2009-08-05 Thread Stephen Black
found the ossuary of James the brother of Jesus, says Ganor. Gad! Stephen Black Bishop's University Sherbrooke, Quebec --- To make changes to your subscription contact: Bill Southerly (

[tips] Against Freud

2009-08-02 Thread Stephen Black
…is the title of a 2007 collection of interviews of critics of Freud, reviewed recently on Humanities and Social Sciences Net. Certain of these critics are said to assert that “Freud is a charlatan, a megalomaniac, a psychopathic liar--or...a scam artist high on cocaine.” Hey! I merely said

[tips] What emergency health care is really like in Canada

2009-07-31 Thread Stephen Black (the invoice goes to the Government, of course) Stephen - Stephen L. Black, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Emeritus Bishop's University e-mail:

[tips] The Associated Press and the Ph.D psychologist: addendum

2008-09-08 Thread Stephen Black
In my message a few minutes ago, I forgot to give the url for on-line access to this interesting article. It's You might also take a look at responses to Loudon's essay, which shows just how complicated this matter can get. At:

[tips] The Associated Press and the Ph.D psychologist

2008-09-08 Thread Stephen Black
Drs. Various and Sundry wrote: Psychologists earn PhDs, and AP style allows the 'Dr.' title only for those with medical degrees. I, and the faculty who were responsible for my education at the graduate level believe that the PhD is the degree that is most eligible to

[tips] 7 Medical Myths: after, after, afterthought

2007-12-21 Thread Stephen Black
] To: david Epstein Subject: 7 Medical Myths: after, after, afterthought From Stephen Black courtesy of David, yet another thing he thinks you can't be without about medical myths and other startling things. If you access the pdf version rather than the HTML versions of the BMJ articles, you get some

[tips] RE: Origin of Thorndike quote

2007-04-03 Thread Stephen Black
[to you alone] On 3 Apr 2007 at 1:03, Charles Harris wrote: I'd say John Kulig deserves the major part of a cigar. Hey! [He cries in anguish]. I nailed it too on the 1918 reference. Where's my part of the cigar? And I'm envious of anyone who can be said to have flourished at some time,

[tips] RE: Origin of Thorndike quote

2007-04-03 Thread Stephen Black
On 3 Apr 2007 at 9:50, John Kulig wrote: Stephen: I'm not real big on cigars, you can half my share :) I suspect it is not me who is flourishing Ack! That, of course, wasn't intended for the list. Fortunately, not too damaging, as it turns out. Stephen

[tips] Re: A question about twins from a student

2006-11-10 Thread Stephen Black
On 9 Nov 2006 at 10:44, Beth Benoit wrote: Since I am a twin (fraternal, and not looking very much like my twin), I've always been very interested in twin studies. I think Annette's student is echoing our culture's assumptions that twins are treated differently, and that identical

[tips] RE: A question about twins from a student

2006-11-09 Thread Stephen Black
Annette Taylor asked about a pair of fraternal twins who were identical in appearance, according to one of her students. John Kulig replied: I'm not an expert, but, a certain % of twins are misclassified. It's my understanding that, short of DNA markers, you can ask a series of simple

[tips] Boy scout bonobo

2006-11-07 Thread Stephen Black
From the November issue of _Smithsonian Magazine_ in which the psychologist Sue Savage-Rumbaugh describes the abilities of one of her language-learning bonobos, Kanzi: Once, Savage-Rumbaugh says, on an outing in a forest by the Georgia State University laboratory where he was raised, Kanzi

[tips] Pulling yourself together after falling apart

2006-10-23 Thread Stephen Black
First see the video: Then get the background: Wish I had something like that (he says after accidentally smashing a lamp with a glass shade, his wife's favourite, of course). Stephen

[tips] Waiting on baby

2006-10-16 Thread Stephen Black Comment: sounds like a good idea, but who knows? What if the kids discover the baby is cute and adorable and they'd like to have one just like it, only real? Although in addition to wetting, crying, and vomiting, I don't suppose they also programme the

[tips] Pluto's chromosomes

2006-08-25 Thread Stephen Black
On 25 Aug 2006 at 10:55, Rick Froman wrote: I believe that the Pluto story is actually a better example of paragraph 2 than of paragraph 1 in Marc's post. I don't think it is a good example at all of how scientists expect change in our conclusions as data accumulates. No new data accumulated

[tips] Re: Greatest Unknown Female Experimental Psychologist Ever?

