Ok, Joshua Cude IS aware of Abd's posts. Good.
>From Abd
> I have not read the rest of his [Cude's] trash.
> I have actual research to do.
In my view such pithy responses tend to reveal petulant behavior and a
little bit of immaturity too.
Keep in mind, Abd, several days ago you essentiall
There is an aspect to Rossi's e-cat thermal generation process that
remains fuzzy to me. It's my understanding that Rossi has to push the
temperature of his e-Cat cores up into the neighborhood of 500C via an
external heating process before the mysterious Rossi thermal reaction
takes over.
That sa
My apologies if this is already old news.
New May 31 article out on pesn.com
"Cold Fusion #1 Claims NASA Chief"
This is an interesting article. Well worth reading, IMHO.
Interview with Rossi. Also describes the silly politics that is
playing out in regards to whether the Rossi effect is really
>From Frank:
> http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2011/01/no-italian-scientists-have-not-discovered-cold-fusion/
Old news.
Check the date. The Gizmodo article was published back in January 26,
2011 - less than two weeks after the initial January 14 test was
conducted. Popular Science, the on-line version
>From Joshua:
> I have no idea about any of that. Whether Rossi believes it, whether he is
> deliberately cheating, who else could be in on it. I have no idea.
> I just know I haven't seen any evidence the thing is real. And I know that
> if the claims were real, it would not be hard to sho
Italian Nuclear Physicist Fulvio Frisone on Cold Fusion
Rossi is briefly mentioned in a follow up forum.
Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Karthauser
> It's a pretty generic commercial. You could replace
> the word 'hydrino' with almost anything and it would
> still pretty much hang together. It also doesn't really
> do much to establish blacklight has a brand, which
> is the main purpose of a commercial. I suspect that
The following was said:
>From Rothwell:
> I myself consider this demand absurd. [self-running]
Joshua responded with:
> You would have to to continue believing in CF, considering
> in 22 years no one has been able to do it.
Setting the self-running debate and is it really Memorex asid
>From Alan, reporting on Rossi:
> Andrea Rossi
> June 6th, 2011 at 2:38 PM
> Dear Greg:
> Good point.
> This is why we are very conservative regarding the sale of single modules.
> We are engineering a system that will destroy automatically the confidential
> parts if the reactor is open. The re
>From Jed:
> My guess about what Rossi means: the Ni catalyst is very reactive stuff.
> When you expose it to air it is rapidly contaminated, and it does not work
> well after that. Or it does not work at all.
> Lots of modern high tech stuff stops working if you open it up, by the way.
> N
>From Rossi:
Regarding the protection of e-cat secrets.
> Dear Greg:
> Defkalion, I suppose, will not sell modules until the protection issue will
> not be resolved.
> Warm regards,
> A.R.
Andrea supposes? >8D He can't be serious.
By hook or crook, China will secure all the e-cats they need -
>From Hoyt:
> Sometimes the manufacturer doesn't even know how something works but it does
> -- perhaps a dab of Skippy peanut butter in the electrolyte, or having some
> holy water applied does the trick ( :-) )
This was a really fun post to read. Thanks for posting it Hoyt.
I suspect Ro
>From Terry,
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Jed Rothwell:
>> Is there some reference to the eCat here?
> No, just speculation on whether it might be on the meeting agenda.
> Topics usually include items which might affect the world financial
> situation.
I bet they are clueless.
Perusing through one of my Google news feeds I noticed the following
discussion out at Peak Oil, news & message boards, Exploring
Hydrocarbon Depletion.
I scrolled down to Carlhole's entry on Great Lakes Aqua Farms.
This entry p
>From Michele:
> sorry I have to correct:
> 7KW) electric power
> 40KW) thermal power
> Unconfirmed rumors point to powers in the range
> 7KW - 40KW depending on the apparatus size
Is this output power? How much input power is required? What's the
ratio of input power consumed versus outp
>From Terry:
>> Very ambitious claim. I wonder how serious they are.
> They link to :
> http://www.zerwellenergy.com/
> It begins?
