Re: CS and the meat you eat

2000-07-28 Thread Pamela Grant
Not for those who like it very rare

I can understand the emotional appeal to soak meat in CS and it may
prolong it use by date... but if you actually cook it isn't this a bit


- Original Message -
From: Judith Thamm
Sent: Thursday, 27 July 2000 18:45
Subject: Re: CS and the meat you eat

 I soak any 'out of use by date meat in CS - highly diluted and have
 never got sick - worst was 2 weeks old meat I'd forgotten.

 I always bathe chicken in CS on principle.  Both my sons worked for a
 time at a chicken processing factory - one got mono nucleosis and
 almost died and the other caught something else and to be hospitalised

 I NEVER eat UN-CS chicken!

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Re: CS and the meat you eat

2000-07-28 Thread Pamela Grant
My primary concern for raw meat is trichinosis.  I don't think CS kills

Oh heck, just stick a couple of electrodes into your meat and give it a
good zap. That should do.

Philip I. Marie Sr. wrote:

 Interesting-ly enough, I just read a book by Wayne Green on the
secrets to good health. It's 80 pages of neat info. His thoughts are, we
were evolved on raw food and that's what the body is designed to handle.
Cooked food is toxic.

 I like his thinking on this. He speaks of raw meat, how good it tastes,
and how it passes through you quickly. Says you will have 3, loose, bowel
movements a day on a raw food diet. Then says if your afraid of raw
hamburger, *soak it in CS*.

My primary concern for raw meat is trichinosis.  I don't think CS kills


Hi Marshal;

I always thought it was limited to pork but looked it up.

trichinosis (tr¾k1õ-nÅ2s¾s) n.

A disease caused by eating undercooked meat, usually pork, that contains
trichinae, which develop as adults in the intestines and as larvae in the
muscles, causing intestinal disorders, fever, nausea, muscular pain, and
edema of the face.

I know sushi is raw fish and a popular dish. Guess worms are a risk but as
a kid I remeber eating raw hamburger and beef.

Phil Sr.

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Re: CSCat bathing (OT humor)

2000-07-28 Thread Pamela Grant
recommend that you get in the tub with the cat and close the sliding-glass
as if you were about to take a shower

yes, been there, done that, BIG mistake, BUT thanks to this list I have
learned that CS is good for healing scars.


On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 18:22:25 -0400, wrote:

I think I'd rather deal with the allergy than bathe a cat weekly.
Cat bathing has been listed as a marial art!
I knew I could find it
Here 'tis:

Some people say cats never have to be bathed. They say cats lick themselves
clean. They say cats have a special enzyme of some sort in their saliva that
works like new, improved Wisk - dislodging the dirt where it hides and
it away.
I've spent most of my life believing this folklore. Like most blind believers,
I've been able to discount all the facts to the contrary, the kitty odors that
lurk in the corners of the garage and dirt smudges that cling to the throw rug
by the fireplace.

The time comes, however, when a man must face reality: when he must look
squarely in the face of massive public sentiment to the contrary and announce:
This cat smells like a port-a-potty on a hot day in Juarez.

When that day arrives at your house, as it has in mine, I have some advice you
might consider as you place your feline friend under your arm and head for the

-- Know that although the cat has the advantage of quickness and lack of
for human life, you have the advantage of strength. Capitalize on that
by selecting the battlefield. Don't try to bathe him in an open area where he
can force you to chase him.

Pick a very small bathroom. If your bathroom is more than four feet square, I
recommend that you get in the tub with the cat and close the sliding-glass
as if you were about to take a shower. (A simple shower curtain will not do. A
berserk cat can shred a three-ply rubber shower curtain quicker than a
politician can shift positions.)

-- Know that a cat has claws and will not hesitate to remove all the skin from
your body. Your advantage here is that you are smart and know how to dress to
protect yourself. I recommend canvas overalls tucked into high-top
boots, a pair of steel-mesh gloves, an army helmet, a hockey face mask, and a
long-sleeved flak jacket.

-- Prepare everything in advance. There is no time to go out for a towel when
you have a cat digging a hole in your flak jacket. Draw the water. Make
sure the
bottle of kitty shampoo is inside the glass enclosure. Make sure the towel can
be reached, even if you are lying on your back in the water.

-- Use the element of surprise. Pick up your cat nonchalantly, as if to simply
carry him to his supper dish. (Cats will not usually notice your strange
They have little or no interest in fashion as a rule. If he does notice your
garb, calmly explain that you are taking part in a product testing experiment
for J.C. Penney.)

-- Once you are inside the bathroom, speed is essential to survival. In a
liquid motion, shut the bathroom door, step into the tub enclosure, slide the
glass door shut, dip the cat in the water and squirt him with shampoo. You
begun one of the wildest 45 seconds of your life.

Cats have no handles. Add the fact that he now has soapy fur, and the
problem is
radically compounded. Do not expect to hold on to him for more than two or
seconds at a time. When you have him, however, you must remember to give him
another squirt of shampoo and rub like crazy. He'll then spring free and fall
back into the water, thereby rinsing himself off. (The national record for
is three latherings, so don't expect too much.)

-- Next, the cat must be dried. Novice cat bathers always assume this part
be the most difficult, for humans generally are worn out at this point and the
cat is just getting really determined. In fact, the drying is simple
compared to
what you have just been through. That's because by now the cat is
semipermanently affixed to your right leg. You simply pop the drain plug with
you foot, reach for your towel and wait. (Occasionally, however, the cat will
end up clinging to the top of your army helmet. If this happens, the best
you can do is to shake him loose and to encourage him toward your leg.) After
all the water is drained from the tub, it is a simple matter to just reach
and dry the cat.

In a few days the cat will relax enough to be removed from your leg. He will
usually have nothing to say for about three weeks and will spend a lot of time
sitting with his back to you. He might even become psychoceramic and
develop the
fixed stare of a plaster figurine.

You will be tempted to assume he is angry. This isn't usually the case. As a
rule he is simply plotting ways to get through your defenses and injure
you for
life the next time you decide to give him a bath.

But at least now he smells a lot better.

The silver-list is a moderated 

CSThere is a question in here, can you find it?

2000-07-28 Thread Pamela Grant
I have not been visiting my e-mail too often lately, which means that when
I do I have well over 300 messages from some 3 days worth. So, tonight I
turn on the e-mail with conviction that this time I will unsubscribe to
that CS list. Did I find it boring? Not in the least. In fact, if CS was
all that was mentioned I may have been able to tear away. Afterall, I now
understand that CS is safe to insert into your ears, safe to insert into
your eyes, safe to insert into your(our)vaginas and of course, safe to
drink. I do have one question that I have put off. Is it safe for an enema?
No, seriously, I am not joking.

After reading all the e-mails from the past 4 days on this list and
laughing the whole way(well, most of it) I find once again that I am unable
to let go of you guys. Call it a mental illness, act of God(or science)
or just simply feeling like this is an odd kind of family that once you've
joined it is hard to leave or more like a great soap opera that keeps you
glued to the screen daily(not I of course).

I guess I could always be BAD and get kicked off some day. Until then...I
just want to say, I for one enjoy the divresity of subject and yes, I have
greatly restrained myself from joining some of the more interesting
discussions(like the moon one---by the way, did you know that on Mars they
faked...oh never mind).


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCat bathing (OT humor)

2000-07-28 Thread Pamela Grant
Since you are on the subject of cats. Does anyone know of a SAFE detox
remedy for cats?


Thanks Chuck. This is hilarious! My husband  I both had a very good laugh.
It is now winging it's way through cyber space to my sister  my aunt.

 Nina  C.

  Nina L. Chew  Julie H. Martin
  Wavorgonaked Cattery
Hairless Cats of the 21st Century
   Sphynx  Russian Peterbald

God made the cat in order that man might have the pleasure of caressing the
 - Fernand Mery

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 6:39 PM
Subject: CSCat bathing (OT humor)

 On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 18:22:25 -0400, wrote:

 I think I'd rather deal with the allergy than bathe a cat weekly.
 Cat bathing has been listed as a marial art!
 I knew I could find it
 Here 'tis:

 Some people say cats never have to be bathed. They say cats lick
 clean. They say cats have a special enzyme of some sort in their saliva
 works like new, improved Wisk - dislodging the dirt where it hides and
 it away.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRacoons, CS and rabies

2000-07-28 Thread Pamela Grant
Now let's jump to racoons. Yes, this is about CS. I have several racoon
families around my home. About 40 miles away, they claim that they have
found rabies in some racoons. Does anyone know the effect of CS on
rabies?---as prevention and/or treatment


Thanks Chuck. This is hilarious! My husband  I both had a very good laugh.
It is now winging it's way through cyber space to my sister  my aunt.

 Nina  C.

  Nina L. Chew  Julie H. Martin
  Wavorgonaked Cattery
Hairless Cats of the 21st Century
   Sphynx  Russian Peterbald

God made the cat in order that man might have the pleasure of caressing the
 - Fernand Mery

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 6:39 PM
Subject: CSCat bathing (OT humor)

 On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 18:22:25 -0400, wrote:

 I think I'd rather deal with the allergy than bathe a cat weekly.
 Cat bathing has been listed as a marial art!
 I knew I could find it
 Here 'tis:

 Some people say cats never have to be bathed. They say cats lick
 clean. They say cats have a special enzyme of some sort in their saliva
 works like new, improved Wisk - dislodging the dirt where it hides and
 it away.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS and the meat you eat

2000-07-25 Thread Pamela Grant
Does anyone soak store-bought meat in CS? This idea I got after reading the

To: list
Subject: Tumor Meat



Meat from diseased animals approved for consumers
Scripps Howard News Service
July 14, 2000

WASHINGTON - The federal agency overseeing food inspection
is imposing new rules reclassifying as safe for human consumption
animal carcasses with cancers, tumors and open sores.

Federal meat inspectors and consumer groups are protesting the
move to classify tumors and open sores as aesthetic problems,
which permits the meat to get the government's purple seal of
approval as a wholesome food product.

I don't want to eat pus from a chicken that has pneumonia.
I think it's gross, said Wenonah Hauter, director of Public
Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project. Most Americans don't
want to eat this sort of contamination in their meals.

Delmer Jones, a federal food inspector for 41 years who lives
in Renlap, Ala., said he's so revolted by the lowering of food
wholesomeness standards that he doesn't buy meat at the
supermarket anymore because he doesn't trust that it is safe
to eat.

I eat very little to no meat, but sardines and fish, said Jones,
president of the National Joint Council of Meat Inspection
Locals, a union of 7,000 meat inspectors nationwide affiliated
with the American Federation of Government Employees. He
said he's trying to get his wife to stop eating meat. I've told
her what she's eating.

The union is battling related Agriculture Department plans
to rely on scientific testing of samples of butchered meats to
determine the wholesomeness of meat, rather than traditional
item-by-item scrutiny by federal inspectors. A 1959 federal law
requires inspectors from the Agriculture Department's Food
Inspection and Safety System to inspect
all slaughtered animals before they can be sold for human

The Agriculture Department began implementing the new policy
as part of a pilot project in 24 slaughter houses last October, and
plans to expand the system nationwide covering poultry, beef and
pork. The agency this month extended until Aug. 29 the time for
the public to comment on the regulations, and won't issue final
rules until after the comments are received.

In 1998, the inspections and safety system reclassified an array
of animal diseases as being defects that rarely or never present
a direct public health risk and said unaffected carcass portions
could be passed on to consumers by cutting out lesions.

Among animal diseases the agency said don't present a health
danger are:

- Cancer;

- A pneumonia of poultry called airsacculitis;

- Glandular swellings or lymphomas;

- Sores;

- Infectious arthritis;

- Diseases caused by intestinal worms.

In the case of tumors, the guidelines state: remove localized
lesion(s) and pass unaffected carcass portions.

They just cut off the areas,'' said Carol Blake, spokeswoman
for the Agriculture Department's inspection and safety system.

But Jones and consumer groups say production lines are moving
so fast that they can't catch all the diseased carcasses, and some
are ending up on supermarket shelves.

When I started inspecting, inspectors were looking at 13 birds
a minute, then 40, and now it's 91 birds a minute with three
inspectors. You cannot do your job with 91 birds a minute,
Jones said.

The Agriculture Department is also experimenting with proposed
rules that would require federal food inspectors to monitor what
the plant employees are doing, rather than inspecting each
carcass individually. They are aimed at bringing a new scientific
approach to federal meat inspection to cut down on E. coli
bacteria and other contamination.

The inspection and safety agency says a survey of pilot plants
using the new system concluded that less than 1 percent of the
poultry examined at the end of the production line and released
for public consumption was unwholesome.

At a public hearing on the findings this year, Karen Henderson
of Agriculture's division of field operations admitted that
defective carcasses are being approved for human use under
the pilot program.

Absolutely. There's no system that we are aware of that is
capable of removing every defect from the process, she said.

Felicia Nestor, director of the Government Accountability
Project, a Washington watchdog group, said the pilot project
found chickens with higher levels of fecal and other
contamination than in traditional methods of inspecting.

A lot of diseased animals are going out, she said.

A. Raymond Randolph, a federal appeals court judge, this month
said federal food safety laws require meat and poultry inspectors
to examine every carcass that moves through slaughterhouses and
processing plants.

The laws clearly contemplate that when inspections are done,
it will be federal inspectors, rather than private employees,
who will make the critical determination whether 

CS and vaccines

2000-07-25 Thread Pamela Grant
Any knowledge, opinions, or testimonials out there as to any effect CS may
have on the detrimental efects of vaccinations?

Instead of blowing billions pushing questionable
vaccines on innocent, unsuspecting children, why aren't we
addressing the safety issues that exist right now, today?

Here's the tip of the iceberg:  Since 1988 autism increased
273% in California and a startling 571% in Florida. Some
researchers suspect the incidence rate is tied to MMR vaccine.
What are we doing about it? Fifty percent of all reported
adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccine have been listed as
serious vs. the typical 15% serious rate of other vaccines.
What's wrong? Japan isn't into mandated infant vaccinations,
rarely mixes vaccines, and dramatically altered their schedule
to avoid adverse reactions. The Japanese now enjoy the lowest
infant mortality rate in the world. The U.S. rate is a distant,
embarrassing number 25. How come?

Shouldn't we find out the reasons why before we accept even
1 more of the 35 new vaccines heading our way? There's so
much money in the toxic brew that some 150 more are in
various stages of development. Other than the pharmaceutical
companies, who the hell wants them?

Why are our children being mandated into human guinea

Amazingly enough, people roll up their sleeves - and those of
their children - without even batting an eyelash. Please listen
carefully to the words spoken to me by the mother of a
seriously vaccine-injured child.

It never occurred to me that once you squirt it in, you can't get
it out. My daughter will pay the penalty for the rest of her life.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Autistic children caused by MMR vaccine

By Julie Foster © 2000

A report by Dr. Harold Buttram, a practicing physician in
Quakertown, Pa., suggests the recent increase in the number of
autistic children could be caused by the combination measles,
mumps and rubella, or MMR, vaccine routinely given to
children at age 18 months -- a phenomenon the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention claim is highly unlikely.

In a past study of autistic children, researchers found that 84
percent of the children had antibodies against a certain type of
brain tissue, indicating that the immune system was destroying
brain cells. The researchers also found the brain tissue antibody
to be very similar to the antibody that's formed against the
MMR vaccine. Additionally, MMR antibody was found in
59 percent of the autistic children compared to 10 percent in
normal children.

Buttram also noted some experts believe certain childhood
illnesses including measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox
are a necessary and helpful step in strengthening the immune
system. Because the vaccines are given by injection, the immune
response of the mucous membranes, through which these
diseases enter the body, is not challenged and strengthened.
Those who support the theory also attribute the use of vaccines
to the great increase in cases of asthma and eczema, both of
which are diseases of the mucous membranes.

Buttram was quick to point out that measles and other diseases
may result in complications that cause brain injury. Therefore,
physicians and government officials may be choosing between
the lesser of two evils.

It is true that there may be situations where extreme measures
may be justified, as the lesser of two evils, to preserve life
and health, Buttram wrote. The basic question, therefore, is
whether the benefits of current childhood vaccines outweigh
the harm, or whether the reverse is true.

The incidence of autism in California increased 273 percent
from 1987 to 1998, and a growing number of medical
professionals are questioning the FDA's vaccine safety tests.

A small but growing minority of physicians and scientists are
becoming aware that safety testing for the various vaccines has
been woefully inadequate, Buttram wrote.

He cited a 1994 National Academy of Sciences review of
the safety of the hepatitis B vaccine. The review was done to
investigate five possible adverse effects of the vaccine. However,
conclusions could not be made about four of the effects due to
a lack of enough research.

Dr. Bernard Rimland, founder and director of the Autism
Research Institute in San Diego, Calif., told, There are no data on the triple

When the institute opened in 1967, Rimland noticed that a
number of parents had mentioned that the diptheria, pertussin
and tetanus, or DPT, vaccine seemed to have an adverse effect
on their children.

In the late '70s and early '80s, we began hearing the same
thing about MMR, he said.

Rimland pointed out that triple vaccines can put additional stress
on the body. A person's immune system usually deals with one
virus at a time. Combining the individual measles, mumps and
rubella vaccines into one package results in a much more
dangerous vaccine, he said.

Rimland also noted that doctors can report adverse effects of

CS for diagnosed HIV?

2000-07-20 Thread Pamela Grant
Before you decide to take CS for HIV, know what some experts are saying
about HIV(not a virus):

Subject: Neville Hodgkinson in South Africa

 The Sunday Independent, Johannesburg, published the following article
 in their Inside Story section of the main newspaper on 9 July 2000:

 Headline: Some observers are critical of HIV theory and they have a
 right to be heard

 By Neville Hodgkinson

 The huge flaws in the HIV theory go deeper than questions over the
 extent to which HIV is the cause of Aids, or the toxicity or
 effectiveness of drugs directed against the virus.  Astonishingly, they
 challenge the very existence of the virus itself - and thus, the
 validity of the HIV test - as well as the multibillion-dollar industry
 producing pharmaceutical interventions for Aids.

 Some of the scientists contributing to President Thabo Mbeki's Aids
 Advisory Panel have been trying for more than a decade to demonstrate
 these flaws to the scientific community.  No one would listen.  None of
 the mainstream journals would publish their work.  There was no

  From the beginning, powerful political, social and commercial forces
 shaped Aids science, and the possibility that the HIV theory might be
 fundamentally wrong soon became scientifically unthinkable.

 This is one reason why Mbeki has incurred such incomprehension and
 criticism.  Few of the doctors and scientists who signed last week's
 pro-HIV Durban Declaration know of the criticism to which the HIV theory
 has been subjected.  There has been an information blackout by leading
 scientific journals such as Nature, which helped organise the

 While scientists are pressing for a reappraisal of the HIV theory, the
 most comprehensive critique has been developed by a group of scientists
 based in Perth, Australia.  Two members of the group, Eleni Papadopulos-
 Eleopulos, a medical physicist, and Dr Val Turner, an emergency
 physician, were in Johannesburg last week to give evidence to the
 advisory panel.  They received support from scientists in other fields
 of expertise, including epidemiology, virus isolation and HIV diagnosis.
 It was on the basis of this evidence that the panel agreed to research
 the validity of the HIV test.

 This is what the Perth group says:

 · Cells of the immune system can become over-stimulated as a result of a
 variety of biological assaults.  When this happens, they produce
 biochemical signals that HIV theorists have misinterpreted as evidence
 for the presence of a new virus.

 · Triggers for this reaction include exposure to infections, especially
 in malnourished people whose immunity is already compromised; heavy
 exposure to blood and blood products and other body fluids, including
 semen; and heavy drug use.

 · The body produces antibodies in response to this reaction, but these
 antibodies are to products of the disordered cells, not to a viral

 · Poor people in Africa and elsewhere are especially at risk of testing
 positive for these antibodies, but this is not because of the spread of
 a sexually transmitted virus.  It is because they are more at risk of
 being exposed to long-established infections, particularly tuberculosis,
 that trigger a positive result with the HIV test.

 · People who test positive are at increased risk of becoming ill, and of
 dying if no action is taken over the true cause of their illness.
 However, this is not because they are infected with a lethal virus.  If
 the conditions that caused them to test positive are changed, they are
 likely to stay well.

 · The HIV test is useful in screening blood, because it helps exclude
 donations from carriers of TB and other disorders.  But it is tragically
 misleading to tell individuals who test positive that they have HIV.

