Re: [newbie-it] Kernel panic...

2003-06-04 Per discussione Giovanni Mazzamati
Il 07:11, martedì 03 giugno 2003 alle 07:11, martedì 03 giugno 2003, mailing - effem su [newbie-it] Kernel panic... - ha sfarfugliato: Aiuto!! ... Ieri sono riuscito pure a bloccarlo...e non mi chiedete come...! Oggi...accendo...boot...e mia sorpresa: Kernel Panic: no init found. Try passing

Re: [newbie-it] installazione modem adsl

2003-06-04 Per discussione Fulvio
Posseggo (ahim!) un modem Michelangelo PCI (!): non sai come potrei installarlo sotto Mandrake 9.1, visto che il file de te evidenziato funziona bene ma solo per modem USB?!? Ti ringrazio anticipatamente della tua attenzione e della eventuale risposta (mi scuso per l'ignoranza cronica, ma

Re: [newbie-it] installazione modem adsl

2003-06-04 Per discussione artasersec
On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 15:40:26 +0200, Fulvio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Posseggo (ahim!) un modem Michelangelo PCI (!): non sai come potrei installarlo sotto Mandrake 9.1, visto che il file de te evidenziato funziona bene ma solo per modem USB?!? Ti ringrazio anticipatamente della tua attenzione e

[newbie-it] Installazione modem adsl PCI

2003-06-04 Per discussione Fulvio
Perdona la mia insistenza (l'argomento non da poco!), ma mi sembra che si tratta sempre di modem USB, mentre il mio PCI. Niente suggerimenti? Grazie ancora!

[newbie-it] dmesg

2003-06-04 Per discussione Eraser Head
Ciao a tutti. Da quando ho installato la Mandrake 9.1 al boot mi compaiono strani errori, errori che mi compaiono anche al login in modalità testuale: ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read failed Cosa vuol dire? Tutto funziona benissimo, ma non capisco cosa sia questo errore... Allego

Re: [newbie-it] dmesg

2003-06-04 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 19:39, martedì 3 giugno 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto: Ciao a tutti. Da quando ho installato la Mandrake 9.1 al boot mi compaiono strani errori, errori che mi compaiono anche al login in modalità testuale: ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read failed Hai per caso attaccato alla

R: [newbie-it] Radeon 7500 + monitor LG 520 Si

2003-06-04 Per discussione Giaipur
Anche io ho lo stesso monitor è mi ha dato problemi sia con MDK 7.1 sia con MDK 9.1 Se guardi nella lista dei monitor supportati vedrai che non c'è, e non funziona neanche se provi a scegliere un altro monitor LG. Cmq ho risolto dopo numerosi grattacapi scegliendo al momento dell' installazione un

Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-04 Per discussione Fabio
Alle 23:24, sabato 31 maggio 2003, miKe ha scritto: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 21:43, sabato 31 maggio 2003, in merito a [newbie-it] firma digitale, vroby ha scritto: Siccome ho notato che molti in questa lista usano i messaggi firmati ed essendo a completo

Re: [newbie-it] dmesg

2003-06-04 Per discussione Eraser Head
On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Sandro wrote: Alle 19:39, martedì 3 giugno 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto: Ciao a tutti. Da quando ho installato la Mandrake 9.1 al boot mi compaiono strani errori, errori che mi compaiono anche al login in modalità testuale: ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk

[newbie-it] linux frizzato

2003-06-04 Per discussione Eraser Head
Ciao a tutti. Da quando ho la Mandrake 9.1 mi accade talvolta una cosa ben poco piacevole: linux mi si frizza improvvisamente (e completamente, non vanno nè mouse nè le console), e non mi resta che riavviare sperando che il check dei file system non dia problemi. Inizialmente pensavo che fosse

[newbie-it] Info:

2003-06-04 Per discussione andrea
Buonasera a tutti, scusate l'ignoranza, ma sono un neofita da pochi mesi (2)del Pinguino, che tra l'altro mi sta veramente appassionando parecchio, visto che non uso quasi più windows, tranne quando non riesco a svolgere qualcosa con Linux, per mia inesperienza, ed ho urgenza di farla. Passiamo