The gut feeling get is that this is a small fledgling enterprise that
obviously is still in the developmental stage. Gives me the impression
it's possibly run b
There has been a lot of debate pertaining to what might turn out to be
a more accurate descriptive term for "Cold Fusion". Should the
phenomenon be called CANR - Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions? Or
should it be called LENR - Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.
It seems to me that society often ten
If I were a government employer positioned in a high
supervisory/managerial role charged with the responsibility of
securing affordable energy for my country I would have discussed
information gathering procedures with intelligence gathering agencies.
I would have then sent discrete observers who k
I will try to be more specific in the near future. I have some
assembling of information to do. This may take time.
Steven Vincent Johnson
These are follow-up questions, and the questions posed are very much
related to my previous subject thread: "A Third Way."
It's my understanding that certain types of subatomic virtual
particles possess mass, such as fermions, electrons, positrons, etc...
It's also my understanding virtual particl
Who all this global debt is owed to is of course the 64 quadrillion
dollar question. I suspect global lenders of this delicious debt are
not likely to give up all the accumulated power they have amassed over
the decades either. Like hell they are not going to go past "Go" and
not expect to collect
Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Terry:
> Krivit extorted Levi?!?
I doubt that.
Nevertheless, it would seem obvious that both Levi and Rossi are
pissed off as a result of their contact with Krivit. At present we
don't know why. We don't know the specifics. Perhaps Krivit will
eventually clarify his POV on this matter at N
>From Jed:
> Another factor is that I have some unpublished information about this test,
> and about some other private tests. I do not have a huge amount of
> information, but enough to give me more confidence in the results. Stephen
> Lawrence does not have this information so naturally he
>From Jones:
> It also means that they have probably given up (at least at this early stage
> of development) on the possibility of efficient conversion of the heat to
> electricity. That would be expected at the initial stages - since the
> engineering required to convert heat efficiently is
Daniel said:
>> "All MW range products are built within a 20" sized container"
> I guess it means sets of 20'' containers.
That's not how I would interpret the meaning. I perceive no plural
interpretation within the sentence structure. But who knows. ;-)
Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Bridges:
>> "All MW range products are built within a 20" sized container"
> I guess this is again a European typo, I read somewhere else 20 feet (which
> is, as you may know one of the predefined lengths for cargo containers on
> ships/trucks/trains) They'd better say the size in meters/k
Joshua sed:
> A large number of inconclusive results make them less believable to me,
> not more. There are hundreds of thousands of ufo sightings, and that
> totality of results does not make them more believable.
Goodness gracious me! You actually said that? A "UFO" stands for
Mixent sez:
> Is it just my imagination, or is Odyssey covered in Gold foil?
Your eyes do not deceive you. It's a very common NASA practice to wrap
space craft that will be orbiting close to the sun's influence with
gold "foil". In fact, if you look at photos of the original LEM, Lunar
In my view, the point is whether Mr. Krivit can convince potential
customers that only his website contains important timely information
that could not be obtained from non-subscription websites. If that
were not the case why would anyone want to pay a subscription fee for
information already avail
>From Jones:
> Krivit, like it or not - has the most credibility in the field, since
> Sterling is deemed as way too gullible, and the others have been mostly "me
> too" with a few exceptions ... even if SK's standards are not sufficient for
> us, here on vortex.
It seems to me that Mr. Kriv
Jed sez:
> I think that I know why Jouni Valkonen accused me of being a conspiracy
> theorist. He did that to make me look silly or gullible. People often accuse
> me of being a "conspiracy theorist" because in the minds of most people, a
> conspiracy theorist is a paranoid person who wears a
>From Harry:
> This blog called "Shut down Rossi" can't find any evidence that safety
> certificate was issue by SGS as Rossi claims.
> http://shutdownrossi.com/?page_id=1774
this is hilarious.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. How many wannabe rossi related
websites are there now?
Good read Terry,
IMO, these are exactly the kind of observations a contemporary more
technically acceptable religion will incorporate into the core of it's
philosophy. Strange as this might sound, a lot of these observations
appear to be compatible with Buddhist and Zen related philosophies -
>From Lorenheyer:
> Then, and only then, will THEY *know,*
> (w/o question) once and for all, that our God is all truly powerfull and all
> knowing, and/or has no equal. THEIR so-called religion, prophets, and/or god
> will then be All Ah or All Uh, "Up In Th
>From James:
>> Just out of curiosity, how long did it take them to delete this? They stay
>> on their toes!
