[FairfieldLife] 'Tea Party Successionist[s]Funders'...

2011-08-04 Thread Robert

Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011, 1:05 AM



Part I
This begins a series designed to uncover what's really going on in WaSHIngton 

First of all, these 'Tea Party Folks' are mostly funded by the what's called 
the tea party elite.
They are mostly white folks, europeans, mostly, that are funding the tea party 
Now not only are they terrorizing our country, mostly the poorest among us...

But these folks, are also, Successionists...
Take a look at this video of Sarah Parlin and Mr.Sarah Palin..

These folks are like the 'Misters of the Grand 'Ol South'...
When slavery ruled the land...
they were{in their own distorted egos]...
the master race, destined to rule over the lessor mongrols, and aborijinals...

So, like Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump...all these very fake masks..
they are basically cold and devoid of any real 'soul'...
they lack any compassion for tthe poor,
and only care about maintaining their elitism...
they thrive on cultural chaos, which they clock in 'they're strange version of 

Because the 'Entity that they Created'...by messure of the 'U.S. Supreme 
[they want to reverse everything the founding fathers wanted...]
Is the a 'Corporation is equal to a 'souled human being..;'

this entity is without 'soul' so to speak...\
{they mostly drain our economy of the wealth of:
Education, housing, oil, overseas manufacturing, and so on...
it lacks any compassion and only seeks to 'pump itself up'...

In ancient times, Jesus called this entity:
the evil one...

And today still:
It Rears It's Ugly Head!'


[FairfieldLife] 'Sarah Palin=Successionist'...

2011-08-04 Thread Robert

[FairfieldLife] 'Conclusion to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras'...[with sanskrit]

2011-08-04 Thread Robert
M had everyone read, 'Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras' on the 6 mos. course...
here is a sanskrit translation of the final condition for YogA...

[FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
  On Behalf Of Denise Evans
  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 7:43 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

  There are many different methods for meditation.  TM is a technique 
  taught by Maharishi who was a Hindu.  Nothing against it, as I haven't done 
  it or paid to learn it, but it is based on an interpretation of Hinduism 
  possibly somewhat unique to Maharishi from what I've gleaned from posts on 
  these website.
  There are many ways to meditate that are free and published.
  But I think it’s noteworthy how deep her meditation is right off the bat. 
  I think that says something about the efficacy of TM.
 IMHO, far more noteworthy, in the long run, is Fred Travis' finding that the 
 most obvious during-meditation effects of TM level out soon after learning, 
 but that the out-side-of-meditation effects keep growing year after year.

'When in Rome, do what the Romans Do!'...


[FairfieldLife] 'Bin Laden Family-Wrote of Bush Tax Cut[s]...

2011-08-04 Thread Robert
It seems that when the 'bin Laden Family'...needed to escape the U.S
Shortly after the 'Events of nine, One, One...
They used a 'Bush Tax Write-off...
For their private jet,
Used to 'Escape the U.S. Terrified Territory...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Conclusion to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras'...[with sanskrit]

2011-08-04 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@... wrote:

 M had everyone read, 'Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras' on the 6 mos. course...
 here is a sanskrit translation of the final condition for YogA...

I hope you are aware that's one of them bloody siddhi-s... ;D

[FairfieldLife] English word for adult female human being?

2011-08-04 Thread cardemaister

Is 'woMAN' really based on the Bible:


Describing her as bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh, the man calls his new 
help-mate woman (Heb. ishshah), for this one was taken from a man (Heb. 

Naah, most probably not!

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Conclusion to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras'...[with sanskrit]

2011-08-04 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  M had everyone read, 'Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras' on the 6 mos. course...
  here is a sanskrit translation of the final condition for YogA...
 I hope you are aware that's one of them bloody siddhi-s... ;D

The way to freedom, is to realize that we are not the body...we are beyond 
blood, and so on..
We are oneness itself.
Egoless, Cosmic Ego...
The pure experience of [I-I]
Transcendence of ego, and realizing the cosmic ego...
Freedom in Action
Freedom in Silence
Distilling Purusha, Bliss pure frangrance of Atma Matma Ha Na Na Na.

[FairfieldLife] Woman by John Lennon 1980

2011-08-04 Thread Robert

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Conclusion to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras'...[with sanskrit]

2011-08-04 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  M had everyone read, 'Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras' on the 6 mos. course...
  here is a sanskrit translation of the final condition for YogA...
 I hope you are aware that's one of them bloody siddhi-s... ;D

Amazing web page, thanks. That 3.50. I like (in a non-attached way) that sutra 
the most of all we got to play with.  On my six month course he gave it in the 
sandskrit.  Discernment too, of bhuti and purusha.  I love sitting with those.

[FairfieldLife] Re: In FF memorium

2011-08-04 Thread wgm4u
A picture is worth a thousand words...(usually).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  An old FF friend,
  Jeff Wells passed away this evening.
  !Jai Jeff Wells!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:
 A few hours of dying, having the senses removed and all that, especially if 
 you are habituated to loosing everything during real meditations anyway is 
 nothing compared to having to spend 9 months in a dark and damp place only to 
 be pushed out through a slimy, bloodful channel into a place full of bright 
 lights where the people babble in a language you don't even understand.
 I can die anytime. But being born, not so much.

Belly Button Window

[FairfieldLife] 'Song of Mooji'..circa: transition point 2011

2011-08-04 Thread Robert
A beautiful music/video of enlightened sage: Mooji

[FairfieldLife] What's fun got to do, got to do with it?

2011-08-04 Thread turquoiseb
Today I took the day off and went into Den Haag, just for the fun of it,
and thus find myself sitting in this sidewalk cafe pondering the weighty
topic of fun. The subject comes to mind because I'm still thinking about
what I'd invent as secular spirituality. Although I'm still more than
a little light in the loafers as to specifics (maybe I'll write about
that next), one thing I think would be key is that practitioners of my
version of Open Source Spirituality should look as if they are having
FUN with it. I think that's key to any successful pathway to self

One of the reasons I bailed on the TMO was that it had stopped being fun
for me. An oh-so-serious seriousness had descended on the joint. It was
work, work, work to get as many people to start TM as possible, or at
least enough to earn sufficient ATR credit to go on a course, where you
could work work work to get enlightened. The occasional celebrations
held at National or in TM centers were on the whole about as much fun as
a wake, and without the whiskey. Even Jerry had stopped telling jokes.
Time to leave.

So I did, with no intention of ever becoming involved with another
spiritual path, ever. I wanted to see what the outside world had to
offer in the way of fun. It was the early 80s, and L.A.; there was a lot
of fun to be had.

And then I ran into some folks I'd known from the TMO who told me that
they'd met a spiritual teacher they liked, and had begun studying with
him. I would have been completely uninterested except that I couldn't
help but notice the change that had taken place in these people since
I'd last seen them, about a year earlier. Back then they'd been as much
fun as a funeral, On The TM Program to the max and not looking as if
they were enjoying it very much. Now they were vibrant, laughing,
cracking jokes, and obviously having a good time with their lives. That
interested me, because up to then I honestly hadn't associated that
level of having FUN with one's life with the spiritual path. I decided
to go see this Rama guy and check him out.

The day I was to see him, I stopped L.A.'s premiere mecca of
spirituality, the Bodhi Tree bookstore. It's pretty much where everyone
in town would go to get their literary spiritual fix. I knew a clerk
there, and she had told me that she and her fellow employees often
amused themselves by trying to figure out which spiritual trip their
customers were affiliated with. Some were easy to bag, like the Sikhs or
the Hare Krishnas, because they were always in costume. Same with the
Rajneeshis, because they all wore the same variants of red, orange, and
purple. Other trips were harder to bag from the vibe of the customers.

I mentioned to her that I was going to see Rama that night, and asked
her what the clerks' concensus was on them. She said, Oh, they're by
far the easiest to identify. I asked why, and she said, They're happy.
They look like they're having a good time on the spiritual path. You
have no idea how few students of other traditions I can say that about.

Her insight proved to be true. Studying with Rama -- at least in those
early days -- really was FUN. Yeah, we'd study meditation and hear
talks, like everybody else in town, but we'd do weird shit like go to
Disneyland together. Or to a disco. Or to the desert or similar places
of power. We'd dress up in tuxedos and evening dresses (I would be one
of the ones wearing the tux, BTW) and have fancy formal dinners.
Occasionally we'd even go to Hawaii or to Paris. Fun.

Fun was even considered a good indicator to look for in one's practice
of mindfulness. The rap was, If you're not having fun with your life,
the energy of enlightenment is blocked; it cannot flow through you. In
an odd way, this credo equated MMY's stress as the thing that
prevented the realization of enlightenment with *not having any fun*.
And this condition, unlike the more undefined stress, was easy to get
rid of. If you found yourself in a bit of a spiritual rut, with your
meditations and realizations less shiny than you wanted them to be, you
could break out of this spiritual writer's block at any time. There
was a patented Rama technique (no trademark symbol) for doing so. And it
was a real bitch to practice -- just go out and do something fun.

It worked like a charm. It was as if the simple act of having fun was
the stress remover that TM always claimed to be. Spend a few hours
laughing and enjoying yourself, and suddenly your meditations were back
to profound again, and your life was back on track.

It still works like a charm. That's why I'm in Den Haag today, taking a
day off to do some cafe writing. That, oddly enough, is one of my ideas
of fun. It's not that my meds are less than shiny lately or that my life
feels off in any way; everything's been pretty great. Today I'm
practicing the fun technique just to spice up an already shiny day and
maybe inspire me on a particular project. And y'know...the best thing
about this technique is that even if it 

[FairfieldLife] Re: In FF memorium

2011-08-04 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 An old FF friend,
 Jeff Wells passed away this evening.
 !Jai Jeff Wells!

Australian guy who worked at MIU back in the 1980s?

[FairfieldLife] Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread turquoiseb
Thought I'd take a shot at answering some of my own questions:

What would a completely secularized set of meditation and
self-development techniques LOOK LIKE? If you were to design one or
speculate about one, what would it involve and not involve?

No teacher reverence, and no hierarchy. There would almost certainly be
teachers, but IMO students would perceive and treat them more as friends
or mentors than spiritual teachers. In my mythical secular org, the
emphasis would be on the pragmatic and the practical, not on philosophy
or intangible subjective goals like enlightenment. The way I figure it
is that if you get your meditation cookin' and your life workin' well,
either the enlightenment stuff will take care of itself or you can find
some more traditional path to help you get there. Also, there would not
only be no prohibitions against psychiatry or other therapies, if
they've proved of value they would be integrated into the recommended
set of practices. Needless to say, the org's finances should be
completely transparent and available to the public. Romantic or sexual
relationships between teachers and students would be completely
verboten; if a teacher chooses to pursue one he or she should step down
as a teacher with the org. Most important, the whole recommended set of
techniques should be FUN; students should *want* to be practicing them,
not feel as if they had to.

Which elements from traditional spiritual practices would you preserve,
and which would you not?

I would include some form of sitting meditation, mindfulness, some
suggested form of bodywork such as yoga or martial arts, and talks on
the pragmatic aspects of spiritual practice. The latter might include
talks on work as sadhana (how to extend your spiritual practice into
the realm of career and make work itself a form of meditation), and
ethics from the inside out (no list of do's and don'ts, more training
in how to become more aware of minor shifts in your state of attention,
so that you can use those shits to clue you in as to whether you're
doing the right thing or the wrong thing). As with FFL, any topic
would be fair game as long as the students have an interest in it and
all agree that discussing it would help them in their own self
discovery. No question would ever be considered heretical or Off The

If the meditation practices you suggest use mantras, where would they
come from?

If I were to try to create a true secular spiriuality, I wouldn't
recommend meditation that used mantras at all. I'd teach a simple form
of meditation that involved a light focus on the heart chakra, followed
by letting go. I'd probably demo such a method both meditating to
music and in silence, and suggest that students practice the one that
feels best to them. I've taught such a method before and found that
students can learn it very quickly and effectively, and that they report
many subjective benefits from that form of meditation, as many as were
ever reported to me when teaching TM. In talks my mythical secular org
would then describe other forms of meditation and encourage the students
to try them out if they felt they wanted to. There would be zero
restrictions on seeing other teachers or performing other techniques.

If the  meditation practices don't involve mantras, what would they be?
For example, some techniques rely on visualization, either inwardly or
with the eyes open, on certain designs (yantras, mandalas) or
individuals (gods, goddesses, saints). Would you use these same objects
of focus, or others? If others, what would they be?

I doubt I'd recommend heavy visualization techniques to folks just
starting meditation, but again my mythical org would discuss the various
types and their supposed benefits and tell students where they could
learn them. If we had to recommend a starting point, I suspect that a
lot of the geometric yantra designs would pass the secular sniff test.
More traditional mandalas or images of holy folks definitely would not.

How would you make this technique or set of techniques attractive to
people who could benefit from them without relying on the appeal to
'lineage' or 'tradition?'

Word of mouth. Success stories. And, if anyone wanted to do some
research, that would be gravy. I don't value lineage the way that many
do, and I suspect most people in the real world don't either. Bottom
line is that the recommended set of techniques would either work in the
lives of the students or they wouldn't. If they do, then the students'
lives are the best advertisement.

Do you feel that such a secularized spiritual practice would be a Good
Thing or a Bad Thing? Would one approach be inherently better or more
effective and the other...uh...less? And if so, WHY?

