Re: [eug-lug]gentoo install problems

2004-03-25 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 03:49:00PM -0800, Rob Hudson wrote:
 I was going to go for a stage3 install just to try it out.  But that
 leads me to another question... instead of syncing and having to compile
 all kinds of stuff as the install gets old, can I just grab the new
 stage3 packages, say, when 2004.1 comes out and untar it?  Would that
 function like an easy upgrade or no?
I looked for binary gentoo packages, but never found them.  Apparently they are
on the live cd, but not on obvious intenet servers.

 I basically want to surf the web and ssh to my workstation.  I doubt
 I'll even keep personal files on there so come upgrade time, I could
 even scrap the whole thing if need be.
Ah, but you'll find other needs.  tcpdump, traceroute, strace, gaim, this and
that wasn't installed.  Ooh, new version of whatever

Let's see, nothing on the system, no cdrom drive, no floppy drive only a pcmcia
port.  You aren't getting anything on that system unless the bios can boot off
of pcmcia/usb.  Alternatively, why don't you take out the mini-ide drive, get a
mini-ide to ide converter and copy debian on it.  If you have a running debian
system, you can just copy it, run lilo and you are good to go.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]OT: Searching for good A+ Certification manual

2004-03-25 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 04:37:17PM -0800, Jason Dommasch wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good A+ Certification 
 prep manual.

Search on google for online a+ certification tests and tutorials.  That's what
I used to get mine.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]gentoo install problems

2004-03-24 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 01:36:43PM -0800, Rob Hudson wrote:
 I tried to install Gentoo on my laptop last night but my CDROM is
 flaky...  sometimes it can read from it but sometimes it fails.
 The bad part is when doing something like mke2fs and it fails, then
 something (bash?) remembers that and doesn't try to spin up the CD
 Kbob pointed out this set of instructions... 
 Installation from a boot floppy HOWTO
 So now my task is to find a good floppy boot disk that has PCMCIA and
 network modules.
 Any recommendations?
 Should I build my own?  I can make a kernel for generic x86 with pcmcia
 and build a rescue floppy, can't I?

What's on the laptop right now?  If it is any distribution of linux, just do a
bootstrap install over the network.  The gentoo install howto will tell you how
to. ;)

Also, I wouldn't recommend gentoo for a laptop.  Long compiling times will heat
up the laptop more than it was designed for.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]freebsd mv symlink moves linked dir?!

2004-03-20 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 09:46:41PM -0801, Jacob Meuser wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 05:37:37PM -0800, Cory Petkovsek wrote:
  Here I figured out more specifics.
  linux client/solaris nfs:
  $ ls -l 
  lrwxrwxrwx1 cory cory7 Mar 18 21:31 burn - ../burn
  drwxr-xr-x3 cory cory  512 Mar 19  2004 pub
  $ ls -ld ../burn
  drwxr-sr-x8 cory cory  512 Mar 19  2004 ../burn
  $ mv burn pub
  $ ls -l
  drwxr-xr-x3 cory cory  512 Mar 19  2004 pub
  $ ls -l pub
  lrwxrwxrwx1 cory cory7 Mar 18 21:31 burn - ../burn
 so, pub/burn ends up pointing to burn, which does not exist, correct?
It continues to point to ../burn in this case.

  However on freebsd if I type mv burn/ pub it moves the target directory, not
  the symlink:
  $ ls -ld ../burn
  drwxr-sr-x  8 cory  10  512 Mar 19 17:21 ../burn/
  $ ls -l
  lrwxrwxrwx  1 cory  10  7 Mar 19 17:22 burn@ - ../burn
  drwxr-xr-x  3 cory  cory  512 Mar 19 17:30 pub/
  $ mv burn/ pub
  $ ll
  lrwxrwxrwx  1 cory  10  7 Mar 19 17:22 burn@ - ../burn
  drwxr-xr-x  4 cory  cory  512 Mar 19 17:30 pub/
  $ ls -ld ../burn
  ls: ../burn: No such file or directory
 so burn (the directory) moved to pub/?
Yes and burn@ remained, continuing to point to ../burn which is no longer

 What's most odd to me is that both scenarios end up with a symlink to
 nothing.  Perhaps the lesson is to not mv a symlink because it's behaviour
 is undefined ... or at least varies by implementation.
Only in these scenarios because the symlink is relative.  If the symlink was
absolute, it would have remained valid in both scenarios.  Why would it be
undefined?  The freebsd symlink(7) page says symlinks are files that act as
pointers to other files.  What's wrong with moving a file from one place to

The oddity to me is the subtle difference between mv burn pub and mv burn/
pub on freebsd produces quite different results, whereas there is no
distinction on either linux or solaris.

 symlink(7) on OpenBSD says:
  If it is explicitly intended that the command operate on the symbolic
  link instead of following the symbolic link -- e.g., it is desired that
  ``chown owner slink'' change the ownership of ``slink'', not of what it
  points to -- the -h option should be used.  In the above example, ``chown
  owner slink'' would change the owner of ``afile'' to ``owner'', while
  ``chown -h owner slink'' would change the ownership of ``slink''.
This is good, having a mandatory option to act in a different manner.

  There are several exceptions to this rule.  The mv(1) and rm(1) commands
  do not follow symbolic links named as arguments, but respectively attempt
  to rename and delete them. 
This is the crux.  It is wrong in the case of 'burn/'.  The above paragraphed
is nearly verbatim what the freebsd symlink(7) man page says.  I'm curious what
openbsd's behavior is in this scenario.  Please try it:
cd /tmp ; mkdir a b a/c ; cd a ; ln -s ../b; mv b/ c; ls -l c

On linux/solaris this shows me a link:
lrwxrwxrwx   1 cory staff  4 Mar 20 00:38 b - ../b
On freebsd this shows me a directory:
drwxr-xr-x  2 cory  wheel  512 Mar 20 00:45 b/

   (Note that if the symbolic link references a
  file via a relative path, moving it to another directory may very well
  cause it to stop working, since the path may no longer be correct.)
This is an obvious caveat on any system.

 The behaviour of you example is like on Linux.
I'm not sure what this means.  I have not been able to reproduce the freebsd
results on linux or solaris.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug] Unix/Linux Optimization- ProgramsNeed for?

2004-03-20 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Sat, Mar 20, 2004 at 12:58:52PM -0800, T. Joseph Carter wrote:
 Windows' optimizing involves defragmenting the drive.
It also involves cleaning out the continually accumulating crap from the
registry.  There are a few programs that do this, but the best method is

Unix systems don't have a centralized database that every action refers to,
thus generally run at top speed.  For disk access, I have not yet heard of
disk defragmentation ever being an issue.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]stream limits? or algorithm help

2004-03-20 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 09:15:02AM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
  What is the limit on streams?
I still would like to know the max stream count.  Is it file descriptors?  If
so what is that, 65535?  So I could use 'echo blah 65535' (didn't seem to

 This seems like a task that is simple in Python or Perl, but less
 simple as a shell script.  Assuming you have the first file above as
 stdin, either of the attached scripts produces the second file.
Thanks for the scripts.  Of course a hash of arrays is the _obvious_ solution!


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]combining shell streams

2004-03-18 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 03:13:09PM -0800, Jason wrote:
 I am an awk user by habit and would usually do an:
 $ awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd
 for this, but cut saves some typing and seems more
 logical for these cases where you don't need to do
 selective (regex) printing.

What you typed is about the limit of my awk knowledge.  Cut has the annoying
condition that delimeters are one character.  So if there is some input:
happy.comOK REJECT
$ cut -f 2 -d \-- space after \
Will print a space, specifically the 2nd space after the com on each column.  
$ awk '{print $2}' 
will print the OK and REJECT column.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]stream limits? or algorithm help

2004-03-18 Thread Cory Petkovsek
What is the limit on streams?

Here's what I'm intending to do and perhaps someone has a better solution:
I have a list of email addresses for a virtual email host:


I want to group by domain, append an ' OK' and insert a '$domain REJECT' after
each domain block.  The output should look like this:


I want to process the input once for scalability.  Right now I have a small
perl script that opens up 1 through # of domains as streams (ie 1, 2,
 3).  Then I intend to capture these streams in order.  The streams are all
stored in a hash.  However something tells me this is only an exercise in
stream fun and not the ideal approach.  Pseudo code, Perl or shell solutions
are welcome.

Here's a naive way I could do this with bash, however it calls ldapdump
repeatedly.  ldapdump is a perl script that dumps all email addresses from an
ldap server.

( for i in `cat destination_domains` ; do 
ldapdump | egrep $i | sed -e 's/$/ OK/'; echo $i REJECT ; 
  done )  valid_local_senders

Finally, here's why:  Postfix has the capability to reject email for addresses
that don't exist on it's local domains.  However it does not have the native
configured ability to reject email From:  non-existent addresses on it's
local domains.  Well I figured out how to configure it.  Now for a specific set
of domains that the local mail server is responsible for, email must be either
to or from valid users.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business

EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]freebsd mv symlink moves linked dir?!

2004-03-18 Thread Cory Petkovsek
Over a solaris nfs, in freebsd I told it to mv a symlink to another directory.
However the linked directory was moved into the target dir instead of the
symlink.  What's up with that?!  

Is that because I was over nfs, or is it because of freebsd mv?  Linux mv moves
symlinks, although I'm not sure about nfs.  Freebsd ls is aware that the files
are symlinks, so why not mv?  When I rm'ed the symlink, it properly removed the
symlink and not the linked dir.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]combining shell streams

2004-03-17 Thread Cory Petkovsek
I wanted to share with you a shell accomplishment I had today.  For as long as
I've worked with unix, I've wanted to combine streams on the command line.  I
just figured out how to do it tonight.  Here I'm comparing 5 password files for
those usernames that are not in all of them:

# (cut -f 1 -d : passwd1 ; cut -f 1 -d : passwd2 2;
cut -f 1 -d : passwd3 3; cut -f 1 -d : passwd4 4 ;
cut -f 1 -d : passwd5 5) 21 31 41 51 |sort|uniq -c|grep -v 5

Output looks like this:
  4 cory
  3 jim
  1 mike
 10 sammy

That last one was amusing.  Apparently sammy was in each file twice!  Here's
a break down if you need it:

- cut -f 1 -d : file, means print the first column, delimited by :
- Each cut command goes into a stream: 2, 3, etc.  The first one goes into
  1 by default.
- All extra streams are redirected into the main stream: 21 31...
- All 5 combined streams are sorted
- Then sent through uniq -c which counts the number of occurances of each name
- grep -v 5 means print all rows that don't have the string '5'

I realize I could have also done this:
# cut -f 1 -d : passwd? |sort|uniq -c|grep -v 5
However the point of the exercise was combining streams from any programatic
source, not just cut.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Store and Forward

2004-03-16 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 03:37:39PM +, Bob Crandell wrote:
 What does your Mon alert look like?

