Re: [Vo]:Regarding Rossi and NASA (+ some Piantelli news)

2011-09-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry seZ: ... Krivit is certainly causing a reaction within Rossi.  AAMOF, it appears to me that AR is on the verge of a meltdown. Do you notice a hint of desperation in AR's writings of late? LOL. I completely missed the original joke. the joke is on me. Regards Steven Vincent

Re: [Vo]:Some personal thoughts on NET Krivit

2011-09-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From MoB: ... This appears to me definitely as a one-sided news report, which in my opinion discredits Krivit as an unbiased objective reporter regarding the Rossi saga. Or as they say what goes around comes around. You express one of my concerns. I refer you to to my previous unsolicited

Re: [Vo]:Some personal thoughts on NET Krivit

2011-09-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jouni sez: ... And it did not cross into Krivit's mind that perhaps, Rossi had some awkward motivation to present him a dummy demonstration? Good grief! You actually wrote that as speculation about Krivit's motivations? You're obviously not a cynic! ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:The 7 Stages of Robot Replacement

2011-09-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson This guy probably has a future! ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Plug-in hybrid Prius announced

2011-09-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: Toyota announced a plug-in previous hybrid car will be available nationwide starting January 1, 2012. The base price is around $32,000. Battery range is greater than 20 km. I assume you meant to say Prius whereas Dragon interpreted your dictation as previous. Somehow a $32k price

Re: [Vo]:prediction for the Oct 6 Fat Cat demo

2011-10-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hi Peter, FWIW, it's been my experience that the universe seldom conforms to my anticipated calendar of events. She has a mind of her own. I do my best to remember that, particularly when I begin to notice the fact that I seem to be anticipating yet another major event coming down the pipeline.

[Vo]:WIRED: Cold fusion rears its head as 'E-Cat' research promises to change the world

2011-10-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:WIRED: Cold fusion rears its head as 'E-Cat' research promises to change the world

2011-10-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson Mr. Krivit is quoted. Final paragraphs: There is some irony at work here: we apparently have a number of mainstream scientists backing an outlandish project which investors are putting money into, while the most vocal critic

Re: [Vo]:Raymond Zreick tweets translated by Google

2011-10-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
MoB sez: ... Ok, so now the question becomes how many eMice does an eCat need to catch to produce 3.5 kW of heat ;-) I should ask my cat, Zoey. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Raymond Zreick tweets translated by Google

2011-10-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
MoB sez: I should ask my cat, Zoey. Couldn't you ask Charm as well? You're right. I could. However I'll probably get a different answer. ;-) Then I'll have to determine who is telling the truth and who is lying. Don't want to go there. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:NyTeknik report on October 6th test

2011-10-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Frank sez: Now that Jed has told me my utility pension is at risk and I have vested interests.   I will have to agree there is probably something wrong with the tests.  Perhaps a laser was heating it from the  ceiling? ...will have to agree I can't tell if Frank is being serious or not.

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Press Release 10/10

2011-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Defkkalion, of particular interest: Today, Hyperion engineering has completed version 7. We were surprised to see our old designs used in public testing. We were confused why our old designs were implemented wrongly, as well as witnessing insufficient use of instruments and testing

Re: [Vo]:Rossi T2 and Pout Charts

2011-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Stephen: Mysterious RF oscillators with undocumented connections and functions add so much interest to the question of How It Works Has Rossi become the New Ron Stiffler? I'm inclined to think that Stephen's speculation is probably unwarranted in this particular case. As I

Re: [Vo]:Look at the BIG PICTURE and you will see this is irrefutable proof

2011-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Joe Catania: On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Joe Catania wrote: Newton's Law is irrelevant. Your the type of buffoon who believes that since there's an Ohms LAw every conductor obeys it. The temperature law the e-cat obeys is ostensibly written in the temperature data if we can

Re: [Vo]:OT - Sunday's Sermon: Peace-Of-MInd

2011-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: You guys need to get a room.  ;-) Sorry. I guess I'm too much of an exhibitionist. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Press Release 10/10

2011-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mark: DGT wrote: We were surprised to see our old designs used in public testing. and We also identified confidential (yet shown in public) special instruments designed in collaboration with Rossi and prepared by Defkalion. I feel a lawsuit coming on! Yeah, perhaps so.

