Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Question from a new Touch owner

2011-10-03 Thread aubuti

You shouldn't have to unplug/re-plug the drive to transfer your files.
That is an inconvenience that you don't need to live with. It's
probably best to get the Touch's built-in file sharing (Samba) sorted
out, but even if you don't manage that, you can probably use WinSCP to
transfer any music files. You only need to navigate to the music
library via WinSCP, as opposed to navigating to the location of the
server.prefs file.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Question from a new Touch owner

2011-10-03 Thread aubuti

Also, did you make sure that the Squeezebox Server program was stopped
before you tried to edit the prefs file? I don't use TinySBS, but I
know that on regular SBS any edits to server.prefs won't take unless
SBS is off when editing the prefs file.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Question from a new Touch owner

2011-10-02 Thread aubuti

verycd;660837 Wrote: 
> Where can I find the autoscan file in winSCP, which seems to have a
> different interface?
> See #11 in this thread
That post that you reference has all the information you need. There is
no "autoscan" file. As explained in that post, autoscan=0 or autoscan=1
is a line in the server.prefs file, which lives in

The part that is different is how you edit the file. Instead of using
the Touch's built-in editor 'vi', you can use the edit functions in
WinSCP. WinSCP is much easier because it works like a regular graphical
interface text editor, whereas vi uses very cryptic keystroke commands.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Problems regarding transferring new files to attached USB drive

2011-09-30 Thread aubuti

Yes, Samba is the sharing function on the Touch. It seems to me that
most often the connection problems are simply getting the sharename,
username, and password correct, but that alone could be reason enough
to use ftp instead.

If you're not using Samba on the Touch, you may as well turn it off.
Some people believe that it degrades the Touch's performance by burning
unnecessary CPU cycles. I'm not convinced of that, but I am sure that
turning off an unused function can't hurt.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Problems regarding transferring new files to attached USB drive

2011-09-30 Thread aubuti

Gillinger;660561 Wrote: 
> Download WinSCP, which is an FTP app. 
I'm curious: what, if any, advantages are there to using ftp instead of
the Touch's built-in Samba server (SMB)? Is ftp any faster?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Proximity sensor on SBT

2011-09-29 Thread aubuti

I wouldn't hold my breath -- I don't see it as a high, or even a medium,
priority for development. In the meantime, just go that extra 1-2cm and
touch it to get the same effect.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Proximity sensor on SBT

2011-09-27 Thread aubuti

Actually the proximity sensor is disabled in the Touch's normal
operation. It seems it never quite worked out in practice the way it
was planned. Search in these forums and you'll get more info, but this
thread sums it up fairly well:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to queue a next album/playlist on touch without losing current

2011-09-23 Thread aubuti

Just use the standard press-and-hold on an album or track to bring up
the context menu. See post #2.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie SB Touch Help Please.

2011-09-14 Thread aubuti

Gareth82;657802 Wrote: 
> Thanks for all the replys and help. It's now all starting to get abit
> clearer now. So many peolpe talk about using NAS drives all of the time
> but it shows that you still can't beat a good old pc for the job. 
> With the Vortexbox i noticed that you can download the software for use
> with your pc. Does the Vortex software replace the need for the
> Squeezebox server or does it work with the squeezebox server?
> Also are there any pc or laptops that you would recommned that would be
> silent on operation when in use?
> Is it best to create a WOL server?
> Thanks
PCs have really improved when it comes to low power options, so the
NAS's advantages in that aspect have eroded. And in general these low
power PCs are so much more flexible than NASs. You will pay more for a
completely silent pc -- I think a better solution is to use a
non-silent pc, but put it somewhere out of the way where you can't hear
the noise. I use a "headless" pc, based on the same hardware as the
Vortexbox Appliance. It has no monitor or keyboard, and I login to it
remotely from another computer on the home network.

Note that Vortexbox software is a replacement operating system, based
on Fedora Linux. It includes SBS and lots of other useful audio-related
utilities, such as CD ripping software.  

Any new computer these days supports WOL (although many/most NASs
don't). Putting the server to sleep when it's not serving, and then
waking it up via the SB is a good way to go.


Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it, and it's '100% wind
powered' ( 'MSI single-core Atom
(Debian Lenny 5.0.6) feeding: Living room: SB Touch > 'NAD C325 BEE'
> 'Vandersteen 1' (;
Kitchen/Dining: 'SB2'
> 'AudioSource Amp100'
> 2 pair of 'Polk RC60i'
(; Basement:
> 'JVC JA-S44'
( > 'ESS
Tempest LS8'
Bedroom: Boom; Study: SB Radio; Backyard deck: 'SB Receiver'
> 'AudioSource Amp100'
> 'Polk Atrium 45'
(; Kid's
bedroom: 'SB3'
> 'Klipsch ProMedia 2.0'
Roaming controllers: iPod touch with iPeng, 3 'SB Duet'
Controllers, 'Nokia N800'
(; Limbo:one
more 'SBR'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Need a little advice before I purchase

2011-09-12 Thread aubuti

Two things to consider if you're thinking about self-amplified speakers
are (1) getting power to the speaker(s), and (2) running the line-level
cable from the Touch to the speaker. Neither are rocket science, but
they're easy to underappreciate. For the power, you just need to look
good about hiding that extra wire for the power, while also complying
with building codes about running electrical lines in walls. For the
line-level cable, keep the run as short as possible, and be sure not to
run parallel to any AC lines for any distance or else you run the chance
of picking up a 50Hz hum on your speakers (or 60Hz, depending on where
you live).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can I play songs from Touch's attached USB drive on a radio?

2011-09-11 Thread aubuti

Sorry, I can't answer that one for you because I run the server software
on a mini pc, not on the Touch. But I'm sure someone else will be able
to help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can I play songs from Touch's attached USB drive on a radio?

2011-09-11 Thread aubuti

Yes, wow. You understood it correctly.

As for what the Touch will display, that's actually up to you. Both the
Touch and the Radio are players, but they can also act as controllers
(ie, remotes) for other SB players. In your situation, I am guessing
that you will be choosing things to play on the Radio by using the
Radio itself. In that case, the Touch will not show what is playing on
the Radio. On the other hand, it is possible to use the controls on the
Touch to choose something to play on the Radio, skip tracks, control
volume, etc.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can I play songs from Touch's attached USB drive on a radio?

2011-09-11 Thread aubuti

The term is "serving". The Touch is using its built-in music server
software to play the music through the Touch. That music is also
available to any other SB on your network. On the Radio, go to My
Music, and it should ask you which server to connect to -- in your
case, the only one would be the Touch.

Note that the Touch can still be playing tunes at the same time that it
is serving music to the Radio. It can be synchronized, or it can be a
compleletely different track/playlist.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Which audio out?

2011-09-11 Thread aubuti

1) yes
2) It depends on the DAC in the amp, and your personal preferences for
the sounds of different DACs.