 · Claims that the tests are accurate in diagnosing the presence of HIV
 are unfounded.  The tests have never been validated by showing that the
 virus is present in those who test positive, and not in those who test
 negative.  The method used has simply been to show that people in
 Western risk groups for Aids are much more likely to test positive
 than healthy people.  The Perth group agrees that this association is
 present, but says it does nothing to prove HIV as the cause.

 · The test could not be validated by showing the presence of HIV,
 because no such virus has ever been isolated from patients, according to
 previously accepted standards.

 · When immune cells are heavily stimulated in the laboratory, they can
 produce particles and other products of the genes in the cells.  From
 these,  viral tests have been developed, but the  same criticism
 applies: they have never been validated against isolation of purified

 In the rush to come first with a viral cause of Aids, scientists
 mistakenly inferred the presence of a unique, new, sexually transmitted
 microbe, and have wrongly scared the living daylights out of us ever

 In the earlier years of Aids, when 

Re: CSH2O2 and oxygenation

2000-07-20 Thread Pamela Grant
I don't have a letter from you Pamela asking me about H2O2.

Could be the brain injury, but I don't remember needing to ask you a
question on H2O2. I have a book on it and I used to do intravenously--til
they ran that poor medical doctor out of town--the bastards--oh well

Nag nag nag!!!  I've got a husband to do that! ;)

I don't have time to go online every day - and next week I start doing
the last 13 months of someone's books  kept a la shoe box style -
boxes of papers!.. a busy small - business... so I shall have less
time.  I'm not an accountant, but I do know how to set up and run a
business from the computer - and I'll charge less than her
accountant - he can have them to finish when I get them fit for
presentation!  [and the extra money will be nice..:) ]

I don't have a letter from you Pamela asking me about H2O2.  Please
send it again.  School holidays are on here just now and I've gone on
late in the day - not my normal time and had drop outs as I've taken
down the mail.  May have got the chop.


   CAN H2o2 be ingested?  Does this oxygenate the blood?

Yes and there are a lot of buts..  not undiluted.  Why do you want to
take it?  It is not a one-shot or 2-shot job like CS.

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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSH2O2 and oxygenation

2000-07-20 Thread Pamela Grant
Oops everyone--sorry, I meant to send that e-mail to Judith's personal
e-mail--there goes my head again--darn

Nag nag nag!!!  I've got a husband to do that! ;)

I don't have time to go online every day - and next week I start doing
the last 13 months of someone's books  kept a la shoe box style -
boxes of papers!.. a busy small - business... so I shall have less
time.  I'm not an accountant, but I do know how to set up and run a
business from the computer - and I'll charge less than her
accountant - he can have them to finish when I get them fit for
presentation!  [and the extra money will be nice..:) ]

I don't have a letter from you Pamela asking me about H2O2.  Please
send it again.  School holidays are on here just now and I've gone on
late in the day - not my normal time and had drop outs as I've taken
down the mail.  May have got the chop.


   CAN H2o2 be ingested?  Does this oxygenate the blood?

Yes and there are a lot of buts..  not undiluted.  Why do you want to
take it?  It is not a one-shot or 2-shot job like CS.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSH2O2 and oxygenation

2000-07-18 Thread Pamela Grant
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 17:12:54 -0500
From: Pamela Grant Subject: H2O2 and oxygenation

  CAN H2o2 be ingested?  Does this oxygenate the blood?
 I am still waiting for an answer on that one, from Judith, at her
 address at:  Try e-mailing her.  Perhaps
 write you back.  Nada so far, for me.


I think you will find that a couple of good breathes will supply more

oxygen to the blood than any amount of H2O2 will furnish. The useful

action of H2O2 is in its oxidation rather than in its oxygenation.


In response to Ivan's remark:

The useful
action of H2O2 is in its oxidation rather than in its oxygenation.

Taken from the book: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: MEDICAL MIRACLE---by William
Campbell Douglass,M.D.

Dr. Farr in an experiment, uses an oxygen-measuring instrument to measure
the oxygen consumption. The patient wears a mask over his face and a
delicate, computerized instrument does the rest. the machine calculates the
inspired oxygen and the expired oxygen and reports the differnce. The
weight of the patient being known, the rate that the body is burning
fuel(oxygen) can be easily determined. It's sort of like miles per gallon
with your car, except we call it metabolic rate. If the metabolic rate goes
up with H2O2 therapy, then Farr is right, and more oxygen is getting to the
AND LONGEVITY. The results of this experiment were unequivocal. In less
than two minutes after the beginning of infusion the metabolic rate began
to rise. The rate of metabolism went up 100 percent and stayed at that
level until the infusion was stopped. The rate returned to pre-treatment
levels in about thirty minutes. The other experiment involved the
measuring of the change in body surface temperature as a result of
expansion of the tiny blood vessels in the skin(vasodilation). If the
temperature goes up during the H2O2 infusion, then the body's oxygenation
has increased and vasoldilation has occurred. If the blood vessels dilate,
the circulation improves and, again, more vital oxygen is getting to the
tissues. Within five to ten minutes after starting the infusion, the body
surface temperature goes up by one degree, corresponding to the increase in
oxygen consumption and vasodilation.A sensitive little photo-electric
cell was placed at the end of the index finger to measure the pulse volume.
This is an accurate assessment of the expansion of the tiny blood vessels
throughout your body. There was a clear and sustained increase of the pulse
volume throughout the treatment.All of these measurements-the
oxygen consumption, the temperature rise and the blood vessel dilation-were
duplicated for six consecutive days on all patients. That doesn't leave
much room for coincidence. In fact, the essence of scientific proof is that
your results can be consistently repeated in a high percentage of cases
studied. 100% repeatability is not too bad. So now you can see the
importance of these experiments in your own case. By simply taking your
temperature in the armpit and pulse volume at the fingertip we can tell
if(1) the H2O2 we are using still has its potency(the solution can
deteriorate), and (2) is the H2O2 having the desired effect of the
oxygenation of tissue in your body. There are so few treatments in
medicine where the results can be so readily and easily determined as with
vantage over any other form of treatment. Either it's working or it isn't.
There is usually no in-between. Dr. Farr made another brilliant
observation from his studies. He perceived that the tiny amount of oxygen
couldn't possibly explain the doubling of the metabolic rate observed. He
calculated that it would take approximately 416 quarts of oxygen to cause
the increase in oxygenation(metabolic rate)observed in the patients. Even
if the infusion was continued for 24 hrs., only 3 1/2 qts. of oxygen would
be produced-less than 1% of the amount necessary to obtain the results
measured.   He concluded, therefore, that the increase in oxygenation
is due to the infused H2O2 stimulating the body's enzyme systems. So the
objections being heard from scientists that only a trivial amount of oxygen
could be getting to the tissues is incorrect. They are technically correct,
but the results speak for themselves and vindicate Dr. Farr's landmark

How does this compare to the ingestion of H2O2 and whether or not the same
results would be obtained, I do not know, yet. It would be a good

If anyone wants more info on H2O2 I have more written which I can send. But
for now I will delete the rest of what I was going to send to you all,
unless the interest is there.


In a message dated 7/11/00 12:09:12 AM !!!First Boot!!!,

 CAN H2o2 be ingested? Does this oxygenate the blood

Re: CSOzone vs negative ions, CS for acne

2000-07-18 Thread Pamela Grant
Well, I'll have to starrt rubbing some of that CS on my face--sounds like
a good facial--maybe even steam it on. Anyway, I have an ionizer--will that


Hi Steve,

not confused, indeed ozone is a negative ion.
Sunlight (UV) produces ozone in the spray and mists, and humid air found
at these places.

Corona discharge negative ion generators produce some ozone in air.

You know, now that I think of it, I haven't any acne since taking CS,
nor cold sores.


- Original Message -
From: Steve Young
Sent: Sunday, 16 July 2000 12:43
Subject: CSOzone vs negative ions, CS for acne


 Your statement of near rivers and waterfalls makes me wonder if you
 confusing negative air ions and ozone.  I know the negative ion levels
 higher outside, especially near waterfalls, and the effect is supposed
to be
 healthful.  The Russians reportedly use a lot of negative ion
generators in
 commercial air conditioning installations, supposedly with good
effects.  I
 can't imagine how a waterfall can produce ozone - what would be the

 Let's see, to stay on topic, I have to add a CS statement I suppose.
 friends say using CS topically on the face of their teenagers has
 dramatically reduced acne, and works much better than the special $50
 they bought.

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Re: CSH2O2 and oxygenation

2000-07-18 Thread Pamela Grant
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 17:12:54 -0500
From: Pamela Grant Subject: H2O2 and oxygenation

  CAN H2o2 be ingested?  Does this oxygenate the blood?
 I am still waiting for an answer on that one, from Judith, at her
 address at:  Try e-mailing her.  Perhaps
 write you back.  Nada so far, for me.


I think you will find that a couple of good breathes will supply more

oxygen to the blood than any amount of H2O2 will furnish. The useful

action of H2O2 is in its oxidation rather than in its oxygenation.


In response to Ivan's remark:

The useful
action of H2O2 is in its oxidation rather than in its oxygenation.

Taken from the book: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: MEDICAL MIRACLE---by William
Campbell Douglass,M.D.

Dr. Farr in an experiment, uses an oxygen-measuring instrument to measure
the oxygen consumption. The patient wears a mask over his face and a
delicate, computerized instrument does the rest. the machine calculates the
inspired oxygen and the expired oxygen and reports the differnce. The
weight of the patient being known, the rate that the body is burning
fuel(oxygen) can be easily determined. It's sort of like miles per gallon
with your car, except we call it metabolic rate. If the metabolic rate goes
up with H2O2 therapy, then Farr is right, and more oxygen is getting to the
AND LONGEVITY. The results of this experiment were unequivocal. In less
than two minutes after the beginning of infusion the metabolic rate began
to rise. The rate of metabolism went up 100 percent and stayed at that
level until the infusion was stopped. The rate returned to pre-treatment
levels in about thirty minutes. The other experiment involved the
measuring of the change in body surface temperature as a result of
expansion of the tiny blood vessels in the skin(vasodilation). If the
temperature goes up during the H2O2 infusion, then the body's oxygenation
has increased and vasoldilation has occurred. If the blood vessels dilate,
the circulation improves and, again, more vital oxygen is getting to the
tissues. Within five to ten minutes after starting the infusion, the body
surface temperature goes up by one degree, corresponding to the increase in
oxygen consumption and vasodilation.A sensitive little photo-electric
cell was placed at the end of the index finger to measure the pulse volume.
This is an accurate assessment of the expansion of the tiny blood vessels
throughout your body. There was a clear and sustained increase of the pulse
volume throughout the treatment.All of these measurements-the
oxygen consumption, the temperature rise and the blood vessel dilation-were
duplicated for six consecutive days on all patients. That doesn't leave
much room for coincidence. In fact, the essence of scientific proof is that
your results can be consistently repeated in a high percentage of cases
studied. 100% repeatability is not too bad. So now you can see the
importance of these experiments in your own case. By simply taking your
temperature in the armpit and pulse volume at the fingertip we can tell
if(1) the H2O2 we are using still has its potency(the solution can
deteriorate), and (2) is the H2O2 having the desired effect of the
oxygenation of tissue in your body. There are so few treatments in
medicine where the results can be so readily and easily determined as with
vantage over any other form of treatment. Either it's working or it isn't.
There is usually no in-between. Dr. Farr made another brilliant
observation from his studies. He perceived that the tiny amount of oxygen
couldn't possibly explain the doubling of the metabolic rate observed. He
calculated that it would take approximately 416 quarts of oxygen to cause
the increase in oxygenation(metabolic rate)observed in the patients. Even
if the infusion was continued for 24 hrs., only 3 1/2 qts. of oxygen would
be produced-less than 1% of the amount necessary to obtain the results
measured.   He concluded, therefore, that the increase in oxygenation
is due to the infused H2O2 stimulating the body's enzyme systems. So the
objections being heard from scientists that only a trivial amount of oxygen
could be getting to the tissues is incorrect. They are technically correct,
but the results speak for themselves and vindicate Dr. Farr's landmark

How does this compare to the ingestion of H2O2 and whether or not the same
results would be obtained, I do not know, yet. It would be a good

If anyone wants more info on H2O2 I have more written which I can send. But
for now I will delete the rest of what I was going to send to you all,
unless the interest is there.


In a message dated 7/11/00 12:09:12 AM !!!First Boot!!!,

 CAN H2o2 be ingested? Does this oxygenate the blood

Re: CSStructured Water

2000-07-18 Thread Pamela Grant
Now wouldn't it save so much more time if one were open-minded in the first
place? Humans, they are SO agravating!

Hi Ya'all,

When the discussions on structures water I thought that you all were a
bunch of loony Tunes!!
Thanks to Ivan for the patent number. I went to and
downloaded Lorwnzen's latest patent dated March 7,200. It describes the
equipment and how to make it. All you need is about $10,000 to get
started. The glass work is not simple as one might suspect and then one
needs a press chamber and shaker table.

Oh I don't want to forget the clean room requirement. Then when you
use the stuff it must be diluted 10^3 to 10^ 20 to be safe. The
preferred dilutant i triple distilled water.

Oh yes, one needs an MRA at 100 giga hertz and a O MNR at 25 to 125
Hertz. Then don't forget the conductivity meter and the surface tension

Other than that it is a very simple process if you can get the right
magnet material inside of the first still column.

Next I want to look up John Wlillard's patents and see what gyrations he
goes through for his product.

Happy structuring.

Ole Bob

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Re: CS=alkaline?

2000-07-17 Thread Pamela Grant
Sounds good

Dear Pam,
CS is neutral - but test it with litmus paper to satisfy yourself.  It
is a 'colloid' of silver not a 'salt' or a 'base' that you make.

Reduce what you are eating that is acidic - meats, acid fruits -
increase intake of fresh raw veg - esp greens.

Eating cooked potatoes [neutral -  thought to give a balance in the
body] in a main meal and a fresh pear after your evening meal will
send your body back into alkaline.

- Original Message -
From: Pamela Grant
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 6:11 AM
Subject: CS=alkaline?

 Is there any chance that the drinking of CS can turn one's body
 alkaline? I had become very alkaline last year. I still am, but have
 idea what I did to get that way.


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Re: CSan air circulating CS invention anyone?

2000-07-17 Thread Pamela Grant
Thanks Ivan. I forget you are so far away.

Hi Pam,

Ozone is ozone and is irritating to mucus membranes at high
concentrations. The smell is not a consistent measurement device.

Ozone is not toxic per se, but produces toxic compounds when it reacts
with pollution. The typical home has less ozone present than will be
found in the countryside especially near rivers and waterfalls. The
concentration at these places is healthful, and tests have been
undertaken which prove that the generation of small amounts of ozone
into the air lessens the illness rate of children at school.

In my daughters room, I set the air pump and ozone generator, close the
door and let it run for 3 or 4 hours, after which I open the door and
windows to a lovely fresh room. I do the other rooms in the house

I use an aquarium air pump of some 4 Litres per minute max and an
aquarium ozoniser of 150mg/L . I sell these as part of the 4 point Beck
protocol although that is perhaps not much use to you on the other side
of the world... mind you the US$ is worth 2 x NZ$.

Any way, hope this is of help... and jolly good luck.


- Original Message -
From: Pamela Grant
Sent: Saturday, 15 July 2000 12:34
Subject: Re: CSan air circulating CS invention anyone?

 Thanks Ivan. I am open to any opinions out there as to a good,
 ozone generator. Or are they as effective? What kind do you use, Ivan?


 Go with the ozone.
 My daughters room is very damp, and I have found that 3or 4 hrs of
 treatment per week eliminates mould and musty smell.
 I use the same machine (aquarium air pump and ozonator) that I use
 ozonising drinking water.
 A spray with CS helps also.

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Re: CSan air circulating CS invention anyone?

2000-07-14 Thread Pamela Grant
Thanks Ivan. I am open to any opinions out there as to a good, non-toxic
ozone generator. Or are they as effective? What kind do you use, Ivan?



Go with the ozone.
My daughters room is very damp, and I have found that 3or 4 hrs of ozone
treatment per week eliminates mould and musty smell.

I use the same machine (aquarium air pump and ozonator) that I use for
ozonising drinking water.

A spray with CS helps also.


- Original Message -
From: Pamela Grant
Sent: Friday, 14 July 2000 13:29
Subject: CSan air circulating CS invention anyone?

 It is strange, but every now and then an e-mail I send to this list
 makes it. Oh well, must be something I did as it was not a hot topic
 have confiscated by the you know who's.

 Now, I will try again. In my cellar I have a mold and fungus problem.
 have been thinking of waays in which I might be able to rid this
 I've thought of taking a hose and attaching a container of clorox and
 spraying everything, but I am sensitive tot hose fumes. I have also
 considered using an ozone generator to kill off the molds, but I would
 be breathing this toxin in as well. I've thought of replacing CS for
 clorox in the hose, but I really don't want to gett everything wet,
 moisture is part of the problem anyway. I am now thinking of a
 using CS, but again--it's more moisture and my dehumidifier runs
 as it is---and would a humidifier really get CS all through the air?
 about putting the humidifier into the furmnace(next to the blower?--a
 friend told me he puts his ionizer in that spot?). What I am really
 for is to spark the genius in you electrical engineers for a whole new
 invention for getting CS through the air. Anyone up for the challenge?


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Re: CSDr. Len Horowitz and clustered water

2000-07-14 Thread Pamela Grant

The patented method of generating clustered water, using a template
molecule (herbs etc.) is well within the reach of interested amateurs.

Even non-technical ones like me?


Read here of  Len Horowitz, and clustered water.

The patented method of generating clustered water, using a template
molecule (herbs etc.) is well within the reach of interested amateurs.
The water drop pictures are quite beautiful and revealing...

The water retains the energy signature of the template and elicits
similar responses.
I have read a patent where the inventor describes how water can be given
the signature of a huge range of substances, including fuels, but needed
a substantial quantity of custom glass work.

Both require the reprogramming of steam.


- Original Message -
From: Pamela Grant
Sent: Friday, 14 July 2000 18:22
Subject: CSDr. Len Horowitz and clustered water

 Someone asked about how to obtain clustered water, then someone else
 responded: Dr. Len Horowitz. Then I believe someone asked how to
 him. Well, here it is:

  Email :

  P.O. Box 2033 Sandpoint, ID. 83864 U.S.A.
  Tel. 208-265-2575 (office) Order Line: 888-508-4787
  or save 20% on all orders by clicking here
  100% secure online ordering!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSconcerning water

2000-07-14 Thread Pamela Grant
Ivan, are you familiar with the Living Water that is being develop0ed in
turkey, I beleive? I think the name of the website Shirley C. gave me is
called Perfect Scince. They have a super-ionized water that is literally
cleaning up large bodies of water. I called a guy from florida(Jim Trider)
to see if I could get ahold of this water---but ti looks like I cannot. I
had read a report about a guy who presented SIW to the govt. The govt.
brouht in 2 extremely polluted aquariums of water. As the guy spoke he
poured in the water he invented and within an hour the aquariums' water
was as pure as DW.

I am asking you, by any chance, if you are familiar with this super
ionized water do you know how they produced it? A friend and myself would
like to get ahold of this water and begin to clean up the Great Lakes.

Wishful thinking,

Just a few observations, having followed the water thread.

Distilled water is 'dead' in that it exists in the most stable low
energy state possible, it has no 'extra energy to impart into systems
other than the classic redox potential. The bond angle between the
oxygen and hydrogen atoms is as low as 94deg but when reacted with ozone
or a vortex etc. the bond angle increases, implying a storage of energy,
and it is probably due to this change in configuration that stable water
crystals or structuring is enabled and sustained. It is likely that
filtered or RO water retains the energy structure that it was filtered

Ionised water is not really ionised, that is, it is not physically
separated into its component ions, but rather the mineral cations or
positive ions are attracted to the negative electrode and take with them
the hydroxyl (OH-) portion of water (some of which is always present)
while the opposite is true at the other electrode where anions and
hydronium (H+) ions gather.

In other words, alkaline forming substances migrate to one chamber and
the acid to another, the alkaline chamber being used for ingestion.

This method of producing alkaline water is fine, but relies the presence
of minerals in the water, and will not work with distilled
case where tap water is a plus!

But, effective results, perhaps more so, can be achieved by using
alkaline drops such as those from Alkalife, whose lead I have followed.
These drops are useful in that they provide the alkaline minerals
potassium and sodium which are able to dissolve plaques and deposits,
the precursors to many diseases.