Pretty simple.  Here is the alert sans comments:
if [ $1 ==  ]; then 
echo Usage: $0 service_name
echo Returns 0 if service found, 1 otherwise
echo Uses \`ps\` command
exit 1

# A good regex will use ^ at least, ie ^/usr/bin/named
A=`ps -o cmd -e |egrep -q $1`
exit $?

Here's an alert to restart a service:

use Getopt::Std;
getopts (f:c:s:g:h:t:l:u);

my $file = $opt_f if defined $opt_f;
my $cmd = $opt_c || restart;

if (-x /etc/init.d/$file) {
system(/etc/init.d/$file $cmd);

Then you can use both in a service definition:

watch servers
  service sshd 
interval 10m
monitor service.monitor ^/usr/sbin/sshd
period wd {Sun-Sat} 
alertevery 1h
alert restart_svc.alert -f sshd -c restart 
alert mail.alert -S sshd is down, attempting restart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
upalert mail.alert -S sshd is back up [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug] How does Netscape compare to Mozilla in Mac OS X and Linux/Unix?

2004-03-16 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 11:11:37AM -0800, Harald Sundt wrote:
 How does Netscape compare to Mozilla in Mac OS X and Linux/Unix?
In linux/unix, netscape 4.x sucks.  Mozilla has finally gotten pretty cool and
MozillaFirebird, now Firefox rocks.  This is interms of speed and over all
quality and functionality.  The latest Netscape IS mozilla, it was based off of
mozilla 1.0 or 1.2.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]solaris nfs/autofs/cachefs (was: second NIC for dedicated connection)

2004-03-14 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 06:27:55PM -0800, Mr O wrote:
 thing but I've seen posts on it. NFS likes to just drop it's
 connection even though it shows as still mounted. Seems to be a
 2.6 thing. Anyone else experienced it yet?

I've had problems with the linux nfs-kernel daemon.  It would die after a few
mounts/umounts.  It worked for one user, but wouldn't do for production.  2.4
kernel.  Didn't find a solution.  However now I'm using sunos with autofs.

Question, does autofs use nfs?  On my solaris box I've defined an nfs share
$ cat /etc/dfs/dfstab
share -F nfs -o rw=saraswati:parvati:lakshmi:vishnu -d home dirs /export/home

Then I setup autofs on my linux laptop and on saraswati, the sunbox.  It is
clear that I could have 'share -F autofs...', however I don't and autofs works
fine.  In partial answer to my own question, typing mount on linux reveals:
automount(pid2038) on /home type autofs (rw,fd=5,pgrp=2038,minproto=2,maxproto=3)
saraswati:/export/home/cory on /home/cory type nfs (rw,addr=

So I see it does use nfs.  Can anyone clear up the relation?  Why is it that
although saraswati:/export/home is mounted, only /home/cory shows up instead of
automounting the whole?  Why would I specify 'share -F autofs' as opposed to
what I have '-F nfs' ?

And finally, I also have the option of cachefs.  What is that good for?


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Semi-interesting SPAM articles

2004-03-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 11:55:36PM -0800, Jason wrote:
 I think the most interesting point is that, while a
 good background of the problem and proposed solutions
 is given, it seems there really is no good answer
 currently. The author does make mention of Sender
 Permitted From (, which was
 recently mentioned to me by a co-worker and is the
 solution I've been looking into most lately. 
SPF may work for cutting out spam spoofed from aol/yahoo/msn accounts.  However
a lot of domains don't even have valid ptr records.  How are they going to
figure out how to setup a ptr record?  Even if they did, there are going to be
a lot of sites that won't set this up.  There are many legit boxes that
spammers have broken in to to send spam.

 Any opinions from the list on where this field/problem
 is going? Will it continue (as in the rest of the
 field of security) to be an arms race? 
The article doesn't mention greylisting, which I think is a good temporary
solution.  It greatly increases the cost to spammers.  I think it will continue
to be an arms race until either the protocol or the infrastructure changes.  I
have not yet heard of a practical and secure replacement/extension to smtp.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Store and Forward

2004-03-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 10:28:48PM -0800, Cory Petkovsek wrote:
 1) Postfix+amavisd-new+spamassassin on one server
 2) default exchange 5.5 on another server
 3) script that dumps ldap entries from exchange to a text file that postfix
 Easy as one, two, three.

Bob, I'm actually in the process of setting up this exact system for one of my
clients in portland.  I'm setting it up with the above plus software mirroring
and service monitoring.  I made my own Mon alert to restart services if they


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]second NIC for dedicated connection

2004-03-11 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 09:30:43AM -0800, Mr O wrote:
 Okay, NFS works fine now but I still have to tweak my smb.conf
 some more I guess. FS says samba is running, is 139 the default
 port? Because I don't see it listed though everything else is
 listening on all ports.
Where is the output to those commands?  You know as well as we do, don't trust
the user to their own interpretation.

This is on my solaris box:
$ grep NETBIOS /etc/services 
netbios-ns  137/tcp # NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-ns  137/udp # NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-dgm 138/tcp # NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-dgm 138/udp # NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-ssn 139/tcp # NETBIOS Session Service
netbios-ssn 139/udp # NETBIOS Session Service

$ netstat -na -P tcp |egrep 13[789]
  *.139*.*0  0 24576  0 LISTEN

$ netstat -na -P udp |egrep 13[789]
  *.137 Idle
  *.138 Idle Idle Idle

If using samba v3, make sure these conf statements make sense:
hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127.
interfaces = 

 route -an? Seems to not like that switch. ifconfig is proper
Because nothin.. It's not for you, its for us.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Store and Forward

2004-03-10 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 11:02:39PM +, Bob Crandell wrote:
 One of my clients is asking for a SPAM filter for his Exchange server.  No
 wise cracks.  He's stuck and he knows it.
 What I was planning on putting in was Sendmail/Procmail/SpamAssassin store and
 forward mail server.  My question is can I and how do I do this without
 creating users on the mail server?
Bob, I've done it with exchange/postfix.
With my setup, Postfix accepts email only for users found on the exchange
server.  New account?  Add it in exchange.  Postfix will use ldap, or one
can have a script that dumps ldap to a hash file for postfix.  LDAP is built
in to exchange.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Store and Forward

2004-03-10 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 08:49:57AM -0600, Christopher Forsythe wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 11:02:39PM +, Bob Crandell wrote:
 LDAP is built in to exchange.
 Not totally correct. Active directory is based on ldap, and exchange 
 2000 is dependent on active directory. Exchange is also an active 
 directory aware system. Now if this person were to be using exchange 
 5.5 or below, then the assumption that ldap is there would be 
 incorrect. For the most part you are right though. :D
Excuse me?  When's the last time you've looked at an Exchange 5.5 server.  It
has a built in ldap server that ties in to all of the entries in the server.
Try pointing an ldapsearch at it and see what comes out.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Store and Forward

2004-03-10 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 11:48:20AM -0800, Jason wrote:
 Maybe a dumb question, but why does the customer want
 a separate box vs. installing something like netiq's
 mailmarshal right on the Exchange box?

The customer probably wants a solution, not necessarily a separate box.  How
much does mailmarshall cost?  I tried to find out, but apparently it costs too
much to put the price tag on the website.

 Is the Exchange box the mx? (I hope not) Is this
 solution being planned for the mx? This is what I'd
 tend to recommend (anti-spam on either the mx or the
 Exchange box), since I don't see a reason to add
 another box to the mix (unless they have a ton of mail

Here we are, $630 for 100 email boxes
$230 for a 1 year upgrade plan for same.
$65 for 1 year of tech support

That price isn't bad, but I'd choose a separate box for the same reasons:
- Because of more control, I find it more convenient to work in a unix
  environment.  A client isn't going to work on it either way, so it doesn't
  matter to them.
- Extended licensing costs are dollars they can pay me.  They are likely going
  to pay me the same either way, commercial or OSS, so why not save them some
- OSS is open source, completely trouble-shootable, free, Free, etc
- Upgrades are free.
- Additional mailboxes are free.
- I can easily and quickly make the box a secure webserver too, add webmail
  for another hour.  Want bar graphs of your internet traffic?
- I can set it up or troubleshoot it remotely and securely with the default
  setup over a slow internet connection.  You can do most of that with windows,
  but not all four.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]second NIC for dedicated connection

2004-03-10 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 09:09:27PM -0800, Mr O wrote:
 I've added a second NIC to my fileserver and gamebox for
 dedicated connections. I can SSH into the fileserver over the
 dedicated connection but I can't connect via samba or NFS. I've
 already changed my /etc/hosts, hosts.allow, smb.conf, and
 exports files. Am I missing something else? Should I reboot
 {gasp} the fileserver?

Did you reboot when you put the card in? ;)
Running redhat?  Check your firewall.
Are the servers listening on all the interfaces?  netstat is your friend.  You
should see:  for samba on all interfaces, or  for samba on one interface/ip.
Show output of netstat -nltup.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Store and Forward

2004-03-10 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 06:54:02PM +, Bob Crandell wrote:
 I don't have LDAP installed anywhere.  So what you're saying is I need to
 install the users on the spam filter box in order for it to filter the mail
 that passes through it?  Not a big deal but I was hoping against it.

No, this is what I have at one site:

1) Postfix+amavisd-new+spamassassin on one server
2) default exchange 5.5 on another server
3) script that dumps ldap entries from exchange to a text file that postfix

Easy as one, two, three.

It provides these benefits over other solutions I've seen:
- All users modification is done on the exchange server.  #3 takes care of
  new/removed users.  No user accounts on the postfix server
- Postfix accepts mail _only_ for valid email accounts on the exchange server.
  Previous email filters I've worked with accepted all mail at the filter
  level.  Then crap stayed in the filter for days on end because NDR reports to failed to go.
- Postfix allows checking via perl compatible regular expressions.  That is
  very cool.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]recommendation wanted: PCI wireless adapter

2004-03-03 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 05:24:20PM -0800, Rob Hudson wrote:
 I'm looking for a PCI based wireless adapter to run on a linux box.  Can
 anyone recommend one that works well under linux?