> 2 minutes:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Energy_Catalyzer&oldid=512455124
Wow! That's just amazing! What dedication!
CSICOP should take notes.
Steven Vincent
I do hope someone like the esteemed Mr. Lomax is documenting this Wiki
editing behavior. I think a book discussing the pros & cons of the
Wikipedia philosophy would make for a fascinating educational
Steven Vincent Johnson
Hopefully your lack of mentioning a spoiler alert won't upset anyone here. ;-)
But yes, this was a thoughtfull film. It possessed a decent ending,
considering the unfortunate circumstances that the hero of this story
found himself in.
Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sez:
> It was covered with cat hairs, galvanized onto the cathode. He had a large
> gray cat who spent a lot of time sleeping on the warm calorimeter power
> supplies (I think it was). There was cat hair everywhere in his lab.
> There is no way a cold fusion experiment can work with so
Steven Vincent Johnson
Frank sez:
> I predict that even Jed will give up within the next five years.
This, of course, is an incredibly open-ended proclamation to make. I
have no idea what you are claiming Mr. Rothwell will "give up" on.
It is never a wise course of action to predict the behavior of another
It's possible my recent little mini-rant gave many Vorts the
impression that I believe that the "Rich and Powerful" are evil
miscreants, that I believe the majority of U.S. citizens who reside in
so-called 98% under/middle class should rise up and overthrow the
alleged tyranny of the greedy, the so
Since Jojo is now on my filter list this "moron" is fortunate to avoid
being subjected to most of his take on philanthropy, except that is
when he is copied. Granted, I must confess the fact that I was
secretly hoping to bate Jojo into responding to some of my so-called
radical opinions. ... and he
>From Peter,
> Redistribution is not a solution and it is only temporary, please
> read about Mediocristan and and Extremistan in Taleb's Black Swan.
> Inequality is a fundamental law of Nature, all you can do socially is minor
> adjustments at the extremes, but it is not easy to act wisely.
> I have the experience of 45 years of Communism and now 22 years of
> nascent capitalism. The Kaltwasser Doctrine (see on my blog) applies to
> both but Capitalism is definitelly better.if you like work,education and
> have good inititiatives. I have learned that it is an immense difference
> betw
>From Jed:
> Human labor is now losing value. Robots and intelligent computers are
> replacing human workers in many fields, including ones that people
> previously thought could never be done by machines. Within 20 to 100 years,
> human labor will be worthless.
As you have previously sugg
Assuming in the near future advances in robotics & automation will
eventually manufacture all of our basic needs; we will be forced to
redefine what gives us value and purpose as we go about the business
of managing our daily lives. Regardless of whether we consciously
realize it or not most of us
Harry sez:
> ...but has Elvis has left the solar system?
> ;-)
Well... i dunno about Elvis, but I know where Buddy Holly resides these days:
Steven Vincent Johnson
Quoting Clark:
> Works of art would be cherished because they were
> beautiful, not because they were rare.
FWIW, here's a book cover illustration presenting one of my art works
used for the front cover of the German translation of Clarke's
"Profiles of the Future".
terry sez:
> The Red Pill:
> http://www.technologyreview.com/view/429561/the-measurement-that-would-reveal-the-universe-as/
> Do we really want to know?
Probably doesn't matter all that much... unless the universe is
preparaing to install a new OS within the next millennium or so.
In which c
Based on my own past associations with Mr. Krivt, he really likes to
bring it on. I think Krivit envisions himself as one of those scrappy
investigators that likes to stick it to his targets - like a festering
thorn. This tactic often seemed to have worked in past investigations.
However, it remain
Jed sez:
>> Krivit has felt this way with other individuals, including one
>> particularly vocal Vort member who begged to differ with the
>> investigative reporter's extensive analysis of McKubre's M4 data.
> Who? Me? Krivit is silly about this. McKubre is pretty upset with him
> though.