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Press Release 10/10

2011-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Robert: More like a gun to the head - ie we think we can extract legal remedies for your revelation of our confidential materials unless you come to an agreement with us, (and we know you are running out of money and time while we can pay for lots of lawyers that will waste all of your

Re: [Vo]:Look at the BIG PICTURE and you will see this is irrefutable proof

2011-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Congratulations, Mr. Catania. Further posts from you will be routed to my block list. I'm sure you could care less. I guess the feeling is mutual. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Look at the BIG PICTURE and you will see this is irrefutable proof

2011-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: ... I'm sure you could care less. whisper:  . . . not care less g, d r Really? I wuz never good at grammar. Grammatically speaking I always thought it is better form to avoid cluttering up one's literary intent with the use of double negatives. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi on the placement of the thermocouple and other issues.

2011-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Please stop making unsupported, physically impossible assertions about stored heat

2011-10-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Hollins: jed, if the power were used to, say, run a thermoelectric heat pump, cooling one side of the pump, and heating something that was otherwise internally insulated, then heat WOULD go up after power is removed. (Just saying, if I were going to fake something, that's what I'd do. )

Re: [Vo]:FW: Mills CIHT Published World Patent Application

2011-10-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hi Mark, Permission to vent granted. Let me reciprocate with a few fissures of my own. Mill's BLP have often been criticized for giving the appearance of going off in too many directions, and as such, depleting their limited resources. To be honest I don't know how justified such complaints

Re: [Vo]:Need a break

2011-10-12 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Horace sez: I need to take a break from this for a while. Snow line is coming down the mountains. Enjoy the encroaching sno, Horace! Have you purchased your season pass to the slopes? Come back for another round of carefully calculated skepticism at your convenience. ;-) Regards Steven

Re: [Vo]:OT - formally just interesting- other FatCats in some trouble

2011-10-12 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Kindly take this stuff to Vortex-b. Hi Bog, I've said my peace. I guess one could say I've had my cup'o'java. However, in regards to your request. No. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:More drama: open letter to Christos Stremmenos from Defkalion GT

2011-10-12 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Very interesting letter indeed. Regarding the following excerpt: In all such cases, had there been close cooperation with Defkalion to develop the technology together, as opposed to focusing and putting pressure on us to receive money, many of these unfortunate legal and technical

Re: [Vo]:OT: Pendulum Waves

2011-10-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry, Robert, I Googled lissajous patterns in my on-going efforts to educate myself. In the midst of learning about these interesting oscillating patterns I came across an obscure web site managed by an independent inventor named Jed Margolin. I stumbled across his web site because Mr. Margoliln

Re: [Vo]:Krivit report on Oct. 6 Rossi test

2011-10-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Regarding Mr. Krivit's Oct. 10 installment: It's a good example of what I mean when I have described Mr. Krivit as being a cynic at heart. Being a cynic is neither good, nor bad. It is how one uses their innate sense of cynicism in order to get to the bottom of a tantalizing mystery that

Re: [Vo]: Dennis Ritchie passes

2011-10-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
What I wunder about is whether the process is enclosed in an infinite loop... For (;;) { // Oh no! Not again! } Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Thermocouple extends beyond steel nut?

