[e-gold-list] TRUE ANONYMOUS BANKING- E-GOLD accepted

2001-11-26 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.
Account #  0494884

For further credit to:
VIP Financial Bank Group SC
Acct# 31230082
Attn: 6943023010

Alexander J. Hay III
Attorney at Law
tel (USA): 713-680-3033

Glencannon Group Ltd.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Hush with Internet Exploder

2001-10-22 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

That is just too much trouble to deal with.  Too bad for Hushmail.  All I
need now is for PGP to fail in some miserable ghastly way.

  Then I went to Internet Exploder 4.72.3110.8 (yeah,
  cool version number) which masquerades as IE 4.0.
  And I'm able to login and read messages.  So, it
  may be that if you are not using the Exploder from
  Microsoft, that your new improved Hushmail isn't
  working just yet.  Hey, it's only a theory, and your
  mileage may vary.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
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[e-gold-list] Re: hushmail.com

2001-10-19 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I have had the same negative experiences with Hushmail since they upgraded
their system.  It is slow and cantankerous, and is a huge dissappointment. 
I have gone back to using PGP manually, but it is frustrating as so few
people know how to use PGP.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
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Did you know that e-metal is a wonderful holiday gift? Avoid the hassle this year! 

[e-gold-list] List for E-Gold Business

2001-09-26 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Not trying to be picky so much as to avoid irritating people.  Is there a
list that caters to business/transaction use of e-gold?  This is a fine list
and provides a lot of useful information, but is not very business related
other than in the area of exchange issues.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
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Did you know that you can spend e-gold to help the victims of terror at:  

[e-gold-list] Price of Gold and WTC?

2001-09-14 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Amazing as it may seem, I am actually posting a comment about GOLD

With all the chaos in the markets and in the world, what is the explanation
for the continued doldrums in the Gold market?  One would have thought there
would have been a rush for the stuff.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
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[e-gold-list] Re: against rationalism

2001-09-13 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

The ironic thing here is that those buildings were most likely filled many
Moslems from all areas of the world.  I suspect more Moslems died from those
two planes than have died in the last year at the hands of the hated
Israelis.   Very Sad.

  I can't think of a part of the world that is more international 
  than downtown NYC.
  I mean, it's called the world trade center for a reason.  My guess 
  would be that 25% of the people dead have nothing to do with 
  America, they would be citizens of other countries.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
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[e-gold-list] Re: against rationalism

2001-09-13 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Thank God I have a place in Belize.  With people like you running the US we
are doomed to all die painful deaths at the hands of barbarians.  But maybe
you are right:  Can't we all just get along.  Just keep repeating it and
you will undoubtedly feel better.

PS:  What is all this stuff about NUKES?  We are dealing with terrorists
and few oddball countries.  Who are we going to NUKE???

  There are 1.5 billion people living in Islamic countries.  I reject your
  thesis that they are all irrational.  There are plausible theories why
  they might hate America, such as the support of nondemocratic
  regimes to extract oil.
  Leave me out of your wars.  I cannot afford them and will work
  with great dedication on political resistance to warmaking efforts
  inside the United States.   Your war will fail to gather enough
  support and money inside the United States, and your soldiers
  will die in misery on the battlefields.   God willing the nukes
  will not hit the US shores.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
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[e-gold-list] Re: Insanity

2001-09-12 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I do not want war.  But just hiding is not the answer.  I suspect we will
not need to use Nuclear Weapons to defend ourselves against terrorists and
those nations who support them.  So I don't think I will respond to your

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 15:24:39 -0400, GoldSpender wrote:

  I hope you do not want World War III.
  I saw a dream this night... there was nuclear war...
   War is not the answer:  It is the reality.  We are under attack.  We
   fight or surrender.  When your enemy refuses to settle for peace then
   must fight or be defeated.   That is the situation.  We are opposed by
   people who do not want PEACE.  They want VICTORY

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

[e-gold-list] Re: Insanity

2001-09-11 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Well it looks like the US is now at war.  Just who is the question?

I hope people realize that this is the result of 8 years of the Clinton
Administration badgering the Israelis to make peace with enemies who want
only VICTORY.  You cannot make peace with an enemy that does not want peace.

Now we will have to fight because our enemies do not respect and fear us.
Perhaps they will learn to, but at what price?

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

[e-gold-list] Re: Non-resident aliens taxation

2001-07-21 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.
 a layer of
insulation between you and the LLC.  That insulation will most likely be
some kind of “offshore” structure that will vary according to where you come

It would be impractical here to go into the many advantages of using
offshore entities in regards to asset protection, tax minimization, privacy
protection, and investment opportunities.  However, combining the benefits
of an intelligent offshore structure with the benefits of an intelligent
onshore structure as described in this paper can produce an unbeatable

Please contact me for price list.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
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[e-gold-list] Re: Reply to Ian Green about Paritate

2001-06-28 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

It is easy to say, What could they have done?  I suspect that the Central
Bank and the other banks could have done something other than shut down the
phone lines, the fax lines, the internet connections, the debit cards, etc.
with no explanation other than we're done.

In a situation like that the Central Bank probably should have come in and
taken over the bank, and/or worked with others to try to save the bank, if
for no other reason that saving the reputations of the OTHER banks.  The
Central Bank's job is not to protect Paritate, nor even to protect the
client's of any one bank, but is to protect the banking system.  In such a
small country, a failure such as Paritate will darken the entire Baltic
Banking System.  I for one will not be placing my money there, regardless of
what anyone tells me of the quality of the bank.

Everyone knows that Paritate had terrible customer service.  But this was
not a customer service problem.  (I doubt any of the other institutions in
the former Soviet block are any more customer friendly.)  This was a lack of
capitalization.  That is a problem that clever bankers who have a little
long range vision could have solved.  I doubt you would have found them in
Paritate.  But obviously you won't find them in the Central Bank or the
other banks either.

Take and good luck in the North.

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001 13:19:10 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hash: SHA1
  Glencannon Group Ltd. wrote:
   It really quite odd that  the other banks
   in Latvia allowed this to happen?  Don't they understand that 
   the fall of
   Paritate, in such crude and unsophisticated manner, will only 
   reflect ill on
   those more functional banks?  I think everyone in that area 
   needs to learn a
   few things about managing marketing issues and particularly crisis
  Although I'm from Estonia (northern neighbor of Latvia), I can't see
  what other banks should have done. Should the tellers of Parex and
  Saules banks have stormed the Paritate with automatic rifles and take
  control before the crisis situation? The fact is that there isn't
  much you can do except giving your best servicing your customers when
  you see your competitor going belly up. But I'm still eager to listen
  to your suggestions, what the other banks should have done.
  The state has gave some thought of these kind of situations and their
  response has been the institution of Central Bank. CB's duty is to
  monitor the private bank and revoke their license when they see that
  bank is becoming insolvent. This seems to pretty efficient, although
  I personally think that the free market system is even more
  efficient. When Soviet occupation ended in Estonia we had 0 banks.
  Some 9 years ago we had near 40 banks (in a country with population
  of 1.5 million people!). Today we have only 7 or 8 banks, out of
  which 5 are really small ones or branches of foreign banks. 
  It is natural process, please bear in mind that countries in Baltic
  region has been building capitalism only for 10 years, while Western
  countries have done it fro 200 years.  I hope this gives you some
  For the record: I'm not customer of any Latvian banks and I'm don't
  know details of that particular incident. I'm just living in the
  region :-)
  Paul Vahur
  P.S. It actually reminds me a good anecdote (a true story): When one
  old lady from some Western country was told how after the WWII NKVD
  (the old name for KGB) deported overnight some few hundred thousand
  peoples from Baltic states to Siberia, she asked: But why didn't you
  called the police?!?.
  Version: PGP 6.5.8
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Glencannon Group Ltd.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Reply on Latvia

2001-06-28 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

It is amazing to me how such an operation could lose money!  The average
offshore bank charges frankly offensive fees to receive money, to send
money, to issue debit cards, to handle debit card transactions, and to
provide the most rudimentary of services.  They usually give modest interest
rates, and should be able to turn around and make a huge profit on some very
basic investments on the money they hold.  Also, they usually operate from
areas where the cost of hiring competent employees is reasonable, and
other aspects of overhead are extremely manageable.

How could you lose money with a deal like that?

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001 11:58:39 -0600, Destiny Worldwide Net wrote:

  Subject: Re: Reply to Ian Green about Paritate
  From: Glencannon Group Ltd. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 19:54:53 -0700 (PDT)
  X-Message-Number: 38
  Indeed everything you say is true.  It really quite odd that the other
  in Latvia allowed this to happen?  Don't they understand that the fall of
  Paritate, in such crude and unsophisticated manner, will only reflect ill
  those more functional banks?  I think everyone in that area needs to
learn a
  few things about managing marketing issues and particularly crisis
  I am sure there are some banks who do.  I doubt that Latvia's largest
  cares much, as they have a substantial and growing customer base of their
  own.  Of the other banks, Saules was recently bought out by Rietumu,
  that those two banks probably could not particiapte in a buy out at this
  time.  But from what I have experienced, Paritate was not run very well. 
  tried to open an account there for about 4-5 months a couple of years ago
  and had nothing but problems, lucky for us!  We got nothing but the run
  around and lost a little bit of money.  But at least we didn't loose as
  as if we would have had an active account.
  There is a bank here in Costa Rica that bills itself as an offshore

  bank, but when you get below the surface, it is a slock operation just
  Paritate.  IN fact, I have joked sometimes that this bank in Costa Rica
  Paritate must have a management exchange program because they are both
  terrible to deal with.  But this particular bank in Costa Rica also has a
  negative net worth, if what I saw them doing last year is any indication.
  already talked about this a year ago, so I will not bore all of you with
  details, but they have a rapidly expanding customer base, but WHERE is
  money going, because they would on a rotating basis subtract money from
  people's accounts and then put it back in before the statement cutoff and
  there was no indication on the statement to show where thousands of
  [out of several accounts, mind you] had gone for a couple of weeks.  Yet,
  the managers of the fund, we knew that customer complaints about non
  debit cards was not an isolated incident, but business as usual for
  folks.  Also, when we went to withdrawa the final monies from the fund on
  the way out the door, they stalled on issuing the check for several
  with the first thing they said being that they could not find the money
  the account, and after about an hour and a tirade from me, they all of a
  sudden discovered it, it was all just an oversight, you see
  Bottom line, when someone wanted cold, hard cash from this bank it took
  bank a while to find it..
  This is fractional reserve banking at its worst!  My suspicion is that
  someone at the top is either massively incompetent beyond belief [more
  likely than in most countries] or a crook or both.  Needless to say, we
  very happy to have gotten away from them unscathed last year and to have
  established new relationships with competent banks with good customer
  service.  Bad customer service is a sign of worse trouble than the
  can imagine.  This is also what worries us about egold so much, but that
  a topic for another day.
  Thank you all the same for the information.
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2001-06-26 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

This is no rumor.  The National Bank of Latvia closed the bank by
withdrawing its license.  This took place yesterday morning.  I would like
to know what happened, but don't go blaming the messenger.  The information
is important.  I wish it had been delivered earlier.

