[TruthTalk] Love or Rebuke?

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Judy 
wrote:**Jonathan Edwards sermon was said to be effective in that day 
but I 
don't know that presenting a God  of terror is all that good; and this 

was not the  way Jesus presented Him. 
Dean writes:Judy have you ever read the sermon"Sinner in the hands of 
an angry God" byJonathan Edwards? If not you can find it on the 
Internet-simply do a search.David writes:First of all, I was not 
talking about presenting a God of terror. 
Dean writes:2 Cor.5:11 Knowing therefore the terror of the lord,we 
persuade men...
**So do you believe that Paul also demeaned sinners and 
got in ppl's faces 
with billboards that depicted the terror of God Dean, or are you saying that 

this scripture justifies the way you do it?  
Persuading men takes some time and effort.  Apparently at the beginning
they stayed around to baptise and the ppl they 
persuaded were told about 
"what the prophets had 
warned of" which would have been the day of judgment 
which is also called "The Day of the Lord" because some of them mentioned it - 
the incident that comes to 
mind is when Philip and Peter were preaching Christ 
in Samaria and Peter rebuked 
Simon the magician who had just been baptised 
as a brand new believer 
because he wanted to purchase the power of God 
money (Acts 8:20-23 so 
Simon's focus still had not changed).  But note his
response to Peter's rebuke:  "Pray ye to the Lord 
for me, that none of these
things which ye have spoken come upon me" (Acts 
What do you think were the things they had 

[TruthTalk] Essay by Leroy Garrett (something to ponder)

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

[Essay Number 
brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid 
Him in a manger, for there was no room for them in the inn."---Lk. 
    The first 
Christmas was not exactly a greeting card setting with all its 
unreality---snow-covered cottages with bright lights within, Frosty the snowman, 
peaceful country scenes, mesmerized animals surrounding the Christ child in a 
sanitized atmosphere.  A card that depicted 
the way it really was might be revolting---a bone-tired pregnant girl, a worried 
husband, streets crowded with people on an unpopular errand, an indifferent 
innkeeper, a dark, cold cave crowded with smelly animals, a feeding trough for a 
    Joseph and 
Mary had probably walked the eighty miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem, being 
the poor family they were.  If they had a donkey or mule to carry their 
supplies, there may have been room for Mary to ride part of the time.  A 
pregnant girl on the way to the hospital on a mule!  Not exactly like going 
in a BMW!  They would hardly make fifteen miles a 
pilgrims, also on their way to Bethlehem to be registered but less burdened, 
would pass them by.  For upwards of a week---night after night---Joseph had 
to find a place for his wife, heavy with child.  He well knew that she 
might give birth anytime, day or night, along the way. He didn't know that it 
was in the script---foretold by the prophets---that the child would be born in 
Bethlehem.  The God of heaven moved a pagan king to declare a tax 
registration in order to move a pregnant girl eighty miles so that she would be 
at the right place at the right time!  But poor Joseph didn't know 
that.  He was one worried husband.
Bethlehem streets were filled with a mix of cultures from far and near. 
 The few who could afford the paltry sum had filled the only inn in 
town.  Even the inn provided only the barest shelter.  Guests brought 
their own bedding and food, and drew their own water.  Many were sleeping 
in the alleys and the streets, huddled around improvised fires.  But a 
woman whose time was near needed to be inside---anywhere.  Justin Martyr, 
who lived within a century of the event, says it was a cave, next to the inn, 
where the expectant couple took refuge.  It housed the animals of those who 
stayed at the inn.  Hardly a place to serve as a delivery 
    Like all 
such caves, particularly one that served as a stable, it was dark, drafty, dirty 
and dismal.  Rats and bats dwell in caves, and pariah dogs scavenger 
there.  Noise from the streets and the inn would be incessant.  The 
animals, even if obnoxious, provided some heat against the cold 
night.  Joseph found a place amidst the straw for Mary.  Weary and 
fatigued, she could at last rest.  Heaven had set the stage for the world's 
most celebrated event.  It was December 25, 4 B.C.  The eminent 
Jewish Christian scholar, Alfred Edersheim, says that date is probably 
that evening the Christ was born.  To a Jewish peasant girl, not a Roman 
princess.  In a stable amidst snorting horses and bellowing oxen, not 
in a palace with royalty in attendance, including doctors and nurses.  In 
an insignificant village---"the least of the clans of Judah"---not in 
sophisticated Athens or powerful Rome.  He was lovingly and snugly wrapped 
in long, narrow bands of cloth by his own mother and laid it in a hay trough. 
 He was not wrapped in a royal wool blanket and placed in a gold-studded 
bassinet stamped with the insignia of a prince.
exactly the stuff of Christmas cards depicting old English villages, with ladies 
in sedan-chairs, or a coach bowling merrily along pulled by handsome stallions. 
 Or a plastic tree sprayed with artificial snow and bedecked 
with flashing lights and all sorts of figurines. It was not the makings for 
a pretty-pretty little Christmas.  It was ugly---the real world of ugly 
reality. There was bartering in the streets, endless chattering, and the 
boisterous noise of revelry all night long.  The Christ was born into a 
world of sin, suffering, and sorrow.  It began for him that night when but 
a babe.  It persisted all the way to Calvary.
    There were 
no heralds in the streets proclaiming the birth of a prince.  There was no 
news bulletin from the high priest's office in Jerusalem, six miles away, and 
no trumpets blaring from Herod's palace but a short distance from 
Bethlehem.  It was the world's most momentous event, but the world had 
nothing to say.  The press did not cover the story.  There was no 
mention of it in the papers, not even on the back page.
    But heaven 
was very aware of what was going on, and God Almighty sent an angel to declare 
the good news---to lowly shepherds tending their flock a mile or so away!  
In our culture that would be like breaking "the greatest news story ever" to a 
gathering of garbage 

RE: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
Sent: 12/20/2003 8:09:27 PM 
Subject: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

 Dean writes:

Kevin Her shield is up against us-we are only beating our swords against her shield-But she will lower it to bring one of a different doctrine to her home for dinner on Christmas Day-contrary to the Bible. I think one can help her in time as I consider her to be worth the effort- if she will lower that shield-if not it seems to be a waste of time. But don't let me stop you from trying.   Someone really did a number on her.
Judy:  Where does the Bible say I have to go out of the world and can not have a worldly person to my house? I know it says not to eat with a 'so called brother' who is actively sinning and unrepentant ie: 
Dean writes:  2 John 7-11
** Dean 2 John 7-11 addresses travelling teachers who come with the wrong doctrine. These men would stay at ppl's houses and speak to the body in that town.  Our Christmas guest is my daughter's friend  and he is not coming here as a spiritual teacher.  
Dean writes:12/21
Judy first you say they don't qualify because they "believe false doctrine" and when I show you that they are also included you say to me now that someone else invited them-sounds like garbage to me.The fact that they are you daughters friends makes the danger greater to your daughter-How do you think my son got pulled away-his friend was corruptmy advice is for you to get her away from that Mormon friend. But I'm sure David will approve of this also for he believes them to be Christians. David if you are proven to allow these Christians to be harmed on purpose-you will most definitely have an enemy for life.
"But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat.  For what have I do to to judge them also that are without?  do not ye judge them that are within?  Them that are without God judgeth.  Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person" (1 Cor 5:11,12)
The Mormons don't qualify because as you say Dean they believe false doctrine so they are not Christian brothers ... but wait a minute - what is a "railer?" (Strongs 3060) Mischief, abusive, railer, reviler, blackguard.  Hmmm would street preachers qualify as 'railers and mischief makers?'  I wonder what the Paul would say about climbing flag poles, waving Mormon underwear, and becoming a public curiosity?  Grace and Peace, Judy
Dean writes: I think Paul would approve 2 Cor.10:4-6 v4. ...,but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.v5  Casting down imaginations,and every thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,..
Judy:  Dean only thing is that this is our personal responsibility. We are to do this daily for our own lives and this is how our mind is renewed (when we persist).  It is impossible to do this for others or out on the street. I don't know how much the signs and truth horns affect ppl or how much of their attention you are able to get in the midst of all the distractions surrounding all of you.
Dean writes 12/21
It goes much farther then just a battle in our minds-it involves preaching. I suggest you get a commentary.
Concerning Banners  Psalm 60:4
Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee,that it may be displayed because of the truth. 
Learn to fear him and He may give you one also.
Dean: Sooner or later meat must be taken-as one cannot survive on milk alone.
Judy: I'm not sure where the above fits. Are you speaking of the milk/meat doctrines of Hebrews 6:1,2 like baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment?  You think these street ppl are ready for all that Dean?
Dean writes 12/21:
 I don't view it as are the street preachers ready to do that-I view it as is The Holy Ghost ready to do that-but yes as I have seen all of the above performed by the street preachers.

RE: [TruthTalk] Photo of ghost in Henry 8 castle

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
Sent: 12/20/2003 8:13:31 PM 
Subject: [TruthTalk] Photo of ghost in Henry 8 castle

From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 BTW, what do you mean, exactly, by “familiar spirits”? Why would a demon from a dead person hang around imitating them for centuries? Certainly they could go inhabit someone else.  No one’s explanation really seems correct to me. It seems we are missing something in our understanding of them. Izzy

Dean writes:
I view a familiar spirit as a ghost of some one you know-such as you great uncle or such.The Bible seem to indicate a Fam.Spirit as a spirit that dwells in someone.
2 Chr.33:6
1 CHR.10:13
1 Samuel 28:8
Dean, I looked these up, but they only seem to show that we should not try to contact the dead or use mediums.  They don’t seem to explain what a familiar spirit is. Izzy
**A familiar spirit is a family spirit.  One that is generational and familiar with a certain family line.
These are the spirits that give information at seances and tell things that only an intimate would know.
Dean writes 12/21:
I agree with Judy-makes sense-and agrees with the rest of the Bible-to my understanding.

RE: [TruthTalk] *****Ruben/Kevin

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore

> [Original Message]
> From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 12/20/2003 9:57:49 PM
> Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]  *Ruben/Kevin
> Dean wrote:
> > Why not ask Ruben or Kevin how I treat 
> > people on the street?
> Hi Dean.  Do you think that you treat people on the street with greater
> respect than you do DaveH on this list?  Just curious how you think
> about it.
Dean writes12/21:
  Yes I do to the best of my measure of faith -until they prove to be evil
as DaveH has proven to be-then I switch modes and deal with them as workers
of iniquity.

> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> --
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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Re: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Deegan 
Sent: 12/20/2003 10:35:07 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

Biblical separation is not just for in the Church. It is also not isolationism. What fellowship do you plan on having? If it is a way to mingle with the heathen LDS missionaries to witness. But it obviously should not break Gods commands as in 2Co 6:14.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 plainly states that the believer must not be "unequally yoked together with unbelievers"
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
Dean writes 12/21
Kevin do you also see a danger of getting to close to those that serve Satan?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

 Dean writes:

Kevin Her shield is up against us-we are only beating our swords against her shield-But she will lower it to bring one of a different doctrine to her home for dinner on Christmas Day-contrary to the Bible. I think one can help her in time as I consider her to be worth the effort- if she will lower that shield-if not it seems to be a waste of time. But don't let me stop you from trying.   Someone really did a number on her.
Judy:  Where does the Bible say I have to go out of the world and can not have a worldly person to my house? I know it says not to eat with a 'so called brother' who is actively sinning and unrepentant ie: 
Dean writes:  2 John 7-11
** Dean 2 John 7-11 addresses travelling teachers who come with the wrong doctrine. These men would stay at ppl's houses and speak to the body in that town.  Our Christmas guest is my daughter's friend  and he is not coming here as a spiritual teacher.  
"But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat.  For what have I do to to judge them also that are without?  do not ye judge them that are within?  Them that are without God judgeth.  Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person" (1 Cor 5:11,12)
The Mormons don't qualify because as you say Dean they believe false doctrine so they are not Christian brothers ... but wait a minute - what is a "railer?" (Strongs 3060) Mischief, abusive, railer, reviler, blackguard.  Hmmm would street preachers qualify as 'railers and mischief makers?'  I wonder what the Paul would say about climbing flag poles, waving Mormon underwear, and becoming a public curiosity?  Grace and Peace, Judy
Dean writes: I think Paul would approve 2 Cor.10:4-6 v4. ...,but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.v5  Casting down imaginations,and every thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,..
Judy:  Dean only thing is that this is our personal responsibility. We are to do this daily for our own lives and this is how our mind is renewed (when we persist).  It is impossible to do this for others or out on the street. I don't know how much the signs and truth horns affect ppl or how much of their attention you are able to get in the midst of all the distractions surrounding all of you.
Dean: Sooner or later meat must be taken-as one cannot survive on milk alone.
Judy: I'm not sure where the above fits. Are you speaking of the milk/meat doctrines of Hebrews 6:1,2 like baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment?  You think these street ppl are ready for all that Dean?

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Re: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Deegan 
Sent: 12/20/2003 10:45:21 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

Man this MORMON Doctrine is WHACKY!
Dean writes 12/21:
 Don't wish them God speed or good luck or happy new yearetc. Wait a minute did I say that or did St. Paul; say that,or was it Paul only-or did the spirit of God say that?Arsene Lupin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Just zipping by to say happy Holidays and share a bit of my faith to you guys. I wish you the best in the new year that comes!!TPWYULE (O.N. Jól)The Reason for the Season!Yule begins on Mother Night, (about Dec. 20) the night before the shortest day and the longest night (winter solstices). We honor the beginning of the Sun's return and the breaking of Winter, (which is most noticeable in five days) and is celebrated over a twelve day period. We know there will be no Fimbulwinter which proceeds Ragnarok.It is a time of the year when our deceased Ancestors are closest to us; this is when the dead (draugar) are more active than any other time. Yule is when Jólnir another name for Odinn leads the procession of the Wild Hunt through the sky's with sprits of humans, horses and dogs. This procession occurs during all twelve days of Yule.It is a tim
e for great feasting, honoring Thorr for driving back the frost jotuns, Frey to give us prosperity in the coming year, Odinn as leader of the Wild Hunt, and of course our Ancestors. Jólablót, have a Yule party with family and kindred. Decorate a tree with sunwheels and light a Yule Log.The Yule Tree is the symbol of our cosmology; it’s the Great tree Yggdrasil.>From the Voluspa;"Yggdrasil its name.With water white is the Great Tree wet;Thence come the dews that fall in the dales.Green by Urths well does it ever grow."And so the evergreen tree is the most appropriate, to remind us of the eternity of Yggdrasil, as it last through out winters Ever Green.The burning of a Yule Log is an ancient ritual; our ancestors kindled a huge oak log in honor of Thorr. Today we burn a smaller log during the Yule Season. When lighting the new Yule Log it should be with the charred remains of the previous year's log, which is, keep to guard the house against li
ghtning and fire.Twelfth Night (about Jan. 1) culminates the traditional twelve days of Yule. Our Ancestors at this time consecrated a boar to Frey, led it out so everyone present could lay their hand on the boar and swear a solemn Oath. This was to honor Frey for prosperity. Oaths sworn on the Oath-Boar are very binding during this time, than any other time of the year. Make a New Year's resolution in the old way by swearing your oath on Frey's boar or on your hammer.The Yule is no exception when it comes to christian plagiarism of other cultures Holidays. There is no doubt that the Yule Tree, Yule Log, the Singing and exchanging of Gifts are from our Northern Culture._Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=dept/bcomm&pgmarket=en-ca&RU=http%3a%2f%2fjoin.msn.com%2f%3fpage%3dmisc%2fspecialoffers%26pgmarket%3den-ca--"Let your speech be a
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[TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 
[Original Message]
> I hope you make some time to answer some of my posts along these 
lines.> I think the sin lies with those who excommunicate believers for 
their> theology rather than with someone like Judy who has a Mormon over 
for> the holidays.  Please stick around long enough to talk about 
it, rather> than just stating your position and running off.
Dean writes:As In stated earlier-I will stay around awhile-when last I 
was here-Ianswered/discussed these topic for over a year (Maybe 2)-How long 
would youhave me discuss the same issue? When have I ever spoken and run? If 
youever want me to come back to your site you have my e-mail address? But I 
amlimited on how much time I can spend with those of false doctrine. 
Dean thinking you alone have ALL the "right" 
doctrine and that nothing YOU
believe is false is a point of pride because none of us have the whole loaf (all of 
Jesus) we are all learners and we need each other. You bind 
ppl when you lock 
them into their present state with no hope that they can or will 
ever change.  
We changed and hopefully are still changing as we walk 
this highway of holiness, 
so why can't they, Lord willing?
The Mormon who is coming to our house for 
Christmas dinner is from
a poor family in the Solomon Islands, there 
are seven sons and the father is a
farmer there. This boy was raised 7th Day 
Adventist because those were the 
first missionaries to come to his island and apparently 
the whole island pretty 
much converted to that sect (I consider 7th Day 
Adventism to be legalistic and 
cultish also) but God will use whatever is 
This boy rebelled for some years until the Mormons found him 
and gave him 
hope for a future in the 
secular world.  He is studying at their University now.
I am not sure that he is 
permanently locked in to their theology but he 
it for now, I see him as someone with potential for 
whom Christ died.
If God could knock the pharisee Saul off his horse and 
save him, if He could 

follow me halfway around the world through 
years of vanity and pride not 
up on me, then why should I give up on other 
seemingly hopeless cases? How
can I give up on people 
and cut them off, judging by outward appearance 
Have you given a lot of 
prayer and thought to these issues Dean?  The NT 
is not a rule book and His banner over us is 
love, it is impossible to love 
and reject them at the same time.
Grace and Peace,

RE: [TruthTalk] *****Ruben/Kevin

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
If Dean treats them so badly, why do the hang around him? They can easily leave, he won't chase them. Why do they gather in a crowd around him. There was an LDS Missionary with his ID TAG on came repeatedly in spite of people even telling him they would turn him in to the Bishop for just Talking to me. He still came back! I am sure he did not even agree with me, but something (inside him?) drove him to come back time after time, over 2 days! His partner even tried to discourage him from continuing our conversations.
Why would someone say they were going to "TURN HIM IN TO THE BISHOP"?
 Is Mormonism a cult?Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Original Message]> From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Date: 12/20/2003 9:57:49 PM> Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] *Ruben/Kevin>> Dean wrote:> > Why not ask Ruben or Kevin how I treat > > people on the street?>> Hi Dean. Do you think that you treat people on the street with greater> respect than you do DaveH on this list? Just curious how you think> about it.Dean writes12/21:Yes I do to the best of my measure of faith -until they prove to be evilas DaveH has proven to be-then I switch modes and deal with them as workersof iniquity.>> Peace be with you.> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.>> --> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
 mayknow how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)http://www.InnGlory.org>> If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have afriend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.--"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
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Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Man this MORMON Doctrine is WHACKY!

  Dean writes 12/21:
  Don't wish them God speed or good luck or happy new yearetc. 
  Wait a minute did I say that or did St. Paul; say that,or was it 
  only-or did the spirit of God say 

  Actually it was the apostle John (the 
  beloved) who said it under the
  inspiration of the Holy Spirit - but in 
  balance and in context, he was
  speaking of teachers who travelled within the 
  known Church of that
  day and whose doctrine was a mess so they 
  were false teachers.
  Since TPW (Arsene Lupin) is a self confessed 
  pagan he does not 
  qualify as a "false Christian teacher" - and 
  the very same Spirit of
  God inspired the apostle Paul to write 
  that we are only to judge
  ourselves and those within the body of Christ 
  or Church - God 
  judges those outside the 
  Church.  Worldly people, 
  witches, &  
  Grace and Peace,
  Arsene Lupin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
zipping by to say happy Holidays and share a bit of my faith to you 
guys. I wish you the best in the new year that 
comes!!TPWYULE (O.N. Jsl)The Reason for the 
Season!Yule begins on Mother Night, (about Dec. 20) the night before 
the shortest day and the longest night (winter solstices). We honor the 
beginning of the Sun's return and the breaking of Winter, (which is most 
noticeable in five days) and is celebrated over a twelve day period. We 
know there will be no Fimbulwinter which proceeds Ragnarok.It is 
a time of the year when our deceased Ancestors are closest to us; this 
is when the dead (draugar) are more active than any other time. Yule is 
when Jslnir another name for Odinn leads the procession of the Wild Hunt 
through the sky's with sprits of humans, horses and dogs. This 
procession occurs during all twelve days of Yule.It is a tim e 
for great feasting, honoring Thorr for driving back the frost jotuns, 
Frey to give us prosperity in the coming year, Odinn as leader of the 
Wild Hunt, and of course our Ancestors. Jslablst, have a Yule party with 
family and kindred. Decorate a tree with sunwheels and light a Yule 
Log.The Yule Tree is the symbol of our cosmology; its the Great 
tree Yggdrasil.>From the Voluspa;"Yggdrasil its 
name.With water white is the Great Tree wet;Thence come the dews 
that fall in the dales.Green by Urths well does it ever 
grow."And so the evergreen tree is the most appropriate, to 
remind us of the eternity of Yggdrasil, as it last through out winters 
Ever Green.The burning of a Yule Log is an ancient ritual; our 
ancestors kindled a huge oak log in honor of Thorr. Today we burn a 
smaller log during the Yule Season. When lighting the new Yule Log it 
should be with the charred remains of the previous year's log, which is, 
keep to guard the house against li ghtning and fire.Twelfth 
Night (about Jan. 1) culminates the traditional twelve days of Yule. Our 
Ancestors at this time consecrated a boar to Frey, led it out so 
everyone present could lay their hand on the boar and swear a solemn 
Oath. This was to honor Frey for prosperity. Oaths sworn on the 
Oath-Boar are very binding during this time, than any other time of the 
year. Make a New Year's resolution in the old way by swearing your oath 
on Frey's boar or on your hammer.The Yule is no exception when 
it comes to christian plagiarism of other cultures Holidays. There is no 
doubt that the Yule Tree, Yule Log, the Singing and exchanging of Gifts 
are from our Northern 
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RE: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
Kevin wrote to TPW (The Pagan Wolf):
> Man this MORMON Doctrine is WHACKY!

For the record, TPW is a pagan, not a Mormon.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
I can give you a list of Names of Evangelical Christians, who got sucked in (cause they did not know their Bible), who spent years in the LDS Church. LDS Pride themselves on getting baptists to join. The majority of new converts from other are Baptist. People do get sucked in who are saved. They waste years and finally realize they got duped. Then when they leave they have all kinds of connections - (family) some of whom they leave behind, HOW SAD!
That is one reason why God warns.Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Deegan 
Sent: 12/20/2003 10:35:07 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

Biblical separation is not just for in the Church. It is also not isolationism. What fellowship do you plan on having? If it is a way to mingle with the heathen LDS missionaries to witness. But it obviously should not break Gods commands as in 2Co 6:14.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 plainly states that the believer must not be "unequally yoked together with unbelievers"
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
Dean writes 12/21
Kevin do you also see a danger of getting to close to those that serve Satan?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

 Dean writes:

Kevin Her shield is up against us-we are only beating our swords against her shield-But she will lower it to bring one of a different doctrine to her home for dinner on Christmas Day-contrary to the Bible. I think one can help her in time as I consider her to be worth the effort- if she will lower that shield-if not it seems to be a waste of time. But don't let me stop you from trying.   Someone really did a number on her.
Judy:  Where does the Bible say I have to go out of the world and can not have a worldly person to my house? I know it says not to eat with a 'so called brother' who is actively sinning and unrepentant ie: 
Dean writes:  2 John 7-11
** Dean 2 John 7-11 addresses travelling teachers who come with the wrong doctrine. These men would stay at ppl's houses and speak to the body in that town.  Our Christmas guest is my daughter's friend  and he is not coming here as a spiritual teacher.  
"But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat.  For what have I do to to judge them also that are without?  do not ye judge them that are within?  Them that are without God judgeth.  Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person" (1 Cor 5:11,12)
The Mormons don't qualify because as you say Dean they believe false doctrine so they are not Christian brothers ... but wait a minute - what is a "railer?" (Strongs 3060) Mischief, abusive, railer, reviler, blackguard.  Hmmm would street preachers qualify as 'railers and mischief makers?'  I wonder what the Paul would say about climbing flag poles, waving Mormon underwear, and becoming a public curiosity?  Grace and Peace, Judy
Dean writes: I think Paul would approve 2 Cor.10:4-6 v4. ...,but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.v5  Casting down imaginations,and every thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,..
Judy:  Dean only thing is that this is our personal responsibility. We are to do this daily for our own lives and this is how our mind is renewed (when we persist).  It is impossible to do this for others or out on the street. I don't know how much the signs and truth horns affect ppl or how much of their attention you are able to get in the midst of all the distractions surrounding all of you.
Dean: Sooner or later meat must be taken-as one cannot survive on milk alone.
Judy: I'm not sure where the above fits. Are you speaking of the milk/meat doctrines of Hebrews 6:1,2 like baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment?  You think these street ppl are ready for all that Dean?

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Re: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
Spirit of God inspired the apostle Paul to write that we are only to judge
ourselves and those within the body of Christ or Church 
Only to judge ourselves & those inside the church
Where did you get those limits on your judgement?

My BIBLE says 1 Co 2:15 "But he that is spiritual judgeth ALL things"

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Man this MORMON Doctrine is WHACKY!

Dean writes 12/21:
Don't wish them God speed or good luck or happy new yearetc. 
Wait a minute did I say that or did St. Paul; say that,or was it Paul 
only-or did the spirit of God say that?