2011-10-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mr. Driscoll, Rossi has done test after test poorly... Indeed, there are many will agree with this observation. ...for a reason - when will people understand this? What needs to be understood is indeed the 64 trillion dollar question - or perhaps 64 cents. Take your pick. What I've

Re: [Vo]:More drama: open letter to Christos Stemmenos from Defkalion GT

2011-10-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Understanding the underlying economics of how many consumer products (like the iPad) are manufactured is going to be a difficult and soul-searching process for most Americans. This probably goes for the entire developed world as well. As is becoming obvious to most of us that care to dig a little

[Vo]:Forbes weighs in on the controversial Rossi's eCat phenomenon

2011-10-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Mostly speculative Mostly harmless. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Forbes weighs in on the controversial Rossi's eCat phenomenon

2011-10-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Mostly speculative Mostly harmless. On a related point, and after following a few links, the author, Mark Gibss, points the reader to an interesting web

Re: [Vo]:Forbes weighs in on the controversial Rossi's eCat phenomenon

2011-10-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Mark Gibbs' article in Network World ...ends with: ... It remains to be seen whether this is really all some kind of mistake, which seems unlikely, or a hoax, which seems equally implausible because, if it is all bogus,

Re: [Vo]:The style is the man himself.

2011-10-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Robert, You state: You [Mr. Rothwell] may disagree, and now be 100% convinced, but it's your personal attacks that are troubling. Where has Mr. Rothwell attacked you personally? As far as I can tell Mr. Rothwell has attacked your opinions - some of the conclusions and speculations you have

Re: [Vo]:Why has Rossi to build a 1MW plant?

2011-10-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter: He always said he /has/ to build a 1 MW plant. Why /had/ he to do this, when he had no written contract? The only explanation I can think about, is, he has to do this because he already purchased the material (without having a contract to sell it). Maybe he got the boxes in a

Re: [Vo]:The style is the man himself.

2011-10-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Rich sez: Wolf!  Wolf! wolf? wolf... WOOF! WOOF!  WOOF! Technically speaking, wolves don't woof, or bark. They howl. It is theorized that dogs acquired the unique barking characteristic as a result of thousands of years of acclimating to a cooperative symbiotic relationship with human beings.

Re: [Vo]:The style is the man himself.

2011-10-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: If wolves don't say 'Woof! Woof!', then why are they called wolves? They bark.  See here: under Yipping. Well whatdya know. I stand corrected! Those yipping sounds sound pretty much like barking to me. Mr. Murry and his bark has been

Re: [Vo]:The style is the man himself.

2011-10-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Robert Leguillon Mr. Rothwell never attacked me personally. He merely labeled all remaining skeptics as ignorant/blind/foolish/etc. I think that there is still room to question the results, and I'm certainly not the only one. I think that the ad hominems can stifle open communication,

Re: [Vo]:Is Rossi's 1MW demo supposed to output steam, or just hot water under 100 C?

2011-10-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: On a related topic I have also been under the impression that Rossi was NOT planning on producing steam as the final output product - only hot water below the temperature of 100 C. That is what he said months ago. Evidently he changed his mind. It would be rather challenging to

[Vo]:Forbes: Mark Gibbs of Forbes follows up with a new Rossi article

2011-10-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Again, mostly harmless. Even a little amusing. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Forbes: Mark Gibbs of Forbes follows up with a new Rossi article

2011-10-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: Again, mostly harmless. How many strikes does one get in this ball game? I'll get back to you AFTER tomorrow. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi says he has a European CE mark

2011-10-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: Well, is so, it is well hidden.  I went here: and opened a free buyer's account and have been searching products and company names all morning.  I can find no indication that his product has a CE certification. Yes, I

Re: [Vo]:Rossi says he has a European CE mark

2011-10-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter: How can you obtain a CE certification for a product just assembled, not tested thoroughly, based on an unknown reaction, not characterized- singular? Bureaucracy has its raison d'etre. Methinks Rossi has some X'plaing to do. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Rossi: 1MW prototype has already been tested at full power

2011-10-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Andrea Rossi October 24th, 2011 at 5:08 AM Dear A. Goumy: 1- yes 2- We will work together. They have been trained 3- yes Warm Regards, A.R. A. Goumy October 24th, 2011 at 1:05 AM --- Dear Mr Rossi, It is now the run-up to the moment of truth. I wish