Re: [newbie-it] OpenOffice

2003-06-04 Per discussione Eraser Head
On Fri, 23 May 2003, Andrea Celli wrote: Alle 12:56, venerdì 23 maggio 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto: On Fri, 23 May 2003, Andrea Celli wrote: Era successa una cosa del genere anche a me. Mi sono scervellato per trovare una soluzione, finché non mi sono accorto che per i nuovi utenti

Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-04 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 21:57, martedì 3 giugno 2003, Fabio ha scritto: Scusate se mi anche io ho visto a volte messaggi firnati con firma digitale, e mi sono sempre chiesto come faccio a leggerli visto che la chiave pubblica per decrittare un crittogramma cifrato con chiave privata, io non ce

[newbie-it] Risposta a Info di Andrea

2003-06-04 Per discussione kua79
Ciao Andrea, pure io avevo il tuo stesso problema, ti posto la soluzione ...Fai attenzione che io ho trascritto la riga in questione nel file XF86Config perchè utilizzo RedHat per Mandrake di dovrebbe essere XF86config-4. Per far apparire la riga... 1024x768 78.8 1024 1056 1152 1312 768 769 772

Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-04 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 22:52, martedì 3 giugno 2003, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale, Daniele Micci ha scritto: Alle 21:57, martedì 3 giugno 2003, Fabio ha scritto: Scusate se mi anche io ho visto a volte messaggi firnati con firma

Re: [newbie-it] Info:

2003-06-04 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 22:53, martedì 3 giugno 2003, in merito a [newbie-it] Info:, andrea ha scritto: Faccio presente che sullo stesso pc girano mandrake 9.0 e windows me, per cui la centratura dello schermo è necessaria per non dover ogni volta spostare le

[newbie-it] immagine grub

2003-06-04 Per discussione kua79
Salve gente, avrei bisogno di un piccolo favore, se qlcno utilizza red hat 8 sarebbe così gentile da spedirmi il file /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz perchè il file di sfondo di grub della RH9 non mi piace, è troppo scuro, ho provato a modificarlo, salvarlo e poi zipparlo ma all'avvio... un casino.

Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-04 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 23:40, martedì 3 giugno 2003, miKe ha scritto: sia per leggere che per decrittare devi avere la *pubblica* del mittente che, se vuole che gli altri leggano la sua firma e decrittino il suo messaggio, dovrà inviare la propria pubblica su un keyserver Se ti limiti a *firmare* una email, il

Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-04 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 21:57, martedì 3 giugno 2003, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale, Fabio ha scritto: Scusate se mi anche io ho visto a volte messaggi firnati con firma digitale, e mi sono sempre chiesto come faccio a leggerli

Re: [newbie-it] Kernel panic...

2003-06-04 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 07:11, martedì 3 giugno 2003, in merito a [newbie-it] Kernel panic..., mailing - effem ha scritto: Aiuto!! Da come si capisce...con Linux...sono proprio alle prime armi! Ieri sono riuscito pure a bloccarlo...e non mi chiedete come...!

Re: [newbie-it] Risposta a Info di Andrea

2003-06-04 Per discussione andrea
Grazie ora provo. Il lun, 2002-06-03 alle 23:42, kua79 ha scritto: Ciao Andrea, pure io avevo il tuo stesso problema, ti posto la soluzione ...Fai attenzione che io ho trascritto la riga in questione nel file XF86Config perchè utilizzo RedHat per Mandrake di dovrebbe essere XF86config-4.

Re: [newbie-it] Risposta a Info di Andrea

2003-06-04 Per discussione andrea
Ciao, Davide, grazie, tutto a posto, quello che non riuscivo a fare era trovare il file XF86Config-4, poi ho capito che dovevo cercarlo da root ed ho così risolto il problema, all'avvio è tutto perfetto e centrato, anche se il mio monitor LG795FT è riconosciuto come un Sony vaio. Per allineare

[newbie-it] speed touch 330 usb

2003-06-04 Per discussione Francesco Speranza
Vorrei sapere se lo speed touch 330 usb funziona sotto Mandrake 9.1 e cosa bisogna fare per farlo funzionare ( drivers , impostazioni .o altro ) ,visto che questa distro gia' supporta il modello Manta per il quale ha un apposito driver. inoltre vorrei sapere se è possibile utilizzare il

Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-04 Per discussione miKe
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alle 23:51, martedì 3 giugno 2003, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale, Daniele Micci ha scritto: Alle 23:40, martedì 3 giugno 2003, miKe ha scritto: sia per leggere che per decrittare devi avere la *pubblica* del mittente che, se

[newbie-it] k3b

2003-06-04 Per discussione Alberto Panigada
Ciao a tutti, vorrei utilizzare k3b per effettuare i backup di sistema e dei miei dati più importanti (tanto per farvi capire: sto scrivendo la tesi). Effettuando il k3bSetup (o qualcosa del genere perchè ora vado a memoria) mni riconosce perfettamente il masterizzatore ma quando utilizzo k3b

Re: [newbie-it] dmesg

2003-06-04 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 22:07, martedì 3 giugno 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto: Ah... Bè, se non ricordo male di periferiche scsi ho lo scanner e il masterizzatore, che funzionano entrambi perfettamente. La porta usb ce l'ho, ma c'è attaccata solo una prolunga (per quando attacco la macchina fotografica

[newbie-it] Filesystem AFFS

2003-06-04 Per discussione Paolo Borzini
Ciao a tutti, io ho Linux Mandrake 9.0 su un Celeron a 2ghz e vorrei leggere dei vecchi dischetti Amiga che ho , in cui avevo salvato i miei primi disegni (decenni fà ;-)). Ho visto che esiste AFFS che sarebbe il filesystem per leggere i dati Amiga, come faccio ad installarlo devo

Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-04 Per discussione Germano
il 01:17, mercoledì 4 giugno 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale Alle 23:51, martedì 3 giugno 2003, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale, Daniele Micci ha scritto: Alle 23:40, martedì 3 giugno 2003, miKe ha scritto: sia per leggere che per decrittare devi

[newbie-it] modulo viacxxxx.o

2003-06-04 Per discussione Luigi Pinna
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Ciao a tuti, facendo il reboot ho scoperto che il modulo della scheda udio integrata non viene caricato. Il messaggio dice che son stati dati dei parametri di IRQ o simili errati. Il probelma è nato dalla ricompilazione del kernel, ma avendo usato

Re: [newbie-it] Risposta a Info di Andrea

2003-06-04 Per discussione artasersec
On 04 Jun 2003 00:56:06 +0200, andrea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Per allineare e non mettere in ordine alfabaetico le icone del desktop che cosa devo fare? Le metti nell'ordine che preferisci poi clicchi sul desktop con il tasto destro, dal menu selezioni la voce icone e scegli come allinearle.

[newbie-it] Modem Michelangelo PCI

2003-06-04 Per discussione artasersec
Modem Michelangelo PCI Il problema che il modem Michelangelo PCI ha un chipset Conexant mentre i driver sviluppati da EciAdsl sono per i modem con chipset Globespan. L'unico suggerimento che sono riuscito a trovare questo: Linux driver for USB ADSL modems with Conexant chipset:

Re: [newbie-it] Info:

2003-06-04 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 22:53, martedì 3 giugno 2003, andrea ha scritto: Buonasera a tutti, . Pur avendo capito come fare per centrare lo schermo, spostato leggermante a dx, da terminale con il comando xvidtune, non riesco a fare in modo di memorizzare la cosa, per non doverla ripetere al prossimo avvio.

Re: [newbie-it] Modem Michelangelo PCI

2003-06-04 Per discussione Fulvio
Ti ringrazio per lo sbattimento. Ciao :)

Re: [newbie-it] k3b

2003-06-04 Per discussione Junkie
Anche a me era successo ed era perchè avevo solo il masterizzatore che utilizzavo anche come cdrom.. k3b cercava il masterizzatore in mnt/cdrecorder e se non ce lo trovava ecco che diventava impossibile masterizzare, anche dicendogli che il masterizzatore in realtà stava in mnt/cdrom. Per

Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale

2003-06-04 Per discussione Germano
il 08:53, mercoledì 4 giugno 2003, Germano hai scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale il 01:17, mercoledì 4 giugno 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale Alle 23:51, martedì 3 giugno 2003, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] firma digitale, Daniele Micci ha scritto:

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 and Windows files on FAT drives

2003-06-04 Per discussione The Other
06/03/03 Hello Stephen, SAMBA is for networking, not for localised file mounting/browsing. The only 'networking' I do is by 56K modem to the Internet. Do I have any reason to have SAMBA and/or NFS installed? If not, I'll remove the packages. Thanks, The Other Want to buy your Pack or

Re: [newbie] Perl is no more...