2006-08-20 Thread Stephen Black
On 20 Aug 2006 at 9:28, Mike Palij contributed an interesting piece on Alice Sheldon. Her secret identity as a woman provides a nice blind experiment (n = 1) on whether women write with a detectably different voice from men. The answer seems to be no. (see But

[tips] re: info: LoftusLoftus

2006-08-20 Thread Stephen Black
I copied my note about Maryanne Garry's new book (Do Justice and Let the Sky Fall: Elizabeth F. Loftus) to her. She sent me a nice reply but noted that she was never a student of Loftus, but was her postdoc. I didn't argue with her (ok, she did qualify by saying at least not in the official

[tips] RE: Theatrical irony: Study published in Pediatrics Today

2006-08-07 Thread Stephen Black
On 7 Aug 2006 at 10:21, Patricia wrote: Compare to Degrading lyrics lead to early sex, study says at is no link and now they lead to sex. The study is on-line at and I

[tips] Second-hand smoke and health

2006-06-28 Thread Stephen Black
First my credentials: I'm not a smoker and have little regard for this loathsome habit. I've paid no attention to the second-hand smoke debate, although I rejoice in the new law which just came into effect in Quebec to ban smoking in restaurants and other public places. Yet I assume that

[tips] Re: Study on mental health and abortion

2006-06-15 Thread Stephen Black
I said, referring to Jim Guinee's penchant for providing God-positive posts: Now that I think of it, I'm in favour of a free-spirited TIPS [and so I don't mind his posts, although I would like to see more candor from him on his reason for posting them] to which Jim ominously replied:

[tips] Was Pavlov the first

2006-05-12 Thread Stephen Black
I said: This leads to an intriguing mystery: why is it so widely believed that Pavlov used a bell in salivary conditioning when he didn't? to which Rainer Scheuchenpflug replied: as far as I remember an attempt to answer to your question may be found in Goodwin, C. J. (1991).

[tips] Data sharing

2006-04-28 Thread Stephen Black
A sub-issue of my concern regarding the study of Ebberling (2006) is their refusal to share data. While we can all think of occasions when there may be good grounds to say no, such as when there is a risk of breaching confidentiality or before the researchers themselves have had time to

[tips] Re: BMI and soft drink consumption: data analysis

2006-04-26 Thread Stephen Black
On 26 Apr 2006 at 14:03, David Epstein offered: Stephen, I have a fabulous little Mac-only application called GraphClick that can turn a graph back into the numerical data it depicts. I could do that will the scatterplots if it

[tips] Re: Citation for usefulness of pretests for ANOVA

2006-04-25 Thread Stephen Black
On 25 Apr 2006 at 12:54, Rainer Scheuchenpflug wrote: could I probe your collective recollection for a citation regarding the use of tests for homogenity of variances or normal distribution before conducting an anova? As far as I remember it ran like: To test for homogenity of variance

Re: Determinism and the Corpus Callosum

2006-04-04 Thread Stephen Black
Michael Sylvester was challenged about his remark of talk of an association between the corpus callosum and sexual orientation. He was asked for a reference. He replied: It either came from LeVay or check out a Brain/Mind video I thought this was interesting, so I looked into it. There is no

Re: Determinism and the Corpus Callosum

2006-04-04 Thread Stephen Black
On 4 Apr 2006 at 11:25, Stephen Black wrote: But I've discovered in the meantime that this refers to a presentation she made with Scamvougeras as first author at the Miami meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in 1994. I can't get the abstract, but it was cited as recently as 1993

Re: Britannica vs Wikipedia: The empire strikes back

2006-03-30 Thread Stephen Black
On 30 Mar 2006 at 9:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Why would you se a measure of word/student ratio? They only have 420 words about Bishops but over 3000 words for the other 2. To really have an impace, add another 3000 words to a discussion of Bishops! My restraint has been sorely tested

Re: Britannica vs Wikipedia: The empire strikes back

2006-03-29 Thread Stephen Black
On 29 Mar 2006 at 9:30, Christopher D. Green wrote: So, what to believe? Here's Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, quoted on the Wall Street Journal: It's hardly true we're as good as Britannica. Wales said he was pleased that Nature focused on science because on history and the social