>From Terry:
> They got wired yesterday:
> http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/follow/68-wires-incoming
I confess that I'm educationally challenged on the significance of
what I'm viewing. Can someone give a layman's explanation as to what
these wires or filaments mean?
Steven Vincent
>From Terry:
>>> They got wired yesterday:
>>> http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/follow/68-wires-incoming
>> I confess that I'm educationally challenged on the significance of
>> what I'm viewing. Can someone give a layman's explanation as to what
>> these wires or filaments mean?
> Steven, here is Celani's report:
> http://www.22passi.it/downloads/PresICCF17_NewA3A.pdf
> He has tested the wire up to 900 deg C.
Got it. Printing out a HC as we speak.
Hmmm... lots of tiny print. Oh well... I still know how to read.
Thanks for indulging me Terry.
Steven Vincent
>From Akira:
> This version is better:
> http://www.22passi.it/downloads/Celani_ICCF17_Trasp3.pdf
> Cheers,
> S.A.
Oh, Oh Look! Look at Print. Big Big print! Read read Big Print!
The dyslexic within me thanks you, Akira. Going to kill another tree now.
Steven Vincent Johnson
>From David,
> If you find yourself feeling too important, all you need do is consider how
> large you are compared to the smallest galaxy. The universe is likely
> unaware of your puny existence among the uncountable hordes that probably
> inhabit it. Does that thought help you to place ev
>From Jouni,
> indeed, I hope this will boost our efforts to launch second generation
> planet finder after Kepler loses it's ability to maintain the direction of
> vision. So that we could have direct measurements of near by planets. There
> are currently no ongoing projects, however space e
>From David:
> This is exactly what the world does not need. I can see
> the patent trolls licking their lips as they contemplate
> how to litigate ridiculous claims against each other and
> the legitimate inventors.
Unfortunately, I suspect it is inevitable in our digital society. NTL, I
A little mind game, if you wish. ;-)
Let me bring back an excerpt from the James Webb Space Telescope:
"Webb will find the first galaxies that formed in the early Universe,
connecting the Big Bang…"
However, IMO, there appears to be a huge paradox for which I suspect
most of us have been oblivio
>From Jed:
> ... and in this case [Krivit] he publishes an e-mail from Featherstone to
> himself . . .
> all of which is bad form.
> As the British say, it is not on. (They used to say that.) Meaning it isn't
> done in polite society.
According to Krivit, this is what Featherstone asked h
Jed sez:
> Despite his foibles, I really like Andrea Rossi. He annoys the heck out of
> me. He is infuriating! And yet, somehow, you can't help but like him. He is
> such a character. A force of nature! Like the guy in the beer ad: he is the
> most interesting man in the world.
> If he succ
>From Jeff:
> "Up" in the business sense.
> http://www.e-catworld.com/2012/10/rossi-leonardo-corp-will-not-be-the-same/
Scrolling down a bit is a new Oct 25 entry, allegedly from Rossi:
> This is what will happen next week:
> The E-CAT is going to be the US election Game Changer.
> Rossi wil
Oops! Just to be clear on this point, Rossi did NOT say that. He did
NOT say he has a planned press conference with Obama. That was pure
speculation. I should have read the statement more mroe clearly.
My apologies.
Steven Vincent Johnson
Terry sez:
> So Rossi is an Objectivist.
Hmmm. This is going to take a while for me to read up on. ;-)
Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jeff:
> My own guess is that this comment will end up being another overwhelming
> promise followed by another underwhelming delivery. It just seems to be a
> pattern common to Mr. Rossi. I hope I'm wrong.
That does seem to be Rossi's prior track record - to constantly
titillate his audienc
>From Alan:
>> That does seem to be Rossi's prior track record - to constantly titillate
>> his audience.
> Many of his "commercial" hints have failed to materialize, or have fizzled
> (big US company etc ..) -- but most of his "technical" hints have
> materialized in one form or another.
Jed sez:
> ...I agree with Alan Fletcher that Rossi does tend to come
> through on his "technical hints." His track record is remarkably
> good. His flamboyant personality gets in the way and we fail
> to notice this.