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 18:18:55 +1000, Ian Green wrote:

  You're kidding me! Someone just speculated on this list on the damage
  could be done if the mechanism of an I love you or Anna Kournikova
  virus, were used to propagate a claim that a particular bank is bankrupt,
  and people should immediately withdraw their money! (The main mechanism
  the use of email and an instruction to spread the word, or sometimes
  automated forwarding.) Now only hours later someone does it!
  Rumours like this have brought down many a stronger financial institution
  (because of partial reserve backing). Please, Destiny Worldwide, provide
  verifiable primary evidence, and do not ask people to spread the word
  imperfect and incomplete information.
  I don't have an account with this bank, but I still would not like a run
  like this to bring down this or any other bank that provides good
  to small, not necessarily rich, individual international clients, that
  banks refuse to provide.
  Ian Green
   -Original Message-
   From: Destiny Worldwide Net [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tuesday, 26 June 2001 7:26 AM
   To: e-gold Discussion
   Subject: [e-gold-list] URGENT WARKING, READ AT ONCE!
   I  realize that this is not directly egold related, but as many people
   this list are freedom lovers and might have an account at Paritate
   please read this immediately and spread the word!
   We have been informed by our contacts in Latvia that Paritate Bank is
   bankrupt and about to loose their license.  If you know anyone who has
   account there, it would be wise to inform them at once so that
   they can take
   their money out.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Paritate?.....................

2001-06-26 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Paritate is dead.  What is the first thing every account holder is going to
do?  pull out their money.  Even if the situation gets resolved, no one is
going to trust Paritate any more.  This is one of those things you don't let
happen.  ONce it happens, the bank is dead.  Even if someone bought the bank
at this point, they would be buying an empty box.  They would really have to
do some fast talking to keep even 10% of their accounts in the bank.

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 14:32:03 -0400, Steven wrote:

  Paritate bank is closed right now, sort of.  They are having a dispute
  fo some sort with Bank of Latvia which is like the central bank in
  Latvia.  The Bank of Latvia suspended the international bank licence but
  are still registered as a local Credit Union.  Paritate said they 
  should have everything wrapped up in a day or two, which hopefully 
  will be the case.
  All the best,
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[e-gold-list] Re: Paritate?.....................

2001-06-26 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

NOthing would make me happier than if that was true.  However the reality is
that the second after they get back up and running, everyone is going to
pull their money out.  Where are they going to get that money?  They know
this.  I have been trying to open up a new account there for the last two
months.  I thought they were being even more stupid tan usual, but alas,
they were doing me a favor.  If Paritate rises from the ashes, it will fall
soon after.

Not unless it can convince a lot of very nervous people that their money is
safe.  If you have an idea on how to do that, let them know.

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 15:55:38 -0400, Steven wrote:

  Your assumptions are a bit premature and emotionally tainted.
   Paritate Bank is experiencing problems right now.  There is no word on
  the permanency of this issue, but the bank has personally told us that
  everything should be operational in two or three days.  
   It seems that Paritate Bank has placed a lot of the bank equity in the
  US stock market and the value of the securities they are holding has
  dropped in worth to the point where the liquidity of the bank is now an
  issue.  They are working to fix this problem by increasing the equity of
  the bank through potential investors.  
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[e-gold-list] Re: Paritate?.....................

2001-06-26 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I sincerely hope you are right, but at this point I think my vacation money
is gone!

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 22:06:58 +0200, offshoresurfer wrote:

   Paritate is dead.  What is the first thing every account holder is
going to
   do?  pull out their money.  Even if the situation gets resolved, no one
   going to trust Paritate any more.  This is one of those things you
don't let
   happen.  ONce it happens, the bank is dead.  Even if someone bought the
   at this point, they would be buying an empty box.  They would really
have to
   do some fast talking to keep even 10% of their accounts in the bank.
  I understand your point, but a rescue package from another buyer is often
an optimum solution for everybody. Just a couple of years ago the Riga
Commerce Bank went through similar problems but was bought out by a German
bank and now everybody is happy.
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2001-06-25 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Could you provide sourcing for this?

On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 15:26:08 -0600, Destiny Worldwide Net wrote:

  I  realize that this is not directly egold related, but as many people on
  this list are freedom lovers and might have an account at Paritate Bank,
  please read this immediately and spread the word!
  We have been informed by our contacts in Latvia that Paritate Bank is
  bankrupt and about to loose their license.  If you know anyone who has an
  account there, it would be wise to inform them at once so that they can
  their money out.
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[e-gold-list] Paritate?

2001-06-25 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Unfortunately it seems that the Theater is indeed on fire.  Paritate has
been shut down, and all links have been severed.  Phones, internet, debit
cards, etc.

Would welcome any news.

On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 17:59:20 -0400, Ken Griffith wrote:

  Well, if they ain't bankrupt yet, with news like that running around the
  net, they soon will be!
  The net seems like such a nice theatre in which to yell, fire.  Hackers
  write viruses, just to see what they'll do.  People start urban legends
  just to see who will believe them.
  And now, we may have the first case of a internet-sparked bank run!  How
  long until the rebellious teenage hackers of the world discover how much
  it is to put fractional reserve banks out of business with bank-run
  inspiring chain letters?
  I'm not questioning the veracity of the story, I just find the concept
  - Original Message -
  From: Destiny Worldwide Net [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 5:26 PM
  Subject: [e-gold-list] URGENT WARKING, READ AT ONCE!
   I  realize that this is not directly egold related, but as many people
   this list are freedom lovers and might have an account at Paritate
   please read this immediately and spread the word!
   We have been informed by our contacts in Latvia that Paritate Bank is
   bankrupt and about to loose their license.  If you know anyone who has
   account there, it would be wise to inform them at once so that they can
   their money out.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Safe Secure Investment

2001-03-26 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

DERRR.  What a surprise.  I think I am going to have to go back and see
how many people will put money into my account in exchange for my deep
desire to return it to the sender!

What a fine clientele e-gold attracts.

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 08:34:45 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Does anyone know anything about Safe  Secure Investments?  I was making
  spends into their investments (GAMES?) in January.  All of a sudden their
  name  web site was removed from the Internet along with all of the money
  I (and I'm sure thousands of others) had invested with them.
  It does seem to be really difficult to have any recourse when a new
  investment scheme (or scam) decides to just pick up and abscond with
  everyones money.  It seems to me that it is easier to do when it is
  considered an offshore investment company.  Who regulates those people?
  When we are trying to make investments to try to improve our cash flow
  and find out there are just too many scams out there makes a person a
  little jumpy.
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[e-gold-list] Re: MetalSavings update

2001-03-19 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Whether MetalSavings observes all the US tax laws regarding disclosure,
withholding, etc. I suspect not everyone does this.

As such it could become a target of US government in order to get a list of
all users.  For instance, they are paying interest on deposits.  Are they a
bank?  Have they received a ruling stating that it is ok to do this business
in the US?  do they have the SS or Tax ID numbers of all depositers?  Are
they withholding 30% of all interest for foreign investors?  Do they report
all transactions over $10,000 US to the IRS??

Give me more time, and I will come up with more onerous requirements that
are probably not being met.  Each will result on seizure of the company's
asets (and loss of individual's gold).

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 09:19:49 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  WOW.  You mean you guys set this thing up inside the US?  You are damned
  right that people would feel more comfortable with the server somewhere
  else.  Just to show how dangerous a little knowledge is.  When I saw the
  stuff I assumed that was in an effort to set up a service that was
  Again, the danger of assumptions.
  I must say, I can't really see any need for metal savings to be offshore?
  MS is just a place that stores e-gold for you -- it's not one of 
  these endless pyramid schemes or whatever :)
  "Intel is a photo printing company. Microsoft makes a text
  editor. Amazon or eBay can be programmed in a day with Perl
  or Basic and run on a $500 machine. The whole of 'IT'
  (banking, finance, markets, etc.) is no more complicated
  than a $10 Casio name and address organizer. We are in the
  low-tech age."
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[e-gold-list] Re: Parker Bradley raided by the feds?

2001-03-18 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Just because you believe that the income tax is illegal, and quote some
worthless legal basis, you still have to face the simple fact that not ONE
Federal District Judge or higher Judge agrees with you.  As such you have
only two options:  

The martyr approach.  Don't pay, don't file, and make a lot of noise about
it.  Join wacko groups like the "American Pure Trust" folks, and other
conmen and ripoff artists.  Keep all of your money in US banks where it can
be easily found and garnished by the IRS when they get around to jump on
you.  Place worthless liens on your property that requires about one hour in
court to have removed by the IRS.  Wait for the storm troopers to come down
on you, and hope that people remember what you stood for.  Pay for your
funeral arrangements in advance.

The non-martyr approach.  Review the system, and find out its weak points. 
Attack the system from within and without using its own rules.  Take
advantage of every loophole provided.  Use legal onshore asset protection
devices, and offshore accounts to insure that you can get your money if all
hell breaks loose.  Survive to enjoy the money your did not pay in taxes. 
Make sure you do it legally so that no one can make you suffer for the

greedof others.  Prosper.  Remember success is the best revenge.

Of course there is a third option:  Do nothing and just pay the damned
taxes, but that is too unpleasant to contemplate for me.

I think this whole notion that taxes are bad or good is based on the notion
that the "government" is a separate entity from the people.  Face it:  The
Government is the People.  And the People have decided to tax producers into
oblivion.  In a Democracy that is there right.  And in a Democracy it is our
right to decide whether we want to continue to play the game.  Don't blame
the "government" and then say you are pro-American and for the People.  All
the People want to do is rape you!  The same people who voted for Clinton
and Gore will vote for another communist that will decide your money would
be better off in their pocket.  So enough patriotic mumbo jumbo.  Paying
taxes is the ultimate vote of approval.  If you like what The People are
doing, then pay the taxes, if you don't like what The People are doing than
starting THINKING.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
If you found the contents of this email useful to you, and you have an
e-gold account, please feel free to follow this link:
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[e-gold-list] Re: MetalSavings update

2001-03-18 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

WOW.  You mean you guys set this thing up inside the US?  You are damned
right that people would feel more comfortable with the server somewhere
else.  Just to show how dangerous a little knowledge is.  When I saw the KZ
stuff I assumed that was in an effort to set up a service that was offshore.
Again, the danger of assumptions.

On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 23:43:02 -0800 (PST), joe blob wrote:

  [This is my second attempt to send this;
  my appologies if this is going through twice.
  Yahoo mail isn't our normal email system.]
  As MetalSavings users are probably aware, the
  MetalSavings site, which is hosted on the
  www.sidereal.kz server, has been down for two
  days now.
  What happened is that our colocation ISP has
  abruptly ceased being in business.  The first
  we found out about their going out of business
  was when our website went off the air.  The
  ISP was Alameda Networks (www.alameda.net).  You
  can see that sidereal.kz's address,,
  should be routed to Alameda Networks' ASN, which
  is hosted behind Level3, and you can see that Level3
  is no longer routing it.
  The solution is for us to pick another ISP, preferably
  one which will be in business for the long-term.