2003-06-04 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:28, JoeHill wrote: On 03 Jun 2003 21:59:15 +1000 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered: make is a strange thing to have lost - so it would seem that either the system path is mucked up or your .bash_profile is mucked up; have you tried all of this as either root

Re: [newbie] Is it OK to use KWrite as a text file editor?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:35, The Other wrote: 06/03/03 Is it safe to use KWrite as text file editor? Or does it append characters to the file that would cause problems? The Other It's as safe as anything. But just using it as a text editor - well, you might want to consider using

Re: [newbie] unknown bridge resource?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:36, Aron Smith wrote: Was in NZ a few years ago . You know they said the same things about Aussies. You certainly don't wanna know what the Aussies say about the NZ'ers here mate...(grin) -- Tue Jun 3 22:55:01 EST 2003 22:55:01 up 4 days, 8:04, 4 users, load

Re: [newbie] Is it OK to use KWrite as a text file editor?

2003-06-04 Per discussione The Other
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 07:56 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote: It's as safe as anything. But just using it as a text editor - well, you might want to consider using kedit, gedit, gxedit or kate - but hey, to each their own... Thanks for the tips. I haven't tried any text editors yet, or any of the

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 and Windows files on FAT drives

2003-06-04 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:45, The Other wrote: 06/03/03 Hello Aldolfo, Stephen, From a terminal window as root (or SuperUser) I can use 'ls' to view the files on the FAT32 drives. So the problem must lie in the Open dialog windows of the programs I'm running under KDE 3.1. Any

Re: [newbie] lilo frustration!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:49, Adolf, Michael F wrote: I am trying unsuccessfully to make windows the default boot in lilo. Post your /etc/lilo.conf and we'll re-write it for you mate. -- Tue Jun 3 23:00:00 EST 2003 23:00:00 up 4 days, 8:09, 4 users, load average: 0.25, 0.25, 0.20

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 and Windows files on FAT drives

2003-06-04 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 4:22 am, The Other wrote: On Monday 02 June 2003 10:14 pm, The Other wrote: 6/02/03 Hello Aldofo, Mount it as a vfat file system. Here is my /etc/fstab entry for the fat drive: /dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 and Windows files on FAT drives

2003-06-04 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:52, The Other wrote: Hello Stephen, SAMBA is for networking, not for localised file mounting/browsing. The only 'networking' I do is by 56K modem to the Internet. Do I have any reason to have SAMBA and/or NFS installed? If not, I'll remove the packages. Remove them

Re: [newbie] Sylpheed and cyrillic - third try

2003-06-04 Per discussione Vahur Lokk
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 15:02, Stephen Kuhn wrote: Wow - I would have assumed (key word = assumed) that if you have the ability to read cyrillic in any other application (and the font set is installed) you'd be able to read it in ANY application under ANY window manager or desktop... Jeez

[newbie] pam_timestamp

2003-06-04 Per discussione Amy A.
my sys logs are flooded with these messages Jun 3 08:55:50 kade pam_timestamp_check: pam_timestamp: `/var/run/' owner GID != 0 and != 4 Does this have to do with msec security level 3 and 5? How can I fix this? Thanks for any help!! ~ Amy A. Want to buy your Pack or Services

Re: [newbie] Perl is no more...