I think it would be a Good Thing. I suspect that a truly secular form of
spirituality would be just as beneficial as any traditional approach,
especially if done well, and cleanly, avoiding many of the pitfalls
we've discussed ad nauseum on this forum.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread Buck
That is good.  Take a look at Janet Sussman for example.  There are others.  
Her teaching fulfills a lot of what you peg as a more secular 
meditational/spiritual non-religious practice. She has been at it for a long 
time as a spiritual teacher.  You can google her name.  She also has a page at


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Thought I'd take a shot at answering some of my own questions:
 What would a completely secularized set of meditation and
 self-development techniques LOOK LIKE? If you were to design one or
 speculate about one, what would it involve and not involve?
 No teacher reverence, and no hierarchy. There would almost certainly be
 teachers, but IMO students would perceive and treat them more as friends
 or mentors than spiritual teachers. In my mythical secular org, the
 emphasis would be on the pragmatic and the practical, not on philosophy
 or intangible subjective goals like enlightenment. The way I figure it
 is that if you get your meditation cookin' and your life workin' well,
 either the enlightenment stuff will take care of itself or you can find
 some more traditional path to help you get there. Also, there would not
 only be no prohibitions against psychiatry or other therapies, if
 they've proved of value they would be integrated into the recommended
 set of practices. Needless to say, the org's finances should be
 completely transparent and available to the public. Romantic or sexual
 relationships between teachers and students would be completely
 verboten; if a teacher chooses to pursue one he or she should step down
 as a teacher with the org. Most important, the whole recommended set of
 techniques should be FUN; students should *want* to be practicing them,
 not feel as if they had to.
 Which elements from traditional spiritual practices would you preserve,
 and which would you not?
 I would include some form of sitting meditation, mindfulness, some
 suggested form of bodywork such as yoga or martial arts, and talks on
 the pragmatic aspects of spiritual practice. The latter might include
 talks on work as sadhana (how to extend your spiritual practice into
 the realm of career and make work itself a form of meditation), and
 ethics from the inside out (no list of do's and don'ts, more training
 in how to become more aware of minor shifts in your state of attention,
 so that you can use those shits to clue you in as to whether you're
 doing the right thing or the wrong thing). As with FFL, any topic
 would be fair game as long as the students have an interest in it and
 all agree that discussing it would help them in their own self
 discovery. No question would ever be considered heretical or Off The
 If the meditation practices you suggest use mantras, where would they
 come from?
 If I were to try to create a true secular spiriuality, I wouldn't
 recommend meditation that used mantras at all. I'd teach a simple form
 of meditation that involved a light focus on the heart chakra, followed
 by letting go. I'd probably demo such a method both meditating to
 music and in silence, and suggest that students practice the one that
 feels best to them. I've taught such a method before and found that
 students can learn it very quickly and effectively, and that they report
 many subjective benefits from that form of meditation, as many as were
 ever reported to me when teaching TM. In talks my mythical secular org
 would then describe other forms of meditation and encourage the students
 to try them out if they felt they wanted to. There would be zero
 restrictions on seeing other teachers or performing other techniques.
 If the  meditation practices don't involve mantras, what would they be?
 For example, some techniques rely on visualization, either inwardly or
 with the eyes open, on certain designs (yantras, mandalas) or
 individuals (gods, goddesses, saints). Would you use these same objects
 of focus, or others? If others, what would they be?
 I doubt I'd recommend heavy visualization techniques to folks just
 starting meditation, but again my mythical org would discuss the various
 types and their supposed benefits and tell students where they could
 learn them. If we had to recommend a starting point, I suspect that a
 lot of the geometric yantra designs would pass the secular sniff test.
 More traditional mandalas or images of holy folks definitely would not.
 How would you make this technique or set of techniques attractive to
 people who could benefit from them without relying on the appeal to
 'lineage' or 'tradition?'
 Word of mouth. Success stories. And, if anyone wanted to do some
 research, that would be gravy. I don't value lineage the way that many
 do, and I suspect most people in the real world don't either. Bottom
 line is that the recommended set of techniques would either work in the
 lives of the students or they wouldn't. If they do, then the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: In FF memorium

2011-08-04 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Aug 4, 2011, at 6:35 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
 An old FF friend,
 Jeff Wells passed away this evening.
 !Jai Jeff Wells!
 Australian guy who worked at MIU back in the 1980s?

I remember hearing the name, but can't
really place him.  Was he some bigwig with
a bunch of kids, or was that the other Jeffrey?


[FairfieldLife] Re: In FF memorium

2011-08-04 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 An old FF friend,
 Jeff Wells passed away this evening.
 !Jai Jeff Wells!

Jeff was a kindhearted soul. He had been a tech at the Raj until he was in a 
car accident about 10 or 12 years ago. It affected his ability to work. Doug, 
let us know when you hear about a service for him. Rest in peace, dearest, Jeff.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 That is good.  Take a look at Janet Sussman for example.  There are others.  
 Her teaching fulfills a lot of what you peg as a more secular 
 meditational/spiritual non-religious practice. She has been at it for a long 
 time as a spiritual teacher.  You can google her name.  She also has a page at
Buck, I think it's great when you post responses like this that actually have 
substance. However, you also insist on posting those cascade posts that add 
nothing and only burn up your allotment of posts. Unfortunately for you, this 
post was your 51st for the week. Tomorrow's post count will say you're at 50, 
but I've made it clear several times that the post count is off this week, and 
I've posted corrected counts for the top posters, including you. So, you're 
outta here until the evening of Aug 12. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Beth Cook bethcook84@... wrote:

 My name is Beth, I'm from Canada.
 I was just initiated into Transcendental Meditation
 and I just joined Fairfield Life. I'm hoping to learn 
 more about meditation but I'm concerned my 
 questions have already been discussed. Should I look 
 in the Fairfield Life archives or can I just post my questions?

Congratulations on starting TM, Beth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread raunchydog
Doug, If you find out about a service for Jeff, please email me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  That is good.  Take a look at Janet Sussman for example.  There are others. 
   Her teaching fulfills a lot of what you peg as a more secular 
  meditational/spiritual non-religious practice. She has been at it for a 
  long time as a spiritual teacher.  You can google her name.  She also has a 
  page at
 Buck, I think it's great when you post responses like this that actually have 
 substance. However, you also insist on posting those cascade posts that add 
 nothing and only burn up your allotment of posts. Unfortunately for you, this 
 post was your 51st for the week. Tomorrow's post count will say you're at 50, 
 but I've made it clear several times that the post count is off this week, 
 and I've posted corrected counts for the top posters, including you. So, 
 you're outta here until the evening of Aug 12.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread raunchydog
We need another Libertarian in the White House like a hole in the head. The 
Libertarian idiots at the Mises Institute actually endorse the stateless state 
of affairs in Somalia. Scratch beneath the surface and you'll see that Ron Paul 
is cut from the same cloth as these heartless, greedy, SOB's.

Stateless in Somalia, and Loving It

Libertarian Magic Dust

Ayn Rand, heartthrob of Libertarian propagandist, Glenn Beck and Tea Party 
crazies, worshiped a notorious serial killer who was the inspiration for Howard 
Roark, the ideal man in her book The Fountainhead. Figures.

Ayn Rand, Hugely Popular Author and Inspiration to Right-Wing Leaders, Was a 
Big Admirer of Serial Killer

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 At 7 pm on Tues Aug 9th Ron Paul will be speaking on the Fairfield Square!!
 Attached is the insert that will be going in both the Weekly Reader and the 
 Fairfield Ledger this week.
 Our goal is to attract 500 persons to hear Ron Paul like we did in 2007!
 We need volunteers to set up and to staff tables to reserve Straw Poll 
 On Thursday Aug 11th Ron Paul will be in a televised debate from Ames.
 On Thurs Aug 11  Fri Aug 12 we’ll need help calling our FF Ron Paul 
 supporters to remind them of the Straw Poll and to coordinate carpooling.
 Saturday Aug 13th is the Straw Poll in Ames!! Bring your friends! 
 Let’s WIN this for Ron Paul. Bus info to be announced.
 Our Goal is to have 200 persons from Fairfield vote for Ron Paul in the Straw 
 Poll this time!!
 Please stay in touch and volunteer if you can.
 Call Roger at 919-8414 with questions.
 Roger, Brian, Bernadette, Caroline, April

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

So, you're outta here until the evening of Aug 12.

Bhur hoo!


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  That is good.  Take a look at Janet Sussman for example.  There are others. 
   Her teaching fulfills a lot of what you peg as a more secular 
  meditational/spiritual non-religious practice. She has been at it for a 
  long time as a spiritual teacher.  You can google her name.  She also has a 
  page at
 Buck, I think it's great when you post responses like this that actually have 
 substance. However, you also insist on posting those cascade posts that add 
 nothing and only burn up your allotment of posts. Unfortunately for you, this 
 post was your 51st for the week. Tomorrow's post count will say you're at 50, 
 but I've made it clear several times that the post count is off this week, 
 and I've posted corrected counts for the top posters, including you. So, 
 you're outta here until the evening of Aug 12.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread Denise Evans
I don't disagreethat's the one draw for me as well.  Efficacy.  However, I 
think it is important in any endeavor not to obfuscate the origins.  Yes, TM 
comes from the Hindu tradition and yes, it costs a fair amount of money.
I did the meditation outlined in this Pema Chodron book awhile back during a 
relationship breakup (The Places that Scare You) and found it very useful...am 
heading towards mindfulness, which I think will benefit me.

--- On Wed, 8/3/11, Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com wrote:

From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 6:49 PM



  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Denise Evans
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 7:43 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator    There are many 
different methods for meditation.  TM is a technique taught by Maharishi who 
was a Hindu.  Nothing against it, as I haven't done it or paid to learn it, but 
it is based on an interpretation of Hinduism possibly somewhat unique to 
Maharishi from what I've gleaned from posts on these website.  There are many 
ways to meditate that are free and published.  But I think it’s noteworthy how 
deep her meditation is right off the bat. I think that says something about the 
efficacy of TM.

--- On Wed, 8/3/11, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 5:01 PM  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Beth Cook bethcook84@... wrote:

 Also I'm trying to get my husband to
 start meditating but he is a devote Catholic
 and says TM is a form of Hinduism. I've told
 him that's nonsense but he's still not 
 convinced. Any thoughts, I know
 it would be very good for him.

Don't worry about it. When he sees you relaxed and shining, he will want the 
same for himselves ! :-)No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1390 / Virus Database: 1518/3807 - Release Date: 08/03/11   




[FairfieldLife] Re: Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
 So, you're outta here until the evening of Aug 12.
 Bhur hoo!

I'll have to have Rory give me 50 lashings for missing the opportunity to say, 
The Buck stops here.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread Denise Evans
I agree - seems like consciousness and compassion are completely missing 
and demonizing has set in, consistent with one of the key criteria of 
ideological warfare.    
It is true that we seem far from that as a society, but with consciousness, 
anything is possible...

 And so there...

Maybe a less dumbed down society would suffice. The US establishment 
has made quite an effort to keep the US public docile.

--- On Wed, 8/3/11, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - 
Please forward widely
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 7:12 PM



  On 08/03/2011 06:35 PM, Robert wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:

 On 08/03/2011 05:36 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:

 On 08/03/2011 04:03 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@wrote:

 The Fed is just another scam by the bankers to control the money

 system.  That has always been obvious.  It's easy for them to pull the

 wool over the public's eyes because the public is so ignorant of

 economics and the schemes that the bankers have played down through the

 centuries.  We shouldn't have bailed them out in 2008 and they'll soon

 be asking for another bailout. Screw 'em!  Time for these vampires to

 burn up!

 Don't worry about it, it has been taken care of by the collective 
 consciousness of the american people, nourished in the Domes of 
 Fairfield, IOWA and backed by the Masters of Wisdom.

 One of Their brothers put it this way;

 Now that communism is gone, the next to go is capitalism

 - Maharishi, 1989

 Who says I'm worried about it?  Just pointing out some things.  Doncha

 just want to come over to the Dome and watch the fall of America, Nabby?

 The americans exported capitalism vigoursly worldwide since WWII, even 
 within academia, the whole world economic system will fall as a result.

 Those born in the US are young, daredevil souls. Exceptions will be Jim, 
 Rory and a few others. Why they landed there; do ask them ! :-)

 I don't enjoy this situation any more than you do. Next time around, 
 wiser systems of economy will be implemented. Not based on aggression or 
 expoiting our fellow beings but based on compassion and brotherhood.

 What they really should have done is just sit down with everybody and

 say, hey look, the world has now shrunk due to the Internet. Folks in

 third world countries want to live at the same level that people in the

 first world countries do.  We don't have enough resources to do that.

 But people in many of the first world countries are living excessively

 unsustainable lifestyles.  Things need to be equalized out.  We have a

 plan to even things out and here it is.

 Well we know what would happen then.  The me people would start

 whining like three year olds because they would have to give up their

 monster homes or their excessive lifestyle.  But those who are noticing

 how much their monthly bills are might want to hear the plan.  I think

 we have the technology to live very simply but at the same time very

 comfortably and with much less daily noise.  And not so much time spent

 working!  Basically it is the greedy who create all the noise anyway to

 keep the public distracted and fooled.

 Most of the time I just laugh at how stupid the pretentious human race

 is.  It's like Dante were writing a new chapter of the Divine Comedy.

 The only way, is an evolution in Consciousness...

 When people are more blissful from within, they wouldn't need to seek and 
 hold power as they do now...

 Until people stop indentifying with the material world, as being the ultimate 
 reality, then they will continue to play these materialistic games, like 
 someone like Donald Trump, and the ones like him, that are completely 
 overshadowed by their enormous egos, that can never be satisfied...and who 
 likes to think of himself, or itself, as being superiour then mere mortals, 
 who have less money, fame, power and influence...

 We need enlightened leaders, to lead an enlightened population, then there 
 would be plenty to go around...

 It is true that we seem far from that as a society, but with consciousness, 
 anything is possible...

 And so there...

Maybe a less dumbed down society would suffice.   The US establishment 

has made quite an effort to keep the US public docile.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: All eyes are on Iowa

2011-08-04 Thread Denise Evans
A...the saviourlet us give him as much money as possible - Tee Hee

--- On Wed, 8/3/11, wle...@aol.com wle...@aol.com wrote:

From: wle...@aol.com wle...@aol.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: All eyes are on Iowa
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 12:22 PM





  From: ron_p...@ronpaul2012.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 8/2/2011 3:29:21 
  P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: All eyes are on Iowa




What is Mitt Romney afraid of?

When news came out 
that Big Government establishment Republican Mitt Romney was just going 
to skip all straw polls from here on out, I couldn't help but 

After we beat him fair and square 
at CPAC and, more recently, the Southern Republican Leadership Straw 
Poll in New Orleans, he must be tired of losing!

But the 
truth is, the decision to skip the Iowa Straw Poll is a sign of 
- and one that gives you and me a real opening we MUST 

That's why I'm counting on you to act IMMEDIATELY.

see, right now, all eyes are on 

And unlike other polls, the August 13 Iowa Straw 
Poll isn't one the media can spend weeks hyping and then simply 

The Iowa Straw Poll has always been a crucial 
bellwether for the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses. 

can turn a candidate into an instant contender - or CRUSH any hope of 
future success with a poor showing.

This year, the Iowa Straw 
Poll is more important than ever.

Many GOP voters are repulsed with establishment frontrunner 
Romney's flip-flopping on key issues.

They're not happy 
with his liberal record as Governor of Massachusetts and his signature 
health care bill that served as the model for 

Governor Romney isn't even bothering to try to 
soothe grassroots misgivings by showing up at the most important straw 
poll in the nation.

That's why, right now, 
many GOP voters are desperately searching for a candidate who can go 
toe-to-toe with Governor Romney.

Some candidates get 
handed the chance to do just that, then swing and miss on live 

Well, that won't be me.  While we should be civil and 
keep campaigns about issues, I'm not going to sit back and let someone 
try to pull the wool over your eyes, either.

This race is too 
important.  Our COUNTRY is too important.

Right now, 
columnists, TV pundits, talk radio hosts, and national media 
commentators are all looking to the Iowa Straw Poll to see which 
candidate or candidates have what it takes to take on Mitt Romney and 
win.  And with my record of NEVER toeing the establishment line, I 
am the LAST candidate they want to acknowledge as a top 

So I'm counting on you to help me 
send shockwaves throughout the national political establishment with a 
strong finish at the Iowa Straw Poll.

The good news is, 
you and I are stunning the political establishment at virtually every 

I reported an incredible $4.5 million fundraising take on 
June 30th – MORE than I had originally hoped for!

