[FairfieldLife] I was trying to be too hard in my action

2012-05-23 Thread shainm307
I tried to give away my car! What wrong with that? That girl needed my car. But 
I tried to give in but when she asked to call my dad to see if it was okay. I 
let her do it because it was right thing to do in my head. Although I knew damn 
well I was giving into fear. Then everything got fucked up. My parents are 
being negative about it. They essentially call me a moron, what do you guys 
think. If I didn't need the thing and I was being honest, you have my car 
What wrong with that? Is there something wrong with trusting your parents? My 
whole night is getting fucked up from this. I could have given into my mastery 
and trusted my intuition and said what's wrong with it, nothing as it touches 
me right. As jesus said be in the world but not of world. Am I just not using 
common sence, if I use common sense I get fucked. My parents called the girl a 
druggy, a liar, and horrible person as she probally would just crash the car. 
She told how much appritates if I gave it to her as it would mean the world to 
her as she doesn't have a car. Is there something wrong with that. Spirituality 
is fucking me for trying to leave this place as it's the only place I have to 
be close home to Fairfield. What's wrong with me am I just losing my mind?

[FairfieldLife] Do you want to help the world or fuck it?

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307
What I've found in this reading is there are two types of people in the 
world:the people who try to help the world and the people who try to fuck the 
world. However some of you are positive in your motives for standing up for 
what is apparently and obviously right. I mean I try to stand up for what is 
right for the world because it is the best thing I can possibly do for people. 
However no matter how much evidence there is behind a topic people will 
deliberately try to fuck it just for a negative reason because the world 
possibly couldn't exist with something completely positive in it. It has to be 
wrong or negative to be right. I highly doubt this is the case in the world. 
Look at all the positives behind TM and what it has done for the world, yet 
people will try to tear it down for no apparent reason. Why? If everyone got 
together and tried to figure out what is good with it, it wouldn't work because 
some people would just be way too negative to ever believe it. If the negative 
people are out to fuck things what are they out to fuck? A small distortion in 
the knowledge? I imagine the best thing for us all to do is give in to 
positivity. I mean what is better than TM? Nothing in my mind. We have to do 
something right, not just tear it all down. If you want to tear this down, why? 
What is better than TM? Personally I think people are trying to find that one 
thing that exists in reality: the nonexstience, as I think technically 
everything is not right with the world. Do you want to find the small things 
that are wrong with it, or do you want to find the things that are right with 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Do you want to help the world or fuck it?

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307
I'll respond to my last message as something popped up in my mind. Maybe people 
who exist to fuck are there to refine the knowledge so I shouldn't tear into 
you completely. However as I see us in an evolved society I highly doubt there 
would be much fucking. I don't know if people should change or whether we 
should allow them to try to do what is obviously BS. What are you trying to do 
help them or hurt them? I mean does BS have a purpose, or is it just a way to 
express you're hurting somehow. The studies on TM are obviously right. I don't 
know how else to express that. If you do the research, or in other words 
sense you will see that it is obviously right. The only way I can see you 
disagree is because your experience doesn't agree with it. And If you don't 
then why aren't you trying harder to make more of a legitimate science by at 
least telling people what your feelings are to the people who do the research 
so we all can benefit. Don't sit around here moping about it. Try to make sense 
of what's happening. As from what I've seen if you're putting forth what you 
believe, it will come back to show you what you're missing. Try to express 
yourself to Dr.Hagelin or Dr.Fred Travis or Dr.Craig Pearson they will help you 
as much as they can as long as they see you striving and trying to accomplish 
good things. Now that brings us back to what I said: are you trying to help or 
hurt? If you strive towards rightness, nature support will guide you in the 
right direction.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Do you want to help the world or fuck it?

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307
We'll off the top of my head this is what I do. I help my parents a lot as they 
are getting older and I keep good humor around them and try as hard as I can to 
help them in anyway I can. Also I try to heal people, although indirectly as 
I'm way too shy to truly get in there and truly help, by a healing technique I 
learned from The Reconnection book I read(read it if you can as there is a lot 
of evidence supporting it. There's stuff about the guy also if you want to read 
about it). Also I donated which seemed to me a lot of money to a charity of 
animals although I didn't have all the money in the world to donate to them. 
Although I don't do that much in life but try to be the best I can be, I'm way 
too shy and afraid I might hurt people if I truly try to help out. Every time I 
try to do something big life tells me not to do it. This is of course all the 
TM stuff I learned as it seemed to me to be the biggest thing ever. Although I 
make mistakes because I was afraid to hurt people and their religions. Also I'm 
afraid I might do something wrong to the movement as the David Lynch Foundation 
told me not to give the TM technique to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 
as I might present it wrong, although I would do it just like John Hagelin or 
Fred Travis would as I would get most it it from their presentations and then 
give what I think the skeptics would agree on. Even though that's positive now 
I can see why they might overblow all of it as it helps a lot of people 
including me, as it changed my life for the better as it got rid of my anxiety 
and made me a bit more social. I realized now that all I want to do is help 
people and by screwing them there's no way I can help them. So I guess in order 
to help I need more confidence in myself and try my hardest to help the people 
that need help rather than just fuck them. I'm way too scared to get hurt for 
some reason as getting out of my cage is way too hard for me and TM is teaching 
me and training me to get out of my cage and to do it right!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Shain, I hereby invite you to list for us the things you
 have actually DONE to help the world in the last year.
 Hints: Meditating doesn't count. Bouncing on your butt
 in a dome doesn't count. Believing in channelers and
 beings talking to you in real time (and in English) from
 440 light years away doesn't count. Believing in walking
 on water doesn't count. None of these things actually DO
 anything for other people. They're things you dwell on
 because they make you feel more elite and special.
 What I'm after is a list of the ACTIONS you have engaged
 in that DIRECTLY benefit other human beings, in a way 
 that anyone, anywhere would recognize these actions and 
 agree that they actually DID SOMETHING for someone,
 and weren't just a way to puff up your ego.
 For example, assuming that you work for a living, how much 
 of your income did you contribute to those in need last 
 year? How many hours did you work at an organization that 
 provides help to the needy? How many of the Occupy marches 
 did you attend? These are examples of DOING SOMETHING,
 since you seem to be a but fuzzy on the concept.
 I'm asking this because I get a strong feeling from the
 way you write and the things you focus on that you won't
 be able to come up with a single item for your I DID THIS
 list. You'll be able to come up with a lot of I take 
 credit for this trend I see as positive because I thought
 about it a couple of times, and you'll probably be able
 to come up with a few I did good for the world because 
 my all-powerful Woo Woo was added to the sum of all-
 powerful Woo Woo on the planet, and thus created magic. 
 The people on this forum aren't trying to fuck with 
 the silly things you believe; they're just trying to point
 out that in the absence of any objective proof they're silly. 
 You don't want to hear that. You want people to praise you 
 and think that you're all special because you believe in 
 silly things. 
 And interestingly enough, you'll probably find a few of them
 here, and even more in Fairfield. Here on Fairfield Life,
 you are going to occasionally run into people who tell you
 the truth -- that, according to a consensus among people
 generally considered to be sane and rational in the world,
 you're not. You believe things that most consider silly. 
 You're free to believe these silly things all you want, but
 don't expect us not to point out that they're silly.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shainm307 shainm307@ wrote:
  What I've found in this reading is there are two types of people in the 
  world:the people who try to help the world and the people who try to fuck 
  the world. However some of you are positive in your motives for standing up 
  for what is apparently and obviously right. I mean I try to stand up for 
  what is right for the world because it is the best thing I can

