Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-30 at 12:47:17, Larry Wall wrote:
> (Anybody know of a version of pine that does UTF-8?)
Yes - it's called mutt. ☺

Seriously, I do highly recommend switching from pine to mutt.  It's not
a completely painless transition, since mutt is more ELMlike than PINElike,
but I know many who have made the switch and never looked back.  And mutt
does do UTF-8 just fine, including converting automagically between
it and various other character sets (whichever ones your iconv library
knows about).

And I continue to see no French quotes whatsoever in your messages,
while those from other people either come through fine or come through
with Latin-1 French quotes marked as UTF-8.  Very odd.

Mark REED| CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW0831G  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atlanta, GA 30348  USA   | +1 404 827 4754

email encoding of the french quote characters (ISO_8859_1 0xab and 0xbb)

2002-10-31 Thread David Dyck

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 at 12:17 -0800, Michael Lazzaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> On Wednesday, October 30, 2002, at 11:58  AM, Larry Wall wrote:
> > I'd even be willing to give up ´foo bar bazª meaning qw(foo bar baz)
> > for this.
> I can't see that right (MacOSX Jaguar) in the email; to me it looks
> like a forwardtick and an, um, underlined 'a' -- but in spite of that,
> I'm game.  It's just so pretty (when it works!)
> On my Mac, it's spelled «op» -- can others see that correctly, or do we
> have a sorry disconnect in the fonts, here, for us Mac folks?

This concerns me, so forgive this partial digression.

When I tried to read Larry's message there were no characters
around the foo bar bas (which arrived as
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT)

I just saw
"I'd even be willing to give up foo bar baz meaning qw(foo bar baz)
for this."
in both pine and lookout, and my spool files.

I was quite surprized when I saw Larry's message quoted with the
characters in question in Austin's message (arrived
as Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii)
> I'd even be willing to give up «foo bar baz» meaning qw(foo bar baz)
> for this.

How did they get transformed to the funny 0xb4 and 0xaa characters
in Micheal's quote. (arrived as Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable_


RE: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Dyck, David

> -Original Message-
> From: Austin Hastings [mailto:austin_hastings@;] 
> How do you write a < in a Windows based environment? (Other than by
> copying them from Larry's emails or loading MSWord to do
> insert->symbol)

You could use the Character Map accessory to put
the character into the clipboard, or
press the alt and hold the alt key while typing 0171 (or 0187)
< alt+0171
> alt+0187

Re: Iterators [was: worth adding collections to the core language?]

2002-10-31 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Luke Palmer wrote:

I wonder if @things should have a more general interface than
numerical indices.  I've wanted linked lists in perl, and every time I
do a splice on an array I cringe for speed reasons.

Heh, we could use my "linked array" implementation.  Or not.

Please have a look at list.c, which is the engine for *Array classes.

But I think we need a concept of iterators in the core.  

There were some patches floating around. Dunno what happened to them.



Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread Me
> > %a ^:union[op] %b
> >
> > %a :foo[op]:bar %b
> I think that any operators over 10 characters should
> be banished, and replaced with functions.

I'd agree with that. In fact probably anything over 4,
and even 4 is seriously pushing it.

I'll clarify that I am talking here about using adverbs.

>From A3 (about the colon):

Hence, this operator modifies a preceding operator
adverbially. ... It can be used to supply a ``step'' to a
range operator, for instance.

I would expect the length of these adverbs to fall in a
range somewhat the same as properties. So a word
like 'union' is reasonable, and even 'intersection' too.

Ignoring hyperoperators, one might use an adverb thus:

$a / $b : dbz_Inf

to have a divide by zero be treated as Infinity.

I can see scope for a bunch of adverbs that control how
a particular hyperoperation works. Thus, perhaps:

@a ^[/] @b : short

to stop iteration when the shortest of two arrays is used up.

But this assumes that the adverb applies to the ^[]
hyperop, not the / op.

Perhaps this is resolved thus:

@a ^[/ : dbz_Inf] @b : short

But I also suspect it would be good to be able to
associate distinct adverbs with the lhs and rhs of
a binary operation.

So I thought perhaps one could go down the path of 

@a ^ :step(2) [/ : dbz_Inf] :step(3) @b : short

Hmm. Perhaps hyperop adverbs are preceded with
a ^ and one gets instead:

@a ^[/] @b : dbz_Inf, ^short, ^step(2,3)


Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread Markus Laire
On 31 Oct 2002 at 0:40, John Williams wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Me wrote:
> > %a ^:union[op] %b
> >
> > %a :foo[op]:bar %b
> I think that any operators over 10 characters should be banished, and
> replaced with functions.

I don't think there should be any upper limit for operator-lengths.

e.g. When teaching perl to my little brothers (still at primary
school) I might want to use alphabetical userdefined operators:

print 1 + 5 - 4 / 2
print one plus five minus four divided_by two
(and same in finnish)
näytä yksi plus viisi miinus neljä jaettuna kaksi

At least it wouldn't harm anyone to allow this.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Iain 'Spoon' Truskett
* Dyck, David ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [31 Oct 2002 19:21]:

> You could use the Character Map accessory to put
> the character into the clipboard, or
> press the alt and hold the alt key while typing 0171 (or 0187)
> < alt+0171
> > alt+0187

To be honest, as easy as it is to type ^a^v<< or ^k<<,[1] it's still
typing an awful lot just to get a character. Surely the Perl operator
Huffman encoding should take into account the length of time it takes to
type the darn thing.

Personally, I'm against non US-ascii chars being part of the core
language. It's fine if people want their Unicode identifiers, or import
modules to change operators, but I'd like to think I can at least read
and write my own code in non-Latin-1 environments.

[1] screen and vim respectively, although I could always make vim treat
<< as an abbreviation for the guillemet, although that would
interfere with heredocs),

Iain, who carefully didn't use any « or » chars until just then. Oops.

Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Uri Guttman writes:

 >  %hash1.values [+]= %hash2{%hash1.keys} ;
but here is exactly example analogous to 

my Dog $x = new Dog . 

which was discusse dand turned  to

my Dog $x .= new ; 
It's (almost) clear what you want when you write 

%hash1 [+]= %hash2 ; 

so why to screen the meaning with several ( almost ) unnecessary 
words . 

And besides, If that will be usefull there will be somebody who will 
make those shortcuts. 

aracdi . 

Perl6 Operator List (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Michael Lazzaro writes:
 > OK, by my count -- after editing to reflect Larry's notes -- only a few 
 > issues remain before the ops list can be completed.
 > 1) Need a definitive syntax for hypers,
 >  ^[op]  and  «op»
 > have been most seriously proposed -- something that keeps a
 > bracketed syntax, but solves ambiguity issues.
 > 2) Possible inclusion of unary prefix ^, meaning "complement".
 > (Assuming doesn't conflict with (1))
 > 3) Possible inclusion of "like"/"unlike" or similar as synonyms for ~~ 
 > !~.  Which we don't have to decide now.
 > All other op issues, by my count, revolve around the meanings of 
 > specific hyperop constructs.  There is one, overriding question with 
 > the hyperops, which is the precise relation between an op, an 
 > assignment op, and their (three!) hyperop equivs:
 >   A   op   B
 >   A   op=  B
 >   A ^[op]  B
 >   A ^[op=] B
 >   A ^[op]= B
 > If we can formalize the precise relationship between the three hypers 
 > in the presence of scalar and list (and hash?) values for A and B, I 
 > believe we can answer nearly all the hyperop questions definitively.  
 > For example:
 > @a ^[op] @b   #  array v array
 > $a ^[op] @b   # scalar v array
 > @a ^[op] $b   #  array v scalar
 > $a ^[op] $b   # scalar v scalar
 > @a ^[op=] @b   #  array v array
 > $a ^[op=] @b   # scalar v array
 > @a ^[op=] $b   #  array v scalar
 > $a ^[op=] $b   # scalar v scalar
 > @a ^[op]= @b   #  array v array
 > $a ^[op]= @b   # scalar v array
 > @a ^[op]= $b   #  array v scalar
 > $a ^[op]= $b   # scalar v scalar

and also this : 
  %a ^[op]= @b   #  hash v array
  %a ^[op]= $b   # hash  v scalar
  %a ^[op]= %b   # hash  v hash
  @a ^[op]= %b   #  array v hash
  $a ^[op]= %b   # scalar v hash

 > Some of these are nonsensical, some of them aren't.  So which are 
 > which, and can someone demonstrate that the rule holds true for ALL 
 > hyperoperators, as opposed to just MOST?   ;-)

 > MikeL

Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Me writes:
 > > > %a ^:union[op] %b
 > > >
 > > > %a :foo[op]:bar %b
 > > 
 > > I think that any operators over 10 characters should
 > > be banished, and replaced with functions.
I agree. But I think that we can get away here with just hash
properties , just like hash behaviour in  is controlled by
properties . 


(%a,%b) ^is no_strict_keys ;
(%a %b) ^is default_value ( 0 ) ;
%a ^[+] %b 

intersection :

(%a,%b) ^is strict_keys ;
%a ^[+] %b 

this maybe longer but clear : one line - one concept . 

but I am not shure ... 

arcadi . 

Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Smylers
Yesterday Aaron Crane wrote:

> Jonathan Scott Duff writes:
> > @a `+ @b
> In my experience, many people actually don't get the backtick
> character at all.

Yes.  I think that might be a good reason _for_ using backtick in vector

  * Backticks aren't used in any other operators, so they would not be
mistaken for xor nor arrays.

Backticks also look a little odd, so even if it isn't intuitive as
to what is going on, somebody seeing a vector op for the first time
should at least spot that _something_ different is happening.

  * People starting out in Perl wouldn't want to use vector ops straight
away (there are enough other things to be learning).  So a character
that involves 'advanced' typing is used for an 'advanced' feature.

A pair of backticks could be used if the vector-equals distinction is

  @a `+`= @b;
  @a `+=` @b;

> I always hate teaching people what backticks do -- not because the
> concept is difficult, but because the syntax is so alien to so many
> people.  So I teach qx// for Perl, and $() for Unix shell, and I throw
> in backticks as an extra 'you might also see this' affair.

I don't think backticks for vector conflicts with backticks for
invoking a shell (cos the latter is a term not an op), I'd be in favour
of removing the current backtick behaviour anyway:

  * It looks like quoting, and it isn't really.  It's more like a
function call.

  * Many people use backticks when C is desired.  The fact
that these two similar features look so different from each other us

Also, if backticks were to be used for vector ops then removing the
existing use would mean that backticks are _only_ for vector ops.  No
'small exceptions' -- the very simple rule that backticks are always
vector ops.

> Anyway, that was a bit of a rant, but what I mean is: I'd actually be
> in favour of avoiding backtick entirely in operators.

I can see where you're coming from there.  They are an awkward glyph.
But Larry's short enough of characters as it is: I don't think we can
afford to throw one away entirely, however unpleasant it is.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Graham Barr
On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 12:16:34PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yesterday Aaron Crane wrote:
> > Jonathan Scott Duff writes:
> >
> > >   @a `+ @b
> >
> > In my experience, many people actually don't get the backtick
> > character at all.
> Yes.  I think that might be a good reason _for_ using backtick in vector
> operators:

> A pair of backticks could be used if the vector-equals distinction is
> required:
>   @a `+`= @b;
>   @a `+=` @b;

Thats ugly, IMO.

Now this is going to sound wild (probably) and I have not thought too much
about it and there are probably others who can see the pitfalls quicker
then me. But could () be available for hyper operators ?

I will sit back now and watch the firewaorks, as I wont be in the UK
on Nov 5 :-)


RE: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Austin Hastings

--- "Dyck, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Austin Hastings [mailto:austin_hastings@;] 
> > 
> > How do you write a < in a Windows based environment? (Other than by
> > copying them from Larry's emails or loading MSWord to do
> > insert->symbol)
> You could use the Character Map accessory to put
> the character into the clipboard, or
> press the alt and hold the alt key while typing 0171 (or 0187)
> < alt+0171
> > alt+0187

Well, that certainly flows fluidly from the fingertips...

^[op], you say?

Or I could finally figure out how to program the function keys on my
keyboard, I guess...

APL, here we come...


