Re: [newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-08-01 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi
Comunque credo che sia arrivato il momento di compilarmi per la prima volta il kernel. Qualcuno che ha più esperienza può darmi qualche consiglio. Sinceramente non so da dove partire. Posso confermare che nei kernel successivi il 2904 funziona bene (l'ho provato su due macchine

[newbie-it] Impostare le dimensioni della banda passante

2001-08-01 Per discussione Luca Minari - STD s.n.c.
Salve a tutta la lista, vorrei chiedere come fare per impostare le dimensioni della banda passante ai vari utenti di una LAN sulla connessione Internet. Ho una connessione ADSL a 640K e vorrei dividerla in base all'effettivo utilizzo di ogni utente. Grazie 1000 -- Luca Minari

[newbie-it] Postfix e messaggio di ritorno

2001-08-01 Per discussione Lux
Ciao a tutti, Ho installato postfix su un mail server ma ogni giorno mi arriva questa mail: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] run-parts /etc/cron.hourly touch: /var/log/news/nntpsend.log: Permesso negato chmod: /var/log/news/nntpsend.log: Permesso negato /usr/bin/nntpsend: /var/log/news/nntpsend.log:

Re: [newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-08-01 Per discussione Stefano Salari
Dimmi una cosa sola. Per chi ha la MAndrake 8.0 si tratta di trovare tra i CD i sorgenti del vecchio kernel, e poi bisogna scaricare da internet la patch della nuova versione? Ti chiedo questo perchè ho visto dei files da scaricare da 21M, cosa abbastanza laboriosa da fare col mio

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con LiViD(playerDVD).

2001-08-01 Per discussione Stefano Salari
Ciao, Anch'io avevo avuto dei problemi con l'installazione di LiVid ma non mi sono scervellato per risolverli :P rimandando a quando avrei avuto piu' tempo... Ho risolto installando Xine (un altro DVD player, per X), che funziona molto bene! Se ti interessa lo trovi su

[newbie-it] EPSON Stylus Scan 2500 II

2001-08-01 Per discussione Alberto Zanoni
Salve, come mi è stato richiesto, aggiungo volentieri due parole in più su come far funzionare la suddetta stampante, premesso che non mi intendo di questioni tecniche. Rapidamente: - servono alcuni programmi (driver, script, chiamateli come volete): in particolare vedere il sito di

Re: [newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-08-01 Per discussione freefred
On Wednesday 01 August 2001 07:44, Stefano Salari wrote: Il kernel non e' disponibile (per quanto ne so io) in formato rpm, ma va compilato dai sorgenti, no esiste anche in rpm. potresti volendo (anche se fino a poco tempo fa lo sconsigliava pure la mandrake) fare addirittura

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con LiViD(playerDVD).

2001-08-01 Per discussione Renato BCC
Caro Stefano grazie lo stesso, in quanto mi hai confermato la qualità di Xine. Ciao e a presto. l 04:02, mercoledì 01 agosto 2001, hai scritto: Ciao, Anch'io avevo avuto dei problemi con l'installazione di LiVid ma non mi sono scervellato per risolverli :P rimandando a quando avrei avuto

[newbie-it] PGP???

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sergio Dogliani
Ci sarebbe qualche anima pia che potrebbe darmi una mano, per favore? Ho già fatto numerose prove, ma non sono riuscito a cavare un ragno dal buco! Grazie 100 Ciao a tutti! Nei giorni scorsi si è parlato molto di MailReader e di PGP. Io avrei una domanda in merito da super-newbie di

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzazione non visualizzata

2001-08-01 Per discussione bellotti
max wrote: Secondo le istruzioni dell'articolo di Linux Pratico, ho masterizzato alcune cartelle di file del disco rigido su cd, con gcomust e mkisofs. Il programma ha eseguito la masterizzazione ed infine espluso il cd, ma, sia in ambiente linux, sia in ambiente windows, non riesco a


2001-08-01 Per discussione Piton
Salve, gradirei essere tolto da questa ML, o perlomeno sapere come fare. Grazie.