All of the SB outputs work at the same time, so you could connect both
the digital and the analog to your amp, and then switch back and forth
over as long a period as you'd like to see which you prefer. Be sure to
match the volume on the two, or else your comparisons wont't be much


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Two simple ideas to make Touch standalone with TinySBS (and why not SBS ?) acceptable

2011-09-10 Thread aubuti

nicolas75;656824 Wrote: 
> actually it seems slower to enter a folder where I have about 80 files.
Slower than what? Browsing by artists, albums, etc that have already
been scanned after you went into their folders, or something else?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Active speakers for Touch

2011-09-10 Thread aubuti

Now that I think about it, a Touch probably wouldn't like being left
outside all the time either. 

Now that Mnyb has brought up Polk Atrium speakers, I'll chime in that
that is what I use outdoors on my deck/patio, and I'm very happy with
them. I have a SB Duet Receiver connected to an AudioSource Amp100 in
the basement, and only run outdoor-rated speaker cable out of the house
and to the speakers. The music is controlled by SB Controller, iPeng on
an iPad Touch, or a laptop. Of course, in my climate indoor speakers
and a SB Touch wouldn't last long outside, even if sheltered.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Active speakers for Touch

2011-09-09 Thread aubuti

As always, it depends on the budget, and also how loud you'll want them
to get. A lot of people around here are extremely happy with
AudioEngine self-amplified speakers. For an outdoor setting you would
probably want to look at the A5 model, which goes for about $350/pair
in the US.

I'm not 100% sure about the wisdom of self-powered speakers in an
outdoor setting. It may be fine, but I honestly don't know. In addition
to wet/dry, you also need to consider temperature extremes, especially
cold. If you're in dry climes, with very moderate temps you'll probably
be okay.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tagging questions (maybe?)

2011-09-08 Thread aubuti

Have you done a rescan in SBS after adding new tracks? Also, have you
tried using the "Music Folder" browsing in SBS to confirm that SBS can
see the "new"  tracks that the Random Mix isn't picking up? Finally,
have you selected only certain genres for the Random Mix, and if so,
are the tracks that aren't playing in those genres?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Hide directories on touch USB drive?

2011-09-03 Thread aubuti

Sure. You can rename all the directories you want hidden so that they
begin with a dot. For example, hide your "photos" directory by renaming
it ".photos". That's the standard way to hide a directory in *nix, and
it keeps the TinySBS scanner from looking there.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Coupling Touch and Boom

2011-09-03 Thread aubuti

Yes, you can have the Boom stream music from the Touch. At present the
"replacement" for the SB Boom is the SB Radio. It is not known whether
or not there is a "Boom 2" in the works. Personally, I doubt it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squezzbox with NAS

2011-08-22 Thread aubuti

pallfreeman;651982 Wrote: 
> Sorry if I seem to be hijacking this thread but it seemed appropriate.
> As a new Touch user, with a stash of several thousand MP3 albums on a
> NAS of some kind, which I usually access from my Windows box, should I
> expect my Touch to be able to deal with this? Without having to install
> SBS on my computer?
Yes, if you install SBS on the NAS and use that as the server. You
cannot easily use the Touch's built-in server (TinySBS) to reach out to
the NAS for the music library. Some people have done it with connecting
the NAS via NFS, but performance wasn't very good as I recall. Search
the forums on "NFS" and "Touch" and you'll find the relevant threads --
I think there are at least 2-3 of them. Here is one of them:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to queue a next album/playlist on touch without losing current

2011-08-19 Thread aubuti

You mean the stricter treatment of upper/lower case in tags? You only
have to fix your tags once, and then you're done with that. Imo, even
though 7.6.0 created problems for a lot of users (fortunately it went
smoothly for me), the upgrade to 7.6.1 is worth it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to queue a next album/playlist on touch without losing current

2011-08-19 Thread aubuti

Yeah, I think that getting the menu from the top bar disappeared with
7.6.x. I don't know if it was deliberate or if it's a bug.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Time to give up on Touch's server?

2011-08-19 Thread aubuti

ozzymilton;65 Wrote: 
> Yes, I would say the ethernet connection provides better dynamics,
> frequencey response and soundstage compared to going wireless ,it is
> not subtle.
Okay, I'll bite. Have you disabled the wifi module (a la soundcheck's
toolkit), or merely connected via ethernet? And are you using the
Touch's analog outputs or digital?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to queue a next album/playlist on touch without losing current

2011-08-19 Thread aubuti

I vaguely recall that functionality, but never used it much. I'm pretty
sure it's not a plugin, so maybe the functions just changed (especially
hard to say because you don't mention what version of the
software/firmware you're running).

You can do what you want by touching and _holding_ the desired
album/track on the touchscreen. That will give you a context menu, with
options such as play, play next, and add to end of playlist.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Giving up, so I ask you to help me starting again with something different

2011-08-18 Thread aubuti

Solrac;650938 Wrote: 
> I think you got it right! The configuration I'm thinking of is having a
> regular installation of Win 7 Ultimate on the dedicated computer. This
> computer would run the Squeezebox Server, while connected directly via
> Ethernet to the Touch. Every now and then, I would perform the basic
> maintenance both on the OS and the Squeezebox software via wireless a
> remote desktop from my laptop. Yes!
For the record, I like soulkeeper's suggestion of connecting an
ethernet switch to the router, and then connecting both the server
computer and the Touch to that switch. With that arrangement you should
be able to keep the music playing even when the router reboots,
especially if you have static IP addresses for the server and Touch, or
at least reserved DHCP addresses. It would be much easier than
configuring the computer with two network cards.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Time to give up on Touch's server?

2011-08-18 Thread aubuti

psp;650857 Wrote: 
> Where do you go to download previous SBS versions?  (I've searched for
> ~45 min and come up empty.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Time to give up on Touch's server?

2011-08-18 Thread aubuti

Sure you can go back. You can back out of the prompts to update by
holding down left arrow button on Touch's remote or doing a L-to-R
swipe on the touchscreen. If you don't want the prompts then it's also
advisable to (a) turn off the automatic software updating option, and
(b) never, ever connect to 

There are more complicated ways to avoid the update prompts, but the
approach above is simple and works.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Giving up, so I ask you to help me starting again with something different

2011-08-18 Thread aubuti

Solrac;650781 Wrote: 
> I see your point, but I'm not ready yet to give up my original idea. Of
> course, if I don't find the necessary information on how to figure it
> out it is doomed. My reason for a direct connection is that given the
> characteristics of my place in the world and my internet provider, I
> need to do the unplugging and plugging of the router too often and I
> would like to avoid as many playback interruptions as possible.
Thanks for the kind words. So if I understand you correctly (and it's
very possible that I don't), you want your dedicated Win7 server to be
connected directly to the Touch via ethernet, _and_ you also want that
server connected to the rest of your network so that you can manage it
via remote desktop and do other things with it. Assuming that the
server's connection to the network is also wired, that means you're
looking at a server with at least two network cards. Is that correct?
And that one of the network cards will be configured to be a part of
your home network, and the other will be configured to be part of a
"special" network consisting of only the server and the Touch.