The most effective results would be achieved by the addition of alkaline
drops to ionised water, as the acid part of water is separated and

Alkaline drops cost about $10 for 3 months supply, and so are very cost


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSan air circulating CS invention anyone?

2000-07-14 Thread Pamela Grant

I think the ozone idea is good.  Ozone quickly breaks down, so I would set it
up, leave the house, and let it run a few hours.  Then turn it off and
leave the
house again for a while until it dissipates.

Marshall wrote:

 In a message dated 7/13/00 7:52:04 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

  It is strange, but every now and then an e-mail I send to this list never
  makes it. Oh well, must be something I did as it was not a hot topic to
  have confiscated by the you know who's.

  Now, I will try again. In my cellar I have a mold and fungus problem. I
  have been thinking of waays in which I might be able to rid this problem.
  I've thought of taking a hose and attaching a container of clorox and
  spraying everything, but I am sensitive tot hose fumes. I have also
  considered using an ozone generator to kill off the molds, but I would lso
  be breathing this toxin in as well. I've thought of replacing CS for the
  clorox in the hose, but I really don't want to gett everything wet, besides
  moisture is part of the problem anyway. I am now thinking of a humidifier
  using CS, but again--it's more moisture and my dehumidifier runs constantly
  as it is---and would a humidifier really get CS all through the air? What
  about putting the humidifier into the furmnace(next to the blower?--a
  friend told me he puts his ionizer in that spot?). What I am really hoping
  for is to spark the genius in you electrical engineers for a whole new
  invention for getting CS through the air. Anyone up for the challenge?

 The only way I can see you using the CS is by direct application to the
 surfaces. It would have a better result because of the residual effect than
 hydrogen peroxide like I have used. That is quickly lost with it. But I see
 no way to really get what you want by only trying to do this through

 Gene Downey

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDr. Len Horowitz and clustered water

2000-07-14 Thread Pamela Grant
Yes, please Ivan, teach us, teach us(say it over and over). That is our
next chant(smile).


 Consider me an interested amateur.  Can you tell me how?  Also have
done some laboratory glass blowing.

Thought for the day:  I believe that water polo is all wet.


Ivan Anderson wrote: patented method of
generating clustered water, using a template molecule (herbs etc.) is well
within the reach of interested amateurs.


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Re: CS for the eyes

2000-07-14 Thread Pamela Grant
I respect odd and unusual---even go look for it. This is good to know as I
have had vertigo on several occasions---CS by mouth worked for me.


I used cs in my ears and it cured virtigo that two courses of antibiotics
didn't help. Dr's agreed that theere was nothing to do but live with it. EVen
had MRI's. Yea CS!!
I keep learning thanks to you all.  Keep up the odd smattering of info, We
never knnow when somthing odd, unusual will help us or someone. Betty Ft.

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Re: CSconcerning water

2000-07-14 Thread Pamela Grant
How funny. I meant to write Turkey(country, not the bird)

Ivan, are you familiar with the Living Water that is being develop0ed in
turkey, I believe? I think the name of the website Shirley C. gave me is
called Perfect Science. They have a super-ionized water that is literally
cleaning up large bodies of water. I called a guy from Florida(Jim Trider)
to see if I could get ahold of this water---but it looks like I
cannot(well, perhaps can through a proposal). I
had read a report about a guy who presented SIW to the govt. The govt.
brought in 2 extremely polluted aquariums of water(green sludge--lots of
heavy metal poisoning and the other wellpolluted water with petroleum and
what-not) for this guy to clean up. As the guy spoke he
poured in the SIW water he invented and within an hour the aquariums' water
was as pure as DW.

I am asking you, by any chance, if you are familiar with this super
ionized water and do you know how they produced it? A friend and myself would
like to get ahold of this water and begin to clean up the Great
Lakes---buy it, make it--anyway we can.

Wishful thinking,

Here is a quote for you Ivan:

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project,
all your thoughts break their bonds; Your mind transcends limitations, your
consciousness expands in every direction,and you find yourself in a new,
great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become
and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever
dreamed yourself to be.
   -- Patanjali

Just a few observations, having followed the water thread.

Distilled water is 'dead' in that it exists in the most stable low
energy state possible, it has no 'extra energy to impart into systems
other than the classic redox potential. The bond angle between the
oxygen and hydrogen atoms is as low as 94deg but when reacted with ozone
or a vortex etc. the bond angle increases, implying a storage of energy,
and it is probably due to this change in configuration that stable water
crystals or structuring is enabled and sustained. It is likely that
filtered or RO water retains the energy structure that it was filtered

Ionised water is not really ionised, that is, it is not physically
separated into its component ions, but rather the mineral cations or
positive ions are attracted to the negative electrode and take with them
the hydroxyl (OH-) portion of water (some of which is always present)
while the opposite is true at the other electrode where anions and
hydronium (H+) ions gather.

In other words, alkaline forming substances migrate to one chamber and
the acid to another, the alkaline chamber being used for ingestion.

This method of producing alkaline water is fine, but relies the presence
of minerals in the water, and will not work with distilled
case where tap water is a plus!

But, effective results, perhaps more so, can be achieved by using
alkaline drops such as those from Alkalife, whose lead I have followed.
These drops are useful in that they provide the alkaline minerals
potassium and sodium which are able to dissolve plaques and deposits,
the precursors to many diseases.

The most effective results would be achieved by the addition of alkaline
drops to ionised water, as the acid part of water is separated and

Alkaline drops cost about $10 for 3 months supply, and so are very cost


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Re: CS and Fibromyalgia

2000-07-14 Thread Pamela Grant
Could you tell us more about this
CFIDS Buyers' Club?


I have had severe FM for years. It is now my conclusion that there may
be pathogens involved, ie. Lyme, viruses, bacteria etc.
I, for example, just got positive Lyme tests, and I have high titers for
several other bacteria and virusesalso. In this case, I expect my FM to
get much better the longer I am daily and consistently on large doses of

Also, I am hearing good reports about those with FM feeling better--ie
deeper sleep, more stamina, increased immune function with something
that promotes Human Growth Hormone in the body, which declines as we
age. I just had mine tested (using the IGF1 test) and on a scale of 80
tp 430, mine was a 79. Goodness. My body can't heal itself with levels
that low. So I am looking for a good product. I think I will be trying
VesPro from the CFIDS Buyers' Club. I have heard many positive things


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Re: CSan air circulating CS invention anyone?

2000-07-14 Thread Pamela Grant
It's just a drab gray cellar with yellow fungus on the rock walls, black
couldn't possibly hurt the looks(just kidding)

   ##  A humidifier would probably work but if CS leaves a black deposit
after the water is removed, you might wind up with a sterile black room.

At 09:57 AM 7/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
In a message dated 7/13/00 7:52:04 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 It is strange, but every now and then an e-mail I send to this list never
  makes it. Oh well, must be something I did as it was not a hot topic to
  have confiscated by the you know who's.

  Now, I will try again. In my cellar I have a mold and fungus problem. I
  have been thinking of waays in which I might be able to rid this problem.
  I've thought of taking a hose and attaching a container of clorox and
  spraying everything, but I am sensitive tot hose fumes. I have also
  considered using an ozone generator to kill off the molds, but I would lso
  be breathing this toxin in as well. I've thought of replacing CS for the
  clorox in the hose, but I really don't want to gett everything wet, besides
  moisture is part of the problem anyway. I am now thinking of a humidifier
  using CS, but again--it's more moisture and my dehumidifier runs constantly
  as it is---and would a humidifier really get CS all through the air? What
  about putting the humidifier into the furmnace(next to the blower?--a
  friend told me he puts his ionizer in that spot?). What I am really hoping
  for is to spark the genius in you electrical engineers for a whole new
  invention for getting CS through the air. Anyone up for the challenge?

The only way I can see you using the CS is by direct application to the
surfaces. It would have a better result because of the residual effect than
hydrogen peroxide like I have used. That is quickly lost with it. But I see
no way to really get what you want by only trying to do this through

Gene Downey

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Re: CSOT-DW--warning, this is about distilled water

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Oh no, she has done it again. No, she was not able to restrain herself.
Yes, it is another Pam Grant e-mail--this time on distilled water. Nothing
scientific--yet, just plain ole experience story. Familiar?--then don't
read. It's long. I'm sorry. Not highly CS related.

I knew I was asking for it--now I just want to know why you are so
passionate about this---I was hoping you would skip over my previous
e-mail. Well, here we go.

Pamela refers to her experience of feeling worse after
drinking DW as a reason for concluding that DW is not
good to drink.

Actually, no, I did not conclude based upon just my feelings, though you
made that assumption. I just didn't want to get into the whole story nor
mention the various practitioners who agree. At this point I don't even
remember why I wrote it. If it was to convince people NOT to drink DW, I
certainly would have written something more substantive than that. I am not
out to convince anyone NOT to drink this. I'll have to do much homework
first(if I come to that conclusion). You seem to want to convince--so here
is what I have to say. Even in this e-mail, I am not out to argue with
you---as you will see. Though arguing(or should I say stating a difference
in opinion) does seem to be allowed here.

It is also called a dead water--seen the images taken from under a
microscope. I did feel much better when I stopped drinking the DW and
started consuming colloidal minerals. You are right to mention about the
healing crisis. I am NOT closed minded and I HAVE considered all that you
have written here long before you wrote it. I don't know who is right, and
frankly at the time I just needed to get well again for I was stuck in a
city because of how I felt(couln't drive home it was so bad)--yes, due to
the DW(whether that was good or not...hmm--was just listening to my
body---perhaps the discussion should be whether or not our bodies know what
is best).

Did I mention I was at a health conference when this escalated? Let me get
a little philosophical here for a moment. I was sitting in this conference
and I was going in and out of consciousness(with eyes wide open---eerie).
The speaker, a doctor, walked up to my desk where I was sitting and
suddenly changed the subject of what he was speaking about. He lifted up
the bottle of water I had in front of me(mind you, it was labeled spring
water---I had it filled with DW). He began to speak about distilled water
and how dangerous this water can be. All I remember is him saying it was a
dead water. Life always seems to have a way of bringing me the
information I need when I need it most--call it luck or whatever else you
want. This wasn't the first time and it was unmistakably my WAKE-UP
call!--just when I needed it most! Has this ever happened to you? I feel I
can safely say it happens to people--just a matter of recognizing it---some
call it the golden-tongued wisdom.
Have you ever had a deficiency and found yourself craving that nutrient?
The body's wisdom? I was craving minerals---yes.
This does not mean that the DW did not have benefit.

Until coming to this list, I mostly heard the negative on DW(along with its
ability to detox). I did start drinking the water--or that is continued
drinking it as I had the idea that I would detox from any unwanted heavy
metals(as I still waited for my filters to arrive). I also considered the
source of the distilled water--as it is stored in plastic containers for
God knows how long before it is bought by the consumer(no. 2 plastic---with
light passing through leaches toxins from the plastic--esp. when at room
temp.--so I have read)--and being from WalMart. Perhaps you'd want to argue
the point about the source of a person's distilled water. Chemicals do
leach---though I don't think this was the problem(entirely, anyway).

Scientific proof is great---but, so is my gut feeling which seldom ever
wrongs me. I would NOT go back to this water(same brand). I am not sure why
you seem to take this so seriously. Do you sell distillers or distilled
water? Or are you passionate because of the good DW has done?

I had a chiropractor who bought a distiller for around $800.00 It was
suppose to create highly oxegenated distilled water. I should give her a
call and ask how they are all feeling these days. Reportedly, even adding
a bit of this specially-made DW water to the well system will clear up and
oxegenate the well water. I somehow think that they are probably not
drinking it exclusively.

The medical industry scorns empirical evidence -
meaning subjective experiences which have been
observed and reported by unprofessionals - (though
they use it themselves whenever they feel they will
profit) as being unscientific precisely because of
the subjectivity of the report

I certainly wouldn't want to give these guys any more ammo than they
already have.

I have, for the last 18 years,
forwarned my clients of the likelihood of experiencing
a healing crisis when they 

Re: CSnobody home

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
It is You just need to change the i to j. Sorry, I
didn't send that i to you did I?


Dear Pam ;

I tried to send you a post at  it
won't go .


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And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

Re: CS? on generator quality

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
 Using plain distilled water can take a couple of hours, maybe even as
many as 5 depending on electrode spacing, electrode length, voltage and
current output, water temperature and size of the container/batch

To achieve what? There seems to be a difference in opinion as to what ppm
the solution should contain. What do you aim for?

To hasten the process, add a couple of tablespoons of the batch you just
made to your next batch to jump start it

This is good to know. Thanks! Does it matter how old that jump starter is?

If the CS is really fine, it'll have a faint metallic flavor. If it's a
bit courser, a fairly strong metallic flavor.

Yes, it did have that flavor. Ya hoo, success! Of course I knew I had
success when the illness was gone within 5-10 minutes after drinking the
solution(probably had a bad bottle of ketchup---should have listened to
that inner voice that said this ketchup is too old and you will get
sick---actually, I am glad I ate it and found out that CS can work so
quickly on ?salmonella)

  I find that with water over 100 deg, I get agglomeration more

Thanks. This is what I wanted to know.

In Search of the Miracle Cure,

   ##  I'd have to know more about your generator to give you really
specific answers but in general.
  It takes a fairly long time for CS to build up in distilled water.  To
hasten the process, add a couple of tablespoons of the batch you just made
to your next batch to jump start it. Using plain distilled water can take
a couple of hours, maybe even as many as 5 depending on electrode spacing,
electrode length, voltage and current output, water temperature and size
of the container/batch.
  If you shine a strong flashlight in a dark room onto the electrodes, you
shall see a faint white mist dissipating off one of the electrodes.  It's
working. It could take as long as an hour before this can be seen or just
a few minutes.
  A laser pointer can be used to see a Tyndal effect.
  If you get bubbles forming, a grey deposit on one rod and/or a black
deposit on the other, it has been working.
  Some people can't taste CS I suppose.  I usually can if my taste buds
aren't coated with a dairy product and I swish the cs around for a bit.
  If the CS is really fine, it'll have a faint metallic flavor. If it's a
bit courser, a fairly strong metallic flavor.

  I find that with water over 100 deg, I get agglomeration more often and
the CS is more likely to turn yellow after a few days.  Your setup may
react differently. Try it.

 At 01:07 AM 7/13/00 -0500, you wrote:

Thank you so much for your response.

 I made a new batch of CS yesterday as I became ill---well, with vertigo.
 The CS solution I made was the first I since getting on this list--thus,
 the first solution I've made without salt(or even this year for  that
 matter). Just one problem:  when I used salt(in the past), I saw an
 immediate release from one of the wires(a light gray in color) and in time
 the entire solution would become gray. That indicated to me to stop
 processing for to go any further the solution would turn brown.  Without
 the salt there was no color this time--even after an hour or more(should
 have paid attention to the timing--and temperature). I wondered if the
 generator was working, but it was. I see it is suggested to have  the
 temperature between 80-100. I just heated the water up and went for it as I
 knew I needed the solution right away. I drank some of the solution after
 15 min. and again after 1/2 hr. I had to leave, but when I got home I drank
 more of the solution after 1 hr. of processing. Actually, the vertigo was
 gone after an hour had past from the first drink. Coincidence?--I don't
 know. Interesting, today I became ill after eating(pretty sure it was
 unrelated to the other day). Anyway, shortly after drinking the CS, my
 symptoms were gone--totally. This is one way to find out if my batch was
 any good--though it was clear(now I understand that it is okay and
 preferred for solution to be clear--correct?).

 What is my question now? I have 2 questions:

 1. Does it matter if the water temperature is over 100 degrees?

 2. How long should I run my generator to be sure I have a fairly potent

 I want to mention that after an hour or thereabout I checked the solution
 and there was a dark brown to gray--I'd have to say it appeared
 slimy--residue attached at the end of one of the wires. What was that and
 what causes it--and is this a dtermining point at which I should decide to
 turn off the generator?


   I started this ball so I guess I'll roll it for a  moment.
   The only reason I recommend against utopia is because I've seen photos of
 what they call the very best quality CS and it appears to me to be the very
 worst then go on to bring a 'good guy' image in by saying they only do this
 so that their children will have the best...and now..they can share their
 good fortune.
   Well maybe it's true and they don't have a clue. Heck, 

Re: CS? on generator quality

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Well, there are 24,100 messages in the archives, I dare say you have
missed a few on topic ;-)

That is probably because I can't get to those archives---so yes, I
certainly have missed the whole darn thing

Thank you Ivan for the message below. And I just want to congratulate you
on your scores. I'm not your mother, but I feel a wave of love go out to
you and I am proud of you.


Hi Pamela,

What causes one generator to produce 'brown sludge' and another to
produce clear CS, is... in a nutshell, the uncontrolled stripping of
silver ions from the positive silver electrode (anode) in ever
increasing clouds, and the aggregation of these ions into larger
particles before they can become solvated (surrounded by water
molecules), dispersed and stable.

If a generator uses some sort of process to restrict and control the
stripping of the anode, or increase the dispersion of the particles
before they grow too large, then a very stable (indefinite?) clear
colloid can be made at high concentration (15+ppm).
Current limiting is essential in my book, this restricts the number of
ions stripped at any moment, and if the current density of the anode is
low enough can achieve the above alone. However this takes time and can
be increased somewhat if active dispersion is employed, either by
stirring or thermal convection.

The physical dimensions of the generating container and electrode
configuration are also important in the overall properties of the

But it must be said that all CS, even the brown sludge (if intercepted
at the gold stage) is reported to be effective in treating infection
etc., and this is likely because of the manner in which it is absorbed
(IMO), but the darker the brew the less stable it is likely to be and
should not be stored for any length of time.

I have posted a simple DIY generator running from a 9 - 12V wall adaptor
which generates clear colloid :


- Original Message -
From: Pamela Grant
Sent: Tuesday, 11 July 2000 18:13
Subject: CS? on generator quality

 What causes a particular CS maker to create brown sludge and not

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

Re: CSOT-DW--warning, this is about distilled water

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Call Janice Campbell at 480-632- 0327 or 1-800-881-1540 X 1000

Pam, where does one find clustered water?

Frank in Texas

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And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

Re: CSOT-DW--warning, this is about distilled water

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
No, thank you Dave. And I must stick up for Terry on one point:

He did not write those words, I did in relation to some people's response
to what I've send this list in the past. Yes, I have restrained myself
considerably---and unfortunately,for many. I try not to send unrelated CS
material, but this does seem VERY important. I did forget to mention that
my experience with DW was not just based upon feelings. My hair turned
gray(terribly) and I could not deal with ANY stress at all. It would show
up almost immediately as grid line formations all around my eyes. Since
giving up the exclusive consumption of DW, my hair now is back to the
original color and no more stress lines! Who is the doctor--scientist who
believed that the deficiency of minerals is at the base of all disease? By
the way, one doctor told me that gray hair is the deficiency of copper.

Still Searching For That Next Morsel of TRUTH,

Terry writes: Oh no, she has done it again. No, she was not able
to restrain herself.
 Yes, it is another Pam Grant e-mail--this time on distilled
water. Nothing
 scientific--yet, just plain ole experience story.
Familiar?--then don't
 read. It's long. I'm sorry. Not highly CS related.


Contrary to Terry's , what seemed to me, disparaging remark(s)
leading in to your remarks,
I appreciate the tone and content of your email; and am also
encouraging, for my benefit, a chance to express an opinion (or
question) on water without it being treated as a frivolous aside.

snip Okay, try to convince me.
 At present, I am into clustered water---which is evidenced
by a
 beautiful 6-sided water molecule--as close as DR. Lorenzen
could achieve to
 the 6-sided water molecule found at the 6 healing waters
sites around the

 IN Search of TRUTH,

This is what I believe, after much study, many opinions, (and
facts) to be the most beneficial water for long term use in
helping to optimize my well being.

I hope the CS list continues to focus on being a place to find
out the latest technical information on CS production and use but
also continues to be accepting enough of some basic information
that impacts the reason (I assume) that most of us participate
i.e.. To help ourselves and others sort out the most efficacious
methods to regain and maintain optimum health .

Thanks, Pam

Dave Perkins
enjoy being

web site:

- Original Message -
From: Pamela Grant
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 5:47 AM
Subject: Re: CSOT-DW--warning, this is about distilled water

 Oh no, she has done it again. No, she was not able to
restrain herself.
 Yes, it is another Pam Grant e-mail--this time on distilled
water. Nothing
 scientific--yet, just plain ole experience story.
Familiar?--then don't
 read. It's long. I'm sorry. Not highly CS related.

