sir Robin:
May I have your permission to use the above as a signature? (I've heard about 
Turkish prisons; not a good venue to be the defendant in an IP lawsuit.)
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] just a comment [WAY OT now]

2002-12-13 Per discussione Robin Turner
Carroll Grigsby wrote:

On Friday 13 December 2002 03:40 pm, Robin Turner wrote:

As flames go, the stuff you see on this list is nothing - this is
actually a pretty friendly and polite list, which is one reason I'm
still subscribed to it.  Real classic flaming is stuff like

BWAHAHAHAHAHAH U sux donkey balls  U use winbloze so u
obvouisly don't kno shit.  GET OFFF THIS LIST YOU MORON!!

Sir Robin

Sir Robin:
May I have your permission to use the above as a signature? (I've heard about 
Turkish prisons; not a good venue to be the defendant in an IP lawsuit.)
-- cmg

You want to use that as a sig??! Go ahead.

BTW, Turkish prisons are generally quite comfortable.  Overcrowded and 
lacking in facilities, but nothing like Midnight Express at all.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] rm and the -i option

2002-12-13 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 05:21, Michael Adams wrote:
 These are preset for you in a script file somewhere by the helpful Mandrake 
 people (the default is to have the -i flag disabled), but for the life of me 
 i cant remember which script file. You could find / grep on alias rm. I am 
 assuming you are used to the normal default behaviour of the command. It is 
 not just rm, several have it turned on.

If you really want to find out where some relevant script files are, a
good place to start is /etc and then do 

rgrep -rl rm - * | less

Which searches the contents of the files for the string.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdkEvolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Two Boxes (Linux and Win)

2002-12-13 Per discussione Warren Post
El jue, 12-12-2002 a las 11:48, Mr. VLE79E escribió:
 I am planning to run two boxes. A Linux box to be my http server and a win 
 box for developing web sites...

I'm not answering your question, but if you don't mind my jumping in may
I suggest you rethink your idea to use a Windows box for website
development. I do websites and use Windows only at gunpoint. The apps
available in Linux are so far beyond what Windows has to offer that
there is no comparison.

Code editors? Bluefish and Quanta beat their Windows brethren.
Preprocessors? What few there are for Windows are mostly ports or
ripoffs from *nix. WYSIWYG? I recommend hand coding, but IBM's Websphere
stands up well to Dreamweaver. M$ Runt Page is too unworthy for
comparison. Image editors? Gimp compares very well to Photoshop.

Granted, if you have a favorite tool that you just can't live without,
you might be stuck with Windows if it won't run in Wine. I still need a
Windows box around to test my sites in M$IE. And if you do ASP, you may
well want your web server to be IIS on Windows. But in general, I think
you'll find Linux far superior to Windows for website development. YMMV,
as always.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Mandrake 9 firewall question

2002-12-13 Per discussione Andrei Raevsky

When I launch my firewall configurator in the Mandrake Control Center, I get 
the following message:

make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access with drakconnet 
before going any further

Well, I have not.  I installed Mandrake 9 on a laptop with a modem, so I 
could not configure any connection during the inital installation since my 
laptop came with a so-called Winmodem.  I had to hack it with with a 
Linmodem RPM to get any internet access at all.  Now all works fine.  I 
connect to my ISP with a dial-up (slow: 28) using kppp.  At no stage did 
drakconnect ever get involved.  Does this mean that I cannot install the 
firewall offered by Mandrake 9 or that I need at all costs to use the 
Mandrake connection utility rather than KDE kppp?  From my (very limited) 
understanding of firewalls all that the Mandrake firewall does is block 
certain ports (such as telnet or ftp) and if this is so - why this warning 
message?  Who cares how my connection was configured as long as the right 
ports are closed?

Thanks for any help with this!



Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*  

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9 firewall question

2002-12-13 Per discussione Graham
You can install the firewall but if you are using ppp to access the net 
you will have to make a change or two so the the firewall recognises 
that you are accessing via a modem

1.install the firewall and it will ask some configuration questions 
check the appropriate boxesfor the services you need.

2.copy all of the files from



3.edit /etc/shorewall/interfaces file and change 'eth0' at the 
bottom of the file to 'ppp0'


#Example 3:You have a simple dial-in system with no ethernet
#connections and you want to ignore ping requests.


Works great for me HTH


Andrei Raevsky wrote:


When I launch my firewall configurator in the Mandrake Control Center, 
I get the following message:

make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access with 
drakconnet before going any further

Well, I have not.  I installed Mandrake 9 on a laptop with a modem, so 
I could not configure any connection during the inital installation 
since my laptop came with a so-called Winmodem.  I had to hack it with 
with a Linmodem RPM to get any internet access at all.  Now all works 
fine.  I connect to my ISP with a dial-up (slow: 28) using kppp.  At 
no stage did drakconnect ever get involved.  Does this mean that I 
cannot install the firewall offered by Mandrake 9 or that I need at 
all costs to use the Mandrake connection utility rather than KDE 
kppp?  From my (very limited) understanding of firewalls all that the 
Mandrake firewall does is block certain ports (such as telnet or ftp) 
and if this is so - why this warning message?  Who cares how my 
connection was configured as long as the right ports are closed?