[newbie-it] 8.0 Certificati... un aiutino non guasterebbe...

2001-08-01 Per discussione Flavio Bosio
Problema.. Siccome nel tempo libero mi diletto a smanettare.. l'ultima fatica è un sitarello di e-commerce (quasi finito) avrei bisogno di un certificato per https (non speditemi da VeriSign please..) il problema è che riesco a generarlo alla perfezione partendo dall' openssl.cnf ma a quanto

Re: [newbie-it] masterizzare

2001-08-01 Per discussione Mr_Brain
Il 15:23, martedì 31 luglio 2001, hai scritto: Che programma mi consigliate per masterizzare? cdrecord man cdrecord per maggiori informazioni. -- Ciao Mr_Brain - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie-it] Konqueror e plugin flash

2001-08-01 Per discussione Marco Forti
Ho installato Mandrake 8.0 e, al primo accesso ad internet, ho constatato che non vengono installati i plugin flash per nessun browser. Per Netscape e Mozilla ho risolto scaricando il plugin e copiandolo nelle directory /lib/netscape/plugins e /lib/mozilla/plugins ... per konqueror come posso

Re: [newbie-it] Upgrade del kernel

2001-08-01 Per discussione claudio duchi
trova i sorgenti di un kernel recente sul di una rivista qualsiasi ritrova il bootdisk (non si sa mai se le cose vanno storte) copialo in /usr/src/ da il comando tar xvfz nome_kernel compilalo make menuconfig make dep make bzImage (non usare make install le prime volta che fai esperimenti) make

[newbie] Dailer for isdn

2001-08-01 Per discussione Oren Gozlan
Does anyone know about dailer for isdn ? -- - Oren Gozlan Mobixell Networks Inc. p: +972 9 776 0121 f: + 972 9 740 7373 c: +972 54 536 047 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: [newbie] Dailer for isdn

2001-08-01 Per discussione Paul
Does anyone know about dailer for isdn ? KIsdn is a good one, it seems. At home I use a dial-up script which I can send you if you want. You can also look that up at, which has a lot of info on ISDN. Paul

Re: [newbie] Mkisofs

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
I suspect that this bad superblock error is a deliberate attempt at copy protection by manufacturers. I doubt that mkisofs would be able to circumvent this. After all, it was not designed to infringe copyright. There _are_ methods to circumvent this copyright, but I don't know them. I'm sure

RE: [newbie] httpd-perl and httpd

2001-08-01 Per discussione Adams, Jamie
Hiya, this also happened to me.. thanks for the info :) -- Jamie -- From: Jon Doe[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 31 July 2001 20:49 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] httpd-perl and httpd On Tuesday 31 July 2001 01:58 pm, you wrote: These fail at

[newbie] Port forwarding

2001-08-01 Per discussione Lanman
Can anyone shed a little light on how to configure port-forwarding or port redirection from a Mandrake 7.2 SNF firewall to a mandrake 8.0 web-server? I realize that SNF has it's own web-server built-in, but this is for a special configuration. Examples would be very helpful. Mostly, I can't

Re: [newbie] Port forwarding

2001-08-01 Per discussione Paul
Can anyone shed a little light on how to configure port-forwarding or port redirection from a Mandrake 7.2 SNF firewall to a mandrake 8.0 web-server? I realize that SNF has it's own web-server built-in, but this is for a special configuration. Examples would be very helpful. Mostly, I

[newbie] wierd login prob

2001-08-01 Per discussione Robert MacLean
Hello I have my machine startup to Xwindows, and I get that login screen. I have user setup and there is also the root user. I can log in fine with both of them in XWindows. If I log in as the user and in the console type su, and the root password it logins in fine. The problem is when i

Re: [newbie] Port forwarding

2001-08-01 Per discussione quaylar
At 09:39 01.08.2001 +, you wrote: Can anyone shed a little light on how to configure port-forwarding or port redirection from a Mandrake 7.2 SNF firewall to a mandrake 8.0 web-server? I realize that SNF has it's own web-server built-in, but this is for a special configuration.

