
2008-01-20 Thread Terry Chamberlin

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CSA new blue man

2007-12-20 Thread Terry Chamberlin
This one may cause a gov't reaction (what a perfect


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CSCS and fish

2007-11-17 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Recently a friend called to enthusiastically report
this: He has a couple of those large fish tanks full
of expensive, exotic fish. One of the fish was sick,
sluggish and covered with a grey film, eyes starting
to glaze over. His wife took the fish out of the tank
and put it in a bowl of CS. The next day, the eyes
were clear and the grey film was gone.


Anyone else had a similar experience? How about with
other kinds of pets? (Cats, dogs, birds)

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CS'Health Canada strikes

2007-10-12 Thread Terry Chamberlin

So it begins here in Canada

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2007-10-06 Thread Terry Chamberlin

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CSSodium chlorite

2007-09-17 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Where did you obtain sodium chlorite and how much did
it cost?


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CSSpectrophotometer needed

2007-09-14 Thread Terry Chamberlin
I recently decided I would like to acquire a
spectrophotometer to accurately test ppm in the CS I
make. I went to ebay and discovered that there are
many devices that have that label.

Can anyone here tell me what type of spectrophotometer
I need to accurately determine ppm in CS? Where would
I be likely to find a used (lower-priced) one?

I remember Bob Burger once said that he had paid $150
for his used one, but I don't see any prices that low
on ebay.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSVit C ascorbates

2007-05-14 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Harold said,
 To smooth out ascorbic acid and make Sodium
ascorbate, which is a better way to take...

Actually, calcium ascorbate is much better than sodium
ascorbate. Even potassium ascorbate or magnesium
ascorbate (both hard to find) would be better than
extra sodium.

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CSPlug-in products

2007-05-04 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Received from a friend:

Received from a friend who is in the property
insurance business. It is
well worth reading. This is one of those e-mails that
if you didn't send
it, rest assured someone on your list will suffer for
not reading it. The
original message was written by a lady whose brother
and his wife learned a
hard lesson this past week. Their house burned
down... Nothing left but
ashes. They have good insurance so the house will be
replaced with most of
the contents - that is the good news. However, they
were sick when they
found out the cause of the fire.

   The insurance investigator sifted through the
ashes for several hours.
He had the cause of the fire traced to the master
bathroom. He asked her
sister-in-law what she had plugged in the bathroom.
She listed the normal
thingscurling iron, blow dryer. He kept saying to
her, No, this would
be something that would disintegrate at high

Then her sister-in-law remembered she had a Glade
Plug-In, in the
bathroom. The investigator said that was the cause of
the fire. He said he
has seen more house fires started with the plug-in
type room fresheners
than anything else. He said the plastic they are made
from is THIN plastic.
He also said that in every case there was nothing
left to prove that it
even existed. When the investigator looked in the
wall plug, sure enough
the two prongs left from the plug-in were still in

Her sister-in-law had one of the plug-ins that
had a small night light
built in it. She said she had noticed that the light
would dim and then
finally go out. She would walk in to the bathroom a
few hours later, and
the light would be back on again. The investigator
said that it was getting
too hot, and would dim and go out rather than just
blow the light bulb.
Once it cooled down it would come back on. That is a
warning sign. The
investigator said he personally wouldn't have any
type of plug in fragrance
device anywhere in his house. He has seen too many
places that have been
burned down due to them.


Ok, I had one similar to this at my place in the
mountains; it used the
slide-in packets. Last weekend I unplugged it to use
the outlet and found
that the unit had melted and scorched the face of the
outlet so I decided
to replace the outlet I went to my panel and shut off
the circuit breaker.

   Upon pulling the cover plate I found that the
outlet had burnt away,
melted a considerable portion in the interior plastic
wall box and wire
insulation. Obviously, this got very hot and I was
very lucky that this did
not cause a fire in the wall because I would have
certainly lost my place.

   Notice that my breaker did not trip and I manually
shut it off.  I need
to investigate why. Perhaps it was a steady current
and never caused a
surge or arcing that would have tripped the circuit
breaker. I am
encouraging everyone I know to pass on the fact that
these are potentially
dangerous. The Consumer Products Safety Commission
does not have a recall
on the specific model that I was using. However, they
will be hearing from
me. Our Fire Prevention personnel will be using the
remnant that I brought
back to help spread the word through the Fire
Prevention community as well.

   If you use something similar to this or other
plug-in products take
the time to pull them and toss them. We can't afford
to be the proving
grounds for these devices. It is my opinion that
these are unsafe and
should be pulled before something tragic occurs.

This danger in addition to the toxic chemicals they
fill your house with.

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CSNancy - hot tub death

2007-05-02 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Nancy referred to her husband as Mike. The article
lists it as Mariano. Could be a nickname, I suppose.
But I thought she had been killed in a car accident?

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CSCS video

2007-05-02 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Dee said,
 Excellent video and very convincing, although it
would make people wary of other products other than
the one being sold 

That was my complaint. The speaker manipulated the
audiences impressions. He never SAID that all other
products were dangerous or ineffective, but he implied
it (plausible deniability).

He started right off by defining 'ionic' as a chemical
process, which CAN be accurate. But, in fact, 'ionic'
simply means a particle with a charge, whether caused
by a chemical or electric process (as we do). From
that point on, I knew not to trust him, as he either
was not the authority he claimed to be, or else he was
in fact deliberately misleading his audience, which he
was. He made the distinct point that everybody else
but them uses DC electricity to brew their CS, then
referred to 'ionic' as coming from a chemical process,
which would NOT be a DC process.

The great effort he made to cause the unscientific to
come to the conclusions he wanted them to (that their
product was fundamentally different than and superior
to anything else on the planet) did more to convince
me that, were my product (or almost anyone else's) to
have been that used in their testing, the results
would have been similar. If I had the money to buy EPA
officials, I could do what they are doing (they are
owned, in fact, by Clifton Silver Mines).

It was the same ole Barnum  Bailey type of marketing,
conning the gullible, taking advantage of the
listeners ignorance and lack of familiarity with the
subject to misguide (deceive) them into coming to the
right conclusions, promising wonderous results and
threatening dire consequences for even considering the
competitions products. The ole Carrot  Stick ploy.

To have to resort to this kind of marketing hype
convinces me of the validity of our own home-made
stuff even more. Methinks Thou Dost Protest too much
(or too dishonestly).

Terry chamberlin

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CSNancy's journal

2007-05-02 Thread Terry Chamberlin
 If you don't mind my asking..how, when and why
did you come by Nancy's journal. 

Nancy called me about five years ago to inquire about
purchasing one of my 10-gallon per batch devices.

When she told me her story, I said, Can you write
this down and send it to me? This is amazing!

She said, I'll do better, I'll send you my journal.

I tidied it up a bit, corrected misspellings, etc.,
and have been sending it to folks ever since.

Terry Chamberlin

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2007-05-02 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Mary said,
 I am a non toxic house cleaner everyone tells me to
use Mr. clean magic erasers, for a long time I could
not find what it is made from. Well I found it--
melamine foam.
Is this the same melamine found in the pet foods that
are killing our pets 



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CSNancy's death

2007-05-02 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Alternative therapy may have led to deaths

Of all the stupid, irrelevant, misleading titles to
put on an article, this takes the cake.

Nothing in the article even suggested that her
involvement in Alternative Therapy had anything to do
with her death. Is a hot tub alternative therapy?
Maybe the golf cart was alternative therapy?

And no, unless they drove the golf cart into the hot
tub and crushed themselves, it had nothing to do with
their deaths. 

On the amazing side, the quotations from her journal
would certainly catch my attention if I was an MS
victim reading this article.

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2007-05-01 Thread Terry Chamberlin
For cancer of any type, look here:


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CSCS video

2007-05-01 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Somebody watch this video and give feedback. (Techies)


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CSIn memory of Nancy

2007-04-29 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Nancy used to call me each year or so to update me
about how she was doing. She had purchased one of my
10-gallon-per batch CS-brewers about five years ago,
which enabled her to give away a lot of CS. She was a
very generous woman.

She was a positive, cheerful, hopeful person whom I
enjoyed chatting with. I know she is having more fun
right now than we are!

My prayers go out to her husband.

For those of you whom I have not sent it to, I have a
copy of her 2-year journal that she kept as she
vanquished MS with CS. Contact me and I will send it
to you.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSGood farmers/dairies vs commercial

2007-04-29 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Becca said,
 Those cows [in Oregon] lived in large pastures, only
going in to the barn for milking twice a day, or if
one was sick. I also think it is the Beef cattle that
are fed the unspeakable parts, and I agree that that
should stop immediately, if not sooner!!! 

I wish that were automatically true, Becca. To make
sure, go visit a local dairyman. Ask him if he feeds
his cows any grains in addition to the grass they eat
(he almost has to, or his cows will not give him
enough milk to compete against the other dairies). If
he does, is it organic (meaning, nothing but grains,
grown without pesticides, herbicides, etc.)? If it is
not, the milking feed grain is 80% likely to contain
‘rendered’ animals, which is what I was referring to.
The fact is, apart from unusually good nutrition
(truly organic), the addition of protein to the cow’s
feed (whatever the protein source) increases their
milk production (at the expense of the cows health).
In fact, nearly ALL commercial feed-grain is
supplemented with rendered animals.

Yes, they give to beef cows whatever will cause them
to get fat (animal parts of every imaginable species,
sawdust, cement, etc.) since the cow is sold by the
pound. Since the cows are not going to live very long
– headed as they are to the dinner table – they do not
need to be healthy, merely big, fat and profitable.
Why sawdust? Hey! It is fiber! Plus, it keeps the
cement moving (I am sorry, I did not make this up, it
is really true).

If you actually want to know more about this (few
people do – it is much too upsetting), contact me and
I will send you the info. Beware, it is

I am not a vegetarian, but I will no more buy
commercial beef or chicken than I would buy commercial
rat meat (come to think of it, there is a closer
similarity to that than you think!). I buy from local
hobby farm folks who disagree with the need to use
antibiotics as a disease preventative, nor to inject
steroids to get more milk. Their chickens run around
and eat bugs and seeds and weeds and get sunshine and
fresh air and lay eggs it takes a knife to break open.
I do not need to be a vegetarian with food like that

If you can find small farmers with that philosophy,
support them!

Terry Chamberlin

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CSMisc topics

2007-04-24 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Zoe said,
 OK my question is, is this [water] good enough to be
making CS or should I just use it for drinking

Any water is good enough (except for water with toxic
chemicals). The point is to try to make clear CS (or
as clear as you can). If your water turns yellow or
murky after a certain amount of brewing time, brew
slightly less time the next batch. As long as it is
clear or nearly clear, the silver particles are too
tiny to be of any concern. The more minerals are in
your water, the sooner it will acquire a color or
become murky while brewing (from the silver particles
aggregating to the minerals). The simple, fool-proof
CS-brewing principle is: brew it as long as you can
while still ending up with clear or near-clear CS.

It does not matter what water you use or what minerals
are in the water if your CS is clear. If your water is
so full of minerals that you cannot brew more than a
minute or so before it becomes cloudy, you can still
brew perfectly good, perfectly safe CS, but it will
have less actual silver in it and you may need to
drink more of it to get the same benefit. If you use
something like well-water (full of minerals), it would
measure at a high PPM, but not all of that PPM will be

Wendy said,
 I know we've talked about vitamin A supplementation
recently. Does anyone have links or information on
'how much' we and our children REALLY need or can

I quote from a site:
100,000 IU per day can be tolerated by adults with no
serious side effects but children who ingest 50,000 IU
per day do show toxicity.

When you look at government standards of optimal Vit A
dosages, the same thing occurs as when you look at
what the government says about colloidal silver. The
government/medical/pharmaceutical folks absolutely
refuse to make any distinction between silver
compounds (which are technically colloidal) and pure,
water-and-silver, electro-colloids. With Vit A, they
also refuse to make any distinction between natural,
fish-oil Vit A and synthetic, unnatural substances
such as retinyl or retinol palmitate (made from
retinoic acid). See:

There was a doctor some years ago who was treating
cancer with mega-doses of Vit A. (I’ve lost the book,
so cannot remember his name.) He gave his patients 3
million I.U.s of fish-oil-derived Vit A every day with
no sign of overdose. He said every recorded case of
Vit A overdose was from synthetic Vit A. He also had
such success with cancer he was persecuted.

The Inuit Eskimo Indians who live far north and never
see a white man (nor eat his diet) average 650,000
I.U.s of Vit A per day all winter with never a sign of

Even with its toxicity, retinoic acid has benefits.

On the subject of cancer, see this very good site:

Terry Chamberlin

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CSHealth issues

2007-04-21 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Simeon said,
 Will you please share some of your successes with
fighting disease or direct us if we can read about
them on the internet. 

Do you mean specific diseases, or just ones general
health? If you have specific health issues, post them
on this list, there are many here (in addition to
myself) who have had success with many issues who will
be delighted to share with you.

You want to start educating and empowering yourself
and reprogramming yourself away from the allopathic
'make the symptoms go away and that must mean that
you're OK' philosophy (hey, I just made that up!).

I have an info CD that is the accumulation of years of
searching for answers for myself and others that is
(gasp!) for sale.  (Sorry, Mike)

It contains 1200+ articles on 100+ topics. And it only
costs $25! If you are interested, contact me off-list.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSWorking with your doctor

2007-04-20 Thread Terry Chamberlin
you need, as you keep talking with others of like mind
(HELP your body, not force it), what you need to know
about resolving your own health issues will rise to
the surface, will become clearer and clearer to you,
what you should do. The PROCESS of searching for
answers will change you and make you able to benefit
from the answers that come to you. That searching
process is an important part of experiencing healing. 