Poll after 
national primary poll shows my campaign within striking distance of 
first place, and grassroots support for my campaign 
is growing by leaps and bounds.

Just four years ago, my 
opponents took every opportunity they could to scoff at my limited 
government, constitutional views in Presidential debates.  They've 
been proven wrong.

And now, as you and I saw 
in the recent New Hampshire debate, my opponents are falling all over 
themselves to see who can agree with me the most!

here's what they won't tell you: their Big Government, big spending 
views haven't really changed, of course.

They are just being 
FORCED to recognize that the American people are flat-out sick of being 
taxed, groped, spied on, and spent into bankruptcy - just as I 

You see, I warned of the housing bubble and the Federal 
Reserve's print now, ask questions later, dollar-destroying 

I opposed the bailouts and loudly and forcefully 
explained why they were not only morally wrong, but would make things 

I argued against never-ending, TRILLION-dollar occupations 
and unpopular, undeclared wars like President Obama's new outrageous 
misadventure in Libya.

And if elected President, I 
Stop the spread of socialist, Big Government health 
care and instead work to repeal the ObamaCare monstrosity;
Stop the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 If I were to try to create a true secular spiriuality, I
 wouldn't recommend meditation that used mantras at all.
 I doubt I'd recommend heavy visualization techniques to folks
 just starting meditation, but again my mythical org would
 discuss the various types and their supposed benefits and tell
 students where they could learn them. If we had to recommend a
 starting point, I suspect that a lot of the geometric yantra 
 designs would pass the secular sniff test. More traditional 
 mandalas or images of holy folks definitely would not.

I'm curious why you feel you could recommend geometric yantras
but not mantras, at least not bija mantras, since both are
deeply embedded in religious traditions in which they are said
to be abstract representations of qualities of the divine.

Why would geometric yantras pass the secular sniff test, but
bija mantras would not? Seems to me the explanations of why,
despite their religious associations, a yantra or a mantra can
be used in a purely secular meditation context would be very

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 I'll have to have Rory give me 50 lashings for missing the opportunity to 
 say, The Buck stops here.

The save counts, I missed it too.

BTW is this service Rory renders an hourly rate or is it billed by intensity?  
(Cat-o-nine with the metal tips only in the premium Mel Gibson package.)

Can we supply our own dialogue?  Don't want to skeeve anyone out too badly but 
I would love to be taunted will being whipped:

You magical thinker, your epistemology has more holes than a pasta strainer, 
your premises are dirty, I mean faulty, they are unfounded on either empirical 
evidence or even sound reasoning. You are a dirty believer aren't you now, a 
dirty, dirty believer who accepts things on faith you read in books that 
support slavery and the oppression of women, and you love it don't you?  You 
love your ancient texts full of superstitions because you are a superstitious 
boy yourself, aren't you now?  You are a bad thinking, a bad bad thinker, your 
thinking is bad and you are wrong but you don't care because you don't love 
knowledge, you just want to protect your special class of ideas that you hold 
for bad, bad, dirty reasons.

Now tell me you love your masters, all of them, including Sai Baba, say you 
love Sai Baba and you believe in the second coming of Maitreya and crop circles 
as alien messages and the hairy monstrous bigfoot (not Bevan)and you believe 
that John Hegelin has proven scientifically, beyond any doubt, that the 
chilled-out feeling in meditation IS the basis for the universe, and you 
believe it because you feel it is right in your dirty, dirty, illogical mind. 
And you love disco too.  You love the pounding beat like a cranial jackhammer 
pounding in the rhythms of the night.And you eat at McDonalds more than Jason 
Spurlock did for that 30 days because you hate to cook.

Wow!  I'm just glad I didn't admit that outside my own head.  That is not the 
kind of confession I would like to go into cyberspace for others to see...hey 
what is this button for that says send...ooops


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
   In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  So, you're outta here until the evening of Aug 12.
  Bhur hoo!
  OM MG!
 I'll have to have Rory give me 50 lashings for missing the opportunity to 
 say, The Buck stops here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 I agree - seems like consciousness and compassion are 
 completely missing and demonizing has set in, consistent
 with one of the key criteria of ideological warfare.

Well, except that compassion is the very basis of Democratic

Kind of a catch-22 for those for whom compassion is a core
value: It's hard to show compassion for folks whose ideology
makes a virtue of *lack* of compassion and who want to
eliminate compassion from public policy. Those who lack
compassion, on the other hand, don't face a similar conflict
between their ideals and the urge to demonize their
ideological opponents.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread Denise Evans
As I remember reading...many who have had a near-death experience talk about 
the light and the love they feel...or floating above their bodies.  Were 
they enlightened or practiced at disassociation?  My grandfather died at 99.5 
years...never having meditated in his lifeand slipped away peacefully from 
what we know...
Mararishi uses a lot of words to describe what I basically translate as a 
version of if you have not accepted Jesus into your heart, the road paved with 
gold and the pearly gates of heaven, will be closed to you.  Or, if you do 
not do TM and transcend consciousness, a blissful death will be you denied  
I was reminded of the Christian version at a recent funeral where the Baptist 
minister took it upon himself to lay down the fiery damnation that awaits us 
all without Jesus.

--- On Tue, 8/2/11, Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com wrote:

From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 3:54 PM



  The different experience of dying by the ignorant and the enlightened.

When an ordinary man leaves his body it's a very great pain. When a realized 
man leaves the body it's the experience of greatest happiness-bliss. Why? 
Because the state of enlightenment comes by many times becoming unaware of the 
body. Metabolic rate comes to nil. Million times the metabolic state has come 
to nil. And in that state what we had experienced? Bliss consciousness-during 
meditation. Because the state of enlightenment is the result of millions of 
times getting to that time of pure awareness, transcendental, that means 
physically the body comes to that restfulness, comes to that restfulness, comes 
to that restfulness. . 

During meditation the mind becomes finer and finer and finer, and then 
disassociates itself with the body. 
Prana also-that is breath- becomes finer and finer and finer and finer, and 
then eventually in the transcendental consciousness, disassociates itself with 
the body. 
So, senses: based on the finer aspect of the senses start function finer, 
finer, finer, finest aspect of the senses start functioning. And then the 
senses remain behind, the area of the senses remains behind and they are no 
more in the transcendental awareness. 

What is happening during that: the prana is disassociating itself from the 
body, and the mind disassociates itself from the body, senses disassociating 
themselves from the body. All this disassociation of the subtle body, or the 
inner man, has been a habit. And the experience has been: when all these 
disassociate from the body, then bliss consciousness is the direct experience. 
And therefore, as long as the machinery is functioning with the disassociation 
of these subtle aspects, the experience is that of pure consciousness or bliss 
consciousness. So the last experience that the body can give will be of bliss 
consciousness when the subtle body starts disassociating itself and drops off. 
This is the time of death. So the death of an enlightened man is just the same 
phenomenon of transcending and gaining transcendental consciousness. 

Whereas in the case of others who have not experienced the inner man's 
disassociation from the body-who have never experienced that-then it is a very 
terrible thing for the eyesight to disassociate itself from the eyes. It's a 
very terrible thing for the sense of touch to disassociate itself from the 
hands. Like that. Very terrible experience of pain. Very great. For the sense 
of hearing to disassociate itself from the ears, from the whole machinery. 

You can imagine how a man cries if his house is not insured [laughter]. If he 
is not hooked to safety, not insured then if the house begins to fall and burns 
away, he cries out and sees that oh, what beautiful ceiling I made, with such 
great labor and such great love and this and this, and now it is falling off 
and falling off and falling off. Everything that he built so dearly and with 
such great love and joy and labor, all that, is falling off. He starts crying 
at the fall of everything. Such a great pain at the time of death-for someone 
who has not known how to disassociate himself from his body. 

And in TM, every time we get disassociated from the body, at that time the 
experience is bliss consciousness. Great experience! It's like someone whose 
insurance is much greater than the value of the house [laughter]. When it 
begins to burn, he puts a little more petrol there [laughter]. He enjoys that. 
Because it is hooked to safety. So it's no loss. 

So, the experience of death of an enlightened man is the same experience of 
transcending when we meditate. So that is bliss to the enlightened and the 
greatest suffering to the ignorant. This is the difference. And that's why-he's 
always ready to die. Doesn't matter what. Always ready to die means: he 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread Denise Evans
Rightthe core ideology...which is why I am a Democrat.  
But, I do think that the Democratic party machine...at least the money 
grubbing/raising part has sold out to a similar degree.  After receiving way 
too many requests for money with attendant emails (targeted towards our baser 
instincts that reflected the back and forth slander and sniping)...I eliminated 
myself from the list.  Two sides of the same coinwhere is the Democratic 
Is it possible to restructure from a new set of small parties (as was 
mentioned).  Isn't this what the Koch brothers did for the Republican's and now 
we have the Tee Hee Party to add insanity to the mix.

--- On Thu, 8/4/11, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

From: authfriend jst...@panix.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - 
Please forward widely
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011, 8:29 AM



  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 I agree - seems like consciousness and compassion are 

 completely missing and demonizing has set in, consistent

 with one of the key criteria of ideological warfare.

Well, except that compassion is the very basis of Democratic


Kind of a catch-22 for those for whom compassion is a core

value: It's hard to show compassion for folks whose ideology

makes a virtue of *lack* of compassion and who want to

eliminate compassion from public policy. Those who lack

compassion, on the other hand, don't face a similar conflict

between their ideals and the urge to demonize their

ideological opponents.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/03/2011 06:49 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Denise Evans
 Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 7:43 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

 There are many different methods for meditation.  TM is a technique taught 
 by Maharishi who was a Hindu.  Nothing against it, as I haven't done it or 
 paid to learn it, but it is based on an interpretation of Hinduism possibly 
 somewhat unique to Maharishi from what I've gleaned from posts on these 

 There are many ways to meditate that are free and published.

 But I think it’s noteworthy how deep her meditation is right off the bat. I 
 think that says something about the efficacy of TM.

It says something about the efficacy of meditation.  We don't know what 
would have happened if she would have tried a different form of 
meditation.  It may have worked the same.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread noah

In a nutshell, what Maharishi said is that it is the transition after death 
that is rougher for someone whose nervous system has not been practiced at 
transcending.  Once that transition (supposedly about 3 days) from having a 
body to not having a body is over, the soul does whatever it does.  In the TM 
paradigm, it is good to think loving and positive thoughts about the recently 
deceased so as to help them along through the confusion of a few days duration 
that supposedly arises when the body is lost.  MMY said a sudden death could be 
more confusing than one in which a person was aging or ill and had time to 
begin to let go.  MMY never in my hearing made it sound as if only TM'ers would 
do well after death or in their next incarnation.  Just that TM helped that 
individual be more much evolved than they would be otherwise.  So this differs 
from a Baptist viewpoint that Jesus is the only way, or TM is the only way.  
MMY was very clear that in his opinion TM was the Best meditation of all for 
many reasons.  He did credit Yogananda's Kriya Yoga as being a valid technique, 
altho much slower in its effects than TM.  Really, MMY did not talk much about 
life after death, or dying, given all the thousands of hours of lectures he 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 As I remember reading...many who have had a near-death experience talk about 
 the light and the love they feel...or floating above their bodies. 
  Were they enlightened or practiced at disassociation?  My grandfather died 
 at 99.5 years...never having meditated in his lifeand slipped away 
 peacefully from what we know...
 Mararishi uses a lot of words to describe what I basically translate as a 
 version of if you have not accepted Jesus into your heart, the road paved 
 with gold and the pearly gates of heaven, will be closed to you.  Or, if 
 you do not do TM and transcend consciousness, a blissful death will be you 
 I was reminded of the Christian version at a recent funeral where the Baptist 
 minister took it upon himself to lay down the fiery damnation that awaits us 
 all without Jesus.
 --- On Tue, 8/2/11, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:
 From: Rick Archer rick@...
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 3:54 PM
   The different experience of dying by the ignorant and the enlightened.
 When an ordinary man leaves his body it's a very great pain. When a realized 
 man leaves the body it's the experience of greatest happiness-bliss. Why? 
 Because the state of enlightenment comes by many times becoming unaware of 
 the body. Metabolic rate comes to nil. Million times the metabolic state has 
 come to nil. And in that state what we had experienced? Bliss 
 consciousness-during meditation. Because the state of enlightenment is the 
 result of millions of times getting to that time of pure awareness, 
 transcendental, that means physically the body comes to that restfulness, 
 comes to that restfulness, comes to that restfulness. . 
 During meditation the mind becomes finer and finer and finer, and then 
 disassociates itself with the body. 
 Prana also-that is breath- becomes finer and finer and finer and finer, and 
 then eventually in the transcendental consciousness, disassociates itself 
 with the body. 
 So, senses: based on the finer aspect of the senses start function finer, 
 finer, finer, finest aspect of the senses start functioning. And then the 
 senses remain behind, the area of the senses remains behind and they are no 
 more in the transcendental awareness. 
 What is happening during that: the prana is disassociating itself from the 
 body, and the mind disassociates itself from the body, senses disassociating 
 themselves from the body. All this disassociation of the subtle body, or the 
 inner man, has been a habit. And the experience has been: when all these 
 disassociate from the body, then bliss consciousness is the direct 
 experience. And therefore, as long as the machinery is functioning with the 
 disassociation of these subtle aspects, the experience is that of pure 
 consciousness or bliss consciousness. So the last experience that the body 
 can give will be of bliss consciousness when the subtle body starts 
 disassociating itself and drops off. This is the time of death. So the death 
 of an enlightened man is just the same phenomenon of transcending and gaining 
 transcendental consciousness. 
 Whereas in the case of others who have not experienced the inner man's 
 disassociation from the body-who have never experienced that-then it is a 
 very terrible thing for the eyesight to disassociate itself from the eyes. 
 It's a very terrible thing for the sense of touch to disassociate itself from 
 the hands. Like that. Very terrible 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
A guy who called into Thom Hartmann's show said he attended one of the 
Drinking Liberals gatherings and found that they didn't want to 
discuss the economic situation because they all had jobs!  So much for 
the Drinking Liberals thing which was Thom's idea for a counter to the 
Tea Party.

That's the problem is that people who are working and getting an income 
are burying their heads in the sand.  The demographics this round on 
unemployment show that many well educated and experience people at the 
white collar level are unemployed.  And those in the blue collar areas 
who do grunt jobs that anyone supposedly can do aren't paying 
attention either.

And we have the rest of the world screaming at us because they got 
scammed with our banksters derivatives.  Those should have never been 
legal to begin with.  But why should ordinary Americans be stuck with 
the banksters bill?

On 08/04/2011 07:26 AM, Denise Evans wrote:
 I agree - seems like consciousness and compassion are completely missing 
 and demonizing has set in, consistent with one of the key criteria of 
 ideological warfare.
 It is true that we seem far from that as a society, but with consciousness, 
 anything is possible...
 And so there...
 Maybe a less dumbed down society would suffice. The US establishment 
 has made quite an effort to keep the US public docile.