 I knew I was asking for it--now I just want to know why you are
 passionate about this---I was hoping you would skip over my
 e-mail. Well, here we go.

 Pamela refers to her experience of feeling worse after
 drinking DW as a reason for concluding that DW is not
 good to drink.

 Actually, no, I did not conclude based upon just my feelings,
though you
 made that assumption. I just didn't want to get into the whole
story nor
 mention the various practitioners who agree. At this point I
don't even
 remember why I wrote it. If it was to convince people NOT to
drink DW, I
 certainly would have written something more substantive than
that. I am not
 out to convince anyone NOT to drink this. I'll have to do much
 first(if I come to that conclusion). You seem to want to
convince--so here
 is what I have to say. Even in this e-mail, I am not out to
argue with
 you---as you will see. Though arguing(or should I say stating a
 in opinion) does seem to be allowed here.

 It is also called a dead water--seen the images taken from
under a
 microscope. I did feel much better when I stopped drinking
the DW and
 started consuming colloidal minerals. You are right to mention
about the
 healing crisis. I am NOT closed minded and I HAVE considered
all that you
 have written here long before you wrote it. I don't know who is
right, and
 frankly at the time I just needed to get well again for I was
stuck in a
 city because of how I felt(couln't drive home it was so
bad)--yes, due to
 the DW(whether that was good or not...hmm--was just listening
to my
 body---perhaps the discussion should be whether or not our
bodies know what
 is best).

 Did I mention I was at a health conference when this escalated?
Let me get
 a little philosophical here for a moment. I was sitting in this
 and I was going in and out of consciousness(with eyes wide
 The speaker, a doctor, walked up to my desk where I was sitting
 suddenly changed the subject of what he was speaking about. He
lifted up
 the bottle

Re: CSnobody home

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
 P J Grant is much nicer than Pig Rant which is what I read Bob
had. :

that is so funny! perhaps I do rant--but a pig I am not any more. lost 38
lbs. in 4 months---wasn't planned--I just got a boost-start from that DW I
did--not that I want people to take that they should drink DW so as to
become anorexic too(just kidding, Terry)


Pamela Grant wrote:

 It is You just need to change the i to j. Sorry, I
 didn't send that i to you did I?


 Dear Pam ;
 I tried to send you a post at  it
 won't go .

This is good.  P J Grant is much nicer than Pig Rant which is what I read Bob
had. :


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And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,


2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Is there any chance that the drinking of CS can turn one's body terrain
alkaline? I had become very alkaline last year. I still am, but have no
idea what I did to get that way.


And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

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Re: CSOT-DW--warning, this is about distilled water

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
I don't know. That is a good point. And yes, Lords or Lourdes is one of the
places. But, does that explain(H2O2) the difference under the microscope
for the structure of the molecule? I just found the packet sent along with
my clustered water product. Next to the photo of a distilled water
molecule it states:

Water is shown to have memory. This molecule of distilled water is an
example of what happens when water is stripped or had its memory erased.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what they mean by the memory of the water?


Is Lairds or Lards France one of the 6 healing water sites you refer
to?  If so the healing power of this site is Hydrogen Peroxide. If you
were to take a test strip, it would test high in H2O2 naturally.  I have
heard much about this clustered water, is it possible that clustered
water does not hold it's energy for very long after it has been bottled,
I wonder?


 snip Okay, try to convince me.
  At present, I am into clustered water---which is evidenced
 by a
  beautiful 6-sided water molecule--as close as DR. Lorenzen
 could achieve to
  the 6-sided water molecule found at the 6 healing waters
 sites around the

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And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

CSfor the eyes?

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Has anyone used CS in their eyes? I have a redness and would like to try
putting CS into my eyes, but I would prefer to first ask the group.


And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS WaterOz [Fwd: products and do you have a website?]

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
What is the WaterOz?


Hi all -

  I am interested in WaterOz products so wrote to the email addy Vilik had
given in an old post.  For those interested, the original WaterOz does not
have a website yet.  Email response from WaterOz below.


Received: from ( [])
by (v75_b1.4) with ESMTP; Thu, 13 Jul 2000 12:50:51
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   by (8.9.3/8.8.7) with SMTP id JAA09818
   for; Thu, 13 Jul 2000 09:41:38 -0700
Message-ID: 003201bfecea$744562f0$0201a...@wateroz
From: WaterOz
Subject: Re: products and do you have a website?
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 09:49:51 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3
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Thank you for the kind e-mail.  Unfortunately, your question about whether
WaterOz has a website is somewhat complicated.  At first, WaterOz company
policy was to only sell to wholesalers and retailers, so we allowed
distributors to use our name on the Internet.  But now that we are selling
to the general public, we have reclaimed our trademark, and we will be using
the site by mid-August.  But as of this today's date,
WaterOz has NO website of its own.  See, I told you it would be complicated.

Rt. 1, Box 104-B
Grangeville, ID 83530

And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSfor the eyes?

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Thank you Marshall, will do.


Always when there is an eye infection.  Normally quits itching immediately,
and clears up totally within a few hours.  Only use clear CS though to avoid
any possibility of staining.


Pamela Grant wrote:

 Has anyone used CS in their eyes? I have a redness and would like to try
 putting CS into my eyes, but I would prefer to first ask the group.


 And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

Re: CS WaterOz [Fwd: products and do you have a website?]

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Do they have a colloidal copper water also? I too, am interested in the
colloidal gold. Are you familiar with Dan Winters? Perhaps before drinking
the colloidal gold, you should read what has been said, if you haven't
already(implosion of heart, the need to project love so as to avoid when
consuming CG---else go into borg state---just hints. If you want that
article I think I have one saved on disk somewhere and can e-mail you off
list if you like)


In a message dated 7/13/00 3:14:19 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 What is the WaterOz?


  It's a company that sells colloidal mineral water.  Their prices are good
and they have been recommended by listers during the time I've been here.  At
the moment, I am interested in their colloidal gold mineral water.


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And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

Re: CSfor the eyes?

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
For some reason, what you wrote brought up another question(I guess in
relation to the body's ability to absorb through the skin):

Does anyone bath in CS and what has been your experience?


In a message dated 7/13/00 3:12:17 PM EST, writes:

 Subj: CSfor the eyes?
 Date:  7/13/00 3:12:17 PM EST
 From: (Pamela Grant)

 Has anyone used CS in their eyes? I have a redness and would like to try
 putting CS into my eyes, but I would prefer to first ask the group.


 And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,


Just the other day one of my eye lids got quite red and my eye was beginning
to get red as well. I put a tissue soaked in my 1 PPM HVAC CS over both
closed eyes before bedtime for about 10-15 minutes. I followed this procedure
for two consecutive nights, and the redness disappeared by the third day. I'm
sure that if I were more consciences, the problem would have disappeared a
lot faster


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Re: CSfor the eyes?

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Thanks Inga.

Hi, l use cs in my contact lens case..l just add one sm drop to each side.
Also l have put a drop in my eyes directly if l see a redness or feel
irritation in them. l have NO problems with my eyes at all. l feel it is safe
to do this since l have had no ill effects doing it. The ppm l have is
13ppm..but l only use a sm drop.

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Re: CSfor the eyes?

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant

Hi Pam,

I mixed up some CS and MSM (the MSM to just below saturation) for eye
drops. My wife and I both use it and it seems to work just fine. Sure
beats that commercial poly-plastic eye solution stuff she was using.


Pamela Grant wrote:

 Has anyone used CS in their eyes? I have a redness and would like to try
 putting CS into my eyes, but I would prefer to first ask the group.


 And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

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Re: CS WaterOz [Fwd: products and do you have a website?]

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Thanks Chuck. You know, I look So forward to your e-mails just so that I
can read another one of your quotes. They are great. Do you make them up? I
am still laughing.


Mucho info on wateroz at:
Sometimes, I'm so good I make myself sick!

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000 13:27:59 EDT, wrote:

Hi all -

  I am interested in WaterOz products so wrote to the email addy Vilik had
given in an old post.  For those interested, the original WaterOz does not
have a website yet.  Email response from WaterOz below.


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Re: CS? on generator quality

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
 Using plain distilled water can take a couple of hours, maybe even as
many as 5 depending on electrode spacing,

Are you talking about how far apart the silver wires are? And if so, what
is the going consensus for this amount of space between the wires?


 Using plain distilled water can take a couple of hours, maybe even as
many as 5 depending on electrode spacing, electrode length, voltage and
current output, water temperature and size of the container/batch

To achieve what? There seems to be a difference in opinion as to what ppm
the solution should contain. What do you aim for?

To hasten the process, add a couple of tablespoons of the batch you just
made to your next batch to jump start it

This is good to know. Thanks! Does it matter how old that jump starter is?

If the CS is really fine, it'll have a faint metallic flavor. If it's a
bit courser, a fairly strong metallic flavor.

Yes, it did have that flavor. Ya hoo, success! Of course I knew I had
success when the illness was gone within 5-10 minutes after drinking the
solution(probably had a bad bottle of ketchup---should have listened to
that inner voice that said this ketchup is too old and you will get
sick---actually, I am glad I ate it and found out that CS can work so
quickly on ?salmonella)

  I find that with water over 100 deg, I get agglomeration more

Thanks. This is what I wanted to know.

In Search of the Miracle Cure,

   ##  I'd have to know more about your generator to give you really
specific answers but in general.
  It takes a fairly long time for CS to build up in distilled water.  To
hasten the process, add a couple of tablespoons of the batch you just made
to your next batch to jump start it. Using plain distilled water can take
a couple of hours, maybe even as many as 5 depending on electrode spacing,
electrode length, voltage and current output, water temperature and size
of the container/batch.
  If you shine a strong flashlight in a dark room onto the electrodes, you
shall see a faint white mist dissipating off one of the electrodes.  It's
working. It could take as long as an hour before this can be seen or just
a few minutes.
  A laser pointer can be used to see a Tyndal effect.
  If you get bubbles forming, a grey deposit on one rod and/or a black
deposit on the other, it has been working.
  Some people can't taste CS I suppose.  I usually can if my taste buds
aren't coated with a dairy product and I swish the cs around for a bit.
  If the CS is really fine, it'll have a faint metallic flavor. If it's a
bit courser, a fairly strong metallic flavor.

  I find that with water over 100 deg, I get agglomeration more often and
the CS is more likely to turn yellow after a few days.  Your setup may
react differently. Try it.

 At 01:07 AM 7/13/00 -0500, you wrote:

Thank you so much for your response.

 I made a new batch of CS yesterday as I became ill---well, with vertigo.
 The CS solution I made was the first I since getting on this list--thus,
 the first solution I've made without salt(or even this year for  that
 matter). Just one problem:  when I used salt(in the past), I saw an
 immediate release from one of the wires(a light gray in color) and in time
 the entire solution would become gray. That indicated to me to stop
 processing for to go any further the solution would turn brown.  Without
 the salt there was no color this time--even after an hour or more(should
 have paid attention to the timing--and temperature). I wondered if the
 generator was working, but it was. I see it is suggested to have  the
 temperature between 80-100. I just heated the water up and went for it as I
 knew I needed the solution right away. I drank some of the solution after
 15 min. and again after 1/2 hr. I had to leave, but when I got home I drank
 more of the solution after 1 hr. of processing. Actually, the vertigo was
 gone after an hour had past from the first drink. Coincidence?--I don't
 know. Interesting, today I became ill after eating(pretty sure it was
 unrelated to the other day). Anyway, shortly after drinking the CS, my
 symptoms were gone--totally. This is one way to find out if my batch was
 any good--though it was clear(now I understand that it is okay and
 preferred for solution to be clear--correct?).

 What is my question now? I have 2 questions:

 1. Does it matter if the water temperature is over 100 degrees?

 2. How long should I run my generator to be sure I have a fairly potent

 I want to mention that after an hour or thereabout I checked the solution
 and there was a dark brown to gray--I'd have to say it appeared
 slimy--residue attached at the end of one of the wires. What was that and
 what causes it--and is this a dtermining point at which I should decide to
 turn off the generator?


   I started this ball so I guess I'll roll it for a  moment.
   The only reason I recommend against utopia is because I've seen photos of
 what they call the very best quality CS 

Re: CS for the eyes

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Thank you everyone for your respones. I just got back to my computer as I
was putting CS drops into my eyes. Next, I am thinking of trying it in my


Has anyone used CS in their eyes? I have a redness and would like to
try putting CS into my eyes, but I would prefer to first ask the group.

  I have used it in my eyes with good results.

hamilton williams

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CSan air circulating CS invention anyone?

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
It is strange, but every now and then an e-mail I send to this list never
makes it. Oh well, must be something I did as it was not a hot topic to
have confiscated by the you know who's.

Now, I will try again. In my cellar I have a mold and fungus problem. I
have been thinking of waays in which I might be able to rid this problem.
I've thought of taking a hose and attaching a container of clorox and
spraying everything, but I am sensitive tot hose fumes. I have also
considered using an ozone generator to kill off the molds, but I would lso
be breathing this toxin in as well. I've thought of replacing CS for the
clorox in the hose, but I really don't want to gett everything wet, besides
moisture is part of the problem anyway. I am now thinking of a humidifier
using CS, but again--it's more moisture and my dehumidifier runs constantly
as it is---and would a humidifier really get CS all through the air? What
about putting the humidifier into the furmnace(next to the blower?--a
friend told me he puts his ionizer in that spot?). What I am really hoping
for is to spark the genius in you electrical engineers for a whole new
invention for getting CS through the air. Anyone up for the challenge?


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CSH2O2 and oxygenation

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
The useful
action of H2O2 is in its oxidation rather than in its oxygenation.


Taken from the book:  HYDROGEN PEROXIDE:  MEDICAL MIRACLE---by William
Campbell Douglass,M.D.

Dr. Farr in an experiment, uses an oxygen-measuring instrument to measure
the oxygen consumption. The patient wears a mask over his face and a
delicate, computerized instrument does the rest. the machine calculates the
inspired oxygen and the expired oxygen and reports the differnce. The
weight of the patient being known, the rate that the body is burning
fuel(oxygen) can be easily determined. It's sort of like miles per gallon
with your car, except we call it metabolic rate. If the metabolic rate goes
up with H2O2 therapy, then Farr is right, and more oxygen is getting to the
The results of this experiment were unequivocal. In less than two minutes
after the beginning of infusion the metabolic rate began to rise. The rate
of metabolism went up 100 percent and stayed at that level until the
infusion was stopped. The rate returned to pre-treatment levels in about
thirty minutes.
The other experiment involved the measuring of the change in body
surface temperature as a result of expansion of the tiny blood vessels in
the skin(vasodilation). If the temperature goes up during the H2O2
infusion, then the body's oxygenation has increased and vasoldilation has
occurred. If the blood vessels dilate, the circulation improves and, again,
more vital oxygen is getting to the tissues. Within five to ten minutes
after starting the infusion, the body surface temperature goes up by one
degree, corresponding to the increase in oxygen consumption and
A sensitive little photo-electric cell was placed at the end of the
index finger to measure the pulse volume. This is an accurate assessment of
the expansion of the tiny blood vessels throughout your body. There was a
clear and sustained increase of the pulse volume throughout the treatment.
All of these measurements-the oxygen consumption, the temperature
rise and the blood vessel dilation-were duplicated for six consecutive days
on all patients. That doesn't leave much room for coincidence. In fact, the
essence of scientific proof is that your results can be consistently
repeated in a high percentage of cases studied. 100% repeatability is not
too bad.
So now you can see the importance of these experiments in your own
case. By simply taking your temperature in the armpit and pulse volume at
the fingertip we can tell if(1) the H2O2 we are using still has its
potency(the solution can deteriorate), and (2) is the H2O2 having the
desired effect of the oxygenation of tissue in your body.
There are so few treatments in medicine where the results can be so
readily and easily determined as with vantage over any other form of
treatment. Either it's working or it isn't. There is usually no in-between.
Dr. Farr made another brilliant observation from his studies. He
perceived that the tiny amount of oxygen couldn't possibly explain the
doubling of the metabolic rate observed. He calculated that it would take
approximately 416 quarts of oxygen to cause the increase in
oxygenation(metabolic rate)observed in the patients. Even if the infusion
was continued for 24 hrs., only 3 1/2 qts. of oxygen would be produced-less
than 1% of the amount necessary to obtain the results measured.
He concluded, therefore, that the increase in oxygenation is due to
the infused H2O2 stimulating the body's enzyme systems. So the objections
being heard from scientists that only a trivial amount of oxygen could be
getting to the tissues is incorrect. They are technically correct, but the
results speak for themselves and vindicate Dr. Farr's landmark research.

How does this compare to the ingestion of H2O2 and whether or not the same
results would be obtained, I do not know, yet. It would be a good

If anyone wants more info on H2O2 I have more written which I can send. But
for now I will delete the rest of what I was going to sendto you all,
unless the interest is there.


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CSDr. Len Horowitz and clustered water

2000-07-13 Thread Pamela Grant
Someone asked about how to obtain clustered water, then someone else
responded: Dr. Len Horowitz. Then I believe someone asked how to contact
him. Well, here it is:

 Email :

 P.O. Box 2033 Sandpoint, ID. 83864 U.S.A.
 Tel. 208-265-2575 (office) Order Line: 888-508-4787
 or save 20% on all orders by clicking here
 100% secure online ordering!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS? on generator quality

2000-07-12 Thread Pamela Grant
Thank you so much for your response.

I made a new batch of CS yesterday as I became ill---well, with vertigo.
The CS solution I made was the first I since getting on this list--thus,
the first solution I've made without salt(or even this year for that
matter). Just one problem:  when I used salt(in the past), I saw an
immediate release from one of the wires(a light gray in color) and in time
the entire solution would become gray. That indicated to me to stop
processing for to go any further the solution would turn brown.  Without
the salt there was no color this time--even after an hour or more(should
have paid attention to the timing--and temperature). I wondered if the
generator was working, but it was. I see it is suggested to have the
temperature between 80-100. I just heated the water up and went for it as I
knew I needed the solution right away. I drank some of the solution after
15 min. and again after 1/2 hr. I had to leave, but when I got home I drank
more of the solution after 1 hr. of processing. Actually, the vertigo was
gone after an hour had past from the first drink. Coincidence?--I don't
know. Interesting, today I became ill after eating(pretty sure it was
unrelated to the other day). Anyway, shortly after drinking the CS, my
symptoms were gone--totally. This is one way to find out if my batch was
any good--though it was clear(now I understand that it is okay and
preferred for solution to be clear--correct?).

What is my question now? I have 2 questions:

1. Does it matter if the water temperature is over 100 degrees?

2. How long should I run my generator to be sure I have a fairly potent batch?

I want to mention that after an hour or thereabout I checked the solution
and there was a dark brown to gray--I'd have to say it appeared
slimy--residue attached at the end of one of the wires. What was that and
what causes it--and is this a dtermining point at which I should decide to
turn off the generator?


  I started this ball so I guess I'll roll it for a moment.
  The only reason I recommend against utopia is because I've seen photos of
what they call the very best quality CS and it appears to me to be the very
worst then go on to bring a 'good guy' image in by saying they only do this
so that their children will have the best...and now..they can share their
good fortune.
  Well maybe it's true and they don't have a clue. Heck, I even sent them
suggestions and simple circuit diagrams to improve their response.

At 01:13 AM 7/11/00 -0500, you wrote:
 The only one I recommend against is the last...Utopia

 You can make fairly good CS
 with such a unit but it takes a lot of care and experimentation.  I doubt
 you will be able to go stronger than 3 to 5 PPM without making yellow to
 brown colored CS.

What causes a particular CS maker to create brown sludge and not another?

##  Mostly 'runaway' [what Ivan said in another post] where the generator
just accelerates out of control..because it has no controls at all..not
even operator controls.
  Mind you, I don't know if brown CS is harmful, but I doubt it's as
effective as a good clear CS or pale yellow.  Personally, if I happen to
make some brown stuff while experimenting, I fill a drain with it. [yuck]

Or is that a myth? I have 2 CS makers(only tried one so far). I do get
brown, but that is when I leave it running too long and I was using sea
salt(and distilled water).

##  Somehow some people think sea salt is better than an additive free pure
salt.  Think about how many heavy metals like mercury and chemicals are in
sea water.  Salt is simply not necessary anyway and may form odd chemical
combinations in your CS.