Actually it was the apostle John (the beloved) who said it under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit - but in balance and in context, he was
speaking of teachers who travelled within the known Church of that
day and whose doctrine was a mess so they were false teachers.
Since TPW (Arsene Lupin) is a self confessed pagan he does not 
qualify as a "false Christian teacher" - and the very same Spirit of
God inspired the apostle Paul to write that we are only to judge
ourselves and those within the body of Christ or Church - God 
judges those outside the Church.  Worldly people, witches, &  
Grace and Peace,
Arsene Lupin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Just zipping by to say happy Holidays and share a bit of my faith to you guys. I wish you the best in the new year that comes!!TPWYULE (O.N. Jsl)The Reason for the Season!Yule begins on Mother Night, (about Dec. 20) the night before the shortest day and the longest night (winter solstices). We honor the beginning of the Sun's return and the breaking of Winter, (which is most noticeable in five days) and is celebrated over a twelve day period. We know there will be no Fimbulwinter which proceeds Ragnarok.It is a time of the year when our deceased Ancestors are closest to us; this is when the dead (draugar) are more active than any other time. Yule is when Jslnir another name for Odinn leads the procession of the Wild Hunt through the sky's with sprits of humans, horses and dogs. This procession occurs
 during all twelve days of Yule.It is a tim e for great feasting, honoring Thorr for driving back the frost jotuns, Frey to give us prosperity in the coming year, Odinn as leader of the Wild Hunt, and of course our Ancestors. Jslablst, have a Yule party with family and kindred. Decorate a tree with sunwheels and light a Yule Log.The Yule Tree is the symbol of our cosmology; its the Great tree Yggdrasil.>From the Voluspa;"Yggdrasil its name.With water white is the Great Tree wet;Thence come the dews that fall in the dales.Green by Urths well does it ever grow."And so the evergreen tree is the most appropriate, to remind us of the eternity of Yggdrasil, as it last through out winters Ever Green.The burning of a Yule Log is an ancient ritual; our ancestors kindled a huge oak log in honor of Thorr. Today we burn a smaller log during the Yule Season. When lighting the new Yule Log it should be
 with the charred remains of the previous year's log, which is, keep to guard the house against li ghtning and fire.Twelfth Night (about Jan. 1) culminates the traditional twelve days of Yule. Our Ancestors at this time consecrated a boar to Frey, led it out so everyone present could lay their hand on the boar and swear a solemn Oath. This was to honor Frey for prosperity. Oaths sworn on the Oath-Boar are very binding during this time, than any other time of the year. Make a New Year's resolution in the old way by swearing your oath on Frey's boar or on your hammer.The Yule is no exception when it comes to christian plagiarism of other cultures Holidays. There is no doubt that the Yule Tree, Yule Log, the Singing and exchanging of Gifts are from our Northern Culture._Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
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RE: [TruthTalk] Photo of ghost in Henry 8 castle

2003-12-21 Thread ShieldsFamily

See red response below:


Subject: [TruthTalk] Photo
of ghost in Henry 8 castle



"ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 BTW, what do you mean, exactly, by “familiar spirits”? Why would a
demon from a dead person hang around imitating them for centuries? Certainly
they could go inhabit someone else.  No one’s explanation really
seems correct to me. It seems we are missing something in our understanding of
them. Izzy

Dean writes:

I view a familiar spirit as a ghost of some one you
know-such as you great uncle or such.The Bible seem to indicate a Fam.Spirit
as a spirit that dwells in someone.

2 Chr.33:6

1 CHR.10:13

1 Samuel 28:8


Dean, I looked these up, but they only seem
to show that we should not try to contact the dead or use mediums.  They
don’t seem to explain what a familiar spirit is. Izzy


familiar spirit is a family spirit.  One that is generational and familiar
with a certain family line.

are the spirits that give information at seances and tell things that only an
intimate would know.


Dean writes 12/21:

I agree with Judy-makes sense-and agrees
with the rest of the Bible-to my understanding.


Dean, That still doesn’t answer my
question.  Why would they want to go around haunting a specific location,
mostly undetected, and imitate a dead person? Why wouldn’t they just go
indwell another living body/soul? Obviously they prefer living in a body; even
in an animal body.  Is it possible that these really are the souls of the
lost, stuck on this earth for some reason, perhaps awaiting Judgment Day? Or is
it possible that we don’t understand Time correctly, as God can see
everything at once? Our understanding is SO limited! (As you can see, I don’t
always accept the common beliefs simply because everyone else does unless I can
verify it in the Word—I like to explore other possibilities if it doesn’t
seem absolutely sure. J )  Any enquiring scientific
minds out there??? Izzy


Matthew 8:31  The
demons began to entreat Him,
saying, "If You are going to cast us out, send us into the herd of swine."


RE: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
I was just trying to be facetious, apparently not very well. 
It did not take long reading the post to see it was Pagan.
LDS do point to PAGANISM as a source of truth.
I was round about pointing out they both are whacky doctrines.
LDS are very PAGAN!David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin wrote to TPW (The Pagan Wolf):> Man this MORMON Doctrine is WHACKY!For the record, TPW is a pagan, not a Mormon.Peace be with you.David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.--"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
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RE: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
Watch out that those around you do not get decieved. I have seen christians talk to LDS decievers who full well knew what they were doing, in concealing the "meat" 
The christians could not find the differences, till someone who knew LDS doctrine drew them out. 
Here is part of an email I just recieved from a Frantic MOTHER

Please send in the mail to me, Information about Mormon Teachings, Baptism for the Dead, Pray about the Book of Mormon , Mormon Priesthood, Eternal Marriage and etc!!! Thank-You!!! I have a Son who is a Baptized Mormon!
Unfortunately it is a little late to learn LDS doctrine for her now.
A friend out west was concerned for his cousin who was being visited by LDS missionaries. He sat in on one of their visits. LDS missionaries FLAT OUT DENIED LDS doctrine, when asked by him. He jumped on the computer printed out some quotes. When confronted by the quotes in front of his cousin,  the LDS Missionary BLEW UP, and said "She is not ready for the meat yet"Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



- Original Message - 
Sent: 12/20/2003 8:09:27 PM 
Subject: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

 Dean writes:

Kevin Her shield is up against us-we are only beating our swords against her shield-But she will lower it to bring one of a different doctrine to her home for dinner on Christmas Day-contrary to the Bible. I think one can help her in time as I consider her to be worth the effort- if she will lower that shield-if not it seems to be a waste of time. But don't let me stop you from trying.   Someone really did a number on her.
Judy:  Where does the Bible say I have to go out of the world and can not have a worldly person to my house? I know it says not to eat with a 'so called brother' who is actively sinning and unrepentant ie: 
Dean writes:  2 John 7-11
** Dean 2 John 7-11 addresses travelling teachers who come with the wrong doctrine. These men would stay at ppl's houses and speak to the body in that town.  Our Christmas guest is my daughter's friend  and he is not coming here as a spiritual teacher.  
Dean writes:12/21
Judy first you say they don't qualify because they "believe false doctrine" and when I show you that they are also included you say to me now that someone else invited them-sounds like garbage to me.The fact that they are you daughters friends makes the danger greater to your daughter-How do you think my son got pulled away-his friend was corruptmy advice is for you to get her away from that Mormon friend. But I'm sure David will approve of this also for he believes them to be Christians. David if you are proven to allow these Christians to be harmed on purpose-you will most definitely have an enemy for life.
"But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat.  For what have I do to to judge them also that are without?  do not ye judge them that are within?  Them that are without God judgeth.  Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person" (1 Cor 5:11,12)
The Mormons don't qualify because as you say Dean they believe false doctrine so they are not Christian brothers ... but wait a minute - what is a "railer?" (Strongs 3060) Mischief, abusive, railer, reviler, blackguard.  Hmmm would street preachers qualify as 'railers and mischief makers?'  I wonder what the Paul would say about climbing flag poles, waving Mormon underwear, and becoming a public curiosity?  Grace and Peace, Judy
Dean writes: I think Paul would approve 2 Cor.10:4-6 v4. ...,but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.v5  Casting down imaginations,and every thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,..
Judy:  Dean only thing is that this is our personal responsibility. We are to do this daily for our own lives and this is how our mind is renewed (when we persist).  It is impossible to do this for others or out on the street. I don't know how much the signs and truth horns affect ppl or how much of their attention you are able to get in the midst of all the distractions surrounding all of you.
Dean writes 12/21
It goes much farther then just a battle in our minds-it involves preaching. I suggest you get a commentary.
Concerning Banners  Psalm 60:4
Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee,that it may be displayed because of the truth. 
Learn to fear him and He may give you one also.
Dean: Sooner or later meat must be taken-as one cannot survive on milk alone.
Judy: I'm not sure where the above fits. Are you speaking of the milk/meat doctrines of Hebrews 6:1,2 like baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment?  You think these street ppl are re

RE: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

2003-12-21 Thread ShieldsFamily

Kevin,  That’s why LDS (and
Scientologists) have “secret” ceremonies, etc.  If the
undoctrinated heard how RIDICULOUS their core beliefs are they would laugh
themselves silly!  So the uninitiated have to be treated like boiling a
frog: just turn up the heat inch by inch so they won’t notice the gradual
changes. “Meat” indeed—ROTTEN meat! Izzy


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Sunday,
 December 21, 2003 7:49 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You
are right.


Watch out that those around you do not get decieved. I have seen
christians talk to LDS decievers who full well knew what they were doing, in
concealing the "meat" 

The christians could not find the differences, till someone who knew
LDS doctrine drew them out. 

Here is part of an email I just recieved from a Frantic MOTHER

  Please send in the mail to me, Information about Mormon
  Teachings, Baptism for the Dead, Pray about the Book of Mormon , Mormon
  Priesthood, Eternal Marriage and etc!!! Thank-You!!! I have a Son who is
  a Baptized Mormon!
  Unfortunately it is a little late to learn LDS doctrine for
  her now.
  friend out west was concerned for his cousin who was being visited by LDS
  missionaries. He sat in on one of their visits. LDS missionaries FLAT OUT
  DENIED LDS doctrine, when asked by him. He jumped on the computer printed out
  some quotes. When confronted by the quotes in front of his cousin,  the
  LDS Missionary BLEW UP, and said "She is not ready for the meat

Dean Moore




- Original Message - 



Sent: 12/20/2003 8:09:27 PM 

Subject: [TruthTalk] Izzy
-You are right.


 Dean writes:

Kevin Her shield is up against us-we are only beating our swords against
her shield-But she will lower it to bring one of a different doctrine to her
home for dinner on Christmas Day-contrary to the Bible. I think one can help
her in time as I consider her to be worth the effort- if she will
lower that shield-if not it seems to be a waste of time. But don't let me stop
you from trying.   Someone really did a number on her.

Judy:  Where does the Bible say I have
to go out of the world and can not have a worldly person to my house? I know it
says not to eat with a 'so called brother' who is actively sinning and
unrepentant ie: 

Dean writes:  2 John 7-11

** Dean 2 John 7-11 addresses travelling teachers
who come with the wrong doctrine. These men would stay at ppl's houses and
speak to the body in that town.  Our Christmas guest is my daughter's
friend  and he is not coming here as a spiritual teacher.  

Dean writes:12/21

Judy first you say they don't qualify because
they "believe false doctrine" and when I show you that they are
also included you say to me now that someone else invited them-sounds like
garbage to me.The fact that they are you daughters friends makes the
danger greater to your daughter-How do you think my son got pulled away-his
friend was corruptmy advice is for you to get her away from that Mormon
friend. But I'm sure David will approve of this also for he believes them
to be Christians. David if you are proven to allow these Christians to be
harmed on purpose-you will most definitely have an enemy for life.


"But now I have written unto you not
to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or
covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with
such a one no not to eat.  For what have I do to to judge them also
that are without?  do not ye judge them that are within?  Them
that are without God judgeth.  Therefore put away from among
yourselves that wicked person" (1 Cor  5:11,12)

The Mormons don't qualify because as
you say Dean they believe false doctrine so they are not Christian
brothers ... but wait a minute - what is a "railer?" (Strongs 3060)
Mischief, abusive, railer, reviler, blackguard.  Hmmm would street
preachers qualify as 'railers and mischief makers?'  I wonder what the
Paul would say about climbing flag poles, waving Mormon underwear, and becoming
a public curiosity?  Grace and Peace, Judy

Dean writes: I think Paul would approve 2 Cor.10:4-6 v4. ...,but
mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.v5  Casting down
imaginations,and every thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,..

Judy:  Dean only thing is that this is our
personal responsibility. We are to do this daily for our own lives and this is
how our mind is renewed (when we persist).  It is impossible to do this
for others or out on the street. I don't know how much the signs and truth
horns affect ppl or how much of their attention you are able to get in the
midst of all the distractions surrounding all of you.

Dean writes 12/21

It goes muc

Re: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
What exactly is so BAD about a PUBLIC display of Temple attire?
Why also is the LDS HIGH PRIEST who asualted one of the "preachers", called a HERO
by the LDS? 
I call that a THUG!
My pastor would not asault someone for holding underwear?
Is this how yor HIGH PRIESTS behave?
Why the BIG Play on the emotions of others to try and pressure us to stop?
When that failed why the pressure thru city hall to write City ordinances to silence our speech & put away our signs & consign us to a location up the street?
We are getting through to LDS and the Church will do anything to silence us.
This includes FALSE news stories in the Church owned papers & TV stations.
Back room meetings with City government officials who are LDS.
It also Includes, PHYSICAL ASUALT by LDS BOUNCERS (those security guards with cameras & the little ear pieces like secret service) intimidation, & death threats.
What a wonderful community Salt Lake.
I really like the FITHY language of the LDS priests at the priesthood meetings. I have to go to the drunk crowd at the Mardi Gras to get the same filthy language.
Of all the other events even the UN Churched do not speak like that priesthood crowd.
I even have tape of some Priest saying G D
Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David Miller wrote:> Generally speaking, however, I don't think street preachers go out of> their way to be disrespectful. There are always exceptions.DAVEH: Would you think the public display of the street preachers in SLC waving LDS underwear is one of those exceptions?>>> Peace be with you.> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.>--~~~Dave Hansen[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.langlitz.com~~~If you wish to receivethings I find interesting,I maintain Five email lists...JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,STUFF and MOTORCYCLE.--"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive posts from this
 list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
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[TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Kevin Her shield is up against us-we are 
only beating our swords against her shield-But she will 
lower it to bring one of a different doctrine to her home for dinner on 
Christmas Day-contrary to the Bible. I think one can help her in time as I 
consider her to be worth the effort- if she will lower that 
shield-if not it seems to be a waste of time. But don't let me stop you from 
trying.   Someone really did a number on 
Judy:  Where does the Bible say I have to go out of the world 
and can not have a worldly person to my house? I know it says not to eat 
with a 'so called brother' who is actively sinning and 
unrepentant ie: 

writes:  2 John 7-11
** Dean 2 John 7-11 addresses travelling 
teachers who come with the wrong doctrine. These men would stay at ppl's 
houses and speak to the body in that town.  Our Christmas guest is my 
daughter's friend  and he is not coming here as a spiritual 
writes:12/21 - Judy 
first you say they don't qualify because they "believe false doctrine" and 
when I show you that they are also included you say to me now that 
someone else invited them-sounds like garbage to me.The fact that they are 
you daughters friends makes the danger greater to your daughter-How do 
you think my son got pulled away-his friend was corrupt my advice is for you 
to get her away from that Mormon friend. But I'm sure David will 
approve of this also for he believes them to be Christians. David if 
you are proven to allow these Christians to be harmed on purpose-you 
will most definitely have an enemy for 
Judy - Dean this is one person and my 
daughter is an adult. Too late for me to choose her friends for her, she 
knows the truth and she will bear full responsibility for her choices in 
life. I am presently  trusting the Lord to lead her.  I think you 
are being too hard on DavidM.  I have not read that he 
believes Mormons to be Christian, just that he finds dialogue with 
them interesting.  I am aware of our differences but I find them 
intelligent and respectful also.  We don't need to fear their influence 
when we are the ones who have the truth.  Jesus chose to go 
through Samaria and speak to that woman at the well didn't He? at a time 
when the Jews had completely separated themselves and viewed the 
Samaritans as "UNCLEAN"   Look  how I've learned to 
change text colors from DaveH it's fun - so all has not been a total 
loss even if he never embraces my Lord and Savior which is my hope and 
prayer for him.

I wrote: "But now I have written unto you not to keep 
company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or 
covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; 
with such a one no not to eat.  For what have I do to to judge 
them also that are without?  do not ye judge them that are 
within?  Them that are without God judgeth.  Therefore 
put away from among yourselves that wicked person" (1 Cor 
The Mormons don't qualify because as 
you say Dean they believe false doctrine so they are not Christian 
brothers ... but wait a minute - what is a "railer?" (Strongs 3060) 
Mischief, abusive, railer, reviler, blackguard.  Hmmm would street 
preachers qualify as 'railers and mischief makers?'  I wonder what the 
Paul would say about climbing flag poles, waving Mormon underwear, and 
becoming a public curiosity?  Grace and Peace, 
writes: I think Paul would approve 2 
Cor.10:4-6 v4. ...,but mighty through God to the pulling down of 
strongholds.v5  Casting down imaginations,and every thing that exalts 
itself against the knowledge of God,..
Judy:  Dean only thing is that this 
is our personal responsibility. We are to do this daily for our own lives 
and this is how our mind is renewed (when we persist).  It is 
impossible to do this for others or out on the street. I don't know how much 
the signs and truth horns affect ppl or how much of their attention you are 
able to get in the midst of all the distractions surrounding all of 
writes 12/21
It goes 
much farther then just a battle in our minds-it involves preaching. I 
suggest you get a commentary.  Concerning Banners  
Psalm 60:4 - Thou hast given a banner to them that 
fear thee,that it may be displayed because of the truth.  
Learn to fear him and He may give you one 
Judy:   I don't know what 
Commentary you are reading Dean but ensigns/standards are an OT thing, in 
Numbers they were told to put them where the tribes were to camp and they 
were used to lead armies into battle, this is what David refers to in

[TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spirit of God inspired the apostle Paul to write that we are only to 

ourselves and those within the body of Christ 
or Church 
Only to judge ourselves & those inside the 
Where did you get those limits on your judgement?

My BIBLE says 1 Co 2:15 "But he that is spiritual judgeth ALL 
As DavidM has been trying to communicate there 
is a difference between
judging people and judging 
doctrine/ideas.  Sure those who are spiritual
are qualified to judge ALL things and you can 
know where a person is at.
Discipline should be a priority in the 
Church but scripture does not give carte
blanche permission to Christians to judge 
all people - those 
outside the 
Church are God's responsibility - We are to speak the Truth to them in 

love as God gives the opportunity and leave the 
results with Him, He 
deals with them.

  From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Man this MORMON Doctrine is WHACKY!
Dean writes 12/21:
Don't wish them God speed or good luck or happy new 
Wait a minute did I say that or did St. Paul; say that,or was 
it Paul 
only-or did the spirit of God say 
Actually it was the apostle John (the 
beloved) who said it under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit - but in 
balance and in context, he was
speaking of teachers who travelled within 
the known Church of that
day and whose doctrine was a mess so they 
were false teachers.
Since TPW (Arsene Lupin) is a self 
confessed pagan he does not 

qualify as a "false Christian teacher" - 
and the very same Spirit of
God inspired the apostle Paul to write 
that we are only to judge
ourselves and those within the body of 
Christ or Church - God 
judges those outside the 
Church.  Worldly people, 
witches, &  
Grace and Peace,
Arsene Lupin 
  zipping by to say happy Holidays and share a bit of my faith to you 
  guys. I wish you the best in the new year that 
  comes!!TPWYULE (O.N. Jsl)The Reason for 
  the Season!Yule begins on Mother Night, (about Dec. 20) the night 
  before the shortest day and the longest night (winter solstices). We 
  honor the beginning of the Sun's return and the breaking of Winter, 
  (which is most noticeable in five days) and is celebrated over a 
  twelve day period. We know there will be no Fimbulwinter which 
  proceeds Ragnarok.It is a time of the year when our deceased 
  Ancestors are closest to us; this is when the dead (draugar) are more 
  active than any other time. Yule is when Jslnir another name for Odinn 
  leads the procession of the Wild Hunt through the sky's with sprits of 
  humans, horses and dogs. This procession occurs during all twelve days 
  of Yule.It is a tim e for great feasting, honoring Thorr for 
  driving back the frost jotuns, Frey to give us prosperity in the 
  coming year, Odinn as leader of the Wild Hunt, and of course our 
  Ancestors. Jslablst, have a Yule party with family and kindred. 
  Decorate a tree with sunwheels and light a Yule Log.The Yule Tree 
  is the symbol of our cosmology; its the Great tree 
  Yggdrasil.>From the Voluspa;"Yggdrasil its 
  name.With water white is the Great Tree wet;Thence come the dews 
  that fall in the dales.Green by Urths well does it ever 
  grow."And so the evergreen tree is the most appropriate, to 
  remind us of the eternity of Yggdrasil, as it last through out winters 
  Ever Green.The burning of a Yule Log is an ancient ritual; our 
  ancestors kindled a huge oak log in honor of Thorr. Today we burn a 
  smaller log during the Yule Season. When lighting the new Yule Log it 
  should be with the charred remains of the previous year's log, which 
  is, keep to guard the house against li ghtning and 
  fire.Twelfth Night (about Jan. 1) culminates the traditional 
  twelve days of Yule. Our Ancestors at this time consecrated a boar to 
  Frey, led it out so everyone present could lay their hand on the boar 
  and swear a solemn Oath. This was to honor Frey for prosperity. Oaths 
  sworn on the Oath-Boar are very binding during this time, than any 
  other time of the year. Make a New Year's resolution in the old way by 
  swearing your oath on Frey's boar or on your hammer.The Yule 
  is no exception when it comes to christian plagiarism of other 
  cultures Holidays. There is no doubt that the Yule Tree, Yule Log, the 
  Singing and exchanging of Gifts are from our Northern 
  STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* 

[TruthTalk] The Meat/Kevin

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Watch out that those around you do not get decieved. I have seen christians 
talk to LDS decievers who full well 
knew what they were doing, in concealing the "meat"  The christians 
could not find the differences, till someone who 
knew LDS doctrine drew them out. 
Here is part of an email I just recieved from a Frantic MOTHER - 

How sad but then God has warned that He will allow 
false prophets to test the hearts of His people. I remember being amused when I 
read about Martin Luther's response to the teachings of Aristotle (which 
BTW the RCC loves, Thomas Aquinas mixed Aristotle with scripture and this is 
part of their Holy tradition). Luther called Aristotle a pagan wretch and 
claimed that the church of his (Luther's) day was more interested in 
Aristotle's sayings than they were in the sayings of Christ himself, he believed 
that God had made Aristotle a plague to them on account of their 
Look at what is happening in our day.  I think it 
was you Kevin who noted that Baptists are the easiest denomination that Mormons 
find to convert - I am not surprised. To begin with Baptists are many times 
converted by a Calvinistic theology which assures them after they say their 
prayer that "once saved is always saved" so they happily go on their 
way making little or no effort to study and hide God's Word in their 
hearts.  They are taught that salvation is a one time affair rather than a 
daily walk of grace and so they are ignorant of the warfare they have entered 
into and don't know how to stand in the day of trouble.  The state of 
the Church today is our sin - Do you think God may have made the Mormons a 
plague on account of OUR sin? because as you point out, it is now a bit 
late for that mother to warn her son.


  Kevin Her shield is up against us-we 
  are only beating our swords against her shield-But she will 
  lower it to bring one of a different doctrine to her home for dinner on 
  Christmas Day-contrary to the Bible. I think one can help her in time as I 
  consider her to be worth the effort- if she will lower that 
  shield-if not it seems to be a waste of time. But don't let me stop you 
  from trying.   Someone really did a number on 
  Judy:  Where does the Bible say I have to go out of the world 
  and can not have a worldly person to my house? I know it says not to eat 
  with a 'so called brother' who is actively sinning and 
  unrepentant ie: 
  writes:  2 John 7-11
  ** Dean 2 John 7-11 addresses 
  travelling teachers who come with the wrong doctrine. These men would stay 
  at ppl's houses and speak to the body in that town.  Our Christmas 
  guest is my daughter's friend  and he is not coming here as a 
  spiritual teacher.  
  Judy first you say 
  they don't qualify because they "believe false doctrine" and when I 
  show you that they are also included you say to me now that someone else 
  invited them-sounds like garbage to me.The fact that they are you 
  daughters friends makes the danger greater to your daughter-How do 
  you think my son got pulled away-his friend was corruptmy advice is for 
  you to get her away from that Mormon friend. But I'm sure David will 
  approve of this also for he believes them to be Christians. David if 
  you are proven to allow these Christians to be harmed on purpose-you 
  will most definitely have an enemy for 
  "But now I have written unto you not to keep company 
  if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, 
  or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with 
  such a one no not to eat.  For what have I do to to judge them 
  also that are without?  do not ye judge them that are 
  within?  Them that are without God judgeth.  
  Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person" (1 Cor 
  The Mormons don't qualify because as 
  you say Dean they believe false doctrine so they are not 
  Christian brothers ... but wait a minute - what is a "railer?" (Strongs 
  3060) Mischief, abusive, railer, reviler, blackguard.  Hmmm would 
  street preachers qualify as 'railers and mischief makers?'  I wonder 
  what the Paul would say about climbing flag poles, waving Mormon 
  underwear, and becoming a public curiosity?  Grace and Peace, 
  writes: I think Paul would approve 2 
  Cor.10:4-6 v4. ...,but mighty through God to the pulling down of 
  strongholds.v5  Casting down imaginations,and every thing that exalts 
  itself against the knowledge of God,..
  Judy:  Dean only thing is that 

[TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email

2003-12-21 Thread Arsene Lupin

The best argument I've heard yet for Believers to NOT have a Christmas 
TPW, did you ever actually answer David Miller's question directly when he
asked if you were the one who sent the lewd and threatening email regarding
his daughter? Until you actually deny this I will not talk to you. You have
only insinuated that you did not, to my observance. Izzy
Izzy: I got waay too much class to be lewd!! AND NO I DIDN'T SEND THAT 

On that note, Happy Holidays!!