  We have two options on this.  The first is to pick
  up the machine from Oakland, CA, and install it at
  another colocation facility in the Bay Area (there
  are dozens of them).  This would allow us to get
  back on-line this weekend.
  The second option is to configure a new machine,
  with upgraded hardware and software, and install
  it in a colocation facility outside the United States.
  Many of our customers would feel more comfortable
  if their data were kept outside the US.  Also, the
  hardware and operating system of the current server
  due for major upgrades or replacement.
  The drawback for this second option is that it
  will take more time.  We have been planning new
  hardware and a new colocation facility for some time
  now, so we do have a new machine which is almost
  ready to ship (it only needs a new Ethernet card),
  and we have, with the help of one of the members
  of e-gold's highly international community, identified
  a suitable colocation facility outside the US.
  If we take the second option, we'll be able to restore
  service probably on Wednesday.
  We realize that this delay is inconvenient for our
  customers, but we think that additional benefits
  of doing this right (improved hardware, software,
  and jurisdiction) outweigh the drawbacks (two extra
  days of downtime).
  We hope that our customers understand that
  is still in the testing stages.  When we finally
  have our official launch, we will have all necessary
  redundancy and backup, so that outages can be
  minimized.  We'll also be using some exciting new
  software with some amazing new security and other
  features.  You'll be impressed.
  Again, we are relying on our customers' understanding
  as we solve this problem.  Bear with us, and be
  ready for an amazing new website in the next couple
  of weeks (unfortunately this outage has set our
  launch back by about a week).
  Please feel free to email if you have any questions.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 
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[e-gold-list] Re: Parker Bradley raided by the feds?

2001-03-17 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

No I am afraid they would not send a squad car.  When I say "Tax Protester"
I am not referring to people who walk around federal court houses with
signs.  At least those are not the people the IRS is targetting.  I am
talking about people who participate in schemes that the IRS identifies as
criminal conspiracies to defraud the US govt of tax dollars.  When they hit
they hit hard because they don't want to give you time to destroy the
evidence:  wipe a hard drive, destroy backup etc.  Examples of such criminar
conspiracies that the IRS views with disdain are the "America Pure Trusts"
folks.  There are several of them sitting in jail right now and the IRS is
looking for more.

Any tax reduction/avoidance plan that involves kooky legal theories about
the illegality of the tax code, and is based inside the US is unlikely to
get you anything else than a one way ticket to the big house.

If he was just raided for being a "Tax
  Protester" I think a simple squad car would have been sent to pick him
  possibly an IRS Agent or pair of FBI G-men.  I do not claim to be an
  on Law Enforcement raiding strategy, but it appears to me that if "heaps
  men" DID in fact participate in this raid they were looking for something
  I have lived in this country all my life and find our justice system
  be a bit whacked at times, but all in all, it has managed to turn this
  country into one of the world's most desirable places to live.


Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
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[e-gold-list] Re: Parker Bradley raided by the feds?

2001-03-17 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I am indeed making an assumption, and you know what that means.  But...

This does not sound like a credit card fraud operation unless they suspected
he was involved in stealing peoples cards, etc.  It sounds to me like
IRS-Treasury tactics that's all.

On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 11:03:11 -0600, GoldDirectory.com wrote:

   Sounds to me that they are treating him like a "Tax Protester." 
   wish him and his family the best, it should be taken as a lesson on how
   to handle tax issues.  I don't know if he was a Tax Protester or even
   with them in any way, but if the IRS thinks you are, you will have
   Arguing about arcane issues of the law with men with guns is not a good
   situation to be in if you care about your family's lives and your
  Why do you assume this? If the rumor is true, then the issue is most
  credit card fraud. From Parker's own words, he processed over $200,000 in
  fraudulent credit card charges. If this is true, then I would think that
  'someone' would want to investigate this. Of course, I am confident that
  Parker is innocent of any wrong-doing, but that's an awful lot of fraud.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Parker Bradley raided by the feds?

2001-03-16 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Sounds to me that they are treating him like a "Tax Protester."  Although I
wish him and his family the best, it should be taken as a lesson on how not
to handle tax issues.  I don't know if he was a Tax Protester or even linked
with them in any way, but if the IRS thinks you are, you will have problems.
Arguing about arcane issues of the law with men with guns is not a good
situation to be in if you care about your family's lives and your property. 

There are better ways of dealing with oppressive tax regimes, particularly a
system filled with so many loopholes.  

Otherwise accept the inevitable:  Gandhi and Martin Luther King died in
their struggle to overcome hostile forces through passive resistence.  If
you are not willing to do so, you should rely on cunning and knowledge of
the tax code, and how to work the system.  Avoid overtly hostile acts and
bizarre US based tax schemes that do not have the approval of the IRS and/or
at least competent tax counsel.

Good luck to Parker and his family.

On Tue, 13 Mar 2001 15:22:08 -0500, Steve Foerster wrote:

  I just heard that Parker Bradley's home was raided by a platoon of U.S.
  federal agents, that all of his belongings were bagged and removed as
  "evidence", and that during his subsequent interrogation they tried to
  lead him to implicate e-gold itself as involved in credit card fraud.
  But I didn't hear it from Parker.  Has anyone heard from him recently? 
  he okay?
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[e-gold-list] The Heartbeat Network Program

2001-02-19 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Announcing the kick-off of a new business opportunity that combines charity
and finance:

"The Heartbeat Network Program"

The SpringRock Trust is a Charitable Trust that is accepting donations from
individuals and businesses around the world.  The SpringRock Trust was
established to fund Congenital Heart Disease research and to aid those who
suffer from this disease.  All net income from the Trust will be distributed
to charities and/or individuals who suffer from the disorder with the goal
of curing this terrible disease and helping to alleviate the pain for those
who now suffer from it.

All donation are welcome, but the Minimum donation to become a Registered
Donor in "The Heartbeat Network" is $500.00 US which will be distributed as

1.  $300.00 will be deposited into interest bearing accounts and investments
that will go to fund the charitable purposes of the Trust.

2.  $200.00 will go to pay commissions to Registered Donors based upon the
following 6 Level Network system:  

Level 1: $60.00
Level 2: $10.00
Level 3: $10.00
Level 4: $10.00
Level 5: $10.00
Level 6: $100.00

Example: If you sign up 10 people, you will receive $600.00 (Level 1).  If
they sign up 10 people each, you will receive $1,000.00 (Level 2).  If these
people sign up 10 people each, you will receive $10,000 (Level 3).  If these
people sign up 10 people each, you will receive $100,000 (Level 4).  If
these people sign up 10 people each, you will receive $1,000,000 (Level 5). 
And if they sign up 10 people each, you will receive $100,000,000.  Now
admittedly, these results are unlikely to take place, but you can see the
power of the multilevel commission schedule.  Even if the 10 people you sign
up only sign up 1 person each, and each of them only sign up one person, and
so on, you are going to receive a considerable amount of money. $600.00
(Level 1), $100.00 (Level 2), $100.00 (Level 3), $100.00 (Level 4), $100.00
(Level 5), and $1,000 (Level 6).  This amount totals $2,000.00.  With hard
work you should be able to achieve much more.  (Note: No commission will be
paid for donations of less than $500.00)

With your donation you make it possible for thousands of children to live in
hope that someday there will be a cure.  Plus you receive the opportunity to
benefit from your kindness.  With a donation of $500.00 you become a
Registered Donor.  For every donation of $500.00 or more which you obtain on
behalf of the Trust, you will receive a commission based upon the above
commission schedule.  In addition you will become a Member of The SpringRock
Trust Intranet (http://springrock.intranets.com/) that will provide you with
up-to-date information on the progress of this fund raising campaign, and
the latest news on Congenital Heart Disease.

Do something good, not just for yourself, but for those around you.  Turn
your entrepreneurial energies to good use today!!!  Join this simple but
effective program.

  Yes, I want to help children who suffer from Congenital Heart Disease by
making a $500.00 donation and becoming a Registered Donor.

Name: ___

Address: __

Telephone:  Fax: 

email: ___

I would like my commissions to be paid to me:

  by check made payable to the above person mailed to the above address, or
  by deposit into my e-gold account # __

For more information e-gold, go to http://www.e-gold.com/ 

Payment Methods

1.  Visa/MasterCard [ATTENTION: Charge of $530.00 ($500.00 plus 6% fee) will
be billed to GLENCANNON GROUP LTD.] 

Card Type: Visa or MasterCard (circle one)

Card Number:

Card Expiration Date: _ 

Cardholder Name:__ 
(as shown on card)

Authorized Signature


or mail to:

The SpringRock Trust
c/o Alexander J. Hay III, esq.
10303 Northwest Freeway, Suite 260
Houston, TX 77092

2.  e-gold: Deposit to account 256982.  Immediately email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with confirmation (for more information on
e-gold go to www.e-gold.com)

3.  By Check: Make Checks Payable to The SpringRock Trust, and mail to:

The SpringRock Trust
c/o Alexander J. Hay III, esq.
10303 Northwest Freeway, Suite 260
Houston, TX 77092


SPONSOR # 1001

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
If you found the contents of this

[e-gold-list] The Squire Organization Intranet

2001-02-17 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

The Squire Organization is a group of International Consultants who are
dedicated to providing the highest level of service in Offshore Tax
Planning, Business Planning, Marketing Consulting and related services.

Please feel free to visit:  http://squire-org.intranets.com/

You will need to request an invitation.  Hope to hear from you!

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
If you found the contents of this email useful to you, and you have an
e-gold account, please feel free to follow this link:
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[e-gold-list] Re: fictional e-gold company!!!

2001-01-30 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Very nice add.  I wonder why no one else has come up with this???  Is this
humor imitating reality, or reality imitating humor?

On Tue, 30 Jan 2001 12:43:15 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey look at this!  (Especially Jim!)

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
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[e-gold-list] Re: Great New Business Opportunity

2001-01-28 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Often I choose to deal with serious issues with humor.  The fact that you do
not have a sense of humor is a problem.

So I will try to deal with a perceived problem in a more "infromative"

Why do smart people, even those in e-gold, succumb to fraudulent activities
that are impossible to sustain?  If I post a absurd comment like, "I can
guarantee you 300% return on your money in 3 months!"  No one will question
the value of the information.  But if someone said, "I am putting together
an offshore mutual fund where expected returns will be 8% to 25% annually,
with a serious withdrawal penalty."  I would get blank stares.

I don't try to be serious on this site because it does not receive serious

Why is that??

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 04:22:16 -0700, AIRX Enterprise wrote:

  Why do I continue to subscribe to the e-gold-list?  I'm so
  sick of worthless information.  If it's not worth your time,
  why would you think it worth our time?  Please stop. Let's
  keep this list clean and informative.  For four months now
  I have deleted nearly 95% of all emails simply because the
  first three line are just garbage.  I thought if I subscribed,
  I might learn a thing or two, but ... well, I'll just end it
  here and let you all figure it out.  Thank you.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Services required

2001-01-26 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

What can you do in exchange for 20 to 100 to help fund your education?  I
have to work quite hard for my filthy lucre, so I generally don't give it
away without a fair exchange.  For instance can you work?  That is what I
did when I was in college.  I had 4 jobs to pay for my beer and pizza. 
Please describe what you can do in exchange for a little bit of scratch and
you might have more luck.

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 21:55:31 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In need of some help in going to college.  Could someone help by sending
  me 20 to 100 to help fund my education. My parents aren't able to.  I
  would very much appreciate it.  Thank you Joe.  244298
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[e-gold-list] Re: Great New Business Opportunity

2001-01-23 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I have been informed by the powers that be that my latest and greatest
business opportunity is not welcome on the list.  I apologize.  However, it
was referred to as a "fake scam".  I am not sure what that means. 

I guess only REAL scams are allowed on this list.