[FairfieldLife] Re: 100 top events since the Big Bang

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307
This is a good post. I disagree with it somewhat as the people on the moon 
don't matter that much. Industrial revolution mattered more to us, also imo 
American Revolution was a huge thing for America at least, rather than just 
being a not so relevant point. Also I agree with, and phycology agrees with, 
mass consciousness being aware somehow of others, as it teaches that people 
started to similar things at the same time rather than sporadically. This 
apparently is a hug point in phycology.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Common sense according to Albert!

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  They shouldn't be allowed to teach religious concepts at school
  as though they were facts. This is what worries me about the
  TMO, I heard one kid telling me he was doing well at jyotish at
  school. WTF? What possible excuse is there for taking a young
  mind and filling it full of garbage? 
 Here's a relevant article. Bill Maher comments on Mitt
 Romney giving the commencement address at Liberty Uni-
 versity in Virginia. This is a university that teaches
 creation science, and that the Earth was created 5000
 years ago. As Maher puts it so well, This is a school 
 you flunk out of when you get the answers right. 
 Bill Maher: Liberty University Is Not A Real School:
 I think his argument extends equally to MUM. It's not 
 real school. Real schools don't teach students to believe
 in astrology and that chanting to gods and goddesses and
 waving candles and rice at them (yagyas) are scientific.
 Real schools don't ban students from one of its supposedly
 most important functions for going to see a teacher from
 another school (of thought, if not of academia). 

This is what I learned about that from Fred Travis: apparently the provide you 
with a current model and the model can of course change (provided they listen 
to their students good points, since I had a few. Essentially I said It's not 
proven[but that doesn't mean we should lie and say it's not true as it works; 
plus considering it came from Maharishi it could be true]. Also I showed them 
potatoes are not slow digesting as the glycemic index says they are moderate to 
fast digesting. Also I said Lactose intolerance doesn't come from a misuse of 
lactose, it inherent[they could be kind of right though as I never did the 
research fully] as 99% of Native Americans are lactose intolerant and only 1% 
of [I think] Sweden is lactose intolerant). The model is important however as 
it shows us we can never be certain, but according to science it's the best 
thing we have is a current model of how we look at things. So prove it wrong if 
you want and HOPEFULLY they will change it.

  It's a shame because in
  other ways they clearly benefit a lot from being in a school
  like this, a positive atmosphere, stress free (compared to the
  state equivalent). 
 I would agree if the positive atmosphere were 1) based
 on reality instead of fantasy, and 2) actually present.
 It's not, after all, as if MIU/MUM hasn't had almost 
 exactly the same percentage of suicides and crimes over
 the years as other schools its size. If the ME hasn't
 demonstrated its effectiveness in one podunk town in
 Iowa, it certainly isn't going to demonstrate it on
 a grander scale.

I have no idea the research on this however I heard from Craig Pearson that 
Fairfield's crime rate is dramatically lower. Also I heard from (I think) the 
governor of Fairfield that the businesses are blooming very well. So maybe we 
see it maybe we don't.

  If only they would stick to teaching what is known 
  or at least speculated to be true rather than dogma. 
 I see *no problem* with them teaching fantasies about what 
 they believe *as long as they present them that way*. I 
 similarly have no problem with Liberty University teaching 
 creation science as long as they present it not only as 
 what it is (a belief based on a book of dubious authority), 
 and that this belief conflicts strongly with what science 
 tells us. Presenting it as truth is...uh...a lie.
  I propose all religious teachings be included in a lesson 
  called: History of Human beliefs, that way you could keep 
  it seperate and kids would learn how to think objectively 
  and accept that mankind has gone through many strange belief 
  systems and that there are unknowns and perhaps even 
  unknowables and be happy with that but keen to find out 
  for sure. 

The only problem I have with teaching people's religions are not absolute truth 
is it may go against their hearts and of course, being me, I think the heart is 
highest communicator of truth.

  Telling people something is done and dusted does them no 
  favours. We need the will to find out not the wish to believe!
 Exactly. Emphasis on the we. 
 You and I are driven by the wish to find out. We (I'm 
 assuming here, based on many of the things you've written)
 dive into mysteries not seeking pat answers to them, 
 but well aware that they may expand into ever-deepening 
 mysteries. That's just NOT A PROBLEM. It may, in 
 fact, be a plus. How BORING it would be to feel as if 
 one had all the answers.
 For others, however, their fear of mystery and their need to
 know the truth, even if that truth is just a bunch of 
 dogma spouted at them by someone *claiming* it's truth, is
 so strong that 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Do you want to help the world or fuck it?

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On May 22, 2012, at 2:05 AM, shainm307 wrote:
  Look at all the positives behind TM and what it has done for the  
  world, yet people will try to tear it down for no apparent reason.
 Uh, maybe because of the faked and dubious marketing research, TM  
 psychosis, the negative side effects, the lack of convincing  
 physiological evidence beyond relaxation, molesting of young women by  

Try to do your research and see all (from what I've seen) people's negative 
research saying it's just relaxing or the negatives to are are full of shit. 
They don't do their research, their out to fuck it. I agree that Maharishi and 
some people are probally negative in life and do negative things but If you're 
trying your best to be positive and honest in your nature then I'm sure these 
things wouldn't happen. Probally a build up of stress (go figure).

 aging monks, etc., etc.? Which is negative, the ones having people  
 meditate till the point of mental illness or the ones pointing it out?