Thanks for any help with this!



Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*  

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Antivirus for Linux

2002-12-13 Per discussione Rifza Adriansyah
Hi everyone,
I read on magazine that the first virus was created is Elk Cloner. It 
is a virus for Unix. I am a little bit worried about virus threat in 
Linux. Because, I am just an end-user. I have downloaded  F-Prot and 
Antivir for Linux for non-commercial use. Which one is the best ?.
Thank you for your opinion. I am sorry if my English is bad. I am 
still learning English.

Rifza Adriansyah

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Have you got your LM90 preorders?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Dale Huckeby

On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Greg wrote:

 I got my email saying that also about two weeks ago and I got mine yesterday
 Bob Read [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Got mine today.

Dale Huckeby

 Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  Is there anybody on this list that has NOT recieved their LM90
  preorders?  Besides me?
 Yes.  I received an email from Mandrakestore with apology saying
 the batch of mis-directed orders would be shipped starting Monday
 December 2.  It has now been more than two weeks since that email.
 What really gets me is that they have been on the shelves in the
 local Best Buy store for weeks.  I should have waited and bought
 it locally.
 Bob Read  // Registered Linux user #287118
 Soli Deo Gloria-Solus Christus-Sola Gratia-Sola Fide-Sola Scriptura
 The Church of The Master [Baptist]
 Providence, Rhode Island

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Have you got your LM90 preorders?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 13 December 2002 10:05 pm, Dale Huckeby wrote:

   Got mine today.

 Dale Huckeby

I've never even gotten an e-mail concerning anything about my order. :-(


Dark Lord

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Samba

2002-12-13 Per discussione David Williams
OK, I give up.
I have a four computer network at home. I am running Linux on mine and Win98 
on the other three. I have been using Samba  so I can copy files and etc and 
to share a printer on my computer with the others. 

Everything has been working fine and now my computer and printer can't be seen 
on the net. (I have very recently changed the monitor settings from 800X600 
to 1024X768 and got my background sound to work.)  That is the only thing 
that I have done.

Under SWAT smb is running and nmb is not if I try to start nmb I get the 
errors below logged to the log.nmbd file.

I have no idea what is failing or how to fix it or where to look to find out 
how to fix it.

[2002/12/13 20:22:16, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:main(794)
  Netbios nameserver version 2.2.6pre2 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1994-2002
[2002/12/13 20:22:16, 0] nmbd/nmbd_subnetdb.c:create_subnets(239)
  create_subnets: No local interfaces !
[2002/12/13 20:22:16, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:main(872)
  ERROR: Failed when creating subnet lists. Exiting.
[2002/12/13 20:22:28, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:main(794)
  Netbios nameserver version 2.2.6pre2 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1994-2002
[2002/12/13 20:22:28, 0] nmbd/nmbd_subnetdb.c:create_subnets(239)
  create_subnets: No local interfaces !
[2002/12/13 20:22:28, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:main(872)
  ERROR: Failed when creating subnet lists. Exiting.
[2002/12/13 20:39:35, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:main(794)
  Netbios nameserver version 2.2.6pre2 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1994-2002
[2002/12/13 20:39:35, 0] nmbd/nmbd_subnetdb.c:create_subnets(239)
  create_subnets: No local interfaces !
[2002/12/13 20:39:35, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:main(872)
  ERROR: Failed when creating subnet lists. Exiting.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Webcam won't connect to remote host.

2002-12-13 Per discussione Brian Trainor
Hello again, and thanks go out to Nikunj for the help yesterday.

So, I got the whole thing installed now, and now I get all new fun.  I'm 
trying to get webcam to connect to a remote host via SSH and I believe I have 
the config set up right, but it gives me a broken pipe error every time I try 
to connect.  Here's what I get when I flag the config for debug mode:
excess crap deleted
ssh config [ftp]:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@namegoeshere.com:/directory/stuff
   what.jpg = image.jpg
webcam 2002-12-13 23:27:20
ssh: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Name or service not known
Broken pipe

For even more fun, I decided to try this in FTP mode, here are my results:

[ftp] ftp
[ftp] pass
[ftp] pass
[ftp] Passive mode off.
[ftp] ftp
[ftp] close
[ftp] close
[ftp] Not connected.
ftp: lost connection
[ftp] ftp
[ftp] open ftp.namegoeshere.com
[ftp] open ftp.namegoeshere.com
[ftp] Connected to ftp.namegoeshere.com
[ftp] 220 ProFTPD FTP Server ready
[ftp] 500 AUTH not understood.
[ftp] 500 AUTH not understood.
[ftp] KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type
[ftp] ftp
ftp: connect failed, sleeping 5 sec

Basically just scrolls that. with increments of sleep time going up each time.  
When I try to connect via SSH or FTP from the command line I don't have any 
problems.  What did I screw up this time?  