This is not a scam, not even a fake one.  If one had chosen to read through
it, one would have found buried in the barbed humour a legitimate offer. 
But I realize it is a bit much to read, although I think most will find it

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
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[e-gold-list] Re: Off shore bank accounts

2001-01-16 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Looks like another well designed, pretty web site.

And everything is being given away free...


On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 19:55:03 +1100, Michael Moore wrote:

  I have found an off shore bank account  that is free  at 
  further information available at 
  Kind regards,
  Michael Moore
  Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Off shore bank accounts

2001-01-16 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

It is just amazing how everyone around here is so generous!!  I just hope
they aren't going to have problems with the police like some of the past
generous people.

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 13:38:45 -0500, CCS wrote:

   Looks like another well designed, pretty web site.
   And everything is being given away free...
  It sure is generous of them to offer to store everyone's egold
  for free, isn't it?  What a deal.  I just can't wait to send them
  everything I have.
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[e-gold-list] European Seminars on International Tax Strategies

2001-01-16 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

The European Tax and Offshore Institute has announced this years seminar

20, 21, 22 April 2001  Prague
18,19, 20 May  Vienna
26, 27, 28 June  Luxembourg
20, 21, 22 July  Budapest
17, 18, 19  August  Dublin
21, 22, 23 Sept.  Florence

Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information, or send your
fax number, email, or snail-mail address and a brochure will be sent.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
For an e-gold funded Debit Card: http://www.glencannongroup.com/genucap/

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[e-gold-list] Re: Off shore bank accounts

2001-01-16 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I guess the thing that really irritates me about these scams is not that
everone falls for them, but that they fall for things that obviously don't
work, and then ignore strategies that do work.  I want to avoid paying taxes
as much as anyone, and have not desire to see any government get any more
tax money, but allowing a bunch of con-artists to steal your money, mislead
you about what their goals are, and then leave you alone and in the dark is
simply intolerable.

I am sure most people on this list were fond admirers of the American Pure
Trust.  This is an extreme example of pig-headed thinking taken to its worst
extreme.  Yet thousands of people have been duped out of their money, and
mislead into committing serious felonies.  And the worst part about the
American Pure Trust is that it is not even an effective criminal activity. 
All it does is make the Judge and Jury think you are a stupid criminal.

I know nothing about this particular program.  However, anyone who is trying
to convince you to set up a free offshore bank account, without any details
about the nature of the account and the program is not playing square. 
Furthermore, depending upon how it is set up, the user could get into a lot
of trouble needlessly.

Whether you agree with the laws or not, it is just stupid to do things that
are considered illegal by the law enforcement officers when there are legal
ways of doing the same things.  Ways that will not get you locked up.

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 20:19:48 -0500, CCS wrote:

  I presumed that it would be obvious to everyone that this was
  intended sarcastically.
   It sure is generous of them to offer to store everyone's egold
   for free, isn't it?  What a deal.  I just can't wait to send them
   everything I have.
  It occures to me that I may have presumed too much.  So let me
  repeated that it was sarcastic in the exreme.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Off shore bank accounts

2001-01-16 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Well I must admit the IRS is famous for retroactively changing policies that
result in what was once appropriate becoming inappropriate.  But at least
you have some leg to stand on.  With some of these programs the victim
unwittingly participates in a fraud to defraud the government of tax
revenue.  Just because they were victims of some con-game, does not mean
they are not also culpable for the illegal activities they unknowingly
participated in. 

   when there are legal ways of doing the same things.  Ways that will 
   not get you locked up.
  But I with this I disagree.  Probably we have different ideas of
  the "things" to be accomplished and certainly with the reliance
  that it is prudent to place in the guarantees of governments.
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[e-gold-list] Free Trial Offer

2001-01-16 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

The Squire Organization, LLC is offering a 30 day free trial examination of
its intranet.

at http://squire-org.intranets.com/
this is what you get:
   1. Access to well known legal consultants.
   2. Access to many reports and other material free of charge.
   3. Access to a discussion forums on Offshore issues.
   4. A free email address.
   5. Access to instant messaging, conferences, and chat among the members.
   6. Access to special free online seminars.

This trial offer will end on February 15, 2001. At that point if you want to
remain a member, an annual fee of $25.00 US will have to be paid at that
time. But until then it is all yours! Go to:
And request access. 

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
For an e-gold funded Debit Card: http://www.glencannongroup.com/genucap/

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[e-gold-list] European Seminars on International Tax Strategies

2001-01-12 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.


The European Tax and Offshore Institute has announced this years seminar
schedule.  Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information, or
send me your fax number, email, or snail-mail address and I'll see that a
brochure is sent.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
For an e-gold funded Debit Card: http://www.glencannongroup.com/genucap/

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[e-gold-list] Re: Fraud

2001-01-10 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I am sure no one is going to be upset other than people who are looking to
invest with him.  He really can't be cheating anyone can he?  Only the
finest of people provide 100% guaranteed profits using e-gold.

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 06:01:06 -0500 (EST), B Ray wrote:

  Please be on the alert for a Terry Church, who is wanted by the Moreno
Valley California Police (1-909-486-6819 Detective Herman Brown) for theft
and fraud in connection with a bank debenture program and a gold investment
scam.  I do not know if he is a e-gold acct holder or not, and he may be
using alaises.
  please excuse this if you feel it is not for the list, but I thought as
many people should know of the  damage a person like this can do and has
already done.  I have personal knownledge of his actions and crimes.
  Please pass this person's name to as many people and lists as you can.
  Play for fun or for Real, Win Gold
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[e-gold-list] Re: Potential Markets for e-gold [was: Glencannon's wrong, IMO

2000-12-22 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.
 cell slide open, I would thank FF as
  juggle that cell phone and my car keys and slip out the door knowing I
  made a new client and will be receiving progeny incentive payments on a
  regular basis.
  And that my friends, would be all she wrote!  (Or in this case...all
  am writing!)
  Thanks for listening,
  ps.  This diatribe was intended to illustrate the advantages of
  of e-metal for business purposes.  Stereotypes and good natured jokes
  contained within were meant for humor purposes only.  Offense should not
  taken by anyone who feels their profession of choice was characterized by
  this journal. Used car salesmen and CPA's are not bad people and should
  be treated as such due to your reading this article.  All names and faces
  have been changed to protect the identity of the innocent.  Finally, no
  animals were harmed in any fashion during the production of this
  Brought to you by the humor-filled individuals at Gaithman's Gold
  Inc.  Visit Gaithman's Gold Exchange, Inc. at
  for all of your e-metal needs today and everyday for the rest of your
  - Original Message -
  From: George Matyjewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 11:27 AM
  Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Potential Markets for e-gold [was:
  wrong, IMO
   At 08:57 AM 12/22/2000 -0800, Glencannon Group Ltd. wrote:
   I agree with you 100%, e-gold would be ideal for many International
   Transactions that would obviate the need for bank wires.  These
   would most likely involve some sort of currency conversion headache
   so why not use gold  And if you are thinking of using gold as a
   for the transaction why not e-gold???  I think e-gold needs to sell
   as a practical gold substitute, and then go and sell gold.  But e-gold
   not marketing itself in this manner.  I am not really sure how e-gold
   marketing itself.  The job of good marketing is to package the product
   to convince people like me and others that e-gold is the tool to use.
   there certain markets that e-gold should be focusing on?  And if so
   the best way of doing so?
   Damn.  Sounds like you are a shill for Standard Reserve g.
   That's exactly what we found. So we decided to do a full blow ad
   campaign, including focus groups, market research,  terrestrial
   sales force, agents, support (now a 10-seat support group),
   etc.  We believe there is an excellent market here, if we tell
   the story properly.
   Now, I'll give y'all a challenge.  How do you tell the non-gold
   world (you know, the other kzillion people out there) the
   benefits of using gold?   How do you convince, otherwise
   intelligent people, that the gold economy is not  comprised of a
   group of right wing libertarians who want to overthrow the
   currency systems of the world?   That it is really a very
   efficient  and cost-effective way of doing business.
   Try it.  You are on the ground  floor of the Empire State
   Building and  who gets on the elevator with you going (alone -
   just the two of you) to the 62nd floor,  but that person you have
   been trying to sell on the concept of gold.   What are you going
   to say?  What you do for a living?   Here's your opportunity to
   give your elevator speech a/k/a/ a 90 second commercial.
   George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
   Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
   Acct# 120018  Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
   World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web
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[e-gold-list] Re: Potential Markets for e-gold [was: Glencannon's wrong, IMO

2000-12-22 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

  How do you convince, otherwise 
  intelligent people, that the gold economy is not  comprised of a 
  group of right wing libertarians who want to overthrow the 
  currency systems of the world?

But that is what we are!  Why just received my Worldwide Gold Economy secret
instructions, and it specifically orders me to go out and destroy the
currency systems of the world.  PS.  That was a secret.

cont. Below

  That it is really a very 
  efficient  and cost-effective way of doing business.
  Try it.  You are on the ground  floor of the Empire State 
  Building and  who gets on the elevator with you going (alone - 
  just the two of you) to the 62nd floor,  but that person you have 
  been trying to sell on the concept of gold.   What are you going 
  to say?  What you do for a living?   Here's your opportunity to 
  give your elevator speech a/k/a/ a 90 second commercial.

Hey, how you been doing?  What do you make of the markets?  Crazy huh. Up
one day, down the next.  Some people got wiped out yesterday, and here the
market is up again.  I am sure glad I put some of my money into Gold.  Yes
Gold.  The only currency to maintain its value for 10,000 years, and it is
a great hedge against inflation.  How?  Well there are lots of ways of
investing in gold: specie, options, but I like e-gold the best.  What is
e-gold?  It is a revolutionary concept that provides ownership of gold with
the ease and functionality of the internet.  ITs great.  If I need my gold
liquidated, I can have check cut for me from one of many reliable market
makers in a day or two. Or wires, etc.  I just feel better knowing that some
of my investments are in gold, but that I don't have to worry about
storing/hoarding the gold, or how to sell coins and ingots when I need
funds.  HEck, there are even a small number of businesses out there that are
starting to accept e-gold.  And the numbers are growing every day.  Check it
out, here I wrote the URL on my business card.  Give me a call if you have
any questions.  And I accept e-gold myself, so you can feel free to pay me
in e-gold if you ever need my services.

  George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
  Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
  Acct# 120018  Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
  World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web
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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey

2000-12-21 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

You have proven my point.  Instead of hiring additional accounting staff to
handle the complications of foreign currency transactions (which I suspect
they did too), they hired a programer to write a complex program to handle
the calculations.

That means spending money to handle a transactions.  I am not saying that
e-gold is impossible to use for large companies.  I am saying that there
would need to be some economic motivation to justify the extra expense.  In
your company's case, they must do enough foreign currency transactions to
justify the expense of revamping their accounting department software and
personel.  In order to effectively use e-gold a company would have to do
similar actions.

I don't think e-gold gives such economic motivation to any but pyramid

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 21:12:53 -0600, Craig Haynie wrote:

   But if you are big company that does 1000s of transactions a day,
   would drive your accounting department bonkers.  And they just can't
   it and hope the IRS doesn't find out.
  I disagree again. Take the company I work for: $200 million a year, using
  about 6 different currencies every day. However, I wrote the billing
  software for them, and the accounting software they use is designed to
  with multiple currencies.
  I won't go on any further, but I simply do NOT see the problem. E-Gold
  transactions are just data, and the manipulation of data can be
  Indeed, it's the smaller companies that may have a harder time, but the
  larger ones won't even blink.
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[e-gold-list] RE: Tax Implications/accounting (was E-gold scam survey)

2000-12-21 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

The IRS requires that every transaction involving the "sale or exchange" of
a capital asset must be treated as either a capital gain or loss, with
certain exceptions which are generally spelled out rather clearly.