Since millions of people practice the technique I can hardly see why it would 
hurt people as there are (once again, from what I've seen and read about, 
you're not the only skeptic) very rare cases of these people. However, this 
should be studies more; why are people getting hurt?

 Actually you come across like a cult zombie, so maybe you're the  
 negative one, you're just so deluded you cannot see it? Why on earth  
 would anyone want to support the meditation technique responsible for  
 more deaths, suicides, psychotic breaks than any other meditation  
 technique in human history and a patriarchal org loosely based on the  
 caste system?

Intersting I'll look into it. My guess is people are taught that it's not okay 
to be negative, and that alone is stressfull as you're not getting rid of 
you're negativity. As I learned in physcology, there are two fundemental 
motivators in life: agressiveness and sex. Maybe repressing this to the expreme 
is bad. That's my guess. I'll definately look into that more and ask the PHDs 
around campus what they know about that (pun intended).

 Perhaps you're right and TM should be banned from human nervous  

I don't think so as it helped me out, truly. With me being content all the 
time, which sometimes get a little non-emotional. Maybe those Kundalini and 
chakras mattered after all!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Consciousness and Quantum Gibberish

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On May 21, 2012, at 8:16 PM, shanti2218411 wrote:
   IMHO that
  question can't be answered by science which is grounded in  
  materialism.Chopra et al are making a fundamental error in  
  attempting to describe the nature of consciousness using constructs  
  taken from a materialistic/scientific framework.
 Yeah, it would be much better if they used fairy tales from the Vedic  
 soma cult than this crazy science stuff!

There is a lot of truth in that cult! I'll be learning from them soon! And yes 
I know, it is a cult. But that's okay once they, hopefully, support 
individualistic thinking, it will all come together.

[FairfieldLife] This is what I've learned from the conversation so far

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307
I've learned that emotions matter. Essentially the kundalini and chakras. It 
matters a lot! That's the only I can see out of this conversation. Maybe it 
would hurt Maharishi if they knew the truth, that they were vital for life. If 
he knew that he could change his knowldge around and try to teach them. Maybe 
he was scared he was wrong.  We can only teach positivity is your being 
positive in life rather than just being happy (which from my mind comes from 
the vedic texts as there was some type of emotional guidence scale around, 
although I don't know where I leanred it.) If your in bliss and your kundalini 
and chakras are right you'll be right in action and try to do the best for 
people. Maybe people first need to learn they matter, then that opens up, then 
they learn the rest? maybe?

The kundalini and Chakras are important! Being that is the best thing you can 
be? maybe? 

Learned a lot from my dad about this, but I think he's wrong. You have to 
adjust them everyday through intention to be right? Idk maybe. I don't think so 
though. Last time I tried that, I got into a car accident, right after I did 
it. Maybe a sign from the universe? But I do think being right in your action 
is important, as I'm seeing it, better your kundalini and chakras are, the 
better your action. So maybe the movement is right on right action, but it's 
not perfect loving truth. So they're right, but it's not what they're really 
after as they could be more loving, and this probally goes until you're pure 
love in heart.

[FairfieldLife] This is what I've learned about the conversation so far

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307
I've learned that emotions matter. Essentially the kundalini and chakras. It 
matters a lot! That's the only I can see out of this conversation. Maybe it 
would hurt Maharishi if they knew the truth, that they were vital for life. If 
he knew that he could change his knowledge around and try to teach them. Maybe 
he was scared he was wrong. We can only teach positivity is your being positive 
in life rather than just being happy (which from my mind comes from the Vedic 
texts as there was some type of emotional guidance scale around, although I 
don't know where I learned it.) If your in bliss and your kundalini and chakras 
are right you'll be right in action and try to do the best for people. Maybe 
people first need to learn they matter, then that opens up, then they learn the 
rest? maybe?

The kundalini and Chakras are important! Being that is the best thing you can 
be? maybe?

Learned a lot from my dad about this, but I think he's wrong. You have to 
adjust them everyday through intention to be right? Idk maybe. I don't think so 
though. Last time I tried that, I got into a car accident, right after I did 
it. Maybe a sign from the universe? But I do think being right in your action 
is important, as I'm seeing it, better your kundalini and chakras are, the 
better your action. So maybe the movement is right on right action, but it's 
not perfect loving truth. So they're right, but it's not what they're really 
after as they could be more loving, and this probably goes until you're pure 
love in heart.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Common sense according to Albert!

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307
Okay this is going to sound really stupid to you, but I think he was just a 
really bright guy. I mean from what I've gone through (which is dealing with 
schizophrenia, a little) I think guy is just really bright. He probably saw 
things that no one else saw and that matters. Because I sometimes see 
nonsense(um quantum mechanical gibberish, like pointed out earlier) and I 
also see perfection. I see a lot of stuff that would not make sense to people. 
Maybe Maharishi was a little bad at things because he was a perfectionist, 
nothing wrong with that. If he let go and let a little grey into the movement, 
everything would suck, a lot. People want perfection and personally I need to 
let the grey or love into my life. Personally I think this is all leading 
to he did not want the distortions of negative emotions get in the way, as 
that's what the kundalini and chakras say. I mean grounding color is staying 
true to who you are and being right in your belief. You have to be a little 
crazy and a little negative to do that, like most people I know. So stay true 
to your nature and grow!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shainm307 shainm307@ wrote:
   ... Essentially I said It's not proven[but that doesn't 
   mean we should lie and say it's not true as it works; 
   plus considering it came from Maharishi it could be true]...
  Good for you for speaking your mind, keep at it and challenge 
  everything (even the idea that if it comes from Maharishi
  it's more likely to be true)...
 *Especially* the idea that if it came from Maharishi
 it's more likely to be true. While I still value the
 occasional thing he said, I have to also recognize 
 that he was one of the most irrational, superstitious 
 people I've ever met on this planet.
 Case in point. One day at Squaw Valley in 1968, I got
 to see Maharishi start to walk into the big meeting
 hall, only to stop in his tracks one step into the
 room. His face turned white ( which if you think about
 it is not easy for a guy with his complexion ) and he
 turned around and almost ran away from the room. He 
 was in such a panic that people found a bench for him
 to sit down on until he could settle down a little and
 explain what it was that set him off. 
 Turns out that he was a bit early for the meeting, and
 the cleanup crew had not finished setting up the room.
 As a result, most of the chairs in the room were sit-
 ting upside down on tables, I assume because the crew 
 had to get them out of the way while they mopped the
 When Maharishi could finally talk, he explained to 
 Jerry and the others with him that upside-down chairs
 were considered to be one of the worst possible omens 
 in India. In his words at the time, their presence in
 a room allowed demons and rakshasas to invade the space.
 He refused to enter the room until the situation had
 been rectified, and even then didn't trust the crew at
 the hotel; he insisted on sending in a few of his own
 people to verify that the room had been rendered 
 Now, was all of this either likely to be true because
 Maharishi believed it, or even *possibly* true? I'll wait.
 My position is that over the years people in the TMO 
 developed a remarkably *unhealthy* regard for Maharishi's
 beliefs ( [being gay] Better to be dead! ) and super-
 stitions ( an icicle clearly formed by water dripping 
 from a roof onto a balcony was a manifestation of Shiva )
 being somehow true just because he expressed them. 
 Need I mention the numerous things he was sure about
 over the years, such as the inevitable success of Vedaland,
 England being a scorpion nation, and exercise being BAD 
 for people because each person has only a predetermined 
 number of breaths in their lifetime and thus raising one's
 breath rate with exercise would shorten their lives? Does
 anyone remember the lectures and brochures that promised
 ( in so many words ) CC in 5-8 years? Need we mention that
 back in Squaw Valley on that 1968 course he warned his 
 students over and over against *ever* getting involved in
 any way with the siddhis, and that they were *dangerous*?
 The guy was just a guy. He was in my considered opinion
 a mix of well-meaning and charlatan. During his earlier
 years of teaching, I suspect that he leaned more towards
 the well-meaning side; in the latter years he devolved
 into almost pure charlatanry. 
 I simply cannot *comprehend* anyone who actually believes
 that because he said something -- ANYTHING -- that makes
 it more likely to be true.