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] GNOME questions

2002-12-13 Per discussione Noah A Hicks
I would like to know the answers to a couple of questions regarding GNOME
that have been bugging me for a while.  Thanks to anyone to feels like
answering the less-than-critical queries.

1.  How do I set up my computer to use the GNOME desktop manager for my
logging in/out?  Presently, the I see a KDE screen whenever I logout.

2.  How do I get anti aliasing to be either on or off? Right now whenever
I boot up I get logged into GNOME with AA off automatically.  If I log
back on AA is on.  I have no idea how to turn it on or off.  I would like
to be in control of what it's doing.

3.  How can I adjust the size of program fonts in programs like Galeon and
Gnumeric.  It is easy to change the sizes of fonts in GNOME and I
presently have all my fonts set to the 10 size.  Galeon and Gnumeric
however, use the 12 size which is too large for a 800x600 laptop display.

thanks alot

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] setting default browser for kmail

2002-12-13 Per discussione ashutosh
I want that if i click on a url in a message the url should open in 
netscape.How that can be set.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Unexpected Installation Failure

2002-12-13 Per discussione Bryan Tyson
I have a K62-500 system on which I have installed several different 
Linux distros in the past (versions of SuSE and Mandrake). I had 
Mandrake 8.2 in the house and decided to put it on this system. The 
installer behaved very oddly when it reached package selection, and 
ultimately it did not work. I decided, OK, let's try SuSE 8.1. Same 
thing. Once it hit package selection, it failed.

A little web searching seemed to indicate these later versions don't 
even work with K62. Mandrake had a patch on their site, but I could not 
get it to work even with the patch. Reading the SuSE box, I found in 
the hardware requirements, for AMD it only lists Duron, Athlon, Athlon 
XP and Athlon MP.  The Mandrake site also said it would not work with 
Pentium I.

In this case I installed Mandrake 8.1, and it worked great.

I guess a K62 500 MHz is not very modern, but I would hardly consider it 
obsolete. It has plenty of pep for use in the office. Linux used to 
have an advantage for working with older hardware. It looks like that 
advantage is being lost.

Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Webcam won't connect to remote host.

2002-12-13 Per discussione Bryan Tyson
On Friday 13 December 2002 23:41, Brian Trainor wrote:

 ftp: connect failed, sleeping 5 sec
 Basically just scrolls that. with increments of sleep time going up
 each time.   When I try to connect via SSH or FTP from the command
 line I don't have any problem

I don't know how this fits into the picture, but I had a similar 
experience with webcam. There was a time when it would ftp with no 
problem. Then for no apparent reason it began doing what you describe 
above. Ultimately what I did was have webcam save the images to a local 
file, and I had cron run a script that would upload the file using 
ncftp. Why this was necessary I never figured out, but it worked quite 

Nowadays I use camstream to capture and upload my webcam shots, and I am 
very happy with it.

Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] v9.0 -out, v8.2 -back in... :-(

2002-12-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Okay, i give up. After about 3 days of fighting with v9.0 (3 CD download 
edition) I'm calling it quits and reinstalling v8.2. I tried noapic, I 
tried noacpi, etc, etc... Occasionally, I could actually boot up, after 
doing rescue (all installations go just fine - its that first reboot - forget 
it - locks up hard). Even then, it usually would not boot up 2 times in a row 
without locking up. Also, 1 time I got it to shutdown or reboot using 
shutdown -r or -h now. Every other attempt would up with a:

sending all processes the TERM signal  OK
sending all processes the KILL signal...

and nothing - locks up there.

Whats so frustrating is that this same 3 CD set installed perfectly on a much 
older computer here with far less specs. This one, my main computer is only 
about a year old. Go figure.

Now, some may say bad memory, bad HD, etc,etc,...okay maybe - altough like I 
said its all brand name and less than 1 year old. Besides that, it was 
perfectly stable with v8.2, and I'm back with 8.2 right now and its as stable 
as a rock. (booting up fine, shutting down fine).

I asked for support from Mandrake - Zero replies so far. (still got my 
fingers crossed there). I've got the 9.0 DVD/manuals ordered (and they have 
already cashed my check). I sure hope that it does better than the download 

In the past, I've noticed that problems I encountered with download editions 
tended to disappear with the Powerpacks. I'm hoping the same is true, 
otherwise, I'll be stuck with a useless DVD.