Be aware: the searching process is at first hard, and
fraught with discouragement and despair. It is when
you KEEP searching when it seems a waste of time, when
you are even criticized for searching but you refuse
to stop, that something wonderful will happen inside
you. I am not talking in theory here, my searching has
been all my life, and I would not have missed it for
the world.

'Holistic' means approaching the problem from all
angles, or as many as you can. Good health is not
found in taking a pill, whatever that pill contains.
Good health is found in approaching life in as healthy
a way as you can. That includes hope and faith and
love and humor as well as diet and exercise and
healthy therapies.

I have become the youth leader at a small church
recently (imagine that! a 59-year old youth leader!),
and the last few months have done more for my health
than anything I have ever done with diet and
nutrition. My energy, frame of mind, diet, sleeping
habits and zest for life have improved exponentially.
The kids (high school) in this group do not know what
to make of me. I am balding, gray, wrinkled and wear a
dental bridge that does not always stay in place, but
I have been places and done things they have only
heard about. My energy equals their own and my zest
for life, love, joy and adventure perplexes them. They
have started bringing their friends to be exposed to
what is happening. 

I had forgotten (this is not the first youth group I
have led, but it has been a long time since the last)
how much love, compassion and passion for life
energizes your mind and body.

I am convinced that love and laughter are a more
effective cancer therapy than nutrition. Better yet,
do them both!

Terry Chamberlin

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CSDistilled water vs others

2007-04-20 Thread Terry Chamberlin
 What do people think of the discussions between
distilled water and ionized water for drinking? 

Oh, boy, you put your foot in it this time!

From one of my articles, my own slant:

Everyone today is aware of the issue of water purity
and the dangers of chlorinated tap water. But the
importance of water in our diet is not confined to
water purity alone. Water is a carrier in our bodies.
It first is used to carry nutrients throughout our
bodies to the locations where those nutrients are
needed. Then it is used to carry metabolic
waste-products and toxins from throughout the body to
the eliminative organs to be disposed of. To do this,
the water must be empty of all minerals and chemicals.
If it is not, the body must first distill its own
water before utilizing it, which consumes extra
metabolic energy. This full and empty aspect of
water can be seen when you stir sugar into a glass of
water. The first spoonful dissolves and disappears
into the water, but if you keep stirring more sugar
into the water, eventually the sugar stops dissolving.
This is because the water has become saturated with
sugar. In the same way, if the water we put into our
bodies is already full of various substances, the
water will need to be emptied by the body before it
can carry the important nutrients extracted from our
food. 80% of our body is composed of water, and water
is the universal solvent and lubricant. It is the
primary ingredient in the process of digestion, and
plays an important part in every metabolic process
that occurs within our body.

There is controversy over the theoretical value of the
minerals found in water, but because of the importance
to the body for water to be empty, water is not an
essential source of minerals. Indeed, according to Dr.
Carey Reams, more usable minerals are garnered from
the air we breathe than are found in water (which
demonstrates the value of clean, pure air!). In
addition to this, the minerals found in water are
inorganic, metallic minerals, not readily or easily
assimilable by the body, unlike food-derived minerals,
which the plant or animal they come from has converted
to an organic state. Add to this the uncertainty of
the wide variety of kinds and concentrations of
different minerals in the water which can be found in
wells, streams and reservoirs throughout the country,
and it's clear that water is an uncertain and
sometimes even risky source of minerals.

Although there are numerous processes used to purify
water (charcoal filtered, reverse-osmosis, deionised,
etc.), steam distillation is the process which fully
purifies and empties the water of not only all
pollutants, but of all minerals. Charcoal filtering is
an excellent method for removing most pollutants, but
does not remove minerals. Reverse-osmosis can remove
pollutants and minerals, but creates a negative-energy
state on the molecular level that interferes with
healthy metabolism. De-ionization removes minerals,
but the resin beds of this system are breeding grounds
for bacteria. Furthermore, de-ionization is not
efficient in removing synthetic chemicals such as
herbicides, pesticides, insecticides or industrial
solvents. Steam distillation duplicates the process
that occurs in nature (rainwater). It also charges the
water with energy on a molecular level, which energy
is utilized by the body. In fact, the only water that
is more charged with energy than distilled water is
the heavy water found in nuclear reactors.

One of the fallacies you might hear concerning
distilled water is the idea that distilled water will
remove or leach minerals from your body. But, in
fact, rather than removing minerals from your body,
your body must first remove the minerals from the
water you drink in order to best utilize it. Rain
water has always been the purest natural source of
water (though not any longer, of course, because of
pollution in the air). Rain water is nature's steam
distilled water, using the power of the sun.

End of article.

Let me add that I very much like the suggestion of
Mike Devour about adding Concentrace to distilled
water to get a mineral water with non-metallic
minerals that are easily assimilated by the body.

But also, I like to give my body empty water that it
can use to cleanse itself, as well as carry essential
nutrients to where they are needed.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSNot pH again! Yep.

2007-04-14 Thread Terry Chamberlin
 is that there are important
qualifiers to be taken into consideration. Even in my
own case, I have been representing pH in simplistic
terms in order to present the basic concept. In my own
practise, pH is only one of five tests, and each test
result affects and qualifies the results of the other
tests. In addition to the four other tests besides pH,
other qualifiers include age, weight, diet, stress
level and belief system. A client with a urine or
saliva pH of, say, 5.5 (a very acid pH) will concern
me more if they are 70+ years old than if they are 25;
if they are greatly overweight than if they are very
thin; if their outlook on life is negative and
discouraged than if they are hopeful. I have had much
greater success with folks who have a deep faith and
hope in God than with negative atheists; with people
who strive to love others than with people who feel
that life is every-man-for-himself.

I test to see how well the client is metabolizing
proteins (urea levels), which is an important
qualifier of pH; how high the total electrolite level
is in their body, which also qualifies pH readings. If
the level of cellular debris (dead cells leaving their
body) is high or low, that greatly qualifies pH

Dr. Reams taught that 6.4/6.4 was the perfect pH  IF 
you were perfectly healthy. In practise, I try to get
the acidic pH of my clients up above what I consider
balanced for awhile (7.4-7.6), overcompensating until
their metabolism balances out. But I do even that far
less with folks who are younger than with seniors. It
is not just, Are you acid? It is also, How long have
you been acid? Overly-acidic pH generally indicates a
deficiency; Overly-alkaline pH generally indicates an
excess. In some ways, both affect you the same.

 He considers a healthy first saliva test of the day
to be around 6.4 to 6.6, but ideally 6.7 to 7.  He
also suggests doing a lemon juice saliva test. The
body should react quickly to an extremely acid
condition by flushing alkalinity into the mouth and
within minutes we should have readings of 8 or above,
if not, this is apparently another indication of lack
of alkaline minerals. 

Actually, because I am primarily concerned with
anionic/cationic rather than alkaline/acid, I consider
the above concept to be erroneous. Fresh lemon juice
is pure anionic (which normally corresponds to
alkaline). After it has been exposed to air for 20-30
minutes, it becomes cationic (which normally
corresponds to acidic). Dr. Reams used fresh-squeezed
lemon juice to initiate healing in the body. It was so
powerful that, if one is not careful, it can cause a
healing crisis.

Strangely, although I reject the concept that alkaline
pH is healthy, with most of my clients I strive to
bring them up into the alkaline pH range, at least
initially. What I am finally after is BALANCED pH.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSConcentrace, Wallach, etc.

2007-04-13 Thread Terry Chamberlin
 supply of the Wallach
stuff will cost you at least $60, plus shipping.

Terry Chamberlin

  Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to 
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CSMother of the year

2007-04-13 Thread Terry Chamberlin
You have to see this.


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CSpH, etc.

2007-04-13 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Dan said,
 Is it possible for you to give the actual pH ranges
for the states referred to below? Also, is 6.4/6.4
correct?  That is slightly acid, and I have heard
figures indicating it should be 7.4/7.4. 

In a laboratory, the pH range for chemicals is 0-14,
which would make 7.0 balanced. Dr. Reams taught that
6.4 was balanced for the human metabolism (you are
probably referring to blood pH, which must stay very
close to 7.4 – 7.35-7.45). Since 6.5 is 10X as
alkaline as 6.4, and 6.6 is 10X as alkaline as 6.5,
then you can see why I would consider 7.4 to be quite
alkaline. Every person I have tested since 1984, when
I first started testing folks, who had pH in the
7.0-8.0 range were all suffering from the kinds of
issues that overly-alkaline people have: constipation,
higher body temperature, sinus issues, headaches, ear
infections, heart and lung issues, body odor, upper
skeletal and shoulder problems...the list goes on.

The ranges I think you are asking about are regarding
this that I described:

 From balanced pH it will go to double alkaline
(urine/saliva), then acid urine and alkaline saliva,
then alkaline urine and acid saliva, then double acid,
then death. 

If that is not what you were asking about, ask again.

Acid is anything below 6.4, alkaline is anything over
it. Double alkaline can be 6.5/6.5 all the way up to
8.4/8.4 (the highest pH I ever encountered in a
client), or higher, although folks with pH that high
are in a very serious condition. The pH paper I use
only goes as low as 5.5, but I once had a woman client
with a pH of 4.2/4.4 (using my pH chemicals to test
her). She later died from her terminal cancer. I
believe I could have helped her, but she just would
not do what I recommended (I don’t like to take
pills; That stuff tastes icky.). 

The client with the 8.4/8.4 pH had a bowel movement
every 3 weeks. She owned a Health Food store and
advised her clients on appropriate supplements. She
scorned my recommendations and thought she merely
needed more fiber in her diet. I assure you, fiber
would have made absolutely no difference! She could
eat herbal laxatives like candy with no affect! She
was a prime candidate for abdominal cancer of some
kind (uterus, colon, liver, etc.).

Terry Chamberlin

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CSVarious posts

2007-04-13 Thread Terry Chamberlin

Dee said,
 Actually, that doesn't sound bad to me Terry.  I
have just paid £13 ($22) something for 57mls.  I
expect the postage from you would be prohibitive
though wouldn't it? Do you have a web site Terry? 

Give me your address and I will determine the exact
shipping and let you know. Also, how many bottles?
Obviously, the larger the order, the cheaper per
bottle the shipping. I do not have a website because
of the legal issues with both recommending CS and also
selling it.

Clayton Family said,
 there is a lot of salt in Concentrace- more so.

Actually, no. The company that bottles Concentrace
takes out most of the sodium before selling it.

Sandee said,
 Hi There Terry - thanks for this - I have heard both
arguments before however you put it very clearly, now
where can I get the Concentrace at a reasonable

Call whatever HF stores are near you and ask for it.
If they do not carry it, contact friends who are not
near you whom you visit periodically and ask them to
call the HF stores near them. If no one carries it, I
can ship it to you - $30 plus shipping.

Terry Chamberlin

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSStill more pH stuff

2007-04-12 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Wendy said,
 is this the same for children as well as adults? I
was thinking we can all do it at the same time as I am
curious to know how the kids are doing. 

Yes, you can test the whole family each morning and
evening. Send me the numbers for everyone and I will
explain them.

Folks, I have no hidden sales agenda in doing this. I
will sell you pH paper or Concentrace if you cannot
find it at your local HF store, but both of them will
be cheaper if you find them in a store. It costs me
nothing to tell you what your pH numbers mean, and if
it helps you, I am happy.

Duncan said,
..it's rare that someone is too alkaline, and if you
were, the yogurt would be a good bet. 

Most children below 14 or 15 years old are usually
alkaline (but less and less as time goes by), and I
still run into the occasional adult who is. 

From the time you are born, your pH follows a pattern.
A healthy baby will have balanced numbers – 6.4/6.4
(urine/saliva). Unless they are fortunate enough to
have health fanatic parents (lets face it, that is
what you have to be today), and parents who also
passed on excellent health to their children, the
health of the child will follow a predictable decline
pattern as indicated in their pH: From balanced pH it
will go to double alkaline (urine/saliva), then acid
urine and alkaline saliva, then alkaline urine and
acid saliva, then double acid, then death. 

Note: Depending on how mineralized/demineralized their
body was to begin with, that double acid pH can last
for many years before serious health issues/death
occurs. In the early 80s, I did not see double acid
except in seniors. Now I am sometimes finding it in
teenagers. You will notice that arthritis, cancer and
heart disease are also occurring in children today.
There is a connection.

In the pH decline pattern I described above, I did not
mention fluctuating pH. Most folks between about 30-60
years old have fluctuating pH. How it fluctuates, how
often it fluctuates, how far (wide) it fluctuates, how
consistent the fluctuation is, these all tell me
things about what is going on inside you.

What health is primarily about is the mineral
situation inside the body. (I am speaking about the
physical dimension, not the emotional/spiritual
dimension.) We are MADE of minerals, and our bodies
use up minerals each day, and the condition/balance of
our health affects the utilization of those minerals.
The pH gives me insight into how low our savings
account of minerals is (what Dr. Reams called our
Mineral Reserve). We are born with a certain Mineral
Reserve, and that is that (it is like being born
large-boned or small-boned – you cannot change from
one to the other). Dr. Reams explained that if you
were born with a Mineral Reserve of – picking an
arbitrary number – 100 (whatever), and you squandered
much of it being raised on the Standard North American
Diet, what you would give to your children would be
less than YOU started out with. If they do the same,
passing on to their children a bit less than they
started out with, you can see what is happening in our
country as the generations go by. 