2003-06-04 Per discussione JoeHill
On 03 Jun 2003 22:54:22 +1000 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered: If your file system is foobar'ed that bad, and you've done and fsck on that partition and it hasn't fixed any of the inodes or recovered your data and made things happy again, you might consider backing up your /home

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 and Windows files on FAT drives

2003-06-04 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 08:45, The Other wrote: 06/03/03 Hello Aldolfo, Stephen, From a terminal window as root (or SuperUser) I can use 'ls' to view the files on the FAT32 drives. So the problem must lie in the Open dialog windows of the programs I'm running under KDE 3.1. Any

Re: [newbie] Is it OK to use KWrite as a text file editor?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 1:56 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote: On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:35, The Other wrote: 06/03/03 Is it safe to use KWrite as text file editor? Or does it append characters to the file that would cause problems? The Other It's as safe as anything. But just using it as a

Re: [newbie] Is it OK to use KWrite as a text file editor?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 23:00, The Other wrote: On Tuesday 03 June 2003 07:56 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote: It's as safe as anything. But just using it as a text editor - well, you might want to consider using kedit, gedit, gxedit or kate - but hey, to each their own... Thanks for the tips. I

[newbie] lame installation problem

2003-06-04 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi
I have mdk 9.1. I wantedto install lame-3.91-3.src.rpm. When I did # rpm --rebuild /mnt/winf/Linux/Programs/lame/lame-3.91-3.src.rpm I got the following error Finding Provides: /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides Finding Requires: /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires /%{tmpdir}/lame-3.91-root-root i586 Using

Re: [newbie] unknown bridge resource?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 05:57, Stephen Kuhn wrote: On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:36, Aron Smith wrote: Was in NZ a few years ago . You know they said the same things about Aussies. You certainly don't wanna know what the Aussies say about the NZ'ers here mate...(grin) Actuality didn't care but

[newbie] Boot in root desktop

2003-06-04 Per discussione DrewMartin
Hi All, I'm having problems installing new software.I download the Tarball,SU into root from a console.Untar to a temp folder,but the programs don't go to my start up(they end up in my home folder),and when I try to use them they work,but will not save the work as a usable file.I end up

Re: [newbie] Boot in root desktop

2003-06-04 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 2:36 pm, DrewMartin wrote: Hi All, I'm having problems installing new software.I download the Tarball,SU into root from a console.Untar to a temp folder,but the programs don't go to my start up(they end up in my home folder),and when I try to use them they

RE: [newbie] lilo frustration!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Adolf, Michael F
I am at work now. I'll post tomorrow. Thanks -Original Message- From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 7:02 AM To: Mandrake Newbie Subject: Re: [newbie] lilo frustration! On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 22:49, Adolf, Michael F wrote: I am trying unsuccessfully

RE: [newbie] lilo frustration!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
Does MDK control center not enable you to do this? Tony. -Original Message- From: Adolf, Michael F [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 2:53 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: [newbie] lilo frustration! I am at work now. I'll post tomorrow. Thanks -Original

[newbie] Need Cable-modem help!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Just got cable modem service yesterday: Tech (of course) said he had never heard of Linux (where the Hell has he been?) Anyways, need hand holding orientated tutorial or guide to get it up and running on Mandrake v9.1! Thanks guys! -- /\

Re: [newbie] Need Cable-modem help!

2003-06-04 Per discussione kjc
I have road runner. All I had to do was enable the DHCPD client and reboot. The rest happened automagically. Ronald J. Hall wrote: Just got cable modem service yesterday: Tech (of course) said he had never heard of "Linux" (where the Hell has he been?) Anyways, need "hand holding

Re: [newbie] Need Cable-modem help!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 3:35 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote: Just got cable modem service yesterday: Tech (of course) said he had never heard of Linux (where the Hell has he been?) Anyways, need hand holding orientated tutorial or guide to get it up and running on Mandrake v9.1! Thanks guys! Is

Re: [newbie] 9.0 to 9.1

2003-06-04 Per discussione Brian V Bonini
On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 18:52, Stephen Kuhn wrote: On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 02:40, Brian V Bonini wrote: About to attempt an upgrade from 9.0 to 9.1 Any issues I should be aware of, any suggestions, experiences (good or bad) You can actually get away with a fresh install as long as you

Re: [newbie] Need Cable-modem help!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Kenneth E. Spress
although you should remember to power cycle that cable modem so it can release the MAC address. But it would be a lot easier if you bought a router and allowed it to hand out IP addresses like a DHCP Server so you just plug in and go Thanks Kenneth E. Spress [EMAIL PROTECTED] RUID # 0462790