 --- On Wed, 8/3/11, Bhairitunoozg...@sbcglobal.net  wrote:


[FairfieldLife] 'Mooji's Angelic Choir' absolutely assume...

2011-08-04 Thread Robert
Click on first video..

[FairfieldLife] 'Youtube: One Love, One Heart...;

2011-08-04 Thread Robert

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@ wrote:
  I agree - seems like consciousness and compassion are 
  completely missing and demonizing has set in, consistent
  with one of the key criteria of ideological warfare.
 Well, except that compassion is the very basis of Democratic
 Kind of a catch-22 for those for whom compassion is a core
 value: It's hard to show compassion for folks whose ideology
 makes a virtue of *lack* of compassion and who want to
 eliminate compassion from public policy. Those who lack
 compassion, on the other hand, don't face a similar conflict
 between their ideals and the urge to demonize their
 ideological opponents.

The ideology of Libertarian selfishness makes me too pissed off to find 
compassion in my core values for them. They should all go live in Somalia.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread RoryGoff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  I'll have to have Rory give me 50 lashings for missing the opportunity to 
  say, The Buck stops here.
 The save counts, I missed it too.
 BTW is this service Rory renders an hourly rate or is it billed by intensity? 
  (Cat-o-nine with the metal tips only in the premium Mel Gibson package.)
 Can we supply our own dialogue?  Don't want to skeeve anyone out too badly 
 but I would love to be taunted will being whipped:
 You magical thinker, your epistemology has more holes than a pasta strainer, 
 your premises are dirty, I mean faulty, they are unfounded on either 
 empirical evidence or even sound reasoning. You are a dirty believer aren't 
 you now, a dirty, dirty believer who accepts things on faith you read in 
 books that support slavery and the oppression of women, and you love it don't 
 you?  You love your ancient texts full of superstitions because you are a 
 superstitious boy yourself, aren't you now?  You are a bad thinking, a bad 
 bad thinker, your thinking is bad and you are wrong but you don't care 
 because you don't love knowledge, you just want to protect your special class 
 of ideas that you hold for bad, bad, dirty reasons.
 Now tell me you love your masters, all of them, including Sai Baba, say you 
 love Sai Baba and you believe in the second coming of Maitreya and crop 
 circles as alien messages and the hairy monstrous bigfoot (not Bevan)and you 
 believe that John Hegelin has proven scientifically, beyond any doubt, that 
 the chilled-out feeling in meditation IS the basis for the universe, and you 
 believe it because you feel it is right in your dirty, dirty, illogical mind. 
 And you love disco too.  You love the pounding beat like a cranial jackhammer 
 pounding in the rhythms of the night.And you eat at McDonalds more than Jason 
 Spurlock did for that 30 days because you hate to cook.
 Wow!  I'm just glad I didn't admit that outside my own head.  That is not the 
 kind of confession I would like to go into cyberspace for others to see...hey 
 what is this button for that says send...ooops

* * Thank you for your interest in our unique services, Curtis. Before you sign 
with us, please carefully read the fine print below: 

A: All of our services are unconditionally free, unlimited, and based upon our 
client's genuine willingness to receive, once you have unburdened yourself of 
all of your physical goods and chattels, estate(s) both real and personal, and 
prior metaphysical concepts and/or beliefs by charitable donation to us. 

B: You may try deducting any or all of your charitable donation(s) on your 
federal income-tax return, but we are not responsible for how the IRS decides 
to treat your deduction and, consequently, to treat you. For that matter, we 
cannot and shall not be held responsible for any aspect of your life, as 
defined by you, anywhere in any dimension at any time: past, present or future, 
real or imagined. 

C: In some circumstances and for as long as we deem necessary, we may also 
require other uncoerced donations, including but not limited to any or all of 
your time, energy, talents, emotions, health, relationships, reputation, 
self-esteem, and/or sanity, as conventionally defined. Depending upon the 
nature of your attachment(s), as determined by us, we may or may not return all 
or any of these donations, or any portion thereof, to you, should you decide to 
leave us at any time, or should we at any time decide to downsize you. Should 
such a decision on the part of either party become necessary, you will be 
responsible for forming your own exit strategies and/or finding or creating 
your own support-group to attempt a recovery. In re any responsibility on our 
part, please review Paragraph B, above.

D: In return for your sizable donation(s) you will probably receive room, 
board, course credits, a modest living stipend, and a temporary set of working 
beliefs for as long as you continue to interest us, though we reserve the 
right to revoke any or all of these, temporarily or permanently, at any time 
for any reason, stated or unstated. If and when you no longer interest us, 
you're on your own. (See also paragraph C, above.) If your donations amount to 
$1,000,000 or more, you may also be required to wear ridiculous costumes in 
public and participate in other masochistic rituals, as we deem suitable.  

(Your signature here)

As you probably have already heard, Curtis, we are a full-spectrum service, 
offering everything from the very highest-intensity mind-blowing ultraviolation 
down to the fundamentally warm and tingly infra-rediwhipping you mention above. 

But Curtis, we feel you would be wasting your talents as a client; with your 
multiple gifts of tongues, charisma, and dramaturgy, you really should consider 
working with us as an 

[FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 08/03/2011 06:49 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
  On Behalf Of Denise Evans
  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 7:43 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator
  There are many different methods for meditation.  TM is a technique 
  taught by Maharishi who was a Hindu.  Nothing against it, as I haven't done 
  it or paid to learn it, but it is based on an interpretation of Hinduism 
  possibly somewhat unique to Maharishi from what I've gleaned from posts on 
  these website.
  There are many ways to meditate that are free and published.
  But I think it’s noteworthy how deep her meditation is right off the bat. 
  I think that says something about the efficacy of TM.
 It says something about the efficacy of meditation.  We don't know what 
 would have happened if she would have tried a different form of 
 meditation.  It may have worked the same.

Or not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secular Spirituality, the followup

2011-08-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@... wrote:

All this sounds vaguely familiar, I think I signed this exact document when I 
became a teacher!  You left out the part of equitable relief if the 
contract (which we were not given a copy of) was broken.

I appreciate your generous offer to join the staff of your fair and balanced 
services.  I'm not sure I can ever commit to top or bottom however, so I remain 
too ambivalent to be effective in laying it on the customers.  I would be the 
guy who would untie them and tell them to run, run like the wind, run Forest 

Excellent rap Rory.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
   I'll have to have Rory give me 50 lashings for missing the opportunity to 
   say, The Buck stops here.
  The save counts, I missed it too.
  BTW is this service Rory renders an hourly rate or is it billed by 
  intensity?  (Cat-o-nine with the metal tips only in the premium Mel Gibson 
  Can we supply our own dialogue?  Don't want to skeeve anyone out too badly 
  but I would love to be taunted will being whipped:
  You magical thinker, your epistemology has more holes than a pasta 
  strainer, your premises are dirty, I mean faulty, they are unfounded on 
  either empirical evidence or even sound reasoning. You are a dirty believer 
  aren't you now, a dirty, dirty believer who accepts things on faith you 
  read in books that support slavery and the oppression of women, and you 
  love it don't you?  You love your ancient texts full of superstitions 
  because you are a superstitious boy yourself, aren't you now?  You are a 
  bad thinking, a bad bad thinker, your thinking is bad and you are wrong but 
  you don't care because you don't love knowledge, you just want to protect 
  your special class of ideas that you hold for bad, bad, dirty reasons.
  Now tell me you love your masters, all of them, including Sai Baba, say you 
  love Sai Baba and you believe in the second coming of Maitreya and crop 
  circles as alien messages and the hairy monstrous bigfoot (not Bevan)and 
  you believe that John Hegelin has proven scientifically, beyond any doubt, 
  that the chilled-out feeling in meditation IS the basis for the universe, 
  and you believe it because you feel it is right in your dirty, dirty, 
  illogical mind. And you love disco too.  You love the pounding beat like a 
  cranial jackhammer pounding in the rhythms of the night.And you eat at 
  McDonalds more than Jason Spurlock did for that 30 days because you hate to 
  Wow!  I'm just glad I didn't admit that outside my own head.  That is not 
  the kind of confession I would like to go into cyberspace for others to 
  see...hey what is this button for that says send...ooops
 * * Thank you for your interest in our unique services, Curtis. Before you 
 sign with us, please carefully read the fine print below: 
 A: All of our services are unconditionally free, unlimited, and based upon 
 our client's genuine willingness to receive, once you have unburdened 
 yourself of all of your physical goods and chattels, estate(s) both real and 
 personal, and prior metaphysical concepts and/or beliefs by charitable 
 donation to us. 
 B: You may try deducting any or all of your charitable donation(s) on your 
 federal income-tax return, but we are not responsible for how the IRS decides 
 to treat your deduction and, consequently, to treat you. For that matter, we 
 cannot and shall not be held responsible for any aspect of your life, as 
 defined by you, anywhere in any dimension at any time: past, present or 
 future, real or imagined. 
 C: In some circumstances and for as long as we deem necessary, we may also 
 require other uncoerced donations, including but not limited to any or all of 
 your time, energy, talents, emotions, health, relationships, reputation, 
 self-esteem, and/or sanity, as conventionally defined. Depending upon the 
 nature of your attachment(s), as determined by us, we may or may not return 
 all or any of these donations, or any portion thereof, to you, should you 
 decide to leave us at any time, or should we at any time decide to downsize 
 you. Should such a decision on the part of either party become necessary, you 
 will be responsible for forming your own exit strategies and/or finding or 
 creating your own support-group to attempt a recovery. In re any 
 responsibility on our part, please review Paragraph B, above.
 D: In return for your sizable donation(s) you will probably receive room, 
 board, course credits, a modest living stipend, and a temporary set of 
 working beliefs for as long as you continue to interest us, though we 
 reserve the right to revoke any or all of these, temporarily or permanently, 
 at any time for any reason, stated or unstated. If and when you no 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Aug 4, 2011, at 12:26 PM, raunchydog wrote:

 But I think it’s noteworthy how deep her meditation is right off the bat. 
 I think that says something about the efficacy of TM.
 It says something about the efficacy of meditation.  We don't know what 
 would have happened if she would have tried a different form of 
 meditation.  It may have worked the same.
 Or not.

The sign of a truly spiritual person:
wishing failure on others if they
dare to try something else,
even in theory.  I do find it
interesting that even in a 
discussion of a hypothetical~~concerning a 
person who has already started TM and
found it beneficial, no less~~that rd
is so brainwashed she can't even
admit to the possibility that any
other brand of meditation could
have any value.  Way to go, rd.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 Rightthe core ideology...which is why I am a Democrat.  
 But, I do think that the Democratic party machine...at least
 the money grubbing/raising part has sold out to a similar
 degree.  After receiving way too many requests for money
 with attendant emails (targeted towards our baser instincts
 that reflected the back and forth slander and sniping)...I 
 eliminated myself from the list.  Two sides of the same 
 coinwhere is the Democratic party?

Where indeed?

A sizable number of people thought Obama would lead us to
a restoration of Democratic ideals. Many of those who paid
closer attention to what he actually said during the primary
campaign than to his aura and their own hopes were dubious.
And when we voiced our doubts, we were scorned and despised.

Somebody once said that the ugliest four words in the
English language are I told you so. Well, too bad.
We told you so, dammit.

 Is it possible to restructure from a new set of small parties
 (as was mentioned).  Isn't this what the Koch brothers did
 for the Republican's and now we have the Tee Hee Party to add 
 insanity to the mix.
 --- On Thu, 8/4/11, authfriend jstein@... wrote:
 From: authfriend jstein@...
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - 
 Please forward widely
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011, 8:29 AM
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@ wrote:
  I agree - seems like consciousness and compassion are 
  completely missing and demonizing has set in, consistent
  with one of the key criteria of ideological warfare.
 Well, except that compassion is the very basis of Democratic
 Kind of a catch-22 for those for whom compassion is a core
 value: It's hard to show compassion for folks whose ideology
 makes a virtue of *lack* of compassion and who want to
 eliminate compassion from public policy. Those who lack
 compassion, on the other hand, don't face a similar conflict
 between their ideals and the urge to demonize their
 ideological opponents.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 On Aug 4, 2011, at 12:26 PM, raunchydog wrote:
  But I think it’s noteworthy how deep her meditation is right off the 
  bat. I think that says something about the efficacy of TM.
  It says something about the efficacy of meditation.  We
  don't know what would have happened if she would have
  tried a different form of meditation.  It may have worked
  the same.
  Or not.
 The sign of a truly spiritual person:
 wishing failure on others if they
 dare to try something else,
 even in theory.  I do find it
 interesting that even in a 
 discussion of a hypothetical~~concerning a 
 person who has already started TM and
 found it beneficial, no less~~that rd
 is so brainwashed she can't even
 admit to the possibility that any
 other brand of meditation could
 have any value.  Way to go, rd.

You'll have to forgive Stupid Sal; she has trouble grasping
the meaning of long, complicated words like or.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, PaliGap compost1uk@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  A few hours of dying, having the senses removed and all that, especially if 
  you are habituated to loosing everything during real meditations anyway is 
  nothing compared to having to spend 9 months in a dark and damp place only 
  to be pushed out through a slimy, bloodful channel into a place full of 
  bright lights where the people babble in a language you don't even 
  I can die anytime. But being born, not so much.
 Belly Button Window


The sound of a rare american genius, so prematurely passing on. Hendrix never 
stops surprising, this text is beautiful. Thanks for posting this PaliGap !

It would be interesting, regarding the rescent discussion on FFL
on Jyotish if a future bithdate and place could be predicted. Since most of the 
FFL'ers are getting on timewise, I suppose this would interest more than myself.

Anyone knows about this ?

[FairfieldLife] 'Beatles~1966~Paperback Writer!'..

2011-08-04 Thread Robert
'It can make a million for you, over-knight...

[FairfieldLife] 'Beatles~1965~Help!'..

2011-08-04 Thread Robert

[FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 Masked Zebra responds to seventhray1:

When I skimmed the post regarding Maharishi's talk about dying, it rekindled 
the feeling I had that drew me into this knowledge. 

BlahBlah, snip, BlahBlah, more snip. 

Robin, again you fall into your own trap. Why not keep it simple. You could 
say; Maharishi was a clown, but I'm brilliant !

Something like this.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

Denise Evans:
 Two sides of the same coin...
Well, it's a difference in what is right.

On the one side you have people who think the 
purpose of government is to redistribute wealth,
to make everyone economically equal, and to be 
able determine that nobody get more than anyone 

On the other hand, there are the people who 
believe that it is right to be able to take 
advantage of economic opportunity, to work for 
more, and to own what they earn, and keep it, 
without having to give part of it away to others 
who do not work for their income.

One is morally right, the other is immoral.

In my opinion, free enterprise is right and 
moral, and communism and socialism are immoral.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread maskedzebra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  Masked Zebra responds to seventhray1:
 When I skimmed the post regarding Maharishi's talk about dying, it rekindled 
 the feeling I had that drew me into this knowledge. 
 BlahBlah, snip, BlahBlah, more snip. 
 Robin, again you fall into your own trap. Why not keep it simple. You could 
 say; Maharishi was a clown, but I'm brilliant !
 Something like this.