Remember, what you were born with is it, and even if
you become a health freak and
eat/exercise/supplement/think/live in an amazingly
healthy way, the most you can accomplish is to regain
what was lost and approach what you were born with.

Sigh. I have probably put a quarter in the
Controversial Discussion machine now!

Maybe I better quit while I am behind.

One last point. In attempting to balance your pH, it
is NOT enough just to supplement the correct calcium.
The REST of the minerals, especially the trace
minerals, must accompany the right calcium. That is
why I am always recommending Concentrace.

Terry Chamberlin


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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CSpH testing instructions

2007-04-12 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Here is the instruction portion of my pH testing page:

Performing the pH tests

To perform the pH tests for yourself to determine your
calcium and nutritional imbalances, or prior to my
performing the rest of the Bioanalysis tests, you will
need to test your urine and saliva each morning and
evening for 6 days in a row. The first time you
urinate each morning is too concentrated to use for
testing, so do not test that. The exception to this
would be if you have already used the washroom only a
few hours before arising for the day. The first test
should be before eating in the morning. Also, do not
do any tests for an hour after eating (such as in the
evening). You also should not have drunk anything just
(say, 20 minutes) before testing saliva. You will need
to put a sample of each in separate small, clean
containers to dip the pH paper in. Do not put the pH
paper in your mouth or urinate directly onto the pH
paper (the chemicals can come off). After you have
dipped a piece of the pH paper (3/8”-1/2” long) into
the specimen, immediately compare it to the color
chart on the side of the pH paper container. Use a
separate pH strip for each specimen and each test.

I would recommend testing in the morning before eating
or drinking anything. Even if you drink water, you
should allow 15-20 minutes afterwards before testing
saliva. In the evening, testing should be at least one
hour after eating. You don’t have to follow a rigid
schedule, but neither should you test at 7:00 AM one
morning and 11:30 the next morning. Try to keep it
within a reasonable period, say between 7:00 – 8:00
each morning (or 9:00-10:00, or something like that)
and the same in the evening, say, between 7:00-8:00,
or 10:00-11:00 each evening. Try to do it during the
same time periods each day. Try to allow at least 8
hours between morning and evening testing times.

Terry Chamberlin


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSPh strip usage

2007-04-12 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Pat said,
 I have questions too.how to use Concentrace so
you don't have to taste it. I've mixed it in juice,
but yuck! 

Concentrace mixes best in salty-tasting items. I put
it in soups and stews without noticing it.

Here is the content from an article about it:

Concentrace usage

The first thing to understand about taking Concentrace
is that it is the most concentrated mineral supplement
being sold today. When you first start taking
Concentrace, your body may be amazed and even stunned
at the amount of minerals it is receiving. It may have
trouble assimilating them until it gets used to it.
Many folks start off taking half what the label
suggests, until their body can adjust to it. One half
teaspoon of Concentrace provides more minerals than
today’s modern diet provides in a week, including
minerals that are not found at all in processed foods.

If you take more than your body can assimilate, your
body will get rid of the excess through loose stools
or even diarrhea. If this happens, cut back or even
stop for a day, then resume with a lower amount. After
a day or two, you can usually increase your dose. Many
people, wanting to remineralize their bodies after
years of eating mineral-poor processed foods, will
gradually increase their intake until they reach the
loose stools level, then cut back slightly. I have
clients who take one teaspoon twice a day without any

How to get around the flavor: Concentrace mixes in
well with soups and stews and other salty-tasting
foods. You can mix it in pizza, spaghetti and lasagna
sauce. I’m told it mixes well with tomato and V-8
juice (I have not tried it). If mixed into apple juice
into which you have also stirred nutritional yeast,
you cannot taste the Concentrace. If you put 2 drops
per 8 oz. of your drinking water, you will barely
taste it, and if you are drinking the amount of water
you should be drinking, you will get a lot of minerals
that way. Or of course you can mix 10 drops into a
glass of water and gulp it down, it’s really not bad.
I guess.

The most common effect reported by those who regularly
take Concentrace is improved regularity. This is not
because Concentrace acts like a laxative, but because
your body uses the minerals to manufacture digestive
enzymes, resulting in improved digestion. Other people
report increased energy, clearer complexion, shinier
hair and a stronger immune system. Combined with
determining and taking the right type of calcium
needed by your body, Concentrace addresses the most
basic nutritional needs your body has.

 Also, when doing the ph testingyou use the first
a.m. saliva and the second urine of the day? 

See my instruction post.

 Why do they say to put it into a cup first? 

You actually can dip the pH strip into a little pool
of saliva in your mouth, but be careful not to lick
it, as the chemicals will come off (affecting the
reading). If you urinate onto the strip, you will wash
off the chemicals.

terry Chamberlin


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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2007-04-12 Thread Terry Chamberlin
You posted on the silver-list,
 My daughter-in-law sent me an e-mail this morning
saying that our grandson's doctor wants to test him
for autism. He does seem to have some of the
characteristics, namely repetitive actions and delayed
speech. He just turned 2 years old a few weeks ago, 
I'm trying to find the best protocols to deal with it.
Does anyone have any experience with how to do the

Go to:

This product is having amazing results with autistic
children. It is sold through network marketing, which
increases the price, but I have seen astounding
results in my area with it. If I had an autistic
child, I would not hesitate. Ask them to refer you to
a local distributor. Ask them how you can get info
about its use for autism. If you become a distributor,
it lowers the price by more than the cost of becoming
a distributor.

Terry Chamberlin


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSMissing pH post

2007-04-12 Thread Terry Chamberlin
I received a digest that listed me as a poster, but my
posts were missing (just a large blank space). Here
they are again:

Wendy said,
 is this the same for children as well as adults? I
was thinking we can all do it at the same time as I am
curious to know how the kids are doing. 

Yes, you can test the whole family each morning and
evening. Send me the numbers for everyone and I will
explain them.

Folks, I have no hidden sales agenda in doing this. I
will sell you pH paper or Concentrace if you cannot
find it at your local HF store, but both of them will
be cheaper if you find them in a store. It costs me
nothing to tell you what your pH numbers mean, and if
it helps you, I am happy.

Duncan said,
..it's rare that someone is too alkaline, and if you
were, the yogurt would be a good bet. 

Most children below 14 or 15 years old are usually
alkaline (but less and less as time goes by), and I
still run into the occasional adult who is. 

From the time you are born, your pH follows a pattern.
A healthy baby will have balanced numbers – 6.4/6.4
(urine/saliva). Unless they are fortunate enough to
have health fanatic parents (lets face it, that is
what you have to be today), and parents who also
passed on excellent health to their children, the
health of the child will follow a predictable decline
pattern as indicated in their pH: From balanced pH it
will go to double alkaline (urine/saliva), then acid
urine and alkaline saliva, then alkaline urine and
acid saliva, then double acid, then death. 

Note: Depending on how mineralized/demineralized their
body was to begin with, that double acid pH can last
for many years before serious health issues/death
occurs. In the early 80s, I did not see double acid
except in seniors. Now I am sometimes finding it in
teenagers. You will notice that arthritis, cancer and
heart disease are also occurring in children today.
There is a connection.

In the pH decline pattern I described above, I did not
mention fluctuating pH. Most folks between about 30-60
years old have fluctuating pH. How it fluctuates, how
often it fluctuates, how far (wide) it fluctuates, how
consistent the fluctuation is, these all tell me
things about what is going on inside you.

What health is primarily about is the mineral
situation inside the body. (I am speaking about the
physical dimension, not the emotional/spiritual
dimension.) We are MADE of minerals, and our bodies
use up minerals each day, and the condition/balance of
our health affects the utilization of those minerals.
The pH gives me insight into how low our savings
account of minerals is (what Dr. Reams called our
Mineral Reserve). We are born with a certain Mineral
Reserve, and that is that (it is like being born
large-boned or small-boned – you cannot change from
one to the other). Dr. Reams explained that if you
were born with a Mineral Reserve of – picking an
arbitrary number – 100 (whatever), and you squandered
much of it being raised on the Standard North American
Diet, what you would give to your children would be
less than YOU started out with. If they do the same,
passing on to their children a bit less than they
started out with, you can see what is happening in our
country as the generations go by. 

Remember, what you were born with is it, and even if
you become a health freak and
eat/exercise/supplement/think/live in an amazingly
healthy way, the most you can accomplish is to regain
what was lost and approach what you were born with.

Sigh. I have probably put a quarter in the
Controversial Discussion machine now!

Maybe I better quit while I am behind.

One last point. In attempting to balance your pH, it
is NOT enough just to supplement the correct calcium.
The REST of the minerals, especially the trace
minerals, must accompany the right calcium. That is
why I am always recommending Concentrace.

Terry Chamberlin


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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CSMissing pH post 2

2007-04-12 Thread Terry Chamberlin
This is the other missing post.

Marshalee said,
 How about calcium orotate?? I`m taking a preparation
of it with magnesium orotate, and it is helping me a
lot. My bone spurs in the toes are even disappearing!

Calcium orotate is a very good, alkaline calcium. I
haven’t been able to find it much, and it was very
expensive when I did. As an example, ordering it in
bulk from a pharmaceutical supply, 100 grams of
calcium citrate costs $6.25; 100 grams of calcium
orotate costs $66! Where are you getting it, and how
much is it? If you are acidic, it is just the thing.

Dee said,
 Could this be any yoghurt i.e. Commercial,
supermarket fruit types or just plain, or would you
have to make it yourself? 

Any yogurt has calcium lactate in it (generated by the
fermentation process that creates yogurt), but
commercial yogurt is not nearly as good for you. If
you must eat commercial yogurt, make it plain, adding
your own flavoring. Calcium lactate is a very strong,
high-energy calcium (especially in supplement form),
and can change your pH fairly quickly. If you were
eating, say, a quart per day (as an example of a large
amount), it would be wise to keep an eye on your pH,
to see if it was dropping much.

Connie said,
 Could you advise how or where one could find out
their pH? 

Call the HF stores around you and tell them you need
pH paper that measures in .2 increments. The brand I
use is made by a company called Greens Plus. I do not
know if they sell in the US. If you cannot find it
anywhere, I can sell it to you for $20, but it will be
cheaper if you can find it at a HF store. I also have
an instruction page for how to conduct the testing,
with places to write down the daily numbers. If you do
the 6-day testing and send the numbers to me, I will
tell you what they mean.

Along this line, although your body uses more calcium
in volume each day than all other nutrients put
together, and giving your body the calcium it needs
can bring about significant improvements in your
health, the essential need for the trace minerals is
paramount. We have all heard how the body uses
magnesium with calcium, but, in reality, it uses the
trace minerals much, much more. If you have any
symptoms of calcium deficiency (although it is almost
a given with most people), you need to add a
multi-mineral supplement to your life. It should be
liquid (to optimize assimilation) and it should be as
many minerals as possible (70-80+). That is why I like
Concentrace, which has 100+ minerals, is liquid and is
not sold multi-level (which makes it reasonably

The relationship in our bodies between calcium and the
rest of the minerals is like this:

Picture the human body as if it were a brick wall.
This wall is made up of bricks, plus the mortar that
holds them together. In the case of the body, the
bricks represent calcium, and the mortar is all the
rest of the minerals that the body uses for life and
health. Obviously, without bricks there would be no
wall, but equally obvious is that without the mortar,
the bricks would not hold together. 

Terry Chamberlin


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CSResponses to misc posts

2007-04-11 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Marshalee said,
 How about calcium orotate?? I`m taking a preparation
of it with magnesium orotate, and it is helping me a
lot. My bone spurs in the toes are even disappearing!

Calcium orotate is a very good, alkaline calcium. I
haven’t been able to find it much, and it was very
expensive when I did. As an example, ordering it in
bulk from a pharmaceutical supply, 100 grams of
calcium citrate costs $6.25; 100 grams of calcium
orotate costs $66! Where are you getting it, and how
much is it? If you are acidic, it is just the thing.

Dee said,
 Could this be any yoghurt i.e. Commercial,
supermarket fruit types or just plain, or would you
have to make it yourself? 

Any yogurt has calcium lactate in it (generated by the
fermentation process that creates yogurt), but
commercial yogurt is not nearly as good for you. If
you must eat commercial yogurt, make it plain, adding
your own flavoring (reduces the 50% sugar). Mashed
fruit and/or Stevia would be good. Calcium lactate is
a very strong, high-energy calcium (especially in
supplement form), and can change your pH fairly
quickly. If you were eating, say, a quart per day of
yogurt (as an example of a large amount), it would be
wise to keep an eye on your pH, to see if it was
dropping quickly.

Connie said,
 Could you advise how or where one could find out
their pH? 

Call the HF stores around you and tell them you need
pH paper that measures in .2 increments. The brand I
use here in Canada is made by a company called Greens
Plus. I do not know if they sell in the US. If you
cannot find it anywhere, I can sell it to you for $20,
but it will be cheaper if you can find it at a HF
store. I also have an instruction page I can email you
explaining how to conduct the testing, with places to
write down the daily numbers. If you do the 6-day
testing and send the numbers to me, I will tell you
what they mean.

Along this line of discussion, although your body uses
more calcium in volume each day than all other
nutrients put together, and giving your body the
calcium it needs can bring about significant
improvements in your health, the essential need for
the trace minerals is paramount. We have all heard how
the body uses magnesium with calcium, but, in reality,
it uses the trace minerals much, much more. If you
have any symptoms of calcium deficiency (although it
is almost a given with most people), you need to add a
multi-mineral supplement to your life. It should be
liquid (to optimize assimilation) and it should have
as many minerals as possible (70-80+ minimum). That is
why I like Concentrace, which has 100+ minerals, is
liquid and is not sold multi-level (which makes it
reasonably priced).