I am reasonably sure it is possible to set things up that way, but I am
much more certain that I couldn't walk someone through the process
without actually sitting at the computer. I get crosseyed even thinking
about configuring two network adapters, and most of my experience with
it has been trial and error. Maybe someone else will be able to help.
Good luck.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Giving up, so I ask you to help me starting again with something different

2011-08-18 Thread aubuti

Strictly speaking you can connect the computer or NAS running SBS
directly to the Touch via ethernet, but that really is doing it the
hard way. Configuring the network settings for a direct connection is a
pain, especially if you also want the computer to connect to other
things, such as the internet.

The standard setup is to use a home network router. The computer
connects to the router, and so does the Touch. Done.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch and Duet Controller and Wifi Off in Touch?

2011-08-16 Thread aubuti

You can use the Controller with the Touch's wifi disabled. As you
surmise, the Controller doesn't "talk" directly to the Touch, it goes
through your wifi router.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with WLAN & no performance hit ???

2011-08-15 Thread aubuti

bluestang;650083 Wrote: 
> If I were to go this route in would definitely be a new 'N' router and
> 2.4GHz interference shouldn't be an issue.
Then homeplugs would no longer cost more. Actually, I hadn't realized
until I just looked that you can now get a pair of homeplug adapters
for the cost of the WNCE2001 alone. But if you still don't want to go
that route for some reason that's certainly your choice. 

And yes, by all means try it with your existing router and WLAN first.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with WLAN & no performance hit ???

2011-08-15 Thread aubuti

bluestang;650070 Wrote: 
> Thanks, but HomePlugs would cost more plus I'd rather not go that
> route.
> I have no doubt everything will work great with the built in WLAN, but
> I have some 24/96 FLAC (level 8) albums and I don't want to have to
> worry about stuttering.  And the added benefit of better sound quality
> by turning off WLAN is a plus.
You are conflating two different issues. One is whether or not to use
the Touch's wifi adapter. Some believe that the wifi radio in the Touch
has an adverse effect on the Touch's output, and there is some
quantitative evidence that it makes a difference on the analog outputs.
Some people can hear that difference, others can't. Whether you will
hear a difference will depend on your ears, your audio system, your
listening room characteristics, the type of music you listen to, etc. 

The second issue you mention is stuttering. If you get stuttering, that
means that your network cannot handle the data throughput. It shows up
on wifi but not wired connections because wifi has a lower theoretical
maximum throughput, and more importantly, because real world conditions
such as distance from router/AP and interference from other sources
prevent it from getting anywhere near the theoretical maximum.

Your proposed solution will address the first issue, but will do
nothing for the second issue. If your wifi signal to the Touch is too
weak, simply sticking the WNCE2001 in-between won't make it any
stronger, with one possible exception. If your wifi router is an 'N'
router, then running 'N' from the router to the WNCE2001 may give you
more bandwidth. However, it's still limited to the 2.4GHz band, so if
you have problems with interference, those aren't likely to go away.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Piss poor customer service

2011-08-13 Thread aubuti

flemo;649477 Wrote: 
> Will there be an official announcement by Logitech when it's released?
It is usually announced in these forums (for example, look at the first
entry on this page, announcing 7.6.0: You should also
see notification in the lower left hand side of the SBS web interface.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox touch downgrade in standalone mode?

2011-08-10 Thread aubuti

For Touch you want the file that begins with 'fab4' and ends with
'.bin'. Which version (eg, r9408, r9471) you want is up to you,
depending on which version of SBS you're running.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox touch downgrade in standalone mode?

2011-08-06 Thread aubuti

bitstopjoe;647656 Wrote: 
> I just copy the bin file to the root of my attached USB drive and I
> don't have to reboot or power off the touch 
That's exactly how it has worked for me, too.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox touch downgrade in standalone mode?

2011-08-05 Thread aubuti

Try downloading the firmware from and saving it on a USB
stick or a SD card. Note that you want the filename that begins with
'fab4' and ends with '.bin'. Take note of the release number (eg,
r9408). Then insert the USB stick or SD card in the Touch. After the
stick/card is recognized, do Settings > Advanced > Software Update on
the Touch's menu and see if it takes. I'm not 100% sure that this will
work, but I'm sure it won't break anything.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Running Touch without PC being on

2011-08-03 Thread aubuti

I ran my first Squeezebox server on a LinkStation NAS when I had very
limited Linux experience. Most of the NAS installs I have seen are a
bit complicated, but in my opinion they don't require advanced Linux
experience _after_ someone else has already figured out how to do it.
Installation can usually be accomplished if (a) you follow instructions
carefully (assuming someone has already blazed the trail and posted
clear instructions), (b) you are patient and don't panic if something
goes wrong, (c) you're willing to look in other forums to learn what
you need to know about Linux, and (d) you understand the risks
involved, the biggest being "bricking" your NAS. 

If that looks too daunting, then it probably is, so trust your gut and
look for a different solution, such as using TinySBS with a USB drive,
or running SBS on a pc. TinySBS is not a sure thing -- it was a good
idea that wasn't implemented well because the Touch's hardware is
marginal for running SBS. It works for some, it doesn't work for
others. As for running SBS on a pc, you may want to consider running
SBS on a separate, low-power small form factor pc. These are available
for the same cost as a basic NAS, but they are much more flexible and
installation of SBS _is_ as straightforward as on a regular pc.

As for clarification about the specific install instructions, I suggest
you post your questions in that same thread, rather than splintering it
off to this thread. You are much more likely to get people who know the
answers for that particular NAS in that thread than you are here. Good
luck (and that's sincere).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists 'Not portable' like Music Library ?

2011-08-02 Thread aubuti

Cut-Throat;646413 Wrote: 
> Yup, I did that, but I was wondering if there was a more 'automatic' way
> to do this.
If you're familiar with 'sed' (stream editor) then you could process
all of your playlists with a single command line. sed is a standard
utility on *nix and ports are available for Windows and OSX. But if
you're not familiar with it then batch search and replace is as
automatic as it gets for fixing a situation in which you've moved the
track to a completely different place from where the playlist says it


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Running Touch without PC being on

2011-08-02 Thread aubuti

PaulEast;646276 Wrote: 
> Do you think there is anything unusual in what I am trying to do? I
> would have thought there would have been hundreds (or even thousands)
> of SB users trying to do exactly as I am.
> I quoted the make and model of the NAS because I was beginning to fear
> that "all NASs are not equal" but I rather hoped that a big company
> like Western Digital wouldn't have just launched a new NAS product
> without it being capable in this area.
> Can anyone tell me whether installing Squeezebox Server on a My Book
> Live NAS is a viable option?
> Thanks for the suggestion of hibernating the PC. I will try it again
> but the problem last time was that in this spell of warmer weather, the
> fan wanted
What you're trying to do isn't unheard of but it is a little unusual,
and more important, it is outside the scope of the Touch. As noted, you
basically have three options: (1) use TinySBS with a USB drive, (2) run
SBS on a pc, accessing a music library on the pc and/or NAS, or (3) run
SBS on the NAS.