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RE: [TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email

2003-12-21 Thread Charles Perry Locke

AP, TPW, why do you not reveal your real name as most of the TT'rs have. Is there something you're afraid of, or are you hiding from someone or something?
>From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email 
>Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 14:42:30 + 
>>The best argument I've heard yet for Believers to NOT have a 
>>Christmas tree. 
>>TPW, did you ever actually answer David Miller's question directly 
>>when he 
>>asked if you were the one who sent the lewd and threatening email 
>>his daughter? Until you actually deny this I will not talk to you. 
>>You have 
>>only insinuated that you did not, to my observance. Izzy 
>Izzy: I got waay too much class to be lewd!! AND NO I DIDN'T SEND 
>On that note, Happy Holidays!! 
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Re: **Possible_Spam** [TruthTalk] Essay by Leroy Garrett (something to ponder)

2003-12-21 Thread Terry Clifton

Thanks Judy.  Iwill save this one and forward it to many 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 5:33 
  Subject: **Possible_Spam** [TruthTalk] 
  Essay by Leroy Garrett (something to ponder)
  [Essay Number 
  brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid 
  Him in a manger, for there was no room for them in the inn."---Lk. 
  first Christmas was not exactly a greeting card setting with all its 
  unreality---snow-covered cottages with bright lights within, Frosty the 
  snowman, peaceful country scenes, mesmerized animals surrounding the Christ 
  child in a sanitized atmosphere.  A card 
  that depicted the way it really was might be revolting---a bone-tired pregnant 
  girl, a worried husband, streets crowded with people on an unpopular errand, 
  an indifferent innkeeper, a dark, cold cave crowded with smelly animals, a 
  feeding trough for a cradle.
  and Mary had probably walked the eighty miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem, 
  being the poor family they were.  If they had a donkey or mule to carry 
  their supplies, there may have been room for Mary to ride part of the 
  time.  A pregnant girl on the way to the hospital on a mule!  Not 
  exactly like going in a BMW!  They would hardly make fifteen miles a 
  pilgrims, also on their way to Bethlehem to be registered but less burdened, 
  would pass them by.  For upwards of a week---night after night---Joseph 
  had to find a place for his wife, heavy with child.  He well knew that 
  she might give birth anytime, day or night, along the way. He didn't know that 
  it was in the script---foretold by the prophets---that the child would be born 
  in Bethlehem.  The God of heaven moved a pagan king to declare a tax 
  registration in order to move a pregnant girl eighty miles so that she would 
  be at the right place at the right time!  But poor Joseph didn't know 
  that.  He was one worried husband.
  Bethlehem streets were filled with a mix of cultures from far and near. 
   The few who could afford the paltry sum had filled the only inn in 
  town.  Even the inn provided only the barest shelter.  Guests 
  brought their own bedding and food, and drew their own water.  Many were 
  sleeping in the alleys and the streets, huddled around improvised fires.  
  But a woman whose time was near needed to be inside---anywhere.  Justin 
  Martyr, who lived within a century of the event, says it was a cave, next to 
  the inn, where the expectant couple took refuge.  It housed the animals 
  of those who stayed at the inn.  Hardly a place to serve as a delivery 
      Like all 
  such caves, particularly one that served as a stable, it was dark, drafty, 
  dirty and dismal.  Rats and bats dwell in caves, and pariah dogs 
  scavenger there.  Noise from the streets and the inn would be 
  incessant.  The animals, even if obnoxious, provided some 
  heat against the cold night.  Joseph found a place amidst the straw 
  for Mary.  Weary and fatigued, she could at last rest.  Heaven had 
  set the stage for the world's most celebrated event.  It was December 25, 
  4 B.C.  The eminent Jewish Christian scholar, Alfred Edersheim, says 
  that date is probably correct.
  that evening the Christ was born.  To a Jewish peasant girl, not a Roman 
  princess.  In a stable amidst snorting horses and bellowing 
  oxen, not in a palace with royalty in attendance, including doctors and 
  nurses.  In an insignificant village---"the least of the clans of 
  Judah"---not in sophisticated Athens or powerful Rome.  He was lovingly 
  and snugly wrapped in long, narrow bands of cloth by his own mother and laid 
  it in a hay trough.  He was not wrapped in a royal wool blanket and 
  placed in a gold-studded bassinet stamped with the insignia of a 
  exactly the stuff of Christmas cards depicting old English villages, with 
  ladies in sedan-chairs, or a coach bowling merrily along pulled by handsome 
  stallions.  Or a plastic tree sprayed with artificial snow and bedecked 
  with flashing lights and all sorts of figurines. It was not the makings 
  for a pretty-pretty little Christmas.  It was ugly---the real world of 
  ugly reality. There was bartering in the streets, endless chattering, and the 
  boisterous noise of revelry all night long.  The Christ was born into a 
  world of sin, suffering, and sorrow.  It began for him that night when 
  but a babe.  It persisted all the way to Calvary.
  were no heralds in the streets proclaiming the birth of a prince.  There 
  was no news bulletin from the high priest's office in Jerusalem, six miles 
  away, and no trumpets blaring from Herod's palace but a short distance 

[TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
What exactly is so BAD about a PUBLIC display of Temple attire?
It is like getting in someone's face and telling them 
they are 'a dirty, rotten, sinner' kind of 

like Holy Hubert did.  There is a difference 
between holding up Christ as an ensign - like 
picture in the wilderness where the ppl who were snake 
bitten looked and were healed and 
waving Mormon underwear which would put their 
backs up and put them on the defensive
immediately. I don't see that as being too 
smart.  You can win small battles and lose the war.
Why also is the LDS HIGH PRIEST who asualted one of the "preachers", called 
by the LDS? I call that a THUG! My pastor would not asault someone for 
holding underwear?
Is this how yor HIGH PRIESTS behave?
You fellows were tweaking him on purpose Kevin and his 
reaction was violent because to 
him those garments are 
sacred whether it makes any sense to you or not.
Why the BIG Play on the emotions of others to try and pressure us to 
stop?  When that failed 
why the pressure thru city hall to write City ordinances to silence our 
speech & put away our 
signs & consign us to a location up the street?
How is it you can't understand this Kevin?  Put 
yourself in their shoes ... This is the kind of 
thing that in the long run 
will bring the wrong kind of attention to all religions, the kind 
the Christian Church does not want or need. Our 
National Constitution guarantees freedom
of religion for everyone and that includes the 
Mormons.  What we (the Christian Church) 

need to do is get our own act together as a body of 
We are getting through to LDS and the Church will do anything to silence 
us. This includes FALSE 
news stories in the Church owned papers & TV stations. Back room 
meetings with City government 
officials who are LDS. It also Includes, PHYSICAL ASUALT by LDS BOUNCERS 
(those security 
guards with cameras & the little ear pieces like secret service) 
intimidation, & death threats.
Sure - You are a threat to their peace and you are 
coming against what they hold to be sacred.
Jesus didn't cast himself down from the pillar of the 
temple so why do it today and think there
will be no consequences?
What a wonderful community Salt Lake. I really like the FITHY language of 
the LDS priests at 
the priesthood meetings. I have to go to the drunk crowd at the Mardi Gras 
to get the same 
filthy language. Of all the other events even the UN Churched do not speak 
like that priesthood 
crowd.  I even have tape of some Priest saying G D
An unclean spirit acts unclean - Look at Strom Thurmond 
the honored Senator who was also a
Freemason (same spirit). He secretly threw a few 
dollars at the girl born to him by his parents 
16yr old black maid while publicly spouting 
hateful nonsense about segregation not long after 
she was born ie "There's not enough troops in the Army 
to force the Southern people to break 
down segregation and admit the Negro race into our 
theaters, into our swimming pools, into our
homes and into our churches," (I guess that didn't 
include his own bed).  Mormonism is the same
they have a segregated priesthood which is every bit as 
hypocritical but then what do we expect
like begets like?
Grace and Peace,
Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Miller wrote:> Generally speaking, however, I don't think street 
  preachers go out of> their way to be disrespectful. There are always 
  exceptions.DAVEH: Would you think the public display of the street 
  preachers in SLC waving LDS underwear is one of those 
  exceptions?>>> Peace be with you.> David 
  Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.>--~~~Dave 
  Hansen[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.langlitz.com~~~If 
  you wish to receivethings I find interesting,I maintain Five email 
  MOTORCYCLE.--"Let your speech be always with grace, 
  seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." 
  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive 
  posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you 
  will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send 
  an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

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RE: [TruthTalk] Photo of ghost in Henry 8 castle

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
From: ShieldsFamily 
Sent: 12/21/2003 9:38:15 AM 
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Photo of ghost in Henry 8 castle

See red response below:

Subject: [TruthTalk] Photo of ghost in Henry 8 castle



From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 BTW, what do you mean, exactly, by “familiar spirits”? Why would a demon from a dead person hang around imitating them for centuries? Certainly they could go inhabit someone else.  No one’s explanation really seems correct to me. It seems we are missing something in our understanding of them. Izzy

Dean writes:
I view a familiar spirit as a ghost of some one you know-such as you great uncle or such.The Bible seem to indicate a Fam.Spirit as a spirit that dwells in someone.
2 Chr.33:6
1 CHR.10:13
1 Samuel 28:8
Dean, I looked these up, but they only seem to show that we should not try to contact the dead or use mediums.  They don’t seem to explain what a familiar spirit is. Izzy
**A familiar spirit is a family spirit.  One that is generational and familiar with a certain family line.
These are the spirits that give information at seances and tell things that only an intimate would know.
Dean writes 12/21:
I agree with Judy-makes sense-and agrees with the rest of the Bible-to my understanding.
Dean, That still doesn’t answer my question.  Why would they want to go around haunting a specific location, mostly undetected, and imitate a dead person? Why wouldn’t they just go indwell another living body/soul? Obviously they prefer living in a body; even in an animal body.  Is it possible that these really are the souls of the lost, stuck on this earth for some reason, perhaps awaiting Judgment Day? Or is it possible that we don’t understand Time correctly, as God can see everything at once? Our understanding is SO limited! (As you can see, I don’t always accept the common beliefs simply because everyone else does unless I can verify it in the Word—I like to explore other possibilities if it doesn’t seem absolutely sure. J )&nb
sp; Any enquiring scientific minds out there??? Izzy
Matthew 8:31  The demons began to entreat Him, saying, "If You are going to cast us out, send us into the herd of swine."
Dean writes:
I am sure I can answer your question-other then saying that if these familiar were to leave where would they Go? They are not good or the Bible would not have warned us against them-so to me their only other option would seem to be hell itself.
Matt.8:29 art thou come hither to torment us before the time?
These have a time of suffering coming-and apparently Jesus does the tormenting when the appointed time comes-I would guess that they would want to stay away from the suffering as long as possible.
  Judy.Have you noticed how I started using lines under my passages to separate the replies-I learned this from Ruben-works well. I also have been using colors for some time now and I didn't learn this from DaveH.

Re: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Terry Clifton

If the below be true, how can Jesus tell the vast majority of 
those He loved,"I never knew you.  Depart from me".

  , it is impossible to 
  love people
  and reject them at the same time.
  Grace and Peace,

[TruthTalk] Photo of ghost in Henry 8 castle

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

See red response 

  From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 BTW, what do you mean, 
exactly, by familiar 
spirits? Why would a demon from a dead person hang around imitating them 
for centuries? Certainly they could go inhabit someone else.  No ones 
explanation really seems correct to me. It seems we are missing something in 
our understanding of them. Izzy

  Dean writes:
  I view a familiar spirit as a 
  ghost of some one you know-such as you great uncle or such.The Bible seem 
  to indicate a Fam.Spirit as a spirit that dwells in 
  2 Chr.33:6
  1 CHR.10:13
  1 Samuel 
  Dean, I 
  looked these up, but they only seem to show that we should not try to 
  contact the dead or use mediums.  They dont seem to explain what a 
  familiar spirit is. Izzy
  familiar spirit is a family spirit.  One that is generational and 
  familiar with a certain family line.
  are the spirits that give information at seances and tell things that only 
  an intimate would know.
  Dean writes 
  I agree 
  with Judy-makes sense-and agrees with the rest of the Bible-to my 
  Dean, That still 
  doesnt answer my question.  Why would they want to go around 
  haunting a specific location, mostly undetected, and imitate a dead 
  person? Why wouldnt they just go indwell another living body/soul? 
  Obviously they prefer living in a body; even in an animal body.  Is 
  it possible that these really are the souls of the lost, stuck on this 
  earth for some reason, perhaps awaiting Judgment Day? Or is it possible 
  that we dont understand Time correctly, as God can see everything at 
  once? Our understanding is SO limited! (As you can see, I dont always 
  accept the common beliefs simply because everyone else does unless I can 
  verify it in the WordI like to explore other possibilities if it doesnt 
  seem absolutely sure. J )&nb sp; Any 
  enquiring scientific minds out there??? Izzy
  The demons 
  began to entreat Him, saying, "If You are going to cast us out, send us 
  into the herd of swine."
  Dean writes:
  I am sure I can answer your question-other then 
  saying that if these familiar were to leave where would they Go? They are 
  not good or the Bible would not have warned us against them-so to me their 
  only other option would seem to be hell itself.
  Matt.8:29 art thou come hither to torment us 
  before the time?
  These have a time of suffering coming-and 
  apparently Jesus does the tormenting when the appointed time comes-I would 
  guess that they would want to stay away from the suffering as long as 
    Judy.Have you noticed how I started 
  using lines under my passages to separate the replies-I learned this from 
  Ruben-works well. I also have been using colors for some time now and I 
  didn't learn this from DaveH.
  Looks like we agree on this subject 
  Dean - I don't know everything about these spirits but I do believe that 
  if the person they were inhabiting died leaving no offspring 
  or they had no ground upon which to enter that they would wander 
  around until a new home showed up. Also we have the example in Matt 
  12:44-46 of someone who was
  delivered (house swept and garnished) but who 
  didn't fill it with the right thing and the spirit they had before came 
  back with a lot more friends.  
  I see this situation as something like Baptists who are seduced by 
  the Mormon spirit.  WDYT?
  Ruben's lines are a good idea - I hadn't noticed 
  you using the colors before but that's fun also.
  Grace and Peace,

[TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
If the below be true, how can Jesus tell the vast majority 

of those He loved,"I never knew you.  Depart from 

  I wrote:  it 
  is impossible to love people and reject them at the 
  same time.
  Grace and Peace,
  ** Jesus loved all of us enough to die for us 
  which so far as I'm 
  concerned is genuine love.  He offers us eternal 
  life on His terms not ours 
  and His terms are that we fulfill the law of Christ 
  or 'royal law' which is "LOVE"
  He says that if we love him we will do what He says 
  (John 14:15,23)
  He promises the crown of life to them that love him 
  (James 1:12)
  He promises the Kingdom to them that love Him (James 
  Mark 12:30,31 says there is no commandment greater 
  than LOVE
  Luke 6:35,36 says that God is kind to the unthankful 
  and to the evil.
  Romans 13:10 says that love works no ill to anyone 
  and love is the 
  fulfilling of God's Law 
  1 John 5:2,3 says - 
  For this is the love of God that we keep 
  His commandments.
  By the time Jesus tells these people who thought they 
  were serving Him
  'depart from me you who practice lawlessness' they 
  will have had time to
  get it together. It is our responsibility to search 
  the scriptures and learn
  what is expected of us.  No man got us into the 
  Kingdom and no man can
  kick us out.  But I don't believe many of us 
  understand this kind of love
  because it's spiritual and so we try to 
  transpose what we have been used 
  to which is really no love at all, it is performance 
  oriented acceptance.
  Hope this makes what I'm trying to communicate a 
  little clearer.
  Grace and Peace,

RE: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore


Why the BIG Play on the emotions of others to try and pressure us to stop?  When that failed 
why the pressure thru city hall to write City ordinances to silence our speech & put away our 
signs & consign us to a location up the street?
How is it you can't understand this Kevin?  Put yourself in their shoes ... This is the kind of 
thing that in the long run will bring the wrong kind of attention to all religions, the kind that
the Christian Church does not want or need. Our National Constitution guarantees freedom
of religion for everyone and that includes the Mormons.  What we (the Christian Church) 
need to do is get our own act together as a body of believers.
Dean writes 12/21:
Brother Kevin, I just read a sermon by J.Wesley entitled "Sermon on the Mount 12" and in this sermon he dealt with the issue of false prophets.I found the area of identifying these false teachers to be very interesting as they not only point to DaveH but also others on this site. I will quote some of this sermon for you:
 These are false prophets of the highest sense of the word. These are traitors both of God and man. These are no more than the first born of Satan; the eldest sons of Apollyon,the Destroyer. These are far above the ranks of ordinary cut-throats;for they murder the souls of men
But do they come now in their own shape? By no means. If it were so,they could not destory.You would take the alarm,and flee for your life. Therefore they put on a quite contrary appearance:... "They come to you in sheeps clothing,although inward they are ravening wolves."
They come to you in sheeps clothen; that is with an appearance of harmlessness. They come in the most mild,inoffensive manner,without any any mark or token of enmity...
They come secondly, with a appearance of usefulness. Indeed to this,to do good,they are particularity called. They are set apart for this very thing... It is their whole business,to "go about doing good, and heal those that are oppressed of the devil." And you have been always accustomed to look upon them in this light, as messages of God,sent to bring you a blessing.
They come,Thirdly,with an appearance of religion. All they do is for conscience' sake!  They assure you, it is out of mere zeal for God,that they make God a liar. It is out of pure concern for religion,that they would destroy it root and branch. All they speak is only from love of truth, and a fear lest it would suffer; and, it may be, from a regard for the church, and a desire to defend her from all her enemies.
 Above all, they come with an appearance of loveTherefore it is that they advise you to keep still, in the plain middle way; and to beware of "being righteous overmuch," Lest you should "destroy yourself."
Our Blessed Lord saw how needful it was for all men to know  false prophetsHe therefore gave us a short and plain rule...and easy to be applied upon all occasions: "Ye shall know then by their fruits."... Do you expect that these evil men should being good fruit...They who,in fact, being the proud, passionate, unmerciful, lovers of the world, to be lowly, gentle...they are true Prophets; they are sent from God.
My dear brethren,harden not your hearts! You have too long shut you eyes against the light. Open them now before it is too late; before you are cast into outer darkness! Let not any temporal consideration weigh with you; for eternity is at stake. Ye have run before you were sent. O go no farther! Do not persist to damn yourselves and them that here you! You have no fruit for your labors. And why is this? Even because the Lord is not with you. But can you go this warfare at your own cost? It cannot be. Then humble yourself before him. Cry unto him out of the dust,that he may first quicken thy soul;...
After so many years how many souls has Judy lead to God-did lead one person to God?By their fruits we will know them. Now read the blue (above) again.


Re: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-21 Thread Marlin Halverson
Izzy: "The best argument I've heard yet for Believers to NOT have a
Christmas tree."

Again, Gentiles who turned to God did not identify with their past heritage
or ways.  They repented:
  Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as
ye were led.  1CO 12:2
  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the
temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk
in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  2CO 6:16
  For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you,
and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;  1TH
  Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.  1JO 5:21
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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RE: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
Sent: 12/21/2003 11:51:01 AM 
Subject: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
If the below be true, how can Jesus tell the vast majority 
of those He loved,"I never knew you.  Depart from me".

I wrote:  it is impossible to love people and reject them at the same time.
Grace and Peace,
** Jesus loved all of us enough to die for us which so far as I'm 
concerned is genuine love.  He offers us eternal life on His terms not ours 
and His terms are that we fulfill the law of Christ or 'royal law' which is "LOVE"
He says that if we love him we will do what He says (John 14:15,23)
He promises the crown of life to them that love him (James 1:12)
He promises the Kingdom to them that love Him (James 2:5)

Mark 12:30,31 says there is no commandment greater than LOVE
Luke 6:35,36 says that God is kind to the unthankful and to the evil.
Romans 13:10 says that love works no ill to anyone and love is the 
fulfilling of God's Law 
1 John 5:2,3 says - For this is the love of God that we keep 
His commandments.
By the time Jesus tells these people who thought they were serving Him
'depart from me you who practice lawlessness' they will have had time to
get it together. 
Dean writes:
Where in hell? Look and see where they had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:

It is our responsibility to search the scriptures and learn
what is expected of us.  No man got us into the Kingdom and no man can
kick us out.  But I don't believe many of us understand this kind of love
because it's spiritual and so we try to transpose what we have been used 
to which is really no love at all, it is performance oriented acceptance.
Hope this makes what I'm trying to communicate a little clearer.
Grace and Peace,

[TruthTalk] Dean & Ruben

2003-12-21 Thread Dave Hansen
DAVEH:  I am curious as to whether either of you two (Dean and/or Ruben)
have walked through Temple Square as a normal visitor rather than a
protester?  Have either of you been inside and toured the visitors
center or heard the Tabernacle Choir or walked the grounds?

 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain Five email lists...

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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RE: [TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email

2003-12-21 Thread Arsene Lupin
CPL: AP, TPW, why do you not reveal your real name as most of the TT'rs 
have. Is there something you're afraid of, or are you hiding from someone or 

TPW: Not fearful, I am in a line of work that requires me to. It's nothing 
personal and furthermore, what would my true identity bring you anyways? 
what possible use could you have for it?

Besides PPL know me as THE PAGAN WOLF anyways. That user name has 
practically an Identity of it's own.


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--- Begin Message ---

AP, TPW, why do you not reveal your real name as most of the TT'rs have. Is there something you're afraid of, or are you hiding from someone or something?
>From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email 
>Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 14:42:30 + 
>>The best argument I've heard yet for Believers to NOT have a 
>>Christmas tree. 
>>TPW, did you ever actually answer David Miller's question directly 
>>when he 
>>asked if you were the one who sent the lewd and threatening email 
>>his daughter? Until you actually deny this I will not talk to you. 
>>You have 
>>only insinuated that you did not, to my observance. Izzy 
>Izzy: I got waay too much class to be lewd!! AND NO I DIDN'T SEND 
>On that note, Happy Holidays!! 
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>"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you 
>may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) 
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>[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you 
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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--- End Message ---

RE: [TruthTalk] Dean & Ruben

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore

> [Original Message]
> From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: TruthTalk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 12/21/2003 12:38:43 PM
> Subject: [TruthTalk] Dean & Ruben
> DAVEH:  I am curious as to whether either of you two (Dean and/or Ruben)
> have walked through Temple Square as a normal visitor rather than a
> protester?  Have either of you been inside and toured the visitors
> center or heard the Tabernacle Choir or walked the grounds?
Deam writes:
Are kidding? Your brethern will not even let us close to those sites.It
took hours for me to nagociate a two foot square in front of the north
gate-and then they only gave that to me if I agreed not to walk back and
forth thru the crowds as I preached about Christ dying for the sins of the
world-and to keep God's commandments. I had no Mormon underclothing-no one
was rebuked-only a bible and that message-and the Mormons hated that.Some
time when we would get tired-after standing for hours we would sit on a
short wall by the sidewalk and they would come and tell us to not even sit
on their wall-our feet would still be on the public sidewalk. What if we
are in agreement with God's word-what then?
> --
>  ~~~
>  Dave Hansen
>  http://www.langlitz.com
>  ~~~
>  If you wish to receive
>  things I find interesting,
>  I maintain Five email lists...
> --
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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[TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

Response in red below - judy
From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  If the below be true, how can Jesus tell the vast majority 
  of those He loved,"I never knew you.  Depart from 
I wrote:  it 
is impossible to love people and reject them at 
the same time.
Grace and Peace,
** Jesus loved all of us enough to die for us 
which so far as I'm 
concerned is genuine love.  He offers us 
eternal life on His terms not ours 

and His terms are that we fulfill the law of Christ 
or 'royal law' which is "LOVE"
He says that if we love him we will do what He says 
(John 14:15,23)
He promises the crown of life to them that love him 
(James 1:12)
He promises the Kingdom to them that love Him 
(James 2:5)

Mark 12:30,31 says there is no commandment greater 
than LOVE
Luke 6:35,36 says that God is kind to the 
unthankful and to the evil.
Romans 13:10 says that love works no ill to anyone 
and love is the 
fulfilling of God's Law 
1 John 5:2,3 says - 
For this is the love of God that we keep 

His commandments.
By the time Jesus tells these people who thought 
they were serving Him
'depart from me you who practice lawlessness' they 
will have had time to
get it together. 
Dean writes:
Where in hell? Look and see where they had 
to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting fire,prepared 
for the devil and his angels:

**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout that 
...  I should have said 'would have' 
had enough time to get it together.  You see this is what salvation 
is - a 
measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of Christ' 

which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation of 
world. (Romans 8:29,30)
It is our responsibility to search the scriptures 
and learn
what is expected of us.  No man got us into 
the Kingdom and no man can
kick us out.  But I don't believe many of us 
understand this kind of love
because it's spiritual and so we try to 
transpose what we have been used 
to which is really no love at all, it is 
performance oriented acceptance.
Hope this makes what I'm trying to communicate a 
little clearer.
Grace and Peace,

RE: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore


Dean writes:

Where in hell? Look and see where they had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:

**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout that ...  I should have said 'would have' 
had enough time to get it together.  You see this is what salvation is - a 
measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of Christ' 
which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation of the 
world. (Romans 8:29,30)
 Dean writes; And after we are saved what then?Do we walk around smiling -telling others that God loves them?

[TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Why the BIG Play on the emotions of others to try and pressure 
us to stop?  When that failed why the pressure thru city hall to write City 
ordinances to silence our speech & put away our signs & consign us to a 
location up the street?

  How is it you can't understand this Kevin?  Put 
  yourself in their shoes ... This is the kind of thing that in the long run will bring 
  the wrong kind of attention to all religions, the kind that the Christian Church does not want or need. Our National 
  Constitution guarantees freedom of religion for 
  everyone and that includes the Mormons.  What 
  we (the Christian Church) need to do is get our own 
  act together as a body of believers.
  Dean writes 12/21:
  Brother Kevin, I just read a sermon by J.Wesley entitled 
  "Sermon on the Mount 12" and in this sermon he dealt with the issue 
  of false prophets.I found the area of identifying these false teachers to 
  be very interesting as they not only point to DaveH but also others on this 
  site. I will quote some of this sermon for you:
   These are false prophets of the highest sense 
  of the word. These are traitors both of God and man. These are no more than 
  the first born of Satan; the eldest sons of Apollyon,the Destroyer. These are 
  far above the ranks of ordinary cut-throats;for they murder the souls of 
  But do they come now in their own shape? By no 
  means. If it were so,they could not destory.You would take the alarm,and flee 
  for your life. Therefore they put on a quite contrary appearance:... "They 
  come to you in sheeps clothing, although inward they are ravening 
  jt: Dean are you writing this to show 
  up the Mormons or is this for me since you believe I have wrong doctrine 
  They come to you in sheeps clothen; that is with an 
  appearance of harmlessness. They come in the most mild,inoffensive 
  manner,without any any mark or token of enmity... They come secondly, with a appearance of usefulness. Indeed to 
  this,to do good,they are particularity called. They are set apart for this 
  very thing... It is their whole business,to "go about doing good, and heal 
  those that are oppressed of the devil." And you have been always accustomed to 
  look upon them in this light, as messages of God,sent to bring you a 
  blessing.  They come,Thirdly,with an 
  appearance of religion. All they do is for conscience' sake!  They assure 
  you, it is out of mere zeal for God,that they make God a liar. It is out of 
  pure concern for religion,that they would destroy it root and branch. All they 
  speak is only from love of truth, and a fear lest it would suffer; and, 
  it may be, from a regard for the church, and a desire to defend 
  her from all her enemies.   Above all, they come with an appearance of 
  loveTherefore it is that they advise you to keep still, in the 
  plain middle way; and to beware of "being righteous overmuch," Lest you should 
  "destroy yourself." Our Blessed Lord 
  saw how needful it was for all men to know  false prophetsHe 
  therefore gave us a short and plain rule...and easy to be applied upon all 
  occasions: "Ye shall know then by their fruits."... Do you expect that these 
  evil men should being good fruit...They who,in fact, being the proud, 
  passionate, unmerciful, lovers of the world, to be lowly, gentle...they are 
  true Prophets; they are sent from God.  My dear brethren,harden not your hearts! You have too long shut you 
  eyes against the light. Open them now before it is too late; before you are 
  cast into outer darkness! Let not any temporal consideration weigh with you; 
  for eternity is at stake. Ye have run before you were sent. O go no farther! 
  Do not persist to damn yourselves and them that here you! You have no fruit 
  for your labors. And why is this? Even because the Lord is not with 
  you. But can you go this warfare at your own cost? It cannot be. Then 
  humble yourself before him. Cry unto him out of the dust,that he may first 
  quicken thy soul;...
  jt: So Dean are you saying that the 
  words of John Wesley are more important than the words of Our Lord Jesus 
  Christ?  If you want to be a fruit inspector then you could probably 
  throw out most of the Church but then ppl are still under construction and 
  this is a dangerous place to put oneself.
  After so many years how many souls has Judy lead to God-did 
  lead one person to God?By their fruits we will know them. Now read the blue 
  (above) again.
  jt: Spiritual fruit Dean is described 
  in Galatians 5:22-24 and if anyone does come to the Lord they will have been 
  drawn to Him by the Father most likely in spite of all these performances out 
  on the street  rather than because of them.
  "He that abideth in me, and I in him 
  the same bringeth forth m

[TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


  Where in hell? Look and see where they 
  had to depart to?
  Matt:25:41...into everlasting 
  fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:
  **Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout that 
  ...  I should have said 'would have' 
  had enough time to get it together.  You see this is what 
  salvation is - a 
  measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of 
  which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation of 
  world. (Romans 8:29,30)
   Dean writes; And after we are saved 
  what then?
  Do we walk around smiling -telling others 
  that God loves them?
  Salvation is present-progressive Dean, 
  it's an ongoing work rather than
  an accomplished fact.  After we've 
  said our prayer we work out our own
  salvation with fear and trembling, 
  witnessing to others as the Lord opens
  the door.  The main thing is to 
  learn obedience, just as Jesus learned by
  the things he suffered but suffering 
  as an evildoer doesn't count.

RE: [TruthTalk] Reply to both David and Izzy

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore

> [Original Message]
> From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 12/20/2003 6:39:42 PM
> Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]  Reply to both David and Izzy
> Dean writes:
> > Each time I get the shot I get the flu-connection? 
> > Don't know but it is starting to seem odd. 
> Yes, there is a connection.  When you get the flu shot, you are
> injecting your body with a small amount of the flu virus.  Your body
> then builds up anti-bodies to fight the flu.  The idea is that if you do
> this about two weeks before being exposed to the flu, then your body
> will have already built up a resistance and you won't be knocked down by
> it.  
> I'm not a doctor, but common sense tells me that if you are experiencing
> this, you have one of two choices.  1) Don't take the flu shot (not
> everyone reacts to it the same way and you seem to be reacting badly to
> it), or 2) you might try taking it a few weeks earlier than you normally
> do.  If you still get the flu from it, then don't take the shot.
> Remember that flu shots are BIG BUSINESS.  It is being marketed to you.
> Don't believe that it is going to help you just because of the ads.
> Most of the testing of it is done with old people in convalescent homes,
> and you don't fall into that category, so the praised results may not be
> so applicable to you.
> Dean wrote:
> > Here are some passages to support my belief of 
> > a time related separation and are "clear warnings":
> Just quoting verses does not prove a case.  Some of these passages we
> have brought up to you for why we should not separate.  You seem to
> ignore our points about that.  Please considering addressing our points.
> Maybe it would be easier to do one at a time, but I will just give a
> rough outline of the objections below and if you think it profitable,
> let's start with the first one and get into more detail.
> Matt:16:6
> Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the
> Sadducee.  (King Herod's leaven is included at a later time).
> 3 points:
>  1.Take heed (ie. pay attention-see that you listen)
>  2. We are to beware (ie to be careful,to be on one's guard)
>  3. These mentioned were false teachers-bringing another gospel.
> But Jesus never taught separation from Herod or the Pharisees or the
> Sadducees.  In fact, he and the twelve apostles practiced just the
> opposite, and Jesus even taught his disciples to listen to them because
> they sat in Moses's seat.  
> In Acts we read that it was the custom of the apostles to go into the
> synagogue every Sabbath day.  That seems like pretty regular
> interaction.  
> 1 Cor 5:1-8
>  v.6 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven
> leaveneth the whole lump.
>   Here the fornicator is removed as the sin will spread. "Your glorying"
> is shown here as being a feeling of confidence. In short- don't be too
> confident as some sin in the mist will spread to others-remove that one.
> This concerns actual sin, a crime, not a false teaching.  Where in the
> entire Bible is anyone ever put forth from fellowship for FALSE
> Gal.5:7
> Ye did run; who did hinder you that ye not should not obey the truth.
> Here the brethren fought well but someone hindered then that the not
> obey the truth-How v.9 states a "little leaven; leaveneth the whole
> lump"-sin is present-those that advocate another doctrine are sinners-in
> this case "the law" v.4- was the other doctrine.
> Yes, there was some false teaching, but they did not split the church
> over it.  They did not say, "you Judaizers go build your church across
> the street and leave us alone."  They taught and disputed with one
> another and continued to do so.  Where in Galatians does Paul thrust the
> Judaizers out of the congregation or command the Galatians to thrust
> them out?  Again, this passage seems to support my position and be
> against your position.
> Matt.7:15
>  Beware of false prophets,which come to you in sheep clothing,...
> I summit to you that- false teachers-false doctrine-false prophets- are
> all the same and many times were interchangeable in the bible.
> We are to beware of them,
> Yes, beware of them, but do we cut them off for speaking in error?  I
> think our mandate is to correct them and bring them away from error by
> speaking the truth to them.
> Eph 5:6-12
> v6.Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things
> cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
> v.7 Be not ye partakers with them.
> In short have nothing to do with them-clear warnings.
> v.11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful workers of darkness,but
> rather reprove them.
>  Judy say we can't reprove them.
> We are to reprove SIN, and we are to correct errant teaching.  This
> passage deals with SIN in the church.  Sin is not false teaching.  Sin
> is an action, not a philosophy or viewpoint.
> 2 Peter 2:1-22
> v.1 Shown as false teachers the same as o

RE: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
Sent: 12/21/2003 2:14:24 PM 
Subject: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dean writes:

Where in hell? Look and see where they had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:

**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout that ...  I should have said 'would have' 
had enough time to get it together.  You see this is what salvation is - a 
measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of Christ' 
which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation of the 
world. (Romans 8:29,30)
 Dean writes; And after we are saved what then?
Do we walk around smiling -telling others that God loves them?

Salvation is present-progressive Dean, it's an ongoing work rather than
an accomplished fact.  After we've said our prayer we work out our own
salvation with fear and trembling, witnessing to others as the Lord opens
the door.  The main thing is to learn obedience, just as Jesus learned by
the things he suffered but suffering as an evildoer doesn't count.
Dean writes:
Then tell me what if one died in Christ right this minute? What if they haven't completed that ongoing work?He said to go into all the world and preach the gospel-Why do I have to wait for a door to open-the entire world is open and the harvest ripe-and Jesus point the direction and said go .Are you saying to sit still and wait?

[TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Where in hell? Look and see where they 
had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting 
fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:

**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout 
that ...  I should have said 'would have' 
had enough 
time to get it 
together.  You see this is what salvation is - a 

measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of 
which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation 
of the 
world. (Romans 8:29,30)
 Dean writes; And after we are 
saved what then?
Do we walk around smiling -telling 
others that God loves them?

Salvation is present-progressive Dean, 
it's an ongoing work rather than
an accomplished fact.  After we've 
said our prayer we work out our own
salvation with fear and trembling, 
witnessing to others as the Lord opens
the door.  The main thing is to 
learn obedience, just as Jesus learned by
the things he suffered but 
suffering as an evildoer doesn't count.
Dean writes:
Then tell me what if one died in Christ right this minute? 
What if they 
haven't completed that ongoing work?
Actually it's God who works in us to 
will and to do of His good pleasure.
He knows what we are about and He 
sees the heart while we observe
the outward appearance - His judgment is perfect and LOVE 
is where
it's at.
He said to go into all the world and preach the gospel- Why 
do I 
have to wait for a door to open-the entire world is open 
and the harvest 
ripe-and Jesus point the direction and said go .Are you 
saying to sit 
still and wait?
I'm not telling you to do anything 
other than obey the Lord. ATST
are you telling me that 'everyone' is 
to go Dean? that women can't stay 
at home, keep house, and raise children in a stable 
environment because
everyone is commanded to go out into 
the streets and preach? Do you
think Mary & Martha of Bethany and 
Jesus' mother Mary went out into
the streets to preach the gospel and 
get people saved? and what if the
light within be darkness and we 
become a stumbling block to others as
some of the Mormons have been stating. 
What if we run before we are
sent?  God prepared ppl for a long 
time before sending them on a
mission for Him.

RE: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore

> Dean wrote:
> > But David when we rebuked them you stepped in and spoke 
> > against us for rebuking them-Both Izzy and I experienced 
> > this-In a sense we were rebuked for rebuking the Mormons. 
> A lot of people have experienced this.  We have one rule on TruthTalk,
> and that is that there should be no ad hominem arguments.  You are not
> allowed to insult people or disparage them.  You are allowed to
> passionately attack what they are saying.  Attack the arguments.  Do not
> attack the person. 
> I realize that both you and Izzy have a hard time understanding that,
> but the purpose of it is to focus on the subject matter being discussed
> rather than on the person.  When you attack the person, all kinds of
> emotions start coming into play and the discussion degrades into a
> battle of the wits over ego rather than truth.
> Please keep in mind, that if it had been reversed and Dave had attacked
> you, I would have come down on him just as hard.  There is only one
> person that I had to ban from the list and that is because when he was
> rebuked by me, he did what he wanted anyway.  Some people just like to
> flame others and make them mad.  We don't allow that here.  

Dean writes:
Was that Jim Webber? Was he sent from this list?If not you might speak to
him because he believes he was banned from this list.

> Now in some sense, you are allowed to rebuke, but the rebuke must be
> focused upon the error itself. 

Dean writes:
 Are you not in a sense-separating the sin from the sinner? David ask
yourself this-What if the Spirit leads one of us to rebuke a person for sin
and you weaken that rebuke? What happens to that person that the Lord sent
the rebuke to create fear in?Do you not think that this could very easily
cause you to struggle against God?

 You have rebuked me for allowing
> non-Christians on the list.  I have not censored you for that.  I would
> like to see continued discussion about it.  However, if you start
> railing at me and calling me an idiot and not really discussing the
> differences, then we will have a problem.

Dean writes:
  No David-I rebuked you nor allowing them to spend a long amount of time
among the brethren-here on this list. I removed the rebuke after Ruben
asked me to-I believe he did this to create unity between the brethern-I do
not think he fully understood the reasons for the rebuke. I have felt that
I did wrong by removing the rebuke-and this has been an ongoing deep
problem for me to deal with-as it won't go away.When have I railed at you
or called you an idiot? What do you seek to make me out to be?A loud mouth
preacher that rails at people and calls them idiots?


> I try to allow as much latitude as I can for people to correct
> themselves, but if I don't step in from time to time, the discussion
> seriously degrades into useless banter.

Dean writes:
A can of worms-that I suggest you reorganize.I will help all I can.

> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> --
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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RE: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
Sent: 12/21/2003 2:55:38 PM 
Subject: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dean writes:

Where in hell? Look and see where they had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:

**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout that ...  I should have said 'would have' 
had enough time to get it together.  You see this is what salvation is - a 
measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of Christ' 
which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation of the 
world. (Romans 8:29,30)
 Dean writes; And after we are saved what then?
Do we walk around smiling -telling others that God loves them?

Salvation is present-progressive Dean, it's an ongoing work rather than
an accomplished fact.  After we've said our prayer we work out our own
salvation with fear and trembling, witnessing to others as the Lord opens
the door.  The main thing is to learn obedience, just as Jesus learned by
the things he suffered but suffering as an evildoer doesn't count.
Dean writes:
Then tell me what if one died in Christ right this minute? What if they 
haven't completed that ongoing work?
Actually it's God who works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure.
He knows what we are about and He sees the heart while we observe
the outward appearance - His judgment is perfect and LOVE is where
it's at.
He said to go into all the world and preach the gospel- Why do I 
have to wait for a door to open-the entire world is open and the harvest 
ripe-and Jesus point the direction and said go .Are you saying to sit 
still and wait?
I'm not telling you to do anything other than obey the Lord. ATST
are you telling me that 'everyone' is to go Dean? that women can't stay 
at home, keep house, and raise children in a stable environment because
everyone is commanded to go out into the streets and preach?
Dean writes:
No- not everybody can travel to Africa and preach-but they can invite their neighbor to come to the kingdom. They can do something-such as tell what God will exact for the penalty of sin-and the one doesn't have to go to that awful place-that is true love for your fellow man.
 Do you
think Mary & Martha of Bethany and Jesus' mother Mary went out into
the streets to preach the gospel and get people saved?
Dean wrote:
I believe they told many about Jesus-whether loudly of quitely-they told. Who brought the first message that He is risen if not these Mary(s) after visiting the tomb-But I can tell you one thing they certainly didn't do-They never hindered or even tried to stop one person from preaching the gospel as you have been trying to do.
 and what if the
light within be darkness and we become a stumbling block to others as
some of the Mormons have been stating. What if we run before we are
sent?  God prepared ppl for a long time before sending them on a
mission for Him.
Dean writes:
I fail to see how preaching Christ and Him crucified could cause anyone a problem-except those that hate God. To preach this is to shine light into the world-not darkness that would make one to fall.
1 Peter 2:8
And a stone of stumbling,and a rock of offence,even to them which at the word,being disobedient,whereunto also they were appointed.
Yes I would agree here as I believe you are not ready to go-maybe you are here now to get ready?

[TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dean writes:



  Where in hell? Look and see where 
  they had to depart to?
  Matt:25:41...into everlasting 
  fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:
  **Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout 
  that ...  I should have said 'would have' 
  had enough 
  time to get it 
  together.  You see this is what salvation is - a 
  measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of 
  which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation 
  of the 
  world. (Romans 8:29,30)
   Dean writes; And after we are 
  saved what then?
  Do we walk around smiling -telling 
  others that God loves them?
  Salvation is present-progressive 
  Dean, it's an ongoing work rather than
  an accomplished fact.  After 
  we've said our prayer we work out our own
  salvation with fear and trembling, 
  witnessing to others as the Lord opens
  the door.  The main thing is to 
  learn obedience, just as Jesus learned by
  the things he suffered but 
  suffering as an evildoer doesn't count.
  Dean writes:
  Then tell me what if one died in Christ right this 
  minute? What if they 
  haven't completed that ongoing work?
  Actually it's God who works in us to 
  will and to do of His good pleasure.
  He knows what we are about and 
  He sees the heart while we observe
  the outward appearance - His judgment is perfect and 
  LOVE is where
  it's at.
  He said to go into all the world and preach the gospel- 
  Why do I 
  have to wait for a door to open-the entire world is open 
  and the harvest 
  ripe-and Jesus point the direction and said go .Are you 
  saying to sit 
  still and wait?
  I'm not telling you to do anything 
  other than obey the Lord. ATST
  are you telling me that 'everyone' is 
  to go Dean? that women can't stay 
  at home, keep house, and raise children in a stable 
  environment because
  everyone is commanded to go out into 
  the streets and preach?
  Dean writes:
  No- not everybody can travel to Africa and 
  preach-but they can 
  invite their neighbor to come to the kingdom. They can do 
  -such as tell what God will exact for the penalty of 
  sin-and the one doesn't 
  have to go to that awful place-that is true love for your 
  fellow man.
  What if the neighbors believe they 
  are already part of the Kingdom 
  Dean mine do and I am not ordained to 
  inspect their lives and judge
  them. I go to a hairdresser who is homosexual, he was 
  raised in a 
  Church and he 
  believes he is OK.  He talks about praying 
  all the time. Should I get in his face and tell him he is going 
  to hell?
  God has not impressed me to do 
   Do you
  think Mary & Martha of Bethany 
  and Jesus' mother Mary went out into
  the streets to preach the gospel and 
  get people saved?
  Dean wrote:
  I believe they told many about Jesus-whether loudly of 
  told. Who brought the first message that He is risen if 
  not these Mary(s) 
  after visiting the tomb-But I can tell you one thing they 
  certainly didn't do-
  They never hindered or even tried to stop one person from 
  the gospel as you have been trying to do.
  Oh! So now the accuser is stepping it 
  up.  First I have no fruit and now I
  am hindering or trying 
  to stop someone preaching the gospel.  
  Who Dean?
   and what if 
  light within be darkness and we 
  become a stumbling block to others as
  some of the Mormons have been 
  stating. What if we run before we are
  sent?  God prepared ppl for a 
  long time before sending them on a
  mission for 

Re: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

2003-12-21 Thread Dave Hansen


how I've learned to change text colors from DaveH it's fun - so all has
not been a total loss even if he never embraces my Lord and Savior which
is my hope and prayer for him.
Thank you, Judy.  Though I disagree with your conclusion, I appreciate
your concern for my eternal security.
that you know how to change the colors of your posts, try making the font
one size (this time I increased it two sizes) larger to make it a little
easier again.  When you have the text highlighted to change the color,
at the same time look at the box that indicates the font size.  It
will be a number like 10, 12, 14 or whatever.just increase it to the
next size and see if that doesn't make reading subsequent posts a bit easier.

 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain Five email lists...

[TruthTalk] Is writing letters to false teachers sin?

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
Hi Dean.

As I understand it, your position is that continued letter writing to
false teachers and sinners is sinful.  From my perspective, it is not
much different than preaching daily at the street corner. If this is not
the point of difference between us, please outline exactly what you
think it is that is sinful in what I do by providing a place for
Christians and non-Christians to write letters to each other.

Dean wrote:
> You asked for one-Here are three  from the same passages
> -in the above-take your pick.

Ugh.  I wanted you to take your best shot.  I don't have time to
thoroughly deal with a whole bunch of passages and make you stick with
them.  I already answered you before, but you just ignore what I say.

I asked for one passage, but you don't want to hear me.  You give me
three.  I will assume that your first passage is your best and deal with
that one.  If you want to bring up others later, that is fine.  But for
now, I want to focus on ONE passage, YOUR BEST PASSAGE, that would
reprove me for setting up TruthTalk in a way that would allow
non-Christians here.

Dean wrote:
> Eph.6:7,11
>  v7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
>  v.11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful 
> works of darkness,but rather reprove them.

I think you mean Ephesians 5 instead of 6.  Following is the passage: 

Eph 5:1  Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 
Eph 5:2  And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given
himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling
Eph 5:3  But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it
not be once named among you, as becometh saints; 
Eph 5:4  Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are
not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. 
Eph 5:5  For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor
covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of
Christ and of God. 
Eph 5:6  Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these
things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 
Eph 5:7  Be not ye therefore partakers with them. 
Eph 5:8  For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the
Lord: walk as children of light: 
Eph 5:9  (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and
righteousness and truth;) 
Eph 5:10  Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. 
Eph 5:11  And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,
but rather reprove them. 
Eph 5:12  For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done
of them in secret. 
Eph 5:13  But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the
light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

Following is what I wrote to you before about this passage:
> We are to reprove SIN, and we are to correct errant teaching.  This 
> passage deals with SIN in the church.  Sin is not false teaching.  Sin

> is an action, not a philosophy or viewpoint.

Let me go into more detail, but first, let me plainly tell you how this
passage speaks to me.  This passage tells me not to go into bars and
drink with the sinners and have a good time with them, all in the name
of missionary fellowship.  It warns us to keep separate from them in
terms of fellowship, not in terms of writing letters to each other.  

For example, when I have preached at Mardi Gras, I am separate from
them.  I don't go into the strip club and sit down with a guy and talk
about how beautiful the naked women are, drinking with him, and then
saying, "oh, by the way, did you know that we can have eternal life just
by believing on Jesus Christ?"  I have heard some Christians try exactly
this kind of approach, but Ephesians 5 clearly warns us NOT to do that.
No, what I do is carry my banner that says, "GOD HATES SIN" and I stand
out in front of the strip club and warn those entering that they are
walking down the sidewalk to hell.  I tell them that God commands them
to repent NOW!  When the guys on the street are bartering with beads for
the girl to pull off her top and expose her nakedness, I'm right there
yelling, "no, girl, don't do it!  God is watching you right now and he
commands you to repent.  These boys here are lusty whoremongers.  They
are serving the DEVIL!  Don't listen to them.  Walk in holiness and
modesty.  Save yourself."  This is what Ephesians means when it says to
have no fellowship with them, but rather rebuke them.

Please notice the specific sins listed in this passage of Ephesians.
Not even one mentions or hints at false teachers.  I will list them now
for you:

1. fornication
2. uncleanness
3. covetousness
4. filthiness
5. foolish talking
6. jesting

In other words, if you know those who are fornicating, unclean,
covetous, filthy, or who engage in foolish talk and jesting, do not
partake with them, but rather reprove them.  You can be sure that if
somebody writes a letter to this list boasting in these things, they
will be reproved.  I will not write them and say, "hey buddy, we 

RE: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
Sent: 12/21/2003 4:12:41 PM 
Subject: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dean writes:

Where in hell? Look and see where they had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:

**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout that ...  I should have said 'would have' 
had enough time to get it together.  You see this is what salvation is - a 
measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of Christ' 
which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation of the 
world. (Romans 8:29,30)
 Dean writes; And after we are saved what then?
Do we walk around smiling -telling others that God loves them?