I suggest the prism54 based cards that support 802.11g.  Find a list at  I have an smc pcmcia and a pci.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
(858) 705-1655   Business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]OT: FW: sig file...

2004-02-25 Thread Cory Petkovsek
An amusing sig:

My other computer is your IIS server.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to Your
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EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]IBM Websphere for linux

2004-02-10 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 11:37:45PM -0800, Mr O wrote:
 Anyone used it? Know anything about it? I need a good effecient
 GUI WYSIWYG editor since I HAVE to work with Flash and/or other
 Mr O.

I looked at it a while ago.  Their linux version was actually the
windows version with a wine wrapper.  I wasn't impressed or even
interested in using it.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(858) 705-1655   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]dns gizmo

2004-02-08 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Sat, Feb 07, 2004 at 06:21:48PM -0800, john fleming wrote:
 I prefer pyton but is there a gizmo that will translate a url into an 
 isp so I can run nmap on it and take it's os fingerprint?

nmap can do name resolution all by itself.

nmap -O 

However, the problem with this approach is that the dns server may
return multiple ip addresses and most programs will take only the first


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(858) 705-1655   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Re: Naive BSD question

2004-02-05 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 08:45:52PM -0801, Jacob Meuser wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 11:20:03PM -0800, Cory Petkovsek wrote:
  On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 08:07:01PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I believe all the BSDs use the Fast File System* (ffs). But that
   shouldn't be a problem for want you want to do - at least not from
   the BSD side of things. You just need to specify what Type of file
   system /home is in your /etc/fstab file. I'd be very surprised if
   Linux couldn't mount a FFS partition. see mount(8) and mount_ext2fs(8)
   in your version of BSD.
  FFS is the old name for UFS (the Unix File System), which is the current
  standard for at least freebsd and solaris.
 Um, no.

That's funny, my Freebsd system formated the drive as UFS, not FFS.
Apparently 5.x supports UFS2 in addition to the older UFS1.  No mention
of FFS.

From The Complete FreeBSD, 4th edition Greg Lehey (c) 2003, p190:
UFS is the UNIX File System.  All [FreeBSD] native disk file systems
are of this type.  Since FreeBSD 5.0 you have a choice of two different
versions, UFS 1 and UFS 2.  (UFS 2 supports 1TB.)

A foot note: Paradoxically, although BSD may not be called UNIX, its
file system is called the UNIX File System.  The UNIX System Group, the
developers of UNIX System V.4, adopted UFS as the standard file
system for System V and gave it this name.  Previously it was called the
Berkeley Fast File System, or ffs.

Jacob, I find it amusing that you are quoting [old] linux sources and I, BSD
sources.  Our roles are reversed for once.  ;)


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(858) 705-1655   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Re: Naive BSD question

2004-02-05 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 12:23:09PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 I'm guessing you already have BSD partition table support in your
 kernel if you've gotten a dual-boot system working.
Freebsd is fine without having freebsd magic in the partition table.
Meaning this deduction is not necessarily true.  Meaning, just because
he has a dual boot with a bsd doesn't mean the linux kernel has any
support for anything.

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(858) 705-1655   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Naive BSD question

2004-02-03 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 06:56:40PM -0800, Robert M. Solovay wrote:
   I'm guessing you meant to say that you can mount the UFS
 filesystem from Linux. Is this right?

Yes, that's what he meant.

Now what would be cool is a journaled file system for bsd.  Any one out
there?  Perhaps when bsd supports xfs, reiser or ext3.

Hey all from San Diego!


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(858) 705-1655   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Re: Naive BSD question

2004-02-03 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 08:07:01PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I believe all the BSDs use the Fast File System* (ffs). But that
 shouldn't be a problem for want you want to do - at least not from
 the BSD side of things. You just need to specify what Type of file
 system /home is in your /etc/fstab file. I'd be very surprised if
 Linux couldn't mount a FFS partition. see mount(8) and mount_ext2fs(8)
 in your version of BSD.

FFS is the old name for UFS (the Unix File System), which is the current
standard for at least freebsd and solaris.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(858) 705-1655   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]pop3 - imap

2003-12-18 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 01:59:25PM -0800, Rob Hudson wrote:
 I've got teapop set up on my FreeBSD server that handles my mail.  I
 heard good things about IMAP and would like to also install
 SquirrelMail, which requires an IMAP server.
 Is there anything special I need to know to move from POP to IMAP?
 What is a good choice for an IMAP server?

Store your mail in maildir format and install courier-imap.

UW-imap takes more resources, cyrus is more of a sealed box.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]redundant powersupply

2003-12-16 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 09:33:59AM -0800, Mr O wrote:
 Looking at SparklePower's website I've noticed the largest
 redundant they make is only 460W. The ONLY power supplies to
 consider for any machine is anything made by PC Power  Cooling,
 Sparkle Power (including but not limited to: Fortron; Vantec;
 Aopen; and others produced as OEM by Sparkle), Antec, and
 Hi-Pro. Anything else should not even be considered a power
 New toys I must play with. Y'all have fun now.

We have a twin power 900 supply made by pc power and cooling.  It has
dual 425w, but it doesn't cut the mustard.  We've been working with a
server that keeps going down.  Now we are going with an N+1 power supply
that has 3x350w supplies and a total redundant power output of 600w made
by zippy.  We were rather impressed when we called the manufacturer on
the east coast saturday night at 8:30 (11:30 his time) because of a
problem and actually spoke to the guy who shipped it to us.

PC Power and Cooling actually told me that people are moving away from
redundant power supplies.  -- Yeah, you used to be cool.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]bash command line - loop over a range

2003-12-16 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 12:41:09PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 Rob Hudson wrote:
  But is there a way to do something like this?:
  for i in [1-20] ; do cp graphic_$1.gif graphic_text_$1.gif ; done
  It doesn't work but it seems like there should be an easy way to set up
  a range like that.
   for ((i = 7; i  14; i++))
   echo $i

This doesn't work on all bashes.  Specifically bash on my solaris 8 box.
Why not?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 2.05b.0(1)-release (i386-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ for ((i=1; i10; i++)) ; do echo $i ; done

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 2.03.0(1)-release (sparc-sun-solaris)
Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ for ((i=1; i10; i++ )) ; do echo $i ; done
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(('
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ for (( i=1; i10; i++ )) ; do echo $i ; done
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(('
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ for ((i=1; i10; i++)) ; do echo $i ; done
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(('


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]bash command line - loop over a range

2003-12-16 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 02:15:05AM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 Cory Petkovsek wrote:
  This doesn't work on all bashes.  Specifically bash on my solaris 8 box.
  Why not?
 Because it's a bash extension, and because it's a recent bash
Recent bash extension?  Did you read my versions?
debuan linux: GNU bash, version 2.05b.0(1)-release (i386-pc-linux-gnu)
Solaris: GNU bash, version 2.03.0(1)-release (sparc-sun-solaris)

My solaris version is more recent than the debian version!  Both from

 Here's a technique that worked as long ago as Seventh Edition
 Unix (1978?)
This looks good though, I was trying for a 'while' replacement but
wasn't getting it.
   # No #! here -- that won't be recognized until 4.1 BSD.
What do you mean #!?  Haven't seen that before.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]bash command line - loop over a range

2003-12-16 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 12:58:22PM -0800, Brad Davidson wrote:
 How do you figure? Unless that 'new math' they tought me back in grade 
 school is coming back to haunt me, 2.05  2.03
um... 5 looks like an upside down 2...  
Good thing I'm not a math teacher.

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]bash command line - loop over a range

2003-12-16 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 01:48:42PM -0800, Ben Barrett wrote:
 PS - 5/2, 2/5:  are you reading mail on a non-pixel [ie, element-based] LCD?

No, CRT.  I'm thinking that reading was not what I was doing.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug] I am getting SP***M - I apologize,...

2003-12-11 Thread Cory Petkovsek
Hey guys how about you take this personal discussion off list?


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Compromised? Intruder??

2003-12-10 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 12:49:07AM -0800, Woody Mims wrote:
 Hi all --
 Working on configuring a home Samba Server, I did a netstat -a. One line 
 came up that I hadn't ever seen before:
 Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State
 udp00  localhost:blackjack 
 localhost:blackjack ESTABLISHED
As others have noted, your local address is localhost:blackjack and
foreign address is localhost:blackjack.  This means a connection from port 1025 to the same.
Run this to figure out what pid is making that connection:
lsof|grep 1025

Also if blackjack was a computer name, ie it said for a foreign address:
blackjack:389, This would mean that this host resolved the connecting
address to the hostname `blackjack'.  This would also mean the dns or
hosts file has the connecting ip address listed with the computer name
in the same domain as the current machine.  Otherwise you would see a
fully qualified domain name or an ip address:


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Useful resource for newbies and non-technical people

2003-12-10 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 10:22:22PM -0800, Larry Price wrote:
 Just say NO
 goes into detail about why and has a fairly agnostic approach to 
 recommending alternative products...

And, here is a growing list of equivalent products.  Apparently the guy
continues to receive information and corrections and has started to put
the information into a database for easier access in the future:

Programs for CD burning with GUI
Nero, Roxio Easy CD Creator, ...
1) K3b. (KDE)
2) XCDRoast.
3) KOnCd.
4) Eclipt Roaster.
5) Gnome Toaster.
6) CD Bake Oven.
7) KreateCD.
8) SimpleCDR-X.
9) GCombust.
10) WebCDWriter. (CD burn server, usable from any remote browser with
Java support)
11) CDR Toaster.
12) Arson.
13) CD-Me (Creation of audio-CD).

Text to speech  
MS text to speech   
1) KDE Voice Plugins.
2) Festival.
3) Emacspeak.
4) VoiceText.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Miserable Failure

2003-12-10 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 02:01:54PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 For a good time...
 1. Go to Google.
 2. Enter two words: miserable failure
 3. Click I'm Feeling Lucky
 Sorry if you've already seen it...

Those words to not appear on the page nor in the source.  Google says
they cannot change their database records and ranking system.  This is
not cool.  I'm glad that is well under development.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]journaling filesystems

2003-12-09 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 09:36:24AM -0800, Rob Hudson wrote:
 The next time I install Linux on my desktop, I plan on using a journaled
 filesystem.  If you all could indulge me, I'd like to hear about what
 journaled filesystem you're running and how it fares.
 I'm thinking about ext3 simply b/c it seems like an easy switch from
 ext2, and looks like it doesn't even need to format the drive.
 XFS just got included in the 2.4 kernel...
 I think there is also ReiserFS.