RESPONSE: But no, nablusoss1008, it was the reverse: Maharishi as brilliant, I 
was the clown. 

I would like to *think* I was up to Maharishi now [but I am probably not], and 
as I indicated in that post to seventhray1, I would seek out a major 
confrontation with him—in his physical presence.

Nothing but the act of standing up to him, and especially his *context* could 
produce the final deliverance from him that I am still seeking. 

None of us were able to do this. It seemed the universe itself would not let 

No, Maharishi will always be the most powerful and brilliant human being I have 
ever known, read about, heard of. He had everything.

But for all that at bottom he was corrupt and deceived. I will never 
experience—with any other person—a love which even begins to command me the way 
my love for Maharishi commanded me.

I still hold all of what he was in my consciousness, even as I have tried, as 
best I could, to extirpate what was the mystical deceit of Maharishi [from 
having an influence over me]. I could become at a touch more fanatically 
devoted to Maharishi and TM than even Bevan is. But I have control over myself 
now, and I know Maharishi was not the real thing (although in saying that, no 
one will ever, in my judgment, exceed Maharishi in terms of beauty, charm, 
wisdom, and a certain kind of original intelligence. To witness Maharishi in 
action for me I am sure was easily the equivalent of Peter witnessing Christ).

But you see, Peter's Master *was* the real thing. Maharishi was not.

I always feel this affection for someone who has remained as loyal as you have 
to the Master to whom I surrendered all of myself, Nablusoss. Your comments 
always have the ring of that perfect sincerity which I myself recognize, 
because you could be me,

I have had to kill the clown in me, because that is what I became on that 
mountain in September '76. Why a clown, Robin? Because by becoming enlightened, 
at some level I was being mocked by the devas, the intelligences that had 
prayed to so desperately that finally they relented, and made me enlightened.

I write the way I do, nablusoss1008, because this is my way of getting rid of 
all the  vestiges of my clowned-ness.

Thank you for your honest and sincere reaction to my posts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:
 If, as Maharishi says, one can dispense with the agony of
 death through getting identified with transcendental
 consciousness, why should it not be conceivable in principle
 to do the same thing when one is getting born—assuming that
 one has—potentially—access to the memory of doing TM in a
 previous life?

Minor quibble: If transcending makes death easier because
one has practiced separation of mind/soul from body, 
wouldn't birth be the opposite--mind/soul coming together
with body? And wouldn't that be the equivalent, not of
transcending, but of stress release--which, as we know,
can be unpleasant?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/04/2011 10:26 AM, raunchydog wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 08/03/2011 06:49 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
 On Behalf Of Denise Evans
 Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 7:43 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

 There are many different methods for meditation.  TM is a technique 
 taught by Maharishi who was a Hindu.  Nothing against it, as I haven't done 
 it or paid to learn it, but it is based on an interpretation of Hinduism 
 possibly somewhat unique to Maharishi from what I've gleaned from posts on 
 these website.

 There are many ways to meditate that are free and published.

 But I think it’s noteworthy how deep her meditation is right off the bat. 
 I think that says something about the efficacy of TM.

 It says something about the efficacy of meditation.  We don't know what
 would have happened if she would have tried a different form of
 meditation.  It may have worked the same.

 Or not.

Yup, other techniques may work better and definitely safer.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] ZomGas 7 (could be a visa for Jesus - was Zombie in my Gas Tank)

2011-08-04 Thread Bob Price

On behalf of the Producers, thank you for this. I think you're on to something 
with Jesus slipping in as an IT worker. Certainly he would not
have to fool with his appearance. My only tweak is that I think its been 
established that Paul The Apostle had an overactive pineal gland producing 
too much DMT.

From: Tom Pall thomas.p...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 1:30:50 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] ZomGas 7 (could be a visa for Jesus - was Zombie 
in my Gas Tank)

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Since one of our  favourite Canadians is feeling too

delicate to be interviewed on ZomGas the producers
have decided that our very favourite Jew, Jesus of
Nazareth, is more than up to taking his place in the exalted 
number 7 spot.

For something different we've decided 12 answers following by
3 questions might be the ticket. Anyone wishing to provide
questions to the answers or answers to the questions
is encouraged to do so. If you pretend to be ignoring us we reserve the
right to provide questions and answers in a later episode.

12 Answers:

1. Love

Me ever.
2. Tolerance

Is for other people.
3. Money

Makes misery a whole lot more bearable.

4. America

Got watches over fools, little children, drunks and the United States of 

America is a democracy.  In a democracy a rich man have an equal right to sleep 
under a bridge at night.

5. God

Is everywhere except in Arkansas and parts of Pasadena, Texas.

6. Hinduism

Is ever born anew.
7. The Pope

Dresses like a Raja.

8. Young Children

Are cute and fun since they're somebody else's problem.

9. Newfoundland

Nice place.

10. Summa Theologica

I read it in 9th grade and many times since then.  Scheiße.

11. Paul the Apostle

Never met Jesus.  Did peyote on a trip.  One of the many people who's gospels 
should not have been included into the Bible.   My codex, in Nag Hammadi, where 
I've spent many days and worked not far away, should have been included.

12. The US Dollar

Will prevail.  The Euro will self-destruct.   We need to default on all debt to 
China as they acquired it under false pretenses, by keeping the Yuan at an 
artificially low exchange rate compared to other currencies.


3 Questions:

1. If Jesus arrived at the US Mexican border would he be given a visa?

Yes, he would.   I've had friends who worked most of the year out of the 
country.  Most of my US colleagues lived in Pittsburgh, so they flew into 
Montreal then got a ride back into the US, not having to show their passport 
when crossing the border.   That way on holiday they still had their 330 days 
working out of the country.  Some colleagues lived in Texas.  They drove to 
Mexico, got a visa (and their passport stamped) and when about to go back as 
expat went back across the border and when entering, asked to have their 
passports stamped by US Immigration.    Plus the Mexicans are into Jesus in a 
big way through they like Mary better.    PES 14,000 will get even Christ a 
visa.  Problem is, when someone yells out Jusus, a hundred guys will answer.

2. If Jesus arrived at the US Mexican boader would he consider himself a 

He ever considered himself a Jew.   He came to fulfill the prophecy and the 
Law.  But he never called himself the Christ.


3. If I took a car abondoned by the roadside due its driver experiencing The 
would that be considered stealing in the biblical sense?

The rapture was made up by some dude in the 1800s who found a passage reading 
about Jesus and his followers being in the clouds.   Sort of like Maharishi and 
those in the TMO and the TBs here on FFL.  Hmm.  Will there be a Vedic Rapture? 


[FairfieldLife] Stocks Plunge as Economic Worries Continue

2011-08-04 Thread John
The US national chart shows the effects of the latest Congressional decision to 
raise the government debt-limit.  The negative public sentiment of the 
political squabbling is a reflection of Rahu being debilitated in Scorpio, the 
field of expenditures and losses.  As such, Scorpio gives a malefic aspect or 
rashi dhristi to Aries, the field of investments.

Thus, we are experiencing a massive selloff in Wall Street.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ZomGas 7 (could be a visa for Jesus - was Zombie in my Gas Tank)

2011-08-04 Thread Bob Price

I think we're all in agreement that next time around Jesus will be a Mexican.

Only tweak, Peter started the Catholic Church like Paul Allen started Microsoft.

From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 8:05:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: ZomGas 7 (could be a visa for Jesus - was Zombie 
in my Gas Tank)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Since one of our  favourite Canadians is feeling too
 delicate to be interviewed on ZomGas the producers
 have decided that our very favourite Jew, Jesus of
 Nazareth, is more than up to taking his place in the exalted 
 number 7 spot.
 For something different we've decided 12 answers following by
 3 questions might be the ticket. Anyone wishing to provide
 questions to the answers or answers to the questions
 is encouraged to do so. If you pretend to be ignoring us we reserve the
 right to provide questions and answers in a later episode.
 12 Answers:
 1. Love    What's Mike's last name?
 2. Tolerance What is social lubricant?
 3. Money What is close to Being?
 4. America What is the name of reincarnated Rome?
 5. God What is doG spelled backward?
 6. Hinduism What does Vaj get a hard on about?
 7. The Pope  What is the title sometimes given to the head of Greenwich 
 8. Young Children Who often get loaded with issues pertaining to divorce? 
 (can't speak from experience)
 9. Newfoundland What is a breed of dog?
 10. Summa Theologica What is the name of a religious treatise probably no one 
 has heard of?
 11. Paul the ApostleWhat is the name of the goy who started the Catholic 
 Church?  (Okay, I meant to write guy, but it came out wrong.  I will let it 
 stand.  Also, my wife and son just advise me that it was Peter who started 
 the Catholic Church.  Okay.) 
 12. The US Dollar What are people drinking rum and Coca Cola, and 
 working for, if you substitute Yankee for US? 
 3 Questions:
 1. If Jesus arrived at the US Mexican border would he be given a visa?  Yes, 
 because Jesus is a common Mexican name, although pronounced differently there.
 2. If Jesus arrived at the US Mexican boader would he consider himself a 
 Christian? This we don't know.  We think so, though.
 3. If I took a car abondoned by the roadside due its driver experiencing The 
 would that be considered stealing in the biblical sense?No, but the more 
 important question would be would you then know the car in the biblical 


[FairfieldLife] St. Francis Xavier trashes Hindu idols of Goa

2011-08-04 Thread Yifu
Definitely bad karma on his part, especially if the idols were images of Ganesh 
or Kali. (the latter would be less unforgiving than the former).  Catholocism 
in its present form is doomed to extinction.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread Denise Evans
Doesn't sound like you are a candidate for being born again :)

--- On Thu, 8/4/11, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011, 10:48 AM




--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, PaliGap compost1uk@... wrote:



 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:


  A few hours of dying, having the senses removed and all that, especially if 
  you are habituated to loosing everything during real meditations anyway is 
  nothing compared to having to spend 9 months in a dark and damp place only 
  to be pushed out through a slimy, bloodful channel into a place full of 
  bright lights where the people babble in a language you don't even 


  I can die anytime. But being born, not so much.


 Belly Button Window


The sound of a rare american genius, so prematurely passing on. Hendrix never 
stops surprising, this text is beautiful. Thanks for posting this PaliGap !

It would be interesting, regarding the rescent discussion on FFL

on Jyotish if a future bithdate and place could be predicted. Since most of the 
FFL'ers are getting on timewise, I suppose this would interest more than myself.

Anyone knows about this ?




[FairfieldLife] Joy ride

2011-08-04 Thread Yifu
A vision of my ideal world

[FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread maskedzebra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:

Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:
 If, as Maharishi says, one can dispense with the agony of
 death through getting identified with transcendental
 consciousness, why should it not be conceivable in principle
 to do the same thing when one is getting born—assuming that
 one has—potentially—access to the memory of doing TM in a
 previous life?

Minor quibble: If transcending makes death easier because
one has practiced separation of mind/soul from body,
wouldn't birth be the opposite--mind/soul coming together
with body? And wouldn't that be the equivalent, not of
transcending, but of stress release--which, as we know,
can be unpleasant?


I think I understand you perfectly here, and I yield to you on this point (as 
you have interpreted me).

I would say, however, that I had originally wanted to compare death to 
*conception*, because this (we are speaking about a reality which none of us 
knows anything about: death, conception) circumstance has everything to do with 
the person we are going to be. Conception is where God is determining who we 
are going to be; so, in this sense, he is nearest us. (As well has forming the 
person we are, he also *starts to make us exist*.)

Same with death: as I see, intuit it, it we come face-to- with the Person who 
first created us—and gave us the free will to make of ourselves what we would 
(I go along with Aquinas here and believe God has a perfect knowledge of not 
only the determined future, but the contingent future (what might or might not 
happen—especially as this concerns our free will—and therefore he already knows 
what we will do with our free will).

We, as it were, come into the presence of the author of the very self that we 
are (that omnisubjectivity I have referred to: the sense of being an I that 
reflects the internal reality of God himself, who, in my way of thinking about 
it, is very much an I—and a person). This will be an unspeakable, 
inexpressible reality, because imagine meeting the person who designed your 
innermost sense of who you are. Well, that's what I believe happens at death: 
you meet the Person who created you.

Now things are different in what I have deemed a post-Catholic universe: I 
doubt there is the same Judgment thing going on; nevertheless I don't doubt the 
actual circumstance is the same, viz. you will meet the person who created the 
person that you are, and the person that you are in seeing and knowing God for 
the first time.

Intimate: that doesn't even begin to describe it. 

So, then, Judy, if I could somewhere compare death to conception, I would have 
done this, but it seemed a more intelligible and accessible idea to compare 
death to birth.

But, as I say, I tend to go along with you, although I think the mind/soul 
coming together with body had already happened. What is traumatic and powerful 
is going from the womb into the physical universe. We may, none of us, have 
ever completely got over *that* even if we do not, evidently, have the capacity 
to remember it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, noah wayback71@... wrote:

 In a nutshell, what Maharishi said is that it is the transition after death 
 that is rougher for someone whose nervous system has not been practiced at 
 transcending.  Once that transition (supposedly about 3 days) from having a 
 body to not having a body is over, the soul does whatever it does.  In the TM 
 paradigm, it is good to think loving and positive thoughts about the recently 
 deceased so as to help them along through the confusion of a few days 
 duration that supposedly arises when the body is lost.  MMY said a sudden 
 death could be more confusing than one in which a person was aging or ill and 
 had time to begin to let go.  MMY never in my hearing made it sound as if 
 only TM'ers would do well after death or in their next incarnation.  Just 
 that TM helped that individual be more much evolved than they would be 
 otherwise.  So this differs from a Baptist viewpoint that Jesus is the only 
 way, or TM is the only way.  MMY was very clear that in his opinion TM was 
 the Best meditation of all for many reasons.  He did credit Yogananda's Kriya 
 Yoga as being a valid technique, altho much slower in its effects than TM.  
 Really, MMY did not talk much about life after death, or dying, given all the 
 thousands of hours of lectures he gave.

Well said Wayback ! I do remeber one inscident when Maharishi was asked by a 
nurse who was attending to dying people on a daily basis. The tape is there, 
does anyone remember ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 Doesn't sound like you are a candidate for being born again :)

Did you read my post ?
Thougt so !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
Most of these organization have been taken over by political junkies who 
think politics 24/7.  They think we all need to be activists 24/7.  As I 
said recently that is why we have a representative form of government: 
so we don't have to be political junkies 24/7.  If we had good 
representative government then we could afford to send them money but 
then they wouldn't need to be asking for it either.

Funny aside about FFL.  When things get really serious outside the 
spiritual dilettantes here bury their heads in the sand by waxing 
nostalgia about their Maharishi days or was it daze?  You can see it 
right now.