Re: [Vo]:Rossi: 1MW prototype has already been tested at full power

2011-10-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Rich: Well, I want it to be true! I hear you Rich. I hope it's true too. However, with Rossi, who knows. It may be a matter of interpretation. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi says he has a European CE mark

2011-10-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: Let us think of Rossi in terms of how he would fit into the great works of literature and drama. Think of the role that would best fit his larger-than-life persona. Merlin? Prospero? John Galt? No, Rossi is playing the Road Runner, and the rest of us, collectively, are playing Wile

Re: [Vo]:Rossi says he has a European CE mark

2011-10-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
In fine print, under the directions section, pertaining to one of Wile E's special ACME orders for paint: Do not attempt to create the illusion of a tunnel. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi says he has a European CE mark

2011-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
About the promised videos I think is not a big deal to hire a bounch of fine dressed guys, smiling and shacking hands after the big success of the demonstration. Somebody, passing nearby of his showroom have spotted some worker (super mario bros ?) quite busy probably staging the

Re: [Vo]:Rossi: 1MW prototype has already been tested at full power

2011-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mr. Murray, …notable for 22 years is that not a single lab can replicate their own research to reliably demonstrate an anomaly This means cloning and in vitro fertilization must be quack science as well. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Observers at the October 6th demo.

2011-10-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Sean: It's not scientific, but I've been digging into the people listed as attending the Ross ECat demo on October 6th ...and an interesting list of characters it is. Thanks Sean. Of particular interest to us Americanskian's Paul D Swanson, SPAWAR/DARPA I wonder what Mr. Swanson's

Re: [Vo]:movin and gorven now

2011-10-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Frank sez: I would also like a nice woman instead of this cat who keep jumping on my laptop keyboard. While we are tweeting... Make sure she isn't allergic to cats. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's customer

2011-10-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
My two cents: I don't doubt most of Jed's assessments and the subsequent concerns he has voiced concerning Rossi's approach. Some of the issues that have made this so frustrating for most of us has been the fact that (one) we really don't know what's going on, and (two) who is this allegedly

[Vo]:Speculation - Another theory that might explain the anomalous heat.

2011-10-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
The following is pure speculation on my part: Is it possible that the anomalous heat recorded in Rossi's eCats has nothing to do with a nuclear reaction - and particularly as having anything to do with the nucleus of nickel. I'm wondering if it possible that the anomalous heat is actually due to

Re: RE: [Vo]:FYI- greater press about the DEMO

2011-10-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter: ... We have this already seen many times. There is definitely excess energy. Especially after the Kullander Essen Demo it was very clear that the input energy was too low to heat the water. But we also have seen errors in measurement that reduce the amout of energy and that

Re: [Vo]:Live Twitter feed by Passerini

2011-10-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
When a new batch of books soon to be published documenting the contentious history of Cold Fusion comes out, on the front cover of one of these books will be a photo of a coffee machine... perhaps with a modified eCat on top. A few insiders will get it. Most probably won't. Regards Steven

Re: [Vo]:Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry Sez: What did I miss? My acerbic sense of humor. Heh! Specifically meant for Mr. Murray's benefit? Sorry, Mongo still a little cunfuz'd on this point. (He lost his box of candy in all the excitement.) Mongo want's to know who's currently in possession of the eCat. Cuz... maybe that's

Re: [Vo]:Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: No idea. Thank-u Jed, It's back to the candy store for Mongo. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: ... Personally, I don't think he trucked it off since it would have taken hours to un-plumb it.  Not to mention that a number of the little kittens resided on the roof of the container. And as all cat owners, of the biological configuration know, they will seek out warmth. So, if

Re: [Vo]:Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: If there is someone in Bologna who could snoop around the Rossi building and send us some intel, that would be fantastic. Someone who is registered on his web log could just ask (except Jed :-). A famous quote from Animal House comes to mind: Dean Vernon Wormer: Put Neidermeyer