I've used reiserfs for a few years.  Only recently have I used ext3
occasionally.  I prefer reiserfs as I believe it is a little faster for
systems with many files.  In the cases where I've used ext3, this is
usually for a /boot partition, or at home when I want a drive that will
power down for quietness.  Reiserfs has a built in 5 second check point,
which will keep the drive awake.

As for xfs, I probably wouldn't use it on a critical production box for
precisely the reason you stated.  I thought about it for a non critical
production box, specifically our mail filter and one of our mail
servers.  XFS is supposed to perform very well where there are a lot of
little files, like with reiserfs, because it is highly cached.  This
would work well with a maildir imap server.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]redundant powersupply

2003-12-09 Thread Cory Petkovsek
Anyone know who makes a redundant power supply of around 1200w or dual
600w.  Right now I have a server with a PC Power  Cooling Twin Power
900w power supply that provides dual 450w.  However I have a server
sucking down more than one supply can handle and now it's being flaky.
Hotswap is not required.  
Chassis is a cal pc 13-bay 8u rack mount.
Supermicro S2DL3 Motherboard.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]renaming

2003-12-05 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 10:08:20AM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 Dirk Ouellette wrote:
   noartist]# ls notitle
  _10.mp3  _13.mp3  _16.mp3  _19.mp3  _22.mp3  _25.mp3  _28.mp3  _3.mp3 
  _6.mp3  _9.mp3
  _11.mp3  _14.mp3  _17.mp3  _20.mp3  _23.mp3  _26.mp3  _29.mp3  _4.mp3 
  _7.mp3  track00.mp3
  _12.mp3  _15.mp3  _18.mp3  _21.mp3  _24.mp3  _27.mp3  _2.mp3   _5.mp3 
  What is the #rename command to rename all of these files with
  section_*.mp3, [as in section_1.mp3 for track00.mp3] and so on?
 This would work.
   cd noartist/notitle
   rename _ section_ *.mp3
 I don't know where the rename command came from (it's not part of
 classical Unix), but it's in util-linux now, distributed by

There are actually two rename commands that I've seen.  In debian,
rename is a perl script which takes a perl substitution.  Your command
would be:

rename 's/_/section_/g' *.mp3

In gentoo and perhaps other distributions you might have a binary rename
which takes the format bob described above:

rename _ section_ *.mp3


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug] FW: [SECURITY] [DSA 404-1] New rsync packages fix unauthorised remote code execution

2003-12-04 Thread Cory Petkovsek
Kbob posted the gentoo security alert about an rsync server being broken
in to some how and accomplishing a root level compromise.  An rsync
vulnerability was discovered.  This is likely the entry point and the
gentoo server is probably the public rsync server Martin mentions


Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 404-1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Martin Schulze
December 4th, 2003
- --

Package: rsync
Vulnerability  : heap overflow
Problem-Type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CAN-2003-0962

The rsync team has received evidence that a vulnerability in all
versions of rsync prior to 2.5.7, a fast remote file copy program, was
recently used in combination with a Linux kernel vulnerability to
compromise the security of a public rsync server.

While this heap overflow vulnerability could not be used by itself to
obtain root access on an rsync server, it could be used in combination
with the recently announced do_brk() vulnerability in the Linux kernel
to produce a full remote compromise.

Please note that this vulnerability only affects the use of rsync as
an rsync server.  To see if you are running a rsync server you
should use the command netstat -a -n to see if you are listening on
TCP port 873.  If you are not listening on TCP port 873 then you are
not running an rsync server.

For the stable distribution (woody) this problem has been fixed in
version 2.5.5-0.2.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
version 2.5.6-1.1.

However, since the Debian infrastructure is not yet fully functional
after the recent break-in, packages for the unstable distribution are
not able to enter the archive for a while.  Hence they were placed in
my home directory on the security machine:

We recommend that you upgrade your rsync package immediately if you
are providing remote sync services.  If you are running testing and
provide remote sync services please use the packages for woody.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 alias woody

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5 checksum:  545 466c30b8dac303dc23a4e33bb64710ca
  Size/MD5 checksum:91526 a81021e1b1b60ae99e3fc95262ca96d6
  Size/MD5 checksum:   415156 39d76c62684750842d3884a77c2e5466

  Alpha architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   227344 b885337ced8ec3c902b4ef43d560cff5

  ARM architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   206240 4e39539b438128912b4d0f4971134eb4

  Intel IA-32 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   199034 50f61c7b8a009767093e36ba68790a7b

  Intel IA-64 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   255378 886348cd33646fc167da6b1a9cbdc165

  HP Precision architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   213962 6057690f85e14d01072ab6a84ad52996

  Motorola 680x0 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   189620 d3c784bb621d2c7a66a2bd3fa418fad8

  Big endian MIPS architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   216122 f22358818b785d4bdb43cc56e0140f0a

  Little endian MIPS architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   216420 1e40db535e7b1d8340d65f101b2bb60a

  PowerPC architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   205436 d4bc1decf806f2102f434875ab4aa66e

  Sun Sparc architecture:

Re: [eug-lug]FW: Debian Investigation Report after Server Compromises

2003-12-03 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 11:47:54AM -0800, Hal Pomeranz wrote:
 The only thing that worries me about the write up is the fact that a
 sniffed password was used to break into several machines.  I have to
 ask why they're not using SSH for all communications to/from these
 boxes and why they're not using something better than re-usable passwords
 for access control.  

I'm concerned about this to.  Not only that they passwords were sent in
a sniffable format, but also in a medium that was sniffable.  How did
the attacker sniff packets between developer machines and
Unless they cracked a box in between somewhere, anywhere.

 Sloppy work on the attackers' part in leaving the exploit code behind
 so that it could be analyzed, btw.  All you can say is, thanks very much.

This isn't necessarily sloppy work.  Have you looked at The Coroner's
Toolkit[1] by Wietse Venema (author of postfix) and Dan Farmer?  This is
basically a unix undelete.  The attacker could very well have erased
their already encrypted exploit binary, and tct or even a dd image could
have recovered it unless they overwrote the particular disk blocks.



Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]FW: Debian Investigation Report after Server Compromises

2003-12-02 Thread Cory Petkovsek

The Debian Project
Debian Investigation Report [EMAIL PROTECTED]
December 2nd, 2003

Debian Investigation Report after Server Compromises

The Debian administration team and security experts are finally able
to pinpoint the method used to break-in into four project machines.
However, the person who did this has not yet been uncovered.

The package archives were not altered by the intruder.

The Debian administration and security teams have checked these
archives (security, us, non-us) quite early on in the investigation
and re-installation process.  That's why the project was able to open
up the security archive again and confirm that the stable update
(3.0r2) wasn't compromised.

If the project had anticipated to get compromised at the same time the
stable update was implemented, the involved people would have
postponed it.  However, the updated packages were already installed in
the stable archive and mirror servers at the time the break-ins were
discovered, so it wasn't possible to hold it back anymore.

Several methods based on different control data were used to verify
the packages and to ensure that the archives weren't altered by the

 . externally stored lists of MD5 sums accumulated over the past weeks
   on not compromised machines
 . digitally signed .changes files from external debian-devel-changes
   archives on not compromised machines
 . digitally signed .changes files on the respective archive servers
 . externally stored mirror log files


Below is the timeline of discovery and recovery of the compromised
machines.  All times are in UTC.  Some times are only estimates since
our conversation did not contain exact timestamps.

   Sep 28  01:33  Linus Torvalds releases 2.6.0-test6 with do_brk() fix
   Oct 02  05:18  Marcello Tosatti applies do_brk() boundary check
   Nov 19  17:00  Attacker logs into klecker with sniffed password
   Nov 19  17:08  Root-kit installed on klecker
   Nov 19  17:20  Attacker logs into master with same sniffed password
   Nov 19  17:47  Root-kit installed on master
   Nov 19  18:30  Attacker logs into murphy with service account from master
   Nov 19  18:35  Root-kit installed on murphy
   Nov 19  19:25  Oopses on murphy start
   Nov 20  05:38  Oopses on master start
   Nov 20  20:00  Discovery of Oopses on master and murphy
   Nov 20  20:54  Root-kit installed on gluck
   Nov 20  22:00  Confirmation that was compromised
   Nov 21  00:00  Deactivation of all accounts
   Nov 21  00:34  Shut down
   Nov 21  04:00  Shut down gluck (www, cvs, people, ddtp)
   Nov 21  08:30  Point to
   Nov 21  10:45  Public announcement
   Nov 21  16:47  Developer information updated
   Nov 21  17:10  Shut down murphy (lists)
   Nov 22  02:41 is back online
   Nov 25  07:40 is back online
   Nov 28  22:39  Linux 2.4.23 released


On the evening (GMT) of Thursday, November 20th, the admin team
noticed several kernel oopses on master.  Since that system was
running without problems for a long time, the system was about to be
taken into maintenance for deeper investigation of potential hardware
problems.  However, at the same time, a second machine, murphy, was
experiencing exactly the same problems, which made the admins

Also, klecker, murphy and gluck have Advanced Intrusion Detection
Environment (package aide) installed to monitor filesystem changes
and at around the same time it started warning that /sbin/init had
been replaced and that the mtime and ctime values for
/usr/lib/locale/en_US had changed.

Further investigation revealed the cause for both these problems to be
the SucKIT root-kit.  It includes password sniffing and detection
evasion capabilities (i.e. tools to hide processes and files) which
are installed directly into the kernel, which in turn caused the
oopses that were noticed.

Detailed Attack Analysis

On Wednesday, November 19th, at approximately 5pm GMT, a sniffed
password was used to log into an unprivileged developer account on the
host klecker (  The attacker then retrieved the source
code through HTTP for an (at that time) unknown local kernel exploit
and gained root permissions via this exploit.  Afterwards, the SucKIT
root-kit was installed.

The same account and password data were then used to log into the
machine master, to gain root permissions with the same exploit and
also to install the SucKIT root-kit.

The attacker then tried to get access to the host murphy with the same
account.  This failed because murphy is a restricted machine and its
only purpose is to act as list server to which only a small subset of
developers can log into.  Since the initial login attempt 

Re: [eug-lug]Debian compromise solved.