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Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Austin Hastings wrote:
> >>?&  ?|  ?^  - [maybe] C-like bool
> operations
> >>?&= ?|= ?^= - (result is always just 1 or
> 0)
> >>   [?&][?|][?^] - (hyperversions)
> >>   [?&]=   [?|]=   [?^]=
> >>   [?&=]   [?|=]   [?^=]
> > 
> > 
> > Two possible differences between double-[&|] and single-[&|]:
> > 
> > 1- Force (unlazy) evaluation of all operands.
> > 2- Force conversion to 1 or 0. (Are "true" and "false" going to be
> > built-in literals, a la java?)
> > 
> > Which (or both) of these are supposed to come from the single-op
> > versions of these?
> Superpositions don't lazily evaluate their operands (unless those
> operands are themselves superpositions).

Sorry, let me be more explicit: Forget the flexops for now. What's a
C-like boolean single-letter do?

> >>  - [maybe] C-like bool operations
> >>  - (result is always just 1 or 0)

In the C that I learned, the &^| ops were bitwise.

Likewise, the && || ops were lazy booleans.

So what's a single-letter boolean act like? Is it lazy? Does it retain
its bitwise-ness but (since boolean) force evaluation for 1 or 0 first?
I just don't understand what the "implied" behavior is, since the
reference is outside my experience.

> > $a = 1 | 5;
> > $a &= 10;

> > What's $a?
> > 
> > 1 | 5 & 10
> Yes (by precedence)

Umm, is this wrong? As I understand it, that's the same as 1 | (5&10)
because of precedence, no?

> > (1|5) & 10
> Yes (explcitly).

(With apologies to the folks at "Sesame Street"):
One of these answers isn't like the other ...
One of these answers just doesn't belong ... 

> > On the other hand, some of the examples seem counterintuitive. That
> is,
> > considering Damian's:
> > 
> > $seen = $start | $finish;
> > for ... -> $line {
> >   print "$line\n" unless $line == $seen;
> >   $seen |= $line;
> > }
> > 
> > I can understand the notion of "unless $line is a-or-b-or-c-or..."
> but
> > I keep THINKING in terms of "I've seen a-and-b-and-c-and..."
> That's understandable. So you write:
>  $seen = $start & $finish;
>  for ... -> $line {
> print "$line\n" if $line != $seen;
> $seen &= $line;
>  }

Yeah, that's better. Thanks.

> > So when would multiple flexops be combined? Anyone have any real
> world
> > examples, even simple ones?
> Sure (for sufficiently complex values of simple ;-)
> Here's how to find the love of your life:
>  $requirements = "tall" & "dark & "handsome"
>| "old" & "rich"
>| "Australian";
>  for <> -> $candidate {
>  my $traits = any( split //, $candidate );
>   print "True love: $candidate\n"
>  if $requirements eq $traits;
>  }
> Of course, not everyone can hope to be lucky enough to meet an
> Australian, but you get the idea. ;-)

Well, thank God for small favors. 

traits = any ( ... )
requirements = .. & ..
if $requirements eq $traits

Should that be traits = all()?

I mean, assuming that the split returns only adjectives, you've got
something like:

"short" & "busty" & "dark" & "nymphomaniac" & "father owns a chain of
liquor stores"

in the requirements

and you've got 

a | b | ... | z

in the traits

How do THOSE work together?

(In other words: Can you write Apoc.Flexible now, please?)


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Re: worth adding collections to the core language?

2002-10-31 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Larry wrote:
> > Possibly we might even extend the notion of hash to any "junk".
> > 
> > %hash = 1 | 2 | 3;
> So you're suggestion that a "normal" hash is a junction of pairs???

Damian Conway admits: "Everything in Perl6 is 'Junk'"

Who can't see *this* coming on slashdot? :-)


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Re: operator:alt-0171 and operator:alt-0187

2002-10-31 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Iain 'Spoon' Truskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Dyck, David ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [31 Oct 2002 19:21]:
> [...]
> > You could use the Character Map accessory to put
> > the character into the clipboard, or
> > press the alt and hold the alt key while typing 0171 (or 0187)
> > < alt+0171
> > > alt+0187
> To be honest, as easy as it is to type ^a^v<< or ^k<<,[1] it's still
> typing an awful lot just to get a character. Surely the Perl operator
> Huffman encoding should take into account the length of time it takes
> to
> type the darn thing.

Somewhere, deep in the bowels of some Digital Equipment .. err ..
Compaq .. err .. HP building, there's a guy getting major wood because
ALL THAT WORK that he chipped in so many years ago on the 'X' keyboard
input routines is about to be justified. FINALLY, someone in the US is
going to actually use the [compose] key. Woo-hoo!

(Except for the PCLinux guys, who didn't get a "Compose" key. But maybe
they can liquid-paper over the "Windows" key and write in "Compose" and
«voila»!) [Note smooth, casual insertion of guillemets into daily
conversation ...]

How much of the "length of time it takes to type the darn thing" is
because right now we don't use those symbols? Most PC keyboards make
the tilde (~) character a PITA by putting it out at top-left or
top-right (or, worse, just below backspace). The reason -- most people
aren't writing perl or awk code, and so aren't using that symbol.

This is, IMO, one of those cases where if we suck it up and adopt the
operator, and if the operator's as useful as it seems, then it will
take about two weeks before this problem is history. Everyone will know
how to generate the symbol, with the same encoding, on however many

And Tim O'Reilly will be happy because for once newbies will actually
READ the preface chapter of the perl books, in which conventions and
fonts and such are explained -- that's where the first of the masonic
secrets (Perlish rite) will be illuminated.


PS: MSIE doesn't like alt-. I'm still doing copy and paste. But I

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Re: [RFC] Perl6 Hyperoperator backtick

2002-10-31 Thread Austin Hastings

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yesterday Aaron Crane wrote:
> > Jonathan Scott Duff writes:
> >
> > >   @a `+ @b
> >
> > In my experience, many people actually don't get the backtick
> > character at all.
> Yes.  I think that might be a good reason _for_ using backtick in
> vector
> operators:
>   * Backticks aren't used in any other operators, so they would not
> be
> mistaken for xor nor arrays.
> Backticks also look a little odd, so even if it isn't intuitive
> as
> to what is going on, somebody seeing a vector op for the first
> time
> should at least spot that _something_ different is happening.
>   * People starting out in Perl wouldn't want to use vector ops
> straight
> away (there are enough other things to be learning).  So a
> character
> that involves 'advanced' typing is used for an 'advanced'
> feature.

This almost makes more sense than the ^[] stuff. But see below.
> A pair of backticks could be used if the vector-equals distinction is
> required:
>   @a `+`= @b;
>   @a `+=` @b;

Now it does make more sense. Use them as quotes, please, since that's
the understood usage (and becase syntax highlighters know how to do

I don't even mind if they keep the "dual use" of run-gather and
vectorize. (They probably can't, since prefix ops would look like

@a = @b `+` @c;

"let @a be the result of running PLUS with inputs @b and @c"



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Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread Austin Hastings

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I agree. But I think that we can get away here with just hash
> properties , just like hash behaviour in  is controlled by
> properties . 
> e.g. 
> union: 
> (%a,%b) ^is no_strict_keys ;
> (%a %b) ^is default_value ( 0 ) ;
> %a ^[+] %b 
> intersection :
> (%a,%b) ^is strict_keys ;
> %a ^[+] %b 
> this maybe longer but clear : one line - one concept . 


How would this work for hashes with differing properties?


%a = ("apple" => 1, "abacus" => 2);
%b = ("banana" => 3, "abacus" => 2);

%a ^is strict_keys;
%b ^is no_strict_keys;

%c = %a ^[+] %b;

What would happen?

%a rules?: %c == ("abacus" => 4)
%b rules?: %c == ("apple" => 1, "abacus" => 4, "banana" => 3)
strict_keys filters result?: %c == ("apple" => 1, "abacus" => 4)


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Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread David Wheeler
On Wednesday, October 30, 2002, at 01:52  PM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

Applications/Utilities/"Key Caps" (Again, OSX) which shows you where 
they all are.

The «» quotes, for example, are option-\ and shift-option-\

Oh, well, I guess those aren't *too* far out of the way...


David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 15726394  Yahoo!: dew7e

Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread Me
> > union: 
> > intersection :
> How would this work for hashes with differing properties?
> %a ^is strict_keys;
> %b ^is no_strict_keys;
> What would happen?

That's one reason why I suggested control of this sort
of thing should be a property of the operation, not of
the operands.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread brian wheeler
On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 04:02, Iain 'Spoon' Truskett wrote:
> * Dyck, David ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [31 Oct 2002 19:21]:
> [...]
> > You could use the Character Map accessory to put
> > the character into the clipboard, or
> > press the alt and hold the alt key while typing 0171 (or 0187)
> > < alt+0171
> > > alt+0187
> To be honest, as easy as it is to type ^a^v<< or ^k<<,[1] it's still
> typing an awful lot just to get a character. Surely the Perl operator
> Huffman encoding should take into account the length of time it takes to
> type the darn thing.
> Personally, I'm against non US-ascii chars being part of the core
> language. It's fine if people want their Unicode identifiers, or import
> modules to change operators, but I'd like to think I can at least read
> and write my own code in non-Latin-1 environments.

I agree considering, this isn't APL and the problems people have had
mailing examples (let alone creating them!).

I've got to admit all of these operators are scaring me.  Seems alot
like Brooks' second-system effect.

Brian Wheeler

Re: worth adding collections to the core language?

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Austin Hastings wrote:
: Damian Conway admits: "Everything in Perl6 is 'Junk'"
: Who can't see *this* coming on slashdot? :-)

Cool.  Perl 6 "junk" gives new meaning to "Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish".


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On 31 Oct 2002, brian wheeler wrote:
: I agree considering, this isn't APL and the problems people have had
: mailing examples (let alone creating them!).

Nevertheless, it has already been decreed that Perl 6 programs are
written in Unicode.  That's not gonna change...

: I've got to admit all of these operators are scaring me.  Seems alot
: like Brooks' second-system effect.

But that's our slogan:

Perl 6 is second-system effect done right.



Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Me wrote:
: That's one reason why I suggested control of this sort
: of thing should be a property of the operation, not of
: the operands.

I think that by and large, the operator knows whether it wants to
do union or intersection.  When you're doing «+», it's obviously
union that you want, with undef defaulting to 0.  And «//» would
want intersection.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Graham Barr wrote:
: On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 12:16:34PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: > A pair of backticks could be used if the vector-equals distinction is
: > required:
: > 
: >   @a `+`= @b;
: >   @a `+=` @b;
: Thats ugly, IMO.
: Now this is going to sound wild (probably) and I have not thought too much
: about it and there are probably others who can see the pitfalls quicker
: then me. But could () be available for hyper operators ?

It would work for binary ops, but unfortunately, nothing that looks
like a term can work for unary ops.  (Also parens are already used
as a postfix operator that means call the preceding function ref.)


UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ, demos

2002-10-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro

Here is an extensive FAQ for Unicode and UTF-8:

and here is a test file that will show you how many of the "most common 
glyphs" (WGL4, via Microsoft) you are capable of displaying in your 
current setup:

A reduced list of interesting characters is as follows.  Note that I 
may not be sending them all correctly, as not all of them are available 
on OSX.  And that not all interesting characters are a part of the WGL4 


2206 # ∆ INCREMENT
2260 # ≠ NOT EQUAL TO
2020 # † DAGGER
2022 # • BULLET

00A2 # ¢ CENT SIGN
00A5 # ¥ YEN SIGN
00B8 # ¸ CEDILLA
02C7 # ˇ CARON
02D8 # ˘ BREVE
02D9 # ˙ DOT ABOVE
2126 # Ω OHM SIGN

2195 # ¢’ UP DOWN ARROW




Re: Perl6 Operator List (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
:   %a ^[op]= @b   #  hash v array
:   @a ^[op]= %b   #  array v hash

What would those mean?  Are you thinking only of hashes with numeric keys?


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Iain 'Spoon' Truskett wrote:
: To be honest, as easy as it is to type ^a^v<< or ^k<<,[1] it's still

Thanks, I didn't know it was that «easy» in vim.  :-)

: typing an awful lot just to get a character. Surely the Perl operator
: Huffman encoding should take into account the length of time it takes to
: type the darn thing.

Sure, but that's only one half of Huffman.  You also have to consider
the frequency of use.  (And as a second order effect, whether you want
to discourage frequent use. :-)

I personally think vector ops are pretty "special", and should
remain so.  I have enough familiarity with (read: "contempt for")
APL that I don't want multi-dimensional operators to be the default,
regardless of how they're spelled.  Special ops should look special.

: Personally, I'm against non US-ascii chars being part of the core
: language. It's fine if people want their Unicode identifiers, or import
: modules to change operators, but I'd like to think I can at least read
: and write my own code in non-Latin-1 environments.