The relationship in our bodies between calcium and the
rest of the minerals is like this:

Picture the human body as if it were a brick wall.
This wall is made up of bricks, plus the mortar that
holds them together. In the case of the body, the
bricks represent calciums, and the mortar is all the
rest of the minerals that the body uses for life and
health. Obviously, without bricks there would be no
wall, but equally obvious is that without the mortar,
the bricks would not hold together. 

Terry Chamberlin


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CSpH paper

2007-04-11 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Kathryn said,
 I am wondering if you can find out anything useful
from pH paper that reads with .5 increments. 

A small percentage of folks have consistently,
non-fluctuating acidic or alkaline pH. A few of them
are very acid in the morning and very alkaline at
night (or vice versa). For those folks, .5 increments
wouldn't matter because, above 8.0 or below 5.0, it
does not matter if it is very accurate. By the time
you are in those extremes, you are in trouble.

But for folks who have fluctuating pH between 5.0 and
8.0 (the majority), I want to know what their pH
really is.

Terry Chamberlin


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CSMore on pH

2007-04-10 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Dee said,
 Just one question Terry, I had thought that veggies
produce an alkaline environment and meat, dairy etc.,
produced an acidic environment. Is this wrong? 

According to Dr. Carey Reams, who developed the
biochemical testing procedure I use in my practise, it
is not food that determines urine/saliva pH, but the
state of the calciums in the body. The reason for this
is because Dr. Reams was not actually concerned about
pH, but about a cationic/anionic balance. Most of the
time, anionic corresponds to alkaline and cationic to
acid, so measuring pH gave a pretty much accurate

The concept that he taught was that most all foods are
either cationic or a mixture of cationic and anionic.
In a healthy body, the digestive enzymes are pure
anionic. The interaction of cationic/mostly cationic
foods with anionic enzymes is somewhat like the
interaction of vinegar and baking soda - there is a
release of energy. If you were to pour a cup of baking
soda into an equal amount of vinegar, you would get a
significant release of energy. But if you were to pour
a teaspoon of baking soda into a cup of vinegar, there
would not be much of an energy release because of the
unequal ratio. So when I test someone and find them to
have an acidic pH, it is like too much vinegar, or, a
deficiency of baking soda.

Of course, I am not concerned with vinegar and baking
soda, but with alkaline vs acidic calcium. A person
who tests overly acidic is actually deficient in
alkaline calcium, not alkaline foods. When the body
has a healthy ratio of all kinds of calciums, it is
best able to digest food and assimilate minerals. If
the pH (anionic/cationic ratio) is unbalanced in
either direction, you can eat the best foods and take
the best supplements in the world and you will not
benefit from them. To the degree that a person has
unbalanced biochemistry, to that degree does
digestion/assimilation suffer. The energy that is
released by this anionic/cationic interaction is not
the kind of energy you feel, but metabolic/molecular
energy that the body uses for operation/maintenance.

I have watched folks with severely acidic pH (4.0 or
less) waste away and die even though eating and
supplementing like health fanatics. Fortunately, most
folks still have the capacity to benefit from healthy

A word on Vit D overdose: When I was in the US, when
clients showed very acidic pH (below 5.0), I would
have them take 50,000-100,000 I.U.s of Vit D/day, with
no overdose problems whatsoever. A person with that
acidic pH is extremely, almost dangerously deficient
in Vit D. On the other hand, someone with 7.5-8.0+ pH
I would advise to absolutely avoid Vit D for fear of
Vit D has an alkalinizing effect of the body. If they
were already overly alkaline, they would not be able
to assimilate Vit D, and it would act like an

Folks with overly alkaline pH should take calcium
lactate, and acidifying calcium. Eating a lot of
yogurt would accomplish the same thing, since calcium
lactate is derived from soured (not spoiled) milk
products. The calcium gluconate found in milk is
converted to calcium lactate by the fermentation

Terry Chamberlin


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CSBlood sugar, weight loss, etc.

2007-04-09 Thread Terry Chamberlin
you can eat), unless you cannot handle it. The fact
that you may have (or suspect you have) a candida type
yeast infection/condition doesn’t automatically mean
you will have trouble with nutritional yeast. I have
many candida clients across the country, and half of
them can eat n. yeast freely, while the other half can
hardly look at it.

Here is the initial diet idea for both weight-loss
folks and hypo/hyper blood sugar folks: NO grains. NO
sweets, including fruit and sweet potatoes. Use Stevia
to sweeten stuff (no other kind of sweetener). NO soy
(Dr. Mercola will explain). If you juice (very good
idea), go very easy on the carrots (too high in
sugar). Juice a green drink instead, sweeten with
Stevia. (Really, not kidding.) Eat as many types of
vegetables as you can (go easy on potatoes, which have
little nutrition but are high in starch, which turns
into sugar). Eat every 2 hours - not a meal, but
veggie snacks. Some nuts, seeds, beans are OK (all of
them are incredibly good for you if sprouted).
Avocados are super (mash them with some lemon juice
and garlic, spread on other veggies). Drink good
water. Work up to about 40% of your body weight (if
you weighed 100 lbs, your goal would be 40 oz.).

This is not a permanent diet, just the one you should
follow until you achieve some biochemical balance.
After that, you can begin to gradually add some fruit
and other natural sweets to your diet. You will know
because your pH will begin to balance, plus you will
start feeling better. But plan on 6-months to a year
before that actually happens.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSVarious topic resources

2007-04-04 Thread Terry Chamberlin
The following websites provide excellent info to a
range of relevant subjects.

The Trans-fat issue
Lipid hydroperoxides are contaminants that form from
natural fatty acids when polyunsaturated fats are
heated excessively, which happens in processing and
when these oils are heated for cooking and frying.
Lipid hydroperoxides poison our body's systems just as
trans fats do; in fact, they may even be worse than
trans fats because of their propensity to react with
oxygen and iron, thereby forming free radicals.

All about Splenda

New Danger Associated With Drinking Ordinary Milk

Vit D, Sun  Cancer, Sunglasses

Sunlight and Cancer Prevention
H. Gordon Ainsleigh, DC, Beneficial effects of sun
exposure on cancer mortality, Preventive Medicine,
January 1, 1993, Vol. 22, Num. 0, pp. 132-140
“In 1941, Apperly reported that overall cancer death
rates increased with distance from the equator, and
were further decreased in areas where a large
percentage of the population was engaged in the
sun-intensive occupation of farming. Compared with
cities located between 10° and 30° latitude, cities
between 30° and 40° latitude averaged 85% higher
overall cancer death rates, cities between 40° and 50°
latitude averaged 118% higher overall cancer death
rates, and cities between 50° and 60° latitude
averaged 150% higher overall cancer death rates. [In
other words, more sun, LESS cancer]

My Dad faithfully took Dr Johanna Budwig's cancer
remedy (from the book How to Fight Cancer  Win) for
prostate cancer. [eat 1/2 cup of organic cottage
cheese (or quark ), or yogurt, and 2 tablespoons of
organic flax oil twice a day, with two 15 minute
periods of sunlight each day.] He used it as a sweet,
or to compliment a salad. Really it is so absolutely
delicious it should be a regular treat for everyone!!
His doctor was totally amazed at his excellent
results, but he refused to tell his doctor what he was
doing because he said the doctor didn't believe in
natural remedies anyway. He also ate lots of raw
garlic. He smelled dreadful but he said he didn't care
how many friends he lost, just so long as he lost the
cancer. Over a long period of time (year+) his body
odour gradually changed and became quite sweet even
though he still ate the garlic. But he definitely did
beat the cancer!

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CSNanosilver particles

2007-04-04 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Faith said,
 Nano particles would not be filtered out by a bit of
cotton, would they? 

Nano means billionths. Relating to nanosilver, we are
talking about nanometer (billionths of a meter) sized
particles, which nothing will filter out. OK, there
are some special ceramic filters that can filter out
even minerals, and reverse osmosis, if set to its
highest setting, can remove minerals from water, so I
would expect it would filter out the mineral silver as

Nothing you would normally use would do it.

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CSAmazing dog

2007-04-03 Thread Terry Chamberlin
You have to see this:


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CSDental resources

2007-04-03 Thread Terry Chamberlin
With all the discussion of dental issues lately, here
it a good resource:


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CSShelf-life of CS

2007-04-03 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Bill said,
 What is the life of colloidal silver if stored in a
dark bottle at room temperature. 

If what you are making is silver particles suspended
(floating around) in water (erroneously called
*Colloidal* silver), the shelf life will be subject to
outside influences like sunlight, magnetism, heat and
cold, which can cause the silver particles to fall out
of suspension to the bottom of the container, or plate
out onto the sides of the container walls, or the
particles will clump (aggregate) together into bigger
particles and cause the water to obtain a color
(yellow to gold, as the particles get bigger).

If what you are making is silver particles dissolved
into the water (called a *solution*, and erroneously
called *ionic*), none of the above will happen.

What most folks make is a mixture of the two,
suspended and dissolved.

A silver preparation that is mostly suspension will
change color, etc., when exposed to those outside
influences. A silver preparation that is mostly
dissolved silver (a solution) will not.

If you are using 30 volts or less and not overbrewing
it (until it turns a pale yellow or darker), it is
mostly dissolved silver and should last a long time.
It is, however, possible to overbrew and still have a
clear CS, as long as the ppm is low (this is subject
to pH and other factors). After the ppm reaches a
certain level, the particles begin to aggregate
together even though it hasn't changed color yet.
These larger particles are too big to be dissolved
silver (so they are suspended), yet they are still
invisible to the eye. But they are susceptible to
sunlight, etc.

This is why some clear CS will change color after a
relatively short time, while others will seem to last

When using low voltage, you will brew a more stable CS
when it is 5 ppm than when it is 20 ppm (assuming it
is clear).

Terry Chamberlin

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CSStomach ulcer

2007-03-30 Thread Terry Chamberlin
About a 10 days ago, I discovered I had stomach pain
that wouldn't stop, night or day. I called an MD
friend of mine. This MD had called me a few years ago
to report that she had had an ulcer, and by drinking
one ounce of CS every two hours, her ulcer was gone in
4 days. Then she called me a month later to tell me
that she had four patients with ulcers who were
following the same protocol, and two of them had
called her to tell her that all symptoms were gone (I
never asked her about the other two).

I thought, one ounce every two hours? Forget it. So I
drank two ounces every hour all day and woke up
frequently during the night to drink more. Five days
later, absolutely no pain, and none for the last week.
I have even eaten some spicy stuff to see what would
happen. Nothing.

Son of a gun.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSChicken Pox

2007-03-28 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Wendy said,
 I think my 2.5 yr old has chicken pox- tis the

Yes, liberal CS is important. Chicken pox is from the
Herpes family of viruses, along with cold sores
(Herpes Simplex I), VD (Herpes Simplex II) and
Shingles (Herpes Zoster). They are all killed by CS. 

Also, the whole Herpes family is well controlled by
the amino acid Lysine. Try to find Lysine in capsules
so you can pull them apart and put the powder into,
say, some apple sauce for your child (one capsule
mixed into a teaspoon or two of apple sauce). Buy
capsules that are ONLY Lysine, not Lysine mixed with
other items. Lysine has a slightly tangy flavor, not
unpleasant. 3-4,000 mg/day is not at all excessive.

If you cannot find Lysine capsules, you will have to
crush the tablets, but make sure it is only Lysine.
This is to prevent taking too much of whatever else
might be mixed with the Lysine.

While your child is fighting off the Chicken Pox, it
is essential that he reduce or eliminate all nuts,
seeds, beans and grains. These items contain high
levels of the amino acid Arginine, which the Herpes
virus flourishes in the presence of. The two worst
foods your child can eat right now are peanuts and
chocolate, which are the two highest sources of
Arginine, but all nuts will feed the Chicken Pox.

Terry Chamberlin

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2007-03-28 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Pat said,
 Last week the dentist asked what kind of toothpaste
I'd been using because I have a sore place on the
upper gum that has been there for 3 months. I told him
various natural ones with no fluoride. He about went
wild, asking where I read that fluoride is not good
for teeth. This dentist is a smart man in his 50's who
has dedicated his life to keeping his patient's teeth
in good condition. How could he be totally wrong? Is
he wrong? 

First off, he may be sincere, he sounds like he is.
But he is wrong, totally, completely, dangerously.
Now, to do your own research, here is all you need:


The Fluoride Debate: A response to the American Dental
Association's booklet, Fluoridation Facts

Fluoride Action Network (Excellent Resource, Very

Fluoride: Protected Pollutant or Panacea? 

New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation

Fluoride Controversy, the Townsend Letter for Doctors
and Patients

More Scientific Facts on Fluoride

Fluoride Research Journal

Preventive Dental Health Site

America Overdosed on Fluoride - Lynn Landes (Includes
e-mail correspondence inwhich an ADA spokesperson
refutes news reports that non-fluoridated bottled
water causes cavities, and what you can do to ban
fluoride and educate others.)

The Toxic Effects of Fluoride (Be aware that they are
selling a fluoride removal system.)

Fluoridation Debate (Environmental Health
Perspectives, Volume 105, Number 11, November 1997)

Fluoridation: The Overdosing of America - Fact or
Fiction? (Slides by Gerald H. Smith, D.D.S.)

Darryl W. Roundy, D.C. - Fluoride Research

Fluoridation Fluoride Toxic Chemicals In Your Water

Does water fluoridation have negative side effects?

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CSIntestinal worms

2007-03-28 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Faith said,
 My wife encountered worms in her faeces and she did
not like it much. She asked me to write to the Forum
and ask if Colloidal Silver would exterminate these
unsympathetic creatures. Is there an alternative cure
known to rid oneself of faecal worms? 