2003-12-02 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 20:45:09 -0800, T. Joseph Carter wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 01:44:21PM -0800, Cory Petkovsek wrote:
  Beat you to it.  However read the additional info link I posted.  The
  patch is only in the 2.4.23 kernel.  Do you keep right up with the
  bleeding edge kernels?  The debian servers were on 2.4.21 and 22.
 In the stable branch?  You bet I do.
 I don't deploy them widely until I've tested them, but still.  

The 2.4.23 kernel was not available when debian was cracked.  It wasn't
released until 6 days later on the 28th.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]more info on debian security breach and a fix

2003-12-01 Thread Cory Petkovsek
More information on the debian security breach:

Note this is a kernel vulnerability (local root exploit), so affects
more than just debian!

Earlier today, the vulnerability was discovered and patched.  Note that
the Redhat, SuSE and Debian teams worked together to resolve this!  Go


Hash: SHA1

Debian Security Advisory DSA-403-1   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wichert Akkerman
December  1, 2003

Package: kernel-image-2.4.18-1-alpha, kernel-image-2.4.18-1-i386, 
Vulnerability  : userland can access full kernel memory 
Problem type   : local
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id(s)  : CAN-2003-0961

Recently multiple servers of the Debian project were compromised using a
Debian developers account and an unknown root exploit. Forensics
revealed a burneye encrypted exploit. Robert van der Meulen managed to
decrypt the binary which revealed a kernel exploit. Study of the exploit
by the RedHat and SuSE kernel and security teams quickly revealed that
the exploit used an integer overflow in the brk system call. Using
this bug it is possible for a userland program to trick the kernel into
giving access to the full kernel address space. This problem was found
in September by Andrew Morton, but unfortunately that was too late for
the 2.4.22 kernel release.

This bug has been fixed in kernel version 2.4.23 for the 2.4 tree and
2.6.0-test6 kernel tree. For Debian it has been fixed in version
2.4.18-12 of the kernel source packages, version 2.4.18-14 of the i386
kernel images and version 2.4.18-11 of the alpha kernel images.

Upgrade instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian 3.0 (stable)
- ---

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5 checksum:69746 a4b642e03732748d6820524746ba2265
  Size/MD5 checksum: 29818323 24b4c45a04a23eb4ce465eb326a6ddf2
  Size/MD5 checksum:  874 6fe1a9a759850570f1609b77502c13bc
  Size/MD5 checksum:24210 11373e2cf7e659f5a69c33f3f143fcaf
  Size/MD5 checksum:  798 14840782d3ae928fd453a7dba225bb7f
  Size/MD5 checksum: 1325 a77acb0743f3d3a16c00fa1cd4520e89
  Size/MD5 checksum:66878 916d16dd46c59dd4314c45e48f33f043

  Architecture independent packages:
  Size/MD5 checksum:  1710438 5e6cb496150391a93558652c97fb214b
  Size/MD5 checksum: 23903282 9d5cb5159bf76451dd32e75467ca6240

  alpha architecture (DEC Alpha)
  Size/MD5 checksum:  3514858 ec88046377537587469e5527f3633c65
  Size/MD5 checksum:  3362836 f91eb5ef18c3413ae200c5b1679264cc
  Size/MD5 checksum:  3512244 a46de1359655b3a05c99cd8211edd41f
  Size/MD5 checksum: 12799424 966ecceeb16c5bf87cc31b9178d6add9

Re: [eug-lug]Debian compromise solved.

2003-12-01 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 01:38:01PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 This Debian Security Advisory finishes the story.
 Let this be a warning to us all to keep all our software fully up to
 date.  I don't want to read in the news about any exploited Linux
 boxes in Eugene.

Beat you to it.  However read the additional info link I posted.  The
patch is only in the 2.4.23 kernel.  Do you keep right up with the
bleeding edge kernels?  The debian servers were on 2.4.21 and 22.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]dns error

2003-11-25 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 10:44:19AM -0800, Cory Petkovsek wrote:
 I'm getting unusual errors from my dns server and firewall relating to
 an invalid private ip.  The errors are as follows:
 Bind 8 reports:
 Nov 20 09:59:24 mercury named[338]: ns_resp: sendto([].53):
 Operation not permitted
 Netfilter logging reports several instances of this:
 Nov 20 09:59:24 mercury kernel: OUTPUT: IN= OUT=eth1 SRC=
 DST= LEN=79 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP
 SPT=1024 DPT=53 LEN=59 
 Nov 20 09:59:24 mercury kernel: OUTPUT: IN= OUT=eth1 SRC=
 DST= LEN=79 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP
 SPT=1024 DPT=53 LEN=59 
 My firewall rules don't allow external connections to the 10.x address
 space.  What I suspect is occuring is that some dns server out there has
 an NS record pointing to and .10.  One of my clients tries to
 connect to a domain, which goes through the chain to the above NS 
 record.  Bind 8 tries to look it up, but my firewall rules don't allow

Regarding the above errors, I finally was able to track it down and
here's how I did it.  First I increased the logging of bind by adding
this to the logging {} section of named.conf:
channel my_logging_channel {
file bind_query.log;
severity info;
category queries { my_logging_channel; };

This gave me a /var/cache/bind/bind_query.log that looked like this:
(unfortunately no dates, although I could have logged to syslog)

Next I waited and when I saw the error in syslog, I stopped the logging
channel.  Then I figured out where in the file the last instance of a
particular site I had gone to that morning was, and deleted everything
prior to it.  Now I had a section of 20,000 dns queries, one of which was
likely the culprit.

Doing some `sort`ing and `uniq`ing of the file reduced it down to 4,000.
Then I ran:
grep ^[X] bind3 |awk -F/ '{print host -t  $4   $3;}'|sort|perl -e 'while() { 
system $_;  }'

eval was giving me trouble, so I used perl/system.  (I tried for i in
`awk stuff`; do eval $i ; done but bash was breaking on each space.)
Then I just watched until I saw the dns error popup and sure enough it
did.  Manually running some of the nearby queries I discovered it
occured when doing a dns lookup of my ISP's corporate mail server.

# host
This appeared in the logs because my firewall doesn't allow sending to
that address:
 Nov 20 09:59:24 mercury named[338]: ns_resp: sendto([].53):
 Operation not permitted

Tracing out the dns entries manually, I discovered:
# host -t ns name server name server
# host -t a has address
# host -t a has address

Ah ha!  Every time my ISP sends me an email, my postfix checks the
address given in the HELO statement ( and I get
a dns error.  They do have public IP, PTR and A records for the mail
server so it doesn't create other problems, but apparently these two ns
servers got overlooked.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]FW: Needing a network administrator...

2003-11-24 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 12:03:41PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 Matt Jarvis has forwarded a job opening.  Maybe someone here can use
 From: Cynthia Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 We have a great guy now, but he's moving to S.California at the end of
 December, and gave a 5-week notice.  I'd like someone to start mid-month so
 that they could have 2 weeks overlap to orient to the System while he's
 still here.

  We are looking for a new network administrator who can do NT4, Linux,
  routers, phone system, firewalls, etc.



Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Open Source equivalent of Microsoft Bob?

2003-11-23 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Sun, Nov 23, 2003 at 11:44:51AM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 Here is a discussion topic.
 What open source project/product is the moral equivalent of Microsoft
 Bob?  Not the literal equivalent, a smiley face that tells you
 irrelevant things about using a computer, but a project that
 symbolizes technology gone stupid?
 I'm thinking there has to be one (or several), but nothing is coming
 to mind.

Every technology needs a mascot.  Linux has Tux and Microsoft has bob
and clippy the paper clip and pooper the super dog.

A good representative project would be tux racer.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]cOURSE REQS FOR mATH 60

2003-11-21 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 08:06:27PM -0800, Dirk Ouellette wrote:
 I'm planning to take my Nursing pre-reqs now so when I retire from the
 Post office in Oct '06, I'll be ready to go. the following is a
 requirement for my first online Math 60 class. 
 Will open Office fill the bill here?
 Thanks, Dirk
 Course Specific Requirements: [image]Microsoft Word with Equation Editor
 You will be submitting homework assigments as Microsoft Word documents.
 You need to have the equation editor loaded in Microsoft Word. Check out
 the following link for instructions on using equation editor

Ask the course instructor if they are going to fund the purchase of MS
Word.  Explain that while the purchase of a $50 or even $100 text book,
while a little excessive is acceptable, the purchase of $3-500 software
product just for the sake of a class is absurd and should not be a
course requirement.  Ask about alternatives.  Ask now, so that in the
future when you are ready for the class, changes can have had time to
take effect.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]sco: novell-suse breaks sco contract

2003-11-18 Thread Cory Petkovsek
SCO CEO: Novell-SuSE breaks SCO contract
Planned acquisition violates non-compete agreement and could lead to
legal action against Novell
By Robert McMillan, IDG News ServiceNovember 18, 2003 

LAS VEGAS -- Novell Inc.'s $210 million planned acquisition of SuSE
Linux AG will put it in violation of a non-compete agreement the
networking vendor has with The SCO Group Inc., and could possibly lead
to legal action, SCO CEO Darl McBride said Monday in an interview.

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Computerbase, other Eugene PC resellers?

2003-11-17 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 10:08:24AM -0800, Jason wrote:
 kbob mentioned Computerbase as a place in Eugene to buy custom
 PCs/components; does anyone else have recommendations for this or
 other places to buy custom systems in town? I'd like to buy local and
 will be needing a new system when I get back to Eugene. I will
 probably be getting case/power supply/motherboard/CPU/ram and
 finishing it off with junk I already have.
 Positive and negative comments are appreciated.

Computer Base - I've gotten a few systems there.  They are currently
putting together another used system for me.  One of the guys there is
on this list.  I recommend them.

Vos - been there as a last resort for parts.

PC Parts Express -  Haven't been there.

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]ecommerce experiences sought

2003-11-14 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 11:49:45AM -0800, Larry Price wrote:
 Has anybody on this list had to deal with from a unix environment?
Yes, years ago.  I worked with an order form (not shopping cart) that
connected to  It was coded in perl.  The program is
Merchant Order Form.  I used v1.4.  I see they now have v2.4.  As I
recall though, had quite a simple gatway that one could
connect to with a simple html post form.  You can make that in any
scripting language and cut out your middleman which it sounds like
doesn't do much for you.  Search for information on how to
hook up.  You may need to log in to access setup documents.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug] [ Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 14]

2003-11-14 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 04:30:23PM -0800, Christopher Maujean wrote:
 so where do I get my free book?