Re: [newbie] 9.0 to 9.1

2003-06-04 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 4:11 pm, Brian V Bonini wrote: On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 18:52, Stephen Kuhn wrote: On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 02:40, Brian V Bonini wrote: About to attempt an upgrade from 9.0 to 9.1 Any issues I should be aware of, any suggestions, experiences (good or bad)

Re: [newbie] pekwm greatness

2003-06-04 Per discussione eric huff
eric huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered: Not sure what you mean. I am able to move gkrellm down up. I can only do it if I click just so on the bottom of it. Is that what you mean? I am using pekwm: version CVS Built on Mon Jun 2 12:41:00 EDT 2003, maybe a later build... Nope. I cvs'd

Re: [newbie] Is it OK to use KWrite as a text file editor?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 08:35 am, The Other wrote: 06/03/03 Is it safe to use KWrite as text file editor? Or does it append characters to the file that would cause problems? I think so, but I use kedit anyway because it loads faster. -- Greg Want to buy your Pack or Services from

Re: [newbie] lilo frustration!

2003-06-04 Per discussione eric huff
On Tue June 3 2003 07:16 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote: Does MDK control center not enable you to do this? It lets you do it. It's a slow starting tool, but i hafta say, if you don't quite know what you are doing, it tends to do it right for you... eric I am trying unsuccessfully to make windows

RE: [newbie] lilo frustration!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Adolf, Michael F
I tried several ways, I'm sure MDK was one of them. I think MDK took me thru several lilo configuration windows, but none that allowed windows to be selected. There was one window that displayed a list (6 radio button choices) from which to select a default, but each selection was exactly the

Re: [newbie] No GPG signature?

2003-06-04 Per discussione eric huff
The risks may be small, but last year the openssh project site (I think it was openssh) was hacked and a malicious .tar.gz file was substituted in the download area. It was about a week before anyone noticed. To put someones gpg identity on your key ring. Download their public key which

[newbie] MBR scrubber?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Tango Echo
Hi All! I was wondering if any of you knew of an effective MBR scrubber - to wipe the entire disk INCLUDING the MBR? I have a box that I'm trying to put NT Server on (don't worry, mdk 9.1 will go back on ;) but Lilo is being really stubborn. After an install of NT 4 I rebooted only to be

Re: [newbie] MBR scrubber?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 09:08:26AM -0700, Tango Echo wrote: Hi All! I was wondering if any of you knew of an effective MBR scrubber - to wipe the entire disk INCLUDING the MBR? I have a box that I'm trying to put NT Server on (don't worry, mdk 9.1 will go back on ;) but Lilo is being

Re: [newbie] Boot in root desktop

2003-06-04 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 09:54 am, Derek Jennings wrote: On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 2:36 pm, DrewMartin wrote: Hi All, I'm having problems installing new software.I download the Tarball,SU into root from a console.Untar to a temp folder,but the programs don't go to my start up(they

[newbie] CD Catalog

2003-06-04 Per discussione Kristjan
Hi Anyone knows of a good CD Database app. that would generate a catalog from files found on Data CDs. Kristjan Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

[newbie] Premium linux

2003-06-04 Per discussione Paul
I contacted premium tv, a UK subscription site that provides reports, commentaries, etc on English football was told they don't support linux, but have heard of some people using the Mozilla browser. Is there anybody out there has accessed their service using linux? I assume using crossover

Re: [newbie] lilo frustration!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 4:35 pm, Adolf, Michael F wrote: I tried several ways, I'm sure MDK was one of them. I think MDK took me thru several lilo configuration windows, but none that allowed windows to be selected. There was one window that displayed a list (6 radio button choices) from which

[newbie] Epson IScan

2003-06-04 Per discussione Kristjan
Hi Has anyone using Epson scanner got the Epsons IScan work I have epson 1260 scanner and it works fine with sane and XSane I wanted to get also th epsons version work but seems no matter what I edit in the config files IScan still is unable to work. Giving error could not send command to