On 08/04/2011 08:42 AM, Denise Evans wrote:
 Rightthe core ideology...which is why I am a Democrat.  
 But, I do think that the Democratic party machine...at least the money 
 grubbing/raising part has sold out to a similar degree.  After receiving way 
 too many requests for money with attendant emails (targeted towards our baser 
 instincts that reflected the back and forth slander and sniping)...I 
 eliminated myself from the list.  Two sides of the same coinwhere is the 
 Democratic party?
 Is it possible to restructure from a new set of small parties (as was 
 mentioned).  Isn't this what the Koch brothers did for the Republican's and 
 now we have the Tee Hee Party to add insanity to the mix.

[FairfieldLife] Re: ZomGas 7 (could be a visa for Jesus - was Zombie in my Gas Tank)

2011-08-04 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 I think we're all in agreement that next time around Jesus 
 will be a Mexican.

This reminds me of a bit by Mort Sahl. He was doing a 
comedy riff on the bishop at Grace Cathedral in San
Francisco having to phone the Vatican because Christ
had shown up. He was asking advice on what to do about
him. In the comedy bit we could only hear the Bishop's
side of the conversation [from memory, and thus almost
certainly not word for word]:

Yes, I'm pretty sure it's him. Wounds on the wrists,
loads of charisma. It's him.

[ Silence, as if the Bishop is listening to the Pope's
response ]

Of course he's white!

 Only tweak, Peter started the Catholic Church like Paul 
 Allen started Microsoft.

Good line. Although I should point out that Paul Allen
retired in New Mexico, where Microsoft was first started.
He is viewed as a great neighbor and a wonderful person.

Bill Gates would never have been able to go back to New
Mexico because when he decided to move the company to
Bellevue he ran out on most of the company's New Mexico
debts, and left without paying hundreds of creditors
there. In all the years since -- and with all of the
success he's enjoyed since -- it has never occurred to
him to go back and pay those outstanding debts. New
Mexicans have never forgotten that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread Denise Evans
You define the argument in terms of assuming those who do not think like you 
are automatically socialist...sounds fear-based and extremist.  ...and yours as 
a very reasonable one.

Your position involves the assumption that you are being forced to give away 
your money to those who do not work for their income.  Also a fairly 
extremist statementjust so you knowdon't include me in that category.

I simply say, that you enjoy all the benefits of federal parks, for example.  
Perhaps you'd like to contribute to their maintenance? Is there no common 

I doubt that you would like to earn and keep all that you have earned living in 
one of the lawless countries with a failed government. 

--- On Thu, 8/4/11, richardwillytexwilliams willy...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: richardwillytexwilliams willy...@yahoo.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - 
Please forward widely
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011, 11:27 AM




Denise Evans:

 Two sides of the same coin...


Well, it's a difference in what is right.

On the one side you have people who think the 

purpose of government is to redistribute wealth,

to make everyone economically equal, and to be 

able determine that nobody get more than anyone 


On the other hand, there are the people who 

believe that it is right to be able to take 

advantage of economic opportunity, to work for 

more, and to own what they earn, and keep it, 

without having to give part of it away to others 

who do not work for their income.

One is morally right, the other is immoral.

In my opinion, free enterprise is right and 

moral, and communism and socialism are immoral.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/04/2011 11:27 AM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:

 Denise Evans:
 Two sides of the same coin...

 Well, it's a difference in what is right.

 On the one side you have people who think the
 purpose of government is to redistribute wealth,
 to make everyone economically equal, and to be
 able determine that nobody get more than anyone

What about just reining in the disparity in income levels.  We don't 
need any stinkin' billionaires.

 On the other hand, there are the people who
 believe that it is right to be able to take
 advantage of economic opportunity, to work for
 more, and to own what they earn, and keep it,
 without having to give part of it away to others
 who do not work for their income.

Their ability to do that often came from publicly funded education, 
government agencies that allowed them to set up a business and maybe 
even keep someone else from unfairly keeping them out of business.  The 
commons isn't free but it need not be expensive either.  Or do you want 
to pay some evil lord a toll for driving down the highway?

Beside just working hard is not going to make you rich.  It usually just 
makes one tired. :-D

Oh, but I forgot you are just one lottery ticket away from becoming a 
billionaire. :-D :-D
 One is morally right, the other is immoral.

 In my opinion, free enterprise is right and
 moral, and communism and socialism are immoral.

The bed of free enterprise has been soiled by the dogs who championed 
it.  Now it is collapsing.  Enjoy communism, Willy.  You'll be living 
under corporate communism very soon (or maybe we already are).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ZomGas 7 (could be a visa for Jesus - was Zombie in my Gas Tank)

2011-08-04 Thread Bob Price
Thanks for this. I love Mort Sahl!

Since Peter was crucified in Rome I wonder if he left any bad credit card
debt back in Palestine? If he did, knowing VISA, they're still sending
over due notices. 

From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2011 12:25:35 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: ZomGas 7 (could be a visa for Jesus - was Zombie 
in my Gas Tank)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 I think we're all in agreement that next time around Jesus 
 will be a Mexican.

This reminds me of a bit by Mort Sahl. He was doing a 
comedy riff on the bishop at Grace Cathedral in San
Francisco having to phone the Vatican because Christ
had shown up. He was asking advice on what to do about
him. In the comedy bit we could only hear the Bishop's
side of the conversation [from memory, and thus almost
certainly not word for word]:

Yes, I'm pretty sure it's him. Wounds on the wrists,
loads of charisma. It's him.

[ Silence, as if the Bishop is listening to the Pope's
response ]

Of course he's white!

 Only tweak, Peter started the Catholic Church like Paul 
 Allen started Microsoft.

Good line. Although I should point out that Paul Allen
retired in New Mexico, where Microsoft was first started.
He is viewed as a great neighbor and a wonderful person.

Bill Gates would never have been able to go back to New
Mexico because when he decided to move the company to
Bellevue he ran out on most of the company's New Mexico
debts, and left without paying hundreds of creditors
there. In all the years since -- and with all of the
success he's enjoyed since -- it has never occurred to
him to go back and pay those outstanding debts. New
Mexicans have never forgotten that.


[FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  It may have worked the same.
  Or not.
 Yup, other techniques may work better and 
 definitely safer.

Nope, I've tried at least seventeen different
techniques and none work better or are safer,

TM is simply the best and top-most meditation 
technique on the planet, and the fastest - 
enlightenment in 5-7 years, if not instantly.

[FairfieldLife] Amma and Amma

2011-08-04 Thread Denise Evans
I read this and thought HI think I was expecting more of a  Karunamayi 
feel instead of the Mata feel, which may have contributed to my aftershock 
- although, while I will never be a devotee, I have come to think of my visit 
as a gift and I hold no ill will...just skepticism re: the effect of celebrity 
on guru and a few other things.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Paul coming to Fairfield Tues Aug 9th! - Please forward widely

2011-08-04 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

  On the one side you have people who think the
  purpose of government is to redistribute wealth,
  to make everyone economically equal, and to be
  able determine that nobody get more than anyone
 What about just reining in the disparity in income 

You don't have the right to tell anyone what they
can earn and what they can keep -it's their money.

 We don't need any stinkin' billionaires.
Everyone should be a billionaire, if they earn it.

  One is morally right, the other is immoral.
  In my opinion, free enterprise is right and
  moral, and communism and socialism are immoral.
 The bed of free enterprise has been soiled by the 
 dogs who championed it...

If you don't like it , why not move to Cuba? We
don't need any more free-loaders in this country!

All we need is good paying jobs so that everyone
can pay their own way, and donate to charity if
they want to. That's the ticket, not to take from
those that have to give to those who don't have.

One thing we could do to cut the spending is to 
get the government out of the school business and
to cut all foreign aid. Save a trillion or two.

[FairfieldLife] Let me go; Jimi Hendrix

2011-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008

Going is a natural theme.

Does Jyotish have a technology to reveal when to come into this world ?


Jimi on Born under a bad sign I guess the socalled Buddhists helped him in 
his understanding of suicide. 


[FairfieldLife] An American Ghandarva playing

2011-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Let me go; Jimi Hendrix

2011-08-04 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:


No way! That's never Jimi - unless he was twiddling in his sleep?
 Going is a natural theme.
 Does Jyotish have a technology to reveal when to come into this world ?

Yeah, that is. Thanks!

 Jimi on Born under a bad sign I guess the socalled Buddhists helped him 
 in his understanding of suicide. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stocks Plunge as Economic Worries Continue

2011-08-04 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 The US national chart shows the effects of the latest Congressional decision 
 to raise the government debt-limit.  The negative public sentiment of the 
 political squabbling is a reflection of Rahu being debilitated in Scorpio, 
 the field of expenditures and losses.  As such, Scorpio gives a malefic 
 aspect or rashi dhristi to Aries, the field of investments.
 Thus, we are experiencing a massive selloff in Wall Street.

Yep, and the testosterone levels of (naked) short sellers go
through the roof? LoL! 

Those who here in Finland are called 'bullero-s or tuulipuku-s
(wind-suits: inexperienced investors, or stuff), loose huge amounts of money in 
favor of short sellers??

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stocks Plunge as Economic Worries Continue

2011-08-04 Thread richardwillytexwilliams
  Thus, we are experiencing a massive selloff in 
  Wall Street.
 Those who here in Finland are called 'bullero-s 
 or tuulipuku-s (wind-suits: inexperienced 
 investors, or stuff), loose huge amounts of money 
 in favor of short sellers??

Around here, we just call it our 401K. But, Bhairitu
wants to give even that away to the government! Go

[FairfieldLife] Re: Let me go; Jimi Hendrix

2011-08-04 Thread richardwillytexwilliams
Voodoo Child:

 Jimi on Born under a bad sign...

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi and Jimi Hendrix

2011-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008
During the mid 80's an american was asked to pick up Maharishi at the Delhi 
airport. During the ride Maharishi noticed the driver had tapes lying on the 
right seat and asked to put on the music.  The american said it is nothing, I 
suppose he was ashamed of listening to hard rock. Again Maharishi asked him to 
put on the tape. The fellow said no, trying to gain time. Mahaharishi asked the 
fellow for the 3'rd time to put on the tape, he insisted on hearing the tape. 

Hearing the tape to it's end Maharishi said; This is the beautiful voice of 
Kali Yuga

Jimi did just that, he summed up not just a generation with his music but a 
whole Yuga 

Now Kali Yuga is gone. But Jimi lives !

Jai Guru Dev 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stocks Plunge as Economic Worries Continue

2011-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/04/2011 01:25 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
 Thus, we are experiencing a massive selloff in
 Wall Street.

 Those who here in Finland are called 'bullero-s
 or tuulipuku-s (wind-suits: inexperienced
 investors, or stuff), loose huge amounts of money
 in favor of short sellers??

 Around here, we just call it our 401K. But, Bhairitu
 wants to give even that away to the government! Go

Where did I say that?  Stop making things up.

[FairfieldLife] Dog Park at Lamson Woods?

2011-08-04 Thread Dick Mays

Forwarded from a friend:

Greetings Friends!

As you know, the theme of tomorrow's Art Walk is Bark in the Park, 
and among the many dog-centered activities of the evening there will 
be fundraising for the proposed off-leash dog park.

As you may know, Parks  Rec and the dog park committee had been 
making serious plans to construct the dog park in the open lawn area 
adjacent to Lamson Woods State Preserve, in SE Fairfield near the 
golf course. Many people, though not at all opposed to a dog park per 
se, are strongly opposed to placing the dog park in a high quality 
natural area like Lamson Woods. Recent letters to the editor in the 
Ledger addressed this controversy.

At a meeting held at City Hall on August 26th [July 26th?],the dog 
park committee presented to the public their imminent plans to start 
the construction of the dog park at Lamson Woods, and many people in 
the audience expressed their strong opposition to this location. 
Based on this, the City is presently looking more seriously into 
alternative sites. Lamson Woods has not been ruled out, however, and 
should that continue to be the site of choice, the final decision 
will be made by the City Council (rather than the Parks  Rec Board).

In order to have this decision reflect wide community input, please 
contact your City Council person and at-large representatives (see 
link below). Let them know what you think about this issue! Thank you!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Re-Mindfulness

2011-08-04 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius

Reply to Lawson (sparaig) via Judy's (authfriend) post.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Aug 1, 2011, at 8:49 PM, sparaig wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
On Aug 1, 2011, at 4:10 PM, sparaig wrote:
 Of course, the only research on TM they cite in that
 book is from 25 years ago, so one assumes that they
 are also quoting the descriptions of pure
 consciousness in the research done 25 years ago.
Not true Lawson, they used research up to 2004! And they
used what little was needed and of decent quality. It
doesn't take volumes to show what the relaxation response
occurring in TM looks like. I think your problem is you
let yourself be wowed that something special is happening.
Real neuroscientists aren't as easily fooled.
They can do all the research they want and fudge all the
data they want: we already know what is.
   They cite a theoretical paper by Travis and Wallace from
   2004, and a book on the EEG of meditation published in 1987.
   Everything else is older than that.
   My point still stands: the studies cited are from 25
   years ago.
  That's because TM has been around that long. Good science
  doesn't need to be repeated if it was done right the first
  time. So they leave the first good science as that is
  sufficient. If it's BS, they're better off leaving it. I
  guess you could say 'it's ship has sailed'. We know what
  it is and there's not much more to be said at this late date.
 This is meaningless babble designed to obscure the fact
 that Vaj is attempting to mislead.
 Lawson is correct about the dates of the TM studies
 discussed by the researchers Vaj cites. They cited only
 the early TM research on the EEG signature of pure
 consciousness and ignored everything done after that.
 The single later study they cited is in a different
 category entirely, and their citation of it does not
 disprove what Lawson said.
 The abstract of that study is here if anyone is
 The point is that TM researchers have continually
 refined their methodology over the years. The researchers
 Vaj touts dismissed the early studies as not definitive,
 but there's no indication in their paper that they looked
 at the later, post-1985 studies to see whether those studies
 had more definitive findings as a result of the improved
 Vaj has claimed in other posts, and implies above, that
 his researchers didn't mention or cite the later studies
 because they found those studies no more definitive than
 the earlier ones, but of course one can't make that
 assumption. It's entirely possible that his researchers
 *did* look at the later studies and didn't discuss them
 because they *were* more definitive and couldn't be
 dismissed so easily.
 The tell in the study Vaj touts that his researchers
 at the very least did not understand what TM involves
 is this statement:
 The initial claim that TM produces a unique state of
 consciousness different than sleep has been refuted by 
 several EEG meditation studies which reported sleep-like
 stages during this technique with increased alpha and
 then theta power.
 Of course the EEG findings of sleep-like stages during
 TM practice does *not* refute the claim that TM
 produces a unique state of consciousness. Nowhere does
 TM claim that this unique state is found *throughout*
 the TM meditation period, to the contrary.
 One hopes this was an inadvertent straw man, not a
 deliberate attempt by the researchers to mislead. But 
 even if inadvertent, as noted, that this statement was
 made at all indicates that Vaj's researchers do not
 have a good grasp of what TM *does* claim. And this in
 turn calls into question how well they understand what
 the TM studies are attempting to show.
 Bottom line, Vaj's reliance on this study (the one in
 the Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness) as evidence
 that TM research is no good is maintained in bad faith.