  I must have missed some crucial e-mails from the
list before I joined as I do not understand this. I don't want to start
anything here, but I sure would like a suggestion as to what is the best CS
maker(s) that people on this list have found(without bias and with
first-hand knowledge in relation to their experimentation, testing and and
final evaluation)---or has anyone purchased various makers and put them all
to the test? Is this a valid question and are there any correct answers
to this inquiry--or does it just not matter? From what I have read from
certain e-mails that have implied that the quality varies from generator to
generator---I just wonder if there is a significant difference.

##  Yes there is a big difference.
  Voltage controlled/regulated/limited is BS...pure sales gimmick in a
battery operated generator. Any battery is automatically voltage
controlled, limited to it's rated output. That requires nothing extra at all.
Current limited is a bit better but usually just prevents the generator
from melting down if you short the rods together and does nothing at all
for the CS process itself.  This is done with a small light bulb or
resistor. It will still 'runaway'
  Current controlled is a very good step and requires some know how to
produce.  IMO, these are the best and most fail 

Re: CSwashing your vegetables in CS

2000-07-11 Thread Pamela Grant
We take a small bottle of CS to us when we eat out.  We use it on our
hands before eating same as you would the waterless hand sanitizers you
see on the shelves.

Great idea

  Supposedly contact with CS of only 6 or so seconds is all that is
required to kill them all.

We take a small bottle of CS to us when we eat out.  We use it on our
hands before eating same as you would the waterless hand sanitizers you
see on the shelves.  But instead of killing 99.9% of some germs, it is
100% of all germs.  Most people don't know it but a lot of pathogens are
not included in the some germs statment on these things. They are not
killed at all, including all virus and fungi I believe.


Pamela Grant wrote:

I just received the below message. Perhaps washing our vegetables in CS
would be wise. However, does anyone know how long one needs to wash their
fruits and veg. in order to kill most bacteria, viruses, along with fungus?
I know this is not an easy question as it seems that potency among other
factors would need to be considered. Has anyone done a study on this?


Good morning!

Two messages from me in one day! I apologize. For those of you who seldom
get email from me, this does not indicate a new trend - you probably won't
get anything else from me for a while; however, I believe this alert that I
received from my Shaklee Distributor is important enough to be sent to

I know that most of you wash your produce in something: of course, Shaklee
recommends Basic H. Just make sure that whatever you use will kill
parasites, viruses  bacteria without poisoning humans. Plain water won't

I thought I did a good job washing my produce, but since I throw away the
skin of some things, such as cantaloupe  citrus fruit, I hadn't thought to
wash them. However, as the following safety alert shows, it is important to
wash ALL produce, even if you throw away the skin.

Safety Alerts
June 2, 2000

Salmonella Outbreak Offers Food Safety Lesson - Wash cantaloupe and other
fruits before eating - From the South Dakota Department of Health Pierre,

A salmonella outbreak in several western states is a good reminder to
consumers of how important it is to wash the skins of unpeeled fruit before
eating, says a state health official.

Consumption of tainted cantaloupe has been linked to at least 39 cases
of salmonella  in California, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada and Washington.
Because cantaloupes are grown on the ground, their outer skin can become
contaminated in the field by human or animal waste, or during distribution
prior to sale, said Dave Micklos, Director of Health Protection for the
Department of

Unless the cantaloupe rind is first scrubbed with soap and hot running
water, slicing into it can contaminate the fruit, said Micklos. Handle
cantaloupe the same way you do raw meat - wash your hands before and after
you work with it and refrigerate unused cut portions right away.  In fact,
all fruits and vegetables that aren't peeled should be washed.

Salmonella symptoms, which include fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea,
generally occur one to three days after eating contaminated  food and last
two to five days. While most ill individuals recover without medical
attention, the infection can be life threatening to young children, the
elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

please visit me at

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Re: CSWater

2000-07-11 Thread Pamela Grant
Oh no, not distilled! Great for CS, not for drinking. I became very sick
drinking only distilled water.


I am supposed to increase my water consumption and wonder what is the best
water to drink. Dr. Hulda Clark recommends filtered tap water. Others
recommend reverse osmosis or distilled.

Any suggestions?


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Re: CSSeratia MarcescensCS?

2000-07-11 Thread Pamela Grant
Thanks Marshall. PG

Pamela Grant wrote:

 Below is a segment from an article from

 It states that in order for an antibiotic to kill or inhibit growth of
 bacteria it must penetrate the outer surface or membrane and enter the
 bacterial cell which is very difficult.  Does anyone know if CS can
 penetrate most bacteria?--specifically, Serratia Marcescens?


When CS is acting as an oxidating catalyst it does not have to enter the cell.
All it has to do is assist oxygen in entering the cell, and if it is an
aneorobic bacteria, that alone will kill it.


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Re: CSDoes C/S have odor / taste????

2000-07-11 Thread Pamela Grant

Pamela Grant wrote:

 What is T.E.?

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Re: CSdosage

2000-07-11 Thread Pamela Grant
Different pathogens replicate at different rates.  To stay ahead of the
replication, sufficient CS must be in the blood to kill them faster than they
are multiplying.

Approximately, how long does it usually take for CS to get into the blood
stream--let's say, if taken on an empty stomach?


For prevention I recommend an ounce a day per 100 pounds, taken 1/2 in the
morning, and 1/2 at night.  That is what my family does.  For curing
the saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is quite true.
Different pathogens replicate at different rates.  To stay ahead of the
replication, sufficient CS must be in the blood to kill them faster than they
are multiplying.  This can range from a few ounces a day, to a quart or more a
day per 100 pounds for rapidly replicating viruses and bacteria.

For lyme I would suggest taking as much as you can without getting into severe
herx.  As they die off and the load decreases you should be able to increase
the amount until no matter how much you take, you have no herx.  At that point
I think you are likely free of lyme in the blood.  But lyme is really good at
hiding, and to remove it from the cartledge, brain and lymph system may
the additional use of zapper, magnetic pulser and ozonated water.

I am not a doctor, and the above is simply what I do.  Follow at your own


Katie Jay wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am going to start CS in a few days. I have Lyme and mycoplasma. How much
 CS should I take for active infections such as these? What quantity of what
 ppm? Does a person's weight factor in? A few swallows a day, as some
 recommend, is not enough specificity for me :o)


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSdosage

2000-07-11 Thread Pamela Grant
Read the research lab reports of what they have found in the fallout of the
chemtrails and perhaps you'll want to drink just a wee bit more of that
good stuff.


I tend to only use CS on a as needed basis lately, and when I need it, for
simple stuff like a cold or flu, I do about an ounce every two or three
hours for a day or two.  For heavy duty stuff like food poisoning, I take 8
ounces every three hours.  If something more dangerous occurred, like a
biological attack, I'm pretty sure I would take 8 ounces an hour.  Luckily I
have never had to take the 8oz an hour, and hopefully never will, but you
never know.

Yours in health,
James Allison

Allisons Apothecary - Your On-Line Apothecary
Visit Us Soon -
Home of the $39.95 Colloidal Silver Generator
And Wonderful Prices On Quality Products Like
MSM, Ionic Mineral Waters and Apricot Kernels

- Original Message -
From: Katie Jay
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 12:33 PM
Subject: CSdosage

 Hi all,

 I am going to start CS in a few days. I have Lyme and mycoplasma. How much
 CS should I take for active infections such as these? What quantity of
 ppm? Does a person's weight factor in? A few swallows a day, as some
 recommend, is not enough specificity for me :o)


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSH2o2

2000-07-11 Thread Pamela Grant
Be sure that it is food grade quality. I recommend the book:  HYDROGEN
PEROXIDE, MEDICAL MIRACAL  by William Campbell Douglass, M.D.


CAN H2o2 be ingested?  Does this oxygenate the blood?

in Memphis

Subject: CSH2o2
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 23:34:44 EDT

Dear Listers:

I am looking for an answer from Judith Thamm, as I have a question about
H2o2--I was reading one of her posts where she mentions it, but I need to
know more, in order to consider getting some, as I have Lyme disease.  One
the things I know the Lyme Spirochete hates and that definitely will kill
is  more oxygen in the blood.  Can anyone direct me to Juith Thamm's
e-mailaddress, or, if you can, give her mine, so I can e-mailher directly?



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: CSH2o2

2000-07-11 Thread Pamela Grant
That should read--MIRACLE---

Be sure that it is food grade quality. I recommend the book:  HYDROGEN
PEROXIDE, MEDICAL MIRACAL  by William Campbell Douglass, M.D.


CAN H2o2 be ingested?  Does this oxygenate the blood?

in Memphis

Subject: CSH2o2
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 23:34:44 EDT

Dear Listers:

I am looking for an answer from Judith Thamm, as I have a question about
H2o2--I was reading one of her posts where she mentions it, but I need to
know more, in order to consider getting some, as I have Lyme disease.  One
the things I know the Lyme Spirochete hates and that definitely will kill
is  more oxygen in the blood.  Can anyone direct me to Juith Thamm's
e-mailaddress, or, if you can, give her mine, so I can e-mailher directly?



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And The Truth Shall Help You Be Healthy,

Re: CSNew

2000-07-10 Thread Pamela Grant
Oh duh!

Hi Pam;

You can get a stirrer for nothing at Mc Donald's one of those long
Doesn't have to be stirred constantly just keep it in motion .

Pamela Grant wrote:

 Okay. What is the Tyndall effect? All I could find is that Tyndall(John)
 was an Irish physicist. Also, where might one purchase a mechanism for

 Is it John?
 Stirring really helps distribute the ionic cloud away from the anode as the
 atoms are being released during production.  If you can get them disbursed
 in the water with stirring, they tend not to agglomerate.  It makes a much
 better product.  It will be crystal clear with no color if you keep it
 under 15-20 PPM.  Will also have a minimal Tyndall effect.
 Constant Current Colloid Generators
 At 03:02 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
 Is stirring necessary?
  Make your own genterator, all you need is a DC power source, a digital
  multimeter, stirring motor, and two pieces of #14 sliver .999 or
better and
  some clip leads.
  Contact me off list and I can probvide more detailed info.
  Ole Bob
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS? on generator quality

2000-07-10 Thread Pamela Grant
The only one I recommend against is the last...Utopia

You can make fairly good CS
with such a unit but it takes a lot of care and experimentation.  I doubt
you will be able to go stronger than 3 to 5 PPM without making yellow to
brown colored CS.

What causes a particular CS maker to create brown sludge and not another?
Or is that a myth? I have 2 CS makers(only tried one so far). I do get
brown, but that is when I leave it running too long and I was using sea
salt(and distilled water). I must have missed some crucial e-mails from the
list before I joined as I do not understand this. I don't want to start
anything here, but I sure would like a suggestion as to what is the best CS
maker(s) that people on this list have found(without bias and with
first-hand knowledge in relation to their experimentation, testing and and
final evaluation)---or has anyone purchased various makers and put them all
to the test? Is this a valid question and are there any correct answers
to this inquiry--or does it just not matter? From what I have read from
certain e-mails that have implied that the quality varies from generator to
generator---I just wonder if there is a significant difference.

Also, is there such a thing as a CS solution that does not lose its potency
over time? Does this vary from generator to generator? Or is that what
certain individuals on this list is trying to determine?

These are just some thoughts and questions off the top of my head--sorry if
I missed something and these questions are all redundant.


   While mechanical stirring does seem to get very good results, thermal
stirring via convection currents helps a lot and is a lot simpler.
  Either preheat the water to 80 -100 degrees and let cool while running
the generator, or start with room temp water and place it on a small heater
such as a 4 watt night light bulb.
  Letting hot water cool while in process tends to give that light Tyndal
Effect but limits the max concentration [with my auto off unit] to about
8-9 PPM as read by a PPM meter.
  Check out
  and click on the merchants directory for a fairly complete list of
generator makers.
  The only one I recommend against is the last...Utopia
  They are very proud of the brown sludge their generator makes for some
reason.  They use  3 nine volt batteries, 2 silver rods and nothing else. I
think they recommend using sea salt as well.   A no no.
  With their set up, there's also a possibility of getting some lead and
tin into the mix as the wires have exposed solder on the ends. Not
extremely likely, but possible.
  You can do something similar for a lot less.  You can make fairly good CS
with such a unit but it takes a lot of care and experimentation.  I doubt
you will be able to go stronger than 3 to 5 PPM without making yellow to
brown colored CS.

At 03:28 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
Okay. What is the Tyndall effect? All I could find is that Tyndall(John)
was an Irish physicist. Also, where might one purchase a mechanism for

 Is it John?
 Stirring really helps distribute the ionic cloud away from the anode as the
 atoms are being released during production.  If you can get them disbursed
 in the water with stirring, they tend not to agglomerate.  It makes a much
 better product.  It will be crystal clear with no color if you keep it
 under 15-20 PPM.  Will also have a minimal Tyndall effect.
 Constant Current Colloid Generators
 At 03:02 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
 Is stirring necessary?
  Make your own genterator, all you need is a DC power source, a digital
  multimeter, stirring motor, and two pieces of #14 sliver .999 or
 better and
  some clip leads.
  Contact me off list and I can probvide more detailed info.
  Ole Bob
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Tired of buying questionable qaulity colloidal silver at high heathfood
store prices?  Make your own high quality Colloidal Silver at home with
this automatic process, current controlled colloidal silver generator.

Re: CSNew

2000-07-10 Thread Pamela Grant
Thanks--is it Bob?  PG

   While mechanical stirring does seem to get very good results, thermal
stirring via convection currents helps a lot and is a lot simpler.
  Either preheat the water to 80 -100 degrees and let cool while running
the generator, or start with room temp water and place it on a small heater
such as a 4 watt night light bulb.
  Letting hot water cool while in process tends to give that light Tyndal
Effect but limits the max concentration [with my auto off unit] to about
8-9 PPM as read by a PPM meter.
  Check out
  and click on the merchants directory for a fairly complete list of
generator makers.
  The only one I recommend against is the last...Utopia
  They are very proud of the brown sludge their generator makes for some
reason.  They use  3 nine volt batteries, 2 silver rods and nothing else. I
think they recommend using sea salt as well.   A no no.
  With their set up, there's also a possibility of getting some lead and
tin into the mix as the wires have exposed solder on the ends. Not
extremely likely, but possible.
  You can do something similar for a lot less.  You can make fairly good CS
with such a unit but it takes a lot of care and experimentation.  I doubt
you will be able to go stronger than 3 to 5 PPM without making yellow to
brown colored CS.

At 03:28 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
Okay. What is the Tyndall effect? All I could find is that Tyndall(John)
was an Irish physicist. Also, where might one purchase a mechanism for

 Is it John?
 Stirring really helps distribute the ionic cloud away from the anode as the
 atoms are being released during production.  If you can get them disbursed
 in the water with stirring, they tend not to agglomerate.  It makes a much
 better product.  It will be crystal clear with no color if you keep it
 under 15-20 PPM.  Will also have a minimal Tyndall effect.
 Constant Current Colloid Generators
 At 03:02 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
 Is stirring necessary?
  Make your own genterator, all you need is a DC power source, a digital
  multimeter, stirring motor, and two pieces of #14 sliver .999 or
 better and
  some clip leads.
  Contact me off list and I can probvide more detailed info.
  Ole Bob
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Tired of buying questionable qaulity colloidal silver at high heathfood
store prices?  Make your own high quality Colloidal Silver at home with
this automatic process, current controlled colloidal silver generator.

Re: CSNew

2000-07-10 Thread Pamela Grant
Not to argue with you Ken but our auto shutoff generator makes crystal
clear CS up to 20-25 PPM as measured with a Hanna PWT using the mechanical
stirring motor we have incorporated into our newest generator.

Perhaps I should have read this before asking the crucial question in my
last e-mail. This generator sounds impressive--but how much?


Hi List,

Not to argue with you Ken but our auto shutoff generator makes crystal
clear CS up to 20-25 PPM as measured with a Hanna PWT using the mechanical
stirring motor we have incorporated into our newest generator.  The CS does
not get any color and has an almost imperceptible Tyndall effect.  And it's
a lot easier than having to heat water or rig up some kind of thermal hot
plate.  Most people aren't up for that.  Many experimenter types are but I
think most people aren't.

And, cooling water that has been heated is really problematic.  What about
people that live in cold or warm houses?  How hot is hot to start
with.  How cool does it have to get before thermal currents cease to help,
etc.  If we're looking for repeatability and ease of use, a motor with a
constant stirring speed and a constant current regulator with auto shutoff
is about as good as you can get with LVDC process.

Sorry to toot our own horn but that's how I see it.

Constant Current Colloid Generators

At 09:44 PM 7/9/00 -0700, you wrote:
   While mechanical stirring does seem to get very good results, thermal
 stirring via convection currents helps a lot and is a lot simpler.
  Either preheat the water to 80 -100 degrees and let cool while running
 the generator, or start with room temp water and place it on a small
 heater such as a 4 watt night light bulb.
  Letting hot water cool while in process tends to give that light Tyndal
 Effect but limits the max concentration [with my auto off unit] to about
 8-9 PPM as read by a PPM meter.
  Check out
  and click on the merchants directory for a fairly complete list of
 generator makers.
  The only one I recommend against is the last...Utopia
  They are very proud of the brown sludge their generator makes for some
 reason.  They use  3 nine volt batteries, 2 silver rods and nothing else.
 I think they recommend using sea salt as well.   A no no.
  With their set up, there's also a possibility of getting some lead and
 tin into the mix as the wires have exposed solder on the ends. Not
 extremely likely, but possible.
  You can do something similar for a lot less.  You can make fairly good
 CS with such a unit but it takes a lot of care and experimentation.  I
 doubt you will be able to go stronger than 3 to 5 PPM without making
 yellow to brown colored CS.

At 03:28 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
Okay. What is the Tyndall effect? All I could find is that Tyndall(John)
was an Irish physicist. Also, where might one purchase a mechanism for

 Is it John?
 Stirring really helps distribute the ionic cloud away from the anode
as the
 atoms are being released during production.  If you can get them disbursed
 in the water with stirring, they tend not to agglomerate.  It makes a much
 better product.  It will be crystal clear with no color if you keep it
 under 15-20 PPM.  Will also have a minimal Tyndall effect.
 Constant Current Colloid Generators
 At 03:02 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
 Is stirring necessary?
  Make your own genterator, all you need is a DC power source, a digital
  multimeter, stirring motor, and two pieces of #14 sliver .999 or
 better and
  some clip leads.
  Contact me off list and I can probvide more detailed info.
  Ole Bob
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Tired of buying questionable qaulity colloidal silver at high heathfood
store prices?  Make your own high quality Colloidal Silver at home with
this automatic process, current controlled colloidal silver generator.

Re: CSColloidal Silver

2000-07-09 Thread Pamela Grant
Thanks for sending us that. I was wondering what bull they would be spouting.



../../index.htmlQuackwatch Home Page

Colloidal Silver:
Risk Without Benefit

Stephen Barrett, M.D.

Colloidal silver is a suspension of submicroscopic metallic silver
particles  in a colloidal base. Long-term use of silver preparations can
lead to argyria, a  condition in which silver salts deposit in the skin,
eyes, and internal organs,  and the skin turns ashen-gray. Many cases of
argyria occurred during the  pre-antibiotic era when silver was a common
ingredient in nosedrops. When the  cause became apparent, doctors stopped
recommending their use, and reputable  manufacturers stopped producing
them. The official drug guidebooks (United  States Pharmacopeia and
National Formulary) have not listed colloidal silver  products since 1975.

Dubious Ads

In recent years, silver-containing products have been marketed with
unsubstantiated claims that they are effective against AIDS, cancer,
infectious  diseases, parasites, chronic fatigue, acne, warts,
hemorrhoids, enlarged  prostate, and many other diseases and conditions.
Some marketers claim that  colloidal silver is effective against hundreds
of diseases.

During 1998, a Florida-based multilevel company, stated:

Our colloidal silver contains 99.99% pure silver particles suspended
indefinitely in demineralized water that kills bacteria and viruses. It
can beapplied topically and/or absorbed into the blood stream
sub-lingually (underthe tongue), thereby avoiding the negative effects
of traditional antibioticsthat kill good bacteria in the lower
digestive tract.

An all natural antibiotic alternative in the purest form available. The
presence of colloidal silver near a virus, fungi, bacterium or any other
single celled pathogen disables its oxygen-metabolism enzyme, its chemical
lung, so to say. The pathogens suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of
thebody by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems.

Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics which destroy beneficial enzymes,
colloidal silver leaves these beneficial enzymes intact. Thus colloidal
silveris absolutely safe for humans, reptiles, plants and all
multi-celled livingmatter.

It is impossible for single-celled germs to mutate into silver-resistant
forms, as happens with conventional antibiotics. Also, colloidal silver
cannotinteract or interfere with other medicines being taken.
Colloidal silver istruly a safe, natural remedy for many of mankind's
ills. Colloidal silver canbe taken indefinitely because the body does
not develop a tolerance to it[1] Intermational, a  California-based
multilevel company, claims that American are suffering from  silver
deficiency. Although silver is not an essential nutrient, product
information posted on the company's Web site states:

The depletion of minerals in our soil has left us deficient of silver, one
of our most essential trace minerals, causing a drastic increase in immune
system disorders in our society in the last decade. Research has taught us
that all disease is allowed to manifest itself because of a weakened
immunesystem. In over 20 years of worldwide research on Colloidal
Silver, numerousinterviews with government agencies, health care
practitioners and theirpatients, no other nutrient, herb or drug
(prescription or over-the-counter)is as safe and effective against all
known forms of unfriendly virus,bacteria, and fungus. Additionally,
while it is generally known that mostantibiotics kill only perhaps 6
or 7 different disease organisms, reports haveshown that Colloidal
Silver has been used successfully in the treatment ofover 650
diseases! Furthermore, strains of disease organisms fail to developin
the presence of Colloidal Silver. Colloidal Silver's greatest attribute is
its unique ability to function as a superior second immune system in the

The ad below is from the July 1996 issue of Alternative Medicine  Digest.

Critical Studies

In 1995, an herbal distributor named Leslie Taylor tested nine commonly
marketed colloidal silver products available at health-food stores and

   * Two of the products were contaminated with microorganisms.* The
amount of silver suspended in solution varied from product to product
and would gradually decrease over time.* Only five products actually
showed antibacterial activity in a laboratorytest. To perform the
test, she prepared a culture plate with Staphylococcusaureas bacteria,
which can cause infections in humans. She then placed a dropfrom each
product on the plate and used disks of two common antibiotics as
controls. After eight hours of incubation, she found that bacterial growth
hadbeen inhibited around the antibiotics and four of the products. *

Of course, the fact that a product inhibits bacteria in a laboratory

Re: CSColloidal Silver

2000-07-09 Thread Pamela Grant
 But the opening of ones mouth from ego and
without good backing of the facts, one can sure damage ones reputation fast.

They know, however, that the majority of our population will never see
through it. I find most people to be quite lazy and willing to be spoonfed
the lies and drugs--
---but then again, it is nice to trust our fellow humans---however, one
day people will find out that even that assumption was incorrect.


In a message dated 7/9/00 1:12:30 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 Yet Dr. Barrett spews forth opinions also without substantiation.  For
 example, he mixes statements for silver preparations with colloidal
 silver -- hoping the reader will assume that they are the same (they

 He also ignores the scores of research reports in acknowledged
 scientific and medical publications that show the effectiveness of
 colloidal silver.

 The anecdotal research (about killing staph bacteria in petri dishes)
 he does cite is probably correct (but his opinion about the results is
 spurious) given that there is little quality control for retail
 colloidal silver products.

 If you make CS yourself, you can control your own quality.  Then run
 your own tests (on plants, animals and yourself).
Amen! I watch this going on all the time. They use to say herbs did nothing.
They where useless. As soon as it became a little wider spread in their usage
and help from them was recognized, then they say that they can interfere with
the use of other drugs. That they are potent to us. Please oh wise people,
make up your minds before you open your mouths. Do you not understand that
your credibility is suffering? And when one then brings up that may medicines
are derived from these plants and act much like them, what about the use by
the medical profession of these together also, then you stand there looking
stupid again. I am not saying that I don't respect them, I do when I see
caring and good sense medicine. But the opening of ones mouth from ego and
without good backing of the facts, one can sure damage ones reputation fast.

Gene Downey

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMake your own kefir: easy

2000-07-09 Thread Pamela Grant
Another great way to fight off yeast in a relatively short time is by
taking a product(a chiropractor once introduced to me) called FORMULA
SF22, by Thorne Research.The main ingrediant:  10-undecenoic acid(derived
from castor bean oil)


I make my own kefir.  It's good for the colon and serves the same purpose as
yogurt in fighting yeast infections.

1 qt. milk
1 pkg kefir starter from health food store (first time only)

Heat the milk to 180F but do not boil.  Cool it down to about 75F.  Cover and
let it sit out overnight or until it forms a curd.  Chill in refrigerator to
stop the action.  Put the cold milk in the blender and add fruit or berries.
Strawberries or peaches are good.  I like it sweet, so I add a little corn
syrup or fruit flavored syrup.   Serve ice cold.  Delicious and healthful.
I save a cup of the curdled milk to use as a starter for the next run and
avoid buying expensive starter.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSwashing your vegetables in CS

2000-07-09 Thread Pamela Grant
Thanks Bob. I was using food-grade H2O2 for the removal of wax and
pesticides. Now I see the necessity of CS for washing also---to kill off
bacteria, fungus and viruses--an absolute MUST these days even if you grow
your own!!!



Wash with plain water to remove pesticides etc., and soak in watermwith
about 1
or 2 oz of CS for about 6 minutes.

Ole Bob

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNew

2000-07-09 Thread Pamela Grant
Is stirring necessary?


Make your own genterator, all you need is a DC power source, a digital
multimeter, stirring motor, and two pieces of #14 sliver .999 or better and
some clip leads.

Contact me off list and I can probvide more detailed info.

Ole Bob

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDoes C/S have odor / taste????

2000-07-09 Thread Pamela Grant
What is T.E.?

Hi  LFZBizLdy,

Properly made CS of up to about 15 PPM (real ppm) is tasteless. If you have a
bright T.E. it will taste lilke metal. If the T.E. is almost  nonexistant the
CS will ot taste.

Ole Bob

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNew

2000-07-09 Thread Pamela Grant
Okay. What is the Tyndall effect? All I could find is that Tyndall(John)
was an Irish physicist. Also, where might one purchase a mechanism for

Is it John?

Stirring really helps distribute the ionic cloud away from the anode as the
atoms are being released during production.  If you can get them disbursed
in the water with stirring, they tend not to agglomerate.  It makes a much
better product.  It will be crystal clear with no color if you keep it
under 15-20 PPM.  Will also have a minimal Tyndall effect.

Constant Current Colloid Generators

At 03:02 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
Is stirring necessary?

 Make your own genterator, all you need is a DC power source, a digital
 multimeter, stirring motor, and two pieces of #14 sliver .999 or better and
 some clip leads.
 Contact me off list and I can probvide more detailed info.
 Ole Bob
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDoes C/S have odor / taste????

2000-07-08 Thread Pamela Grant
Speaking of ionic copper, does anyone take this or make it? I hear of some
pretty great things about it. Is any coppr wire safe or does someone on
this list provide the wire?


  My wife says she can smell C/S on me and  cannot  stand the taste
or smell. She refuses to use  it  either topically or internally.   Wanna
really confuse her?  Start taking ionic copper, tin, gold and  platinum
along with your silver!
Yours in health,
James Allison   -
Allisons  Apothecary - Your On-Line Apothecary
Visit Us Soon -
Home  of the $39.95 Colloidal Silver Generator
And Wonderful Prices On Quality  Products Like
MSM, Ionic Mineral Waters and Apricot  Kernels

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSheavy metal

2000-07-08 Thread Pamela Grant

* 01QuackeryRelatedTopics/PhonyAds/silverad.htmlColloidal   Silver
(updated 11/5/99)

Someone just sent this to me. I don't know what they are saying on this
websiteabout colloidal silver, but if they are out to discredit ALL forms
of alternative medicine then it is just as well my Netscape fails me. I
thought some of you might want to check this out.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSwashing your vegetables in CS

2000-07-08 Thread Pamela Grant
I just received the below message. Perhaps washing our vegetables in CS
would be wise. However, does anyone know how long one needs to wash their
fruits and veg. in order to kill most bacteria, viruses, along with fungus?
I know this is not an easy question as it seems that potency among other
factors would need to be considered. Has anyone done a study on this?


Good morning!

Two messages from me in one day! I apologize. For those of you who seldom
get email from me, this does not indicate a new trend - you probably won't
get anything else from me for a while; however, I believe this alert that I
received from my Shaklee Distributor is important enough to be sent to

I know that most of you wash your produce in something: of course, Shaklee
recommends Basic H. Just make sure that whatever you use will kill
parasites, viruses  bacteria without poisoning humans. Plain water won't

I thought I did a good job washing my produce, but since I throw away the
skin of some things, such as cantaloupe  citrus fruit, I hadn't thought to
wash them. However, as the following safety alert shows, it is important to
wash ALL produce, even if you throw away the skin.

Safety Alerts
June 2, 2000

Salmonella Outbreak Offers Food Safety Lesson - Wash cantaloupe and other
fruits before eating - From the South Dakota Department of Health Pierre,

A salmonella outbreak in several western states is a good reminder to
consumers of how important it is to wash the skins of unpeeled fruit before
eating, says a state health official.

Consumption of tainted cantaloupe has been linked to at least 39 cases
of salmonella  in California, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada and Washington.
Because cantaloupes are grown on the ground, their outer skin can become
contaminated in the field by human or animal waste, or during distribution
prior to sale, said Dave Micklos, Director of Health Protection for the
Department of

Unless the cantaloupe rind is first scrubbed with soap and hot running
water, slicing into it can contaminate the fruit, said Micklos. Handle
cantaloupe the same way you do raw meat - wash your hands before and after
you work with it and refrigerate unused cut portions right away.  In fact,
all fruits and vegetables that aren't peeled should be washed.

Salmonella symptoms, which include fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea,
generally occur one to three days after eating contaminated  food and last
two to five days. While most ill individuals recover without medical
attention, the infection can be life threatening to young children, the
elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

please visit me at

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSSeratia MarcescensCS?

2000-07-08 Thread Pamela Grant
Below is a segment from an article from

It states that in order for an antibiotic to kill or inhibit growth of
bacteria it must penetrate the outer surface or membrane and enter the
bacterial cell which is very difficult.  Does anyone know if CS can
penetrate most bacteria?--specifically, Serratia Marcescens?


# 7. Serratia Marcescens is a significant opportunistic human bacterial
pathogen. This microorganism has been shown to be the cause of many
life-threatening diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and endocarditis.
It is one of the major causes of hospital-acquired infections. The
seriousness of a S. marcescens infection is compounded by the fact that
it is very resistant to most commonly used antibotics, thus making
treatment difficult. In this study one of the factors contributing to the
antibiotic resistance of S. marcescens will be examined. In order for an
antibiotic to kill or inhibit growth of bacteria it must penetrate the
outer surface or membrane and enter the bacterial cell which is very
difficult. I hope some of this helps you to better understand what we are
fighting against.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSChemtrail update

2000-06-30 Thread Pamela Grant
open your eyes

oops, I mean

  Nice pics of perfectly normal contrails being touted as the threat of the
day and no distinction between obvious misinformation and possible reality
so far.

At 02:01 PM 6/29/00 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Pamela, doesn't work for me.  Any ideas why?  Spelling correct?


At 03:25 PM 6/29/00 -0500, you wrote:

Marsha, take a visit to

 Dear Marshall,
 The day before yesterday I was watching Unsolved Mysteries on Lifetime
 Channel and one segment was about a town in Washington getting some
 gelatinous goo dumped on it, making folks sick. Talk about weird! I didn`t
 see the segment when it first aired, so I don`t know how old it was. I
 wonder if the town has had anything happen since then?
 One of the citizens on the segment reported a lot of aircraft
activity, and
 even black choppers.
  I wonder...
 PS, I printed out your post to show my sister, the ultimate disbeliever.
 Won`t even use CS...
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-06-30 Thread Pamela Grant
Is a true colloid of silver ionic, thus meaning a dissolved form of


Hi Fred;

All I know is what I put on the list. I have since asked Ron Leavitt several
questions and hope to get a reply. He said that the ASAP is a true colloid
!!! And that most of our stuff is not. I need an input from Stephen Quinto.

Ole Bob

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS machines

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant
Thank you Marshall. I wish I had known that when I first started drinking
CS---though blue is my favorite color. Can you elaborate on the toxic
effects of silver chlorite?


Addition of salt can make silver chloride, a toxic compound that can
photoexpose in
your skin and turn you blue permanently.  Always use pure distilled water.
If you
need a quicker start then warm it up, or add a little CS from the previous


Pamela Grant wrote:

 I noticed that the directions for the use of saline was not part of your
 directions. Is that a thing of the past, no longer recommended and if so,

 Simplest CS machine can be made for under $5.  Go to radio shack and
 purchase a
 9 volt battery clip, a nine volt battery, and a package of alligator clips.
 Acquire some .999 silver wire and a gallon of distilled water.
 Put the water in an 8 oz. glass.  Take the silver wire and bend it so
that it
 hangs over the sides with an inch or two in the water on opposite sides
of the
 glass.  Connect one end of 2 alligator clips to the wire, and the other
end to
 the battery clip.  Connect the battery and time the process.
 Marshall wrote:
  Mary, you should make your own.  I was given instructions by one of
the list
  members and made a cs machine in about 20 minutes for about $15.00.
It was
  unbelievably simple.  I have been making and using cs ever since.
  Diane M.
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  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS machines

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant
The best reason for not using salt in making CS is that the particles
produced that way are known to be smaller and are presumed to be
safer and more bioavailable.

Thank you Mike. That is a good enough reason alone. Yes?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSChemtrail update

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant
I had pneumonia last year--presumably from mycoplasma fermantens. I began
colloidal silver(can't remember exactly when--perhaps by May), but I did
not notice it to help the lungs---it did help other problems00which I
believe was due to exposure to chemtrails. I have read that ethylene
dibromide has given lungs problems to those exposed to fall-out(as it was
found to be in chemtrails during that period--don't know if any longer the
case)---perhaps both substances were culprits. Has anyone done any
experiments with CS and fungus---would love to hear of your results. Thank


Remember, CS should be effective against fungus!

Special To
Some Comments  Conclusions On Cassani
By William Thomas

Erminia Cassani deserves thanks and congratulations for her long and
sometimes personally perilous investigations into low-level air drops of
pathogen-bearing gel and red powder over suburban neighborhoods in
Ontario, and across the USA. Throughout her research I have kept our
agreement on certain aspects of her work until she was ready to publish
her preliminary findings. It is time that we heard from this key researcher,
and I am glad she has come forward now.

After 19 months' investigation, I believe that the higher-level 'chemtrail'
operation involving 700 US Air Force tanker planes and some civilian
airliners is separate, though possibly related to, the splattering of
lab-tested bacteria, molds and fungi over homes from aircraft flying at
tree-top level.

Even more disturbing are recently witnessed deliberate spray attacks on
some vocal aerial observers' headquarters and homes. Seen in the context
of earlier low-level attacks against William Wallace and his wife Anne in the
remote mountains of Washington state (after Wallace went to the media
insisting they cover chemtrails) - these attempts at intimidation are
serious acts of military aggression that prove that something sensitive is
indeed going on.

But what?

I concur with Cassani's conclusions that it makes zero sense for a
government torandomly sicken its entire citizenry with air-delivered
organisms. Nor are repeated attacks of self-replicating bio-agents
necessary. If continued, such overt bio-attacks could destroy the US
economy, while risking rebellion from an armed and angry populace. More
to the point: no disease-causing organisms have ever been found in

While lab techs were startled and concerned by the biological organisms
and markers turning up in samples from low-level drops that left at least one
homeowner stricken with a heart attack, the molds and fungi that turned
up in the only tested sample of rainwater taken immediately after heavy
high-level chemtrail spraying were deemed by an independent Ontario lab
as entirely normal - 'with no one species predominating.'


What about an airborne 'cull' of the elderly and similar 'useless eaters'
burdening cash-strapped governments with their burgeoning needs for
subsistence and medical assistance? A little-publicized high-level summit
last January saw president Clinton (invited) and former heads and top
officials from Japan, Germany, the World Bank, security agencies and
major financial firms discussing the 'Impacts of Aging on Business'.
Corporate-controlled governments are extremely and increasingly concerned
about aging populations, which are seen as growing threats to corporate

Couple this concern with decades of documented US and British funding and
research into Nazi-copied 'eugenics' intended to selectively cull
unproductive resource consumers...and the high percentage of fatalities
among the elderly during two consecutive epidemics (1998-2000) of deaths
from Influenza-Like-Illness and related pneumonia and cardiac arrest
appear very sinister indeed.

Yet, why go to the expense and risk of blatantly spraying pathogens from
jets to get rid of older folks (he asks counting his own gray hairs)? A
less obvious and much cheaper course is to quietly encourage euthanasia
in hospitals across North America and Australia, where doctors and nurses
now admit that up to 40% of elderly patients are being deliberately killed -
without their consent, and in many cases without any terminal ailment

Another effective tactic is to scare people into lining up for experimental
vaccines often contaminated by pathgenic material. The constant hyping of
vaccines for the flu, migraines and meningitis symptoms often seen in the
wake of chemtrails is suspiciously coincidental.

It is clear that, at the very least, heightened death rates among the
elderly caught under heavy aerial spraying are being viewed as 'acceptable
collateral damage' to a program deemed essential to national-corporate
interests. For this reason, any official whistle-blower who dares to come
forward with verifiable documentation concerning chemtrails will face
legal repercussions that will make Daniel Elsberg's 

Re: CSChemtrail update

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant

Hi Pamela, doesn't work for me.  Any ideas why?  Spelling correct?


At 03:25 PM 6/29/00 -0500, you wrote:

Marsha, take a visit to

 Dear Marshall,
 The day before yesterday I was watching Unsolved Mysteries on Lifetime
 Channel and one segment was about a town in Washington getting some
 gelatinous goo dumped on it, making folks sick. Talk about weird! I didn`t
 see the segment when it first aired, so I don`t know how old it was. I
 wonder if the town has had anything happen since then?
 One of the citizens on the segment reported a lot of aircraft activity, and
 even black choppers.
  I wonder...
 PS, I printed out your post to show my sister, the ultimate disbeliever.
 Won`t even use CS...
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 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSChemtrail update

2000-06-29 Thread Pamela Grant
I certainly hope as mycoplasma fermentens alone is said to be responsible
for a slew of diseases(such as Lupus, Alzheimers,

Remember, CS should be effective against fungus!

Special To
Some Comments  Conclusions On Cassani
By William Thomas

Erminia Cassani deserves thanks and congratulations for her long and
sometimes personally perilous investigations into low-level air drops of
pathogen-bearing gel and red powder over suburban neighborhoods in
Ontario, and across the USA. Throughout her research I have kept our
agreement on certain aspects of her work until she was ready to publish
her preliminary findings. It is time that we heard from this key researcher,
and I am glad she has come forward now.

After 19 months' investigation, I believe that the higher-level 'chemtrail'
operation involving 700 US Air Force tanker planes and some civilian
airliners is separate, though possibly related to, the splattering of
lab-tested bacteria, molds and fungi over homes from aircraft flying at
tree-top level.

Even more disturbing are recently witnessed deliberate spray attacks on
some vocal aerial observers' headquarters and homes. Seen in the context
of earlier low-level attacks against William Wallace and his wife Anne in the
remote mountains of Washington state (after Wallace went to the media
insisting they cover chemtrails) - these attempts at intimidation are
serious acts of military aggression that prove that something sensitive is
indeed going on.

But what?

I concur with Cassani's conclusions that it makes zero sense for a
government torandomly sicken its entire citizenry with air-delivered
organisms. Nor are repeated attacks of self-replicating bio-agents
necessary. If continued, such overt bio-attacks could destroy the US
economy, while risking rebellion from an armed and angry populace. More
to the point: no disease-causing organisms have ever been found in

While lab techs were startled and concerned by the biological organisms
and markers turning up in samples from low-level drops that left at least one
homeowner stricken with a heart attack, the molds and fungi that turned
up in the only tested sample of rainwater taken immediately after heavy
high-level chemtrail spraying were deemed by an independent Ontario lab
as entirely normal - 'with no one species predominating.'