Salvation is present-progressive Dean, it's an ongoing work rather than
an accomplished fact.  After we've said our prayer we work out our own
salvation with fear and trembling, witnessing to others as the Lord opens
the door.  The main thing is to learn obedience, just as Jesus learned by
the things he suffered but suffering as an evildoer doesn't count.
Dean writes:
Then tell me what if one died in Christ right this minute? What if they 
haven't completed that ongoing work?
Actually it's God who works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure.
He knows what we are about and He sees the heart while we observe
the outward appearance - His judgment is perfect and LOVE is where
it's at.
He said to go into all the world and preach the gospel- Why do I 
have to wait for a door to open-the entire world is open and the harvest 
ripe-and Jesus point the direction and said go .Are you saying to sit 
still and wait?
I'm not telling you to do anything other than obey the Lord. ATST
are you telling me that 'everyone' is to go Dean? that women can't stay 
at home, keep house, and raise children in a stable environment because
everyone is commanded to go out into the streets and preach?
Dean writes:
No- not everybody can travel to Africa and preach-but they can 
invite their neighbor to come to the kingdom. They can do something
-such as tell what God will exact for the penalty of sin-and the one doesn't 
have to go to that awful place-that is true love for your fellow man.
What if the neighbors believe they are already part of the Kingdom 
Dean mine do and I am not ordained to inspect their lives and judge
them. I go to a hairdresser who is homosexual, he was raised in a 
Pentecostal Church and he believes he is OK.  He talks about praying 
all the time. Should I get in his face and tell him he is going to hell?
God has not impressed me to do this.
 Do you
think Mary & Martha of Bethany and Jesus' mother Mary went out into
the streets to preach the gospel and get people saved?
Dean wrote:
I believe they told many about Jesus-whether loudly of quitely-they 
told. Who brought the first message that He is risen if not these Mary(s) 
after visiting the tomb-But I can tell you one thing they certainly didn't do-
They never hindered or even tried to stop one person from preaching 
the gospel as you have been trying to do.
Oh! So now the accuser is stepping it up.  First I have no fruit and now I
am hindering or trying to stop someone preaching the gospel.  Who Dean?
 and what if the
light within be darkness and we become a stumbling block to others as
some of the Mormons have been stating. What if we run before we are
sent?  God prepared ppl for a long time before sending them on a
mission for Him.
Dean writes:
I fail to see how preaching Christ and Him crucified could cause 
anyone a problem-except those that hate God. To preach this is to 
shine light into the world-not darkness that would make one to fall.
1 Peter 2:8
Sometimes Dean the way we do things causes the problem. Not everyone
is impressed by the same things. Paul said he became all things to all
people so that he might win some.
And a stone of stumbling,and a rock of offence,even to them which at the 
word,being disobedient,whereunto also they were appointed. Yes I would 
agree here as I believe you are not ready to go-maybe you are here now 
to get ready?
To go where Dean?  Don't you think if God wanted me to go somewhere
that he is capable of getting my attention?
Dean writes:
Into all the world...

Re: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread Dave Hansen

Kevin Deegan wrote:
What exactly is so BAD about a PUBLIC display of
Temple attire?
DAVEH:  I think Judy has given
you some good reasons, so I don't feel a need to repeat them.  However
Kevin, what I will repeat is something I've mentioned to Ruben and Dean
previously.  Have any of the protesters or other Christians who condone
such behavior given any thought to the image such displays of unChristian
behavior projects to the outside world?  Do the protesters want non
Christians to think this is normal behavior in the Christian community?
 Why also is the LDS HIGH PRIEST who asualted one of the "preachers",
called a HEROby the LDS?I call that a THUG!My pastor would not asault someone
for holding underwear?Is this how yor HIGH PRIESTS behave? Why the
BIG Play on the emotions of others to try and pressure us to stop?When
that failed why the pressure thru city hall to write City ordinances to
silence our speech & put away our signs & consign us to a location
up the street? We are getting through to LDS and the Church will do
anything to silence us.This includes FALSE news stories in the Church owned
papers & TV stations.Back room meetings with City government officials
who are LDS.It also Includes, PHYSICAL ASUALT by LDS BOUNCERS (those security
guards with cameras & the little ear pieces like secret service) intimidation,
& death threats. What a wonderful community Salt Lake.I really
like the FITHY language of the LDS priests at the priesthood meetings.
I have to go to the drunk crowd at the Mardi Gras to get the same filthy
language.Of all the other events even the UN Churched do not speak like
that priesthood crowd.I even have tape of some Priest saying G D  
Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David Miller wrote:
> Generally speaking, however, I don't think street preachers go out
> their way to be disrespectful. There are always exceptions.
DAVEH: Would you think the public display of the street preachers in
SLC waving LDS underwear is one of those exceptions?
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan

What if the neighbors believe they are already part of the Kingdom 
Dean mine do and I am not ordained to inspect their lives and judge
them. I go to a hairdresser who is homosexual, he was raised in a 
Pentecostal Church and he believes he is OK.  He talks about praying 
all the time. Should I get in his face and tell him he is going to hell?
God has not impressed me to do this.
Then as he is cast into Hell he will probably look you in the eye and say something like: Christian, All the times you talked to me, you never told me the truth? Christian, You let me be cast into Hell by your SILENCE. You never TOLD me, CHRISTIAN. 
You may even get his blood, required at your hands EZ 3:18. Since you did nothing for him in this life. it is only fitting that God would require your ACTIVE PARTICIPATION in his destruction!
So what has, God impressed you to do for him?
Are you sure it is God that has not impressed you, or do you resist?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dean writes:

Where in hell? Look and see where they had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:

**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout that ...  I should have said 'would have' 
had enough time to get it together.  You see this is what salvation is - a 
measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of Christ' 
which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation of the 
world. (Romans 8:29,30)
 Dean writes; And after we are saved what then?
Do we walk around smiling -telling others that God loves them?

Salvation is present-progressive Dean, it's an ongoing work rather than
an accomplished fact.  After we've said our prayer we work out our own
salvation with fear and trembling, witnessing to others as the Lord opens
the door.  The main thing is to learn obedience, just as Jesus learned by
the things he suffered but suffering as an evildoer doesn't count.
Dean writes:
Then tell me what if one died in Christ right this minute? What if they 
haven't completed that ongoing work?
Actually it's God who works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure.
He knows what we are about and He sees the heart while we observe
the outward appearance - His judgment is perfect and LOVE is where
it's at.
He said to go into all the world and preach the gospel- Why do I 
have to wait for a door to open-the entire world is open and the harvest 
ripe-and Jesus point the direction and said go .Are you saying to sit 
still and wait?
I'm not telling you to do anything other than obey the Lord. ATST
are you telling me that 'everyone' is to go Dean? that women can't stay 
at home, keep house, and raise children in a stable environment because
everyone is commanded to go out into the streets and preach?
Dean writes:
No- not everybody can travel to Africa and preach-but they can 
invite their neighbor to come to the kingdom. They can do something
-such as tell what God will exact for the penalty of sin-and the one doesn't 
have to go to that awful place-that is true love for your fellow man.
What if the neighbors believe they are already part of the Kingdom 
Dean mine do and I am not ordained to inspect their lives and judge
them. I go to a hairdresser who is homosexual, he was raised in a 
Pentecostal Church and he believes he is OK.  He talks about praying 
all the time. Should I get in his face and tell him he is going to hell?
God has not impressed me to do this.
 Do you
think Mary & Martha of Bethany and Jesus' mother Mary went out into
the streets to preach the gospel and get people saved?
Dean wrote:
I believe they told many about Jesus-whether loudly of quitely-they 
told. Who brought the first message that He is risen if not these Mary(s) 
after visiting the tomb-But I can tell you one thing they certainly didn't do-
They never hindered or even tried to stop one person from preaching 
the gospel as you have been trying to do.
Oh! So now the accuser is stepping it up.  First I have no fruit and now I
am hindering or trying to stop someone preaching the gospel.  Who Dean?
 and what if the
light within be darkness and we become a stumbling block to others as
some of the Mormons have been stating. What if we run before we are
sent?  God prepared ppl for a long time before sending them on a
mission for Him.
Dean writes:
I fail to see how preaching Christ and Him crucified could cause 
anyone a problem-except those that hate God. To preach this is to 
shine light into the world-not darkness that would make one to fall.
1 Peter 2:8
Sometimes Dean the way we do things causes the problem. Not everyone
is impressed by the same things. Paul said he became all things to all
people so t

RE: [TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email

2003-12-21 Thread ShieldsFamily
TPW, Thank you for your direct (if not kind) response. Izzy

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arsene Lupin
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 8:42 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email

>The best argument I've heard yet for Believers to NOT have a Christmas 
>TPW, did you ever actually answer David Miller's question directly when he
>asked if you were the one who sent the lewd and threatening email regarding
>his daughter? Until you actually deny this I will not talk to you. You have
>only insinuated that you did not, to my observance. Izzy

Izzy: I got waay too much class to be lewd!! AND NO I DIDN'T SEND THAT 

On that note, Happy Holidays!!


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RE: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-21 Thread ShieldsFamily
Hi Marlin!  I hope you will give us an update on Jessica's family when there
is something to report.  And on your own family! Izzy

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marlin Halverson
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

Izzy: "The best argument I've heard yet for Believers to NOT have a
Christmas tree."

Again, Gentiles who turned to God did not identify with their past heritage
or ways.  They repented:
  Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as
ye were led.  1CO 12:2
  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the
temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk
in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  2CO 6:16
  For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you,
and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;  1TH
  Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.  1JO 5:21
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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[TruthTalk] flu shots

2003-12-21 Thread ShieldsFamily
BTW, flu shots are not really "big business" for the drug companies. The
(ever-so-helpful-finger-in-everything-way-too-huge) gov't has made it so
unprofitable that there is a major shortage of flu shots this year--which is
why we have all the media coverage about flu shots this year. Izzy

-Original Message- 
David Miller wrote:>
> Remember that flu shots are BIG BUSINESS.  It is being marketed to you.
> Don't believe that it is going to help you just because of the ads.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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[TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What if the neighbors believe they are already 
part of the Kingdom 
Dean mine do and I am not ordained to inspect 
their lives and judge
them. I go to a hairdresser who is homosexual, he was raised in a 

Pentecostal Church and he believes he is OK.  He talks about 
all the time. Should I get in his face and tell him he is going to 
God has not impressed me to do 
Kevin: Then as he is cast into Hell he will probably look you in 

the eye and say something like: Christian, All the times you talked 

to me, you never told me the truth? Christian, You let me be cast 
Hell by your SILENCE. You never TOLD me, CHRISTIAN.  
You may 
even get his blood, required at your hands EZ 3:18. Since you did 

nothing for him in this life. it is only fitting that God would 
your ACTIVE PARTICIPATION in his destruction!
Have you been reading too many Chick Tracts 
Kevin?  How can you 
be so sure he will be cast into hell since he is not dead yet and why 

are you trying to 
make me personally 
responsible for his eternal 
His mother is an active 
churchgoer and she is a Christian.
Kevin: So what has, God impressed you to do for him?
I pray for him - God has impressed me to 
do this and he apologizes 

to me when the talk gets a bit risque (ppl in 
the world seem to get a
kick out of teasing him) because he knows I am 
a believer and I
believe that God makes me a constant 
Kevin: Are you sure it is God that has not impressed you, or do 

you resist?
Why would I resist when my sole purpose on this 
earth is to obey
Him and to do His will. Getting in ppls faces is not necessarily 
God's will Kevin.


  From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Dean writes:


Where in hell? Look and see where 
they had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting 
fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:

**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout 
that ...  I should have said 'would have' 

had enough 
time to get it 
together.  You see this is what salvation is - a 

of time during which we 
are conformed to the 'image of Christ' 
which is what we have been predestined to since the 
foundation of the 
 Dean writes; And after we are 
saved what then?
Do we walk around smiling -telling 
others that God loves them?

Salvation is present-progressive 
Dean, it's an ongoing work rather than
an accomplished fact.  After 
we've said our prayer we work out our own
salvation with fear and trembling, 
witnessing to others as the Lord opens
the door.  The main thing is 
to learn obedience, just as Jesus learned by
the things he suffered but 
suffering as an evildoer doesn't count.
Dean writes:
Then tell me what if one died in Christ right this 
minute? What if they 
haven't completed that ongoing work?
Actually it's God who works in us 
to will and to do of His good pleasure.
He knows what we are about and 
He sees the heart while we observe
the outward appearance - His judgment is perfect and 
LOVE is where
it's at.
He said to go into all the world and preach the gospel- 
Why do I 
have to wait for a door to open-the entire world is 
open and the harvest 
ripe-and Jesus point the direction and said go .Are you 
saying to sit 
still and wait?
I'm not telling you to do anything 
other than obey the Lord. ATST
are you telling me that 'everyone' 
is to go Dean? that women can't stay 
at home, keep house, and raise children in a stable 
environment because
everyone is commanded to go out 
into the streets and preach?
Dean writes:
No- not everybody can travel to Africa and 
preach-but they can 
invite their neighbor to come to the kingdom. They can 
do something
-such as tell what God will exact for the penalty of

[TruthTalk] Faux-Christians

2003-12-21 Thread ShieldsFamily

        Non-Christians have no right to tell Christians how to
behave as Christians. (How would a faux-Christian know???) Izzy


-Original Message-
 DAVEH:  I think Judy has given you some good reasons,
so I don't feel a need to repeat them.  However Kevin, what I will repeat
is something I've mentioned to Ruben and Dean previously.  Have any of the
protesters or other Christians who condone such behavior given any thought to
the image such displays of unChristian behavior projects to the outside world? 
Do the protesters want non Christians to think this is normal behavior in the
Christian community? 

[TruthTalk] Faux-Christians

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Non-Christians have no right to tell 
Christians how to behave as Christians. (How would a 
    Christian know???) 
**I understand that I am on your "ignore" list Izzy 
but do you have any idea how obnoxious the above
sounds?  You talk as though a non-believer has no 
sense at all.  They may not know what you 
but they have their own spiritual antenna up and this 
kind of thing is what drives them as far away 
the Christian church and professing Christians as they 
can get ...


  Message- DAVEH:  I think Judy has given you 
  some good reasons, so I don't feel a need to repeat them.  However Kevin, 
  what I will repeat is something I've mentioned to Ruben and Dean 
  previously.  Have any of the protesters or other Christians who condone 
  such behavior given any thought to the image such displays of unChristian 
  behavior projects to the outside world?  Do the protesters want non 
  Christians to think this is normal behavior in the Christian community? 

RE: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan

 and what if the light within be darkness and we become a stumbling block to others as some of the Mormons have been stating. What if we run before we are
sent?  God prepared ppl for a long time before sending them on a
mission for Him.
I think the question is not what if we run before we are sent.
it is what if we sit after we are sent?
There is much more of that in the church today & in the Bible.
Nu 32:6-7 And Moses said unto the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here? And wherefore discourage ye the heart of the children of Israel from going over into the land which the LORD hath given them?
Many people in the Church today think the Amour of the Lord is a SEAT CUSHION!
“You have enjoyed yourself in Messiahianity long enough. You have had pleasant feelings, pleasant songs, pleasant meetings, pleasant prospects . There has been much of human happiness, much clapping of hands, and much shouting of praises – very much of heaven on earth. Now then, Go to God and tell Him you are prepared as much as necessary to turn your back upon it all, and that you are willing to spend the rest of your days struggling in the midst of perishing multitudes, whatever it may cost you”  Gen. William Booth 
The mormons are only protesting cause they can not STAND to hear the Word of God proclaimed, it strikes them in the heart. it condemns them, & their hellish profane religion. God wants His work; done His way. One thing you always leave out in your discussions is the work of the Word & the Holy Spirit. 
Jesus gave the word to His own Jn 17:8 John 17:14 "I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them"
Jn 17:17 "sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth"
1 Pt 1:23 "born again ... by the word of God"
Seeing as God thought it right to give out the word, should we not do the same?
Holy Spirit:
Witnesses to the truth Jn 16:13
REPROVES the WORLD of sin Jn 16:8
(this is why they revolt and hate their sin is exposed)
Holy Spirit will speak Jn 16:13
(this witness occurs in the heart where you or I may not enter. The Holy Spirit speaks in mens hearts.)
LDS can not stand the Word proclaimed:
Hebrews 12:19-21 And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more: (For they could not endure that which was commanded, And if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart: And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake:) 
Unless we deliver that message how can they hear? Romans 10
Sitting and doing nothing is the real stumbling block. please show me a scripture where someone was discouraged from recieving the lord because of such a stumbling block. (I am not advocating every man doing what is right in his own eyes) This is the same old excuse that has been going on for years.
Even David the shepard BOY had to show up to do the Armies job, as Goliath blaspheemed the Lord. Don't get too ZEALOUS there David! Where was God's army? Sitting on the side lines, nothing to say, just like today. What did God's Army do? (with all of their fine regalia on here comes the shepard BOY) Now they have something to say! Goliath blaspheems God every day; NOT A WORD. The BOY shows up & the words come forth, they call him names & tried to DISCOURAGE him. Nothing new there. Did God SEND David? Did David just DO what was right? Did God prepare David for a long time? God does prepare, but ONLY those that are WILLING to GO!
IS 6:8 "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

"Horatius Bonar said The soul and eternity of one man depends upon the voice of another" 
Jer 1;7 But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.
NO excuses, SPEAK!
 Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



- Original Message - 
Sent: 12/21/2003 4:12:41 PM 
Subject: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dean writes:

Where in hell? Look and see where they had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:

**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout that ...  I should have said 'would have' 
had enough time to get it together.  You see this is what salvation is - a 
measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of Christ' 
which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation of the 
world. (Romans 8:29,30)
 Dean writes; And after we are saved what then?
Do we walk around smiling -telling others that God loves them?

Salvation is present-progressive Dea

RE: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
DaveH wrote:
> What do you think of some of the obnoxious 
> displays of the street preachers in SLC?  

I support it.  You might find me out there next year if I feel that I
can spare the time and expense to go.  

DaveH wrote:
> Not with respect to the effect on the LDS folks, 
> but do you think such behavior projects a negative 
> image of/on Christianity as a whole when viewed by 
> the outside world?

If the outside world is not thinking negatively about Christians, then
the Christians are doing something wrong.  They rejected Jesus, hanging
him on a cross.  If they don't have the same response to his followers,
then it seems to me that maybe his followers are not really his

Also, I don't think God needs me trying to defend his reputation.  My
job is to do God's will.  God is more than able to take care of his own
reputation.  I think when we take the approach of trying to make God
look good or make God look attractive to the world, then we are doing
God a disservice.  God expects the world to conform to him, but some
people try to make the image of God conform to the world.  I think you
have done this with your viewpoint that there is no hell fire to which
God will cast most people.  Only a minority will be saved.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
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Re: [TruthTalk] Faux-Christians

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
I would rather loose a few fish, while fishing, than to never cast a line!
I love those that don't fish exponding on what lures to use! 

From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Non-Christians have no right to tell Christians how to behave as Christians. (How would a faux-                Christian know???) Izzy
**I understand that I am on your "ignore" list Izzy but do you have any idea how obnoxious the above
sounds?  You talk as though a non-believer has no sense at all.  They may not know what you know
but they have their own spiritual antenna up and this kind of thing is what drives them as far away from
the Christian church and professing Christians as they can get ...


-Original Message- DAVEH:  I think Judy has given you some good reasons, so I don't feel a need to repeat them.  However Kevin, what I will repeat is something I've mentioned to Ruben and Dean previously.  Have any of the protesters or other Christians who condone such behavior given any thought to the image such displays of unChristian behavior projects to the outside world?  Do the protesters want non Christians to think this is normal behavior in the Christian community? 
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RE: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
DAVEH wrote:
> Would you think the public display of the street 
> preachers in SLC waving LDS underwear is one of 
> those exceptions?

No, I don't see that as a problem at all.  I wondered about it from the
reports coming out, but Ruben, who was doing it, answered it well, in my
opinion.  I see nothing wrong with waving Mormon underwear and raising
questions about it in order to get some attention from Mormons and
thereby starting dialogue.

Hey, you can wave my sacred Bible around if you want and raise questions
about my interpretation of it.  I won't be offended.  :-)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
I did not say to get in his face. have you talked to him?
I do not make you responsible. That is between god & You. If you do not WARN him, God says EZ 3:13 & Ez 33 He will require his blood at your hand!
How do you interpret that?

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What if the neighbors believe they are already part of the Kingdom 
Dean mine do and I am not ordained to inspect their lives and judge
them. I go to a hairdresser who is homosexual, he was raised in a 
Pentecostal Church and he believes he is OK.  He talks about praying 
all the time. Should I get in his face and tell him he is going to hell?
God has not impressed me to do this.
Kevin: Then as he is cast into Hell he will probably look you in 
the eye and say something like: Christian, All the times you talked 
to me, you never told me the truth? Christian, You let me be cast into 
Hell by your SILENCE. You never TOLD me, CHRISTIAN.  You may 
even get his blood, required at your hands EZ 3:18. Since you did 
nothing for him in this life. it is only fitting that God would require 
your ACTIVE PARTICIPATION in his destruction!
Have you been reading too many Chick Tracts Kevin?  How can you 
be so sure he will be cast into hell since he is not dead yet and why 
are you trying to make me personally responsible for his eternal destiny?  
His mother is an active churchgoer and she is a Christian.
Kevin: So what has, God impressed you to do for him?
I pray for him - God has impressed me to do this and he apologizes 
to me when the talk gets a bit risque (ppl in the world seem to get a
kick out of teasing him) because he knows I am a believer and I
believe that God makes me a constant reminder. 
Kevin: Are you sure it is God that has not impressed you, or do 
you resist?
Why would I resist when my sole purpose on this earth is to obey
Him and to do His will. Getting in ppls faces is not necessarily always
God's will Kevin.

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dean writes:

Where in hell? Look and see where they had to depart to?
Matt:25:41...into everlasting fire,prepared for the devil and his angels:

**Wrong tense Dean, sorry bout that ...  I should have said 'would have' 
had enough time to get it together.  You see this is what salvation is - a 
measure of time during which we are conformed to the 'image of Christ' 
which is what we have been predestined to since the foundation of the 
world. (Romans 8:29,30)
 Dean writes; And after we are saved what then?
Do we walk around smiling -telling others that God loves them?

Salvation is present-progressive Dean, it's an ongoing work rather than
an accomplished fact.  After we've said our prayer we work out our own
salvation with fear and trembling, witnessing to others as the Lord opens
the door.  The main thing is to learn obedience, just as Jesus learned by
the things he suffered but suffering as an evildoer doesn't count.
Dean writes:
Then tell me what if one died in Christ right this minute? What if they 
haven't completed that ongoing work?
Actually it's God who works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure.
He knows what we are about and He sees the heart while we observe
the outward appearance - His judgment is perfect and LOVE is where
it's at.
He said to go into all the world and preach the gospel- Why do I 
have to wait for a door to open-the entire world is open and the harvest 
ripe-and Jesus point the direction and said go .Are you saying to sit 
still and wait?
I'm not telling you to do anything other than obey the Lord. ATST
are you telling me that 'everyone' is to go Dean? that women can't stay 
at home, keep house, and raise children in a stable environment because
everyone is commanded to go out into the streets and preach?
Dean writes:
No- not everybody can travel to Africa and preach-but they can 
invite their neighbor to come to the kingdom. They can do something
-such as tell what God will exact for the penalty of sin-and the one doesn't 
have to go to that awful place-that is true love for your fellow man.
What if the neighbors believe they are already part of the Kingdom 
Dean mine do and I am not ordained to inspect their lives and judge
them. I go to a hairdresser who is homosexual, he was raised in a 
Pentecostal Church and he believes he is OK.  He talks about praying 
all the time. Should I get in his face and tell him he is going to hell?
God has not impressed me to do this.
 Do you
think Mary & Martha of Bethany and Jesus' mother Mary went out into
the streets to preach the gospel and get people saved?
Dean wrote:
I believe they told many about Jesus-whether loudly of quitely-they 
told. Who brought

Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] Faux-Christians

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I would rather loose a few fish, while fishing, than to never cast a 
I love those that don't fish exponding on what lures to use! 
**Kevin you are speaking in ignorance. You 
don't know what I do, or have
done so why are you allowing yourself to be 
used as a voice for the accuser?


  From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Non-Christians have no right to tell 
  Christians how to behave as Christians. (How would a 
      Christian know???) 
  **I understand that I am on your "ignore" list Izzy 
  but do you have any idea how obnoxious the 
  sounds?  You talk as though a non-believer has 
  no sense at all.  They may not know what you 
  but they have their own spiritual antenna up and 
  this kind of thing is what drives them as far away 
  the Christian church and professing Christians as 
  they can get ...
Message- DAVEH:  I think Judy has given you 
some good reasons, so I don't feel a need to repeat them.  However 
Kevin, what I will repeat is something I've mentioned to Ruben and Dean 
previously.  Have any of the protesters or other Christians who condone 
such behavior given any thought to the image such displays of unChristian 
behavior projects to the outside world?  Do the protesters want non 
Christians to think this is normal behavior in the Christian community? 

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RE: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
The real problem is that there are LDS members in Good standing been in the church for a year. They have NO IDEA what this garment is all about. They go to the Bishop, he gets Denies & gets short with them. It causes all kinds of problems. The name of the game is DENY & Conquer. They must HIDE so much meat, cause EVERYONE chokes on it. 
Just imagine, the county FAIR. The LDS booth full of good looking young missionaries saying "Please stop by we would LOVE to tell you about SATAN's Brother" That would get a crowd right? 
 I have even heard of New Memmbers AFRAID to go in for their Sealing. They do not want some stranger putting their hands under a sheet & touching their otherwise naked body to "ANNOINT" their Breast, vitals, & vacinity of reproductive organs. 
For this reason NON LDS are NOT ALLOWED to post on the LDS portion of most sites I have seen. They don't want anyone to UPSET the "SHEEPLE" David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH wrote:> Would you think the public display of the street > preachers in SLC waving LDS underwear is one of > those exceptions?No, I don't see that as a problem at all. I wondered about it from thereports coming out, but Ruben, who was doing it, answered it well, in myopinion. I see nothing wrong with waving Mormon underwear and raisingquestions about it in order to get some attention from Mormons andthereby starting dialogue.Hey, you can wave my sacred Bible around if you want and raise questionsabout my interpretation of it. I won't be offended. :-)Peace be with you.David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. --"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to
 receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
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RE: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
Kevin wrote:
>> Why also is the LDS HIGH PRIEST who asualted 
>> one of the "preachers", called a HERO by the 
>> LDS? I call that a THUG! My pastor would not 
>> asault someone for holding underwear? Is this 
>> how yor HIGH PRIESTS behave?
> You fellows were tweaking him on purpose Kevin 
> and his reaction was violent because to him 
> those garments are sacred whether it makes any 
> sense to you or not.