All NASs are definitely not created equal, but in fairness to WD, NAS
stands for Network Attached _Storage_. Most consumer-grade NAS devices
like that are meant to run file server software, and not music server
software. And generally they do a fine job of acting as a file server.
I'm not sure about your exact model, but see this thread for some info
about installing SBS on a WD My Book Live: . It's not as
straightforward as installing SBS on a regular pc.

It sounds like you're trying to suspend the pc, not hibernate it.
Either are viable options, but a big difference is that when
hibernating everything in RAM is written to disk, and then the pc is
powered off completely, so there can be no fan whirring if it is
hibernated. The downside of hibernate is that it takes a little longer
to come out of hibernation than it does to come out of suspend; the
downside of suspend is that the continues to draw some minimal power to
hold everything in RAM, and that might make the fan come on.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Running Touch without PC being on

2011-08-02 Thread aubuti

You can use the Touch's built-in server (known as TinySC or TinySBS, but
listed on the Touch only as "Squeezebox Server") to play tracks from a
USB hard drive, USB thumb drive, or SD card connected directly to the
Touch. To access music on any other storage you need to run regular SBS
_somewhere_. That somewhere could be your pc or your NAS, assuming your
NAS is capable of running SBS. 

TinySC/TinySBS cannot reach out and find your files on the NAS.
Actually, strictly speaking it can if you set up NFS on the Touch and
on the NAS, but (a) that is pretty difficult, and (b) most people who
have tried it said that performance is lousy. If you know your way
around Linux a bit and want to try it, search these forums for Touch
and NFS.

If you can't or don't want to leave the pc on overnight, have you
looked into letting it go into suspend or hibernate overnight?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Reinstalled 7.5.5 but now SBS insists on 7.6

2011-07-28 Thread aubuti

Cut-Throat;644457 Wrote: 
> Agree, that the responsible thing was to offer a Beta Version. 
For those who may not already be aware, 7.6.0 has been "offered" as a
beta version for well over a year, with nightly updates that are
publicly available for users to download, test, use, delete, report
bugs, etc. Those following the 7.6 developments were generally
surprised to see that 7.6 was being released with so many unresolved
bugs (see the Beta forum for a sampling). I agree, even though 7.6 has
been working fine for me for some time now. Most users don't want to be
beta testers, and from the reports I'm seeing from both newbies and
experienced users, it's still only beta quality in far too many


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Reinstalled 7.5.5 but now SBS insists on 7.6

2011-07-28 Thread aubuti

Audiofile;644385 Wrote: 
> But doesn't listening to internet radio through SBS require that the
> computer be on at all times?  With, it was just my router that
> needed to be on.
Listening to internet radio via SBS doesn't require the computer to be
on at all times -- only all the times that you want to listen to
internet radio. :-)

What I'm suggesting is a workaround to tide you over until you can get
your server to successfully run the same version # of the software as Whether you succeed with 7.6.0, or 7.6.1, whatever, who
knows? Only you can decide which of the three workarounds is less
inconvenient for you. This would be my preferred ordering, from most to
least convenient:

1) connect via SBS (tip: you'll find that suspending the computer
instead of shutting it down when you're not listening makes this more
2) refuse the firmware upgrade/downgrade by using the left arrow on the
IR remote (I think a quick left-to-right swipe on the Touch's
touchscreen also works),
3) switch between and SBS, and live with firmware
upgrade/downgrade shuffle.

When things get back to something resembling normal then you can resume
switching between SBS and mysb without doing the "firmware dance".


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Reinstalled 7.5.5 but now SBS insists on 7.6

2011-07-28 Thread aubuti

castalla;644386 Wrote: 
> Yes but offering an update to a version to that below the server is not
> normal, is it?
No, it's not. But I was responding to the OP, whose problem is
different from yours.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Reinstalled 7.5.5 but now SBS insists on 7.6

2011-07-28 Thread aubuti

Audiofile;644369 Wrote: 
> I did report it there and the response was:  1.) don't use both MySB and
> SBS, or 2.) live with having to reinstall teh software each time you
> make the switch.  Ridiculous.
And the 3rd valid alternative is the one that erland offered earlier in
this thread: refuse the offer to up/downgrade. 

7.6.0 has a lot of problems, no question about it. But this particular
question of matching player firmware to the server software has been
standard practice since forever. If you don't want the firmware to
switch, then don't switch between different servers (eg, and
local SBS) that require different player firmware. And it's not as if
you need to connect explicitly to to get internet radio --
connect via SBS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Multiple copies of tracks

2011-07-24 Thread aubuti

Do a wipe and rescan on the Touch. That will rebuild the database,
wiping out the references to deleted tracks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB touch alternative projects

2011-07-24 Thread aubuti

pok;642814 Wrote: 
> Again, I appreciate the help, not meaning to sound ungrateful - I was
> just hoping someone already had said "screw it" and done their own very
> simplistic software for the touch that actually works that I could steal
> :)
You're right that one can always hope, but no such alternative exists.
And I don't think one is ever likely to, because it wouldn't be
simplistic. So in the end it would cost much much more than any of the
suggestions already made (that is, if the coder puts any value
whatsoever on his/her time). 

Btw, have you at least upgraded from the firmware that ships with the
Touch? You should at least try 7.5.5, and if problems continue, try
7.6. But if you can't meet the basic suggestions already given re
powered USB drive, partitions, etc, then you are very likely going to
continue to be frustrated with it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB touch alternative projects

2011-07-24 Thread aubuti

pok;642788 Wrote: 
> But no, I haven't followed all of the steps in the USB tips & tricks nor
> will I; I'm not buying additional HDD's, powered USB hubs etc; the cost
> for that (not mentioning the headache) will be the same as buying a
> different device that has the features I'm looking for.
> If I had the time and inclination I would build my own device from a
> tablet; I bought the touch to have something that works out of the box
> without a bazillion hours of programming and tweaking.
As toby10 says, most of those suggestions don't cost anything. Nor do
they involve any programming. Also, you may consider this unacceptable
tweaking, but have a look at this thread
(, which covers
some of the same basics on getting the Touch's built-in server running
reliably. I agree that the built-in server doesn't live up to the
advertising on the box, but if you don't want a lot of headaches,
developing an alternative distro for the Touch is _not_ the path of
less resistance. Admittedly, it should work right out of the box and it
shouldn't be so fussy about USB drives or scanning, but it is what it
is. So your best options to me look like trying these simple steps
and/or returning it.