What about an airborne 'cull' of the elderly and similar 'useless eaters'
burdening cash-strapped governments with their burgeoning needs for
subsistence and medical assistance? A little-publicized high-level summit
last January saw president Clinton (invited) and former heads and top
officials from Japan, Germany, the World Bank, security agencies and
major financial firms discussing the 'Impacts of Aging on Business'.
Corporate-controlled governments are extremely and increasingly concerned
about aging populations, which are seen as growing threats to corporate

Couple this concern with decades of documented US and British funding and
research into Nazi-copied 'eugenics' intended to selectively cull
unproductive resource consumers...and the high percentage of fatalities
among the elderly during two consecutive epidemics (1998-2000) of deaths
from Influenza-Like-Illness and related pneumonia and cardiac arrest
appear very sinister indeed.

Yet, why go to the expense and risk of blatantly spraying pathogens from
jets to get rid of older folks (he asks counting his own gray hairs)? A
less obvious and much cheaper course is to quietly encourage euthanasia
in hospitals across North America and Australia, where doctors and nurses
now admit that up to 40% of elderly patients are being deliberately killed -
without their consent, and in many cases without any terminal ailment

Another effective tactic is to scare people into lining up for experimental
vaccines often contaminated by pathgenic material. The constant hyping of
vaccines for the flu, migraines and meningitis symptoms often seen in the
wake of chemtrails is suspiciously coincidental.

It is clear that, at the very least, heightened death rates among the
elderly caught under heavy aerial spraying are being viewed as 'acceptable
collateral damage' to a program deemed essential to national-corporate
interests. For this reason, any official whistle-blower who dares to come
forward with verifiable documentation concerning chemtrails will face
legal repercussions that will make Daniel Elsberg's long incarceration for
exposing the fake Gulf of Tonkin 'attack' and other Washington lies
concerning Vietnam feel like a stay in a summer spa.

Unless we rally to support and protect this brave soul.


Let's look closer at the illness rampant among our families and
communities. While the corporate-controlled media continue to bleat about
the 'flu', the CDC has consistently reported blood tests showing that

Re: CSReply about Distilled water OT

2000-06-28 Thread Pamela Grant
Instead of going by these articles on why NOT to drink distilled water, why
not try it out for yourselfactually, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I
drank distilled water for 2 1/2 months. I thought I'd like to die.
Experience is the best teacher, but hopefully, instead of learning the hard
way like I did, why not listen to some regular people and their experiences
with distilled water if you can't trust the experts? It took a lot of
colloidal minerals and electrolyte solution to try and get back to a
previous state of health. My gray hair is finally turning back now to its
original color, I can walk without feeling like my legs are about to give
out from under me, my vision is now improving---but hey, I don't expect
some of you to take my word for it either.



By Chet Day

Paul Bragg. Norman Walker. Herbert Shelton.

I bet you recognize the names of the above three big gun
writers of the modern natural health and raw food movement
...(article below the next 4 paragraphs - a highly recommended

From Dave Perkins:

To all on the CS list.  I know most of you are probably favorably
predisposed to distilled water...and as far as I know it is still
the only water to consider in making CS.  I certainly use it when
I make my CS.

However, it appears that much of the information on the benefits
(or lack of problems with long term use) of distilled water was
written many years ago and has been passed on as fact with little
modification ever since.  In light of more recent findings many
of those claims appear to be in error.

Not for the sake of argument, but for the sake of your present
and future health, I urge you to read the following information
by Chet Day and references by other MD's etc. Many of whom
(especially Chet ) used to be big proponents of distilled water.

I hope this gives you enough information and facts to make a well
reasoned personal decision:


By Chet Day

Paul Bragg. Norman Walker. Herbert Shelton.

I bet you recognize the names of the above three big gun
writers of the modern natural health and raw food movement.
Each of these men advocated a predominantly uncooked vegetarian
diet (though Walker allowed cheese and Bragg allowed occasional
meat or fish), and each also advocated distilled water as the
only kind of water to drink.

It's amazing to me how blindly most health seekers follow the
advice of the above three gurus as well as the advice of modern
health writers who use Bragg, Walker, and Shelton as their main
sources of truth.

Indeed, if you spend more than about ten minutes reading many
modern natural health writers, you'll quickly learn that all
serious health seekers should shun any kind of water other than
distilled water. Why? Because Paul Bragg, Norman Walker, and
Herbert Shelton said so.

Well, I bought into this commonly-accepted truth back in 1993
when I started my health journey, and I continued to buy into it
for more than five years before I started to question its
validity. I started to question the value of drinking distilled
water for the long-term when I finally opened my eyes enough to
realize I was relying on information that was, in most cases,
more than 50 years old.

Let me say here that I still consider distilled water the water
of choice when detoxing or working to heal a serious health
challenge. To quote Dr. Zoltan Rona, who feels the same way:

Distillation is the process in which water is boiled,
evaporated and the vapour condensed. Distilled water is free of
dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special
property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from
the body and eliminate them. Studies validate the benefits of
drinking distilled water when one is seeking to cleanse or
detoxify the system for short periods of time (a few weeks at a
time). Fasting using distilled water can be dangerous because of
the rapid loss of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and
trace minerals like magnesium, deficiencies of which can cause
heart beat irregularities and high blood pressure. Cooking foods
in distilled water pulls the minerals out of them and lowers
their nutrient value.

See for the full text of
Dr. Rona's article.

I opened my eyes because about two years ago I started hearing
from long-term distilled water drinkers who had been consuming
only distilled water and who had developed troubles with their
hair either thinning or falling out in clumps. I've subsequently
learned that hair loss is a condition often associated with
various mineral deficiencies.

Since I'd been advised by a serious natural health student whose
opinions I value very much that distilled water might well
contribute to such problems, I started telling people with
hair problems that they might try going back to filtered water
or bottled water to see if doing so wouldn't help resolve the
symptoms. Interestingly enough, many 

Re: CS machines

2000-06-28 Thread Pamela Grant
I noticed that the directions for the use of saline was not part of your
directions. Is that a thing of the past, no longer recommended and if so,

Simplest CS machine can be made for under $5.  Go to radio shack and
purchase a
9 volt battery clip, a nine volt battery, and a package of alligator clips.
Acquire some .999 silver wire and a gallon of distilled water.

Put the water in an 8 oz. glass.  Take the silver wire and bend it so that it
hangs over the sides with an inch or two in the water on opposite sides of the
glass.  Connect one end of 2 alligator clips to the wire, and the other end to
the battery clip.  Connect the battery and time the process.

Marshall wrote:

 Mary, you should make your own.  I was given instructions by one of the list
 members and made a cs machine in about 20 minutes for about $15.00.  It was
 unbelievably simple.  I have been making and using cs ever since.

 Diane M.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS and chemical viruses bacteria

2000-06-28 Thread Pamela Grant
Is there anyone on this list who is familiar with the chemical form of a
virus(ex:chemical anthrax) and how the use of CS fairs with such?


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2000-06-27 Thread Pamela Grant

NOTE: this can be targeted to, and I quote:

The antigen-recognition process is so precise
 that it has the potential to discriminate between
 closely related species.

 For example, RACE based targeting for chemical
 'castration' ?  The result is the same.

Ok folks, this one is a complete friggin nightmare
waiting to happen.  We are talking the possible
elimination of ALL MAMMALS, which of course humans

Do your best to contact these utter fools before they
get much further.  Contact one such dimwit at:

Say, Are you and your colleagues FRIGGIN NUTS !?

And be prepared as he will likely argue that this
stuff is all over your head and that measures have
been taken that this designer virus will never
mutate into something a little different, or some
other such NON-SENSE, as if we can control what ANY
life form becomes in the future, anymore than we can
determine what our OWN great-grandchildren will be
doing.  Give me a break, the arrogance and
irresponsibility of these scientists and doctors, so
called 'experts', give them NO respect, yank them from
their self-created pedestals, They are idiots !, lack
common sense, and should NOT be given such free reign
with our fate.

Click on an object to see an explanation of how
viral-vectored immunocontraception will work in the
For more information, including the work on other
species, see the Research Strategy.

The Vertebrate Biocontrol CRC is working to control
Australia's major pest problems using the modern tools
of biotechnology.  The aim is to develop contraceptive
vaccines specifically designed for vertebrate pests,
which will 'trick' the immune system to attack the
pests' eggs and sperm as though they were foreign
cells, resulting in infertility.  Delivery of the
vaccine will be through baits, or preferably through
the agency of a virus which spreads naturally through
the target pest population.  The vaccines are created
by genetically modifying the carrier virus to include
sperm, egg (gametes) or other key reproductive
proteins (antigens).  The product is a modified virus,
which during infection of the pest, causes an immune
response which attacks the animal's own gametes
preventing fertilisation.  The use of a
virally-vectored vaccine for fertility control should
allow humane management of animal populations with
minimal cost and human intervention.


The immune system protects the body against microbial
infection and potentially toxic foreign substances.
Specialised white blood cells called lymphocytes
constantly patrol the body, identifying and destroying
viruses, bacteria or foreign compounds that could pose
a threat to the body. Among the front-line defenders
are antibody-secreting B-lymphocytes. During embryonic
development, B-lymphocytes learn to ignore self
antigens - proteins and other components of the body's
own tissues so by default, immune systems will attack
any foreign (non-self) antigens the animal may
encounter in its lifetime.

Vertebrate Biocontrol CRC scientists will attempt to
deliver antigens derived from the egg's zona pellucida
and sperm into feral mammals, in such a way that the
immune system will recognise them as foreign and
attack them with antibodies - a cellular equivalent of
friendly fire. This would disrupt the crucial
biochemical dialogue between sperm and egg, rendering
the animal sterile.

The CRC's molecular biologists have already identified
a number of candidate sperm and egg antigens in the
rabbit and fox, and cloned the genes that encode them
(see Rabbit and Fox breakouts).

In theory, immunocontraception should be highly
selective. It should be possible to develop a cat or
rabbit immunocontraceptive vaccine that would not
affect any other species, be it a marsupial, a native
rodent, a livestock species or a human being. The
antigen-recognition process is so precise that it has
the potential to discriminate between closely related
species. Although foxes, wolves and dogs are cousins
in the canid family, a vaccine based on fox-specific
antigens should have no effect on Australia's native
dog, the dingo, or on domestic dogs. But realising
this potential is a major challenge facing the CRC.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSBeck Device

2000-06-27 Thread Pamela Grant
Can you explain what the Beck Device is and what it does?


Dear fearless leader;

CS has worked on Poison ivy, ticks and chiggers and spider
bites and others for years for our whole family. I use brown plastic
spray bottles from Wall Mart for everything . About a year ago I began
spraying it on my once bald head and the hair is growing back. If you
spray it on warts they will also go away . I had a man with a terrible
foot infection that the hospital was just making worse after several
months. I made a quart of Colloidal Silver and it immediately began to
heal . It took only two weeks for it to be gone and mostly healed and
out of danger.
My wife begins the spring season by eating a couple of small
ivy leaves several times and has no more trouble with it . She tears
them up and puts them in a piece of bread.
I have some of these machines in Africa and from the
preliminary reports CS will cure Malaria . Blackberry season is about
upon us here every year we make juice and put a lot away for later use .
We use large plastic soda pop bottles and put in a table spoon of CS It
will never ferment and lasts fine . Be sure to use enough and mix it
I have a new microscope same as in the university science
lab ,from China. Does any one know where a video attachment may be had
and an idea of the price. I would like to show every one the results of
blood treatment using Cs and the Zappers and the Beck machine. With this
you can watch as very contaminated blood with almost no white cells and
all red cells stacked up to where none are effective. It takes about 4
to 5 weeks and the blood is like a new born babies. We had a black man
from Africa that had blood that looked like sewer water. If there was a
disease he had it , 5 weeks they were all gone.
I want to put all. of the various bacteria and parasites where
everyone can see for themselves as the change takes place. Believe me it
does, big time. This is the greatest medical advance ever in my mind .
Drugs are poison and petroleum based chemicals have no place in our

With Gods Love to all

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSbaby shots and cs

2000-06-25 Thread Pamela Grant
What a great account to read!

It was about 8 or 9 years ago, my wife and I were doing childcare.  One
Saturday night, one of the parents of the children we watch called us to let
us know that her 10 month old baby girl wasn't going to be in the following
Monday.  She explained that she had just gotten back from the hospital and
that her daughter had pneumonia.  The doctors had wanted to keep her baby
there, but the mom really hated hospitals so she took her daughter home and
promised to go back the next day to have her daughter checked out again.
They hospital had said that if her daughter wasn't any better by Sunday
afternoon, then they would have to keep her there.  Anyways, we talked her
mom into coming over so we could dose her daughter up with CS.  Being new to
CS we made up an 8oz batch of about 5ppm using saline as a catalyst (GASP),
and had the baby drink the whole 8oz. in her plastic (SHUDDER) bottle.  We
then made up another 8oz. bottle for the mom to take home and feed her
daughter with the next morning (Sunday), which she did.  Sunday afternoon
came and she took her daughter back into the hospital as she had promised.
The mother gave me a call after the doc's had checked out her daughter and
told me that they had been dumbfounded because of the remarkable recovery
that her daughter had made.  They couldn't believe it!  That's just one
instance out of a great many, but one I can tell because of my first hand

Knowing now what I didn't know then, the only change I would have made is
that I wouldn't have used saline, I would have made it pure.

Keep the faith.

Yours in health,
James Allison

Allisons Apothecary - Your On-Line Apothecary
Visit Us Soon -
Home of the $39.95 Colloidal Silver Generator
And Wonderful Prices On Quality Products Like
MSM, Ionic Mineral Waters and Apricot Kernels

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-06-24 Thread Pamela Grant
just had to forward this---okay, now I'm like a kid who catches on to the
game---how might I link this to CS to justify my sending it---well, as we
lose our rights and freedoms and gain these wonderful medical ID
numbers(how will they be worn?) do you think there will be mandatory
testing also?---oh goodness, so and so goes to jail as they found the
forbidden CS in his system.


Aside from psychological reasons, why can't the Clintons be
straight-forward about things? It's easy to understand why Bill
wouldn't want to be candid about his affairs, but what about
his policy proposals?

If the Clintons' ideas were superior, they would have no motive to
be deceitful about them, right?  Think again. The truth is that they
know that despite liberalism's virtual monopoly in the mainstream
press, the universities, and most of our other cultural institutions,
it is still not the majority philosophy among most voters. So they
have to disguise many of their programs or, in some cases, secrete
them from the public altogether.

Remember Hillary's notorious plan to socialize American medicine?
While pretending that it was going to be produced by the people
from the bottom up, she kept her task force meetings secret to the
point of earning a rebuke by U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth.
But why? What did she have to hide? Well, plenty, as it turns out.
Hillary's 1,300-page plan would have nationalized 14 percent of the
nation's economy, a fact she could ill-afford to have disclosed.

And now, she and Bill both claim to have learned their lesson from
that fiasco. But are they honest about that lesson? What they want
you to believe is that they are willing to compromise and abandon
their goal of nationalized health care. Actually, the only lesson they
learned is that to accomplish their goal of socialized medicine they
must do it incrementally, one inconspicuous step at a time.

Although Hillary Care suffered a humiliating defeat in 1994, some
of its insidious components survived and became law in 1996 with
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
(HIPAA), a.k.a., Kennedy-Kassebaum. Hillary's plan contained
a provision regarding a unique health identifier (a patient ID
number) that could be used to track each person's medical history
electronically from cradle to grave.

This WorldNetDaily gem was resurrected and codified into law
in HIPAA in 1996. So far, our Brave New World medical ID
numbers have not been created, but soon will be if something
isn't done.

contributor David Limbaugh is an attorney practicing in Cape
Girardeau, Missouri, a political analyst and commentator.

Though the provision for the creation of the medical ID numbers
is already in the law, Texas Congressman Ron Paul has been
successful so far in leading an effort to block appropriations for
implementation of this provision. This week, this appropriations
bill (HR 4577) will be voted on again, and if it passes, the unique
health identifier -- the medical ID number -- will be created for all
of us.

It gets worse. This year, the Department of Health and Human
Services proposed medical privacy regulations that will apply
to all individuals, whether their health care is paid for privately or
by the government. Those who love freedom and cherish privacy
should be alarmed about these developments. Here's why:

While Clinton touts the medical ID number and the proposed
medical privacy regulations as enhancing our medical privacy, they
do just the opposite. The assignment of these numbers is the first
step toward universal health care, and the regulations severely
undermine our privacy. The government will be entitled to access
our private medical records without our consent and the government --
not you -- will decide who else will have access to our records.

Under the regulation's health plans, providers, hospitals, researchers,
medical students, government agents, law enforcement officials, and
whomever else the government decides will have access. Are you
nervous yet? If not, be aware that the regulations will also limit
patients' access to their own records, especially in malpractice cases.
And they will limit our right to sue others for breaching our medical

If Ron Paul fails to convince Congress again to block funding for
creating the ID numbers, all is not lost. He also has prepared a bill
to repeal the HIPAA provision that requires the adoption of our ID
numbers. This is a good start but another provision also empowers
the government to adopt those privacy regulations that authorize the
collection and sharing of our medical records without our consent.
Congress should repeal that provision as well.

Once again, the Clintons, under the guise of expanding our rights,
are taking them away. If we don't derail this train now, our chances
of thwarting Hillary's grandiose scheme to socialize health care
may be out the window.

[WND Exclusive Commentary]
by David 

Re: CSOTMarsha-lymelists,cyst form of lyme

2000-06-24 Thread Pamela Grant
have had two MRI's. So should not I be cured of LYME?

no, but you may need to get cured of MRI's

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSAvoid Gall Bladder Surgery

2000-06-23 Thread Pamela Grant
Forwarded from another list.(this recipe seems important enough, wouldn't
you say?)


Improve your health dramatically..easy and free.

Lowers cholesterol and allows your body to function efficiently.
Avoid needless and dangerous gall bladder surgery.

 At least 80% of people older then 30 have intrahepatic stones, that we
call gallstones as there is no big difference between stones inside the
and stones inside the gall bladder.
 Gallstones are always first created inside the liver!
 Gallstones inside the gallbladder(GB) have always first started inside
liver (intrahepatic bile ducts = tubes inside your liver)!!!
 Then , they roll down to the GB, where they may continue growing, until
they take all the space inside your GB.   People may have gallstones as big
as 5 cm across. (2 inch)
 If you have stones inside your GB, you already have hundreds of stones
inside your liver !   (Not all of them are big !) I call stone everything
then 2 mm across, everything in solid state, everything that can not be called
bile, but is still made of it.
 How many cleanses do you need ?
 Very few adults have no stones!   Healthy skin is a sign of healthy liver
and healthy intestines.
 After age 50-60 almost all the people have stones !   Some adults with
very good and healthy liver menage to clean out all liver in only 3-5
  Skin of those people is extremely beautiful, soft and healthy, before, and
especially after cleanse.   After cleanse, their skin is as beautiful as
skin of
 the people from the first group.  Other people get stones out every time
they do cleanse, regardless of cleanse frequency.   The liver of these people
is able to generate hundreds of new stones (something like process of
 crystallization inside intrahepatic bile ducts, bile starts
crystallizing and
stones starts growing.) in just a few days or few weeks.   Skin of those
people is not as healthy as skin of those from the previous group.

 You will know it is working. You will see the stones in your stools.

 New stones are usually of tann-green color, almost transparent, pure
cholesterol, bile salts and toxins (heavy metals, mercury from food and
amalgam, cadmium, led, and others ).   Old stones can have more different
colors, more pigment, more different salts and if cut across one will see
layers, which can not be easily seen in stones created in very short time.  If
cleanses are done 2/3 times each week then:   First 1-3 cleanses are
cleaning out almost only old stones.   Next 3-10 cleanses can clean out
combination of old and newly created stones.   Next 10 - X .. cleanses will
clean out only newly created stones.  If your liver keep producing stones
constantly, you can do 1 cleanse every two months.
 People who do cleanse regularly, will dramatically reduce their chances
for getting Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, AIDS and many other diseases.
Cleanse will keep toxins and parasites away, and will keep you in good
 For people who already suffer from Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, AIDS, the
liver cleanse is a vital step in regaining health.
 It is always much easier to prevent diseases, than to regain health, once
you are sick.  Don't blame your liver for making gallstones constantly.   Be
happy that your liver is still able to pack all the bad toxins inside small
marbles, so that they are not reabsorbed with your intestines!
 Liver /GB cleanse is single MOST powerful way to improve your health in
JUST 24 hrs.  It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1.5 quarts in a
The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one
large tube
(the common bile duct).   The gallbladder is attached to the common bile
duct and acts as a storage reservoir.   Eating fats triggers the
gallbladder to
squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes
its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.   Liver usually manage to
take most of the toxins (that it can recognize) out of our body.
 Bile is used to remove heavy metals out from our body (cadmium,
copper, lead, mercury, radioactive elements, ...)   But, the way our liver is
doing it may cause those toxins to come back inside of our body.   Our liver
is producing bile from cholesterol by converting it into bile acids. Bile
also a lot of toxins that have to be removed from our body.   But, the problem
is that bile is going directly into our intestines, and by doing this we have
chance of absorbing those toxins again in our blood stream.
 It is natural fibers and lignans in our food that are suppose to bind
bile, and help taking bile out of our intestines. What happens if we don't eat
enough fibers ?   We may reabsorb some of the bile back into the blood and
lymph stream.
 In order to prevent reabsorbing those toxins, our intestines produce even
more mucus on it's walls, preventing in 

Re: CSAvoid Gall Bladder Surgery

2000-06-23 Thread Pamela Grant
You are most welcome. I have 2 friends who could have also avoided this
surgery had they know.