Perl 6 is written in Unicode.  This will cause more pain in the short term,
but I'm trying to optimize for twenty years from now.  (Yes, this message
is in Latin-1, but that can be considered an encoding of the first 256
codepoints of Unicode.)


Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Markus Laire wrote:
: I don't think there should be any upper limit for operator-lengths.

There will never be any official limits.  Perl is not about arbitrary
limits.  But I will tell you that I only added <=> to Perl 5 because
I knew there would never be a <=>= operator.  We'll have to relax that
a bit for Perl 6, but we're still trying vaguely to avoid the Icon trap.
Only compositions of operators will be allowed to get longer than 3 chars.
And we try to keep the basic operators at 2 or less.

The really great thing about the French quotes is that they visually
keep the user aware of the composition.  «+=» is obviously a variety of
+=, whereas ^+= is not obvious, though shorter.  (Square brackets are
even better at that, but have other problems.)


Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Austin Hastings writes:
 > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 > > I agree. But I think that we can get away here with just hash
 > > properties , just like hash behaviour in  is controlled by
 > > properties . 
 > > 
 > > e.g. 
 > > union: 
 > > 
 > > (%a,%b) ^is no_strict_keys ;
 > > (%a %b) ^is default_value ( 0 ) ;
 > > %a ^[+] %b 
 > > 
 > > intersection :
 > > 
 > > (%a,%b) ^is strict_keys ;
 > > %a ^[+] %b 
 > > 
 > > 
 > > this maybe longer but clear : one line - one concept . 
 > Arcadi,
 > How would this work for hashes with differing properties?
 > E.g.,
 > %a = ("apple" => 1, "abacus" => 2);
 > %b = ("banana" => 3, "abacus" => 2);
 > %a ^is strict_keys;
 > %b ^is no_strict_keys;
 > %c = %a ^[+] %b;
 > What would happen?

in the result hash there will be only keys of %a, because 
%b *can admit unknown keys*, but %a - cannot 

 > %a rules?: %c == ("abacus" => 4)
 > %b rules?: %c == ("apple" => 1, "abacus" => 4, "banana" => 3)
 > strict_keys filters result?: %c == ("apple" => 1, "abacus" => 4)
 > =Austin


Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Austin Hastings writes:
 > > but I am not shure ... 
 > "sure"

thanks . sorry that I write so badly . I'll try to be better . 

 > (Unless you do this on purpose :-)
 > Cheers,
 > =Austin
 > __
 > Do you Yahoo!?
 > HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now

Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Me writes:
 > > > union: 
 > > > intersection :
 > > 
 > > How would this work for hashes with differing properties?
 > > 
 > > %a ^is strict_keys;
 > > %b ^is no_strict_keys;
 > > 
 > > What would happen?

in the resulting hash only ( and all ) keys of %a will be present. 
because %b *admits* unknown keys but %a does not. 

although I admit that property names can be much better .  

 > That's one reason why I suggested control of this sort
 > of thing should be a property of the operation, not of
 > the operands.
 > --
 > ralph

arcadi .

Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Larry Wall writes:
 > On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Me wrote:
 > : That's one reason why I suggested control of this sort
 > : of thing should be a property of the operation, not of
 > : the operands.
 > I think that by and large, the operator knows whether it wants to
 > do union or intersection.  When you're doing «+», it's obviously
 > union that you want, with undef defaulting to 0.  And «//» would
 > want intersection.
 > Larry

so is really going to the direction that many "official" operators
will be "wysiwig" Unicode staff like  «+» , and then for some slice of the
comunity there will be ( TeX - like ?? ) ascii shortcuts , because we
need them ( what was the length of the tread to figure out how to
write and read them ) . So perl take placeholders from Mathematica ,
vector operations from Matlab , and greek and all other funny
characters from TeX : 

use TeX;
@\gamma = @\alpha  \hyper[\sum] @\beta ;

arcadi .

Re: Perl6 Operator List (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Larry Wall writes:
 > On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 > :   %a ^[op]= @b   #  hash v array
 > :   @a ^[op]= %b   #  array v hash
 > What would those mean?  Are you thinking only of hashes with numeric keys?
 > Larry

no but hash can have property that tells how to turn its keys to
integer indexes if it fins itself  in the ^[op] situation . 
just like %hash can have a property that tells it how to behave in
regexp  /<%hash>/ . And then just like here there may be some default
value for that property . I dont know what it should be . is it sane ?

%hash is if_in_vectorized_op_map_keys_to_integers_as {  }

arcadi .

Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
 > Thats ugly, IMO.
 > Now this is going to sound wild (probably) and I have not thought too much
 > about it and there are probably others who can see the pitfalls quicker
 > then me. But could () be available for hyper operators ?
 > I will sit back now and watch the firewaorks, as I wont be in the UK
 > on Nov 5 :-)
 > Graham.

yes if you demand a prefix 

@a ^(+=) @b 

where ^ can be replaced  (almost ) everything . 

arcadi  .

Perl6 Operator List (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Michael Lazzaro writes:
 > OK, by my count -- after editing to reflect Larry's notes -- only a few 
 > issues remain before the ops list can be completed.
 > 1) Need a definitive syntax for hypers,
 >  ^[op]  and  «op»
 > have been most seriously proposed -- something that keeps a
 > bracketed syntax, but solves ambiguity issues.
 > 2) Possible inclusion of unary prefix ^, meaning "complement".
 > (Assuming doesn't conflict with (1))
 > 3) Possible inclusion of "like"/"unlike" or similar as synonyms for ~~ 
 > !~.  Which we don't have to decide now.
 > All other op issues, by my count, revolve around the meanings of 
 > specific hyperop constructs.  There is one, overriding question with 
 > the hyperops, which is the precise relation between an op, an 
 > assignment op, and their (three!) hyperop equivs:
 >   A   op   B
 >   A   op=  B
 >   A ^[op]  B
 >   A ^[op=] B
 >   A ^[op]= B
 > If we can formalize the precise relationship between the three hypers 
 > in the presence of scalar and list (and hash?) values for A and B, I 
 > believe we can answer nearly all the hyperop questions definitively.  

as I understand , every such construct will be "macro preprocessed"
parser and in "real" program ( that is in parrot ) there will be no
vector operations in perl sence , only as optimizations . so I think
that if we are talking about oprator list , we just can state ( and we 
did ) that such operators are present in language . their prcize
functionality may be defined or changed by pragma or module. 

what I want to say is that we definitely have ^[op] staff so somebody
in or out of sanity will ask ( or make a mistake ) what is %a ^[op] %b 
and the answer already is a question of ( Apo 29 ? ). the language
have beasts $x, @y, %z and they can talh through  op , ^[op] , ...
so they will , or at least try . although by the laws of jungle
something can be made a taboo . But thats life... 

arcadi .

Re: UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ, demos

2002-10-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro

And if you really want to drool at all the neat glyphs that the 
wonderful, magical world of math has given us, check out:

 now *theres* some brackets!


Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread Me
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Me wrote:
> : That's one reason why I suggested control of this sort
> : of thing should be a property of the operation, not of
> : the operands.
> I think that by and large, the operator knows whether it wants to
> do union or intersection.  When you're doing +, it's obviously
> union that you want, with undef defaulting to 0.  And // would
> want intersection.

Ok. So I accidentally got something right! ;> ("control of this sort of
thing should be a property of the operation, not of the operands.")

There are clearly some operations where adverbs make sense.
Presumably one of the classes of op for which adverbs might
make sense is hyperop.

Assuming so, did my suggestion of ^adverb make sense to you
as a way to distinguish op and hyperop adverbs?


Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Me writes:
 > >  > > > union: 
 > >  > > > intersection :
 > >  > > 
 > >  > > %a ^is strict_keys;
 > >  > > %b ^is no_strict_keys;
 > > 
 > > in the resulting hash only ( and all ) keys of %a will be present. 
 > > because %b *admits* unknown keys but %a does not. 
 > Yes, but the general case is that one wants to be
 > able to control nuances of (hyper)operations, and
 > Larry introduced adverbs for precisely that reason.
 > Just because one can get away with controlling this
 > particular issue via noun adjectives (variable properties)
 > does not mean one should. (Although, conversely, just
 > because adverbs seem more more appropriate in this
 > case doesn't mean one shouldn't for some reason use
 > properties as you suggest.)

there is one mor epossibility : 

temp sub infix:^[] is force_hash_to_intersect ; 

( I'm compleatly not sure about that sintax )

sinse "vectorization" of any op is orthogonal concept to details of
that particular op , maybe we can controll behavior of that
vectorization  by ( ...? ) properties . 

we need it not only for hashes ; 
maybe somebody will wont  ( 1,2 ) ^[op] ( 1, 2, 3 ) to return array of 
length 3 ; 


RE: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Brent Dax
Larry Wall:
# Perl 6 is written in Unicode.

Great.  That's a wonderful policy.  But it *shouldn't influence routine
coding in any way*.  I have no problem with user-defined Unicode
operators.  I have a *huge* problem with built-in Unicode operators, and
a gargantuan problem with built-in Unicode operators that are generally

I can honestly say at this point that I'd rather give up <$iterator>
than lose hyperops.  And I consider relegating them to the << >>
digraphs losing them, because I'm never going to be able to remember how
to type them, and neither will anybody else.

Let's look at this logically.  Here's all the punctuation (non-\w)
characters on my keyboard and what they do in Perl 6:

`   backticks   nonenone
'   string constantsnone**  none
"   string constantsnonenone

#   comment comment comment

$   scalar sigilnonenone
@   array sigil nonenone
%   hash sigil  modulo  none

&   sub sigil   junction and**  logical and
!   logical not none (?)none
^   complement  junction xor**  logical xor**
|   nonejunction or**   logical or

/   regex   divide  defined or (in
*   list flatten*   multiplyexponent
-   numify and negate   subtraction
+   numify**addition
~   stringify*  concat**smart

=   noneassignment
\   get reference   nonenone
..  method call**   method call**   range constructor
?   force to bool*  none**  trinary operator

,   nonelist composer   list composer
;   nonestatement end   statement end
(in parentheses)super-comma none
:   nonesuper-comma package
separator, trinary operator

( ) expression grouping sub parameters  yuck
{ } hash composing  hash subscripts yuck
block composing block composing yuck
[ ] array composing array subscriptsyuck
< > iterator syntax comparison ops  shift-left, shift-right
UNUSED: 5   8   9

Items marked with a * are new, ** are changed.  There are twenty-two
'none's on that list, but none of them line up.  (Isn't Perl great?!?)

';;' is available (it doesn't mean anything in either term or operator
context), but it's really ugly.  The other possibilities I see there
have the same problem.

There are potentially some meaningless sequences, especially with
sigils, but those'll look quite cluttered.  Actually, one of the few
good meaningless ones is ^[op] (with the square brackets).  In term
context it would normally mean "bitwise complement this array", and in
operator context it would mean "add this array to an xor junction".  If
we lose xor junctions (which I'm not necessarily advocating, mind you),
this sequence is pretty much open.

Damn.  Larry, I don't envy you your job.  :^)

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

Wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in
New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. And radio operates
exactly the same way. The only difference is that there is no cat.
--Albert Einstein (explaining radio)

Re: UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ, demos

2002-10-31 Thread Luke Palmer
> Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
> Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 10:11:00 -0800
> From: Michael Lazzaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.12,
> And if you really want to drool at all the neat glyphs that the 
> wonderful, magical world of math has given us, check out:
>  now *theres* some brackets!

Ooh!  Let's use 2AF7 and 2AF8 for qw!

> MikeL

Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Ed Peschko
Michael Lazarro wrote:

> 1) Need a definite syntax for hypers
>^[op] and <> 
> have been most seriously proposed -- something that keeps a 
> bracketed syntax, but solves ambiguity issues.

hm. What was wrong with just '^' again? Reading the threads, it seems to have 
gotten lost in the shuffle.


Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread Me
> temp sub infix:^[] is force_hash_to_intersect ;

Right. A property used as you suggest is effectively
an adverb applied at op definition rather than use.

> maybe somebody will wont  ( 1,2 ) ^[op] ( 1, 2, 3 ) to return array of
> length 3 ;

Right. It's quite plausible that one would want to be
able to control this at op use, rather than definition.


Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Luke Palmer
> Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
> Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 11:13:28 -0800
> From: Ed Peschko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Disposition: inline
> X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.12,
> Michael Lazarro wrote:
> > 1) Need a definite syntax for hypers
> >  ^[op] and <> 
> > have been most seriously proposed -- something that keeps a 
> > bracketed syntax, but solves ambiguity issues.
> hm. What was wrong with just '^' again? Reading the threads, it seems to have 
> gotten lost in the shuffle.