[FairfieldLife] I learned how compassionate I am today, by trying to do my best (laugh)

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307
I decided someone needed my car more than me! so give it away as I have 
everything I need, but I don't trust myself too much as I called my parents and 
asked them. They were negative and told me not to do it! This is a true story 
from me. Call it god support because he's being honest to me. Honestly I just 
saw it as perfect knowing that;s THE THING TO DO! so I gave in. and guess what 
I learned from my parents or my beliefs in life not to do that. So go figure, 
this is life saying I screwed up trying to help as they don't need to to help 
them, i guess. So byby fairfieldlife it was fun. No more help from me!

[FairfieldLife] Is there a way to unsubscribe to this thing?

2012-05-22 Thread shainm307
I emailed the unsubscribe thing and it didn't work. What do I do?

[FairfieldLife] Are we out to fuck the world or are we out the help the world?

2012-05-21 Thread shainm307
What i've found in this reading is there are two types of people in the world: 
the people who try to help the world and the people who try to fuck the world. 
However some of you are positive in your motives for standing up for what is 
apparently and obviously right. I mean I try to stand up for what is right for 
the world because it is the best thing I can possibly do for people. However no 
matter how much evidence there is behind a topic people will deliberately try 
to fuck it just for a negitive reason because the world possibly couldn't exist 
with something completly positive in it. It has to be wrong or negtitive to be 
right. I highly doubt this is the case in the world. Look at all the positives 
behind TM and what it has done for the world, yet people will try to tear it 
down for no apparent reason. Why? If everyone got together and tried to figure 
out what is good with it, it wouldn't work because some people would just be 
way too negative to ever beleive it. If the negitive people are out to fuck 
things what are they out to fuck? A small distortion in the knowledge? I 
imagine the best thing for us all to do is give in to positivity. I mean what 
is better than TM? Nothing in my mind. We have to do something right, not just 
tear it all down. If you want to tear this down, why? What is better than TM?

[FairfieldLife] To Fairfield Iowa - I'm giving journaling a go

2012-05-19 Thread shainm307
Fairfield Iowa,

Fairfield you are very open to me but, I'm not sure what you are. you helped me 
with my anxiety and grew my consciousness. I'm not sure if you're for the 
better or worse. You taught me that I was wrong. Maybe that needed to come out. 
Although I'm sure my parents had good stuff to them. Saying my parents are 
wrong is very dark to my heart. I'm not sure why you didn't open up about the 
good stuff like the kundalini and chakras. You taught me that me and my culture 
are full of sh*t, including what my parents knew. I have a shadow that lingers 
from Fairfield telling me not to think and that what I do is wrong. I'm not 
sure what's worse, my way of thinking or your teachings. I lost everything to 
you, my entire life is now done as I realized everything is now an illusion. 
Part of me feels like this is all a part of me and karma has a lot to do with 
it. I think Fairfield is a reflection of me, so maybe I need to open up more 
and be more honest. I feel this is all part of a game, although I'm not sure 
how the game works. The part of me that made me rebel against you made me wise 
up and found that truth s being presented to me as what I need to see. However 
there is still a lot of darkness as my culture and spiritual beliefs are being 
hidden. Part of me wonders why. Because you're insecure over something and you 
don't want to see us be right? Maybe I'm right on something there. The more I 
give into your teachings the more that shadow pops up and tells me I'm wrong 
and don't think. Part of me wonders what you're hiding or what you don't want 
to see. I'm not sure what I should think of you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Near Death Experiances fom Dannion Brinkley

2012-05-19 Thread shainm307
Instead of watching the video you can read this; it pretty much sums it up.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shainm307 shainm307@... wrote:

 Just scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says his name Dannion 
 Brinkley: http://www.nesaranews.blogspot.com/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Near Death Experiances fom Dannion Brinkley

2012-05-19 Thread shainm307
http://www.dannion.com/dannion-brinkley-near-death-experience/ just read this 
instead of watching the video, it sums it up nicely.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shainm307 shainm307@... wrote:

 Just scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says his name Dannion 
 Brinkley: http://www.nesaranews.blogspot.com/

[FairfieldLife] Near Death Experiances fom Dannion Brinkley

2012-05-18 Thread shainm307
Just scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says his name Dannion 
Brinkley: http://www.nesaranews.blogspot.com/

[FairfieldLife] A lot of science here, unified field to chakras

2012-05-17 Thread shainm307

[FairfieldLife] Guru Dev Quotes

2012-05-16 Thread shainm307

[FairfieldLife] Communion with God - 10 illusions of Humans

2012-05-15 Thread shainm307

Does anyone else think this is true. I mean I agree with it in a huge way, as I 
see the world as a huge illusion. In his book he said we play with the 10 
illusions like a paint brush to create experiance for ourselves. I'm not sure 
if this goes along with the Vedic Tradition, but from what I've seen in a movie 
about the Shankarachariya (I'll post it if you want) he said that everything 
isn't real, including your family and friends, although I'm not sure how this 
works totally as it didn't go into detail. But from my current belief we all 
exist as one at the same time (maybe in parallel universes) and we probally all 
interact somehow, but really no one is real and somehow that's including you. 
Also in the book Home with God it said that everyone is you in a future or past 
lifetime. So go figure that out. And In a previous post I said something about 
that people play with sin, this is what I got from nature support, but I'm sure 
what's considered wrong or will do harm to you or others is what I think 
meant by sin and that can be done in degrees. I'm also sure this has something 
to do with the polarities as from what I grew up knowing is that we live on a 
duality planet, and from what I remember as we move into higher dimensions we 
get rid of pure duality. 