No, CS will not work (most of the time) against
something as developed as worms (though there have
been reports of it working).

Diatomaceous Earth, available at many nurseries (the
plant kind, not the baby kind). Anywhere from a
teaspoon per day to as much as a tablespoon 3xday will
pretty much do it. Takes about a month usually

It must be Food Grade DE. If no nurseries in your area
carry it, go on the internet.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSColloidal copper

2007-03-28 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Can anyone tell me how to make homemade colloidal


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CSHeating milk

2007-03-26 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Sandee said,
 am I understanding what has been said to mean that
fresh milk is heated the properties of the product are
changed, just as they are when oil is heated? 

No, heating milk is not a problem, otherwise it would
not be safe to cook with milk (custard, etc.).

Pasteurization is not simply heating milk, it is
heating milk to a very high temperature (500 degrees)
under pressure (to keep it from boiling or curdling).
This unnaturally high temperature rearranges the milk
constituents into something not good for our bodies.

Terry Chamberlin

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2007-03-21 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Ken said,
 Where did you read this?  I drink lots of milk and I
love it.  

If you research the topic of the toxicity of
commercial milk, you should be prepared for what you
will find. The philosophies of those who disapprove of
milk will extend from those who believe humans
shouldn’t drink milk after infancy (and only human
milk at that) to those who are only concerned with
milk coming from unhealthy cows. My own children have
been raised on fresh, unpasteurized milk from healthy,
unmedicated goats. Yet I acknowledge the fact that
humans have enjoyed and benefited from fresh cows milk
for many, many centuries of human history. My alarm
over milk centers on the fact that, if a cow is highly
medicated, unhealthy and unhappy, its milk cannot be

 I have never heard that the calcium is almost
impossible to digest.  To the contrary, I remember
reading studies in the past about calcium sources
where people increased their bone density by drinking
milk (but mainly it was usually focused on other
things like calcium supplements or drugs) 

The homogenization process alters the fabric of milk
and decreases its digestibility. The compression of
the milk fat into tiny globules introduces something
into the body that it is unfamiliar with and not
designed to metabolize. People with very good
digestion will have better success with it than those
who don’t. Over the long haul, it will cost the body
more than it will benefit it.

The milk industry has many “studies” to support their
agenda. The pharmaceutical industry does the same
about their drugs. You must decide whom you will
trust. For myself, I tend to assume that food and
medicine was better before man ‘improved’ on them,
that nature offered us what we needed, that what
occurs naturally and spontaneously on our planet is
what our bodies need. I greatly mistrust the products
that come from a laboratory or from human engineering
and coercion.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSVarious topics

2007-03-20 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Barbara said,
Terry, what happened in the early 1900s that it had
such profound and disastrous influence on the health
of the citizens? I know that milk pasteurization
started at that time.  Could that be a reason? 
I am oversimplifying it, but what happened in the
early 1900’s was commercial farming techniques (put
only 3 minerals back in the soil after harvest), plus
the increasing use of chemical fertilizers and
insecticides. Add to that the wholesale stampede to a
high-grain diet (and processed grains at that), plus
the increasing replacement of actual food with
processed, chemicalized, synthetic “food products” and
you have a recipe for the demise of public health. I
could list other important factors – fast food,
vaccinations, flouride, etc., but you get the idea.

Smitty said,
I have read that pasteurized milk is BAD for a
person's body. Maybe Terry can expound on this.

First you take milk from an unhealthy cow that is made
to stand in a tiny enclosure her whole life and eat a
diet that the cow is not designed to eat. She is not
allowed to ever see the sun or get any exercise, and
everything she eats or drinks is full of chemicals
that are designed to increase her milk production at
any cost to her health. (Plus antibiotics to try to
keep her from getting sick in this very unhealthy
environment.) Then you take this unhealthy milk-like
substance and you put it in a pressure cooker (to keep
the milk from boiling or curdling) and heat it up to
500 degrees. This is called pasteurization. I can only
guess what ultra-pasteurization is. Then you force the
milk through a sieve with very tiny holes in it, so
tiny that only high pressure can get the milk to go
through. This compresses the milk fat and the milk
protein together into tiny little balls of compressed
milk. The milk fat no longer rises to the top of the
container. This is called homogenization. This
finished milk-like product is not only very difficult
to digest, there is strong evidence that these
plastic-like milk balls accumulate in various
locations in our bodies. The calcium that is locked
inside of these milk-balls is almost entirely

Jodi W Menard wrote:

 I don't think you can overdose on iron by eating
alot of spinach, for example, because the iron you are
getting in that way is in ionic form. 

Spinach is quite high in oxalic acid. Depending on how
imbalanced your bio-chemistry is and what kind of
imbalance, oxalic acid can greatly contribute to gall
and kidney stones. Iron is one of the minerals our
bodies use that can be ingested in unhealthy levels,
ionic or not. Nowadays, increasing numbers of people
are struggling with levels of iron that are too high.
The doctors only know to bleed you to try to lower
your iron level (rather than seek to bring about a
balanced bio-chemistry). I will admit that it is not a
simple process.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSButter, etc.

2007-03-19 Thread Terry Chamberlin
 In my opinion there is no alternative to butter.  If
it is man made, it is no good.  Just use butter with

First off, I must point out that many folks, including
me, cannot handle butter, whether because of milk
allergies or, as in my case, because I cannot
efficiently metabolize milk fat. My own diet is a
low-fat diet simply because more than a small amount
of fats and oils affect me quite negatively. This
includes olive and coconut oils.

Secondly, if you are going to ingest butter,
commercial butter is pure poison. We all know that
commercial cows are routinely fed/injected with
steroids and antibiotics to make them produce milk at
an earlier age and to increase their milk production.
Then, of course, they are fed diets of various animal
parts too disgusting to mention, denied sunshine,
green grass, fresh water and exercise, and the
resulting unhealthy animal produces equally unhealthy
milk. This milk is then concentrated into commercial
butter. The levels of
steroids/antibiotics/pathogens/diseases found in
commercial butter makes regular milk seem healthy. If
I could eat butter, I would avoid commercial butter
like the (literally) plague.

In my search for an alternative such as a healthy,
non-hydrogenated margarine, I have been unable to find
anything that is not made with rape seed oil (you
know, canola oil).

I would pay a pretty penny and order from far away if
I could find a non-hydrogenated margarine made from
virgin olive oil.

Does anyone know of such a thing?

Terry Chamberlin

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2007-03-19 Thread Terry Chamberlin
that is there to enable the body to enlarge or
constrict the arteries in order to regulate blood
pressure. It’s these layers of muscle tissue that are
a rich source of minerals for the body to scavenge
from in order to combat diet-caused mineral

But of course, after awhile, as the body continues to
steal minerals from the artery walls, those walls
begin to get thin and weak. So the body says to
itself, “Uh, oh, this is becoming serious, even
life-threatening. One of those artery walls might
balloon out (embolism) or burst open (aneurism) and I
might die!” So the body mixes up a batch of cement,
which it plasters on the artery walls to strengthen
them. What is this cement made of? Well, calcium and
some other minerals, fibrin (what makes you stop
bleeding from a cut) and yes, cholesterol.

None of this dynamic I have just described has
anything to do with the amount of cholesterol you eat.
Restricting your cholesterol intake will not prevent
your liver from producing it in response to weakness
of the artery walls. Neither does any amount of
cholesterol in your diet accumulate on your artery
walls if your body is not already doing so.

Dr. Reams declared that, if you address the mineral
deficiency in your diet, eventually your body will
repair the artery walls and remove the
cholesterol/plaque from them of its own accord, as
soon as your body knows that plaque is no longer

I have two more nails to drive into the coffin in
which I want to bury the absurd, dangerous Cholesterol

First nail:
Let’s get in our plane and fly up to the Northern
Territories and visit the primitive Inuit Eskimo
Indians. These are the ones who live out in the wild,
who rarely if ever see a white man (or his food). What
do they eat all winter? Whale/seal blubber. Pure
cholesterol. “I’ll have a bowl of cholesterol soup for
supper tonight, dear!” Yet these primitive natives
have never heard of heart disease (or cancer, or
arthritis, or diabetes, etc.) either.

Second nail:
Let’s get into our time machine and go back about 150
years ago right here in North America. 150 years ago,
most folks in North America lived on farms. What was a
farmer’s standard diet? Eggs, butter, cream, whole
milk, red meat. Yet heart disease was virtually
unknown 150 years ago. How did a diet that was healthy
150 years ago suddenly become dangerous? It didn’t. It
never has been.

Indeed, Dr. Weston Price visited primitive peoples all
over the world, examining their diets/lifestyles.
These are the folks who live to be 130-140 years old
and who, when they do die, have a full set of sound,
straight, uncavitied teeth (I made up that word).
People who have 20/20 vision all their lives and have
never seen a bald man. Dr. Price found men 100+ years
old who still worked 8 hours/day out in their fields.
None of these people had ever heard of our common
western diseases. In fact, Dr. Price said he found one
tooth cavity every 240 mouths, and these cavities
would heal after a time!

When Dr. Price rated these primitive peoples according
to levels of health (though he hastened to explain
that the least healthy of them was still far beyond
anything seen in western society), he discovered that
the healthiest societies on planet Earth were the ones
who ate the MOST saturated fats! It was as a society
began to grow their own foods, especially grains, that
their level of health began to decline.

Does this mean we should run down to our nearest
grocery store and buy a side-of-beef or a roasting

Most definitely NOT. The toxic, poisoned,
chemicalized, unhealthy animal flesh found in the
normal grocery store is not vaguely similar to the
wild, healthy, unspoiled animals eaten by primitive

That is why it is so essential to only eat grass-fed
animals that were raised in a pasture; chickens that
were allowed to run around and eat bugs and seeds and
weeds and get sunlight and exercise and fresh water
and air – animals that are as close as we can
practically come to what our primitive ancestors ate.

The diet that your doctor will put you on if he
concludes that you have or are developing heart
disease will, in fact, CAUSE heart disease. I am not
saying that your doctor knows this. I do not believe
that all doctors are consciously involved in a
conspiracy to try to make as much money off your
health problems as possible, to the point of
deliberately recommending a diet designed to increase
your health problems, while prescribing toxic drugs
that will guarantee that it will happen.

Yet I cannot deny that some doctors fit this

Terry Chamberlin

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2007-03-19 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Both Olivio  Becel contain mostly canola (rape seed)

The Earthbalance product is mostly soy oil, which I am
not sure is a great improvement over canola oil.

Is there no margarine spread that uses only olive oil?

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CSSchool answering machine

2007-03-19 Thread Terry Chamberlin
This is the message that the Pacific Palisades High
School (California) staff voted unanimously to record
on their school telephone answering machine. This is
the actual answering machine message for the school.
This came about because they implemented a policy
requiring students and parents to be responsible for
their children's absences and missing homework. The
school and teachers are being sued by parents who want
their children's failing grades changed to passing
grades - even though those children were absent 15-30
times during the semester and did not complete enough
schoolwork to pass their classes.

The outgoing message:

Hello! You have reached the automated answering
service of your school. In order to assist you in
connecting to the right staff member, please listen to
all the options before making a selection:
* To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1
* To make excuses for why your child did not do his
work - Press  2
* To complain about what we do - Press 3
* To swear at staff members - Press 4
* To ask why you didn't get information that was
already enclosed in your newsletters and several
flyers mailed to you - Press 5
* If you want us to raise your child - Press 6
* If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit
someone - Press  7
* To request another teacher, for the third time this
year - Press 8
* To complain about bus transportation - Press 9
* To complain about school lunches - Press 0
* If you realize this is the real world and your child
must be accountable and responsible for his/her own
behavior, class work, homework and that it's not the
teachers' fault for your child's lack of effort, then
hang up and have a nice day!
*If you want this in Spanish, you must be in the wrong

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CSCholesterol again

2007-03-19 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Dee said,
 I found this article on the web Terry, and looking at
what you have written, it is mainly wrong!  Could you
have a look and see what you think?  If it is wrong,
then how can such as the BBC publish such nonsense?  

The BBC will publish whatever the official position is
on pretty much everything, the same as the mainline
media does in North America.

The problem concerning what the medical establishment
tells us nowadays about heart disease originally
started with some fairly logical but erroneous
early-century science.

During the early 1900’s, various manifestations of
heart disease began to occur. The first few cases of
it were misdiagnosed because the doctors had never
seen it before. As the incidents of it began to
increase, the medical scientists began to pay closer
attention to it. They discovered that every case of
heart disease was accompanied by high blood
cholesterol, and they came to the conclusion that high
blood cholesterol caused heart disease. 

In reality, they got the cart before the horse. Heart
disease causes high cholesterol, not the other way

By the time the doctors discovered their error (well
over 30 years ago), two things had occurred. 

First, they couldn’t very well come out with a public
statement like, “Whoops! Hey, folks, we got it
backwards, but it’s OK, we have it right now and you
can trust us again.” The medical High Priesthood never
apologizes nor admits to error.

Secondly, there was a burgeoning, highly-profitable
poly-unsaturated oil industry, plus the doctors were
making major dollars doing heart surgeries and other
expensive heart disease treatments (not to mention
lucrative statin and other drugs).

Eighty years ago there was a health issue that
occasionally occurred in seniors, but which has become
the number two killer of seniors today. I’m talking
about Alzheimers disease (AL). For about 80 years or
so the doctors have been warning us away from
“high-cholesterol” foods, and the public has dutifully
complied. But if your body doesn’t get the cholesterol
it needs from your diet, it will scavenge it from the
best sources it can find within the body. Guess where
the largest reservoir of cholesterol is in your body?
Your brain is composed of 70% cholesterol!