If anyone else can shed light on this, please...put me out of my misery. :-)

When I actually had it installed/running (as long as I didn't 
shutdown/reboot!), v9.0 looks really great. I like it - I hope I actually get 
to use it here...

Catch everyone later...


 Dark Lord

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Two Boxes (Linux and Win)

2002-12-13 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 13:22, Warren Post wrote:
 El jue, 12-12-2002 a las 11:48, Mr. VLE79E escribió:
  I am planning to run two boxes. A Linux box to be my http server and a win 
  box for developing web sites...
 I'm not answering your question, but if you don't mind my jumping in may
 I suggest you rethink your idea to use a Windows box for website
 development. I do websites and use Windows only at gunpoint. The apps
 available in Linux are so far beyond what Windows has to offer that
 there is no comparison.
 Code editors? Bluefish and Quanta beat their Windows brethren.
 Preprocessors? What few there are for Windows are mostly ports or
 ripoffs from *nix. WYSIWYG? I recommend hand coding, but IBM's Websphere
 stands up well to Dreamweaver. M$ Runt Page is too unworthy for
 comparison. Image editors? Gimp compares very well to Photoshop.
 Granted, if you have a favorite tool that you just can't live without,
 you might be stuck with Windows if it won't run in Wine. I still need a
 Windows box around to test my sites in M$IE. And if you do ASP, you may
 well want your web server to be IIS on Windows. But in general, I think
 you'll find Linux far superior to Windows for website development. YMMV,
 as always.

For my situation, I just run WinXP Pro in a VMWare window - do
everything without ever leaving linux...and yeah, hand coding is better
- at least you're IN CONTROL of what code yer throwing on the web...

I've also tweaked out my WINE so that I can run some apps under linux -
like Fractal Painter 5.0 - currently working on CorelDraw10...just a few
more dll's to trace out...

In our home network, the linux box is the mail server, internet
router/firewall, dns server internally, dhcp server, web server, ftp
server, samba server (PDC), newsgroup server (only a few) - the other
boxes that ARE Windows are generally for either the wife to check eBay,
do mail and play solitaire, or for testing...but all in all, the one
linux box is doing the job of two Windows machines - and more...

Where else can you run Win98SE, WinXP Pro and OS/2 all at the same time
without ever leaving your home environment or having more than one

Sat Dec 14 18:25:00 EST 2002
  6:25pm  up 3 days, 10:47,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.04, 0.12

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

What this country needs is a good five cent microcomputer.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Antivirus for Linux

2002-12-13 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 13:41, Rifza Adriansyah wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I read on magazine that the first virus was created is Elk Cloner. It 
 is a virus for Unix. I am a little bit worried about virus threat in 
 Linux. Because, I am just an end-user. I have downloaded  F-Prot and 
 Antivir for Linux for non-commercial use. Which one is the best ?.
 Thank you for your opinion. I am sorry if my English is bad. I am 
 still learning English.
 Rifza Adriansyah

You're doing just fine.
It's very rare for a linux system to get a bug. Really. Consider that
most bugs out there are written by young people that live in Windows.
They can't write bugs for linux because they're not familiar with the
OS; and it's significantly harder to write a program or a script to harm
a linux (or other unix) machine - best way to hurt a linux box is
directly attacking the ports with DoD/DoS and other port jamming
strategies...IF they work...

So, all in all, you don't have much to worry about. Enjoy linux.

Sat Dec 14 18:30:01 EST 2002
  6:30pm  up 3 days, 10:52,  5 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.05, 0.09

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

|____  | kühn media australia
|   /  \ /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com
|  .\__/ || |   |  | 
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
|  ;/ / | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Many people feel that if you won't let them make you happy, they'll make you

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] XCDroast primary read device.

2002-12-13 Per discussione g

John Richard Smith wrote:

 I stand corrected, well spotted.
 Though this is good proctice , and I for one recommend it,
 for some reason, it does not always apply, do not know
 why. But yes the spaces are important and ought to be

omitting a leading space in an 'append=' is a common error that is often made.
as you state, 'it does not always apply', but in lilo it has, and lilo is a
very common place for error to occur.

but then again... just for sake of knowledge, i decided to rewrite lilo.conf
with a new label and remove leading space in 'append='.

surprise, surprise. md8.1 booted with out errors. looks like 'they' may have
rewritten lilo to remove need for leading space.

peace out.


 think green...
save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Have you got your LM90 preorders?

2002-12-13 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 14:40, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Friday 13 December 2002 10:05 pm, Dale Huckeby wrote:
Got mine today.
  Dale Huckeby
 I've never even gotten an e-mail concerning anything about my order. :-(

It's stuck at the Knott County line...

Sat Dec 14 18:35:00 EST 2002
  6:35pm  up 3 days, 10:57,  5 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.09, 0.09

   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.

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|   /  \ /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com
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|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kühn
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808
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|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU

Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

Standing room only on the bus.

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