Artificial intelligence

2006-03-24 Thread Stephen Black
Well, I think that's how you'd classify it. Not for the rhythmically-challenged, however. Stephen __ Stephen L. Black, Ph.D. Department of Psychology Bishop's University Lennoxville, QC J1M 1Z7

Repressed memory challenge

2006-03-22 Thread Stephen Black
As discussed on this list, Pope and Hudson have offered a $1000 prize to anyone who can find a case of repressed memory before 1800 (see I've suggested that while the question is interesting, failing to find such a case isn't

Acupuncture shown to relieve migraines: study

2006-03-10 Thread Stephen Black
I was looking over the study again (Diener et al, 2006) preparatory to writing an indignant letter to the editor of _The Lancet Neurology_ concerning their unjustified conclusion that acupuncture was effective, even though they stated it did not differ significantly from sham acupucture.

Re: parenting and socioeconomic classes

2006-03-09 Thread Stephen Black
On 9 Mar 2006 at 8:47, Beth Benoit wrote: The following article appeared in today's New York Times. It's very thought-provoking, The New York Times March 9, 2006 Op-Ed Columnist Both Sides of Inequality By DAVID BROOKS [Annette] Lareau has been able to capture the texture of

Re: parenting and socioeconomic classes

2006-03-09 Thread Stephen Black
Stephen Black wrote: As an incorrigible Judith Rich Harris enthusiast,... Chris Green commented: incorrigible as in not susceptible to correction? That's too bad. :-) Well, I do think the role of child-rearing in determining adult personality, at least within the normal range

Re: The bad multiple choice test

2006-03-01 Thread Stephen Black
On 1 Mar 2006 at 9:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi folks, I am doing a professional development presentation in about 2 weeks on writing good multiple choice tests. I'd like to do something interactive to start off. I vaguely remember that somewhere in the universe exists a bad MC

Update on the case of Genie

2006-02-15 Thread Stephen Black
--- From: Stephen Black [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Society for Teaching of Psychology Discussion List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Genie, the wild child Date sent: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 11:37:39 -0500 On 17 Aug 2004, Kristin Larson wrote

Update on the case of Genie

2006-02-15 Thread Stephen Black
A minor oops on my post a few minutes ago. The Wikipedia entry does briefly mention the lawsuit. Stephen ___ Stephen L. Black, Ph.D. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Department of Psychology Bishop's University Lennoxville, QC

Oops, she's done it again (Judith Rich Harris, that is)

2006-02-15 Thread Stephen Black
No Two Alike (2006). W.W. Norton Company New York Sun review at: Stephen ___ Stephen L. Black, Ph.D. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Department of Psychology Bishop's University

Re: Inside Higher Ed :: David Horowitz Has a List

2006-02-13 Thread Stephen Black
On 13 Feb 2006 at 9:04, Christopher D. Green wrote: Are YOU on David Horowitz's list? :-) Well, it took a bit of browsing, but here's the complete list: The only name I recognize

Re: Inside Higher Ed :: David Horowitz Has a List

2006-02-13 Thread Stephen Black
On 13 Feb 2006 at 10:14, Christopher D. Green wrote: Chomsky doesn't count as having any connection to our disicipline? We must be in different disciplines, Stephen. (But I doubt it's his linguistics that got dear old Noam on the list.) OK, you got me. I forgot Chomsky (well, I try to!)


2006-02-13 Thread Stephen Black
ITSACORR is a popular programme for statistical analysis of an interrupted time-series (e.g. to see if there's a change in trend in a series of numbers, such as the daily responses of a subject). As I mentioned in a previous post, given the unavailability of its originator, John Crosbie

Re: Prizes for staying clean

2006-02-09 Thread Stephen Black
On 9 Feb 2006 at 12:46, Beth Benoit wrote: The following appeared in the New York Times: I shared the story with my students, and they were curious to know if this program is being used anywhere besides the places mentioned in the article. Interpreting this program in a generic sense, and

Re: Low Fat does not prevent

2006-02-08 Thread Stephen Black
On 8 Feb 2006 at 7:55, Horton, Joseph J. wrote: Let's see if I can beat Steven Black to the punch on this one. baa85ef6995ex=1139979600partner=MYWAYpagewanted=print Congratulations, Joe, you did. You win. Just leave me