Re: [newbie] CD Catalog

2003-06-04 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 18:44, Kristjan wrote: Hi Anyone knows of a good CD Database app. that would generate a catalog from files found on Data CDs. Kristjan gtktalog it's on the cd's good luck, harM Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re[4]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-06-04 Per discussione rikona
Hello Derek, Thursday, May 29, 2003, 5:37:13 PM, you wrote: DJ There are two basic ways to compile an app. Thanks for the mini-introduction. DJ Its a bit late now, but tomorrow I will put a src.rpm of klocate2 up on my DJ server for you to practice with I got it - thanks. -- Thank you,

Re[8]: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-06-04 Per discussione rikona
Hello Tom, Friday, May 30, 2003, 7:20:18 AM, you wrote: TB On Thursday May 29 2003 08:01 pm, rikona wrote: TB I've never needed to use Alt+SysRqr+s-e-i-u-b, but it's a good TB thing to look up the process and remember that goofy phrase ;) Goofy, but nice to know about. :-) TBHey, one

[newbie] How/where is HOSTNAME DOMAINNAME set?

2003-06-04 Per discussione rikona
Hello, I'm still trying to understand the ramifications of these variables in networking, mailing, and ??? There seems to be a lot of help in the 'bits and pieces' documentation, and I can get parts of the picture from this, but - is there something like a broader overview of how these parts go

Re[4]: [newbie] Support questions

2003-06-04 Per discussione rikona
Hello Derek, Saturday, May 31, 2003, 12:25:12 PM, you wrote: DJ I think ,( but am not sure) that your Powerpack purchase entitles DJ you to temporary club membership. My understanding is that it uses MDexpert for support and questions. So far, I have not found the paid MDexpert to be all that

Re: [newbie] CD Catalog

2003-06-04 Per discussione Kristjan
On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 19:58:46 +0200 H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Tuesday 03 June 2003 18:44, Kristjan wrote: Hi Anyone knows of a good CD Database app. that would generate a catalog from files found on Data CDs. Kristjan gtktalog it's on the cd's good luck, harM Hei

Re: [newbie] File viewer (like QuickView for Win)?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Warren Post
El dom, 01-06-2003 a las 21:37, JoeHill escribió: beatcha to it... You sure did. That happens to me a lot. I can only connect once a day (and that only if our lousy government run ISP happens to be working) so I often answer threads that unknown to me have already moved on. I must be on several

Re: [newbie] dreamweaver equivalent linux

2003-06-04 Per discussione Warren Post
El lun, 02-06-2003 a las 06:07, ivette brusselmans escribió: Is there a dreamweaver equivalent in linux? The most Dreamweaver-like app for Linux is IBM Websphere. I'm not the best person to review it, as I prefer hand coding, but if I were to use a WYSIWYG tool I would prefer Websphere to

Re: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 7:22 pm, rikona wrote: Hello Tom, Friday, May 30, 2003, 7:20:18 AM, you wrote: TB On Thursday May 29 2003 08:01 pm, rikona wrote: TB I've never needed to use Alt+SysRqr+s-e-i-u-b, but it's a good TB thing to look up the process and remember that goofy phrase ;)

Re[2]: [newbie] No GPG signature?

2003-06-04 Per discussione rikona
Hello eric, Monday, June 2, 2003, 11:20:10 PM, you wrote: eh I asked the same ? and a couple people said not to worry about it if it was eh from one of the known/respected sites. I guess it would depend on just eh how paranoid you are I have a large amount of valuable-to-me info on my

Re[2]: [newbie] MBR scrubber?

2003-06-04 Per discussione rikona
Hello Kaj, Tuesday, June 3, 2003, 12:06:59 PM, you wrote: KH Hmm... Although I don't know much about windows (never had to use KH it) I think it comes in handy when something has to be destroyed KH Create a windows-boot floppy (from a DOS-prompt, type *sys a:* KH with a floppy in the drive).

Re: [newbie] Need Cable-modem help!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 11:08 am, Kenneth E. Spress wrote: although you should remember to power cycle that cable modem so it can release the MAC address. But it would be a lot easier if you bought a router and allowed it to hand out IP addresses like a DHCP Server so you just plug in and go

Re: [newbie] Need Cable-modem help!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 10:53 am, Derek Jennings wrote: Is the connection via Ethernet? If so just turn on DHCP and thats it done! derek Yes, its hooked to eth0. This is odd, I just went into MCC - services and according to that, dhcp is turned on, set to run at boot, but is currently

Re[2]: [newbie] File viewer (like QuickView for Win)?