[FairfieldLife] Difference between existence and consciousness is creativity.

2012-05-14 Thread shainm307
Interesting thing for all the Fairfielders: In a channeling of pleiadians I 
heard the difference between consciousness and existence is creativity kind 
of goes against Maharishi, unless Maharishi was just going very broad.

[FairfieldLife] How to Walk on Water

2012-05-13 Thread shainm307
Does anyone on here know how to walk on water?

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Walk on Water

2012-05-13 Thread shainm307
When I was by the river I was wanting to walk on it. Then Jesus Christ Popped 
into my head and said, If you have the faith you can walk on the water. So I 
put my hand on it and it zapped me. I thought to myself I can walk on water if 
I want. Of course all other future attempts failed, but at least I somewhat 
attempted it.

[FairfieldLife] Joseph Smith's Last Dream

2012-05-13 Thread shainm307

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Knowledge Available Via Distance Education Courses

2012-05-07 Thread shainm307

I totally agree with this website and am excited to take their courses.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Gospel of Judas

2012-05-06 Thread shainm307
Does anyone know why Judas was the only one to know what Jesus was talking 
One day he was with his disciples in Judea, and he found them gathered together 
and seated in pious observance. When he [approached] his disciples, [34] 
gathered together and seated and offering a prayer of thanksgiving over the 
bread, [he] laughed. The disciples said to [him], Master, why are you laughing 
at [our] prayer of thanksgiving? We have done what is right.He answered and 
said to them, I am not laughing at you. You are not doing this because of 
your own will but because it is through this that your god [will be] praised. 
They said, Master, you are […] the son of our god.Jesus said to them, How do 
you know me? Truly [I] say to you, no generation of the people that are among 
you will know me.
THE DISCIPLES BECOME ANGRY When his disciples heard this, they started getting 
angry and infuriated and began blaspheming against him in their hearts. When 
Jesus observed their lack of[understanding, he said] to them, Why has this 
agitation led you to anger? Your god who is within you and […] [35] have 
provoked you to anger [within] your souls. [Let] any one of you who is [strong 
enough] among human beings bring out the perfect human and stand before my 
face.They all said, We have the strength.But their spirits did not dare to 
stand before [him], except for Judas Iscariot. He was able to stand before him, 
but he could not look him in the eyes, and he turned his face away. Judas 
[said] to him, I know who you are and where you have come from. You are from 
the immortal realm of Barbelo. And I am not worthy to utter the name of the one 
Knowing that Judas was reflecting upon something that was exalted, Jesus said 
to him, Step away from the others and I shall tell you the mysteries of the 
kingdom. It is possible for you to reach it, but you will grieve a great deal. 
[36] For someone else will
replace you, in order that the twelve [disciples] may again come to completion 
with their god. Judas said to him, When will you tell me these things, and 
[when] will the great day of light dawn for the generation?But when he said 
this, Jesus left him.

Here is the Gospel of Judas:

[FairfieldLife] The Gospel of Judas

2012-05-05 Thread shainm307
Hello, I recently watched the Gospel of Judas on Netflix(you can also look at 
it online). The 3rd-4th century text was apparently found a few years back and 
about 85% of it is still readable. I personally found it to be one of the most 
interesting of all the Gospels. Apparently Jesus wanted Judas to turn him in 
and also Jesus said You will be greater than the others Judas. Your star will 
shine brighter than the rest. I personally found it interesting because that 
morning I was wondering what Satan's role was and wondering whether or not he 
should be ignored. Anyways, what do you guys think?

[FairfieldLife] The Gospel of Judas

2012-04-27 Thread shainm307
If anyone has time, you should watch The Gospel of Judas on Netflix. It's 
interesting what the Villians role can be. As Jesus said, you will will be 
greater than the others Judas. 

[FairfieldLife] Emotonal Guidance Scale

2012-04-23 Thread shainm307
Okay I don't know if you guys will like this or not:

Be sure to read the lower part on the emotional guidance scale :).

[FairfieldLife] I started a joke

2012-03-05 Thread shainm307
One day I asked God for truth. In his way he told me my parents were wrong on 
everything. My experiance was expressed in this song: 

[FairfieldLife] Ann Mortifee - speech on the spectrum of the human body and emotions at MUM

2012-03-04 Thread shainm307
Skip the first video, scroll to 2:15 at the end and click on Ann Mortifee.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Mortifee - speech on the spectrum of the human body and emotions at MUM

2012-03-04 Thread shainm307

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shainm307 shainm307@... wrote:

 Skip the first video, scroll to 2:15 at the end and click on Ann Mortifee.

Things that I think are interesting is according to my dad the TMers are 
working in the high violet or in this video she sings it as the high frequency. 
However they are not working in the lower reds and other colors. Also what I 
found interesting was that she said If the emotions aren't feeding your body 
and feeding your mind, your mind will become rigid with science and it will 
petrify with ideas. Great fabulous, but without the juice of your feeling, it 
will become dry and it will burn you out and it will bore everyone else. Even 
if it's the most sublime knowedge, if your not juicy, they don't want to eat 

[FairfieldLife] Dr. David Simon Dead

2012-02-01 Thread shainm307

[FairfieldLife] My dad's experiance with an angel

2012-01-19 Thread shainm307
Francis McVay 
On one of my Arizona adventures to find a treasure that I had for sure placed 
there in a past life, I failed to find it. I was pissed. I cussed God, Jesus, 
and others that I thought of, as I proceeded to walk back to my car. 
Immediately in front of me, an oval emerald green light appeared in front of 
me, and I could clearly make out the face of a radiant being in that eight foot 
oval of light. It said, I quote Hark Francis, I am an Angel of the Lord, Why 
are you so angry? That's all. I felt so small, like I wanted to hide under a 
rock. I was ashamed, embarressed, shook, and I felt very, very low. That night 
as I lay under the stars, I was shown that every person that I met, passed in 
the street, made eye contact with, or ljsut exchanged energies with, had an 
effect on my life, as I had theirs. A disasterious day turned into an 
enlightening night! Francis McVay SR.