Judy, would you assault someone waving your sacred Scriptures around in
the air?  I don't understand why you would defend violence against
peaceful protesters.

Kevin wrote:
>> Why the BIG Play on the emotions of others to try 
>> and pressure us to stop?  When that failed why the 
>> pressure thru city hall to write City ordinances 
>> to silence our speech & put away our signs & consign 
>> us to a location up the street?
> Our National Constitution guarantees freedom of 
> religion for everyone and that includes the Mormons.  

It also guarantees our right to protest false religion on public
property.  Why do you support the taking away of this right?  You are on
the wrong side on this one Judy.  They want to use money to take away
freedom.  They want the right to buy public property so that free speech
cannot take place near their Temple.  That tells me that their Temple is

Judy wrote:
> What we (the Christian Church) need to do is get 
> our own act together as a body of believers.

Amen!  All the churches should be down there reproving Mormonism for
misrepresenting Christianity.

> You are a threat to their peace and you are coming 
> against what they hold to be sacred.

They are not a threat to their peace. That is one of the enemy's lies.
Their only hope for peace is in the message being brought to them.

Judy wrote:
> Jesus didn't cast himself down from the pillar 
> of the temple so why do it today and think there
> will be no consequences?

No, Jesus went INTO THE TEMPLE and cast out the defilers.  Some have
done that too, but the Mormons have them thrown in jail.  I guess they
would throw Jesus in jail too if he anonymously did to their Temple what
Jesus did to the Jewish Temple.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
David Miller wrote:
>> There is only one person that I had to ban from 
>> the list and that is because when he was rebuked 
>> by me, he did what he wanted anyway.  Some people 
>> just like to flame others and make them mad.  
>> We don't allow that here.

Dean wrote:
> Was that Jim Webber? Was he sent from this list? 
> If not you might speak to him because he believes 
> he was banned from this list.

No, it was not Jim Webber.  Jim Webber has never been removed from this
list, nor has he been asked to leave.  He is always welcome here just
like everybody else who keeps the no ad hominem argument rule.

Dean writes:
> Are you not in a sense-separating the sin from the sinner? 
> David ask yourself this-What if the Spirit leads one of us 
> to rebuke a person for sin and you weaken that rebuke? What 
> happens to that person that the Lord sent the rebuke to create 
> fear in? Do you not think that this could very easily
> cause you to struggle against God?

Rebukes such as these should be done off the forum.  It is much more
effective that way anyway.  No need to grandstand before everyone else
when you issue your rebuke.  Just write to them privately.  Ask them for
their phone number and call them on the phone to communicate your
rebuke.  That would be even better.  Or, ask them if you can come visit
them.  In person would be the best way to communicate your rebuke.  Ask
the Holy Spirit, Dean.  He will tell you that what I am saying is true.

David Miller wrote:
>> You have rebuked me for allowing non-Christians on the list.  
>> I have not censored you for that.  I would like to see 
>> continued discussion about it.  However, if you start railing 
>> at me and calling me an idiot and not really discussing the
>> differences, then we will have a problem.

Dean wrote:
> No David-I rebuked you nor allowing them to spend a long 
> amount of time among the brethren-here on this list. 

Dean, that is the same thing as not allowing Christians here.  What do I
say to someone like Dave?  "Sorry, Dave, you have been real nice and
all, but we only allow Christians on the list and in my judgment you are
not one, so you have been banned from the list."  

By the way, in your opinion, how long do we allow non-Christian visitors
before giving them the boot?

Dean wrote:
> I removed the rebuke after Ruben asked me to-I believe he did 
> this to create unity between the brethern-I do not think he 
> fully understood the reasons for the rebuke. I have felt that
> I did wrong by removing the rebuke-and this has been an ongoing 
> deep problem for me to deal with-as it won't go away.

I believe that it won't go away because the Lord is dealing with you to
learn something here and you can't learn it if you don't press the
issue.  By confronting this thing and dealing with it, some bit of
knowledge is going to find a place in your mind and suddenly you will
have understanding.  You should not remove a rebuke (if that is even
possible) just because someone asks you too, but rather you should
repent of a rebuke falsely given with an understanding of why you were
wrong to give it.

Dean wrote:
> When have I railed at you or called you an idiot? 
> What do you seek to make me out to be? A loud mouth
> preacher that rails at people and calls them idiots?

LOL.  No, Dean, please read my statement again.  I was trying to say
that if you did these things, then we would have a problem.  We don't
have a problem because you have not done these things.  You are indeed
discussing the issues and not resorting to ad hominem arguments.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] flu shots

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
Izzy wrote:
> BTW, flu shots are not really "big business" for the 
> drug companies. The (ever-so-helpful-finger-in-everything-
> way-too-huge) gov't has made it so unprofitable that 
> there is a major shortage of flu shots this year--which
> is why we have all the media coverage about flu shots 
> this year.

Oh, no, I can't believe you fell for that one.  LOL.  

Just follow the money Izzy, and follow it after this news blitz about
the scarcity of flu shots and "not enough profit" propaganda finishes
its work.  People always want what they can't have, and seeing long
lines waiting for shots is going to boost sales in ways that no
marketing campaign ever could. 

I have been immunized against immunizations because I don't believe in
them.  Exodus 15:26 says, "I will put none of these diseases upon thee,
which I have brought upon the Egyptians."  If God gives me such a
promise, it would be nothing but doubt and unbelief for me to inject
myself or my family with these same diseases with the idea that I am
going to protect myself from them.  I realize that this is a faith walk
and a conscience thing that everyone must work out for themselves.  I'm
not trying to push something on you, just share with you this so that
you can understand that I have been immunized against immunizations.
Therefore, my eyes are opened to things about this that others cannot
see, because I have absolutely no desire to get a flu shot. 

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] Faux-Christians

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
I am not accusing, do you FEEL accused?
I am simply stating I love getting told how to witness to the Lost by those that NEVER witness to the LOST. It is the wierdest thing!
same crowd that says Street preaching does not work.
It does not work for them for the same reason hunting never bags me a deer. I don't hunt.
It does not work.
"God save us from living in comfort while sinners are sinking into hell!" Spurgeon 
Another words what do you know about street preaching?
What do you know about witnessing to the down & out in the gutter at a rock concert.
Have you ever seen a crowd of Marilyn Manson fans, a group of teens curse God's name. Another teen preaches God's word to this crowd that hates God. He finishes his sermon, with a call for anyone that hears God calling them. A Boy walks out of that crowd as they jeer. The 2 teens kneel and pray, in front of all the mockers. That Boy is now a missionary.
Have you ever seen a 70 year old lady get saved? When asked why she waited so long, she said she had never heard the gospel before. Can you believe that in america? That was in New York state.
Have you ever seen a preachers boy, at the beer blast in the street, get on his knees in that street, & get right with God?
A friend of mine was preaching at Beale Street, to a drunk rowdy crowd. They were blaspheming God's name. I will not repeat the mixture of His name with the acts that they applied to it. My friend said God told him to preach
"What does it take to get God in a KILLING Mood?"
Could God have really given this sermon to him?
He preached that sermon. Rolled his Banner up and walked away. As we got to the corner, seconds later. A car came rushing down the intersecting street. It honked, people looked the wrong way down the one way. Two stepped into the street. Have you ever heard a body slam onto a car? Have you ever seen a body fly about 10 yards & then slam onto the pavement? The crowd screemed, there was a lot of crying.
There was no more Blasphemy.
I was there.
The BIG RUFF NASTY Street preachers. Cried their eyes out & prayed.
Have you ever fellowshipped with and worked with?;
 Acts 15:26 Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I have it just might change your life.
"Love will find a way. Indifference will find an excuse." 

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I would rather loose a few fish, while fishing, than to never cast a line!
I love those that don't fish exponding on what lures to use! 
**Kevin you are speaking in ignorance. You don't know what I do, or have
done so why are you allowing yourself to be used as a voice for the accuser?

From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Non-Christians have no right to tell Christians how to behave as Christians. (How would a faux-                Christian know???) Izzy
**I understand that I am on your "ignore" list Izzy but do you have any idea how obnoxious the above
sounds?  You talk as though a non-believer has no sense at all.  They may not know what you know
but they have their own spiritual antenna up and this kind of thing is what drives them as far away from
the Christian church and professing Christians as they can get ...


-Original Message- DAVEH:  I think Judy has given you some good reasons, so I don't feel a need to repeat them.  However Kevin, what I will repeat is something I've mentioned to Ruben and Dean previously.  Have any of the protesters or other Christians who condone such behavior given any thought to the image such displays of unChristian behavior projects to the outside world?  Do the protesters want non Christians to think this is normal behavior in the Christian community? 

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[TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Kevin 
wrote:>> Why also is the LDS HIGH PRIEST who asualted >> one 
of the "preachers", called a HERO by the >> LDS? I call that a THUG! 
My pastor would not >> asault someone for holding underwear? Is this 
>> how yor HIGH PRIESTS behave?Judy:> You fellows were 
tweaking him on purpose Kevin > and his reaction was violent because to 
him > those garments are sacred whether it makes any > sense to 
you or not.
Judy, would you assault someone waving your sacred Scriptures around 
inthe air?  I don't understand why you would defend violence 
againstpeaceful protesters.
***No because I've heard some professing believers 
worse than wave them around in the air.  I'm not 
violence, but after raising four kids I've learned that 
you don't
tweak someone with impugnity and I believe the Street 
knew they would get a reaction and this is why they 
were waving
the underwear about in front of the Temple during one 
of the
busiest times.
Kevin wrote:>> Why the BIG Play on the emotions of others to try 
>> and pressure us to stop?  When that failed why the 
>> pressure thru city hall to write City ordinances >> to 
silence our speech & put away our signs & consign >> us to a 
location up the street?Judy:> Our National Constitution 
guarantees freedom of > religion for everyone and that includes the 
It also guarantees our right to protest false religion on 
publicproperty.  Why do you support the taking away of this 
right?  You are onthe wrong side on this one Judy.  They want to 
use money to take awayfreedom.  They want the right to buy public 
property so that free speechcannot take place near their Temple.  That 
tells me that their Temple isevil. 
***I don't support taking away any rights but isn't 
there a Public
Park in Salt Lake City where the Street Preachers can 
go and it would be
less contentious and more conducive to persuading and 
with people without a 
Judy wrote:> What we (the Christian Church) need to do is get 
> our own act together as a body of believers.
Amen!  All the churches should be down there reproving Mormonism 
formisrepresenting Christianity.
***Anyone who is born again and filled with the Holy 
Spirit knows
that Mormonism is a different gospel with another 
spirit. So what
is the problem?
Judy:> You are a threat to their peace and you are coming > 
against what they hold to be sacred.
They are not a threat to their peace. That is one of the enemy's 
lies.Their only hope for peace is in the message being brought to 
***Not if they can't receive the blessing because of 
the obnoxious way
it is being presented.  
Judy wrote:> Jesus didn't cast himself down from the pillar > 
of the temple so why do it today and think there> will be no 
No, Jesus went INTO THE TEMPLE and cast out the defilers.  Some 
havedone that too, but the Mormons have them thrown in jail.  I guess 
theywould throw Jesus in jail too if he anonymously did to their Temple 
whatJesus did to the Jewish Temple.
***Why go into a pagan temple and try to cleanse that? 
Jesus went into
the temple in Jerusalem which was supposed to be His 
Father's house
and the ppl he rebuked were supposed to be 
genuine.  But he didn't
make a public spectacle of himself by casting himself 
down from the
roof of the temple like the devil was wanting him 
Grace and Peace,

RE: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
Izzy wrote:
> The best argument I've heard yet for Believers 
> to NOT have a Christmas tree.

Why? So if pagan's eat with a fork, then we had better use a spoon
instead?  If pagan's celebrate birthdays, then we better not?  If
pagan's name the months or days of the week after their false gods, then
we better not own a calendar?  Where does all this end?

Who made the tree?  GOD DID!  Odin did not make the tree.  These false
gods are nothing.  But the creator of all things made the tree, so if it
creates a festive atmosphere reminding us of the giver of life who will
warm us again and take care of us as winter comes upon us, what is wrong
with that?  Why should we let the pagans take away what God has given to

You know, the Satanists read the Lord's prayer in their meetings.  Is
that a good argument for why we should not read the Lord's prayer?  (why
is it called the Lord's prayer anyway, isn't it the disciple's prayer?)
Maybe we should not read the Bible at all since so many false religions
use the Bible.  Sorry, but this kind of logic simply escapes me.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
LDS have been asaulting us with impunity for years. The police have actually aided the thugs to escape. This was before we used garments. the Secret Service Bouncers at the temple gates have even asaulted a group of tracters. Not preachers! They have also asualted the pastor from Jude 3 missions Kurt Van Gorden. These people are VIOLENT decievers! I can send the news articles on the above. The LDS publicly denied all of the above until someone got a video of the asaults on TV news. Then they said it was just a problem of education! Until you catch them with their hand in the cookie jar, they play the fine upstanding citizen routine. It is just a THIN Vineer.
Do you support a LDS HIGH PRIEST, asaulting a young man of about 130 lbs
The LDS was over 200
He attacked him from behind put him in a choke hold, dragged himm down the sidewalk. then knocked him to the ground. he said in the paper he was a martial artist & could have broken his arm if he wanted to.
I was an eyewitness to this. In fact I was praying in a circle with about 7 Christians when this man came up to the circle and started screaming so loud I could not hear the prayers. I looked up after a while, he then walked down the sidewalk about 10 fet and attacked the young man.
Do you support the death threats?
Were we asking for them?

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Kevin wrote:>> Why also is the LDS HIGH PRIEST who asualted >> one of the "preachers", called a HERO by the >> LDS? I call that a THUG! My pastor would not >> asault someone for holding underwear? Is this >> how yor HIGH PRIESTS behave?Judy:> You fellows were tweaking him on purpose Kevin > and his reaction was violent because to him > those garments are sacred whether it makes any > sense to you or not.
Judy, would you assault someone waving your sacred Scriptures around inthe air?  I don't understand why you would defend violence againstpeaceful protesters.
***No because I've heard some professing believers do
worse than wave them around in the air.  I'm not defending
violence, but after raising four kids I've learned that you don't
tweak someone with impugnity and I believe the Street Preachers
knew they would get a reaction and this is why they were waving
the underwear about in front of the Temple during one of the
busiest times.
Kevin wrote:>> Why the BIG Play on the emotions of others to try >> and pressure us to stop?  When that failed why the >> pressure thru city hall to write City ordinances >> to silence our speech & put away our signs & consign >> us to a location up the street?Judy:> Our National Constitution guarantees freedom of > religion for everyone and that includes the Mormons.  
It also guarantees our right to protest false religion on publicproperty.  Why do you support the taking away of this right?  You are onthe wrong side on this one Judy.  They want to use money to take awayfreedom.  They want the right to buy public property so that free speechcannot take place near their Temple.  That tells me that their Temple isevil. 
***I don't support taking away any rights but isn't there a Public
Park in Salt Lake City where the Street Preachers can go and it would be
less contentious and more conducive to persuading and communicating
with people without a scene?
Judy wrote:> What we (the Christian Church) need to do is get > our own act together as a body of believers.
Amen!  All the churches should be down there reproving Mormonism formisrepresenting Christianity.
***Anyone who is born again and filled with the Holy Spirit knows
that Mormonism is a different gospel with another spirit. So what
is the problem?
Judy:> You are a threat to their peace and you are coming > against what they hold to be sacred.
They are not a threat to their peace. That is one of the enemy's lies.Their only hope for peace is in the message being brought to them.
***Not if they can't receive the blessing because of the obnoxious way
it is being presented.  
Judy wrote:> Jesus didn't cast himself down from the pillar > of the temple so why do it today and think there> will be no consequences?
No, Jesus went INTO THE TEMPLE and cast out the defilers.  Some havedone that too, but the Mormons have them thrown in jail.  I guess theywould throw Jesus in jail too if he anonymously did to their Temple whatJesus did to the Jewish Temple.
***Why go into a pagan temple and try to cleanse that? Jesus went into
the temple in Jerusalem which was supposed to be His Father's house
and the ppl he rebuked were supposed to be genuine.  But he didn't
make a public spectacle of himself by casting himself down from the
roof of the temple like the devil was wanting him to
Grace and Peace,

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RE: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
David Miller wrote:
>> I guess they would throw Jesus in jail too if he 
>> anonymously did to their Temple what Jesus did 
>> to the Jewish Temple.
Judy wrote:
> ***Why go into a pagan temple and try to cleanse 
> that? Jesus went into the temple in Jerusalem which 
> was supposed to be His Father's house and the ppl 
> he rebuked were supposed to be genuine.  But he didn't
> make a public spectacle of himself by casting himself 
> down from the roof of the temple like the devil was 
> wanting him to

Not a lot of time, but let me quickly respond to this...

The Mormons represent that this Temple is the Father's house.  Is that
right Dave?  Correct me if I am wrong.  Therefore, I think the analogy
is right.  This is not a "pagan temple."  (Have I got this right Dave?
Your temple is not pagan, right?). 

Remember that Jesus said that the father of the Pharisees was the devil.
I think the situation here is very similar to the Mormon one.  The
Temple is to Father God, but the leadership follow the devil.

The Bible does not tell us, but maybe Jesus even got jailed for doing
this kind of thing.  It would make the crucifixion seem more plausible
in that the justice system doesn't usually kill someone who doesn't have
some kind of jail record already. 

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
How about your comments on the UN Chriastian behavior of the LDS HIGH PRIEST?
How about comments on why LDS Security Attacks individuals handing out only printed, literature on a PUBLIC sidewalk?
Why is your church one of the only churches with bouncers?
What is so UN Christian about standing on a PUBLIC sidewalk and Holding a pair of Magic Undies in the air?
Why does your church owned TV station set up a fix to paint the street preachers as "breaking up wedding parties" "calling brides whores"?
1) Take a picture of preachers on sidewalk
2) take a picture of bride & groom inside compound behind fence, protected by bouncers
3) send out 1 lady holding a PROP (veil - no bride No Bridegroom No wedding party take pictures)
Hocus Pocus we have a STORY!
What MAN would allow us to call his brand new wife a whore?
These stories & others go around the world.
I have had my image on KSL more than any other man except for Mayor Rocky in SLC!
Sorry but the fact is, LDS are Liars, Decievers, Seducers!
Please no blubering about taunting and all that hot air. Just answers.
Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin Deegan wrote: 
What exactly is so BAD about a PUBLIC display of Temple attire? DAVEH:  I think Judy has given you some good reasons, so I don't feel a need to repeat them.  However Kevin, what I will repeat is something I've mentioned to Ruben and Dean previously.  Have any of the protesters or other Christians who condone such behavior given any thought to the image such displays of unChristian behavior projects to the outside world?  Do the protesters want non Christians to think this is normal behavior in the Christian community?  Why also is the LDS HIGH PRIEST who asualted one of the "preachers", called a HEROby the LDS?I call that a THUG!My pastor would not asault someone for holding underwear?Is this how yor HIGH PRIESTS behave? Why the BIG Play on the emotions of others to try and pressure us to stop?When that failed why the pressure thru city hall to write City ordinances to
 silence our speech & put away our signs & consign us to a location up the street? We are getting through to LDS and the Church will do anything to silence us.This includes FALSE news stories in the Church owned papers & TV stations.Back room meetings with City government officials who are LDS.It also Includes, PHYSICAL ASUALT by LDS BOUNCERS (those security guards with cameras & the little ear pieces like secret service) intimidation, & death threats. What a wonderful community Salt Lake.I really like the FITHY language of the LDS priests at the priesthood meetings. I have to go to the drunk crowd at the Mardi Gras to get the same filthy language.Of all the other events even the UN Churched do not speak like that priesthood crowd.I even have tape of some Priest saying G D   
Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
David Miller wrote: 
> Generally speaking, however, I don't think street preachers go out of > their way to be disrespectful. There are always exceptions. 
DAVEH: Would you think the public display of the street preachers in SLC waving LDS underwear is one of those exceptions? 
> > > Peace be with you. > David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
--  ~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.langlitz.com  ~~~  If you wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I maintain Five email lists...  JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,  STUFF and MOTORCYCLE.   
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RE: [TruthTalk] Dean & Ruben

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
I have but lately they have decided to asault & arrest any ANTIs
I have taken the Misiionary lessons (I have a copy)
I have read the books I have studied the books & doctrine I have talked to thousands of LDS
what is your point?
We can not get a FAIR representation from ANTI materials?
ps. You can call me ANTI if I can call you ANTI-Baptist
Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Original Message]> From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: TruthTalk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Date: 12/21/2003 12:38:43 PM> Subject: [TruthTalk] Dean & Ruben>> DAVEH: I am curious as to whether either of you two (Dean and/or Ruben)> have walked through Temple Square as a normal visitor rather than a> protester? Have either of you been inside and toured the visitors> center or heard the Tabernacle Choir or walked the grounds?Deam writes:Are kidding? Your brethern will not even let us close to those sites.Ittook hours for me to nagociate a two foot square in front of the northgate-and then they only gave that to me if I agreed not to walk back andforth thru the crowds as I preached about Christ dying for the sins of theworld-and to keep God's commandments. I had no
 Mormon underclothing-no onewas rebuked-only a bible and that message-and the Mormons hated that.Sometime when we would get tired-after standing for hours we would sit on ashort wall by the sidewalk and they would come and tell us to not even siton their wall-our feet would still be on the public sidewalk. What if weare in agreement with God's word-what then?>>> --> ~~~> Dave Hansen> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.langlitz.com> ~~~> If you wish to receive> things I find interesting,> I maintain Five email lists...> JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,> STUFF and MOTORCYCLE.>>> --> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you mayknow how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)http://www.InnGlory.org>> If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email
 to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have afriend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.--"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
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Re: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
How is God expressing that LOVE to those that are presently in HELL?
I once saw a tract that had a picture of Noah's Ark on the cover. There were people scattered in and treading water, all around the ark. On the side of the Ark, in BIG letters was written,  SMILE, God Loves you!

From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
If the below be true, how can Jesus tell the vast majority 
of those He loved,"I never knew you.  Depart from me".

I wrote:  it is impossible to love people and reject them at the same time.
Grace and Peace,
** Jesus loved all of us enough to die for us which so far as I'm 
concerned is genuine love.  He offers us eternal life on His terms not ours 
and His terms are that we fulfill the law of Christ or 'royal law' which is "LOVE"
He says that if we love him we will do what He says (John 14:15,23)
He promises the crown of life to them that love him (James 1:12)
He promises the Kingdom to them that love Him (James 2:5)

Mark 12:30,31 says there is no commandment greater than LOVE
Luke 6:35,36 says that God is kind to the unthankful and to the evil.
Romans 13:10 says that love works no ill to anyone and love is the 
fulfilling of God's Law 
1 John 5:2,3 says - For this is the love of God that we keep 
His commandments.
By the time Jesus tells these people who thought they were serving Him
'depart from me you who practice lawlessness' they will have had time to
get it together. It is our responsibility to search the scriptures and learn
what is expected of us.  No man got us into the Kingdom and no man can
kick us out.  But I don't believe many of us understand this kind of love
because it's spiritual and so we try to transpose what we have been used 
to which is really no love at all, it is performance oriented acceptance.
Hope this makes what I'm trying to communicate a little clearer.
Grace and Peace,

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[TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>David Miller 
wrote:>> I guess they would throw Jesus in jail too if he >> 
anonymously did to their Temple what Jesus did >> to the Jewish 
Temple.Judy wrote:> ***Why go into a pagan temple and try to 
cleanse > that? Jesus went into the temple in Jerusalem which > 
was supposed to be His Father's house and the ppl > he rebuked were 
supposed to be genuine.  But he didn't> make a public spectacle of 
himself by casting himself > down from the roof of the temple like the 
devil was > wanting him to
Not a lot of time, but let me quickly respond to this...
**I don't have a lot of time either, expecting company 
don't think I can agree with you on this 
The Mormons represent that this Temple is the Father's house.  Is 
thatright Dave?  Correct me if I am wrong.  Therefore, I think the 
analogyis right.  This is not a "pagan temple."  (Have I got this 
right Dave?Your temple is not pagan, right?). 
**But those walking in the light know that it is not 
the Father's House
First because God no longer put's his name on 
buildings, His house
is the body of Christ, living stones, a human 
Remember that Jesus said that the father of the Pharisees was the 
devil.I think the situation here is very similar to the Mormon one.  
TheTemple is to Father God, but the leadership follow the devil.
**He said that only because of their behavior and their 
blindness. He also told the people to listen to what 
they said because
they sat in Moses seat - but not to follow their 
example as to deeds
so I don't see a similarity here.
The Bible does not tell us, but maybe Jesus even got jailed for 
doingthis kind of thing.  It would make the crucifixion seem more 
plausiblein that the justice system doesn't usually kill someone who doesn't 
havesome kind of jail record already. 
**I doubt it - the reason the thief was saved on the 
cross was because
he knew Jesus was innocent and had done nothing wrong. 
If he had
been in prison ppl would have known it.  Our 
justice system may not
be perfect but it is for everyone's benefit and is God 
Grace and Peace,

Re: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
God's word is THE RULE BOOK!
1 Co 14: If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
So if I understand what you are saying it is that you place yourself ABOVE God's word here. You Judge God's word.  You are the rule book.