Re: [newbie] Kernel panic: Reiser FS

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
Have you tried booting with the default 2.4.3 Mandrake kernel? I was using the Freq kernel for a while, but I found it too buggy and went back to the default one. On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 07:02, Terry Smith wrote: Hi gang, I've got a fairly serious problem with my linux box (dual boot with

Re: [newbie] Problems typing special characters

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
In the Mandrake Control Centre (assuming you have LM 8.0), set your keyboard to US International. On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 03:37, Steven Watt wrote: Since I installed new versions of three font RPMs (don?t ask why...), I?ve been having problems getting accents and special charaters. For example,

Re: [newbie] Re: UTC Time Standards

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 12:34, SoloCDM wrote: Sridhar Dhanapalan stated the following: I've noticed this as well. I have configured cron to periodically use ntpdate to update my system time from an NTP server. This sets my clock to UTC, which is supposed to be translated by the time zone

Re: [newbie] Where is the proper place the edit the path?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 08:15, Kevin Fonner wrote: Where is the proper place the edit the path? I notice .bashrc referred to /etc/bashrc and then that reffered to the profile file. Is this file I am supposed to edit or is their a better way to do this? For your user, the settings are in

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:47, Judith Miner wrote: Alan wrote: just read about the SirCam virus - do I panic slowly? You don't panic at all. In order to get infected, you have to open the attachment that contains the virus. I assume you don't open attachments you weren't expecting to get and

Re: [newbie] WAP browser for Linux?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 11:52, Dr. Evil wrote: Does anyone know if there is a WAP browser for Linux? I'm trying to develop a WAP site, and instead of running up huge charges on my mobile phone, I would like to be able to view the site directly from Linux. Also, I guess I need to figure out how

Re: [newbie] Recognizing SCSI?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Jeanette Russo
Are you sure those are not IDE connectors for a CD-ROM. Most of the old 16's had this Jeanette - Original Message - From: JongAm [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Newbie Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:41 PM Subject: [newbie] Recognizing SCSI? Hello. I installed the

RE: [newbie] Recognizing SCSI?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez
Title: Message For the sound card, make sure that ALL kernel sound modules have been removed from memory then try running sndconfig from the console (make sure X-windows or a display manager is not running!!) If it configures proceed... I believe the SB16 used the Adaptec chipset. You

Re: [newbie] Konqueror Problem

2001-08-01 Per discussione John Rigby
Hi there, On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 09:29, you manipulated electrons to produce: Konqueror as of time being is not a full fledged browser. It doesn't support XML and other thingies. Probably the offending sites use these thingies. I think Nautilus has the same problems. You should use

Re: [newbie] Apache Question

2001-08-01 Per discussione John Rigby
Ha folks, Yahoo! The expression not bizness. Something on MY setup is working!! :-) I can see it! I can see it! On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 00:31, Jan manipulated electrons to produce: If you installed Apache when you installed Mandrake 8 (you didn't mention OS distros or versions) it should

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Per discussione James S Bear
Maybe I am under-paranoid or under-informed or something, but all this talk of viruses is getting to me as well. I see the time spent worrying about viruses as being better spent backing up data or playing with kids or something. People spend more time and money (not as accurate in the linux

Re: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Per discussione James S Bear
If you've already got linux installed, and windows is in the mnt directory, right-click on it and say 'delete'(you might have to click it, too). If linux isn't installed, I'd do a low-level format and get everything off and then install linux. If linux is installed and windows isn't in the

Re: [newbie] microsoft gone

2001-08-01 Per discussione James S Bear
Children's software is a good reason to leave w95 on your box. jim Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]: I am happy to say that win95 is gone. Now My wife used the computer last night. She complained about the fonts in netscape so I will have to fix this. I will also have to find out howto ajust the