[FairfieldLife] Was there ever nothing?

2012-01-14 Thread shainm307

[FairfieldLife] Does anyone know how AK works, or how the begining of time works

2012-01-13 Thread shainm307
I remember Maharishi said something like the begining was infinity refering to 
something to create a reference point.  And it happened sequentially and 
simltaniously.  Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

[FairfieldLife] Ressurection - Simular to Sympathy for Delicious

2012-01-12 Thread shainm307
If you have Netflix and liked Sympathy for Delicious you should watch this.  
It's about a girl who died and came back with a healing gift.  Good show.

[FairfieldLife] Living Without Money

2012-01-10 Thread shainm307
Anyone else compelled to try this?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Collapse of the Wave Function

2012-01-07 Thread shainm307

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shainm307 shainm307@ wrote:
  Is anyone else interested in how this works?

 It sure interests me. I don't have a clue how it

  Anyone else curious on how reality manifests itself
  and what determines differnt outcomes? This is what
  John Hagelin told us

 What's what John Hagelin told us?
John told our physics class this when we asked him a few years back.
  but he made it clear that he isn't 100% certain

 That's intriguing. I've never heard him say that
 about anything (but then I haven't been listening
 to whatever he's said lately).
He said something like You have no idea just how complicated this
really is and you're not letting me off the hook here.  Then he also
said It honest to God is random.
  it's more comlicated than you can imagine. He said
  that it is an unnatural question but reality will
  provide you with an answer.

 That's pretty cryptic. Any idea what he means?

  He also said it could be an entity on the other side.

 Whoa. What kind of entity? On the other side of what?
 And what's it referring to?
He's probally refering to the Hidden Sector Matter part of the universe
or the other side of the equation in Hectoratic E8xE8
  also he said it's just the will of God. Anyone else
  have their speculations on how this works. I have
  my own speculation but I'm probably wrong on something.

 Why don't you post your speculation, give us something
 to bounce off of?
I think how your reality manifests itself is based off random
probabilities with the exception of Maxwell's Daemon which manifests
things in an unrandom way. This is all due to the potentiality waves
based off probabilities with the height of the wave the most likely
outcome; Maxwells Demon just influences the probabilities( John made
this clear in his physics class if you ever took it). So you live your
day through the probabilities with the collapse of the wave function
being determined in a random way(Randomness is my specualtation as
scientists aren't sure). Now here comes the unrandom part: your thoughts
determine what Maxwell's Demon determines in an unrandom fashion. The
random part is the confusing part as it is hard to think how can
something be random and what the sequence is in the whole process.  This
once again would be my speculation, as I think it is all determined by
you.  This is what I think matters in the whole randomness part:
freewill, love, what matters, intelligence of the universe, creativity
of the universe and of course God, plus probably a lot more.  I havn't
captured the whole random process but I imagine it's based off your

 Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it, 'But
how can it be like that?' because you will get 'down the drain,' into a
blind alley from which nobody has yet escaped. Nobody knows how it can
be like that.--Richard Feynman on the apparent absurdities of quantum

 The chance is high that the truth lies in the fashionable direction.
But, on the off chance that it is in another direction — a direction
obvious from an unfashionable view of field theory — who will find
it? Only someone who has sacrificed himself by teaching himself quantum
electrodynamics from a peculiar and unfashionable point of view; one
that he may have to invent for himself.--Richard Feynman, Nobel
lecture, 1965

[FairfieldLife] Collapse of the Wave Function

2012-01-04 Thread shainm307
Is anyone else interested in how this works?  Anyone else curious on how 
reality manifests itself and what determines differnt outcomes?  This is what 
John Hagelin told us but he made it clear that he isn't 100% certain and it's 
more comlicated than you can imagine.  He said that it is an unnatural question 
but reality will provide you with an answer. He also said it could be an entity 
on the other side. also he said it's just the will of God. Anyone else have 
their speculations on how this works.  I have my own speculation but I'm 
probably wrong on something.

[FairfieldLife] Don't miss Oprah's visit to Fairfield tomarrow at 9/8c

2011-12-31 Thread shainm307
Don't miss Oprah's visit to Fairfield tomarrow at 9/8c. Apparently from what 
I've heard Deepak Chopra might also be on there. So tune in.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Another FFL type movie

2011-12-26 Thread shainm307
This is how masters wake up to their mastery I think.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Symphony for Delicious is about newly paralyzed DJ named Delicious 
 who develops an ability to heal the sick but uses the gift to become a 
 rock star.  Stars Christopher Thornton, Mark Ruffalo, Juliette Lewis, 
 Laura Linney and Orlando Bloom.  Available on Netflix though I had 
 recorded it a couple weeks back on Showtime and finally got around to 
 watching it last night.  Good film and relevant to discussions here:

[FairfieldLife] Any good books for christmas?

2011-12-17 Thread shainm307
I looked on here before and someone recommended The Mastery of Love and a few 
other books that I bought.  The Mastery of Love was probally one of the best 
books I have read.  Any good book recommendations out there?

[FairfieldLife] The Reconnection - Injuries and disabilities healed

2011-11-24 Thread shainm307

It's a neat book I read about a year ago.  It talks about this guys story; it's 
pretty neat.  It also reconstructs people's DNA back to what it what it was a 
long time ago.

[FairfieldLife] light and dark workers - Steve Pavlina

2011-11-16 Thread shainm307
Does anyone agree with the dark side and the light side? I came acrross this 
interesting none the less. 

[FairfieldLife] Chakras from me

2011-11-05 Thread shainm307
What do you guys not know about the chakras?  I think Maharishi was missing 
something.  I need to know from you guys what you think it is because usually i 
get the anwswer from an outside source, like source or whevever it comes from 
but know im not getting the answers.  I had my dad talk to you guys yesterday, 
but now im doing it myself and i need to know im doing it myself.  What do you 
guys think is missing? My dad needs to learn something from you guys because i 
think his kundalini(spelling) is wrong too.  So is mine for instance, but I 
don;t think adjusting them everyday is the way to do it i think it has to do 
with more of being yourself.