Therefore using e-gold involves a sale or exchange of a capital asset (gold
holdings) to receive some property whether it be currency or a good or

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:53:27 +1000, markab23 wrote:

  I agree whohartedly.
  Sidd you hit the nail on the head.
  this was what i was trying to say,  but in a less sophisticated manner.
  the Tax Office usaually looks at the intention of the transaction and/or 
  = Original Message From "Sidd" [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
  I have been watching this conversation and am interested in the view
  that most people are taking. I don't have any experience of US tax
  laws or the IRS code on capital gains tax, but in most countries,
  there are fairly open guidelines about capital gains taxes that are
  "interpreted" on a case by case basis. For instance, if you bought and
  lived in your family home for 6 years, then after having a couple of
  kids, sold and bought a larger house, even large profits realised in
  the sale of your first home would not usually attract capital gains
  tax. If on the other hand you bought and sold 3 houses in a month, you
  would certainly attract some capital gains tax. The difference is that
  you are speculating.
  It would be open to interpretation if utilising e-gold for daily
  transactions could be considered as speculating, since your
  "intention" is not to create profits by trading gold. In fact on many
  daily transactions, you may even lose profit, meaning you could claim
  capital losses and reduce your tax burden!
  Another point that everyone here seems to have completely overlooked
  is the fact that accounting software is extremely complex stuff that
  does an incredible job of looking after the finances of a business.
  Even large businesses usually have more data entry personnel than real
  accountants and bookkeepers these days, the software does it all. If a
  large firm saw the advantage of using e-gold for thousands of
  transactions a day as has been suggested, it would be an INCREDIBLY
  SIMPLE matter to have an accounting module added to their existing
  software that would do ALL the extra work necessary to take into
  account the capital gains/losses and include the results in the
  various balance sheets. All that "may" be necessary, depending on the
  structure of the businesses payment model, would be an extra field in
  the input form like: e-gold transaction? Yes|no. this is a total
  no-brainer :-)
  Have you ever been to a duty free shop at the airport? Those guys
  accept any currency you could hand to them without the blink of an
  eye, select the appropriate currency on the register, and without a
  twitch, complete the transaction AND give change. That is a MUCH more
  complex operation than accepting e-gold and I guarantee the DF shop
  owner doesn't lose any sleep over his accounts. It is all handled by
  his software.
  If you want to use information age currency and solutions, you have to
  stop thinking of "industrial age" methods and move on to the relevant
  technology. Anyone who can't see how simple it all really is, just
  doesn't realise the capabilities of modern information systems.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Glencannon
  Group Ltd.
  Sent: Thursday, 21 December 2000 12:21
  To: e-gold Discussion
  Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey
  The discussion we are having concerns the issue of whether e-gold is
  appropriate for US companies.  NOt Belize companies.  If you were
  located in
  Belize, or some other tax haven this whole discussion would be
  (MAYBE -  A Belize company that does business in the US is bound to
  US tax laws.) But I suspect that most users of e-gold are neither
  residents nor US residents who have properly structured their business
  activities abroad.  As such they are stuck with the stinking IRS!
  On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 12:49:11 -0500 (EST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
    At Wed, 20 Dec 2000 08:43:42 -0800 (PST), "Glencannon Group Ltd."

Of course accounting is a headache, and if you are small business
individual with a small amount of transactions, you can pretty
it.  But if you are business doing millions of dollars in
I thought glencannongroup was based in Belize.
Are you complaining about record keeping for the Belize tax system?
I am curious because this would definately take Belize off my list
for a

[e-gold-list] Re: Glencannon's wrong, IMO

2000-12-21 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.
 idea]. I predict even

  the mainstream
  media will finally notice e-gold next year, and they will grow like mad 
  In fact, I think that Amazon.com is going to have an e-gold account 365 
  days from now
  or, alternatively, they'll be in bankruptcy. e-gold seems to be about the

  only thing that
  can save both them and a lot of other fundamentally-fucked-up dot.com's,
and that's
  going to work to all our benefits (even Glencannon's) in the gold economy

  next year. 
  IMNSHO, YMMV, etc.
  Barbara Feldon rulez
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[e-gold-list] Re: Money Froze!!!! Latest Update of EE-Ventures

2000-12-20 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

WOW!  They have been in operation for all of 2 to 3 months.  They must be
legitimate.  HAHAHA.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 14:16:52 -0500, Jonn B. Goode wrote:

  They have been in operation since 10/00
   and as we all know if they were a scam they would be gone by now either
   their own demise or by government closure. The truth lye's in the fact
   they are still here and working.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Money Froze!!!! Latest Update of EE-Ventures

2000-12-20 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

You know I am so impressed by your logic on this one that I think you might
just be able to manage a little toll bridge I was planning on setting up in
Brooklyn.  Maybe you could make a modest investment in it and I'll make you
Chief Operating Officer.  I also have some beach front property in Nebraska
that I would be willing to part with for a reasonable sum.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 10:13:22 -0700, AIRX Enterprise wrote:

  Well said!  And thank you!  For a week now I have read these
  messages that put e-Biz down, but I bit my lip and kept my
  mouth shut.  Well fellow e-Biz member, you took the words right
  out of my mouth.  Thank you.
  A Loyal E-Biz Member
  You are incorrect about E-Biz, They will continue to use
   E-Gold just in
   a reduced manner, As the company has grown by leaps and bounds
   25,000 in two months) it has become painfully obvious that
   E-Gold can not
   handle the surge of growth, This is by no means totally the
   fault of
   E-Gold as any company would be hard pressed to keep up with
   unexpected growth. The reason for going to a offshore bank
   has NOTHING to
   do with paying taxes, Only that this is a bank that will
   allow E-Biz to
   operate the way it needs too.
  The way you suggest doing things is painfully complicated
   to the
   average person and would do those of us in the USA no good
   at all tax wise
   being E-Biz issues 1099's to us and we need to report all
   our earnings for
   tax's, You see E-biz is a real company with real people and
   is not a scam
   as most of us have become accustom to seeing on the net,
   I have seen many
   on this list try to tear E-Biz down in the past few weeks,
   These are
   simply people that have no clue what they are talking about!
  E-Biz is a sound,solid legal company based in the US and
   in compliance
   with all government regulations, They have been in operation
   since 10/00
   and as we all know if they were a scam they would be gone
   by now either by
   their own demise or by government closure. The truth lye's
   in the fact
   they are still here and working.
   A very satified E-Biz member
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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey

2000-12-20 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

True if you hold the e-gold, its ok.  But if you use there is a question. 
And if you cash out, your screwed.  It is just too much accounting work to
tolerate.  That is why no legitimate tax paying business can afford to use
e-gold.  It will cause their accounting departments too much headaches.  It
is useful for non-taxpaying entities only.  And as such e-gold will always
have a very limited exposure.

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 11:22:01 +1000, markab23 wrote:

  It could be argued  that the question of capitalgain/loss does not occur 
  unless you 'cash in' or bail out your e-gold.
  You are actually holding gold not a currency set against it as far as I
  Also tax offices also look at intention.  If you are holding gold as a
  or as an investment the case for capital gain/loss is clear.  but if you
  holding it for transactional purposes  the case is no clearer than if you
  using fait funds for transaction purposes which also may rise and fall in
  market against other currencies.  If you buy english oounds to buy
  in the uk  and during the transaction the pound rises suddenly have you
made a 
  capital gain?
  A capital gain is based on the investment of funds for into a investment
  or subject which then returns a value ghigher than the original
investment and 
  only if the funds are then retrieved.
  This might all sound niaive and tell me if it doesnt make sense.= 
  Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
   I guess what I meant by "recognition" and as I think about it I
realize it
   is a bad choice, is the IRS would recognize the receipt of e-gold as
   income transaction and not a capital transaction.  If you could treat
   in e-gold as income instead of worrying about capital gains and
losses, it
   would not be a problem.
   Glencannon Group Ltd.
  The problem isn't that receiving 1.00 in e-gold isn't considered income.
  The problem is that USD flucuates against 1.00 in e-gold. This is what
  capital gains/losses are.
  It is the same situation if you hold onto GBP, JPY, CHF, etc... The USD
  flucuates against them as well. The IRS doesn't claim that they aren't
  valid currencies.
  The only way to get rid of the capital gains/losses problem is to peg
  of e-gold to x amount of USD.
  You could just clear out your account at every possible instant. That
  you can still accept e-gold, but not have the problem of capital
  Viking Coder
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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey

2000-12-20 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I believe e-gold will have to be treated as a commodity purchase or as a
foreign currency.  Either way the accounting is cost prohibitive for any but
the largest of transactions, or for non-taxable entities.

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 17:47:36 -0500, CCS wrote:

   I guess what I meant by "recognition" and as I think about it I realize
   it is a bad choice, is the IRS would recognize the receipt of e-gold as
   an income transaction and not a capital transaction.  
  I see.  And payment of e-gold as an expense...  
  The IRS has some rules for taxation of barter trade, altho I am not 
  familiar with them.  I expect the IRS would treat use of e-gold as 
  a form of barter.
  Another (much less likely) possibility is that the IRS would treat trade
  in terms of e-gold just like it does the business of corporations that
  do substantial business in a "foreign currency".  How is that handled
  without getting into the same problem of accounting for every single 
  transation of a foreign branch as a foreign exchange speculation?
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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey

2000-12-20 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

The issue of whether e-gold is valid currency is not the issue.  It is the
very fact that it might be treated as such that gives problems.  

And even if you cleared out the e-gold on each transaction, it is just too
complex an accounting problem for serious businesses to deal with.  With the
caveat being tax-exempt businesses and transactions.

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 15:52:11 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I guess what I meant by "recognition" and as I think about it I realize
   is a bad choice, is the IRS would recognize the receipt of e-gold as an
   income transaction and not a capital transaction.  If you could treat
   in e-gold as income instead of worrying about capital gains and losses,
   would not be a problem.
   Glencannon Group Ltd.
  The problem isn't that receiving 1.00 in e-gold isn't considered income.
  The problem is that USD flucuates against 1.00 in e-gold. This is what
  capital gains/losses are.
  It is the same situation if you hold onto GBP, JPY, CHF, etc... The USD
  flucuates against them as well. The IRS doesn't claim that they aren't
  valid currencies.
  The only way to get rid of the capital gains/losses problem is to peg
  of e-gold to x amount of USD.
  You could just clear out your account at every possible instant. That way
  you can still accept e-gold, but not have the problem of capital
  Viking Coder
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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey

2000-12-20 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.