And please do tell what (different) device has the features you cite
and costs the same as an externally-powered USB drive or powered USB
hub. I'm sure a lot of people would be interested to know.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] what is coming after touch

2011-07-23 Thread aubuti

signor_rossi;642606 Wrote: 
> But wouldn't a portable device like a Boom 2 with integrated speakers
> and maybe a battery be the only audio-only device that still makes
> sense? I mean with the Touch and Radio still in production and the
> plethora of video playback/streaming boxes around that do audio as a
> supplement...?
Sorry, what I wrote wasn't clear. At this point I don't really expect
_any_ new audio-only SB-like device from Logitech. Not with integrated
speakers, not as a separates component. I do expect that multimedia
devices like Revue or its successors (assuming there will be
successors) will be able to do audio more or less like current SBs.

This is complete speculation on my part, based mostly on my amateur
reading of these forums and the direction of the industry, with no
insider information whatsoever. And it's probably more pessimistic than
usual because of the extreme heat  :-(


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] what is coming after touch

2011-07-23 Thread aubuti

slippyr4;642528 Wrote: 
> do we actually have any evidence that logitech are still committed to
> the squeezebox product line?
Yes and no. They do apparently have two developers working on the
software, and one person doing QA. It seems that they're looking
towards "convergence", with a product like the (ill-fated) Logitech
Revue, that does a range of media, including photos and video as well
as audio. See the threads on LMS (Logitech Media Server), which is the
direction that SBS is apparently heading. But I'd be surprised if they
came out with a new audio-only device like a Boom 2.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Running 2 SB Servers with a SB Touch

2011-07-20 Thread aubuti

castalla;641778 Wrote: 
> 'so it may be slightly different for wireless.'
> WOL doesn't work for wifi.
Correct, but just to clarify a bit: The packet may be sent by either a
wired or wifi device, BUT the computer receiving the WOL packet (ie,
the computer you are waking up) needs to have a wired network

Strictly speaking, there is also WoWLAN (Wake on Wireless LAN), but as
far as I can tell that is still pretty obscure (see


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] NAS drive.

2011-07-15 Thread aubuti

umapati;640918 Wrote: 
> Thanx a lot Terry..Yes I will be connecting Squeezebox touch to my Audio
> set up consisting of an TEAC Deck, Philips amplifier & Speakers..I am
> looking for installation of Squeezebox server on my Seagate HD, so that
> i can Play music while my PC is switched off...If anybody can help..
You may have missed Terry's second post, the one with the link to
instructions for installing on a GoFlex. I strongly suggest that you
look carefully at those instructions, because installing server
software on a NAS is rarely as straightforward as installing software
on a regular computer. The hard part has already been done, in that
someone has figured out how to do it and posted the instructions.
Usually it's fine if you follow instructions carefully and keep your
patience. Even so, some people end up deciding that it's over their
heads and go the pc route instead.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Which speakers for Touch ?

2011-07-12 Thread aubuti

As far as I can tell the Creatives are also powered (ie, self-amplified)
speakers. If you can find for certain that they are not, then you should
eliminate them. The Touch has no amplifier of its own, so you need
either powered speakers or a separate amplifier + passive speakers. For
your budget, powered speakers are a better way to go. 

And I didn't mean to suggest that the higher-priced speaker is always
better. I liked the sound of the Audioengine A2 -- for what it is, a
small inexpensive speaker. I don't think you'd be disappointed. But
speaker preferences are very personal, and you may prefer the sound of
the Creatives.

Most of all, there is no substitute for actually listening to the
speakers, using music with which you are very familiar. And ideally,
listening to them in the place where you'll be using them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch VU Meters

2011-07-11 Thread aubuti

Step 1: Settings > Screen > Now Playing > Now Playing Views > make sure
that Analog View Meter is selected. Others may be selected if you wish.
If you want _only_ the VU meters available on the Now Playing screen,
then that should be the only view selected.

Step 2: Settings > Screen > Screensavers > When playing > Now Playing

Step 3: set delay for screensavers via Settings > Screen > Screensavers
> Delay

Step 4: If you selected only the VU meters in Step 1, they will come up
when the Now Playing screensaver activates. If you selected more than
one Now Playing view, touching the screen when Now Playing is active
will cycle through the selected screensavers. One of them is the VU
meters. There may be a way to cycle through them using the IR remote,
but I forget how.

You can also customize various other VU meters with 3rd party applets.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Which speakers for Touch ?

2011-07-11 Thread aubuti

Welcome to the forums and the SB-world. 

Every "pc speaker" I have ever seen is a powered speaker, so I don't
think the distinction you make makes a lot of sense. Usually cheaper
powered speakers are marketed as pc speakers. Certain brands are also
more associated with computer speakers vs hifi speakers, but even there
there is some crossover (audiophile speaker maker B&W sells $600
computer speakers...).

Whenever one talks of "which speakers?" my immediate response is
"what's your budget?" The US Amazon prices for the speakers you've
listed are $83, $128, $200, and $200. The only ones I've heard have
been the Audioengines, and I think you would be hard-pressed to beat
their sound quality in a $200 powered speaker. But if you get the
chance you really should listen for yourself, even if it means taking
advantage (in the good sense) of a vendor's liberal returns policy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Prevent rescan after power cycling

2011-07-07 Thread aubuti

FredHS;639632 Wrote: 
> I changed my email once (before I realized that I would prefer to use a
> temporary email address). Maybe that's all they permit? Maybe one can
> only make a certain number of changes within a certain time period?
> Many maybes --dunno...
I don't know either, but I know I've changed already my address once,
and like toby, I also have an option for New Email, as opposed to the
Confirmed Email that you are getting. So maybe they require a "cooling
off" period after a change?

Anyway, I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. You can rarely be 100%
sure where spammers get your address, but I don't think many -- or even
maybe any -- have gotten mine via


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Prevent rescan after power cycling

2011-07-05 Thread aubuti

JohnSwenson;639446 Wrote: 
> The Touch running local media really works best if you leave it on all
> the time and leave the media connected. Is there a specific reason that
> you need to unplug it and remove the stick so often? If you are adding
> new music on a regular basis you will have to do a scan to get that
> music included in the database anyway, but even that should be pretty
> quick, it does a quick scan to see if there are any new music files it
> doesn't know about and then only does a full scan on those new files. 
In addition to John's excellent explanation you should note that you
don't need to remove the USB stick to add tracks, or to delete or
modify the tracks that are on the USB stick. If you enable the Samba
server (ie, file sharing) on the Touch then the USB stick will be
available as a drive on your network. You can then manipulate the files
on the USB stick -- including adding new files -- from any other
computer on the network.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch continuously updating

2011-07-02 Thread aubuti

By changing libraries do you mean changing servers? Or changing between
SBS and It sounds as if one of the libraries is using
the current SBS version (7.5.4) and the other is using an outdated
version. Update the one with 7.5.1 to 7.5.4 and the Touch will be


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Audioengine A5 powering Touch

2011-06-24 Thread aubuti

Thanks, I should have thought of that. It makes a lot more sense to me

I'm also skeptical about any audible differences, but at least one of
the many forum members who has A5s (I'm not one of them) could probably
answer the question about whether or not the dedicated USB charger still
gets power when the A5s go into standby mode. I would guess not, but
that's just a guess, and easy enough to test if you have the A5s and
any device with a battery that charges via USB.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Audioengine A5 powering Touch

2011-06-24 Thread aubuti

Dontz;637771 Wrote: 
> Might have to build my own power cable. 
Especially since the Touch's USB port is Type A, which is intended for
providing power, not receiving it. On that note, do you even know if
the Touch will use power applied via the USB port? I'm not sure, but
I'm doubtful. I am fairly sure that trying it will void your warranty.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] This is so frustrating

2011-06-18 Thread aubuti

Sounds like you're connected to instead of to SBS. As
Mnyb suggests, try choosing "My Music" on the Touch and then connecting
to your SBS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Random (shuffle) Genre play

2011-06-17 Thread aubuti

Yes, yes, and a very big yes on the last one. 