Now let me see: 80 or so years ago AL was quite
uncommon. For the last 80 or so years folks have been
running from eggs, butter, etc. Today AL is the number
two killer of seniors. I can do the math.

When a client tells me they have high blood pressure
or heart disease, I put them on 2 eggs per day,
minimum. Of course, I impress on them the importance
of buying eggs from healthy, back-yard chickens that
run around and eat like they were designed to do.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSSOTA Instruments

2007-03-10 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Carlene said,
 I have found the people at Sota Instruments to be
courteous, although not as knowledgeable, in my
opinion, as the members of the Silver List. 

You must understand, Health Canada (sick) is always
breathing down SOTA's neck, trying to find some
evidence of making unsubstantiated claims so they
can shut them down.

SOTA can tell you how to use their devices, but cannot
tell you during a phone call (they told me they know
their phones are bugged) how the device will benefit
you. Neither can their website do that either.

They know more than they can afford to tell you.

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CSYeast Medline

2007-03-09 Thread Terry Chamberlin
From Medline:
 Saccharomyces cerevisiae (also known as baker's
yeast or brewer's yeast) 

This is interesting. Bakers yeast is a live yeast
(used to make bread rise), brewers yeast is not (it's
a left-over substance after making beer). If you used
brewers yeast in place of bakers yeast to make bread,
you would have thick, flat pancakes with a yeasty
flavor. How can they be equally considered in a study
about an etiologic agent of invasive infection?

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CSNutritional yeast

2007-03-08 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Maz said,
 I had heard that dried nutritional yeast (though it
is a yeast) is not a problem for those with, or a
cause of, yeast infection. 

About half of my Candida clients have yeast
infection reactions when they eat n. yeast, to the
point that it makes them miserable.

 I had the impression that the yeast overgrowth 
infection was caused by immune system function and/or
too much sugar which causes the overgrowth. 

The reason sugar is a problem is because the yeast
organisms thrive on the sugar. The same is true
concerning n. yeast - some of the yeast organisms
thrive on it. Whether Candida Albicans likes n. yeast
is unknown.

 Terry, are you saying that in those that have an
active Candida infection and react poorly to
nutritional yeast, are feeding the infective yeast
with the nutritional yeast (ny)? 

Yes, just like sugar.

 Or could it be a general food sensitization or
allergen to yeast? 

Although a small percentage of my non-yeast infected
clients are allergic to ny (a very small percentage,
1-2%), the percentage of my yeast-issue clients is
much higher, about 50%. 

 And thank you for your observation re ny stabilizing
blood sugar - very interesting. Do you know the
mechanism? How does it act on blood sugar levels? 

There are two dynamics here. One is the high amounts
of chromium found in ny; chromium is frequently called
GTF, Glucose Tolerance Factor, because of its
involvement in blood sugar stabilization.

The other is that ny is the highest protein food you
can eat. Liver is considered to be the highest protein
meat, at 30% protein. Nutritional yeast is 52%
protein, but it's 80% pre-digested. It's not only easy
to metabolize (unlike meat), it actually improves
digestion. A high-protein, low or non-carbohydrate
diet is the standard medical response to hypoglycemia.
This usually causes a problem, since very few people
have good enough digestion to handle a lot of daily
meat. People on this high-meat diet usually are
majorly constipated, since they cannot digest the meat
they are eating. (There's also the problem of eating a
lot of commercial meat.)

N. yeast gives the benefits of a high-protein diet
(which breaks down into sugar in the blood stream at a
very slow rate), but doesn't put a strain on the
digestive system.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSNutritional yeast

2007-03-06 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Dee said,
 I had always understood that if you had a candida
type infection, then you shouldn't eat anything with
yeast in it. 

One needs to distinguish between live bakers yeast and
dead, cooked nutritional yeast. I have had many
Candida clients over the years. About half of them
can eat nutritional yeast freely. The other half can
hardly look at it. The reason for this is that there
are, at last count, over 30 different yeast/fungus
microbes that folks struggle with, all of them called
Candida. Some of those microbes love nutritional
yeast and will thrive in the body of the person who
eats N. yeast. Others are indifferent to it, and the
folks with those particular yeast microbes can eat N.
yeast freely.

Doctors don't even try to differentiate between one
type of yeast infection and another, but call them all
Candida (even though only one of them is Candida

In 30+ years, I have never seen a food/supplement that
is more effective at stabilizing blood sugar than
nutritional yeast.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSDMSO level

2007-03-03 Thread Terry Chamberlin
What is the CS/DMSO ratio you drink? I have a client
who is right now sick with cold/flu. What is the
lowest DMSO level you have found to be effective when
ingested? 10%? 25%?

Terry Chamberlin

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CSSelf-allergy testing

2007-02-24 Thread Terry Chamberlin
 Does anybody know of a good way to do allergy
testing oneself at home? 

From my article, Nutritional Insights:

Probably more than half the people in this country
experience food allergies/sensitivities to one degree
or another. Actually, the term, food allergies is a
misnomer, because the body reacts to various food
substances for more reasons than allergic reactions
(hence the word, “sensitivities”).

When you think of allergies, you generally think of
sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, etc. But allergies
mimic every known disease. The late Dr. Arthur Coca
discovered that when people ate foods to which they
were allergic, their pulse increased. So he began
testing people by having them monitor their pulse when
they ate certain foods. One woman who came to him
because of her hay fever symptoms weighed 300 pounds.
When she stopped eating the foods the pulse testing
had indicated she was sensitive to, she began losing
weight at an amazing, even alarming, rate. She hurried
back to Dr. Coca and he told her to wait and see what
would happen. When her body reached a healthy weight
level, she stopped losing weight. Dr. Coca concluded
that her body's reaction when she ate foods to which
she was sensitive was to accumulate and retain fat.

Another of Dr. Coca's patients found that their
diabetes symptoms disappeared and they were able to
discontinue taking insulin, and still another patient
found they no longer exhibited symptoms of epilepsy.
Obviously, these examples are abnormal; food
sensitivities cannot be held responsible for more than
a small percentage of diabetic or epileptic
conditions, but there are other symptoms associated
with food allergies, such as low energy, which are
more common than normally thought.

In his book, The Pulse Test, Dr. Coca explained
that, when you eat something to which you are
allergic, or even something which your body is
sensitive to and has trouble metabolizing, your body
will begin to struggle with that food or substance,
and your pulse will increase.

To use the pulse test to determine which foods you
should avoid, the test should be conducted first thing
in the morning, when you have first arisen, before
eating or drinking anything. The reason for this is
because your body will have had the night to clear
itself out of the last food you ate. You should be
fully awake. First, sit down for a couple minutes, so
that your pulse is a sitting pulse. Then, take your
pulse for a whole minute (rather than 15 seconds and
multiplying by four). Then, eat one food which you are
suspicious of being an allergen. That's one food, such
as a hard-boiled egg, or a glass of milk, or an
orange, etc. Bread is not one food, it contains wheat,
eggs, milk, yeast, etc., so you could not accurately
determine which item you were reacting to.

After eating the one food, take your pulse every 15
minutes three times (Say you eat the food at 7:00 A.M.
You would take your pulse at 7:15, 7:30 and 7:45),
always sitting for a minute first so you are always
taking a sitting pulse, and always for a whole minute
for best accuracy (if you are testing a child who will
not hold still long enough, use the 15 seconds
method). Eat nothing during that hour, and if your
pulse quickens to more than 92 beats per minute, your
body is reacting to that food, and you should consider
omitting it from your diet. You should test only one
food each morning for the testing to be the most

The most common food allergens to consider testing are
chocolate (number one food allergen), milk (test whole
milk, 1% or 2% milk and non-fat milk separately),
wheat (test wheat germ or cooked whole-wheat berries),
citrus fruits, strawberries, etc. Also, make sure to
test the foods you eat the most frequently and the
ones you have strong or frequent cravings for.
Addictive allergies are very common (having an
addiction to the foods you are the most allergic

If you discover reactions to certain foods, you may
still be able to eat them if you allow five or more
days to go by before eating them again, and if you do
not over-indulge (pig out) when you do eat them. If
you have allergies to various non-food substances
(dusts, pollens, etc.), you may find that after you
omit the allergen foods from your diet, your
sensitivity to these non-food substances will decrease
or disappear.

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia B0S 1M0 Canada

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CSComputing volume

2007-02-23 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Does anyone here know of a way/formula to compute the
volume of a container in gallons?

If I have, say, an aquarium that is 12x23x16, how
many gallons will it hold? What is the formula for
determining that?

Thanks for any help.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSYucky DW

2007-02-22 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Doris said,
 I have run about 30 loads of water through my
distiller and still it has a strange taste to it. 
Does anyone know how to change the taste so it's H2O? 
I filter it after with a charcoal filter and still

The water from my own distiller tasted too bad to
drink. I had a filter added to it (between the
distiller and the storage tank) and the water is
perfect. It's a Sta-Rite GAC filter (Delavin, WI). In
fact, I can now brew CS for twice as long as before
(DW from a very good pharmacy distiller) and it still
be and stay crystal clear.

Doris, I would investigate the quality of your water
filter (Brita filters are a joke) and whether the
filter needs to be changed.


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2007-02-17 Thread Terry Chamberlin
The colon and the large intestine are the same thing

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CS6-volt device

2007-02-13 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Actually Pat, you can't go to
microelectricitygermkil...@yahoogroups.com, since that
is an email address, not a website. 

Go to:

You must become a member, but that is free and you can
always unsubscribe when you have all the info you

They have step-by-step photos and instructions for
assembling a very simple device using a 6-volt lantern
battery that is having quite some success with a
variety of health issues.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSPop bottle sources

2007-02-10 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Zoe said,
 And for us who never drink soda - can we use the
bottles our water comes in? 

Yes, if it is plastic you can see thru it, clear
(whether blue or green or whatever), not the whitish,
cloudy plastic.

Soda pop bottles are free from folks who drink it, set
out on the side of the road for recycling and garbage
pick up. I put an ad in the paper offering 10 cents
per clean, unscratched bottle with lids. I get 50-60
bottles per month from folks who call me.


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CSCS plating

2007-02-09 Thread Terry Chamberlin
MA said,
 OK -- I have a question about this. Terry -- do you
think that the plated out residue attracts additional
silver particles, creating more plated out residue? 
I've used cobalt blue bottles for my CS storage. After
awhile, the insides of the bottles have a residue on
them -- but I can't see what color it is (these
bottles have a long narrow neck). I imagined that it
was black. Or dark grey.  But it seems that this
increases with time. So if I do what you do with tap
water and hydrogen peroxide, it'll clean them up

Yes, the plating out continues and attracts more CS to
the glass sides. That's why it gets darker as time
goes by. Yes, you can clean them out the same way I

I have gone to soda pop plastic bottles for my CS (PET
or PETE plastic), since the plating out doesn't occur
with them.


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CSGlass vs plastic

2007-02-08 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Doris said,
From everything I've read and heard about cs I get
the idea that you can't store it in anything but glass
or clear plastic containers.  Why can't you store it
in white or green or any other colour container?  A 2
liter pop bottle wouldn't make the water as smelly as
some of those other ones?

The only problem with storing CS in glass is that the
silver particles stick to the glass sides (plate
out) after awhile, which means less in the water. All
my glass containers, after awhile, start to turn
yellow on the insides. I fill them with tap water and
pour in a bit of H2O2 and allow to sit for an hour and
it dissolves the yellow off the sides.

Clear soda pop plastic never has this experience, that
I've noticed. By *clear*, I mean what you can see
through. It's fine if it's green, just as long as it
is clear.

The whitish plastic that you find containing milk is
too soft, I've heard, and the plastic dissolves into
the CS.

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2007-02-06 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Marshall said,
 Sulfur (MSM) binds with silver and can help to pull
it from the body. 

Can you give some references for this idea? I've never
heard it before.


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2007-02-05 Thread Terry Chamberlin
The problem I have with ArgyriaVictim’s complaint is
the complete absence of supporting evidence. She has
been asked to provide details of her condition, what
was the product that she says produced this condition
or did she make it herself and how.

I can truly understand her anger if she looks like a
walking corpse from using a substance she was given to
understand was safe. And, unfortunately, it is human
nature to throw the baby out with the bathwater and
denounce all silver-containing products. Were I to
experience the same thing from using my CS, I would be
very dismayed, since I absolutely trust its safety and
have freely recommended it to everyone around me (and
sell it in 80+ Health Food stores across the country).

Attempting to put myself in Victim’s shoes, I would
want to determine why it happened (did I drink too
much? Did I make it wrong? Is my metabolism eccentric
in some way?) and is it truly possible to reverse the

Not everyone is like me, but I would want to see if it
had happened to others, and what were the details
concerning their condition? Should I now warn everyone
away from CS? Warn them to ingest it in moderation?
Recommend they take certain supplements along with
their CS? (Which I already do.)

In reality, I have already tried to research the
existence of such victims, but have been unable to
find any who mirror my own parameters, folks who drink
only crystal clear “ionic” CS.

For that matter, neither has the FDA.

Were 1/10th of the “numerous” cases claimed by Victim
true, the FDA would have launched a major campaign to
erase it from existence. 

ArgyriaVictim claims to know of numerous cases, but,
until she/he presents them for inspection, I must
assume they don’t actually exist. I must also wonder
if Victim's problem actually exists.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSStop smoking

2006-12-31 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Go to:


This system (Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT) has
had astounding success with smokers.