[FairfieldLife] Chakras

2011-11-03 Thread shainm307
Maybe there was a reason why the Chakras were ignored.  The vast majority of 
metators in the movement have only 2 colors, Indigo and Violet. Ungrounded 
spoace cadets are happy, dependant, and somewhat more eaisly controlled.  
H. YOu are not going to walk on water without all your colors either.  
People with  serious colr problems, are not understood by others all their 
colors or different colors.  Those with the same unbalanced colors tend to seek 
out those with same.Their life is focused their spiritual beliefs and not much 
else.  They don't understand people with normal colors, esspecially their 
spiritual outlooks. Manifestation of the basic things in life, like money, 
become hard to come by.  Their normal defences are down and can be more eaisly 
persuaded of things they mioght normally take acceptance to.  Why was something 
so important, and so simple to take care of, be left out entirely in the 
teachings of the movement.  So much so that, when talked about, or questioned 
about around those with so called rank, that they get a little more than 
defencewive about it?  Do you know how to keep all of your colors every day.  
It only takes 30 seconds.  I am only touching on the highlights here.  Lets 
hear from you out there.


[FairfieldLife] What the difference between Maharishi and the rest of the meditators?

2011-10-11 Thread shainm307
I'm just curious what makes Maharishi have the ability to know essentially 
anything he wants?  He also had a very very blissful aura to him.  Does anyone 
know how this can be accomplished by meditators? Or what the movement says 
about this?

[FairfieldLife] DNA reconnection

2011-03-10 Thread shainm307
I'm currently reading: http://www.handofhealing.com/Page.html.  In this book it 
talks about reconnecting Strands of DNA. Apparently there are 12 strands of DNA 
that we used to have connected, but apparently these strands were disconnected 
long ago.  With a little bit of online research I found this: 
http://www.dnaperfection.com/.  Does anyone think this may be another way to 
evolve? I know it may sound weird but I have Jesus for guidance and he told me 
that there are several ways to evolve, choose one and walk it. I also had a 
dream where I was signing a contract and I saw two ways of evolving: God's way 
or Maharishi's way. I chose Maharishi's way. Has anyone heard of anything like 
this before?

[FairfieldLife] Re: DNA reconnection

2011-03-10 Thread shainm307
opps that first link didn't work. The book is called The Reconnection by 
Dr.Eric Pearl. http://www.handofhealing.com/Page.html

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shainm307 shainm307@... wrote:

 I'm currently reading: http://www.handofhealing.com/Page.html.  In this book 
 it talks about reconnecting Strands of DNA. Apparently there are 12 strands 
 of DNA that we used to have connected, but apparently these strands were 
 disconnected long ago.  With a little bit of online research I found this: 
 http://www.dnaperfection.com/.  Does anyone think this may be another way to 
 evolve? I know it may sound weird but I have Jesus for guidance and he told 
 me that there are several ways to evolve, choose one and walk it. I also had 
 a dream where I was signing a contract and I saw two ways of evolving: God's 
 way or Maharishi's way. I chose Maharishi's way. Has anyone heard of anything 
 like this before?

[FairfieldLife] Higher Dimensions

2011-02-27 Thread shainm307
In the Pleiadian messages it talks about higher dimensions.  Does anyone know 
what these dimensions acually do?

[FairfieldLife] Deepak Chopra interview by Playboy

2011-02-27 Thread shainm307

[FairfieldLife] Chakra colors wrong Fairfield?

2011-02-04 Thread shainm307
  I was talking to my dad and he uses a pendulum to check chakra colors.  He 
says that the meditators in Fairfield, with an exception to a few(Bevin 
Morris), have there chakras all in high violet and indigo. I also was told that 
Maharishi forbid the sidhi teachers to talk about chakras in the sidhi training 
course and also I saw him refuse to talk about them in a Maharishi tape. I'm 
not sure how relevent this is but maybe there is something not right in 

[FairfieldLife] Is there another way to evolve?

2011-02-04 Thread shainm307
  I do beleive in and have experianced nature support. From what I've 
experianced since I left Fairfield is that nature seems to be drawing me other 
directions than meditation.  From what a friend psychic and my parents told me 
there are other was to grow.  Do you guys think there enlightenment can be 
acheived through other means?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is there another way to evolve?

2011-02-04 Thread shainm307

You must let nothing in life interfere with your meitations; there will always 
be a force trying to keep you from it
 - His Divine Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Kashmir, 1968

   Something about that seems pretty weird.  In one of my classes Evan 
Finkelstein told the class that in order for us to experiance the field of all 
possibilities, all possibilities must be possible. so maybe it's right. Seems 
maybe like the force of Satan or Mara that I read on here before.  Or maybe 
it's not true at all and there really are other ways. Huh, thats interesting 

[FairfieldLife] The will of God

2011-01-28 Thread shainm307
My dad and I were talking and I told him that according to maharishi and 
another book I read: when you are elightened you always follow the will of God. 
 But he said that God is everything therefor the will of God is everything.  It 
seems like something is missing from his understanding. Does anyone have a 
comment on this?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Did Angels appear to Joseph Smith?

2010-06-20 Thread shainm307
According to Conversations with God book 3 it said that Joseph Smith was
a reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 (I doubt it)