Rossi is what what Rossi does. ;-)
Steven Vincent Johnson
> ...While it appears that you don't immediately need be too
> concerned about what happens 5 Billion years from now,
> keep in mind that it's highly likely countless civilizations thruout
> the Galaxies thruout the Universe have already out-done and/or out-lived
> their Star Systems. (I rea
>From Alan,
> She put up an addendum from Krivit (and alluded to posting
> difficulties) -- who is peddling "discredited CF" vs "Real LENR"
> --- I wonder how a particular experiment knows how to behave
> depending on the belief of the experimenter.
> (See "the Pod and The Barrier")
Sounds simila
Terry sez:
> Lately Robert Park seems to be more interested in politix than fizzix:
> http://bobpark.org/
I have been unable to reach the website. Tried from two different
locations and at different times. Both failed
DId Park forget to pay the rent???
Steven Vincent Johnson
Terry sez:
> Maybe your browser wants to see the www:
> http://www.bobpark.org/
Yup! That was the problem.
I find Park's rants on political machinations much more appealing. I
suspect he should know.
Incidentally, I noticed that when Carl Sagan became acutely aware of
his own approaching mort
>From Terry:
> Thanks, Jed; but, it was not meant to be a literal, quantitative
> statement. It was meant to express a general willingness to
> be open toward the end.
I second that.
I have an anecdotal story regarding someone I knew who once
encountered Sagan in a casual setting. A group of co
Jed sed:
> Hey, I am a literal-minded guy.
Yeah, we kind'a know that about you Jed!
No offense taken.
As for Sagan, I think he got the last laugh - posthumously. I think he
got even with his superiors when he wrote his speculative novel
"Contact". If one reads the novel it's pretty obvious that
Against my better judgment I read your latest post.
Several times, I might add.
> I know that it Is indeed quite a difficult thing for
> just about everyone who reads this to think I *know*
> what I'm trying to say here, but, I cannot disregard
> or deny what I have continuall
Regarding the state of our souls:
All I noze is that somehow we find ourselves living... and then we die.
While transitioning between these two "quantum" states of existence I
finally began to realize the fact that the universe, to me, is one big
gigantic question mark, one that I will never be a
Hi Mike,
I realize that crystal ball gazing is a precarious profession, particularly
when one takes into consideration the fact that Mr. Murphy often has a
nasty tendency of paying unexpected visits to the R&D lab.
Nevertheless, have you acquired any kind of a feeling as to when BLP might
For those, like Jed, who have watched the unfolding of the
BLP/Rossi/Defkalion saga... some of it having gone on now for 20 years
or more, it is understandable that many of them express doubt and
frustration. Perhaps cynicism is an even better description to use
Personally, I see incremental
>From Daniel:
> Peter, Gary is a banned spammer from Vortex. He is a lunatic and
> powerless. ...
Mr. Wright claims he has “…never posted on vortex, even once.”
Where did you get your claim from?
Steven Vincent Johnson
Some more inconsequential gossip.
I see that Mr. Wright’s response to Mr. Gluck starts out with:
> “Our” answer to Peter Gluck
I love those responses that use words like “our” or “we” to imply that
they are a big respectable organization that must be employing a
crackerjack team of sharp-shoo
>From Vorl:
> I seem to recall that Jojo has been called a 'bible fanatic' and
> worse. Do you expect him to quietly put up with that kind of
> insult?
> If you don't like what he says, killfile him, but don't call for
> his banning because of his less than gentlemanly language;
> it makes thos
Chem sez:
> Andre the Giant was living proof of a crossover event...
It’s my understanding Andre never had any problem finding women who
were interested in him. Therefore, Sasquatch’s “sequence” lives on!
Steven Vincent Johnson
I recently sed:
> ... Someone’s got to have the balls to simply say, this is enuf of
> this childish behavior.