Try them all. You won't break anything.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB3.0 thumb drive/usb stick problem

2011-06-13 Thread aubuti

Mnyb;636167 Wrote: 
> This extra partition may contain some mumbo jumbo thats mounts a fake CD
> drive or launch some "manager" utility (spam ware all of it).
The thumb drives that support U3 do something like this and I actually
find U3 useful from time to time. But you're right that it conflicts
with the Touch, so it's necessary to wipe out that extra stuff if you
want to use the stick with the Touch.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB3.0 thumb drive/usb stick problem

2011-06-13 Thread aubuti

Also, it may not be a 2.0 vs 3.0 issue at all.  Does the thumb drive
have more than one partition, say for example, a special partition that
includes some bundled software such as backup or encryption utilities?
The Touch needs to see a single partition on USB-attached drives.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists

2011-06-12 Thread aubuti

tmauceri;636056 Wrote: 
> When I try to save from the SBS GUI it says could not be saved. But it
> shows up as a playlist on SBS Gui and on iPeng.
That means it's just sitting in memory (RAM), and will get wiped out
any time to do a full rescan, restart SBS, reboot the VBA, or just
about anything else. I bet you won't see it if you browse the folder
using a regular file browser (not SBS). So it is definitely a
permissions issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists

2011-06-12 Thread aubuti

Usually when this occurs it is because the user under which SBS runs
(username 'squeezeboxserver') does not have write permissions in the
playlist folder. So first check which folder you have set for your
playlists, and whether user 'squeezeboxserver' has write permission in
that folder. 

Normally I would expect all of that to already be set up correctly for
you on the VBA, but I suppose it's possible you're accidentally trying
to save the playlists in the wrong folder.

And no, a clear and rescan does not delete your playlists
_as_long_as_they've_been_written_to_disk_. If you create a playlist and
don't save it -- or try to save it but don't succeed for some reason --
then the playlist is only in active memory (ie, not written to disk)
and will get wiped out by a clear and rescan.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Random Mix

2011-06-09 Thread aubuti

souwalker;635673 Wrote: 
> How are the files randomly selected? Is there a formular how SBS selects
> which file to play first out of all the files I have?
Um, they're selected randomly. I believe it uses the 'Perl 'rand'
function' ( if you want to
know the particulars. And remember that random means that sometimes
there _will_ be cases where you get the same artist or even tracks from
the same album back-to-back. Some people believe that's not truly
random, but it is, just like getting 5 "heads" in a row when flipping a
coin: sometimes it happens.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Does the 'index' of your Music Library reside in the same file?.....

2011-06-08 Thread aubuti

Which "same Music Library File"? If you mean folder, the answer is no.
The location of the database ("index") varies depending on the
operating system. You can find yours by going to the SBS web ui and
selecting Settings > Information and scroll down to where it says Cache


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Random Mix

2011-06-08 Thread aubuti

and if you don't see it there, make sure the associated plugin is
installed. You can check that in the web ui using Settings > Plugins.
It's a Logitech plugin (not 3rd party), and I thought it was installed
by default, but maybe the package for your NAS doesn't install it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Random Mix

2011-06-08 Thread aubuti

No, you don't need to make a playlist first. Just start playing
something using Random Mix. Whenever SBS is playing it has a "current
playlist". That could be a single track that is selected, the tracks of
an album that has been selected, or a saved playlist.

One thing you may want to do re setup of SBS is to choose which genres
to include in your random mixes. For example, I usually don't want my
handful of comedy albums, holiday albums, or classical music coming up
in an ordinary random mix.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] New feature?

2011-06-06 Thread aubuti

What version of SBS are you running? The beta 7.6 has some DLNA support,
which may be why your Synology shows up.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBT with USB Hard Drive

2011-06-05 Thread aubuti

Lynxo;634889 Wrote: 
> I do like the WD's simplicity when it comes to navigating songs by each
> folder containing the albums.
> How do I play a single CD? If I go to Albums, it sometimes has more
> songs in it then it should. Do I have to create a playlist for each
> CD?
If you just want to navigate by folders then you can do that with the
Touch as well. Simply use My Music > Music Folder and there you are.

Your problem of having too many tracks per CD is almost certainly a
problem of erroneous tags. Fix them and you won't have a problem. If
you need help figuring out what you have that's wrong, post back here
with some details about exactly which unwanted files are creeping into
the album, and what the contents of the tags are.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Time Zone

2011-06-04 Thread aubuti

No time zone setting is bizarre. I thought all current Linux distros had
a time zone setting, although not all of them are very obvious. Are you
sure it isn't buried somewhere in an environment variable or timezone
file somewhere.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBT with USB Hard Drive

2011-06-04 Thread aubuti

Lynxo;634863 Wrote: 
> I don't see why it does not save the file to the hard drive for quicker
> playback.
In fact it does save the database to your hard drive.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBT with USB Hard Drive

2011-06-04 Thread aubuti

It should take less time to scan when you add music. To put it simply,
on the initial scan it is creating a database of _all_ of your music's
metadata. On subsequent incremental scans it will only be adding new
information to that database from your new tracks.

Don't use WAV, use FLAC. FLAC is equally good quality (the L stands for
lossless), and takes up only 30-50% of the disk space of WAV. More
important, FLAC has support for recognized standards for metadata
(tags), to store info about artist, album, track, etc. 

You can force tags into WAV files, and SBS can read them, but it's
definitely not the best way to go.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 100 song max in playlist using Tiny SBS??

2011-06-02 Thread aubuti

bitstopjoe;634275 Wrote: 
> I DID do a search and all I saw was a config setting for SBS and 500
> playlist limit. Since I am not using SBS but the one built into the
> Touch, I posted my question about the 100 playlist limit
> Seems to me to be apples and oranges but I could have missed something
> on a search.. So who knows..
JJ is right, my mistake. The file is
/etc/squeezecenter/prefs/server.prefs and the setting is

Drag our your vi editor skills, or ssh into the Touch using a tool like

My previous warning (and JJ's) about increasing this setting above 100
still apply.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 100 song max in playlist using Tiny SBS??