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY - Chakras and Kundalini

2010-05-12 Thread shainm307
Maharishi said 6 chakras.  Whatever happened to the seventh?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  I may have posted this before. Can't remember.
  Chakras and Kundalini
  Lake Louise,  Canada, 1968  (audio)
  MAHARISHI:   ...chakras are the mile stones on the path of kundalini. How
  many have experienced during meditation sometimes some movement along the
  spine, there is something coming up and down, something like that?
  This is movement of kundalini. These movements, like the energy impulses we
  have talked in the morning, flowing like that, like that, they are the signs
  of release of stress and strain.
  And have you noticed some times when you are meditating, that breathing
  becomes much refined and it flows equally with both the nostrils? Otherwise
  generally it flows either from the left or from the right. But during
  meditation, when it becomes very refined   it flows from both.
  When the breath flows from both, then it is called shushumna.
  There is a very fine hole deep inside the spinal column. Very fine, much
  thinner than the width of the hair. May be one hundredth of the width of the
  hair. Such fine spine and when the nervous system becomes freer from deep
  rooted stresses and strain of which we talked in the morning ... (using a
  board) See, this is the spinal column. And at the end of the spine is the
  kundalini. Kundalini is the symbol of life force that is present in each
  living being.
  Higher state of consciousness depends on how much this kundalini is awake.
  It is said to be on this end of this... And this column is said to be
  shushumna. And as the body becomes purer and purer, this germ of life, it is
  like a serpent, it becomes awake.
  In all the creatures, the small, small insects and birds and animals and man
  and angels, in every living being, this germ of life is present...
  ...at any time along the spine you may feel some movement of energy. It is
  physical, you feel it, up and down movement. These are the movements of this
  germ of life. It becomes awake...
  ...What happens is, this very fine path of air is blocked, may be some block
  here and some block there. If it is blocked, then... In our system of
  meditation, when the mantra becomes very fine, very fine, then breathing
  becomes very fine. And when the breathing becomes very fine then the breath
  permeates the system. Absolutely very fine breath, it is able to pierce
  through the whole body. And then the air starts passing from this very fine
  hole, very fine passage.
  When the air passes from here, then if there is a block here, then the
  pressure is created here. And due to that pressure the body may rock this
  way or that way. The whole body may even do like that. All this is just due
  to the air pressing through the fine hole and finding its way up.
  Movement, any kind of movement may happen here or there. And along this
  path, there are certain chakras  or what they call it, centres, one here and
  one here and one here. And each centre is like that, may be two-petaled rose
  or four-petaled rose or six or eight or twelve, like that.
  And when this kundalini, the germ of life, travels from here through this
  and the passage is clear, then each of these (chakras) become upward like
  that. They turn over. And a turn over means, the passage is clear now.
  And by the time all these six Chakras open up, then the whole passage is
  clear. And the kundalini  then comes here, resides here and this gives
  clearer experience of Being, very clear, pure consciousness. And that is
  called enlightenment, that pure awareness of pure consciousness fills the
  whole thing.
  There is a system of practice which is called Laya Yoga. Laya means
  absorption. The kundalini finds its absorption in all these centres, here
  and here and here and eventually here in the cortex, the thousand-petaled
  rose, a thousand-petaled lotus.
  And by the time kundalini comes here, everything, the whole thing becomes
  full of light. Full of light means full of awareness. Light means not this
  light, but pure Being. And when this whole area becomes aware of Being
  clearly, then it is CC (Cosmic Consciousness). Then the Being is never lost
  irrespective of our engagements during the day or restfulness in the night.
  It remains permanent. And this is what is called the state of enlightenment.
  As kundalini becomes more and more awake, the soul keeps on coming to higher
  and higher species. Coming to man`s species, it comes to a level of
  wakefulness, that it can rise up and it has then this whole path to bring it
  to this region, where Being will be permanently established in the very
  nature of the mind. This whole area of the nervous system becomes
  Question.  Do you know when you have it?
  MAHARISHI:  See, you feel the up and down march of this. Sometimes it 

[FairfieldLife] Did Deepak Lie about Maharishi?

2009-12-09 Thread shainm307
According to Craig Pearson at MUM Deepak Chopra lied about Maharishi being 
carried from the ambulence. According to the review by the ambulance it turns 
out that the ambulance people carried Maharishi, not Deepak.  Does anyone know 
if this is true or not?


[FairfieldLife] I talked to God in Fairfield

2009-07-07 Thread shainm307
 How this all started was with asking god for truth on things, such as the 
celestial nervous system. I manafested answers that by asking the relative God 
or the absolute for truth on things I had questions about. For example, I asked 
for truth on what happens when you die enlightened and 24 hours later I got in 
a conversation with someone who then sent me an email of the posting on the 

  This lead up to one night God comming to me before I went to sleep and 
started speaking to me. There were a few other meditators came along and 
started listening to my conversation. I was a student at the time and all of 
them listening were students. One thing I remember from the conversation was 
when God told me I was wrong on everything; everything my parents taught me and 
everything I knew was wrong. This was of course when I was going to school at 
MUM and was having a hard time knowing if what my parents taught me was really 
right. After he convinced me that I was wrong on everything I was sitting in an 
egoless state like everything from my heart was gone. Then after sitting in 
this state for a few moments he then said you're right on everything, 
everything you know is right. This is when I saw reality in a different light 
like I saw the grand truth of life. I saw it in the most beautiful way, It made 
me cry when I was in this state. I saw it like it was just a joke. After about 
an hour of being in this state It got old and I wanted to come back to my 
normal life and I thought the only thing you're suppose to know is you're not 
suppose to know. 

I continued my conversation with the other students listening and participated 
for a few days. One thing I remember God saying was Being and doing were two 
differnent things. There's a lot to this conversation but I don't remember it.

 At this time I was taking the Siddhis program and when I went in the evening 
there was a lot of energy in the room. God then asked me if I'd do something 
for him and I said yes. Right then the Siddhis instructor looked at me and said 
Shain do you have any experiances to share I then calmly walked to the front 
of the room got on the stage and said I talk with God, he's talking through me 
right now and he wants everyone to know that Maharishi Makes mistakes as well 
as him and me. I then calmly went back to my seat and the instructor said 
Shain we'll talk after the instuction. This was all with absolutely no anxiety 
and the room seemed like nothing happened at all, All of my actions were 
spontaneously right. People afterwords said see you tomarrrow Shain or have a 
good day, like Nothing happened at all. When I went up to talk to the 
instructor he was sitting there and said that he was concerned and we had an 
entire conversation without any anxiety whatsoever. This was all with me not 
making any mistakes doing all movements and actions absolutely correct: If he 
moved in I would shift my legs or anything else that was spontaenously right. 
But out of all of this I would make mistakes like my shoes being untied and me 
tieing them or me saying that I missed my mediations.

  Then I walked out peace palaces and walked through the snow and I remember 
God taking me through the trailor park saying how millions would listen and I 
don't remember the rest. I remember everything was spontaeously right and I 
laid down in the snow and put my hand up to something. I also remember the 
crossroads at the park they were there and I made a choice where to go and I 
chose a direction (don't remember what they meant). I also rememer being asked 
what I want to do the big thing rated at a 5 or the small thing rated at a 3 
and I of course chose the big thing. I also remember someone, I think it was my 
spirit guide, who said you don't have to go through this, but I ignored it. 

After this I walked back to my vastu dorm a car with security guards came to 
pick me up. While they were taking me back I said outloud I make mistakes. I 
said something else but I don't remember what I said. When we arrived at the 
vastu they had quite a few of the people in the movement there. They were 
checking on me asking quetions and I remember saying things to some of them 
that God told me to say. They took one of the people listening, a freind of 
mine, into the next room and he told them his experiance. They then took me to 
the hospital and gave me some medication and told my dad to come get me 
immediately from Wyoming. They then took me back to a trailor with two people 
from the school.

 That night I went through the Polarity of Fear it was a scary experiance. It 
said at the begining I could be something to help everyone forever and I 
agreed. It then got scary as it said once you're in you cannot get out and 
started and I remember people such as my dad comming in it said one has to stay 
forever and it kept getting more scary. I don't remember how long this lasted 
but after a while it stopped.

 The next day it seemed