Talk to Kbob.  You can get a book in exchange for a book review.

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug] [ Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 14]

2003-11-14 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 04:46:13PM -0800, Cory Petkovsek wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 04:30:23PM -0800, Christopher Maujean wrote:
  so where do I get my free book?
 Talk to Kbob.  You can get a book in exchange for a book review.

I'm on another list which actively participates in this program.  While
I don't know all of the specifics, it is basically this:  Orielley gives
books to lugs in exchange for a book review.  There is a limit.  In this
other lug, I believe they have a raffle from attendees of their group
meetings.  The raffle winner gets a book and owes a review for it.  

Book reviews through the lug should be posted on our website.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]RPM woes

2003-11-13 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 06:15:56AM +, Bob Crandell wrote:
 I know.  I'm bad.
 Just let this be a leason to you.  Don't cut corners.
 The longer I think about the more I'm hoping Cory isn't right about sick hardware.
 I'll know in the morning.

uh!  I can't believe you did that.  However it at least gives you a
reason for your symptoms, other than hardware.  Say hi to skipper for


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]'nuther reason

2003-11-13 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 09:38:46PM -0800, Ken Barber wrote:
 Lazy sysadmins?  I beg to differ.
 How about overworked sysadmins?  I was once in charge of a 'Doze 
 network and there was no way I could keep current with the 
 patches.  Before one patch project was complete, there were two 
 more vulnerabilities that needed patching.  And patching M$ 
 systems isn't exactly quick or easy with all of the testing that 
 must be done first, not to mention trying to schedule the patch 
 around various or department's schedules.  I could have worked 
 full-time at that place doing nothing else -- but I was required 
 to do everything else.
 The problem isn't lazy sysadmins, unless not wanting to work 70 
 hours per week is your definition of lazy.

Agreed.  In a recent thread about linux activism w/ numbers, I posted a
research report done by the Robert Frances Group, paid for by IBM.  This
study focused on real world clients using windows, linux and solaris on
x86 and sun hardware respectively.  They broke all measurements down to
normalized units so they could be compared fairly.  They found from
these real world businesses that a windows administrator can generally
administer 10 servers, while a linux administrator, although more
expensive, can manage 44 servers.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]'nuther reason

2003-11-13 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 10:09:54AM -0500, Linux Rocks! wrote:
 From the Real world experience files, I did my work co-op in a govt office. 
 There were 170 workstations (at that time) running NT4, and we needed to 
 update to SP4, IE, mcafee, and a few smaller apps. The bulk of the time was 
 for IE, and NT4, and it took about 2 hours per workstation. The process was 
 about 10 pages long, and the admin worked on one workstation at a time, at 
 this rate, working by himself, he would have gotten it done just in time for 
 the next update. If this were a linux shop, I could have taken my time (like 
 all day If I wanted) to write a script to completely automate this process, 
 and have all the workstations updated overnite (note, this means no downtime 
 for the user too!). This way, I could have spent the rest of my time doing 
 better things.

With 170 linux workstations, it wouldn't even take a whole day to write
a script.  I'd build a local debian mirror, then push out an apt sources
file and a cron job to every workstation that says to automatically
upgrade off of the server.

apt-get update
apt-get -q -y -u upgrade


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]'nuther reason

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 09:47:06AM -0800, jgw wrote:
  FYI, beginning this month, MS changed to announcing/releasing critical
  update security patches only on the second Tuesday of each month.
 If this is true, this plan isn't going to last long. Any hack victim would
 have a heyday in court if it could prove that Microsoft knowingly knew
 about an exploit, and held onto an announcement/patch for a month.

That's not hard to prove, since MS discovers only a small portion of
their vulnerabilities, most come from security companies who post the
results, and dates of what they find.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]'nuther reason

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 10:42:53AM -0800, Ben Barrett wrote:
 So we hope although I'm pretty certain there has almost *always*
 been some outstanding, known exploits on M$ products which they
 continually deny, put off, delay, etc.  Anyone got handy links to back
 me up?

How about any security company reports compared with patch release
dates.  A browsing through should provide many such
companies and reports.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Late to the Gentoo party

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 09:44:24AM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 # qpkg -I
 # qpkg -I -v
 To see the list of packages you've explicitly requested:
qpkg works but is quite slow.

 # cat /var/cache/edb/world
 I'm planning to put Gentoo on my laptop eventually.  Let us know how
 things like hotplug, wifi and USB go.

USB works fine on my laptop.  Haven't gotten into wifi yet.

Becareful with gentoo on a laptop.  I have two laptops with gentoo on
it.  Laptop hardware is not designed to be running at 100% cpu
utilization all the time, while a desktop could care less.  Gentoo means
compiling a lot and many hours running at near 100% cpu util.  This
broke my power supply in one of my laptops.  The other laptop I have a 3
year warranty on it, and the hardware is so new that Gentoo is the best
for it.  Freebsd won't boot.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Late to the Gentoo party

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 11:58:22AM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
  The other laptop I have a 3 year warranty on it, and the hardware is
  so new that Gentoo is the best for it.  Freebsd won't boot.
 What'd you get?

Dell inspiron 8000 or maybe 8500.  P4 2.2 ghz, 512mb, 30gb, geforce 2 or
4 with 64mb video ram, 15 wide screen, cdrw+dvd and windows XP!  It was
a gift.  It was also a challenge to find a version of the kernel that
actually ran on it without problems.  Knoppix was the only one for a
while, but I eventually figured out a gentoo config that allowed it to
boot without hanging.  There is no apm, only acpi controlled power
management which linux support is coming up on.  So I haven't gotten
suspend to work yet.  I have a touchpad and a usb mouse.  They have two
different interfaces, but I got X to work with both, simultaneously!

I'm also in the process of getting a new (used) system from computer
base to put freebsd on.  I had it for a while on my firewall, but didn't
have the time to figure out how to get Kame and FreeS/WAN to
interoperate, even though it has been done.  I need vpn access, so for
the time being it is linux on my firewall.  However it's also time to
get serious with freebsd.  Then I'll be getting serious with solaris.


btw, as long as we are talking about toys, I also just got an APC
SU3000RM!  A 3000va rack mount, 8 port, 3u, 120lbs UPS.  The thing is so
heavy I haven't even opened the box yet.  I hope my smaller rack can
hold it without taking it down through the floor.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]RPM woes

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 08:59:47PM +, Bob Crandell wrote:
 When I type rpm -i wu-ftpd-2.6.2-12.i386.rpm on a brand new Redhat 9.0 box
 I get
 rpm: relocation error: rpm: undefined symbol: poptAliasOptions
 This is an upgrade from mandrake 7.2 that didn't go well.
Wait, an upgrade from mandrake 7.2 doesn't sound like a brand new
Redhat 9.0 box.  Don't tell me you tried to cross distros.  Remember
what happened in ghost busters when they crossed the streams?  
Bad Tings (TM)


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]mail over ssh

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 02:24:54PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 You'll either have to kill
 printloop before you log out or terminate ssh by typing ~..

What does ~. do?  I tried it on my command line in an ssh session but it
said command not found.  Nothing in the bash man page.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]mail over ssh

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 01:35:12PM -0800, Rob Hudson wrote:
 At work, I leave an SSH session open to my server and run Mutt off the
 server.  Recently, our worksite acquired a firewall that closes inactive
 sessions after 15 minutes.  So if I don't get mail for 15 minutes and
 don't use the terminal, it drops me.
 What I'd like to do is update my .muttrc file and add a clock to the
 status line.  If I 'man muttrc', it tells me I can add %fmt to my
 index_format line to show the current time.  Anyone familiar with
 mutt rc files?  Can I add the %fmt to my status_format line?  Any
 other ideas to make activity on my screen to not drop the connection?

Look at the keepalive option for ssh.  It should be enabled by default.
You may want to verify that it is working with a verbose option.  

For the mutt rc files, don't look at the man page, instead look at the
manual: /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz

I don't see %fmt as an option on status_format.

Also look at a ping like utility that runs in the background.  Perhaps
something from the hping2 package to send invalid tcp/udp packets over
the tunnel (this requires making ssh a tunnel instead of a terminal).


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]mail over ssh

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 03:59:47PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 Cory Petkovsek wrote:
  What does ~. do?  I tried it on my command line in an ssh session but it
  said command not found.  Nothing in the bash man page.
 Look in ssh(1).  Tells ssh to disconnect.  You have to type
 it at the beginning of a line or ssh just passes it on.

Ah, now it works.  Neato!


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]RPM woes

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 10:37:17PM +, Bob Crandell wrote:
 Ok brand new a bad choice of words.  Redhat is brand new.  The box
What I was getting at was did you install redhat over the top of
mandrake or did you wipe it?  They way you said it sounded like the

 This is a file server in another city too far from here.  I
 had to install Redhat 3 times to get it to work.  
If you have to install so many times and now you are getting this
message after a clean install, I would immediately suspect a hardware
problem.  First thing: recompile the kernel.  You don't need to use it,
but the kernel compile will put the system through a pretty good test of
processor and memory.  Use a stable kernel and look out for any breaks
in the compile process.  They'll usually come as signal 11.  

Next try some tests of the disk system.  Put on a large file of real or
random data (600mb) and get an md5 sum of it.  Then copy it around
several places on the disk and get an md5 sum of the others.  If you get
disk errors or different md5 sums, obviously there is a disk/controller
problem.  Monitor the kernel log.

I have a few problems on my workstation right now.  VNC freezes my
console occasionally.  Since I use it daily it is a daily crash.  Sshd
works, but it is quite annoying.  I'll be replacing the video card to
test.  Also my debian package management files keep getting corrupted.
Occasionally I can no longer delete some files.  I suspect the disk


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]New laptop - Distro recommendations

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 02:36:08PM -0800, Jason wrote:
 I'm getting rid of my Mac work laptop and will soon be
 getting a new Stinkpad (T30 I believe). I have been
 out of the daily use Linux world for about a year or
 so, so I was wondering what thoughts folks would have
 on recommended distros for work purposes. I have been
 using mostly RedHat/Mandrake since about 1997 but am
 willing to change.