Send me an email and I will send you an animated
PowerPoint presentation showing how to do EFT.

Works for almost any other addictive/compulsive
behavior problem as well.

Terry Chamberlin, B.Sc., C.N.C., Bioanalyst
Metabolic Solutions Institute
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia B0S 1M0 Canada

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CSNicotene cleanse

2006-12-27 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Debb said,
 Hi I would really appreciate some ideas on what you
all think about detoxing the body and lungs from

Of course saunas and sweat baths would help. Colonics
would be effective. The consumption of a lot of water
would be essential (60 oz/day max).

Inhaling CS with a nebulizer causes a person to cough
up large amounts of gunk.

Fasting (water or juice) would help, if you don't have
low blood sugar problems.

There are various herbal lung cleansers that could be
Googled for.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSPoison oak/ivy

2006-12-25 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Pat said,
 We need advice on how to neutralize poison ivy

I once knew two girls who lived in the woods
(California) who, every time they got poison oak/ivy,
took 10,000 mg of Vit C each day. Said it made the
rash disappear in a day or two. They believed it
neutralized the poison.

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CSSilver paperwork

2006-12-16 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Do You Know Where Your Folder's Been?
Smead products with built-in antimicrobial protection
keep germs away

HASTINGS, Minn., Dec. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- A seemingly
harmless cough or sneeze by your co-worker launches
germ droplets all over their office, easily attaching
to that file folder waiting to be passed around. When
it eventually lands on your desk, you not only get the
folder, you get the germs from your co-worker's
sneeze. Sound unlikely? This is the unpleasant
reality, unless it's a Smead Antimicrobial folder.

According to a University of Arizona study, the
average desk harbors 400 times more bacteria than the
average toilet seat.(1) Now, imagine how much of that
bacteria from co-workers' desks has attached to your
file folders. Since 99% of paper is actually food
for bacteria, that file folder marked To Do might
not get done for awhile -- if you get sick.

Antimicrobial Protection

Smead Manufacturing now has a solution to help
minimize the spread of germs in the office. By teaming
up with SilverCo, Smead now produces filing products
that offer exclusive antimicrobial protection. Using
patented antimicrobial technology, Smead folders are
produced with Silver Zeolite which kills 99.7% of the
bacteria, mold, mildew and fungus it comes in contact


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CSColon cleasne

2006-12-12 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Scott said,
I was wondering if any of you knew of a safe,
homemade recipe that cleanses the colon?

A Naturopathic doctor in Ontario shared this formula
with me: 

Put 1 tspn (or up to 1 tbsn) Bentonite clay in a jar
and add one cup (or up to one pint) good water. Let
sit overnight. The next morning, add one tbsn of
psyllium powder (seed or husks). Stir it all up
together and drink down immediately (it becomes a
gelatin quickly). By varying the clay/psyllium ratio,
you can determine what works for you, i.e., if stools
are too loose, reduce the amount of psyllium or
increase the amount of clay. Because folks respond to
bentonite clay differently, some experimentation may
be needed – some folks find clay constipating, some
just the reverse.

This is not an overnight process because it cleanses

Terry Chamberlin

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CSDairy and glaucoma

2006-12-12 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Sol said,
I once read an article that said that dairy products
and/or the galactose enzyme needed to digest them
(sold for the lactose intolerant) are strongly
implicated in cataracts.

We must remember to make a distinction between the
milk that comes from sick, drugged commercial cows and
the natural product (assuming you can find it) that
humans have consumed for many thousands of years. All
of my children have been raised on fresh,
unpasteurized goat milk, from happy goats that run
around in the sun eating greens. I have been fortunate
in that way, that we have always been able to find
folks who raise goats, not primarily as a business,
but as members of the family.

When I see the literature from the ‘No-milk’ folks,
they also seem to ignore this distinction.
Historically, milk has been associated with good
health (A land flowing with milk and honey).

Terry Chamberlin

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CSEPA opposes CS

2006-12-06 Thread Terry Chamberlin
EPA uses nanotech regulation ploy to target colloidal


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CSDeionized water

2006-12-06 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Deionized water will usually work as well as distilled
water. The only way to know for sure is to try it. If,
after hooking everything up and turning it on, the
water turns cloudy, you know it is not as pure as
distilled water. If it stays clear during the process,
even if it eventually acquires a yellow color, the
water is fine. If you do get yellow CS, reduce your
brewing time on the next batch.

I assume that the ionization process, like reverse
osmosis, can be operated at a varying degrees of
efficiency, so you wouldn't know how well it is made
until you tried it.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSCS website

2006-12-03 Thread Terry Chamberlin
I quote from this website:

The particle size of our Colloidal Silver ranges
between 0.004 and 0.107 microns, with over 75%
measuring between 0.065 and 0.013 microns in
diameter.* This is the ideal particle size for optimum
absorption. There has also been much said about the
toxicity of silver, however, laboratory tests
performed on our silver products concluded that
...the test article(s) would not be considered

Comments anyone? I didn't find .107 microns to be that

Terry Chamberlin

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CSTels report

2006-12-03 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Tel said,
 [Sister Rita] is doing fine with it now and helping
hundreds of poor people 

Thank you Tel, for that report. I was wondering how
things were going. I can't describe to you how
gratifying it was to read your report!

Thank you,

Terry Chamberlin

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CSh pylori CS

2006-12-02 Thread Terry Chamberlin
 I wondered if anyone had any experience with h
pylori and CS 

I have a doctor friend who got rid of her stomach
ulcer (involving h pylori bacteria) in 4 days by
drinking one ounce every 2 hours she was awake.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSMaking Kefir

2006-11-30 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Barbara said,
I'm making kefir every day and here is the way I do

Barbara, how would a person in Canada acquire kefir
grains? Also, how would one make good kefir without
using milk? 

Thanks for any suggestions,

Terry Chamberlin

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CSCS mixed with animal feed

2006-11-30 Thread Terry Chamberlin
MA said,
..is there anyone else on the list who knows anything
about sulphur, and to a lesser degree protein, binding
to CS particles and rendering CS ineffective when
mixed with feed? 

My mink farmer friend is currently mixing CS with his
animal feed, hoping to see an improvement in his
animals health. When I receive a report from him, good
or bad, I will post it.

Terry Chamberlin

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2006-11-27 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Debbie said,
 so would RO water be just as good? 

If you cannot find steam distilled water, RO water
will work, but your CS will probably not be clear. If
you are forced to make/drink cloudy CS, simply add a
50 mcg. tablet (capsule is better) of selenium, plus
400-800 I.U.s of Vit E daily to your diet.

If you own your own RO unit, you can set it to maximum
filtering (it uses a porous membrane) and it will
remove most or possibly all minerals from your water.
If you buy the RO water, you are stuck with whatever
the vendors set their RO machine at, which is rarely
at the same level as steam distillation.

Still, I'd rather drink RO CS and take some
supplements than go without it.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSTongue cancer

2006-11-27 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Paula said,
 I appreciated your posting because I know someone
who might have tongue cancer (and is afraid to have it
biopsied). I will tell them to follow your advice. I
wonder if DSMO might be helpful also? 

I would expect DMSO to be an effective addition to the
use of CS, especially for possible tongue cancer. You
would need a motivated person to hold a CS/DMSO
mixture in their mouth for 5-10 minutes several times
per day, but I would expect the DMSO to increase the
effectiveness of the CS exponentially.

If they didn't use DMSO (or even if they did), I would
do the tongue soaking thing at least three times per
day, more if possible.

If they are motivated enough, the 6-volt battery thing
would be a very important addition to using CS (called
the Godzilla - go to:


Terry Chamberlin

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CSCS pregnancy

2006-11-26 Thread Terry Chamberlin
 I have a question.  Does anyone have any specific
information about using Colloidal Silver during your
first trimester of pregnancy? 

My daughter freely drank CS all through her pregnancy,
started giving CS to her son right after he was born
(1/4 tsn at the start), gave him CS every day the
whole 3 years he's been alive.

An ounce or two/day while pregnant wards off sickness
and infection.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSJaw cancer

2006-11-25 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Tim said,
I am the one who's girlfriend has a tumor in her jaw
right where they took out a wisdom tooth..

I once received a call from a man who's wife had just
been diagnosed with cancer of the tongue. The doctor
said that they had waited too long and he would have
to remove most of her tongue, but that he would remove
as little as possible.

How much of your tongue can you lose and still be
intelligible? To make matters worse, she was a
full-time counselor!

The man called me on a Friday. I told him he needed to
get a postponement of the surgery, that I couldn't do
much in one weekend. I was thinking a 2-month
postponement. He got 2-weeks. The doctor wailed, Oh,
no, I'll have to remove your whole tongue!

I had the wife take one ounce of CS, hold it in her
mouth for 5 minutes by-the-clock, and then swallow it.
She was to do this 3Xday. If I did this again, I would
make it much more often.

She did it for 2-weeks, then went in for her surgery.

The doctor couldn't find enough cancer to even take a
biopsy. He kept searching and search, finally gave up.

Today, I would make it an ounce every hour or two,
plus drink nothing but CS and mix CS in her food
wherever it could be done. In other words, diluge her
body with CS.

I would also use the 6-volt battery idea from the
microelectricitygermkiller website, with electrodes on
the inside and outside of the jaw, 20 minutes per
session, two or three sessions per day, switching
polarity every 10 minutes.

Tim, if you would like to discuss any of this further,
feel free to email me privately.

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia B0S 1M0 Canada

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CSCS patent

2006-11-23 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Ron said,
 Read about the only US patent of CS that we're aware
of. http://tinyurl.com/y9ann6 

This is not a patent of CS, it is a patent of a
specific process of making CS, using 10,000 VAC and 8

You cannot patent silver, God already has the patent
on silver.

You cannot patent a colloid, whether a silver colloid
or a colloid of any other metal or substance, because
these occur naturally.

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CSCS water

2006-11-23 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Kirsteen said,
Nope - believe me I'm quite happy to take advice -
will keep looking for distilled water if it's
necesary.  BTW What happens if you just use filtered
or purified water. I'm curious to know what I would
end up with.

I think it is important to renew the point - CS can be
made with ANY water and it will be effective. Many
people all over the world make CS with non-distilled
water - spring, tap, reverse osmosis, filtered, even
water from the Ganges River in India (which was
reported to be very effective against Malaria, and
nobody turned blue).

If you brew CS with water that has any *stuff* in it -
minerals, etc., it will not likely be clear, but will
be milky and hazy. This doesn't mean it is bad or
toxic, it just means the silver particles are joining
themselves to the other minerals in the water. Not a
worry. I never throw away CS, I drink it all. Twice I
forgot about the brew (before I bought a digital
timer) and ended up with 10 gallons of blackish,
coffee-colored CS. I drank it all anyway. I'm still
not blue!

Most water treatment methods don't remove ALL the
minerals from water. Steam distillation removes all
the minerals, but if it doesn't have a charcoal filter
there are modern chemicals that evaporate with the
water and can make it through. Reverse Osmosis is
capable of removing all the minerals, but is not
usually run at the level where it does (too expensive
and too much trouble). Deionization can also remove
all the minerals.

The term distilled can legally refer to water that
has been treated in almost any way whatsoever
(including filtering and even just boiling it). The
words STEAM DISTILLED is supposed to be used only
for steam distilled water.

My philosophy is: Use steam distilled water if I can.
If it is not available, I would use the next best
thing. I would freely drink cloudy, murky CS made from
tap water rather than not have CS.

There is virtually no evidence to support the
near-paranoia folks have about using non-distilled
water. I have drunk many, many gallons of yellow to
gold (or even brown) CS over the past 7 years. I am
not blue.

If you can't obtain genuine steam distilled water, use
what you can get and, if you're nervous, take a Vit E
capsule and a selenium tablet each day (or even a
couple times per week).
If yellow/gold/cloudy CS was even 1/10th as risky as
you get the idea it is from comments made on the
internet, there'd be thousands of blue folks all over
the place. (And remember, the faint possibility of
some blue gills is the only possible risk from
ingesting generous quantities of home-made CS.)

Let's keep level heads about this, it isn't dangerous
stuff we're making here. It's safe, easy, effective,

Terry Chamberlin

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CSMink rancher

2006-11-19 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Mike said,
The full flow rate is going thru your clear 3/4 inch
chamber now, right? And that is 10 gallons per minute
or thereabout.

No, I don’t have a unit built with the clear tubing I
mentioned. That is what I intend to use. Right now,
the rancher is using my regular device that produces
10 gallons per hour. He then pours it into his
160-gallon tank.

Is there some reason it has to be that high, or it
just happened that way due to pipe size and pressure?
I would think, the higher the stream velocity, the
higher your voltage needs to be.

That’s how much water flows through his normal garden
hose at his water pressure. He estimated 10 gallons
per minute because it takes 15-16 minutes to fill a
160-gallon tank. Yes, the water flow could be reduced
if necessary to optimize CS production. Using 110VDC,
I don’t think a reduced water flow is needed. In fact,
at only 10-gallons per minute, I may need to reduce
the voltage to minimize the silver dissolution.
16-guage wires will fit into a standard garden hose,
but I can see that if I use a silver/steel rod that is
significantly thicker, I will probably need to house
it in a larger tubing, maybe 1” or 2” wide, in order
to have adequate space between the electrodes. I have
some experimenting to do, as soon as I find a way to
somewhat reliably determine ppm.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSMink rancher

2006-11-18 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Marshall said,
Have you considered using copper tubing as the
cathode and silver wire strung down the middle as the

Yes, but I couldn't figure out how to connect an
electrical flow to the rod running down the middle.
Also, the metal pipe would hide the silver rod, making
it impossible to tell when it needed to be replaced.
The clear plastic tubing appeals to me because it can
be monitored how the silver rod is thinning.