Vaj is correct in that well done science does not have to be repeated, but it 
is not always possible to know if that is the final say on a subject. Most of 
the studies on TM both my TM movement involved scientists and those outside of 
the movement are typically too small to definitively answer most questions. 
Characterising consciousness with physiological signatures is a tricky thing 
when no definition of what consciousness is or how it comes to be the way it is 
in experience is known. Many of the early studies on TM have been refuted, and 
I once heard MUM scientist Fred Travis say so many years ago, in the late 
1990s. Dr Travis said that in light of the early studies being overturned, it 
was up to him to 

[FairfieldLife] Adieu

2011-08-04 Thread Mark Landau
Hi all,

I guess I'll be signing off for now.

Heartfelt thanks to all of you to whom thanks are due, you know who you are, 
and especially those who showed me generosity.  A special thanks, again, to 
those who gave me résumé and job advice, I never thanked you individually.

I may return, but feel the need to narrow down my vision to what may be my 
highest way forward now and, perhaps, too, that this forum may not be my 
forum anymore, though it certainly was till now, more so than most others I've 
engaged in recently (this being the only Internet forum I've ever joined, the 
others being movements of one stripe or another).

I probably won't pull the plug for a few days, but, by Sunday or Monday, 
probably will.

Love and blessings to all of you and all that is,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Re-Mindfulness

2011-08-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:
 and back to the first blogger, we have a report of a
 Wikipedia editor speaking of the troubles they were
 having with articles related to TM, with editors who
 came online removing all negative references to the
 practice and people in the organisation.

The Wikipedia editor in question is Andrew Skolnick,
who is even more violently biased against TM than Vaj.
His description of what was going on with TM-related
articles should be taken with a large saltshaker handy.
As far as Skolnick is concerned, any negative reference
to TM is one that should be preserved, regardless of
its degree of accuracy.

Just for one thing--I read a good deal of the editors'
discussion on the main TM article--the TM editors
weren't *removing* negative references they thought
were excessive or exaggerated or wrong; they were
bringing them up for discussion and *proposing* that
they be removed, explaining the problems they saw.

There may have been a few who just went ahead and
deleted things without first obtaining a consensus
of opinion, but most of what I saw involved considerable
discussion of the pros and cons. There were as many TM
critics as TM supporters among those who were discussing
the page.

Also, in case everyone isn't aware of it, anyone can
edit a Wikipedia article; you don't have to have any
special qualifications.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread Tom Pall
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:20 PM, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:
  The different experience of dying by the ignorant and the enlightened by
  Another opinion:


 Why use so many words ? All you had to say is Maharishi was an ignorant
 clown and I know much more abouth death and dying than him.

Very well put, Nabby.  In my religion (Orthodox Christianity and Roman
Catholicism) Maharishi is in Hell.  He slung enough lies, showed endless
avarice, was a non-believer, that I can't ask him questions, for he most
assuredly is in Hell, where he'll spend eternity.   If the Hindu view of
things prevail, he's still in Hell because of the b.s. he pulled.  So I
can't communicate with him and ask him questions.  Nor can I pray for him,
as I can pray to shorten someone's stay in Limbo or Purgatory but not in
Hell.   Was Maharishi rent asunder and is no more?   Good question.  IMO, he
did more harm than good, no matter what y'all and the TMO say.  So he
popularized the East, Meditation and the Vedas.   And also explained that
there was one true interpretation of all of these, his (SM), (TM).   Another
would/could have come along who didn't do as much harm, who wasn't filled
with avarice and hate as he was.  May he Rest In Pieces.

BTW,. there was a Come to Jesus meeting in the Men's Dome today.   Jeff
Cohen was viciously attacked verbally by CPs.   Jeff is being replaced by a

[FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 08/04/2011 10:26 AM, raunchydog wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  On 08/03/2011 06:49 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Denise Evans
  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 7:43 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator
  There are many different methods for meditation.  TM is a technique 
  taught by Maharishi who was a Hindu.  Nothing against it, as I haven't 
  done it or paid to learn it, but it is based on an interpretation of 
  Hinduism possibly somewhat unique to Maharishi from what I've gleaned 
  from posts on these website.
  There are many ways to meditate that are free and published.
  But I think it’s noteworthy how deep her meditation is right off the 
  bat. I think that says something about the efficacy of TM.
  It says something about the efficacy of meditation.  We don't know what
  would have happened if she would have tried a different form of
  meditation.  It may have worked the same.
  Or not.
 Yup, other techniques may work better and definitely safer.

Your evidence for this is...?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/04/2011 03:51 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 08/04/2011 10:26 AM, raunchydog wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
 On 08/03/2011 06:49 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Denise Evans
 Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 7:43 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

 There are many different methods for meditation.  TM is a technique 
 taught by Maharishi who was a Hindu.  Nothing against it, as I haven't 
 done it or paid to learn it, but it is based on an interpretation of 
 Hinduism possibly somewhat unique to Maharishi from what I've gleaned 
 from posts on these website.

 There are many ways to meditate that are free and published.

 But I think it’s noteworthy how deep her meditation is right off the 
 bat. I think that says something about the efficacy of TM.

 It says something about the efficacy of meditation.  We don't know what
 would have happened if she would have tried a different form of
 meditation.  It may have worked the same.

 Or not.
 Yup, other techniques may work better and definitely safer.

 Your evidence for this is...?


My experience and what Indian traditions have found down throughout the 
centuries. I used to check people who should not have learned TM. I took 
it that the teacher was so hard up for money they ignored the rules 
about teaching people with certain problems. I wound up checking some 

The mantra shastra on this is that agni mantras are not for the public 
and yet they are taught in TM. And MMY started out teaching shanti 
mantras which ARE safe. But then so did every other guru. Guess he 
wanted to be different. The first technique is just a warm up since 
the second is a more traditional mantra though an agni mantra.

Not to worry though. The TMO will have it's head in the clouds as the 
economy collapses and never adjust their prices. Hence no one except 
those with money to throw away will learn.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread Yifu
thx, I believe (as a speculative hypothesis based on my limited psychic 
abilities...pending further corroboration); that MMY has been torn to countless 
pieces by Kali, and unlike some of the pieces coming back together (as in the 
Terminator movie), they are permanently torn asunder and separated for all time 
so that there will not be another Maharishi clone.

For that reason, there have been very limited sightings of MMY's Celestial 
form, since it's been shredded by Kali.

Same fate as Sathya Sai Baba.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.pall@... wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:20 PM, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
   The different experience of dying by the ignorant and the enlightened by
   Another opinion:
  Why use so many words ? All you had to say is Maharishi was an ignorant
  clown and I know much more abouth death and dying than him.
 Very well put, Nabby.  In my religion (Orthodox Christianity and Roman
 Catholicism) Maharishi is in Hell.  He slung enough lies, showed endless
 avarice, was a non-believer, that I can't ask him questions, for he most
 assuredly is in Hell, where he'll spend eternity.   If the Hindu view of
 things prevail, he's still in Hell because of the b.s. he pulled.  So I
 can't communicate with him and ask him questions.  Nor can I pray for him,
 as I can pray to shorten someone's stay in Limbo or Purgatory but not in
 Hell.   Was Maharishi rent asunder and is no more?   Good question.  IMO, he
 did more harm than good, no matter what y'all and the TMO say.  So he
 popularized the East, Meditation and the Vedas.   And also explained that
 there was one true interpretation of all of these, his (SM), (TM).   Another
 would/could have come along who didn't do as much harm, who wasn't filled
 with avarice and hate as he was.  May he Rest In Pieces.
 BTW,. there was a Come to Jesus meeting in the Men's Dome today.   Jeff
 Cohen was viciously attacked verbally by CPs.   Jeff is being replaced by a

[FairfieldLife] The Economy is So Bad...

2011-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
The economy’s so bad, Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.

The economy is so bad, that Martha Stewart did a show on creative uses 
for food stamps.

The economy is so bad, Bill Gates had to switch to dial up.

More here:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Re-Mindfulness

2011-08-04 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:
 Vaj is correct in that well done science does not have to be repeated, 

Excuse me??

That is the ANTITHESIS of science.Science that need not be repeated is 
repeated all the time in classrooms as examples of how to setup a study because 
the teacher knows the results ahead of time and doesn't want to confuse the 
student with ambiguous results.

Science that isn't repeatable may also be well done within the context and 
era in which it was performed. Repeatability of an experiment is the very 
definition of science. 

If you can't replicate the outcome, it implies that the theory predicting the 
experimental outcome isn't so hot, but repeating science is what science is all 
about... especially the well done science.

but it is not always possible to know if that is the final say on a subject.

It is never possible in science to know if some experiment is the final say on 
a subject.  In fact, the laws of science are called laws BECAUSE repeated 
experiments haven't found exceptions or if there are, these exist in the edge 
cases where the theory couldn't be tested when it was first introduced. E.G. 
Newton's Laws of Motion don't work at all in the context of a varying 
gravitation field and start to fall apart measurably as the relative velocities 
of objects start to approach the speed of light.

 Most of the studies on TM both my TM movement involved scientists and those 
 outside of the movement are typically too small to definitively answer most 

Leaving aside the term definitive, because because there is no such thing in 
science, you are correct: meditation studies are almost always too small to 
justify the hype given for them, whether it is a TM study, or a mindfulness 
study or whatever.

Medical studies often have 100x as many subjects asthe largest meditation 
studies ever published.

 Characterising consciousness with physiological signatures is a tricky thing 

when no definition of what consciousness is or how it comes to be the way it 
is in  
experience is known. Many of the early studies on TM have been refuted, and I  

once heard MUM scientist Fred Travis say so many years ago, in the late 1990s. 

Dr Travis said that in light of the early studies being overturned, it was up 
to him 
to find out what the differences really are. 

Well early studies were poorly done, that is true but...

 For example Dr David Holmes tested 
experienced TM teachers and non-meditators to study arousal reducing effects, 
using better controlled conditions than Wallace and Benson used in their 
research and found essentially no difference. Homles exposed his group to 
stressful situations and found the meditators did not do any better than the 
controls. This resulted in protests from the meditating community. Still 
only employed 20 people total in this study, so it should be considered 
preliminary, but what he did address was fixing the protocol that skewed the 
results of the original study. Sloppy protocol is responsible for skewing the 
results in many many experiments and is a particular problem with those who 
have heavily invested belief that the outcome should conform to a particular 

Holmes own meditation survey compared the results of 20 different studies on 
meditation, of which which only a few involved TM, and concluded that 
meditation, in general, had no difference in effect on metabolism than rest.

His own study used only 10 people in the experimental group while one of the TM 
studies with a different finding used 50% or more more. Still very tiny, but 
the nature of stistics in small studies is that the fewer people used in a 
study, the more likely that small, but important effects would be missed.

In fact, when you use a vote counting methodology as Holmes did for his 
survey of the literature, the odds of missing an important effect actually go 
DOWN as the number of studies increases, at least when only small studies are 

Holme's survey lumped the results of perhaps 5 or more different meditation 
techniques into one number, and the size of the studies ranged from 7 per 
subject to 30 per subject, with an average of less than 15 per study. In fact, 
IIRC, the largest TM study he cites actually DID show a difference in 
metabolism but his survey counted it as a no difference study.

There were plenty of TM studies at that time that DID show a difference in 
metabolism, but the definitive study that convinced MIU researchers that they 
were on the wrong track was the study on metabolism in people reporting regular 
periods of pure consciousness. While there was often a marked reduction or even 
apparent suspension of breathing during pure consciousness, there was no change 
in O2 consumption, even for the people with the highest incidence of pure 
consciousness (breath suspension) episodes. This was completely different to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Re-Mindfulness

2011-08-04 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  and back to the first blogger, we have a report of a
  Wikipedia editor speaking of the troubles they were
  having with articles related to TM, with editors who
  came online removing all negative references to the
  practice and people in the organisation.
 The Wikipedia editor in question is Andrew Skolnick,
 who is even more violently biased against TM than Vaj.
 His description of what was going on with TM-related
 articles should be taken with a large saltshaker handy.
 As far as Skolnick is concerned, any negative reference
 to TM is one that should be preserved, regardless of
 its degree of accuracy.

ANdrew accused me of reverting an entire section when I first came into 
Wikipedia. He appolgized after I pointed out that I didn't even know HOW to 
revert at that point in time so he double checked and sure-'nuff...

 Just for one thing--I read a good deal of the editors'
 discussion on the main TM article--the TM editors
 weren't *removing* negative references they thought
 were excessive or exaggerated or wrong; they were
 bringing them up for discussion and *proposing* that
 they be removed, explaining the problems they saw.
 There may have been a few who just went ahead and
 deleted things without first obtaining a consensus
 of opinion, but most of what I saw involved considerable
 discussion of the pros and cons. There were as many TM
 critics as TM supporters among those who were discussing
 the page.

I was guilty of that at one point much more recently than anything ANdrew has 
complained about, as far as I know. Is he even still contributing to that wiki 

 Also, in case everyone isn't aware of it, anyone can
 edit a Wikipedia article; you don't have to have any
 special qualifications.


[FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 08/04/2011 03:51 PM, sparaig wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  On 08/04/2011 10:26 AM, raunchydog wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
  On 08/03/2011 06:49 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Denise Evans
  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 7:43 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator
  There are many different methods for meditation.  TM is a technique 
  taught by Maharishi who was a Hindu.  Nothing against it, as I haven't 
  done it or paid to learn it, but it is based on an interpretation of 
  Hinduism possibly somewhat unique to Maharishi from what I've gleaned 
  from posts on these website.
  There are many ways to meditate that are free and published.
  But I think it’s noteworthy how deep her meditation is right off the 
  bat. I think that says something about the efficacy of TM.
  It says something about the efficacy of meditation.  We don't know what
  would have happened if she would have tried a different form of
  meditation.  It may have worked the same.
  Or not.
  Yup, other techniques may work better and definitely safer.
  Your evidence for this is...?
 My experience and what Indian traditions have found down throughout the 
 centuries. I used to check people who should not have learned TM. I took 
 it that the teacher was so hard up for money they ignored the rules 
 about teaching people with certain problems. I wound up checking some 

Are you suggesting that psychotics are never taught by other meditation 

Kundalini syndrome is a proposed DSM term used to describe super-heavy 
unstressing found in some who practice certain kinds of meditation techniques. 
TM wasn't mentioned as one of those practices, at least by name, IIRC.

In fact, research on TM is used to justify the new proposal in the DSM that 
practitioners of meditation who report derealization but who otherwise have no 
symptoms, shouldn't be counted as being mentally unhealthy.