This is excellent information, Pam. Thanks so much. I have a friend who
has already lost her GB to surgery and she suffers from some of the
things mentioned here. It's too bad it's too late for her to know this.


Pamela Grant wrote:

 Forwarded from another list.(this recipe seems important enough, wouldn't
 you say?)


 Improve your health dramatically..easy and free.

 Lowers cholesterol and allows your body to function efficiently.
 Avoid needless and dangerous gall bladder surgery.

  At least 80% of people older then 30 have intrahepatic stones, that we
 call gallstones as there is no big difference between stones inside the
 and stones inside the gall bladder.
  Gallstones are always first created inside the liver!
  Gallstones inside the gallbladder(GB) have always first started inside
 liver (intrahepatic bile ducts = tubes inside your liver)!!!
  Then , they roll down to the GB, where they may continue growing,
 they take all the space inside your GB.   People may have gallstones as big
 as 5 cm across. (2 inch)
  If you have stones inside your GB, you already have hundreds of stones
 inside your liver !   (Not all of them are big !) I call stone everything
 then 2 mm across, everything in solid state, everything that can not be
 bile, but is still made of it.
  How many cleanses do you need ?
  Very few adults have no stones!   Healthy skin is a sign of healthy
 and healthy intestines.
  After age 50-60 almost all the people have stones !   Some adults with
 very good and healthy liver menage to clean out all liver in only 3-5
   Skin of those people is extremely beautiful, soft and healthy, before, and
 especially after cleanse.   After cleanse, their skin is as beautiful as
 skin of
  the people from the first group.  Other people get stones out every
 they do cleanse, regardless of cleanse frequency.   The liver of these
 is able to generate hundreds of new stones (something like process of
  crystallization inside intrahepatic bile ducts, bile starts
 crystallizing and
 stones starts growing.) in just a few days or few weeks.   Skin of those
 people is not as healthy as skin of those from the previous group.

  You will know it is working. You will see the stones in your stools.

  New stones are usually of tann-green color, almost transparent, pure
 cholesterol, bile salts and toxins (heavy metals, mercury from food and
 amalgam, cadmium, led, and others ).   Old stones can have more different
 colors, more pigment, more different salts and if cut across one will see
 layers, which can not be easily seen in stones created in very short
time.  If
 cleanses are done 2/3 times each week then:   First 1-3 cleanses are
 cleaning out almost only old stones.   Next 3-10 cleanses can clean out
 combination of old and newly created stones.   Next 10 - X .. cleanses will
 clean out only newly created stones.  If your liver keep producing stones
 constantly, you can do 1 cleanse every two months.
  People who do cleanse regularly, will dramatically reduce their chances
 for getting Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, AIDS and many other diseases.
 Cleanse will keep toxins and parasites away, and will keep you in good
  For people who already suffer from Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes,
AIDS, the
 liver cleanse is a vital step in regaining health.
  It is always much easier to prevent diseases, than to regain
health, once
 you are sick.  Don't blame your liver for making gallstones constantly.   Be
 happy that your liver is still able to pack all the bad toxins inside small
 marbles, so that they are not reabsorbed with your intestines!
  Liver /GB cleanse is single MOST powerful way to improve your health in
 JUST 24 hrs.  It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1.5 quarts in a
 The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one
 large tube
 (the common bile duct).   The gallbladder is attached to the common bile
 duct and acts as a storage reservoir.   Eating fats triggers the
 gallbladder to
 squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile
 its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.   Liver usually
manage to
 take most of the toxins (that it can recognize) out of our body.
  Bile is used to remove heavy metals out from our body (cadmium,
 copper, lead, mercury, radioactive elements, ...)   But, the way our
liver is
 doing it may cause those toxins to come back inside of our body.   Our liver
 is producing bile from cholesterol by converting it into bile acids. Bile
 also a lot of toxins that have to be removed from our body.   But, the
 is that bile is going directly into our intestines, and by doing this we

CSSpeaking of Soft Drinks

2000-06-23 Thread Pamela Grant
Guess what's the pH for soft drink, e.g. Coke? pH 3.4!

This acidity is strong enough to Dissolve Teeth and Bones! Our human body
stops building bones at the age of about 30. After that, it'll be dissolving
about 8 - 18% of the bones each year from the urine, depending on the
acidity of food intake (acidity does not depend on the taste of the food,
but the ratio of potassium / calcium / magnesium etc. to (phosphorus).

All the dissolved calcium combination will be accumulated and composted in
the arteries, veins, skin. organs e.g. Affecting the kidney functioning
(Kidney stone).

Soft drinks do not have any nutrition value (in terms of vitamins 
minerals). It has high sugar content, carbonic acid, chemical e.g. Coloring
etc. Some like to take cold soft drinks after each meal, guess what's the
impact? Our body needs an optimum temperature of 37 deg. Celsius for
Digesting enzymes functioning. The temperature of cold soft drinks is very
much below 37 deg or even close to 0 deg Celsius. This will dilute the
enzymes  stress the digestive sustem, the foodtaken will not be digested.
In fact it will be fermented!  (Now you understand why chinese drink hot tea
after their meals!)

The fermented food produces gases, decays and becomes toxic, gets absorbed
by the intestine, circulates in the blood stream and is carried to the whole
body. Hence toxin is accumulated in others parts of the body, developing
into various diseases.

Think before you drink Coke / Pepsi (or any soft drinks) again. Have you
ever thought what you drink on aerated drinks? You gulpdown Carbon-Di-Oxide,
nobody in the world would advise you to drink CO2.

Two months back, there was a competition in the Delhi University Who could
drink more cokes? The winner drank 8 bottles and died on the spot - too
much CO2 in the blood. Thereafter, the principal from the canteen banned all
soft drinks!

Someone put a broken tooth in a bottle of Pepsi and in 10 days - it
DISSOLVED! Can you believe it? Teeth and bones are the only human organ that
stays intact for years after death. Imagine what the drink must be doing to
your soft intestines and stomach lining.

Request to All: Forward this message to your friends to increase the
awareness of the GREAT USA made softdrinks. In India, people hesitate to pay
more than Rs.5/- for a tender coconut but prefers to pay Rs.8/ and drinks
these dreaded items.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSJust Say NO To Canola-or Got Lear?

2000-06-23 Thread Pamela Grant
I'm not positive of this one, but could become my next pet peeve. Any
opinions out there on this one?

CANOLA OIL - Deadly for the Human Body!


  Ride the Wave of Health!=20

Beware of Canola Oil, Canola Oil is an Industrial Oil, Not Fit For Human =
Y Before you read the following article, here is a summary =
of a few facts regarding Canola Oil:
a.. It is genetically engineered rapeseed.=20
b.. Canada paid the FDA the sum of $50 million to have rape =
registered and recognized as safe. (Source: Young Again and others)=20
c.. Rapeseed is a lubricating oil used by small industry. It =
has never been meant for human consumption.=20
d.. It is derived from the mustard family and is considered =
a toxic and poisonous weed, which when processed, becomes rancid very =
e.. It has been shown to cause lung cancer (Wall Street =
Journal: 6/7/95)=20
f.. It is very inexpensive to grow and harvest. Insects =
won't eat it.=20
g.. Some typical and possible side effects include loss of =
vision, disruption of the central nervous system, respiratory illness, =
anemia, constipation, increased incidence of heart disease and cancer, =
low birth weights in infants and irritability.=20
h.. Generally rapeseed has a cumulative effect, taking =
almost 10 years before symptoms begin to manifest. It has a tendency to =
inhibit proper metabolism of foods and prohibits normal enzyme function. =
Canola is a Trans Fatty Acid, which has shown to have a direct link to =
cancer. These Trans Fatty acids are labeled as hydrogenated or partially =
hydrogenated oils. Avoid all of them!=20
i.. According to John Thomas' book, Young Again, 12 years =
ago in England and Europe, rape seed was fed to cows, pigs and sheep who =
later went blind and began attacking people. There were no further =
attacks after the rape seed was eliminated from the diet.=20
Source: David Dancu, N.D.=20

By Jim Lynn, Essential Oils
It's amazing to me...The more research I do, the more I see a =
relationship between the food we eat and fatal diseases. Canola oil is =
no exception. Readers of EOO are familiar with the meat industry =
practice of feeding rendered meat by-products to cattle and poultry =
(EOO #015), and the suspected relationship of Mad Cow Disease to CJD and =
Alzheimer's Disease (EOO #016). Now comes information that Canola Oil is =
the suspected causative agent for Scrapie, a viral disease transmitted =
to cattle who were fed rendered sheep infected with Scrapie. Both =
Scrapie and Mad Cow Disease destroy the brain's ability to function. =
They literally eat the brain away, causing blindness, loss of mind and =
erratic behavior.=20

Canola oil's real name is LEAR oil (Low Erucic Acid Rape). it is =
more commonly known as rape oil, a semi-drying oil that is used as a =
lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base, and as an illuminant to =
give color pages in magazines their slick look. In short it is an =
industrial oil that does not belong in the human body. It is typically =
referred to in light industry as a penetrating oil.=20

 Back in the 1980's, rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in =
England and throughout Europe. It was banned in 1991. Since then, =
Scrapie in sheep has totally disappeared.=20

 While that's good for Europeans, it is bad for Americans because =
the problem is now ours. Rape seed oil (Canola oil) is widely used in =
thousands of processed foods...with the blessings of our own government. =

 Canola oil was first developed in Canada. It's proponents claim =
that due to genetic engineering and irradiation, it is no longer rape =
oil, but canola (Canadian oil). They also claim it is completely safe, =
pointing to it's unsaturated structure and digestibility. Although, I =
could not verify it, it is claimed the Canadian government paid the FDA =
the sum of $50 million dollars to have canola oil placed on the GRAS =
list (Generally Recognized As Safe). However it was done, a new industry =
was created.=20

 The truth is however, that rape is the most toxic of all food oil =
plants. Not even insects will eat it. No wonder farmers like growing it. =
It turns out that rape is a member of the mustard family of plants, and =
is the source for the chemical agent, mustard gas, which causes =
blistering on skin and lungs when inhaled. Mustard Gas was banned after =
WWI for this very reason.=20

Studies of canola oil done on rats indicate many problems. Rats =
developed fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals and thyroid =
gland. When the canola oil was withdrawn from their diet, the deposits =
dissolved, but scar tissue remained on the organs. Why were no studies =
done on 

CSUltra Photon Sound Beam VIII

2000-06-23 Thread Pamela Grant
Is anyone familiar witht his device? It is suppose to be the latest
development in the field of Vibrational Medicine. It advances the concepts
of Tesla, Rife, Abrams, Lakhovsky and, most recently, Ed Skilling(who's
that?) by combining an advanced lymph technology with full spectrum
Frequency Technology...and so on. My point is that if you can find someone
who has one of these, a treatment would do well for your lymph(so I am
told). I have only tried one treatment thus far.

In Search of TRUTH Always,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSJust Say NO To Canola-or Got Lear?

2000-06-23 Thread Pamela Grant
Too late, it's already being done

Maybe I'll become an evil genius and destroy the world and THEN I'll feel

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Re: CSattn:Nicole...Lyme and Ledum

2000-06-22 Thread Pamela Grant
Does anyone know of a homeopathy list? I would be quite interested in such--


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSmagnetic pulser nose stinging?

2000-06-22 Thread Pamela Grant
Have you ever heard of lymphasizing?--a type of do-it-yourself massage


Hello everyone!

Well, I was just wondering what exactly the magnetic pulser is good for??
I think it will benifit me but am not sure and $250.. that is a lot of
money..does anyone know if there is a cheaper model? I am just trying to
find out if it is worth the money or not. Would some kind of magnets do
the same thing?? Anyone seen any benifits using just that specifically? I
used the silver pulser for a while and it didn't help me much..but the
lymph glands seem to be a good idea to cleanse right now in my case :0)
What about your liver? I did a detoxification profile and my liver has
more toxins than it can deal with.

Also, I have had this symtom for a LONG time and wonder if ANYONE can give
me any insite? I do have Lyme and cfs. Now ever since I got ill after I
had mono I get this stinging in my nose like there is liquid in there or
something. It lasts a few seconds and in the begining hurt a lot! has
anyone here ever experienced this?? Any thoughts on what can cause it? I
am on the eat right for your blood type diet and avoid foods that I know I
have sensitivities too from an allergy test.


Nicole :O)

PS, I am not able to take CS because I have dysbiosis and it didn't really
give me the results I had hoped and may have made that worse.   :0( Does
anyone have any info on lyme therapies besides olive leaf that I can do to
help? I am aware of the beck protocal, but is there any other herbs or
treatments?? my body is FAR to weak for any drugs right now and I doubt
after the trouble one antibiotic caused me that I would take them again!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSThe biggest homeopathy list

2000-06-22 Thread Pamela Grant
Thank you. I just have one more request. If you are on that list, any
chance you could send me an invite as I am unable to go to the web at


The biggest homeopathy list (over 2000 members)
is the homeopathy lyghtforce list.  You can get on the
list by going to

They give instructions on how to join the list.

M. Louis

- Original Message -
From: Pamela Grant
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: CSattn:Nicole...Lyme and Ledum

 Does anyone know of a homeopathy list? I would be quite interested in


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSHealth Bill

2000-06-22 Thread Pamela Grant
Barrett/Renner “Anti-Health Campaign” fizzles in Minnesota.

Minnesota recently passed, and signed into law, one of the most
comprehensive health reform bills in the history of the United States.
The bill passes both houses of the State legislature with a huge majority,
and was signed by the Governor despite a massive lobbying effort by what
health leaders call the minions of the drug barons.

Apparently, the people of the State of Minnesota woke up one morning and
decided that they wanted “real health care” in their State.  So they put a
group together, wrote a definitive health bill,  hand-carried it through the
legislature, and up to the Governor’s desk, and said Hey Jesse, sign
here...  Jesse did.

They wanted their health bill to protect their right to freedom of choice,
and to keep their practitioners free from harassment - while establishing
guidelines.  GOOD idea.

They did it.  It’s done.  The Governor signed the bill Thursday, May 11th,
2000.  And now, Minnesota leads the nation with the best, most comprehensive
health bill in the country.  It is a law to copy, everywhere.

And, despite opposition from the drug lord minions, they did it easily.

I’d say “Congratulations” to them, if they’d accept it - and maybe they
will.  But I have the feeling that Minnesota would shrug, and say something
like “we just did what we needed to do - what’s the big deal?”

The fact is, it is a big deal - because Minnesota did it first, and they did
it best.

So, whether you want to hear it, or not, Minnesota, “Congratulations.”

Oh, and by the way, “THANK YOU VERY MUCH.”

THE “QUACKPOT MENACE (Barrett, Renner, et al)”  was there, of course, trying
to stop “The People’s” efforts. But their performance was, well, in kind
words, “laughable.”

Apparently Barrett and Renner, in the beginning, were confident that their
local team in Minnesota could deal with the problem.  “After all,” they must
have said, “we have our very own legislator (‘Doc Mulder’) on tap.”  “And,”
they must have said, “we have our very own ‘quack museum - the Museum of
Questionable Medical Devices’ - right there in Minneapolis. That should do

But, it didn’t...

Despite the best efforts of Barrett’s Minnesota henchmen, who, to the
apparent amusement of elected officials,  screeched up and down the halls of
the legislature screaming “this is a witchcraft bill,” the bill passed the
House with a vote of 111 to 23.  Stunned, I’d guess, Barrett’s local lead
man muttered all the way back to his “museum.”

For the quackpots then, it was time to bring in the “Big Guns” and “show
these Minnesotans Who’s Who.”  So, on the scene pops Stephan Barrett (don’t
call him doctor) himself  - interviewed (yawn) on Minnesota Public Radio.
And then, entering from stage left is “the man, himself,” the President of
the National Council For Reliable Health Information - John Renner - who,
apparently,  tells Minnesota legislators that “A multi-million dollar New
York law firm is responsible for the Minnesota Health Freedom bill.”

I heard the legislators' laughter could be heard in South Dakota...

Did the mighty Renner and Barrett, the scions of so-called anti-quackery,
have an effect on the bill’s future?  Oh yeah!   The Senate passed the
health bill 80 to 1.

Then, of course, the Governor signed it.


Well, I suggest, in every State, it’s time to go to the next logical step...

For instance, isn’t it time for a “Physician’s Re-Training Act” - a bill
designed to force MD s to upgrade their skills - or lose their licenses?
MDs just don’t keep up with the needs of the public - they seem to want to
just peddle dangerous drugs, or push costly, and unnecessary, “surgeries.”

And then, a “Physician’s Review Act,” where a citizen’s committee can review
an MDs practice to determine whether he/she is using expensive, and
personally profitable, drug “treatments” where he/she should be using
natural “cures,” or dealing with the “cause” of an illness.  This bill could
provide for license removal and the seizure of assets of convicted
offenders - the assets could be put into a fund for MD “victims.”

Then, a “Medical Board Revision Act,” designed to remove all MDs from state
medical boards, and replace them with citizens (like they are doing in
Ontario, Canada - right now).  Give them a mandate to clean up the MD’s
act - with police, assett seizure, and arrest, powers.  MDs, as a group,
have shown an inability to regulate themselves - and are abusing their
regulatory power to stifle, and destroy, competition for health dollars.

Then a “Hospital Reform Act...”  And then, and then,,,

Here's the story from the Minnesota Health Reform team, in their own


Minnesota Natural Health Legal Reform Project
3236 17th Ave. S, #1
Minneapolis, MN 55407
(612) 721-3305

Health NewsJune 6, 2000

Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura signs ”Health Care Freedom of Access Bill.”

The “Complementary and Alternative 

Re: CSFwd: CMO-bloodsugar-lowOT

2000-06-21 Thread Pamela Grant
In an earlier e-mail I mentioned the list called stop the poisons that I
wished to join---well, now I have the info for you if any of you are

Send an email to and I will approve your joining. Same
for the people who are interested in the information also.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSKawasaki/ Dotsie

2000-06-21 Thread Pamela Grant
Here is a thought that might be MUCH more pleasing to taste--however, I do
not know if you would get the same results, that is , in the amount of
fatty acids:

Why not buy flax seeds and grind them in an herb grinder, then just
sprinkle on your cottage cheese? I have done this in the past and as for
taste, the groundseeds are much more tastey.


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Re: CSKawasaki/ Dotsie

2000-06-21 Thread Pamela Grant

I am glad to know as I am growing cilantro for the first
time---will try! Thanks.
(I had learned of those rememdies--nutrients and homeopath--from a doctor
friend of mine who practiced alternative medicine. Also, I don't know if
you read an earlier post of mine on the Liquid Needles product and the
success in detoxing mercury along with other metals.)


I haven't heard of that one however I do take Cilantro Extract and add fresh
Cilantro to my green juice.  It is an excellent mercury chelator.

Dave Perkins

- Original Message -
From: Pamela Grant
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: CSKawasaki/ Dotsie

  Egg yokes have sulphur - every morning, to help chelate out the mercury
my system, I have two eggs poached in coconut oil and 4 to 5 cloves
minced garlic (more sulphur) as well as drink Kefir with 4 Tbs. of

 Spirulina, lipoic acid and N-Acety L-Cysteine are also great for a detox.
 Have you tried the homeopathic  Mercurious Solubis(30C)?


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

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