Re: [newbie] Apache help

2001-08-01 Per discussione James S Bear
Quoting Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Ok, I have got apache running, put in my own index.html and it works! But how do I link to files I want to make availible? I made a directory /var/www/media but if I link a file that is there, I just get an error message when i click on the link, my

Re: [newbie]

2001-08-01 Per discussione James S Bear
My logitech optical wheel mice work fine. I had them on on install, but I think using harddrake they are easily configurable. Quoting Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Seeun William Umboh wrote: I have got LM8.0 and Logitech Mouse Wheel Optical. Everything is working great but the wheel

[newbie] Linux Virus

2001-08-01 Per discussione Daryl Johnson
You have just received a virus which only runs under linux. You are honour bound to delete twenty or thirty files at random from your hard drive and then pass this e-mail along to everyone on your e-mail list.. regards Daryl -- Once he had one leg in the White House and the nation trembled

Re: [newbie] httpd-perl and httpd

2001-08-01 Per discussione LEONARD_MILLER
Date: 08/01/2001 08:19 am (Wednesday) From: Leonard Miller To: Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] at INTERNET.UD-CCGate.DM-YK-01; [EMAIL PROTECTED] at INTERNET.UD-CCGate.DM-YK-01 Subject: Re: [newbie] httpd-perl and httpd Thanks. That didn't work at

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Per discussione James S Bear
Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice about this come with a file attached in *.pif format? If so, I think I got it. Maybe I have had viruses and just didn't know it. What does this virus do? jim Quoting Judith Miner [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Alan wrote: just

Re: [newbie] wierd login prob

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
Are you saying that you can't log in as root from a console (i.e. not just a X terminal window)? This is a setting that is designed to enhance security. A cracker can do the most damage to a system if they gain root access. This setup forces the cracker to first gain access to a user account

RE: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Per discussione Adams, Jamie
Sorry to butt in here... are we all sure about this low-level format thing? im sure i heard civileme say that it can do more damage than good in certain circumstances. If you are going to stick with Linux and get rid of Windows im sure that the standard format in the Mandrake install process

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Per discussione Paul
Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice about this come with a file attached in *.pif format? If so, I think I got it. Maybe I have had viruses and just didn't know it. What does this virus do? jim That;s the one. You recognise it because it has 2

RE: [newbie] Apache help

2001-08-01 Per discussione Adams, Jamie
And i think you link should be: http://ipnumber/media/; as when you type in your ip number it starts in the document root (/var/www) and not standard root, if you get what i mean.. -- Jamie -- From: James S Bear[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 01 August 2001

[newbie] InteractiveBastille

2001-08-01 Per discussione Terry
I would like to run Bastille to help keep outsiders out of my computer here at work, but every time I try to run InteractiveBastille to set up the firewall, I get this: Using Tk user interface module. Only displaying questions relevant to the current configuration. This distribution version is

Re: [newbie] drive thrashing

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 20:44, Colin Jenkins wrote: Hi, two main problems I'm having with LM8 at the moment. 1. when I search for a file in Konqueror the drive thrashes away constantly, and eventually,( after at least 10 min)I have to press reset. (ctrl/alt/bs does not work) this problem has

Re: [newbie] Time (fwd)

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
Can you please post to the list and not to me directly? I don't know everything, and when you post to the list you have a much greater chance of having your question answered, since there are so many others to read your message. Also, there may be others who may benefit from the discussion.