Re: [Vo]:Mats Lewan on Steam Quality

2011-11-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Stephen: (Terry, what are you talking about?  Sometimes I think I understand your posts but this isn't one of them.) I believe the honorable Mr. Blanton was being sarcastic. ;-) To be honest, I wasn't sure at first as well. My excuse was that I had been highly distracted for the past

Re: [Vo]:Mars Transport System

2011-11-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
The conjecture I've heard speculates that billions of years ago. Yes... not millions... but BILLIONS of years ago, when mars was significantly younger, the atmosphere may have been a lot thicker than that it is today. More atmospheric pressure in turn would have allowed liquid water to remain on

Re: [Vo]:Pipe diameter October 28 - new considerations

2011-11-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Following up on Jed's comments: Conjecture that Rossi has been, in a sense, indirectly obfuscating some of his own results - as if to throw the bloodhounds off of his scent trail has been discussed to some extent within the Vort Collective. I suspect there is some merit to such conjecture. It's

Re: [Vo]:Klaatu Barada Nikto

2011-11-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: Eh? This will make it impossible to verify that the anything was given to anybody, and we'll just have to take Rossi's word for it, right? Or we can not take his word, and put this subject aside. This has no bearing at all on cold fusion. What Rossi does with his money is nobody's

Re: [Vo]:Klaatu Barada Nikto

2011-11-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... I see no point in speculating about people's private lives. Oh, Jed! You're such a fuddi-duddy! ;-) Sometimes I suspect that half of our nation's economy is powered by the generated methane of speculation and innuendo, as revealed at the checkout counter of every grocery store.

Re: [Vo]:Klaatu Barada Nikto

2011-11-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Goodness gracious me! It would seem that we are scraping the bottom of the barrel to find anything to argue about. Guess there isn't any NEW news on the Rossi/eCat front. This yes, you did! - No, I didn't tit-for-tat scenario would seem from my perspective to be degenerating into another grocery

Re: [Vo]:Klaatu Barada Nikto

2011-11-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Tery sez: Where IS the money.  I want to SEE the money.  Did Rossi get paid? I bet Rossi hasn't been paid... not yet. I just betcha! Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Klaatu Barada Nikto

2011-11-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Harry: Didn't Rossi say he was going to reveal his theory around this time? What Rossi sez he's going to do... What Rossi sez he's going to sez... What Rossi sez he didn't sez... I think I' just wrote a badly written poem. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi: NO MORE TESTS and other stuff (revisited)

2011-11-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Susan, An essential requirement to tell credible lies is to have a very good memory ... or at least to keep well up to date record of old claims and check it before writing ... Who do recall Pinocchio and his wodden nose getting longer and longer ? credible lies ? Where are you going

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi: NO MORE TESTS and other stuff (revisited)

2011-11-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: Rossi wrote: 3 - big problem: the patent I have not been recognized outside Italy and the theory would reveal much. This confirms what I have suspected for a long time. Rossi's biggest problem is that he does not have viable intellectual property protection. He is floundering

Re: [Vo]:E-Cat / philosophical remarks

2011-11-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Robert Lynn The problem is that it is easy to come up with fraudulent methods that could have delivered the observed demo results. Add to which Rossi has had no end of opportunities to remove all doubt, at no extra cost in effort or materials, and without danger of loss of IP, but has

[Vo]:PESN - Oct 8: Steorn Announces HephaHeat Oveurnity Technology

2011-11-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson Excerpt: Steorn, the Dublin, Ireland based free energy company, has announced their latest overunity technology that they have named HephaHeat. The technology produces excess energy in the form of heat, by

Re: [Vo]:Krivit names some Rossi customer names

2011-11-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I think Krivit's New Energy Times web site name should be renamed to something like Krivit Investigates, or something to that effect. A title like Krivit Investigates would be a much more accurate description of what it actually is that Mr. Krivit performs. It would also be a more honorable