Xor needs it.  I'd place hypers in front of xor on my importance list,
but that's just me. 

> Ed

Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Me
> > 1) Need a definite syntax for hypers
> > ^[op] and <> 
> > have been most seriously proposed -- something that keeps a 
> > bracketed syntax, but solves ambiguity issues.
> hm. What was wrong with just '^' again?

Right. I didn't have a problem with ^ in the first place.


A ^ prefix visually interferes a lot more with the op being
hypered. I didn't understand that until I first saw use of
square brackets (interestingly, use of angle brackets
didn't grab my attention, though that may have been
due to other factors).

Personally, I liked the use of single backtick someone
suggested. I suspect that this is because it seemed
to be just as good as square brackets at getting out
of the way visually (vastly better than ^); was enough
to catch my attention to suggest something special
was going on; was just one, unshifted, character (or
two, if used for a `op`= variant); and seemed to be
the least disruptive (it left ^ for other duties and just
meant one needed to eliminate `` for a syscall; hmm,
maybe that's not acceptable...)


Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Ed Peschko
On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 01:36:20PM -0600, Me wrote:
> > > 1) Need a definite syntax for hypers
> > > ^[op] and <> 
> > > have been most seriously proposed -- something that keeps a 
> > > bracketed syntax, but solves ambiguity issues.
> > 
> > hm. What was wrong with just '^' again?
> Right. I didn't have a problem with ^ in the first place.
> But...
> A ^ prefix visually interferes a lot more with the op being
> hypered. I didn't understand that until I first saw use of
> square brackets (interestingly, use of angle brackets
> didn't grab my attention, though that may have been
> due to other factors).

I know it clutters up things a bit, that's my very argument; that 
^[ ] clutters up things even *more*. especially, with use of arrays:

@array[1,2,3] ^[+=] @array[4,5,6];


@array[1,2,3] ^+= @array[4,5,6];

Not much of a improvement, but its palpable.  There's some comfort knowing that
'^' is being used as a sigil for an operator, and that all you need is one 
keystroke in order to use it.

I guess it depends on how much hyperoperators are meant to be used. The more
they are, the shorter the operator should be.

Oh by the way. IMO 'vector' operators should be the proper term. Looking 
at the above sentence, the term 'hyperoperator' should be quietly euthanized.
(or quickly shot.)


UTF-8 operator possibilities

2002-10-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Here is more to think about.  No freaking out, this is just for 

If we, for the moment, assume the use of «op» for hypers, that 
obviously raises the _possibility_ of using some other Unicode/UTF-8 
characters for other "very special" tasks.  I'm not actually advocating 
most of these (no APL, please) but note that some chars might have 
distinct possibilities, especially with superpositions:

-- a wide variety of unary and binary ops, some obscure, some obvious:

   ± × ÷ ≤ ≥ ≠ ≅ ≈ ≡
   ∩ ∪ ⊂ ⊃ ⊆ ⊇ ∈ ⊄ ∉
   ⇒ ⇔
   ∧ ∨ ∴ ∀ ∃ ∠ ⊥ ∝ √ ∫ ∇ ∅ ⊕ ⊗ ∍

   †  ‡  ˇ  ∑  ∏  ∆  Ω  ¡  ¿  ¬  ∂  •  º  ©

  (including things like:)

   ∑@array  - summation
   ∏@array  - product
   ±$x  - { any(+$^x,-$^x) }

   $v ∈ @array;   # element of

-- possible alternate separators in place of ';', where ';'
   would result in doing a very, very wrong thing:

   for (@x • @y) -> ($x • $y) { ... }   - (bullet)
   for (@x ∫ @y) -> ($x ∫ $y) { ... }
   for (@x ‡ @y) -> ($x ‡ $y) { ... }
   for (@x † @y) -> ($x † $y) { ... }
   for (@x ⊥ @y) -> ($x ⊥ $y) { ... }

-- a global var like "epsilon" or "mu" that sets a +-bound
   for "like" comparisions between floating point nums,
   to locally allow comparisions with a settable degree
   of accuracy:

   temp µ = 0.5;
   ( 10/3 == (1/3) * 10 );   # FALSE, floating point issues
   ( 10/3 ~~ (1/3) * 10 );   # TRUE, is within µ

   (OK, we could name that $EPSILON, or anything else in ASCII.
   but you gotta admit it looks really slick.  If you can see it.)

-- *plenty* more wierd bracketing and quotelikes, if you dare:


-- and, of course, terms (e.g. "duh" synonyms)

   ∞   - Inf
   π   - Pi
   ø   - null set

Just something to think about -- No reason to go all APLish, but if we 
find we need another few chars for some obscure but incredibly useful 
operations, there _are_ possibilities.  Depends primarily on which 
characters are most widely recognized on the various platforms, and how 
confident we are or aren't that we should say "deal with it" to people 
with non-Unicode-capable editors.

And note that using special chars for special things may increase 
readability significantly, since we don't have to worry as much about 
similar-looking punctuational strings doing completely different 
things, which is already a bit of a problem.

Oh, and here's another tip for you OSX types:

From within Mail, choose Format -> Font -> Show Fonts.
  From the "Extras" menu, choose "Show Characters"

 you are presented with the grouped listings for every character 
that exists on your computer, along with Unicode identifiers.  Double 
click them to insert them into your email.  :-)  (Note that you can 
also use it in BBEdit.)


Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Me
> > A ^ prefix visually interferes a lot more
> I know it clutters up things a bit, that's my very argument; that 
> ^[ ] clutters up things even *more*. especially, with use of arrays:
> @array[1,2,3] ^[+=] @array[4,5,6];
> bleah.
> @array[1,2,3] ^+= @array[4,5,6];
> Not much of a improvement, but its palpable.

Maybe. I slightly prefer the first line right now.
But it's close, and I think I've gotten too used to
both notations to know what I'd think if I saw one
or other for the first time, and I don't know what
I'd think after a month of use of one or other. As
I said, it's close. This will defintely be my last
email on the topic...

There's a couple other reasons to go for ^[op].

One is that [] is more obviously indicative to a
newbie that there is some array aspect to how
the op applies than ^ (or backtick) would be.

Another is that bracketing works better to indicate
the difference between the two ...= variants that
might be useful:

@a ^[+=] @b
@a ^[+]= @b # vectorize the +, not the =

@a ^+= @b
@a ^+^= @b # vectorize the +, not the = ?!?

> '^' is being used as a sigil for an operator, and that all
> you need is one keystroke in order to use it.

On my keyboard it's two (shift and the 6 key).

> Oh by the way. IMO 'vector' operators should be the
> proper term.

Oops. Yes.


Re: plaintive whine about 'for' syntax

2002-10-31 Thread Ed Peschko
Larry Wall writes:

> I think decent formatting would make it clearer:
> for@a;   @b
> -> $x is rw; y {
>$x = $y[5];
> }

But this isn't very scalable:

for@a; @b;
   @c; @d;
-> $a_variable1 is rw, $a_variable2 is rw; $b_variable is rw; 
   $c_variable  is rw; $d_variable is rw; 
   $e_variable1 is rw, $e_variable2 is rw


for @a -> $a_variable1 is rw, $a_variable2 is rw;
@b -> $b_variable  is rw;
@c -> $c_variable  is rw;
@d -> $d_variable  is rw;
@e -> $e_variable1 is rw, $e_variable2 is rw;

is much, *much* clearer. IMO the current 'for' syntax suffers from action at a 
distance, even if that distance is within the same line. Related things aren't 
paired up nearly close enough to each other.

And I'd curse it if I was writing 'for' expressions as complicated as the 
second one.  Which I WILL do, especially when writing code generators.


Re: UTF-8 operator possibilities

2002-10-31 Thread Chip Salzenberg
According to Michael Lazzaro:
>?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
>??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
>??? ???
>??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Am I the only person who discovered Korean spam on p6-lang?
Chip Salzenberg - a.k.a.  -<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 "It furthers one to have somewhere to go."

Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread David Wheeler
On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 11:36  AM, Me wrote:

A ^ prefix visually interferes a lot more with the op being
hypered. I didn't understand that until I first saw use of
square brackets (interestingly, use of angle brackets
didn't grab my attention, though that may have been
due to other factors).

If we're talking about operators being "hypered," then I think that 
«op» makes a lot of sense. It reminds me of Perl 5's "spaceship" 
operator, <=>, and I think of a spaceship taking the operator and 
jumping into hyperspace. What could be a better analogy than that, 
quantumly speaking?

Plus, it turns out not to be at all hard to type on Mac OS X. ;-)



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 15726394  Yahoo!: dew7e

Re: plaintive whine about 'for' syntax

2002-10-31 Thread Damian Conway
Ed Peschko wrote:

Larry Wall writes:

I think decent formatting would make it clearer:

for@a;   @b
   -> $x is rw; y {
  $x = $y[5];

But this isn't very scalable:

Sure it is. You just have to think more two-dimensionally...

for  @a;  @b;  @c;  @d;  @e
 ->  $a_variable1 is rw, $a_variable2 is rw;
  $b_variable is rw;
   $c_variable  is rw;
$d_variable is rw;
 $e_variable1 is rw, $e_variable2 is rw


BTW, Both Larry and I do understand the appeal of interleaving
sources and iterators. We did consider it at some length back
in January, when we spent a week thrashing this syntax out.

Of course, I can't speak for Larry, but in the end I concluded
that interleaving iterator variables is a false win, since it
trades reduced syntactic complexity for increased semantic
complexity, but only really improves the readability of a
comparatively rare case.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Damian Conway
Austin Hastings wrote:

In the C that I learned, the &^| ops were bitwise.

Likewise, the && || ops were lazy booleans.

So what's a single-letter boolean act like? Is it lazy? Does it retain
its bitwise-ness but (since boolean) force evaluation for 1 or 0 first?
I just don't understand what the "implied" behavior is, since the
reference is outside my experience.

Since they're producing a boolean result, both C and C could be
implemented lazily. However, I suspect they mightn't be, just to keep
them consistent (in their evaluation of operands) with the other bitwise

What's $a?

1 | 5 & 10

Yes (by precedence)

Umm, is this wrong? 

Yep. Sorry.

(1|5) & 10

Yes (explcitly).

This one is still correct.

traits = any ( ... )
requirements = .. & ..
if $requirements eq $traits

Should that be traits = all()?

No. Because later we say (effectively):

	print "True love\n"
	if all(@desiderata) eq any(@traits)

In other words we want *all* the desired characteristics to be matched
by *some* trait. If the comparison was C, then
you're asking for every characteristic to be the same as every trait,
which obviously can't happen.

This is just a case where the "logic" of English phraseology has
several implicit assumptions that computational logic can't just
fudge over.

(In other words: Can you write Apoc.Flexible now, please?)

Well, I'd *like* to, but since that would involve giving up my first
vacation in two years, and consequently getting



Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-10-31 at 12:45:23, David Wheeler wrote:
> Plus, it turns out not to be at all hard to type on Mac OS X. ;-)
Well, the angle quotes happen to fall within Latin-1, and so they're
easier to get to.  On Windows you can either set up special key mappings or
just type ALT+171 for « and ALT+187 for », which gets wearisome after
a while although you can get your fingers taught pretty quickly.   
Vim and emacs and XIM all take care of the UNIX case.

Once you wander away from Latin-1 into the more general world
of Unicode, you start running into trouble on the input side.
On Windows you pretty much have to use the Character map accessory.
Emacs and vim still work on UNIX, but I don't know of a XIM
implementation for general Unicode.  (Although if you log into
your Unix machine using Kermit-95, it has a keystroke sequence for
arbitrary Unicode input).

Presumably, though, if Perl did have Unicode operators, it would
also have an ASCII alternative, even if only something like
\u00ab and \u00bb.

Mark REED| CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW0831G  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atlanta, GA 30348  USA   | +1 404 827 4754

Re: UTF-8 operator possibilities

2002-10-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 12:18  PM, Chip Salzenberg wrote:

According to Michael Lazzaro:

   ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
   ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
   ??? ???
   ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Am I the only person who discovered Korean spam on p6-lang?

Rats.  I was trying to write mostly Greek spam.  ;-)


Re: Vectorizing operators for Hashes

2002-10-31 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Markus Laire wrote:

> The really great thing about the French quotes is that they visually
> keep the user aware of the composition.  «+=» is obviously a variety
> of
> +=, whereas ^+= is not obvious, though shorter.  (Square brackets are
> even better at that, but have other problems.)