Re: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Per discussione Randy Kramer
Re Low Level Formatting Maybe somebody can clarify my recollection. Once upon a time, low level formatting was a well known and recommended procedure. (I'm bad with time -- maybe in the time period 10 to 15 years ago.) Then there came a time when the wisdom was that you should not low level

Re: [newbie] Uninstall Mandrake 8

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 22:19, John Rigby wrote: On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 04:51, you manipulated electrons to produce: On Monday 30 July 2001 19:59, Caruso Aldo wrote: 1. Boot from windows boot floppy (make one at a friend's PC if you don't have one) 2. at DOS prompt, type FDISK /mbr

[newbie] Non gui isdn dailing script for isdn

2001-08-01 Per discussione Oren Gozlan
does someone have somthing to help ? -- - Oren Gozlan Mobixell Networks Inc. p: +972 9 776 0121 f: + 972 9 740 7373 c: +972 54 536 047 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 22:49, Paul wrote: Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice about this come with a file attached in *.pif format? If so, I think I got it. Maybe I have had viruses and just didn't know it. What does this virus do? jim That;s the one.

[newbie] missing smbadduser

2001-08-01 Per discussione Franki
Hi all, What is the name of the file that you use to add samba users?? I thought it was smbadduser but a seach doesn't turn it up (I do have smbpasswd in /usr/bin) Also, my linux server reports this info to a windows 98 client when it asks for info . (ie right clicking on it in network

Re: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 22:50, Adams, Jamie wrote: Sorry to butt in here... are we all sure about this low-level format thing? im sure i heard civileme say that it can do more damage than good in certain circumstances. If you are going to stick with Linux and get rid of Windows im sure that the

[newbie] Find out what sound card/chip was detected?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Keith Christian
I've run 'sndconfig' on a Compaq Deskpro (no other model info was found) and the default choice offered was Soundblaster Pro. I chose it, now the sound works. Where else besides the 'dmesg' report could I look to see exactly how the system (Mandrake 8.0) detected and configured the sound

[newbie] Screenshot of Desktop.

2001-08-01 Per discussione h3rb
How do I take a screen shot of my desktop? Is there a certain application that is needed? Or is it something built into X? Any info would be nice. Thanks, h3rb

[newbie] Iomega ZIPCD 650 USB CDRW

2001-08-01 Per discussione Keith Christian
Has anyone gotten this CD burner to work with Mandrake 8.0? If so, how did you do it? I am running the 8.0 version downloaded from the web, not the store-bought version. I have not tried to configure this CDRW drive yet on Mandrake, and want to know what to check or do before I try, or if it

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Per discussione Randy Kramer
James S Bear wrote: Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice about this come with a file attached in *.pif format? If so, I think I got it. Maybe I have had viruses and just didn't know it. What does this virus do? See

Re: [newbie] 2 questions about web server

2001-08-01 Per discussione Michael D. Viron
At 10:45 PM 07/31/2001 -0400, Jon Doe wrote: 1. How do I get password protected site going? I know I need htaccess and htpasswd files? How do I make them and where do I put them? You need three files... These are .htaccess (in the directory you wish to protect, which also protects all

Re: [newbie] Screenshot of Desktop.

2001-08-01 Per discussione h3rb
Thanks. That worked, helps if I browse around a bit huh. =) h3rb On Wednesday 01 August 2001 09:09, Dennis Myers wrote: On Wednesday 01 August 2001 09:58, h3rb wrote: How do I take a screen shot of my desktop? Is there a certain application that is needed? Or is it something built into

RE: [newbie] Port forwarding

2001-08-01 Per discussione Franki
I don't know about SNF,, but I use IPMASQADM, on my 7.2 box's and it works just fine... I got the latest src rpm that I could find on and rebuilt it for our boxes (it wasn't a mandrake rpm) it has been working flawlessly ever since... give it a shot.. rgds Frank

[newbie] still having PGP / KMAIL problems

2001-08-01 Per discussione Charlie Oriez
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 I now have message signing working with PGP and KMAIL. When I had 'auto detect' selected kmail wasn't finding my 6.5.8 pgp (is gnuGP installed as a default in 8.0?), but when I told it specifically to look for a 6.x version, signing works.