On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 14:06:17 -0600, Craig Haynie wrote:

   Maybe you should consider tracking your transactions in grams instead
   If you are basing your business on E-Gold, then you should be using
   your base currency.  The dollar value of your transactions becomes
  I think you're missing the point. At the end of the year, you are going
  have to compute the capital gains tax on each transaction. If you are
  for US taxes, then you have to keep a record in US dollars. The dollar
  only become 'mute' when the IRS accepts gold as payment, (or the capital
  gains tax is eliminated :) )
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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey

2000-12-20 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Of course the transactions can be tracked, but why?  If I just take
$100.00 I have one transaction to list, and no tracking of Cost Basis

there needs to be strong incentive to incure this sort of inconvenience, and
at this point the only incentive has been for scammers to use e-gold.  Since
they are breaking the law anyway, who the hell cares if they track capital
gains implications of thousands of transactions.

God help the people who participate in these scams however, because if the
IRS ever gets wind of the potential of lost capital gains revenue, they will
have a field day.

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 12:26:28 -0600, Craig Haynie wrote:

   I buy $1,000.00 US in e-gold.  The price of gold goes down.  I use
   of e-gold to buy something.  I now have a transaction that needs to be
   accounted for.  In this case I will incure a capital loss, and say
   have $850.00.  Then someone buys something from me, and pay me in
   $100.00.  This is an income transaction.  However, the price of e-gold
   back up to what it was when I first bought my gold.  I have more or
   $1,000.00.  If I buy something else, what is the basis for the
  Each transaction should be listed as a purchase or a sale of e-gold! You
  list the item purchased or sold in the memo field. If I buy $1000 US in
  e-gold, this goes in as an e-gold purchase, as it should. If I then SPEND
  $100 to Joe Blow for a used copy machine, then this goes in as a SALE of
  e-gold at the current exchange rate. If you want to list the copy machine
  an EXPENSE, then you will need to flag the transaction in some way, as an
  expense, or you may need to list it on a separate line. (If you have to
  it in a separate location, or on a separate line, as an expense, then I
  where you're coming from. You may need to make a double-entry for all
  itemized expenses.)
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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey

2000-12-20 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I agree with you that all this accounting business is a horrible headache,
and that is the problem.  Little guys can more or less just ignore it and
hope the IRS doesn't find out and if they do hope the IRS just doesn't care.

But if you are big company that does 1000s of transactions a day, e-gold
would drive your accounting department bonkers.  And they just can't ignore
it and hope the IRS doesn't find out.

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 10:12:54 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I totally see your point - and agree that is the way things should be
  done if we are to study and learn all the official rules. But I get a
  headache thinking about how inefficient the process is. In my scientific
  mind I just use grams.
  Looking at your example, who derives value from all that?? All I can see
  is that it supports a few bureaucracies. It provides no benefits to the
  company, except to help it fail. For my company, I just want to have
  good numbers to see where the money is going, how much I have and make a
  budget. That is pretty simple if using grams of gold. No worrying about
  currency fluctuation, inflation, deflation (well really you would - but
  To take your point further, with precision, we should include inflation
   deflation in all our accounting on a minute to minute basis. Never
  mind the fact that the governments figures are widely discredited. And
  what type of inflation are we talking about? Financial, goods, services,
  M1, M3, oil, gold, all of them in a basket?
  The problem is all this stuff is relative to everything else and subject
  to  differences of opinion. 
  My point, taken to extremes, is to use the mass (not weight) of gold, so
  that even a budding moon colony or space craft will not feel
  disenfranchised. Mass is not relative to anything I know of and can't be
  messed with by governments.
  We have a global economy, despite all vested interests, efficient
  business evolution will eventually create a simple way to transfer
  value. We can either wait till someone officially says the obvious or do
  it ourselves.
  ~"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not too simple."
  Albert Einstein
  If this post is worth 2 cents send me 2 milligrams instead: 110237 :)
   choose to ignore the whole thing, maintain limited records on a
   few odd transactions, or don't use it at all because my head 
   is starting to hurt.
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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey

2000-12-20 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

The discussion we are having concerns the issue of whether e-gold is
appropriate for US companies.  NOt Belize companies.  If you were located in
Belize, or some other tax haven this whole discussion would be irrelevant.
(MAYBE -  A Belize company that does business in the US is bound to observe
US tax laws.) But I suspect that most users of e-gold are neither foreign
residents nor US residents who have properly structured their business
activities abroad.  As such they are stuck with the stinking IRS!

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 12:49:11 -0500 (EST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  At Wed, 20 Dec 2000 08:43:42 -0800 (PST), "Glencannon Group Ltd."
  Of course accounting is a headache, and if you are small business
  individual with a small amount of transactions, you can pretty much 
  it.  But if you are business doing millions of dollars in business, 
  I thought glencannongroup was based in Belize.
  Are you complaining about record keeping for the Belize tax system?
  I am curious because this would definately take Belize off my list of
  for an
  IBC that does its transactions principally in e-gold.
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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey

2000-12-19 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I guess what I meant by "recognition" and as I think about it I realize it
is a bad choice, is the IRS would recognize the receipt of e-gold as an
income transaction and not a capital transaction.  If you could treat 1.00
in e-gold as income instead of worrying about capital gains and losses, it
would not be a problem.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 19:19:35 -0500, CCS wrote:

  You make some good points about the impracticality of using e-gold for
  a taxpaying business because of the difficulty of figuring out the
  tax consequences of so much exchange/trading activity.
   It doesn't matter how much money is in e-gold, it will never be "real"
   currency until it is recognized as such by governments.  
  But I am not sure what you mean by government "recognition" or why 
  that would improve the situation.  
  Historically, currency in the United States all used to be privately 
  issued.  The reason this is no longer the case is that around the
  time of the Civil War a circulation tax (of 10%, if my recollection
  serves me right) was enacted for the purpose of driving the private
  issues out of circulation.  [I think this was done as part of Lincoln's
  Civil War income tax (which was later declared unconstitutional once
  Lincoln let the Supreme Court justices out of prison).]  The last
  time I checked (which admitedly was 35 years ago) this circulation
  tax was still on the books.  So government "recognition" might only
  mean being subject to this tax.  
  In any case government "recognition" would, one way or the other, mean
  government control that would remove all reasons to use it.

   Now offshore companies that are tax free, and individuals and 
   companies that have no compunction about defying tax laws can 
   use e-gold without too much trouble, but I can't see it being 
   useful for everyday commerce.
  That's good enough for me.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Investment Opportunities in Belize

2000-12-18 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

At the end of this note there was an interesting comment/question?  What can
be done?  An ethics code, BBB, etc. would be nice, but the real problem is
the participants.  It seems to me that not only e-gold, but the entire
internet, is prone to scams because everyone on the internet has an
immediacy to everything.  Every investment must have an immediate turn
around, and always a proft.  This is not just ignorance but stupidity, but a
BBB made up of stupid peole will not protect the stupid people.

I just get mildly frustrated at times because tools like this list could be
so handy for helping people to get togehter, "network", exchange "useful"
ideas, and maybe even do business together.  But all it is a soapbox.  I
think the situation would get better if there was real familiarity, but that
is impossible on the internet.

On Sat, 16 Dec 2000 12:56:40 -0500, CCS wrote:

  You ask very good and important questions.
   Why does this list cater to such blatant fraud?
  I don't know that the list caters to fraud.  But it certainly
  seems to attract gullible people and the people that prey
  on them.
   Is it the nature of people who invest in Gold and view the capital 
   markets as overvalued?  Is it just that the "Offshore" and "Gold 
   Backed" world is prone to wackos??? ...  And I am curious as to 
   why e-gold seems to attract so many wackos and so few "serious" 
  Superficially that does appear to be the case!  But I think that 
  is an overgeneralization.  
  Most people don't go beyond the bounds of well worn common 
  routine.  Anyone looking into offshore activities or considering 
  gold is deviating from the common routine of our society.  The only
  people who will do this are either 1) those who don't have good sense
  or 2) those who think for themselves.  Even in the later case this
  usually entails a certain amount of ignorance/misconception 
  and (hopefully eventual) learning.  So there are good reasons to 
  expect a higher percentage of wackos and fumbling.
  Furthermore, the ambiguities of establishing and maintaining trust 
  in confidential relationships and the opportunity for abuse in
  the e-gold system attracts crooks for obvious reasons.
  The question I would like to pose is: how can we devise means to
  solve these problems?  A code of ethics?  A BBB?  Adoption of
  certain business practices...
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[e-gold-list] Re: E-gold scam survey

2000-12-18 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

It doesn't matter how much money is in e-gold, it will never be "real"
currency until it is recognized as such by governments.  The unfortunate
fact is based on the tax code which mades every single transaction involving
e-gold a capital gains or loss incurring transaction.

If I buy a book that costs me $25.00, I sell so much e-gold to acquire
$25.00 in currency.  That transaction must be tracked along with every
single e-gold transaction for potential capital gains and losses.  For an
individual to do so is almost impossible, but the possibility of the
government really being concerned is minimal.  However, for a legitimate tax
paying business, (I'm not even going to think about a public company) to do
business in e-gold on any other terms other than very large transactions is
impossible.  The complex accounting requirements would cost a company too
much money to justify accepting e-gold.

Now offshore companies that are tax free, and individuals and companies that
have no compunction about defying tax laws can use e-gold without too much
trouble, but I can't see it being useful for everyday commerce.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 16:21:17 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  CCS wrote:
   I did a little research.  I did a simple search of the web
   for "e-gold".  It returned over 3000 hits.  Looking at the
   first 20 hits there were 4 obvious scams (and 4 other ads for
   internet gambling sites).  If this extrapolates to the whole
   sample then there would be over 600 scams involving e-gold.
   It gives one pause.  A substantial part of the growth in e-gold
   activity may be driven by scamsters.
  But, when total accounts, or better yet, funded accounts get up
  around a million, watch regular businesses sit up and take
  notice. ; ) What's that, about a little over a year from now
  for total accounts and 2+ years for funded accounts? Roughly
  650C 51DA 734F 697F 5706 3D6A 7712 BCC9 D1AE 00BA
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[e-gold-list] EXCITING e-gold exchange opportunity

2000-12-13 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Well now that I see that this list caters to nothing but the most outrageous
business ventures, I think I have come up with the appropriate program for
the Holidays.


Simply transfer your e-gold to my e-gold account:  107685

A simpler business model cannot be found ANYWHERE!!!

For questions please refer to disclaimer authorized to be issued by our
staff attorneys Dewie, Cheatham  Howe, LLP, at their webpage found at

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
For an e-gold funded Debit Card: http://www.glencannongroup.com/genucap/

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[e-gold-list] Re: EXCITING e-gold exchange opportunity

2000-12-13 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Keep trying. It is worth it.  This is an EXCITING offer.  100% guarantee. 
Would I lie to you?  I promise that every dollar going into the account will
turn into profit immediately!  

And this is not a ponzi scheme.  You don't have to bring others into the

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 09:16:11 -0700, milton sidwell wrote:

  I wouldn't send any money to any e-gold account until I received the
  facts.  Your disclaimer page does not show up.
  "Glencannon Group Ltd." wrote:
   Well now that I see that this list caters to nothing but the most
   business ventures, I think I have come up with the appropriate program
   the Holidays.
   Simply transfer your e-gold to my e-gold account:  107685
   A simpler business model cannot be found ANYWHERE!!!
   For questions please refer to disclaimer authorized to be issued by our
   staff attorneys Dewie, Cheatham  Howe, LLP, at their webpage found at
   Glencannon Group Ltd.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
   fax: 419-710-4339
   For an e-gold funded Debit Card:
   Send a cool gift with your E-Card
   You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To unsubscribe send a blank email to

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[e-gold-list] Re: FW: I want some too!!