My friend came by yesterday with samples of CS that
had been brewed for 5 minutes and also 2 minutes. He
brought one of the silver wires with him to show me.
After 5 batches of CS - the first at 10 minutes, 2 at
5 minutes and 2 at 2 minutes, the 14 guage silver wire
is half dissolved. This means a lot of silver in the
water, more than he needs. Today he will try 1 minute.
He's quite satisfied with this because he is able to
brew 20 gallons every 10-15 minutes (including filling
and emptying the brewing jars), which he is adding to
the food.

His well water is obviously rich in minerals and very
conductive. This makes me think he can brew adequate
ppm CS with the flow-through unit I have in mind.

I have to figure out how to measure the approximate
ppm of silver he is brewing. The problem is that the
water is already very high ppm with other minerals.
The conductance type of testers only measured the
ionic silver, not the colloidal?? Yet, almost
certainly, most of what he is producing is colloidal
because of using well water.

Any ideas on how to get a basic idea?

Terry Chamberlin

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CSMink rancher

2006-11-18 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Wayne said,
 I started doing some calculations and then realized
you were not going to use the flow thru system so I
stopped. It would be nice if you could tell us a
little more about the water system. I have been
theorizing a lot, much of which is likely wrong. It
appears you need some large silver electrodes. I have
a friend from Africa that used to be a bookkeeper for
a silver mine. Maybe he still has contacts there. 

Actually, it is a flow-thru I want, but not into the
water supply. I want to be able to attach it into a
garden hose water line. Then, whenever the client is
filling his 160-gallon tank, he will be adding
160-gallons of CS (this water will be gradually mixed
into the animal feed over two days time, so he only
needs 80 gallons per day).

I am using 16-guage silver wire right now because that
is all I have, but I imagine using silver rods much
thicker, maybe 1/8 or 3/16 think. I plan on using
one silver rod and one stainless steel (or copper)
because the client cannot be concerned with changing
polarity. I want a unit that he can attach and forget
until the silver rod becomes too thin.

I have a device that gives me 0-600 VDC, with separate
dials and meters for voltage and current. I may
experiment with that to try to find an ideal
voltage/current ratio. But the reality is that other
producers of various 1-stomach animals (horses, pigs,
minks, etc.) that are located in different locations
will have differing water/mineral densities. So a
standard voltage unit would produce widely differing
results. Even this same mink rancher will have
different water densities during different times of
the year, due to changing water tables, etc. What
would work fine with one water source might totally
dissolve the silver rods very quickly with another
water source.

The other approach is to simply design a setup that
brews 20, 30 or more gallons per day to be simply
poured into the animal feed. I pretty much already
know how to do that, but it needs some fine tuning.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSCS device

2006-11-17 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Kirsteen said,
I'd really like to be able to make my own CS. However
i'm just not up to making my own generator - very
technologically challenged. i was wondering if people
thought this silver maker would be any use.

First off, this device is British, and runs on 230
volts. Secondly, at the current bid of 94 pounds, it
would be very expensive in US or Canadian dollars
(don't know which you are), plus the shipping from
England. No, you don't want this device.

Any number of folks on this list would be happy to
assemble a basic battery unit for you for considerably
less than the above unit. As Dan mentioned, do you
want a unit that will shut itself off when finished?
That will increase the cost some. What quantity of CS
do you want to brew per batch? For folks fighting
cancer or MS, etc., only being able to brew 8 to 16 oz
per batch can make it a hassle. Some folks here sell a
device that brews in the gallons-per-batch level (my
own, for example!). That will also increase the price
some. As you will see soon, there are several good
vendors on this list who sell quality devices. Keep
reading the posts here, you will see them. When you
see something that meets your needs, contact that
vendor directly.

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute

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CSMink rancher, etc.

2006-11-17 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Carlos said,
 I remember how much emphasis has been placed on the
great importance of using only steam distilled water
of the best quality available in order to produce
adequate EIS for human consumption. Or is it that in
mink and other animals the biological laws work

For human usage, we consider distilled water to make
completely safe CS. The minks on this ranch only live
7 months before their coats are taken from them. If
they can get argyria in seven months, I don't think it
matters. (Blue mink coats? There might be a market

Mike said,
 Given the geometry I was describing you couldn't
allow the silver pieces to completely erode away.
You'd have water leaking out the holes the wires come
through, not to mention the wire and/or brass washer
would also start eroding and contaminating the water
with copper, zinc, nickel, etc... So I figure the
coins (or bars) would be replaced when they got thin
enough they would start exposing stuff. They would
have to disassemble the cell and inspect the
electrodes a few times during the first month of
operation to get familiar with how they erode with

That is why I am using clear tubing, so the condition
of the silver rods can be observed. They wouldn't leak
if they are sealed on the outside of the tube with
silicone. There is no real water pressure to speak of
here, the water flows through, but it shuts off at a
point before the device is implemented into the water

Several folks have mentioned already existing devices
that are used to sanitize water. They inject silver
into the water in the parts-per-billion range. I
called the one company someone mentioned to me -
www.thomsontec.com - and they deliver 30% silver/70%
copper in the ppb range (resulting in 1 - 3 ppb),
US$2300, with the silver/copper bar lasting about six

I'm not trying to sanitize the mink ranchers water,
I'm trying to brew 160 gallons of CS per day. Since it
will be mixed with dry feed (producing a mash), it
seems to me that it needs to be 15-20 ppm at least to
really protect the animals from the legion of diseases
they are fighting.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSMink ranch

2006-11-16 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Today I bought 2 feet of 3/4 clear plastic tubing. It
is my idea to run 18 of silver wire (maybe 2 or 3
strands twisted together for more silver and to make
the strands stiffer), plus the same of stainless steel
wire inside the tubing. They will run parallel to each
other with almost 3/4 of space between them. At the
beginning end of the wires, they will turn and go out
through holes in the tubing wall on opposite sides. By
connecting a negative and positive power source to the
ends protruding out the tubing wall, I will
essentially have the wires acting like electrodes such
as hang down into a jar of water. In this case, the
water will be flowing through the tube between the
wires. Since the water flow will be about 10 gallons
per minute, it seemed like 110VDC wouldn’t be too

I’ll report back.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSMink rancher

2006-11-15 Thread Terry Chamberlin
This mink rancher houses 12,500 animals in 37
buildings, over about 30-40 acres. It doesn’t seem
realistic to try to brew CS into the amount of water
that flows constantly to 37 buildings. The alternative
is to treat the daily 160-gallon tank of water that is
mixed with the animals feed. This would be done as the
water was flowing into that tank.

Today I spent the afternoon looking at various types
of pipes and tubing, discussing what I was wanting to
do with various salesmen. I finally became convinced
that trying to suspend a silver rod down the middle of
a section of metal pipe was too complicated. At last
thought (until something better occurs to me), I
envision using a ¾” clear plastic tubing about 12”
long, with a silver rod on one side of the inside of
the tube, and a stainless steel rod running parallel
on the other side of the inside of the tubing. There
would then be nearly ¾” between the two rods that the
water is flowing between and through. The water flows
through at about 10 gallons per minute into the
160-gallon tank. It seems that if I had 110VDC applied
to the two metal rods (positive to the silver rod,
negative to the steel rod), silver particles would be
emitted into the water as it flowed through. The water
flow is so fast that it only takes about 15 minutes to
fill the 160-gallon tank.

I can see the need to be able to perform before and
after measurements of the water to get an idea of the
silver ppm level. The problem with these measurements
is that I don’t know how to determine how much of,
say, a 20 ppm measurement is silver and how much is
the minerals already in the tap water that is flowing
through the hose. I suppose if the water tested at 15
ppm before the unit was turned on, then read 20 ppm
after going through my setup, that would mean the
extra 5 ppm was added silver. ??


Terry Chamberlin

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CSMink ranch CS

2006-11-14 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Dan said,
 Water flowing through a tube or pipe, where the pipe
is the ground potential and a silver wire suspended in
the center of the pipe is at a positive potential
would allow CS to be made continuously as long as
water was flowing. The drinking water should already
have relatively high conductivity and if the
electrodes are close together it wouldn't necessarily
take much voltage to get a high enough current flow. 
The Cell could be made as long as necessary.  I'm
not 100% sure of the safety of this..

The mink ranch fellow just left my house. I read him
some of your post, and we discussed it. My concern
about making silver in continuously flowing water is
how fast the silver would be used up. Having to
replace silver electrodes each week would be
impractical and expensive. The water flows non-stop
night and day. The animals drink from nipples set into
the pipes running past their cages. The water must
continually flow because, during Nova Scotia winters,
it would freeze if it didn’t. There is no drinking
water 'tank'. The water flows in from one water inlet
but diverges to 37 buildings to supply 12,500 animals.
So the silver would need to be added to the water
right at the beginning.

It seems more practical to brew the water as it flows
into the big plastic tank, just before being mixed
with the food. This is a 160-gallon tank for the food
preparation process, not drinking water. The tank is
in a heated building, and is filled and used each day.
Right now, the man is brewing 10 gallons of CS at a
time with one of my 10-gallon devices and pouring it
into the 160-gallon tank. I have recommended he brew
each batch for 30 minutes since he is using tap water.
160 gallons per day of DW would be impossible to
acquire, even if it wasn’t expensive. He has an
employee who is responsible to brew 10 gallons for 30
minutes, pour it into the holding tank, brew another
batch, again and again repeatedly all day. This puts
about 140-150 gallons of tap-water CS into his tank
per day to be mixed with dry food (it makes a wet
mash). This will work for awhile, but, using tap water
means the 14-guage wires will dissolve pretty fast. He
has just started doing this, in fact just starting
today, so he doesn't know what benefit his animals
will receive.

To inject silver into the constantly-flowing water, I
envision using a silver rod about the length and
thickness of a pencil, suspended within a metal
section of pipe (probably stainless steel) the width
of a garden hose, or a bit wider. The water would flow
through as fast as it could, which makes me think
maybe 110VDC would be needed. It’s only this 12”-14”
section of pipe/hose that would be made of metal, the
rest is rubber/plastic. It could be insulated to
prevent inadvertent shocks. The metal pipe would be
grounded, and everything would be insulated.

I even suggested, if we installed something like the
previous paragraph, that he turn it on only during the
day, since the animals mostly sleep at night.

Comments and suggestions are very welcome.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSFlow-through CS

2006-11-13 Thread Terry Chamberlin
I have a friend who has a mink ranch, and his whole
operation is being threatened by what he calls a
Rotovirus. He contacted me this morning to inquire if
I thought silver would be effective in protecting his
animals. We spent some time discussing how to
administer CS to his minks. The water his animals
drink is from a constantly flowing source of water
(like drinking from a stream), so it wouldn’t be
practical to try to put CS into that water. He
prepares what is essentially a food mash each day
using about 160 gallons (500-600 pounds) of water,
which flows from a tank and is mixed with the dry
food. This would be the opportunity to add CS.

Some time ago someone on the list described a way they
had come up with for injecting silver into water as it
flowed. I think the application was maybe to treat
large quantities of water as it flowed into a swimming
pool. Could the list-member who discussed this method
please contact me regarding how it was done? How can
this friend of mine set up a way to brew CS as it
flows into the holding tank? 

I am eager to hear any ideas anyone may have on how to
do something like this. RSVP

Terry Chamberlin

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CSCS question

2006-11-12 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Bob Adageyudi said,
 Please explain your statement: This gives me the
highest silver concentration level in the water, but
guarantees me safe particle size. 

I want to put as much silver in the water as I can
while limiting the silver particle size. When the
silver particles reach a certain size, they begin to
refract light, giving the water a light yellow color.
As they continue to get bigger, the color darkens. As
long as the water stays crystal clear, I know the
silver particles are too small to be of any concern
(argyria or whatever), so I stop brewing just before
color occurs. With my own CS, that’s about 15-20 ppm
(according to Bob Berger), which is as strong as
anyone needs, especially if the particles are very
small. Remember, it’s not how much silver is ingested,
but how small the silver particles are. Remember also,
ppm is a measurement of TOTAL SILVER CONTENT, not how
many silver particles are present. You could have one
lump of silver the size of a BB in the bottom of a jar
of water and still have 20 ppm.

Some of the studies demonstrating dramatic silver
efficacy were conducted using ppb (parts-per-billion).
It’s not how many particles of silver that is
responsible for the efficacy of CS, it’s how small
they are.

Terry Chamberlin

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CSBrewing process

2006-11-11 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Peter said,
I just let the process go until I have attained
between 10 and 13 PPM then stop it. My concern is 
particle size..

As long as your CS is clear, particle size is fine.
Even Tyndall effect is unimportant, if it is clear.

The principle I use keeps it simple and safe.

My goal is to brew it as long as I can and still end
up with crystal clear CS. This gives me the highest
silver concentration level in the water, but
guarantees me safe particle size. All you need to do
is keep increasing the brewing time a little bit with
each batch until you get yellow CS (either by the end
of the brewing time or by the next day). When you get
that, use the previous brewing time.

When Bob Berger was alive and testing CS, he
pronounced my CS to be 18.7 ppm, very small particles
and very few sparklies. Just what I want. I use the
same formula with every batch.

Of course, if your water quality changes, your results
will too. Water temperature also is a factor.

During the summer, when the room is warmer, I brew 10
gallons for one hour (sometimes only 50 minutes on a
hot day). During the winter, when the room is colder,
I may brew 70-80 minutes.

Terry Chamberlin

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