Re: [newbie] UnrealTournament

2001-08-01 Per discussione s
No, nothing special. Just ran the installer and used a windows cd. Maybe delete the folder and try again. You might try downloading the installer/binaries from another source. Maybe your copy is corrupted. -s On Wednesday 01 August 2001 10:16 am, you wrote: Hello Ive tried to install

Re: [newbie] win95 gone

2001-08-01 Per discussione Paul
It was Wed, 01 Aug 2001 11:56:53 -0400 when Randy Kramer wrote: Thanks for the response! Ahh, yes, IIRC, MFM was the second type of hard disk available for the PC / hobbiest. (MFM had something to do with Manchester encoding, IIRC.) IIRC, RLL was another type of early hard disk (or was it

Re: [newbie] Kernel panic: Reiser FS

2001-08-01 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday 01 August 2001 12:00 pm, Terry Smith wrote: By way of a post-mortem, the failure may have been from the Reiser filesystem or perhaps the kernel. Has anyone had difficulties like fs crashes with Reiser or 2.4.5, or both in combination? No problems here. Half of 13.6g hda is

[newbie] PMFirewall?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Errant
Hi all =) Is there a way to use PMFirewall on an LM8 server? If not, is there something similar that I should be using for firewall software? Thanx a bunch, E

Re: [newbie] drive thrashing

2001-08-01 Per discussione Miark
I would think, though, that * If your computer isn't on all the time, or * Not running Linux all the time, or * If you're looking for a new file then the locate database may not contain what you're looking for. And updating the locate database is certainly as intensive as find. And find allows

Re: [newbie] opengl

2001-08-01 Per discussione Miark
Hi Robert, The nVidia drivers that come with Mandrake are not 3D capable. You'll need to go to nVidia's web site to download the two RPMs and the Installation Guide. Miark - Original Message - From: Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL

[newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-01 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem
Hi, I installed Mandrake 8.0 using incorrect DNS server dot quad IP addresses. I used the Linuxconf KDE gui to reconfigure it. It worked fine until I rebooted the system. On rebooting, the DNS setting reverted back to the old incorrect setting I gave on initial install. How do I make the system

RE: [newbie] PMFirewall?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Franki
PMfirewall is being reworked to use iptables,, it is in alpha state I believe, shouldn't be too much longer... I use pmfirewall and ipchains as the basis for all my rules, although my rules files is about 8 times longer then that which pmfirewall install script creates, I have found it to me a

Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-01 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem
Hi, I tried editing the file /etc/resolv.conf manually but the result was exactly the same as when Linuxconf did it. What could be the problem? Michael D. Viron wrote: Try editing /etc/resolv.conf directly. Michael At 08:16 AM 07/31/2001 -0700, Seedkum Aladeem wrote: Hi, I

Re: [newbie] PMFirewall?

2001-08-01 Per discussione s
You might have to redo the kernel and compile in support for ipchains to use pmfirewall. There are similar things out for iptables, but there is an easily configurable firewall/ipforwarding in 8.0 that uses iptables. In the Mandrake control center, there is internet connnections sharing and

RE: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-01 Per discussione Franki
look in resolve.conf that is in /etc/ppp that one is what ppp will insert when you start it,, so go with that... rgds Frank -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Seedkum Aladeem Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2001 3:56 AM To: Michael D. Viron Cc:

Re: [newbie] Resolver problem.

2001-08-01 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem
I did find / -name resolv.conf -print and only /etc/resolv.conf got printed out! I have an internet connection through a Linksys switch/router and a cable modem. During install, Linux detected eth0 automatically and I selected LAN connection. Later on in the install I gave it incorect DNS IP.

Re: [newbie] missing smbadduser

2001-08-01 Per discussione Daryl Johnson
What is the name of the file that you use to add samba users?? I thought it was smbadduser but a seach doesn't turn it up (I do have smbpasswd in /usr/bin) [...] try smbpasswd -a yourusername regards Daryl -- You will hear good news from one you thought unfriendly to you.