I'm still unconvinced that square brackets won't work. 

But compared to Larry giving up «foo bar baz», «sont petits pommes de

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Re: plaintive whine about 'for' syntax

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Damian Conway writes:
 > BTW, Both Larry and I do understand the appeal of interleaving
 > sources and iterators. We did consider it at some length back
 > in January, when we spent a week thrashing this syntax out.
 > Of course, I can't speak for Larry, but in the end I concluded
 > that interleaving iterator variables is a false win, since it
 > trades reduced syntactic complexity for increased semantic
 > complexity, but only really improves the readability of a
 > comparatively rare case.
 > Damian

but why ? I am just curious about details. 
is it complicated for "immediate component" of for loop ( mentioned by 
Larry Wall ) to cut-and-paste to reconstruct the original stream list
and block signature. 

1) for  @a -> $x ; @b -> $y   { ... } 


2) for  @a ; @b -> $x ; $y   { ... } 

at the price of -> not being consistently closure declarator
*everywhere* and having a bit different meaning inside for ( and only
for , because all other topicalizers dont know about streams -- am I
right ?) . Which it is already not exactly , since immediate component 
of for loop preprocess the closure signature to match the streams . 

and besides, it seems to me that both 1) and 2) can coexist since  for 
loop can controll what happens between "for" and {...} . but maybe I
am wrong. 

I am just curious . 

arcadi . 

Re: UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ, demos

2002-10-31 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > And if you really want to drool at all the neat glyphs that the 
> > wonderful, magical world of math has given us, check out:
> > 
> >
> > 
> >  now *theres* some brackets!
> Ooh!  Let's use 2AF7 and 2AF8 for qw!

Frankly, I don't know HOW we've lived for so long without "larger than"
and "smaller than" operators. 


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Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Smylers
Graham Barr wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 12:16:34PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > ... using backtick in vector operators ... A pair of backticks could
> > be used if the vector-equals distinction is required:
> > 
> >   @a `+`= @b;
> >   @a `+=` @b;
> Thats ugly, IMO.

Oh, I wasn't claiming that it's pretty.  I think we're past being able
to find something that's pretty.

In general I find backticks fairly jarring on the eyes, but they have to
be used for _something_ ...


Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Ed Peschko

> Maybe. I slightly prefer the first line right now.
> But it's close, and I think I've gotten too used to
> both notations to know what I'd think if I saw one
> or other for the first time, and I don't know what
> I'd think after a month of use of one or other. As
> I said, it's close. This will defintely be my last
> email on the topic...


> There's a couple other reasons to go for ^[op].
> One is that [] is more obviously indicative to a
> newbie that there is some array aspect to how
> the op applies than ^ (or backtick) would be.

I think that this advantage pales to the cost of having to type three characters
every single time someone has to use a vector operation. Its just as easy
for a newbie to say 'aha! ^ means array!'.

> Another is that bracketing works better to indicate
> the difference between the two ...= variants that
> might be useful:
> @a ^[+=] @b
> @a ^[+]= @b # vectorize the +, not the =
> @a ^+= @b
> @a ^+^= @b # vectorize the +, not the = ?!?

Ok, I can sort of see this, but what the #%@@$ do both of these things mean? I 
can see @a ^+= @b meaining

$a[0]  += $b[0]
$a[0]  += $b[1]
$a[0]  += $b[2]
$a[0]  += $b[3]...etc

but @a ^[+]= @b??

I swear, this whole vector operator thing would be a lot easier to 
understand if everything was vectored or not, ie:

@a  = @b ^+ @c;

was a syntax error or was optimised to:

@a ^= @b ^+ @c;

In that case, ^[+]= doesn't really make sense. 


Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Me writes:
 > > > A ^ prefix visually interferes a lot more
 > > 
 > > I know it clutters up things a bit, that's my very argument; that 
 > > ^[ ] clutters up things even *more*. especially, with use of arrays:
 > > 
 > > @array[1,2,3] ^[+=] @array[4,5,6];
 > > 
 > > bleah.
 > > 
 > > @array[1,2,3] ^+= @array[4,5,6];
 > > 
 > > Not much of a improvement, but its palpable.
 > Maybe. I slightly prefer the first line right now.
 > But it's close, and I think I've gotten too used to
 > both notations to know what I'd think if I saw one
 > or other for the first time, and I don't know what
 > I'd think after a month of use of one or other. As
 > I said, it's close. This will defintely be my last
 > email on the topic...

actually , ones we decide that ^ *is necessary for vectorization , we
can allow other brackets , optional brackets ( where unambiguous ) ,
and spaces inside the brackets : 

@a ^+= @b 
@a ^[+]= @b 
@a ^(+)= @b 
@a ^( + )= @b 
@a ^{ + }= @b 
@a ^{+}= @b 
@a ^[ + ]= @b 
all that can *coexist* !

 > There's a couple other reasons to go for ^[op].
 > One is that [] is more obviously indicative to a
 > newbie that there is some array aspect to how
 > the op applies than ^ (or backtick) would be.
 > Another is that bracketing works better to indicate
 > the difference between the two ...= variants that
 > might be useful:
 > @a ^[+=] @b
 > @a ^[+]= @b # vectorize the +, not the =
 > @a ^+= @b
 > @a ^+^= @b # vectorize the +, not the = ?!?
 > > '^' is being used as a sigil for an operator, and that all
 > > you need is one keystroke in order to use it.
 > On my keyboard it's two (shift and the 6 key).
 > > Oh by the way. IMO 'vector' operators should be the
 > > proper term.
 > Oops. Yes.
 > --
 > ralph

Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Austin Hastings wrote:
> > traits = any ( ... )
> > requirements = .. & ..
> > if $requirements eq $traits
> > 
> > Should that be traits = all()?
> No. Because later we say (effectively):
>   print "True love\n"
>   if all(@desiderata) eq any(@traits)
> In other words we want *all* the desired characteristics to be
> matched
> by *some* trait. If the comparison was C, then
> you're asking for every characteristic to be the same as every trait,
> which obviously can't happen.
> This is just a case where the "logic" of English phraseology has
> several implicit assumptions that computational logic can't just
> fudge over.

Does this imply some sort of "depth matching" is required for these

In this case, there's 

T = tall & dark & handsome
D = (tall & dark & handsome) | (Australian) | (rich & old)

So when I say:

all(@desiderata)   # I hated that ^[!]() poem

does that implicitly "search down" until it finds a singleton
(Australian) or a conjunction (old & rich)?

And likewise does saying 


do some sort of implicit (de) construction looking for a singleton or a

Obviously, yes.

So you're saying that the all() can't work at the a|b|c level, because
that would be conjunctive disjunction.  (Doc, tell me straight: how
long do I have?) So the evaluation alternates through the
possibilities, looking for a chance to apply "all".

But on the other side, not all of the traits have to be "matched." It
won't be fatal if the traits are

tall & dark & handsome & socialist
old & rich & fat
Australian & impotent

so long as some subset (ANY?) of the traits completely match ALL the
desired bits.

So I can't use "all(@traits)" because that would OVERSPECIFY.

But I don't feel right using "any(@traits)" because that feels like
either saying 

"traits[x] == all-these-things"

which is wrong, or 

"traits was a list, like desiderata, which contains one of these"

which is wrong, too. It's right to say 

"there is SOME trait in @traits that matches each @desiderata"

But of course, SOME is "choose one", and that means "any".

(BTW: Will there be an alternate build of p6 that does NOT depend on
the axiom of choice?)

Damian, your reward for this whole flexible values mess is to spend the
rest of your life being retained by large companies to explain this
stuff to blockheads like me. Welcome to hell.


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Re: plaintive whine about 'for' syntax

2002-10-31 Thread Simon Cozens
> 1) for  @a -> $x ; @b -> $y   { ... } 
>  ===>>>
> 2) for  @a ; @b -> $x ; $y   { ... } 

You've got it! Semicolon naturally breaks things apart, not groups them

Anything to do with HTML processing /usually/ involves a pact
with an evil supernatural being, I find.
-- Sean Burke

Primitive Boolean type?

2002-10-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro

While writing documentation: a trivial question on the boolean type, 

my bit $light_switch;

Q: Can bits/bools be undefined?

Perl conventions would indicate yes.  Does that mean that an array of 

   my bit @bitfield;

takes up, at minimum, two bits per, um, bit?

Sorry if this question is as stupid as it looks.  I'm just worried that 
maybe it isn't.


RE: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Erik Steven Harrison

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 11:26:13  
 Brent Dax wrote:

>I can honestly say at this point that I'd rather give up <$iterator>
>than lose hyperops. 

I was thinking the same thing not long ago. But now 
that I think about it, is  ever going to be 
confused for <$File_Handle>? The vector operation cosy 
up well to the concept of iteration anyway. Hell, if 
were desperate (and I think we are) then why not just 
double the brackets to <[op]> or []. Sure it's 
ugly, but I prefer it to ^[op] any day of the week, 
and it's not going to be ambiguous.

All that said, can anyone come up with a case to 
confuse  with <$File_Handle>?


 And I consider relegating them to the << >>
>digraphs losing them, because I'm never going to be able to remember how
>to type them, and neither will anybody else.
>Let's look at this logically.  Here's all the punctuation (non-\w)
>characters on my keyboard and what they do in Perl 6:
>`  backticks   nonenone
>'  string constantsnone**  none
>"  string constantsnonenone
>#  comment comment comment
>$  scalar sigilnonenone
>@  array sigil nonenone
>%  hash sigil  modulo  none
>&  sub sigil   junction and**  logical and
>!  logical not none (?)none
>^  complement  junction xor**  logical xor**
>|  nonejunction or**   logical or
>/  regex   divide  defined or (in
>*  list flatten*   multiplyexponent
>-  numify and negate   subtraction
>+  numify**addition
>~  stringify*  concat**smart
>=  noneassignment
>\  get reference   nonenone
>.. method call**   method call**   range constructor
>?  force to bool*  none**  trinary operator
>,  nonelist composer   list composer
>;  nonestatement end   statement end
>(in parentheses)   super-comma none
>:  nonesuper-comma package
>separator, trinary operator
>( )expression grouping sub parameters  yuck
>{ }hash composing  hash subscripts yuck
>   block composing block composing yuck
>[ ]array composing array subscriptsyuck
>< >iterator syntax comparison ops  shift-left, shift-right
>UNUSED:5   8   9
>Items marked with a * are new, ** are changed.  There are twenty-two
>'none's on that list, but none of them line up.  (Isn't Perl great?!?)
>';;' is available (it doesn't mean anything in either term or operator
>context), but it's really ugly.  The other possibilities I see there
>have the same problem.
>There are potentially some meaningless sequences, especially with
>sigils, but those'll look quite cluttered.  Actually, one of the few
>good meaningless ones is ^[op] (with the square brackets).  In term
>context it would normally mean "bitwise complement this array", and in
>operator context it would mean "add this array to an xor junction".  If
>we lose xor junctions (which I'm not necessarily advocating, mind you),
>this sequence is pretty much open.
>Damn.  Larry, I don't envy you your job.  :^)
>--Brent Dax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)
>Wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in
>New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. And radio operates
>exactly the same way. The only difference is that there is no cat.
>--Albert Einstein (explaining radio)

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Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Luke Palmer
> Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
> Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 14:07:34 -0800 (PST)
> From: Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.12,
> --- Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Austin Hastings wrote:
> > > traits = any ( ... )
> > > requirements = .. & ..
> > > if $requirements eq $traits
> > > 
> > > Should that be traits = all()?
> > 
> > No. Because later we say (effectively):
> > 
> > print "True love\n"
> > if all(@desiderata) eq any(@traits)
> > 
> > In other words we want *all* the desired characteristics to be
> > matched
> > by *some* trait. If the comparison was C, then
> > you're asking for every characteristic to be the same as every trait,
> > which obviously can't happen.
> > 
> > This is just a case where the "logic" of English phraseology has
> > several implicit assumptions that computational logic can't just
> > fudge over.
> Does this imply some sort of "depth matching" is required for these
> expressions?
> In this case, there's 
> T = tall & dark & handsome
> D = (tall & dark & handsome) | (Australian) | (rich & old)
> So when I say:
> all(@desiderata)   # I hated that ^[!]() poem
> does that implicitly "search down" until it finds a singleton
> (Australian) or a conjunction (old & rich)?
> And likewise does saying 
> any(@traits)
> do some sort of implicit (de) construction looking for a singleton or a
> disjunction?
> Obviously, yes.
> So you're saying that the all() can't work at the a|b|c level, because
> that would be conjunctive disjunction.  (Doc, tell me straight: how
> long do I have?) So the evaluation alternates through the
> possibilities, looking for a chance to apply "all".