Teen sex

2006-01-31 Thread Stephen Black
Alerted through another list, I offer this rather remarkable report on restriction of freedom in young people in today's New York Times Why does it always seem to be Kansas that's involved? Stephen

Re: The Pope and Eric Fromm

2006-01-30 Thread Stephen Black
Speaking of Jews for Jesus, how about Naomi Wolf for Jesus? By coincidence I just came across this today from Torcuil Crichton of the Sunday Herald (Scotland), which seems to echo parts of our thread: But when one of the foremost feminists in the world [Naomi Wolf], who is Jewish to boot,

RE: Disturbing Design

2006-01-26 Thread Stephen Black
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Bill relating to pain in the fetus

2006-01-26 Thread Stephen Black
Does anyone know the current status of the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (S.51) in the US Congress? This is the bill which would require doctors to tell women considering abortions that a fetus feels pain by 20 weeks of age. It's sponsored by Senator Sam Brownback, Kansas Republican. The

Re: amnesia question(s)

2006-01-22 Thread Stephen Black
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Our private/public face

2006-01-18 Thread Stephen Black
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Re: Satanic abuse scandal

2006-01-12 Thread Stephen Black
On 12 Jan 2006 at 7:47, Annette Taylor, Ph. D. wrote: Maybe I don't read the 'right' news sources. Do US tipsters know of recent, popularized cases of satanic abuse in the US? (home page maintains a website which collects

Re: ID and public schools

2006-01-11 Thread Stephen Black
On 11 Jan 2006 at 9:25, Dennis Goff wrote: Here is a link to a story in this morning's New York Times . I thought that it would be of interest to several of us because it reports on a group of parents who are suing a California public school to remove a course called

Re: Fundamentalism and Freedom

2006-01-11 Thread Stephen Black
On 11 Jan 2006 at 12:59, Allen Esterson wrote: A UK view of the great Fundamentalism vs Freedom debate: As Brits would say, it's brilliant (actually, one just did on their website). But it doesn't travel well far from

Psychological torture: Who's your daddy?

2006-01-05 Thread Stephen Black
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Re: ID ruling

2005-12-23 Thread Stephen Black
Just a few notes from me on Jim's thoughtful (and depressing) response to my proposal that we should teach the controversy, and how we should do it: On 22 Dec 2005 at 12:38, Jim Clark wrote: I would be cautious about inferring from such actions, or the positions of professional bodies, what

ITSACORR (interrupted time series analysis)

2005-12-19 Thread Stephen Black
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Re: list-serves for Cognitive or Developmental psych?

2005-12-17 Thread Stephen Black
On 16 Dec 2005 at 12:05, Paul Norris wrote, after certain difficulties with the inappropriate behaviour of our list web page: Could someone please tell me the addresses (and information on how to submit, if it's complicated) for list-serves for Cognitive psychology and for Developmental

Re: list-serves for Cognitive or Developmental psych?

2005-12-17 Thread Stephen Black
On 17 Dec 2005 at 15:28, Rick Stevens wrote: This searchable list of 61,000+ listservs might be useful Neat! But curiously, neither TIPS nor PSYCHTEACHER appear to be listed among the 61,000. Perhaps we're not important enough. Interesting note: If

RE: More on Mirecki

2005-12-09 Thread Stephen Black
On 8 Dec 2005 at 12:40, Paul Smith wrote: I also notice that respect among fundamentalists for conservation of the environment seems to have grown recently from an odd story in the NYTimes to a genuine phenomenon. There is, it seems, more here than meets the eye. According to Bill

Re: ID course cancelled

2005-12-02 Thread Stephen Black
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Re: Helmhotz and frogs

2005-09-29 Thread Stephen Black
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Re: Phantom Limb versus Paralysis

2005-09-23 Thread Stephen Black
On 1 Sep 2005 at 8:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This is a student question: Do phantom limb sensations occur in individuals who cannot feel a limb or body area due to paralysis (as in spinal cord damage?) On the assumption that better late than never, a response: The answer is yes.