This could be misconstrued as an indirect demand on my part directed
at Mr. Beaty to ban Jojo. My apologies to Mr. Beaty. That's not what I
meant when I uttered the above statement. I me
>From Jones:
> Well... Not sure how much faith to put into this kind of story, but the sad
> part is that the military could do this kind of R&D - whereas the energy
> sector could not even think about it due to cost and interference from
> special interests - so there are scary implications that
Terry sez:
>> http://www.quantumheat.org/index.php/youtube-video-feed/170-the-air-flow-calorimeter
> With his white beard, Paul could be making a killing in the malls
> right now (if he can stand the kids.)
> I can tell him what I would like for Christmas! Maybe Santa will
> bring us all a
I gather “chan.fusion” is accusing Mr. Rothwell of using the lenr-canr
website specifically for the purposes of a tax dodge.
Oh, give me a tax break! I think not.
Steven Vincent Johnson
>From James:
> One can read these "optimistic noises with only a day to go" as implying
> that they are delaying any public demonstration of their engine until
> January's CES show in Vegas. It all hinges on the meaning of the phrase
> "the show" as binding to the temporal context of the PowerGen
Just to be clear on something I recently opined. It’s one thing to
express a personal opinion of extreme doubt and suspicion, as I have
recently done. It’s quite another thing to assume one’s personal
opinion is the correct one that other’s should emulate.
If there is the slightest chance that thi
I agree with Jed,
I wish we could stop obsessing over what the phrase “Cold Fusion”
really means. The truth of the matter is: nobody really knows for sure
what kind of phenomenon “Cold Fusion” really represents. Big deal! Get
over it! The phrase “Cold Fusion” is nothing more than a place
Jed sez:
Quoting Asimov's "The Last Question"
> "Sure you are. You're weak on logic, that's the trouble with you.
> You're like the guy in the story who was caught in a sudden shower and who
> ran to a grove of trees and got under one. He wasn't worried, you see,
> because he figured whe
My take on all of this… and I’m sure Jojo is listening in…
I believe you have assembled a reasonably accurate chronology of
Jojo’s posting proclivities. However, I suspect too many within the
Collective are missing the primary reasons why Jojo’s posts what he
posts. Too many miss it because
Dave sez:
> Terry can always find a way to blow our minds.
> Where does a guy receive such training?
(I'm still in training myself.)
Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Abd:
> ... Jojo shows no sign of
> having the capacity to listen or to respond to that kind of good will.
“Repeat application on a regular basis till irritation goes away. Some
irritations take longer to heal. If irritation persists seek the
advice of a doctor as a diffe
Terry Sez:
> Ms. Hatoyama is not the first to visit a hospitable Venus. One of the
> first was George Adamski as his Wiki explains:
> "However, the Ageless Wisdom teaching, which was first introduced to
> the West in the works of Theosophical Society co-founder H.P.
> Blavatsky, posits the idea
>From Mr. Lawrence,
> What disgusted me about the Hatoyama tale is the lack of indication
> that she saw anything surprising about it.
Speaking on behalf of all the rational scientist types of the world,
your aversion to Hatoyama's "tale" is certainly understandable, even
from me who likes these
>From Francis:
> Steven,
> Isn't it going to be difficult to identify whether the change is introduced by
> mechanical motion due to the variation in field strength or the effect on the
> photon from the same variation?
In my original comments I was concerned about certain questions you bring up.
Something else worth trying, an experiment that shouldn't be too expensive
to assemble would be to spin the apparatus while it is set in it's
horizontal position. IOW, turn the apparatus into a spinning centrifuge.
Make sure it's carefully counter balanced, then spin up the RPMs to
something equiv
Jed sez:
> >Soon, a famous philosopher will remark: "The journey of a bazillion
> >miles begins with the first bazillion simultaneous steps."
> Begins and ends!
> This could cause a real headache in the encryption business.
As Spock once lamented on "The Enterprise Incident":
Terry sez:
> You sure it wasn't an attempted ACORN enlistment?
> Terry
Can't say for sure. ;-)
Back in my 20s a moonie once valiantly tried to recruit me. It was
quite the experience. He was very persistent! I didn't even know what
a moonie was. Ignorant of the ways of the world I may have be
"To get a useful computer it needs to be probably a million times more
complex, so a full-scale useful factoring machine is still at least
two decades away," he said.
"But this is one important step in that direction."
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