Re: [Vo]:Physorg comments : new Krivit Crusade

2011-11-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Regarding Rossi, there are obviously many answered questions that remain that could either scientifically verify or refute his extraordinary claims. I don't know whether Rossi is a SCAM artist or whether he is the real deal. Let me repeat that: I DON'T KNOW!!! Granted, I have my suspicions... I

Re: [Vo]:Toyota's continuing troubles featured in Japanese news

2010-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: ... Turn the ignition off and shift to neutral if you encounter the problem.  If you have a push button starter, hold the button down for over 3 seconds for a forced shutdown. Sounds like the same kind of instructions you might give someone who needs to perform an emergency power

Re: [Vo]:How I made money from Cold Fusion

2010-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: Interesting! See: How I Made Money from Cold Fusion QUOTES: Exclusive Article for Free Republic | 1/23/10 | Kevmo Posted on Saturday, January 23, 2010 12:28:49

[Vo]:CNN iReport on BLP

2010-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
This is kind of interesting. I didn't realize the fact that CNN has a procedure in place to allow for independent reporting. See: Of course you wouldn't immediately pick up on the fact that this is a

[Vo]:Bill Gates cheaper energy solution: Recycle nuclear waste

2010-02-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
See: Excerpt: The Microsoft-founder-turned-philanthropist said at a recent speech in California that, more than new vaccines for AIDS or malaria or presidential selection power, what he

Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

2010-02-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Don W.: Google the following: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bloom energy fuel cell - - - - - -

Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

2010-02-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: I think Bloom Energy is looking to install 100 Kilowatt power units in everyone's houses. These will be flex-fuel, but likely running mostly on natural gas. They will also probably produce heat, and cooling, as well as power, making the

Re: [Vo]:OT: Science of motivation

2010-02-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Harry: Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories -- and maybe, a way forward.

[Vo]:Windy Iowa

2010-03-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson,0,5316702.story Excerpt: DES MOINES, Iowa - A new study shows wind energy production in Iowa is continuing to grow and now accounts for up to 20 percent of the state's electricity. Steve --

Re: FW: [Vo]:TIME-MOBIUS AEON replace 'TimeLineariltyAge'

2010-03-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hello Jack Thanks for toning down the CAPs prose. You seem to be aware of the fact that your writing has a tendency to barrage the reader with a lot of confusing terminology - some of that terminology, I confess, I've never hear of. One needs a Harbach-O'Sullivan glossary in order to understand

Re: [Vo]:!It's Alive!-TachyonCarrierDATA-SHEET/aka Aexo-TCW-OmniWave

2010-03-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jack, Occasionally I see concepts expressed in your essays for which my limited cranial capacity has the capacity to follow, more-or-less. For example, in your latest post you mentioned the design of a simple antenna based on a fractal design... presto we end up with cell phone technology with

[Vo]:OT (sort of): Unique Patent for trolling

2010-03-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Patent Acquisition and Assertion by a (Non-Inventor) First Party Against a Second Party See: Actually, I got the above link from another interesting article: Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal, which describes how corporate entities both regularly and repeatedly sue each

[Vo]:OT (sort of): Why Wikipedia Should Be Trusted As A Breaking News Source

2010-03-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Title: Why Wikipedia Should Be Trusted As A Breaking News Source Begins with: Most any journalism professor, upon mention of Wikipedia, will immediately launch into a rant about how the massively collaborative online encyclopedia can't be trusted. It can, you

Re: [Vo]:add on: OU demonstrated ( with no secrets)

2010-03-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
The demonstration is interesting. However, Mr. Lawrence's aversion to the accuracy of events allegedly being depicted are equally justified – especially when there just happens to be nearby a big power supply. As the old saying goes, Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... I asked Mongo

Re: [Vo]:Transporter Malfunction

2010-03-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Robin sez: ...I would have guessed transporter function, with the true inhabitants replaced by clones/dummies at the critical instant. The real occupants must have been important to ET, or maybe they were ET's that had occupied important positions here on Earth, but their tour of duty was