Re: Things you can do with a psychology degree

2005-08-24 Thread Stephen Black
On 23 Aug 2005, Paul Smith wrote: Oh, god, Stephen Black _retired_? Congratulations! Actually, it's an elaborate hoax. And you fell for it. Old professors never retire. They just go on sabbatical. I can't imagine what this list is going to look like now that Stephen snip has more time

Re: Things you can do with a psychology degree

2005-08-24 Thread Stephen Black
On 24 Aug 2005, Mike Palij wrote: John Ritter, star of Three's Company 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter is identified as having been a psychology major (see his CNN obituary: ) No ? in a series [lost count] OK, if we're

Things you can do with a psychology degree

2005-08-23 Thread Stephen Black
No 1 in a series. You can become a comedian, like Jon Stewart (B.A., psychology, College of William and Mary, 1984). Stephen ___ Stephen L. Black, (819) 822-9600 ext 2470 Department of Psychology fax: (819)

Things you can do with a psychology degree

2005-08-23 Thread Stephen Black
No 2 in a series. An alert TIPSter who undoubtedly wants to remain anonymous reminded me that you can become a...well, whatever it is that Monica Lewinsky (B.A., psychology, Lewis and Clark College, 1995) does (or once did). Stephen __ Stephen

Re: Things you can do with a psychology degree

2005-08-23 Thread Stephen Black
On 23 Aug 2005, Scott Lilienfeld wrote: And of course, let's not forget. ..University educated serial sex killer snip Ted Bundy had been a snip college degree with a major in psychology, But we can try, can't we? For some reason, I prefer kvelling over the manufacture of

Re: [Fwd: 30% of medical research is wrong]

2005-07-14 Thread Stephen Black
On 14 Jul 2005, Christopher D. Green wrote: CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- New research highlights a frustrating fact about science: What was good for you yesterday frequently will turn out to be not so great tomorrow. The sobering conclusion came in a review of major studies published in

Re: Question from a student/symbols

2005-06-28 Thread Stephen Black
On 17 Jun 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: With the permission of the student who wrote the following note to me, I am passing this question along to your wiser heads 1. Has there been any success in the search for underlying symbols/archetypes that are recognized a most people in the

Attribution: Einstein

2005-06-22 Thread Stephen Black
While we're waiting for Louis Schmier to get back to us on the status of the alleged Einstein quote about which Louis said I will find it. Promise (letter to TIPS, May 6, 2005), I can report some significant new sightings of it. According to Louis, it goes A lot of what can be counted

Re: Attribution: Einstein

2005-06-22 Thread Stephen Black
On 22 Jun 2005, Allen Esterson wrote: Stephen wrote: Even more grievous, a letter writer contributing a Rapid Response to the commentary [in BMJ] supplies two more doubtful Einstein quotes, equally unsourced. Allen comments: One of these unsourced quotes attributed to Einstein is:

Re: plagiarism satire ... or is it?

2005-06-21 Thread Stephen Black
News on the wages of plagiarism in high places. The _Chronicle of Higher Education_ (June 20, 2005) reports that Bryan Le Beau, the dean at the University of Missouri who was caught plagiarizing on, of all things, a commencement address ( a talk to inspire students!) has been placed on

Re: Eating and Development

2005-06-17 Thread Stephen Black
On 17 Jun 2005, Donald McBurney wrote: I recall another study that involved self selection of diet by very young children, but cannot think of the author or source, but it was done by a man in the 1940's (I would guess). It was well referenced in the older food intake literature. Sorry, I

Tuskegee experiment re-examined

2005-06-17 Thread Stephen Black
A colleague has alerted me to a remarkable on-line essay. The subject is the infamous Tuskegee study of untreated syphilis in Black men in Alabama, carried out between 1932 and 1972. My knowledge of this study is limited, but I'm aware, along with most people, that it's considered one of the

Re: anti-therapy social-therapy / political neutrality

2005-06-06 Thread Stephen Black
Marc Turner said, in response to a post of mine: Normally, I'd just stay quiet on all this, but something about today just makes me want to play devil's advocate or something... Black earlier wrote (Sorry Stephen but your earlier comment was the easiest to get): I wonder how Bush et al

Re: anti-therapy

2005-06-02 Thread Stephen Black
On 2 Jun 2005, Beth Benoit wrote: Christina Hoff Summers is at it again: This time putting therapy in her sights. Here's the review of her new book, One Nation Under Therapy: How the Helping Culture is Eroding Self-Reliance, from the New York Times. Alas, Beth's alert includes a rather

Attribution: Einstein

2005-05-27 Thread Stephen Black
Not too long ago loquacious Louis cited the great Albert Einstein for the following: A lot of what can be counted doesn't count, and a lot of what counts can't be counted, which he referenced to either _The World as I See It_ or _Ideas and Opinions_. Sceptical TIPSters (shame on them!)