2003-06-04 Per discussione rikona
Hello Warren, Tuesday, June 3, 2003, 12:51:29 PM, you wrote: WP So I see now. Sorry, rikona, can't help you there. I appreciate your trying to help. -- Thank you, rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Logging Out

2003-06-04 Per discussione Troy Davidson
Jim, Thanks for the info. I do want to keep the autologin on the one computer and I think this is the problem. Troy Davidson Linux User #311107 ++ Follow the adventures of a real life computer and gaming nerd!

Re: [newbie] File viewer (like QuickView for Win)?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 12:32:32PM -0700, rikona wrote: snip The closest thing I've seen so far is in Pan (a rather nice FTP app). It has a large window across the bottom that shows the actual doc, and you can scroll through it to see anything inside. All the text is readable, and the images

Re: [newbie] Need Cable-modem help!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 9:21 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote: On Tuesday 03 June 2003 10:53 am, Derek Jennings wrote: Is the connection via Ethernet? If so just turn on DHCP and thats it done! derek Yes, its hooked to eth0. This is odd, I just went into MCC - services and according to that,

RE: [newbie] Need Cable-modem help!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Dennis . R . Myers
Title: RE: [newbie] Need Cable-modem help! Ron, go into the install software mode and do a search for dhcp. You need dhcpcommon and dhcpclient and the dhcpd if I recall. Not sure but any one of those can be a show stopper if not installed. HTH Dennis M. -Original Message- From:

Re: [newbie] yahoo finally connected

2003-06-04 Per discussione Kit
Testing...diregard On Tuesday 03 June 2003 07:04 pm, KVPSTAFF wrote: I did this also...can't figure it out... also i finally got the staic IP numbers and dns trying to figure out how to setup dhcp... and a dns server...NOW. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL

[newbie] test

2003-06-04 Per discussione KVPSTAFF
testing disregard -- *** *** Admin= [EMAIL PROTECTED] Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] Need Cable-modem help!

2003-06-04 Per discussione Technoslick
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 10:35 am, Ronald J. Hall graced me with: Just got cable modem service yesterday: Tech (of course) said he had never heard of Linux (where the Hell has he been?) Anyways, need hand holding orientated tutorial or guide to get it up and running on Mandrake v9.1!

Re: [newbie] kppp questions

2003-06-04 Per discussione Robin Turner
Brian Parish wrote: On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 00:55, Robin Turner wrote: I've been playing around with kppp. Two questions: 1. Are my frequent Mozilla crashes anything to do with the fact that I now have it opening on connect rather than manually? 2. Is there a way to get kppp to connect on

Re: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-06-04 Per discussione Margot
Anne Wilson wrote: On Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 7:22 pm, rikona wrote: Hello Tom, Friday, May 30, 2003, 7:20:18 AM, you wrote: TB On Thursday May 29 2003 08:01 pm, rikona wrote: TB I've never needed to use Alt+SysRqr+s-e-i-u-b, but it's a good TB thing to look up the process and remember that goofy

Re[2]: [newbie] File viewer (like QuickView for Win)?

2003-06-04 Per discussione rikona
Hello Todd, Tuesday, June 3, 2003, 1:24:08 PM, you wrote: TS You mean Pan the newsreader? Ummm... yes I did. I was monitoring an FTP download while I was typing this and I sure got it mixed up. :-) Pan's a nice newsreader - and I wish it could browse files. -- Thank you, rikona

Re: [newbie] MP3s

2003-06-04 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Tuesday 03 June 2003 07:46 am, Anne Wilson wrote: On Monday 02 Jun 2003 11:16 pm, Dennis Myers wrote: Can anyone suggest what works to play mp3s in ML 9.1? I have xmms loaded but apparently don't have a plugin for mp3s. Don't know what it is called either. I have looked in the Club

Re: [newbie] Epson IScan

2003-06-04 Per discussione Miark
I have the same problem. iscan 1.5 does not work in MDK 9.1, although xsane works fine. It didn't seem to make any difference that the scanner was installed before iscan. The src rpm won't build either. Miark On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 18:37:36 +0100 LtCdData [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Tuesday 03

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