[newbie] Supportable by Mandrake?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Michael Mitchell shows the specs on the Stylistic 1200® from Fujitsu Personal Systems, Inc. (FPSI. Can Mandrake handle this item? Supports TFT, DSTN color; Transmissive and transflective monochrome -- along with external monitors upto 1024 x 768 (XVGA). Thanks for any

[newbie] Configuration of Realtec rtl8139.

2001-08-01 Per discussione X - A - W - K
Hi, I have LM80 on my laptop, I would like to install a PCMCIA Realtec RTL8139. By now Linux recognize card bus as realtec rtl8139 but when I try to connect to internet (I use LAN connection) pops out a window saying: modules'ing error in usr/lib/libDrakX/ line 510 I'd like to ask

[newbie] HELP! HELP! Restoring LM7.2 desktop

2001-08-01 Per discussione Mark Shaw
Third try -- maybe *that* subject line will get someone to answer. :) On Sunday I had a system-lockup event followed by a hard-reset (didn't know what else to do). Now my default LM7.2 login screen and desktop is gone, replaced by KDE IceWM. IceWM is fine, but I'd like the old stuff with the

RE: [newbie] HELP! HELP! Restoring LM7.2 desktop

2001-08-01 Per discussione Franki
try putting a file called: .xinitrc in your user directory in that file put one word and save it... that word should be: startkde then try it again... rgds Frank -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Shaw Sent: Thursday, 2

Re: [newbie] a big duh

2001-08-01 Per discussione skinky
Hi all I had the same problem. I was also using Gnome apps in KDE and vice versa, but after a few days Gnome did the big crash thing which completely locked up my system (had to use the dreaded reset button). Because I'm a sucker for punishment, I went back into Gnome a few more times with

[newbie] Microsoft Latin America and Linux.

2001-08-01 Per discussione X - A - W - K
Hi, I just wanted to send this link to all of you who speak or understand Spanish. In this page you will find a comparation of Linux vs Windows made by people form Microsoft... just one thing more I would suggest to send

Re: [newbie] a big duh

2001-08-01 Per discussione skinky
Hi all I had the same problem. I was also using Gnome apps in KDE and vice versa, but after a few days Gnome did the big crash thing which completely locked up my system (had to use the dreaded reset button). Because I'm a sucker for punishment, I went back into Gnome a few more times with

RE: [newbie] Cups problem with FS800

2001-08-01 Per discussione Franki
Hi peoples... In another first for me, (this is my firt week in experiments with smb and windows networking in linux) I decided to setup smb file and printer sharing with linux to the windows clients. First step being to get the printer setup locally, ,its a Kyocera FS800 (which has a cups

[newbie] sorry for the multiple posts

2001-08-01 Per discussione skinky
I apologise for posting my last message three times. skinky

Re: [newbie] ppp panic

2001-08-01 Per discussione Jeferson Lopes Zacco
When I say it hangs I mean it hangs. :-( No mouse, keyboard, CRTL-ALT-DEL, CRTL-ALT-BKSP, nothing. Sometimes it won't hang long enough to type ifconfig. -Mensagem Original- De: etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Jeferson Lopes Zacco [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviada em:

Re: [newbie] a big duh

2001-08-01 Per discussione Charles A. Punch
I think it is Nautilus that causes the problem, not GNOME, or at least not running GNOME progs in KDE. I have been using gnome cal and gnumeric with no problems (from KDE). I still haven't resolved the problems in GNOME itself, but I don't think it is running GNOME progs in KDE that causes

Re: [newbie] Quake 2

2001-08-01 Per discussione CastleKidd
In a message dated 07/31/2001 6:57:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: start q2 with command line # ./quake2 +set s_initsound 0 When I did this, the game launched. So I can play, just without sound. What can I do about that. You said something about ALSA. How would I

[newbie] ICQ in a Shell Environment?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Leif Madsen
Just got thinking about this the other day. Is there an ICQ client which will run in the background of bash? I am in the process of trying to do everything I need in bash and not using Xwindows (mmm.. good ol' days of DOS almost! :)), but I do a fair amount of communicating through ICQ. A cool