Darwiin's illness

2005-05-16 Thread Stephen Black
On 16 May 2005, Esther Yoder Strahan wrote: I've been too busy to read TIPS postings for some time, so forgive me if this has already been discussed recently. I know there are medical historians who contend that Darwin was a victim of Chagas' disease, contracted from the assassin bug which

Was Freud a scientist?

2005-05-13 Thread Stephen Black
I know I'm late with this entry, but I can't resist going on record with my opinions on this interesting topic. Also, I'm looking forward to the opportunity to once again crush others to dust rather than engaging in discussion. Get out that vacuum cleaner! To no one's surprise, I vote in the

Re: Reading on psychoanalytic theory

2005-05-05 Thread Stephen Black
Allen Esterson says that I wrote: Allen is… kind to psychoanalysis… [actually, I said too kind] And he wittily replied in mock horror (at least I hope it was mock): I must protest at this slur, which, if widely publicized, would have an adverse effect on my professional reputation. My

Re: Gordon Shaw Dies at 72; Tied I.Q. to Hearing Mozart

2005-05-05 Thread Stephen Black
On 3 May 2005, Christopher D. Green wrote: Father of the Mozart-effect dies. I found this biography of Gordon Shaw interesting, particularly for its omission of any mention of Shaw's co-contributor on the Mozart effect, Frances

Reading on psychoanalytic theory

2005-05-04 Thread Stephen Black
Marie Helweg-Larsen wrote: He [a student] also wants to know whether it [psychoanalytic therapy] works compared to other types of therapy. Can you guys recommend acccesible books/articles? to which Allen Esterson replied: To my knowledge, no studies have shown that psychoanalytic

Re: What happened to Bruce Rind?

2005-04-29 Thread Stephen Black
them believe what is certainly untrue. No contest, right? Stephen Black Bishop's University (tryin' out new mailer, no sig file yet) --- You are currently subscribed to tips as: To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Obesity Danger May Have Been (vastly) Overstated

2005-04-26 Thread Stephen Black
On 19 Apr 2005, Christopher D. Green wrote: Oops, sorry, says the CDC, obesity causes around 26,000 deaths a year, not 365,000. You heard it here first (from Stephen Black, I believe) Well, it's a bit late, but I didn't want to let this pass without comment. Thank you, Chris. It's always

Just a bit more on Obesity Danger May Have Been (vastly) Overstated

2005-04-26 Thread Stephen Black
I just said: But the Flegal study (free at ) does contain some startling contrasts to the conventional wisdom, more so than is conveyed in the news reports. Well, I had forgotten about the Gina Kolata article in the New York Times

Re: Evolution and Kansas...

2005-04-15 Thread Stephen Black
James D.Dougan wrote: Of course, this also opens the door for a conclusion similar to the Skinner/Chomsky debate. History books commonly record that Skinner was so devastated by Chomsky's review that he was unable to respond This of course isn't what happened - Skinner rarely

Re: Evolution and Kansas...

2005-04-15 Thread Stephen Black
Marc Carter quoted from Salon (05 March 2005): There were 152 homicides by firearms in Canada in 2002, according to federal statistics, compared with 11,829 homicides by guns in the United States for that same year. And Chris replied: True, but the homicide rate in Canada was 1/10

Fairytale wedding: reported right at last

2005-04-10 Thread Stephen Black
Forgive me, this has nothing to do with psychology. But I thought some might enjoy it as much as I did. (dedicated to those incorrigible Royalists, Allen Esterson and Stuart McKelvie) Stephen

Re: efficient teaching methods

2005-04-08 Thread Stephen Black
On 8 Apr 2005, Philippe Gervaix wrote: 2005) mentionned a canadian report Laval University. I gave an english translation of the title, but French and the original reference is: Gauthier C, Mellouki M al. (2004). Interventions pédagogiques efficaces et réussite des élèves provenant de

Re: Efficient teaching methods

2005-04-07 Thread Stephen Black
On 6 Apr 2005, Richard Hake wrote: Carnine is perhaps the U.S.'s most prominent advocate of Direct Instruction [see e.g., Carnine (2000)]. Carnine played a leading role in undermining effective math instruction in California [see, e.g., Schoenfeld (2003)], and, I suspect, is now poised to