I think you've got it mixed up: all() and any() don't work with junk,
they _are_ junk.

any($a) is just $a
all($a) is just $a

It doesn't do matching, not unless it collapses right there.  So the
only time it does matching is when it collapses, which has nothing to
do with whether all() or any() are present.  It has to do with whether
a value is a junction.

all(1, 2, 3) === 1 & 2 & 3
any(1 & 2 & 3) is still just 1 & 2 & 3

It matches:

all(1, 2, 3) < $x
1 & 2 & 3< $x

because the junction is forced to collapse there.  Understand?


> But on the other side, not all of the traits have to be "matched." It
> won't be fatal if the traits are
> tall & dark & handsome & socialist
> old & rich & fat
> Australian & impotent
> so long as some subset (ANY?) of the traits completely match ALL the
> desired bits.
> So I can't use "all(@traits)" because that would OVERSPECIFY.
> But I don't feel right using "any(@traits)" because that feels like
> either saying 
> "traits[x] == all-these-things"
> which is wrong, or 
> "traits was a list, like desiderata, which contains one of these"
> which is wrong, too. It's right to say 
> "there is SOME trait in @traits that matches each @desiderata"
> But of course, SOME is "choose one", and that means "any".
> (BTW: Will there be an alternate build of p6 that does NOT depend on
> the axiom of choice?)
> Damian, your reward for this whole flexible values mess is to spend the
> rest of your life being retained by large companies to explain this
> stuff to blockheads like me. Welcome to hell.
> =Austin
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now

RE: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Erik Steven Harrison writes:
 > All that said, can anyone come up with a case to 
 > confuse  with <$File_Handle>?

it seems that parser cannot confuse them because  is operator and
parser expect operator, while <$File_Handle> is a term . 

but human can confuse .
I personally also like  sintax. 

arcadi .

RE: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Brent Dax
Erik Steven Harrison:
# All that said, can anyone come up with a case to 
# confuse  with <$File_Handle>?

If you assume infinite lookahead, it's fine, but if not...


Is that a call to

sub something() returns(IO::Handle)

or a hypered

sub operator:something($operand:)


@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

Wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in
New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. And radio operates
exactly the same way. The only difference is that there is no cat.
--Albert Einstein (explaining radio)

Re: plaintive whine about 'for' syntax

2002-10-31 Thread Iain 'Spoon' Truskett
* Ed Peschko ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [01 Nov 2002 07:19]:

> for @a -> $a_variable1 is rw, $a_variable2 is rw;
>   @b -> $b_variable  is rw;
>   @c -> $c_variable  is rw;
>   @d -> $d_variable  is rw;
>   @e -> $e_variable1 is rw, $e_variable2 is rw;
> {
> }

> is much, *much* clearer. IMO the current 'for' syntax suffers from
> action at a distance, even if that distance is within the same line.
> Related things aren't paired up nearly close enough to each other.

Give this man a +1. I do prefer to have associated things placed
with each other. And, as Simon pointed out, ';' is used to break
things apart, thus the syntax above makes somewhat more sense.

The best part is that I can easily comment out, delete, add part of
the expression without worrying that I'm deleting the wrong thing.

It may not be often that I will use the construct for multiple
iterators, but I can foreseeably use at least 2, and with the
added ease I can imagine using more =)


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Luke Palmer
> Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
> Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 14:45:16 -0800
> From: "Erik Steven Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Sent-Mail: off
> X-Sender-Ip:
> Organization: Angelfire  (
> Content-Language: en
> X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.12,
> --
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 11:26:13  
>  Brent Dax wrote:
> >I can honestly say at this point that I'd rather give up <$iterator>
> >than lose hyperops. 
> I was thinking the same thing not long ago. But now 
> that I think about it, is  ever going to be 
> confused for <$File_Handle>? The vector operation cosy 
> up well to the concept of iteration anyway. Hell, if 
> were desperate (and I think we are) then why not just 
> double the brackets to <[op]> or []. Sure it's 
> ugly, but I prefer it to ^[op] any day of the week, 
> and it's not going to be ambiguous.
> All that said, can anyone come up with a case to 
> confuse  with <$File_Handle>?

sub postfix:bar returns handle;
$y = undef ;

That has two syntactically valid interpretations.  It wouldn't take
even that much to confuse the parser, though.


Re: Primitive Boolean type?

2002-10-31 Thread David Wheeler
On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 02:43  PM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

Q: Can bits/bools be undefined?

Perl conventions would indicate yes.

IIRC, native data types, which are all lowercase (e.g., int, bit, long, 
etc.) cannot be undef. However, their class equivalents (e.g., Int, 
Bit, Long, etc) can be undef.



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 15726394  Yahoo!: dew7e

Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Markus Laire
On 31 Oct 2002 at 15:59, Mark J. Reed wrote:

> Once you wander away from Latin-1 into the more general world
> of Unicode, you start running into trouble on the input side.
> On Windows you pretty much have to use the Character map accessory.
> Emacs and vim still work on UNIX, but I don't know of a XIM
> implementation for general Unicode.  (Although if you log into your
> Unix machine using Kermit-95, it has a keystroke sequence for
> arbitrary Unicode input).

Emacs and vim also works on Windows, not just UNIX.

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Austin Hastings wrote:
> > > > traits = any ( ... )
> > > > requirements = .. & ..
> > > > if $requirements eq $traits
> > > > 
> > > > Should that be traits = all()?
> > > 
> > > No. Because later we say (effectively):
> > > 
> > >   print "True love\n"
> > >   if all(@desiderata) eq any(@traits)
> > > 
> > > In other words we want *all* the desired characteristics to be
> > > matched
> > > by *some* trait. If the comparison was C,
> then
> > > you're asking for every characteristic to be the same as every
> trait,
> > > which obviously can't happen.
> > > 
> > > This is just a case where the "logic" of English phraseology has
> > > several implicit assumptions that computational logic can't just
> > > fudge over.
> > 
> > Does this imply some sort of "depth matching" is required for these
> > expressions?
> > 
> > In this case, there's 
> > 
> > T = tall & dark & handsome
> > D = (tall & dark & handsome) | (Australian) | (rich & old)
> > 
> > So when I say:
> > 
> > all(@desiderata)   # I hated that ^[!]() poem
> > 
> > does that implicitly "search down" until it finds a singleton
> > (Australian) or a conjunction (old & rich)?
> > 
> > And likewise does saying 
> > 
> > any(@traits)
> > 
> > do some sort of implicit (de) construction looking for a singleton
> or a
> > disjunction?
> > 
> > Obviously, yes.
> > 
> > So you're saying that the all() can't work at the a|b|c level,
> because
> > that would be conjunctive disjunction.  (Doc, tell me straight: how
> > long do I have?) So the evaluation alternates through the
> > possibilities, looking for a chance to apply "all".
> I think you've got it mixed up: all() and any() don't work with junk,
> they _are_ junk.
> any($a) is just $a
> all($a) is just $a
> It doesn't do matching, not unless it collapses right there.  So the
> only time it does matching is when it collapses, which has nothing to
> do with whether all() or any() are present.  It has to do with
> whether
> a value is a junction.
> all(1, 2, 3) === 1 & 2 & 3
> any(1 & 2 & 3) is still just 1 & 2 & 3
> It matches:
> all(1, 2, 3) < $x
> 1 & 2 & 3< $x
> because the junction is forced to collapse there.  Understand?

Maybe I just think differently.  When I'm trying to actually DO the
comparison, I'm forcing at least a partial collapse, no?

I mean, maybe the traits are 

tall & dark & old & handsome & Australian

so the three choices collapse to two, either of which would match.

But regardless, when the actual == appears in the code, some
determination needs to be made in order to figure out which way to go.

So I'm trying to build rules in my brain for how these things are

And I'm trying to figure out when to specify which junction.


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Re: Perl6 Operator List

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi
Larry Wall writes:
 > sub postfix:! (num $x) { $x < 2 ?? $x :: $x * ($x - 1) ! }
 > which could be fixed with the _:
 > sub postfix:! (num $x) { $x < 2 ?? $x :: $x * ($x - 1) _! }
 > Weird, but it's all consistent with the distinction we're already
 > making on curlies, which gave a great increase in readability.

does it mean that *all* postfix operators have to be "attached"
without space to their operand or used with space eater modifyer 


only those for which parser ( or we ) knows that they may be confused 
with binary op or term ? 

probably the same question for prefix operators . 


Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Luke Palmer
Oops.  About that  thing, I was wrong.  Though there is a case
that does it:

sub bar();
sub postfix:bar($x) returns IO::Handle;
$x = length ;

If it's possible to have a distinct sub and an operator with the same
name.  If not, I believe the distinction is precisely the same as that
of named unary op with its argument optional.  Except with infinite
lookahead.  Ummm, okay, it's not possible.  Because of less than and
friends, it's less possible than [op].


Question about "for" loop

2002-10-31 Thread fearcadi

for @a -> $x, $y { ... $x is topic ... } 

for @a  ; @b -> 
$x, $y  ; $z { ... WHAT is topic ?  ... } 

what is topic in multi stream loop ? 


Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Luke Palmer
> Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 15:16:17 -0800 (PST)
> From: Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > --- Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Austin Hastings wrote:
> > > > > traits = any ( ... )
> > > > > requirements = .. & ..
> > > > > if $requirements eq $traits
> > > > > 
> > > > > Should that be traits = all()?
> > > > 
> > > > No. Because later we say (effectively):
> > > > 
> > > > print "True love\n"
> > > > if all(@desiderata) eq any(@traits)
> > > > 
> > > > In other words we want *all* the desired characteristics to be
> > > > matched
> > > > by *some* trait. If the comparison was C,
> > then
> > > > you're asking for every characteristic to be the same as every
> > trait,
> > > > which obviously can't happen.
> > > > 
> > > > This is just a case where the "logic" of English phraseology has
> > > > several implicit assumptions that computational logic can't just
> > > > fudge over.
> > > 
> > > Does this imply some sort of "depth matching" is required for these
> > > expressions?
> > > 
> > > In this case, there's 
> > > 
> > > T = tall & dark & handsome
> > > D = (tall & dark & handsome) | (Australian) | (rich & old)
> > > 
> > > So when I say:
> > > 
> > > all(@desiderata)   # I hated that ^[!]() poem
> > > 
> > > does that implicitly "search down" until it finds a singleton
> > > (Australian) or a conjunction (old & rich)?
> > > 
> > > And likewise does saying 
> > > 
> > > any(@traits)
> > > 
> > > do some sort of implicit (de) construction looking for a singleton
> > or a
> > > disjunction?
> > > 
> > > Obviously, yes.
> > > 
> > > So you're saying that the all() can't work at the a|b|c level,
> > because
> > > that would be conjunctive disjunction.  (Doc, tell me straight: how
> > > long do I have?) So the evaluation alternates through the
> > > possibilities, looking for a chance to apply "all".
> > 
> > I think you've got it mixed up: all() and any() don't work with junk,
> > they _are_ junk.
> > 
> > any($a) is just $a
> > all($a) is just $a
> > 
> > It doesn't do matching, not unless it collapses right there.  So the
> > only time it does matching is when it collapses, which has nothing to
> > do with whether all() or any() are present.  It has to do with
> > whether
> > a value is a junction.
> > 
> > all(1, 2, 3) === 1 & 2 & 3
> > any(1 & 2 & 3) is still just 1 & 2 & 3
> > 
> > It matches:
> > 
> > all(1, 2, 3) < $x
> > 1 & 2 & 3< $x
> > 
> > because the junction is forced to collapse there.  Understand?
> Maybe I just think differently.  When I'm trying to actually DO the
> comparison, I'm forcing at least a partial collapse, no?
> I mean, maybe the traits are 
> tall & dark & old & handsome & Australian
> so the three choices collapse to two, either of which would match.
> But regardless, when the actual == appears in the code, some
> determination needs to be made in order to figure out which way to go.
> So I'm trying to build rules in my brain for how these things are
> "compatible-ized?"
> And I'm trying to figure out when to specify which junction.

sub hyperless ($left, $right) {
given {.isa Disjunction} {
when $left {
? grep { hyperless $_, $right } states($left)
when $right {
? grep { hyperless $left, $_ } states($right)
otherwise {
! grep -> $a { grep -> $b { $b < $a } states($right) }
states ($left); }  

Assuming states() on a nonjunction just returns its argument.  This
code just gives true or false, not the junction of matching states
like it should.