 The mantra shastra on this is that agni mantras are not for the public 
 and yet they are taught in TM. And MMY started out teaching shanti 
 mantras which ARE safe. But then so did every other guru. Guess he 
 wanted to be different. The first technique is just a warm up since 
 the second is a more traditional mantra though an agni mantra.

Eh, MMY believed differently. In fact, he insisted that his was the proper 
interpretation, but time will tell.

 Not to worry though. The TMO will have it's head in the clouds as the 
 economy collapses and never adjust their prices. Hence no one except 
 those with money to throw away will learn.

Other than the kids learning via the David Lynch Foundation, you mean?

Sounds to me like someone is in denial here, and it isn't necessarily the True 


[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-08-04 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jul 30 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Aug 06 00:00:00 2011
744 messages as of (UTC) Thu Aug 04 23:52:00 2011

50 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
48 authfriend jst...@panix.com
43 Mark Landau m...@sky5.com
41 RoryGoff roryg...@hotmail.com
34 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
33 whynotnow7 whynotn...@yahoo.com
33 Yifu yifux...@yahoo.com
32 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
31 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
27 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
25 richardwillytexwilliams willy...@yahoo.com
24 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
23 Ravi Yogi raviy...@att.net
22 Bob Price bobpri...@yahoo.com
21 Denise Evans dmevans...@yahoo.com
20 seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
20 Tom Pall thomas.p...@gmail.com
20 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
19 maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
17 wgm4u wg...@yahoo.com
16 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
13 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
13 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
11 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
11 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
10 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
10 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 7 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 7 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 6 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 PaliGap compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 6 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 5 wle...@aol.com
 5 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 4 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 4 noah waybac...@yahoo.com
 4 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 Bill Coop williamgc...@gmail.com
 2 obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 2 fflmod ffl...@yahoo.com
 2 Jean jeanjes...@q.com
 2 Declan Fitzmaurice declan.fitzmaur...@yahoo.com
 2 Beth Cook bethcoo...@yahoo.ca
 1 tedadams108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 pileated56 tru...@gmail.com
 1 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 johnt johnlasher20002...@yahoo.com
 1 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 1 Tariq Aziz tariqaziz2...@yahoo.com
 1 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com

Posters: 52
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

2011-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/04/2011 04:52 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 08/04/2011 03:51 PM, sparaig wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
 On 08/04/2011 10:26 AM, raunchydog wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@wrote:
 On 08/03/2011 06:49 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Denise Evans
 Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 7:43 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I'm a new meditator

 There are many different methods for meditation.  TM is a technique 
 taught by Maharishi who was a Hindu.  Nothing against it, as I haven't 
 done it or paid to learn it, but it is based on an interpretation of 
 Hinduism possibly somewhat unique to Maharishi from what I've gleaned 
 from posts on these website.

 There are many ways to meditate that are free and published.

 But I think it’s noteworthy how deep her meditation is right off the 
 bat. I think that says something about the efficacy of TM.

 It says something about the efficacy of meditation.  We don't know what
 would have happened if she would have tried a different form of
 meditation.  It may have worked the same.

 Or not.
 Yup, other techniques may work better and definitely safer.

 Your evidence for this is...?

 My experience and what Indian traditions have found down throughout the
 centuries. I used to check people who should not have learned TM. I took
 it that the teacher was so hard up for money they ignored the rules
 about teaching people with certain problems. I wound up checking some
 Are you suggesting that psychotics are never taught by other meditation 

Other techniques have rules about teaching unstable people too. What 
direct experience do you have of other techniques?
 Kundalini syndrome is a proposed DSM term used to describe super-heavy 
 unstressing found in some who practice certain kinds of meditation 
 techniques. TM wasn't mentioned as one of those practices, at least by name, 

Western researchers are probably poor judges of any of this. They are 
blind men feeling an elephant. :-D

 In fact, research on TM is used to justify the new proposal in the DSM that 
 practitioners of meditation who report derealization but who otherwise have 
 no symptoms, shouldn't be counted as being mentally unhealthy.

research of TM by whom?

 The mantra shastra on this is that agni mantras are not for the public
 and yet they are taught in TM. And MMY started out teaching shanti
 mantras which ARE safe. But then so did every other guru. Guess he
 wanted to be different. The first technique is just a warm up since
 the second is a more traditional mantra though an agni mantra.

 Eh, MMY believed differently. In fact, he insisted that his was the proper 
 interpretation, but time will tell.

 Not to worry though. The TMO will have it's head in the clouds as the
 economy collapses and never adjust their prices. Hence no one except
 those with money to throw away will learn.

 Other than the kids learning via the David Lynch Foundation, you mean?

 Sounds to me like someone is in denial here, and it isn't necessarily the 
 True Believers...


Nonsense. And your experience of teaching meditation? It is laughable 
that giving someone just a bija akshara is a superior technique. All 
that does is replace (very slowly) the process of shaktipat. The bij 
mantras are like sparks and full mantras like flames.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread Denise Evans
Thank you for the explanationNOWwith regard to these three dayshere 
is Dave Matthews take - solo:

--- On Thu, 8/4/11, noah waybac...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: noah waybac...@yahoo.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011, 9:20 AM




In a nutshell, what Maharishi said is that it is the transition after death 
that is rougher for someone whose nervous system has not been practiced at 
transcending.  Once that transition (supposedly about 3 days) from having a 
body to not having a body is over, the soul does whatever it does.  In the TM 
paradigm, it is good to think loving and positive thoughts about the recently 
deceased so as to help them along through the confusion of a few days duration 
that supposedly arises when the body is lost.  MMY said a sudden death could be 
more confusing than one in which a person was aging or ill and had time to 
begin to let go.  MMY never in my hearing made it sound as if only TM'ers would 
do well after death or in their next incarnation.  Just that TM helped that 
individual be more much evolved than they would be otherwise.  So this differs 
from a Baptist viewpoint that Jesus is the only way, or TM is the only way.  
MMY was very clear that in his opinion
 TM was the Best meditation of all for many reasons.  He did credit Yogananda's 
Kriya Yoga as being a valid technique, altho much slower in its effects than 
TM.  Really, MMY did not talk much about life after death, or dying, given all 
the thousands of hours of lectures he gave.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 As I remember reading...many who have had a near-death experience talk about 
 the light and the love they feel...or floating above their bodies. 
  Were they enlightened or practiced at disassociation?  My grandfather died 
 at 99.5 years...never having meditated in his lifeand slipped away 
 peacefully from what we know...

 Mararishi uses a lot of words to describe what I basically translate as a 
 version of if you have not accepted Jesus into your heart, the road paved 
 with gold and the pearly gates of heaven, will be closed to you.  Or, if 
 you do not do TM and transcend consciousness, a blissful death will be you 

 I was reminded of the Christian version at a recent funeral where the Baptist 
 minister took it upon himself to lay down the fiery damnation that awaits us 
 all without Jesus.


 --- On Tue, 8/2/11, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:


 From: Rick Archer rick@...

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

 Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 3:54 PM



























   The different experience of dying by the ignorant and the enlightened.



 When an ordinary man leaves his body it's a very great pain. When a realized 
 man leaves the body it's the experience of greatest happiness-bliss. Why? 
 Because the state of enlightenment comes by many times becoming unaware of 
 the body. Metabolic rate comes to nil. Million times the metabolic state has 
 come to nil. And in that state what we had experienced? Bliss 
 consciousness-during meditation. Because the state of enlightenment is the 
 result of millions of times getting to that time of pure awareness, 
 transcendental, that means physically the body comes to that restfulness, 
 comes to that restfulness, comes to that restfulness. . 


 During meditation the mind becomes finer and finer and finer, and then 
 disassociates itself with the body. 

 Prana also-that is breath- becomes finer and finer and finer and finer, and 
 then eventually in the transcendental consciousness, disassociates itself 
 with the body. 

 So, senses: based on the finer aspect of the senses start function finer, 
 finer, finer, finest aspect of the senses start functioning. And then the 
 senses remain behind, the area of the senses remains behind and they are no 
 more in the transcendental awareness. 


 What is happening during that: the prana is disassociating itself from the 
 body, and the mind disassociates itself from the body, senses disassociating 
 themselves from the body. All this disassociation of the subtle body, or the 
 inner man, has been a habit. And the experience has been: when all these 
 disassociate from the body, then bliss consciousness is the direct 
 experience. And therefore, as long as the machinery is functioning with the 
 disassociation of these subtle aspects, the experience is that of pure 
 consciousness or bliss consciousness. So the last experience that the body 
 can give will be of bliss consciousness when the subtle body starts 
 disassociating itself and drops off. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

2011-08-04 Thread Denise Evans
Or...with the full band

--- On Thu, 8/4/11, Denise Evans dmevans...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Denise Evans dmevans...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011, 5:22 PM



  Thank you for the explanationNOWwith regard to these three 
dayshere is Dave Matthews take - solo:

--- On Thu, 8/4/11, noah waybac...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: noah waybac...@yahoo.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Different experience of dying ignorant or 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011, 9:20 AM



In a nutshell, what Maharishi said is that it is the transition after death 
that is rougher for someone whose nervous system has not been practiced at 
transcending.  Once that transition (supposedly about 3 days) from having a 
body to not having a body is over, the soul does whatever it does.  In the TM 
paradigm, it is good to think loving and positive thoughts about the recently 
deceased so as to help them along through the confusion of a few days duration 
that supposedly arises when the body is lost.  MMY said a sudden death could be 
more confusing than one in which a person was aging or ill and had time to 
begin to let go.  MMY never in my hearing made it sound as if only TM'ers would 
do well after death or in their next incarnation.  Just that TM helped that 
individual be more much evolved than they would be otherwise.  So this differs 
from a Baptist viewpoint that Jesus is the only way, or TM is the only way.  
MMY was very clear that in his opinion
 TM was the Best meditation of all for many reasons.  He did credit Yogananda's 
Kriya Yoga as being a valid technique, altho much slower in its effects than 
TM.  Really, MMY did not talk much about life after death, or dying, given all 
the thousands of hours of lectures he gave.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 As I remember reading...many who have had a near-death experience talk about 
 the light and the love they feel...or floating above their bodies. 
  Were they enlightened or practiced at disassociation?  My grandfather died 
 at 99.5 years...never having meditated in his lifeand slipped away 
 peacefully from what we know...

 Mararishi uses a lot of words to describe what I basically translate as a 
 version of if you have not accepted Jesus into your heart, the road paved 
 with gold and the pearly gates of heaven, will be closed to you.  Or, if 
 you do not do TM and transcend consciousness, a blissful death will be you 

 I was reminded of the Christian version at a recent funeral where the Baptist 
 minister took it upon himself to lay down the fiery damnation that awaits us 
 all without Jesus.


 --- On Tue, 8/2/11, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:


 From: Rick Archer rick@...

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Different experience of dying ignorant or enlightened

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

 Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 3:54 PM



























   The different experience of dying by the ignorant and the enlightened.



 When an ordinary man leaves his body it's a very great pain. When a realized 
 man leaves the body it's the experience of greatest happiness-bliss. Why? 
 Because the state of enlightenment comes by many times becoming unaware of 
 the body. Metabolic rate comes to nil. Million times the metabolic state has 
 come to nil. And in that state what we had experienced? Bliss 
 consciousness-during meditation. Because the state of enlightenment is the 
 result of millions of times getting to that time of pure awareness, 
 transcendental, that means physically the body comes to that restfulness, 
 comes to that restfulness, comes to that restfulness. . 


 During meditation the mind becomes finer and finer and finer, and then 
 disassociates itself with the body. 

 Prana also-that is breath- becomes finer and finer and finer and finer, and 
 then eventually in the transcendental consciousness, disassociates itself 
 with the body. 

 So, senses: based on the finer aspect of the senses start function finer, 
 finer, finer, finest aspect of the senses start functioning. And then the 
 senses remain behind, the area of the senses remains behind and they are no 
 more in the transcendental awareness. 


 What is happening during that: the prana is disassociating itself from the 
 body, and the mind disassociates itself from the body, senses disassociating 
 themselves from the body. All this disassociation of the subtle body, or the 
 inner man, has been a habit. And the experience has been: when all these 
 disassociate from 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2011-08-04 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, FFL PostCount ffl.postcount@... wrote:

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): Sat Jul 30 00:00:00 2011
 End Date (UTC): Sat Aug 06 00:00:00 2011
 744 messages as of (UTC) Thu Aug 04 23:52:00 2011
 50 Buck dhamiltony2k5@...


 48 authfriend jstein@...


 43 Mark Landau m...@sky5.com


 41 RoryGoff rorygoff@...


 34 Bhairitu noozguru@...

35 (including the post right after the post count)

 33 whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...


 33 Yifu yifuxero@...


 32 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com


[FairfieldLife] Foxy's new skin piece

2011-08-04 Thread Yifu

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re-Mindfulness

2011-08-04 Thread Vaj

On Aug 4, 2011, at 7:43 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 anartaxius@... wrote:
  Vaj is correct in that well done science does not have to be repeated, 
 Excuse me??

You (not surprisingly) missed the point.

If science was done right the first time it does not need to be repeated by the 
™ Org and have the data sorted, massaged and made to talk. It simply stands 
on it's own.

But the ™ org isn't interested in replication: they're interested in one thing: 
pushing their agenda. Always have been, always will.

See this squiggle? It's pure consciousness. Honest.

Tell it to someone else.

 That is the ANTITHESIS of science.Science that need not be repeated is 
 repeated all the time in classrooms as examples of how to setup a study 
 because the teacher knows the results ahead of time and doesn't want to 
 confuse the student with ambiguous results.
 Science that isn't repeatable may also be well done within the context and 
 era in which it was performed. Repeatability of an experiment is the very 
 definition of science. 
 If you can't replicate the outcome, it implies that the theory predicting the 
 experimental outcome isn't so hot, but repeating science is what science is 
 all about... especially the well done science.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re-Mindfulness

2011-08-04 Thread Vaj

On Aug 4, 2011, at 7:46 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  anartaxius@ wrote:
   and back to the first blogger, we have a report of a
   Wikipedia editor speaking of the troubles they were
   having with articles related to TM, with editors who
   came online removing all negative references to the
   practice and people in the organisation.
  The Wikipedia editor in question is Andrew Skolnick,
  who is even more violently biased against TM than Vaj.
  His description of what was going on with TM-related
  articles should be taken with a large saltshaker handy.
  As far as Skolnick is concerned, any negative reference
  to TM is one that should be preserved, regardless of
  its degree of accuracy.
 ANdrew accused me of reverting an entire section when I first came into 
 Wikipedia. He appolgized after I pointed out that I didn't even know HOW to 
 revert at that point in time so he double checked and sure-'nuff...

Andrew is probably one of the most insightful people when it comes to ™ and 
valid criticism. It's that naked, raw insight that so disturbs ™-TB's. And he 
has a real knack for spotting habitual liars and that always gets their goat.

[FairfieldLife] Our Gang

2011-08-04 Thread Yifu
by Louis Hine, 1911

[FairfieldLife] Pick up in the park

2011-08-04 Thread Yifu
1916 - cuties!


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