Thinkpads are usually pretty standard hardware.  I'd go with debian.
Don't bother with gentoo, it's not good for laptops because of intense
processing.  However the cutting edge hardware support is great.
Because of this I'd only run gentoo on a laptop with cutting edge
hardware, like the dell that I have.  With a thinkpad, I'd go debian.  I
also hear good things about libranet, a debian based commercial distro.
Supposedly they keep things up to date, which may mean more up to date
than debian-stable.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]RPM woes

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 01:34:18AM +, Bob Crandell wrote:
 Not any more.  ls now says:
 ls: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by 
 ls: /lib/ version `GLIBC_PRIVATE' not found (required by
 Have I ever mentioned I hate Redhat?
 I opened another session to see if I could login.  No.
 If I loose this session I'm toast.
 This computer is in Newport.  Sigh.

Ouch, I'd say you are already toast.  I think you have a hardware
problem.  This doesn't happen on a new install.  Don't hate redhat, it'd
happen on slack too.

Get the kernel log.  That information is quite valuable as it may tell
you what is going wrong.  You don't want to reinstall on a faulty system
just to go through it all again.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Re: New laptop - Distro recommendations (Bob Miller)

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 04:29:15PM -0800, Jason wrote:
 Is gentoo that bad? I don't mind putting in a bit of
 work, but since it is a work laptop, I mostly want to
 get going with a fairly small amount of downtime.
Don't do it.  Consider which is more effective for your time, a source
based distro or a pre-compiled binary distro.  Oops, didn't install
netcat?  Need ethereal NOW?  Where did that tcpdump get to?

apt-get install them at the speed of bandwidth
emerge them at the speed of compilation


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]RPM woes

2003-11-12 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 02:18:12AM +, Bob Crandell wrote:
 I'm not convinced it's hardware.  There weren't any symptons before I
 started and
 this last bit was because I was trying to fix rpm's dependancies.

No symptoms?  3 installs to get it to work?

Did those dependencies include libc?  Yes: ok.  No: you got problems.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Politically motivated spam filtering at EFN?

2003-11-11 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 09:31:23PM -0800, Ken Barber wrote:
 For the record, I am certainly NOT autonomously defining a 
 standard.  It's been an unwritten rule in cyberspace from the 
 beginning that HTML-formatted email is considered rude.  As an 
 example, I might point you to the following site:
 Wherein the author states, among other things, that  Dislike of 
 HTML email is so wide-spread and the drawbacks of HTML email are 
 so well-known that it may seem surprising that there is no RFC 
 addressing it directly Nevertheless, RFC 1855 ... clearly 
 presumes that plain text is the standard for email.

While I'm not agreeing with either of you, I would like to point out an
error in your argument.  I followed your link, but I have a problem with
it.  First anyone can post their opinions on a web page, but that does
nothing to make them valid.  Next RFC 1855, if we actually look at the

We see in the first paragraph of the RFC:
This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Yet the link you posted and the quote falsely imply that plain text is a

Third, you had mentioned that popularity does not define a standard
giving MS products as an example.  Similarly your own statement counters
the quote above, dislike of html email is so wide-spread... eventually
going to ...presumes that plain text is the standard for email.  


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Politically Motivated Spam Filtering (PMSF) at EFN?

2003-11-11 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 09:12:13PM -0800, Marc Baber wrote:
 Could anyone on this list explain what Bayesian spam probability means 
 in the context of SpamAssassin?  Some spam filters use locally defined 
 filtering rules and some are augmented with remote databases of known 
 spam messages (such as  I don't know about SpamAssassin.
I assume you understand the gist of a baeysian spam filter, so I won't
explain it.  In the context of spam assasin, it auto learns messages by
default.  There are certain very low bottom and very high upper
threshholds of spamissity that triggers the baeysian learning.  

 My sense is that current Spam filters operate on the assumption that 
 nearly everyone agrees on what is Spam so anything reported by anyone as 
 spam is likely to actually be spam.  That probably works fine up until 
 an election year :-).  

Didn't Roger and Larry say they only tag messages and leave filtering to
the end user?  So what's everyone's beef?

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
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EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]FW: The Grinch Who Stole Linux

2003-11-11 Thread Cory Petkovsek

The Grinch Who Stole Linux - Enjoy! (by Scott Lazar).

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
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EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Speeding up Compiling

2003-11-11 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 12:20:40PM -0800, Jason Smith wrote:
  I have a PIII 800MHz and an Athalon 1.2 GHz and I'm
  trying to speed up my compile times by sharing the
  load across two computers.  Asside from making a
  cluster or something like that is there a way to set
  that up?  

Look at distcc.  I haven't used it, but kbob has.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
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EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Spam, filtering, and censorship

2003-11-11 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 01:00:22PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 Maybe I should give a EUGLUG talk on setting up bogofilter for
 personal use.  I'd need some help from someone who understands POP and
 IMAP -- I still use /var/spool/mail/$USER as my mail queue.



mozilla mail = 1.4 which includes baeysian filtering

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]planet CCRMA

2003-11-10 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 11:59:00AM -0800, Jacob Meuser wrote:
 So, how does one install .debs or RPMs in gentoo, and still have
 the niceness of emerge?

emerge app-arch/rpm

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
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EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Re: Power down

2003-11-08 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 09:21:57PM -0800, Dirk Ouellette wrote:
  On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 06:33:38PM -0800, Dirk Ouellette wrote:
   Is there a way to put my RH 9 box in a standby mode like Windows
  short answer: apm -s or apm -S
  If that doesn't work, make sure apm support is in your kernel and 
  check out the man page for apm.
 And make sure apmd is running ...
 Will this power down the machine as well? 
Read the man page.  -s or -S will suspend, the other will stand by.
Your apm settings in the bios usually define what suspend and standby
mean.  Suspend usually means write memory to disk and power off in a
special suspend state, while standby means lower power usage and suspend
all activity.  

 The monitor can be controlled
 by a Redhat gui.
You can probably control suspend and standby with a gui, however apm is
the tool I use.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]Potential backdoor in kernel averted

2003-11-07 Thread Cory Petkovsek
Check this out, someone tried to put in a sneaky backdoor into the new
linux kernel.

with Much gaIn from linux inseCuRity, whO waS behind back doOrs in the FuTure kernel?

cory SeCret nOte petkovsek

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business

EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Power down

2003-11-06 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 06:33:38PM -0800, Dirk Ouellette wrote:
 Is there a way to put my RH 9 box in a standby mode like Windows does?
short answer: apm -s or apm -S

If that doesn't work, make sure apm support is in your kernel and 
check out the man page for apm.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]linux business propaganda needed

2003-11-04 Thread Cory Petkovsek
I have a client that is running a custom built website running on (and
tied to) IIS4 on NT4 with an MSSQL 2000 on Win2k backend.

After a few years and a recognition that the IIS4/NT4 platform is not a
viable platform to stick with, he is willing to consider an alternate
solution.  He knows he needs to upgrade, but is not sure of the proper
path yet: iis6/win2k3+mssql2k or apache/linux+postgres or +mssql2k or
+mysql or what.

I am currently looking for articles, especially from research groups
that discuss TCO, support, stability, scalability, or performance of the
iis vs apache
postgresql or mysql vs sql2k
php/perl/etc vs asp

Linux vs Windows is already clear cut.  What MS does and who they are is
enough for this one.  Articles that are targetted towards a Executive
officer are what I seek.  This person understands all of the MS is
evil talk, but from a business perspective needs hard numbers that will
save him money, downtime or other headaches.

Here is a prime example from the RFG research site:
Total Cost of Ownership for Linux Web Servers in the Enterprise


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business

EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]Novell buying SUSE

2003-11-04 Thread Cory Petkovsek
Novell will buy SUSE press release:

Novell already owns ximian.  More corporate support for linux!  Another
twist in the SCO drama.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Novell buying SUSE

2003-11-04 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 12:13:27PM -0800, Cory Petkovsek wrote:
 Novell will buy SUSE press release:
 Novell already owns ximian.  More corporate support for linux!  Another
 twist in the SCO drama.

Sorry, I see Bob already posted this.

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Host Security - EUGLUG Presentation Details

2003-11-01 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Sat, Nov 01, 2003 at 12:36:37PM -0800, Ben Barrett wrote:
 An article I just got pointed to from a security mailing list:
 Hackers: Businesses invite attacks
 By Andy McCue
 October 27, 2003, 8:10 AM PT
 This might be in line with Jason's talk, which starts at 1pm...
 don't miss is!
aye-aye-aye! Thanks for the reminder!


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]jason's talk on host security

2003-11-01 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Sat, Nov 01, 2003 at 03:09:29PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 And how did Jason's talk go?

Jason's talk was great.  A well prepared, and thorough presentation on a
12-step program to host-security-happiness.

Thanks a lot Jason!

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
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EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Wonderful World of Linux 2.6

2003-10-30 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 10:28:55PM -0800, Patrick R. Wade wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 09:45:25PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
 Joe Pranevich has written a good, but lengthy, technical overview of
 what's new in the Linux 2.6 kernel.  Check it out.
 When is he going to catch up to Linux 9?

b, hi!

Quiet from the peanut gallery!

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug] Cory's holographic silliness

2003-10-29 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 07:50:52AM -0800, Ben Barrett wrote:
 Very nice explanation Cory... my opinion is that holographic storage,
 used to store and recover 1's and 0's is digital.  If we can TCP/IP with
 bongo drums or carrier pigeons, them it seems the message, not the
 medium, is the critical factor in determining digital vs. analog, IMHO.
Yes, if we use it to store 0's and 1's.  However, a holographic image
stored on a holographic plate is not 0's and 1's.  Similarly neither is
a memory stored in the brain.  I extend this further to suggest that
much future information (indeed much current information) can be stored
in other than 0's and 1's format.  Current information as I stated
before such as audio, video and graphics.

 While I agree that DNA contains the *information*, the process cannot
 begin, or be completed (organic life) without a suitable virtual machine
 or environment such as Earth 1.0 or better.  My personal opinion is that
 we may require something more than environment in which to run our
 programs, as well -- something loosely defined as a community, which may
 be thought of as a context (in terms of allowing self-reference, group
 identity, and differentiation.  This has to do with unix/gnu linux
 because of the stretch I've made to add computing analogies to a thread
 which was originally about computing but then digressed into high
 science.  Code can't run itself, and holographic storage is not useful
 without us, or at least sufficiently advanced Aibos and Furbys.