2011-05-31 Thread aubuti

Yes, TinySBS has a max playlist size of 100 tracks. Unlike regular SBS
there is no way to alter this on TinySBS. Well, maybe you could hack
the code in TinySBS. But the 100 track limit was put in place for
performance reasons, so even if you hacked it you might not like the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Empty Music Directories

2011-05-30 Thread aubuti

Okay, I have an idea, but I can't test it because I'm literally a few
thousand km from my SB setup. On compilation albums, if you browse by
artist SBS will normally show you both albums in which that artist is
the only artist, as well as compilation albums on which that artist has
one or more tracks. If you drill down on one of those compilation
albums, then it only shows the tracks on which that artist appears as a
track artist, not the tracks on which the artist does not appear. This
is normal (some may debate whether or not it is correct, but it's

When you drill down to the compilation album(s) by album artist Hifi,
you don't have any tracks by artist Hifi. So maybe that's why it is
showing as empty. I have an album that is similarly tagged, though for
completely different reasons. It's a tribute album on which a lot of
different artists do Greg Brown songs, but Greg Brown isn't on any of
the tracks. I put Greg Brown as ALBUMARTIST because I want it to show
up with his stuff when I browse by artist, and COMPILATION=1 because it
is a compilation from different artists. When I get home I'll take a
look to confirm that it does indeed show up with his other albums, and
secondly, what happens when I try to drill down to the track level.

In the meantime, others who know the ARTIST, ALBUMARTIST, COMPILATION
interactions better than I may happen by to give you some good advice.
I know what works for me, but there are tons of other combinations and


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Empty Music Directories

2011-05-30 Thread aubuti

A couple things. First, what do you mean by "showing up with empty
directories"? I understand that to mean an operating system directory
(aka folder) with no files in it. But you say you are browsing by
artists, which doesn't follow the OS's directories -- instead it
follows the SQL database that SBS creates. Where is it you see the
"empty directory"?

Second, are you really ALBUMARTIST tags with names like "Hifi",
"Various", and "Audiophile", as opposed to an artist's name? If that's
the case then I'm not very clear on exactly what it is you're trying to
accomplish, so I may not be able to help much.

Finally, are all of the tracks in a given compilation album in the same
directory/folder? SBS counts on that to keep compilation tracks from the
same album together.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Synchronizing

2011-05-30 Thread aubuti

First you have to connect your iPad to your Squeezebox Server. And be
sure that your Touch and iPad are both connected to SBS, rather than
one to SBS and one to Once you have more than one
player connected to the server, the synchronize option will not be
greyed out. 

Note that you can also sync by using Settings > Synchronize on the
Touch (and, presumably, on the player menu for the iPad).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-05-29 Thread aubuti

kidstypike;633770 Wrote: 
> Dave - FYI: Many years ago I used to hang around the Windows ME
> Newsgroups, the MSVP's there absolutely refused to offer assistance to
> anyone who ran anything from Norton.  They regarded Norton as a bigger
> threat to a computer than any virus!

That's a good one: the "Windows ME" folks pointing to other software as


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Empty Music Directories

2011-05-29 Thread aubuti

Ronni;633818 Wrote: 
> According to this wiki page this way of tagging is wrong:
> . For some odd
> reason you cannot have an album with the same Album artist for all
> songs - at least one song must be tagged with another album artist -
> how weird is that?
If that were the case then it would be weird, but that's not the case.
Rather, I think your interpretation of the page may be incorrect. 

You most certainly can have an album with the same AlbumArtist for all
tracks; I do it all the time. However, if you have different track
ARTIST tags and a common ALBUMARTIST tag for an album (eg, a tribute
album or an album with one main artist and a lot of 'guest' artists)
then it will be listed with the ALBUMARTIST's albums instead of with
compilations. You may be able to change this behavior with the
COMPILATION tag. But either way the albums and tracks should all


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Empty Music Directories

2011-05-25 Thread aubuti

As for the Mystery of the Disappearing Tags, did you use any other
tag-aware programs? Most programs are benign, but some programs are
pretty agressive about "correcting" your tags for you. mp3tag is not
one of them -- it does only what you tell it, but it's very powerful,
so if you make a mistake it can be damagin. And it can't be SBS because
SBS has the ultra-safe feature of never writing _anything_ to your files
(SBS is strictly read-only).

Or there's Mr Hyde


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Empty Music Directories

2011-05-24 Thread aubuti

Gillinger;633037 Wrote: 
> Is there something in the act of copying that strips metadata from
> files?
Simple answer: no. The tags are part of the file. It's hard to imagine
a copy operation that would strip out the metadata without completely
corrupting the file. That would pretty much require either a misbehaved
tagging program or a tagging program plus user error, both of which are
more common than they should be in an ideal world  ;-)

Gillinger;633037 Wrote: 
> I'm still not happy, though.  I've been working with computers for over
> 20 ywears.  If I had been an ordinary Joe in the street, buyng this
> setup and expecting it to work I would have sent it back pretty
> sharpish.  Having a good working knowledge of tagging and a basic
> understanding of unix or telnet sessions shouldn't be a pre-requisite
> to buying a bit of hardware to play music on. IMHO
Glad you got it working, but imho the large majority of users,
including the ordinary Joes, use the product just fine without needing
any knowledge of unix or telnet. Tagging is definitely important if you
want to get the most out of the system, but I'd say the same is true for
any computer-based audio playback, even the "ordinary-Joe-friendly"
iTunes. And many who can't bother with tags get by fine with Browse
Music Folder (some even prefer it).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Empty Music Directories

2011-05-22 Thread aubuti

If you are running the Touch's built-in server it stores logs on the
Touch itself. To access the logs you need to enable remote login on the
Touch, and then use ssh from another computer to login to the Touch.
Unfortunately I don't remember the exact path, and don't have my Touch
anywhere near me at present. 

To transfer files you use regular Windows network file sharing (aka
Samba or SMB), not ftp. When you enable sharing of the USB drive the
Touch should also tell you what the correct username and password are.
Use those to mount the USB drive as a network drive using Windows
Explorer (Tools > Map Network Drives). If you are on Linux or OSX you
would use the analogous tool for that OS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] newbe advice please

2011-05-22 Thread aubuti

The Squeezebox Server (SBS) software in the Touch is building a database
from the metadata in the tags of your music files (artists, album names,
track names, track numbers, etc). This takes a while the first time, but
you don't have to go through it every time because it saves the database
on your USB drive. 

If you turn off or disconnect your USB drive then the server will
rescan the drive, but only to check for new or changed files -- it
won't do a complete clear-and-rescan unless you ask it to. Most modern
drives have a powersaving "spin-down" mode that the drive uses when it
has been inactive for a while. If I connected a USB drive directly to
the Touch I would probably use spin-down mode, and leave the drive on
but "sleeping" when not in use.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Empty Music Directories

2011-05-22 Thread aubuti

Successfully browsing by folder but not by artists/albums/genres
indicates that your scan did not complete correctly. Check your
scanner.log for clues as to where things went wrong.