I think what I have there is right, though I can't be sure.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Deborah Ariel Pickett
> > On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 12:16:34PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > ... using backtick in vector operators ... A pair of backticks could
> > > be used if the vector-equals distinction is required:
> > >   @a `+`= @b;
> > >   @a `+=` @b;
> > Thats ugly, IMO.
> Oh, I wasn't claiming that it's pretty.  I think we're past being able
> to find something that's pretty.
> In general I find backticks fairly jarring on the eyes, but they have to
> be used for _something_ ...

I hear there's a vacancy for a qw(...) equivalent now . . .

No, I'm not really suggesting this.  But I am reminded by this whole
endeavour of a certain text adventure.

> get underscore
> get bracket
> get guillemot
> get caret
> get backtick
Oops!  While you were reaching for the backtick, you drop the guillemot,
and both tumble to the ground.

(Whine: my Perl undergrad students are too young to remember or
appreciate text adventures.  At least some of you oldsters here will
Debbie Pickett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Is it, err, Mildred? O.K., no. How 'bout - Diana? Rachel?"  "Ariel, her name is
Ariel." - _The Little Mermaid_


2002-10-31 Thread Brent Dax
Markus Laire:
# Emacs and vim also works on Windows, not just UNIX.

So does DOS 'edit'.  That doesn't mean Windows users use it.  Windows
users want tools that look and act like Windows tools--if they didn't,
they'd be using another OS.  Neither GNU emacs nor xemacs fits the bill,
and I doubt vim does either.

I'm an aberration--I use Windows, but I have a Cygwin toolkit installed
and use it regularly.  Still, I use VS.Net (with Visual Perl) for my
editing, not a Unix editor.  When telnetting, I use emacs, so I
installed XEmacs, used it for a while, and decided I didn't like it for
my local work.  It had some really cool features--I was *very*
pleasantly surprised at how nicely it meshed with CVS--but it just
didn't fit my Windows-shaped brain.

You can bet that if I, a Perl core hacker who keeps two copies of
cmd.exe open at all times with c:\cygwin\bin in his path, am not going
to use XEmacs, your average Joe who downloads ActiveState Perl 6 to test
his hit-counter script won't use emacs or vim either.

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

Wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in
New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. And radio operates
exactly the same way. The only difference is that there is no cat.
--Albert Einstein (explaining radio)

Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Deborah Ariel Pickett
> > get guillemot
> Taken.

Extra credit for those of you who remembered that that's a bird, not a
punctuation mark.

Debbie Pickett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Is it, err, Mildred? O.K., no. How 'bout - Diana? Rachel?"  "Ariel, her name is
Ariel." - _The Little Mermaid_

Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 03:47  PM, Deborah Ariel Pickett 
(Whine: my Perl undergrad students are too young to remember or
appreciate text adventures.  At least some of you oldsters here will

Hey!  We're not old, we're just version 1.0!

Can we have a "grue" operator?  It would be invisible, and eat 
everything it operated on.  Oh, wait... I think Damian already has that 


Re: Perl6 Operator (REMAINING ISSUES)

2002-10-31 Thread Ed Peschko
> actually , ones we decide that ^ *is necessary for vectorization , we
> can allow other brackets , optional brackets ( where unambiguous ) ,
> and spaces inside the brackets : 
> @a ^+= @b 
> @a ^[+]= @b 
> @a ^(+)= @b 
> @a ^( + )= @b 
> @a ^{ + }= @b 
> @a ^{+}= @b 
> @a ^[ + ]= @b 

right, and what does this all mean? I have yet to see a good meaning for 
@array ^[+]= @array2 ...

Perhaps, having just ^ as a vector op, and using ^[op] to disambiguate (or 
as an equivalent) is the way to go.


Re: plaintive whine about 'for' syntax

2002-10-31 Thread John Siracusa
On 10/31/02 5:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Damian Conway writes:
>> BTW, Both Larry and I do understand the appeal of interleaving
>> sources and iterators. We did consider it at some length back
>> in January, when we spent a week thrashing this syntax out.
>> Of course, I can't speak for Larry, but in the end I concluded
>> that interleaving iterator variables is a false win, since it
>> trades reduced syntactic complexity for increased semantic
>> complexity, but only really improves the readability of a
>> comparatively rare case.
> but why ? I am just curious about details.

Yeah, I'd like to hear those details too, because the alternate syntax:

> 1) for  @a -> $x ; @b -> $y   { ... }

sure looks a lot more attractive and sensible to me, and I agree with all
the arguments in favor of it so far.  In particular:

* No "look here, then look there" connection between (possibly) widely
separated items.

* Simple to add or remove/comment-out individual stream/item(s) pairs
without having to "count" what are essentially positional parameters to make
sure you haven't mis-mapped anything in the process.

* More familiar use of the semicolon (IMO)


Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Andrew Wilson
On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 07:54:01AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
> Austin Hastings wrote:
>> traits = any ( ... )
>> requirements = .. & ..
>> if $requirements eq $traits
>> Should that be traits = all()?
> No. Because later we say (effectively):
>   print "True love\n"
>   if all(@desiderata) eq any(@traits)
> In other words we want *all* the desired characteristics to be matched
> by *some* trait. If the comparison was C, then
> you're asking for every characteristic to be the same as every trait,
> which obviously can't happen.
> This is just a case where the "logic" of English phraseology has
> several implicit assumptions that computational logic can't just
> fudge over.

I don't understand this either, but my quibble is where did the all in
the all(@desiderata) come from?  Lets see if I've got this straight

a & b is equivalent to all(a, b)
x | y is equivalent to any(x, y)



  all(a, b) eq any(a, b, c) 

should be true because all() of a and b are in the any() list.  Yes?

If I'm right about that, I would expect

  (a & b) | (c & d) eq any(a, e, g)
to be false because it should try ANY of the two junks (a & b) or  
(c & d) the first fails because there is no b and the second fails
because there is no c and no d.  I would also expect

  (a & b) | (c & d) | g eq any(a, e, g)

to be true because any() of the terms (g in this case) on the left is
fully satisfied by terms on the right.  In the original example the
@desiderata is an | junk at the topmost level.  I don't see why it
suddenly gets all() wrapped around it.  Wouldn't that just be

  all[  any< all(), all(), all() > ]

which is the same as

  any< all(), all(), all() >

I'm not sure I'm explaining this very well, let me try with the example
that's giving me bother.

 $requirements = "tall" & "dark" & "handsome"
   | "old" & "rich"
   | "Australian";

 for <> -> $candidate {
 my $traits = any( split //, $candidate );
 print "True love: $candidate\n"
 if $requirements eq $traits;

Lets say that $candidate = "tall dark rich Australian", traits then
becomes any("tall", "dark", "rich", "Australian").  So, does
$requirements eq $traits?  To me that expands to:

("tall" eq "tall")   or \
("tall" eq "dark")   or   True because "tall" eq "tall"
("tall" eq "rich")   or  
("tall" eq "Australian")/
  ) AND (
("dark" eq "tall")   or \
("dark" eq "dark")   or   True because "dark" eq "dark"
("dark" eq "rich")   or
("dark" eq "Australian")/
  ) AND (
("handsome" eq "tall")   or \
("handsome" eq "dark")   or   False no matches
("handsome" eq "rich")   or
("handsome" eq "Australian")/
) ***OR*** (

("old" eq "tall")or \
("old" eq "dark")or   False no matches
("old" eq "rich")or
("old" eq "Australian") /
  ) AND (
("rich" eq "tall")   or \
("rich" eq "dark")   or   True because "rich" eq "rich" 
("rich" eq "rich")   or
("rich" eq "Australian")/
) ***OR*** (

  ("Australian" eq "tall") or \
  ("Australian" eq "dark") or   True because "Australian" eq "Australian"
  ("Australian" eq "rich") or
  ("Australian" eq "Australian")  /

Junk 1: "tall" & "dark" & "handsome"
Junk 2: "old" & "rich"
Junk 3: "Australian";

Junk 1 fails because the candidate is not handsome.  Junk 2 fails because
the candidate is not old.  Junk 3 succeeds because the candidate is

This means that the candidate matches overall because junks 1, 2 and 3
are related by | which is any.  I don't see how or why you would wrap an
all() around that.  There is all()ness going on, but it's represented in
the above by the ands which are in turn grouped with any (the ors).
Why isn't this example

print "True love\n"
if any(@desiderata) eq any(@traits)

Does whether it's any() or all() not depend on what the top level
operator in the junction is?  Am I missing something?

Gemini: (May 21 - June 21)
You will be the first one put up against the wall in next week's bloody
revolution in skin care.

Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Luke Palmer
> Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
> Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 03:08:37 +
> From: Andrew Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Disposition: inline
> X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.12,
> On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 07:54:01AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
> > Austin Hastings wrote:
> >> traits = any ( ... )
> >> requirements = .. & ..
> >> if $requirements eq $traits
> >> 
> >> Should that be traits = all()?
> > 
> > No. Because later we say (effectively):
> > 
> > print "True love\n"
> > if all(@desiderata) eq any(@traits)
> > 
> > In other words we want *all* the desired characteristics to be matched
> > by *some* trait. If the comparison was C, then
> > you're asking for every characteristic to be the same as every trait,
> > which obviously can't happen.
> > 
> > This is just a case where the "logic" of English phraseology has
> > several implicit assumptions that computational logic can't just
> > fudge over.
> I don't understand this either, but my quibble is where did the all in
> the all(@desiderata) come from?  

First, I'd like to say that your explanation was immaculate.  You
understand junctions perfectly, from what I can tell.

I think Damian was ignoring the the top level any() in order to make
the explanation clearer (or forgot about it ;).  Consider it as though
@desiderata contained the (all) states of only one of the (any) states
in his $requirements.  I think that's what "(effectively)" meant. 

Indeed, worry not.  It was just a bit of an oversimplification.


> Lets see if I've got this straight
> a & b is equivalent to all(a, b)
> x | y is equivalent to any(x, y)
> Yes?
> so:
>   all(a, b) eq any(a, b, c) 
> should be true because all() of a and b are in the any() list.  Yes?
> If I'm right about that, I would expect
>   (a & b) | (c & d) eq any(a, e, g)
> to be false because it should try ANY of the two junks (a & b) or  
> (c & d) the first fails because there is no b and the second fails
> because there is no c and no d.  I would also expect
>   (a & b) | (c & d) | g eq any(a, e, g)
> to be true because any() of the terms (g in this case) on the left is
> fully satisfied by terms on the right.  In the original example the
> @desiderata is an | junk at the topmost level.  I don't see why it
> suddenly gets all() wrapped around it.  Wouldn't that just be
>   all[  any< all(), all(), all() > ]
> which is the same as
>   any< all(), all(), all() >
> I'm not sure I'm explaining this very well, let me try with the example
> that's giving me bother.
>  $requirements = "tall" & "dark" & "handsome"
>| "old" & "rich"
>| "Australian";
>  for <> -> $candidate {
>  my $traits = any( split //, $candidate );
>  print "True love: $candidate\n"
>  if $requirements eq $traits;
>  }
> Lets say that $candidate = "tall dark rich Australian", traits then
> becomes any("tall", "dark", "rich", "Australian").  So, does
> $requirements eq $traits?  To me that expands to:
> (
>   (
> ("tall" eq "tall")   or \
> ("tall" eq "dark")   or   True because "tall" eq "tall"
> ("tall" eq "rich")   or  
> ("tall" eq "Australian")/
>   ) AND (
> ("dark" eq "tall")   or \
> ("dark" eq "dark")   or   True because "dark" eq "dark"
> ("dark" eq "rich")   or
> ("dark" eq "Australian")/
>   ) AND (
> ("handsome" eq "tall")   or \
> ("handsome" eq "dark")   or   False no matches
> ("handsome" eq "rich")   or
> ("handsome" eq "Australian")/
>   )
> ) ***OR*** (
>   (
> ("old" eq "tall")or \
> ("old" eq "dark")or   False no matches
> ("old" eq "rich")or
> ("old" eq "Australian") /
>   ) AND (
> ("rich" eq "tall")   or \
> ("rich" eq "dark")   or   True because "rich" eq "rich" 
> ("rich" eq "rich")   or
> ("rich" eq "Australian")/
>   )
> ) ***OR*** (
>   ("Australian" eq "tall") or \
>   ("Australian" eq "dark") or   True because "Australian" eq "Australian"
>   ("Australian" eq "rich") or
>   ("Australian" eq "Australian")  /
> ) 
> Junk 1: "tall" & "dark" & "handsome"
> Junk 2: "old" & "rich"
> Junk 3: "Australian";
> Junk 1 fails because the candidate is not handsome.  Junk 2 fails because
> the candidate is not old.  Junk 3 succeeds because the candidate is
> Australian.
> This means that the candidate matches overall because junks 1, 2 and 3
> are related by | which is any.  I don't see how or why you would wrap an
> all() around that.  There is all()ness going on, but it's represented in
> the above by the ands which are in turn grouped with any (the ors).
> Why isn't this example
>   print "True 

Re: Perl6 Operator List

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Fri, 1 Nov 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: does it mean that *all* postfix operators have to be "attached"
: without space to their operand or used with space eater modifyer 
: or 
: only those for which parser ( or we ) knows that they may be confused 
: with binary op or term ? 