I agree here too that even holographic storage is not useful without us.
However that wasn't my point.  I described an internet with an amazing
amount of storage, an amazing number of nodes and connections with zero time
transmission and holographic storage mechanisms (break a plate in two
and get two apples not two halves).  Such is a potential accurate
representation of a brain.  Information is stored and retrieved by
three-dimensional interference patterns spread around the entire
internet in near zero time, just like it is when burning or reading a
holographic plate, and how it is believed by some the way the brain

As far as the internet waking up, who knows... the above environment may
provide the physical complexity to house a consciousness.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Why can't we all just get along

2003-10-28 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 06:55:24AM -0800, Ben Barrett wrote:
 | One of the cracker groups says, One man can destroy a whole company
 | with one click.  Again, I hardly call a website defacement destroying
 | a company.  And real hackers don't click.
 Well, you said it yourself.  Cracker, not hacker -- crackers *do* click
 = )  And in reality, there are lots of 'hackers' who certainly click.

Yes, I know.  However hackers don't think click, but you know that too.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug] [ UO CIS Colloquium, Thursday, October 30]

2003-10-28 Thread Cory Petkovsek
Daniel Zapala wrote:
 In this talk I will discuss swarming, a new content delivery system
 that is based on peer-to-peer file transfer. With swarming, any client
 that has downloaded even a portion of a file may serve that portion to
 other clients. This means that the capacity of a swarming system
 actually increases as more clients join the system. 

Interesting.  Soon we'll have holographic hosts and a holographic
internet.  Each piece contains information about the whole unit,
although resolution or detail is reduced.  While such a storage
mechanism won't work well for email, it would work for high resolution
graphics, video and sound.

Eventually the internet will become complex enough and have enough
information that searching will be done in much the same way that the
brain searches, as it is believed by some scientists.  As electronic
impulses are sent into a neuron and replicated to adjacent neurons,
three-dimensional waves pass through each other, creating exteremly
complex interference patterns, similar to a two-dimensional interference
pattern on a holographic plate with a hologram burned on to it.  That is
a holographic plate that requires a laser of the same frequency as the
one used during burning to view the image.  Many such images can be
burned on to the same plate.  To recall any particular image, the viewer
need only select the correct frequency.  Back to the brain, information
is thought to be stored in much the same way.  It only needs to be
recalled by having the correct laser or dereference pattern in the
brain created by a certain taste, sound or other sensation or thought.
Such a theory lends itself well to understanding how association works
as well as fuzzy memories.

Now imagine such an interference pattern being spread around the
internet to produce or store a vast quantitiy of information.  With a
system that swarming could be the pre-pre-precursor to, a little piece
of that massive amount of information is stored on each host.  Swarming
however is talking about having say bytes 1000-3000 on a host and
2750-5000 on another host.  Holographic storage would be a merging of
digital and analog storage, the idea of a file stream becomes less
important replaced by the raw concept of information.

Next, it is also theorized that both particles and information can be
sent faster than light.  There are many exeriments that challenge the
status quo, but I think it is quite inevitable that we will discover and
enventually harness the capability of sending information at closer and
closer to zero time.

Now add many, many holographic hosts and zero-time transmission, and the
internet wakes up, becomes a conscious entitiy capable of spamming you
all on it's own! ;)


-all serious except the spam part.

Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug] Cory's silliness

2003-10-28 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 06:28:05PM -0800, Larry Price wrote:
 On Tuesday, October 28, 2003, at 03:17  PM, Cory Petkovsek wrote:
 Now imagine such an interference pattern being spread around the
 internet to produce or store a vast quantitiy of information.  With a
 system that swarming could be the pre-pre-precursor to, a little piece
 of that massive amount of information is stored on each host.  Swarming
 however is talking about having say bytes 1000-3000 on a host and
 2750-5000 on another host.  Holographic storage would be a merging of
 digital and analog storage, the idea of a file stream becomes less
 important replaced by the raw concept of information.
 how would error-correction work in this scheme?
errors?  Errors are correct on a raid system because each of the drives
contains information about the other drives.  In a holographic system,
each atom or unit (not an elemental atom) contains information about
the whole.  The more atoms there are, the more accurate information is
available and the less viable errors, inconsistencies and missing
information become.

 as for the analog/digital bit; you should know better
 information can be represented in either a discreet or continuous form
 you can differentiate a continuous representation into a discreet one, 
 you can approximate a continuous representation in a discreet format.
 But to speak of a given representation as being both is a contradiction.
I did not write both, I wrote a merging of digital and analog storage.
Holographic technology exists today.  Is it digital, is it analog?  I
would say analog perhaps, but it is no longer what we think of as a
traditional analog system.  When you take a holographic plate with an
image of an apple and break it in two, you don't get two halves, instead
you have two apples at lower resolution.  Neither analog nor digital
technologies can do that.  Raid does it by actually duplicating or
triplicating data.  The holographic prinicpal is information about the
whole in every part.  DNA, which contains all of the information
necessary to grow any organism in each molecule, is great example of the
holographic principle, which lends itself to the holographic brain
theories and extends out to the concept of a holographic universe, which
is a _very_ compelling idea.

Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot is a great overview of these
ideas produced by Neurophysiologist, Karl Pibram and Physicist David
Bohm and others.

 The Internet is falling --C. Little 2003
It's alive... The internet is alive! -- Dr. Frankenstein, 2201


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]OT: tcpdump for windows!

2003-10-27 Thread Cory Petkovsek
Finally, just what I've been seeking!  Clearer network eyes for a
windows system.  Tcpdump for windows released under a bsd license:


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Why can't we all just get along

2003-10-27 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 08:51:19PM +, Bob Crandell wrote:
 I stumbled across this while looking for something else:

This sounds pretty silly.  Why did these reporters waste our time
writing it up.  I hardly call 200 to 40 website defacements war.  The
one site they listed in the article is running iis4 and is the premier
arabic online music store.  Big deal, so lots of sites have been found
running insecure webservers and all of the so called attacks are
simply website defacements.  

One of the cracker groups says, One man can destroy a whole company
with one click.  Again, I hardly call a website defacement destroying a
company.  And real hackers don't click.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]alias

2003-10-24 Thread Cory Petkovsek
Dirk, it is considered bad netiquette to cross post (mail two lists at

On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 08:47:20PM -0700, Dirk Ouellette wrote:
 I'm trying to alias a command;
  java -jar /neurosjar/NeurosDBM.1.16.jar
 and put it in;
 # .bash_profile
I would put it here: 
 # Get the aliases and functions
 if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
 . ~/.bashrc
 alias poop='java -jar /neurosjar/NeurosDBM.1.16.jar'

or I would put it in ~/.bashrc 
Then you run: 
. ~/.bash_profile

Note the .bash_profile and .bashrc are only read when you log in or open
a terminal window or use the 'source' or '.' command.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]cross posting

2003-10-24 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 08:08:01AM -0700, Jack Morgan wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 01:27:21AM -0700, Cory Petkovsek wrote:
  Dirk, it is considered bad netiquette to cross post (mail two lists at
 Why do you point out this particular cross posting netiquette offense
 when we have had so many recently?
I don't mean to target Dirk specifically, I just haven't read the
following threads.

 Subject: [eug-lug]Rsync Backup Solution over SSH
 Subject: [eug-lug]Scott Kveton Makes Front Page
 Subject: [eug-lug]Microsoft Earnings Report

For the initiators of these threads, note it is considered bad
netiquette to cross post.  Some reasons for this include that those who
pay attention to the headers will group-reply to all lists while others
may not.  Those who reply to all lists may not be allowed to send
unsubscribed emails to those alternate lists and have their mail held or
bounced.  It also easily breaks threads when some people group-reply and
others do not.  Archives do not include the full thread and in general
it is messy. 


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

[eug-lug]article comparing network speed of *bsd,linux

2003-10-22 Thread Cory Petkovsek
This is an interesting article comparing the scalability of kernels of
(net|open|free)bsd and linux 2.[46] when used in various network related
functions like bind(), fork(), socket(), used in webservers/ftp and


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]article comparing network speed of *bsd,linux

2003-10-22 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 10:13:52AM -0701, Jacob Meuser wrote:
 My comments:
 I wouldn't be surprised if he had problems with OpenBSD-current, since
 he used a -current from shortly after the tree unfroze for the next
 release, which is when most new things go in and OpenBSD-current is
 most unstable.
So these new additions are to the kernel and are so drastic in an
incremental release as to introduce stability problems and O(n)
algorithms as opposed to O(1) algorithms used in free bsd 5.1 and linux

 And he surely has a more standard machine for server testing than a
 laptop, no?  
Indeed.  However it is the same hardware for all platforms.

 (OpenBSD will try to configure any device it finds, as
 almost all drivers are built in to the GENERIC kernel ... I doubt he
 loaded all possible modules on the other OSes.  Not saying this is
 necessarily a problem, but he doesn't even give the dmesg for each
 OS, or if IRQs were shared with some kernels and not others, etc, etc.)
Nevertheless, what's wrong with his suggestion of having openbsd
incorporate many of the kernel improvements found in netbsd and freebsd?
And his response to the response openbsd's focus is security not
performance.  Hopefully security and performance are not mutually
exclusive.  With Openbsd's security track record and freebsd's
performance record, what a gain it would be to incorporate freebsd's
improvements into openbsd.  It is easier to make any OS higher
performance than it is to make any more secure.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
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EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug] dates, past present and future...

2003-10-19 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Sun, Oct 19, 2003 at 12:30:31PM -0700, john fleming wrote:
 Isn,t bens date in the same year that the mayans call the end of time?
That would be the winter solctice December 21st, 2012.  Not the end of
time but I've heard end of time as we know it.  Although a better
interpretation is the end of this cycle and the beginning of a new one.
The mayan calendar is interesting.  It is based upon many natural cycles
as opposed to the gregorian calendar which is irregular and hardly
matches up with even one cycle (namely the solar revolution).

While I don't expect the sky or the internet to fall, I do expect some
gradual changes to occur, perhaps even as powerful, world changing and
significant as say the discovery of electricity.


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

Re: [eug-lug]Re: xmms mp3 problem

2003-10-17 Thread Cory Petkovsek
On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 07:56:47AM -0700, Dirk Ouellette wrote:
 I see that some these mp3'd songs are still full length and they work
 fine, but many are now 15 to 38 seconds long, and those are the non
 working tunes.

You probably corrupted your mp3s when you tried to re-mp3 them.  Blow
the ones that don't play away and restore from backup, or recreate from


Cory Petkovsek   Adapting Information
Adaptable IT ConsultingTechnology to your   
(541) 914-8417   business
EuG-LUG mailing list

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