Also, unless you are running 7.6.0 beta I think the thread that avr300
linked is unlikely to be the cause, as that thread is specifically
about 7.6.0, which has a completely different scanner. Unless you're
running the beta, there's no real point to posting in that thread.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Empty Music Directories

2011-05-22 Thread aubuti

Sorry, I don't have an answer for your main problem of the Touch's
built-in server (TinySBS) not finding your new files. It should work,
and none of the info in your post gives me any hints as to why it isn't
for you.

But I did want to mention that you don't need to remove the USB drive
to add new files. The Touch also runs a Samba server for network file
sharing. If you enable sharing on the Touch then you can copy your new
rips/downloads from your pc over the network to the USB while it is
still attached to the Touch. A lot of people prefer this to the Touch's
automatic rescan every time you re-attach the USB drive to it.

Good luck sorting out the main problem.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tagging Issues

2011-05-19 Thread aubuti

Use mp3tag to be sure that the files' tags are "Vorbis comments" (the
standard for FLAC files) and that you don't have any stray ID3v1,
ID3v2, Ogg, or any other types of tag in there.

On the second one, SBS builds the genre list from the tags it finds in
your files. You'll need to find the files with genres you don't wish to
use and re-tag them. Or if you don't want to eliminate those tags, then
would browsing by genre do? If neither of those help you, you may want
to look at the Custom Browse plugin.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Buffalo Linkstation LS-V1.0TL and SB Touch

2011-05-18 Thread aubuti

Alternative firmware? Is one of the trimmed down debian versions
available for your LS? That's what I've used when I used to run SBS on
older LSs. That could resolve both the safe mode limitation and the
outdated version problem.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Buffalo Linkstation LS-V1.0TL and SB Touch

2011-05-17 Thread aubuti

RichardLittlewood;631768 Wrote: 
> You're right, straight internet radio doesn't require it.
Neither do services like Soma, Pandora, etc. Pretty sure Deezer, too,
though I can't say for sure because it's not available where I am. Just
use them all via SBS running on the LinkStation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help with NAS + Touch + iPhone

2011-05-12 Thread aubuti

Zonker92;630854 Wrote: 
> It occurs to me that I can play with this issue some more, without
> actually having a Squeezebox device at the moment.  One of these days I
> may start working one converting my files to FLAC or WAV and archiving
> them on some sort of newer NAS or headless PC, clean up their tags,
> then try a Touch again once I have the files working properly with SBS.
> Just a thought.
All fine ideas. And you can even test it without getting a Touch again.
As a first test you could intall one of the SB "software players" such
as SqueezePlay on your pc and try streaming from SBS to that. The
software players are not as full-featured or robust as hardware
Squeezeboxes, but they are a great way of trying things out before you
buy. Or before you buy again :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch and encrypted USB device

2011-05-11 Thread aubuti

I haven't tried it. Does a build of TrueCrypt exist for the Touch's ARM
processor? That would be step one.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Please!

2011-05-10 Thread aubuti

Are you using the Touch's built-in server (TinySBS) or an external SBS
running on a pc or NAS? If the latter, then you should be able to find
the email address in the SBS web ui under Settings >

For cloning settings across players you can look at peterw's
SettingsManager plugin
( I'm not sure if
it works with Radio and Touch because those have fewer settings exposed
in the server, but it's worth a look (though the site appears to be
down at present).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Recommendations for USB drive

2011-05-10 Thread aubuti

dasmueller;630332 Wrote: 
> I switched to running the same drive off my PC on a wi-fi network
> because updating the music library is just so much easier that way. If
> you run it attached to the USB port you are disconnecting and updating
> the drive doing a rescan etc. which is a pain done this way. It does
> work just better when attached to a network.
I agree that running SBS on an external server is generally more
reliable than using the Touch's built-in server (TinySBS). 

However, if you choose to use TinySBS then it is easy to avoid the
hassles of disconnecting, reconnecting, rescanning, etc. There is
absolutely no need to disconnect the USB drive from the Touch to update
your music library. The Touch also runs Samba file server software, so
when the USB drive is attached to the Touch it will also appear as a
drive on your network. You can do all the file management you need on
it from any other computer on the network.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] NTP on the Touch

2011-05-10 Thread aubuti

MrC;630352 Wrote: 
> It is more important that you use a nearby server.
And note that has nothing to do with "the
generosity of the Debian people." is not a Debian enterprise.
It's a public resource that is put out there to be used.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] DURACELL batteries leak!!!

2011-05-10 Thread aubuti

Then you could try contacting Logitech support directly. They might be
sympathetic and send you a new remote, figuring a low-cost item is
worth customer goodwill. On the other hand, all batteries have the
potential to leak, and it is not the fault of the device vendor if the
name-brand battery they supply happens to leak. But it's worth a try.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] NTP on the Touch

2011-05-09 Thread aubuti

No need to be embarassed. You can't expand them because the OP
accidentally truncated them, most likely by pasting the shortened URL
from a forum post instead of grabbing the full shortcut/URL to paste
(an easy mistake to spot because I've done it myself). jean2, or
someone else who knows what the URLs should be, will have to come back
with the correct URLs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] New Owner

2011-05-07 Thread aubuti

danman;629886 Wrote: 
> Another question I would have is do you shut it down or just leave go
> into sleep mode? What is best?
Do you mean the Touch itself? If so, like a lot of electronic devices
it doesn't have a true "off" unless you cut the power source by pulling
the plug or switching the outlet off via a power strip or switched
outlet. I'd say leave it in standby. In standby it draws about 3-4w.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help with NAS + Touch + iPhone

2011-05-06 Thread aubuti

Zonker92;629590 Wrote: 
> The tagging problems may lie with my files, although I have to wonder if
> it isn't just that SBS is looking for a particular format and can't read
> my files because iTunes tagged them in some particular weird manner,
> viz., a compatibility problem.  And the fact remains that the Sonos app
> has zero problems indexing the same files, so the tagging doesn't seem
> to bother that app.  If a tagging defect doesn't affect the operation
> of the system, is it really a defect?
Why Sonos reads those tags and SBS doesn't is a puzzle to me, too. Both
SBS and Sonos _should_ be looking for a "particular format" because
that's how it's done. Even closed, proprietary formats like ALAC have
standards that all programs that read or write ALAC tags should follow.

Maybe the SBS scanner is using outdated standards. After all, Apple is
known to change formats a bit capriciously, although if the SBS scanner
were out of date I would expect to see other complaints, as you're not
the only one using ALAC. Or maybe Sonos is more forgiving of tagging
errors. I don't know. In this case snottmonster's offer to see if one
of the problem files works on his SBS system could be useful in
debugging things. 

If you are still willing to put more time into it, I also like toby10's
suggestion of running SBS 7.5.4 on your computer, pointing it to the
library on the NAS. That may be an unacceptable way for you to run your
network audio system, but it would at least resolve some of the puzzles
about why SBS is not working for you when it really _does_ work for
most people.


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