From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> [Original Message]
> I hope you make some time to answer some of my posts along these lines.> I think the sin lies with those who excommunicate believers for their> theology rather than with someone like Judy who has a Mormon over for> the holidays.  Please stick around long enough to talk about it, rather> than just stating your position and running off.
Dean writes:As In stated earlier-I will stay around awhile-when last I was here-Ianswered/discussed these topic for over a year (Maybe 2)-How long would youhave me discuss the same issue? When have I ever spoken and run? If youever want me to come back to your site you have my e-mail address? But I amlimited on how much time I can spend with those of false doctrine. 
Dean thinking you alone have ALL the "right" doctrine and that nothing YOU
believe is false is a point of pride because none of us have the whole loaf (all of 
Jesus) we are all learners and we need each other. You bind ppl when you lock 
them into their present state with no hope that they can or will ever change.  
We changed and hopefully are still changing as we walk this highway of holiness, 
so why can't they, Lord willing?
The Mormon who is coming to our house for Christmas dinner is from
a poor family in the Solomon Islands, there are seven sons and the father is a
farmer there. This boy was raised 7th Day Adventist because those were the 
first missionaries to come to his island and apparently the whole island pretty 
much converted to that sect (I consider 7th Day Adventism to be legalistic and 
cultish also) but God will use whatever is available.  
This boy rebelled for some years until the Mormons found him and gave him 
hope for a future in the secular world.  He is studying at their University now.
I am not sure that he is permanently locked in to their theology but he practices 
it for now, I see him as someone with potential for whom Christ died.
If God could knock the pharisee Saul off his horse and save him, if He could 
follow me halfway around the world through years of vanity and pride not giving
up on me, then why should I give up on other seemingly hopeless cases? How
can I give up on people and cut them off, judging by outward appearance alone?  
Have you given a lot of prayer and thought to these issues Dean?  The NT 
is not a rule book and His banner over us is love, it is impossible to love people
and reject them at the same time.
Grace and Peace,

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Re: [TruthTalk] Just the BIBLE Dave

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
Liars Decievers Seducers
That is part of the SEDUCER
Always give the appearance of piousness
All Phony men of God put on the Dog & Pony show for the Sheeples.
Ever watch the Pope? Why does he always walk around with his hands clasped as in prayer? Why all the dresses that they wear? The smoke & incense? The LARGE cathedrals? The candles & beautiful artwork, windows?
A good example is the announcer at the Hill Cumorah pag. He has this sicky pleasing voice. I wish I had audio, I can mimic it to a tee to give you an idea. He can conjure up FEELINGS thru his voice. eg. Ever hear someone refer to a "WARM" voice?
Attendees are later told if they had a feeling that was the Spirit. They should go to the kiosk. As in SEDUCING SPIRITS!
There are lots of people put on a good TALK but few that have a good WALK.
God is interested in your Heart service NOT your lip service!The bible says to love not just in Word but in deed![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Dean, Hey is this really what you mean? Not to be antagonistic, butthis sounds like YOU have a devil in YOU. Dave is always so calm, andcollected, and REASOBABLE, above all!! I get the feeling you are frustrated because . . . ? BlainerBOn Wed, 17 Dec 2003 07:45:14 -0500 "Dean Moore"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>writes:> > > DAVEH: OK, Dean..if not my remarks, what does make you so angry > (sounding)? > > Dean writes 12/17> In all honesty DaveH-When I see the brethren interacting with you as > one of their own-without any caution for the spirit that drives > you-this angers me. The Bible is clear 1 John 3:8> He that commith sin is of the Devil... To promote JS and his > teachings is sin -for those teaching are against the clear words of > Christ-Hence you are of the Devil.
 If you are honestly searching as > you claim then you would have listened to our teaching to some > extent -that are proven by the Bible-but you have not-and still > promote JS after about appx. 5 yrs of being here. To me this proves > you are completely controlled by an "unsavory spirit" and are among > our younger brethren. How would you feel if I were allowed to spend > time among the young Mormons-teaching as I do -saying what I say? > And then when you come in to instruct what you perceive as truth-The > young Mormons declare:" No we love Dean let him stay for we are > learning much from him" which prove the teaching are taking effect. > Assume you can prove beyond any doubt that you have the truth and my > teaching would lead the young Mormons to suffer greatly in hell-for > all eternity. Yet the principle of the school fails to listen > (because he believes he has it all under
 control-and > enjoys the attention my teaching create) and so do the children-who > are unable to see the danger. Would you be concerned for the > children-would you be angry with me?Would you fight hard for those > children-Would you attempt to expose that Principle to the Mormon > elders-for the sake of the Children? Remember Judy stated to me that > the Mormons way was better then the Preacher's way of promoting the > Gospel ( Mormons promote the Gospel of the Christ of the Bible?-not > so). DavidM remarked earlier that Judy listened to the Mormons more > than to him. Yet you are allowed to continue on-even smiling at me > asking "Are you getting angry Dean :-) And Judy said that I should > love you also. But DaveH I am really not angry at you for you will > do as you devil directs-similar to a puppet-I am angry at the spirit > that pulls you strings-and will fight harder at SLC this
 year-and I > am fustrated at the older brethren whom should know better-which > puts me in a difficult position for I am commanded to love them > also-so yes- I should pray-as I know that I a> m correct in this-and will seek to prove that-Lord willing .> Gal 5:9 A little laven leaveneth the whole lump.--"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
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RE: [TruthTalk] Dean & Ruben

2003-12-21 Thread Charles Perry Locke

David, I have done all that you mentioned, including visiting the ancestral library. I was attending a trade show and conference at the Salt Palace and invited my LDS mother-in-law to share the room with me. While I "conferenced", she "genealogied". In fact, I thought it was quite unholy, an evangelical Chrstian, while walking towards Tempe Square, was approached by two Jahovah's Witnesses. Is nothing sacred? (VBG) We also had dinner on the top floor of the building next to the temple and overlooking it, as was my mother-in-law's desire.
I also took time off one of the days to ride the bus out to the Utah Lighthouse Mission. It is a Christian mission to Mormons run by two former LDS members, Gerald and Sandra Tanner. Mrs. Tanner claims to be an 8th great-grandchild of Brigham Young, and I thought to myself, why is that so special? Half of the women in the state can make that claim!
The more I have studied Mormonism, the more deeply I have become convinced of it's heretical nature, and the deceptions of JS, the heriatage of the "Temple" ceremonies, Masonry.( BTW,  I come from a family steeped in Masonic tradition...my father, both grandfathers, and two uncles were, and are, Masons. My mother was in the Eastern Star at one time many years ago, and my grandmother, after my grandfather's passing, lived in the Masonic Orphans and Widows home for while. Despite the heavy tradition, I have never been tempted to become a Mason, or have anything to do with it.)
>From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: TruthTalk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [TruthTalk] Dean & Ruben 
>Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 09:27:29 -0800 
>DAVEH:  I am curious as to whether either of you two (Dean and/or Ruben) 
>have walked through Temple Square as a normal visitor rather than a 
>protester?  Have either of you been inside and toured the visitors 
>center or heard the Tabernacle Choir or walked the grounds? 
>  ~~~ 
>  Dave Hansen 
>  http://www.langlitz.com 
>  ~~~ 
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RE: [TruthTalk] I didn't do that freaking email

2003-12-21 Thread Charles Perry Locke

>From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CPL: AP, TPW, why do you not reveal your real name as most of the 
>TT'rs have. Is there something you're afraid of, or are you hiding 
>from someone or something? 

>TPW: Not fearful, I am in a line of work that requires me to. It's >nothing personal and furthermore, what would my true identity bring >you anyways? what possible use could you have for it? 
So, you fear that someone in your line of work might find out that you are a pagan, so you are hiding it from them. I suspected you had something to hide. What line of work are you in that requires such secrecy? Or are you just embarassed to admit openly that you are a pagan?

>Besides PPL know me as THE PAGAN WOLF anyways. That user name has >practically an Identity of it's own. 
I get it. Sort of like "Mickey Mouse".

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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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Re: [TruthTalk] flu shots

2003-12-21 Thread Marlin Halverson
David: Exodus 15:26 says, "I will put none of these diseases upon thee,
> which I have brought upon the Egyptians."  If God gives me such a
> promise, it would be nothing but doubt and unbelief for me to inject
> myself or my family with these same diseases with the idea that I am
> going to protect myself from them.  

Marlin:  We agree on this!
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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Re: [TruthTalk] flu shots

2003-12-21 Thread Dean Moore

> [Original Message]
> From: Marlin Halverson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 12/21/2003 7:50:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] flu shots
> David: Exodus 15:26 says, "I will put none of these diseases upon thee,
> > which I have brought upon the Egyptians."  If God gives me such a
> > promise, it would be nothing but doubt and unbelief for me to inject
> > myself or my family with these same diseases with the idea that I am
> > going to protect myself from them.  
> Marlin:  We agree on this!
Dean writes:

 Hey guys-I thought I had to get this shot to travel to Europe-but once I
got there I discovered that non of the brethren had to get one-they
probably never caught the flu virus either-I wonder what will happen next
from the tetanus shot I also got-come to think of it my jaw does feel

> --
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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Re: [TruthTalk] Will we be gods?

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
BlaineRB:  I THINK we agree here, but MAYBE NOT   No authoritative Mormon ever taught THAT we intend to be equal with God, or the trinity, or whatever you choose to call it.  We believe we will be Gods in the sense that we will have access to all power that is God's, to continue in eternity--as the parable of the prodigal son suggests, the faithful son was given access to all that his father possessed.  
You make a fine distinction here, hedging your bets?
If you progress forever you will reach and pass the pointy that the LDS heavenly father is at right now.  

"As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become." Lorenzo Snow, 
Millennial Star, Vol 54, pg 404
But he will progress further, so you will never catch him.
Besides he will have his planet & you will have yours. he will have his eternal seed & you yours. 
Question, I have always wondered about this. it is real puzzling.
If you worship this father are you sealed to him as his seed?
Then how can you break his family circle to start your own planet?
In fact how can all the males joined to you for all eternity leave and do their own planet?
God's offspring, we have His attributes in us. We are gods in embryo, and 
thus have an unlimited potential for progress and attainment.” Teachings 
of Ezra Taft Benson, p21
"Here then is eternal life - to know the only wise and true God; and you 
have got to learn how to be gods yourselves, and to be kings and priest to 
God, the same as all gods have done before you --- and to sit in glory, as 
do those who sit in everlasting power --- What is it? To inherit the same 
power, the same glory and the same exaltation, until you arrive at the 
station of a God, and ascend the throne of eternal power" Teachings of the 
Prophet Joseph Smith, pg 346-347
"There never was a time when there were not spirits; for they are co-equal 
[co-eternal] with our Father in heaven." Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p 353
"As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become." Lorenzo Snow, 
Millennial Star, Vol 54, pg 404
"To know God we must know ourselves. All the personal attributes which are 
ascribed to God by men, we find in ourselves. ... Mormonism does not tend 
to debase God to the level of man, but to exalt man to the perfection of 
God." Charles W. Penrose (First Counselor to Heber J. Grant), Millenial 
Star,Vol 23, pg 181 Gospel through the Ages Milton R Hunter p 107
"God and man are of the same race, differing only in their degrees of 
advancement." Dr John A Widtsoe  Rational theology p 61Gospel through the Ages Milton R Hunter p 107
DC 132:19 Ye shall come forth in the first resurrection; . . . and shall 
inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all 
heights and depths . . . they shall pass by the angels, and the gods, 
which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things"  
Dictionary \Ex`al*ta"tion\, n. [L. exaltatio: cf. F. exaltation.]1. The act of exalting or raising high; also, the state of   being exalted; elevation. 2. (Alchemy-wizardry) The refinement or subtilization of a body, or   the increasing of its virtue or principal property.
3. (Astrology) That place of a planet in the zodiac in which it   was supposed to exert its strongest influence.
\Ex`al*ta"tion\, n. (Medical)An abnormal sense of personal well-being, power, orimportance, -- a symptom observed in various forms of insanity.
JOE says:
to sit in glory, as  do those who sit in everlasting power To inherit the same power, the same glory and the same exaltation, until you arrive at the station of a God, and ascend the throne of eternal power"
SATAN says: Is 14;13-14
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 
So what is the difference between Joe & Satan?
Is there SOME truth in Both of them?
God says:
Is 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
God sys no throne for you just a pit!

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]BlaineRB:  I THINK we agree here, but MAYBE NOT   No authoritative Mormon ever taught THAT we intend to be equal with God, or the trinity, or whatever you choose to call it.  We believe we will be Gods in the sense that we will have access to all power that is God's, to continue in eternity--as the parable of the prodigal son suggests, the faithful son was given access to all that his father possessed.  
Judy: Blaine your system is an "adept/occult" one just like the tower of Babel where everyone ascends to heaven step by step. The following are the words of your founder Joseph Smith and are taken from a sermon given at the funeral of Elder Follett just two months before his (Smith's) assassination in Carthage, Illinois.
Joseph Smith says (as recorded in Times & Seasons August 1, 1844):
"I am 

RE: [TruthTalk] Mormon view of the godhead

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
Here is Joe's sad understanding of the trinity:
Many men say there is one God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are only one God. I say that is a strange God [anyhow]--three in one and one in three. . .It is curious organization… All are crammed into one God according to sectarianism. It would make the biggest God in all the world. He would be a wonderfully big God--he would be a giant or a monster. Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet J S , p 372
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Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
How is God expressing that LOVE to those 
that are presently in HELL?
**Cute.  Those presently in Hell had 
plenty of time to get
their house in order.  Are you saying that 
God is unjust and/or
a respecter of persons?
Kevin: I once saw a tract that had a picture of Noah's Ark 

on the cover. There were people scattered in and treading 

water, all around the ark. On the side of the Ark, in BIG 

letters was written,  SMILE, God Loves you!
**And what was that all about? you seem to be 
full of cliches
and what is going on in the religious world 


  From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  If the below be true, how can Jesus tell the vast majority 
  of those He loved,"I never knew you.  Depart from 
I wrote:  it 
is impossible to love people and reject them at 
the same time.
Grace and Peace,
** Jesus loved all of us enough to die for us 
which so far as I'm 
concerned is genuine love.  He offers us 
eternal life on His terms not ours 

and His terms are that we fulfill the law of Christ 
or 'royal law' which is "LOVE"
He says that if we love him we will do what He says 
(John 14:15,23)
He promises the crown of life to them that love him 
(James 1:12)
He promises the Kingdom to them that love Him 
(James 2:5)

Mark 12:30,31 says there is no commandment greater 
than LOVE
Luke 6:35,36 says that God is kind to the 
unthankful and to the evil.
Romans 13:10 says that love works no ill to anyone 
and love is the 
fulfilling of God's Law 
1 John 5:2,3 says - 
For this is the love of God that we keep 

His commandments.
By the time Jesus tells these people who thought 
they were serving Him
'depart from me you who practice lawlessness' they 
will have had time to
get it together. It is our responsibility to search 
the scriptures and learn
what is expected of us.  No man got us into 
the Kingdom and no man can
kick us out.  But I don't believe many of us 
understand this kind of love
because it's spiritual and so we try to 
transpose what we have been used 
to which is really no love at all, it is 
performance oriented acceptance.
Hope this makes what I'm trying to communicate a 
little clearer.
Grace and Peace,

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[TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread jandgtaylor1

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
God's word is THE RULE BOOK!
1 Co 14: If any man think himself to be a prophet, 
or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that 
I write unto you are the 
commandments of the Lord.
**The Commandment of the Lord is to love God, 
others; what part of this don't you 
understand?  Love
fulfills the law and the 
So if I understand what you are saying it is that you 

place yourself ABOVE God's word here. You Judge 
God's word.  You are the rule book.
**You are not understanding what I am saying 
I am not judging God's Word. I am working on 
God's Word.  You deny accusing but here is 
accusation coming from you - that I am 
God's Word.

  From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 
  [Original Message]
  > I hope you make some time to answer some of my posts along these 
  lines.> I think the sin lies with those who excommunicate believers for 
  their> theology rather than with someone like Judy who has a Mormon 
  over for> the holidays.  Please stick around long enough to talk 
  about it, rather> than just stating your position and running 
  Dean writes:As In stated earlier-I will stay around awhile-when last 
  I was here-Ianswered/discussed these topic for over a year (Maybe 2)-How 
  long would youhave me discuss the same issue? When have I ever spoken and 
  run? If youever want me to come back to your site you have my e-mail 
  address? But I amlimited on how much time I can spend with those of false 
  Dean thinking you alone have ALL the "right" 
  doctrine and that nothing YOU
  believe is false is a point of pride because none of us have the whole loaf (all of 
  Jesus) we are all learners and we need each other. 
  You bind ppl when you lock 
  them into their present state with no hope that they can or will 
  ever change.  
  We changed and hopefully are still changing as we 
  walk this highway of holiness, 
  so why can't they, Lord willing?
  The Mormon who is coming to our house for 
  Christmas dinner is from
  a poor family in the Solomon Islands, there 
  are seven sons and the father is a
  farmer there. This boy was raised 7th Day 
  Adventist because those were the 
  first missionaries to come to his island and 
  apparently the whole island pretty 
  much converted to that sect (I consider 7th Day 
  Adventism to be legalistic and 
  cultish also) but God will use whatever is 
  This boy rebelled for some years until the Mormons found him 
  and gave him 
  hope for a future in the 
  secular world.  He is studying at their University now.
  I am not sure that he is 
  permanently locked in to their theology but he 
  it for now, I see him as someone with potential for 
  whom Christ died.
  If God could knock the pharisee Saul off his horse 
  and save him, if He 
  follow me halfway around the world through 
  years of vanity and pride not 
  up on me, then why should I give up on other 
  seemingly hopeless cases? How
  can I give up on 
  people and cut them off, judging by outward 
  appearance alone?  
  Have you given a lot of 
  prayer and thought to these issues Dean?  The NT 
  is not a rule book and His banner over us is 
  love, it is impossible to love 
  and reject them at the same time.
  Grace and Peace,

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RE: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
Dean wrote:
> Here is a picture of Ruben and I in front of the
> Church of Jesus Christ sign in front of the Temple 
> on the north Gate of Temple Square.

Hi Dean.  I like the picture, but you have to learn some things about
sending pictures on e-mail.  That picture was 1 MB in size, which
doesn't mean much to guys with DSL or CABLE connections, but our dial-up
users have to wait a long time for it to download.  They can see pretty
much the same thing if you do the following:

1.  Save the pic in JPG (JPEG) format instead of BMP (bump).

2.  Set your resolution between 72 and 96 dpi for screen viewing.

3.  Reduce the size to about anywhere from 250 to 600 pixels along one

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Re: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] The Basis of Christian Fellowship

2003-12-21 Thread Kevin Deegan
I am absolutely NOT saying God is unjust.
he will Judge people in righteousness. he cast people into hell. i am just saying he shows NO LOVE to those that are in Hell. I am just saying he is a God of love AND a God of Righteous Judgement. One of those judgements is casting people in hell.
SMILE God loves you on the Ark makes NO sense. God was not displaying his love on those that he drowned. Men Women and CHILDREN. God's judgement is Fearful & terrible!
Cliches? Like what? Example?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
How is God expressing that LOVE to those 
that are presently in HELL?
**Cute.  Those presently in Hell had plenty of time to get
their house in order.  Are you saying that God is unjust and/or
a respecter of persons?
Kevin: I once saw a tract that had a picture of Noah's Ark 
on the cover. There were people scattered in and treading 
water, all around the ark. On the side of the Ark, in BIG 
letters was written,  SMILE, God Loves you!
**And what was that all about? you seem to be full of cliches
and what is going on in the religious world Kevin.. 

From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
If the below be true, how can Jesus tell the vast majority 
of those He loved,"I never knew you.  Depart from me".

I wrote:  it is impossible to love people and reject them at the same time.
Grace and Peace,
** Jesus loved all of us enough to die for us which so far as I'm 
concerned is genuine love.  He offers us eternal life on His terms not ours 
and His terms are that we fulfill the law of Christ or 'royal law' which is "LOVE"
He says that if we love him we will do what He says (John 14:15,23)
He promises the crown of life to them that love him (James 1:12)
He promises the Kingdom to them that love Him (James 2:5)

Mark 12:30,31 says there is no commandment greater than LOVE
Luke 6:35,36 says that God is kind to the unthankful and to the evil.
Romans 13:10 says that love works no ill to anyone and love is the 
fulfilling of God's Law 
1 John 5:2,3 says - For this is the love of God that we keep 
His commandments.
By the time Jesus tells these people who thought they were serving Him
'depart from me you who practice lawlessness' they will have had time to
get it together. It is our responsibility to search the scriptures and learn
what is expected of us.  No man got us into the Kingdom and no man can
kick us out.  But I don't believe many of us understand this kind of love
because it's spiritual and so we try to transpose what we have been used 
to which is really no love at all, it is performance oriented acceptance.
Hope this makes what I'm trying to communicate a little clearer.
Grace and Peace,

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RE: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
Judy wrote:
> **But those walking in the light know that it is 
> not the Father's House First because God no longer 
> put's his name on buildings, His house is the body 
> of Christ, living stones, a human temple.

That's what Stephen preached and was stoned for.  Don't you see a
similar attitude of the Mormons toward the street preachers as we see in
the Jews toward Stephen in Acts 6?

Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue
of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of
Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen. And they were not able to
resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake. Then they suborned
men, which said, We have heard him speak blasphemous words against
Moses, and against God. And they stirred up the people, and the elders,
and the scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to
the council, And set up false witnesses, which said, This man ceaseth
not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place, and the law: For
we have heard him say, that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this
place, and shall change the customs which Moses delivered us. (Acts
6:9-14 KJV)

But Solomon built him an house. Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in
temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, Heaven is my throne, and
earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or
what is the place of my rest? Hath not my hand made all these things? Ye
stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the
Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. Which of the prophets have
not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed
before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the
betrayers and murderers: Who have received the law by the disposition of
angels, and have not kept it. When they heard these things, they were
cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth.  (Acts
7:47-54 KJV)

These passages convey to me a very severe opposition between the people
of the Temple and Stephen.  Do you see it differently?

Judy wrote:
> He also told the people to listen to what they said 
> because they sat in Moses seat - but not to follow 
> their example as to deeds so I don't see a similarity 
> here.

Well, that is a good point.  The Mormons certainly do not sit in Moses's

Perhaps a better comparison of the Mormon relationship to Christianity
would be to consider the Samaritan relationship to Judaism.  Most Jews
did not consider Samaritans in the covenant, primarily because they did
not recognize Jerusalem as the place where Yahweh put his name.  Most
Samaritans, on the other hand, considered themselves part of the Mosaic
covenant.  Do you think the Samaritans and Jews might be a better

David Miller wrote:
>> The Bible does not tell us, but maybe Jesus even got 
>> jailed for doing this kind of thing.  It would make 
>> the crucifixion seem more plausible in that the justice 
>> system doesn't usually kill someone who doesn't have
>> some kind of jail record already. 
Judy wrote:
> **I doubt it - the reason the thief was saved on the 
> cross was because he knew Jesus was innocent and had 
> done nothing wrong. If he had been in prison ppl would 
> have known it.  Our justice system may not be perfect 
> but it is for everyone's benefit and is God ordained.

Of course people would have known that Jesus had been in prison, but
that does not mean that God would have necessarily seen fit to preserve
that information in the Bible.  We know that the apostles spent time in
jail right away.  If they put the apostles in jail, why would we think
that Jesus was never put in jail.  I mean, what would you do with
someone who goes into the Temple with a whip and turns over tables and
uses the whip to run people out.  Those people legally had a right to be
there.  Why would you think that they would not put him in jail for
doing that?  Don't you think that they would have fined him and made him
pay for damages?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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[TruthTalk] Love or Rebuke?/Judy

2003-12-21 Thread irebukeu
Jt writes: Thank you for your intent but what would make you think I have a
chip on my shoulder Reuben?  Just because I'm talking about LOVE?

Well I read that you have a hard time with men who preach the truth like
Dean or Kevin.  It appears to me that you seem to think that "love" was the
message preached with John the Baptist, Jesus, Apostles and should be
declare today.  In reality the main theme from Old to New and should be
today is and should be repentance.  Other than that we must examine
ourselves, if we just want to tickle ears and be everyone friend.

I've studied for years and have been seriously looking tonight and I can't
what I am reading on TT; yes the prophets rebuked when Israel went off into
apostasy but I don't see this pattern in the NT

I will give you a few examples and I would like you to match the amount of
(love message) or examples I am giving you.  If you cannot match my examples
given then maybe you could at least learn something here.  And please do not
give me Epistles to read, remember context is important.  The Epistles were
written  to "saints" or "Churches" and not whosoever in that city.  If you
wish to read what Paul preached on the street in Rome, go to Acts not Romans
and if you wish to find out what he preached on the street while in Corinth,
go to Acts, 1&2 Corinthians were written to believers.  How I speak to
Christians that are saved is much different when speaking to unsaved people.

John the Baptist (Mt.3:1-12): I think it would be safe to say John was not a
suite and tie type of guy?  His basic message that he preached to the
general people was "Repent ye.." But to those Pharisees and Sadducees that
came to him he said "O generation of VIPERS, who hath warned you of the
WRATH to come? (note: now this is not the way to win people over John, why
did he not give them the four spiritually laws?).  He now demands evidence
of repentance and not some quick your sealed and saved now deal.   John even
answered their question before they asked, of being the seed of Abraham
(note: now that is a cheap shot, saying that they were no better than stones
and if you really want to rebuke "in love"..whatever that means...at least
dress up when you represent the Lord, John?).   Then he says because they
have no fruit the tree is to be chopped down and used for FIRE, in fact the
axe has already made contact with the roots and not in the swing mode.
Lastly in verse 12 he must bring up this "unquenchable fire".why he called
them names, he belittled who they were, he demands fruit or get burned and
now this "unquenchable fire?"   Why Judy, I think he just turn people
off..where is his love.and why must he be disrespectful to other
religions..does he start the New Testament with this "ministry of rebuke??"
Well, that's not all.eventually John gets jailed..FOR CALLING THE KING AN
ADULTERER.has he no shame?  Maybe he deserved to go to jail.maybe jail was
God judging him for being so offensive..maybe his ministry would have lasted
longer if he only preached "God loves you and so do I"???  Or maybe God is
being consistent with His messengers?