[Vo]:Request for fusion definition

2010-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
A question for the Vort Collective: Does the use of the term Fusion HAVE to imply there must exist a mechanism or process that directly overcomes the Coulomb barrier - by brute force? Could fusion also be used to explain a mechanism or process, a process that is not yet understood and as such is

Re: [Vo]:Request for fusion definition

2010-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alexander: I was under the impression that nuclear fusion means any process that fuses the nuclei of two or more atoms. ... That may indeed be the impression that many hold. It is, in fact, the impression I hold as well. Nevertheless, I'm also under the impression that many may NOT

Re: [Vo]:Request for fusion definition

2010-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alexander: okay, this isnt a definition of Fusion youre looking for, but a theory of how fusion works? I'm not looking for a specific theory of how fusion works. My original question was more in tune with what might be considered a sociological query: What does the term fusion define?

Re: [Vo]:Request for fusion definition

2010-03-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Useful comments, Jed, The intent of my original query was to ask if there exists any kind of a perceived battle or struggle going on (subtle or not-so-subtle) pertaining to whether the use of the term, nuclear fusion, must imply a mechanism of overcoming the Coulomb barrier by some brute force

Re: [Vo]:Krivit again uses annoying trick

2010-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Abd: ... If the value turns out to be 48 MeV instead of 24, I'm not offended at all. But I'll wonder what other products there are in sufficient quantities to explain that. In fact, if it's lower than 24, I'm not offended, it would simply indicate other reactions besides those which

Re: [Vo]:Request for fusion definition

2010-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... By rights our nation should be the proud inheritor of British culture, U.S. technology and French cooking. Somehow we ended up with British cooking, U.S. culture, and French technology. Quit bashing the French! We envy their Nuclear utility technology! 8-0 Canadians... well...

[Vo]:BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces First Commercial License in Europe

2010-04-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
FYI: I'm surprised Mr. Carrell has not yet alerted us to a recent BlackLight Power announcement: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces First [seventh over-all] Commercial License in Europe with GEOENERGIE SpA, Energy Subsidiary of Geogreen Non-Exclusive License to produce up to 750 MW of continuous

Re: [Vo]:checking my understanding of Lorentz contraction

2010-04-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Fran I see that Horace has already spoken definitively on the subject of shrinkage. ... ... so say I widen one dimension of the eye large enough for the basketball but keep the other dimension just wide enough for the pancake to slip through – assuming I got my orientation dead on to

Re: [Vo]:checking my understanding of Lorentz contraction

2010-04-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mr. Lawrence ... For example, if we dig a spherical chamber in the center of a planet, there will be *no* gravitational field within that chamber caused by the mass of the planet. However, the gravitational potential is lower in that chamber than it is on the surface, and clocks in the

Re: [Vo]:checking my understanding of Lorentz contraction

2010-04-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: Gravity or acceleration slow down time. They are one and the same in general relativity theory. If you start with 2 atomic clocks synchronized together, and you move one up 10 m to another floor, that causes it speed up slightly, and diverge from the one below. It is amazing that

Re: [Vo]:Two arrested in Mallove murder

2010-04-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: More arrests are anticipated in the case. Geeze, it was a conspiracy. As the old saying goes: It takes a village to raise a child. Likewise, I'm sure it takes an extended family to run a successful crack ring. The in-laws are always a problem. Have you watched any episodes of

[Vo]:OT (sort of) H.P. Sees a Revolution in Memory Chip

2010-04-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
See: Excerpts: PALO ALTO, Calif. — Hewlett-Packard scientists on Thursday are to report advances in the design of a new class of diminutive switches capable of replacing transistors as computer chips shrink closer to the atomic scale. ...

Re: [Vo]:why is this object glowing?

2010-04-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Someone ought to let R. Mills in on the anomaly. I bet he might be interested. Mr. Carrell! Do you still have his ear? Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

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