2000-12-13 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

H.  H. H.  Where do I sign up.

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 11:34:34 +1300, Sidd wrote:

  As the first payer in the new Glencannon HY scheme, you QUALIFY for or
  you can spend your e-gold (minimum $1000 or more) to our e-gold
  account # 991199 for the most AMAZING program you ever dreamed of...
  Christmas is a time of GIVING, make this your best Christmas yet! Do
  it now...
  Our website (approved by our accountants  attorneys: Gott, Amyl,
  Fromue  Co.) will be available soon, but don't wait, do it now...
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Sent: Thursday, 14 December 2000 10:03
  To: e-gold Discussion
  Subject: [e-gold-list] idiotic rip offs for idiots
  Well now that I see that this list caters to nothing but the most
  business ventures, I think I have come up with the appropriate
  program for
  the Holidays.
  Simply transfer your e-gold to my e-gold account:  107685
  A simpler business model cannot be found ANYWHERE!!!
  That's so clever, I'm in!
  e-metal(r) payment confirmation: Batch 1393258
  Paid To:
  107685 (Glencannon Group Ltd.)
  1 US$' worth of Gold
  241164 (J.P. May)
  For questions please refer to disclaimer authorized to be issued by
  staff attorneys Dewie, Cheatham  Howe, LLP, at their webpage found
  Glencannon Group Ltd.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
  fax: 419-710-4339
  For an e-gold funded Debit Card:
  Send a cool gift with your E-Card
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[e-gold-list] RE: How's the speed of Omni Pay been with getting $ via wire or checks?

2000-12-07 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I believe this fellow is not only asking for a referral to a good exchange,
but is also seeking info on OmniPay.

I would suggest that before he use OmniPay, he go to their webpage, and ask
for details of their service to the email listed on their site.  This is the
"service" email, and I believe you can judge them fairly by how quickly and
efficiently they respond to such simple requests for information.

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 08:33:05 -0600, Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange

  May I suggest you consider Gaithman's Gold Exchange, Inc?  We offer a
  complete gold exchange service site and can OutExchange your e-gold for
  the same business day with a wire initiated to your checking or savings
  account.  We charge a $1.00 USD per $100 e-gold you wish to "cash out"
  we PAY for the wire fee out of our commission if you are in the
  USA.International wires range from $20 USD to $35 USD depending on
  of receiving bank.
  We also strive to provide "exceptional customer service every click
  the way" to our clients.  If you are interested, please review our
  for more information:
  Please look at the page titled "To Sell Your Gold".  IF you have any
  questions, please let us know.
  Eric Gaither, President
  Gaithman's Gold Exchange.Inc.
  - Original Message -
  To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 3:59 AM
  Subject: [e-gold-list] RE: How's the speed of Omni Pay been with getting
  via wire or checks?
   Hi Jeff,
   I would strongly suggest you use one of the approved Market maker to
   convert your e-gold to cash and you should have no problems getting
   your cash within a day or so.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeffrey
   Sent: Thursday, 7 December 2000 15:31
   To: e-gold Discussion
   Subject: [e-gold-list] How's the speed of Omni Pay been with getting $
   via wire or checks?
   I was wondering if anyone could reply to this post simply to let me
   how the service has been with getting their money out of their e-gold
   accounts using Omni Pay?  I have some money coming in at mid month
   will be for Christmas and I need to make sure I can get it relatively
   Please help.
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For an e-gold funded Debit Card: http://www.glencannongroup.com/genucap/

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[e-gold-list] Re: Has anyone heard about an E-gold Debit Card?

2000-12-04 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

A number of companies are providing e-gold debit cards.  

The advantage is that a debit card is more difficult to trace.  Money
deposited into your account is obviously easier and more secure.  But it is
also easier and more secure for the Tax Authorities to get the information. 
I am offering a card that is not anonymous but is issued through a very
confidential bank that requires very little information, and is unlikely to
ever divulge info to anyone else.  They require only a notarized copy of a
drivers license.  I would suspect they are not too picky about the validity
of the ID.  It is a little cheaper to buy, and a little cheaper to operate,
although I suspect competition will drive down everybody's prices.  Others
are offering what they claim are true anonymous cards.  And there is a way
of doing this in Latvia and a few other countries that seem fairly safe.  I
am not offering an anonymous card; at least not yet.


Good luck.

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 11:10:30 -0500, Halima wrote:

  I've received a lot of emails from egroups talking about a NEW E-gold
  Debit Card. Is this affiliated with E-gold or what? Here's the website:
  Would you recommend that people sign up for this card?
  As far as requesting money from E-gold, can't you just have the money
  directly deposited into a checking account?
  That's all.
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[e-gold-list] Re: gitgold.net - SCAM

2000-11-30 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I had the same type of email, and followed up with a question as to why I am
being subjected to this, and found it was not them as well.  This should be

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 06:27:38 -0500, George Matyjewicz wrote:

  At 01:06 AM 11/30/2000 -0600, Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange
  Mr. Moore,
   I would like to second what you so eloquently verbalized:  The
  who is harassing the Andersons is but mere lint on this earth's large
  screen.  He should be rolled between a large pair of fingers and flicked
  into the nearest waste basket.
   As a Market Maker and competitor of the Andersons at GitGold.com, I
  would like for it to be known I have known the Anderson's for a few
  now.  I find them to be genuine (and generous) professionals.  I have
  complete faith in their service and manners.  The poor excuse for a
  website is full of holes, inconsistencies, grammatical errors, and
  bad taste.
   I will vouch for the Andersons and their service.  If anyone would
  a character reference, there are many of us who will vouch for them.
  If I may be of assistance, Dave and Jane, please feel free to
contact me.
  Somebody is out to destroy them.  I got an atrocious e-mails from 
  David Anderson with every curse word in the book. even though I 
  never even contacted them (I suspect it came as a result of 
  posting to this list).  Then when I did ask why I was subjected 
  to that abuse, I got another that was worse (both from David Anderson).
  If anybody does get a similar e-mail, save it and check the 
  header records.  There is such a thing as "Cyber Libel" for which 
  legal action can be taken (I had a published article on that subject)..
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[e-gold-list] Re: Finally An E-Gold Debit Card!!!!

2000-11-30 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Just a gentle reminder, available now, no fancy website, and not anonymous,
but simple and fast.


On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 17:00:23 +1100, Michael Moore wrote:

  Omnipay is owned by e-gold.
  The only proper debit card which willbe available and suitable is the
  standardreserve debit card available in a couple of weeks tine.  It is
  cheaper,  and more reliable and has the blessing of standardresevre and
  e-gold behind it
  Kind regards,
  Michael Moore
  Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
  - Original Message -
  From: "debk-mybizness.net" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 5:48 PM
  Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Finally An E-Gold Debit Card
   I was informed by a group I am in that this is a scam, However I dont
   that much about it yet and did sign up but was told this after I signed
   can anyone give some input on this?They told us to stick with Omnipay
   is owned by E-Gold.
   - Original Message -
   From: "Alex" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 10:50 PM
   Subject: [e-gold-list] Finally An E-Gold Debit Card
I have been looking for an inexpensive Debit Card which
took E-Gold for a long, long time!
Guess what I have just found one!
Check this out folks and join now as an affiliate and get ready to
your card.
E-gold Debit Card launching 1st December 2000 !
Check this out  Get In Now as an Affiliate for FREE !
Now at Pre-launch but You can sign up TODAY !!
Get in quick before the rest of the world.
For more info see the 'FAQ' and the 'Uses  Benefits' Links on the
It's fast, easy and safe !
You can add money in the following ways:
Money Order or Postal Money Order
Cashier's Check
Transfer Funds from Credit Card to your Now Card
Wire Transfers
Western Union
Pay Pal
Money Gram
Signup today as an affiliate FREE . Go to:
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[e-gold-list] Web Page for e-gold Debit Card

2000-11-22 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.


There seems to be a belief now adays that if you don't have a webpage, you
are not a real business.  The funny thing is that a few years ago it was the
other way around.  So in response to this vitally important need, I prepared
a webpage for Genucap Resources e-gold debit card.  It is a very simple
program.  Everything you need to start is on an extremely simple webpage. 
Good luck.


Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339

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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold debit card

2000-11-19 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I have one available right now.  $250.00 and up.  Please feel free to ask
for more details.

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:02:02 +1100, Michael Moore wrote:

  exorbidant more likely.
  Kind regards,
  Michael Moore
  Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Graham Kelly" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "e-gold Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 6:50 PM
  Subject: [e-gold-list] e-gold debit card
   OPC are offering an e-gold linked debit card... details here!
   However, it's a bit pricey at USD $750
   George! When's the Standard Reserve debit card available?
   Graham Kelly
   V/Mail  Fax; +1(312)777-4270
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[e-gold-list] Re: Problems with Glencannon's debit card offer you might not noitice

2000-11-15 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

And I bet your dad is bigger than my dad too.  Again, Best of luck.

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 16:37:56 -0600, Destiny Worldwide wrote:

  Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
  we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
  deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
  -Original Message-
  From: Glencannon Group Ltd. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Destiny Worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED]; e-gold Discussion
  Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 2:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [e-gold-list] Problems with Glencannon's debit card offer
  might not noitice
  I generally don't like to talk bad about people, but this fellow is full
  shit.  I never spoke ill of whoever "Destiny Worldwide" is and I have no
  particular problems with their system as I HAVE NO INFORMATION ABOUT IT.
  Now a little less than a month I asked if people would be interested in
  this, and I would put it together.  This is waht I have done.  I don't
  appreciate the tone of this message, but I will let people judge for
  themselves.  I do not claim that this is ANONYMOUS, and I do not claim
  a high security vehicle.  If that is what you want and need, contact me
  I'll give you some advice.  I do not advise the use of ANONYMOUS
  most of these are run by crooks who either run off with the funds inthe
  Excuse me,  this is issued by the largest bank in thier jurisdiction.  If
  you can start calling people names, then so can I.  I think, though, if
  people will compare your pitiful little website with ours they will see a
  big difference.  We have spent money and time to develop ours, along with
  functional database, etc.  Yours 
  accounts, or get caught because they are breaking the laws in the
  jurisdiction in which they operate.  But the fact is that this asshole
  chosen to promote his product, which may be very fine, by attacking mine
  with false and misleading comments.  I will address these pissant
  I will answer your points below.  I have not attacked anything, just
  out the facts.  Sorry if this hurts your sales.  And since our card is
  issued by the LARGEST BANK in their jurisdiction, what's the problem? 
  On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 11:05:41 -0600, Destiny Worldwide wrote:
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but since Glencannon pointed
what he thought was a problem with our system, let me pount out a
with his.
1.  His website states that he is in Belize, yet he gives an address
Texas to mail the applications.  Obviusly, then, the address in
maildrop.  What this means is that when you send yoru documents to
are sotred onshore, where BB can seize them anytime they want.  Your
identity is not safe!
  The mail drop is in Houston, and documents are forwarded to me wherever
  may be, Belize, the Dominican Republic, or sometimes Houston.  But no
  Oh, so if there is a problem, don't bother looking for you because you
  on the lam -- er.. on the go all the time.  It's is obvious that this
  a one man show.  We, on the other hand, are an established company with
  offices, employees, etc...
  there is a possibility of interception.  I never claimed this was some
  of safe way to do "money launderying."  If that is what you need you
  Who said anything about money laundering?  That is a viscius ad homanim
  argument and a logical fallacy.  People can send orders to a place where
  really are.  Anyway, there is no proof that this is a maildrop, just your
  word.  And no one knows if you are really the globetrotter you claim, or
  just some guy working in his basement in Houston.
  want to go elsewhere.  What I am providing is a convenient way of giving
  service.  Take it or leave it.
  Yeah, real conventient.  And THEIR CARD IS IN YOUR COMPANY NAME!  How
  convenient for you!
2.  Same for the bank.  If the bank they are ever using rolls over
you out, then you are screwed.  The only way to prevent this is if
does not know who you are.
  This is utter Bullshit, but would go for any bank out there.  This bank
  particular is a very safe and sound bank in a very safe and sound
  jurisdiction.  I have been doing business with it and others in this
  jurisdiction, and it will no more "rat you out" than the rat who wrote
  that's what people thought with Guardian Trust, too, but if the bank
  know who you are, then they CAN'T RAT ON YOU, CAN THEY?  Even if the
  jurisdiction changes it's laws under OECD  or FATF preassure.  So, yo

[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Funded Debit Cards Available

2000-11-14 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Your status as an "employee" will only apply to the bank, which will give
the company the ability to offer these cards at a rather significant
discount.  There will be no contract, and thus no status as an employee. 
The card's are designated as "employee" cards to the effect that they will
have the name of the company on them.  That is all.