RE: On the efficacy of prayer: red flags in the morning

2005-04-07 Thread Stephen Black
I wrote Given some hints in Leibovici's background, my guess is that this is a deliberate hoax (note its presence in the special Christmas issue of BMJ) intended to provoke discussion. Yet I don't think he falsified data. So how did he do it? [editing out an annoying typo in my own

On the efficacy of prayer: red flags in the morning

2005-04-06 Thread Stephen Black
(And in the evening too). Alerted by an astute and watchful colleague, I bring to your attention recent essays on the disturbing implications of the infamous prayer improves in vitro fertilization rate study published in the _Journal of Reproductive Medicine_ in 2001, which we've discussed

Re: Question regarding mental illness rates and gender

2005-04-02 Thread Stephen Black
We seem to now be working on the opposite question from Nancy's original-- psychological disorders predominantly male. Allen Esterson suggested that the type of OCD involving collecting artefacts was an example, and Scott Lilienfeld concurred, noting: Yes, and interestingly, I believe

Concerning Terri Schiavo's Mental State

2005-03-29 Thread Stephen Black
On 29 Mar 2005, Claudia Stanny contributed two challenging points in response to my argument that brain activity and learning in response to psychologically-meaningful stimuli indicate consciousness: So if this is to be taken as evidence that the brain damaged participants (who show

Re: Academic bill of rights makes progress in Florida

2005-03-25 Thread Stephen Black
On 25 Mar 2005, Christopher D. Green wrote: For those following the Academic Bill if Rights debate, see this. Things are getting pretty hot in Florida. It looks like, if it passes, college teachers may not be able to mention evolution without giving equal and equally favorable time to

Re: Ego-Involving task

2005-03-22 Thread Stephen Black
On 18 Mar 2005, Todd Nelson wrote: Colleagues, Over the years, I remember reading several studies (now, for the life of me, I cannot recall any of them) that use a common tactic to enhance the participant's motivation to do well on the task: to tell them that the task is a measure or

Re: Efficient teaching methods

2005-03-22 Thread Stephen Black
On 8 Mar 2005, Philippe Gervaix wrote: Hi all, A recent report from Canada Which pedagogies are efficient? by Gauthier C., Mellouki M. al. is crossing the Ocean and being abundantly debated here in Switzerland and in France. In this literature survey, they compare different researches

RE: Efficient teaching methods

2005-03-22 Thread Stephen Black
On 22 Mar 2005, DeVolder Carol L wrote: Stephen, how early did your daughters learn to read? Was the program successful for you and for them? Nah, it didn't work. Both are now illiterate adults. OK, kidding aside, they were both reading phonetically (real reading, but not, you understand,

eyewitness testimony

2005-03-20 Thread Stephen Black
_News of the Weird_, of all sources, has a striking illustration of the fallibility of eyewitness testimony (in real life, not laboratory demonstration) and of the extraordinary harm junk science can do to people's lives. In the March 13/05 issue, Chuck Shepherd reports: * I'm Absolutely

Re: split-brain question

2005-03-19 Thread Stephen Black
On 3 Mar 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I had a student ask me a question in class the other night regarding split-brain patients. Does visual information go to both hemispheres? I know it's late to be contributing to this thread, but I'm just now catching up on my e-mail backlog, and it

Re: Worried about liberal bias in the classroom?

2005-03-18 Thread Stephen Black
On 18 Mar 2005, Christopher D. Green wrote: Just in case you happened to think that the Students for Academic Freedom might happen to be be a fair and balanced organization, see this article from Inside Higher Ed Ah, yes, but

Koko want wardrobe malfunction

2005-02-21 Thread Stephen Black
Alerted by another list, I offer the following: And I am not making this up. (Personally, I think Penny Patterson's claims for Koko have been fantasy for a very long time. And why would Koko, a _female_ gorilla, have such prurient interests?

Re: info:peanuts

2005-02-19 Thread Stephen Black
The irrepressible Michael S. asked: I can remember reading about a study where some subjects ate peanuts (unshelled) and some subjects ate peanuts but they had to take the shells off.The conclusion was that those subjects who had to take the shells off ate less than the other subjects.

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