I think a postfix has to be "attached" always.  If there is no postfix,
then a binary operator doesn't need to have space before it.  Otherwise
it does.

: probably the same question for prefix operators . 

You can always put a space after a prefix operator, since you can only
get one of those when a term is expected.


Re: Primitive Boolean type?

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, David Wheeler wrote:
: On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 02:43  PM, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
: > Q: Can bits/bools be undefined?
: >
: > Perl conventions would indicate yes.
: IIRC, native data types, which are all lowercase (e.g., int, bit, long, 
: etc.) cannot be undef. However, their class equivalents (e.g., Int, 
: Bit, Long, etc) can be undef.

That is correct.  It probably throws an exception if you try to assign
an undefined value to a lowercase type.  (Though an IEEE num might
well set itself to NaN instead.)


RE: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Fri, 1 Nov 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: Erik Steven Harrison writes:
:  > 
:  > 
:  > All that said, can anyone come up with a case to 
:  > confuse  with <$File_Handle>?
:  > 
:  > 
: it seems that parser cannot confuse them because  is operator and
: parser expect operator, while <$File_Handle> is a term . 

All unary operators show up when a term is expected, not an operator.


Re: Primitive Boolean type?

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
: While writing documentation: a trivial question on the boolean type, 
: C:

Please don't think of C as a boolean type.  There is no boolean
type in Perl, only a boolean context.  Or looking at it from the
other direction, *every* type is a boolean type.

: Does that mean that an array of bits:
: my bit @bitfield;
: takes up, at minimum, two bits per, um, bit?

Just one per.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Dave Storrs

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Larry Wall wrote:

> If no one saw them then it could well be a problem on my end.
> I'm trying to use a mailer (pine) that doesn't know about UTF-8 in
> @a «+» @b

I'm using Pine 4.33 on FreeBSD 4.3, and I see these fine.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Damian Conway wrote:
: Austin Hastings wrote:
: > In the C that I learned, the &^| ops were bitwise.
: > 
: > Likewise, the && || ops were lazy booleans.
: > 
: > So what's a single-letter boolean act like? Is it lazy? Does it retain
: > its bitwise-ness but (since boolean) force evaluation for 1 or 0 first?
: > I just don't understand what the "implied" behavior is, since the
: > reference is outside my experience.
: Since they're producing a boolean result, both C and C could be
: implemented lazily. However, I suspect they mightn't be, just to keep
: them consistent (in their evaluation of operands) with the other bitwise
: ops.

What you're saying is correct, except that I don't think we should
be confusing "lazy" with "short-circuit".  A lazy operator wouldn't
evaluate *either* side until it jolly well had to.  If you say

() = 1..Inf;

it shouldn't even try to produce a 1.

I don't much care whether they short-circuit or not.  I could argue it
either way.  I think it'd be okay if they short-circuit.  Anybody who
uses an operator like ?& expecting it to force a side effect on the
second expression is nuts.  And there's something (though not much)
to be said for having an exact equivalent for C's && operator.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Dave Storrs wrote:
: On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Larry Wall wrote:
: > If no one saw them then it could well be a problem on my end.
: > I'm trying to use a mailer (pine) that doesn't know about UTF-8 in
: >
: > @a «+» @b
:   I'm using Pine 4.33 on FreeBSD 4.3, and I see these fine.

I sent those as Latin-1, not UTF-8.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Iain 'Spoon' Truskett
* Larry Wall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [31 Oct 2002 08:22]:

> This is currently running in a window that does Latin-1 rather than
> UTF-8.  Do these French quotes come through?

> @a «+» @b

The window may say Latin-1, but the mail header said UTF-8.

As it happens, I couldn't see them until I piped the message through
less. That said, I've probably got a misconfiguration somewhere.
I usually have trouble with top-bit set chars, and ms codepagisms.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Wall
On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Iain 'Spoon' Truskett wrote:
: > This is currently running in a window that does Latin-1 rather than
: > UTF-8.  Do these French quotes come through?
: > @a «+» @b
: The window may say Latin-1, but the mail header said UTF-8.
: As it happens, I couldn't see them until I piped the message through
: less. That said, I've probably got a misconfiguration somewhere.
: I usually have trouble with top-bit set chars, and ms codepagisms.

I was misconfigured here.  My pine was marking it as UTF-8 even though
the window was Latin-1.  So you ought to be able to see this: @a «*» @b.

I'm definitely going to look into mutt though...gotta have Unicode email.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Iain 'Spoon' Truskett
* Larry Wall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [01 Nov 2002 15:59]:

> I was misconfigured here. My pine was marking it as UTF-8 even though
> the window was Latin-1. So you ought to be able to see this: @a «*» @b.

That appeared perfectly.

> I'm definitely going to look into mutt though...gotta have Unicode email.

So I'm told =) Me? I'd be happy if more mailers supported the
Mail-Followup-To header.

I'm not too concerned about unicode since my xterm doesn't support it
anyway =) Obviously, I'll look into it one of these days. Soon after
Perl 6 is released, I imagine.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 HyperOperator List

2002-10-31 Thread Luke Palmer

Larry wrote:
> I don't much care whether they short-circuit or not.  I could argue it
> either way.  I think it'd be okay if they short-circuit.  Anybody who
> uses an operator like ?& expecting it to force a side effect on the
> second expression is nuts.  And there's something (though not much)
> to be said for having an exact equivalent for C's && operator.

Well, would you mind saying it then?  Because there's certainly
something to be said against having an exact equivalent for C's &&


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread brian wheeler
On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 12:15, Larry Wall wrote:
> On 31 Oct 2002, brian wheeler wrote:
> : I agree considering, this isn't APL and the problems people have had
> : mailing examples (let alone creating them!).
> Nevertheless, it has already been decreed that Perl 6 programs are
> written in Unicode.  That's not gonna change...

Fair enough.  However it seems the world isn't ready for unicode
operators.  Ok, maybe its me that's not ready.  Being a boring American
from the midwest I don't need no stinking French quotes! :)  The fries
are good, though.

Anyway, I think that this is a good discussion (despite there being too
many threads to try to follow) and an important one.  However,
considering I've spent the last 45 minutes trying to figure a quick way
to enter french quotes into my mailer and editor without them both being
very different and without resorting to cutting and pasting is showing
me that there are big problems with my environment (redhat 8, emacs,
evolution) and I suspect I'm not the only one.  Displaying the glyphs
has been ok, for the most part, but its been hit and miss, depending on
other people's configuration.  Some tables of operators have had lots of

It seems that to write effective perl using the new features requires me
to change not only how I think in the language, but also how I use my
computer.  I think this might be too big of a leap for some.  Unless
there's a compromise.  Which brings up a question I hesitate to ask: 
will there be the equivalent of trigraphs to cover the non-ascii
characters used?  While ??< is a terrible substitute for {, it did get
the job done when people weren't able to press the '{' key.  It gave
some visual clue as to what was going on, and was fairly easy to
remember.  It doesn't bother me if someone wants to use @Straße for an
array, but it gets bad if when instructing others I have to pull some
voodoo key sequence (especially one which is different for each platform
and/or program being used) in order to get the job done.  Explaining
emacs' M-x was bad enough for some of the non-programmers in my

I'm going to go back to lurking now, because I do trust (most) of you. 
Though Dan is pretty odd sometimes. :)  I know that all of this will get
resolved in a (hopefully) sane fashion.  I just wanted to voice my

> : I've got to admit all of these operators are scaring me.  Seems alot
> : like Brooks' second-system effect.
> But that's our slogan:
> Perl 6 is second-system effect done right.
> :-)

But, doesn't *everyone* say that?  :)  


> Larry

Re: Primitive Boolean type?

2002-10-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Larry Wall wrote:
> Please don't think of C as a boolean type. There is no boolean
> type in Perl, only a boolean context.  Or looking at it from the
> other direction, *every* type is a boolean type.

Er... dang.  While I certainly agree with the concept in principle, I'm 
having a hard time sticking to it when I'm writing beginner-level docs. 
 Suppose I'm declaring something like:

class Appliance {

has bit $.is_plugged_in;
has bit $.is_turned_on;
has bit $.has_ul_approval;

I'm declaring three attributes that are specifically always either true 
or false.  They can *only* be true/false, or yes/no, or 1/0 -- they have 
no other possible values, and I want to declare them in such a way as to 
clearly enforce that behavior.  C<$.is_plugged_in> is never "5" or 
"timmy" -- only true or false, period!  By definition, my _intention_ is 
therefore to declare these three attributes as containing "boolean" values.

The problem I'm having is that there are few good ways to describe the 
above behavior without using the word "boolean".  The word is 
conspicuous in its absence; it's like someone trying to describe Daffy 
Duck to you without using the word "duck".  Perhaps boolean is spelled 
bit (or type bool ::= bit), but the associated value is unambiguously 
"boolean", which makes the attribute logically "boolean" in type.

Similarly I would assume that we want the capability to refer to boolean 
context by name (just as we can refer to scalar, list (array?), numeric, 
string, and other contexts) if for no other reason than to be able to 
make declarations like:

sub foo (int $i; str $s; bool $y) { ... }

which, from appearances, seems to strongly _imply_ to the user that 
there is indeed a 'bool' type, just as there is an 'int' type and a 
'str' type.  (They may be wrong, but that's intuitively what the above 
signature _appears_ to say.)

So while I understand the philosophical/semantic reasons for the absence 
of a true boolean type, I wonder how easy it will be to describe the 
principle to newcomers, and if it's worth it.  When someone asks "what's 
the boolean type in Perl?" I'd rather answer "bit" than "Perl doesn't 
have one", if for no other reason than the latter answer will completely 
freak them out.  :-)

Feedback?  What am I missing?


Re: Primitive Boolean type?

2002-10-31 Thread Luke Palmer
> Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
> Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 22:36:58 -0800
> From: Michael Lazzaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Accept-Language: en,pdf
> X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.12,
> Larry Wall wrote:
>  > Please don't think of C as a boolean type. There is no boolean
>  > type in Perl, only a boolean context.  Or looking at it from the
>  > other direction, *every* type is a boolean type.
> Er... dang.  While I certainly agree with the concept in principle, I'm 
> having a hard time sticking to it when I'm writing beginner-level docs. 
>   Suppose I'm declaring something like:
>  class Appliance {
>  has bit $.is_plugged_in;
>  has bit $.is_turned_on;
>  has bit $.has_ul_approval;
>  }
> I'm declaring three attributes that are specifically always either true 
> or false.  They can *only* be true/false, or yes/no, or 1/0 -- they have 
> no other possible values, and I want to declare them in such a way as to 
> clearly enforce that behavior.  C<$.is_plugged_in> is never "5" or 
> "timmy" -- only true or false, period!  By definition, my _intention_ is 
> therefore to declare these three attributes as containing "boolean" values.

I suppose, since anything can have the "true" or "false" properties,
you could roll your own boolean type like so:

class bool { }


my bool $electricity;

Can contain nothing at all.  But it can be true or false, since
"everything is a boolean."  I like that idea.  You would use it (a tad
awkwardly) as such:

$electricity but= true  if $plug;
$electricity but= false if $short_circuit;


Re: Question about "for" loop

2002-10-31 Thread Allison Randal
On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 02:40:08AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> for @a -> $x, $y { ... $x is topic ... } 
> for @a  ; @b -> 
> $x, $y  ; $z { ... WHAT is topic ?  ... } 
> what is topic in multi stream loop ? 

Always the first, so $x in both. Unless you specify otherwise:

  for @a  ; @b -> 
  $x, $y is topic  ; $z { ... $y is topic  ... } 

Try this:


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