Our Lord Jesus, his first word of his first message was "Repent"  (Mt.4:17).
Mt. 5:22,29; 7:19; 8:12; 9:13; 10:28; 11:23; 13:30, 40, 42, 50; 17:15;
18:8-9; 22:13, chapter 23;  24:51, 25:30  25:41, 46; Mk.6:12; Lk.13:2-5;
16:23, 24:47; Jn.15:6,  These are just a few verses that Jesus preaches on
repentance/hell/punishment/fire/torment unlike the famous "John 3:16" verse
that I pointed out was never quoted to another person nor mentioned in
another Gospel, these verses on hell/punishment/fire/torment can be recited
in all three Gospels.   If you could match the amount of verses where Jesus
preached "God loves you," then I will move on to the Book of Acts to
scrutinize, if they preached Repentance or God loves you (note: I don't know
about every one else but I'm starting to see a pattern here).

So Jesus words were exclusively for Nicodemus when he said "For God sent not
his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him
might be saved? He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that
believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name
of the only begotten son of God. And this is the condemnation that light is
come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their
deeds were evil?" (Jn 3:17-19)

Well my point was that this very famous verse "John 3:16" was not a common
message that was always given, but to one man at night and never repeated in
any other Gospel, or another person nor was it rehearsed in the Book of
Acts.  Whereas the word "Repent" is quoted continuously, so why would people
shudder at this word?
Only a half truth Ruben. Shame on you.  Jesus first message gave the reason
to repent, it was "Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand"  

RE: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread David Miller
Judy wrote:
> I believe the Street Preachers knew they would get 
> a reaction and this is why they were waving the 
> underwear about in front of the Temple during one 
> of the busiest times.

Wait a minute.  Are you saying that you think the Street Preachers knew
they would get a VIOLENT reaction?  Clearly they were trying to get
their attention, but that doesn't mean they were seeking a violent

Judy wrote:
> ***I don't support taking away any rights but 
> isn't there a Public Park in Salt Lake City 
> where the Street Preachers can go and it would be
> less contentious and more conducive to persuading 
> and communicating with people without a scene?

>From what I understand, the preachers ARE in a public area that is very
conducive for initiating dialogue.  The Mormons want to spend millions
to convert the public property into private property, just so the public
cannot engage in this kind of activity next to their Temple. In other
words, they want their privacy.

You really do not seem to understand what free speech is all about.  If
you move the public areas far away on purpose, you are squelching free
speech.  How can people raise objections to what the Temple if doing to
the ones who need to hear it most if you close off the public forums
near the Temple?  They certainly have a right to their privacy in their
buildings, but to go out of their way and spend millions to prohibit
criticism only communicates that they have a lot to hide.  

One thing we can say about the Jewish Temple, they never did that.  They
recognized areas near the Temple for everyone, including Gentiles, and
they separated areas within the Temple where women were not allowed and
where only priests could go.

Judy wrote:
> ***Anyone who is born again and filled with the 
> Holy Spirit knows that Mormonism is a different 
> gospel with another spirit. So what is the problem?

I disagree.  
Judy wrote:
> ***Not if they can't receive the blessing because 
> of the obnoxious way it is being presented.  

Before you lay down a foundation for a house, what do you have to do?
You have to clear the lot, remove the old structures, then lay down the
foundation and then build the house.  Don't try building until you have
first cleared the land, and you call that being obnoxious?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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Re: [TruthTalk] HAPPY YULE DAY!!

2003-12-21 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 12/21/2003 5:12:22 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Izzy wrote:> The best argument I've heard yet for Believers > to NOT have a Christmas tree.Why? So if pagan's eat with a fork, then we had better use a spooninstead?  If pagan's celebrate birthdays, then we better not?  Ifpagan's name the months or days of the week after their false gods, thenwe better not own a calendar?  Where does all this end?Who made the tree?  GOD DID!  Odin did not make the tree.  These falsegods are nothing.  But the creator of all things made the tree, so if itcreates a festive atmosphere reminding us of the giver of life who willwarm us again and take care of us as winter comes upon us, what is wrongwith that?  Why should we let the pagans take away what God has given tous?You know, the Satanists read the Lord's prayer in their meetings.  Isthat a good argument for why we should not read the Lord's prayer?  (whyis it called the Lord's prayer anyway, isn't it the disciple's prayer?)Maybe we should not read the Bible at all since so many false religionsuse the Bible.  Sorry, but this kind of logic simply escapes me.Peace be with you.David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
I suspect we can take just about anything and find a pagan use for it.  I was thinking today of how the occult uses candles and yet I and just about everyone I know burn candles often.  And candles are used in churches.  That is just an example.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.

2003-12-21 Thread Dave

David Miller wrote:

> this forum is setup for discussion, not converting people.
> Everybody here hopefully is interested in talking about what they
> believe and answering questions.  I can't tell you how much I value
> being able to talk with someone like DaveH and Blaine and learn first
> hand what Mormons believe and why.  There is a level of communication
> here that is much better than reading a book.

DAVEH:  I feel exactly the same way, DavidM.  What I don't quite understand is why 
some TTers (notably, Dean) don't find such a forum to be interesting, informative and 
useful.  In their compelling need to convert others to their way of thinking, it
almost seems as though they become irrational in their thinking and actions.  To me, 
this feeling of frustration (at failing to easily accomplish their goals) seems to 
translate into their actions when protesting in SLC.

If I weren't so wrapped up in other time consuming activities, I'd be tempted to 
set up some kind of round table forum dedicated to just an exchange of ideas without 
allowing hostile exchanges.  I've got a feeling that may not be as easy to control as
it seems though.

It kinda saddens me to think that even though my primary purpose to be on TT is to 
find out about the beliefs of Protestants, many TTers now do not want to discuss such 
with me, and those who do merely want to bury me with anti-Mormon arguments.  I do
appreciate you (DavidM, Judy and other willing TTers) taking the time to answer my 
questions though.

Dave Hansen
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
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Re: [TruthTalk] Try this one, Blaine.

2003-12-21 Thread Blaine R Borrowman

That works!!  
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 22:26:11 -0800 "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Blaine wrote:
  Perry, your messages go to an  attachment whenever I try 
  to reply tothem.  Yours are the only ones that do that.  Any 
  idea why?
  Blaine, I have not had anyone else report this particular 
  problem, and I have no idea why they are doing that. Rather than hit "reply" 
  on your last post I greated this as a a new email message. See it it behaves 
  the same.
  Grab our best dial-up Internet 
  access offer: 6 months @$9.95/month. -- "Let your speech be always 
  with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer 
  every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org If you do not want to 
  receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
  you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
  send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed. 

Re: [TruthTalk] just the BIBLE Dave/Blaine

2003-12-21 Thread Blaine R Borrowman

Hi again Judy,  
I think we are closer in beliefs than you think.  I don't even 
disagree with most of what you have said.  However, one of our articles of 
faith states,
"We believe men (and women) will be punished for their own 
sins, and not for Adam's transgression."  We do not believe in 
infant baptism, as we believe children are born innocent.  Because we did 
inherit Adam's fallen nature, however, we believe eventually we will sin--but 
not until we understand right from wrong, which starts to happen with most 
people at about age eight yrs., an age revealed to JS, by the way.  We do 
not baptize until that age or older.  People who never achieve the mental 
age of 8 yrs, are considered to be innocent before God, and will go to heaven 
automatically.  Children who die before the age of 8 yrs are in the same 
Also, we do emulate Jesus Christ, and through his atonement hope to become 
 like him--but we do this due to his mercy, not as a result of our own 
righteousness--we are ALL sinners, right?  Basically, our doctrine is 
that we will be saved by grace, but only after all we can do for 
ourselves.  We do not believe we will get a free ride into heaven on 
Jesus' coattails.   We have to show our faith by being willing to keep 
his commandments.  If we slip up, then we have to repent and try 
again. This can be a long process.  But as he has commanded us, "Be ye 
therefore perfect, even as  my Father in Heaven is 
perfect."  (The Book of Mormon, by the way, says it 
slightly differently--it goes, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as I 
and your father in heaven are perfect.)
Peace,  BlaineRB
On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 02:45:14 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:> 
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > 
***   Actually Judy, from my point of view, it seems you are doing 
> > > the> > same think  (I misspelled "thing" 
but decided the new word fit> > better)--reading your own 
interpretation into it.  Did you get > your> > 
interpretation from your minister, or is this your very own > 
original> > interp?  (">) > > > > Judy: 
> > Neither Blaine - this is what the scriptures teach  - the 
mystery > of> > godliness which is "Christ in you the hope of 
glory"> > It's either Christ in you or the antichrist in you with no 
hope of > > > glory,> > take your pick.> 
> BLAINERB: Again you seem to be setting us up as unreal straw men, so 
> you> can then adroitly knock us over.   We choose to 
have Jesus Christ as > our> ideal model, and seek in every way to 
emulate him, and to live as > he> would live.  Is this what 
you mean by suggesting we have the > antiChrist> within? > 
> Judy:> I'm not setting anything up Blaine; I am speaking of 
spiritual > realities> and> you are talking about the 
temporal.  When Adam chose the fallen > wisdom > offered to 
him in the garden he became one with it and separated > from> 
God.> This is the inheritance we are all born with - every last one of us 
> and> the> scripture teaches that the ONLY way back to God 
is by receiving > Christ as> Lord and Savior being born again by 
the Spirit of God wherein one > becomes> > part of a new 
creation (2 Cor 5:17) and growing in grace until we > are> 
once> more one with God's nature and character by being conformed to the 
> image> of Christ.  As I know you are aware the professing 
Church has a way > to> go.> > As for emulating 
Jesus, this is impossible because God will not > bless> 
what> has already been cursed and our old Adamic nature is under a 
> sentence of> death; this is why we must become part of the 2nd 
Adam.  Both are> described in the book of Romans.> > 
udy> > > > > On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 05:53:44 -0500 
> > > > > > > > From: Blaine R Borrowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > > 
> > > > > > Ruben wrote:  Then we arrive at Salt 
Lake city in the same > > fashion,> > > where we exhort 
those that have perverted God, teaching that he > > > was 
> > > once> > > like us.or we will be gods..HOW 
PERVERTED. > > > > > > Blaine:  I think this is 
purely a judgement call on Ruben's > part.  > > > 
> > There are many good scriptures showing  God allows us--wants 
> us--> > > to be like him. Here is one of them--I will try 
to find more > > > tomorrow if> > > needed:> 
> > 1 John 3:2  "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth 
> > > not yet appear what we shall be:  But we know that, when 
he > shall > > > appear,> > > > > 
> we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."> > > 
> > > Judy:  Hi Blaine,> > > Being LIKE HIM, and 
actually being God are two different things. > > > He > 
> > wants> > > us to be conformed to the 'image of Christ' 
that is, his nature > > > and> > > 
character,> > > but this does not make us God.  There is a 
difference - you are > > > > reading> > > 
something into the text that shouldn't be there.> > 
--> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, 
that you > may> know how you ought to answer every man."  
(Colossians 4:6)> http://www.Inn

Re: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread Blaine R Borrowman

On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 02:23:44 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> 
Blaine wrote:> > The Mormon missionaries are far from being like 
> > you street preachers. They wear suits, > > Some 
street preachers do that, just not Ruben.  He is always in > 
**BlainerB  And a T shirt with a big slogan on it. (:>)
> Sometimes I wear a suit and tie, but not always. > > 
Blaine wrote:> > look clean and neat, > > Yeah, some 
street preachers do that too...
*BlaineRB:  Dignity should be a part of anyone who thinks to represent 
the Lord--I think he was a man of great dignity and presence. > > 
Blaine wrote:> > travel in pairs (the testimony of two witnesses 
> > is biblical), > > Well, Ruben usually has an 
entourage of about 24 men with him these> days, but when he splits them 
up for the work, he makes sure they > are at> least in 
pairs.  :-)> > Blaine wrote:> > are called by those 
in authority,  > > Yup... this would be true of virtually all 
street preachers. 
Bl;BlaineRB:  Having discussed this before, I know what you are 
thinking  (:>)  But LDS concept of authority is 
different.  For instance, I can trace my own line of authority 
as  a holder of the Melchizedek Priesthood back to the Saviour 
himself--through Joseph Smith, who received it of Peter, James and John, who 
received it from the Saviour.  All Mormon missionaries can do the 
same.  Can any street preachers do that?   > > 
Blaine wrote:> > only teach those whose permission they have obtained, 
> > Ooops... no, street preachers sometime obey God rather than 
**BlaineRB:  In the teaching profession, they have a concept known as 
"Imposition."  It is not just a concept but is considered a legitimate 
technique for getting information, concepts or whatever the goals of the teacher 
may be, across to students.  It assumes that since the law says the 
students must be in school, it is OK to impose upon them in teaching them --it 
also assumes that the goals of the teacher are of higher priority than any goals 
the students might have.  This is a basic concept in all schools that I 
know of, and in my opinion, is also the basis for spawning a lot of rebellious 
attitudes in students.  I am to this day a little undecided if it is really 
a moral thing to do--I have used it  a great deal in teaching, so if it is 
immoral, I am guilty.  I suppose the law of the land, which requires 
students to be in school, and therefore also subjects them to being unwilling 
(or willing) recipients of the lessons being imposed upon them, is the 
final justification for using this technique.  Students become essentially 
a "captured audience" as a result, however.  
Except under conditions as described above, I feel imposition has no 
place in teaching/preaching the gospel.  If people attend church of 
their own free will and choice, whatever they get is what they get, and they 
should have no complaints.  But when they go walking down the street, and 
have bullhorns blaring, whistles, or whatever, it seems this is crossing the 
line into imposition.  They do not usually go out walking expecting or 
wanting to encounter this.  This has been especially a problem with regards 
to the street preachers who descend on the Plaza in SLCity.  Many people, 
Mormons and non-Mormons, complain, but so far the street preachers have vowed to 
continue.  This seems to be imposition of the worst kind, to me, what do 
you think?  
BYTHEWAY, Mormon missionaries are REQUIRED to get 
permission/cooperation with any person they teach.  If some do not, 
they are doing so as a result of their own zealousness.  I know of no 
instances of them not doing so, however.   Some may be a little too 
pushy in trying to get permission or cooperation, but that is a different 
question, I think.  The key difference, however, is if you say "NO" loud 
and clear, they will back off.  Street preachers do not back off.  
They just get more stubborn and insistent.  Even a used car salesman has 
nothing on them.    
> > Blaine wrote:> > do not yell, scream > 
> Got us there.  Street preachers sometimes yell, scream, blow 
> whistles,> use truth horns, etc.  
**BlaineRB:  (:>)  True.> > Blaine 
wrote:> > or otherwise show disrespect for others or > > 
their religions--> > Right again.  Street preachers generally 
speaking will respect > others,> but they rarely ever respect the 
religion of others.
**BlaineRB:  I can't help but think this would alienate more than 
it will attract. Maybe they need to reevaluate their tactics?   Maybe 
SHOWING respect might get them more open doors.  I think you have hit on an 
interesting idea here--actually, I do sometimes wonder if I truly respect the 
religions of others--I think I do to the extent that they teach many truthful 
concepts.  Its just that I feel they too often mix errors with the truth, 
and I see this as one of Satan's best techniques.  Just one 
thing--you can command attention and respect, but you can't 
demand it--and I fe

Re: [TruthTalk] Will we be gods?

2003-12-21 Thread Blaine R Borrowman

On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 02:30:36 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Blaine wrote:  
> > I THINK we agree here, but MAYBE NOT  No authoritative Mormon
> > ever taught THAT we intend to be equal with God, or the 
> > trinity, or whatever you choose to call it. We believe that 
> > Jesus Christ as the SON is subordinate to the FATHER, and 
> > that we are and always will be subordinate to Both.  Things 
> > earthly are like things heavenly--sons are subordinate to 
> > their fathers on earth, and we are the sons of God, so to 
> > speak, as we look to Him and his perfect model Son as our 
> > ideal models. We believe we will be Gods in the sense that 
> > we will have access to all power that is God's, to continue 
> > in eternity--as the parable of the prodigal son suggests, 
> > the faithful son was given access to all that his father 
> > possessed.  ACCESS is the key word, here--no LDS authority 
> > ever taught that we would USURP God, as Satan wanted to do.
> > Again, you are setting up little straw men to knock over.  
> > This is the lie MANY antiMormons perpetrate.  Talk about
> > lies!!
> Blaine, this is very interesting what you write here.  I would be
> interested to see what quotes Kevin comes up with.  I think some of 
> the
> Mormon writings, especially around Brigham Young's era, might not
> express it quite like you do, but maybe I'm wrong.
> What you have shared here is pretty much what I believe too.  This
> reminds me of how Jeff (another Mormon related to DaveH) was against 
> the
> Trinity because he thought it meant one person in the Godhead.  When 
> I
> explained to him what the Trinity doctrine really was, with three
> persons and not one, he said that this was what he believed. 
> It seems to me that Mormonism has moved closer and closer to 
> traditional
> orthodox views.  

 **BlaineRB:  The concept of three persons as one God (head) in Mormonism
came from Joseph Smith's first vision, wherein he reported seeing two
persons, separate but identical in appearance.  One spoke, introducing
the second as his Beloved Son.  In one account the one introduced as The
Son appeared a few seconds after the appearance of the first one, then
both stood together, and it was the Son who did the extensive speaking to
Joseph Smith.  Meanwhile, JS said he was surrounded by  a brilliancy of
light, which made him think that when it contacted the leaves of the
surrounding trees, they might immediately take fire--he was apparently
surprised when they did not burn.  He said the effect of the light was to
produce a feeling of profound peacefulness and joy withing him--this
might be compared to the effect the Holy Ghost has upon us. 

What you have expressed above seems very 
> compatible
> with the doctrine of the Trinity.  What part of the doctrine of the
> Trinity do you think you would have to disagree with?  Technically, 
> you
> seem to disagree with the Trinity, but above you don't say anything 
> that
> would really contradict the Trinity.  So exactly what is the beef 
> YOUR VIEWPOINT.  I know how many on TruthTalk would answer this, but 
> how
> would YOU answer this?

**BlaineRB:  I am never sure what people mean when they talk about the
Trinity.  I suppose as Jeff might have indicated, I always thought it
meant three expressions of the same person, and that it was a doctrine
peculiar to Protestant religions, based upon some council held during the
reformation. (:>)I think that is what I have understood, at least. 
But if it means three separate persons, I would agree with that. 
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> --
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you 
> may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) 
> http://www.InnGlory.org
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Re: [TruthTalk] Dean & Ruben

2003-12-21 Thread Dave

DAVEH:  Thank you for the background, Perry.  At first I thought
you were responding to something DavidM said.
    So..if I am reading you right, you have not toured
the Temple grounds or visitor center  Did your mother-in-law
do so?  And if she did, did she offer any specific comments?
Charles Perry Locke wrote:

David, I have done all that you mentioned, including visiting
the ancestral library. I was attending a trade show and conference at the
Salt Palace and invited my LDS mother-in-law to share the room with me.
While I "conferenced", she "genealogied". In fact, I thought it was quite
unholy, an evangelical Chrstian, while walking towards Tempe Square, was
approached by two Jahovah's Witnesses. Is nothing sacred? (VBG) We also
had dinner on the top floor of the building next to the temple and overlooking
it, as was my mother-in-law's desire.
I also took time off one of the days to ride the bus out to the Utah
Lighthouse Mission. It is a Christian mission to Mormons run by two former
LDS members, Gerald and Sandra Tanner. Mrs. Tanner claims to be an 8th
great-grandchild of Brigham Young, and I thought to myself, why is that
so special? Half of the women in the state can make that claim!
The more I have studied Mormonism, the more deeply I have become convinced
of it's heretical nature, and the deceptions of JS, the heriatage of the
"Temple" ceremonies, Masonry.( BTW,  I come from a family steeped
in Masonic tradition...my father, both grandfathers, and two uncles were,
and are, Masons. My mother was in the Eastern Star at one time many years
ago, and my grandmother, after my grandfather's passing, lived in the Masonic
Orphans and Widows home for while. Despite the heavy tradition, I have
never been tempted to become a Mason, or have anything to do with it.)
>From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: TruthTalk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [TruthTalk] Dean & Ruben
>Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 09:27:29 -0800
>DAVEH:  I am curious as to whether either of you two (Dean and/or
>have walked through Temple Square as a normal visitor rather than
>protester?  Have either of you been inside and toured the visitors
>center or heard the Tabernacle Choir or walked the grounds?

Dave Hansen
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Re: [TruthTalk] Just the BIBLE Dave

2003-12-21 Thread Dave

DAVEH:  HmmmBlaine, it seems you may have hit a raw nerve
Kevin Deegan wrote:
Liars Decievers SeducersThat
is part of the SEDUCERAlways give the appearance of piousnessAll Phony
men of God put on the Dog & Pony show for the Sheeples.Ever watch the
Pope? Why does he always walk around with his hands clasped as in prayer?
Why all the dresses that they wear? The smoke & incense? The LARGE
cathedrals? The candles & beautiful artwork, windows?A good example
is the announcer at the Hill Cumorah pag. He has this sicky pleasing voice.
I wish I had audio, I can mimic it to a tee to give you an idea. He can
conjure up FEELINGS thru his voice. eg. Ever hear someone refer to a "WARM"
voice?Attendees are later told if they had a feeling that was the Spirit.
They should go to the kiosk. As in SEDUCING SPIRITS! TALK is CHEAP!There
are lots of people put on a good TALK but few that have a good WALK.God
is interested in your Heart service NOT your lip service!
The bible says to love not just in Word but in deed!
Dean, Hey is this really what you mean? Not to be antagonistic, but
this sounds like YOU have a devil in YOU. Dave is always so calm, and
collected, and REASOBABLE, above all!! I get the feeling you are
frustrated because . . . ?
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 07:45:14 -0500 "Dean Moore"
> DAVEH: OK, Dean..if not my remarks, what does make you so angry
> (sounding)?
> Dean writes 12/17
> In all honesty DaveH-When I see the brethren interacting with you
> one of their own-without any caution for the spirit that drives
> you-this angers me.

Dave Hansen
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Re: [TruthTalk] I found it Blaine...but you lost it

2003-12-21 Thread Dave

DAVEH:  My latest comments are
in RED.
Kevin Deegan wrote:
How about your comments on the UN Chriastian behavior
of the LDS HIGH PRIEST? How about comments on why LDS Security Attacks
individuals handing out only printed, literature on a PUBLIC sidewalk? Why
is your church one of the only churches with bouncers? What is so
UN Christian about standing on a PUBLIC sidewalk and Holding a pair of
Magic Undies in the air? Why does your church owned TV station set
up a fix to paint the street preachers as "breaking up wedding parties"
"calling brides whores"?1) Take a picture of preachers on sidewalk2) take
a picture of bride & groom inside compound behind fence, protected
by bouncers3) send out 1 lady holding a PROP (veil - no bride No Bridegroom
No wedding party take pictures)Hocus Pocus we have a STORY!What MAN would
allow us to call his brand new wife a whore?These stories & others
go around the world.I have had my image on KSL more than any other man
except for Mayor Rocky in SLC!Sorry but the fact is, LDS are Liars, Decievers,
Seducers!  Please no blubering about taunting and all that hot
air. Just answers.
DAVEH:  I don't feel compelled
to answer your ranting, Kevin.  I suspect those reading them can judge
for themselves as to whether your conduct and/or thinking is either Christian
or unChristian.  I do wonder though if they appreciate you (or the
SLC protesters) representing them as Christians.
Kevin Deegan wrote:
What exactly is so BAD about a PUBLIC display of
Temple attire?
DAVEH:  I think Judy has given
you some good reasons, so I don't feel a need to repeat them.  However
Kevin, what I will repeat is something I've mentioned to Ruben and Dean
previously.  Have any of the protesters or other Christians who condone
such behavior given any thought to the image such displays of unChristian
behavior projects to the outside world?  Do the protesters want non
Christians to think this is normal behavior in the Christian community?
 Why also is the LDS HIGH PRIEST who asualted one of the "preachers",
called a HEROby the LDS?I call that a THUG!My pastor would not asault someone
for holding underwear?Is this how yor HIGH PRIESTS behave? Why the BIG
Play on the emotions of others to try and pressure us to stop?When that
failed why the pressure thru city hall to write City ordinances to silence
our speech & put away our signs & consign us to a location up the
street? We are getting through to LDS and the Church will do anything to
silence us.This includes FALSE news stories in the Church owned papers
& TV stations.Back room meetings with City government officials who
are LDS.It also Includes, PHYSICAL ASUALT by LDS BOUNCERS (those security
guards with cameras & the little ear pieces like secret service) intimidation,
& death threats. What a wonderful community Salt Lake.I really like
the FITHY language of the LDS priests at the priesthood meetings. I have
to go to the drunk crowd at the Mardi Gras to get the same filthy language.Of
all the other events even the UN Churched do not speak like that priesthood
crowd.I even have tape of some Priest saying G D
Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David Miller wrote:
> Generally speaking, however, I don't think street preachers go out
> their way to be disrespectful. There are always exceptions.
DAVEH: Would you think the public display of the street preachers in
SLC waving LDS underwear is one of those exceptions?

Dave Hansen
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