Re: [newbie]: Virus talk and kmail, direct connection

2001-08-01 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
Randy Kramer wrote: James S Bear wrote: Hey--and does the one that says something about hi, i'd like your advice about this come with a file attached in *.pif format? If so, I think I got it. Maybe I have had viruses and just didn't know it. What does this virus do? See

Re: [newbie] Iomega ZIPCD 650 USB CDRW

2001-08-01 Per discussione etharp
Keith, I have a USB cdrw(hp 8210e) that was installed when I installed MDK8.0 and was setup and recognized by the system right out of the box, as far as Gcombust was concerned. have you tried to burn using gcombust? On Wednesday 01 August 2001 10:05, Keith Christian wrote: Has anyone gotten

[newbie] ATI Rage Fury Pro

2001-08-01 Per discussione CastleKidd
How can I get my ATI Rage Fury Pro to use 3d acceleration. With Mandrakes install it works, but locks up a whole lot, so much that any game using it is impossible. I tried nvidia, but I couldnt get it to install right. Maybe someone else had this problem? Im so confused, can someone help me?

Re: [newbie] Linux Virus

2001-08-01 Per discussione etharp
may I also insist that this file be copied to your sig.txt file, so that others may enjoy it via e-mail also? On Wednesday 01 August 2001 12:05, Michel Clasquin wrote: On Wednesday 01 August 2001 19:16, Daryl Johnson wrote: You have just received a virus which only runs under linux. You

[newbie] Test

2001-08-01 Per discussione markrussell
I can't seem to send to this list. Bu I sure can receive. Mark

[newbie] Re: newbie (a big duh)

2001-08-01 Per discussione Michael Scottaline
On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 10:10:38 +1200 skinky [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted: Hi all I had the same problem. I was also using Gnome apps in KDE and vice versa, but after a few days Gnome did the big crash thing which completely locked up my system (had to use the dreaded reset button).

Re: [newbie] Test

2001-08-01 Per discussione Michael Scottaline
On Wed, 01 Aug 2001 20:55:03 -0400 markrussell [EMAIL PROTECTED] insightfully noted: I can't seem to send to this list. Bu I sure can receive. Mark This one got through!! Mike -- You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it

[newbie] Dynamic IP?

2001-08-01 Per discussione Jon Doe
If it wasn't for bad luck, well you know the rest. For 4 months now (the entire time I have had roadrunner) I have had the exact same IP number. Now RoadRunner decided they wanted to change it I guess. So now my .html files all have the wrong links on them. Am I gonna have to edit my html

Re: [newbie] drive thrashing

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 04:53, Miark wrote: I would think, though, that * If your computer isn't on all the time, or * Not running Linux all the time, or If you have anacron running (I think it is enabled by default), your system should run cron jobs that could not be called before for some

Re: [newbie] Kernel panic: Reiser FS

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 03:00, Terry Smith wrote: Thanks Allen, worked like a charm! In my panic I had forgotten the 'rescue' option on the CD. BTW, after using reiserfsck to rebuild my superblocks and to clean up the reiser partitions the system seems much snappier. Thanks. Those of us using

Re: [newbie] activate wheel mouse in XF86Config

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
Run mousedrake from a root terminal. Afterwards, you should uninstall imwheel, because it messes up the native mouse support in toolkits like GTK+ and QT. On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 02:04, Seeun William Umboh wrote: I heard that there is a way to get the wheel working by adding ZAxisMapping 4 5 to

Re: [newbie] Iomega ZIPCD 650 USB CDRW

2001-08-01 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan
On Thu, 2 Aug 2001 10:35, etharp wrote: Keith, I have a USB cdrw(hp 8210e) that was installed when I installed MDK8.0 and was setup and recognized by the system right out of the box, as far as Gcombust was concerned. have you tried to burn using gcombust? On Wednesday 01 August 2001 10:05,

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