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 13:39:04 -1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What do you mean by:
  "The holders of the cards will be treated as "employees" of
  Genucap Resources, LLC, a Nevis Limited Liability Company."
  What are the legal implications of being that company's employee?
  I wish to get a card, but am unwilling to give up my sovereign rights to
  do so... what is the employment contract with this company? What are the
  laws governing employees of a company incorporated in that jurisdiction?
  All information + transactions non negotiable and private between the
  parties. All Rights Reserved + Copyright 2000 Angela Kahealani.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339

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[e-gold-list] Re: Question

2000-11-14 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Does anyone want to answer this one?  I believe the correct answer is no to
the extent that e-gold does not provide such services.  To the extent that I
am providing such a service, then it is possible to get debit card that can
be funded by e-gold.

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 11:46:34 EST, David Díaz wrote:

  Does E-gold have a debit Card?
  David Diaz
  PO Box 505262
  Chelsea,MA 02150-5262
  (617) 331-9648
  Want to be able to get your money
  to and from anywhere in the WORLD!??
  Try a FREE account:
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
  Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at 
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[e-gold-list] Re: Debit Card?

2000-11-14 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

If you need me to post the instructions again, please let me know.

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 04:41:29 -0500, Pam Campbell wrote:

  I've heard that you can now get a debit card for e-gold.Is this true and
  if so,where does one go to get one?
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[e-gold-list] Re: egold and debit cards

2000-11-03 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

That is great to hear.  However, I personally have my doubts about numbered
accounts anymore.  There needs to be a name somewhere, and what that name is
is of course the question.  A good numbered account is hard to find in this
world.  A confidential account with a good back is a little easier.  And
even that is difficult.

On Thu, 2 Nov 2000 10:41:40 -0600, Destiny Worldwide wrote:

  Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
  we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
  deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
  -Original Message-
  WE have already been offering totally anonymous debit cards which you can
  fund through us using egold if you choose.  OUrs costs alittle more but
  these are totally nubmered acocunts.  YOu can also fund these cards
  thorugh wire transfer, but by passing the funds through us or thorugh a
  withdrawal form our offshore online savings acocunts, you can move the
  in total secrecy.
  You can make deposits and withdrawals to and from your online savings
  egold, and is the cheapest and fastest way to make deposits and
  from your account.
  chuch us out at:
  From: e-gold Discussion digest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: Gold Based Debit Card
  From: David Hillary [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 09:34:02 +1100
  X-Message-Number: 1
  Certianally, let me know about this service.
  I don't quite understand what exactly it is tho: is it cash debit cards
  from a single cash bank account, and you then, as a service, fund each
  transaction by a spend from the card holders e-gold account into your or
  the company e-gold account, then at the end of each day/week whatever,
  fund the total cash debits from a single exchange of e-gold for cash?
  If its the latter I am keen to know more about it!
  David Hillary

  "Glencannon Group Ltd." wrote:
   I have been thinking of setting up an E-Gold based Debit Card Service.
   is you would be able to fund your debit with deposits into a companies
   e-gold account, who would then turn around and fund debit card with
   The reason I am thinking of doing this is that is would be cheaper for
   do one wire for the equivalent of 10 or more transfers, than it would
   you to do one wire transfer to an account.  Everyone could do this on
   own, but it would also involve a huge loss of confidentiality and a
   loss.  I have a bank that will issue virtually unlimited debit cards
   my basic commercial acount.  These cards are considered "employee"
   and are easy to set up.
   If there is any interest, please let me know so that I can explore
   Glencannon Group Ltd.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
   fax: 419-710-4339
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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Based Debit Card

2000-11-01 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

No I think it is even better than that.  It is a separate "CARD ACCOUNT" 
You send me e-gold, I convert to cash, then I fund your card account, which
is yours to do with as you like.

On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 09:34:02 +1100, David Hillary wrote:

  Certianally, let me know about this service.
  I don't quite understand what exactly it is tho: is it cash debit cards
  from a single cash bank account, and you then, as a service, fund each
  transaction by a spend from the card holders e-gold account into your or
  the company e-gold account, then at the end of each day/week whatever,
  fund the total cash debits from a single exchange of e-gold for cash?
  If its the latter I am keen to know more about it!
  David Hillary
  "Glencannon Group Ltd." wrote:
   I have been thinking of setting up an E-Gold based Debit Card Service. 
   is you would be able to fund your debit with deposits into a companies
   e-gold account, who would then turn around and fund debit card with
   The reason I am thinking of doing this is that is would be cheaper for
me to
   do one wire for the equivalent of 10 or more transfers, than it would
be for
   you to do one wire transfer to an account.  Everyone could do this on
   own, but it would also involve a huge loss of confidentiality and a
   loss.  I have a bank that will issue virtually unlimited debit cards
off of
   my basic commercial acount.  These cards are considered "employee"
   and are easy to set up.
   If there is any interest, please let me know so that I can explore
   Glencannon Group Ltd.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
   fax: 419-710-4339
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[e-gold-list] Re: Warning on scam using e-gold

2000-10-13 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I have not read the other messages, but I think this comment is very wrong
headed.  Offshore banks are just banks in "other jurisdictions".  I live in
Belize, and banks here are not offshore for me.

There are many advantages to using offshore banks which include
confidentiality, greater professionalism (sometimes), better investment
results, and if properly structured tax savings.

If this comment is linked to E-gold being perceived as an "offshore bank" or
some similar entity, well all I have to say is way to go.  I have had a
profound distrust of the e-gold specifically because it was so physically
linked to the US.

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 10:31:41 -0500, Craig Haynie wrote:

   Lots of people believe that many irreputable people use "offshore"
   but, this doesn't keep those banks from being VERY popular with other
  Perhaps, but do you really want e-gold to be seen the same way that
  see offshore banks? I don't.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Warning on scam using e-gold

2000-10-13 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I have not read the other messages, but I think this comment is very wrong
headed.  Offshore banks are just banks in "other jurisdictions".  I live in
Belize, and banks here are not offshore for me.

There are many advantages to using offshore banks which include
confidentiality, greater professionalism (sometimes), better investment
results, and if properly structured tax savings.

If this comment is linked to E-gold being perceived as an "offshore bank" or
some similar entity, well all I have to say is way to go.  I have had a
profound distrust of the e-gold specifically because it was so physically
linked to the US.

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 10:31:41 -0500, Craig Haynie wrote:

   Lots of people believe that many irreputable people use "offshore"
   but, this doesn't keep those banks from being VERY popular with other
  Perhaps, but do you really want e-gold to be seen the same way that
  see offshore banks? I don't.
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[e-gold-list] Re: Books (AND EVERYTHING ELSE) via e-gold

2000-09-18 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

I am curious to see if Amazon ships electronics, particularly computers and
such overseas.  (I really don't even know if Amazon carries those things I
should checck.)  

I have had problems with some clients who are "unofficial" distributors of
Dell and others.  These US companies initially stopped shipping overseas to
stop these buyers from buying, but then the buyers simply used Houston or
Miami mail drops.  The next step was to stop accepted "offshore" based
credit cards as payment.  I believe the basis for this refusal is twofold: 
1.  they don't like unauthorized dealers, and 2. service problems can be a
nightmare.  This has proved to be a real irritant as US based credit cards
are hard to come by, and expensive even if they can be issued.  I have come
up with a way of getting a US credit card without haveing to place
$100,000.00 on deposit with a broker.  At least it works some of the time.

This is why I am curious if Amazon does the same thing.  I can't see why
they would since they don't perceive offshore bulk buyers as competitors,
but there would still be the service issue on products that have a high rate
of returns.

Anyone who could let me know would be appreciated.
On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 08:54:46 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Bob wrote:
   *Finally* there's a way to buy books using metal.
   Yah it's more expensive but that won't last.
  I've been offering books, pamphlets and tapes via e-gold for over a
  year. I don't have as many titles as Amazon (yet).
  And excellent books they are Dale!
  More excitement at BANANAGOLD - people have been buying video 
  games as well, and all sorts of knick knacks
  I guess you can buy *ANYTHING* amazon has on sale (electronics and so 
  on) ... I didnt even realize that.
  (I'm not sure if you can ship electronics and stuff overseas --- but 
  certainly BANANA has had many overseas book orders .)
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[e-gold-list] Re: Books (AND EVERYTHING ELSE) via e-gold

2000-09-18 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

The problem is not the credit card processor.  The problem is the merchants.
Some merchants don't want foreign "unauthorized" distributors dealing in
their products, particularly products like computers where there is a high
level of service involved.

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 07:45:37 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  "Glencannon Group Ltd." wrote:
   The next step was to stop accepted "offshore" based
   credit cards as payment.  
  My credit card processor is in Toronto. We have been accepting orders
  from and shipping overseas to many countries for several years. No
  problem at all.
  Dale Pond
  Delta Spectrum Research
  Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
  Sacred Science - Sacred Life
  SVP Discussion Forum:
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Glencannon Group Ltd.
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fax: 419-710-4339

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[e-gold-list] For sale: www.hollywood-pool.com

2000-09-15 Thread Glencannon Group Ltd.

Dear folks:

Awhile back I was goofing around with e-gold, and few silly ideas, and one
of them was www.hollywood-pool.com

Actually, I still think it is a good idea, but I lack the time, technical
skills, and general motivation to pursue it.  I am offering for sale not
just the URL, but also the business concept, which I think has some merit.

All offers will be considered.

The business idea was to create a game similar to paramutual horse race
betting, but instead of horses in a two minute races, we would use movies
and weekly stats of sales.  That is the basis of the site. What needs to be
done is come up with a more sophisticated interface so that give immediate
results when bets are placed, marketing, perhaps come up with similar movie
related games and content (ie. oscar winner pool, the divorce game - who
will get divorced first, etc.), and provide a safer legal structure to
operate the site when it goes public.  At least that is what I think.

As I said any offers will be considered, and I am open to suggestions.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339

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